语言,原文,译文 English,“你有一阵子爱他爱得发疯,”凯瑟琳说。,"‘You were crazy about him for a while,’ said Catherine." English,“晚安。”,‘Good night.’ Chinese,‘Stay long?’,“待了很久吗?” English,“我就是盖茨比,”他突然说。,"‘I'm Gatsby,’ he said suddenly." English,“好,就来。告诉他们我就来。……晚安。”,"‘All right,in a minute. Tell them I'll be right there ... Good night.’" Chinese,"The shock that followed this declaration found voice in a sustained ‘Ah-h-h!’ as the door of the coupé swung slowly open. The crowd—it was now a crowd—stepped back involuntarily,and when the door had opened wide there was a ghostly pause. Then,very gradually,part by part,a pale,dangling individual stepped out of the wreck,pawing tentatively at the ground with a large uncertain dancing shoe.",这句声明所引起的震惊表现为一连声的“噢……啊……啊!”同时那辆小轿车的门也慢慢开了。人群——此刻已经是一大群了——不由得向后一退,等到车门敞开以后,又有片刻阴森可怕的停顿。然后,逐渐逐渐地,一部分一部分地,一个脸色煞白、摇来晃去的人从撞坏了的汽车里跨了出来,先伸出一只大舞鞋在地面上试探了几下。 Chinese,"Winston stopped writing, partly because he was suffering from cramp. He did not know whathad made him pour out this stream of rubbish. But the curious thing was that while he was doing so a totally different memory had clarified itself in his mind, to the point where he almost felt equal to writing it down. It was, he now realized, because of this other incident that he had suddenly decided to come home and begin the diary today.",温斯顿停下了笔,一半是因为他感到手指痉挛。他也不知道是什么东西使他一泻千里地写出这些胡说八道的话来。但奇怪的事情是,他在写的时候,有一种完全不同的记忆在他的思想中明确起来,使他觉得自已有能力把它写下来。他现在认识到,这是因为有另一件事情才使他突然决定今天要回家开始写日记。 English,如果说,这样一件模模糊糊的事也可以说是发生的话,这件事今天早上发生在部里。,"It had happened that morning at the Ministry, if anything so nebulous could be said to happen." English,“这是雄的还是雌的?”她委婉地问。,‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ she asked delicately. English,“你在阳台上是不是跟尼克把心里话都讲了?”汤姆忽然质问。,‘Did you give Nick a little heart to heart talk on the veranda?’ demanded Tom suddenly. English,“到底怎么搞的?你撞到墙上去了吗?”,‘But how did it happen? Did you run into the wall?’ Chinese,"Je ne savais ce que je devais penser de cette rencontre. Je n’en augurais pourtant rien de sinistre : Si ces gens-ci, disais-je en moi-même, étaient des voleurs, ils m’auraient volé et peut-être assassiné. Il faut que ce soit de bons gentilshommes de ce pays-ci, qui, me voyant effrayé, ont pitié de moi et m’emmènent chez eux par charité. Je ne fus pas longtemps dans l’incertitude. Après quelques détours, que nous fîmes dans un grand silence, nous nous trouvâmes au pied d’une colline où nous descendîmes de cheval. C’est ici que nous demeurons, me dit un des cavaliers. J’avais beau regarder de tous côtés, je n’apercevais ni maison, ni cabane, pas la moindre apparence d’habitation. Cependant ces deux hommes levèrent une grande trappe de bois couverte de broussailles, qui cachait l’entrée d’une longue allée en pente et souterraine, où les chevaux se jetèrent d’eux-mêmes, comme des animaux qui y étaient accoutumés. Les cavaliers m’y firent entrer avec eux ; puis baissant la trappe avec des cordes qui y étaient attachées pour cet effet, voilà le digne neveu de mon oncle Perez pris comme un rat dans une ratière8.",我不知道这场遭遇是怎么一回事,预料不会有什么凶险。我心上想:“这两人要是强盗,他们早抢了我的东西,或者害了我的命了。他们想必是地方上的善良绅士,看我害怕,动了恻隐之心,做个好事带我上他们家去。”我的疑团不一会儿就消释了。我们一路上鸦雀无声,绕了几个弯儿,到一座山脚下,大家下马。一位骑士对我说道:“我们就住在这儿。”我东张西望,哪里有什么屋宇房舍,也不见半点人烟。那两个人向一堆荆棘下面掀起一扇大木板坠门,原来顺着斜坡下去是一条很长的地道,这扇门盖住了入口。两匹马是走熟了的,不必加鞭,就下去了。两位骑士叫我跟了他们一同进去。他们牵动坠门上的绳子,拽上那扇门儿。贝瑞斯舅舅的宝贝外甥就像耗子关在笼里了。 English," with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood,believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself,and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that,at your best,you hoped to convey. Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck,a year or two over thirty,whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd. Some time before he introduced himself I'd got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care.","He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it,that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole eternal world for an instant,and then concentrated on you" English,“哈啰!”她们同声喊道,“可惜你没赢。”,‘Hello!’ they cried together. ‘Sorry you didn't win.’ English,“我上次来就是见到你的那一次,”姑娘回答,声音是机灵而自信的。她又转身问她的朋友,“你是不是也一样,露西尔?”,"‘The last one was the one I met you at,’ answered the girl,in an alert confident voice. She turned to her companion:‘Wasn't it for you,Lucille?’" English,“随便什么地方?”,‘Anywhere.’ Chinese,"Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do withthe production of pig-iron. The voice came from an oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror which formed part of the surface of the right-hand wall. Winston turned a switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words were still distinguishable. The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely. He moved over to the window: a smallish, frail figure, the meagreness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the party. His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended.",在他住所里面,有个圆润的嗓子在念一系列与生铁产量有关的数字。声音来自一块象毛玻璃一样的椭圆形金属板,这构成右边墙壁的一部分墙面。温斯顿按了一个开关,声音就轻了一些,不过说的话仍听得清楚。这个装置(叫做电幕)可以放低声音,可是没有办法完全关上。他走到窗边。他的身材瘦小纤弱,蓝色的工作服――那是党内的制服――更加突出了他身子的单薄。他的头发很淡,脸色天生红润,他的皮肤由于用粗肥皂和钝刀片,再加上刚刚过去的寒冬,显得有点粗糙。 Chinese,"Sometimes she and Miss Baker talked at once,unobtrusively and with a bantering inconsequence that was never quite chatter,that was as cool as their white dresses and their impersonal eyes in the absence of all desire. They were here,and they accepted Tom and me,making only a polite pleasant effort to entertain or to be entertained. They knew that presently dinner would be over and a little later the evening too would be over and casually put away. It was sharply different from the West,where an evening was hurried from phase to phase toward its close,in a continually disappointed anticipation or else in sheer nervous dread of the moment itself.",有时她和贝克小姐同时讲话,可是并不惹人注意,不过开点无关紧要的玩笑,也算不上唠叨,跟她们的白色衣裙以及没有任何欲念的超然的眼睛一样冷漠。她们坐在这里,应酬汤姆和我,只不过是客客气气地尽力款待客人或者接受款待。她们知道一会儿晚饭就吃完了,再过一会儿这一晚也就过去,随随便便就打发掉了。这和西部截然不同,在那里每逢晚上待客总是迫不及待地从一个阶段到另一个阶段推向结尾,总是有所期待而又不断地感到失望,要不然就对结尾时刻的到来感到十分紧张和恐惧。 Chinese,"So Tom Buchanan and his girl and I went up together to New York—or not quite together,for Mrs.Wilson sat discreetly in another car. Tom deferred that much to the sensibilities of those East Eggers who might be on the train.",就这样,汤姆·布坎农和他的情人还有我,三人一同上纽约去——或许不能说一同去,因为威尔逊太太很识相,她坐在另一节车厢里。汤姆做了这一点让步,以免引起可能在这趟车上的那些东卵人的反感。 Chinese,"Making a short deft movement,Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.",汤姆·布坎农动作敏捷,伸出手一巴掌打破了威尔逊太太的鼻子。 Chinese,"I took dinner usually at the Yale Club—for some reason it was the gloomiest event of my day—and then I went upstairs to the library and studied investments and securities for a conscientious hour. There were generally a few rioters around,but they never came into the library,so it was a good place to work. After that,if the night was mellow,I strolled down Madison Avenue past the old Murray Hill Hotel,and over 33rd Street to the Pennsylvania Station.",我一般在耶鲁俱乐部吃晚饭——不知为了什么缘故这是我一天中最凄凉的事情——饭后我上楼到图书室去认真学习各种投资和证券一个钟头。同学会里往往有几个爱玩爱闹的人光临,但他们从来不进图书室,所以那里倒是个做工作的好地方。在那以后,如果天气宜人,我就沿着麦迪逊路溜达,经过那座古老的默里山饭店,再穿过三十三号街走到宾夕法尼亚车站。 Chinese,‘Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once.’,“有人告诉我,人家认为他杀过一个人。” English,“不对,你不小心。”,"‘No,you're not.’" Chinese,"Il fut donc obligé de me mettre sous la férule d’un maître : il m’envoya chez le docteur Godinez, qui passait pour le plus habile pédant6 d’Oviedo. Je profitai si bien des instructions qu’on me donna, qu’au bout de cinq à six années j’entendais un peu les auteurs grecs et assez bien les poètes latins. Je m’appliquai aussi à la logique, qui m’apprit à raisonner beaucoup. J’aimais tant la dispute, que j’arrêtais les passants, connus ou inconnus, pour leur proposer des arguments. Je m’adressais quelquefois à des figures hibernoises7, qui ne demandaient pas mieux, et il fallait alors nous voir disputer. Quels gestes ! quelles grimaces ! quelles contorsions ! nos yeux étaient pleins de fureur et nos bouches écumantes. On nous devait plutôt prendre pour des possédés que pour des philosophes8.",他只好找个严厉的老师来教我,就把我送在郭狄内斯博士门下。这个人算是奥维多最有本领的学究先生。我有他教导,得益不浅,五六年之后,对希腊作家略知一二,对拉丁诗人颇能通晓。我还研究逻辑,学得能言善辩。我真好辩,甚至于抓住过路的人,不管相识陌生,总要跟他们辩论一番。有时候恰恰碰到个喜欢辩论的人,来得正好,我们的争辩可好看了:比着手势,脸上做出怪相,还把身子旋呀扭呀。我们眼中出火,嘴角飞沫,看上去哪里像什么哲学家,倒像是着了鬼迷的疯子。 English,一路上小旅馆房顶上和路边汽油站门前已经是一片盛夏景象,鲜红的加油机一台台蹲在电灯光圈里。我回到我在西卵的住处,把车停在小车棚之后,在院子里一架闲置的刈草机上坐了一会儿。风已经停了,眼前是一片嘈杂;明亮的夜景,有鸟雀在树上拍翅膀的声音,还有大地的风箱使青蛙鼓足了气力发出的连续不断的风琴声。一只猫的侧影在月光中慢慢地移动,我掉过头去看它的时候,发觉我不是一个人——五十英尺之外一个人已经从我邻居的大厦的阴影里走了出来,现在两手插在口袋里站在那里仰望银白的星光。从他那悠闲的动作和他那两脚稳踏在草坪上的姿态可以看出这就是盖茨比先生本人,出来确定一下我们本地的天空哪一片是属于他的。,"Already it was deep summer on roadhouse roofs and in front of wayside garages,where new red petrol-pumps sat out in pools of light and when I reached my estate at West Egg I ran the car under its shed and sat for a while on an abandoned grass roller in the yard. The wind had blown off,leaving a loud,bright night,with wings beating in the trees and a persistent organ sound as the full bellows of the earth blew the frogs full of life. The silhouette of a moving cat wavered across the moonlight,and,turning my head to watch it,I saw that I was not alone—fifty feet away a figure had emerged from the shadow of my neighbor's mansion and was standing with his hands in his pockets regarding the silver pepper of the stars. Something in his leisurely movements and the secure position of his feet upon the lawn suggested that it was Mr.Gatsby himself,come out to determine what share was his of our local heavens." Chinese,"At this point Miss Baker said:‘Absolutely!’ with such suddenness that I started—it was the first word she had uttered since I came into the room. Evidently it surprised her as much as it did me,for she yawned and with a series of rapid,deft movements stood up into the room.",这时贝克小姐说:“绝对如此!”来得那么突然,使我吃了一惊——这是我进了屋子之后她说的第一句话。显然她的话也使她自己同样吃惊,因为她打了个呵欠,随即做了一连串迅速而灵巧的动作就站了起来。 Chinese,In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.,我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导过我一句话,我至今还念念不忘。 English,“我还以为你知道哩,老兄。我恐怕不是个很好的主人。”,"‘I thought you knew,old sport. I'm afraid I'm not a very good host.’" English,“她丈夫没意见吗?”,‘Doesn't her husband object?’ English,“我说,你可别认为我在这些问题上的意见是说了算的,”他仿佛在说,“仅仅因为我力气比你大,比你更有男子汉气概。”我们俩属于同一个高年级学生联谊会;虽然我们的关系并不密切,我总觉得他很看重我,而且带着他那特有的粗野、蛮横的怅惘神气,希望我也喜欢他。,"‘Now,don't think my opinion on these matters is final,’ he seemed to say,‘just because I'm stronger and more of a man than you are.’ We were in the same senior society,and while we were never intimate I always had the impression that he approved of me and wanted me to like him with some harsh,defiant wistfulness of his own." Chinese,"The apartment was on the top floor—a small living-room,a small dining-room,a small bedroom,and a bath. The living-room was crowded to the doors with a set of tapestried furniture entirely too large for it,so that to move about was to stumble continually over scenes of ladies swinging in the gardens of Versailles. The only picture was an over-enlarged photograph,apparently a hen sitting on a blurred rock. Looked at from a distance,however,the hen resolved itself into a bonnet,and the countenance of a stout old lady beamed down into the room. Several old copies of Town Tattle lay on the table together with a copy of Simon Called Peter"," ,and some of the small scandal magazines of Broadway. Mrs.Wilson was first concerned with the dog. A reluctant elevator-boy went for a box full of straw and some milk,to which he added on his own initiative a tin of large,hard dog-biscuits—one of which decomposed apathetically in the saucer of milk all afternoon. Meanwhile Tom brought out a bottle of whiskey from a locked bureau door. 他们的一套房间在最高一层——一间小起居室,一间小餐室,一间小卧室,还有一个洗澡间。起居室给一套大得很不相称的织锦靠垫的家具挤得满满当当的,以至于要在室内走动就要不断地绊倒在法国仕女在凡尔赛宫的花园里荡秋千的画面上。墙上挂的唯一的画是一张放得特大的相片,乍一看是一只母鸡蹲在一块模糊的岩石上。可是,从远处看去,母鸡化为一顶女帽,一位胖老太太笑眯眯地俯视着屋子。桌子上放着几份旧的《纽约闲话》,还有一本《名字叫彼得的西门》以及两三本百老汇的黄色小刊物。威尔逊太太首先关心的是狗。一个老大不情愿的开电梯的工人弄来了一只垫满稻草的盒子和一些牛奶,另外他又主动给买了一听又大又硬的狗饼干,有一块饼干一下午泡在一碟牛奶里,泡得稀巴烂。同时,汤姆打开了一个上锁的柜子的门,拿出一瓶威士忌来。" Chinese,"The sister,Catherine,was a slender,worldly girl of about thirty,with a solid,sticky bob of red hair,and a complexion powdered milky white. Her eyebrows had been plucked and then drawn on again at a more rakish angle,but the efforts of nature toward the restoration of the old alignment gave a blurred air to her face. When she moved about there was an incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down upon her arms. She came in with such a proprietary haste,and looked around so possessively at the furniture that I wondered if she lived here. But when I asked her she laughed immoderately,repeated my question aloud,and told me she lived with a girl friend at a hotel.",她妹妹凯瑟琳是一个苗条而俗气的女人,年纪三十上下,一头浓密的短短的红头发,脸上粉搽得像牛奶一样白。她的眉毛是拔掉又重画过的,画的角度还俏皮一些,可是天然的力量却要恢复旧观,弄得她脸有点眉目不清。她走动的时候,不断发出丁当丁当的声音,因为许多假玉手镯在她胳臂上面上上下下地抖动。她像主人一样大模大样走了进来,对家具扫视了一番,仿佛东西是属于她的,使我怀疑她是否就住在这里。但是等我问她时,她放声大笑,大声重复了我的问题,然后告诉我她和一个女朋友同住在一家旅馆里。 English,七点以前乐队到达,绝不是什么五人小乐队,而是配备齐全的整班人马,双簧管、长号、萨克斯管、大小提琴、短号、短笛、高低音铜鼓,应有尽有。游泳的客人最后一批已经从海滩上进来,现在正在楼上换衣服;纽约来的轿车五辆一排停在车道上,同时所有的厅堂、客室、阳台已经都是五彩缤纷,女客们的发型争奇斗妍,披的纱巾是卡斯蒂尔人做梦也想不到的。酒吧那边生意兴隆,同时一盘盘鸡尾酒传送到外面花园里的每个角落,到后来整个空气里充满了欢声笑语,充满了脱口而出、转眼就忘的打趣和介绍,充满了彼此始终不知姓名的女太太们之间亲热无比的会见。,"By seven o'clock the orchestra has arrived,no thin five-piece affair,but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos,and low and high drums. The last swimmers have come in from the beach now and are dressing upstairs;the cars from New York are parked five deep in the drive,and already the halls and salons and verandas are gaudy with primary colors,and hair bobbed in strange new ways,and shawls beyond the dreams of Castile. The bar is in full swing,and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside,until the air is alive with chatter and laughter,and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot,and enthusiastic meetings between women who never knew each other's names." English,“我在做债券生意。”,‘I'm a bond man.’ English,“两幅什么?”汤姆追问。,‘Two what?’ demanded Tom. Chinese,"‘Hold on,’ I said,‘I have to leave you here.’",“停一下,”我说,“我得在这儿跟你们分手了。” Chinese,One of the men nodded in confirmation.,三个男的当中有一个点头表示赞同。 English,我轻松地说我什么都没听到,几分钟之后我就起身告辞了。他们把我送到门口,两人并肩站在方方一片明亮的灯光里。我发动了汽车,忽然黛西命令式地喊道:“等等!”,"I said lightly that I had heard nothing at all,and a few minutes later I got up to go home. They came to the door with me and stood side by side in a cheerful square of light. As I started my motor Daisy peremptorily called:‘Wait!’" English,我确实是受到邀请的。那个星期六一清早,一个身穿绿蓝色制服的司机穿过我的草地,为他主人送来一封措辞非常客气的请柬,上面写道:如蒙我光临当晚他的“小小聚会”,盖茨比当感到不胜荣幸。他已经看到我几次,并且早就打算趋访,但由于种种特殊原因未能如愿——杰伊·盖茨比签名,笔迹很神气。,"I had been actually invited. A chauffeur in a uniform of robin's-egg blue crossed my lawn early that Saturday morning with a surprisingly formal note from his employer:the honor would be entirely Gatsby's,it said,if I would attend his ‘little party’ that night. He had seen me several times,and had intended to call on me long before,but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it—signed Jay Gatsby,in a majestic hand." Chinese,"‘Anyhow,he gives large parties,’ said Jordan,changing the subject with an urban distaste for the concrete. ‘And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy.’",“不管怎样,他举行大型宴会,”乔丹像一般城里人一样不屑于谈具体细节,所以改换了话题。“而我也喜欢大型宴会。这样亲热得很。在小的聚会上,三三两两谈心倒不可能。” Chinese,"The horses,needless to say,were not mentioned again. Tom and Miss Baker,with several feet of twilight between them,strolled back into the library,as if to a vigil beside a perfectly tangible body,while,trying to look pleasantly interested and a little deaf,I followed Daisy around a chain of connecting verandas to the porch in front. In its deep gloom we sat down side by side on a wicker settee.",马,不用说,就没有再提了。汤姆和贝克小姐,两人中间隔着几英尺的暮色,慢慢溜达着回书房去,仿佛走到一具确实存在的尸体旁边去守夜。同时,我一面装出感兴趣的样子,一面装出有点聋,跟着黛西穿过一连串的走廊,走到前面的阳台上去。在苍茫暮色中我们并排在一张柳条的长靠椅上坐下。 English,我从未见过这位伯祖父,但是据说我长得像他,特别有挂在父亲办公室里的那幅铁板面孔的画像为证。我在一九一五年从纽黑文毕业,刚好比我父亲晚四分之一个世纪,不久以后我就参加了那个称之为世界大战的延迟的条顿民族大迁徙。我在反攻中感到其乐无穷,回来以后就觉得百无聊赖了。中西部不再是世界温暖的中心,而倒像是宇宙的荒凉的边缘——于是我决定到东部去学债券生意。我所认识的人个个都是做债券生意的,因此我认为它多养活一个单身汉总不成问题。我的叔伯姑姨们商量了一番,俨然是在为我挑选一家预备学校,最后才说:“呃……那就……这样吧。”面容都很严肃而犹疑。父亲答应为我提供一年的费用,然后又几经耽搁我才在一九二二年春天到东部去,自以为是一去不返的了。,"I never saw this great-uncle,but I'm supposed to look like him—with special reference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in father's office. I graduated from New Haven in 1915,just a quarter of a century after my father,and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. I enjoyed the counter-raid so thoroughly that I came back restless. Instead of being the warm center of the world,the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe—so I decided to go East and learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond business,so I supposed it could support one more single man. All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep school for me,and finally said,‘Why—ye-es’ with very grave,hesitant faces. Father agreed to finance me for a year,and after various delays I came East,permanently,I thought,in the spring of twenty-two." English,我们大家都感到十分惊异。三位先生也把头伸到前面,竖起耳朵来听。,A thrill passed over all of us. The three Mr.Mumbles bent forward and listened eagerly. Chinese,"Half a dozen fingers pointed at the amputated wheel—he stared at it for a moment,and then looked upward as though he suspected that it had dropped from the sky.",五六个人用手指指向那脱落下来的车轮——他朝它瞪了一眼,然后抬头向上看,仿佛他怀疑轮子是从天上掉下来的。 English,他呆呆地坐在那里,看着本子。电幕上现在播放刺耳的军乐了。奇怪的是,他似乎不仅丧失了表达自己的能力,而且甚至忘掉了他原来要想说什么话了。过去几个星期以来,他一直在准备应付这一时刻,他从来没有想到过,除了勇气以外还需要什么。实际写作会是很容易的。他要做的只是把多年来头脑里一直在想的、无休止的、无穷尽的独白付诸笔墨就行了。但是在目前,甚至独白也枯竭了。此外,他的静脉曲张也开始痒了起来,使人难熬。他不敢抓它,因为一抓就要发炎。时间滴嗒地过去。他只感到面前一页空白的纸张,脚脖子上的皮肤发痒,音乐的聒噪,杜松子酒引起的一阵醉意。,"For some time he sat gazing stupidly at the paper. The telescreen had changed over to strident military music. It was curious that he seemed not merely to have lost the power of expressing himself, but even to have forgotten what it was that he had originally intended to say. For weeks past he had been making ready for this moment, and it had never crossed his mind that anything would be needed except courage. The actual writing would be easy. All he had to do was to transfer to paper the interminable restless monologue that had been running inside his head, literally for years. At this moment, however, even the monologue had dried up. Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching unbearably. He dared not scratch it, because if he did so it always became inflamed. The seconds were ticking by. He was conscious of nothing except the blanknessof the page in front of him, the itching of the skin above his ankle, the blaring of the music, and a slight booziness caused by the gin." English,她慢慢地站了起来,惊愕地对我扬了扬眉毛,然后跟着男管家向房子走过去。我注意到她穿晚礼服,穿所有的衣服,都像穿运动服一样——她的动作有一种矫健的姿势,仿佛她当初就是在空气清新的早晨在高尔夫球场上学走路的。,"She got up slowly,raising her eyebrows at me in astonishment,and followed the butler toward the house. I noticed that she wore her evening-dress,all her dresses,like sports clothes—there was a jauntiness about her movements as if she had first learned to walk upon golf courses on clean,crisp mornings." English,“十点了,”她说,仿佛在天花板上看到了时间。“我这个好孩子该上床睡觉了。”,"‘Ten o'clock,’ she remarked,apparently finding the time on the ceiling. ‘Time for this good girl to go to bed.’" Chinese,Before I could answer her eyes fastened with an awed expression on her little finger.,我还没来得及回答,她的两眼带着畏惧的表情盯着她的小手指。 Chinese,‘I was in the Sixteenth until June nineteen-eighteen. I knew I'd seen you somewhere before.’,“我在十六连,直到一九一八年六月。我刚才就知道我以前在哪儿见过您的。” Chinese,"The Ministry of Truth --Minitrue, in Newspeak --was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, 300 metres into the air. From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party:WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH",真理部――用新话来说叫真部――同视野里的任何其他东西都有令人吃惊的不同。这是一个庞大的金字塔式的建筑,白色的水泥晶晶发亮,一层接着一层上升,一直升到高空三百米。从温斯顿站着的地方,正好可以看到党的三句口号,这是用很漂亮的字体写在白色的墙面上的:战争即和平自由即奴役无知即力量。 English,“怎么啦?”他镇静地问道,“咱们没汽油了吗?”,‘Wha's matter?’ he inquired calmly. ‘Did we run outa gas?’ English,“可是我连试也没试,”他气愤愤地解释。“我连试也没试啊。”,"‘But I wasn't even trying,’ he explained indignantly,‘I wasn't even trying.’" English,汤姆·布坎农动作敏捷,伸出手一巴掌打破了威尔逊太太的鼻子。,"Making a short deft movement,Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand." Chinese,"Winston turned round abruptly. He had set his features into the expression of quiet optimism which it was advisable to wear when facing the telescreen. He crossed the room into the tiny kitchen. By leaving the Ministry at this time of day he had sacrificed his lunch in the canteen, and he was aware that there was no food in the kitchen except a hunk of dark-coloured bread which had got to be saved for tomorrow’s breakfast. He took down from the shelf a bottle of colourless liquid with a plain white label marked VICTORY GIN. It gave off a sickly, oily smell, as of Chinese rice-spirit.Winston poured out nearly a teacupful, nerved himself for a shock, and gulped it down like a dose of medicine.",温斯顿突然转过身来。这时他已经使自已的脸部现出一种安详乐观的表情,在面对电幕的时候,最好是用这种表情。他走过房间,到了小厨房里。在一天的这个时间里离开真理部,他牺牲了在食堂的中饭,他知道厨房里没有别的吃的,只有一块深色的面包,那是得省下来当明天的早饭的。他从架子上拿下一瓶无色的液体,上面贴着一张简单白色的标签:胜利杜松子酒。它有一种令人难受的油味儿,象中国的黄酒一样。温斯顿倒了快一茶匙,硬着头皮,像吃药似的咕噜一口喝了下去。 Chinese,"Je ne tirai pas de cette aventure un augure trop favorable pour mon voyage. Je me représentai que je n’étais pas encore à Salamanque et que je pourrais bien faire une plus mauvaise rencontre. Mon oncle me parut très imprudent de ne m’avoir pas mis entre les mains d’un muletier. C’était sans doute ce qu’il aurait dû faire ; mais il avait songé qu’en me donnant sa mule, mon voyage me coûterait moins ; et il avait plus pensé à cela qu’aux périls que je pouvais courir en chemin. Ainsi, pour réparer sa faute, je résolus, si j’avais le bonheur d’arriver à Peñaflor, d’y vendre ma mule et de prendre la voie du muletier pour aller à Astorga, d’où je me rendrais à Salamanque par la même voiture4. Quoique je ne fusse jamais sorti d’Oviedo, je n’ignorais pas le nom des villes par où je devais passer ; je m’en étais fait instruire avant mon départ.",我出门碰见这件事,觉得兆头不妙。我想萨拉曼卡还远着呢,难保不碰到更倒霉的事,心里怪舅舅疏忽,没把我交托给骡夫照顾。他应当那样办才对;不过他只想到给了我这头骡子可以省些旅费,算计了这方面,没估到我路上的风险。我要为他补过,打定主意,如果侥幸到达贝尼弗罗,就卖掉骡子,雇一头包程骡子到阿斯托加,从那里再雇包程骡子到萨拉曼卡。我虽然没离开过奥维多,动身前先打听过这些必经之路,所以都知道。 Chinese,‘I live at West Egg.’,“我住在西卵。” English,“我说,这是一本很好的书,人人都应当读一读。书的大意是说,如果我们不当心,白色人种就会……就会完全被淹没了。讲的全是科学道理,已经证明了的。”,"‘Well,it's a fine book,and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff;it's been proved.’" Chinese,‘Mrs.Eberhardt. She goes around looking at people's feet in their own homes.’,“埃伯哈特太太。她经常到人家里去替人看脚。” Chinese,"At least a dozen men,some of them a little better off than he was,explained to him that wheel and car were no longer joined by any physical bond.",至少有五六个人,其中有的比他稍微清醒一点,解释给他听,轮子和车子之间已经没有任何实质性的联系了。 Chinese,"The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun,and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music,and the opera of voices pitches a key higher. Laughter is easier minute by minute,spilled with prodigality,tipped out at a cheerful word. The groups change more swiftly,swell with new arrivals,dissolve and form in the same breath;already there are wanderers,confident girls who weave here and there among the stouter and more stable,become for a sharp,joyous moment the center of a group,and then,excited with triumph,glide on through the sea-change of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing light.",大地蹒跚着离开太阳,电灯显得更亮,此刻乐队正在奏黄色鸡尾酒会音乐,于是大合唱般的人声又提高了一个音调。笑声每时每刻都变得越来越容易,毫无节制地倾泻出来,只要一句笑话就会引起哄然大笑。人群的变化越来越快,忽而随着新来的客人而增大,忽而分散后又立即重新组合;已经有一些人在东飘西荡——脸皮厚的年轻姑娘在比较稳定的人群中间钻进钻出,一会儿在片刻的欢腾中成为一群人注意的中心,一会儿又得意洋洋在不断变化的灯光下穿过变幻不定的面孔、声音和色彩扬长而去。 English,“别说话,我要听听出了什么事。”,‘Don't talk. I want to hear what happens.’ Chinese,"‘Let's get out,’ whispered Jordan,after a somehow wasteful and inappropriate half-hour;‘this is much too polite for me.’",“咱们走开吧,”乔丹低声地讲,这时已经莫名其妙地浪费了半个钟头。“这里对我来说是太斯文了。” English,“我希望永远不会碰到,”她答道,“我顶讨厌不小心的人。这也是我喜欢你的原因。”,"‘I hope I never will,’ she answered. ‘I hate careless people. That's why I like you.’" French,我出门碰见这件事,觉得兆头不妙。我想萨拉曼卡还远着呢,难保不碰到更倒霉的事,心里怪舅舅疏忽,没把我交托给骡夫照顾。他应当那样办才对;不过他只想到给了我这头骡子可以省些旅费,算计了这方面,没估到我路上的风险。我要为他补过,打定主意,如果侥幸到达贝尼弗罗,就卖掉骡子,雇一头包程骡子到阿斯托加,从那里再雇包程骡子到萨拉曼卡。我虽然没离开过奥维多,动身前先打听过这些必经之路,所以都知道。,"Je ne tirai pas de cette aventure un augure trop favorable pour mon voyage. Je me représentai que je n’étais pas encore à Salamanque et que je pourrais bien faire une plus mauvaise rencontre. Mon oncle me parut très imprudent de ne m’avoir pas mis entre les mains d’un muletier. C’était sans doute ce qu’il aurait dû faire ; mais il avait songé qu’en me donnant sa mule, mon voyage me coûterait moins ; et il avait plus pensé à cela qu’aux périls que je pouvais courir en chemin. Ainsi, pour réparer sa faute, je résolus, si j’avais le bonheur d’arriver à Peñaflor, d’y vendre ma mule et de prendre la voie du muletier pour aller à Astorga, d’où je me rendrais à Salamanque par la même voiture4. Quoique je ne fusse jamais sorti d’Oviedo, je n’ignorais pas le nom des villes par où je devais passer ; je m’en étais fait instruire avant mon départ." English,“《美人与野兽》……《寂寞》……《小店老马》……《布鲁克林大桥》……”,‘Beauty and the Beast ... Loneliness ... Old Grocery Horse ... Brook'n Bridge ....’ Chinese,‘It does her good to get away.’,“换换环境对她有好处。” English,后来我半睡半醒躺在宾夕法尼亚车站下层很冷的候车室里,一面盯着刚出的《论坛报》,一面等候清早四点钟的那班火车。,"Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station,staring at the morning Tribune,and waiting for the four o'clock train." French,他把店主人驳倒,正中我意,我也要说那句话。我觉得店主人得罪了我,所以傲然吩咐说:“你把那鲟鱼做上来就得了,别的事不用你管。”店主人巴不得我说这一句,连忙动手,一会儿送上菜来。这位篾片见了新上的菜,我看他乐得两眼放光,又要重新应个景儿,拿出方才吃炒鸡蛋的狠劲儿来对付这条鲟鱼。他吃得撑肠拄肚,怕要涨破肚皮,只得罢休。他酒醉饭饱,觉得这幕滑稽戏该收场了,就站起来说道:“吉尔·布拉斯先生,承你请我吃好东西,我很快乐;看来得有人指点你一句要紧话,所以我告辞之前,特地向你说说。从今以后,小心别相信人家奉承,对陌生人防着些儿。你将来还会碰到些人,也像我这样,看你老实可欺,就捉弄你,也许恶作剧还要厉害呢!下回可别上当了!别听了人家一句话,就当真相信世界上第八件稀罕物儿就是你先生!”他说完当面打个哈哈,扬长而去。,"Je fus bien aise qu’il eût relevé les dernières paroles de l’hôte et il ne fit en cela que me prévenir. Je m’en sentais offensé et je dis fièrement à Corcuelo : Apportez-nous votre truite et ne vous embarrassez pas du reste. L’hôte, qui ne demandait pas mieux, se mit à l’apprêter et ne tarda guère à nous la servir. À la vue de ce nouveau plat, je vis briller une grande joie dans les yeux du parasite, qui fit paraître une nouvelle complaisance, c’est-à-dire qu’il donna sur le poisson comme il avait donné sur les œufs. Il fut pourtant obligé de se rendre, de peur d’accident, car il en avait jusqu’à la gorge. Enfin, après avoir bu et mangé tout son soûl, il voulut finir la comédie. Seigneur Gil Blas, me dit-il en se levant de table, je suis trop content de la bonne chère que vous m’avez faite, pour vous quitter sans vous donner un avis important dont vous me paraissez avoir besoin. Soyez désormais en garde contre les louanges. Défiez-vous des gens que vous ne connaîtrez point. Vous en pourrez rencontrer d’autres qui voudront comme moi se divertir de votre crédulité et peut-être pousser les choses encore plus loin. N’en soyez point la dupe et ne vous croyez point sur leur parole la huitième merveille du monde. En achevant ces mots, il me rit au nez et s’en alla13." English,“你瞧!”,‘Look!’ Chinese,"‘Get some chairs,why don't you,so somebody can sit down.’",“你怎么不拿两张椅子来,让人家坐下。” English,有时晚上八点钟,四十几号街那一带阴暗的街巷挤满了出租汽车,五辆一排,热闹非凡,都是前往戏院区的,这时我心中就感到一种无名的怅惘。出租汽车在路口暂停的时候,车里边的人身子偎在一起,说话的声音传了出来,听不见的笑话引起了欢笑,点燃的香烟在里面造成一个个模糊的光圈。幻想着我也在匆匆赶去寻欢作乐,分享他们内心的激动,于是我暗自为他们祝福。,"Again at eight o'clock,when the dark lanes of the Forties were lined five deep with throbbing taxicabs,bound for the theatre district,I felt a sinking in my heart. Forms leaned together in the taxis as they waited,and voices sang,and there was laughter from unheard jokes,and lighted cigarettes made unintelligible gestures inside. Imagining that I,too,was hurrying toward gaiety and sharing their intimate excitement,I wished them well." English,“好多了。”我又掉转脸对着我的新交。“这对我来说是个奇特的晚会。我连主人都还没见到哩。我就住在那边……”我朝着远处看不见的树篱笆把手一挥。“这位姓盖茨比的派他的司机过来送了一份请帖。”,"‘Much better.’ I turned again to my new acquaintance. ‘This is an unusual party for me. I haven't even seen the host. I live over there —’ I waved my hand at the invisible hedge in the distance,‘and this man Gatsby sent over his chauffeur with an invitation.’" Chinese,"‘She really ought to get away from him,’ resumed Catherine to me. ‘They've been living over that garage for eleven years. And Tom's the first sweetie she ever had.’",“她实在应当离开他,”凯瑟琳又跟我说下去。“他们在那汽车行楼顶上住了十一年了。汤姆还是她第一个相好的哩。” English,“后来情况越来越坏,”贝克小姐提了一句。,"‘Things went from bad to worse,’ suggested Miss Baker." Chinese,"Il ne pouvait rien me proposer qui me fût plus agréable, car je mourais d’envie de voir le pays. Cependant j’eus assez de force sur moi, pour cacher ma joie ; et lorsqu’il fallut partir, ne paraissant sensible qu’à la douleur de quitter un oncle à qui j’avais tant d’obligation, j’attendris le bon homme, qui me donna plus d’argent qu’il ne m’en aurait donné, s’il eût pu lire au fond de mon âme. Avant mon départ, j’allai embrasser mon père et ma mère, qui ne m’épargnèrent pas les remontrances. Ils m’exhortèrent à prier Dieu pour mon oncle, à vivre en honnête homme, à ne me point engager dans de mauvaises affaires, et sur toutes choses, à ne pas prendre le bien d’autrui. Après qu’ils m’eurent très longtemps harangué, ils me firent présent de leur bénédiction, qui était le seul bien que j’attendais d’eux. Aussitôt je montai sur ma mule, et sortis de la ville.",他这话正合我的心,我正心痒痒的要见见世面呢。可是我还管得下自己,脸上没流露高兴。我跟他分别的时候,好像一味伤心,抛不下这么恩深义重的舅舅。这个好人很感动,给了我很多钱;要是他看透了我的心,就不会给这些钱了。我动身之前和我爹妈吻别。他们不吝金玉良言:劝我祈求上帝保佑我舅舅,做人要规矩,别干坏事,尤其不可以偷东西。他们训诫了我好半天,就为我祝福。我也不指望他们此外还给我些什么,随后就跨上骡子出城了。 English,“你们应当到加利福尼亚住家,……”贝克小姐开口说,可是汤姆在椅子上沉重地挪动了一下身子,打断了她的话。,"‘You ought to live in California —’ began Miss Baker,but Tom interrupted her by shifting heavily in his chair." Chinese,"‘I was brought by a woman named Roosevelt,’ he continued. ‘Mrs.Claud Roosevelt. Do you know her? I met her somewhere last night. I've been drunk for about a week now,and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.’",“我是一位姓罗斯福的太太带来的,”他接着说,“克劳德·罗斯福太太。你们认识她吗?我昨天晚上不知在什么地方碰上她的。我已经醉了个把星期了,我以为在图书室里坐一会儿可以醒醒酒的。” Chinese,‘Really?’,“真的吗?” English,“你为什么嫁给他呢,茉特尔?”凯瑟琳质问道,“也没有人强迫你。”,"‘Why did you,Myrtle?’ demanded Catherine. ‘Nobody forced you to.’" English,她回过头来跟麦基太太讲话,屋子里充满了她那不自然的笑声。,She turned to Mrs.McKee and the room rang full of her artificial laughter. Chinese,‘It'd be more discreet to go to Europe.’,“更稳妥的办法是到欧洲去。” Chinese,"‘It's a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here's your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’",“是只母狗,”汤姆斩钉截铁地说,“给你钱。拿去再买十只狗。” English,"我跟着他跨过一排刷得雪白的低低的铁路栅栏,然后沿着公路,在埃克尔堡大夫目不转睛的注视之下,往回走了一百码。眼前唯一的建筑物是一小排黄砖房子,坐落在这片荒原的边缘,大概是供应本地居民生活必需品的一条小型“主街”,左右隔壁一无所有。这排房子里有三家店铺,一家正在招租,另一家是通宵营业的饭馆,门前有一条炉渣小道;第三家是个汽车修理行——“乔治·B·威尔逊。修理汽车。买卖汽车 。”——我跟着汤姆走了进去。","I followed him over a low whitewashed railroad fence,and we walked back a hundred yards along the road under Doctor Eckleburg's persistent stare. The only building in sight was a small block of yellow brick sitting on the edge of the waste land,a sort of compact Main Street ministering to it,and contiguous to absolutely nothing. One of the three shops it contained was for rent and another was an all-night restaurant,approached by a trail of ashes;the third was a garage—Repairs. GEORGE B. WILSON. Cars bought and sold.—and I followed Tom inside." Chinese,"His voice faded off and Tom glanced impatiently around the garage. Then I heard footsteps on a stairs,and in a moment the thickish figure of a woman blocked out the light from the office door. She was in the middle thirties,and faintly stout,but she carried her flesh sensuously as some women can. Her face,above a spotted dress of dark blue crêpe-de-chine,contained no facet or gleam of beauty,but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering. She smiled slowly and,walking through her husband as if he were a ghost,shook hands with Tom,looking him flush in the eye. Then she wet her lips,and without turning around spoke to her husband in a soft,coarse voice:",他的声音逐渐消失,同时汤姆不耐烦地向车行四面张望。接着我听到楼梯上有脚步的声音,过一会儿一个女人粗粗的身材挡住了办公室门口的光线。她年纪三十五六,身子胖胖的,可是如同有些女人一样,胖得很美。她穿了一件有油渍的深蓝双绉连衣裙,她的脸庞没有一丝一毫的美,但是她有一种显而易见的活力,仿佛她浑身的神经都在不停地燃烧。她慢慢地一笑。然后大摇大摆地从她丈夫身边穿过,仿佛他只是个幽灵,走过来跟汤姆握手,两眼直盯着他。接着她用舌头润了润嘴唇,头也不回就低低地、粗声粗气地对她丈夫说: French,罗朗都大爷话刚说完,外面又来了六个陌生脸儿,是副头领带着队里五个大汉押了赃物回来:两个大篓子,装满了白糖、桂皮、胡椒、无花果、杏仁和葡萄干。副头领告诉大头领,刚才从贝那房特一个干货铺里抢了这两篓东西,连驮货的骡子一起牵了来。他交代完,大家把抢来的干货搬进伙食房,于是只等吃喝取乐儿了。他们厅上摆了一大桌,叫我到厨房去听雷欧娜德大娘派遣工作。我既已走上这步背运,没奈何只得隐忍着苦楚,去伺候这一群大老爷。,"Comme le seigneur Rolando achevait de parler de cette sorte, il parut dans le salon six nouveaux visages. C’était le lieutenant avec cinq hommes de la troupe qui revenaient chargés de butin. Ils apportaient deux mannequins remplis de sucre, de cannelle, de poivre, de figues, d’amandes et de raisins secs. Le lieutenant adressa la parole au capitaine et lui dit qu’il venait d’enlever ces mannequins à un épicier de Benavente, dont il avait aussi pris le mulet. Après qu’il eut rendu compte de son expédition au bureau, les dépouilles de l’épicier furent portées dans l’office. Alors il ne fut plus question que de se réjouir. On dressa dans le salon une grande table et l’on me renvoya dans la cuisine, où la dame Léonarde m’instruisit de ce que j’avais à faire. Je cédai à la nécessité, puisque mon mauvais sort le voulait ainsi, et dévorant ma douleur, je me préparai à servir ces honnêtes gens." English,“我们也是一样。”,‘So are we.’ Chinese,‘That's why I came over to-night.’,“这正是我今晚来拜访的目的嘛。” Chinese,"‘Very romantic,’ he said,and then miserably to me:‘If it's light enough after dinner,I want to take you down to the stables.’",“非常浪漫,”他说,然后哭丧着脸对我说,“吃过饭要是天还够亮的话,我要领你到马房去看看。” English,尽管两位太太一致认为这种恶毒心肠简直难以置信,这场纠纷终于在一阵短短的揪斗中结束,两位太太都被抱了起来,两腿乱踢,消失在黑夜里。,"In spite of the wives' agreement that such malevolence was beyond credibility,the dispute ended in a short struggle,and both wives were lifted,kicking,into the night." English,“我住在西卵。”,‘I live at West Egg.’ Chinese,"Me voilà donc hors d’Oviedo, sur le chemin de Peñaflor1, au milieu de la campagne, maître de mes actions, d’une mauvaise mule et de quarante bons ducats, sans compter quelques réaux que j’avais volés à mon très honoré oncle. La première chose que je fis fut de laisser ma mule aller à discrétion, c’est-à-dire au petit pas. Je lui mis la bride sur le cou, et tirant de ma poche mes ducats, je commençai à les compter et recompter dans mon chapeau. Je n’étais pas maître de ma joie. Je n’avais jamais vu tant d’argent. Je ne pouvais me lasser de le regarder et de le manier. Je le comptais peut-être pour la vingtième fois, quand tout à coup ma mule, levant la tête et les oreilles, s’arrêta au milieu du grand chemin. Je jugeai que quelque chose l’effrayait ; je regardai ce que ce pouvait être : j’aperçus sur la terre un chapeau renversé sur lequel il y avait un rosaire à gros grains, et en même temps j’entendis une voix lamentable qui prononça ces paroles : Seigneur passant, ayez pitié, de grâce, d’un pauvre soldat estropié ; jetez, s’il vous plaît, quelques pièces d’argent dans ce chapeau ; vous en serez récompensé dans l’autre monde. Je tournai aussitôt les yeux du côté que partait la voix ; je vis au pied d’un buisson, à vingt ou trente pas de moi, une espèce de soldat, qui sur deux bâtons croisés appuyait le bout d’une escopette2 qui me parut plus longue qu’une pique, et avec laquelle il me couchait en joue. À cette vue, qui me fit trembler pour le bien de l’Église, je m’arrêtai tout court ; je serrai promptement mes ducats, je tirai quelques réaux3 et m’approchant du chapeau disposé à recevoir la charité des fidèles effrayés, je les jetai dedans l’un après l’autre, pour montrer au soldat que j’en usais noblement. Il fut satisfait de ma générosité et me donna autant de bénédictions que je donnai de coups de pied dans les flancs de ma mule, pour m’éloigner promptement de lui ; mais la maudite bête, trompant mon impatience, n’en alla pas plus vite ; la longue habitude qu’elle avait de marcher pas à pas sous mon oncle, lui avait fait perdre l’usage du galop.",我出了奥维多城,走上贝尼弗罗大道,周围都是旷野,从此我自己做主了,而且有一头劣等骡子和四十枚响当当的杜加,我从那位有体面的舅舅那儿偷来的几个瑞阿尔还没算在里面。我头一件事是让那骡子遂着性儿走,那就是让它慢慢踱去。我把缰绳撂在它脖子上,口袋里掏出杜加,摘下帽子来盛着,一遍两遍地数。我从没见过那么多钱,赏玩个不休。我大概数了二十来遍,忽然骡子昂头竖耳,路中心站住不走了。我想它吃了什么惊,仔细去看个究竟。只见地上一只帽子,口儿朝天,里面一串粗粒子的念珠。一壁听得凄声惨气地喊道:“过路的大爷啊,发发慈悲,可怜我这个残废军人吧!请你往帽子里扔几个钱,生前行好事,死后自有好报哇!”我赶忙随着声音转眼去瞧,看见二三十步外一丛灌木底下,一个兵士模样的人把两根棍子交叉着支起一杆马枪,看来比长枪还长,枪口正瞄着我。我一看吓得发抖,生怕教堂里得来的财产要保不住了。我立刻止步,忙把杜加藏好,抓出几个瑞阿尔,走近那只向心惊胆战的信徒募化的帽子,一个一个往里扔,让这位军人看我多么大方。他见我这样慷慨很满意,就一声一声连连祝福我,我也一脚一脚连连踢那骡子的肚子,要赶快走开。偏生这头该死的骡子满不理会我慌忙,还是慢条斯理地走;它多年来只惯驮着我舅舅稳步徐行,早跑不快了。 Chinese,"Then there were bloody towels upon the bathroom floor,and women's voices scolding,and high over the confusion a long broken wail of pain. Mr.McKee awoke from his doze and started in a daze toward the door. When he had gone half way he turned around and stared at the scene—his wife and Catherine scolding and consoling as they stumbled here and there among the crowded furniture with articles of aid,and the despairing figure on the couch,bleeding fluently,and trying to spread a copy of Town Tattle over the tapestry scenes of Versailles. Then Mr. McKee turned and continued on out the door. Taking my hat from the chandelier,I followed.",接着,浴室满地都是血淋淋的毛巾,只听见女人骂骂咧咧的声音,同时在一片混乱之中,还夹有断断续续痛楚的哀号。麦基先生打盹醒了,懵懵懂懂地就朝门口走。他走了一半路,又转过身来看着屋子里的景象发呆——他老婆和凯瑟琳一面骂一面哄,同时手里拿着急救用的东西跌跌撞撞地在拥挤的家具中间来回跑,还有躺在沙发上的那个凄楚的人形,一面血流不止,一面还想把一份《纽约闲话》报铺在织锦椅套上的凡尔赛风景上面。然后麦基先生又掉转身子,继续走出门去。我从灯架上取下我的帽子,也跟着走了出去。 English,“从来没有。”,‘Never.’ English,那位名叫凯瑟琳的妹妹在沙发上我的身边坐下。,The sister Catherine sat down beside me on the couch. English,可是,当我走下台阶时,我看到晚会还没有完全结束。离大门五十英尺,十几辆汽车的前灯照亮了一个不寻常的、闹哄哄的场面。在路旁的小沟里,右边向上,躺着一辆新的小轿车,可是一只轮子撞掉了。这辆车离开盖茨比的车道还不到两分钟,一堵墙的突出部分是造成车轮脱落的原因,现在有五六个好奇的司机在围观。可是,由于他们让自己的车子挡住了路,后面车子上的司机已经按了好久喇叭,一片刺耳的噪音更增添了整个场面本来就很严重的混乱。,"But as I walked down the steps I saw that the evening was not quite over. Fifty feet from the door a dozen headlights illuminated a bizarre and tumultuous scene. In the ditch beside the road,right side up,but violently shorn of one wheel,rested a new coupé which had left Gatsby's drive not two minutes before. The sharp jut of a wall accounted for the detachment of the wheel,which was now getting considerable attention from half a dozen curious chauffeurs. However,as they had left their cars blocking the road,a harsh,discordant din from those in the rear had been audible for some time,and added to the already violent confusion of the scene." English,我还没来得及回答说他是我的邻居,用人就宣布开饭了;汤姆·布坎农不由分说就把一只紧张的胳臂插在我的胳臂下面,把我从屋子里推出去,仿佛他是在把一个棋子推到棋盘上另一格去似的。,"Before I could reply that he was my neighbor dinner was announced;wedging his tense arm imperatively under mine,Tom Buchanan compelled me from the room as though he were moving a checker to another square." Chinese,‘Wilson? He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He's so dumb he doesn't know he's alive.’,“威尔逊?他以为她是到纽约去看她妹妹。他蠢得要命,连自己活着都不知道。” English,有时她和贝克小姐同时讲话,可是并不惹人注意,不过开点无关紧要的玩笑,也算不上唠叨,跟她们的白色衣裙以及没有任何欲念的超然的眼睛一样冷漠。她们坐在这里,应酬汤姆和我,只不过是客客气气地尽力款待客人或者接受款待。她们知道一会儿晚饭就吃完了,再过一会儿这一晚也就过去,随随便便就打发掉了。这和西部截然不同,在那里每逢晚上待客总是迫不及待地从一个阶段到另一个阶段推向结尾,总是有所期待而又不断地感到失望,要不然就对结尾时刻的到来感到十分紧张和恐惧。,"Sometimes she and Miss Baker talked at once,unobtrusively and with a bantering inconsequence that was never quite chatter,that was as cool as their white dresses and their impersonal eyes in the absence of all desire. They were here,and they accepted Tom and me,making only a polite pleasant effort to entertain or to be entertained. They knew that presently dinner would be over and a little later the evening too would be over and casually put away. It was sharply different from the West,where an evening was hurried from phase to phase toward its close,in a continually disappointed anticipation or else in sheer nervous dread of the moment itself." English,“您很面熟,”他很客气地说。“战争期间您不是在第一师吗?”,"‘Your face is familiar,’ he said,politely. ‘Weren't you in the First Division during the war?’" Chinese,"There was music from my neighbour's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft,or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound,drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On weekends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus,bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight,while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants,including an extra gardener,toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden-shears,repairing the ravages of the night before.",整个夏天的夜晚都有音乐声从我邻居家传过来。在他蔚蓝的花园里,男男女女像飞蛾一般在笑语、香槟和繁星中间来来往往。下午涨潮的时候,我看着他的客人从他的木筏的跳台上跳水,或是躺在他私人海滩的热沙上晒太阳,同时他的两艘小汽艇破浪前进,拖着滑水板驶过翻腾的浪花。每逢周末,他的罗尔斯—罗伊斯轿车就成了公共汽车,从早晨九点到深更半夜往来城里接送客人,同时他的旅行车也像一只轻捷的黄硬壳虫那样去火车站接所有的班车。每星期一,八个仆人,包括一个临时园丁,整整苦干一天,用许多拖把、板刷、榔头、修枝剪来收拾前一晚的残局。 Chinese,"He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him. To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was 1984. It must be round about that date, since he was fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had been born in 1944 or 1945; but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two.",他身子往后一靠。一阵束手无策的感觉袭击了他。首先是,他一点也没有把握,今年是不是1984年。大致是这个日期,因为他相当有把握地知道,自已的年龄是三十九岁,而且他相信他是在1944年或1945年生的。但是,要把任何日期确定下来,误差不出一两年,在当今的时世里,是永远办不到的。 Chinese,"‘Good night,’ she said softly. ‘Wake me at eight,won't you.’",“明天见,”她轻声说。“八点叫我,好吧?” Chinese,"The bottle of whiskey—a second one—was now in constant demand by all present,excepting Catherine,who ‘felt just as good on nothing at all.’ Tom rang for the janitor and sent him for some celebrated sandwiches,which were a complete supper in themselves. I wanted to get out and walk eastward toward the park through the soft twilight,but each time I tried to go I became entangled in some wild,strident argument which pulled me back,as if with ropes,into my chair. Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets,and I saw him too,looking up and wondering. I was within and without,simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.",那瓶威士忌——第二瓶了——此刻大家都喝个不停,唯有凯瑟琳除外,她“什么都不喝也感到飘飘然”。汤姆按铃把看门的喊来,叫他去买一种出名的三明治,吃了可以抵得上一顿晚餐的。我想到外面去,在柔和的暮色中向东朝公园走过去,但每次我起身告辞,都被卷入一阵吵闹刺耳的争执中,结果就仿佛有绳子把我拉回到椅子上。然而我们这排黄澄澄的窗户高踞在城市的上空,一定给暮色苍茫的街道上一位观望的过客增添了一点人生的秘密,同时我也可以看到他,一面在仰望一面在寻思。我既身在其中又身在其外,对人生的千变万化既感到陶醉,同时又感到厌恶。 English,有一会儿工夫夕阳的余晖温情脉脉地照在她那红艳发光的脸上;她的声音使我身不由主地凑上前去屏息倾听——然后光彩逐渐消逝,每一道光都依依不舍地离开了她,就像孩子们在黄昏时刻离开一条愉快的街道那样。,"For a moment the last sunshine fell with romantic affection upon her glowing face;her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened—then the glow faded,each light deserting her with lingering regret,like children leaving a pleasant street at dusk." English,“请看!”他解释道,“车子开到沟里去了。”,‘See!’ he explained. ‘It went in the ditch.’ Chinese,"‘I think it's cute,’ said Mrs.Wilson enthusiastically. ‘How much is it?’",“我觉得它真好玩,”威尔逊太太热烈地说,“多少钱?” English,“我在车站下层报摊旁边等你。”,‘I'll meet you by the news-stand on the lower level.’ English,窗外,天空在夕照中显得格外柔和,像蔚蓝的地中海一样。这时麦基太太尖锐的声音把我唤回到屋子里来。,The late afternoon sky bloomed in the window for a moment like the blue honey of the Mediterranean—then the shrill voice of Mrs.McKee called me back into the room. Chinese,‘Who brought you?’ he demanded. ‘Or did you just come? I was brought. Most people were brought.’,“谁带你们来的?”他问道,“还是不请自到的?我是有人带我来的。大多数客人都是别人带来的。” English,接着,屋子那头的大电幕上突然发出了一阵难听的摩擦声,仿佛是台大机器没有油了一样。这种噪声使你牙关咬紧、毛发直竖。仇恨开始了。,"The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one’s teethon edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck. The Hate had started." Chinese,"At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby's enormous garden. On buffet tables,garnished with glistening hors-d'oeuvre,spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold. In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail was set up,and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long forgotten that most of his female guests were too young to know one from another.",至少每两周一次,大批包办筵席的人从城里下来,带来好几百英尺帆布帐篷和无数的彩色电灯,足以把盖茨比巨大的花园布置得像一棵圣诞树。自助餐桌上各色冷盘琳琅满目,一只只五香火腿周围摆满了五花八门的色拉、烤得金黄的乳猪和火鸡。大厅里面,设起了一个装着一根真的铜杆的酒吧,备有各种杜松子酒和烈性酒,还有各种早已罕见的甘露酒,大多数女客年纪太轻,根本分不清哪个是哪个。 Chinese,"Mrs.Wilson had changed her costume some time before,and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon,which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room. With the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone a change. The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur. Her laughter,her gestures,her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment,and as she expanded the room grew smaller around her,until she seemed to be revolving on a noisy,creaking pivot through the smoky air.",威尔逊太太不知什么时候又换了一套衣服,现在穿的是一件精致的奶油色雪纺绸的连衣裙,是下午做客穿的那种,她在屋子里转来转去的时候,衣裙就不断地沙沙作响。由于衣服的影响,她的个性也跟着起了变化。早先在车行里那么显著的活力变成了目空一切的hauteur。她的笑声、她的姿势、她的言谈,每一刻都变得越来越矫揉造作,同时随着她逐渐膨胀,她周围的屋子就显得越来越小,后来,她好像在烟雾弥漫的空气中坐在一个吱吱嘎嘎的木轴上不停地转动。 English,里面电话又响了,大家都吃了一惊。黛西断然地对汤姆摇摇头,于是马房的话题,事实上所有的话题,都化为乌有了。在餐桌上最后五分钟残存的印象中,我记得蜡烛又无缘无故地点着了,同时我意识到自己很想正眼看看大家,然而却又想避开大家的目光。我猜不出黛西和汤姆在想什么,但是我也怀疑,就连贝克小姐那样似乎玩世不恭的人,是否能把这第五位客人尖锐刺耳的迫切呼声完全置之度外。对某种性情的人来说,这个局面可能倒怪有意思的——我自己本能的反应是立刻去打电话叫警察。,"The telephone rang inside,startlingly,and as Daisy shook her head decisively at Tom the subject of the stables,in fact all subjects,vanished into air. Among the broken fragments of the last five minutes at table I remember the candles being lit again,pointlessly,and I was conscious of wanting to look squarely at every one,and yet to avoid all eyes. I couldn't guess what Daisy and Tom were thinking,but I doubt if even Miss Baker,who seemed to have mastered a certain hardy skepticism,was able utterly to put this fifth guest's shrill metallic urgency out of mind. To a certain temperament the situation might have seemed intriguing—my own instinct was to telephone immediately for the police." English,西卵和纽约之间大约一半路程的地方,汽车路匆匆忙忙跟铁路会合,它在铁路旁边跑上四分之一英里,为的是要躲开一片荒凉的地方。这是一个灰烬的山谷——一个离奇古怪的农场,在这里灰烬像麦子一样生长,长成小山小丘和奇形怪状的园子;在这里灰烬堆成房屋、烟囱和炊烟的形式,最后,经过超绝的努力,堆成一个个灰蒙蒙的人,隐隐约约地在走动,而且已经在尘土飞扬的空气中化为灰烬了。有时一列灰色的货车慢慢沿着一条看不见的轨道爬行,叽嘎一声鬼叫,停了下来,马上那些灰蒙蒙的人就拖着铁铲一窝蜂拥上来,扬起一片尘土,让你看不到他们隐秘的活动。,"About half way between West Egg and New York the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a quarter of a mile,so as to shrink away from a certain desolate area of land. This is a valley of ashes—a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens;where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and,finally,with a transcendent effort,of ash-grey men,who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air. Occasionally a line of grey cars crawls along an invisible track,gives out a ghastly creak,and comes to rest,and immediately the ash-grey men swarm up with leaden spades and stir up an impenetrable cloud,which screens their obscure operations from your sight." English,“哪天他们结了婚,”凯瑟琳接着说,“他们准备到西部去住一些时候,等风波过去再回来。”,"‘When they do get married,’ continued Catherine,‘they're going West to live for a while until it blows over.’" English,“难道说你不知道吗?”贝克小姐说,她真的感到奇怪。“我以为人人都知道了。”,"‘You mean to say you don't know?’ said Miss Baker,honestly surprised. ‘I thought everybody knew.’" Chinese,"‘Well,they say he's a nephew or a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm's. That's where all his money comes from.’",“噢,人家说他是德国威廉皇帝的侄儿,或者什么别的亲戚。他的钱都是那么来的。” English,我一辈子只喝醉过两次,第二次就是那天下午;因此当时所发生的一切现在都好像在雾里一样,模糊不清,虽然公寓里直到八点以后还充满了明亮的阳光。威尔逊太太坐在汤姆膝盖上给好几个人打了电话;后来香烟没了,我就出去到街角上的药店去买烟。我回来的时候,他们俩都不见了,于是我很识相地在起居室里坐下,看了《名字叫彼得的西门》中的一章——要么书写得太糟,要么威士忌使东西变得面目全非,因为我看不出一点名堂来。,"I have been drunk just twice in my life,and the second time was that afternoon;so everything that happened has a dim,hazy cast over it,although until after eight o'clock the apartment was full of cheerful sun. Sitting on Tom's lap Mrs.Wilson called up several people on the telephone;then there were no cigarettes,and I went out to buy some at the drugstore on the corner. When I came back they had both disappeared,so I sat down discreetly in the living-room and read a chapter of Simon Called Peter—either it was terrible stuff or the whiskey distorted things,because it didn't make any sense to me." English,她那双灰色的、被太阳照得眯紧的眼睛笔直地盯着前方,但她故意地改变了我们的关系,因而有片刻工夫我以为我爱上了她。但是我思想迟钝,而且满脑袋清规戒律,这都对我的情欲起着刹车的作用,同时我也知道首先我得完全摆脱家乡的那段纠葛。我一直每星期写一封信并且签上:“爱你,尼克”,而我能想到的只是每次那位小姐一打网球,她的上唇上边总出现像小胡子一样的一溜汗珠。不过确实有过一种含糊的默契,这必须先委婉地解除,然后我才可以自由。,"Her grey,sun-strained eyes stared straight ahead,but she had deliberately shifted our relations,and for a moment I thought I loved her. But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires,and I knew that first I had to get myself definitely out of that tangle back home. I'd been writing letters once a week and signing them:‘Love,Nick,’ and all I could think of was how,when that certain girl played tennis,a faint moustache of perspiration appeared on her upper lip. Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free." Chinese,"‘You make me feel uncivilized,Daisy,’ I confessed on my second glass of corky but rather impressive claret. ‘Can't you talk about crops or something?’",“你让我觉得自己不文明,黛西,”我喝第二杯虽然有点软木塞气味却相当精彩的红葡萄酒时坦白地说,“你不能谈谈庄稼或者谈点儿别的什么吗?” Chinese,‘Any time that suits you best.’,“随便什么时候,对你合适就行。” English,我们在阳光和煦的阳台上谈了几分钟。,We talked for a few minutes on the sunny porch. Chinese,He shrugged his shoulders.,他耸了耸肩膀。 English,“我想并不是那回事,”露西尔不以为然地分辩道,“多半是因为在大战时他当过德国间谍。”,"‘I don't think it's so much that,’ argued Lucille skeptically;‘it's more that he was a German spy during the war.’" English,“随便什么时候,对你合适就行。”,‘Any time that suits you best.’ Chinese,"Daisy took her face in her hands as if feeling its lovely shape,and her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk. I saw that turbulent emotions possessed her,so I asked what I thought would be some sedative questions about her little girl.",黛西把脸捧在手里,好像在抚摩她那可爱的面庞,同时她渐渐放眼去看那天鹅绒般的暮色。我看出她心潮澎湃,于是我问了几个我认为有镇静作用的关于她小女儿的问题。 Chinese,"‘It came off,’ someone explained.",“轮子掉下来了,”有一个人解释说。 Chinese,‘Very much.’,“非常想听。” Chinese,The late afternoon sky bloomed in the window for a moment like the blue honey of the Mediterranean—then the shrill voice of Mrs.McKee called me back into the room.,窗外,天空在夕照中显得格外柔和,像蔚蓝的地中海一样。这时麦基太太尖锐的声音把我唤回到屋子里来。 Chinese,‘Good night.’,“晚安。” Chinese,The two girls and Jordan leaned together confidentially.,两个姑娘和乔丹诡秘地把头靠到一起。 English,这只硬毛猎狗转了手,——毫无疑问它的血统里不知什么地方跟硬毛猎狗有过关系,不过它的爪子却白得出奇——随即安然躺进威尔逊太太的怀里。她欢天喜地抚摸着那不怕伤风着凉的皮毛。,"The Airedale—undoubtedly there was an Airedale concerned in it somewhere,though its feet were startlingly white—changed hands and settled down into Mrs. Wilson's lap,where she fondled the weather-proof coat with rapture." Chinese,"‘You've dyed your hair since then,’ remarked Jordan,and I started,but the girls had moved casually on and her remark was addressed to the premature moon,produced like the supper,no doubt,out of a caterer's basket. With Jordan's slender golden arm resting in mine,we descended the steps and sauntered about the garden. A tray of cocktails floated at us through the twilight,and we sat down at a table with the two girls in yellow and three men,each one introduced to us as Mr. Mumble.",“你们后来染过头发了,”乔丹说,我听了一惊,但两个姑娘却已经漫不经心地走开了,因此她这句话说给早升的月亮听了,月亮和晚餐的酒菜一样,无疑也是从包办酒席的人的篮子里拿出来的。乔丹用她那纤细的、金黄色的手臂挽着我的手臂,我们走下了台阶,在花园里闲逛。一盘鸡尾酒在暮色苍茫中飘到我们面前,我们就在一张桌子旁坐下,同座的还有那两个穿黄衣的姑娘和三个男的,介绍给我们的时候名字全含含糊糊一带而过。 Chinese,"It was nearly eleven hundred, and in the Records Department, where Winston worked, they were dragging the chairs out of the cubicles and grouping them in the centre of the hall opposite the big telescreen, in preparation for the Two Minutes Hate. Winston was just taking his place in one of the middle rows when two people whom he knew by sight, but had never spoken to, came unexpectedly into the room. One of them was a girl whom he often passed in the corridors. He did not know her name, but he knew that she worked in the Fiction Department. Presumably -- since he had sometimes seen her with oily hands and carrying a spanner -- she had some mechanical job onone of the novel-writing machines. She was a bold-looking girl, of about twenty-seven, with thick hair, a freckled face, and swift, athletic movements. A narrow scarlet sash, emblem of the Junior Anti-Sex League, was wound several times round the waist of her overalls, just tightly enough to bring out the shapeliness of her hips. Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey-fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean-mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror. The idea had even crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the ThoughtPolice. That, it was true, was very unlikely. Still, he continued to feel a peculiar uneasiness, which had fear mixed up in it as well as hostility, whenever she was anywhere near him.",快到十一点的时候,在温斯顿工作的纪录司,他们把椅子从小办公室拖出来,放在大厅的中央,放在大电幕的前面,准备举行两分钟仇恨。温斯顿刚刚在中间一排的一张椅子上坐下来,有两个他只认识脸孔、却从来没有讲过话的人意外地走了进来。其中有一个是他常常在走廊中遇到的一个姑娘。他不道她的名字,但是他知道她在小说司工作。由于他有时看到她双手沾油,拿着扳钳,她大概是做机械工的,拾掇那些小说写作机器。她是个年约二十七岁、表情大胆的姑娘,浓浓的黑发,长满雀斑的脸,动作迅速敏捷,象个运动员。她的工作服的腰上重重地围了一条猩红色的狭缎带,这是青年反性同盟的标志,围的不松不紧,正好露出她的腰部的苗条。温斯顿头一眼看到她就不喜欢她。他知道为什么原因。这是因为她竭力在自己身上带着一种曲棍球场、冷水浴、集体远足、总的来说是思想纯洁的味道。几乎所有的女人他都不喜欢,特别是年轻漂亮的。总是女人,尤其是年轻的女人,是党的最盲目的拥护者,生吞活剥口号的人,义务的密探,非正统思想的检查员。但是这个女人使他感到比别的更加危险。有一次他们在走廊里遇到时,她很快地斜视了他一眼,似乎看透了他的心,刹那间他充满了黑色的恐惧。他甚至想到这样的念头:她可能是思想警察的特务。不错,这是很不可能的。但是只要她在近处,他仍有一种特别的不安之感。这种感觉中掺杂着敌意,也掺杂着恐惧。 Chinese,"We talked for a moment about some wet,grey little villages in France. Evidently he lived in this vicinity,for he told me that he had just bought a hydroplane,and was going to try it out in the morning.",我们谈了一会儿法国的一些阴雨、灰暗的小村庄。显而易见他就住在附近,因为他告诉我他刚买了一架水上飞机,并且准备明天早晨去试飞一下。 English,“我是问他是哪儿来的?他又是干什么的?”,"‘Where is he from,I mean? And what does he do?’" English,两位女郎袅袅婷婷地、懒洋洋地,手轻轻搭在腰上,在我们前面往外走上玫瑰色的阳台。阳台迎着落日,餐桌上有四支蜡烛在减弱了的风中闪烁不定。,"Slenderly,languidly,their hands set lightly on their hips,the two young women preceded us out on to a rosy-colored porch,open toward the sunset,where four candles flickered on the table in the diminished wind." Chinese,"I meant nothing in particular by this remark,but it was taken up in an unexpected way.",我说这句话并没有什么特殊的用意,但它却出乎意外地被人接过去了。 Chinese,‘That dog?’ He looked at it admiringly. ‘That dog will cost you ten dollars.’,“这只狗吗?”老头用赞赏的神气看着它。“这只狗要十美元。” English,接着男管家来了,站在他背后。,"Then the butler,behind his shoulder:" Chinese,"Inside,the crimson room bloomed with light. Tom and Miss Baker sat at either end of the long couch and she read aloud to him from the Saturday Evening Post—the words,murmurous and uninflected,running together in a soothing tune. The lamp-light,bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf yellow of her hair,glinted along the paper as she turned a page with a flutter of slender muscles in her arms.",室内,那间绯红色的屋子灯火辉煌。汤姆和贝克小姐各坐在长沙发的一头,她在念《星期六晚邮报》给他听,声音很低,没有变化,一连串的字有一种让人定心的调子。灯光照在他皮靴上雪亮,照在她秋叶黄的头发上暗淡无光,每当她翻过一页,胳臂上细细的肌肉颤动的时候,灯光又一晃一晃地照在纸上。 English,这位幽灵被汽车前灯的亮光照得睁不开眼,又被一片汽车喇叭声吵得糊里糊涂,站在那里摇晃了一会儿才认出那个穿风衣的人。,"Blinded by the glare of the headlights and confused by the incessant groaning of the horns,the apparition stood swaying for a moment before he perceived the man in the duster." English,“不行,你不能走,”汤姆连忙插话说。“茉特尔要生气的,要是你不上公寓去。是不是,茉特尔?”,"‘No,you don't,’ interposed Tom quickly. ‘Myrtle'll be hurt if you don't come up to the apartment. Won't you,Myrtle?’" Chinese,"Something in her tone reminded me of the other girl's ‘I think he killed a man’,and had the effect of stimulating my curiosity. I would have accepted without question the information that Gatsby sprang from the swamps of Louisiana or from the lower East Side of New York. That was comprehensible. But young men didn't—at least in my provincial inexperience I believed they didn't—drift coolly out of nowhere and buy a palace on Long Island Sound.",她的语气之中有点什么使我想起另外那个姑娘说的“我想他杀过一个人”,其结果是打动了我的好奇心。随便说盖茨比出身于路易斯安那州的沼泽地区也好,出身于纽约东城南区也好,我都可以毫无疑问地接受。那是可以理解的。但是年纪轻的人不可能——至少我这个孤陋寡闻的乡下人认为他们不可能——不知从什么地方悄悄地出现,在长岛海湾买下一座宫殿式的别墅。 English,“有人告诉我,人家认为他杀过一个人。”,‘Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once.’ English,“哦,个把钟头。”,"‘Why,about an hour.’" Chinese,"It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man,more recently arrived than I,stopped me on the road.",头几天我感到孤单,直到一天早上有个人,比我更是新来乍到的,在路上拦住了我。 English,“这事……太惊人了,”她出神地重复说。“可是我发过誓不告诉别人,而我现在已经在逗你了。”她对着我的脸轻轻打了个呵欠。“有空请过来看我……电话簿……西古奈·霍华德太太名下……我的姑妈……”她一边说一边匆匆离去——她活泼地挥了一下那只晒得黑黑的手表示告别,然后就消失在门口她那一伙人当中了。,"‘It was ... simply amazing,’ she repeated abstractedly. ‘But I swore I wouldn't tell it and here I am tantalizing you.’ She yawned gracefully in my face. ‘Please come and see me ... Phone book ... Under the name of Mrs. Sigourney Howard ... My aunt ... ’ She was hurrying off as she talked—her brown hand waved a jaunty salute as she melted into her party at the door." English,每个人都以为他自己至少有一种主要的美德,而这就是我的:我所认识的诚实的人并不多,而我自己恰好就是其中的一个。,"Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues,and this is mine:I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known." English,“真的吗?”,‘Really.’ Chinese,"Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever,shrewd men,and now I saw that this was because she felt safer on a plane where any divergence from a code would be thought impossible. She was incurably dishonest. She wasn't able to endure being at a disadvantage and,given this unwillingness,I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in order to keep that cool,insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the demands of her hard,jaunty body.",乔丹·贝克本能地回避聪明机警的男人,现在我明白了这是因为她认为,在对越轨的行动不以为然的社会圈子里活动比较保险。她不诚实到了不可救药的地步。她不能忍受处于不利的地位,既然这样不甘心,因此我想她从很年轻的时候就开始耍各种花招,为了对世人保持那个傲慢的冷笑,而同时又能满足她那硬硬的、矫健的肉体的要求。 English,“别盯着我看,”黛西回嘴说,“我整个下午都在动员你上纽约去。”,"‘Don't look at me,’ Daisy retorted,‘I've been trying to get you to New York all afternoon.’" English,“谁带你们来的?”他问道,“还是不请自到的?我是有人带我来的。大多数客人都是别人带来的。”,‘Who brought you?’ he demanded. ‘Or did you just come? I was brought. Most people were brought.’ Chinese,‘It couldn't be helped!’ cried Daisy with tense gaiety.,“真没办法!”黛西强作欢愉地大声说。 Chinese,"Her grey,sun-strained eyes stared straight ahead,but she had deliberately shifted our relations,and for a moment I thought I loved her. But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires,and I knew that first I had to get myself definitely out of that tangle back home. I'd been writing letters once a week and signing them:‘Love,Nick,’ and all I could think of was how,when that certain girl played tennis,a faint moustache of perspiration appeared on her upper lip. Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free.",她那双灰色的、被太阳照得眯紧的眼睛笔直地盯着前方,但她故意地改变了我们的关系,因而有片刻工夫我以为我爱上了她。但是我思想迟钝,而且满脑袋清规戒律,这都对我的情欲起着刹车的作用,同时我也知道首先我得完全摆脱家乡的那段纠葛。我一直每星期写一封信并且签上:“爱你,尼克”,而我能想到的只是每次那位小姐一打网球,她的上唇上边总出现像小胡子一样的一溜汗珠。不过确实有过一种含糊的默契,这必须先委婉地解除,然后我才可以自由。 English,门厅里有一股熬白菜和旧地席的气味。门厅的一头,有一张彩色的招贴画钉在墙上,在室内悬挂略为嫌大了一些。画的是一张很大的面孔,有一米多宽:这是一个大约四十五岁的男人的脸,留着浓密的黑胡子,面部线条粗犷英俊。Winston朝楼梯走去。用不着试电梯。即使最顺利的时候,电梯也是很少开的,现在又是白天停电。这是为了筹备举行仇恨周而实行节约。Winston的住所在七层楼上,他三十九岁,右脚脖子上患静脉曲张,因此爬得很慢,一路上休息了好几次。每上一层楼,正对着电梯门的墙上就有那幅画着很大脸庞的招贴画凝视着。这是属于这样的一类画,你不论走到哪里,画面中的眼光总是跟着你。下面的文字说明是:老大哥在看着你。,"The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster,too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features. Winston made for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. It was part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week. The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way. On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran." Chinese,‘Did you give Nick a little heart to heart talk on the veranda?’ demanded Tom suddenly.,“你在阳台上是不是跟尼克把心里话都讲了?”汤姆忽然质问。 Chinese,‘What time?’,“什么时候?” Chinese,‘Do they miss me?’ she cried ecstatically.,“他们想念我吗?”她大喜若狂似地喊道。 Chinese,"Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water,and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there to have dinner with the Tom Buchanans. Daisy was my second cousin once removed,and I'd known Tom in college. And just after the war I spent two days with them in Chicago.",小湾对岸,东卵豪华住宅区的洁白的宫殿式的大厦沿着水边光彩夺目,那个夏天的故事是从我开车去那边到汤姆·布坎农夫妇家吃饭的那个晚上才真正开始的。黛西是我远房表妹,汤姆是我在大学里就认识的。大战刚结束之后,我在芝加哥还在他们家住过两天。 English,“你们后来染过头发了,”乔丹说,我听了一惊,但两个姑娘却已经漫不经心地走开了,因此她这句话说给早升的月亮听了,月亮和晚餐的酒菜一样,无疑也是从包办酒席的人的篮子里拿出来的。乔丹用她那纤细的、金黄色的手臂挽着我的手臂,我们走下了台阶,在花园里闲逛。一盘鸡尾酒在暮色苍茫中飘到我们面前,我们就在一张桌子旁坐下,同座的还有那两个穿黄衣的姑娘和三个男的,介绍给我们的时候名字全含含糊糊一带而过。,"‘You've dyed your hair since then,’ remarked Jordan,and I started,but the girls had moved casually on and her remark was addressed to the premature moon,produced like the supper,no doubt,out of a caterer's basket. With Jordan's slender golden arm resting in mine,we descended the steps and sauntered about the garden. A tray of cocktails floated at us through the twilight,and we sat down at a table with the two girls in yellow and three men,each one introduced to us as Mr. Mumble." Chinese,"‘I like to come,’ Lucille said. ‘I never care what I do,so I always have a good time. When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair,and he asked me my name and address—inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it.’",“我喜欢来,”露西尔说。“我从来不在乎干什么,只要我玩得痛快就行。上次我来这里,我把衣服在椅子上撕破了,他就问了我的姓名住址——不出一个星期我收到克罗里公司送来一个包裹,里面是一件新的晚礼服。” English,“你给麦基写一封介绍信去见你丈夫,他就可以给他拍几张特写。”他嘴唇不出声地动了一会儿,接着胡诌道,“《乔治·B·威尔逊在油泵前》,或者诸如此类的玩意。”,"‘You'll give McKee a letter of introduction to your husband,so he can do some studies of him.’ His lips moved silently for a moment as he invented. “George B. Wilson at the Gasoline Pump,” or something like that.’" English,“笨拙,”黛西强嘴说。,"‘Hulking,’ insisted Daisy." Chinese,"‘I thought you knew,old sport. I'm afraid I'm not a very good host.’",“我还以为你知道哩,老兄。我恐怕不是个很好的主人。” English,凯瑟琳凑到我耳边,跟我小声说:,Catherine leaned close to me and whispered in my ear: Chinese,"Instantly his face turned scarlet and the water ran out of his eyes. The stuff was like nitric acid, and moreover, in swallowing it one had the sensation of being hit on the back of the head with a rubber club. The next moment, however, the burning in his belly died down and the world began to look more cheerful. He took a cigarette from a crumpled packet marked VICTORY CIGARETTES and incautiously held it upright, whereupon the tobacco fell out on to the floor. With the next he was more successful. He went back to the living-room and sat down at a small table that stood to the left of the telescreen. From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto-sized blank book with a red back and a marbled cover.",他的脸马上绯红起来,眼角里流出了泪水。这玩艺儿像硝酸,而且,喝下去的时候,你有一种感觉,好象后脑勺上挨了一下橡皮棍似的。不过接着他肚子里火烧的感觉减退了,世界看起来开始比较轻松愉快了。他从一匣挤瘪了的胜利牌香烟盒中拿出一支烟来,不小心地竖举着,烟丝马上掉到了地上。他拿出了第二支,这次比较成功。他回到了起居室,坐在电幕左边的一张小桌子前。他从桌子抽屉里拿出一支笔杆、一瓶墨水、一本厚厚的四开本空白簿子,红色的书脊,大理石花纹的封面。 Chinese,"‘Don't ask me,’ said Owl Eyes,washing his hands of the whole matter. ‘I know very little about driving—next to nothing. It happened,and that's all I know.’",“别问我,”“猫头鹰眼”说,把事情推脱得一干二净。“我不大懂开车——几乎一无所知。事情发生了,我就知道这一点。” Chinese,"We all looked in silence at Mrs.Wilson,who removed a strand of hair from over her eyes and looked back at us with a brilliant smile. Mr.McKee regarded her intently with his head on one side,and then moved his hand back and forth slowly in front of his face.",我们大家都默默地看着威尔逊太太,她把一缕头发从眼前掠开,笑吟吟地看着我们大家。麦基先生歪着头,目不转睛地端详着她,然后又伸出一只手在面前慢慢地来回移动。 Chinese,We talked for a few minutes on the sunny porch.,我们在阳光和煦的阳台上谈了几分钟。 English,“瞧!”她抱怨道,“我把它碰伤了。”,‘Look!’ she complained;‘I hurt it.’ Chinese,"Je fus aussi sensible à cette baie14, que je l’ai été dans la suite aux plus grandes disgrâces qui me sont arrivées. Je ne pouvais me consoler de m’être laissé tromper si grossièrement, ou pour mieux dire, de sentir mon orgueil humilié. Hé quoi, dis-je, le traître s’est donc joué de moi ? Il n’a tantôt abordé mon hôte que pour lui tirer les vers du nez, ou plutôt ils étaient d’intelligence tous deux. Ah, pauvre Gil Blas, meurs de honte d’avoir donné à ces fripons un juste sujet de te tourner en ridicule. Ils vont composer de tout ceci une belle histoire, qui pourra bien aller jusqu’à Oviedo, et qui t’y fera beaucoup d’honneur. Tes parents se repentiront sans doute d’avoir tant harangué un sot. Loin de m’exhorter à ne tromper personne, ils devaient15 me recommander de ne me pas laisser duper. Agité de ces pensées mortifiantes, enflammé de dépit, je m’enfermai dans ma chambre et me mis au lit : mais je ne pus dormir et je n’avais pas encore fermé l’œil, lorsque le muletier me vint avertir qu’il n’attendait plus que moi pour partir. Je me levai aussitôt et pendant que je m’habillais, Corcuelo arriva avec un mémoire de la dépense, où la truite n’était pas oubliée, et non seulement il m’en fallut passer par où il voulut, j’eus même le chagrin, en lui livrant mon argent, de m’apercevoir que le bourreau se ressouvenait de mon aventure. Après avoir bien payé un souper dont j’avais fait si désagréablement la digestion, je me rendis chez le muletier avec ma valise, en donnant à tous les diables le parasite, l’hôte et l’hôtellerie.",我上了这个当,无地自容,往后我还有好多更丢脸的事,可是羞愧也不过如此。我气的是做了那么个大冤桶,说得好听点,我的自尊心受了磨折。我心想:“嗨!怎么!这奸贼原来是捉弄我么?他刚才招呼店主人,原来是要套问我的底细,也许他们俩竟是串通一气的!啊,可怜的吉尔·布拉斯!活活的羞死人啊!让这起混蛋抓住个好把柄来捉弄你!他们还要把这事编成笑话,说不定会传到奥维多,替你大扬名气呢!你爹妈那般苦口教导你这傻瓜,一定要后悔了。他们不该劝我别欺骗人,该教我别受人家欺骗才对。”我给这些扫兴的念头搅得心烦,又加愤火中烧,便关了门上床睡觉。可是我哪里睡得着,翻来覆去了半夜,刚合上眼,我的骡夫已经来叫我了。他说只等我去,就可以动身。我赶忙起来,正穿衣服,高居罗送上账来,那鲟鱼是不会漏掉的。我只得尽他敲竹杠,而且我付钱时看出那混蛋在回想昨宵的事,越发羞愤不堪。昨夜那顿食而难化的饭害我出了好一笔冤钱;于是我拿了皮包到骡夫家去,一面咒骂着那骗子、那旅店主人和他的旅店。 Chinese,"‘The piece is known,’ he concluded lustily,‘as “Vladimir Tostoff's Jazz History of the World”.’",“这支乐曲,”他最后用洪亮的声音说,“叫做《弗拉迪米尔·托斯托夫的爵士音乐世界史》。” Chinese,"It made no difference to me. Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply—I was casually sorry,and then I forgot. It was on that same house party that we had a curious conversation about driving a car. It started because she passed so close to some workmen that our fender flicked a button on one man's coat.",这对我完全无所谓。女人不诚实,这是人们司空见惯的事——我微微感到遗憾,过后就忘了。也是在参加那次别墅聚会的时候,我们俩有过一次关于开车的奇怪的谈话。因为她从几个工人身旁开过去,挨得太近,结果挡泥板擦着一个工人上衣的纽扣。 Chinese,"As soon as I arrived I made an attempt to find my host,but the two or three people of whom I asked his whereabouts stared at me in such an amazed way,and denied so vehemently any knowledge of his movements,that I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table—the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone.",我一到之后就设法去找主人,可是问了两三个人他在哪里,他们都大为惊异地瞪着我,同时矢口否认知道他的行踪,我只好悄悄地向供应鸡尾酒的桌子溜过去——整个花园里只有这个地方,一个单身汉可以留连一下而不显得无聊和孤独。 English,“从来没听说过,”他断然地说。,"‘Never heard of them,’ he remarked decisively." English,“我很想在长岛多搞点业务,要是有人介绍的话。我唯一的要求就是他们帮我开个头。”,"‘I'd like to do more work on Long Island,if I could get the entry. All I ask is that they should give me a start.’" English,两个姑娘和乔丹诡秘地把头靠到一起。,The two girls and Jordan leaned together confidentially. Chinese,"‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he cried. ‘At the request of Mr.Gatsby we are going to play for you Mr.Vladimir Tostoff's latest work,which attracted so much attention at Carnegie Hall last May. If you read the papers you know there was a big sensation.’ He smiled with jovial condescension,and added:‘Some sensation!’ Whereupon everybody laughed.",“女士们先生们,”他大声说,“应盖茨比先生的要求,我们现在为各位演奏弗拉迪米尔·托斯托夫先生的最新作品,这部作品五月里在卡内基音乐厅曾经引起那么多人注意。各位看报就知道那是轰动一时的事件。”他带着轻松而居高临下的神气微微一笑,又加了一句:“可真叫轰动!”引得大家都放声大笑。 Chinese,"The valley of ashes is bounded on one side by a small foul river,and,when the drawbridge is up to let barges through,the passengers on waiting trains can stare at the dismal scene for as long as half an hour. There is always a halt there of at least a minute,and it was because of this that I first met Tom Buchanan's mistress.",灰烬谷一边有条肮脏的小河流过,每逢河上吊桥拉起让驳船通过,等候过桥的火车上的乘客就得盯着这片凄凉景色,时间长达半小时之久。平时火车在这里至少也要停一分钟,也正由于这个缘故,我才初次见到汤姆·布坎农的情妇。 English,他点点头。,He nodded. Chinese,"She held my hand impersonally,as a promise that she'd take care of me in a minute,and gave ear to two girls in twin yellow dresses,who stopped at the foot of the steps.",她不带感情地拉拉我的手,作为她答应马上再来理会我的表示,同时去听在台阶下面站住的两个穿着一样的黄色连衣裙的姑娘讲话。 English,“换换环境对她有好处。”,‘It does her good to get away.’ English,汤姆茫然地看看他。,Tom looked at him blankly. Chinese,"‘Don't believe everything you hear,Nick,’ he advised me.",“别听到什么都信以为真,尼克,”他告诫我道。 Chinese,"‘She's a nice girl,’ said Tom after a moment. ‘They oughtn't to let her run around the country this way.’",“她是个好孩子,”过了一会儿汤姆说。“他们不应当让她这样到处乱跑。” English,切合实际的办法是在城里找一套房间寄宿,但那时已是温暖季节,而我又是刚刚离开了一个有宽阔的草坪和宜人的树木的地方,因此办公室里一个年轻人提议我们俩到近郊合租一所房子的时候,我觉得那是个很妙的主意。他找到了房子,那是一座风雨剥蚀的木板平房,月租八十美元,可是在最后一分钟公司把他调到华盛顿去,我也就只好一个人搬到郊外去住了。我有一条狗、——至少在它跑掉以前我养了它几天——一辆旧道奇汽车和一个芬兰女用人,她替我收拾床铺,烧早饭,在电炉上一面做饭,一面嘴里咕哝着芬兰的格言。,"The practical thing was to find rooms in the city,but it was a warm season,and I had just left a country of wide lawns and friendly trees,so when a young man at the office suggested that we take a house together in a commuting town,it sounded like a great idea. He found the house,a weather-beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month,but at the last minute the firm ordered him to Washington,and I went out to the country alone. I had a dog—at least I had him for a few days until he ran away—and an old Dodge and a Finnish woman,who made my bed and cooked breakfast and muttered Finnish wisdom to herself over the electric stove." English,在他住所里面,有个圆润的嗓子在念一系列与生铁产量有关的数字。声音来自一块象毛玻璃一样的椭圆形金属板,这构成右边墙壁的一部分墙面。温斯顿按了一个开关,声音就轻了一些,不过说的话仍听得清楚。这个装置(叫做电幕)可以放低声音,可是没有办法完全关上。他走到窗边。他的身材瘦小纤弱,蓝色的工作服――那是党内的制服――更加突出了他身子的单薄。他的头发很淡,脸色天生红润,他的皮肤由于用粗肥皂和钝刀片,再加上刚刚过去的寒冬,显得有点粗糙。,"Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do withthe production of pig-iron. The voice came from an oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror which formed part of the surface of the right-hand wall. Winston turned a switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words were still distinguishable. The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely. He moved over to the window: a smallish, frail figure, the meagreness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the party. His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended." Chinese,‘I am careful.’,“我很小心。” English,她突然指着我,于是大家都用责备的目光看着我。我竭力做出一副样子表示我并没指望什么人爱我。,"She pointed suddenly at me,and every one looked at me accusingly. I tried to show by my expression that I had expected no affection." English,“那只狗?那只狗是雄的。”,‘That dog? That dog's a boy.’ English,他那副专心致志的劲头看上去有点可怜,似乎他那种自负的态度,虽然比往日还突出,但对他来说已经很不够了。这时屋子里电话铃响了,男管家离开阳台去接,黛西几乎立刻就抓住这个打岔的机会把脸凑到我面前来。,"There was something pathetic in his concentration,as if his complacency,more acute than of old,was not enough to him any more. When,almost immediately,the telephone rang inside and the butler left the porch Daisy seized upon the momentary interruption and leaned toward me." Chinese,"‘Well,these books are all scientific,’ insisted Tom,glancing at her impatiently. ‘This fellow has worked out the whole thing. It's up to us,who are the dominant race,to watch out or these other races will have control of things.’",“我说,这些书都是有科学根据的,”汤姆一个劲地说下去,对她不耐烦地瞅了一眼。“这家伙把整个道理讲得一清二楚。我们是占统治地位的人种,我们有责任提高警惕,不然的话,其他人种就会掌握一切了。” English,他抓住我的一只胳臂把我转过身来,伸出一只巨大的手掌指点眼前的景色,在一挥手之中包括了一座意大利式的凹型花园,半英亩地深色的、浓郁的玫瑰花,以及一艘在岸边随着浪潮起伏的狮子鼻的汽艇。,"Turning me around by one arm,he moved a broad flat hand along the front vista,including in its sweep a sunken Italian garden,a half acre of deep,pungent roses,and a snub-nosed motor-boat that bumped the tide offshore." Chinese,"He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it,that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole eternal world for an instant,and then concentrated on you"," with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood,believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself,and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that,at your best,you hoped to convey. Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck,a year or two over thirty,whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd. Some time before he introduced himself I'd got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care." English,仇恨刚进行了三十秒钟,屋子里一半的人中就爆发出控制不住的愤怒的叫喊。电幕上扬扬自得的羊脸,羊脸后面欧亚国可怕的威力,这一切都使人无法忍受;此外,就凭果尔德施坦因的脸,或者哪怕只想到他这个人,就自动的产生恐惧和愤怒。不论同欧亚国相比或东亚国相比,他更经常的是仇恨的对象,因为大洋国如果同这两国中的一国打仗,同另外一国一般总是保持和平的。但是奇怪的是,虽然人人仇恨和蔑视果尔德施坦因,虽然每天,甚至一天有上千次,他的理论在讲台上、电幕上、报纸上、书本上遭到驳斥、抨击、嘲笑,让大家都看到这些理论是多么可怜的胡说八道,尽管这样,他的影响似乎从来没有减弱过。总是有傻瓜上当受骗。思想警察没有一天不揭露出有间谍和破坏分子奉他的指示进行活动。他成了一支庞大的隐蔽的军队的司令,这是一帮阴谋家组成的地下活动网,一心要推翻国家政权。它的名字据说叫兄弟团,谣传还有一本可怕的书,集异端邪说之大成,到处秘密散发,作者就是果尔德施坦因。这本书没有书名。大家提到它时只说那本书。不过这种事情都是从谣传中听到的。任何一个普通党员,只要办得到,都是尽量不提兄弟团或那本书(thebook)的。,"Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room. The self-satisfied sheep-like face on the screen, and the terrifying power of the Eurasian army behind it, were too much to be borne: besides, the sight or even the thought of Goldstein produced fear and anger automatically. He was an object of hatred more constant than either Eurasia or Eastasia, since when Oceania was at war with one of these Powers it was generally at peace with the other. But what was strange was that although Goldstein was hated and despised by everybody, although every day and a thousand times a day, on platforms, on the telescreen, in newspapers, in books, his theories were refuted, smashed, ridiculed, held up to the general gaze for the pitiful rubbish that they were --in spite of all this, his influencenever seemed to grow less. Always there were fresh dupes waiting to be seduced by him. A day never passed when spies and saboteurs acting under his directions were not unmasked by the Thought Police. He was the commander of a vast shadowy army, an underground network of conspirators dedicated to the overthrow of the State. The Brotherhood, its name was supposed to be. There were also whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there. It was a book without a title. People referred to it, if at all, simply as the book. But one knew of such things only through vague rumours. Neither the Brotherhood nor the book was a subject that any ordinary Party member would mention if there was a way of avoiding it." Chinese,"There was so much to read,for one thing,and so much fine health to be pulled down out of the young breath-giving air. I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities,and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint,promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenas knew. And I had the high intention of reading many other books besides. I was rather literary in college—one year I wrote a series of very solemn and obvious editorials for the Yale News—and now I was going to bring back all such things into my life and become again that most limited of all specialists,the ‘well-rounded man’. This isn't just an epigram—life is much more successfully looked at from a single window,after all.",有那么多书要读,这是一点,同时从清新宜人的空气中也有那么多营养要汲取。我买了十来本有关银行业、信贷和投资证券的书籍,一本本红皮烫金立在书架上,好像造币厂新铸的钱币一样,准备揭示迈达斯 、摩根和米赛纳斯的秘诀。除此之外,我还有雄心要读许多别的书。我在大学的时候是喜欢舞文弄墨的,——有一年我给《耶鲁新闻》写过一连串一本正经而又平淡无奇的社论——现在我准备把诸如此类的东西重新纳入我的生活,重新成为“通才”,也就是那种最浅薄的专家。这并不只是一个俏皮的警句——光从一个窗口去观察人生究竟要成功得多。 Chinese,"I think he'd tanked up a good deal at luncheon,and his determination to have my company bordered on violence. The supercilious assumption was that on Sunday afternoon I had nothing better to do.",大概他那天午饭时喝得够多的,因此他硬要我陪他的做法近乎暴力行为。他狂妄自大地认为,我在星期天下午似乎没有什么更有意思的事情可做。 Chinese,‘Did you keep it?’ asked Jordan.,“你收下了吗?”乔丹问。 English,“我这地方很不错,”他说,他的眼睛不停地转来转去。,"‘I've got a nice place here,’ he said,his eyes flashing about restlessly." Chinese,"The first supper—there would be another one after midnight—was now being served,and Jordan invited me to join her own party,who were spread around a table on the other side of the garden. There were three married couples and Jordan's escort,a persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo,and obviously under the impression that sooner or later Jordan was going to yield him up her person to a greater or lesser degree. Instead of rambling,this party had preserved a dignified homogeneity,and assumed to itself the function of representing the staid nobility of the countryside—East Egg condescending to West Egg and carefully on guard against its spectroscopic gaiety.",第一顿晚饭——午夜后还有一顿——此刻开出来了,乔丹邀我去和花园那边围着一张桌子坐的她的一伙朋友坐在一起。一共有三对夫妇,外加一个陪同乔丹来的男大学生,此人死气白赖,说起话来老是旁敲侧击,并且显然认为乔丹早晚会或多或少委身于他的。这伙人不到处转悠,而正襟危坐,自成一体,并且俨然自封为庄重的农村贵族的代表——东卵屈尊光临西卵,而又小心翼翼提防它那灯红酒绿的欢乐。 English,“他干得很慢,是不是?”,"‘Works pretty slow,don't he?’" English,不管人家欢迎不欢迎,我觉得实在非依附一个人不可,不然的话,我恐怕要跟过往的客人寒暄起来了。,"Welcome or not,I found it necessary to attach myself to some one before I should begin to address cordial remarks to the passers-by." Chinese,"En parlant ainsi, mon panégyriste s’assit vis-à-vis de moi. On lui apporta un couvert. Il se jeta d’abord sur l’omelette avec tant d’avidité, qu’il semblait n’avoir mangé de trois jours. À l’air complaisant dont il s’y prenait, je vis bien qu’elle serait bientôt expédiée. J’en ordonnai une seconde, qui fut faite si promptement, qu’on nous la servit comme nous achevions, ou plutôt comme il achevait de manger la première. Il y procédait pourtant d’une vitesse toujours égale et trouvait moyen, sans perdre un coup de dent, de me donner louanges sur louanges : ce qui me rendait fort content de ma petite personne. Il buvait aussi fort souvent ; tantôt c’était à ma santé et tantôt à celle de mon père et de ma mère, dont il ne pouvait assez vanter le bonheur d’avoir un fils tel que moi. En même temps il versait du vin dans mon verre et m’excitait à lui faire raison. Je ne répondais point mal aux santés qu’il me portait : ce qui, avec ses flatteries, me mit insensiblement de si belle humeur, que voyant notre seconde omelette à moitié mangée, je demandai à l’hôte s’il n’avait pas de poisson à nous donner. Le seigneur Corcuelo, qui selon toutes les apparences s’entendait avec le parasite, me répondit : J’ai une truite excellente ; mais elle coûtera cher à ceux qui la mangeront : c’est un morceau trop friand12 pour vous. Qu’appelez-vous trop friand, dit alors mon flatteur d’un ton de voix élevé ? vous n’y pensez pas, mon ami. Apprenez que vous n’avez rien de trop bon pour le seigneur Gil Blas de Santillane, qui mérite d’être traité comme un prince.",这位恭维我的人说着就对面坐下。店家添上一份刀叉。他认定炒鸡蛋狠命地吃,好像饿了三天似的。我看他那副应个景儿的神气,知道立刻就要盘底朝天了。我又叫了一盘炒鸡蛋,厨房里菜做得快,我们——其实竟是他一人吃完了那第一盘,第二盘接着就来。他依然吃得飞快,一张嘴不停地咀嚼,却还能腾出空儿来把我奉承了又奉承,奉承得我志得意满。他又一杯杯喝酒,一会儿喝酒祝我健康,一会儿祝我父母健康,说他们能有我这么个儿子,真使他不胜赞叹。同时他又替我斟上酒,要我赏他面子也喝点儿。我干杯还祝他健康。这样一杯杯地喝,又有他的马屁下酒,我不知不觉兴致勃发,眼看第二盘炒鸡子儿又吃去一半,就问店主人能不能来一条鱼。这位高居罗先生看来是和这篾片通同一气的,说道:“我有一条顶好的鲟鱼,不过谁想吃它,价钱可不小!这东西太精致,你们还不配。”我的拍马朋友提高了嗓子嚷道:“什么话!太精致?朋友啊,你说话太不知进退了。我告诉你,你这儿没有吉尔·布拉斯·德·山悌良那先生不配享用的东西。你应该把他当王爷一般供奉!” English,不知什么缘故,起居室里的电幕安的位置与众不同。按正常的办法,它应该安在端墙上,可以看到整个房间,可是如今却安在侧墙上,正对着窗户。在电幕的一边,有一个浅浅的壁龛,温斯顿现在就坐在这里,在修建这所房子的时候,这个壁龛大概是打算放书架的。温斯顿坐在壁龛里,尽量躲得远远的,可以处在电幕的控制范围之外,不过这仅仅就视野而言。当然,他的声音还是可以听到的,但只要他留在目前的地位中,电幕就看不到他。一半是由于这间屋子的与众不同的布局,使他想到要做他目前要做的事。,"For some reason the telescreen in the living-room was in an unusual position. Instead of being placed, as was normal, in the end wall, where it could command the whole room, it was in thelonger wall, opposite the window. To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in which Winston was now sitting, and which, when the flats were built, had probably been intended to hold bookshelves.By sitting in the alcove, and keeping well back, Winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, so far as sight went. He could be heard, of course, but so long as he stayed in his present position he could not be seen. It was partly the unusual geography of the room that had suggested to him the thing that he was now about to do. " Chinese,"‘Now you're started on the subject,’ she answered with a wan smile. ‘Well,he told me once he was an Oxford man.’",“现在你也琢磨起这个题目来了,”她厌倦地笑道,“唔,他告诉过我他上过牛津大学。” English,舍不得回家的并不限于任性的男客。穿堂里此刻有两个毫无醉意的男客和他们怒气冲天的太太。两位太太略微提高了嗓子在互相表示同情。,The reluctance to go home was not confined to wayward men. The hall was at present occupied by two deplorably sober men and their highly indignant wives. The wives were sympathizing with each other in slightly raised voices. Chinese,‘What do you think?’ he demanded impetuously.,“你觉得怎么样?”他冒冒失失地问道。 English,“下星期;我现在已经让我的司机在整修它了。”,‘Next week;I've got my man working on it now.’ English,这使我感到不痛快。,This annoyed me. English,“你会听到的,”我简慢地答道,“你在东部待久了就会听到的。”,"‘You will,’ I answered shortly. ‘You will if you stay in the East.’" Chinese,How do you get to West Egg village?’ he asked helplessly.,“到西卵镇去怎么走啊?”他无可奈何地问我。 Chinese,"The caterwauling horns had reached a crescendo and I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home. I glanced back once. A wafer of a moon was shining over Gatsby's house,making the night fine as before,and surviving the laughter and the sound of his still glowing garden. A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows and the great doors,endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host,who stood on the porch,his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell.",汽车喇叭的尖声怪叫达到了高潮,于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家。我回头望了一眼。一轮明月正照在盖茨比别墅的上面,使夜色跟先前一样美好;明月依旧,而欢声笑语已经从仍然光辉灿烂的花园里消失了。一股突然的空虚此刻好像从那些窗户和巨大的门里流出来,使主人的形象处于完全的孤立之中,他这时站在阳台上,举起一只手作出正式的告别姿势。 Chinese,"And so it happened that on a warm windy evening I drove over to East Egg to see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all. Their house was even more elaborate than I expected,a cheerful red-and-white Georgian Colonial mansion,overlooking the bay. The lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile,jumping over sun-dials and brick walks and burning gardens—finally when it reached the house drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run. The front was broken by a line of french windows,glowing now with reflected gold and wide open to the warm windy afternoon,and Tom Buchanan in riding clothes was standing with his legs apart on the front porch.",于是,在一个温暖有风的晚上,我开车到东卵去看望两个我几乎完全不了解的老朋友。他们的房子比我料想的还要豪华,一座鲜明悦目,红白二色的乔治王殖民时代式的大厦,面临着海湾。草坪从海滩起步,直奔大门,足足有四分之一英里,一路跨过日晷、砖径和火红的花园——最后跑到房子跟前,仿佛借助于奔跑的势头,爽性变成绿油油的常春藤,沿着墙往上爬。房子正面有一溜法国式的落地长窗,此刻在夕照中金光闪闪,迎着午后的暖风敞开着。汤姆·布坎农身穿骑装,两腿叉开,站在前门阳台上。 English,温斯顿眼睛的隔膜一阵抽搐。他看到果尔德施坦因的脸时不由得感到说不出的滋味,各种感情都有,使他感到痛苦。这是一张瘦削的犹太人的脸,一头蓬松的白发,小小的一撮山羊胡须――一张聪明人的脸庞,但是有些天生的可鄙,长长的尖尖的鼻子有一种衰老性的痴呆,鼻尖上架着一副眼镜。这张脸象一头绵羊的脸,它的声音也有一种绵羊的味道。果尔德施坦因在对党进行他一贯的恶毒攻击,这种攻击夸张其事,不讲道理,即使一个儿童也能一眼看穿,但是听起来却有似乎有些道理,使你觉得要提高警惕,别人要是没有你那么清醒的头脑,可能上当受骗。他在谩骂老大哥,攻击党的专政,要求立即同欧亚国媾和,主张言论自由、新闻自由、集会自由、思想自由,歇斯底里地叫嚷说革命被出卖了――所有这一切的话都是用大字眼飞快地说的,可以说是对党的演说家一贯讲话作风的一种模仿,甚至还有一些新话的词汇;说真的,比任何党员在实际生活中一般使用的新话词汇还要多。在他说话的当儿,唯恐有人会对果尔德施坦因的花言巧语所涉及的现实有所怀疑,电幕上他的脑袋后面有无穷无尽的欧亚国军队列队经过――一队又一队的结实的士兵蜂拥而过电幕的表面,他们的亚细亚式的脸上没有表情,跟上来的是完全一样的一队士兵。这些士兵们的军靴有节奏的踩踏声衬托着果尔德施坦因的嘶叫声。,"Winston’s diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the face of Goldstein without apainful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face, with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard --a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality. Goldstein was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party --an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than oneself, might be taken in by it. He was abusing Big Brother, he was denouncing the dictatorship of the Party, he was demanding the immediate conclusion of peace with Eurasia, he was advocating freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom of assembly, freedom of thought, he was crying hysterically that the revolution had been betrayed --and all this in rapid polysyllabic speech which was a sort of parody of the habitual style of the orators of the Party, and even contained Newspeak words: more Newspeak words, indeed, than any Party member would normally use in real life. And all the while, lest one should bein any doubt as to the reality which Goldstein’s specious claptrap covered, behind his head on the telescreen there marched the endless columns of the Eurasian army --row after row of solid-lookingmen with expressionless Asiatic faces, who swam up to the surface of the screen and vanished, to be replaced by others exactly similar. The dull rhythmic tramp of the soldiers’ boots formed the background to Goldstein’s bleating voice." English,“哦……你是乔丹·贝克。”,‘Oh—you're Jordan Baker.’ Chinese,"As I waited for my hat in the hall the door of the library opened and Jordan Baker and Gatsby came out together. He was saying some last word to her,but the eagerness in his manner tightened abruptly into formality as several people approached him to say good-bye.",我在穿堂里等我帽子的时候,图书室的门开了,乔丹·贝克和盖茨比一同走了出来。他还在跟她说最后一句话,可是这时有几个人走过来和他告别,他原先热切的态度陡然收敛,变成了拘谨。 English,他从我手里把那本书一把夺走,急急忙忙在书架上放回原处,一面叽咕着说什么假使一块砖头被挪开,整个图书室就有可能塌掉。,"He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf,muttering that if one brick was removed the whole library was liable to collapse." Chinese,An awed hush fell upon the bystanders.,旁观的人听了都惊愕得说不出话来。 French,我不知道这场遭遇是怎么一回事,预料不会有什么凶险。我心上想:“这两人要是强盗,他们早抢了我的东西,或者害了我的命了。他们想必是地方上的善良绅士,看我害怕,动了恻隐之心,做个好事带我上他们家去。”我的疑团不一会儿就消释了。我们一路上鸦雀无声,绕了几个弯儿,到一座山脚下,大家下马。一位骑士对我说道:“我们就住在这儿。”我东张西望,哪里有什么屋宇房舍,也不见半点人烟。那两个人向一堆荆棘下面掀起一扇大木板坠门,原来顺着斜坡下去是一条很长的地道,这扇门盖住了入口。两匹马是走熟了的,不必加鞭,就下去了。两位骑士叫我跟了他们一同进去。他们牵动坠门上的绳子,拽上那扇门儿。贝瑞斯舅舅的宝贝外甥就像耗子关在笼里了。,"Je ne savais ce que je devais penser de cette rencontre. Je n’en augurais pourtant rien de sinistre : Si ces gens-ci, disais-je en moi-même, étaient des voleurs, ils m’auraient volé et peut-être assassiné. Il faut que ce soit de bons gentilshommes de ce pays-ci, qui, me voyant effrayé, ont pitié de moi et m’emmènent chez eux par charité. Je ne fus pas longtemps dans l’incertitude. Après quelques détours, que nous fîmes dans un grand silence, nous nous trouvâmes au pied d’une colline où nous descendîmes de cheval. C’est ici que nous demeurons, me dit un des cavaliers. J’avais beau regarder de tous côtés, je n’apercevais ni maison, ni cabane, pas la moindre apparence d’habitation. Cependant ces deux hommes levèrent une grande trappe de bois couverte de broussailles, qui cachait l’entrée d’une longue allée en pente et souterraine, où les chevaux se jetèrent d’eux-mêmes, comme des animaux qui y étaient accoutumés. Les cavaliers m’y firent entrer avec eux ; puis baissant la trappe avec des cordes qui y étaient attachées pour cet effet, voilà le digne neveu de mon oncle Perez pris comme un rat dans une ratière8." English,小狗坐在桌子上,两眼在烟雾中盲目地张望,不时轻轻地哼着。,"The little dog was sitting on the table looking with blind eyes through the smoke,and from time to time groaning faintly. " English,“你刚才提到的那位盖茨比先生是我的邻居……”我开始说。,‘This Mr.Gatsby you spoke of is my neighbor —’ I began. Chinese,"‘I've got a nice place here,’ he said,his eyes flashing about restlessly.",“我这地方很不错,”他说,他的眼睛不停地转来转去。 English,“我可不知道。”,‘I don't.’ English,“我早就叫那小子送冰来了。”茉特尔把眉毛一扬,对下等人的懒惰无能表示绝望。“这些人!你非得老盯着他们不可。”,‘I told that boy about the ice.’ Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders. ‘These people! You have to keep after them all the time.’ Chinese,"I said lightly that I had heard nothing at all,and a few minutes later I got up to go home. They came to the door with me and stood side by side in a cheerful square of light. As I started my motor Daisy peremptorily called:‘Wait!’",我轻松地说我什么都没听到,几分钟之后我就起身告辞了。他们把我送到门口,两人并肩站在方方一片明亮的灯光里。我发动了汽车,忽然黛西命令式地喊道:“等等!” Chinese,"‘Well,it's a fine book,and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff;it's been proved.’",“我说,这是一本很好的书,人人都应当读一读。书的大意是说,如果我们不当心,白色人种就会……就会完全被淹没了。讲的全是科学道理,已经证明了的。” Chinese,"‘Good night.’ He smiled—and suddenly there seemed to be a pleasant significance in having been among the last to go,as if he had desired it all the time. ‘Good night,old sport ... Good night.’",“晚安。”他微微一笑。突然之间,我待到最后才走,这其中好像含有愉快的深意,仿佛他是一直希望如此的。“晚安,老兄……晚安。” English,“停一下,”我说,“我得在这儿跟你们分手了。”,"‘Hold on,’ I said,‘I have to leave you here.’" Chinese,‘I beg your pardon.’,“对不起。” Chinese,"The bar,where we glanced first,was crowded,but Gatsby was not there. She couldn't find him from the top of the steps,and he wasn't on the veranda. On a chance we tried an important-looking door,and walked into a high Gothic library,panelled with carved English Oak,and probably transported complete from some ruin overseas.",我们先到酒吧间去张了一张,那儿挤满了人,可盖茨比并不在那里。她从台阶上头向下看,找不到他,他也不在阳台上。我们怀着希望推开一扇很神气的门,走进了一间高高的哥特式图书室,四壁镶的是英国雕花橡木,大有可能是从海外某处古迹原封不动地拆过来的。 French,我们做梦也没有想到这是假装的,因为我们相知不深,谁也担保不了谁。老实说吧,我就怀疑那唱圣诗的是贼,大概他也怀疑我是贼。而且我们都是不经世事的小伙子,不知道这种事报官法办是什么样子,认真以为一上来就动用夹棍。我们吓慌了,都急忙逃走:有的往街上逃,有的往花园里逃,人人只想脱身免祸。那阿斯托加的年轻市民跟我们一样的怕严刑拷打,他像个埃涅阿斯,抛下老婆,自顾自逃走了。我们的骡夫比他的骡子还要放浪,据我后来知道,他一瞧诡计很灵,洋洋得意,向那新娘子去夸说自己的奇谋妙算,就想利用这个良机。可是这位阿斯杜利亚的璐凯思看见诱惑她的人相貌丑陋,就长了抵拒的力气。她拼命撑持,直着嗓子叫喊。可巧一队警卫因为这地段该加意巡逻,这时候正走来,就进门查问为什么大呼小叫。掌柜的本来在橱下唱歌儿,装做什么都没听见;这会子他只得领了队长和警卫到那房间里去。他们来得正好,这阿斯杜利亚女人已经力气使完了。警卫队长为人粗暴,一瞧原来如此,就举起长戟的木柄把那风流骡夫打了五六下,还破口一顿臭骂,用的字眼儿和骡夫刚才的行为粗秽得不相上下。还有下文呢:那女人头发散乱,衣裳破碎,还要亲自去告状;他就把犯人和原告一同带到镇上去见法官。法官听了她的状,斟酌一番,觉得被告情无可原,判令当场剥去衣裤,监着抽了一顿皮鞭;然后下令说:如果那丈夫第二天还不露面,就派两名警卫伴送女人到阿斯托加,一切费用,全由犯人负担。,"Il ne nous vint pas dans l’esprit que ce pouvait être une feinte, parce que nous ne nous connaissions point les uns les autres. Je soupçonnai même le petit chantre d’avoir fait le coup, comme il eut peut-être de moi la même pensée. D’ailleurs, nous étions tous de jeunes sots. Nous ne savions pas quelles formalités s’observent en pareil cas : nous crûmes de bonne foi qu’on commencerait par nous mettre à la gêne4. Ainsi, cédant à notre frayeur, nous sortîmes de la chambre fort brusquement. Les uns gagnent la rue, les autres le jardin ; chacun cherche son salut dans la fuite et le jeune bourgeois d’Astorga, aussi troublé que nous de l’idée de la question, se sauva comme un autre Énée, sans s’embarrasser de sa femme. Alors le muletier, à ce que j’appris dans la suite, plus incontinent que ses mulets, ravi de voir que son stratagème produisait l’effet qu’il en avait attendu, alla vanter cette ruse ingénieuse à la bourgeoise et tâcher de profiter de l’occasion ; mais cette Lucrèce des Asturies5, à qui la mauvaise mine de son tentateur prêtait de nouvelles forces, fit une vigoureuse résistance et poussa de grands cris. La patrouille, qui par hasard en ce moment se trouva près de l’hôtellerie, qu’elle connaissait pour un lieu digne de son attention, y entra et demanda la cause de ces cris. L’hôte, qui chantait dans sa cuisine et feignait de ne rien entendre, fut obligé de conduire le commandant et ses archers à la chambre de la personne qui criait. Ils arrivèrent bien à propos. L’Asturienne n’en pouvait plus. Le commandant, homme grossier et brutal, ne vit pas plus tôt de quoi il s’agissait, qu’il donna cinq ou six coups du bois de sa hallebarde à l’amoureux muletier, en l’apostrophant dans des termes dont la pudeur n’était guère moins blessée, que de l’action même qui les lui suggérait. Ce ne fut pas tout : il se saisit du coupable et le mena devant le juge avec l’accusatrice, qui, malgré le désordre où elle était, voulut aller elle-même demander justice de cet attentat. Le juge l’écouta, et l’ayant attentivement considérée, jugea que l’accusé était indigne de pardon. Il le fit dépouiller sur-le-champ et fustiger6 en sa présence ; puis il ordonna que le lendemain, si le mari de l’Asturienne ne paraissait point, deux archers, aux frais et dépens du délinquant, escorteraient la complaignante jusqu’à la ville d’Astorga." English,一个矮矮胖胖的中年男人,戴着老大的一副猫头鹰式眼镜,正醉醺醺地坐在一张大桌子的边上,迷迷糊糊目不转睛地看着书架上一排排的书。我们一走进去他就兴奋地转过身来,把乔丹从头到脚打量了一番。,"A stout,middle-aged man,with enormous owl-eyed spectacles,was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table,staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books. As we entered he wheeled excitedly around and examined Jordan from head to foot." Chinese,‘Two what?’ demanded Tom.,“两幅什么?”汤姆追问。 Chinese,‘She's asleep. She's three years old. Haven't you ever seen her?’,“她睡着了。她三岁。你从没见过她吗?” English,“那么你应当看看她。她是……”,"‘Well,you ought to see her. She's —’" Chinese,"For a while I lost sight of Jordan Baker,and then in midsummer I found her again. At first I was flattered to go places with her,because she was a golf champion,and everyone knew her name. Then it was something more. I wasn't actually in love,but I felt a sort of tender curiosity. The bored haughty face that she turned to the world concealed something—most affectations conceal something eventually,even though they don't in the beginning—and one day I found what it was. When we were on a house-party together up in Warwick,she left a borrowed car out in the rain with the top down,and then lied about it—and suddenly I remembered the story about her that had eluded me that night at Daisy's. At her first big golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers—a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round. The thing approached the proportions of a scandal—then died away. A caddy retracted his statement,and the only other witness admitted that he might have been mistaken. The incident and the name had remained together in my mind.",有好久我没有见过乔丹·贝克,后来在仲夏时节我又找到了她。起初我陪她到各处去感到很荣幸,因为她是个高尔夫球冠军,所有的人都知道她的大名。后来却有了另一种感情。我并没有真的爱上她,但我产生了一种温柔的好奇心。她对世人摆出的那副厌烦而高傲的面孔掩盖了点什么——大多数装模作样的言行到后来总是在掩盖点什么,虽然起初并不如此——有一天我发现了那是什么。当时我们两人一同到沃维克去参加一次别墅聚会。她把一辆借来的车子车篷不拉上就停在雨里,然后扯了个谎——突然之间我记起了那天晚上我在黛西家里想不起来的那件关于她的事。在她参加的第一个重要的高尔夫锦标赛上,发生了一场风波,差一点闹到登报,——有人说在半决赛那一局她把球从一个坏位置上移动过。事情几乎要成为一桩丑闻——后来平息了下去。一个球童收回了他的话,唯一的另一个见证人也承认他可能搞错了。这个事件和她的名字却留在我脑子里。 Chinese,"‘Well,I'd like to,but —’",“呃,我很想来,可是……” English,“是谁不应当?”黛西冷冷地问。,‘Who oughtn't to?’ inquired Daisy coldly. Chinese,"Blinded by the glare of the headlights and confused by the incessant groaning of the horns,the apparition stood swaying for a moment before he perceived the man in the duster.",这位幽灵被汽车前灯的亮光照得睁不开眼,又被一片汽车喇叭声吵得糊里糊涂,站在那里摇晃了一会儿才认出那个穿风衣的人。 English,“他们想念我吗?”她大喜若狂似地喊道。,‘Do they miss me?’ she cried ecstatically. Chinese,‘Is something happening?’ I inquired innocently.,“是出了事吗?”我天真地问。 English,对这个问题的答复是出乎意外的。它来自茉特尔,因为她凑巧听见了问题,而她讲的话是又粗暴又不干净的。,"The answer to this was unexpected. It came from Myrtle,who had overheard the question,and it was violent and obscene." Chinese,‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ she asked delicately.,“这是雄的还是雌的?”她委婉地问。 Chinese,"The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon. They were both in white,and their dresses were rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house. I must have stood for a few moments listening to the whip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall. Then there was a boom as Tom Buchanan shut the rear windows and the caught wind died out about the room,and the curtains and the rugs and the two young women ballooned slowly to the floor.",屋子里唯一完全静止的东西是一张庞大的长沙发椅,上面有两个年轻的女人,活像浮在一个停泊在地面的大气球上。她们俩都身穿白衣,衣裙在风中飘荡,好像她们乘气球绕着房子飞了一圈刚被风吹回来似的。我准是站了好一会,倾听窗帘刮动的劈啪声和墙上一幅挂像嘎吱嘎吱的响声。忽然砰然一声,汤姆·布坎农关上了后面的落地窗,室内的余风才渐渐平息,窗帘、地毯和两位少妇也都慢慢地降落地面。 Chinese,"‘Things went from bad to worse,’ suggested Miss Baker.",“后来情况越来越坏,”贝克小姐提了一句。 English,“是的。情况越来越坏,最后他只得辞掉不干。”,"‘Yes. Things went from bad to worse,until finally he had to give up his position.’" Chinese,"For a moment the last sunshine fell with romantic affection upon her glowing face;her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened—then the glow faded,each light deserting her with lingering regret,like children leaving a pleasant street at dusk.",有一会儿工夫夕阳的余晖温情脉脉地照在她那红艳发光的脸上;她的声音使我身不由主地凑上前去屏息倾听——然后光彩逐渐消逝,每一道光都依依不舍地离开了她,就像孩子们在黄昏时刻离开一条愉快的街道那样。 English,“为什么不信?”,‘Why not?’ Chinese,"‘You mean to say you don't know?’ said Miss Baker,honestly surprised. ‘I thought everybody knew.’",“难道说你不知道吗?”贝克小姐说,她真的感到奇怪。“我以为人人都知道了。” Chinese,"‘Come on,’ she urged. ‘I'll telephone my sister Catherine. She's said to be very beautiful by people who ought to know.’",“来吧,”她恳求我。“我打电话叫我妹妹凯瑟琳来。很多有眼力的人都说她真漂亮。” English,“这跟你开车有什么关系?”,‘What's that got to do with it?’ English,有好久我没有见过乔丹·贝克,后来在仲夏时节我又找到了她。起初我陪她到各处去感到很荣幸,因为她是个高尔夫球冠军,所有的人都知道她的大名。后来却有了另一种感情。我并没有真的爱上她,但我产生了一种温柔的好奇心。她对世人摆出的那副厌烦而高傲的面孔掩盖了点什么——大多数装模作样的言行到后来总是在掩盖点什么,虽然起初并不如此——有一天我发现了那是什么。当时我们两人一同到沃维克去参加一次别墅聚会。她把一辆借来的车子车篷不拉上就停在雨里,然后扯了个谎——突然之间我记起了那天晚上我在黛西家里想不起来的那件关于她的事。在她参加的第一个重要的高尔夫锦标赛上,发生了一场风波,差一点闹到登报,——有人说在半决赛那一局她把球从一个坏位置上移动过。事情几乎要成为一桩丑闻——后来平息了下去。一个球童收回了他的话,唯一的另一个见证人也承认他可能搞错了。这个事件和她的名字却留在我脑子里。,"For a while I lost sight of Jordan Baker,and then in midsummer I found her again. At first I was flattered to go places with her,because she was a golf champion,and everyone knew her name. Then it was something more. I wasn't actually in love,but I felt a sort of tender curiosity. The bored haughty face that she turned to the world concealed something—most affectations conceal something eventually,even though they don't in the beginning—and one day I found what it was. When we were on a house-party together up in Warwick,she left a borrowed car out in the rain with the top down,and then lied about it—and suddenly I remembered the story about her that had eluded me that night at Daisy's. At her first big golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers—a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round. The thing approached the proportions of a scandal—then died away. A caddy retracted his statement,and the only other witness admitted that he might have been mistaken. The incident and the name had remained together in my mind." English,“我打仗还没回来。”,‘I wasn't back from the war.’ Chinese,"A dim background started to take shape behind him,but at her next remark it faded away.",一个模糊的背景开始在他身后出现,但是随着她的下一句话又立即消失了。 English,“不错,”汤姆和蔼地附和说,“我们听说你订婚了。”,"‘That's right,’ corroborated Tom kindly. ‘We heard that you were engaged.’" English,“来吧,”她恳求我。“我打电话叫我妹妹凯瑟琳来。很多有眼力的人都说她真漂亮。”,"‘Come on,’ she urged. ‘I'll telephone my sister Catherine. She's said to be very beautiful by people who ought to know.’" Chinese,"‘Ask Myrtle,’ said Tom,breaking into a short shout of laughter as Mrs.Wilson entered with a tray. ‘She'll give you a letter of introduction,won't you,Myrtle?’",“问茉特尔好了,”汤姆哈哈一笑说,正好威尔逊太太端个托盘走了进来。“她可以给你写封介绍信,是不是,茉特尔?” Chinese,"‘It'll show you how I've gotten to feel about—things. Well,she was less than an hour old and Tom was God knows where. I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling,and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl,and so I turned my head away and wept. “All right,” I said,“I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool—that's the best thing a girl can be in this world,a beautiful little fool.”",“你听了就会明白我为什么会这样看待——一切事物。她出世还不到一个钟头,汤姆就天晓得跑到哪里去了。我从乙醚麻醉中醒过来,有一种孤苦伶仃的感觉,马上问护士是男孩还是女孩。她告诉我是个女孩,我就转过脸哭了起来。‘好吧,’我说,‘我很高兴是个女孩。而且我希望她将来是个傻瓜——这就是女孩子在这种世界上最好的出路,当一个美丽的小傻瓜。’” English,“它们是什么种?”威尔逊太太等老头走到出租汽车窗口就急着问道。,"‘What kind are they?’ asked Mrs.Wilson eagerly,as he came to the taxi-window." Chinese,"The Airedale—undoubtedly there was an Airedale concerned in it somewhere,though its feet were startlingly white—changed hands and settled down into Mrs. Wilson's lap,where she fondled the weather-proof coat with rapture.",这只硬毛猎狗转了手,——毫无疑问它的血统里不知什么地方跟硬毛猎狗有过关系,不过它的爪子却白得出奇——随即安然躺进威尔逊太太的怀里。她欢天喜地抚摸着那不怕伤风着凉的皮毛。 Chinese,‘I'd like to.’,“我很想看。” Chinese,"‘All right,in a minute. Tell them I'll be right there ... Good night.’",“好,就来。告诉他们我就来。……晚安。” French,一个好汉就把我介绍给这位黑暗地狱里的美丽天仙,说道:“哙!雷欧娜德大娘,我们替你带了个小伙子来了。”他说罢回过脸来,看见我吓作一团,面无人色,对我说道:“朋友,别害怕,我们不叫你吃苦头的。我们厨房里要个下手,帮帮我们的厨娘,刚巧碰见了你,这就算是你运气来了。我们本来有个小伙子,半个月以前送了命,你现在正好补他的缺。那个小伙子长得太娇嫩。我看你比他结实,可以比他多活几时。老实告诉你吧,你要再见天日是休想了!不过在这里自有好处:好吃好喝,还有个好好的火。你陪着雷欧娜德过日子,她这人心肠很好,你需要什么零星东西,应有尽有。我还要叫你瞧瞧,我们这儿不是一窝子穷花子。”他一面点上个火把,叫我跟他走。,"Tenez, dame Léonarde, dit un des cavaliers en me présentant à ce bel ange des ténèbres, voici un jeune garçon que nous vous amenons. Puis il se tourna de mon côté, et remarquant que j’étais pâle et défait : Mon ami, me dit-il, reviens de ta frayeur. On ne te veut faire aucun mal. Nous avions besoin d’un valet pour soulager notre cuisinière. Nous t’avons rencontré. Cela est heureux pour toi. Tu tiendras ici la place d’un garçon qui s’est laissé mourir depuis quinze jours. C’était un jeune homme d’une complexion très délicate. Tu me parais plus robuste que lui, tu ne mourras pas sitôt. Véritablement tu ne reverras plus le soleil, mais, en récompense, tu feras bonne chère et beau feu. Tu passeras tes jours avec Léonarde, qui est une créature fort humaine. Tu auras toutes tes petites commodités. Je veux te faire voir, ajouta-t-il, que tu n’es pas ici avec des gueux. En même temps il prit un flambeau et m’ordonna de le suivre." Chinese,"Jordan looked at him alertly,cheerfully,without answering.",乔丹很机灵,很高兴地看着他,但并没有答话。 Chinese,‘Never heard anything so selfish in my life.’,“我这辈子从来没听过这么自私的事。” Chinese,"‘Yes,madame.’",“是的,小姐。” Chinese,‘Gatsby. Somebody told me —’,“盖茨比。有人告诉我……” Chinese,‘Next week;I've got my man working on it now.’,“下星期;我现在已经让我的司机在整修它了。” English,贝克小姐点点头。,Miss Baker nodded. English,“好吧。”,‘All right.’ Chinese,He hesitated.,他迟疑了一会儿。 French,他只好找个严厉的老师来教我,就把我送在郭狄内斯博士门下。这个人算是奥维多最有本领的学究先生。我有他教导,得益不浅,五六年之后,对希腊作家略知一二,对拉丁诗人颇能通晓。我还研究逻辑,学得能言善辩。我真好辩,甚至于抓住过路的人,不管相识陌生,总要跟他们辩论一番。有时候恰恰碰到个喜欢辩论的人,来得正好,我们的争辩可好看了:比着手势,脸上做出怪相,还把身子旋呀扭呀。我们眼中出火,嘴角飞沫,看上去哪里像什么哲学家,倒像是着了鬼迷的疯子。,"Il fut donc obligé de me mettre sous la férule d’un maître : il m’envoya chez le docteur Godinez, qui passait pour le plus habile pédant6 d’Oviedo. Je profitai si bien des instructions qu’on me donna, qu’au bout de cinq à six années j’entendais un peu les auteurs grecs et assez bien les poètes latins. Je m’appliquai aussi à la logique, qui m’apprit à raisonner beaucoup. J’aimais tant la dispute, que j’arrêtais les passants, connus ou inconnus, pour leur proposer des arguments. Je m’adressais quelquefois à des figures hibernoises7, qui ne demandaient pas mieux, et il fallait alors nous voir disputer. Quels gestes ! quelles grimaces ! quelles contorsions ! nos yeux étaient pleins de fureur et nos bouches écumantes. On nous devait plutôt prendre pour des possédés que pour des philosophes8." English,我几乎还没明白她的意思,就听见一阵裙衣窸窣和皮靴咯咯的声响,汤姆和黛西回到餐桌上来了。,"Almost before I had grasped her meaning there was the flutter of a dress and the crunch of leather boots,and Tom and Daisy were back at the table." English,“有两幅我们配了镜框挂在楼下。”,‘Two of them we have framed downstairs.’ Chinese,"But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it,you perceive,after a moment,the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic—their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face,but,instead,from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose. Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice in the borough of Queens,and then sank down himself into eternal blindness,or forgot them and moved away. But his eyes,dimmed a little by many paintless days,under sun and rain,brood on over the solemn dumping ground.",但是,在这片灰蒙蒙的土地以及永远笼罩在它上空的一阵阵暗淡的尘土的上面,你过一会儿就看到T·J·埃克尔堡大夫的眼睛。埃克尔堡大夫的眼睛是蓝色的,庞大无比——瞳仁就有一码高。这双眼睛不是从一张脸上向外看,而是从架在一个不存在的鼻子上的一副硕大无朋的黄色眼镜向外看。显然是一个异想天开的眼科医生把它们竖在那儿的,为了招徕生意,扩大他在皇后区的业务,到后来大概他自己也永远闭上了眼睛,再不然就是撇下它们搬走了。但是,他留下的那两只眼睛,由于年深月久,日晒雨淋,油漆剥落,光彩虽不如前,却依然若有所思,阴郁地俯视着这片阴沉沉的灰堆。 Chinese,"In spite of the wives' agreement that such malevolence was beyond credibility,the dispute ended in a short struggle,and both wives were lifted,kicking,into the night.",尽管两位太太一致认为这种恶毒心肠简直难以置信,这场纠纷终于在一阵短短的揪斗中结束,两位太太都被抱了起来,两腿乱踢,消失在黑夜里。 Chinese,"Again at eight o'clock,when the dark lanes of the Forties were lined five deep with throbbing taxicabs,bound for the theatre district,I felt a sinking in my heart. Forms leaned together in the taxis as they waited,and voices sang,and there was laughter from unheard jokes,and lighted cigarettes made unintelligible gestures inside. Imagining that I,too,was hurrying toward gaiety and sharing their intimate excitement,I wished them well.",有时晚上八点钟,四十几号街那一带阴暗的街巷挤满了出租汽车,五辆一排,热闹非凡,都是前往戏院区的,这时我心中就感到一种无名的怅惘。出租汽车在路口暂停的时候,车里边的人身子偎在一起,说话的声音传了出来,听不见的笑话引起了欢笑,点燃的香烟在里面造成一个个模糊的光圈。幻想着我也在匆匆赶去寻欢作乐,分享他们内心的激动,于是我暗自为他们祝福。 English,灰烬谷一边有条肮脏的小河流过,每逢河上吊桥拉起让驳船通过,等候过桥的火车上的乘客就得盯着这片凄凉景色,时间长达半小时之久。平时火车在这里至少也要停一分钟,也正由于这个缘故,我才初次见到汤姆·布坎农的情妇。,"The valley of ashes is bounded on one side by a small foul river,and,when the drawbridge is up to let barges through,the passengers on waiting trains can stare at the dismal scene for as long as half an hour. There is always a halt there of at least a minute,and it was because of this that I first met Tom Buchanan's mistress." English,此刻花园里篷布上有人在跳舞;有老头子推着年轻姑娘向后倒退,无止无休地绕着难看的圈子;有高傲的男女抱在一起按时髦的舞步扭来扭去,守在一个角落里跳——还有许许多多单身姑娘在作单人舞蹈,或者帮乐队弹一会儿班卓琴或者敲一会儿打击乐器。到了午夜欢闹更甚。一位有名的男高音唱了意大利文歌曲,还有一位声名狼藉的女低音唱了爵士音乐,还有人在两个节目之间在花园里到处表演“绝技”,同时一阵阵欢乐而空洞的笑声响彻夏夜的天空。一对双胞胎——原来就是那两个黄衣姑娘——演了一出化装的娃娃戏,同时香槟一杯杯的端出来,杯子比洗手指用的小碗还要大。月亮升得更高了,海湾里飘着一副三角形的银色天秤,随着草坪上班卓琴铿锵的琴声微微颤动。,"There was dancing now on the canvas in the garden;old men pushing young girls backward in eternal graceless circles,superior couples holding each other tortuously,fashionably,and keeping in the corners—and a great number of single girls dancing individualistically or relieving the orchestra for a moment of the burden of the banjo or the traps. By midnight the hilarity had increased. A celebrated tenor had sung in Italian,and a notorious contralto had sung in jazz,and between the numbers people were doing ‘stunts’ all over the garden,while happy,vacuous bursts of laughter rose toward the summer sky. A pair of stage twins,who turned out to be the girls in yellow,did a baby act in costume,and champagne was served in glasses bigger than finger-bowls. The moon had risen higher,and floating in the Sound was a triangle of silver scales,trembling a little to the stiff,tinny drip of the banjoes on the lawn." Chinese,"‘Oh,do you like Europe?’ she exclaimed surprisingly. ‘I just got back from Monte Carlo.’",“哦,你喜欢欧洲吗?”她出其不意地叫了起来。“我刚从蒙特卡洛回来。” Chinese,‘She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner time. Don't you think?’,“她起码该顾点大体,不在吃饭的时候给他打电话嘛。你说呢?” Chinese,"‘We're getting off,’ he insisted. ‘I want you to meet my girl.’",“我们在这儿下车,”他断然地说,“我要你见见我的女朋友。” Chinese,"‘But it looks wonderful on you,if you know what I mean,’ pursued Mrs.McKee. ‘If Chester could only get you in that pose I think he could make something of it.’",“可是穿在你身上就显得特别漂亮,如果你懂得我的意思的话,”麦基太太紧跟着说。“只要切斯特能把你这个姿势拍下来,我想这一定会是一幅杰作。” Chinese,"People disappeared,reappeared,made plans to go somewhere,and then lost each other,searched for each other,found each other a few feet away. Some time toward midnight Tom Buchanan and Mrs.Wilson stood face to face discussing,in impassioned voices,whether Mrs.Wilson had any right to mention Daisy's name.",屋子里的人一会儿不见了,一会儿又重新出现,商量到什么地方去,然后又找不着对方,找来找去,发现彼此就在几尺之内。快到半夜的时候,汤姆·布坎农和威尔逊太太面对面站着争吵,声音很激动,争的是威尔逊太太有没有权利提黛西的名字。 English,我告诉了他。我再继续往前走的时候,我不再感到孤单了。我成了领路人、开拓者、一个原始的移民。他无意之中授予了我这一带地方的荣誉市民权。,"I told him. And as I walked on I was lonely no longer. I was a guide,a pathfinder,an original settler. He had casually conferred on me the freedom of the neighborhood." Chinese,‘You're lucky it was just a wheel! A bad driver and not even trying!’,“幸亏只是一只轮子!开车开得不好,还连试都不试!” Chinese,‘So are we.’,“我们也是一样。” English,“两幅习作。其中一幅我称之为《蒙涛角——海鸥》,另一幅叫《蒙涛角——大海》。”,"‘Two studies. One of them I call “Montauk Point—The Gulls,” and the other I call “Montauk Point—The Sea”.’" English,“什么地方?”,‘Where?’ English,显然她抱这种看法是有缘故的。我等着听,可是她没再往下说,过了一会儿我又吞吞吐吐地回到了她女儿这个话题。,"Evidently she had reason to be. I waited but she didn't say any more,and after a moment I returned rather feebly to the subject of her daughter." English," ,and some of the small scandal magazines of Broadway. Mrs.Wilson was first concerned with the dog. A reluctant elevator-boy went for a box full of straw and some milk,to which he added on his own initiative a tin of large,hard dog-biscuits—one of which decomposed apathetically in the saucer of milk all afternoon. Meanwhile Tom brought out a bottle of whiskey from a locked bureau door. 他们的一套房间在最高一层——一间小起居室,一间小餐室,一间小卧室,还有一个洗澡间。起居室给一套大得很不相称的织锦靠垫的家具挤得满满当当的,以至于要在室内走动就要不断地绊倒在法国仕女在凡尔赛宫的花园里荡秋千的画面上。墙上挂的唯一的画是一张放得特大的相片,乍一看是一只母鸡蹲在一块模糊的岩石上。可是,从远处看去,母鸡化为一顶女帽,一位胖老太太笑眯眯地俯视着屋子。桌子上放着几份旧的《纽约闲话》,还有一本《名字叫彼得的西门》以及两三本百老汇的黄色小刊物。威尔逊太太首先关心的是狗。一个老大不情愿的开电梯的工人弄来了一只垫满稻草的盒子和一些牛奶,另外他又主动给买了一听又大又硬的狗饼干,有一块饼干一下午泡在一碟牛奶里,泡得稀巴烂。同时,汤姆打开了一个上锁的柜子的门,拿出一瓶威士忌来。","The apartment was on the top floor—a small living-room,a small dining-room,a small bedroom,and a bath. The living-room was crowded to the doors with a set of tapestried furniture entirely too large for it,so that to move about was to stumble continually over scenes of ladies swinging in the gardens of Versailles. The only picture was an over-enlarged photograph,apparently a hen sitting on a blurred rock. Looked at from a distance,however,the hen resolved itself into a bonnet,and the countenance of a stout old lady beamed down into the room. Several old copies of Town Tattle lay on the table together with a copy of Simon Called Peter" Chinese,‘Her family.’,“她家里人。” Chinese,‘Where?’,“什么地方?” Chinese,"Myrtle pulled her chair close to mine,and suddenly her warm breath poured over me the story of her first meeting with Tom.",茉特尔把她自己的椅子拉到我椅子旁边,忽然之间她吐出的热气朝我喷来,她絮絮叨叨讲起了她跟汤姆初次相逢的故事。 English,“我一个人也不认……”,‘I don't know a single —’ English,“哦,你喜欢欧洲吗?”她出其不意地叫了起来。“我刚从蒙特卡洛回来。”,"‘Oh,do you like Europe?’ she exclaimed surprisingly. ‘I just got back from Monte Carlo.’" Chinese,"The thing that he was about to do was to open a diary. This was not illegal (nothing was illegal, since there were no longer any laws), but if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by death, or at least by twenty-five years in a forced-labour camp. Winston fitted a nib into the penholder and sucked it to get the grease off. The pen was an archaic instrument, seldom used even for signatures, and he had procured one, furtively and with some difficulty, simply because of a feeling that the beautiful creamy paper deserved to be written on with a real nib instead of being scratched with an ink-pencil. Actually he was not used to writing by hand. Apart from very short notes, it was usual to dictate everything into the speak-write which was of course impossible for his present purpose. He dipped the pen into the ink and then faltered for just asecond. A tremor had gone through his bowels. To mark the paper was the decisive act. In small clumsy letters he wrote: April 4th, 1984.",他要做的事情是开始写日记。写日记并不是不合法的(没有什么事情是不合法的,因为早已不再有什么法律了),但是如被发现,可以相当有把握地肯定,会受到死刑的惩处,或者至少在强迫劳动营里干苦役二十五年。温斯顿把笔尖愿在笔杆上,用嘴舔了一下,把上面的油去掉。这种沾水笔已成了老古董,甚至签名时也不用了,他偷偷地花了不少力气才买到一支,只是因为他觉得这个精美乳白的本子只配用真正的笔尖书写,不能用墨水铅笔涂划。实际上他已不习惯手书了。除了极简短的字条以外,一般都用听写器口授一切,他目前要做的事,当然是不能用听写器的。他把笔尖沾了墨水,又停了一下,不过只有一刹那。他的肠子里感到一阵战颤。在纸上写标题是个决定性的行动。他用纤小笨拙的字体写道:1984年4月4日。 English,“你住在西卵吧!”她用鄙夷的口气说,“我认识那边一个人。”,"‘You live in West Egg,’ she remarked contemptuously. ‘I know somebody there.’" English,贝克小姐和我互相使了一下眼色,故意表示没有任何意思。我刚想开口的时候,她警觉地坐直起来,用警告的声音说了一声“嘘”。可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。喃喃的话语声几次接近听得真的程度,降低下去,又激动地高上去,然后完全终止。,"Miss Baker and I exchanged a short glance consciously devoid of meaning. I was about to speak when she sat up alertly and said ‘Sh!’ in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond,and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed,trying to hear. The murmur trembled on the verge of coherence,sank down,mounted excitedly,and then ceased altogether." Chinese,"‘I hate that word hulking,’ objected Tom crossly,‘even in kidding.’",“我恨笨拙这个词,”汤姆气呼呼地抗议道,“即使开玩笑也不行。” Chinese,"‘Chester,I think you could do something with her,’ she broke out,but Mr.McKee only nodded in a bored way,and turned his attention to Tom.",“切斯特,我觉得你满可以给她拍一张好的,”她大声嚷嚷,可是麦基先生光是懒洋洋地点了点头,把注意力又转向汤姆。 English,威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。,Mrs.Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in disdain. English,“没有,我们只去了蒙特卡洛就回来了。我们是取道马赛去的。我们动身的时候带了一千二百多美元,可是两天之内就在赌场小房间里让人骗光了。我们回来一路上吃的苦头可不少,我对你说吧。天哪,我恨死那城市了。”,"‘No,we just went to Monte Carlo and back. We went by way of Marseilles. We had over twelve hundred dollars when we started,but we got gyped out of it all in two days in the private rooms. We had an awful time getting back,I can tell you. God,how I hated that town!’" English,“好嘛,”黛西说,“咱们计划什么呢?”她把脸转向我,无可奈何地问道,“人们究竟计划些什么?”,"‘All right,’ said Daisy. ‘What'll we plan?’ She turned to me helplessly:‘What do people plan?’" Chinese,"‘Why,about an hour.’",“哦,个把钟头。” Chinese,"‘They'll keep out of my way,’ she insisted. ‘It takes two to make an accident.’",“他们会躲开我的,”她固执地说,“要两方面才能造成一次车祸嘛。” English,“明天见,”贝克小姐从楼梯上喊道。“我一个字也没听见。”,"‘Good night,’ called Miss Baker from the stairs. ‘I haven't heard a word.’" Chinese,"I had been actually invited. A chauffeur in a uniform of robin's-egg blue crossed my lawn early that Saturday morning with a surprisingly formal note from his employer:the honor would be entirely Gatsby's,it said,if I would attend his ‘little party’ that night. He had seen me several times,and had intended to call on me long before,but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it—signed Jay Gatsby,in a majestic hand.",我确实是受到邀请的。那个星期六一清早,一个身穿绿蓝色制服的司机穿过我的草地,为他主人送来一封措辞非常客气的请柬,上面写道:如蒙我光临当晚他的“小小聚会”,盖茨比当感到不胜荣幸。他已经看到我几次,并且早就打算趋访,但由于种种特殊原因未能如愿——杰伊·盖茨比签名,笔迹很神气。 Chinese,"Outside, even through the shut window-pane, the world looked cold. Down in the street little eddies of wind were whirling dust and torn paper into spirals, and though the sun was shining and the sky a harsh blue, there seemed to be no colour in anything, except the posters that were plastered everywhere. The blackmoustachio’d face gazed down from every commanding corner. There was one on the house-front immediately opposite. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the dark eyes looked deep into Winston’s own. Down at street level another poster, torn at one corner, flapped fitfully in the wind, alternately covering and uncovering thesingle word INGSOC. In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the police patrol, snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police mattered.",外面,即使通过关上的玻璃窗,看上去也是寒冷的。在下面街心里,阵阵的小卷风把尘土和碎纸吹卷起来,虽然阳光灿烂,天空蔚蓝,可是除了到处贴着的招贴画以外,似乎什么东西都没有颜色。那张留着黑胡子的脸从每一个关键地方向下凝视。在对面那所房子的正面就有一幅,文字说朋是:老大哥在看着你。那双黑色的眼睛目不转睛地看着温斯顿的眼睛。在下面街上有另外一张招贴画,一角给撕破了,在风中不时地吹拍着,一会儿盖上,一会儿又露出唯一的一个词儿“英社”。在远处,一架直升飞机在屋预上面掠过,象一只蓝色的瓶子似的徘徊了一会,又绕个弯儿飞走。这是警察巡逻队,在伺察人们的窗户。不过巡逻队并不可怕,只有思想警察才可怕。 Chinese,"Miss Baker and I exchanged a short glance consciously devoid of meaning. I was about to speak when she sat up alertly and said ‘Sh!’ in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond,and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed,trying to hear. The murmur trembled on the verge of coherence,sank down,mounted excitedly,and then ceased altogether.",贝克小姐和我互相使了一下眼色,故意表示没有任何意思。我刚想开口的时候,她警觉地坐直起来,用警告的声音说了一声“嘘”。可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。喃喃的话语声几次接近听得真的程度,降低下去,又激动地高上去,然后完全终止。 English,“这又不是警犬,”汤姆说。,"‘That's no police dog,’ said Tom." English,“呃,我很想来,可是……”,"‘Well,I'd like to,but —’" English,男管家回来凑着汤姆的耳朵咕哝了点什么,汤姆听了眉头一皱,把他的椅子朝后一推,一言不发就走进室内去。仿佛他的离去使她活跃了起来,黛西又探身向前,她的声音像唱歌似的抑扬动听。,"The butler came back and murmured something close to Tom's ear,whereupon Tom frowned,pushed back his chair,and without a word went inside. As if his absence quickened something within her,Daisy leaned forward again,her voice glowing and singing." English,这时贝克小姐说:“绝对如此!”来得那么突然,使我吃了一惊——这是我进了屋子之后她说的第一句话。显然她的话也使她自己同样吃惊,因为她打了个呵欠,随即做了一连串迅速而灵巧的动作就站了起来。,"At this point Miss Baker said:‘Absolutely!’ with such suddenness that I started—it was the first word she had uttered since I came into the room. Evidently it surprised her as much as it did me,for she yawned and with a series of rapid,deft movements stood up into the room." Chinese,"‘Hulking,’ insisted Daisy.",“笨拙,”黛西强嘴说。 English,已经九点钟了——一转眼我再看表时发觉已经十点了。麦基先生倒在椅子上睡着了,两手握拳放在大腿上,好像一张活动家的相片。我掏出手帕,把他脸上那一小片叫我一下午都看了难受的干肥皂沫擦掉。,"It was nine o'clock—almost immediately afterward I looked at my watch and found it was ten. Mr.McKee was asleep on a chair with his fists clenched in his lap,like a photograph of a man of action. Taking out my handkerchief I wiped from his cheek the spot of dried lather that had worried me all the afternoon." Chinese,"His speaking voice,a gruff husky tenor,added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed. There was a touch of paternal contempt in it,even toward people he liked—and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.",他说话的声音,又粗又大的男高音,增添了他给人的性情暴戾的印象。他说起话来还带着一种长辈教训人的口吻,即使对他喜欢的人也一样。因此在纽黑文的时候对他恨之入骨的大有人在。 English,一个穿着长风衣的男人已经从撞坏的车子里出来,此刻站在大路中间,从车子看到轮胎,又从轮胎看到旁观的人,脸上带着愉快而迷惑不解的表情。,"A man in a long duster had dismounted from the wreck and now stood in the middle of the road,looking from the car to the tyre and from the tyre to the observers in a pleasant,puzzled way." English,温斯顿停下了笔,一半是因为他感到手指痉挛。他也不知道是什么东西使他一泻千里地写出这些胡说八道的话来。但奇怪的事情是,他在写的时候,有一种完全不同的记忆在他的思想中明确起来,使他觉得自已有能力把它写下来。他现在认识到,这是因为有另一件事情才使他突然决定今天要回家开始写日记。,"Winston stopped writing, partly because he was suffering from cramp. He did not know whathad made him pour out this stream of rubbish. But the curious thing was that while he was doing so a totally different memory had clarified itself in his mind, to the point where he almost felt equal to writing it down. It was, he now realized, because of this other incident that he had suddenly decided to come home and begin the diary today." English,“哈啰!”我大喊一声,朝她走去。我的声音在花园里听上去似乎响得很不自然。,"‘Hello!’ I roared,advancing toward her. My voice seemed unnaturally loud across the garden." Chinese,"‘I thought you might be here,’ she responded absently as I came up. ‘I remembered you lived next door to —’",“我猜你也许会来的,”等我走到跟前,她心不在焉地答道,“我记得你住在隔壁……” English,大概他那天午饭时喝得够多的,因此他硬要我陪他的做法近乎暴力行为。他狂妄自大地认为,我在星期天下午似乎没有什么更有意思的事情可做。,"I think he'd tanked up a good deal at luncheon,and his determination to have my company bordered on violence. The supercilious assumption was that on Sunday afternoon I had nothing better to do." Chinese,"I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness. I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstance reduces it to very discreet proportions. The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician, and the General without an army is but the tame hero of a market town. The greatness of Charles Strickland was authentic. It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest. He disturbs and arrests. The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him. His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits. It is still possible to discuss his place in art, and the adulation of his admirers is perhaps no less capricious than the disparagement of his detractors; but one thing can never be doubtful, and that is that he had genius. To my mind the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist; and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand faults. I suppose Velasquez was a better painter than El Greco, but custom stales one’s admiration for him: the Cretan, sensual and tragic, proffers the mystery of his soul like a standing sacrifice. The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense; but that is akin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity: he lays before you also the greater gift of himself. To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story. It is a riddle which shares with the universe the merit of having no answer. The most insignificant of Strickland’s works suggests a personality which is strange, tormented, and complex; and it is this surely which prevents even those who do not like his pictures from being indifferent to them; it is this which has excited so curious an interest in his life and character.",老实说,我刚刚认识Charles Strickland的时候,从来没注意到这个人有什么与众不同的地方,但是今天却很少有人不承认他的伟大了。我所谓的伟大不是走红运的政治家或是立战功的军人的伟大;这种人显赫一时,与其说是他们本身的特质倒不如说沾了他们地位的光,一旦事过境迁,他们的伟大也就黯然失色了。人们常常发现一位离了职的首相当年只不过是个大言不惭的演说家;一个解甲归田的将军无非是个平淡乏味的市井英雄。但是Charles Strickland的伟大却是真正的伟大。你可能不喜欢他的艺术,但无论如何你不能不对它感到兴趣。他的作品使你不能平静,扣紧你的心弦。Charles Strickland受人揶揄讥嘲的时代已经过去了,为他辩护或甚至对他赞誉也不再被看作是某些人的奇行怪癖了。他的瑕疵在世人的眼中已经成为他的优点的必不可少的派生物。他在艺术史上的地位尽可以继续争论。崇拜者对他的赞颂同贬抑者对他的诋毁固然都可能出于偏颇和任性,但是有一点是不容置疑的,那就是他具有天才。在我看来,艺术中最令人感兴趣的就是艺术家的个性;如果艺术家赋有独特的性格,尽管他有一千个缺点,我也可以原谅。我料想,Velasquez是个比El Greco更高超的画家,可是由于所见过多,却使我们感到他的绘画有些乏味。而那位克里特岛画家的作品却有一种肉欲和悲剧性的美,仿佛作为永恒的牺牲似地把自己灵魂的秘密呈献出来。一个艺术家——画家也好,诗人也好,音乐家也好,用他的崇高的或者美丽的作品把世界装点起来,满足了人们的审美意识,但这也同人类的性本能不无相似的地方,都有其粗野狂暴的一面。在把作品奉献给世人的同时,艺术家也把他个人的伟大才能呈现到你眼前。探索一个艺术家的秘密颇有些阅读侦探小说的迷人劲儿。这个奥秘同大自然极相似,其妙处就在于无法找到答案。Charles Strickland的最不足道的作品也使你模糊看到他的奇特、复杂、受着折磨的性格;那些不喜欢他的绘画的人之所以不能对他漠不关心,肯定是因为这个原因。也正是这一点,使得那么多人对他的生活和性格充满了好奇心和浓厚的兴趣。 English,“不是,这不一定是警犬,”老头说,声音里流露出失望情绪。“多半是一只硬毛猎狗。”他的手抚摸着狗背上棕色毛巾似的皮毛。“你瞧这个皮毛,很不错的皮毛,这条狗绝不会伤风感冒,给你找麻烦的。”,"‘No,it's not exactly a police dog,’ said the man with disappointment in his voice. ‘It's more of an Airedale.’ He passed his hand over the brown washrag of a back. ‘Look at that coat. Some coat. That's a dog that'll never bother you with catching cold.’" Chinese,"‘That's right,’ corroborated Tom kindly. ‘We heard that you were engaged.’",“不错,”汤姆和蔼地附和说,“我们听说你订婚了。” Chinese,"‘To be continued,’ she said,tossing the magazine on the table,‘in our very next issue.’",“待续,”她念道,一面把杂志扔在桌上,“见本刊下期。” English,“你觉得怎么样?”他冒冒失失地问道。,‘What do you think?’ he demanded impetuously. English,“我喜欢来,”露西尔说。“我从来不在乎干什么,只要我玩得痛快就行。上次我来这里,我把衣服在椅子上撕破了,他就问了我的姓名住址——不出一个星期我收到克罗里公司送来一个包裹,里面是一件新的晚礼服。”,"‘I like to come,’ Lucille said. ‘I never care what I do,so I always have a good time. When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair,and he asked me my name and address—inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it.’" Chinese,"My family have been prominent,well-to-do people in this Middle Western city for three generations. The Carraways are something of a clan,and we have a tradition that we're descended from the Dukes of Buccleuch,but the actual founder of my line was my grandfather's brother,who came here in fifty-one,sent a substitute to the Civil War,and started the wholesale hardware business that my father carries on to-day.",我家三代以来都是这个中西部城市家道殷实的头面人物。姓卡罗威的也可算是个世家,据家里传说我们是布克娄奇公爵的后裔,但是我们家系的实际创始人却是我祖父的哥哥。他在一八五一年来到这里,买了个替身去参加南北战争,开始做起五金批发生意,也就是我父亲今天还在经营的买卖。 English,他把手向书架一扬。,He waved his hand toward the book-shelves. English,“我要买一只那种小狗。”她热切地说,“我要买一只养在公寓里。怪有意思的——养只狗。”,"‘I want to get one of those dogs,’ she said earnestly. ‘I want to get one for the apartment. They're nice to have—a dog.’" Chinese,"‘Philadelphia wants you on the ’phone,sir.’",“先生,费城有长途电话请您说话。” English,他朝我望了一会儿,似乎没听懂我的话。,For a moment he looked at me as if he failed to understand. French,跟骡夫一起上路的不止我一人:还有两个贝尼弗罗的富家子弟;一个蒙都尼都的小矮个子,是个走江湖唱圣诗的;此外还有一个阿斯托加的年轻市民,带了在维尔果地方新娶的年轻老婆回家。一行人不久混熟了,各诉来踪去迹。那新娘子虽然年轻,却又黑又没风味,我懒得看她。可是她年纪轻,又是好一身肉,骡夫瞧着她很动情,就决心要求欢。他盘算了一天,打定主意,准备到了末一站下手。末一站是卡卡贝罗斯。一到那镇上,他领我们在第一家客店里投宿。这店算是在镇上,其实很偏僻,倒仿佛落了乡,而且那骡夫知道掌柜是个乖觉识窍肯行方便的人。他故意领我们到一间僻静的客房里,让我们自在吃晚饭。我们快要吃完,只见他怒冲冲闯进来嚷道:“他妈的!谁偷了我的钱了!我皮包里明明藏着一百个比斯多呢!我非追回来不可!我要向镇上的法官告状去!他碰到这种事,决不轻轻放过,要把你们一个个上夹棍审问,直到做贼的招供吐赃,才饶你们呢。”他说完跑了,样子装得惟妙惟肖,我们都非常诧异。,"Je ne me trouvai pas seul avec le muletier. Il y avait deux enfants de famille de Peñaflor, un petit chantre de Mondoñedo qui courait le pays et un jeune bourgeois d’Astorga, qui s’en retournait chez lui avec une jeune personne qu’il venait d’épouser à Verco. Nous fîmes tous connaissance en peu de temps et chacun eut bientôt dit d’où il venait et où il allait. La nouvelle mariée, quoique jeune, était si noire et si peu piquante, que je ne prenais pas grand plaisir à la regarder : cependant sa jeunesse et son embonpoint donnèrent dans la vue du muletier, qui résolut de faire une tentative pour obtenir ses bonnes grâces. Il passa la journée à méditer ce beau dessein et il en remit l’exécution à la dernière couchée. Ce fut à Cacabelos. Il nous fit descendre à la première hôtellerie en entrant. Cette maison était plus dans la campagne que dans le bourg et il en connaissait l’hôte pour un homme discret et complaisant. Il eut soin de nous faire conduire dans une chambre écartée, où il nous laissa souper tranquillement ; mais, sur la fin du repas, nous le vîmes entrer d’un air furieux. Par la mort, s’écria-t-il, on m’a volé. J’avais dans un sac de cuir cent pistoles. Il faut que je les retrouve. Je vais chez le juge du bourg, qui n’entend pas raillerie là-dessus et vous allez tous avoir la question2, jusqu’à ce que vous ayez confessé le crime et rendu l’argent. En disant cela d’un air fort naturel, il sortit, et nous demeurâmes dans un extrême étonnement3." Chinese,"For whom, it suddenly occurred to him to wonder, was he writing this diary? For the future, for the unborn. His mind hovered for a moment round the doubtful date on the page, and then fetched up with a bump against the Newspeak word doublethink. For the first time the magnitude ofwhat he had undertaken came home to him. How could you communicate with the future? It was of its nature impossible. Either the future would resemble the present, in which case it would not listento him: or it would be different from it, and his predicament would be meaningless.",他突然想到,他是在为谁写日记呀?为将来,为后代。他的思想在本子上的那个可疑日期上犹豫了一会儿,突然想起了新话中的一个词儿“双重思想”。他头一次领梧到了他要做的事情的艰巨性。你怎么能够同未来联系呢?从其性质来说,这样做就是不可能的。只有两种情况,要是未来同现在一样,在这样的情况下未来就不会听他的,要是未来同现在不一样,他的处境也就没有任何意义了。 Chinese,"It was for Lucille,too.",露西尔也是一样。 Chinese,"‘Where is he from,I mean? And what does he do?’",“我是问他是哪儿来的?他又是干什么的?” Chinese,"The Ministry of Truth contained, it was said, three thousand rooms above ground level, and corresponding ramifications below. Scattered about London there were just three other buildings of similar appearance and size. So completely did they dwarf the surrounding architecture that from the roof of Victory Mansions you could see all four of them simultaneously. They were the homes of the four Ministries between which the entire apparatus of government was divided. The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace, which concerned itself with war. The Ministry of Love, which maintained law and order. And the Ministry of Plenty, which was responsible for economic affairs. Their names, in Newspeak: Minitrue, Minipax, Miniluv, and Miniplenty.",据说,真理部在地面上有三千间屋子,和地面下的结构相等。在伦敦别的地方,还有三所其他的建筑,外表和大小与此相同。它们使周围的建筑仿佛小巫见了大巫,因此你从胜利大厦的屋顶上可以同时看到这四所建筑。它们是整个政府机构四部的所在地:真理部负责新闻、娱乐、教育、艺术;和平部负责战争;友爱部维持法律和秩序;富裕部负责经济事务。用新话来说,它们分别称为真部、和部、爱部、富部。 English,大部分时间我都在工作。每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。我跟其他的办事员和年轻的债券推销员混得很熟,和他们一起在阴暗拥挤的饭馆里吃午饭,吃点小猪肉香肠加土豆泥,喝杯咖啡。我甚至和一个姑娘发生过短期的关系,她住在泽西城,在会计处工作。可是她哥哥开始给我眼色看,因此她七月里出去度假的时候,我就让这事悄悄地吹了。,"Most of the time I worked. In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust. I knew the other clerks and young bond-salesmen by their first names,and lunched with them in dark,crowded restaurants on little pig sausages and mashed potatoes and coffee. I even had a short affair with a girl who lived in Jersey City and worked in the accounting department,but her brother began throwing mean looks in my direction,so when she went on her vacation in July I let it blow quietly away." English,“我刚才听到一件最惊人的事情,”她出神地小声说,“我们在那里边待了多久?”,"‘I've just heard the most amazing thing,’ she whispered. ‘How long were we in there?’" Chinese,"Slenderly,languidly,their hands set lightly on their hips,the two young women preceded us out on to a rosy-colored porch,open toward the sunset,where four candles flickered on the table in the diminished wind.",两位女郎袅袅婷婷地、懒洋洋地,手轻轻搭在腰上,在我们前面往外走上玫瑰色的阳台。阳台迎着落日,餐桌上有四支蜡烛在减弱了的风中闪烁不定。 Chinese,"The practical thing was to find rooms in the city,but it was a warm season,and I had just left a country of wide lawns and friendly trees,so when a young man at the office suggested that we take a house together in a commuting town,it sounded like a great idea. He found the house,a weather-beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month,but at the last minute the firm ordered him to Washington,and I went out to the country alone. I had a dog—at least I had him for a few days until he ran away—and an old Dodge and a Finnish woman,who made my bed and cooked breakfast and muttered Finnish wisdom to herself over the electric stove.",切合实际的办法是在城里找一套房间寄宿,但那时已是温暖季节,而我又是刚刚离开了一个有宽阔的草坪和宜人的树木的地方,因此办公室里一个年轻人提议我们俩到近郊合租一所房子的时候,我觉得那是个很妙的主意。他找到了房子,那是一座风雨剥蚀的木板平房,月租八十美元,可是在最后一分钟公司把他调到华盛顿去,我也就只好一个人搬到郊外去住了。我有一条狗、——至少在它跑掉以前我养了它几天——一辆旧道奇汽车和一个芬兰女用人,她替我收拾床铺,烧早饭,在电炉上一面做饭,一面嘴里咕哝着芬兰的格言。 English,“我很想看。”,‘I'd like to.’ English,他的声音逐渐消失,同时汤姆不耐烦地向车行四面张望。接着我听到楼梯上有脚步的声音,过一会儿一个女人粗粗的身材挡住了办公室门口的光线。她年纪三十五六,身子胖胖的,可是如同有些女人一样,胖得很美。她穿了一件有油渍的深蓝双绉连衣裙,她的脸庞没有一丝一毫的美,但是她有一种显而易见的活力,仿佛她浑身的神经都在不停地燃烧。她慢慢地一笑。然后大摇大摆地从她丈夫身边穿过,仿佛他只是个幽灵,走过来跟汤姆握手,两眼直盯着他。接着她用舌头润了润嘴唇,头也不回就低低地、粗声粗气地对她丈夫说:,"His voice faded off and Tom glanced impatiently around the garage. Then I heard footsteps on a stairs,and in a moment the thickish figure of a woman blocked out the light from the office door. She was in the middle thirties,and faintly stout,but she carried her flesh sensuously as some women can. Her face,above a spotted dress of dark blue crêpe-de-chine,contained no facet or gleam of beauty,but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering. She smiled slowly and,walking through her husband as if he were a ghost,shook hands with Tom,looking him flush in the eye. Then she wet her lips,and without turning around spoke to her husband in a soft,coarse voice:" English,“对不起,”麦基先生神气十足地说,“我还不知道我碰了。”,"‘I beg your pardon,’ said Mr.McKee with dignity,‘I didn't know I was touching it.’" Chinese,"We walked through a high hallway into a bright rosy-colored space,fragilely bound into the house by french windows at either end. The windows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside that seemed to grow a little way into the house. A breeze blew through the room,blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags,twisting them up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling,and then rippled over the wine-colored rug,making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.",我们穿过一条高高的走廊,走进一间宽敞明亮的玫瑰色的屋子。两头都是落地长窗,把这间屋子轻巧地嵌在这座房子当中。这些长窗都半开着,在外面嫩绿的草地的映衬下,显得晶莹耀眼,那片草仿佛要长到室内来似的。一阵轻风吹过屋里,把窗帘从一头吹进来,又从另一头吹出去,好像一面面白旗,吹向天花板上糖花结婚蛋糕似的装饰,然后轻轻拂过绛色地毯,留下一阵阴影有如风吹海面。 Chinese,"‘Don't mention it,’ he enjoined me eagerly. ‘Don't give it another thought,old sport.’ The familiar expression held no more familiarity than the hand which reassuringly brushed my shoulder. ‘And don't forget we're going up in the hydroplane to-morrow morning,at nine o'clock.’",“没有关系,”他恳切地嘱咐我。“别放在心上,老兄。”这个亲热的称呼还比不上非常友好地拍拍我肩膀的那只手所表示的亲热。“别忘了明天早上九点我们要乘水上飞机上天哩。” Chinese,The sister Catherine sat down beside me on the couch.,那位名叫凯瑟琳的妹妹在沙发上我的身边坐下。 English,晚上七点一过,我身穿一套白法兰绒便装走过去到他的草坪上,很不自在地在一群群我不认识的人中间晃来晃去——虽然偶尔也有一个我在区间火车上见过的面孔。我马上注意到客人中夹杂着不少年轻的英国人;个个衣着整齐,个个面有饥色,个个都在低声下气地跟殷实的美国人谈话。我敢说他们都在推销什么——或是债券,或是保险,或是汽车。他们最起码都揪心地意识到,近在眼前就有唾手可得的钱,并且相信,只要几句话说得投机,钱就到手了。,"Dressed up in white flannels I went over to his lawn a little after seven,and wandered around rather ill at ease among swirls and eddies of people I didn't know—though here and there was a face I had noticed on the commuting train. I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about;all well dressed,all looking a little hungry,and all talking in low,earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans. I was sure that they were selling something:bonds or insurance or automobiles. They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key." English,她膝盖一动,身子一直,就霍地站了起来。,"Her body asserted itself with a restless movement of her knee,and she stood up." Chinese,"‘I hope I never will,’ she answered. ‘I hate careless people. That's why I like you.’",“我希望永远不会碰到,”她答道,“我顶讨厌不小心的人。这也是我喜欢你的原因。” Chinese,"‘Well,if you're a poor driver you oughtn't to try driving at night.’",“既然你车子开得不好,那么你晚上就不应当试着开车嘛。” English,“你常来参加这些晚会吗?”乔丹问她旁边的那个姑娘。,‘Do you come to these parties often?’ inquired Jordan of the girl beside her. Chinese,"Pour moi, plus épouvanté peut-être que tous les autres, je gagnai la campagne. Je traversai je ne sais combien de champs et de bruyères, et sautant tous les fossés que je trouvais sur mon passage, j’arrivai enfin auprès d’une forêt. J’allais m’y jeter et me cacher dans le plus épais hallier7, lorsque deux hommes à cheval s’offrirent tout à coup au-devant de mes pas. Ils crièrent : Qui va là ? et comme ma surprise ne me permit pas de répondre sur-le-champ, ils s’approchèrent de moi et me mettant chacun un pistolet sur la gorge, ils me sommèrent de leur apprendre qui j’étais, d’où je venais, ce que je voulais aller faire en cette forêt, et surtout de ne leur rien déguiser. À cette manière d’interroger, qui me parut bien valoir la question dont le muletier nous avait fait fête, je leur répondis que j’étais un jeune homme d’Oviedo qui allait à Salamanque ; je leur contai même l’alarme qu’on venait de nous donner et j’avouai que la crainte d’être appliqué à la torture m’avait fait prendre la fuite. Ils firent un éclat de rire à ce discours, qui marquait ma simplicité et l’un des deux me dit : Rassure-toi, mon ami. Viens avec nous et ne crains rien. Nous allons te mettre en sûreté. À ces mots, il me fit monter en croupe sur son cheval et nous nous enfonçâmes dans la forêt.",我大概比旁人更着慌,直逃到乡下,经过不知多远的田地荒野,跳过一道道的沟,末了跑进了一座树林子。我正要找林木深密的地方躲起来,忽然两骑壮士拦住去路,喝道:“谁打这儿过?”我吃了一惊,一时答不出话来。他们走上来,一人一支手枪抵住我胸口,逼我老实说:我是谁,从哪里来,到这树林子里来干什么,不许一字隐瞒。这般咄咄逼人,我看跟骡夫恫吓我们的夹棍差不多了。我只得回说,我是个奥维多的小伙子,要到萨拉曼卡去。我还告诉他们刚才吃了什么惊恐,又老实承认怕吃夹棍,所以逃走。他们从这番话里听出我傻不懂事,不禁哈哈大笑。一个人对我说道:“朋友,你放了心,跟我们来吧,别害怕,我们保你平安无事。”他叫我上马骑在他身后,就到树林深处去了。 English,大房间里挤满了人。穿黄衣的姑娘有一个在弹钢琴,她身旁站着一个高高的红发少妇,是从一个有名的歌舞团来的,正在那里唱歌。她已经喝了大量的香槟,在她唱歌的过程中她又不合时宜地认定一切都非常非常悲惨——她不仅在唱,而且还在哭。每逢曲中有停顿的地方,她就用抽抽噎噎的哭声来填补,然后又用震颤的女高音继续去唱歌词。眼泪沿着她的面颊往下流,——可不是畅通无阻地流,因为眼泪一碰到画得浓浓的睫毛之后变成了黑墨水,像两条黑色的小河似的慢慢地继续往下流。有人开玩笑,建议她唱脸上的那些音符,她听了这话把两手向上一甩,倒在一张椅子上,醉醺醺地呼呼大睡起来。,"The large room was full of people. One of the girls in yellow was playing the piano,and beside her stood a tall,red-haired young lady from a famous chorus,engaged in song. She had drunk a quantity of champagne,and during the course of her song she had decided,ineptly,that everything was very,very sad—she was not only singing,she was weeping too. Whenever there was a pause in the song she filled it with gasping,broken sobs,and then took up the lyric again in a quavering soprano. The tears coursed down her cheeks—not freely,however,for when they came into contact with her heavily beaded eyelashes they assumed an inky color,and pursued the rest of their way in slow black rivulets. A humorous suggestion was made that she sing the notes on her face,whereupon she threw up her hands,sank into a chair,and went off into a deep vinous sleep." English,“现在你也琢磨起这个题目来了,”她厌倦地笑道,“唔,他告诉过我他上过牛津大学。”,"‘Now you're started on the subject,’ she answered with a wan smile. ‘Well,he told me once he was an Oxford man.’" French,我上了这个当,无地自容,往后我还有好多更丢脸的事,可是羞愧也不过如此。我气的是做了那么个大冤桶,说得好听点,我的自尊心受了磨折。我心想:“嗨!怎么!这奸贼原来是捉弄我么?他刚才招呼店主人,原来是要套问我的底细,也许他们俩竟是串通一气的!啊,可怜的吉尔·布拉斯!活活的羞死人啊!让这起混蛋抓住个好把柄来捉弄你!他们还要把这事编成笑话,说不定会传到奥维多,替你大扬名气呢!你爹妈那般苦口教导你这傻瓜,一定要后悔了。他们不该劝我别欺骗人,该教我别受人家欺骗才对。”我给这些扫兴的念头搅得心烦,又加愤火中烧,便关了门上床睡觉。可是我哪里睡得着,翻来覆去了半夜,刚合上眼,我的骡夫已经来叫我了。他说只等我去,就可以动身。我赶忙起来,正穿衣服,高居罗送上账来,那鲟鱼是不会漏掉的。我只得尽他敲竹杠,而且我付钱时看出那混蛋在回想昨宵的事,越发羞愤不堪。昨夜那顿食而难化的饭害我出了好一笔冤钱;于是我拿了皮包到骡夫家去,一面咒骂着那骗子、那旅店主人和他的旅店。,"Je fus aussi sensible à cette baie14, que je l’ai été dans la suite aux plus grandes disgrâces qui me sont arrivées. Je ne pouvais me consoler de m’être laissé tromper si grossièrement, ou pour mieux dire, de sentir mon orgueil humilié. Hé quoi, dis-je, le traître s’est donc joué de moi ? Il n’a tantôt abordé mon hôte que pour lui tirer les vers du nez, ou plutôt ils étaient d’intelligence tous deux. Ah, pauvre Gil Blas, meurs de honte d’avoir donné à ces fripons un juste sujet de te tourner en ridicule. Ils vont composer de tout ceci une belle histoire, qui pourra bien aller jusqu’à Oviedo, et qui t’y fera beaucoup d’honneur. Tes parents se repentiront sans doute d’avoir tant harangué un sot. Loin de m’exhorter à ne tromper personne, ils devaient15 me recommander de ne me pas laisser duper. Agité de ces pensées mortifiantes, enflammé de dépit, je m’enfermai dans ma chambre et me mis au lit : mais je ne pus dormir et je n’avais pas encore fermé l’œil, lorsque le muletier me vint avertir qu’il n’attendait plus que moi pour partir. Je me levai aussitôt et pendant que je m’habillais, Corcuelo arriva avec un mémoire de la dépense, où la truite n’était pas oubliée, et non seulement il m’en fallut passer par où il voulut, j’eus même le chagrin, en lui livrant mon argent, de m’apercevoir que le bourreau se ressouvenait de mon aventure. Après avoir bien payé un souper dont j’avais fait si désagréablement la digestion, je me rendis chez le muletier avec ma valise, en donnant à tous les diables le parasite, l’hôte et l’hôtellerie." Chinese,"The younger of the two was a stranger to me. She was extended full length at her end of the divan,completely motionless,and with her chin raised a little,as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall. If she saw me out of the corner of her eyes she gave no hint of it—indeed,I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for having disturbed her by coming in.",两个之中比较年轻的那个,我不认识。她平躺在长沙发的一头,身子一动也不动,下巴稍微向上仰起,仿佛她在上面平衡着一件什么东西,生怕它掉下来似的。如果她从眼角中看到了我,她可毫无表示——其实我倒吃了一惊,差一点要张口向她道歉,因为我进来惊动了她。 French,我因此在那个城里得了博学的名气。我舅舅非常得意,因为他想我马上可以不用他负担了。有一天他对我说:“好咧!吉尔·布拉斯啊!你不是小孩子了!你已经十七岁,成了个机灵的小伙子,该给你个出头的机会。我想送你到萨拉曼卡大学去,凭你这份儿才情,准会找到个好事情。我给你几个杜加作路费,我的骡子值十个到十二个比斯多,也送给你,你到萨拉曼卡把它卖掉,一面找事,就有钱过活了。”,"Je m’acquis toutefois par là dans la ville la réputation de savant. Mon oncle en fut ravi, parce qu’il fit réflexion que je cesserais bientôt de lui être à charge. Ho çà, Gil Blas, me dit-il un jour, le temps de ton enfance est passé. Tu as déjà dix-sept ans, et te voilà devenu habile garçon. Il faut songer à te pousser ; je suis d’avis de t’envoyer à l’université de Salamanque : avec l’esprit que je te vois, tu ne manqueras pas de trouver un bon poste. Je te donnerai quelques ducats pour faire ton voyage, avec ma mule qui vaut bien dix à douze pistoles9 ; tu la vendras à Salamanque et tu en emploieras l’argent à t’entretenir jusqu’à ce que tu sois placé." English,至少有五六个人,其中有的比他稍微清醒一点,解释给他听,轮子和车子之间已经没有任何实质性的联系了。,"At least a dozen men,some of them a little better off than he was,explained to him that wheel and car were no longer joined by any physical bond." Chinese,"Je connus alors avec quelle sorte de gens j’étais, et l’on doit bien juger que cette connaissance m’ôta ma première crainte. Une frayeur plus grande et plus juste vint s’emparer de mes sens. Je crus que j’allais perdre la vie avec mes ducats. Ainsi, me regardant comme une victime qu’on conduit à l’autel, je marchais déjà plus mort que vif entre mes deux conducteurs, qui sentant bien que je tremblais, m’exhortaient inutilement à ne rien craindre. Quand nous eûmes fait environ deux cents pas en tournant et en descendant toujours, nous entrâmes dans une écurie qu’éclairaient deux grosses lampes de fer pendues à la voûte. Il y avait une bonne provision de paille et plusieurs tonneaux remplis d’orge. Vingt chevaux y pouvaient être à l’aise ; mais il n’y avait alors que les deux qui venaient d’arriver. Un vieux nègre, qui paraissait pourtant encore assez vigoureux, s’occupait à les attacher au râtelier.",我才明白和什么人在一起;不用说,我这一来把当初的怕惧忘了。这会子我怕得更厉害,更合情理,简直神魂失据。我相信我的性命钱财都要断送了。我这样夹在那两个向导中间向前走,当自己是一头牵上祭台的牺牲,吓得死了大半个。那两人觉得我索索发抖,只管劝我别害怕,也没有用。我们一路转弯抹角,愈走愈低,走了二百步左右,到一间马房里。那里点着两盏铁制的大灯,挂在梁间。屋里柴草丰富,还有很多大木桶,装满了大麦。这马房容二十匹马还宽裕,不过眼前只有刚回来的两匹。一个黑人忙着把它们拴在马槽旁的架子上。他年纪虽老,身体似乎还很结实。 Chinese,Chapter Two,第二章 English,另外一个人是个叫奥勃良的男人,他是核心党员,担任的职务很重要,高高在上,因此温斯顿对他职务的性质只有一种很模糊的概念。椅子周围的人一看到核心党员的黑色工作服走近时,都不由得肃静下来。奥勃良是个体格魁梧的人,脖子短粗,有着一张粗犷残忍、兴高采烈的脸。尽管他的外表令人望而生畏,他的态度却有一定迷人之处。他有一个小动作奇怪地使人感到可亲,那就是端正一下鼻梁上的眼镜;也很难说清楚,这奇怪地使人感到很文明。如果有人仍旧有那样想法的话,这个姿态可能使人想到一个十八世纪的绅士端出鼻烟匣来待客。温斯顿大概在十多年来看到过奥勃良十多次。他感到对他特别有兴趣,这并不完全是因为他对奥勃良彬彬有礼的态度和拳击师的体格的截然对比感到有兴趣。更多的是因为他心中暗自认为――也许甚至还不是认为,而仅仅是希望――奥勃良的政治信仰不完全是正统的。他脸上的某种表情使人无法抗拒地得出这一结论。而且,表现在他脸上的,甚至不是不正统,而干脆就是智慧。不过无论如何,他的外表使人感到,如果你能躲过电幕而单独与他在一起的话,他是个可以谈谈的人。温斯顿从来没有做过哪怕是最轻微的努力来证实这种猜想;说真的,根本没有这样做的可能。现在,奥勃良瞥了一眼手表,看到已经快到十一点了,显然决定留在纪录司,等两分钟仇恨结束。他在温斯顿那一排坐了下来,相隔两把椅子。中间坐的是一个淡茶色头发的小女人,她在温斯顿隔壁的小办公室工作。那个黑头发的姑娘坐在他们背后一排。,"The other person was a man named O’Brien, a member of the Inner Party and holder of some post so important and remote that Winston had only a dim idea of its nature. A momentary hush passed over the group of people round the chairs as they saw the black overalls of an Inner Party member approaching. O’Brien was a large, burly man with a thick neck and a coarse, humorous, brutal face. In spite of his formidable appearance he had a certain charm of manner. He had a trick of resettling his spectacles on his nose which was curiously disarming --in some indefinable way, curiously civilized. It was a gesture which, if anyone had still thought in such terms, might have recalled an eighteenth-century nobleman offering his snuffbox. Winston had seen O’Brien perhaps a dozen times in almost as many years. He felt deeply drawn to him, and not solely because he was intrigued by the contrast between O’Brien’s urbane manner and his prizefighter’s physique. Much more it was because of a secretly held belief --or perhaps not even a belief, merely a hope --that O’Brien’s political orthodoxy was not perfect. Something in his facesuggested it irresistibly. And again, perhaps it was not even unorthodoxy that was written in his face, but simply intelligence. But at any rate he had the appearance of being a person that you could talk to if somehow you could cheat the telescreen and get him alone. Winston had never made the smallest effort to verify this guess: indeed, there was no way of doing so. At this moment O’Brien glanced at his wrist-watch, saw that it was nearly eleven hundred, and evidently decided to stay in the Records Department until the Two Minutes Hate was over. He took a chair in the same row as Winston, a couple of places away. A small, sandy-haired woman who worked in the next cubicle to Winston was between them. The girl with dark hair was sitting immediately behind." English,我住在西卵,这是两个地方中比较不那么时髦的一个,不过这是一个非常肤浅的标签,不足以表示二者之间那种离奇古怪而又很不吉祥的对比。我的房子紧靠在鸡蛋的顶端,离海湾只有五十码,挤在两座每季租金要一万二到一万五的大别墅中间。我右边的那一幢,不管按什么标准来说,都是一个庞然大物——它是诺曼底某市政厅的翻版,一边有一座簇新的塔楼,上面疏疏落落地覆盖着一层常春藤,还有一座大理石游泳池,以及四十多英亩的草坪和花园。这是盖茨比的公馆。或者更确切地说这是一位姓盖茨比的阔人所住的公馆,因为我还不认识盖茨比先生。我自己的房子实在难看,幸而很小,没有被人注意,因此我才有缘欣赏一片海景,欣赏我邻居草坪的一部分,并且能以与百万富翁为邻而引以自慰——所有这一切每月只需出八十美元。,"I lived at West Egg,the—well,the less fashionable of the two,though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them. My house was at the very tip of the egg,only fifty yards from the Sound,and squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season. The one on my right was a colossal affair by any standard—it was a factual imitation of some Htel de Ville in Normandy,with a tower on one side,spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy,and a marble swimming pool,and more than forty acres of lawn and garden. It was Gatsby's mansion. Or,rather,as I didn't know Mr.Gatsby,it was a mansion inhabited by a gentleman of that name. My own house was an eyesore,but it was a small eyesore,and it had been overlooked,so I had a view of the water,a partial view of my neighbor's lawn,and the consoling proximity of millionaires—all for eighty dollars a month." English,露西尔也是一样。,"It was for Lucille,too." English,“有个女人?”我茫然地跟着说。,‘Got some woman?’ I repeated blankly. English,另外那个少妇,黛西,想要站起身来,——她身子微微向前倾,一脸诚心诚意的表情——接着她噗嗤一笑,又滑稽又可爱地轻轻一笑,我也跟着笑了,接着就走上前去进了屋子。,"The other girl,Daisy,made an attempt to rise—she leaned slightly forward with a conscientious expression—then she laughed,an absurd,charming little laugh,and I laughed too and came forward into the room." Chinese,"‘I'm stiff,’ she complained,‘I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember.’",“我都木了,”她抱怨道,“我在那张沙发上躺了不知多久了。” English,我掉过头去看我的表妹,她开始用她那低低的、令人激动的声音向我提问题。这是那种叫人侧耳倾听的声音,仿佛每句话都是永远不会重新演奏的一组音符。她的脸庞忧郁而美丽,脸上有明媚的神采,有两只明媚的眼睛,有一张明媚而热情的嘴,但是她声音里有一种激动人心的特质,那是为她倾倒过的男人都觉得难以忘怀的:一种抑扬动听的魅力,一声喃喃的“听着”,一种暗示,说她片刻以前刚刚干完一些赏心乐事,而且下一个小时里还有赏心乐事。,"I looked back at my cousin,who began to ask me questions in her low,thrilling voice. It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down,as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again. Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it,bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth,but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget:a singing compulsion,a whispered ‘Listen,’ a promise that she had done gay,exciting things just a while since and that there were gay,exciting things hovering in the next hour." English,我开始喜欢纽约了,喜欢夜晚那种奔放冒险的情调,喜欢那川流不息的男男女女和往来车辆给应接不暇的眼睛带来的满足。我喜欢在五号路上溜达,从人群中挑出风流的女人,幻想几分钟之内我就要进入她们的生活,而永远也不会有人知道或者非难这件事。有时,在我脑海里,我跟着她们走到神秘的街道拐角上她们所住的公寓,到了门口她们回眸一笑,然后走进一扇门消失在温暖的黑暗之中。在大都市迷人的黄昏时刻,我有时感到一种难以排遣的寂寞,同时也觉得别人有同感——那些在橱窗面前踯躅的穷困的青年小职员,等到了时候独个儿上小饭馆去吃一顿晚饭——黄昏中的青年小职员,虚度着夜晚和生活中最令人陶醉的时光。,"I began to like New York,the racy,adventurous feel of it at night,and the satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye. I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to enter into their lives,and no one would ever know or disapprove. Sometimes,in my mind,I followed them to their apartments on the corners of hidden streets,and they turned and smiled back at me before they faded through a door into warm darkness. At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes,and felt it in others—poor young clerks who loitered in front of windows waiting until it was time for a solitary restaurant dinner—young clerks in the dusk,wasting the most poignant moments of night and life." Chinese,"‘Hello,Wilson,old man,’ said Tom,slapping him jovially on the shoulder. ‘How's business?’",“哈啰,威尔逊,你这家伙,”汤姆说,一面嘻嘻哈哈地拍拍他的肩膀。“生意怎么样?” English,“真的吗?”,‘Really?’ English,“切斯特,我觉得你满可以给她拍一张好的,”她大声嚷嚷,可是麦基先生光是懒洋洋地点了点头,把注意力又转向汤姆。,"‘Chester,I think you could do something with her,’ she broke out,but Mr.McKee only nodded in a bored way,and turned his attention to Tom." Chinese,‘But the wheel's off!’,“可是轮子掉啦!” English,“不要,谢谢,”贝克小姐对着刚从食品间端来的四杯鸡尾酒说,“我正一板一眼地在进行锻炼哩。”,"‘No,thanks,’ said Miss Baker to the four cocktails just in from the pantry,‘I'm absolutely in training.’" Chinese,‘From Louisville. Our white girlhood was passed together there. Our beautiful white —’,“路易斯维尔人。我们纯洁的少女时期是一道在那里度过的。我们那美丽纯洁的……” Chinese,"‘You see I think everything's terrible anyhow,’ she went on in a convinced way. ‘Everybody thinks so— the most advanced people. And I know . I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything.’ Her eyes flashed around her in a defiant way,rather like Tom's,and she laughed with thrilling scorn. ‘Sophisticated—God,I'm sophisticated!’",“你明白我认为反正一切都糟透了,”她深信不疑地继续说,“人人都这样认为——那些最先进的人。而我知道 。我什么地方都去过了,什么也都见过了,什么也都干过了。”她两眼闪闪有光,环顾四周,俨然不可一世的神气,很像汤姆,她又放声大笑,笑声里充满了可怕的讥嘲。“饱经世故……天哪,我可是饱经世故了。” French,一会儿他带了那人来见我,满嘴称赞他诚实可靠。我们三人跑到院子里,骡子也牵来了,在马贩子前面走了几个来回。马贩子把骡子从头到脚细看,少不了指出许多毛病。老实说,这头骡子可赞之处不多,不过即使它是教皇的坐骑,那马贩子也会挑剔出些坏处来。他一口咬定我那骡子百病俱全,怕我不信,抬出店主人来作证;店主人自有他的道理,句句附和。那马贩子冷冷地说道:“好吧,你这头骡子很次想卖多少钱哪?”我听了他的品评,又以为高居罗先生为人诚恳,并且是鉴别骡马的大行家,既有他从旁坐实,那骡儿是不值一文钱的了。所以我对马贩子说,我相信他是个老实人,请他凭良心说个价钱,估定多少,我一无异议。他摆出正人君子的嘴脸,说我请出他的良心来,恰捉住他的短处了。良心果然不是他的长处;我舅舅估计这骡子值十二个比斯多,他却大胆老脸,只估了三个杜加。我收下钱,满心欣喜,好像这买卖是我占了便宜。,"Il revint bientôt accompagné de son homme, qu’il me présenta et dont il loua fort la probité. Nous entrâmes tous trois dans la cour, où l’on amena ma mule. On la fit passer et repasser devant le maquignon, qui se mit à l’examiner depuis les pieds jusqu’à la tête. Il ne manqua pas d’en dire beaucoup de mal. J’avoue qu’on n’en pouvait dire beaucoup de bien : mais quand ç’aurait été la mule du pape, il y aurait trouvé à redire. Il assurait donc qu’elle avait tous les défauts du monde ; et pour mieux me le persuader, il en attestait l’hôte qui sans doute avait ses raisons pour en convenir. Hé bien, me dit froidement le maquignon, combien prétendez-vous vendre ce vilain animal-là ? Après l’éloge qu’il en avait fait et l’attestation du seigneur Corcuelo, que je croyais homme sincère et bon connaisseur, j’aurais donné ma mule pour rien : c’est pourquoi je dis au marchand que je m’en rapportais à sa bonne foi, qu’il n’avait qu’à priser8 la bête en conscience et que je m’en tiendrais à la prisée. Alors faisant l’homme d’honneur, il me répondit qu’en intéressant sa conscience, je le prenais par son faible. Ce n’était pas effectivement par son fort ; car au lieu de faire monter l’estimation à dix ou douze pistoles, comme mon oncle, il n’eut pas honte de la fixer à trois ducats, que je reçus avec autant de joie, que si j’eusse gagné à ce marché-là." Chinese,"‘I want to see you,’ said Tom intently. ‘Get on the next train.’",“我要见你,”汤姆热切地说道,“搭下一班火车。” English,“我嫁给了他,是因为我以为他是个上等人,”她最后说,“我以为他还有点教养,不料他连舔我的鞋都不配。”,"‘I married him because I thought he was a gentleman,’ she said finally. ‘I thought he knew something about breeding,but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe.’" Chinese,"I looked back at my cousin,who began to ask me questions in her low,thrilling voice. It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down,as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again. Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it,bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth,but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget:a singing compulsion,a whispered ‘Listen,’ a promise that she had done gay,exciting things just a while since and that there were gay,exciting things hovering in the next hour.",我掉过头去看我的表妹,她开始用她那低低的、令人激动的声音向我提问题。这是那种叫人侧耳倾听的声音,仿佛每句话都是永远不会重新演奏的一组音符。她的脸庞忧郁而美丽,脸上有明媚的神采,有两只明媚的眼睛,有一张明媚而热情的嘴,但是她声音里有一种激动人心的特质,那是为她倾倒过的男人都觉得难以忘怀的:一种抑扬动听的魅力,一声喃喃的“听着”,一种暗示,说她片刻以前刚刚干完一些赏心乐事,而且下一个小时里还有赏心乐事。 English,这说的是高尔夫球比赛。她在上星期的决赛中输掉了。,That was for the golf tournament. She had lost in the finals the week before. Chinese,Miss Baker nodded.,贝克小姐点点头。 Chinese,"The Ministry of Love was the really frightening one. There were no windows in it at all. Winston had never been inside the Ministry of Love, nor within half a kilometre of it. It was a placeimpossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine-gun nests. Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons.",真正教人害怕的部是友爱部。它连一扇窗户也没有。温斯顿从来没有到友爱部去过,也从来没有走近距它半公里之内的地带。这个地方,除非因公,是无法进入的,而且进去也要通过重重铁丝网、铁门、隐蔽的机枪阵地。甚至在环绕它的屏障之外的大街上,也有穿着黑色制服、携带连枷棍的凶神恶煞般的警卫在巡逻。 Chinese,"‘Oh,yes.’ She looked at me absently. ‘Listen,Nick;let me tell you what I said when she was born. Would you like to hear?’",“呃,是啊。”她心不在焉地看着我。“听我说,尼克,让我告诉你她出世的时候我说了什么话。你想听吗?” Chinese,"I was still with Jordan Baker. We were sitting at a table with a man of about my age and a rowdy little girl,who gave way upon the slightest provocation to uncontrollable laughter. I was enjoying myself now. I had taken two finger-bowls of champagne,and the scene had changed before my eyes into something significant,elemental,and profound.",我仍然和乔丹·贝克在一起。我们坐的一张桌上还有一位跟我年纪差不多的男子和一个吵吵闹闹的小姑娘,她动不动就忍不住要放声大笑。我现在玩得也挺开心了。我已经喝了两大碗香槟,因此这片景色在我眼前变成了一种意味深长的、根本性的、奥妙的东西。 Chinese,"‘All kinds. What kind do you want,lady?’",“各种都有。你要哪一种,太太?” English,“是的,小姐。”,"‘Yes,madame.’" Chinese,‘Anywhere.’,“随便什么地方?” Chinese,"We got up,and she explained that we were going to find the host:I had never met him,she said,and it was making me uneasy. The undergraduate nodded in a cynical,melancholy way.",我们站了起来,她解释说我们要去找主人;她就是因为我还从来没见过他,这使我颇感局促不安。那位大学生点点头,神情既玩世不恭,又闷闷不乐。 English,“我害怕他。我可不愿意落到他手里。”,‘I'm scared of him. I'd hate to have him get anything on me.’ English,“我忘了问你一件事,很重要的。我们听说你在西部跟一个姑娘订婚了。”,"‘I forgot to ask you something,and it's important. We heard you were engaged to a girl out West.’" English,“贝克小姐?”他问道,“对不起,盖茨比先生想单独跟您谈谈。”,"‘Miss Baker?’ he inquired. ‘I beg your pardon,but Mr.Gatsby would like to speak to you alone.’" Chinese,Her host looked at her incredulously.,她的男主人难以置信地看着她。 Chinese,"‘Can't stand them’ She looked at Myrtle and then at Tom. ‘What I say is,why go on living with them if they can't stand them? If I was them I'd get a divorce and get married to each other right away.’",“受不了。”她先看看茉特尔,又看看汤姆。“依我说,既然受不了,何必还在一起过下去呢?要是我,我就离婚,然后马上重新结婚。” English,“我要告诉你一桩家庭秘密,”她兴奋地咬耳朵说,“是关于男管家的鼻子的。你想听听男管家鼻子的故事吗?”,"‘I'll tell you a family secret,’ she whispered enthusiastically. ‘It's about the butler's nose. Do you want to hear about the butler's nose?’" Chinese,"Their interest rather touched me and made them less remotely rich—nevertheless,I was confused and a little disgusted as I drove away. It seemed to me that the thing for Daisy to do was to rush out of the house,child in arms—but apparently there were no such intentions in her head. As for Tom,the fact that he ‘had some woman in New York’ was really less surprising than that he had been depressed by a book. Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart.",他们对我的关心倒很使我感动,也使他们不显得那么有钱与高不可攀了。虽然如此,在我开车回家的路上,我感到迷惑不解,还有点厌恶。我觉得,黛西应该做的事是抱着孩子跑出这座房子——可是显然她头脑里丝毫没有这种打算。至于汤姆,他“在纽约有个女人”这种事倒不足为怪,奇怪的是他会因为读了一本书而感到沮丧。不知什么东西在使他从陈腐的学说里摄取精神食粮,仿佛他那壮硕的体格的唯我主义已经不再能滋养他那颗唯我独尊的心了。 Chinese,"‘You will,’ I answered shortly. ‘You will if you stay in the East.’",“你会听到的,”我简慢地答道,“你在东部待久了就会听到的。” English,“事情发生在两个面对面的小座位上,就是火车上一向剩下的最后两个座位。我是上纽约去看我妹妹,在她那儿过夜。他穿了一身礼服,一双漆皮鞋,我就忍不住老是看他,可是每次他一看我,我只好假装在看他头顶上的广告。我们走进车站时,他紧挨在我身边,他那雪白的衬衫前胸蹭着我的胳膊,于是我跟他说我可要叫警察了,但他明知我在说假话。我神魂颠倒,跟他上了一辆出租汽车,还以为是上了地铁哩。我心里翻来覆去想的只有一句话:‘你又不能永远活着。你又不能永远活着。’”,"‘It was on the two little seats facing each other that are always the last ones left on the train. I was going up to New York to see my sister and spend the night. He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes,and I couldn't keep my eyes off him,but every time he looked at me I had to pretend to be looking at the advertisement over his head. When we came into the station he was next to me,and his white shirt-front pressed against my arm,and so I told him I'd have to call a policeman,but he knew I lied. I was so excited that when I got into a taxi with him I didn't hardly know I wasn't getting into a subway train. All I kept thinking about,over and over,was “You can't live forever,you can't live forever.”’" English,“我要见你,”汤姆热切地说道,“搭下一班火车。”,"‘I want to see you,’ said Tom intently. ‘Get on the next train.’" Chinese,Catherine leaned close to me and whispered in my ear:,凯瑟琳凑到我耳边,跟我小声说: English,我还没来得及回答,她的两眼带着畏惧的表情盯着她的小手指。,Before I could answer her eyes fastened with an awed expression on her little finger. English,不管怎样,贝克小姐的嘴唇微微一动,她几乎看不出来地向我点了点头,接着赶忙把头又仰回去——她在保持平衡的那件东西显然歪了一下,让她吃了一惊。道歉的话又一次冒到了我的嘴边。这种几乎是完全我行我素的神情总是使我感到目瞪口呆,满心赞佩。,"At any rate,Miss Baker's lips fluttered,she nodded at me almost imperceptibly,and then quickly tipped her head back again—the object she was balancing had obviously tottered a little and given her something of a fright. Again a sort of apology arose to my lips. Almost any exhibition of complete self-sufficiency draws a stunned tribute from me." Chinese,"‘I forgot to ask you something,and it's important. We heard you were engaged to a girl out West.’",“我忘了问你一件事,很重要的。我们听说你在西部跟一个姑娘订婚了。” English,那瓶威士忌——第二瓶了——此刻大家都喝个不停,唯有凯瑟琳除外,她“什么都不喝也感到飘飘然”。汤姆按铃把看门的喊来,叫他去买一种出名的三明治,吃了可以抵得上一顿晚餐的。我想到外面去,在柔和的暮色中向东朝公园走过去,但每次我起身告辞,都被卷入一阵吵闹刺耳的争执中,结果就仿佛有绳子把我拉回到椅子上。然而我们这排黄澄澄的窗户高踞在城市的上空,一定给暮色苍茫的街道上一位观望的过客增添了一点人生的秘密,同时我也可以看到他,一面在仰望一面在寻思。我既身在其中又身在其外,对人生的千变万化既感到陶醉,同时又感到厌恶。,"The bottle of whiskey—a second one—was now in constant demand by all present,excepting Catherine,who ‘felt just as good on nothing at all.’ Tom rang for the janitor and sent him for some celebrated sandwiches,which were a complete supper in themselves. I wanted to get out and walk eastward toward the park through the soft twilight,but each time I tried to go I became entangled in some wild,strident argument which pulled me back,as if with ropes,into my chair. Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets,and I saw him too,looking up and wondering. I was within and without,simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life." English,他身子往后一靠。一阵束手无策的感觉袭击了他。首先是,他一点也没有把握,今年是不是1984年。大致是这个日期,因为他相当有把握地知道,自已的年龄是三十九岁,而且他相信他是在1944年或1945年生的。但是,要把任何日期确定下来,误差不出一两年,在当今的时世里,是永远办不到的。,"He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him. To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was 1984. It must be round about that date, since he was fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had been born in 1944 or 1945; but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two." English,“太美了!汤姆,咱们回去吧。明天!”随即她又毫不相干地说:“你应当看看宝宝。”,"‘How gorgeous! Let's go back,Tom. To-morrow!’ Then she added irrelevantly:‘You ought to see the baby.’" Chinese,‘Look!’ she complained;‘I hurt it.’,“瞧!”她抱怨道,“我把它碰伤了。” Chinese,"Most of the time I worked. In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust. I knew the other clerks and young bond-salesmen by their first names,and lunched with them in dark,crowded restaurants on little pig sausages and mashed potatoes and coffee. I even had a short affair with a girl who lived in Jersey City and worked in the accounting department,but her brother began throwing mean looks in my direction,so when she went on her vacation in July I let it blow quietly away.",大部分时间我都在工作。每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。我跟其他的办事员和年轻的债券推销员混得很熟,和他们一起在阴暗拥挤的饭馆里吃午饭,吃点小猪肉香肠加土豆泥,喝杯咖啡。我甚至和一个姑娘发生过短期的关系,她住在泽西城,在会计处工作。可是她哥哥开始给我眼色看,因此她七月里出去度假的时候,我就让这事悄悄地吹了。 Chinese,"‘I wouldn't think of changing the light,’ cried Mrs. McKee. ‘I think it's —’",“我认为根本不应该改换光线,”麦基太太大声说。“我认为……” Chinese,"‘I married him because I thought he was a gentleman,’ she said finally. ‘I thought he knew something about breeding,but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe.’",“我嫁给了他,是因为我以为他是个上等人,”她最后说,“我以为他还有点教养,不料他连舔我的鞋都不配。” Chinese,"‘I don't think it's so much that,’ argued Lucille skeptically;‘it's more that he was a German spy during the war.’",“我想并不是那回事,”露西尔不以为然地分辩道,“多半是因为在大战时他当过德国间谍。” English,“既然你车子开得不好,那么你晚上就不应当试着开车嘛。”,"‘Well,if you're a poor driver you oughtn't to try driving at night.’" Chinese,"Je ne me trouvai pas seul avec le muletier. Il y avait deux enfants de famille de Peñaflor, un petit chantre de Mondoñedo qui courait le pays et un jeune bourgeois d’Astorga, qui s’en retournait chez lui avec une jeune personne qu’il venait d’épouser à Verco. Nous fîmes tous connaissance en peu de temps et chacun eut bientôt dit d’où il venait et où il allait. La nouvelle mariée, quoique jeune, était si noire et si peu piquante, que je ne prenais pas grand plaisir à la regarder : cependant sa jeunesse et son embonpoint donnèrent dans la vue du muletier, qui résolut de faire une tentative pour obtenir ses bonnes grâces. Il passa la journée à méditer ce beau dessein et il en remit l’exécution à la dernière couchée. Ce fut à Cacabelos. Il nous fit descendre à la première hôtellerie en entrant. Cette maison était plus dans la campagne que dans le bourg et il en connaissait l’hôte pour un homme discret et complaisant. Il eut soin de nous faire conduire dans une chambre écartée, où il nous laissa souper tranquillement ; mais, sur la fin du repas, nous le vîmes entrer d’un air furieux. Par la mort, s’écria-t-il, on m’a volé. J’avais dans un sac de cuir cent pistoles. Il faut que je les retrouve. Je vais chez le juge du bourg, qui n’entend pas raillerie là-dessus et vous allez tous avoir la question2, jusqu’à ce que vous ayez confessé le crime et rendu l’argent. En disant cela d’un air fort naturel, il sortit, et nous demeurâmes dans un extrême étonnement3.",跟骡夫一起上路的不止我一人:还有两个贝尼弗罗的富家子弟;一个蒙都尼都的小矮个子,是个走江湖唱圣诗的;此外还有一个阿斯托加的年轻市民,带了在维尔果地方新娶的年轻老婆回家。一行人不久混熟了,各诉来踪去迹。那新娘子虽然年轻,却又黑又没风味,我懒得看她。可是她年纪轻,又是好一身肉,骡夫瞧着她很动情,就决心要求欢。他盘算了一天,打定主意,准备到了末一站下手。末一站是卡卡贝罗斯。一到那镇上,他领我们在第一家客店里投宿。这店算是在镇上,其实很偏僻,倒仿佛落了乡,而且那骡夫知道掌柜是个乖觉识窍肯行方便的人。他故意领我们到一间僻静的客房里,让我们自在吃晚饭。我们快要吃完,只见他怒冲冲闯进来嚷道:“他妈的!谁偷了我的钱了!我皮包里明明藏着一百个比斯多呢!我非追回来不可!我要向镇上的法官告状去!他碰到这种事,决不轻轻放过,要把你们一个个上夹棍审问,直到做贼的招供吐赃,才饶你们呢。”他说完跑了,样子装得惟妙惟肖,我们都非常诧异。 English,“可是穿在你身上就显得特别漂亮,如果你懂得我的意思的话,”麦基太太紧跟着说。“只要切斯特能把你这个姿势拍下来,我想这一定会是一幅杰作。”,"‘But it looks wonderful on you,if you know what I mean,’ pursued Mrs.McKee. ‘If Chester could only get you in that pose I think he could make something of it.’" English,“非常想听。”,‘Very much.’ Chinese,"The fact was infinitely astonishing to him,and I recognized first the unusual quality of wonder,and then the man—it was the late patron of Gatsby's library.",这个事实使他感到不胜惊奇。我先听出了那不平常的惊奇的口吻,然后认出了这个人——就是早先光顾盖茨比图书室的那一位。 English,“瞧!”他得意洋洋地嚷道,“这是一本地地道道的印刷品。它真把我蒙住了。这家伙简直是个贝拉斯科。真是巧夺天工。多么一丝不苟!多么逼真!而且知道见好就收——并没裁开纸页。你还要怎样?你还指望什么?”,"‘See!’ he cried triumphantly. ‘It's a bona-fide piece of printed matter. It fooled me. This fella's a regular Belasco. It's a triumph. What thoroughness! What realism! Knew when to stop,too—didn't cut the pages. But what do you want? What do you expect?’" Chinese,‘Wha's matter?’ he inquired calmly. ‘Did we run outa gas?’,“怎么啦?”他镇静地问道,“咱们没汽油了吗?” Chinese,"‘No,we just went to Monte Carlo and back. We went by way of Marseilles. We had over twelve hundred dollars when we started,but we got gyped out of it all in two days in the private rooms. We had an awful time getting back,I can tell you. God,how I hated that town!’",“没有,我们只去了蒙特卡洛就回来了。我们是取道马赛去的。我们动身的时候带了一千二百多美元,可是两天之内就在赌场小房间里让人骗光了。我们回来一路上吃的苦头可不少,我对你说吧。天哪,我恨死那城市了。” English,第二章,Chapter Two Chinese,"‘What!’ I exclaimed. ‘Oh,I beg your pardon.’",“什么!”我叫了一声,“噢,真对不起。” Chinese,"J’arrivai heureusement à Peñaflor : je m’arrêtai à la porte d’une hôtellerie d’assez bonne apparence. Je n’eus pas mis pied à terre, que l’hôte vint me recevoir fort civilement. Il détacha lui-même ma valise, la chargea sur ses épaules et me conduisit à une chambre, pendant qu’un de ses valets menait ma mule à l’écurie. Cet hôte, le plus grand babillard des Asturies et aussi prompt à conter sans nécessité ses propres affaires, que curieux de savoir celles d’autrui, m’apprit qu’il se nommait André Corcuelo ; qu’il avait servi longtemps dans les armées du roi en qualité de sergent et que depuis quinze mois il avait quitté le service pour épouser une fille de Castropol5, qui bien que tant soit peu basanée, ne laissait pas de faire valoir le bouchon6. Il me dit encore une infinité d’autres choses, que je me serais fort bien passé d’entendre. Après cette confidence, se croyant en droit de tout exiger de moi, il me demanda d’où je venais, où j’allais et qui j’étais. À quoi il me fallut répondre article par article, parce qu’il accompagnait d’une profonde révérence chaque question qu’il me faisait, en me priant d’un air si respectueux d’excuser sa curiosité, que je ne pouvais me défendre de la satisfaire. Cela m’engagea dans un long entretien avec lui et me donna lieu de parler du dessein et des raisons que j’avais de me défaire de ma mule, pour prendre la voie du muletier. Ce qu’il approuva fort, non succinctement, car il me représenta là-dessus tous les accidents fâcheux qui pouvaient m’arriver sur la route. Il me rapporta même plusieurs histoires sinistres de voyageurs. Je croyais qu’il ne finirait point. Il finit pourtant, en disant que si je voulais vendre ma mule, il connaissait un honnête maquignon7 qui l’achèterait. Je lui témoignai qu’il me ferait plaisir de l’envoyer chercher : il y alla sur-le-champ lui-même avec empressement.",我安抵贝尼弗罗,在一家像样的旅店门口停下;脚没落地,这旅店主人早满面春风地出来迎接。他亲手解下皮包,扛在肩上,领我到一间客房里,他的手下人也把骡子牵到马房里去。这位店主人可算阿斯杜利亚境内嚼舌根儿多说话的第一名,动不动无谓扯淡,讲自己的事,又爱管闲账打听人家的事。他说,他名叫安德瑞·高居罗,在皇家军队里当过好多年军曹,十五个月以前为了要娶个卡斯托坡尔的姑娘,所以退伍的;又说那姑娘皮肤稍为黑些,却是店里一块活招牌。他还说了许多话,我都懒得理会。他讲了这些体己,觉得有权来盘问我了,问我哪里来,哪里去,又问我是谁。我只得一一回答,因为他每问一句,就对我深深鞠躬道歉,请我别怪他多问,弄得我不好意思不理他。这就招得彼此长谈起来。说话中间,我讲起打算卖掉骡子改雇包程骡子的事。他十分赞成,不是干脆说赞成,而是就题发挥,告诉我路上会碰到各种麻烦,还叙述了旅客身经的许多恐怖。我只怕他一辈子讲不完,他也有讲完的时候。末了他说,如果我要卖掉骡子,他认得一个可靠的马贩子也许要买。我烦他把那人找来,他立刻亲自找去了。 Chinese,"The fact that he had one was insisted upon wherever he was known. His acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular cafés with her and,leaving her at a table,sauntered about,chatting with whomsoever he knew. Though I was curious to see her,I had no desire to meet her—but I did. I went up to New York with Tom on the train one afternoon,and when we stopped by the ashheaps he jumped to his feet and,taking hold of my elbow,literally forced me from the car.",他有个情妇,这是所有知道他的人都认定的事实。他的熟人都很气愤,因为他常常带着她上时髦的馆子,并且,让她在一张桌子旁坐下后,自己就走来走去,跟他认识的人拉呱。我虽然好奇,想看看她,可并不想和她见面——但是我会到她了。一天下午,我跟汤姆同行搭火车上纽约去。等我们在灰堆停下来的时候,他一骨碌跳了起来,抓住我的胳膊肘,简直是强迫我下了车。 Chinese,"Behind Winston’s back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Policeplugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. Youhad to live --did live, from habit that became instinct --in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.",在温斯顿的身后,电幕上的声音仍在喋喋不休地报告生铁产量和第九个三年计划的超额完成情况。电幕能够同时接收和放送。温斯顿发出的任何声音,只要比极低声的细语大一点,它就可以接收到;此外,只要他留在那块金属板的视野之内,除了能听到他的声音之外,也能看到他的行动。当然,没有办法知道,在某一特定的时间里,你的一言一行是否都有人在监视着。思想警察究竟多么经常,或者根据什么安排在接收某个人的线路,那你就只能猜测了。甚至可以想象,他们对每个人都是从头到尾一直在监视着的。反正不论什么时候,只要他们高兴,他们都可以接上你的线路。你只能在这样的假定下生活――从已经成为本能的习惯出发,你早已这样生活了:你发出的每一个声音,都是有人听到的,你作的每一个动作,除非在黑暗中,都是有人仔细观察的。 English,“但是,我可嫁给了他,”茉特尔含糊其辞地说。“这就是你的情况和我的情况不同的地方。”,"‘Well,I married him,’ said Myrtle,ambiguously. ‘And that's the difference between your case and mine.’" English,茉特尔考虑了一会儿。,Myrtle considered. English,大地蹒跚着离开太阳,电灯显得更亮,此刻乐队正在奏黄色鸡尾酒会音乐,于是大合唱般的人声又提高了一个音调。笑声每时每刻都变得越来越容易,毫无节制地倾泻出来,只要一句笑话就会引起哄然大笑。人群的变化越来越快,忽而随着新来的客人而增大,忽而分散后又立即重新组合;已经有一些人在东飘西荡——脸皮厚的年轻姑娘在比较稳定的人群中间钻进钻出,一会儿在片刻的欢腾中成为一群人注意的中心,一会儿又得意洋洋在不断变化的灯光下穿过变幻不定的面孔、声音和色彩扬长而去。,"The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun,and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music,and the opera of voices pitches a key higher. Laughter is easier minute by minute,spilled with prodigality,tipped out at a cheerful word. The groups change more swiftly,swell with new arrivals,dissolve and form in the same breath;already there are wanderers,confident girls who weave here and there among the stouter and more stable,become for a sharp,joyous moment the center of a group,and then,excited with triumph,glide on through the sea-change of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing light." English,“干什么?”她吃惊地问道。,"‘Do what?’ she asked,startled." Chinese,"‘I will. Good night,Mr.Carraway. See you anon.’",“我一定可以。晚安,卡罗威先生。改天见吧。” Chinese,‘At first I din' notice we'd stopped.’,“起先我还没发现咱们停住了。” English,“你收下了吗?”乔丹问。,‘Did you keep it?’ asked Jordan. English,“你在干什么买卖,尼克?”,"‘What you doing,Nick?’" Chinese,"A man in a long duster had dismounted from the wreck and now stood in the middle of the road,looking from the car to the tyre and from the tyre to the observers in a pleasant,puzzled way.",一个穿着长风衣的男人已经从撞坏的车子里出来,此刻站在大路中间,从车子看到轮胎,又从轮胎看到旁观的人,脸上带着愉快而迷惑不解的表情。 Chinese,"Rather ashamed that on my first appearance I had stayed so late,I joined the last of Gatsby's guests,who were clustered around him. I wanted to explain that I'd hunted for him early in the evening and to apologize for not having known him in the garden.",我觉得怪难为情的,第一次来就待得这么晚,于是走到包围着盖茨比的最后几位客人那边去。我想要解释一下我一来就到处找过他,同时向他道歉刚才在花园里当面都不认识。 Chinese,"The telephone rang inside,startlingly,and as Daisy shook her head decisively at Tom the subject of the stables,in fact all subjects,vanished into air. Among the broken fragments of the last five minutes at table I remember the candles being lit again,pointlessly,and I was conscious of wanting to look squarely at every one,and yet to avoid all eyes. I couldn't guess what Daisy and Tom were thinking,but I doubt if even Miss Baker,who seemed to have mastered a certain hardy skepticism,was able utterly to put this fifth guest's shrill metallic urgency out of mind. To a certain temperament the situation might have seemed intriguing—my own instinct was to telephone immediately for the police.",里面电话又响了,大家都吃了一惊。黛西断然地对汤姆摇摇头,于是马房的话题,事实上所有的话题,都化为乌有了。在餐桌上最后五分钟残存的印象中,我记得蜡烛又无缘无故地点着了,同时我意识到自己很想正眼看看大家,然而却又想避开大家的目光。我猜不出黛西和汤姆在想什么,但是我也怀疑,就连贝克小姐那样似乎玩世不恭的人,是否能把这第五位客人尖锐刺耳的迫切呼声完全置之度外。对某种性情的人来说,这个局面可能倒怪有意思的——我自己本能的反应是立刻去打电话叫警察。 Chinese,"‘Back out,’ he suggested after a moment. ‘Put her in reverse.’",“倒车,”过了一会儿他又出点子,“用倒车挡。” English,像平常一样,屏幕上闪现了人民公敌爱麦虞埃尔果尔德施坦因的脸。观众中间到处响起了嘘声。那个淡茶色头发的小女人发出了混杂着恐惧和厌恶的叫声。果尔德施坦因是个叛徒、变节分子,他一度(那是很久以前了,到底多久,没有人记得清楚)是党的领导人物之一,几乎与老大哥本人平起平坐,后来从事反革命活动,被判死刑,却神秘地逃走了,不知下落。两分钟仇恨节目每天不同,但无不以果尔德施坦因为其重要人物。他是头号叛徒,最早污损党的纯洁性的人。后来的一切反党罪行、一切叛国行为、破坏颠覆、异端邪说、离经叛道都是直接起源于他的教唆。反正不知在什么地方,他还活着,策划着阴谋诡计;也许是在海外某个地方,得到外国后台老板的庇护;也许甚至在大洋国国内某个隐蔽的地方藏匿着――有时就有这样的谣传。,"As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to thescreen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. The little sandy-haired woman gave a squeak of mingled fear and disgust. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago, nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with Big Brother himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death, and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared. The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party’s purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even --so itwas occasionally rumoured -- in some hiding-place in Oceania itself." Chinese,"‘Well,we're almost the last to-night,’ said one of the men sheepishly. ‘The orchestra left half an hour ago.’",“不过,今晚我们几乎是最后的了,”两个男的有一个怯生生地说。“乐队半个钟头以前就走了。” Chinese,‘Doesn't her husband object?’,“她丈夫没意见吗?” Chinese,"But it had also been suggested by the book that he had just taken out of the drawer. It was a peculiarly beautiful book. Its smooth creamy paper, a little yellowed by age, was of a kind that had not been manufactured for at least forty years past. He could guess, however, that the book was much older than that. He had seen it lying in the window of a frowsy little junk-shop in a slummy quarter of the town (just what quarter he did not now remember) and had been stricken immediately by an overwhelming desire to possess it. Party members were supposed not to go intoordinary shops (“dealing on the free market”, it was called), but the rule was not strictly kept, because there were various things, such as shoelaces and razor blades, which it was impossible toget hold of in any other way. He had given a quick glance up and down the street and then had slipped inside and bought the book for two dollars fifty. At the time he was not conscious of wanting it for any particular purpose. He had carried it guiltily home in his briefcase. Even with nothing written in it, it was a compromising possession.",但这件事也是他刚刚从抽屉中拿出来的那个本子使他想到要做的。这是一本特别精美的本子。光滑洁白的纸张因年代久远而有些发黄,这种纸张至少过去四十年来已久未生产了。不过他可以猜想,这部本子的年代还要久远得多。他是在本市里一个破破烂烂的居民区的一家发霉的小旧货铺中看到它躺在橱窗中的,到底是哪个区,他已经记不得了。他当时一眼就看中,一心要想得到它。照理党员是不许到普通店铺里去的(去了就是“在自由市场上做买卖”),不过这条规矩并不严格执行,因为有许多东西,例如鞋带、刀片,用任何别的办法是无法弄到的,他回头很快地看了一眼街道两头,就溜进了小铺子,花二元五角钱把本子买了下来。当时他并没有想到买来干什么用。他把它放在皮包里不安地回了家。即使里面没有写什么东西,有这样一个本子也是容易引起怀疑的。 English,屋子里唯一完全静止的东西是一张庞大的长沙发椅,上面有两个年轻的女人,活像浮在一个停泊在地面的大气球上。她们俩都身穿白衣,衣裙在风中飘荡,好像她们乘气球绕着房子飞了一圈刚被风吹回来似的。我准是站了好一会,倾听窗帘刮动的劈啪声和墙上一幅挂像嘎吱嘎吱的响声。忽然砰然一声,汤姆·布坎农关上了后面的落地窗,室内的余风才渐渐平息,窗帘、地毯和两位少妇也都慢慢地降落地面。,"The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon. They were both in white,and their dresses were rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house. I must have stood for a few moments listening to the whip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall. Then there was a boom as Tom Buchanan shut the rear windows and the caught wind died out about the room,and the curtains and the rugs and the two young women ballooned slowly to the floor." English,他们为什么到东部来,我并不知道。他们并没有什么特殊的理由,在法国待了一年,后来又不安定地东飘西荡,所去的地方都有人打马球,而且大家都有钱。这次是定居了,黛西在电话里说。可是我并不相信——我看不透黛西的心思,不过我觉得汤姆会为追寻某场无法重演的球赛的戏剧性的激奋,就这样略有点怅惘地永远飘荡下去。,"Why they came East I don't know. They had spent a year in France for no particular reason,and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together. This was a permanent move,said Daisy over the telephone,but I didn't believe it—I had no sight into Daisy's heart,but I felt that Tom would drift on forever seeking,a little wistfully,for the dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverable football game." Chinese,‘I'd like to get one of those police dogs;I don't suppose you got that kind?’,“我想要一条那种警犬;我看你不一定有那一种吧?” Chinese,"Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station,staring at the morning Tribune,and waiting for the four o'clock train.",后来我半睡半醒躺在宾夕法尼亚车站下层很冷的候车室里,一面盯着刚出的《论坛报》,一面等候清早四点钟的那班火车。 English,“你想自杀吗?”,‘Do you want to commit suicide?’ Chinese,"‘I don't mean that,’ explained Wilson quickly. ‘I just meant —’",“我不是这个意思,”威尔逊连忙解释。“我只是说……” English,“埃伯哈特太太。她经常到人家里去替人看脚。”,‘Mrs.Eberhardt. She goes around looking at people's feet in their own homes.’ English,“她家里只有一个七老八十的姑妈。再说,尼克以后可以照应她了,是不是,尼克?她今年夏天要到这里来度许多个周末。我想这里的家庭环境对她会大有好处的。”,"‘Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old.Besides,Nick's going to look after her,aren't you,Nick? She's going to spend lots of week-ends out here this summer. I think the home influence will be very good for her.’" English,1984年4月4日。昨晚去看电影。全是战争片。一部很好,是关于一艘装满难民的船,在地中海某处遭到空袭。观众看到一个大胖子要想游开去逃脱追他的直升飞机的镜头感到很好玩。你起初看到他象一头海豚一样在水里浮沉,后来通过直升飞机的瞄准器看到他,最后他全身是枪眼,四周的海水都染红了,他突然下沉,好象枪眼里吸进了海水一样。下沉的时候观众笑着叫好。接着你看到一艘装满儿童的救生艇,上空有一架直升飞机在盘旋。有个中年妇女坐在船首,大概是个犹太女人,怀中抱着一个大约三岁的小男孩。小男孩吓得哇哇大哭,把脑袋躲在她的怀里,好象要钻进她的胸口中去似的,那个妇女用胳膊搂着他,安慰着他,尽管她自己的脸色也吓得发青。她一度用自己的胳膊尽可能地掩护着他,仿佛她以为自己的胳膊能够抵御子弹不伤他的身体似的。接着直升飞机在他们中间投了一颗二十公斤的炸弹,引起可怕的爆炸,救生艇四分五裂,成为碎片。接着出现一个很精采的镜头一个孩子的胳膊举了起来越举越高越举越高一直到了天空中一定有架机头装着摄影机的直升飞机跟着他的胳膊,在党员座中间发出了很多的掌声但是在无产座部分有个妇女突然吵了起来大声说他们不应该在孩子们面前放映这部电影他们在孩子们面前放映这部电影是不对的最后警察把她赶了出去我想她不致于会遇到什么不愉快的结果无产者说些什么没有人会放在心上典型的无产者反应他们决不会...,"April 4th, 1984. Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full ofrefugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean. Audience much amused by shots of agreat huge fat man trying to swim away with a helicopter after him, first you saw him wallowingalong in the water like a porpoise, then you saw him through the helicopters gunsights, then he wasfull of holes and the sea round him turned pink and he sank as suddenly as though the holes had letin the water, audience shouting with laughter when he sank. then you saw a lifeboat full of childrenwith a helicopter hovering over it. there was a middle-aged woman might have been a jewesssitting up in the bow with a little boy about three years old in her arms. little boy screaming withfright and hiding his head between her breasts as if he was trying to burrow right into her and thewoman putting her arms round him and comforting him although she was blue with fright herself,all the time covering him up as much as possible as if she thought her arms could keep the bulletsoff him. then the helicopter planted a 20 kilo bomb in among them terrific flash and the boat wentall to matchwood. then there was a wonderful shot of a child’s arm going up up up right up into theair a helicopter with a camera in its nose must have followed it up and there was a lot of applausefrom the party seats but a woman down in the prole part of the house suddenly started kicking up afuss and shouting they didnt oughter of showed it not in front of kids they didnt it aint right not infront of kids it aint until the police turned her turned her out i dont suppose anything happened toher nobody cares what the proles say typical prole reaction they never-" English,纯粹出于偶然,我租的这所房子在北美最离奇的一个村镇。这个村镇位于纽约市正东那个细长的奇形怪状的小岛上——那里除了其他天然奇观以外,还有两个地方形状异乎寻常。离城二十英里路,有一对其大无比的鸡蛋般的半岛,外形一模一样,中间隔着一条小湾,一直伸进西半球那片最恬静的咸水,长岛海峡那个巨大的潮湿的场院。它们并不是正椭圆形,——而是像哥伦布故事里的鸡蛋一样,在碰过的那头都是压碎了的——但是它们外貌的相似一定是使从头上飞过的海鸥惊异不已的源泉。对于没有翅膀的人类来说,一个更加饶有趣味的现象,却是这两个地方除了形状大小之外,在每一个方面都截然不同。,"It was a matter of chance that I should have rented a house in one of the strangest communities in North America. It was on that slender riotous island which extends itself due east of New York—and where there are,among other natural curiosities,two unusual formations of land. Twenty miles from the city a pair of enormous eggs,identical in contour and separated only by a courtesy bay,jut out into the most domesticated body of salt water in the Western hemisphere,the great wet barnyard of Long Island Sound. They are not perfect ovals—ike the egg in the Columbus story,they are both crushed flat at the contact end—but their physical resemblance must be a source of perpetual wonder to the gulls that fly overhead. To the wingless a more interesting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size." Chinese,‘I'm p-paralyzed with happiness.’,“我高兴得瘫……瘫掉了。” English,“你让我觉得自己不文明,黛西,”我喝第二杯虽然有点软木塞气味却相当精彩的红葡萄酒时坦白地说,“你不能谈谈庄稼或者谈点儿别的什么吗?”,"‘You make me feel uncivilized,Daisy,’ I confessed on my second glass of corky but rather impressive claret. ‘Can't you talk about crops or something?’" English,威尔逊太太不知什么时候又换了一套衣服,现在穿的是一件精致的奶油色雪纺绸的连衣裙,是下午做客穿的那种,她在屋子里转来转去的时候,衣裙就不断地沙沙作响。由于衣服的影响,她的个性也跟着起了变化。早先在车行里那么显著的活力变成了目空一切的hauteur。她的笑声、她的姿势、她的言谈,每一刻都变得越来越矫揉造作,同时随着她逐渐膨胀,她周围的屋子就显得越来越小,后来,她好像在烟雾弥漫的空气中坐在一个吱吱嘎嘎的木轴上不停地转动。,"Mrs.Wilson had changed her costume some time before,and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon,which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room. With the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone a change. The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur. Her laughter,her gestures,her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment,and as she expanded the room grew smaller around her,until she seemed to be revolving on a noisy,creaking pivot through the smoky air." Chinese,That was for the golf tournament. She had lost in the finals the week before.,这说的是高尔夫球比赛。她在上星期的决赛中输掉了。 English,她眯起眼睛,哆嗦了起来。露西尔也在哆嗦。我们大家掉转身来,四面张望去找盖茨比。有些人早就认为这个世界上没有什么需要避讳的事情,现在谈起他来却这样窃窃私语,这一点也足以证明他引起了人们何等浪漫的遐想了。,She narrowed her eyes and shivered. Lucille shivered. We all turned and looked around for Gatsby. It was testimony to the romantic speculation he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who had found little that it was necessary to whisper about in this world. English,她妹妹凯瑟琳是一个苗条而俗气的女人,年纪三十上下,一头浓密的短短的红头发,脸上粉搽得像牛奶一样白。她的眉毛是拔掉又重画过的,画的角度还俏皮一些,可是天然的力量却要恢复旧观,弄得她脸有点眉目不清。她走动的时候,不断发出丁当丁当的声音,因为许多假玉手镯在她胳臂上面上上下下地抖动。她像主人一样大模大样走了进来,对家具扫视了一番,仿佛东西是属于她的,使我怀疑她是否就住在这里。但是等我问她时,她放声大笑,大声重复了我的问题,然后告诉我她和一个女朋友同住在一家旅馆里。,"The sister,Catherine,was a slender,worldly girl of about thirty,with a solid,sticky bob of red hair,and a complexion powdered milky white. Her eyebrows had been plucked and then drawn on again at a more rakish angle,but the efforts of nature toward the restoration of the old alignment gave a blurred air to her face. When she moved about there was an incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down upon her arms. She came in with such a proprietary haste,and looked around so possessively at the furniture that I wondered if she lived here. But when I asked her she laughed immoderately,repeated my question aloud,and told me she lived with a girl friend at a hotel." Chinese,He nodded.,他点点头。 Chinese,"‘I like your dress,’ remarked Mrs.McKee,‘I think it's adorable.’",“我喜欢你这件衣服,”麦基太太说,“我觉得它真漂亮。” English,“他就是一个姓盖茨比的人呗。”,‘He's just a man named Gatsby.’ Chinese,"He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf,muttering that if one brick was removed the whole library was liable to collapse.",他从我手里把那本书一把夺走,急急忙忙在书架上放回原处,一面叽咕着说什么假使一块砖头被挪开,整个图书室就有可能塌掉。 Chinese,‘Suppose you met somebody just as careless as yourself.’,“假定你碰到一个像你一样不小心的人呢?” English,“我也听过一个人这样说,这人对他一清二楚,是从小和他一起在德国长大的,”他肯定无疑地告诉我们。,"‘I heard that from a man who knew all about him,grew up with him in Germany,’ he assured us positively." Chinese,"‘I've done some nice things out on Long Island,’ asserted Mr.McKee.",“我在长岛那边拍过几张好的,”麦基先生断言。 Chinese,"Suddenly he began writing in sheer panic, only imperfectly aware of what he was setting down. His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page, shedding first its capital letters and finally even its full stops:",突然他开始慌里慌张地写了起来,只是模模糊糊地意识到他写的是些什么。他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描划着,写着写着,先是省略了大写字母,最后连句号也省略了: Chinese,"‘It's just a crazy old thing,’ she said. ‘I just slip it on sometimes when I don't care what I look like.’",“这只是一件破烂的旧货,”她说。“我不在乎自己是什么样子的时候,我就把它往身上一套。” Chinese,‘I'm a bond man.’,“我在做债券生意。” English,她的丈夫,除了擅长其他各种运动之外,曾经是纽黑文有史以来最伟大的橄榄球运动员之一——也可说是个全国闻名的人物,这种人二十一岁就在有限范围内取得登峰造极的成就,从此以后一切都不免有走下坡路的味道了。他家里非常有钱,——还在大学时他那样任意花钱已经遭人非议,但现在他离开了芝加哥搬到东部来,搬家的那个排场可真要使人惊讶不置。比方说,他从森林湖运来整整一群打马球用的马匹。在我这一辈子中竟然还有人阔到能够干这种事,实在令人难以置信。,"Her husband,among various physical accomplishments,had been one of the most powerful ends that ever played football at New Haven—a national figure in a way,one of those men who reach such an acute limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savours of anti-climax. His family were enormously wealthy—even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach—but now he'd left Chicago and come East in a fashion that rather took your breath away:for instance,he'd brought down a string of polo ponies from Lake Forest. It was hard to realize that a man in my own generation was wealthy enough to do that." English,“倒车,”过了一会儿他又出点子,“用倒车挡。”,"‘Back out,’ he suggested after a moment. ‘Put her in reverse.’" Chinese,‘Crazy about him!’ cried Myrtle incredulously. ‘Who said I was crazy about him? I never was any more crazy about him than I was about that man there.’,“爱他爱得发疯!”茉特尔不相信地喊道,“谁说我爱他爱得发疯啦?我从来没爱过他,就像我没爱过那个人一样。” English,茉特尔把她自己的椅子拉到我椅子旁边,忽然之间她吐出的热气朝我喷来,她絮絮叨叨讲起了她跟汤姆初次相逢的故事。,"Myrtle pulled her chair close to mine,and suddenly her warm breath poured over me the story of her first meeting with Tom." Chinese,"The other person was a man named O’Brien, a member of the Inner Party and holder of some post so important and remote that Winston had only a dim idea of its nature. A momentary hush passed over the group of people round the chairs as they saw the black overalls of an Inner Party member approaching. O’Brien was a large, burly man with a thick neck and a coarse, humorous, brutal face. In spite of his formidable appearance he had a certain charm of manner. He had a trick of resettling his spectacles on his nose which was curiously disarming --in some indefinable way, curiously civilized. It was a gesture which, if anyone had still thought in such terms, might have recalled an eighteenth-century nobleman offering his snuffbox. Winston had seen O’Brien perhaps a dozen times in almost as many years. He felt deeply drawn to him, and not solely because he was intrigued by the contrast between O’Brien’s urbane manner and his prizefighter’s physique. Much more it was because of a secretly held belief --or perhaps not even a belief, merely a hope --that O’Brien’s political orthodoxy was not perfect. Something in his facesuggested it irresistibly. And again, perhaps it was not even unorthodoxy that was written in his face, but simply intelligence. But at any rate he had the appearance of being a person that you could talk to if somehow you could cheat the telescreen and get him alone. Winston had never made the smallest effort to verify this guess: indeed, there was no way of doing so. At this moment O’Brien glanced at his wrist-watch, saw that it was nearly eleven hundred, and evidently decided to stay in the Records Department until the Two Minutes Hate was over. He took a chair in the same row as Winston, a couple of places away. A small, sandy-haired woman who worked in the next cubicle to Winston was between them. The girl with dark hair was sitting immediately behind.",另外一个人是个叫O’Brien的男人,他是核心党员,担任的职务很重要,高高在上,因此温斯顿对他职务的性质只有一种很模糊的概念。椅子周围的人一看到核心党员的黑色工作服走近时,都不由得肃静下来。O’Brien是个体格魁梧的人,脖子短粗,有着一张粗犷残忍、兴高采烈的脸。尽管他的外表令人望而生畏,他的态度却有一定迷人之处。他有一个小动作奇怪地使人感到可亲,那就是端正一下鼻梁上的眼镜;也很难说清楚,这奇怪地使人感到很文明。如果有人仍旧有那样想法的话,这个姿态可能使人想到一个十八世纪的绅士端出鼻烟匣来待客。温斯顿大概在十多年来看到过O’Brien十多次。他感到对他特别有兴趣,这并不完全是因为他对O’Brien彬彬有礼的态度和拳击师的体格的截然对比感到有兴趣。更多的是因为他心中暗自认为――也许甚至还不是认为,而仅仅是希望――O’Brien的政治信仰不完全是正统的。他脸上的某种表情使人无法抗拒地得出这一结论。而且,表现在他脸上的,甚至不是不正统,而干脆就是智慧。不过无论如何,他的外表使人感到,如果你能躲过电幕而单独与他在一起的话,他是个可以谈谈的人。温斯顿从来没有做过哪怕是最轻微的努力来证实这种猜想;说真的,根本没有这样做的可能。现在,O’Brien瞥了一眼手表,看到已经快到十一点了,显然决定留在记录司,等两分钟仇恨结束。他在温斯顿那一排坐了下来,相隔两把椅子。中间坐的是一个淡茶色头发的小女人,她在温斯顿隔壁的小办公室工作。那个黑头发的姑娘坐在他们背后一排。 English,但是,在这片灰蒙蒙的土地以及永远笼罩在它上空的一阵阵暗淡的尘土的上面,你过一会儿就看到T·J·埃克尔堡大夫的眼睛。埃克尔堡大夫的眼睛是蓝色的,庞大无比——瞳仁就有一码高。这双眼睛不是从一张脸上向外看,而是从架在一个不存在的鼻子上的一副硕大无朋的黄色眼镜向外看。显然是一个异想天开的眼科医生把它们竖在那儿的,为了招徕生意,扩大他在皇后区的业务,到后来大概他自己也永远闭上了眼睛,再不然就是撇下它们搬走了。但是,他留下的那两只眼睛,由于年深月久,日晒雨淋,油漆剥落,光彩虽不如前,却依然若有所思,阴郁地俯视着这片阴沉沉的灰堆。,"But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it,you perceive,after a moment,the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic—their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face,but,instead,from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose. Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice in the borough of Queens,and then sank down himself into eternal blindness,or forgot them and moved away. But his eyes,dimmed a little by many paintless days,under sun and rain,brood on over the solemn dumping ground." Chinese,"‘This idea is that we're Nordics. I am,and you are,and you are,and —’ After an infinitesimal hesitation he included Daisy with a slight nod,and she winked at me again. ‘— And we've produced all the things that go to make civilization—oh,science and art,and all that. Do you see?’",“主要的论点是说我们是北欧日耳曼民族。我是,你是,你也是,还有……”稍稍犹疑了一下之后,他点了点头把黛西也包括了进去,这时她又冲我眨了眨眼。“而我们创造了所有那些加在一起构成文明的东西——科学艺术啦,以及其他等等。你们明白吗?” English,“我们总是第一个走。”,‘We're always the first ones to leave.’ English,我们的车子倒退到一个白头发老头跟前,他长得活像约翰·D·洛克菲勒,真有点滑稽。他脖子上挂着一个篮子,里面蹲着十几条新出世的、难以确定品种的小狗崽子。,We backed up to a grey old man who bore an absurd resemblance to John D.Rockefeller. In a basket swung from his neck cowered a dozen very recent puppies of an indeterminate breed. Chinese,"It was even possible, at moments, to switch one’s hatred this way or that by a voluntary act. Suddenly, by the sort of violent effort with which one wrenches one’s head away from the pillow ina nightmare, Winston succeeded in transferring his hatred from the face on the screen to the dark-haired girl behind him. Vivid, beautiful hallucinations flashed through his mind. He would flog her to death with a rubber truncheon. He would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows like Saint Sebastian. He would ravish her and cut her throat at the moment of climax. Better than before, moreover, he realized why it was that he hated her. He hated her because she was young and pretty and sexless, because he wanted to go to bed with her and would never do so, because round her sweet supple waist, which seemed to ask you to encircle it with your arm, there was only the odious scarlet sash, aggressive symbol of chastity.",有时候,你甚至可以自觉转变自己仇恨的对象。温斯顿突然把仇恨从电幕上的脸孔转到了坐在他背后那个黑发女郎的身上,其变化之迅速就象做恶梦醒来时猛的坐起来一样。一些栩栩如生的、美丽动人的幻觉在他的心中闪过。他想象自己用橡皮棍把她揍死,又把她赤身裸体地绑在一根木桩上,象圣塞巴斯蒂安一样乱箭丧身。在最后高潮中,他污辱了她,割断了她的喉管。而且,他比以前更加明白他为什么恨她。他恨她是因为她年青漂亮,却没有性感,是因为他要同她睡觉但永远不会达到目的,是因为她窈窕的纤腰似乎在招引你伸出胳膊去搂住她,但是却围着那条令人厌恶的猩红色绸带,那是咄咄逼人的贞节的象征。 Chinese,"A stout,middle-aged man,with enormous owl-eyed spectacles,was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table,staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books. As we entered he wheeled excitedly around and examined Jordan from head to foot.",一个矮矮胖胖的中年男人,戴着老大的一副猫头鹰式眼镜,正醉醺醺地坐在一张大桌子的边上,迷迷糊糊目不转睛地看着书架上一排排的书。我们一走进去他就兴奋地转过身来,把乔丹从头到脚打量了一番。 English,仇恨达到了最高潮。果尔德施坦因的声音真的变成了羊叫,而且有一度他的脸也变成了羊脸。接着那头羊脸又化为一个欧亚国的军人,高大吓人,似乎在大踏步前进,他的轻机枪轰鸣,似乎有夺幕而出之势,吓得第一排上真的有些人从坐着的椅子中来不及站起来。但是就在这一刹那间,电幕上这个敌人已化为老大哥的脸,黑头发,黑胡子,充满力量,镇定沉着,脸庞这么大,几乎占满了整个电幕,他的出现使大家放心地深深松了一口气。没有人听见老大哥在说什么。他说的只是几句鼓励的话,那种话一般都是在战斗的喧闹声中说的,无法逐宇逐句听清楚,但是说了却能恢复信心。接着老大的脸又隐去了,电幕上出现了用黑体大写字母写的党的三句口号:,"The Hate rose to its climax. The voice of Goldstein had become an actual sheep’s bleat, and for an instant the face changed into that of a sheep. Then the sheep-face melted into the figure of a Eurasian soldier who seemed to be advancing, huge and terrible, his sub-machine gun roaring, and seeming to spring out of the surface of the screen, so that some of the people in the front row actually flinched backwards in their seats. But in the same moment, drawing a deep sigh of relieffrom everybody, the hostile figure melted into the face of Big Brother, black-haired, blackmoustachio’d, full of power and mysterious calm, and so vast that it almost filled up the screen.Nobody heard what Big Brother was saying. It was merely a few words of encouragement, the sort of words that are uttered in the din of battle, not distinguishable individually but restoring confidence by the fact of being spoken. Then the face of Big Brother faded away again, and instead the three slogans of the Party stood out in bold capitals:" Chinese,"‘But we heard it,’ insisted Daisy,surprising me by opening up again in a flower-like way. ‘We heard it from three people,so it must be true.’",“可是我们听说了,”黛西坚持说,使我感到惊讶的是她又像花朵一样绽开了。“我们听三个人说过,所以一定是真的。” English,“我知道我没嫁给他。”,‘I know I didn't.’ English,乔丹那一伙人从阳台上不耐烦地喊她,可是她还逗留了片刻和我握手。,"Jordan's party were calling impatiently to her from the porch,but she lingered for a moment to shake hands." Chinese,"‘Ten o'clock,’ she remarked,apparently finding the time on the ceiling. ‘Time for this good girl to go to bed.’",“十点了,”她说,仿佛在天花板上看到了时间。“我这个好孩子该上床睡觉了。” English,“好吧,”我表示同意说,“我一定奉陪。”,"‘All right,’ I agreed,‘I'll be glad to.’" Chinese,"‘I'd like to do more work on Long Island,if I could get the entry. All I ask is that they should give me a start.’",“我很想在长岛多搞点业务,要是有人介绍的话。我唯一的要求就是他们帮我开个头。” English,过了一会儿,他深深吸了一口气,又挺起胸膛,用坚决的声音说:,"A pause. Then,taking a long breath and straightening his shoulders,he remarked in a determined voice:" English,“你们不明白,”罪人解释说,“我没有开车。车子里还有一个人。”,"‘You don't understand,’ explained the criminal. ‘I wasn't driving. There's another man in the car.’" English,她的语气之中有点什么使我想起另外那个姑娘说的“我想他杀过一个人”,其结果是打动了我的好奇心。随便说盖茨比出身于路易斯安那州的沼泽地区也好,出身于纽约东城南区也好,我都可以毫无疑问地接受。那是可以理解的。但是年纪轻的人不可能——至少我这个孤陋寡闻的乡下人认为他们不可能——不知从什么地方悄悄地出现,在长岛海湾买下一座宫殿式的别墅。,"Something in her tone reminded me of the other girl's ‘I think he killed a man’,and had the effect of stimulating my curiosity. I would have accepted without question the information that Gatsby sprang from the swamps of Louisiana or from the lower East Side of New York. That was comprehensible. But young men didn't—at least in my provincial inexperience I believed they didn't—drift coolly out of nowhere and buy a palace on Long Island Sound." English,突然他开始慌里慌张地写了起来,只是模模糊糊地意识到他写的是些什么。他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描划着,写着写着,先是省略了大写字母,最后连句号也省略了:,"Suddenly he began writing in sheer panic, only imperfectly aware of what he was setting down. His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page, shedding first its capital letters and finally even its full stops:" Chinese,"The other girl,Daisy,made an attempt to rise—she leaned slightly forward with a conscientious expression—then she laughed,an absurd,charming little laugh,and I laughed too and came forward into the room.",另外那个少妇,黛西,想要站起身来,——她身子微微向前倾,一脸诚心诚意的表情——接着她噗嗤一笑,又滑稽又可爱地轻轻一笑,我也跟着笑了,接着就走上前去进了屋子。 Chinese,"She sat down,glanced searchingly at Miss Baker and then at me,and continued:‘I looked outdoors for a minute,and it's very romantic outdoors. There's a bird on the lawn that I think must be a nightingale come over on the Cunard or White Star Line. He's singing away —’ Her voice sang:‘It's romantic,isn't it,Tom?’",她坐了下来,先朝贝克小姐然后朝我察看了一眼,又接着说:“我到外面看了一下,看到外面浪漫极了。草坪上有一只鸟,我想一定是搭康拉德或者白星轮船公司的船过来的一只夜莺。它在不停地歌唱……”她的声音也像唱歌一般。“很浪漫,是不是,汤姆?” Chinese,"Il me mena dans une cave, où je vis une infinité de bouteilles et de pots de terre bien bouchés, qui étaient pleins, disait-il, d’un vin excellent. Ensuite il me fit traverser plusieurs chambres. Dans les unes, il y avait des pièces de toile ; dans les autres, des étoffes de laine et de soie. J’aperçus dans une autre de l’or et de l’argent, et beaucoup de vaisselle à diverses armoiries. Après cela je le suivis dans un grand salon, que trois lustres de cuivre éclairaient et qui servait de communication à d’autres chambres. Il me fit là de nouvelles questions. Il me demanda comment je me nommais ; pourquoi j’étais sorti d’Oviedo ; et lorsque j’eus satisfait sa curiosité : Hé bien, Gil Blas, me dit-il, puisque tu n’as quitté ta patrie que pour chercher quelque bon poste, il faut que tu sois né coiffé1, pour être tombé entre nos mains. Je te l’ai déjà dit, tu vivras ici dans l’abondance, et rouleras sur l’or et sur l’argent. D’ailleurs, tu y seras en sûreté. Tel est ce souterrain, que les officiers de la sainte Hermandad2 viendraient cent fois dans cette forêt sans le découvrir. L’entrée n’en est connue que de moi seul et de mes camarades. Peut-être me demanderas-tu comment nous l’avons pu faire sans que les habitants des environs s’en soient aperçus ; mais apprends, mon ami, que ce n’est point notre ouvrage et qu’il est fait depuis longtemps. Après que les Maures se furent rendus maîtres de Grenade, de l’Aragon et de presque toute l’Espagne, les chrétiens qui ne voulurent point subir le joug des infidèles prirent la fuite et vinrent se cacher dans ce pays-ci, dans la Biscaye et dans les Asturies, où le vaillant don Pélage s’était retiré3. Fugitifs et dispersés par pelotons, ils vivaient dans les montagnes ou dans les bois. Les uns demeuraient dans les cavernes, et les autres firent plusieurs souterrains, du nombre desquels est celui-ci. Ayant ensuite eu le bonheur de chasser d’Espagne leurs ennemis, ils retournèrent dans les villes. Depuis ce temps-là leurs retraites ont servi d’asile aux gens de notre profession. Il est vrai que la sainte Hermandad en a découvert et détruit quelques-unes ; mais il en reste encore et grâce au Ciel, il y a près de quinze années que j’habite impunément celle-ci. Je m’appelle le capitaine Rolando4. Je suis chef de la compagnie, et l’homme que tu as vu avec moi est un de mes cavaliers.",他先领我到一个地窖里,只见无数密封着口的瓶子坛子,据说都满装着醇醪美酒。他又带我穿过好几个房间:有的堆着布匹,有的藏着呢绒绸缎;有一间屋里堆满了金子银子,刻着各式徽章的金银器皿还不在内。随后我又跟他到一间大厅上,里面点着三盏铜灯,这一间通许多房间。他又盘问我姓甚名谁,为什么离开奥维多。我一一回答了。他说道:“好啊,吉尔·布拉斯,你离开家乡,只为了要谋个好职位,恰恰落在我们手里,真是天生好福气了。我刚才跟你说过,你在这里可以过富裕日子,在金子银子里打滚!而且我们这里万无一失。这个地窟真是好地方,公安大队到树林里来巡逻个一百回也找不出来。只有我跟我们伙伴儿知道这里的出入口。也许你要问,造这样个地窟,怎么附近居民会不知不觉呢?我告诉你,朋友,这个地窟不是我们造的,是多年以前造现成了的。从前摩尔人侵占了格拉纳达、阿拉贡——几乎占领了西班牙全国。不愿受异教徒作践的基督教徒就逃亡出来,有的躲在这里附近,有的逃到比斯盖,还有像那勇敢的堂贝拉由就避在阿斯杜利亚。那些逃亡的人一队队四散逃难,或住在山上,或住在树林里,或住在山洞里,或造了许多地窟;这就是一个。他们后来靠天照应,把敌人赶出西班牙国境,又回到城市里去了。他们避难的隐居从此成了我们这行人的巢穴。公安大队确也剿掉几处,不过还有好多个呢。靠天保佑,我在这里平安无事,已经十五个年头了!我是罗朗都队长,是我们这伙人的头领。方才跟我在一起的是我们队里一名好汉。” English,“待了很久吗?”,‘Stay long?’ English,“我都木了,”她抱怨道,“我在那张沙发上躺了不知多久了。”,"‘I'm stiff,’ she complained,‘I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember.’" Chinese,"‘Civilization's going to pieces,’ broke out Tom violently. ‘I've gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read “The Rise of the Coloured Empires” by this man Goddard?’",“文明正在崩溃,”汤姆气势汹汹地大声说,“我近来成了个对世界非常悲观的人。你看过戈达德这个人写的《有色帝国的兴起》吗?” Chinese,"‘Come to lunch some day,’ he suggested,as we groaned down in the elevator.",“改天过来一道吃午饭吧。”我们在电梯里哼哼唧唧地往下走的时候,他提议说。 Chinese,"‘Two studies. One of them I call “Montauk Point—The Gulls,” and the other I call “Montauk Point—The Sea”.’",“两幅习作。其中一幅我称之为《蒙涛角——海鸥》,另一幅叫《蒙涛角——大海》。” Chinese,"There was something pathetic in his concentration,as if his complacency,more acute than of old,was not enough to him any more. When,almost immediately,the telephone rang inside and the butler left the porch Daisy seized upon the momentary interruption and leaned toward me.",他那副专心致志的劲头看上去有点可怜,似乎他那种自负的态度,虽然比往日还突出,但对他来说已经很不够了。这时屋子里电话铃响了,男管家离开阳台去接,黛西几乎立刻就抓住这个打岔的机会把脸凑到我面前来。 English,“我这辈子从来没听过这么自私的事。”,‘Never heard anything so selfish in my life.’ English,快到十一点的时候,在温斯顿工作的纪录司,他们把椅子从小办公室拖出来,放在大厅的中央,放在大电幕的前面,准备举行两分钟仇恨。温斯顿刚刚在中间一排的一张椅子上坐下来,有两个他只认识脸孔、却从来没有讲过话的人意外地走了进来。其中有一个是他常常在走廊中遇到的一个姑娘。他不道她的名字,但是他知道她在小说司工作。由于他有时看到她双手沾油,拿着扳钳,她大概是做机械工的,拾掇那些小说写作机器。她是个年约二十七岁、表情大胆的姑娘,浓浓的黑发,长满雀斑的脸,动作迅速敏捷,象个运动员。她的工作服的腰上重重地围了一条猩红色的狭缎带,这是青年反性同盟的标志,围的不松不紧,正好露出她的腰部的苗条。温斯顿头一眼看到她就不喜欢她。他知道为什么原因。这是因为她竭力在自己身上带着一种曲棍球场、冷水浴、集体远足、总的来说是思想纯洁的味道。几乎所有的女人他都不喜欢,特别是年轻漂亮的。总是女人,尤其是年轻的女人,是党的最盲目的拥护者,生吞活剥口号的人,义务的密探,非正统思想的检查员。但是这个女人使他感到比别的更加危险。有一次他们在走廊里遇到时,她很快地斜视了他一眼,似乎看透了他的心,刹那间他充满了黑色的恐惧。他甚至想到这样的念头:她可能是思想警察的特务。不错,这是很不可能的。但是只要她在近处,他仍有一种特别的不安之感。这种感觉中掺杂着敌意,也掺杂着恐惧。,"It was nearly eleven hundred, and in the Records Department, where Winston worked, they were dragging the chairs out of the cubicles and grouping them in the centre of the hall opposite the big telescreen, in preparation for the Two Minutes Hate. Winston was just taking his place in one of the middle rows when two people whom he knew by sight, but had never spoken to, came unexpectedly into the room. One of them was a girl whom he often passed in the corridors. He did not know her name, but he knew that she worked in the Fiction Department. Presumably -- since he had sometimes seen her with oily hands and carrying a spanner -- she had some mechanical job onone of the novel-writing machines. She was a bold-looking girl, of about twenty-seven, with thick hair, a freckled face, and swift, athletic movements. A narrow scarlet sash, emblem of the Junior Anti-Sex League, was wound several times round the waist of her overalls, just tightly enough to bring out the shapeliness of her hips. Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey-fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean-mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror. The idea had even crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the ThoughtPolice. That, it was true, was very unlikely. Still, he continued to feel a peculiar uneasiness, which had fear mixed up in it as well as hostility, whenever she was anywhere near him." English,我向四周看看,剩下的女客现在多半都在跟她们所谓的丈夫吵架。连乔丹的那一伙,从东卵来的那四位,也由于意见不合而四分五裂了。男的当中有一个正在劲头十足地跟一个年轻的女演员交谈,他的妻子起先还保持尊严,装得满不在乎,想一笑置之,到后来完全垮了,就采取侧面攻击——不时突然出现在他身边,像一条愤怒的衲脊蛇,向他耳中嘶道:“你答应过的!”,"I looked around. Most of the remaining women were now having fights with men said to be their husbands. Even Jordan's party,the quartet from East Egg,were rent asunder by dissension. One of the men was talking with curious intensity to a young actress,and his wife,after attempting to laugh at the situation in a dignified and indifferent way,broke down entirely and resorted to flank attacks—at intervals she appeared suddenly at his side like an angry diamond,and hissed:‘You promised!’ into his ear." Chinese,"‘We've got to beat them down,’ whispered Daisy,winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.",“我们非打倒他们不可,”黛西低声地讲,一面拼命地对炽热的太阳眨眼。 English,他没再说别的。但是,我们父子之间话虽不多,却一向是非常通气的,因此我明白他的意思远远不止那一句话。久而久之,我就惯于对所有的人都保留判断,这个习惯既使得许多怪僻的人肯跟我讲心里话,也使我成为不少爱唠叨的惹人厌烦的人的受害者。这个特点在正常的人身上出现的时候,心理不正常的人很快就会察觉并且抓住不放。由于这个缘故,我上大学的时候就被不公正地指责为小政客,因为我与闻一些放荡的、不知名的人的秘密的伤心事。绝大多数的隐私都不是我打听来的——每逢我根据某种明白无误的迹象看出又有一次倾诉衷情在地平线上喷薄欲出的时候,我往往假装睡觉,假装心不在焉,或者假装出不怀好意的轻佻态度;因为青年人倾诉的衷情,或者至少他们表达这些衷情所用的语言,往往是剽窃性的,而且多有明显的隐瞒。保留判断是表示怀有无限的希望。我现在仍然唯恐错过什么东西,如果我忘记(如同我父亲带着优越感所暗示过的,我现在又带着优越感重复的)基本的道德观念是在人出世的时候就分配不均的。,"He didn't say any more,but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way,and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence,I'm inclined to reserve all judgments,a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person,and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician,because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild,unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought—frequently I have feigned sleep,preoccupation,or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon;for the intimate revelations of young men,or at least the terms in which they express them,are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that,as my father snobbishly suggested,and I snobbishly repeat,a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth." English,接着,浴室满地都是血淋淋的毛巾,只听见女人骂骂咧咧的声音,同时在一片混乱之中,还夹有断断续续痛楚的哀号。麦基先生打盹醒了,懵懵懂懂地就朝门口走。他走了一半路,又转过身来看着屋子里的景象发呆——他老婆和凯瑟琳一面骂一面哄,同时手里拿着急救用的东西跌跌撞撞地在拥挤的家具中间来回跑,还有躺在沙发上的那个凄楚的人形,一面血流不止,一面还想把一份《纽约闲话》报铺在织锦椅套上的凡尔赛风景上面。然后麦基先生又掉转身子,继续走出门去。我从灯架上取下我的帽子,也跟着走了出去。,"Then there were bloody towels upon the bathroom floor,and women's voices scolding,and high over the confusion a long broken wail of pain. Mr.McKee awoke from his doze and started in a daze toward the door. When he had gone half way he turned around and stared at the scene—his wife and Catherine scolding and consoling as they stumbled here and there among the crowded furniture with articles of aid,and the despairing figure on the couch,bleeding fluently,and trying to spread a copy of Town Tattle over the tapestry scenes of Versailles. Then Mr. McKee turned and continued on out the door. Taking my hat from the chandelier,I followed." English,这时,全部在场的人缓慢地、有节奏地、深沉地再三高叫“B-B!……B―B!……B―B!”*他们叫得很慢,在第一个B和第二个B之间停顿很久。这种深沉的声音令人奇怪地有一种野蛮的味道,你仿佛听到了赤脚的踩踏和铜鼓的敲打。他们这样大约喊了三十秒钟。这种有节奏的叫喊在感情冲动压倒一切的时候是常常会听到的。这一部分是对老大哥的英明伟大的赞美,但更多的是一种自我催眠,有意识地用有节奏的闹声来麻痹自已的意识。温斯顿心里感到一阵凉。在两分钟的仇恨中,他无法不同大家一起梦呓乱语,但是这种野兽般的“B―B!……B―B!”的叫喊总使他充满了恐惧。当然,他也和大家一起高喊:不那么做是办不到的。掩饰你真实的感情,控制你脸部的表情,大家做什么你就做什么,这是一种本能的反应。但是有那么一两秒钟的时间里,他的眼睛里的神色很可能暴露了他自己。正好是在这一刹那,那件有意义的事情发生了――如果说那件事情真的发生了的话。,"At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmical chant of “BB!....B-B!....” --over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first “B” and the second-a heavy, murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamp of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms. For perhaps as much as thirty seconds they kept it up. It was a refrain that was often heard in moments of overwhelming emotion. Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise. Winston’s entrails seemed to grow cold. In the Two Minutes Hate he could not help sharing in thegeneral delirium, but this sub-human chanting of “B-B!....B-B!” always filled him with horror. Of course he chanted with the rest: it was impossible to do otherwise. To dissemble your feelings, tocontrol your face, to do what everyone else was doing, was an instinctive reaction. But there was a space of a couple of seconds during which the expression of his eyes might onceivably have betrayed him. And it was exactly at this moment that the significant thing happened --if, indeed, it did happen." Chinese,"‘You're a rotten driver,’ I protested. ‘Either you ought to be more careful,or you oughtn't to drive at all.’",“你是个粗心的驾驶员,”我提出了抗议。“你该再小心点儿,要不就干脆别开车。” English,他想当然地认为我们不相信,急忙跑到书橱前面,拿回来一本《斯托达德演说集》卷一。,"Taking our scepticism for granted,he rushed to the bookcases and returned with Volume One of the Stoddard Lectures ." Chinese,"Il me prit chez lui dès mon enfance, et se chargea de mon éducation. Je lui parus si éveillé, qu’il résolut de cultiver mon esprit. Il m’acheta un alphabet et entreprit de m’apprendre lui-même à lire : ce qui ne lui fut pas moins utile qu’à moi ; car en me faisant connaître mes lettres, il se remit à la lecture qu’il avait toujours fort négligée, et à force de s’y appliquer, il parvint à lire couramment son bréviaire, ce qu’il n’avait jamais fait auparavant. Il aurait encore bien voulu m’enseigner la langue latine ; c’eût été autant d’argent d’épargné pour lui : mais, hélas, le pauvre Gil Perez ! il n’en avait de sa vie su les premiers principes ; c’était peut-être (car je n’avance pas cela comme un fait certain) le chanoine du chapitre4 le plus ignorant. Aussi j’ai ouï dire qu’il n’avait point obtenu son bénéfice5 par son érudition : il le devait uniquement à la reconnaissance de quelques bonnes religieuses dont il avait été le discret commissionnaire, et qui avaient eu le crédit de lui faire donner l’ordre de prêtrise sans examen.",我从小就由他领去负责教育。他觉得我很机灵,决意要培养我的才力。他给我买一本启蒙课本,亲自教我认字,这样他得到的益处不亚于我,因为他一向对书本很荒疏,一面教我,自己也就读起书来。他下了些功夫,从前不会念的日课居然也念诵如流了。他还恨不能亲自教我拉丁文呢,那就可以省掉好些钱。可是,唉!可怜的吉尔·贝瑞斯!他一辈子就没学过拉丁文入门,也许竟是神职班上最不学无术的大司铎,只是我这句话做不得准。我听说,他这个职位只是几个好修女给他的酬报,不是靠学问得来的;他曾经替她们办过机密的事,她们因此仗面子让他不经过考试就做了司铎。 English,她点了点头。,She nodded. Chinese,"‘I'm Gatsby,’ he said suddenly.",“我就是盖茨比,”他突然说。 Chinese,"The instant her voice broke off,ceasing to compel my attention,my belief,I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said. It made me uneasy,as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort to exact a contributory emotion from me. I waited,and sure enough,in a moment she looked at me with an absolute smirk on her lovely face,as if she had asserted her membership in a rather distinguished secret society to which she and Tom belonged.",她的话音一落,不再强迫我注意她和相信她时,我就感到她刚才说的根本不是真心话。这使我感到不安,似乎整个晚上都是一个圈套,强使我也付出一份相应的感情。我等着,果然过了一会儿她看着我时,她那可爱的脸上就确实露出了假笑,仿佛她已经表明了她是她和汤姆所属于的一个上流社会的秘密团体中的一分子。 Chinese,"‘Why,no,’ I answered,rather surprised by his tone.",“呃,没有,”我答道,对他的语气感到很吃惊。 Chinese,"Why they came East I don't know. They had spent a year in France for no particular reason,and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together. This was a permanent move,said Daisy over the telephone,but I didn't believe it—I had no sight into Daisy's heart,but I felt that Tom would drift on forever seeking,a little wistfully,for the dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverable football game.",他们为什么到东部来,我并不知道。他们并没有什么特殊的理由,在法国待了一年,后来又不安定地东飘西荡,所去的地方都有人打马球,而且大家都有钱。这次是定居了,黛西在电话里说。可是我并不相信——我看不透黛西的心思,不过我觉得汤姆会为追寻某场无法重演的球赛的戏剧性的激奋,就这样略有点怅惘地永远飘荡下去。 Chinese,"Mr.McKee was a pale,feminine man from the flat below. He had just shaved,for there was a white spot of lather on his cheekbone,and he was most respectful in his greeting to every one in the room. He informed me that he was in the ‘artistic game’,and I gathered later that he was a photographer and had made the dim enlargement of Mrs. Wilson's mother which hovered like an ectoplasm on the wall. His wife was shrill,languid,handsome,and horrible. She told me with pride that her husband had photographed her a hundred and twenty-seven times since they had been married.",麦基先生是住在楼下一层的一个白净的、女人气的男人。他刚刮过胡子,因为他颧骨上还有一点白肥皂沫。他和屋里每一个人打招呼时都毕恭毕敬。他告诉我他是“吃艺术饭”的,后来我才明白他是摄影师,墙上挂的威尔逊太太的母亲那幅像一片胚叶似的模糊不清的放大照片就是他摄制的。他老婆尖声尖气,没精打采,漂漂亮亮,可是非常讨厌。她得意洋洋地告诉我,自从他们结婚以来她丈夫已经替她照过一百二十七次相了。 Chinese,‘About what?’,“关于什么?” English,“我想她一定会说,又……会吃,什么都会吧。”,"‘I suppose she talks,and—eats,and everything.’" English,她已经换上了一件棕色花布连衣裙,到了纽约汤姆扶她下车时那裙子紧紧地绷在她那肥阔的臀部。她在报摊上买了一份《纽约闲话》和一本电影杂志,又在车站药店里买了一瓶冷霜和一小瓶香水。在楼上,在那阴沉沉的、有回音的车道里,她放过了四辆出租汽车,然后才选中了一辆新车,车身是淡紫色的,里面坐垫是灰色的。我们坐着这辆车子驶出庞大的车站,开进灿烂的阳光里。可是马上她又猛然把头从车窗前掉过来,身子向前一探,敲敲前面的玻璃。,"She had changed her dress to a brown figured muslin,which stretched tight over her rather wide hips as Tom helped her to the platform in New York. At the news-stand she bought a copy of Town Tattle and a moving-picture magazine,and in the station drug-store some cold cream and a small flask of perfume. Upstairs,in the solemn echoing drive she let four taxicabs drive away before she selected a new one,lavender-coloured with grey upholstery,and in this we slid out from the mass of the station into the glowing sunshine. But immediately she turned sharply from the window and,leaning forward,tapped on the front glass." Chinese,"‘Good night,’ called Miss Baker from the stairs. ‘I haven't heard a word.’",“明天见,”贝克小姐从楼梯上喊道。“我一个字也没听见。” Chinese,‘What was the name of the woman?’ asked Mrs. McKee.,“那女人姓什么?”麦基太太问。 English,“她实在应当离开他,”凯瑟琳又跟我说下去。“他们在那汽车行楼顶上住了十一年了。汤姆还是她第一个相好的哩。”,"‘She really ought to get away from him,’ resumed Catherine to me. ‘They've been living over that garage for eleven years. And Tom's the first sweetie she ever had.’" English,小湾对岸,东卵豪华住宅区的洁白的宫殿式的大厦沿着水边光彩夺目,那个夏天的故事是从我开车去那边到汤姆·布坎农夫妇家吃饭的那个晚上才真正开始的。黛西是我远房表妹,汤姆是我在大学里就认识的。大战刚结束之后,我在芝加哥还在他们家住过两天。,"Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water,and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there to have dinner with the Tom Buchanans. Daisy was my second cousin once removed,and I'd known Tom in college. And just after the war I spent two days with them in Chicago." French,我爹名叫布拉斯·德·山悌良那,多年在西班牙王国的军队里当兵。他退伍回乡,娶了小市民家一个青春已过的女人。十个月以后,我就出世了。他们随后搬到奥维多。两口子没法过活,都得出去帮佣:我妈当了女用人,我爹做了侍从。他们俩除了工钱之外,一无所有。亏得这城里还有我一位做大司铎的舅舅,不然我恐怕就受不到好教育了。舅舅名叫吉尔·贝瑞斯,是我妈的哥哥,也是我的干爹。请想象一个小矮个子,三尺半身材,出奇的胖,两座肩膀夹着个脑袋,那就是我的舅舅。这位教士一味贪舒服,换句话说,贪吃爱喝;他管辖的教区出息不错,尽够他吃喝。,"Blas1 de Santillane, mon père, après avoir longtemps porté les armes pour le service de la monarchie espagnole, se retira dans la ville où il avait pris naissance. Il y épousa une petite bourgeoise, qui n’était plus dans sa première jeunesse, et je vins au monde dix mois après leur mariage. Ils allèrent ensuite demeurer à Oviedo, où ma mère se fit femme de chambre et mon père écuyer2. Comme ils n’avaient pour tout bien que leurs gages, j’aurais couru risque d’être assez mal élevé, si je n’eusse pas eu dans la ville un oncle chanoine. Il se nommait Gil Perez. Il était frère aîné de ma mère et mon parrain. Représentez-vous un petit homme haut de trois pieds et demi, extraordinairement gros, avec une tête enfoncée entre les deux épaules : voilà mon oncle. Au reste, c’était un ecclésiastique qui ne songeait qu’à bien vivre, c’est-à-dire qu’à faire bonne chère, et sa prébende3, qui n’était pas mauvaise, lui en fournissait les moyens." Chinese,"‘Oh,I'll stay in the East,don't you worry,’ he said,glancing at Daisy and then back at me,as if he were alert for something more. ‘I'd be a God damned fool to live anywhere else.’",“噢,我一定会在东部待下来的,你放心吧。”他先望望黛西又望望我,仿佛他在提防还有别的什么名堂。“我要是个天大的傻瓜才会到任何别的地方去住。” Chinese,"At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmical chant of “BB!....B-B!....” --over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first “B” and the second-a heavy, murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamp of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms. For perhaps as much as thirty seconds they kept it up. It was a refrain that was often heard in moments of overwhelming emotion. Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise. Winston’s entrails seemed to grow cold. In the Two Minutes Hate he could not help sharing in thegeneral delirium, but this sub-human chanting of “B-B!....B-B!” always filled him with horror. Of course he chanted with the rest: it was impossible to do otherwise. To dissemble your feelings, tocontrol your face, to do what everyone else was doing, was an instinctive reaction. But there was a space of a couple of seconds during which the expression of his eyes might onceivably have betrayed him. And it was exactly at this moment that the significant thing happened --if, indeed, it did happen.",这时,全部在场的人缓慢地、有节奏地、深沉地再三高叫“B-B!……B―B!……B―B!”*他们叫得很慢,在第一个B和第二个B之间停顿很久。这种深沉的声音令人奇怪地有一种野蛮的味道,你仿佛听到了赤脚的踩踏和铜鼓的敲打。他们这样大约喊了三十秒钟。这种有节奏的叫喊在感情冲动压倒一切的时候是常常会听到的。这一部分是对老大哥的英明伟大的赞美,但更多的是一种自我催眠,有意识地用有节奏的闹声来麻痹自已的意识。温斯顿心里感到一阵凉。在两分钟的仇恨中,他无法不同大家一起梦呓乱语,但是这种野兽般的“B―B!……B―B!”的叫喊总使他充满了恐惧。当然,他也和大家一起高喊:不那么做是办不到的。掩饰你真实的感情,控制你脸部的表情,大家做什么你就做什么,这是一种本能的反应。但是有那么一两秒钟的时间里,他的眼睛里的神色很可能暴露了他自己。正好是在这一刹那,那件有意义的事情发生了――如果说那件事情真的发生了的话。 English,“你听了就会明白我为什么会这样看待——一切事物。她出世还不到一个钟头,汤姆就天晓得跑到哪里去了。我从乙醚麻醉中醒过来,有一种孤苦伶仃的感觉,马上问护士是男孩还是女孩。她告诉我是个女孩,我就转过脸哭了起来。‘好吧,’我说,‘我很高兴是个女孩。而且我希望她将来是个傻瓜——这就是女孩子在这种世界上最好的出路,当一个美丽的小傻瓜。’”,"‘It'll show you how I've gotten to feel about—things. Well,she was less than an hour old and Tom was God knows where. I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling,and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl,and so I turned my head away and wept. “All right,” I said,“I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool—that's the best thing a girl can be in this world,a beautiful little fool.”" English,据说,真理部在地面上有三千间屋子,和地面下的结构相等。在伦敦别的地方,还有三所其他的建筑,外表和大小与此相同。它们使周围的建筑仿佛小巫见了大巫,因此你从胜利大厦的屋顶上可以同时看到这四所建筑。它们是整个政府机构四部的所在地:真理部负责新闻、娱乐、教育、艺术;和平部负责战争;友爱部维持法律和秩序;富裕部负责经济事务。用新话来说,它们分别称为真部、和部、爱部、富部。,"The Ministry of Truth contained, it was said, three thousand rooms above ground level, and corresponding ramifications below. Scattered about London there were just three other buildings of similar appearance and size. So completely did they dwarf the surrounding architecture that from the roof of Victory Mansions you could see all four of them simultaneously. They were the homes of the four Ministries between which the entire apparatus of government was divided. The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace, which concerned itself with war. The Ministry of Love, which maintained law and order. And the Ministry of Plenty, which was responsible for economic affairs. Their names, in Newspeak: Minitrue, Minipax, Miniluv, and Miniplenty." Chinese,"At any rate,Miss Baker's lips fluttered,she nodded at me almost imperceptibly,and then quickly tipped her head back again—the object she was balancing had obviously tottered a little and given her something of a fright. Again a sort of apology arose to my lips. Almost any exhibition of complete self-sufficiency draws a stunned tribute from me.",不管怎样,贝克小姐的嘴唇微微一动,她几乎看不出来地向我点了点头,接着赶忙把头又仰回去——她在保持平衡的那件东西显然歪了一下,让她吃了一惊。道歉的话又一次冒到了我的嘴边。这种几乎是完全我行我素的神情总是使我感到目瞪口呆,满心赞佩。 English,“我对机械一窍不通,”他肯定地说。,"‘I know nothing whatever about mechanics,’ he said decisively." Chinese,This annoyed me.,这使我感到不痛快。 English,“轮子掉下来了,”有一个人解释说。,"‘It came off,’ someone explained." English,“我差点也犯错误,”她精神抖擞地大声说,“我差点嫁给一个追了我好几年的犹太小子。我知道他配不上我。大家都对我说:‘露西尔,那个人比你差远了。’可是,如果我没碰上切斯特,他保险会把我搞到手的。”,"‘I almost made a mistake,too,’ she declared vigorously. ‘I almost married a little kyke who'd been after me for years. I knew he was below me. Everybody kept saying to me:“Lucille,that man's way below you!” But if I hadn't met Chester,he'd of got me sure.’" English,每星期五,五箱橙子和柠檬从纽约一家水果行送到;每星期一,这些橙子和柠檬变成一座半拉半拉的果皮堆成的小金字塔从他的后门运出去。他厨房里有一架榨果汁机,半小时之内可以榨两百只橙子,只要男管家用大拇指把一个按钮按两百次就行了。,Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York—every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves. There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler's thumb. Chinese,"‘Much better.’ I turned again to my new acquaintance. ‘This is an unusual party for me. I haven't even seen the host. I live over there —’ I waved my hand at the invisible hedge in the distance,‘and this man Gatsby sent over his chauffeur with an invitation.’",“好多了。”我又掉转脸对着我的新交。“这对我来说是个奇特的晚会。我连主人都还没见到哩。我就住在那边……”我朝着远处看不见的树篱笆把手一挥。“这位姓盖茨比的派他的司机过来送了一份请帖。” Chinese,"... I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets,clad in his underwear,with a great portfolio in his hands.",……我正站在麦基床边,而他坐在两层床单中间,身上只穿着内衣,手里捧着一本大相片簿。 English,“哈啰,威尔逊,你这家伙,”汤姆说,一面嘻嘻哈哈地拍拍他的肩膀。“生意怎么样?”,"‘Hello,Wilson,old man,’ said Tom,slapping him jovially on the shoulder. ‘How's business?’" Chinese,"‘Why did you,Myrtle?’ demanded Catherine. ‘Nobody forced you to.’",“你为什么嫁给他呢,茉特尔?”凯瑟琳质问道,“也没有人强迫你。” Chinese,‘I don't.’,“我可不知道。” English,“女士们先生们,”他大声说,“应盖茨比先生的要求,我们现在为各位演奏弗拉迪米尔·托斯托夫先生的最新作品,这部作品五月里在卡内基音乐厅曾经引起那么多人注意。各位看报就知道那是轰动一时的事件。”他带着轻松而居高临下的神气微微一笑,又加了一句:“可真叫轰动!”引得大家都放声大笑。,"‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he cried. ‘At the request of Mr.Gatsby we are going to play for you Mr.Vladimir Tostoff's latest work,which attracted so much attention at Carnegie Hall last May. If you read the papers you know there was a big sensation.’ He smiled with jovial condescension,and added:‘Some sensation!’ Whereupon everybody laughed." English,差不多在盖茨比先生说明自己身份的那一刻,一个男管家急急忙忙跑到他跟前报告他芝加哥有长途电话找他。他微微欠身道歉,把我们大家一一包括在内。,Almost at the moment when Mr.Gatsby identified himself a butler hurried toward him with the information that Chicago was calling him on the wire. He excused himself with a small bow that included each of us in turn. Chinese,"‘Want to go with me,old sport? Just near the shore along the Sound.’",“愿意跟我一块去吗,老兄?就在海湾沿着岸边转转。” English,真理部――用新话来说叫真部――同视野里的任何其他东西都有令人吃惊的不同。这是一个庞大的金字塔式的建筑,白色的水泥晶晶发亮,一层接着一层上升,一直升到高空三百米。从温斯顿站着的地方,正好可以看到党的三句口号,这是用很漂亮的字体写在白色的墙面上的:战争即和平自由即奴役无知即力量。,"The Ministry of Truth --Minitrue, in Newspeak --was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, 300 metres into the air. From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party:WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH" Chinese,‘Neither of them can stand the person they're married to.’,“他们俩谁都受不了自己的那口子。” English,“确实。”她犹疑了一下。“哎,我可真够受的,尼克,所以我把一切都差不多看透了。”,"‘That's true.’ She hesitated. ‘Well,I've had a very bad time,Nick,and I'm pretty cynical about everything.’" English,“不知可不可以告诉我哪儿有加油站?”,‘Wonder'ff tell me where there's a gas'line station?’ Chinese,"‘Your face is familiar,’ he said,politely. ‘Weren't you in the First Division during the war?’",“您很面熟,”他很客气地说。“战争期间您不是在第一师吗?” English,“我在长岛那边拍过几张好的,”麦基先生断言。,"‘I've done some nice things out on Long Island,’ asserted Mr.McKee." Chinese,"Daisy was not a Catholic,and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie.",黛西并不是天主教徒,因此这个煞费苦心的谎言使我有点震惊。 Chinese,This absorbing information about my neighbour was interrupted by Mrs.McKee's pointing suddenly at Catherine:,关于我邻居的这段引人入胜的报道,由于麦基太太突然伸手指着凯瑟琳而被打断了。 Chinese,"‘I want to get one of those dogs,’ she said earnestly. ‘I want to get one for the apartment. They're nice to have—a dog.’",“我要买一只那种小狗。”她热切地说,“我要买一只养在公寓里。怪有意思的——养只狗。” English,四月间,天气寒冷晴朗,钟敲了十三下。温斯顿史密斯为了要躲寒风,紧缩着脖子,很快地溜进了胜利大厦的玻璃门,不过动作不够迅速,没有能够防止一阵沙土跟着他刮进了门。,"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from enteringalong with him." Chinese,"We went on,cutting back again over the Park toward the West Hundreds. At 158th Street the cab stopped at one slice in a long white cake of apartment-houses. Throwing a regal homecoming glance around the neighborhood,Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and her other purchases,and went haughtily in.",我们继续前进,又掉头穿过中央公园,向西城一百多号街那边去,出租汽车在一五八号街一大排白色蛋糕似的公寓中的一幢前面停下。威尔逊太太向四周扫视一番,俨然一副皇后回宫的神气,一面捧起小狗和其他买来的东西,趾高气扬地走了进去。 Chinese,‘Oh—you're Jordan Baker.’,“哦……你是乔丹·贝克。” English,他要做的事情是开始写日记。写日记并不是不合法的(没有什么事情是不合法的,因为早已不再有什么法律了),但是如被发现,可以相当有把握地肯定,会受到死刑的惩处,或者至少在强迫劳动营里干苦役二十五年。温斯顿把笔尖愿在笔杆上,用嘴舔了一下,把上面的油去掉。这种沾水笔已成了老古董,甚至签名时也不用了,他偷偷地花了不少力气才买到一支,只是因为他觉得这个精美乳白的本子只配用真正的笔尖书写,不能用墨水铅笔涂划。实际上他已不习惯手书了。除了极简短的字条以外,一般都用听写器口授一切,他目前要做的事,当然是不能用听写器的。他把笔尖沾了墨水,又停了一下,不过只有一刹那。他的肠子里感到一阵战颤。在纸上写标题是个决定性的行动。他用纤小笨拙的字体写道:1984年4月4日。,"The thing that he was about to do was to open a diary. This was not illegal (nothing was illegal, since there were no longer any laws), but if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by death, or at least by twenty-five years in a forced-labour camp. Winston fitted a nib into the penholder and sucked it to get the grease off. The pen was an archaic instrument, seldom used even for signatures, and he had procured one, furtively and with some difficulty, simply because of a feeling that the beautiful creamy paper deserved to be written on with a real nib instead of being scratched with an ink-pencil. Actually he was not used to writing by hand. Apart from very short notes, it was usual to dictate everything into the speak-write which was of course impossible for his present purpose. He dipped the pen into the ink and then faltered for just asecond. A tremor had gone through his bowels. To mark the paper was the decisive act. In small clumsy letters he wrote: April 4th, 1984." Chinese,"I looked at Miss Baker,wondering what it was she ‘got done.’ I enjoyed looking at her. She was a slender,small-breasted girl,with an erect carriage,which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet. Her grey sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan,charming,discontented face. It occurred to me now that I had seen her,or a picture of her,somewhere before.",我看看贝克小姐,感到纳闷,她“做得成”的是什么事。我喜欢看她。她是个身材苗条、乳房小小的姑娘,由于她像个年轻的军校学员那样挺起胸膛更显得英姿挺拔。她那双被太阳照得眯缝着的灰眼睛也看着我,一张苍白、可爱、不满的脸上流露出有礼貌的、回敬的好奇心。我这才想起我以前在什么地方见过她,或者她的照片。 Chinese,When he was gone I turned immediately to Jordan—constrained to assure her of my surprise. I had expected that Mr.Gatsby would be a florid and corpulent person in his middle years.,他走开之后,我马上转向乔丹——迫不及待地要告诉她我感到的惊异。我本来以为盖茨比先生是个红光满面、肥头大耳的中年人。 Chinese,‘Beauty and the Beast ... Loneliness ... Old Grocery Horse ... Brook'n Bridge ....’,“《美人与野兽》……《寂寞》……《小店老马》……《布鲁克林大桥》……” English,但是老大哥的脸似乎还留在电幕上有好几秒钟,好象它在大家的视网膜上留下的印象太深了,不能马上消失似的。那个淡茶色头发的小女人扑在她前面一排的椅子背上。她哆哆嗦嗦地轻轻喊一声好象“我的救世主!”那样的话,向电幕伸出双臂。接着又双手捧面。很明显,她是在做祷告。,"But the face of Big Brother seemed to persist for several seconds on the screen, as thoughthe impact that it had made on everyone’s eyeballs was too vivid to wear off immediately. The little sandy-haired woman had flung herself forward over the back of the chair in front of her. With atremulous murmur that sounded like “My Saviour!” she extended her arms towards the screen. Then she buried her face in her hands. It was apparent that she was uttering a prayer." Chinese,"‘You were crazy about him for a while,’ said Catherine.",“你有一阵子爱他爱得发疯,”凯瑟琳说。 English,“糟透了。”,‘Awful.’ English,“她是纽约州的人吗?”我赶快问。,‘Is she from New York?’ I asked quickly. Chinese,"‘I heard that from a man who knew all about him,grew up with him in Germany,’ he assured us positively.",“我也听过一个人这样说,这人对他一清二楚,是从小和他一起在德国长大的,”他肯定无疑地告诉我们。 English,“她是个好孩子,”过了一会儿汤姆说。“他们不应当让她这样到处乱跑。”,"‘She's a nice girl,’ said Tom after a moment. ‘They oughtn't to let her run around the country this way.’" Chinese,"As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to thescreen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. The little sandy-haired woman gave a squeak of mingled fear and disgust. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago, nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with Big Brother himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death, and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared. The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party’s purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even --so itwas occasionally rumoured -- in some hiding-place in Oceania itself.",像平常一样,屏幕上闪现了人民公敌爱麦虞埃尔果尔德施坦因的脸。观众中间到处响起了嘘声。那个淡茶色头发的小女人发出了混杂着恐惧和厌恶的叫声。果尔德施坦因是个叛徒、变节分子,他一度(那是很久以前了,到底多久,没有人记得清楚)是党的领导人物之一,几乎与老大哥本人平起平坐,后来从事反革命活动,被判死刑,却神秘地逃走了,不知下落。两分钟仇恨节目每天不同,但无不以果尔德施坦因为其重要人物。他是头号叛徒,最早污损党的纯洁性的人。后来的一切反党罪行、一切叛国行为、破坏颠覆、异端邪说、离经叛道都是直接起源于他的教唆。反正不知在什么地方,他还活着,策划着阴谋诡计;也许是在海外某个地方,得到外国后台老板的庇护;也许甚至在大洋国国内某个隐蔽的地方藏匿着――有时就有这样的谣传。 English,他耸了耸肩膀。,He shrugged his shoulders. English,“真没办法!”黛西强作欢愉地大声说。,‘It couldn't be helped!’ cried Daisy with tense gaiety. English,至少每两周一次,大批包办筵席的人从城里下来,带来好几百英尺帆布帐篷和无数的彩色电灯,足以把盖茨比巨大的花园布置得像一棵圣诞树。自助餐桌上各色冷盘琳琅满目,一只只五香火腿周围摆满了五花八门的色拉、烤得金黄的乳猪和火鸡。大厅里面,设起了一个装着一根真的铜杆的酒吧,备有各种杜松子酒和烈性酒,还有各种早已罕见的甘露酒,大多数女客年纪太轻,根本分不清哪个是哪个。,"At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby's enormous garden. On buffet tables,garnished with glistening hors-d'oeuvre,spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold. In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail was set up,and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long forgotten that most of his female guests were too young to know one from another." Chinese,‘Is she from New York?’ I asked quickly.,“她是纽约州的人吗?”我赶快问。 English,麦基先生是住在楼下一层的一个白净的、女人气的男人。他刚刮过胡子,因为他颧骨上还有一点白肥皂沫。他和屋里每一个人打招呼时都毕恭毕敬。他告诉我他是“吃艺术饭”的,后来我才明白他是摄影师,墙上挂的威尔逊太太的母亲那幅像一片胚叶似的模糊不清的放大照片就是他摄制的。他老婆尖声尖气,没精打采,漂漂亮亮,可是非常讨厌。她得意洋洋地告诉我,自从他们结婚以来她丈夫已经替她照过一百二十七次相了。,"Mr.McKee was a pale,feminine man from the flat below. He had just shaved,for there was a white spot of lather on his cheekbone,and he was most respectful in his greeting to every one in the room. He informed me that he was in the ‘artistic game’,and I gathered later that he was a photographer and had made the dim enlargement of Mrs. Wilson's mother which hovered like an ectoplasm on the wall. His wife was shrill,languid,handsome,and horrible. She told me with pride that her husband had photographed her a hundred and twenty-seven times since they had been married." Chinese,"‘We don't know each other very well,Nick,’ she said suddenly. ",“我们彼此并不熟识,尼克,”她忽然说, Chinese,"This was untrue. I am not even faintly like a rose. She was only extemporizing,but a stirring warmth flowed from her,as if her heart was trying to come out to you concealed in one of those breathless,thrilling words. Then suddenly she threw her napkin on the table and excused herself and went into the house.",这是瞎说。我跟玫瑰花毫无相似之处。她不过是随嘴乱说一气,但是却洋溢着一种动人的激情,仿佛她的心就藏在那些气喘吁吁的、激动人的话语里,想向你倾诉一番。然后她突然把餐巾往桌上一扔,说了声对不起就走进房子里面去了。 Chinese,"‘Why candles?’ objected Daisy,frowning. She snapped them out with her fingers. ‘In two weeks it'll be the longest day in the year.’ She looked at us all radiantly. ‘Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it.’",“点蜡烛干什么?”黛西皱着眉头表示不悦。她用手指把它们掐灭了。“再过两个星期就是一年中最长的一天了。”她满面春风地看着我们大家。“你们是否老在等一年中最长的一天,到头来偏偏还是错过?我老在等一年中最长的一天,到头来偏偏还是错过了。” Chinese,"‘My dear,’ she told her sister in a high, mincing shout,‘most of these fellas will cheat you every time. All they think of is money. I had a woman up here last week to look at my feet,and when she gave me the bill you'd of thought she had my appendicitus out.’",“亲爱的,”她装腔作势地大声告诉她妹妹。“这年头不论是谁都想欺骗你。他们脑子里想的只有钱。上星期我找了个女的来看看我的脚,等她把账单给我,你还以为她给我割了阑尾哩。” English,“每逢你想要批评任何人的时候,”他对我说,“你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你那些优越条件。”,"‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me,‘just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.’" English,“我干的唯一发疯的事是跟他结了婚。我马上就知道我犯了错误。他借了人家一套做客的衣服穿着结婚,还从来不告诉我,后来有一天他不在家,那人来讨还衣服。‘哦,这套衣服是你的吗?’我说。‘这还是我头一回听说哩。’但是我把衣服给了他,然后我躺到床上,号啕大哭,整整哭了一下午。”,"‘The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody's best suit to get married in,and never even told me about it,and the man came after it one day when he was out:“Oh,is that your suit?” I said. “This is the first I ever heard about it.” But I gave it to him and then I lay down and cried to beat the band all afternoon.’" Chinese,"It was nine o'clock—almost immediately afterward I looked at my watch and found it was ten. Mr.McKee was asleep on a chair with his fists clenched in his lap,like a photograph of a man of action. Taking out my handkerchief I wiped from his cheek the spot of dried lather that had worried me all the afternoon.",已经九点钟了——一转眼我再看表时发觉已经十点了。麦基先生倒在椅子上睡着了,两手握拳放在大腿上,好像一张活动家的相片。我掏出手帕,把他脸上那一小片叫我一下午都看了难受的干肥皂沫擦掉。 French,我们走出马房,几盏昏灯照得景色愈见凄惨。我们凭那点光一路到了厨房里。一个老太婆正在炭火上烤肉,准备晚饭。这厨房里摆着各式的日用家伙,紧挨着是间伙食房,里面藏着种种食品。我该描写这位厨娘一番。她年纪有六十多岁,年轻时候,一头头发准是火也似的红,虽然上了岁数,两鬓没全白,还留着几抹原来的颜色;一张脸皮子黄里泛青,下巴颏儿又尖又翘,嘴唇深深瘪进去,大鼻子鹦哥嘴似的直勾到嘴上,一双眼睛红里带紫。,"Nous sortîmes de l’écurie, et à la triste lueur de quelques autres lampes, qui semblaient n’éclairer ces lieux que pour en montrer l’horreur, nous parvînmes à une cuisine où une vieille femme faisait rôtir des viandes sur des brasiers et préparait le souper. La cuisine était ornée des ustensiles nécessaires, et tout auprès on voyait une office pourvue de toutes sortes de provisions. La cuisinière, il faut que j’en fasse le portrait, était une personne de soixante et quelques années. Elle avait eu dans sa jeunesse les cheveux d’un blond très ardent, car le temps ne les avait pas si bien blanchis, qu’ils n’eussent encore quelques nuances de leur première couleur. Outre un teint olivâtre, elle avait un menton pointu et relevé avec des lèvres fort enfoncées ; un grand nez aquilin lui descendait sur la bouche et ses yeux paraissaient d’un très beau rouge pourpré." English,外面,即使通过关上的玻璃窗,看上去也是寒冷的。在下面街心里,阵阵的小卷风把尘土和碎纸吹卷起来,虽然阳光灿烂,天空蔚蓝,可是除了到处贴着的招贴画以外,似乎什么东西都没有颜色。那张留着黑胡子的脸从每一个关键地方向下凝视。在对面那所房子的正面就有一幅,文字说朋是:老大哥在看着你。那双黑色的眼睛目不转睛地看着温斯顿的眼睛。在下面街上有另外一张招贴画,一角给撕破了,在风中不时地吹拍着,一会儿盖上,一会儿又露出唯一的一个词儿“英社”。在远处,一架直升飞机在屋预上面掠过,象一只蓝色的瓶子似的徘徊了一会,又绕个弯儿飞走。这是警察巡逻队,在伺察人们的窗户。不过巡逻队并不可怕,只有思想警察才可怕。,"Outside, even through the shut window-pane, the world looked cold. Down in the street little eddies of wind were whirling dust and torn paper into spirals, and though the sun was shining and the sky a harsh blue, there seemed to be no colour in anything, except the posters that were plastered everywhere. The blackmoustachio’d face gazed down from every commanding corner. There was one on the house-front immediately opposite. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the dark eyes looked deep into Winston’s own. Down at street level another poster, torn at one corner, flapped fitfully in the wind, alternately covering and uncovering thesingle word INGSOC. In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the police patrol, snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police mattered." Chinese,"‘It belonged to Demaine,the oil man.’ He turned me around again,politely and abruptly. ‘We'll go inside.’",“这地方原来属于石油大王德梅因。”他又把我推转过身来,客客气气但是不容分说,“我们到里面去吧。” Chinese,It was on the tip of my tongue to ask his name when Jordan looked around and smiled.,我已经话到了嘴边想问他的名字,这时乔丹掉转头来朝我一笑。 Chinese,"Before I could reply that he was my neighbor dinner was announced;wedging his tense arm imperatively under mine,Tom Buchanan compelled me from the room as though he were moving a checker to another square.",我还没来得及回答说他是我的邻居,用人就宣布开饭了;汤姆·布坎农不由分说就把一只紧张的胳臂插在我的胳臂下面,把我从屋子里推出去,仿佛他是在把一个棋子推到棋盘上另一格去似的。 Chinese,At a lull in the entertainment the man looked at me and smiled.,在文娱节目中间休息的时候,那个男的看着我微笑。 Chinese,Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York—every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves. There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler's thumb.,每星期五,五箱橙子和柠檬从纽约一家水果行送到;每星期一,这些橙子和柠檬变成一座半拉半拉的果皮堆成的小金字塔从他的后门运出去。他厨房里有一架榨果汁机,半小时之内可以榨两百只橙子,只要男管家用大拇指把一个按钮按两百次就行了。 Chinese,"We waited for her down the road and out of sight. It was a few days before the Fourth of July,and a grey,scrawny Italian child was setting torpedoes in a row along the railroad track.","我们在公路上没人看见的地方等她。再过几天就是七月四号 了,因此有一个灰蒙蒙的、骨瘦如柴的意大利小孩沿着铁轨在点放一排“鱼雷炮”。" English,“你总该认识盖茨比吧。”,‘You must know Gatsby.’ Chinese,‘Do you come to these parties often?’ inquired Jordan of the girl beside her.,“你常来参加这些晚会吗?”乔丹问她旁边的那个姑娘。 Chinese,He nodded.,他点点头。 English,“盖茨比?”黛西追问道,“哪个盖茨比?”,‘Gatsby?’ demanded Daisy. ‘What Gatsby?’ Chinese,"‘You don't understand,’ explained the criminal. ‘I wasn't driving. There's another man in the car.’",“你们不明白,”罪人解释说,“我没有开车。车子里还有一个人。” Chinese,"Je m’acquis toutefois par là dans la ville la réputation de savant. Mon oncle en fut ravi, parce qu’il fit réflexion que je cesserais bientôt de lui être à charge. Ho çà, Gil Blas, me dit-il un jour, le temps de ton enfance est passé. Tu as déjà dix-sept ans, et te voilà devenu habile garçon. Il faut songer à te pousser ; je suis d’avis de t’envoyer à l’université de Salamanque : avec l’esprit que je te vois, tu ne manqueras pas de trouver un bon poste. Je te donnerai quelques ducats pour faire ton voyage, avec ma mule qui vaut bien dix à douze pistoles9 ; tu la vendras à Salamanque et tu en emploieras l’argent à t’entretenir jusqu’à ce que tu sois placé.",我因此在那个城里得了博学的名气。我舅舅非常得意,因为他想我马上可以不用他负担了。有一天他对我说:“好咧!吉尔·布拉斯啊!你不是小孩子了!你已经十七岁,成了个机灵的小伙子,该给你个出头的机会。我想送你到萨拉曼卡大学去,凭你这份儿才情,准会找到个好事情。我给你几个杜加作路费,我的骡子值十个到十二个比斯多,也送给你,你到萨拉曼卡把它卖掉,一面找事,就有钱过活了。” Chinese,"‘You don't know who we are,’ said one of the girls in yellow,‘but we met you here about a month ago.’",“你不知道我们是谁,”两个穿黄衣的姑娘中的一个说,“可是大约一个月以前我们在这儿见过面。” Chinese,‘With me?’ she exclaimed in surprise.,“跟我谈?”她惊奇地大声说。 Chinese,"‘Well,he wasn't always a butler;he used to be the silver polisher for some people in New York that had a silver service for two hundred people. He had to polish it from morning till night,until finally it began to affect his nose —’",“你要知道,他并不是一向当男管家的;他从前专门替纽约一个人家擦银器,那家有一套供二百人用的银餐具。他从早擦到晚,后来他的鼻子就受不了啦……” English,“我们在这儿下车,”他断然地说,“我要你见见我的女朋友。”,"‘We're getting off,’ he insisted. ‘I want you to meet my girl.’" English,托斯托夫先生这个乐曲是怎么回事,我没有注意到,因为演奏一开始,我就一眼看到了盖茨比单独一个人站在大理石台阶上面,用满意的目光从这一群人看到那一群人。他那晒得黑黑的皮肤很漂亮地紧绷在脸上,他那短短的头发看上去好像是每天都修剪似的。我看不出他身上有什么诡秘的迹象。我纳闷是否他不喝酒这个事实有助于把他跟他的客人们截然分开,因为我觉得随着沆瀣一气的欢闹的高涨,他却变得越发端庄了。等到《爵士音乐世界史》演奏完毕,有的姑娘像小哈巴狗一样乐滋滋地靠在男人肩膀上,有的姑娘开玩笑地向后晕倒在男人怀抱里,甚至倒进人群里,明知反正有人会把她们托住——可是没有人晕倒在盖茨比身上,也没有法国式的短发碰到盖茨比的肩头,也没有人组织四人合唱团来拉盖茨比加入。,"The nature of Mr.Tostoff's composition eluded me,because just as it began my eyes fell on Gatsby,standing alone on the marble steps and looking from one group to another with approving eyes. His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face and his short hair looked as though it were trimmed every day. I could see nothing sinister about him. I wondered if the fact that he was not drinking helped to set him off from his guests,for it seemed to me that he grew more correct as the fraternal hilarity increased. When the ‘Jazz History of the World’ was over,girls were putting their heads on men's shoulders in a puppyish,convivial way,girls were swooning backward playfully into men's arms,even into groups,knowing that some one would arrest their falls—but no one swooned backward on Gatsby,and no French bob touched Gatsby's shoulder,and no singing quartets were formed with Gatsby's head for one link." Chinese,"Turning me around by one arm,he moved a broad flat hand along the front vista,including in its sweep a sunken Italian garden,a half acre of deep,pungent roses,and a snub-nosed motor-boat that bumped the tide offshore.",他抓住我的一只胳臂把我转过身来,伸出一只巨大的手掌指点眼前的景色,在一挥手之中包括了一座意大利式的凹型花园,半英亩地深色的、浓郁的玫瑰花,以及一艘在岸边随着浪潮起伏的狮子鼻的汽艇。 Chinese,"Her husband said:‘Sh!’and we all looked at the subject again,whereupon Tom Buchanan yawned audibly and got to his feet.",她丈夫“嘘”了一声,于是我们大家又都把目光转向摄影的题材,这时汤姆·布坎农出声地打了一个呵欠,站了起来。 French,我一到旅店,就叫晚饭。这天是不吃肉的斋日,只好将就吃鸡蛋。我这时候才见到女掌柜;我等着店家做菜,先跟她闲聊。我觉得她长得不错;尽管她丈夫没讲,我一见她那股子风骚劲儿,就断定这旅店一定生意兴隆。我等炒鸡子儿送了上来,一人坐下吃晚饭;第一口还没到嘴,只见店主人进来了,背后跟着那位在路上招呼他的人。这位绅士带着一把长剑,大概有三十来岁年纪。他急忙赶过来,说道:“学士先生!我刚知道您就是吉尔·布拉斯·德·山悌良那先生!奥维多的光彩!哲学界的明灯!哪里想得到您就是那位大名鼎鼎、博而又博的大学者大才子!”又转向店主夫妇道:“你们还不知道光临你家的是个什么样的人物!你们店里落下个宝贝了!这位年轻先生是世界上第八件稀罕物儿!”他于是抱住我脖子道:“别怪我乐得发狂,我看见了您高兴得忘形了。”,"Je demandai à souper dès que je fus dans l’hôtellerie. C’était un jour maigre9. On m’accommoda des œufs. Pendant qu’on me les apprêtait, je liai conversation avec l’hôtesse, que je n’avais point encore vue. Elle me parut assez jolie et je trouvai ses allures si vives, que j’aurais bien jugé, quand son mari ne me l’aurait pas dit, que ce cabaret devait être fort achalandé. Lorsque l’omelette qu’on me faisait fut en état de m’être servie, je m’assis tout seul à une table. Je n’avais pas encore mangé le premier morceau, que l’hôte entra, suivi de l’homme qui l’avait arrêté dans la rue. Ce cavalier portait une longue rapière et pouvait bien avoir trente ans. Il s’approcha de moi d’un air empressé : Seigneur écolier, me dit-il, je viens d’apprendre que vous êtes le seigneur Gil Blas de Santillane, l’ornement d’Oviedo et le flambeau de la philosophie. Est-il bien possible que vous soyez ce savantissime, ce bel esprit dont la réputation est si grande en ce pays-ci ? Vous ne savez pas, continua-t-il en s’adressant à l’hôte et à l’hôtesse, vous ne savez pas ce que vous possédez. Vous avez un trésor dans votre maison. Vous voyez dans ce jeune gentilhomme la huitième merveille du monde. Puis se tournant de mon côté et me jetant les bras au cou : Excusez mes transports, ajouta-t-il, je ne suis point maître de la joie que votre présence me cause." English,“现在玩得快活吧?”她问。,‘Having a gay time now?’ she inquired. English,“这只是一件破烂的旧货,”她说。“我不在乎自己是什么样子的时候,我就把它往身上一套。”,"‘It's just a crazy old thing,’ she said. ‘I just slip it on sometimes when I don't care what I look like.’" Chinese,"‘However,I don't believe it.’",“可是,我并不相信。” English,车行里毫无兴旺的气象,空空如也;只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。我忽然想到,这间有名无实的车行莫不是个幌子,而楼上却掩藏着豪华温馨的房间,这时老板出现在一间办公室的门口,不停地在一块抹布上擦着手。他是个头发金黄、没精打采的人,脸上没有血色,样子还不难看。他一看见我们,那对浅蓝的眼睛就流露出一线暗淡的希望。,"The interior was unprosperous and bare;the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner. It had occurred to me that this shadow of a garage must be a blind,and that sumptuous and romantic apartments were concealed overhead,when the proprietor himself appeared in the door of an office,wiping his hands on a piece of waste. He was a blond,spiritless man,anaemic,and faintly handsome. When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes." Chinese,Almost at the moment when Mr.Gatsby identified himself a butler hurried toward him with the information that Chicago was calling him on the wire. He excused himself with a small bow that included each of us in turn.,差不多在盖茨比先生说明自己身份的那一刻,一个男管家急急忙忙跑到他跟前报告他芝加哥有长途电话找他。他微微欠身道歉,把我们大家一一包括在内。 Chinese,"‘No,thanks,’ said Miss Baker to the four cocktails just in from the pantry,‘I'm absolutely in training.’",“不要,谢谢,”贝克小姐对着刚从食品间端来的四杯鸡尾酒说,“我正一板一眼地在进行锻炼哩。” English,“假定你碰到一个像你一样不小心的人呢?”,‘Suppose you met somebody just as careless as yourself.’ Chinese,‘I know I didn't.’,“我知道我没嫁给他。” Chinese,‘How'd it happen?’,“怎么搞的?” English,“我讲了吗?”她看着我。“我好像不记得,不过我们大概谈到了日耳曼种族。对了,我可以肯定我们谈的是那个。它不知不觉就进入了我们的话题,你还没注意到哩……”,"‘Did I?’ She looked at me. ‘I can't seem to remember,but I think we talked about the Nordic race. Yes,I'm sure we did. It sort of crept up on us and first thing you know —’" English,大鼓轰隆隆一阵响,接着突然传来乐队指挥的声音,盖过花园里嘈杂的人声。,"There was the boom of a bass drum,and the voice of the orchestra leader rang out suddenly above the echolalia of the garden." Chinese,"I was on my way to get roaring drunk from sheer embarrassment when Jordan Baker came out of the house and stood at the head of the marble steps,leaning a little backward and looking with contemptuous interest down into the garden.",我百无聊赖,正准备喝个酩酊大醉,这时乔丹·贝克从屋里走了出来,站在大理石台阶最上一级,身体微向后仰,用轻藐的神气俯瞰着花园。 Chinese,‘Who with?’,“在哪家公司?” Chinese,"‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me,‘just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.’",“每逢你想要批评任何人的时候,”他对我说,“你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你那些优越条件。” English,“别碰电梯开关,”开电梯的工人不客气地说。,"‘Keep your hands off the lever,’ snapped the elevator boy." English,“你是个粗心的驾驶员,”我提出了抗议。“你该再小心点儿,要不就干脆别开车。”,"‘You're a rotten driver,’ I protested. ‘Either you ought to be more careful,or you oughtn't to drive at all.’" English,“每次他一看见我玩得开心他就要回家。”,‘Whenever he sees I'm having a good time he wants to go home.’ English,“跟我谈?”她惊奇地大声说。,‘With me?’ she exclaimed in surprise. Chinese,‘Really? I was down there at a party about a month ago. At a man named Gatsby's. Do you know him?’,“是吗?我到那儿参加过一次聚会,大约一个月以前。在一个姓盖茨比的人的家里。你认识他吗?” English,我仍然和乔丹·贝克在一起。我们坐的一张桌上还有一位跟我年纪差不多的男子和一个吵吵闹闹的小姑娘,她动不动就忍不住要放声大笑。我现在玩得也挺开心了。我已经喝了两大碗香槟,因此这片景色在我眼前变成了一种意味深长的、根本性的、奥妙的东西。,"I was still with Jordan Baker. We were sitting at a table with a man of about my age and a rowdy little girl,who gave way upon the slightest provocation to uncontrollable laughter. I was enjoying myself now. I had taken two finger-bowls of champagne,and the scene had changed before my eyes into something significant,elemental,and profound." Chinese,"The interior was unprosperous and bare;the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner. It had occurred to me that this shadow of a garage must be a blind,and that sumptuous and romantic apartments were concealed overhead,when the proprietor himself appeared in the door of an office,wiping his hands on a piece of waste. He was a blond,spiritless man,anaemic,and faintly handsome. When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes.",车行里毫无兴旺的气象,空空如也;只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。我忽然想到,这间有名无实的车行莫不是个幌子,而楼上却掩藏着豪华温馨的房间,这时老板出现在一间办公室的门口,不停地在一块抹布上擦着手。他是个头发金黄、没精打采的人,脸上没有血色,样子还不难看。他一看见我们,那对浅蓝的眼睛就流露出一线暗淡的希望。 English,“这地方原来属于石油大王德梅因。”他又把我推转过身来,客客气气但是不容分说,“我们到里面去吧。”,"‘It belonged to Demaine,the oil man.’ He turned me around again,politely and abruptly. ‘We'll go inside.’" English,“幸亏只是一只轮子!开车开得不好,还连试都不试!”,‘You're lucky it was just a wheel! A bad driver and not even trying!’ English,“怎么搞的?”,‘How'd it happen?’ English,“你也住在长岛那边吗?”她问我。,"‘Do you live down on Long Island,too?’ she inquired." Chinese,"‘Tom's getting very profound,’ said Daisy,with an expression of unthoughtful sadness. ‘He reads deep books with long words in them. What was that word we —’",“汤姆变得很渊博了。”黛西说,脸上露出一种并不深切的忧伤的表情。“他看一些深奥的书,书里有许多深奥的字眼。那是个什么字来着,我们……” Chinese,She nodded and moved away from him just as George Wilson emerged with two chairs from his office door.,她点点头就从他身边走开,正赶上威尔逊从办公室里搬了两张椅子出来。 Chinese,"I never saw this great-uncle,but I'm supposed to look like him—with special reference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in father's office. I graduated from New Haven in 1915,just a quarter of a century after my father,and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. I enjoyed the counter-raid so thoroughly that I came back restless. Instead of being the warm center of the world,the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe—so I decided to go East and learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond business,so I supposed it could support one more single man. All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep school for me,and finally said,‘Why—ye-es’ with very grave,hesitant faces. Father agreed to finance me for a year,and after various delays I came East,permanently,I thought,in the spring of twenty-two.",我从未见过这位伯祖父,但是据说我长得像他,特别有挂在父亲办公室里的那幅铁板面孔的画像为证。我在一九一五年从纽黑文毕业,刚好比我父亲晚四分之一个世纪,不久以后我就参加了那个称之为世界大战的延迟的条顿民族大迁徙。我在反攻中感到其乐无穷,回来以后就觉得百无聊赖了。中西部不再是世界温暖的中心,而倒像是宇宙的荒凉的边缘——于是我决定到东部去学债券生意。我所认识的人个个都是做债券生意的,因此我认为它多养活一个单身汉总不成问题。我的叔伯姑姨们商量了一番,俨然是在为我挑选一家预备学校,最后才说:“呃……那就……这样吧。”面容都很严肃而犹疑。父亲答应为我提供一年的费用,然后又几经耽搁我才在一九二二年春天到东部去,自以为是一去不返的了。 English,“我真高兴在我的餐桌上见到你,尼克。你使我想到一朵——一朵玫瑰花,一朵地地道道的玫瑰花。是不是?”她把脸转向贝克小姐要求她附和这句话,“一朵地地道道的玫瑰花?”,"‘I love to see you at my table,Nick. You remind me of a—of a rose,an absolute rose. Doesn't he?’ She turned to Miss Baker for confirmation:‘An absolute rose?’" Chinese,‘Doesn't she like Wilson either?’,“她也不喜欢威尔逊吗?” Chinese,"‘My dear,’ she cried,‘I'm going to give you this dress as soon as I'm through with it. I've got to get another one to-morrow. I'm going to make a list of all the things I've got to get. A massage and a wave,and a collar for the dog,and one of those cute little ash-trays where you touch a spring,and a wreath with a black silk bow for mother's grave that'll last all summer. I got to write down a list so I won't forget all the things I got to do.’",“亲爱的,”她喊道,“我这件衣服穿过之后就送给你。明天我得去另买一件。我要把所有要办的事情开个单子。按摩、烫发、替小狗买条项圈,买一个那种有弹簧的、小巧玲珑的烟灰缸,还要给妈妈的坟上买一个挂黑丝结的假花圈,可以摆一个夏天的那种。我一定得写个单子,免得我忘掉要做哪些事。” Chinese,"‘Miss Baker?’ he inquired. ‘I beg your pardon,but Mr.Gatsby would like to speak to you alone.’",“贝克小姐?”他问道,“对不起,盖茨比先生想单独跟您谈谈。” English,我们穿过一条高高的走廊,走进一间宽敞明亮的玫瑰色的屋子。两头都是落地长窗,把这间屋子轻巧地嵌在这座房子当中。这些长窗都半开着,在外面嫩绿的草地的映衬下,显得晶莹耀眼,那片草仿佛要长到室内来似的。一阵轻风吹过屋里,把窗帘从一头吹进来,又从另一头吹出去,好像一面面白旗,吹向天花板上糖花结婚蛋糕似的装饰,然后轻轻拂过绛色地毯,留下一阵阴影有如风吹海面。,"We walked through a high hallway into a bright rosy-colored space,fragilely bound into the house by french windows at either end. The windows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside that seemed to grow a little way into the house. A breeze blew through the room,blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags,twisting them up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling,and then rippled over the wine-colored rug,making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea." Chinese,‘What's that got to do with it?’,“这跟你开车有什么关系?” English,“我一定可以。晚安,卡罗威先生。改天见吧。”,"‘I will. Good night,Mr.Carraway. See you anon.’" Chinese,"She pointed suddenly at me,and every one looked at me accusingly. I tried to show by my expression that I had expected no affection.",她突然指着我,于是大家都用责备的目光看着我。我竭力做出一副样子表示我并没指望什么人爱我。 Chinese,"‘Never heard of them,’ he remarked decisively.",“从来没听说过,”他断然地说。 Chinese,"The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one’s teethon edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck. The Hate had started.",接着,屋子那头的大电幕上突然发出了一阵难听的摩擦声,仿佛是台大机器没有油了一样。这种噪声使你牙关咬紧、毛发直竖。仇恨开始了。 English,“尽管我们是表亲。你没参加我的婚礼。”,‘Even if we are cousins. You didn't come to my wedding.’ English,“那女人姓什么?”麦基太太问。,‘What was the name of the woman?’ asked Mrs. McKee. English,我们先到酒吧间去张了一张,那儿挤满了人,可盖茨比并不在那里。她从台阶上头向下看,找不到他,他也不在阳台上。我们怀着希望推开一扇很神气的门,走进了一间高高的哥特式图书室,四壁镶的是英国雕花橡木,大有可能是从海外某处古迹原封不动地拆过来的。,"The bar,where we glanced first,was crowded,but Gatsby was not there. She couldn't find him from the top of the steps,and he wasn't on the veranda. On a chance we tried an important-looking door,and walked into a high Gothic library,panelled with carved English Oak,and probably transported complete from some ruin overseas." Chinese,‘About that. As a matter of fact you needn't bother to ascertain. I ascertained. They're real.’,“关于那个。其实你也不必仔细看了,我已经仔细看过。它们都是真的。” English,我一到之后就设法去找主人,可是问了两三个人他在哪里,他们都大为惊异地瞪着我,同时矢口否认知道他的行踪,我只好悄悄地向供应鸡尾酒的桌子溜过去——整个花园里只有这个地方,一个单身汉可以留连一下而不显得无聊和孤独。,"As soon as I arrived I made an attempt to find my host,but the two or three people of whom I asked his whereabouts stared at me in such an amazed way,and denied so vehemently any knowledge of his movements,that I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table—the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone." English,我们谈了一会儿法国的一些阴雨、灰暗的小村庄。显而易见他就住在附近,因为他告诉我他刚买了一架水上飞机,并且准备明天早晨去试飞一下。,"We talked for a moment about some wet,grey little villages in France. Evidently he lived in this vicinity,for he told me that he had just bought a hydroplane,and was going to try it out in the morning." Chinese,"For some reason the telescreen in the living-room was in an unusual position. Instead of being placed, as was normal, in the end wall, where it could command the whole room, it was in thelonger wall, opposite the window. To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in which Winston was now sitting, and which, when the flats were built, had probably been intended to hold bookshelves.By sitting in the alcove, and keeping well back, Winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, so far as sight went. He could be heard, of course, but so long as he stayed in his present position he could not be seen. It was partly the unusual geography of the room that had suggested to him the thing that he was now about to do. ",不知什么缘故,起居室里的电幕安的位置与众不同。按正常的办法,它应该安在端墙上,可以看到整个房间,可是如今却安在侧墙上,正对着窗户。在电幕的一边,有一个浅浅的壁龛,温斯顿现在就坐在这里,在修建这所房子的时候,这个壁龛大概是打算放书架的。温斯顿坐在壁龛里,尽量躲得远远的,可以处在电幕的控制范围之外,不过这仅仅就视野而言。当然,他的声音还是可以听到的,但只要他留在目前的地位中,电幕就看不到他。一半是由于这间屋子的与众不同的布局,使他想到要做他目前要做的事。 Chinese,"‘I love to see you at my table,Nick. You remind me of a—of a rose,an absolute rose. Doesn't he?’ She turned to Miss Baker for confirmation:‘An absolute rose?’",“我真高兴在我的餐桌上见到你,尼克。你使我想到一朵——一朵玫瑰花,一朵地地道道的玫瑰花。是不是?”她把脸转向贝克小姐要求她附和这句话,“一朵地地道道的玫瑰花?” Chinese,‘You told us.’,“你告诉过我们了。” Chinese,"‘How gorgeous! Let's go back,Tom. To-morrow!’ Then she added irrelevantly:‘You ought to see the baby.’",“太美了!汤姆,咱们回去吧。明天!”随即她又毫不相干地说:“你应当看看宝宝。” French,我安抵贝尼弗罗,在一家像样的旅店门口停下;脚没落地,这旅店主人早满面春风地出来迎接。他亲手解下皮包,扛在肩上,领我到一间客房里,他的手下人也把骡子牵到马房里去。这位店主人可算阿斯杜利亚境内嚼舌根儿多说话的第一名,动不动无谓扯淡,讲自己的事,又爱管闲账打听人家的事。他说,他名叫安德瑞·高居罗,在皇家军队里当过好多年军曹,十五个月以前为了要娶个卡斯托坡尔的姑娘,所以退伍的;又说那姑娘皮肤稍为黑些,却是店里一块活招牌。他还说了许多话,我都懒得理会。他讲了这些体己,觉得有权来盘问我了,问我哪里来,哪里去,又问我是谁。我只得一一回答,因为他每问一句,就对我深深鞠躬道歉,请我别怪他多问,弄得我不好意思不理他。这就招得彼此长谈起来。说话中间,我讲起打算卖掉骡子改雇包程骡子的事。他十分赞成,不是干脆说赞成,而是就题发挥,告诉我路上会碰到各种麻烦,还叙述了旅客身经的许多恐怖。我只怕他一辈子讲不完,他也有讲完的时候。末了他说,如果我要卖掉骡子,他认得一个可靠的马贩子也许要买。我烦他把那人找来,他立刻亲自找去了。,"J’arrivai heureusement à Peñaflor : je m’arrêtai à la porte d’une hôtellerie d’assez bonne apparence. Je n’eus pas mis pied à terre, que l’hôte vint me recevoir fort civilement. Il détacha lui-même ma valise, la chargea sur ses épaules et me conduisit à une chambre, pendant qu’un de ses valets menait ma mule à l’écurie. Cet hôte, le plus grand babillard des Asturies et aussi prompt à conter sans nécessité ses propres affaires, que curieux de savoir celles d’autrui, m’apprit qu’il se nommait André Corcuelo ; qu’il avait servi longtemps dans les armées du roi en qualité de sergent et que depuis quinze mois il avait quitté le service pour épouser une fille de Castropol5, qui bien que tant soit peu basanée, ne laissait pas de faire valoir le bouchon6. Il me dit encore une infinité d’autres choses, que je me serais fort bien passé d’entendre. Après cette confidence, se croyant en droit de tout exiger de moi, il me demanda d’où je venais, où j’allais et qui j’étais. À quoi il me fallut répondre article par article, parce qu’il accompagnait d’une profonde révérence chaque question qu’il me faisait, en me priant d’un air si respectueux d’excuser sa curiosité, que je ne pouvais me défendre de la satisfaire. Cela m’engagea dans un long entretien avec lui et me donna lieu de parler du dessein et des raisons que j’avais de me défaire de ma mule, pour prendre la voie du muletier. Ce qu’il approuva fort, non succinctement, car il me représenta là-dessus tous les accidents fâcheux qui pouvaient m’arriver sur la route. Il me rapporta même plusieurs histoires sinistres de voyageurs. Je croyais qu’il ne finirait point. Il finit pourtant, en disant que si je voulais vendre ma mule, il connaissait un honnête maquignon7 qui l’achèterait. Je lui témoignai qu’il me ferait plaisir de l’envoyer chercher : il y alla sur-le-champ lui-même avec empressement." Chinese,"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from enteringalong with him.",四月间,天气寒冷晴朗,钟敲了十三下。温斯顿史密斯为了要躲寒风,紧缩着脖子,很快地溜进了胜利大厦的玻璃门,不过动作不够迅速,没有能够防止一阵沙土跟着他刮进了门。 Chinese,"And,after boasting this way of my tolerance,I come to the admission that it has a limit. Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes,but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on. When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever;I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby,the man who gives his name to this book,was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby,who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures,then there was something gorgeous about him,some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life,as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away. This responsiveness had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the ‘creative temperament’—it was an extraordinary gift for hope,a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. No—Gatsby turned out all right at the end;it is what preyed on Gatsby,what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men.",在这样夸耀我的宽容之后,我得承认宽容也有个限度。人的行为可能建立在坚固的岩石上面,也可能建立在潮湿的沼泽之中,但是一过某种程度,我就不管它是建立在什么上面的了。去年秋天我从东部回来的时候,我觉得我希望全世界的人都穿上军装,并且永远在道德上保持一种立正姿势;我不再要参与放浪形骸的游乐,也不再要偶尔窥见人内心深处的荣幸了。唯有盖茨比——就是把名字赋予本书的那个人——除外,不属于我这种反应的范围——盖茨比,他代表我所真心鄙夷的一切。假使人的品格是一系列连续不断的成功的姿态,那么这个人身上就有一种瑰丽的异彩,他对于人生的希望具有一种高度的敏感,类似一台能够记录万里以外的地震的错综复杂的仪器。这种敏感和通常美其名曰“创造性气质”的那种软绵绵的感受性毫不相干——它是一种异乎寻常的永葆希望的天赋,一种富于浪漫色彩的敏捷,这是我在别人身上从未发现过的,也是我今后不大可能会再发现的。不——盖茨比本人到头来倒是无可厚非的;使我对人们短暂的悲哀和片刻的欢欣暂时丧失兴趣的,却是那些吞噬盖茨比心灵的东西,是在他的幻梦消逝后跟踪而来的恶浊的灰尘。 English,他的脸马上绯红起来,眼角里流出了泪水。这玩艺儿像硝酸,而且,喝下去的时候,你有一种感觉,好象后脑勺上挨了一下橡皮棍似的。不过接着他肚子里火烧的感觉减退了,世界看起来开始比较轻松愉快了。他从一匣挤瘪了的胜利牌香烟盒中拿出一支烟来,不小心地竖举着,烟丝马上掉到了地上。他拿出了第二支,这次比较成功。他回到了起居室,坐在电幕左边的一张小桌子前。他从桌子抽屉里拿出一支笔杆、一瓶墨水、一本厚厚的四开本空白簿子,红色的书脊,大理石花纹的封面。,"Instantly his face turned scarlet and the water ran out of his eyes. The stuff was like nitric acid, and moreover, in swallowing it one had the sensation of being hit on the back of the head with a rubber club. The next moment, however, the burning in his belly died down and the world began to look more cheerful. He took a cigarette from a crumpled packet marked VICTORY CIGARETTES and incautiously held it upright, whereupon the tobacco fell out on to the floor. With the next he was more successful. He went back to the living-room and sat down at a small table that stood to the left of the telescreen. From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto-sized blank book with a red back and a marbled cover." English,“你怎么不拿两张椅子来,让人家坐下。”,"‘Get some chairs,why don't you,so somebody can sit down.’" English,“咱们走开吧,”乔丹低声地讲,这时已经莫名其妙地浪费了半个钟头。“这里对我来说是太斯文了。”,"‘Let's get out,’ whispered Jordan,after a somehow wasteful and inappropriate half-hour;‘this is much too polite for me.’" English,“一个人肯干这样的事真有点古怪,”另外那个姑娘热切地说,“他不愿意得罪任何人。”,"‘There's something funny about a fellow that'll do a thing like that,’ said the other girl eagerly. ‘He doesn't want any trouble with anybody.’" English,“别问我,”“猫头鹰眼”说,把事情推脱得一干二净。“我不大懂开车——几乎一无所知。事情发生了,我就知道这一点。”,"‘Don't ask me,’ said Owl Eyes,washing his hands of the whole matter. ‘I know very little about driving—next to nothing. It happened,and that's all I know.’" Chinese,"Nous sortîmes de l’écurie, et à la triste lueur de quelques autres lampes, qui semblaient n’éclairer ces lieux que pour en montrer l’horreur, nous parvînmes à une cuisine où une vieille femme faisait rôtir des viandes sur des brasiers et préparait le souper. La cuisine était ornée des ustensiles nécessaires, et tout auprès on voyait une office pourvue de toutes sortes de provisions. La cuisinière, il faut que j’en fasse le portrait, était une personne de soixante et quelques années. Elle avait eu dans sa jeunesse les cheveux d’un blond très ardent, car le temps ne les avait pas si bien blanchis, qu’ils n’eussent encore quelques nuances de leur première couleur. Outre un teint olivâtre, elle avait un menton pointu et relevé avec des lèvres fort enfoncées ; un grand nez aquilin lui descendait sur la bouche et ses yeux paraissaient d’un très beau rouge pourpré.",我们走出马房,几盏昏灯照得景色愈见凄惨。我们凭那点光一路到了厨房里。一个老太婆正在炭火上烤肉,准备晚饭。这厨房里摆着各式的日用家伙,紧挨着是间伙食房,里面藏着种种食品。我该描写这位厨娘一番。她年纪有六十多岁,年轻时候,一头头发准是火也似的红,虽然上了岁数,两鬓没全白,还留着几抹原来的颜色;一张脸皮子黄里泛青,下巴颏儿又尖又翘,嘴唇深深瘪进去,大鼻子鹦哥嘴似的直勾到嘴上,一双眼睛红里带紫。 English,他们对我的关心倒很使我感动,也使他们不显得那么有钱与高不可攀了。虽然如此,在我开车回家的路上,我感到迷惑不解,还有点厌恶。我觉得,黛西应该做的事是抱着孩子跑出这座房子——可是显然她头脑里丝毫没有这种打算。至于汤姆,他“在纽约有个女人”这种事倒不足为怪,奇怪的是他会因为读了一本书而感到沮丧。不知什么东西在使他从陈腐的学说里摄取精神食粮,仿佛他那壮硕的体格的唯我主义已经不再能滋养他那颗唯我独尊的心了。,"Their interest rather touched me and made them less remotely rich—nevertheless,I was confused and a little disgusted as I drove away. It seemed to me that the thing for Daisy to do was to rush out of the house,child in arms—but apparently there were no such intentions in her head. As for Tom,the fact that he ‘had some woman in New York’ was really less surprising than that he had been depressed by a book. Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart." Chinese,"The large room was full of people. One of the girls in yellow was playing the piano,and beside her stood a tall,red-haired young lady from a famous chorus,engaged in song. She had drunk a quantity of champagne,and during the course of her song she had decided,ineptly,that everything was very,very sad—she was not only singing,she was weeping too. Whenever there was a pause in the song she filled it with gasping,broken sobs,and then took up the lyric again in a quavering soprano. The tears coursed down her cheeks—not freely,however,for when they came into contact with her heavily beaded eyelashes they assumed an inky color,and pursued the rest of their way in slow black rivulets. A humorous suggestion was made that she sing the notes on her face,whereupon she threw up her hands,sank into a chair,and went off into a deep vinous sleep.",大房间里挤满了人。穿黄衣的姑娘有一个在弹钢琴,她身旁站着一个高高的红发少妇,是从一个有名的歌舞团来的,正在那里唱歌。她已经喝了大量的香槟,在她唱歌的过程中她又不合时宜地认定一切都非常非常悲惨——她不仅在唱,而且还在哭。每逢曲中有停顿的地方,她就用抽抽噎噎的哭声来填补,然后又用震颤的女高音继续去唱歌词。眼泪沿着她的面颊往下流,——可不是畅通无阻地流,因为眼泪一碰到画得浓浓的睫毛之后变成了黑墨水,像两条黑色的小河似的慢慢地继续往下流。有人开玩笑,建议她唱脸上的那些音符,她听了这话把两手向上一甩,倒在一张椅子上,醉醺醺地呼呼大睡起来。 English,我们站了起来,她解释说我们要去找主人;她就是因为我还从来没见过他,这使我颇感局促不安。那位大学生点点头,神情既玩世不恭,又闷闷不乐。,"We got up,and she explained that we were going to find the host:I had never met him,she said,and it was making me uneasy. The undergraduate nodded in a cynical,melancholy way." English,“她起码该顾点大体,不在吃饭的时候给他打电话嘛。你说呢?”,‘She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner time. Don't you think?’ Chinese,"Comme le seigneur Rolando achevait de parler de cette sorte, il parut dans le salon six nouveaux visages. C’était le lieutenant avec cinq hommes de la troupe qui revenaient chargés de butin. Ils apportaient deux mannequins remplis de sucre, de cannelle, de poivre, de figues, d’amandes et de raisins secs. Le lieutenant adressa la parole au capitaine et lui dit qu’il venait d’enlever ces mannequins à un épicier de Benavente, dont il avait aussi pris le mulet. Après qu’il eut rendu compte de son expédition au bureau, les dépouilles de l’épicier furent portées dans l’office. Alors il ne fut plus question que de se réjouir. On dressa dans le salon une grande table et l’on me renvoya dans la cuisine, où la dame Léonarde m’instruisit de ce que j’avais à faire. Je cédai à la nécessité, puisque mon mauvais sort le voulait ainsi, et dévorant ma douleur, je me préparai à servir ces honnêtes gens.",罗朗都大爷话刚说完,外面又来了六个陌生脸儿,是副头领带着队里五个大汉押了赃物回来:两个大篓子,装满了白糖、桂皮、胡椒、无花果、杏仁和葡萄干。副头领告诉大头领,刚才从贝那房特一个干货铺里抢了这两篓东西,连驮货的骡子一起牵了来。他交代完,大家把抢来的干货搬进伙食房,于是只等吃喝取乐儿了。他们厅上摆了一大桌,叫我到厨房去听雷欧娜德大娘派遣工作。我既已走上这步背运,没奈何只得隐忍着苦楚,去伺候这一群大老爷。 English,“亲爱的,”她装腔作势地大声告诉她妹妹。“这年头不论是谁都想欺骗你。他们脑子里想的只有钱。上星期我找了个女的来看看我的脚,等她把账单给我,你还以为她给我割了阑尾哩。”,"‘My dear,’ she told her sister in a high, mincing shout,‘most of these fellas will cheat you every time. All they think of is money. I had a woman up here last week to look at my feet,and when she gave me the bill you'd of thought she had my appendicitus out.’" Chinese,‘I live next door to him.’,“我就住在他隔壁。” English,她又笑了一次,好像她说了一句非常俏皮的话,接着就拉住我的手,仰起脸看着我,表示世界上没有第二个人她更高兴见到的了。那是她特有的一种表情。她低声告诉我那个在搞平衡动作的姑娘姓贝克(我听人说过,黛西的喃喃低语只是为了让人家把身子向她靠近,这是不相干的闲话,丝毫无损于这种表情的魅力)。,"She laughed again,as if she said something very witty,and held my hand for a moment,looking up into my face,promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had. She hinted in a murmur that the surname of the balancing girl was Baker. (I've heard it said that Daisy's murmur was only to make people lean toward her;an irrelevant criticism that made it no less charming.)" English,她点点头就从他身边走开,正赶上威尔逊从办公室里搬了两张椅子出来。,She nodded and moved away from him just as George Wilson emerged with two chairs from his office door. Chinese,"‘You ought to live in California —’ began Miss Baker,but Tom interrupted her by shifting heavily in his chair.",“你们应当到加利福尼亚住家,……”贝克小姐开口说,可是汤姆在椅子上沉重地挪动了一下身子,打断了她的话。 Chinese,"Already it was deep summer on roadhouse roofs and in front of wayside garages,where new red petrol-pumps sat out in pools of light and when I reached my estate at West Egg I ran the car under its shed and sat for a while on an abandoned grass roller in the yard. The wind had blown off,leaving a loud,bright night,with wings beating in the trees and a persistent organ sound as the full bellows of the earth blew the frogs full of life. The silhouette of a moving cat wavered across the moonlight,and,turning my head to watch it,I saw that I was not alone—fifty feet away a figure had emerged from the shadow of my neighbor's mansion and was standing with his hands in his pockets regarding the silver pepper of the stars. Something in his leisurely movements and the secure position of his feet upon the lawn suggested that it was Mr.Gatsby himself,come out to determine what share was his of our local heavens.",一路上小旅馆房顶上和路边汽油站门前已经是一片盛夏景象,鲜红的加油机一台台蹲在电灯光圈里。我回到我在西卵的住处,把车停在小车棚之后,在院子里一架闲置的刈草机上坐了一会儿。风已经停了,眼前是一片嘈杂;明亮的夜景,有鸟雀在树上拍翅膀的声音,还有大地的风箱使青蛙鼓足了气力发出的连续不断的风琴声。一只猫的侧影在月光中慢慢地移动,我掉过头去看它的时候,发觉我不是一个人——五十英尺之外一个人已经从我邻居的大厦的阴影里走了出来,现在两手插在口袋里站在那里仰望银白的星光。从他那悠闲的动作和他那两脚稳踏在草坪上的姿态可以看出这就是盖茨比先生本人,出来确定一下我们本地的天空哪一片是属于他的。 English,重读一遍以上所写的,我觉得我已经给人一种印象,好像相隔好几个星期的三个晚上所发生的事情就是我所关注的一切。恰恰相反,它们只不过是一个繁忙的夏天当中的一些小事,而且直到很久以后,我对它们还远远不如对待我自己的私事那样关心。,"Reading over what I have written so far,I see I have given the impression that the events of three nights several weeks apart were all that absorbed me. On the contrary,they were merely casual events in a crowded summer,and,until much later,they absorbed me infinitely less than my personal affairs." English,“我猜你也许会来的,”等我走到跟前,她心不在焉地答道,“我记得你住在隔壁……”,"‘I thought you might be here,’ she responded absently as I came up. ‘I remembered you lived next door to —’" English,我们继续前进,又掉头穿过中央公园,向西城一百多号街那边去,出租汽车在一五八号街一大排白色蛋糕似的公寓中的一幢前面停下。威尔逊太太向四周扫视一番,俨然一副皇后回宫的神气,一面捧起小狗和其他买来的东西,趾高气扬地走了进去。,"We went on,cutting back again over the Park toward the West Hundreds. At 158th Street the cab stopped at one slice in a long white cake of apartment-houses. Throwing a regal homecoming glance around the neighborhood,Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and her other purchases,and went haughtily in." Chinese,"‘Oh,no,’ said the first girl,‘it couldn't be that,because he was in the American army during the war.’ As our credulity switched back to her she leaned forward with enthusiasm. ‘You look at him sometimes when he thinks nobody's looking at him. I'll bet he killed a man.’",“噢,不对,”第一个姑娘又说,“不可能是那样,因为大战期间他是在美国军队里。”由于我们又倾向于听信她的话,她又兴致勃勃地把头伸到前面。“你只要趁他以为没有人看他的时候看他一眼。我敢打赌他杀过一个人。” English,室内,那间绯红色的屋子灯火辉煌。汤姆和贝克小姐各坐在长沙发的一头,她在念《星期六晚邮报》给他听,声音很低,没有变化,一连串的字有一种让人定心的调子。灯光照在他皮靴上雪亮,照在她秋叶黄的头发上暗淡无光,每当她翻过一页,胳臂上细细的肌肉颤动的时候,灯光又一晃一晃地照在纸上。,"Inside,the crimson room bloomed with light. Tom and Miss Baker sat at either end of the long couch and she read aloud to him from the Saturday Evening Post—the words,murmurous and uninflected,running together in a soothing tune. The lamp-light,bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf yellow of her hair,glinted along the paper as she turned a page with a flutter of slender muscles in her arms." Chinese,"‘No,it's not exactly a police dog,’ said the man with disappointment in his voice. ‘It's more of an Airedale.’ He passed his hand over the brown washrag of a back. ‘Look at that coat. Some coat. That's a dog that'll never bother you with catching cold.’",“不是,这不一定是警犬,”老头说,声音里流露出失望情绪。“多半是一只硬毛猎狗。”他的手抚摸着狗背上棕色毛巾似的皮毛。“你瞧这个皮毛,很不错的皮毛,这条狗绝不会伤风感冒,给你找麻烦的。” English,“不要紧,反正别人很小心,”她轻巧地说。,"‘Well,other people are,’ she said lightly." Chinese,‘Has it?’,“有没有醒?” English,“是吗?我到那儿参加过一次聚会,大约一个月以前。在一个姓盖茨比的人的家里。你认识他吗?”,‘Really? I was down there at a party about a month ago. At a man named Gatsby's. Do you know him?’ English,我告诉了她我到东部来的途中曾在芝加哥停留一天,有十来个朋友都托我向她问好。,"I told her how I had stopped off in Chicago for a day on my way East,and how a dozen people had sent their love through me." English,她看看我,忽然莫名其妙地笑了起来。接着她蹦蹦跳跳跑到小狗跟前,欢天喜地地亲亲它,然后又大摇大摆地走进厨房,那神气就好似那里有十几个大厨师在听候她的吩咐。,"She looked at me and laughed pointlessly. Then she flounced over to the dog,kissed it with ecstasy,and swept into the kitchen,implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there." English,“多可怕的地方,是不是,”汤姆说,同时皱起眉头看着埃克尔堡大夫。,"‘Terrible place,isn't it,’ said Tom,exchanging a frown with Doctor Eckleburg." English,她不带感情地拉拉我的手,作为她答应马上再来理会我的表示,同时去听在台阶下面站住的两个穿着一样的黄色连衣裙的姑娘讲话。,"She held my hand impersonally,as a promise that she'd take care of me in a minute,and gave ear to two girls in twin yellow dresses,who stopped at the foot of the steps." English,在这样夸耀我的宽容之后,我得承认宽容也有个限度。人的行为可能建立在坚固的岩石上面,也可能建立在潮湿的沼泽之中,但是一过某种程度,我就不管它是建立在什么上面的了。去年秋天我从东部回来的时候,我觉得我希望全世界的人都穿上军装,并且永远在道德上保持一种立正姿势;我不再要参与放浪形骸的游乐,也不再要偶尔窥见人内心深处的荣幸了。唯有盖茨比——就是把名字赋予本书的那个人——除外,不属于我这种反应的范围——盖茨比,他代表我所真心鄙夷的一切。假使人的品格是一系列连续不断的成功的姿态,那么这个人身上就有一种瑰丽的异彩,他对于人生的希望具有一种高度的敏感,类似一台能够记录万里以外的地震的错综复杂的仪器。这种敏感和通常美其名曰“创造性气质”的那种软绵绵的感受性毫不相干——它是一种异乎寻常的永葆希望的天赋,一种富于浪漫色彩的敏捷,这是我在别人身上从未发现过的,也是我今后不大可能会再发现的。不——盖茨比本人到头来倒是无可厚非的;使我对人们短暂的悲哀和片刻的欢欣暂时丧失兴趣的,却是那些吞噬盖茨比心灵的东西,是在他的幻梦消逝后跟踪而来的恶浊的灰尘。,"And,after boasting this way of my tolerance,I come to the admission that it has a limit. Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes,but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on. When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever;I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby,the man who gives his name to this book,was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby,who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures,then there was something gorgeous about him,some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life,as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away. This responsiveness had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the ‘creative temperament’—it was an extraordinary gift for hope,a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. No—Gatsby turned out all right at the end;it is what preyed on Gatsby,what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men." English,他点点头。,He nodded. Chinese,"‘See!’ he cried triumphantly. ‘It's a bona-fide piece of printed matter. It fooled me. This fella's a regular Belasco. It's a triumph. What thoroughness! What realism! Knew when to stop,too—didn't cut the pages. But what do you want? What do you expect?’",“瞧!”他得意洋洋地嚷道,“这是一本地地道道的印刷品。它真把我蒙住了。这家伙简直是个贝拉斯科。真是巧夺天工。多么一丝不苟!多么逼真!而且知道见好就收——并没裁开纸页。你还要怎样?你还指望什么?” English,“你们当然会再见面的,”黛西保证道,“说实在,我想我要做个媒。多来几趟,尼克,我就想办法——呃——把你们俩拽到一起。比方说,无意间把你们关在被单储藏室里啦,或者把你们放在小船上往海里一推啦,以及诸如此类的办法……”,"‘Of course you will,’ confirmed Daisy. ‘In fact I think I'll arrange a marriage. Come over often,Nick,and I'll sort of—oh—fling you together. You know—lock you up accidentally in linen closets and push you out to sea in a boat,and all that sort of thing —’" English,“什么!”我叫了一声,“噢,真对不起。”,"‘What!’ I exclaimed. ‘Oh,I beg your pardon.’" English,“路易斯维尔人。我们纯洁的少女时期是一道在那里度过的。我们那美丽纯洁的……”,‘From Louisville. Our white girlhood was passed together there. Our beautiful white —’ English,我看看贝克小姐,感到纳闷,她“做得成”的是什么事。我喜欢看她。她是个身材苗条、乳房小小的姑娘,由于她像个年轻的军校学员那样挺起胸膛更显得英姿挺拔。她那双被太阳照得眯缝着的灰眼睛也看着我,一张苍白、可爱、不满的脸上流露出有礼貌的、回敬的好奇心。我这才想起我以前在什么地方见过她,或者她的照片。,"I looked at Miss Baker,wondering what it was she ‘got done.’ I enjoyed looking at her. She was a slender,small-breasted girl,with an erect carriage,which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet. Her grey sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan,charming,discontented face. It occurred to me now that I had seen her,or a picture of her,somewhere before." Chinese,‘Do you want to commit suicide?’,“你想自杀吗?” Chinese,"Je fus bien aise qu’il eût relevé les dernières paroles de l’hôte et il ne fit en cela que me prévenir. Je m’en sentais offensé et je dis fièrement à Corcuelo : Apportez-nous votre truite et ne vous embarrassez pas du reste. L’hôte, qui ne demandait pas mieux, se mit à l’apprêter et ne tarda guère à nous la servir. À la vue de ce nouveau plat, je vis briller une grande joie dans les yeux du parasite, qui fit paraître une nouvelle complaisance, c’est-à-dire qu’il donna sur le poisson comme il avait donné sur les œufs. Il fut pourtant obligé de se rendre, de peur d’accident, car il en avait jusqu’à la gorge. Enfin, après avoir bu et mangé tout son soûl, il voulut finir la comédie. Seigneur Gil Blas, me dit-il en se levant de table, je suis trop content de la bonne chère que vous m’avez faite, pour vous quitter sans vous donner un avis important dont vous me paraissez avoir besoin. Soyez désormais en garde contre les louanges. Défiez-vous des gens que vous ne connaîtrez point. Vous en pourrez rencontrer d’autres qui voudront comme moi se divertir de votre crédulité et peut-être pousser les choses encore plus loin. N’en soyez point la dupe et ne vous croyez point sur leur parole la huitième merveille du monde. En achevant ces mots, il me rit au nez et s’en alla13.",他把店主人驳倒,正中我意,我也要说那句话。我觉得店主人得罪了我,所以傲然吩咐说:“你把那鲟鱼做上来就得了,别的事不用你管。”店主人巴不得我说这一句,连忙动手,一会儿送上菜来。这位篾片见了新上的菜,我看他乐得两眼放光,又要重新应个景儿,拿出方才吃炒鸡蛋的狠劲儿来对付这条鲟鱼。他吃得撑肠拄肚,怕要涨破肚皮,只得罢休。他酒醉饭饱,觉得这幕滑稽戏该收场了,就站起来说道:“吉尔·布拉斯先生,承你请我吃好东西,我很快乐;看来得有人指点你一句要紧话,所以我告辞之前,特地向你说说。从今以后,小心别相信人家奉承,对陌生人防着些儿。你将来还会碰到些人,也像我这样,看你老实可欺,就捉弄你,也许恶作剧还要厉害呢!下回可别上当了!别听了人家一句话,就当真相信世界上第八件稀罕物儿就是你先生!”他说完当面打个哈哈,扬长而去。 Chinese,‘Whenever he sees I'm having a good time he wants to go home.’,“每次他一看见我玩得开心他就要回家。” Chinese,"‘I should change the light,’ he said after a moment. ‘I'd like to bring out the modelling of the features. And I'd try to get hold of all the back hair.’",“我得改换光线,”他过了一会儿说道,“我很想把面貌的立体感表现出来。我还要把后面的头发全部摄进来。” English,“点蜡烛干什么?”黛西皱着眉头表示不悦。她用手指把它们掐灭了。“再过两个星期就是一年中最长的一天了。”她满面春风地看着我们大家。“你们是否老在等一年中最长的一天,到头来偏偏还是错过?我老在等一年中最长的一天,到头来偏偏还是错过了。”,"‘Why candles?’ objected Daisy,frowning. She snapped them out with her fingers. ‘In two weeks it'll be the longest day in the year.’ She looked at us all radiantly. ‘Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it.’" English,“可是,我并不相信。”,"‘However,I don't believe it.’" English,他说话的声音,又粗又大的男高音,增添了他给人的性情暴戾的印象。他说起话来还带着一种长辈教训人的口吻,即使对他喜欢的人也一样。因此在纽黑文的时候对他恨之入骨的大有人在。,"His speaking voice,a gruff husky tenor,added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed. There was a touch of paternal contempt in it,even toward people he liked—and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts." English,“关于什么?”,‘About what?’ Chinese,"Je demandai à souper dès que je fus dans l’hôtellerie. C’était un jour maigre9. On m’accommoda des œufs. Pendant qu’on me les apprêtait, je liai conversation avec l’hôtesse, que je n’avais point encore vue. Elle me parut assez jolie et je trouvai ses allures si vives, que j’aurais bien jugé, quand son mari ne me l’aurait pas dit, que ce cabaret devait être fort achalandé. Lorsque l’omelette qu’on me faisait fut en état de m’être servie, je m’assis tout seul à une table. Je n’avais pas encore mangé le premier morceau, que l’hôte entra, suivi de l’homme qui l’avait arrêté dans la rue. Ce cavalier portait une longue rapière et pouvait bien avoir trente ans. Il s’approcha de moi d’un air empressé : Seigneur écolier, me dit-il, je viens d’apprendre que vous êtes le seigneur Gil Blas de Santillane, l’ornement d’Oviedo et le flambeau de la philosophie. Est-il bien possible que vous soyez ce savantissime, ce bel esprit dont la réputation est si grande en ce pays-ci ? Vous ne savez pas, continua-t-il en s’adressant à l’hôte et à l’hôtesse, vous ne savez pas ce que vous possédez. Vous avez un trésor dans votre maison. Vous voyez dans ce jeune gentilhomme la huitième merveille du monde. Puis se tournant de mon côté et me jetant les bras au cou : Excusez mes transports, ajouta-t-il, je ne suis point maître de la joie que votre présence me cause.",我一到旅店,就叫晚饭。这天是不吃肉的斋日,只好将就吃鸡蛋。我这时候才见到女掌柜;我等着店家做菜,先跟她闲聊。我觉得她长得不错;尽管她丈夫没讲,我一见她那股子风骚劲儿,就断定这旅店一定生意兴隆。我等炒鸡子儿送了上来,一人坐下吃晚饭;第一口还没到嘴,只见店主人进来了,背后跟着那位在路上招呼他的人。这位绅士带着一把长剑,大概有三十来岁年纪。他急忙赶过来,说道:“学士先生!我刚知道您就是吉尔·布拉斯·德·山悌良那先生!奥维多的光彩!哲学界的明灯!哪里想得到您就是那位大名鼎鼎、博而又博的大学者大才子!”又转向店主夫妇道:“你们还不知道光临你家的是个什么样的人物!你们店里落下个宝贝了!这位年轻先生是世界上第八件稀罕物儿!”他于是抱住我脖子道:“别怪我乐得发狂,我看见了您高兴得忘形了。” Chinese,‘Who oughtn't to?’ inquired Daisy coldly.,“是谁不应当?”黛西冷冷地问。 English,这个事实使他感到不胜惊奇。我先听出了那不平常的惊奇的口吻,然后认出了这个人——就是早先光顾盖茨比图书室的那一位。,"The fact was infinitely astonishing to him,and I recognized first the unusual quality of wonder,and then the man—it was the late patron of Gatsby's library." English,仇恨到了第二分钟达到了狂热的程度。大家都跳了起来,大声高喊,要想压倒电幕上传出来的令人难以忍受的羊叫一般的声音。那个淡茶色头发的小女人脸孔通红,嘴巴一张一闭,好象离了水的鱼-样。甚至奥勃良的粗犷的脸也涨红了。他直挺挺地坐在椅上,宽阔的胸膛胀了起来,不断地战栗着,好象受到电流的袭击。温斯顿背后的黑头发姑娘开始大叫“猪猡!猪猡!猪猡!”她突然拣起一本厚厚的新话词典向电幕扔去。它击中了果尔德施坦因的鼻子,又弹了开去,他说话的声音仍旧不为所动地继续着。温斯顿的头脑曾经有过片刻的清醒,他发现自已也同大家一起在喊叫,用鞋后跟使劲地踢着椅子腿。两分钟仇恨所以可怕,不是你必须参加表演,而是要避不参加是不可能的。不出三十秒钟.切矜持都没有必要了。一种夹杂着恐惧和报复情绪的快意,一种要杀人、虐待、用大铁锤痛打别人脸孔的欲望,似乎象一股电流一般穿过了这一群人,甚至使你违反本意地变成一个恶声叫喊的疯子。然而,你所感到的那种狂热情绪是一种抽象的、无目的的感情,好象喷灯的火焰一般,可以从一个对象转到另一个对象。因此,有一阵子,温斯顿的仇恨并不是针对果尔德施坦因的,而是反过来转向了老大哥、党、思想警察;在这样的时候,他打从心跟里同情电幕上那个孤独的、受到嘲弄的异端分子,谎话世界中真理和理智的唯一卫护者。可是一会儿他又同周围的人站在一起,觉得攻击果尔德施坦因的一切的话都是正确的。在这样的时刻,他心中对老大哥的憎恨变成了崇拜,老大哥的形象越来越高大,似乎是一个所向无故、毫无畏惧的保护者,象块巨石一般耸立于从亚洲蜂拥而来的乌合之众之前,而果尔德施坦因尽管孤立无援,尽管对于是否有他这个人的存在也有怀疑,却似乎是一个阴险狡诈的妖物,光凭他的谈话声音也能够把文明的结构破坏无遗。,"In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in theirplaces and shouting at the tops of their voices in an effort to drown the maddening bleatingvoice that came from the screen, The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and hermouthwas opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. Even O'Brien's heavy face wasflushed. He was sitting very straight in his chair, his powerful chest swelling and quivering asthough he were standing up to the assault of a wave. The dark-haired girl behind Winston hadbegun crying out “Swine! Swine! Swine!"" and suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeakdictionary and flung it at the screen, It struck Goldstein's nose and bounced off; the voicecontinued inexorably, In a lucid moment Winston found that he was shouting with the othersand kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair. The horrible thing about the TwoMinutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it wasimpossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. Ahideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with asledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of peoplelike an electric current,turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage thatone felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from oneobject toanother like the flame of a blowlamp. Thus, at one moment Winston's hatred was not turnedagainst Goldstein at all, but, on the contrary, against Big Brother, the Party, and the ThoughtPolice, and at such moments his heart went out to the lonely, derided heretic on the screen, soleguardian of truth and sanity in a world of lies. And yet the very next instant he was at one withthe people about him, and all that was said of Goldstein seemed to him to be true. At thosemoments his secret loathing of Big Brother changed into adoration, and Big Brother seemed totower up, an invincible, fearless protector, standing like a rock against the hordes of Asia, andGoldstein, in spite of his isolation, his helplessness, and the doubt that hung about his veryexistence, seemed like some sinister enchanter, capable by the mere power of his voice ofwrecking the structure of civilization." English,第三章,Chapter Three English,“我恨笨拙这个词,”汤姆气呼呼地抗议道,“即使开玩笑也不行。”,"‘I hate that word hulking,’ objected Tom crossly,‘even in kidding.’" Chinese,"Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room. The self-satisfied sheep-like face on the screen, and the terrifying power of the Eurasian army behind it, were too much to be borne: besides, the sight or even the thought of Goldstein produced fear and anger automatically. He was an object of hatred more constant than either Eurasia or Eastasia, since when Oceania was at war with one of these Powers it was generally at peace with the other. But what was strange was that although Goldstein was hated and despised by everybody, although every day and a thousand times a day, on platforms, on the telescreen, in newspapers, in books, his theories were refuted, smashed, ridiculed, held up to the general gaze for the pitiful rubbish that they were --in spite of all this, his influencenever seemed to grow less. Always there were fresh dupes waiting to be seduced by him. A day never passed when spies and saboteurs acting under his directions were not unmasked by the Thought Police. He was the commander of a vast shadowy army, an underground network of conspirators dedicated to the overthrow of the State. The Brotherhood, its name was supposed to be. There were also whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there. It was a book without a title. People referred to it, if at all, simply as the book. But one knew of such things only through vague rumours. Neither the Brotherhood nor the book was a subject that any ordinary Party member would mention if there was a way of avoiding it.",仇恨刚进行了三十秒钟,屋子里一半的人中就爆发出控制不住的愤怒的叫喊。电幕上扬扬自得的羊脸,羊脸后面欧亚国可怕的威力,这一切都使人无法忍受;此外,就凭果尔德施坦因的脸,或者哪怕只想到他这个人,就自动的产生恐惧和愤怒。不论同欧亚国相比或东亚国相比,他更经常的是仇恨的对象,因为大洋国如果同这两国中的一国打仗,同另外一国一般总是保持和平的。但是奇怪的是,虽然人人仇恨和蔑视果尔德施坦因,虽然每天,甚至一天有上千次,他的理论在讲台上、电幕上、报纸上、书本上遭到驳斥、抨击、嘲笑,让大家都看到这些理论是多么可怜的胡说八道,尽管这样,他的影响似乎从来没有减弱过。总是有傻瓜上当受骗。思想警察没有一天不揭露出有间谍和破坏分子奉他的指示进行活动。他成了一支庞大的隐蔽的军队的司令,这是一帮阴谋家组成的地下活动网,一心要推翻国家政权。它的名字据说叫兄弟团,谣传还有一本可怕的书,集异端邪说之大成,到处秘密散发,作者就是果尔德施坦因。这本书没有书名。大家提到它时只说那本书。不过这种事情都是从谣传中听到的。任何一个普通党员,只要办得到,都是尽量不提兄弟团或那本书(thebook)的。 English,“没有关系,”他恳切地嘱咐我。“别放在心上,老兄。”这个亲热的称呼还比不上非常友好地拍拍我肩膀的那只手所表示的亲热。“别忘了明天早上九点我们要乘水上飞机上天哩。”,"‘Don't mention it,’ he enjoined me eagerly. ‘Don't give it another thought,old sport.’ The familiar expression held no more familiarity than the hand which reassuringly brushed my shoulder. ‘And don't forget we're going up in the hydroplane to-morrow morning,at nine o'clock.’" Chinese,"Winston’s diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the face of Goldstein without apainful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face, with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard --a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality. Goldstein was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party --an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than oneself, might be taken in by it. He was abusing Big Brother, he was denouncing the dictatorship of the Party, he was demanding the immediate conclusion of peace with Eurasia, he was advocating freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom of assembly, freedom of thought, he was crying hysterically that the revolution had been betrayed --and all this in rapid polysyllabic speech which was a sort of parody of the habitual style of the orators of the Party, and even contained Newspeak words: more Newspeak words, indeed, than any Party member would normally use in real life. And all the while, lest one should bein any doubt as to the reality which Goldstein’s specious claptrap covered, behind his head on the telescreen there marched the endless columns of the Eurasian army --row after row of solid-lookingmen with expressionless Asiatic faces, who swam up to the surface of the screen and vanished, to be replaced by others exactly similar. The dull rhythmic tramp of the soldiers’ boots formed the background to Goldstein’s bleating voice.",温斯顿眼睛的隔膜一阵抽搐。他看到果尔德施坦因的脸时不由得感到说不出的滋味,各种感情都有,使他感到痛苦。这是一张瘦削的犹太人的脸,一头蓬松的白发,小小的一撮山羊胡须――一张聪明人的脸庞,但是有些天生的可鄙,长长的尖尖的鼻子有一种衰老性的痴呆,鼻尖上架着一副眼镜。这张脸象一头绵羊的脸,它的声音也有一种绵羊的味道。果尔德施坦因在对党进行他一贯的恶毒攻击,这种攻击夸张其事,不讲道理,即使一个儿童也能一眼看穿,但是听起来却有似乎有些道理,使你觉得要提高警惕,别人要是没有你那么清醒的头脑,可能上当受骗。他在谩骂老大哥,攻击党的专政,要求立即同欧亚国媾和,主张言论自由、新闻自由、集会自由、思想自由,歇斯底里地叫嚷说革命被出卖了――所有这一切的话都是用大字眼飞快地说的,可以说是对党的演说家一贯讲话作风的一种模仿,甚至还有一些新话的词汇;说真的,比任何党员在实际生活中一般使用的新话词汇还要多。在他说话的当儿,唯恐有人会对果尔德施坦因的花言巧语所涉及的现实有所怀疑,电幕上他的脑袋后面有无穷无尽的欧亚国军队列队经过――一队又一队的结实的士兵蜂拥而过电幕的表面,他们的亚细亚式的脸上没有表情,跟上来的是完全一样的一队士兵。这些士兵们的军靴有节奏的踩踏声衬托着果尔德施坦因的嘶叫声。 Chinese,When we came in she held us silent for a moment with a lifted hand.,我们走进屋子,她举起一只手来示意叫我们不要出声。 English,“可是轮子掉啦!”,‘But the wheel's off!’ Chinese,Chapter Three,第三章 Chinese,"‘Works pretty slow,don't he?’",“他干得很慢,是不是?” Chinese,‘You must know Gatsby.’,“你总该认识盖茨比吧。” English,“不管怎样,他举行大型宴会,”乔丹像一般城里人一样不屑于谈具体细节,所以改换了话题。“而我也喜欢大型宴会。这样亲热得很。在小的聚会上,三三两两谈心倒不可能。”,"‘Anyhow,he gives large parties,’ said Jordan,changing the subject with an urban distaste for the concrete. ‘And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy.’" English,“她刚才跟一个自称是她丈夫的人打过一架,”我身旁一个姑娘解释说。,"‘She had a fight with a man who says he's her husband,’ explained a girl at my elbow." English,“愿意跟我一块去吗,老兄?就在海湾沿着岸边转转。”,"‘Want to go with me,old sport? Just near the shore along the Sound.’" English,这句声明所引起的震惊表现为一连声的“噢……啊……啊!”同时那辆小轿车的门也慢慢开了。人群——此刻已经是一大群了——不由得向后一退,等到车门敞开以后,又有片刻阴森可怕的停顿。然后,逐渐逐渐地,一部分一部分地,一个脸色煞白、摇来晃去的人从撞坏了的汽车里跨了出来,先伸出一只大舞鞋在地面上试探了几下。,"The shock that followed this declaration found voice in a sustained ‘Ah-h-h!’ as the door of the coupé swung slowly open. The crowd—it was now a crowd—stepped back involuntarily,and when the door had opened wide there was a ghostly pause. Then,very gradually,part by part,a pale,dangling individual stepped out of the wreck,pawing tentatively at the ground with a large uncertain dancing shoe." French,我先从碗柜子着手,摆上银杯,又把罗朗都大爷刚才对我卖弄的醇醪美酒摆上好几瓶。我随就送上两盘炖肉,这群人立刻坐下,狼吞虎咽地大吃起来。我站在他们背后伺候斟酒。我虽然没做过这种事,却非常殷勤小心,竟赢得他们赞赏。大头领把我的历史概括说了几句,大家听得很有趣。他又把我称赞了一番,可是我已经尝够了称赞的滋味,听了不会再上当。他们又一致夸奖我,说比那前任的小子好一百倍。自从我前任死后,每天原是雷欧娜德大娘斟了玉液琼浆来伺候这群地狱里的煞神,这项体面差使就归我接管。我承袭了老“赫柏”的职位,成了个新“该尼墨得斯”。,"Je débutai par le buffet, que je parai de tasses d’argent et de plusieurs bouteilles de terre pleines de ce bon vin que le seigneur Rolando m’avait vanté. J’apportai ensuite deux ragoûts, qui ne furent pas plus tôt servis que tous les cavaliers se mirent à table. Ils commencèrent à manger avec beaucoup d’appétit ; et moi, debout derrière eux, je me tins prêt à leur verser du vin. Je m’en acquittai de si bonne grâce, que j’eus le bonheur de m’attirer des compliments. Le capitaine en peu de mots leur conta mon histoire, qui les divertit fort. Ensuite il leur dit que j’avais du mérite : mais j’étais alors revenu des louanges et j’en pouvais entendre sans péril. Là-dessus ils me louèrent tous. Ils dirent que je paraissais né pour être leur échanson1 : que je valais cent fois mieux que mon prédécesseur. Et comme depuis sa mort c’était la señora Léonarda qui avait l’honneur de présenter le nectar à ces dieux infernaux, ils la privèrent de ce glorieux emploi pour m’en revêtir. Ainsi, nouveau Ganymède, je succédai à cette vieille Hébé2." English,温斯顿突然转过身来。这时他已经使自已的脸部现出一种安详乐观的表情,在面对电幕的时候,最好是用这种表情。他走过房间,到了小厨房里。在一天的这个时间里离开真理部,他牺牲了在食堂的中饭,他知道厨房里没有别的吃的,只有一块深色的面包,那是得省下来当明天的早饭的。他从架子上拿下一瓶无色的液体,上面贴着一张简单白色的标签:胜利杜松子酒。它有一种令人难受的油味儿,象中国的黄酒一样。温斯顿倒了快一茶匙,硬着头皮,像吃药似的咕噜一口喝了下去。,"Winston turned round abruptly. He had set his features into the expression of quiet optimism which it was advisable to wear when facing the telescreen. He crossed the room into the tiny kitchen. By leaving the Ministry at this time of day he had sacrificed his lunch in the canteen, and he was aware that there was no food in the kitchen except a hunk of dark-coloured bread which had got to be saved for tomorrow’s breakfast. He took down from the shelf a bottle of colourless liquid with a plain white label marked VICTORY GIN. It gave off a sickly, oily smell, as of Chinese rice-spirit.Winston poured out nearly a teacupful, nerved himself for a shock, and gulped it down like a dose of medicine." Chinese,"‘Well,other people are,’ she said lightly.",“不要紧,反正别人很小心,”她轻巧地说。 English,“我说,这些书都是有科学根据的,”汤姆一个劲地说下去,对她不耐烦地瞅了一眼。“这家伙把整个道理讲得一清二楚。我们是占统治地位的人种,我们有责任提高警惕,不然的话,其他人种就会掌握一切了。”,"‘Well,these books are all scientific,’ insisted Tom,glancing at her impatiently. ‘This fellow has worked out the whole thing. It's up to us,who are the dominant race,to watch out or these other races will have control of things.’" Chinese,She nodded.,她点了点头。 English,她的男主人难以置信地看着她。,Her host looked at her incredulously. English,我打定了主意要招呼他。贝克小姐在吃饭时提到过他,那也可以算作介绍了。但我并没招呼他,因为他突然做了个动作,好像表示他满足于独自待着,——他朝着幽暗的海水把两只胳膊伸了出去,那样子真古怪,并且尽管我离他很远,我可以发誓他正在发抖。我也情不自禁地朝海上望去——什么都看不出来,除了一盏绿灯,又小又远,也许是一座码头的尽头。等我回头再去看盖茨比时,他已经不见了,于是我又独自待在不平静的黑夜里。,"I decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner,and that would do for an introduction. But I didn't call to him,for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way,and,far as I was from him,I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward—and distinguished nothing except a single green light,minute and far away,that might have been the end of a dock. When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished,and I was alone again in the unquiet darkness." Chinese,Gatsby's butler was suddenly standing beside us.,盖茨比的男管家忽然站在我们身旁。 Chinese,"‘Do what?’ she asked,startled.",“干什么?”她吃惊地问道。 English,“噢,不对,”第一个姑娘又说,“不可能是那样,因为大战期间他是在美国军队里。”由于我们又倾向于听信她的话,她又兴致勃勃地把头伸到前面。“你只要趁他以为没有人看他的时候看他一眼。我敢打赌他杀过一个人。”,"‘Oh,no,’ said the first girl,‘it couldn't be that,because he was in the American army during the war.’ As our credulity switched back to her she leaned forward with enthusiasm. ‘You look at him sometimes when he thinks nobody's looking at him. I'll bet he killed a man.’" Chinese,"We drove over to Fifth Avenue,warm and soft,almost pastoral,on the summer Sunday afternoon. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a great flock of white sheep turn the corner.",我们坐着车子来到五号路,在这夏天星期日的下午,空气又温暖又柔和,几乎有田园风味。即使看见一大群雪白的绵羊突然从街角拐出来,我也不会感到惊奇。 Chinese,"The little dog was sitting on the table looking with blind eyes through the smoke,and from time to time groaning faintly. ",小狗坐在桌子上,两眼在烟雾中盲目地张望,不时轻轻地哼着。 Chinese,"I knew now why her face was familiar—its pleasing contemptuous expression had looked out at me from many rotogravure pictures of the sporting life at Asheville and Hot Springs and Palm Beach. I had heard some story of her too,a critical,unpleasant story,but what it was I had forgotten long ago.",我现在才明白为什么她的面孔很眼熟——她那可爱的傲慢的表情曾经从报道阿希维尔、温泉和棕榈海滩的体育生活的许多报刊照片上朝外向我看过。我还听说过关于她的一些闲话,一些说她不好的闲话,至于究竟是什么事我可早已忘掉了。 English,关于我邻居的这段引人入胜的报道,由于麦基太太突然伸手指着凯瑟琳而被打断了。,This absorbing information about my neighbour was interrupted by Mrs.McKee's pointing suddenly at Catherine: Chinese,"‘Keep your hands off the lever,’ snapped the elevator boy.",“别碰电梯开关,”开电梯的工人不客气地说。 Chinese,"By seven o'clock the orchestra has arrived,no thin five-piece affair,but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos,and low and high drums. The last swimmers have come in from the beach now and are dressing upstairs;the cars from New York are parked five deep in the drive,and already the halls and salons and verandas are gaudy with primary colors,and hair bobbed in strange new ways,and shawls beyond the dreams of Castile. The bar is in full swing,and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside,until the air is alive with chatter and laughter,and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot,and enthusiastic meetings between women who never knew each other's names.",七点以前乐队到达,绝不是什么五人小乐队,而是配备齐全的整班人马,双簧管、长号、萨克斯管、大小提琴、短号、短笛、高低音铜鼓,应有尽有。游泳的客人最后一批已经从海滩上进来,现在正在楼上换衣服;纽约来的轿车五辆一排停在车道上,同时所有的厅堂、客室、阳台已经都是五彩缤纷,女客们的发型争奇斗妍,披的纱巾是卡斯蒂尔人做梦也想不到的。酒吧那边生意兴隆,同时一盘盘鸡尾酒传送到外面花园里的每个角落,到后来整个空气里充满了欢声笑语,充满了脱口而出、转眼就忘的打趣和介绍,充满了彼此始终不知姓名的女太太们之间亲热无比的会见。 English,“我是一位姓罗斯福的太太带来的,”他接着说,“克劳德·罗斯福太太。你们认识她吗?我昨天晚上不知在什么地方碰上她的。我已经醉了个把星期了,我以为在图书室里坐一会儿可以醒醒酒的。”,"‘I was brought by a woman named Roosevelt,’ he continued. ‘Mrs.Claud Roosevelt. Do you know her? I met her somewhere last night. I've been drunk for about a week now,and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.’" Chinese,"Momentarily he caught O’Brien’s eye. O’Brien had stood up. He had taken off his spectacles and was in the act of resettling them on his nose with his characteristic gesture. But there was a fraction of a second when their eyes met, and for as long as it took to happen Winston knew -- yes, he knew! --that O’Brien was thinking the same thing as himself. An unmistakable message had passed. It was as though their two minds had opened and the thoughts were flowing from one into the other through their eyes. “I am with you,” O’Brien seemed to be saying to him. “I know precisely what you are feeling. I know all about your contempt, your hatred, your disgust. But don’t worry, I am on your side!” And then the flash of intelligence was gone, and O’Brien’s face was asinscrutable as everybody else’s.",原来在瞬息之间,他同奥勃良忽然眼光相遇。奥勃良这时已经站了起来。他摘下了眼镜,正要用他一贯的姿态把眼镜放到鼻梁上去。就在这一刹那之间,他们两人的眼光相遇了,在这相遇时刻,温斯顿知道――是啊,他知道(knew)!――奥勃良心里想的同他自己一样。他们两人之间交换了一个无可置疑的信息。好像他们两人的心打了开来,各自的思想通过目光流到了对方的心里。“我同你一致,”奥勃良似乎这样对他说。“我完全知道你的想法。你的蔑视、仇恨、厌恶,我全都知道。不过别害怕,我站在你的一边!”但是领悟的神情一闪即逝,奥勃良的脸又像别人的脸一样令人莫测高深了。 English,乔丹很机灵,很高兴地看着他,但并没有答话。,"Jordan looked at him alertly,cheerfully,without answering." Chinese,"Of course I knew what they were referring to,but I wasn't even vaguely engaged. The fact that gossip had published the banns was one of the reasons I had come East. You can't stop going with an old friend on account of rumors,and on the other hand I had no intention of being rumored into marriage.",我当然知道他们指的是什么事,但是我压根儿没有订婚。流言蜚语传播说我订了婚,这正是我之所以到东部来的一个原因。你不能因为怕谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往,可是另一方面我也无意迫于谣言的压力就去结婚。 Chinese,"‘I beg your pardon,’ said Mr.McKee with dignity,‘I didn't know I was touching it.’",“对不起,”麦基先生神气十足地说,“我还不知道我碰了。” English,“对,对,”威尔逊连忙答应,随即向小办公室走去,他的身影马上就跟墙壁的水泥色打成一片了。一层灰白色的尘土笼罩着他深色的衣服和浅色的头发,笼罩着前后左右的一切——除了他的妻子之外。她走到了汤姆身边。,"‘Oh,sure,’ agreed Wilson hurriedly,and went toward the little office,mingling immediately with the cement color of the walls. A white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity—except his wife,who moved close to Tom." English,“醒了一点,我想。我还不敢说。我在这儿刚待了一个钟头。我跟你们讲过这些书吗?它们都是真的。它们是……”,"‘A little bit,I think. I can't tell yet. I've only been here an hour. Did I tell you about the books? They're real. They're —’" English,“有没有醒?”,‘Has it?’ Chinese,"‘Jordan's going to play in the tournament to-morrow,’ explained Daisy,‘over at Westchester.’",“乔丹明天要去参加锦标赛,”黛西解释道,“在威斯彻斯特那边。” Chinese,"I decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner,and that would do for an introduction. But I didn't call to him,for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way,and,far as I was from him,I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward—and distinguished nothing except a single green light,minute and far away,that might have been the end of a dock. When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished,and I was alone again in the unquiet darkness.",我打定了主意要招呼他。贝克小姐在吃饭时提到过他,那也可以算作介绍了。但我并没招呼他,因为他突然做了个动作,好像表示他满足于独自待着,——他朝着幽暗的海水把两只胳膊伸了出去,那样子真古怪,并且尽管我离他很远,我可以发誓他正在发抖。我也情不自禁地朝海上望去——什么都看不出来,除了一盏绿灯,又小又远,也许是一座码头的尽头。等我回头再去看盖茨比时,他已经不见了,于是我又独自待在不平静的黑夜里。 French,我大概比旁人更着慌,直逃到乡下,经过不知多远的田地荒野,跳过一道道的沟,末了跑进了一座树林子。我正要找林木深密的地方躲起来,忽然两骑壮士拦住去路,喝道:“谁打这儿过?”我吃了一惊,一时答不出话来。他们走上来,一人一支手枪抵住我胸口,逼我老实说:我是谁,从哪里来,到这树林子里来干什么,不许一字隐瞒。这般咄咄逼人,我看跟骡夫恫吓我们的夹棍差不多了。我只得回说,我是个奥维多的小伙子,要到萨拉曼卡去。我还告诉他们刚才吃了什么惊恐,又老实承认怕吃夹棍,所以逃走。他们从这番话里听出我傻不懂事,不禁哈哈大笑。一个人对我说道:“朋友,你放了心,跟我们来吧,别害怕,我们保你平安无事。”他叫我上马骑在他身后,就到树林深处去了。,"Pour moi, plus épouvanté peut-être que tous les autres, je gagnai la campagne. Je traversai je ne sais combien de champs et de bruyères, et sautant tous les fossés que je trouvais sur mon passage, j’arrivai enfin auprès d’une forêt. J’allais m’y jeter et me cacher dans le plus épais hallier7, lorsque deux hommes à cheval s’offrirent tout à coup au-devant de mes pas. Ils crièrent : Qui va là ? et comme ma surprise ne me permit pas de répondre sur-le-champ, ils s’approchèrent de moi et me mettant chacun un pistolet sur la gorge, ils me sommèrent de leur apprendre qui j’étais, d’où je venais, ce que je voulais aller faire en cette forêt, et surtout de ne leur rien déguiser. À cette manière d’interroger, qui me parut bien valoir la question dont le muletier nous avait fait fête, je leur répondis que j’étais un jeune homme d’Oviedo qui allait à Salamanque ; je leur contai même l’alarme qu’on venait de nous donner et j’avouai que la crainte d’être appliqué à la torture m’avait fait prendre la fuite. Ils firent un éclat de rire à ce discours, qui marquait ma simplicité et l’un des deux me dit : Rassure-toi, mon ami. Viens avec nous et ne crains rien. Nous allons te mettre en sûreté. À ces mots, il me fit monter en croupe sur son cheval et nous nous enfonçâmes dans la forêt." Chinese,"She laughed again,as if she said something very witty,and held my hand for a moment,looking up into my face,promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had. She hinted in a murmur that the surname of the balancing girl was Baker. (I've heard it said that Daisy's murmur was only to make people lean toward her;an irrelevant criticism that made it no less charming.)",她又笑了一次,好像她说了一句非常俏皮的话,接着就拉住我的手,仰起脸看着我,表示世界上没有第二个人她更高兴见到的了。那是她特有的一种表情。她低声告诉我那个在搞平衡动作的姑娘姓贝克(我听人说过,黛西的喃喃低语只是为了让人家把身子向她靠近,这是不相干的闲话,丝毫无损于这种表情的魅力)。 English,汤姆·布坎农本来坐立不安地在屋子里来回走动,现在停了下来把一只手放在我肩上。,"Tom Buchanan,who had been hovering restlessly about the room,stopped and rested his hand on my shoulder." English,“我高兴得瘫……瘫掉了。”,‘I'm p-paralyzed with happiness.’ Chinese,"There was dancing now on the canvas in the garden;old men pushing young girls backward in eternal graceless circles,superior couples holding each other tortuously,fashionably,and keeping in the corners—and a great number of single girls dancing individualistically or relieving the orchestra for a moment of the burden of the banjo or the traps. By midnight the hilarity had increased. A celebrated tenor had sung in Italian,and a notorious contralto had sung in jazz,and between the numbers people were doing ‘stunts’ all over the garden,while happy,vacuous bursts of laughter rose toward the summer sky. A pair of stage twins,who turned out to be the girls in yellow,did a baby act in costume,and champagne was served in glasses bigger than finger-bowls. The moon had risen higher,and floating in the Sound was a triangle of silver scales,trembling a little to the stiff,tinny drip of the banjoes on the lawn.",此刻花园里篷布上有人在跳舞;有老头子推着年轻姑娘向后倒退,无止无休地绕着难看的圈子;有高傲的男女抱在一起按时髦的舞步扭来扭去,守在一个角落里跳——还有许许多多单身姑娘在作单人舞蹈,或者帮乐队弹一会儿班卓琴或者敲一会儿打击乐器。到了午夜欢闹更甚。一位有名的男高音唱了意大利文歌曲,还有一位声名狼藉的女低音唱了爵士音乐,还有人在两个节目之间在花园里到处表演“绝技”,同时一阵阵欢乐而空洞的笑声响彻夏夜的天空。一对双胞胎——原来就是那两个黄衣姑娘——演了一出化装的娃娃戏,同时香槟一杯杯的端出来,杯子比洗手指用的小碗还要大。月亮升得更高了,海湾里飘着一副三角形的银色天秤,随着草坪上班卓琴铿锵的琴声微微颤动。 English,他突然想到,他是在为谁写日记呀?为将来,为后代。他的思想在本子上的那个可疑日期上犹豫了一会儿,突然想起了新话中的一个词儿“双重思想”。他头一次领梧到了他要做的事情的艰巨性。你怎么能够同未来联系呢?从其性质来说,这样做就是不可能的。只有两种情况,要是未来同现在一样,在这样的情况下未来就不会听他的,要是未来同现在不一样,他的处境也就没有任何意义了。,"For whom, it suddenly occurred to him to wonder, was he writing this diary? For the future, for the unborn. His mind hovered for a moment round the doubtful date on the page, and then fetched up with a bump against the Newspeak word doublethink. For the first time the magnitude ofwhat he had undertaken came home to him. How could you communicate with the future? It was of its nature impossible. Either the future would resemble the present, in which case it would not listento him: or it would be different from it, and his predicament would be meaningless." English,马,不用说,就没有再提了。汤姆和贝克小姐,两人中间隔着几英尺的暮色,慢慢溜达着回书房去,仿佛走到一具确实存在的尸体旁边去守夜。同时,我一面装出感兴趣的样子,一面装出有点聋,跟着黛西穿过一连串的走廊,走到前面的阳台上去。在苍茫暮色中我们并排在一张柳条的长靠椅上坐下。,"The horses,needless to say,were not mentioned again. Tom and Miss Baker,with several feet of twilight between them,strolled back into the library,as if to a vigil beside a perfectly tangible body,while,trying to look pleasantly interested and a little deaf,I followed Daisy around a chain of connecting verandas to the porch in front. In its deep gloom we sat down side by side on a wicker settee." English,“是只母狗,”汤姆斩钉截铁地说,“给你钱。拿去再买十只狗。”,"‘It's a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here's your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’" English,“噢,我一定会在东部待下来的,你放心吧。”他先望望黛西又望望我,仿佛他在提防还有别的什么名堂。“我要是个天大的傻瓜才会到任何别的地方去住。”,"‘Oh,I'll stay in the East,don't you worry,’ he said,glancing at Daisy and then back at me,as if he were alert for something more. ‘I'd be a God damned fool to live anywhere else.’" English,“是吗?”,‘Can't they?’ English,五六个人用手指指向那脱落下来的车轮——他朝它瞪了一眼,然后抬头向上看,仿佛他怀疑轮子是从天上掉下来的。,"Half a dozen fingers pointed at the amputated wheel—he stared at it for a moment,and then looked upward as though he suspected that it had dropped from the sky." English,“正是啊。我在步兵二十八连。”,"‘Why,yes. I was in the Twenty-eighth Infantry.’" English,“你们麦基家两口子喝点什么吧,”他说。“再搞点冰和矿泉水来,茉特尔,不然的话大家都睡着了。”,"‘You McKees have something to drink,’ he said. ‘Get some more ice and mineral water,Myrtle,before everybody goes to sleep.’" English,“我不是这个意思,”威尔逊连忙解释。“我只是说……”,"‘I don't mean that,’ explained Wilson quickly. ‘I just meant —’" Chinese,"‘You live in West Egg,’ she remarked contemptuously. ‘I know somebody there.’",“你住在西卵吧!”她用鄙夷的口气说,“我认识那边一个人。” English,但这件事也是他刚刚从抽屉中拿出来的那个本子使他想到要做的。这是一本特别精美的本子。光滑洁白的纸张因年代久远而有些发黄,这种纸张至少过去四十年来已久未生产了。不过他可以猜想,这部本子的年代还要久远得多。他是在本市里一个破破烂烂的居民区的一家发霉的小旧货铺中看到它躺在橱窗中的,到底是哪个区,他已经记不得了。他当时一眼就看中,一心要想得到它。照理党员是不许到普通店铺里去的(去了就是“在自由市场上做买卖”),不过这条规矩并不严格执行,因为有许多东西,例如鞋带、刀片,用任何别的办法是无法弄到的,他回头很快地看了一眼街道两头,就溜进了小铺子,花二元五角钱把本子买了下来。当时他并没有想到买来干什么用。他把它放在皮包里不安地回了家。即使里面没有写什么东西,有这样一个本子也是容易引起怀疑的。,"But it had also been suggested by the book that he had just taken out of the drawer. It was a peculiarly beautiful book. Its smooth creamy paper, a little yellowed by age, was of a kind that had not been manufactured for at least forty years past. He could guess, however, that the book was much older than that. He had seen it lying in the window of a frowsy little junk-shop in a slummy quarter of the town (just what quarter he did not now remember) and had been stricken immediately by an overwhelming desire to possess it. Party members were supposed not to go intoordinary shops (“dealing on the free market”, it was called), but the rule was not strictly kept, because there were various things, such as shoelaces and razor blades, which it was impossible toget hold of in any other way. He had given a quick glance up and down the street and then had slipped inside and bought the book for two dollars fifty. At the time he was not conscious of wanting it for any particular purpose. He had carried it guiltily home in his briefcase. Even with nothing written in it, it was a compromising possession." Chinese,"Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues,and this is mine:I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.",每个人都以为他自己至少有一种主要的美德,而这就是我的:我所认识的诚实的人并不多,而我自己恰好就是其中的一个。 Chinese,‘You are!’ He took down his drink as if it were a drop in the bottom of a glass. ‘How you ever get anything done is beyond me.’,“是吗!”他把自己的酒喝了下去,仿佛那是杯底的一滴。“我真不明白你怎么可能做得成任何事情。” Chinese,"The butler came back and murmured something close to Tom's ear,whereupon Tom frowned,pushed back his chair,and without a word went inside. As if his absence quickened something within her,Daisy leaned forward again,her voice glowing and singing.",男管家回来凑着汤姆的耳朵咕哝了点什么,汤姆听了眉头一皱,把他的椅子朝后一推,一言不发就走进室内去。仿佛他的离去使她活跃了起来,黛西又探身向前,她的声音像唱歌似的抑扬动听。 Chinese,"But as I walked down the steps I saw that the evening was not quite over. Fifty feet from the door a dozen headlights illuminated a bizarre and tumultuous scene. In the ditch beside the road,right side up,but violently shorn of one wheel,rested a new coupé which had left Gatsby's drive not two minutes before. The sharp jut of a wall accounted for the detachment of the wheel,which was now getting considerable attention from half a dozen curious chauffeurs. However,as they had left their cars blocking the road,a harsh,discordant din from those in the rear had been audible for some time,and added to the already violent confusion of the scene.",可是,当我走下台阶时,我看到晚会还没有完全结束。离大门五十英尺,十几辆汽车的前灯照亮了一个不寻常的、闹哄哄的场面。在路旁的小沟里,右边向上,躺着一辆新的小轿车,可是一只轮子撞掉了。这辆车离开盖茨比的车道还不到两分钟,一堵墙的突出部分是造成车轮脱落的原因,现在有五六个好奇的司机在围观。可是,由于他们让自己的车子挡住了路,后面车子上的司机已经按了好久喇叭,一片刺耳的噪音更增添了整个场面本来就很严重的混乱。 Chinese,"In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in theirplaces and shouting at the tops of their voices in an effort to drown the maddening bleatingvoice that came from the screen, The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and hermouthwas opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. Even O'Brien's heavy face wasflushed. He was sitting very straight in his chair, his powerful chest swelling and quivering asthough he were standing up to the assault of a wave. The dark-haired girl behind Winston hadbegun crying out “Swine! Swine! Swine!"" and suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeakdictionary and flung it at the screen, It struck Goldstein's nose and bounced off; the voicecontinued inexorably, In a lucid moment Winston found that he was shouting with the othersand kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair. The horrible thing about the TwoMinutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it wasimpossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. Ahideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with asledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of peoplelike an electric current,turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage thatone felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from oneobject toanother like the flame of a blowlamp. Thus, at one moment Winston's hatred was not turnedagainst Goldstein at all, but, on the contrary, against Big Brother, the Party, and the ThoughtPolice, and at such moments his heart went out to the lonely, derided heretic on the screen, soleguardian of truth and sanity in a world of lies. And yet the very next instant he was at one withthe people about him, and all that was said of Goldstein seemed to him to be true. At thosemoments his secret loathing of Big Brother changed into adoration, and Big Brother seemed totower up, an invincible, fearless protector, standing like a rock against the hordes of Asia, andGoldstein, in spite of his isolation, his helplessness, and the doubt that hung about his veryexistence, seemed like some sinister enchanter, capable by the mere power of his voice ofwrecking the structure of civilization.",仇恨到了第二分钟达到了狂热的程度。大家都跳了起来,大声高喊,要想压倒电幕上传出来的令人难以忍受的羊叫一般的声音。那个淡茶色头发的小女人脸孔通红,嘴巴一张一闭,好象离了水的鱼-样。甚至奥勃良的粗犷的脸也涨红了。他直挺挺地坐在椅上,宽阔的胸膛胀了起来,不断地战栗着,好象受到电流的袭击。温斯顿背后的黑头发姑娘开始大叫“猪猡!猪猡!猪猡!”她突然拣起一本厚厚的新话词典向电幕扔去。它击中了果尔德施坦因的鼻子,又弹了开去,他说话的声音仍旧不为所动地继续着。温斯顿的头脑曾经有过片刻的清醒,他发现自已也同大家一起在喊叫,用鞋后跟使劲地踢着椅子腿。两分钟仇恨所以可怕,不是你必须参加表演,而是要避不参加是不可能的。不出三十秒钟.切矜持都没有必要了。一种夹杂着恐惧和报复情绪的快意,一种要杀人、虐待、用大铁锤痛打别人脸孔的欲望,似乎象一股电流一般穿过了这一群人,甚至使你违反本意地变成一个恶声叫喊的疯子。然而,你所感到的那种狂热情绪是一种抽象的、无目的的感情,好象喷灯的火焰一般,可以从一个对象转到另一个对象。因此,有一阵子,温斯顿的仇恨并不是针对果尔德施坦因的,而是反过来转向了老大哥、党、思想警察;在这样的时候,他打从心跟里同情电幕上那个孤独的、受到嘲弄的异端分子,谎话世界中真理和理智的唯一卫护者。可是一会儿他又同周围的人站在一起,觉得攻击果尔德施坦因的一切的话都是正确的。在这样的时刻,他心中对老大哥的憎恨变成了崇拜,老大哥的形象越来越高大,似乎是一个所向无故、毫无畏惧的保护者,象块巨石一般耸立于从亚洲蜂拥而来的乌合之众之前,而果尔德施坦因尽管孤立无援,尽管对于是否有他这个人的存在也有怀疑,却似乎是一个阴险狡诈的妖物,光凭他的谈话声音也能够把文明的结构破坏无遗。 Chinese,"‘Now,don't think my opinion on these matters is final,’ he seemed to say,‘just because I'm stronger and more of a man than you are.’ We were in the same senior society,and while we were never intimate I always had the impression that he approved of me and wanted me to like him with some harsh,defiant wistfulness of his own.",“我说,你可别认为我在这些问题上的意见是说了算的,”他仿佛在说,“仅仅因为我力气比你大,比你更有男子汉气概。”我们俩属于同一个高年级学生联谊会;虽然我们的关系并不密切,我总觉得他很看重我,而且带着他那特有的粗野、蛮横的怅惘神气,希望我也喜欢他。 Chinese,Daisy and Tom looked at each other for a moment in silence.,黛西和汤姆一声不响地彼此看了一会儿。 English,我觉得怪难为情的,第一次来就待得这么晚,于是走到包围着盖茨比的最后几位客人那边去。我想要解释一下我一来就到处找过他,同时向他道歉刚才在花园里当面都不认识。,"Rather ashamed that on my first appearance I had stayed so late,I joined the last of Gatsby's guests,who were clustered around him. I wanted to explain that I'd hunted for him early in the evening and to apologize for not having known him in the garden." English,我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导过我一句话,我至今还念念不忘。,In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. Chinese,‘Even if we are cousins. You didn't come to my wedding.’,“尽管我们是表亲。你没参加我的婚礼。” Chinese,"‘That's true.’ She hesitated. ‘Well,I've had a very bad time,Nick,and I'm pretty cynical about everything.’",“确实。”她犹疑了一下。“哎,我可真够受的,尼克,所以我把一切都差不多看透了。” Chinese,‘Who doesn't?’ I inquired.,“谁不愿意?”我问。 Chinese,"‘I know nothing whatever about mechanics,’ he said decisively.",“我对机械一窍不通,”他肯定地说。 Chinese,"It was a matter of chance that I should have rented a house in one of the strangest communities in North America. It was on that slender riotous island which extends itself due east of New York—and where there are,among other natural curiosities,two unusual formations of land. Twenty miles from the city a pair of enormous eggs,identical in contour and separated only by a courtesy bay,jut out into the most domesticated body of salt water in the Western hemisphere,the great wet barnyard of Long Island Sound. They are not perfect ovals—ike the egg in the Columbus story,they are both crushed flat at the contact end—but their physical resemblance must be a source of perpetual wonder to the gulls that fly overhead. To the wingless a more interesting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size.",纯粹出于偶然,我租的这所房子在北美最离奇的一个村镇。这个村镇位于纽约市正东那个细长的奇形怪状的小岛上——那里除了其他天然奇观以外,还有两个地方形状异乎寻常。离城二十英里路,有一对其大无比的鸡蛋般的半岛,外形一模一样,中间隔着一条小湾,一直伸进西半球那片最恬静的咸水,长岛海峡那个巨大的潮湿的场院。它们并不是正椭圆形,——而是像哥伦布故事里的鸡蛋一样,在碰过的那头都是压碎了的——但是它们外貌的相似一定是使从头上飞过的海鸥惊异不已的源泉。对于没有翅膀的人类来说,一个更加饶有趣味的现象,却是这两个地方除了形状大小之外,在每一个方面都截然不同。 Chinese,"‘Of course you will,’ confirmed Daisy. ‘In fact I think I'll arrange a marriage. Come over often,Nick,and I'll sort of—oh—fling you together. You know—lock you up accidentally in linen closets and push you out to sea in a boat,and all that sort of thing —’",“你们当然会再见面的,”黛西保证道,“说实在,我想我要做个媒。多来几趟,尼克,我就想办法——呃——把你们俩拽到一起。比方说,无意间把你们关在被单储藏室里啦,或者把你们放在小船上往海里一推啦,以及诸如此类的办法……” French,他先领我到一个地窖里,只见无数密封着口的瓶子坛子,据说都满装着醇醪美酒。他又带我穿过好几个房间:有的堆着布匹,有的藏着呢绒绸缎;有一间屋里堆满了金子银子,刻着各式徽章的金银器皿还不在内。随后我又跟他到一间大厅上,里面点着三盏铜灯,这一间通许多房间。他又盘问我姓甚名谁,为什么离开奥维多。我一一回答了。他说道:“好啊,吉尔·布拉斯,你离开家乡,只为了要谋个好职位,恰恰落在我们手里,真是天生好福气了。我刚才跟你说过,你在这里可以过富裕日子,在金子银子里打滚!而且我们这里万无一失。这个地窟真是好地方,公安大队到树林里来巡逻个一百回也找不出来。只有我跟我们伙伴儿知道这里的出入口。也许你要问,造这样个地窟,怎么附近居民会不知不觉呢?我告诉你,朋友,这个地窟不是我们造的,是多年以前造现成了的。从前摩尔人侵占了格拉纳达、阿拉贡——几乎占领了西班牙全国。不愿受异教徒作践的基督教徒就逃亡出来,有的躲在这里附近,有的逃到比斯盖,还有像那勇敢的堂贝拉由就避在阿斯杜利亚。那些逃亡的人一队队四散逃难,或住在山上,或住在树林里,或住在山洞里,或造了许多地窟;这就是一个。他们后来靠天照应,把敌人赶出西班牙国境,又回到城市里去了。他们避难的隐居从此成了我们这行人的巢穴。公安大队确也剿掉几处,不过还有好多个呢。靠天保佑,我在这里平安无事,已经十五个年头了!我是罗朗都队长,是我们这伙人的头领。方才跟我在一起的是我们队里一名好汉。”,"Il me mena dans une cave, où je vis une infinité de bouteilles et de pots de terre bien bouchés, qui étaient pleins, disait-il, d’un vin excellent. Ensuite il me fit traverser plusieurs chambres. Dans les unes, il y avait des pièces de toile ; dans les autres, des étoffes de laine et de soie. J’aperçus dans une autre de l’or et de l’argent, et beaucoup de vaisselle à diverses armoiries. Après cela je le suivis dans un grand salon, que trois lustres de cuivre éclairaient et qui servait de communication à d’autres chambres. Il me fit là de nouvelles questions. Il me demanda comment je me nommais ; pourquoi j’étais sorti d’Oviedo ; et lorsque j’eus satisfait sa curiosité : Hé bien, Gil Blas, me dit-il, puisque tu n’as quitté ta patrie que pour chercher quelque bon poste, il faut que tu sois né coiffé1, pour être tombé entre nos mains. Je te l’ai déjà dit, tu vivras ici dans l’abondance, et rouleras sur l’or et sur l’argent. D’ailleurs, tu y seras en sûreté. Tel est ce souterrain, que les officiers de la sainte Hermandad2 viendraient cent fois dans cette forêt sans le découvrir. L’entrée n’en est connue que de moi seul et de mes camarades. Peut-être me demanderas-tu comment nous l’avons pu faire sans que les habitants des environs s’en soient aperçus ; mais apprends, mon ami, que ce n’est point notre ouvrage et qu’il est fait depuis longtemps. Après que les Maures se furent rendus maîtres de Grenade, de l’Aragon et de presque toute l’Espagne, les chrétiens qui ne voulurent point subir le joug des infidèles prirent la fuite et vinrent se cacher dans ce pays-ci, dans la Biscaye et dans les Asturies, où le vaillant don Pélage s’était retiré3. Fugitifs et dispersés par pelotons, ils vivaient dans les montagnes ou dans les bois. Les uns demeuraient dans les cavernes, et les autres firent plusieurs souterrains, du nombre desquels est celui-ci. Ayant ensuite eu le bonheur de chasser d’Espagne leurs ennemis, ils retournèrent dans les villes. Depuis ce temps-là leurs retraites ont servi d’asile aux gens de notre profession. Il est vrai que la sainte Hermandad en a découvert et détruit quelques-unes ; mais il en reste encore et grâce au Ciel, il y a près de quinze années que j’habite impunément celle-ci. Je m’appelle le capitaine Rolando4. Je suis chef de la compagnie, et l’homme que tu as vu avec moi est un de mes cavaliers." Chinese,"Tom Buchanan,who had been hovering restlessly about the room,stopped and rested his hand on my shoulder.",汤姆·布坎农本来坐立不安地在屋子里来回走动,现在停了下来把一只手放在我肩上。 English,我们走进屋子,她举起一只手来示意叫我们不要出声。,When we came in she held us silent for a moment with a lifted hand. Chinese,‘This Mr.Gatsby you spoke of is my neighbor —’ I began.,“你刚才提到的那位盖茨比先生是我的邻居……”我开始说。 French,我从小就由他领去负责教育。他觉得我很机灵,决意要培养我的才力。他给我买一本启蒙课本,亲自教我认字,这样他得到的益处不亚于我,因为他一向对书本很荒疏,一面教我,自己也就读起书来。他下了些功夫,从前不会念的日课居然也念诵如流了。他还恨不能亲自教我拉丁文呢,那就可以省掉好些钱。可是,唉!可怜的吉尔·贝瑞斯!他一辈子就没学过拉丁文入门,也许竟是神职班上最不学无术的大司铎,只是我这句话做不得准。我听说,他这个职位只是几个好修女给他的酬报,不是靠学问得来的;他曾经替她们办过机密的事,她们因此仗面子让他不经过考试就做了司铎。,"Il me prit chez lui dès mon enfance, et se chargea de mon éducation. Je lui parus si éveillé, qu’il résolut de cultiver mon esprit. Il m’acheta un alphabet et entreprit de m’apprendre lui-même à lire : ce qui ne lui fut pas moins utile qu’à moi ; car en me faisant connaître mes lettres, il se remit à la lecture qu’il avait toujours fort négligée, et à force de s’y appliquer, il parvint à lire couramment son bréviaire, ce qu’il n’avait jamais fait auparavant. Il aurait encore bien voulu m’enseigner la langue latine ; c’eût été autant d’argent d’épargné pour lui : mais, hélas, le pauvre Gil Perez ! il n’en avait de sa vie su les premiers principes ; c’était peut-être (car je n’avance pas cela comme un fait certain) le chanoine du chapitre4 le plus ignorant. Aussi j’ai ouï dire qu’il n’avait point obtenu son bénéfice5 par son érudition : il le devait uniquement à la reconnaissance de quelques bonnes religieuses dont il avait été le discret commissionnaire, et qui avaient eu le crédit de lui faire donner l’ordre de prêtrise sans examen." English,忽然间,这些吉卜赛人式的姑娘中有一个,满身珠光宝气,一伸手就抓来一杯鸡尾酒,一口干下去壮壮胆子,然后手舞足蹈,一个人跳到篷布舞池中间去表演。片刻的寂静,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子,随后突然响起了一阵叽叽喳喳的说话声,因为有谣言传开,说她是速演剧团的吉尔德·格雷的替角。晚会正式开始了。,"Suddenly one of these gypsies,in trembling opal,seizes a cocktail out of the air,dumps it down for courage and,moving her hands like Frisco,dances out alone on the canvas platform. A momentary hush;the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her,and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the Follies. The party has begun." English,原来在瞬息之间,他同奥勃良忽然眼光相遇。奥勃良这时已经站了起来。他摘下了眼镜,正要用他一贯的姿态把眼镜放到鼻梁上去。就在这一刹那之间,他们两人的眼光相遇了,在这相遇时刻,温斯顿知道――是啊,他知道(knew)!――奥勃良心里想的同他自己一样。他们两人之间交换了一个无可置疑的信息。好像他们两人的心打了开来,各自的思想通过目光流到了对方的心里。“我同你一致,”奥勃良似乎这样对他说。“我完全知道你的想法。你的蔑视、仇恨、厌恶,我全都知道。不过别害怕,我站在你的一边!”但是领悟的神情一闪即逝,奥勃良的脸又像别人的脸一样令人莫测高深了。,"Momentarily he caught O’Brien’s eye. O’Brien had stood up. He had taken off his spectacles and was in the act of resettling them on his nose with his characteristic gesture. But there was a fraction of a second when their eyes met, and for as long as it took to happen Winston knew -- yes, he knew! --that O’Brien was thinking the same thing as himself. An unmistakable message had passed. It was as though their two minds had opened and the thoughts were flowing from one into the other through their eyes. “I am with you,” O’Brien seemed to be saying to him. “I know precisely what you are feeling. I know all about your contempt, your hatred, your disgust. But don’t worry, I am on your side!” And then the flash of intelligence was gone, and O’Brien’s face was asinscrutable as everybody else’s." English,温斯顿继续背对着电幕。这样比较安全些;不过他也很明白,甚至背部有时也能暴露问题的。一公里以外,他工作的单位真理部高耸在阴沉的市景之上,建筑高大,一片白色。这,他带着有些模糊的厌恶情绪想――这就是伦敦,一号空降场的主要城市,一号空降场是大洋国人口位居第三的省份。他竭力想挤出一些童年时代的记忆来,能够告诉他伦敦是不是一直都是这样的。是不是一直有这些景象:破败的十九世纪房子,墙头用木材撑着,窗户钉上了硬纸板,屋顶上盖着波纹铁皮,倒塌的花园围墙东倒西歪;还有那尘土飞扬、破砖残瓦上野草丛生的空袭地点;还有那炸弹清出了一大块空地,上面忽然出现了许多象鸡笼似的肮脏木房子的地方。可是没有用,他记不起来了;除了一系列没有背景、模糊难辨的、灯光灿烂的画面以外,他的童年已不留下什么记忆了。,"Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing. A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape. This, he thought with a sort of vague distaste --this was London, chief city of Airstrip One, itself the third most populous of the provinces of Oceania. He tried to squeeze out some childhood memory that should tell him whether London had always been quite like this. Were there always these vistas of rotting nineteenth-century houses, their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with corrugated iron, their crazy garden walls sagging in all directions? And the bombed sites where the plaster dust swirled in the air and the willow-herb straggled over the heaps of rubble; and the places where the bombs had cleared a larger patch and there had sprung up sordid colonies of wooden dwellings like chicken-houses? But it was no use, he could not remember: nothing remained of his childhood except a series of bright-lit tableaux occurring against no background and mostly unintelligible." Chinese,"April 4th, 1984. Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full ofrefugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean. Audience much amused by shots of agreat huge fat man trying to swim away with a helicopter after him, first you saw him wallowingalong in the water like a porpoise, then you saw him through the helicopters gunsights, then he wasfull of holes and the sea round him turned pink and he sank as suddenly as though the holes had letin the water, audience shouting with laughter when he sank. then you saw a lifeboat full of childrenwith a helicopter hovering over it. there was a middle-aged woman might have been a jewesssitting up in the bow with a little boy about three years old in her arms. little boy screaming withfright and hiding his head between her breasts as if he was trying to burrow right into her and thewoman putting her arms round him and comforting him although she was blue with fright herself,all the time covering him up as much as possible as if she thought her arms could keep the bulletsoff him. then the helicopter planted a 20 kilo bomb in among them terrific flash and the boat wentall to matchwood. then there was a wonderful shot of a child’s arm going up up up right up into theair a helicopter with a camera in its nose must have followed it up and there was a lot of applausefrom the party seats but a woman down in the prole part of the house suddenly started kicking up afuss and shouting they didnt oughter of showed it not in front of kids they didnt it aint right not infront of kids it aint until the police turned her turned her out i dont suppose anything happened toher nobody cares what the proles say typical prole reaction they never-",1984年4月4日。昨晚去看电影。全是战争片。一部很好,是关于一艘装满难民的船,在地中海某处遭到空袭。观众看到一个大胖子要想游开去逃脱追他的直升飞机的镜头感到很好玩。你起初看到他象一头海豚一样在水里浮沉,后来通过直升飞机的瞄准器看到他,最后他全身是枪眼,四周的海水都染红了,他突然下沉,好象枪眼里吸进了海水一样。下沉的时候观众笑着叫好。接着你看到一艘装满儿童的救生艇,上空有一架直升飞机在盘旋。有个中年妇女坐在船首,大概是个犹太女人,怀中抱着一个大约三岁的小男孩。小男孩吓得哇哇大哭,把脑袋躲在她的怀里,好象要钻进她的胸口中去似的,那个妇女用胳膊搂着他,安慰着他,尽管她自己的脸色也吓得发青。她一度用自己的胳膊尽可能地掩护着他,仿佛她以为自己的胳膊能够抵御子弹不伤他的身体似的。接着直升飞机在他们中间投了一颗二十公斤的炸弹,引起可怕的爆炸,救生艇四分五裂,成为碎片。接着出现一个很精采的镜头一个孩子的胳膊举了起来越举越高越举越高一直到了天空中一定有架机头装着摄影机的直升飞机跟着他的胳膊,在党员座中间发出了很多的掌声但是在无产座部分有个妇女突然吵了起来大声说他们不应该在孩子们面前放映这部电影他们在孩子们面前放映这部电影是不对的最后警察把她赶了出去我想她不致于会遇到什么不愉快的结果无产者说些什么没有人会放在心上典型的无产者反应他们决不会... Chinese,‘That dog? That dog's a boy.’,“那只狗?那只狗是雄的。” English,旁观的人听了都惊愕得说不出话来。,An awed hush fell upon the bystanders. Chinese,"I was alone and it was almost two. For some time confused and intriguing sounds had issued from a long,many-windowed room which overhung the terrace. Eluding Jordan's undergraduate,who was now engaged in an obstetrical conversation with two chorus girls,and who implored me to join him,I went inside.",我独自一人,时间已快两点了。有好一会儿,从阳台上面一间长长的、有许多窗户的房间里传来了一阵阵杂乱而引人入胜的声音。乔丹的那位大学生此刻正在和两个歌舞团的舞女大谈助产术,央求我去加入,可是我溜掉了,走到室内去。 English,我家三代以来都是这个中西部城市家道殷实的头面人物。姓卡罗威的也可算是个世家,据家里传说我们是布克娄奇公爵的后裔,但是我们家系的实际创始人却是我祖父的哥哥。他在一八五一年来到这里,买了个替身去参加南北战争,开始做起五金批发生意,也就是我父亲今天还在经营的买卖。,"My family have been prominent,well-to-do people in this Middle Western city for three generations. The Carraways are something of a clan,and we have a tradition that we're descended from the Dukes of Buccleuch,but the actual founder of my line was my grandfather's brother,who came here in fifty-one,sent a substitute to the Civil War,and started the wholesale hardware business that my father carries on to-day." English,“关于那个。其实你也不必仔细看了,我已经仔细看过。它们都是真的。”,‘About that. As a matter of fact you needn't bother to ascertain. I ascertained. They're real.’ Chinese,"It had happened that morning at the Ministry, if anything so nebulous could be said to happen.",如果说,这样一件模模糊糊的事也可以说是发生的话,这件事今天早上发生在部里。 Chinese,‘We're always the first ones to leave.’,“我们总是第一个走。” English,他走开之后,我马上转向乔丹——迫不及待地要告诉她我感到的惊异。我本来以为盖茨比先生是个红光满面、肥头大耳的中年人。,When he was gone I turned immediately to Jordan—constrained to assure her of my surprise. I had expected that Mr.Gatsby would be a florid and corpulent person in his middle years. English,“我觉得它真好玩,”威尔逊太太热烈地说,“多少钱?”,"‘I think it's cute,’ said Mrs.Wilson enthusiastically. ‘How much is it?’" English,我在穿堂里等我帽子的时候,图书室的门开了,乔丹·贝克和盖茨比一同走了出来。他还在跟她说最后一句话,可是这时有几个人走过来和他告别,他原先热切的态度陡然收敛,变成了拘谨。,"As I waited for my hat in the hall the door of the library opened and Jordan Baker and Gatsby came out together. He was saying some last word to her,but the eagerness in his manner tightened abruptly into formality as several people approached him to say good-bye." Chinese,‘I wasn't back from the war.’,“我打仗还没回来。” English,整个夏天的夜晚都有音乐声从我邻居家传过来。在他蔚蓝的花园里,男男女女像飞蛾一般在笑语、香槟和繁星中间来来往往。下午涨潮的时候,我看着他的客人从他的木筏的跳台上跳水,或是躺在他私人海滩的热沙上晒太阳,同时他的两艘小汽艇破浪前进,拖着滑水板驶过翻腾的浪花。每逢周末,他的罗尔斯—罗伊斯轿车就成了公共汽车,从早晨九点到深更半夜往来城里接送客人,同时他的旅行车也像一只轻捷的黄硬壳虫那样去火车站接所有的班车。每星期一,八个仆人,包括一个临时园丁,整整苦干一天,用许多拖把、板刷、榔头、修枝剪来收拾前一晚的残局。,"There was music from my neighbour's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft,or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound,drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On weekends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus,bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight,while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants,including an extra gardener,toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden-shears,repairing the ravages of the night before." English,"我们在公路上没人看见的地方等她。再过几天就是七月四号 了,因此有一个灰蒙蒙的、骨瘦如柴的意大利小孩沿着铁轨在点放一排“鱼雷炮”。","We waited for her down the road and out of sight. It was a few days before the Fourth of July,and a grey,scrawny Italian child was setting torpedoes in a row along the railroad track." English,“别听到什么都信以为真,尼克,”他告诫我道。,"‘Don't believe everything you hear,Nick,’ he advised me." English,“在哪家公司?”,‘Who with?’ Chinese,‘I'm scared of him. I'd hate to have him get anything on me.’,“我害怕他。我可不愿意落到他手里。” Chinese,‘See!’ he explained. ‘It went in the ditch.’,“请看!”他解释道,“车子开到沟里去了。” English,我独自一人,时间已快两点了。有好一会儿,从阳台上面一间长长的、有许多窗户的房间里传来了一阵阵杂乱而引人入胜的声音。乔丹的那位大学生此刻正在和两个歌舞团的舞女大谈助产术,央求我去加入,可是我溜掉了,走到室内去。,"I was alone and it was almost two. For some time confused and intriguing sounds had issued from a long,many-windowed room which overhung the terrace. Eluding Jordan's undergraduate,who was now engaged in an obstetrical conversation with two chorus girls,and who implored me to join him,I went inside." Chinese,‘I'll meet you by the news-stand on the lower level.’,“我在车站下层报摊旁边等你。” Chinese,"‘She had a fight with a man who says he's her husband,’ explained a girl at my elbow.",“她刚才跟一个自称是她丈夫的人打过一架,”我身旁一个姑娘解释说。 English,“黛西!黛西!黛西!”威尔逊太太大喊大叫。“我什么时候想叫就叫!黛西!黛……”,‘Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!’ shouted Mrs.Wilson. ‘I'll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai —’ English,“待续,”她念道,一面把杂志扔在桌上,“见本刊下期。”,"‘To be continued,’ she said,tossing the magazine on the table,‘in our very next issue.’" English,我们大家都默默地看着威尔逊太太,她把一缕头发从眼前掠开,笑吟吟地看着我们大家。麦基先生歪着头,目不转睛地端详着她,然后又伸出一只手在面前慢慢地来回移动。,"We all looked in silence at Mrs.Wilson,who removed a strand of hair from over her eyes and looked back at us with a brilliant smile. Mr.McKee regarded her intently with his head on one side,and then moved his hand back and forth slowly in front of his face." English,“亲爱的,”她喊道,“我这件衣服穿过之后就送给你。明天我得去另买一件。我要把所有要办的事情开个单子。按摩、烫发、替小狗买条项圈,买一个那种有弹簧的、小巧玲珑的烟灰缸,还要给妈妈的坟上买一个挂黑丝结的假花圈,可以摆一个夏天的那种。我一定得写个单子,免得我忘掉要做哪些事。”,"‘My dear,’ she cried,‘I'm going to give you this dress as soon as I'm through with it. I've got to get another one to-morrow. I'm going to make a list of all the things I've got to get. A massage and a wave,and a collar for the dog,and one of those cute little ash-trays where you touch a spring,and a wreath with a black silk bow for mother's grave that'll last all summer. I got to write down a list so I won't forget all the things I got to do.’" Chinese,"‘Well,I married him,’ said Myrtle,ambiguously. ‘And that's the difference between your case and mine.’",“但是,我可嫁给了他,”茉特尔含糊其辞地说。“这就是你的情况和我的情况不同的地方。” Chinese,"For some time he sat gazing stupidly at the paper. The telescreen had changed over to strident military music. It was curious that he seemed not merely to have lost the power of expressing himself, but even to have forgotten what it was that he had originally intended to say. For weeks past he had been making ready for this moment, and it had never crossed his mind that anything would be needed except courage. The actual writing would be easy. All he had to do was to transfer to paper the interminable restless monologue that had been running inside his head, literally for years. At this moment, however, even the monologue had dried up. Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching unbearably. He dared not scratch it, because if he did so it always became inflamed. The seconds were ticking by. He was conscious of nothing except the blanknessof the page in front of him, the itching of the skin above his ankle, the blaring of the music, and a slight booziness caused by the gin.",他呆呆地坐在那里,看着本子。电幕上现在播放刺耳的军乐了。奇怪的是,他似乎不仅丧失了表达自己的能力,而且甚至忘掉了他原来要想说什么话了。过去几个星期以来,他一直在准备应付这一时刻,他从来没有想到过,除了勇气以外还需要什么。实际写作会是很容易的。他要做的只是把多年来头脑里一直在想的、无休止的、无穷尽的独白付诸笔墨就行了。但是在目前,甚至独白也枯竭了。此外,他的静脉曲张也开始痒了起来,使人难熬。他不敢抓它,因为一抓就要发炎。时间滴嗒地过去。他只感到面前一页空白的纸张,脚脖子上的皮肤发痒,音乐的聒噪,杜松子酒引起的一阵醉意。 English,“我不知道,”她固执地说,“我就是不相信他上过牛津。”,"‘I don't know,’ she insisted,‘I just don't think he went there.’" English,“你告诉过我们了。”,‘You told us.’ Chinese,"I followed him over a low whitewashed railroad fence,and we walked back a hundred yards along the road under Doctor Eckleburg's persistent stare. The only building in sight was a small block of yellow brick sitting on the edge of the waste land,a sort of compact Main Street ministering to it,and contiguous to absolutely nothing. One of the three shops it contained was for rent and another was an all-night restaurant,approached by a trail of ashes;the third was a garage—Repairs. GEORGE B. WILSON. Cars bought and sold.—and I followed Tom inside.","我跟着他跨过一排刷得雪白的低低的铁路栅栏,然后沿着公路,在埃克尔堡大夫目不转睛的注视之下,往回走了一百码。眼前唯一的建筑物是一小排黄砖房子,坐落在这片荒原的边缘,大概是供应本地居民生活必需品的一条小型“主街”,左右隔壁一无所有。这排房子里有三家店铺,一家正在招租,另一家是通宵营业的饭馆,门前有一条炉渣小道;第三家是个汽车修理行——“乔治·B·威尔逊。修理汽车。买卖汽车 。”——我跟着汤姆走了进去。" Chinese,"‘If you want anything just ask for it,old sport,’ he urged me. ‘Excuse me. I will rejoin you later.’",“你想要什么尽管开口,老兄,”他恳切地对我说,“对不起,过会儿再来奉陪。” Chinese,Mrs.Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in disdain.,威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。 Chinese,"But the face of Big Brother seemed to persist for several seconds on the screen, as thoughthe impact that it had made on everyone’s eyeballs was too vivid to wear off immediately. The little sandy-haired woman had flung herself forward over the back of the chair in front of her. With atremulous murmur that sounded like “My Saviour!” she extended her arms towards the screen. Then she buried her face in her hands. It was apparent that she was uttering a prayer.",但是老大哥的脸似乎还留在电幕上有好几秒钟,好象它在大家的视网膜上留下的印象太深了,不能马上消失似的。那个淡茶色头发的小女人扑在她前面一排的椅子背上。她哆哆嗦嗦地轻轻喊一声好象“我的救世主!”那样的话,向电幕伸出双臂。接着又双手捧面。很明显,她是在做祷告。 Chinese,"‘I almost made a mistake,too,’ she declared vigorously. ‘I almost married a little kyke who'd been after me for years. I knew he was below me. Everybody kept saying to me:“Lucille,that man's way below you!” But if I hadn't met Chester,he'd of got me sure.’",“我差点也犯错误,”她精神抖擞地大声说,“我差点嫁给一个追了我好几年的犹太小子。我知道他配不上我。大家都对我说:‘露西尔,那个人比你差远了。’可是,如果我没碰上切斯特,他保险会把我搞到手的。” Chinese,"‘I'll tell you a family secret,’ she whispered enthusiastically. ‘It's about the butler's nose. Do you want to hear about the butler's nose?’",“我要告诉你一桩家庭秘密,”她兴奋地咬耳朵说,“是关于男管家的鼻子的。你想听听男管家鼻子的故事吗?” English,我当然知道他们指的是什么事,但是我压根儿没有订婚。流言蜚语传播说我订了婚,这正是我之所以到东部来的一个原因。你不能因为怕谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往,可是另一方面我也无意迫于谣言的压力就去结婚。,"Of course I knew what they were referring to,but I wasn't even vaguely engaged. The fact that gossip had published the banns was one of the reasons I had come East. You can't stop going with an old friend on account of rumors,and on the other hand I had no intention of being rumored into marriage." French,我一时答不出话,给他搂得太紧,气都回不过来。直等他松了手,我才说道:“先生,我想不到贝尼弗罗的人会知道我的名字。”他依然那种腔吻,说道:“何止听到您的名字呀!这里周围二十里以内的大人物,我们都有记录。您是我们这儿公认的奇才。我相信西班牙出了一个您这样的人,大可引以自豪,就好比希腊有了七哲那样。”他说完这话,又把我拥抱一番。我只得生受他,险的没像安泰一般结局。我要是稍通人情世故,就不会给他那种奉承夸张哄倒,一听他恭维过火,就会知道这是个吃白食的篾片,各处城市里多的是,只要有外方人到了,赶快攀附上去,哄这冤桶花钱,乘机大吃一顿。可是我年轻爱吃马屁,看错了人。我以为这位仰慕我的是上等君子,就留他同吃晚饭。他嚷道:“啊!那就好极了!我多承福星高照,碰到大名鼎鼎的吉尔·布拉斯·德·山悌良那先生!我能多跟您盘桓一刻,还有不乐意的么!”接着又道:“我胃口不好,不过是坐下来陪陪您,吃几口应个景儿。”,"Je ne pus lui répondre sur-le-champ, parce qu’il me tenait si serré que je n’avais pas la respiration libre ; et ce ne fut qu’après que j’eus la tête dégagée de l’embrassade que je lui dis : Seigneur cavalier, je ne croyais pas mon nom connu à Peñaflor. Comment connu, reprit-il sur le même ton ? Nous tenons registre de tous les grands personnages qui sont à vingt lieues à la ronde. Vous passez ici pour un prodige et je ne doute pas que l’Espagne ne se trouve un jour aussi vaine10 de vous avoir produit, que la Grèce d’avoir vu naître ses Sages. Ces paroles furent suivies d’une nouvelle accolade, qu’il me fallut encore essuyer, au hasard d’avoir le sort d’Antée11. Pour peu que j’eusse eu d’expérience, je n’aurais pas été la dupe de ses démonstrations ni de ses hyperboles ; j’aurais bien connu à ses flatteries outrées que c’était un de ces parasites que l’on trouve dans toutes les villes et qui, dès qu’un étranger arrive, s’introduisent auprès de lui pour remplir leur ventre à ses dépens ; mais ma jeunesse et ma vanité m’en firent juger tout autrement. Mon admirateur me parut un fort honnête homme et je l’invitai à souper avec moi. Ah ! très volontiers, s’écria-t-il ; je sais trop bon gré à mon étoile de m’avoir fait rencontrer l’illustre Gil Blas de Santillane, pour ne pas jouir de ma bonne fortune le plus longtemps que je pourrai. Je n’ai pas grand appétit, poursuivit-il, je vais me mettre à table pour vous tenir compagnie seulement et je mangerai quelques morceaux par complaisance." English,“他们俩谁都受不了自己的那口子。”,‘Neither of them can stand the person they're married to.’ English,她的话音一落,不再强迫我注意她和相信她时,我就感到她刚才说的根本不是真心话。这使我感到不安,似乎整个晚上都是一个圈套,强使我也付出一份相应的感情。我等着,果然过了一会儿她看着我时,她那可爱的脸上就确实露出了假笑,仿佛她已经表明了她是她和汤姆所属于的一个上流社会的秘密团体中的一分子。,"The instant her voice broke off,ceasing to compel my attention,my belief,I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said. It made me uneasy,as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort to exact a contributory emotion from me. I waited,and sure enough,in a moment she looked at me with an absolute smirk on her lovely face,as if she had asserted her membership in a rather distinguished secret society to which she and Tom belonged." Chinese,"Just as Tom and Myrtle (after the first drink Mrs.Wilson and I called each other by our first names) reappeared,company commenced to arrive at the apartment-door.",汤姆和茉特尔(第一杯酒下肚之后威尔逊太太和我就彼此喊教名了)一重新露面,客人们就开始来敲公寓的门了。 English,“他们会躲开我的,”她固执地说,“要两方面才能造成一次车祸嘛。”,"‘They'll keep out of my way,’ she insisted. ‘It takes two to make an accident.’" Chinese,‘But how did it happen? Did you run into the wall?’,“到底怎么搞的?你撞到墙上去了吗?” English,她丈夫“嘘”了一声,于是我们大家又都把目光转向摄影的题材,这时汤姆·布坎农出声地打了一个呵欠,站了起来。,"Her husband said:‘Sh!’and we all looked at the subject again,whereupon Tom Buchanan yawned audibly and got to his feet." Chinese,"‘The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody's best suit to get married in,and never even told me about it,and the man came after it one day when he was out:“Oh,is that your suit?” I said. “This is the first I ever heard about it.” But I gave it to him and then I lay down and cried to beat the band all afternoon.’",“我干的唯一发疯的事是跟他结了婚。我马上就知道我犯了错误。他借了人家一套做客的衣服穿着结婚,还从来不告诉我,后来有一天他不在家,那人来讨还衣服。‘哦,这套衣服是你的吗?’我说。‘这还是我头一回听说哩。’但是我把衣服给了他,然后我躺到床上,号啕大哭,整整哭了一下午。” Chinese,"‘There's something funny about a fellow that'll do a thing like that,’ said the other girl eagerly. ‘He doesn't want any trouble with anybody.’",“一个人肯干这样的事真有点古怪,”另外那个姑娘热切地说,“他不愿意得罪任何人。” English,黛西并不是天主教徒,因此这个煞费苦心的谎言使我有点震惊。,"Daisy was not a Catholic,and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie." English,“爱他爱得发疯!”茉特尔不相信地喊道,“谁说我爱他爱得发疯啦?我从来没爱过他,就像我没爱过那个人一样。”,‘Crazy about him!’ cried Myrtle incredulously. ‘Who said I was crazy about him? I never was any more crazy about him than I was about that man there.’ English,“你想要什么尽管开口,老兄,”他恳切地对我说,“对不起,过会儿再来奉陪。”,"‘If you want anything just ask for it,old sport,’ he urged me. ‘Excuse me. I will rejoin you later.’" French,我出了奥维多城,走上贝尼弗罗大道,周围都是旷野,从此我自己做主了,而且有一头劣等骡子和四十枚响当当的杜加,我从那位有体面的舅舅那儿偷来的几个瑞阿尔还没算在里面。我头一件事是让那骡子遂着性儿走,那就是让它慢慢踱去。我把缰绳撂在它脖子上,口袋里掏出杜加,摘下帽子来盛着,一遍两遍地数。我从没见过那么多钱,赏玩个不休。我大概数了二十来遍,忽然骡子昂头竖耳,路中心站住不走了。我想它吃了什么惊,仔细去看个究竟。只见地上一只帽子,口儿朝天,里面一串粗粒子的念珠。一壁听得凄声惨气地喊道:“过路的大爷啊,发发慈悲,可怜我这个残废军人吧!请你往帽子里扔几个钱,生前行好事,死后自有好报哇!”我赶忙随着声音转眼去瞧,看见二三十步外一丛灌木底下,一个兵士模样的人把两根棍子交叉着支起一杆马枪,看来比长枪还长,枪口正瞄着我。我一看吓得发抖,生怕教堂里得来的财产要保不住了。我立刻止步,忙把杜加藏好,抓出几个瑞阿尔,走近那只向心惊胆战的信徒募化的帽子,一个一个往里扔,让这位军人看我多么大方。他见我这样慷慨很满意,就一声一声连连祝福我,我也一脚一脚连连踢那骡子的肚子,要赶快走开。偏生这头该死的骡子满不理会我慌忙,还是慢条斯理地走;它多年来只惯驮着我舅舅稳步徐行,早跑不快了。,"Me voilà donc hors d’Oviedo, sur le chemin de Peñaflor1, au milieu de la campagne, maître de mes actions, d’une mauvaise mule et de quarante bons ducats, sans compter quelques réaux que j’avais volés à mon très honoré oncle. La première chose que je fis fut de laisser ma mule aller à discrétion, c’est-à-dire au petit pas. Je lui mis la bride sur le cou, et tirant de ma poche mes ducats, je commençai à les compter et recompter dans mon chapeau. Je n’étais pas maître de ma joie. Je n’avais jamais vu tant d’argent. Je ne pouvais me lasser de le regarder et de le manier. Je le comptais peut-être pour la vingtième fois, quand tout à coup ma mule, levant la tête et les oreilles, s’arrêta au milieu du grand chemin. Je jugeai que quelque chose l’effrayait ; je regardai ce que ce pouvait être : j’aperçus sur la terre un chapeau renversé sur lequel il y avait un rosaire à gros grains, et en même temps j’entendis une voix lamentable qui prononça ces paroles : Seigneur passant, ayez pitié, de grâce, d’un pauvre soldat estropié ; jetez, s’il vous plaît, quelques pièces d’argent dans ce chapeau ; vous en serez récompensé dans l’autre monde. Je tournai aussitôt les yeux du côté que partait la voix ; je vis au pied d’un buisson, à vingt ou trente pas de moi, une espèce de soldat, qui sur deux bâtons croisés appuyait le bout d’une escopette2 qui me parut plus longue qu’une pique, et avec laquelle il me couchait en joue. À cette vue, qui me fit trembler pour le bien de l’Église, je m’arrêtai tout court ; je serrai promptement mes ducats, je tirai quelques réaux3 et m’approchant du chapeau disposé à recevoir la charité des fidèles effrayés, je les jetai dedans l’un après l’autre, pour montrer au soldat que j’en usais noblement. Il fut satisfait de ma générosité et me donna autant de bénédictions que je donnai de coups de pied dans les flancs de ma mule, pour m’éloigner promptement de lui ; mais la maudite bête, trompant mon impatience, n’en alla pas plus vite ; la longue habitude qu’elle avait de marcher pas à pas sous mon oncle, lui avait fait perdre l’usage du galop." Chinese,"Her body asserted itself with a restless movement of her knee,and she stood up.",她膝盖一动,身子一直,就霍地站了起来。 English,屋子里的人一会儿不见了,一会儿又重新出现,商量到什么地方去,然后又找不着对方,找来找去,发现彼此就在几尺之内。快到半夜的时候,汤姆·布坎农和威尔逊太太面对面站着争吵,声音很激动,争的是威尔逊太太有没有权利提黛西的名字。,"People disappeared,reappeared,made plans to go somewhere,and then lost each other,searched for each other,found each other a few feet away. Some time toward midnight Tom Buchanan and Mrs.Wilson stood face to face discussing,in impassioned voices,whether Mrs.Wilson had any right to mention Daisy's name." English,“全城都凄凄惨惨。所有的汽车都把左后轮漆上了黑漆当花圈,沿着城北的湖边整夜哀声不绝于耳。”,"‘The whole town is desolate. All the cars have the left rear wheel painted black as a mourning wreath,and there's a persistent wail all night along the north shore.’" Chinese,"‘It was on the two little seats facing each other that are always the last ones left on the train. I was going up to New York to see my sister and spend the night. He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes,and I couldn't keep my eyes off him,but every time he looked at me I had to pretend to be looking at the advertisement over his head. When we came into the station he was next to me,and his white shirt-front pressed against my arm,and so I told him I'd have to call a policeman,but he knew I lied. I was so excited that when I got into a taxi with him I didn't hardly know I wasn't getting into a subway train. All I kept thinking about,over and over,was “You can't live forever,you can't live forever.”’",“事情发生在两个面对面的小座位上,就是火车上一向剩下的最后两个座位。我是上纽约去看我妹妹,在她那儿过夜。他穿了一身礼服,一双漆皮鞋,我就忍不住老是看他,可是每次他一看我,我只好假装在看他头顶上的广告。我们走进车站时,他紧挨在我身边,他那雪白的衬衫前胸蹭着我的胳膊,于是我跟他说我可要叫警察了,但他明知我在说假话。我神魂颠倒,跟他上了一辆出租汽车,还以为是上了地铁哩。我心里翻来覆去想的只有一句话:‘你又不能永远活着。你又不能永远活着。’” English,“是你搞的,汤姆,”她责怪他说,“我知道你不是故意的,但确实是你搞的。这是我的报应,嫁给这么个粗野的男人,一个又粗又大又笨拙的汉子……”,"‘You did it,Tom,’ she said accusingly. ‘I know you didn't mean to,but you did do it. That's what I get for marrying a brute of a man,a great,big,hulking physical specimen of a —’" Chinese,A thrill passed over all of us. The three Mr.Mumbles bent forward and listened eagerly.,我们大家都感到十分惊异。三位先生也把头伸到前面,竖起耳朵来听。 Chinese,"‘Hello!’ I roared,advancing toward her. My voice seemed unnaturally loud across the garden.",“哈啰!”我大喊一声,朝她走去。我的声音在花园里听上去似乎响得很不自然。 Chinese,"‘We ought to plan something,’ yawned Miss Baker,sitting down at the table as if she were getting into bed.",“我们应当计划干点什么,”贝克小姐打着呵欠说道,仿佛上床睡觉似的在桌子旁边坐了下来。 Chinese,"‘No,he doesn't,’ said Tom coldly. ‘And if you feel that way about it,maybe I'd better sell it somewhere else after all.’",“不,他干得不慢,”汤姆冷冷地说,“如果你这样看法,也许我还是把它拿到别处去卖为好。” Chinese,"‘Why —’ she said hesitantly,‘Tom's got some woman in New York.’",“哎呀……”她犹疑了一下说,“汤姆在纽约有个女人。” English,“谁不愿意?”我问。,‘Who doesn't?’ I inquired. English,“哎呀……”她犹疑了一下说,“汤姆在纽约有个女人。”,"‘Why —’ she said hesitantly,‘Tom's got some woman in New York.’" Chinese,‘I told that boy about the ice.’ Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders. ‘These people! You have to keep after them all the time.’,“我早就叫那小子送冰来了。”茉特尔把眉毛一扬,对下等人的懒惰无能表示绝望。“这些人!你非得老盯着他们不可。” English,“改天过来一道吃午饭吧。”我们在电梯里哼哼唧唧地往下走的时候,他提议说。,"‘Come to lunch some day,’ he suggested,as we groaned down in the elevator." Chinese,"Welcome or not,I found it necessary to attach myself to some one before I should begin to address cordial remarks to the passers-by.",不管人家欢迎不欢迎,我觉得实在非依附一个人不可,不然的话,我恐怕要跟过往的客人寒暄起来了。 English,“起先我还没发现咱们停住了。”,‘At first I din' notice we'd stopped.’ Chinese,The reluctance to go home was not confined to wayward men. The hall was at present occupied by two deplorably sober men and their highly indignant wives. The wives were sympathizing with each other in slightly raised voices.,舍不得回家的并不限于任性的男客。穿堂里此刻有两个毫无醉意的男客和他们怒气冲天的太太。两位太太略微提高了嗓子在互相表示同情。 English,“这只狗吗?”老头用赞赏的神气看着它。“这只狗要十美元。”,‘That dog?’ He looked at it admiringly. ‘That dog will cost you ten dollars.’ Chinese,‘He's just a man named Gatsby.’,“他就是一个姓盖茨比的人呗。” English,他心领神会地一笑——还不止心领神会。这是极为罕见的笑容,其中含有永久的善意的表情,这是你一辈子也不过遇见四五次的。它面对——或者似乎面对——整个永恒的世界一刹那,然后就凝注在你身上,对你表现出不可抗拒的偏爱。他了解你恰恰到你本人希望被了解的程度,相信你如同你乐于相信你自己那样,并且教你放心他对你的印象正是你最得意时希望给予别人的印象。恰好在这一刻他的笑容消失了——于是我看着的不过是一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。在他作自我介绍之前不久,我有一个强烈的印象,觉得他说话字斟句酌。," with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood,believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself,and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that,at your best,you hoped to convey. Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck,a year or two over thirty,whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd. Some time before he introduced himself I'd got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care." Chinese,‘Don't talk. I want to hear what happens.’,“别说话,我要听听出了什么事。” English,“还可以,”威尔逊缺乏说服力地回答,“你什么时候才把那部车子卖给我?”,"‘I can't complain,’ answered Wilson unconvincingly. ‘When are you going to sell me that car?’" Chinese,We all looked—the knuckle was black and blue.,我们大家都瞧了——指关节有点青紫。 Chinese,"‘I don't know,’ she insisted,‘I just don't think he went there.’",“我不知道,”她固执地说,“我就是不相信他上过牛津。” Chinese,"‘Sure I did. I was going to wear it to-night,but it was too big in the bust and had to be altered. It was gas blue with lavender beads. Two hundred and sixty-five dollars.’",“我当然收下了。我本来今晚准备穿的,可是它胸口太大,非改不可。衣服是淡蓝色的,镶着淡紫色的珠子。二百六十五美元。” English,眼看阳光明媚,树木忽然间长满了叶子,就像电影里东西长得那么快,我就又产生了那个熟悉的信念,觉得生命随着夏天的来临又重新开始了。,"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees,just as things grow in fast movies,I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer." English,“只要你起得来。”,‘If you'll get up.’ Chinese,"Taking our scepticism for granted,he rushed to the bookcases and returned with Volume One of the Stoddard Lectures .",他想当然地认为我们不相信,急忙跑到书橱前面,拿回来一本《斯托达德演说集》卷一。 English,“是出了事吗?”我天真地问。,‘Is something happening?’ I inquired innocently. English,“更稳妥的办法是到欧洲去。”,‘It'd be more discreet to go to Europe.’ English,“盖茨比。有人告诉我……”,‘Gatsby. Somebody told me —’ Chinese,"‘What kind are they?’ asked Mrs.Wilson eagerly,as he came to the taxi-window.",“它们是什么种?”威尔逊太太等老头走到出租汽车窗口就急着问道。 English,“威尔逊?他以为她是到纽约去看她妹妹。他蠢得要命,连自己活着都不知道。”,‘Wilson? He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He's so dumb he doesn't know he's alive.’ Chinese,"‘You'll give McKee a letter of introduction to your husband,so he can do some studies of him.’ His lips moved silently for a moment as he invented. “George B. Wilson at the Gasoline Pump,” or something like that.’",“你给麦基写一封介绍信去见你丈夫,他就可以给他拍几张特写。”他嘴唇不出声地动了一会儿,接着胡诌道,“《乔治·B·威尔逊在油泵前》,或者诸如此类的玩意。” English,一个模糊的背景开始在他身后出现,但是随着她的下一句话又立即消失了。,"A dim background started to take shape behind him,but at her next remark it faded away." English,“那是造谣诽谤。我太穷了。”,‘It's a libel. I'm too poor.’ English,老头怀疑地向竹篮子里望望,伸手进去捏着颈皮拎起一只来,小狗身子直扭。,"The man peered doubtfully into the basket,plunged in his hand and drew one up,wriggling,by the back of the neck." English,“我很小心。”,‘I am careful.’ Chinese,"She had changed her dress to a brown figured muslin,which stretched tight over her rather wide hips as Tom helped her to the platform in New York. At the news-stand she bought a copy of Town Tattle and a moving-picture magazine,and in the station drug-store some cold cream and a small flask of perfume. Upstairs,in the solemn echoing drive she let four taxicabs drive away before she selected a new one,lavender-coloured with grey upholstery,and in this we slid out from the mass of the station into the glowing sunshine. But immediately she turned sharply from the window and,leaning forward,tapped on the front glass.",她已经换上了一件棕色花布连衣裙,到了纽约汤姆扶她下车时那裙子紧紧地绷在她那肥阔的臀部。她在报摊上买了一份《纽约闲话》和一本电影杂志,又在车站药店里买了一瓶冷霜和一小瓶香水。在楼上,在那阴沉沉的、有回音的车道里,她放过了四辆出租汽车,然后才选中了一辆新车,车身是淡紫色的,里面坐垫是灰色的。我们坐着这辆车子驶出庞大的车站,开进灿烂的阳光里。可是马上她又猛然把头从车窗前掉过来,身子向前一探,敲敲前面的玻璃。 English,我们大家都瞧了——指关节有点青紫。,We all looked—the knuckle was black and blue. English,“我们彼此并不熟识,尼克,”她忽然说,,"‘We don't know each other very well,Nick,’ she said suddenly. " English,“他是谁?”我急切地问,“你可知道?”,‘Who is he?’ I demanded. ‘Do you know?’ English,“乔丹明天要去参加锦标赛,”黛西解释道,“在威斯彻斯特那边。”,"‘Jordan's going to play in the tournament to-morrow,’ explained Daisy,‘over at Westchester.’" Chinese,"‘Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old.Besides,Nick's going to look after her,aren't you,Nick? She's going to spend lots of week-ends out here this summer. I think the home influence will be very good for her.’",“她家里只有一个七老八十的姑妈。再说,尼克以后可以照应她了,是不是,尼克?她今年夏天要到这里来度许多个周末。我想这里的家庭环境对她会大有好处的。” Chinese,‘Really.’,“真的吗?” Chinese,‘The books?’,“这些书吗?” Chinese,‘It's a libel. I'm too poor.’,“那是造谣诽谤。我太穷了。” English,第一章,Chapter One Chinese,"Then the butler,behind his shoulder:",接着男管家来了,站在他背后。 Chinese,‘Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!’ shouted Mrs.Wilson. ‘I'll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai —’,“黛西!黛西!黛西!”威尔逊太太大喊大叫。“我什么时候想叫就叫!黛西!黛……” Chinese,"Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing. A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape. This, he thought with a sort of vague distaste --this was London, chief city of Airstrip One, itself the third most populous of the provinces of Oceania. He tried to squeeze out some childhood memory that should tell him whether London had always been quite like this. Were there always these vistas of rotting nineteenth-century houses, their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with corrugated iron, their crazy garden walls sagging in all directions? And the bombed sites where the plaster dust swirled in the air and the willow-herb straggled over the heaps of rubble; and the places where the bombs had cleared a larger patch and there had sprung up sordid colonies of wooden dwellings like chicken-houses? But it was no use, he could not remember: nothing remained of his childhood except a series of bright-lit tableaux occurring against no background and mostly unintelligible.",温斯顿继续背对着电幕。这样比较安全些;不过他也很明白,甚至背部有时也能暴露问题的。一公里以外,他工作的单位真理部高耸在阴沉的市景之上,建筑高大,一片白色。这,他带着有些模糊的厌恶情绪想――这就是伦敦,一号空降场的主要城市,一号空降场是大洋国人口位居第三的省份。他竭力想挤出一些童年时代的记忆来,能够告诉他伦敦是不是一直都是这样的。是不是一直有这些景象:破败的十九世纪房子,墙头用木材撑着,窗户钉上了硬纸板,屋顶上盖着波纹铁皮,倒塌的花园围墙东倒西歪;还有那尘土飞扬、破砖残瓦上野草丛生的空袭地点;还有那炸弹清出了一大块空地,上面忽然出现了许多象鸡笼似的肮脏木房子的地方。可是没有用,他记不起来了;除了一系列没有背景、模糊难辨的、灯光灿烂的画面以外,他的童年已不留下什么记忆了。 Chinese,"‘No harm in trying,’ he said.",“试试也无妨嘛,”他说。 English,“你不知道我们是谁,”两个穿黄衣的姑娘中的一个说,“可是大约一个月以前我们在这儿见过面。”,"‘You don't know who we are,’ said one of the girls in yellow,‘but we met you here about a month ago.’" Chinese,"Il revint bientôt accompagné de son homme, qu’il me présenta et dont il loua fort la probité. Nous entrâmes tous trois dans la cour, où l’on amena ma mule. On la fit passer et repasser devant le maquignon, qui se mit à l’examiner depuis les pieds jusqu’à la tête. Il ne manqua pas d’en dire beaucoup de mal. J’avoue qu’on n’en pouvait dire beaucoup de bien : mais quand ç’aurait été la mule du pape, il y aurait trouvé à redire. Il assurait donc qu’elle avait tous les défauts du monde ; et pour mieux me le persuader, il en attestait l’hôte qui sans doute avait ses raisons pour en convenir. Hé bien, me dit froidement le maquignon, combien prétendez-vous vendre ce vilain animal-là ? Après l’éloge qu’il en avait fait et l’attestation du seigneur Corcuelo, que je croyais homme sincère et bon connaisseur, j’aurais donné ma mule pour rien : c’est pourquoi je dis au marchand que je m’en rapportais à sa bonne foi, qu’il n’avait qu’à priser8 la bête en conscience et que je m’en tiendrais à la prisée. Alors faisant l’homme d’honneur, il me répondit qu’en intéressant sa conscience, je le prenais par son faible. Ce n’était pas effectivement par son fort ; car au lieu de faire monter l’estimation à dix ou douze pistoles, comme mon oncle, il n’eut pas honte de la fixer à trois ducats, que je reçus avec autant de joie, que si j’eusse gagné à ce marché-là.",一会儿他带了那人来见我,满嘴称赞他诚实可靠。我们三人跑到院子里,骡子也牵来了,在马贩子前面走了几个来回。马贩子把骡子从头到脚细看,少不了指出许多毛病。老实说,这头骡子可赞之处不多,不过即使它是教皇的坐骑,那马贩子也会挑剔出些坏处来。他一口咬定我那骡子百病俱全,怕我不信,抬出店主人来作证;店主人自有他的道理,句句附和。那马贩子冷冷地说道:“好吧,你这头骡子很次想卖多少钱哪?”我听了他的品评,又以为高居罗先生为人诚恳,并且是鉴别骡马的大行家,既有他从旁坐实,那骡儿是不值一文钱的了。所以我对马贩子说,我相信他是个老实人,请他凭良心说个价钱,估定多少,我一无异议。他摆出正人君子的嘴脸,说我请出他的良心来,恰捉住他的短处了。良心果然不是他的长处;我舅舅估计这骡子值十二个比斯多,他却大胆老脸,只估了三个杜加。我收下钱,满心欣喜,好像这买卖是我占了便宜。 English,“绝对是真的——一页一页的,什么都有。我起先还以为大概是好看的空书壳子。事实上,它们绝对是真的。一页一页的什么——等等!我拿给你们瞧。”,"‘Absolutely real—have pages and everything. I thought they'd be a nice durable cardboard. Matter of fact,they're absolutely real. Pages and—Here! Lemme show you.’" English,“汤姆变得很渊博了。”黛西说,脸上露出一种并不深切的忧伤的表情。“他看一些深奥的书,书里有许多深奥的字眼。那是个什么字来着,我们……”,"‘Tom's getting very profound,’ said Daisy,with an expression of unthoughtful sadness. ‘He reads deep books with long words in them. What was that word we —’" Chinese,‘All right.’,“好吧。” English,汤姆和茉特尔(第一杯酒下肚之后威尔逊太太和我就彼此喊教名了)一重新露面,客人们就开始来敲公寓的门了。,"Just as Tom and Myrtle (after the first drink Mrs.Wilson and I called each other by our first names) reappeared,company commenced to arrive at the apartment-door." Chinese,We shook hands with him gravely and went back outdoors.,我们庄重地和他握握手,随即回到外边去。 Chinese,‘I don't know a single —’,“我一个人也不认……” English,“受不了。”她先看看茉特尔,又看看汤姆。“依我说,既然受不了,何必还在一起过下去呢?要是我,我就离婚,然后马上重新结婚。”,"‘Can't stand them’ She looked at Myrtle and then at Tom. ‘What I say is,why go on living with them if they can't stand them? If I was them I'd get a divorce and get married to each other right away.’" English,“各种都有。你要哪一种,太太?”,"‘All kinds. What kind do you want,lady?’" Chinese,"I have been drunk just twice in my life,and the second time was that afternoon;so everything that happened has a dim,hazy cast over it,although until after eight o'clock the apartment was full of cheerful sun. Sitting on Tom's lap Mrs.Wilson called up several people on the telephone;then there were no cigarettes,and I went out to buy some at the drugstore on the corner. When I came back they had both disappeared,so I sat down discreetly in the living-room and read a chapter of Simon Called Peter—either it was terrible stuff or the whiskey distorted things,because it didn't make any sense to me.",我一辈子只喝醉过两次,第二次就是那天下午;因此当时所发生的一切现在都好像在雾里一样,模糊不清,虽然公寓里直到八点以后还充满了明亮的阳光。威尔逊太太坐在汤姆膝盖上给好几个人打了电话;后来香烟没了,我就出去到街角上的药店去买烟。我回来的时候,他们俩都不见了,于是我很识相地在起居室里坐下,看了《名字叫彼得的西门》中的一章——要么书写得太糟,要么威士忌使东西变得面目全非,因为我看不出一点名堂来。 English,“呃,没有,”我答道,对他的语气感到很吃惊。,"‘Why,no,’ I answered,rather surprised by his tone." Chinese,"I told her how I had stopped off in Chicago for a day on my way East,and how a dozen people had sent their love through me.",我告诉了她我到东部来的途中曾在芝加哥停留一天,有十来个朋友都托我向她问好。 English,“这些书吗?”,‘The books?’ English,“呃,是啊。”她心不在焉地看着我。“听我说,尼克,让我告诉你她出世的时候我说了什么话。你想听吗?”,"‘Oh,yes.’ She looked at me absently. ‘Listen,Nick;let me tell you what I said when she was born. Would you like to hear?’" French,我出脱骡子,占了这般便宜。店主人就领我去找一个明天上阿斯托加的骡夫。据他说:天不亮就要动身,到时会来叫醒我。我们讲定了雇费和一路的伙食费,一切停当,我和高居罗同回旅店。一路上他对我讲那骡夫的身世,又讲这城里人对那骡夫的口碑。总而言之,他又要烦絮得我头涨了。幸喜这时来了个人,相貌还漂亮,跟他打招呼,礼数周到,把他话头截断。我走我的路,让他们俩说话去,没想到他们的话会跟我有什么关系。,"Après m’être si avantageusement défait de ma mule, l’hôte me mena chez un muletier qui devait partir le lendemain pour Astorga. Ce muletier me dit qu’il partirait avant le jour et qu’il aurait soin de me venir réveiller. Nous convînmes de prix, tant pour le louage d’une mule que pour ma nourriture ; et quand tout fut réglé entre nous, je m’en retournai vers l’hôtellerie avec Corcuelo, qui, chemin faisant, se mit à me raconter l’histoire de ce muletier. Il m’apprit tout ce qu’on en disait dans la ville. Enfin, il allait de nouveau m’étourdir de son babil importun, si par bonheur un homme assez bien fait ne fût venu l’interrompre en l’abordant avec beaucoup de civilité. Je les laissai ensemble et continuai mon chemin, sans soupçonner que j’eusse la moindre part à leur entretien." Chinese,"‘No,you're not.’",“不对,你不小心。” Chinese,‘Two of them we have framed downstairs.’,“有两幅我们配了镜框挂在楼下。” Chinese,"I lived at West Egg,the—well,the less fashionable of the two,though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them. My house was at the very tip of the egg,only fifty yards from the Sound,and squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season. The one on my right was a colossal affair by any standard—it was a factual imitation of some Htel de Ville in Normandy,with a tower on one side,spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy,and a marble swimming pool,and more than forty acres of lawn and garden. It was Gatsby's mansion. Or,rather,as I didn't know Mr.Gatsby,it was a mansion inhabited by a gentleman of that name. My own house was an eyesore,but it was a small eyesore,and it had been overlooked,so I had a view of the water,a partial view of my neighbor's lawn,and the consoling proximity of millionaires—all for eighty dollars a month.",我住在西卵,这是两个地方中比较不那么时髦的一个,不过这是一个非常肤浅的标签,不足以表示二者之间那种离奇古怪而又很不吉祥的对比。我的房子紧靠在鸡蛋的顶端,离海湾只有五十码,挤在两座每季租金要一万二到一万五的大别墅中间。我右边的那一幢,不管按什么标准来说,都是一个庞然大物——它是诺曼底某市政厅的翻版,一边有一座簇新的塔楼,上面疏疏落落地覆盖着一层常春藤,还有一座大理石游泳池,以及四十多英亩的草坪和花园。这是盖茨比的公馆。或者更确切地说这是一位姓盖茨比的阔人所住的公馆,因为我还不认识盖茨比先生。我自己的房子实在难看,幸而很小,没有被人注意,因此我才有缘欣赏一片海景,欣赏我邻居草坪的一部分,并且能以与百万富翁为邻而引以自慰——所有这一切每月只需出八十美元。 English,“我要把麦基夫妇请上来,”我们乘电梯上楼时她宣布说。“当然,我还要打电话给我妹妹。”,"‘I'm going to have the McKees come up,’ she announced as we rose in the elevator. ‘And,of course,I got to call up my sister,too.’" English,“就在去年,我和另外一个姑娘一起去的。”,‘Just last year. I went over there with another girl.’ English,“非常浪漫,”他说,然后哭丧着脸对我说,“吃过饭要是天还够亮的话,我要领你到马房去看看。”,"‘Very romantic,’ he said,and then miserably to me:‘If it's light enough after dinner,I want to take you down to the stables.’" Chinese,"Blas1 de Santillane, mon père, après avoir longtemps porté les armes pour le service de la monarchie espagnole, se retira dans la ville où il avait pris naissance. Il y épousa une petite bourgeoise, qui n’était plus dans sa première jeunesse, et je vins au monde dix mois après leur mariage. Ils allèrent ensuite demeurer à Oviedo, où ma mère se fit femme de chambre et mon père écuyer2. Comme ils n’avaient pour tout bien que leurs gages, j’aurais couru risque d’être assez mal élevé, si je n’eusse pas eu dans la ville un oncle chanoine. Il se nommait Gil Perez. Il était frère aîné de ma mère et mon parrain. Représentez-vous un petit homme haut de trois pieds et demi, extraordinairement gros, avec une tête enfoncée entre les deux épaules : voilà mon oncle. Au reste, c’était un ecclésiastique qui ne songeait qu’à bien vivre, c’est-à-dire qu’à faire bonne chère, et sa prébende3, qui n’était pas mauvaise, lui en fournissait les moyens.",我爹名叫布拉斯·德·山悌良那,多年在西班牙王国的军队里当兵。他退伍回乡,娶了小市民家一个青春已过的女人。十个月以后,我就出世了。他们随后搬到奥维多。两口子没法过活,都得出去帮佣:我妈当了女用人,我爹做了侍从。他们俩除了工钱之外,一无所有。亏得这城里还有我一位做大司铎的舅舅,不然我恐怕就受不到好教育了。舅舅名叫吉尔·贝瑞斯,是我妈的哥哥,也是我的干爹。请想象一个小矮个子,三尺半身材,出奇的胖,两座肩膀夹着个脑袋,那就是我的舅舅。这位教士一味贪舒服,换句话说,贪吃爱喝;他管辖的教区出息不错,尽够他吃喝。 Chinese,‘If you'll get up.’,“只要你起得来。” Chinese,‘Hello!’ they cried together. ‘Sorry you didn't win.’,“哈啰!”她们同声喊道,“可惜你没赢。” Chinese,"I looked around. Most of the remaining women were now having fights with men said to be their husbands. Even Jordan's party,the quartet from East Egg,were rent asunder by dissension. One of the men was talking with curious intensity to a young actress,and his wife,after attempting to laugh at the situation in a dignified and indifferent way,broke down entirely and resorted to flank attacks—at intervals she appeared suddenly at his side like an angry diamond,and hissed:‘You promised!’ into his ear.",我向四周看看,剩下的女客现在多半都在跟她们所谓的丈夫吵架。连乔丹的那一伙,从东卵来的那四位,也由于意见不合而四分五裂了。男的当中有一个正在劲头十足地跟一个年轻的女演员交谈,他的妻子起先还保持尊严,装得满不在乎,想一笑置之,到后来完全垮了,就采取侧面攻击——不时突然出现在他身边,像一条愤怒的衲脊蛇,向他耳中嘶道:“你答应过的!” English,从纽黑文时代以来,他样子已经变了。现在他是三十多岁的人了,身体健壮,头发稻草色,嘴边略带狠相,举止高傲。两只炯炯有神的傲慢的眼睛已经在他脸上占了支配地位,给人一种永远盛气凌人的印象。即使他那套像女人穿的优雅的骑装也掩藏不住那个身躯的巨大的体力——他仿佛填满了那双雪亮的皮靴,把上面的带子绷得紧紧的;他的肩膀转动时,你可以看到一大块肌肉在他薄薄的上衣下面移动。这是一个力大无比的身躯,一个残忍的身躯。,"He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide the enormous power of that body—he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing,and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage—a cruel body." Chinese,‘Look!’,“你瞧!” English,我百无聊赖,正准备喝个酩酊大醉,这时乔丹·贝克从屋里走了出来,站在大理石台阶最上一级,身体微向后仰,用轻藐的神气俯瞰着花园。,"I was on my way to get roaring drunk from sheer embarrassment when Jordan Baker came out of the house and stood at the head of the marble steps,leaning a little backward and looking with contemptuous interest down into the garden." Chinese,"‘You McKees have something to drink,’ he said. ‘Get some more ice and mineral water,Myrtle,before everybody goes to sleep.’",“你们麦基家两口子喝点什么吧,”他说。“再搞点冰和矿泉水来,茉特尔,不然的话大家都睡着了。” English,两个之中比较年轻的那个,我不认识。她平躺在长沙发的一头,身子一动也不动,下巴稍微向上仰起,仿佛她在上面平衡着一件什么东西,生怕它掉下来似的。如果她从眼角中看到了我,她可毫无表示——其实我倒吃了一惊,差一点要张口向她道歉,因为我进来惊动了她。,"The younger of the two was a stranger to me. She was extended full length at her end of the divan,completely motionless,and with her chin raised a little,as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall. If she saw me out of the corner of her eyes she gave no hint of it—indeed,I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for having disturbed her by coming in." English,就这样,汤姆·布坎农和他的情人还有我,三人一同上纽约去——或许不能说一同去,因为威尔逊太太很识相,她坐在另一节车厢里。汤姆做了这一点让步,以免引起可能在这趟车上的那些东卵人的反感。,"So Tom Buchanan and his girl and I went up together to New York—or not quite together,for Mrs.Wilson sat discreetly in another car. Tom deferred that much to the sensibilities of those East Eggers who might be on the train." English,在温斯顿的身后,电幕上的声音仍在喋喋不休地报告生铁产量和第九个三年计划的超额完成情况。电幕能够同时接收和放送。温斯顿发出的任何声音,只要比极低声的细语大一点,它就可以接收到;此外,只要他留在那块金属板的视野之内,除了能听到他的声音之外,也能看到他的行动。当然,没有办法知道,在某一特定的时间里,你的一言一行是否都有人在监视着。思想警察究竟多么经常,或者根据什么安排在接收某个人的线路,那你就只能猜测了。甚至可以想象,他们对每个人都是从头到尾一直在监视着的。反正不论什么时候,只要他们高兴,他们都可以接上你的线路。你只能在这样的假定下生活――从已经成为本能的习惯出发,你早已这样生活了:你发出的每一个声音,都是有人听到的,你作的每一个动作,除非在黑暗中,都是有人仔细观察的。,"Behind Winston’s back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Policeplugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. Youhad to live --did live, from habit that became instinct --in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized." English,他有个情妇,这是所有知道他的人都认定的事实。他的熟人都很气愤,因为他常常带着她上时髦的馆子,并且,让她在一张桌子旁坐下后,自己就走来走去,跟他认识的人拉呱。我虽然好奇,想看看她,可并不想和她见面——但是我会到她了。一天下午,我跟汤姆同行搭火车上纽约去。等我们在灰堆停下来的时候,他一骨碌跳了起来,抓住我的胳膊肘,简直是强迫我下了车。,"The fact that he had one was insisted upon wherever he was known. His acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular cafés with her and,leaving her at a table,sauntered about,chatting with whomsoever he knew. Though I was curious to see her,I had no desire to meet her—but I did. I went up to New York with Tom on the train one afternoon,and when we stopped by the ashheaps he jumped to his feet and,taking hold of my elbow,literally forced me from the car." Chinese,"He didn't say any more,but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way,and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence,I'm inclined to reserve all judgments,a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person,and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician,because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild,unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought—frequently I have feigned sleep,preoccupation,or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon;for the intimate revelations of young men,or at least the terms in which they express them,are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that,as my father snobbishly suggested,and I snobbishly repeat,a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.",他没再说别的。但是,我们父子之间话虽不多,却一向是非常通气的,因此我明白他的意思远远不止那一句话。久而久之,我就惯于对所有的人都保留判断,这个习惯既使得许多怪僻的人肯跟我讲心里话,也使我成为不少爱唠叨的惹人厌烦的人的受害者。这个特点在正常的人身上出现的时候,心理不正常的人很快就会察觉并且抓住不放。由于这个缘故,我上大学的时候就被不公正地指责为小政客,因为我与闻一些放荡的、不知名的人的秘密的伤心事。绝大多数的隐私都不是我打听来的——每逢我根据某种明白无误的迹象看出又有一次倾诉衷情在地平线上喷薄欲出的时候,我往往假装睡觉,假装心不在焉,或者假装出不怀好意的轻佻态度;因为青年人倾诉的衷情,或者至少他们表达这些衷情所用的语言,往往是剽窃性的,而且多有明显的隐瞒。保留判断是表示怀有无限的希望。我现在仍然唯恐错过什么东西,如果我忘记(如同我父亲带着优越感所暗示过的,我现在又带着优越感重复的)基本的道德观念是在人出世的时候就分配不均的。 English,乔丹·贝克本能地回避聪明机警的男人,现在我明白了这是因为她认为,在对越轨的行动不以为然的社会圈子里活动比较保险。她不诚实到了不可救药的地步。她不能忍受处于不利的地位,既然这样不甘心,因此我想她从很年轻的时候就开始耍各种花招,为了对世人保持那个傲慢的冷笑,而同时又能满足她那硬硬的、矫健的肉体的要求。,"Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever,shrewd men,and now I saw that this was because she felt safer on a plane where any divergence from a code would be thought impossible. She was incurably dishonest. She wasn't able to endure being at a disadvantage and,given this unwillingness,I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in order to keep that cool,insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the demands of her hard,jaunty body." Chinese,"Almost before I had grasped her meaning there was the flutter of a dress and the crunch of leather boots,and Tom and Daisy were back at the table.",我几乎还没明白她的意思,就听见一阵裙衣窸窣和皮靴咯咯的声响,汤姆和黛西回到餐桌上来了。 Chinese,"She got up slowly,raising her eyebrows at me in astonishment,and followed the butler toward the house. I noticed that she wore her evening-dress,all her dresses,like sports clothes—there was a jauntiness about her movements as if she had first learned to walk upon golf courses on clean,crisp mornings.",她慢慢地站了起来,惊愕地对我扬了扬眉毛,然后跟着男管家向房子走过去。我注意到她穿晚礼服,穿所有的衣服,都像穿运动服一样——她的动作有一种矫健的姿势,仿佛她当初就是在空气清新的早晨在高尔夫球场上学走路的。 Chinese,"Reading over what I have written so far,I see I have given the impression that the events of three nights several weeks apart were all that absorbed me. On the contrary,they were merely casual events in a crowded summer,and,until much later,they absorbed me infinitely less than my personal affairs.",重读一遍以上所写的,我觉得我已经给人一种印象,好像相隔好几个星期的三个晚上所发生的事情就是我所关注的一切。恰恰相反,它们只不过是一个繁忙的夏天当中的一些小事,而且直到很久以后,我对它们还远远不如对待我自己的私事那样关心。 English,黛西和汤姆一声不响地彼此看了一会儿。,Daisy and Tom looked at each other for a moment in silence. English,“试试也无妨嘛,”他说。,"‘No harm in trying,’ he said." Chinese,"She looked at me and laughed pointlessly. Then she flounced over to the dog,kissed it with ecstasy,and swept into the kitchen,implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there.",她看看我,忽然莫名其妙地笑了起来。接着她蹦蹦跳跳跑到小狗跟前,欢天喜地地亲亲它,然后又大摇大摆地走进厨房,那神气就好似那里有十几个大厨师在听候她的吩咐。 Chinese,Chapter One,第一章 Chinese,"‘I can't complain,’ answered Wilson unconvincingly. ‘When are you going to sell me that car?’",“还可以,”威尔逊缺乏说服力地回答,“你什么时候才把那部车子卖给我?” Chinese,"Suddenly one of these gypsies,in trembling opal,seizes a cocktail out of the air,dumps it down for courage and,moving her hands like Frisco,dances out alone on the canvas platform. A momentary hush;the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her,and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the Follies. The party has begun.",忽然间,这些吉卜赛人式的姑娘中有一个,满身珠光宝气,一伸手就抓来一杯鸡尾酒,一口干下去壮壮胆子,然后手舞足蹈,一个人跳到篷布舞池中间去表演。片刻的寂静,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子,随后突然响起了一阵叽叽喳喳的说话声,因为有谣言传开,说她是速演剧团的吉尔德·格雷的替角。晚会正式开始了。 Chinese,"I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited—they went there. They got into automobiles which bore them out to Long Island,and somehow they ended up at Gatsby's door. Once there they were introduced by somebody who knew Gatsby,and after that they conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with an amusement park. Sometimes they came and went without having met Gatsby at all,came for the party with a simplicity of heart that was its own ticket of admission.",我相信那天晚上我第一次到盖茨比家去时,我是少数几个真正接到请帖的客人之一。人们并不是邀请来的——他们是自己来的。他们坐上汽车,车子把他们送到长岛,后来也不知怎么的他们总是出现在盖茨比的门口。一到之后总会有什么认识盖茨比的人给他们介绍一下,从此他们的言谈行事就像在娱乐场所一样了。有时候他们从来到走根本没见过盖茨比,他们怀着一片至诚前来赴会,这一点就可以算一张入场券了。 Chinese,‘Just last year. I went over there with another girl.’,“就在去年,我和另外一个姑娘一起去的。” Chinese,He waved his hand toward the book-shelves.,他把手向书架一扬。 French,他这话正合我的心,我正心痒痒的要见见世面呢。可是我还管得下自己,脸上没流露高兴。我跟他分别的时候,好像一味伤心,抛不下这么恩深义重的舅舅。这个好人很感动,给了我很多钱;要是他看透了我的心,就不会给这些钱了。我动身之前和我爹妈吻别。他们不吝金玉良言:劝我祈求上帝保佑我舅舅,做人要规矩,别干坏事,尤其不可以偷东西。他们训诫了我好半天,就为我祝福。我也不指望他们此外还给我些什么,随后就跨上骡子出城了。,"Il ne pouvait rien me proposer qui me fût plus agréable, car je mourais d’envie de voir le pays. Cependant j’eus assez de force sur moi, pour cacher ma joie ; et lorsqu’il fallut partir, ne paraissant sensible qu’à la douleur de quitter un oncle à qui j’avais tant d’obligation, j’attendris le bon homme, qui me donna plus d’argent qu’il ne m’en aurait donné, s’il eût pu lire au fond de mon âme. Avant mon départ, j’allai embrasser mon père et ma mère, qui ne m’épargnèrent pas les remontrances. Ils m’exhortèrent à prier Dieu pour mon oncle, à vivre en honnête homme, à ne me point engager dans de mauvaises affaires, et sur toutes choses, à ne pas prendre le bien d’autrui. Après qu’ils m’eurent très longtemps harangué, ils me firent présent de leur bénédiction, qui était le seul bien que j’attendais d’eux. Aussitôt je montai sur ma mule, et sortis de la ville." Chinese,"‘I'm going to have the McKees come up,’ she announced as we rose in the elevator. ‘And,of course,I got to call up my sister,too.’",“我要把麦基夫妇请上来,”我们乘电梯上楼时她宣布说。“当然,我还要打电话给我妹妹。” English,“文明正在崩溃,”汤姆气势汹汹地大声说,“我近来成了个对世界非常悲观的人。你看过戈达德这个人写的《有色帝国的兴起》吗?”,"‘Civilization's going to pieces,’ broke out Tom violently. ‘I've gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read “The Rise of the Coloured Empires” by this man Goddard?’" Chinese,We backed up to a grey old man who bore an absurd resemblance to John D.Rockefeller. In a basket swung from his neck cowered a dozen very recent puppies of an indeterminate breed.,我们的车子倒退到一个白头发老头跟前,他长得活像约翰·D·洛克菲勒,真有点滑稽。他脖子上挂着一个篮子,里面蹲着十几条新出世的、难以确定品种的小狗崽子。 Chinese,"‘Don't look at me,’ Daisy retorted,‘I've been trying to get you to New York all afternoon.’",“别盯着我看,”黛西回嘴说,“我整个下午都在动员你上纽约去。” English,“她也不喜欢威尔逊吗?”,‘Doesn't she like Wilson either?’ English,“我在十六连,直到一九一八年六月。我刚才就知道我以前在哪儿见过您的。”,‘I was in the Sixteenth until June nineteen-eighteen. I knew I'd seen you somewhere before.’ Chinese,"Je ne pus lui répondre sur-le-champ, parce qu’il me tenait si serré que je n’avais pas la respiration libre ; et ce ne fut qu’après que j’eus la tête dégagée de l’embrassade que je lui dis : Seigneur cavalier, je ne croyais pas mon nom connu à Peñaflor. Comment connu, reprit-il sur le même ton ? Nous tenons registre de tous les grands personnages qui sont à vingt lieues à la ronde. Vous passez ici pour un prodige et je ne doute pas que l’Espagne ne se trouve un jour aussi vaine10 de vous avoir produit, que la Grèce d’avoir vu naître ses Sages. Ces paroles furent suivies d’une nouvelle accolade, qu’il me fallut encore essuyer, au hasard d’avoir le sort d’Antée11. Pour peu que j’eusse eu d’expérience, je n’aurais pas été la dupe de ses démonstrations ni de ses hyperboles ; j’aurais bien connu à ses flatteries outrées que c’était un de ces parasites que l’on trouve dans toutes les villes et qui, dès qu’un étranger arrive, s’introduisent auprès de lui pour remplir leur ventre à ses dépens ; mais ma jeunesse et ma vanité m’en firent juger tout autrement. Mon admirateur me parut un fort honnête homme et je l’invitai à souper avec moi. Ah ! très volontiers, s’écria-t-il ; je sais trop bon gré à mon étoile de m’avoir fait rencontrer l’illustre Gil Blas de Santillane, pour ne pas jouir de ma bonne fortune le plus longtemps que je pourrai. Je n’ai pas grand appétit, poursuivit-il, je vais me mettre à table pour vous tenir compagnie seulement et je mangerai quelques morceaux par complaisance.",我一时答不出话,给他搂得太紧,气都回不过来。直等他松了手,我才说道:“先生,我想不到贝尼弗罗的人会知道我的名字。”他依然那种腔吻,说道:“何止听到您的名字呀!这里周围二十里以内的大人物,我们都有记录。您是我们这儿公认的奇才。我相信西班牙出了一个您这样的人,大可引以自豪,就好比希腊有了七哲那样。”他说完这话,又把我拥抱一番。我只得生受他,险的没像安泰一般结局。我要是稍通人情世故,就不会给他那种奉承夸张哄倒,一听他恭维过火,就会知道这是个吃白食的篾片,各处城市里多的是,只要有外方人到了,赶快攀附上去,哄这冤桶花钱,乘机大吃一顿。可是我年轻爱吃马屁,看错了人。我以为这位仰慕我的是上等君子,就留他同吃晚饭。他嚷道:“啊!那就好极了!我多承福星高照,碰到大名鼎鼎的吉尔·布拉斯·德·山悌良那先生!我能多跟您盘桓一刻,还有不乐意的么!”接着又道:“我胃口不好,不过是坐下来陪陪您,吃几口应个景儿。” Chinese,"‘Why,yes. I was in the Twenty-eighth Infantry.’",“正是啊。我在步兵二十八连。” English,有时候,你甚至可以自觉转变自己仇恨的对象。温斯顿突然把仇恨从电幕上的脸孔转到了坐在他背后那个黑发女郎的身上,其变化之迅速就象做恶梦醒来时猛的坐起来一样。一些栩栩如生的、美丽动人的幻觉在他的心中闪过。他想象自己用橡皮棍把她揍死,又把她赤身裸体地绑在一根木桩上,象圣塞巴斯蒂安一样乱箭丧身。在最后高潮中,他污辱了她,割断了她的喉管。而且,他比以前更加明白他为什么恨她。他恨她是因为她年青漂亮,却没有性感,是因为他要同她睡觉但永远不会达到目的,是因为她窈窕的纤腰似乎在招引你伸出胳膊去搂住她,但是却围着那条令人厌恶的猩红色绸带,那是咄咄逼人的贞节的象征。,"It was even possible, at moments, to switch one’s hatred this way or that by a voluntary act. Suddenly, by the sort of violent effort with which one wrenches one’s head away from the pillow ina nightmare, Winston succeeded in transferring his hatred from the face on the screen to the dark-haired girl behind him. Vivid, beautiful hallucinations flashed through his mind. He would flog her to death with a rubber truncheon. He would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows like Saint Sebastian. He would ravish her and cut her throat at the moment of climax. Better than before, moreover, he realized why it was that he hated her. He hated her because she was young and pretty and sexless, because he wanted to go to bed with her and would never do so, because round her sweet supple waist, which seemed to ask you to encircle it with your arm, there was only the odious scarlet sash, aggressive symbol of chastity." English,我已经话到了嘴边想问他的名字,这时乔丹掉转头来朝我一笑。,It was on the tip of my tongue to ask his name when Jordan looked around and smiled. Chinese,"‘When they do get married,’ continued Catherine,‘they're going West to live for a while until it blows over.’",“哪天他们结了婚,”凯瑟琳接着说,“他们准备到西部去住一些时候,等风波过去再回来。” Chinese,"About half way between West Egg and New York the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a quarter of a mile,so as to shrink away from a certain desolate area of land. This is a valley of ashes—a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens;where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and,finally,with a transcendent effort,of ash-grey men,who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air. Occasionally a line of grey cars crawls along an invisible track,gives out a ghastly creak,and comes to rest,and immediately the ash-grey men swarm up with leaden spades and stir up an impenetrable cloud,which screens their obscure operations from your sight.",西卵和纽约之间大约一半路程的地方,汽车路匆匆忙忙跟铁路会合,它在铁路旁边跑上四分之一英里,为的是要躲开一片荒凉的地方。这是一个灰烬的山谷——一个离奇古怪的农场,在这里灰烬像麦子一样生长,长成小山小丘和奇形怪状的园子;在这里灰烬堆成房屋、烟囱和炊烟的形式,最后,经过超绝的努力,堆成一个个灰蒙蒙的人,隐隐约约地在走动,而且已经在尘土飞扬的空气中化为灰烬了。有时一列灰色的货车慢慢沿着一条看不见的轨道爬行,叽嘎一声鬼叫,停了下来,马上那些灰蒙蒙的人就拖着铁铲一窝蜂拥上来,扬起一片尘土,让你看不到他们隐秘的活动。 Chinese,"‘Oh,sure,’ agreed Wilson hurriedly,and went toward the little office,mingling immediately with the cement color of the walls. A white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity—except his wife,who moved close to Tom.",“对,对,”威尔逊连忙答应,随即向小办公室走去,他的身影马上就跟墙壁的水泥色打成一片了。一层灰白色的尘土笼罩着他深色的衣服和浅色的头发,笼罩着前后左右的一切——除了他的妻子之外。她走到了汤姆身边。 Chinese,‘Why not?’,“为什么不信?” English,“我们应当计划干点什么,”贝克小姐打着呵欠说道,仿佛上床睡觉似的在桌子旁边坐了下来。,"‘We ought to plan something,’ yawned Miss Baker,sitting down at the table as if she were getting into bed." English,我现在才明白为什么她的面孔很眼熟——她那可爱的傲慢的表情曾经从报道阿希维尔、温泉和棕榈海滩的体育生活的许多报刊照片上朝外向我看过。我还听说过关于她的一些闲话,一些说她不好的闲话,至于究竟是什么事我可早已忘掉了。,"I knew now why her face was familiar—its pleasing contemptuous expression had looked out at me from many rotogravure pictures of the sporting life at Asheville and Hot Springs and Palm Beach. I had heard some story of her too,a critical,unpleasant story,but what it was I had forgotten long ago." English,“我就住在他隔壁。”,‘I live next door to him.’ English,她坐了下来,先朝贝克小姐然后朝我察看了一眼,又接着说:“我到外面看了一下,看到外面浪漫极了。草坪上有一只鸟,我想一定是搭康拉德或者白星轮船公司的船过来的一只夜莺。它在不停地歌唱……”她的声音也像唱歌一般。“很浪漫,是不是,汤姆?”,"She sat down,glanced searchingly at Miss Baker and then at me,and continued:‘I looked outdoors for a minute,and it's very romantic outdoors. There's a bird on the lawn that I think must be a nightingale come over on the Cunard or White Star Line. He's singing away —’ Her voice sang:‘It's romantic,isn't it,Tom?’" English,“明天见,”她轻声说。“八点叫我,好吧?”,"‘Good night,’ she said softly. ‘Wake me at eight,won't you.’" English,……我正站在麦基床边,而他坐在两层床单中间,身上只穿着内衣,手里捧着一本大相片簿。,"... I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets,clad in his underwear,with a great portfolio in his hands." Chinese,‘Having a gay time now?’ she inquired.,“现在玩得快活吧?”她问。 Chinese,"‘Terrible place,isn't it,’ said Tom,exchanging a frown with Doctor Eckleburg.",“多可怕的地方,是不是,”汤姆说,同时皱起眉头看着埃克尔堡大夫。 English,这对我完全无所谓。女人不诚实,这是人们司空见惯的事——我微微感到遗憾,过后就忘了。也是在参加那次别墅聚会的时候,我们俩有过一次关于开车的奇怪的谈话。因为她从几个工人身旁开过去,挨得太近,结果挡泥板擦着一个工人上衣的纽扣。,"It made no difference to me. Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply—I was casually sorry,and then I forgot. It was on that same house party that we had a curious conversation about driving a car. It started because she passed so close to some workmen that our fender flicked a button on one man's coat." English,三个男的当中有一个点头表示赞同。,One of the men nodded in confirmation. English,第一顿晚饭——午夜后还有一顿——此刻开出来了,乔丹邀我去和花园那边围着一张桌子坐的她的一伙朋友坐在一起。一共有三对夫妇,外加一个陪同乔丹来的男大学生,此人死气白赖,说起话来老是旁敲侧击,并且显然认为乔丹早晚会或多或少委身于他的。这伙人不到处转悠,而正襟危坐,自成一体,并且俨然自封为庄重的农村贵族的代表——东卵屈尊光临西卵,而又小心翼翼提防它那灯红酒绿的欢乐。,"The first supper—there would be another one after midnight—was now being served,and Jordan invited me to join her own party,who were spread around a table on the other side of the garden. There were three married couples and Jordan's escort,a persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo,and obviously under the impression that sooner or later Jordan was going to yield him up her person to a greater or lesser degree. Instead of rambling,this party had preserved a dignified homogeneity,and assumed to itself the function of representing the staid nobility of the countryside—East Egg condescending to West Egg and carefully on guard against its spectroscopic gaiety." English,“我当然收下了。我本来今晚准备穿的,可是它胸口太大,非改不可。衣服是淡蓝色的,镶着淡紫色的珠子。二百六十五美元。”,"‘Sure I did. I was going to wear it to-night,but it was too big in the bust and had to be altered. It was gas blue with lavender beads. Two hundred and sixty-five dollars.’" English,“到西卵镇去怎么走啊?”他无可奈何地问我。,How do you get to West Egg village?’ he asked helplessly. English,盖茨比的男管家忽然站在我们身旁。,Gatsby's butler was suddenly standing beside us. English,我们庄重地和他握握手,随即回到外边去。,We shook hands with him gravely and went back outdoors. Chinese,"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees,just as things grow in fast movies,I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.",眼看阳光明媚,树木忽然间长满了叶子,就像电影里东西长得那么快,我就又产生了那个熟悉的信念,觉得生命随着夏天的来临又重新开始了。 Chinese,"The answer to this was unexpected. It came from Myrtle,who had overheard the question,and it was violent and obscene.",对这个问题的答复是出乎意外的。它来自茉特尔,因为她凑巧听见了问题,而她讲的话是又粗暴又不干净的。 English,“我喜欢你这件衣服,”麦基太太说,“我觉得它真漂亮。”,"‘I like your dress,’ remarked Mrs.McKee,‘I think it's adorable.’" Chinese," with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood,believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself,and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that,at your best,you hoped to convey. Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck,a year or two over thirty,whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd. Some time before he introduced himself I'd got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care.",他心领神会地一笑——还不止心领神会。这是极为罕见的笑容,其中含有永久的善意的表情,这是你一辈子也不过遇见四五次的。它面对——或者似乎面对——整个永恒的世界一刹那,然后就凝注在你身上,对你表现出不可抗拒的偏爱。他了解你恰恰到你本人希望被了解的程度,相信你如同你乐于相信你自己那样,并且教你放心他对你的印象正是你最得意时希望给予别人的印象。恰好在这一刻他的笑容消失了——于是我看着的不过是一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。在他作自我介绍之前不久,我有一个强烈的印象,觉得他说话字斟句酌。 English,“什么时候?”,‘What time?’ English,“先生,费城有长途电话请您说话。”,"‘Philadelphia wants you on the ’phone,sir.’" Chinese,"‘Yes,but listen,’ said Myrtle Wilson,nodding her head up and down,‘at least you didn't marry him.’",“不错,可是你听我说,”茉特尔·威尔逊说,一面不停地摇头晃脑。“好在你并没嫁给他啊。” Chinese,"The man peered doubtfully into the basket,plunged in his hand and drew one up,wriggling,by the back of the neck.",老头怀疑地向竹篮子里望望,伸手进去捏着颈皮拎起一只来,小狗身子直扭。 English,“我们非打倒他们不可,”黛西低声地讲,一面拼命地对炽热的太阳眨眼。,"‘We've got to beat them down,’ whispered Daisy,winking ferociously toward the fervent sun." Chinese,‘Got some woman?’ I repeated blankly.,“有个女人?”我茫然地跟着说。 Chinese,"‘Well,you ought to see her. She's —’",“那么你应当看看她。她是……” Chinese,"The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster,too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features. Winston made for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. It was part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week. The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way. On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.",门厅里有一股熬白菜和旧地席的气味。门厅的一头,有一张彩色的招贴画钉在墙上,在室内悬挂略为嫌大了一些。画的是一张很大的面孔,有一米多宽:这是一个大约四十五岁的男人的脸,留着浓密的黑胡子,面部线条粗犷英俊。温斯顿朝楼梯走去。用不着试电梯。即使最顺利的时候,电梯也是很少开的,现在又是白天停电。这是为了筹备举行仇恨周而实行节约。温斯顿的住所在七层楼上,他三十九岁,右脚脖子上患静脉曲张,因此爬得很慢,一路上休息了好几次。每上一层楼,正对着电梯门的墙上就有那幅画着很大脸庞的招贴画凝视着。这是属于这样的一类画,你不论走到哪里,画面中的眼光总是跟着你。下面的文字说明是:老大哥在看着你。 Chinese,"‘You see?’ cried Catherine triumphantly. She lowered her voice again. ‘It's really his wife that's keeping them apart. She's a Catholic,and they don't believe in divorce.’",“你瞧,”凯瑟琳得意洋洋地大声说,她又压低了嗓门。“使他们不能结婚的其实是他老婆。她是天主教徒,那些人是不赞成离婚的。” Chinese,"‘All right,’ I agreed,‘I'll be glad to.’",“好吧,”我表示同意说,“我一定奉陪。” Chinese,‘Gatsby?’ demanded Daisy. ‘What Gatsby?’,“盖茨比?”黛西追问道,“哪个盖茨比?” Chinese,"‘Did I?’ She looked at me. ‘I can't seem to remember,but I think we talked about the Nordic race. Yes,I'm sure we did. It sort of crept up on us and first thing you know —’",“我讲了吗?”她看着我。“我好像不记得,不过我们大概谈到了日耳曼种族。对了,我可以肯定我们谈的是那个。它不知不觉就进入了我们的话题,你还没注意到哩……” Chinese,"‘Do you live down on Long Island,too?’ she inquired.",“你也住在长岛那边吗?”她问我。 English,“这正是我今晚来拜访的目的嘛。”,‘That's why I came over to-night.’ English,“不,他干得不慢,”汤姆冷冷地说,“如果你这样看法,也许我还是把它拿到别处去卖为好。”,"‘No,he doesn't,’ said Tom coldly. ‘And if you feel that way about it,maybe I'd better sell it somewhere else after all.’" French,这位恭维我的人说着就对面坐下。店家添上一份刀叉。他认定炒鸡蛋狠命地吃,好像饿了三天似的。我看他那副应个景儿的神气,知道立刻就要盘底朝天了。我又叫了一盘炒鸡蛋,厨房里菜做得快,我们——其实竟是他一人吃完了那第一盘,第二盘接着就来。他依然吃得飞快,一张嘴不停地咀嚼,却还能腾出空儿来把我奉承了又奉承,奉承得我志得意满。他又一杯杯喝酒,一会儿喝酒祝我健康,一会儿祝我父母健康,说他们能有我这么个儿子,真使他不胜赞叹。同时他又替我斟上酒,要我赏他面子也喝点儿。我干杯还祝他健康。这样一杯杯地喝,又有他的马屁下酒,我不知不觉兴致勃发,眼看第二盘炒鸡子儿又吃去一半,就问店主人能不能来一条鱼。这位高居罗先生看来是和这篾片通同一气的,说道:“我有一条顶好的鲟鱼,不过谁想吃它,价钱可不小!这东西太精致,你们还不配。”我的拍马朋友提高了嗓子嚷道:“什么话!太精致?朋友啊,你说话太不知进退了。我告诉你,你这儿没有吉尔·布拉斯·德·山悌良那先生不配享用的东西。你应该把他当王爷一般供奉!”,"En parlant ainsi, mon panégyriste s’assit vis-à-vis de moi. On lui apporta un couvert. Il se jeta d’abord sur l’omelette avec tant d’avidité, qu’il semblait n’avoir mangé de trois jours. À l’air complaisant dont il s’y prenait, je vis bien qu’elle serait bientôt expédiée. J’en ordonnai une seconde, qui fut faite si promptement, qu’on nous la servit comme nous achevions, ou plutôt comme il achevait de manger la première. Il y procédait pourtant d’une vitesse toujours égale et trouvait moyen, sans perdre un coup de dent, de me donner louanges sur louanges : ce qui me rendait fort content de ma petite personne. Il buvait aussi fort souvent ; tantôt c’était à ma santé et tantôt à celle de mon père et de ma mère, dont il ne pouvait assez vanter le bonheur d’avoir un fils tel que moi. En même temps il versait du vin dans mon verre et m’excitait à lui faire raison. Je ne répondais point mal aux santés qu’il me portait : ce qui, avec ses flatteries, me mit insensiblement de si belle humeur, que voyant notre seconde omelette à moitié mangée, je demandai à l’hôte s’il n’avait pas de poisson à nous donner. Le seigneur Corcuelo, qui selon toutes les apparences s’entendait avec le parasite, me répondit : J’ai une truite excellente ; mais elle coûtera cher à ceux qui la mangeront : c’est un morceau trop friand12 pour vous. Qu’appelez-vous trop friand, dit alors mon flatteur d’un ton de voix élevé ? vous n’y pensez pas, mon ami. Apprenez que vous n’avez rien de trop bon pour le seigneur Gil Blas de Santillane, qui mérite d’être traité comme un prince." Chinese,"‘You did it,Tom,’ she said accusingly. ‘I know you didn't mean to,but you did do it. That's what I get for marrying a brute of a man,a great,big,hulking physical specimen of a —’",“是你搞的,汤姆,”她责怪他说,“我知道你不是故意的,但确实是你搞的。这是我的报应,嫁给这么个粗野的男人,一个又粗又大又笨拙的汉子……” Chinese,"I told him. And as I walked on I was lonely no longer. I was a guide,a pathfinder,an original settler. He had casually conferred on me the freedom of the neighborhood.",我告诉了他。我再继续往前走的时候,我不再感到孤单了。我成了领路人、开拓者、一个原始的移民。他无意之中授予了我这一带地方的荣誉市民权。 Chinese,"‘No,you don't,’ interposed Tom quickly. ‘Myrtle'll be hurt if you don't come up to the apartment. Won't you,Myrtle?’",“不行,你不能走,”汤姆连忙插话说。“茉特尔要生气的,要是你不上公寓去。是不是,茉特尔?” Chinese,‘Awful.’,“糟透了。” English,“可是我们听说了,”黛西坚持说,使我感到惊讶的是她又像花朵一样绽开了。“我们听三个人说过,所以一定是真的。”,"‘But we heard it,’ insisted Daisy,surprising me by opening up again in a flower-like way. ‘We heard it from three people,so it must be true.’" English,真正教人害怕的部是友爱部。它连一扇窗户也没有。温斯顿从来没有到友爱部去过,也从来没有走近距它半公里之内的地带。这个地方,除非因公,是无法进入的,而且进去也要通过重重铁丝网、铁门、隐蔽的机枪阵地。甚至在环绕它的屏障之外的大街上,也有穿着黑色制服、携带连枷棍的凶神恶煞般的警卫在巡逻。,"The Ministry of Love was the really frightening one. There were no windows in it at all. Winston had never been inside the Ministry of Love, nor within half a kilometre of it. It was a placeimpossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine-gun nests. Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons." English,“这支乐曲,”他最后用洪亮的声音说,“叫做《弗拉迪米尔·托斯托夫的爵士音乐世界史》。”,"‘The piece is known,’ he concluded lustily,‘as “Vladimir Tostoff's Jazz History of the World”.’" Chinese,"Evidently she had reason to be. I waited but she didn't say any more,and after a moment I returned rather feebly to the subject of her daughter.",显然她抱这种看法是有缘故的。我等着听,可是她没再往下说,过了一会儿我又吞吞吐吐地回到了她女儿这个话题。 English,“问茉特尔好了,”汤姆哈哈一笑说,正好威尔逊太太端个托盘走了进来。“她可以给你写封介绍信,是不是,茉特尔?”,"‘Ask Myrtle,’ said Tom,breaking into a short shout of laughter as Mrs.Wilson entered with a tray. ‘She'll give you a letter of introduction,won't you,Myrtle?’" English,“晚安。”他微微一笑。突然之间,我待到最后才走,这其中好像含有愉快的深意,仿佛他是一直希望如此的。“晚安,老兄……晚安。”,"‘Good night.’ He smiled—and suddenly there seemed to be a pleasant significance in having been among the last to go,as if he had desired it all the time. ‘Good night,old sport ... Good night.’" English,“她家里人。”,‘Her family.’ English,“你要知道,他并不是一向当男管家的;他从前专门替纽约一个人家擦银器,那家有一套供二百人用的银餐具。他从早擦到晚,后来他的鼻子就受不了啦……”,"‘Well,he wasn't always a butler;he used to be the silver polisher for some people in New York that had a silver service for two hundred people. He had to polish it from morning till night,until finally it began to affect his nose —’" Chinese,"The nature of Mr.Tostoff's composition eluded me,because just as it began my eyes fell on Gatsby,standing alone on the marble steps and looking from one group to another with approving eyes. His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face and his short hair looked as though it were trimmed every day. I could see nothing sinister about him. I wondered if the fact that he was not drinking helped to set him off from his guests,for it seemed to me that he grew more correct as the fraternal hilarity increased. When the ‘Jazz History of the World’ was over,girls were putting their heads on men's shoulders in a puppyish,convivial way,girls were swooning backward playfully into men's arms,even into groups,knowing that some one would arrest their falls—but no one swooned backward on Gatsby,and no French bob touched Gatsby's shoulder,and no singing quartets were formed with Gatsby's head for one link.",托斯托夫先生这个乐曲是怎么回事,我没有注意到,因为演奏一开始,我就一眼看到了盖茨比单独一个人站在大理石台阶上面,用满意的目光从这一群人看到那一群人。他那晒得黑黑的皮肤很漂亮地紧绷在脸上,他那短短的头发看上去好像是每天都修剪似的。我看不出他身上有什么诡秘的迹象。我纳闷是否他不喝酒这个事实有助于把他跟他的客人们截然分开,因为我觉得随着沆瀣一气的欢闹的高涨,他却变得越发端庄了。等到《爵士音乐世界史》演奏完毕,有的姑娘像小哈巴狗一样乐滋滋地靠在男人肩膀上,有的姑娘开玩笑地向后晕倒在男人怀抱里,甚至倒进人群里,明知反正有人会把她们托住——可是没有人晕倒在盖茨比身上,也没有法国式的短发碰到盖茨比的肩头,也没有人组织四人合唱团来拉盖茨比加入。 English,于是,在一个温暖有风的晚上,我开车到东卵去看望两个我几乎完全不了解的老朋友。他们的房子比我料想的还要豪华,一座鲜明悦目,红白二色的乔治王殖民时代式的大厦,面临着海湾。草坪从海滩起步,直奔大门,足足有四分之一英里,一路跨过日晷、砖径和火红的花园——最后跑到房子跟前,仿佛借助于奔跑的势头,爽性变成绿油油的常春藤,沿着墙往上爬。房子正面有一溜法国式的落地长窗,此刻在夕照中金光闪闪,迎着午后的暖风敞开着。汤姆·布坎农身穿骑装,两腿叉开,站在前门阳台上。,"And so it happened that on a warm windy evening I drove over to East Egg to see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all. Their house was even more elaborate than I expected,a cheerful red-and-white Georgian Colonial mansion,overlooking the bay. The lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile,jumping over sun-dials and brick walks and burning gardens—finally when it reached the house drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run. The front was broken by a line of french windows,glowing now with reflected gold and wide open to the warm windy afternoon,and Tom Buchanan in riding clothes was standing with his legs apart on the front porch." Chinese,"The Hate rose to its climax. The voice of Goldstein had become an actual sheep’s bleat, and for an instant the face changed into that of a sheep. Then the sheep-face melted into the figure of a Eurasian soldier who seemed to be advancing, huge and terrible, his sub-machine gun roaring, and seeming to spring out of the surface of the screen, so that some of the people in the front row actually flinched backwards in their seats. But in the same moment, drawing a deep sigh of relieffrom everybody, the hostile figure melted into the face of Big Brother, black-haired, blackmoustachio’d, full of power and mysterious calm, and so vast that it almost filled up the screen.Nobody heard what Big Brother was saying. It was merely a few words of encouragement, the sort of words that are uttered in the din of battle, not distinguishable individually but restoring confidence by the fact of being spoken. Then the face of Big Brother faded away again, and instead the three slogans of the Party stood out in bold capitals:",仇恨达到了最高潮。果尔德施坦因的声音真的变成了羊叫,而且有一度他的脸也变成了羊脸。接着那头羊脸又化为一个欧亚国的军人,高大吓人,似乎在大踏步前进,他的轻机枪轰鸣,似乎有夺幕而出之势,吓得第一排上真的有些人从坐着的椅子中来不及站起来。但是就在这一刹那间,电幕上这个敌人已化为老大哥的脸,黑头发,黑胡子,充满力量,镇定沉着,脸庞这么大,几乎占满了整个电幕,他的出现使大家放心地深深松了一口气。没有人听见老大哥在说什么。他说的只是几句鼓励的话,那种话一般都是在战斗的喧闹声中说的,无法逐宇逐句听清楚,但是说了却能恢复信心。接着老大的脸又隐去了,电幕上出现了用黑体大写字母写的党的三句口号: Chinese,"‘I've just heard the most amazing thing,’ she whispered. ‘How long were we in there?’",“我刚才听到一件最惊人的事情,”她出神地小声说,“我们在那里边待了多久?” English,这是瞎说。我跟玫瑰花毫无相似之处。她不过是随嘴乱说一气,但是却洋溢着一种动人的激情,仿佛她的心就藏在那些气喘吁吁的、激动人的话语里,想向你倾诉一番。然后她突然把餐巾往桌上一扔,说了声对不起就走进房子里面去了。,"This was untrue. I am not even faintly like a rose. She was only extemporizing,but a stirring warmth flowed from her,as if her heart was trying to come out to you concealed in one of those breathless,thrilling words. Then suddenly she threw her napkin on the table and excused herself and went into the house." Chinese,She narrowed her eyes and shivered. Lucille shivered. We all turned and looked around for Gatsby. It was testimony to the romantic speculation he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who had found little that it was necessary to whisper about in this world.,她眯起眼睛,哆嗦了起来。露西尔也在哆嗦。我们大家掉转身来,四面张望去找盖茨比。有些人早就认为这个世界上没有什么需要避讳的事情,现在谈起他来却这样窃窃私语,这一点也足以证明他引起了人们何等浪漫的遐想了。 English,我一般在耶鲁俱乐部吃晚饭——不知为了什么缘故这是我一天中最凄凉的事情——饭后我上楼到图书室去认真学习各种投资和证券一个钟头。同学会里往往有几个爱玩爱闹的人光临,但他们从来不进图书室,所以那里倒是个做工作的好地方。在那以后,如果天气宜人,我就沿着麦迪逊路溜达,经过那座古老的默里山饭店,再穿过三十三号街走到宾夕法尼亚车站。,"I took dinner usually at the Yale Club—for some reason it was the gloomiest event of my day—and then I went upstairs to the library and studied investments and securities for a conscientious hour. There were generally a few rioters around,but they never came into the library,so it was a good place to work. After that,if the night was mellow,I strolled down Madison Avenue past the old Murray Hill Hotel,and over 33rd Street to the Pennsylvania Station." Chinese,"‘I suppose she talks,and—eats,and everything.’",“我想她一定会说,又……会吃,什么都会吧。” English,他迟疑了一会儿。,He hesitated. English,“我认为根本不应该改换光线,”麦基太太大声说。“我认为……”,"‘I wouldn't think of changing the light,’ cried Mrs. McKee. ‘I think it's —’" English,我告诉了他。,I told him. English,我相信那天晚上我第一次到盖茨比家去时,我是少数几个真正接到请帖的客人之一。人们并不是邀请来的——他们是自己来的。他们坐上汽车,车子把他们送到长岛,后来也不知怎么的他们总是出现在盖茨比的门口。一到之后总会有什么认识盖茨比的人给他们介绍一下,从此他们的言谈行事就像在娱乐场所一样了。有时候他们从来到走根本没见过盖茨比,他们怀着一片至诚前来赴会,这一点就可以算一张入场券了。,"I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited—they went there. They got into automobiles which bore them out to Long Island,and somehow they ended up at Gatsby's door. Once there they were introduced by somebody who knew Gatsby,and after that they conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with an amusement park. Sometimes they came and went without having met Gatsby at all,came for the party with a simplicity of heart that was its own ticket of admission." English,在文娱节目中间休息的时候,那个男的看着我微笑。,At a lull in the entertainment the man looked at me and smiled. English,“我得改换光线,”他过了一会儿说道,“我很想把面貌的立体感表现出来。我还要把后面的头发全部摄进来。”,"‘I should change the light,’ he said after a moment. ‘I'd like to bring out the modelling of the features. And I'd try to get hold of all the back hair.’" Chinese,"He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide the enormous power of that body—he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing,and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage—a cruel body.",从纽黑文时代以来,他样子已经变了。现在他是三十多岁的人了,身体健壮,头发稻草色,嘴边略带狠相,举止高傲。两只炯炯有神的傲慢的眼睛已经在他脸上占了支配地位,给人一种永远盛气凌人的印象。即使他那套像女人穿的优雅的骑装也掩藏不住那个身躯的巨大的体力——他仿佛填满了那双雪亮的皮靴,把上面的带子绷得紧紧的;他的肩膀转动时,你可以看到一大块肌肉在他薄薄的上衣下面移动。这是一个力大无比的身躯,一个残忍的身躯。 English,“你明白我认为反正一切都糟透了,”她深信不疑地继续说,“人人都这样认为——那些最先进的人。而我知道 。我什么地方都去过了,什么也都见过了,什么也都干过了。”她两眼闪闪有光,环顾四周,俨然不可一世的神气,很像汤姆,她又放声大笑,笑声里充满了可怕的讥嘲。“饱经世故……天哪,我可是饱经世故了。”,"‘You see I think everything's terrible anyhow,’ she went on in a convinced way. ‘Everybody thinks so— the most advanced people. And I know . I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything.’ Her eyes flashed around her in a defiant way,rather like Tom's,and she laughed with thrilling scorn. ‘Sophisticated—God,I'm sophisticated!’" Chinese,"There was the boom of a bass drum,and the voice of the orchestra leader rang out suddenly above the echolalia of the garden.",大鼓轰隆隆一阵响,接着突然传来乐队指挥的声音,盖过花园里嘈杂的人声。 English,“噢,人家说他是德国威廉皇帝的侄儿,或者什么别的亲戚。他的钱都是那么来的。”,"‘Well,they say he's a nephew or a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm's. That's where all his money comes from.’" Chinese,"I began to like New York,the racy,adventurous feel of it at night,and the satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye. I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to enter into their lives,and no one would ever know or disapprove. Sometimes,in my mind,I followed them to their apartments on the corners of hidden streets,and they turned and smiled back at me before they faded through a door into warm darkness. At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes,and felt it in others—poor young clerks who loitered in front of windows waiting until it was time for a solitary restaurant dinner—young clerks in the dusk,wasting the most poignant moments of night and life.",我开始喜欢纽约了,喜欢夜晚那种奔放冒险的情调,喜欢那川流不息的男男女女和往来车辆给应接不暇的眼睛带来的满足。我喜欢在五号路上溜达,从人群中挑出风流的女人,幻想几分钟之内我就要进入她们的生活,而永远也不会有人知道或者非难这件事。有时,在我脑海里,我跟着她们走到神秘的街道拐角上她们所住的公寓,到了门口她们回眸一笑,然后走进一扇门消失在温暖的黑暗之中。在大都市迷人的黄昏时刻,我有时感到一种难以排遣的寂寞,同时也觉得别人有同感——那些在橱窗面前踯躅的穷困的青年小职员,等到了时候独个儿上小饭馆去吃一顿晚饭——黄昏中的青年小职员,虚度着夜晚和生活中最令人陶醉的时光。 Chinese,‘Who is he?’ I demanded. ‘Do you know?’,“他是谁?”我急切地问,“你可知道?” Chinese,"‘The whole town is desolate. All the cars have the left rear wheel painted black as a mourning wreath,and there's a persistent wail all night along the north shore.’",“全城都凄凄惨惨。所有的汽车都把左后轮漆上了黑漆当花圈,沿着城北的湖边整夜哀声不绝于耳。” Chinese,"Dressed up in white flannels I went over to his lawn a little after seven,and wandered around rather ill at ease among swirls and eddies of people I didn't know—though here and there was a face I had noticed on the commuting train. I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about;all well dressed,all looking a little hungry,and all talking in low,earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans. I was sure that they were selling something:bonds or insurance or automobiles. They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key.",晚上七点一过,我身穿一套白法兰绒便装走过去到他的草坪上,很不自在地在一群群我不认识的人中间晃来晃去——虽然偶尔也有一个我在区间火车上见过的面孔。我马上注意到客人中夹杂着不少年轻的英国人;个个衣着整齐,个个面有饥色,个个都在低声下气地跟殷实的美国人谈话。我敢说他们都在推销什么——或是债券,或是保险,或是汽车。他们最起码都揪心地意识到,近在眼前就有唾手可得的钱,并且相信,只要几句话说得投机,钱就到手了。 English,“主要的论点是说我们是北欧日耳曼民族。我是,你是,你也是,还有……”稍稍犹疑了一下之后,他点了点头把黛西也包括了进去,这时她又冲我眨了眨眼。“而我们创造了所有那些加在一起构成文明的东西——科学艺术啦,以及其他等等。你们明白吗?”,"‘This idea is that we're Nordics. I am,and you are,and you are,and —’ After an infinitesimal hesitation he included Daisy with a slight nod,and she winked at me again. ‘— And we've produced all the things that go to make civilization—oh,science and art,and all that. Do you see?’" Chinese,"‘It was ... simply amazing,’ she repeated abstractedly. ‘But I swore I wouldn't tell it and here I am tantalizing you.’ She yawned gracefully in my face. ‘Please come and see me ... Phone book ... Under the name of Mrs. Sigourney Howard ... My aunt ... ’ She was hurrying off as she talked—her brown hand waved a jaunty salute as she melted into her party at the door.",“这事……太惊人了,”她出神地重复说。“可是我发过誓不告诉别人,而我现在已经在逗你了。”她对着我的脸轻轻打了个呵欠。“有空请过来看我……电话簿……西古奈·霍华德太太名下……我的姑妈……”她一边说一边匆匆离去——她活泼地挥了一下那只晒得黑黑的手表示告别,然后就消失在门口她那一伙人当中了。 Chinese,WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH,战争即和平,自由即奴役,无知即力量。 French,我才明白和什么人在一起;不用说,我这一来把当初的怕惧忘了。这会子我怕得更厉害,更合情理,简直神魂失据。我相信我的性命钱财都要断送了。我这样夹在那两个向导中间向前走,当自己是一头牵上祭台的牺牲,吓得死了大半个。那两人觉得我索索发抖,只管劝我别害怕,也没有用。我们一路转弯抹角,愈走愈低,走了二百步左右,到一间马房里。那里点着两盏铁制的大灯,挂在梁间。屋里柴草丰富,还有很多大木桶,装满了大麦。这马房容二十匹马还宽裕,不过眼前只有刚回来的两匹。一个黑人忙着把它们拴在马槽旁的架子上。他年纪虽老,身体似乎还很结实。,"Je connus alors avec quelle sorte de gens j’étais, et l’on doit bien juger que cette connaissance m’ôta ma première crainte. Une frayeur plus grande et plus juste vint s’emparer de mes sens. Je crus que j’allais perdre la vie avec mes ducats. Ainsi, me regardant comme une victime qu’on conduit à l’autel, je marchais déjà plus mort que vif entre mes deux conducteurs, qui sentant bien que je tremblais, m’exhortaient inutilement à ne rien craindre. Quand nous eûmes fait environ deux cents pas en tournant et en descendant toujours, nous entrâmes dans une écurie qu’éclairaient deux grosses lampes de fer pendues à la voûte. Il y avait une bonne provision de paille et plusieurs tonneaux remplis d’orge. Vingt chevaux y pouvaient être à l’aise ; mais il n’y avait alors que les deux qui venaient d’arriver. Un vieux nègre, qui paraissait pourtant encore assez vigoureux, s’occupait à les attacher au râtelier." Chinese,"Tenez, dame Léonarde, dit un des cavaliers en me présentant à ce bel ange des ténèbres, voici un jeune garçon que nous vous amenons. Puis il se tourna de mon côté, et remarquant que j’étais pâle et défait : Mon ami, me dit-il, reviens de ta frayeur. On ne te veut faire aucun mal. Nous avions besoin d’un valet pour soulager notre cuisinière. Nous t’avons rencontré. Cela est heureux pour toi. Tu tiendras ici la place d’un garçon qui s’est laissé mourir depuis quinze jours. C’était un jeune homme d’une complexion très délicate. Tu me parais plus robuste que lui, tu ne mourras pas sitôt. Véritablement tu ne reverras plus le soleil, mais, en récompense, tu feras bonne chère et beau feu. Tu passeras tes jours avec Léonarde, qui est une créature fort humaine. Tu auras toutes tes petites commodités. Je veux te faire voir, ajouta-t-il, que tu n’es pas ici avec des gueux. En même temps il prit un flambeau et m’ordonna de le suivre.",一个好汉就把我介绍给这位黑暗地狱里的美丽天仙,说道:“哙!雷欧娜德大娘,我们替你带了个小伙子来了。”他说罢回过脸来,看见我吓作一团,面无人色,对我说道:“朋友,别害怕,我们不叫你吃苦头的。我们厨房里要个下手,帮帮我们的厨娘,刚巧碰见了你,这就算是你运气来了。我们本来有个小伙子,半个月以前送了命,你现在正好补他的缺。那个小伙子长得太娇嫩。我看你比他结实,可以比他多活几时。老实告诉你吧,你要再见天日是休想了!不过在这里自有好处:好吃好喝,还有个好好的火。你陪着雷欧娜德过日子,她这人心肠很好,你需要什么零星东西,应有尽有。我还要叫你瞧瞧,我们这儿不是一窝子穷花子。”他一面点上个火把,叫我跟他走。 English,“我想要一条那种警犬;我看你不一定有那一种吧?”,‘I'd like to get one of those police dogs;I don't suppose you got that kind?’ Chinese,"Après m’être si avantageusement défait de ma mule, l’hôte me mena chez un muletier qui devait partir le lendemain pour Astorga. Ce muletier me dit qu’il partirait avant le jour et qu’il aurait soin de me venir réveiller. Nous convînmes de prix, tant pour le louage d’une mule que pour ma nourriture ; et quand tout fut réglé entre nous, je m’en retournai vers l’hôtellerie avec Corcuelo, qui, chemin faisant, se mit à me raconter l’histoire de ce muletier. Il m’apprit tout ce qu’on en disait dans la ville. Enfin, il allait de nouveau m’étourdir de son babil importun, si par bonheur un homme assez bien fait ne fût venu l’interrompre en l’abordant avec beaucoup de civilité. Je les laissai ensemble et continuai mon chemin, sans soupçonner que j’eusse la moindre part à leur entretien.",我出脱骡子,占了这般便宜。店主人就领我去找一个明天上阿斯托加的骡夫。据他说:天不亮就要动身,到时会来叫醒我。我们讲定了雇费和一路的伙食费,一切停当,我和高居罗同回旅店。一路上他对我讲那骡夫的身世,又讲这城里人对那骡夫的口碑。总而言之,他又要烦絮得我头涨了。幸喜这时来了个人,相貌还漂亮,跟他打招呼,礼数周到,把他话头截断。我走我的路,让他们俩说话去,没想到他们的话会跟我有什么关系。 English,汽车喇叭的尖声怪叫达到了高潮,于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家。我回头望了一眼。一轮明月正照在盖茨比别墅的上面,使夜色跟先前一样美好;明月依旧,而欢声笑语已经从仍然光辉灿烂的花园里消失了。一股突然的空虚此刻好像从那些窗户和巨大的门里流出来,使主人的形象处于完全的孤立之中,他这时站在阳台上,举起一只手作出正式的告别姿势。,"The caterwauling horns had reached a crescendo and I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home. I glanced back once. A wafer of a moon was shining over Gatsby's house,making the night fine as before,and surviving the laughter and the sound of his still glowing garden. A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows and the great doors,endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host,who stood on the porch,his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell." Chinese,‘Never.’,“从来没有。” Chinese,"Her husband,among various physical accomplishments,had been one of the most powerful ends that ever played football at New Haven—a national figure in a way,one of those men who reach such an acute limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savours of anti-climax. His family were enormously wealthy—even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach—but now he'd left Chicago and come East in a fashion that rather took your breath away:for instance,he'd brought down a string of polo ponies from Lake Forest. It was hard to realize that a man in my own generation was wealthy enough to do that.",她的丈夫,除了擅长其他各种运动之外,曾经是纽黑文有史以来最伟大的橄榄球运动员之一——也可说是个全国闻名的人物,这种人二十一岁就在有限范围内取得登峰造极的成就,从此以后一切都不免有走下坡路的味道了。他家里非常有钱,——还在大学时他那样任意花钱已经遭人非议,但现在他离开了芝加哥搬到东部来,搬家的那个排场可真要使人惊讶不置。比方说,他从森林湖运来整整一群打马球用的马匹。在我这一辈子中竟然还有人阔到能够干这种事,实在令人难以置信。 Chinese,"Jordan's party were calling impatiently to her from the porch,but she lingered for a moment to shake hands.",乔丹那一伙人从阳台上不耐烦地喊她,可是她还逗留了片刻和我握手。 English,老实说,我刚刚认识Charles Strickland的时候,从来没注意到这个人有什么与众不同的地方,但是今天却很少有人不承认他的伟大了。我所谓的伟大不是走红运的政治家或是立战功的军人的伟大;这种人显赫一时,与其说是他们本身的特质倒不如说沾了他们地位的光,一旦事过境迁,他们的伟大也就黯然失色了。人们常常发现一位离了职的首相当年只不过是个大言不惭的演说家;一个解甲归田的将军无非是个平淡乏味的市井英雄。但是Charles Strickland的伟大却是真正的伟大。你可能不喜欢他的艺术,但无论如何你不能不对它感到兴趣。他的作品使你不能平静,扣紧你的心弦。Charles Strickland受人揶揄讥嘲的时代已经过去了,为他辩护或甚至对他赞誉也不再被看作是某些人的奇行怪癖了。他的瑕疵在世人的眼中已经成为他的优点的必不可少的派生物。他在艺术史上的地位尽可以继续争论。崇拜者对他的赞颂同贬抑者对他的诋毁固然都可能出于偏颇和任性,但是有一点是不容置疑的,那就是他具有天才。在我看来,艺术中最令人感兴趣的就是艺术家的个性;如果艺术家赋有独特的性格,尽管他有一千个缺点,我也可以原谅。我料想,Velasquez是个比El Greco更高超的画家,可是由于所见过多,却使我们感到他的绘画有些乏味。而那位克里特岛画家的作品却有一种肉欲和悲剧性的美,仿佛作为永恒的牺牲似地把自己灵魂的秘密呈献出来。一个艺术家——画家也好,诗人也好,音乐家也好,用他的崇高的或者美丽的作品把世界装点起来,满足了人们的审美意识,但这也同人类的性本能不无相似的地方,都有其粗野狂暴的一面。在把作品奉献给世人的同时,艺术家也把他个人的伟大才能呈现到你眼前。探索一个艺术家的秘密颇有些阅读侦探小说的迷人劲儿。这个奥秘同大自然极相似,其妙处就在于无法找到答案。Charles Strickland的最不足道的作品也使你模糊看到他的奇特、复杂、受着折磨的性格;那些不喜欢他的绘画的人之所以不能对他漠不关心,肯定是因为这个原因。也正是这一点,使得那么多人对他的生活和性格充满了好奇心和浓厚的兴趣。,"I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness. I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstance reduces it to very discreet proportions. The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician, and the General without an army is but the tame hero of a market town. The greatness of Charles Strickland was authentic. It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest. He disturbs and arrests. The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him. His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits. It is still possible to discuss his place in art, and the adulation of his admirers is perhaps no less capricious than the disparagement of his detractors; but one thing can never be doubtful, and that is that he had genius. To my mind the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist; and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand faults. I suppose Velasquez was a better painter than El Greco, but custom stales one’s admiration for him: the Cretan, sensual and tragic, proffers the mystery of his soul like a standing sacrifice. The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense; but that is akin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity: he lays before you also the greater gift of himself. To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story. It is a riddle which shares with the universe the merit of having no answer. The most insignificant of Strickland’s works suggests a personality which is strange, tormented, and complex; and it is this surely which prevents even those who do not like his pictures from being indifferent to them; it is this which has excited so curious an interest in his life and character." English,我们坐着车子来到五号路,在这夏天星期日的下午,空气又温暖又柔和,几乎有田园风味。即使看见一大群雪白的绵羊突然从街角拐出来,我也不会感到惊奇。,"We drove over to Fifth Avenue,warm and soft,almost pastoral,on the summer Sunday afternoon. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a great flock of white sheep turn the corner." Chinese,She turned to Mrs.McKee and the room rang full of her artificial laughter.,她回过头来跟麦基太太讲话,屋子里充满了她那不自然的笑声。 Chinese,"‘But I wasn't even trying,’ he explained indignantly,‘I wasn't even trying.’",“可是我连试也没试,”他气愤愤地解释。“我连试也没试啊。” English,我说这句话并没有什么特殊的用意,但它却出乎意外地被人接过去了。,"I meant nothing in particular by this remark,but it was taken up in an unexpected way." Chinese,"‘Yes. Things went from bad to worse,until finally he had to give up his position.’",“是的。情况越来越坏,最后他只得辞掉不干。” Chinese,‘Can't they?’,“是吗?” Chinese,"‘That's no police dog,’ said Tom.",“这又不是警犬,”汤姆说。 Chinese,"Je débutai par le buffet, que je parai de tasses d’argent et de plusieurs bouteilles de terre pleines de ce bon vin que le seigneur Rolando m’avait vanté. J’apportai ensuite deux ragoûts, qui ne furent pas plus tôt servis que tous les cavaliers se mirent à table. Ils commencèrent à manger avec beaucoup d’appétit ; et moi, debout derrière eux, je me tins prêt à leur verser du vin. Je m’en acquittai de si bonne grâce, que j’eus le bonheur de m’attirer des compliments. Le capitaine en peu de mots leur conta mon histoire, qui les divertit fort. Ensuite il leur dit que j’avais du mérite : mais j’étais alors revenu des louanges et j’en pouvais entendre sans péril. Là-dessus ils me louèrent tous. Ils dirent que je paraissais né pour être leur échanson1 : que je valais cent fois mieux que mon prédécesseur. Et comme depuis sa mort c’était la señora Léonarda qui avait l’honneur de présenter le nectar à ces dieux infernaux, ils la privèrent de ce glorieux emploi pour m’en revêtir. Ainsi, nouveau Ganymède, je succédai à cette vieille Hébé2.",我先从碗柜子着手,摆上银杯,又把罗朗都大爷刚才对我卖弄的醇醪美酒摆上好几瓶。我随就送上两盘炖肉,这群人立刻坐下,狼吞虎咽地大吃起来。我站在他们背后伺候斟酒。我虽然没做过这种事,却非常殷勤小心,竟赢得他们赞赏。大头领把我的历史概括说了几句,大家听得很有趣。他又把我称赞了一番,可是我已经尝够了称赞的滋味,听了不会再上当。他们又一致夸奖我,说比那前任的小子好一百倍。自从我前任死后,每天原是雷欧娜德大娘斟了玉液琼浆来伺候这群地狱里的煞神,这项体面差使就归我接管。我承袭了老“赫柏”的职位,成了个新“该尼墨得斯”。 English,“对不起。”,‘I beg your pardon.’ Chinese,"‘All right,’ said Daisy. ‘What'll we plan?’ She turned to me helplessly:‘What do people plan?’",“好嘛,”黛西说,“咱们计划什么呢?”她把脸转向我,无可奈何地问道,“人们究竟计划些什么?” English,头几天我感到孤单,直到一天早上有个人,比我更是新来乍到的,在路上拦住了我。,"It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man,more recently arrived than I,stopped me on the road." Chinese,For a moment he looked at me as if he failed to understand.,他朝我望了一会儿,似乎没听懂我的话。 English,黛西把脸捧在手里,好像在抚摩她那可爱的面庞,同时她渐渐放眼去看那天鹅绒般的暮色。我看出她心潮澎湃,于是我问了几个我认为有镇静作用的关于她小女儿的问题。,"Daisy took her face in her hands as if feeling its lovely shape,and her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk. I saw that turbulent emotions possessed her,so I asked what I thought would be some sedative questions about her little girl." English,“你瞧,”凯瑟琳得意洋洋地大声说,她又压低了嗓门。“使他们不能结婚的其实是他老婆。她是天主教徒,那些人是不赞成离婚的。”,"‘You see?’ cried Catherine triumphantly. She lowered her voice again. ‘It's really his wife that's keeping them apart. She's a Catholic,and they don't believe in divorce.’" English,“她睡着了。她三岁。你从没见过她吗?”,‘She's asleep. She's three years old. Haven't you ever seen her?’ Chinese,I told him.,我告诉了他。 Chinese,"Il ne nous vint pas dans l’esprit que ce pouvait être une feinte, parce que nous ne nous connaissions point les uns les autres. Je soupçonnai même le petit chantre d’avoir fait le coup, comme il eut peut-être de moi la même pensée. D’ailleurs, nous étions tous de jeunes sots. Nous ne savions pas quelles formalités s’observent en pareil cas : nous crûmes de bonne foi qu’on commencerait par nous mettre à la gêne4. Ainsi, cédant à notre frayeur, nous sortîmes de la chambre fort brusquement. Les uns gagnent la rue, les autres le jardin ; chacun cherche son salut dans la fuite et le jeune bourgeois d’Astorga, aussi troublé que nous de l’idée de la question, se sauva comme un autre Énée, sans s’embarrasser de sa femme. Alors le muletier, à ce que j’appris dans la suite, plus incontinent que ses mulets, ravi de voir que son stratagème produisait l’effet qu’il en avait attendu, alla vanter cette ruse ingénieuse à la bourgeoise et tâcher de profiter de l’occasion ; mais cette Lucrèce des Asturies5, à qui la mauvaise mine de son tentateur prêtait de nouvelles forces, fit une vigoureuse résistance et poussa de grands cris. La patrouille, qui par hasard en ce moment se trouva près de l’hôtellerie, qu’elle connaissait pour un lieu digne de son attention, y entra et demanda la cause de ces cris. L’hôte, qui chantait dans sa cuisine et feignait de ne rien entendre, fut obligé de conduire le commandant et ses archers à la chambre de la personne qui criait. Ils arrivèrent bien à propos. L’Asturienne n’en pouvait plus. Le commandant, homme grossier et brutal, ne vit pas plus tôt de quoi il s’agissait, qu’il donna cinq ou six coups du bois de sa hallebarde à l’amoureux muletier, en l’apostrophant dans des termes dont la pudeur n’était guère moins blessée, que de l’action même qui les lui suggérait. Ce ne fut pas tout : il se saisit du coupable et le mena devant le juge avec l’accusatrice, qui, malgré le désordre où elle était, voulut aller elle-même demander justice de cet attentat. Le juge l’écouta, et l’ayant attentivement considérée, jugea que l’accusé était indigne de pardon. Il le fit dépouiller sur-le-champ et fustiger6 en sa présence ; puis il ordonna que le lendemain, si le mari de l’Asturienne ne paraissait point, deux archers, aux frais et dépens du délinquant, escorteraient la complaignante jusqu’à la ville d’Astorga.",我们做梦也没有想到这是假装的,因为我们相知不深,谁也担保不了谁。老实说吧,我就怀疑那唱圣诗的是贼,大概他也怀疑我是贼。而且我们都是不经世事的小伙子,不知道这种事报官法办是什么样子,认真以为一上来就动用夹棍。我们吓慌了,都急忙逃走:有的往街上逃,有的往花园里逃,人人只想脱身免祸。那阿斯托加的年轻市民跟我们一样的怕严刑拷打,他像个埃涅阿斯,抛下老婆,自顾自逃走了。我们的骡夫比他的骡子还要放浪,据我后来知道,他一瞧诡计很灵,洋洋得意,向那新娘子去夸说自己的奇谋妙算,就想利用这个良机。可是这位阿斯杜利亚的璐凯思看见诱惑她的人相貌丑陋,就长了抵拒的力气。她拼命撑持,直着嗓子叫喊。可巧一队警卫因为这地段该加意巡逻,这时候正走来,就进门查问为什么大呼小叫。掌柜的本来在橱下唱歌儿,装做什么都没听见;这会子他只得领了队长和警卫到那房间里去。他们来得正好,这阿斯杜利亚女人已经力气使完了。警卫队长为人粗暴,一瞧原来如此,就举起长戟的木柄把那风流骡夫打了五六下,还破口一顿臭骂,用的字眼儿和骡夫刚才的行为粗秽得不相上下。还有下文呢:那女人头发散乱,衣裳破碎,还要亲自去告状;他就把犯人和原告一同带到镇上去见法官。法官听了她的状,斟酌一番,觉得被告情无可原,判令当场剥去衣裤,监着抽了一顿皮鞭;然后下令说:如果那丈夫第二天还不露面,就派两名警卫伴送女人到阿斯托加,一切费用,全由犯人负担。 English,有那么多书要读,这是一点,同时从清新宜人的空气中也有那么多营养要汲取。我买了十来本有关银行业、信贷和投资证券的书籍,一本本红皮烫金立在书架上,好像造币厂新铸的钱币一样,准备揭示迈达斯 、摩根和米赛纳斯的秘诀。除此之外,我还有雄心要读许多别的书。我在大学的时候是喜欢舞文弄墨的,——有一年我给《耶鲁新闻》写过一连串一本正经而又平淡无奇的社论——现在我准备把诸如此类的东西重新纳入我的生活,重新成为“通才”,也就是那种最浅薄的专家。这并不只是一个俏皮的警句——光从一个窗口去观察人生究竟要成功得多。,"There was so much to read,for one thing,and so much fine health to be pulled down out of the young breath-giving air. I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities,and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint,promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenas knew. And I had the high intention of reading many other books besides. I was rather literary in college—one year I wrote a series of very solemn and obvious editorials for the Yale News—and now I was going to bring back all such things into my life and become again that most limited of all specialists,the ‘well-rounded man’. This isn't just an epigram—life is much more successfully looked at from a single window,after all." English,“不错,可是你听我说,”茉特尔·威尔逊说,一面不停地摇头晃脑。“好在你并没嫁给他啊。”,"‘Yes,but listen,’ said Myrtle Wilson,nodding her head up and down,‘at least you didn't marry him.’" Chinese,"‘Absolutely real—have pages and everything. I thought they'd be a nice durable cardboard. Matter of fact,they're absolutely real. Pages and—Here! Lemme show you.’",“绝对是真的——一页一页的,什么都有。我起先还以为大概是好看的空书壳子。事实上,它们绝对是真的。一页一页的什么——等等!我拿给你们瞧。” Chinese,Myrtle considered.,茉特尔考虑了一会儿。 Chinese,"A pause. Then,taking a long breath and straightening his shoulders,he remarked in a determined voice:",过了一会儿,他深深吸了一口气,又挺起胸膛,用坚决的声音说: Chinese,‘Wonder'ff tell me where there's a gas'line station?’,“不知可不可以告诉我哪儿有加油站?” Chinese,"‘What you doing,Nick?’",“你在干什么买卖,尼克?” Chinese,"‘The last one was the one I met you at,’ answered the girl,in an alert confident voice. She turned to her companion:‘Wasn't it for you,Lucille?’",“我上次来就是见到你的那一次,”姑娘回答,声音是机灵而自信的。她又转身问她的朋友,“你是不是也一样,露西尔?” English,“不过,今晚我们几乎是最后的了,”两个男的有一个怯生生地说。“乐队半个钟头以前就走了。”,"‘Well,we're almost the last to-night,’ said one of the men sheepishly. ‘The orchestra left half an hour ago.’" English,“是吗!”他把自己的酒喝了下去,仿佛那是杯底的一滴。“我真不明白你怎么可能做得成任何事情。”,‘You are!’ He took down his drink as if it were a drop in the bottom of a glass. ‘How you ever get anything done is beyond me.’ Chinese,Tom looked at him blankly.,汤姆茫然地看看他。 Chinese,"‘A little bit,I think. I can't tell yet. I've only been here an hour. Did I tell you about the books? They're real. They're —’",“醒了一点,我想。我还不敢说。我在这儿刚待了一个钟头。我跟你们讲过这些书吗?它们都是真的。它们是……”