diff --git "a/TorreysTopicalTextbook.jsonl" "b/TorreysTopicalTextbook.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/TorreysTopicalTextbook.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,623 @@ +{"term": "Access to God", "definitions": ["Is of God -- Ps 65:4.", "Is by Christ -- Joh 10:7, 9; 14:6; Ro 5:2; Eph 2:13; 3:12; Heb 7:9, 25; 10:19; 1Pe 3:18.", "Is by the Holy Spirit -- Eph 2:18.", "Obtained through faith -- Ac 14:27; Ro 5:2; Eph 3:12; Heb 11:6.", "Follows upon reconciliation to God -- Col 1:21,22.", "In Prayer -- See Prayer. De 4:7; Mt 6:6; 1Pe 1:17.", "In his temple -- Ps 15:1; 27:4; 43:3; 65:4.", "To obtain mercy and grace -- Heb 4:16.", "A privilege of saints -- De 4:7; Ps 15:1; 23:6; 24:3,4.", "Saints have, with confidence -- Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16; 10:19,20.", "Vouchsafed to repenting sinners -- See Repentance. Ho 14:2; Joe 2:12.", "Saints earnestly seek -- Ps 27:4; 42:1,2; 43:3; 84:1,2.", "The wicked commanded to seek -- Isa 55:6; Jas 4:8.", "Urge others to seek -- Isa 2:3; Jer 31:6.", "Promises connected with -- Ps 145:18; Isa 55:3; Mt 6:6; Jas 4:8.", "Blessedness connected with -- Ps 16:11; 65:4; 73:28.", "Typified -- Le 16:12-15; Heb 10:19-22.", "Exemplified", "Moses. -- Ex 24:2; 34:4-7."]} +{"term": "Adoption", "definitions": ["Explained -- 2Co 6:18.", "Is according to promise -- Ro 9:8; Ga 3:29.", "Is by faith -- Ga 3:7,26.", "Is of God's grace -- Eze 16:3-6; Ro 4:16,17; Eph 1:5,6,11.", "Is through Christ -- Joh 1:12; Ga 4:4,5; Eph 1:5; Heb 2:10,13.", "Saints predestinated to -- Ro 8:29; Eph 1:5,11.", "Of Gentiles, predicted -- Ho 2:23; Ro 9:24-26; Eph 3:6.", "The Adopted are gathered together in one by Christ -- Joh 11:52.", "New birth connected with -- Joh 1:12,13.", "The Holy Spirit is a Witness of -- Ro 8:16.", "Being led by the Spirit is an evidence of -- Ro 8:14.", "Saints receive the Spirit of -- Ro 8:15; Ga 4:6.", "A privilege of saints -- Joh 1:12; 1Jo 3:1.", "Saints become brethren of Christ by -- Joh 20:17; Heb 2:11,12.", "Saints wait for final consummation of -- Ro 8:19,23; 1Jo 3:2.", "Subjects saints to the fatherly discipline of God -- De 8:5; 2Sa 7:14; Pr 3:11,12; Heb 12:5-11.", "God is long-suffering and merciful towards the partakers of -- Jer 31:1,9,20.", "Should lead to holiness -- 2Co 6:17,18; 7:1; Php 2:15; 1Jo 3:2,3.", "Should produce", "Likeness to God. -- Mt 5:44,45,48; Eph 5:1.", "Child-like confidence in God. -- Mt 6:25-34.", "A desire for God's glory. -- Mt 5:16.", "A spirit of prayer. -- Mt 7:7-11.", "A love of peace. -- Mt 5:9.", "A forgiving spirit. -- Mt 6:14.", "A merciful spirit. -- Lu 6:35,36.", "An avoidance of ostentation. -- Mt 6:1-4,6,18.", "Safety of those who receive -- Pr 14:26.", "Confers a new name -- See Titles of Saints. Nu 6:27; Isa 62:2; Ac 15:17.", "Entitles to an inheritance -- Mt 13:43; Ro 8:17; Ga 3:29; 4:7; Eph 3:6.", "Is to be pleaded in prayer -- Isa 63:16; Mt 6:9.", "Illustrated", "Joseph's sons. -- Ge 48:5,14,16,22.", "Moses. -- Ex 2:10.", "Esther. -- Es 2:7.", "Typified", "Israel. --Ex 4:22; Ho 11:1; Ro 9:4.", "Exemplified", "Solomon. -- 1Ch 28:6."]} +{"term": "Affections, The", "definitions": ["Should be supremely set upon God -- De 6:3; Mr 12:30.", "Should be set", "Upon the commandments of God. -- Ps 19:8-10; 119:20,97,103,167.", "Upon the house and worship of God. -- 1Ch 29:3; Ps 26:8; 27:4; 84:1,2.", "Upon the people of God. -- Ps 16:3; Ro 12:10; 2Co 7:13-15; 1Th 2:8.", "Upon heavenly things. -- Col 3:1,2.", "Should be zealously engaged for God -- Ps 69:9; 119:139; Ga 4:18.", "Christ claims the first place in -- Mt 10:37; Lu 14:26.", "Enkindled by communion with Christ -- Lu 24:32.", "Blessedness of making God the object of -- Ps 91:14.", "Should not grow cold -- Ps 106:12,13; Mt 24:12; Ga 4:15; Re 2:4.", "Of saints, supremely set on God -- Ps 42:1; 73:25; 119:10.", "Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God -- Isa 58:1,2; Eze 33:31,32; Lu 8:13.", "Carnal affections should be mortified -- Ro 8:13; 13:14; 1Co 9:27; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:5.", "Carnal affections crucified in saints -- Ro 6:6; Ga 5:24.", "False teachers seek to captivate -- Ga 1:10; 4:17; 2Ti 3:6; 2Pe 2:3,18; Re 2:14,20.", "Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted -- Ro 1:31; 2Ti 3:3; 2Pe 2:10."]} +{"term": "Afflicted, Duty Toward The", "definitions": ["To pray for them -- Ac 12:5; Php 1:16,19; Jas 5:14-16.", "To sympathise with them -- Ro 12:15; Ga 6:2.", "To pity them -- Job 6:14.", "To bear them in mind -- Heb 13:3.", "To visit them -- Jas 1:27.", "To comfort them -- Job 16:5; 29:25; 2Co 1:4; 1Th 4:18.", "To relieve them -- Job 31:19,20; Isa 58:10; Php 4:14; 1Ti 5:10.", "To protect them -- Ps 82:3; Pr 22:22; 31:5."]} +{"term": "Afflicted Saints", "definitions": ["God is with -- Ps 46:5,7; Isa 43:2.", "God is a refuge and strength to -- Ps 27:5,6; Isa 25:4; Jer 16:19; Na 1:7.", "God comforts -- Isa 49:13; Jer 31:13; Mt 5:4; 2Co 1:4,5; 7:6.", "God preserves -- Ps 34:20.", "God delivers -- Ps 34:4,19; Pr 12:13; Jer 39:17,18.", "Christ is with -- Joh 14:18.", "Christ supports -- 2Ti 4:17; Heb 2:18.", "Christ comforts -- Isa 61:2; Mt 11:28-30; Lu 7:13; Joh 14:1; 16:33.", "Christ preserves -- Isa 63:9; Lu 21:18.", "Christ delivers -- Re 3:10.", "Should praise God -- Ps 13:5,6; 56:8-10; 57:6,7; 71:20-23.", "Should imitate Christ -- Heb 12:1-3; 1Pe 2:21-23.", "Should imitate the prophets -- Jas 5:10.", "Should be patient -- Lu 21:19; Ro 12:12; 2Th 1:4; Jas 1:4; 1Pe 2:20.", "Should be resigned -- 1Sa 3:18; 2Ki 20:19; Job 1:21; Ps 39:9.", "Should not despise chastening -- Job 5:17; Pr 3:11; Heb 12:5.", "Should acknowledge the justice of their chastisements -- Ne 9:33; Job 2:10; Isa 64:5-7; La 3:39; Mic 7:9.", "Should avoid sin -- Job 34:31,32; Joh 5:14; 1Pe 2:12.", "Should trust in the goodness of God -- Job 13:15; Ps 71:20; 2Co 1:9.", "Should turn and devote themselves to God -- Ps 116:7-9; Jer 50:3,4; Ho 6:1.", "Should keep the pious resolutions made during afflictions -- Ps 66:13-15.", "Should be frequent in prayer -- See \"Affliction, Prayer Under\". Ps 50:15-17.", "Should take encouragement from former mercies -- Ps 27:9; 2Co 1:10.", "Examples of afflicted Saints:", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:20-23; Ps 105:17-19.", "Moses. -- Heb 11:25.", "Eli. -- 1Sa 3:18.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4.", "Job. -- Job 1:20-22.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:15-23.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:22-24; 21:13.", "Apostles. -- 1Co 4:13; 2Co 6:4-10."]} +{"term": "Affliction, Consolation Under", "definitions": ["God is the author and Giver of -- Ps 23:4; Ro 15:5; 2Co 1:3; 7:6; Col 1:11; 2Th 2:16,17.", "Christ is the Author and Giver of -- Isa 61:2; Joh 14:18; 2Co 1:5.", "The Holy Spirit is the Author and Giver of -- Joh 14:16,17; 15:26; 16:7; Ac 9:31.", "Promised -- Isa 51:3,12; 66:13; Eze 14:22,23; Ho 2:14; Zec 1:17.", "Through the Holy Scriptures -- Ps 119:50,76; Ro 15:4.", "By ministers of the gospel -- Isa 40:1,2; 1Co 14:3; 2Co 1:4,6.", "Is abundant -- Ps 71:21; Isa 66:11.", "Is strong -- Heb 6:18.", "Is everlasting -- 2Th 2:16.", "Is a cause of praise -- Isa 12:1; 49:13.", "Pray for -- Ps 119:8", "Saints should administer to each other -- 1Th 4:18; 5:11,14.", "Is sought in vain from the world -- Ps 69:20; Ec 4:1; La 1:2.", "To those who mourn for sin -- Ps 51:17; Isa 1:18; 40:1,2; 61:1; Mic 7:18,19; Lu 4:18.", "To the troubled in mind -- Ps 42:5; 94:19; Joh 14:1,27; 16:20,22.", "To those deserted by friends -- Ps 27:10; 41:9-12; Joh 14:18; 15:18,19.", "To the persecuted -- De 33:27.", "To the poor -- Ps 10:14; 34:6,9,10.", "To the sick -- Ps 41:3.", "To the tempted -- Ro 16:20; 1Co 10:13; 2Co 12:9; Jas 1:12; 4:7; 2Pe 2:9; Re 2:10.", "In prospect of death -- Job 19:25,26; Ps 23:4; Joh 14:2; 2Co 5:1; 1Th 4:14; Heb 4:9; Re 7:14-17; 14:13.", "Under the infirmities of age -- Ps 71:9,18."]} +{"term": "Affliction, Prayer Under", "definitions": ["Exhortation to -- Jas 5:13.", "That God would consider our trouble -- 2Ki 19:16; Ne 9:32; Ps 9:13; La 5:1.", "For the presence and support of God -- Ps 10:1; 102:2.", "That the Holy Spirit may not be withdrawn -- Ps 51:11.", "For divine comfort -- Ps 4:6; 119:76.", "For mitigation of troubles -- Ps 39:12,13.", "For deliverance -- Ps 25:17,22; 39:10; Isa 64:9-12; Jer 17:14.", "For pardon and deliverance from sin -- Ps 39:8; 51:1; 79:8.", "That we may be turned to God -- Ps 80:7; 85:4-6; Jer 31:18.", "For divine teaching and direction -- Job 34:32; Ps 27:11; 143:10.", "For increase of faith -- Mr 9:24.", "For mercy -- Ps 6:2; Hab 3:2.", "For restoration to joy -- Ps 51:8,12; 69:29; 90:14,15.", "For protection and preservation from enemies -- 2Ki 19:19; 2Ch 20:12; Ps 17:8,9.", "That we may know the causes of our trouble -- Job 6:24; 10:2; 13:23,24.", "That we may be taught the uncertainty of life -- Ps 39:4.", "That we may be quickened -- Ps 143:11."]} +{"term": "Afflictions", "definitions": ["God appoints -- 2Ki 6:33; Job 5:6,17; Ps 66:11; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9.", "God dispenses, as He will -- Job 11:10; Isa 10:15; 45:7.", "God regulates the measure of -- Ps 80:5; Isa 9:1; Jer 46:28.", "God determines the continuance of -- Ge 15:13,14; Nu 14:33; Isa 10:25; Jer 29:10.", "God does not willingly send -- La 3:33.", "Man is born to -- Job 5:6,7; 14:1.", "Saints appointed to -- 1Th 3:3.", "Consequent upon the fall -- Ge 3:16-19.", "Sin produces -- Job 4:8; 20:11; Pr 1:31.", "Sin visited with -- 2Sa 12:14; Ps 89:30-32; Isa 57:17; Ac 13:10,11.", "Often severe -- Job 16:7-16; Ps 42:7; 66:12; Jon 2:3; Re 7:14.", "Always less than we deserve -- Ezr 9:13; Ps 103:10.", "Frequently terminate in good -- Ge 50:20; Ex 1:11,12; De 8:15,16; Jer 24:5,6; Eze 20:37.", "Tempered with mercy -- Ps 78:38,39; 106:43-46; Isa 30:18-21; La 3:32; Mic 7:7-9; Na 1:12.", "Saints are to expect -- Joh 16:33; Ac 14:22.", "Of saints, are comparatively light -- Ac 20:23,24; Ro 8:18; 2Co 4:17.", "Of saints, are but temporary -- Ps 30:5; 103:9; Isa 54:7,8; Joh 16:20; 1Pe 1:6; 5:10.", "Saints have joy under -- Job 5:17; Jas 5:11.", "Of saints, end in joy and blessedness -- Ps 126:5,6; Isa 61:2,3; Mt 5:4; 1Pe 4:13,14.", "Often arise from the profession of the gospel -- Mt 24:9; Joh 15:21; 2Ti 3:11,12.", "Exhibit the love and faithfulness of God -- De 8:5; Ps 119:75; Pr 3:12; 1Co 11:32; Heb 12:6,7; Re 3:19."]} +{"term": "Afflictions Made Beneficial", "definitions": ["In promoting the glory of God -- Joh 9:1-3; 11:3,4; 21:18,19.", "In exhibiting the power and faithfulness of God -- Ps 34:19,20; 2Co 4:8-11.", "In teaching us the will of God -- Ps 119:71; Isa 26:9; Mic 6:9.", "In turning us to God -- De 4:30,31; Ne 1:8,9; Ps 78:34; Isa 10:20,21; Ho 2:6,7.", "In keeping us from again departing from God -- Job 34:31,32; Isa 10:20; Eze 14:10,11.", "In leading us to seek God in prayer -- Jdj 4:3; Jer 31:18; La 2:17-19; Ho 5:14,15; Jon 2:1.", "In convincing us of sin -- Job 36:8,9; Ps 119:67; Lu 15:16-18.", "In leading us to confession of sin -- Nu 21:7; Ps 32:5; 51:3,5.", "In testing and exhibiting our sincerity -- Job 23:10; Ps 66:10; Pr 17:3.", "In trying our faith and obedience -- Ge 22:1,2; Heb 11:17; Ex 15:23-25; De 8:2,16; 1Pe 1:7; Re 2:10.", "In humbling us -- De 8:3,16; 2Ch 7:13,14; La 3:19,20; 2Co 12:7.", "In purifying us -- Ec 7:2,3; Isa 1:25,26; 48:10; Jer 9:6,7; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:2,3.", "In exercising our patience -- Ps 40:1; Ro 5:3; Jas 1:3; 1Pe 2:20.", "In rendering us fruitful in good works -- Joh 15:2; Heb 12:10,11.", "In furthering the gospel -- Ac 8:3,4; 11:19-21; Php 1:12; 2Ti 2:9,10; 4:16,17.", "Exemplified", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 42:21.", "Joseph. -- Ge 45:5,7,8.", "Israel. -- De 8:3,5.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:19.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 32:25,26.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:12.", "Jonah. -- Jon 2:7.", "Prodigal's son. -- Lu 15:21."]} +{"term": "Afflictions of the Wicked, The", "definitions": ["God is glorified in -- Ex 14:4; Eze 38:22,23.", "God holds in derision -- Ps 37:13; Pr 1:26,27.", "Are multiplied -- De 31:17; Job 20:12-18; Ps 32:10.", "Are continual -- Job 15:20; Ec 2:23; Isa 32:10.", "Are often sudden -- Ps 73:10; Pr 6:15; Isa 30:13; Re 18:10.", "Are often judicially sent -- Job 21:17; Ps 107:17; Jer 30:15.", "Are for examples to others -- Ps 64:7-9; Zep 3:6,7; 1Co 10:5-11; 2Pe 2:6.", "Are ineffectual of themselves, for their conversion -- Ex 9:30; Isa 9:13; Jer 2:30; Hag 2:17.", "Their persecution of saints, a cause of -- De 30:7; Ps 55:19; Zec 2:9; 2Th 1:6.", "Impenitence is a cause of -- Pr 1:30,31; Eze 24:13; Am 4:6-12; Zec 7:11,12; Re 2:21,22.", "Sometimes humble them -- 1Ki 21:27.", "Frequently harden -- Ne 9:28,29; Jer 5:3.", "Produce slavish fear -- Job 15:24; Ps 73:19; Jer 49:3,5.", "Saints should not be alarmed at -- Pr 3:25,26.", "Exemplified", "Pharaoh and the Egyptians. -- Ex 9:14,15; 14:24,25.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ki 1:1-4.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:27.", "Jehoram. -- 2Ch 21:12-19.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:19-21.", "Ahaz, &c. -- 2Ch 28:5-8,22."]} +{"term": "Agriculture or Husbandry", "definitions": ["The cultivation of the earth -- Ge 3:23.", "The occupation of man before the fall -- Ge 2:15.", "Rendered laborious by the curse on the earth -- Ge 3:17-19.", "Man doomed to labour in, after the fall -- Ge 3:23.", "Contributes to the support of all -- Ec 5:9.", "The providence of God to be acknowledged in the produce of -- Jer 5:24; Ho 2:8.", "Requires", "Wisdom. -- Isa 28:26.", "Diligence. -- Pr 27:23-27; Ec 11:6.", "Toil. -- 2Ti 2:6.", "Patience in waiting. -- Jas 5:7.", "Diligence in, abundantly recompensed -- Pr 12:11; 13:23; 28:19; Heb 6:7.", "Persons engaged in, called", "Tillers of the ground. -- Ge 4:2.", "Husbandmen. -- 2Ch 26:10.", "Labourers. -- Mt 9:37; 20:1.", "Peace favourable to -- Isa 2:4; Jer 31:24.", "War destructive to -- Jer 50:16; 51:23.", "Patriarchs engaged in -- Ge 4:2; 9:20.", "The labour of, supposed to be lessened by Noah -- Ge 5:29; 9:20.", "The Jews loved and followed -- Jdj 6:11; 1Ki 19:19; 2Ch 26:10.", "Soil of Canaan suited to -- Ge 13:10; De 8:7-9.", "Climate of Canaan favourable to -- De 11:10,11.", "Was promoted amongst the Jews by", "Allotments to each family. -- Nu 36:7-9.", "The rights of redemption. -- Le 25:23-28.", "Separation from other nations. -- Ex 33:16.", "The prohibition against usury. -- Ex 22:25.", "The promises of God's blessings on. -- Le 26:4; De 7:13; 11:14,15.", "Enactments to protect", "Not to covet the fields of another. -- De 5:21.", "Not to move landmarks. -- De 19:14; Pr 22:28.", "Not to cut down crops of another. -- De 23:25.", "Against the trespass of cattle. -- Ex 22:5.", "Against injuring the produce of. -- Ex 22:5.", "Often performed by hirelings -- 1Ch 27:26; 2Ch 26:10; Mt 20:8; Lu 17:7.", "Not to be engaged in during the Sabbatical year -- Ex 23:10,11.", "Produce of, given as rent for land -- Mt 21:33,34.", "Produce of, often blasted because of sin -- Isa 5:10; 7:23; Jer 12:13; Joe 1:10,11.", "Grief occasioned by the failure of the fruits of -- Joe 1:11; Am 5:16,17.", "Produce of, exported -- 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17.", "Operations in", "Hedging. -- Isa 5:2,5; Ho 2:6.", "Ploughing. -- Job 1:14.", "Digging. -- Isa 5:6; Lu 13:8; 16:3.", "Manuring. -- Isa 25:10; Lu 14:34,35.", "Harrowing. -- Job 39:10; Isa 28:24.", "Gathering out the stones. -- Isa 5:2.", "Sowing. -- Ec 11:4; Isa 32:20; Mt 13:3.", "Planting. -- Pr 31:16; Isa 44:14; Jer 31:5.", "Watering. -- De 11:10; 1Co 3:6-8.", "Weeding. -- Mt 13:28.", "Grafting. -- Ro 11:17-19,24.", "Pruning. -- Le 25:3; Isa 5:6; Joh 15:2.", "Mowing. -- Ps 129:7; Am 7:1.", "Reaping. -- Isa 17:5.", "Binding. -- Ge 37:7; Mt 13:30.", "Gleaning. -- Le 19:9; Ru 2:3.", "Stacking. -- Ex 22:6.", "Threshing. -- De 25:4; Jdj 6:11.", "Winnowing. -- Ru 3:2; Mt 3:12.", "Storing in barns. -- Mt 6:26; 13:30.", "Beasts used in", "The ox. -- De 25:4.", "The ass. -- De 22:10.", "The horse. -- Isa 28:28.", "Implements of", "The plough. -- 1Sa 13:20.", "The harrow. -- 2Sa 12:31.", "The mattock. -- 1Sa 13:20; Isa 7:25.", "The sickle. -- De 16:9; 23:25.", "The pruning-hook. -- Isa 18:5; Joe 3:10.", "The fork. -- 1Sa 13:21.", "The axe. -- 1Sa 13:20.", "The teethed threshing instrument. -- Isa 41:15.", "The flail, &c. -- Isa 28:27.", "The cart. -- 1Sa 6:7; Isa 28:27,28.", "The shovel. -- Isa 30:24.", "The sieve. -- Am 9:9.", "The fan. -- Isa 30:24; Mt 3:12.", "Illustrative of", "Culture of the Church. -- 1Co 3:9.", "Culture of the heart. -- Jer 4:3; Ho 10:12."]} +{"term": "Alliance and Society With the Enemies of God", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Ex 23:32; 34:12; De 7:2,3; 13:6,8; Jos 23:6,7; Jdj 2:2; Ezr 9:12; Pr 1:10,15; 2Co 6:14-17; Eph 5:11.", "Lead to idolatry -- Ex 34:15,16; Nu 25:1-8; De 7:4; Jdj 3:5-7; Re 2:20.", "Have led to murder and human sacrifice -- Ps 106:37,38.", "Provoke the anger of God -- De 7:4; 31:16,17; 2Ch 19:2; Ezr 9:13,14; Ps 106:29,40; Isa 2:6.", "Provoke God to leave mean to reap the fruits of them -- Jos 23:12,13; Jdj 2:1-3.", "Are ensnaring -- Ex 23:33; Nu 25:18; De 12:30; 13:6; Ps 106:36.", "Are enslaved -- 2Pe 2:18,19.", "Are defiling -- Ezr 9:1,2.", "Are degrading -- Isa 1:23.", "Are ruinous to spiritual interest -- Pr 29:24; Heb 12:14,15; 2Pe 3:17.", "Are ruinous to moral character -- 1Co 15:33.", "Are a proof of folly -- Pr 12:11.", "Children who enter into, bring shame upon their parents -- Pr 28:7.", "Evil consequences of -- Pr 28:19; Jer 51:7.", "The wicked are prone to -- Ps 50:18; Jer 2:25.", "The wicked tempt saints to -- Ne 6:2-4.", "Sin of, to be confessed, deeply repented of, and forsaken -- Ezr 10:1-44.", "Involve saints in their guiltiness -- 2Jo 1:9-11; Re 18:4.", "Involve saints in their punishment -- Nu 16:26; Jer 51:6; Re 18:4.", "Unbecoming in those called saints -- 2Ch 19:2; 2Co 6:14-16; Php 2:15.", "Exhortations to shun all inducements to -- Pr 1:10-15; 4:14,15; 2Pe 3:17.", "Exhortations to hate and avoid -- Pr 14:7; Ro 16:17; 1Co 5:9-11; Eph 5:6,7; 1Ti 6:5; 2Ti 3:5.", "A call to come out from -- Nu 16:26; Ezr 10:11; Jer 51:6,45; 2Co 6:17; 2Th 3:6; Re 18:4.", "Means of preservation from -- Pr 2:10-20; 19:27.", "Blessedness of avoiding -- Ps 1:1.", "Blessedness of forsaking -- Ezr 9:12; Pr 9:6; 2Co 6:17,18.", "Saints grieve to meet with, in their intercourse with the world -- Ps 57:4; 120:5,6; 2Pe 2:7,8.", "Saints grieve to witness in their brethren -- Ge 26:35; Ezr 9:3; 10:6.", "Saints hate and avoid -- Ps 26:4,5; 31:6; 101:7; Re 2:2.", "Saints deprecate -- Ge 49:6; Ps 6:8; 15:4; 101:4,7; 119:115; 139:19.", "Saints are separate from -- Ex 33:16; Ezr 6:21.", "Saints should be circumspect when unintentionally thrown into -- Mt 10:16; Col 4:5; 1Pe 2:12.", "Pious parents prohibit, to their children -- Ge 28:1.", "Persons in authority should denounce -- Ezr 10:9-11; Ne 13:23-27.", "Punishment of -- Nu 33:56; De 7:4; Jos 23:13; Jdj 2:3; 3:5-8; Ezr 9:7,14; Ps 106:41,42; Re 2:16,22,23.", "Exemplified", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:1-8.", "Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:8,9.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 18:3; 19:2; 20:35-37.", "Jehoram. -- 2Ch 21:6.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ch 22:3-5.", "Israelites. -- Ezr 9:1,2.", "Israel. -- Eze 44:7.", "Judas Iscariot. -- Mt 26:14-16.", "Examples of avoiding", "Man of God. -- 1Ki 13:7-10.", "Nehemiah, &c. -- Ne 6:2-4; 10:29-31.", "David. -- Ps 101:4-7; 119:115.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 15:17.", "Joseph of Arimathaea. -- Lu 23:51.", "Church of Ephesus. -- Re 2:6.", "Examples of forsaking", "Israelites. -- Nu 16:27; Ezr 6:21,22; 10:3,4,16,17.", "Sons of the Priests. -- Ezr 10:18,19.", "Examples of the judgments of God against", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:32.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ch 22:7,8.", "Judas Iscariot. -- Ac 1:18."]} +{"term": "Altars", "definitions": ["Designed for sacrifice -- Ex 20:24.", "To be made of earth, or unhewn stone -- Ex 20:24,25; De 27:5,6.", "Of brick, hateful to God -- Isa 65:3.", "Natural rocks sometimes used as -- Jdj 6:19-21; 13:19,20.", "Were not to have steps up to them -- Ex 20:26.", "For idolatrous worship, often erected on roofs of houses -- 2Ki 23:12; Jer 19:13; 32:29.", "Idolaters planted groves near -- Jdj 6:30; 1Ki 16:32,33; 2Ki 21:3.", "The Jews not to plant groves near -- De 16:21.", "For idolatrous worship, to be destroyed -- Ex 34:13; De 7:5.", "Probable origin of inscriptions on -- De 27:8.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Of Noah. -- Ge 8:20.", "Of Abraham. -- Ge 12:7,8; 13:18; 22:9.", "Of Isaac. -- Ge 26:25.", "Of Jacob. -- Ge 33:20; 35:1,3,7.", "Of Moses. -- Ex 17:15; 24:4.", "Of Balaam. -- Nu 23:1,14,29.", "Of Joshua. -- Jos 8:30,31.", "Of the temple of Solomon. -- 2Ch 4:1,19.", "Of the second temple. -- Ezr 3:2,3.", "Of Reubenites, &c east of Jordan. -- Jos 22:10.", "Of Gideon. -- Jdj 6:26,27.", "Of the people of Israel. -- Jdj 21:4.", "Of Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:17.", "Of David. -- 2Sa 24:21,25.", "Of Jeroboam at Bethel. -- 1Ki 12:33.", "Of Ahaz. -- 2Ki 16:10-12.", "Of the Athenians. -- Ac 17:23.", "For burnt-offering. -- Ex 27:1-8.", "For incense. -- Ex 30:1-6.", "Protection afforded by -- 1Ki 1:50,51.", "Afforded no protection to murderers -- Ex 21:14; 1Ki 2:18-34."]} +{"term": "Altar of Burnt Offering, The", "definitions": ["Dimensions, &c of -- Ex 27:1; 38:1.", "Horns on the corners of -- Ex 27:2; 38:2.", "Covered with brass -- Ex 27:2.", "All its vessels of brass -- Ex 27:3; 38:3.", "A net-working grate of brass placed in -- Ex 27:4,5; 38:4.", "Furnished with rings and staves -- Ex 27:6,7; 38:5-7.", "Made after a divine pattern -- Ex 27:8.", "Called", "The brazen altar. -- Ex 39:39; 1Ki 8:64.", "The altar of God. -- Ps 43:4.", "The altar of the Lord. -- Mal 2:13.", "Placed in the court before the door of the tabernacle -- Ex 40:6,29.", "Sanctified by God -- Ex 29:44.", "Anointed and sanctified with holy oil -- Ex 40:10; Le 8:10,11.", "Cleansed and purified with blood -- Ex 29:36,37.", "Was most holy -- Ex 40:10.", "Sanctified whatever touched it -- Ex 29:37.", "All sacrifices to be offered on -- Ex 29:38-42; Isa 56:7.", "All gifts to be presented at -- Mt 5:23,24.", "Nothing polluted or defective to be offered on -- Le 22:22; Mal 1:7,8.", "Offering at the dedication of -- Nu 7:1-89.", "The fire upon", "Came from before the Lord. -- Le 9:24.", "Was continually burning. -- Le 6:13.", "Consumed the sacrifices. -- Le 1:8,9.", "Sacrifices bound to the horns of -- Ps 118:27.", "The blood of sacrifices put on the horns and poured at the foot of -- Ex 29:12; Le 4:7,18,25; 8:15.", "The priests", "Alone to serve. -- Nu 18:3,7.", "Derived support from. -- 1Co 9:13.", "Ahaz removed and profaned -- 2Ki 16:10-16.", "The Jews condemned for swearing lightly by -- Mt 23:18,19.", "A type of Christ -- Heb 13:10."]} +{"term": "Altar of Incense", "definitions": ["Dimensions, &c of -- Ex 30:1,2; 37:25.", "Covered with Gold -- Ex 30:3; 37:26.", "Top of, surrounded with a crown of gold -- Ex 30:3; 37:26.", "Had four rings of gold under the crown for the staves -- Ex 30:4; 37:27.", "Staves of, covered with gold -- Ex 30:5.", "Called the golden altar -- Ex 39:38.", "Placed before the vail in the outer sanctuary -- Ex 30:6; 40:5,26.", "Said to be before the Lord -- Le 4:7; 1Ki 9:25.", "Anointed with holy oil -- Ex 30:26,27.", "The priest burned incense on every morning and evening -- Ex 30:7,8.", "No strange incense nor any sacrifice to be offered on -- Ex 30:9.", "Atonement made for, by the high priest once every year -- Ex 30:10; Le 16:18,19.", "The blood of all sin offerings put on the horns of -- Le 4:7,18.", "Punishment for", "Offering strange fire on. -- Le 10:1,2.", "Unauthorised offering on. -- 2Ch 26:16-19.", "Covered by the priest before removal from the sanctuary -- Nu 4:11.", "A type of Christ -- Re 8:3; 9:3."]} +{"term": "Amalekites, The", "definitions": ["Descent of -- Ge 36:12,16.", "Character of", "Wicked. -- 1Sa 15:18.", "Oppressive. -- Jdj 10:12.", "Warlike and Cruel. -- 1Sa 15:33.", "Governed by Kings -- 1Sa 15:20,32.", "A powerful and influential nation -- Nu 24:7.", "Possessed cities -- 1Sa 15:5.", "COUNTRY of", "In the south of Canaan. -- Nu 13:29; 1Sa 27:8.", "Extended from Havilah to Shur. -- 1Sa 15:7.", "Was the scene of ancient warfare. -- Ge 14:7.", "Part of the Kenites dwelt amongst -- 1Sa 15:6.", "Were the first to oppose Israel -- Ex 17:8.", "Discomfited at Rephidim through the intercession of Moses -- Ex 17:9-13.", "Doomed to utter destruction for opposing Israel -- Ex 17:14,16; De 25:19.", "Their utter destruction foretold -- Nu 24:20.", "Presumption of Israel punished by -- Nu 14:45.", "United with Eglon against Israel -- Jdj 3:13.", "Part of their possessions taken by Ephraim -- Jdj 5:14; 12:15.", "With Midian, oppressed Israel -- Jdj 6:3-5.", "Overcome by Gideon -- Jdj 6:33,34; 7:21,22.", "Saul", "Overcame, and delivered Israel. -- 1Sa 14:48.", "Commissioned to destroy. -- 1Sa 15:1-3.", "Massacred. -- 1Sa 15:4-8.", "Condemned for not utterly destroying. -- 1Sa 15:9-26; 28:18.", "Agag, king of, slain by Samuel -- 1Sa 15:32,33.", "Invaded by David -- 1Sa 27:8,9.", "Pillaged and burned Ziklag -- 1Sa 30:1,2.", "Pursued and slain by David -- 1Sa 30:10-20.", "Spoil taken from, consecrated -- 2Sa 8:11,12.", "Confederated against Israel -- Ps 83:7.", "Remnant of, completely destroyed during the reign of Hezekiah -- 1Ch 4:41-43."]} +{"term": "Ambition", "definitions": ["God condemns -- Ge 11:7; Isa 5:8.", "Christ condemns -- Mt 18:1,3,4; 20:25,26; 23:11,12.", "Saints avoid -- Ps 131:1,2.", "Vanity of -- Job 20:5-9; 24:24; Ps 49:11-20.", "Leads to strife and contention -- Jas 4:1,2.", "Punishment of -- Pr 17:19; Isa 14:12-15; Eze 31:10,11; Ob 1:3,4.", "Connected with", "Pride. -- Hab 2:5.", "Covetousness. -- Hab 2:8,9.", "Cruelty. -- Hab 2:12.", "Exemplified", "Adam and Eve. -- Ge 3:5,6.", "Builders of Babel. -- Ge 11:4.", "Miriam and Aaron. -- Nu 12:2.", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:3.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:4; 18:18.", "Adonijah. -- 1Ki 1:5.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 19:23.", "Shebna. -- Isa 22:16.", "Sons of Zebedee. -- Mt 20:21.", "Antichrist. -- 2Th 2:4.", "Diotrephes. -- 3Jo 1:9."]} +{"term": "Ammonites, The", "definitions": ["Descent of -- Ge 19:38.", "Called the", "Children of Lot. -- De 2:19.", "Children of Ammon. -- Jer 25:21.", "Governed by hereditary kings -- 2Sa 10:1.", "Country of", "Belonged to the Zamzummims. -- De 2:20,21.", "Bordered on the Amorites. -- Nu 21:24.", "as fertile. -- Jer 49:4.", "Well fortified. -- Nu 21:24.", "Half of, given to the Gadites. -- Jos 13:25.", "Character of", "Cruel and covetous. -- Am 1:13.", "Proud and reproachful. -- Zep 2:10.", "Vindictive. -- Eze 25:3,6.", "Fond of ornaments. -- 2Ch 20:25.", "Idolatrous. -- Jdj 10:6; 1Ki 11:7,33; 2Ki 23:13.", "Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.", "Chief cities of", "Rabbah. -- 2Sa 12:26,27; Jer 49:3.", "Ai. -- Jer 49:3.", "Jewish laws respecting", "Perpetual exclusion from the congregation. -- De 23:3; Ne 13:1.", "No covenant to made with. -- De 23:6.", "Not to be distressed. -- De 2:19; 2Ch 20:10.", "Assisted Eglon against Israel -- Jdj 3:12,13.", "With the Philistines oppressed Israel for eighteen years -- Jdj 10:6-9.", "Jephthah raised up to deliver Israel from -- Jdj 10:15-18; 11:4-33.", "Proposed a disgraceful treaty to Jabesh-gilead -- 1Sa 11:1-3.", "Saul's victories over -- 1Sa 11:11; 14:47.", "Ill-treated David's ambassadors -- 2Sa 10:1-4.", "Hired the Syrians against David -- 2Sa 10:6.", "Victories of Joab over -- 2Sa 10:7-14; 12:26-29.", "The royal treasure of, taken -- 2Sa 12:30.", "Of Rabbah reduced to hard bondage -- 2Sa 12:31.", "Spoil of, consecrated to God -- 2Sa 8:11,12.", "One of David's mighty men was of -- 2Sa 23:37.", "Solomon intermarried with, and introduced idols of into Israel -- 1Ki 11:1-5.", "Confederated against Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 20:1; Ps 83:7.", "Miraculous defeat of -- 2Ch 20:5-24.", "Submitted to Uzziah -- 2Ch 26:8.", "Defeated by Jotham -- 2Ch 27:5.", "Seized upon the possessions of Gad -- Jer 49:1.", "Aided the Chaldeans against Judah -- 2Ki 24:2.", "Vexed the Jews after captivity -- Ne 4:3,7,8.", "The Jews reprobated for intermarrying with -- Ezr 9:1-3; Ne 13:23-28.", "Predictions respecting", "Subjection to Babylon. -- Jer 25:9-21; 27:3,6.", "Destructions for hatred to Israel. -- Eze 25:2-10; Zep 2:8,9.", "Punishment for oppressive cruelty. -- Jer 49:1-5; Am 1:13-15.", "Restoration. -- Jer 49:6.", "Subjection to the Jews. -- Isa 11:14."]} +{"term": "Amorites, The", "definitions": ["Descent of -- Ge 10:15,16; 1Ch 1:13,14.", "One of the seven nations of Canaan -- Ge 15:21; Ex 3:8,17.", "Governed by many independent kings -- Jos 5:1; 9:10.", "Kings of, great and powerful -- Ps 136:18,20.", "Originally inhabited a mountain district in the south -- Nu 13:29; De 1:7,20; Jdj 1:36.", "Acquired an extensive territory from Moab east of Jordan -- Nu 21:26,30.", "Had many and strong cities -- Nu 32:17,33.", "Of gigantic strength and stature -- Am 2:9.", "Character of", "Profane and wicked. -- Ge 15:16.", "Idolatrous. -- Jos 24:15.", "Defeated by Chedorlaomer, &c -- Ge 14:7.", "Joined Abraham against the kings -- Ge 14:13,24.", "Jacob took a portion from -- Ge 48:22.", "Forbearance of God towards -- Ge 15:16.", "Doomed to utter destruction -- De 20:17,18.", "Refused a passage to Israel -- Nu 21:21-23; De 2:30.", "Deprived of their eastern territory by Israel -- Nu 21:24-35.", "Land of, given to Reubenites, &c -- Jos 13:15-31.", "Western kings of, confederated against Israel -- Jos 10:1-5.", "Miraculous overthrow of -- Jos 10:11-14.", "Kings of, degraded and slain -- Jos 10:24-27.", "The Gibeonites a tribe of, deceived Israel into a league -- 2Sa 21:2, Jos 9:3-16.", "The Israelites unable to expel, but extracted tribute from -- Jdj 1:34,35.", "Had peace with Israel in the days of Samuel -- 1Sa 7:14.", "Brought into bondage by Solomon -- 1Ki 9:20,21.", "Ahab followed the abominations of -- 1Ki 21:26.", "Manasseh exceeded abominations of -- 2Ki 21:11.", "The Jews after the captivity condemned for intermarrying with -- Ezr 9:1,2.", "Descent from, illustrative of man's natural state -- Eze 16:3."]} +{"term": "Amusements and Pleasures, Worldly", "definitions": ["Belong to the works of the flesh -- Ga 5:19,21.", "Are transitory -- Job 21:12,13; Heb 11:25.", "Are all vanity -- Ec 2:11.", "Choke the word of God in the heart -- Lu 8:14.", "Formed a part of idolatrous worship -- Ex 32:4,6,19; 1Co 10:7; Jdj 16:23-25.", "Lead to", "Rejection of God. -- Job 21:14,15.", "Poverty. -- Pr 21:17.", "Disregard of the judgments and works of God. -- Isa 5:12; Am 6:1-6.", "Terminate in sorrow -- Pr 14:13.", "Are likely to lead to greater evil -- Job 1:5; Mt 14:6-8.", "The wicked seek for happiness in -- Ec 2:1,8.", "Indulgence in", "A proof of folly. -- Ec 7:4.", "A characteristic of the wicked. -- Isa 47:8; Eph 4:17,19; 2Ti 3:4; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:3.", "A proof of spiritual death. -- 1Ti 5:6.", "An abuse of riches. -- Jas 5:1,5.", "Wisdom of abstaining from -- Ec 7:2,3.", "Shunned by the saints -- 1Pe 4:3.", "Abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked -- 1Pe 4:4.", "Denounced by God -- Isa 5:11,12.", "Punishment of -- Ec 11:9; 2Pe 2:13.", "Renunciation of, Exemplified", "Moses. -- Heb 11:25."]} +{"term": "Anakim, The", "definitions": ["Descent of -- Nu 13:22; Jos 15:13.", "Were called", "The sons of Anak. -- Nu 13:33.", "The sons of the Anakim. -- De 1:28.", "The children of the Anakims. -- De 9:2.", "Divided into three tribes -- Jos 15:14.", "Inhabited the mountains of Judah -- Jos 11:21.", "Hebron, chief city of -- Jos 14:15; 21:11.", "Of gigantic strength and stature -- De 2:10,11,21.", "Israel terrified by -- Nu 14:1; 13:33.", "Hebron a possession of, given to Caleb for his faithfulness -- Jos 14:6-14.", "Driven from Hebron by Caleb -- Jos 15:13,14.", "Driven from Kirjathsepher or Debir by Othniel -- Jos 15:15-17; Jdj 1:12,13.", "Almost annihilated -- Jos 11:21,22."]} +{"term": "Angels", "definitions": ["Created by God and Christ -- Ne 9:6; Col 1:16.", "Worship God and Christ -- Ne 9:6; Php 2:9-11; Heb 1:6.", "Are ministering Spirits -- 1Ki 19:5; Ps 68:17; 104:4; Lu 16:22; Ac 12:7-11; 27:23; Heb 1:7,14.", "Communicate the will of God and Christ -- Da 8:16,17; 9:21-23; 10:11; 12:6,7; Mt 2:13,20; Lu 1:19,28; Ac 5:20; 8:26; 10:5; 27:23; Re 1:1.", "Obey the will of God -- Ps 103:20; Mt 6:10.", "Execute the purposes of God -- Nu 22:22; Ps 103:21; Mt 13:39-42; 28:2; Joh 5:4; Re 5:2.", "Execute the judgments of God -- 2Sa 24:16; 2Ki 19:35; Ps 35:5,6; Ac 12:23; Re 16:1.", "Celebrate the praises of God -- Job 38:7; Ps 148:2; Isa 6:3; Lu 2:13,14; Re 5:11,12; 7:11,12.", "The law given by the ministration of -- Ps 68:17; Ac 7:53; Heb 2:2.", "Announced", "The conception of Christ. -- Mt 1:20,21; Lu 1:31.", "The birth of Christ. -- Lu 2:10-12.", "The resurrection of Christ. -- Mt 28:5-7; Lu 24:23.", "The ascension and second coming of Christ. -- Ac 1:11.", "The conception of John the Baptist. -- Lu 1:13,36.", "Minister to Christ -- Mt 4:11; Lu 22:43; Joh 1:51.", "Are subject to Christ -- Eph 1:21; Col 1:16; 2:10; 1Pe 3:22.", "Shall execute the purposes of Christ -- Mt 13:41; 24:31.", "Shall attend Christ at his second coming -- Mt 16:27; 25:31; Mr 8:38; 2Th 1:7.", "Know and delight in the gospel of Christ -- Eph 3:9,10; 1Ti 3:16; 1Pe 1:12.", "Ministration of, obtained by prayer -- Mt 26:53; Ac 12:5,7.", "Rejoice over every repentant sinner -- Lu 15:7,10.", "Have charge over the children of God -- Ps 34:7; 91:11,12; Da 6:22; Mt 18:10.", "Are of different orders -- Isa 6:2; 1Th 4:16; 1Pe 3:22; Jude 1:9; Re 12:7.", "Not to be worshipped -- Col 2:18; Re 19:10; 22:9.", "Are examples of meekness -- 2Pe 2:11; Jude 1:9.", "Are wise -- 2Sa 14:20.", "Are mighty -- Ps 103:20.", "Are holy -- Mt 25:31.", "Are elect -- 1Ti 5:21.", "Are innumerable -- Job 25:3; Heb 12:22."]} +{"term": "Anger", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Ec 7:9; Mt 5:22; Ro 12:19.", "A work of the flesh -- Ga 5:20.", "A characteristic of fools -- Pr 12:16; 14:29; 27:3; Ec 7:9.", "Connected with", "Pride. -- Pr 21:24.", "Cruelty. -- Ge 49:7; Pr 27:3,4.", "Clamour and evil-speaking. -- Eph 4:31.", "Malice and blasphemy. -- Col 3:8.", "Strife and contention. -- Pr 21:19; 29:22; 30:33.", "Brings its own punishment -- Job 5:2; Pr 19:19; 25:28.", "Grievous words stir up -- Jdj 12:4; 2Sa 19:43; Pr 15:1.", "Should not betray us into sin -- Ps 37:8; Eph 4:26.", "In prayer be free from -- 1Ti 2:8.", "May be averted by wisdom -- Pr 29:8.", "Meekness pacifies -- Pr 15:1; Ec 10:4.", "Children should not be provoked to -- Eph 6:4; Col 3:21.", "Be slow to -- Pr 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; Tit 1:7; Jas 1:19.", "Avoid those given to -- Ge 49:6; Pr 22:24.", "Justifiable, Exemplified", "Our Lord. -- Mr 3:5.", "Jacob. -- Ge 31:36.", "Moses. -- Ex 11:8; 32:19; Le 10:16; Nu 16:15.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 5:6; 13:17,25.", "Sinful, Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:5,6.", "Esau. -- Ge 27:45.", "Simeon and Levi. -- Ge 49:5-7.", "Moses. -- Nu 20:10,11.", "Balaam. -- Nu 22:27.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 20:30.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:4.", "Naaman. -- 2Ki 5:11.", "Asa. -- 2Ch 16:10.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:19.", "Haman. -- Es 3:5.", "Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 3:13.", "Jonah. -- Jon 4:4.", "Herod. -- Mt 2:16.", "Jews. -- Lu 4:28.", "High Priest, &c. -- Ac 5:17; 7:54."]} +{"term": "Anger of God, The", "definitions": ["Averted by Christ -- Lu 2:11,14; Ro 5:9; 2Co 5:18,19; Eph 2:14,17; Col 1:20; 1Th 1:10.", "Is averted from them that believe -- Joh 3:14-18; Ro 3:25; 5:1.", "Is averted upon confession of sin and repentance -- Job 33:27,28; Ps 106:43-45; Jer 3:12,13; 18:7,8; 31:18-20; Joe 2:12-14; Lu 15:18-20.", "Is slow -- Ps 103:8; Isa 48:9; Jon 4:2; Na 1:3.", "Is righteous -- Ps 58:10,11; La 1:18; Ro 2:6,8; 3:5,6; Re 16:6,7.", "The justice of, not to be questioned -- Ro 9:18,20,22.", "Manifested in terrors -- Ex 14:24; Ps 76:6-8; Jer 10:10; La 2:20-22.", "Manifested in judgments and afflictions -- Job 21:17; Ps 78:49-51; 90:7; Isa 9:19; Jer 7:20; Eze 7:19; Heb 3:17.", "Cannot be resisted -- Job 9:13; 14:13; Ps 76:7; Na 1:6.", "Aggravated by continual provocation -- Nu 32:14.", "Specially reserved for the day of wrath -- Zep 1:14-18; Mt 25:41; Ro 2:5,8; 2Th 1:8; Re 6:17; 11:18; 19:15.", "Against", "The wicked. -- Ps 7:11; 21:8,9; Isa 3:8; 13:9; Na 1:2,3; Ro 1:18; 2:8; Eph 5:6; Col 3:6.", "Those who forsake him. -- Ezr 8:22; Isa 1:4.", "Unbelief. -- Ps 78:21,22; Heb 3:18,19; Joh 3:36.", "Impenitence. -- Ps 7:12; Pr 1:30,31; Isa 9:13,14; Ro 2:5.", "Apostasy. -- Heb 10:26,27.", "Idolatry. -- De 29:20,27,28; 32:19,20,22; Jos 23:16; 2Ki 22:17; Ps 78:58,59; Jer 44:3.", "Sin, in saints. -- Ps 89:30-32; 90:7-9; 99:8; 102:9,10; Isa 47:6.", "Extreme, against those who oppose the gospel -- Ps 2:2,3,5; 1Th 2:16.", "Folly of provoking -- Jer 7:19; 1Co 10:22.", "To be dreaded -- Ps 2:12; 76:7; 90:11; Mt 10:28.", "To be deprecated -- Ex 32:11; Ps 6:1; 38:1; 74:1,2; Isa 64:9.", "Removal of, should be prayed for -- Ps 39:10; 79:5; 80:4; Da 9:16; Hab 3:2.", "Tempered with mercy to saints -- Ps 30:5; Isa 26:20; 54:8; 57:15,16; Jer 30:11; Mic 7:11.", "To be born with submission -- 2Sa 24:17; La 3:39,43; Mic 7:9.", "Should lead to repentance -- Isa 42:24,25; Jer 4:8.", "Exemplified against", "The old world. -- Ge 7:21-23.", "Builders of Babel. -- Ge 11:8.", "Cities of the plain. -- Ge 19:24,25.", "Egyptians. -- Ex 7:20; 8:6,16,24; 9:3,9,23; 10:13,22; 12:29; 14:27.", "Israelites. -- Ex 32:35; Nu 11:1,33; 14:40-45; 21:6; 25:9; 2Sa 24:1,15.", "Enemies of Israel. -- 1Sa 5:6; 7:10.", "Nadab, &c. -- Le 10:2.", "The Spies. -- Nu 14:37.", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:31,35.", "Aaron and Miriam. -- Nu 12:9,10.", "Five Kings. -- Jos 10:25.", "Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:56.", "Men of Bethshemesh. -- 1Sa 6:19.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 31:6.", "Uzzah. -- 2Sa 6:7.", "Saul's family. -- 2Sa 21:1.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 19:28,35,37."]} +{"term": "Anointing", "definitions": ["With oil -- Ps 92:10.", "With ointment -- Joh 11:2.", "Was used for", "Decorating the person. -- Ru 3:3.", "Refreshing the body. -- 2Ch 28:15.", "Purifying the body. -- Es 2:12; Isa 57:9.", "Curing the sick. -- Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14.", "Healing wounds. -- Isa 1:6; Lu 10:34.", "Preparing weapons for war. -- Isa 21:5.", "Preparing the dead for burial. -- Mt 26:12; Mr 16:1; Lu 23:56.", "The Jews were very fond of. -- Pr 27:9; Am 6:6.", "Was applied to", "The head. -- Ps 23:5; Ec 9:8.", "The face. -- Ps 104:15.", "The feet. -- Lu 7:38,39; Joh 12:3.", "The eyes. -- Re 3:18.", "Ointment for", "Richly perfumed. -- Song 4:10; Joh 12:3.", "Most expensive. -- 2Ki 20:13; Am 6:6; Joh 12:3,5.", "Prepared by the apothecary. -- Ec 10:1.", "An article of commerce. -- Eze 27:17; Re 18:13.", "Neglected in times of affliction. -- 2Sa 12:20; 14:2; Da 10:3.", "Neglect of, to guests, a mark of disrespect -- Lu 7:46.", "A token of joy -- Ec 9:7,8.", "Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment -- De 28:40; Mic 6:15.", "Why recommended by Christ in times of Fasting -- Mt 6:17,18."]} +{"term": "Anointing of the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Is from God -- 2Co 1:21.", "That christ should receive", "Foretold. -- Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Da 9:24.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 4:18,21; Ac 4:27; 10:38; Heb 1:9.", "God preserves those who receive -- Ps 18:50; 20:6; 89:20-23.", "Saints receive -- Isa 61:3; 1Jo 2:20.", "Is abiding in saints -- 1Jo 2:27.", "Guides into all truth -- 1Jo 2:27.", "Typified -- Ex 40:13-15; Le 8:12; 1Sa 16:13; 1Ki 19:16."]} +{"term": "Anointing, Sacred", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 28:18; 35:14.", "Consecrates to God's service -- Ex 30:29.", "Persons who received", "Prophets. -- 1Ki 19:16; Isa 61:1.", "Priests. -- Ex 40:13-15.", "Kings. -- Jdj 9:8; 1Sa 9:16; 1Ki 1:34.", "Things which received", "Tabernacle, &c. -- Ex 30:26,27; 40:9.", "Brazen altar. -- Ex 29:36; 40:10.", "Brazen laver. -- Ex 40:11.", "Those who partook of", "Protected by God. -- 1Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15.", "Not to be injured or insulted. -- 1Sa 24:6; 26:9; 2Sa 1:14,15; 19:21.", "Oil or ointment for", "Divinely prescribed. -- Ex 30:23-25.", "Compounded by the priests. -- 1Ch 9:30.", "An holy anointing oil for ever. -- Ex 30:25,31.", "Not to be imitated. -- Ex 30:32.", "To be put on no stranger. -- Ex 30:33.", "Jews condemned for imitating. -- Eze 23:41.", "Illustrative of the anointing", "Of Christ with the Holy Spirit. -- Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18.", "Of saints with the Holy Spirit. -- 1Jo 2:27."]} +{"term": "Antichrist", "definitions": ["Denies the Father and the Son -- 1Jo 2:22.", "Denies the incarnation of Christ -- 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7.", "Spirit of, prevalent in apostolic times -- 1Jo 2:18.", "Deceit, a characteristic of -- 2Jo 1:7."]} +{"term": "Apostates", "definitions": ["Described -- De 13:13; Heb 3:12.", "Persecution tends to make -- Mt 24:9,10; Lu 8:13.", "A worldly spirit tends to make -- 2Ti 4:10.", "Never belonged to Christ -- 1Jo 2:19.", "Saints do not become -- Ps 44:18,19; Heb 6:9; 10:39.", "It is impossible to restore -- Heb 6:4-6.", "Guilt and punishment of -- Zep 1:4-6; Heb 10:25-31,39; 2Pe 2:17,20-22.", "Cautions against becoming -- Heb 3:12; 2Pe 3:17.", "Shall abound in the latter days -- Mt 24:12; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 4:1-3.", "Exemplified", "Amaziah. -- 2Ch 25:14,27.", "Professed disciples. -- Joh 6:66.", "Hymenaeus and Alexander. -- 1Ti 1:19,20."]} +{"term": "Apostles, The", "definitions": ["Christ pre-eminently called \"The Apostle\" -- Heb 3:1.", "Ordained by Christ -- Mr 3:14; Joh 15:16.", "Received their title from Christ -- Lu 6:13.", "Called by", "God. -- 1Co 1:1; 12:28; Ga 1:1,15,16.", "Christ. -- Mt 10:1; Mr 3:13; Ac 20:24; Ro 1:5.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Ac 20:24; Ro 1:5.", "Were unlearned men -- Ac 4:13.", "Selected from obscure stations -- Mt 4:18.", "Sent first to the house of Israel -- Mt 10:5,6; Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46.", "Sent to preach the gospel to all nations -- Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15; 2Ti 1:11.", "Christ always present with -- Mt 28:20.", "Warned against a timid profession of Christ -- Mt 10:27-33.", "The Holy Spirit given to -- Joh 20:22; Ac 2:1-4; 9:17.", "Guided by the Spirit into all truth -- Joh 14:26; 15:26; 16:13.", "Instructed by the Spirit to answer adversaries -- Mt 10:19,20; Lu 12:11,12.", "Specially devoted to the office of the ministry -- Ac 6:4; 20:27.", "Humility urged upon -- Mt 20:26,27; Mr 9:33-37; Lu 22:24-30.", "Self-denial urged upon -- Mt 10:37-39.", "Mutual love urged upon -- Joh 15:17.", "Equal authority given to each of -- Mt 16:19; 18:18; 2Co 11:5.", "Were not of the world -- Joh 15:19; 17:16.", "Were hated by the world -- Mt 10:22; 24:9; Joh 15:18.", "Persecutions and sufferings of -- Mt 10:16,18; Lu 21:16; Joh 15:20; 16:2.", "Saw Christ in the flesh -- Lu 1:2; Ac 1:22; 1Co 9:1; 1Jo 1:1.", "Witnesses of the resurrection and ascension of Christ -- Lu 24:33-41,51; Ac 1:2-9; 10:40,41; 1Co 15:8.", "Empowered to work miracles -- Mt 10:1,8; Mr 16:20; Lu 9:1; Ac 2:43."]} +{"term": "Ark of the Covenant", "definitions": ["Dimensions, &c of -- Ex 25:10; 37:1.", "Entirely covered with gold -- Ex 25:11; 37:2.", "Surrounded with a crown of gold -- Ex 25:11.", "Furnished with rings and staves -- Ex 25:12-15; 37:3-5.", "Tables of testimony alone placed in -- Ex 25:16,21; 1Ki 8:9,21; 2Ch 5:10; Heb 9:4.", "Mercy-seat laid upon -- Ex 25:21; 26:34.", "Placed in the Holy of Holies -- Ex 26:33; 40:21; Heb 9:3,4.", "The pot of manna and Aaron's rod laid up before -- Heb 9:4; Ex 16:33,34; Nu 17:10.", "A copy of the law laid in the side of -- De 31:26.", "Anointed with sacred oil -- Ex 30:26.", "Covered with the vail by the priests before removal -- Nu 4:5,6.", "Was called the", "Ark of God. -- 1Sa 3:3.", "Ark of God's strength. -- 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:8.", "Ark of the covenant of the Lord. -- Nu 10:33.", "Ark of the testimony. -- Ex 30:6; Nu 7:89.", "A symbol of the presence and glory of God -- Nu 14:43,44; Jos 1:6; 1Sa 14:18,19; Ps 132:8.", "Esteemed the glory of Israel -- 1Sa 4:21,22.", "Was holy -- 2Ch 35:3.", "Sanctified its resting place -- 2Ch 8:11.", "The Israelites enquired of the Lord before -- Jos 7:6-9; Jdj 20:27; 1Ch 13:3.", "Was carried", "By priests of Levites alone. -- De 10:8; Jos 3:14; 2Sa 15:24; 1Ch 15:2.", "Before the Israelites in their journeys. -- Nu 10:33; Jos 3:6.", "Sometimes to the camp in war. -- 1Sa 4:4,5.", "Profanation of, punished -- Nu 4:5,15; 1Sa 6:19; 1Ch 15:13.", "Protecting of, rewarded -- 1Ch 13:14.", "Captured by the Philistines -- 1Sa 4:11.", "Miracles connected with", "Jordan divided. -- Jos 4:7.", "Fall of the walls of Jericho. -- Jos 6:6-20.", "Fall of Dagon. -- 1Sa 5:1-4.", "Philistines plagued. -- 1Sa 5:6-12.", "Manner of its restoration. -- 1Sa 6:1-18.", "At Kirjath-jearim twenty years -- 1Sa 7:1,2.", "Removed from Kirjath-jearim to the house of Obed-edom -- 2Sa 6:1-11.", "David made a tent for -- 2Sa 6:17; 1Ch 15:1.", "Brought into the city of David -- 2Sa 6:12-15; 1Ch 15:25-28.", "Brought by Solomon into the temple with great solemnity -- 1Ki 8:1-6; 2Ch 5:2-9.", "A type of Christ -- Ps 40:8; Re 11:19."]} +{"term": "Armies", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 14:1-8.", "Ancient, often numerous -- Jos 11:4; 1Sa 13:5.", "Of different nations often confederated -- Jos 9:2; 10:5; Jdj 3:13; 1Ki 20:1.", "Troops often hired for -- 1Ch 19:7; 2Ch 25:6.", "Were composed of", "Bowmen and slingers. -- 1Ch 12:2; Jer 4:29.", "Spearmen or heavy troops. -- Ps 68:30; Ac 23:23.", "Cavalry. -- Ex 14:9; 1Ki 20:20.", "War chariots. -- Jos 17:16; Jdj 4:3.", "Often consisted of the whole effective strength of nations -- Nu 21:23; 1Sa 29:1.", "Furnished with standards -- Song 6:4; Isa 10:18; Jer 4:21.", "Accompanied by beasts of burden and wagons for baggage -- Jdj 7:12; 2Ki 7:7; Eze 23:2.", "Generally in three divisions -- Ge 14:15; Job 1:17.", "Were led by", "Kings in person. -- 2Ki 18:13; 25:1.", "Experienced captains. -- 2Ki 18:17,24.", "Called the", "Wings of a nation. -- Isa 8:8; Jer 48:40.", "Power of Kings. -- 2Ch 32:9.", "Hosts. -- Jos 10:5; Jdj 8:10.", "Bands. -- 2Ki 24:2; 1Ch 7:4.", "Began their campaigns in the spring -- 2Sa 11:1.", "Often went on foreign service -- Jer 5:15; 50:3.", "Marched", "Often in open line. -- Hab 1:6,8.", "With order and precision. -- Isa 5:27; Joe 2:7,8.", "With rapidity. -- Jer 48:40; Hab 1:8.", "With noise and tumult. -- Isa 17:12,13; Joe 2:5.", "Employed in", "Fighting battles. -- 1Sa 17:2,3; 1Ch 19:17.", "Besieging cities. -- De 20:12; Isa 29:3.", "Assaulting cities. -- Jos 7:3,4; Jdj 9:45.", "Often surprised their enemies -- Jos 8:2; 2Ch 13:15; Jer 51:12.", "Commenced battles with a shout -- 1Sa 17:20; 2Ch 13:15; Jer 51:14.", "Toil and fatigue often endured by -- Eze 29:18.", "Divided the spoil -- Ex 15:9; Zec 14:1.", "Sent out foraging parties -- 2Ki 5:2.", "Exercised savage cruelties on the vanquished -- Jer 50:42; La 5:11-13; Am 1:13.", "Frequently the instrument of God's vengeance -- Isa 13:5.", "In latter ages received pay -- Lu 3:14; 1Co 9:7.", "Encamped", "In the open fields. -- 2Sa 11:11; 1Ch 11:15.", "Before cities. -- Jos 10:5; 1Sa 11:1.", "Fear occasioned by -- Nu 22:3; Jer 6:25.", "Devastation occasioned by -- Isa 37:18; Jer 5:17.", "Often destroyed by", "Their enemies. -- Ex 17:13; Jos 10:10,20; Jdj 11:33; 2Sa 18:7; 1Ki 20:21.", "Themselves through divine intervention. -- Jdj 7:22; 1Sa 14:15,16; 2Ch 20:23.", "Supernatural means. -- Jos 10:11; 2Ki 19:35.", "Brought their idols with them. -- 1Ch 14:12.", "Compared to", "Whirlwinds. -- Jer 25:32.", "Waters of a river. -- Isa 8:7.", "Caterpillars. -- Jer 51:14,27.", "Grasshoppers. -- Jdj 6:3-5; 7:12.", "Locusts. -- Isa 33:4; Re 9:3,7.", "Flies. -- Isa 7:18,19.", "Clouds. -- Eze 38:9-16.", "Overflowing torrents. -- Isa 28:2; Da 11:10,26.", "Illustrative of", "Multitudes of angels. -- 1Ki 22:19; Ps 148:2; Da 4:35; Mt 26:53.", "The Church. -- Da 8:10-13; Song 6:4,10.", "Numerous and heavy afflictions. -- Job 19:12."]} +{"term": "Armies of Israel, The", "definitions": ["First mention of -- Ex 7:4.", "Collected by", "Sound of trumpets. -- Jdj 3:27; 6:34.", "Special messengers. -- Jdj 6:35; 2Sa 20:14.", "Extraordinary means. -- Jdj 19:29; 20:1; 1Sa 11:7.", "Enroled by the chief scribe -- 2Ki 25:19.", "Called", "The host. -- De 23:9; 1Sa 28:19.", "The armies of the living God. -- 1Sa 17:26.", "Composed of infantry. -- Nu 11:21; Jdj 5:15.", "Horsemen and chariots introduced into, after David's reign. -- 1Ki 1:5; 4:26.", "Divided into", "Three divisions. -- Jdj 7:16; 1Sa 11:11.", "Van and rear. -- Jos 6:9.", "Companies of thousands, &c. -- Nu 31:14; 2Ki 1:9,11; 1Ch 13:1; 27:1.", "Commanded by the captain of the host -- 2Sa 2:8; 17:25; 20:23.", "Often led by the king in person -- 1Sa 8:20; 15:4,5; 2Sa 12:29; 1Ki 22:1-53.", "Inferior officers of, appointed by", "The chief officers. -- De 20:9.", "The king. -- 2Sa 18:1; 2Ch 25:5.", "The captain of the host. -- 2Sa 18:11; 2Ki 4:13.", "Persons liable to serve in -- Nu 1:2,3.", "Persons exempted from serving in", "Who had built a house. -- De 20:5.", "Who had planted a vineyard. -- De 20:6.", "Who were lately betrothed. -- De 20:7.", "Who were newly married. -- De 24:5.", "Refusing to join, stigmatised -- Jdj 5:15-17.", "Refusing to join, often punished -- Jdj 21:5,8-11; 1Sa 11:7.", "The fearful allowed to leave -- De 20:8; Jdj 7:3.", "Sometimes consisted of the whole nation -- Jdj 20:11; 1Sa 11:7.", "Strict discipline observed in -- Jos 7:16-21; 1Sa 14:24-44.", "Educated in the art of war -- Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3.", "Often supplied with arms from public armouries -- 2Ch 11:12; 26:14.", "Before going to war", "Were numbered and reviewed. -- 2Sa 18:1,2,4; 1Ki 10:15,27.", "Required to keep from iniquity. -- De 23:9.", "Consulted the Lord. -- Jdj 1:1; 20:27,28.", "Encouraged by their commanders. -- 2Ch 20:20.", "Ark of God frequently brought with -- Jos 6:6,7; 1Sa 4:4,5; 2Sa 11:11; 15:24.", "Attended by priest with trumpets -- Nu 10:9; 31:6; 2Ch 13:13,14.", "Praises of God often sung before -- 2Ch 20:21,22.", "Often disposed to battle with Judgment, &c -- 2Sa 10:9.", "Bravery and fidelity in, rewarded -- Jos 15:16; 1Sa 17:25; 18:17; 2Sa 18:11; 1Ch 11:6.", "Men selected from, for difficult enterprises -- Ex 17:9; Nu 31:5,6; Jos 7:4; 8:3; Jdj 7:5,6; 2Sa 17:1.", "Directed in their movements by God -- Jos 8:1,2; Jdj 1:2; 2Sa 5:25; 1Ch 14:16.", "With the aid of God all-powerful -- Le 26:3,7,8; De 7:24; 32:30; Jos 1:5.", "Without God easily overcome -- Le 26:17; Nu 14:42,45.", "Mode of supplying", "Food brought by themselves. -- Jos 1:11.", "Food sent by their families. -- 1Sa 17:17.", "Contribution levied. -- Jdj 8:5; 1Sa 25:4-8.", "By presents. -- 2Sa 17:27-29.", "Congratulated on returning victorious -- 1Sa 18:6,7; Ex 15:1-21.", "Purified on returning from war -- Nu 31:19-24.", "Disbanded after war -- 1Sa 13:2; 1Ki 22:36.", "Part of, retained in times of peace by the kings -- 1Sa 13:1,2; 1Ch 27:1-15."]} +{"term": "Arms, Military", "definitions": ["Made of iron, steel, or brass -- Job 20:24; 1Sa 17:5,6.", "Offensive", "Sword. -- Jdj 20:15; Eze 32:27.", "Two-edged sword. -- Ps 149:6; Pr 5:4.", "Dagger. -- Jdj 3:16,21,22.", "Dart or javelin. -- 1Sa 18:10,11; 2Sa 18:14.", "Spear or lance. -- 1Sa 26:7; Jer 50:42.", "Battle-axe. -- Eze 26:9; Jer 51:20.", "Bow and arrows. -- Ge 48:22; 1Ki 22:34.", "Sling. -- 1Sa 17:50; 2Ki 3:25.", "Hand staff. -- Mt 26:47.", "Called weapons of war. -- 2Sa 1:27.", "Called instruments of war. -- 1Ch 12:33,37.", "Called instruments of death. -- Ps 7:13.", "Defensive", "Helmet. -- 1Sa 17:5,38; 2Ch 26:14.", "Coat of mail, breastplate, habergeon, or brigandine. -- 1Sa 17:5,38; Ex 28:32; Jer 46:4; Re 9:9.", "Girdle. -- 1Sa 18:4; 2Sa 18:11.", "Target. -- 1Sa 17:6.", "Greaves. -- 1Sa 17:6.", "Shield. -- 1Ki 10:16,17; 14:26,27.", "Buckler. -- 1Ch 5:18; Eze 26:8.", "Called harness. -- 1Ki 22:34.", "Called armour. -- Lu 11:22.", "For sieges", "Battering Rams. -- 2Sa 20:15; Eze 4:2.", "Engines for casting stones, &c. -- 2Ch 26:15.", "Not worn in ordinary times -- 1Sa 21:8.", "Put on at the first alarm -- Isa 8:9; Jer 46:3,4.", "Armouries built for -- 2Ki 20:13; Song 4:4.", "Great stores of, prepared -- 2Ch 32:5.", "Were provided", "By individuals themselves. -- 1Ch 12:33,37.", "From the public arsenals. -- 2Ch 11:12; 26:14.", "Often given as presents -- 1Ki 10:25.", "Before using", "Tried and proved. -- 1Sa 17:39.", "Burnished. -- Jer 46:4; Eze 21:9-11,28.", "Anointed. -- Isa 21:5.", "Part of, borne by armour-bearers -- Jdj 9:54; 1Sa 14:1; 16:21.", "Hung of the walls of cities -- Eze 27:10,11.", "Of the vanquished", "Taken off them. -- 2Sa 2:21; Lu 11:22.", "Sometimes kept as trophies. -- 1Sa 17:54.", "Sometime burned. -- Eze 39:9,10.", "Of conquered nations taken away to prevent rebellion -- Jdj 5:8; 1Sa 13:19-22.", "Inferior to wisdom -- Ec 9:18.", "Illustrative of", "Spiritual armour. -- Ro 13:12; 2Co 6:7; Eph 6:11-14; 1Th 5:8.", "Spiritual weapons. -- 2Co 10:4; Eph 6:17.", "Judgments of God. -- Isa 13:5; Jer 50:25."]} +{"term": "Arrows", "definitions": ["Deadly and destructive weapons -- Pr 26:18.", "Called shafts -- Isa 49:2.", "Sharp -- Ps 120:4; Isa 5:28.", "Bright and polished -- Isa 49:2; Jer 51:11.", "Sometimes poisoned -- Job 6:4.", "Carried in a quiver -- Ge 27:3; Isa 49:2; Jer 5:16; La 3:13.", "Discharged", "From a bow. -- Ps 11:2; Isa 7:24.", "From engines. -- 2Ch 26:15.", "At a mark for amusement. -- 1Sa 20:20-22.", "At the beasts of the earth. -- Ge 27:3.", "Against enemies. -- 2Ki 19:32; Jer 50:14.", "With great force. -- Nu 24:8; 2Ki 9:24.", "Fleetness of, alluded to -- Zec 9:14.", "The ancients divined by -- Eze 21:21.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Isa 49:2.", "Of the word of Christ. -- Ps 45:5.", "Of God's judgment. -- De 32:23-42; Ps 7:13; 21:12; 64:7; Eze 5:16.", "Of severe afflictions. -- Job 6:4; Ps 38:2.", "Of bitter words. -- Ps 64:3.", "Of slanderous tongues. -- Jer 9:8.", "Of false witnesses. -- Pr 25:18.", "Of devices of the wicked. -- Ps 11:2.", "Of young children. -- Ps 127:5.", "Of lightnings. -- Ps 77:17,18; Hab 3:11.", "(Broken), of destruction of power. -- Ps 76:3.", "(Falling from the hand), of the paralysing power. -- Eze 39:3."]} +{"term": "Arts of The", "definitions": ["Apothecary or perfumer -- Ex 30:25,35.", "Armourer -- 1Sa 8:12.", "Baker -- Ge 40:1; 1Sa 8:13.", "Brick-maker -- Ge 11:3; Ex 5:7,8,18.", "Brazier -- Ge 4:22; 2Ti 4:14.", "Blacksmith -- Ge 4:22; 1Sa 13:19.", "Carver -- Ex 31:5; 1Ki 6:18.", "Carpenter -- 2Sa 5:11; Mr 6:3.", "Calker -- Eze 27:9,27.", "Confectioner -- 1Sa 8:13.", "Dyer -- Ex 25:5.", "Embroiderer -- Ex 35:35; 38:23.", "Embalmer -- Ge 50:2,3,26.", "Engraver -- Ex 28:11; Isa 49:16; 2Co 3:7.", "Founder -- Jdj 17:4; Jer 10:9.", "Fuller -- 2Ki 18:17; Mr 9:3.", "Gardener -- Jer 29:5; Joh 20:15.", "Goldsmith -- Isa 40:19.", "Husbandman -- Ge 4:2; 9:20.", "Mariner, &c -- Eze 27:8,9.", "Mason -- 2Sa 5:11; 2Ch 24:12.", "Musician -- 1Sa 18:6; 1Ch 15:16.", "Potter -- Isa 64:8; Jer 18:3; La 4:2; Zec 11:13.", "Refiner of metals -- 1Ch 28:18; Mal 3:2,3.", "Rope maker -- Jdj 16:11.", "Silversmith -- Ac 19:24.", "Stone cutter -- Ex 20:25; 1Ch 22:15.", "Ship builder -- 1Ki 9:26.", "Smelter of metals -- Job 28:2.", "Spinner -- Ex 35:25; Pr 31:19.", "Tailor -- Ex 28:3.", "Tanner -- Ac 9:43; 10:6.", "Tent-maker -- Ge 4:20; Ac 18:3.", "Weaver -- Ex 35:35; Joh 19:23.", "Wine-maker -- Ne 13:15; Isa 63:3.", "Writer -- Jdj 5:14."]} +{"term": "Ascension of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Prophecies respecting -- Ps 24:7; 68:18; Eph 4:7,8.", "Foretold by himself -- Joh 6:62; 7:33; 14:28; 16:5; 20:17.", "Forty days after his resurrection -- Ac 1:3.", "Described -- Ac 1:9.", "From Mount Olivet -- Lu 24:50; Mr 11:1; Ac 1:12.", "While blessing his disciples -- Lu 24:50.", "When he had atoned for sin -- Heb 9:12; 10:12.", "Was triumphant -- Ps 68:18.", "Was to supreme power and dignity -- Lu 24:26; Eph 1:20,21; 1Pe 3:22.", "As the forerunner of his people -- Heb 6:20.", "To intercede -- Ro 8:34; Heb 9:24.", "To send the Holy Spirit -- Joh 16:7; Ac 2:33.", "To receive gifts for men -- Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8,11.", "To prepare a place for his people -- Joh 14:2.", "His second coming shall be in like manner as -- Ac 1:10,11.", "Typified -- Le 16:15; Heb 6:20; 9:7,9,12."]} +{"term": "Asher, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended form Jacob's eighth son -- Ge 30:12,13.", "Predictions concerning -- Ge 49:20; De 33:24,25.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:40,41.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:13.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:13.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:27.", "The centre of the fourth division of Israel in its journeys -- Nu 10:25,26.", "Encamped next to, and under the standard of Dan, north of the tabernacles -- Nu 2:25,27.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:72-77.", "Families of -- Nu 26:44-47.", "Strength of on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:47.", "On Ebal, said amen to the curses of the law -- De 27:13.", "Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:24-31.", "Bordered on the sea -- Jos 19:29; Jdj 5:17.", "Did not fully drive out Canaanites -- Jdj 1:31,32.", "Reproved for not aiding against Sisera -- Jdj 5:17.", "Assisted Gideon against the Midianites -- Jdj 6:35; 7:23.", "Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:36.", "Officers place over, by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:16.", "Aided in Hezekiah's reformation -- 2Ch 30:11.", "Remarkable persons of -- 1Ch 7:30-40; Lu 2:36."]} +{"term": "Asp, or Adder", "definitions": ["Dangerous to travellers -- Ge 49:17.", "Described as", "Venomous. -- Job 20:14,16.", "Not to be charmed. -- Ps 58:5.", "Illustrative", "Of obstinate rejecters of God's Word. -- Ps 58:4,5.", "Of the enemies of God's people. -- Ps 91:13.", "(Venom of), of the speech of the wicked -- Ps 140:3; Ro 3:13.", "(Venom of), of injurious effects of wine -- De 32:33; Pr 23:32.", "(Deprived of its venom), of the effects of conversion -- Isa 11:8,9."]} +{"term": "Ass, the Domestic", "definitions": ["Unclean -- Le 11:2,3,26; Ex 13:13.", "Described as", "Not devoid of instinct. -- Isa 1:3.", "Strong. -- Ge 49:14.", "Fond of ease. -- Ge 49:14,15.", "Often fed on vine-leaves -- Ge 49:11.", "Formed a part of patriarchal wealth -- Ge 12:16; 30:43; Job 1:3; 42:12.", "Was used", "In agriculture. -- Isa 30:6,24.", "For bearing burdens. -- Ge 42:26; 1Sa 25:18.", "For riding. -- Ge 22:3; Nu 22:21.", "In harness. -- Isa 21:7.", "In war. -- 2Ki 7:7,10.", "Governed by a bridle -- Pr 26:3.", "Urged on with a staff -- Nu 22:23,27.", "Women often rode on -- Jos 15:18; 1Sa 25:20.", "Persons of rank rode on -- Jdj 10:3,4; 2Sa 16:2.", "Judges of Israel rode on white -- Jdj 5:10.", "Young, most valued for labour -- Isa 30:6,24.", "Trusty persons appointed to take care of -- Ge 36:24; 1Sa 9:3; 1Ch 27:30.", "Often taken unlawfully by corrupt rulers -- Nu 16:15; 1Sa 8:16; 12:3.", "Later counted as an ignoble creature -- Jer 22:19.", "Laws respecting", "Not to be coveted. -- Ex 20:17.", "Fallen under a burden, to be assisted. -- Ex 23:5.", "Astray, to be brought back to its owners. -- Ex 23:4; De 22:1.", "Astray, to be taken care of till its owner appeared. -- De 22:2,3.", "Not to be yoked with an ox. -- De 22:10.", "To enjoy the rest of the Sabbath. -- De 5:14.", "First-born of, if not redeemed, to have its neck broken. -- Ex 13:13; 34:20.", "Christ entered Jerusalem on. -- Zec 9:9; Joh 12:14.", "Miracles connected with", "Mouth of Balaam's opened to speak. -- Nu 22:28; 2Pe 2:16.", "A thousand men slain by Samson with a jaw-bone of. -- Jdj 15:19.", "Water brought from the jaw-bone of. -- Jdj 15:19.", "Not torn by a lion. -- 1Ki 13:28.", "Eaten during famine in Samaria. -- 2Ki 6:25."]} +{"term": "Ass, the Wild", "definitions": ["Inhabits wild and solitary places -- Job 39:6; Isa 32:14; Da 5:21.", "Ranges the mountains for food -- Job 39:8.", "Brays when hungry -- Job 6:5.", "Suffers in time of scarcity -- Jer 14:6.", "Described as", "Fond of liberty. -- Job 39:5.", "Intractable. -- Job 11:12.", "Unsocial. -- Ho 8:9.", "Despises his pursuers -- Job 39:7.", "Supported by God -- Ps 104:10,11.", "Illustrative of", "Intractableness of natural man. -- Job 11:12.", "The wicked in their pursuit of sin. -- Job 24:5.", "Israel in their love of idols. -- Jer 2:23,24.", "The Assyrian power. -- Ho 8:9.", "The Ishmaelites (Hebrew). -- Ge 16:12."]} +{"term": "Assurance", "definitions": ["Produced by faith -- Eph 3:12; 2Ti 1:12; Heb 10:22.", "Made full by hope -- Heb 6:11,19.", "Confirmed by love -- 1Jo 3:14,19; 4:18.", "Is the effect of righteousness -- Isa 32:17.", "Is abundant in the understanding of the gospel -- Col 2:2; 1Th 1:5.", "Saints privileged to have, of", "Their election. -- Ps 4:3; 1Th 1:4.", "Their redemption. -- Job 19:25.", "Their adoption. -- Ro 8:16; 1Jo 3:2.", "Their salvation. -- Isa 12:2.", "Eternal life. -- 1Jo 5:13.", "The unalienable love of God. -- Ro 8:38,39.", "Union with God and Christ. -- 1Co 6:15; 2Co 13:5; Eph 5:30; 1Jo 2:5; 4:13.", "Peace with God by Christ. -- Ro 5:1.", "Preservation. -- Ps 3:6,8; 27:3-5; 46:1-3.", "Answers to prayer. -- 1Jo 3:22; 5:14,15.", "Continuance in grace. -- Php 1:6.", "Comfort in affliction. -- Ps 73:26; Lu 4:18,19; 2Co 4:8-10,16-18.", "Support in death. -- Ps 23:4.", "A glorious resurrection. -- Job 19:26; Ps 17:15; Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2.", "A kingdom. -- Heb 12:28; Re 5:10.", "A crown. -- 2Ti 4:7,8; Jas 1:12.", "Give diligence to attain to -- 2Pe 1:10,11.", "Strive to maintain -- Heb 3:14,18.", "Confident hope in God restores -- Ps 42:11.", "Exemplified", "David. -- Ps 23:4; 73:24-26.", "Paul. -- 2Ti 1:12; 4:18."]} +{"term": "Assyria", "definitions": ["Antiquity and origin of -- Ge 10:8-11.", "Situated beyond the Euphrates -- Isa 7:20.", "Watered by the river Tigris -- Ge 2:14.", "Called", "The land of Nimrod. -- Mic 5:6.", "Shinar. -- Ge 11:2; 14:1.", "Asshur. -- Ho 14:3.", "Nineveh, chief city of -- Ge 10:11; 2Ki 19:36.", "Governed by kings -- 2Ki 15:19,29.", "Celebrated for", "Fertility. -- 2Ki 18:32; Isa 36:17.", "Extent of conquests. -- 2Ki 18:33-35; 19:11-13; Isa 10:9-14.", "Extensive commerce. -- Eze 27:23,24.", "Idolatry, the religion of -- 2Ki 19:37.", "As a power, was", "Most formidable. -- Isa 28:2.", "Intolerant and oppressive. -- Na 3:19.", "Cruel and destructive. -- Isa 10:7.", "Selfish and reserved. -- Ho 8:9.", "Unfaithful, &c. -- 2Ch 28:20,21.", "Proud and haughty. -- 2Ki 19:22-24; Isa 10:8.", "An instrument of God's vengeance. -- Isa 7:18,19; 10:5,6.", "Chief men of, described -- Eze 23:6,12,23.", "Armies of, described -- Isa 5:26-29.", "Pul king of", "Invaded Israel. -- 2Ki 15:19.", "Brought off by Menahem. -- 2Ki 15:19,20.", "Tiglathpileser king of", "Ravaged Israel. -- 2Ki 15:29.", "Asked to aid Ahaz against Syria. -- 2Ki 16:7,8.", "Took money from Ahaz, but strengthened him not. -- 2Ch 28:20,21.", "Conquered Syria. -- 2Ki 16:9.", "Shalmaneser king of", "Reduced Israel to tribute. -- 2Ki 17:3.", "Was conspired against by Hoshea. -- 2Ki 17:4.", "Imprisoned Hoshea. -- 2Ki 17:4.", "Carried Israel captive. -- 2Ki 17:5,6.", "Re-peopled Samaria from Assyria. -- 2Ki 17:24.", "Sennacherib king of", "Invaded Judah. -- 2Ki 18:13.", "Bought off by Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:14-16.", "Insulted and threatened Judah. -- 2Ki 18:17-32; 19:10-13.", "Blasphemed the Lord. -- 2Ki 18:33-35.", "Prayed against by Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 19:14-19.", "Reproved for pride and blasphemy. -- 2Ki 19:12-34; Isa 37:21-29.", "His army destroyed by God. -- 2Ki 19:35.", "Assassinated by his sons. -- 2Ki 19:36.", "Condemned for oppressing God's people -- Isa 52:4.", "Manasseh taken captive to -- 2Ch 33:11.", "The re-peopling of Samaria from, completed by Asnappar -- Ezr 4:10.", "Idolatry of, brought into Samaria -- 2Ki 17:29.", "Judah condemned for trusting to -- Jer 2:18,36.", "Israel condemned for trusting to -- Ho 5:13; 7:11; 8:9.", "The Jews condemned for following the idolatries of -- Eze 16:28; 23:5,7-49.", "The greatness, extent, duration, and fall, illustrated -- Eze 31:3-17.", "Predictions respecting", "Conquest of the Kenites by. -- Nu 24:22.", "Conquest of Syria by. -- Isa 8:4.", "Conquest and captivity of Israel by. -- Isa 8:4; Ho 9:3; 10:6; 11:5.", "Invasion of Judah by. -- Isa 5:26; 7:17-20; 8:8; 10:5,6,12.", "Restoration of Israel from. -- Isa 27:12,13; Ho 11:11; Zec 10:10.", "Destruction of. -- Isa 10:12-19; 14:24,25; 30:31-33; 31:8,9; Zec 10:11.", "Participation in the blessings of the gospel. -- Isa 19:23-25; Mic 7:12."]} +{"term": "Atonement, The", "definitions": ["Explained -- Ro 5:8-11; 2Co 5:18,19; Ga 1:4; 1Jo 2:2; 4:10.", "Foreordained -- Ro 3:25; 1Pe 1:11,20; Re 13:8.", "Foretold -- Isa 53:4-6,8-12; Da 9:24-27; Zec 13:1,7; Joh 11:50,51.", "Effected by Christ alone -- Joh 1:29,36; Ac 4:10,12; 1Th 1:10; 1Ti 2:5,6; Heb 2:9; 1Pe 2:24.", "Was voluntary -- Ps 40:6-8; Heb 10:5-9; Joh 10:11,15,17,18.", "Exhibits the", "Grace and mercy of God. -- Ro 8:32; Eph 2:4,5,7; 1Ti 2:4; Heb 2:9.", "Love of God. -- Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:9,10.", "Love of Christ. -- Joh 15:13; Ga 2:20; Eph 5:2,25; Re 1:5.", "Reconciles the justice and mercy of God -- Isa 45:21; Ro 3:25,26.", "Necessity for -- Isa 59:16; Lu 19:10; Heb 9:22.", "Made but once -- Heb 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10,12,14; 1Pe 3:18.", "Acceptable to God -- Eph 5:2.", "Reconciliation to God effected by -- Ro 5:10; 2Co 5:18-20; Eph 2:13-16; Col 1:20-22; Heb 2:17; 1Pe 3:18.", "Access to God by -- Heb 10:19,20.", "Remission of sins by -- Joh 1:29; Ro 3:25; Eph 1:7; 1Jo 1:7; Re 1:5.", "Justification by -- Ro 5:9; 2Co 5:21.", "Sanctification by -- 2Co 5:15; Eph 5:26,27; Tit 2:14; Heb 10:10; 13:12.", "Redemption by -- Mt 20:28; Ac 20:28; 1Ti 2:6; Heb 9:12; Re 5:9.", "Has delivered saints from the", "Power of sin. -- Ro 8:3; 1Pe 1:18,19.", "Power of the World. -- Ga 1:4; 6:14.", "Power of the devil. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14,15.", "Saints glorify God for -- 1Co 6:20; Ga 2:20; Php 1:20,21.", "Saints rejoice in God for -- Ro 5:11.", "Saints praise God for -- Re 5:9-13.", "Faith in, indispensable -- Ro 3:25; Ga 3:13,14.", "Commemorated in the Lord's supper -- Mt 26:26-28; 1Co 11:23-26.", "Ministers should fully set forth -- Ac 5:29-31,42; 1Co 15:3; 2Co 5:18-21.", "Typified -- Ge 4:4; Heb 11:4; Ge 22:2; Heb 11:17,19; Ex 12:5,11,14; 1Co 5:7; Ex 24:8; Heb 9:20; Le 16:30,34; Heb 9:7,12,28; Le 17:11; Heb 9:22."]} +{"term": "Atonement, the Day Of", "definitions": ["Tenth day of seventh month -- Le 23:26,27.", "A day of humiliation -- Le 16:29,31; 23:27.", "Observed as a sabbath -- Le 23:28,32.", "Offerings to be made on -- Le 16:3,5-15.", "The high priest entered into the holy place on -- Le 16:2,3; Heb 9:7.", "Atonement made on", "For the holy place. -- Ex 30:10; Le 16:15,16.", "For the high priest. -- Le 16:11; Heb 9:7.", "For the whole congregation. -- Le 16:17,24; 23:28; Heb 9:7.", "The sins of the people borne off by the scapegoat on -- Le 16:21.", "Punishment for not observing -- Le 23:29,30.", "Year of Jubilee commenced on -- Le 25:9.", "Typical -- Heb 9:8,24."]} +{"term": "Atonement, Under the Law", "definitions": ["Made by sacrifice -- Le 1:4,5.", "By priests alone -- 1Ch 6:49; 2Ch 29:24.", "Necessary for", "Propitiating God. -- Ex 32:30; Le 23:27,28; 2Sa 21:3.", "Ransoming. -- Ex 30:15,16; Job 33:24.", "Purifying. -- Ex 29:36.", "Offered for", "The congregation. -- Nu 15:25; 2Ch 29:24.", "The priests. -- Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:34.", "Persons sinning ignorantly. -- Le 4:20-35.", "Persons sinning wilfully. -- Le 6:7.", "Persons swearing rashly. -- Le 5:4,6.", "Persons withholding evidence. -- Le 5:1,6.", "Persons unclean. -- Le 5:2,3,6.", "Women after childbirth. -- Le 12:8.", "The altar. -- Ex 29:36,37; Le 16:18,19.", "The holy place. -- Le 16:16,17.", "The healed leper. -- Le 14:18.", "The leprous house healed. -- Le 14:53.", "Extraordinary cases of -- Ex 32:30-34; Nu 16:47; 25:10-13.", "Typical of Christ's atonement -- Ro 5:6-11."]} +{"term": "Babylon", "definitions": ["Origin of -- Ge 10:8,10.", "Origin of the name -- Ge 11:8,9.", "Was called", "Land of the Chaldeans. -- Eze 12:13.", "Land of Shinar. -- Da 1:2; Zec 5:11.", "Land of Merathaim. -- Jer 50:1,21.", "Desert of the sea. -- Isa 21:1,9.", "Sheshach. -- Jer 25:12,26.", "Lady of kingdoms. -- Isa 47:5.", "Situated beyond the Euphrates -- Ge 11:31; Jos 24:2,3.", "Formerly a part of Mesopotamia -- Ac 7:2.", "Founded by the Assyrians, and a part of their empire -- 2Ki 17:24; Isa 23:13.", "Watered by the rivers Euphrates and Tigris -- Ps 137:1; Jer 51:13.", "Composed of many nations -- Da 3:4; 3:29.", "Governed by Kings -- 2Ki 20:12; Da 5:1.", "With Media and Persia divided by Darius 120 provinces -- Da 6:1.", "Presidents placed over -- Da 2:48; 6:1.", "Babylon the chief province of -- Da 3:1.", "Babylon the capital of", "Its antiquity. -- Ge 11:4,9.", "Enlarged by Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 4:30.", "Surrounded with a great wall and fortified. -- Jer 51:53,58.", "Called the golden city. -- Isa 14:4.", "Called the glory of kingdoms. -- Isa 13:19.", "Called beauty of Chaldees, &c. -- Isa 13:19.", "Called the city of merchants. -- Eze 17:4.", "Called Babylon the great. -- Da 4:30.", "Remarkable for", "Antiquity. -- Jer 5:15.", "Naval power. -- Isa 43:14.", "Military power. -- Jer 5:16; 50:23.", "National greatness. -- Isa 13:19; Jer 51:41.", "Wealth. -- Jer 50:37; 51:13.", "Commerce. -- Eze 17:4.", "Manufacture of garments. -- Jos 7:21.", "Wisdom of senators. -- Isa 47:10; Jer 50:35.", "Inhabitants of", "Idolatrous. -- Jer 50:38; Da 3:18.", "Addicted to magic. -- Isa 47:9,12,13; Da 2:1,2.", "Profane and sacrilegious. -- Da 5:1-3.", "Wicked. -- Isa 47:10.", "As a power was", "Arrogant. -- Isa 14:13,14; Jer 50:29,31,32.", "Secure and self-confident. -- Isa 47:7,8.", "Grand and stately. -- Isa 47:1,5.", "Covetous. -- Jer 51:13.", "Oppressive. -- Isa 14:4.", "Cruel and destructive. -- Isa 14:17; 47:6; Jer 51:25; Hab 1:6,7.", "An instrument of God's vengeance on other nations. -- Jer 51:7; Isa 47:6.", "Languages spoken in -- Da 1:4; 2:4.", "Armies of, described -- Hab 1:7-9.", "Represented by", "A great eagle. -- Eze 17:3.", "A head of gold. -- Da 2:32,37,38.", "A lion with eagle's wings. -- Da 7:4.", "Ambassadors of, sent to Hezekiah -- 2Ki 20:12.", "Nebuchadnezzar king of", "Made Jehoiakim tributary. -- 2Ki 24:1.", "Besieged Jerusalem. -- 2Ki 24:10,11.", "Took Jehoiachin, &c captive to Babylon. -- 2Ki 24:12,14-16; 2Ch 36:10.", "Spoiled the temple. -- 2Ki 24:13.", "Made Zedekiah king. -- 2Ki 24:17.", "Rebelled against by Zedekiah. -- 2Ki 24:20.", "Besieged and took Jerusalem. -- 2Ki 25:1-4.", "Burned Jerusalem, &c. -- 2Ki 25:9,10.", "Took Zedekiah, &c captive to Babylon. -- 2Ki 25:7,11,18-21; 2Ch 36:20.", "Spoiled and burned the temple. -- 2Ki 25:9,13-17; 2Ch 36:18,19.", "Revolt of the Jews from, and their punishment illustrated -- Eze 17:1-24.", "The Jews exhorted to be subject to, and settle in -- Jer 27:17; 29:1-7.", "Treatment of the Jews in -- 2Ki 25:27-30; Da 1:3-7.", "Grief of the Jews in -- Ps 137:1-6.", "Destroyed by the Medes -- Da 5:30,31.", "Restoration of the Jews from -- 2Ch 36:23; Ezr 1:1-2:67.", "The gospel preached in -- 1Pe 5:13.", "A type of Antichrist -- Re 16:19; 17:5.", "Predictions respecting", "Conquests by. -- Jer 21:3-10; 27:2-6; 49:28-33; Eze 21:19-32; 29:18-20.", "Captivity of the Jews by. -- Jer 20:4-6; 22:20-26; 25:9-11; Mic 4:10.", "Restoration of the Jews from. -- Isa 14:1-4; 44:28; 48:20; Jer 29:10; 50:4,8,19.", "Destruction of. -- Isa 13:1-22; 14:4-22; 21:1-10; 47:1-15; Jer 25:12; 50:1-51:64.", "Perpetual desolation of. -- Isa 13:19-22; 14:22,23; Jer 50:13,39; 51:37.", "Preaching of the gospel in. -- Ps 87:4."]} +{"term": "Backsliding", "definitions": ["Is turning from God -- 1Ki 11:9.", "Is leaving the first love -- Re 2:4.", "Is departing form the simplicity of the gospel -- 2Co 11:3; Ga 3:1-3; 5:4,7.", "God is displeased at -- Ps 78:57,59.", "Warnings against -- Ps 85:8; 1Co 10:12.", "Guilt and consequences of -- Nu 14:43; Ps 125:5; Isa 59:2,9-11; Jer 5:6; 8:5,13; 15:6; Lu 9:62.", "Brings its own punishment -- Pr 14:14; Jer 2:19.", "A haughty spirit leads to -- Pr 16:18.", "Proneness to -- Pr 24:16; Ho 11:7.", "Liable to continue and increase -- Jer 8:5; 14:7.", "Exhortations to return from -- 2Ch 30:6; Isa 31:6; Jer 3:12,14,22; Ho 6:1.", "Pray to be restored from -- Ps 80:3; 85:4; La 5:21.", "Punishment of tempting others to the sin of -- Pr 28:10; Mt 18:6.", "Not hopeless -- Ps 37:24; Pr 24:16.", "Endeavour to bring back those guilty of -- Ga 6:1; Jas 5:19,20.", "Sin of, to be confessed -- Isa 59:12-14; Jer 3:13,14; 14:7-9.", "Pardon of, promised -- 2Ch 7:14; Jer 3:12; 31:20; 36:3.", "Healing of, promised -- Jer 3:22; Ho 14:4.", "Afflictions sent to heal -- Ho 5:15.", "Blessedness of those who keep from -- Pr 28:14; Isa 26:3,4; Col 1:21-23.", "Hateful to saints -- Ps 101:3.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- Ex 32:8; Ne 9:26; Jer 3:11; Ho 4:16.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:11.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:3,4.", "Peter. -- Mt 26:70-74."]} +{"term": "Baptism", "definitions": ["As administered by John -- Mt 3:5-12; Joh 3:23; Ac 13:24; 19:4.", "Sanctioned by Christ's submission to it -- Mt 3:13-15; Lu 3:21.", "Adopted by Christ -- Joh 3:22; 4:1,2.", "Appointed an ordinance of the Christian church -- Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15,16.", "To be administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- Mt 28:19.", "Water, the outward and visible sign in -- Ac 8:36; 10:47.", "Regeneration, the inward and spiritual grace of -- Joh 3:3,5,6; Ro 6:3,4,11.", "Remission of sins, signified by -- Ac 2:38; 22:16.", "Unity of the Church effected by -- 1Co 12:13; Ga 3:27,28.", "Confession of sin necessary to -- Mt 3:6.", "Repentance necessary to -- Ac 2:38.", "Faith necessary to -- Ac 8:37; 18:8.", "There is but one -- Eph 4:5.", "Administered to", "Individuals. -- Ac 8:38; 9:18.", "Households. -- Ac 16:15; 1Co 1:16.", "Emblematic of the influences of the Holy Spirit -- Mt 3:11; Tit 3:5.", "Typified -- 1Co 10:2; 1Pe 3:20,21."]} +{"term": "Baptism With the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Eze 36:25.", "Is through Christ -- Tit 3:6.", "Christ administered -- Mt 3:11; Joh 1:33.", "Promised to saints -- Ac 1:5; 2:38,39; 11:16.", "All saints partake of -- 1Co 12:13.", "Necessity for -- Joh 3:5; Ac 19:2-6.", "Renews and cleanses the soul -- Tit 3:5; 1Pe 3:20,21.", "The Word of God instrumental to -- Ac 10:44; Eph 5:26.", "Typified -- Ac 2:1-4."]} +{"term": "Bear, The", "definitions": ["Inhabits woods -- 2Ki 2:24.", "Described as", "Voracious. -- Da 7:5.", "Cunning. -- La 3:10.", "Cruel. -- Am 5:19.", "Often attacks men -- 2Ki 2:24; Am 5:19.", "Attacks the flock in the presence of the shepherd -- 1Sa 17:34.", "Particularly fierce when deprived of its young -- 2Sa 17:8; Pr 17:12.", "Growls when annoyed -- Isa 59:11.", "Miraculously killed by David -- 1Sa 17:36,37.", "Illustrative of", "God in his judgments. -- La 3:10; Ho 13:8.", "The natural man. -- Isa 11:7.", "Wicked rulers. -- Pr 28:15.", "The kingdom of the Medes. -- Da 7:5.", "The kingdom of Antichrist. -- Re 13:2."]} +{"term": "Beard, The", "definitions": ["The Jews never appeared without -- 2Sa 10:5.", "Worn even by the priests -- Ps 133:2.", "Laying hold of, a token of respect -- 1Sa 20:9.", "Shaving of, a great offence -- 2Sa 10:4,6,7.", "Plucking of, a sign of scorn -- Isa 50:6.", "Dribbling on, a sign of derangement -- 1Sa 21:13.", "In affliction", "Was neglected and untrimmed. -- 2Sa 19:24.", "Was clipped. -- Jer 48:37.", "Was shorn. -- Jer 41:5.", "Sometimes plucked out. -- Ezr 9:3.", "Corners of, not to be marred for the dead -- Le 19:27; 21:5.", "Subject to leprosy -- Le 13:29,30.", "Of the healed leper to be shaved -- Le 14:9.", "Shaving, illustrative of severe judgments -- Isa 7:20; 15:2; Eze 5:1."]} +{"term": "B", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:24,25; 2:19.", "Creation of, exhibits God's power -- Jer 27:5.", "Made for the praise and glory of God -- Ps 148:10.", "Differ in flesh from birds and fishes -- 1Co 15:39.", "Herb of the field given to, for food -- Ge 1:30.", "Power over, given to man -- Ge 1:26,28; Ps 8:7.", "Instinctively fear man -- Ge 9:2.", "Received their names from Adam -- Ge 2:19,20.", "Given to man for food after the flood -- Ge 9:3.", "Not to be eaten alive or with blood -- Ge 9:4; De 12:16,23.", "That died naturally or were torn, not to be eaten -- Ex 22:31; Le 17:15; 22:8.", "Supply clothing to man -- Ge 3:21; Job 31:20.", "The property of God -- Ps 50:10.", "Subjects of God's care -- Ps 36:6; 104:10,11.", "Described as", "Devoid of speech. -- 2Pe 2:16.", "Devoid of understanding. -- Ps 32:9; 73:22.", "Devoid of immortality. -- Ps 49:12-15.", "Possessed of instinct. -- Isa 1:3.", "Being four-footed. -- Ac 10:12.", "By nature wild, &c. -- Ps 50:11; Mr 1:13.", "Capable of being tamed. -- Jas 3:7.", "Many kinds of, noisome and destructive -- Le 26:6; Eze 5:17.", "Many kinds of, domestic -- Ge 36:6; 45:17.", "Lessons of wisdom to be learned from -- Job 12:7.", "Found in", "Deserts. -- Isa 13:21.", "Fields. -- De 7:22; Joe 2:22.", "Mountains. -- Song 4:8.", "Forests. -- Isa 56:9; Mic 5:8.", "Habitations of", "Dens and caves. -- Job 37:8; 38:40.", "Under spreading trees. -- Da 4:12.", "Deserted cities. -- Isa 13:21,22; Zep 2:15.", "Liable to diseases -- Ex 9:3.", "Frequently suffered on account of the sins of men -- Joe 1:18,20; Hag 1:11.", "Often cut off for the sins of men -- Ge 6:7; 7:23; Ex 11:5; Ho 4:3.", "Early distinguished into clean and unclean -- Ge 7:2.", "Clean", "Ox. -- Ex 21:28; De 14:4.", "Wild ox. -- De 14:5.", "Sheep. -- De 7:13; 14:4.", "Goat. -- De 14:4.", "Hart. -- De 14:5; Job 39:1.", "Roebuck. -- De 14:5; 2Sa 2:18.", "Wild goat. -- De 14:5.", "Fallow deer. -- De 14:5.", "Chamois. -- De 14:5.", "Pygarg. -- De 14:5.", "How distinguished. -- Le 11:3; De 14:6.", "Used for food. -- Le 11:2; De 12:15.", "Used for sacrifice. -- Ge 8:20.", "First born of, not redeemed. -- Nu 18:17.", "Unclean", "Camel. -- Ge 24:64; Le 11:4.", "Dromedary. -- 1Ki 4:28; Es 8:10.", "Horse. -- Job 39:19-25.", "Ass. -- Ge 22:3; Mt 21:2.", "Wild Ass. -- Job 6:5; 39:5-8.", "Mule. -- 2Sa 13:29; 1Ki 10:25.", "Lion. -- Jdj 14:5,6.", "Leopard. -- Song 4:8.", "Bear. -- 2Sa 17:8.", "Wolf. -- Ge 49:27; Joh 10:12.", "Unicorn. -- Nu 23:22.", "Behemoth. -- Job 40:15.", "Ape. -- 1Ki 10:22.", "Fox. -- Ps 63:10; Song 2:5.", "Dog. -- Ex 22:31; Lu 16:2.", "Swine. -- Le 11:7; Isa 66:17.", "Hare. -- Le 11:6; De 14:7.", "Coney. -- Le 11:5; Ps 104:18.", "Mouse. -- Le 11:29; Isa 66:17.", "Mole. -- Le 11:30; Isa 2:20.", "Weasel. -- Le 11:29.", "Ferret. -- Le 11:30.", "Badger. -- Ex 25:5; Eze 16:10.", "How distinguished. -- Le 11:26.", "Not eaten. -- Le 11:4-8; De 1:7,8.", "Not offered in sacrifice. -- Le 27:11.", "First born of, redeemed. -- Nu 18:15.", "Caused uncleanness when dead. -- Le 5:2.", "Domestic", "To enjoy the sabbath. -- Ex 20:10; De 5:14.", "To be taken care of. -- Le 25:7; De 25:4.", "Not to be cruelly used. -- Nu 22:27-32; Pr 12:10.", "No likeness of, to be worshipped -- De 4:17.", "Representations of, worshipped by the heathen -- Ro 1:23.", "History of, written by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Often used as instruments of punishment -- Le 26:22; De 32:24; Jer 15:3; Eze 5:17.", "Man by nature no better than -- Ec 3:18,19.", "Illustrative of", "The wicked. -- Ps 49:20; Tit 1:12.", "Ungodly professors. -- 2Pe 2:12; Jude 1:10.", "Persecutors. -- 1Co 15:32; 2Ti 4:17.", "Kingdoms. -- Da 7:11,17; 8:4.", "People of different nations. -- Da 4:12,21,22.", "Antichrist. -- Re 13:2; 20:4."]} +{"term": "Beds", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 47:31; Ex 8:3.", "Couches or divans used as -- Job 7:13; Ps 6:6.", "A small pallet or mattress used as -- 1Sa 19:15.", "Considered necessary -- 2Ki 4:10.", "Made of", "Iron. -- De 3:11.", "Ivory. -- Am 6:4.", "Gold and Silver. -- Es 1:6.", "Wood -- Song 3:7-9.", "Supplied with pillows -- 1Sa 19:13; 26:7.", "Covered with tapestry and linen -- Pr 7:16.", "Often perfumed -- Pr 7:17; Eze 23:41.", "Of the poor covered with upper garment -- Ex 22:26,27; De 24:12,13.", "Used for", "Sleeping on. -- Job 33:15; Lu 11:7.", "Reclining on by day. -- 2Sa 4:5; 11:2.", "Reclining on at meals. -- 1Sa 28:23-25; Am 6:4-6; Lu 7:36-38; Joh 13:23.", "Not used in affliction -- 2Sa 12:16; 13:31.", "Persons sometimes took to, in grief -- 1Ki 21:4; Ho 7:14.", "Saints meditate and praise God while on -- Ps 4:4; 149:5; Song 3:1.", "The wicked devise mischief while on -- Ps 36:4; Mic 2:1.", "The slothful too fond of -- Pr 26:14.", "Of the poor often sold for debt -- Pr 22:27.", "Subject to ceremonial defilement -- Le 15:4.", "Purification of -- Mr 7:4.", "Illustrative", "Of the grave. -- Isa 57:2.", "(Made in darkness,) of extreme misery. -- Job 17:13.", "(Made in sickness,) of divine support and comfort. -- Ps 41:3.", "(Made on high,) of carnal security. -- Isa 57:7.", "(Too short,) of plans which afford no rest or peace. -- Isa 28:20."]} +{"term": "Benjamin, Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's twelfth son -- Ge 35:18.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:27; De 33:12.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:11.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:9.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:21.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:36,37.", "Formed the rear of the third division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:22,24.", "Encamped on west side of the tabernacle under the standard of Ephrain -- Nu 2:18,22.", "Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:60-65.", "Families of -- Nu 26:38-40.", "Strength of, entering Canaan -- Nu 26:41.", "On Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.", "Cities and bounds of inheritance -- Jos 18:11-28.", "Celebrated as bowmen and slingers -- 1Ch 12:2.", "Assisted against Sisera -- Jdj 5:14.", "Oppressed by the Ammonites -- Jdj 10:9.", "Almost annihilated for protecting the men of Gibeah -- Jdj 20:12-48.", "Remnant of, provided with wives to preserve the tribe -- Jdj 21:1-23.", "Furnished the first king to Israel -- 1Sa 9:1,2,15-17; 10:20,21; 2Sa 2:8-10.", "Adhered for a time to the house of Saul against David -- 2Sa 2:9,15,25,31.", "Some of, assisted David -- 1Ch 12:1-7,16.", "Revolted from the house of Saul -- 2Sa 3:19.", "Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:29.", "A 1000 of, with Shimei came to meet David on his return to Jerusalem -- 2Sa 19:16,17.", "Very numerous in David's time -- 1Ch 7:6-12.", "Captains appointed over -- 1Ki 4:18; 1Ch 27:12.", "Remained faithful to Judah -- 1Ki 12:21.", "Furnished an army to Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 17:17.", "Numbers of, returned from the captivity and dwelt at Jerusalem -- Ezr 1:5; Ne 11:4.", "Celebrated persons of", "Ehud. -- Jdj 3:15.", "Kish. -- 1Sa 9:1.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 9:1; 10:1.", "Abner. -- 1Sa 14:51; 17:55.", "Elhanan. -- 2Sa 21:19.", "Paul. -- Php 3:5."]} +{"term": "Birds", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:20,21; 2:19.", "Created for the glory of God -- Ps 148:10.", "Herb of the field given as food to -- Ge 1:30.", "Differ in flesh from beasts and fishes -- 1Co 15:39.", "Power over given to man -- Ge 1:26; Ps 8:8.", "Names given to, by Adam -- Ge 2:19,20.", "Instinctively fear man -- Ge 9:2.", "Instinct of, inferior to man's reason -- Job 35:11.", "Lessons of wisdom to be learned from -- Job 12:7.", "Can all be tamed -- Jas 3:7.", "Given as food to man -- Ge 9:2,3.", "The blood of, not to be eaten -- Le 7:26.", "The property of God -- Ps 50:11.", "God provides for -- Ps 104:1-12; Mt 6:26; Lu 12:23,24.", "Called", "Fowls of the air. -- Ge 7:3.", "Fowls of heaven. -- Job 35:11.", "Feathered fowl. -- Eze 39:17.", "Winged fowl. -- De 4:17.", "Birds of the air. -- Mt 8:20.", "Many kinds of, graniverous -- Mt 13:4.", "Many kinds of, carnivorous -- Ge 15:11; 40:19; De 28:26.", "Furnished with claws -- Da 4:33.", "Propagated by eggs -- De 22:6; Jer 17:11.", "Make, and dwell in nests -- Mt 8:20.", "Are hostile to strange kinds -- Jer 12:9.", "Have each their peculiar note or song -- Ps 104:12; Ec 12:4; Song 2:12.", "Fly above the earth -- Ge 1:20.", "Rapid flight of, alluded to -- Isa 31:5; Ho 9:11; 11:11.", "Many kinds of, migratory -- Jer 8:7.", "Often remove from places suffering calamities -- Jer 4:25; 9:10.", "Rest on trees -- Da 4:12; Mt 13:32.", "Inhabit", "Mountains. -- Ps 50:11.", "Deserts. -- Ps 102:6.", "Marshes. -- Isa 14:23.", "Deserted Cities. -- Isa 34:11,14,15.", "Make their nests", "In trees. -- Ps 104:17; Eze 31:6.", "On the ground. -- De 22:6.", "In clefts of rocks. -- Nu 24:21; Jer 48:28.", "In deserted cities. -- Isa 34:15.", "Under the roofs of houses. -- Ps 84:3.", "Early distinguished into clean and clean -- Ge 8:20.", "Clean", "Dove. -- Ge 8:8.", "Turtle. -- Le 14:22; Song 2:12.", "Pigeon. -- Le 1:14; 12:6.", "Quail. -- Ex 16:12,13; Nu 11:31,32.", "Sparrow. -- Le 14:4; Mt 10:29-31.", "Swallow. -- Ps 84:3; Isa 38:14.", "Cock and Hen. -- Mt 23:37; 26:34,74.", "Partridge. -- 1Sa 26:20; Jer 17:11.", "Crane. -- Isa 38:14; Jer 8:7.", "To be eaten. -- De 14:11,20.", "Offered in sacrifice. -- Ge 8:20; Le 1:14.", "Unclean", "Eagle. -- Le 11:13; Job 39:27.", "Ossifrage. -- Le 11:13.", "Osprey. -- Le 11:13.", "Vulture. -- Le 11:14; Job 28:7; Isa 34:15.", "Glede. -- De 14:13.", "Kite. -- Le 11:14.", "Raven. -- Le 11:15; Job 38:41.", "Owl. -- Le 11:16; Job 30:29.", "Nighthawk. -- Le 11:16.", "Cuckoo. -- Le 11:16.", "Hawk. -- Le 11:17; Job 39:26.", "Little owl. -- Le 11:17.", "Cormorant. -- Le 11:17; Isa 34:11.", "Great owl. -- Le 11:17.", "Swan. -- Le 11:18.", "Pelican. -- Le 11:18; Ps 102:6.", "Gier Eagle. -- Le 11:18.", "Stork. -- Le 11:19; Ps 104:17.", "Heron. -- Le 11:19.", "Lapwing. -- Le 11:19.", "Bat. -- Le 11:19; Isa 2:20.", "Ostrich. -- Job 39:13,18.", "Bittern. -- Isa 14:23; 34:11.", "Peacock. -- 1Ki 10:22; Job 39:13.", "Not to be eaten. -- Le 11:13,17; De 14:12.", "Not to be eaten with their young -- De 22:6,7.", "Taken in snares or nets -- Pr 1:17.", "Often suffered for man's sin -- Ge 6:7; Jer 12:4; Eze 38:20; Ho 4:3.", "Solomon wrote the history of -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Confinement of, in cages alluded to -- Jer 5:27.", "No likeness of, to be made for worship -- De 4:17.", "Often worshipped by idolaters -- Ro 1:23.", "Illustrative", "Of cruel and rapacious kings. -- Isa 46:11.", "Of hostile nations. -- Jer 12:9.", "Of people of different countries. -- Eze 31:6; Mt 13:32.", "Of unsettled person, &c. -- Pr 27:8; Isa 16:2.", "Of the devil and his spirits. -- Mt 13:4,19.", "(Snaring,) of death. -- Ec 9:12.", "(Snaring,) of designs of the wicked. -- Ps 124:7; Pr 1:10-17; 7:23."]} +{"term": "Blasphemy", "definitions": ["Christ assailed with -- Mt 10:25; Lu 22:64,65; 1Pe 4:14.", "Charged upon Christ -- Mt 9:2,3; 26:64,65; Joh 10:33,36.", "Charged upon saints -- Ac 6:11,13.", "Proceeds from the heart -- Mt 15:19.", "Forbidden -- Ex 20:7; Col 3:8.", "The wicked addicted to -- Ps 74:18; Isa 52:5; 2Ti 3:2; Re 18:11,21.", "Idolatry counted as -- Isa 65:7; Eze 20:27,28.", "Hypocrisy counted as -- Re 2:9.", "Saints grieved to hear -- Ps 44:15,16; 74:10,18,22.", "Gives no occasion for -- 2Sa 12:14; 1Ti 6:1.", "Against the Holy Spirit, unpardonable -- Mt 12:31,32.", "Connected with folly and pride -- 2Ki 19:22; Ps 74:18.", "Punishment of -- Le 24:16; Isa 65:7; Eze 20:27-33; 35:11,12.", "Exemplified", "The Danite. -- Le 24:11.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 19:4,10,22.", "The Jews. -- Lu 22:65.", "Hymenaeus. -- 1Ti 1:20."]} +{"term": "Blessed, The", "definitions": ["Whom God chooses -- Ps 65:4; Eph 1:3,4.", "Whom God calls -- Isa 51:2; Re 19:9.", "Who know Christ -- Mt 16:16,17.", "Who know the gospel -- Ps 89:15.", "Who are not offended at Christ -- Mt 11:6.", "Who believe -- Lu 1:45; Ga 3:9.", "Whose sins are forgiven -- Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:7.", "To whom God imputes righteousness without works -- Ro 4:6-9.", "Whom God chastens -- Job 5:17; Ps 94:12.", "Who suffer for Christ -- Lu 6:22.", "Who have the Lord for their God -- Ps 144:15.", "Who trust in God -- Ps 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; 84:12; Jer 17:7.", "Who fear God -- Ps 112:1; 128:1,4.", "Who hear and keep the word of God -- Ps 119:2; Jas 1:24; Mt 13:16; Lu 11:28; Re 1:3; 22:7.", "Who delight in the commandments of God -- Ps 112:1.", "Who keep the commandments of God -- Re 22:14.", "Who wait for the Lord -- Isa 30:18.", "Whose strength is in the Lord -- Ps 84:5.", "Who hunger and thirst after righteousness -- Mt 5:6.", "Who frequent the house of God -- Ps 65:4; 84:5.", "Who avoid the wicked -- Ps 1:1.", "Who endure temptation -- Jas 1:12.", "Who watch against sin -- Re 16:15.", "Who rebuke sinners -- Pr 24:25.", "Who watch for the Lord -- Lu 12:37.", "Who die in the Lord -- Re 14:13.", "Who have part in the first resurrection -- Re 20:6.", "Who favour saints -- Ge 12:3; Ru 2:10.", "The undefiled -- Ps 119:1.", "The pure in heart -- Mt 5:8.", "The just -- Ps 106:3; 10:6.", "The children of the just -- Pr 20:7.", "The righteous -- Ps 5:12.", "The generation of the upright -- Ps 112:2.", "The faithful -- Pr 28:20.", "The poor in spirit -- Mt 5:3.", "The meek -- Mt 5:5.", "The merciful -- Mt 5:7.", "The bountiful -- De 15:10; Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Lu 14:13,14.", "The peace-makers -- Mt 5:9.", "Holy mourners -- Mt 5:4; Lu 6:21.", "Saints at the judgment day -- Mt 25:34.", "Who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God -- Lu 14:15; Re 19:9."]} +{"term": "Blindness, Spiritual", "definitions": ["Explained -- Joh 1:5; 1Co 2:14.", "The effect of sin -- Isa 29:10; Mt 6:23; Joh 3:19,20.", "Unbelief, the effect of -- Ro 11:8; 2Co 4:3,4.", "Uncharitableness, a proof of -- 1Jo 2:9,11.", "A work of the devil -- 2Co 4:4.", "Leads to all evil -- Eph 4:17-19.", "Is consistent with communion with God -- 1Jo 1:6,7.", "Of ministers, fatal to themselves and to the people -- Mt 15:14.", "The wicked are in -- Ps 82:5; Jer 5:21.", "The self-righteous are in -- Mt 23:19,26; Re 3:17.", "The wicked wilfully guilty of -- Isa 26:11; Ro 1:19-21.", "Judicially inflicted -- Ps 69:23; Isa 29:10; 44:18; Mt 13:13,14; Joh 12:40.", "Pray for the removal of -- Ps 13:3; 119:18.", "Christ appointed to remove -- Isa 42:7; Lu 4:18; Joh 8:12; 9:39; 2Co 4:6.", "Christ's ministers are lights to remove -- Mt 5:14; Ac 26:18.", "Saints are delivered from -- Joh 8:12; Eph 5:8; Col 1:13; 1Th 5:4,5; 1Pe 2:9.", "Removal of, illustrated -- Joh 9:7,11,25; Ac 9:18; Re 3:18.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- Ro 11:25; 2Co 3:15.", "Scribes and Pharisees. -- Mt 23:16,24.", "Churches of Laodicea. -- Re 3:17."]} +{"term": "Blood", "definitions": ["The life of animals -- Ge 9:4; Le 17:11,14.", "Fluid -- De 12:16.", "Red -- 2Ki 3:22; Joe 2:31.", "Of all men the same -- Ac 17:26.", "Eating of, forbidden to", "Man after the flood. -- Ge 9:4.", "The Israelites under the law. -- Le 3:17; 17:10,12.", "The early Christians. -- Ac 15:20,29.", "The Jews often guilty of eating -- 1Sa 14:32,33; Eze 33:25.", "Of animals slain for good to be poured on the earth and covered -- Le 17:13; De 12:16,24.", "Birds of prey delight in -- Job 39:30.", "Beasts of prey delight in -- Nu 23:24; Ps 68:23.", "Shedding of human", "Forbidden. -- Ge 9:5.", "Hateful to God. -- Pr 6:16,17.", "Defiling to the land. -- Ps 106:38.", "Defiling to the person. -- Isa 59:3.", "Jews often guilty of. -- Jer 22:17; Eze 22:4.", "Always punished. -- Ge 9:6.", "Mode of clearing those accused of. -- De 21:1-9.", "The price of, not to be consecrated -- Mt 27:6.", "Of legal sacrifices", "For atonement. -- Ex 30:10; Le 17:11.", "For purification. -- Heb 9:13,19-22.", "How disposed of. -- Ex 29:12; Le 4:7.", "Not offered with leaven. -- Ex 23:18; 34:25.", "Ineffectual to remove sin. -- Heb 10:4.", "Idolaters made drink-offerings of -- Ps 16:4.", "Water turned into, as a sign -- Ex 4:30.", "Waters of Egypt turned into, as a judgment -- Ex 7:17-21.", "Illustrative", "(Washing the feet in,) of victories. -- Ps 58:10; 68:23.", "(Building with,) of oppression and cruelty. -- Hab 2:12.", "(Preparing to,) of ripening for destruction. -- Eze 35:6.", "(On one's own head,) of guilt. -- Le 20:9; 2Sa 1:16; Eze 18:13.", "(Given to drink,) of severe judgments. -- Eze 16:38; Re 16:6."]} +{"term": "Boldness, Holy", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Joh 7:26.", "Is through faith in Christ -- Eph 3:12; Heb 10:19.", "A characteristic of saints -- Pr 28:1.", "Produced by", "Trust in God. -- Isa 50:7.", "The fear of God. -- Ac 4:19; 5:29.", "Faithfulness to God. -- 1Ti 3:13.", "Express your trust in God with -- Heb 13:6.", "Have, in prayer -- Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16.", "Saints shall have, in judgment -- 1Jo 4:17.", "Exhortations to -- Jos 1:7; 2Ch 19:11; Jer 1:8; Eze 3:9.", "Pray for -- Ac 4:29; Eph 6:19,20.", "Ministers should exhibit, in", "Faithfulness to their people. -- 2Co 7:4; 10:1.", "Preaching. -- Ac 4:31; Php 1:14.", "Reproving sin. -- Isa 58:1; Mic 3:8.", "The face of opposition. -- Ac 13:46; 1Th 2:2.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:22-32.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:24-29.", "Moses. -- Ex 32:31,32; 33:18.", "Aaron. -- Nu 16:47,48.", "David. -- 1Sa 17:45.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 18:15,18.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 6:11.", "Shadrach. -- Da 3:17,18.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:10.", "Joseph of Arimathaea. -- Mr 15:43.", "Peter and John. -- Ac 4:8-13.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:51.", "Paul. -- Ac 9:27,29; 19:8.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 14:3.", "Apollos. -- Ac 18:26."]} +{"term": "Bondage, Spiritual", "definitions": ["Is to the devil -- 1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26.", "Is to the fear of death -- Heb 2:14,15.", "Is to sin -- Joh 8:34; Ac 8:23; Ro 6:16; 7:23; Ga 4:3; 2Pe 2:19.", "Deliverance from, promised -- Isa 42:6,7.", "Christ delivers from -- Lu 4:18,21; Joh 8:36; Ro 7:24,24; Eph 4:8.", "The gospel, the instrument of deliverance from -- Joh 8:32; Ro 8:2.", "Saints are delivered from -- Ro 6:18,22.", "Deliverance from, illustrated -- De 4:20.", "Typified", "Israel in Egypt. -- Ex 1:13,14."]} +{"term": "Books", "definitions": ["Probable origin of -- Job 19:23,24.", "Made of", "Papyrus or paper reed. -- Isa 19:7.", "Parchment. -- 2Ti 4:13.", "Made in a roll -- Isa 34:4; Jer 36:2; Eze 2:9.", "Written with pen and ink -- Jer 36:18; 3Jo 1:13.", "Often written on both sides -- Eze 2:10.", "Often sealed -- Isa 29:11; Da 12:4; Re 5:1.", "Often dedicated to persons of distinction -- Lu 1:3; Ac 1:1.", "Were numerous and most expensive -- Ac 19:19.", "The ancients fond of making -- Ec 12:12.", "Divine communications recorded in -- Ex 17:14; Isa 30:8; Jer 36:2; Re 1:19.", "Important events recorded in -- Ezr 4:15; 6:1,2; Es 2:23.", "Erasures in, alluded to -- Ex 32:33; Nu 5:23.", "Not extant, but mentioned in scripture", "Wars of the Lord. -- Nu 21:14.", "Jasher. -- Jos 10:13; 2Sa 1:18.", "Samuel concerning the kingdom. -- 1Sa 10:25.", "Chronicles of David. -- 1Ch 27:24.", "Acts of Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:41.", "Natural history by Solomon. -- 1Ki 4:32,33.", "History of the kings. -- 1Ch 9:1.", "Samuel the seer. -- 1Ch 29:29.", "Nathan. -- 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29.", "Shemaiah. -- 2Ch 12:15.", "Gad the seer. -- 1Ch 29:29.", "Ahijah the Shilonite. -- 2Ch 9:29.", "Visions of Iddo. -- 2Ch 9:29; 12:15.", "Jehu the son of Hanani. -- 2Ch 20:34.", "Sayings of the seers. -- 2Ch 33:19.", "Illustrative of", "Memorials of God's providence. -- Ps 56:8; 139:16.", "Memorials of conversation and conduct of men. -- Da 7:10; Mal 3:16; Re 20:12.", "The record of the church of Christ. -- Da 12:1; Heb 12:23; Re 20:12,15; 22:19."]} +{"term": "Bottles", "definitions": ["First mention of, in Scripture -- Ge 21:14.", "Ancients often drank from -- Hab 2:15.", "Used for holding", "Water. -- Ge 21:14,15,19.", "Milk. -- Jdj 4:19.", "Wine. -- 1Sa 1:24; 16:20.", "Some, made of earthenware -- Jer 19:1.", "Made of skins", "Shrivelled and dried by smoke. -- Ps 119:83.", "Marred by age and use. -- Jos 9:14,13.", "When old, unfit for holding new wine. -- Mt 9:17; Mr 2:22.", "Sometimes probably of large dimensions. -- 1Sa 25:18; 2Sa 16:1.", "Illustrative", "Of the clouds. -- Job 38:37.", "Of God's remembrance. -- Ps 56:8.", "Of sinners ripe for judgment. -- Jer 13:12-14.", "(Dried up,) of the afflicted. -- Ps 119:83.", "(Ready to burst,) of the impatient. -- Job 32:19.", "(Broken,) of severe judgments. -- Isa 30:14; Jer 19:10; 48:12."]} +{"term": "Bow, The", "definitions": ["An instrument of war -- Ge 48:22; Isa 7:24.", "Sometimes used in hunting -- Ge 27:3.", "For shooting arrows -- 1Ch 12:2.", "Called the battle bow -- Zec 9:10; 10:4.", "Those who used, called", "Bowmen. -- Jer 4:29.", "Archers. -- 1Sa 31:3; Jer 51:3.", "Usually of steel -- 2Sa 22:35; Job 20:24.", "Held in the left hand -- Eze 39:3.", "Drawn with full force -- 2Ki 9:24.", "The Jews taught to use -- 2Sa 1:18.", "Used expertly by", "Lydians. -- Jer 46:9.", "Elamites. -- Jer 49:35.", "Philistines. -- 1Sa 31:2,3.", "Sons of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. -- 1Ch 5:18.", "Benjamites. -- 1Ch 12:2; 2Ch 14:8.", "Given as a token of friendship -- 1Sa 18:4.", "Often furnished by the state -- 2Ch 26:14.", "Of the vanquished, broken and burned -- Ps 37:15; Eze 39:9.", "Illustrative", "Of strength and power. -- Job 29:20.", "Of the tongue of the wicked. -- Ps 11:2; Jer 9:3.", "(When deceitful,) of the hypocrite. -- Ps 78:57; Ho 7:16.", "(When broken,) of the overthrow of power. -- 1Sa 2:4; Jer 49:35; Ho 1:5; 2:18."]} +{"term": "Brass, or Copper", "definitions": ["Dug out of the mountains -- De 8:9.", "Purified by smelting -- Job 28:2.", "Characterised by", "Strength. -- Job 40:18.", "Hardness. -- Le 26:19.", "Yellow colour. -- Ezr 8:27.", "Fusibility. -- Eze 22:18,20.", "Sonorousness. -- 1Co 13:1.", "Takes a high polish -- 2Ch 4:16; Eze 1:7.", "Inferior in value to gold and silver -- Isa 60:17; Da 2:32,39.", "Antiquity of working in -- Ge 4:22.", "Extensive commerce in -- Eze 27:13; Re 18:12.", "Working in, a trade -- Ge 4:22; 1Ki 7:14; 2Ch 24:12; 2Ti 4:14.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 8:9; 33:25.", "Taken in war", "Often in great quantities. -- Jos 22:8; 2Sa 8:8; 2Ki 25:13-16.", "Cleansed by fire. -- Nu 31:21-23.", "Generally consecrated to God. -- Jos 6:19,24; 2Sa 8:10,11.", "Offerings of, for the tabernacle -- Ex 38:29.", "Collected by David for the temple -- 1Ch 22:3,14,16; 29:2.", "Offerings of, for the temple -- 1Ch 29:6,7.", "Coined for money -- Mt 10:9; Mr 12:41.", "Made into", "Mirrors. -- Ex 38:8.", "Gates. -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.", "Bars for gates. -- 1Ki 4:13.", "Fetters. -- Jdj 16:21; 2Ki 25:7.", "Shields. -- 1Ki 14:27; 2Ch 12:10.", "Helmets. -- 1Sa 17:5.", "Greaves for the legs. -- 1Sa 17:6.", "Household vessels. -- Mr 7:4.", "Sacred vessels. -- Ex 27:3; 1Ki 7:45.", "Altars. -- Ex 27:2; 39:39.", "Sockets for pillars. -- Ex 38:10,11,17.", "Lavers. -- Ex 30:18; 1Ki 7:38.", "Pillars. -- 1Ki 7:15,16.", "Idols. -- Da 5:4; Re 9:20.", "Instruments of music. -- 1Ch 15:19.", "Moses made the serpent of -- Nu 21:9; 2Ki 18:4.", "Illustrative of", "Obstinate sinners. -- Isa 48:4; Jer 6:28.", "The decrees of God. -- Zec 6:1.", "The strength and firmness of Christ. -- Da 10:6; Re 1:15.", "Strength given to saints. -- Jer 15:20; Mic 4:13.", "Macedonian empire. -- Da 2:39.", "Extreme drought. -- De 28:23.", "The earth made barren. -- Le 26:19."]} +{"term": "Bread", "definitions": ["Given by God -- Ru 1:6; Mt 6:11.", "Yielded by the earth -- Job 28:5; Isa 55:10.", "Made of", "Wheat. -- Ex 29:2; Ps 81:16.", "Barley. -- Jdj 7:13; Joh 6:9.", "Beans, millet, &c. -- Eze 4:9.", "Manna (in the wilderness). -- Nu 11:8.", "Corn ground for making -- Isa 28:28.", "Was kneaded -- Ge 18:6; Jer 7:18; Ho 7:4.", "Troughs used for kneading -- Ex 12:34.", "Usually leavened -- Le 23:17; Mt 13:33.", "Sometimes unleavened -- Ex 12:18; 1Co 5:8.", "Was formed into", "Loaves. -- 1Sa 10:3,4; Mt 14:17.", "Cakes. -- 2Sa 6:19; 1Ki 17:13.", "Wafers. -- Ex 16:31; 29:23.", "Was baked", "On hearths. -- Ge 18:6.", "On coals of fire. -- Isa 44:19; Joh 21:9.", "In ovens. -- Le 26:26; Ho 7:4-7.", "Making of, a trade -- Ge 40:2; Jer 37:21.", "Ordinary, called common bread -- 1Sa 21:4.", "Sacred, called hallowed bread -- 1Sa 21:4,6.", "Nutritious and strengthening -- Ps 104:15.", "When old, dry and mouldy -- Jos 9:5,12.", "Often put for the whole substance of man -- Ge 3:19; 39:6; Mt 6:11.", "The principal food used by the ancients -- Ge 18:5; 21:14; 27:17; Jdj 19:5.", "Broken for use -- La 4:4; Mt 14:19.", "Kept in baskets -- Ge 40:16; Ex 29:32.", "Publicly sold -- Mt 14:15; 15:33.", "In times of scarcity, sold by weight -- Le 26:26; Eze 4:16.", "Scarceness of, sent as a punishment -- Ps 105:16; Isa 3:1; Eze 5:16.", "Plenty of, promised to the obedient -- Le 26:5.", "Often given as a present -- 1Sa 25:18; 2Sa 16:12; 1Ch 12:40.", "Served round after funerals -- Eze 24:17-22.", "With water, the food of prisons -- 1Ki 22:27.", "Crumb of, used to wipe the fingers, thrown under the table -- Mt 15:27; Lu 16:21.", "First fruit of, offered to God -- Nu 15:19,20.", "Offered with sacrifices -- Ex 29:2,23; Nu 28:2.", "Placed on table of shew bread -- Ex 25:30.", "Multitudes miraculously fed by Christ with -- Mt 14:19-21; 15:34-37.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Joh 6:33-35.", "(When broken,) of the death of Christ. -- Mt 26:26; 1Co 11:23,24.", "(Partaking of,) of communion of saints. -- Ac 2:46; 1Co 10:17.", "(Want of,) of extreme poverty. -- Pr 12:9; Isa 3:7.", "(Seeking of begging,) of extreme poverty. -- 1Sa 2:36; Ps 37:25; La 1:11.", "(Fulness of,) of abundance. -- Eze 16:49.", "(Eating without scarceness,) of plenty. -- De 8:9.", "(Of adversity,) of heavy affliction. -- Isa 30:20.", "(Of tears,) of sorrow. -- Ps 80:5.", "(Of deceit,) of unlawful gain. -- Pr 20:17.", "(Of wickedness,) of oppression. -- Pr 4:17.", "(Of idleness,) of sloth. -- Pr 31:27."]} +{"term": "Breastplate", "definitions": ["A part of defensive armour -- 1Ki 22:34.", "A part of the high priest's dress -- Ex 28:4.", "For soldiers", "Made of iron. -- Re 9:9.", "Bright and shining. -- Re 9:17.", "For the high priest", "Materials of. -- Ex 28:15; 39:8.", "Form and dimensions of. -- Ex 28:16; 39:9.", "Made from the offering of the people. -- Ex 35:9.", "Had names of the tribes engraved on precious stones -- Ex 28:17-21; 39:10,14.", "Inseparably united to the ephod -- Ex 28:22-28; 39:15-21.", "The Urim and Thummim placed in -- Ex 28:30; Le 8:8.", "Worn as a memorial -- Ex 28:29; Isa 49:16.", "Illustrative of the", "Righteous judgment of Christ. -- Isa 59:17.", "Defence of righteousness. -- Eph 6:14.", "Defence of faith and love. -- 1Th 5:8."]} +{"term": "Brooks", "definitions": ["Canaan abounded with -- De 8:7.", "Often ran over pebbles -- 1Sa 17:40; Job 22:24.", "Borders of, favourable to", "Grass. -- 1Ki 18:5.", "Willows. -- Le 23:40; Job 40:22.", "Reeds. -- Isa 19:7.", "Abounded with fish -- Isa 19:8.", "Afforded protection to a country -- Isa 19:6.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Arnon. -- Nu 21:14,15.", "Besor. -- 1Sa 30:9.", "Gaash. -- 2Sa 23:30; 1Ch 11:32.", "Cherith. -- 1Ki 17:3,5.", "Eshcol. -- Nu 13:23,24.", "Kidron. -- 2Sa 15:23; 1Ki 15:13; Joh 18:1.", "Kishon. -- 1Ki 18:40; Ps 83:9.", "Zered. -- De 2:13.", "Of the willows. -- Isa 15:7.", "Illustrative", "Of wisdom. -- Pr 18:4.", "Of temporal abundance. -- Job 20:17.", "(Deceptive,) of false friends. -- Job 6:15.", "(Drinking of, by the way,) of help in distress. -- Ps 110:7."]} +{"term": "Burial", "definitions": ["Probable origin of -- Ge 4:9,10.", "Design of -- Ge 23:3,4.", "Attended by", "Family of the dead. -- Ge 50:5,6,8; Mt 8:21.", "Numbers of friends, &c. -- Ge 50:7,9; 2Sa 3:31; Lu 7:12.", "Female friends. -- Mr 15:47; Lu 7:13.", "Hired mourners. -- Jer 9:17,18.", "Great lamentation at. -- Ge 50:10,11; 2Sa 3:31,32.", "Orations sometimes made at -- 2Sa 3:33,34.", "The body was", "Washed before. -- Ac 9:37.", "Anointed for. -- Mt 26:12.", "Wound in linen for. -- Joh 11:44; 19:40.", "Preserved with spices. -- Joh 19:39,40.", "Sometimes burned before. -- 1Sa 31:12.", "Carried on a bier to. -- 2Sa 3:31; Lu 7:14.", "Perfumes burned at -- 2Ch 16:14; Jer 34:5.", "Antiquity of coffins for -- Ge 50:26.", "Often took place immediately after death -- Joh 11:17,39; Ac 5:6,10.", "Of persons embalmed, deferred for seventy days -- Ge 50:3,4.", "Of persons hanged, always on the days of execution -- De 21:23; Joh 19:31.", "The right of all nations -- Jdj 16:31; Joh 19:38.", "Of enemies, sometimes performed by the conquerors -- 1Ki 11:15; Eze 39:11-14.", "Of the friendless, a kind act -- 2Sa 2:5.", "Places used for", "Natural caves. -- Ge 23:19; Joh 11:38.", "Caves hewn out of rocks. -- Isa 22:16; Mt 27:60.", "Gardens. -- 2Ki 21:18,26; Joh 19:41.", "Under trees. -- Ge 35:8; 1Sa 31:13.", "Tops of the hills. -- Jos 24:33; 2Ki 23:16.", "Houses of the deceased. -- 1Sa 25:1; 1Ki 2:34.", "The city of David for the kings of Judah. -- 1Ki 2:10; 2Ch 21:20; 24:16.", "Antiquity of purchasing places for -- Ge 23:7-16.", "Places of", "Frequently prepared and pointed out during life. -- Ge 50:5; 2Ch 16:14; Mt 27:60.", "Members of a family interred in the same. -- Ge 25:10; 49:31; 2Sa 2:32.", "Held in high veneration. -- Ne 2:3,5.", "Provided for the common people. -- Jer 26:23.", "Provided for aliens and strangers. -- Mt 27:7.", "Visited by sorrowing friends. -- Joh 11:31.", "Pillars erected on. -- Ge 35:20.", "Tombs erected over. -- Mt 23:27-29.", "Sometimes had inscriptions. -- 2Ki 23:17.", "Sometimes not apparent. -- Lu 11:44.", "For criminals, marked by heaps. -- Jos 7:26.", "Were ceremonially unclean. -- Nu 19:16,18.", "Often desecrated by idolatry. -- Isa 65:3,4.", "The Jews anxious to be interred in their family places of -- Ge 47:29-31; 49:29,30; 50:25; 2Sa 19:37.", "Followed by a feast -- 2Sa 3:35; Jer 16:7,8; Ho 9:4.", "Privation of, considered a calamity -- Ec 6:3.", "Privation of, threatened as a punishment -- 2Ki 9:10; Jer 8:2; 16:4.", "An ignominious, compared to the burial of an ass -- Jer 22:19.", "Illustrative of regeneration -- Ro 6:4; Col 2:12."]} +{"term": "Burnt Offering, The", "definitions": ["To be offered only to the Lord -- Jdj 13:16.", "Specially acceptable -- Ge 8:21; Le 1:9,13,17.", "The most ancient of all sacrifices -- Ge 4:4; 8:20; 22:2,13; Job 1:5.", "Offered by the Jews before the law -- Ex 10:25; 24:5.", "To be taken from", "The flock or herd. -- Le 1:2.", "The fowls. -- Le 1:14.", "Was an atonement for sin -- Le 9:7.", "Guilt transferred to, by imposition of hands -- Le 1:4; Nu 8:12.", "Required to be", "Killed, if a beast, by the person who brought it. -- Le 1:5,11.", "Killed, if a bird, by the priest. -- Le 1:15.", "For the people at large, killed and prepared by the Levites. -- Eze 44:11.", "A male without blemish. -- Le 1:3; 22:19.", "Voluntary. -- Le 1:3; 22:18,19.", "Presented at the door of the tabernacle. -- Le 1:3; De 12:6,11,14.", "Offered by priests only. -- Le 1:9; Eze 44:15.", "Offered in righteousness. -- Ps 51:19.", "Entirely burned. -- Le 1:8,9,12,13; 6:9.", "Blood of, sprinkled round about upon the altar. -- Le 1:5,11.", "Blood of, sprinkled round about upon the altar -- Le 1:5,11.", "If a bird, the blood was wrung out at the side of the altar -- Le 1:15.", "Ashes of, collected at foot of the altar, and conveyed without the camp -- Le 6:11.", "Skin of, given to the priests for clothing -- Le 7:8; Ge 3:21.", "Was offered", "Every morning and evening. -- Ex 29:38-42.", "Every sabbath day. -- Nu 28:9,10.", "The first day of every month. -- Nu 28:11.", "The seven days of unleavened bread. -- Nu 28:19,24.", "The day of atonement. -- Le 16:3,5; Nu 29:8.", "At consecration of Levites. -- Nu 8:12.", "At consecration priests. -- Le 9:2,12-14.", "At consecration of kings. -- 1Ch 29:21-23.", "At purification of women. -- Le 12:6.", "For Nazarites after defilement, or at the end of their vow. -- Nu 6:11,14.", "For the healed leper. -- Le 14:13,19,20.", "At dedication of sacred places. -- Nu 7:15; 1Ki 8:64.", "After great mercies. -- 1Sa 6:14; 2Sa 24:22,25.", "Before going to war. -- 1Sa 7:9.", "With sounds of trumpets at feasts. -- Nu 10:10.", "The fat, &c of all peace offerings laid on, and consumed with the daily -- Le 3:5; 6:12.", "Of the wicked, not accepted by God -- Isa 1:10,11; Jer 6:19,20; Am 5:22.", "Obedience better than -- 1Sa 15:22; Jer 7:21-23.", "Knowledge of God better than -- Ho 6:6.", "Love of God better than -- Mr 12:33.", "Abraham tried by the command to offer Isaac as -- Ge 22:1-24.", "Incapable of removing sin, and reconciling to God -- Ps 40:6; 50:8; Heb 10:6.", "The most costly, no adequate tribute to God -- Isa 40:16; Ps 50:9-13.", "Guilt of unauthorised persons offering -- 1Sa 13:12,13.", "Guilt of offering, except in the place appointed -- Le 17:8,9.", "Of human victims execrated -- De 12:31; 2Ki 3:27; Jer 7:31; 19:5.", "Illustrative of", "The offering of Christ. -- Eph 5:2; Heb 10:8-10.", "Devotedness to God. -- Ro 12:1."]} +{"term": "Busy-Bodies", "definitions": ["Fools are -- Pr 20:3.", "The idle are -- 2Th 3:11; 1Ti 5:13.", "Are mischievous tale-bearers -- 1Ti 5:13.", "Bring mischief upon themselves -- 2Ki 14:10; Pr 26:17.", "Christians must not be -- 1Pe 4:15."]} +{"term": "Calf, The", "definitions": ["The young of the herd -- Job 21:10; Jer 31:12.", "Playfulness of, alluded to -- Ps 29:6.", "Fed on", "Milk. -- 1Sa 6:10.", "Branches of trees, &c. -- Isa 27:10.", "Fattened in stalls, &c -- 1Sa 28:24; Am 6:4.", "Offered in sacrifice -- Le 9:2,3; Heb 9:12,19.", "Of a year old best for sacrifice -- Mic 6:6.", "If first-born not redeemed -- Nu 18:17.", "Eaten in the patriarchal age -- Ge 18:7,8.", "When fattened considered a delicacy -- 1Sa 28:24,25; Am 6:4; Lu 15:23,27.", "Illustrative of", "Saints nourished by grace. -- Mal 4:2.", "Sacrifices of praise. -- Ho 14:2; Heb 13:5.", "Patient endurance. -- Eze 1:7; Re 4:7."]} +{"term": "Calf of Gold", "definitions": ["Made on account of the delay of Moses in the mount -- Ex 32:1.", "Was made", "Of the ornaments of the women, &c. -- Ex 32:2,3.", "To represent God. -- Ex 32:4,5; Ps 106:20.", "After an Egyptian model. -- Ac 7:39,41.", "To go before the congregation. -- Ex 32:1.", "Molten in the fire -- Ex 32:4; Ps 106:19.", "Fashioned with a graven tool -- Ex 32:4.", "An altar built before -- Ex 32:5.", "Sacrifices offered to -- Ex 32:6; Ac 7:41.", "Worshipped with profane revelry -- Ex 32:6,18,19,25; 1Co 10:7.", "Making of", "A very great sin. -- Ex 32:21,30,31.", "A forgetting of God. -- Ps 106:21.", "A turning aside from the divine command. -- Ex 32:8; De 9:12,16.", "Excited wrath against Aaron. -- De 9:20.", "Excited wrath against Israel. -- Ex 32:10; De 9:14,19.", "Caused Moses to break the tables of the testimony. -- Ex 32:19; De 9:17.", "Israel punished for. -- Ex 32:26-29,35.", "Moses interceded for those who worshipped -- Ex 32:11-14,30-34; De 9:18-20.", "Destroyed by Moses -- Ex 32:20; De 9:21.", "Punishment of those who worshipped a warning to others -- 1Co 10:5-7."]} +{"term": "Call of God, The", "definitions": ["By Christ -- Isa 55:5; Ro 1:6.", "By his Spirit -- Re 22:17.", "By his works -- Ps 19:2,3; Ro 1:20.", "By his ministers -- Jer 35:15; 2Co 5:20.", "By his gospel -- 2Th 2:14.", "Is from darkness -- 1Pe 2:9.", "Addressed to all -- Isa 45:22; Mt 20:16.", "Most reject -- Pr 1:24; Mt 20:16.", "Effectual to saints -- Ps 110:3; Ac 2:47; 13:48; 1Co 1:24.", "To man is", "Of grace. -- Ga 1:15; 2Ti 1:9.", "According to the purpose of God. -- Ro 8:28; 9:11,23,24.", "High. -- Php 3:14.", "Holy. -- 1Ti 1:9.", "Heavenly. -- Heb 3:1.", "To fellowship with Christ. -- 1Co 1:9.", "To holiness. -- 1Th 4:7.", "To liberty. -- Ga 5:13.", "To peace. -- 1Co 7:15; Col 3:15.", "To glory and virtue. -- 2Pe 1:3.", "To the eternal glory of Christ. -- 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10.", "To eternal life. -- 1Ti 6:12.", "Partakers of, justified -- Ro 8:30.", "Walk worthy of -- Eph 4:1.", "Blessedness of receiving -- Re 19:9.", "Praise God for -- 1Pe 2:9.", "Illustrated -- Pr 9:3,4; Mt 23:3-9.", "Rejection of, leads to", "Judicial blindness. -- Isa 6:9; Ac 28:24-27; Ro 11:8-10.", "Delusion. -- Isa 66:4; 2Th 2:10,11.", "Withdrawal of the means of grace -- Jer 26:4-6; Ac 13:46; 18:6; Re 2:5.", "Temporal judgments -- Isa 28:12; Jer 6:16,19; 35:17; Zec 7:12-14.", "Rejection by God -- Pr 1:14-32; Jer 6:19,30.", "Condemnation -- Joh 12:48; Heb 2:1-3; 12:25.", "Destruction -- Pr 29:1; Mt 22:3-7."]} +{"term": "Calves of Jeroboam", "definitions": ["Made of gold -- 1Ki 12:28.", "Made to prevent the Israelites going to Jerusalem -- 1Ki 12:26,27.", "Called the", "Golden calves. -- 2Ki 10:29; 2Ch 13:8.", "Calves of Bethaven. -- Ho 10:5.", "Calves of Samaria. -- Ho 8:5.", "Placed in Dan and Bethel -- 1Ki 12:29.", "Probably from an Egyptian model -- 1Ki 11:40.", "Designed to represent God -- 1Ki 12:28.", "Priests appointed for -- 1Ki 12:31; 2Ch 11:15.", "Sacrifices offered to -- 1Ki 12:32; 13:1.", "Feasts appointed for -- 1Ki 12:32,33.", "Were kissed in adoration -- Ho 13:2.", "Worship of", "Denounced by a prophet. -- 1Ki 13:1-3.", "Adopted by succeeding kings. -- 1Ki 15:34; 16:26; 2Ki 10:29,31; 14:24.", "Became the sin of Israel. -- 1Ki 12:30; 2Ki 10:31; 2Ch 13:8.", "God's people refused to worship -- 1Ki 19:18; 2Ch 11:16.", "Guilt of making -- 1Ki 14:9,10.", "Guilt of worshipping -- 1Ki 14:15,16; 2Ki 17:22,23.", "Predictions respecting", "Captivity. -- Ho 10:6.", "Destruction. -- Ho 8:6; 10:8.", "Punishment of the worshippers. -- Ho 8:13,14."]} +{"term": "Camel, The", "definitions": ["Unclean -- Le 11:4; De 14:7.", "Found in deserted places -- Eze 25:5.", "Characterised by", "The bunches on its back. -- Isa 30:6.", "Its docility. -- Ge 24:11.", "The dromedary a species of, remarkable for swiftness -- Jer 2:23.", "Abounded in the east -- 1Ch 5:21; Isa 60:6.", "A part of patriarchal wealth -- Ge 12:16; 30:43; Job 1:3.", "Kept in numbers by kings -- 1Ch 27:30.", "Used for", "Riding. -- Ge 24:61.", "Drawing chariots. -- Isa 21:7.", "Carrying burdens. -- Ge 37:25; 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 8:9.", "Conveying posts and messengers. -- Es 8:10.", "War. -- Jdj 7:12; 1Sa 30:17.", "Of the rich adorned with chains -- Jdj 8:21,26.", "Furniture of, alluded to -- Ge 31:34.", "Subject to plagues -- Ex 9:3; Zec 14:15.", "Treated with great care -- Ge 24:31,32.", "Esteemed a valuable booty -- 1Ch 5:20,21; 2Ch 14:15; Job 1:17; Jer 49:29,32.", "Coarse cloth made from its hair -- Mt 3:4.", "Referred to in illustrations by Christ -- Mt 19:24; 23:24."]} +{"term": "Canaanites, The", "definitions": ["Descended from Ham -- Ge 10:6.", "An accursed race -- Ge 9:25,26.", "Different families of -- Ge 10:15-18.", "Comprised seven distinct nations -- De 7:1.", "Possessions of, how bounded -- Ge 10:19.", "Country of, fertile -- Ex 3:17; Nu 13:27.", "Described as", "Great and mighty. -- Nu 13:28; De 7:1.", "Idolatrous. -- De 29:17.", "Superstitious. -- De 18:9-11.", "Profane and wicked. -- Le 18:27.", "Extremely numerous -- De 7:17.", "Had many strong cities -- Nu 13:28; De 1:28.", "Expelled for wickedness -- De 9:4; 18:12.", "Abraham", "Called to dwell amongst. -- Ge 12:1-5.", "Was promised the country of, of inheritance. -- Ge 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:8.", "Had his faith tried by dwelling amongst. -- Ge 12:6; 13:7.", "Kind to the patriarchs -- Ge 14:13; 23:6.", "Israel commanded", "To make no league with. -- De 7:2; Jdj 2:2.", "Not to intermarry with. -- De 7:3; Jos 23:12.", "Not to follow idols of. -- Ex 23:24; De 7:25.", "Not to follow customs of. -- Le 18:26,27.", "To destroy, without mercy. -- De 7:2,24.", "To destroy all vestiges of their idolatry. -- Ex 23:24; De 7:5,25.", "Not to fear. -- De 7:17,18; 31:7.", "Terrified at the approach of Israel -- Ex 15:15,16; Jos 2:9-11; 5:1.", "Partially subdued by Israel -- Jos 10:1-11:23; Jdj 1:1-36.", "Part of left", "To try Israel. -- Jdj 2:21,22; 3:1-4.", "To chastise Israel. -- Nu 33:55; Jdj 2:3; 4:2.", "Israel ensnared by -- Jdj 2:3,19; Ps 106:36-38.", "Some descendants of, in our Lord's time -- Mt 15:22; Mr 7:26."]} +{"term": "Candlestick", "definitions": ["A part of household furniture -- 2Ki 4:10.", "Used for holding", "Candles or torches. -- Mt 5:15.", "Lamps. -- Ex 25:31,37; Zec 4:2.", "For the tabernacle", "Form, &c of. -- Ex 25:31-36; 37:17-22.", "Held seven golden lamps. -- Ex 25:37; 37:23.", "Had snuffers, &c of gold. -- Ex 25:38; 37:23.", "Weighed a talent of gold. -- Ex 25:39.", "After a divine pattern. -- Ex 25:40; Nu 8:4.", "Called the lamp of God. -- 1Sa 3:3.", "Called the pure candlestick. -- Le 24:4.", "Placed in the outer sanctuary over against the table. -- Ex 40:24; Heb 9:2.", "Lighted with olive oil. -- Ex 27:20; Le 24:2.", "Lighted &c by priests. -- Ex 27:21; Le 24:3,4.", "Directions for removing. -- Nu 4:9,10.", "Illustrative Of", "Christ. -- Zec 4:2; Joh 8:12; Heb 9:2.", "The church. -- Re 1:13,20.", "Ministers. -- Mt 5:14-16."]} +{"term": "Care, Overmuch", "definitions": ["About earthly things, forbidden -- Mt 6:25; Lu 12:22,29; Joh 6:27.", "God's providential goodness should keep us from -- Mt 6:26,28,30; Lu 22:35.", "God's promises should keep us from -- Heb 13:5.", "Trust in God should free us from -- Jer 17:7,8; Da 3:16.", "Should be cast on God -- Ps 37:5; 55:22; Pr 16:3; 1Pe 5:7.", "An obstruction to the Gospel -- Mt 13:22; Lu 8:14; 14:18-20.", "Be without -- 1Co 7:32; Php 4:6.", "Unbecoming in saints -- 2Ti 2:4.", "Uselessness of -- Mt 6:27; Lu 12:25,26.", "Vanity of -- Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8.", "Warning against -- Lu 21:34.", "Sent as a punishment to the wicked -- Eze 4:16; 12:19.", "Exemplified", "Martha. -- Lu 10:41.", "Persons who offered to follow Christ. -- Lu 9:57."]} +{"term": "Caves", "definitions": ["Natural -- Heb 11:38.", "Artificial -- Jdj 6:2.", "Found in the", "Open fields. -- Ge 23:20.", "Rocks. -- Isa 2:19.", "Were used as", "Dwelling-places. -- Ge 19:30.", "Places of concealment. -- 1Sa 13:6; 14:11; 1Ki 18:4; Heb 11:38.", "Resting places. -- 1Sa 24:3; 1Ki 19:9.", "Burial places. -- Ge 23:19; Joh 11:38.", "Haunts of robbers. -- Jer 7:11; Mt 21:13.", "Hiding placed of wild beasts. -- Na 2:12.", "Often capacious -- 1Sa 22:1,2; 24:3.", "Afford no protection from the judgments of God -- Isa 2:19; Eze 33:27; Re 6:15.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Adullam. -- 1Sa 22:1.", "Engedi. -- 1Sa 23:29; 24:1,3.", "Machpelah. -- Ge 23:9.", "Makkedah. -- Joh 10:16,17."]} +{"term": "Cedar, The", "definitions": ["Planted by God -- Ps 104:16; Isa 41:19.", "Made to glorify God -- Ps 148:9.", "Lebanon celebrated for -- Jdj 9:15; Ps 92:12.", "Banks of rivers favourable to the growth of -- Nu 24:6.", "Imported largely by Solomon -- 1Ki 10:27.", "Described as", "High. -- Isa 37:24; Eze 17:22; Am 2:9.", "Spreading. -- Ps 80:10,11.", "Fragrant. -- Song 4:11.", "Graceful and beautiful. -- Ps 80:10; Eze 17:23.", "Strong and durable. -- Isa 9:10.", "Considered the first of trees -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Extensive commerce in -- 1Ki 5:10,11; Ezr 3:7.", "Used in", "Building temples. -- 1Ki 5:5,6; 6:9,10.", "Building palaces. -- 2Sa 5:11; 1Ki 7:2,3.", "Making masts of ships. -- Eze 27:5.", "Making wardrobes. -- Eze 27:24.", "Making chariots. -- Song 3:9.", "Purifying the leper. -- Le 14:4-7,49-52.", "Preparing the water of separation. -- Nu 19:6.", "Making idols. -- Isa 44:14.", "The eagle alluded to as", "Making its nest in. -- Jer 22:23.", "Perching on the high branches of. -- Eze 17:3.", "Instrumental in propagating. -- Eze 17:4,5.", "Destruction of, a punishment -- Jer 22:7.", "Destruction of, exhibits God's power -- Ps 29:5.", "Illustrative of", "Majesty, strength, and glory of Christ. -- Song 5:15; Eze 17:22,23.", "Beauty and glory of israel. -- Nu 24:6.", "Saints in their rapid growth. -- Ps 92:12.", "Powerful nations. -- Eze 31:3; Am 2:9.", "Arrogant rulers. -- Isa 2:13; 10:33,34."]} +{"term": "Censers", "definitions": ["For burning incense -- Le 10:1; 2Ch 26:19.", "Made of", "Brass. -- Nu 16:39.", "Gold. -- 1Ki 7:50.", "One of gold in the most holy place -- Heb 9:4.", "Directions for removing -- Nu 4:14.", "Often used in idolatrous worship -- Eze 8:11.", "Of Korah, &c made into plates to cover the altar -- Nu 16:18,39.", "Typical of Christ's intercession -- Re 8:3,5."]} +{"term": "Character of Saints", "definitions": ["Attentive to Christ's voice -- Joh 10:3,4.", "Blameless and harmless -- Php 2:15.", "Bold -- Pr 28:1; Ro 13:3.", "Contrite -- Isa 57:15; 66:2.", "Devout -- Ac 8:2; 22:12.", "Faithful -- Re 17:14.", "Fearing God -- Mt 3:16; Ac 10:2.", "Following Christ -- Joh 10:4,27.", "Godly -- Ps 4:3; 2Pe 2:9.", "Guileless -- Joh 1:47.", "Holy -- De 7:6; 14:2; Col 3:12.", "Humble -- Ps 34:2; 1Pe 5:5.", "Hungering after righteousness -- Mt 5:6.", "Just -- Ge 6:9; Hab 2:4; Lu 2:25.", "Led by the Spirit -- Ro 8:14.", "Liberal -- Isa 32:8; 2Co 9:13.", "Loving -- Col 1:4; 1Th 4:9.", "Lowly -- Pr 16:19.", "Meek -- Isa 29:19; Mt 5:5.", "Merciful -- Ps 37:26; Mt 5:7.", "New Creatures -- 2Co 5:17; Eph 2:10.", "Obedient -- Ro 16:19; 1Pe 1:14.", "Poor in spirit -- Ps 51:17; Mt 5:3.", "Prudent -- Pr 16:21.", "Pure in heart -- Mt 5:8; 1Jo 3:3.", "Righteous -- Isa 60:21; Lu 1:6.", "Sincere -- 2Co 1:12; 2:17.", "Steadfast -- Ac 2:42; Col 2:5.", "Taught of God -- Isa 54:13; 1Jo 2:27.", "True -- 2Co 6:8.", "Undefiled -- Ps 119:1.", "Upright -- 1Ki 3:6; Ps 15:2.", "Watchful -- Lu 12:37.", "Zealous of good works -- Tit 2:14; 3:8."]} +{"term": "Character of the Wicked", "definitions": ["Abominable -- Re 21:8.", "Alienated from God -- Eph 4:18; Col 1:21.", "Blasphemous -- Lu 22:65; Re 16:9.", "Blinded -- 2Co 4:4; Eph 4:18.", "Boastful -- Ps 10:3; 49:6.", "Conspiring against God's people -- Ne 4:8; 6:2; Ps 38:12.", "Covetous -- Mic 2:2; Ro 1:29.", "Deceitful -- Ps 5:6; Ro 3:13.", "Delighting in the iniquity of others -- Pr 2:14; Ro 1:32.", "Despising the works of the faithful -- Ne 2:19; 4:2; 2Ti 3:3,4.", "Destructive -- Isa 59:7.", "Disobedient -- Ne 9:26; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 2:7.", "Enticing to evil -- Pr 1:10-14; 2Ti 3:6.", "Envious -- Ne 2:10; Tit 3:3.", "Fearful -- Pr 28:1; Re 21:8.", "Fierce -- Pr 16:29; 2Ti 3:3.", "Foolish -- De 32:6; Ps 5:5.", "Forgetting God -- Job 8:13.", "Fraudulent -- Ps 37:21; Mic 6:11.", "Froward -- Pr 21:8; Isa 57:17.", "Glorying in their shame -- Php 3:19.", "Hard-hearted -- Eze 3:7.", "Hating the light -- Job 24:13; Joh 3:20.", "Heady and high-minded -- 2Ti 3:4.", "Hostile to God -- Ro 8:7; Col 1:21.", "Hypocritical -- Isa 29:13; 2Ti 3:5.", "Ignorant of God -- Ho 4:1; 2Th 1:8.", "Impudent -- Eze 2:4.", "Incontinent -- 2Ti 3:3.", "Infidel -- Ps 10:4; 14:1.", "Loathsome -- Pr 13:5.", "Lovers of pleasure more than of God -- 2Ti 3:4.", "Lying -- Ps 58:3; 62:4; Isa 59:4.", "Mischievous -- Pr 24:8; Mic 7:3.", "Murderous -- Ps 10:8; 94:6; Ro 1:29.", "Prayerless -- Job 21:15; Ps 53:4.", "Persecuting -- Ps 69:26; 109:16.", "Perverse -- De 32:5.", "Proud -- Ps 59:12; Ob 3:2; 2Ti 3:2.", "Rejoicing in the affliction of saints -- Ps 35:15.", "Reprobate -- 2Co 13:5; 2Ti 3:8; Tit 1:16.", "Selfish -- 2Ti 3:2.", "Sensual -- Php 3:19; Jude 1:19.", "Sold under sin -- 1Ki 21:20; 2Ki 17:17.", "Stiff-hearted -- Eze 2:4.", "Stiff-necked -- Ex 33:5; Ac 7:51.", "Uncircumcised in heart -- Jer 9:26; Ac 7:51.", "Unjust -- Pr 11:7; Isa 26:10.", "Unmerciful -- Ro 1:31.", "Ungodly -- Pr 16:27.", "Unholy -- 2Ti 3:2.", "Unprofitable -- Mt 25:30; Ro 3:12.", "Unruly -- Tit 1:10.", "Unthankful -- Lu 6:35; 2Ti 3:2.", "Untoward -- Ac 2:40.", "Unwise -- De 32:6."]} +{"term": "Chariots", "definitions": ["Carriages for travelling, &c -- Ge 46:29.", "Carriages used in war -- 1Ki 20:25.", "Wheels of, described -- 1Ki 7:33.", "Bound with traces -- Mic 1:13.", "Drawn by", "Horses. -- 2Ki 10:2; Song 1:9.", "Asses and camels. -- Isa 21:7.", "Value of in Solomon's time -- 1Ki 10:29.", "Drivers generally employed for -- 1Ki 22:34; 2Ch 18:33.", "Sometimes driven by the owners -- 2Ki 9:16,20.", "Sometimes driven furiously -- 2Ki 9:20; Isa 5:28; Jer 4:13.", "Bounding motion of, referred to -- Na 3:2.", "Noise occasioned by, referred to -- 2Ki 7:6; Joe 2:5; Na 3:2; Re 9:9.", "Introduced into Israel by David -- 2Sa 8:4.", "Multiplied by Solomon -- 1Ki 10:26.", "Imported from Egypt -- 1Ki 10:28,29.", "For war", "Armed with iron. -- Jos 17:16; Jdj 1:19.", "Lighted by night with torches. -- Na 2:3.", "Commanded by captains. -- Ex 14:7; 1Ki 16:9.", "Advantageously manoeuvred in a flat country. -- Jdj 1:19; 1Ki 20:23-25.", "Formed part of the line of battle. -- 1Ki 20:25.", "Used in pursuing enemies. -- Ex 14:9; 2Sa 1:6.", "Kept in chariot cities. -- 1Ki 9:19; 10:26.", "Used in war by the", "Egyptians. -- Ex 14:7; 2Ki 18:24.", "Canaanites. -- Jos 17:16; Jdj 4:3.", "Philistines. -- 1Sa 13:5.", "Syrians. -- 2Sa 10:18; 1Ki 20:1.", "Assyrians. -- 2Ki 19:23.", "Ethiopians. -- 2Ch 14:9; 16:8.", "Babylonians. -- Eze 23:23; 26:7.", "Jews. -- 2Ki 8:21; 10:2.", "Kings rode in, to battle -- 1Ki 22:35.", "Kings used, in common -- 1Ki 12:18; 18:44.", "Persons of distinction used -- Ge 41:43; 2Ki 5:9,21; Jer 17:25; Ac 8:28.", "Often attended by running footmen -- 1Sa 8:11; 2Sa 15:1; 1Ki 1:5.", "Consecrated to the sun -- 2Ki 23:11.", "The Jews condemned for", "Multiplying. -- Isa 2:7.", "Trusting to. -- Isa 22:18; 31:1.", "Taken in war, often destroyed. -- Jos 11:6,9; Jer 51:21; Mic 5:10; Na 2:13.", "Illustrative of", "The clouds. -- Ps 104:3.", "The judgments of God. -- Isa 66:15.", "Angels. -- 2Ki 6:16,17; Ps 68:17.", "Prophets. -- 2Ki 2:12; 13:14.", "Christ's love to his church. -- Song 6:12.", "Elijah taken to heaven in one of fire -- 2Ki 2:11."]} +{"term": "Charity", "definitions": ["Explained -- 1Co 13:4-7.", "Enjoined -- See \"Love to man\". Col 3:14."]} +{"term": "Chastity", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Ex 20:14; Pr 31:3; Ac 15:20; Ro 13:13; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:3.", "Required in look -- Job 31:1; Mt 5:28.", "Required in heart -- Pr 6:25.", "Required in speech -- Eph 5:3.", "Keep the body in -- 1Co 6:13,15-18.", "Preserved by wisdom -- Pr 2:10,11,16; 7:1-5.", "Saints are kept in -- Ec 7:26.", "Advantages of -- 1Pe 3:1,2.", "Shun those devoid of -- 1Co 5:11; 1Pe 4:3.", "The wicked are devoid of -- Ro 1:29; Eph 4:19; 2Pe 2:14; Jude 1:8.", "Temptation to deviate from, dangerous -- 2Sa 11:2-4.", "Consequences of associating with those devoid of -- Pr 7:25-27; 22:14.", "Want of, excludes from heaven -- Ga 5:19-21.", "Drunkenness destructive to -- Pr 23:31-33.", "Breach of, punished -- 1Co 3:16,17; Eph 5:5,6; Heb 13:4; Re 22:15.", "Motives for -- 1Co 6:19; 1Th 4:7.", "Exemplified", "Abimelech. -- Ge 20:4,5; 26:10,11.", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:7-10.", "Ruth. -- Ru 3:10,11.", "Boaz. -- Ru 3:13."]} +{"term": "Cherubim", "definitions": ["Form and appearance of -- Eze 1:5-11,13,14.", "Animated by the Spirit of God -- Eze 1:12,20.", "Engaged in accomplishing the purposes of God -- Eze 1:15,21; 10:9-11,16,17.", "The glory of God exhibited upon -- Eze 1:22,26-28; 10:4,18,20.", "Sound of their wings was as the voice of God -- Eze 1:24; 10:5.", "Placed at the entrance of Eden -- Ge 3:24.", "Of gold", "Formed out of, and at each end of the mercy seat. -- Ex 25:18-20.", "Placed over the ark of the covenant. -- 1Sa 4:4; 1Ki 8:6,7; 2Ch 5:7,8.", "God's presence manifested between. -- 2Sa 6:2; 2Ki 19:15; Ps 80:1; 99:1.", "The oracles or answers of God delivered from between. -- Ex 25:22; Nu 7:89.", "Called the cherubim of glory -- Heb 9:5.", "Representations of, made on the", "Curtains of the tabernacle. -- Ex 26:1,31.", "Vail of the tabernacle. -- Ex 26:31.", "Vail of the temple. -- 2Ch 3:14.", "Doors of the temple. -- 1Ki 6:32,35.", "Walls of the temple. -- 2Ch 3:7.", "Bases of brazen lavers. -- 1Ki 7:29,36.", "Riding on, illustrative of majesty and power of God -- 2Sa 22:11; Ps 18:10."]} +{"term": "Children", "definitions": ["Christ was an example to -- Lu 2:51; Joh 19:26,27.", "Are a gift from God -- Ge 33:5; Ps 127:3.", "Are capable of glorifying God -- Ps 8:2; 148:12,13; Mt 21:15,16.", "Should be", "Brought to Christ. -- Mr 10:13-16.", "Brought early to the house of God. -- 1Sa 1:24.", "Instructed in the ways of God. -- De 31:12,13; Pr 22:6.", "Judiciously trained. -- Pr 22:15; 29:17; Eph 6:4.", "Should", "Obey God. -- De 30:2.", "Fear God. -- Pr 24:21.", "Remember God. -- Ec 12:1.", "Attend to parental teaching. -- Pr 1:8,9.", "Honour parents. -- Ex 20:12; Heb 12:9.", "Fear parents. -- Le 19:3.", "Obey parents. -- Pr 6:20; Eph 6:1.", "Take care of parents. -- 1Ti 5:4.", "Honour the aged. -- Le 19:32; 1Pe 5:5.", "Not imitate bad parents. -- Eze 20:18.", "An heritage from the Lord -- Ps 113:9; 127:3.", "Not to have", "Considered an affliction. -- Ge 15:2,3; Jer 22:30.", "A reproach in Israel. -- 1Sa 1:6,7; Lu 1:25.", "Anxiety of the Jews for -- Ge 30:1; 1Sa 1:5,8.", "Often prayed for -- 1Sa 1:10,11; Lu 1:13.", "Often given in answer to prayer -- Ge 25:21; 1Sa 1:27; Lu 1:13.", "Treatment of, after birth, noticed -- Eze 16:4.", "Mostly nursed by the mothers -- 1Sa 1:22; 1Ki 3:21; Ps 22:9; Song 8:1.", "Weaning of, a time of joy and feasting -- Ge 21:8; 1Sa 1:24.", "Circumcised on the eighth day -- Php 3:5.", "Named at circumcision -- Lu 1:59; 2:21.", "Were named", "After relatives. -- Lu 1:59,61.", "From remarkable events. -- Ge 21:3,6; 18:13; Ex 2:10; 18:3,4.", "From circumstances connected with their birth. -- Ge 25:25,26; 35:18; 1Ch 4:9.", "Often by God. -- Isa 8:3; Ho 1:4,6,9.", "Often numerous. -- 2Ki 10:1; 1Ch 4:27.", "Numerous, considered an especial blessing. -- Ps 115:14; 127:4,5.", "Sometimes born when parents were old. -- Ge 15:3,6; 17:17; Lu 1:18.", "Male", "If first born, belonged to God and were redeemed. -- Ex 13:12,13,15.", "Birth of, announced to the father by a messenger. -- Jer 20:15.", "Under the care of tutors, till they came of age. -- 2Ki 10:1; Ga 4:1,2.", "Usefully employed. -- 1Sa 9:3; 17:15.", "Inherited the possessions of their father. -- De 21:16,17; Lu 12:13,14.", "Received the blessing of their father before his death. -- Ge 27:1-4; 48:15; 49:1-33.", "Female", "Taken care of by nurses. -- Ge 35:8.", "Usefully employed. -- Ge 24:13; Ex 2:16.", "Inherited property in default of sons. -- Nu 27:1-8; Jos 17:1-6.", "Fondness and care of mothers for -- Ex 2:2-10; 1Sa 2:19; 1Ki 3:27; Isa 49:15; 1Th 2:7,8.", "Of God's people, holy -- Ezr 9:2; 1Co 7:14.", "Of God's people, interested in the promises -- De 29:29; Ac 2:39.", "Prosperity of, greatly depended on obedience of parents -- De 4:40; 12:25,28; Ps 128:1-3.", "Frequently bore the curse of parents -- Ex 20:5; Ps 109:9,10.", "Were required", "To honour their parents. -- Ex 20:12.", "To attend to instruction. -- De 4:9; 11:19.", "To submit to discipline. -- Pr 29:17; Heb 12:9.", "To respect the aged. -- Le 19:32.", "Mode of giving public instruction to -- Lu 2:46; Ac 22:3.", "Power of parents over, during the patriarchal age -- Ge 9:24,25; 21:14; 38:24.", "Often wicked and rebellious -- 2Ki 2:23.", "Rebellious, punished by the civil power -- Ex 21:15-17; De 21:18-21.", "Sometimes devoted their property to avoid supporting parents -- Mt 15:5; Mr 7:11,12.", "Could demand their portion during father's life -- Lu 15:12.", "Amusements of -- Zec 8:5; Mt 11:16,17.", "Casting out of weak, &c alluded to -- Eze 16:5.", "Inhuman practice of offering to idols -- 2Ki 17:31; 2Ch 28:3; 33:6.", "Illegitimate", "Had no inheritance. -- Ge 21:10,14; Ga 4:30.", "Not cared for by the father. -- Heb 12:8.", "Excluded from the congregation. -- De 23:2.", "Sometimes sent away with gifts. -- Ge 25:6.", "Despised by their brethren. -- Jdj 11:2.", "Destruction of, a punishment -- Le 26:22; Eze 9:6; Lu 19:44.", "Grief occasioned by loss of -- Ge 37:35; 44:27-29; 2Sa 13:37; Jer 6:26; 31:15.", "Resignation manifested at loss of -- Le 10:19,20; 2Sa 12:18-23; Job 1:19-21."]} +{"term": "Children, Good", "definitions": ["The Lord is with -- 1Sa 3:19.", "Know the Scriptures -- 2Ti 3:15.", "Observe the law of God -- Pr 28:7.", "Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God -- Col 3:20.", "Partake of the promises of God -- Ac 2:39.", "Shall be blessed -- Pr 3:1-4; Eph 6:2,3.", "Show love to parents -- Ge 46:29.", "Obey parents -- Ge 28:7; 47:30.", "Attend to parental teaching -- Pr 13:1.", "Take care of parents -- Ge 45:9,11; 47:12.", "Make their parents' hearts glad -- Pr 10:1; 29:17.", "Honour the aged -- Job 32:6,7.", "Adduced as a motive for submission to God -- Heb 12:9.", "Spirit of, a requisite for the kingdom of heaven -- Mt 18:3.", "Illustrative of a teachable spirit -- Mt 18:4.", "Exemplified", "Isaac. -- Ge 22:6-10.", "Joseph. -- Ge 45:9; 46:29.", "Jephthah's daughter. -- Jdj 11:34,36.", "Samson. -- Jdj 13:24.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 3:19.", "Obadiah. -- 1Ki 18:12.", "Josiah. -- 2Ch 34:3.", "Esther. -- Es 2:20.", "Job. -- Job 29:4.", "David. -- 1Sa 17:20; Ps 71:5.", "Daniel. -- Da 1:6.", "John the Baptist. -- Lu 1:80.", "Children in the Temple. -- Mt 21:15,16.", "Timothy. -- 2Ti 3:15."]} +{"term": "Children, Wicked", "definitions": ["Know not God -- 1Sa 2:12.", "Are void of understanding -- Pr 7:7.", "Are proud -- Isa 3:5.", "With regard to parents", "Hearken not to them. -- 1Sa 2:25.", "Despise them. -- Pr 15:5,20; Eze 22:7.", "Curse them. -- Pr 30:11.", "Bring reproach on them. -- Pr 19:26.", "Are a calamity to them. -- Pr 19:13.", "Are a grief to them. -- Pr 17:25.", "Despised their elders. -- Job 19:18.", "Punishment of, for", "Setting light by parents. -- De 27:16.", "Disobeying parents. -- De 21:21.", "Mocking parents. -- Pr 30:17.", "Cursing parents. -- Ex 21:15; Mr 7:10.", "Smiting parents. -- Ex 21:15.", "Mocking of a prophet. -- 2Ki 2:23,24.", "Gluttony and drunkenness. -- De 21:20,21.", "Their guilt in robbing parents -- Pr 28:24.", "Exemplified", "Esau. -- Ge 26:34,35.", "Sons of Eli. -- 1Sa 2:,12,17.", "Sons of Samuel. -- 1Sa 8:3.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:10.", "Adonijah. -- 1Ki 1:5,6.", "Children at Bethel. -- 2Ki 2:23.", "Adrammelech and Sharezer. -- 2Ki 19:37."]} +{"term": "Christ, Character Of", "definitions": ["Altogether lovely -- Song 5:16.", "Holy -- Lu 1:35; Ac 4:27; Re 3:7.", "Righteous -- Isa 53:11; Heb 1:9.", "Good -- Mt 19:16.", "Faithful -- Isa 11:5; 1Th 5:24.", "True -- Joh 1:14; 7:18; 1Jo 5:20.", "Just -- Zec 9:9; Joh 5:30; Ac 22:14.", "Guileless -- Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22.", "Sinless -- Joh 8:46; 2Co 5:21.", "Spotless -- 1Pe 1:19.", "Innocent -- Mt 27:4.", "Harmless -- Heb 7:26.", "Resisting temptation -- Mt 4:1-10.", "Obedient to God the Father -- Ps 40:8; Joh 4:34; 15:10.", "Zealous -- Lu 2:49; Joh 2:17; 8:29.", "Meek -- Isa 53:7; Zec 9:9; Mt 11:29.", "Lowly in heart -- Mt 11:29.", "Merciful -- Heb 2:17.", "Patient -- Isa 53:7; Mt 27:14.", "Long-suffering -- 1Ti 1:16.", "Compassionate -- Isa 40:11; Lu 19:41.", "Benevolent -- Mt 4:23,24; Ac 10:38.", "Loving -- Joh 13:1; 15:13.", "Self-denying -- Mt 8:20; 2Co 8:9.", "Humble -- Lu 22:27; Php 2:8.", "Resigned -- Lu 22:42.", "Forgiving -- Lu 23:34.", "Subject to His parents -- Lu 2:51.", "Saints are conformed to -- Ro 8:29."]} +{"term": "Christ is God", "definitions": ["As Jehovah -- Isa 40:3; Mt 3:3.", "As Jehovah of glory -- Ps 24:7,10; 1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1.", "As Jehovah, our RIGHTEOUSNESS -- Jer 23:5,6; 1Co 1:30.", "As Jehovah, above all -- Ps 97:9; Joh 3:31.", "As Jehovah, the First and the Last -- Isa 44:6; Re 1:17; Isa 48:12-16; Re 22:13.", "As Jehovah's Fellow and Equal -- Zec 13:7; Php 2:6.", "As Jehovah of Hosts -- Isa 6:1-3; Joh 12:41; Isa 8:13,14; 1Pe 2:8.", "As Jehovah, the Shepherd -- Isa 40:11; Heb 13:20.", "As Jehovah, for whose glory all things were created -- Pr 16:4; Col 1:16.", "As Jehovah, the Messenger of the covenant -- Mal 3:1; Mr 1:2; Lu 2:27.", "Invoked as Jehovah -- Joe 2:32; Ac 2:21; 1Co 1:2.", "As the Eternal God and Creator -- Ps 102:24-27; Heb 1:8,10-12.", "As the mighty God -- Isa 9:6.", "As the Great God and Saviour -- Ho 1:7; Tit 2:13.", "As God over all -- Ps 45:6,7; Ro 9:5.", "As the true God -- Jer 10:10; 1Jo 5:20.", "As God the Word -- Joh 1:1.", "As God, the judge -- Ec 12:14; 1Co 4:5; 2Co 5:10; 2Ti 4:1.", "As Emmanuel -- Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23.", "As King of kings and Lord of lords -- Da 10:17; Re 1:5; 17:14.", "As the Holy One -- 1Sa 2:2; Ac 3:14.", "As the Lord from heaven -- 1Co 15:47.", "As Lord of the Sabbath -- Ge 2:3; Mt 12:8.", "As Lord of all -- Ac 10:36; Ro 10:11-13.", "As Son of God -- Mt 26:63-67.", "As the Only-begotten Son of the Father -- Joh 1:14,18; 3:16,18; 1Jo 4:9.", "His blood is called the blood of God -- Ac 20:28.", "As one with the Father -- Joh 10:30,38; 12:45; 14:7-10; 17:10.", "As sending the Spirit, equally with the Father -- Joh 14:16; 15:26.", "As entitled to equal honour with the Father -- Joh 5:23.", "As Owner of all things, equally with the Father -- Joh 16:15.", "As unrestricted by the law of the sabbath, equally with the Father -- Joh 5:17.", "As the Source of grace, equally with the Father -- 1Th 3:11; 2Th 2:16,17.", "As unsearchable, equally with the Father -- Pr 30:4; Mt 11:27.", "As Creator of all things -- Isa 40:28; Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2.", "As Supporter and Preserver of all things -- Ne 9:6; Col 1:17; Heb 1:3.", "As possessed of the fulness of the God head -- Col 2:9; Heb 1:3.", "As raising the dead -- Joh 5:21; 6:40,54.", "As raising himself from the dead -- Joh 2:19,21; 10:18.", "As Eternal -- Isa 9:6; Mic 5:2; Joh 1:1; Col 1:17; Heb 1:8-10; Re 1:8.", "As Omnipresent -- Mt 18:20; 28:20; Joh 3:13.", "As Omnipotent -- Ps 45:3; Php 3:21; Re 1:8.", "As Omniscient -- Joh 16:30; 21:17.", "As discerning the thoughts of the heart -- 1Ki 8:39; Lu 5:22; Eze 11:5; Joh 2:24,25; Re 2:23.", "As unchangeable -- Mal 3:6; Heb 1:12; 13:8.", "As having power to forgive sins -- Col 3:13; Mr 2:7,10.", "As Giver of pastors to the Church -- Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11-13.", "As Husband of the Church -- Isa 54:5; Eph 5:25-32; Isa 62:5; Re 21:2,9.", "As the object of divine worship -- Ac 7:59; 2Co 12:8,9; Heb 1:6; Re 5:12.", "As the object of faith -- Ps 2:12; 1Pe 2:6; Jer 17:5,7; Joh 14:1.", "As God, he redeems and purifies the Church to himself -- Re 5:9; Tit 2:14.", "As God, he presents the Church to himself -- Eph 5:27; Jude 1:24,25.", "Saints live to him as God -- Ro 6:11; Ga 2:19; 2Co 5:15.", "Acknowledged by his Apostles -- Joh 20:28.", "Acknowledged by the Old Testament saints -- Ge 17:1; 48:15,16; 32:24-30; Ho 12:3-5; Jdj 6:22-24; 13:21,22; Job 19:25-27."]} +{"term": "Christ, the Head of the Church", "definitions": ["Predicted -- Ps 118:22; Mt 21:42.", "Appointed by God -- Eph 1:22.", "Declared by himself -- Mt 21:42.", "As his mystical body -- Eph 4:12,15; 5:23.", "Has the pre-eminence in all things -- 1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 1:18.", "Commissioned his Apostles -- Mt 10:1,7; 28:19; Joh 20:21.", "Instituted the ordinances -- Mt 28:19; Lu 22:19,20.", "Imparts gifts -- Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8.", "Saints are complete in -- Col 2:10.", "Perverters of the truth do not hold -- Col 2:18,19."]} +{"term": "Christ, the High Priest", "definitions": ["Appointed and called by God -- Heb 3:1,2; 5:4,5.", "After the order of Melchizedek -- Ps 110:4; Heb 5:6; 6:20; 7:15,17.", "Superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests -- Heb 7:11,16,22; 8:1,2,6.", "Consecrated with an oath -- Heb 7:20,21.", "Has an unchangeable priesthood -- Heb 7:23,28.", "Is of unblemished purity -- Heb 7:26,28.", "Faithful -- Heb 3:2.", "Needed no sacrifice for himself -- Heb 7:27.", "Offered himself a sacrifice -- Heb 9:14,26.", "His sacrifice superior to all others -- Heb 9:13,14,23.", "Offered sacrifice but once -- Heb 7:27; 9:25,26.", "Made reconciliation -- Heb 2:17.", "Obtained redemption for us -- Heb 9:12.", "Entered into heaven -- Heb 4:14; 10:12.", "Sympathises with those who are tempted -- Heb 2:18; 4:15.", "Intercedes -- Heb 7:25; 9:24.", "Blesses -- Nu 6:23-26; Ac 3:26.", "On his throne -- Zec 6:13.", "Appointment of, and encouragement to steadfastness -- Heb 4:14.", "Typified", "Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:18-20.", "Aaron, &c. -- Ex 40:12-15."]} +{"term": "Christ, the King", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Nu 24:17; Ps 2:6; 45:1-17; Isa 9:7; Jer 23:5; Mic 5:2.", "Glorious -- Ps 24:7-10; 1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1.", "Supreme -- Ps 89:27; Re 1:5; 19:16.", "Sits in the throne of God -- Re 3:21.", "Sits on the throne of David -- Isa 9:7; Eze 37:24,25; Lu 1:32; Ac 2:30.", "Is King of Zion -- Ps 2:6; Isa 52:7; Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5; Joh 12:12-15.", "Has a righteous kingdom -- Ps 45:6; Heb 1:8,9; Isa 32:1; Jer 23:5.", "Has an everlasting kingdom -- Da 2:44; 7:14; Lu 1:33.", "Has an universal kingdom -- Ps 2:8; 72:8; Zec 14:9; Re 11:15.", "His kingdom not of this world -- Joh 18:36.", "Saints, the subjects of -- Col 1:13; Re 15:3.", "Saints receive a kingdom from -- Lu 22:29,30; Heb 12:28.", "Acknowledged by", "The wise men from the East. -- Mt 2:2.", "Nathanael. -- Joh 1:49.", "His followers. -- Lu 19:38; Joh 12:13.", "Declared by himself -- Mt 25:34; Joh 18:37.", "Written on His cross -- Joh 19:19.", "The Jews shall seek to -- Ho 3:5.", "Saints shall behold -- Isa 33:17; Re 22:3,4.", "Kings shall do homage to -- Ps 72:10; Isa 49:7.", "Shall overcome all his enemies -- Ps 110:1; Mr 12:36; 1Co 15:25; Re 17:14.", "Typified", "Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:18.", "David. -- 1Sa 16:1,12,13; Lu 1:32.", "Solomon. -- 1Ch 28:6,7."]} +{"term": "Christ, the Mediator", "definitions": ["In virtue of his atonement -- Eph 2:13-18; Heb 9:15; 12:24.", "The only one between God and man -- 1Ti 2:5.", "Of the gospel covenant -- Heb 8:6; 12:24.", "Typified", "Moses. -- De 5:5; Ga 3:19.", "Aaron. -- Nu 16:48."]} +{"term": "Christ, the Prophet", "definitions": ["Foretold -- De 18:15,18; Isa 52:7; Na 1:15.", "Anointed with the Holy Spirit -- Isa 42:1; 61:1; Lu 4:18; Joh 3:34.", "Alone knows and reveals God -- Mt 11:27; Joh 3:2,13,34; 17:6,14,26; Heb 1:1,2.", "Declared his doctrine to be that of the Father -- Joh 8:26,28; 12:49,50; 14:10,24; 15:15; 17:8,16.", "Preached the gospel, and worked miracles -- Mt 4:23; 11:5; Lu 4:43.", "Foretold things to come -- Mt 24:3-35; Lu 19:41,44.", "Faithful to his trust -- Lu 4:43; Joh 17:8; Heb 3:2; Re 1:5; 3:14.", "Abounded in wisdom -- Lu 2:40,47,52; Col 2:3.", "Mighty in deed and word -- Mt 13:54; Mr 1:27; Lu 4:32; Joh 7:46.", "Meek and unostentatious in his teaching -- Isa 42:2; Mt 12:17-20.", "God commands us to hear -- De 18:15; Mt 17:25; Ac 3:22; 7:37.", "God will severely visit our neglect of -- De 18:19; Ac 3:23; Heb 2:3.", "Typified", "Moses. -- De 18:15."]} +{"term": "Christ, the Shepherd", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Ge 49:24; Isa 40:11; Eze 34:23; 37:24.", "The chief -- 1Pe 5:4.", "The good -- Joh 10:11,14.", "The great -- Mic 5:4; Heb 13:20.", "His sheep", "He knows. -- Joh 10:14,27.", "He calls. -- Joh 10:3.", "He gathers. -- Isa 40:11; Joh 10:16.", "He guides. -- Ps 23:3; Joh 10:3,4.", "He feeds. -- Ps 23:1,2; Joh 10:9.", "He cherishes tenderly. -- Isa 40:11.", "He protects and preserves. -- Jer 31:10; Eze 34:10; Zec 9:16; Joh 10:28.", "He laid down his life for. -- Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31; Joh 10:11,15; Ac 20:28.", "He gives eternal life to. -- Joh 10:28.", "Typified", "David. -- 1Sa 16:11."]} +{"term": "Church, The", "definitions": ["Belongs to God -- 1Ti 3:15.", "The body of Christ -- Eph 1:23; Col 1:24.", "Christ, the foundation-stone of -- 1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4,5.", "Christ, the head of -- Eph 1:22; 5:23.", "Loved by Christ -- Song 7:10; Eph 5:25.", "Purchased by the blood of Christ -- Ac 20:28; Eph 5:25; Heb 9:12.", "Sanctified and cleansed by Christ -- 1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26,27.", "Subject to Christ -- Ro 7:4; Eph 5:24.", "The object of the grace of God -- Isa 27:3; 2Co 8:1.", "Displays the wisdom of God -- Eph 3:10.", "Shows forth the praises of God -- Isa 60:6.", "God defends -- Ps 89:18; Isa 4:5; 49:25; Mt 16:18.", "God provides ministers for -- Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11,12.", "Glory to be ascribed to God by -- Eph 3:21.", "Elect -- 1Pe 5:13.", "Glorious -- Ps 45:13; Eph 5:27.", "Clothed in righteousness -- Re 19:8.", "Believers continually added to, by the Lord -- Ac 2:27; 5:14; 11:24.", "Unity of -- Ro 12:5; 1Co 10:17; 12:12; Ga 3:28.", "Saints baptised into, by one Spirit -- 1Co 12:13.", "Ministers commanded to feed -- Ac 20:28.", "Is edified by the word -- 1Co 14:4,13; Eph 4:15,16.", "The wicked persecute -- Ac 8:1-3; 1Th 2:14,15.", "Not to be despised -- 1Co 11:22.", "Defiling of, will be punished -- 1Co 3:17.", "Extent of, predicted -- Isa 2:2; Eze 17:22-24; Da 2:34,35; Hab 2:14."]} +{"term": "Church of Israel", "definitions": ["Established by God -- De 4:5-14; 26:18; Ac 7:35,38.", "Admission into, by circumcision -- Ge 17:10-14.", "All Israelites members of -- Ro 9:4.", "Was relatively holy -- Ex 31:13; Nu 16:3.", "Had", "An appointed place of worship. -- De 12:5.", "Appointed ordinances. -- Ex 18:20; Heb 9:1,10.", "Appointed feasts. -- Le 23:2; Isa 1:14.", "An ordained ministry. -- Ex 29:9; De 10:8.", "The divine presence manifested in it. -- Ex 29:45,46; Le 26:11,12; 1Ki 8:10,11.", "A spiritual church within it. -- Ro 9:6-8; 11:2-7.", "In covenant with God -- De 4:13,23; Ac 3:25.", "The depository of holy writ -- Ro 3:2.", "Called the", "Congregation of Israel. -- Ex 12:47; Le 4:13.", "Congregation of the Lord. -- Nu 27:17; 31:16.", "Privileges of -- Ro 9:4.", "Proselytes admitted into -- Nu 9:14; 15:15,29.", "Supported by the people -- Ex 34:20; De 16:17.", "Worship of, consisted in", "Sacrifice. -- Ex 10:25; Le 1:2; Heb 10:1.", "Prayer. -- Ex 24:11; Ps 5:7; 95:6.", "Praise. -- 2Ch 5:13; 30:21.", "Reading God's word. -- Ex 24:7; De 31:11.", "Preaching. -- Ne 8:4,5.", "Attachment of the Jews to -- Joh 9:28,29; Ac 6:11.", "Members of", "Required to know its statutes. -- Le 10:11.", "Required to keeps its statutes. -- De 16:12.", "Required to attend its worship. -- Ex 23:17.", "Separated from, while unclean. -- Le 13:46; 15:31; Nu 5:2-4.", "Excommunicated for heavy offences. -- Nu 15:30,31; 19:20.", "Persons excluded from -- Ex 12:48; De 23:1-4; Eze 44:7,9.", "A type of the church of Christ -- Ga 4:24-26; Heb 12:23."]} +{"term": "Circumcision", "definitions": ["Instituted by God -- Ge 17:9,10.", "Described -- Ge 17:11; Ex 4:25.", "Enforced by the law -- Le 12:3; Joh 7:22.", "Called the", "Covenant of circumcision. -- Ac 7:8.", "Circumcision in the flesh. -- Eph 2:11.", "Concision. -- Php 3:2.", "A painful and bloody rite -- Ex 4:26; Jos 5:8.", "Promises to Abraham previous to -- Ro 4:9,13.", "A seal of the covenant -- Ge 17:11; Ro 4:11.", "Introductory Jewish ordinances -- Ga 5:3.", "Outward sign of -- Ro 2:28.", "Inward grace -- Ro 2:29.", "Necessary to enjoying the privileges of the Jewish State -- Ex 12:48; Eze 44:7.", "Was performed", "On males home-born and bought. -- Ge 17:12,13.", "On the eighth day. -- Ge 17:12; Le 12:3.", "Even on the sabbath day. -- Joh 7:22,23.", "With knives of flint. -- Ex 4:25; Jos 5:3.", "By the heads of families. -- Ge 17:23; Ex 4:25.", "By persons in authority. -- Jos 5:3.", "In the presence of the family, &c. -- Lu 1:58-61.", "Accompanied with naming the child -- Ge 21:3,4; Lu 1:59; 2:21.", "First performed on Abraham and his family -- Ge 17:24-27.", "Not performed in the wilderness -- Jos 5:5.", "Performed by Joshua at Gilgal -- Jos 5:2,7.", "Punishment for neglecting -- Ge 17:14; Ex 4:24,26.", "Without faith, vain -- Ro 3:30; Ga 5:6.", "Without obedience, vain -- Ro 2:25; 1Co 7:19.", "The Jews", "Denominated by. -- Ac 10:45; Ga 2:9.", "Held it unlawful to intermarry with those not of the. -- Ge 34:14; Jdj 14:3.", "Held no intercourse with those not of the. -- Ac 10:28; 11:3; Ga 2:12.", "Despised as unclean those not of the. -- 1Sa 14:6; 17:26; Mt 15:26,27; Eph 2:11,15.", "Sometimes performed on slain enemies -- 1Sa 18:25-27; 2Sa 3:14.", "Abolished by the gospel -- Eph 2:11,15; Col 3:11.", "Performed on Timothy as a matter or expediency because of the Jews -- Ac 16:3.", "Necessity of, denied by Paul -- Ga 2:3-5.", "Necessity of, asserted by false teachers -- Ac 15:24; Ga 6:12; Tit 1:10.", "Trusting to, a denial of Christ -- Ga 3:3,4; 5:3,4.", "Paul denounced for opposing -- Ac 21:21.", "Saints the true spiritual -- Php 3:3; Col 2:11.", "Illustrative of", "Readiness to hear and obey. -- Jer 6:10.", "Purity of heart. -- De 10:16; 30:6.", "Purity of speech. -- Ex 6:12."]} +{"term": "Cities", "definitions": ["First mention of -- Ge 4:17.", "Designed for habitations -- Ps 107:7,36.", "Often built to perpetuate a name -- Ge 11:4.", "Often founded and enlarged by blood and rapine -- Mic 3:10; Hab 2:12.", "Built", "Of brick and slime. -- Ge 11:3.", "Of stone and wood. -- Ps 102:14; Eze 26:12.", "Of brick and mortar. -- Ex 1:11,14.", "On solid foundations. -- Ezr 6:3; Re 21:14.", "With compactness. -- Ps 122:3.", "Often of a square form. -- Re 21:16.", "Beside rivers. -- Ps 46:4; 137:1.", "On hills. -- Mt 5:14; Lu 4:29; Re 17:9.", "In plains. -- Ge 11:2,4; 13:12.", "In desert places. -- 2Ch 8:4; Ps 107:35,36.", "In pleasant situations. -- 2Ki 2:19; Ps 48:2.", "Arranged in streets and lanes -- Nu 22:39; Zec 8:5; Lu 14:21.", "Entered through gates -- Ge 34:24; Ne 13:19,22.", "Surrounded with walls -- De 1:28; 3:5.", "Often fortified by nature -- Ps 125:2; Isa 33:16.", "Often fortified by art -- 2Ch 11:5-10,23; Ps 48:12,13; Jer 4:5; Da 11:15.", "Sometimes had suburbs -- Nu 35:2; Jos 21:3.", "Were called for", "The family of the founder. -- Ge 4:17; Jdj 18:29.", "The proprietor of the land. -- 1Ki 16:24.", "The country in which built. -- Da 4:29,30.", "Numerous -- Jos 15:21; 1Ch 2:22; Jer 2:28.", "Densely inhabited -- Jon 4:11; Na 3:8.", "Often great and goodly -- Ge 10:12; De 6:10; Da 4:30; Jon 3:3.", "Often of great antiquity -- Ge 10:11,12.", "Often insignificant -- Ge 19:20; Ec 9:14.", "Different kinds of", "Royal. -- Nu 21:26; Jos 10:2; 2Sa 12:26.", "Fenced. -- Jos 10:20; Isa 36:1.", "Treasure. -- Ex 1:11.", "Commercial. -- Isa 23:11; Eze 27:3.", "Chariot. -- 2Ch 1:14; 9:25.", "Store. -- 2Ch 8:4,6.", "Levitical. -- Le 25:32,33; Nu 35:7,8.", "Refuge. -- Nu 35:6.", "Inhabitants of, called citizens -- Ac 21:39.", "Prosperity of, increased by commerce -- Ge 49:13; De 33:18,19; Eze 28:5.", "Artificial mode of supplying water to -- 2Ki 18:17; 20:20.", "Infested by dogs -- 1Ki 14:11; Ps 59:6,14.", "Under governors -- 2Ch 33:14; 2Co 11:32.", "Provided with judges -- De 16:18; 2Ch 19:5.", "Protected at night by watchmen -- Ps 127:1; Song 5:7; Isa 21:11.", "Furnished with stores -- 2Ch 11:11,12.", "Garrisoned in war -- 2Ch 17:2,19.", "Often had citadels -- Jdj 9:51.", "A great defence to a country -- 2Ch 11:5.", "Afforded refuge in times of danger -- Jer 8:14-16.", "Often deserted on the approach of an enemy -- 1Sa 31:7; Jer 4:20.", "Were frequently", "Stormed. -- Jos 8:3-7; Jdj 9:44.", "Besieged. -- De 28:52; 2Ki 19:24,25.", "Pillaged. -- Isa 13:16; Jer 20:5.", "Wasted by pestilence. -- 1Sa 5:11.", "Wasted by famine. -- Jer 52:6; Am 4:6.", "Depopulated. -- Isa 17:9; Eze 26:19.", "Burned. -- Jdj 20:38,40; Isa 1:7.", "Made heaps of ruins. -- Isa 25:2.", "Razed and sown with salt. -- Jdj 9:45.", "Difficulty of taking, alluded to -- Pr 18:19; Jer 1:18,19.", "Perishable nature of -- Heb 13:14.", "Illustrative of", "Saints. -- Mt 5:14.", "Visible church. -- Song 3:2,3; Re 11:2.", "Church triumphant. -- Re 21:2; 22:19.", "Heavenly inheritance. -- Heb 11:16.", "The apostasy. -- Re 16:10; 17:18.", "Riches. -- Pr 10:15."]} +{"term": "Cities of Refuge", "definitions": ["Design of -- Ex 21:13; Nu 35:11; Jos 20:3.", "Names &c of -- De 4:41-43; Jos 20:7,8.", "Required to be", "Easy of access. -- De 19:3; Isa 62:10.", "Open to all manslayers. -- Jos 20:4.", "Strangers might take advantage of -- Nu 35:15.", "Those admitted to", "Were put on their trial. -- Nu 35:12,24.", "Not protected outside of. -- Nu 35:26,27.", "Obliged to remain in, until the high priest's death. -- Nu 35:25,28.", "Afforded no asylum to murderers -- Ex 21:14; Nu 35:16-21.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Ps 91:2; Isa 25:4.", "Of the hope of the gospel. -- Heb 6:18.", "(The way to,) of Christ. -- Isa 35:8; Joh 14:6."]} +{"term": "Clouds", "definitions": ["Formed from the sea -- 1Ki 18:44; Am 9:6.", "Are garment of the sea -- Job 38:9.", "God", "Established. -- Pr 8:28.", "Balanced in the air. -- Job 37:16.", "Disposed in order. -- Job 37:15.", "Brings over the earth. -- Ge 9:14.", "Binds up. -- Job 26:8.", "Spreads out. -- Job 26:9.", "Scatters. -- Job 37:11.", "Power and wisdom of God exhibited in forming -- Ps 135:6,7; 147:5,8; Jer 10:13; 51:16.", "Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing -- Job 36:27,28; 37:10,11; Pr 3:20.", "Made for the glory of God -- Ps 148:4.", "Called the", "Clouds of heaven. -- Da 7:13; Mt 24:30.", "Windows of heaven. -- Ge 7:11; Isa 24:18.", "Bottles of heaven. -- Job 38:37.", "Chambers of God. -- Ps 104:3,13.", "Waters above the firmament. -- Ge 1:7.", "Dust of God's feet. -- Na 1:3.", "Different kinds of, mentioned", "White. -- Re 14:14.", "Bright. -- Job 37:11; Zec 10:1.", "Thick. -- Job 22:14; 37:11.", "Black. -- 1Ki 18:45.", "Swift. -- Isa 19:1.", "Great. -- Eze 1:4.", "Small. -- 1Ki 18:44.", "Often cover the heavens -- Ps 147:8.", "Often obscure the sun, &c -- Job 36:32; Eze 32:7.", "Often dispersed by the wind -- Ho 13:3.", "Uses of", "To give rain. -- Jdj 5:4; Ps 104:13,14.", "To supply dew. -- Pr 3:20; Isa 18:4.", "To moderate heat. -- Isa 25:5.", "From the west, bring rain -- Lu 12:54.", "Though small, often bring much rain -- 1Ki 18:44,45.", "Thunder and lightning come from -- Ps 77:17,18.", "The rainbow appears in -- Ge 9:13,14.", "Frequently the instrument of God's judgments -- Ge 7:11,12; Job 37:13; Ps 77:17.", "Man", "Ignorant of the spreading of. -- Job 36:29.", "Ignorant of the disposing of. -- Job 37:15.", "Ignorant of the balancing of. -- Job 37:16.", "Cannot number. -- Job 38:37.", "Cannot cause to rain. -- Job 38:34.", "Cannot stay. -- Job 38:37.", "Illustrative", "Of multitudes of persons. -- Isa 60:8; Heb 12:1.", "Of hostile armies. -- Jer 4:13; Eze 38:9,16.", "Of sins of men. -- Isa 44:22.", "Of judgments of God. -- La 2:1; Eze 30:3; 34:12; Joe 2:2.", "Of unsearchableness of God. -- 2Sa 22:12; Ps 97:2; Eze 1:4.", "(Riding upon,) of the power and greatness of God. -- Ps 104:3; Isa 19:1.", "(Passing away,) of the goodness and prosperity of hypocrites. -- Ho 6:4; 13:3.", "(Without water,) of false teachers. -- Jude 1:12.", "(Carried away by a tempest,) of false teachers. -- 2Pe 2:17.", "(Without rain,) of the fraudulent. -- Pr 25:14.", "(A morning without,) of wise rulers. -- 2Sa 23:3,4.", "(When seasonable,) of the favour of good rulers. -- Pr 16:15."]} +{"term": "Cloud of Glory", "definitions": ["First manifestation of -- Ex 13:20,21.", "Called", "The cloud. -- Ex 34:5.", "Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. -- Ex 13:22.", "Cloudy pillar. -- Ex 33:9,10.", "Cloud of the Lord. -- Nu 10:34.", "The presence of God. -- Ex 33:14,15.", "God's glory manifested in -- Ex 16:10; 40:35.", "God came down in -- Ex 34:5; Nu 11:25.", "God spoke from -- Ex 24:16; Ps 99:7.", "Was designed to", "Regulate the movements of Israel. -- Ex 40:36,37; Nu 9:17-23.", "Guide Israel. -- Ex 13:21; Ne 9:19.", "Show light to Israel. -- Ps 105:39.", "Defend Israel. -- Ex 14:19; Ps 105:39.", "Cover the tabernacle. -- Ex 40:34; Nu 9:15.", "Was dark to the enemies of Israel -- Ex 14:20.", "Was the Shekinah over the mercy-seat -- Le 16:2.", "Continued during the journeyings of Israel -- Ex 13:22; 40:38.", "Manifested in the temple of Solomon -- 1Ki 8:10,11; 2Ch 5:13; Eze 10:4.", "Special appearances of;", "At the murmuring for bread. -- Ex 16:10.", "At giving of the law. -- Ex 19:9,16; 24:16-18.", "At sedition of Aaron and Miriam. -- Nu 12:5.", "At the murmuring of Israel on the report of the spies. -- Nu 14:10.", "At the rebellion of Korah &c. -- Nu 16:19.", "At the murmuring of Israel on account of Korah's death. -- Nu 16:42.", "At Christ's transfiguration. -- Mt 17:5.", "At Christ's ascension. -- Ac 1:9.", "Our Lord shall make his second appearance in -- Lu 21:27; Ac 1:11.", "Illustrative of", "The glory of Christ. -- Re 10:1.", "The protection of the church. -- Isa 4:5."]} +{"term": "Commandments, the Ten", "definitions": ["Spoken by God -- Ex 20:1; De 5:4,22.", "Written by God -- Ex 32:16; 34:1,28; De 4:13; 10:4.", "Enumerated -- Ex 20:3-17.", "Summed up Christ -- Mt 22:35-40.", "Law of, is spiritual -- See \"Law of God\". Mt 5:28; Ro 7:14."]} +{"term": "Commerce", "definitions": ["The barter of one commodity for another -- 1Ki 5:8,11.", "The exchange of commodities for money -- 1Ki 10:28,29.", "Called", "Trade. -- Ge 34:10; Mt 25:16.", "Traffic. -- Ge 42:34; Eze 17:4.", "Buying and selling. -- Jas 4:13.", "Articles of, called", "Merchandise. -- Eze 26:12; Mt 22:5.", "Wares. -- Jer 10:17; Eze 27:16; Jon 1:5.", "Persons engaged in, called", "Merchants. -- Ge 37:28; Pr 31:24.", "Chapmen. -- 2Ch 9:14.", "Traffickers. -- Isa 23:8.", "Sellers and buyers. -- Isa 24:2.", "Carried on in fairs, &c -- Eze 27:12,19; Mt 11:16.", "Inland, by caravans -- Job 6:19; Isa 21:13.", "Maritime, by ships -- 2Ch 8:18; 9:21.", "Persons of distinction engaged in -- Isa 23:8.", "Increased the wealth of nations and individuals -- 2Ch 9:20-22; Pr 31:14-18; Eze 28:4,5.", "Carried on by", "Ishmaelites. -- Ge 37:25.", "Egyptians. -- Ge 42:2-34.", "Ethiopians. -- Isa 45:14.", "Ninevites. -- Na 3:16.", "Syrians. -- Eze 27:16,18.", "People of Tarshish. -- Eze 27:25.", "People of Tyre. -- Eze 28:5,13,16.", "Jews. -- Eze 27:17.", "Of the Jews", "Under strict laws. -- Le 19:36,37; 25:14,17.", "Commenced after their settlement in Canaan. -- Ge 49:13; Jdj 5:17.", "Greatly extended by Solomon. -- 1Ki 9:26,27; 2Ch 9:21.", "Checked in Jehoshaphat's time. -- 1Ki 22:48,49.", "Success in, led to pride, &c -- Eze 28:2,16-18.", "Evil practices connected with -- Pr 20:14; Eze 22:13; Ho 12:7.", "Denunciations connected with abuses of -- Isa 23:11; Eze 7:12,13; 27:32-36; 28:16-18.", "Articles of", "Blue cloth. -- Eze 27:24.", "Brass. -- Eze 27:13.", "Corn. -- 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17.", "Cattle. -- Eze 27:21.", "Chests of rich apparel. -- Eze 27:24.", "Chariots. -- 1Ki 10:29.", "Clothes for chariots. -- Eze 27:20.", "Embroidery. -- Eze 27:16,24.", "Gold. -- 2Ch 8:18.", "Honey. -- Eze 27:17.", "Horses. -- 1Ki 10:29; Eze 27:14.", "Ivory. -- 2Ch 9:21; Eze 27:15.", "Iron and steel. -- Eze 27:12,19.", "Land. -- Ge 23:13-16; Ru 4:3.", "Lead. -- Eze 27:12.", "Linen. -- 1Ki 10:28.", "Oil. -- 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17.", "Perfumes. -- Song 3:6.", "Precious stones. -- Eze 27:16,22; 28:13,16.", "Purple. -- Eze 27:16.", "Slaves. -- Ge 37:28,36; De 24:7.", "Silver. -- 2Ch 9:21.", "Timber. -- 1Ki 5:6,8.", "Tin. -- Eze 27:12.", "White wool. -- Eze 27:18.", "Wine. -- 2Ch 2:15; Eze 27:18.", "Illustrative of intercourse with the apostasy -- Re 18:3-19."]} +{"term": "Communion of Saints", "definitions": ["According to the prayer of Christ -- Joh 17:20,21.", "Is with", "God. -- 1Jo 1:3.", "Saints in heaven. -- Heb 12:22-24.", "Each other. -- Ga 2:9; 1Jo 1:3,7.", "God marks, with his approval -- Mal 3:16.", "Christ is present in -- Mt 18:20.", "In public and social worship -- Ps 34:3; 55:14; Ac 1:14; Heb 10:25.", "In the Lord's supper -- 1Co 10:17.", "In holy conversation -- Mal 3:16.", "In prayer for each other -- 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:18.", "In exhortation -- Col 3:16; Heb 10:25.", "In mutual comfort and edification -- 1Th 4:18; 5:11.", "In mutual sympathy and kindness -- Ro 12:15; Eph 4:32.", "Delight of -- Ps 16:3; 42:4; 133:1-3; Ro 15:32.", "Exhortation to -- Eph 4:1-3.", "Opposed to communion with the wicked -- 2Co 6:14-17; Eph 5:11.", "Exemplified", "Jonathan. -- 1Sa 23:16.", "David. -- Ps 119:63.", "Daniel. -- Da 2:17,18.", "Apostles. -- Ac 1:14.", "The Church. -- Ac 2:42; 5:12.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:36-38."]} +{"term": "Communion of the Lord's Supper", "definitions": ["Prefigured -- Ex 12:21-28; 1Co 5:7,8.", "Instituted -- Mt 26:26; 1Co 11:23.", "Object of -- Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24,26.", "Is the communion of the body and blood of Christ -- 1Co 10:16.", "Both bread and wine are necessary to be received in -- Mt 26:27; 1Co 11:26.", "Self-examination commanded before partaking of -- 1Co 11:28,31.", "Newness of heart and life necessary to the worthy partaking of -- 1Co 5:7,8.", "Partakers of, be wholly separate to God -- 1Co 10:21.", "Was continually partaken of, by the Church -- Ac 2:42; 20:7.", "Unworthy partakers of", "Are guilty of the body and blood of Christ. -- 1Co 11:27.", "Discern not the Lord's body. -- 1Co 11:29.", "Are visited with judgments. -- 1Co 11:30."]} +{"term": "Communion With God", "definitions": ["Is communion with the Father -- 1Jo 1:3.", "Is communion with the Son -- 1Co 1:9; 1Jo 1:3; Re 3:20.", "Is communion with the Holy Spirit -- 1Co 12:13; 2Co 13:14; Php 2:1.", "Reconciliation must precede -- Am 3:3.", "Holiness essential to -- 2Co 6:14-16.", "Promised to the obedient -- Joh 14:23.", "Saints", "Desire. -- Ps 42:1; Php 1:23.", "Have, in meditation. -- Ps 63:5,6.", "Have, in prayer. -- Php 4:6; Heb 4:16.", "Have, in the Lord's supper. -- 1Co 10:16.", "Should always enjoy. -- Ps 16:8; Joh 14:16-18.", "Exemplified", "Enoch. -- Ge 5:24.", "Noah. -- Ge 6:9.", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:33.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:24-29.", "Moses. -- Ex 33:11-23."]} +{"term": "Communion With God", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Lu 19:41,42.", "Exhortation to -- Ro 12:15; 1Pe 3:8.", "Exercise towards", "The afflicted. -- Job 6:14; Heb 13:3.", "The chastened. -- Isa 22:4; Jer 9:1.", "Enemies. -- Ps 35:13.", "The poor. -- Pr 19:17.", "The weak. -- 2Co 11:29; Ga 6:2.", "Saints. -- 1Co 12:25,26.", "Inseparable from love to God -- 1Jo 3:17; Joh 4:20.", "Motives to", "The compassion of God. -- Mt 13:27,33.", "The sense of our infirmities. -- Heb 5:2.", "The wicked made to feel, for saints -- Ps 106:46.", "Promise to those who show -- Pr 19:17; Mt 10:42.", "Illustrated -- Lu 10:33; 15:20.", "Exemplified", "Pharaoh's daughter. -- Ex 2:6.", "Shobi, &c. -- 2Sa 17:27-29.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:18,19.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4.", "Job's friends. -- Job 2:11.", "Job. -- Job 30:25.", "David. -- Ps 35:13,14.", "Jews. -- Joh 11:19.", "Paul. -- 1Co 9:22."]} +{"term": "Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Necessary to his priestly office -- Heb 5:2,7.", "Manifested for the", "Weary and heavy-laden. -- Mt 11:28-30.", "Weak in faith. -- Isa 40:11; 42:3; Mt 12:20.", "Tempted. -- Heb 2:18.", "Afflicted. -- Lu 7:13; Joh 11:33,35.", "Diseased. -- Mt 14:14; Mr 1:41.", "Poor. -- Mr 8:2.", "Perishing sinners. -- Mt 9:36; Lu 19:41; Joh 3:16.", "An encouragement to prayer -- Heb 4:15."]} +{"term": "Condemnation", "definitions": ["The sentence of God against sin -- Mt 25:41.", "Universal, caused by the offence of Adam -- Ro 5:12,16,18.", "Inseparable consequence of sin -- Pr 12:2; Ro 6:23.", "Increased by", "Impenitence. -- Mt 11:20-24.", "Unbelief. -- Joh 3:18,19.", "Pride. -- 1Ti 3:6.", "Oppression. -- Jas 5:1-5.", "Hypocrisy. -- Mt 23:14.", "Conscience testifies to the justice of -- Job 9:20; Ro 2:1; Tit 3:11.", "The law testifies to the justice of -- Ro 3:19.", "According to men's deserts -- Mt 12:37; 2Co 11:15.", "Saints are delivered from, by Christ -- Joh 3:18; 5:24; Ro 8:1,33,34.", "Of the wicked, an example -- 2Pe 2:7; Jude 1:7.", "Chastisements are designed to rescue us from -- Ps 94:12,13; 1Co 11:32.", "Apostates ordained to -- Jude 1:4.", "Unbelievers remain under -- Joh 3:18,36.", "The law is the ministration of -- 2Co 3:9."]} +{"term": "Conduct, Christian", "definitions": ["Believing God -- Mr 11:22; Joh 14:11,12.", "Fearing God -- Ec 12:13; 1Pe 2:17.", "Loving God -- De 6:5; Mt 22:37.", "Following God -- Eph 5:1; 1Pe 1:15,16.", "Obeying God -- Lu 1:6; 1Jo 5:3.", "Rejoicing in God -- Ps 33:1; Hab 3:18.", "Believing in Christ -- Joh 6:29; 1Jo 3:23.", "Loving Christ -- Joh 21:15; 1Pe 1:7,8.", "Following the example of Christ -- Joh 13:15; 1Pe 2:21-24.", "Obeying Christ -- Joh 14:21; 15:14.", "Living", "To Christ. -- Ro 14:8; 2Co 5:15.", "To righteousness. -- Mic 6:8; Ro 6:18; 1Pe 2:24.", "Soberly, righteously, and godly. -- Tit 2:12.", "Walking", "Honestly. -- 1Th 4:12.", "Worthy of God. -- 1Th 2:12.", "Worthy of the Lord. -- Col 1:10.", "In the Spirit. -- Ga 5:25.", "After the Spirit. -- Ro 8:1.", "In newness of life. -- Ro 6:4.", "Worthy of vocation. -- Eph 4:1.", "As children of light. -- Eph 5:8.", "Rejoicing in Christ -- Php 3:1; 4:4.", "Loving one another -- Joh 15:12; Ro 12:10; 1Co 13:1-13; Eph 5:2; Heb 13:1.", "Striving for the faith -- Php 1:27; Jude 1:3.", "Putting away all sin -- 1Co 5:7; Heb 12:1.", "Abstaining from all appearance of evil -- 1Th 5:22.", "Perfecting holiness -- Mt 5:48; 2Co 7:1; 2Ti 3:17.", "Hating defilement -- Jude 1:23.", "Following after that which is good -- Php 4:8; 1Th 5:15; 1Ti 6:11.", "Overcoming the world -- 1Jo 5:4,5.", "Adorning the gospel -- Mt 5:16; Tit 2:10.", "Showing a good example -- 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 2:12; Tit 2:7.", "Abounding in the work of the Lord -- 1Co 15:58; 2Co 8:7; 1Th 4:1.", "Shunning the wicked -- Ps 1:1; 2Th 3:6.", "Controlling the body -- 1Co 9:27; Col 3:5.", "Subduing the temper -- Eph 4:26; Jas 1:19.", "Submitting to injuries -- Mt 5:39-41; 1Co 6:7.", "Forgiving injuries -- Mt 6:14; Ro 12:20.", "Living peaceably with all -- Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14.", "Visiting the afflicted -- Mt 25:36; Jas 1:27.", "Doing as we would be done by -- Mt 7:12; Lu 6:31.", "Sympathising with others -- Ga 6:2; 1Th 5:14.", "Honouring others -- Ps 15:4; Ro 12:10.", "Fulfilling domestic duties -- Eph 6:1-8; 1Pe 3:1-7.", "Submitting to Authorities -- Ro 13:1-7.", "Being liberal to others -- Ac 20:35; Ro 12:13.", "Being contented -- Php 4:11; Heb 13:5.", "Blessedness of maintaining -- Ps 1:1-3; 19:9-11; 50:23; Mt 5:3-12; Joh 15:10; 7:17."]} +{"term": "Confessing Christ", "definitions": ["Influences of the Holy Spirit necessary to -- 1Co 12:3; 1Jo 4:2.", "A test of being saints -- 1Jo 2:23; 4:2,3.", "An evidence of union with God -- 1Jo 4:15.", "Necessary to salvation -- Ro 10:9,10.", "Ensures his confessing us -- Mt 10:32.", "The fear of man prevents -- Joh 7:13; 12:42,43.", "Persecution should not prevent us from -- Mr 8:35; 2Ti 2:12.", "Must be connected with faith -- Ro 10:9.", "Consequences of not -- Mt 10:33.", "Exemplified", "Nathanael. -- Joh 1:49.", "Peter. -- Joh 6:68,69; Ac 2:22-36.", "Man born blind. -- Joh 9:25,33.", "Martha. -- Joh 11:27.", "Peter and John. -- Ac 4:7-12.", "Apostles. -- Ac 5:29-32,42.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:52,59.", "Paul. -- Ac 9:29.", "Timothy. -- 1Ti 6:12.", "John. -- Re 1:9.", "Church in Pergamos. -- Re 2:13.", "Martyrs. -- Re 20:4."]} +{"term": "Confession of Sin", "definitions": ["God requires -- Le 5:5; Ho 5:15.", "God regards -- Job 33:27,28; Da 9:20-23.", "Exhortation to -- Jos 7:19; Jer 3:13; Jas 5:16.", "Promises to -- Le 26:40-42; Pr 28:13.", "Should be accompanied with", "Submission to punishment. -- Le 26:41; Ne 9:33; Ezr 9:13.", "Prayer for forgiveness. -- 2Sa 24:10; Ps 25:11; 51:1; Jer 14:7-9,20.", "Self-abasement. -- Isa 64:5,6; Jer 3:25.", "Godly sorrow. -- Ps 38:18; La 1:20.", "Forsaking sin. -- Pr 28:13.", "Restitution. -- Nu 5:6,7.", "Should be full and unreserved -- Ps 32:5; 51:3; 106:6.", "Followed by pardon -- Ps 32:5; 1Jo 1:9.", "Illustrated -- Lu 15:21; 18:13.", "Exemplified", "Aaron. -- Nu 12:11.", "Israelites. -- Nu 21:6,7; 1Sa 7:6; 12:19.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:24.", "David. -- 2Sa 24:10.", "Ezra. -- Eze 9:6.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:6,7.", "Levites. -- Ne 9:4,33,34.", "Job. -- Job 7:20.", "Daniel. -- Da 9:4.", "Peter. -- Lu 5:8.", "Thief. -- Lu 23:41."]} +{"term": "Conscience", "definitions": ["Witnesses in man -- Pr 20:27; Ro 2:15.", "Accuses of sin -- Ge 42:21; 2Sa 24:10; Mt 27:3; Ac 2:37.", "We should have the approval of -- Job 27:6; Ac 24:16; Ro 9:1; 14:22.", "The blood of Christ alone can purify -- Heb 9:14; 10:2-10,22.", "Keep the faith in purity of -- 1Ti 1:19; 3:9.", "Of saints, pure and good -- Heb 13:18; 1Pe 3:16,21.", "Submit to authority for -- Ro 13:5.", "Suffer patiently for -- 1Pe 2:19.", "Testimony of, a source of joy -- 2Co 1:12; 1Jo 3:21.", "Of others, not to be offended -- Ro 14:21; 1Co 10:28-32.", "Ministers should commend themselves to that of their people -- 2Co 4:2; 5:11.", "Of the wicked, seared -- 1Ti 4:2.", "Of the wicked, defiled -- Tit 1:15.", "Without spiritual illumination, a false guide -- Ac 23:1; 26:9."]} +{"term": "Contempt", "definitions": ["Sin of -- Job 31:13,14; Pr 14:21.", "Folly of -- Pr 11:12.", "A characteristic of the wicked -- Pr 18:3; Isa 5:24; 2Ti 3:3.", "Forbidden towards", "Parents. -- Pr 23:22.", "Christ's little ones. -- Mt 18:10.", "Weak brethren. -- Ro 14:3.", "Young ministers. -- 1Co 16:11.", "Believing masters. -- 1Ti 6:2.", "The poor. -- Jas 2:1-3.", "Self-righteous prompts to -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:9,11.", "Pride and prosperity prompt to -- Ps 123:4.", "Ministers should give no occasion for -- 1Ti 4:12.", "Of ministers, is a despising of God -- Lu 10:16; 1Th 4:8.", "Towards the church", "Often turned into respect. -- Isa 60:14.", "Often punished. -- Eze 28:26.", "Causes saints to cry to God -- Ne 4:4; Ps 123:3.", "The wicked exhibit towards", "Christ. -- Ps 22:6; Isa 53:3; Mt 27:29.", "Saints. -- Ps 119:141.", "Authorities. -- 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8.", "Parents. -- Pr 15:5,20.", "The afflicted. -- Job 19:18.", "The poor. -- Ps 14:6; Ec 9:16.", "Saints sometimes guilty of -- Jas 2:6.", "Exemplified", "Hagar. -- Ge 16:4.", "Children of Belial. -- 1Sa 10:27.", "Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:10,11.", "Michal. -- 2Sa 6:16.", "Sanballat, &c. -- Ne 2:19; 4:2,3.", "False teachers. -- 2Co 10:10."]} +{"term": "Contentment", "definitions": ["With godliness is great gain -- Ps 37:16; 1Ti 6:6.", "Saints should exhibit", "In their respective callings. -- 1Co 7:20.", "With appointed wages. -- Lu 3:14.", "With what things they have. -- Heb 13:5.", "With food and raiment. -- 1Ti 6:8.", "God's promises should lead to -- Heb 13:5.", "The wicked want -- Isa 5:8; Ec 5:10.", "Exemplified", "Barzillai. -- 2Sa 19:33-37.", "Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:13.", "David. -- Ps 16:6.", "Agur. -- Pr 30:8,9.", "Paul. -- Php 4:11,12."]} +{"term": "Conversion", "definitions": ["By God -- 1Ki 18:37; Joh 6:44; Ac 21:19.", "By Christ -- Ac 3:26; Ro 15:18.", "By the power of the Holy Spirit -- Pr 1:23.", "Is of grace -- Ac 11:21,23.", "Follows repentance -- Ac 3:19; 26:20.", "Is the result of faith -- Ac 11:21.", "Through the instrumentality of", "The scriptures. -- Ps 19:7.", "Ministers. -- Ac 26:18; 1Th 1:9.", "Self-examination. -- Ps 119:59; La 3:40.", "Affliction. -- Ps 78:34.", "Of sinners, a cause of joy", "To God. -- Eze 18:23; Lu 15:32.", "To saints. -- Ac 15:3; Ga 1:23,24.", "Is necessary -- Mt 18:3.", "Commanded -- Job 36:10.", "Exhortations to -- Pr 1:23; Isa 31:6; 55:7; Jer 3:7; Eze 33:11.", "Promises connected with -- Ne 1:9; Isa 1:27; Jer 3:14; Eze 18:27.", "Pray for -- Ps 80:7; 85:4; Jer 31:18; La 5:21.", "Is accompanied by confession of sin, and prayer -- 1Ki 8:35.", "Danger of neglecting -- Ps 7:12; Jer 44:5,11; Eze 3:19.", "Duty of leading sinners to -- Ps 51:13.", "Encouragement for leading sinners to -- Da 12:3; Jas 5:19,20.", "Of Gentiles, predicted -- Isa 2:2; 11:10; 60:5; 66:12.", "Of Israel, predicted -- Eze 36:25-27."]} +{"term": "Counsels and Purposes of God, The", "definitions": ["Are great -- Jer 32:19.", "Are wonderful -- Isa 28:29.", "Are immutable -- Ps 33:11; Pr 19:21; Jer 4:28; Ro 9:11; Heb 6:17.", "Are sovereign -- Isa 40:13,14; Da 4:35.", "Are eternal -- Eph 3:11.", "Are faithfulness and truth -- Isa 25:1.", "None can disannul -- Isa 14:27.", "Shall be performed -- Isa 14:24; 46:11.", "The sufferings and death of Christ were according to -- Ac 2:23; 4:28.", "Saints called and save according to -- Ro 8:28; 2Ti 1:9.", "The union of all saints in Christ, is according to -- Eph 1:9,10.", "The works of God according to -- Eph 1:11.", "Should be declared by ministers -- Ac 20:27.", "Attend to -- Jer 49:20; 50:45.", "Secret not to be searched into -- De 29:29; Mt 24:36; Ac 1:7.", "The wicked", "Understand not. -- Mic 4:12.", "Despise. -- Isa 5:19.", "Reject. -- Lu 7:30."]} +{"term": "Courts of Justice", "definitions": ["Have authority from God -- Ro 13:1-5.", "Superior court", "Held first by Moses alone in the wilderness. -- Ex 18:13-20.", "Consisted subsequently of priests and Levites. -- De 17:9; Mal 2:7.", "Presided over by the governor or the high priest. -- De 17:12; Jdj 4:4,5.", "Held at the seat of government. -- De 17:8.", "Decided on all appeals and difficult cases. -- Ex 18:26; De 1:17; 17:8,9.", "Decisions of, conclusive. -- De 17:10,11.", "Inferior court", "In all cities. -- De 16:18; 2Ch 19:5-7.", "Held at the gates. -- Ge 34:20; De 16:18; 21:19; Job 5:4.", "Judges of, appointed by the governor. -- Ex 18:21,25; De 1:9-15; 2Sa 15:3.", "All minor cases decided by. -- Ex 18:26; 2Sa 15:4.", "All transfers of property made before. -- Ge 23:17-20; Ru 4:1,2.", "Re-established by Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 19:5-10.", "Re-established by Ezra -- Ezr 7:25.", "Sanhedrim or court of the seventy", "Probably derived from the seventy elders appointed by Moses. -- Ex 24:9; Nu 11:16,17,24-30.", "Mentioned in the latter part of sacred history. -- Lu 22:66; Joh 11:47; Ac 5:27.", "Consisted of chief priest, &c. -- Mt 26:57,59.", "Presided over by high priest. -- Mt 26:62-66.", "Sat in high priest's palace. -- Mt 26:57,58.", "Of the romans in Judea", "Presided over by the governor or deputy. -- Mt 27:2,11; Ac 18:12.", "Place of, called the hall of judgment. -- Joh 18:28,33; 19:9.", "Never interfered in any dispute about minor matters or about religion. -- Ac 18:14,15.", "Could alone award death. -- Joh 18:31.", "Never examined their own citizens by torture. -- Ac 22:25-29.", "Appeals from, made to the emperor. -- Ac 25:11; 26:32; 28:19.", "Generally held in the morning -- Jer 21:12; Mt 27:1; Lu 22:66; Ac 5:21.", "Sometimes held in synagogues -- Mt 10:17; Ac 22:19; 26:11; Jas 2:2.", "Provided with", "Judges. -- De 16:18.", "Officers. -- De 16:18; Mt 5:25.", "Tormentors or executioners. -- Mt 18:34.", "Judges of", "Called elders. -- De 25:7; 1Sa 16:4.", "Called magistrates. -- Lu 12:58.", "Rode often on white asses. -- Jdj 5:10.", "To judge righteously. -- Le 19:15; De 1:6.", "To judge without respect of persons. -- Ex 23:3,6; Le 19:15; De 1:17; Pr 22:22.", "To investigate every case. -- De 19:18.", "Not to take bribes. -- Ex 23:8; De 16:19.", "To judge as for God. -- 2Ch 19:6,7,9.", "To decide according to the law. -- Eze 44:24.", "To promote peace. -- Zec 8:16.", "Sat on the judgment-seat while hearing causes. -- Ex 18:13; Jdj 5:10; Isa 28:6; Mt 27:19.", "Examined the parties. -- Ac 24:8.", "Conferred together before giving judgment. -- Ac 5:34-40; 25:12; 26:30,31.", "Pronounced the judgment of the court. -- Mt 26:65,66; Lu 23:24; Ac 5:40.", "Both the accusers and accused required to appear before -- De 25:1; Ac 25:16.", "Causes in, were opened by", "The complainant. -- 1Ki 3:17-21; Ac 16:19-21.", "An advocate. -- Ac 24:1.", "The accused", "Stood before the judge. -- Nu 35:12; Mt 27:11.", "Permitted to plead their own cause. -- 1Ki 3:22; Ac 24:10; 26:1.", "Might have advocates. -- Pr 31:8,9; Isa 1:17.", "Exhorted to confess. -- Jos 7:19.", "Examined on oath. -- Le 5:1; Mt 26:63.", "Sometimes examined by torture. -- Ac 22:24,29.", "Sometimes treated with insult. -- Mt 26:67; Joh 18:22,23; Ac 23:2,3.", "The evidence of two or more witnesses required in. -- De 17:6; 19:15; Joh 8:17; 2Co 13:1.", "Witnesses sometimes laid their hands on the criminal's head before punishment. -- Le 24:14.", "False witnesses in to receive the punishment of the accused -- De 19:19.", "Corruption and bribery often practised in -- Isa 10:1; Am 5:12; 8:6.", "The judgment of", "Not given till accused was heard. -- Joh 7:51.", "Recorded in writing. -- Isa 10:1.", "Immediately executed. -- De 25:2; Jos 7:25; Mr 15:15-20.", "Witnesses first to execute. -- De 17:7; Ac 7:58.", "Allusions to. -- Job 5:4; Ps 127:5; Mt 5:22.", "Illustrative of the last judgment. -- Mt 19:28; Ro 14:10; 1Co 6:2."]} +{"term": "Covenants", "definitions": ["Agreements between two parties -- Ge 26:28; Da 11:6.", "Designed for", "Establishing friendship. -- 1Sa 18:3.", "Procuring assistance in war. -- 1Ki 15:18,19.", "Mutual protection. -- Ge 26:28,29; 31:50-52.", "Establishing peace. -- Jos 9:15,16.", "Promoting commerce. -- 1Ki 5:6-11.", "Selling land. -- Ge 23:14-16.", "Conditions of", "Clearly specified. -- 1Sa 11:1,2.", "Conformed by oath. -- Ge 21:23,31; 26:31.", "Witnessed. -- Ge 23:17,18; Ru 4:9-11.", "Written and sealed. -- Ne 9:38; 10:1.", "God often called to witness -- Ge 31:50,53.", "When confirmed, unalterable -- Ga 3:15.", "Made by passing between the pieces of the divided sacrifices -- Ge 15:9-17; Jer 34:18,19.", "Salt a sign of perpetuity in -- Nu 18:19; 2Ch 13:5.", "Ratified by joining hands -- Pr 11:21; Eze 17:18.", "Followed by a feast -- Ge 26:30; 31:54.", "Presents given as tokens -- Ge 21:27-30; 1Sa 18:3,4.", "Pillars raised in token of -- Ge 31:45,46.", "Names given to places where made -- Ge 21:31; 31:47-49.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to make, with the nations of Canaan. -- Ex 23:32; De 7:2.", "Frequently made with other nations. -- 1Ki 5:12; 2Ki 17:4.", "Condemned for making, with idolatrous nations. -- Isa 30:2-5; Ho 12:1.", "Regarded, as sacred. -- Jos 9:16-19; Ps 15:4.", "Violated by the wicked -- Ro 1:31; 2Ti 3:3.", "Illustrative", "Of the contract of marriage. -- Mal 2:14.", "Of God's promises to man. -- Ge 9:9-11; Eph 2:12.", "Of the united determination of a people to serve God. -- 2Ki 11:17; 2Ch 15:12; Ne 10:29.", "Of good resolutions. -- Job 31:1.", "(With death and hell,) of carnal security. -- Isa 28:15,18.", "(With stones and beasts, of the earth,) of peace and prosperity. -- Job 5:23; Ho 2:18."]} +{"term": "Covenant, The", "definitions": ["Christ, the substance of -- Isa 42:6; 49:8.", "Christ, the Mediator of -- Heb 8:6; 9:15; 12:24.", "Christ, the Messenger of -- Mal 3:1.", "Made with", "Abraham. -- Ge 15:7-18; 17:2-14; Lu 1:72-75; Ac 3:25; Ga 3:16.", "Isaac. -- Ge 17:19,21; 26:3,4.", "Jacob. -- Ge 28:13,14; 1Ch 16:16,17.", "Israel. -- Ex 6:4; Ac 3:25.", "David. -- 2Sa 23:5; Ps 89:3,4.", "Renewed under the gospel -- Jer 31:31-33; Ro 11:27; Heb 8:8-10,13.", "Fulfilled in Christ -- Lu 1:68-79.", "Confirmed in Christ -- Ga 3:17.", "Ratified by the blood of Christ -- Heb 9:11-14,16-23.", "Is a covenant of peace -- Isa 54:9,10; Eze 34:25; 37:26.", "Is unalterable -- Ps 89:34; Isa 54:10; 59:21; Ga 3:17.", "Is everlasting -- Ps 111:9; Isa 55:3; 61:8; Eze 16:60-63; Heb 13:20.", "All saints interested in -- Ps 25:14; 89:29-37; Heb 8:10.", "The wicked have no interest in -- Eph 2:12.", "Blessings connected with -- Isa 56:4-7; Heb 8:10-12.", "God is faithful to -- De 7:9; 1Ki 8:23; Ne 1:5; Da 9:4.", "God is ever mindful of -- Ps 105:8; 111:5; Lu 1:72.", "Be mindful of -- 1Ch 16:15.", "Caution against forgetting -- De 4:23.", "Plead, in prayer -- Ps 74:20; Jer 14:21.", "Punishment for despising -- Heb 10:29,30."]} +{"term": "Covetousness", "definitions": ["Comes from the heart -- Mr 7:22,23.", "Engrosses the heart -- Eze 33:31; 2Pe 2:14.", "Is idolatry -- Eph 5:5; Col 3:5.", "Is the root of all evil -- 1Ti 6:10.", "Is never satisfied -- Ec 5:10; Hab 2:5.", "Is vanity -- Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8.", "Is inconsistent", "In saints. -- Eph 5:3; Heb 13:5.", "Specially in ministers. -- 1Ti 3:3.", "Leads to", "Injustice and oppression. -- Pr 28:20; Mic 2:2.", "Foolish and hurtful lusts. -- 1Ti 6:9.", "Departure from the faith. -- 1Ti 6:10.", "Lying. -- 2Ki 5:22-25.", "Murder. -- Pr 1:18,19; Eze 22:12.", "Theft. -- Jos 7:21.", "Poverty. -- Pr 28:22.", "Misery. -- 1Ti 6:10.", "Domestic affliction. -- Pr 15:27.", "Abhorred by God -- Ps 10:3.", "Forbidden -- Ex 20:17.", "A characteristic of the wicked -- Ro 1:29.", "A characteristic of the slothful -- Pr 21:26.", "Commended by the wicked alone -- Ps 10:3.", "Hated by saints -- Ex 18:21; Ac 20:33.", "To be mortified by saints -- Col 3:5.", "Woe denounced against -- Isa 5:8; Hab 2:9.", "Punishment of -- Job 20:15; Isa 57:17; Jer 22:17-19; Mic 2:2,3.", "Excludes from heaven -- 1Co 6:10; Eph 5:5.", "Beware of -- Lu 12:15.", "Avoid those guilty of -- 1Co 5:11.", "Pray against -- Ps 119:36.", "Reward of those who hate -- Pr 28:16.", "Shall abound in the last days -- 2Ti 3:2; 2Pe 2:1-3.", "Exemplified", "Laban. -- Ge 31:41.", "Achan. -- Jos 7:21.", "Eli's sons. -- 1Sa 2:12-14.", "Samuel's sons. -- 1Sa 8:3.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:9,19.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:2-4.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:20-24.", "Nobles of the Jews. -- Ne 5:7; Isa 1:23.", "Jewish people. -- Isa 56:11; Jer 6:13.", "Babylon. -- Jer 51:13.", "Young man. -- Mt 19:22.", "Judas. -- Mt 26:14,15; Joh 12:6.", "Pharisees. -- Lu 16:14.", "Ananias &c. -- Ac 5:1-10.", "Felix. -- Ac 24:26.", "Balaam. -- 2Pe 2:15; Jude 1:11."]} +{"term": "Creation", "definitions": ["The formation of things which had no previous existence -- Ro 4:17; Heb 11:3.", "Effected", "By God. -- Ge 1:1; 2:4,5; Pr 26:10.", "By Christ. -- Joh 1:3,10; Col 1:16.", "By the Holy Spirit. -- Job 26:13; Ps 104:30.", "By the command of God. -- Ps 33:9; Heb 11:3.", "In the beginning. -- Ge 1:1; Mt 24:21.", "In six normal days. -- Ex 20:11; 31:17.", "According to God's purpose. -- Ps 135:6.", "For God's pleasure. -- Pr 16:4; Re 4:11.", "For Christ. -- Col 1:16.", "By faith we believe, to be God's work -- Heb 11:3.", "Order of", "First day, making light and dividing it from darkness. -- Ge 1:3-5; 2Co 4:6.", "Second day, making the firmament or atmosphere, and separating the waters. -- Ge 1:6-8.", "Third day, separating the land from the water, and making it fruitful. -- Ge 1:9-13.", "Fourth day, placing the sun, moon, and stars to give light, &c. -- Ge 1:14-19.", "Fifth day, making birds, insects, and fishes. -- Ge 1:20-23.", "Sixth day, making beasts of the earth, and man. -- Ge 1:24,28.", "God rested from, on the seventh day -- Ge 2:2,3.", "Approved of by God -- Ge 1:31.", "A subject of joy to angels -- Job 38:7.", "Exhibits", "The deity of God. -- Ro 1:20.", "The power of God. -- Isa 40:26,28; Ro 1:20.", "The glory and handiwork of God. -- Ps 19:1.", "The wisdom of God. -- Ps 104:24; 136:5.", "The goodness of God. -- Ps 33:5.", "God as the sole object of worship. -- Isa 45:16,18; Ac 17:24,27.", "Glorifies God -- Ps 145:10; 148:5.", "God to be praised for -- Ne 9:6; Ps 146:5,6.", "Leads to confidence -- Ps 124:8; 146:5,6.", "Insignificance of man seen from -- Ps 8:3,4; Isa 40:12,17.", "Groans because of sin -- Ro 8:22.", "Illustrative of", "The new birth. -- 2Co 5:17; Eph 2:10.", "Daily renewal of saints. -- Ps 51:10; Eph 4:24.", "Renewal of the earth. -- Isa 65:17; 2Pe 3:11,13."]} +{"term": "Creditors", "definitions": ["Defined -- Phm 1:18.", "Might demand", "Pledges. -- De 24:10,11; Pr 22:27.", "Security of others. -- Pr 6:1; 22:26.", "Mortgages on property. -- Ne 5:3.", "Bills or promissory notes. -- Lu 16:6,7.", "To return before sunset, garments taken in pledge -- Ex 22:26,27; De 24:12,13; Eze 18:7,12.", "Prohibited from", "Taking millstones in pledge. -- De 24:6.", "Violently selecting pledges. -- De 24:10.", "Exacting usury from brethren. -- Ex 22:25; Le 25:36,37.", "Exacting debts from brethren during sabbatical year. -- De 15:2,3.", "Might take interest from strangers -- De 23:20.", "Sometimes entirely remitted debts -- Ne 5:10-12; Mt 18:27; Lu 7:42.", "Often cruel in exacting debts -- Ne 5:7-9; Job 24:3-9; Mt 18:28-30.", "Often exacted debts", "By selling the debtor or taking him for a servant. -- Mt 18:25; Ex 21:2.", "By selling the debtor's property. -- Mt 18:25.", "By selling the debtor's family. -- 2Ki 4:1; Job 24:9; Mt 18:25.", "By imprisonment. -- Mt 5:25,26; 18:34.", "From the sureties. -- Pr 11:15; 22:26,27.", "Were often defrauded -- 1Sa 22:2; Lu 16:5-7.", "Illustrative of", "God's claim upon men. -- Mt 5:25,26; 18:23,25; Lu 7:41,47.", "The demands of the law. -- Ga 5:3."]} +{"term": "Daily Sacrifice, The", "definitions": ["Ordained in mount Sinai -- Nu 28:6.", "A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4.", "Doubled on the sabbath -- Nu 28:9,10.", "Required to be", "With a meat and drink offering. -- Ex 29:40,41; Nu 28:5-8.", "Slowly and entirely consumed. -- Le 6:9-12.", "Perpetually observed. -- Ex 29:42; Nu 28:3,6.", "Peculiarly acceptable -- Nu 28:8; Ps 141:2.", "Secured God's presence and favour -- Ex 29:43,44.", "Times of offering, were seasons of prayer -- Ezr 9:5; Da 9:20,21; Ac 3:1.", "Restored after the captivity -- Ezr 3:3.", "The abolition of, foretold -- Da 9:26,27; 11:31.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Joh 1:29,36; 1Pe 1:19.", "Acceptable prayer. -- Ps 141:2."]} +{"term": "Dan, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's fifth son -- Ge 30:6.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:16,17; De 33:22.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:12.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:12.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:22.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:38,39.", "Led the fourth and last division of Israel -- Nu 2:31; 10:25.", "Encamped north of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:25.", "Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:66-71.", "Families of -- Nu 26:42.", "Strength of, entering Canaan -- Nu 26:43.", "On Ebal, said amen to the curses -- De 27:13.", "Bounds of its inheritance -- Jos 19:40-46.", "A commercial people -- Jdj 5:17; Eze 27:19.", "Restricted to the hills by Amorites -- Jdj 1:34.", "A part of", "Sent to seek new settlements. -- Jdj 18:1,2.", "Tool Laish and called it Dan. -- Jos 19:47; Jdj 18:8-13,27-29.", "Plundered Michah of his idols and his ephod. -- Jdj 18:17-21,27.", "Set up Micah's idols in Dan. -- Jdj 18:30,31.", "Reproved for not aiding against Sisera -- Jdj 5:17.", "Samson was of -- Jdj 13:2,24,25.", "Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:35.", "Ruler appointed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:22."]} +{"term": "Darkness", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ps 104:20; Isa 45:7.", "Originally covered the earth -- Ge 1:2.", "Separated from the light -- Ge 1:4.", "Called night -- Ge 1:5.", "Caused by the setting of the sun -- Ge 15:17; Joh 6:17.", "Inexplicable nature of -- Job 38:19,20.", "Exhibits God's power and greatness -- Job 38:8,9.", "Degrees of, mentioned", "Great. -- Ge 15:12.", "That may be felt. -- Ex 10:21.", "Thick. -- De 5:22; Joe 2:2.", "Gross. -- Jer 13:16.", "Outer or extreme. -- Mt 8:12.", "Effects of", "Keeps us from seeing objects. -- Ex 10:23.", "Causes us to go astray. -- Joh 12:35; 1Jo 2:11.", "Causes us to stumble. -- Isa 59:10.", "Often put for night -- Ps 91:6.", "Called the swaddling band of the sea -- Job 38:9.", "Cannot hide us from God -- Ps 139:11,12.", "The wicked", "The children of. -- 1Th 5:5.", "Live in. -- Ps 107:10.", "Walk in. -- Ps 82:5.", "Perpetuate their designs in. -- Job 24:16.", "Are full of. -- Mt 6:23.", "Miraculous", "On mount Sinai. -- Ex 19:16; Heb 12:18.", "Over the land of Egypt. -- Ex 10:21,22.", "At the death of Christ. -- Mt 27:45.", "Before the destruction of Jerusalem. -- Mt 24:29.", "Illustrative of", "Greatness and unsearchableness of God. -- Ex 20:21; 2Sa 22:10,12; 1Ki 8:12; Ps 97:2.", "Abstruse and deep subjects. -- Job 28:3.", "Secrecy. -- Isa 45:19; Mt 10:27.", "Ignorance and error. -- Job 37:19; Isa 60:2; Joh 1:5; 3:19; 12:35; Ac 26:18.", "Anything hateful. -- Job 3:4-9.", "A course of sin. -- Pr 2:13; Eph 5:11.", "Heavy afflictions. -- Job 23:17; Ps 112:4; Ec 5:17; Isa 5:30; 8:22; 59:9.", "The power of Satan. -- Eph 6:12; Col 1:13.", "The grave. -- 1Sa 2:9; Job 10:21,22.", "The punishment of devils and wicked men. -- Mt 22:13; 2Pe 2:4,17; Jude 1:6,13."]} +{"term": "Day", "definitions": ["The light first called -- Ge 1:5.", "Natural, from evening to evening -- Ge 1:5; Le 23:32.", "Artificial, the time of the sun's continuance above the horizon -- Ge 31:39,40; Ne 4:21,22.", "Prophetical, a year -- Eze 4:6; Da 12:12.", "Artificial, divided into", "Break of. -- Ge 32:24,26; Song 2:17.", "Morning. -- Ex 29:39; 2Sa 23:4.", "Noon. -- Ge 43:16; Ps 55:17.", "Decline of. -- Jdj 19:8,9; Lu 9:12; 24:29.", "Evening. -- Ge 8:11; Ps 104:23; Jer 6:4.", "Sometimes divided into four parts -- Ne 9:3.", "Later subdivided into twelve hours -- Mt 20:3,5,6; Joh 11:9.", "Time of, ascertained by the dial -- 2Ki 20:11.", "Succession of, secured by covenant -- Ge 8:22.", "Made for the glory of God -- Ps 74:16.", "Proclaims the glory of God -- Ps 19:2.", "Under the control of God -- Am 5:8; 8:9.", "A time of judgment called a day of", "Anger. -- La 2:21.", "Wrath. -- Job 20:28; Zep 1:15,18; Ro 2:5.", "Visitation. -- Mic 7:4.", "Destruction. -- Job 21:30.", "Darkness. -- Joe 2:2; Zep 1:15.", "Trouble. -- Ps 102:2.", "Calamity. -- De 32:35; Jer 18:17.", "Adversity. -- Pr 24:10.", "Vengeance. -- Pr 6:34; Isa 61:2.", "Slaughter. -- Isa 30:25; Jer 12:3.", "Evil. -- Jer 17:17; Am 6:3; Eph 6:13.", "The Lord. -- Isa 2:12; 13:6; Zep 1:14.", "A time of mercy called a day of", "Salvation. -- 2Co 6:2.", "Redemption. -- Eph 4:30.", "Visitation. -- Jer 27:22; 1Pe 2:12.", "God's power. -- Ps 110:3.", "A time of festivity called a", "Good day. -- Es 8:17; 9:19.", "Day of good tidings. -- 2Ki 7:9.", "Day which the Lord has made. -- Ps 118:24.", "Solemn day. -- Nu 10:10; Ho 9:5.", "Day of gladness. -- Nu 10:10.", "The time for labour -- Ps 104:22.", "Wild beasts hide during -- Ps 104:22.", "Illustrative of", "Time of judgment. -- 1Co 3:13; 4:3.", "Spiritual light. -- 1Th 5:5,8; 2Pe 1:19.", "The path of the just. -- Pr 4:18."]} +{"term": "Dead, The", "definitions": ["They who have departed this life -- Ge 23:2; 25:8; Job 1:19.", "Terms used to express", "Corpses. -- 2Ki 19:35; Na 3:3.", "Carcases. -- Nu 14:29,32,33; 1Ki 13:24.", "Those who are not. -- Mt 2:18.", "Deceased. -- Isa 26:14; Mt 22:25.", "Characterised by", "Being without the Spirit. -- Jas 2:26.", "Being incapable of motion. -- Mt 28:4; Re 1:17.", "Ignorance of all human affairs. -- Ec 9:5.", "Absence of all human passions. -- Ec 9:6.", "Inability to glorify God. -- Ps 115:17.", "Return not to this life -- Job 7:9,10; 14:10,14.", "Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin -- Ge 46:4.", "Were washed and laid out -- Ac 9:37.", "Were wrapped in lined with spices -- Joh 19:40.", "Mourning for, often", "Very great. -- Ge 27:35; Jer 31:15; Mt 2:18; Joh 11:33.", "Loud and clamorous. -- Jer 16:6; Mr 5:38.", "By hired mourners. -- Jer 9:17,18; Am 5:16.", "With plaintive music. -- Jer 48:36; Mt 9:23.", "Testified by change of apparel. -- 2Sa 14:2.", "Testified by taring the hair. -- Jer 16:7.", "Testified by covering the head. -- 2Sa 19:4.", "Testified by rending the garments. -- Ge 37:34; 2Sa 3:31.", "Lasted many days. -- Ge 37:34; 50:3,10.", "Regard often shown to the memory of -- Ru 1:8.", "Too soon forgotten -- Ps 31:12; Ec 9:5.", "Heathenish expressions of grief for, forbidden -- Le 19:28; De 14:1,2.", "All offerings to, forbidden -- De 26:14.", "Touching of, caused uncleanness -- Nu 19:11,13,16; 9:6,7.", "In a house rendered it unclean -- Nu 19:14,15.", "Even bones of, caused uncleanness -- Nu 19:16; 2Ch 34:5.", "A priest not to mourn for, except when near of kin -- Le 21:1-3; Eze 44:25.", "High priest in no case to mourn for -- Le 21:10,11.", "Nazarites not to touch or mourn for -- Nu 6:6,7.", "Those defiled by, removed from the camp -- Nu 5:2.", "Uncleanness contracted from, removed by the water separation -- Nu 19:12,18.", "Idolaters", "Tore themselves for. -- Jer 16:7.", "Offered sacrifices for. -- Ps 106:28.", "Invoked and consulted. -- 1Sa 28:7,8.", "Consecrated part of their crops to. -- De 26:14.", "The Jews looked for a resurrection from -- Isa 26:19; Ac 24:15.", "Instances of, restored to life before Christ -- 1Ki 17:22; 2Ki 4:34-36; 13:21.", "Instances of, restored by Christ -- Mt 9:25; Lu 7:15; Joh 11:44; Ac 9:40; 20:12.", "Illustrative of", "Man's state by nature. -- 2Co 5:4; Eph 2:1,5.", "A state of deep affliction, &c. -- Ps 88:5,6; 143:3; Isa 59:10.", "Freedom from the power of sin. -- Ro 6:2,8,11; Col 3:3.", "Freedom from the law. -- Ro 7:4.", "Faith without works. -- 1Ti 5:6; Jas 2:17,26.", "Diviners &c. -- Isa 8:19.", "Impotence. -- Ge 20:3; Ro 4:19."]} +{"term": "Death, Eternal", "definitions": ["The necessary consequence of sin -- Ro 6:16,21; 8:13; Jas 1:15.", "The wages of sin -- Ro 6:23.", "The portion of the wicked -- Mt 25:41,46; Ro 1:32.", "The way to, described -- Ps 9:17; Mt 7:13.", "Self-righteousness leads to -- Pr 14:12.", "God alone can inflict -- Mt 10:28; Jas 4:12.", "Is described as", "Banishment from God. -- 2Th 1:9.", "Society with the devil &c. -- Mt 25:41.", "A lake of fire. -- Re 19:20; 21:8.", "The worm that dies not. -- Mr 9:44.", "Outer darkness. -- Mt 25:30.", "A mist of darkness for ever. -- 2Pe 2:17.", "Indignation, wrath, &c. -- Ro 2:8,9.", "Is called", "Destruction. -- Ro 9:22; 2Th 1:9.", "Perishing. -- 2Pe 2:12.", "The wrath to come. -- 1Th 1:10.", "The second death. -- Re 2:11.", "A resurrection to damnation. -- Joh 5:29.", "A resurrection to shame &c. -- Da 12:2.", "Damnation of hell. -- Mt 23:33.", "Everlasting punishment. -- Mt 25:46.", "Shall be inflicted by Christ -- Mt 25:31,41; 2Th 1:7,8.", "Christ, the only way of escape from -- Joh 3:16; 8:51; Ac 4:12.", "Saints shall escape -- Re 2:11; 20:6.", "Strive to preserve others from -- Jas 5:20.", "Illustrated -- Lu 16:23-26."]} +{"term": "Death, Natural", "definitions": ["By Adam -- Ge 3:19; 1Co 15:21,22.", "Consequence of sin -- Ge 2:17; Ro 5:12.", "Lot of all -- Ec 8:8; Heb 9:27.", "Ordered by God -- De 32:39; Job 14:5.", "Puts an end to earthly projects -- Ec 9:10.", "Strips of earthly possessions -- Job 1:21; 1Ti 6:7.", "Levels all ranks -- Job 3:17-19.", "Conquered by Christ -- Ro 6:9; Re 1:18.", "Abolished by Christ -- 2Ti 1:10.", "Shall finally be destroyed by Christ -- Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:26.", "Christ delivers from the fear of -- Heb 2:15.", "Regard, as at hand -- Job 14:1,2; Ps 39:4,5; 90:9; 1Pe 1:24.", "Prepare for -- 2Ki 20:1.", "Pray to be prepared for -- Ps 39:4,13; 90:12.", "Consideration of, a motive to diligence -- Ec 9:10; Joh 9:4.", "When averted for a season, is a motive to increased devotedness -- Ps 56:12,13; 118:17; Isa 38:18,20.", "Enoch and Elijah were exempted from -- Ge 5:24; Heb 11:5; 2Ki 2:11.", "All shall be raised from -- Ac 24:15.", "None subject to in heaven -- Lu 20:36; Re 21:4.", "Illustrates the change produced in conversion -- Ro 6:2; Col 2:20.", "Is described as", "A sleep. -- De 31:16; Joh 11:11.", "The earthly house of this tabernacle being dissolved. -- 2Co 5:1.", "Putting off this tabernacle. -- 2Pe 1:14.", "God requiring the soul. -- Lu 12:20.", "Going the way whence there is no return. -- Job 16:22.", "Gathering to our people. -- Ge 49:33.", "Going down into silence. -- Ps 115:17.", "Yielding up the spirit. -- Ac 5:10.", "Returning to dust. -- Ge 3:19; Ps 104:29.", "Being cut down. -- Job 14:2.", "Fleeing as a shadow. -- Job 14:2.", "Departing. -- Php 1:23."]} +{"term": "Death of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Isa 53:8; Da 9:26; Zec 13:7.", "Appointed by God -- Isa 53:6,10; Ac 2:23.", "Necessary for the redemption of man -- Lu 24:46; Ac 17:3.", "Acceptable, as a sacrifice to God -- Mt 20:28; Eph 5:2; 1Th 5:10.", "Was voluntary -- Isa 53:12; Mt 26:53; Joh 10:17,18.", "Was undeserved -- Isa 53:9.", "Mode of", "Foretold by Christ. -- Mt 20:18,19; Joh 12:32,33.", "Prefigured. -- Nu 21:8; Joh 3:14.", "Ignominious. -- Heb 12:2.", "Accursed. -- Ga 3:13.", "Exhibited His humility. -- Php 2:8.", "A stumbling block to Jews. -- 1Co 1:23.", "Foolishness to Gentiles. -- 1Co 1:18,23.", "Demanded by the Jews -- Mt 27:22,23.", "Inflicted by the Gentiles -- Mt 27:26-35.", "In the company of malefactors -- Isa 53:12; Mt 27:38.", "Accompanied by supernatural signs -- Mt 27:45,51-53.", "Emblematical of the death to sin -- Ro 6:3-8; Ga 2:20.", "Commemorated in the ordinance of the Lord's supper -- Lu 22:19,20; 1Co 11:26-29."]} +{"term": "Death of Saints, The", "definitions": ["A sleep in Christ -- 1Co 15:18; 1Th 4:14.", "Is blessed -- Re 14:13.", "Is gain -- Php 1:21.", "Is full of", "Faith. -- Heb 11:13.", "Peace. -- Isa 57:2.", "Hope. -- Pr 14:32.", "Sometimes desired -- Lu 2:29.", "Waited for -- Job 14:14.", "Met with resignation -- Ge 50:24; Jos 23:14; 1Ki 2:2.", "Met without fear -- 1Co 15:55.", "Precious in God's sight -- Ps 116:15.", "God preserves them to -- Ps 48:14.", "God is with them in -- Ps 23:4.", "Removes from coming evil -- 2Ki 22:20; Isa 57:1.", "Leads to", "Rest. -- Job 3:17; 2Th 1:7.", "Comfort. -- Lu 16:25.", "Christ's presence. -- 2Co 5:8; Php 1:23.", "A crown of life. -- 2Ti 4:8; Re 2:10.", "A joyful resurrection. -- Isa 26:19; Da 12:2.", "Disregarded by the wicked -- Isa 57:1.", "Survivors consoled for -- 1Th 4:13-18.", "The wicked wish theirs to resemble -- Nu 23:10.", "Illustrated -- Lu 16:22.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 25:8.", "Isaac. -- Ge 35:29.", "Jacob. -- Ge 49:33.", "Aaron. -- Nu 20:28.", "Moses. -- De 34:5.", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:29.", "Elisha. -- 2Ki 13:14,20.", "One thief. -- Lu 23:43.", "Dorcas. -- Ac 9:37."]} +{"term": "Death of the Wicked, The", "definitions": ["Is in their sins -- Eze 3:19; Joh 8:21.", "Is without hope -- Pr 11:7.", "Sometimes without fear -- Jer 34:5; 2Ch 36:11-13.", "Frequently sudden and unexpected -- Job 21:13,23; 27:21; Pr 29:1.", "Frequently marked by terror -- Job 18:11-15; 27:19-21; Ps 73:19.", "Punishment follows -- Isa 14:9; Ac 1:25.", "The remembrance of them perishes in -- Job 18:17; Ps 34:16; Pr 10:7.", "God has no pleasure in -- Eze 18:23,32.", "Like the death of beasts -- Ps 49:14.", "Illustrated -- Lu 12:20; 16:22,23.", "Exemplified", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:32.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 18:9,10.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 22:34.", "Jezebel. -- 2Ki 9:33.", "Athaliah. -- 2Ch 23:15.", "Haman. -- Es 7:10.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:30.", "Judas. -- Mt 27:5; Ac 1:18.", "Ananias, &c. -- Ac 5:5,9,10.", "Herod. -- Ac 12:23."]} +{"term": "Death, Spiritual", "definitions": ["Alienation from God is -- Eph 4:18.", "Carnal-mindedness is -- Ro 8:6.", "Walking in trespasses and sins is -- Eph 2:1; Col 2:13.", "Spiritual ignorance is -- Isa 9:2; Mt 4:16; Lu 1:79; Eph 4:18.", "Unbelief is -- Joh 3:36; 1Jo 5:12.", "Living in pleasure is -- 1Ti 5:6.", "Hypocrisy is -- Re 3:1,2.", "Is a consequence of the fall -- Ro 5:15.", "Is the state of all men by nature -- Ro 6:13; 8:6.", "The fruits of, are dead works -- Heb 6:1; 9:14.", "A call to arise from -- Eph 5:14.", "Deliverance from, is through Christ -- Joh 5:24,25; Eph 2:5; 1Jo 5:12.", "Saints are raised from -- Ro 6:13.", "Love of the brethren, a proof of being raised from -- 1Jo 3:14.", "Illustrated -- Eze 37:2,3; Lu 15:24."]} +{"term": "Deceit", "definitions": ["Is falsehood -- Ps 119:118.", "The tongue, the instrument of -- Ro 3:13.", "Comes from the heart -- Mr 7:22.", "Characteristic of the heart -- Jer 17:9.", "God abhors -- Ps 5:6.", "Forbidden -- Pr 24:28; 1Pe 3:10.", "Christ was perfectly free from -- Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22.", "Saints", "Free from. -- Ps 24:4; Zep 3:13; Re 14:5.", "Purposed against. -- Job 27:4.", "Avoid. -- Job 31:5.", "Shun those addicted to. -- Ps 101:7.", "Pray for deliverance from those who use. -- Ps 43:1; 120:2.", "Delivered from those who use. -- Ps 72:14.", "Should beware of those who teach. -- Eph 5:6; Col 2:8.", "Should lay aside, in seeking truth. -- 1Pe 2:1.", "Ministers should lay aside -- 2Co 4:2; 1Th 2:3.", "The wicked", "Are full of. -- Ro 1:29.", "Devise. -- Ps 35:20; 38:12; Pr 12:5.", "Utter. -- Ps 10:7; 36:3.", "Work. -- Pr 11:18.", "Increase in. -- 2Ti 3:13.", "Use, to each other. -- Jer 9:5.", "Use, to themselves. -- Jer 37:9; Ob 3:7.", "Delight in. -- Pr 20:17.", "False teachers", "Are workers of. -- 2Co 11:13.", "Preach. -- Jer 14:14; 23:26.", "Impose on others by. -- Ro 16:18; Eph 4:14.", "Sport themselves with. -- 2Pe 2:13.", "Hypocrites devise -- Job 15:35.", "Hypocrites practise -- Ho 11:12.", "False witnesses use -- Pr 12:17; 14:5.", "A characteristic of Antichrist -- 2Jo 1:7.", "A characteristic of the Apostasy -- 2Th 2:10.", "Evil of", "Keeps from knowledge of God. -- Jer 9:6.", "Keeps from turning to God. -- Jer 8:5.", "Leads to pride and oppression. -- Jer 5:27,28.", "Leads to lying. -- Pr 14:25.", "Often accompanied by fraud and injustice -- Ps 10:7; 43:1.", "Hatred often concealed by -- Pr 26:24-28.", "The folly of fools is -- Pr 14:8.", "The kisses of an enemy are -- Pr 27:6.", "Blessedness of being free from -- Ps 24:4,5; 32:2.", "Punishment of -- Ps 55:23; Jer 9:7-9.", "Exemplified", "The devil. -- Ge 3:1,4,5; Joh 8:44.", "Rebecca and Jacob. -- Ge 27:9,19.", "Laban. -- Ge 31:7.", "Joseph's brothers. -- Ge 37:31,32.", "Pharaoh. -- Ex 8:29.", "David. -- 1Sa 21:13.", "Job's friends. -- Job 6:15.", "Doeg. -- Ps 52:1,2.", "Herod. -- Mt 2:8.", "Pharisees. -- Mt 22:16.", "Chief Priests. -- Mr 14:1."]} +{"term": "Decision", "definitions": ["Necessary to the service of God -- Lu 9:62.", "Exhortations to -- Jos 24:14,15.", "Exhibited in", "Seeking God with the heart. -- 2Ch 15:12.", "Keeping the commandments of God. -- Ne 10:29.", "Being on the Lord's side. -- Ex 32:26.", "Following God fully. -- Nu 14:24; 32:12; Jos 14:8.", "Serving God. -- Isa 56:6.", "Loving God perfectly. -- De 6:5.", "Blessedness of. -- Jos 1:7.", "Opposed to", "A divided service. -- Mt 6:24.", "Double-mindedness. -- Jas 1:8.", "Halting between two opinions. -- 1Ki 18:21.", "Turning to the right or left. -- De 5:32.", "Not setting the heart aright. -- Ps 78:8,37.", "Exemplified", "Moses. -- Ex 32:26.", "Caleb. -- Nu 13:30.", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.", "Ruth. -- Ru 1:16.", "Asa. -- 2Ch 15:8.", "David. -- Ps 17:3.", "Peter. -- Joh 6:68.", "Paul. -- Ac 21:13.", "Abraham. -- Heb 11:8."]} +{"term": "Dedication", "definitions": ["Consecration of a place of worship -- 2Ch 2:4.", "Solemn confirmation of a covenant -- Heb 9:18.", "Devoting any thing to sacred uses -- 1Ch 28:12.", "Subjects of", "Tabernacle. -- Nu 7:1-89.", "Temple of Solomon. -- 1Ki 8:1-63; 2Ch 7:5.", "Second temple. -- Ezr 6:16,17.", "Persons. -- Ex 22:29; 1Sa 1:11.", "Property. -- Le 27:28; Mt 15:5.", "Spoils of war. -- 2Sa 8:11; 1Ch 18:11.", "Tribute from foreigners. -- 2Sa 8:10,11.", "Walls of cities. -- Ne 12:27.", "Houses when built. -- De 20:5; Ps 30:1.", "By idolaters in setting up idols -- Da 3:2,3.", "Things dedicated to God", "Esteemed holy. -- Le 27:28; 2Ki 12:18.", "Placed with the treasures of the Lord's house. -- 1Ki 7:51; 2Ch 5:1.", "Special chambers prepared for. -- 2Ch 31:11,12.", "Levites place over. -- 1Ch 26:20,26; 2Ch 31:12.", "Applied to the repair and maintenance of the temple. -- 2Ki 12:4,5; 1Ch 26:27.", "For support of priests. -- Nu 18:14; Eze 44:29.", "Given to propitiate enemies. -- 2Ki 12:17,18.", "Law respecting the release of. -- Le 27:1-34.", "Of property often perverted -- Mr 7:9-13.", "Illustrated of devotedness to God -- Ps 119:38."]} +{"term": "Defilement", "definitions": ["Forbidden to the Jews -- Le 11:44,45.", "Things liable to ceremonial", "The person. -- Le 5:3.", "Garments. -- Le 13:59.", "Furniture, &c. -- Le 15:9,10; Nu 19:14,15.", "Houses. -- Le 14:44.", "The land. -- Le 18:25; De 21:23.", "The sanctuary. -- Le 20:3; Zep 3:4.", "Ceremonial caused by", "Eating unclean things. -- Le 11:8; Ac 10:11,14.", "Eating things that died. -- Le 17:15.", "Touching a dead body or a bone. -- Nu 9:6,7; 19:11,16.", "Touching a grave. -- Nu 19:16.", "Touching a dead beast. -- Le 5:2; 11:24-28.", "Being alone with a dead body. -- Nu 19:14.", "Mourning for the dead. -- Le 21:1-3.", "Having a leprosy. -- Le 13:3,11; Nu 5:2,3.", "Having an issue, &c. -- Le 15:2; Nu 5:2.", "Touching anything defiled by an issue, &c. -- Le 15:5-11.", "Going into a leprous house. -- Le 14:46.", "Sacrificing the red heifer. -- Nu 19:7.", "Burning the red heifer. -- Nu 19:8.", "Gathering the ashes of the red heifer. -- Nu 19:10.", "Touching an unclean person. -- Nu 19:22.", "Child bearing. -- Le 12:2.", "Causes of, improperly enlarged by tradition -- Mr 7:2; Mt 15:20.", "Moral, caused by", "Following the sins of the heathen. -- Le 18:24.", "Seeking after wizards. -- Le 19:31.", "Giving children to Molech. -- Le 20:3.", "Making and serving idols. -- Eze 20:17,18; 22:3,4; 23:7.", "Blood shedding. -- Isa 59:3.", "Moral, punished -- Le 18:24,25,28,29.", "Those under, removed from the camp -- Nu 5:3,4; De 23:14.", "Priests", "To decide in all cases of. -- Le 10:10; 13:3.", "Specially required to avoid. -- Le 21:1-6,11,12.", "Not to eat holy things while under. -- Le 22:2,4-6.", "Punished for eating of the holy things while under. -- Le 22:3.", "Cleansed by legal offerings -- Nu 19:18,19; Heb 9:13.", "Neglecting purification from, punished by cutting off -- Nu 19:13,20.", "Ceremonial, abolished under the gospel -- Ac 10:15; Ro 14:14; Col 2:20-22.", "Illustrative", "Of sin. -- Mt 15:11,18; Jude 1:8.", "Of unholy doctrines. -- 1Co 3:16,17."]} +{"term": "Delighting In God", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Ps 37:4.", "Reconciliation leads to -- Job 22:21,26.", "Observing the sabbath leads to -- Isa 58:13,14.", "Saints' experience in", "Communion with God. -- Song 2:3.", "The law of God. -- Ps 1:1; 119:24,35.", "The goodness of God. -- Ne 9:25.", "The comforts of God. -- Ps 94:19.", "Hypocrites", "Pretend to. -- Isa 58:2.", "In heart despise. -- Job 27:10; Jer 6:10.", "Promises to. -- Ps 37:4.", "Blessedness. -- Ps 112:1."]} +{"term": "Deluge, The", "definitions": ["Sent as a punishment for the extreme wickedness of man -- Ge 6:5-7,11-13,17.", "Called the", "Flood. -- Ge 9:28.", "Waters of Noah. -- Isa 54:9.", "Noah forewarned of -- Ge 6:13; Heb 11:7.", "Long-suffering of God exhibited in deferring -- Ge 6:3; 1Pe 3:20.", "The wicked warned of -- 1Pe 3:19,20; 2Pe 2:5.", "Noah, &c, saved from -- Ge 6:18-22; 7:13,14.", "Date of its commencement -- Ge 7:11.", "Came suddenly and unexpectedly -- Mt 24:38,39.", "Produced by", "Forty days' incessant rain. -- Ge 7:4,12,17.", "Opening up of the fountains of the great deep. -- Ge 7:11.", "Increased gradually -- Ge 7:17,18.", "Extreme height of -- Ge 7:19,20.", "Time of its increase and prevailing -- Ge 7:24.", "Causes of its abatement -- Ge 8:1,2.", "Decrease of gradual -- Ge 8:3,5.", "Date of its complete removal -- Ge 8:13.", "Complete destruction of whole earth effected by -- Ge 7:23.", "Entire face of the earth changed by -- 2Pe 3:5,6.", "Traditional notice of -- Job 22:15-17.", "That it shall never again occur", "Promised. -- Ge 8:21,22.", "Confirmed by covenant. -- Ge 9:9-11.", "The rainbow a token. -- Ge 9:12-17.", "A pledge of God's faithfulness. -- Isa 54:9,10.", "Illustrative", "Of the destruction of sinners. -- Ps 32:6; Isa 28:2,18.", "Of baptism. -- 1Pe 3:20,21.", "(Unexpectedness of,) of suddenness of Christ's coming. -- Mt 24:36-39; Lu 17:26,27-30."]} +{"term": "Denial of Christ", "definitions": ["In doctrine -- Mr 8:38; 2Ti 1:8.", "In practice -- Php 3:18,10; Tit 1:16.", "A characteristic of false teachers -- 2Pe 2:1; Jude 1:4.", "Is the spirit of Antichrist -- 1Jo 2:22,23; 4:3.", "Christ will deny those guilty of -- Mt 10:33; 2Ti 2:12.", "Leads to destruction -- 2Pe 2:1; Jude 1:4,15.", "Exemplified", "Peter. -- Mt 26:69-75.", "The Jews. -- Joh 18:40; Ac 3:13,14."]} +{"term": "Desert, Journey of Israel Through The", "definitions": ["Date of its commencement -- Ex 12:41,42.", "Their number commencing -- Ex 12:37.", "Their healthy state commencing -- Ps 105:37.", "A mixed multitude accompanied them in -- Ex 12:38; Nu 11:4.", "Commenced in haste -- Ex 12:39.", "Conducted with regularity -- Ex 13:18.", "Under Moses as leader -- Ex 3:10-12; Ac 7:36,38.", "By a circuitous route -- Ex 13:17,18.", "Order of marching during -- Nu 10:14-29.", "Order of encamping during -- Nu 2:1-34.", "Difficulty and danger of -- De 8:15.", "Continued forty years", "As a punishment. -- Nu 14:33,34.", "To prove and humble them, &c. -- De 8:2.", "To teach them to live on God's word. -- De 8:3.", "Under God's guidance -- Ex 13:21,22; 15:13; Ne 9:12; Ps 78:52; Isa 63:11-14.", "Under God's protection -- Ex 14:19,20; Ps 105:39; Ex 23:20; Ps 78:53.", "With miraculous provision -- Ex 16:35; De 8:3.", "Their clothing preserved during -- De 8:4; 29:5; Ne 9:21.", "Worship of God celebrated during -- Ex 24:5-8; 29:38-42; 40:24-29.", "Justice administered during -- Ex 18:13,26.", "Circumcision omitted during -- Jos 5:5.", "Caused universal terror and dismay -- Ex 15:14-16; Nu 22:3,4.", "Obstructed, &c by the surrounding nations -- Ex 17:8; Nu 20:21.", "Territory acquired during -- De 29:7,8.", "Marked by constant murmurings and rebellions -- Ps 78:40; 95:10; 106:7-39.", "Constant goodness and mercy of God to them during -- Ps 106:10,43-46; 107:6,13.", "Commenced from Rameses in Egypt -- Ex 12:37.", "To Succoth -- Ex 12:37; Nu 33:5.", "To Etham -- Ex 13:20; Nu 33:6.", "Between baalzephon and pihahiroth -- Ex 14:2; Nu 33:7.", "Overtaken by Pharaoh. -- Ex 14:9.", "Exhorted to look to God. -- Ex 14:13,14.", "The cloud removed to the rear. -- Ex 14:19,20.", "Red Sea divided. -- Ex 14:16,21.", "Through the Red Sea -- Ex 14:22,29.", "Faith exhibited in passing. -- Heb 11:29.", "Pharaoh and his host destroyed. -- Ex 14:23-28; Ps 106:11.", "Israel's song of praise. -- Ex 15:1-21; Ps 106:12.", "Through the wilderness of Shur or Etham -- Ex 15:22; Nu 33:8.", "To Marah -- Ex 15:23; Nu 33:8.", "Murmuring of the people on account of bitter water. -- Ex 15:24.", "Water sweetened. -- Ex 15:25.", "To Elim -- Ex 15:27; Nu 33:9.", "By the Red Sea -- Nu 33:10.", "Through the wilderness of Sin -- Ex 16:1; Nu 33:11.", "Murmuring for bread. -- Ex 16:2,3.", "Quails given for one night. -- Ex 16:8,12,13.", "Manna sent. -- Ex 16:4,8,16-31.", "To Dophkah -- Nu 33:12.", "To Alush -- Nu 33:13.", "To Rephidim -- Ex 17:1; Nu 33:14.", "Murmuring for water. -- Ex 17:2,3.", "Water brought from the rock. -- Ex 17:5,6.", "Called Massah and Meribah. -- Ex 17:7.", "Amalek opposes Israel. -- Ex 17:8.", "Amalek overcome. -- Ex 17:9-13.", "To Mount Sinai -- Ex 19:1,2; Nu 33:15.", "Jethro's visit. -- Ex 18:1-6.", "Judges appointed. -- Ex 18:14-26; De 1:9-15.", "Moral law given. -- Ex 19:3; 20:1-26.", "Covenant made. -- Ex 24:3-8.", "Moral law written on tables. -- Ex 31:18.", "Order for making the tabernacle, &c. -- Ex 24:1-27:21.", "Tribe of Levi taken instead of the first-born. -- Nu 3:11-13.", "Aaron and his sons selected for priesthood. -- Ex 28:1-29:46; Nu 3:1-3,10.", "Levites set apart. -- Nu 3:5-9.", "Golden calf made. -- Ex 32:1,4.", "Tables of testimony broken. -- Ex 32:19.", "People punished for idolatry. -- Ex 32:25-29,35.", "God's glory shown to Moses. -- Ex 33:18-23; 34:5-8.", "The tables of testimony renewed. -- Ex 34:1-4,27-29; De 10:1-5.", "Tabernacle first set up. -- Ex 40:1-38.", "Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering strange fire. -- Le 10:1,2; Nu 3:4.", "Passover first commemorated. -- Nu 9:1-5.", "Second numbering of the people. -- Nu 1:1-46; Ex 38:25,26.", "To Kibrothhattaavah -- Nu 33:16.", "Complaining punished by fire. -- Nu 11:1-3.", "Called Taberah. -- Nu 11:3.", "Murmuring of the mixed multitude and of Israel, for flesh. -- Nu 11:4-9.", "Flesh promised. -- Nu 11:10-15,18-23.", "Seventy elders appointed to assist Moses. -- Nu 11:16,17,24-30.", "Quails sent for a month. -- Nu 11:19,20,31,32.", "Their murmuring punished. -- Nu 11:33; Ps 78:30,31.", "Why called Kibrothhattaavah. -- Nu 11:34.", "To Hazeroth -- Nu 11:35; 33:17.", "Aaron and Miriam envy Moses. -- Nu 12:1,2.", "Miriam punished by leprosy. -- Nu 12:10.", "Delayed seven day for Miriam. -- Nu 12:14,15.", "To Kadeshbarnea in wilderness of Rithmah or Paran -- De 1:19; Nu 32:8; 12:16; 33:18.", "The people anxious to have the land of Canaan searched. -- De 1:22.", "Moses commanded to send spies. -- Nu 13:1,2.", "Persons selected as spies. -- Nu 13:3-16.", "Spies sent. -- Jos 14:7; Nu 13:17-20.", "Spies bring back evil report. -- Nu 13:26-33.", "The people terrified and rebel. -- Nu 14:1-4.", "Punishment for rebellion. -- Nu 14:26,35; 32:11-13; De 1:35,36,40.", "Guilty spies slain by plague. -- Nu 14:36,37.", "People smitten by Amalek for going up without the Lord. -- Nu 14:40-45; De 1:41-44.", "Returned by the way to the Red Sea -- Nu 14:25; De 1:40; 2:1.", "Sabbath breaker stoned. -- Nu 15:32-36.", "Rebellion of Korah. -- Nu 16:1-19.", "Korah, &c punished. -- Nu 16:30-35.", "Plague sent. -- Nu 16:41-46.", "Plague stayed. -- Nu 16:47-50.", "God's choice of Aaron confirmed. -- Nu 17:1-13.", "To Rimmonparez -- Nu 33:19.", "To Libnah or Laban -- Nu 33:20; De 1:1.", "To Rissah -- Nu 33:21.", "To Kehelathah -- Nu 33:22.", "To Mount Shapher -- Nu 33:23.", "To Haradah -- Nu 33:24.", "To Makheloth -- Nu 33:25.", "To Tahath -- Nu 33:26.", "To Tarah -- Nu 33:37.", "To Mithcah -- Nu 33:28.", "To Hashmonah -- Nu 33:29.", "To Moseroth or Mosera -- Nu 33:30.", "TO BENE-JAAKAN -- Nu 33:31.", "To Horhagidgad or GudGodah -- Nu 33:32; De 10:7.", "To Jotbathah or land of rivers -- Nu 33:33; De 10:7.", "Several of these stations probably revisited -- De 10:6,7; Nu 33:30-32.", "To Ebronah -- Nu 33:34.", "To Eziongaber -- Nu 33:35.", "To Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin -- Nu 20:1; 33:36; Jdj 11:16.", "Miriam dies and is buried. -- Nu 20:1.", "Second murmuring for water. -- Nu 20:2-6.", "Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it, disobeys God. -- Nu 20:7-11.", "Moses and Aaron punished. -- Nu 20:12.", "Called Meribah to commemorate the murmuring. -- Nu 20:13; 27:14.", "Orders given respecting Edom. -- De 2:3-6.", "The king of Edom refuses a passage. -- Nu 20:14-21; Jdj 11:17.", "To Mount Hor -- Nu 20:22; 33:37.", "Aaron dies. -- Nu 20:28,29; 33:38,39.", "Arad conquered. -- Nu 21:1-3; 33:40.", "Called Hormah. -- Nu 21:2,3.", "To Zalmonah -- Nu 33:41.", "Murmuring of the people. -- Nu 21:4,5.", "Fiery serpents sent. -- Nu 21:6.", "Brazen serpent raised up. -- Nu 21:7-9.", "To Punon -- Nu 33:42.", "To Oboth -- Nu 21:10; 33:43.", "To Ijeabarim before Moab -- Nu 21:11; 33:44.", "Orders given respecting Moab. -- De 2:8,9.", "TO ZARED OR DIBON-GAD -- Nu 21:12; 33:45.", "To Almondiblathaim -- Nu 33:46.", "Across the brook Zered -- De 2:13.", "Time occupied in going from Kadeshbarnea to this station. -- De 2:14.", "Order to pass through Ar. -- De 2:18.", "Orders given respecting Ammon. -- De 2:19.", "Across the arnon -- Nu 21:13-15; De 2:24.", "To beer or the well -- Nu 21:16.", "To Mattanah -- Nu 21:18.", "To Nahaliel -- Nu 21:19.", "To Bamoth -- Nu 21:19.", "To the mountains of Abarim -- Nu 21:20; 33:47.", "The Amorites refuse a passage to Israel. -- Nu 21:21-23; De 2:26-30.", "Sihon conquered. -- Nu 21:23-32; De 2:32-36.", "Og conquered. -- Nu 21:33-35; De 3:1-11.", "Reubenites, &c obtained the land taken from the Amorites. -- Nu 32:1-42; De 3:12-17.", "Return to the plains of Moab -- Nu 22:1; 33:48,49.", "Balak sends for Balaam. -- Nu 22:5,6,15-17.", "Balaam not permitted to curse Israel. -- Nu 22:9-41; 23:1-24:25.", "Israel seduced to idolatry, &c by advice of Balaam. -- Nu 25:1-3; Re 2:14.", "Israel punished. -- Nu 25:5,9.", "Third numbering. -- Nu 26:1-62.", "All formerly numbered over twenty years old, except Caleb and Joshua, dead. -- Nu 26:63-65; 14:29.", "The law of female inheritance settled. -- Nu 27:1-11; 36:1-9.", "Appointment of Joshua. -- Nu 27:15-23.", "Midianites destroyed and Balaam slain. -- Nu 31:1-54; 25:17,18.", "The law rehearsed. -- De 1:3.", "The law written by Moses. -- De 31:9.", "Moses beholds Canaan. -- De 34:1-4.", "Moses dies and is buried. -- De 34:5,6.", "Joshua ordered to cross Jordan. -- Jos 1:2.", "Two spies sent to Jericho. -- Jos 2:1.", "Across the river Jordan -- Jos 4:10.", "Illustrative of the pilgrimage of the church -- Song 8:5; 1Pe 1:17."]} +{"term": "Deserts", "definitions": ["Vast barren plains -- Ex 5:3; Joh 6:13.", "Uninhabited places -- Mt 14:15; Mr 6:31.", "Described as", "Uninhabited and lonesome. -- Jer 2:6.", "Uncultivated. -- Nu 20:5; Jer 2:2.", "Desolate. -- Eze 6:14.", "Dry and without water. -- Ex 17:1; De 8:15.", "Trackless. -- Isa 43:19.", "Great and terrible. -- De 1:19.", "Waste and howling. -- De 32:10.", "Infested with wild beasts -- Isa 13:21; Mr 1:13.", "Infested with serpents -- De 8:15.", "Infested with robbers -- Jer 3:2; La 4:19.", "Danger of travelling in -- Ex 14:3; 2Co 11:26.", "Guides required in -- Nu 10:31; De 32:10.", "Phenomena of, alluded to", "Mirage or deceptive appearance of water. -- Jer 15:18.", "Simoom or deadly wind. -- 2Ki 19:7; Jer 4:11.", "Tornadoes or whirlwinds. -- Isa 21:1.", "Clouds of sand and dust. -- De 28:24; Jer 4:12,13.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Arabian or great desert. -- Ex 23:31.", "Bethaven. -- Jos 18:12.", "Beersheba. -- Ge 21:14; 1Ki 19:3,4.", "Damascus. -- 1Ki 19:15.", "Edom. -- 2Ki 3:8.", "Engedi. -- 1Sa 24:1.", "Gibeon. -- 2Sa 2:24.", "Judea. -- Mt 3:1.", "Jeruel. -- 2Ch 20:16.", "Kedemoth. -- De 2:26.", "Kadesh. -- Ps 29:8.", "Maon. -- 1Sa 23:24,25.", "Paran. -- Ge 21:21; Nu 10:12.", "Shur. -- Ge 16:7.", "Sin. -- Ex 16:1.", "Sinai. -- Ex 19:1,2; Nu 33:16.", "Ziph. -- 1Sa 23:14,15.", "Zin. -- Nu 20:1; 27:14.", "Of the Red Sea. -- Ex 13:18.", "Near Gaza. -- Ac 8:26.", "Heath often found in -- Jer 17:6.", "Parts of, afforded pasture -- Ge 36:24; Ex 3:1.", "Inhabited by wandering tribes -- Ge 21:20,21; Ps 72:9; Jer 25:24.", "The persecuted fled to -- 1Sa 23:14; Heb 11:38.", "The disaffected fled to -- 1Sa 22:2; Ac 21:38.", "Illustrative of", "Barrenness. -- Ps 106:9; 107:33,35.", "Those deprived of blessings. -- Ho 2:3.", "The world. -- Song 3:6; 8:5.", "The Gentiles. -- Isa 35:1,6; 41:19.", "What affords no support. -- Jer 2:31.", "Desolation by armies. -- Jer 12:10-13; 50:12."]} +{"term": "Despair", "definitions": ["Produced in the wicked by divine judgments -- De 28:34,67; Re 9:6; 16:10.", "Leads to", "Continuing in sin. -- Jer 2:25; 18:12.", "Blasphemy. -- Isa 8:21; Re 16:10,11.", "Shall seize upon the wicked at the appearing of Christ -- Re 6:16.", "Saints sometimes tempted to -- Job 7:6; La 3:18.", "Saints enabled to overcome -- 2Co 4:8,9.", "Trust in God, a preservative against -- Ps 42:5,11.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:13,14.", "Ahithophel. -- 2Sa 17:23.", "Judas. -- Mt 27:5."]} +{"term": "Devil, The", "definitions": ["Sinned against God -- 2Pe 2:4; 1Jo 3:8.", "Cast out of heaven -- Lu 10:18.", "Cast down to hell -- 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6.", "The author of the fall -- Ge 3:1,6,14,24.", "Tempted Christ -- Mt 4:3-10.", "Perverts the Scripture -- Mt 4:6; Ps 91:11,12.", "Opposes God's work -- Zec 3:1; 1Th 2:18.", "Hinders the gospel -- Mt 13:19; 2Co 4:4.", "Works lying wonders -- 2Th 2:9; Re 16:14.", "Assumes the form of an angel of light -- 2Co 11:14.", "The wicked", "Are the children of. -- Mt 13:38; Ac 13:10; 1Jo 3:10.", "Turn aside after. -- 1Ti 5:15.", "Do the lusts of. -- Joh 8:44.", "Possessed by. -- Lu 22:3; Ac 5:3; Eph 2:2.", "Blinded by. -- 2Co 4:4.", "Deceived by. -- 1Ki 22:21,22; Re 20:7,8.", "Ensnared by. -- 1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26.", "Troubled by. -- 1Sa 16:14.", "Punished, together with. -- Mt 25:41.", "Saints", "Afflicted by, only as God permits. -- Job 1:12; 2:4-7.", "Tempted by. -- 1Ch 21:1; 1Th 3:5.", "Sifted by. -- Lu 22:31.", "Should resist. -- Jas 4:7; 1Pe 5:9.", "Should be armed against. -- Eph 6:11-16.", "Should be watchful against. -- 2Co 2:11.", "Overcome. -- 1Jo 2:13; Re 12:10,11.", "Shall finally triumph over. -- Ro 16:20.", "Triumph over, by Christ", "Predicted. -- Ge 3:15.", "In resisting his temptations. -- Mt 4:11.", "In casting out the spirits of. -- Lu 11:20; 13:32.", "In empowering his disciples to cast out. -- Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17.", "In destroying the works of. -- 1Jo 3:8.", "Completed by his death. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14.", "Illustrated. -- Lu 11:21,22.", "Character of", "Presumptuous. -- Job 1:6; Mt 4:5,6.", "Proud. -- 1Ti 3:6.", "Powerful. -- Eph 2:2; 6:12.", "Wicked. -- 1Jo 2:13.", "Malignant. -- Job 1:9; 2:4.", "Subtle. -- Ge 3:1; 2Co 11:3.", "Deceitful. -- 2Co 11:14; Eph 6:11.", "Fierce and cruel. -- Lu 8:29; 9:39,42; 1Pe 5:8.", "Cowardly. -- Jas 4:7.", "The Apostasy is of -- 2Th 2:9; 2Ti 4:1.", "Shall be condemned at the judgment -- Jude 1:6; Re 20:10.", "Everlasting fire is prepared for -- Mt 25:41.", "Compared to", "A fowler. -- Ps 91:3.", "Fowls. -- Mt 13:4.", "A sower of tares. -- Mt 13:25,28.", "A wolf. -- Joh 10:12.", "A roaring lion. -- 1Pe 5:8.", "A serpent. -- Re 12:9; 20:2."]} +{"term": "Devotedness to God", "definitions": ["A characteristic of saints -- Job 23:12.", "Christ, an example of -- Joh 4:34; 17:4.", "Grounded upon", "The mercies of God. -- Ro 12:1.", "The goodness of God. -- 1Sa 12:24.", "The call of God. -- 1Th 2:12.", "The death of Christ. -- 2Co 5:15.", "Our creation. -- Ps 86:9.", "Our preservation. -- Isa 46:4.", "Our redemption. -- 1Co 6:19,20.", "Should be", "With our spirit. -- 1Co 6:20; 1Pe 4:6.", "With our bodies. -- Ro 12:1; 1Co 6:20.", "With our members. -- Ro 6:12,13; 1Pe 4:2.", "With our substance. -- Ex 22:29; Pr 3:9.", "Unreserved. -- Mt 6:24; Lu 14:33.", "Abounding. -- 1Th 4:1.", "Persevering. -- Lu 1:74,75; 9:62.", "In life and death. -- Ro 14:8; Php 1:20.", "Should be exhibited in", "Loving God. -- De 6:5; Lu 10:27.", "Serving God. -- 1Sa 12:24; Ro 12:11.", "Walking worthy of God. -- 1Th 2:12.", "Doing all to God's glory. -- 1Co 10:31.", "Bearing the cross. -- Mr 8:34.", "Self-denial. -- Mr 8:34.", "Living to Christ. -- 2Co 5:15.", "Giving up all for Christ. -- Mt 19:21,28,29.", "Want of, condemned. -- Re 3:16.", "Exemplified", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.", "Peter, Andrew, James, John. -- Mt 4:20-22.", "Joanna, &c. -- Lu 8:3.", "Paul. -- Php 1:21.", "Timothy. -- Php 2:19-22.", "Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:30."]} +{"term": "Diet of the Jews, The", "definitions": ["In patriarchal age -- Ge 18:7,8; 27:4.", "In Egypt -- Ex 16:3; Nu 11:5.", "In the wilderness -- Ex 16:4-12.", "Of the poor, frugal -- Ru 2:14; Pr 15:17.", "Of the rich, luxurious -- Pr 23:1-3; La 4:5; Am 6:4,5; Lu 16:19.", "Articles used for", "Milk. -- Ge 49:12; Pr 27:27.", "Butter. -- De 32:14; 2Sa 17:29.", "Cheese. -- 1Sa 17:18; Job 10:10.", "Bread. -- Ge 18:5; 1Sa 17:17.", "Parched corn. -- Ru 2:14; 1Sa 17:17.", "Flesh. -- 2Sa 6:19; Pr 9:2.", "Fish. -- Mt 7:10; Lu 24:42.", "Herbs. -- Pr 15:17; Ro 14:2; Heb 6:7.", "Fruit. -- 2Sa 16:2.", "Dried fruit. -- 1Sa 25:18; 30:12.", "Honey. -- Song 5:1; Isa 7:15.", "Oil. -- De 12:17; Pr 21:17; Eze 16:13.", "Vinegar. -- Nu 6:3; Ru 2:14.", "Wine. -- 2Sa 6:19; Joh 2:3,10.", "Water. -- Ge 21:14; Mt 10:42.", "Expressed by bread and water -- 1Ki 13:9,16.", "Generally prepared by females -- Ge 27:9; Pr 31:15; Isa 8:13.", "Was taken", "In the morning, sparingly. -- Jdj 19:5; Ec 10:16,17.", "At noon. -- Ge 43:16; Joh 4:6,8.", "In the evening. -- Ge 24:11,33; Lu 24:29,30.", "Often sitting. -- Ge 27:19; 43:33.", "Often reclining. -- Am 6:4; Joh 13:23.", "With the hand. -- Mt 26:23; Lu 22:21.", "Thanks given before -- Mr 8:6; Ac 27:35.", "Purification before -- 2Ki 3:11; Mt 15:2.", "A hymn sung after -- Mt 26:30.", "Men and women did not partake of together -- Ge 18:8,9; Es 1:3,9.", "Articles of, often sent as presents -- 1Sa 17:18; 25:18,27; 2Sa 16:1,2."]} +{"term": "Diligence", "definitions": ["Christ, an example -- Mr 1:35; Lu 2:49.", "Required by God in", "Seeking him. -- 1Ch 22:19; Heb 11:6.", "Obeying him. -- De 6:17; 11:13.", "Hearkening to him. -- Isa 55:2.", "Striving after perfection. -- Php 3:13,14.", "Cultivating Christian graces. -- 2Pe 1:5.", "Keeping the souls. -- De 4:9.", "Keeping the heart. -- Pr 4:23.", "Labours of love. -- Heb 6:10-12.", "Following every good work. -- 1Ti 5:10.", "Guarding against defilement. -- Heb 12:15.", "Seeking to be found spotless. -- 2Pe 3:14.", "Making our call, &c, sure. -- 2Pe 1:10.", "Self-examination. -- Ps 77:6.", "Lawful business. -- Pr 27:23; Ec 9:10.", "Teaching religion. -- 2Ti 4:2; Jude 1:3.", "Instructing children. -- De 11:19.", "Discharging official duties. -- De 19:18.", "Saints should abound in -- 2Co 8:7.", "In the service of God", "Should be preserved in. -- Ga 6:9.", "Is not in vain. -- 1Co 15:58.", "Preserves from evil. -- Ex 15:26.", "Leads to assured hope. -- Heb 6:11.", "God rewards -- De 11:14; Heb 11:6.", "In temporal matters, leads to", "Favour. -- Pr 11:27.", "Prosperity. -- Pr 10:4; 13:4.", "Honour. -- Pr 12:24; 22:29.", "Illustrated -- Pr 6:6-8.", "Exemplified", "Jacob. -- Ge 31:40.", "Ruth. -- Ru 2:17.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 31:21.", "Nehemiah, &c. -- Ne 4:6.", "Psalmist. -- Ps 119:60.", "Apostles. -- Ac 5:42.", "Apollos. -- Ac 18:25.", "Titus. -- 2Co 8:22.", "Paul. -- 1Th 2:9.", "Onesiphorus. -- 2Ti 1:17."]} +{"term": "Discipline of the Church", "definitions": ["Ministers authorised to establish -- Mt 16:19; 18:18.", "Consists in", "Maintaining sound doctrine. -- 1Ti 1:3; Tit 1:13.", "Ordering its affairs. -- 1Co 11:34; Tit 1:5.", "Rebuking offenders. -- 1Ti 5:20; 2Ti 4:2.", "Removing obstinate offenders. -- 1Co 5:3-5,13; 1Ti 1:20.", "Should be submitted to -- Heb 13:17.", "Is for edification -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.", "Decency and order, the objects of -- 1Co 14:40.", "Exercise, in a spirit of charity -- 1Co 2:6-8.", "Prohibits women preaching -- 1Co 14:34; 1Ti 2:12."]} +{"term": "Diseases", "definitions": ["Often sent as punishment -- De 28:21; Joh 5:14.", "Often brought from other countries -- De 7:15.", "Often through Satan -- 1Sa 16:14-16; Job 2:7.", "Regarded as visitations -- Job 2:7-10; Ps 38:2,7.", "Intemperance a cause of -- Ho 7:5.", "Sins of youth a cause of -- Job 20:11.", "Over-excitement a cause of -- Da 8:27.", "Were many and divers -- Mt 4:24.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Ague. -- Le 26:16.", "Abscess. -- 2Ki 20:7.", "Atrophy. -- Job 16:8; 19:20.", "Blindness. -- Job 29:15; Mt 9:27.", "Boils and blains. -- Ex 9:10.", "Consumption. -- Le 26:16; De 28:22.", "Demoniacal possession. -- Mt 15:22; Mr 5:15.", "Deafness. -- Ps 38:13; Mr 7:32.", "Debility. -- Ps 102:23; Eze 7:17.", "Dropsy. -- Lu 14:2.", "Dumbness. -- Pr 31:8; Mt 9:32.", "Dysentery. -- 2Ch 21:12-19; Ac 28:8.", "Emerods. -- De 28:27; 1Sa 5:6,12.", "Fever. -- De 28:22; Mt 8:14.", "Impediment speech. -- Mr 7:32.", "Itch. -- De 28:27.", "Inflammation. -- De 28:22.", "Issue of blood. -- Mt 9:20.", "Lameness. -- 2Sa 4:4; 2Ch 16:12.", "Leprosy. -- Le 13:2; 2Ki 5:1.", "Loss of appetite. -- Job 33:20; Ps 107:18.", "Lunacy. -- Mt 4:24; 17:15.", "Melancholy. -- 1Sa 16:14.", "Palsy. -- Mt 8:6; 9:2.", "Plague. -- Nu 11:33; 2Sa 24:15,21,25.", "Scab. -- De 28:27.", "Sunstroke. -- 2Ki 4:18-20; Isa 49:10.", "Ulcers. -- Isa 1:6; Lu 16:20.", "Worms. -- Ac 12:23.", "Children subject to -- 2Sa 12:15; 1Ki 17:17.", "Frequently", "Loathsome. -- Ps 38:7; 41:8.", "Painful. -- 2Ch 21:15; Job 33:19.", "Tedious. -- De 28:59; Joh 5:5; Lu 13:16.", "Complicated. -- De 28:60,61; Ac 28:8.", "Incurable. -- 2Ch 21:18; Jer 14:19.", "Physicians undertook the cure of -- Jer 8:22; Mt 9:12; Lu 4:23.", "Medicine used for curing -- Pr 17:22; Isa 1:6.", "Art of curing, defective -- Job 13:4; Mr 5:26.", "God often entreated to cure -- 2Sa 12:16; 2Ki 20:1-3; Ps 6:2; Jas 5:14.", "Not looking to God in, condemned -- 2Ch 16:12.", "Those afflicted with", "Anointed. -- Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14.", "Often laid in the streets to receive advice from passers by. -- Mr 6:56; Ac 5:15.", "Often divinely supported. -- Ps 41:3.", "Often divinely cured. -- 2Ki 20:5; Jas 5:15.", "Illustrative of sin -- Isa 1:5."]} +{"term": "Disobedience to God", "definitions": ["Provokes his anger -- Ps 78:10,40; Isa 3:8.", "Forfeits his favour -- 1Sa 13:14.", "Forfeits his promised blessings -- Jos 5:6; 1Sa 2:30; Jer 18:10.", "Brings a curse -- De 11:28; 28:15.", "A characteristic of the wicked -- Eph 2:2; Tit 1:16; 3:3.", "The wicked persevere in -- Jer 2:21.", "Heinousness of, illustrated -- Jer 35:14.", "Men prone to excuse -- Ge 3:12,13.", "Shall be punished -- Isa 42:24,25; Heb 2:2.", "Acknowledge the punishment of, to be just -- Ne 9:32,33; Da 9:10,11,14.", "Warnings against -- 1Sa 12:15; Jer 12:17.", "Bitter results of, illustrated -- Jer 9:13,15.", "Exemplified", "Adam and Eve. -- Ge 3:6,11.", "Pharaoh. -- Ex 5:2.", "Nadab, &c. -- Le 10:1.", "Moses, &c. -- Nu 20:8,11,24.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 28:18.", "The prophet. -- 1Ki 13:20-23.", "Israel. -- 2Ki 18:9-12.", "Jonah. -- Jon 1:2,3."]} +{"term": "Divination", "definitions": ["An abominable practice -- 1Sa 15:23.", "All who practised it, abominable -- De 18:12.", "Practised by", "Diviners. -- De 18:14.", "Enchanters. -- De 18:10; Jer 27:9.", "Witches. -- Ex 22:18; De 18:10.", "Charmers. -- De 18:11.", "Wizards. -- De 18:11; 1Sa 28:3.", "Consulters of familiar spirits. -- De 18:11.", "Magicians. -- Ge 41:8; Da 4:7.", "Astrologers. -- Isa 47:13; Da 4:7.", "Sorcerers. -- Jer 27:9; Ac 13:6,8.", "Necromancers. -- De 18:11.", "Soothsayers. -- Isa 2:6; Da 2:27.", "False prophets. -- Jer 14:14; Eze 13:3,6.", "Effected through", "Enchantments. -- Ex 7:11; Nu 24:1.", "Sorcery. -- Isa 47:12; Ac 8:11.", "Observing times. -- 2Ki 21:6.", "Observing heavenly bodies. -- Isa 37:13.", "Raising the dead. -- 1Sa 28:11,12.", "Inspecting the inside of beasts. -- Eze 21:21.", "The flight of arrows. -- Eze 21:21,22.", "Cups. -- Ge 44:2,5.", "Rods. -- Ho 4:12.", "Dreams. -- Jer 29:8; Zec 10:2.", "Connected with idolatry. -- 2Ch 33:5,6.", "Books of, numerous and expensive. -- Ac 19:19.", "A lucrative employment. -- Nu 22:7; Ac 16:16.", "Those who practised", "Regarded as wise men. -- Da 2:12,27.", "Regarded with awe. -- Ac 8:9,11.", "Consulted in difficulties. -- Da 2:2; 4:6,7.", "Used mysterious words and gestures. -- Isa 8:19.", "A system of fraud -- Eze 13:6,7; Jer 29:8.", "Frustrated by God -- Isa 44:25.", "Could not injure the Lord's people -- Nu 23:23.", "The law", "Forbade to the Israelites the practice of. -- Le 19:26; De 18:10,11.", "Forbade seeking to. -- Le 19:31; De 18:14.", "Punished with death those who used. -- Ex 22:18; Le 20:27.", "Punished those who sought to. -- Le 20:6.", "The Jews prone to -- 2Ki 17:17; Isa 2:6."]} +{"term": "Divisions", "definitions": ["Forbidden in the church -- 1Co 1:10.", "Condemned in the church -- 1Co 1:11-13; 11:18.", "Unbecoming in the church -- 1Co 12:24,25.", "Are contrary to the", "Unity of Christ. -- 1Co 1:13; 12:13.", "Desire of Christ. -- Joh 17:21-23.", "Purpose of Christ. -- Joh 10:16.", "Spirit of the church. -- 1Co 11:16.", "Are proof of a carnal spirit -- 1Co 3:3.", "Avoid those who cause -- Ro 16:17.", "Evil of, illustrated -- Mt 12:25."]} +{"term": "Divorce", "definitions": ["Law of marriage against -- Ge 2:24; Mt 19:6.", "Permitted", "By the Mosaic law. -- De 24:1.", "On account of hardness of heart. -- Mt 19:8.", "Often sought by the Jews -- Mic 2:9; Mal 2:14.", "Sought on slight grounds -- Mt 5:31; 19:3.", "Not allowed to those who falsely accused their wives -- De 22:18,19.", "Women", "Could obtain. -- Pr 2:17; Mr 10:12.", "Could marry after. -- De 24:2.", "Responsible for vows after. -- Nu 30:9.", "Married after, could not return to first husband. -- De 24:3,4; Jer 3:1.", "Afflicted by. -- Isa 54:4,6.", "Priests not to marry women after -- Le 21:14.", "Of servants, regulated by law -- Ex 21:7,11.", "Of captives, regulated by law -- De 21:13,14.", "Forced on those who had idolatrous wives -- Ezr 10:2-17; Ne 13:23,30.", "Jews condemned for love of -- Mal 2:14-16.", "Forbidden by Christ except for adultery -- Mt 5:32; 19:9.", "Prohibition of, offended the Jews -- Mt 19:10.", "Illustrative of God's casting off of the Jewish church -- Isa 50:1; Jer 3:8."]} +{"term": "Doctrines, False", "definitions": ["Destructive to faith -- 2Ti 2:18.", "Hateful to God -- Re 2:14,15.", "Unprofitable and vain -- Tit 3:9; Heb 13:9.", "Should be avoided by", "Ministers. -- 1Ti 1:4; 6:20.", "Saints. -- Eph 4:14; Col 2:8.", "All men. -- Jer 23:16; 29:8.", "The wicked love -- 2Ti 4:3,4.", "The wicked given up to believe -- 2Th 2:11.", "Teachers of", "Not to be countenanced. -- 2Jo 1:10.", "Should be avoided. -- Ro 16:17,18.", "Bring reproach on religion. -- 2Pe 2:2.", "Speak perverse things. -- Ac 20:30.", "Attract many. -- 2Pe 2:2.", "Deceive many. -- Mt 24:5.", "Shall abound in the latter days. -- 1Ti 4:1.", "Pervert the gospel of Christ. -- Ga 1:6,7.", "Shall be exposed. -- 2Ti 3:9.", "Teachers of, are described as", "Cruel. -- Ac 20:29.", "Deceitful. -- 2Co 11:13.", "Covetous. -- Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:3.", "Ungodly. -- Jdj 1:4,8.", "Proud and ignorant. -- 1Ti 6:3,4.", "Corrupt and reprobate. -- 2Ti 3:8.", "Try, by Scripture -- Isa 8:20; 1Jo 4:1.", "Curse on those who teach -- Ga 1:8,9.", "Punishment on those who teach -- Mic 3:6,7; 2Pe 2:1,3."]} +{"term": "Doctrines of the Gospel, The", "definitions": ["Are from God -- Joh 7:16; Ac 13:12.", "Are taught by Scripture -- 2Ti 3:16.", "Are godly -- 1Ti 6:3; Tit 1:1.", "Immorality condemned by -- 1Ti 1:9-11.", "Lead to fellowship with the Father and with the Son -- 1Jo 1:3; 2Jo 1:9.", "Lead to holiness -- Ro 6:17-22; Tit 2:12.", "Bring no reproach on -- 1Ti 6:1; Tit 2:5.", "Ministers should", "Be nourished up in. -- 1Ti 4:6.", "Attend to. -- 1Ti 4:13,16.", "Hold, in sincerity. -- 2Co 2:17; Tit 2:7.", "Hold steadfastly. -- 2Ti 1:13; Tit 1:9.", "Continue in. -- 1Ti 4:16.", "Speak things which become. -- Tit 2:1.", "Saints obey, from the heart -- Ro 6:17.", "Saints abide in -- Ac 2:42.", "A faithful walk adorns -- Tit 2:10.", "The obedience of saints leads to surer knowledge of -- Joh 7:17.", "Those who oppose are", "Proud. -- 1Ti 6:3,4.", "Ignorant. -- 1Ti 6:4.", "Doting about questions, &c. -- 1Ti 6:4.", "Not to be received. -- 2Jo 1:10.", "To be avoided. -- Ro 16:17.", "Not endured by the wicked -- 2Ti 4:3."]} +{"term": "Dog, The", "definitions": ["Despised by the Jews -- 2Sa 3:8.", "Described as", "Impatient of injury. -- Pr 26:17.", "Unclean. -- Lu 16:21; 2Pe 2:22.", "Carnivorous. -- 1Ki 14:11; 2Ki 9:35,36.", "Fond of blood. -- 1Ki 21:19; 22:38.", "Dangerous and destructive. -- Ps 22:16.", "Infested cities by night -- Ps 59:14,15.", "Nothing holy to be given to -- Mt 7:6; 15:26.", "Things torn by beasts given to -- Ex 22:31.", "Sacrificing of, an abomination -- Isa 66:3.", "Price of, not to be consecrated -- De 23:18.", "When domesticated", "Employed in watching flocks. -- Job 30:1.", "Fed with the crumbs, &c. -- Mt 15:27.", "Manner of, in drinking alluded to -- Jdj 7:5.", "Illustrative", "Of Gentiles. -- Mt 15:22,26.", "Of covetous ministers. -- Isa 56:11.", "Of fools. -- Pr 26:11.", "Of apostates. -- 2Pe 2:22.", "Of persecutors. -- Ps 22:16,20.", "Of obstinate sinners. -- Mt 7:6; Re 22:15.", "Of false teachers. -- Php 3:2.", "(Dumb,) of unfaithful ministers. -- Isa 56:10.", "(Dead,) of the mean. -- 1Sa 24:14; 2Sa 9:8."]} +{"term": "Dove, The", "definitions": ["Clean and used as food -- De 14:11.", "Offered in sacrifice -- Ge 15:9; Le 1:14.", "Impiously sold in the court of the temple -- Mt 21:12; Joh 2:16.", "Characterised by", "Simplicity. -- Mt 10:16.", "Comeliness of countenance. -- Song 2:14.", "Softness of eyes. -- Song 1:15.", "Sweetness of voice. -- Song 2:14.", "Richness of plumage. -- Ps 68:13.", "Mournful tabering of, alluded to -- Na 2:7.", "Dwells in rocks -- Song 2:14; Jer 48:28.", "Frequents streams and rivers -- Song 5:12.", "Sent from the ark by Noah -- Ge 8:8,10,12.", "Why considered the emblem of peace -- Ge 8:11.", "The harbinger of spring -- Song 2:12.", "Illustrative", "Of the Holy Spirit. -- Mt 3:16; Joh 1:32.", "Of the meekness of Christ. -- Song 5:12.", "Of the church. -- Song 2:14; 5:2.", "Of mourners. -- Isa 38:14; 59:11.", "Of converts to the church. -- Isa 60:8.", "(In its flight,) of the return of Israel from captivity. -- Ho 11:11."]} +{"term": "Dragon, The", "definitions": ["Often of a red colour -- Re 12:3.", "Described as", "Powerful. -- Re 12:4.", "Poisonous. -- De 32:33.", "Of solitary habits. -- Job 30:29.", "Its mournful voice alluded to -- Mic 1:8.", "Its wailing alluded to -- Mic 1:8.", "Its snuffing up the air alluded to -- Jer 14:6.", "Its swallowing of its prey alluded to -- Jer 51:34.", "Found in", "The wilderness. -- Mal 1:3.", "Deserted cities. -- Isa 13:22; Jer 9:11.", "Dry places. -- Isa 34:13; 43:20.", "A species of, in rivers -- Ps 74:13; Isa 27:1.", "Illustrative", "Of cruel and persecuting kings. -- Isa 27:1; 51:9; Eze 29:3.", "Of enemies of the church. -- Ps 9:13.", "Of wicked men. -- Ps 44:19.", "Of the devil. -- Re 13:2; 20:2,7.", "(Poison of,) of wine. -- De 32:33."]} +{"term": "Dreams", "definitions": ["Visions in sleep -- Job 33:15; Da 2:28.", "Often by imaginary -- Job 20:8; Isa 29:8.", "Excess of business frequently leads to -- Ec 5:3.", "God's will often revealed in -- Nu 12:6; Job 33:15.", "False prophets", "Pretended to. -- Jer 23:25-28; 29:8.", "Not to be regarded in. -- De 13:1-3; Jer 27:9.", "Condemned for pretending to. -- Jer 23:32.", "Vanity of trusting to natural -- Ec 5:7.", "The ancients", "Put great faith in. -- Jdj 7:15.", "Often perplexed by. -- Ge 40:6; 41:8; Job 7:14; Da 2:1; 4:5.", "Anxious to have, explained. -- Ge 40:8; Da 2:3.", "Consulting magicians on. -- Ge 41:8; Da 2:2-4.", "God the only interpreter of -- Ge 40:8; 41:16; Da 2:27-30; 7:16.", "Mentioned in scripture of", "Abimelech. -- Ge 20:3-7.", "Jacob. -- Ge 28:12; 31:10.", "Laban. -- Ge 31:24.", "Joseph. -- Ge 37:5-9.", "Pharaoh's butler and baker. -- Ge 40:5-19.", "Pharaoh. -- Ge 41:1-7.", "Midianite. -- Jdj 7:13-15.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 3:5-15.", "Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 2:1,31; 4:5,8.", "Daniel. -- Da 7:1-28.", "Joseph. -- Mt 1:20,21; 2:13,19,20.", "Wise men. -- Mt 2:11,12.", "Pilate's wife. -- Mt 27:19.", "Illustrative of", "Prosperity of sinners. -- Job 20:5-8, Ps 73:19,20.", "Impure imaginations. -- Jude 1:8.", "Enemies of the church. -- Isa 29:7,8."]} +{"term": "Drink Offering", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 35:14.", "Sacrifices accompanied by -- Ex 29:40; Le 23:13.", "Quantity appointed to be used for each kind of sacrifice -- Nu 15:3-10.", "For public sacrifices provided by the state -- Ezr 7:17; Eze 45:17.", "Not poured on the altar of incense -- Ex 30:9.", "Omission of, caused by bad vintage -- Joe 1:9,13.", "Idolatrous Jews", "Offered to the queen of heaven. -- Jer 7:18; 44:17-19.", "Reproved for offering, to idols. -- Isa 57:5,6; 65:11; Jer 19:13; Eze 20:28.", "Idolaters often used blood for -- Ps 16:4.", "Vanity of offering, to idols -- De 32:37,38.", "Illustrative of the", "Offering of Christ. -- Isa 53:12.", "Pouring out of the Spirit. -- Joe 2:28.", "Devotedness of ministers. -- Php 2:17."]} +{"term": "Drunkenness", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Eph 5:18.", "Caution against -- Lu 21:34.", "Is a work of the flesh -- Ga 5:21.", "Is debasing -- Isa 28:8.", "Is inflaming -- Isa 5:11.", "Overcharges the heart -- Lu 21:34.", "Takes away the heart -- Ho 4:11.", "Leads to", "Poverty. -- Pr 21:17; 23:21.", "Strife. -- Pr 23:29,30.", "Woe and sorrow. -- Pr 23:29,30.", "Error. -- Isa 28:7.", "Contempt of God's works. -- Isa 5:12.", "Scorning. -- Ho 7:5.", "Rioting and wantonness. -- Ro 13:13.", "The wicked addicted to -- Da 5:1-4.", "False teachers often addicted to -- Isa 56:12.", "Folly of yielding to -- Pr 20:1.", "Avoid those given to -- Pr 23:20; 1Co 5:11.", "Denunciations against", "Those given to. -- Isa 5:11,12; 28:1-3.", "Those who encourage. -- Hab 2:15.", "Excludes from heaven -- 1Co 6:10; Ga 5:21.", "Punishment of -- De 21:20; Joe 1:5,6; Am 6:6,7; Mt 24:49-51.", "Exemplified", "Noah. -- Ge 9:21.", "Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:36.", "Uriah. -- 2Sa 11:13.", "Elah. -- 1Ki 16:9,10.", "Benhadad. -- 1Ki 20:16.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:4.", "Corinthians. -- 1Co 11:21."]} +{"term": "Eagle, The", "definitions": ["A bird of prey -- Job 9:26; Mt 24:28.", "Unclean -- Le 11:13; De 14:12.", "Different kinds of -- Le 11:13,18; Eze 17:3.", "Called the eagle of the heavens -- La 4:19.", "Described as", "Long-sighted. -- Job 39:29.", "Swift. -- 2Sa 1:23.", "Soaring to heaven. -- Pr 23:5.", "Strength of its feathers alluded to -- Da 4:33.", "Greatness of its wings alluded to -- Eze 17:3,7.", "Peculiarity of its flight alluded to -- Pr 30:19.", "Delights in the lofty cedars -- Eze 17:3,4.", "Dwells in the high rocks -- Job 39:27,28.", "Feeds her young with blood -- Job 39:29,30.", "Illustrative", "Of wisdom and zeal of God's ministers. -- Eze 1:10; Re 4:7.", "Of great and powerful kings. -- Eze 17:3; Ho 8:1.", "(Renewed strength and beauty of,) of the renewal of saints. -- Ps 103:5.", "(Mode of teaching her young to fly,) of God's care of his church. -- Ex 19:4; De 32:11.", "(Wings of,) of protection afforded to the church. -- Re 12:14.", "(Upward flight of,) of the saint's rapid progress toward heaven. -- Isa 40:31.", "(Swiftness of,) of the melting away of riches. -- Pr 23:5.", "(Swiftness of,) of the swiftness of hostile armies. -- De 28:49; Jer 4:13; 48:40; La 4:19.", "(Height and security of its dwelling,) of the fancied but fatal security of the wicked. -- Jer 49:16; Ob 1:4.", "(Increase baldness of, in the moulting season,) of calamities. -- Mic 1:16.", "(Hasting to the prey,) of the swiftness of man's days. -- Job 9:26.", "Was the standard of the Roman armies -- Mt 24:15,28."]} +{"term": "Ear, The", "definitions": ["The organ of hearing -- Job 13:1; 29:11.", "Capable of trying and distinguishing words -- Job 12:11.", "God", "Made. -- Pr 20:12.", "Planted. -- Ps 94:9.", "Opens. -- Job 33:16; 36:10.", "Judicially closed. -- Isa 6:10; Mt 13:15.", "Christ opens -- Isa 35:5; 43:8,10.", "Instruction received through -- Isa 30:21.", "That hears and receives the word of God, blessed -- Ex 15:26; Mt 13:16.", "Should", "Seek knowledge. -- Pr 18:15.", "Be bowed down to instructions. -- Pr 5:1.", "Be incline to wisdom. -- Pr 2:2.", "Be given to the law of God. -- Isa 1:10.", "Receive the word of God. -- Jer 9:20.", "Hear and obey reproof. -- Pr 15:31; 25:12.", "Not satisfied with earthly things -- Ec 1:8.", "Of the wicked", "Uncircumcised. -- Jer 6:10; Ac 7:51.", "Itching. -- 2Ti 4:3.", "Not inclined to hear God. -- Jer 7:24; 35:15.", "Turned away from God's law. -- Pr 28:9.", "Stopped against God's word. -- Ps 58:4; Zec 7:11.", "Not to be stopped at cry of the poor -- Pr 21:13.", "Blood put on the right ear of", "Priests at consecration. -- Ex 29:20; Le 8:23.", "The healed leper in cleansing him. -- Le 14:14.", "Often adorned with rings -- Eze 16:12; Ho 2:13.", "Of servants who refused to leave their masters, bored to the door -- Ex 21:6; De 15:17."]} +{"term": "Early Rising", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Mr 1:35; Lu 21:38; Joh 8:2.", "Requisite for", "Devotion. -- Ps 5:3; 59:16; 63:1; 88:13; Isa 26:9.", "Executing God's commands. -- Ge 22:3.", "Discharge of daily duties. -- Pr 31:15.", "Neglect of, leads to poverty -- Pr 6:9-11.", "Practised by the wicked, for", "Deceit. -- Pr 27:14.", "Executing plans of evil. -- Mic 2:1.", "Illustrates spiritual diligence -- Ro 13:11,12.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 19:27.", "Isaac, &c. -- Ge 26:31.", "Jacob. -- Ge 28:18.", "Joshua &c. -- Jos 3:1.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:38.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 15:12.", "David. -- 1Sa 17:20.", "Mary, &c. -- Mr 16:2.", "Apostles. -- Ac 5:21."]} +{"term": "Early Rising", "definitions": ["The world in general -- Ge 1:2.", "The dry land as divided from waters -- Ge 1:10.", "God", "Created. -- Ge 1:1; Ne 9:6.", "Laid the foundation of. -- Job 38:4; Ps 102:25.", "Formed. -- Ps 90:2.", "Spread abroad. -- Isa 42:5; 44:24.", "Suspended in space. -- Job 26:7.", "Supports. -- Ps 75:3.", "Establishes. -- Ps 78:69; 119:90.", "Enlightens. -- Ge 1:14-16; Jer 33:25.", "Waters. -- Ps 65:9; 147:8.", "Makes fruitful. -- Ge 1:11; 27:28.", "Inspects. -- Zec 4:10.", "Governs supremely. -- Job 34:13; Ps 135:6.", "Reigns in. -- Ex 8:22; Ps 97:1.", "Shall be exalted in. -- Ps 46:10.", "Is the Lord's -- Ex 9:29; 1Co 10:26.", "Created to be inhabited -- Isa 45:18.", "First division of -- Ge 10:25.", "Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of -- Job 11:9; 38:18; Pr 25:3.", "Diversified by hills and mountains -- Hab 3:6.", "Full of minerals -- De 8:9; Job 28:1-5,15-19.", "Described as", "God's footstool. -- Isa 66:1; Mt 5:35.", "Full of God's goodness. -- Ps 33:5.", "Full of God's riches. -- Ps 104:24.", "Full of God's mercy. -- Ps 119:64.", "Full of God's glory. -- Nu 14:21; Isa 6:3.", "Shining with God's glory. -- Eze 43:2.", "Trembling before God. -- Ps 68:8; Jer 10:10.", "Melting at God's voice. -- Ps 46:6.", "Burning at God presence. -- Na 1:5.", "Man", "Formed out of. -- Ge 2:7; Ps 103:14.", "Given dominion over. -- Ge 1:26; Ps 115:16.", "By nature is of. -- 1Co 15:47-48.", "By nature minds the thing of. -- Php 3:19.", "Brought a curse on. -- Ge 3:17.", "Shall return to. -- Ge 3:19; Ps 146:4.", "Subject to God's judgments -- Ps 46:8; Isa 11:4.", "Corrupted by sin -- Ge 6:11,12; Isa 24:5.", "Made barren by sin -- De 28:23; Ps 107:34.", "Made to mourn and languish by sin -- Isa 24:4; Jer 4:28; 12:4; Ho 4:3.", "Satan goes to and fro in -- Job 1:7; 1Pe 5:8.", "Shall be filled with the knowledge of God -- Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14.", "Once inundated -- Ge 7:17-24.", "Not to be again inundated -- Ge 9:11; 2Pe 3:6,7.", "To be dissolved by fire -- 2Pe 3:7,10,12.", "To be renewed -- Isa 65:17; 2Pe 3:13.", "Saints shall inherit -- Ps 25:13; Mt 5:5."]} +{"term": "Earthquakes", "definitions": ["Islands and mountainous districts liable to -- Ps 114:4,6; Re 6:14; 16:18,20.", "Frequently accompanied by", "Volcanic eruptions. -- Ps 104:32; Na 1:5.", "Convulsion and receding of the sea. -- 2Sa 22:8,16; Ps 18:7,15; 46:3.", "Opening of the earth. -- Nu 16:31,32.", "Overturning of mountains. -- Ps 46:2; Zec 14:4.", "Rending of rocks. -- Mt 27:51.", "Are visible tokens of", "God's power. -- Job 9:6; Heb 12:26.", "God's presence. -- Ps 68:7,8; 114:7.", "God's anger. -- Ps 18:7; 60:2; Isa 13:13.", "Men always terrified by -- Nu 16:34; Zec 14:5; Mt 27:54; Re 11:13.", "Mentioned in scripture", "At mount Sinai. -- Ex 19:18.", "In the wilderness. -- Nu 16:31,32.", "In strongholds of Philistines. -- 1Sa 14:15.", "When Elijah fled from Jezebel. -- 1Ki 19:11.", "In Uzziah's reign. -- Am 1:1; Zec 14:5.", "At our Lord's death. -- Mt 27:51.", "At out Lord's resurrection. -- Mt 28:2.", "At Philippi. -- Ac 16:26.", "Before destruction of Jerusalem, predicted. -- Mt 24:7; Lu 21:11.", "At Christ's second coming, predicted. -- Zec 14:4.", "Illustrative of", "The judgments of God. -- Isa 24:19,20; 29:6; Jer 4:24; Re 8:5.", "The overthrow of kingdoms. -- Hag 2:6,22; Re 6:12,13; 16:18,19."]} +{"term": "Edification", "definitions": ["Described -- Eph 4:12-16.", "Is the object of", "The ministerial office. -- Eph 4:11,12.", "Ministerial gifts. -- 1Co 14:3-5,12.", "Ministerial authority. -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.", "The Church's union in Christ. -- Eph 4:16.", "The gospel, the instrument of -- Ac 20:32.", "Love leads to -- 1Co 8:1.", "Exhortation to -- Jude 1:20,21.", "Mutual, commanded -- Ro 14:19; 1Th 5:11.", "All to be done to -- 2Co 12:19; Eph 4:29.", "Use self-denial to promote, in others -- 1Co 10:23,33.", "The peace of the Church favours -- Ac 9:31.", "Foolish questions opposed to -- 1Ti 1:4."]} +{"term": "Edomites, The", "definitions": ["Descended from Esau -- Ge 36:9.", "Dwelt in Mount Seir -- Ge 32:3; De 2:4,5.", "Were called", "Children of Esau. -- De 2:4.", "Brethren of Israel. -- Nu 20:14.", "Governed by dukes -- Ge 36:15-30,40-43; Ex 15:15.", "Afterwards had kings -- Ge 36:31-29; Nu 20:14.", "Under a deputy or viceroy while subject to Judah -- 1Ki 22:47.", "Character of", "Wise. -- Jer 49:7.", "Proud and self-confident. -- Jer 49:16; Ob 1:3.", "Strong and cruel. -- Jer 49:19.", "Vindictive. -- Eze 25:12.", "Idolatrous. -- 2Ch 25:14,20.", "Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.", "Carried on extensive commerce -- Eze 27:20.", "Country of", "Specially given to them. -- De 2:5.", "Fertile and rich. -- Ge 27:39.", "Mountainous and rocky. -- Jer 49:16; Mal 1:3.", "Traversed by roads. -- Nu 20:17.", "Well fortified. -- Ps 60:9.", "Called Mount Seir. -- Eze 35:2.", "Called Mount of Esau. -- Ob 1:21.", "Called Dumah. -- Isa 21:11.", "Called Idumea. -- Isa 34:6; Mr 3:8.", "Called Edom. -- Isa 63:1.", "Cities of", "Dinhabah or Dedan. -- Ge 36:32; Jer 49:8.", "Avith. -- Ge 36:35.", "Pau. -- Ge 36:39.", "Bozrah. -- Jer 49:22; Am 1:12.", "Teman. -- Jer 49:7; Eze 25:13.", "Eziongeber, a sea port. -- 1Ki 9:26.", "Implacable enemies of Israel -- Eze 35:5.", "Israel forbidden to hate -- De 23:7.", "Israel forbidden to spoil -- De 2:4,6; 2Ch 20:10.", "Might be received into the congregation in third generation -- De 23:8.", "Refused Israel a passage -- Nu 20:21; Jdj 11:17.", "Saul made war against -- 1Sa 14:47.", "David subdued, &c -- 2Sa 8:14; 1Ch 18:11,13.", "Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai -- 1Ki 11:16; 1Ch 18:12.", "Took refuge in Egypt -- 1Ki 11:17-19.", "Returned after David's death -- 1Ki 11:21-22.", "Were stirred up against Solomon -- 1Ki 11:14.", "Confederated with enemies of Israel against Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 20:10; Ps 83:4-6.", "Miraculous overthrow of -- 2Ch 20:22.", "Revolted from Joram, king of Judah -- 2Ki 8:20-22; 2Ch 21:8-10.", "Re-conquered by Amaziah -- 2Ki 14:7,10; 2Ch 25:11,12.", "The Jews ensnared by the idols of, and punished -- 2Ch 25:14,15,20.", "Rebelled against Ahaz -- 2Ch 28:17.", "Aided Babylon against Judah -- Ps 137:7; Ob 1:11.", "Predictions respecting", "Subjection to Israel. -- Ge 25:23; 27:29,37.", "Revolt from Israel. -- Ge 27:40.", "Israel's occupation of their country. -- Nu 24:18; Ob 1:17-19.", "To share in the punishment of the nations. -- Jer 9:26; 25:15-27; Eze 32:29.", "Punishment for persecuting Israel. -- Isa 34:5-8; 63:1-4; La 4:21; Eze 25:13,14; Am 1:11,12; Ob 1:10,15.", "Exterminating slaughter of. -- Ob 1:18.", "Utter desolation of their country. -- Isa 34:9-17; Eze 35:7-15.", "The king of Babylon an instrument of their punishment. -- Jer 27:3-6.", "Israel an instrument of their punishment. -- Eze 25:14; Ob 1:18.", "Their ruin to be an astonishment. -- Jer 49:17,21.", "Their future subjection to the Jews. -- Isa 11:14; Am 9:12.", "Remarkable persons of", "Doeg. -- 1Sa 22:18.", "Hadad. -- 1Ki 11:14,19.", "Eliphaz. -- Job 2:11."]} +{"term": "Egypt", "definitions": ["Peopled by Mizraim's posterity -- Ge 10:6,13,14.", "Boundaries of -- Eze 29:10.", "Dry climate of -- De 11:10,11.", "Watered by the Nile -- Ge 41:1-3; Ex 1:22.", "Inundations of, alluded to -- Am 8:8.", "Subject to plague, &c -- De 7:15; 28:27,60.", "Sometimes visited by famine -- Ge 41:30.", "Called", "The land of Ham. -- Ps 105:23; 106:22.", "The South. -- Jer 13:19; Da 11:14,25.", "Sihor. -- Isa 23:3.", "Rahab. -- Ps 87:4; 89:10.", "House of Bondmen. -- Ex 13:3,14; De 7:8.", "Celebrated for", "Fertility. -- Ge 13:10; 45:18.", "Wealth. -- Heb 11:26.", "Literature. -- 1Ki 4:30; Ac 7:22.", "Fine horses. -- 1Ki 10:28,29.", "Fine linen, &c. -- Pr 7:16; Isa 19:9.", "Commerce. -- Ge 41:57; Eze 27:7.", "Religion of, idolatrous -- Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4; Isa 19:1; Eze 29:7.", "Idolatry of, followed by Israel -- Ex 32:4; Eze 20:8,19.", "Magic practised in -- Ex 7:11,12,22; 8:7.", "Ruled by kings who assumed the name of Pharaoh -- Ge 12:14,15; 40:1,2; Ex 1:8,22.", "Under a governor -- Ge 41:41-44.", "Had princes and counsellors -- Ge 12:15; Isa 19:11.", "As a power was", "Proud and arrogant. -- Eze 29:3; 30:6.", "Pompous. -- Eze 32:12.", "Mighty. -- Isa 30:2,3.", "Ambitious of conquests. -- Jer 46:8.", "Treacherous. -- Isa 36:6; 29:6,7.", "Inhabitants of", "Superstitious. -- Isa 19:3.", "Hospitable. -- Ge 47:5,6; 1Ki 11:18.", "Often intermarried with strangers. -- Ge 21:21; 1Ki 3:1; 11:19; 1Ch 2:34,35.", "Abhorred shepherds. -- Ge 46:34.", "Abhorred the sacrifice of oxen, &c. -- Ex 8:26.", "Not to be abhorred by Israel. -- De 23:7.", "Might be received into the congregation in the third generation. -- De 23:8.", "Mode of entertaining in -- Ge 43:32-34.", "Diet used in -- Nu 11:5.", "Mode of embalming in -- Ge 50:3.", "Often a refuge to strangers -- Ge 12:10; 47:4; 1Ki 11:17,40; 2Ki 25:26; Mt 2:12,13.", "The armies of", "Described. -- Ex 14:7-9.", "Destroyed in the Red Sea. -- Ex 14:23-28.", "Captured and burned Gezer. -- 1Ki 9:16.", "Besieged and plundered Jerusalem in Rehoboam's time. -- 1Ki 14:25,26.", "Invaded Assyria and killed Josiah who assisted it. -- 2Ki 23:29.", "Deposed Jehoahaz and made Judea tributary. -- 2Ki 23:31-35.", "Assistance of, sought by Judah against the Chaldees. -- Eze 17:15; Jer 37:5,7.", "History of Israel in", "Their sojourn in it, foretold. -- Ge 15:13.", "Joseph sold into. -- Ge 37:28; 39:1.", "Potiphar blessed for Joseph's sake. -- Ge 39:2-6.", "Joseph unjustly cast into prison. -- Ge 39:7-20.", "Joseph interprets the chief baker's and the chief butler's dreams. -- Ge 40:5-19.", "Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams. -- Ge 41:14-32.", "Joseph counsels Pharaoh. -- Ge 41:33-36.", "Joseph made governor. -- Ge 41:41-44.", "Joseph's successful provision against the years of famine. -- Ge 41:46-56.", "Joseph's ten brethren arrive. -- Ge 42:1-6.", "Joseph recognises his brethren. -- Ge 42:7,8.", "Benjamin brought. -- Ge 43:15.", "Joseph makes himself known to his brethren. -- Ge 45:1-8.", "Joseph sends for his father. -- Ge 45:9-11.", "Pharaoh invites Jacob into. -- Ge 45:16-20.", "Jacob's journey. -- Ge 46:5-7.", "Jacob, &c presented to Pharaoh. -- Ge 47:1-10.", "Israel placed in the land of Goshen. -- Ge 46:34; 47:11,27.", "Joseph enriches the king. -- Ge 47:13-26.", "Jacob's death and burial. -- Ge 49:33; 50:1-13.", "Israel increases and are oppressed. -- Ex 1:1-14.", "Male children destroyed. -- Ex 1:15-22.", "Moses born and hid for three months. -- Ex 2:2.", "Moses exposed on the Nile. -- Ex 2:3,4.", "Moses adopted and brought up by Pharaoh's daughter. -- Ex 2:5-10.", "Moses slays an Egyptian. -- Ex 2:11,12.", "Moses flies to Midian. -- Ex 2:15.", "Moses sent to Pharaoh. -- Ex 3:2-10.", "Pharaoh increases their affliction. -- Ex 5:1-23.", "Moses proves his divine mission by miracles. -- Ex 4:29-31; 7:10.", "Egypt is plagued for Pharaoh's obstinacy. -- Ex 7:14-10:29.", "The passover instituted. -- Ex 12:1-28.", "Destruction of the first-born. -- Ex 12:29,30.", "Israel spoils the Egyptians. -- Ex 12:35,36.", "Israel driven out of. -- Ex 12:31-33.", "Date of the Exodus. -- Ex 12:41; Heb 11:27.", "Pharaoh pursues Israel and is miraculously destroyed. -- Ex 14:5-25.", "Prophecies respecting", "Dismay of its inhabitants. -- Isa 19:1,16,17.", "Infatuation of its princes. -- Isa 19:3,11-14.", "Failure of internal resources. -- Isa 19:5-10.", "Civil war and domestic strife. -- Isa 19:2.", "Armies destroyed by Babylon. -- Jer 46:2-12.", "Invasion by Babylon. -- Jer 46:13,24; Eze 32:11.", "Destruction of its power. -- Eze 30:24,25.", "Destruction of its cities. -- Eze 30:14-18.", "Destruction of its idols. -- Jer 43:12,13; 46:25; Eze 30:13.", "Spoil of, a reward to Babylon for services against Tyre. -- Eze 29:18-20.", "Captivity of its people. -- Isa 20:4; Jer 46:19,24,26; Eze 30:4.", "Utter desolation of, for forty years. -- Eze 29:8-12; 30:12; 32:15.", "Allies to share its misfortunes. -- Eze 30:4,6.", "The Jews who practised its idolatry to share its punishments. -- Jer 44:7-28.", "Terror occasioned by its fall. -- Eze 32:9,10.", "Ever to be a base kingdom. -- Eze 29:15.", "Christ to be called out of. -- Ho 11:1; Mt 2:15.", "Conversion of. -- Isa 19:18-20.", "To be numbered and blessed along with Israel. -- Isa 19:23-25.", "Prophetic illustration of its destruction. -- Jer 43:9,10; Eze 30:21,22; 32:4-6."]} +{"term": "Election", "definitions": ["Of Christ, as Messiah -- Isa 42:1; 1Pe 2:6.", "Of good angels -- 1Ti 5:21.", "Of Israel -- De 7:6; Isa 45:5.", "Of ministers -- Lu 6:13; Ac 9:15.", "Of churches -- 1Pe 5:13.", "Of saints, is", "Of God. -- 1Th 1:4; Tit 1:1.", "By Christ. -- Joh 13:18; 15:16.", "In Christ. -- Eph 1:4.", "Personal. -- Mt 20:16; Joh 6:44; Ac 22:14; 2Jo 1:13.", "According to the purpose of God. -- Ro 9:11; Eph 1:11.", "According to the foreknowledge of God. -- Ro 8:29; 1Pe 1:2.", "Eternal. -- Eph 1:4.", "Sovereign. -- Ro 9:15,16; 1Co 1:27; Eph 1:11.", "Irrespective of merit. -- Ro 9:11.", "Of grace. -- Ro 11:5.", "Recorded in heaven. -- Lu 10:20.", "For the glory of God. -- Eph 1:6.", "Through faith. -- 2Th 2:13.", "Through sanctification of the Spirit. -- 1Pe 1:2.", "To adoption. -- Eph 1:5.", "To salvation. -- 2Th 2:13.", "To conformity with Christ. -- Ro 8:29.", "To good works. -- Eph 2:10.", "To spiritual warfare. -- 2Ti 2:4.", "To eternal glory. -- Ro 9:23.", "Ensures to saints", "Effectual calling. -- Ro 8:30.", "Divine teaching. -- Joh 17:6.", "Belief in Christ. -- Ac 13:48.", "Acceptance with God. -- Ro 11:7.", "Protection. -- Mr 13:20.", "Vindication of their wrongs. -- Lu 18:7.", "Working of all things for good. -- Ro 8:28.", "Blessedness. -- Ps 33:12; 65:4.", "The inheritance. -- Isa 65:9; 1Pe 1:4,5.", "Should lead to cultivation of graces -- Col 3:12.", "Should be evidenced by diligence -- 2Pe 1:10.", "Saints may have assurance of -- 1Th 1:4.", "Exemplified", "Isaac. -- Ge 21:12.", "Abram. -- Ne 9:7.", "Zerubbabel. -- Hag 2:23.", "Apostles. -- Joh 13:18; 15:19.", "Jacob. -- Ro 9:12,13.", "Rufus. -- Ro 16:13.", "Paul. -- Ga 1:15."]} +{"term": "Embalming", "definitions": ["Unknown to early patriarchs -- Ge 23:4.", "Learned by the Jews in Egypt -- Ge 50:2,26.", "Time required for -- Ge 50:3.", "How performed by the Jews -- 2Ch 16:14; Lu 23:56; Joh 19:40.", "Not always practised by the Jews -- Joh 11:39.", "An attempt to defeat God's purpose -- Ge 3:19."]} +{"term": "Emblems of the Holy Spirit, The", "definitions": ["Water -- Joh 3:5; 7:38,39.", "Cleansing. -- Eze 16:9; 36:25; Eph 5:26; Heb 10:22.", "Fertilising. -- Ps 1:3; Isa 27:3,6; 44:3,4; 58:11.", "Refreshing. -- Ps 46:4; Isa 41:17,18.", "Abundant. -- Joh 7:37,38.", "Freely given. -- Isa 55:1; Joh 4:14; Re 22:17.", "Fire", "Purifying. -- Isa 4:4; Mal 3:2,3.", "Illuminating. -- Ex 13:21; Ps 78:14.", "Searching. -- Zep 1:12; 1Co 2:10.", "Wind", "Independent. -- Joh 3:8; 1Co 12:11.", "Powerful. -- 1Ki 19:11; Ac 2:2.", "Sensible in its effects. -- Joh 3:8.", "Reviving. -- Eze 37:9,10,14.", "Oil -- Ps 45:7.", "Healing. -- Lu 10:34; Re 3:18.", "Comforting. -- Isa 61:3; Heb 1:9.", "Illuminating. -- Mt 25:3,4; 1Jo 2:20,27.", "Consecrating. -- Ex 29:7; 30:30; Isa 61:1.", "Rain and dew -- Ps 72:6.", "Fertilising. -- Eze 34:26,27; Ho 6:3; 10:12; 14:5.", "Refreshing. -- Ps 68:9; Isa 18:5.", "Abundant. -- Ps 133:3.", "Imperceptible. -- 2Sa 17:12; Mr 4:26-28.", "A dove -- Mt 3:16.", "Gentle. -- Mt 10:16; Ga 5:22.", "A voice -- Isa 6:8.", "Speaking. -- Mt 10:20.", "Guiding. -- Isa 30:21; Joh 16:13.", "Warning. -- Heb 3:7-11.", "A seal -- Re 7:2.", "Securing. -- Eph 1:13,14; 4:30.", "Authenticating. -- Joh 6:27; 2Co 1:22.", "Cloven tongues -- Ac 2:3,6-11."]} +{"term": "Enemies", "definitions": ["Christ prayed for his -- Lu 23:34.", "The lives of, to be spared -- 1Sa 24:10; 2Sa 16:10,11.", "The goods of, to be taken care of -- Ex 23:4,5.", "Should be", "Loved. -- Mt 5:44.", "Prayed for. -- Ac 7:60.", "Assisted. -- Pr 25:21; Ro 12:20.", "Overcome by kindness. -- 1Sa 26:21.", "Rejoice not at the misfortunes of -- Job 31:29.", "Rejoice not at the failings of -- Pr 24:17.", "Desire not the death of -- 1Ki 3:11.", "Curse them not -- Job 31:30.", "Be affectionately concerned for -- Ps 35:13.", "The friendship of, deceitful -- 2Sa 20:9,10; Pr 26:26; 27:6; Mt 26:48,49.", "God defends against -- Ps 59:9; 61:3.", "God delivers from -- 1Sa 12:11; Ezr 8:31; Ps 18:48.", "Made to be at peace with saints -- Pr 16:7.", "Pray for deliverance from -- 1Sa 12:10; Ps 17:9; 59:1; 64:1.", "Of saints, God will destroy -- Ps 60:12.", "Praise God for deliverance from -- Ps 136:24."]} +{"term": "Entertainments", "definitions": ["Often great -- Ge 21:8; Da 5:1; Lu 5:29.", "Given on occasions of", "Marriage. -- Mt 22:2.", "Birthdays. -- Mr 6:21.", "Weaning children. -- Ge 21:8.", "Taking leave of friends. -- 1Ki 19:21.", "Return of friends. -- 2Sa 12:4; Lu 15:23.", "Ratifying covenants. -- Ge 26:30; 31:54.", "Sheep-shearing. -- 1Sa 25:2,36; 2Sa 13:23.", "Harvest home. -- Ru 3:2-7; Isa 9:3.", "Vintage. -- Jdj 9:27.", "Coronation of Kings. -- 1Ki 1:9,18,19; 1Ch 12:39,40; Ho 7:5.", "Offering voluntary sacrifice. -- Ge 31:54; De 12:6,7; 1Sa 1:4,5,9.", "Festivals. -- 1Sa 20:5,24-26.", "National deliverance. -- Es 8:17; 9:17-19.", "Preparations made for -- Ge 18:6,7; Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4; Lu 15:23.", "Kinds of, mentioned in scripture", "Dinner. -- Ge 43:16; Mt 22:4; Lu 14:12.", "Supper. -- Lu 14:12; Joh 12:2.", "Banquet of wine. -- Es 5:6.", "Under the direction of a master of the feast -- Joh 2:8,9.", "Served often by hired servants -- Mt 22:13; Joh 2:5.", "Served often by members of the family -- Ge 18:8; Lu 10:40; Joh 12:2.", "Invitations to", "Often addressed to many. -- Lu 14:16.", "Often only to relatives and friends. -- 1Ki 1:9; Lu 14:12.", "Often by the master in person. -- 2Sa 13:24; Es 5:4; Zep 1:7; Lu 7:36.", "Repeated through servants when all things were ready. -- Pr 9:1-5; Lu 14:17.", "Should be sent to the poor, &c. -- De 14:29; Lu 14:13.", "Often given in", "The house. -- Lu 5:29.", "The air, besides fountains. -- 1Ki 1:9.", "The court of the house. -- Es 1:5,6; Lu 7:36,37.", "The upper room or guest chamber. -- Mr 14:14,15.", "Guests at", "Saluted by the master. -- Lu 7:45.", "Usually anointed. -- Ps 23:5; Lu 7:46.", "Had their feet washed when they came a distance. -- Ge 18:4; 43:24; Lu 7:38,44.", "Arranged according to rank. -- Ge 43:33; 1Sa 9:22; Lu 14:10.", "Often had separate dishes. -- Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:4.", "Often ate from the same dish. -- Mt 26:23.", "Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned -- Mt 23:6; Lu 14:7,8.", "A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests -- Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:5; 9:23,24.", "Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests, alluded to -- Joh 13:26.", "Portions of, often sent to the absent -- 2Sa 11:8; Ne 8:10; Es 9:19.", "Offence given by refusing to go to -- Lu 14:18,24.", "Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to -- Lu 14:22,23.", "Men and women did not usually meet at -- Es 1:8,9; Mr 6:21; Mt 14:11.", "None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the door -- Lu 13:24,25.", "Began with thanksgiving -- 1Sa 9:13; Mr 8:6.", "Concluded with a hymn -- Mr 14:26.", "None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at -- Es 1:8.", "Music and dancing often introduced at -- Am 6:5; Mr 6:22; Lu 15:25.", "Often scenes of great intemperance -- 1Sa 25:36; Da 5:3,4; Ho 7:5.", "Given by the guests in return -- Job 1:4; Lu 14:12."]} +{"term": "Envy", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Pr 3:31; Ro 13:13.", "Produced by foolish disputation -- 1Ti 6:4.", "Excited by good deeds of others -- Ec 4:4.", "A work of the flesh -- Ga 5:21; Jas 4:5.", "Hurtful to the envious -- Job 5:2; Pr 14:30.", "None can stand before -- Pr 27:4.", "A proof of carnal-mindedness -- 1Co 3:1,3.", "Inconsistent with the gospel -- Jas 3:14.", "Hinders growth in grace -- 1Pe 2:1,2.", "The wicked", "Are full of. -- Ro 1:29.", "Live in. -- Tit 3:3.", "Leads to every evil work -- Jas 3:16.", "Prosperity of the wicked should not excite -- Ps 37:1,35; 73:3,17-20.", "Punishment of -- Isa 26:11.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:5.", "Philistines. -- Ge 26:14.", "Laban's sons. -- Ge 31:1.", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:11.", "Joshua. -- Nu 11:28,29.", "Aaron, &c. -- Nu 12:2.", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:3; Ps 106:16.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 18:8.", "Sanballat, &c. -- Ne 2:10.", "Haman. -- Es 5:13.", "Edomites. -- Eze 35:11.", "Princes of Babylon. -- Da 6:3,4.", "Chief Priests. -- Mr 15:10.", "Jews. -- Ac 13:45; 17:5."]} +{"term": "Ephod, The", "definitions": ["The emblem of the priestly office -- Ho 3:4.", "Worn by", "The high priest. -- 1Sa 2:28; 14:3.", "Ordinary priests. -- 1Sa 22:18.", "Persons engaged in the service of God. -- 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14.", "Generally of linen. -- 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14.", "For the high priest", "Commanded to be made. -- Ex 28:4.", "Made of offerings of the people. -- Ex 25:4,7.", "Made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, &c. -- Ex 28:6; 29:2,3.", "Shoulders of, joined by onyx stones engraved with names of the twelve tribes of Israel. -- Ex 28:7,9-12; 39:4,6,7.", "Had a girdle of curious work. -- Ex 28:8.", "Breastplate of judgment inseparably united to. -- Ex 28:25-28; 39:20,21.", "Worn over the robe. -- Ex 28:31; Le 8:7.", "Fastened on with its own girdle. -- Le 8:7.", "Worn or held by him when consulted. -- 1Sa 23:6,9-12; 30:7,8.", "Used by idolatrous priests. -- Jdj 8:27; 17:5; 18:14.", "Israel deprived of, for sin. -- Ho 3:4."]} +{"term": "Ephraim, Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Joseph's second son adopted by Jacob -- Ge 41:52; 48:5.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 48:20; De 33:13-17.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:10.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:8.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:24.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:32,33.", "Led the third division of Israel -- Nu 10:22.", "Encamped west of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:18.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:48-53.", "Families of -- Nu 26:35,36.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:37.", "On Gerizim, said amen to blessings -- De 27:12.", "Bounds of its inheritance -- Jos 16:5-9.", "Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary -- Jos 16:10; Jdj 1:29.", "Assisted", "Manasseh in taking Bethel. -- Jdj 1:22-25.", "Deborah and Barak against Sisera. -- Jdj 5:14.", "Gideon against Midian. -- Jdj 7:24,25.", "Remonstrated with Gideon for not calling them sooner against Midian -- Jdj 8:1-3.", "Quarrelled with Jephthah for not seeking their aid against Ammon -- Jdj 12:1-4.", "Defeated and many slain -- Jdj 12:5,6.", "Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:30.", "Officers appointed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:10,20.", "The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel -- Isa 7:2-17; Jer 31:9,20.", "Many of, joined Judah under Asa -- 2Ch 15:9.", "Many of, joined in Hezekiah's passover and reformation -- 2Ch 30:18; 31:1.", "The tabernacle continued a long time in Shiloh, a city of -- Jos 18:1; 19:51.", "One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a city of -- 1Ki 12:29.", "Remarkable persons of", "Joshua. -- Nu 13:8; Jos 1:1.", "Abdon. -- Jdj 12:13-15.", "Zichri. -- 2Ch 28:7."]} +{"term": "Euphrates, The", "definitions": ["A branch of the river of Eden -- Ge 2:14.", "Called", "The river. -- Ex 23:31; Ne 2:7; Ps 72:8.", "The great river. -- Ge 15:18; De 1:7.", "The flood. -- Jos 24:2.", "Waters of, considered wholesome -- Jer 2:18.", "Often overflowed its banks -- Isa 8:7,8.", "Assyria bounded by -- 2Ki 23:29; Isa 7:20.", "Babylon situated on -- Jer 51:13,36.", "Extreme eastern boundary of the promised land -- Ge 15:18; De 1:7; 11:24.", "Egyptian army destroyed at -- Jer 46:2,6,10.", "Frequented by the captive Jews -- Ps 137:1.", "Captivity of Judah represented by the marring of Jeremiah's girdle in -- Jer 13:3-9.", "Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, as a sign -- Jer 51:63.", "Shall be the scene of future judgments -- Re 16:12."]} +{"term": "Evening, The", "definitions": ["The day originally began with -- Ge 1:5.", "Divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock, and sunset -- Ex 12:6; Nu 9:3.", "Called", "Even. -- Ge 19:1; De 28:67.", "Eventide. -- Jos 8:29; Ac 4:3.", "Cool of the day. -- Ge 3:8.", "Stretches out its shadows -- Jer 6:4.", "The outgoings of, praise God -- Ps 65:8.", "Man ceases from labour in -- Ru 2:17; Ps 104:23.", "Wild beasts come forth in -- Ps 59:6,14; Jer 5:6.", "A season for", "Meditation. -- Ge 24:63.", "Prayer. -- Ps 55:17; Mt 14:15,23.", "Exercise. -- 2Sa 11:2.", "Taking food. -- Mr 14:17,18; Lu 24:29,30.", "Humiliation often continued until -- Jos 7:6; Jdj 20:23,26; 21:2; Ezr 9:4,5.", "Custom of sitting at the gates in -- Ge 19:1.", "All defiled persons uncleaned until -- Le 11:24-28; 15:5-7; 17:15; Nu 19:19.", "Part of the daily sacrifice offered in -- Ex 29:41; Ps 141:2; Da 9:21.", "Paschal lamb killed in -- Ex 12:6,18.", "The golden candlestick lighted in -- Ex 27:21; 30:8.", "The sky red in, a token of fair weather -- Mt 16:2."]} +{"term": "Example of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Is perfect -- Heb 7:26.", "Conformity to, required in", "Holiness. -- 1Pe 1:15,16; Ro 1:6.", "Righteousness. -- 1Jo 2:6.", "Purity. -- 1Jo 3:3.", "Love. -- Joh 13:34; Eph 5:2; 1Jo 3:16.", "Humility. -- Lu 22:27; Php 2:5,7.", "Meekness. -- Mt 11:29.", "Obedience. -- Joh 15:10.", "Self-denial. -- Mt 16:24; Ro 15:3.", "Ministering to others. -- Mt 20:28; Joh 13:14,15.", "Benevolence. -- Ac 20:35; 2Co 8:7,9.", "Forgiving injuries. -- Col 3:13.", "Overcoming the world. -- Joh 16:33; 1Jo 5:4.", "Being not of the world. -- Joh 17:16.", "Being guileless. -- 1Pe 2:21-22.", "Suffering wrongfully. -- 1Pe 2:21-23.", "Suffering for righteousness. -- Heb 12:3,4.", "Saints predestinated to follow -- Ro 8:29.", "Conformity to, progressive -- 2Co 3:18."]} +{"term": "Excellency and Glory of Christ, The", "definitions": ["As God -- Joh 1:1-5; Php 2:6,9,10.", "As the Son of God -- Mt 3:17; Heb 1:6,8.", "As one with the Father -- Joh 10:30,38.", "As the First-born -- Col 1:15,18.", "As the First-begotten -- Heb 1:6.", "As Lord of lords, &c -- Re 17:14.", "As the image of God -- Col 1:15; Heb 1:3.", "As creator -- Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2.", "As the Blessed of God -- Ps 45:2.", "As Mediator -- 1Ti 2:5; Heb 8:6.", "As Prophet -- De 18:15,16; Ac 3:22.", "As Priest -- Ps 110:4; Heb 4:15.", "As King -- Isa 6:1-5; Joh 12:41.", "As Judge -- Mt 16:27; 25:31,33.", "As Shepherd -- Isa 40:10,11; Joh 10:11,14.", "As Head of the Church -- Eph 1:22.", "As the true Light -- Lu 1:78,79; Joh 1:4,9.", "As the foundation of the Church -- Isa 28:16.", "As the way -- Joh 14:6; Heb 10:19,20.", "As the truth -- 1Jo 5:20; Re 3:7.", "As the life -- Joh 11:25; Col 3:4; 1Jo 5:11.", "As incarnate -- Joh 1:14.", "In his words -- Lu 4:22; Joh 7:46.", "In his works -- Mt 13:54; Joh 2:11.", "In his sinless perfection -- Heb 7:26-28.", "In the fulness of his grace and truth -- Ps 45:2; Joh 1:14.", "In his transfiguration -- Mt 17:2; 2Pe 1:16-18.", "In his exaltation -- Ac 7:55,56; Eph 1:21.", "In the calling of the Gentiles -- Ps 72:17; Joh 12:21,23.", "In the restoration of the Jews -- Ps 102:16.", "In his triumph -- Isa 63:1-3; Re 19:11,16.", "Followed his sufferings -- 1Pe 1:10,11.", "Followed his resurrection -- 1Pe 1:21.", "Is unchangeable -- Heb 1:10-12.", "Is incomparable -- Song 5:10; Php 2:9.", "Imparted to saints -- Joh 17:22; 2Co 3:18.", "Celebrated by the redeemed -- Re 5:8-14; 7:9-12.", "Revealed in the gospel -- Isa 40:5.", "Saints shall rejoice at the revelation of -- 1Pe 4:13.", "Saints shall behold, in heaven -- Joh 17:24."]} +{"term": "Excellency and Glory of the Church, The", "definitions": ["Derived from God -- Isa 28:5.", "Derived from Christ -- Isa 60:1; Lu 2:34.", "Result from the favour of God -- Isa 43:4.", "God delights in -- Ps 45:11; Isa 62:3-5.", "Saints delight in -- Isa 66:11.", "Consist in its", "Being the seat of God's worship. -- Ps 96:6.", "Being the temple of God. -- 1Co 3:16,17; Eph 2:21,22.", "Being the body of Christ. -- Eph 1:22,23.", "Being the bride of Christ. -- Ps 45:13,14; Re 19:7,8; 21:2.", "Being established. -- Ps 48:8; Isa 33:20.", "Eminent position. -- Ps 48:2; Isa 2:2.", "Graces of character. -- Song 2:14.", "Perfection of beauty. -- Ps 50:2.", "Members being righteous. -- Isa 60:21; Re 19:8.", "Strength and defence. -- Ps 48:12,13.", "Sanctification. -- Eph 5:26,27.", "Augmented by increase of its members -- Isa 49:18; 60:4-14.", "Are abundant -- Isa 66:11.", "Sin obscures -- La 2:14,15."]} +{"term": "Eye, The", "definitions": ["The light of the body -- Mt 6:22; Lu 11:34.", "God", "Made. -- Pr 20:12.", "Formed. -- Ps 94:9.", "Opens. -- 2Ki 6:17; Ps 146:8.", "Enlightens. -- Ezr 9:8; Ps 13:3.", "Frequently fair -- 1Sa 16:12.", "Sometimes tender -- Ge 29:17.", "Sometimes blemished -- Le 21:20.", "Parts of mentioned in scripture", "The apple or ball. -- De 32:10.", "The lid. -- Job 16:16.", "The brow. -- Le 14:9.", "Actions of, mentioned in scripture", "Seeing. -- Job 7:8; 28:10.", "Winking. -- Pr 10:1.", "Weeping. -- Job 16:20; Ps 88:9; La 1:16.", "Directing. -- Nu 10:31; Ps 32:8.", "The light of, rejoices the heart -- Pr 15:30.", "Not satisfied with seeing -- Pr 27:20; Ec 1:8.", "Not satisfied with riches -- Ec 4:8.", "Not evil thing to be set before -- Ps 101:3.", "A guard to be set on -- Job 31:1; Pr 23:31.", "Made red by wine -- Ge 49:12; Pr 23:29.", "Grows dim by sorrow -- Job 17:7.", "Grows dim by age -- Ge 27:1; 1Sa 3:2.", "Consumed by grief -- Ps 6:7; 31:9.", "Consumed by sickness -- Le 26:16.", "The Jews", "Wore their phylacteries between. -- Ex 13:16; Mt 23:5.", "Not to make baldness between. -- De 14:1.", "Raised up, in prayer. -- Ps 121:1; 123:1.", "Cast, on the ground in humiliation. -- Lu 18:13.", "The Jewish women often painted -- 2Ki 9:30; Jer 4:30; Eze 23:40.", "Often put out as a punishment -- Jdj 16:21; 1Sa 11:2; 2Ki 25:7.", "Punishment for injuring -- Ex 21:24,26; Le 24:20; Mt 5:38.", "Illustrative", "Of the mind. -- Mt 6:22,23.", "(Open,) of spiritual illumination. -- Ps 119:18,37.", "(Anointing with eyesalve,) of healing by the Spirit. -- Re 3:18."]} +{"term": "Faith", "definitions": ["Is the substance of things hoped for -- Heb 11:1.", "Is the evidence of things not seen -- Heb 11:1.", "Commanded -- Mt 11:22; 1Jo 3:23.", "The objects of, are", "God. -- Joh 14:1.", "Christ. -- Joh 6:29; Ac 20:21.", "Writings of Moses. -- Joh 5:46; Ac 24:14.", "Writings of the prophets. -- 2Ch 20:20; Ac 26:27.", "The gospel. -- Mr 1:15.", "Promises of God. -- Ro 4:21; Heb 11:13.", "In Christ is", "The gift of God. -- Ro 12:3; Eph 2:8; 6:23; Php 1:29.", "The work of God. -- Ac 11:21; 1Co 2:5.", "Precious. -- 2Pe 1:1.", "Most holy. -- Jude 1:20.", "Fruitful. -- 1Th 1:3.", "Accompanied by repentance. -- Mr 1:15; Lu 24:47.", "Followed by conversion. -- Ac 11:21.", "Christ is the Author and Finisher of -- Heb 12:2.", "Is a gift of the Holy Spirit -- 1Co 12:9.", "The Scriptures designed to produce -- Joh 20:31; 2Ti 3:15.", "Preaching designed to produce -- Joh 17:20; Ac 8:12; Ro 10:14,15,17; 1Co 3:5.", "Through it is", "Remission of sins. -- Ac 10:43; Ro 3:25.", "Justification. -- Ac 13:39; Ro 3:21,22,28,30; 5:1; Ga 2:16.", "Salvation. -- Mr 16:16; Ac 16:31.", "Sanctification. -- Ac 15:9; 26:18.", "Spiritual light. -- Joh 12:36,46.", "Spiritual life. -- Joh 20:31; Ga 2:20.", "Eternal life. -- Joh 3:15,16; 6:40,47.", "Rest in heaven. -- Heb 4:3.", "Edification. -- 1Ti 1:4; Jude 1:20.", "Preservation. -- 1Pe 1:5.", "Adoption. -- Joh 1:12; Ga 3:26.", "Access to God. -- Ro 5:2; Eph 3:12.", "Inheritance of the promises. -- Ga 3:22; Heb 6:12.", "The gift of the Holy Spirit. -- Ac 11:15-17; Ga 3:14; Eph 1:13.", "Impossible to please God without -- Heb 11:6.", "Justification is by, to be of grace -- Ro 4:16.", "Essential to the profitable reception of the gospel -- Heb 4:2.", "Necessary in the Christian warfare -- 1Ti 1:18,19; 6:12.", "The gospel effectual in those who have -- 1Th 2:13.", "Excludes self-justification -- Ro 10:3,4.", "Excludes boasting -- Ro 3:27.", "Works by love -- Ga 5:6; 1Ti 1:5; Phm 1:5.", "Produces", "Hope. -- Ro 5:2.", "Joy. -- Ac 16:34; 1Pe 1:8.", "Peace. -- Ro 15:13.", "Confidence. -- Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6.", "Boldness in preaching. -- Ps 116:10; 2Co 4:13.", "Christ is precious to those having. -- 1Pe 2:7.", "Christ dwells in the heart by. -- Eph 3:17.", "Necessary in prayer. -- Mt 21:22; Jas 1:6.", "Those who are not Christ's have not. -- Joh 10:26,27.", "An evidence of the new birth. -- 1Jo 5:1.", "By it saints", "Live. -- Ga 2:20.", "Stand. -- Ro 11:20; 2Co 1:24.", "Walk. -- Ro 4:12; 2Co 5:7.", "Obtain a good report. -- Heb 11:2.", "Overcome the world. -- 1Jo 5:4,5.", "Resist the devil. -- 1Pe 5:9.", "Overcome the devil. -- Eph 6:16.", "Are supported. -- Ps 27:13; 1Ti 4:10.", "Saints die in -- Heb 11:13.", "Saints should", "Be sincere in. -- 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 1:5.", "Abound in. -- 2Co 8:7.", "Continue in. -- Ac 14:22; Col 1:23.", "Be strong in. -- Ro 4:20-24.", "Stand fast in. -- 1Co 16:13.", "Be grounded and settled in. -- Col 1:23.", "Hold, with a good conscience. -- 1Ti 1:19.", "Pray for the increase of. -- Lu 17:5.", "Have full assurance of. -- 2Ti 1:12; Heb 10:22.", "True, evidenced by its fruits -- Jas 2:21-25.", "Without fruits, is dead -- Jas 2:17,20,26.", "Examine whether you be in -- 2Co 13:5.", "All difficulties overcome by -- Mt 17:20; 21:21; Mr 9:23.", "All things should be done in -- Ro 14:22.", "Whatever is not of, is sin -- Ro 14:23.", "Often tried by affliction -- 1Pe 1:6,7.", "Trial of, works patience -- Jas 1:3.", "The wicked often profess -- Ac 8:13,21.", "The wicked destitute of -- Joh 10:25; 12:37; Ac 19:9; 2Th 3:2.", "Protection of, illustrated", "A shield. -- Eph 6:16.", "A breastplate. -- 1Th 5:8.", "Exemplified", "Caleb. -- Nu 13:30.", "Job. -- Job 19:25.", "Shadrach, & c. -- Da 3:17.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:10,23.", "Peter. -- Mt 16:16.", "Woman who was a sinner. -- Lu 7:50.", "Nathanael. -- Joh 1:49.", "Samaritans. -- Joh 4:39.", "Martha. -- Joh 11:27.", "The Disciples. -- Joh 16:30.", "Thomas. -- Joh 20:28.", "Stephen. -- Ac 6:5.", "Priests. -- Ac 6:7.", "Ethiopian. -- Ac 8:37.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 11:24.", "Sergius Paulus. -- Ac 13:12.", "Philippian jailor. -- Ac 16:31,34.", "Romans. -- Ro 1:8.", "Colossians. -- Col 1:4.", "Thessalonians. -- 1Th 1:3.", "Lois. -- 2Ti 1:5.", "Paul. -- 2Ti 4:7.", "Abel. -- Heb 11:4.", "Enoch. -- Heb 11:5.", "Noah. -- Heb 11:7.", "Abraham. -- Heb 11:8,17.", "Isaac. -- Heb 11:20.", "Jacob. -- Heb 11:21.", "Joseph. -- Heb 11:22.", "Moses. -- Heb 11:24,27.", "Rahab. -- Heb 11:31.", "Gideon & c. -- Heb 11:32,33,39."]} +{"term": "Faithfulness", "definitions": ["A characteristic of saints -- Eph 1:1; Col 1:2; 1Ti 6:2; Re 17:14.", "Exhibited in", "The service of God. -- Mt 24:45.", "Declaring the word of God. -- Jer 23:28; 2Co 2:17; 4:2.", "The care of dedicated things. -- 2Ch 31:12.", "Helping the brethren. -- 3Jo 1:5.", "Bearing witness. -- Pr 14:5.", "Reproving others. -- Pr 27:6; Ps 141:5.", "Situations of trust. -- 2Ki 12:15; Ne 13:13; Ac 6:1-3.", "Doing work. -- 2Ch 34:12.", "Keeping secrets. -- Pr 11:13.", "Conveying messages. -- Pr 13:17; 25:13.", "All things. -- 1Ti 3:11.", "The smallest matters. -- Lu 16:10-12.", "Should be to death -- Re 2:10.", "Especially required in", "Ministers. -- 1Co 4:2; 2Ti 2:2.", "The wives of ministers. -- 1Ti 3:11.", "The children of ministers. -- Tit 1:6.", "Difficulty of finding -- Pr 20:6.", "The wicked devoid of -- Ps 5:9.", "Associate with those who exhibit -- Ps 101:6.", "Blessedness of -- 1Sa 26:23; Pr 28:20.", "Blessedness of, illustrated -- Mt 24:45,46; 25:21,23.", "Exemplified", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:22,23.", "Moses. -- Nu 12:7; Heb 3:2,5.", "David. -- 1Sa 22:14.", "Hananiah. -- Ne 7:2.", "Abraham. -- Ne 9:8; Ga 3:9.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:4.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:20,27.", "Timothy. -- 1Co 4:17.", "Tychicus. -- Eph 6:21.", "Epaphras. -- Col 1:7.", "Onesimus. -- Col 4:9.", "Silvanus. -- 1Pe 5:12.", "Antipas. -- Re 2:13."]} +{"term": "Faithfulness of God, The", "definitions": ["Is part of his character -- Isa 49:7; 1Co 1:9; 1Th 5:24.", "Declared to be", "Great. -- La 3:23.", "Established. -- Ps 89:2.", "Incomparable. -- Ps 89:8.", "Unfailing. -- Ps 89:33; 2Ti 2:13.", "Infinite. -- Ps 36:5.", "Everlasting. -- Ps 119:90; 146:6.", "Should be pleaded in prayer -- Ps 143:1.", "Should be proclaimed -- Ps 40:10; 89:1.", "Manifested", "In his counsels. -- Isa 25:1.", "In afflicting his saints. -- Ps 119:75.", "In fulfilling his promises. -- 1Ki 8:20; Ps 132:11; Mic 7:20; Heb 10:23.", "In keeping his covenant. -- De 7:9; Ps 111:5.", "In executing his judgments. -- Jer 23:20; 51:29.", "In forgiving sins. -- 1Jo 1:9.", "To his saints. -- Ps 89:24; 2Th 3:3.", "Saints encouraged to depend on. -- 1Pe 4:19.", "Should be magnified. -- Ps 89:5; 92:2."]} +{"term": "Fall of Man, The", "definitions": ["By the disobedience of Adam -- Ge 3:6,11,12; Ro 5:12,15,19.", "Through temptation of the devil -- Ge 3:1-5; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14.", "Man in consequence of", "Made in the image of Adam. -- Ge 5:3; 1Co 15:48,49.", "Born in sin. -- Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Isa 48:8; Joh 3:6.", "A child of wrath. -- Eph 2:3.", "Evil in heart. -- Ge 6:5; 8:21; Jer 16:12; Mt 15:19.", "Blinded in heart. -- Eph 4:18.", "Corrupt and perverse in his ways. -- Ge 6:12; Ps 10:5; Ro 3:12-16.", "Depraved in mind. -- Ro 8:5-7; Eph 4:17; Col 1:21; Tit 1:15.", "Without understanding. -- Ps 14:2,3; Ro 3:11; 1:31.", "Receives no the things of God. -- 1Co 2:14.", "Comes short of God's glory. -- Ro 3:23.", "Defiled in conscience. -- Tit 1:15; Heb 10:22.", "Intractable. -- Job 11:12.", "Estranged from God. -- Ge 3:8; Ps 58:3; Eph 4:18; Col 1:21.", "In bondage to sin. -- Ro 6:19; 7:5,23; Ga 5:17; Tit 3:3.", "In bondage to the devil. -- 2Ti 2:26; Heb 2:14,15.", "Constant in evil. -- Ps 10:5; 2Pe 2:14.", "Conscious of guilt. -- Ge 3:7,8,10.", "Unrighteous. -- Ec 7:20; Ro 3:10.", "Abominable. -- Job 15:16; Ps 14:3.", "Turned to his own way. -- Isa 53:6.", "Loves darkness. -- Joh 3:19.", "Corrupt & c in speech. -- Ro 3:13,14.", "Devoid of the fear of God. -- Ro 3:18.", "Totally depraved. -- Ge 6:5; Ro 7:18.", "Dead in sin -- Eph 2:1; Col 2:13.", "All men partake of the effects of -- 1Ki 8:46; Ga 3:22; 1Jo 1:8; 5:19.", "Punishment consequent upon", "Banishment from Paradise. -- Ge 3:24.", "Condemnation to labour and sorrow. -- Ge 3:16,19; Job 5:6,7.", "Temporal death. -- Ge 3:19; Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22.", "Eternal death. -- Job 21:30; Ro 5:18,21; 6:23.", "Cannot be remedied by man -- Pr 20:9; Jer 2:22; 13:23.", "Remedy for, provided by God -- Ge 3:15; Joh 3:16."]} +{"term": "Families", "definitions": ["Of saints blessed -- Ps 128:3-6.", "Should", "Be taught the Scriptures. -- De 4:9,10.", "Worship God together. -- 1Co 16:19.", "Be duly regulated. -- Pr 31:27; 1Ti 3:4,5,12.", "Live in unity. -- Ge 45:24; Ps 133:1.", "Live in mutual forbearance. -- Ge 50:17-21; Mt 18:21,22.", "Rejoice together before God. -- De 14:26.", "Deceivers and liars should be removed from -- Ps 101:7.", "Warning against departing from God -- De 29:18.", "Punishment of irreligious -- Jer 10:25.", "Good -- Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:19.", "Jacob. -- Ge 35:2.", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.", "David. -- 2Sa 6:20.", "Job. -- Job 1:5.", "Lazarus of Bethany. -- Joh 11:1-5.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2,33.", "Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.", "Jailor of Philippi. -- Ac 16:31-34.", "Crispus. -- Ac 18:8.", "Lois. -- 2Ti 1:5."]} +{"term": "Famine", "definitions": ["Sent by God -- Ps 10:16.", "Often on account of sin -- Le 26:21,26; La 4:4-6.", "One of God's four sore judgments -- Eze 14:21.", "Caused by", "God's blessing withheld. -- Ho 2:8,9; Hag 1:6.", "Want of seasonable rain. -- 1Ki 17:1; Jer 14:1-4; Am 4:7.", "Rotting of the seed in the ground. -- Joe 1:17.", "Swarms of insects. -- De 28:38,42; Joe 1:4.", "Blasting and mildew. -- Am 4:9; Hag 2:17.", "Devastation by enemies. -- De 28:33,51.", "Often long continued -- Ge 41:27; 2Ki 8:1,2.", "Often severe -- Ge 12:10; 1Ki 18:2; Jer 52:6.", "Expressed by", "Taking away the stay of bread, & c. -- Isa 3:1.", "Cleanness of Teeth. -- Am 4:6.", "The arrows of famine. -- Eze 5:16.", "Often accompanied by war -- Jer 14:15; 29:18.", "Often followed by pestilence -- Jer 42:17; Eze 7:15; Mt 24:7.", "Things eaten during", "Wild herbs. -- 2Ki 4:39,40.", "Ass's flesh. -- 2Ki 6:25.", "Dung. -- 2Ki 6:25; La 4:5.", "Human flesh. -- Le 26:29; 2Ki 6:28,29.", "Provisions sold by weight during -- Eze 4:16.", "Suffering of brute creation from -- Jer 14:5,6.", "Caused", "Burning and fever. -- De 32:24.", "Blackness of the skin. -- La 4:8; 5:10.", "Grief and mourning. -- Joe 1:11-13.", "Faintness. -- Ge 47:13.", "Wasting of the body. -- La 4:8; Eze 4:17.", "Death. -- 2Ki 7:4; Jer 11:22.", "God provided for his people during -- 1Ki 17:4,9; Job 5:20; Ps 33:19; 37:19.", "Instances of, in scripture", "In the days of Abraham. -- Ge 12:10.", "In the days of Isaac. -- Ge 26:1.", "In the days of Joseph. -- Ge 41:53-56.", "In the day of the Judges. -- Ru 1:1.", "In the reign of David. -- 2Sa 21:1.", "In the reign of Ahab. -- 1Ki 17:1; 18:5.", "In the time of Elisha. -- 2Ki 4:38.", "During the siege of Samaria. -- 2Ki 6:25.", "Of seven years foretold by Elisha. -- 2Ki 8:1.", "In the time of Jeremiah. -- Jer 14:1.", "During the siege of Jerusalem. -- 2Ki 25:3.", "After the captivity. -- Ne 5:3.", "In the reign of Claudius Caesar. -- Ac 11:28.", "Before destruction of Jerusalem. -- Mt 24:7.", "The Jews in their restored state not to be afflicted by -- Eze 36:29,30.", "Illustrative of", "A dearth of the means of grace. -- Am 8:11,12.", "Destruction of idols. -- Zep 2:11."]} +{"term": "Fasting", "definitions": ["Spirit of, explained -- Isa 58:6,7.", "Not to be made a subject of display -- Mt 6:16-18.", "Should be to God -- Zec 7:5; Mt 6:18.", "For the chastening of the soul -- Ps 69:10.", "For the humbling of the soul -- Ps 35:13.", "Observed on occasions of", "Judgments of God. -- Joe 1:14; 2:12.", "Public calamities. -- 2Sa 1:12.", "Afflictions of the Church. -- Lu 5:33-35.", "Afflictions of others. -- Ps 35:13; Da 6:18.", "Private afflictions. -- 2Sa 12:16.", "Approaching danger. -- Es 4:16.", "Ordination of ministers. -- Ac 13:3; 14:23.", "Accompanied by", "Prayer. -- Ezr 8:23; Da 9:3.", "Confession of sin. -- 1Sa 7:6; Ne 9:1,2.", "Mourning. -- Joe 2:12.", "Humiliation. -- De 9:18; Ne 9:1.", "Promises connected with -- Isa 58:8-12; Mt 6:18.", "Of hypocrites", "Described. -- Isa 58:4,5.", "Ostentatious. -- Mt 6:16.", "Boasted of, before God. -- Lu 18:12.", "Rejected. -- Isa 58:3; Jer 14:12.", "Extraordinary Exemplified", "Our Lord. -- Mt 4:2.", "Moses. -- Ex 34:28; De 9:9,18.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 19:8.", "National Exemplified", "Israel. -- Jdj 20:26; Ezr 8:21; Es 4:3,16; Jer 36:9.", "Men of Jabesh-gilead. -- 1Sa 31:13.", "Ninevites. -- Jon 3:5-8.", "Of Saints Exemplified", "David. -- 2Sa 12:16; Ps 109:24.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4.", "Esther. -- Es 4:16.", "Daniel. -- Da 9:3.", "Disciples of John. -- Mt 9:14.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:37.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:30.", "Christians. -- Ac 13:2.", "Apostles. -- 2Co 6:5.", "Paul. -- 2Co 11:27.", "Of the wicked -- Exemplified", "Elders of Jezreel. -- 1Ki 21:12.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:27.", "Pharisees. -- Mr 2:18; Lu 18:12."]} +{"term": "Fatherless", "definitions": ["Find mercy in God -- Ho 14:3.", "God will", "Be a father of. -- Ps 68:5.", "Be a helper of. -- Ps 10:14.", "Hear the cry of. -- Ex 22:23.", "Execute the judgment of. -- De 10:18; Ps 10:18.", "Punish those who oppress. -- Ex 22:24; Isa 10:1-3; Mal 3:5.", "Punish those who judge not. -- Jer 5:28,29.", "Visit in affliction -- Jas 1:27.", "Let them share in our blessings -- De 14:29.", "Defend -- Ps 82:3; Isa 1:17.", "Wrong not, in judgment -- De 24:17.", "Defraud not -- Pr 23:10.", "Afflict not -- Ex 22:22.", "Oppress not -- Zec 7:10.", "Do no violence to -- Jer 22:3.", "Blessedness of taking care of -- De 14:29; Job 29:12,13; Jer 7:6,7.", "The wicked", "Rob. -- Isa 10:2.", "Overwhelm. -- Job 6:27.", "Vex. -- Eze 22:7.", "Oppress. -- Job 24:3.", "Murder. -- Ps 94:6.", "Judge not for. -- Isa 1:23; Jer 5:28.", "A curse on those who oppress -- De 27:19.", "Promises with respect to -- Jer 49:11.", "A type of Zion in affliction -- La 5:3.", "Exemplified", "Lot. -- Ge 11:27,28.", "Daughters of Zelophehad. -- Nu 27:1-5.", "Jotham. -- Jdj 9:16-21.", "Mephibosheth. -- 2Sa 9:3.", "Joash. -- 2Ki 11:1-12.", "Esther. -- Es 2:7."]} +{"term": "Favour of God, The", "definitions": ["Christ the special object of -- Lu 2:52.", "Is the source of", "Mercy. -- Isa 60:10.", "Spiritual life. -- Ps 30:5.", "Spiritual wisdom leads to -- Pr 8:35.", "Mercy and truth lead to -- Pr 3:3,4.", "Saints", "Obtain. -- Pr 12:2.", "Encompassed by. -- Ps 5:12.", "Strengthened by. -- Ps 30:7.", "Victorious through. -- Ps 44:3.", "Preserved through. -- Job 10:12.", "Exalted in. -- Ps 89:17.", "Sometimes tempted to doubt. -- Ps 77:7.", "Domestic blessings traced to -- Pr 18:22.", "Disappointment of enemies an assured evidence of -- Ps 41:11.", "Given in answer to prayer -- Job 33:26.", "Pray for -- Ps 106:4; 119:58.", "Plead, in prayer -- Ex 33:12; Nu 11:15.", "To be acknowledged -- Ps 85:1.", "The wicked", "Uninfluenced by. -- Isa 26:10.", "Do not obtain. -- Isa 27:11; Jer 16:13.", "Exemplified", "Naphtali. -- De 33:23.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 2:26.", "Job. -- Job 10:12.", "The Virgin Mary. -- Lu 1:28,30.", "David. -- Ac 7:46."]} +{"term": "Fear, Godly", "definitions": ["God is the object of -- Isa 8:13.", "God is the author of -- Jer 32:39,40.", "Searching the Scriptures gives the understanding of -- Pr 2:3-5.", "Described as", "Hatred of evil. -- Pr 8:13.", "Wisdom. -- Job 28:28; Ps 111:10.", "A treasure to saints. -- Pr 15:16; Isa 33:6.", "A fountain of life. -- Pr 14:27.", "Sanctifying. -- Ps 19:9.", "Filial and reverential. -- Heb 12:9,28.", "Commanded -- De 13:4; Ps 22:23; Ec 12:13; 1Pe 2:17.", "Motives to", "The holiness of God. -- Re 15:4.", "The greatness of God. -- De 10:12,17.", "The goodness of God. -- 1Sa 12:24.", "The forgiveness of God. -- Ps 130:4.", "Wondrous works of God. -- Jos 4:23,24.", "Judgments of God. -- Re 14:7.", "A characteristic of saints -- Mal 3:16.", "Should accompany the joy of saints -- Ps 2:11.", "Necessary to", "The worship of God. -- Ps 5:7; 89:7.", "The service of God. -- Ps 2:11; Heb 12:28.", "Avoiding of sin. -- Ex 20:20.", "Righteous government. -- 2Sa 23:3.", "Impartial administration of justice. -- 2Ch 19:6-9.", "Perfecting holiness. -- 2Co 7:1.", "Those who have", "Afford pleasure to God. -- Ps 147:11.", "Are pitied by God. -- Ps 103:13.", "Are accepted of God. -- Ac 10:35.", "Receive mercy from God. -- Ps 103:11,17; Lu 1:50.", "Are blessed. -- Ps 112:1; 115:13.", "Confide in God. -- Ps 115:11; Pr 14:26.", "Depart from evil. -- Pr 16:6.", "Converse together of holy things. -- Mal 3:16.", "Should not fear man. -- Isa 8:12,13; Mt 10:28.", "Desires of, fulfilled by God. -- Ps 145:19.", "Days of, prolonged. -- Pr 10:27.", "Should be", "Prayed for. -- Ps 86:11.", "Exhibited in our callings. -- Col 3:22.", "Exhibited in giving a reason for our hope. -- 1Pe 3:15.", "Constantly maintained. -- De 14:23; Jos 4:24; Pr 23:17.", "Taught to others. -- Ps 34:11.", "Advantages of -- Pr 15:16; 19:23; Ec 8:12,13.", "The wicked destitute of -- Ps 36:1; Pr 1:29; Jer 2:19; Ro 3:18.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 22:12.", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:9; 42:18.", "Obadiah. -- 1Ki 18:12.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 5:15.", "Job. -- Job 1:1,8.", "Christians. -- Ac 9:31.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.", "Noah. -- Heb 11:7."]} +{"term": "Fear, Unholy", "definitions": ["A characteristic of the wicked -- Re 21:8.", "Is described as", "A fear of idols. -- 2Ki 17:38.", "A fear of man. -- 1Sa 15:24; Joh 9:22.", "A fear of judgments. -- Isa 2:19; Lu 21:26; Re 6:16,17.", "A fear of future punishment. -- Heb 10:27.", "Overwhelming. -- Ex 15:16; Job 15:21,24.", "Consuming. -- Ps 73:19.", "A guilty conscience leads to -- Ge 3:8,10; Ps 53:5; Pr 28:1.", "Seizes the wicked -- Job 15:24; 18:11.", "Surprises the hypocrite -- Isa 33:14,18.", "The wicked judicially filled with -- Le 26:16,17; De 28:65-67; Jer 49:5.", "Shall be realised -- Pr 1:27; 10:24.", "God mocks -- Pr 1:26.", "Saints sometimes tempted to -- Ps 55:5.", "Saints delivered from -- Pr 1:33; Isa 14:3.", "Trust in God, a preservative from -- Ps 27:1.", "Exhortations against -- Isa 8:12; Joh 14:27.", "Exemplified", "Adam. -- Ge 3:10.", "Cain. -- Ge 4:14.", "Midianites. -- Jdj 7:21,22.", "Philistines. -- 1Sa 14:15.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 28:5,20.", "Adonijah's guests. -- 1Ki 1:49.", "Haman. -- Es 7:6.", "Ahaz. -- Isa 7:2.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:6.", "Pilate. -- Joh 19:8.", "Felix. -- Ac 24:25."]} +{"term": "Feast of Dedication, The", "definitions": ["To commemorate the cleansing of the temple after its defilement by Antiochus -- Da 11:31.", "Held in the winter month, Chisleu -- Joh 10:22."]} +{"term": "Feast of Jubilee, The", "definitions": ["Held every fiftieth year -- Le 25:8,10.", "Began upon the day of atonement -- Le 25:9.", "Called the", "Year of liberty. -- Eze 46:17.", "Year of the redeemed. -- Isa 63:4.", "Acceptable year. -- Isa 61:2.", "Was specially holy -- Le 25:12.", "Proclaimed by trumpets -- Le 25:9; Ps 89:15.", "Enactments respecting", "Cessation of all field labour. -- Le 25:11.", "The fruits of the earth to be common property. -- Le 25:12.", "Redemption of sold property. -- Le 25:23-27.", "Restoration of all inheritances. -- Le 25:10,13,28; 27:24.", "Release of Hebrew servants. -- Le 25:40,41,54.", "Houses in walled cities not redeemed within a year, exempted from the benefit of -- Le 25:30.", "Sale of property calculated from -- Le 25:15,16.", "Value of devoted property calculated from -- Le 27:14-23.", "Illustrative of the Gospel -- Isa 61:1,2; Lu 4:18,19."]} +{"term": "Feast of the New Moon, The", "definitions": ["Held first day of the month -- Nu 10:10.", "Celebrated with blowing of trumpets -- Nu 10:10; Ps 81:3,4.", "Sacrifices at -- Nu 28:11-15.", "A season for", "Inquiring of God's messengers. -- 2Ki 4:23.", "Worship in God's house. -- Isa 66:23; Eze 46:1.", "Entertainments. -- 1Sa 20:5,18.", "Observed with great solemnity -- 1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 2:4; 8:13; 31:3.", "Restored after captivity -- Ezr 3:5; Ne 10:33.", "Mere outward observance of, hateful to God -- Isa 1:13,14.", "Disliked by the ungodly -- Am 8:5.", "The Jews deprived of, for sin -- Ho 2:11.", "Observance of, by Christians, condemned -- Col 2:16; Ga 4:10."]} +{"term": "Feast of Pentecost, The", "definitions": ["Held fiftieth day after offering first sheaf of barley harvest -- Le 23:15,16; De 16:9.", "Called the", "Feast of harvest. -- Ex 23:16.", "Feast of weeks. -- Ex 34:22; De 16:10.", "Day of the first fruits. -- Nu 28:26.", "Day of Pentecost. -- Ac 2:1.", "To be perpetually observed -- Le 23:21.", "All males to attend -- Ex 23:16,17; De 16:16.", "A holy convocation -- Le 23:21; Nu 28:26.", "A time of holy rejoicing -- De 16:11,12.", "The first fruits of bread presented at -- Le 23:17; De 16:10.", "Sacrifices at -- Le 23:18,19; Nu 28:27-31.", "The law given from Mount Sinai upon -- Ex 12:6,12; 19:1,11.", "The Holy Spirit given to apostles at -- Ac 2:1-3.", "Observed by the church -- Ac 20:16; 1Co 16:8."]} +{"term": "Feast of Purim, or Lots, The", "definitions": ["Instituted by Mordecai -- Es 9:20.", "To commemorate the defeat of Haman's wicked design -- Es 3:7-15; 9:24-26.", "Began fourteenth of twelfth month -- Es 9:17.", "Lasted two days -- Es 9:21.", "Mode of celebrating -- Es 9:17-19,22.", "The Jews bound themselves to keep -- Es 9:27,28.", "Confirmed by royal authority -- Es 9:29-32."]} +{"term": "Feast of Sabbatical Year, The", "definitions": ["A sabbath for the land -- Le 25:2.", "Kept every seventh year -- Ex 23:11; Le 25:4.", "Surplus of sixth year to provide for -- Le 25:20-22.", "Enactments respecting", "Cessation of all field labour. -- Le 25:4,5.", "The fruits of the earth to be common property. -- Ex 23:11; Le 25:6,7.", "Remission of debts. -- De 15:1-3; Ne 10:31.", "Release of all Hebrew servants. -- Ex 21:2; De 15:12.", "Public reading of the law at feast of tabernacles. -- De 31:10-13.", "No release to strangers during. -- De 15:3.", "Release of, not to hinder the exercise of benevolence -- De 15:9-11.", "Jews threatened for neglecting -- Le 26:34,35,43; Jer 34:13-18.", "The seventy years captivity a punishment for neglecting -- 2Ch 36:20,21.", "Restored after the captivity -- Ne 10:31."]} +{"term": "Feast of Tabernacles, The", "definitions": ["Held after harvest and vintage -- De 16:13.", "Began fifteenth of seventh month -- Le 23:34,39.", "Lasted seven days -- Le 23:34,41; De 16:13,15.", "Called the feast of ingathering -- Ex 23:16,17.", "All males obliged to appear at -- Ex 23:16,17.", "First and last days of, holy convocations -- Le 23:35,39; Nu 29:12,35.", "Sacrifices during -- Le 23:36,37; Nu 29:13-39.", "To be observed", "With rejoicing. -- De 16:14,15.", "Perpetually. -- Le 23:41.", "The people dwelt in booths during -- Le 23:42; Ne 8:15,16.", "The law publicly read every seventh year at -- De 31:10-12; Ne 8:18.", "Customs observed at", "Bearing branches of palms. -- Le 23:40; Re 7:9.", "Drawing water from the pool of Siloam. -- Isa 12:3; Joh 7:2,37-39.", "Singing hosannas. -- Ps 118:24-29; Mt 21:8,9.", "To commemorate the sojourn of Israel in the desert -- Le 23:43.", "Remarkable celebrations of", "At the dedication of Solomon's temple. -- 1Ki 8:2,65.", "After the captivity. -- Ex 3:4; Ne 8:17."]} +{"term": "Feast of the Passover, The", "definitions": ["Ordained by God -- Ex 12:1,2.", "Commenced the fourteenth of the first month at even -- Ex 12:2,6,18; Le 23:5; Nu 9:3.", "Lasted seven days -- Ex 12:15; Le 23:6.", "Called the", "Passover. -- Nu 9:5; Joh 2:23.", "Jew's passover. -- Joh 2:13; 11:55.", "Lord's passover. -- Ex 12:11,27.", "Feast of unleavened bread. -- Mr 14:1; Lu 22:1.", "Days of unleavened bread. -- Ac 12:3; 20:6.", "All males to appear at -- Ex 23:17; De 16:16.", "Paschal lamb eaten first day of -- Ex 12:6,8.", "Unleavened bread eaten at -- Ex 12:15; De 16:3.", "Leaven", "Not to be in their houses during. -- Ex 12:19.", "Not to be in any of their quarters. -- Ex 13:7; De 16:4.", "Nothing with, to be eaten. -- Ex 12:20.", "Punishment for eating. -- Ex 12:15,19.", "First and last days of, holy convocations -- Ex 12:16; Nu 28:18,25.", "Sacrifices during -- Le 23:8; Nu 28:19-24.", "The first sheaf of barley harvest offered the day after the Sabbath in -- Le 23:10-14.", "To commemorate the", "Passing over the first-born. -- Ex 12:12,13.", "Deliverance of Israel from bondage of Egypt. -- Ex 12:17,42; 13:9; De 16:3.", "To be perpetually observed during the Mosaic age -- Ex 12:14; 13:10.", "Children to be taught the nature and design of -- Ex 12:26,27; 13:8.", "Purification necessary to the due observance of -- 2Ch 30:15-19; Joh 11:55.", "Might be kept in the second month by those who were unclean at the appointed time -- Nu 9:6-11; 2Ch 30:2,3,15.", "No uncircumcised person to keep -- Ex 12:43,45.", "Strangers and servants when circumcised might keep -- Ex 12:44,48.", "Neglect of, punished with death -- Nu 9:13.", "Improper keeping of, punished -- 2Ch 30:18,20.", "Remarkable celebrations of", "On leaving Egypt. -- Ex 12:28,50.", "In the wilderness of Sinai. -- Nu 9:3-5.", "On entering the land of promise. -- Jos 5:10,11.", "In Hezekiah's reign. -- 2Ch 30:1.", "In Josiah's reign. -- 2Ki 23:22,23; 2Ch 35:1,18.", "After the captivity. -- Ezr 6:19,20.", "Before the death of Christ. -- Lu 22:15.", "Moses kept through faith -- Heb 11:28.", "Christ always observed -- Mt 26:17-20; Lu 22:15; Joh 2:13,23.", "The people of Jerusalem lent their rooms to strangers for -- Lu 22:11,12.", "The Lord's Supper instituted at -- Mt 26:26-28.", "Custom of releasing a prisoner at -- Mt 27:15; Lu 23:16,17.", "The Sabbath in, a high day -- Joh 19:31.", "The day before the Sabbath in, called the preparation -- Joh 19:14,31.", "Illustrative of redemption through Christ -- 1Co 5:7,8."]} +{"term": "Feasts of Trumpets, The", "definitions": ["Held the first day of seventh month -- Le 23:24; Nu 29:1.", "A memorial of blowing of trumpets -- Le 23:24.", "A holy convocation and rest -- Le 23:24,25.", "Sacrifices at -- Nu 29:2-6."]} +{"term": "Feasts, the Anniversary", "definitions": ["Instituted by God -- Ex 23:14.", "Enumerated -- Ex 23:15,16.", "Called", "Appointed feasts. -- Isa 1:14.", "Feasts of the Lord. -- Le 23:4.", "Solemn feasts. -- 2Ch 8:13; La 1:4.", "Solemn meetings. -- Isa 1:13.", "Were a time of thankfulness -- Ps 122:4.", "All males to attend -- Ex 23:17; 34:23.", "Children commenced attending, when twelve years old -- Lu 2:42.", "Females often attended -- 1Sa 1:3,9; Lu 2:41.", "The Jews attended gladly -- Ps 122:1,2.", "The Jews went up to, in large companies -- Ps 42:4; Lu 2:44.", "The dangers and difficulties encountered in going up to, alluded to -- Ps 84:6,7.", "The land divinely protected during -- Ex 34:24.", "Offerings to made at -- Ex 34:20; De 16:16,17.", "Were seasons of", "Joy and gladness. -- Ps 42:4; Isa 30:20.", "Sacrificing. -- 1Sa 1:3; 1Ki 9:25; 2Ch 8:13.", "Entertainments. -- 1Sa 1:4,9.", "The ten tribes seduced by Jeroboam from attending. -- 1Ki 12:27.", "The Jews dispersed in distant parts often attended. -- Ac 2:5-11; 8:27.", "Christ attended. -- Joh 5:1; 7:10.", "Rendered unavailing by the impiety of the Jews. -- Isa 1:13,14; Am 5:21.", "Illustrative of general assembly of the church. -- Heb 12:23."]} +{"term": "Feet, The", "definitions": ["Necessary members of the body -- 1Co 12:15,21.", "Parts of, mentioned in scripture", "Heel. -- Ps 41:9; 49:5; Ho 12:3.", "Sole. -- De 11:24; 1Ki 5:3.", "Toes. -- Ex 29:20; 2Sa 21:20; Da 2:41.", "Often swift -- 2Sa 2:18; 22:34.", "Were liable to", "Disease. -- 1Ki 15:23.", "Swelling from walking. -- De 8:4.", "Injury from stones, & c. -- Ps 91:12.", "Early use of shoes -- Ex 12:11.", "Of women often adorned with tingling ornaments -- Isa 3:16,18.", "Of the Jews", "Neglected in affliction. -- 2Sa 19:24; Eze 24:17.", "Bare in affliction. -- 2Sa 15:30.", "Washed frequently. -- 2Sa 11:8; Song 5:3.", "Stamped on the ground in extreme joy or grief -- Eze 6:11; 25:6.", "Washing for others, a menial office -- 1Sa 25:41; Joh 13:5-14.", "Of strangers and travellers washed -- Ge 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 1Ti 5:10.", "Neglect of washing, disrespectful to guest -- Lu 7:44.", "Respect exhibited by falling at -- 1Sa 25:24; 2Ki 4:37; Es 8:3; Mr 5:22; Ac 10:25.", "Reverence expressed by kissing -- Lu 7:38,45.", "Sleep expressed by covering -- 1Sa 24:3.", "Subjection expressed by licking the dust of -- Isa 49:23.", "Condemnation expressed by shaking the dust from -- Mt 10:14; Mr 6:11.", "Subjugation of enemies expressed by placing on their necks -- Jos 10:24; Ps 110:1.", "Origin of uncovering in consecrated places -- Ex 3:5; Jos 5:15.", "Of enemies often maimed and cut off -- Jdj 1:6,7; 2Sa 4:12.", "Of criminals", "Bound with fetters. -- Ps 105:18.", "Placed in stocks. -- Job 13:27; Ac 16:24.", "Path of, to be pondered -- Pr 4:26.", "To be refrained from evil -- Pr 1:15; Heb 12:13.", "To be turned to God's testimonies -- Ps 119:59.", "To be directed by God's word -- Ps 119:105.", "To be guided by wisdom and discretion -- Pr 3:21,23,26.", "Of the wicked", "Swift to mischief. -- Pr 6:18.", "Swift to shed blood. -- Pr 1:16; Ro 3:15.", "Ensnared. -- Job 18:8; Ps 9:15.", "Of saints", "At liberty. -- Ps 18:36; 31:8.", "Kept by God. -- 1Sa 2:9; Ps 116:8.", "Established by God. -- Ps 66:9; 121:3.", "Guided by Christ. -- Isa 48:17; Lu 1:79.", "Illustrative", "(Set on a rock,) of stability. -- Ps 40:2.", "(Set in a large place,) of liberty. -- Ps 31:8.", "(Sliding,) of yielding to temptation. -- Job 12:5; Ps 17:5; 38:16; 94:18.", "(Treading under,) of complete destruction. -- Isa 18:7; La 1:15.", "(Washed or dipped in oil,) of abundance. -- De 33:24; Job 29:6.", "(Dipped in blood,) of victory. -- Ps 68:23."]} +{"term": "Fig Tree, The", "definitions": ["Produces a rich sweet fruit -- Jdj 9:11.", "Not found in desert places -- Nu 20:5.", "Abounded in", "Egypt. -- Ps 105:33.", "Canaan. -- Nu 13:23; De 8:8.", "Often grew wild -- Am 7:14.", "Sometimes planted in vineyards -- Lu 13:6.", "Propagated by the Jews -- Am 4:9.", "Required cultivation -- Lu 13:8.", "Fruit of, formed after winter -- Song 2:11,13.", "Leaves of, put forth, a sign of the approach of summer -- Mt 24:32.", "Reasonableness of expecting fruit upon, when full of leaves -- Mr 11:13.", "Fruit of", "Eaten fresh from the tree. -- Mt 21:18,19.", "Eaten dried in cakes. -- 1Sa 30:12.", "Gathered and kept in baskets. -- Jer 24:1.", "First ripe esteemed. -- Jer 24:2; Ho 9:10.", "Used in the miraculous healing of Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 20:7; Isa 38:21.", "Sold in the markets. -- Ne 13:15.", "Sent as presents. -- 1Sa 25:18; 1Ch 12:40.", "A species of, produced vile and worthless fruit -- Jer 29:17.", "Leaves of, used by Adam for covering -- Ge 3:7.", "Afforded a thick shade -- Joh 1:48,50.", "Often unfruitful -- Lu 13:7.", "Failure of, a great calamity -- Hab 3:17.", "The Jews punished by", "God's breaking down. -- Ho 2:12.", "Failure of fruit on. -- Jer 8:13; Hag 2:19.", "Enemies devouring fruit of. -- Jer 5:17.", "Barking and eating of, by locusts. -- Joe 1:4,7,12; Am 4:9.", "Illustrative", "(Barren,) of mere professors of religion. -- Mt 21:19; Lu 13:6,7.", "(Sitting under one's own,) of prosperity and peace. -- 1Ki 4:25; Mic 4:4.", "Fruit of, illustrative", "Of good works. -- Mt 7:16.", "(Good,) of saints. -- Jer 24:2,3.", "(Bad,) of wicked men. -- Jer 24:2-8.", "(First ripe,) of the fathers of the Jewish church. -- Ho 9:10.", "(Untimely and dropping,) of the wicked ripe for judgment. -- Isa 34:4; Na 3:12; Re 6:13."]} +{"term": "Fire", "definitions": ["Can be increased in intensity -- Da 3:19,22.", "Though small, kindles a great matter -- Jas 3:5.", "Things connected with", "Burning coals. -- Pr 26:21.", "Flame. -- Song 8:6; Isa 66:15.", "Sparks. -- Job 18:5; Isa 1:31.", "Ashes. -- 1Ki 13:3; 2Pe 2:6.", "Smoke. -- Isa 34:10; Joe 2:30.", "Kept alive by fuel -- Pr 26:20; Isa 9:5.", "Characterised as", "Bright. -- Eze 1:13.", "Spreading. -- Jas 3:5.", "Enlightening. -- Ps 78:14; 105:39.", "Heating. -- Mr 14:54.", "Melting. -- Ps 68:2; Isa 64:2.", "Purifying. -- Nu 31:23; 1Pe 1:7; Re 3:18.", "Drying. -- Job 15:30; Joe 1:20.", "Consuming. -- Jdj 15:4,5; Ps 46:9; Isa 10:16,17.", "Insatiable. -- Pr 30:16.", "Sacred", "Came from before the Lord. -- Le 9:24.", "Always burning on the altar. -- Le 6:13.", "All burn offerings consumed by. -- Le 6:9,12.", "Incense burned with. -- Le 16:12; Nu 16:46.", "Guilt of burning incense without. -- Le 10:1.", "Restored to the temple. -- 2Ch 7:1-3.", "Frequently employed as an instrument of divine vengeance -- Ps 97:3; Isa 47:14; 66:16.", "Miraculous", "In the burning bush. -- Ex 3:2.", "Plagued the Egyptians. -- Ex 9:23,24.", "Led the people of Israel in the desert. -- Ex 13:22; 40:38.", "On Mount Sinai at giving of law. -- De 4:11,37.", "Destroyed Nadab and Abihu. -- Le 10:2.", "Destroyed the people at Taberah. -- Nu 11:1.", "Consumed the company of Korah. -- Nu 16:35.", "Consumed the sacrifice of Gideon. -- Jdj 6:21.", "Angel ascended in. -- Jdj 13:20.", "Consumed the sacrifice of Elijah. -- 1Ki 18:38.", "Destroyed the enemies of Elijah. -- 2Ki 1:10,12.", "Elijah taken up in a chariot of. -- 2Ki 2:11.", "God appeared in -- Ex 3:2; 19:18.", "Christ shall appear in -- Da 7:10; 2Th 1:8.", "Punishment of the wicked shall be in -- Mt 13:42; 25:41.", "In houses", "Lighted in the winter. -- Jer 36:22.", "Lighted in spring mornings. -- Joh 18:18.", "Not to be lighted on the Sabbath. -- Ex 35:3.", "Made of charcoal. -- Joh 18:18.", "Made of wood. -- Ac 28:3.", "Injury from, to be made good by the person who kindled it -- Ex 22:6.", "Illustrative of", "God's protection. -- Nu 9:16; Zec 2:5.", "God's vengeance. -- De 4:24; Heb 12:29.", "Christ as judge. -- Isa 10:17; Mal 3:2.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Isa 4:4; Ac 2:3.", "The church destroying her enemies. -- Ob 1:18.", "The word of God. -- Jer 5:14; 23:29.", "Zeal of saints. -- Ps 39:3; 119:139.", "Zeal of angels. -- Ps 104:4; Heb 1:7.", "God's enemies. -- Isa 10:17; Ob 1:18.", "Lust. -- Pr 6:27,28.", "Wickedness. -- Isa 9:18.", "The tongue. -- Pr 16:27; Jas 3:6.", "The self-righteous. -- Isa 65:5.", "The hope of hypocrites. -- Isa 50:11.", "Persecution. -- Lu 12:49-53.", "Affliction. -- Isa 43:2.", "Judgments. -- Jer 48:45; La 1:13; Eze 39:6."]} +{"term": "First Born, The", "definitions": ["Of man and beast dedicated to God -- Ex 13:2,12; 22:29.", "Dedicated to commemorate the sparing of the first born of Israel -- Ex 13:15; Nu 3:13; 8:17.", "Of clean beasts", "Not to labour. -- De 15:19.", "Not shorn. -- De 15:19.", "Not taken from the dam for seven days. -- Ex 22:30; Le 22:27.", "Offered in sacrifice. -- Nu 18:17.", "Could not be a free-will offering. -- Le 27:26.", "Antiquity of offering. -- Ge 4:4.", "Flesh of, the priest's portion. -- Nu 18:18.", "Of clean beasts", "To be redeemed. -- Nu 18:15.", "Law of redemption for. -- Nu 18:16.", "Of the ass to be redeemed with lamb or its neck broken -- Ex 13:13; 34:20.", "Of Israel", "Tribe of Levi taken for. -- Nu 3:12,40-43; 8:18.", "To be redeemed. -- Ex 34:20; Nu 18:15.", "Price of redemption for. -- Nu 3:46,47.", "Price of, given to the priests. -- Nu 3:48-51.", "Laws respecting, restored after the captivity -- Ne 10:36.", "Laws respecting, observed at Christ's birth -- Lu 2:22,23.", "The beginning of strength and excellency of power -- Ge 49:3; De 21:17.", "Precious and valuable -- Mic 6:7; Zec 12:10.", "Objects of special love -- Ge 25:28; Jer 31:9,20.", "Privileges of", "Precedence in the family. -- Ge 48:13,14.", "Authority over the younger children. -- Ge 27:29; 1Sa 20:29.", "Special blessing by the father. -- Ge 27:4,35.", "The father's title and power. -- 2Ch 21:3.", "A double portion of inheritance. -- De 21:17.", "In case of death the next brother to raise up seed to. -- De 25:5,6; Mt 22:24-28.", "Not to be alienated by parents through caprice. -- De 21:15,16.", "Could be forfeited by misconduct. -- Ge 49:3,4,8; 1Ch 5:1.", "Could be sold. -- Ge 25:31,33; Heb 12:16,17.", "Instances of superseded", "Cain. -- Ge 4:4,5.", "Japheth. -- Ge 10:21.", "Ishmael. -- Ge 17:19-21.", "Esau. -- Ge 25:23; Ro 9:12,13.", "Manasseh. -- Ge 48:15-20.", "Reuben, & c. -- 1Ch 5:1,2.", "Aaron. -- Ex 7:1,2; Nu 12:2,8.", "David's brothers. -- 1Sa 16:6-12.", "Adonijah. -- 1Ki 2:15,22.", "Illustrative of", "The dignity, & c of Christ. -- Ps 89:27; Ro 8:29; Col 1:18.", "The dignity, & c of the church. -- Heb 12:23."]} +{"term": "First Fruits, The", "definitions": ["To be brought to God's house -- Ex 34:26.", "Different kinds of", "Barley harvest. -- Le 23:10-14.", "Wheat harvest. -- Ex 23:16; Le 23:16,17.", "Wine and oil. -- De 18:4.", "Wool. -- De 18:4.", "Honey. -- 2Ch 31:5.", "Fruit of new trees in fourth year. -- Le 19:23,24.", "All agricultural produce. -- De 26:2.", "To be the very best of their kind -- Nu 18:12.", "Holy to the Lord -- Eze 48:14.", "God honoured by the offering of -- Pr 3:9.", "Offering of, consecrated the whole -- Ro 11:16.", "To be offered", "Without delay. -- Ex 22:29.", "In a basket. -- De 26:2.", "With thanksgiving. -- De 26:3-10.", "Allotted to the priests -- Nu 18:12,13; Le 23:20; De 18:3-5.", "Law of, restored after the captivity -- Ne 10:35,37; 13:31.", "Illustrative of", "The Jewish church. -- Jer 2:3.", "First converts in any place. -- Ro 16:5.", "Church of Christ. -- Jas 1:18; Re 14:4.", "Resurrection of Christ. -- 1Co 15:20,23."]} +{"term": "Fishes", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:20,21; Ex 20:11.", "Made for God's glory -- Job 12:8,9; Ps 69:34.", "Inhabit", "Seas. -- Nu 11:22; Eze 47:10.", "Rivers. -- Ex 7:18; Eze 29:5.", "Ponds. -- Song 7:4; Isa 19:10.", "Number and variety of -- Ps 104:25.", "Different in flesh from beasts & c -- 1Co 15:39.", "Cannot live without water -- Isa 50:2.", "Man given dominion over -- Ge 1:26,28; Ps 8:8.", "Man permitted to eat -- Ge 9:2,3.", "Used as food", "By the Egyptians. -- Nu 11:5.", "By the Jews. -- Mt 7:10.", "Mode of cooking alluded to -- Lu 24:42; Joh 21:9.", "The people of Tyre traded in -- Ne 13:16.", "Sold near the fish gate at Jerusalem -- 2Ch 33:14; Zep 1:10.", "Distinction between clean and unclean -- Le 11:9-12; De 14:9,10.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Leviathan. -- Job 41:1; Ps 74:14.", "Whale. -- Ge 1:21; Mt 12:40.", "Solomon wrote the history of -- 1Ki 4:33.", "No likeness of, to be made for worship -- Ex 20:4; De 4:18.", "Catching of, a trade -- Mt 4:18; Lu 5:2.", "Taken with", "Nets. -- Lu 5:4-6; Joh 21:6-8.", "Hooks. -- Am 4:2; Mt 17:27.", "Spears. -- Job 41:7.", "Often suffered for man's sin. -- Ex 7:21; Eze 38:20.", "Miracles connected with", "Multiplying a few. -- Mt 14:17-21; 15:34.", "Immense draughts of. -- Lu 5:6,9; Joh 21:6,11.", "Procuring tribute money from. -- Mt 17:27.", "Dressed on the shore. -- Joh 21:9.", "Illustrative", "Of the whole population of Egypt. -- Eze 29:4,5.", "Of the visible church. -- Mt 13:48.", "Of men ignorant of future events. -- Ec 9:12.", "Of those ensnared by the wicked. -- Hab 1:14.", "(Good,) of saints. -- Mt 13:48,49.", "(Bad,) of mere professors. -- Mt 13:48,49."]} +{"term": "Flattery", "definitions": ["Saints should not used -- Job 32:21,22.", "Ministers should not use -- 1Th 2:5.", "The wicked use, to", "Others. -- Ps 5:9; 12:2.", "Themselves. -- Ps 36:2.", "Hypocrites use, to", "God. -- Ps 78:36.", "Those in authority. -- Da 11:34.", "False prophets and teachers use -- Eze 12:24; Ro 16:18.", "Wisdom, a preservative against -- Pr 4:5.", "Worldly advantage obtained by -- Da 11:21,22.", "Seldom gains respect -- Pr 28:23.", "Avoid those given to -- Pr 20:19.", "Danger of -- Pr 7:21-23; 20:5.", "Punishment of -- Job 17:5; Ps 12:3.", "Exemplified", "Woman of Tekoah. -- 2Sa 14:17,20.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:2-6.", "False prophets. -- 1Ki 22:13.", "Darius's courtiers. -- Da 6:7.", "Pharisees, & c. -- Mt 12:14.", "People of Tyre, & c. -- Ac 12:22."]} +{"term": "Flowers", "definitions": ["Wild in fields -- Ps 103:15.", "Cultivated in gardens -- Song 6:2,3.", "Described as", "Beautiful. -- Mt 6:29.", "Sweet. -- Song 5:13.", "Evanescent. -- Ps 103:16; Isa 40:8.", "Appear in spring. -- Song 2:12.", "Mentioned in scripture", "The lily. -- Ho 14:5; Mt 6:28.", "The lily of the valley. -- Song 2:1.", "The rose. -- Isa 35:1.", "The rose of Sharon. -- Song 2:1.", "Of the grass. -- 1Pe 1:24.", "Garlands of, used in worship of idols -- Ac 14:13.", "Representations of, on the", "Golden candlestick. -- Ex 25:31,33; 2Ch 4:21.", "Sea of brass. -- 1Ki 7:26; 2Ch 4:5.", "Wood work of the temple. -- 1Ki 6:18,29,33,35.", "Illustrative of", "The graces of Christ. -- Song 5:13.", "Shortness of man's life. -- Job 14:2; Ps 103:15.", "Kingdom of Israel. -- Isa 28:1.", "Glory of man. -- 1Pe 1:24.", "Rich men. -- Jas 1:10,11."]} +{"term": "Fools", "definitions": ["All men are, without the knowledge of God -- Tit 3:3.", "Deny God -- Ps 14:1; 53:1.", "Blaspheme God -- Ps 74:18.", "Reproach God -- Ps 74:22.", "Make a mock at sin -- Pr 14:9.", "Despise instruction -- Pr 1:7; 15:5.", "Hate knowledge -- Pr 1:22.", "Delight not in understanding -- Pr 18:2.", "Sport themselves in mischief -- Pr 10:23.", "Walk in darkness -- Ec 2:14.", "Hate to depart from evil -- Pr 13:19.", "Worship of, hateful to God -- Ec 5:1.", "Are", "Corrupt and abominable. -- Ps 14:1.", "Self-sufficient. -- Pr 12:15; Ro 1:22.", "Self-confident. -- Pr 14:16.", "Self-deceivers. -- Pr 14:8.", "Mere professors of religion. -- Mt 25:2-12.", "Full of words. -- Ec 10:14.", "Given to meddling. -- Pr 20:3.", "Slanderers. -- Pr 10:18.", "Liars. -- Pr 10:18.", "Slothful. -- Ec 4:5.", "Angry. -- Ec 7:9.", "Contentious. -- Pr 18:6.", "A grief to parents. -- Pr 17:25; 19:13.", "Come to shame -- Pr 3:35.", "Destroy themselves by their speech -- Pr 10:8,14; Ec 10:12.", "The company of, ruinous -- Pr 13:20.", "Lips of, a snare to the soul -- Pr 18:7.", "Cling to their folly -- Pr 26:11; 27:22.", "Worship idols -- Jer 10:8; Ro 1:22,23.", "Trust to their own hearts -- Pr 28:26.", "Depend upon their wealth -- Lu 12:20.", "Hear the gospel and obey it not -- Mt 7:26.", "The mouth of, pours out folly -- Pr 15:2.", "Honour is unbecoming for -- Pr 26:1,8.", "God has no pleasure in -- Ec 5:4.", "Shall not stand in the presence of God -- Ps 5:5.", "Avoid them -- Pr 9:6; 14:7.", "Exhorted to seek wisdom -- Pr 8:5.", "Punishment of -- Ps 107:17; Pr 19:29; 26:10.", "Exemplified", "Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:8.", "Israel. -- Jer 4:22.", "Pharisees. -- Mt 23:17,19."]} +{"term": "Forests", "definitions": ["Tracts of land covered with trees -- Isa 44:14.", "Underbrush often in -- Isa 9:18.", "Infested by wild beasts -- Ps 50:10; 104:20; Isa 56:9; Jer 5:6; Mic 5:8.", "Abounded with wild honey -- 1Sa 14:25,26.", "Often afforded pasture -- Mic 7:14.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Bashan. -- Isa 2:13; Eze 27:6; Zec 11:2.", "Hareth. -- 1Sa 22:5.", "Ephraim. -- 2Sa 18:6,8.", "Lebanon. -- 1Ki 7:2; 10:17.", "Carmel. -- 2Ki 19:23; Isa 37:24.", "Arabian. -- Isa 21:13.", "The south. -- Eze 20:46,47.", "The king's. -- Ne 2:8.", "Supplied timber for building -- 1Ki 5:6-8.", "Were places of refuge -- 1Sa 22:5; 23:16.", "Jotham built towers, & c, in -- 2Ch 27:4.", "The power of God extends over -- Ps 29:9.", "Called on to rejoice at God's mercy -- Isa 44:23.", "Often destroyed by enemies -- 2Ki 19:23; Isa 37:24; Jer 46:23.", "Illustrative", "Of the unfruitful world. -- Isa 32:19.", "(A fruitful field turned into,) of the Jews rejected by God. -- Isa 29:17; 32:15.", "(Destroyed by fire,) of destruction of the wicked. -- Isa 9:18; 10:17,18; Jer 21:14."]} +{"term": "Forgetting God", "definitions": ["A characteristic of the wicked -- Pr 2:17; Isa 65:11.", "Backsliders are guilty of -- Jer 3:21,22.", "Is forgetting his", "Covenant. -- De 4:23; 2Ki 17:38.", "Works. -- Ps 78:7,11; 106:13.", "Benefits. -- Ps 103:2; 106:7.", "Word. -- Heb 12:5; Jas 1:25.", "Law. -- Ps 119:153,176; Ho 4:6.", "Past deliverance. -- Jdj 8:34; Ps 78:42.", "Power to deliver. -- Isa 51:13-15.", "Encouraged by false teachers -- Jer 23:27.", "Prosperity often leads to -- De 8:12-14; Ho 13:6.", "Trials should not lead to -- Ps 44:17-20.", "Resolve against -- Ps 119:16,93.", "Cautions against -- De 6:12; 8:11.", "Exhortation to those guilty of -- Ps 50:22.", "Punishment of -- Job 8:12,13; Ps 9:17; Isa 17:10,11; Eze 23:35; Ho 8:14."]} +{"term": "Forgiveness of Injuries", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Lu 23:34.", "Commanded -- Mr 11:25; Ro 12:19.", "To be unlimited -- Mt 18:22; Lu 17:4.", "A characteristic of saints -- Ps 7:4.", "Motives to", "The mercy of God. -- Lu 6:36.", "Our need of forgiveness. -- Mr 11:25.", "God's forgiveness of us. -- Eph 4:32.", "Christ's forgiveness of us. -- Col 3:13.", "A glory to saints -- Pr 19:11.", "Should be accompanied by", "Forbearance. -- Col 3:13.", "Kindness. -- Ge 45:5-11; Ro 12:20.", "Blessing and prayer. -- Mt 5:44.", "Promises to -- Mt 6:14; Lu 6:37.", "No forgiveness without -- Mt 6:15; Jas 2:13.", "Illustrated -- Mt 18:23-35.", "Exemplified", "Joseph. -- Ge 50:20,21.", "David. -- 1Sa 24:7; 2Sa 18:5; 19:23.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 1:53.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:60.", "Paul. -- 2Ti 4:16."]} +{"term": "Forsaking God", "definitions": ["Idolaters guilty of -- 1Sa 8:8; 1Ki 11:33.", "The wicked guilty of -- De 28:20.", "Backsliders guilty of -- Jer 15:6.", "Is forsaking", "His house. -- 2Ch 29:6.", "His covenant. -- De 29:25; 1Ki 19:10; Jer 22:9; Da 11:30.", "His commandments. -- Ezr 9:10.", "The right way. -- 2Pe 2:15.", "Trusting in man is -- Jer 17:5.", "Leads men to follow their own devices -- Jer 2:13.", "Prosperity tempts to -- De 31:20; 32:15.", "Wickedness of -- Jer 2:13; 5:7.", "Unreasonableness and ingratitude of -- Jer 2:5,6.", "Brings confusion -- Jer 17:13.", "Followed by remorse -- Eze 6:9.", "Brings down his wrath -- Ezr 8:22.", "Provokes God to forsake men -- Jdj 10:13; 2Ch 15:2; 24:20,24.", "Resolve against -- Jos 24:16; Ne 10:29-39.", "Curse pronounced upon -- Jer 17:5.", "Sin of, to be confessed -- Ezr 9:10.", "Warnings against -- Jos 24:20; 1Ch 28:9.", "Punishment of -- De 28:20; 2Ki 22:16,17; Isa 1:28; Jer 1:16; 5:19.", "Exemplified", "Children of Israel. -- 1Sa 12:10.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:11.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 18:18.", "Amon. -- 2Ki 21:22.", "Kingdom of Judah. -- 2Ch 12:1,5; 21:10; Isa 1:4; Jer 15:6.", "Kingdom of Israel. -- 2Ch 13:11; 2Ki 17:7-18.", "Many disciples. -- Joh 6:66.", "Phygellus, & c. -- 2Ti 1:15.", "Balaam. -- 2Pe 2:15."]} +{"term": "Fortresses", "definitions": ["Places strong by nature -- Nu 24:21.", "Places fortified by art -- Jer 51:53.", "The security of a nation -- Isa 33:16; Da 11:10.", "Places used as", "Cities. -- Jdj 9:31; Ne 4:2.", "Strong-holds. -- Jdj 6:2; 2Ch 11:11.", "Forts. -- 2Sa 5:9; Isa 25:12.", "Strong towers. -- 2Ch 26:9.", "Afforded protection in danger -- Jdj 6:2.", "Defended against enemies -- Na 2:1.", "Often", "Entered by the enemy. -- Da 11:7.", "Spoiled. -- Ho 10:14.", "Levelled. -- Isa 25:12.", "Deserted, & c. -- Isa 34:13.", "Destruction of, threatened. -- Isa 17:3.", "Illustrative of", "God's protection. -- Ps 18:2; Jer 16:19.", "Christ, the defence of saints. -- Isa 33:16.", "Protection afforded to ministers. -- Jer 6:27."]} +{"term": "Foundation", "definitions": ["The lowest part of a building, and on which it rests -- Lu 14:29; Ac 16:26.", "Figuratively applied to", "The heavens. -- 2Sa 22:8.", "The earth. -- Job 38:4; Ps 104:5.", "The world. -- Ps 18:15; Mt 13:35.", "The mountains. -- De 32:22.", "The ocean. -- Ps 104:8.", "Kingdoms. -- Ex 9:18.", "Laid for", "Cities. -- Jos 6:26; 1Ki 16:34.", "Walls. -- Ezr 4:12; Re 21:14.", "Houses. -- Lu 6:48.", "Temples. -- 1Ki 6:37; Ezr 3:10.", "Towers. -- Lu 14:28,29.", "Described as", "Of stone. -- 1Ki 5:17.", "Deep laid. -- Lu 6:48.", "Strongly laid. -- Ezr 6:3.", "Joined together by corner stones. -- Ezr 4:12; 1Pe 2:6; Eph 2:20.", "Security afforded by -- Mt 7:25; Lu 6:48.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Isa 28:16; 1Co 3:11.", "Doctrines of the apostles, & c. -- Eph 2:20.", "First principles of the gospel. -- Heb 6:1,2.", "Decrees and purposes of God. -- 2Ti 2:19.", "Magistrates. -- Ps 82:5.", "The righteous. -- Pr 10:25.", "Hope of saints. -- Ps 87:1.", "Security of saints' inheritance. -- Heb 11:10."]} +{"term": "Fountains and Springs", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ps 74:15; 104:10.", "God to be praised for -- Re 14:7.", "Come from the great deep -- Ge 7:11; Job 38:16.", "Found in hills and valleys -- De 8:7; Ps 104:10.", "Send forth each but one kind of water -- Jas 3:11.", "Afford", "Drink to the beasts. -- Ps 104:11.", "Refreshment to the birds. -- Ps 104:12.", "Fruitfulness to the earth. -- 1Ki 18:5; Joe 3:18.", "Frequented by travellers -- Ge 16:7.", "Abound in Canaan -- De 8:7; 1Ki 18:5.", "Sometimes dried up -- Isa 58:11.", "Drying up of, a severe punishment -- Ps 107:33,34; Ho 13:15.", "Constantly flowing", "Especially esteemed. -- Isa 58:11.", "Could not be ceremonially defiled. -- Le 11:36.", "Sometimes stopped or turned off to distress enemies -- 2Ch 32:3,4.", "Mentioned in scripture", "In the way to Shur. -- Ge 16:7.", "Of the waters of Nephtoah. -- Jos 15:9.", "Of Jezreel. -- 1Sa 29:1.", "Of Pisgah. -- De 4:49.", "Upper and nether springs. -- Jos 15:19; Jdj 1:15.", "Illustrative", "Of God. -- Ps 36:9; Jer 2:13; 17:13.", "Of Christ. -- Zec 13:1.", "Of the Holy Spirit. -- Joh 7:38,39.", "Of constant supplies of grace. -- Ps 87:7.", "Of eternal life. -- Joh 4:14; Re 21:6.", "Of the means of grace. -- Isa 41:18; Joe 3:18.", "Of a good wife. -- Pr 5:18.", "Of a numerous posterity. -- De 33:28.", "Of spiritual wisdom. -- Pr 16:22; 18:4.", "Of the law of the wise. -- Pr 13:14.", "Of godly fear. -- Pr 14:27.", "(Sealed up,) of the church. -- Song 4:12.", "(Not failing,) of the church. -- Isa 58:11.", "(Always flowing,) of unceasing wickedness of the Jews. -- Jer 6:7.", "(Corrupt,) of the natural heart. -- Jas 3:11; Mt 15:18,19.", "(Troubled,) of saints led astray. -- Pr 25:26."]} +{"term": "Fox, The", "definitions": ["Found in deserts -- Eze 13:4.", "Abounded in Palestine -- Jdj 15:4; La 5:18.", "Described as", "Active. -- Ne 4:3.", "Crafty. -- Lu 13:32.", "Carnivorous. -- Ps 63:10.", "Destructive to vines -- Song 2:15.", "Dwells in holes -- Mt 8:20; Lu 9:58.", "Illustrative of", "False prophets. -- Eze 13:4.", "Cunning and deceitful persons. -- Lu 13:32.", "Enemies of the church. -- Song 2:15.", "Used by Samson for annoying the Philistines. -- Jdj 15:4-6."]} +{"term": "Fruits", "definitions": ["The produce of corn, & c -- De 22:9; Ps 107:37.", "The produce of trees -- Ge 1:29; Ec 2:5.", "Called the", "Fruit of the ground. -- Ge 4:3; Jer 7:20.", "Fruit of the earth. -- Isa 4:2.", "Increase of the land. -- Ps 85:12.", "Given by God -- Ac 14:17.", "Preserved to us by God -- Mal 3:11.", "Require", "A fruitful land. -- Ps 107:31.", "Rain from heaven. -- Ps 104:13; Jas 5:18.", "Influence of the sun and moon. -- De 33:14.", "Produced in their due seasons -- Mt 21:41.", "First of, devoted to God -- De 26:2.", "Divided into", "Hasty or precocious. -- Isa 28:4.", "Summer fruits. -- 2Sa 16:1.", "New and old. -- Song 7:13.", "Goodly. -- Jer 11:16.", "Pleasant. -- Song 4:16.", "Precious. -- De 33:14.", "Evil or bad. -- Mt 7:17.", "To be waited for with patience -- Jas 5:7.", "Often sent as presents -- Ge 43:11.", "Often destroyed", "In God's anger. -- Jer 7:20.", "By blight. -- Joe 1:12.", "By locusts, & c. -- De 28:38,39; Joe 1:4.", "By enemies. -- Eze 25:4.", "By drought. -- Hag 1:10.", "Illustrative", "Of effects of repentance. -- Mt 3:8.", "Of works of the Spirit. -- Ga 5:22,23; Eph 5:9.", "Of doctrines of Christ. -- Song 2:3.", "Of good works. -- Mt 7:17,18; Php 4:17.", "Of a holy conversation. -- Pr 12:14; 18:20.", "Of praise. -- Heb 13:15.", "Of the example, & c of the godly. -- Pr 11:30.", "Of effects of industry. -- Pr 31:16,31.", "Of the reward of saints. -- Isa 3:10.", "Of the reward of the wicked. -- Jer 17:9,10.", "Of converts to the church. -- Ps 72:16; Joh 4:36.", "(Bad,) of the conduct and conversation of evil men. -- Mt 12:33."]} +{"term": "Gad, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's seventh son -- Ge 30:11.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:19; De 33:20,21.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:14.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:15.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:24,25.", "The rear of second division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:18-20.", "Encamped south of the tabernacle under the standard of Reuben -- Nu 2:10,14.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:42-47.", "Families of -- Nu 26:15-17.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:18.", "On Ebal, said amen to the curse -- De 27:13.", "Sought and obtained its inheritance east of Jordan -- Nu 32:1-33.", "Bounds of its inheritance -- Jos 13:24-28.", "Cities built by -- Nu 32:34-36.", "Assisted in conquest of Canaan -- Jos 4:12,13.", "After the conquest, returned home -- Jos 22:9.", "Assisted in building the altar of witness which excited the jealousy of Israel -- Jos 22:10-29.", "Many from other tribes sought refuge with, from the Philistines -- 1Sa 13:7.", "Eleven of, swam the Jordan, and joined David in the hold -- 1Ch 12:8-15.", "Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:37,38.", "David appointed rulers over -- 1Ch 26:32.", "Spoiled the Hagarites -- 1Ch 5:18-22.", "Subdued by Hazael king of Syria -- 2Ki 10:33.", "Taken captive to Assyria -- 2Ki 15:29; 1Ch 5:22,26.", "Land of, seized by the Moabites and Ammonites -- Jer 48:18-24; 49:1."]} +{"term": "Galilee", "definitions": ["Separated from Judea by Samaria -- Joh 4:3,4.", "Upper part of, called Galilee of the Gentiles -- Isa 9:1; Mt 4:15.", "Lake of Gennesaret, called the sea of -- Mt 15:29; Lu 5:1.", "Kadesh the city of refuge for -- Jos 21:32.", "Inhabitants of", "Called Galilaeans. -- Ac 2:7.", "Used a peculiar dialect. -- Mt 26:73; Mr 14:70.", "Despised by the Jews. -- Joh 7:41,52.", "Opposed the Roman taxation. -- Ac 5:37.", "Cruelly treated by Pilate. -- Lu 13:1.", "Twenty cities of, given to Hiram -- 1Ki 9:11.", "Conquered by the Syrians -- 1Ki 15:20.", "Conquered by the Assyrians -- 2Ki 15:29.", "Jurisdiction of, granted to Herod by the Romans -- Lu 3:1; 23:6,7.", "Supplied Tyre, &c with provisions -- Ac 12:20.", "Christ", "Brought up in. -- Mt 2:22; Lu 2:39,51.", "Despised as of. -- Mt 26:69; Joh 7:52.", "Chose his Apostles from. -- Mt 4:18,21; Joh 1:43,44; Ac 1:11.", "Preaching in, predicted. -- Isa 9:1,2; Mt 4:14,15.", "Preached throughout. -- Mr 1:39; Lu 4:44.", "Commenced, and wrought many miracles in. -- Mt 4:23,24; 15:29-31.", "Kindly received in. -- Joh 4:45.", "Followed by the people of. -- Mt 4:25.", "Ministered to by women of. -- Mt 27:55; Mr 15:41; Lu 8:3.", "Sought refuge in. -- Joh 4:1,3.", "Appeared in, to his disciples after his resurrection. -- Mt 26:32; 28:7.", "Modern towns of", "Accho or Ptolemais. -- Jdj 1:31.", "Tiberias. -- Joh 6:23.", "Nazareth. -- Mt 2:22,23; Lu 1:26.", "Cana. -- Joh 2:1; 21:2.", "Capernaum. -- Mt 4:13.", "Chorazin. -- Mt 11:21.", "Bethsaida. -- Mr 6:45; Joh 1:44.", "Nain. -- Lu 7:11.", "Caesarea. -- Ac 9:30; 10:24.", "Caesarea Philippi. -- Mt 16:13; Mr 8:27.", "Christian churches established in -- Ac 9:31."]} +{"term": "Gardens", "definitions": ["Often made by the banks of rivers -- Nu 24:6.", "Kinds of, mentioned in scripture", "Herbs. -- De 11:10; 1Ki 21:2.", "Cucumbers. -- Isa 1:8.", "Fruit trees. -- Ec 2:5,6.", "Spices, &c. -- Song 4:16; 6:2.", "Often enclosed -- Song 4:12.", "Often refreshed by fountains -- Song 4:15.", "Taken care of by gardeners -- Joh 20:15.", "Lodges erected in -- Isa 1:8.", "Often used for", "Entertainments. -- Song 5:1.", "Retirement. -- Joh 18:1.", "Burial places. -- 2Ki 21:18,26; Joh 19:41.", "Idolatrous worship. -- Isa 1:29; 65:3.", "Blasting of, a punishment -- Am 4:9.", "Jews ordered to plant, in Babylon -- Jer 29:5,28.", "Of eden", "Planted by the Lord. -- Ge 2:8.", "Called the garden of the Lord. -- Ge 13:10.", "Called the garden of God. -- Eze 28:13.", "Had every tree good for food. -- Ge 2:9.", "Watered by a river. -- Ge 2:10-14.", "Man placed in, to dress and keep. -- Ge 2:8,15.", "Man driven from, after the fall. -- Ge 3:23,24.", "Fertility of Canaan like. -- Ge 13:10; Joe 2:3.", "The future state of the Jews shall be like. -- Isa 51:3; Eze 36:35.", "Illustrative", "Of the church. -- Song 5:1; 6:2,11.", "(Enclosed,) of the pleasantness, fruitfulness, and security of the church. -- Song 4:12.", "(Well watered,) of spiritual prosperity of the church. -- Isa 58:11; Jer 31:12.", "(When dried up,) of the wicked. -- Isa 1:30."]} +{"term": "Garments", "definitions": ["Origin of -- Ge 3:7,21.", "Called", "Raiment. -- Ge 28:20; De 8:4.", "Clothes. -- Pr 6:27; Eze 16:39.", "Clothing. -- Job 22:6; 31:19.", "Vesture. -- Ge 41:42; Re 19:16.", "Materials used for", "Wool. -- Pr 27:26; Eze 34:3.", "Silk. -- Pr 31:22.", "Linen. -- Le 6:10; Es 8:15.", "Camel's hair. -- Mt 3:4.", "Skins. -- Heb 11:37.", "Sackcloth. -- 2Sa 3:31; 2Ki 19:1.", "Not to be made of mixed materials -- De 22:11.", "Of the sexes, not to be interchanged -- De 22:5.", "Colours of, mentioned", "White. -- Ec 9:8.", "Blue. -- Eze 23:6.", "Purple. -- Eze 7:27; Lu 16:19.", "Scarlet. -- 2Sa 1:24; Da 5:7.", "Different colours. -- Ge 37:3; 2Sa 13:18.", "Were often fringed and bordered -- Nu 15:38; De 22:12.", "Scribes and Pharisees condemned for making broad the borders of -- Mt 23:5.", "Worn long and flowing -- Lu 20:46; Re 1:13.", "Girt up during employment -- Lu 17:8; Joh 13:4.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Hyke or upper garment. -- De 24:13; Mt 21:8.", "Burnouse or cloak. -- Lu 6:29; 2Ti 4:13.", "Tunic or coat. -- Joh 19:23; 21:7.", "Girdle. -- 1Sa 18:4; Ac 21:11.", "Bonnet or hat. -- Le 8:13; Da 3:21.", "Shoe or sandal. -- Ex 3:5; Mr 6:9.", "Vail. -- Ge 24:65.", "Liable to plague and leprosy -- Le 13:47-59.", "Cleansed by water from ceremonial uncleanness -- Le 11:32; Nu 31:20.", "Of the rich", "Of the finest materials. -- Mt 11:8.", "Gay. -- Jas 2:23.", "Gorgeous. -- Lu 7:25; Ac 12:21.", "Embroidered. -- Ps 45:14; Eze 16:18.", "Perfumed. -- Ps 45:8; Song 4:11.", "Multiplied and heaped up. -- Job 27:17; Isa 3:22.", "Often moth-eaten. -- Job 13:28; Jas 5:2.", "Of the poor", "Provided specially by God. -- De 10:18.", "Vile. -- Jas 2:2.", "Used as a covering by night. -- De 24:13.", "Not to be retained in pledge. -- De 24:12,13.", "Grew old and wore out -- Jos 9:5; Ps 102:26.", "Of Israel preserved for forty years -- De 8:4.", "Were often changed -- Ge 35:2; 41:14.", "Of those slain with a sword not used -- Isa 14:19.", "Given as a token of covenants -- 1Sa 18:4.", "Given as presents -- Ge 45:22; 2Ki 5:22.", "Often rent in affliction -- 2Sa 15:32; Ezr 9:3,5.", "Illustrative", "(White,) of righteousness. -- Mt 28:3; Re 3:18.", "(Rolled in blood,) of victory. -- Isa 9:5.", "(Washed in wine,) of abundance. -- Ge 49:11."]} +{"term": "Gates", "definitions": ["Design of -- Isa 62:10.", "Made of", "Brass. -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.", "Iron. -- Ac 12:10.", "Often two-leaved -- Isa 45:1.", "Fastened with bars of iron -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.", "Made to", "Cities. -- 1Ki 17:10.", "Houses. -- Lu 16:20; Ac 12:14.", "Temples. -- Ac 3:2.", "Palaces. -- Es 5:13.", "Prisons. -- Ac 12:10.", "Camps. -- Ex 32:26.", "Rivers. -- Na 2:6.", "Of cities", "Chief places of concourse. -- Pr 1:21.", "Courts of justice held at. -- De 16:18; 2Sa 15:2; Pr 22:22,23.", "Land sold at. -- Ge 23:10,16.", "Land redeemed at. -- 2Ki 7:1,18.", "Markets held at. -- 2Ki 7:1,18.", "Proclamations made at. -- Pr 1:21; Jer 17:19.", "Councils of state held at. -- 2Ch 18:9; Jer 39:3.", "Conferences held at. -- Ge 34:20; 2Sa 3:27.", "Public commendation given at. -- Pr 31:23,31.", "Public censure passed at. -- Job 5:4; Isa 29:21.", "Shut at night-fall. -- Jos 2:5; Ne 13:19.", "Chief points of attack in war. -- Jdj 5:8; Isa 22:7; Eze 21:15.", "Battering rams used against. -- Eze 21:22.", "Experienced officers placed over. -- 2Ki 7:17.", "Troops reviewed at, going to war. -- 2Sa 18:4.", "Often razed and burned. -- Ne 1:3; La 2:9.", "Idolatrous rites performed at. -- Ac 14:13.", "Criminals punished at. -- De 17:5; Jer 20:2.", "Custom of sitting at, in the evening, alluded to. -- Ge 19:1.", "Of the temple", "Called gates of Zion. -- La 1:4.", "Called gates of righteousness. -- Ps 118:19.", "Called gates of the Lord. -- Ps 118:20.", "Overlaid with gold. -- 2Ki 18:16.", "One specially beautiful. -- Ac 3:2.", "Levites the porters of. -- 2Ch 8:14; 23:4.", "Charge of, given by lot. -- 1Ch 26:13-19.", "The treasury placed at. -- 2Ch 24:8; Mr 12:41.", "The pious Israelites delighted to enter. -- Ps 118:19,20; 100:4.", "Frequented by beggars. -- Ac 3:2.", "Of Jerusalem", "High gate of Benjamin. -- Jer 20:2; 37:13.", "Fish gate. -- 2Ch 33:14; Ne 3:3.", "Sheep gate. -- Ne 3:1; Joh 5:2.", "Gate of Miphkad. -- Ne 3:31.", "Gate of Ephraim. -- Ne 12:39.", "Valley gate. -- 2Ch 26:9; Ne 2:13.", "Water gate. -- Ne 3:26; 8:3.", "Horse gate. -- 2Ch 23:15; Ne 3:28.", "Old gate. -- Ne 3:6; 12:39.", "Corner gate. -- 2Ch 26:9.", "Dung gate. -- Ne 3:14; 12:31.", "Gate of the fountain. -- Ne 3:15.", "Carcase of sin-offering burned without -- Le 4:12; Heb 13:11-13.", "Criminals generally punished without -- Le 24:23; Joh 19:17; Heb 13:12.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Joh 10:9.", "(Of heaven,) of access to God. -- Ge 28:12-17.", "(Of hell,) of Satan's power. -- Mt 16:18.", "(Of the grave,) of death. -- Isa 38:10.", "(Strait,) of the entrance to life. -- Mt 7:14.", "(Wide,) of the entrance to ruin. -- Mt 7:13."]} +{"term": "Genealogies", "definitions": ["The Jews reckoned by -- 1Ch 9:1; 2Ch 31:19.", "Public registers kept of -- 2Ch 12:15; Ne 7:5.", "Of Christ", "Given. -- Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38.", "Prove his descent from Judah. -- Heb 7:14.", "Priests who could not prove their own, excluded from the priesthood -- Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64.", "Subject of, to be avoided -- 1Ti 1:4; Tit 3:9.", "Illustrative of the record of saints in the book of life -- Lu 10:20; Heb 12:23; Re 3:5."]} +{"term": "Gentiles", "definitions": ["Comprehend all nations except the Jews -- Ro 2:9; 3:9; 9:24.", "Called", "Heathen. -- Ps 2:1; Ga 3:8.", "Nations. -- Ps 9:20; 22:28; Isa 9:1.", "Uncircumcised. -- Isa 14:6; 52:1.", "Uncircumcision. -- Ro 2:26.", "Greeks. -- Ro 1:16; 10:12.", "Strangers. -- Isa 14:1; 60:10.", "Ruled by God -- 2Ch 20:6; Ps 47:8.", "Chastised by God -- Ps 9:5; 94:10.", "Counsel of, brought to nought -- Ps 33:10.", "Characterised as", "Ignorant of God. -- Ro 1:21; 1Th 4:5.", "Refusing to know God. -- Ro 1:28.", "Without the law. -- Ro 2:14.", "Idolatrous. -- Ro 1:23,25; 1Co 12:2.", "Superstitious. -- De 18:14.", "Depraved and wicked. -- Ro 1:28-32; Eph 4:19.", "Blasphemous and reproachful. -- Ne 5:9.", "Constant to their false gods. -- Jer 2:11.", "Hated and despised the Jews -- Es 9:1,5; Ps 44:13,14; 123:3.", "Often ravaged and defiled the holy land and sanctuary -- Ps 79:1; La 1:10.", "The Jews", "Not to follow the ways of. -- Le 18:3; Jer 10:2.", "Not to intermarry with. -- De 7:3.", "Permitted to have, as servants. -- Le 25:44.", "Despised, as if dogs. -- Mt 15:26.", "Never associated with. -- Ac 10:28; 11:2,3.", "Often corrupted by. -- 2Ki 17:7,8.", "Dispersed amongst. -- Joh 7:35.", "Excluded from Israel's privileges -- Eph 2:11,12.", "Not allowed to enter the temple -- Ac 21:28,29.", "Outer court of temple for -- Eph 2:14; Re 11:2.", "Given to Christ as His inheritance -- Ps 2:8.", "Christ given as a light to -- Isa 42:6; Lu 2:32.", "Conversion of, predicted -- Isa 2:2; 11:10.", "United with the Jews against Christ -- Ac 4:27.", "The gospel not to be preached to, till preached to the Jews -- Mt 10:5; Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46.", "First special introduction of the gospel to -- Ac 10:34-45; 15:14.", "First general introduction of the gospel to -- Ac 13:48,49,52; 15:12.", "Paul the apostle of -- Ac 9:15; Ga 2:7,8.", "Jerusalem trodden down by, &c -- Lu 21:24.", "Israel rejected till the fulness of -- Ro 11:25."]} +{"term": "Gibeonites", "definitions": ["Descended from the Hivites and Amorites -- Jos 9:3,7; 2Sa 21:2.", "A mighty and warlike people -- Jos 10:2.", "Cities of -- Jos 9:17.", "Israel", "Deceived by. -- Jos 9:4-13.", "Made a league with. -- Jos 9:15.", "Spared on account of their oath. -- Jos 9:18,19.", "Appointed, hewers of wood, &c. -- Jos 9:20-27.", "Attacked by the kings of Canaan -- Jos 10:1-5.", "Delivered by Israel -- Jos 10:6-10.", "Saul sought to destroy -- 2Sa 21:2.", "Israel plagued for Saul's cruelty to -- 2Sa 21:1.", "Effected the destruction of the remnant of Saul's house -- 2Sa 21:4-9.", "The office of the Nethinim probably originated in -- 1Ch 9:2.", "Part of, returned from the captivity -- Ne 7:25."]} +{"term": "Gift of the Holy Spirit, The", "definitions": ["By the Father -- Ne 9:20; Lu 11:13.", "By the Son -- Joh 20:22.", "To Christ without measure -- Joh 3:34.", "Given", "According to promise. -- Ac 2:38,39.", "Upon the exaltation. -- Ps 68:18; Joh 7:39.", "Through the intercession of Christ. -- Joh 14:16.", "In answer to prayer. -- Lu 11:13; Eph 1:16,17.", "For instruction. -- Ne 9:20.", "For comfort of saints. -- Joh 14:16.", "To those who repent and believe. -- Ac 2:38.", "To those who obey God. -- Ac 5:32.", "To the Gentiles. -- Ac 10:44,45; 11:17; 15:8.", "Is abundant -- Ps 68:9; Joh 7:38,39.", "Is permanent -- Isa 59:21; Hag 2:5; 1Pe 4:14.", "Is fruit bearing -- Isa 32:15.", "Received through faith -- Ga 3:14.", "An evidence of union with Christ -- 1Jo 3:24; 4:13.", "An earnest of the inheritance of the saints -- 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Eph 1:14.", "A pledge of the continued favour of God -- Eze 39:29."]} +{"term": "Gifts of God, The", "definitions": ["All blessings are -- Jas 1:17; 2Pe 1:3.", "Are dispensed according to his will -- Ec 2:26; Da 2:21; Ro 12:6; 1Co 7:7.", "Are free and abundant -- Nu 14:8; Ro 8:32.", "Spiritual", "Christ the chief of. -- Isa 42:6; 55:4; Joh 3:16; 4:10; 6:32,33.", "Are through Christ. -- Ps 68:18; Eph 4:7,8; Joh 6:27.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Lu 11:13; Ac 8:20.", "Grace. -- Ps 84:11; Jas 4:6.", "Wisdom. -- Pr 2:6; Jas 1:5.", "Repentance. -- Ac 11:18.", "Faith. -- Eph 2:8; Php 1:29.", "Righteousness. -- Ro 5:16,17.", "Strength and power. -- Ps 68:35.", "A new heart. -- Eze 11:19.", "Peace. -- Ps 29:11.", "Rest. -- Mt 11:28; 2Th 1:7.", "Glory. -- Ps 84:11; Joh 17:22.", "Eternal life. -- Ro 6:23.", "Not repented of by him. -- Ro 11:29.", "To be used for mutual profit. -- 1Pe 4:10.", "Pray for. -- Mt 7:7,11; Joh 16:23,24.", "Acknowledge -- Ps 4:7; 21:2.", "Temporal", "Life. -- Isa 42:5.", "Food and raiment. -- Mt 6:25-33.", "Rain and fruitful seasons. -- Ge 27:28; Le 26:4,5; Isa 30:23.", "Wisdom. -- 2Ch 1:12.", "Peace. -- Le 26:6; 1Ch 22:9.", "All good things. -- Ps 34:10; 1Ti 6:17.", "To be used and enjoyed. -- Ec 3:13; 5:19,20; 1Ti 4:4,5.", "Should cause us to remember God. -- De 8:18.", "All creatures partake of. -- Ps 136:25; 145:15,16.", "Pray for. -- Zec 10:1; Mt 6:11.", "Illustrated -- Mt 25:15-30."]} +{"term": "Girdles", "definitions": ["Worn upon the loins -- 1Ki 2:5; Jer 13:1,11.", "Worn by priests about the breasts -- Re 1:13.", "Made of", "Fine linen. -- Eze 16:10.", "Twined linen with blue purple, &c. -- Ex 39:29.", "Gold. -- Re 1:13; 15:6.", "Leather. -- 2Ki 1:8; Mt 3:4.", "Sackcloth. -- Isa 3:24; La 2:10.", "Made for sale by industrious women -- Pr 31:24.", "Used for", "Strengthening the loins. -- Pr 31:17; Isa 22:21; 23:10.", "Girding up the garments when walking. -- 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 4:29.", "Girding up the garments when working. -- Lu 12:37; 17:8; Joh 13:4.", "Suspending the sword. -- 2Sa 20:8; Ne 4:18.", "Suspending the inkhorn. -- Eze 9:2.", "Holding money. -- Mt 10:9; Mr 6:8.", "Taken off when at rest. -- Isa 5:27; Joh 13:4.", "Given as", "A token of friendship. -- 1Sa 18:4.", "A reward of military service. -- 2Sa 18:11.", "Illustrative of", "Strength. -- Ps 18:39; Isa 22:21.", "Gladness. -- Ps 30:11.", "Righteousness of Christ. -- Isa 11:5.", "Faithfulness of Christ. -- Isa 11:5.", "Truth. -- Eph 6:14."]} +{"term": "Glorifying God", "definitions": ["Commanded -- 1Ch 16:28; Ps 22:23; Isa 42:12.", "Due to him -- 1Ch 16:29.", "For his", "Holiness. -- Ps 99:9; Re 15:4.", "Mercy and truth. -- Ps 115:1; Ro 15:9.", "Faithfulness and truth. -- Isa 25:1.", "Wondrous works. -- Mt 15:31; Ac 4:21.", "Judgments. -- Isa 25:3; Eze 28:22; Re 14:7.", "Deliverance. -- Ps 50:15.", "Grace to others. -- Ac 11:18; 2Co 9:13; Ga 1:24.", "Obligation of saints to -- 1Co 6:20.", "Is acceptable through Christ -- Php 1:11; 1Pe 4:11.", "Christ, an example of -- Joh 17:4.", "Accomplished by", "Relying on his promises. -- Ro 4:20.", "Praising him. -- Ps 50:23.", "Doing all to him. -- 1Co 10:31.", "Dying for him. -- Joh 21:19.", "Confessing Christ. -- Php 2:11.", "Suffering for Christ. -- 1Pe 4:14,16.", "Glorifying Christ. -- Ac 19:17; 2Th 1:12.", "Bringing forth fruits of righteousness. -- Joh 15:8; Php 1:11.", "Patience in affliction. -- Isa 24:15.", "Faithfulness. -- 1Pe 4:11.", "Required in body and spirit -- 1Co 6:20.", "Shall be universal -- Ps 86:9; Re 5:13.", "Saints should", "Resolve on. -- Ps 69:30; 118:28.", "Unite in. -- Ps 34:3; Ro 15:6.", "Persevere in. -- Ps 86:12.", "All the blessings of God are designed to lead to -- Isa 60:21; 61:3.", "The holy example of saints may lead others to -- Mt 5:16; 1Pe 2:12.", "All, by nature, fail in -- Ro 3:23.", "The wicked averse to -- Da 5:23; Ro 1:21.", "Punishment for not -- Da 5:23,30; Mal 2:2; Ac 12:23; Ro 1:21.", "Heavenly host engaged in -- Re 4:11.", "Exemplified", "David. -- Ps 57:5.", "The Multitude. -- Mt 9:8; 15:31.", "The Virgin Mary. -- Lu 1:46.", "Angels. -- Lu 2:14.", "Shepherds. -- Lu 2:20.", "Man sick of the palsy. -- Lu 5:25.", "Woman with infirmity. -- Lu 13:13.", "Leper. -- Lu 17:15.", "Blind man. -- Lu 18:43.", "Centurion. -- Lu 23:47.", "The Church at Jerusalem. -- Ac 11:18.", "Gentiles at Antioch. -- Ac 13:48.", "Abraham. -- Ro 4:20.", "Paul. -- Ro 11:36."]} +{"term": "Glory", "definitions": ["God is, to his people -- Ps 3:3; Zec 2:5.", "Christ is, to his people -- Isa 60:1; Lu 2:32.", "The gospel ordained to be, to saints -- 1Co 2:7.", "Of the gospel, exceeds that of the law -- 2Co 3:9,10.", "The joy of saints is full of -- 1Pe 1:8.", "Spiritual", "Is given by God. -- Ps 84:11.", "Is given by Christ. -- Joh 17:22.", "Christ. -- Joh 17:22.", "Is the work of the Holy Spirit. -- 2Co 3:18.", "Eternal", "Procured by the death of Christ. -- Heb 2:10.", "Accompanies salvation by Christ. -- 2Ti 2:10.", "Inherited by saints. -- 1Sa 2:8; Ps 73:24; Pr 3:35; Col 3:4; 1Pe 5:10.", "Saints called to. -- 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10.", "Saints afore prepared to. -- Ro 9:23.", "Enhanced by present afflictions. -- 2Co 4:17.", "Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with. -- Ro 8:18.", "Of the Church shall be rich and abundant -- Isa 60:11-13.", "The bodies of saints shall be raised in -- 1Co 15:43; Php 3:21.", "Saints shall be, of their ministers -- 1Th 2:19,20.", "Temporal", "Is given by God. -- Da 2:37.", "Passes away. -- 1Pe 1:24.", "The devil tries to seduce by. -- Mt 4:8.", "Of hypocrites turned to shame -- Ho 4:7.", "Seek not, from man -- Mt 6:2; 1Th 2:6.", "Of the wicked", "Is in their shame. -- Php 3:19.", "Ends in destruction. -- Isa 5:14."]} +{"term": "Glory of God, The", "definitions": ["Exhibited in Christ -- Joh 1:14; 2Co 4:6; Heb 1:3.", "Exhibited in", "His name. -- De 28:58; Ne 9:5.", "His majesty. -- Job 37:22; Ps 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; Isa 2:10.", "His power. -- Ex 15:1,6; Ro 6:4.", "His works. -- Ps 19:1; 111:3.", "His holiness. -- Ex 15:11.", "Described as", "Great. -- Ps 138:5.", "Eternal. -- Ps 104:31.", "Rich. -- Eph 3:16.", "Highly exalted. -- Ps 8:1; 113:4.", "Exhibited to", "Moses. -- Ex 34:5-7; 33:18-23.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:55.", "His Church. -- De 5:24; Ps 102:16.", "Enlightens the Church -- Isa 60:1,2; Re 21:11,23.", "Saints desire to behold -- Ps 63:2; 90:16.", "God is jealous -- Isa 42:8.", "Reverence -- Isa 59:19.", "Plead in prayer -- Ps 79:9.", "Declare -- 1Ch 16:24; Ps 145:5,11.", "Magnify -- Ps 57:5.", "The earth is full of -- Isa 6:3.", "The knowledge of, shall fill the earth -- Hab 2:14."]} +{"term": "Gluttony", "definitions": ["Christ was falsely accused of -- Mt 11:19.", "The wicked addicted to -- Php 3:19; Jude 1:12.", "Leads to", "Carnal security. -- Isa 22:13; 1Co 15:32; Lu 12:19.", "Poverty. -- Pr 23:21.", "Of princes, ruinous to their people -- Ec 10:16,17.", "Is inconsistent in saints -- 1Pe 4:3.", "Caution against -- Pr 23:2,3; Lu 21:34; Ro 13:13,14.", "Pray against temptations to -- Ps 141:4.", "Punishment of -- Nu 11:33,34; Ps 78:31; De 21:21; Am 6:4,7.", "Danger of, illustrated -- Lu 12:45,46.", "Exemplified", "Esau. -- Ge 25:30-34; Heb 12:16,17.", "Israel. -- Nu 11:4; Ps 78:18.", "Sons of Eli. -- 1Sa 2:12-17.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:1."]} +{"term": "Goat, The", "definitions": ["Clean and fit for food -- De 14:4,5.", "Offered in sacrifice -- Ge 15:9; Le 16:5,7.", "The male, best for sacrifice -- Le 22:19; Ps 50:9.", "First-born of, not redeemed -- Nu 18:17.", "Jews had large flocks of -- Ge 32:14; 1Sa 25:2.", "Most profitable to the owner -- Pr 27:26.", "Milk of, used as food -- Pr 27:27.", "The young of", "Called kids. -- Ge 37:31.", "Kept in small flocks. -- 1Ki 20:27.", "Fed near the shepherds' tents. -- Song 1:8.", "Not to be seethed in milk of mother. -- Ex 23:19.", "Offered in sacrifice. -- Le 4:23; 5:6.", "Offered at the passover. -- Ex 12:5; 2Ch 35:7.", "Considered a delicacy. -- Ge 27:9; Jdj 6:19.", "Given as a present. -- Ge 38:17; Jdj 15:1.", "The hair of", "Offered for tabernacle. -- Ex 25:4; 35:23.", "Made into curtains, for covering the tabernacle. -- Ex 35:26; 36:14-18.", "Made into pillows. -- 1Sa 19:13.", "Skin of, often used as clothing -- Heb 11:37.", "Bashan celebrated for -- De 32:14.", "The Arabians traded in -- Eze 27:21.", "Flocks of, always led by a male -- Jer 50:8.", "When wild dwelt in the hills and rocks -- 1Sa 24:2; Job 39:1; Ps 104:18.", "Illustrative", "Of Macedonian empire. -- Da 8:5,21.", "Of the wicked. -- Zec 10:3; Mt 25:32,33.", "(Flock of,) of the church. -- Song 4:1."]} +{"term": "God", "definitions": ["Is a spirit -- Joh 4:24; 2Co 3:17.", "Is declared to be", "Light. -- Isa 60:19; Jas 1:17; 1Jo 1:5.", "Love. -- 1Jo 4:8,16.", "Invisible. -- Job 23:8,9; Joh 1:18; 5:37; Col 1:15; 1Ti 1:17.", "Unsearchable. -- Job 11:7; 37:23; Ps 145:3; Isa 40:28; Ro 11:33.", "Incorruptible. -- Ro 1:23.", "Eternal. -- De 33:27; Ps 90:2; Re 4:8-10.", "Immortal. -- 1Ti 1:17; 6:16.", "Omnipotent. -- Ge 17:1; Ex 6:3.", "Omniscient. -- Ps 139:1-6; Pr 5:21.", "Omnipresent. -- Ps 139:7; Jer 23:23.", "Immutable. -- Ps 102:26,27; Jas 1:17.", "Only-wise. -- Ro 16:27; 1Ti 1:17.", "Glorious. -- Ex 15:11; Ps 145:5.", "Most High. -- Ps 83:18; Ac 7:48.", "Perfect. -- Mt 5:48.", "Holy. -- Ps 99:9; Isa 5:16.", "Just. -- De 32:4; Isa 45:21.", "True. -- Jer 10:10; Joh 17:3.", "Upright. -- Ps 25:8; 92:15.", "Righteous. -- Ezr 9:15; Ps 145:17.", "Good. -- Ps 25:8; 119:68.", "Great. -- 2Ch 2:5; Ps 86:10.", "Gracious. -- Ex 34:6; Ps 116:5.", "Faithful. -- 1Co 10:13; 1Pe 4:19.", "Merciful. -- Ex 34:6,7; Ps 86:5.", "Long-suffering. -- Nu 14:18; Mic 7:1.", "Jealous. -- Jos 24:19; Na 1:2.", "Compassionate. -- 2Ki 13:23.", "A consuming fire. -- Heb 12:29.", "None beside him -- De 4:35; Isa 44:6.", "None before him -- Isa 43:10.", "None like to him -- Ex 9:14; De 33:26; 2Sa 7:22; Isa 46:5,9; Jer 10:6.", "None good but he -- Mt 19:17.", "Fills heaven and earth -- 1Ki 8:27; Jer 23:24.", "Should be worshipped in spirit and in truth -- Joh 4:24."]} +{"term": "Gold", "definitions": ["Found in the earth -- Job 28:1,6.", "Abounded in", "Havilah. -- Ge 2:11.", "Ophir. -- 1Ki 9:28; Ps 45:9.", "Sheba. -- Ps 72:15; Isa 60:6.", "Parvaim. -- 2Ch 3:6.", "Belongs to God -- Joe 3:5; Hag 2:8.", "Described as", "Yellow. -- Ps 68:13.", "Malleable. -- Ex 39:3; 1Ki 10:16,17.", "Fusible. -- Ex 32:3,4; Pr 17:3.", "Precious. -- Ezr 8:27; Isa 13:12.", "Valuable. -- Job 28:15,16.", "Most valuable when pure and fine -- Job 28:19; Ps 19:10; 21:3; Pr 3:14.", "Refined and tried by fire -- Zec 13:9; 1Pe 1:7.", "Working in, a trade -- Ne 3:8; Isa 40:19.", "An article of commerce -- Eze 27:22.", "The patriarchs were rich in -- Ge 13:2.", "Imported by Solomon -- 1Ki 9:11,28; 10:11.", "Abundance of, in Solomon's reign -- 2Ch 1:15.", "Offerings of, for tabernacle -- Ex 35:22.", "Offerings of, for temple -- 1Ch 22:14; 29:4,7.", "Used as money -- Mt 10:9; Ac 3:6.", "Priestly and royal garments adorned with -- Ex 28:4-6; Ps 45:9,13.", "Was used for", "Overlaying the tabernacle. -- Ex 36:34,38.", "Overlaying the temple. -- 1Ki 6:21,22.", "Overlaying cherubims in temple. -- 2Ch 3:10.", "Overlaying the ark, &c. -- Ex 25:11-13.", "Overlaying floor of temple. -- 1Ki 6:30.", "Overlaying throne of Solomon. -- 1Ki 10:18.", "Mercy seat and cherubims. -- Ex 25:17,18.", "Sacred candlesticks. -- Ex 25:31; 2Ch 4:7,20.", "Sacred utensils. -- Ex 25:29,38; 2Ch 4:19-22.", "Crowns. -- 2Sa 12:30; Ps 21:3.", "Sceptres. -- Es 4:11.", "Chains. -- Ge 41:42; Da 5:29.", "Rings. -- Song 5:14; Jas 2:2.", "Earrings. -- Jdj 8:24,26.", "Ornaments. -- Jer 4:30.", "Shields. -- 2Sa 8:7; 1Ki 10:16,17.", "Vessels. -- 1Ki 10:21; Es 1:7.", "Idols. -- Ex 20:23; Ps 115:4; Da 5:4.", "Couches. -- Es 1:6.", "Footstools. -- 2Ch 9:18.", "Estimated by weight -- 1Ch 28:14.", "Given as presents -- 1Ki 15:19; Mt 2:11.", "Exacted as tribute -- 1Ki 20:3,5; 2Ki 23:33,35.", "Taken in war, dedicated to God -- Jos 6:19; 2Sa 8:11; 1Ki 15:15.", "Kings of Israel not to multiply -- De 17:17.", "Jews condemned for multiplying -- Isa 2:7.", "Vanity of heaping up -- Ec 2:8,11.", "Liable to", "Grow dim. -- La 4:1.", "Canker and rust. -- Jas 5:3.", "Illustrative of", "Saints after affliction. -- Job 23:10.", "Tried faith. -- 1Pe 1:7.", "The doctrines of grace. -- Re 3:18.", "True converts. -- 1Co 3:12.", "Babylonish empire. -- Da 2:38."]} +{"term": "Goodness of God, The", "definitions": ["Is part of his character -- Ps 25:8; Na 1:7; Mt 19:17.", "Declared to be", "Great. -- Ne 9:35; Zec 9:17.", "Rich. -- Ps 104:24; Ro 2:4.", "Abundant. -- Ex 34:6; Ps 33:5.", "Satisfying. -- Ps 65:4; Jer 31:12,14.", "Enduring. -- Ps 23:6; 52:1.", "Universal. -- Ps 145:9; Mt 5:45.", "Manifested", "To his Church. -- Ps 31:19; La 3:25.", "In doing good. -- Ps 119:68; 145:9.", "In supplying temporal wants. -- Ac 14:17.", "In providing for the poor. -- Ps 68:10.", "In forgiving sins. -- 2Ch 30:18; Ps 86:5.", "Leads to repentance. -- Ro 2:4.", "Recognise, in his dealings. -- Ezr 8:18; Ne 2:18.", "Pray for the manifestation of. -- 2Th 1:11.", "Despise not. -- Ro 2:4.", "Reverence. -- Jer 33:9; Ho 3:5.", "Magnify. -- Ps 107:8; Jer 33:11.", "Urge others to confide in. -- Ps 34:8.", "The wicked disregard. -- Ne 9:35."]} +{"term": "Gospel, The", "definitions": ["Is good tidings of great joy for all people -- Lu 2:10,11,31,32.", "Foretold -- Isa 41:27; 52:7; 61:1-3; Mr 1:15.", "Preached under the old testament -- Heb 4:2.", "Exhibits the grace of God -- Ac 14:3; 20:32.", "The knowledge of the glory of God is by -- 2Co 4:4,6.", "Life and immortality are brought to light by Jesus through -- 2Ti 1:10.", "Is the power of God to salvation -- Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18; 1Th 1:5.", "Is glorious -- 2Co 4:4.", "Is everlasting -- 1Pe 1:25; Re 14:6.", "Preached by Christ -- Mt 4:23; Mr 1:14.", "Ministers have a stewardship to preach -- 1Co 9:17.", "Preached beforehand to Abraham -- Ge 22:18; Ga 3:8.", "Preached to", "The Jews first. -- Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46.", "The Gentiles. -- Mr 13:10; Ga 2:2,9.", "The poor. -- Mt 11:5; Lu 4:18.", "Every creature. -- Mr 16:15; Col 1:23.", "Must be believed -- Mr 1:15; Heb 4:2.", "Brings peace -- Lu 2:10,14; Eph 6:15.", "Produces hope -- Col 1:23.", "Saints have fellowship in -- Php 1:5.", "There is fulness of blessing in -- Ro 15:29.", "Those who receive, should", "Adhere to the truth of. -- Ga 1:6,7; 2:14; 2Ti 1:13.", "Not be ashamed of. -- Ro 1:16; 2Ti 1:8.", "Live in subjection to. -- 2Co 9:13.", "Have their conversation becoming. -- Php 1:27.", "Earnestly contend for the faith of. -- Php 1:17,27; Jude 1:3.", "Sacrifice friends and property for. -- Mt 10:37.", "Sacrifice life itself for. -- Mr 8:35.", "Profession of, attended by afflictions -- 2Ti 3:12.", "Promises to sufferers -- Mr 8:35; 10:30.", "Be careful not to hinder -- 1Co 9:12.", "Is hid to them that are lost -- 2Co 4:3.", "Testifies to the final judgment -- Ro 2:16.", "Let him who preached another, be accursed -- Ga 1:8.", "Awful consequences of not obeying -- 2Th 1:8,9.", "Is called the", "Dispensation of the grace of God. -- Eph 3:2.", "Gospel of peace. -- Eph 6:15.", "Gospel of God. -- Ro 1:1; 1Th 2:8; 1Pe 4:17.", "Gospel of Christ. -- Ro 1:9,16; 2Co 2:12; 1Th 3:2.", "Gospel of the grace of God. -- Ac 20:24.", "Gospel of the kingdom. -- Mt 24:14.", "Gospel of salvation. -- Eph 1:13.", "Glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. -- 2Co 4:4.", "Preaching of Jesus Christ. -- Ro 16:25.", "Mystery of the gospel. -- Eph 6:19.", "Word of God. -- 1Th 2:13.", "Word of Christ. -- Col 3:16.", "Word of grace. -- Ac 14:3; 20:32.", "Word of salvation. -- Ac 13:26.", "Word of reconciliation. -- 2Co 5:19.", "Word of truth. -- Eph 1:13; Jas 1:18.", "Word of faith. -- Ro 10:8.", "Word of life. -- Php 2:16.", "Ministration of the Spirit. -- 2Co 3:8.", "Doctrine according to godliness. -- 1Ti 6:3.", "Form of sound words. -- 2Ti 1:13.", "Rejection of, by many, foretold -- Isa 53:1; Ro 10:15,16.", "Rejection of, by the Jews, a means of blessing to the Gentiles -- Ro 11:28."]} +{"term": "Grace", "definitions": ["God is the God of all -- 1Pe 5:10.", "God is the Giver of -- Ps 84:11; Jas 1:17.", "God's throne, the throne of -- Heb 4:16.", "The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of -- Zec 12:10; Heb 10:29.", "Was upon Christ -- Lu 2:40; Joh 3:24.", "Christ spoke with -- Ps 45:2; Lu 4:22.", "Christ was full of -- Joh 1:14.", "Came by Christ -- Joh 1:17; Ro 5:15.", "Given by Christ -- 1Co 1:4.", "Foretold by the prophets -- 1Pe 1:10.", "Riches of, exhibited in God's kindness through Christ -- Eph 2:7.", "Glory of, exhibited in our acceptance in Christ -- Eph 1:6.", "Is described as", "Great. -- Ac 4:33.", "Sovereign. -- Ro 5:21.", "Rich. -- Eph 1:7; 2:7.", "Exceeding. -- 2Co 9:14.", "Manifold. -- 1Pe 4:10.", "All-sufficient. -- 2Co 12:9.", "All-abundant. -- Ro 5:15,17,20.", "Glorious. -- Eph 1:6.", "The gospel, a declaration of -- Ac 20:24,32.", "Is the source of", "Election. -- Ro 11:5.", "The call of God. -- Ga 1:15.", "Justification. -- Ro 3:24; Tit 3:7.", "Faith. -- Ac 18:27.", "Forgiveness of sins. -- Eph 1:7.", "Salvation. -- Ac 15:11; Eph 2:5,8.", "Consolation. -- 2Th 2:16.", "Hope. -- 2Th 2:16.", "Necessary to the service of God -- Heb 12:28.", "God's work completed in saints by -- 2Th 1:11,12.", "The success and completion of the work of God to be attributed to -- Zec 4:7.", "Inheritance of the promises by -- Ro 4:16.", "Justification by, opposed to that by works -- Ro 4:4,5; 11:6; Ga 5:4.", "Saints", "Are heirs of. -- 1Pe 3:7.", "Are under. -- Ro 6:14.", "Receive, from Christ. -- Joh 1:16.", "Are what they are by. -- 1Co 15:10; 2Co 1:12.", "Abound in gifts of. -- Ac 4:33; 2Co 8:1; 9:8,14.", "Should be established in. -- Heb 13:9.", "Should be strong in. -- 2Ti 2:1.", "Should grow in. -- 2Pe 3:18.", "Should speak with. -- Eph 4:29; Col 4:6.", "Specially given", "To ministers. -- Ro 12:3,6; 15:15; 1Co 3:10; Ga 2:9; Eph 3:7.", "To the humble. -- Pr 3:34; Jas 4:6.", "To those who walk uprightly. -- Ps 84:11.", "Not to be received in vain -- 2Co 6:1.", "Pray for", "For yourselves. -- Heb 4:16.", "For others. -- 2Co 13:14; Eph 6:24.", "Beware lest you fail of -- Heb 12:15.", "Manifestation of, in others, a cause of gladness -- Ac 11:23; 1Jo 1:3,4.", "Special manifestation of, at the second coming of Christ -- 1Pe 1:13.", "Not to be abused -- Ro 3:8; 6:1,15.", "Antinomians abused -- Jude 1:4."]} +{"term": "Grass", "definitions": ["A green herb -- Mr 6:39.", "Called", "Grass of the earth. -- Re 9:4.", "Grass of the field. -- Nu 22:4.", "Springs out of the earth -- 2Sa 23:4.", "God", "Originally created. -- Ge 1:11,12.", "The giver of. -- De 11:15.", "Causes to grow. -- Ps 104:14; 147:8.", "Adorns and clothes. -- Mt 6:30.", "Often grew on the tops of houses -- Ps 129:6.", "When young, soft and tender -- Pr 27:25.", "Refreshed by rain and dew -- De 32:2; Pr 19:12.", "Cattle fed upon -- Job 6:5; Jer 50:11.", "Ovens often heated with -- Mt 6:30.", "Destroyed by", "Locusts. -- Re 9:4.", "Hail and lightning. -- Re 8:7.", "Drought. -- 1Ki 17:1; 18:5.", "Failure of, a great calamity -- Isa 15:5,6.", "Sufferings of cattle from failure of, described -- Jer 14:5,6.", "Illustrative", "Of shortness and uncertainty of life. -- Ps 90:5,6; 103:15; Isa 40:6,7; 1Pe 1:24.", "Of prosperity of the wicked. -- Ps 92:7.", "(Refreshed by dew and showers,) of the saints refreshed by grace. -- Ps 72:6; Mic 5:7.", "(On tops of houses,) of the wicked. -- 2Ki 19:26; Isa 37:27."]} +{"term": "Groves", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 21:33.", "Often on tops of hills -- 1Ki 14:23; Ho 4:13.", "Often used as resting places -- 1Sa 22:6.", "Idols were worshipped in -- De 12:2.", "Not to be planted near God's altar -- De 16:21.", "Of Canaanites, to be destroyed -- Ex 34:13; De 7:5; 12:3.", "For idol worship planted", "By Ahab. -- 1Ki 16:33.", "By Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:3.", "By Israelites. -- 2Ki 17:16.", "Fondness of Israel for -- Jer 17:2.", "Punishment for making and serving -- 1Ki 14:15; Isa 1:28,29; Mic 5:14.", "Destroyed by", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:25-28.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:4.", "Asa. -- 2Ch 14:3.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:6.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:14; 2Ch 34:3,7.", "God promised to wean Israel from -- Isa 17:7,8."]} +{"term": "Hair, The", "definitions": ["The natural covering of the head -- Ps 68:21.", "Innumerable -- Ps 40:12; 69:4.", "Growth of -- Jdj 16:22.", "God", "Numbers. -- Mt 10:30.", "Takes care of. -- Da 3:27; Lu 21:18.", "Black, particularly esteemed -- Song 5:11.", "White or gray", "A token of age. -- 1Sa 12:2; Ps 71:18.", "A token of weakness and decay. -- Ho 7:9.", "An emblem of wisdom. -- Da 7:9; Job 12:12.", "With righteousness, a crown of glory. -- Pr 16:31.", "To be reverenced. -- Le 19:32.", "Man cannot even change the colour or -- Mt 5:36.", "Of women", "Worn long for a covering. -- 1Co 11:15.", "Plaited and broidered. -- 1Ti 2:9; 1Pe 3:3.", "Well set and ornamented. -- Isa 3:24.", "Neglected in grief. -- Lu 7:38; Joh 12:3.", "Sometimes worn long by men -- 2Sa 14:26.", "Men condemned for wearing long -- 1Co 11:14.", "Often expensively anointed -- Ec 9:8.", "Of Nazarites", "Not to be cut or shorn during their vow. -- Nu 6:5; Jdj 16:17,19,20.", "Shorn after completion of vow. -- Nu 6:18.", "Of the healed leper to be shorn -- Le 14:9.", "Colour of, changed by leprosy -- Le 13:3,10.", "Cut off in affliction -- Jer 7:29.", "Plucked out in extreme grief -- Ezr 9:3.", "Plucking out of, a reproach -- Ne 13:25; Isa 50:6.", "Judgments expressed by", "Sending baldness for. -- Isa 3:24; Jer 47:5.", "Shaving. -- Isa 7:20."]} +{"term": "Hands, The", "definitions": ["Necessary members of the body -- 1Co 12:21.", "Parts of, mentioned", "The palm. -- Isa 49:16; Mt 26:67.", "The thumb. -- Ex 29:20; Le 14:14,17.", "The fingers. -- 2Sa 21:20; Da 5:5.", "God strengthens -- Ge 49:24.", "God makes impotent -- Job 5:12.", "Operations of, mentioned", "Feeling. -- Ps 115:7; 1Jo 1:1.", "Taking. -- Ge 3:22; Ex 4:4.", "Holding. -- Jdj 7:20; Re 10:2.", "Working. -- Pr 31:19; 1Th 4:11.", "Writing. -- Isa 44:5; Ga 6:11.", "Making signs. -- Isa 13:2; Ac 12:17.", "Striking. -- Mr 14:65; Joh 19:3.", "Distinguished as", "The right. -- Ac 3:7.", "The left. -- Ge 14:15; Ac 21:3.", "Many alike expert with both -- 1Ch 12:2.", "Many had more command of the left -- Jdj 3:15,21; 20:16.", "The right hand", "Place of honour. -- 1Ki 2:19; Ps 45:9.", "Place of power. -- Ps 110:1; Mr 14:62.", "Signet worn on. -- Jer 22:24.", "Given in token of friendship. -- Ga 2:9.", "Used in embracing. -- 2Sa 20:9; Song 2:6; 8:3.", "Sworn by. -- Isa 62:8.", "The accuser stood at, of the accused. -- Ps 109:6; Zec 3:1.", "Of priests touched with blood of consecration-ram. -- Ex 29:20; Le 8:23,24.", "Of healed leper touched with blood of his sacrifice. -- Le 14:14,17,25.", "Of healed leper touched with oil. -- Le 14:28.", "The Jews carried a staff in, when walking -- Ex 12:11; 2Ki 4:29.", "The Jews eat with -- Mt 26:23.", "Were washed", "Before eating. -- Mt 15:2; Mr 7:3.", "After touching an unclean person. -- Le 15:11.", "In token of innocency. -- De 21:6,7; Mt 27:24.", "Custom of domestics pouring water upon, alluded to -- 2Ki 3:11.", "Servants directed by movements of -- Ps 123:2.", "Kissed in idolatrous worship -- Job 31:27.", "Treaties made by joining -- 2Ki 10:15; Pr 11:21.", "Suretiship entered into by striking -- Job 17:3; Pr 6:1; 17:18; 22:26.", "Were lifted up", "In prayer. -- Ps 141:2; La 3:41.", "In praise. -- Ps 134:2.", "In taking an oath. -- Ge 14:22; Re 10:5.", "In blessing. -- Le 9:22.", "Often spread out in prayer -- Ps 68:31; Isa 1:15.", "Placed under the thigh of a person to whom an oath was made -- Ge 24:2,3; 47:29,31.", "Clapped together in joy -- 2Ki 11:12; Ps 47:1.", "Smitten together in extreme anger -- Nu 24:10; Eze 21:14,17.", "Stretched out in derision -- Ho 7:5; Zep 2:15.", "Imposition of, used in", "Transferring guilt of sacrifices. -- Le 1:4; 3:2; 16:21,22.", "Setting apart the Levites. -- Nu 8:10.", "Conferring civil power. -- Nu 27:18; De 34:9.", "Blessing. -- Ge 48:14; Mr 10:16.", "Ordaining ministers. -- Ac 6:6; 1Ti 4:14.", "Imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit. -- Ac 8:17; 19:6.", "Imposition of, a first principle of the doctrine of Christ -- Heb 6:1,2.", "Should be employed", "Industriously. -- Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11.", "In God's service. -- Ne 2:18; Zec 8:9,13.", "In acts of benevolence. -- Pr 3:27; 31:20.", "Of the wicked, described as", "Bloody. -- Isa 1:15; 59:3.", "Violent. -- Ps 58:2; Isa 59:6.", "Mischievous. -- Ps 26:10; Mic 7:3.", "Slothful. -- Pr 6:10; 21:25.", "Ensnaring to themselves. -- Ps 9:16.", "The wicked recompensed for the work of -- Ps 28:4; Pr 12:14; Isa 3:11.", "Saints blessed in the work of -- De 2:7; 30:9; Job 1:10; Ps 90:17.", "Criminals often", "Bound by. -- Mt 22:13.", "Deprived of. -- De 25:12; 2Sa 4:12.", "Mutilated in. -- Jdj 1:6,7.", "Hung by. -- La 5:12.", "Illustrative", "Of power. -- 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 13:5.", "(Lifted up against another,) of rebellion. -- 2Sa 20:21.", "(Opened,) of liberality. -- De 15:8; Ps 104:28.", "(Shut,) of illiberality. -- De 15:7.", "Right hand, illustrative", "Of strength and power. -- Ex 15:6; Ps 17:7.", "(Holding by,) of support. -- Ps 73:23; Isa 41:13.", "(Standing at,) of protection. -- Ps 16:8; 109:31; 110:5.", "(Full of bribes,) of corruption. -- Ps 26:10.", "(Full of falsehood,) of deceitfulness. -- Ps 144:8,11; Isa 44:20.", "(Withdrawn,) of support withheld. -- Ps 74:11.", "(Cutting off,) of extreme self-denial -- Mt 5:30."]} +{"term": "Happiness of Saints In This Life", "definitions": ["Is in God -- Ps 73:25,26.", "Only found in the ways of wisdom -- Pr 3:17,18.", "Described by Christ in the beatitudes -- Mt 5:3-12.", "Is derived from", "Fear of God. -- Ps 128:1,2; Pr 28:14.", "Trust in God. -- Pr 16:20; Php 4:6,7.", "The words of Christ. -- Joh 17:13.", "Obedience to God. -- Ps 40:8; Joh 13:17.", "Salvation. -- De 33:29; Isa 12:2,3.", "Hope in the Lord. -- Ps 146:5.", "Hope of glory. -- Ro 5:2.", "God being their Lord. -- Ps 144:15.", "God being their help. -- Ps 146:5.", "Praising God. -- Ps 135:3.", "Their mutual love. -- Ps 133:1.", "Divine chastening. -- Job 5:17; Jas 5:11.", "Suffering for Christ. -- 2Co 12:10; 1Pe 3:14; 4:13,14.", "Having mercy on the poor. -- Pr 14:21.", "Finding wisdom. -- Pr 3:13.", "Is abundant and satisfying -- Ps 36:8; 63:5."]} +{"term": "Happiness of the Wicked, The", "definitions": ["Is limited to this life -- Ps 17:14; Lu 16:25.", "Is short -- Job 20:5.", "Is uncertain -- Lu 12:20; Jas 4:13,14.", "Is vain -- Ec 2:1; 7:6.", "Is derived from", "Their wealth. -- Job 21:13; Ps 52:7.", "Their power. -- Job 21:7; Ps 37:35.", "Their worldly prosperity. -- Ps 17:14; 73:3,4,7.", "Popular applause. -- Ac 12:22.", "Gluttony. -- Isa 22:13; Hab 1:16.", "Drunkenness. -- Isa 5:11; 56:12.", "Vain pleasure. -- Job 21:12; Isa 5:12.", "Successful oppression. -- Hab 1:15; Jas 5:6.", "Marred by jealousy -- Es 5:13.", "Often interrupted by judgments -- Nu 11:33; Job 15:21; Ps 73:18-20; Jer 25:10-11.", "Leads to sorrow -- Pr 14:13.", "Leads to recklessness -- Isa 22:13.", "Sometimes a stumbling-block to saints -- Ps 73:3,16; Jer 12:1; Hab 1:13.", "Saints often permitted to see the end of -- Ps 73:17-20.", "Envy not -- Ps 37:1.", "Woe against -- Am 6:1; Lu 6:25.", "Illustrated -- Ps 37:35,36; Lu 12:16-20; 16:19-25.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- Nu 11:33.", "Haman. -- Es 5:9-11.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:1.", "Herod. -- Ac 12:21-23."]} +{"term": "Hart, The", "definitions": ["Clean and used as food -- De 12:15; 14:5.", "Often hunted -- La 1:6.", "Female of", "Called the hind. -- Song 2:7.", "Delights in freedom. -- Ge 49:21.", "Kind and affectionate. -- Pr 5:19.", "Brings forth at appointed time. -- Job 39:1,2.", "Brings forth with difficulty. -- Job 39:3.", "Brings forth at the voice of God. -- Ps 29:9.", "Forsakes her young in famine. -- Jer 14:5.", "Young of, abundantly provided for -- Job 39:4.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Song 2:9,17; 8:14.", "Of converted sinners. -- Isa 35:6.", "(Sure-footedness of,) of experienced saints. -- Ps 18:33; Hab 3:19.", "(Panting for water,) of afflicted saints longing for God. -- Ps 42:1,2.", "(Without pasture,) of the persecuted. -- La 1:6."]} +{"term": "Harvest, The", "definitions": ["Ingathering of fruits of the fields -- Mr 4:29.", "To continue without intermission -- Ge 8:22.", "Called the", "Appointed weeks of harvest. -- Jer 5:24.", "Harvest time. -- 2Sa 23:13; Jer 50:16.", "Fields appeared white before -- Joh 4:35.", "Of barley at the passover -- Le 23:6,10; Ru 1:22.", "Of wheat at Pentecost -- Ex 34:22; 1Sa 12:17.", "Men and women engaged in -- Ru 2:8,9.", "Persons engaged in", "Reapers. -- Ru 2:4.", "Binders. -- Ge 37:7; Ps 129:7.", "Called harvest-men. -- Isa 17:5.", "Called labourers. -- Mt 9:37.", "Fed by the husbandman during. -- Ru 2:14.", "Received wages. -- Joh 4:35.", "Often defrauded of their wages. -- Jas 5:4.", "Former and latter rain necessary to abundance of -- Jer 5:24; Am 4:7.", "Patience required in waiting for -- Jas 5:7.", "Not to be commenced until the first fruits had been offered to God -- Le 23:10,14.", "A time of great joy -- Ps 126:6; Isa 9:3.", "Omitted in the sabbatical year -- Le 25:5.", "Omitted in year of jubilee -- Le 25:11,12.", "The Sabbath to observed during -- Ex 34:21.", "Legal provision for the poor during -- Le 19:9,10; 23:22; De 24:19.", "Failure of", "Occasioned by drought. -- Am 4:7.", "Occasioned by locusts. -- Joe 1:4.", "Sometimes continued for years. -- Ge 45:6.", "A cause of great grief. -- Isa 16:9; Joe 1:11.", "A punishment for sin. -- Isa 17:10,11.", "Slothfulness during, ruinous -- Pr 10:5.", "Miraculous thunder, & c in -- 1Sa 12:17,18.", "Illustrative", "Of seasons of grace. -- Jer 8:20.", "Of the end of the world. -- Mt 13:30,39.", "Of a time when many are ready to receive the gospel. -- Mt 9:37,38; Joh 4:35.", "Of a time of judgment. -- Jer 51:33; Ho 6:11.", "Of ripeness for wrath. -- Joe 3:13; Re 14:15.", "(Dew in,) of God's protection. -- Isa 18:4.", "(Cold in,) of a refreshing message. -- Pr 25:13.", "(Rain in,) of honour given to fools. -- Pr 26:1."]} +{"term": "Hatred", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Le 19:17; Col 3:8.", "Is murder -- 1Jo 3:15.", "A work of the flesh -- Ga 5:20.", "Often cloaked by deceit -- Pr 10:18; 26:26.", "Leads to deceit -- Pr 26:24,25.", "Stirs up strife -- Pr 10:12.", "Embitters life -- Pr 15:17.", "Inconsistent with", "The knowledge of God. -- 1Jo 2:9,11.", "The love of God. -- 1Jo 4:20.", "Liars prone to. -- Pr 26:28.", "The wicked exhibit", "Towards God. -- Ro 1:30.", "Towards saints. -- Ps 25:19; Pr 29:10.", "Towards each other. -- Tit 3:3.", "Christ experienced -- Ps 35:19; Joh 7:7; 15:18,24,25.", "Saints should", "Expect. -- Mt 10:22; Joh 15:18,19.", "Not marvel at. -- 1Jo 3:13.", "Return good for. -- Ex 23:5; Mt 5:44.", "Not rejoice in the calamities of those who exhibit. -- Job 31:29,30; Ps 35:13,14.", "Give no cause for. -- Pr 25:17.", "Punishment of -- Ps 34:21; 44:7; 89:23; Am 1:11.", "We should exhibit against", "False ways. -- Ps 119:104,128.", "Lying. -- Ps 119:163.", "Evil. -- Ps 97:10; Pr 8:13.", "Backsliding. -- Ps 101:3.", "Hatred and opposition to God. -- Ps 139:21,22.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:5,8.", "Esau. -- Ge 27:41.", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:4.", "Men of Gilead. -- Jdj 11:7.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 18:8,9.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 22:8.", "Haman. -- Es 3:5,6.", "Enemies of the Jews. -- Es 9:1,5; Eze 35:5,6.", "Chaldeans. -- Da 3:12.", "Enemies of Daniel. -- Da 6:4-15.", "Herodias. -- Mt 14:3,8.", "The Jews. -- Ac 23:12,14."]} +{"term": "Hatred to Christ", "definitions": ["Is without cause -- Ps 69:4; Joh 15:25.", "Is on account of his testimony against the world -- Joh 7:7.", "Involves", "Hatred to his Father. -- Joh 15:23,24.", "Hatred to his people. -- Joh 15:18.", "Punishment of -- Ps 2:2,9; 21:8.", "No escape for those who persevere in -- 1Co 15:25; Heb 10:29-31.", "Illustrated -- Lu 19:12-14,17.", "Exemplified", "Chief priests & c. -- Mt 27:1,2; Lu 22:5.", "Jews. -- Mt 27:22,23.", "Scribes & c. -- Mr 11:18; Lu 11:53,54."]} +{"term": "Head", "definitions": ["The uppermost and chief member of the body -- Isa 1:6; 2Ki 6:31.", "All the other members necessary to -- 1Co 12:21.", "The body supported and supplied by -- Eph 4:16.", "Put for the whole person -- Ge 49:26; Pr 10:6.", "Put for the life -- Da 1:10; 1Sa 28:2.", "Parts of mentioned", "The skull. -- 2Ki 9:35; Mt 27:33.", "The crown. -- Ge 49:26; Isa 3:17.", "The forehead. -- 1Sa 17:49; Eze 9:4.", "The temples. -- Jdj 4:21,22; Song 4:3.", "The face. -- Ge 48:12; 2Ki 9:30.", "The hair. -- Jdj 16:22; Ps 40:12.", "The scalp. -- Ps 68:21.", "Often anointed -- Ec 9:8; Mt 6:17.", "Bowed down", "In worshipping God. -- Ge 24:26; Ex 4:31.", "As a token of respect. -- Ge 43:23.", "In grief", "Covered up. -- 2Sa 15:30; Es 6:12.", "Shorn. -- Job 1:20.", "Sprinkled with dust. -- Jos 7:6; 2:12.", "The hands placed on. -- 2Sa 13:19; Jer 2:37.", "Priests forbidden to shave -- Le 21:5,10.", "Nazarites forbidden to shave -- Nu 6:5.", "Derision expressed by shaking -- 2Ki 19:21; Ps 22:7; 109:25; Mt 27:39.", "The Jews censured for swearing by -- Mt 5:36.", "When hoary with age to be respected -- Le 19:32.", "Liable to", "Leprosy. -- Le 13:42-44.", "Scab. -- Isa 3:17.", "Internal disease. -- 2Ki 4:19; Isa 1:5.", "Baldness. -- Le 13:40,41; Isa 15:2.", "Of the leper always uncovered -- Le 13:45.", "Of women generally covered in public -- Ge 24:65; 1Co 11:5.", "Of criminals often cut off -- Mt 14:10.", "Of enemies slain in war, often cut off -- Jdj 5:26; 1Sa 17:51,57; 31:9.", "Illustrative", "Of God. -- 1Co 11:3.", "Of Christ. -- 1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 2:19.", "Of rulers. -- 1Sa 15:17; Da 2:38.", "Of chief men. -- Isa 9:14,15.", "Of the chief city of a kingdom. -- Isa 7:8.", "(Covered,) of defence and protection. -- Ps 140:7.", "(Covered,) of subjection. -- 1Co 11:5,10.", "(Made bald,) of heavy judgments. -- Isa 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; Mic 1:16.", "(Lifted up,) of joy and confidence. -- Ps 3:3; Lu 21:28.", "(Lifted up,) of pride & c. -- Ps 83:2.", "(Lifted up,) of exaltation. -- Ge 40:13; Ps 27:6.", "(Anointed,) of joy and prosperity. -- Ps 23:5; 92:10."]} +{"term": "Heart, The", "definitions": ["Issues of life are out of -- Pr 4:23.", "God", "Tries. -- 1Ch 29:17; Jer 12:3.", "Knows. -- Ps 44:21; Jer 20:12.", "Searched. -- 1Ch 28:9; Jer 17:10.", "Understands the thoughts of. -- 1Ch 28:9; Ps 139:2.", "Ponders. -- Pr 21:2; 24:12.", "Influences. -- 1Sa 10:26; Ezr 6:22; 7:27; Pr 21:1; Jer 20:9.", "Creates a new. -- Ps 51:10; Eze 36:26.", "Prepares. -- 1Ch 29:18; Pr 16:1.", "Opens. -- Ac 16:14.", "Enlightens. -- 2Co 4:6; Eph 1:18.", "Strengthens. -- Ps 27:14.", "Establishes. -- Ps 112:8; 1Th 3:13.", "Should be", "Prepared to God. -- 1Sa 7:3.", "Given to God. -- Pr 23:26.", "Perfect with God. -- 1Ki 8:61.", "Applied to wisdom. -- Ps 90:12; Pr 2:2.", "Guided in the right. -- Pr 23:19.", "Purified. -- Jas 4:8.", "Single. -- Eph 6:5; Col 3:22.", "Tender. -- Eph 4:32.", "Kept with diligence. -- Pr 4:23.", "We should", "Believe with. -- Ac 8:37; Ro 10:10.", "Serve God with all. -- De 11:13.", "Keep God's statutes with all. -- De 26:16.", "Walk before God with all. -- 1Ki 2:4.", "Trust in God with all. -- Pr 3:5.", "Love God with all. -- Mt 22:37.", "Return to God with all. -- De 30:2.", "Do the will of God from. -- Eph 6:6.", "Sanctify God in. -- 1Pe 3:15.", "Love one another with a pure. -- 1Pe 1:22.", "No man can cleanse -- Pr 20:9.", "Faith, the means of purifying -- Ac 15:9.", "Renewal of, promised under the gospel -- Eze 11:19; 36:26; Heb 3:10.", "When broken and contrite, not despised by God -- Ps 51:17.", "The pure in, shall see God -- Mt 5:8.", "Pray that it may be", "Cleansed. -- Ps 51:10.", "Inclined to God's testimonies. -- Ps 119:36.", "United to fear God. -- Ps 86:11.", "Directed into the love of God. -- 2Th 3:5.", "Harden not, against God -- Ps 95:8; Heb 4:7.", "Harden not against the poor -- De 15:7.", "Regard not iniquity in -- Ps 66:18.", "Take heed lest it to be deceived -- De 11:16.", "Know the plague of -- 1Ki 8:38.", "He that trusts in, is a fool -- Pr 28:26."]} +{"term": "Heart, Character of the Renewed", "definitions": ["Prepared to seek God -- 2Ch 19:3; Ezr 7:10; Ps 10:17.", "Fixed on God -- Ps 57:7; 112:7.", "Joyful in God -- 1Sa 2:1; Zec 10:7.", "Perfect with God -- 1Ki 8:61; Ps 101:2.", "Upright -- Ps 97:11; 125:4.", "Clean -- Ps 73:1.", "Pure -- Ps 24:4; Mt 5:8.", "Tender -- 1Sa 24:5; 2Ki 22:19.", "Single and sincere -- Ac 2:46; Heb 10:22.", "Honest and good -- Lu 8:15.", "Broken, contrite -- Ps 34:18; 51:17.", "Obedient -- Ps 119:112; Ro 6:17.", "Filled with the law of God -- Ps 40:8; 119:11.", "Awed by the word of God -- Ps 119:161.", "Filled with the fear of God -- Jer 32:40.", "Meditative -- Ps 4:4; 77:6.", "Circumcised -- De 30:6; Ro 2:29.", "Void of fear -- Ps 27:3.", "Desirous of God -- Ps 84:2.", "Enlarged -- Ps 119:32; 2Co 6:11.", "Faithful to God -- Ne 9:8.", "Confident in God -- Ps 112:7.", "Sympathising -- Jer 4:19; La 3:51.", "Prayerful -- 1Sa 1:13; Ps 27:8.", "Inclined to obedience -- Ps 119:112.", "Wholly devoted to God -- Ps 9:1; 119:10,69,145.", "Zealous -- 2Ch 17:6; Jer 20:9.", "Wise -- Pr 10:8; 14:33; 23:15.", "A treasury of good -- Mt 12:35."]} +{"term": "Heart, Character of the Unrenewed", "definitions": ["Hateful to God -- Pr 6:16,18; 11:20.", "Full of evil -- Ec 9:3.", "Full of evil imaginations -- Ge 6:5; 8:21; Pr 6:18.", "Full of vain thoughts -- Jer 4:14.", "Fully set to do evil -- Ec 8:11.", "Desperately wicked -- Jer 17:9.", "Far from God -- Isa 29:13; Mt 15:8.", "Not perfect with God -- 1Ki 15:3; Ac 8:21; Pr 6:18.", "Not prepared to seek God -- 2Ch 12:14.", "A treasury of evil -- Mt 12:35; Mr 7:21.", "Darkened -- Ro 1:21.", "Prone to error -- Ps 95:10.", "Prone to depart from God -- De 29:18; Jer 17:5.", "Impenitent -- Ro 2:5.", "Unbelieving -- Heb 3:12.", "Blind -- Eph 4:18.", "Uncircumcised -- Le 26:41; Ac 7:51.", "Of little worth -- Pr 10:20.", "Deceitful -- Jer 17:9.", "Deceived -- Isa 44:20; Jas 1:26.", "Divided -- Ho 10:2.", "Double -- 1Ch 12:33; Ps 12:2.", "Hard -- Eze 3:7; Mr 10:5; Ro 2:5.", "Haughty -- Pr 18:12; Jer 48:29.", "Influenced by the devil -- Joh 13:2.", "Carnal -- Ro 8:7.", "Covetous -- Jer 22:17; 2Pe 2:14.", "Despiteful -- Eze 25:15.", "Ensnaring -- Ec 7:26.", "Foolish -- Pr 12:23; 22:15.", "Froward -- Ps 101:4; Pr 6:14; 17:20.", "Fretful against the Lord -- Pr 19:3.", "Idolatrous -- Eze 14:3,4.", "Mad -- Ec 9:3.", "Mischievous -- Ps 28:3; 140:2.", "Proud -- Ps 101:5; Jer 49:16.", "Rebellious -- Jer 5:23.", "Perverse -- Pr 12:8.", "Stiff -- Eze 2:4.", "Stony -- Eze 11:19; 36:26.", "Stout -- Isa 10:12; 46:12.", "Elated by sensual indulgence -- Ho 13:3.", "Elated by prosperity -- 2Ch 26:16; Da 5:20.", "Studies destruction -- Pr 24:2.", "Often judicially stupefied -- Isa 6:10; Ac 28:26,27.", "Often judicially hardened -- Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20."]} +{"term": "Heathen, The", "definitions": ["Are without God and Christ -- Eph 2:12.", "Described as", "Ignorant. -- 1Co 1:21; Eph 4:18.", "Idolatrous. -- Ps 135:15; Ro 1:23,25.", "Worshippers of the devil. -- 1Co 10:20.", "Cruel. -- Ps 74:20; Ro 1:31.", "Filthy. -- Ezr 6:21; Eph 4:19; 5:12.", "Persecuting. -- Ps 2:1,2; 2Co 11:26.", "Scoffing at saints. -- Ps 79:10.", "Strangers to the covenant of promise. -- Eph 2:12.", "Having no hope. -- Eph 2:12.", "Degradation of. -- Le 25:44.", "Have", "Evidence of the power of God. -- Ro 1:19,20; Ac 17:27.", "Evidence of the goodness of God. -- Ac 14:17.", "The testimony of conscience. -- Ro 2:14,15.", "Evil of imitating -- 2Ki 16:3; Eze 11:12.", "Cautions against imitating -- Jer 10:2; Mt 6:7.", "Danger of intercourse with -- Ps 106:35.", "Employed to chastise the Church -- Le 26:33; Jer 49:14; La 1:3; Eze 7:24; 25:7; Da 4:27; Hab 1:5-9.", "The Church shall be avenged of -- Ps 149:7; Jer 10:25; Ob 1:15.", "God", "Rules over. -- 2Ch 20:6; Ps 47:8.", "Brings to nought the counsels of. -- Ps 33:10.", "Will be exalted among. -- Ps 46:10; 102:15.", "Punishes. -- Ps 44:2; Joe 3:11-13; Mic 5:15; Hab 3:12; Zec 14:18.", "Will finally judge. -- Ro 2:12-16.", "Given to Christ -- Ps 2:8; Da 7:14.", "Salvation of, foretold -- Ge 12:3; Ga 3:8; Isa 2:2-4; 52:10; 60:1-8.", "Salvation provided for -- Ac 28:28; Ro 15:9-12.", "The glory of God to be declared among -- 1Ch 16:24; Ps 96:3.", "The gospel to be preached to -- Mt 24:14; 28:19; Ro 16:26; Ga 1:16.", "Necessity for preaching to -- Ro 10:14.", "The gospel received by -- Ac 11:1; 13:48; 15:3,23.", "Baptism to be administered to -- Mt 28:19.", "The Holy Spirit poured out upon -- Ac 10:44,45; 15:8.", "Praise God for success of the gospel among -- Ps 98:1-3; Ac 11:18.", "Pray for -- Ps 67:2-5.", "Aid missions to -- 2Co 11:9; 3Jo 1:6,7.", "Conversion of, acceptable to God -- Ac 10:35; Ro 15:16."]} +{"term": "Heaven", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:1; Re 10:6.", "Everlasting -- Ps 89:29; 2Co 5:1.", "Immeasurable -- Jer 31:37.", "High -- Ps 103:11; Isa 57:15.", "Holy -- De 26:15; Ps 20:6; Isa 57:15.", "God's dwelling-place -- 1Ki 8:30; Mt 6:9.", "God's throne -- Isa 66:1; Ac 7:49.", "God", "Is the Lord of. -- Da 5:23; Mt 11:25.", "Reigns in. -- Ps 11:4; 135:6; Da 4:35.", "Fills. -- 1Ki 8:27; Jer 23:24.", "Answers his people from. -- 1Ch 21:26; 2Ch 7:14; Ne 9:27; Ps 20:6.", "Sends his judgments from. -- Ge 19:24; 1Sa 2:10; Da 4:13,14; Ro 1:18.", "Christ", "As Mediator, entered into. -- Ac 3:21; Heb 6:20; 9:12,24.", "Is all-powerful in. -- Mt 28:18; 1Pe 3:22.", "Angels are in -- Mt 18:10; 24:36.", "Names of saints are written -- Lu 10:20; Heb 12:23.", "Saints rewarded in -- Mt 5:12; 1Pe 1:4.", "Repentance occasions joy in -- Lu 15:7.", "Lay up treasure in -- Mt 6:20; Lu 12:33.", "Flesh and blood cannot inherit -- 1Co 15:50.", "Happiness of, described -- Re 7:16,17.", "Is called", "A garner. -- Mt 3:12.", "The kingdom of Christ and of God. -- Eph 5:5.", "The Father's house. -- Joh 14:2.", "A heavenly country. -- Heb 11:16.", "A rest. -- Heb 4:9.", "Paradise. -- 2Co 12:2,4.", "The wicked excluded from -- Ga 5:21; Eph 5:5; Re 22:15.", "Enoch and Elijah were translated into -- Ge 5:24; Heb 11:5; 2Ki 2:11."]} +{"term": "Heave-Offering", "definitions": ["To brought to God's house -- De 12:6.", "Consisted of", "First fruits of bread. -- Nu 15:19-21.", "Right shoulder of peace offerings. -- Le 7:32.", "Part of the meat offering of all peace offerings. -- Le 7:14.", "Shoulder of the priest's consecration-ram. -- Ex 29:27.", "Tenth of all tithes. -- Nu 18:26.", "Part of all gifts. -- Nu 18:29.", "Part of spoil taken in war. -- Nu 31:26-47.", "To be the best of their kind -- Nu 18:29.", "To be heaved up by the priest -- Ex 29:27.", "Sanctified the whole offering -- Nu 18:27,30.", "Given to the priests -- Ex 29:28; Le 7:34.", "To be eaten in a clean place -- Le 10:12-15."]} +{"term": "Hedges", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- 1Ch 4:23.", "Designed for protection -- Isa 5:2.", "Often made of thorns -- Mic 7:4.", "Placed around", "Gardens. -- Song 4:12; La 2:6.", "Vineyards. -- Mt 21:33; Mr 12:1.", "Difficulty of breaking through -- Pr 15:19.", "Danger of breaking through -- Ec 10:8.", "Desolation caused by removing -- Ps 80:12,13.", "Filled with grasshoppers -- Na 3:17.", "Poor travellers sought rest under -- Lu 14:23.", "Afforded protection in danger -- Jer 49:3.", "Making up gaps in, alluded to -- Eze 13:5; 22:30.", "Illustrative", "Of God's protection. -- Job 1:10.", "Of numerous afflictions. -- Job 3:23; 19:8.", "Of heavy judgments. -- La 3:7; Ho 2:6.", "Of holy ordinances. -- Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33.", "Of the way of the slothful. -- Pr 15:19.", "(Broken down,) of the taking away of protection. -- Ps 80:12; Isa 5:5."]} +{"term": "Heedfulness", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Ex 23:13; Pr 4:25-27.", "Necessary", "In the care of the soul. -- De 4:9.", "In the house and worship of God. -- Ec 5:1.", "In what we hear. -- Mr 4:24.", "In how we hear. -- Lu 8:18.", "In keeping God's commandments. -- Jos 22:5.", "In conduct. -- Eph 5:15.", "In speech. -- Pr 13:3; Jas 1:19.", "In worldly company. -- Ps 39:1; Col 4:5.", "In giving judgment. -- 1Ch 19:6,7.", "Against sin. -- Heb 12:15,16.", "Against unbelief. -- Heb 3:12.", "Against idolatry. -- De 4:15,16.", "Against false Christs, and false prophets. -- Mt 24:4,5,23,24.", "Against false teachers. -- Phm 3:2; Col 2:8; 2Pe 3:16,17.", "Against presumption. -- 1Co 10:12.", "Promises to. -- 1Ki 2:4; 1Ch 22:13."]} +{"term": "Hell", "definitions": ["The place of disembodied spirits -- Ac 2:31.", "Which Christ visited. -- Lu 23:43; Ac 2:31; 1Pe 3:19.", "Contains, a place of rest, Abraham's bosom. -- Lu 16:23.", "Paradise. -- Lu 23:43.", "And a place of torment. -- Lu 16:23.", "The place of future punishment", "Destruction from the presence of God. -- 2Th 1:9.", "Described as", "Everlasting punishment. -- Mt 25:46.", "Everlasting fire. -- Mt 25:41.", "Everlasting burnings. -- Isa 33:14.", "A furnace of fire. -- Mt 13:42,50.", "A lake of fire. -- Re 20:15.", "Fire and brimstone. -- Re 14:10.", "Unquenchable fire. -- Mt 3:12.", "Devouring fire. -- Isa 33:14.", "Prepared for the devil, & c -- Mt 25:41.", "Devils are confined in, until the judgment day -- 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6.", "Punishment of, is eternal -- Isa 33:14; Re 20:10.", "The wicked shall be turned into -- Ps 9:17.", "Human power cannot preserve from -- Eze 32:27.", "The body suffers in -- Mt 5:29; 10:28.", "The soul suffers in -- Mt 10:28.", "The wise avoid -- Pr 15:24.", "Endeavour to keep others from -- Pr 23:14; Jude 1:23.", "The society of the wicked leads to -- Pr 5:5; 9:18.", "The beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast into -- Re 19:20; 20:10.", "The powers of, cannot prevail against the Church -- Mt 16:18.", "Illustrated -- Isa 30:33."]} +{"term": "Herbs, & C", "definitions": ["Called the green herbs -- 2Ki 19:26.", "God", "Created. -- Ge 1:11,12; 2:5.", "Causes to grow. -- Job 38:27; Ps 104:14.", "Each kind of, contains its own seed -- Ge 1:11,12.", "Given as food to man -- Ge 1:28,29; 9:3.", "Found in", "The fields. -- Jer 12:4.", "The mountains. -- Pr 27:25.", "The marshes. -- Job 8:11.", "The deserts. -- Job 24:5; Jer 17:6.", "Cultivated in gardens -- De 11:10; 1Ki 21:2.", "Cultivated for food -- Pr 15:17; Heb 6:7.", "Require rain dew -- De 32:2; Job 38:26,27.", "Mode of watering, alluded to -- De 11:10.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Aloe. -- Song 4:14.", "Anise. -- Mt 23:23.", "Barley. -- Ex 9:31; 2Sa 14:30.", "Beans. -- 2Sa 17:28.", "Bulrushes. -- Ex 2:3; Isa 58:5.", "Calamus. -- Song 4:14.", "Cummin. -- Isa 28:27; Mt 23:23.", "Cucumber. -- Nu 11:5; Isa 1:8.", "Fitches. -- Isa 28:25,27.", "Flag. -- Ex 2:3; Job 8:11.", "Flax. -- Ex 9:31.", "Garlic. -- Nu 11:5.", "Gourds. -- 2Ki 4:39.", "Grass. -- Nu 22:4.", "Heath. -- Jer 17:6; 48:6.", "Hyssop. -- Ex 12:22; 1Ki 4:33.", "Leeks. -- Nu 11:5.", "Lentiles. -- Ge 25:34.", "Mandrakes. -- Ge 30:14; Song 7:13.", "Mallows. -- Job 30:4.", "Millet. -- Eze 4:9.", "Melon. -- Nu 11:5.", "Mint. -- Mt 23:23.", "Myrrh. -- Song 4:14.", "Onions. -- Nu 11:5.", "Reeds. -- Job 40:21; Isa 19:6.", "Rushes. -- Job 8:11.", "Rye. -- Ex 9:32.", "Saffron. -- Song 4:14.", "Spikenard. -- Song 4:14.", "Tares or Darnel. -- Mt 13:30.", "Wheat. -- Ex 9:32; Jer 12:13.", "Bitter, used at passover -- Ex 12:8; Nu 9:11.", "Poisonous, not fit for man's use -- 2Ki 4:39,40.", "Destroyed by", "Hail and lightning. -- Ex 9:22-25.", "Locusts, & c. -- Ex 10:12,15; Ps 105:34,35.", "Drought. -- Isa 42:15.", "Tithable among the Jews. -- Lu 11:42.", "Were sometimes used instead of animal food by weak saints -- Ro 14:2.", "Illustrative", "Of the wicked. -- 2Ki 19:26; Ps 37:2.", "(Dew on,) of grace given to saints. -- Isa 18:4."]} +{"term": "High Places", "definitions": ["Used for idolatrous worship -- 1Ki 11:7,8.", "God sometimes worshipped on -- 1Sa 9:12; 1Ki 3:2,4; 2Ch 33:17.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Gibeon. -- 1Ki 3:4.", "Arnon. -- Nu 21:28.", "Baal. -- Nu 22:41.", "Tophet. -- Jer 7:31.", "Bamah. -- Eze 20:29.", "Aven. -- Ho 10:8.", "Adorned with tapestry -- Eze 16:16.", "Surrounded with groves -- 1Ki 14:23.", "Built by", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:7.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 12:31.", "Jehoram. -- 2Ch 21:11.", "Ahaz. -- 2Ch 28:25.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:3; 2Ch 33:3.", "People of Judah. -- 1Ki 14:23.", "People of Israel. -- 2Ki 17:9.", "Priests ordained for -- 1Ki 12:32; 13:33.", "Sacrifices and incense offered to idols upon -- 2Ki 12:3; 16:4.", "Enchantments used upon -- Nu 23:3; 24:1.", "Of the Canaanites to be destroyed -- Nu 33:52.", "The Jews", "Built, in their cities. -- 2Ki 17:9.", "Built, in all their streets. -- Eze 16:24,31.", "Condemned for building. -- Eze 16:23-35.", "Provoked God with. -- 1Ki 14:22,23; Ps 78:58.", "Threatened with destruction of. -- Le 26:30.", "Punished for. -- 2Ki 17:11,18.", "Destroyed", "Asa, partially. -- 2Ch 14:3,5; 15:17.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:6.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:4; 2Ch 31:1.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:8; 2Ch 34:3.", "Not removed", "Jehoash. -- 2Ki 12:3.", "Amaziah. -- 2Ki 14:4.", "Azariah. -- 2Ki 15:4.", "Jotham. -- 2Ki 15:35."]} +{"term": "High Priest, The", "definitions": ["Specially called of God -- Ex 28:1,2; Heb 5:4.", "Consecrated to his office -- Ex 40:13; Le 8:12.", "Was called", "The priest. -- Ex 29:30; Ne 7:65.", "God's high priest. -- Ac 23:4.", "Ruler of the people. -- Ex 22:28; Ac 23:5.", "The office of, hereditary -- Ex 29:29.", "Next in rank to the king -- La 2:6.", "Often exercised chief civil power -- 1Sa 4:18.", "Duties of", "Offering gifts and sacrifices. -- Heb 5:1.", "Lighting the sacred lamps. -- Ex 30:8; Nu 8:3.", "Making atonement in the most holy place once a year. -- Le 16:1-34; Heb 9:7.", "Bearing before the Lord the names of Israel for a memorial. -- Ex 28:12,29.", "Enquiring of God by Urim and Thummim. -- 1Sa 23:9-12; 30:7,8.", "Consecrating the Levites. -- Nu 9:11-21.", "Appointing priests to offices. -- 1Sa 2:36.", "Taking charge of money collected in the sacred treasury. -- 2Ki 12:10; 22:4.", "Presiding in the superior court. -- Mt 26:3,57-62; Ac 5:21-28; 23:1-5.", "Taking the census of the people. -- Nu 1:3.", "Blessing the people. -- Le 9:22,23.", "Sometimes enabled to prophesy -- Joh 11:49-52.", "Assisted by a deputy -- 2Sa 15:24; Lu 3:2.", "The deputy of", "Called the second priest. -- 2Ki 25:18.", "Had oversight of the tabernacle. -- Nu 4:16.", "Had oversight of the Levites. -- Nu 3:32.", "To marry a virgin of Aaron's family -- Le 21:13,14.", "Forbidden to mourn for any -- Le 21:1-12.", "To be tender and compassionate -- Heb 5:2.", "Needed to sacrifice for himself -- Heb 5:1-3.", "Special garments of", "Ephod with its curious girdle. -- Ex 28:6,7.", "Girdle. -- Ex 28:4,39.", "Broidered coat. -- Ex 28:4,39.", "Robe of the ephod. -- Ex 28:31-35.", "Breastplate. -- Ex 28:15-29.", "Linen mitre. -- Ex 28:4,39.", "Plate or crown of gold, & c. -- Ex 28:36-38.", "Made by divine wisdom given to Bezaleel, & c -- Ex 28:3; 36:1; 39:1.", "Were for beauty and ornament -- Ex 28:2.", "Worn at his consecration -- Le 8:7,9.", "Worn seven days after consecration. -- Ex 29:30.", "Descended to his successors. -- Ex 29:29.", "Wore the ordinary priest's garments when making atonement in the holy place -- Le 16:4.", "Office of, promised to the posterity of Phinehas for his zeal -- Nu 25:12,13.", "Family of Eli degraded from office of, for bad conduct -- 1Sa 2:27-36.", "Sometimes deposed by the kings -- 1Ki 2:27.", "Office of, made annual by the Romans -- Joh 11:49-51; Ac 4:6.", "Typified Christ in", "Being called of God. -- Heb 5:4,5.", "His title. -- Heb 3:1.", "His appointment. -- Isa 61:1; Joh 1:32-34.", "Making atonement. -- Le 16:33; Heb 2:17.", "Splendid dress. -- Ex 28:2; Joh 1:14.", "Being liable to temptation. -- Heb 2:18.", "Compassion and sympathy for the weak and ignorant. -- Heb 4:15; 5:1,2.", "Marrying a virgin. -- Le 21:13,14; 2Co 11:2.", "Holiness of office. -- Le 21:15; Heb 7:26.", "Performing by himself all the services on day of atonement. -- Le 16:1-34; Heb 1:3.", "Bearing the names of Israel upon his heart. -- Ex 28:29; Song 8:6.", "Alone entering into most holy place. -- Heb 9:7,12,24; 4:14.", "Interceding. -- Nu 16:43-48; Heb 7:25.", "Blessing. -- Le 9:22,23; Ac 3:26.", "Inferior to Christ in", "Needing to make atonement for his own sins. -- Heb 5:2,3; 7:26-28; 9:7.", "Being of the order of Aaron. -- Heb 6:20; 7:11-17; 8:4,5,1,2,6.", "Being made without an oath. -- Heb 7:20-22.", "Not being able to continue. -- Heb 7:23,24.", "Offering oftentimes the same sacrifices. -- Heb 9:25,26,28; 10:11,12,14.", "Entering into holiest every year. -- Heb 9:7,12,25."]} +{"term": "Highways", "definitions": ["Roads for public use -- Nu 20:19; De 2:27.", "Called the king's highway -- Nu 20:17.", "Marked out by heaps of stones -- Jer 31:21.", "Generally broad -- Jdj 20:32,45; Mt 7:13.", "Generally straight -- 1Sa 6:12; Isa 40:3.", "Made to all cities of refuge -- De 19:2,3.", "Often made in deserts -- Isa 40:3.", "Infested with", "Serpents. -- Ge 49:17.", "Wild beasts. -- 1Ki 13:24; Isa 35:9.", "Robbers. -- Jer 3:2; Lu 10:30-33.", "Beggars sat by sides of -- Mt 20:30; Mr 10:46.", "Often obstructed -- Jer 18:15.", "All obstructions removed from, before persons of distinction -- Isa 40:3,4; Mt 3:3.", "By-paths more secure in times of danger -- Jdj 5:6.", "Desolation of, threatened as a punishment -- Le 26:22; Isa 33:8.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Joh 14:6.", "Of the way of holiness. -- Isa 35:8.", "Of facilities for the restoration of the Jews. -- Isa 11:16; 62:10.", "(Made in the deserts,) of facilities for the spread of the gospel. -- Isa 40:3; 43:19.", "(Narrow,) of the way of life. -- Mt 7:14.", "(Broad,) of the way to destruction. -- Mt 7:13."]} +{"term": "Hittites", "definitions": ["Descended from Canaan's son, Heth -- Ge 10:15.", "Called the", "Sons of Heth. -- Ge 23:3,20.", "Children of Heth. -- Ge 23:5.", "One of the seven nations of Canaan -- De 7:1.", "Dwelt in Hebron -- Ge 23:2,3,19.", "Governed by kings -- 1Ki 10:29; 2Ki 7:6.", "Land of, promised to Israel -- Ge 15:20; Ex 3:8.", "Israel commanded to destroy -- De 7:1,2,24.", "Part of their land given to Caleb -- Jos 14:13.", "Not entirely destroyed by Israel -- Jdj 3:5.", "The remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Solomon -- 1Ki 9:20,21.", "Luz built in the country of -- Jdj 1:26.", "Intermarriages with, by", "Esau. -- Ge 36:2.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:1,2.", "Israel after conquest of Canaan. -- Jdj 3:5,6.", "Israelites after the captivity. -- Ezr 9:1.", "Descent from, illustrative of the degradation of the Jews -- Eze 16:3.", "Remarkable persons of", "Ephron. -- Ge 49:30.", "Abimelech. -- 1Sa 26:6.", "Uriah. -- 2Sa 11:6,21."]} +{"term": "Hivites", "definitions": ["Descended from Canaan -- Ge 10:15,17.", "Supposed to be the ancient Avim, or Avites -- De 2:33; Jos 13:3.", "One of the seven nations of Canaan -- De 7:1.", "Dwelt near Lebanon -- Jdj 3:3.", "The Shechemites a people of -- Ge 34:2.", "The Gibeonites a people of -- Jos 9:3,7.", "Esau intermarried with -- Ge 36:2.", "Land of, promised to Israel -- Ex 3:8; 23:23.", "Israel commanded to destroy -- De 7:1,2,24.", "A part of, left to prove Israel -- Jdj 3:3.", "Remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Solomon -- 1Ki 9:20,21."]} +{"term": "Holiness", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Le 11:45; 20:7; Eph 5:8; Col 3:12; Ro 12:1.", "Christ", "Desires for his people. -- Joh 17:17.", "Effects, in his people. -- Eph 5:25-27.", "An example of. -- Heb 7:26; 1Pe 2:21,22.", "The character of God, the standard of -- Le 19:2; 1Pe 1:15,16; Eph 5:1.", "The character of Christ, the standard of -- Ro 8:29; 1Jo 2:6; Php 2:5.", "The gospel the way of -- Isa 35:8.", "Necessary to God's worship -- Ps 24:3,4.", "None shall see God without -- Eph 5:5; Heb 12:14.", "Saints", "Elected to. -- Ro 8:29; Eph 1:4.", "Called to. -- 1Th 4:7; 2Ti 1:9.", "New created in. -- Eph 4:24.", "Possess. -- 1Co 3:17; Heb 3:1.", "Have their fruit to. -- Ro 6:22.", "Should follow after. -- Heb 12:14.", "Should serve God in. -- Lu 1:74,75.", "Should yield their members as instruments of. -- Ro 6:13,19.", "Should present their bodies to God in. -- Ro 12:1.", "Should have their conversation in. -- 1Pe 1:15; 2Pe 3:11.", "Should continue in. -- Lu 1:75.", "Should seek perfection in. -- 2Co 7:1.", "Shall be presented to God in. -- Col 1:22; 1Th 3:13.", "Shall continue in, for ever. -- Re 22:11.", "Behaviour of aged women should be as becomes -- Tit 2:3.", "Promise to women who continue in -- 1Ti 2:15.", "Promised to the Church -- Isa 35:8; Ob 1:17; Zec 14:20,21.", "Becoming to the Church -- Ps 93:5.", "The Church is the beauty of -- 1Ch 16:29; Ps 29:2.", "The word of God the means of producing -- Joh 17:17; 2Ti 3:16,17.", "IS THE RESULT OF", "The manifestation of God's grace. -- Tit 2:3,11,12.", "Subjection to God. -- Ro 6:22.", "God's keeping. -- Joh 17:15.", "Union with Christ. -- Joh 15:4,5; 17:9.", "Required in prayer -- 1Ti 2:8.", "Ministers should", "Possess. -- Tit 1:8.", "Avoid everything inconsistent with. -- Le 21:6; Isa 52:11.", "Be examples of. -- 1Ti 4:12.", "Exhort to. -- Heb 12:14; 1Pe 1:14-16.", "Motives to", "The glory of God. -- Joh 15:8; Php 1:11.", "The love of Christ. -- 2Co 5:14,15.", "The mercies of God. -- Ro 12:1,2.", "The dissolution of all things. -- 2Pe 3:11.", "Chastisements are intended to produce, in saints -- Heb 12:10; Jas 1:2,3.", "Should lead to separation from the wicked -- Nu 16:21,26; 2Co 6:17,18.", "The wicked are without -- 1Ti 1:9; 2Ti 3:2.", "Exemplified", "David. -- Ps 86:2.", "Israel. -- Jer 2:3.", "John the Baptist. -- Mr 6:20.", "Prophets. -- Lu 1:70.", "Paul. -- 1Th 2:10.", "Wives of Patriarchs. -- 1Pe 3:5."]} +{"term": "Holiness of God, The", "definitions": ["Is incomparable -- Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2.", "Exhibited in his", "Character. -- Ps 22:3; Joh 17:11.", "Name. -- Isa 57:15; Lu 1:49.", "Words. -- Ps 60:6; Jer 23:9.", "Works. -- Ps 145:17.", "Kingdom. -- Ps 47:8; Mt 13:41; Re 21:27; 1Co 6:9,10.", "Is pledged for the fulfilment of", "His promises. -- Ps 89:35.", "His judgments. -- Am 4:2.", "Saints are commanded to imitate -- Le 11:44; 1Pe 1:15,16.", "Saints should praise -- Ps 30:4.", "Should produce reverential fear -- Re 15:4.", "Requires holy service -- Jos 24:19; Ps 93:5.", "Heavenly hosts adore -- Isa 6:3; Re 4:8.", "Should be magnified -- 1Ch 16:10; Ps 48:1; 99:3,5; Re 15:4."]} +{"term": "Holy Spirit, the Comforter, The", "definitions": ["Proceeds from the Father -- Joh 15:26.", "Given", "By the Father. -- Joh 14:16.", "By Christ. -- Isa 61:3.", "Through Christ's intercession. -- Joh 14:16.", "Sent in the name of Christ -- Joh 14:26.", "Sent by Christ from the Father -- Joh 15:26; 16:7.", "As such he", "Communicates joy to saints. -- Ro 14:17; Ga 5:22; 1Th 1:6.", "Edifies the Church. -- Ac 9:31.", "Testifies of Christ. -- Joh 15:26.", "Imparts the love of God. -- Ro 5:3-5.", "Imparts hope. -- Ro 15:13; Ga 5:5.", "Teaches saints. -- Joh 14:26.", "Dwells with, and in saints. -- Joh 14:17.", "Abides for ever with saints. -- Joh 14:16.", "Is known by saints. -- Joh 14:17.", "The world cannot receive -- Joh 14:17."]} +{"term": "Holy Spirit, The, is God", "definitions": ["As Jehovah -- Ex 17:7; Heb 3:7-9; Nu 12:6; 2Pe 1:21.", "As Jehovah of hosts -- Isa 6:3,8-10; Ac 28:25.", "As Jehovah, Most High -- Ps 78:17,21; Ac 7:51.", "Being invoked as Jehovah -- Lu 2:26-29; Ac 4:23-25; 1:16,20; 2Th 3:5.", "As called God -- Ac 5:3,4.", "As joined with the Father and the Son in the baptismal formula -- Mt 28:19.", "As eternal -- Heb 9:14.", "As omnipresent -- Ps 139:7-13.", "As omniscient -- 1Co 2:10.", "As omnipotent -- Lu 1:35; Ro 15:19.", "As the Spirit of glory and of God -- 1Pe 4:14.", "As Creator -- Ge 1:26,27; Job 33:4.", "As equal to, and one with the Father -- Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:14.", "As Sovereign Disposer of all things -- Da 4:35; 1Co 12:6,11.", "As Author of the new birth -- Joh 3:5,6; 1Jo 5:4.", "As raising Christ from the dead -- Ac 2:24; 1Pe 3:18; Heb 13:20; Ro 1:4.", "As inspiring Scripture -- 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.", "As the source of wisdom -- 1Co 12:8; Isa 11:2; Joh 16:13; 14:26.", "As the source of miraculous power -- Mt 12:28; Lu 11:20; Ac 19:11; Ro 15:19.", "As appointing and sending ministers -- Ac 13:2,4; 9:38; 20:28.", "As directing where the gospel should be preached -- Ac 16:6,7,10.", "As dwelling in saints -- Joh 14:17; 1Co 14:25; 3:16; 6:19.", "As Comforter of the Church -- Ac 9:31; 2Co 1:3.", "As sanctifying the Church -- Eze 37:28; Ro 15:16.", "As the Witness -- Heb 10:15; 1Jo 5:9.", "As convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment -- Joh 16:8-11."]} +{"term": "Holy Spirit, the Personality Of", "definitions": ["He creates and gives life -- Job 33:4.", "He appoints and commissions ministers -- Isa 48:16; Ac 13:2; 20:28.", "He directs ministers where to preach -- Ac 8:29; 10:19,20.", "He directs ministers where not to preach -- Ac 16:6,7.", "He instructs ministers what to preach -- 1Co 2:13.", "He spoke in, and by, the prophets -- Ac 1:16; 1Pe 1:11,12; 2Pe 1:21.", "He strives with sinners -- Ge 6:3.", "He reproves -- Joh 16:8.", "He comforts -- Ac 9:31.", "He helps our infirmities -- Ro 8:26.", "He teaches -- Joh 14:26; 1Co 12:3.", "He guides -- Joh 16:13.", "He sanctifies -- Ro 15:16; 1Co 6:11.", "He testifies of Christ -- Joh 15:26.", "He glorifies Christ -- Joh 16:14.", "He has a power of his own -- Ro 15:13.", "He searches all things -- Ro 11:33,34; 1Co 2:10,11.", "He works according to his own will -- 1Co 12:11.", "He dwells with saints -- Joh 14:17.", "He can be grieved -- Eph 4:30.", "He can be vexed -- Isa 63:10.", "He can be resisted -- Ac 7:51.", "He can be tempted -- Ac 5:9."]} +{"term": "Holy Spirit, the Teacher, The", "definitions": ["Promised -- Pr 1:23.", "As the Spirit of wisdom -- Isa 11:2; 40:13,14.", "Given", "In answer to prayer. -- Eph 1:16,17.", "To saints. -- Ne 9:20; 1Co 2:12,13.", "Necessity for -- 1Co 2:9,10.", "As such he", "Reveals the things of God. -- 1Co 2:10,13.", "Reveals the things of Christ. -- Joh 16:14.", "Reveals the future. -- Lu 2:26; Ac 21:11.", "Brings the words of Christ to remembrance. -- Joh 14:26.", "Directs in the way of godliness. -- Isa 30:21; Eze 36:27.", "Teaches saints to answer persecutors. -- Mr 13:11; Lu 12:12.", "Enables ministers to teach. -- 1Co 12:8.", "Guides into all truth. -- Joh 14:26; 16:13.", "Directs the decisions of the Church. -- Ac 15:28.", "Attend to the instruction of -- Re 2:7,11,29.", "The natural man will not receive the things of -- 1Co 2:14."]} +{"term": "Holy Land", "definitions": ["Extremely fruitful -- Ex 3:8; Nu 13:27; De 8:7-9; 11:10-12.", "Abounded in minerals -- De 8:9; 33:25.", "Called", "The land. -- Le 26:42; Lu 4:25.", "The Lord's land. -- Ho 9:3.", "Land of Canaan. -- Ge 11:31; Le 14:34.", "Land of Israel. -- 1Sa 13:19; Mt 2:20,21.", "Land of Judah. -- Isa 26:1.", "Land of the Hebrews. -- Ge 40:15.", "Land of promise. -- Heb 11:9.", "Land of Immanuel. -- Isa 8:8.", "Pleasant land. -- Ps 106:24; Da 8:9.", "Good land. -- Nu 14:7; De 3:25.", "Glorious land. -- Da 11:16.", "Palestine. -- Ex 15:14; Isa 14:29,31.", "Original inhabitants of, expelled for wickedness -- Ge 15:16; Ex 23:23; Le 18:25; De 18:12.", "Promised to", "Abraham. -- Ge 12:7; 13:15; 17:8.", "Isaac. -- Ge 26:3.", "Jacob. -- Ge 28:13,15; 35:12.", "Given by covenant to Israel. -- Ex 6:4.", "Extent of", "As promised. -- Ge 15:18; De 1:7; Jos 1:4.", "As at first divided. -- Nu 34:1-12.", "Under Solomon. -- 1Ki 4:21,24; 2Ch 9:26.", "Twelve men sent to spy -- Nu 13:1-33.", "Conquered by Joshua -- Jos 6:1-12:24.", "Divided by lot -- Nu 34:16-29; Jos 13:7-14.", "Allotment of, specified -- Jos 14:1-19:51.", "All inheritances in, inalienable -- Le 25:10,23.", "A sabbath of rest appointed for -- Le 25:2-5.", "Obedience the condition of continuing in -- Le 26:3; De 5:33; 11:16,17,22-25.", "Divided into", "Twelve provinces by Solomon. -- 1Ki 4:7-19.", "Two kingdoms in the time of Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 11:35,36; 12:19,20.", "Four provinces by the Romans. -- Lu 3:1.", "Numerous population of, in Solomon's reign -- 1Ki 3:8; 2Ch 1:9.", "Extensive commerce of, in Solomon's reign -- 1Ki 9:26-28; 10:22-29.", "Prosperity of, in Solomon's reign -- 1Ki 4:20.", "Was the burial place of the patriarchs -- Ge 49:29-31; 50:13,25; Jos 24:32.", "A type of the rest that remains for saints -- Heb 4:1,2,9; 1Pe 1:4."]} +{"term": "Holy of Holies", "definitions": ["Divided from the outward tabernacle by a vail -- Ex 26:31-33.", "Was called the", "Sanctuary. -- Le 4:6; Ps 20:2.", "Holy sanctuary. -- Le 16:33.", "Holy place. -- Ex 28:29; Le 16:2,3.", "Most holy place. -- Ex 26:31-33.", "Holiest of all. -- Heb 9:3.", "Oracle. -- 1Ki 6:5,16,20.", "Contained", "Ark of testimony. -- Ex 26:33; 40:3,21.", "Mercy-seat. -- Ex 26:34.", "Cherubim. -- Ex 25:18-22; 1Ki 6:23-28.", "Golden censer. -- Heb 9:4.", "Pot of manna. -- Ex 16:33; Heb 9:4.", "Aaron's rod. -- Nu 17:10; Heb 9:4.", "A written copy of the divine law. -- De 31:26; 2Ki 22:8.", "God appeared in -- Ex 25:22; Le 16:2.", "The high priest", "Not to enter, at all times. -- Le 16:2.", "Alone to enter, once a year. -- Heb 9:7.", "Entered, in ordinary priest's dress. -- Le 16:4.", "Entered, not without blood of atonement. -- Le 16:14,15; Heb 9:7.", "Offered incense in. -- Le 16:12.", "Made atonement for. -- Le 16:15,16,20,33.", "The priests allowed to enter, and prepare the holy things for removal -- Nu 4:5.", "Laid open to view at Christ's death -- Mt 27:51.", "A type of heaven -- Ps 102:19; Heb 9:12,13,24.", "Saints have boldness to enter the true -- Heb 10:19."]} +{"term": "Homicide", "definitions": ["Distinguished from murder -- Ex 21:13,14; Nu 35:16-21,25.", "Justifiable, described as", "Killing persons condemned by law. -- Ge 9:6; Ex 35:2; Le 24:16.", "Killing a thief in the night. -- Ex 22:2.", "Killing enemies in battle. -- Nu 31:7,8.", "Killing a manslayer by next of kin. -- Nu 35:27.", "Unjustifiable, described as", "Killing without enmity. -- Nu 35:22.", "Killing without lying in wait. -- Ex 21:13; Nu 35:22.", "Killing by accident. -- Nu 35:23; De 19:5.", "The avenger of blood might slay those guilty of unjustifiable -- Nu 35:19,27.", "Protection afforded in the cities of refuge to those guilty of unjustified -- Nu 35:11,15.", "Confinement in the city of refuge the punishment for unjustifiable -- Nu 35:25,28."]} +{"term": "Honey", "definitions": ["God the giver of -- Ps 81:16; Eze 16:19.", "Gathered and prepared by bees -- Jdj 14:18.", "Found in", "Rocks. -- De 32:13; Ps 81:16.", "Woods. -- 1Sa 14:25,26; Jer 41:8.", "Carcases of dead animals. -- Jdj 14:8.", "Sweetness of -- Jdj 14:18.", "In the honeycomb sweetest and most valuable -- Pr 16:24; 24:13.", "Abounded in", "Egypt. -- Nu 16:13.", "Assyria. -- 2Ki 18:32.", "Canaan. -- Ex 3:8; Le 20:24; De 8:8.", "Esteemed a wholesome food -- Pr 24:13.", "Moderation needful in the use of -- Pr 25:16,27.", "Loathed by those who are full -- Pr 27:7.", "Was eaten", "Plain. -- 1Sa 14:25,26,29.", "With the honeycomb. -- Song 5:1; Lu 24:42.", "With milk. -- Song 4:11.", "With butter. -- Isa 7:15,22.", "With locusts. -- Mt 3:4; Mr 1:6.", "Mixed with flour. -- Ex 16:31; Eze 16:13.", "Not to be offered with any sacrifice -- Le 2:11.", "First fruits of, offered to God -- 2Ch 31:5.", "Often sent as a present -- Ge 43:11; 1Ki 14:3.", "Exported from Canaan -- Eze 27:17.", "Illustrative of", "The word of God. -- Ps 19:10; 119:103.", "Wisdom. -- Pr 24:13,14.", "Holy speech of saints. -- Song 4:11.", "Pleasant words. -- Pr 16:24.", "Lips of a strange woman. -- Pr 5:3."]} +{"term": "Hope", "definitions": ["In God -- Ps 39:7; 1Pe 1:21.", "In Christ -- 1Co 15:19; 1Ti 1:1.", "In God's promises -- Ac 26:6,7; Tit 1:2.", "In the mercy of God -- Ps 33:18.", "Is the work of the Holy Spirit -- Ro 15:13; Ga 5:5.", "Obtained through", "Grace. -- 2Th 2:16.", "The word. -- Ps 119:81.", "Patience and comfort of the Scriptures. -- Ro 15:4.", "The gospel. -- Col 1:5,23.", "Faith. -- Ro 5:1,2; Ga 5:5.", "The result of experience -- Ro 5:4.", "A better hope brought in by Christ -- Heb 7:19.", "Described as", "Good. -- 2Th 2:16.", "Lively. -- 1Pe 1:3.", "Sure and steadfast. -- Heb 6:19.", "Gladdening. -- Pr 10:28.", "Blessed. -- Tit 2:13.", "Makes not ashamed -- Ro 5:5.", "Triumphs over difficulties -- Ro 4:18.", "Is an encouragement to boldness in preaching -- 2Co 3:12.", "Saints", "Are called to. -- Eph 4:4.", "Rejoice in. -- Ro 5:2; 12:12.", "Have all, the same. -- Eph 4:4.", "Have, in death. -- Pr 14:32.", "Should abound in. -- Ro 15:13.", "Should look for the object of. -- Tit 2:13.", "Should not be ashamed of. -- Ps 119:16.", "Should hold fast. -- Heb 3:6.", "Should not be moved from. -- Col 1:23.", "Should continue in. -- Ps 71:14; 1Pe 1:13.", "Connected with faith and love -- 1Co 13:13.", "Objects of", "Salvation. -- 1Th 5:8.", "Righteousness. -- Ga 5:5.", "Christ's glorious appearing. -- Tit 2:13.", "A resurrection. -- Ac 23:6; 24:15.", "Eternal life. -- Tit 1:2; 3:7.", "Glory. -- Ro 5:2; Col 1:27.", "Leads to purity -- 1Jo 3:3.", "Leads to patience -- Ro 8:25; 1Th 1:3.", "Seek for full assurance of -- Heb 6:11.", "Be ready to give an answer concerning -- 1Pe 3:15.", "Encouragement to -- Ho 2:15; Zec 9:12.", "Encourage others to -- Ps 130:7.", "Happiness of -- Ps 146:5.", "Life is the season of -- Ec 9:4; Isa 38:18.", "The wicked have no ground for -- Eph 2:12.", "Of the wicked", "Is in their worldly possessions. -- Job 31:24.", "Shall make them ashamed. -- Isa 20:5,6; Zec 9:5.", "Shall perish. -- Job 8:13; 11:20; Pr 10:28.", "Shall be extinguished in death. -- Job 27:8.", "Illustrated by", "An Anchor. -- Heb 6:19.", "A helmet. -- 1Th 5:8.", "Exemplified", "David. -- Ps 39:7.", "Paul. -- Ac 24:15.", "Abraham. -- Ro 4:18.", "Thessalonians. -- 1Th 1:3."]} +{"term": "Horns", "definitions": ["Natural weapons on heads of animals -- Da 7:20.", "Animals with, mentioned", "The ox. -- Ps 69:31.", "The ram. -- Ge 22:13.", "The goat. -- Da 8:5.", "The unicorn. -- Ps 22:21; 92:10.", "Tusks of the elephant so called -- Eze 27:15.", "Used offensively -- Ex 21:29; Eze 34:21.", "Were used", "For holding oil. -- 1Sa 16:1; 1Ki 1:39.", "As musical instruments. -- Jos 6:4,5; 1Ch 25:5.", "Representations of, placed at the four corners of the altars -- Ex 27:2; 30:2.", "Wearing of, alluded to -- Ps 75:5,10.", "Illustrative", "Of power of God. -- Ps 18:2; Hab 3:4.", "Of power of Christ. -- Lu 1:69; Re 5:6.", "Of power of Ephraim & c. -- De 33:17.", "Of power of the wicked. -- Ps 22:21; 75:10.", "Of kings. -- Da 7:7,8,24; 8:3,5,20.", "Of antichristian powers. -- Re 13:1; 17:3,7.", "(Budding of,) of the commencement or revival of a nation. -- Ps 132:17; Eze 29:21.", "(Raising up,) of arrogance. -- Ps 75:4,5.", "(Exalting,) of increase of power and glory. -- 1Sa 2:1,10; Ps 89:17,24; 92:10; 112:9.", "(Pushing with,) of conquests. -- De 33:17; 1Ki 22:11; Mic 4:13.", "(Bringing down,) of degradation. -- Job 16:15.", "(Cutting off,) of destruction of power. -- Ps 75:10; Jer 48:25; La 2:3."]} +{"term": "Horse, The", "definitions": ["Endued with strength by God -- Job 39:19.", "Described as", "Strong. -- Ps 33:17; 147:10.", "Swift. -- Isa 30:16; Jer 4:13; Hab 1:8.", "Fearless. -- Job 39:20,22.", "Fierce and impetuous. -- Job 39:21,24.", "Warlike in disposition. -- Job 39:21; Jer 8:6.", "Sure footed. -- Isa 63:13.", "Want of understanding in, alluded to -- Ps 32:9.", "Hard hoofs of, alluded to -- Isa 5:28.", "Loud snorting of, alluded to -- Jer 8:16; Job 39:20.", "Colours of, mentioned", "White. -- Zec 1:8; 6:3; Re 6:2.", "Black. -- Zec 6:2,6; Re 6:5.", "Red. -- Zec 1:8; 6:2; Re 6:4.", "Speckled. -- Zec 1:8.", "Bay. -- Zec 6:3,7.", "Grisled. -- Zec 6:3,6.", "Pale or ash colour. -- Re 6:8.", "Fed on grain and herbs -- 1Ki 4:23; 18:5.", "Used for", "Mounting calvary. -- Ex 14:9; 1Sa 13:5.", "Drawing chariots. -- Mic 1:13; Zec 6:2.", "Bearing burdens. -- Ezr 2:66; Ne 7:68.", "Hunting. -- Job 39:18.", "Conveying posts, & c. -- 2Ki 9:17-19; Es 8:10.", "Kings and princes rode on -- Es 6:8-11; Eze 23:23.", "Governed by bit and bridle -- Ps 32:9; Jas 3:3.", "Urged on by whips -- Pr 26:3.", "Adorned with bells on the neck -- Zec 14:20.", "Numbers of, kept for war -- Jer 51:27; Eze 26:10.", "Prepared and trained for war -- Pr 21:31.", "In battle protected by armour -- Jer 46:4.", "Vanity of trusting to -- Ps 33:17; Am 2:15.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to multiply. -- De 17:16.", "Imported from Egypt. -- 1Ki 10:28,29.", "Multiplied in Solomon's reign. -- 1Ki 4:26.", "Condemned for multiplying. -- Isa 2:7.", "Not to trust in. -- Ho 14:3.", "Condemned for trusting to. -- Isa 30:16; 31:3.", "Brought back many, from Babylon. -- Ezr 2:66.", "Notice of early traffic in -- Ge 47:17.", "Sold in fairs and markets -- Eze 27:14; Re 18:13.", "Often suffered", "From blindness. -- Zec 12:4.", "From plague. -- Zec 14:15.", "From murrain. -- Ex 9:3.", "From bites of serpents. -- Ge 49:17.", "In the hoof from prancing. -- Jdj 5:22.", "In battle. -- Jer 51:21; Hag 2:22.", "Dedicated to the sun by idolaters -- 2Ki 23:11.", "Illustrative of", "Beauty of the church. -- Song 1:9; Zec 10:3.", "Glorious and triumphant deliverance of the church. -- Isa 63:13.", "A dull headstrong disposition. -- Ps 32:9.", "Impetuosity of the wicked in sin. -- Jer 8:6."]} +{"term": "Hospitality", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Ro 12:13; 1Pe 4:9.", "Required in ministers -- 1Ti 3:2; Tit 1:8.", "A test of Christian character -- 1Ti 5:10.", "Specially to be shown to", "Strangers. -- Heb 13:2.", "The poor. -- Isa 58:7; Lu 14:13.", "Enemies. -- 2Ki 6:22,23; Ro 12:20.", "Encouragement to -- Lu 14:14; Heb 13:2.", "Exemplified", "Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:18.", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:3-8.", "Lot. -- Ge 19:2,3.", "Laban. -- Ge 24:31.", "Jethro. -- Ex 2:20.", "Manoah. -- Jdj 13:15.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 9:22.", "David. -- 2Sa 6:19.", "Barzillai. -- 2Sa 19:32.", "Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:8.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 5:17.", "Job. -- Job 31:17,32.", "Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:6.", "Samaritans. -- Joh 4:40.", "Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.", "Jason. -- Ac 17:7.", "Mnason. -- Ac 21:16.", "People of Melita. -- Ac 28:2.", "Publius. -- Ac 28:7.", "Gaius. -- 3Jo 1:5,6."]} +{"term": "Houses", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 12:1; 19:3.", "Deep and solid foundations required for -- Mt 7:24; Lu 6:48.", "Sometimes built without foundation -- Mt 7:26; Lu 6:49.", "Built of", "Clay. -- Job 4:19.", "Bricks. -- Ex 1:11-14; Isa 9:10.", "Stone and wood. -- Le 14:40,42; Hab 2:11.", "Hewn or cut stone. -- Isa 3:10; Am 5:11.", "In cities, built in streets -- Ge 19:2; Jos 2:19.", "Often built on city walls -- Jos 2:15; 2Co 11:33.", "The flat roofs of", "Surrounded with battlements. -- De 22:8.", "Had often booths on them. -- 2Sa 16:22; Ne 8:16; Pr 2:19.", "Had often idolatrous altars on them. -- 2Ki 23:12; Jer 19:13; Zep 1:5.", "Used for drying flax. -- Jos 2:6.", "Used for exercise. -- 2Sa 11:2; Da 4:29.", "Used for devotion. -- Ac 10:9.", "Used for making proclamations. -- Lu 12:3.", "Used for secret conference. -- 1Sa 9:25,26.", "Resorted to in grief. -- Isa 15:3; Jer 48:38.", "Often covered with week grass. -- Ps 129:6,7.", "Accessible from the outside -- Mt 24:17.", "The courts of, large and used as apartments -- Es 1:5; Lu 5:19.", "Entered by a gate or door -- Ge 43:19; Ex 12:22; Lu 16:20; Ac 10:17.", "Doors of, low and small for safety -- Pr 17:19.", "Doors of, how fastened -- 2Sa 13:18; Song 5:5; Lu 11:7.", "Admission to, gained by knocking at the door -- Ac 12:13; Re 3:20.", "Walls of, plastered -- Le 14:42,43.", "Serpents often lodged in walls of -- Am 5:19.", "Custom of fastening nails, & c, in walls of, alluded to -- Ec 12:11; Isa 22:23.", "Had often several stories -- Eze 41:16; Ac 20:9.", "Divided into apartments -- Ge 43:30; Isa 26:20.", "Apartments of, were often", "Large and airy. -- Jer 22:14.", "Ceiled and painted. -- Jer 22:14; Hag 1:4.", "Inlaid with ivory. -- 1Ki 22:39; Am 3:15.", "Hung with rich tapestries. -- Es 1:6.", "Warmed with fires. -- Jer 36:22; Joh 18:18.", "Upper apartments of, the best, and used for entertainments -- Mr 14:15.", "Had often detached apartments for secrecy and for strangers -- Jdj 3:20-23; 2Ki 4:10,11; 9:2,3.", "Lighted by windows -- 1Ki 7:4.", "Street windows of, high and dangerous -- 2Ki 1:2; 9:30,33; Ac 20:9.", "Of the rich", "Great. -- Isa 5:9; Am 6:11; 2Ti 2:20.", "Goodly. -- De 8:12.", "Pleasant. -- Eze 26:12; Mic 2:9.", "Of brick or clay", "Plastered. -- Eze 13:10,11.", "Easily broken through. -- Job 24:16; Eze 12:5.", "Often swept away by torrents. -- Eze 13:13,14.", "When finished were usually dedicated -- De 20:5; Ps 30:1.", "For summer residence -- Am 3:15.", "Liable to leprosy -- Le 14:34-53.", "Not to be coveted -- Ex 20:17; Mic 2:2.", "Were hired -- Ac 28:30.", "Were mortgaged -- Ne 5:3.", "Were sold -- Ac 4:34.", "Law respecting the sale of -- Le 25:29-33.", "Of criminals, desolated -- Da 2:5; 3:29.", "Desolation of, threatened as a punishment -- Isa 5:9; 13:16,21,22; Eze 16:41; 26:12.", "Often broken down to repair city walls before sieges -- Isa 22:10.", "Illustrative", "Of the body. -- Job 4:19; 2Co 5:1.", "Of the grave. -- Job 30:23.", "Of the church. -- Heb 3:6; 1Pe 2:5.", "Of saints' inheritance. -- Joh 14:2; 2Co 5:1.", "(On sand,) of the delusive hope of hypocrites. -- Mt 7:24,25.", "(On a rock,) of the hope of saints. -- Mt 7:24,25.", "(Insecurity of,) of earthly trust. -- Mt 6:19,20.", "(Building of,) of great prosperity. -- Isa 65:21; Eze 28:26.", "(Built and not inhabited,) of calamity. -- De 28:30; Am 5:11; Zep 1:13.", "(To inhabit those, built by others,) of abundant feelings. -- De 6:10,11."]} +{"term": "Human Nature of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Was necessary to his mediatorial office -- 1Ti 2:5; Heb 2:17; Ga 4:4,5; 1Co 15:21; Ro 6:15,19.", "Is proved by his", "Conception in the Virgin's womb. -- Mt 1:18; Lu 1:31.", "Birth. -- Mt 1:16,25; 2:2; Lu 2:7,11.", "Partaking of flesh and blood. -- Joh 1:14; Heb 2:14.", "Having a human soul. -- Mt 26:38; Lu 23:46; Ac 2:31.", "Circumcision. -- Lu 2:21.", "Increase in wisdom and stature. -- Lu 2:52.", "Weeping. -- Lu 19:41; Joh 11:35.", "Hungering. -- Mt 4:2; 21:18.", "Thirsting. -- Joh 4:7; 19:28.", "Sleeping. -- Mt 8:24; Mr 4:38.", "Being subject to weariness. -- Joh 4:6.", "Being a man of sorrows. -- Isa 53:3,4; Lu 22:44; Joh 11:33; 12:27.", "Being buffeted. -- Mt 26:67; Lu 22:64.", "Enduring indignities. -- Lu 23:11.", "Being scourged. -- Mt 27:26; Lu 22:64.", "Being nailed to the cross. -- Ps 22:16; Lu 23:33.", "Death. -- Joh 19:30.", "Side being pierced. -- Joh 19:34.", "Burial. -- Mt 27:59,60; Mr 15:46.", "Resurrection. -- Ac 3:15; 2Ti 2:8.", "Was like our own in all things except sin -- Ac 3:22; Php 2:7,8; Heb 2:17.", "Was without sin -- Heb 7:26,28; 1Jo 3:5; 1Pe 2:22; Heb 4:15; Joh 18:38; 8:46.", "Was submitted to the evidence of the senses -- Lu 24:39; Joh 20:27; 1Jo 1:1,2.", "Was of the seed of", "The woman. -- Ge 3:15; Isa 7:4; Jer 31:22; Lu 1:31; Ga 4:4.", "Abraham. -- Ge 22:18; Ga 3:16; Heb 2:16.", "David. -- 2Sa 7:12,16; Ps 89:35,36; Jer 23:5; Mt 22:42; Mr 10:47; Ac 2:30; 13:23; Ro 1:3.", "Genealogy of -- Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38.", "Attested by himself -- Mt 8:20; 16:13.", "Confession of, a test of belonging to God -- Joh 4:2.", "Acknowledged by men -- Mr 6:3; Joh 7:27; 19:5; Ac 2:22.", "Denied by Antichrist -- 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7."]} +{"term": "Humility", "definitions": ["Necessary to the service of God -- Mic 6:8.", "Christ an example of -- Mt 11:29; Joh 13:14,15; Php 2:5-8.", "A characteristic of saints -- Ps 34:2.", "The who have", "Regarded by God. -- Ps 138:6; Isa 66:2.", "Heard by God. -- Ps 9:12; Isa 10:17.", "Enjoy the presence of God. -- Isa 57:15.", "Delivered by God. -- Job 22:29.", "Lifted up by God. -- Jas 4:10.", "Exalted by God. -- Lu 14:11; 18:14.", "Are greatest in Christ's kingdom. -- Mt 18:4; 20:26-28.", "Receive more grace. -- Pr 3:34; Jas 4:6.", "Upheld by honour. -- Pr 18:12; 29:23.", "Is before honour -- Pr 15:33.", "Leads to riches, honour, and life -- Pr 22:4.", "Saints should", "Put on. -- Col 3:12.", "Be clothed with. -- 1Pe 5:5.", "Walk with. -- Eph 4:1,2.", "Beware of false. -- Col 2:18,23.", "Afflictions intended to produce -- Le 26:41; De 8:3; La 3:20.", "Want of, condemned -- 2Ch 33:23; 36:12; Jer 44:10; Da 5:22.", "Temporal judgments averted by -- 2Ch 7:14; 12:6,7.", "Excellency of -- Pr 16:19.", "Blessedness of -- Mt 5:3.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:27.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:10.", "Moses. -- Ex 3:11; 4:10.", "Joshua. -- Jos 7:6.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:15.", "David. -- 1Ch 29:14.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 32:26.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:12.", "Josiah. -- 2Ch 34:27.", "Job. -- Job 40:4; 42:6.", "Isaiah. -- Isa 6:5.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 1:6.", "John the Baptist. -- Mt 3:14.", "Centurion. -- Mt 8:8.", "Woman of Canaan. -- Mt 15:27.", "Elizabeth. -- Lu 1:43.", "Peter. -- Lu 5:8.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:19."]} +{"term": "Humility of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Declared by himself -- Mt 11:29.", "Exhibited in his", "Taking our nature. -- Php 2:7; Heb 2:16.", "Birth. -- Lu 2:4-7.", "Subjection to his parents. -- Lu 2:51.", "Station in life. -- Mt 13:55; Joh 9:29.", "Poverty. -- Lu 9:58; 2Co 8:9.", "Partaking of our infirmities. -- Heb 4:15; 5:7.", "Submitting to ordinances. -- Mt 3:13-15.", "Becoming a servant. -- Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27; Php 2:7.", "Associating with the despised. -- Mt 9:10,11; Lu 15:1,2.", "Refusing honours. -- Joh 5:41; 6:15.", "Entry into Jerusalem. -- Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5,7.", "Washing his disciples' feet. -- Joh 13:5.", "Obedience. -- Joh 6:38; Heb 10:9.", "Submitting to sufferings. -- Isa 50:6; 53:7; Ac 8:32; Mt 26:37-39.", "Exposing himself to reproach and contempt. -- Ps 22:6; 69:9; Ro 15:3; Isa 53:3.", "Death. -- Joh 10:15,17,18; Php 2:8; Heb 12:2.", "Saints should imitate -- Php 2:5-8.", "On account of, he was despised -- Mr 6:3; Joh 9:29.", "His exaltation, the result of -- Php 2:9."]} +{"term": "Husbands", "definitions": ["Should have but one wife -- Ge 2:24; Mr 10:6-8; 1Co 7:2-4.", "Have authority over their wives -- Ge 3:16; 1Co 11:3; Eph 5:23.", "Duty of, to wives", "To respect them. -- 1Pe 3:7.", "To love them. -- Eph 5:25-33; Col 3:19.", "To regard them as themselves. -- Ge 2:23; Mt 19:5.", "To be faithful to them. -- Pr 5:19; Mal 2:14,15.", "To dwell with them for life. -- Ge 2:24; Mt 19:3-9.", "To comfort them. -- 1Sa 1:8.", "To consult with them. -- Ge 31:4-7.", "Not to leave them, though unbelieving. -- 1Co 7:11,12,14,16.", "Duties of, not to interfere with their duties to Christ -- Lu 14:26; Mt 19:29.", "Good -- Exemplified", "Isaac. -- Ge 24:67.", "Elkanah. -- 1Sa 1:4,5.", "Bad -- Exemplified", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:1.", "Ahasuerus. -- Es 1:10,11."]} +{"term": "Hyke or Upper Garment", "definitions": ["Law respecting fringes of -- Nu 15:38; De 22:12.", "Used by the poor as a covering by night -- Ex 22:26,27; De 24:13.", "Burdens often bound up in -- Ex 12:34.", "The skirts of, used to hold things in -- 2Ki 4:39; Ne 5:13; Hag 2:12; Lu 6:38.", "Probably used by women as a vail -- Ru 3:15.", "Required to be girt up", "For running. -- 1Ki 18:46.", "For labour. -- Lu 17:8.", "Often laid aside -- Mt 24:18; Mr 10:50.", "The Jews said to be naked without -- 2Sa 6:20; Mr 14:51,52; Joh 21:7.", "Was the garment", "Rent in token of anger. -- Mt 26:65.", "Rent in token of grief. -- Joe 2:13.", "Of Samuel rent by Saul. -- 1Sa 15:27.", "Of Saul which David cut. -- 1Sa 24:4,5.", "Of Jeroboam rent by Ahijah. -- 1Ki 11:30.", "Laid aside by Christ. -- Joh 13:4.", "Spread before Christ by the Jews. -- Mt 21:8.", "The Jews condemned for making broad the borders of -- Mt 23:5."]} +{"term": "Hypocrites", "definitions": ["God knows and detects -- Isa 29:15,16.", "Christ knew and detected -- Mt 22:18.", "God has no pleasure in -- Isa 9:17.", "Shall not come before God -- Job 13:16.", "Described as", "Wilfully blind. -- Mt 23:17,19,26.", "Vile. -- Isa 32:6.", "Self-righteous. -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:11.", "Covetous. -- Eze 33:31; 2Pe 2:3.", "Ostentatious. -- Mt 5:2,5,16; 23:5.", "Censorious. -- Mt 7:3-5; Lu 13:14,15.", "Regarding tradition more than the word of God. -- Mt 15:1-3.", "Exact in minor, but neglecting important duties. -- Mt 23:23,24.", "Having but a form of godliness. -- 2Ti 3:5.", "Seeking only outward purity. -- Lu 11:39.", "Professing but not practising. -- Eze 33:31,32; Mt 23:3; Ro 2:17-23.", "Using but lip-worship. -- Isa 29:13; Mt 15:8.", "Glorying in appearance only. -- 2Co 5:12.", "Trusting in privileges. -- Jer 7:4; Mt 3:9.", "Apparently zealous in the things of God. -- Isa 58:2.", "Zealous in making proselytes. -- Mt 23:15.", "Devouring widows' houses. -- Mt 23:14.", "Loving pre-eminence. -- Mt 23:6,7.", "Worship of, not acceptable to God -- Isa 1:11-15; 58:3-5; Mt 15:9.", "Joy of, but for a moment -- Job 20:5.", "Hope of perishes -- Job 8:13; 27:8,9.", "Heap up wrath -- Job 36:13.", "Fearfulness shall surprise -- Isa 33:14.", "Destroy others by slander -- Pr 11:9.", "In power, are a snare -- Job 34:30.", "The Apostasy to abound with -- 1Ti 4:2.", "Beware the principles of -- Lu 12:1.", "Spirit of, hinders growth in grace -- 1Pe 2:1.", "Woe to -- Isa 29:15; Mt 23:13.", "Punishment of -- Job 15:34; Isa 10:6; Jer 42:20,22; Mt 24:51.", "Illustrated -- Mt 23:27,28; Lu 11:44.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:3.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:7,8.", "The Jews. -- Jer 3:10.", "Pharisees, & c. -- Mt 16:3.", "Judas. -- Mt 26:49.", "Herodians. -- Mr 12:13,15.", "Ananias. -- Ac 5:1-8.", "Simon. -- Ac 8:13-23."]} +{"term": "Idleness and Sloth", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Ro 12:11; Heb 6:12.", "Produce apathy -- Pr 12:27; 26:15.", "Akin to extravagance -- Pr 18:9.", "Accompanied by conceit -- Pr 26:16.", "Lead to", "Poverty. -- Pr 10:4; 20:13.", "Want. -- Pr 20:4; 24:34.", "Hunger. -- Pr 19:15; 20:13.", "Bondage. -- Pr 12:24.", "Disappointment. -- Pr 13:4; 21:25.", "Ruin. -- Pr 24:30,31; Ec 10:18.", "Tattling and meddling. -- 1Ti 5:13.", "Effects of, afford instruction to others -- Pr 24:30-32.", "Remonstrance against -- Pr 6:6,9.", "False excuses for -- Pr 20:4; 22:13.", "Illustrated -- Pr 26:14; Mt 25:18,26.", "Exemplified", "Watchmen. -- Isa 56:10.", "Athenians. -- Ac 17:21.", "Thessalonians. -- 2Th 3:11."]} +{"term": "Idolatry", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Ex 20:2,3; De 5:7.", "Consists in", "Bowing down to images. -- Ex 20:5; De 5:9.", "Worshipping images. -- Isa 44:17; Da 3:5,10,15.", "Sacrificing to images. -- Ps 106:38; Ac 7:41.", "Worshipping other gods. -- De 30:17; Ps 81:9.", "Swearing by other gods. -- Ex 23:13; Jos 23:7.", "Walking after other gods. -- De 8:19.", "Speaking in the name of other gods. -- De 18:20.", "Looking to other gods. -- Ho 3:1.", "Serving other gods. -- De 7:4; Jer 5:19.", "Fearing other gods. -- 2Ki 17:35.", "Sacrificing to other gods. -- Ex 22:20.", "Worshipping the true God by an image, & c. -- Ex 32:4-6; Ps 106:19,20.", "Worshipping angels. -- Col 2:18.", "Worshipping the host of heaven. -- De 4:19; 17:3.", "Worshipping demons. -- Mt 4:9-10; Re 9:20.", "Worshipping dead men. -- Ps 106:28.", "Setting up idols in the heart. -- Eze 14:3,4.", "Covetousness. -- Eph 5:5; Col 3:5.", "Sensuality. -- Php 3:19.", "Is changing the glory of God into an image -- Ro 1:23; Ac 17:29.", "Is changing the truth of God into a lie -- Ro 1:25; Isa 44:20.", "Is a work of the flesh -- Ga 5:19,20.", "Incompatible with the service of God -- Ge 35:2,3; Jos 24:23; 1Sa 7:3; 1Ki 18:21; 2Co 6:15,16.", "Described as", "An abomination to God. -- De 7:25.", "Hateful to God. -- De 16:22; Jer 44:4.", "Vain and foolish. -- Ps 115:4-8; Isa 44:19; Jer 10:3.", "Bloody. -- Eze 23:39.", "Abominable. -- 1Pe 4:3.", "Unprofitable. -- Jdj 10:14; Isa 46:7.", "Irrational. -- Ac 17:29; Ro 1:21-23.", "Defiling. -- Eze 20:7; 36:18.", "They who practise", "Forget God. -- De 8:19; Jer 18:15.", "Go astray from God. -- Eze 44:10.", "Pollute the name of God. -- Eze 20:39.", "Defile the sanctuary of God. -- Eze 5:11.", "Are estranged from God. -- Eze 14:5.", "Forsake God. -- 2Ki 22:17; Jer 16:11.", "Hate God. -- 2Ch 19:2,3.", "Provoke God. -- De 31:20; Isa 65:3; Jer 25:6.", "Are vain in their imaginations. -- Ro 1:21.", "Are ignorant and foolish. -- Ro 1:21,22.", "Inflame themselves. -- Isa 57:5.", "Hold fast their deceit. -- Jer 8:5.", "Carried away by it. -- 1Co 12:2.", "Go after it in heart. -- Eze 20:16.", "Are mad upon it. -- Jer 50:38.", "Boast of it. -- Ps 97:7.", "Have fellowship with devils. -- Ho 4:12.", "Ask counsel of their idols. -- Ho 4:12.", "Look to idols for deliverance. -- Isa 44:17; 45:20.", "Swear by their idols. -- Am 8:14.", "Objects of, numerous -- 1Co 8:5.", "Objects of described as", "Strange gods. -- Ge 35:2,4; Jos 24:20.", "Other gods. -- Jdj 2:12,17; 1Ki 14:9.", "New gods. -- De 32:17; Jdj 5:8.", "Gods that cannot save. -- Isa 45:20.", "Gods that have not made the heavens. -- Jer 10:11.", "No gods. -- Jer 5:7; Ga 4:8.", "Molten gods. -- Ex 34:17; Le 19:4.", "Molten images. -- De 27:15; Hab 2:18.", "Graven images. -- Isa 45:20; Ho 11:2.", "Senseless idols. -- De 4:28; Ps 115:5,7.", "Dumb idols. -- Hab 2:18.", "Dumb Stones. -- Hab 2:19.", "Stocks. -- Jer 3:9; Ho 4:12.", "Abominations. -- Isa 44:19; Jer 32:34.", "Images of abomination. -- Eze 7:20.", "Idols of abomination. -- Eze 16:36.", "Stumbling blocks. -- Eze 14:3.", "Teachers of lies. -- Hab 2:18.", "Wind and confusion. -- Isa 41:29.", "Nothing. -- Isa 41:24; 1Co 8:4.", "Helpless. -- Jer 10:5.", "Vanity. -- Jer 18:15.", "Vanities of the Gentiles. -- Jer 14:22.", "Making idols for the purpose of, described and ridiculed -- Isa 44:10-20.", "Obstinate sinners judicially given up to -- De 4:28; 28:64; Ho 4:17.", "Warnings against -- De 4:15-19.", "Exhortations to turn from -- Eze 14:6; 20:7; Ac 14:15.", "Renounced on conversion -- 1Th 1:9.", "Led to abominable sins -- Ro 1:26-32; Ac 15:20.", "Saints should", "Keep from. -- Jos 23:7; 1Jo 5:21.", "Flee from. -- 1Co 10:14.", "Not have anything connected with in their houses. -- De 7:26.", "Not partake of any thing connected with. -- 1Co 10:19,20.", "Not have religious intercourse with those who practise. -- Jos 23:7; 1Co 5:11.", "Not covenant with those who practise. -- Ex 34:12,15; De 7:2.", "Not intermarry with those who practise. -- Ex 34:16; De 7:3.", "Testify against. -- Ac 14:15; 19:26.", "Refuse to engage in, though threatened with death. -- Da 3:18.", "Saints preserved by God from -- 1Ki 19:18; Ro 11:4.", "Saints refuse to receive the worship of -- Ac 10:25,26; 14:11-15.", "Angels refuse to receive the worship of -- Re 22:8,9.", "Destruction of, promised -- Eze 36:25; Zec 13:2.", "Everything connected with, should be destroyed -- Ex 34:13; De 7:5; 2Sa 5:21; 2Ki 23:14.", "Woe denounced against -- Hab 2:19.", "Curse denounced against -- De 27:15.", "Punishment of", "Judicial death. -- De 17:2-5.", "Dreadful judgments which end in death. -- Jer 8:2; 16:1-11.", "Banishment. -- Jer 8:3; Ho 8:5-8; Am 5:26,27.", "Exclusion from heaven. -- 1Co 6:9,10; Eph 5:5; Re 22:15.", "Eternal torments. -- Re 14:9-11; 21:8.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- Ex 32:1; 2Ki 17:12.", "Philistines. -- Jdj 16:23.", "Micah. -- Jdj 17:4,5.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 12:28.", "Maachah. -- 1Ki 15:13.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 16:31.", "Jezebel. -- 1Ki 18:19.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 19:37.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:4-7.", "Amon. -- 2Ki 21:21.", "Ahaz. -- 2Ch 28:3.", "Judah. -- Jer 11:13.", "Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 3:1.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:23.", "People of Lystra. -- Ac 14:11,12.", "Athenians. -- Ac 17:16.", "Ephesians. -- Ac 19:28.", "Zeal against -- Exemplified", "Asa. -- 1Ki 15:12.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:5.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:6.", "Israel. -- 2Ch 31:1.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:15.", "All forms of, forbidden by the law of Moses -- Ex 20:4,5.", "All heathen nations given up to -- Ps 96:5; Ro 1:23,25; 1Co 12:2.", "Led the heathen to think that their gods visited the earth in bodily shapes -- Ac 14:11.", "Led the heathen to consider their gods to have but a local influence -- 1Ki 20:23; 2Ki 17:26.", "Objects of", "The heavenly bodies. -- 2Ki 23:5; Ac 7:42.", "Angels. -- Col 2:18.", "Departed spirits. -- 1Sa 28:14,15.", "Earthly creatures. -- Ro 1:23.", "Images. -- De 29:17; Ps 115:4; Isa 44:17.", "Temples built for -- Ho 8:14.", "Altars raised for -- 1Ki 18:26; Ho 8:11.", "Accompanied by feasts -- 2Ki 10:20; 1Co 10:27,28.", "Objects of, worshipped", "With sacrifices. -- Nu 22:40; 2Ki 10:24.", "With libations. -- Isa 57:6; Jer 19:13.", "With incense. -- Jer 48:35.", "With prayer. -- 1Ki 18:26; Isa 44:17.", "With singing and dancing. -- Ex 32:18,19; 1Ki 18:26; 1Co 10:7.", "By bowing to them. -- 1Ki 19:18; 2Ki 5:18.", "By kissing them. -- 1Ki 19:18; Ho 13:2.", "By kissing the hand to them. -- Job 31:26,27.", "By cutting the flesh. -- 1Ki 18:28.", "By burning children. -- De 12:31; 2Ch 33:6; Jer 19:4,5; Eze 16:21.", "In temples. -- 2Ki 5:18.", "On high places. -- Nu 22:41; Jer 2:20.", "In groves. -- Ex 34:13.", "Under trees. -- Isa 57:5; Jer 2:20.", "In private houses. -- Jdj 17:4,5.", "On the tops of houses. -- 2Ki 23:12; Zep 1:5.", "In secret places. -- Isa 57:8.", "Rites of, obscene and impure -- Ex 32:25; Nu 25:1-3; 2Ki 17:9; Isa 57:6,8,9; 1Pe 4:3.", "Divination connected with -- 2Ch 33:6.", "Victims sacrificed in, often adorned with garlands -- Ac 14:13.", "Idols, mentioned in Scripture", "Adrammelech. -- 2Ki 17:31.", "Anammelech. -- 2Ki 17:31.", "Ashima. -- 2Ki 17:30.", "Ashtoreth. -- Jdj 2:13; 1Ki 11:33.", "Baal. -- Jdj 2:11-13; 6:25.", "Baal-berith. -- Jdj 8:33; 9:4,46.", "Baal-peor. -- Nu 25:1-3.", "Baalzebub. -- 2Ki 1:2,16.", "Baal-zephon. -- Ex 14:2.", "Bel. -- Jer 50:2; 51:44.", "Chemosh. -- Nu 21:29; 1Ki 11:33.", "Chiun. -- Am 5:26.", "Dagon. -- Jdj 16:23; 1Sa 5:1-3.", "Diana. -- Ac 19:24,27.", "Huzzab. -- Na 2:7.", "Jupiter. -- Ac 14:12.", "Mercury. -- Ac 14:12.", "Molech or Milcom. -- Le 18:21; 1Ki 11:5,33.", "Merodach. -- Jer 50:2.", "Nergal. -- 2Ki 17:30.", "Nebo. -- Isa 46:1.", "Nibhaz and Tartak. -- 2Ki 17:31.", "Nisroch. -- 2Ki 19:37.", "Queen of heaven. -- Jer 44:17,25.", "Remphan. -- Ac 7:43.", "Rimmon. -- 2Ki 5:18.", "Succothbenoth. -- 2Ki 17:30.", "Tammuz. -- Eze 8:14.", "Objects of, carried in procession -- Isa 46:7; Am 5:26; Ac 7:43.", "Early notice of, amongst God's professing people -- Ge 31:19,30; 35:1-4; Jos 24:2.", "The Jews", "Practised, in Egypt. -- Jos 24:14; Eze 23:3,19.", "Brought, out of Egypt with them. -- Eze 23:8; Ac 7:39-41.", "Forbidden to practise. -- Ex 20:1-5; 23:24.", "Often mixed up, with God's worship. -- Ex 32:1-5; 1Ki 12:27,28.", "Followed the Canaanites in. -- Jdj 2:11-13; 1Ch 5:25.", "Followed the Moabites in. -- Nu 25:1-3.", "Followed the Assyrians in. -- Eze 16:28-30; 23:5-7.", "Followed the Syrians in. -- Jdj 10:6.", "Adopted by Solomon -- 1Ki 11:5-8.", "Adopted by the wicked kings -- 1Ki 21:26; 2Ki 21:21; 2Ch 28:2-4; 33:3,7.", "Example of the kings encouraged Israel in -- 1Ki 12:30; 2Ki 21:11; 2Ch 33:9.", "Great prevalence of, in Israel -- Isa 2:8; Jer 2:28; Eze 8:10.", "A virtual forsaking of God -- Jer 2:9-13.", "The good kings of Judah endeavoured to destroy -- 2Ch 15:16; 34:7.", "Captivity of Israel on account of -- 2Ki 17:6-18.", "Captivity of Judah on account of -- 2Ki 17:19-23."]} +{"term": "Ignorance of God", "definitions": ["Ignorance of Christ is -- Joh 8:19.", "Evidenced by", "Want of love. -- 1Jo 4:8.", "Not keeping his commands. -- 1Jo 2:4.", "Living in sin. -- Tit 1:16; 1Jo 3:6.", "Leads to", "Error. -- Mt 22:29.", "Idolatry. -- Isa 44:19; Ac 17:29,30.", "Alienation from God. -- Eph 4:18.", "Sinful lusts. -- 1Th 4:5; 1Pe 1:14.", "Persecuting saints. -- Joh 15:21; 16:3.", "Is no excuse for sin -- Le 4:2; Lu 12:48.", "The wicked, in a state of -- Jer 9:3; Joh 15:21; 17:25; Ac 17:30.", "The wicked choose -- Job 21:14; Ro 1:28.", "Punishment of -- Ps 79:6; 2Th 1:8.", "Ministers should", "Compassionate those in. -- Heb 5:2; 2Ti 2:24,25.", "Labour to remove. -- Ac 17:23.", "Exemplified", "Pharaoh. -- Ex 5:2.", "Israelites. -- Ps 95:10; Isa 1:3.", "False prophets. -- Isa 56:10,11.", "Jews. -- Lu 23:34.", "Nicodemus. -- Joh 3:10.", "Gentiles. -- Ga 4:8.", "Paul. -- 1Ti 1:13."]} +{"term": "Incense", "definitions": ["Brought from Sheba -- Jer 6:20.", "Called frankincense -- Song 4:6,14.", "An article of extensive commerce -- Re 18:13.", "Common, not to be offered to God -- Ex 30:9.", "For God's service mixed with sweet spices -- Ex 25:6; 37:29.", "Receipt for mixing -- Ex 30:34-36.", "None but priest to offer -- Nu 16:40; De 33:10.", "Offered", "In censers. -- Le 10:1; Nu 16:17,46.", "On the altar of gold. -- Ex 30:1,6; 40:5.", "Morning and evening. -- Ex 30:7,8.", "Perpetually. -- Ex 30:8.", "By the high priest in the most holy place on the day of atonement. -- Le 16:12,13.", "With fire from off the altar of burnt offering. -- Le 16:12; Nu 16:46.", "Offering of, allotted to the priests -- Lu 1:9.", "The Jews prayed at time of offering -- Lu 1:10.", "Designed for atonement -- Nu 16:46,47.", "Put on meat offerings -- Le 2:1,2,15,16; 6:15.", "Levites had charge of -- 1Ch 9:29.", "Used in idolatrous worship -- Jer 48:35.", "The Jews", "Not accepted in offering, on account of sin. -- Isa 1:13; 66:3.", "Offered, to idols on altars of brick. -- Isa 65:3.", "Punished for offering, to idols. -- 2Ch 34:25.", "Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering, with strange fire -- Le 10:1,2.", "Korah and his company punished for offering -- Nu 16:16-35.", "Uzziah punished for offering -- 2Ch 26:16-21.", "Presented to Christ by the wise men -- Mt 2:11.", "Illustrative of", "The merits of Christ. -- Re 8:3,4.", "Prayer. -- Ps 141:2; Mal 1:11; Re 5:8."]} +{"term": "Industry", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11.", "Required of man in a state of innocence -- Ge 2:15.", "Required of man after the fall -- Ge 3:23.", "To be suspended on the Sabbath -- Ex 20:10.", "Characteristic of godly women -- Pr 31:13-31.", "Early rising necessary to -- Pr 31:15.", "Requisite to supply", "Our own wants. -- Ac 20:34; 1Th 2:9.", "Wants of others. -- Ac 20:35; Eph 4:28.", "The slothful devoid of -- Pr 24:30,31.", "Leads to", "Increase of substance. -- Pr 13:11.", "Affection of relatives. -- Pr 31:28.", "General commendation. -- Pr 31:31.", "Illustrated -- Pr 6:6-8.", "Exemplified", "Rachel. -- Ge 29:9.", "Jacob. -- Ge 31:6.", "Jethro's daughters. -- Ex 2:10.", "Ruth. -- Ru 2:2,3.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 11:28.", "David. -- 1Sa 16:11.", "Jewish elders. -- Ezr 6:14,15.", "Dorcas. -- Ac 9:39.", "Paul. -- Ac 18:3; 1Co 4:12."]} +{"term": "Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, The", "definitions": ["In his Church, as his temple -- 1Co 3:16.", "In the body of saints, as his temple -- 1Co 6:19; 2Co 6:16.", "Promised to saints -- Eze 36:27.", "Saints enjoy -- Isa 63:11; 2Ti 1:14.", "Saints full of -- Ac 6:5; Eph 5:18.", "Is the means of", "Quickening. -- Ro 8:11.", "Guiding. -- Joh 16:13; Ga 5:18.", "Fruit bearing. -- Ga 5:22.", "A proof of being Christ's -- Ro 8:9; 1Jo 4:13.", "A proof of adoption -- Ro 8:15; Ga 4:5.", "Is abiding -- 1Jo 2:27.", "Those who have not", "Are sensual. -- Jude 1:19.", "Are without Christ. -- Ro 8:9.", "Opposed by the carnal nature -- Ga 5:17."]} +{"term": "Ingratitude", "definitions": ["A characteristic of the wicked -- Ps 38:20; 2Ti 3:2.", "Often exhibited", "By relations. -- Job 19:14.", "By servants. -- Job 19:15,16.", "To benefactors. -- Ps 109:5; Ec 9:15.", "To friends in distress. -- Ps 38:11.", "Saints should avoid the guilt of -- Ps 7:4,5.", "Should be met with", "Prayers. -- Ps 35:12,13; 109:4.", "Faithfulness. -- Ge 31:38-42.", "Persevering love. -- 2Co 12:15.", "Punishment of -- Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20,21.", "Exemplified", "Laban. -- Ge 31:6,7.", "Chief butler. -- Ge 40:23.", "Israel. -- Ex 17:4.", "Men of Keilah. -- 1Sa 23:5,12.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 24:17.", "Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:5-11,21.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:6.", "Joash. -- 2Ch 24:22."]} +{"term": "Ingratitude to God", "definitions": ["A characteristic of the wicked -- Ro 1:21.", "Inexcusable -- Isa 1:2,3; Ro 1:21.", "Unreasonable -- Jer 2:5,6,31; Mic 6:2,3.", "Exceeding folly of -- De 32:6.", "Guilt of -- Ps 106:7,21; Jer 2:11-13.", "Prosperity likely to produce -- De 31:20; 32:15; Jer 5:7-11.", "Warnings against -- De 8:11-14; 1Sa 12:24,25.", "Punishment of -- Ne 9:20-27; Ho 2:8,9.", "Illustrated -- Isa 5:1-7; Eze 16:1-15.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- De 32:18.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:17-19.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:7-9.", "Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 5:18-21.", "Lepers. -- Lu 17:17,18."]} +{"term": "Injustice", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Le 19:15,35; De 16:19.", "Specially to be avoided towards", "The poor. -- Ex 23:6; Pr 22:16,22,23.", "The stranger and fatherless. -- Ex 22:21,22; De 24:17; Jer 22:3.", "Servants. -- Job 31:13,14; De 24:14; Jer 22:13.", "Of the least kind, condemned -- Lu 16:10.", "God", "Regards. -- Ec 5:8.", "Approves not of. -- La 3:35,36.", "Abominates. -- Pr 17:15; 20:10.", "Hears the cry of those who suffer. -- Jas 5:4.", "Provoked to avenge. -- Ps 12:5.", "Brings a curse -- De 27:17,19.", "A bad example leads to -- Ex 23:2.", "Intemperance leads to -- Pr 31:5.", "Covetousness leads to -- Jer 6:13; Eze 22:12; Mic 2:2.", "Saints should", "Hate. -- Pr 29:27.", "Testify against. -- Ps 58:1,2; Mic 3:8,9.", "Bear, patiently. -- 1Co 6:7.", "Take no vengeance for. -- Mt 5:39.", "The wicked", "Deal with. -- Isa 26:10.", "Judge with. -- Ps 82:2; Ec 3:16; Hab 1:4.", "Practise, without shame. -- Jer 6:13,15; Zep 3:5.", "Punishment of -- Pr 11:7; 28:8; Am 5:11,12; 8:5,8; 1Th 4:6.", "Exemplified", "Potiphar. -- Ge 39:20.", "Sons of Samuel. -- 1Sa 8:3.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:10,15,16.", "Jews. -- Isa 59:14.", "Princes & c. -- Da 6:4.", "Judas. -- Mt 27:4.", "Pilate. -- Mt 27:24-26.", "Priests & c. -- Ac 4:3.", "Festus. -- Ac 24:27."]} +{"term": "Insects", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:24,25.", "Divided into", "Clean and fit for food. -- Le 11:21,22.", "Unclean and abominable. -- Le 11:23,24.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Ant. -- Pr 6:6; 30:25.", "Bee. -- Jdj 14:8; Ps 118:12; Isa 7:18.", "Beetle. -- Le 11:22.", "Caterpillar. -- Ps 78:46; Isa 33:4.", "Cankerworm. -- Joe 1:4; Na 3:15,16.", "Earthworm. -- Job 25:6; Mic 7:17.", "Flea. -- 1Sa 24:14.", "Fly. -- Ex 8:22; Ec 10:1; Isa 7:18.", "Gnat. -- Mt 23:24.", "Grasshopper. -- Le 11:22; Jdj 6:5; Job 39:20.", "Hornet. -- De 7:20.", "Locust. -- Ex 10:12,13.", "Bald locust. -- Le 11:22.", "Lice. -- Ex 8:16; Ps 105:31.", "Maggot. -- Ex 16:20.", "Moth. -- Job 4:19; 27:18; Isa 50:9.", "Palmer-worm. -- Joe 1:4; Am 4:9.", "Spider. -- Job 8:14; Pr 30:28.", "Fed by God -- Ps 104:25,27; 145:9,15."]} +{"term": "Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, The", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Joe 2:28; Ac 2:16-18.", "All Scripture given by -- 2Sa 23:2; 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.", "Design of", "To reveal future events. -- Ac 1:16; 28:25; 1Pe 1:11.", "To reveal the mysteries of God. -- Am 3:7; 1Co 2:10.", "To give power to ministers. -- Mic 3:8; Ac 1:8.", "To direct ministers. -- Eze 3:24-27; Ac 11:12; 13:2.", "To control ministers. -- Ac 16:6.", "To testify against sin. -- 2Ki 17:13; Ne 9:30; Mic 3:8; Joh 16:8,9.", "Modes of", "Various. -- Heb 1:1.", "By secret impulse. -- Jdj 13:25; 2Pe 1:21.", "By a voice. -- Isa 6:8; Ac 8:29; Re 1:10.", "By visions. -- Nu 12:6; Eze 11:24.", "By dreams. -- Nu 12:6; Da 7:1.", "Necessary to prophesying -- Nu 11:25-27; 2Ch 20:14-17.", "Is irresistible -- Am 3:8.", "Despisers of, punished -- 2Ch 36:15,16; Zec 7:12."]} +{"term": "Iron", "definitions": ["Dug out of the earth -- Job 28:2.", "Described as", "Strong and durable. -- Job 40:18; Da 2:40.", "Fusible. -- Eze 22:20.", "Malleable. -- Isa 2:4.", "Of greater gravity than water -- 2Ki 6:5.", "Admits of a high polish -- Eze 27:19.", "Hardened into steel -- 2Sa 22:35; Job 20:24.", "Of small comparative value -- Isa 60:17.", "The land of Canaan abounded with -- De 8:9; 33:25.", "From the north hardest and best -- Jer 15:12.", "Used from the earliest age -- Ge 4:22.", "Made into", "Armour. -- 2Sa 23:7; Re 9:9.", "Weapons of war. -- 1Sa 13:19; 17:7.", "Chariots. -- Jdj 4:3.", "Implements for husbandry. -- 1Sa 13:20,21; 2Sa 12:31.", "Tools for artificers. -- Jos 8:31; 1Ki 6:7.", "Graving tools. -- Job 19:24; Jer 17:1.", "Gates. -- Ac 12:10.", "Nails and hinges. -- 1Ch 22:3.", "Bars. -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.", "Fetters. -- Ps 105:18; 149:8.", "Yokes. -- De 28:48; Jer 28:13,14.", "Idols. -- Da 5:4,23.", "Bedsteads. -- De 3:11.", "Pillars. -- Jer 1:18.", "Rods. -- Ps 2:9; Re 2:27.", "Sharpens things made of -- Pr 27:17.", "Working in, a trade -- 1Sa 13:19; 2Ch 2:7,14.", "An article of commerce -- Eze 27:12,19; Re 18:12.", "Great quantity of, provided for the temple -- 1Ch 22:3,14,16; 29:2.", "Taken in war, often dedicated to God -- Jos 6:19,24.", "Mode of purifying, taken in war -- Nu 31:21-23.", "Miraculously made to swim -- 2Ki 6:6.", "Illustrative", "Of strength. -- Da 2:33,40.", "Of stubbornness. -- Isa 48:4.", "Of severe affliction. -- De 4:20; Ps 107:10.", "Of a hard barren soil. -- De 28:23.", "Of severe exercise of power. -- Ps 2:9; Re 2:27.", "(Seared with,) of insensibility of conscience. -- 1Ti 4:2."]} +{"term": "Ishmaelites, The", "definitions": ["Descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael -- Ge 16:15,16; 1Ch 1:28.", "Divided into twelve tribes -- Ge 25:16.", "Heads of tribes -- Ge 25:13-15; 1Ch 1:29-31.", "Called", "Hagarites. -- 1Ch 5:10.", "Hagarenes. -- Ps 83:6.", "Arabians. -- Isa 13:20.", "Original possessions of -- Ge 25:18.", "Governed by kings -- Jer 25:24.", "Dwelt in tents -- Isa 13:20.", "Rich in cattle -- 1Ch 5:21.", "Wore ornaments of gold -- Jdj 8:24.", "Were the merchants of the east -- Ge 37:25; Eze 27:20,21.", "Travelled in large companies or caravans -- Ge 37:25; Job 6:19.", "Waylaid and plundered travellers -- Jer 3:2.", "Often confederate against Israel -- Ps 83:6.", "Overcome by", "Gideon. -- Jdj 8:10-24.", "Reubenites and Gadites. -- 1Ch 5:10,18-20.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:7.", "Sent presents to Solomon -- 1Ki 10:15; 2Ch 9:14.", "Sent flocks to Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 17:11.", "Predictions respecting", "To be numerous. -- Ge 16:10; 17:20.", "To be wild and savage. -- Ge 16:12.", "To be warlike and predatory. -- Ge 16:12.", "To be divided into twelve tribes. -- Ge 17:20.", "To continue independent. -- Ge 16:12.", "To be a great nation. -- Ge 21:13,18.", "To be judged with the nations. -- Jer 25:23-25.", "Their glory, & c to be diminished. -- Isa 21:13-17.", "Their submission to Christ. -- Ps 72:10,15.", "Probably preached to by Paul -- Ga 1:17."]} +{"term": "Issachar, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's fifth son -- Ge 30:17,18.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:14,15; De 33:18,19.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:8.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:7.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:26.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:28,29; 2:6.", "Encamped under the standard of Judah east of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:5.", "Next to and under standard of Judah in the journeys of Israel -- Nu 10:14,15.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:18-23.", "Families of -- Nu 26:23,24.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:25.", "On Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.", "Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:17-23.", "Assisted Deborah against Sisera -- Jdj 5:15.", "Officers of, appointed by David -- 1Ch 27:18.", "Officers of, appointed by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:17.", "Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:32.", "Number of warriors belonging to, in David's time -- 1Ch 7:2,5.", "Many of, at Hezekiah's passover -- 2Ch 30:18.", "Remarkable persons of -- Jdj 10:1; 1Ki 15:27."]} +{"term": "Jerusalem", "definitions": ["The ancient Salem -- Ge 14:18; Ps 76:2.", "The ancient Jebusi or Jebus -- Jos 15:8; 18:28; Jdj 19:10.", "The king of, defeated and slain by Joshua -- Jos 10:5-23.", "Allotted to the tribe of Benjamin -- Jos 18:28.", "Partly taken and burned by Judah -- Jdj 1:8.", "The Jebusites", "Formerly dwelt in. -- Jdj 19:10,11.", "Held possession of, with Judah and Benjamin. -- Jos 15:63; Jdj 1:21.", "Finally dispossessed of, by David. -- 2Sa 5:6-8.", "Enlarged by David -- 2Sa 5:9.", "Made the royal city -- 2Sa 5:9; 20:3.", "Specially chosen by God -- 2Ch 6:6; Ps 135:21.", "The seat of government under the Romans for a time -- Mt 27:2,19.", "Roman government transferred from, to Caesarea -- Ac 23:23,24; 25:1-13.", "Called", "City of God. -- Ps 46:4; 48:1.", "City of the Lord. -- Isa 60:14.", "City of Judah. -- 2Ch 25:28.", "City of the great king. -- Ps 48:2; Mt 5:5.", "City of solemnities. -- Isa 33:20.", "City of righteousness. -- Isa 1:26.", "City of truth. -- Zec 8:3.", "A city not forsaken. -- Isa 62:12.", "Faithful city. -- Isa 1:21,26.", "Holy city. -- Ne 11:1; Isa 48:2; Mt 4:5.", "Throne of the Lord. -- Jer 3:17.", "Zion. -- Ps 48:12; Isa 33:20.", "Zion of the holy one of Israel. -- Isa 60:14.", "Surrounded by mountains -- Ps 125:2.", "Surrounded by a wall -- 1Ki 3:1.", "Protected by forts and bulwarks -- Ps 48:12,13.", "Entered by gates -- Ps 122:2; Jer 17:19-21.", "Hezekiah made an aqueduct for -- 2Ki 20:20.", "Spoils of war placed in -- 1Sa 17:54; 2Sa 8:7.", "Described as", "Beautiful for situation. -- Ps 48:2.", "Compact. -- Ps 122:3.", "Comely. -- Song 6:4.", "The perfection of beauty. -- La 2:15.", "Joy of the whole earth. -- Ps 48:2; La 2:15.", "Princess among the provinces. -- La 1:1.", "Great. -- Jer 22:8.", "Populous. -- La 1:1.", "Full of business and tumult. -- Isa 22:3.", "Wealth, & c in the time of Solomon. -- 1Ki 10:26,27.", "Protected by God -- Isa 31:5.", "Instances of God's care and protection of -- 2Sa 24:16; 2Ki 19:32-34; 2Ch 12:7.", "The temple built in -- 2Ch 3:1; Ps 68:29.", "The Jews", "Went up to, at the feasts. -- Lu 2:42; Ps 122:4.", "Loved. -- Ps 137:5,6.", "Lamented the affliction of. -- Ne 1:2-4.", "Prayed for the prosperity of. -- Ps 51:18; 122:6.", "Prayed towards. -- Da 6:10; 1Ki 8:41.", "Wickedness of -- Isa 1:1-4; Jer 5:1-5; Mic 3:10.", "Idolatry of -- 2Ch 28:4; Eze 8:7-10.", "Wickedness of, the cause of its calamities -- 2Ki 21:12-15; 2Ch 24:18; La 1:8; Eze 5:5-8.", "Was the tomb of the prophets -- Lu 13:33,34.", "Christ", "Preached in. -- Lu 21:37,38; Joh 18:20.", "Did many miracles in. -- Joh 4:45.", "Publicly entered, as king. -- Mt 21:9,10.", "Lamented over. -- Mt 23:37; Lu 19:41.", "Put to death at. -- Lu 9:31; Ac 13:27,29.", "Gospel first preached at -- Lu 24:47; Ac 2:14.", "Miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit first given at -- Ac 1:4; 2:1-5.", "Persecution of the Christian church commenced at -- Ac 4:1; 8:1.", "First Christian council held at -- Ac 15:4,6.", "Calamities of, mentioned", "Taken and plundered by Shishak. -- 1Ki 14:25,26; 2Ch 12:1-4.", "Taken and plundered by Jehoash king of Israel. -- 2Ki 14:13,14.", "Besieged but not taken by Rezin and Pekah. -- Isa 7:1; 2Ki 16:5.", "Besieged but not taken by Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 18:17; 19:1-37.", "Taken and made tributary by Pharaoh-Necho. -- 2Ki 23:33-35.", "Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar. -- 2Ki 24:10,11.", "Taken and burned by Nebuchadnezzar. -- 2Ki 25:1-30; Jer 39:1-8.", "Threatened by Sanballat. -- Ne 4:7,8.", "Rebuilt after the captivity by order of Cyrus -- Ezr 1:1-4.", "Prophecies respecting", "To be taken by king of Babylon. -- Jer 20:5.", "To be made a heap of ruins. -- Jer 9:11; 26:18.", "To be a wilderness. -- Isa 64:10.", "To be rebuilt by Cyrus. -- Isa 44:26-28.", "To be a quiet habitation. -- Isa 33:20.", "To be a terror to her enemies. -- Zec 12:2,3.", "Christ to enter, as king. -- Zec 9:9.", "The gospel to go forth from. -- Isa 2:3; 40:9.", "To be destroyed by the Romans. -- Lu 19:42-44.", "Its capture accompanied by severe calamities. -- Mt 24:21,29; Lu 21:23,24.", "Signs preceding its destruction. -- Mt 24:6-15; Lu 21:7-11,25,28.", "Illustrative", "Of the church. -- Ga 4:25,26; Heb 12:22.", "Of the church glorified. -- Re 3:12; 21:2,10.", "(Its strong position,) of saints under God's protection. -- Ps 125:2."]} +{"term": "Jews, The", "definitions": ["Descended from Abraham -- Isa 51:2; Joh 8:39.", "Divided into twelve tribes -- Ge 35:22; 49:28.", "Called", "Hebrews. -- Ge 14:13; 40:15; 2Co 11:22.", "Israelites. -- Ex 9:7; Jos 3:17.", "Seed of Abraham. -- Ps 105:6; Isa 41:8.", "Seed of Jacob. -- Jer 33:26.", "Seed of Israel. -- 1Ch 16:13.", "Children of Jacob. -- 1Ch 16:13.", "Children of Israel. -- Ge 50:25; Isa 27:12.", "Jeshurun. -- De 32:15.", "Chosen and loved by God -- De 7:6,7.", "Circumcised in token of their covenant relation -- Ge 17:10,11; Ac 7:8.", "Separated from all other nations -- Ex 33:16; Le 20:24; 1Ki 8:53.", "Described as", "A peculiar people. -- De 14:2.", "A peculiar treasure. -- Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4.", "A holy nation. -- Ex 19:6.", "A holy people. -- De 7:6; 14:21.", "A kingdom of priests. -- Ex 19:6.", "A special people. -- De 7:6.", "The Lord's portion. -- De 32:9.", "Sojourned in Egypt -- Ex 12:40,41.", "Brought out of Egypt by God -- Ex 12:42; De 5:15; 6:12.", "In the desert forty years -- Nu 14:33; Jos 5:6.", "Settled in Canaan -- Nu 32:18; Jos 14:1-5.", "Under the theocracy until the time of Samuel -- Ex 19:4-6; 1Sa 8:7.", "Desired and obtained kings -- 1Sa 8:5,22.", "Divided into two kingdoms after Solomon -- 1Ki 11:31,32; 12:19,20.", "Often subdued and made tributary -- Jdj 2:13,14; 4:2; 6:2,6; 2Ki 23:33.", "Taken captive to Assyria and Babylon -- 2Ki 17:32; 18:11; 24:16; 25:11.", "Restored to their own land by Cyrus -- Ezr 1:1-4.", "Had courts of justice -- De 16:18.", "Had an ecclesiastical establishment -- Ex 28:1; Nu 18:6; Mal 2:4-7.", "Had a series of prophets to promote national reformation -- Jer 7:25; 26:4,5; 35:15; 44:4; Eze 38:17.", "The only people who had knowledge of God -- Ps 76:1; 1Th 4:5; Ps 48:3; Ro 1:28.", "The only people who worshipped God -- Ex 5:17; Ps 96:5; 115:3,4; Joh 4:22.", "Religion of, according to rites prescribed by God -- Le 18:4; De 12:8-11; Heb 9:1.", "Religion of, typical -- Heb 9:8-11; 10:1.", "Their national greatness -- Ge 12:2; De 33:29.", "Their national privileges -- Ro 3:2; 9:4,5.", "Their vast numbers -- Ge 22:17; Nu 10:36.", "National character of", "Pride of descent, & c. -- Jer 13:9; Joh 8:33,41.", "Love of country. -- Ps 137:6.", "Fondness for their brethren. -- Ex 2:11,12; Ro 9:1-3.", "Attachment to Moses. -- Joh 9:28,29; Ac 6:11.", "Attachment to customs of the law. -- Ac 6:14; 21:21; 22:3.", "Fondness for traditionary customs. -- Jer 44:17; Eze 20:18,30,21; Mr 7:3,4.", "Stubborn and stiffnecked. -- Ex 32:9; Ac 7:51.", "Prone to rebellion. -- De 9:7,24; Isa 1:2.", "Prone to backsliding. -- Jer 2:11-13; 8:5.", "Prone to idolatry. -- Isa 2:8; 57:5.", "Prone to formality in religion. -- Isa 29:13; Eze 33:31; Mt 15:7-9.", "Self-righteous. -- Isa 65:5; Ro 10:3.", "Unfaithful to covenant engagements. -- Jer 3:6-8; 31:32; Eze 16:59.", "Ungrateful to God. -- De 32:15; Isa 1:2.", "Ignorant of the true sense of Scripture. -- Ac 13:27; 2Co 3:13-15.", "Distrustful of God. -- Nu 14:11; Ps 78:22.", "Covetous. -- Jer 6:13; Eze 33:31; Mic 2:2.", "Cowardly. -- Ex 14:10; Nu 14:3; Isa 51:12.", "Trusted to their privileges for salvation -- Jer 7:4; Mt 3:9.", "Distinction of castes among, noticed -- Isa 65:5; Lu 7:39; 15:2; Ac 26:5.", "Degenerated as they increased in national greatness -- Am 6:4.", "Often displeased God by their sins -- Nu 25:3; De 32:16; 1Ki 16:2; Isa 1:4; 5:24,25.", "A spiritual seed of true believers always among -- 1Ki 19:18; Isa 6:13; Ro 9:6,7; 11:1,5.", "Modern, divided into", "Hebrews or pure Jews. -- Ac 6:1; Php 3:5.", "Hellenists or Grecians. -- Ac 6:1; 9:29.", "Many sects and parties. -- Mt 16:6; Mr 8:15.", "An agricultural people -- Ge 46:32.", "A commercial people -- Eze 27:17.", "Obliged to unite against enemies -- Nu 32:20-22; Jdj 19:29; 20:1-48; 1Sa 11:7,8.", "Often distinguished in war -- Jdj 7:19-23; 1Sa 14:6-13; 17:32,33; Ne 4:16-22.", "Strengthened by God in war -- Le 26:7,8; Jos 5:13,14; 8:1,2.", "Under God's special protection -- De 32:10,11; 33:27-29; Ps 105:13-15; 121:3-5.", "Enemies of, obliged to acknowledge them as divinely protected -- Jos 2:9-11; Es 6:13.", "Prohibited from", "Associating with others. -- Ac 10:28.", "Covenanting with others. -- Ex 23:32; De 7:2.", "Marry with others. -- De 7:3; Jos 23:12.", "Following practices of others. -- De 12:29-31; 18:9-14.", "Despised all strangers -- 1Sa 17:36; Mt 16:26,27; Eph 2:11.", "Held no intercourse with strangers -- Joh 4:9; Ac 11:2,3.", "Condemned for associating with other nations -- Jdj 2:1-3; Jer 2:18.", "Received proselytes from other nations -- Ac 2:10; Ex 12:44,48.", "Gentiles made one with, under the gospel -- Ac 10:15,28; 15:8,9; Ga 3:28; Eph 2:14-16.", "All other nations", "Envied. -- Ne 4:1; Isa 26:11; Eze 35:11.", "Hated. -- Ps 44:10; Eze 35:5.", "Oppressed. -- Ex 3:9; Jdj 2:18; 4:3.", "Persecuted. -- La 1:3; 5:5.", "Rejoiced at calamities of. -- Ps 44:13,14; 80:5,6; Eze 36:4.", "None hated or oppressed, with impunity -- Ps 137:8,9; Eze 25:15,16; 35:6; Ob 1:10-16.", "Christ", "Promised to. -- Ge 49:10; Da 9:25.", "Expected by. -- Ps 14:7; Mt 11:3; Lu 2:25,38; Joh 8:56.", "Regarded as the restorer of national greatness. -- Mt 20:21; Lu 24:21; Ac 1:6.", "Sprang from. -- Ro 9:5; Heb 7:14.", "Rejected by. -- Isa 53:3; Mr 6:3; Joh 1:11.", "Murdered by. -- Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:15.", "Imprecated the blood of Christ upon themselves and their children -- Mt 27:25.", "Many of, believed the gospel -- Ac 21:20.", "Unbelieving, persecuted the Christians -- Ac 17:5,13; 1Th 2:14-16.", "Cast off for unbelief -- Ro 11:17,20.", "Scattered and peeled -- Isa 18:2,7; Jas 1:1.", "Shall finally be saved -- Ro 11:26,27.", "Punishment of, for rejecting and killing Christ, illustrated -- Mt 21:37-43.", "Descendants of Abraham -- Ps 105:6; Isa 51:2; Joh 8:33; Ro 9:7.", "The people of God -- De 32:9; 2Sa 7:24; Isa 51:16.", "Separated to God -- Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; De 4:34.", "Beloved for their father's sake -- De 4:37; 10:15; Ro 11:28.", "Christ descended from -- Joh 4:22; Ro 9:5.", "The objects of", "God's love. -- De 7:8; 23:5; Jer 31:3.", "God's choice. -- De 7:6.", "God's protection. -- Ps 105:15; Zec 2:8.", "The covenant established with -- Ex 6:4; 24:6-8; 34:27.", "Promises respecting made to", "Abraham. -- Ge 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:7,8.", "Isaac. -- Ge 26:2-5,24.", "Jacob. -- Ge 28:12-15; 35:9-12.", "Themselves. -- Ex 6:7,8; 19:5,6; De 26:18,19.", "Privileges of -- Ps 76:1,2; Ro 3:1,2; 9:4,5.", "Punished for", "Idolatry. -- Ps 78:58-64; Isa 65:3-7.", "Unbelief. -- Ro 11:20.", "Breaking covenant. -- Isa 24:5; Jer 11:10.", "Transgressing the law. -- Isa 1:4,7; 24:5,6.", "Changing the ordinances. -- Isa 24:5.", "Killing the prophets. -- Mt 23:37,38.", "Imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ. -- Mt 27:25.", "Scattered among the nations -- De 28:64; Eze 6:8; 36:19.", "Despised by the nations -- Eze 36:3.", "Their country trodden under foot by the Gentiles -- De 28:49-52; Lu 21:24.", "Their house left desolate -- Mt 24:38.", "Deprived of civil and religious privileges -- Ho 3:4.", "Denunciations against those who", "Cursed. -- Ge 27:29; Nu 24:9.", "Contended with. -- Isa 41:11; 49:25.", "Oppressed. -- Isa 49:26; 51:21-23.", "Hated. -- Ps 129:5; Eze 35:5,6.", "Aggravated the afflictions of. -- Zec 1:14,15.", "Slaughtered. -- Ps 79:1-7; Eze 35:5,6.", "God, mindful of -- Ps 98:3; Isa 49:15,16.", "Christ was sent to -- Mt 15:24; 21:37; Ac 3:20,22,26.", "Compassion of Christ for -- Mt 23:37; Lu 19:41.", "The gospel preached to, first -- Mt 10:6; Lu 24:47; Ac 1:8.", "Blessedness of blessing -- Ge 27:29.", "Blessedness of favouring -- Ge 12:3; Ps 122:6.", "Pray importunately for -- Ps 122:6; Isa 62:1,6,7; Jer 31:7; Ro 10:1.", "Saints remember -- Ps 102:14; 137:5; Jer 51:50.", "Promises respecting", "The pouring out of the Spirit upon them. -- Eze 39:29; Zec 12:10.", "The removal of their blindness. -- Ro 11:25; 2Co 3:14-16.", "Their return and seeking to God. -- Ho 3:5.", "Their humiliation for the rejection of Christ. -- Zec 12:10.", "Pardon of sin. -- Isa 44:22; Ro 11:27.", "Salvation. -- Isa 59:20; Ro 11:26.", "Sanctification. -- Jer 33:8; Eze 36:25; Zec 12:1,9.", "Joy occasioned by conversion of. -- Isa 44:23; 49:13; 52:8,9; 66:10.", "Blessing to the Gentiles by conversion of. -- Isa 2:1-5; 60:5; 66:19; Ro 11:12,15.", "Reunion of. -- Jer 3:18; Eze 37:16,17,20-22; Ho 1:11; Mic 2:12.", "Restoration to their own land. -- Isa 11:15,16; 14:1-3; 27:12,13; Jer 16:14,15; Eze 36:24; 37:21,25; 39:25,28; Lu 21:24.", "Gentiles assisting in their restoration. -- Isa 49:22,23; 60:10,14; 61:4-6.", "Subjection of Gentiles to. -- Isa 60:11,12,14.", "Future glory of. -- Isa 60:19; 62:3,4; Zep 3:19,20; Zec 2:5.", "Future prosperity of. -- Isa 60:6,7,9,17; 61:4-6; Ho 14:5,6.", "That Christ shall appear amongst. -- Isa 59:20; Zec 14:4.", "That Christ shall dwell amongst. -- Eze 43:7,9; Zec 2:11.", "That Christ shall reign over. -- Eze 34:23,24; 37:24,25.", "Conversion of, illustrated -- Eze 37:1-14; Ro 11:24."]} +{"term": "Jordan, the River", "definitions": ["Eastern boundary of Canaan -- Nu 34:12.", "Often overflowed -- Jos 3:15; 1Ch 12:15.", "Overflowing of, called the swelling of Jordan -- Jer 12:5; 49:19.", "Empties itself into the Dead Sea -- Nu 34:12.", "The plains of", "Thickly wooded. -- 2Ki 6:2.", "Exceeding fertile. -- Ge 13:10.", "Infested with lions. -- Jer 49:19; 50:44.", "Afforded clay for moulding brass, & c. -- 1Ki 7:46; 2Ch 4:17.", "Chosen by Lot for a residence. -- Ge 13:11.", "Fordable in some places -- Jos 2:7; Jdj 12:5,6.", "Ferry boats often used on -- 2Sa 19:18.", "Remarkable events connected with", "Division of its waters to let Israel pass over. -- Jos 3:12-16; 5:1.", "Return of its waters to their place. -- Jos 4:18.", "Slaughter of Moabites. -- Jdj 3:28,29.", "Slaughter of the Ephraimites. -- Jdj 12:4-6.", "Its division by Elijah. -- 2Ki 2:8.", "Its division by Elisha. -- 2Ki 2:14.", "Healing of Naaman the leper. -- 2Ki 5:10,14.", "Baptism of multitudes by John the Baptist. -- Mt 3:6; Mr 1:5; Joh 1:28.", "Baptism of our Lord. -- Mt 3:13,15; Mr 1:9.", "Passage of Israel over", "Promised. -- De 4:22; 9:1; 11:31.", "In an appointed order. -- Jos 3:1-8.", "Preceded by priests with the ark. -- Jos 3:6,11,14.", "Successfully effected. -- Jos 3:17; 4:1,10,11.", "Commemorated by a pillar of stones raised in it. -- Jos 4:9.", "Commemorated by a pillar of stones in Gilgal. -- Jos 4:2-8,20-24.", "Alluded to. -- Ps 74:15; 114:3,5.", "A pledge that God would drive the Canaanites, & c out of their land. -- Jos 3:10.", "The Jews had great pride in -- Zec 11:3.", "Despised by foreigners -- 2Ki 5:12.", "Moses not allowed to cross -- De 3:27; 31:2."]} +{"term": "Joy", "definitions": ["God gives -- Ec 2:26; Ps 4:7.", "Christ appointed to give -- Isa 61:3.", "Is a fruit of the Spirit -- Ga 5:22.", "The gospel, good tidings of -- Lu 2:10,11.", "God's word affords -- Ne 8:12; Jer 15:16.", "The gospel to be received with -- 1Th 1:6.", "Promised to saints -- Ps 132:16; Isa 35:10; 55:12; 56:7.", "Prepared for saints -- Ps 97:11.", "Enjoined to saints -- Ps 32:11; Php 3:1.", "Fulness of, in God's presence -- Ps 16:11.", "Vanity of seeking, from earthly things -- Ec 2:10,11; 11:8.", "Experienced by", "Believers. -- Lu 24:52; Ac 16:34.", "Peace-makers. -- Pr 12:20.", "The just. -- Pr 21:15.", "The wise, and discreet. -- Pr 15:23.", "Parents of good children. -- Pr 23:24.", "Increased to the meek -- Isa 29:19.", "Of saints is", "In God. -- Ps 89:16; 149:2; Hab 3:18; Ro 5:11.", "In Christ. -- Lu 1:47; Php 3:3.", "In the Holy Spirit. -- Ro 14:17.", "For election. -- Lu 10:20.", "For salvation. -- Ps 21:1; Isa 61:10.", "For deliverance from bondage. -- Ps 105:43; Jer 31:10-13.", "For manifestation of goodness. -- 2Ch 7:10.", "For temporal blessings. -- Joe 2:23,24.", "For supplies of grace. -- Isa 12:3.", "For divine protection. -- Ps 5:11; 16:8,9.", "For divine support. -- Ps 28:7; 63:7.", "For the victory of Christ. -- Joh 16:33.", "For the hope of glory. -- Ro 5:2.", "For the success of the gospel. -- Ac 15:3.", "Of saints should be", "Great. -- Zec 9:9; Ac 8:8.", "Abundant. -- 2Co 8:2.", "Exceeding. -- Ps 21:6; 68:3.", "Animated. -- Ps 32:11; Lu 6:23.", "Unspeakable. -- 1Pe 1:8.", "Full of glory. -- 1Pe 1:8.", "Constant. -- 2Co 6:10; Php 4:4.", "For evermore. -- 1Th 5:16.", "With awe. -- Ps 2:11.", "In hope. -- Ro 12:12.", "In sorrow. -- 2Co 6:10.", "Under trials. -- Jas 1:2; 1Pe 1:6.", "Under persecutions. -- Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23; Heb 10:34.", "Under calamities. -- Hab 3:17,18.", "Expressed in hymns. -- Eph 5:19; Jas 5:13.", "Afflictions of saints succeeded by -- Ps 30:5; 126:5; Isa 35:10; Joh 16:20.", "Pray for restoration of -- Ps 51:8,12; 85:6.", "Promote, in the afflicted -- Job 29:13.", "Of saints, made full by", "The favour of God. -- Ac 2:28.", "Faith in Christ. -- Ro 15:13.", "Abiding in Christ. -- Joh 15:10,11.", "The word of Christ. -- Joh 17:13.", "Answers to prayer. -- Joh 16:24.", "Communion of saints. -- 2Ti 1:4; 1Jo 1:3,4; 2Jo 1:12.", "Saints should afford, to their minsters -- Php 2:2; Phm 1:20.", "Ministers should", "Esteem their people as their. -- Php 4:1; 1Th 2:20.", "Promote, in their people. -- 2Co 1:24; Php 1:25.", "Pray for, for their people. -- Ro 15:13.", "Have, in the faith and holiness of their people. -- 2Co 7:4; 1Th 3:9; 3Jo 1:4.", "Come to their people with. -- Ro 15:32.", "Finish their course with. -- Ac 20:24.", "Desire to render an account with. -- Php 2:16; Heb 13:17.", "Serve God with -- Ps 100:2.", "Liberality in God's service should cause -- 1Ch 29:9,17.", "Is strengthening to saints -- Ne 8:10.", "Saints should engage in all religious services with -- Ezr 6:22; Ps 42:4.", "Saints should have, in all their undertakings -- De 12:18.", "Saints shall be presented to God with exceeding -- 1Pe 4:13; Jude 1:24.", "The coming of Christ will afford to saints, exceeding -- 1Pe 4:13.", "Shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment day -- Mt 25:21.", "Of the wicked", "Is derived from earthly pleasures. -- Ec 2:10; 11:9.", "Is derived from folly. -- Pr 15:21.", "Is delusive. -- Pr 14:13.", "Is short-lived. -- Job 20:5; Ec 7:6.", "Should be turned into mourning. -- Jas 4:9.", "Shall be taken away. -- Isa 16:10.", "Holy -- Illustrated -- Isa 9:3; Mt 13:44.", "Holy -- Exemplified", "Hannah. -- 1Sa 2:1.", "David. -- 1Ch 29:9.", "Wise men. -- Mt 2:10.", "The Virgin Mary. -- Lu 1:47.", "Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:6.", "Converts. -- Ac 2:46; 13:52.", "Peter, & c. -- Ac 5:41.", "Samaritans. -- Ac 8:8.", "Jailor. -- Ac 16:34."]} +{"term": "Joy of God Over His People, The", "definitions": ["Greatness of, described -- Zep 3:17.", "On account of their", "Repentance. -- Lu 15:7,10.", "Faith. -- Heb 11:5,6.", "Fear of him. -- Ps 147:11.", "Praying to him. -- Pr 15:8.", "Hope in his mercy. -- Ps 147:11.", "Meekness. -- Ps 149:4.", "Uprightness. -- 1Ch 29:17; Pr 11:20.", "Leads to him", "Prosper them. -- De 30:9.", "Do them good. -- De 28:63; Jer 32:41.", "Deliver them. -- 2Sa 22:20.", "Comfort them. -- Isa 65:19.", "Give them the inheritance. -- Nu 14:8.", "Illustrated -- Isa 62:5; Lu 15:23,24.", "Exemplified", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 10:9."]} +{"term": "Judah, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's fourth son -- Ge 29:35.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:8-12; De 33:7.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:7.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:6.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:19.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:26,27; 2:4.", "Encamped with its standard east of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:3.", "Led the first division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:14.", "Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:12-17.", "Families of -- Nu 26:19-21.", "Strength of on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:22.", "On Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.", "Bounds of inheritance -- Jos 15:1-12.", "First and most vigorous in driving out the Canaanites -- Jdj 1:3-20.", "Went first against Gibeah -- Jdj 20:18.", "Furnished to Israel the first judge -- Jdj 3:9.", "Aided Saul in his wars -- 1Sa 11:8; 15:4.", "After Saul's rebellion appointed to furnish kings to Israel -- 1Sa 13:14; 15:28; 16:6,13; 2Sa 2:4; 7:16,17.", "The first to submit to David -- 2Sa 2:10.", "Reigned over alone by David seven years and a half -- 2Sa 2:11; 5:5.", "Officer placed over by David -- 1Ch 27:18.", "Reproved for tardiness in bringing back David after Absalom's rebellion -- 2Sa 19:11-15.", "Other tribes jealous of, on account of David -- 2Sa 19:41-42; 20:1,2.", "With Benjamin alone, adhered to the house of David -- 1Ki 12:21.", "The last tribe carried into captivity -- 2Ki 17:18,20; 25:21.", "Out Lord sprang from -- Mt 1:3-16; Lu 3:23-33; Heb 7:14.", "Remarkable persons of", "Achan. -- Jos 7:18.", "Elimelech. -- Ru 1:1,2.", "Boaz. -- Ru 2:1.", "Obed. -- Ru 4:21.", "Jesse. -- Ru 4:22; 1Sa 16:1.", "David. -- 1Sa 16:1,13.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 1:32-39.", "Elihu. -- 1Ch 27:18.", "Pethahiah. -- Ne 11:24.", "Bezaleel. -- Ex 31:2; 35:30.", "Nahshon. -- Nu 7:12.", "Caleb. -- Nu 14:24.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:1.", "Elhanan. -- 2Sa 21:19; 23:24.", "Adonijah. -- 1Ki 1:5,6.", "Jonathan. -- 2Sa 21:21.", "Kings of Judah. -- (See 1st and 2nd Books of Kings)"]} +{"term": "Judea, Modern", "definitions": ["One of the divisions of the Holy Land under the Romans -- Lu 3:1.", "Comprised the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judah -- 1Ki 12:21-24.", "Called", "The land of Judah. -- Mt 2:6.", "Jewry. -- Da 5:13; Joh 7:1.", "A mountainous district -- Lu 1:39,65.", "Parts of, desert -- Mt 3:1; Ac 8:26.", "Jerusalem the capital of -- Mt 4:25.", "Towns of", "Arimathea. -- Mt 27:57; Joh 19:38.", "Azotus or Ashdod. -- Ac 8:40.", "Bethany. -- Joh 11:1,18.", "Bethlehem. -- Mt 2:1,6,16.", "Bethphage. -- Mt 21:1.", "Emmaus. -- Lu 24:13.", "Ephraim. -- Joh 11:54.", "Gaza. -- Ac 8:26.", "Jericho. -- Lu 10:30; 19:1.", "Joppa. -- Ac 9:36; 10:5,8.", "Lydda. -- Ac 9:32,35,38.", "John the Baptist preached in -- Mt 3:1.", "Our Lord", "Born in. -- Mt 2:1,5,6.", "Tempted in the wilderness of. -- Mt 4:1.", "Frequently visited. -- Joh 11:7.", "Often left, to escape persecution. -- Joh 4:1-3.", "Several Christian churches in -- Ac 9:31; 1Th 2:14."]} +{"term": "Judges, Extraordinary", "definitions": ["Raised up to deliver Israel -- Jdj 2:16.", "Upheld and strengthened by God -- Jdj 2:18.", "Remarkable for their faith -- Heb 11:32.", "Names of", "Othniel. -- Jdj 3:9,10.", "Ehud. -- Jdj 3:15.", "Shamgar. -- Jdj 3:31.", "Deborah. -- Jdj 4:4.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:11.", "Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:6.", "Tola. -- Jdj 10:1.", "Jair. -- Jdj 10:3.", "Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:1.", "Ibzan. -- Jdj 12:8.", "Elon. -- Jdj 12:11.", "Abdon. -- Jdj 12:13.", "Samson. -- Jdj 13:24,25; 16:31.", "Eli. -- 1Sa 4:18.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:6,15-17.", "During four hundred and fifty years -- Ac 13:20.", "Not without intermission -- Jdj 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25.", "The office of, not always for life, or hereditary -- Jdj 8:23,29.", "Israel not permanently or spiritually benefitted by -- Jdj 2:17-19."]} +{"term": "Judgments", "definitions": ["Are from God -- De 32:39; Job 12:23; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9.", "Different kinds of", "Blotting out the name. -- De 29:20.", "Abandonment by God. -- Ho 4:17.", "Cursing men's blessings. -- Mal 2:2.", "Pestilence. -- De 28:21,22; Am 4:10.", "Enemies. -- 2Sa 24:13.", "Famine. -- De 28:38-40; Am 4:7-9.", "Famine of hearing the word. -- Am 8:11.", "The sword. -- Ex 22:24; Jer 19:7.", "Captivity. -- De 28:41; Eze 39:23.", "Continued sorrows. -- Ps 32:10; 78:32,33; Eze 24:23.", "Desolation. -- Eze 33:29; Joe 3:19.", "Destruction. -- Job 31:3; Ps 34:16; Pr 2:22; Isa 11:4.", "Inflicted upon", "Nations. -- Ge 15:14; Jer 51:20,21.", "Individuals. -- De 29:20; Jer 23:34.", "False gods. -- Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4.", "Posterity of sinners. -- Ex 20:5; Ps 37:28; La 5:7.", "All enemies of saints. -- Jer 30:16.", "Sent for correction -- Job 37:13; Jer 30:11.", "Sent for the deliverance of saints -- Ex 6:6.", "Are sent, as punishment for", "Disobedience to God. -- Le 26:14-16; 2Ch 7:19,20.", "Despising the warnings of God. -- 2Ch 36:16; Pr 1:24-31; Jer 44:4-6.", "Murmuring against God. -- Nu 14:29.", "Idolatry. -- 2Ki 22:17; Jer 16:18.", "Iniquity. -- Isa 26:21; Eze 24:13,14.", "Persecuting saints. -- De 32:43.", "Sins of rulers. -- 1Ch 21:2,12.", "Manifest the righteous character of God -- Ex 9:14-16; Eze 39:21; Da 9:14.", "Are in all the earth -- 1Ch 16:14.", "Are frequently tempered with mercy -- Jer 4:27; 5:10,15-18; Am 9:8.", "Should lead to", "Humiliation. -- Jos 7:6; 2Ch 12:6; La 3:1-20; Joe 1:13; Jon 3:5,6.", "Prayer. -- 2Ch 20:9.", "Contrition. -- Ne 1:4; Es 4:3; Isa 22:12.", "Learning righteousness. -- Isa 26:9.", "Should be a warning to others -- Lu 13:3,5.", "May be averted by", "Humiliation. -- Ex 33:3,4,14; 2Ch 7:14.", "Prayer. -- Jdj 3:9-11; 2Ch 7:13,14.", "Forsaking iniquity. -- Jer 18:7,8.", "Turning to God. -- De 30:1-3.", "Saints", "Preserved during. -- Job 5:19,20; Ps 91:7; Isa 26:20; Eze 9:6; Re 7:3.", "Provided for, during. -- Ge 47:12; Ps 33:19; 37:19.", "Pray for those under. -- Ex 32:11-13; Nu 11:2; Da 9:3.", "Sympathise with those under. -- Jer 9:1; 13:17; La 3:48.", "Acknowledge the justice of. -- 2Sa 24:17; Ezr 9:13; Ne 9:33; Jer 14:17.", "Upon nations - Exemplified", "The old world. -- Ge 6:7,17.", "Sodom, & c. -- Ge 19:24.", "Egypt. -- Ex 9:14.", "Israel. -- Nu 14:29,35; 21:6.", "People of Ashdod. -- 1Sa 5:6.", "People of Bethshemesh. -- 1Sa 6:19.", "Amalekites. -- 1Sa 15:3.", "Upon individuals - Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:11,12.", "Canaan. -- Ge 9:25.", "Korah, & c. -- Nu 16:33-35.", "Achan. -- Jos 7:25.", "Hophni, & c. -- 1Sa 2:34.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:23.", "Uzzah. -- 2Sa 6:7.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 13:4.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 22:38.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:27.", "Jezebel. -- 2Ki 9:35.", "Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 4:31.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:30.", "Zacharias. -- Lu 1:20.", "Ananias, & c. -- Ac 5:1-10.", "Herod. -- Ac 12:23.", "Elymas. -- Ac 13:11.", "Preservation during - Exemplified", "Noah. -- Ge 7:1,16.", "Lot. -- Ge 19:15-17.", "Joseph, & c. -- Ge 45:7.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:9.", "Elisha & c. -- 2Ki 4:38-41.", "Shunammite. -- 2Ki 8:1,2."]} +{"term": "Judgment, The", "definitions": ["Predicted in the Old Testament -- 1Ch 16:33; Ps 9:7; 96:13; Ec 3:17.", "A first principle of the gospel -- Heb 6:2.", "A day appointed for -- Ac 17:31; Ro 2:16.", "Time of, unknown to us -- Mr 13:32.", "Called the", "Day of wrath. -- Ro 2:5; Re 6:17.", "Revelation of the righteous judgment of God. -- Ro 2:5.", "Day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. -- 2Pe 3:7.", "Day of destruction. -- Job 21:30.", "Judgment of the great day. -- Jude 1:6.", "Shall be administered by Christ -- Joh 5:22,27; Ac 10:42; Ro 14:10; 2Co 5:10.", "Saints shall sit with Christ in -- 1Co 6:2; Re 20:4.", "Shall take place at the coming of Christ -- Mt 25:31; 2Ti 4:1.", "Of Heathen, by the law of conscience -- Ro 2:12,14,15.", "Of Jews, by the law of Moses -- Ro 2:12.", "Of Christians, by the gospel -- Jas 2:12.", "Shall be held upon", "All nations. -- Mt 25:32.", "All men. -- Heb 9:27; 12:23.", "Small and great. -- Re 20:12.", "The righteous and wicked. -- Ec 3:17.", "Quick and dead. -- 2Ti 4:1; 1Pe 4:5.", "Shall be in righteousness -- Ps 98:9; Ac 17:31.", "The books shall be opened at -- Da 7:10.", "Shall be of all", "Actions. -- Ec 11:9; 12:14; Re 20:13.", "Words. -- Mt 12:36,37; Jude 1:15.", "Thoughts. -- Ec 12:14; 1Co 4:5.", "None, by nature can stand in -- Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:19.", "Saints shall, through Christ, be enabled to stand in -- Ro 8:33,34.", "Christ will acknowledge saints at -- Mt 25:34-40; Re 3:5.", "Perfect love will give boldness in -- 1Jo 4:17.", "Saints shall be rewarded at -- 2Ti 4:8; Re 11:18.", "The wicked shall be condemned in -- Mt 7:22,23; 25:41.", "Final punishment of the wicked will succeed -- Mt 13:40-42; 25:46.", "The word of Christ shall be a witness against the wicked in -- Joh 12:48.", "The certainty of, a motive to", "Repentance. -- Ac 17:30,31.", "Faith. -- Isa 28:16,17.", "Holiness. -- 2Co 5:9,10; 2Pe 3:11,14.", "Prayer and watchfulness. -- Mr 13:33.", "Warn the wicked of -- Ac 24:25; 2Co 5:11.", "The wicked dread -- Ac 24:25; Heb 10:27.", "Neglected advantages increase condemnation at -- Mt 11:20-24; Lu 11:31,32.", "Devils shall be condemned at -- 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6."]} +{"term": "Justice", "definitions": ["Commanded -- De 16:20; Isa 56:1.", "Christ, an example of -- Ps 98:9; Isa 11:4; Jer 23:5.", "Specially required in rulers -- 2Sa 23:3; Eze 45:9.", "To be done", "In executing judgment. -- De 16:18; Jer 21:12.", "In buying and selling. -- Le 19:36; De 25:15.", "To the poor. -- Pr 29:14; 31:9.", "To the fatherless and widows. -- Isa 1:17.", "To servants. -- Col 4:1.", "Gifts impede -- Ex 23:8.", "God", "Requires. -- Mic 6:8.", "Sets the highest value on. -- Pr 2:13.", "Delights in. -- Pr 11:1.", "Gives wisdom to execute. -- 1Ki 3:11,12; Pr 2:6,9.", "Displeased with the want of. -- Ec 5:8.", "Brings its own reward -- Jer 22:15.", "Saints should", "Study the principles of. -- Php 4:8.", "Receive instruction in. -- Pr 1:3.", "Pray for wisdom to execute. -- 1Ki 3:9.", "Always do. -- Ps 119:121; Eze 18:8,9.", "Take pleasure in doing. -- Pr 21:15.", "Teach others to do. -- Ge 18:19.", "Promises to -- Isa 33:15,16; Jer 7:5,7.", "The wicked", "Scorn. -- Pr 19:28.", "Abhor. -- Mic 3:9.", "Call not for. -- Isa 59:4.", "Banish. -- Isa 59:14.", "Pass over. -- Lu 11:42.", "Afflict those who act with. -- Job 12:4; Am 5:12.", "Exemplified", "Moses. -- Nu 16:15.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 12:4.", "David. -- 2Sa 8:15.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 3:16-27.", "Josiah. -- Jer 22:15.", "Joseph. -- Lu 23:50,51.", "Apostles. -- 1Th 2:10."]} +{"term": "Justice of God, The", "definitions": ["Is a part of his character -- De 32:4; Isa 45:21.", "Declared to be", "Plenteous. -- Job 37:23.", "Incomparable. -- Job 4:1.", "Incorruptible. -- De 10:17; 2Ch 19:7.", "Impartial. -- 2Ch 19:7; Jer 32:19.", "Unfailing. -- Zep 3:5.", "Undeviating. -- Job 8:3; 34:12.", "Without respect of persons. -- Ro 2:11; Col 3:25; 1Pe 1:17.", "The habitation of his throne. -- Ps 89:14.", "Not to be sinned against -- Jer 50:7.", "Denied by the ungodly -- Eze 33:17,20.", "Exhibited in", "Forgiving sins. -- 1Jo 1:9.", "Redemption. -- Ro 3:26.", "His government. -- Ps 9:4; Jer 9:24.", "His judgments. -- Ge 18:25; Re 19:2.", "All his ways. -- Eze 18:25,29.", "The final judgment. -- Ac 17:31.", "Acknowledge -- Ps 51:4; Ro 3:4.", "Magnify -- Ps 98:9; 99:3,4."]} +{"term": "Justification Before God", "definitions": ["Promised in Christ -- Isa 45:25; 53:11.", "Is the act of God -- Isa 50:8; Ro 8:33.", "Under law", "Requires perfect obedience. -- Le 18:5; Ro 10:5; 2:13; Jas 2:10.", "Man cannot attain to. -- Job 9:2,3,20; 25:4; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:20; 9:31,32.", "Under the gospel", "Is not of works. -- Ac 13:39; Ro 8:3; Ga 2:16; 3:11.", "Is not of faith and works united. -- Ac 15:1-29; Ro 3:28; 11:6; Ga 2:14-21; 5:4.", "Is by faith alone. -- Joh 5:24; Ac 13:39; Ro 3:30; 5:1; Ga 2:16.", "Is of grace. -- Ro 3:24; 4:16; 5:17-21.", "In the name of Christ. -- 1Co 6:11.", "By imputation of Christ's righteousness. -- Isa 61:10; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 5:18; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21.", "By the blood of Christ. -- Ro 5:9.", "By the resurrection of Christ. -- Ro 4:25; 1Co 15:17.", "Blessedness of. -- Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:6-8.", "Frees from condemnation. -- Isa 50:8,9; 54:17; Ro 8:33,34.", "Entitles to an inheritance. -- Tit 3:7.", "Ensures glorification. -- Ro 8:30.", "The wicked shall not attain to -- Ex 23:7.", "By faith", "Revealed under the Old Testament age. -- Hab 2:4; Ro 1:17.", "Excludes boasting. -- Ro 3:27; 4:2; 1Co 1:29,31.", "Does not make void the law. -- Ro 3:30,31; 1Co 9:21.", "Typified -- Zec 3:4,5.", "Illustrated -- Lu 18:14.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 15:6.", "Paul. -- Php 3:8,9."]} +{"term": "Kenites, The", "definitions": ["Originally a people of Canaan -- Ge 15:19.", "Connected with the Midianites -- Nu 10:29; Jdj 4:11.", "Dwelt in strongholds -- Nu 24:21.", "Had many cities -- 1Sa 30:29.", "Moses", "Intermarried with. -- Ex 2:21; Jdj 1:16.", "Invited, to accompany Israel. -- Nu 10:29-32.", "Part of, dwelt with Israel -- Jdj 1:16; 4:11.", "Part of, dwelt with the Amalekites -- 1Sa 15:6.", "Showed kindness to Israel in the desert -- Ex 18:1-27.", "Not destroyed with the Amalekites -- 1Sa 15:6.", "The Rechabites descended from -- 1Ch 2:55.", "Sisera slain by Jael one of -- Jdj 4:22; 5:24.", "David", "Pretended that he invaded. -- 1Sa 27:10.", "Sent part of the spoil of war to. -- 1Sa 30:29.", "Ruin of, predicted -- Nu 24:21,22."]} +{"term": "Kings", "definitions": ["Israel warned against seeking -- 1Sa 8:9-18.", "Sin of Israel in seeking -- 1Sa 12:17-20.", "Israel in seeking, rejected God as their king -- 1Sa 8:7; 10:19.", "Israel asked for, that they might be like the nations -- 1Sa 8:5,19,20.", "First given to Israel in anger -- Ho 13:11.", "God reserved to himself the choice of -- De 17:14,15; 1Sa 9:16,17; 16:12.", "When first established in Israel, not hereditary -- De 17:20; 1Sa 13:13,14; 15:28,29.", "Rendered hereditary in the family of David -- 2Sa 7:12-16; Ps 89:35-37.", "Of Israel not to be foreigners -- De 17:15.", "Laws for the government of the kingdom by, written by Samuel -- 1Sa 10:25.", "Forbidden to multiply", "Horses. -- De 17:16.", "Wives. -- De 17:17.", "Treasure. -- De 17:17.", "Required to write and keep by them, a copy of the divine law -- De 17:18-20.", "Had power to make war and peace -- 1Sa 11:5-7.", "Often exercised power arbitrarily -- 1Sa 22:17,18; 2Sa 1:15; 4:9-12; 1Ki 2:23,25,31.", "Ceremonies at inauguration of", "Anointing. -- 1Sa 10:1; 16:13; Ps 89:20.", "Crowning. -- 2Ki 11:12; 2Ch 23:11; Ps 21:3.", "Proclaiming with trumpets. -- 2Sa 15:10; 1Ki 1:34; 2Ki 9:13; 11:14.", "Enthroning. -- 1Ki 1:35,46; 2Ki 11:19.", "Girding on the sword. -- Ps 45:3.", "Putting into their hands the books of the law. -- 2Ki 11:12; 2Ch 23:11.", "Covenanting to govern lawfully. -- 2Sa 5:3.", "Receiving homage. -- 1Sa 10:1; 1Ch 29:24.", "Shouting \"God save the king\". -- 1Sa 10:24; 2Sa 16:16; 2Ki 11:12.", "Offering sacrifice. -- 1Sa 11:15.", "Feasting. -- 1Ch 12:38,39; 29:22.", "Attended by a body-guard -- 1Sa 13:2; 2Sa 8:18; 1Ch 11:25; 2Ch 12:10.", "Dwelt in royal palaces -- 2Ch 9:11; Ps 45:15.", "Arrayed in royal apparel -- 1Ki 22:30; Mt 6:29.", "Names of, often changed at their accession -- 2Ki 23:34; 24:17.", "Officers of", "Prime minister. -- 2Ch 19:11; 28:7.", "First Counsellor. -- 1Ch 27:33.", "Confidant or king's special friend. -- 1Ki 4:5; 1Ch 27:33.", "Comptroller of the household. -- 1Ki 4:6; 2Ch 28:7.", "Scribe or secretary. -- 2Sa 8:17; 1Ki 4:3.", "Captain of the host. -- 2Sa 8:16; 1Ki 4:4.", "Captain of the guard. -- 2Sa 8:18; 20:23.", "Recorder. -- 2Sa 8:16; 1Ki 4:3.", "Providers for the king's table. -- 1Ki 4:7-19.", "Master of the wardrobe. -- 2Ki 22:14; 2Ch 34:22.", "Treasurer. -- 1Ch 27:25.", "Storekeeper. -- 1Ch 27:25.", "Overseer of the tribute. -- 1Ki 4:6; 12:18.", "Overseer of royal farms. -- 1Ch 27:26.", "Overseer of royal vineyards. -- 1Ch 27:27.", "Overseer of royal plantations. -- 1Ch 27:28.", "Overseer of royal herds. -- 1Sa 21:7; 1Ch 27:29.", "Overseer of royal camels. -- 1Ch 27:30.", "Overseer of royal flocks. -- 1Ch 27:31.", "Armour-bearer. -- 1Sa 16:21.", "Cup-bearer. -- 1Ki 10:5; 2Ch 9:5.", "Approached with greatest reverence -- 1Sa 24:8; 2Sa 9:8; 14:22; 1Ki 1:23.", "Presented with gifts by strangers -- 1Ki 10:2,10,25; 2Ki 5:5; Mt 2:11.", "Right hand of, the place of honour -- 1Ki 2:19; Ps 45:9; 110:1.", "Attendants of, stood in their presence -- 1Ki 10:8; 2Ki 25:19.", "Exercised great hospitality -- 1Sa 20:25-27; 2Sa 9:7-13; 19:33; 1Ki 4:22,23,28.", "Their revenues derived from", "Voluntary contributions. -- 1Sa 10:27; 16:20; 1Ch 12:39,40.", "Tribute from foreign nations. -- 1Ki 4:21,24,25; 2Ch 8:8; 17:11.", "Tax on produce of the land. -- 1Ki 4:7-19.", "Tax on foreign merchandise. -- 1Ki 10:15.", "Their own flocks and herds. -- 2Ch 32:29.", "Produce of their own lands. -- 2Ch 26:10.", "Sometimes nominated their successors -- 1Ki 1:33,34; 2Ch 11:22,23.", "Punished for transgressing the divine law -- 2Sa 12:7-12; 1Ki 21:18-24.", "Who reigned over all Israel", "Saul. -- 1Sa 11:15-31:13; 1Ch 10:1-10:14.", "David. -- 2Sa 2:4-1Ki 2:11; 1Ch 11:1-29:30.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 1:39-11:43; 2Ch 1:1-9:31.", "Rehoboam (first part of his reign). -- 1Ki 12:1-20; 2Ch 10:1-16.", "Who reigned over Judah", "Rehoboam (latter part of his reign). -- 1Ki 12:21-24; 14:21-31; 2Ch 10:17-12:16.", "Abijam or Abijah. -- 1Ki 15:1-8; 2Ch 13:1-22.", "Asa. -- 1Ki 15:9-24; 2Ch 14:1-16:14.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 1Ki 22:41-50; 2Ch 17:1-21:1.", "Jehoram or Joram. -- 2Ki 8:16-24; 2Ch 21:1-20.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ki 8:25-29; 9:16-29; 2Ch 22:1-9.", "Athaliah, mother of Ahaziah (usurper). -- 2Ki 11:1-3; 2Ch 22:10-12.", "Joash or Jehoash. -- 2Ki 11:4-12:21; 2Ch 23:1-24:27.", "Amaziah. -- 2Ki 14:1-20; 2Ch 25:1-28.", "Azariah or Uzziah. -- 2Ki 14:21,22; 15:1-7; 2Ch 26:1-23.", "Jotham. -- 2Ki 15:32-38; 2Ch 27:1-9.", "Ahaz. -- 2Ki 16:1-20; 2Ch 28:1-27.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:1-20:21; 2Ch 29:1-32:33.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:1-18; 2Ch 33:1-20.", "Amon. -- 2Ki 21:19-26; 2Ch 33:21-25.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:1-23:30; 2Ch 34:1-35:27.", "Jehoahaz. -- 2Ki 23:31-33; 2Ch 36:1-4.", "Jehoiakim. -- 2Ki 23:34-24:6; 2Ch 36:5-8.", "Jehoiachin. -- 2Ki 24:8-16; 2Ch 36:9,10.", "Zedekiah. -- 2Ki 24:17-25:7; 2Ch 36:11-21.", "Who reigned over Israel", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 12:20; 12:25-14:20.", "Nadab. -- 1Ki 15:25-27,32.", "Baasha. -- 1Ki 15:28-16:7.", "Elah. -- 1Ki 16:8-14.", "Zimri. -- 1Ki 16:11,12,15,20.", "Omri. -- 1Ki 16:23-28.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 16:29-22:40.", "Ahaziah. -- 1Ki 22:51-53; 2Ki 1:18.", "Jehoram or Joram. -- 2Ki 3:1-9:26.", "Jehu. -- 2Ki 9:3-10:36.", "Jehoahaz. -- 2Ki 13:1-9.", "Jehoash or Joash. -- 2Ki 13:10-25; 14:8-16.", "Jeroboam the Second. -- 2Ki 14:23-29.", "Zachariah. -- 2Ki 15:8-12.", "Shallum. -- 2Ki 15:13-15.", "Menahem. -- 2Ki 15:16-22.", "Pekahiah. -- 2Ki 15:23-26.", "Pekah. -- 2Ki 15:27-31; 16:5.", "Hoshea. -- 2Ki 17:1-6.", "Called the Lord's anointed -- 1Sa 16:6; 24:6; 2Sa 19:21.", "Conspiracies against", "Absalom against David. -- 2Sa 15:10.", "Adonijah against Solomon. -- 1Ki 1:5-7.", "Jeroboam against Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:12,16.", "Baasha against Nadab. -- 1Ki 15:27.", "Zimri against Elah. -- 1Ki 16:9,10.", "Omri against Zimri. -- 1Ki 16:17.", "Jehu against Joram. -- 2Ki 9:14.", "Shallum against Zachariah. -- 2Ki 15:10.", "Menahem against Shallum. -- 2Ki 15:14.", "Pekah against Menahem. -- 1Ki 15:25.", "God chooses -- De 17:15; 1Ch 28:4-6.", "God ordains -- Ro 13:1.", "God anoints -- 1Sa 16:12; 2Sa 12:7.", "Set up by God -- 1Sa 12:13; Da 2:21.", "Removed by God -- 1Ki 11:11; Da 2:21.", "Christ is the Prince of -- Re 1:5.", "Christ is the King of -- Re 17:14.", "Reign by direction of Christ -- Pr 8:15.", "Supreme judges of nations -- 1Sa 8:5.", "Resistance to, is resistance to the ordinance of God -- Ro 13:2.", "Able to enforce their commands -- Ec 8:4.", "Numerous subjects the honour of -- Pr 14:28.", "Not save by their armies -- Ps 33:16.", "Dependent on the earth -- Ec 5:9.", "Should", "Fear God. -- De 17:19.", "Serve Christ. -- Ps 2:10-12.", "Keep the law of God. -- 1Ki 2:3.", "Study the Scriptures. -- De 17:19.", "Promote the interests of the Church. -- Ezr 1:2-4; 6:1-12.", "Nourish the Church. -- Isa 49:23.", "Rule in the fear of God. -- 2Sa 23:3.", "Maintain the cause of the poor and oppressed. -- Pr 31:8,9.", "Investigate all matters. -- Pr 25:2.", "Not pervert judgment. -- Pr 31:5.", "Prolong their reign by hating covetousness -- Pr 28:16.", "Throne of, established by righteousness and justice -- Pr 16:12; 29:14.", "Specially warned against", "Impurity. -- Pr 31:3.", "Lying. -- Pr 17:7.", "Hearkening to lies. -- Pr 29:12.", "Intemperance. -- Pr 31:4,5.", "The gospel to be preached to -- Ac 9:15; 26:27,28.", "Without understanding, are oppressors -- Pr 28:16.", "Often reproved by God -- 1Ch 16:21.", "Judgments upon, when opposed to Christ -- Ps 2:2,5,9.", "When good", "Regard God as their strength. -- Ps 99:4.", "Speak righteously. -- Pr 16:10.", "Love righteous lips. -- Pr 16:13.", "Abhor wickedness. -- Pr 16:12.", "Discountenance evil. -- Pr 20:8.", "Punish the wicked. -- Pr 20:8.", "Favour the wise. -- Pr 14:35.", "Honour the diligent. -- Pr 22:29.", "Befriend the good. -- Pr 22:14.", "Are pacified by submission. -- Pr 16:14; 25:15.", "Evil counsellors should be removed from -- 2Ch 22:3,4; Pr 25:5.", "Curse not, even in thought -- Ex 22:28; Ec 10:20.", "Speak no evil of -- Job 34:18; 2Pe 2:10.", "Pay tribute to -- Mt 22:21; Ro 13:6,7.", "Be not presumptuous before -- Pr 25:6.", "Should be", "Honoured. -- Ro 13:7; 1Pe 2:17.", "Feared. -- Pr 24:21.", "Reverenced. -- 1Sa 24:8; 1Ki 1:23,21.", "Obeyed. -- Ro 13:1,5; 1Pe 2:13.", "Prayed for. -- 1Ti 2:1,2.", "Folly of resisting -- Pr 19:12; 20:2.", "Punishment for resisting the lawful authority of -- Ro 13:2.", "Guilt and danger of stretching out the hand against -- 1Sa 26:9; 2Sa 1:14.", "They that walk after the flesh despise -- 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8.", "Good -- Exemplified", "David. -- 2Sa 8:15.", "Asa. -- 1Ki 15:11.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 1Ki 22:43.", "Amaziah. -- 2Ki 15:3.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ki 15:34.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:3.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:2."]} +{"term": "Lamb, The", "definitions": ["The young of the flock -- Ex 12:5; Eze 45:15.", "Described as", "Patient. -- Isa 53:7.", "Playful. -- Ps 114:4,6.", "Exposed to danger from wild beasts -- 1Sa 17:34.", "The shepherd's care for -- Isa 40:11.", "Used for", "Food. -- De 32:14; 2Sa 12:4.", "Clothing. -- Pr 27:26.", "Sacrifice. -- 1Ch 29:21; 2Ch 29:32.", "Considered a great delicacy -- Am 6:4.", "Offered in sacrifice", "Males. -- Ex 12:5.", "Females. -- Nu 6:14.", "While sucking. -- 1Sa 7:9.", "At a year old. -- Ex 12:5; Nu 6:14.", "From the earliest times. -- Ge 4:4; 22:7,8.", "Every morning and evening. -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4.", "At the passover. -- Ex 12:3,6,7.", "By the wicked not accepted. -- Isa 1:11; 66:3.", "Numbers of, given by Josiah to the people for sacrifice -- 2Ch 35:7.", "The first born of an ass to be redeemed with -- Ex 13:13; 34:20.", "An extensive commerce in -- Ezr 7:17; Eze 27:21.", "Tribute often paid in -- 2Ki 3:4; Isa 16:1.", "Covenants confirmed by gift of -- Ge 21:28-30.", "The image of, was the first impression of on money -- Ge 33:19; Jos 24:32.", "Illustrative", "Of purity of Christ. -- 1Pe 1:19.", "Of Christ as a sacrifice. -- Joh 1:29; Re 5:6.", "Of any thing dear or cherished. -- 2Sa 12:3,9.", "Of the Lord's people. -- Isa 5:17; 11:6.", "Of weak believers. -- Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15.", "(Patience of,) of the patience of Christ. -- Isa 53:7; Ac 8:32.", "(Among wolves,) of ministers among the ungodly. -- Lu 10:3.", "(Deserted and exposed,) of Israel deprived of God's protection. -- Ho 4:16.", "(Brought to slaughter,) of the wicked under judgments. -- Jer 51:40.", "(Consumed in sacrifice,) of complete destruction of the wicked. -- Ps 37:20."]} +{"term": "Lamps", "definitions": ["Design of -- 2Pe 1:19.", "Described as", "Burning. -- Ge 15:17.", "Shining. -- Joh 5:35.", "Lighted with oil -- Mt 25:3,8.", "Oil for, carried in vessels -- Mt 25:4.", "Sometimes supplied with oil form a bowl through pipes -- Zec 4:2.", "Required to be constantly trimmed -- Mt 25:7.", "Used for lighting", "The tabernacle. -- Ex 25:37.", "Private apartments. -- Ac 20:8.", "Chariots of war by night. -- Na 2:3,4.", "Marriage processions. -- Mt 25:1.", "Persons going out at night. -- Joh 18:3.", "Often kept lighting all night -- Pr 31:18.", "Placed on a stand to give light to all in the house -- Mt 5:15.", "Illumination of the tents of Arab chiefs by, alluded to -- Job 29:3,4.", "Probable origin of dark lantern -- Jdj 7:16.", "Illustrative", "Of the word of God. -- Ps 119:105; Pr 6:23.", "Of omniscience of Christ. -- Da 10:6; Re 1:14.", "Of graces of the Holy Spirit. -- Re 4:5.", "Of salvation of God. -- Ge 15:17; Isa 62:1.", "Of God's guidance. -- 2Sa 22:29; Ps 18:28.", "Of glory of the cherubim. -- Eze 1:13.", "Of spirit of man. -- Pr 20:27.", "Of ministers. -- Joh 5:35.", "Of wise rulers. -- 2Sa 21:17.", "Of severe judgments. -- Re 8:10.", "Of a succession of heirs. -- 1Ki 11:36; 15:4.", "(Put out,) of destruction of the wicked. -- Job 18:5,6; 21:17; 13:9.", "(Totally quenched,) of complete destruction of those who curse parents. -- Pr 20:20."]} +{"term": "Language", "definitions": ["Of all mankind one at first -- Ge 11:1,6.", "Called", "Speech. -- Mr 14:70; Ac 14:11.", "Tongue. -- Ac 1:19; Re 5:9.", "Confusion of", "A punishment for presumption, &c. -- Ge 11:2-6.", "Originated the varieties in. -- Ge 11:7.", "Scattered men over the earth. -- Ge 11:8,9.", "Divided men into separated nations. -- Ge 10:5,20,31.", "Great variety of, spoken by men -- 1Co 14:10.", "Ancient kingdoms often comprehended nations of different -- Es 1:22; Da 3:4; 6:25.", "Kinds of, mentioned", "Hebrew. -- 2Ki 18:28; Ac 26:14.", "Chaldea. -- Da 1:4.", "Syriack. -- 2Ki 18:26; Ezr 4:7.", "Greek. -- Ac 21:37.", "Latin. -- Lu 23:38.", "Lycaonian. -- Ac 14:11.", "Arabic, &c. -- Ac 2:11.", "Egyptian. -- Ps 84:5; 114:1; Ac 2:10.", "Of some nations difficult -- Eze 3:5,6.", "The term barbarian applied to those who spoke a strange -- 1Co 14:11.", "Power of speaking different", "A gift of the Holy Spirit. -- 1Co 12:10.", "Promised. -- Mr 16:17.", "Given on the day of Pentecost. -- Ac 2:3,4.", "Followed receiving the gospel. -- Ac 10:44-46.", "Conferred by laying on of the apostles' hands. -- Ac 8:17,18; 19:6.", "Necessary to spread of the gospel. -- Ac 2:7-11.", "A sign to unbelievers. -- 1Co 14:22.", "Sometimes abused. -- 1Co 14:2-12,23.", "Ceased when the written Bible completed. -- 1Co 13:8-10.", "Interpretation of", "Antiquity of engaging persons for. -- Ge 42:23.", "A gift of the Holy Spirit. -- 1Co 12:10.", "Most important in the early church. -- 1Co 14:5,13,27,28.", "The Jews punished by being given up to people of a strange. -- De 28:49; Isa 28:11; Jer 5:15."]} +{"term": "Laver of Brass", "definitions": ["Moses was commanded to make -- Ex 30:18.", "Wisdom given to Bezaleel to make -- Ex 31:2,9.", "Made of brazen mirrors of the women -- Ex 38:8.", "Was placed in the court between the altar and the tabernacle -- Ex 30:18; 40:7,30.", "Was anointed with holy oil -- Ex 40:11; Le 8:11.", "The priests washed in", "Before consecration. -- Ex 40:12.", "Before entering the tabernacle. -- Ex 30:19,20.", "Before approaching the altar. -- Ex 30:20.", "One made by Solomon for the temple -- 1Ki 7:23-26; 2Ki 25:13.", "Called the Brazen sea -- 2Ki 25:13; Jer 52:17.", "Illustrative of", "Christ the fountain for sin. -- Zec 13:1; Re 1:5.", "Regeneration. -- Tit 3:5; Eph 5:26."]} +{"term": "Law of God, The", "definitions": ["Is absolute and perpetual -- Mt 5:18.", "Given", "To Adam. -- Ge 2:16,17; Ro 5:12-14.", "To Noah. -- Ge 9:6.", "To the Israelites. -- Ex 20:2-17; Ps 78:5.", "Through Moses. -- Ex 31:18; Joh 7:19.", "Through the ministration of angels. -- Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2.", "Described as", "Pure. -- Ps 19:8.", "Spiritual. -- Ro 7:14.", "Holy, just, and good. -- Ro 7:12.", "Exceeding broad. -- Ps 119:96.", "Perfect. -- Ps 19:7; Ro 12:2.", "Truth. -- Ps 119:142.", "Not grievous. -- 1Jo 5:3.", "Requires obedience of the heart -- Ps 51:6; Mt 5:28; 22:37.", "Requires perfect obedience -- De 27:26; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10.", "Love is the fulfilling of -- Ro 13:8,10; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10.", "It is man's duty to keep -- Ec 12:13.", "Man, by nature, not in subjection to -- Ro 7:5; 8:7.", "Man cannot render perfect obedience to -- 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20; Ro 3:10.", "Sin is a transgression of -- 1Jo 3:4.", "All men have transgressed -- Ro 3:9,19.", "Man cannot be justified by -- Ac 13:39; Ro 3:20,28; Ga 2:16; 3:11.", "Gives the knowledge of sin -- Ro 3:20; 7:7.", "Works wrath -- Ro 4:15.", "Conscience testifies to -- Ro 2:15.", "Designed to lead to Christ -- Ga 3:24.", "Obedience to", "A characteristic of saints. -- Re 12:17.", "A test of love. -- 1Jo 5:3.", "Of prime importance. -- 1Co 7:19.", "Blessedness of keeping -- Ps 119:1; Mt 5:19; 1Jo 3:22,24; Re 22:14.", "Christ", "Came to fulfil. -- Mt 5:17.", "Magnified. -- Isa 42:21.", "Explained. -- Mt 7:12; 22:37-40.", "The love of, produces peace -- Ps 119:165.", "Saints", "Freed from the bondage of. -- Ro 6:14; 7:4,6; Ga 3:13.", "Freed from the curse of. -- Ga 3:13.", "Have, written on their hearts. -- Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10.", "Love. -- Ps 119:97,113.", "Delight in. -- Ps 119:77; Ro 7:22.", "Prepare their hearts to seek. -- Ezr 7:10.", "Pledge themselves to walk in. -- Ne 10:29.", "Keep. -- Ps 119:55.", "Pray to understand. -- Ps 119:18.", "Pray for power to keep. -- Ps 119:34.", "Should remember. -- Mal 4:4.", "Should make the subject of their conversation. -- Ex 13:9.", "Lament over the violation of, by others. -- Ps 119:136.", "The wicked", "Despise. -- Am 2:4.", "Forget. -- Ho 4:6.", "Forsake. -- 2Ch 12:1; Jer 9:13.", "Refuse to hear. -- Isa 30:9; Jer 6:19.", "Refuse to walk in. -- Ps 78:10.", "Cast away. -- Isa 5:24.", "Is the rule of life to saints -- 1Co 9:21; Ga 5:13,14.", "Is the rule of the judgment -- Ro 2:12.", "To be used lawfully -- 1Ti 1:8.", "Established by faith -- Ro 3:31.", "Punishment for disobeying -- Ne 9:26,27; Isa 65:11-13; Jer 9:13-16."]} +{"term": "Law of Moses, The", "definitions": ["Is the law of God -- Le 26:46.", "Given", "In the desert. -- Eze 20:10,11.", "At Horeb. -- De 4:10,15; 5:2.", "From the Mount Sinai. -- Ex 19:11,20.", "By disposition of angels. -- Ac 7:53.", "Through Moses as mediator. -- De 5:5,27,28; Joh 1:17; Ga 3:19.", "To the Jews. -- Le 26:46; Ps 78:5.", "After the exodus. -- De 4:45; Ps 81:4,5.", "To no other nation. -- De 4:8; Ps 147:20.", "None to approach the Mount while God gave -- Ex 19:13,21-24; Heb 12:20.", "Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of -- Ex 19:16-19.", "Terror of Israel at receiving -- Ex 19:16; 20:18-20; De 5:5,23-25.", "Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan -- Nu 36:13.", "Called", "A fiery law. -- De 33:2.", "Word spoken by angels. -- Heb 2:2.", "Ministration of death. -- 2Co 3:7.", "Ministration of condemnation. -- 2Co 3:9.", "Lively oracles. -- Ac 7:38.", "Royal law. -- Jas 2:8.", "Book of the law. -- De 30:10; Jos 1:8.", "Book of Moses. -- 2Ch 25:4; 35:12.", "Rehearsed by Moses -- De 1:1-3.", "Entire of, written in a book -- De 31:9.", "Book of, laid up in the sanctuary -- De 31:26.", "Tables of, laid up in the ark -- De 10:5.", "Divided into", "Moral, embodied in the ten commandments. -- De 5:22; 10:4.", "Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God. -- Le 7:37,38; Heb 9:1-7.", "Civil, relating to administration of justice. -- De 17:9-11; Ac 23:3; 24:6.", "A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation. -- De 28:1,15; Jer 31:32.", "Taught the Jews", "To love and fear God. -- De 6:5; 10:12,13; Mt 22:36,38.", "To love their neighbour. -- Le 19:18; Mt 22:39.", "Strict justice and impartiality. -- Le 19:35,36.", "All punishments awarded according to. -- Joh 8:5; 19:7; Heb 10:28.", "All Israelites required", "To know. -- Ex 18:16.", "To observe. -- De 4:6; 6:2.", "To lay up, in their hearts. -- De 6:6; 11:18.", "To remember. -- Mal 4:4.", "To teach their children. -- De 6:7; 11:19.", "Kings to write and study -- De 17:18,19.", "Good kings enforced -- 2Ki 23:24,25; 2Ch 31:21.", "Priests and Levites to teach -- De 33:8-10; Ne 8:7; Mal 2:7.", "The scribes were learned in, and expounded -- Ezr 7:6; Mt 23:2.", "Public instruction given to youth in -- Lu 2:46; Ac 22:3.", "Publicly read", "At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbatical year. -- De 31:10-13.", "By Joshua. -- Jos 8:34,35.", "By Ezra. -- Ne 8:2,3.", "In the synagogues every Sabbath day. -- Ac 13:15; 15:21.", "A means of national reformation -- 2Ch 34:19-21; Ne 8:13-18.", "A shadow of good things to come -- Heb 10:1.", "Could not give righteous and life -- Ga 3:21; Ro 8:3,4; Heb 10:1.", "A schoolmaster to lead to Christ -- Ga 3:24.", "Christ", "Made under. -- Ga 4:4.", "Circumcised according to. -- Lu 2:21; Ro 15:8.", "Came not to destroy but to fulfil. -- Mt 5:17,18.", "Attended all feasts of. -- Joh 2:23; 7:2,10,37.", "Fulfilled all precepts of. -- Ps 40:7,8.", "Fulfilled all types and shadows of. -- Heb 9:8,11-14; 10:1,11-14.", "Magnified and made honourable. -- Isa 42:21.", "Bore the curse of. -- De 21:23; Ga 3:13.", "Abrogated, as a covenant of works. -- Ro 7:4.", "Was not the manifestation of the grace of God -- Joh 1:17; Ro 8:3,4.", "Could not disannul the covenant of grace made in Christ -- Ga 3:17.", "Jewish converts would have all Christians observe -- Ac 15:1.", "The Jews", "Jealous for. -- Joh 9:28,29; Ac 21:20.", "Held those ignorant of, accursed. -- Joh 7:49.", "From regard to, rejected Christ. -- Ro 9:31-33.", "Accused Christ of breaking. -- Joh 19:7.", "Accused Christians of speaking. -- Ac 6:11-14; 21:28.", "Broke it themselves. -- Joh 7:19.", "Dishonoured God by breaking. -- Ro 2:23.", "Shall be judged by. -- Joh 5:45; Ro 2:12.", "Was a burdensome yoke -- Ac 15:10.", "Darkness, &c at giving of, illustrative of obscurity of Mosaic age -- Heb 12:18-24."]} +{"term": "Leaven", "definitions": ["Used in making bread -- Ho 7:4.", "Diffusive properties of -- 1Co 5:6.", "Forbidden", "During the feast of the passover. -- Ex 12:15-20.", "To be offered with blood. -- Ex 34:25.", "To be offered, &c with meat offerings which were burned. -- Le 2:11; 10:12.", "Used with thank offerings -- Le 7:13; Am 4:5.", "First fruits of wheat offered with -- Le 23:17.", "Illustrative of", "The rapid spread of the gospel. -- Mt 13:33; Lu 13:21.", "Doctrines of Pharisees, &c. -- Mt 16:6,12.", "Ungodly professors. -- 1Co 5:6,7.", "False teachers. -- Ga 5:8,9.", "Malice and wickedness. -- 1Co 5:8."]} +{"term": "Lebanon", "definitions": ["Bounded the land of Canaan on the north -- De 1:7; 11:24.", "Given to Israel -- Jos 13:5,6.", "Celebrated for", "Cedars. -- Ps 29:5; 92:12; Isa 14:8.", "Flowers. -- Na 1:4.", "Fragrance. -- Song 4:11.", "Fragrance of its wines. -- Ho 14:7.", "Glorious appearance. -- Isa 35:2.", "Great part of, not conquered by the Israelites -- Jos 13:2,5; Jdj 3:1-4.", "Called", "The mountains. -- 2Ch 2:2.", "Mount Lebanon. -- Jdj 3:3.", "That goodly mountain. -- De 3:25.", "Lofty tops of, covered with snow -- Jer 18:14.", "Part of, barren -- Isa 29:17.", "Forests of, infested with wild beasts -- Song 4:8; Isa 40:16; Hab 2:17.", "Many streams came from -- Song 4:15.", "Formerly inhabited by the Hivites -- Jdj 3:3.", "Moses anxious to behold -- De 3:25.", "Furnished", "Wood for Solomon's temple. -- 1Ki 5:5,6.", "Stones for Solomon's temple. -- 1Ki 5:14,18.", "Wood for second temple. -- Ezr 3:7.", "Solomon built", "The house of the forest of. -- 1Ki 7:2.", "Storehouses in. -- 1Ki 9:19.", "Difficulties of passing, surmounted by Assyrian army -- 2Ki 19:23.", "Illustrative", "Of great and powerful monarchs. -- Isa 10:24,34.", "Of the Gentile world. -- Isa 29:17.", "Of the Jewish nation. -- Jer 22:6,23; Heb 2:17.", "Of the temple. -- Zec 11:1.", "(Glory of,) of the glory of the church. -- Isa 35:2; 60:13.", "(Fragrance of,) of the graces of the church. -- Song 4:11; Ho 14:6,7.", "(Shaking of its forests,) of prodigious growth of the church. -- Ps 72:16.", "(Mourning of,) of deep affliction. -- Eze 31:15."]} +{"term": "Leopard", "definitions": ["Inhabited mountains of Canaan -- Song 4:8.", "Described as", "Spotted. -- Jer 13:23.", "Fierce and cruel. -- Jer 5:6.", "Swift. -- Hab 1:8.", "Lies in wait for its prey -- Jer 5:6; Ho 13:7.", "Illustrative", "Of God in his judgments. -- Ho 13:7.", "Of the Macedonian empire. -- Da 7:6.", "Of antichrist. -- Re 13:2.", "(Tamed,) of the wicked subdued by the gospel. -- Isa 11:6."]} +{"term": "Leprosy", "definitions": ["A common disease among the Jews -- Lu 4:27.", "Infected", "Men. -- Lu 17:12.", "Women. -- Nu 12:10.", "Houses. -- Le 14:34.", "Garments. -- Le 13:47.", "An incurable disease -- 2Ki 5:7.", "Often sent as a punishment for sin -- Nu 12:9,10; 2Ch 26:19.", "Often hereditary -- 2Sa 3:29; 2Ki 5:27.", "Parts affected by", "The hand. -- Ex 4:6.", "The head. -- Le 13:44.", "The forehead. -- 2Ch 26:19.", "The beard. -- Le 13:30.", "The whole body. -- Lu 5:12.", "Often began with a bright red spot -- Le 13:2,24.", "Turned the skin white -- Ex 4:6; 2Ki 5:27.", "Turned the hair white or yellow -- Le 13:3,10,30.", "The priests", "Judges and directors in cases of. -- De 24:8.", "Examined persons suspected of. -- Le 13:2,9.", "Shut up persons suspected of, seven days. -- Le 13:4.", "Had rules for distinguishing. -- Le 13:5-44.", "Examined all persons healed of. -- Le 14:2; Mt 8:4; Lu 17:14.", "Ceremonies at cleansing of -- Le 17:14.", "Those afflicted with", "Ceremonially unclean. -- Le 13:8,11,22,44.", "Separated from intercourse with others. -- Nu 5:2; 12:14,15.", "Associated together. -- 2Ki 7:3; Lu 17:12.", "Dwelt in a separate house. -- 2Ki 15:5.", "Cut off from God's house. -- 2Ch 26:21.", "Excluded from priest's office. -- Le 22:2-4.", "To have their heads bare, clothes rent, and lip covered. -- Le 13:45.", "To cry unclean when approached. -- Le 13:45.", "Less inveterate when it covered the whole body -- Le 13:13.", "Power of God manifested in curing -- Nu 12:13,14; 2Ki 5:8-14.", "Power of Christ manifested in curing -- Mt 8:3; Lu 5:13; 17:13,14.", "Christ gave power to heal -- Mt 10:8.", "Garments", "Suspected of, shown to priest. -- Le 13:49.", "Suspected of, shut up seven days. -- Le 13:50.", "Infected with, to have the piece first torn out. -- Le 13:56.", "Incurable infected with, burned. -- Le 13:51,52.", "Suspected of, but not having, washed and pronounced clean. -- Le 13:53,54,58,59.", "Houses", "Suspected of, reported to priest. -- Le 14:35.", "Suspected of, emptied. -- Le 14:36.", "Suspected of, inspected by priest. -- Le 14:37.", "Suspected of, shut up seven days. -- Le 14:38.", "To have the part infected with, first removed, and the rest scraped, &c. -- Le 14:39,42.", "Incurably infected with, pulled down and removed. -- Le 14:43-45.", "Infected with, communicated uncleanness to everyone who entered them. -- Le 14:46,47.", "Suspected of, but not infected, pronounced clean. -- Le 14:48.", "Ceremonies at cleansing of. -- Le 14:49-53."]} +{"term": "Leviathan", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ps 104:26.", "Nature and habits of -- Job 41:1-34.", "God's power, exhibited in destroying -- Ps 74:14.", "Illustrative of", "Powerful and cruel kings. -- Isa 27:1.", "Power and severity of God. -- Job 41:10."]} +{"term": "Levites, The", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's third son -- Ge 29:34; Heb 7:9,10.", "Prophecies respecting -- Ge 49:5,7; De 33:8-11.", "Originally consisted for three families or divisions -- Nu 3:17; 1Ch 6:16-48.", "Not numbered with Israel -- Nu 1:47-49.", "Numbered separately after the people from a month old -- Nu 3:14-16,39.", "Families, as numbered", "Of Gershom. -- Nu 3:18,21,22.", "Of Kohath. -- Nu 3:19,27,28.", "Of Merari. -- Nu 3:20,33,34.", "Chosen by God for service of the sanctuary -- 1Ch 15:2; Nu 3:6.", "Were consecrated -- Nu 8:6,14.", "Taken instead of the first-born of Israel -- Nu 3:12,13,40-45; 8:16-18.", "Zeal against idolatry a cause of their appointment -- Ex 32:26-28; De 33:9,10.", "Entered on their service at twenty-five years of age -- Nu 8:24.", "Numbered as ministers at thirty -- Nu 4:3,23-49.", "Superannuated at fifty -- Nu 8:25.", "When superannuated required to perform the less arduous duties -- Nu 8:26.", "Ceremonies at consecration of", "Cleansing and purifying. -- Nu 8:7.", "Making a sin-offering for. -- Nu 8:8,12.", "Elders of Israel laying their hands on them. -- Nu 8:9,10.", "Presenting them to God as an offering for the people. -- Nu 8:11,15.", "Setting before the priest and presenting them as their offering to God. -- Nu 8:13.", "Given to Aaron and sons -- Nu 3:9; 8:19.", "Encamped round the tabernacle -- Nu 1:50,52,53; 3:23,29,35.", "Marched in the centre of Israel -- Nu 2:17.", "Services of", "Ministering to the Lord. -- De 10:8.", "Ministering to priests. -- Nu 3:6,7; 18:2.", "Ministering to the people. -- 2Ch 35:3.", "Keeping the charge of the sanctuary. -- Nu 18:3; 1Ch 23:32.", "Keeping sacred instruments and vessels. -- Nu 3:8; 1Ch 9:28,29.", "Keeping sacred oil, flour, &c. -- 1Ch 9:29,30.", "Keeping sacred treasures. -- 1Ch 26:20.", "Taking charge of the tithes, offerings, &c. -- 2Ch 31:11-19; Ne 12:44.", "Doing the service of tabernacle. -- Nu 8:19,22.", "Taking down, putting up, and carrying the tabernacle, &c. -- Nu 1:50,51; 4:5-33.", "Preparing the sacrifices for the priests. -- 1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 35:11.", "Preparing the show bread. -- 1Ch 9:31,32; 23:29.", "Purifying the holy things. -- 1Ch 23:28.", "Regulating weights and measures. -- 1Ch 23:29.", "Teaching the people. -- 2Ch 17:8,9; 30:22; 35:3; Ne 8:7.", "Blessing the people. -- De 10:8.", "Keeping the gates of the temple. -- 1Ch 9:17-26; 23:5; 2Ch 35:15; Ne 12:25.", "Conducting the sacred music. -- 1Ch 23:5-30; 2Ch 5:12,13; Ne 12:24,27-43.", "Singing praises before the army. -- 2Ch 20:21,22.", "Judging and deciding in controversies. -- De 17:9; 1Ch 23:4; 2Ch 19:8.", "Guarded king's person and house in times of danger -- 2Ki 11:5-9; 2Ch 23:5-7.", "Had no inheritance in Israel -- De 10:9; Jos 13:33; 14:3.", "The Jews to be kind and benevolent to -- De 12:12,18,19; 14:29; 16:11,14.", "Eight and forty cities with extensive suburbs, appointed for -- Nu 35:2-8.", "The tithes given to, for their support -- Nu 18:21,24; 2Ch 31:4,5; Ne 12:44,45; Heb 7:5.", "Bound to give a tenth of their tithes to the priests -- Nu 18:26-32.", "Had a part of their offerings -- De 18:1,2.", "David", "Numbered them first from thirty years old. -- 1Ch 23:2-3.", "Divided them into four classed. -- 1Ch 23:4-6.", "By his last words had them numbered from twenty years old. -- 1Ch 23:24,27.", "Made them serve from twenty on account of the lightness of their duties. -- 1Ch 23:26,28-32.", "Subdivided into 24 courses. -- 1Ch 23:6; 25:8-31.", "Made them attend in courses. -- 2Ch 8:14; 31:17.", "Served in courses after captivity -- Ezr 6:18.", "Had chiefs or officers over them -- Nu 3:24,30,35; 1Ch 15:4-10; 2Ch 35:9; Ezr 8:29.", "Were all under control of the high priest's deputy -- Nu 3:32; 1Ch 9:20.", "While in attendance lodged around the temple -- 1Ch 9:27.", "Punished with death for encroaching on the priestly office -- Nu 18:3.", "Punishment of Korah and others of, for offering incense -- Nu 16:1-35."]} +{"term": "Liberality", "definitions": ["Pleasing to God -- 2Co 9:7; Heb 13:16.", "God never forgets -- Heb 6:10.", "Christ set an example of -- 2Co 8:9.", "Characteristic of saints -- Ps 112:9; Isa 32:8.", "Unprofitable, without love -- 1Co 13:3.", "Should be exercised", "In the service of God. -- Ex 35:21-29.", "Toward saints. -- Ro 12:13; Ga 6:10.", "Toward servants. -- De 15:12-14.", "Toward the poor. -- De 15:11; Isa 58:7.", "Toward strangers. -- Le 25:35.", "Toward enemies. -- Pr 25:21.", "Toward all men. -- Ga 6:10.", "In leading to those in want. -- Mt 5:42.", "In giving alms. -- Lu 12:33.", "In relieving the destitute. -- Isa 58:7.", "In forwarding missions. -- Php 4:14-16.", "In rendering personal services. -- Php 2:30.", "Without ostentation. -- Mt 6:1-3.", "With simplicity. -- Ro 12:8.", "According to ability. -- De 16:10,17; 1Co 16:2.", "Willingly. -- Ex 25:2; 2Co 8:12.", "Abundantly. -- 2Co 8:7; 9:11-13.", "Exercise of, provokes others to -- 2Co 9:2.", "Labour to be enabled to exercise -- Ac 20:35; Eph 4:28.", "Want of", "Brings many a curse. -- Pr 28:27.", "A proof of not loving God. -- 1Jo 3:17.", "A proof of not having faith. -- Jas 2:14-16.", "Blessings connected with -- Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Ac 20:35.", "Promises to -- Ps 112:9; Pr 11:25; 28:27; Ec 11:1,2; Isa 58:10.", "Exhortations to -- Lu 3:11; 11:41; Ac 20:35; 1Co 16:1; 1Ti 6:17,18.", "Exemplified", "Princes of Israel. -- Nu 7:2.", "Boaz. -- Ru 2:16.", "David. -- 2Sa 9:7,10.", "Barzillai, &c. -- 2Sa 17:28.", "Araunah. -- 2Sa 24:22.", "Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:8,10.", "Judah. -- 2Ch 24:10,11.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 7:70.", "Jews. -- Ne 7:71,72.", "Job. -- Job 29:15,16.", "Nebuzaradan. -- Jer 40:4,5.", "Joanna, &c. -- Lu 8:3.", "Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:8.", "Christians. -- Ac 2:45.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 4:36,37.", "Dorcas. -- Ac 9:36.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 16:2.", "Church of Antioch. -- Ac 11:29,30.", "Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:34.", "Stephanas, &c. -- 1Co 16:17.", "Extraordinary - Exemplified", "Israelites. -- Ex 36:5.", "Poor widow. -- Mr 12:42-44.", "Churches of Macedonia. -- 2Co 8:1-5."]} +{"term": "Liberty, Christian", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Isa 42:7; 61:1.", "Conferred", "By God. -- Col 1:13.", "By Christ. -- Ga 4:3-5; 5:1.", "By the Holy Spirit. -- Ro 8:15; 2Co 3:17.", "Through the gospel. -- Joh 8:32.", "Confirmed by Christ -- Joh 8:36.", "Proclaimed by Christ -- Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18.", "The service of Christ is -- 1Co 7:22.", "Is freedom from", "The law. -- Ro 7:6; 8:2.", "The curse of the law. -- Ga 3:13.", "The fear of death. -- Heb 2:15.", "Sin. -- Ro 6:7,18.", "Corruption. -- Ro 8:21.", "Bondage of man. -- 1Co 9:19.", "Jewish ordinances. -- Ga 4:3; Col 2:20.", "Called the glorious liberty of the children of God -- Ro 8:21.", "Saints are called to -- Ga 5:13.", "Saints should", "Praise God for. -- Ps 116:16,17.", "Assert. -- 1Co 10:29.", "Walk in. -- Ps 119:45.", "Stand fast in. -- Ga 2:5; 5:1.", "Not abuse. -- Ga 5:13; 1Pe 2:16.", "Not offend others by. -- 1Co 8:9; 10:29,32.", "The gospel is the law of -- Jas 1:25; 2:12.", "False teachers", "Promise, to others. -- 2Pe 2:19.", "Abuse. -- Jude 1:4.", "Try to destroy. -- Ga 2:4.", "The wicked, devoid of -- Joh 8:34; Ro 6:20.", "Typified -- Le 25:10-17; Ga 4:22-26,31."]} +{"term": "Life, Eternal", "definitions": ["Christ is -- 1Jo 1:2; 5:20.", "Revealed by Christ -- Joh 6:68; 2Ti 1:10.", "To know God and Christ is -- Joh 17:3.", "Given", "By God. -- Ps 133:3; Ro 6:23.", "By Christ. -- Joh 6:27; 10:28.", "In Christ. -- 1Jo 5:11.", "Through Christ. -- Ro 5:21; 6:23.", "To all given to Christ. -- Joh 17:2.", "To those who believe in God. -- Joh 5:24.", "To those who believe in Christ. -- Joh 3:15,16; 6:40,47.", "To those who hate life for Christ. -- Joh 12:25.", "In answer to prayer. -- Ps 21:4.", "Revealed in the Scriptures -- Joh 5:39.", "Results from", "Drinking the water of life. -- Joh 4:14.", "Eating the bread of life. -- Joh 6:50-58.", "Eating of the tree of life. -- Re 2:7.", "They who are ordained to, believe the gospel -- Ac 13:48.", "Saints", "Have promises of. -- 1Ti 4:8; 2Ti 1:1; Tit 1:2; 1Jo 2:25.", "Have hope of. -- Tit 1:2; 3:7.", "May have assurance of. -- 2Co 5:1; 1Jo 5:13.", "Shall reap, through the Spirit. -- Ga 6:8.", "Shall inherit. -- Mt 19:29.", "Look for the mercy of God to. -- Jude 1:21.", "Should lay hold of. -- 1Ti 6:12,19.", "Are preserved to. -- Joh 10:28,29.", "Shall rise to. -- Da 12:2; Joh 5:29.", "Shall go into. -- Mt 25:46.", "Shall reign in. -- Da 7:18; Ro 5:17.", "The self-righteous think to inherit, by works -- Mr 10:17.", "Cannot be inherited by works -- Ro 2:7; 3:10-19.", "The wicked", "Have not. -- 1Jo 3:15.", "Judge themselves unworthy of. -- Ac 13:46.", "Exhortation to seek -- Joh 6:27."]} +{"term": "Life, Natural", "definitions": ["God is the author of -- Ge 2:7; Ac 17:28.", "God preserves -- Ps 36:6; 66:9.", "Is in the hand of God -- Job 12:10; Da 5:23.", "Forfeited by sin -- Ge 2:17; 3:17-19.", "Of others, not to be taken away -- Ex 20:13.", "Described as", "Vain. -- Ec 6:12.", "Limited. -- Job 7:1; 14:5.", "Short. -- Job 14:1; Ps 89:47.", "Uncertain. -- Jas 4:13-15.", "Full of trouble. -- Job 14:1.", "God's loving-kindness better than -- Ps 63:3.", "The value of -- Job 2:4; Mt 6:25.", "Preserved by discretion -- Pr 13:3.", "Sometimes prolonged, in answer to prayer -- Isa 38:2-5; Jas 5:15.", "Obedience to God, tends to prolong -- De 30:20.", "Obedience to parents, tends to prolong -- Ex 20:12; Pr 4:10.", "Cares and pleasures of, dangerous -- Lu 8:14; 21:34; 2Ti 2:4.", "Saints have true enjoyment of -- Ps 128:2; 1Ti 4:8.", "Of saints, specially protected by God -- Job 2:6; Ac 18:10; 1Pe 3:13.", "Of the wicked, not specially protected by God -- Job 36:6; Ps 78:50.", "The wicked have their portion of good, during -- Ps 17:14; Lu 6:24; 16:25.", "Should be spent in", "The fear of God. -- 1Pe 1:17.", "The service of God. -- Lu 1:75.", "Living to God. -- Ro 14:8; Php 1:21.", "Peace. -- Ro 12:18; 1Ti 2:2.", "Doing good. -- Ec 3:12.", "Should be taken all due care of -- Mt 10:23; Ac 27:34.", "Should be laid down, if necessary, for Christ -- Mt 10:39; Lu 14:26; Ac 20:24.", "Should be laid down, if necessary, for the brethren -- Ro 16:4; 1Jo 3:16.", "Be thankful for", "The preservation of. -- Ps 103:4; Joh 2:6.", "The supply of its wants. -- Ge 48:15.", "The dissatisfied despise -- Ec 2:17.", "We know not what is good for us in -- Ec 6:12.", "Be not over-anxious to provide for its wants -- Mt 6:25.", "The enjoyment of, consists not in abundance of possessions -- Lu 12:15.", "Is compared to", "An eagle hasting to the prey. -- Job 9:26.", "A pilgrimage. -- Ge 47:9.", "A tale told. -- Ps 90:9.", "A swift post. -- Job 9:25.", "A swift ship. -- Job 9:26.", "A hand-breadth. -- Ps 39:5.", "A shepherd's tent removed. -- Isa 38:18.", "A dream. -- Ps 73:20.", "A sleep. -- Ps 90:5.", "A vapour. -- Jas 4:14.", "A shadow. -- Ec 6:12.", "A thread cut by the weaver. -- Isa 38:12.", "A weaver's shuttle. -- Job 7:6.", "A flower. -- Job 14:2.", "Grass. -- 1Pe 1:24.", "Water spilt on the ground. -- 2Sa 14:14.", "Wind. -- Job 7:7.", "Shortness of, should lead to spiritual improvement -- De 32:29; Ps 90:12.", "Sometimes judicially shortened -- 1Sa 2:32,33; Job 36:14.", "Miraculously restored by Christ -- Mt 9:18,25; Lu 7:15,22; Joh 11:43."]} +{"term": "Life, Spiritual", "definitions": ["God is the Author of -- Ps 36:9; Col 2:13.", "Christ is the Author of -- Joh 5:21,25; 6:33,51-53; 14:6; 1Jo 4:9.", "The Holy Spirit is the Author of -- Eze 37:14; Ro 8:9-13.", "The word of God is the instrument of -- Isa 55:3; 2Co 3:6; 1Pe 4:6.", "Is hidden with Christ -- Col 3:3.", "The fear of God is -- Pr 14:27; 19:23.", "Spiritual-mindedness is -- Ro 8:6.", "Is maintained by", "Christ. -- Joh 6:57; 1Co 10:3,4.", "Faith. -- Ga 2:20.", "The word of God. -- De 8:3; Mt 4:4.", "Prayer. -- Ps 69:32.", "Has its origin in the new-birth -- Joh 3:3-8.", "Has its infancy -- Lu 10:21; 1Co 3:1,2; 1Jo 2:12.", "Has its youth -- 1Jo 2:13,14.", "Has its maturity -- Eph 4:13; 1Jo 2:13,14.", "Is described as", "A life to God. -- Ro 6:11; Ga 2:19.", "Newness of life. -- Ro 6:4.", "Living in the Spirit. -- Ga 5:25.", "Revived by God -- Ps 85:6; Ho 6:2.", "Evidenced by love to the brethren -- 1Jo 3:14.", "All saints have -- Eph 2:1,5; Col 2:13.", "Should animate the services of saints -- Ro 12:1; 1Co 14:15.", "Saints praise God for -- Ps 119:175.", "Seek to grow in -- Eph 4:15; 1Pe 2:2.", "Pray for the increase of -- Ps 119:25; 143:11.", "The wicked alienated from -- Eph 4:18.", "Lovers of pleasure destitute of -- 1Ti 5:6.", "Hypocrites destitute of -- Jude 1:12; Re 3:1.", "Illustrated -- Eze 37:9,10; Lu 15:24."]} +{"term": "Light", "definitions": ["God the only source of -- Jas 1:17.", "Created by God -- Ge 1:3; Isa 45:7.", "Separated from darkness -- Ge 1:4.", "Sun, moon, and stars appointed to communicate to the earth -- Ge 1:14-17; Jer 31:35.", "Divided into", "Natural. -- Job 24:14; Isa 5:30.", "Extraordinary or miraculous. -- Ex 14:20; Ps 78:14; Ac 9:3; 12:7.", "Artificial. -- Jer 25:10; Ac 16:29.", "Communicated to the body through the eye -- Pr 15:30; Mt 6:22.", "Described as", "White and pure. -- Mt 17:2.", "Bright. -- Job 37:21.", "Shining. -- 2Sa 23:4; Job 41:18.", "Diffusive. -- Job 25:3; 36:30.", "Useful and precious. -- Ec 2:13.", "Agreeable. -- Ec 11:7.", "Manifesting objects. -- Joh 3:20,21; Eph 5:13.", "The theory of, beyond man's comprehension -- Job 38:19,20,24.", "Illustrative of", "Glory of God. -- Ps 104:2; 1Ti 6:16.", "Purity of God. -- 1Jo 1:5.", "Wisdom of God. -- Da 2:22.", "Guidance of God. -- Ps 27:1; 36:9.", "Favour of God. -- Ps 4:6; Isa 2:5.", "Christ the source of all wisdom. -- Lu 2:32; Joh 1:4,9; 8:12; 12:46.", "Glory of Christ. -- Ac 9:3,5; 26:13.", "Purity of Christ. -- Mt 17:2.", "Word of God. -- Ps 119:105,130; 2Pe 1:19.", "Gospel. -- 2Co 4:4; 1Pe 2:9.", "Ministers. -- Mt 5:14; Joh 5:35.", "Wise rulers. -- 2Sa 21:17; 23:4.", "The soul of man. -- Job 18:5,6.", "Saints. -- Lu 16:8; Eph 5:8; Php 2:15.", "Future glory of saints. -- Ps 97:11; Col 1:12.", "The path of the just. -- Pr 4:18.", "The glory of the church. -- Isa 60:1-3.", "Whatever makes manifest. -- Joh 3:21; Eph 5:13."]} +{"term": "Lion, The", "definitions": ["Canaan infested by -- 2Ki 17:25,26.", "Described as", "Superior in strength. -- Jdj 14:18; Pr 30:30.", "Active. -- De 33:22.", "Courageous. -- 2Sa 17:10.", "Fearless even of man. -- Isa 31:4; Na 2:11.", "Fierce. -- Job 10:16; 28:8.", "Voracious. -- Ps 17:12.", "Majestic in movement. -- Pr 30:29,30.", "Greatness of its teeth alluded to -- Ps 58:6; Joe 1:6.", "God's power exhibited in restraining -- 1Ki 13:28; Da 6:22,27.", "God provides for -- Job 38:39; Ps 104:21,28.", "Lurks for its prey -- Ps 10:9.", "Roars when seeking prey -- Ps 104:21; Isa 31:4.", "Rends its prey -- De 33:20; Ps 7:2.", "Often carries its prey to its den -- Na 2:12.", "Conceals itself by day -- Ps 104:22.", "Often perishes for lack of food -- Job 4:11.", "Inhabits", "Forests. -- Jer 5:6.", "Thickets. -- Jer 4:7.", "Mountains. -- Song 4:8.", "Deserts. -- Isa 30:6.", "Attacks the sheepfolds -- 1Sa 17:34; Am 3:12; Mic 5:8.", "Attacks and destroys men -- 1Ki 13:24; 20:36.", "Universal terror caused by roaring of -- Jer 2:15; Am 3:8.", "Criminals often thrown to -- Da 6:7,16,24.", "Hunting of, alluded to -- Job 10:16.", "Slain by", "Samson. -- Jdj 14:5,6.", "David. -- 1Sa 17:35,36.", "Benaiah. -- 2Sa 23:20.", "A swarm of bees found in the carcass of, by Samson -- Jdj 14:8.", "Disobedient prophet slain by -- 1Ki 13:24,26.", "Illustrative", "Of Israel. -- Nu 24:9.", "Of the tribe of Judah. -- Ge 49:9.", "Of the tribe of Gad. -- De 33:20.", "Of Christ. -- Re 5:5.", "Of God in protecting his church. -- Isa 31:4.", "Of God in executing judgments. -- Isa 38:13; La 3:10; Ho 5:14; 13:8.", "Of boldness of saints. -- Pr 28:1.", "Of brave men. -- 2Sa 1:23; 23:20.", "Of cruel and powerful enemies. -- Isa 5:29; Jer 49:19; 51:38.", "Of persecutors. -- Ps 22:13; 2Ti 4:17.", "Of the devil. -- 1Pe 5:8.", "Of imaginary fears of the slothful. -- Pr 22:13; 26:13.", "(Tamed,) of the natural man subdued by grace. -- Isa 11:7; 65:25.", "(Roaring of,) of a king's wrath. -- Pr 19:12; 20:2."]} +{"term": "Locust, The", "definitions": ["A small insect -- Pr 30:24,27.", "Clean and fit for food -- Le 11:21,22.", "Described as", "Wise. -- Pr 30:24,27.", "Voracious. -- Ex 10:15.", "Rapid in movement. -- Isa 33:4.", "Like to horses prepared for battle. -- Joe 2:4; Re 9:7.", "Carried every way by the wind -- Ex 10:13,19.", "Immensely numerous -- Ps 105:34; Na 3:15.", "Flies in bands and with order -- Pr 30:27.", "One of the plagues of Egypt -- Ex 10:4-15.", "The Jews", "Used as food. -- Mt 3:4.", "Threatened with, as a punishment for sin. -- De 28:38,42.", "Deprecated the plague of. -- 1Ki 8:37,38.", "Often plagued by. -- Joe 1:4; 2:25.", "Promised deliverance from the plague of, on humiliation, &c. -- 2Ch 7:13,14.", "Illustrative", "Of destructive enemies. -- Joe 1:6,7; 2:2-9.", "Of false teachers of the apostasy. -- Re 9:3.", "Of ungodly rulers. -- Na 3:17.", "(Destruction of,) of destruction of God's enemies. -- Na 3:15."]} +{"term": "Long-Suffering of God, The", "definitions": ["Is part of his character -- Ex 34:6; Nu 14:18; Ps 86:15.", "Salvation, the object of -- 2Pe 3:15.", "Through Christ's intercession -- Lu 13:8.", "Should lead to repentance -- Ro 2:4; 2Pe 3:9.", "An encouragement to repent -- Joe 2:13.", "Exhibited in forgiving sins -- Ro 3:25.", "Exercised toward", "His people. -- Isa 30:18; Eze 20:17.", "The wicked. -- Ro 9:22; 1Pe 3:20.", "Plead in prayer -- Jer 15:15.", "Limits set to -- Ge 6:3; Jer 44:22.", "The wicked", "Abuse. -- Ec 8:11; Mt 24:48,49.", "Despise. -- Ro 2:4.", "Punished for despising. -- Ne 9:30; Mt 24:48-51; Ro 2:5.", "Illustrated -- Lu 13:6,9.", "Exemplified", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:10-13.", "Israel. -- Ps 78:38; Isa 48:9.", "Jerusalem. -- Mt 23:37.", "Paul. -- 1Ti 1:16."]} +{"term": "Love of Christ, The", "definitions": ["To the Father -- Ps 91:14; Joh 14:31.", "To his church -- Song 4:8,9; 5:1; Joh 15:9; Eph 5:24.", "To those who love him -- Pr 8:17; Joh 14:21.", "Manifested in his", "Coming to seek the lost. -- Lu 19:10.", "Praying for his enemies. -- Lu 23:34.", "Giving himself for us. -- Ga 2:20.", "Dying for us. -- Joh 15:13; 1Jo 3:16.", "Washing away our sins. -- Re 1:5.", "Interceding for us. -- Heb 7:25; 9:24.", "Sending the Spirit. -- Ps 68:18; Joh 16:7.", "Rebukes and chastisements. -- Re 3:19.", "Passes knowledge -- Eph 3:19.", "To be imitated -- Joh 13:34; 15:12; Eph 5:2; 1Jo 3:16.", "To saints, is", "Unquenchable. -- Song 8:7.", "Constraining. -- 2Co 5:14.", "Unchangeable. -- Joh 13:1.", "Indissoluble. -- Ro 8:35.", "Obedient saints abide in -- Joh 15:10.", "Saints obtain victory through -- Ro 8:37.", "Is the banner over his saints -- Song 2:4.", "Is the ground of his saints love to him -- Lu 7:47.", "To saints, shall be acknowledge even by enemies -- Re 3:9.", "Illustrated -- Mt 18:11-13.", "Exemplified towards", "Peter. -- Lu 22:32,61.", "Lazarus, &c. -- Joh 11:5,36.", "His apostles. -- Joh 13:1,34.", "John. -- Joh 13:23."]} +{"term": "Love of God, The", "definitions": ["Is a part of his character -- 2Co 13:11; 1Jo 4:8.", "Christ, the especial object of -- Joh 15:9; 17:26.", "Christ abides in -- Joh 15:10.", "Described as", "Sovereign. -- De 7:8; 10:15.", "Great. -- Eph 2:4.", "Abiding. -- Zep 3:17.", "Unfailing. -- Isa 49:15,16.", "Unalienable. -- Ro 8:39.", "Constraining. -- Ho 11:4.", "Everlasting. -- Jer 31:3.", "Irrespective of merit -- De 7:7; Job 7:17.", "Manifested towards", "Perishing sinners. -- Joh 3:16; Tit 3:4.", "His saints. -- Joh 16:27; 17:23; 2Th 2:16; 1Jo 4:16.", "The destitute. -- De 10:18.", "The cheerful giver. -- 2Co 9:7.", "Exhibited in", "The giving of Christ. -- Joh 3:16.", "The sending of Christ. -- 1Jo 4:9.", "Christ's dying for us while sinners. -- Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:10.", "Election. -- Mal 1:2,3; Ro 9:11-13.", "Adoption. -- 1Jo 3:1.", "Redemption. -- Isa 43:3,4; 63:9.", "Freeness of salvation. -- Tit 3:4-7.", "Forgiving sin. -- Isa 38:17.", "Quickening of souls. -- Eph 2:4,5.", "Drawing us to himself. -- Ho 11:4.", "Temporal blessings. -- De 7:13.", "Chastisements. -- Heb 12:6.", "Defeating evil counsels. -- De 23:5.", "Shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit -- Ro 5:5.", "Saints know and believe -- 1Jo 4:16.", "Saints should abide in -- Jude 1:21.", "Perfected in saints", "By obedience. -- 1Jo 2:5.", "By brotherly love. -- 1Jo 4:12.", "The source of our love to him -- 1Jo 4:19.", "To be sought in prayer -- 2Co 13:14."]} +{"term": "Love to Christ", "definitions": ["Exhibited by God -- Mt 17:5; Joh 5:20.", "Exhibited by saints -- 1Pe 1:8.", "His personal excellence is deserving of -- Song 5:9-16.", "His love to us a motive to -- 2Co 5:14.", "Manifested in", "Seeking him. -- Song 3:2.", "Obeying him. -- Joh 14:15,21,23.", "Ministering to him. -- Mt 27:55; 25:40.", "Preferring him to all others. -- Mt 10:37.", "Taking up the cross for Him. -- Mt 10:38.", "A characteristic of saints -- Song 1:4.", "An evidence of adoption -- Joh 8:42.", "Should be", "Sincere. -- Eph 6:24.", "With the soul. -- Song 1:7.", "In proportion to our mercies. -- Lu 7:47.", "Supreme. -- Mt 10:37.", "Ardent. -- Song 2:5; 8:6.", "Unquenchable. -- Song 8:7.", "Even to death. -- Ac 21:13; Re 12:11.", "Promises to -- 2Ti 4:8; Jas 1:12.", "Increase of, to be prayed for -- Php 1:9.", "Pray for grace to those who have -- Eph 6:24.", "They who have", "Are loved by the Father. -- Joh 14:21,23; 16:27.", "Are loved by Christ. -- Pr 8:17; Joh 14:21.", "Enjoy communion with God and Christ. -- Joh 14:23.", "Decrease of, rebuked -- Re 2:4.", "Want of, denounced -- 1Co 16:22.", "The wicked, destitute of -- Ps 35:19; Joh 15:18,25.", "Exemplified", "Joseph of Arimathaea. -- Mt 27:57-60.", "Penitent woman. -- Lu 7:47.", "Certain women. -- Lu 23:28.", "Thomas. -- Joh 11:16.", "Mary Magdalene. -- Joh 20:11.", "Peter. -- Joh 21:15-17.", "Paul. -- Ac 21:13."]} +{"term": "Love to God", "definitions": ["Commanded -- De 11:1; Jos 22:5.", "The first great commandment -- Mt 22:38.", "With all the heart -- De 6:5; Mt 22:37.", "Better than all sacrifices -- Mr 12:33.", "Produced by", "The Holy Spirit. -- Ga 5:22; 2Th 3:5.", "The love of God to us. -- 1Jo 4:19.", "Answers to prayer. -- Ps 116:1.", "Exhibited by Christ -- Joh 14:31.", "A characteristic of saints -- Ps 5:11.", "Should produce", "Joy. -- Ps 5:11.", "Love to saints. -- 1Jo 5:1.", "Hatred of sin. -- Ps 97:10.", "Obedience to God. -- De 30:20; 1Jo 5:3.", "Perfected in obedience -- 1Jo 2:5.", "Perfected, gives boldness -- 1Jo 4:17,18.", "God, faithful to those who have -- De 7:9.", "They who have", "Are known of him. -- 1Co 8:3.", "Are preserved by him. -- Ps 145:20.", "Are delivered by him. -- Ps 91:14.", "Partake of his mercy. -- Ex 20:6; De 7:9.", "Have all things working for their good. -- Ro 8:28.", "Persevere in -- Jude 1:21.", "Exhort one another to -- Ps 31:23.", "Pray for -- 2Th 3:5.", "The love of the world is a proof of not having -- 1Jo 2:15.", "They who love not others, are without -- 1Jo 4:20.", "Hypocrites, without -- Lu 11:42; Joh 5:42.", "The uncharitable, without -- 1Jo 3:17.", "God tries the sincerity of -- De 13:3.", "Promises connected with -- De 11:13-15; Ps 69:36; Isa 56:6,7; Jas 1:12."]} +{"term": "Love to Man", "definitions": ["Is of God -- 1Jo 4:7.", "Commanded by God -- 1Jo 4:21.", "Commanded by Christ -- Joh 13:34; 15:12; 1Jo 3:23.", "After the example of Christ -- Joh 13:34; 15:12; Eph 5:2.", "Taught by God -- 1Th 4:9.", "Faith works by -- Ga 5:6.", "A fruit of the Spirit -- Ga 5:22; Col 1:8.", "Purity of heart leads to -- 1Pe 1:22.", "Explained -- 1Co 13:4-7.", "Is an active principle -- 1Th 1:3; Heb 6:10.", "Is an abiding principle -- 1Co 13:8,13.", "Is the second great commandment -- Mt 22:37-39.", "Is the end of the commandment -- 1Ti 1:5.", "Supernatural gifts are nothing without -- 1Co 13:1,2.", "The greatest sacrifices are nothing without -- 1Co 13:3.", "Especially enjoined upon ministers -- 1Ti 4:12; 2Ti 2:22.", "Saints should", "Put on. -- Col 3:14.", "Follow after. -- 1Co 14:1.", "Abound in. -- Php 1:9; 1Th 3:12.", "Continue in. -- 1Ti 2:15; Heb 13:1.", "Provoke each other to. -- 2Co 8:7; 9:2; Heb 10:24.", "Be sincere in. -- Ro 12:9; 2Co 6:6; 8:8; 1Jo 3:18.", "Be disinterested in. -- 1Co 10:24; 13:5; Php 2:4.", "Be fervent in. -- 1Pe 1:22; 4:8.", "Should be connected with brotherly kindness -- Ro 12:10; 2Pe 1:7.", "Should be with a pure heart -- 1Pe 1:22.", "All things should be done with -- 1Co 16:14.", "Should be exhibited, toward", "Saints. -- 1Pe 2:17; 1Jo 5:1.", "Ministers. -- 1Th 5:13.", "Our families. -- Eph 5:25; Tit 2:4.", "Fellow-countrymen. -- Ex 32:32; Ro 9:2,3; 10:1.", "Strangers. -- Le 19:34; De 10:19.", "Enemies. -- Ex 23:4,5; 2Ki 6:22; Mt 5:44; Ro 12:14,20; 1Pe 3:9.", "All men. -- Ga 6:10.", "Should be exhibited, in", "Ministering to the wants of others. -- Mt 25:35; Heb 6:10.", "Loving each other. -- Ga 5:13.", "Relieving strangers. -- Le 25:35; Mt 25:36.", "Clothing the naked. -- Isa 58:7; Mt 25:36.", "Visiting the sick, &c. -- Job 31:16-22; Jas 1:27.", "Sympathising. -- Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26.", "Supporting the weak. -- Ga 6:2; 1Th 5:14.", "Covering the faults of others. -- Pr 10:12; 1Pe 4:8.", "Forgiving injuries. -- Eph 4:32; Col 3:13.", "Forbearing. -- Eph 4:2.", "Rebuking. -- Le 19:17; Mt 18:15.", "Necessary to true happiness -- Pr 15:17.", "The love of God is a motive to -- Joh 13:34; 1Jo 4:11.", "An evidence of", "Being in the light. -- 1Jo 2:10.", "Discipleship with Christ. -- Joh 13:35.", "Spiritual life. -- 1Jo 3:14.", "Is the fulfilling of the law -- Ro 13:8-10; Ga 5:14; Jas 2:8.", "Love to self is the measure of -- Mr 12:33.", "Is good and pleasant -- Ps 133:1,2.", "Is a bond of union -- Col 2:2.", "Is the bond of perfectness -- Col 3:14.", "Hypocrites, devoid of -- 1Jo 2:9,11; 4:20.", "The wicked devoid of -- 1Jo 3:10.", "Exemplified", "Joseph. -- Ge 45:15.", "Ruth. -- Ru 1:16,17.", "Jonathan, &c. -- 1Sa 20:17,41,42.", "Obadiah. -- 1Ki 18:4.", "Centurion. -- Lu 7:5.", "The Church. -- Ac 2:46; Heb 10:33,34.", "Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.", "Aquila. -- Ro 16:3,4.", "Paul. -- 2Co 6:11,12.", "Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:25,26,30.", "Philippians. -- Php 4:15-19.", "Colossians. -- Col 1:4.", "Thessalonians. -- 1Th 3:6.", "Onesiphorus. -- 2Ti 1:16-18.", "Philemon. -- Phm 1:7-9.", "Moses. -- Heb 11:25."]} +{"term": "Loving-Kindness of God, The", "definitions": ["Is through Christ -- Eph 2:7; Tit 3:4-6.", "Described as", "Great. -- Ne 9:17.", "Excellent. -- Ps 36:7.", "Good. -- Ps 69:16.", "Marvellous. -- Ps 17:7; 31:21.", "Multitudinous. -- Isa 63:7.", "Everlasting. -- Isa 54:8.", "Merciful. -- Ps 117:2.", "Better than life. -- Ps 63:3.", "Consideration of the dealings of God gives a knowledge of -- Ps 107:43.", "Saints", "Betrothed in. -- Ho 2:19.", "Drawn by. -- Jer 31:3.", "Preserved by. -- Ps 40:11.", "Quickened after. -- Ps 119:88.", "Comforted by. -- Ps 119:76.", "Look for mercy through. -- Ps 51:1.", "Receive mercy through. -- Isa 54:8.", "Are heard according to. -- Ps 119:149.", "Are ever mindful of. -- Ps 26:3; 48:9.", "Should expect, in affliction. -- Ps 42:7,8.", "Crowned with. -- Ps 103:4.", "Never utterly taken from saints -- Ps 89:33; Isa 54:10.", "Former manifestations of, to be pleaded in prayer -- Ps 25:6; 89:49.", "Pray for the", "Exhibition of. -- Ps 17:7; 143:8.", "Continuance of. -- Ps 36:10.", "Extension of. -- Ge 24:12; 2Sa 2:6.", "Praise God for -- Ps 92:2; 138:2.", "Proclaim -- Ps 40:10."]} +{"term": "Lying", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Le 19:11; Col 3:9.", "Hateful to God -- Pr 6:16-19.", "An abomination to God -- Pr 12:22.", "A hindrance to prayer -- Isa 59:2,3.", "The devil, the father of -- Joh 8:44.", "The devil excites men to -- 1Ki 22:22; Ac 5:3.", "Saints", "Hate. -- Ps 119:163; Pr 13:5.", "Avoid. -- Isa 63:8; Zep 3:13.", "Respect not those who practise. -- Ps 40:4.", "Reject those who practise. -- Ps 101:7.", "Pray to be preserved from. -- Ps 119:29; Pr 30:8.", "Unbecoming in rulers -- Pr 17:7.", "The evil of rulers hearkening to -- Pr 29:12.", "False prophets addicted to -- Jer 23:14; Eze 22:28.", "False witnesses addicted to -- Pr 14:5,25.", "Antinomians guilty of -- 1Jo 1:6; 2:4.", "Hypocrites addicted to -- Ho 11:12.", "Hypocrites, a seed of -- Isa 57:4.", "The wicked", "Addicted to, from their infancy. -- Ps 58:3.", "Love. -- Ps 52:3.", "Delight in. -- Ps 62:4.", "Seek after. -- Ps 4:2.", "Prepare their tongues for. -- Jer 9:3,5.", "Bring forth. -- Ps 7:14.", "Give heed to. -- Pr 17:4.", "A characteristic of the Apostasy -- 2Th 2:9; 1Ti 4:2.", "Leads to", "Hatred. -- Pr 26:28.", "Love of impure conversation. -- Pr 17:4.", "Often accompanied by gross crimes -- Ho 4:1,2.", "Folly of concealing hatred by -- Pr 10:18.", "Vanity of getting riches by -- Pr 21:6.", "Shall be detected -- Pr 12:19.", "Poverty preferable to -- Pr 19:22.", "Excludes from heaven -- Re 21:27; 22:15.", "They who are guilty of, shall be cast into hell -- Re 21:8.", "Punishment for -- Ps 5:6; 120:3,4; Pr 19:5; Jer 50:36.", "Exemplified", "The devil. -- Ge 3:4.", "Cain. -- Ge 4:9.", "Sarah. -- Ge 18:15.", "Jacob. -- Ge 27:19.", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:31,32.", "Gibeonites. -- Jos 9:9-13.", "Samson. -- Jdj 16:10.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:13.", "Michal. -- 1Sa 19:14.", "David. -- 1Sa 21:2.", "Prophet of Bethel. -- 1Ki 13:18.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:22.", "Job's friends. -- Job 13:4.", "Ninevites. -- Na 3:1.", "Peter. -- Mt 26:72.", "Ananias, &c. -- Ac 5:5.", "Cretans. -- Tit 1:12."]} +{"term": "Macedonian Empire, The", "definitions": ["Called the kingdom of Grecia -- Da 11:2.", "Illustrated by the", "Brazen part of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. -- Da 2:32,39.", "Leopard with four wings and four heads. -- Da 7:16,17.", "Rough goat with notable horn. -- Da 8:5,21.", "Philippi the chief city of -- Ac 16:12.", "Predictions respecting", "Conquest of the Medo-Persian kingdom. -- Da 8:6,7; 11:2,3.", "Power and greatness of Alexander its last king. -- Da 8:8; 11:3.", "Division of it into four kingdoms. -- Da 8:8,22.", "Divisions of it ruled by strangers. -- Da 11:4.", "History of its four divisions. -- Da 11:4-29.", "The little horn to arise out of one of its divisions. -- Da 8:8-12,23-25.", "Gospel preached in, by God's desire -- Ac 16:9,10.", "Liberality of the churches of -- 2Co 8:1-5."]} +{"term": "Magistrates", "definitions": ["Are appointed by God -- Ro 13:1.", "Are ministers of God -- Ro 13:4,6.", "Purpose of their appointment -- Ro 13:4; 1Pe 2:14.", "Their office to be respected -- Ac 23:5.", "Are not a terror to the good, but to the evil -- Ro 13:3.", "To be wisely selected and appointed -- Ex 18:21; Ezr 7:25.", "To be prayed for -- 1Ti 2:1,2.", "Should", "Seek wisdom from God. -- 1Ki 3:9.", "Rule in the fear of God. -- 2Sa 23:3; 2Ch 19:7.", "Know the law of God. -- Ezr 7:25.", "Be faithful to the Sovereign. -- Da 6:4.", "Enforce the laws. -- Ezr 7:26.", "Judge wisely. -- 1Ki 3:16-28.", "Hate covetousness. -- Ex 18:21.", "Not take bribes. -- Ex 23:8; De 16:19.", "Defend the poor. -- Job 29:12,16.", "Judge for God, not for man. -- 2Ch 19:6.", "Judge righteously. -- De 1:16; 16:18; 25:1.", "Be impartial. -- Ex 23:6; De 1:17.", "Be diligent in ruling. -- Ro 12:8.", "Subjection to their authority enjoined. -- Mt 23:2,3; Ro 13:1; 1Pe 2:13,14.", "Wicked -- Illustrated -- Pr 28:15.", "Good -- Exemplified", "Joseph. -- Ge 41:46.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 8:35.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 12:3,4; Ezr 10:1-9.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 3:15.", "Job. -- Job 29:16.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:3.", "Wicked -- Exemplified", "Sons of Samuel. -- 1Sa 8:3.", "Pilate. -- Mt 27:24,26.", "Magistrates in Philippi. -- Ac 16:22,23.", "Gallio. -- Ac 18:16,17.", "Felix. -- Ac 24:26."]} +{"term": "Malice", "definitions": ["Springs from an evil heart -- Mt 15:19,20; Ga 5:19.", "Forbidden -- 1Co 14:20; Col 3:8; Eph 4:26,27.", "A hindrance to growth in grace -- 1Pe 2:1,2.", "Incompatible with the worship of God -- 1Co 5:7,8.", "Christian liberty not to be a cloak for -- 1Pe 2:16.", "Saints avoid -- Job 31:29,30; Ps 35:12-14.", "The wicked", "Speak with. -- 3Jo 1:10.", "Live in. -- Tit 3:3.", "Conceive. -- Ps 7:14.", "Filled with. -- Ro 1:29.", "Visit saints with. -- Ps 83:3; Mt 22:6.", "Pray for those who injure you through -- Mt 5:44.", "Brings its own punishment -- Ps 7:15,16.", "God requites -- Ps 10:14; Eze 36:5.", "Punishment of -- Am 1:11,12; Ob 1:10-15.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:5.", "Esau. -- Ge 27:41.", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:19,20.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 18:9-11.", "Shimei. -- 2Sa 16:5; 1Ki 2:8,9.", "Joab. -- 2Sa 3:27; 1Ki 2:5,28-33.", "Sanballat. -- Ne 2:10.", "Haman. -- Es 3:5,6.", "Edomites. -- Eze 35:5.", "Presidents, &c. -- Da 6:4-9.", "Herodias. -- Mr 6:19.", "Scribes &c. -- Mr 11:18; Lu 11:54.", "Diotrephes. -- 3Jo 1:10."]} +{"term": "Man", "definitions": ["Made for God -- Pr 16:4; Re 4:11.", "God's purpose in creation completed by making -- Ge 2:5,7.", "Cannot profit God -- Job 22:2; Ps 16:2.", "Unworthy of God's favour -- Job 7:17; Ps 8:4.", "Created", "By God. -- Ge 1:27; Isa 45:12.", "By Christ. -- Joh 1:3; Col 1:16.", "By the Holy Spirit. -- Job 33:4.", "After consultation, by the Trinity. -- Ge 1:26.", "On the sixth day. -- Ge 1:31.", "Upon the earth. -- De 4:32; Job 20:4.", "From the dust. -- Ge 2:7; Job 33:6.", "In the image of God. -- Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7.", "After the likeness of God. -- Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9.", "Male and female. -- Ge 1:27; 5:2.", "A living soul. -- Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:45.", "In uprightness. -- Ec 7:29.", "In knowledge (inferred). -- Col 3:10.", "Under obligations to obedience. -- Ge 2:16,17.", "A type of Christ. -- Ro 5:14.", "Approved of by God -- Ge 1:31.", "Blessed by God -- Ge 1:28; 5:2.", "Placed in the garden of Eden -- Ge 2:15.", "Every herb and tree given to, for food -- Ge 1:29.", "Allowed to eat flesh after the flood -- Ge 9:3.", "Not good for, to be alone -- Ge 2:18.", "Woman formed to be a help for -- Ge 21:2-25.", "Possessed of", "A Body. -- Mt 6:25.", "A soul. -- Lu 12:20; Ac 14:22; 1Pe 4:19.", "A spirit. -- Pr 18:14; 20:17; 1Co 2:11.", "Understanding. -- Eph 1:18; 4:18.", "Will. -- 1Co 9:17; 2Pe 1:21.", "Affections. -- 1Ch 29:3; Col 3:2.", "Conscience. -- Ro 2:15; 1Ti 4:2.", "Memory. -- Ge 41:9; 1Co 15:2.", "Made by God in his successive generations -- Job 10:8-11; 31:15.", "Fearfully and wonderfully made -- Ps 139:14.", "Of every nation, made of one blood -- Ac 17:26.", "Quickened by the breath of God -- Ge 2:7; 7:22; Job 33:4.", "Made wise by the inspiration of the Almighty -- Job 32:8,9.", "Inferior to angels -- Ps 8:5; Heb 2:7.", "Is of the earth earthy -- 1Co 15:47.", "Nature and constitution of, different from other creatures -- 1Co 15:39.", "More valuable than other creatures -- Mt 6:26; 10:31; 12:12.", "Wiser than other creatures -- Job 35:11.", "Received dominion over other creatures -- Ge 1:28; Ps 8:6-8.", "Gave names to other creatures -- Ge 2:19,20.", "Intellect of, matured by age -- 1Co 13:11.", "Called", "The potsherd of the earth. -- Isa 45:9.", "A worm. -- Job 25:6.", "Vain man. -- Job 11:12; Jas 2:20.", "Flesh. -- Ge 6:12; Joe 2:28.", "Compared to", "Grass. -- Isa 40:6-8; 1Pe 1:24.", "Clay in the potter's hand. -- Isa 64:8; Jer 18:2,6.", "Vanity. -- Ps 144:4.", "A sleep. -- Ps 90:5.", "A wild ass's colt. -- Job 11:12.", "Originally naked and not ashamed -- Ge 2:25.", "Disobeyed God by eating part of the forbidden fruit -- Ge 3:1-12.", "Filled with shame after the fall -- Ge 3:10.", "Covered himself with fig leaves -- Ge 3:7.", "Clothed by God with skins -- Ge 3:21.", "Punished for disobedience -- Ge 3:16-19.", "Banished from paradise -- Ge 3:23,24.", "Involved posterity in his ruin -- Ro 5:12-19.", "Has sought out many inventions -- Ec 7:29.", "Born in sin -- Ps 51:5.", "Born to trouble -- Job 5:7.", "Has an appointed time on the earth -- Job 7:1.", "Days of, compared to a shadow -- 1Ch 29:15.", "Days of, as the days of a hireling -- Job 7:1.", "Has but few days -- Job 14:1.", "Ordinary limit of his life -- Ps 90:10.", "Ignorant of what is good for him -- Ec 10:2.", "Ignorant of what is to come after him -- Ec 10:14.", "Not profited by all his labour and travail -- Ec 2:22; 6:12.", "Cannot direct his ways -- Jer 10:23; Pr 20:24.", "Walks in a vain show -- Ps 39:6.", "God", "Instructs. -- Ps 94:10.", "Orders the goings of. -- Pr 5:21; 20:24.", "Prepares the heart of. -- Pr 16:1.", "Enables to speak. -- Pr 16:1.", "Preserves. -- Job 7:20; Ps 36:6.", "Provides for. -- Ps 145:15,16.", "Destroys the hopes of. -- Job 14:19.", "Makes the wrath of, to praise him. -- Ps 76:10.", "Makes his beauty consume away. -- Ps 39:11.", "Turns to destruction. -- Ps 90:3.", "Cannot be just with God -- Job 9:2; 25:4; Ps 143:2; Ro 3:20.", "Cannot cleanse himself -- Job 15:14; Jer 2:22.", "All the ways of, clean in his own eyes -- Pr 16:2.", "Christ", "Knew what was in. -- Joh 2:25.", "Took on him nature of. -- Joh 1:14; Heb 2:14,16.", "Made in the image of. -- Php 2:7.", "Was found in fashion as. -- Php 2:8.", "Approved of God as. -- Ac 2:22.", "Called the second, as covenant head of the church. -- 1Co 15:47.", "Is the head of every. -- 1Co 11:3.", "A refuge as, to sinners. -- Isa 32:2.", "As such, is the cause of the resurrection. -- 1Co 15:21,22.", "Shall be recompensed according to his works -- Ps 62:12; Ro 2:6.", "Cannot retain his spirit from death -- Ec 8:8.", "Would give all his possessions for the preservation of life -- Job 2:4.", "Able to sustain bodily affliction -- Pr 18:14.", "Sinks under trouble of mind -- Pr 18:14.", "No trust to be placed in -- Ps 118:8; Isa 2:22.", "The help of, vain -- Ps 60:11.", "The whole duty of -- Ec 12:13."]} +{"term": "Manasseh, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Joseph's eldest son adopted by Jacob -- Ge 41:51; 48:5.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 48:20; 49:22-26; De 33:13-17.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:10.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:11.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:23.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:34,35.", "Part of third division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:22,23.", "Encamped next to, and under the standard of Ephraim west of tabernacle -- Nu 2:18,20.", "Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:54-59.", "Families of -- Nu 26:29-33.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:34.", "On Gerizim said amen to the blessing -- De 27:12.", "Half of, obtained inheritance east of Jordan -- Nu 32:33,39-42; Jos 13:29-31.", "Inheritance of the other half -- Jos 17:1-11.", "Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary -- Jos 17:12,13; Jdj 1:27,28.", "Some of", "Aided David against Saul. -- 1Ch 12:19-21.", "At coronation of David. -- 1Ch 12:31-37.", "Returned to their allegiance to the house of David in Asa's reign. -- 2Ch 15:9.", "At Hezekiah's passover. -- 2Ch 30:1,11,18.", "David appointed rulers and captains over -- 1Ch 26:32; 27:20,21.", "Often at war with Ephraim -- Jdj 12:1,6; Isa 9:21.", "Country of, purified from idols by Hezekiah and Josiah -- 2Ch 31:1; 34:6.", "Remarkable persons of", "Daughters of Zelophehad. -- Nu 27:1-7.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:15.", "Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:1.", "Jotham. -- Jdj 9:5,7,21.", "Jair. -- Jdj 10:3.", "Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:1.", "Barzillai. -- 2Sa 17:27.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:1."]} +{"term": "Manna", "definitions": ["Miraculously given to Israel for food in the wilderness -- Ex 16:4,15; Ne 9:15.", "Called", "God's manna. -- Ne 9:20.", "Bread of heaven. -- Ps 105:40.", "Bread from heaven. -- Ex 16:4; Joh 6:31.", "Corn of heaven. -- Ps 78:24.", "Angel's food. -- Ps 78:25.", "Spiritual meat. -- 1Co 10:3.", "Previously unknown -- De 8:3,16.", "Described as", "Like coriander seed. -- Ex 16:31; Nu 11:7.", "White. -- Ex 16:31.", "Like in colour to bdellium. -- Nu 11:7.", "Like in taste to wafers made with honey. -- Ex 16:31.", "Like in taste to oil. -- Nu 11:18.", "Like hoar frost. -- Ex 16:14.", "Fell after the evening dew -- Nu 11:9.", "None fell on the Sabbath day -- Ex 16:26,27.", "Gathered every morning -- Ex 16:21.", "An omer of, gathered for each person -- Ex 16:16.", "Two portions of, gathered the sixth day on account of the Sabbath -- Ex 16:5,22-26.", "He that gathered much or little had sufficient and nothing over -- Ex 16:18.", "Melted away by the sun -- Ex 16:21.", "Given", "When Israel murmured for bread. -- Ex 16:2,3.", "In answer to prayer. -- Ps 105:40.", "Through Moses. -- Joh 6:31,32.", "To exhibit God's glory. -- Ex 16:7.", "As a sign of Moses's divine mission. -- Joh 6:30,31.", "For forty years. -- Ne 9:21.", "As a test of obedience. -- Ex 16:4.", "To teach that man does not live by bread only. -- De 8:3; Mt 4:4.", "To humble and prove Israel. -- De 8:16.", "Kept longer than a day (except on the Sabbath) became corrupt -- Ex 16:19,20.", "The Israelites", "At first covetous of. -- Ex 16:17.", "Ground, made into cakes and baked in pans. -- Nu 11:8.", "Counted inferior to food of Egypt. -- Nu 11:4-6.", "Loathed. -- Nu 21:5.", "Punished for despising. -- Nu 11:10-20.", "Punished for loathing. -- Nu 21:6.", "Ceased when Israel entered Canaan -- Ex 16:35; Jos 5:12.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Joh 6:32-35.", "Blessedness given to saints. -- Re 2:17.", "A golden pot of, laid up in the holiest for a memorial -- Ex 16:32-34; Heb 9:4."]} +{"term": "Marriage", "definitions": ["Divinely instituted -- Ge 2:24.", "A covenant relationship -- Mal 2:4.", "Designed for", "The happiness of man. -- Ge 2:18.", "Increasing the human population. -- Ge 1:28; 9:1.", "Raising up godly seed. -- Mal 2:15.", "Preventing fornication. -- 1Co 7:2.", "The expectation of the promised seed of the woman an incentive to, in the early age -- Ge 3:15; 4:1.", "Lawful in all -- 1Co 7:2,28; 1Ti 5:14.", "Honourable for all -- Heb 13:4.", "Should be only in the Lord -- 1Co 7:39.", "Expressed by", "Joining together. -- Mt 19:6.", "Making affinity. -- 1Ki 3:1.", "Taking to wife. -- Ex 2:1.", "Giving daughters to sons, and sons to daughters. -- De 7:3; Ezr 9:12.", "Indissoluble during the joint lives of the parties -- Mt 19:6; Ro 7:2,3; 1Co 7:39.", "Early introduction of polygamy -- Ge 4:19.", "Contracted in patriarchal age with near relations -- Ge 20:12; 24:24; 28:2.", "Often contracted by parents for children -- Ge 24:49-51; 34:6,8.", "Should be with consent of parents -- Ge 28:8; Jdj 14:2,3.", "Consent of the parties necessary to -- Ge 24:57,58; 1Sa 18:20; 25:41.", "Parents might refuse to give their children in -- Ex 22:17; De 7:3.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to contract, with their near relations. -- Le 18:6.", "Forbidden to contract with idolaters. -- De 7:3,4; Jos 23:12; Ezr 9:11,12.", "Often contracted with foreigners. -- 1Ki 11:1; Ne 13:23.", "Sometimes guilty of polygamy. -- 1Ki 11:1,3.", "Careful in contracting for their children. -- Ge 24:2,3; 28:1,2.", "Betrothed themselves some time before. -- De 20:7; Jdj 14:5,7,8; Mt 1:18.", "Contracted when young. -- Pr 2:17; Joe 1:8.", "Often contracted, in their own tribe. -- Ex 2:1; Nu 36:6-13; Lu 1:5,27.", "Obliged to contract with a brother's wife who died without seed. -- De 25:5; Mt 22:24.", "Considered being debarred from, a reproach. -- Isa 4:1.", "Considered being debarred from, a cause of grief. -- Jdj 11:38.", "Often punished by being debarred from. -- Jer 7:34; 16:9; 25:10.", "Were allowed divorce from, because of hardness of their hearts. -- De 24:1; Mt 19:7,8.", "Exempted from going to war immediately after. -- De 20:7.", "Priest not to contract, with divorced or improper persons -- Le 21:7.", "The high priest not to contract, with a widow or a divorced or profane person -- Le 21:14.", "Contracted at the gate and before witnesses -- Ru 4:1,10,11.", "Modes of demanding women in -- Ge 24:3,4; 34:6,8; 1Sa 25:39,40.", "Elder daughters usually given in, before the younger -- Ge 29:26.", "A dowry given to the woman's parents before -- Ge 29:18; 34:12; 1Sa 18:27,28; Ho 3:2.", "Celebrated", "With great rejoicing. -- Jer 33:11; Joh 3:29.", "With feasting. -- Ge 29:22; Jdj 14:10; Mt 22:2,3; Joh 2:1-10.", "For seven days. -- Jdj 14:12.", "A benediction pronounced after -- Ge 24:60; Ru 4:11,12.", "The bride", "Received presents before. -- Ge 24:53.", "Given a handmaid at. -- Ge 24:59; 29:24,29.", "Adorned with jewels for. -- Isa 49:18; 61:10.", "Gorgeously apparelled. -- Ps 45:13,14.", "Attended by bridesmaids. -- Ps 45:9.", "Stood on the right of bridegroom. -- Ps 45:9.", "Called to forget her father's house. -- Ps 45:10.", "The bridegroom", "Adorned with ornaments. -- Isa 61:10.", "Attended by many friends. -- Jdj 14:11; Joh 3:29.", "Presented with gifts. -- Ps 45:12.", "Crowned with garlands. -- Song 3:11.", "Rejoiced over the bride. -- Isa 62:5.", "Returned with the bride to his house at night. -- Mt 25:1-6.", "Garments provided for guests at -- Mt 22:12.", "Infidelity of those contracted in, punished as if married -- De 22:23,24; Mt 1:19.", "Illustrative of", "God's union with the Jewish nation. -- Isa 54:5; Jer 3:14; Ho 2:19,20.", "Christ's union with his church. -- Eph 5:23,24,32."]} +{"term": "Martyrdom", "definitions": ["Is death endured for the word of God, and testimony of Christ -- Re 6:9; 20:4.", "Saints", "Forewarned of. -- Mt 10:21; 24:9; Joh 16:2.", "Should not fear. -- Mt 10:28; Re 2:10.", "Should be prepared for. -- Mt 16:24,25; Ac 21:13.", "Should resist sin to. -- Heb 12:4.", "Reward of -- Re 2:10; 6:11.", "Inflicted at the instigation of the devil -- Re 2:10,13.", "The Apostasy guilty of inflicting -- Re 17:6; 18:24.", "Of saints, shall be avenged -- Lu 11:50,51; Re 18:20-24.", "Exemplified", "Abel. -- Ge 4:8; 1Jo 3:12.", "Ahimelech and his fellow priests. -- 1Sa 22:18,19.", "Prophets and Saints of old. -- 1Ki 18:4; 19:10; Lu 11:50,51; Heb 11:37.", "Urijah. -- Jer 26:23.", "John the Baptist. -- Mr 6:27.", "Peter. -- Joh 21:18,19.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:58.", "Christians. -- Ac 9:1; 22:4; 26:10.", "James. -- Ac 12:2.", "Antipas. -- Re 2:13."]} +{"term": "Masters", "definitions": ["Authority of, established -- Col 3:22; 1Pe 2:18.", "Should, with their households,", "Worship God. -- Ge 35:3.", "Fear God. -- Ac 10:2.", "Serve God. -- Jos 24:15.", "Observe the Sabbath. -- Ex 20:10; De 5:12-14.", "Put away idols. -- Ge 35:2.", "Should select faithful servants -- Ge 24:2; Ps 101:6,7.", "Should receive faithful advice from servants -- 2Ki 5:13,14.", "Duty of, toward servants;", "To act justly. -- Job 31:13,15; Col 4:1.", "To deal with them in the fear of God. -- Eph 6:9; Col 4:1.", "To esteem them highly, if saints. -- Phm 1:16.", "To take care of them in sickness. -- Lu 7:3.", "To forbear threatening them. -- Eph 6:9.", "Not to defraud them. -- Ge 31:7.", "Not to keep back their wages. -- Le 19:13; De 24:15.", "Not to rule over them with rigour. -- Le 25:43; De 24:14.", "Benevolent, blessed -- De 15:18.", "Unjust, denounced -- Jer 22:13; Jas 5:4.", "Good -- Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:19.", "Jacob. -- Ge 35:2.", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.", "Centurion. -- Lu 7:2,3.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.", "Bad -- Exemplified", "Egyptians. -- Ex 1:13,14.", "Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:17.", "Amalekite. -- 1Sa 30:13."]} +{"term": "Measures", "definitions": ["Unjust, an abomination to God -- Pr 20:10.", "The Jews not to be unjust in -- Le 19:35; De 25:14,15.", "The Jews often used unjust -- Mic 6:10.", "Of liquids and solids", "Log. -- Le 14:10,15.", "Cab. -- 2Ki 6:25.", "Omer or tenth-deal (the tenth of an ephah). -- Ex 16:36; Le 5:11; 14:10.", "Hin. -- Ex 29:40.", "Bath or ephah. -- Isa 5:10; Eze 45:11.", "Homer or Cor. -- Isa 5:10; Eze 45:14.", "Firkin. -- Joh 2:6.", "Of length", "Handbreadth. -- Ex 25:25; Ps 39:5.", "Span. -- Ex 28:16; 1Sa 17:4.", "Cubit. -- Ge 6:15,16; De 3:11.", "Fathom. -- Ac 27:28.", "Furlong. -- Lu 24:13; Joh 11:13.", "Mile. -- Mt 5:41.", "Distances measured by rods and lines -- 2Sa 8:2; Jer 31:39; Eze 40:3; Re 21:16.", "Were regulated by the standard of the sanctuary -- 1Ch 23:29.", "Illustrative", "(Correcting in measure,) of mitigated afflictions. -- Jer 30:11.", "(Drinking tears in great measure,) of severe afflictions. -- Ps 80:5.", "(Weighing the waters in a measure,) of God's infinite wisdom. -- Job 28:23,25.", "(Measuring the dust of the earth,) of God's greatness. -- Isa 40:12.", "(The measure of our days,) of the shortness of life. -- Ps 39:4.", "(Drinking water, by measure) of severe famine. -- Eze 4:11,16.", "(The measure of the stature of Christ,) of perfection. -- Eph 4:13.", "(Opening the mouth without measure,) of the insatiableness of hell. -- Isa 5:14."]} +{"term": "Meat Offerings", "definitions": ["Were most holy -- Le 6:17.", "Consisted of", "Fine flour. -- Le 2:1.", "Unleavened cakes baked in the oven. -- Le 2:4.", "Fine flour baked in a pan. -- Le 2:5.", "Fine flour baked in a frying pan. -- Le 2:7.", "Green ears of corn parched. -- Le 2:5.", "Barley meal. -- Nu 5:15.", "Oil and incense used with -- Le 2:1,4,15.", "Of jealousy, without oil or incense -- Nu 5:15.", "Always seasoned with salt -- Le 2:13.", "No leaven used with -- Le 2:11; 6:17.", "Not to be offered on altar of incense -- Ex 30:9.", "Offered", "On the altar of burnt offering. -- Ex 40:29.", "With the daily sacrifices. -- Ex 29:40-42.", "With all burnt offerings. -- Nu 15:3-12.", "By the poor for a trespass offering. -- Le 5:11.", "By the high priest every day, half in the morning and half in the evening. -- Le 6:20-22.", "A small part of, was consumed on the altar for a memorial -- Le 2:2,9,16; 6:15.", "When offered for a priest entirely consumed by fire -- Le 6:23.", "High priest's deputy had care of -- Nu 4:16.", "Laid up in a chamber of the temple -- Ne 10:39; 13:5; Eze 42:13.", "The priest's portion -- Le 2:3; 6:17.", "To be eaten by the males of the house of Aaron alone -- Le 6:18.", "To be eaten in the holy place -- Le 6:16.", "The Jews", "Often not accepted in. -- Am 5:22.", "Condemned for offering, to idols. -- Isa 57:6.", "Often prevented from offering, by judgments. -- Joe 1:9,13.", "Materials for public, often provided by the princes -- Nu 7:13,19,25; Eze 45:16."]} +{"term": "Medo-Persian Kingdom", "definitions": ["Extended from India to Ethiopia -- Es 1:1.", "Peopled by descendants of Eliam -- Ge 10:22.", "Illustrated by", "Silver part of image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. -- Da 2:32,39.", "A bear. -- Da 7:5.", "A ram with two horns. -- Da 8:3,20.", "Shushan a chief city of -- Es 1:2; 8:15.", "Achmetha or Ecbatana a chief city of -- Ezr 6:2.", "Divided into many provinces -- Es 1:1; Da 6:1.", "Laws of, unalterable -- Da 6:12,15.", "Ruled by, absolute kings -- Es 3:8,11; 7:9.", "Kings of, mentioned in scripture", "Cyrus. -- Ezr 1:1.", "Ahasuerus or Cambyses. -- Ezr 4:6.", "Artaxerxes Smerdis (an usurper). -- Ezr 4:7.", "Darius Hystaspes. -- Ezr 6:1; Da 5:31.", "Xerxes. -- Da 11:2.", "Artaxerxes Longimanus or Ahasuerus. -- Ezr 6:14; 7:1; Es 1:1.", "Kings of", "Called kings of Assyria. -- Ezr 6:22.", "Called kings of Babylon. -- Ne 13:6.", "Styled themselves king of kings. -- Ezr 7:12.", "Dwelt in royal palaces. -- Es 1:2; 8:14.", "Were exceeding rich. -- Es 1:4; Da 12:2.", "Entertained magnificently. -- Es 1:3,5,7.", "Held in their hand a golden sceptre. -- Es 5:2.", "Put to death all who approached them without permission. -- Es 4:11,16.", "Celebrated for wise men -- Es 1:13; Mt 2:1.", "People of, warlike -- Eze 27:10; 38:5.", "Peculiar customs in -- Es 1:8; 2:12,13.", "Babylon taken by the king of -- Da 5:20,31.", "The Jews delivered from captivity by means of -- 2Ch 36:20,22,23; Ezr 1:1-4.", "Predictions respecting", "Extensive conquest. -- Da 8:4.", "Conquest of Babylon. -- Isa 21:1,2; Da 5:28.", "Deliverance of the Jews. -- Isa 44:28; 45:1-4.", "Invasion of Greece under Xerxes. -- Da 11:2.", "Downfall by Alexander. -- Da 8:6,7; 11:3."]} +{"term": "Meekness", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Ps 45:4; Isa 53:7; Mt 11:29; 21:5; 2Co 10:1; 1Pe 2:21-23.", "His teaching -- Mt 5:38-45.", "A fruit of the Spirit -- Ga 5:22,23.", "Saints should", "Seek. -- Zep 2:3.", "Put on. -- Col 3:12-13.", "Receive the word of God with. -- Jas 1:21.", "Exhibit, in conduct, &c. -- Jas 3:13.", "Answer for their hope with. -- 1Pe 3:15.", "Show to all men. -- Tit 3:2.", "Restore the erring with. -- Ga 6:1.", "Precious in the sight of God -- 1Pe 3:4.", "Ministers should", "Follow after. -- 1Ti 6:11.", "Instruct opposers with. -- 2Ti 2:24,25.", "Urge, on their people. -- Tit 3:1,2.", "A characteristic of wisdom -- Jas 3:17.", "Necessary to a Christian walk -- Eph 4:1,2; 1Co 6:7.", "Those who are gifted with", "Are preserved. -- Ps 76:9.", "Are exalted. -- Ps 147:6; Mt 23:12.", "Are guided and taught. -- Ps 25:9.", "Are richly provided for. -- Ps 22:26.", "Are beautified with salvation. -- Ps 149:4.", "Increase their joy. -- Isa 29:19.", "Shall inherit the earth. -- Ps 37:11.", "The gospel to be preached to those who possess -- Isa 61:1.", "Blessedness of -- Mt 5:5.", "Exemplified", "Moses. -- Nu 12:3.", "David. -- 1Sa 30:6; 2Sa 16:9-12.", "Paul. -- 1Co 4:12; 1Th 2:7."]} +{"term": "Mercy", "definitions": ["After the example of God -- Lu 6:36.", "Enjoined -- 2Ki 6:21-23; Ho 12:6; Ro 12:20,21; Col 3:12.", "To be engraved on the heart -- Pr 3:3.", "Characteristic of saints -- Ps 37:26; Isa 57:1.", "Should be shown", "With cheerfulness. -- Ro 12:8.", "To our brethren. -- Zec 7:9.", "to those that are in distress. -- Lu 10:37.", "To the poor. -- Pr 14:31; Da 4:27.", "To backsliders. -- Lu 15:18-20; 2Co 2:6-8.", "To animals. -- Pr 12:10.", "Upholds the throne of kings -- Pr 20:28.", "Beneficial to those who exercise -- Pr 11:17.", "Blessedness of showing -- Pr 14:21; Mt 5:7.", "Hypocrites devoid of -- Mt 23:23.", "Denunciations against those devoid of -- Ho 4:1,3; Mt 18:23-25; Jas 2:13."]} +{"term": "Mercy of God, The", "definitions": ["Is part of his character -- Ex 34:6,7; Ps 62:12; Ne 9:17; Jon 4:2,10,11; 2Co 1:3.", "Described as", "Great. -- Nu 14:18; Isa 54:7.", "Rich. -- Eph 2:4.", "Manifold. -- Ne 9:27; La 3:32.", "Plenteous. -- Ps 86:5,15; 103:8.", "Abundant. -- 1Pe 1:3.", "Sure. -- Isa 55:3; Mic 7:20.", "Everlasting. -- 1Ch 16:34; Ps 89:28; 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-26.", "Tender. -- Ps 25:6; 103:4; Lu 1:78.", "New every morning. -- La 3:23.", "High as heaven. -- Ps 36:5; 103:11.", "Filling the earth. -- Ps 119:64.", "Over all his works. -- Ps 145:9.", "Is his delight -- Mic 7:18.", "Manifested", "In the sending of Christ. -- Lu 1:78.", "In salvation. -- Tit 3:5.", "In long-suffering. -- La 3:22; Da 9:9.", "To his people. -- De 32:43; 1Ki 8:23.", "To them that fear him. -- Ps 103:17; Lu 1:50.", "To returning backsliders. -- Jer 3:12; Ho 14:4; Joe 2:13.", "To repentant sinners. -- Ps 32:5; Pr 28:13; Isa 55:7; Lu 15:18-20.", "To the afflicted. -- Isa 49:13; 54:7.", "To the fatherless. -- Ho 14:3.", "To whom he will. -- Ho 2:23; Ro 9:15,18.", "With everlasting kindness. -- Isa 54:8.", "A ground of hope -- Ps 130:7; 147:11.", "A ground of trust -- Ps 52:8.", "Should be", "Sought for ourselves. -- Ps 6:2.", "Sought for others. -- Ga 6:16; 1Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:18.", "Pleaded in prayer. -- Ps 6:4; 25:6; 51:1.", "Rejoiced in. -- Ps 31:7.", "Magnified. -- 1Ch 16:34; Ps 115:1; 118:1-4,29; Jer 33:11.", "Typified", "Mercy seat. -- Ex 25:17.", "Exemplified", "Lot. -- Ge 19:16,19.", "Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:27.", "Paul. -- 1Ti 1:13."]} +{"term": "Mercy Seat", "definitions": ["Moses commanded to make -- Ex 25:17.", "Bezaleel given wisdom to make -- Ex 31:2,3,7.", "Made of pure gold -- Ex 25:17; 37:6.", "The cherubim formed out of, and at each end of it -- Ex 25:18-20; Heb 9:5.", "Placed upon the ark of testimony -- Ex 25:21; 26:34; 40:20.", "God", "Appeared over in the cloud. -- Le 16:2.", "Dwelt over. -- Ps 80:1.", "Spoke from above. -- Ex 25:22; Nu 7:89.", "Covered with a cloud of incense on the day of atonement -- Le 16:13.", "The blood of sacrifices on the day of atonement sprinkled upon and before -- Le 16:14,15.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Ro 3:25; Heb 9:3.", "The throne of grace. -- Heb 4:16."]} +{"term": "Metals", "definitions": ["Dug out of the earth -- Job 28:1,2,6.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Gold. -- Ge 2:11,12.", "Silver. -- Ge 44:2.", "Brass. -- Ex 27:2,4; 2Ch 12:10.", "Copper. -- Ezr 8:27; 2Ti 4:14.", "Iron. -- Nu 35:16; Pr 27:17.", "Lead. -- Ex 15:10; Jer 6:29.", "Tin. -- Nu 31:22.", "Comparative value of -- Isa 60:17; Da 2:32-45.", "Often mixed with dross -- Isa 1:25.", "The holy land abounded in -- De 8:9.", "Antiquity of the art of working in -- Ge 4:21.", "Freed from dross by fire -- Eze 22:18,20.", "Ceremonially cleansed by fire -- Nu 31:21-23.", "Cast in mould -- Jdj 17:4; Jer 6:29.", "Clay of Jordan used for moulding -- 1Ki 7:46.", "An extensive commerce in -- Eze 27:12."]} +{"term": "Midianites", "definitions": ["Descended form Midian, son of Abraham by Keturah -- Ge 25:1,2; 1Ch 1:32.", "Dwelt east of Jordan, beside Moab -- Nu 22:1,4.", "A small part of", "Dwelt near Horeb. -- Ex 2:15; 3:1.", "Retained the knowledge and worship of Jehovah. -- Ex 2:16; 18:9-12.", "Governed by kings -- Nu 31:8; Jdj 8:5.", "Dwelt in tents -- Hab 3:7.", "Engaged in commerce -- Ge 37:28,36.", "Conquered by Hadad -- Ge 36:25; 1Ch 1:46.", "Excited by Moab against Israel -- Nu 22:4.", "Terrified at approach of Israel -- Hab 3:3-7.", "With the moabites", "Sent for Balaam to curse Israel. -- Nu 22:5-7.", "Seduced Israel to idolatry. -- Nu 25:1-6.", "Punished for seducing Israel. -- Nu 25:16-18; 31:1-12.", "Allowed to oppress Israel -- Jdj 6:1-6.", "Gideon raised up against -- Jdj 6:11-14.", "With Amalek, &c opposed Gideon -- Jdj 6:33.", "Miraculously defeated and destroyed by Gideon -- Jdj 7:16-22; 8:10,11.", "Princes of, slain -- Jdj 7:24,25; 8:12,21.", "Completeness of their destruction, alluded to -- Ps 83:9-11; Isa 9:4; 10:26.", "Shall minister to future glory of the church -- Isa 60:6."]} +{"term": "Milk", "definitions": ["An animal secretion, of a white colour -- La 4:7.", "Used as food by the Jews -- Ge 18:8; Jdj 5:25.", "Different kinds mentioned", "Of cows. -- De 32:14; 1Sa 6:7.", "Of camels. -- Ge 32:15.", "Of goats. -- Pr 27:27.", "Of sheep. -- De 32:14.", "Of sea-monsters. -- La 4:3.", "Flocks and herds fed for supply of -- Pr 27:23,27; Isa 7:21,22; 1Co 9:7.", "Canaan abounded with -- Ex 3:8,17; Jos 5:6.", "Made into", "Butter. -- Pr 30:33.", "Cheese. -- Job 10:10.", "Kept by the Jews in bottles -- Jdj 4:19.", "Young animals not to be seethed in that of the mother -- Ex 23:19.", "Illustrative of", "Temporal blessings. -- Ge 49:12.", "Blessings of the gospel. -- Isa 55:1; Joe 3:18.", "First principles of God's word. -- 1Co 3:2; Heb 5:12; 1Pe 2:2.", "Godly and edifying discourses. -- Song 4:11.", "Wealth of the Gentiles. -- Isa 60:16.", "Doctrines of the gospel. -- Song 5:1."]} +{"term": "Mills", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ex 11:5.", "Used for grinding", "Manna in the wilderness. -- Nu 11:8.", "Corn. -- Isa 47:2.", "Female servants usually employed at -- Ex 11:5; Mt 24:41.", "Male captives often employed at -- Jdj 16:24; La 5:13.", "Stones used in", "Hard. -- Job 41:24.", "Heavy. -- Mt 18:6.", "Large. -- Re 18:21.", "Not to be taken in pledge. -- De 24:6.", "Often thrown down on enemies during sieges. -- Jdj 9:53; 2Sa 11:21.", "Illustrative", "(Grinding at,) of degradation. -- Isa 47:1,2.", "(Ceasing,) of desolation. -- Jer 25:10; Re 18:22."]} +{"term": "Ministers", "definitions": ["Called by God -- Ex 28:1; Heb 5:4.", "Qualified by God -- Isa 6:5-7; 2Co 3:5,6.", "Commissioned by Christ -- Mt 28:19.", "Sent by the Holy Spirit -- Ac 13:2,4.", "Have authority from God -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.", "Authority of, is for edification -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.", "Separated to the gospel -- Ro 1:1.", "Entrusted with the gospel -- 1Th 2:4.", "Described as", "Ambassadors for Christ. -- 2Co 5:20.", "Ministers of Christ. -- 1Co 4:1.", "Stewards of the mysteries of God. -- 1Co 4:1.", "Defenders of the faith. -- Php 1:7.", "The servants of Christ's people. -- 2Co 4:5.", "Specially protected by God -- 2Co 1:10.", "Necessity for -- Mt 9:37,38; Ro 10:14.", "Excellency of -- Ro 10:15.", "Labours of, vain, without God's blessing -- 1Co 3:7; 15:10.", "Compared to earthen vessels -- 2Co 4:7.", "Should be", "Pure. -- Isa 52:11; 1Ti 3:9.", "Holy. -- Ex 28:36; Le 21:6; Tit 1:8.", "Humble. -- Ac 20:19.", "Patient. -- 2Co 6:4; 2Ti 2:24.", "Blameless. -- 1Ti 3:2; Tit 1:7.", "Willing. -- Isa 6:8; 1Pe 5:2.", "Disinterested. -- 2Co 12:14; 1Th 2:6.", "Impartial. -- 1Ti 5:21.", "Gentle. -- 1Th 2:7; 2Ti 2:24.", "Devoted. -- Ac 20:24; Php 1:20,21.", "Strong in grace. -- 2Ti 2:1.", "Self-denying. -- 1Co 9:27.", "Sober, just, and temperate. -- Le 10:9; Tit 1:8.", "Hospitable. -- 1Ti 3:2; Tit 1:8.", "Apt to teach. -- 1Ti 3:2; 2Ti 2:24.", "Studious and meditative. -- 1Ti 4:13,15.", "Watchful. -- 2Ti 4:5.", "Prayerful. -- Eph 3:14; Php 1:4.", "Strict in ruling their own families. -- 1Ti 3:4,12.", "Affectionate to their people. -- Php 1:7; 1Th 2:8,11.", "Ensample to the flock. -- Php 3:17; 2Th 3:9; 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 5:3.", "Should not be", "Lords over God's heritage. -- 1Pe 5:3.", "Greedy of filthy lucre. -- Ac 20:33; 1Ti 3:3,8; 1Pe 5:2.", "Contentious. -- 1Ti 3:3; Tit 1:7.", "Crafty. -- 2Co 4:2.", "Men-pleasers. -- Ga 1:10; 1Th 2:4.", "Easily dispirited. -- 2Co 4:8,9; 6:10.", "Entangled by cares. -- Lu 9:60; 2Ti 2:4.", "Given to wine. -- 1Ti 3:3; Tit 1:7.", "Should seek the salvation of their flock -- 1Co 10:33.", "Should avoid giving unnecessary offence -- 1Co 10:32,33; 2Co 6:3.", "Should make full proof of their ministry -- 2Ti 4:5.", "Are bound to", "Preach the gospel to all. -- Mr 16:16; 1Co 1:17.", "Feed the Church. -- Jer 3:15; Joh 21:15-17; Ac 20:28; 1Pe 5:2.", "Build up the Church. -- 2Co 12:19; Eph 4:12.", "Watch for souls. -- Heb 13:17.", "Pray for their people. -- Joe 2:17; Col 1:9.", "Strengthen the faith of their people. -- Lu 22:32; Ac 14:22.", "Teach. -- 2Ti 2:2.", "Exhort. -- Tit 1:9; 2:15.", "Warn affectionately. -- Ac 20:31.", "Rebuke. -- Tit 1:13; 2:15.", "Comfort. -- 2Co 1:4-6.", "Convince gainsayers. -- Tit 1:9.", "War a good warfare. -- 1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 4:7.", "Endure hardness. -- 2Ti 2:3.", "Should preach", "Christ crucified. -- Ac 8:5,35; 1Co 2:2.", "Repentance and faith. -- Ac 20:21.", "According to the oracles of God. -- 1Pe 4:11.", "Everywhere. -- Mr 16:20; Ac 8:4.", "Not with enticing words of man's wisdom. -- 1Co 1:17; 2:1,4.", "Not setting forth themselves. -- 2Co 4:5.", "Without deceitfulness. -- 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 1Th 2:3,5.", "Fully, and without reserve. -- Ac 5:20; 20:20,27; Ro 15:19.", "With boldness. -- Isa 58:1; Eze 2:6; Mt 10:27,28.", "With plainness of speech. -- 2Co 3:12.", "With zeal. -- 1Th 2:8.", "With constancy. -- Ac 6:4; 2Ti 4:2.", "With consistency. -- 2Co 1:18,19.", "With heedfulness. -- 1Ti 4:16.", "With good will and love. -- Php 1:15-17.", "With faithfulness. -- Eze 3:17,18.", "Without charge, if possible. -- 1Co 9:18; 1Th 2:9.", "Woe to those who do not preach the gospel -- 1Co 9:16.", "When faithful", "Approve themselves as the ministers of God. -- 2Co 6:4.", "Thank God for his gifts to their people. -- 1Co 1:4; Php 1:3; 1Th 3:9.", "Glory in their people. -- 2Co 7:4.", "Rejoice in the faith and holiness of their people. -- 1Th 3:6-9.", "Commend themselves to the consciences of men. -- 2Co 4:2.", "Are rewarded. -- Mt 24:47; 1Co 3:14; 9:17,18; 1Pe 5:4.", "When unfaithful", "Described. -- Isa 56:10-12; Tit 1:10,11.", "Deal treacherously with their people. -- Joh 10:12.", "Delude men. -- Jer 6:14; Mt 15:14.", "Seek gain. -- Mic 3:11; 2Pe 2:3.", "Shall be punished. -- Eze 33:6-8; Mt 24:48-51.", "Their people are bound, to", "Regard them as God's messengers. -- 1Co 4:1; Ga 4:14.", "Not to despise them. -- Lu 10:16; 1Ti 4:12.", "Attend to their instructions. -- Mal 2:7; Mt 23:3.", "Follow their holy example. -- 1Co 11:1; Php 3:17.", "Imitate their faith. -- Heb 13:7.", "Hold them in reputation. -- Php 2:29; 1Th 5:13; 1Ti 5:17.", "Love them. -- 2Co 8:7; 1Th 3:6.", "Pray for them. -- Ro 15:30; 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:19; Heb 13:18.", "Obey them. -- 1Co 16:16; Heb 13:17.", "Give them joy. -- 2Co 1:14; 2:3.", "Help them. -- Ro 16:9; Php 4:3.", "Support them. -- 2Ch 31:4; 1Co 9:7-11; Ga 6:6.", "Pray for the increase of -- Mt 9:38.", "Faithful -- Exemplified", "The Eleven Apostles. -- Mt 28:16-19.", "The seventy. -- Lu 10:1,17.", "Matthias. -- Ac 1:26.", "Philip. -- Ac 8:5.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 11:23.", "Simeon, &c. -- Ac 13:1.", "Paul. -- Ac 28:31.", "Tychicus. -- Eph 6:21.", "Timothy. -- Php 2:22.", "Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:24.", "Archippus. -- Col 4:17.", "Titus. -- Tit 1:5."]} +{"term": "Miracles", "definitions": ["Power of God necessary to -- Joh 3:2.", "Described as", "Marvellous things. -- Ps 78:12.", "Marvellous works. -- Isa 29:14; Ps 105:5.", "Signs and wonders. -- Jer 32:21; Joh 4:48; 2Co 12:12.", "Manifest", "The glory of God. -- Joh 11:4.", "The glory of Christ. -- Joh 2:11; 11:4.", "The works of God. -- Joh 9:3.", "Were evidences of a divine commission -- Ex 4:1-5; Mr 16:20.", "The Messiah was expected to perform -- Mt 11:2,3; Joh 7:31.", "Jesus was proved to be the Messiah by -- Mt 11:4-6; Lu 7:20-22; Joh 5:36; Ac 2:22.", "Jesus was followed on account of -- Mt 4:23-25; 14:35,36; Joh 6:2,26; 12:18.", "A gift of the Holy Spirit -- 1Co 12:10.", "Were performed", "By the power of God. -- Ex 8:19; Ac 14:3; 15:12; 19:11.", "By the power of Christ. -- Mt 10:1.", "By the power of the Holy Spirit. -- Mt 12:28; Ro 15:19.", "In the name of Christ. -- Mt 16:17; Ac 3:16; 4:30.", "First preaching of the gospel confirmed by -- Mr 16:20; Heb 2:4.", "The who wrought, disclaimed all power of their own -- Ac 3:12.", "Should produce faith -- Joh 2:23; 20:30,31.", "Should produce obedience -- De 11:1-3; 29:2,3,9.", "Instrumental to the early propagation of the gospel -- Ac 8:6; Ro 15:18,19.", "Faith required in", "Those who performed. -- Mt 17:20; 21:21; Joh 14:12; Ac 3:16; 6:8.", "Those for whom they were performed. -- Mt 9:28; 13:58; Mr 9:22-24; Ac 14:9.", "Should be remembered -- 1Ch 16:12; Ps 105:5.", "Should be told to future generations -- Ex 10:2; Jdj 6:13.", "Insufficient of themselves, to produce conversion -- Lu 16:31.", "The wicked", "Desire to see. -- Mt 27:42; Lu 11:29; 23:8.", "Often acknowledge. -- Joh 11:47; Ac 4:16.", "Do not understand. -- Ps 106:7.", "Do not consider. -- Mr 6:52.", "Forget. -- Ne 9:17; Ps 78:1,11.", "Proof against. -- Nu 14:22; Joh 12:37.", "Guilt of rejecting the evidence afforded by -- Mt 11:20-24; Joh 15:24."]} +{"term": "Miracles of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Water turned to wine -- Joh 2:6-10.", "Nobleman's son healed -- Joh 4:46-53.", "Centurion's servant healed -- Mt 9:5-13.", "Draughts of fish -- Lu 5:4-6; Joh 21:6.", "Devils cast out -- Mt 8:28-32; 9:32,33; 15:22-28; 17:14-18; Mr 1:23-27.", "Peter's wife's mother healed -- Mt 8:14,15.", "Lepers cleansed -- Mt 8:3; Lu 17:14.", "Paralytic healed -- Mr 2:3-12.", "Withered hand restored -- Mt 12:10-13.", "Impotent man healed -- Joh 5:5-9.", "The dead raised to life -- Mt 9:18; 19:23-25; Lu 7:12-15; Joh 11:11-44.", "Issue of blood stopped -- Mt 9:20-22.", "The blind restored to sight -- Mt 9:27-30; Mr 8:22-25; Joh 9:1-7.", "The deaf and dumb cured -- Mr 7:32-35.", "The multitude fed -- Mt 14:15-21; 15:32-38.", "His walking on the sea -- Mt 14:25-27.", "Peter walking on the sea -- Mt 14:29.", "Tempest stilled -- Mt 8:23-26; 14:32.", "Sudden arrival of the ship -- Joh 6:21.", "Tribute money -- Mt 17:27.", "Woman healed of infirmity -- Lu 13:11-13.", "Dropsy cured -- Lu 14:2-4.", "Fig tree blighted -- Mt 21:19.", "Malchus healed -- Lu 22:50,51.", "Performed before the messengers of John -- Lu 7:21,22.", "Many and divers diseases healed -- Mt 4:23,24; 14:14; 15:30; Mr 1:34; Lu 6:17-19.", "His transfiguration -- Mt 17:1-8.", "His resurrection -- Lu 24:6; Joh 10:18.", "His appearance to his disciples, the doors being shut -- Joh 20:19.", "His ascension -- Ac 1:9."]} +{"term": "Miracles Through Evil Agents", "definitions": ["Performed through the power of the devil -- 2Th 2:9; Re 16:14.", "Wrought", "In support of false religions. -- De 13:1-2.", "By false christs. -- Mt 24:24.", "By false prophets. -- Mt 24:24; Re 19:20.", "A mark of the Apostasy -- 2Th 2:3,9; Re 13:13.", "Not to be regarded -- De 13:3.", "Deceive the ungodly -- 2Th 2:10-12; Re 13:14; 19:20.", "Exemplified", "Magicians of Egypt. -- Ex 7:11,22; 8:7.", "Witch of Endor. -- 1Sa 28:7-14.", "Simon Magus. -- Ac 8:9-11."]} +{"term": "Miracles Wrought Through Servants of God", "definitions": ["Moses and Aaron", "Rod turned into a serpent. -- Ex 4:3; 7:10.", "Rod restored. -- Ex 4:4.", "Hand made leprous. -- Ex 4:6.", "Hand healed. -- Ex 4:7.", "Water turned into blood. -- Ex 4:9,30.", "River turned into blood. -- Ex 7:20.", "Frogs brought. -- Ex 8:6.", "Frogs removed. -- Ex 8:13.", "Lice brought. -- Ex 8:17.", "Flies brought. -- Ex 8:21-24.", "Flies removed. -- Ex 8:31.", "Murrain of beasts. -- Ex 9:3-6.", "Boils and blains brought. -- Ex 9:10,11.", "Hail brought. -- Ex 9:23.", "Hail removed. -- Ex 9:33.", "Locusts brought. -- Ex 10:13.", "Locust removed. -- Ex 10:19.", "Darkness brought. -- Ex 10:22.", "The first-born destroyed. -- Ex 12:29.", "The red-sea divided. -- Ex 14:21,22.", "Egyptians overwhelmed. -- Ex 14:26-28.", "Water sweetened. -- Ex 15:25.", "Water from rock in Horeb. -- Ex 17:6.", "Amalek vanquished. -- Ex 17:11-13.", "Destruction of Korah. -- Nu 16:28-32.", "Water from rock in Kadesh. -- Nu 20:11.", "Healing by brazen serpent. -- Nu 21:8,9.", "Joshua", "Waters of Jordan divided. -- Jos 3:10-17.", "Jordan restored to its course. -- Jos 4:18.", "Jericho taken. -- Jos 6:6-20.", "The sun and moon stayed. -- Jos 10:12-14.", "Gideon", "Midianites destroyed. -- Jdj 7:16-22.", "Samson", "A lion killed. -- Jdj 14:6.", "Philistines killed. -- Jdj 14:19; 15:15.", "The gates of Gaza carried away. -- Jdj 16:3.", "Dagon's house pulled down. -- Jdj 16:30.", "Samuel", "Thunder and rain in harvest. -- 1Sa 12:18.", "The prophet of Judah", "Jeroboam's hand withered. -- 1Ki 13:4.", "The altar rent. -- 1Ki 13:5.", "The withered hand restored. -- 1Ki 13:6.", "Elijah", "Drought caused. -- 1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17.", "Meal and oil multiplied. -- 1Ki 17:14-16.", "A child restored to life. -- 1Ki 17:22,23.", "Sacrifice consumed by fire. -- 1Ki 18:36,38.", "Men destroyed by fire. -- 2Ki 1:10-12.", "Rain brought. -- 1Ki 18:41-45; Jas 5:18.", "Waters of Jordan divided. -- 2Ki 2:8.", "Taken to heaven. -- 2Ki 2:11.", "Elisha", "Waters of Jordan divided. -- 2Ki 2:14.", "Waters healed. -- 2Ki 2:21,22.", "Children torn by bears. -- 2Ki 2:24.", "Oil multiplied. -- 2Ki 4:1-7.", "Child restored to life. -- 2Ki 4:32-35.", "Naaman healed. -- 2Ki 5:10,14.", "Gehazi struck with leprosy. -- 2Ki 5:27.", "Iron caused to swim. -- 2Ki 6:6.", "Syrians smitten with blindness. -- 2Ki 6:20.", "Syrians restored to sight. -- 2Ki 6:20.", "A man restored to life. -- 2Ki 13:21.", "Isaiah", "Hezekiah healed. -- 2Ki 20:7.", "Shadow put back on the dial. -- 2Ki 20:11.", "The seventy disciples", "Various miracles. -- Lu 10:9,17.", "The apostles", "Many miracles. -- Ac 2:43; 5:12.", "Peter", "Lame man cured. -- Ac 3:7.", "Death of Ananias. -- Ac 5:5.", "Death of Sapphira. -- Ac 5:10.", "The sick healed. -- Ac 5:15,16.", "AEneas made whole. -- Ac 9:34.", "Dorcas restored to life. -- Ac 9:40.", "Stephen", "Great miracles. -- Ac 6:8.", "Philip", "Various miracles. -- Ac 8:6,7,13.", "Paul", "Elymas smitten with blindness. -- Ac 13:11.", "Lame man cured. -- Ac 14:10.", "An unclean spirit cast out. -- Ac 16:18.", "Special miracles. -- Ac 19:11,12.", "Eutychus restored to life. -- Ac 20:10-12.", "Viper's bite made harmless. -- Ac 28:5.", "Father of Publius healed. -- Ac 28:8.", "Paul and Barnabas", "Various miracles. -- Ac 14:3."]} +{"term": "Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Foretold -- Isa 35:4-6; Joe 2:28,29.", "Of different kinds -- 1Co 12:4-6.", "Enumerated -- 1Co 12:8-10,28; 14:1.", "Christ was endued with -- Mt 12:28.", "Poured out on the day of Pentecost -- Ac 2:1-4.", "Communicated", "Upon the preaching of the gospel. -- Ac 10:44-46.", "By the laying on of the Apostles' hands. -- Ac 8:17,18; 19:6.", "For the confirmation of the gospel. -- Mr 16:20; Ac 14:3; Ro 15:19; Heb 2:4.", "For the edification of the Church. -- 1Co 12:7; 14:12,13.", "Dispensed according to his sovereign will -- 1Co 12:11.", "Were to be sought after -- 1Co 12:31; 14:1.", "Temporary nature of -- 1Co 13:8.", "Were not to be", "Neglected. -- 1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6.", "Despised. -- 1Th 5:20.", "Purchased. -- Ac 8:20.", "Might be possessed without saving grace -- Mt 7:22,23; 1Co 13:1,2.", "Counterfeited by Antichrist -- Mt 24:24; 2Th 2:9; Re 13:13,14."]} +{"term": "Missionaries, All Christians Should Be As", "definitions": ["After the example of Christ -- Ac 10:38.", "Women and children as well as men -- Ps 8:2; Pr 31:26; Mt 21:15,16; Php 4:3; 1Ti 5:10; Tit 2:3-5; 1Pe 3:1.", "The zeal of idolaters should provoke to -- Jer 7:18.", "The zeal of hypocrites should provoke to -- Mt 23:15.", "An imperative duty -- Jdj 5:23; Lu 19:40.", "The principle on which -- 2Co 5:14,15.", "However weak they may be -- 1Co 1:27.", "From their calling as saints -- Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9.", "As faithful stewards -- 1Pe 4:10,11.", "In youth -- Ps 71:17; 148:12,13.", "In old age -- De 32:7; Ps 71:18.", "In the family -- De 6:7; Ps 78:5-8; Isa 38:19; 1Co 7:16.", "In their intercourse with the world -- Mt 5:16; Php 2:15,16; 1Pe 2:12.", "In first giving their own selves to the Lord -- 2Co 8:5.", "In declaring what God has done for them -- Ps 66:16; 116:16-19.", "In hating life for Christ -- Lu 14:26.", "In openly confessing Christ -- Mt 10:32.", "In following Christ -- Lu 14:27; 18:22.", "In preferring Christ above all relations -- Lu 14:26; 1Co 2:2.", "In joyfully suffering for Christ -- Heb 10:34.", "In forsaking all for Christ -- Lu 5:11.", "In a holy example -- Mt 5:16; Php 2:15; 1Th 1:7.", "In holy conduct -- 1Pe 2:12.", "In holy boldness -- Ps 119:46.", "In dedicating themselves to the service of God -- Jos 24:15; Ps 27:4.", "In devoting all property to God -- 1Ch 29:2,3,14,16; Ec 11:1; Mt 6:19,20; Mr 12:44; Lu 12:33; 18:22,28; Ac 2:45; 4:32-34.", "In holy conservation -- Ps 37:30; Pr 10:31; 15:7; Eph 4:29; Col 4:6.", "In talking of God and his works -- Ps 71:24; 77:12; 119:27; 145:11,12.", "In showing forth God's praises -- Isa 43:21.", "In inviting forth God's praises -- Isa 43:21.", "In inviting others to embrace the gospel -- Ps 34:8; Isa 2:3; Joh 1:46; 4:29.", "In seeking the edification of others -- Ro 14:19; 15:2; 1Th 5:11.", "In admonishing others -- 1Th 5:14; 2Th 3:15.", "In reproving others -- Le 19:17; Eph 5:11.", "In teaching and exhorting -- Ps 34:11; 51:13; Col 3:16; Heb 3:13; 10:25.", "In interceding for others -- Col 4:3; Heb 13:18; Jas 5:16.", "In aiding ministers in their labours -- Ro 16:3,9; 2Co 11:9; Php 4:14-16; 3Jo 1:6.", "In giving a reason for their faith -- Ex 12:26,27; De 6:20,21; 1Pe 3:15.", "In encouraging the weak -- Isa 35:3,4; Ro 14:1; 15:1; 1Th 5:14.", "In visiting and relieving the poor, the sick, &c -- Le 25:35; Ps 112:9; 2Co 9:9; Mt 25:36; Ac 20:35; Jas 1:27.", "With a willing heart -- Ex 35:29; 1Ch 29:9,14.", "With a superabundant liberality -- Ex 36:5-7; 2Co 8:3.", "Encouragement to -- Pr 11:25,30; 1Co 1:27; Jas 5:19,20.", "Blessedness of -- Da 12:3.", "Illustrated -- Mt 25:14; Lu 19:13.", "Exemplified", "Hannah. -- 1Sa 2:1-10.", "Captive maid. -- 2Ki 5:3.", "Chief of the Fathers, &c. -- Ezr 1:5.", "Shadrach, &c. -- Da 3:16-18.", "Restored demoniac. -- Mr 5:20.", "Shepherds. -- Lu 2:17.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:38.", "Joanna, &c. -- Lu 8:3.", "Leper. -- Lu 17:15.", "Disciples. -- Lu 19:37,38.", "Centurion. -- Lu 23:47.", "Andrew. -- Joh 1:41,42.", "Philip. -- Joh 1:46.", "Woman of Samaria. -- Joh 4:29.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 4:36,37.", "Persecuted Saints. -- Ac 8:4; 11:19,20.", "Apollos. -- Ac 18:25.", "Aquila, &c. -- Ac 18:26.", "Various individuals. -- Ro 16:1-27.", "Onesiphorus. -- 2Ti 1:16.", "Philemon. -- Phm 1:1-6."]} +{"term": "Missionary Work By Ministers", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Mt 28:19; Mr 16:15.", "Warranted by predictions concerning the heathen, &c -- Isa 42:10-12; 66:19.", "Is according to the purpose of God -- Lu 24:46,47; Ga 1:15,16; Col 1:25-27.", "Directed by the Holy Spirit -- Ac 13:2.", "Required -- Lu 10:2; Ro 10:14,15.", "The Holy Spirit calls to -- Ac 13:2.", "Christ engaged in -- Mt 4:17,23; 11:1; Mr 1:38,39; Lu 8:1.", "Christ sent his disciples to labour in -- Mr 3:14; 6:7; Lu 10:1-11.", "Obligations to engage in -- Ac 4:19,20; Ro 1:13-15; 1Co 9:16.", "Excellency of -- Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15.", "Worldly concerns should not delay -- Lu 9:59-62.", "God qualifies for -- Ex 3:11,18; 4:11,12,15; Isa 6:5-9.", "God strengthens for -- Jer 1:7-9.", "Guilt and danger of shrinking from -- Jon 1:3,4.", "Requires wisdom and meekness -- Mt 10:16.", "Be ready to engage in -- Isa 6:8.", "Aid those engaged in -- Ro 16:1,2; 2Co 11:9; 3Jo 1:5-8.", "Harmony should subsist amongst those engaged in -- Ga 2:9.", "Success of", "To be prayed for. -- Eph 6:18,19; Col 4:3.", "A cause of joy. -- Ac 15:3.", "A cause of praise. -- Ac 11:18; 21:19,20.", "No limits to the sphere of -- Isa 11:9; Mr 16:15; Re 14:6.", "Opportunities for, not to be neglected -- 1Co 16:9.", "Exemplified", "Levites. -- 2Ch 17:8,9.", "Jonah. -- Jon 3:2.", "The Seventy. -- Lu 10:1,17.", "Apostles. -- Mr 6:12; Ac 13:2-5.", "Philip. -- Ac 8:5.", "Paul &c. -- Ac 13:2-4.", "Silas. -- Ac 15:40,41.", "Timotheus. -- Ac 16:3.", "Noah. -- 2Pe 2:5."]} +{"term": "Moabites", "definitions": ["Descended from Lot -- Ge 19:37.", "Called", "Children of Lot. -- De 2:9.", "People of Chemosh. -- Nu 21:29; Jer 48:46.", "Are given to, as a possession -- De 2:9.", "Separated from the Amorites by the river Arnon -- Nu 21:13.", "Expelled the ancient Emims -- De 2:9-11.", "Possessed many and great cities -- Nu 21:28,30; Isa 15:1-4; Jer 48:21-24.", "Governed by kings -- Nu 23:7; Jos 24:9.", "Described as", "Proud and arrogant. -- Isa 16:6; Jer 48:29.", "Idolatrous. -- 1Ki 11:7.", "Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.", "Rich and confident. -- Jer 48:7.", "Prosperous and at ease. -- Jer 48:11.", "Mighty men of war. -- Jer 48:14.", "Deprived of a large part of their territories by the Amorites -- Nu 21:26.", "Refused to let Israel pass -- Jdj 11:17,18.", "Alarmed at the number, &c of Israel -- Nu 22:3.", "With Midian send for Balaam to curse Israel -- Nu 22:1-24:25.", "Israelites", "Enticed to idolatry by. -- Nu 25:1-3.", "Forbidden to spoil. -- De 2:9; Jdj 11:15.", "Forbidden to make leagues with. -- De 23:6.", "Sometimes intermarried with. -- Ru 1:4; 1Ki 11:1; 1Ch 8:8; Ne 13:23.", "Excluded from the congregation of Israel forever -- De 23:3,4; Ne 13:1,2.", "Always hostile to Israel -- Ps 83:6; Eze 25:8.", "Harassed and subdued by Saul -- 1Sa 14:47.", "Gave an asylum to David's family -- 1Sa 22:4.", "Made tributary to David -- 2Sa 8:2,12.", "Benaiah slew two champions of -- 2Sa 23:20.", "Paid tribute of sheep and wool to the king of Israel -- 2Ki 3:4; Isa 16:1.", "Revolted from Israel after the death of Ahab -- 2Ki 1:1; 3:5.", "Israel and Judah joined against -- 2Ki 3:6,7.", "Miraculously deceived by the colour of the water -- 2Ki 3:21-24.", "Conquered by Israel and Judah -- 2Ki 3:24-26.", "King of, sacrificed his son to excite animosity against Israel -- 2Ki 3:27.", "Joined Babylon against Judah -- 2Ki 24:2.", "Prophesies respecting", "Terror on account of Israel. -- Ex 15:15.", "Desolation and grief. -- Isa 15:1-9; 16:2-11.", "Inability to avert destruction. -- Isa 16:12.", "To destroyed in three years. -- Isa 16:13,14.", "To be captives in Babylon. -- Jer 27:3,8; 48:7.", "Their desolation as a punishment for their hatred of Israel. -- Jer 48:26,27; Eze 25:8,9.", "Restoration from captivity. -- Jer 48:47.", "Subjugation to Messiah. -- Nu 24:17; Isa 25:10.", "Subjugation to Israel. -- Isa 11:14."]} +{"term": "Money", "definitions": ["Gold and silver used as -- Ge 13:2; Nu 22:18.", "Brass introduced as, by the Romans -- Mt 10:9.", "Originally stamped with the image of a lamb -- Ge 23:15; 33:19.", "Of the Romans, stamped with the image of Caesar -- Mt 22:20,21.", "Usually taken by weight -- Ge 23:16; Jer 32:10.", "Pieces of mentioned", "Talent of gold. -- 1Ki 9:14; 2Ki 23:23.", "Talent of silver. -- 1Ki 16:24; 2Ki 5:22,23.", "Shekel of silver. -- Jdj 17:10; 2Ki 15:20.", "Half shekel or bekah. -- Ex 30:15.", "Third of a shekel. -- Ne 10:32.", "Fourth of a shekel. -- 1Sa 9:8.", "Gerah the twentieth of a shekel. -- Nu 3:47.", "Pound. -- Lu 19:13.", "Penny. -- Mt 20:2; Mr 6:37.", "Farthing. -- Mt 5:26; Lu 12:6.", "Mite. -- Mr 12:42; Lu 21:2.", "Of the Jews regulated by the standard of sanctuary -- Le 5:15; Nu 3:47.", "Was current with the merchants -- Ge 23:16.", "Jews forbidden to take usury for -- Le 25:37.", "Changing of, a trade -- Mt 21:12; Joh 2:15.", "Was given", "For lands. -- Ge 23:9; Ac 4:37.", "For slaves. -- Ge 37:28; Ex 21:21.", "For merchandise. -- Ge 43:12; De 2:6.", "For tribute. -- 2Ki 23:33; Mt 22:19.", "As wages. -- Ezr 3:7; Mt 20:2; Jas 5:4.", "As offerings. -- 2Ki 12:7-9; Ne 10:32.", "As alms. -- 1Sa 2:36; Ac 3:3,6.", "Custom of presenting a piece of. -- Job 42:11.", "Power and usefulness of. -- Ec 7:12; 10:19.", "Love of, the root of all evil. -- 1Ti 6:10."]} +{"term": "Months", "definitions": ["Sun and moon designed to mark out -- Ge 1:14.", "The patriarchs computed time by -- Ge 29:14.", "The Jews computed time by -- Jdj 11:37; 1Sa 6:1; 1Ki 4:7.", "Commenced with first appearance of new moon -- Nu 10:10; Ps 81:3.", "Originally had no names -- Ge 7:11; 8:4.", "The year composed of twelve -- 1Ch 27:2-15; Es 2:12; Re 22:2.", "Names of the twelve", "First, Nisan or Abib. -- Ex 13:4; Ne 2:1.", "Second, Zif. -- 1Ki 6:1,37.", "Third, Sivan. -- Es 8:9.", "Fourth, Tammuz. -- Zec 8:19.", "Fifth, Av. -- Zec 7:3.", "Sixth, Elul. -- Ne 6:15.", "Seventh, Ethanim. -- 1Ki 8:2.", "Eighth, Bul. -- 1Ki 6:38.", "Ninth, Chisleu. -- Zec 7:1.", "Tenth, Tebeth. -- Es 2:16.", "Eleventh, Sebat. -- Zec 1:7.", "Twelfth, Adar. -- Ezr 6:15; Es 3:7.", "Idolaters prognosticated by -- Isa 47:13.", "Observance of, condemned -- Ga 4:10."]} +{"term": "Moon, The", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:14; Ps 8:3.", "Made to glorify God -- Ps 148:3.", "Called the lesser light -- Ge 1:16.", "Described as", "Fair. -- Song 6:10.", "Bright. -- Job 31:26.", "Has a glory of its own -- 1Co 15:41.", "Appointed", "To divide day from night. -- Ge 1:14.", "For signs and seasons. -- Ge 1:14; Ps 104:19.", "For a light in the firmament. -- Ge 1:15.", "To light the earth by night. -- Jer 31:35.", "To rule the night. -- Ge 1:16; Ps 136:9.", "By an ordinance for ever. -- Ps 72:5,7; 89:37; Jer 31:36.", "For the benefit of all. -- De 4:19.", "Influences vegetation -- De 33:14.", "First appearance of, a time of festivity -- 1Sa 20:5,6; Ps 81:3.", "Miracles connected with", "Standing still in Ajalon. -- Jos 10:12,13.", "Signs in, before the destruction of Jerusalem. -- Lu 21:25.", "Lunacy attributed to the influence of -- Ps 121:6; Mt 4:24.", "Worshipped as the queen of heaven -- Jer 7:18; 44:17-19,25.", "Worshipping of", "Forbidden to the Jews. -- De 4:19.", "Condemned as atheism. -- Job 31:26,28.", "To be punished with death. -- De 17:3-6.", "Jews often guilty of. -- 2Ki 23:5; Jer 8:2.", "Jews punished for. -- Jer 8:1-3.", "Illustrative", "Of glory of Christ in the Church. -- Isa 60:20.", "Of fairness of the Church. -- Song 6:10.", "Of changeableness of the world. -- Re 12:1.", "(Becoming blood,) of judgments. -- Re 6:12.", "(Withdrawing her light,) of deep calamities. -- Isa 13:10; Joe 2:10; 3:15; Mt 24:29."]} +{"term": "Morning", "definitions": ["The second part of the day at the creation -- Ge 1:5,8,13,19,23,31.", "The first part of the natural day -- Mr 16:2.", "Ordained by God -- Job 38:12.", "Began with first dawn -- Jos 6:15; Ps 119:147.", "Continued until noon -- 1Ki 18:26; Ne 8:3.", "First dawning of, called the eyelids of the morning -- Job 3:9; 41:18.", "The outgoings of, made to rejoice -- Ps 65:8.", "The Jews", "Generally rose early in. -- Ge 28:18; Jdj 6:28.", "Eat but little in. -- Ec 10:16.", "Went to the temple in. -- Lu 21:38; Joh 8:2.", "Offered a part of the daily sacrifice in. -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:4-7.", "Devoted a part of, to prayer and praise. -- Ps 5:3; 59:16; 88:13.", "Gathered the manna in. -- Ex 16:21.", "Began their journeys in. -- Ge 22:3.", "Held courts of justice in. -- Jer 21:12; Mt 27:1.", "Contracted covenants in. -- Ge 26:31.", "Transacted business in. -- Ec 11:6; Mt 20:1.", "Was frequently cloudless -- 2Sa 23:4.", "A red sky in, a sign of bad weather -- Mt 16:3.", "Ushered in by the morning star -- Job 38:7.", "Illustrative", "Of the resurrection day. -- Ps 49:14.", "(Breaking forth,) of the glory of the church. -- Song 6:10; Isa 58:8.", "(Star of,) of the glory of Christ. -- Re 22:16.", "(Star of,) of reward of saints. -- Re 2:28.", "(Clouds in,) of the short lived profession of hypocrites. -- Ho 6:4.", "(Wings of,) of rapid movements. -- Ps 139:9.", "(Spread upon the mountains,) of heavy calamities. -- Joe 2:2."]} +{"term": "Moth, The", "definitions": ["Destructive to garments -- Mt 6:19; Jas 5:2.", "Destroyed by the slightest touch -- Job 4:19.", "Illustrative", "Of God in the execution of his judgments. -- Ho 5:12.", "(Eating a garment,) of God's judgments. -- Isa 50:9; 51:8.", "(Garments eaten by,) of those who have suffered severe judgments. -- Job 13:28.", "(Making its house in garments,) of man's folly in providing earthly things. -- Job 27:18."]} +{"term": "Mountains", "definitions": ["The elevated parts of the earth -- Ge 7:19,20.", "God", "Formed. -- Am 4:13.", "Set fast. -- Ps 65:6.", "Gives strength to. -- Ps 95:4.", "Weighs, in a balance. -- Isa 40:12.", "Waters, from his chambers. -- Ps 104:13.", "Parches, with draught. -- Hag 1:11.", "Causes, to smoke. -- Ps 104:32; 144:5.", "Sets the foundations of, on fire. -- De 32:22.", "Makes waste. -- Isa 42:15.", "Causes, to tremble. -- Na 1:5; Hab 3:10.", "Causes, to skip. -- Ps 114:4,6.", "Causes, to melt. -- Jdj 5:5; Ps 97:5; Isa 64:1,3.", "Removes. -- Job 9:5.", "Overturns. -- Job 9:5; 28:9.", "Scatters. -- Hab 3:6.", "Made to glorify God -- Ps 148:9.", "Called", "God's mountains. -- Isa 49:11.", "The ancient mountains. -- De 33:15.", "The everlasting mountains. -- Hab 3:6.", "Perpetual hills. -- Heb 3:6.", "Everlasting hills. -- Ge 49:26.", "Pillars of heaven. -- Job 26:11.", "Many exceedingly high -- Ps 104:18; Isa 2:14.", "Collect the vapours which ascend from the earth -- Ps 104:6,8.", "Are the sources of springs and rivers -- De 8:7; Ps 104:8-10.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 11:11.", "Volcanic fires of, alluded to -- Isa 64:1,2; Jer 51:25; Na 1:5,6.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Ararat. -- Ge 8:4.", "Abarim. -- Nu 33:47,48.", "Amalek. -- Jdj 12:15.", "Bashan. -- Ps 68:15.", "Bethel. -- 1Sa 13:2.", "Carmel. -- Jos 15:55; 19:26; 2Ki 19:23.", "Ebal. -- De 11:29; 27:13.", "Ephraim. -- Jos 17:15; Jdj 2:9.", "Gerizim. -- De 11:29; Jdj 9:7.", "Gilboa. -- 1Sa 31:1; 2Sa 1:6,21.", "Gilead. -- Ge 31:21,25; Song 4:1.", "Hachilah. -- 1Sa 23:19.", "Hermon. -- Jos 13:11.", "Hor. -- Nu 20:22; 34:7,8.", "Horeb. -- Ex 3:1.", "Lebanon. -- De 3:25.", "Mizar. -- Ps 42:6.", "Moreh. -- Jdj 7:1.", "Moriah. -- Ge 22:2; 2Ch 3:1.", "Nebo (part of Abarim). -- Nu 32:3; De 34:1.", "Olives or mount of corruption. -- 1Ki 11:7; 2Ki 23:13; Lu 21:37.", "Pisgah (part of Abarim). -- Nu 21:20; De 34:1.", "Seir. -- Ge 14:6; 36:8.", "Sinai. -- Ex 19:2; 18:20,23; 31:18.", "Sion. -- 2Sa 5:7.", "Tabor. -- Jdj 4:6,12,14.", "A defence to a country -- Ps 125:2.", "Afford refuge in time of danger -- Ge 14:10; Jdj 6:2; Mt 24:16; Heb 11:38.", "Afforded pasturage -- Ex 3:1; 1Sa 25:7; 1Ki 22:17; Ps 147:8; Am 4:1.", "Abounded with", "Herbs. -- Pr 27:25.", "Minerals. -- De 8:9.", "Precious things. -- De 33:15.", "Stone for building. -- 1Ki 5:14,17; Da 2:45.", "Forests. -- 2Ki 19:23; 2Ch 2:2,8-10.", "Vineyards. -- 2Ch 26:10; Jer 31:5.", "Spices. -- Song 4:6; 8:14.", "Deer. -- 1Ch 12:8; Song 2:8.", "Game. -- 1Sa 26:20.", "Wild beasts. -- Song 4:8; Hab 2:17.", "Often inhabited -- Ge 36:8; Jos 11:21.", "Sometimes selected as places for divine worship -- Ge 22:2,5; Ex 3:12; Isa 2:2.", "Often selected as places for idolatrous worship -- De 12:2; 2Ch 21:11.", "Proclamations often made from -- Isa 40:9.", "Beacons or ensigns often raised upon -- Isa 13:2; 30:17.", "Illustrative", "Of difficulties. -- Isa 40:4; Zec 4:7; Mt 17:20.", "Of persons in authority. -- Ps 72:3; Isa 44:23.", "Of the church of God. -- Isa 2:2; Da 2:35,44,45.", "Of God's righteousness. -- Ps 36:6.", "Of proud and haughty persons. -- Isa 2:14.", "(Burning,) of destructive enemies. -- Jer 51:25; Re 8:8.", "(Breaking forth into singing,) of exceeding joy. -- Isa 44:23; 55:12.", "(Threshing of,) of heavy judgments. -- Isa 41:15.", "(Made waste,) of desolation. -- Isa 42:15; Mal 1:3.", "(Dropping new wine,) of abundance. -- Am 9:13."]} +{"term": "Mule, The", "definitions": ["First mention of -- Ge 36:24.", "Stupid and intractable -- Ps 32:9.", "Used for", "Riding, by persons of distinction. -- 2Sa 13:29; 18:9; 1Ki 1:33.", "Carrying burdens. -- 2Ki 5:17; 1Ch 12:40.", "Conveying posts and messengers. -- Es 8:10,14.", "Liable to the plague -- Zec 14:15.", "Food of -- 1Ki 4:28; 18:5.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to breed. -- Le 19:19.", "Set a great value upon. -- 1Ki 18:5.", "Brought many, from Babylon. -- Ezr 2:66.", "Shall used, at the restoration. -- Isa 66:20.", "Of Togarmah, sold in fairs of Tyre -- Eze 27:14.", "Often given as tribute -- 1Ki 10:25."]} +{"term": "Murder", "definitions": ["Forbidden by Mosaic law -- Ex 20:13; De 5:17.", "Why forbidden by God -- Ge 9:6.", "The law made to restrain -- 1Ti 1:9.", "Described as killing", "With premeditation. -- Ex 21:14.", "From hatred. -- Nu 35:20,21; De 19:11.", "By lying in wait. -- Nu 35:20; De 19:11.", "By an instrument of iron. -- Nu 35:16.", "By the blow of a stone. -- Nu 35:17.", "By a hand weapon of wood. -- Nu 35:18.", "Killing a thief in the day, counted as -- Ex 22:3.", "Early introduction of -- Ge 4:8.", "Represented as a sin crying to heaven -- Ge 4:10; Heb 12:24; Re 6:10.", "The Jews often guilty of -- Isa 1:21.", "Persons guilty of", "Fearful and cowardly. -- Ge 4:14.", "Wanderers and vagabonds. -- Ge 4:14.", "Flee from God's presence. -- Ge 4:16.", "Not protected in refuge cities. -- De 19:11,12.", "Had no protection from altars. -- Ex 21:14.", "Not to be pitied or spared. -- De 19:13.", "Often committed by night -- Ne 6:10; Job 24:14.", "Imputed to the nearest city when the murderer was unknown -- De 21:1-3.", "Mode of clearing those suspected of -- De 21:3-9; Mt 27:24.", "To be proved by two witnesses at least -- Nu 35:30; De 19:11,15.", "Punishment for", "The curse of God. -- Ge 4:11.", "Death. -- Ge 9:5,6; Ex 21:12; Nu 35:16.", "Not to be commuted. -- Nu 35:32.", "Inflicted by the nearest of kin. -- Nu 35:19,21.", "Forbidden. -- Ge 9:6; Ex 20:13; De 5:17; Ro 13:9.", "Explained by Christ -- Mt 5:21,22.", "Hatred is -- 1Jo 3:15.", "Is a work for the flesh -- Ga 5:21.", "Comes from the heart -- Mt 15:19.", "Defiles the", "Hands. -- Isa 59:3.", "Person and garments. -- La 4:13,14.", "Land. -- Nu 35:33; Ps 106:38.", "Not concealed from God -- Isa 26:21; Jer 2:34.", "Cries for vengeance -- Ge 4:10.", "God", "Abominates. -- Pr 6:16,17.", "Makes inquisition for. -- Ps 9:12.", "Will avenge. -- De 32:43; 1Ki 21:19; Ho 1:4.", "Requires blood for. -- Ge 9:5; Nu 35:33; 1Ki 2:32.", "Rejects the prayers of those guilty of. -- Isa 1:15; 59:2,3.", "Curses those guilty of. -- Ge 4:11.", "The law made to restrain -- 1Ti 1:9.", "Saints", "Specially warned against. -- 1Pe 4:15.", "Deprecate the guilt of. -- Ps 51:14.", "Should warn others against. -- Ge 37:22; Jer 26:15.", "Connected with idolatry -- Eze 22:3,4; 2Ki 3:27.", "The wicked", "Filled with. -- Ro 1:29.", "Devise. -- Ge 27:41; 37:18.", "Intent on. -- Jer 22:17.", "Lie in wait to commit. -- Ps 10:8-10.", "Swift to commit. -- Pr 1:16; Ro 3:15.", "Perpetrate. -- Job 24:14; Eze 22:3.", "Have hands full of. -- Isa 1:15.", "Encourage others to commit. -- 1Ki 21:8-10; Pr 1:11.", "Characteristic of the devil -- Joh 8:44.", "Punishment of -- Ge 4:12-15; 9:6; Nu 35:30; 2Ki 9:36,37; Jer 19:4-9.", "Punishment of, not commuted under the Law -- Nu 35:31.", "Of saints, specially avenged -- De 32:43; Mt 23:35; Re 18:20,24.", "Excludes from heaven -- Ga 5:21; Re 22:15.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:8.", "Esau. -- Ge 27:41.", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:20.", "Pharaoh. -- Ex 1:22.", "Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:5.", "Men of Shechem. -- Jdj 9:24.", "Amalekite. -- 2Sa 1:16.", "Rechab. -- 2Sa 4:5-7.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:9.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 13:29.", "Joab. -- 1Ki 2:31,32.", "Baasha. -- 1Ki 15:27.", "Zimri. -- 1Ki 16:10.", "Jezebel. -- 1Ki 21:10.", "Elders of Jezreel. -- 1Ki 21:13.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:19.", "Hazael. -- 2Ki 8:12,15.", "Adrammelech, &c. -- 2Ki 19:37.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:16.", "Ishmael. -- Jer 41:7.", "Princes of Israel. -- Eze 11:6.", "People of Gilead. -- Ho 6:8.", "The Herods. -- Mt 2:16; 14:10; Ac 12:2.", "Herodias and her daughter. -- Mt 14:8-11.", "Chief priests. -- Mt 27:1.", "Judas. -- Mt 27:4.", "Barabbas. -- Mr 15:7.", "Jews -- Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:15."]} +{"term": "Murmuring", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- 1Co 10:10; Php 2:14.", "Against", "God. -- Pr 19:3.", "The sovereignty of God. -- Ro 9:19,20.", "The service of God. -- Mal 3:14.", "Christ. -- Lu 5:30; 15:2; 19:7; Joh 6:41-43,52.", "Ministers of God. -- Ex 17:3; Nu 16:41.", "Disciples of Christ. -- Mt 7:2; Lu 5:30; 6:2.", "Unreasonableness of -- La 3:39.", "Tempts God -- Ex 17:2.", "Provokes God -- Nu 14:2,11; De 9:8,22.", "Saints cease from -- Isa 29:23,24.", "Characteristic of the wicked -- Jude 1:16.", "Guilt of encouraging others in -- Nu 13:31-33; 14:36,37.", "Punishment of -- Nu 11:1; 14:27-29; 16:45,46; Ps 106:25,26.", "Illustrated -- Mt 20:11; Lu 15:29,30.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:13,14.", "Moses. -- Ex 5:22,23.", "Israelites. -- Ex 14:11; 15:24; 16:2; 17:2,3; Nu 11:1-4; 21:5.", "Aaron, &c. -- Nu 12:1,2,8.", "Korah &c. -- Nu 16:3.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 19:4.", "Job. -- Job 3:1-26.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 20:14-18.", "Jonah. -- Jon 4:8,9.", "Disciples. -- Mr 14:4,5; Joh 6:61.", "Pharisees. -- Lu 15:2; 19:7.", "Jews. -- Joh 6:41-43.", "Grecians. -- Ac 6:1."]} +{"term": "Music", "definitions": ["Early invention of -- Ge 4:21.", "Divided into", "Vocal. -- 2Sa 19:35; Ac 16:25.", "Instrumental. -- Da 6:18.", "Designed to promote joy -- Ec 2:8,10.", "Vanity of all unsanctified -- Ec 2:8,11.", "Considered efficacious in mental disorders -- 1Sa 16:14-17,23.", "Effects produced on the prophets of old by -- 1Sa 10:5,6; 2Ki 3:15.", "Instruments of", "Cymbals. -- 1Ch 16:5; Ps 150:5.", "Cornet. -- Ps 98:6; Ho 5:8.", "Dulcimer. -- Da 3:5.", "Flute. -- Da 3:5.", "Harp. -- Ps 137:2; Eze 26:13.", "Organ. -- Ge 4:21; Job 21:12; Ps 150:4.", "Pipe. -- 1Ki 1:40; Isa 5:12; Jer 48:36.", "Psaltery. -- Ps 33:2; 71:22.", "Sackbut. -- Da 3:5.", "Tabret. -- 1Sa 10:5; Isa 24:8.", "Timbrel. -- Ex 15:20; Ps 68:25.", "Trumpet. -- 2Ki 11:14; 2Ch 29:27.", "Viol. -- Isa 14:11; Am 5:23.", "Made of fir wood. -- 2Sa 6:5.", "Made of almug wood. -- 1Ki 10:12.", "Made of brass. -- 1Co 13:1.", "Made of silver. -- Nu 10:2.", "Made of horns of animals. -- Jos 6:8.", "Many, with strings. -- Ps 33:2; 150:4.", "Early invention of. -- Ge 4:21.", "Invented by David. -- 1Ch 23:5; 2Ch 7:6.", "The Jews celebrated for inventing. -- Am 6:5.", "Often expensively ornamented. -- Eze 28:13.", "Great diversity of. -- Ec 2:8.", "Appointed to be used in the temple -- 1Ch 16:4-6; 23:5,6; 25:1; 2Ch 29:25.", "Custom of sending away friends with -- Ge 31:27.", "The Jews used", "In sacred processions. -- 2Sa 6:4,5,15; 1Ch 13:6-8; 15:27,28.", "At laying foundation of temple. -- Ezr 3:9,10.", "At consecration of temple. -- 2Ch 5:11-13.", "At coronation of kings. -- 2Ch 23:11,13.", "At dedication of city walls. -- Ne 12:27,28.", "To celebrate victories. -- Ex 15:20; 1Sa 18:6,7.", "In religious feasts. -- 2Ch 30:21.", "In private entertainments. -- Isa 5:12; Am 6:5.", "In dances. -- Mt 11:17; Lu 15:25.", "In funeral ceremonies. -- Mt 9:23.", "In commemorating great men. -- 2Ch 35:25.", "Used in idol worship -- Da 3:5.", "The movements of armies regulated by -- Jos 6:8; 1Co 14:8.", "Generally put aside in times of affliction -- Ps 137:2-4; Da 6:18.", "Illustrative", "Of joy and gladness. -- Zep 3:17; Eph 5:19.", "Of heavenly felicity. -- Re 5:8,9.", "(Ceasing of,) of calamities. -- Isa 24:8,9; Re 18:22."]} +{"term": "Naphtali, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's sixth son -- Ge 30:7,8.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:21; De 33:23.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:15.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:14.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:28.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:42,43.", "The rear of the fourth division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:25,27.", "Encamped under the standard of Dan north of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:25,29.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:78-83.", "Families of -- Nu 26:48,49.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:50.", "On Ebal said amen to the curses -- De 27:13.", "Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:32-39.", "Did not drive out the Canaanites, but made them tributary -- Jdj 1:33.", "Chosen from Zebulun to go with Barak against Sisera -- Jdj 4:6,10.", "Praised for aiding against Sisera -- Jdj 5:18.", "Joined Gideon in the pursuit and overthrow of the Midianites -- Jdj 7:23.", "Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:34.", "Officer placed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:19.", "Officer placed over, by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:15.", "Land of, ravaged by Benhadad -- 1Ki 15:20.", "Land of, purged of idols by Josiah -- 2Ch 34:6.", "Taken captive by Tiglathpileser -- 2Ki 15:29.", "Specially favoured by our Lord's ministry -- Isa 9:1,2; Mt 4:13-15.", "Remarkable persons of", "Barak. -- Jdj 4:6.", "Hiram. -- 1Ki 7:14."]} +{"term": "Nazarites", "definitions": ["Persons separated to the service of God -- Nu 6:2.", "Different kinds of", "From the womb. -- Jdj 13:5; Lu 1:15.", "By a particular vow. -- Nu 6:2.", "Required to be holy -- Nu 6:8.", "Esteemed pure -- La 4:7.", "Prohibited from", "Wine or strong drink. -- Nu 6:3; Lu 1:15.", "Grapes or anything made from the vine. -- Nu 6:3,4; Jdj 13:14.", "Cutting or shaving the head. -- Nu 6:5; Jdj 13:5; 16:17.", "Defiling themselves by the dead. -- Nu 6:6,7.", "Raised up for good of the nation -- Am 2:11.", "Ungodly Jews tried to corrupt -- Am 2:12.", "Defiled during vow", "To shave the head the seventh day. -- Nu 6:9.", "To bring two turtle doves for a burnt offering. -- Nu 6:10,11.", "To recompense their vow with a trespass offering. -- Nu 6:12.", "On completion of vow", "To be brought to tabernacle door. -- Nu 6:13.", "To offer sacrifices. -- Nu 6:14-17.", "To shave their heads. -- Nu 6:18; Ac 18:18; 21:24.", "To have the left shoulder of the ram of the peace offering waved upon their hands by the priest. -- Nu 6:19,20; Le 7:32.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Heb 7:26.", "Saints. -- 2Co 6:17; Jas 1:27."]} +{"term": "Nethinim", "definitions": ["Were the servants of the Levites -- Ezr 8:20.", "Probably originated in the appointment of the Gibeonites -- Jos 9:27.", "The remnant of the Canaanites appointed as, by Solomon -- 1Ki 9:20,21; Ezr 2:58.", "With the priests and Levites", "Had cities to reside in. -- 1Ch 9:2; Ezr 2:70.", "Exempted from tribute. -- Ezr 7:24.", "Had chiefs or captains over them -- Ne 11:21.", "A large number of, returned from the captivity -- Ezr 2:43-54; Ne 7:46-56,60.", "Were zealous for the covenant -- Ne 10:28,29."]} +{"term": "New Birth, The", "definitions": ["The corruption of human nature requires -- Joh 3:6; Ro 8:7,8.", "None can enter heaven without -- Joh 3:3.", "Effected by", "God. -- Joh 1:13; 1Pe 1:3.", "Christ. -- 1Jo 2:29.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Joh 3:6; Tit 3:5.", "Through the instrumentality of", "The word of God. -- Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:23.", "The resurrection of Christ. -- 1Pe 1:3.", "The ministry of the gospel. -- 1Co 4:15.", "Is of the will of God -- Jas 1:18.", "Is of the mercy of God -- Tit 3:5.", "Is for the glory of God -- Isa 43:7.", "Described as", "A new creation. -- 2Co 5:17; Ga 6:15; Eph 2:10.", "Newness of life. -- Ro 6:4.", "A spiritual resurrection. -- Ro 6:4-6; Eph 2:1,5; Col 2:12; 3:1.", "A new heart. -- Eze 36:26.", "A new spirit. -- Eze 11:19; Ro 7:6.", "Putting on the new man. -- Eph 4:24.", "The inward man. -- Ro 7:22; 2Co 4:16.", "Circumcision of the heart. -- De 30:6; Ro 2:29; Col 2:11.", "Partaking of the divine nature. -- 2Pe 1:4.", "The washing of regeneration. -- Tit 3:5.", "All saints partake of -- Ro 8:16,17; 1Pe 2:2; 1Jo 5:1.", "Produces", "Likeness to God. -- Eph 4:24; Col 3:10.", "Likeness to Christ. -- Ro 8:29; 2Co 3:18; 1Jo 3:2.", "Knowledge of God. -- Jer 24:7; Col 3:10.", "Hatred of sin. -- 1Jo 3:9; 5:18.", "Victory over the world. -- 1Jo 5:4.", "Delight in God's law. -- Ro 7:22.", "Evidenced by", "Faith in Christ. -- 1Jo 5:1.", "Righteousness. -- 1Jo 2:29.", "Brotherly love. -- 1Jo 4:7.", "Connected with adoption -- Isa 43:6,7; Joh 1:12,13.", "The ignorant cavil at -- Joh 3:4.", "Manner of effecting -- Illustrated -- Joh 3:8.", "Preserves from Satan's devices -- 1Jo 5:18."]} +{"term": "Night", "definitions": ["The darkness first called -- Ge 1:5.", "Caused by God -- Ps 104:20.", "Belongs to God -- Ps 74:16.", "The heavenly bodies designed to separate day from -- Ge 1:14.", "The moon and stars designed to rule and give light by -- Ge 1:16-18; Jer 31:35.", "Commenced at sunset -- Ge 28:11.", "Continued until sunrise -- Ps 104:22; Mt 28:1; Mr 16:2.", "Regular succession of", "Established by covenant. -- Ge 8:22; Jer 33:20.", "Ordained for the glory of God. -- Ps 19:2.", "Originally divided into three watches -- La 2:19; Jdj 7:19; Ex 14:24.", "Divided into four watches by the Romans -- Lu 12:38; Mt 14:25; Mr 13:35.", "Frequently", "Exceeding dark. -- Pr 7:9.", "Cold and frosty. -- Ge 31:40; Jer 36:30.", "Accompanied by heavy dew. -- Nu 11:9; Jdj 6:38,40; Job 29:19; Song 5:2.", "Unsuitable for labour -- Joh 9:4.", "Unsuitable for travelling -- Joh 11:10.", "Designed for rest -- Ps 104:23.", "Wearisome to the afflicted -- Job 7:3,4.", "Favourable to the purposes of the wicked -- Ge 31:39; Job 24:14,15; Ob 1:5; 1Th 5:2.", "Wild beasts go forth in search of prey during -- 2Sa 21:10; Ps 104:21,22.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to keep the wages of servants during. -- Le 19:13.", "Forbidden to allow malefactors to hang during. -- De 21:23.", "In affliction spent, in sorrow and humiliation. -- Ps 6:6; 30:5; Joe 1:13.", "In affliction spent, in prayer. -- Ps 22:2.", "Often kept lamps burning during. -- Pr 31:18.", "Eastern shepherds watched over their flocks during -- Ge 31:40; Lu 2:8.", "Eastern fishermen continued their employment during -- Lu 5:5; Joh 21:3.", "God frequently", "Revealed his will in. -- Ge 31:24; 46:2; Nu 22:30; Da 7:2.", "Visited his people in. -- 1Ki 3:5; Ps 17:3.", "Executed his judgments in. -- Ex 12:12; 2Ki 19:35; Job 27:20; Da 5:30.", "Illustrative of", "Spiritual darkness. -- Ro 13:12.", "Seasons of severe calamities. -- Isa 21:12; Am 5:8.", "Seasons of spiritual desertion. -- Song 3:1.", "Death. -- Joh 9:4."]} +{"term": "Nile, the River", "definitions": ["Empties itself into the Mediterranean Sea by seven streams -- Isa 11:15.", "Called", "The river. -- Ge 41:1,3.", "The Egyptian sea. -- Isa 11:15.", "The stream of Egypt. -- Isa 27:12.", "Sihor. -- Jos 13:3; Jer 2:18.", "Abounded in", "Crocodiles. -- Eze 29:3.", "Fish. -- Ex 7:21; Eze 29:4.", "Reeds and flags. -- Isa 19:6,7.", "Annual overflow of its banks alluded to -- Jer 46:8; Am 8:8; 9:5.", "The Egyptians", "Took great pride in. -- Eze 29:9.", "Carried on extensive commerce by. -- Isa 23:3.", "Bathed in. -- Ex 2:5.", "Drank of. -- Ex 7:21,24.", "Punished by failure of its waters. -- Isa 19:5,6.", "Punished by destruction of its fish. -- Isa 19:8.", "Remarkable events connected with", "Male children drowned in. -- Ex 1:22.", "Moses exposed on its banks. -- Ex 2:3.", "Its waters turned into blood. -- Ex 7:15,20.", "Miraculous generation of frogs. -- Ex 8:3."]} +{"term": "Nineveh", "definitions": ["Origin and antiquity of -- Ge 10:11.", "Situated on the river Tigris -- Na 2:6,8.", "The ancient capital of Assyria -- 2Ki 19:36; Isa 37:37.", "Called the bloody city -- Na 3:1.", "Described as", "Great. -- Jon 1:2; 3:2.", "Extensive. -- Jon 3:3.", "Rich. -- Na 2:9.", "Strong. -- Na 3:12.", "Commercial. -- Na 3:16.", "Populous. -- Jon 4:11.", "Vile. -- Na 1:14.", "Wicked. -- Jon 1:2.", "Idolatrous. -- Na 1:14.", "Full of joy and carelessness. -- Zep 2:15.", "Full of lies and robbery. -- Na 3:1.", "Full of witchcraft. -- Na 3:4.", "Jonah sent to proclaim the destruction of -- Jon 1:2; 3:1,2,4.", "Inhabitants of, repented at Jonah's preaching -- Jon 3:5-9; Mt 12:41; Lu 11:32.", "Destruction of, averted -- Joh 3:10; 4:11.", "Predictions respecting", "Coming up of the Babylonish armies against. -- Na 2:1-4; 3:2.", "Destruction of its people. -- Na 1:12; 3:3.", "Spoiling of its treasures. -- Na 2:9.", "Destruction of its idols. -- Na 1:14; 2:7.", "Degradation and contempt put on. -- Na 3:5-7; Zep 2:15.", "Utter destruction. -- Na 1:8,9.", "Complete desolation. -- Zep 2:13-15.", "Feebleness of its people. -- Na 3:13.", "Being taken while people were drunk. -- Na 1:10; 3:11.", "Captivity of its people. -- Na 3:10."]} +{"term": "Oak Tree, The", "definitions": ["The hill of Bashan celebrated for -- Isa 2:13.", "Described as", "Strong. -- Am 2:9.", "Thick spreading. -- 2Sa 18:9; Eze 6:13.", "Casting its leaves in winter. -- Isa 6:13.", "The people of Tyre made oars of -- Eze 27:6.", "Idolaters often made idols of -- Isa 44:14.", "The ancients often", "Rested under. -- Jdj 6:11,19; 1Ki 13:14.", "Buried their dead under. -- Ge 35:8; 1Ch 10:12.", "Erected monuments under. -- Jos 24:26.", "Performed idolatrous rites under. -- Isa 1:29; 57:5; Eze 6:13; Ho 4:13.", "Absalom in his flight intercepted by, and suspended from -- 2Sa 18:9,10,14.", "Jacob buried his family idols under -- Ge 35:4.", "Illustrative", "Of the church. -- Isa 6:13.", "Of strong and powerful men. -- Am 2:9.", "Of wicked rulers. -- Isa 2:13; Zec 11:2.", "(Fading,) of the wicked under judgments. -- Isa 1:30."]} +{"term": "Oaths", "definitions": ["The lawful purpose of, explained -- Heb 6:16.", "Antiquity of -- Ge 14:22; 24:3,8.", "Used for", "Confirming covenants. -- Ge 26:28; 31:44,53; 1Sa 20:16,17.", "Deciding controversies in courts of law. -- Ex 22:11; Nu 5:19; 1Ki 8:31.", "Pledging allegiance to sovereigns. -- 2Ki 11:4; Ec 8:2.", "Binding to performance of sacred duties. -- Nu 30:2; 2Ch 15:14,15; Ne 10:29; Ps 132:2.", "Binding to performance of any particular act. -- Ge 24:3,4; 50:25; Jos 2:12.", "Judicial from of administering -- 1Ki 22:16; Mt 26:63.", "Often accompanied by raising up the hand -- Ge 14:22; Da 12:7; Re 10:5,6.", "Often accompanied by placing the hand under the thigh of the person sworn to -- Ge 24:2,9; 47:29.", "To be taken in fear and reverence -- Ec 9:2.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to take, in name of idols. -- Jos 23:7.", "Forbidden to take in the name of any created thing. -- Mt 5:34-36; Jas 5:12.", "Forbidden to take false. -- Le 6:3; Zec 8:17.", "Forbidden to take rash, or unholy. -- Le 5:4.", "To use God's name alone in. -- De 6:13; 10:20; Isa 65:16.", "To take, in truth, judgment, &c. -- Jer 4:2.", "Generally respected the obligation of. -- Jos 9:19,20; 2Sa 21:7; Ps 15:4; Mt 14:9.", "Fell into many errors respecting. -- Mt 23:16-22.", "Often guilty of rashly taking. -- Jdj 21:7; Mt 14:7; 26:72.", "Often guilty of falsely taking. -- Le 6:3; Jer 5:2; 7:9.", "Condemned for false. -- Zec 5:4; Mal 3:5.", "Condemned for profane. -- Jer 23:10; Ho 4:2.", "Instances of rash,", "Joshua, &c. -- Jos 9:15,16.", "Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:30-36.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 14:27,44.", "Herod. -- Mt 14:7-9.", "The Jews who sought to kill Paul. -- Ac 23:21.", "Custom of swearing by the life of the king -- Ge 42:15,16.", "Expressions used as", "By the fear of Isaac. -- Ge 31:53.", "As the Lord liveth. -- Jdj 8:19; Ru 3:13.", "The Lord do so to me, and more also. -- Ru 1:17.", "God do so to thee, and more also. -- 1Sa 3:17.", "By the Lord. -- 2Sa 19:7; 1Ki 2:42.", "God do so to thee and more also. -- 1Sa 3:17.", "Before God I lie not. -- Ga 1:20.", "I call God for a record. -- 2Co 1:23.", "God is witness. -- 1Th 2:5.", "I charge you by the Lord. -- 1Th 5:27.", "As thy soul liveth. -- 1Sa 1:26; 25:26.", "God used, to show the immutability of his counsel -- Ge 22:16; Nu 14:28; 6:17."]} +{"term": "Obedience to God", "definitions": ["Commanded -- De 13:4.", "Without faith, is impossible -- Heb 11:6.", "Includes", "Obeying his voice. -- Ex 19:5; Jer 7:23.", "Obeying his law. -- De 11:27; Isa 42:24.", "Obeying Christ. -- Ex 23:21; 2Co 10:5.", "Obeying the gospel. -- Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16,17.", "Keeping his commandments. -- Ec 12:13.", "Submission to higher powers. -- Ro 13:1.", "Better than sacrifice -- 1Sa 15:22.", "Justification obtained by that of Christ -- Ro 5:19.", "Christ, an example of -- Mt 3:15; Joh 15:20; Php 2:5-8; Heb 5:8.", "Angles engaged in -- Ps 103:20.", "A characteristic of saints -- 1Pe 1:14.", "Saints elected to -- 1Pe 1:2.", "Obligations to -- Ac 4:19,20; 5:29.", "Exhortations to -- Jer 26:13; 38:20.", "Should be", "From the heart. -- De 11:13; Ro 6:17.", "With willingness. -- Ps 18:44; Isa 1:19.", "Unreserved. -- Jos 22:2,3.", "Undeviating. -- De 28:14.", "Constant. -- Php 2:12.", "Resolve upon -- Ex 24:7; Jos 24:24.", "Confess your failure in -- Da 9:10.", "Prepare the heart for -- 1Sa 7:3; Ezr 7:10.", "Pray to be taught -- Ps 119:35; 143:10.", "Promises to -- Ex 23:22; 1Sa 12:14; Isa 1:19; Jer 7:23.", "To be universal in the latter days -- Da 7:27.", "Blessedness of -- De 11:27; 28:1-13; Lu 11:28; Jas 1:25.", "The wicked refuse -- Ex 5:2; Ne 9:17.", "Punishment of refusing -- De 11:28; 28:15-68; Jos 5:6; Isa 1:20.", "Exemplified", "Noah. -- Ge 6:22.", "Abram. -- Ge 12:1-4; Heb 11:8; Ge 22:3,12.", "Israelites. -- Ex 12:28; 24:7.", "Caleb &c. -- Nu 32:12.", "Asa. -- 1Ki 15:11.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:5.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:6.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:2.", "David. -- Ps 119:106.", "Zerubbabel. -- Hag 1:12.", "Joseph. -- Mt 1:24.", "Wise men. -- Mt 2:12.", "Zacharias &c. -- Lu 1:6.", "Paul. -- Ac 26:19.", "Saints of Rome. -- Ro 16:19."]} +{"term": "Offence", "definitions": ["Occasions of, must arrive -- Mt 18:7.", "Occasions of, forbidden -- 1Co 10:32; 2Co 6:3.", "Persecution, a cause of, to mere professors -- Mt 13:21; 24:10; 26:31.", "The wicked take, at", "The low station of Christ. -- Isa 53:1-3; Mt 13:54-57.", "Christ, as the corner-stone. -- Isa 8:14; Ro 9:33; 1Pe 2:8.", "Christ, as the bread of life. -- Joh 6:58-61.", "Christ crucified. -- 1Co 1:23; Ga 5:11.", "The righteousness of faith. -- Ro 9:32.", "The necessity of inward purity. -- Mt 15:11,12.", "Blessedness of not taking, at Christ -- Mt 11:6.", "Saints warned against taking -- Joh 16:1.", "Saints should", "Be without. -- Php 1:10.", "Be cautious of giving. -- Ps 73:15; Ro 14:13; 1Co 8:9.", "Have a conscience void of. -- Ac 24:16.", "Cut off what causes, to themselves. -- Mt 5:29,30; Mr 9:43-47.", "Not let their liberty occasion, to others. -- 1Co 8:9.", "Use self-denial rather than occasion. -- Ro 14:21; 1Co 8:13.", "Avoid those who cause. -- Ro 16:17.", "Reprove those who cause. -- Ex 32:21; 1Sa 2:24.", "Ministers should", "Be cautious of giving. -- 2Co 6:3.", "Remove that which causes. -- Isa 57:14.", "All things that cause, shall be gathered out of Christ's kingdom -- Mt 13:41.", "Denunciation against those who cause -- Mt 18:7; Mr 9:42.", "Punishment for occasioning -- Eze 44:12; Mal 2:8,9; Mt 18:6,7.", "Exemplified", "Aaron. -- Ex 32:2-6.", "Balaam, &c. -- Nu 31:16; Re 2:14.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 8:27.", "Sons of Eli. -- 1Sa 2:12-17.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 12:26-30.", "Old prophet. -- 1Ki 13:18-26.", "Priests. -- Mal 2:8.", "Peter. -- Mt 16:23."]} +{"term": "Offences Against the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Exhortations against -- Eph 4:30; 1Th 5:19.", "Exhibited in", "Tempting him. -- Ac 5:9.", "Vexing him. -- Isa 63:10.", "Grieving him. -- Eph 4:30.", "Quenching him. -- 1Th 5:19.", "Lying to him. -- Ac 5:3,4.", "Resisting him. -- Ac 7:51.", "Undervaluing His gifts. -- Ac 8:19,20.", "Danger of trifling with the Holy Spirit. -- Heb 6:4-6.", "Doing despite to him. -- Heb 10:29.", "Disregarding His testimony. -- Ne 9:30.", "Blasphemy against him, unpardonable -- Mt 12:31,32; 1Jo 5:16."]} +{"term": "Offerings", "definitions": ["To be made to God alone -- Ex 22:20; Jdj 13:16.", "Antiquity of -- Ge 4:3,4.", "Different kinds of", "Burnt. -- Le 1:3-17; Ps 66:15.", "Sin. -- Le 4:3-35; 6:25; 10:17.", "Trespass. -- Le 5:16-19; 6:6; 7:1.", "Peace. -- Le 3:1-17; 7:11.", "Heave. -- Ex 29:27,28; 7:14; Nu 15:19.", "Wave. -- Ex 29:26; Le 7:30.", "Meat. -- Le 2:1-16; Nu 15:4.", "Drink. -- Ge 35:14; Ex 29:40; Nu 15:5.", "Thank. -- Le 7:12; 22:29; Ps 50:14.", "Free-will. -- Le 23:38; De 16:10; 23:23.", "Incense. -- Ex 30:8; Mal 1:11; Lu 1:9.", "First-fruits. -- Ex 22:29; De 18:4.", "Tithe. -- Le 27:30; Nu 18:21; De 14:22.", "Gifts. -- Ex 35:22; Nu 7:2-88.", "Jealousy. -- Nu 5:15.", "Personal, for redemption. -- Ex 30:13,15.", "Declared to be most holy -- Nu 18:9.", "Required to be", "Perfect. -- Le 22:21.", "The best of their kind. -- Mal 1:14.", "Offered willingly. -- Le 22:19.", "Offered in righteous. -- Mal 3:3.", "Offered in love and charity. -- Mt 5:23,24.", "Brought in a clean vessel. -- Isa 66:20.", "Brought to the place appointed of God. -- De 12:6; Ps 27:6; Heb 9:9.", "Laid before the altar. -- Mt 5:23,24.", "Presented by the priest. -- Heb 5:1.", "Brought without delay. -- Ex 22:29,30.", "Unacceptable, without gratitude -- Ps 50:8,14.", "Could not make the offerer perfect -- Heb 9:9.", "Things forbidden as", "The price of fornication. -- De 23:18.", "The price of a dog. -- De 23:18.", "Whatever was blemished. -- Le 22:20.", "Whatever was imperfect. -- Le 22:24.", "Whatever was unclean. -- Le 27:11,27.", "Laid up in the temple -- 2Ch 31:12; Ne 10:37.", "Hezekiah prepared chambers for -- 2Ch 31:11.", "The Jews often", "Slow in presenting. -- Ne 13:10-12.", "Defrauded God of. -- Mal 3:8.", "Gave the worst they had as. -- Mal 1:8,13.", "Rejected in, because of sin. -- Isa 1:13; Mal 1:10.", "Abhorred, on account of the sins of the priests. -- 1Sa 2:17.", "Presented to idols. -- Eze 20:28.", "Made by strangers, to be the same as by the Jews -- Nu 15:14-16.", "Many offences under the law, beyond the efficacy of -- 1Sa 3:14; Ps 51:16.", "Illustrative of", "Christ's offering of himself. -- Eph 5:2.", "The conversion of the Gentiles. -- Ro 15:16.", "The conversion of the Jews. -- Isa 66:20."]} +{"term": "Oil", "definitions": ["Given by God -- Ps 104:14,15; Jer 31:12; Joe 2:19,24.", "Comes form the earth -- Ps 104:14,15; Ho 2:22.", "Kinds of, mentioned", "Olive. -- Ex 30:24; Le 24:2.", "Myrrh. -- Es 2:12.", "Extracted by presses -- Hag 2:16; Mic 6:15.", "The poor employed in extracted -- Job 24:11.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 8:8.", "Described as", "Soft. -- Ps 55:21.", "Smooth. -- Pr 5:3.", "Penetrating. -- Ps 109:18.", "Healing. -- Isa 1:6; Lu 10:34.", "The ointments of the Jews made of perfumes mixed with -- Ex 30:23-25; Joh 12:3.", "Jews often extravagant in the use of -- Pr 21:17.", "Was tithable by the law -- De 12:17.", "First-fruits of, given to God -- De 18:4; 2Ch 31:5; Ne 10:37.", "Used", "For food. -- 1Ki 17:12; Eze 16:13.", "For anointing the person. -- Ps 23:5; 104:15; Lu 7:46.", "For anointing to offices of trust. -- Ex 29:7; 1Sa 10:1; 1Ki 19:16.", "For anointing the sick. -- Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14.", "In God's worship. -- Le 7:10; Nu 15:4-10.", "In idolatrous worship. -- Ho 2:5,8.", "For lamps. -- Ex 25:6; 27:20; Mt 25:3.", "When fresh especially esteemed -- Ps 92:10.", "Dealing in, a trade -- 2Ki 4:7.", "Exported -- 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17; Ho 12:1.", "Sold by measure -- 1Ki 5:11; Lu 16:6.", "Kept in", "Boxes. -- 2Ki 9:1.", "Horns. -- 1Ki 1:39.", "Pots. -- 2Ki 4:2.", "Cruises. -- 1Ki 17:12.", "Cellars. -- 1Ch 27:28.", "Storehouses. -- 2Ch 32:28.", "Stores of, laid up in fortified cities -- 2Ch 11:11.", "Failure of, a severe calamity -- Hag 1:11.", "Miraculous increase of -- 2Ki 4:2-6.", "Illustrative of", "The unction of the Holy Spirit. -- Ps 45:7; 89:20; Zec 4:12.", "The consolation of the gospel. -- Isa 61:3.", "Kind reproof. -- Ps 141:5."]} +{"term": "Olive Tree, The", "definitions": ["Often grew wild -- Ro 11:17.", "Cultivated", "In olive yards. -- 1Sa 8:14; Ne 5:11.", "Among rocks. -- De 32:13.", "On the sides of mountains. -- Mt 21:1.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 6:11; 8:8.", "Assyria abounded in -- 2Ki 18:32.", "Kings of Israel largely cultivated -- 1Ch 27:28.", "Described as", "Green. -- Jer 11:16.", "Fair and beautiful. -- Jer 11:16; Ho 14:6.", "Fat and unctuous. -- Jdj 9:9; Ro 11:17.", "Bearing goodly fruit. -- Jer 11:16; Jas 3:12.", "Grafting of, alluded to -- Ro 11:24.", "Pruning of, alluded to -- Ro 11:18,19.", "Often cast its flowers -- Job 15:33.", "Often cast its fruit -- De 28:40.", "Often suffered from caterpillars -- Am 4:9.", "Good for the service of God and man -- Jdj 9:9.", "Oil procured from -- Ex 27:20; De 8:8.", "Used for making", "The cherubim in the temple. -- 1Ki 6:23.", "The doors and posts of the temple. -- 1Ki 6:31-33.", "Booths at feast of tabernacles. -- Ne 8:15.", "Beaten to remove the fruit -- De 24:20.", "Shaken when fully ripe -- Isa 17:6.", "Gleaning of, left for the poor -- De 24:20.", "Fruit of, during sabbatical year left for the poor, &c -- Ex 23:11.", "The fruit of, trodden in presses to extract the oil -- Mic 6:15; Hag 2:16.", "Failure of, a great calamity -- Hab 3:17,18.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Ro 11:17,24; Zec 4:3,12.", "Of the Jewish church. -- Jer 11:16.", "Of the righteous. -- Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6.", "Of children of pious parents. -- Ps 128:3.", "Of the two witnesses. -- Re 11:3,4.", "(When wild,) of the Gentiles. -- Ro 11:17,24.", "(Gleaning of,) of the remnant of grace. -- Isa 17:6; 24:13.", "Probably origin of its being the emblem of peace. -- Ge 8:11."]} +{"term": "Ostrich, The", "definitions": ["Unclean and unfit for food -- Le 11:13.", "Furnished with wings and feathers -- Job 39:13.", "Lays her eggs in the sand -- Job 39:14.", "Described as", "Void of wisdom. -- Job 39:17.", "Imprudent. -- Job 39:15.", "Cruel to her young. -- Job 39:16.", "Rapid in movement. -- Job 39:18.", "Illustrative", "Of the unnatural cruelty of the Jews in their calamities. -- La 4:3.", "(Companionship with,) of extreme desolation. -- Job 30:29."]} +{"term": "Owl, The", "definitions": ["Varieties of -- Le 11:16,17; De 14:15,16.", "Unclean and not to be eaten -- Le 11:13,16.", "Described as", "Mournful in voice. -- Mic 1:8.", "Solitary in disposition. -- Ps 102:6.", "Careful of its young. -- Isa 34:15.", "Inhabits deserted cities and houses -- Isa 13:21; 34:11-14; Jer 50:39.", "Illustrative of mourners -- Ps 102:6."]} +{"term": "Ox, The", "definitions": ["Often found wild -- De 14:5.", "Includes the", "Bull. -- Ge 32:15; Job 21:10.", "Bullock. -- Ps 50:9; Jer 46:21.", "Cow. -- Nu 18:17; Job 21:10.", "Heifer. -- Ge 15:9; Nu 19:2.", "Was clean and fit for food -- De 14:4.", "Described as", "Strong. -- Ps 144:14; Pr 14:4.", "Beautiful. -- Jer 46:20; Ho 10:11.", "Not without sagacity. -- Isa 1:3.", "Horns and hoofs of, alluded to -- Ps 69:31.", "Lowing of, alluded to -- 1Sa 15:14; Job 6:5.", "Was fed", "With grass. -- Job 40:15; Ps 106:20; Da 4:25.", "With corn. -- Isa 30:24.", "With straw. -- Isa 11:7.", "On the hills. -- Isa 7:25.", "In the valleys. -- 1Ch 27:29; Isa 65:10.", "In stalls. -- Hab 3:17.", "Rapid manner of collecting its food alluded to -- Nu 22:4.", "Formed a part of the patriarchal wealth -- Ge 13:2,5; 26:14; Job 1:3.", "Formed a part of the wealth of Israel in Egypt -- Ge 50:8; Ex 10:9; 12:32.", "Formed a part of the wealth of the Jews -- Nu 32:4; Ps 144:14.", "Required great care and attention -- Pr 27:23.", "Herdmen appointed over -- Ge 13:7; 1Sa 21:7.", "Urged on by the goad -- Jdj 3:31.", "Used for", "Drawing wagons &c. -- Nu 7:3; 1Sa 6:7.", "Carrying burdens. -- 1Ch 12:40.", "Ploughing. -- 1Ki 19:19; Job 1:14; Am 6:12.", "Earing the ground. -- Isa 30:24; 32:20.", "Treading out the corn. -- Ho 10:11.", "Sacrifice. -- Ex 20:24; 2Sa 24:22.", "Food. -- 1Ki 1:9; 19:21; 2Ch 18:2.", "Often stall-fed for slaughter -- Pr 15:17.", "Goes to the slaughter unconscious -- Pr 7:22.", "Young of, considered a great delicacy -- Ge 18:7; Am 6:4.", "Male firstlings of, belonged to God -- Ex 34:19.", "Tithe of, given to the priests -- 2Ch 31:6.", "Laws respecting", "To rest on the Sabbath. -- Ex 23:12; De 5:14.", "Not to be yoked with an ass in the same plough. -- De 22:10.", "Not to be muzzled when treading out the corn. -- De 25:4; 1Co 9:9.", "If stolen to be restored double. -- Ex 22:4.", "Of others not to be coveted. -- Ex 20:17; De 5:21.", "Of others if lost or hurt through neglect, to be made good. -- Ex 22:9-13.", "Killing a man, to be stoned. -- Ex 21:28-32.", "Mode of reparation for one, killing another. -- Ex 21:35,36.", "Straying to be brought back to its owner. -- Ex 23:4; De 22:1,2.", "Fallen under its burden to be raised up again. -- De 22:4.", "Fat of, not to be eaten. -- Le 7:23.", "Increase of, promised -- De 7:13; 28:4.", "Publicly sold -- 2Sa 24:24; Lu 14:19.", "Often given as a present -- Ge 12:16; 20:14.", "The wicked often took, in pledge from the poor -- Job 24:3.", "Custom of sending the pieces of, to collect the people to war -- 1Sa 11:7.", "Sea of brass rested on figures of -- 1Ki 7:25.", "Illustrative", "(Engaged in husbandry,) of Ministers. -- Isa 30:24; 32:20.", "(Not muzzled in treading corn,) of Minister's right to support. -- 1Co 9:9,10.", "(Prepared for a feast,) of the provision of the gospel. -- Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4.", "(Led to slaughter,) of a rash youth. -- Pr 7:22.", "(Led to slaughter,) of saints under persecution. -- Jer 11:19.", "(Stall fed,) of sumptuous living. -- Pr 15:17.", "Bull or bullock illustrative", "Of fierce enemies. -- Ps 22:12; 68:30.", "(Firstling of,) of the glory of Joseph. -- De 33:17.", "(In a net,) of the impatient under judgment. -- Isa 51:20.", "(Fatted,) of greedy mercenaries. -- Jer 46:21.", "(Unaccustomed to the yoke,) of intractable sinners. -- Jer 31:18.", "Kine illustrative", "Of proud and wealthy rules. -- Am 4:1.", "(well favoured,) of years of plenty. -- Ge 41:2,26,29.", "(Lean,) of years of scarcity. -- Ge 41:3; 27:30.", "Heifer illustrative", "Of a beloved wife. -- Jdj 14:18.", "(Sliding back,) of backsliding Israel. -- Ho 4:16.", "(Taught, &c) of Israel's fondness for ease in preference to obedience. -- Ho 10:11.", "(Of three years old,) of Moab in affliction. -- Isa 15:5; Jer 48:34.", "(Fair,) of the beauty and wealth of Egypt. -- Jer 46:20.", "(At grass,) of the luxurious Chaldees. -- Jer 50:11."]} +{"term": "Palaces", "definitions": ["Jerusalem celebrated for -- Ps 48:3,13.", "The term applied to", "Residences of kings. -- Da 4:4; 6:18.", "Houses of great men. -- Am 3:9; Mic 5:5.", "The temple of God. -- 1Ch 29:1,19.", "The house of the high priest. -- Mt 26:58.", "Described as", "High. -- Ps 78:69.", "Polished. -- Ps 144:12.", "Pleasant. -- Isa 13:22.", "Of kings", "Called the king's house. -- 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 7:11.", "Called the house of the kingdom. -- 2Ch 2:1,12.", "Called the king's palace. -- Es 1:5.", "Called the royal house. -- Es 1:9.", "Splendidly furnished. -- Es 1:6.", "Surrounded with gardens. -- Es 1:5.", "Surrounded with terraces. -- 2Ch 9:11.", "Under governors. -- 1Ki 4:6; Ne 7:2.", "Often attended by eunuchs as servants. -- 2Ki 20:18; Da 1:3,4.", "Were strictly guarded. -- 2Ki 11:5.", "Afforded support to all the King's retainers. -- Ezr 4:14; Da 1:5.", "Royal decrees issued from. -- Es 3:15; 8:14.", "Royal decrees laid up in. -- Ezr 6:2.", "Contained treasures of the king. -- 1Ki 15:18; 2Ch 12:9; 25:24.", "Gorgeous apparel suited to, alone. -- Lu 7:25.", "Were entered by gates -- Ne 2:8.", "Often the storehouses of rapine -- Am 3:10.", "Often as punishment", "Spoiled. -- Am 3:11.", "Forsaken. -- Isa 32:14.", "Desolate. -- Ps 69:25; Eze 19:7.", "Scenes of bloodshed. -- Jer 9:21.", "Burned with fire. -- 2Ch 36:19; Jer 17:27.", "Overgrown with thorns, &c. -- Isa 34:13.", "The habitation of dragons, &c. -- Isa 13:22.", "The spider makes its way even into -- Pr 30:28.", "Illustrative of", "The splendour of the church. -- Song 8:9.", "The godly children of saints. -- Ps 144:12.", "The place of Satan's dominion. -- Lu 11:21."]} +{"term": "Palm Tree, The", "definitions": ["First mention of, in Scripture -- Ex 15:27.", "Jericho celebrated for -- De 34:3; Jdj 1:16.", "Described as", "Tall. -- Song 7:7.", "Upright. -- Jer 10:5.", "Flourishing. -- Ps 92:12.", "Fruitful to a great age. -- Ps 92:14.", "The fruit of, called dates -- 2Ch 31:5.", "Requires a moist and fertile soil -- Ex 15:27.", "Tents often pitched under the shade of -- Jdj 4:5.", "The branches of, were", "The emblem of victory. -- Re 7:9.", "Carried at feast of tabernacles. -- Le 23:40.", "Used for constructing booths. -- Ne 8:15.", "Spread before Christ. -- Joh 12:13.", "Blasted as a punishment -- Joe 1:12.", "Represented in carved work on the walls and doors of the temple of Solomon -- 1Ki 6:29,32,35; 2Ch 3:5.", "Illustrative of", "The church. -- Song 7:7,8.", "The righteous. -- Ps 92:12.", "The upright appearance of idols. -- Jer 10:5."]} +{"term": "Parables", "definitions": ["Remarkable Parables of the Old Testament -- Jdj 9:8-15; 2Sa 12:1-4; 14:5-7.", "Parables of christ", "Wise and foolish builders. -- Mt 7:24-27.", "Children of the bride chamber. -- Mt 9:15.", "New cloth and old garment. -- Mt 9:16.", "New wine and old bottles. -- Mt 9:17.", "Unclean spirit. -- Mt 12:43.", "Sower. -- Mt 13:3-23; Lu 8:5-15.", "Tares. -- Mt 13:24-30,36-43.", "Mustard-seed. -- Mt 13:31,32; Lu 13:19.", "Leaven. -- Mt 13:33.", "Treasure hid in a field. -- Mt 13:44.", "Pearl of great price. -- Mt 13:45,46.", "Net cast into the sea. -- Mt 13:47-50.", "Meats defiling not. -- Mt 15:10-15.", "Unmerciful servant. -- Mt 18:23-35.", "Labourers hired. -- Mt 20:1-16.", "Two sons. -- Mt 21:28-32.", "Wicked husbandmen. -- Mt 21:33-45.", "Marriage-feast. -- Mt 22:2-14.", "Fig-tree leafing. -- Mt 24:32-34.", "Man of the house watching. -- Mt 24:43.", "Faithful, and evil servants. -- Mt 24:45-51.", "Ten virgins. -- Mt 25:1-13.", "Talents. -- Mt 25:14-30.", "Kingdom, divided against itself. -- Mr 3:24.", "House, divided against itself. -- Mr 3:25.", "Strong man armed. -- Mr 3:27; Lu 11:21.", "Seed growing secretly -- Mr 4:26-29.", "Lighted candle -- Mr 4:21; Lu 11:33-36.", "Man taking a far journey -- Mr 13:34-37.", "Blind leading the blind -- Lu 6:39.", "Beam and mote -- Lu 6:41,42.", "Tree and its fruit -- Lu 6:43-45.", "Creditor and debtors -- Lu 7:41-47.", "Good Samaritan -- Lu 10:30-37.", "Importunate friend -- Lu 11:5-9.", "Rich fool -- Lu 12:16-21.", "Cloud and wind -- Lu 12:54-57.", "Barren fig-tree -- Lu 13:6-9.", "Men bidden to a feast -- Lu 14:7-11.", "Builder of a tower -- Lu 14:28-30,33.", "King going to war -- Lu 14:31-33.", "Savour of salt -- Lu 14:34,35.", "Lost sheep -- Lu 15:3-7.", "Lost piece of silver -- Lu 15:8-10.", "Prodigal son -- Lu 15:11-32.", "Unjust steward -- Lu 16:1-8.", "Rich man and Lazarus -- Lu 16:19-31.", "Importunate widow -- Lu 18:1-8.", "Pharisee and Publican -- Lu 18:9-14.", "Pounds -- Lu 19:12-27.", "Good Shepherd -- Joh 10:1-6.", "Vine and branches -- Joh 15:1-5."]} +{"term": "Pardon", "definitions": ["Promised -- Isa 1:18; Jer 31:34; Heb 8:12; Jer 50:20.", "None without shedding of blood -- Le 17:11; Heb 9:22.", "Legal sacrifices, ineffectual for -- Heb 10:4.", "Outward purifications, ineffectual for -- Job 9:30,31; Jer 2:22.", "The blood of Christ, alone, is efficacious for -- Zec 13:1; 1Jo 1:7.", "Is granted", "By God alone. -- Da 9:9; Mr 2:7.", "By Christ. -- Mr 2:5; Lu 7:48.", "Through Christ. -- Lu 1:69,77; Ac 5:31; 13:38.", "Through the blood of Christ. -- Mt 26:28; Ro 3:25; Col 1:14.", "For the name's sake of Christ. -- 1Jo 2:12.", "According to the riches of grace. -- Eph 1:7.", "On the exaltation of Christ. -- Ac 5:31.", "Freely. -- Isa 43:25.", "Readily. -- Ne 9:17; Ps 86:5.", "Abundantly. -- Isa 55:7; Ro 5:20.", "To those who confess their sins. -- 2Sa 12:13; Ps 32:5; 1Jo 1:9.", "To those who repent. -- Ac 2:38.", "To those who believe. -- Ac 10:43.", "Should be preached in the name of Christ -- Lu 24:47.", "Exhibits the", "Compassion of God. -- Mic 7:18,19.", "Grace of God. -- Ro 5:15,16.", "Mercy of God. -- Ex 34:7; Ps 51:1.", "Goodness of God. -- 2Ch 30:18; Ps 86:5.", "Forbearance of God. -- Ro 3:25.", "Loving-kindness of God. -- Ps 51:1.", "Justice of God. -- 1Jo 1:9.", "Faithfulness of God. -- 1Jo 1:9.", "Expressed by", "Forgiving transgression. -- Ps 32:1.", "Removing transgression. -- Ps 103:12.", "Blotting out transgression. -- Isa 44:22.", "Covering sin. -- Ps 32:1.", "Blotting out sin. -- Ac 3:19.", "Casting sins into the sea. -- Mic 7:19.", "Not imputing sin. -- Ro 4:8.", "Not mentioning transgression. -- Eze 18:22.", "Remembering sins no more. -- Heb 10:17.", "All saints enjoy -- Col 2:13; 1Jo 2:12.", "Blessedness of -- Ps 32:1; Ro 4:7.", "Should lead to", "Returning to God. -- Isa 44:22.", "Loving God. -- Lu 7:47.", "Fearing God. -- Ps 130:4.", "Praising God. -- Ps 103:2,3.", "Ministers are appointed to proclaim -- Isa 40:1,2; 2Co 5:19.", "Pray for", "For yourselves. -- Ps 25:11,18; 51:1; Mt 6:12; Lu 11:4.", "For others. -- Jas 5:15; 1Jo 5:16.", "Encouragement to pray for -- 2Ch 7:14.", "Withheld from", "The unforgiving. -- Mr 11:26; Lu 6:37.", "The unbelieving. -- Joh 8:21,24.", "The impenitent. -- Lu 13:2-5.", "Blasphemers against the Holy Spirit. -- Mt 12:32; Mr 3:28,29.", "Apostates. -- Heb 10:26,27; 1Jo 5:16.", "Illustrated -- Lu 7:42; 15:20-24.", "Exemplified", "Israelites. -- Nu 14:20.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:13.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:13.", "Hezekiah. -- Isa 38:17.", "The Paralytic. -- Mt 9:2.", "The Penitent. -- Lu 7:47."]} +{"term": "Parents", "definitions": ["Receive their children from God -- Ge 33:5; 1Sa 1:27; Ps 127:3.", "Their duty to their children is", "To love them. -- Tit 2:4.", "To bring them to Christ. -- Mt 19:13,14.", "To train them up for God. -- Pr 22:6; Eph 6:4.", "To instruct them in God's word. -- De 4:9; 11:19; Isa 38:19.", "To tell them of God's judgments. -- Joe 1:3.", "To tell them of the miraculous works of God. -- Ex 10:2; Ps 78:4.", "To command them to obey God. -- De 32:46; 1Ch 28:9.", "To bless them. -- Ge 48:15; Heb 11:20.", "To pity them. -- Ps 103:13.", "To provide for them. -- Job 42:15; 2Co 12:14; 1Ti 5:8.", "To rule them. -- 1Ti 3:4,12.", "To correct them. -- Pr 13:24; 19:18; 23:13; 29:17; Heb 12:7.", "Not to provoke them. -- Eph 6:4; Col 3:21.", "Not to make unholy connections for them. -- Ge 24:1-4; 28:1,2.", "Wicked children, a cause of grief to -- Pr 10:1; 17:25.", "Should pray for their children", "For their spiritual welfare. -- Ge 17:18; 1Ch 29:19.", "When in temptation. -- Job 1:5.", "When in sickness. -- 2Sa 12:16; Mr 5:23; Joh 4:46,49.", "When Faithful", "Are blessed by their children. -- Pr 31:28.", "Leave a blessing to their children. -- Ps 112:2; Pr 11:21; Isa 65:23.", "Sins of, visited on their children -- Ex 20:5; Isa 14:20; La 5:7.", "Negligence of, sorely punished -- 1Sa 3:13.", "When wicked", "Instruct their children in evil. -- Jer 9:14; 1Pe 1:18.", "Set a bad example to their children. -- Eze 20:18; Am 2:4.", "Good - Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:19.", "Jacob. -- Ge 44:20,30.", "Joseph. -- Ge 48:13-20.", "Mother of Moses. -- Ex 2:2,3.", "Manoah. -- Jdj 13:8.", "Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:28.", "David. -- 2Sa 18:5,33.", "Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:19,20.", "Job. -- Job 1:5.", "Mother of Lemuel. -- Pr 31:1.", "Nobleman. -- Joh 4:49.", "Lois and Eunice. -- 2Ti 1:5.", "Bad - Exemplified", "Mother of Micah. -- Jdj 17:3.", "Eli. -- 1Sa 3:13.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 20:33.", "Athaliah. -- 2Ch 22:3.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:6.", "Herodias. -- Mr 6:24."]} +{"term": "Paschal Lamb, Typical Nature Of", "definitions": ["A type of Christ -- Ex 12:3; 1Co 5:7.", "A male of the first year -- Ex 12:5; Isa 9:6.", "Without blemish -- Ex 12:5; 1Pe 1:19.", "Taken out of the flock -- Ex 12:5; Heb 2:14,17.", "Chosen before-hand -- Ex 12:3; 1Pe 2:4.", "Shut up four days that it might be closely examined -- Ex 12:6; Joh 8:46; 18:38.", "Killed by the people -- Ex 12:6; Ac 2:23.", "Killed at the place where the Lord put his name -- De 16:2,5-7; 2Ch 35:1; Lu 13:33.", "Killed in the evening -- Ex 12:6; Mr 15:34,37.", "Its blood to be shed -- Ex 12:7; Lu 22:20.", "Blood of, sprinkled on lintel and door-posts -- Ex 12:22; Heb 9:13,14; 10:22; 1Pe 1:2.", "Blood of, not sprinkled on threshold -- Ex 12:7; Heb 10:29.", "Not a bone of, broken -- Ex 12:46; Joh 19:36.", "Not eaten raw -- Ex 12:9; 1Co 11:28,29.", "Roasted with fire -- Ex 12:8; Ps 22:14,15.", "Eaten with bitter herbs -- Ex 12:8; Zec 12:10.", "Eaten with unleavened bread -- Ex 12:39; 1Co 5:7,8; 2Co 1:12.", "Eaten in haste -- Ex 12:11; Heb 6:18.", "Eaten with the loins girt -- Ex 12:11; Lu 12:35; Eph 6:14; 1Pe 1:13.", "Eaten with staff in hand -- Ex 12:11; Ps 23:4.", "Eaten with shoes on -- Ex 12:11; Eph 6:15.", "Not taken out of the house -- Ex 12:46; Eph 3:17.", "What remained of it till morning to be burned -- Ex 12:10; Mt 7:6; Lu 11:3."]} +{"term": "Patience", "definitions": ["God, is the God of -- Ro 15:5.", "Christ, an example of -- Isa 53:7; Ac 8:32; Mt 27:14.", "Enjoined -- Tit 2:2; 2Pe 1:6.", "Should have its perfect work -- Jas 1:4.", "Trials of saints lead to -- Ro 5:3; Jas 1:3.", "Produces", "Experience. -- Ro 5:4.", "Hope. -- Ro 15:4.", "Suffering with, for well-doing, is acceptable with God -- 1Pe 2:20.", "To be exercised", "Running the race set before us. -- Heb 12:1.", "Bringing forth fruits. -- Lu 8:15.", "Well-doing. -- Ro 2:7; Ga 6:9.", "Waiting for God. -- Ps 37:7; 40:1.", "Waiting for Christ. -- 1Co 1:7; 2Th 3:5.", "Waiting for the hope of the gospel. -- Ro 8:25; Ga 5:5.", "Waiting for God's salvation. -- La 3:26.", "Bearing the yoke. -- La 3:27.", "Tribulation. -- Lu 21:19; Ro 12:12.", "Necessary to the inheritance of the promises -- Heb 6:12; 10:36.", "Exercise, towards all -- 1Th 5:14.", "They who are in authority, should exercise -- Mt 18:26; Ac 26:3.", "Ministers should follow after -- 1Ti 6:11.", "Ministers approved by -- 2Co 6:4.", "Should be accompanied by", "Godliness. -- 2Pe 1:6.", "Faith. -- 2Th 1:4; Heb 6:12; Re 13:10.", "Temperance. -- 2Pe 1:6.", "Long-suffering. -- Col 1:11.", "Joyfulness. -- Col 1:11.", "Saints strengthened to all -- Col 1:11.", "Commended -- Ec 7:8; Re 2:2,3.", "Illustrated -- Jas 5:7.", "Exemplified", "Job. -- Job 1:21; Jas 5:11.", "Simeon. -- Lu 2:25.", "Paul. -- 2Ti 3:10.", "Abraham. -- Heb 6:15.", "Prophets. -- Jas 5:10.", "John. -- Re 1:9."]} +{"term": "Patriarchal Government", "definitions": ["Vested in the heads of families -- Ge 18:19.", "Exercised in", "Training, &c their servants for war. -- Ge 14:14.", "Vindicating their wrongs. -- Ge 14:12,15,16.", "Forming treaties and alliances. -- Ge 14:13; 21:22-32; 26:28-33.", "Acting as priests. -- Ge 8:20; 12:7,8; 35:1-7; Job 1:5.", "Acting as judges. -- Ge 38:24.", "Arbitrarily disinheriting and putting away servants and children. -- Ge 21:14; 1Ch 5:1.", "Blessing and cursing their children. -- Ge 9:25,26; 27:28,29; 49:1-33.", "The authority of heads of families for, acknowledged. -- Ge 23:6."]} +{"term": "Peace", "definitions": ["God is the author of -- Ps 147:14; Isa 45:7; 1Co 14:33.", "Results from", "Heavenly wisdom. -- Jas 3:17.", "The government of Christ. -- Isa 2:4.", "Praying for rulers. -- 1Ti 2:2.", "Seeking the peace of those with whom we dwell. -- Jer 29:7.", "Necessary to the enjoyment of life -- Ps 34:12,14; 1Pe 3:10,11.", "God bestows upon those who", "Obey him. -- Le 26:6.", "Please him. -- Ps 16:7.", "Endure his chastisements. -- Job 5:17,23,24.", "Is a bond of union -- Eph 4:3.", "The fruit of righteousness should be sown in -- Jas 3:18.", "The church shall enjoy -- Ps 125:5; 128:6; Isa 2:4; Ho 2:18.", "Saints should", "Love. -- Zec 8:19.", "Seek. -- Ps 34:14; 1Pe 3:11.", "Follow. -- 2Ti 2:22.", "Follow the things which make for. -- Ro 14:19.", "Cultivate. -- Ps 120:7.", "Speak. -- Es 10:3.", "Live in. -- 2Co 13:11.", "Have, with each other. -- Mr 9:50; 1Th 5:13.", "Endeavour to have will all men. -- Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14.", "Pray for that of the church -- Ps 122:6-8.", "Exhort others to -- Ge 45:24.", "Ministers should exhort to -- 2Th 3:12.", "Advantages of -- Pr 17:1; Ec 4:6.", "Blessedness of -- Ps 133:1.", "Blessedness of promoting -- Mt 5:9.", "The wicked", "Hypocritically speak. -- Ps 28:3.", "Speak not. -- Ps 35:20.", "Enjoy not. -- Isa 48:22; Eze 7:25.", "Opposed to. -- Ps 120:7.", "Hate. -- Ps 120:6.", "Shall abound in the latter days -- Isa 2:4; 11:13; 32:18.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 13:8,9.", "Abimelech. -- Ge 26:29.", "Mordecai. -- Es 10:3.", "David. -- Ps 120:7."]} +{"term": "Peace Offerings", "definitions": ["A male or female of herd or flock -- Le 3:1,6,12.", "The offerer required", "To give it freely. -- Le 19:5.", "To bring it himself. -- Le 7:29,30.", "To lay his hand upon its head. -- Le 3:2,8,13.", "To kill it at tabernacle door. -- Le 3:2; 8:13.", "Required to be perfect and free from blemish -- Le 3:1,6; 22:21.", "The priest", "Prepared. -- Eze 46:2.", "Sprinkled the blood on the altar. -- Le 3:2,8,13.", "Offered the inside fat, &c by fire. -- Le 3:3,4,9,10.", "Laid it upon the daily burnt offering to be consumed with it. -- Le 3:5; 6:12,13.", "Waved the breast as a wave-offering. -- Ex 29:26,28; Le 7:29,30.", "Heaved the right shoulder as an heave-offering. -- Ex 29:22-27.", "Had the shoulder and breast as his portion. -- Ex 29:28; Le 7:31-34.", "An offering most acceptable. -- Le 3:5,16.", "Generally accompanied by a burnt-offering. -- Jdj 21:4; 1Sa 10:8; 1Ki 3:15.", "Often accompanied by a sin-offering. -- Le 23:19.", "Was offered", "As a thanksgiving-offering. -- Le 7:12,13.", "As a votive offering. -- Le 7:16.", "For reconciliation. -- Eze 45:15; Eph 2:13,14.", "For confirming the legal covenant. -- Ex 24:5.", "At consecration of priests. -- Ex 29:22,29.", "For the people at large. -- Le 9:4.", "At expiration of Nazarite's vow. -- Nu 6:14.", "At all the festivals. -- Nu 10:10.", "At dedication of tabernacle. -- Nu 7:17,23.", "At dedication of temple. -- 1Ki 8:62-64.", "At coronation of kings. -- 1Sa 11:15.", "By Joshua after his victories. -- Jos 8:31.", "By Israel after their defeat. -- Jdj 20:26.", "By David on bringing up the ark. -- 2Sa 6:17.", "By David after the plague. -- 2Sa 24:25.", "By Solomon three times a year. -- 1Ki 9:25.", "By Manasseh on repairing and restoring the altar. -- 2Ch 33:15,16.", "If a thanksgiving offering to be eaten the day offered -- Le 7:15.", "If a votive offering to be eaten the same day or the next -- Le 7:16,17; 19:6-8.", "To be eaten before the Lord -- De 12:17,18.", "No unclean person to eat of -- Le 7:20,21."]} +{"term": "Peace, Spiritual", "definitions": ["God is the God of -- Ro 15:33; 2Co 13:11; 1Th 5:23; Heb 13:20.", "God ordains -- Isa 26:12.", "God speaks, to his saints -- Ps 85:8.", "Christ is the Lord of -- 2Th 3:16.", "Christ is the prince of -- Isa 9:6.", "Christ gives -- 2Th 3:16.", "Christ guides into the way of -- Lu 1:79.", "Christ is our -- Eph 2:14.", "Is through the atonement of Christ -- Isa 53:5; Eph 2:14,15; Col 1:20.", "Bequeathed by Christ -- Joh 14:27.", "Preached", "By Christ. -- Eph 2:17.", "Through Christ. -- Ac 10:36.", "By ministers. -- Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15.", "Announced by angels -- Lu 2:14.", "Follows upon justification -- Ro 5:1.", "A fruit of the Spirit -- Ro 14:17; Ga 5:22.", "Divine wisdom is the way of -- Pr 3:17.", "Accompanies", "Faith. -- Ro 15:13.", "Righteousness. -- Isa 32:17.", "Acquaintance with God. -- Job 22:21.", "The love of God's law. -- Ps 119:165.", "Spiritual-mindedness. -- Ro 8:6.", "Established by covenant -- Isa 54:10; Eze 34:25; Mal 2:5.", "Promised to", "The Church. -- Isa 66:12.", "The Gentiles. -- Zec 9:10.", "Saints. -- Ps 72:3,7; Isa 55:12.", "The meek. -- Ps 37:11.", "Those who confide in God. -- Isa 26:3.", "Returning backsliders. -- Isa 57:18,19.", "We should love -- Zec 8:19.", "The benediction of ministers should be -- Nu 6:26; Lu 10:5.", "Saints", "Have in Christ. -- Joh 16:33.", "Have, with God. -- Isa 27:5; Ro 5:1.", "Enjoy. -- Ps 119:165.", "Repose in. -- Ps 4:8.", "Blessed with. -- Ps 29:11.", "Kept in perfect. -- Isa 26:3.", "Ruled by. -- Col 3:15.", "Kept by. -- Php 4:7.", "Die in. -- Ps 37:37; Lu 2:29.", "Wish, to each other. -- Ga 6:16; Php 1:2; Col 1:2; 1Th 1:1.", "Of saints", "Great. -- Ps 119:165; Isa 54:13.", "Abundant. -- Ps 72:7; Jer 33:6.", "Secure. -- Job 34:29.", "Passes all understanding. -- Php 4:7.", "Consummated after death. -- Isa 57:2.", "The gospel is good tidings of -- Ro 10:15.", "The wicked", "Know not the way of. -- Isa 57:2; Ro 3:17.", "Know not the things of. -- Lu 19:42.", "Promise, to themselves. -- De 29:19.", "Are promised, by false teachers. -- Jer 6:14.", "There is none for. -- Isa 48:22; 57:21.", "Supports under trials -- Joh 14:27; 16:33."]} +{"term": "Perfection", "definitions": ["Is of God -- Ps 18:32; 138:8.", "All saints have, in Christ -- 1Co 2:6; Php 3:15; Col 2:10.", "God's perfection the standard of -- Mt 5:48.", "Implies", "Entire devotedness. -- Mt 19:21.", "Purity and holiness in speech. -- Jas 3:2.", "Saints commanded to aim at -- Ge 17:1; De 18:13.", "Saints claim not -- Job 9:20; Php 3:12.", "Saints follow after -- Pr 4:18; Php 3:12.", "Ministers appointed to lead saints to -- Eph 4:12; Col 1:28.", "Exhortation to -- 2Co 7:1; 13:11.", "Impossibility of attaining to -- 2Ch 6:36; Ps 119:96.", "The word of God is", "The rule of. -- Jas 1:25.", "Designed to lead us to. -- 2Ti 3:16,17.", "Charity is the bond of -- Col 3:14.", "Patience leads to -- Jas 1:4.", "Pray for -- Heb 13:20,21; 1Pe 5:10.", "The Church shall attain to -- Joh 17:23; Eph 4:13.", "Blessedness of -- Ps 37:37; Pr 2:21."]} +{"term": "Persecution", "definitions": ["Christ suffered -- Ps 69:26; Joh 5:16.", "Christ voluntarily submitted to -- Isa 50:6.", "Christ was patient under -- Isa 53:7.", "Saints may expect -- Mr 10:30; Lu 21:12; Joh 15:20.", "Saints suffer, for the sake of God -- Jer 15:15.", "Of saints, is a persecution of Christ -- Zec 2:8; Ac 9:4,5.", "All that live godly in Christ, shall suffer -- 2Ti 3:12.", "Originates", "Ignorance of God and Christ. -- Joh 16:3.", "Hated to God and Christ. -- Joh 15:20,24.", "Hatred to the gospel. -- Mt 13:21.", "Pride. -- Ps 10:2.", "Mistaken zeal. -- Ac 13:50; 26:9-11.", "Is inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel -- Mt 26:52.", "Men by nature addicted to -- Ga 4:29.", "Preacher of the gospel subject to -- Ga 5:11.", "Is sometimes to death -- Ac 22:4.", "God forsakes not his saints under -- 2Co 4:9.", "God delivers out of -- Da 3:25,28; 2Co 1:10; 2Ti 3:11.", "Cannot separated from Christ -- Ro 8:35.", "Lawful means may be used to escape -- Mt 2:13; 10:23; 12:14,15.", "Saints suffering, should", "Commit themselves to God. -- 1Pe 4:19.", "Exhibit patience. -- 1Co 4:12.", "Rejoice. -- Mt 5:12; 1Pe 4:13.", "Glorify God. -- 1Pe 4:16.", "Pray for deliverance. -- Ps 7:1; 119:86.", "Pray for those who inflict. -- Mt 5:44.", "Return blessing for. -- Ro 12:14.", "The hope of future blessedness supports under -- 1Co 15:19,32; Heb 10:34,35.", "Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake -- Mt 5:10; Lu 6:22.", "Pray for those suffering -- 2Th 3:2.", "Hypocrites cannot endure -- Mt 4:17.", "False teachers shrink from -- Ga 6:12.", "The wicked", "Addicted to. -- Ps 10:2; 69:26.", "Active in. -- Ps 143:3; La 4:19.", "Encourage each other in. -- Ps 71:11.", "Rejoice in its success. -- Ps 13:4; Re 11:10.", "Punishment for. -- Ps 7:13; 2Th 1:6.", "Illustrated. -- Mt 21:33-39.", "Spirit of -- Exemplified", "Pharaoh &c. -- Ex 1:8-14.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 26:18.", "Jezebel. -- 1Ki 19:2.", "Zedekiah &c. -- Jer 38:4-6.", "Chaldeans. -- Da 3:8-30.", "Pharisees. -- Mt 12:14.", "Jews. -- Joh 5:16; 1Th 2:15.", "Herod. -- Ac 12:1.", "Gentiles. -- Ac 14:5.", "Paul. -- Php 3:6; 1Ti 1:13.", "Suffering of -- Exemplified", "Micaiah. -- 1Ki 22:27.", "David. -- Ps 119:161.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 32:2.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:5-17.", "Peter &c. -- Ac 4:3.", "Apostles. -- Ac 5:18.", "The Prophets. -- Ac 7:52.", "The Church. -- Ac 8:1.", "Paul and Barnabas. -- Ac 13:50.", "Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:23.", "Hebrews. -- Heb 10:33.", "Saints of old. -- Heb 11:36."]} +{"term": "Perseverance", "definitions": ["An evidence of reconciliation with God -- Col 1:21-23.", "An evidence of belonging to Christ -- Joh 8:31; Heb 3:6,14.", "A characteristic of saints -- Pr 4:18.", "To be manifested in", "Seeking God. -- 1Ch 16:11.", "Waiting upon god. -- Ho 12:6.", "Prayer. -- Ro 12:12; Eph 6:18.", "Well-doing. -- Ro 2:7; 2Th 3:13.", "Continuing in the faith. -- Ac 14:22; Col 1:23; 2Ti 4:7.", "Holding fast hope. -- Heb 3:6.", "Maintained through", "The power of God. -- Ps 37:24; Php 1:6.", "The power of Christ. -- Joh 10:28.", "The intercession of Christ. -- Lu 22:31,32; Joh 17:11.", "The fear of God. -- Jer 32:40.", "Faith. -- 1Pe 1:5.", "Promised to saints -- Job 17:9.", "Leads to increase of knowledge -- Joh 8:31,32.", "IN WELL-DOING", "Leads to assurance of hope. -- Heb 6:10,11.", "Is not in vain. -- 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:9.", "Ministers should exhort to -- Ac 13:43; 14:22.", "Encouragement to -- Heb 12:2,3.", "Promises to -- Mt 10:22; 24:13; Re 2:26-28.", "Blessedness of -- Jas 1:25.", "Want of", "Excludes from the benefits of the gospel. -- Heb 6:4-6.", "Punished. -- Joh 15:6; Ro 11:22.", "Illustrated. -- Mr 4:5,17."]} +{"term": "Pharisees, The", "definitions": ["A sect of the Jews -- Ac 15:5.", "The strictest observers of the Mosaic ritual -- Ac 26:5.", "By descent, especially esteemed -- Ac 23:6.", "Character of", "Zealous of the law. -- Ac 15:5; Php 3:5.", "Zealous of tradition. -- Mr 7:3,5-8; Ga 1:14.", "Outwardly moral. -- Lu 18:11; Php 3:5,6.", "Rigid in fasting. -- Lu 5:33; 18:12.", "Active in proselytising. -- Mt 23:15.", "Self-righteous. -- Lu 16:15; 18:9.", "Avaricious. -- Mt 23:14; Lu 16:14.", "Ambitious of precedence. -- Mt 23:6.", "Fond of public salutations. -- Mt 23:7.", "Fond of distinguished titles. -- Mt 23:7-10.", "Particular in paying all dues. -- Mt 23:23.", "Oppressive. -- Mt 23:4.", "Cruel in persecuting. -- Ac 9:1,2.", "Believed in the resurrection &c -- Ac 23:8.", "Made broad their phylacteries -- Mt 23:5.", "Their opinions, a standard for others -- Joh 7:48.", "Many priest and Levites were of -- Joh 1:19,24.", "Many rulers, lawyers, and scribes were of -- Joh 3:1; Ac 5:34; 23:9.", "Had disciples -- Lu 5:33; Ac 22:3.", "Some came to John for baptism -- Mt 3:7.", "As a body, rejected John's baptism -- Lu 7:30.", "Christ", "Often invited by. -- Lu 7:36; 11:37.", "Condemned by, for associating with sinners. -- Mt 9:11; Lu 7:39; 15:1,2.", "Asked for signs by. -- Mt 12:38; 16:1.", "Tempted by, with questions about the law. -- Mt 19:3; 22:15,16,35.", "Watched by, for evil. -- Lu 6:7.", "Offended, by his doctrine. -- Mt 15:12; 21:45; Lu 16:14.", "Declared the imaginary righteousness of, to be insufficient for salvation. -- Mt 5:20.", "Declared the doctrines of, to be hypocrisy. -- Mt 16:6,11,12; Lu 12:1.", "Denounced woes against. -- Mt 23:13-33.", "Called, and evil and adulterous generation. -- Mt 12:39.", "Called, serpents and generation of vipers. -- Mt 23:33.", "Called fools and blind guides. -- Mt 23:17,24.", "Compared, to whited sepulchres. -- Mt 23:27.", "Compared, to graves that appear not. -- Lu 11:44.", "Left Judea for a time on account of. -- Joh 4:1-3.", "Imputed Christ's miracles to Satan's power -- Mt 9:34; 12:24.", "Sent officers to apprehend Christ -- Joh 7:32,45.", "Often sought to destroy Christ -- Mt 12:14; 21:46; Joh 11:47,53,57."]} +{"term": "Philistines", "definitions": ["Descended from Casluhim -- Ge 10:13,14.", "Originally dwelt in the land of Caphtor -- Jer 47:4; Am 9:7.", "Conquered the Avims and took from them the west coast of Canaan -- De 2:23.", "Called", "The Caphtorims. -- De 2:23.", "The Cherethites. -- 1Sa 30:14; Zep 2:5.", "Country of", "Called Philistia. -- Ps 87:4; 108:9.", "Divided into five sates of lordships. -- Jos 13:3; Jdj 3:3; 1Sa 6:16.", "Had many flourishing cities. -- 1Sa 6:17.", "Given by God to the Israelites. -- Jos 13:2,3; 15:45,47.", "Were a great people and governed by kings in the patriarchal age -- Ge 21:22,34; 26:8.", "Character of", "Proud. -- Zec 9:6.", "Idolatrous. -- Jdj 16:23; 1Sa 5:2.", "Superstitious. -- Isa 2:6.", "Warlike. -- 1Sa 17:1; 28:1.", "Men of great strength and stature amongst -- 1Sa 17:4-7; 2Sa 21:16,18-20.", "Some of, left to prove Israel -- Jdj 3:1-3.", "Always confederated with the enemies of Israel -- Ps 83:7; Isa 9:11,12.", "Shamgar slew six hundred of, and delivered Israel -- Jdj 3:31.", "Oppressed Israel after the death of Jair for eighteen years -- Jdj 10:7,8.", "Oppressed Israel after the death of Abdon forty years -- Jdj 13:1.", "Samson", "Promised as a deliverer from. -- Jdj 13:5.", "Intermarried with. -- Jdj 14:1,10.", "Slew thirty, near Askelon. -- Jdj 14:19.", "Burned vineyards &c of. -- Jdj 15:3-5.", "Slew many for burning his wife. -- Jdj 15:7,8.", "Slew a thousand with the jawbone of an ass. -- Jdj 15:15,16.", "Blinded and imprisoned by. -- Jdj 16:21.", "Pulled down the house of Dagon and destroyed immense numbers of. -- Jdj 16:29,30.", "Defeated Israel at Ebenezer -- 1Sa 4:1,2.", "Defeated Israel and took the ark -- 1Sa 4:3-11.", "Put the ark into Dagon's house -- 1Sa 5:1-4.", "Plagued for retaining the ark -- 1Sa 5:6-12.", "Sent back the ark and were healed -- 1Sa 6:1-18.", "Miraculously routed at Mizpeh -- 1Sa 7:7-14.", "Jonathan smote a garrison of, at Geba and provoked them -- 1Sa 13:3,4.", "Invaded the land of Israel with a great army -- 1Sa 13:5,17-23.", "Jonathan and his armour-bearer smote a garrison of, at the passages -- 1Sa 14:1-14.", "Miraculously discomfited -- 1Sa 14:15-23.", "Saul constantly at war with -- 1Sa 14:52.", "Defied Israel by their champion -- 1Sa 17:4-10.", "Defeated Israel at Ephesdammim and pursued to Ekron -- 1Sa 17:1,52.", "David", "Slew Goliath the champion of. -- 1Sa 17:40-50.", "Procured Saul's daughter for and hundred foreskins of. -- 1Sa 18:25-27.", "Often defeated during Saul's reign. -- 1Sa 19:8; 23:1-5.", "Fled to, for safety. -- 1Sa 27:1-7.", "Gained the confidence of Achish king of. -- 1Sa 28:2; 29:9.", "Distrusted by. -- 1Sa 29:2-7.", "Often defeated in the course of his reign. -- 2Sa 5:17-23; 8:1; 21:15-22; 23:8-12.", "Had a guard composed of. -- 2Sa 8:18; Eze 25:16; Zep 2:5.", "Gathered all their armies to Aphek against Israel -- 1Sa 28:1; 29:1.", "Ziklag a town of, taken and plundered by the Amalekites -- 1Sa 30:1,2,16.", "Israel defeated by, and Saul slain -- 1Sa 31:1-10.", "Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab -- 1Ki 15:27.", "Sent by God against Jehoram -- 2Ch 21:16,17.", "Defeated by Uzziah -- 2Ch 26:6,7.", "Distressed Judah under Ahaz -- 2Ch 28:18,19.", "Defeated by Hezekiah -- 2Ki 18:8.", "Israel condemned for imitating -- Jdj 10:6; Am 6:2; 9:7.", "Prophecies respecting", "Union with Syria against Israel. -- Isa 9:11,12.", "Punishment with other nations. -- Jer 25:20.", "Dismay at ruin of Tyre. -- Zec 9:3,5.", "Base men to be their rulers. -- Zec 9:6.", "Hatred and revenge against Israel to be fully recompensed. -- Eze 25:15-17; Am 1:6-8.", "Utter destruction by Pharaoh king of Egypt. -- Jer 47:1-4; Zep 2:5,6.", "Destruction and desolation of their cities. -- Jer 47:5; Zep 2:4.", "Their country to be a future possession to Israel. -- Ob 1:19; Zep 2:7.", "To help in Israel's restoration. -- Isa 11:14."]} +{"term": "Pilgrims and Strangers", "definitions": ["Described -- Joh 17:16.", "Saints are called to be -- Ge 12:1; Ac 7:3; Lu 14:26,27,33.", "All saints are -- Ps 39:12; 1Pe 1:1.", "Saints confess themselves -- 1Ch 29:15; Ps 39:12; 119:19; Heb 11:13.", "As saints they", "Have the example of Christ. -- Lu 9:58.", "Are strengthened by God. -- De 33:25; Ps 84:6,7.", "Are actuated by faith. -- Heb 11:9.", "Have their faces toward Zion. -- Jer 50:5.", "Keep the promised in view. -- Heb 11:13.", "Forsake all for Christ. -- Mt 19:27.", "Look for a heavenly country. -- Heb 11:16.", "Look for a heavenly city. -- Heb 11:10.", "Pass their sojourning in fear. -- 1Pe 1:17.", "Rejoice in the statutes of God. -- Ps 119:54.", "Pray for direction. -- Ps 43:3; Jer 50:5.", "Have a heavenly conversation. -- Php 3:20.", "Hate worldly fellowship. -- Ps 120:5,6.", "Are not mindful of this world. -- Heb 11:15.", "Are not at home in this world. -- Heb 11:9.", "Shine as lights in the world. -- Php 2:15.", "Invite others to go with them. -- Nu 10:29.", "Are exposed to persecution. -- Ps 120:5-7; Joh 17:14.", "Should abstain from fleshly lusts. -- 1Pe 2:11.", "Should have their treasure in heaven. -- Mt 6:19; Lu 12:33; Col 3:1,2.", "Should not be over anxious about worldly things. -- Mt 6:25.", "Long for their pilgrimage to end. -- Ps 55:6; 2Co 5:1-8.", "Die in faith. -- Heb 11:13.", "The world is not worthy of. -- Heb 11:38.", "God is not ashamed to be called their God -- Heb 11:16.", "Typified", "Israel. -- Ex 6:4; 12:11.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 23:4; Ac 7:4,5.", "Jacob. -- Ge 47:9.", "Saints of old. -- 1Ch 29:15; Heb 11:13,38.", "David. -- Ps 39:12.", "The Apostles. -- Mt 19:27."]} +{"term": "Pillars", "definitions": ["The supports of a building -- Jdj 16:29.", "Things raised up as memorials -- Ge 31:51.", "Made of", "Marble. -- Es 1:6.", "Wood. -- 1Ki 10:12.", "Iron. -- Jer 1:18.", "Brass. -- 1Ki 7:15.", "Silver. -- Song 3:10.", "The vail and hangings of the tabernacle supported by -- Ex 26:32,37; 36:36,38.", "Two, placed in the temple porch -- 1Ki 7:15-21.", "Of memorial", "Sometimes of a single stone. -- Ge 28:18.", "Sometimes of a heap of stones. -- Jos 4:8,9,20.", "To witness vows. -- Ge 28:18; 31:13.", "To witness covenants. -- Ge 31:52.", "To mark the graves of the dead. -- Ge 35:20.", "To commemorate remarkable events. -- Ex 24:4; Jos 4:20,24.", "To perpetuate names. -- 2Sa 18:18.", "In honour of idols. -- Le 26:1; De 7:5.", "Often anointed. -- Ge 28:18; 31:13.", "Often had inscriptions. -- Job 19:24.", "The divine glory appeared to Israel in the form of -- Ex 13:21,22; Nu 12:5.", "Lot's wife became a pillar of salt -- Ge 19:26.", "Illustrative of", "Stability of the heavens. -- Job 26:11.", "Stability of the earth. -- 1Sa 2:8; Ps 75:3.", "The church. -- 1Ti 3:15.", "Stability of Christ. -- Song 5:15; Re 10:1.", "Ministers. -- Jer 1:18; Ga 2:9.", "Saints who overcome in Christ. -- Re 3:12."]} +{"term": "Plague or Pestilence, The", "definitions": ["Inflicted by God -- Eze 14:19; Hab 3:5.", "One of God's four sore judgments -- Eze 14:21.", "Described as noisome -- Ps 9:13.", "Israel threatened with, as a punishment for disobedience -- Le 26:24,25; De 28:21.", "Desolating effects of -- Ps 91:7; Jer 16:6,7; Am 6:9,10.", "Equally fatal day and night -- Ps 91:5,6.", "Fatal to man and beast -- Ps 78:50; Jer 21:6.", "Sent upon", "The Egyptians. -- Ex 12:29,30.", "Israel for making golden calf. -- Ex 32:35.", "Israel for despising manna. -- Nu 11:33.", "Israel for murmuring at destruction of Korah. -- Nu 16:46-50.", "Israel for worshipping Baal-peor. -- Nu 25:18.", "David's subjects for his numbering the people. -- 2Sa 24:15.", "Often broke out suddenly -- Ps 106:29.", "Often followed war and famine -- Jer 27:13; 28:8; 29:17,18.", "Egypt often afflicted with -- Jer 42:17; Am 4:10.", "Specially fatal in cities -- Le 26:25; Jer 21:6,9.", "Was attributed to a destroying angel -- Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16.", "The Jews sought deliverance from, by prayer -- 1Ki 8:37,38; 2Ch 20:9.", "Predicted to happen before destruction of Jerusalem -- Mt 24:7; Lu 21:11.", "Illustrative of", "God's judgments upon the apostasy. -- Re 18:4,8.", "The diseased state of man's heart. -- 1Ki 8:38."]} +{"term": "Ploughing", "definitions": ["The breaking up or tilling of the earth -- Jer 4:3; Ho 10:12.", "Noah the supposed inventor of -- Ge 5:29.", "Performed", "By a plough. -- Lu 9:62.", "With oxen. -- 1Sa 14:14; Job 1:14.", "During the cold winter season. -- Pr 20:4.", "In long and straight furrows. -- Ps 129:3.", "Generally by servants. -- Isa 61:5; Lu 17:7.", "Sometimes by the owner of the land himself. -- 1Ki 19:19.", "With an ox and an ass yoked together forbidden to the Jews -- De 22:10.", "Difficulty of, on rocky ground -- Am 6:12.", "Followed by harrowing and sowing -- Isa 28:24,25.", "Illustrative", "Of repentance and reformation. -- Jer 4:3.", "Of peace and prosperity. -- Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3.", "Of a severe course of affliction. -- Ho 10:11.", "Of a course of sin. -- Job 4:8; Ho 10:13.", "Of the labour ministers. -- 1Co 9:10.", "(Attention and constancy required in,) of continued devotedness. -- Lu 9:62."]} +{"term": "Pomegranate Tree, The", "definitions": ["Egypt abounded with -- Nu 20:5.", "Canaan abounded with -- Nu 13:23; De 8:8.", "The Jews", "Cultivated, in orchards. -- Song 4:13.", "Often dwelt under shade of. -- 1Sa 14:2.", "Drank the juice of. -- Song 8:2.", "The blasting of, a great calamity -- Joe 1:12.", "God's favour exhibited, in making fruitful -- Hag 2:19.", "Representations of its fruit", "On the high priest's robe. -- Ex 39:24-26.", "On the pillars of the temple. -- 1Ki 7:18.", "Illustrative", "Of saints. -- Song 6:11; 7:12.", "(An orchard of,) of the church. -- Song 4:13.", "(Fruit of,) of the graces of the church. -- Song 4:3; 6:7."]} +{"term": "Pools and Ponds", "definitions": ["Made by God -- Isa 35:7.", "Made by man -- Isa 19:10.", "Artificial, designed for", "Supplying cities with water. -- 2Ki 20:20.", "Supplying gardens with water. -- Ec 2:6.", "Preserving fish. -- Isa 19:10.", "Water of, brought into the city by a ditch or conduit -- Isa 22:11; 2Ki 20:20.", "Filled by the rain -- Ps 84:6.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Bethesda. -- Joh 5:2.", "Gibeon. -- 2Sa 2:13.", "Hebron. -- 2Sa 4:12.", "Samaria. -- 1Ki 22:38.", "Siloam. -- Joh 9:7.", "The upper pool. -- 2Ki 18:17; Isa 7:3.", "The lower pool. -- Isa 22:9.", "The king's pool. -- Ne 2:14.", "The old pool. -- Isa 22:11.", "The land of Egypt abounded in -- Ex 7:19.", "Illustrative", "Of Nineveh. -- Na 2:8.", "(In the wilderness,) of the gifts of the Spirit. -- Isa 35:7; 41:18.", "(Turning cities into,) of great desolation. -- Isa 14:23."]} +{"term": "Poor, The", "definitions": ["Made by God -- Job 34:19; Pr 22:2.", "Are such by God's appointment -- 1Sa 2:7; Job 1:21.", "Condition of, often results from", "Sloth. -- Pr 20:13.", "Bad company. -- Pr 28:19.", "Drunkenness and gluttony. -- Pr 23:21.", "God", "Regards equally with the rich. -- Job 34:19.", "Forgets not. -- Ps 9:18.", "Hears. -- Ps 69:33; Isa 41:17.", "Maintains the right of. -- Ps 140:12.", "Delivers. -- Job 36:15; Ps 35:10.", "Protects. -- Ps 12:5; 109:31.", "Exalts. -- 1Sa 2:8; Ps 107:41.", "Provides for. -- Ps 68:10; 146:7.", "Despises no the prayer of. -- Ps 102:17.", "Is the refuge of. -- Ps 14:6.", "Shall never cease out of the land -- De 15:11; Zep 3:12; Mt 26:11.", "May be", "Rich in faith. -- Jas 2:5.", "Liberal. -- Mr 12:42; 2Co 9:12.", "Wise. -- Pr 28:11.", "Upright. -- Pr 19:1.", "Christ lived as one of -- Mt 8:20.", "Christ preached to -- Lu 4:18.", "Christ delivers -- Ps 72:12.", "Offerings of, acceptable to God -- Mr 12:42-44; 2Co 8:2,12.", "Should", "Rejoice in God. -- Isa 29:19.", "Hope in God. -- Job 5:16.", "Commit themselves to God. -- Ps 10:14.", "When converted, rejoice in their exaltation. -- Jas 1:9.", "Provided for under the Law. -- Ex 23:11; Le 19:9,10.", "Neglect towards is", "A neglect of Christ. -- Mt 25:42-45.", "Inconsistent with love to God. -- 1Jo 3:17.", "A proof of unbelief. -- Jas 2:15-17.", "Rob not -- Pr 22:22.", "Wrong not in judgment -- Ex 23:6.", "Take no usury from -- Le 25:36.", "Harden not the heart against -- De 15:7.", "Shut not the hand against -- De 15:7.", "Rule not, with vigour -- Le 25:39,43.", "Oppress not -- De 24:14; Zec 7:10.", "Despise not -- Pr 14:21; Jas 2:2-4.", "Relive -- Le 25:35; Mt 19:21.", "Defend -- Ps 82:3,4.", "Do justice to -- Ps 82:3; Jer 22:3,16.", "A care for", "Is characteristic of saints. -- Ps 112:9; 2Co 9:9; Pr 29:7.", "Is a fruit of repentance. -- Lu 3:11.", "Should be urged. -- 2Co 8:7,8; Ga 2:10.", "Give to", "Not grudgingly. -- De 15:10; 2Co 9:7.", "Liberally. -- De 14:29; 15:8,11.", "Cheerfully. -- 2Co 8:12; 9:7.", "Without ostentation. -- Mt 6:1.", "Specially if saints. -- Ro 12:13; Ga 6:10.", "Pray for. -- Ps 74:19,21.", "They who in faith, believe", "Are happy. -- Pr 14:21.", "Are blessed. -- De 15:10; Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Ac 20:35.", "Have the favour of God. -- Heb 13:16.", "Have promises. -- Pr 28:27; Lu 14:13,14.", "By oppressing, God is reproached -- Pr 14:31.", "By mocking, God is reproached -- Pr 17:5.", "The wicked", "Care not for. -- Joh 12:6.", "Oppress. -- Job 24:4-10; Eze 18:12.", "Vex. -- Eze 22:20.", "Regard not the cause of. -- Pr 29:7.", "Sell. -- Am 2:6.", "Crush. -- Am 4:1.", "Tread down. -- Am 5:11.", "Grind the faces of. -- Isa 3:15.", "Devour. -- Hab 3:14.", "Persecute. -- Ps 10:2.", "Defraud. -- Am 8:5,6.", "Despise the counsel of. -- Ps 14:6.", "Guilt of defrauding -- Jas 5:4.", "Punishment for", "Oppressing. -- Pr 22:16; Eze 22:29,31.", "Spoiling. -- Isa 3:13-15; Eze 18:13.", "Refusing to assist. -- Job 22:7,10; Pr 21:13.", "Acting unjustly towards. -- Job 20:19,29; 22:6,10; Isa 10:1-3; Am 5:11,12.", "Oppression of -- Illustrated -- 2Sa 12:1-6.", "Care for -- Illustrated -- Lu 10:33-35.", "Exemplified", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:15.", "Ruth. -- Ru 2:2.", "Widow of Zarephath. -- 1Ki 17:12.", "Prophet's widow. -- 2Ki 4:2.", "Saints of old. -- Heb 11:37.", "Regard for -- Exemplified", "Boaz. -- Ru 2:14.", "Job. -- Job 29:12-16.", "Nebuzaradan. -- Jer 39:10.", "Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:8.", "Peter and John. -- Ac 3:6.", "Dorcas. -- Ac 9:36,39.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.", "Church at Antioch. -- Ac 11:29,30.", "Paul. -- Ro 15:25.", "Churches of Macedonia and Achaia. -- Ro 15:26; 2Co 8:1-5."]} +{"term": "Power of Christ, The", "definitions": ["As the Son of God, is the power of God -- Joh 5:17-19; 10:28-30.", "As man, is from the Father -- Ac 10:38.", "Described as", "Supreme. -- Eph 1:20,21; 1Pe 3:22.", "Unlimited. -- Mt 28:18.", "Over all flesh. -- Joh 17:2.", "Over all things. -- Joh 3:35; Eph 1:22.", "Glorious. -- 2Th 1:9.", "Everlasting. -- 1Ti 6:16.", "Is able to subdue all things -- Php 3:21.", "Exhibited in", "Creation. -- Joh 1:3,10; Col 1:16.", "Upholding all things. -- Col 1:17; Heb 1:3.", "Salvation. -- Isa 63:1; Heb 7:25.", "His teaching. -- Mt 7:28,29; Lu 4:32.", "Working miracles. -- Mt 8:27; Lu 5:17.", "Enabling others to work miracles. -- Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17,18; Lu 10:17.", "Forgiving sins. -- Mt 9:6; Ac 5:31.", "Giving spiritual life. -- Joh 5:21,25,26.", "Giving eternal life. -- Joh 17:2.", "Raising the dead. -- Joh 5:28,29.", "Raising himself from the dead. -- Joh 2:19-21; 10:18.", "Overcoming the world. -- Joh 16:33.", "Overcoming Satan. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14.", "Destroying the works of Satan. -- 1Jo 3:8.", "Ministers should make known -- 2Pe 1:16.", "Saints", "Made willingly by. -- Ps 110:3.", "Helped by. -- Heb 2:18.", "Strengthened by. -- Php 4:13; 2Ti 4:17.", "Preserved by. -- 2Ti 1:12; 4:18.", "Bodies of, shall be changed by. -- Php 3:21.", "Rests upon saints -- 2Co 12:9.", "Present in the assembly of saints -- 1Co 5:4.", "Shall be specially manifested at his second coming -- Mr 13:26; 2Pe 1:16.", "Shall subdue all power -- 1Co 15:24.", "The wicked shall be destroyed by -- Ps 2:9; Isa 11:4; 63:3; 2Th 1:9."]} +{"term": "Power of God, The", "definitions": ["Is one of his attributes -- Ps 62:11.", "Expressed by the", "Voice of God. -- Ps 29:3,5; 68:33.", "Finger of God. -- Ex 8:19; Ps 8:3.", "Hand of God. -- Ex 9:3,15; Isa 48:13.", "Arm of God. -- Job 40:9; Isa 52:10.", "Thunder of his power. -- Job 26:14.", "Described as", "Great. -- Ps 79:11; Na 1:3.", "Strong. -- Ps 89:13; 136:12.", "Glorious. -- Ex 15:6; Isa 63:12.", "Mighty. -- Job 9:4; Ps 89:13.", "Everlasting. -- Isa 26:4; Ro 1:20.", "Sovereign. -- Ro 9:21.", "Effectual. -- Isa 43:13; Eph 3:7.", "Irresistible. -- De 32:39; Da 4:35.", "Incomparable. -- Ex 15:11,12; De 3:24; Job 40:9; Ps 89:8.", "Unsearchable. -- Job 5:9; 9:10.", "Incomprehensible. -- Job 26:14; Ec 3:11.", "All things possible to -- Mt 19:26.", "Nothing too hard for -- Ge 18:14; Jer 32:27.", "Can save by many or by few -- 1Sa 14:6.", "Is the source of all strength -- 1Ch 29:12; Ps 68:35.", "Exhibited in", "Creation. -- Ps 102:25; Jer 10:12.", "Establishing and governing all things. -- Ps 65:6; 66:7.", "The miracles of Christ. -- Lu 11:20.", "The resurrection of Christ. -- 2Co 13:4; Col 2:12.", "The resurrection of saints. -- 1Co 6:14.", "Making the gospel effectual. -- Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18,24.", "Delivering his people. -- Ps 106:8.", "The destruction of the wicked. -- Ex 9:16; Ro 9:22.", "Saints", "Long for exhibitions. -- Ps 63:1,2.", "Have confidence in. -- Jer 20:11.", "Receive increase of grace by. -- 2Co 9:8.", "Strengthened by. -- Eph 6:10; Col 1:11.", "Upheld by. -- Ps 37:17; Isa 41:10.", "Supported in affliction by. -- 2Co 6:7; 2Ti 1:8.", "Delivered by. -- Ne 1:10; Da 3:17.", "Exalted by. -- Job 36:22.", "Kept by, to salvation. -- 1Pe 1:5.", "Exerted in behalf of saints -- 2Ch 16:9.", "Works in, and for saints -- 2Co 13:4; Eph 1:19; 3:20.", "The faith of saints stands in -- 1Co 2:5.", "Should be", "Acknowledged. -- 1Ch 29:11; Isa 33:13.", "Pleaded in prayer. -- Ps 79:11; Mt 6:13.", "Feared. -- Jer 5:22; Mt 10:28.", "Magnified. -- Ps 21:13; Jude 1:25.", "Efficiency of ministers is through -- 1Co 3:6-8; Ga 2:8; Eph 3:7.", "Is a ground of trust -- Isa 26:4; Ro 4:21.", "The wicked", "Know not. -- Mt 22:29.", "Have against them. -- Ezr 8:22.", "Shall be destroyed by. -- Lu 12:5.", "The heavenly host magnify -- Re 4:11; 5:13; 11:17."]} +{"term": "Power of the Holy Spirit, The", "definitions": ["Is the power of God -- Mt 12:28; Lu 11:20.", "Christ commenced his ministry in -- Lu 4:14.", "Christ wrought his miracles by -- Mt 12:28.", "Exhibited in", "Creation. -- Ge 1:2; Job 26:13; Ps 104:30.", "The conception of Christ. -- Lu 1:35.", "Raising Christ from the dead. -- 1Pe 3:18.", "Giving spiritual life. -- Eze 37:11-14; Ro 8:11.", "Working miracles. -- Ro 15:19.", "Making the gospel efficacious. -- 1Co 2:4; 1Th 1:5.", "Overcoming all difficulties. -- Zec 4:6,7.", "Promised by the Father. -- Lu 24:49.", "Promised by Christ. -- Ac 1:8.", "Saints", "Upheld by. -- Ps 51:12.", "Strengthened by. -- Eph 3:16.", "Enable to speak the truth boldly by. -- Mic 3:8; Ac 6:5,10; 2Ti 1:7,8.", "Helped in prayer by. -- Ro 8:26.", "Abound in hope by. -- Ro 15:13.", "Qualifies ministers -- Lu 24:49; Ac 1:8.", "God's word the instrument of -- Eph 6:17."]} +{"term": "Praise", "definitions": ["God is worthy of -- 2Sa 22:4.", "Christ is worthy of -- Re 5:12.", "God is glorified by -- Ps 22:23; 50:23.", "Offered to Christ -- Joh 12:13.", "Acceptable through Christ -- Heb 13:15.", "Is due to God on account of", "His majesty. -- Ps 96:1,6; Isa 24:14.", "His glory. -- Ps 138:5; Eze 3:12.", "His excellency. -- Ex 15:7; Ps 148:13.", "His greatness. -- 1Ch 16:25; Ps 145:3.", "His holiness. -- Ex 15:11; Isa 6:3.", "His wisdom. -- Da 2:20; Jude 1:25.", "His power. -- Ps 21:13.", "His goodness. -- Ps 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11.", "His mercy. -- 2Ch 20:21; Ps 89:1; 118:1-4; 136:1-26.", "His loving-kindness and truth. -- Ps 138:2.", "His faithfulness and truth. -- Isa 25:1.", "His salvation. -- Ps 18:46; Isa 35:10; 61:10; Lu 1:68,69.", "His wonderful works. -- Ps 89:5; 150:2; Isa 25:1.", "His consolation. -- Ps 42:5; Isa 12:1.", "His judgment. -- Ps 101:1.", "His counsel. -- Ps 16:7; Jer 32:19.", "Fulfilling of his promises. -- 1Ki 8:56.", "Pardon of sin. -- Ps 103:1-3; Ho 14:2.", "Spiritual health. -- Ps 103:3.", "Constant preservation. -- Ps 71:6-8.", "Deliverance. -- Ps 40:1-3; 124:6.", "Protection. -- Ps 28:7; 59:17.", "Answering prayer. -- Ps 28:6; 118:21.", "The hope of glory. -- 1Pe 1:3,4.", "All spiritual blessings. -- Ps 103:2; Eph 1:3.", "All temporal blessings. -- Ps 104:1,14; 136:25.", "The continuance of blessings. -- Ps 68:19.", "Is obligatory upon", "Angels. -- Ps 103:20; 148:2.", "Saints. -- Ps 30:4; 149:5.", "Gentiles. -- Ps 117:1; Ro 15:11.", "Children. -- Ps 8:2; Mt 21:16.", "High and low. -- Ps 148:1,11.", "Young and old. -- Ps 148:1,12.", "Small and great. -- Re 19:5.", "All men. -- Ps 107:8; 145:21.", "All creation. -- Ps 148:1-10; 150:6.", "Is good and comely -- Ps 33:1; 147:1.", "Should be offered", "With the understanding. -- Ps 47:7; 1Co 14:15.", "With the soul. -- Ps 103:1; 104:1,35.", "With the whole heart. -- Ps 9:1; 111:1; 138:1.", "With uprightness of heart. -- Ps 119:7.", "With the lips. -- Ps 63:3; 119:171.", "With the mouth. -- Ps 51:15; 63:5.", "With joy. -- Ps 63:5; 98:4.", "With gladness. -- 2Ch 29:30; Jer 33:11.", "With thankfulness. -- 1Ch 16:4; Ne 12:24; Ps 147:7.", "Continually. -- Ps 35:28; 71:6.", "During life. -- Ps 104:33.", "More and more. -- Ps 71:14.", "Day and night. -- Re 4:8.", "Day by day. -- 2Ch 30:21.", "For ever and ever. -- Ps 145:1,2.", "Throughout the world. -- Ps 113:3.", "In psalms and hymns &c. -- Ps 105:2; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16.", "Accompanied with musical instruments -- 1Ch 16:41,42; Ps 150:3,5.", "Is a part of public worship -- Ps 9:14; 100:4; 118:19,20; Heb 2:12.", "Saints should", "Show forth. -- Isa 43:21; 1Pe 2:9.", "Be endued with the spirit of. -- Isa 61:3.", "Render, under affliction. -- Ac 16:25.", "Glory in. -- 1Ch 16:35.", "Triumph in. -- Ps 106:47.", "Express their joy by. -- Jas 5:13.", "Declare. -- Isa 42:12.", "Invite others to. -- Ps 34:3; 95:1.", "Pray for ability to offer. -- Ps 51:15; 119:175.", "Posture suited to. -- 1Ch 23:30; Ne 9:5.", "Called the", "Fruit of the lips. -- Heb 13:15.", "Voice of praise. -- Ps 66:8.", "Voice of triumph. -- Ps 47:1.", "Voice of melody. -- Isa 51:3.", "Voice of a psalm. -- Ps 98:5.", "Garment of praise. -- Isa 61:3.", "Sacrifice of praise. -- Heb 13:15.", "Sacrifices of joy. -- Ps 27:6.", "Calves of the lips. -- Ho 14:2.", "The heavenly host engage in -- Isa 6:3; Lu 2:13; Re 4:9-11; 5:12.", "Exemplified", "Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:20.", "Moses. -- Ex 15:1-21.", "Jethro. -- Ex 18:10.", "Israelites. -- 1Ch 16:36.", "David. -- 1Ch 29:10-13; Ps 119:164.", "Priests and Levites. -- Ezr 3:10-11.", "Ezra. -- Ne 8:6.", "Hezekiah. -- Isa 38:19.", "Zacharias. -- Lu 1:64.", "Shepherds. -- Lu 2:20.", "Simeon. -- Lu 2:28.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:38.", "Multitudes. -- Lu 18:43.", "Disciples. -- Lu 19:37,38.", "The Apostles. -- Lu 24:53.", "First converts. -- Ac 2:47.", "Lame man. -- Ac 3:8.", "Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:25."]} +{"term": "Prayer", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Isa 55:6; Mt 7:7; Php 4:6.", "To be offered", "To God. -- Ps 5:2; Mt 4:10.", "To Christ. -- Lu 23:42; Ac 7:59.", "To the Holy Spirit. -- 2Th 3:5.", "Through Christ. -- Eph 2:18; Heb 10:19.", "God hears -- Ps 10:17; 65:2.", "God answers -- Ps 99:6; Isa 58:9.", "Is described as", "Bowing the knees. -- Eph 3:14.", "Looking up. -- Ps 5:3.", "Lifting up the soul. -- Ps 25:1.", "Lifting up the heart. -- La 3:41.", "Pouring out the heart. -- Ps 62:8.", "Pouring out the soul. -- 1Sa 1:15.", "Calling upon the name of the Lord. -- Ge 12:8; Ps 116:4; Ac 22:16.", "Crying to God. -- Ps 27:7; 34:6.", "Drawing near to God. -- Ps 73:28; Heb 10:22.", "Crying to heaven. -- 2Ch 32:20.", "Beseeching the Lord. -- Ex 32:11.", "Seeking to God. -- Job 8:5.", "Seeking the face of the Lord. -- Ps 27:8.", "Making supplication. -- Job 8:5; Jer 36:7.", "Acceptable through Christ -- Joh 14:13,14; 15:16; 16:23,24.", "Ascends to heaven -- 2Ch 30:27; Re 5:8.", "Quickening grace necessary to -- Ps 80:18.", "The holy spirit", "Promised as a Spirit of. -- Zec 12:10.", "As the Spirit of adoptions, leads to. -- Ro 8:15; Ga 4:6.", "Helps our infirmities in. -- Ro 8:26.", "An evidence of conversion -- Ac 9:11.", "Of the righteous, avails much -- Jas 5:16.", "Of the upright, a delight to God -- Pr 15:8.", "Should be offered up", "In the Holy Spirit. -- Eph 6:18; Jude 1:20.", "In faith. -- Mt 21:22; Jas 1:6.", "In full assurance of faith. -- Heb 10:22.", "In a forgiving spirit. -- Mt 6:12.", "With the heart. -- Jer 29:13; La 3:41.", "With the whole heart. -- Ps 119:58,145.", "With preparation of heart. -- Job 11:13.", "With a true heart. -- Heb 10:22.", "With the soul. -- Ps 42:4.", "With the spirit and understanding. -- Joh 4:22-24; 1Co 14:15.", "With confidence in God. -- Ps 56:9; 86:7; 1Jo 5:14.", "With submission to God. -- Lu 22:42.", "With unfeigned lips. -- Ps 17:1.", "With deliberation. -- Ec 5:2.", "With holiness. -- 1Ti 2:8.", "With humility. -- 2Ch 7:14; 33:12.", "With truth. -- Ps 145:18; Joh 4:24.", "With desire to be heard. -- Ne 1:6; Ps 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1.", "With desire to be answered. -- Ps 27:7; 102:2; 108:6; 143:1.", "With boldness. -- Heb 4:16.", "With earnestness. -- 1Th 3:10; Jas 5:17.", "With importunity. -- Ge 32:26; Lu 11:8,9; 18:1-7.", "Night and day. -- 1Ti 5:5.", "Without ceasing. -- 1Th 5:17.", "Everywhere. -- 1Ti 2:8.", "In everything. -- Php 4:6.", "For temporal blessings -- Ge 28:20; Pr 30:8; Mt 6:11.", "For spiritual blessings -- Mt 6:33.", "For mercy and grace to help in time of need -- Heb 4:16.", "Model for -- Mt 6:9-13.", "Vain repetitions in, forbidden -- Mt 6:7.", "Ostentation in, forbidden -- Mt 6:5.", "Accompanied with", "Repentance. -- 1Ki 8:33; Jer 36:7.", "Confession. -- Ne 1:4,7; Da 9:4-11.", "Self-abasement. -- Ge 18:27.", "Weeping. -- Jer 31:9; Ho 12:4.", "Fasting. -- Ne 1:4; Da 9:3; Ac 13:3.", "Watchfulness. -- Lu 21:36; 1Pe 4:7.", "Praise. -- Ps 66:17.", "Thanksgiving. -- Php 4:6; Col 4:2.", "Plead in the", "Promises of God. -- Ge 32:9-12; Ex 32:13; 1Ki 8:26; Ps 119:49.", "Covenant of God. -- Jer 14:21.", "Faithfulness of God. -- Ps 143:1.", "Mercy of God. -- Ps 51:1; Da 9:18.", "Righteousness of God. -- Da 9:16.", "Rise early for -- Ps 5:3; 119:147.", "Seek divine teaching for -- Lu 11:1.", "Faint not in -- Lu 18:1.", "Continue instant in -- Ro 12:12.", "Avoid hindrances in -- 1Pe 3:7.", "Suitable in affliction -- Isa 26:16; Jas 5:13.", "Shortness of time a motive to -- 1Pe 4:7.", "Postures in", "Standing. -- 1Ki 8:22; Mr 11:25.", "Bowing down. -- Ps 95:6.", "Kneeling. -- 2Ch 6:13; Ps 95:6; Lu 22:41; Ac 20:36.", "Falling on the face. -- Nu 16:22; Jos 5:14; 1Ch 21:16; Mt 26:39.", "Spreading forth the hands. -- Isa 1:15.", "Lifting up the hands. -- Ps 28:2; La 2:19; 1Ti 2:8.", "The promises of God encourage to -- Isa 65:24; Am 5:4; Zec 13:9.", "The promises of Christ encourage to -- Lu 11:9,10; Joh 14:13,14.", "Experience of past mercies an incentive to -- Ps 4:1; 112:2."]} +{"term": "Prayer, Answers To", "definitions": ["God gives -- Ps 99:6; 118:5; 138:3.", "Christ gives -- Joh 4:10,14; 14:14.", "Christ received -- Joh 11:42; Heb 5:7.", "Granted", "Through the grace of God. -- Isa 30:19.", "Sometimes immediately. -- Isa 65:24; Da 9:21,23; 10:12.", "Sometimes after delay. -- Lu 18:7.", "Sometimes differently from our desire. -- 2Co 12:8,9.", "Beyond expectation. -- Jer 33:3; Eph 3:20.", "Promised -- Isa 58:9; Jer 29:12; Mt 7:7.", "Promised especially in times of trouble -- Ps 50:15; 91:15.", "Received by those who", "Seek God. -- Ps 34:4.", "Seek God with all the heart. -- Jer 29:12,13.", "Wait upon God. -- Ps 40:1.", "Return to God. -- 2Ch 7:14; Job 22:23,27.", "Ask in faith. -- Mt 21:11; Jas 5:15.", "Ask in the name of Christ. -- Joh 14:13.", "Ask according to God's will. -- 1Jo 5:14.", "Call upon God in truth. -- Ps 145:18.", "Fear God. -- Ps 145:19.", "Set their love upon God. -- Ps 91:14,15.", "Keep God's commandments. -- 1Jo 3:22.", "Call upon God under oppression. -- Isa 19:20.", "Call upon God under affliction. -- Ps 18:6; 106:44; Isa 30:19,20.", "Abide in Christ. -- Joh 15:7.", "Humble themselves. -- 2Ch 7:14; Ps 9:12.", "Are righteous. -- Ps 34:15; Jas 5:16.", "Are poor and needy. -- Isa 41:17.", "Saints", "Are assured of. -- 1Jo 5:15.", "Love God for. -- Ps 116:1.", "Bless God for. -- Ps 66:20.", "Praise God for. -- Ps 116:17; 118:21.", "A motive for continued prayer -- Ps 116:2.", "Denied to those who", "Ask amiss. -- Jas 4:3.", "Regard iniquity in the heart. -- Ps 66:18.", "Live in sin. -- Isa 59:2; Joh 9:31.", "Offer unworthy service to God. -- Mal 1:7-9.", "Forsake God. -- Jer 14:10,12.", "Reject the call of God. -- Pr 1:24,25,28.", "Hear not the law. -- Pr 28:9; Zec 7:11-13.", "Are deaf to the cry of the poor. -- Pr 21:13.", "Are blood shedders. -- Isa 1:15; 59:3.", "Are idolaters. -- Jer 11:11-14; Eze 8:15-18.", "Are wavering. -- Jas 1:6,7.", "Are hypocrites. -- Job 27:8,9.", "Are proud. -- Job 35:12,13.", "Are self-righteous. -- Lu 18:11,12,14.", "Are the enemies of saints. -- Ps 18:40,41.", "Cruelly oppress saints. -- Mic 3:2-4.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 17:20.", "Lot. -- Ge 19:19-21.", "Abraham's servant. -- Ge 24:15-27.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:24-30.", "Israelites. -- Ex 2:23,24.", "Moses. -- Ex 17:4-6,11-13; 32:11-14.", "Samson. -- Jdj 15:18,19.", "Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:27.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:9.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 3:9,12.", "Man of God. -- 1Ki 13:6.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 18:36-38; Jas 5:17,18.", "Elisha. -- 2Ki 4:33-35.", "Jehoahaz. -- 2Ki 13:4.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 19:20.", "Jabez. -- 1Ch 4:10.", "Asa. -- 2Ch 14:11,12.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 20:6-17.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:13,19.", "Ezra. -- Ezr 8:21-23.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 4:9,15.", "Job. -- Job 42:10.", "David. -- Ps 18:6.", "Jeremiah. -- La 3:55,56.", "Daniel. -- Da 9:20-23.", "Jonah. -- Jon 2:2,10.", "Zacharias. -- Lu 1:13.", "Blind man. -- Lu 18:38,41-43.", "Thief on the cross. -- Lu 23:42,43.", "Apostles. -- Ac 4:29-31.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:4,31.", "The Christians. -- Ac 12:5,7.", "Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:25,26.", "Paul. -- Ac 28:8.", "Refusal of, exemplified", "Saul. -- 1Sa 28:15.", "Elders of Israel. -- Eze 20:3.", "Pharisees. -- Mt 23:14."]} +{"term": "Prayer, Intercessory", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Lu 22:32; 23:34; Joh 17:9-24.", "Commanded -- 1Ti 2:1; Jas 5:14,16.", "Should be offered up for", "Kings. -- 1Ti 2:2.", "All in authority. -- 1Ti 2:2.", "Ministers. -- 2Co 1:11; Php 1:19.", "The Church. -- Ps 122:6; Isa 62:6,7.", "All saints. -- Eph 6:18.", "All men. -- 1Ti 2:1.", "Masters. -- Ge 24:12-14.", "Servants. -- Lu 7:2,3.", "Children. -- Ge 17:18; Mt 15:22.", "Friends. -- Job 42:8.", "Fellow-countrymen. -- Ro 10:1.", "The sick. -- Jas 5:14.", "Persecutors. -- Mt 5:44.", "Enemies among whom we dwell. -- Jer 29:7.", "Those who envy us. -- Nu 12:13.", "Those who forsake us. -- 2Ti 4:16.", "Those who murmur against God. -- Nu 11:1,2; 14:13,19.", "By ministers for their people -- Eph 1:16; 3:14-19; Php 1:4.", "Encouragement to -- Jas 5:16; 1Jo 5:16.", "Beneficial to the offerer -- Job 42:10.", "Sin of neglecting -- 1Sa 12:23.", "Seek an interest in -- 1Sa 12:19; Heb 13:18.", "Unavailing for the obstinately-impenitent -- Jer 7:13-16; 14:10,11.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:23-32.", "Abraham's servant. -- Ge 24:12-14.", "Moses. -- Ex 8:12; 32:11-13.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:5.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 8:30-36.", "Elisha. -- 2Ki 4:33.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 30:18.", "Isaiah. -- 2Ch 32:20.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4-11.", "David. -- Ps 25:22.", "Ezekiel. -- Eze 9:8.", "Daniel. -- Da 9:3-19.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:60.", "Peter and John. -- Ac 8:15.", "Church of Jerusalem. -- Ac 12:5.", "Paul. -- Col 1:9-12; 2Th 1:11.", "Epaphras. -- Col 4:12.", "Philemon. -- Phm 1:22."]} +{"term": "Prayer, Private", "definitions": ["Christ was constant in -- Mt 14:23; 26:36,39; Mr 1:35; Lu 9:18,29.", "Commanded -- Mt 6:6.", "Should be offered", "At evening, morning, and noon. -- Ps 55:17.", "Day and night. -- Ps 88:1.", "Without ceasing. -- 1Th 5:17.", "Shall be heard -- Job 22:27.", "Rewarded openly -- Mt 6:6.", "An evidence of conversion -- Ac 9:11.", "Nothing should hinder -- Da 6:10.", "Exemplified", "Lot. -- Ge 19:20.", "Eliezer. -- Ge 24:12.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:9-12.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 6:22,36,39.", "Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:10.", "David. -- 2Sa 7:18-29.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 20:2.", "Isaiah. -- 2Ki 20:11.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:18,19.", "Ezra. -- Ezr 9:5,6.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 2:4.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 32:16-25.", "Daniel. -- Da 9:3,17.", "Jonah. -- Jon 2:1.", "Habakkuk. -- Hab 1:2.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:37.", "Paul. -- Ac 9:11.", "Peter. -- Ac 9:40; 10:9.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:30."]} +{"term": "Prayer, Public", "definitions": ["Acceptable to God -- Isa 56:7.", "God promises to hear -- 2Ch 7:14,16.", "God promises to bless in -- Ex 20:24.", "Christ", "Sanctifies by his presence. -- Mt 18:20.", "Attended. -- Mt 12:9; Lu 4:16.", "Promises answers to. -- Mt 18:19.", "Instituted form of -- Lu 11:2.", "Should not be made in an unknown language -- 1Co 14:14-16.", "Saints delight in -- Ps 42:4; 122:1.", "Exhortation to -- Heb 10:25.", "Urge others to join in -- Ps 95:6; Zec 8:21.", "Exemplified", "Joshua. -- Jos 7:6-9.", "David. -- 1Ch 29:10-19.", "Solomon. -- 2Ch 6:1-42.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 20:5-13.", "Jeshua. -- Ne 9:1-38.", "Jews. -- Lu 1:10.", "The Christians. -- Ac 2:46; 4:24; 12:5,12.", "Peter. -- Ac 3:1.", "Teachers and Prophets, at Antioch. -- Ac 13:3.", "Paul. -- Ac 16:16."]} +{"term": "Prayer, Social and Family", "definitions": ["Promise of answers to -- Mt 18:19.", "Christ promises to be present at -- Mt 18:20.", "Punishment for neglecting -- Jer 10:25.", "Exemplified", "Abram. -- Ge 12:5,8.", "Jacob. -- Ge 35:2,3,7.", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.", "David. -- 2Sa 6:20.", "Job. -- Job 1:5.", "The Disciples. -- Ac 1:13,14.", "Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.", "Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:25.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:36; 21:5."]} +{"term": "Precious Stones", "definitions": ["Dug out of the earth -- Job 28:5,6.", "Brought from Ophir -- 1Ki 10:11; 2Ch 9:10.", "Brought from Sheba -- 1Ki 10:1,2; Eze 27:22.", "Called", "Stones of fire. -- Eze 28:14,16.", "Stones to be set. -- 1Ch 29:2.", "Jewels. -- Isa 61:10; Eze 16:12.", "Precious jewels. -- 2Ch 20:25; Pr 20:15.", "Of great variety -- 1Ch 29:2.", "Of many colours -- 1Ch 29:2.", "Brilliant and glittering -- 1Ch 29:2; Re 21:11.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Agate. -- Ex 28:19; Isa 54:12.", "Amethyst. -- Ex 28:19; Re 21:20.", "Beryl. -- Da 10:6; Re 21:20.", "Carbuncle. -- Ex 28:17; Isa 54:12.", "Coral. -- Job 28:18.", "Chalcedony. -- Re 21:19.", "Chrysolite. -- Re 21:20.", "Chrysoprasus. -- Re 21:20.", "Diamond. -- Ex 28:18; Jer 17:1; Eze 28:13.", "Emerald. -- Eze 27:16; Re 4:3.", "Jacinth. -- Re 9:17; 21:20.", "Jasper. -- Re 4:3; 21:11,19.", "Onyx. -- Ex 28:20; Job 28:16.", "Pearl. -- Job 28:18; Mt 13:45,46; Re 21:21.", "Ruby. -- Job 28:18; La 4:7.", "Sapphire. -- Ex 24:10; Eze 1:26.", "Sardine or Sardius. -- Ex 28:17; Re 4:3.", "Sardonyx. -- Re 21:20.", "Topaz. -- Job 28:19; Re 21:20.", "Highly prized by the ancients -- Pr 17:8.", "Extensive commerce in -- Eze 27:22; Re 18:12.", "Often given as presents -- 1Ki 10:2,10.", "Art of engraving upon, early known to the Jews -- Ex 28:9,11,21.", "Art of setting, known to the Jews -- Ex 28:20.", "Used for", "Adorning the high priest's ephod. -- Ex 28:12.", "Adorning the breastplate of judgment. -- Ex 28:17-20; 39:10-14.", "Decorating the person. -- Eze 28:13.", "Ornamenting royal crowns. -- 2Sa 12:30.", "Setting in seals and rings. -- Song 5:12.", "Adorning the temple. -- 2Ch 3:6.", "Honouring idols. -- Da 11:38.", "A part of the treasure of kings -- 2Ch 32:27.", "Given by the Jews for the tabernacle -- Ex 25:7.", "Prepared by David for the temple -- 1Ch 29:2.", "Given by chief men for the temple -- 1Ch 29:8.", "Illustrative of", "Preciousness of Christ. -- Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6.", "Beauty and stability of the church. -- Isa 54:11,12.", "Saints. -- Mal 3:17; 1Co 3:12.", "Seductive splendour and false glory of the apostasy. -- Re 17:4; 18:16.", "Worldly glory of nations. -- Eze 28:13-16.", "Glory of heavenly Jerusalem. -- Re 21:11.", "Stability of heavenly Jerusalem. -- Re 21:19."]} +{"term": "Preciousness of Christ", "definitions": ["To God -- Mt 3:17; 1Pe 2:4.", "To Saints -- Song 5:10; Php 3:8; 1Pe 2:7.", "On account of his", "Goodness and beauty. -- Zec 9:17.", "Excellence and grace. -- Ps 45:2.", "Name. -- Song 1:3; Heb 1:4.", "Atonement. -- 1Pe 1:19; Heb 12:24.", "Words. -- Joh 6:68.", "Promises. -- 2Pe 1:4.", "Care and tenderness. -- Isa 40:11.", "As the corner-stone of the Church -- Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6.", "As the source of all grace -- Joh 1:14; Col 1:19.", "Unsearchable -- Eph 3:8.", "Illustrated -- Song 2:3; 5:10-16; Mt 13:44-46."]} +{"term": "Presents", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 32:13; 43:15.", "Were given", "To judges to secure a favourable hearing. -- Pr 17:23; Am 2:6.", "To kings to engage their aid. -- 1Ki 15:18.", "By kings to each other in token of inferiority. -- 1Ki 10:25; 2Ch 9:23,24; Ps 72:10.", "To appease the angry feelings of others. -- Ge 32:20; 1Sa 25:27,28,35.", "To confirm covenants. -- Ge 21:28-30.", "To reward service. -- 2Sa 18:12; Da 2:6,48.", "To show respect. -- Jdj 6:18.", "In token of friendship. -- 1Sa 18:3,4.", "As tribute. -- Jdj 3:15; 2Sa 8:2; 2Ch 17:5.", "On occasions of visits. -- 2Ki 8:8.", "On all occasions of public rejoicing. -- Ne 8:12; Es 9:19.", "At marriages. -- Ge 24:53; Ps 45:12.", "On recovering from sickness. -- 2Ki 20:12.", "On restoration to prosperity. -- Job 42:10,11.", "On sending away friends. -- Ge 45:22; Jer 40:5.", "Considered essential on all visits of business -- 1Sa 9:7.", "Not bringing, considered a mark of disrespect and disaffection -- Isa 10:27; 2Ki 17:24.", "Generally procured a favourable reception -- Pr 18:16; 19:6.", "When small or defective, refused -- Mal 1:8.", "Of persons of rank, of great value and variety -- 2Ki 5:2; 2Ch 9:1.", "Receiving of, a token of good will -- Ge 33:10,11.", "Things given as", "Cattle. -- Ge 32:14,15,18.", "Horses and mules. -- 1Ki 10:25.", "Money. -- Ge 45:22; 1Sa 9:8; Job 42:11.", "Food. -- Ge 43:11; 1Sa 25:18; 1Ki 14:3.", "Garments. -- Ge 45:22; 1Sa 18:4.", "Weapons of war. -- 1Sa 18:4.", "Ornaments. -- Ge 24:22,47; Job 42:11.", "Gold and silver vessels. -- 1Ki 10:25.", "Precious stones. -- 1Ki 10:2.", "Servants. -- Ge 20:14; 29:24,29.", "Often borne by servants -- Jdj 3:18.", "Often conveyed on camels -- 1Sa 25:18; 2Ki 8:9; 2Ch 9:1.", "Sometimes sent before the giver -- Ge 32:21.", "Generally presented in person -- Ge 43:15,26; Jdj 3:17; 1Sa 25:27.", "Laid out and presented with great ceremony -- Ge 43:25; Jdj 3:18; Mt 2:11."]} +{"term": "Presumption", "definitions": ["A characteristic of the wicked -- 2Pe 2:10.", "A characteristic of Antichrist -- 2Th 2:4.", "Exhibited in", "Opposing God. -- Job 15:25,26.", "Wilful commission of sin. -- Ro 1:32.", "Self-righteousness. -- Ho 12:8; Re 3:17.", "Spiritual pride. -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:11.", "Esteeming our own ways right. -- Pr 12:15.", "Seeking precedence. -- Lu 14:7-11.", "Planning for the future. -- Lu 12:18; Jas 4:13.", "Pretending to prophecy. -- De 18:22.", "Pray to be kept from sins of -- Ps 19:13.", "Saints avoid -- Ps 131:1.", "Punishment for -- Nu 15:30; Re 18:7,8.", "Exemplified", "Builders of Babel. -- Ge 11:4.", "Israelites. -- Nu 14:44.", "Korah &c. -- Nu 16:3,7.", "Men of Bethshemesh. -- 1Sa 6:19.", "Uzzah. -- 2Sa 6:6.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 13:4.", "Benhadad. -- 1Ki 20:19.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:16.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ch 32:13,14.", "Theudas. -- Ac 5:36.", "Sons of Sceva. -- Ac 19:13,14.", "Diotrephes. -- 3Jo 1:9."]} +{"term": "Pride", "definitions": ["Is sin -- Pr 21:4.", "Hateful to God -- Pr 6:16,17; 16:5.", "Hateful to Christ -- Pr 8:12,13.", "Often originates in", "Self-righteousness. -- Lu 18:11,12.", "Religious privileges. -- Zep 3:11.", "Unsanctified knowledge. -- 1Co 8:1.", "Inexperience. -- 1Ti 3:6.", "Possession of power. -- Le 26:19; Eze 30:6.", "Possession of wealth. -- 2Ki 20:13.", "Forbidden -- 1Sa 2:3; Ro 12:3,16.", "Defiles a man -- Mr 7:20,22.", "Hardens the mind -- Da 5:20.", "Saints", "give not away. -- Ps 131:1.", "Respect not, in others. -- Ps 40:4.", "Mourn over, in others. -- Jer 13:17.", "Hate, in others. -- Ps 101:5.", "A hindrance to seeking God -- Ps 10:4; Ho 7:10.", "A hindrance to improvement -- Pr 26:12.", "A characteristic", "The devil. -- 1Ti 3:6.", "The world. -- 1Jo 2:16.", "False teachers. -- 1Ti 6:3,4.", "The wicked. -- Hab 2:4,5; Ro 1:30.", "Comes from the heart -- Mr 7:21-23.", "The wicked encompassed with -- Ps 73:6.", "Leads men to", "Contempt and rejection of God's word and ministers. -- Jer 43:2.", "A persecuting spirit. -- Ps 10:2.", "Wrath. -- Pr 21:24.", "Contention. -- Pr 13:10; 28:25.", "Self-deception. -- Jer 49:16; Ob 1:3.", "Exhortation against -- Jer 13:15.", "Is followed by", "Shame. -- Pr 11:2.", "Debasement. -- Pr 29:23; Isa 28:3.", "Destruction. -- Pr 16:18; 18:12.", "Shall abound in the last days -- 2Ti 3:2.", "Woe to -- Isa 28:1,3.", "They who are guilty of, shall be", "Resisted. -- Jas 4:6.", "Brought into contempt. -- Isa 23:9.", "Recompensed. -- Ps 31:23.", "Marred. -- Jer 13:9.", "Subdued. -- Ex 18:11; Isa 13:11.", "Brought low. -- Ps 18:27; Isa 2:12.", "Abased. -- Da 4:37; Mt 23:12.", "Scattered. -- Lu 1:51.", "Punished. -- Zep 2:10,11; Mal 4:1.", "Exemplified", "Ahithophel. -- 2Sa 17:23.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 32:25.", "Pharaoh. -- Ne 9:10.", "Haman. -- Es 3:5.", "Moab. -- Isa 16:6.", "Tyre. -- Isa 23:9.", "Israel. -- Isa 28:1; Ho 5:5,9.", "Judah. -- Jer 13:9.", "Babylon. -- Jer 50:29,32.", "Assyria. -- Eze 31:3,10.", "Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 4:30; 5:20.", "Belshazzar. -- Da 5:22,23.", "Edom. -- Ob 1:3.", "Scribes. -- Mr 12:38,39.", "Herod. -- Ac 12:21-23.", "Laodiceans. -- Re 3:17."]} +{"term": "Priests", "definitions": ["First notice of persons acting as -- Ge 4:3,4.", "During patriarchal age heads of families acted as -- Ge 8:20; 12:8; 35:7.", "After the exodus young men (first-born) deputed to act as -- Ex 24:5; 19:22.", "The sons of Aaron appointed as, by perpetual statute -- Ex 29:9; 40:15.", "All except seed of Aaron excluded from being -- Nu 3:10; 16:40; 18:7.", "Sanctified by God for the office -- Ex 29:44.", "Publicly consecrated -- Ex 28:3; Nu 3:3.", "Ceremonies at consecration of", "Washing in water. -- Ex 29:4; Le 8:6.", "Clothing with the holy garments. -- Ex 29:8,9; 40:14; Le 8:13.", "Anointing with oil. -- Ex 30:30; 40:13.", "Offering sacrifices. -- Ex 29:10-19; Le 8:14-23.", "Purification by blood of the consecration ram. -- Ex 29:20,21; Le 8:23,24.", "Placing in their hands the wave-offering. -- Ex 29:22-24; Le 8:25-27.", "Partaking of the sacrifices of consecration. -- Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:31,32.", "Lasted seven days. -- Ex 29:35-37; Le 8:33.", "Required to remain in the tabernacle seven days after consecration -- Le 8:33-36.", "No blemished or defective persons could be consecrated -- Le 21:17-23.", "Required to prove their genealogy before they exercised the office -- Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64.", "Garments of", "The coat or tunic. -- Ex 28:40; 39:27.", "The girdle. -- Ex 28:40.", "The bonnet. -- Ex 28:40; 39:28.", "The linen breeches. -- Ex 28:42; 39:28.", "Worn at consecration. -- Ex 29:9; 40:15.", "Worn always while engaged in the service of the tabernacle. -- Ex 28:43; 39:41.", "Worn by the high priest on the day of atonement. -- Le 16:4.", "Purified by sprinkling of blood. -- Ex 29:21.", "Laid up in holy chambers. -- Eze 44:19.", "Often provided by the people. -- Ezr 2:68,69; Ne 7:70,72.", "Required to wash in the brazen laver before they performed their services -- Ex 30:18-21.", "Services of", "Keeping the charge of the tabernacle. -- Nu 18:1,5,7.", "Covering the sacred things of the sanctuary before removal. -- Nu 4:5-15.", "Offering sacrifices. -- Le 1:1-6:30; 2Ch 29:34; 35:11.", "Lighting and trimming the lamps of the sanctuary. -- Ex 27:20,21; Le 24:3,4.", "Keeping the sacred fire always burning on the altar. -- Le 6:12,13.", "Burning incense. -- Ex 20:7,8; Lu 1:9.", "Placing and removing show-bread. -- Le 24:5-9.", "Offering first fruits. -- Le 23:10,11; De 26:3,4.", "Blessing the people. -- Nu 6:23-27.", "Purifying the unclean. -- Le 15:30,31.", "Deciding in cases of jealousy. -- Nu 5:14,15.", "Deciding in cases of leprosy. -- Le 13:2-59; 14:34-45.", "Judging in cases of controversy. -- De 17:8-13; 21:5.", "Teaching the law. -- De 33:8,10; Mal 2:7.", "Blowing the trumpets on various occasions. -- Nu 10:1-10; Jos 6:3,4.", "Carrying the ark. -- Jos 3:6,17; 6:12.", "Encouraging the people when they went to war. -- De 20:1-4.", "Valuing things devoted. -- Le 27:8.", "Were to live by the altar as they had no inheritance -- De 18:1,2; 1Co 9:13.", "Revenues of", "Tenth of the tithes paid to the Levites. -- Nu 18:26,28; Ne 10:37,38; Heb 7:5.", "First-fruits. -- Nu 18:8,12,13; De 18:4.", "Redemption-money of the first-born. -- Nu 3:48,51; 18:15,16.", "First-born of animals or their substitutes. -- Nu 18:17,18; Ex 13:12,13.", "First of the wool of sheep. -- De 18:4.", "Show-bread after its removal. -- Le 24:9; 1Sa 21:4-6; Mt 12:4.", "Part of all sacrifices. -- Le 7:6-10,31,34; Nu 6:19,20; 18:8-11; De 18:3.", "All devoted things. -- Nu 18:14.", "All restitutions when the owner could not be found. -- Nu 5:8.", "A fixed portion of the spoil taken in war. -- Nu 31:29,41.", "Thirteen of the Levitical cities given to, for residence -- 1Ch 6:57-60; Nu 35:1-8.", "Might purchase and hold other lands in possession -- 1Ki 2:26; Jer 32:8,9.", "Special laws respecting", "Not to marry divorced or improper persons. -- Le 21:7.", "Not to defile themselves for the dead except the nearest of kin. -- Le 21:1-6.", "Not to drink wine, &c while attending in the tabernacle. -- Le 10:9; Eze 44:21.", "Not to defile themselves by eating what died or was torn. -- Le 22:8.", "While unclean could not perform any service. -- Le 22:1,2; Nu 19:6,7.", "While unclean could not eat of the holy things. -- Le 22:3-7.", "No sojourner or hired servant to eat of their portion. -- Le 22:10.", "All bought and home-born servants to eat of their portion. -- Le 22:11.", "Children of, married to strangers, not to eat of their portion. -- Le 22:12.", "Restitution to be made to, by persons ignorantly eating of their holy things. -- Le 22:14-16.", "Divided by David into twenty-four courses -- 1Ch 24:1-19; 2Ch 8:14; 35:4,5.", "The four courses which returned from Babylon subdivided into 24 -- Ezr 2:36-39; Lu 1:5.", "Each course of, had its president or chief -- 1Ch 24:6,31; 2Ch 36:14.", "Services of, divided by lot -- Lu 1:9.", "Punishment for invading the office of -- Nu 16:1-35; 18:7; 2Ch 26:16-21.", "On special occasions persons not of Aaron's family acted as -- Jdj 6:24-27; 1Sa 7:9; 1Ki 18:33.", "Were sometimes", "Greedy. -- 1Sa 2:13-17.", "Drunken. -- Isa 28:7.", "Profane and wicked. -- 1Sa 2:22-24.", "Unjust. -- Jer 6:13.", "Corrupters of the law. -- Isa 28:7; Mal 2:8.", "Slow to sanctify, themselves for God's services. -- 2Ch 29:34.", "Generally participated in punishment of the people -- Jer 14:18; La 2:20.", "Made of the lowest of the people by Jeroboam and others -- 1Ki 12:21; 2Ki 17:32.", "Services of, ineffectual for removing sin -- Heb 7:11; 10:11.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Heb 10:11,12.", "Saints. -- Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9."]} +{"term": "Prisons", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 39:20.", "Kinds of, mentioned", "State. -- Jer 37:21; Ge 39:20.", "Common. -- Ac 5:18.", "Dungeons attached to -- Jer 38:6; Zec 9:11.", "Were under the care of a keeper -- Ge 39:21.", "Used for confining", "Persons accused of crimes. -- Lu 23:19.", "Persons accused of heresy. -- Ac 4:3; 5:18; 8:3.", "Suspected persons. -- Ge 42:19.", "Condemned persons till executed. -- Le 24:12; Ac 12:4,5.", "Enemies taken captive. -- Jdj 16:21; 2Ki 17:4; Jer 52:11.", "Debtors till they paid. -- Mt 5:26; 18:30.", "Persons under the king's displeasure. -- 1Ki 22:27; 2Ch 16:10; Mr 6:17.", "Confinement in, often awarded as a punishment -- Ezr 7:26.", "Confinement in, considered a severe punishment -- Lu 22:33.", "Places used as", "Court of the king's house. -- Jer 32:2.", "House of the king's scribe. -- Jer 37:15.", "House of the captain of the guard. -- Ge 40:3.", "Prisoner's own house, where he was kept bound to a soldier. -- Ac 28:16,30; 2Ti 1:16-18.", "The king had power to commit to -- 1Ki 22:27.", "Magistrates had power to commit to -- Mt 5:25.", "Persons confined in", "Said to be in ward. -- Le 24:12.", "Said to be in hold. -- Ac 4:3.", "Often placed in dungeons. -- Jer 39:6; Ac 16:24.", "Often bound with fetters. -- Ge 42:19; Eze 19:9; Mr 6:17.", "Often chained to two soldiers. -- Ac 12:6.", "Often fastened in stocks. -- Jer 29:26; Ac 16:24.", "Often kept to hard labour. -- Jdj 16:21.", "Often subjected to extreme suffering. -- Ps 79:11; 102:20; 105:18.", "Fed on bread and water. -- 1Ki 22:27.", "Clothed in prison dress. -- 2Ki 25:29.", "Sometimes allowed to be visited by their friends. -- Mt 11:2; 25:36; Ac 24:23.", "Might have their condition ameliorated by the king. -- Jer 37:20,21.", "Often executed in. -- Ge 40:22; Mt 14:10.", "The king had power to release from -- Ge 40:21.", "Magistrates had power to release from -- Ac 16:35,36.", "Keepers of", "Strictly guarded the doors. -- Ac 12:6.", "Responsible for the prisoners. -- Ac 16:23,27.", "Put to death if prisoners escaped. -- Ac 12:19.", "Often used severity. -- Jer 37:16,20; Ac 16:24.", "Sometimes acted kindly. -- Ge 39:21; Ac 16:33,34.", "Sometimes entrusted the care of the prison to well-conducted prisoners. -- Ge 39:22,23.", "Illustrative of", "Deep afflictions. -- Ps 142:7.", "Hell. -- Re 20:7.", "Bondage to sin and Satan. -- Isa 42:7; 49:9; 61:1."]} +{"term": "Privileges of Saints", "definitions": ["Abiding in Christ -- Joh 15:4,5.", "Partaking of the divine nature -- 2Pe 1:4.", "Access to God by Christ -- Eph 3:12.", "Being of the household of God -- Eph 2:19.", "Membership with the Church of the first-born -- Heb 12:23.", "Having", "Christ for their Shepherd. -- Isa 40:11; Joh 10:14,16.", "Christ for their intercessor. -- Ro 8:34; Heb 7:25; 1Jo 2:1.", "The promises of God. -- 2Co 7:1; 2Pe 1:4.", "The possession of all things -- 1Co 3:21,22.", "All things working together for their good -- Ro 8:28; 2Co 4:15-17.", "Their names written in the book life -- Re 13:8; 20:15.", "Having God for their", "King. -- Ps 5:2; 44:4; Isa 44:6.", "Glory. -- Ps 3:3; Isa 60:19.", "Salvation. -- Ps 18:2; 27:1; Isa 12:2.", "Father. -- De 32:6; Isa 63:16; 64:8.", "Redeemer. -- Ps 19:14; Isa 43:14.", "Friend. -- 2Ch 20:7; Jas 2:23.", "Helper. -- Ps 33:20; Heb 13:6.", "Keeper. -- Ps 121:4,5.", "Deliverer. -- 2Sa 22:2; Ps 18:2.", "Strength. -- Ps 18:2; 27:1; 46:1.", "Refuge. -- Ps 46:1,11; Isa 25:4.", "Shield. -- Ge 15:1; Ps 84:11.", "Tower. -- 2Sa 22:3; Ps 61:3.", "Light. -- Ps 27:1; Isa 60:19; Mic 7:8.", "Guide. -- Ps 48:14; Isa 58:11.", "Law-giver. -- Ne 9:13,14; Isa 33:22.", "Habitation. -- Ps 90:1; 91:9.", "Portion. -- Ps 73:26; La 3:24.", "Union in God and Christ -- Joh 17:21.", "Committing themselves to God -- Ps 31:5; Ac 7:59; 2Ti 1:12.", "Calling upon God in trouble -- Ps 50:15.", "Suffering for Christ -- Ac 5:41; Php 1:29.", "Profiting by chastisement -- Ps 119:67; Heb 12:10,11.", "Secure during public calamities -- Job 5:20,23; Ps 27:1-5; 91:5-10.", "Interceding for others -- Ge 18:23-33; Jas 5:16."]} +{"term": "Procrastination", "definitions": ["Condemned by Christ -- Lu 9:59-62.", "Saints avoid -- Ps 27:8; 119:60.", "To be avoided in", "Hearkening to God. -- Ps 95:7,8; Heb 3:7,8.", "Seeking God. -- Isa 55:6.", "Glorifying God. -- Jer 13:16.", "Keeping God's commandments. -- Ps 119:60.", "Making offerings to God. -- Ex 22:29.", "Performance of vows. -- De 23:21; Ec 5:4.", "Motives for avoiding", "The present the accepted time. -- 2Co 6:2.", "The present the best time. -- Ec 12:1.", "The uncertainty of life. -- Pr 27:1.", "Danger of illustrated -- Mt 5:25; Lu 13:25.", "Exemplified", "Lot. -- Ge 19:16.", "Felix. -- Ac 24:25."]} +{"term": "Promises of God, The", "definitions": ["Contained in the Scriptures -- Ro 1:2.", "Made in Christ -- Eph 3:6; 2Ti 1:1.", "Made to", "Christ. -- Ga 3:16,19.", "Abraham. -- Ge 12:3,7; Ga 3:16.", "Isaac. -- Ge 26:3,4.", "Jacob. -- Ge 28:14.", "David. -- 2Sa 7:12; Ps 89:3,4,35,36.", "The Israelites. -- Ro 9:4.", "The Fathers. -- Ac 13:32; 26:6,7.", "All who are called of God. -- Ac 2:39.", "Those who love him. -- Jas 1:12; 2:5.", "Confirmed by an oath -- Ps 89:3,4; Heb 8:6.", "Covenant established upon -- Heb 8:6.", "God is faithful to -- Tit 1:2; Heb 10:23.", "God remembers -- Ps 105:42; Lu 1:54,55.", "Are", "Good. -- 1Ki 8:56.", "Holy. -- Ps 105:42.", "Exceeding great and precious. -- 2Pe 1:4.", "Confirmed in Christ. -- Ro 15:8.", "Yea and amen in Christ. -- 2Co 1:20.", "Fulfilled in Christ. -- Ac 13:23; Lu 1:69-73.", "Through the righteousness of faith. -- Ro 4:13,16.", "Obtained through faith. -- Heb 11:33.", "Given to those who believe. -- Ga 3:22.", "Inherited through faith and patience. -- Heb 6:12,15; 10:36.", "Performed in due season. -- Jer 33:14; Ac 7:17; Ga 4:4.", "Not one shall fail -- Jos 23:14; 1Ki 8:56.", "The law not against -- Ga 3:21.", "The law could not disannul -- Ga 3:17.", "Subjects of", "Christ. -- 2Sa 7:12,13; Ac 13:22,23.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Ac 2:33; Eph 1:13.", "The gospel. -- Ro 1:1,2.", "Life in Christ. -- 2Ti 1:1.", "A crown of life. -- Jas 1:12.", "Eternal life. -- Tit 1:2; 1Jo 2:25.", "The life that now is. -- 1Ti 4:8.", "Adoption. -- 2Co 6:18; 7:1.", "Preservation in affliction. -- Isa 43:2.", "Blessing. -- De 1:11.", "Forgiveness of sins. -- Isa 1:18; Heb 8:12.", "Putting the law into the heart. -- Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10.", "Second coming of Christ. -- 2Pe 3:4.", "New heavens and earth. -- 2Pe 3:13.", "Entering into rest. -- Jos 22:4; Heb 4:1.", "Should lead to perfecting holiness -- 2Co 7:1.", "The inheritance of the saints is of -- Ro 4:13; Ga 3:18.", "Saints", "Children of. -- Ro 9:8; Ga 4:28.", "Heirs of. -- Ga 3:29; Heb 6:17; 11:9.", "Stagger not at. -- Ro 4:20.", "Have implicit confidence in. -- Heb 11:11.", "Expect the performance of. -- Lu 1:38,45; 2Pe 3:13.", "Sometimes, through infirmity, tempted to doubt. -- Ps 77:8,10.", "Plead in prayer. -- Ge 32:9,12; 1Ch 17:23,26; Isa 43:26.", "Should wait for the performance of -- Ac 1:4.", "Gentiles shall be partakers of -- Eph 3:6.", "Man, by nature, has no interest in -- Eph 2:12.", "Scoffers despise -- 2Pe 3:3,4.", "Fear, lest ye come short of -- Heb 4:1."]} +{"term": "Prophecies Respecting Christ", "definitions": ["As the Son of God -- Ps 2:7.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 1:32,35.", "As the seed of the woman -- Ge 3:15.", "Fulfilled. -- Ga 4:4.", "As the seed of Abraham -- Ge 17:7; 22:18.", "Fulfilled. -- Ga 3:16.", "As the seed of Isaac -- Ge 21:12.", "Fulfilled. -- Heb 11:17-19.", "As the seed of David -- Ps 132:11; Jer 23:5.", "Fulfilled. -- Ac 13:23; Ro 1:3.", "His coming at a set time -- Ge 49:10; Da 9:24,25.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 2:1.", "His being born a virgin -- Isa 7:14.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 1:22,23; Lu 2:7.", "His being called Immanuel -- Isa 7:14.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 1:22,23.", "His being born in Bethlehem of Judea -- Mic 5:2.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:1; Lu 2:4-6.", "Great persons coming to adore him -- Ps 72:10.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:1-11.", "The slaying of the children of Bethlehem -- Jer 31:15.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:16-18.", "His being called out of Egypt -- Ho 11:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:15.", "His being preceded by John the Baptist -- Isa 40:3; Mal 3:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 3:1,3; Lu 1:17.", "His being anointed with the Spirit -- Ps 45:7; Isa 11:2; 61:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 3:16; Joh 3:34; Ac 10:38.", "His being a Prophet like to Moses -- De 18:15-18.", "Fulfilled. -- Ac 3:20-22.", "His being a Priest after the order of Melchizedek -- Ps 110:4.", "Fulfilled. -- Heb 5:5,6.", "His entering on his public ministry -- Isa 61:1,2.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 4:16-21,43.", "His ministry commencing in Galilee -- Isa 9:1,2.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 4:12-16,23.", "His entering publicly into Jerusalem -- Zec 9:9.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 21:1-5.", "His coming into the temple -- Hag 2:7,9; Mal 3:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 21:12; Lu 2:27-32; Joh 2:13-16.", "His poverty -- Isa 53:2.", "Fulfilled. -- Mr 6:3; Lu 9:58.", "His meekness and want of ostentatious -- Isa 42:2.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 12:15,16,19.", "His tenderness and compassion -- Isa 40:11; 42:3.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 12:15,20; Heb 4:15.", "His being without guile -- Isa 53:9.", "Fulfilled. -- 1Pe 2:22.", "His zeal -- Ps 69:9.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 2:17.", "His preaching by parables -- Ps 78:2.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 13:34,35.", "His working miracles -- Isa 35:5,6.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 11:4-6; Joh 11:47.", "His bearing reproach -- Ps 22:6; 69:7,9,20.", "Fulfilled. -- Ro 15:3.", "His being rejected by his brethren -- Ps 69:8; Isa 63:3.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 1:11; 7:3.", "His being a stone of stumbling to the Jews -- Isa 8:14.", "Fulfilled. -- Ro 9:32; 1Pe 2:8.", "His being hated by the Jews -- Ps 69:4; Isa 49:7.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 15:24,25.", "His being rejected by the Jewish rulers -- Ps 118:22.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 21:42; Joh 7:48.", "That the Jews and Gentiles should combine against Him -- Ps 2:1,2.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 23:12; Ac 4:27.", "His being betrayed by a friend -- Ps 41:9; 55:12-14.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 13:18,21.", "His disciples forsaking him -- Zec 13:7.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 26:31,56.", "His being sold for thirty pieces silver -- Zec 11:12.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 26:15.", "His price being given for the potter's field -- Zec 11:13.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:7.", "The intensity of his sufferings -- Ps 22:14,15.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 22:42,44.", "His sufferings being for others -- Isa 53:4-6,12; Da 9:26.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 20:28.", "His patience and silence under suffering -- Isa 53:7.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 26:63; 27:12-14.", "His being smitten on the cheek -- Mic 5:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:30.", "His visage being marred -- Isa 52:14; 53:3.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:5.", "His being spit on and scourged -- Isa 50:6.", "Fulfilled. -- Mr 14:65; Joh 19:1.", "His hands and feet being nailed to the cross -- Ps 22:16.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:18; 20:25.", "His being forsaken by God -- Ps 22:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:46.", "His being mocked -- Ps 22:7,8.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:39-44.", "Gall and vinegar being given him to drink -- Ps 69:21.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:34.", "His garments being parted, and lots cast for his vesture -- Ps 22:18.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:35.", "His being numbered with the transgressors -- Isa 53:12.", "Fulfilled. -- Mr 15:28.", "His intercession for His murderers -- Isa 53:12.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 23:34.", "His Death -- Isa 53:12.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:50.", "That a bone of him should not be broken -- Ex 12:46; Ps 34:20.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:33,36.", "His being pierced -- Zec 12:10.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:34,37.", "His being buried with the rich -- Isa 53:9.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:57-60.", "His flesh not seeing corruption -- Ps 16:10.", "Fulfilled. -- Ac 2:31.", "His resurrection -- Ps 16:10; Isa 26:19.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 24:6,31,34.", "His ascension -- Ps 68:18.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 24:51; Ac 1:9.", "His sitting on the right hand of God -- Ps 110:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Heb 1:3.", "His exercising the priestly office in heaven -- Zec 6:13.", "Fulfilled. -- Ro 8:34.", "His being the chief corner-stone of the Church -- Isa 28:16.", "Fulfilled. -- 1Pe 2:6,7.", "His being King in Zion -- Ps 2:6.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 1:32; Joh 18:33-37.", "The conversion of the Gentiles to him -- Isa 11:10; 42:1.", "Fulfilled. -- Mt 1:17,21; Joh 10:16; Ac 10:45,47.", "His righteous government -- Ps 45:6,7.", "Fulfilled. -- Joh 5:30; Re 19:11.", "His universal dominion -- Ps 72:8; Da 7:14.", "Fulfilled. -- Php 2:9,11.", "The perpetuity of his kingdom -- Isa 9:7; Da 7:14.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 1:32,33."]} +{"term": "Prophecy", "definitions": ["Is the foretelling of future events -- Ge 49:1; Nu 24:14.", "God is the author of -- Isa 44:7; 45:21.", "God gives, through Christ -- Re 1:1.", "A gift of Christ -- Eph 4:11; Re 11:3.", "A gift of the Holy Spirit -- 1Co 12:10.", "Came not by the will of man -- 2Pe 1:21.", "Given from the beginning -- Lu 1:70.", "Is a sure word -- 2Pe 1:19.", "They who uttered", "Raised up by God. -- Am 2:11.", "Ordained by God. -- 1Sa 3:20; Jer 1:5.", "Sent by God. -- 2Ch 36:15; Jer 7:25.", "Sent by Christ. -- Mt 23:34.", "Filled with the Holy Spirit. -- Lu 1:67.", "Moved by the Holy Spirit. -- 2Pe 1:21.", "Spoke by the Holy Spirit. -- Ac 1:16; 11:28; 28:25.", "Spoke in the name of the Lord. -- 2Ch 33:18; Jas 5:10.", "Spoke with authority. -- 1Ki 17:1.", "God accomplishes -- Isa 44:26; Ac 3:18.", "Christ the great subject of -- Ac 3:22-24; 10:43; 1Pe 1:10,11.", "Fulfilled respecting Christ -- Lu 24:44.", "Gift of, promised -- Joe 2:28; Ac 2:16,17.", "Is for the benefit of after ages -- 1Pe 1:12.", "Is a light in dark place -- 2Pe 1:19.", "Is not of private interpretation -- 2Pe 1:20.", "Despise not -- 1Th 5:20.", "Give heed to -- 2Pe 1:19.", "Receive in faith -- 2Ch 20:20; Lu 24:25.", "Blessedness of reading, hearing, and keeping -- Re 1:3; 22:7.", "Guilt of pretending to the gift of -- Jer 14:14; 23:13,14; Eze 13:2,3.", "Punishment for", "Not giving ear to. -- Ne 9:30.", "Adding to, or taking from. -- Re 22:18,19.", "Pretending to the gift of. -- De 18:20; Jer 14:15; 23:15.", "Gift of, sometimes possessed by unconverted men -- Nu 24:2-9; 1Sa 19:20,23; Mt 7:22; Joh 11:49-51; 1Co 13:2.", "How tested -- De 13:1-3; 18:22."]} +{"term": "Prophets", "definitions": ["God spoke of old by -- Ho 12:10; Heb 1:1.", "The messengers of God -- 2Ch 36:15; Isa 44:26.", "The servants of God -- Jer 35:15.", "The watchmen of Israel -- Eze 3:17.", "Were called", "Men of God. -- 1Sa 9:6.", "Prophets of God. -- Ezr 5:2.", "Holy prophets. -- Lu 1:70; Re 18:20; 22:6.", "Holy men of God. -- 2Pe 1:21.", "Seers. -- 1Sa 9:9.", "Were esteemed as holy men -- 2Ki 4:9.", "Women sometimes endowed as -- Joe 2:28.", "God communicated to", "His secret things. -- Am 3:7.", "At various time and in different ways. -- Heb 1:1.", "By an audible voice. -- Nu 12:8; 1Sa 3:4-14.", "By angels. -- Da 8:15-26; Re 22:8,9.", "By dreams and visions. -- Nu 12:6; Joe 2:28.", "Were under the influence of the Holy Spirit while prophesying -- Lu 1:67; 2Pe 1:21.", "Spoke in the name of the Lord -- 2Ch 33:18; Eze 3:11; Jas 5:10.", "Frequently spoke in parables and riddles -- 2Sa 12:1-6; Isa 5:1-7; Eze 17:2-10.", "Frequently in their actions, &c were made signs to the people -- Isa 20:2-4; Jer 19:1,10,11; 27:2,3; 43:9; 51:63; Eze 4:1-13; 5:1-4; 7:23; 12:3-7; 21:6,7; 24:1-24; Ho 1:2-9.", "Frequently left without divine communication on account of sins of the people -- 1Sa 28:6; La 2:9; Eze 7:26.", "Were required", "To be bold and undaunted. -- Eze 2:6; 3:8,9.", "To be vigilant and faithful. -- Eze 3:17-21.", "To receive with attention all God's communications. -- Eze 3:10.", "Not to speak anything but what they received from God. -- De 18:20.", "To declare everything that the Lord commanded. -- Jer 26:2.", "Sometimes received divine communications and uttered predictions under great bodily and mental excitement -- Jer 23:9; Eze 3:14,15; Da 7:28; 10:8; Hab 3:2,16.", "Sometimes uttered their predictions in verse -- De 32:44; Isa 5:1.", "Often accompanied by music while predicting -- 1Sa 10:5; 2Ki 3:15.", "Often committed their predictions to writing -- 2Ch 21:12; Jer 36:2.", "Writings of, read in the synagogues every Sabbath -- Lu 4:17; Ac 13:15.", "Ordinary", "Numerous in Israel. -- 1Sa 10:5; 1Ki 18:4.", "Trained up and instructed in schools. -- 2Ki 2:3,5; 1Sa 19:20.", "The sacred bards of the Jews. -- Ex 15:20,21; 1Sa 10:5,10; 1Ch 25:1.", "Extraordinary", "Specially raised up on occasions of emergency. -- 1Sa 3:19-21; Isa 6:8,9; Jer 1:5.", "Often endued with miraculous power. -- Ex 4:1-4; 1Ki 17:23; 2Ki 5:3-8.", "Frequently married men -- 2Ki 4:1; Eze 24:18.", "Wore a coarse dress of hair-cloth -- 2Ki 1:8; Zec 13:4; Mt 3:4; Re 11:3.", "Often led a wandering and unsettled life -- 1Ki 18:10-12; 19:3,8,15; 2Ki 4:10.", "Simple in their manner of life -- Mt 3:4.", "The historiographers of the Jewish nation -- 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29.", "The interpreters of dreams -- Da 1:17.", "Were consulted in all difficulties -- 1Sa 9:6; 28:15; 1Ki 14:2-4; 22:7.", "Presented with gifts by those who consulted them -- 1Sa 9:7,8; 1Ki 14:3.", "Sometimes thought it right to reject presents -- 2Ki 5:15,16.", "Were sent to", "Reprove the wicked and exhort to repentance. -- 2Ki 17:13; 2Ch 24:19; Jer 25:4,5.", "Denounce the wickedness of kings. -- 1Sa 15:10,16-19; 2Sa 12:7-12; 1Ki 18:18; 21:17-22.", "Exhort to faithfulness and constancy in God's service. -- 2Ch 15:1,2,7.", "Predict the coming of Christ. -- Lu 24:44; Joh 1:45; Ac 3:24; 10:43.", "Predict the downfall of nations. -- Isa 15:1; 17:1; Jer 47:1-51:64.", "Felt deeply on account of the calamities which they predicted -- Isa 16:9-11; Jer 9:1-7.", "Predictions of", "Frequently proclaimed at the gate of the Lord's house. -- Jer 7:2.", "Proclaimed in the cities and streets. -- Jer 11:6.", "Written on tables and fixed up in some public place. -- Hab 2:2.", "Written on rolls and read to the people. -- Isa 8:1; Jer 36:2.", "Were all fulfilled. -- 2Ki 10:10; Isa 44:26; Ac 3:18; Re 10:7.", "Assisted the Jews in their great national undertakings -- Ezr 5:2.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Enoch. -- Ge 5:21-24; Jude 1:14.", "Noah. -- Ge 9:25-27.", "Jacob. -- Ge 49:1.", "Aaron. -- Ex 7:1.", "Moses. -- De 18:18.", "Miriam. -- Ex 15:20.", "Deborah. -- Jdj 4:4.", "Prophet set to Israel. -- Jdj 6:8.", "Prophet sent to Eli. -- 1Sa 2:27.", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 3:20.", "David. -- Ps 16:8-11; Ac 2:25,30.", "Nathan. -- 2Sa 7:2; 12:1; 1Ki 1:10.", "Zadok. -- 2Sa 15:27.", "Gad. -- 2Sa 24:11; 1Ch 29:29.", "Ahijah. -- 1Ki 11:29; 12:15; 2Ch 9:29.", "Prophet of Judah. -- 1Ki 13:1.", "Iddo. -- 2Ch 9:29; 12:15.", "Shemaiah. -- 1Ki 12:22; 2Ch 12:7,15.", "Azariah the son of Oded. -- 2Ch 15:2,8.", "Hanani. -- 2Ch 16:7.", "Jehu the son of Hanani. -- 1Ki 16:1,7,12.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:1.", "Elisha. -- 1Ki 19:16.", "Micaiah the son of Imlah. -- 1Ki 22:7,8.", "Jonah. -- 2Ki 14:25; Jon 1:1; Mt 12:39.", "Isaiah. -- 2Ki 19:2; 2Ch 26:22; Isa 1:1.", "Hosea. -- Ho 1:1.", "Amos. -- Am 1:1; 7:14,15.", "Micah. -- Mic 1:1.", "Oded. -- 2Ch 28:9.", "Nahum. -- Na 1:1.", "Joel. -- Joe 1:1; Ac 2:16.", "Zephaniah. -- Zep 1:1.", "Huldah. -- 2Ki 22:14.", "Jeduthun. -- 2Ch 35:15.", "Jeremiah. -- 2Ch 36:12,21; Jer 1:1,2.", "Habakkuk. -- Hab 1:1.", "Obadiah. -- Ob 1:1.", "Ezekiel. -- Eze 1:3.", "Daniel. -- Da 12:11; Mt 24:15.", "Haggai. -- Ezr 5:1; 6:14; Hag 1:1.", "Zechariah son of Iddo. -- Ezr 5:1; Zec 1:1.", "Malachi. -- Mal 1:1.", "Zacharias the father of John. -- Lu 1:67.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:36.", "Agabus. -- Ac 11:28; 21:10.", "Daughters of Philip. -- Ac 21:9.", "Paul. -- 1Ti 4:1.", "Peter. -- 2Pe 2:1,2.", "John. -- Re 1:1.", "One generally attached to the king's household -- 2Sa 24:11; 2Ch 29:25; 35:15.", "The Jews", "Require to hear and believe. -- De 18:15; 2Ch 20:20.", "Often tried to make them speak smooth things. -- 1Ki 22:13; Isa 30:10; Am 2:12.", "Persecuted them. -- 2Ch 36:16; Mt 5:12.", "Often imprisoned them. -- 1Ki 22:27; Jer 32:2; 37:15,16.", "Often put them to death. -- 1Ki 18:13; 19:10; Mt 23:34-37.", "Often left without, on account of sin. -- 1Sa 3:1; Ps 74:9; Am 8:11,12.", "Were mighty through faith -- Heb 11:32-40.", "Great patience of, under suffering -- Jas 5:10.", "God avenged all injuries done to -- 2Ki 9:7; 1Ch 16:21,22; Mt 23:35-38; Lu 11:50.", "Christ predicted to exercise the office of -- De 18:15; Ac 3:22.", "Christ exercised the office of -- Mt 24:1-25:46; Mr 10:32-34."]} +{"term": "Prophets, False", "definitions": ["Pretended to be sent by God -- Jer 23:17,18,31.", "Not sent or commissioned by God -- Jer 14:14; 23:21; 29:31.", "Made use of by God to prove Israel -- De 13:3.", "Described as", "Light and treacherous. -- Zep 3:4.", "Covetous. -- Mic 3:11.", "Crafty. -- Mt 7:15.", "Drunken. -- Isa 28:7.", "Immoral and profane. -- Jer 23:11,14.", "Women sometimes acted as -- Ne 6:14; Re 2:20.", "Called foolish prophets -- Eze 13:2.", "Compared to foxes in the desert -- Eze 13:4.", "Compared to wind -- Jer 5:13.", "Influenced by evil spirits -- 1Ki 22:21,22.", "Prophesied", "Falsely. -- Jer 5:31.", "Lies in the name of the Lord. -- Jer 14:14.", "Out of their own heart. -- Jer 23:16,26; Eze 13:2.", "In the name of false gods. -- Jer 2:8.", "Peace, when there was no peace. -- Jer 6:14; 23:17; Eze 13:10; Mic 3:5.", "Often practised divination and witchcraft -- Jer 14:14; Eze 22:28; Ac 13:6.", "Often pretended to dreams -- Jer 23:28,32.", "Often deceived by God as a judgment -- Eze 14:9.", "The people", "Led into error. -- Jer 23:13; Mic 3:5.", "Made to forget God's name by. -- Jer 23:27.", "Deprived of God's word by. -- Jer 23:30.", "Taught profaneness and sin by. -- Jer 23:14,15.", "Oppressed and defrauded by. -- Eze 22:25.", "Warned not to listen to. -- De 13:3; Jer 23:16; 27:9,15,16.", "Encouraged and praised. -- Jer 5:31; Lu 6:26.", "Mode of trying and detecting -- De 13:1,2; 18:21,22; 1Jo 4:1-3.", "Predicted to arise", "Before destruction of Jerusalem. -- Mt 24:11,24.", "In the latter times. -- 2Pe 2:1.", "Judgments denounced against -- Jer 8:1,2; 14:15; 28:16,17; 29:32.", "Involved the people in their own ruin -- Isa 9:15,16; Jer 20:6; Eze 14:10."]} +{"term": "Proselytes", "definitions": ["Described -- Es 8:17; Isa 56:3.", "Required", "To give up all heathen practices. -- Ezr 6:21.", "To give up all heathen associates. -- Ru 1:16; 2:11; Ps 45:10; Lu 14:26.", "To be circumcised. -- Ge 17:13; Ex 12:48.", "To enter into covenant to serve the Lord. -- De 29:10-13; Ne 10:28,29.", "To observe the law of Moses as Jews. -- Ex 12:49.", "Unfaithfulness in, punished -- Eze 14:7.", "From the Ammonites and Moabites restricted for ever from holding office in the congregation -- De 23:3.", "From the Egyptians and Edomites restricted to the third generation from holding office in the congregation -- De 23:7,8.", "Were entitled to all privileges -- Ex 12:48; Isa 56:3-7.", "Went up to the feasts -- Ac 2:10; 8:27.", "Pharisees, zealous in making -- Mt 23:15.", "Many, embraced the gospel -- Ac 6:5; 13:43.", "Later called devout Greeks -- Joh 12:20; Ac 17:4."]} +{"term": "Protection", "definitions": ["God is able to afford -- 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24.", "God is faithful to afford -- 1Th 5:23,24; 2Th 3:3.", "Of God is", "Indispensable. -- Ps 127:1.", "Seasonable. -- Ps 46:1.", "Unfailing. -- De 31:6; Jos 1:5.", "Effectual. -- Joh 10:28-30; 2Co 12:9.", "Uninterrupted. -- Ps 121:3.", "Encouraging. -- Isa 41:10; 50:7.", "Perpetual. -- Ps 121:8.", "Often afforded through means inadequate in themselves. -- Jdj 7:7; 1Sa 17:45,50; 2Ch 14:11.", "Is afforded to", "Those who hearken to God. -- Pr 1:33.", "Returning sinners. -- Job 22:23,25.", "The perfect in heart. -- 2Ch 16:9.", "The poor. -- Ps 14:6; 72:12-14.", "The oppressed. -- Ps 9:9.", "The Church. -- Ps 48:3; Zec 2:4,5.", "Is vouchsafed to saints in", "Preserving them. -- Ps 145:20.", "Strengthening them. -- 2Ti 4:17.", "Upholding them. -- Ps 37:17,24; 63:8.", "Keeping their feet. -- 1Sa 2:9; Pr 3:26.", "Keeping them from evil. -- 2Th 3:3.", "Keeping them from falling. -- Jude 1:24.", "Keeping them in the way. -- Ex 23:20.", "Keeping them from temptation. -- Re 3:10.", "Providing a refuge for them. -- Pr 14:26; Isa 4:6; 32:2.", "Defending them against their enemies. -- De 20:1-4; 33:27; Isa 59:19.", "Defeating the counsels of enemies. -- Isa 8:10.", "Temptation. -- 1Co 10:13; 2Pe 2:9.", "Persecution. -- Lu 21:18.", "Calamities. -- Ps 57:1; 59:16.", "All dangers. -- Ps 91:3-7.", "All places. -- Ge 28:15; 2Ch 16:9.", "Sleep. -- Ps 3:5; 4:8; Pr 3:24.", "Death. -- Ps 23:4.", "Saints", "Acknowledge God as their. -- Ps 18:2; 62:2; 89:18.", "Pray for. -- Ps 17:5,8; Isa 51:9.", "Praise God for. -- Ps 5:11.", "Withdrawn from the", "Disobedient. -- Le 26:14-17.", "Backsliding. -- Jos 23:12,13; Jdj 10:13.", "Presumptuous. -- Nu 14:40-45.", "Unbelieving. -- Isa 7:9.", "Obstinately impenitent. -- Mt 23:38.", "Not to be found in", "Idols. -- De 32:37-39; Isa 46:7.", "Man. -- Ps 146:3; Isa 30:7.", "Riches. -- Pr 11:4,28; Zep 1:18.", "Hosts. -- Jos 11:4-8; Ps 33:16.", "Horses. -- Ps 33:17; Pr 21:31.", "Illustrated -- De 32:11; Ps 125:1,2; Pr 18:10; Isa 25:4; 31:5; Lu 13:34.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 15:1.", "Jacob. -- Ge 48:16.", "Joseph. -- Ge 49:23-25.", "Israel. -- Jos 24:17.", "David. -- Ps 18:1,2.", "Shadrach &c. -- Da 3:28.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:22.", "Peter. -- Ac 12:4-7.", "Paul. -- Ac 18:10; 26:17."]} +{"term": "Providence of God, The", "definitions": ["Is his care over his works -- Ps 145:9.", "Is exercised in", "Preserving his creatures. -- Ne 9:6; Ps 36:6; Mt 10:29.", "Providing for his creatures. -- Ps 104:27,28; 136:25; 147:9; Mt 6:26.", "The special preservation of saints. -- Ps 37:28; 91:11; Mt 10:30.", "Prospering saints. -- Ge 24:48,56.", "Protecting saints. -- Ps 91:4; 140:7.", "Delivering saints. -- Ps 91:3; Isa 31:5.", "Leading saints. -- De 8:2,15; Isa 31:5.", "Leading saints. -- De 8:2,15; Isa 63:12.", "Bringing His words to pass. -- Nu 26:65; Jos 21:45; Lu 21:32,33.", "Ordering the ways of men. -- Pr 16:9; 19:21; 20:24.", "Ordaining the conditions and circumstances of men. -- 1Sa 2:7,8; Ps 75:6,7.", "Determining the period of human life. -- Ps 31:15; 39:5; Ac 17:26.", "Defeating wicked designs. -- Ex 15:9-19; 2Sa 17:14,15; Ps 33:10.", "Overruling wicked designs for good. -- Ge 45:5-7; 50:20; Php 1:12.", "Preserving the course of nature. -- Ge 8:22; Job 26:10; Ps 104:5-9.", "Directing all events. -- Jos 7:14; 1Sa 6:7-10,12; Pr 16:33; Isa 44:7; Ac 1:26.", "Ruling the elements. -- Job 37:9-13; Isa 50:2; Joh 1:4,15; Na 1:4.", "Ordering the minutest matters. -- Mt 10:29,30; Lu 21:18.", "Is righteous -- Ps 145:17; Da 4:37.", "Is ever watchful -- Ps 121:4; Isa 27:3.", "Is all pervading -- Ps 139:1-5.", "Sometimes dark and mysterious -- Ps 36:6; 73:16; 77:19; Ro 11:33.", "All things are ordered by", "For his glory. -- Isa 63:14.", "For good to saints. -- Ro 8:28.", "The wicked made to promote the designs -- Isa 10:5-12; Ac 3:17,18.", "To be acknowledged", "In prosperity. -- De 8:18; 1Ch 29:12.", "In adversity. -- Job 1:21; Ps 119:15.", "In public calamities. -- Am 3:6.", "In our daily support. -- Ge 48:15.", "In all things. -- Pr 3:6.", "Cannot be defeated -- 1Ki 22:30,34; Pr 21:30.", "Man's efforts are vain without -- Ps 127:1,2; Pr 21:31.", "Saints should", "Trust in. -- Mt 6:33,34; 10:9,29-31.", "Have full confidence in. -- Ps 16:8; 139:10.", "Commit their works to. -- Pr 16:3.", "Encourage themselves. -- 1Sa 30:6.", "Pray in dependence upon. -- Ac 12:5.", "Pray to be guided by. -- Ge 24:12-14; 28:20,21; Ac 1:24.", "Result of depending upon -- Lu 22:35.", "Connected with the use of means -- 1Ki 21:19; 22:37,38; Mic 5:2; Lu 2:1-4; Ac 27:22,31,32.", "Danger of denying -- Isa 10:13-17; Eze 28:2-10; Da 4:29-31; Ho 2:8,9."]} +{"term": "Prudence", "definitions": ["Exhibited in the manifestation of God's grace -- Eph 1:8.", "Exemplified by Christ -- Isa 52:13; Mt 21:24-27; 22:15-21.", "Intimately connected with wisdom -- Pr 8:12.", "The wise celebrated for -- Pr 16:21.", "They who have", "Get knowledge. -- Pr 18:15.", "Deal with knowledge. -- Pr 13:16.", "Look well to their goings. -- Pr 14:15.", "Understand the ways of God. -- Ho 14:9.", "Understand their own ways. -- Pr 14:8.", "Crowned with knowledge. -- Pr 14:18.", "Not ostentatious of knowledge. -- Pr 12:23.", "Foresee and avoid evil. -- Pr 22:3.", "Are preserved by it. -- Pr 2:11.", "Suppress angry feelings. -- Pr 12:16; 19:11.", "Regard reproof. -- Pr 15:5.", "Keep silence in the evil time. -- Am 5:13.", "Saints act with -- Ps 112:5.", "Saints should especially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelievers -- Mt 10:16; Eph 5:15; Col 4:5.", "Virtuous wives act with -- Pr 31:16,26.", "The young should cultivate -- Pr 3:21.", "Of the wicked", "Fails in times of perplexity. -- Jer 49:7.", "Keeps them from the knowledge of the gospel. -- Mt 11:25.", "Denounced by God. -- Isa 5:21; 29:15.", "Defeated by God. -- Isa 29:14; 1Co 1:19.", "Necessity for -- Illustrated. -- Mt 25:3,9; Lu 14:28-32.", "Exemplified", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:3-23.", "Joseph. -- Ge 41:39.", "Jethro. -- Ex 18:19-23.", "Gideon. -- Jdj 8:1-3.", "David. -- 1Sa 16:18.", "Abigail. -- 1Sa 25:23-31; 2Sa 15:32-34; 17:6-14.", "Aged counsellors of Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:7.", "Solomon. -- 2Ch 2:12.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 2:12-16; 4:13-18.", "The Poor Wise Man. -- Ec 9:15.", "The Scribe. -- Mr 12:32-34.", "Gamaliel. -- Ac 5:34-39.", "Sergius Paulus. -- Ac 13:7.", "Paul. -- Ac 23:6."]} +{"term": "Publicans", "definitions": ["The collectors of the public taxes -- Lu 5:27.", "Suspected of extortion -- Lu 3:13.", "Often guilty of extortion -- Lu 19:8.", "Chiefs of, were very rich -- Lu 19:2.", "The Jews", "Despised. -- Lu 18:11.", "Classed with the most infamous characters. -- Mt 11:19; 21:32.", "Despised our Lord for associating with. -- Mt 9:11; 11:19.", "Often kind to their friends -- Mt 5:46,47.", "Often hospitable -- Lu 5:29; 19:6.", "Many of", "Believed the preaching of John. -- Mt 21:32.", "Received John's baptism. -- Lu 3:12; 7:29.", "Attended the preaching of Christ. -- Mr 2:15; Lu 15:1.", "Embraced the gospel. -- Mt 21:31.", "Matthew the apostle was of -- Mt 10:3."]} +{"term": "Punishment of the Wicked, The", "definitions": ["Is from God -- Le 26:18; Isa 13:11.", "On account of their", "Sin. -- La 3:39.", "Iniquity. -- Jer 36:31; Eze 3:17-18; 18:4,13,20; Am 3:2.", "Idolatry. -- Le 26:30; Isa 10:10,11.", "Rejection of the law of God. -- 1Sa 15:23; Ho 4:6-9.", "Ignorance of God. -- 2Th 1:8.", "Evil ways and doings. -- Jer 21:14; Ho 4:9; 12:2.", "Pride. -- Isa 10:12; 24:21; Lu 14:11.", "Unbelief. -- Mr 16:16; Ro 11:20; Heb 3:18,19; 4:2.", "Covetousness. -- Isa 57:17; Jer 51:13.", "Oppressing. -- Isa 49:26; Jer 30:16,20.", "Persecuting. -- Jer 11:21,22; Mt 23:34-36.", "Disobeying God. -- Ne 9:26,27; Eph 5:6.", "Disobeying the gospel. -- 2Th 1:8.", "Is the fruit of their sin -- Job 4:8; Pr 22:8; Ro 6:21; Ga 6:8.", "Is the reward of their sins -- Ps 91:8; Isa 3:11; Jer 16:18; Ro 6:23; Heb 2:2.", "Often brought about by their evil designs -- Es 7:10; Ps 37:15; 57:6.", "Often commences in this life -- Pr 11:31.", "In this life by", "Sickness. -- Le 26:16; Ps 78:50.", "Famine. -- Le 26:19,20,26,29; Ps 107:34.", "Noisome beasts. -- Le 26:22.", "War. -- Le 26:25,32,33; Jer 6:4.", "Deliverance to enemies. -- Ne 9:27.", "Fear. -- Le 26:36,37; Job 18:11.", "Reprobate mind. -- Ro 1:28.", "Put in slippery places. -- Ps 73:3-19.", "Trouble and distress. -- Isa 8:22; Zep 1:15.", "Cutting off. -- Ps 94:23.", "Bringing down their pride. -- Isa 13:11.", "Future, shall be awarded by Christ -- Mt 16:27; 25:31,41.", "Future described as", "Hell. -- Ps 9:17; Mt 5:29; Lu 12:5; 16:23.", "Darkness. -- Mt 8:12; 2Pe 2:17.", "Death. -- Ro 5:12-17; 6:23.", "Resurrection of damnation. -- Joh 5:29.", "Rising to shame and everlasting contempt. -- Da 12:2.", "Everlasting destruction. -- Ps 52:5; 92:7; 2Th 1:9.", "Everlasting fire. -- Mt 25:41; Jude 1:7.", "Second death. -- Re 2:11; 21:8.", "Damnation of hell. -- Mt 23:33.", "Eternal damnation. -- Mr 3:29.", "Blackness of darkness. -- 2Pe 2:17; Jude 1:13.", "Everlasting burnings. -- Isa 33:14.", "The wrath of God. -- Joh 3:36.", "Wine of the wrath of God. -- Re 14:10.", "Torment with fire. -- Re 14:10.", "Torment for ever and ever. -- Re 14:11.", "The righteousness of God requires. -- 2Th 1:6.", "Often sudden and unexpected. -- Ps 35:8; 64:7; Pr 29:1; Lu 12:20; 1Th 5:3.", "Shall be", "According to their deeds. -- Mt 16:27; Ro 2:6,9; 2Co 5:10.", "According to the knowledge possessed by them. -- Lu 12:47,48.", "Increased by neglect of privileges. -- Mt 11:21-24; Lu 10:13-15.", "Without mitigation. -- Lu 16:23-26.", "Accompanied by remorse. -- Isa 66:24; Mr 9:44.", "No combination avails against -- Pr 11:21.", "Deferred, emboldens them in sin -- Ec 8:11.", "Should be a warning to others -- Nu 26:10; 1Co 10:6-11; Jude 1:7.", "Consummated at the day of judgment -- Mt 25:31,46; Ro 2:5,16; 2Pe 2:9."]} +{"term": "Punishments", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 4:13,14.", "Power of inflicting, given to magistrates -- Job 31:11; Ro 13:4.", "Designed to be a warning to others -- De 13:11; 17:13; 19:20.", "Were inflicted", "On the guilty. -- De 24:16; Pr 17:26.", "Without pity. -- De 19:13,21.", "Without partiality. -- De 13:6-8.", "By order of magistrates. -- Ac 16:22.", "By order of kings. -- 2Sa 1:13-16; 1Ki 2:23-46.", "Immediately after sentence was passed. -- De 25:2; Jos 7:25.", "By the witnesses. -- De 13:9; 17:7; Joh 8:7; Ac 7:58,59.", "By the people. -- Nu 15:35,36; De 13:9.", "By soldiers. -- 2Sa 1:15; Mt 27:27-35.", "Sometimes deferred until God was consulted -- Nu 15:34.", "Sometimes deferred for a considerable time -- 1Ki 2:5,6,8,9.", "Secondary kinds of", "Imprisonment. -- Ezr 7:26; Mt 5:25.", "Confinement in a dungeon. -- Jer 38:6; Zec 9:11.", "Confinement in stocks. -- Jer 20:2; Ac 16:24.", "Fine, or giving of money. -- Ex 21:22; De 22:19.", "Restitution. -- Ex 21:36; 22:1-4; Le 6:4,5; 24:18.", "Retaliation or injuring according to the injury done. -- Ex 21:24; De 19:21.", "Binding with chains and fetters. -- Ps 105:18.", "Scourging. -- De 25:2,3; Mt 27:26; Ac 22:25; 2Co 11:24.", "Selling the criminal. -- Mt 18:25.", "Banishment. -- Ezr 7:26; Re 1:9.", "Torturing. -- Mt 18:34; Heb 11:37.", "Putting out the eyes. -- Jdj 16:21; 1Sa 11:2.", "Cutting off hands and feet. -- 2Sa 4:12.", "Mutilating the hands and feet. -- Jdj 1:5-7.", "Cutting off nose and ears. -- Eze 23:25.", "Plucking out the hair. -- Ne 13:25; Isa 50:6.", "Confiscating the property. -- Ezr 7:26.", "Inflicting of capital, not permitted to the Jews by the Romans -- Joh 18:31.", "Capital kinds of", "Burning. -- Ge 38:24; Le 20:14; Da 3:6.", "Hanging. -- Nu 25:4; De 21:22,23; Jos 8:29; 2Sa 21:12; Es 7:9,10.", "Crucifying. -- Mt 20:19; 27:35.", "Beheading. -- Ge 40:19; Mr 6:16,27.", "Slaying with the sword. -- 1Sa 15:33; Ac 12:2.", "Stoning. -- Le 24:14; De 13:10; Ac 7:59.", "Cutting in pieces. -- Da 2:5; Mt 24:51.", "Sawing asunder. -- Heb 11:37.", "Exposing to wild beasts. -- Da 6:16,24; 1Co 15:32.", "Bruising in mortars. -- Pr 27:22.", "Casting headlong from a rock. -- 2Ch 25:12.", "Casting into the sea. -- Mt 18:6.", "Strangers not exempted from -- Le 20:2.", "Were sometimes commuted -- Ex 21:29,30.", "For murder not to be commuted -- Nu 35:31,32."]} +{"term": "Purifications", "definitions": ["Of Israel at the exodus -- Ex 14:22; 1Co 10:2.", "Of Israel before receiving the law -- Ex 19:10.", "Of priests before consecration -- Ex 29:4.", "Of Levites before consecration -- Nu 8:6,7.", "Of high priest on day of atonement -- Le 16:4,24.", "Of things for burnt-offerings -- 2Ch 4:6.", "Of individuals who were ceremonially unclean -- Le 15:2-13; 17:15; 22:4-7; Nu 19:7-12,21.", "Of the healed leper -- Le 14:8,9.", "Of Nazarites after vow expired -- Ac 21:24,26.", "Used by the devout before entering God's house -- Ps 26:6; Heb 10:22.", "Multiplied by traditions -- Mt 15:2; Mr 7:3,4.", "Means used for", "Water of separation. -- Nu 19:9.", "Running water. -- Le 15:13.", "Water mixed with blood. -- Ex 24:5-8; Heb 9:19.", "Was by", "Sprinkling. -- Nu 19:13,18; Heb 9:19.", "Washing parts of the body. -- Ex 30:19.", "Washing the whole body. -- Le 8:6; 14:9.", "Of priests performed in the brazen laver -- Ex 30:18; 2Ch 4:6.", "Vessels in the houses of the Jews for -- Joh 2:6.", "Consequence of neglecting those prescribed by law -- Le 17:16; Nu 19:13,20.", "Availed to sanctifying the flesh -- Heb 9:13.", "Insufficient for spiritual purification -- Job 9:30,31; Jer 2:22.", "The Jews laid great stress on -- Joh 3:25.", "Illustrative of", "Purification by the blood of Christ. -- Heb 9:9-12.", "Regeneration. -- Eph 5:26; 1Jo 1:7."]} +{"term": "Rain", "definitions": ["Occasioned by the condensing of the clouds -- Job 36:27,28; Ps 77:17; Ec 11:3.", "God", "Made a decree for. -- Job 28:26.", "Prepares. -- Ps 147:8.", "Gives. -- Job 5:10.", "Causes, to come down. -- Joe 2:23.", "Exhibits goodness in giving. -- Ac 14:17.", "Exhibits greatness in giving. -- Job 36:26,27.", "Sends upon the evil and good. -- Mt 5:45.", "Should be praised for. -- Ps 147:7,8.", "Should be feared on account of. -- Jer 5:24.", "Impotence of idols exhibited in not being able to give -- Jer 14:22.", "Not sent upon the earth immediately after creation -- Ge 2:5.", "Rarely falls in Egypt -- De 11:10; Zec 14:18.", "Canaan abundantly supplied with -- De 11:11.", "Designed for", "Refreshing the earth. -- Ps 68:9; 72:6.", "Making fruitful the earth. -- Heb 6:7.", "Replenishing the springs and fountains of the earth. -- Ps 104:8.", "Promised in due season to the obedient -- Le 26:4; De 11:14; Eze 34:26,27.", "Frequently withheld on account of iniquity -- De 11:17; Jer 3:3; 5:25; Am 4:7.", "The want of", "Causes the earth to open. -- Job 29:23; Jer 14:4.", "Dries up springs and fountains. -- 1Ki 17:7.", "Occasions famine. -- 1Ki 18:1,2.", "Removed by prayer. -- 1Ki 8:35,36; Jas 5:18.", "Withheld for three years and six months in the days of Elijah -- 1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17.", "Divided into", "Great. -- Ezr 10:9.", "Plentiful. -- Ps 68:9.", "Overflowing. -- Eze 38:22.", "Sweeping. -- Pr 28:3.", "Small. -- Job 37:6.", "The former, after harvest, to prepare for sowing -- De 11:14; Jer 5:24.", "The latter, before harvest -- Joe 2:23; Zec 10:1.", "The rainbow often appears during -- Ge 9:14; Eze 1:28.", "Often succeeded by heat and sunshine -- 2Sa 23:4; Isa 18:4.", "The appearance of a cloud from the west indicated -- 1Ki 18:44; Lu 12:54.", "The north wind drives away -- Pr 25:23.", "Unusual in harvest time -- Pr 26:1.", "Thunder and lightning often with -- Ps 135:7.", "Storm and tempest often with -- Mt 7:25,27.", "Instances of extraordinary", "Time of the flood. -- Ge 7:4,12.", "Plague of, upon Egypt. -- Ex 9:18,23.", "During wheat harvest in the days of Samuel. -- 1Sa 12:17,18.", "After long drought in Ahab's reign. -- 1Ki 18:45.", "After the captivity. -- Ezr 10:9,13.", "Often impeded travelling in the east -- 1Ki 18:44; Isa 4:6.", "Often destroyed houses -- Eze 13:13-15; Mt 7:27.", "Illustrative", "Of the word of God. -- Isa 55:10,11.", "Of the doctrine of faithful ministers. -- De 32:2.", "Of Christ in the communication of his graces. -- Ps 72:6; Ho 6:3.", "Of spiritual blessings. -- Ps 68:9; 84:6; Eze 34:26.", "Of righteousness. -- Ho 10:12.", "(Destructive,) of God's judgments. -- Job 20:23; Ps 11:6; Eze 38:22.", "(Destructive,) of a poor man oppressing the poor. -- Pr 28:3."]} +{"term": "Raven, The", "definitions": ["Unclean and not to be eaten -- Le 11:15; De 14:14.", "Called the raven of the valley -- Pr 30:17.", "Described as", "Black. -- Song 5:11.", "Solitary in disposition. -- Isa 34:11.", "Improvident. -- Lu 12:24.", "Carnivorous. -- Pr 30:17.", "God provides food for -- Job 38:41; Ps 147:9; Lu 12:24.", "Sent by Noah from the ark -- Ge 8:7.", "Elijah fed by -- 1Ki 17:4-6.", "Plumage of, illustrative of the glory of Christ -- Song 5:11."]} +{"term": "Reaping", "definitions": ["Is the cutting of the corn in harvest -- Job 24:6; Le 23:10.", "The sickle used for -- De 16:9; Mr 4:29.", "Both men and women engaged in -- Ru 2:8,9.", "The Jews not to reap", "The corners of their fields. -- Le 19:9; 23:22.", "During the Sabbatical year. -- Le 25:5.", "During the year of jubilee. -- Le 25:11.", "The fields of others. -- De 23:25.", "Mode of gathering the corn for, alluded to -- Ps 129:7; Isa 17:5.", "Corn after, was bound up into sheaves -- Ge 37:7; Ps 129:7.", "Persons engaged in", "Under the guidance of a steward. -- Ru 2:5,6.", "Visited by the master. -- Ru 2:4; 2Ki 4:18.", "Fed by the master who himself presided at their meals. -- Ru 2:14.", "Received wages. -- Joh 4:36; Jas 5:4.", "A time of great rejoicing -- Ps 126:5,6.", "The Jews often hindered from, on account of their sins -- Mic 6:15.", "Often unprofitable on account of sin -- Jer 12:13.", "Illustrative of", "Receiving the reward of wickedness. -- Job 4:8; Pr 22:8; Ho 8:7; Ga 6:8.", "Receiving the reward of righteousness. -- Ho 10:12; Ga 6:8,9.", "Ministers receiving temporal provision for spiritual labours. -- 1Co 9:11.", "Gathering in souls to God. -- Joh 4:38.", "The judgments of God on the antichristian world. -- Re 14:14-16.", "The final judgment. -- Mt 13:30,39-43."]} +{"term": "Rebellion Against God", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Nu 14:9; Jos 22:19.", "Provokes God -- Nu 16:30; Ne 9:26.", "Provokes Christ -- Ex 23:20,21; 1Co 10:9.", "Vexes the Holy Spirit -- Isa 63:10.", "Exhibited in", "Unbelief. -- De 9:23; Ps 106:24,25.", "Rejecting his government. -- 1Sa 8:7; 15:23.", "Revolting from him. -- Isa 1:5; 31:6.", "Despising his law. -- Ne 9:26.", "Despising his counsels. -- Ps 107:11.", "Distrusting his power. -- Eze 17:15.", "Murmuring against him. -- Nu 20:3,10.", "Refusing to hearken to him. -- De 9:23; Eze 20:8; Zec 7:11.", "Departing from him. -- Isa 59:13.", "Rebellion against governors appointed by him. -- Jos 1:18.", "Departing from his precepts. -- Da 9:5.", "Departing from his instituted worship. -- Ex 32:8,9; Jos 22:16-19.", "Sinning against light. -- Job 24:13; Joh 15:22; Ac 13:41.", "Walking after our own thoughts. -- Isa 65:2.", "Connected with", "Stubbornness. -- De 31:27.", "Injustice and corruption. -- Isa 1:23.", "Contempt of God. -- Ps 107:11.", "Man is prone to. -- De 31:27; Ro 7:14-18.", "The heart is the seat of. -- Jer 5:23; Mt 15:18,19; Heb 3:12.", "They who are guilty of", "Aggravate their sin by. -- Job 34:27.", "Practise hypocrisy to hide. -- Ho 7:14.", "Persevere in. -- De 9:7,24.", "Increase in, though chastised. -- Isa 1:5.", "Warned not to exalt themselves. -- Ps 66:7.", "Denounced. -- Isa 30:1.", "Have God as their enemy. -- Isa 63:10.", "Have God's hand against them. -- 1Sa 12:15; Ps 106:26,27.", "Impoverished for. -- Ps 68:6.", "Brought low for. -- Ps 107:11,12.", "Delivered into the hands of enemies on account of. -- Ne 9:26,27.", "Cast out in their sins for. -- Ps 5:10.", "Cast out of the church for. -- Eze 20:38.", "Restored through Christ alone. -- Ps 68:18.", "Heinousness of -- 1Sa 15:23.", "Guilt of", "Aggravated by God's fatherly care. -- Isa 1:2.", "Aggravated by God's unceasing invitations to return to him. -- Isa 65:2.", "To be deprecated. -- Jos 22:29.", "To be confessed. -- La 1:18,20; Da 9:5.", "God alone can forgive -- Da 9:9.", "God is ready to forgive -- Ne 9:17.", "Religious instruction designed to prevent -- Ps 78:5,8.", "Promises to those who avoid -- De 28:1-13; 1Sa 12:14.", "Forgiven upon repentance -- Ne 9:26,27.", "Ministers", "Cautioned against. -- Eze 2:8.", "Sent to those guilty of. -- Eze 2:3-7; 3:4-9; Mr 12:4-8.", "Should warn against. -- Nu 14:9.", "Should testify against. -- Isa 30:8,9; Eze 17:12; 44:6.", "Should remind their people of past. -- De 9:7; 31:27.", "Punishment for -- Le 26:14-39; 1Sa 12:15; Isa 1:20; Jer 4:16-18; Eze 20:8,38.", "Punishment for teaching -- Jer 28:16.", "Ingratitude of -- Illustrated -- Isa 1:2,3.", "Exemplified", "Pharaoh. -- Ex 5:1,2.", "Korah &c. -- Nu 16:11.", "Moses and Aaron. -- Nu 20:12,24.", "Israelites. -- De 9:23,24.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:9,23.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 12:28-33.", "Zedekiah. -- 2Ch 36:13.", "Kingdom of Israel. -- Ho 7:14; 13:16."]} +{"term": "Rechabites", "definitions": ["Descended from Hemath -- 1Ch 2:55.", "The head of, assisted Jehu in his conspiracy against the house of Ahab -- 2Ki 10:15-17.", "Prohibited by Jonadab from forming settlements or drinking wine -- Jer 35:6-8.", "Obedience of, a sign to Israel -- Jer 35:12-17.", "Perpetuity to, promised -- Jer 35:18,19."]} +{"term": "Reconciliation With God", "definitions": ["Predicted -- Da 9:24; Isa 53:5.", "Proclaimed by angels at the birth of Christ -- Lu 2:14.", "Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances is necessary to -- Eph 2:16; Col 2:14.", "Effected for men", "By God in Christ. -- 2Co 5:19.", "By Christ as High Priest. -- Heb 2:17.", "By the death of Christ. -- Ro 5:10; Eph 2:16; Col 1:21,22.", "By the blood of Christ. -- Eph 2:13; Col 1:20.", "While alienated from God. -- Col 1:21.", "Without strength. -- Ro 5:6.", "Yet sinners. -- Ro 5:8.", "While enemies to God. -- Ro 5:10.", "The ministry of committed to ministers -- 2Co 5:18,19.", "Ministers, in Christ's stead, should beseech men to seek -- 2Co 5:20.", "Effects of", "Peace of God. -- Ro 5:1; Eph 2:16,17.", "Access to God. -- Ro 5:2; Eph 2:18.", "Union of Jews and Gentiles. -- Eph 2:14.", "Union of things in heaven and earth. -- Col 1:20; Eph 1:10.", "A pledge of final salvation -- Ro 5:10.", "Necessity for -- Illustrated -- Mt 5:24-26.", "Typified -- Le 8:15; 16:20."]} +{"term": "Redemption", "definitions": ["Defined -- 1Co 6:20; 7:23.", "Is of God -- Isa 44:21-23; 43:1; Lu 1:68.", "Is by Christ -- Mt 20:28; Ga 3:13.", "Is by the blood of Christ -- Ac 20:28; Heb 9:12; 1Pe 1:19; Re 5:9.", "Christ sent to effect -- Ga 4:4,5.", "Christ is made, to us -- 1Co 1:30.", "Is from", "The bondage of the law. -- Ga 4:5.", "The curse of the law. -- Ga 3:13.", "The power of sin. -- Ro 6:18,22.", "The power of the grave. -- Ps 49:15.", "All troubles. -- Ps 25:22.", "All iniquity. -- Ps 130:8; Tit 2:14.", "All evil. -- Ge 48:16.", "The present evil world. -- Ga 1:4.", "Vain conversation. -- 1Pe 1:18.", "Enemies. -- Ps 106:10,11; Jer 15:21.", "Death. -- Ho 13:14.", "Destruction. -- Ps 103:4.", "Man cannot effect -- Ps 49:7.", "Corruptible things cannot purchase -- 1Pe 1:18.", "Procures for us", "Justification. -- Ro 3:24.", "Forgiveness of sin. -- Eph 1:7; Col 1:14.", "Adoption. -- Ga 4:4,5.", "Purification. -- Tit 2:14.", "The present life, the only season for -- Job 36:18,19.", "Described as", "Precious. -- Ps 49:8.", "Plenteous. -- Ps 130:7.", "Eternal. -- Heb 9:12.", "Subjects of", "The soul. -- Ps 49:8.", "The body. -- Ro 8:23.", "The life. -- Ps 103:4; La 3:58.", "The inheritance. -- Eph 1:14.", "Manifests the", "Power of God. -- Isa 50:2.", "Grace of God. -- Isa 52:3.", "Love and pity of God. -- Isa 63:9; Joh 3:16; Ro 6:8; 1Jo 4:10.", "A subject for praise -- Isa 44:22,23; 51:11.", "Old Testament saints partakers of -- Heb 9:15.", "They who partake of", "Are the property of God. -- Isa 43:1; 1Co 6:20.", "Are first-fruits to God. -- Re 14:4.", "Are a peculiar people. -- 2Sa 7:23; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9.", "Are assured of. -- Job 19:25; Ps 31:5.", "Are sealed to the day of. -- Eph 4:30.", "Are Zealous of good works. -- Eph 2:10; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9.", "Walk safely in holiness. -- Isa 35:8,9.", "Shall return to Zion with joy. -- Isa 35:10.", "Alone can learn the songs of heaven. -- Re 14:3,4.", "Commit themselves to God. -- Ps 31:5.", "Have an earnest of the completion of. -- Eph 1:14; 2Co 1:22.", "Wait for the completion of. -- Ro 8:23; Php 3:20,21; Tit 2:11-13.", "Pray for the completion of. -- Ps 26:11; 44:26.", "Praise God for. -- Ps 71:23; 103:4; Re 5:9.", "Should glorify God for. -- 1Co 6:20.", "Should be without fear. -- Isa 43:1.", "Typified", "Israel. -- Ex 6:6.", "First-born. -- Ex 13:11-15; Nu 18:15.", "Atonement-money. -- Ex 30:12-15.", "Bond-servant. -- Le 25:47-54."]} +{"term": "Red Heifer, The", "definitions": ["To be without spot or blemish -- Nu 19:2.", "To ge given to Eleazar the second priest to offer -- Nu 19:3.", "To be slain without the camp -- Nu 19:3.", "Entire of, to be burned -- Nu 19:5.", "Blood of, sprinkled seven times before the tabernacle -- Nu 19:4.", "Cedar, hyssop, burned with -- Nu 19:6.", "Ashes of, collected and mixed with water for purification -- Nu 19:9,11-22.", "Communicated uncleanness to", "The priest that offered her. -- Nu 19:7.", "The man that burned her. -- Nu 19:8.", "The man who gathered the ashes. -- Nu 19:10.", "Could only purify the flesh -- Heb 9:13.", "A type of Christ -- Heb 9:12-14."]} +{"term": "Repentance", "definitions": ["What it is -- Isa 45:22; Mt 6:19-21; Ac 14:15; 2Co 5:17; Col 3:2; 1Th 1:9; Heb 12:1,2.", "Commanded to all by God -- Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30.", "Commanded by Christ -- Re 2:5,16; 3:3.", "Given by God -- Ac 11:18; 2Ti 2:25.", "Christ came to call sinners to -- Mt 9:13.", "Christ exalted to give -- Ac 5:31.", "By the operation of the Holy Spirit -- Zec 12:10.", "Called repentance to life -- Ac 11:18.", "Called repentance to salvation -- 2Co 7:10.", "We should be led to, by", "The long-suffering of God. -- Ge 6:3; 1Pe 3:20; 2Pe 3:9.", "The goodness of God. -- Ro 2:4.", "The chastisements of God. -- 1Ki 8:47; Re 3:19.", "Godly sorrow works. -- 2Co 7:10.", "Necessary to the pardon of sin -- Ac 2:38; 3:19; 8:22.", "Conviction of sin necessary to -- 1Ki 8:38; Pr 28:13; Ac 2:37,38; 19:18.", "Preached", "By Christ. -- Mt 4:17; Mr 1:15.", "By John the Baptist. -- Mt 3:2.", "By the Apostles. -- Mr 6:12; Ac 20:21.", "In the name of Christ. -- Lu 24:47.", "Not to be repented of -- 2Co 7:10.", "The present time the season for -- Ps 95:7,8; Heb 3:7,8; Pr 27:1; Isa 55:6; 2Co 6:2; Heb 4:7.", "There is joy in heaven over one sinner brought to -- Lu 15:7,10.", "Ministers should rejoice over their people on their -- 2Co 7:9.", "Should be evidenced by fruits -- Isa 1:16,17; Da 4:27; Mt 3:8; Ac 26:20.", "Should be accompanied by", "Humility. -- 2Ch 7:14; Jas 4:9,10.", "Shame and confusion. -- Ezr 9:6-15; Jer 31:19; Eze 16:61,63; Da 9:7,8.", "Self-abhorrence. -- Job 42:6.", "Confession. -- Le 26:40; Job 33:27.", "Faith. -- Mt 21:32; Mr 1:15; Ac 20:21.", "Prayer. -- 1Ki 8:33; Ac 8:22.", "Conversion. -- Ac 3:19; 26:20.", "Turning from sin. -- 2Ch 6:26.", "Turning from idolatry. -- Eze 14:6; 1Th 1:9.", "Greater zeal in the path of duty. -- 2Co 7:11.", "Exhortations to -- Eze 14:6; 18:30; Ac 2:38; 3:19.", "The wicked", "Averse to. -- Jer 8:6; Mt 21:32.", "Not led to by the judgments of God. -- Re 9:20,21; 16:9.", "Not led to, by miraculous interference. -- Lu 16:30,31.", "Neglect the time given for. -- Re 2:21.", "Condemned for neglecting. -- Mt 11:20.", "Danger of neglecting -- Mt 11:20-24; Lu 13:3,5; Re 2:22.", "Neglect of, followed by swift judgment -- Re 2:5,16.", "Denied to apostates -- Heb 6:4-6.", "Illustrated -- Lu 15:18-21; 18:13.", "The Prodigal Son. -- Lu 15:17-19.", "The Repentant Son. -- Mt 21:29.", "Paul. -- Ga 1:23.", "True -- Exemplified", "Israelites. -- Jdj 10:15,16.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:13.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:12,13.", "Job. -- Job 42:6.", "Nineveh. -- Jon 3:5-8; Mt 12:41.", "Peter. -- Mt 26:75.", "Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:8.", "Thief on the Cross. -- Lu 23:40,41.", "Corinthians. -- 2Co 7:9,10.", "False -- Exemplified", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:24-30.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:27-29.", "Judas. -- Mt 27:3-5."]} +{"term": "Rephaim, or Giants, The", "definitions": ["Subdued by Chedorlaomer -- Ge 14:5.", "Dwelt in Canaan -- Jos 17:15.", "Og the king of Bashan was of -- Jos 13:12.", "The valley of", "A border of Judah. -- Jos 15:8.", "Was exceedingly fruitful. -- Isa 17:5.", "David obtained victories over the Philistines in. -- 2Sa 5:18,25.", "The last of, destroyed by David and his warriors -- 1Sa 17:4,49,50; 2Sa 21:15-22."]} +{"term": "Reproof", "definitions": ["God gives reproof to his own children -- 2Sa 7:14; Job 5:17; Ps 94:12; 119:67,71,75; Heb 12:6,7.", "God gives, to the wicked -- Ps 50:21; Isa 51:20.", "Christ sent to give -- Isa 2:4; 11:3.", "The Holy Spirit gives -- Joh 16:7,8.", "Christ gives, in love -- Re 3:19.", "On account of", "Impenitence. -- Mt 11:20-24.", "Not understanding. -- Mt 16:9,11; Mr 7:18; Lu 24:25; Joh 8:43; 13:7,8.", "Hardness of heart. -- Mr 8:17; 16:14.", "Fearfulness. -- Mr 4:40; Lu 24:37,38.", "Unbelief. -- Mt 17:17,20; Mr 16:14.", "Vain boasting. -- Lu 22:34.", "Hypocrisy. -- Mt 15:7; 23:13.", "Reviling Christ. -- Lu 23:40.", "Unruly conduct. -- 1Th 5:14.", "Oppressing out brethren. -- Ne 5:7.", "Sinful practices. -- Mt 21:13; Lu 3:19; Joh 2:16.", "The Scriptures are profitable for -- Ps 19:7-11; 2Ti 3:16.", "When from God", "Is for correction. -- Ps 39:11.", "Is despised by the wicked. -- Pr 1:30.", "Should not discourage saints. -- Heb 12:5.", "Pray that it be not be in anger. -- Ps 6:1.", "Should be accompanied by exhortation to repentance. -- 1Sa 12:20-25.", "Declared to be", "Better than secret love. -- Pr 27:5.", "Better than the praise of fools. -- Ec 7:5.", "An excellent oil. -- Ps 141:5.", "More profitable to saints, than stripes to a fool. -- Pr 17:10.", "A proof of faithful friendship -- Pr 27:6.", "Leads to", "Understanding. -- Pr 15:32.", "Knowledge. -- Pr 19:25.", "Wisdom. -- Pr 15:31; 29:15.", "Honour. -- Pr 13:18.", "Happiness. -- Pr 6:23.", "Eventually brings more respect than flattery -- Pr 28:23.", "Of those who offend, a warning to others -- Le 19:17; Ac 5:3,4,9; 1Ti 5:20; Tit 1:10,13.", "Hypocrites not qualified to give -- Mt 7:5.", "Ministers are sent to give -- Jer 44:4; Eze 3:17.", "Ministers are empowered to give -- Mic 3:8.", "Ministers should give", "Openly. -- 1Ti 5:20.", "Fearlessly. -- Eze 2:3-7.", "With all authority. -- Tit 2:15.", "With longsuffering &c. -- 2Ti 4:2.", "Unreservedly. -- Isa 58:1.", "Sharply, if necessary. -- Tit 1:13.", "With Christian love. -- 2Th 3:15.", "They who give, are hated by scorners -- Pr 9:8; 15:12.", "Hatred of, a proof of brutishness -- Pr 12:1.", "Hatred of, leads to destruction -- Pr 15:10; 29:1.", "Contempt of, leads to remorse -- Pr 5:12.", "Rejection of, leads to error -- Pr 10:17.", "Saints should", "Give. -- Le 19:17; Eph 5:11.", "Give no occasion for. -- Php 2:15.", "Receive kindly. -- Ps 141:5.", "Love those who give. -- Pr 9:8.", "Delight in those who give. -- Pr 24:25.", "Attention to a proof of prudence -- Pr 15:5.", "Exemplified", "Samuel. -- 1Sa 13:13.", "Nathan. -- 2Sa 12:7-9.", "Ahijah. -- 1Ki 14:7-11.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 21:20.", "Elisha. -- 2Ki 5:26.", "Joab. -- 1Ch 21:3.", "Shemaiah. -- 2Ch 12:5.", "Hanani. -- 2Ch 16:7.", "Zechariah. -- 2Ch 24:20.", "Daniel. -- Da 5:22,23.", "John the Baptist. -- Mt 3:7; Lu 3:19.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:51.", "Peter. -- Ac 8:20.", "Paul. -- 1Co 1:10-13; 5:1-5; 6:1-8; 11:17-22; Ga 2:11."]} +{"term": "Reptiles", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Ge 1:24,25.", "Made for praise and glory of God -- Ps 148:10.", "Placed under the dominion of man -- Ge 1:26.", "Unclean and not eaten -- Le 11:31,40-43; Ac 10:11-14.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Chameleon. -- Le 11:30.", "Lizard. -- Le 11:30.", "Tortoise. -- Le 11:29.", "Snail. -- Le 11:30; Ps 58:8.", "Frog. -- Ex 8:2; Re 16:13.", "Horseleech. -- Pr 30:15.", "Scorpion. -- De 8:15.", "Serpent. -- Job 26:13; Mt 7:10.", "Flying fiery serpent. -- De 8:15; Isa 30:6.", "Dragon. -- De 32:33; Job 30:29; Jer 9:11.", "Viper. -- Ac 28:3.", "Adder or Asp. -- Ps 58:4; 91:13; Pr 23:32.", "Cockatrice or basilisk. -- Isa 11:8; 59:5.", "Solomon wrote a history of -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Worshipped by Gentiles -- Ro 1:23.", "No image of similitude of, to be made for worshipping -- De 4:16,18.", "Jews condemned for worshipping -- Eze 8:10."]} +{"term": "Resignation", "definitions": ["Christ set and example of -- Mt 26:39-44; Joh 12:27; 18:11.", "Commanded -- Ps 37:7; 46:10.", "Should be exhibited in", "Submission to the will of God. -- 2Sa 15:26; Ps 42:5,11; Mt 6:10.", "Submission to the sovereignty of God in his purposes. -- Ro 9:20,21.", "The prospect of death. -- Ac 21:13; 2Co 4:16-5:1.", "Loss of goods. -- Job 1:15,16,21.", "Loss of children. -- Job 1:18,19,21.", "Chastisements. -- Heb 12:9.", "Bodily suffering. -- Job 2:8-10.", "The wicked are devoid of -- Pr 19:3.", "Exhortation to -- Ps 37:1-11.", "Motives to", "God's greatness. -- Ps 46:10.", "God's love. -- Heb 12:6.", "God's justice. -- Ne 9:33.", "God's wisdom. -- Ro 11:32,33.", "God's faithfulness. -- 1Pe 4:19.", "Our own sinfulness. -- La 3:39; Mic 7:9.", "Exemplified", "Jacob. -- Ge 43:14.", "Aaron. -- Le 10:3.", "Israelites. -- Jdj 10:15.", "Eli. -- 1Sa 3:18.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:23.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 20:19.", "Job. -- Job 2:10.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:59.", "Paul. -- Ac 21:13.", "Disciples. -- Ac 21:14.", "Peter. -- 2Pe 1:14."]} +{"term": "Resurrection, The", "definitions": ["A doctrine of the Old Testament -- Job 19:26; Ps 16:10; 49:15; Isa 26:19; Da 12:2; Ho 13:14.", "A first principle of the gospel -- 1Co 15:13,14; Heb 6:1,2.", "Expected by the Jews -- Joh 11:24; Heb 11:35.", "Denied by the Sadducees -- Mt 22:23; Lu 20:27; Ac 23:8.", "Explained away by false teachers -- 2Ti 2:18.", "Called in question by some in the church -- 1Co 15:12.", "Is not incredible -- Mr 12:24; Ac 26:8.", "Is not contrary to reason -- Joh 12:24; 1Co 15:35-49.", "Assumed and proved by our Lord -- Mt 22:29-32; Lu 14:14; Joh 5:28,29.", "Preached by the Apostles -- Ac 4:2; 17:18; 24:15.", "Credibility of, shown by the resurrection of individuals -- Mt 9:25; 27:53; Lu 7:14; Joh 11:44; Heb 11:35.", "Certainty of, proved by the resurrection of Christ -- 1Co 15:12-20.", "Effected by the power of", "God. -- Mt 22:29.", "Christ. -- Joh 5:28,29; 6:39,40,44.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Ro 8:11.", "Shall be of all the dead -- Joh 5:28; Ac 24:15; Re 20:13.", "Saints in, shall", "Rise through Christ. -- Joh 11:25; Ac 4:2; 1Co 15:21,22.", "Rise first. -- 1Co 15:23; 1Th 4:16.", "Rise to eternal life. -- Da 12:2; Joh 5:29.", "Be glorified with Christ. -- Col 3:4.", "Be as the angels. -- Mt 22:30.", "Have incorruptible bodies. -- 1Co 15:42.", "Have glorious bodies. -- 1Co 15:43.", "Have powerful bodies. -- 1Co 15:43.", "Have spiritual bodies. -- 1Co 15:44.", "Have bodies like Christ's. -- Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2.", "Be recompensed. -- Lu 14:14.", "Saints should look forward to -- Da 12:13; Php 3:11; 2Co 5:1.", "Of saints shall be followed by the change of those then alive -- 1Co 15:51; 1Th 4:17.", "The preaching of, caused", "Mocking. -- Ac 17:32.", "Persecution. -- Ac 23:6; 24:11-15.", "Blessedness of those who have part in the first -- Re 20:6.", "Of the wicked, shall be to", "Shame and everlasting contempt. -- Da 12:2.", "Damnation. -- Joh 5:29.", "Illustrative of the new birth -- Joh 5:25.", "Illustrated -- Eze 37:1-10; 1Co 15:36,37."]} +{"term": "Resurrection of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Foretold by the prophets -- Ps 16:10; Ac 13:34,35; Isa 26:19.", "Foretold by Himself -- Mt 20:19; Mr 9:9; 14:28; Joh 2:19-22.", "Was necessary to", "The fulfilment of Scripture. -- Lu 24:45,46.", "Forgiveness of sins. -- 1Co 15:17.", "Justification. -- Ro 4:25; 8:34.", "Hope. -- 1Co 15:19.", "The efficacy of preaching. -- 1Co 15:14.", "The efficacy of faith. -- 1Co 15:14,17.", "A proof of his being the Son of God -- Ps 2:7; Ac 13:33; Ro 1:4.", "Effected by", "The power of God. -- Ac 2:24; 3:15; Ro 8:11; Eph 1:20; Col 2:12.", "His own power. -- Joh 2:19; 10:18.", "The power of the Holy Spirit. -- 1Pe 3:18.", "On the first day of the week -- Mr 16:9.", "On the third day after his death -- Mr 16:9.", "On the third day after His death -- Lu 24:46; Ac 10:40; 1Co 15:4.", "The apostles", "At first did not understand the predictions respecting. -- Mr 9:10; Joh 20:9.", "Very slow to believe. -- Mr 16:13; Lu 24:9,11,37,38.", "Reproved for their unbelief of. -- Mr 16:14.", "He appeared after to", "Mary Magdalene. -- Mr 16:9; Joh 20:18.", "The women. -- Mt 28:9.", "Simon Peter. -- Lu 24:34.", "Two disciples. -- Lu 24:13-31.", "Apostles, except Thomas. -- Joh 20:19,24.", "Apostles, Thomas being present. -- Joh 20:26.", "Apostles at the sea of Tiberias. -- Joh 21:1.", "Apostles in Galilee. -- Mt 28:16,17.", "About five hundred brethren. -- 1Co 15:6.", "James. -- 1Co 15:7.", "All the Apostles. -- Lu 24:51; Ac 1:9; 1Co 15:7.", "Paul. -- 1Co 15:8.", "Fraud impossible in -- Mt 27:63-66.", "He gave many infallible proofs of -- Lu 24:35,39,43; Joh 20:20,27; Ac 1:3.", "Was attested by", "Angels. -- Mt 28:5-7; Lu 24:4-7,23.", "Apostles. -- Ac 1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33.", "His enemies. -- Mt 28:11-15.", "Asserted and preached by the Apostles -- Ac 25:19; 26:23.", "Saints", "Begotten to a lively hope. -- 1Pe 1:3,21.", "Desire to know the power of. -- Php 3:10.", "Should keep, in remembrance. -- 2Ti 2:8.", "Shall rise in the likeness of. -- Ro 6:5; 1Co 15:49; Php 3:21.", "Is an emblem of the new birth -- Ro 6:4; Col 2:12.", "The first-fruits of our resurrection -- Ac 26:23; 1Co 15:20,23.", "The truth of the gospel involved in -- 1Co 15:14,15.", "Followed by his exaltation -- Ac 4:10,11; Ro 8:34; Eph 1:20; Php 2:9,10; Re 1:18.", "An assurance of the judgment -- Ac 17:31.", "Typified", "Isaac. -- Ge 22:13; Heb 11:19.", "Jonah. -- Jon 2:10; Mt 12:40."]} +{"term": "Reuben, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's first son -- Ge 29:32.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:4; De 33:6.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:5.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:4.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:20,21.", "Led the second division of Israel in their journey's -- Nu 10:18.", "Encamped with its standard south of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:10.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:30-35.", "Families of -- Nu 26:5,6,8,9.", "Obtained inheritance east of Jordan on condition of helping to conquer Canaan -- Nu 32:1-33; De 3:18-20.", "Bounds of their inheritance -- De 3:16,17; Jos 13:15-23.", "Strength of, at the time of receiving their inheritance -- Nu 26:7.", "Cities built by -- Nu 32:37,38.", "On Ebal, said amen to the curses -- De 27:13.", "Dismissed by Joshua after the conquest of Canaan -- Jos 22:1-9.", "Assisted in building the altar of witness which offended the other tribes -- Jos 22:10-29.", "Did not assist against Sisera -- Jdj 5:15,16.", "Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:37,38.", "Officers appointed over, by David -- 1Ch 26:32; 27:16.", "Took land of the Hagarites -- 1Ch 5:10,18-22.", "Invaded and conquered by Hazael king of Syria -- 2Ki 10:32,33.", "Carried away by Tiglathpileser -- 2Ki 15:29; 1Ch 5:6,26.", "Remarkable persons of", "Dathan, Abiram, and On. -- Nu 16:1; 26:9,10.", "Adina &c. -- 1Ch 11:42."]} +{"term": "Revenge", "definitions": ["Forbidden by our Lord -- Le 19:18; Pr 24:17,29; Mt 5:39-41; Ro 12:17,19; 1Th 5:15; 1Pe 3:9.", "Christ an example of forbearing -- Isa 53:7; 1Pe 2:23.", "Rebuked by Christ -- Lu 9:54,55.", "Inconsistent with Christian spirit -- Lu 9:55.", "Proceeds from a spiteful heart -- Eze 25:15.", "Instead of taking, we should", "Trust in God. -- Pr 20:22; Ro 12:16.", "Exhibit love. -- Le 19:18; Lu 6:35.", "Give place to wrath. -- Ro 12:19.", "Exercise forbearance. -- Mt 5:38-41.", "Bless. -- Ro 12:14.", "Overcome others by kindness. -- Pr 25:21,22; Ro 12:20.", "Keep others from taking -- 1Sa 24:10; 25:24-31; 26:9.", "Be thankful for being kept from taking -- 1Sa 25:32,33.", "The wicked are earnest after -- Jer 20:10.", "Punishment for -- Eze 25:15-17; Am 1:11,12.", "Exemplified", "Simon and Levi. -- Ge 34:25.", "Samson. -- Jdj 15:7,8; 16:28-30.", "Joab. -- 2Sa 3:27.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 13:23-29.", "Jezebel. -- 1Ki 19:2.", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 22:26.", "Haman. -- Es 3:8-15.", "Edomites. -- Eze 25:12.", "Philistines. -- Eze 25:15.", "Herodias. -- Mr 6:19-24.", "James and John. -- Lu 9:54.", "Chief priests. -- Ac 5:33.", "Jews. -- Ac 7:54,59; 23:12."]} +{"term": "Reviling and Reproaching", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- 1Pe 3:9.", "Of rulers specially forbidden -- Ex 22:28; Ac 23:4,5.", "The wicked utter, against", "God. -- Ps 74:22; 79:12.", "God, by opposing the poor. -- Pr 14:31.", "Christ. -- Mt 27:39; Lu 7:34.", "Saints. -- Ps 102:8; Zep 2:8.", "Rulers. -- 2Pe 2:10,11; Jude 1:8,9.", "Of Christ, predicted -- Ps 69:9; Ro 15:3; Ps 89:51.", "The conduct of Christ under -- 1Pe 2:23.", "Saints", "Endure. -- 1Ti 4:10; Heb 10:33.", "Endure for God's sake. -- Ps 69:7.", "Endure for Christ's sake. -- Lu 6:22.", "Should expect. -- Mt 10:25.", "Should not fear. -- Isa 51:7.", "Sometimes depressed by. -- Ps 42:10,11; 44:16; 69:20.", "May take pleasure in. -- 2Co 12:10.", "Supported under. -- 2Co 12:10.", "Trust in God under. -- Ps 57:3; 119:42.", "Pray under. -- 2Ki 19:4,16; Ps 89:50.", "Return blessings for. -- 1Co 4:12; 1Pe 3:9.", "Ministers should not fear -- Eze 2:6.", "Happiness of enduring, for Christ's sake -- 1Pe 4:14.", "Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake -- Mt 5:11; Lu 6:22.", "Excludes from heaven -- 1Co 6:10.", "Punishment for -- Zep 2:8,9; Mt 5:22.", "Exemplified", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:19.", "Goliath. -- 1Sa 17:43.", "Michal. -- 2Sa 6:20.", "Shimei. -- 2Sa 16:7,8.", "Sennacherib. -- Isa 37:17,23,24.", "Moabites and Ammonites. -- Zep 2:8.", "Pharisees. -- Mt 12:24.", "Jews. -- Mt 27:39,40; Joh 8:48.", "Malefactor. -- Lu 23:39.", "Athenian philosophers. -- Ac 17:18."]} +{"term": "Reward of Saints, The", "definitions": ["Is from God -- Ro 2:7; Col 3:24; Heb 11:6.", "Is of grace, through faith alone -- Ro 4:4,5,16; 11:6.", "Is of God's good pleasure -- Mt 20:14,15; Lu 12:32.", "Prepared by God -- Heb 11:16.", "Prepared by Christ -- Joh 14:2.", "As servants of Christ -- Col 3:24.", "Not on account of their merits -- Ro 4:4,5.", "Described as", "Being with Christ. -- Joh 12:26; 14:3; Php 1:23; 1Th 4:17.", "Beholding the face of God. -- Ps 17:15; Mt 5:8; Re 22:4.", "Beholding the glory of Christ. -- Joh 17:24.", "Being glorified with Christ. -- Ro 8:17,18; Col 3:4; Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2.", "Sitting in judgment with Christ. -- Da 7:22; Mt 19:28; Lu 22:30; 1Co 6:2.", "Reigning with Christ. -- 2Ti 2:12; Re 3:21; 5:10; 20:4.", "Reigning for ever and ever. -- Re 22:5.", "A crown of righteousness. -- 2Ti 4:8.", "A crown of glory. -- 1Pe 5:4.", "A crown of life. -- Jas 1:12; Re 2:10.", "An incorruptible crown. -- 1Co 9:25.", "Joint heirship with Christ. -- Ro 8:17.", "Inheritance of all things. -- Re 21:7.", "Inheritance with saints in light. -- Ac 20:32; 26:18; Col 1:12.", "Inheritance eternal. -- Heb 9:15.", "Inheritance incorruptible. -- 1Pe 1:4.", "A kingdom. -- Mt 25:34; Lu 22:29.", "A kingdom immovable. -- Heb 12:28.", "Shining as the stars. -- Da 12:3.", "Everlasting light. -- Isa 60:19.", "Everlasting life. -- Lu 18:30; Joh 6:40; 17:2,3; Ro 2:7; 6:23; 1Jo 5:11.", "An enduring substance. -- Heb 10:34.", "A house eternal in the heavens. -- 2Co 5:1.", "A city which had foundation. -- Heb 11:10.", "Entering into the joy of the Lord. -- Mt 25:21; Heb 12:2.", "Rest. -- Heb 4:9; Re 14:13.", "Fulness of joy. -- Ps 16:11.", "The prize of the high calling of God in Christ. -- Php 3:14.", "Treasure in heaven. -- Mt 19:21; Lu 12:33.", "An eternal weight of glory. -- 2Co 4:17.", "Is great -- Mt 5:12; Lu 6:35; Heb 10:35.", "Is full -- 2Jo 1:8.", "Is sure -- Pr 11:18.", "Is satisfying -- Ps 17:15.", "Is inestimable -- Isa 64:4; 1Co 2:9.", "Saints may feel confident of -- Ps 73:24; Isa 25:8,9; 2Co 5:1; 2Ti 4:8.", "Hope of, a cause of rejoicing -- Ro 5:2.", "Be careful not to lose -- 2Jo 1:8.", "The prospect of, should lead to", "Diligence. -- 2Jo 1:8.", "Pressing forward. -- Php 3:14.", "Enduring suffering for Christ. -- 2Co 4:16-18; Heb 11:26.", "Faithfulness to death. -- Re 2:10.", "Present afflictions not to be compared with -- Ro 8:18; 2Co 5:17.", "Shall be given at the second coming of Christ -- Mt 16:27; Re 22:12."]} +{"term": "Riches", "definitions": ["The true riches -- Eph 3:8; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3; 1Pe 2:7.", "God gives -- 1Sa 2:7; Ec 5:19.", "To God belongs this world's riches -- Hag 2:8.", "God gives power to obtain -- De 8:18.", "The blessing of the Lord brings -- Pr 10:22.", "Give worldly power -- Pr 22:7.", "Described as", "Temporary. -- Pr 27:24.", "Uncertain. -- 1Ti 6:17.", "Unsatisfying. -- Ec 4:8; 5:10.", "Corruptible. -- Jas 5:2; 1Pe 1:18.", "Fleeting. -- Pr 23:5; Re 18:16,17.", "Deceitful. -- Mt 13:22.", "Liable to be stolen. -- Mt 6:19.", "Perishable. -- Jer 48:36.", "Thick clay. -- Hab 2:6.", "Often an obstruction to the reception of the gospel -- Mr 10:23-25.", "Deceitfulness of, chokes the word -- Mt 13:22.", "The love of, the root of all evil -- 1Ti 6:10.", "Often lead to", "Pride. -- Eze 28:5; Ho 12:8.", "Forgetting God. -- De 8:13,14.", "Denying God. -- Pr 30:8,9.", "Forsaking God. -- De 32:15.", "Rebelling against God. -- Ne 9:25,26.", "Rejecting Christ. -- Mt 19:22; 10:22.", "Self-sufficiency. -- Pr 28:11.", "Anxiety. -- Ec 5:12.", "An overbearing spirit. -- Pr 18:23.", "Violence. -- Mic 6:12.", "Oppression. -- Jas 2:6.", "Fraud. -- Jas 5:4.", "Sensual indulgence. -- Lu 16:19; Jas 5:5.", "Life consists not in abundance of -- Lu 12:15.", "Be not over-anxious for -- Pr 30:8.", "Labour not for -- Pr 23:4.", "They who covet", "Fall into temptation and a snare. -- 1Ti 6:9.", "Fall into hurtful lusts. -- 1Ti 6:9.", "Err from the faith. -- 1Ti 6:10.", "Use unlawful means to acquire. -- Pr 28:20.", "Bring trouble on themselves. -- 1Ti 6:10.", "Bring trouble on their families. -- Pr 15:27.", "Profit not in the day of wrath -- Pr 11:4.", "Cannot secure prosperity -- Jas 1:11.", "Cannot redeem the soul -- Ps 49:6-9; 1Pe 1:18.", "Cannot deliver in the day of God's wrath -- Zep 1:18; Re 6:15-17.", "They who possess, should", "Ascribe them to God. -- 1Ch 29:12.", "Not trust in them. -- Job 31:24; 1Ti 6:17.", "Not set the heart on them. -- Ps 62:10.", "Not boast of obtaining them. -- De 8:17.", "Not glory in them. -- Jer 9:23.", "Not hoard them up. -- Mt 6:19.", "Devote them to God's service. -- 1Ch 29:3; Mr 12:42-44.", "Give of them to the poor. -- Mt 19:21; 1Jo 3:17.", "Use them in promoting the salvation of others. -- Lu 16:9.", "Be liberal in all things. -- 1Ti 6:18.", "Esteem it a privilege to be allowed to give. -- 1Ch 29:14.", "Not to be high-minded. -- 1Ti 6:17.", "When converted, rejoice in being humbled. -- Jas 1:9,10.", "Heavenly treasures superior to -- Mt 6:19,20.", "Of the wicked laid up for the just -- Pr 13:22.", "The wicked", "Often increase in. -- Ps 73:12.", "Often spend their day in. -- Job 21:13.", "Swallow down. -- Job 20:15.", "Trust in the abundance of. -- Ps 52:7.", "Heap up. -- Job 27:16; Ps 39:6; Ec 2:26.", "Keep, to their hurt. -- Ec 5:13.", "Boast themselves in. -- Ps 49:6; 52:7.", "Profit not by. -- Pr 11:4; 13:7; Ec 5:11.", "Have trouble with. -- Pr 15:6; 1Ti 6:9,10.", "Must leave, to others. -- Ps 49:10.", "Vanity of heaping up -- Ps 39:6; Ec 5:10,11.", "Guilt of trusting in -- Job 31:24,28; Eze 28:4,5,8.", "Guilt of rejoicing in -- Job 31:25,28.", "Denunciations against those who", "Get, by vanity. -- Pr 13:11; 21:6.", "Get, unlawfully. -- Jer 17:11.", "Increase, by oppression. -- Pr 22:16; Hab 2:6-8; Mic 2:2,3.", "Hoard up. -- Ec 5:13,14; Jas 5:3.", "Trust in. -- Pr 11:28.", "Receive their consolation. -- Lu 6:24.", "Abuse. -- Jas 5:1,5.", "Spend, upon their appetite. -- Job 20:15-17.", "Folly and danger of trusting to -- Illustrated. -- Lu 12:16-21.", "Danger of misusing -- Illustrated -- Lu 16:19-25.", "Examples of saints possessing", "Abram. -- Ge 13:2.", "Lot. -- Ge 13:5,6.", "Isaac. -- Ge 26:13,14.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:5,10.", "Joseph. -- Ge 45:8,13.", "Boaz. -- Ru 2:1.", "Barzillai. -- 2Sa 19:32.", "Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:8.", "David. -- 1Ch 29:28.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:5.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 32:27-29.", "Job. -- Job 1:3.", "Joseph of Arimathea. -- Mt 27:57.", "Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:2.", "Dorcas. -- Ac 9:36.", "Examples of those truly rich -- Mt 5:8; 8:10; 13:45,46; Lu 10:42; Joh 1:45; Php 3:8; Jas 2:5; 1Pe 2:7; Re 3:18.", "Examples of wicked men possessing", "Laban. -- Ge 30:30.", "Esau. -- Ge 36:7.", "Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:2.", "Haman. -- Es 5:11.", "Ammonites. -- Jer 49:4.", "People of Tyre. -- Eze 28:5.", "Young man. -- Mt 19:22."]} +{"term": "Righteousness", "definitions": ["Is obedience to God's law -- De 6:25; Ro 10:5; Lu 1:6; Ps 1:2.", "God loves -- Ps 11:7.", "God looks for -- Isa 5:7.", "Christ", "Is the Son of. -- Mal 4:2.", "Loves. -- Ps 45:7; Heb 1:9.", "Was girt with. -- Isa 11:5.", "Put on, as breast-plate. -- Isa 59:17.", "Was sustained by. -- Isa 59:16.", "Preached. -- Ps 40:9.", "Fulfilled all. -- Mt 3:15.", "Is made to his people. -- 1Co 1:30.", "Is the end of the law for. -- Ro 10:4.", "Has brought in everlasting. -- Da 9:24.", "Shall judge with. -- Ps 72:2; Isa 11:4; Ac 17:31; Re 19:11.", "Shall reign in. -- Ps 45:6; Isa 32:1; Heb 1:8.", "Shall execute. -- Ps 99:4; Jer 23:6.", "None, by nature have -- Job 15:14; Ps 14:3; Ro 3:10.", "Cannot come by the law -- Ga 2:21; 3:21.", "No justification by works of -- Ro 3:20; 9:31,32; Ga 2:16.", "No salvation by works of -- Eph 2:8,9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5.", "Unregenerate man seeks justification by works of -- Lu 18:9; Ro 10:3.", "The blessing of God is not to be attributed to our works of -- De 9:5.", "Saints", "Have, in Christ. -- Isa 45:24; 54:17; 2Co 5:21.", "Have, imputed. -- Ro 4:11,22.", "Are covered with the robe of. -- Isa 61:10.", "Receive, from God. -- Ps 24:5.", "Are renewed in. -- Eph 4:24.", "Are led in the paths of. -- Ps 23:3.", "Are servants of. -- Ro 6:16,18.", "Characterised by. -- Ge 18:25; Ps 1:5,6.", "Know. -- Isa 51:7.", "Do. -- 1Jo 2:29; 3:7.", "Work, by faith. -- Heb 11:33.", "Follow after. -- Isa 51:1.", "Put on. -- Job 29:14.", "Wait for the hope of. -- Ga 5:5.", "Pray for the spirit of. -- Ps 51:10.", "Hunger and thirst after. -- Mt 5:6.", "Walk before God in. -- 1Ki 3:6.", "Offer the sacrifice of. -- Ps 4:5; 51:19.", "Put no trust in their own. -- Php 3:6-8.", "Count their own, as filthy rags. -- Isa 64:6.", "Should seek. -- Zep 2:3.", "Should live in. -- Tit 2:12; 1Pe 2:24.", "Should serve God in. -- Lu 1:75.", "Should yield their members as instruments of. -- Ro 6:13.", "Should yield their members servants to. -- Ro 6:19.", "Should have on the breast-plate of. -- Eph 6:14.", "Shall receive a crown of -- 2Ti 4:8.", "Shall see God's face in -- Ps 17:15.", "Of saints endures forever -- Ps 112:3,9; 2Co 9:9.", "An evidence of the new birth -- 1Jo 2:29.", "The kingdom of God is -- Ro 14:17.", "The fruit of the Spirit is in all -- Eph 5:9.", "The Scriptures instruct in -- 2Ti 3:16.", "Judgments designed to lead to -- Isa 26:9.", "Chastisements yield the fruit of -- Heb 12:11.", "Has no fellowship with unrighteousness -- 2Co 6:14.", "Ministers should", "Be preachers of. -- 2Pe 2:5.", "Reason of. -- Ac 24:25.", "Follow after. -- 1Ti 6:11; 2Ti 2:22.", "Be clothed with. -- Ps 132:9.", "Be armed with. -- 2Co 6:7.", "Pray for the fruit of, in their people. -- 2Co 9:10; Php 1:11.", "Keep saints in the right way -- Pr 11:5; 13:6.", "Judgment should be executed in -- Le 19:15.", "They who walk in, and follow", "Are righteous. -- 1Jo 3:7.", "Are the excellent of the earth. -- Ps 16:3; Pr 12:26.", "Are accepted with God. -- Ac 10:35.", "Are loved by God. -- Ps 146:8; Pr 15:9.", "Are blessed by God. -- Ps 5:12.", "Are heard by God. -- Lu 18:7; Jas 5:16.", "Are objects of God's watchful care. -- Job 36:7; Ps 34:15; Pr 10:3; 1Pe 3:12.", "Are tried by God. -- Ps 11:5.", "Are exalted by God. -- Job 36:7.", "Dwell in security. -- Isa 33:15,16.", "Are bold as a lion. -- Pr 28:1.", "Are delivered out of all troubles. -- Ps 34:19; Pr 11:8.", "Are never forsaken by God. -- Ps 37:25.", "Are abundantly provided for. -- Pr 13:25; Mt 6:25-33.", "Are enriched. -- Ps 112:3; Pr 15:6.", "Think and desire good. -- Pr 11:23; 12:5.", "Know the secret of the Lord. -- Ps 25:14; Pr 3:32.", "Have their prayers heard. -- Ps 34:17; Pr 15:29; 1Pe 3:12.", "Have their desires granted. -- Pr 10:24.", "Find it with life and honour. -- Pr 21:21.", "Shall hold on their way. -- Job 17:9.", "Shall never be moved. -- Ps 15:2,5; 55:22; Pr 10:30; 12:3.", "Shall be ever remembered. -- Ps 112:6.", "Shall flourish as a branch. -- Pr 11:28.", "Shall be glad in the Lord -- Ps 64:10.", "Brings its own reward -- Pr 11:18; Isa 3:10.", "Tends to life -- Pr 11:19; 12:28.", "The work of, shall be peace -- Isa 32:17.", "The effect of, shall be quietness and assurance for ever -- Isa 32:17.", "Is a crown of glory to the aged -- Pr 16:31.", "The wicked", "Are far from. -- Ps 119:150; Isa 46:12.", "Are free from. -- Ro 6:20.", "Are enemies of. -- Ac 13:10.", "Leave off. -- Am 5:7; Ps 36:3.", "Follow not after. -- Ro 9:30.", "Do not. -- 1Jo 3:10.", "Do not obey. -- Ro 2:8; 2Th 2:12.", "Love lying rather than. -- Ps 52:3.", "Make mention of God, not it. -- Isa 48:1.", "Though favoured, will not learn. -- Isa 26:10; Ps 106:43.", "Speak contemptuously against those who follow. -- Ps 31:18; Mt 27:39-44.", "Hate those who follow. -- Ps 34:21.", "Slay those who follow. -- Ps 37:32; 1Jo 3:12; Mt 23:35.", "Should break off their sins by. -- Da 4:27.", "Should awake to. -- 1Co 15:34.", "Should sow to themselves in. -- Ho 10:12.", "Vainly wish to die as those who follow. -- Nu 23:10.", "The throne of kings established by -- Pr 16:12; 25:5.", "Nations exalted by -- Pr 14:34.", "Blessedness of", "Having imputed, without works. -- Ro 4:6.", "Doing. -- Ps 106:3.", "Hungering and thirsting after. -- Mt 5:6.", "Suffering for. -- 1Pe 3:14.", "Being persecuted for. -- Mt 5:10.", "Turning others to. -- Da 12:3.", "Promised to the Church -- Isa 32:16; 45:8; 61:11; 62:1.", "Promised to saints -- Isa 60:21; 61:3.", "Exemplified", "Jacob. -- Ge 30:33.", "David. -- 2Sa 22:21.", "Zacharias. -- Lu 1:6.", "Abel. -- Heb 11:4.", "Lot. -- 2Pe 2:8."]} +{"term": "Righteousness Imputed", "definitions": ["Predicted -- Isa 56:1; Eze 16:14.", "Revealed in the gospel -- Ro 1:17.", "Is of the Lord -- Isa 54:17.", "Described as", "The righteousness of faith. -- Ro 4:13; 9:30; 10:6.", "The righteousness of God, without the law. -- Ro 3:21.", "The righteousness of God by faith in Christ. -- Ro 3:22.", "Christ being made righteousness to us. -- 1Co 1:30.", "Our being made the righteousness of God, in Christ. -- 2Co 5:21.", "Christ is the end of the law for -- Ro 10:4.", "Christ called THE LORD OF OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS -- Jer 23:6.", "Christ brings in an everlasting righteousness -- Da 9:24.", "Is a free gift -- Ro 5:17.", "God's righteousness never to be abolished -- Isa 5:16.", "The promises made through -- Ro 4:13.", "Saints", "Have, on believing. -- Ro 4:5,11,24.", "Clothed with the robe of righteousness. -- Isa 61:10.", "Exalted in righteousness. -- Ps 89:16.", "Desire to be found in. -- Php 3:9.", "Glory in having. -- Isa 45:24,25.", "Exhortation to seek righteousness -- Mt 6:33.", "The Gentiles attained to -- Ro 9:30.", "Blessedness of those who have -- Ro 4:6.", "The Jews", "Ignorant of. -- Ro 10:3.", "Stumble at righteousness by faith. -- Ro 9:32.", "Submit not to. -- Ro 10:3.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ro 4:9,22; Ga 3:6.", "Paul. -- Php 3:7-9."]} +{"term": "Righteousness of God, The", "definitions": ["Is part of his character -- Ps 7:9; 116:5; 119:137.", "Described as", "Very high. -- Ps 71:19.", "Abundant. -- Ps 48:10.", "Beyond computation. -- Ps 71:15.", "Everlasting. -- Ps 119:142.", "Enduring for ever. -- Ps 111:3.", "The habitation of his throne. -- Ps 97:2.", "Christ acknowledged -- Joh 17:25.", "Christ committed his cause to -- 1Pe 2:23.", "Angels acknowledge -- Re 16:5.", "Exhibited in", "His testimonies. -- Ps 119:138,144.", "His commandments. -- De 4:8; Ps 119:172.", "His judgments. -- Ps 19:9; 119:7,62.", "His word. -- Ps 119:123.", "His ways. -- Ps 145:17.", "His acts. -- Jdj 5:11; 1Sa 12:7.", "His government. -- Ps 96:13; 98:9.", "The gospel. -- Ps 85:10; Ro 3:25,26.", "The final judgment. -- Ac 17:31.", "The punishment of the wicked. -- Ro 2:5; 2Th 1:6; Re 16:7; 19:2.", "Shown to the posterity of saints -- Ps 103:17.", "Shown openly before the heathen -- Ps 98:2.", "God delights in the exercise of -- Jer 9:24.", "The heavens shall declare -- Ps 50:6; 97:6.", "Saints", "Ascribe, to him. -- Job 36:3; Da 9:7.", "Acknowledge, in his dealings. -- Ezr 9:15.", "Acknowledge, though the wicked prosper. -- Jer 12:1; Ps 73:12-17.", "Recognise, in the fulfilment of his promises. -- Ne 9:8.", "Confident of beholding. -- Mic 7:9.", "Upheld by. -- Isa 41:10.", "Do not conceal. -- Ps 40:10.", "Mention, only. -- Ps 71:16.", "Talk of. -- Ps 35:28; 71:15,24.", "Declare to others. -- Ps 22:31.", "Magnify. -- Ps 7:17; 51:14; 145:7.", "Plead in prayer. -- Ps 143:11; Da 9:16.", "Leads God to love righteousness -- Ps 11:7.", "We should pray", "To be led in. -- Ps 5:8.", "To be quickened in. -- Ps 119:40.", "To be delivered in. -- Ps 31:1; 71:2.", "To be answered in. -- Ps 143:1.", "To be judged according to. -- Ps 35:24.", "For its continued manifestation. -- Ps 36:10.", "His care and defence of his people designed to teach -- Mic 6:4,5.", "The wicked have no interest in -- Ps 69:27.", "Illustrated -- Ps 36:6."]} +{"term": "Rings", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 24:22; 38:18.", "Made of gold and set with precious stones -- Nu 31:50,51; Song 5:14.", "Were worn", "On the hands. -- Ge 41:42.", "On the arms. -- 2Sa 1:10.", "In the ears. -- Job 42:11; Ho 2:13; Eze 16:12.", "In the nose. -- Isa 3:21.", "Rich men distinguished by -- Jas 2:2.", "Women of rank adorned with -- Isa 3:16,21.", "Of kings", "Used for sealing decrees. -- Es 3:12; 8:8,10.", "Given to favourites as a mark of honour. -- Ge 41:42; Es 3:10; 8:2.", "Numbers of, taken from Midianites -- Nu 31:50.", "Illustrative", "Of the glory of Christ. -- Song 5:14.", "(Put on the hands,) of favour. -- Lu 15:22."]} +{"term": "Rivers", "definitions": ["Source of -- Job 28:10; Ps 104:8,10.", "Enclosed within banks -- Da 12:5.", "Flow through valleys -- Ps 104:8,10.", "Some of", "Great and mighty. -- Ge 15:18; Ps 74:15.", "Deep. -- Eze 47:5; Zec 10:11.", "Broad. -- Isa 33:21.", "Rapid. -- Jdj 5:21.", "Parted into many streams. -- Ge 2:10; Isa 11:5.", "Run into the sea -- Ec 1:7; Eze 47:8.", "God's power over, unlimited -- Isa 50:2; Na 1:4.", "Useful for", "Supplying drink to the people. -- Jer 2:18.", "Commerce. -- Isa 23:3.", "Promoting vegetation. -- Ge 2:10.", "Bathing. -- Ex 2:5.", "Baptism often performed in -- Mt 3:6.", "Of Canaan abounded with fish -- Le 11:9,10.", "Banks of", "Covered with flags. -- Ex 2:3,5.", "Planted with trees. -- Eze 47:7.", "Frequented by doves. -- Song 5:12.", "Frequented by wild beasts. -- Jer 49:19.", "Places of common resort. -- Ps 137:1.", "Frequently overflowed. -- Jos 3:15; 1Ch 12:15.", "Peculiarly fruitful. -- Ps 1:3; Isa 32:20.", "Gardens often made beside -- Nu 24:6.", "Cities often built beside -- Ps 46:4; 137:1.", "Often the boundaries of kingdoms -- Jos 22:25; 1Ki 4:24.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Of Eden. -- Ge 2:10.", "Of Jotbath. -- De 10:7.", "Of Ethiopia. -- Isa 18:1.", "Of Babylon. -- Ps 137:1.", "Of Egypt. -- Ge 15:18.", "Of Damascus. -- 2Ki 5:12.", "Of Ahava. -- Ezr 8:15.", "Of Judah. -- Joe 3:18.", "Of Philippi. -- Ac 16:13.", "Abana. -- 2Ki 5:12.", "Arnon. -- De 2:36; Jos 12:1.", "Chebar. -- Eze 1:1,3; 10:15,20.", "Euphrates. -- Ge 2:14.", "Gihon. -- Ge 2:13.", "Gozan. -- 2Ki 17:6; 1Ch 5:26.", "Hiddekel. -- Ge 2:14.", "Jabbok. -- De 2:37; Jos 12:2.", "Jordan. -- Jos 3:8; 2Ki 5:10.", "Kanah. -- Jos 16:8.", "Kishon. -- Jdj 5:21.", "Pharpar. -- 2Ki 5:12.", "Pison. -- Ge 2:11.", "Ulai. -- Da 8:16.", "Many, fordable in some places -- Ge 32:22; Jos 2:7; Isa 16:2.", "Illustrative", "Of the abundance of grace in Christ. -- Isa 32:2; Joh 1:16.", "Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. -- Ps 46:4; Isa 41:18; 43:19,20; Joh 7:38,39.", "Of heavy afflictions. -- Ps 69:2; Isa 43:2.", "Of abundance. -- Job 20:17; 29:6.", "Of people flying from judgments. -- Isa 23:10.", "(Steady course of,) of peace of saints. -- Isa 66:12.", "(Fruitfulness of trees planted by,) of the permanent prosperity of saints. -- Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8.", "(Drying up of,) of God's judgments. -- Isa 19:1-8; Jer 51:36; Na 1:4; Zec 10:11.", "(Overflowing of,) of God's judgments. -- Isa 8:7,8; 28:2,18; Jer 47:2."]} +{"term": "Rocks", "definitions": ["Often composed of Flint -- De 8:15; 32:13.", "Described as", "Hard. -- Jer 5:3.", "Durable. -- Job 19:24.", "Barren. -- Eze 26:4,14; Am 6:12; Lu 8:6.", "Often sharp-pointed and craggy -- 1Sa 14:4.", "Often had holes and clefts -- Ex 33:22.", "Were a defence to a country -- Isa 33:16.", "Dreaded by mariners -- Ac 27:20.", "Inhabited by", "Wild goats. -- Job 39:1.", "Conies. -- Ps 104:18; Pr 30:26.", "Doves. -- Song 2:14; Jer 48:28.", "Eagles. -- Job 39:28; Jer 49:16.", "The olive tree flourished amongst -- De 32:13; Job 29:6.", "Bees often made their honey amongst -- De 32:13; Ps 81:16.", "Used as", "Altars. -- Jdj 6:20,21,26; 13:19.", "Places for idolatrous worship. -- Isa 57:5.", "Places of Observation. -- Ex 33:21; Nu 23:9.", "Places of safety in danger. -- 1Sa 13:6; Isa 2:19; Jer 16:16; Re 6:15.", "Places for shelter by the poor in their distress. -- Job 24:8; 30:3,6.", "The shadow of, grateful to travellers during the heat of the day -- Isa 32:2.", "Houses often built on -- Mt 7:24,25.", "Tombs often hewn out of -- Isa 22:16; Mt 27:60.", "Important events often engraved upon -- Job 19:24.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Adullam. -- 1Ch 11:15.", "Bozez. -- 1Sa 14:4.", "Engedi. -- 1Sa 24:1,2.", "Etam. -- Jdj 15:8.", "Horeb in Rephidim. -- Ex 17:1-6.", "Meribah in Kadesh. -- Nu 20:1-11.", "Oreb. -- Jdj 7:25; Isa 10:26.", "Rimmon. -- Jdj 20:45.", "Seneh. -- 1Sa 14:4.", "Selahammahlekoth in the wilderness of Maon. -- 1Sa 23:25,28.", "Selah in the valley of salt. -- 2Ki 14:7; 2Ch 25:11,12.", "Man's industry in cutting through -- Job 28:9,10.", "Hammers used for breaking -- Jer 23:29.", "Casting down from, a punishment -- 2Ch 25:12.", "Miracles connected with", "Water brought from. -- Ex 17:6; Nu 20:11.", "Fire ascended out of. -- Jdj 6:21.", "Broken in pieces by the wind. -- 1Ki 19:11.", "Rent at the death of Christ. -- Mt 27:51.", "God's power exhibited in removing -- Job 14:18; Na 1:6.", "Illustrative of", "God as creator of his people. -- De 32:18.", "God as the strength of his people. -- Ps 18:1,2; 67:2; Isa 17:10.", "God as defence of his people. -- Ps 31:2,3.", "God as refuge of his people. -- Ps 94:22.", "God as salvation of his people. -- De 32:15; Ps 89:26; 95:1.", "Christ as refuge of his people. -- Isa 32:2.", "Christ as foundation of his church. -- Mt 16:18; 1Pe 2:6.", "Christ as source of spiritual gifts. -- 1Co 10:4.", "Christ as a stumbling stone to the wicked. -- Isa 8:14; Ro 9:33; 1Pe 2:8.", "A place of safety. -- Ps 27:5; 40:2.", "Whatever we trust in. -- De 32:31,37.", "The ancestor of a nation. -- Isa 51:1."]} +{"term": "Roe, The", "definitions": ["Clean and fit for food -- De 12:15; 14:5.", "Male of, called the roebuck -- 1Ki 4:23.", "Described as", "Cheerful. -- Pr 5:19.", "Wild. -- 2Sa 2:18.", "Swift. -- 1Ch 12:8.", "Inhabits the mountains -- 1Ch 12:8.", "Often hunted by men -- Pr 6:5.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Song 2:9,17.", "The church. -- Song 4:5; 7:3.", "A good wife. -- Pr 5:19.", "The swift of foot. -- 2Sa 2:18."]} +{"term": "Roman Empire, The", "definitions": ["Called the world from its extent -- Lu 2:1.", "Represented by the", "Legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's vision. -- Da 2:33,40.", "Terrible beast in Daniel's vision. -- Da 7:7,19.", "Rome the capitol of -- Ac 18:2; 19:21.", "Judea a province of, under a procurator or a governor -- Lu 3:2; Ac 23:34,26; 25:1.", "Allusions to military affairs of", "Strict obedience to superiors. -- Mt 8:8,9.", "Use of the panoply or defensive armour. -- Ro 13:12; 2Co 6:7; Eph 6:11-17.", "Soldiers not allowed to entangle themselves with earthly cares. -- 2Ti 2:4.", "Hardship endured by soldiers. -- 2Ti 2:3.", "The soldier's special comrade who shared his toils and dangers. -- Php 2:25.", "Danger of sentinels' sleeping. -- Mt 28:13,14.", "Expunging from the muster roll name of soldiers guilty of crimes. -- Re 3:5.", "Crowning of soldiers who distinguished themselves. -- 2Ti 4:7,8.", "Triumphs of victorious generals. -- 2Co 2:14-16; Col 2:15.", "Different military officers. -- Ac 21:31; 23:23,24.", "Italian and Augustus' band. -- Ac 10:1; 27:1.", "Allusions to judicial affairs of", "Person accused, examined by scourging. -- Ac 22:24,29.", "Criminals delivered over to the soldiers for execution. -- Mt 27:26,27.", "Accusation in writing placed over the head of those executed. -- Joh 19:19.", "Garments of those executed given to the soldiers. -- Mt 27:35; Joh 19:23.", "Prisoners chained to soldiers for safety. -- Ac 21:33; 12:6; 2Ti 1:16; Ac 28:16.", "Accusers and accused confronted together. -- Ac 23:35; 25:16-19.", "Accused person protected from popular violence. -- Ac 23:20,24-27.", "Power of life and death vested in its authorities. -- Joh 18:31,39,40; 19:10.", "All appeals made to the emperor. -- Ac 25:11,12.", "Those who appealed to Caesar, to be brought before him. -- Ac 26:32.", "Allusions to citizenship of", "Obtained by purchase. -- Ac 22:28.", "Obtained by birth. -- Ac 22:28.", "Exempted from the degradation scourging. -- Ac 16:37,38; 22:25.", "Allusions to grecian game adapted by", "Gladiatorial fights. -- 1Co 4:9; 15:32.", "Foot races. -- 1Co 9:24; Php 2:16; 3:11-14; Heb 12:1,2.", "Wrestling. -- Eph 6:12.", "Training of combatants. -- 1Co 9:25,27.", "Crowning of conquerors. -- 1Co 9:25; Php 3:14; 2Ti 4:8.", "Rules observed in conducting. -- 2Ti 2:5.", "Emperors of, mentioned", "Tiberius. -- Lu 3:1.", "Augustus. -- Lu 2:1.", "Claudius. -- Ac 11:28.", "Nero. -- Php 4:22; 2Ti 4:22.", "Predictions respecting", "Its universal dominion. -- Da 7:23.", "Its division into ten parts. -- Da 2:41-43; 7:20,24.", "Origin of papal power in. -- Da 7:8,20-25."]} +{"term": "Sabbath, The", "definitions": ["Instituted by God -- Ge 2:3.", "Grounds of its institution -- Ge 2:2,3; Ex 20:11.", "The seventh day observed as -- Ex 20:9-11.", "Made for man -- Mr 2:27.", "God", "Blessed. -- Ge 2:3; Ex 20:11.", "Sanctified. -- Ge 2:3; Ex 31:15.", "Hallowed. -- Ex 20:11.", "Commanded, to be kept. -- Le 19:3,30.", "Commanded to be sanctified. -- Ex 20:8.", "Will have his goodness commemorated in the observance of. -- De 5:15.", "Shows favour in appointing. -- Ne 9:14.", "Shows considerate kindness in appointing. -- Ex 23:12.", "A sign of the covenant -- Ex 31:13,17.", "A type of the heavenly rest -- Heb 4:4,9.", "Christ", "Is Lord of. -- Mr 2:28.", "Was accustomed to observe. -- Lu 4:16.", "Taught on. -- Lu 4:31; 6:6.", "Servants and cattle should be allowed to rest upon -- Ex 20:10; De 5:14.", "No manner of work to be done on -- Ex 20:10; Le 23:3.", "No purchases to be made on -- Ne 10:31; 13:15-17.", "No burdens to be carried on -- Ne 13:19; Jer 17:21.", "Divine worship to be celebrated on -- Eze 46:3; Ac 16:13.", "The Scriptures to be read on -- Ac 13:27; 15:21.", "The word of God to be preached on -- Ac 13:14,15,44; 17:2; 18:4.", "Works connected with religious service lawful on -- Nu 28:9; Mt 12:5; Joh 7:23.", "Works of mercy lawful on -- Mt 12:12; 13:16; Joh 9:14.", "Necessary wants may be supplied -- Mt 12:1; Lu 13:15; 14:1.", "Called", "The Sabbath of the Lord. -- Ex 20:10; Le 23:3; De 5:14.", "The Sabbath of rest. -- Ex 31:15.", "The rest of the holy Sabbath. -- Ex 16:23.", "God's holy Day. -- Isa 58:13.", "The Lord's day. -- Re 1:10.", "First day of the week kept as, by the church -- Joh 20:26; Ac 20:7; 1Co 16:2.", "Saints", "Observe. -- Ne 13:22.", "Honour God in observing. -- Isa 58:13.", "Rejoice in. -- Ps 118:24; Isa 58:13.", "Rejoice in. -- Ps 118:24; Isa 58:13.", "Testify against those who desecrate. -- Ne 13:15,20,21.", "Observance of, to be perpetual -- Ex 31:16,17; Mt 5:17,18.", "Blessedness of honouring -- Isa 58:13,14.", "Blessedness of keeping -- Isa 56:2,6.", "Denunciations against those who profane -- Neh 13:18; Jer 17:27.", "Punishment of those who profane -- Ex 31:14,15; Nu 15:32-36.", "The wicked", "Mock at. -- La 1:7.", "Pollute. -- Isa 56:2; Eze 20:13,16.", "Profane. -- Ne 13:17; Eze 22:8.", "Wearied by. -- Am 8:5.", "Hide their eyes from. -- Eze 22:26.", "Do their own pleasure on. -- Isa 58:13.", "Bear burdens on. -- Ne 13:15.", "Work on. -- Ne 13:15.", "Traffic on. -- Ne 10:31; 13:15,16.", "Sometimes pretend to zealous for. -- Lu 13:14; Joh 9:16.", "May be judicially deprived of. -- La 2:6; Ho 2:11.", "Honouring of -- Exemplified", "Moses. -- Nu 15:32-34.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 13:15,21.", "The women. -- Lu 23:56.", "Paul. -- Ac 13:14.", "Disciples. -- Ac 16:13.", "John. -- Re 1:10.", "Dishonouring of -- Exemplified", "Gatherers of manna. -- Ex 16:27.", "Gatherers of sticks. -- Nu 15:32.", "Men of Tyre. -- Ne 13:16.", "Inhabitants of Jerusalem. -- Jer 17:21-23.", "Made of coarse hair -- Mt 3:4; Re 6:12.", "Rough and unsightly -- Zec 13:4.", "Of a black colour -- Re 6:12.", "Was worn", "By God's prophets. -- 2Ki 1:8; Isa 20:2; Mt 3:4; Re 11:3.", "By persons in affliction. -- Ne 9:1; Ps 69:11; Jon 3:5.", "Girt about the loins. -- Ge 37:34; 1Ki 20:31.", "Frequently next the skin in deep afflictions. -- 1Ki 21:27; 2Ki 6:30; Job 16:15.", "Often over the whole person. -- 2Ki 19:1,2.", "With ashes on the head. -- Es 4:1.", "Often with ropes on the head. -- 1Ki 20:31.", "In the streets. -- Isa 15:3.", "At funerals. -- 2Sa 3:31.", "The Jews lay in, when in deep affliction -- 2Sa 21:10; 1Ki 21:27; Joe 1:13.", "No one clothed in, allowed into the palaces of kings -- Es 4:2.", "Illustrative", "(Girding with,) of heavy afflictions. -- Isa 3:24; 22:12; 32:11.", "(Covering the heavens with,) of severe judgments. -- Isa 50:3.", "(Heavens becoming as,) of severe judgments. -- Re 6:12.", "(Putting of,) of joy and gladness. -- Ps 30:11."]} +{"term": "Sacrifices", "definitions": ["Divine institution of -- Ge 3:21; 1:29; 9:3; 4:4,5; Heb 11:4.", "To be offered to God alone -- Ex 22:20; Jdj 13:16; 2Ki 17:36.", "When offered to God, an acknowledgement of his being the supreme God -- 2Ki 5:17; Jon 1:16.", "Consisted of", "Clean animals or bloody sacrifices. -- Ge 8:20.", "The fruits of the earth or sacrifices without blood. -- Ge 4:4; Le 2:1.", "Always offered upon altars -- Ex 20:24.", "The offering of, an acknowledgment of sin -- Heb 10:3.", "Were offered", "From the earliest age. -- Ge 4:3,4.", "By the patriarchs. -- Ge 22:2,13; 31:54; 46:1; Job 1:5.", "After the departure of Israel from Egypt. -- Ex 5:3,17; 18:12; 24:5.", "Under the Mosaic age. -- Le 1:1-7:38; Heb 10:1-3.", "Daily. -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4.", "Weekly. -- Nu 28:9,10.", "Monthly. -- Nu 28:11.", "Yearly. -- Le 16:3; 1Sa 1:3,21; 20:6.", "At all the feasts. -- Nu 10:10.", "For the whole nation. -- Le 16:15-30; 1Ch 29:21.", "For individuals. -- Le 1:2; 17:8.", "In faith of a coming Saviour. -- Heb 11:4,17,28.", "Required to be perfect and without blemish -- Le 22:19; De 15:21; 17:1; Mal 1:8,14.", "Generally the best of their kind -- Ge 4:4; 1Sa 15:22; Ps 66:15; Isa 1:11.", "Different kinds of", "Burnt offering wholly consumed by fire. -- Le 1:1-17; 1Ki 18:38.", "Sin offering for sins of ignorance. -- Le 4:1-35.", "Trespass offering for intentional sins. -- Le 6:1-7; 7:1-7.", "Peace offering. -- Le 3:1-17.", "To be brought to the place appointed by God -- De 12:6; 2Ch 7:12.", "Were bound to the horns of the altar -- Ps 118:27.", "Were salted with salt -- Le 2:13; Mr 9:49.", "Often consumed by fire from heaven -- Le 9:24; 1Ki 18:38; 2Ch 7:1.", "When bloody, accompanied with meat and drink offering -- Nu 15:3-12.", "No leaven offered with, except for -- Ex 23:18; Le 7:13.", "Fat of, not to remain until morning -- Ex 23:8.", "The priests", "Appointed to offer. -- 1Sa 2:28; Eze 44:11,15; Heb 5:1; 8:3.", "Had a portion of, and lived by. -- Ex 29:27,28; De 18:3; Jos 13:14; 1Co 9:13.", "Were typical of Christ's sacrifice -- 1Co 5:7; Eph 5:2; Heb 10:1,11,12.", "Were accepted when offered in sincerity and faith -- Ge 4:4; Heb 11:4; Ge 8:21.", "Imparted a legal purification -- Heb 9:13,22.", "Could not take away sin -- Ps 40:6; Heb 9:9; 10:1-11.", "Without obedience, worthless -- 1Sa 15:22; Pr 21:3; Mr 12:33.", "The covenants of God confirmed by -- Ge 15:9-17; Ex 24:5-8; Heb 9:19,20; Ps 50:5.", "The Jews", "Condemned for not treating with respect. -- 1Sa 2:29; Mal 1:12.", "Condemned for bringing defective and blemished. -- Mal 1:13,14.", "Condemned for not offering. -- Isa 43:23,24.", "Unaccepted in, on account of sin. -- Isa 1:11,15; 66:3; Ho 8:13.", "Condemned for offering, to idols. -- 2Ch 34:25; Isa 65:3,7; Eze 20:28,31.", "Offered to false gods, are offered to devils -- Le 17:7; De 32:17; Ps 106:37; 1Co 10:20.", "On great occasions, very numerous -- 2Ch 5:6; 7:5.", "For public use often provided by the state -- 2Ch 31:3.", "Illustrative of", "Prayer. -- Ps 141:2.", "Thanksgiving. -- Ps 27:6; 107:22; 116:17; Heb 13:15.", "Devotedness. -- Ro 12:1; Php 2:17.", "Benevolence. -- Php 4:18; Heb 13:16.", "Righteousness. -- Ps 4:5; 51:19.", "A broken spirit. -- Ps 51:17.", "Martyrdom. -- Php 2:7; 2Ti 4:6."]} +{"term": "Sadducees, The", "definitions": ["A sect of the Jews -- Ac 5:17.", "Denied the resurrection and a future stated -- Mt 22:23; Lu 20:27.", "The resurrection a cause of dispute between them and the Pharisees -- Ac 23:6-9.", "Were refused baptism by John -- Mt 3:7.", "Christ", "Tempted by. -- Mt 16:1.", "Cautioned his disciples against their principles. -- Mt 16:6,11,12.", "Vindicated the resurrection against. -- Mt 22:24-32; Mr 12:19-27.", "Silenced. -- Mt 22:34.", "Persecuted the Christians -- Ac 4:1; 5:17,18,40."]} +{"term": "Saints, Compared To", "definitions": ["The sun -- Jdj 5:31; Mt 13:43.", "Stars -- Da 12:3.", "Lights -- Mt 5:14; Php 2:15.", "Mount Zion -- Ps 125:1,2.", "Lebanon -- Ho 14:5-7.", "Treasure -- Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4.", "Jewels -- Mal 3:17.", "Gold -- Job 23:10; La 4:2.", "Vessels of gold and silver -- 2Ti 2:20.", "Stones of a crown -- Zec 9:16.", "Lively stones -- 1Pe 2:5.", "Babes -- Mt 11:25; 1Pe 2:2.", "Little children -- Mt 18:3; 1Co 14:20.", "Obedient children -- 1Pe 1:14.", "Members of the body -- 1Co 12:20,27.", "Soldiers -- 2Ti 2:3,4.", "Runners of the body -- 1Co 12:20,27.", "Soldiers -- 2Ti 2:3,4.", "Runners in a race -- 1Co 9:24; Heb 12:1.", "Wrestlers -- 2Ti 2:5.", "Good servants -- Mt 25:21.", "Strangers and pilgrims -- 1Pe 2:11.", "Sheep -- Ps 78:52; Mt 25:33; Joh 10:4.", "Lambs -- Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15.", "Calves of the stall -- Mal 4:2.", "Lions -- Pr 28:1; Mic 5:8.", "Eagles -- Ps 103:5; Isa 40:31.", "Doves -- Ps 68:13; Isa 60:8.", "Thirsting deer -- Ps 42:1.", "Good fishes -- Mt 13:48.", "Dew and showers -- Mic 5:7.", "Watered gardens -- Isa 58:11.", "Unfailing springs -- Isa 58:11.", "Vines -- Song 6:11; Ho 14:7.", "Branches of a vine -- Joh 15:2,4,5.", "Pomegranates -- Song 4:13.", "Good figs -- Jer 24:2-7.", "Lilies -- Song 2:2; Ho 14:5.", "Willows by the water courses -- Isa 44:4.", "Trees planted by rivers -- Ps 1:3.", "Cedars in Lebanon -- Ps 92:12.", "Palm trees -- Ps 92:12.", "Green olive trees -- Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6.", "Fruitful trees -- Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8.", "Corn -- Ho 14:7.", "Wheat -- Mt 3:12; 13:29,30.", "Salt -- Mt 5:13."]} +{"term": "Salt", "definitions": ["Characterised as good and useful -- Mr 9:50.", "Used For", "Seasoning food. -- Job 6:6.", "Seasoning sacrifices. -- Le 2:13; Eze 43:24.", "Ratifying covenants. -- Nu 18:19; 2Ch 13:5.", "Strengthening new-born infants. -- Eze 16:4.", "Partaking of another's a bond of friendship -- Ezr 4:14.", "Lost its savour when exposed to the air -- Mt 5:13; Mr 9:50.", "Often found", "In pits. -- Jos 11:8; Zep 2:9.", "In springs. -- Jas 3:12.", "Near the Dead Sea. -- Nu 34:12; De 3:17.", "Places where it abounded barren and unfruitful -- Jer 17:6; Eze 47:11.", "The valley of, celebrated for victories -- 2Sa 8:13; 2Ki 14:7; 1Ch 18:12.", "Miracles connected with", "Lot's wife turned into a pillar of. -- Ge 19:26.", "Elisha healed the bad water with. -- 1Ki 2:21.", "Places sown with, to denote perpetual desolation -- Jdj 9:45.", "Liberally afforded to the Jews after the captivity -- Ezr 6:9; 7:22.", "Illustrative", "Of saints. -- Mt 5:13.", "Of grace in the heart. -- Mr 9:50.", "Of wisdom in speech. -- Col 4:6.", "(Without savour,) of graceless professors. -- Mt 5:13; Mr 9:50.", "(Pits of,) of desolation. -- Zep 2:9.", "(Salted with fire,) of preparation of the wicked for destruction. -- Mr 9:49."]} +{"term": "Salutations", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 18:2; 19:1.", "Were given", "By brethren to each other. -- 1Sa 17:22.", "By inferiors to their superiors. -- Ge 47:7.", "By superiors to inferiors. -- 1Sa 30:21.", "By all passers-by. -- 1Sa 10:3,4; Ps 129:8.", "On entering a house. -- Jdj 18:15; Mt 10:12; Lu 1:40,41,44.", "Often sent through messengers -- 1Sa 25:5,14; 2Sa 8:10.", "Often sent by letter -- Ro 16:21-23; 1Co 16:21; Col 4:18; 2Th 3:17.", "Denied to persons of bad character -- 2Jo 1:10.", "Persons in haste excused from giving or receiving -- 2Ki 4:29; Lu 10:24.", "Expressions used as", "Peace be with thee. -- Jdj 19:20.", "Peace to thee, and peace to thine house, and peace to all that thou hast. -- 1Sa 25:6.", "Peace be to this house. -- Lu 10:5.", "The Lord be with you. -- Ru 2:4.", "The Lord bless thee. -- Ru 2:4.", "The blessing of the Lord be upon you, we bless you in the name of the Lord. -- Ps 129:8.", "Blessed be thou of the Lord. -- 1Sa 15:13.", "God be gracious to thee. -- Ge 43:29.", "Art thou in health?. -- 2Sa 20:9.", "Hail. -- Mt 26:49; Lu 1:28.", "All hail. -- Mt 28:9.", "Often perfidious -- 2Sa 20:9; Mt 26:49.", "Given to Christ in derision -- Mt 27:29; 15:18.", "Often accompanied by", "Falling on the neck and kissing. -- Ge 33:4; 45:14,15; Lu 15:20.", "Laying hold of the bear with the right hand. -- 2Sa 20:9.", "Bowing frequently to the ground. -- Ge 33:3.", "Embracing and kissing the feet. -- Mt 28:9; Lu 7:38,45.", "Touching the hem of the garment. -- Mt 14:36.", "Falling prostrate on the ground. -- Es 8:3; Mt 2:11; Lu 8:41.", "Kissing the dust. -- Ps 72:9; Isa 49:23.", "The Jews condemned for giving, only to their countrymen -- Mt 5:47.", "The Pharisees condemned for seeking, in public -- Mt 23:7; Mr 12:38."]} +{"term": "Salvation", "definitions": ["Is of God -- Ps 3:8; 37:39; Jer 3:23.", "Is of the purpose of God -- 2Ti 1:9.", "Is of the appointment of God -- 1Th 5:9.", "God is willing to give -- 1Ti 2:4.", "Is by Christ -- Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23.", "Is by Christ alone -- Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12.", "Announced after the fall -- Ge 3:15.", "Of Israel, predicted -- Isa 35:4; 45:17; Zec 9:16; Ro 11:26.", "Of the Gentiles, predicted -- Isa 45:22; 49:6; 52:10.", "Revealed in the gospel -- Eph 1:13; 2Ti 1:10.", "Came to the Gentiles through the fall of the Jews -- Ro 11:11.", "Christ", "The Captain of. -- Heb 2:10.", "The Author of. -- Heb 5:9.", "Appointed for. -- Isa 49:6.", "Raised up for. -- Lu 1:69.", "Has. -- Zec 9:9.", "Brings, with him. -- Isa 62:11; Lu 19:9.", "Mighty to effect. -- Isa 63:1; Heb 7:25.", "Came to effect. -- Mt 18:11; 1Ti 1:15.", "Died to effect. -- Joh 3:14,15; Ga 1:4.", "Exalted to give. -- Ac 5:31.", "Is not by works -- Ro 11:6; Eph 2:9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5.", "Is of grace -- Eph 2:5,8; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 2:11.", "Is of love -- Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:9,10.", "Is of mercy -- Ps 6:4; Tit 3:5.", "Is of the long-suffering of God -- 2Pe 3:15.", "Is through faith in Christ -- Mr 16:16; Ac 16:31; Ro 10:9; Eph 2:8; 1Pe 1:5.", "Reconciliation to God, a pledge of -- Ro 5:10.", "Is deliverance from", "Sin. -- Mt 1:21; 1Jo 3:5.", "Uncleanness. -- Eze 36:29.", "The devil. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14,15.", "Wrath. -- Ro 5:9; 1Th 1:10.", "This present evil world. -- Ga 1:4.", "Enemies. -- Lu 1:71,74.", "Eternal death. -- Joh 3:16,17.", "Confession of Christ necessary to -- Ro 10:10.", "Regeneration necessary to -- Joh 3:3.", "Final perseverance necessary to -- Mt 10:22.", "Described as", "Great. -- Heb 2:3.", "Glorious. -- 2Ti 2:10.", "Common. -- Jude 1:3.", "From generation to generation. -- Isa 51:8.", "To the uttermost. -- Heb 7:25.", "Eternal. -- Isa 45:17; 51:6; Heb 5:9.", "Searched into and exhibited by the prophets -- 1Pe 1:10.", "The gospel is the power of God to -- Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18.", "Preaching the word is the appointed means of -- 1Co 1:21.", "The Scriptures are able to make wise to -- 2Ti 3:15; Jas 1:21.", "Now is the day of -- Isa 49:8; 2Co 6:2.", "From sin, to be worked out with fear and trembling -- Php 2:12.", "Saints", "Chosen to. -- 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 1:9.", "Appointed to obtain. -- 1Th 5:9.", "Are heirs of. -- Heb 1:14.", "Have, through grace. -- Ac 15:11.", "Have a token of, in their patient suffering for Christ. -- Php 1:28,29.", "Kept by the power of God to. -- 1Pe 1:5.", "Beautified with. -- Ps 149:4.", "Clothed with. -- Isa 61:10.", "Satisfied by. -- Lu 2:30.", "Love. -- Ps 40:16.", "Hope for. -- La 3:26; Ro 8:24.", "Wait for. -- Ge 49:18; La 3:26.", "Long for. -- Ps 119:81,174.", "Earnestly look for. -- Ps 119:123.", "Daily approach nearer to. -- Ro 13:11.", "Receive, as the end of their faith. -- 1Pe 1:9.", "Welcome the tidings of. -- Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15.", "Pray to be visited with. -- Ps 85:7; 106:4; 119:41.", "Pray for the assurance of. -- Ps 35:3.", "Pray for a joyful sense of. -- Ps 51:12.", "Evidence, by works. -- Heb 6:9,10.", "Ascribe, to God. -- Ps 25:5; Isa 12:2.", "Praise God for. -- 1Ch 16:23; Ps 96:2.", "Commemorate, with thanks. -- Ps 116:12.", "Rejoice in. -- Ps 9:14; 21:1; Isa 25:9.", "Glory in. -- 1Co 1:31; Ga 6:14.", "Declare. -- Ps 40:10; 71:15.", "Godly sorrow works repentance to -- 2Co 7:10.", "All the earth shall see -- Isa 52:10; Lu 3:6.", "Ministers", "Give the knowledge of. -- Lu 1:77.", "Show the way of. -- Ac 16:17.", "Should exhort to. -- Eze 3:18,19; Ac 2:40.", "Should labour to lead others to. -- Ro 11:14.", "Should be clothed in. -- 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:16.", "Should use self-denial to lead others to. -- 1Co 9:22.", "Should endure suffering that the elect may obtain. -- 2Ti 2:10.", "Are a sweet savour of Christ to God, in those who obtain. -- 2Co 2:15.", "The heavenly host ascribe, to God -- Re 7:10; 19:1.", "Sought in vain from", "Idols. -- Isa 45:20; Jer 2:28.", "Earthly power. -- Jer 3:23.", "No escape for those who neglect -- Heb 2:3.", "Is far off from the wicked -- Ps 119:155; Isa 59:11.", "Illustrated by", "A rock. -- De 32:15; 2Sa 22:47; Ps 95:1.", "A horn. -- Ps 18:2; Lu 1:69.", "A tower. -- 2Sa 22:51.", "A helmet. -- Isa 59:17; Eph 6:17.", "A shield. -- 2Sa 22:36.", "A lamp. -- Isa 62:1.", "A cup. -- Ps 116:13.", "Clothing. -- 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:16; 149:4; Isa 61:10.", "Wells. -- Isa 12:3.", "Walls and bulwarks. -- Isa 26:1; 60:18.", "Chariots. -- Hab 3:8.", "A victory. -- 1Co 15:57.", "Typified -- Nu 21:4-9; Joh 3:14,15."]} +{"term": "Samaria, Ancient", "definitions": ["The territory of Ephraim and Manasseh properly so called -- Jos 17:17,18; Isa 28:1.", "The whole kingdom of Israel sometimes called -- Eze 16:46,51; Ho 8:5,6.", "Had many cities -- 1Ki 13:32.", "Samaria the capital of", "Built by Omri king of Israel. -- 1Ki 16:23,24.", "Called after Shemer the owner of the hill on which it was built. -- 1Ki 16:24.", "Called the mountain of Samaria. -- Am 4:1; 6:1.", "Called the head of Ephraim. -- Isa 7:9.", "Kings of Israel sometime took their titles from. -- 1Ki 21:1; 2Ki 1:3.", "The residence of the kings of Israel. -- 1Ki 16:29; 2Ki 1:2; 3:1,6.", "The burial place of the kings of Israel. -- 1Ki 16:28; 22:37; 2Ki 13:13.", "Was a fenced city, and well provided with arms. -- 2Ki 10:2.", "The pool of Samaria near to. -- 1Ki 22:38.", "The prophet Elisha dwelt in. -- 2Ki 2:25; 5:3; 6:32.", "Besieged by Benhadad. -- 1Ki 20:1-12.", "Deliverance of, predicted. -- 1Ki 20:13,14.", "Deliverance of, effected. -- 1Ki 20:15-21.", "Besieged again by Benhadad. -- 2Ki 6:24.", "Suffered severely from famine. -- 2Ki 6:25-29.", "Elisha predicted plenty in. -- 2Ki 7:1,2.", "Delivered by miraculous means. -- 2Ki 7:6,7.", "Remarkable plenty in, as foretold by Elisha. -- 2Ki 7:16-20.", "Besieged and taken by Shalmaneser. -- 2Ki 17:5,6; 18:9,10.", "A mountainous country -- Jer 31:5; Am 3:9.", "People of characterised as", "Proud and arrogant. -- Isa 9:9.", "Corrupt and wicked. -- Eze 16:46,47; Ho 7:1; Am 3:9,10.", "Idolatrous. -- Eze 23:5; Am 8:14; Mic 1:7.", "Predictions respecting its destruction -- Isa 8:4; 9:11,12; Ho 13:16; Am 3:11,12; Mic 1:6.", "Inhabitants of, carried captive to Assyria -- 2Ki 17:6,23; 18:11.", "Repeopled from Assyria -- 2Ki 17:24,25."]} +{"term": "Samaria, Modern", "definitions": ["Situated between Judea and Galilee -- Lu 17:11; Joh 4:3,4.", "Had many cities -- Mt 10:5; Lu 9:52.", "Cities of, mentioned in scripture", "Samaria. -- Ac 8:5.", "Sychar. -- Joh 4:5.", "Antipatris. -- Ac 23:31.", "Christ preached in -- Joh 4:39-42.", "Christ at first forbade his disciples to visit -- Mt 10:5.", "Christ after his resurrection commanded the gospel to be preached in -- Ac 1:8.", "Inhabitants of", "Their true descent. -- 2Ki 17:24; Ezr 4:9,10.", "Boasted descent from Jacob. -- Joh 4:12.", "Professed to worship God. -- Ezr 4:2.", "Their religion mixed with idolatry. -- 2Ki 17:41; Joh 4:22.", "Worshipped on Mount Gerizim. -- Joh 4:20.", "Opposed the Jews after their return from captivity. -- Ne 4:1-18.", "Expected the Messiah. -- Joh 4:25,29.", "Were superstitious. -- Ac 8:9-11.", "More humane and grateful than the Jews. -- Lu 10:33-36; 17:16-18.", "Abhorred by the Jews. -- Joh 8:48.", "Had no intercourse or dealings with the Jews. -- Lu 9:52,53; Joh 4:9.", "Ready to hear and embrace the gospel. -- Joh 4:39-42; Ac 8:6-8.", "The persecuted Christians fled to -- Ac 8:1.", "The gospel first preached in, by Philip -- Ac 8:5.", "Many Christian churches in -- Ac 9:31."]} +{"term": "Sanctification", "definitions": ["Is separation to the service of God -- Ps 4:3; 2Co 6:17.", "Effected by", "God. -- Eze 37:28; 1Th 5:23; Jude 1:1.", "Christ. -- Heb 2:11; 13:12.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Ro 15:16; 1Co 6:11.", "In Christ -- 1Co 1:2.", "Through the atonement of Christ -- Heb 10:10; 13:12.", "Through the word of God -- Joh 17:17,19; Eph 5:26.", "Christ made, of God, to us -- 1Co 1:30.", "Saints elected to salvation through -- 2Th 2:13; 1Pe 1:2.", "All saints are in a state of -- Ac 20:32; 26:18; 1Co 6:11.", "The Church made glorious by -- Eph 5:26,27.", "Should lead to", "Mortification of sin. -- 1Th 4:3,4.", "Holiness. -- Ro 6:22; Eph 5:7-9.", "Offering up of saints acceptable through -- Ro 15:16.", "Saints fitted for the service of God by -- 2Ti 2:21.", "God wills all saints to have -- 1Th 4:3.", "Ministers", "Set apart to God's service by. -- Jer 1:5.", "Should pray that their people may enjoy complete. -- 1Th 5:23.", "Should exhort their people to walk in. -- 1Th 4:1,3.", "None can inherit the kingdom of God without -- 1Co 6:9-11.", "Typified -- Ge 2:3; Ex 13:2; 19:14; 40:9-15; Le 27:14-16."]} +{"term": "Scape Goat, The", "definitions": ["Part of the sin offering on the day of atonement -- Le 16:5,7.", "Chosen by lot -- Le 16:8.", "The high priest transferred the sins of Israel to, by confessing them with both hands upon its head -- Le 16:21.", "Sent into the wilderness by the hands of a fit person -- Le 16:21,22.", "Communicated uncleanness to", "The high priest. -- Le 16:24.", "The man who lead him away. -- Le 16:26.", "Typical of Christ -- Isa 53:6,11,12."]} +{"term": "Sciences", "definitions": ["Architecture -- De 8:12; 1Ch 29:19.", "Arithmetic -- Ge 15:5; Le 26:8; Job 29:18.", "Astronomy -- Job 38:31,32; Isa 13:10.", "Astrology -- Isa 47:13.", "Botany -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Geography -- Ge 10:1-30; Isa 11:11.", "History and Chronology -- 1Ki 22:39; 2Ki 1:18; 1Ch 9:1; 29:29.", "Mechanics -- Ge 6:14-16; 11:4; Ex 14:6,7.", "Medicine -- Jer 8:22; Mr 5:26.", "Music -- 1Ch 16:4-7; 25:6.", "Navigation -- 1Ki 9:27; Ps 107:23.", "Surveying -- Jos 18:4-9; Ne 2:12-16; Eze 40:5,6; Zec 2:2.", "Zoology -- 1Ki 4:33."]} +{"term": "Scorning and Mocking", "definitions": ["The sufferings of Christ by, predicted -- Ps 22:6-8; Isa 53:3; Lu 18:32.", "Christ endured -- Mt 9:24; 27:29.", "Saints endure, on account of", "Being children of God. -- Ge 21:9; Ga 4:29.", "Their uprightness. -- Job 12:4.", "Their faith. -- Heb 11:36.", "Their faithfulness in declaring the word of God. -- Jer 20:7,8.", "Their zeal for God's house. -- Ne 2:19.", "The wicked indulge in, against", "The second coming of Christ. -- 2Pe 3:3,4.", "The gifts of the Spirit. -- Ac 2:13.", "God's threatening. -- Isa 5:19; Jer 17:15.", "God's ministers. -- 2Ch 36:16.", "God's ordinances. -- La 1:7.", "Saints. -- Ps 123:4; La 3:14,63.", "The resurrection of the dead. -- Ac 17:32.", "All solemn admonitions. -- 2Ch 30:6-10.", "Idolaters addicted to -- Isa 57:3-6.", "Drunkards addicted to -- Ps 69:12; Ho 7:5.", "Those who are addicted to", "Delight in. -- Pr 1:22.", "Are contentious. -- Pr 22:10.", "Are scorned by God. -- Pr 3:34.", "Are hated by men. -- Pr 24:9.", "Are avoided by saints. -- Ps 1:1; Jer 15:17.", "Walk after their own lusts. -- 2Pe 3:3.", "Are proud and haughty. -- Pr 21:24.", "Hear not rebuke. -- Pr 13:1.", "Love not those who reprove. -- Pr 15:12.", "Hate those who reprove. -- Pr 9:8.", "Go not to the wise. -- Pr 15:12.", "Bring others into danger. -- Pr 29:8.", "Shall themselves endure. -- Eze 23:32.", "Characteristic of the latter days -- 2Pe 3:3; Jude 1:18.", "Woe denounced against -- Isa 5:18,19.", "Punishment for -- 2Ch 36:17; Pr 19:29; Isa 29:20; La 3:64-66.", "Exemplified", "Ishmael. -- Ge 21:9.", "Children at Bethel. -- 2Ki 2:23.", "Ephraim and Manasseh. -- 2Ch 30:10.", "Chiefs of Judah. -- 2Ch 36:16.", "Sanballat. -- Ne 4:1.", "Enemies of Joab. -- Job 30:1,9.", "Enemies of David. -- Ps 35:15,16.", "Rulers of Israel. -- Isa 28:14.", "Ammonites. -- Eze 25:3.", "People of Tyre. -- Eze 26:2.", "Heathen. -- Eze 36:2,3.", "Soldiers. -- Mt 27:28-30; Lu 23:36.", "Chief Priests. -- Mt 27:41.", "Pharisees. -- Lu 16:14.", "The men who held Jesus. -- Lu 22:63,64.", "Herod. -- Lu 23:11.", "People and rulers. -- Lu 23:35.", "Some of the multitude. -- Ac 2:13.", "Athenians. -- Ac 17:32."]} +{"term": "Scorpion, The", "definitions": ["Armed with a sharp sting in its tail -- Re 9:10.", "Sting of, venomous and caused torment -- Re 9:5.", "Abounded in the great desert -- De 8:15.", "Unfit for food -- Lu 11:12.", "Illustrative", "Wicked men. -- Eze 2:6.", "Ministers of Antichrist. -- Re 9:3,5,10.", "Severe scourges. -- 1Ki 12:11.", "Christ gave his disciples power over -- Lu 10:19."]} +{"term": "Scribes", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Jdj 5:14.", "Wore an inkhorn at their girdles -- Eze 9:2,3.", "Families celebrated for furnishing", "Kenites. -- 1Ch 2:55.", "Zebulun. -- Jdj 5:14.", "Levi. -- 1Ch 24:6; 2Ch 34:13.", "Generally men of great wisdom -- 1Ch 27:32.", "Often learned in the law -- Ezr 7:6.", "Were ready writers -- Ps 45:1.", "Acted as", "Secretaries to kings. -- 2Sa 8:17; 20:25; 2Ki 12:10; Es 3:12.", "Secretaries to prophets. -- Jer 36:5,26.", "Notaries in courts of justice. -- Jer 32:11,12.", "Religious teachers. -- Ne 8:2-6.", "Writers of public documents. -- 1Ch 24:6.", "Keepers of the muster-rolls of the host. -- 2Ki 25:19; 2Ch 26:11; Jer 52:25.", "Modern", "Were doctors of the law. -- Mr 12:28; Mt 22:35.", "Wore long robes and loved pre-eminence. -- Mr 12:38,39.", "Sat in Moses' seat. -- Mt 23:2.", "Were frequently Pharisees. -- Ac 23:9.", "Esteemed wise and learned. -- 1Co 1:20.", "Regarded as interpreters of Scripture. -- Mt 2:4; 17:10; Mr 12:35.", "Their manner of teaching contrasting with that of Christ. -- Mt 7:29; Mr 1:22.", "Condemned by Christ for hypocrisy. -- Mt 23:15.", "Often offended at out Lord's conduct and teaching. -- Mt 21:15; Mr 2:6,7,16; 3:22.", "Tempted our Lord. -- Joh 8:3.", "Active in procuring our Lord's death. -- Mt 26:3; Lu 23:10.", "Persecuted the Christians. -- Ac 4:5; 18:21; 6:12.", "Illustrated of well instructed ministers of the gospel -- Mt 13:52."]} +{"term": "Scriptures, The", "definitions": ["Given by inspiration of God -- 2Ti 3:16.", "Given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit -- Ac 1:16; Heb 3:7; 2Pe 1:21.", "Christ sanctioned, by appealing to them -- Mt 4:4; Mr 12:10; Joh 7:42.", "Christ taught out of -- Lu 24:27.", "Are called the", "Word. -- Jas 1:21-23; 1Pe 2:2.", "Word of God. -- Lu 11:28; Heb 4:12.", "Word of Christ. -- Col 3:16.", "Word of truth. -- Jas 1:18.", "Holy Scriptures. -- Ro 1:2; 2Ti 3:15.", "Scripture of truth. -- Da 10:21.", "Book. -- Ps 40:7; Re 22:19.", "Book of the Lord. -- Isa 34:16.", "Book of the law. -- Ne 8:3; Ga 3:10.", "Law of the Lord. -- Ps 1:2; Isa 30:9.", "Sword of the Spirit. -- Eph 6:17.", "Oracles of God. -- Ro 3:2; 1Pe 4:11.", "Contain the promises of the gospel -- Ro 1:2.", "Reveal the laws, statutes, and judgments of God -- De 4:5,14; Ex 24:3,4.", "Record divine prophecies -- 2Pe 1:19-21.", "Testify of Christ -- Joh 5:39; Ac 10:43; 18:28; 1Co 15:3.", "Are full and sufficient -- Lu 16:29,31.", "Are an unerring guide -- Pr 6:23; 2Pe 1:19.", "Are able to make wise to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus -- 2Ti 3:15.", "Are profitable both for doctrine and practice -- 2Ti 3:16,17.", "Described as", "Pure. -- Ps 12:6; 119:140; Pr 30:5.", "True. -- Ps 119:160; Joh 17:17.", "Perfect. -- Ps 19:7.", "Precious. -- Ps 19:10.", "Quick and powerful. -- Heb 4:12.", "Written for our instruction -- Ro 15:4.", "Intended for the use of all men -- Ro 16:26.", "Nothing to be taken from, or added to -- De 4:2; 12:32.", "One portion of, to be compared with another -- 1Co 2:13.", "Designed for", "Regenerating. -- Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:23.", "Quickening. -- Ps 119:50,93.", "Illuminating. -- Ps 119:130.", "Converting the soul. -- Ps 19:7.", "Making wise the simple. -- Ps 19:7.", "Sanctifying. -- Joh 17:17; Eph 5:26.", "Producing faith. -- Joh 20:31.", "Producing hope. -- Ps 119:49; Ro 15:4.", "Producing obedience. -- De 17:19,20.", "Cleansing the heart. -- Joh 15:3; Eph 5:26.", "Cleansing the ways. -- Ps 119:9.", "Keeping from destructive paths. -- Ps 17:4.", "Supporting life. -- De 8:3; Mt 4:4.", "Promoting growth in grace. -- 1Pe 2:2.", "Building up in the faith. -- Ac 20:32.", "Admonishing. -- Ps 19:11; 1Co 10:11.", "Comforting. -- Ps 119:82; Ro 15:4.", "Rejoicing the heart. -- Ps 19:8; 119:111.", "Work effectually in them that believe -- 1Th 2:13.", "The letter of, without the spirit, killeth -- Joh 6:63; 2Co 3:6.", "Ignorance of, a source of error -- Mt 22:29; Ac 13:27.", "Christ enables us to understand -- Lu 24:45.", "The Holy Spirit enable us to understand -- Joh 16:13; 1Co 2:10-14.", "No prophecy of, is of any private interpretation -- 2Pe 1:20.", "Everything should be tried by -- Isa 8:20; Ac 17:11.", "Should be", "The standard of teaching. -- 1Pe 4:11.", "Believed. -- Joh 2:22.", "Appealed to. -- 1Co 1:31; 1Pe 1:16.", "Read. -- De 17:19; Isa 34:16.", "Read publicly to ALL. -- De 31:11-13; Ne 8:3; Jer 36:6; Ac 13:15.", "Known. -- 2Ti 3:15.", "Received, not as the word of men, but as the word of God. -- 1Th 2:13.", "Received with meekness. -- Jas 1:21.", "Searched. -- Joh 5:39; 7:52.", "Searched daily. -- Ac 17:11.", "Laid up in the heart. -- De 6:6; 11:18.", "Taught to children. -- De 6:7; 11:19; 2Ti 3:15.", "Taught to ALL. -- 2Ch 17:7-9; Ne 8:7,8.", "Talked of continually. -- De 6:7.", "Not handled deceitfully. -- 2Co 4:2.", "Not only heard, but obeyed. -- Mt 7:24; Lu 11:28; Jas 1:22.", "Used against our spiritual enemies. -- Mt 4:4,7,10; Eph 6:11,17.", "All should desire to hear -- Ne 8:1.", "Mere hearers of, deceive themselves -- Jas 1:22.", "Advantage of possessing -- Ro 3:2.", "Saints", "Love exceedingly. -- Ps 119:97,113,159,167.", "Delight in. -- Ps 1:2.", "Regard, as sweet. -- Ps 119:103.", "Esteem, above all things. -- Job 23:12.", "Long after. -- Ps 119:82.", "Stand in awe of. -- Ps 119:161; Isa 66:2.", "Keep, in remembrance. -- Ps 119:16.", "Grieve when men disobey. -- Ps 119:158.", "Hide, in their hearts. -- Ps 119:11.", "Hope in. -- Ps 119:74,81,147.", "Meditate in. -- Ps 1:2; 119:99,148.", "Rejoice in. -- Ps 119:162; Jer 15:16.", "Trust in. -- Ps 119:42.", "Obey. -- Ps 119:67; Lu 8:21; Joh 17:6.", "Speak of. -- Ps 119:172.", "Esteem, as a light. -- Ps 119:105.", "Pray to be taught. -- Ps 119:12,13,33,66.", "Pray to be conformed to. -- Ps 119:133.", "Plead the promises of, in prayer. -- Ps 119:25,28,41,76,169.", "They who search, are truly noble -- Ac 17:11.", "Blessedness of hearing and obeying -- Lu 11:28; Jas 1:25.", "Let them dwell richly in you -- Col 3:16.", "The wicked", "Corrupt. -- 2Co 2:17.", "Make, of none effect through their traditions. -- Mr 7:9-13.", "Reject. -- Jer 8:9.", "Stumble at. -- 1Pe 2:8.", "Obey not. -- Ps 119:158.", "Frequently wrest, to their own destruction. -- 2Pe 3:16.", "Denunciations against those who add to, or take from -- Re 22:18,19.", "Destruction of, punished -- Jer 36:29-31."]} +{"term": "Sea, The", "definitions": ["The gathering together of the waters originally called -- Ge 1:10.", "Great rivers often called -- Isa 11:15; Jer 51:36.", "Lakes often called -- De 3:17; Mt 8:24,27,32.", "God", "Created. -- Ex 20:11; Ps 95:5; Ac 14:15.", "Made the birds and fished out of. -- Ge 1:20-22.", "Founded the earth upon. -- Ps 24:2.", "Set bounds to, by a perpetual decree. -- Job 26:10; 38:8,10,11; Pr 8:27,29.", "Measures the waters of. -- Isa 40:12.", "Does what he pleases in. -- Ps 135:6.", "Dries up, by his rebuke. -- Isa 50:2; Na 1:4.", "Shakes, by his word. -- Hag 2:6.", "Stills, by his power. -- Ps 65:7; 89:9; 107:29.", "Of immense extent -- Job 11:9; Ps 104:25.", "Of great depth -- Ps 68:22.", "Rivers supplied by exhalations from -- Ec 1:7.", "Replenished by rivers -- Ec 1:7; Eze 47:8.", "Called the", "Deep. -- Job 41:31; Ps 107:24; 2Co 11:25.", "Great waters. -- Ps 77:19.", "Great and wide sea. -- Ps 104:25.", "The clouds the garment of -- Job 38:9.", "Darkness the swaddling band of -- Job 38:9.", "Sand the barrier of -- Jer 5:22.", "Inhabited by innumerable creatures great and small -- Ps 104:25,26.", "The wonders of God seen in -- Ps 107:24.", "Made to glorify God -- Ps 69:34; 148:7.", "Seas mentioned in scripture", "The Adriatic or sea of Adria. -- Ac 27:27.", "Mediterranean or great sea. -- Nu 34:6; De 11:24; 34:2; Zec 14:8.", "Red Sea. -- Ex 10:19; 13:18; 23:31.", "Sea of Joppa or sea of the Philistines. -- Ezr 3:7; Ex 23:21.", "Salt of Dead Sea. -- Ge 14:3; Nu 34:12.", "Sea of Galilee. -- Mt 4:18; 8:32; Joh 6:1.", "Sea of Jazer. -- Jer 48:32.", "Raised by the wind -- Ps 107:25,26; Jon 1:4.", "Caused to foam by Leviathan -- Job 41:31,32.", "The waves of", "Raised upon high. -- Ps 93:3; 107:25.", "Tossed to and fro. -- Jer 5:22.", "Multitudinous. -- Jer 51:42.", "Mighty. -- Ps 93:4; Ac 27:41.", "Tumultuous. -- Lu 21:25; Jude 1:13.", "The shore of, covered with sand -- Ge 22:17; 1Ki 4:29; Job 6:3; Ps 78:27.", "Numerous islands in -- Eze 26:18.", "Passed over in ships -- Ps 104:26; 107:23.", "Sailing on, dangerous -- Ac 27:9,20; 2Co 11:26.", "Commercial nations", "Often built cities on the borders of. -- Ge 49:13; Eze 27:3; Na 3:8.", "Derived great wealth from. -- De 33:19.", "Shall give up its dead at the last day -- Re 20:13.", "The renewed earth shall be without -- Re 21:1.", "Illustrative", "Of heavy afflictions. -- Isa 43:2; La 2:13.", "(Trouble,) of the wicked. -- Isa 57:20.", "(Roaring,) of hostile armies. -- Isa 5:30; Jer 6:23.", "(Waves of,) of righteousness. -- Isa 48:18.", "(Waves of,) of devastating armies. -- Eze 26:3,4.", "(Waves of,) of the unsteady. -- Jas 1:6.", "(Covered with waters,) of the diffusion of spiritual knowledge over the earth in the latter days. -- Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14.", "(Smooth as glass,) of the peace of heaven. -- Re 4:6; 15:2."]} +{"term": "Sealing of the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Christ received -- Joh 6:27.", "Saints receive -- 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13.", "Is to the day of redemption -- Eph 4:30.", "The wicked do not receive -- Re 9:4.", "Judgment suspended until all saints receive -- Re 7:3.", "Typified -- Ro 4:11."]} +{"term": "Seals", "definitions": ["Called signet -- Ge 38:18,25.", "Precious stones set in gold used as -- Ex 28:11.", "Inscriptions upon, alluded to -- 2Ti 2:19.", "Generally worn as rings or bracelets -- Jer 22:24.", "Impressions of", "Frequently taken in clay. -- Job 38:14.", "Used for security. -- Da 6:17; Mt 27:66.", "Attached to all royal decrees. -- 1Ki 21:8; Es 3:12; 8:8.", "Attached to covenants. -- Ne 9:38; 10:1.", "Attached to lease and transfers of property. -- Jer 32:9-12,44.", "Set upon treasures. -- De 32:34.", "Attached to the victims approved for sacrifice, alluded to. -- Joh 6:27.", "Were given by kings as a badge of authority. -- Ge 41:41,42.", "Illustrative of", "Circumcision. -- Ro 4:11.", "Converts. -- 1Co 9:2.", "What is dear or valued. -- Song 8:6; Jer 22:24; Hag 2:23.", "Secrecy. -- Da 12:4; Re 5:1; 10:4.", "Security. -- Song 4:12; 2Ti 2:19; Re 7:2-8; 20:3.", "Full approval. -- Joh 3:33.", "Appropriation of saints to God by the Spirit. -- 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13; 4:30.", "Restraint. -- Job 9:7; 37:7; Re 20:3."]} +{"term": "Second Coming of Christ, The", "definitions": ["Time of, unknown -- Mt 24:36; Mr 13:32.", "Called the", "Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. -- Ac 3:19.", "Times of restitution of all things. -- Ac 3:21; Ro 8:21.", "Last time. -- 1Pe 1:5.", "Appearing of Jesus Christ. -- 1Pe 1:7.", "Revelation of Jesus Christ. -- 1Pe 1:13.", "Glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour. -- Tit 2:13.", "Coming of the day of God. -- 2Pe 3:12.", "Day of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- 1Co 1:8.", "Foretold by", "Prophets. -- Da 7:13; Jude 1:14.", "Himself. -- Mt 25:31; Joh 14:3.", "Apostles. -- Ac 3:20; 1Ti 6:14.", "Angels. -- Ac 1:10,11.", "Signs preceding -- Mt 24:3-51.", "The Manner of", "In clouds. -- Mt 24:30; 26:64; Re 1:7.", "In the glory of his Father. -- Mt 16:27.", "In his own glory. -- Mt 25:31.", "In flaming fire. -- 2Th 1:8.", "With power and great glory. -- Mt 24:30.", "As he ascended. -- Ac 1:9,11.", "With a shout and the voice of the Archangel. -- 1Th 4:16.", "Accompanied by Angels. -- Mt 16:27; 25:31; Mr 8:38; 2Th 1:7.", "With his saints. -- 1Th 3:13; Jude 1:14.", "Suddenly. -- Mr 13:36.", "Unexpectedly. -- Mt 24:44; Lu 12:40.", "As a thief in the night. -- 1Th 5:2; 2Pe 3:10; Re 16:15.", "As the lightning. -- Mt 24:27.", "The heavens and earth shall be dissolved, &c at -- 2Pe 3:10,12.", "They who shall have died in Christ shall rise first at -- 1Th 4:16.", "The saints alive at, shall be caught up to meet him -- 1Th 4:17.", "Is not to make atonement -- Heb 9:28; Ro 6:9,10; Heb 10:14.", "The purposes of, are to", "Complete the salvation of saints. -- Heb 9:28; 1Pe 1:5.", "Be glorified in his saints. -- 2Th 1:10.", "Be admired in them that believe. -- 2Th 1:10.", "Bring to light the hidden things of darkness. -- 1Co 4:5.", "Judge. -- Ps 50:3,4; Joh 5:22; 2Ti 4:1; Jude 1:15; Re 20:11-13.", "Reign. -- Isa 24:23; Da 7:14; Re 11:15.", "Destroy death. -- 1Co 15:25,26.", "Every eye shall see him at -- Re 1:7.", "Should be always considered as at hand -- Ro 13:12; Php 4:5; 1Pe 4:7.", "Blessedness of being prepared for -- Mt 24:46; Lu 12:37,38.", "Saints", "Assured of. -- Job 19:25,26.", "Love. -- 2Ti 4:8.", "Look for. -- Php 3:20; Tit 2:13.", "Wait for. -- 1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10.", "Haste to. -- 2Pe 3:12.", "Pray for. -- Re 22:20.", "Should be ready for. -- Mt 24:44; Lu 12:40.", "Should watch for. -- Mt 24:42; Mr 13:35-37; Lu 21:36.", "Should be patient to. -- 2Th 3:5; Jas 5:7,8.", "Shall be preserved to -- Php 1:6; 2Ti 4:18; 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24.", "Shall not be ashamed at -- 1Jo 2:28; 4:17.", "Shall be blameless at -- 1Co 1:8; 1Th 3:13; 5:23; Jude 1:24.", "Shall be like him at -- Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2.", "Shall see him as he is, at -- 1Jo 3:2.", "Shall appear with him in glory at -- Col 3:4.", "Shall receive a crown of glory at -- 2Ti 4:8; 1Pe 5:4.", "Shall reign with him at -- Da 7:27; 2Ti 2:12; Re 5:10; 20:6; 22:5.", "Faith of, shall be found to praise at -- 1Pe 1:7.", "The wicked", "Scoff at. -- 2Pe 3:3,4.", "Presume upon the delay of. -- Mt 24:48.", "Shall be surprised by. -- Mt 24:37-39; 1Th 5:3; 2Pe 3:10.", "Shall be punished at. -- 2Th 1:8,9.", "The man of sin to be destroyed at -- 2Th 2:8.", "Illustrated -- Mt 25:6; Lu 12:36,39; 19:12,15."]} +{"term": "Seed", "definitions": ["Every herb, tree and grass yields its own -- Ge 1:11,12,29.", "Each kind of, has its own body -- 1Co 15:38.", "Sowing of", "Time for, called seed time. -- Ge 8:22.", "Necessary to its productiveness. -- Joh 12:24; 1Co 15:36.", "Required constant diligence. -- Ec 11:4,6.", "Often attended with great waste. -- Mt 13:4,5,7.", "Often attended with danger. -- Ps 126:5,6.", "Yearly return of time of sowing, secured by covenant -- Ge 8:21,22.", "The ground carefully ploughed, and prepared for -- Isa 28:24,25.", "Often sown beside rivers -- Ec 11:1; Isa 32:20.", "Often trodden into the ground, by the feet of oxen -- Isa 32:20.", "Required to be watered by the rain -- Isa 55:10.", "In Egypt required to be artificially watered -- De 11:10.", "Yielded an abundant increase in Canaan -- Ge 26:12; Mt 13:23.", "Mosaic laws respecting", "Different kinds of, not to be sown in the same field. -- Le 19:19; De 22:9.", "If dry, exempted from uncleanness though touched by an unclean thing. -- Le 11:37.", "If wet, rendered unclean by contact with an unclean thing. -- Le 11:38.", "The tithe of, to be given to God. -- Le 27:30.", "Not to be sown during the sabbatical year. -- Le 25:4,20.", "Not to be sown in year of jubilee. -- Le 25:11.", "Difference between, and the plant which grows from it, noticed -- 1Co 15:37,38.", "The Jews punished by", "Its rotting in the ground. -- Joe 1:17; Mal 2:3.", "Its yielding but little increase. -- Isa 5:10; Hag 1:6.", "Its increase being consumed by locusts. -- De 28:38; Joe 1:4.", "Its increase being consume by enemies. -- Le 26:16; De 28:33,51.", "Its being choked by thorns. -- Jer 12:13; Mt 13:7.", "Illustrative of", "The word of God. -- Lu 8:11; 1Pe 1:23.", "Spiritual life. -- 1Jo 3:9.", "Sowing, illustrative of", "Preaching the gospel. -- Mt 13:3,32; 1Co 9:11.", "Scattering or dispersing a people. -- Zec 10:9.", "Christian liberality. -- Ec 11:6; 2Co 9:6.", "Men's works producing a corresponding recompence. -- Job 4:8; Ho 10:12; Ga 6:7,8.", "The death of Christ and its effects. -- Joh 12:24.", "The burial of the body. -- 1Co 15:36-38."]} +{"term": "Seeking God", "definitions": ["Commanded -- Isa 55:6; Mt 7:7.", "Includes seeking", "His Name. -- Ps 83:16.", "His word. -- Isa 34:16.", "His face. -- Ps 27:8; 105:4.", "His strength. -- 1Ch 16:11; Ps 105:4.", "His commandments. -- 1Ch 28:8; Mal 2:7.", "His precepts. -- Ps 119:45,94.", "His kingdom. -- Mt 6:33; Lu 12:31.", "His righteousness. -- Mt 6:33.", "Christ. -- Mal 3:1; Lu 2:15,16.", "Honour which comes from him. -- Joh 5:44.", "Justification by Christ. -- Ga 2:16,17.", "The city which God has prepared. -- Heb 11:10,16; 13:14.", "By prayer -- Job 8:5; Da 9:3.", "In his house -- De 12:5; Ps 27:4.", "Should be", "Immediate. -- Ho 10:12.", "Evermore. -- Ps 105:4.", "While he may be found. -- Isa 55:6.", "With diligence. -- Heb 11:6.", "With the heart. -- De 4:29; 1Ch 22:19.", "In the day of trouble. -- Ps 77:2.", "Ensures", "His being found. -- De 4:29; 1Ch 28:9; Pr 8:17; Jer 29:13.", "His favour. -- La 3:25.", "His protection. -- Ezr 8:22.", "His not forsaking us. -- Ps 9:10.", "Life. -- Ps 69:32; Am 5:4,6.", "Prosperity. -- Job 8:5,6; Ps 34:10.", "Being heard of him. -- Ps 34:4.", "Understanding all things. -- Pr 28:5.", "Gifts of righteousness. -- Ho 10:12.", "Imperative upon all -- Isa 8:19.", "Afflictions designed to lead to -- Ps 78:33,34; Ho 5:15.", "None, by nature, are found to be engaged in -- Ps 14:2; Ro 3:11; Lu 12:23,30.", "Saints", "Specially exhorted to. -- Zep 2:3.", "Desirous of. -- Job 5:8.", "Purpose, in heart. -- Ps 27:8.", "Prepare their hearts for. -- 2Ch 30:19.", "Set their hearts to. -- 2Ch 11:16.", "Engage in, with the whole heart. -- 2Ch 15:12; Ps 119:10.", "Early in. -- Job 8:5; Ps 63:1; Isa 26:9.", "Earnest in. -- Song 3:2,4.", "Characterised by. -- Ps 24:6.", "Is never in vain -- Isa 45:19.", "Blessedness of -- Ps 119:2.", "Leads to joy -- Ps 70:4; 105:3.", "Ends in praise -- Ps 22:26.", "Promise connected with -- Ps 69:32.", "Shall be rewarded -- Heb 11:6.", "The wicked", "Are gone out of the way of. -- Ps 14:2,3; Ro 3:11,12.", "Prepare not their hearts for. -- 2Ch 12:14.", "Refuse, through pride. -- Ps 10:4.", "Not led to, by affliction. -- Isa 9:13.", "Sometimes pretend to. -- Ezr 4:2; Isa 58:2.", "Rejected, when too late in. -- Pr 1:28.", "They who neglect denounced -- Isa 31:1.", "Punishment of those who neglect -- Zep 1:4-6.", "Exemplified", "Asa. -- 2Ch 14:7.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:3,4.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:5.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 31:21.", "Josiah. -- 2Ch 34:3.", "Ezra. -- Ezr 7:10.", "David. -- Ps 34:4.", "Daniel. -- Da 9:3,4."]} +{"term": "Self-Delusion", "definitions": ["A characteristic of the wicked -- Ps 49:18.", "Prosperity frequently leads to -- Ps 30:6; Ho 12:8; Lu 12:17-19.", "Obstinate sinners often given up to -- Ps 81:11,12; Ho 4:17; 2Th 2:10,11.", "Exhibited in thinking that", "Our own ways are right. -- Pr 14:12.", "We should adhere to established wicked practices. -- Jer 44:17.", "We are pure. -- Pr 30:12.", "We are better than others. -- Lu 18:11.", "We are rich in spiritual things. -- Re 3:17.", "We may have peace while in sin. -- De 29:19.", "We are above adversity. -- Ps 10:6.", "Gifts entitle us to heaven. -- Mt 7:21,22.", "Privileges entitle us to heaven. -- Mt 3:9; Lu 13:25,26.", "God will not punish our sins. -- Ps 10:11; Jer 5:12.", "Christ shall not come to judge. -- 2Pe 3:4.", "Our lives shall be prolonged. -- Isa 56:12; Lu 12:19; Jas 4:13.", "Frequently preserved in, to the last -- Mt 7:22; 25:11,12; Lu 13:24,25.", "Fatal consequences of -- Mt 7:23; 24:48-51; Lu 12:20; 1Th 5:3.", "Exemplified", "Ahab. -- 1Ki 20:27,34.", "Israelites. -- Ho 12:8.", "Jews. -- Joh 8:33,41.", "Church of Laodicea. -- Re 3:17.", "Babylon. -- Isa 47:7-11."]} +{"term": "Self-Denial", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Mt 4:8-10; 8:20; Joh 6:38; Ro 15:3; Php 2:6-8.", "A test of devotedness to Christ -- Mt 10:37,38; Lu 9:23,24.", "Necessary", "In following Christ. -- Lu 14:27-33.", "In the warfare of saints. -- 2Ti 2:4.", "To the triumph of saints. -- 1Co 9:25-27.", "Ministers especially called to exercise -- 2Co 6:4,5.", "Should be exercised in", "Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. -- Ro 6:12; Tit 2:12.", "Controlling the appetite. -- Pr 23:2.", "Abstaining from fleshly lusts. -- 1Pe 2:11.", "No longer living to lusts of men. -- 1Pe 4:2.", "Mortifying sinful lusts. -- Mr 9:43; Col 3:5.", "Mortifying deeds of the body. -- Ro 8:13.", "Not pleasing ourselves. -- Ro 15:1-3.", "Not seeking out own profit. -- 1Co 10:24,33; 13:5; Php 2:4.", "Preferring the profit of others. -- Ro 14:20,21; 1Co 10:24,33.", "Assisting others. -- Lu 3:11.", "Even lawful things. -- 1Co 10:23.", "Forsaking all. -- Lu 14:33.", "Taking up the cross and following Christ. -- Mt 10:38; 16:24.", "Crucifying the flesh. -- Ga 5:24.", "Being crucified with Christ. -- Ro 6:6.", "Being crucified to the world. -- Ga 6:14.", "Putting off the old man which is corrupt. -- Eph 4:22; Col 3:9.", "Preferring Christ to all earthly relations. -- Mt 8:21,22; Lu 14:26.", "Becomes strangers and pilgrims -- Heb 11:13-15; 1Pe 2:11.", "Danger of neglecting -- Mt 16:25,26; 1Co 9:27.", "Reward of -- Mt 19:28,29; Ro 8:13.", "Happy result -- 2Pe 1:4.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 13:9; Heb 11:8,9.", "Widow of Zarephath. -- 1Ki 17:12-15.", "Esther. -- Es 4:16.", "Rechabites. -- Jer 35:6,7.", "Daniel. -- Da 1:8-16.", "Apostles. -- Mt 19:27.", "Simon, Andrew, James, and John. -- Mr 1:16-20.", "Poor Widow. -- Lu 21:4.", "The Christians. -- Ac 2:45; 4:34.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 4:36,37.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:24; 1Co 9:19,27.", "Moses. -- Heb 11:24,25."]} +{"term": "Self-Examination", "definitions": ["Enjoined -- 2Co 13:5.", "Necessary before the communion -- 1Co 11:28.", "Cause of difficulty in -- Jer 17:9.", "Should be engaged in", "With holy awe. -- Ps 4:4.", "With diligent search. -- Ps 77:6; La 3:40.", "With prayer for divine searching. -- Ps 26:2; 139:23,24.", "With purpose of amendment. -- Ps 119:59; La 3:40.", "Advantages of -- 1Co 11:31; Ga 6:4; 1Jo 3:20-22."]} +{"term": "Selfishness", "definitions": ["Contrary to the law of God -- Le 19:18; Mt 22:39; Jas 2:8.", "The example of Christ condemns -- Joh 4:34; Ro 15:3; 2Co 8:9.", "God hates -- Mal 1:10.", "Exhibited in", "Being lovers of ourselves. -- 2Ti 3:2.", "Pleasing ourselves. -- Ro 15:1.", "Seeking our own. -- 1Co 10:33; Php 2:21.", "Seeking after gain. -- Isa 56:11.", "Seeking undue precedence. -- Mt 20:21.", "Living to ourselves. -- 2Co 5:15.", "Neglect of the poor. -- 1Jo 3:17.", "Serving God for reward. -- Mal 1:10.", "Performing duty for reward. -- Mic 3:11.", "Inconsistent with Christian love -- 1Co 13:5.", "Inconsistent with communion of saints -- Ro 12:4,5; 1Co 12:12-27.", "Especially forbidden to saints -- 1Co 10:24; Php 2:4.", "The love of Christ should constrain us to avoid -- 2Co 5:14,15.", "Ministers should be devoid of -- 1Co 9:19-23; 10:33.", "All men addicted to -- Eph 2:3; Php 2:21.", "Saints falsely accused of -- Job 1:9-11.", "Characteristic of the last days -- 2Ti 3:1,2.", "Exemplified", "Cain. -- Ge 4:9.", "Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:3,11.", "Haman. -- Es 6:6.", "Priests. -- Isa 56:11.", "Jews. -- Zec 7:6.", "James and John. -- Mr 10:37.", "Multitude. -- Joh 6:26."]} +{"term": "Self-Righteousness", "definitions": ["Man is prone to -- Pr 20:6; 30:12.", "Hateful to God -- Lu 16:15.", "Is vain because our righteousness is", "But external. -- Mt 23:25-28; Lu 11:39-44.", "But partial. -- Mt 23:25; Lu 11:44.", "No better than filthy rags. -- Isa 64:6.", "Ineffectual for salvation. -- Job 9:30,31; Mt 5:20; Ro 3:20.", "Unprofitable. -- Isa 57:12.", "Is boastful -- Mt 23:30.", "They who are given to", "Audaciously approach God. -- Lu 18:11.", "Seek to justify themselves. -- Lu 10:29.", "Seek to justify themselves before men. -- Lu 16:15.", "Reject the righteousness of God. -- Ro 10:3.", "Condemn others. -- Mt 9:11-13; Lu 7:39.", "Consider their own way right. -- Pr 21:2.", "Despise others. -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:9.", "Proclaim their own goodness. -- Pr 20:6.", "Are pure in their own eyes. -- Pr 30:12.", "Are abominable before God. -- Isa 65:5.", "Folly of -- Job 9:20.", "Saints renounce -- Php 3:7-10.", "Warning against -- De 9:4.", "Denunciation against -- Mt 23:27,28.", "Illustrated -- Lu 18:10-12.", "Exemplified", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:13.", "Young man. -- Mt 19:20.", "Lawyer. -- Lu 10:25,29.", "Pharisees. -- Lu 11:39; Joh 8:33; 9:28.", "Israel. -- Ro 10:3.", "Church of Laodicea. -- Re 3:17."]} +{"term": "Self-Will and Stubbornness", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- 2Ch 30:8; Ps 75:5; 95:8.", "Proceed from", "Unbelief. -- 2Ki 17:14.", "Pride. -- Ne 9:16,29.", "An evil heart. -- Jer 7:24.", "God knows -- Isa 48:4.", "Exhibited in", "Refusing to hearken to God. -- Pr 1:24.", "Refusing to hearken to the messengers of God. -- 1Sa 8:19; Jer 44:16; Zec 7:11.", "Refusing to walk in the ways of God. -- Ne 9:17; Ps 78:10; Isa 42:24; Jer 6:16.", "Refusing to hearken to parents. -- De 21:18,19.", "Refusing to receive correction. -- De 21:18; Jer 5:3; 7:28.", "Rebelling against God. -- De 31:27; Ps 78:8.", "Resisting the Holy Spirit. -- Ac 7:51.", "Walking in the counsels of an evil heart. -- Jer 7:24; 23:17.", "Hardening the neck. -- Ne 9:16.", "Hardening the heart. -- 2Ch 36:13.", "Going backward and not forward. -- Jer 7:24.", "Heinousness of -- 1Sa 15:23.", "Ministers should", "Be without. -- Tit 1:7.", "Warn their people against. -- Heb 3:7-12.", "Pray that their people may be forgiven for. -- Ex 34:9; De 9:27.", "Characteristic of the wicked -- Pr 7:11; 2Pe 2:10.", "The wicked cease not from -- Jdj 2:19.", "Punishment for -- De 21:21; Pr 29:1.", "Illustrated -- Ps 32:9; Jer 31:18.", "Exemplified", "Simeon and Levi. -- Ge 49:6.", "Israelites. -- Ex 32:9; De 9:6,13.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:19-23.", "David. -- 2Sa 24:4.", "Josiah. -- 2Ch 35:22.", "Zedekiah. -- 2Ch 36:13."]} +{"term": "Serpents", "definitions": ["Created by God -- Job 26:13.", "Characterised as subtle -- Ge 3:1; Mt 10:16.", "Called crooked -- Job 26:13; Isa 27:1.", "Unclean and unfit for food -- Mt 7:10.", "Infest", "Hedges. -- Ec 10:8.", "Holes in walls. -- Am 5:19.", "Deserts. -- De 8:15.", "Produced from eggs -- Isa 59:5.", "Cursed above all creatures -- Ge 3:14.", "Doomed to creep on their belly -- Ge 3:14.", "Doomed to eat their food mingled with dust -- Ge 3:14; Isa 65:25; Mic 7:17.", "Many kinds of poisonous -- De 32:24; Ps 58:4.", "All kinds of, can be tamed -- Jas 3:7.", "Were often enchanted or fascinated -- Ec 10:11.", "Dangerous to travellers -- Ge 49:17.", "Man's aversion and hatred to -- Ge 3:15.", "Often sent as a punishment -- Nu 21:6; De 32:24; 1Co 10:9.", "Miracles connected with", "Moses' rod turned into. -- Ex 4:3; 7:9,15.", "Israelites cured by looking at one of brass. -- Nu 21:8,9; Joh 3:14,15.", "Power over, given to the disciples. -- Mr 16:18; Lu 10:19.", "Illustrative", "Of the devil. -- Ge 3:1; 2Co 11:3; Re 12:9; 20:2.", "Of hypocrites. -- Mt 23:33.", "Of the tribe of Dan. -- Ge 49:17.", "Of enemies who harass and destroy. -- Isa 14:29; Jer 8:17.", "(Sharp tongue of,) of malice of the wicked. -- Ps 140:3.", "(Poisonous bite of,) of baneful effects of wine. -- Pr 23:21,32."]} +{"term": "Servants", "definitions": ["Early mention of -- Ge 9:25,26.", "Divided into", "Male. -- Ge 24:34; 32:5.", "Female. -- Ge 16:6; 32:5.", "Bond. -- Ge 43:18; Le 25:46.", "Hired. -- Mr 1:20; Lu 15:17.", "Persons devoted to the service of another so called -- Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6.", "The subjects of a prince or king so called -- Ex 9:20; 11:8.", "Persons of low condition so called -- Ec 10:7.", "Persons devoted to God so called -- Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6; Ro 1:1.", "The term often used to express humility -- Ge 18:3; 33:5; 1Sa 20:7; 1Ki 20:32.", "Hired", "Called hireling. -- Job 7:1; Joh 10:12,13.", "Engaged by the year. -- Le 25:53; Isa 16:14.", "Engaged by the day. -- Mt 20:2.", "Not to be oppressed. -- De 24:14.", "To be paid without delay at the expiration of their service. -- Le 19:13; De 24:15.", "To be esteemed worthy of their hire. -- Lu 10:7.", "To partake of the produce of the land in the sabbatical year. -- Le 25:6.", "If foreigners not allowed to partake of the passover or holy things. -- Ex 12:45; Le 22:10.", "Anxiety of, for the end of their daily toil, alluded to. -- Job 7:2.", "Hebrew slaves serving their brethren to be treated as. -- Le 25:39,40.", "Hebrew slaves serving strangers to be treated as. -- Le 25:47,53.", "Often stood in the market place waiting for employment. -- Mt 20:1-3.", "Often will fed and taken care of. -- Lu 15:17.", "Often oppressed and their wages kept back. -- Mal 3:5; Jas 5:4.", "Slaves or bond", "Called bondmen. -- Ge 43:18; 44:9.", "By birth. -- Ge 14:14; Ps 116:16; Jer 2:14.", "By purchase. -- Ge 17:27; 37:36.", "Captives taken in war often kept as. -- De 20:14; 2Ki 5:2.", "Strangers sojourning in Israel might be purchased as. -- Le 25:45.", "Persons belonging to other nations might be purchased as. -- Le 25:44.", "Persons unable to pay their debts liable to be sold as. -- 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:4,5; Mt 18:25.", "Thieves unable to make restitution were sold as. -- Ex 22:3.", "More valuable than hired servants. -- De 15:18.", "When Israelites not to be treated with rigour. -- Le 25:39,40,46.", "When Israelites to have their liberty after six years service. -- Ex 21:2; De 15:12.", "Israelites sold as, refusing their liberty, to have their ears bored to the door. -- Ex 21:5,6; De 15:16,17.", "Israelites sold to strangers as, might be redeemed by their nearest of kin. -- Le 25:47-55.", "All Israelites sold as, to be free at the jubilee. -- Le 25:10,40,41,54.", "Could not when set free demand wives or children procured during servitude. -- Ex 21:3,4.", "To be furnished liberally, when their servitude expired. -- De 15:13,14.", "When foreigners to be circumcised. -- Ge 17:13,27; Ex 12:44.", "To be allowed to rest on the Sabbath. -- Ex 20:10.", "To participate in all national rejoicings. -- De 12:18; 16:11,14.", "Persons of distinction had many. -- Ge 14:14; Ec 2:7.", "Engaged in the most menial offices. -- 1Sa 25:41; Joh 13:4,5.", "Maimed of injured by masters to have their freedom. -- Ex 21:26,27.", "Masters to be recompensed for injury done to. -- Ex 21:32.", "Laws respecting the killing of. -- Ex 21:20,21.", "Of others not to be coveted or enticed away. -- Ex 20:17; De 5:21.", "Seeking protection not to be delivered up to masters. -- De 23:15.", "Custom of branding, alluded to. -- Ga 6:17.", "Sometimes rose to rank and station. -- Ec 10:7.", "Sometimes intermarried with their master's family. -- 1Ch 2:34,35.", "Laws respecting marriage with female. -- Ex 21:7-11.", "Seizing and stealing of men for, condemned and punished by the law. -- Ex 21:16; De 24:7; 1Ti 1:10.", "Laws respecting, often violated. -- Jer 34:8-16.", "Bond, illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Ps 40:6; Heb 10:5; Php 2:7,8.", "Of saints. -- 1Co 6:20; 7:23.", "Of the wicked. -- 2Pe 2:19; Ro 6:16,19.", "Christ condescended to the office of -- Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:5; Php 2:7.", "Are inferior to their masters -- Lu 22:27.", "Should follow Christ's example -- 1Pe 2:21.", "Duties of, to masters", "To pray for them. -- Ge 24:12.", "To honour them. -- Mal 1:6; 1Ti 6:1.", "To revere them the more, when they are believers. -- 1Ti 6:2.", "To be subject to them. -- 1Pe 2:18.", "To obey them. -- Eph 6:5; Tit 2:9.", "To attend to their call. -- Ps 123:2.", "To please them well in all things. -- Tit 2:9.", "To sympathise with them. -- 2Sa 12:18.", "To prefer their business to their own necessary food. -- Ge 24:33.", "To bless God for mercies shown to them. -- Ge 24:27,48.", "To be faithful to them. -- Lu 16:10-12; 1Co 4:2; Tit 2:10.", "To be profitable to them. -- Lu 19:15,16,18; Phm 1:11.", "To be anxious for their welfare. -- 1Sa 25:14-17; 2Ki 5:2,3.", "To be earnest in transacting their business. -- Ge 24:54-56.", "To be prudent in the management of their affairs. -- Ge 24:34-49.", "To be industrious in labouring for them. -- Ne 4:16,23.", "To be kind and attentive to their guests. -- Ge 43:23,24.", "To be submissive even to the froward. -- Ge 16:6,9; 1Pe 2:18.", "Not to answer them rudely. -- Tit 2:9.", "Not to serve them with eye-service, as men-pleasers. -- Eph 6:6; Col 3:22.", "Not to defraud them. -- Tit 2:10.", "Should be contented in their situation -- 1Co 7:20,21.", "Should be compassionate to their fellows -- Mt 18:33.", "Should serve", "For conscience towards God. -- 1Pe 2:19.", "In the fear of God. -- Eph 6:5; Col 3:22.", "As the servants of Christ. -- Eph 6:5,6.", "Heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men. -- Eph 6:7; Col 3:23.", "As doing the will of God from the heart. -- Eph 6:6.", "In singleness of heart. -- Eph 6:5; Col 3:22.", "With good will. -- Eph 6:7.", "When patient under injury are acceptable to God -- 1Pe 2:19,20.", "When Good", "Are the servants of Christ. -- Col 3:24.", "Are brethren beloved in the Lord. -- Phm 1:16.", "Are the Lord's freemen. -- 1Co 7:22.", "Are partakers of gospel privileges. -- 1Co 12:13; Ga 3:28; Eph 6:8; Col 3:11.", "Deserve the confidence of their masters. -- Ge 24:2,4,10; 39:4.", "Often exalted. -- Ge 41:40; Pr 17:2.", "Often advanced by master. -- Ge 39:4,5.", "To be honoured. -- Ge 24:31; Pr 27:18.", "Bring God's blessing upon their masters. -- Ge 30:27,30; 39:3.", "Adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things. -- Tit 2:10.", "Have God with them. -- Ge 31:42; 39:21; Ac 7:9,10.", "Are prospered by God. -- Ge 39:3.", "Are protected by God. -- Ge 31:7.", "Are guided by God. -- Ge 24:7,27.", "Are blessed by God. -- Mt 24:46.", "Are mourned over after death. -- Ge 35:8.", "Shall be rewarded. -- Eph 6:8; Col 3:24.", "The property of masters increased by faithful -- Ge 30:29,30.", "Characteristics of wicked servants", "Eye-service. -- Eph 6:6; Col 3:22.", "Men-pleasers. -- Eph 6:6; Col 3:22.", "Deceit. -- 2Sa 19:26; Ps 101:6,7.", "Quarrelsomeness. -- Ge 13:7; 26:20.", "Covetousness. -- 2Ki 5:20.", "Lying. -- 2Ki 5:22,24.", "Stealing. -- Tit 2:10.", "Gluttony. -- Mt 24:49.", "Unmerciful to their fellows. -- Mt 18:30.", "Will not submit to correction. -- Pr 29:19.", "Do not bear to be exalted. -- Pr 30:21,22; Isa 3:5.", "Shall be punished. -- Mt 24:50.", "Good -- Exemplified", "Eliezer. -- Ge 24:1-67.", "Deborah. -- Ge 24:59; 35:8.", "Jacob. -- Ge 31:36-40.", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:3; Ac 7:10.", "Servants of Boaz. -- Ru 2:4.", "Jonathan's armour bearer. -- 1Sa 14:6,7.", "David's servants. -- 2Sa 12:18.", "Captive maid. -- 2Ki 5:2-4.", "Servants of Naaman. -- 2Ki 5:13.", "Servants of Centurion. -- Mt 8:9.", "Servants of Cornelius. -- Ac 10:7.", "Onesimus after his conversion. -- Phm 1:11.", "Bad -- Exemplified", "Servants of Abraham and Lot. -- Ge 13:7.", "Servants of Abimelech. -- Ge 21:25.", "Absalom's servants [Absalom's servants obeyed a bad master; they were bad men rather than bad servants]. -- 2Sa 13:28,29; 14:30.", "Ziba. -- 2Sa 16:1-4.", "Servants of Shimei. -- 1Ki 2:39.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 11:26.", "Zimri. -- 1Ki 16:9.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:20.", "Servants of Amon. -- 2Ki 21:23.", "Job's servants. -- Job 19:16.", "Servants of the High Priest. -- Mr 14:65.", "Onesimus before his conversion. -- Phm 1:11."]} +{"term": "Sheep", "definitions": ["Clean and used as food -- De 14:4.", "Described as", "Innocent. -- 2Sa 24:17.", "Sagacious. -- Joh 10:4,5.", "Agile. -- Ps 114:4,6.", "Being covered with a fleece. -- Job 31:20.", "Remarkably prolific. -- Ps 107:41; 144:13; Song 4:2; Eze 36:37.", "Bleating of, alluded to -- Jdj 5:16; 1Sa 15:14.", "Under man's care from the earliest age -- Ge 4:4.", "Constituted a great part of patriarchal wealth -- Ge 13:5; 24:25; 26:14.", "Males of called rams -- 1Sa 15:22; Jer 51:40.", "Females of, called ewes -- Ps 78:71.", "Young of, called lambs -- Ex 12:3; Isa 11:6.", "Places celebrated for", "Kedar. -- Eze 27:21.", "Bashan. -- De 32:14.", "Nebaioth. -- Isa 60:7.", "Bozrah. -- Mic 2:12.", "Flesh of, extensively used as food -- 1Sa 25:18; 1Ki 1:19; 4:23; Ne 5:18; Isa 22:13.", "Milk of, used as food -- De 32:14; Isa 7:21,22; 1Co 9:7.", "Skins of, worn as clothing by the poor -- Heb 11:37.", "Skins of, made into a covering for the tabernacle -- Ex 25:5; 36:10; 39:34.", "Wool of, made into clothing -- Job 31:20; Pr 31:13; Eze 34:3.", "Offered in sacrifice from the earliest age -- Ge 4:4; 8:20; 15:9,10.", "Offered in sacrifice under the law -- Ex 20:24; Le 1:10; 1Ki 8:5,63.", "Flocks of", "Attended by members of the family. -- Ge 29:9; Ex 2:16; 1Sa 16:11.", "Attended by servants. -- 1Sa 17:20; Isa 61:5.", "Guarded by dogs. -- Job 30:1.", "Kept in folds or cotes. -- 1Sa 24:3; 2Sa 7:8; Joh 10:1.", "Conducted to the richest pastures. -- Ps 23:2.", "Fed on the mountains. -- Ex 3:1; Eze 34:6,13.", "Fed in the valleys. -- Isa 65:10.", "Frequently covered the pastures. -- Ps 65:13.", "Watered every day. -- Ge 29:8-10; Ex 2:16,17.", "Made to rest at noon. -- Ps 23:2; Song 1:7.", "Followed the shepherd. -- Joh 10:4,27.", "Fled from strangers. -- Joh 10:5.", "Washed and shorn every year -- Song 4:2.", "Firstlings of, not to be shorn -- De 15:19.", "Firstlings of, not to be redeemed -- Nu 18:17.", "Firstlings of, could not be dedicated as a free-will offering -- Le 27:26.", "Tithe of, given to the Levites -- 2Ch 31:4-6.", "First wool of, given to the priests -- De 18:4.", "Time of shearing, a time of rejoicing -- 1Sa 25:2,11,36; 2Sa 13:23.", "Were frequently", "Given as presents. -- 2Sa 17:29; 1Ch 12:40.", "Given as tribute. -- 2Ki 3:4; 2Ch 17:11.", "Destroyed by wild beasts. -- Jer 50:17; Mic 5:8; Joh 10:12.", "Taken in great numbers in war. -- Jdj 6:4; 1Sa 14:32; 1Ch 5:21; 2Ch 14:15.", "Cut off by disease. -- Ex 9:3.", "False prophets assume the simple appearance -- Mt 7:15.", "Illustrative", "Of the Jews. -- Ps 74:1; 78:52; 79:13.", "Of the people of Christ. -- Joh 10:7-26; 21:16,17; Heb 13:20; 1Pe 5:2.", "Of the wicked in their death. -- Ps 49:14.", "Of those under God's judgment. -- Ps 44:1.", "(In patience and simplicity,) of patience, of Christ. -- Isa 53:7.", "(In proneness to wander,) of those who depart from God. -- Ps 119:176; Isa 53:6; Eze 34:16.", "(Lost,) of the unregenerate. -- Mt 10:6.", "(When found,) of restored sinners. -- Lu 15:5,7.", "(Separation from the goats,) of the separation of saints from the wicked. -- Mt 25:32,33."]} +{"term": "Shepherds", "definitions": ["Early mention of -- Ge 4:2.", "Usually carried a scrip or bag -- 1Sa 17:40.", "Carried a staff or rod -- Le 27:32; Ps 23:4.", "Dwelt in tents while tending their flocks -- Song 1:8; Isa 38:12.", "Members of the family both male and female acted as -- Ge 29:6; 1Sa 16:11; 17:15.", "Had hired keepers under them -- 1Sa 17:20.", "The unfaithfulness of hireling, alluded to -- Joh 10:12.", "Care of the sheep by, exhibited in", "Knowing them. -- Joh 10:14.", "Going before and leading them. -- Ps 77:20; 78:52; 80:1.", "Seeking out good pasture for them. -- 1Ch 4:39-41; Ps 23:2.", "Numbering them when they return from pasture. -- Jer 33:13.", "Watching over them by night. -- Lu 2:8.", "Tenderness to the ewes in lamb, and to the young. -- Ge 33:13,14; Ps 78:71.", "Defending them when attacked by wild beasts. -- 1Sa 17:34-36; Am 3:12.", "Searching them out when lost and straying. -- Eze 34:12; Lu 15:4,5.", "Attending them when sick. -- Eze 34:16.", "An abomination to the Egyptians -- Ge 46:34.", "Illustrative", "Of God as leader of Israel. -- Ps 77:20; 80:1.", "Of Christ as the good shepherd. -- Eze 34:23; Zec 13:7; Joh 10:14; Heb 13:20.", "Of kings as the leaders of the people. -- Isa 44:28; Jer 6:3; 49:19.", "Of ministers of the gospel. -- Jer 23:4.", "(Searching out straying sheep,) of Christ seeking the lost. -- Eze 34:12; Lu 15:2-7.", "(Their care and tenderness,) of tenderness of Christ. -- Isa 40:11; Eze 34:13-16.", "(Ignorant and foolish,) of bad ministers. -- Isa 56:11; Jer 50:6; Eze 34:2,10; Zec 11:7,8,15-17."]} +{"term": "Shewbread", "definitions": ["Twelve cakes of fine flour -- Le 24:5.", "Called hallowed bread -- 1Sa 21:4.", "Materials for, provided by the people -- Le 24:8; Ne 10:32,33.", "Prepared by Levites -- 1Ch 9:32; 23:29.", "Placed in two rows on the table by the priests -- Ex 25:30; 40:23; Le 24:6.", "Table of", "Dimensions of. -- Ex 25:23.", "Covered with gold. -- Ex 25:24.", "Had an ornamental border. -- Ex 25:25.", "Had staves of shittim wood covered with gold. -- Ex 25:28.", "Had rings of gold in the corners for the staves. -- Ex 25:26,27.", "Had dishes, spoons, covers, and bowls of gold. -- Ex 25:29.", "Placed in the north side of the tabernacle. -- Ex 40:22; Heb 9:2.", "Directions for removing. -- Nu 4:7.", "Pure frankincense placed on -- Le 24:7.", "Was changed every Sabbath day -- Le 24:8.", "After removal from the table given to the priests -- Le 24:9.", "Not lawful for any but the priests to eat, except in extreme cases -- 1Sa 21:4-6; Mt 12:4.", "Illustrative of", "Christ as the bread of life. -- Joh 6:48.", "The Church. -- 1Co 5:7; 10:17."]} +{"term": "Shields", "definitions": ["A part of defensive armour -- Ps 115:9; 140:7.", "Frequently made of, or covered with", "Gold. -- 2Sa 8:7; 1Ki 10:17.", "Brass. -- 1Ki 14:27.", "Said to belong to God -- Ps 47:9.", "Kinds of", "The buckler or target. -- 2Ch 9:15; 1Ch 5:18; Eze 26:8.", "The small shield. -- 2Ch 9:16.", "Often borne by an armour bearer. -- 1Sa 17:7.", "Before war", "Gathered together. -- Jer 51:11.", "Uncovered. -- Isa 22:6.", "Repaired. -- Jer 46:3.", "Anointed. -- 2Sa 1:21; Isa 21:5.", "Often made red. -- Na 2:3.", "Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance -- 2Ch 11:12; 26:14; 32:5.", "A disgrace to lose, or throw away -- 2Sa 1:21.", "Of the vanquished, often burned -- Eze 39:9.", "In times of peace were hung up in towers or armouries -- Eze 27:10; Song 4:4.", "Were scarce in Israel in the days of Deborah and Barak -- Jdj 5:8.", "Many of the Israelites used, with expertness -- 1Ch 12:8,24,34; 2Ch 14:8; 25:5.", "Illustrative of", "Protection of God. -- Ge 15:1; Ps 33:20.", "Favour of God. -- Ps 5:12.", "Truth of God. -- Ps 91:4.", "Salvation of God. -- 2Sa 22:36; Ps 18:35.", "Faith. -- Eph 6:16."]} +{"term": "Ships", "definitions": ["Probably originated from the ark made by Noah -- Ge 7:17,18.", "Antiquity of, among the Jews -- Ge 49:13; Jdj 5:17.", "Described as", "Gallant. -- Isa 33:21.", "Large. -- Jas 3:4.", "Strong. -- Isa 23:14.", "Swift. -- Job 9:26.", "Solomon built a navy of -- 1Ki 9:26.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Of Chittim. -- Nu 24:24; Da 11:30.", "Of Tarshish. -- Isa 23:1; 60:9.", "Of Adramyttium. -- Ac 27:2.", "Of Alexandria. -- Ac 27:6.", "Of Chaldea. -- Isa 43:14.", "Of Tyre. -- 2Ch 8:18.", "Generally made of the fir tree -- Eze 27:5.", "Sometimes made of bulrushes -- Isa 18:2.", "The seams of, were caulked -- Eze 27:9,27.", "Parts of mentioned", "The forepart or foreship. -- Ac 27:30,41.", "The hinder part or stern. -- Ac 27:29,41.", "The hold or between the sides. -- Jon 1:5.", "The mast. -- Isa 33:23; Eze 27:5.", "The sails. -- Isa 33:23; Eze 27:7.", "The tackling. -- Isa 33:23; Ac 27:19.", "The rudder or helm. -- Jas 3:4.", "The rudder-bands. -- Ac 27:40.", "The anchors. -- Ac 27:29,40.", "The boats. -- Ac 27:30,32.", "The oars. -- Isa 33:21; Eze 27:6.", "Often the property of individuals -- Ac 27:11.", "Commanded by a master -- Jon 1:6; Ac 27:11.", "Guided in their course by pilots -- Eze 27:8,27-29.", "Governed and directed by the helm -- Jas 3:4.", "Course of frequently directed by the heavenly bodies -- Ac 27:20.", "Worked by mariners or sailors -- Eze 27:9,27; Jon 1:5; Ac 27:30.", "Generally impelled by sails -- Ac 27:2-7.", "Often impelled by oars -- Jon 1:13; Joh 6:19.", "Navigated", "Rivers. -- Isa 33:21.", "Lakes. -- Lu 5:1,2.", "The ocean. -- Ps 104:26; 107:23.", "Soundings usually taken for, in dangerous places -- Ac 27:28.", "Usually distinguished by signs or figure heads -- Ac 28:11.", "Course of, through the midst of the sea, wonderful -- Pr 30:18,19.", "Employed in", "Trading. -- 1Ki 22:48; 2Ch 8:18; 9:21.", "Fishing. -- Mt 4:21; Lu 5:4-9; Joh 21:3-8.", "War. -- Nu 24:24; Da 11:30,40.", "Carrying passengers. -- Jon 1:3; Ac 27:2,6; 28:11.", "The hinder part of, occupied by the passengers -- Mr 4:38.", "Endangered by", "Storms. -- Jon 1:4; Mr 4:37,38.", "Quicksands. -- Ac 27:17.", "Rocks. -- Ac 27:29.", "When damaged were sometimes undergirded with cables -- Ac 27:17.", "Were often wrecked -- 1Ki 22:48; Ps 48:7; Ac 27:41-44; 2Co 11:25.", "Illustrative", "Of industrious women. -- Pr 31:14.", "(Wrecked,) of departure from the faith. -- 1Ti 1:19."]} +{"term": "Shoes", "definitions": ["Early use of -- Ge 14:23.", "Called sandals -- Mr 6:9; Ac 12:8.", "Soles of, sometimes plated with brass or iron -- De 33:25.", "Bound round the feet with latchets or strings -- Joh 1:27; Ac 12:8.", "Of ladies of distinction", "Often made of badgers' skins. -- Eze 16:10.", "Often highly ornamental. -- Song 7:1.", "Probably often adorned with tinkling ornaments. -- Isa 3:18.", "Loosing of, for another a degrading office -- Mr 1:17; Joh 1:27.", "Bearing, for another a degrading office, only performed by slaves -- Mt 3:11.", "The Jews", "Put on, before beginning a journey. -- Ex 12:11.", "Never wore, in mourning. -- 2Sa 15:30; Isa 20:2,3; Eze 24:17,23.", "Put off, when they entered sacred places. -- Ex 3:5; Jos 5:15.", "Worn out by a long journey -- Jos 9:5,13.", "Of Israel preserved for forty years, while journeying in the wilderness -- De 29:5.", "Often given as bribes -- Am 2:6; 8:6.", "Customs connected with", "A man who refused to marry a deceased brother's wife disgraced by pulling off his shoes. -- De 25:9,10.", "The right of redemption resigned by a man's giving one of his shoes to the next of kin. -- Ru 4:7,8.", "The Apostles prohibited from taking for their journey more, than the pair they had on -- Mt 10:10; Mr 6:9; Lu 10:4.", "Illustrative", "Of the preparation of the gospel. -- Eph 6:15.", "Of the beauty conferred on saints. -- Song 7:1; Lu 15:22.", "(Having blood on,) of being engaged in war and slaughter. -- 1Ki 2:5.", "(Taken off,) of an ignominious and servile condition. -- Isa 47:2; Jer 2:25.", "(Thrown over a place,) of subjection. -- Ps 60:8; 108:9."]} +{"term": "Sickness", "definitions": ["Sent by God -- De 28:59-61; 32:39; 2Sa 12:15; Ac 12:23.", "The devil sometimes permitted to inflict -- Job 2:6,7; Lu 9:39; 13:16.", "Often brought on by intemperance -- Ho 7:5.", "Often sent as a punishment of sin -- Le 26:14-16; 2Ch 21:12-15; 1Co 11:30.", "One of God's four sore judgments on a guilty land -- Eze 14:19-21.", "God", "Promises to heal. -- Ex 23:25; 2Ki 20:5.", "Heals. -- De 32:39; Ps 103:3; Isa 38:5,9.", "Exhibits his mercy in healing. -- Php 2:27.", "Exhibits his power in healing. -- Lu 5:17.", "Exhibits his love in healing. -- Isa 38:17.", "Often manifests saving grace to sinners during. -- Job 33:19-24; Ps 107:17-21.", "Permits saints to be tried by. -- Job 2:5,6.", "Strengthens saints in. -- Ps 41:3.", "Comforts saints in. -- Ps 41:3.", "Hears the prayers of those in. -- Ps 30:2; 107:18-20.", "Preserves saints in time of. -- Ps 91:3-7.", "Abandons the wicked to. -- Jer 34:17.", "Persecutes the wicked by. -- Jer 29:18.", "Healing of, lawful on the Sabbath -- Lu 13:14-16.", "Christ compassionate those in -- Isa 53:4; Mt 8:16,17.", "Christ healed", "Being present. -- Mr 1:31; Mt 4:23.", "Not being present. -- Mt 8:13.", "By imposition of hands. -- Mr 6:5; Lu 13:13.", "With a touch. -- Mt 8:3.", "Through the touch of his garment. -- Mt 14:35,36; Mr 5:27-34.", "With a word. -- Mt 8:8,13.", "Faith required in those healed of, by Christ -- Mt 9:28,29; Mr 5:34; 10:52.", "Often incurable by human means -- De 28:27; 2Ch 21:18.", "The Apostles were endued with power to heal -- Mt 10:1; Mr 16:18,20.", "The power of healing", "One of the miraculous gifts bestowed on the early Church. -- 1Co 12:9,30; Jas 5:14,15.", "Saints", "Acknowledge that, comes from God. -- Ps 31:1-8; Isa 38:12,15.", "Are resigned under. -- Job 2:10.", "Mourn under, with prayer. -- Isa 38:14.", "Pray for recovery from. -- Isa 38:2,3.", "Ascribe recovery from, to God. -- Isa 38:20.", "Praise God for recovery from. -- Ps 103:1-3; Isa 38:19; Lu 17:15.", "Thank God publicly for recovery form. -- Isa 38:20; Ac 3:8.", "Feel for others in. -- Ps 35:13.", "Visit those in. -- Mt 25:36.", "Visiting those in, an evidence of belonging to Christ -- Mt 25:34,36,40.", "Pray for those afflicted with -- Ac 28:8; Jas 5:14,15.", "God's aid should be sought in -- 2Ch 16:12.", "The wicked", "Have much sorrow, with. -- Ec 5:17.", "Forsake those in. -- 1Sa 30:13.", "Visit not those in. -- Mt 25:43.", "Not visiting those in, an evidence of not belonging to Christ -- Mt 25:43,45.", "Illustrative of sin -- Le 13:45,46; Isa 1:5; Jer 8:22; Mt 9:12."]} +{"term": "Sidonians, The", "definitions": ["Descended from Sidon, son of Canaan -- Ge 10:15; 1Ch 1:13.", "Formerly a part of the Phoenician nation -- Mt 15:21,22; Mr 7:24,26.", "Dwelt on the sea coast -- Lu 6:17; Ac 27:3.", "Cities of mentioned", "Zidon. -- Jos 11:8; 19:28.", "Zarephath or Sarepta. -- 1Ki 17:9; Lu 4:26.", "Governed by kings. -- Jer 25:22; 27:3.", "Character of", "Careless and secure. -- Jdj 18:7.", "Idolatrous. -- 1Ki 11:5.", "Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.", "Wicked and impenitent. -- Mt 11:21,22.", "Engaged in extensive commerce -- Isa 23:2.", "Were skilful sailors -- Eze 27:8.", "Supplied the Jews with timber -- 1Ch 22:4; Ezr 3:7.", "Supplied from Judea with provisions -- Ac 12:20; Eze 27:17.", "Territory of", "Bordered on the land of Canaan. -- Ge 10:19.", "Given by God to Israel. -- Ge 49:13; Jos 13:6.", "Allotted to the tribe of Asher. -- Jos 19:24,28.", "Visited by our Lord. -- Mt 15:21.", "Israel unable to expel -- Jdj 1:31; 3:3.", "Hostile and oppressive to God's people -- Jdj 10:12; Eze 28:22,24; Joe 3:5,6.", "Solomon intermarried with -- 1Ki 11:1.", "Ahab intermarried with -- 1Ki 16:31.", "Israel followed the idolatry of -- Jdj 10:6; 1Ki 11:33.", "Predictions respecting", "Territory of, to be given to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. -- Jer 27:3,6.", "Partaking with the other nations of God's judgments. -- Jer 25:22-28; Eze 32:20.", "All their helpers to be cut off. -- Jer 47:4.", "That God should be glorified in the judgments upon them. -- Eze 28:21-23.", "Their spoiling and oppression of the Jews to be fully recompensed. -- Joe 3:4,8.", "Many of, attended Christ's ministry -- Mr 3:8.", "Having revolted from Herod, were obliged to propitiate him -- Ac 12:20."]} +{"term": "Sieges", "definitions": ["Fenced cities invested by -- 2Ki 18:13.", "Threatened as a punishment -- De 28:52.", "Described as", "Encamping against. -- 2Sa 12:28; 2Ch 32:1.", "Pitching against. -- 2Ki 25:1.", "Compassing about with armies. -- 2Ki 6:14; Lu 21:20.", "Setting in array against. -- Jer 50:9.", "Being against round about. -- Jer 51:2.", "Often lasted for a long time -- 2Ki 17:5.", "Great noise and tumult of, alluded to -- Joe 2:5.", "Those engaged in", "Built forts and mounts. -- Eze 4:2; 26:8.", "Dug a trench round the city. -- Lu 19:43.", "Invested the city on every side. -- Eze 23:24.", "Cut off all supplies. -- 2Ki 19:24.", "Frequently laid ambushes. -- Jdj 9:34.", "Called upon the city to surrender. -- 1Ki 20:2,3; 2Ki 18:18,20.", "Employed battering rams against the walls. -- Eze 4:2; 26:9.", "Cast arrows and other missiles into the city. -- 2Ki 19:32.", "Often suffered much during. -- Eze 29:18.", "The Jews forbidden to cut down fruit trees for the purpose of -- De 20:19,20.", "Extreme difficulty of taking cities by, alluded to -- Pr 18:19.", "Cities invested by", "Repaired and newly fortified beforehand. -- 2Ch 32:5; Isa 22:9,10; Na 3:14.", "Supplied with water beforehand. -- Na 3:14.", "The inhabitants of, cut off beforehand supplies of water outside, useful to besiegers. -- 2Ch 32:3,4.", "Were strictly shut up. -- Jos 6:1.", "Walls of, defended by the inhabitants. -- 2Sa 11:20,21; 2Ki 18:26; 2Ch 32:18.", "Sometimes used ambushes or sorties. -- Jer 51:12.", "Often suffered from famine. -- 2Ki 6:26-29; 25:3; Eze 6:12.", "Often suffered from pestilence. -- Jer 21:6; 32:24.", "Often demanded terms of peace. -- 1Sa 11:1-3.", "Frequently taken by ambush. -- Jdj 9:43,44.", "Frequently taken by assault. -- Jos 10:35; 2Sa 12:29.", "Frequently helped by allies. -- 1Sa 11:11; 23:5.", "Inhabitants of, exhorted to be courageous. -- 2Ch 32:6-8.", "Cities taken by", "Given up to pillage. -- Jer 50:26,27.", "Inhabitants of, often put to the sword. -- Jos 10:28,30,32,35; Jer 50:30.", "Frequently broken down. -- Jdj 9:45.", "Frequently destroyed by fire. -- Jos 8:19.", "Sometimes sown with salt. -- Jdj 9:45.", "Sometimes called after the name of the captor. -- 2Sa 12:28.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Jericho. -- Jos 6:2-20.", "Ai. -- Jos 7:2-4; 8:1-19.", "Makkedah. -- Jos 10:28.", "Libnah. -- Jos 10:29,30.", "Lachish. -- Jos 10:31,32.", "Eglon. -- Jos 10:34,35.", "Hebron. -- Jos 10:36,37.", "Debir. -- Jos 10:38,39.", "Shechem. -- Jdj 9:34,45.", "Thebez. -- Jdj 9:50.", "Jabesh-gilead. -- 1Sa 11:1.", "Keilah. -- 1Sa 23:1.", "Ziklag. -- 1Sa 30:1,2.", "Rabbah. -- 2Sa 11:1; 12:26-29.", "Gibbethon. -- 1Ki 16:15.", "Tirzah. -- 1Ki 16:17.", "Samaria. -- 1Ki 20:1; 2Ki 6:24; 17:5.", "Ramoth-gilead. -- 1Ki 22:4,29.", "Cities of Israel in Galilee. -- 2Ki 15:29.", "Cities of Judah. -- 2Ki 18:13.", "Jerusalem. -- 2Ki 24:10,11; 25:1,2.", "Illustrative Of", "The omnipresence of God. -- Ps 139:5.", "The judgments of God. -- Mic 5:1.", "Zion in her affliction. -- Isa 1:8."]} +{"term": "Silver", "definitions": ["Veins of, found in the earth -- Job 28:1.", "Generally found in an impure state -- Pr 25:4.", "Comparative value of -- Isa 60:17.", "Described as", "White and shining. -- Ps 68:13,14.", "Fusible. -- Eze 22:20,22.", "Malleable. -- Jer 10:9.", "Purified by fire -- Pr 17:3; Zec 13:9.", "Purified, called", "Refined silver. -- 1Ch 29:4.", "Choice silver. -- Pr 8:19.", "Tarshish carried on extensive commerce in -- Jer 10:9; Eze 27:12.", "The patriarchs rich in -- Ge 13:2; 24:35.", "Used as money from the earliest times -- Ge 23:15,16; 37:28; 1Ki 16:24.", "Very abundant in the reign of Solomon -- 1Ki 10:21,22,27; 2Ch 9:20,21,27.", "The working in, a trade -- Ac 19:24.", "Made into", "Cups. -- Ge 44:2.", "Dishes. -- Nu 7:13,84,85.", "Bowls. -- Nu 7:13,84.", "Thin plates. -- Jer 10:9.", "Chains. -- Isa 40:19.", "Wires (alluded to). -- Ec 12:6.", "Sockets for the boards of the tabernacle. -- Ex 26:19,25,32; 36:24,26,30,36.", "Ornaments and hooks for the pillars of the tabernacle. -- Ex 27:17; 38:19.", "Candlesticks. -- 1Ch 28:15.", "Tables. -- 1Ch 28:16.", "Beds or couches. -- Es 1:6.", "Vessels. -- 2Sa 8:10; Ezr 6:5.", "Idols. -- Ps 115:4; Isa 2:20; 30:22.", "Ornaments for the person. -- Ex 3:22.", "Given by the Israelite for making the tabernacle -- Ex 25:3; 35:24.", "Given by David and his subjects for making the temple -- 1Ch 28:14; 29:2,6-9.", "Taken in war often consecrated to God -- Jos 6:19; 2Sa 8:11; 1Ki 15:15.", "Taken in war purified by fire -- Nu 31:22,23.", "Often given as presents -- 1Ki 10:25; 2Ki 5:5,23.", "Tribute often paid in -- 2Ch 17:11; Ne 5:15.", "Illustrative", "Of the words of the Lord. -- Ps 12:6.", "Of the tongue of the just. -- Pr 10:20.", "Of good rulers. -- Isa 1:22,23.", "Of the Medo-Persian kingdom. -- Da 2:32,39.", "Of saints purified by affliction. -- Ps 66:10; Zec 13:9.", "(Labour of seeking for,) of diligence required for attaining knowledge. -- Pr 2:4.", "(Reprobate,) of the wicked. -- Jer 6:30.", "(Dross of,) of the wicked. -- Isa 1:22; Eze 22:18.", "Wisdom to be esteemed more than -- Job 28:15; Pr 3:14; 8:10,19; 16:16."]} +{"term": "Simeon, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's second son by Leah -- Ge 29:33.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:5-7.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:6.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:5.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:20.", "Formed part of the second division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:18,19.", "Encamped under the standard of Reuben south of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:12.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:22,23; 2:13.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:36-41.", "Families of -- Nu 26:12-13.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:14.", "Plagued for following the idolatry, of Midian, which accounts for their decrease -- Nu 25:9,14; 26:14; 1:23.", "On Mount Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.", "Inheritance of, within Judah -- Jos 19:1-8.", "Bounds of their inheritance with cities and villages -- Jos 19:2-8; 1Ch 4:28-33.", "United with Judah in expelling the Canaanites from their inheritance -- Jdj 1:3,17.", "Many of, at the coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:25.", "Officer appointed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:16.", "Part of, united with Judah under Asa -- 2Ch 15:9.", "Josiah purged their land of idols -- 2Ch 34:6.", "Part of, destroyed the remnant of the Amalekites, and dwelt in their land -- 1Ch 4:39-43."]} +{"term": "Simplicity", "definitions": ["Is opposed to fleshly wisdom -- 2Co 1:12.", "Necessity for -- Mt 18:2,3.", "Should be exhibited", "In preaching the gospel. -- 1Th 2:3-7.", "In acts of benevolence. -- Ro 12:8.", "In all our conduct. -- 2Co 1:12.", "Concerning our own wisdom. -- 1Co 3:18.", "Concerning evil. -- Ro 16:19.", "Concerning malice. -- 1Co 14:20.", "Exhortation to -- Ro 16:19; 1Pe 2:2.", "They who have the grace of", "Are made wise by God. -- Mt 11:25.", "Are made wise by the word of God. -- Ps 19:7; 119:130.", "Are preserved by God. -- Ps 116:6.", "Made circumspect by instruction. -- Pr 1:4.", "Profit by the correction of others. -- Pr 19:25; 21:11.", "Beware of being corrupted from that, which is in Christ -- 2Co 11:3.", "Illustrated -- Mt 6:22.", "Exemplified", "David. -- Ps 131:1,2.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 1:6.", "The Christians. -- Ac 2:46; 4:32.", "Paul. -- 2Co 1:12."]} +{"term": "Sin", "definitions": ["Is the transgression of the law -- 1Jo 3:4.", "Is of the devil -- 1Jo 3:8; Joh 8:44.", "All unrighteousness is -- 1Jo 5:17.", "Omission of what we know to be good is -- Jas 4:17.", "Whatever is not of faith is -- Ro 14:23.", "The thought of foolishness is -- Pr 24:9.", "All the imaginations of the unrenewed heart are -- Ge 6:5; 8:21.", "Described as", "Coming from the heart. -- Mt 15:19.", "The fruit of lust. -- Jas 1:15.", "The sting of death. -- 1Co 15:56.", "Rebellion against God. -- De 9:7; Jos 1:18.", "Works of darkness. -- Eph 5:11.", "Dead works. -- Heb 6:1; 9:14.", "The abominable thing that God hates. -- Pr 15:9; Jer 44:4,11.", "Reproaching the Lord. -- Nu 15:30; Ps 74:18.", "Defiling. -- Pr 30:12; Isa 59:3.", "Deceitful. -- Heb 3:13.", "Disgraceful. -- Pr 14:34.", "Often very great. -- Ex 32:20; 1Sa 2:17.", "Often mighty. -- Am 5:12.", "Often manifold. -- Am 5:12.", "Often presumptuous. -- Ps 19:13.", "Sometimes open and manifest. -- 1Ti 5:24.", "Sometimes secret. -- Ps 90:8; 1Ti 5:24.", "Besetting. -- Heb 12:1.", "Like scarlet and crimson. -- Isa 1:18.", "Reaching to heaven. -- Re 18:5.", "Entered into the world by Adam -- Ge 3:6,7; Ro 5:12.", "All men are conceived and born in -- Ge 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5.", "All men are shapen in -- Ps 51:5.", "Scripture concludes all under -- Ga 3:22.", "No man is without -- 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20.", "Christ alone was without -- 2Co 5:21; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 1Jo 3:5.", "God", "Abominates. -- De 25:16; Pr 6:16-19.", "Marks. -- Job 10:14.", "Remembers. -- Re 18:5.", "Is provoked to jealousy by. -- 1Ki 14:22.", "Is provoked to anger by. -- 1Ki 16:2.", "Alone can forgive. -- Ex 34:7; Da 9:9; Mic 7:18; Mr 2:7.", "Recompenses. -- Jer 16:18; Re 18:6.", "Punishes. -- Isa 13:11; Am 3:2.", "The Law", "Is transgressed by every. -- Jas 2:10,11; 1Jo 3:4.", "Gives knowledge of. -- Ro 3:20; 7:7.", "Shows exceeding sinfulness of. -- Ro 7:13.", "Made to restrain. -- 1Ti 1:9,10.", "By its strictness stirs up. -- Ro 7:5,8,11.", "Is the strength of. -- 1Co 15:56.", "Curses those guilty of. -- Ga 3:10.", "No man can cleanse himself from -- Job 9:30,31; Pr 20:9; Jer 2:22.", "No man can atone for -- Mic 6:7.", "God has opened a fountain for -- Zec 13:1.", "Christ was manifested to take away -- Joh 1:29; 1Jo 3:5.", "Christ's blood redeems from -- Eph 1:7.", "Christ's blood cleanses from -- 1Jo 1:7.", "Saints", "Made free from. -- Ro 6:18.", "Dead to. -- Ro 6:2,11; 1Pe 2:24.", "Profess to have ceased from. -- 1Pe 4:1.", "Cannot live in. -- 1Jo 3:9; 5:18.", "Resolve against. -- Job 34:32.", "Ashamed of having committed. -- Ro 6:21.", "Abhor themselves on account of. -- Job 42:6; Eze 20:43.", "Have yet the remains of, in them. -- Ro 7:17,23; Ga 5:17.", "The fear of God restrains -- Ex 20:20; Ps 4:4; Pr 16:6.", "The word of God keeps from -- Ps 17:4; 119:11.", "The Holy Spirit convinces of -- Joh 16:8,9.", "If we say that we have no, we make God a liar -- 1Jo 1:10.", "Confusion of face belongs to those guilty of -- Da 9:7,8.", "Should be", "Confessed. -- Job 33:27; Pr 28:13.", "Mourned over. -- Ps 38:18; Jer 3:21.", "Hated. -- Ps 97:10; Pr 8:13; Am 5:15.", "Abhorred. -- Ro 12:9.", "Put away. -- Job 11:14.", "Departed from. -- Ps 34:14; 2Ti 2:19.", "Avoided even in appearance. -- 1Th 5:22.", "Guarded against. -- Ps 4:4; 39:1.", "Striven against. -- Heb 12:4.", "Mortified. -- Ro 8:13; Col 3:5.", "Wholly destroyed. -- Ro 6:6.", "Specially strive against besetting -- Heb 12:1.", "Aggravated by neglecting advantages -- Lu 12:47; Joh 15:22.", "Guilt of concerning -- Job 31:33; Pr 28:13.", "We should pray to God", "To search for, in our hearts. -- Ps 139:23,24.", "To make us know our. -- Job 13:23.", "To forgive our. -- Ex 34:9; Lu 11:4.", "To keep us from. -- Ps 19:13.", "To deliver us from. -- Mt 6:13.", "To cleanse us from. -- Ps 51:2.", "Prayer hindered by -- Ps 66:18; Isa 59:2.", "Blessings withheld on account of -- Jer 5:25.", "The wicked", "Servants to. -- Joh 8:34; Ro 6:16.", "Dead in. -- Eph 2:1.", "Guilty of, in everything they do. -- Pr 21:4; Eze 21:24.", "Plead necessity for. -- 1Sa 13:11,12.", "Excuse. -- Ge 3:12,13; 1Sa 15:13-15.", "Encourage themselves in. -- Ps 64:5.", "Defy God in committing. -- Isa 5:18,19.", "Boast of. -- Isa 3:9.", "Make a mock at. -- Pr 14:9.", "Expect impunity in. -- Ps 10:11; 50:21; 94:7.", "Cannot cease from. -- 2Pe 2:14.", "Heap up. -- Ps 78:17; Isa 30:1.", "Encouraged in, by prosperity. -- Job 21:7-15; Pr 10:16.", "Led by despair to continue in. -- Jer 2:25; 18:12.", "Try to conceal, from God. -- Ge 3:8,10; Job 31:33.", "Throw the blame of, on God. -- Ge 3:12; Jer 7:10.", "Throw the blame of, on others. -- Ge 3:12,13; Ex 32:22-24.", "Tempt others to. -- Ge 3:6; 1Ki 16:2; 21:25; Pr 1:10-14.", "Delight in those who commit. -- Ps 10:3; Ho 7:3; Ro 1:32.", "Shall bear the shame of. -- Eze 16:52.", "Shall find out the wicked -- Nu 32:23.", "Ministers should warn the wicked to forsake -- Eze 33:9; Da 4:27.", "Leads to", "Shame. -- Ro 6:21.", "Disquiet. -- Ps 38:3.", "Disease. -- Job 20:11.", "The ground was cursed on account of -- Ge 3:17,18.", "Toil and sorrow originated in -- Ge 3:16,17,19; Job 14:1.", "Excludes from heaven -- 1Co 6:9,10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:5; Re 21:27.", "When finished brings forth death -- Jas 1:15.", "Death, the wages of -- Ro 6:23.", "Death, the punishment of -- Ge 2:17; Eze 18:4."]} +{"term": "Sincerity", "definitions": ["Christ was an example of -- 1Pe 2:22.", "Ministers should be examples of -- Tit 2:7.", "Opposed to fleshly wisdom -- 2Co 1:12.", "Should characterise", "Our love to God. -- 2Co 8:8,24.", "Our love to Christ. -- Eph 6:24.", "Our service to God. -- Jos 24:14; Joh 4:23,24.", "Our faith. -- 1Ti 1:5.", "Our love to one another. -- Ro 12:9; 1Pe 1:22; 1Jo 3:18.", "Our whole conduct. -- 2Co 1:12.", "The preaching of the gospel. -- 2Co 2:17; 1Th 2:3-5.", "A characteristic of the doctrines of the gospel -- 1Pe 2:2.", "The gospel sometimes preached without -- Php 1:16.", "The wicked devoid of -- Ps 5:9; 55:21.", "Exhortations to -- Ps 34:13; 1Co 5:8; 1Pe 2:1.", "Pray for, on behalf of others -- Php 1:10.", "Blessedness of -- Ps 32:2.", "Exemplified", "Men of Zebulun. -- 1Ch 12:33.", "Hezekiah. -- Isa 38:3.", "Nathanael. -- Joh 1:47.", "Paul. -- 2Co 1:12.", "Timothy. -- 2Ti 1:5.", "Lois and Eunice. -- 2Ti 1:5.", "The Redeemed. -- Re 14:5."]} +{"term": "Sin Offering", "definitions": ["Probable origin of -- Ge 4:4,7.", "Was offered", "For sins of ignorance. -- Le 4:2,13,22,27.", "At the consecration of priests. -- Ex 29:10,14; Le 8:14.", "At the consecration of Levites. -- Nu 8:8.", "At the expiration of a Nazarite's vow. -- Nu 6:14.", "On the day of atonement. -- Le 16:3,9.", "Was a most holy sacrifice -- Le 6:25,29.", "Consisted of", "A young bullock for priests. -- Le 4:3; 9:2,8; 16:3,6.", "A young bullock or he-goat for the congregation. -- Le 4:14; 16:9; 2Ch 29:23.", "A male kid for a ruler. -- Le 4:23.", "A female kid or female lamb for a private person. -- Le 4:28,32.", "Sins of the offerer transferred to, by imposition of hands -- Le 4:4,15,24,29; 2Ch 29:23.", "Was killed in the same place as the burnt-offering -- Le 4:24; 6:25.", "The blood of", "For a priest or for the congregation, brought by the priest into the tabernacle. -- Le 4:5,16.", "For a priest or for the congregation, sprinkled seven times before the Lord, outside the vail, by the priest with his finger. -- Le 4:6,17.", "For a priest of for the congregation, put upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering by the priest with his finger. -- Le 4:25,30.", "In every case poured at the foot of the altar of burnt offering. -- Le 4:7; 18:25,30; 9:9.", "Fat of the inside, kidneys, burned on the altar of burnt offering -- Le 4:8-10,19,26,31; 9:10.", "When for a priest or the congregation, the skin, carcass, burned without the camp -- Le 4:11,12,21; 6:30; 9:11.", "Was eaten by the priests in a holy place, when its blood had not been brought into the tabernacle -- Le 6:26,29,30.", "Aaron, &c rebuked for burning and not eating that of the congregation, its blood not having been brought into the tabernacle -- Le 10:16-18; 9:9,15.", "Whatever touched the flesh of, was rendered holy -- Le 6:27.", "Garments sprinkled with the blood of, to be washed -- Le 6:27.", "Laws respecting the vessels used for boiling the flesh of -- Le 6:28.", "Was typical of Christ's sacrifice -- 2Co 5:21; Heb 13:11-13."]} +{"term": "Sins, National", "definitions": ["Pervade all ranks -- Isa 1:5; Jer 5:1-5; 6:13.", "Often caused and encouraged by rulers -- 1Ki 12:26-33; 14:16; 2Ch 21:11-13; Pr 29:12.", "Often caused by prosperity -- De 32:15; Ne 9:28; Jer 48:11; Eze 16:49; 28:5.", "Defile", "The land. -- Le 18:25; Nu 35:33,34; Ps 106:38; Isa 24:5; Mic 2:10.", "The people. -- Le 18:24; Eze 14:11.", "National worship. -- Isa 1:10-15; Am 5:21,22; Hag 2:14.", "Aggravated by privileges -- Isa 5:4-7; Eze 20:11-13; Am 2:4; 3:1,2; Mt 11:21-24.", "Lead the heathen to blaspheme -- Eze 36:20,23; Ro 2:24.", "Are a reproach to a people -- Pr 14:34.", "Should be", "Repented of. -- Jer 18:8; Jon 3:5.", "Mourned over. -- Joe 2:12.", "Confessed. -- Le 26:40; De 30:2; Jdj 10:10; 1Ki 8:47,48.", "Turned from. -- Isa 1:16; Ho 14:1,2; Jon 3:10.", "Saints especially mourn over -- Ps 119:136; Eze 9:4.", "Ministers should", "Mourn over. -- Eze 10:6; Jer 13:17; Eze 6:11; Joe 2:17.", "Testify against. -- Isa 30:8,9; 58:1; Eze 2:3-5; 22:2; Jon 1:2.", "Try to turn the people from. -- Jer 23:22.", "Pray for forgiveness of. -- Ex 32:31,32; Joe 2:17.", "National prayer rejected on account of -- Isa 1:15; 59:2.", "National worship rejected on account of -- Isa 1:10-14; Jer 6:19,20; 7:9-14.", "Cause the withdrawal of privileges -- La 2:9; Am 8:11; Mt 23:37-39.", "Bring down national judgments -- Mt 23:35,36; 27:25.", "Denunciations against -- Isa 1:24; 30:1; Jer 5:9; 6:27-30.", "Punishment for -- Isa 3:8; Jer 12:17; 25:12; Eze 28:7-10.", "Punishment for, averted on repentance -- Jdj 10:15,16; 2Ch 12:6,7; Ps 106:43-46; Jon 3:10.", "Exemplified", "Sodom and Gomorrah. -- Ge 18:20; 2Pe 2:6.", "Children of Israel. -- Ex 16:8; 32:31.", "Nations of Canaan. -- De 9:4.", "Kingdom of Israel. -- 2Ki 17:8-12; Ho 4:1,2.", "Kingdom of Judah. -- 2Ki 17:19; Isa 1:2-7.", "Moab. -- Jer 48:29,30.", "Babylon. -- Jer 51:6,13,52.", "Tyre. -- Eze 28:2.", "Nineveh. -- Na 3:1."]} +{"term": "Slander", "definitions": ["An abomination to God -- Pr 6:16,19.", "Forbidden -- Ex 23:1; Eph 4:31; Jas 4:11.", "Includes", "Whispering. -- Ro 1:29; 2Co 12:20.", "Backbiting. -- Ro 1:30; 2Co 12:20.", "Evil surmising. -- 1Ti 6:4.", "Tale-bearing. -- Le 19:16.", "Babbling. -- Ec 10:11.", "Tattling. -- 1Ti 5:13.", "Evil speaking. -- Ps 41:5; 109:20.", "Defaming. -- Jer 20:10; 1Co 4:13.", "Bearing false witness. -- Ex 20:16; De 5:20; Lu 3:14.", "Judging charitably. -- Jas 4:11,12.", "Raising false reports. -- Ex 23:1.", "Repeating matters. -- Pr 17:9.", "Is a deceitful work -- Ps 52:2.", "Comes from the evil heart -- Mt 15:19; Lu 6:45.", "Often arises from hatred -- Ps 41:7; 109:3.", "Idleness leads to -- 1Ti 5:13.", "The wicked addicted to -- Ps 50:20; Jer 6:28; 9:4.", "Hypocrites addicted to -- Pr 11:9.", "A characteristic of the devil -- Re 12:10.", "The wicked love -- Ps 52:4.", "They who indulge in, are fools -- Pr 10:18.", "They who indulge in, not to be trusted -- Jer 9:4.", "Women warned against -- Tit 2:3.", "Minister's wives should avoid -- 1Ti 3:11.", "Christ was exposed to -- Ps 35:11; Mt 26:60.", "Rulers exposed to -- 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8.", "Ministers exposed to -- Ro 3:8; 2Co 6:8.", "The nearest relations exposed to -- Ps 50:20.", "Saints exposed to -- Ps 38:12; 109:2; 1Pe 4:4.", "Saints", "Should keep their tongue from. -- Ps 34:13; 1Pe 3:10.", "Should lay aside. -- Eph 4:31; 1Pe 2:1.", "Should be warned against. -- Tit 3:1,2.", "Should give no occasion for. -- 1Pe 2:12; 3:16.", "Should return good for. -- 1Co 4:13.", "Blessed in enduring. -- Mt 5:11.", "Characterised as avoiding. -- Ps 15:1,3.", "Should not be listened to -- 1Sa 24:9.", "Should be discountenanced with anger -- Pr 25:23.", "Effects of", "Separating friends. -- Pr 16:28; 17:9.", "Deadly wounds. -- Pr 18:8; 26:22.", "Strife. -- Pr 26:20.", "Discord among brethren. -- Pr 6:19.", "Murder. -- Ps 31:13; Eze 22:9.", "The tongue of, is a scourge -- Job 5:21.", "Is venomous -- Ps 140:3; Ec 10:11.", "Is destructive -- Pr 11:9.", "End of, is mischievous madness -- Ec 10:13.", "Men shall give account for -- Mt 12:36; Jas 1:26.", "Punishment for -- De 19:16-21; Ps 101:5.", "Illustrated -- Pr 12:18; 25:18.", "Exemplified", "Laban's Sons. -- Ge 31:1.", "Doeg. -- 1Sa 22:9-11.", "Princes of Ammon. -- 2Sa 10:3.", "Ziba. -- 2Sa 16:3.", "Children of Belial. -- 1Ki 21:13.", "Enemies of the Jews. -- Ezr 4:7-16.", "Gashmu. -- Ne 6:6.", "Haman. -- Es 3:8.", "David's enemies. -- Ps 31:13.", "Jeremiah's enemies. -- Jer 38:4.", "Jews. -- Mt 11:18,19.", "Witnesses against Christ. -- Mt 26:59-61.", "Priests. -- Mr 15:3.", "Enemies of Stephen. -- Ac 6:11.", "Enemies of Paul. -- Ac 17:7.", "Tertullus. -- Ac 24:2,5."]} +{"term": "Sobriety", "definitions": ["Commanded -- 1Pe 1:13; 5:8.", "The gospel designed to teach -- Tit 2:11,12.", "With watchfulness -- 1Th 5:6.", "With prayer -- 1Pe 4:7.", "Required in", "Ministers. -- 1Ti 3:2,3; Tit 1:8.", "Wives of ministers. -- 1Ti 3:11.", "Aged men. -- Tit 2:2.", "Young men. -- Tit 2:6.", "Young women. -- Tit 2:4.", "All saints. -- 1Th 5:6,8.", "Women should exhibit, in dress -- 1Ti 2:9.", "We should estimate our character and talents with -- Ro 12:3.", "We should live in -- Tit 2:12.", "Motives to -- 1Pe 4:7; 5:8."]} +{"term": "Spear", "definitions": ["An offensive weapon -- 2Sa 23:8,18.", "First mention of, in Scripture -- Jos 8:18.", "Parts of mentioned", "The staff of wood. -- 1Sa 17:7.", "The head of iron or brass. -- 1Sa 17:7; 2Sa 21:16.", "Probably pointed at both ends -- 2Sa 2:23.", "Called the glittering spear -- Job 39:23; Hab 3:11.", "Different kinds of", "Lances. -- Jer 50:42.", "Javelins. -- Nu 25:7; 1Sa 18:10.", "Darts. -- 2Sa 18:14; Job 41:26,29.", "Those who used, called spearmen -- Ps 68:30; Ac 23:23.", "Frequently used by horse soldiers -- Na 3:3.", "Furbished before war -- Jer 46:4.", "Pruning-hooks made into, before war -- Joe 3:10.", "Made into pruning-hooks in peace -- Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3.", "The Israelites", "Acquainted with the making of. -- 1Sa 13:19.", "Frequently used. -- Ne 4:13,16.", "Ill provided with, in the times of Deborah and Saul. -- Jdj 5:8; 1Sa 13:22.", "Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance -- 2Ch 11:12; 32:5.", "Frequently thrown from the hand -- 1Sa 18:11; 19:10.", "Often retained in the hand of the person using -- Nu 25:7; 2Sa 2:23.", "Stuck in the ground beside the bolster during sleep -- 1Sa 26:7-11.", "Illustrative of the bitterness of the wicked -- Ps 57:4."]} +{"term": "Stars, The", "definitions": ["Infinite in number -- Ge 15:5; Jer 33:2.", "God", "Created. -- Ge 1:16; Ps 8:3; 148:5.", "Set, in the firmament of heaven. -- Ge 1:17.", "Appointed to give light by night. -- Ge 1:16,14; Ps 136:9; Jer 31:35.", "Numbers and names. -- Ps 147:4.", "Established, for ever. -- Ps 148:3,6; Jer 31:36.", "Obscures. -- Job 9:7.", "Revolve in fixed orbits -- Jdj 5:20.", "Shine in the firmament of heaven -- Da 12:3.", "Appear of different magnitudes -- 1Co 15:41.", "Appear after sunset -- Ne 4:21; Job 3:9.", "Called", "The host of heaven. -- De 17:3; Jer 33:22.", "Stars of light. -- Ps 148:3.", "Stars of heaven. -- Isa 13:10.", "When grouped together called constellations -- 2Ki 23:5; Isa 13:10.", "Exhibit the greatness of God's power -- Ps 8:3; Isa 40:26.", "Made to praise God -- Ps 148:3.", "Impure in the sight of God -- Job 25:5.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Morning star. -- Re 2:28.", "Arcturus. -- Job 9:9; 38:32.", "Pleiades. -- Job 9:9; 38:31; Am 5:8.", "Orion. -- Job 9:9; 38:31; Am 5:8.", "Mazzaroth. -- Job 38:32.", "One of extraordinary brightness appeared at Christ's birth -- Mt 2:2,9.", "Idolaters worshipped -- Jer 8:2; 19:13.", "The Israelites forbidden to worship -- De 4:19; 17:2-4.", "Punishment for worshipping -- De 17:5-7.", "False gods frequently worshipped under the representation of -- Am 5:26; Ac 7:43.", "Astrology and star-gazing practised by the Babylonians -- Isa 47:13.", "Use of, in navigation, alluded to -- Ac 27:20.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Nu 24:17.", "Of angels. -- Job 38:7.", "Of ministers. -- Re 1:16,20; 2:1.", "Of princes and subordinate governors. -- Da 8:10; Re 8:12.", "(Bright and morning star,) of Christ. -- Re 22:16.", "(Morning star,) of glory to be given to faithful saints. -- Re 2:28.", "(Shining of,) of the reward of faithful ministers. -- Da 12:3.", "(Withdrawing their light,) of severe judgments. -- Isa 13:10; Eze 32:7; Joe 2:10; 3:15.", "(Setting the nest amongst,) of pride and carnal security. -- Ob 1:4.", "(Wandering,) of false teachers. -- Jude 1:13."]} +{"term": "Steadfastness", "definitions": ["Exhibited by God in all his purposes and ways -- Nu 23:19; Da 6:26; Jas 1:17.", "Commanded -- Php 4:1; 2Th 2:15; Jas 1:6-8.", "Godliness necessary to -- Job 11:13-15.", "Secured by", "The power of God. -- Ps 55:22; 62:2; 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24.", "The presence of God. -- Ps 16:8.", "Trust in God. -- Ps 26:1.", "The intercession of Christ. -- Lu 22:31,32.", "A characteristic of saints -- Job 17:9; Joh 8:31.", "Should be manifested", "In cleaving to God. -- De 10:20; Ac 11:23.", "In the work of the Lord. -- 1Co 15:58.", "In continuing in the Apostles' doctrine. -- Ac 2:42.", "In holding fast our profession. -- Heb 4:14; 10:23.", "In holding fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope. -- Heb 3:6,14.", "In keeping the faith. -- Col 2:5; 1Pe 5:9.", "In standing fast in the faith. -- 1Co 16:13.", "In holding fast what is good. -- 1Th 5:21.", "In maintaining Christian liberty. -- Ga 5:1.", "In striving for the faith of the gospel. -- Php 1:27; Jude 1:3.", "Even under affliction. -- Ps 44:17-19; Ro 8:35-37; 1Th 3:3.", "Saints pray for -- Ps 17:5.", "Saints praise God for -- Ps 116:8.", "Ministers", "Exhorted to. -- 2Ti 1:13,14; Tit 1:9.", "Should exhort to. -- Ac 13:43; 14:22.", "Should pray for, in their people. -- 1Th 3:13; 2Th 2:17.", "Encouraged by, in their people. -- 1Th 3:8.", "Rejoiced by, in their people. -- Col 2:5.", "The wicked devoid of -- Ps 78:8,37.", "Principle of -- Illustrated -- Mt 7:24,25; Joh 15:4; Col 2:7.", "Want of -- Illustrated -- Lu 8:6,13; Joh 15:6; 2Pe 2:17; Jude 1:12.", "Exemplified", "Caleb. -- Nu 14:24.", "Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:2.", "Job. -- Job 2:3.", "David. -- Ps 18:21,22.", "Shadrach. -- Da 3:18.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:10.", "The Christians. -- Ac 2:42.", "Corinthians. -- 1Co 15:1.", "Colossians. -- Col 2:5.", "Those who overcame Satan. -- Re 12:11."]} +{"term": "Strangers In Israel", "definitions": ["All foreigners sojourning in Israel were counted as -- Ex 12:49.", "Under the care and protection of God -- De 10:18; Ps 146:9.", "Very numerous in Solomon's reign -- 2Ch 2:17.", "Chiefly consisted of", "The remnant of the mixed multitude who came out of Egypt. -- Ex 12:38.", "The remnant of the nations of the land. -- 1Ki 9:20; 2Ch 8:7.", "Captives taken in war. -- De 21:10.", "Foreign servants. -- Le 25:44,45.", "Persons who sought employment among the Jews. -- 1Ki 7:13; 9:27.", "Persons who came into Israel for the sake of religious privileges. -- 1Ki 8:41.", "Laws respecting", "Not to practise idolatrous rites. -- Le 20:2.", "Not to blaspheme God. -- Le 24:16.", "Not to eat blood. -- Le 17:10-12.", "Not to eat the passover while uncircumcised. -- Ex 12:43,44.", "Not to work on the Sabbath. -- Ex 20:10; 23:12; De 5:14.", "Not to be vexed or oppressed. -- Ex 22:21; 23:9; Le 19:33.", "Not to be chosen as kings in Israel. -- De 17:15.", "To be loved. -- Le 19:34; De 10:19.", "To be relieved in distress. -- Le 25:35.", "Subject to the civil law. -- Le 24:22.", "To have justice done to them in all disputes. -- De 1:16; 24:17.", "To enjoy the benefit of the cities of refuge. -- Nu 35:15.", "To have the gleaning of the harvest. -- Le 19:10; 23:22; De 24:19-22.", "To participate in the rejoicings of the people. -- De 14:29; 16:11,14; 26:11.", "To have the law read to them. -- De 31:12; Jos 8:32-35.", "The Jews might purchase and have them as slaves. -- Le 25:44,45.", "The Jews might take usury from. -- De 23:20.", "Might purchase Hebrew servants subject to release. -- Le 25:47,48.", "Might offer their burnt-offerings on the altar of God. -- Le 17:8; 22:18; Nu 15:14.", "Allowed to eat what died of itself. -- De 14:21.", "Motives urged on the Jews for being kind to -- Ex 22:21; 23:9.", "Admitted to worship in the outer court of the temple -- 1Ki 8:41-43; Re 11:2; Eph 2:14.", "Were frequently employed in public works -- 1Ch 22:2; 2Ch 2:18.", "The Jews condemned for oppressing -- Ps 94:6; Eze 22:7,29."]} +{"term": "Strife", "definitions": ["Christ, an example of avoiding -- Isa 42:2; Mt 12:15-19; Lu 9:52-56; 1Pe 2:23.", "Forbidden -- Pr 3:30; 25:8.", "A work of the flesh -- Ga 5:20.", "An evidence of a carnal spirit -- 1Co 3:3.", "Existed in the church -- 1Co 1:11.", "Excited by", "Hatred. -- Pr 10:12.", "Pride. -- Pr 13:10; 28:25.", "Wrath. -- Pr 15:18; 30:33.", "Frowardness. -- Pr 16:28.", "A contentious disposition. -- Pr 26:21.", "Tale-bearing. -- Pr 26:20.", "Drunkenness. -- Pr 23:29,30.", "Lusts. -- Jas 4:1.", "Curious questions. -- 1Ti 6:4; 2Ti 2:23.", "Scorning. -- Pr 22:10.", "Difficulty of stopping, a reason for avoiding it -- Pr 17:14.", "Shameful in saints -- 2Co 12:20; Jas 3:14.", "Saints should", "Avoid. -- Ge 13:8; Eph 4:3.", "Avoid questions that lead to. -- 2Ti 2:14.", "Not walk in. -- Ro 13:13.", "Not act from. -- Php 2:3.", "Do all things without. -- Php 2:14.", "Submit to wrong rather than engage in. -- Pr 20:22; Mt 5:39,40; 1Co 6:7.", "Seek God's protection from. -- Ps 35:1; Jer 18:19.", "Praise God for protection from. -- 2Sa 22:44; Ps 18:43.", "Saints kept from tongues of -- Ps 31:20.", "Ministers should", "Avoid. -- 1Ti 3:3; 2Ti 2:24.", "Avoid questions that lead to. -- 2Ti 2:23; Tit 3:9.", "Not preach through. -- Php 1:15,16.", "Warn against. -- 1Co 1:10; 2Ti 2:14.", "Reprove. -- 1Co 1:11,12; 3:3; 11:17,18.", "Appeased by slowness to anger -- Pr 15:18.", "It is honourable to cease from -- Pr 20:3.", "Hypocrites make religion a pretence for -- Isa 58:4.", "Fools engage in -- Pr 18:6.", "Evidences a love of transgression -- Pr 17:19.", "Leads to", "Blasphemy. -- Le 24:10,11.", "Injustice. -- Hab 1:3,4.", "Confusion and every evil work. -- Jas 3:16.", "Violence. -- Ex 21:18,22.", "Mutual destruction. -- Ga 5:15.", "Temporal blessing embittered by -- Pr 17:1.", "Excludes from heaven -- Ga 5:20,21.", "Promoters of, should be expelled -- Pr 22:10.", "Punishment for -- Ps 55:9.", "Strength and violence of -- Illustrated -- Pr 17:14; 18:19.", "Danger of joining in -- Illustrated -- Pr 26:17.", "Exemplified", "Herdmen of Abram and of Lot. -- Ge 13:7.", "Herdmen of Gerar and of Isaac. -- Ge 26:20.", "Laban and Jacob. -- Ge 31:36.", "Two Hebrews. -- Ex 2:13.", "Israelites. -- De 1:12.", "Judah and Israel. -- 2Sa 19:41-43.", "Disciples. -- Lu 22:24.", "Judaising Teachers. -- Ac 15:2.", "Paul and Barnabas. -- Ac 15:39.", "Pharisees and Sadducees. -- Ac 23:7.", "Corinthians. -- 1Co 1:11; 6:6."]} +{"term": "Summer", "definitions": ["Made by God -- Ps 74:17.", "Yearly return of, secured by covenant -- Ge 8:22.", "Characterised By", "Excessive heat. -- Jer 17:8.", "Excessive drought. -- Ps 32:4.", "Approach of, indicated by shooting out of leaves on trees -- Mt 24:32.", "Many kinds of fruit were ripe and used during -- 2Sa 16:1; Jer 40:10; 48:32.", "The ancients had houses or apartments suited to -- Jdj 3:20,24; Am 3:15.", "The ant provided her winter food during -- Pr 6:8; 30:25.", "The wise are diligent during -- Pr 10:5.", "Illustrative of seasons of grace -- Jer 8:20."]} +{"term": "Sun, The", "definitions": ["Called the greater light -- Ge 1:16.", "God", "Created. -- Ge 1:14,16; Ps 74:16.", "Placed in the firmament. -- Ge 1:17.", "Appointed to rule the day. -- Ge 1:16; Ps 136:8; Jer 31:35.", "Appointed to divide seasons. -- Ge 1:14.", "Exercises sovereign power over. -- Job 9:7.", "Causes, to rise both on evil and good. -- Mt 5:45.", "Causes to know its time of setting. -- Ps 104:19.", "Made to praise and glorify God -- Ps 148:3.", "The power and brilliancy of its rising alluded to -- Jdj 5:31; 2Sa 23:4.", "Clearness of its light alluded to -- Song 6:10.", "Compared to a bridegroom coming forth from his chamber -- Ps 19:5.", "Compared to a strong man rejoicing to run a race -- Ps 19:5.", "Diffuses light and heat to all the earth -- Ps 19:6.", "The rays of", "Pleasant to man. -- Job 30:28; Ec 11:7.", "Produce and ripen fruits. -- De 33:14.", "Soften and melt some substances. -- Ex 16:21.", "Wither and burn up the herbs of the field. -- Mr 4:6; Jas 1:11.", "Change the colour of the skin. -- Song 1:6.", "Frequently destructive to human life. -- 2Ki 4:18-20; Ps 121:6; Isa 49:10.", "Indicates the hours of the day by the shadow on the dial -- 2Ki 20:9.", "The Jews", "Commenced their day with the rising of. -- Ge 19:23,24,27,28; Jdj 9:33.", "Commenced their evening with the setting of. -- Ge 28:11; De 24:13; Mr 1:32.", "Expressed the east by rising of. -- Nu 21:11; De 4:41,47; Jos 12:1.", "Expressed the west by setting of. -- Jas 1:4.", "Expressed the whole earth by, from rising of, to setting of. -- Ps 50:1; 113:3; Isa 45:6.", "Forbidden to worship. -- De 4:19; 17:3.", "Made images of. -- 2Ch 14:5; 34:4.", "Consecrated chariots and horses, as symbols of. -- 2Ki 23:11.", "Worshipped. -- 2Ki 23:5; Jer 8:2.", "Worshippers of, turned their faces towards the east -- Eze 8:16.", "Miracles connected with", "Standing still for a whole day in the valley of Ajalon. -- Jos 10:12,13.", "Shadow put back on the dial. -- 2Ki 20:11.", "Darkened at the crucifixion. -- Lu 23:44,45.", "Illustrative", "Of God's favour. -- Ps 84:11.", "Of Christ's coming. -- Mal 4:2.", "Of the glory of Christ. -- Mt 17:2; Re 1:16; 10:1.", "Of supreme rulers. -- Ge 37:9; Isa 13:10.", "(Its clearness,) of the purity of the church. -- Song 6:10.", "(Its brightness,) of the future glory of saints. -- Da 12:3; Mt 13:43.", "(Its power,) of the triumph of saints. -- Jdj 5:31.", "(Darkened,) of severe calamities. -- Eze 32:7; Joe 2:10,31; Mt 24:29; Re 9:2.", "(Going down at noon,) of premature destruction. -- Jer 15:9; Am 8:9.", "(No more going down,) of perpetual blessedness. -- Isa 60:20.", "(Before or in sight of,) of public ignominy. -- 2Sa 12:11,12; Jer 8:2."]} +{"term": "Swearing Falsely", "definitions": ["Forbidden -- Le 19:12; Nu 30:2; Mt 5:33.", "Hateful to God -- Zec 8:17.", "We should not love -- Zec 8:17.", "Fraud often leads to -- Le 6:2,3.", "Saints abstain from -- Jos 9:20; Ps 15:4.", "Blessedness of abstaining from -- Ps 24:4,5.", "The wicked", "Addicted to. -- Jer 5:2; Ho 10:4.", "Plead excuses for. -- Jer 7:9,10.", "Shall be judged on account of. -- Mal 3:5.", "Shall be cut off for. -- Zec 5:3.", "Shall have a curse upon their houses for. -- Zec 5:4.", "False witnesses guilty of -- De 19:16,18.", "Exemplified", "Saul. -- 1Sa 19:6,10.", "Shimei. -- 1Ki 2:41-43.", "Jews. -- Eze 16:59.", "Zedekiah. -- Eze 17:13-19.", "Peter. -- Mt 26:72,74."]} +{"term": "Swearing, Profane", "definitions": ["Of all kinds is desecration of God's name and is forbidden -- Ex 20:7; Mt 5:34-36; 23:21,22; Jas 5:12.", "The wicked", "Addicted to. -- Ps 10:7; Ro 3:14.", "Love. -- Ps 109:17.", "Clothe themselves with. -- Ps 109:18.", "Guilt of -- Ex 20:7; De 5:11.", "Woe denounced against -- Mt 23:16.", "Nations visited for -- Jer 23:10; Ho 4:1-3.", "Punishment for -- Le 24:16,23; Ps 59:12; 109:17,18.", "Exemplified", "Son of Israelitish woman. -- Le 24:11.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:20.", "Peter. -- Mt 26:74."]} +{"term": "Swine", "definitions": ["When wild inhabited the woods -- Ps 80:13.", "Unclean and not to be eaten -- Le 11:7,8.", "Described", "Fierce and ungenerous. -- Mt 7:6.", "Filthy in its habits. -- 2Pe 2:22.", "Destructive to agriculture. -- Ps 80:13.", "Fed upon husks -- Lu 15:16.", "Sacrificing of, and abomination -- Isa 66:3.", "Kept in large herds -- Mt 8:30.", "Herding of, considered as the greatest degradation to a Jew -- Lu 15:15.", "The Gergesenes punished for having -- Mt 8:31,32; Mr 5:11,14.", "The ungodly Jews condemned for eating -- Isa 65:4; 66:17.", "Illustrative of", "The wicked. -- Mt 7:6.", "Hypocrites. -- 2Pe 2:22."]} +{"term": "Sword, The", "definitions": ["Probable origin -- Ge 3:24.", "Was pointed -- Eze 21:15.", "Frequently had two edges -- Ps 149:6.", "Described as", "Sharp. -- Ps 57:4.", "Bright. -- Na 3:3.", "Glittering. -- De 32:41; Job 20:25.", "Oppressive. -- Jer 46:16.", "Hurtful. -- Ps 144:10.", "Carried in a sheath or scabbard -- 1Ch 21:27; Jer 47:6; Eze 21:3-5.", "Suspended from the girdle -- 1Sa 17:39; 2Sa 20:8; Ne 4:18; Ps 45:3.", "Was used", "By the patriarchs. -- Ge 34:25; 48:22.", "By the Jews. -- Jdj 20:2; 2Sa 24:9.", "By heathen nations. -- Jdj 7:22; 1Sa 15:33.", "For self-defence. -- Lu 22:36.", "For destruction of enemies. -- Nu 21:24; Jos 6:21.", "For punishing criminals. -- 1Sa 15:33; Ac 12:2.", "Sometimes for self-destruction. -- 1Sa 31:4,5; Ac 16:27.", "Hebrews early acquainted with making of -- 1Sa 13:19.", "In time of war, plough shares made into -- Joe 3:10.", "In time of peace made into plough shares -- Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3.", "Sharpened and furbished before going to war -- Ps 7:12; Eze 21:9.", "Was brandished over the head -- Eze 32:10.", "Was thrust through enemies -- Eze 16:40.", "Often threatened as a punishment -- Le 26:25,33; De 32:25.", "Often sent as a punishment -- Ezr 9:7; Ps 78:62.", "Was one of God's four sore judgments -- Eze 14:21.", "Those slain by, communicated ceremonial uncleanness -- Nu 19:16.", "Illustrative", "Of the word of God. -- Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12.", "Of the word of Christ. -- Isa 49:2; Re 1:16.", "Of the justice of God. -- De 32:41; Zec 13:7.", "Of the protection of God. -- De 33:29.", "Of war and contention. -- Mt 10:34.", "Of severe and heavy calamities. -- Eze 5:2,17; 14:17; 21:9.", "Of deep mental affliction. -- Lu 2:35.", "Of the wicked. -- Ps 17:13.", "Of the tongue of the wicked. -- Ps 57:4; 64:3; Pr 12:18.", "Of persecuting spirit of the wicked. -- Ps 37:14.", "Of the end of the wicked. -- Pr 5:4.", "Of false witnesses. -- Pr 25:18.", "Of judicial authority. -- Ro 13:4.", "(Drawing of,) of war and destruction. -- Le 26:33; Eze 21:3-5.", "(Putting, into its sheath,) of peace and friendship. -- Jer 47:6.", "(Living by,) of rapine. -- Ge 27:40.", "(Not departing from one's house,) of perpetual calamity. -- 2Sa 12:10."]} +{"term": "Synagogues", "definitions": ["Places in which the Jews assembled for worship -- Ac 13:5,14.", "Early notice of their existence -- Ps 74:8.", "Probably originated in the schools of the prophets -- 1Sa 19:18-24; 2Ki 4:23.", "Revival of, after the captivity -- Ne 8:1-8.", "Service of, consisted of", "Prayer. -- Mt 6:5.", "Reading the word of God. -- Ne 8:18; 9:3; 13:1; Ac 15:21.", "Expounding the word of God. -- Ne 8:8; Lu 4:21.", "Praise and thanksgiving. -- Ne 9:5.", "Service in, on the Sabbath day -- Lu 4:16; Ac 13:14.", "Governed by", "A president or chief ruler. -- Ac 18:8,17.", "Ordinary rulers. -- Mr 5:22; Ac 13:15.", "Provided with a minister, who had charge of the sacred books -- Lu 4:17,20.", "Had seats fro the congregation -- Ac 13:14.", "Chief seats in, reserved for elders -- Mt 23:6.", "The portion of Scripture for the day sometimes read by one of the congregation -- Lu 4:16.", "Strangers were invited to address the congregation in -- Ac 13:15.", "Christ often", "Attended. -- Lu 4:16.", "Preached and taught in. -- Mt 4:23; Mr 1:39; Lu 13:10.", "Performed miracles in. -- Mt 12:9,10; Mr 1:23; Lu 13:11.", "The Apostles frequently taught and preached in -- Ac 9:20; 13:5; 17:1,17.", "Often used as courts of justice -- Ac 9:2; Jas 2:2.", "Offenders were often", "Given up to, for trial. -- Lu 12:11; 21:12.", "Punished in. -- Mt 10:17; 23:34; Ac 22:19.", "Expelled from. -- Joh 9:22,34; 12:42; 16:2.", "The building of, considered a noble and meritorious work -- Lu 7:5.", "Sometimes several, in the same city -- Ac 6:9; 9:2.", "Each sect had its own -- Ac 6:9."]} +{"term": "Syria", "definitions": ["Originally included Mesopotamia -- Ge 25:20; 28:5; De 26:5; Ac 7:2.", "More properly the country around Damascus -- 2Sa 8:6.", "Damascus the capital of -- Isa 7:8.", "Abana and Pharpar rivers of -- 2Ki 5:12.", "Governed by kings -- 1Ki 22:31; 2Ki 5:1.", "Inhabitants of", "Called Syrians. -- 2Sa 10:11; 2Ki 5:20.", "Called Syrians of Damascus. -- 2Sa 8:5.", "An idolatrous people. -- Jdj 10:6; 2Ki 5:18.", "A warlike people. -- 1Ki 20:23,25.", "A commercial people. -- Eze 27:18.", "Spoke the Syriack language. -- 2Ki 18:26; Ezr 4:7; Da 2:4.", "Israel followed the idolatry of -- Jdj 10:6.", "David", "Destroyed the army of, which assisted Hadadezer. -- 2Sa 8:5.", "Garrisoned and made tributary. -- 2Sa 8:6.", "Dedicated the spoils of. -- 2Sa 8:11,12.", "Obtained renown by his victory over. -- 2Sa 8:13.", "Sent Joab against the armies of, hired by the Ammonites. -- 2Sa 10:6-14.", "Destroyed a second army of. -- 2Sa 10:15-19.", "Asa sought aid of, against Israel -- 1Ki 15:18-20.", "Elijah anointed Hazael king over, by divine direction -- 1Ki 19:15.", "Benhadad king of, besieged Samaria -- 1Ki 20:1-12.", "The Israelites", "Under Ahab encouraged and assisted by God, overcame. -- 1Ki 20:13-20.", "Forewarned of invasion by, at the return of the year. -- 1Ki 20:22-25.", "Insignificant before. -- 1Ki 20:26,27.", "Encouraged and assisted by God overcame a second time. -- 1Ki 20:28-30.", "Craftily drawn into a league with. -- 1Ki 20:31-43.", "At peace with, for three years. -- 1Ki 22:1.", "Under Ahab sought to recover Ramoth-gilead from. -- 1Ki 22:3-29.", "Defeated by, and Ahab slain. -- 1Ki 22:30-36.", "Harassed by frequent incursions of. -- 2Ki 5:2; 6:23.", "Heard the secrets of, from Elisha. -- 2Ki 6:8-12.", "God smote with blindness those sent against Elisha by the king of -- 2Ki 6:14,18-20.", "Besieged Samaria again -- 2Ki 6:24-29.", "Army of, miraculously routed -- 2Ki 7:5,6.", "Death of the king of, and the cruelty of his successor foretold by Elisha -- 2Ki 8:7,15.", "Joram king of Israel in seeking to recover Ramothgilead from, severely wounded -- 2Ki 8:28,29; 9:15.", "Israel delivered into the hands of, for the sins of Jehoahaz -- 2Ki 13:3,7,22.", "A saviour raised up for Israel against -- 2Ki 13:5,23-25.", "Elisha predicted to Joash his three victories over -- 2Ki 13:14-19.", "Joined with Israel against Ahaz and besieged Jerusalem -- 2Ki 16:5; Isa 7:12.", "Retook Elath and drove out the Jews -- 2Ki 16:6.", "Subdued and its inhabitants taken captive by Assyria -- 2Ki 16:9.", "Prophecies respecting", "Destruction of Rezin king of. -- Isa 7:8,16.", "Ceasing to be a kingdom. -- Isa 17:1-3.", "Terror and dismay in, occasioned by its invasion. -- Jer 49:23,24.", "Destruction of its inhabitants. -- Jer 49:26.", "Plundering of Damascus. -- Isa 8:4.", "Burning of Damascus. -- Jer 49:27; Am 1:4.", "Its calamities, the punishments of its sins. -- Am 1:3.", "Its inhabitants to be captives. -- Am 1:3.", "Its history in connection with the Macedonia empire. -- Da 11:6-45.", "Subdued and governed by the Romans -- Lu 2:2.", "Gospel preached and many churches founded in -- Ac 15:23,41."]} +{"term": "Tabernacle", "definitions": ["Moses was commanded to make after a divine pattern -- Ex 25:9; 26:30; Heb 8:5.", "Made of the free-will offerings of the people -- Ex 25:1-8; 35:4,5,21-29.", "Divine wisdom given to Bezaleel to make -- Ex 31:2-7; 35:30-35; 36:1.", "Called the", "Tabernacle of the Lord. -- Jos 22:19; 1Ki 2:28; 1Ch 16:39.", "Tabernacle of testimony or witness. -- Ex 38:21; Nu 1:50; 17:7,8; 2Ch 24:6; Ac 7:44.", "Tabernacle of the congregation. -- Ex 27:21; 33:7; 40:26.", "Tabernacle of Shiloh. -- Ps 78:60.", "Tabernacle of Joseph. -- Ps 78:67.", "Temple of the Lord. -- 1Sa 1:9; 3:3.", "House of the Lord. -- Jos 6:24; 1Sa 1:7,24.", "Was a moveable tent suited to the unsettled condition of Israel -- 2Sa 7:6,7.", "Designed for manifestation of God's presence and for his worship -- Ex 25:8; 29:42,43.", "The boards of", "Made of shittim wood. -- Ex 26:15; 36:20.", "Ten cubits high by one and a half broad. -- Ex 26:16; 36:21.", "Had each two tenons fitted into sockets of silver. -- Ex 26:17,19; 36:22-24.", "Twenty on south side. -- Ex 26:18; 36:23.", "Twenty on north side. -- Ex 26:20; 36:25.", "Six, and two corner boards for west side. -- Ex 26:22-25; 36:27-30.", "Supported by bars of shittim wood resting in rings of gold. -- Ex 26:26-29; 36:31-33.", "With the bars, covered with gold. -- Ex 26:26-29; 36:34.", "The door of, a curtain of blue and purple suspended by gold rings from five pillars of shittim wood -- Ex 26:36,37; 36:37,38.", "Coverings of", "The first or inner, ten curtains of blue, purple, &c joined with loops and golden taches. -- Ex 26:1-6; 36:8-13.", "The second, eleven curtains of goats' hair. -- Ex 26:7-13; 36:14-18.", "The third of rams' skins dyed red. -- Ex 26:14; 36:19.", "The fourth or outward of badgers' skins. -- Ex 26:14; 36:19.", "Divided by a vail of blue, purple, suspended from four pillars of shittim -- Ex 26:31-33; 36:35,36; 40:21.", "Divided into", "The holy place. -- Ex 26:33; Heb 9:2-6.", "The most holy place. -- Ex 26:34; Heb 9:3,7.", "Had a court round about -- Ex 40:8.", "The table of show-bread, the golden candlestick, and the altar of incense were place in the holy place -- Ex 26:35; 40:22,24,26; Heb 9:2.", "The ark and mercy-seat put in the most holy place -- Ex 26:33,34; 40:20,21; Heb 9:4.", "Court of", "One hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide. -- Ex 27:18.", "Surrounded by curtains of fine line suspended from pillars in sockets of brass. -- Ex 27:9-15; 38:9-16.", "The gate of, a hanging of blue, purple, &c twenty cubits wide, suspended from four pillars, &c. -- Ex 27:16; 38:18.", "Contained the brazen altar and laver of brass. -- Ex 40:29,30.", "All the pillars of, filleted with silver, &c. -- Ex 27:17; 38:17.", "All the vessels of, made of brass. -- Ex 27:19.", "First reared, on the first day of the second year after the exodus -- Ex 40:2,17.", "Was set up", "By Moses at Mount Sinai. -- Ex 40:18,19; Nu 10:11,12.", "At Gilgal. -- Jos 5:10,11.", "In Shiloh. -- Jos 18:1; 19:51.", "In Nob. -- 1Sa 21:1-6.", "Finally at Gibeon. -- 1Ch 16:39; 21:29.", "Anointed and consecrated with oil -- Ex 40:9; Le 8:10; Nu 7:1.", "Sprinkled and purified with blood -- Heb 9:21.", "Sanctified by the glory of the Lord -- Ex 29:43; 40:34; Nu 9:15.", "The Lord appeared in, over the mercy-seat -- Ex 25:22; Le 16:2; Nu 7:89.", "The cloud of glory rested on, by night and day during its abode in the wilderness -- Ex 40:38; Nu 9:15,16.", "The journeys of Israel regulated by the cloud on -- Ex 40:36,37.", "The priests", "Alone could enter. -- Nu 18:3,5.", "Performed all services in. -- Nu 3:10; 18:1,2; Heb 9:6.", "Were the ministers of. -- Heb 8:2.", "The Levites", "Appointed over, and had charge of. -- Nu 1:50; 8:24; 18:2-4.", "Did the inferior service of. -- Nu 3:6-8.", "Took down, and put up. -- Nu 1:51.", "Carried. -- Nu 4:15,25,31.", "Pitched their tents around. -- Nu 1:53; 3:23,29,35.", "Free-will offerings made at the first rearing of -- Nu 7:1-9.", "Free-will offerings made at the dedication of the altar of -- Nu 7:10-87.", "All offerings to be made at -- Le 17:4; De 12:5,6,11,13,14.", "Punishment for defiling -- Le 15:31; Nu 19:13.", "A permanent house substituted for, when the kingdom was established -- 2Sa 7:5-13.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Isa 4:6; Joh 1:14; Heb 9:8,9,11.", "Of the Church. -- Ps 15:1; Isa 16:5; 54:2; Heb 8:2; Re 21:2,3.", "Of the body. -- 2Co 5:1; 2Pe 1:13.", "(The holy of holies,) of heaven. -- Heb 6:19,20; 9:12,24; 10:19.", "(The vail,) of Christ's body. -- Heb 10:20.", "(The vail,) of the obscurity of the Mosaic age. -- Heb 9:8,10; Ro 16:25,26; Re 11:19."]} +{"term": "Temple, the First", "definitions": ["Built on Mount Moriah on the threshing-floor of Ornan or Araunah -- 1Ch 21:28-30; 22:2; 2Ch 3:1.", "David", "Anxious to build. -- 2Sa 7:2; 1Ch 22:7; 29:3; Ps 132:2-5.", "Being a man of war not permitted to build. -- 2Sa 7:5-9; 1Ki 5:3; 1Ch 22:8.", "Told by the prophet that Solomon should build. -- 2Sa 7:12,13; 1Ch 17:12.", "Made preparations for building. -- 1Ch 22:2-5,14-16; 29:2-5.", "Charged Solomon to build. -- 1Ch 22:6,7,11.", "Prayed that Solomon might have wisdom to build. -- 1Ch 29:19.", "Charged his princes to assist in building. -- 1Ch 22:17-19.", "Free will offering of the people for the building. -- 1Ch 29:6-9.", "Solomon", "Determined to build. -- 2Ch 2:1.", "Specially instructed for. -- 2Ch 3:3.", "Employed all the strangers in preparing for. -- 2Ch 2:2,17,18; 1Ki 5:15.", "Applied to Hiram for a skilful workman to superintend, &c the building of. -- 2Ch 2:7,13,14.", "Employed thirty thousand Israelites in the work. -- 1Ki 5:13,14.", "Contracted with Hiram for wood, stone, and labour. -- 1Ki 5:6-12; 2Ch 2:8-10.", "Commenced second day of second month of fourth year of Solomon. -- 1Ki 6:1,37; 2Ch 3:2.", "Built without the noise of hammers, axe, or any tool. -- 1Ki 6:7.", "Divided into", "The sanctuary or greater house. -- 2Ch 3:5.", "The oracle or most holy place. -- 1Ki 6:19.", "The porch. -- 2Ch 3:4.", "Surrounded with three stories of chambers communicating with the interior on the right side -- 1Ki 6:5,6,8,10.", "Surrounded with spacious courts -- 1Ki 6:36; 2Ch 4:9.", "Was three score cubits longs, twenty broad, and thirty high -- 1Ki 6:2; 2Ch 3:3.", "Was lighted by narrow windows -- 1Ki 6:4.", "Was roofed with cedar -- 1Ki 6:9.", "The greater or outer house", "Was forty cubits long. -- 2Ki 6:17.", "Had folding doors of fir wood carved and golden. -- 1Ki 6:34,35.", "Had door posts of olive wood carved and gilded. -- 1Ki 6:33; 2Ch 3:7.", "The oracle or most holy place", "Was twenty cubits every way. -- 1Ki 6:16,20.", "Two cherubims of gilded olive wood made within. -- 1Ki 6:23-28; 2Ch 3:11-13.", "A partition of chains of gold between it and outer house. -- 1Ki 6:21.", "The doors and the posts of, of olive wood carved and gilded. -- 1Ki 6:31,32.", "Separated from the outer house by a vail. -- 2Ch 3:14.", "The floor and walls of, covered with cedar and fir wood -- 1Ki 6:15.", "Cedar of, carved with flowers, &c -- 1Ki 6:18.", "Ceiled with fir wood and gilt -- 2Ch 3:5.", "The whole inside and outside covered with gold -- 1Ki 6:21,22; 2Ch 3:7.", "Garnished with precious stones -- 2Ch 3:6.", "The porch of", "Twenty cubits long and ten broad. -- 1Ki 6:3.", "One hundred and twenty cubits high. -- 2Ch 3:4.", "Pillars of, with their chapiters described. -- 1Ki 7:15-22; 2Ch 3:15-17.", "Its magnificence -- 2Ch 2:5,9.", "Was seven years in building -- 1Ki 6:38.", "Was finished in the eighth month of the eleventh year of Solomon -- 1Ki 6:38.", "Was called", "The house of the Lord. -- 2Ch 23:5,12.", "The mountain of the Lord's house. -- Isa 2:2.", "House of the God of Jacob. -- Isa 2:3.", "Zion. -- Ps 84:1-7.", "Mount Zion. -- Ps 74:2.", "Appointed as a house of sacrifice -- 2Ch 7:12.", "Appointed as a house of prayer -- Isa 56:7; Mt 21:13.", "God promised to dwell in -- 1Ki 6:12,13.", "All dedicated things placed in -- 2Ch 5:1.", "The ark of God brought into with great solemnity -- 1Ki 8:1-9; 2Ch 5:2-10.", "Filled with the cloud of glory -- 1Ki 8:10,11; 2Ch 5:13; 7:2.", "Solemnly dedicated to God by Solomon -- 1Ki 8:12-66; 2Ch 6:1-42.", "Sacred fire sent down from heaven at its dedication -- 2Ch 7:3.", "Was but a temple built with hands -- Ac 7:47,48.", "Complete destruction of, predicted -- Jer 26:18; Mic 3:12.", "Historical notices of", "Pillaged by Shishak king of Egypt. -- 2Ki 21:4-7; 2Ch 33:4,5,7.", "Repaired by Josiah in the 18th year of his reign. -- 1Ki 14:25,26; 2Ch 12:9.", "Repaired by Jehoash at the institution of Jehoiada. -- 2Ki 12:4-14; 2Ch 24:4-13.", "Treasures of given by Jehoash to propitiate the Syrians. -- 2Ki 12:17,18.", "Defiled and its treasures given by Ahaz to the king of Assyria. -- 2Ki 16:14,18; 2Ch 28:20,21.", "Purified and divine worship restored under Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 29:3-35.", "Its treasures given by Hezekiah to the Assyrians to procure a treaty. -- 2Ki 18:13-16.", "Polluted by the idolatrous worship of Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:4-7; 2Ch 33:4,5,7.", "Repaired by Josiah in the 18th year of his reign. -- 2Ki 22:3-7; 2Ch 34:8-13.", "Purified by Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:4-7,11,12.", "Pillaged and burned by the Babylonians. -- 2Ki 25:9,13-17; 2Ch 36:18,19.", "Illustrative of", "Christ. -- Joh 2:19,21.", "The spiritual church. -- 1Co 3:16; 2Co 6:16; Eph 2:20-22.", "The bodies of saints. -- 1Co 6:19."]} +{"term": "Temple, the Second", "definitions": ["Built on the site of the first temple -- Ezr 6:2-12.", "Cyrus", "His decree for building, predicted. -- Isa 44:28.", "Gave a decree for building, in the first year of his reign. -- Ezr 1:1,2; 6:3.", "Gave permission to the Jews to go to Jerusalem to build. -- Ezr 1:3.", "Furnished means for building. -- Ezr 6:4.", "Ordered those who remained in Babylon to contribute to the building of. -- Ezr 1:4.", "Gave the vessels of the first temple for. -- Ezr 1:7-11; 6:5.", "Divine worship commenced before the foundation was laid -- Ezr 3:1-6.", "Materials for building procured from Tyre and Sidon -- Ezr 3:7.", "Foundation of, laid the second month of second year after the captivity -- Ezr 3:8.", "Solemnities connected with laying the foundation of -- Ezr 3:9-11.", "Its dimensions -- Ezr 6:3,4.", "Grief of those who had seen the first temple -- Ezr 3:12; Hag 2:3.", "Joy of those who had not seen the first temple -- Ezr 3:13.", "The Samaritans", "Proposed to assist in building. -- Ezr 4:1,2.", "Their help refused by the Jews. -- Ezr 4:3.", "Weakened the hands of the Jews in building. -- Ezr 4:4,5.", "Wrote to Artaxerxes Smerdis to interrupt the building. -- Ezr 4:6-16.", "Procured its interruption for fifteen years. -- Ezr 4:24.", "The Jews reproved for not building -- Hag 1:1-5.", "The Jews punished for not persevering in building -- Hag 1:6,9-11; 2:15,17; Zec 8:10.", "The Jews encouraged to proceed in building -- Hag 1:8; 2:19; Zec 8:9.", "Resumed by Zerubbabel and Jeshua -- Ezr 5:2.", "Its completion by Zerubbabel foretold, to encourage the Jews -- Zec 4:4-10.", "Future glory of, predicted -- Hag 2:7-9.", "Tatnai the governor wrote to Darius to know if the building had his sanction -- Ezr 5:3-17.", "The decree of Cyrus found and confirmed by Darius -- Ezr 6:1,2,6-12.", "Finished the third of the twelfth month in the sixth year of Darius -- Ezr 6:15.", "Dedication of, celebrated with joy and thankfulness -- Ezr 6:16-18.", "Repaired and beautified by Herod, which occupied forty-six years -- Joh 2:20.", "The magnificence of its building and ornaments -- Joh 2:20; Mr 13:1; Lu 21:5.", "Beautiful gate of, mentioned -- Ac 3:2.", "Solomon's porch connected with -- Joh 10:23; Ac 3:11.", "Christ", "To appear in. -- Hag 2:7; Mal 3:1.", "Presented in. -- Lu 2:22,27.", "Miraculously transported to a pinnacle of. -- Mt 4:5; Lu 4:9.", "Frequently taught in. -- Mr 14:49.", "Purified, and the commencement of his ministry. -- Joh 2:15-17.", "Purified, at the close of his ministry. -- Mt 21:12,13.", "Predicted its destruction. -- Mt 24:2; Mr 13:2; Lu 21:6.", "The vail of, rent at our Lord's death. -- Mt 27:51.", "Separation between the outer or Gentile court and that of the Jews alluded to -- Eph 2:13,14.", "No Gentile allowed to enter the inner courts of -- Ac 21:27-30.", "The Jews", "Prayed without, while the priest offered incense within. -- Lu 1:10; 18:10.", "Considered it blasphemy to speak against. -- Mt 26:61; Ac 6:13; 21:28.", "Desecrated by selling oxen, &c in. -- Joh 2:14.", "Desecration of, foretold -- Da 9:27; 11:31.", "Cleansed and rededicated by Judas Maccabaeus after its desecration by Antiochus Epiphanes -- Joh 10:22.", "Desecrated by the Romans -- Da 9:27; Mt 24:15."]} +{"term": "Temptation", "definitions": ["God cannot be the subject of -- Jas 1:13.", "Does not come from God -- Jas 1:13.", "Comes from", "Lusts. -- Jas 1:14.", "Covetousness. -- Pr 28:20; 1Ti 6:9,10.", "The devil is the author of -- 1Ch 21:1; Mt 4:1; Joh 13:2; 1Th 3:5.", "Evil associates, the instruments of -- Pr 1:10; 7:6; 16:29.", "Often arises through", "Poverty. -- Pr 30:9; Mt 4:2,3.", "Prosperity. -- Pr 30:9; Mt 4:8.", "Worldly glory. -- Nu 22:17; Da 4:30; 5:2; Mt 4:8.", "To distrust of God's providence -- Mt 4:3.", "To presumption -- Mt 4:6.", "To worshipping the god of this world -- Mt 4:9.", "Often strengthened by the perversion of God's word -- Mt 4:6.", "Permitted as a trial of", "Faith. -- 1Pe 1:7; Jas 1:2,3.", "Disinterestedness. -- Job 1:9-12.", "Always conformable to the nature of man -- 1Co 10:13.", "Often ends in sin and perdition -- 1Ti 6:9; Jas 1:15.", "Christ", "Endured, from the devil. -- Mr 1:13.", "Endured, from the wicked. -- Mt 16:1; 22:18; Lu 10:25.", "Resisted by the word of God. -- Mt 4:4,7,10.", "Overcame. -- Mt 4:11.", "Sympathises with those under. -- Heb 4:15.", "Is able to help those under. -- Heb 2:18.", "Intercedes for his people under. -- Lu 22:31,32; Joh 17:15.", "God will not suffer saints to be exposed to, beyond their powers to bear -- 1Co 10:13.", "God will make a way for saints to escape out of -- 1Co 10:13.", "God enables the saints to bear -- 1Co 10:13.", "God knows how to deliver saints out of -- 2Pe 2:9.", "Christ keeps faithful saints from the hour of -- Re 3:10.", "Saints may be in heaviness through -- 1Pe 1:6.", "Saints should", "Resist, in faith. -- Eph 6:16; 1Pe 5:9.", "Watch against. -- Mt 26:41; 1Pe 5:8.", "Pray to be kept from. -- Mt 6:13; 26:41.", "Not to occasion, to others. -- Ro 14:13.", "Restore those overcome by. -- Ga 6:1.", "Avoid the way of. -- Pr 4:14,15.", "The devil will renew -- Lu 4:13.", "Has strength through the weakness of the flesh -- Mt 26:41.", "Mere professors fall away in time of -- Lu 8:13.", "Blessedness of those who meet and overcome -- Jas 1:2-4,12.", "Exemplified", "Eve. -- Ge 3:1,4,5.", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:7.", "Balaam. -- Nu 22:17.", "Achan. -- Jos 7:21.", "David. -- 2Sa 11:2.", "Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 15:30.", "Peter. -- Mr 14:67-71.", "Paul. -- 2Co 12:7; Ga 4:14."]} +{"term": "Tents", "definitions": ["Origin and antiquity of -- Ge 4:20.", "Called", "Tabernacles. -- Nu 24:5; Job 12:6; Heb 11:9.", "Curtains. -- Isa 54:2; Heb 3:7.", "Were spread out -- Isa 40:22.", "Fastened by cords to stakes or nails -- Isa 54:2; Jer 10:20; Jdj 4:21.", "Were used by", "Patriarchs. -- Ge 13:5; 25:27; Heb 11:9.", "Israel in the desert. -- Ex 33:8; Nu 24:2.", "The people of Israel in all their wars. -- 1Sa 4:3,10; 29:1; 1Ki 16:16.", "The Rechabites. -- Jer 35:7,10.", "The Arabs. -- Isa 13:20.", "Shepherds while tending their flocks. -- Song 1:8; Isa 38:12.", "All eastern nations. -- Jdj 6:5; 1Sa 17:4; 2Ki 7:7; 1Ch 5:10.", "Separate, for females of the family -- Ge 24:67.", "Separate, for the servants -- Ge 31:33.", "Were pitched", "With order and regularity. -- Nu 1:52.", "In the neighbourhood of wells, &c. -- Ge 13:10,12; 26:17,18; 1Sa 29:1.", "Under trees. -- Ge 18:1,4; Jdj 4:5.", "On the tops of houses. -- 2Sa 16:22.", "Sending persons to seek a convenient place for, alluded to -- De 1:33.", "Ease and rapidity of their removal, alluded to -- Isa 38:12.", "Of the Jews contrasted with those of the Arabs -- Nu 24:5; Song 1:5.", "Custom of sitting and standing at the door of -- Ge 18:1; Jdj 4:20.", "Illustrative", "(Spread out,) of the heavens. -- Isa 40:22.", "(Enlarging of,) of the great extension of the Church. -- Isa 54:2."]} +{"term": "Thanksgiving", "definitions": ["Christ set an example of -- Mt 11:25; 26:27; Joh 6:11; 11:41.", "The heavenly host engaged in -- Re 4:9; 7:11,12; 11:16,17.", "Commanded -- Ps 50:14; Php 4:6.", "Is a good thing -- Ps 92:1.", "Should be offered", "To God. -- Ps 50:14.", "To Christ. -- 1Ti 1:12.", "Through Christ. -- Ro 1:8; Col 3:17; Heb 13:15.", "In the name of Christ. -- Eph 5:20.", "In behalf of ministers. -- 2Co 1:11.", "In private worship. -- Da 6:10.", "In public worship. -- Ps 35:18.", "In everything. -- 1Th 5:18.", "Upon the completion of great undertakings. -- Ne 12:31,40.", "Before taking food. -- Joh 6:11; Ac 27:35.", "Always. -- Eph 1:16; 5:20; 1Th 1:2.", "At the remembrance of God's holiness. -- Ps 30:4; 97:12.", "For the goodness and mercy of God. -- Ps 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-3.", "For the gift of Christ. -- 2Co 9:15.", "For Christ's power and reign. -- Re 11:17.", "For the reception and effectual working of the word of God in others. -- 1Th 2:13.", "For deliverance through Christ from in-dwelling sin. -- Ro 7:23-25.", "For victory over death and the grave. -- 1Co 15:57.", "For wisdom and might. -- Da 2:23.", "For the triumph of the gospel. -- 2Co 2:14.", "For the conversion of others. -- Ro 6:17.", "For faith exhibited by others. -- Ro 1:8; 2Th 1:3.", "For love exhibited by others. -- 2Th 1:3.", "For the grace bestowed on others. -- 1Co 1:4; Php 1:3-5; Col 1:3-6.", "For the zeal exhibited by others. -- 2Co 8:16.", "For the nearness of God's presence. -- Ps 75:1.", "For appointment to the ministry. -- 1Ti 1:12.", "For willingness to offer our property for God's service. -- 1Ch 29:6-14.", "For the supply of our bodily wants. -- Ro 14:6,7; 1Ti 4:3,4.", "For all men. -- 1Ti 2:1.", "For all things. -- 2Co 9:11; Eph 5:20.", "Should be accompanied by intercession for others -- 1Ti 2:1; 2Ti 1:3; Phm 1:4.", "Should always accompany prayer -- Ne 11:17; Php 4:6; Col 4:2.", "Should always accompany praise -- Ps 92:1; Heb 13:15.", "Expressed in psalms -- 1Ch 16:7.", "Ministers appointed to offer, in public -- 1Ch 16:4,7; 23:30; 2Ch 31:2.", "Saints", "Exhorted to. -- Ps 105:1; Col 3:15.", "Resolved to offer. -- Ps 18:49; 30:12.", "Habitually offer. -- Da 6:10.", "Offer sacrifices of. -- Ps 116:17.", "Abound in the faith with. -- Col 2:7.", "Magnify God by. -- Ps 69:30.", "Come before God with. -- Ps 95:2.", "Should enter God's gate with. -- Ps 100:4.", "Of hypocrites, full of boasting -- Lu 18:11.", "The wicked averse to -- Ro 1:21.", "Exemplified", "David. -- 1Ch 29:12.", "Levites. -- 2Ch 5:12,13.", "Daniel. -- Da 2:23.", "Jonah. -- Jon 2:9.", "Simeon. -- Lu 2:28.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:38.", "Paul. -- Ac 28:15."]} +{"term": "Theft", "definitions": ["Is an abomination -- Jer 7:9,10.", "Forbidden -- Ex 20:15; Mr 10:19; Ro 13:9.", "From the poor specially forbidden -- Pr 22:2.", "Includes fraud in general -- Le 19:13.", "Includes fraud concerning wages -- Le 19:13; Mal 3:5; Jas 5:4.", "Proceeds from the heart -- Mt 15:19.", "Defiles a man -- Mt 15:20.", "The wicked", "Addicted to. -- Ps 119:61.", "Store up the fruits of. -- Am 3:10.", "Lie in wait to commit. -- Ho 6:9.", "Commit, under shelter of the night. -- Job 24:14; Ob 1:5.", "Consent to show who commit. -- Ps 50:18.", "Associate with those who commit. -- Isa 1:23.", "May, for a season, prosper in. -- Job 12:6.", "Plead excuses for. -- Jer 7:9,10.", "Repent not of. -- Re 9:21.", "Destroy themselves by. -- Pr 21:7.", "Connected with murder -- Jer 7:9; Ho 4:2.", "Shame follows the detection of -- Jer 2:26.", "Brings a curse on those who commit it -- Ho 4:2,3; Zec 5:3,4; Mal 3:5.", "Brings the wrath of God upon those who commit it -- Eze 22:29,31.", "Excludes from heaven -- 1Co 6:10.", "They who connive at", "Hate their own souls. -- Pr 29:24.", "Shall be reproved of God. -- Ps 50:18,21.", "Mosaic law respecting -- Ex 22:1-8.", "Saints", "Warned against. -- Eph 4:28; 1Pe 4:15.", "All earthly treasure exposed to -- Mt 6:19.", "Heavenly treasure secure from -- Mt 6:20; Lu 12:33.", "Woe denounced against -- Isa 10:2; Na 3:1.", "Illustrates the guilt of false teachers -- Jer 23:30; Joh 10:1,8,10.", "Exemplified", "Rachel. -- Ge 31:19.", "Achan. -- Jos 7:21.", "Shechemites. -- Jdj 9:25.", "Micah. -- Jdj 17:2."]} +{"term": "Theocracy, The, or Immediate Government By God", "definitions": ["Lasted from the deliverance out of Egypt until the appointment of kings -- Ex 19:4-6; 1Sa 8:7.", "Was established on", "The right of redemption. -- Ex 6:6,7; 2Sa 7:23; Isa 43:3.", "The right of covenant. -- De 26:17-19.", "Consisted in his", "Promulgating laws. -- Ex 20:1-23:33.", "Directing the movements of the nation. -- Ex 40:36,37; Nu 9:17-23.", "Proclaiming war. -- Ex 17:14-16; Nu 31:1,2; Jos 6:2,3; 8:1.", "Appointing civil officers. -- Ex 3:10; Nu 27:18,20.", "Appointing ecclesiastical officers. -- Ex 28:1; 40:12-15.", "Being the supreme judge. -- Nu 9:8-11; 15:34,35; 27:5-11.", "Exercise of the prerogative of mercy. -- Nu 14:20; De 9:18-20.", "Distribution of conquered lands. -- Jos 13:1-7.", "Exacting tribute. -- Ex 35:4-29; Le 27:30; De 16:16; 26:1-4.", "The tabernacle designed as a royal residence for God during -- Ex 25:8; Le 26:11,12.", "The emblem of the divine presence appeared over the tabernacle during -- Nu 9:15,16.", "Guilt of Israel in rejecting -- 1Sa 2:17."]} +{"term": "Threshing", "definitions": ["The removing or separating corn, &c form the straw -- 1Ch 21:20.", "Was performed", "By a rod or staff. -- Isa 28:27.", "By cart wheels. -- Isa 28:27,28.", "By instruments with teeth. -- Isa 41:15; Am 1:3.", "By the feet of horses and oxen. -- Isa 28:28; Ho 10:11; 2Sa 24:22.", "Cattle employed in, not to be muzzled -- De 25:4; 1Co 9:9; 1Ti 5:18.", "Continued until the vintage in years of abundance -- Le 26:5.", "The place for", "Called the floor. -- Jdj 6:37; Isa 21:10.", "Called the threshing floor. -- Nu 18:27; 2Sa 24:18.", "Called the barn-floor. -- 2Ki 6:27.", "Called the corn-floor. -- Ho 9:1.", "Was large and roomy. -- Ge 50:10.", "Generally on high ground. -- 1Ch 21:18; 2Ch 3:1.", "Sometimes beside the wine-press for concealment. -- Jdj 6:11.", "Used for winnowing the corn. -- Ru 3:2.", "Often robbed. -- 1Sa 23:1.", "The Jews slept on, during the time of. -- Ru 3:7.", "Fulness of, promised as a blessing. -- Joe 2:24.", "Scarcity in, a punishment. -- Ho 9:2.", "Followed by a winnowing with a shovel or fan -- Isa 30:24; 41:16; Mt 3:12.", "Illustrative", "Of the judgments of God. -- Isa 21:10; Jer 51:33; Hab 3:12.", "Of the labours of ministers. -- 1Co 9:9,10.", "Of the church in her conquests. -- Isa 41:15,16; Mic 4:13.", "(Gathering the sheaves for,) of preparing the enemies of the Church for judgments. -- Mic 4:12.", "(Dust made by,) of complete destruction. -- 2Ki 13:7; Isa 41:15.", "(An instrument for, with teeth,) of the Church overcoming opposition. -- Isa 41:15."]} +{"term": "Time", "definitions": ["The duration of the world -- Job 22:16; Re 10:6.", "The measure of the continuance of anything -- Jdj 18:31.", "An appointed season -- Ne 2:6; Ec 3:1,17.", "Computed by", "Years. -- Ge 15:13; 2Sa 21:1; Da 9:2.", "Months. -- Nu 10:10; 1Ch 27:1; Job 3:6.", "Weeks. -- Da 10:2; Lu 18:12.", "Days. -- Ge 8:3; Job 1:4; Lu 11:3.", "Hours, after the captivity. -- Da 5:5; Joh 11:9.", "Moments -- Ex 33:5; Lu 4:5; 1Co 15:52.", "The heavenly bodies, appointed as a means for computing -- Ge 1:14.", "The sun-dial early invented for pointing out -- 2Ki 20:9-11.", "Eras from which, computed", "Nativity of the patriarchs during the patriarchal age. -- Ge 7:11; 8:13; 17:1.", "The exodus from Egypt. -- Ex 19:1; 40:17; Nu 9:1; 33:38; 1Ki 6:1.", "The jubilee. -- Le 25:15.", "Accession of kings. -- 1Ki 6:1; 15:1; Isa 36:1; Jer 1:2; Lu 3:1.", "Building of the temple. -- 1Ki 9:10; 2Ch 8:1.", "The captivity. -- Eze 1:1; 33:21; 40:1.", "Part of a period of, usually counted as the whole -- 1Sa 13:1; Es 4:16; 5:1.", "In prophetic language, means a prophetic year, or 360 natural days -- Da 12:7; Re 12:14.", "Shortness of man's portion of -- Ps 89:47.", "Should be redeemed -- Eph 5:16; Col 4:5.", "Should be spent in fear of God -- 1Pe 1:17.", "Particular periods of, mentioned", "The ancient time. -- Isa 45:21.", "The accepted time. -- Isa 49:8; 2Co 6:2.", "The time of visitation. -- Jer 46:21; 50:27.", "The time of refreshing. -- Ac 3:19.", "The time of restitution of all things. -- Ac 3:21.", "The time of reformation. -- Heb 9:10.", "The time of healing. -- Jer 14:19.", "The time of need. -- Heb 4:16.", "The time of temptation. -- Lu 8:13.", "The evil time. -- Ps 37:19; Ec 9:12.", "The time of trouble. -- Ps 27:5; Jer 14:8.", "All events of, predetermined by God -- Ac 17:26.", "All God's purposes fulfilled in due time -- Mr 1:15; Ga 4:4."]} +{"term": "Tithe", "definitions": ["The tenth of anything -- 1Sa 8:15,17.", "Antiquity of the custom of giving to God's ministers -- Ge 14:20; Heb 7:6.", "Considered a just return to God for his blessings -- Ge 28:22.", "Under the law belonged to God -- Le 27:30.", "Consisted of a tenth", "Of all the produce of the land. -- Le 27:30.", "Of all cattle. -- Le 27:32.", "Of holy things dedicated. -- 2Ch 31:6.", "Given by God to the Levites for their services -- Nu 18:21,24; Ne 10:37.", "The tenth of, offered by the Levites as an heave offering to God -- Nu 18:26,27.", "The tenth of, given by the Levites to the priests as their portion -- Nu 18:26,28; Ne 10:38.", "Reasonableness of appointing, for the Levites -- Nu 18:20,23,24; Jos 13:33.", "When redeemed to a fifth part of the value added -- Le 27:31.", "Punishment for changing -- Le 27:33.", "The Jews slow in giving -- Ne 13:10.", "The Jews reproved for withholding -- Mal 3:8.", "The pious governors of Israel caused the payment of -- 2Ch 31:5; Ne 13:11,12.", "Rulers appointed over, for distributing -- 2Ch 31:12; Ne 13:13.", "The Pharisees scrupulous in paying -- Lu 11:42; 18:12.", "A second", "Or its value yearly brought to the tabernacle and eaten before the Lord. -- De 12:6,7,17-19; 14:22-27.", "To be consumed at home every third year to promote hospitality and charity. -- De 14:28,29; 26:12-15."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of Christ", "definitions": ["Adam, Second -- 1Co 15:45.", "Almighty -- Re 1:18.", "Amen -- Re 3:14.", "Alpha and Omega -- Re 1:8; 22:13.", "Advocate -- 1Jo 2:1.", "Angel -- Ge 48:16; Ex 23:20,21.", "Angel of the Lord -- Ex 3:2; Jdj 13:15-18.", "Angel of God's presence -- Isa 63:9.", "Apostle -- Heb 3:1.", "Arm of the Lord -- Isa 51:9; 53:1.", "Author and Finisher or our faith -- Heb 12:2.", "Blessed and only Potentate -- 1Ti 6:15.", "Beginning of the creation of God -- Re 3:14.", "Branch -- Jer 23:5; Zec 3:8; 6:12.", "Bread of Life -- Joh 6:35,48.", "Captain of the Lord's hosts -- Jos 5:14,15.", "Captain of salvation -- Heb 2:10.", "Chief Shepherd -- 1Pe 5:4.", "Christ of God -- Lu 9:20.", "Consolation of Israel -- Lu 2:25.", "Chief Corner-stone -- Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:6.", "Commander -- Isa 55:4.", "Counsellor -- Isa 9:6.", "David -- Jer 30:9; Eze 34:23.", "Day-spring -- Lu 1:78.", "Deliverer -- Ro 11:26.", "Desire of all nations -- Hag 2:7.", "Door -- Joh 10:7.", "Elect of God -- Isa 42:1.", "Emmanuel -- Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23.", "Eternal life -- 1Jo 1:2; 5:20.", "Everlasting Father -- Isa 9:6.", "Faithful witness -- Re 1:5; 3:14.", "First and Last -- Re 1:17; 2:8.", "First-begotten of the dead -- Re 1:5.", "First-born of every creature -- Col 1:15.", "Forerunner -- Heb 6:20.", "God -- Isa 40:9; Joh 20:28.", "God blessed for ever -- Ro 9:5.", "God's fellow -- Zec 13:7.", "Glory of the Lord -- Isa 40:5.", "Good Shepherd -- Joh 10:14.", "Great High Priest -- Heb 4:14.", "Governor -- Mt 2:6.", "Head of the Church -- Eph 5:23; Col 1:18.", "Heir of all things -- Heb 1:2.", "Holy One -- Ps 16:10; Ac 2:27,31.", "Holy One of God -- Mr 1:24.", "Holy One of Israel -- Isa 41:14.", "Horn of salvation -- Lu 1:69.", "I AM -- Ex 3:14; Joh 8:58.", "Jehovah -- Isa 26:4.", "Jesus -- Mt 1:21; 1Th 1:10.", "Judge of Israel -- Mic 5:1.", "Just One -- Ac 7:52.", "King -- Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5.", "King of Israel -- Joh 1:49.", "King of the Jews -- Mt 2:2.", "King of Saints -- Re 15:3.", "King of Kings -- 1Ti 6:15; Re 17:14.", "Law giver -- Isa 33:22.", "Lamb -- Re 5:6,12; 13:8; 21:22; 22:3.", "Lamb of God -- Joh 1:29,36.", "Leader -- Isa 55:4.", "Life -- Joh 14:6; Col 3:4; 1Jo 1:2.", "Light of the world -- Joh 8:12.", "Lion of the tribe of Judah -- Re 5:5.", "Lord of glory -- 1Co 2:8.", "Lord of all -- Ac 10:36.", "Lord our righteousness -- Jer 23:6.", "Lord God of the holy prophets -- Re 22:6.", "Lord God Almighty -- Re 15:3.", "Mediator -- 1Ti 2:5.", "Messenger of the covenant -- Mal 3:1.", "Messiah -- Da 9:25; Joh 1:41.", "Mighty God -- Isa 9:6.", "Mighty One of Jacob -- Isa 60:16.", "Morning-star -- Re 22:16.", "Nazarene -- Mt 2:23.", "Offspring of David -- Re 22:16.", "Only-begotten -- Joh 1:14.", "Our Passover -- 1Co 5:7.", "Plant of renown -- Eze 34:29.", "Prince of life -- Ac 3:15.", "Prince of peace -- Isa 9:6.", "Prince of the kings of the earth -- Re 1:5.", "Prophet -- Lu 24:19; Joh 7:40.", "Ransom -- 1Ti 2:6.", "Redeemer -- Job 19:25; Isa 59:20; 60:16.", "Resurrection and life -- Joh 11:25.", "Rock -- 1Co 10:4.", "Root of David -- Re 22:16.", "Root of Jesse -- Isa 11:10.", "Ruler of Israel -- Mic 5:2.", "Saviour -- 2Pe 2:20; 3:18.", "Servant -- Isa 42:1; 52:13.", "Shepherd and Bishop of souls -- 1Pe 2:25.", "Shiloh -- Ge 49:10.", "Son of the blessed -- Mr 14:61.", "Son of God -- Lu 1:35; Joh 1:49.", "Son of the Highest -- Lu 1:32.", "Son of David -- Mt 9:27.", "Son of man -- Joh 5:27; 6:37.", "Star -- Nu 24:17.", "Sun of righteousness -- Mal 4:2.", "Surety -- Heb 7:22.", "True God -- 1Jo 5:20.", "True Light -- Joh 1:9.", "True Vine -- Joh 15:1.", "Truth -- Joh 14:6.", "Way -- Joh 14:6.", "Wisdom -- Pr 8:12.", "Witness -- Isa 55:4.", "Wonderful -- Isa 9:6.", "Word -- Joh 1:1; 5:7.", "Word of God -- Re 19:13.", "Word of Life -- 1Jo 1:1."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of the Church", "definitions": ["Assembly of the saints -- Ps 89:7.", "Assembly of the upright -- Ps 111:1.", "Body of Christ -- Eph 1:22,23; Col 1:24.", "Branch of God's planting -- Isa 60:21.", "Bride of Christ -- Re 21:9.", "Church of God -- Ac 20:28.", "Church of the Living God -- 1Ti 3:15.", "Church of the first-born -- Heb 12:23.", "City of the Living God -- Heb 12:22.", "Congregation of saints -- Ps 149:1.", "Congregation of the Lord's poor -- Ps 74:19.", "Dove -- Song 2:14; 5:2.", "Family in heaven and earth -- Eph 3:15.", "Flock of God -- Eze 34:15; 1Pe 5:2.", "Fold of Christ -- Joh 10:16.", "General assembly of the first-born -- Heb 12:23.", "Golden candlestick -- Re 1:20.", "God's building -- 1Co 3:9.", "God's husbandry -- 1Co 3:9.", "God's heritage -- Joe 3:2; 1Pe 5:3.", "Habitation of God -- Eph 2:22.", "Heavenly of Jerusalem -- Ga 4:26; Heb 12:22.", "Holy city -- Re 21:2.", "Holy mountain -- Zec 8:3.", "Holy hill -- Ps 15:1.", "House of God -- 1Ti 3:15; Heb 10:21.", "House of the God of Jacob -- Isa 2:3.", "House of Christ -- Heb 3:6.", "Household of God -- Eph 2:19.", "Inheritance -- Ps 28:9; Isa 19:25.", "Israel of God -- Ga 6:16.", "King's daughter -- Ps 45:13.", "Lamb's wife -- Re 19:7; 21:9.", "Lot of God's inheritance -- De 32:9.", "Mount Zion -- Ps 2:6; Heb 12:22.", "Mountain of the Lord's house -- Isa 2:2.", "New Jerusalem -- Re 21:2.", "Pillar and ground of the truth -- 1Ti 3:15.", "Sanctuary of God -- Ps 114:2.", "Spiritual house -- 1Pe 2:5.", "Spouse of Christ -- Song 4:12; 5:1.", "Sought out, a city not forsaken -- Isa 62:12.", "Temple of God -- 1Co 3:16,17.", "Temple of the Living God -- 2Co 6:16.", "Vineyard -- Jer 12:10; Mt 21:41."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of the Devil", "definitions": ["Abaddon -- Re 9:11.", "Accuser of our brethren -- Re 12:10.", "Adversary -- 1Pe 5:8.", "Angel of the bottomless pit -- Re 9:11.", "Apollyon -- Re 9:11.", "Beelzebub -- Mt 12:24.", "Belial -- 2Co 6:15.", "Crooked serpent -- Isa 27:1.", "Dragon -- Isa 27:1; Re 20:2.", "Enemy -- Mt 13:39.", "Evil spirit -- 1Sa 16:14.", "Father of lies -- Joh 8:44.", "Great red dragon -- Re 12:3.", "Leviathan -- Isa 27:1.", "Liar -- Joh 8:44.", "Lying spirit -- 1Ki 22:22.", "Murderer -- Joh 8:44.", "Old serpent -- Re 12:9; 20:2.", "Piercing serpent -- Isa 27:1.", "Power of darkness -- Col 1:13.", "Prince of this world -- Joh 14:30.", "Prince of the devils -- Mt 12:24.", "Prince of the power of the air -- Eph 2:2.", "Ruler of the darkness of this world -- Eph 6:12.", "Satan -- 1Ch 21:1; Job 1:6.", "Serpent -- Ge 3:4,16; 2Co 11:3.", "Spirit that works in the children of disobedience -- Eph 2:2.", "Tempter -- Mt 4:3; 1Th 3:5.", "The god of this world -- 2Co 4:4.", "Unclean spirit -- Mt 12:43.", "Wicked-one -- Mt 13:19,38."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Breath of the Almighty -- Job 33:4.", "Comforter -- Joh 14:16,26; 15:26.", "Eternal Spirit -- Heb 9:14.", "Free Spirit -- Ps 51:12.", "God -- Ac 5:3,4.", "Good Spirit -- Ne 9:20; Ps 143:10.", "Holy Spirit -- Ps 51:11; Lu 11:13; Eph 1:13; 4:30.", "Lord, The -- 2Th 3:5.", "Power of the Highest -- Lu 1:35.", "Spirit, The -- Mt 4:1; Joh 3:6; 1Ti 4:1.", "Spirit of the Lord God -- Isa 61:1.", "Spirit of the Lord -- Isa 11:2; Ac 5:9.", "Spirit of God -- Ge 1:2; 1Co 2:11; Job 33:4.", "Spirit of the Father -- Mt 10:20.", "Spirit of Christ -- Ro 8:9; 1Pe 1:11.", "Spirit of the Son -- Ga 4:6.", "Spirit of life -- Ro 8:2; Re 11:11.", "Spirit of grace -- Zec 12:10; Heb 10:29.", "Spirit of prophecy -- Re 19:10.", "Spirit of adoption -- Ro 8:15.", "Spirit of wisdom -- Isa 11:2; Eph 1:17.", "Spirit of counsel -- Isa 11:2.", "Spirit of might -- Isa 11:2.", "Spirit of understanding -- Isa 11:2.", "Spirit of knowledge -- Isa 11:2.", "Spirit of the fear of the Lord -- Isa 11:2.", "Spirit of truth -- Joh 14:17; 15:26.", "Spirit of holiness -- Ro 1:4.", "Spirit of revelation -- Eph 1:17.", "Spirit of judgment -- Isa 4:4; 28:6.", "Spirit of burning -- Isa 4:4.", "Spirit of glory -- 1Pe 4:14.", "Seven Spirits of God -- Re 1:4."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of Ministers", "definitions": ["Ambassadors for Christ -- 2Co 5:20.", "Angels of the Church -- Re 1:20; 2:1.", "Apostles -- Lu 6:13; Eph 4:11; Re 18:20.", "Apostles of Jesus Christ -- Tit 1:1.", "Bishops -- Php 1:1; 1Ti 3:1; Tit 1:7.", "Deacons -- Ac 6:1; 1Ti 3:8; Php 1:1.", "Elders -- 1Ti 5:17; 1Pe 5:1.", "Evangelists -- Eph 4:11; 2Ti 4:5.", "Fishers of men -- Mt 4:19; Mr 1:17.", "Labourers -- Mt 9:38; Phm 1:1; 1Th 2:2.", "Messengers of the church -- 2Co 8:2,3.", "Messengers of the Lord of hosts -- Mal 2:7.", "Ministers of God -- 2Co 6:4.", "Ministers of the Lord -- Joe 1:17.", "Ministers of Christ -- Ro 15:16; 1Co 4:1.", "Ministers of the sanctuary -- Eze 45:4.", "Ministers of the gospel -- Eph 3:7; Col 1:23.", "Ministers of the word -- Lu 1:2.", "Ministers of the New Testament -- 2Co 3:6.", "Ministers of the Church -- Col 1:24,25.", "Ministers of righteousness -- 2Co 11:15.", "Overseers -- Ac 20:28.", "Pastors -- Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11.", "Preachers -- Ro 10:14; 1Ti 2:7.", "Servants of God -- Tit 1:1; Jas 1:1.", "Servants of the Lord -- 2Ti 2:24.", "Servants of Jesus Christ -- Php 1:1; Jude 1:1.", "Servants of the Church -- 2Co 4:5.", "Shepherds -- Jer 23:4.", "Soldiers of Christ -- Php 2:25; 2Ti 2:3.", "Stars -- Re 1:20; 2:1.", "Stewards of God -- Tit 1:7.", "Stewards of the grace of God -- 1Pe 4:10.", "Stewards of the mysteries of God -- 1Co 4:1.", "Teachers -- Isa 30:20; Eph 4:11.", "Watchmen -- Isa 62:6; Eze 33:7.", "Witnesses -- Ac 1:8; 5:32; 26:16.", "Workers together with God -- 2Co 6:1."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of Saints", "definitions": ["Believers -- Ac 5:14; 1Ti 4:12.", "Beloved of God -- Ro 1:7.", "Beloved brethren -- 1Co 15:58; Jas 2:5.", "Blessed of the Lord -- Ge 24:31; 26:29.", "Blessed of the Father -- Mt 25:34.", "Brethren -- Mt 23:8; Ac 12:17.", "Brethren of Christ -- Lu 8:21; Joh 20:17.", "Called of Jesus Christ -- Ro 1:6.", "Children of the Lord -- De 14:1.", "Children of God -- Joh 11:52; 1Jo 3:10.", "Children of the Living God -- Ro 9:26.", "Children of the Father -- Mt 5:45.", "Children of the Highest -- Lu 6:35.", "Children of Abraham -- Ga 3:7.", "Children of Jacob -- Ps 105:6.", "Children of promise -- Ro 9:8; Ga 4:28.", "Children of the free-woman -- Ga 4:31.", "Children of the kingdom -- Mt 13:38.", "Children of Zion -- Ps 149:2; Joe 2:23.", "Children of the bride-chamber -- Mt 9:15.", "Children of light -- Lu 16:8; Eph 5:8; 1Th 5:5.", "Children of the day -- 1Th 5:5.", "Children of the resurrection -- Lu 20:36.", "Chosen generation -- 1Pe 2:9.", "Chosen ones -- 1Ch 16:13.", "Chosen vessels -- Ac 9:15.", "Christians -- Ac 11:26; 26:28.", "Dear children -- Eph 5:1.", "Disciples of Christ -- Joh 8:31; 15:8.", "Elect of God -- Col 3:12; Tit 1:1.", "Epistles of Christ -- 2Co 3:3.", "Excellent, The -- Ps 16:3.", "Faithful brethren in Christ -- Col 1:2.", "Faithful, The -- Ps 12:1.", "Faithful of the land -- Ps 101:6.", "Fellow-citizens with the saints -- Eph 2:19.", "Fellow-heirs -- Eph 3:6.", "Fellow-servants -- Re 6:11.", "Friends of God -- 2Ch 20:7; Jas 2:23.", "Friends of Christ -- Joh 15:15.", "Godly, The -- Ps 4:3; 2Pe 2:9.", "Heirs of God -- Ro 8:17; Ga 4:7.", "Heirs of the grace of life -- 1Pe 3:7.", "Heirs of the kingdom -- Jas 2:5.", "Heirs of promise -- Heb 6:17; Ga 3:29.", "Heirs of salvation -- Heb 1:14.", "Holy brethren -- 1Th 5:27; Heb 3:1.", "Holy nation -- Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9.", "Holy people -- De 26:19; Isa 62:12.", "Holy priesthood -- 1Pe 2:5.", "Joint-heirs with Christ -- Ro 8:17.", "Just, The -- Hab 2:4.", "Kings and priests to God -- Re 1:6.", "Kingdom of priests -- Ex 19:6.", "Lambs -- Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15.", "Lights of the world -- Mt 5:14.", "Little children -- Joh 13:33; 1Jo 2:1.", "Lively stones -- 1Pe 2:5.", "Members of Christ -- 1Co 6:15; Eph 5:30.", "Men of God -- De 33:1; 1Ti 6:11; 2Ti 3:17.", "Obedient children -- 1Pe 1:14.", "Peculiar people -- De 14:2; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9.", "Peculiar treasure -- Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4.", "People of God -- Heb 4:9; 1Pe 2:10.", "People near to God -- Ps 148:14.", "People saved by the Lord -- De 33:29.", "Pillars in the temple of God -- Re 3:12.", "Ransomed of the Lord -- Isa 35:10.", "Redeemed of the Lord -- Isa 51:11.", "Royal priesthood -- 1Pe 2:9.", "Salt of the earth -- Mt 5:13.", "Servants of Christ -- 1Co 7:22; Eph 6:6.", "Servants of righteousness -- Ro 6:18.", "Sheep of Christ -- Joh 10:1-16; 21:16.", "Sojourners with God -- Le 25:23; Ps 39:12.", "Sons of God -- Joh 1:12; Php 2:15; 1Jo 3:1,2.", "The Lord's freemen -- 1Co 7:22.", "Trees of righteousness -- Isa 61:3.", "Vessels to honour -- 2Ti 2:21.", "Vessels of mercy -- Ro 9:23.", "Witnesses for God -- Isa 44:8."]} +{"term": "Titles and Names of the Wicked", "definitions": ["Adversaries of the Lord -- 1Sa 2:10.", "Children of Belial -- De 13:13; 2Ch 13:7.", "Children of the devil -- Ac 13:10; 1Jo 3:10.", "Children of the wicked one -- Mt 13:38.", "Children of hell -- Mt 23:15.", "Children of base men -- Job 30:8.", "Children of fools -- Job 30:8.", "Children of strangers -- Isa 2:6.", "Children of transgression -- Isa 57:4.", "Children of disobedience -- Eph 2:2; Col 3:6.", "Children in whom is no faith -- De 32:20.", "Children of the flesh -- Ro 9:8.", "Children of iniquity -- Ho 10:9.", "Children that will not hear the law of the Lord -- Isa 30:9.", "Children of pride -- Job 41:34.", "Children of this world -- Lu 16:8.", "Children of wickedness -- 2Sa 7:10.", "Children of wrath -- Eph 2:3.", "Children that are corrupters -- Isa 1:4.", "Cursed children -- 2Pe 2:14.", "Enemies of God -- Ps 37:20; Jas 4:4.", "Enemies of the cross of Christ -- Php 3:18.", "Enemies of all righteousness -- Ac 13:10.", "Evil doers -- Ps 37:1; 1Pe 2:14.", "Evil men -- Pr 4:14; 2Ti 3:13.", "Evil generation -- De 1:35.", "Evil and adulterous generation -- Mt 12:39.", "Fools -- Pr 1:7; Ro 1:22.", "Froward generation -- De 32:20.", "Generation of vipers -- Mt 3:7; 12:34.", "Grievous revolters -- Jer 6:28.", "Haters of God -- Ps 81:15; Ro 1:30.", "Impudent children -- Eze 2:4.", "Inventors of evil things -- Ro 1:30.", "Lying children -- Isa 30:9.", "Men of the world -- Ps 17:14.", "People loaded with iniquity -- Isa 1:4.", "Perverse and crooked generation -- De 32:5; Mt 17:17; Php 2:15.", "Rebellious children -- Isa 30:1.", "Rebellious people -- Isa 30:9; 65:2.", "Rebellious house -- Eze 2:5,8; 12:2.", "Reprobates -- 2Co 13:5-7.", "Scornful, The -- Ps 1:1.", "Seed of falsehood -- Isa 57:4.", "Seed of the wicked -- Ps 37:28.", "Seed of evil doers -- Isa 1:4; 14:20.", "Serpents -- Mt 23:33.", "Servants of corruption -- 2Pe 2:19.", "Servants of sin -- Joh 8:34; Ro 6:20.", "Sinful generation -- Mr 8:28.", "Sinners -- Ps 26:9; Pr 1:10.", "Sons of Belial -- 1Sa 2:12; 1Ki 21:10.", "Sottish children -- Jer 4:22.", "Strange children -- Ps 144:7.", "Stubborn and rebellious generation -- Ps 78:8.", "Transgressors -- Ps 37:38; 51:13.", "Ungodly, The -- Ps 1:1.", "Ungodly men -- Jude 1:4.", "Unprofitable servants -- Mt 25:30.", "Untoward generation -- Ac 2:40.", "Vessels of wrath -- Ro 9:22.", "Wicked of the earth -- Ps 75:8.", "Wicked transgressors -- Ps 59:5.", "Wicked servants -- Mt 25:26.", "Wicked generation -- Mt 12:45; 16:4.", "Wicked ones -- Jer 2:33.", "Wicked doers -- Ps 101:8; Pr 17:4.", "Workers of iniquity -- Ps 28:3; 36:12."]} +{"term": "Towers", "definitions": ["Origin and antiquity of -- Ge 11:4.", "Were built", "In cities. -- Jdj 9:51.", "On the walls of cities. -- 2Ch 14:7; 26:9.", "In the forests. -- 2Ch 27:4.", "In the deserts. -- 2Ch 26:10.", "In vineyards. -- Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33.", "Frequently very high -- Isa 2:15.", "Frequently strong and well fortified -- Jdj 9:51; 2Ch 26:9.", "Were used as armouries -- Song 4:4.", "Were used as citadels in time of war -- Jdj 9:51; Eze 27:11.", "Watchmen posted on, in times of danger -- 2Ki 9:17; Hab 2:1.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Babel. -- Ge 11:9.", "Edar. -- Ge 35:21.", "Penuel. -- Jdj 8:17.", "Shechem. -- Jdj 9:46.", "Thebez. -- Jdj 9:50,51.", "David. -- Song 4:4.", "Lebanon. -- Song 7:4.", "Of the furnaces. -- Ne 3:11.", "Meah. -- Ne 12:39.", "Jezreel. -- 2Ki 9:17.", "Hananeel. -- Jer 31:38; Zec 14:10.", "Syene. -- Eze 29:10; 30:6.", "Siloam. -- Lu 13:4.", "Of Jerusalem remarkable for number, strength, and beauty -- Ps 48:12.", "Frequently thrown down in war -- Jdj 8:17; 9:49; Eze 26:4.", "Frequently left desolate -- Isa 32:14; Zep 3:6.", "Illustrative of", "God as the protector of his people. -- 2Sa 22:3,51; Ps 18:2; 61:3.", "The name of the Lord. -- Pr 18:10.", "Ministers. -- Jer 6:27.", "Mount Sion. -- Mic 4:8.", "The grace and dignity of the church. -- Song 4:4; 7:4; 8:10.", "The proud and haughty. -- Isa 2:15; 30:25."]} +{"term": "Travellers", "definitions": ["Called way-faring men -- Jdj 19:17; Isa 35:8.", "Preparations made by, alluded to -- Eze 12:3,4.", "Often collected together and formed caravans -- Ge 37:25; Isa 21:13; Lu 2:44.", "Often engaged persons acquainted with the country as guides -- Nu 10:31,32; Job 29:15.", "Friends of", "Often supplied them with provision. -- Ge 21:14; 44:1; Jer 40:5.", "Sometimes accompanied them a short way. -- 2Sa 19:31; Ac 20:38; 21:5.", "Frequently commended them to protection of God. -- Ge 43:13,14; Ac 21:5.", "Frequently took leave of them with sorrow. -- Ac 20:37; 21:6.", "Often sent them away with music. -- Ge 31:27.", "Generally commenced their journey early in the morning -- Jdj 19:5.", "Generally rested at noon -- Ge 18:1,3; Joh 4:6.", "Halted at even -- Ge 24:11.", "Generally halted at wells or streams -- Ge 24:11; 32:21,23; Ex 15:27; 1Sa 30:21; Joh 4:6.", "Carried with them", "Provisions for the way. -- Jos 9:11,12; Jdj 19:19.", "Provender for their beasts of burden. -- Ge 42:27; Jdj 19:19.", "Skins filled with water, wine, &c. -- Ge 21:14,15; Jos 9:13.", "Presents for those who entertained them. -- Ge 43:15; 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 5:5; Mt 2:11.", "Often travelled on foot -- Ge 28:10; 32:10; Ex 12:37; Ac 20:13.", "On foot, how attired -- Ex 12:11.", "After a long journey, described -- Jos 9:4,5,13.", "Of distinction", "Rode on asses, camels, &c. -- Ge 22:3; 24:64; Nu 22:21.", "Rode in chariots. -- 2Ki 5:9; Ac 8:27,28.", "Generally attended by running footmen. -- 1Sa 25:27; 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 4:24; Ec 10:7.", "Often preceded by heralds, &c to have the roads prepared. -- Isa 40:3,4; Mr 1:2,3.", "Generally performed their journey in great state. -- 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 5:5,9.", "Frequently extorted provisions by the way. -- Jdj 8:5,8; 1Sa 25:4-13.", "Before setting out gave employment, &c to their servants. -- Mt 25:14.", "Strangers civil to -- Ge 18:2; 24:18,19.", "Generally treated with great hospitality -- Ge 18:3-8; 19:2; 24:24,32,33; Ex 2:20; Jdj 19:20,21; Job 31:32; Heb 13:2.", "The caravanserai or public inn for noticed -- Ge 42:27; Ex 4:24; Lu 2:7; 10:34.", "Were frequently asked whence they came and whither they went -- Jdj 19:17.", "Protected by those who entertained them -- Ge 19:6-8; Jdj 19:23.", "For security often left the highways -- Jdj 5:6.", "Tesserae hospitales or pledges of hospitality, alluded to -- Re 2:17.", "On errands requiring despatch", "Went with great speed. -- Es 8:10; Job 9:25.", "Saluted no man by the way. -- 2Ki 4:29; Lu 10:4.", "Estimated the length of their journey by the number of days which it occupied -- Ge 31:23; De 1:2; 2Ki 3:9.", "The Jews prohibited from taking long journeys on the Sabbath -- Ex 20:10; Ac 1:12.", "Ceasing of, threatened as a calamity -- Isa 33:8."]} +{"term": "Trees", "definitions": ["Originally created by God -- Ge 1:11,12; 2:9.", "Made for the glory of God -- Ps 148:9.", "Different kinds of mentioned", "Of the wood. -- Song 2:3.", "Of the forest. -- Isa 10:19.", "Bearing fruit. -- Ne 9:25; Ec 2:5; Eze 47:12.", "Evergreen. -- Ps 37:35; Jer 17:2.", "Deciduous or casting the leaves. -- Isa 6:13.", "Of various sizes -- Eze 17:24.", "Given as food to the animal creation -- Ge 1:29,30; De 20:19.", "Designed to beautify the earth -- Ge 2:9.", "Parts of mentioned", "The roots. -- Jer 17:8.", "The stem or trunk. -- Isa 11:1; 44:19.", "The branches. -- Le 23:40; Da 4:14.", "The tender shoots. -- Lu 21:29,30.", "The leaves. -- Isa 6:13; Da 4:12; Mt 21:19.", "The fruit or seeds. -- Le 27:30; Eze 36:30.", "Each kind has its own seed for propagating its species -- Ge 1:11,12.", "Often propagated by birds who carry the seeds along with them -- Eze 17:3,5.", "Planted by man -- Le 19:23.", "Each kind of, known by its fruit -- Mt 12:33.", "Nourished", "By the earth. -- Ge 1:12; 2:9.", "By the rain from heaven. -- Isa 44:14.", "Through their own sap. -- Ps 104:16.", "Specially flourished beside the rivers and streams of water -- Eze 47:12.", "When cut down often sprouted from their roots again -- Job 14:7.", "Were sold with the land on which they grew -- Ge 23:17.", "Often suffered from", "Locusts. -- Ex 10:5,15; De 28:42.", "Hail and frost. -- Ex 9:25; Ps 78:47.", "Fire. -- Joe 1:19.", "Desolating armies. -- 2Ki 19:23; Isa 10:34.", "Afford an agreeable shade in eastern countries during the heat of the day -- Ge 18:4; Job 40:21.", "Were cut down", "With axes. -- De 19:5; Ps 74:5; Mt 3:10.", "For building. -- 2Ki 6:2; 2Ch 2:8,10.", "By besieging armies for erecting forts. -- De 20:20; Jer 6:6.", "For making idols. -- Isa 40:20; 44:14,17.", "For fuel. -- Isa 44:14-16; Mt 3:10.", "God increases and multiplies the fruit of, for his people -- Le 26:4; Eze 34:27; Joe 2:22.", "God often renders, barren as a punishment -- Le 26:20.", "Early custom of planting, in consecrated grounds -- Ge 21:33.", "The Jews", "Prohibited from planting in consecrated places. -- De 16:21.", "Prohibited from cutting down fruit bearing, for sieges. -- De 20:19.", "Often pitched their tents under. -- Ge 18:1,4; Jdj 4:5; 1Sa 22:6.", "Often buried under. -- Ge 35:8; 1Sa 21:13.", "Often executed criminals on. -- De 21:22,23; Jos 10:26; Ga 3:13; Ge 40:19.", "Considered trees on which criminals were executed abominable. -- Isa 14:19.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Almond. -- Ge 43:11; Ec 12:5; Jer 1:11.", "Almug or algum. -- 1Ki 10:11,12; 2Ch 9:10,11.", "Apple. -- Song 2:3; 8:5; Joe 1:12.", "Ash. -- Isa 44:14.", "Bay. -- Ps 37:35.", "Box. -- Isa 41:19.", "Cedar. -- 1Ki 10:27.", "Chestnut. -- Eze 31:8.", "Cyprus. -- Isa 44:14.", "Fig. -- De 8:8.", "Fir. -- 1Ki 5:10; 2Ki 19:23; Ps 104:17.", "Juniper. -- 1Ki 19:4,5.", "Lign-aloes. -- Nu 24:6.", "Mulberry. -- 2Sa 5:23,24.", "Myrtle. -- Isa 41:19; 55:13; Zec 1:8.", "Mustard. -- Mt 13:32.", "Oak. -- Isa 1:30.", "Oil-tree. -- Isa 41:19.", "Olive. -- De 6:11.", "Palm. -- Ex 15:27.", "Pine. -- Isa 41:19.", "Pomegranate. -- De 8:8; Joe 1:12.", "Shittah or shittim. -- Ex 36:20; Isa 41:19.", "Sycamore. -- 1Ki 10:27; Ps 78:47; Am 7:14; Lu 19:4.", "Teil. -- Isa 6:13.", "Vine. -- Nu 6:4; Eze 15:2.", "Willow. -- Isa 44:4; Eze 17:5.", "Solomon wrote the history of -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Ro 11:24; Re 2:7; 22:2,14.", "Of wisdom. -- Pr 3:18.", "Of kings, &c. -- Isa 10:34; Eze 17:24; 31:7-10; Da 4:10-14.", "Of the life and conversation of the righteous. -- Pr 11:30; 15:4.", "(Green,) of the innocence of Christ. -- Lu 23:31.", "(Good and fruitful,) of saints. -- Nu 24:6; Ps 1:3; Isa 61:3; Jer 17:8; Mt 7:17,18.", "(Evergreen,) of saints. -- Ps 1:1-3.", "(Duration of,) of continued prosperity of saints. -- Isa 65:22.", "(Casting their leaves yet retaining their substance,) of the elect remnant in the church. -- Isa 6:13.", "(Barren,) of the wicked. -- Ho 9:16.", "(Shaking of the leaves off,) of the terror of the wicked. -- Isa 7:2.", "(Producing evil fruit,) of the wicked. -- Mt 7:17-19.", "(Dry,) of useless persons. -- Isa 56:3.", "(Dry,) of the wicked ripe for judgment. -- Lu 23:31."]} +{"term": "Trespass Offering", "definitions": ["Esteemed as a sin offering, and frequently so called -- Le 5:6,9.", "To be offered", "For concealing knowledge of a crime. -- Le 5:1.", "For involuntarily touching unclean things. -- Le 5:2,3.", "For rash swearing. -- Le 5:4.", "For sins of ignorance in holy things. -- Le 5:15.", "For any sin of ignorance. -- Le 5:17.", "For breach of trust, or fraud. -- Le 6:2-5.", "Was a most holy offering -- Le 14:13.", "Consisted of", "A she lamb or kid. -- Le 5:6.", "A ram without blemish. -- Le 5:15; 6:6.", "Two turtle doves by those unable to bring a lamb. -- Le 5:7-10.", "A meat offering by the very poor. -- Le 5:11-13.", "Being for minor offences was lessened for the poor, not so the sin offering -- Le 4:1-5:19.", "Atonement made by -- Le 5:6,10,13,16,18; 6:7; 19:22.", "Accompanied by confession -- Le 5:5.", "Generally accompanied by restitution -- Le 5:16; 6:5.", "To be slain where the sin offering and burnt offering were slain -- Le 14:13; Eze 40:39.", "Sometimes waved alive before the Lord -- Le 14:12,13.", "Special occasions of offering", "Cleansing of a leper. -- Le 14:2,12-14,21,22.", "Purification of women. -- Le 12:6-8.", "Purification of those with issues. -- Le 15:14,15.", "Purification of Nazarites who had broken their vow. -- Nu 6:12.", "For connection with a betrothed bondmaid. -- Le 19:20-22.", "Was the perquisites of the priest -- Le 14:13; Eze 44:29.", "Illustrative of Christ -- Isa 53:10; Eze 46:20."]} +{"term": "Tribes of Israel, The", "definitions": ["Were twelve in number -- Ge 49:28; Ac 26:12; Jas 1:1.", "Descended from Jacob's sons -- Ge 35:22-26.", "Manasseh and Ephraim numbered among, instead of Joseph and Levi -- Ge 48:5; Jos 14:3,4.", "Predictions respecting each of -- Ge 49:3-27; De 33:6-29.", "Each of", "Under a president or chief. -- Nu 1:4-16.", "Divided into families. -- Nu 1:2; 26:5-50; Jos 7:14.", "Usually furnished an equal number of men for war. -- Nu 31:4.", "Each family of, had a chief or head -- Nu 36:1; 1Ch 4:38.", "Total strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Ex 12:37; Nu 1:44-46; 2:32.", "Divided into four divisions while in the wilderness -- Nu 10:14-28.", "Encamped in their divisions and by their standards round the tabernacles -- Nu 2:2-31.", "Canaan to be divided amongst according to their numbers -- Nu 33:54.", "Reuben, Gad and half Manasseh", "Settled on east side of Jordan. -- De 3:12-17; Jos 13:23-32.", "Were required to assist in subduing Canaan. -- Nu 32:6-32; De 3:18-20.", "Total strength of, on entering the land of Canaan -- Nu 26:51.", "Canaan divided amongst nine and a half of, by lot -- Jos 14:1-5.", "Situation of, and bounds of the inheritance of each -- Jos 15:1-17:18.", "All inheritance to remain in the tribe and family to which allotted -- Nu 36:3-9.", "Names of, engraven on the breastplate of the high priest -- Ex 28:21; 39:14.", "Divided on mounts Ebal and Gerizim to hear the law -- De 27:12,13.", "Remained as one people until the reign of Rehoboam -- 1Ki 12:16-20."]} +{"term": "Truth", "definitions": ["God is a God of -- De 32:4; Ps 31:15.", "Christ is -- Joh 14:6; 7:18.", "Christ was full of -- Joh 1:14.", "Christ spoke -- Joh 8:45.", "The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of -- Joh 14:17.", "The Holy Spirit guides into all -- Joh 16:13.", "The word of God is -- Da 10:21; Joh 17:17.", "God regards, with favour -- Jer 5:3.", "The judgments of God are according to -- Ps 96:13; Ro 2:2.", "Saints should", "Worship God in. -- Joh 4:24; Ps 145:18.", "Serve God in. -- Jos 24:14; 1Sa 12:24.", "Walk before God in. -- 1Ki 2:4; 2Ki 20:3.", "Keep religious feasts with. -- 1Co 5:8.", "Esteem, as inestimable. -- Pr 23:23.", "Rejoice in. -- 1Co 13:6.", "Speak, to one another. -- Zec 8:16; Eph 4:25.", "Meditate upon. -- Php 4:8.", "Write upon the tables of the heart. -- Pr 3:3.", "God desires in the heart -- Ps 51:6.", "The fruit of the Spirit is in -- Eph 5:9.", "Ministers should", "Speak. -- 2Co 12:6; Ga 4:16.", "Teach in. -- 1Ti 2:7.", "Approve themselves by. -- 2Co 4:2; 6:7,8; 7:14.", "Magistrates should be men of -- Ex 18:21.", "Kings are preserved by -- Pr 20:28.", "They who speak", "Show forth righteousness. -- Pr 12:17.", "Shall be established. -- Pr 12:19.", "Are the delight of God. -- Pr 12:22.", "The wicked", "Destitute of. -- Ho 4:1.", "Speak not. -- Jer 9:5.", "Uphold not. -- Isa 59:14,15.", "Plead not for. -- Isa 59:4.", "Are not valiant for. -- Jer 9:3.", "Punished for want of. -- Jer 9:5,9; Ho 4:1.", "The gospel as", "Came by Christ. -- Joh 1:17.", "Christ bear witness to -- Joh 18:37.", "Is in Christ -- Ro 9:1; 1Ti 2:7.", "John bears witness to -- Joh 5:33.", "Is according to godliness -- Tit 1:1.", "Is sanctifying -- Joh 17:17,19.", "Is purifying -- 1Pe 1:22.", "Is part of Christian armour -- Eph 6:14.", "Revealed abundantly to saints -- Jer 33:6.", "Abides continually with saints -- 2Jo 1:2.", "Should be acknowledged -- 2Ti 2:25.", "Should be believed -- 2Th 2:12,13; 1Ti 4:3.", "Should be obeyed -- Ro 2:8; Ga 3:1.", "Should be loved -- 2Th 2:10.", "Should be manifested -- 2Co 4:2.", "Should be rightly divided -- 2Ti 2:15.", "The wicked turn away from -- 2Ti 4:4.", "The wicked resist -- 2Ti 3:8.", "The wicked destitute of -- 1Ti 6:5.", "The church is the pillar and ground of -- 1Ti 3:15.", "The devil is devoid of -- Joh 8:44."]} +{"term": "Truth of God, The", "definitions": ["Is one of his attributes -- De 32:4; Isa 65:16.", "Always goes before his face -- Ps 89:14.", "He keeps, for ever -- Ps 146:6.", "Described as", "Great. -- Ps 57:10.", "Plenteous. -- Ps 86:15.", "Abundant. -- Ex 34:6.", "Inviolable. -- Nu 23:19; Tit 1:2.", "Reaching to the clouds. -- Ps 57:10.", "Enduring to all generations. -- Ps 100:5.", "United with mercy in redemption -- Ps 85:10.", "Exhibited in his", "Counsels of old. -- Isa 25:1.", "Ways. -- Re 15:3.", "Works. -- Ps 33:4; 11:7; Da 4:37.", "Judicial statutes. -- Ps 19:9.", "Administration of justice. -- Ps 96:13.", "Word. -- Ps 119:160; Joh 17:17.", "Fulfilment of promises in Christ. -- 2Co 1:20.", "Fulfilment of his covenant. -- Mic 7:20.", "Dealings with saints. -- Ps 25:10.", "Deliverance of saints. -- Ps 57:3.", "Punishment of the wicked. -- Re 16:7.", "Remembered toward saints -- Ps 98:3.", "Is a shield and buckler to saints -- Ps 9:14.", "We should", "Confide in. -- Ps 31:5; Tit 1:2.", "Plead, in prayer. -- Ps 89:49.", "Pray for its manifestation to ourselves. -- 2Ch 6:17.", "Pray for its exhibition to others. -- 2Sa 2:6.", "Make known to others. -- Isa 38:19.", "Magnify. -- Ps 71:22; 138:2.", "Is denied by", "The devil. -- Ge 3:4,5.", "The self-righteous. -- 1Jo 1:10.", "Unbelievers. -- 1Jo 5:10.", "Exemplified towards", "Abraham. -- Ge 24:27.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:10.", "Israel. -- Ps 98:3."]} +{"term": "Types of Christ", "definitions": ["Adam -- Ro 5:14; 1Co 15:45.", "Abel -- Ge 4:8,10; Heb 12:24.", "Abraham -- Ge 17:5; Eph 3:15.", "Aaron -- Ex 28:1; Heb 5:4,5; Le 16:15; Heb 9:7,24.", "Ark -- Ge 7:16; 1Pe 3:20,21.", "Ark of the Covenant -- Ex 25:16; Ps 40:8; Isa 42:6.", "Atonement, sacrifices offered on the day of -- Le 16:15,16; Heb 9:12,24.", "Brazen serpent -- Nu 21:9; Joh 3:14,15.", "Brazen altar -- Ex 27:1,2; Heb 13:10.", "Burnt offering -- Le 1:2,4; Heb 10:10.", "Cities of refuge -- Nu 35:6; Heb 6:18.", "David -- 2Sa 8:15; Eze 37:24; Ps 89:19,20; Php 2:9.", "Eliakim -- Isa 22:20-22; Re 3:7.", "First-fruits -- Ex 22:29; 1Co 15:20.", "Golden candlestick -- Ex 25:31; Joh 8:12.", "Golden altar -- Ex 40:5,26,27; Re 8:3; Heb 13:15.", "Isaac -- Ge 22:1,2; Heb 11:17-19.", "Jacob -- Ge 32:28; Joh 11:42; Heb 7:25.", "Jacob's ladder -- Ge 28:12; Joh 1:51.", "Joseph -- Ge 50:19,20.", "Joshua -- Jos 1:5,6; Heb 4:8,9; Jos 11:23; Ac 20:32.", "Jonah -- Jon 1:17; Mt 12:40.", "Laver of brass -- Ex 30:18-20; Zec 13:1; Eph 5:26,27.", "Leper's offering -- Le 14:4-7; Ro 4:25.", "Man -- Ex 16:11-15; Joh 6:32-35.", "Melchizedek -- Ge 14:18-20; Heb 7:1-17.", "Mercy-seat -- Ex 25:17-22; Ro 3:25; Heb 4:16.", "Morning and evening sacrifices -- Ex 29:38-41; Joh 1:29,36.", "Moses -- Nu 12:7; Heb 3:2; De 18:15; Ac 3:20-22.", "Noah -- Ge 5:29; 2Co 1:5.", "Paschal lamb -- Ex 12:3-6,46; Joh 19:36; 1Co 5:7.", "Peace offerings -- Le 3:1; Eph 2:14,16.", "Red heifer -- Nu 19:2-6; Heb 9:13,14.", "Rock of Horeb -- Ex 17:6; 1Co 10:4.", "Samson -- Jdj 16:30; Col 2:14,15.", "Scape goat -- Le 16:20-22; Isa 53:6,12.", "Sin offering -- Le 4:2,3,12; Heb 13:11,12.", "Solomon -- 2Sa 7:12,13; Lu 1:32,33; 1Pe 2:5.", "Tabernacle -- Ex 40:2,34; Heb 9:11; Col 2:9.", "Table and show bread -- Ex 25:23-30; Joh 1:16; 6:48.", "Temple -- 1Ki 6:1,38; Joh 2:19,21.", "Tree of life -- Ge 2:9; Joh 1:4; Re 22:2.", "Trespass offering -- Le 6:1-7; Isa 53:10.", "Vail of the tabernacle and temple -- Ex 40:21; 2Ch 3:14; Heb 10:20.", "Zerubbabel -- Zec 4:7-9; Heb 12:2,3."]} +{"term": "Tyre", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Isa 23:7; Jos 19:29.", "Called", "The daughter of Zidon. -- Isa 23:12.", "The daughter of Tarshish. -- Isa 23:10.", "The joyous city. -- Isa 23:7.", "The crowning city. -- Isa 23:8.", "The renowned city. -- Eze 26:17.", "Insular position of -- Eze 26:17; 27:4,25.", "Strongly fortified -- Jos 19:29; 2Sa 24:7; Eze 26:17; Zec 9:3.", "Governed by kings -- 1Ki 5:1; Jer 25:22.", "Celebrated for", "Its beauty. -- Eze 27:3,4.", "Its commerce. -- Isa 23:2,3; Eze 27:3,12-25.", "Its wealth. -- Eze 27:33; 28:4,5; Zec 9:3.", "Strength and beauty of its ships. -- Eze 27:5-7.", "Soldiers of, supplied by Persia, &c -- Eze 27:10,11.", "Inhabitants of", "Sea-faring men. -- Eze 26:17.", "Mercantile men. -- Isa 23:8.", "Proud and haughty. -- Isa 23:9; Eze 28:2,17.", "Self-conceited. -- Eze 28:3-5.", "Superstitious. -- Jer 27:2,3,9.", "Wicked. -- Eze 28:18.", "Often confederated against the Jews and rejoiced in their calamities -- Ps 83:7; Eze 26:2; Am 1:9.", "David and Solomon formed alliances with -- 1Ki 5:1; 2Ch 2:3.", "Supplied", "Seamen for Solomon's navy. -- 1Ki 9:27; 2Ch 8:18.", "A master-builder for the temple. -- 2Ch 2:7,13.", "Stones and timber for building the temple. -- 1Ki 5:6,9; 2Ch 2:8,9,16.", "Timber for rebuilding the temple and city. -- Ezr 3:7.", "The Jews condemned for purchasing from the people of, on the Sabbath -- Ne 13:16.", "Christ", "Alluded to the depravity of. -- Mt 11:21,22.", "Visited the coasts of. -- Mt 15:21; Mr 7:24.", "Was followed by many from. -- Mr 3:8; Lu 6:17.", "Paul found disciples at. -- Ac 21:3,4.", "Depended for provision upon Galilee. -- Ac 12:20.", "Propitiated the favour of Herod -- Ac 12:20.", "Prophecies respecting", "Envy against the Jews a cause of its destruction. -- Eze 26:2.", "Pride a cause of its destruction. -- Eze 28:2-6.", "To be destroyed by the king of Babylon. -- Isa 23:13,14; Jer 27:3,6; Eze 26:7-13.", "Inhabitants of, to emigrated to other countries. -- Isa 23:6,12.", "To be scraped as the top of a rock, and to be a place for the spreading nets. -- Eze 26:3-5,14.", "The king of Babylon to be rewarded with the spoil of Egypt for his service against. -- Eze 29:18-20.", "To lie waste and be forgotten for seventy years. -- Isa 23:15.", "Its restoration to commercial greatness after seventy years. -- Isa 23:16,17.", "Its second destruction by the Macedonians. -- Eze 27:32; 28:7,8,18; Zec 9:2-4.", "The ruins of the first city to be employed in making a causeway to effect the destruction of insular Tyre. -- Eze 26:12.", "Never to recover its greatness. -- Eze 26:21.", "Its inhabitants to be sold as slaves, as a recompence for their selling the Jews. -- Joe 3:4-8.", "All nations to be terrified at its destruction. -- Eze 26:15-18; 27:29-36; Zec 9:5.", "To participated in the blessings of the gospel. -- Ps 45:12; Isa 23:18."]} +{"term": "Unbelief", "definitions": ["Is sin -- Joh 16:9.", "Defilement inseparable from -- Tit 1:15.", "All, by nature, concluded in -- Ro 11:32.", "Proceeds from", "An evil heart. -- Heb 3:12.", "Slowness of heart. -- Lu 24:25.", "Hardness of heart. -- Mr 16:14; Ac 19:9.", "Disinclination to the truth. -- Joh 8:45,46.", "Judicial blindness. -- Joh 12:39,40.", "Not being Christ's sheep. -- Joh 10:26.", "The devil blinding the mind. -- 2Co 4:4.", "The devil taking away the word out of the heart. -- Lu 8:12.", "Seeking honour from men. -- Joh 5:44.", "Impugns the veracity of God -- 1Jo 5:10.", "Exhibited in", "Rejecting Christ. -- Joh 16:9.", "Rejecting the word of God. -- Ps 106:24.", "Rejecting the gospel. -- Isa 53:1; Joh 12:38.", "Rejecting evidence of miracles. -- Joh 12:37.", "Departing from God. -- Heb 3:12.", "Questioning the power of God. -- 2Ki 7:2; Ps 78:19,20.", "Not believing the works of God. -- Ps 78:32.", "Staggering at the promise of God. -- Ro 4:20.", "Rebuked by Christ -- Mt 17:17; Joh 20:27.", "Was an impediment to the performance of miracles -- Mt 17:20; Mr 6:5.", "Miracles designed to convince those in -- Joh 10:37,38; 1Co 14:22.", "The Jews rejected for -- Ro 11:20.", "Believers should hold no communion with those in -- 2Co 6:14.", "They who are guilty of", "Have not the word of God in them. -- Joh 5:38.", "Cannot please God. -- Heb 11:6.", "Malign the gospel. -- Ac 19:9.", "Persecute the ministers of God. -- Ro 15:31.", "Excite others against saints. -- Ac 14:2.", "Persevere in it. -- Joh 12:37.", "Harden their necks. -- 2Ki 17:14.", "Are condemned already. -- Joh 3:18.", "Have the wrath of God abiding upon. -- Joh 3:36.", "Shall not be established. -- Isa 7:9.", "Shall die in their sins. -- Joh 8:24.", "Shall not enter rest. -- Heb 3:19; 4:11.", "Shall be condemned. -- Mr 16:16; 2Th 2:12.", "Shall be destroyed. -- Jude 1:5.", "Shall be cast into the lake of five. -- Re 21:8.", "Warnings against -- Heb 3:12; 4:11.", "Pray for help against -- Mr 9:24.", "The portion of, awarded to all unfaithful servants -- Lu 12:46.", "Exemplified", "Eve. -- Ge 3:4-6.", "Moses and Aaron. -- Nu 20:12.", "Israelites. -- De 9:23.", "Naaman. -- 2Ki 5:12.", "Samaritan Lord. -- 2Ki 7:2.", "Disciples. -- Mt 17:17; Lu 24:11,25.", "Zacharias. -- Lu 1:20.", "Chief Priests. -- Lu 22:67.", "The Jews. -- Joh 5:38.", "Brethren of Christ. -- Joh 7:5.", "Thomas. -- Joh 20:25.", "Jews of Iconium. -- Ac 14:2.", "Thessalonian Jews. -- Ac 17:5.", "Ephesians. -- Ac 19:9.", "Saul. -- 1Ti 1:13.", "People of Jericho. -- Heb 11:31."]} +{"term": "Unicorn", "definitions": ["Generally had a single horn -- Ps 92:10.", "Sometimes found with two horns -- De 33:17.", "Described as", "Intractable in disposition. -- Job 39:9,10,12.", "Of vast strength. -- Job 39:11.", "The young of, remarkable for agility -- Ps 29:6.", "Illustrative", "Of God as the strength of Israel. -- Nu 23:22; 24:8.", "Of the wicked. -- Isa 34:7.", "(Horns of,) of the strength of the descendants of Joseph. -- De 33:17.", "(Horns of,) of the strength of powerful enemies. -- Ps 22:21.", "(The position of its horns,) of the exaltation of saints. -- Ps 92:10."]} +{"term": "Union With Christ", "definitions": ["As Head of the Church -- Eph 1:22,23; 4:15,16; Col 1:18.", "Christ prayed that all saints might have -- Joh 17:21,23.", "Described as", "Christ being in us. -- Eph 3:17; Col 1:27.", "Our being in Christ. -- 2Co 12:2; 1Jo 5:20.", "Includes union with the Father -- Joh 17:21; 1Jo 2:24.", "Is of God -- 1Co 1:30.", "Maintained by", "Faith. -- Ga 2:20; Eph 3:17.", "Abiding in him. -- Joh 15:4,7.", "His word abiding in us. -- Joh 15:7; 1Jo 2:24; 2Jo 1:9.", "Feeding on him. -- Joh 6:56.", "Obeying him. -- 1Jo 3:24.", "The Holy Spirit witnesses -- 1Jo 3:24.", "The gift of the Holy Spirit is an evidence of -- 1Jo 4:13.", "Saints", "Have, in mind. -- 1Co 2:16; Php 2:5.", "Have, in spirit. -- 1Co 6:17.", "Have, in love. -- Song 2:16; 7:10.", "Have, in sufferings. -- Php 3:10; 2Ti 2:12.", "Have, in his death. -- Ro 6:3-8; Ga 2:20.", "Have assurance of. -- Joh 14:20.", "Enjoy, in the Lord's supper. -- 1Co 10:16,17.", "Identified with Christ by. -- Mt 25:40,45; Ac 9:4; 8:1.", "Are complete through. -- Col 2:10.", "Exhorted to maintain. -- Joh 15:4; Ac 11:23; Col 2:7.", "Necessary to growth in grace -- Eph 4:15,16; Col 2:19.", "Necessary to fruitfulness -- Joh 15:4,5.", "Beneficial results of", "Righteousness imputed. -- 2Co 5:21; Php 3:9.", "Freedom from condemnation. -- Ro 8:1.", "Freedom from dominion of sin. -- 1Jo 3:6.", "Being created anew. -- 2Co 5:17.", "The spirit alive to righteousness. -- Ro 8:10.", "Confidence at his coming. -- 1Jo 2:28.", "Abundant fruitfulness. -- Joh 15:5.", "Answers to prayer. -- Joh 15:7.", "They who have, ought to walk as he walked -- 1Jo 2:6.", "False teachers have not -- Col 2:18,19.", "Is indissoluble -- Ro 8:35.", "Punishment of those who have not -- Joh 15:6.", "Illustrated", "Vine and branches. -- Joh 15:1,5.", "Foundation and building. -- 1Co 3:10,11; Eph 2:20,21; 1Pe 2:4-6.", "Body and members. -- 1Co 12:12,27; Eph 5:30.", "Husband and wife. -- Eph 5:25-32."]} +{"term": "Unity of God", "definitions": ["A ground for obeying him exclusively -- De 4:39,40.", "A ground for loving him supremely -- De 6:4,5; Mr 12:29,30.", "Asserted by", "God himself. -- Isa 44:6,8; 45:18,21.", "Christ. -- Mr 12:29; Joh 17:3.", "Moses. -- De 4:39; 6:4.", "Apostles. -- 1Co 8:4,6; Eph 4:6; 1Ti 2:5.", "Consistent with the deity of Christ and of the Holy Spirit -- Joh 10:30; 1Jo 5:7; Joh 14:9-11.", "Exhibited in", "His greatness and wonderful works. -- 2Sa 7:22; Ps 86:10.", "His works of creation and providence. -- Isa 44:24; 45:5-8.", "His being alone possessed of fore-knowledge. -- Isa 46:9-11.", "His exercise of uncontrolled sovereignty. -- De 32:39.", "His being the sole object of worship in heaven and earth. -- Ne 9:6; Mt 4:10.", "His being alone good. -- Mt 19:17.", "His being the only Saviour. -- Isa 45:21,22.", "His being the only source of pardon. -- Mic 7:18; Mr 2:7.", "His unparalleled election and care of his people. -- De 4:32-35.", "The knowledge of, necessary to eternal life -- Joh 17:3.", "All saints acknowledge, in worshipping him -- 2Sa 7:22; 2Ki 19:15; 1Ch 17:20.", "All should know and acknowledge -- De 4:35; Ps 83:18.", "May be acknowledged without saving faith -- Jas 2:19,20."]} +{"term": "Uprightness", "definitions": ["God is perfect in -- Isa 26:7.", "God has pleasure in -- 1Ch 29:17.", "God created man in -- Ec 7:29.", "Man has deviated from -- Ec 7:29.", "Should be in", "Heart. -- 2Ch 29:34; Ps 125:4.", "Speech. -- Isa 33:15.", "Walk. -- Pr 14:2.", "Judging. -- Ps 58:1; 75:2.", "Ruling. -- Ps 78:72.", "The being kept from presumptuous sins is necessary to -- Ps 19:13.", "With poverty, is better than sin with riches -- Pr 28:6.", "With poverty, is better than folly -- Pr 19:1.", "They who walk in", "Fear God. -- Pr 14:2.", "Love Christ. -- Song 1:4.", "Countenanced by God. -- Ps 11:7.", "Delighted in by God. -- Pr 11:20.", "Their prayer delighted in by God. -- Pr 15:8.", "Prospered by God. -- Job 8:6; Pr 14:11.", "Defended by God. -- Pr 2:7.", "Upheld in it by God. -- Ps 41:12.", "Recompensed by God. -- Ps 18:23,24.", "Find strengths in God's way. -- Pr 10:29.", "Obtain good from God's work. -- Mic 2:7.", "Obtain light in darkness. -- Ps 112:4.", "Guided by integrity. -- Pr 11:3.", "Walk surely. -- Pr 10:9.", "Direct their way. -- Pr 21:29.", "Kept by righteousness. -- Pr 13:6.", "Scorned by the wicked. -- Job 12:4.", "Hated by the wicked. -- Pr 29:10; Am 5:10.", "Abominated by the wicked. -- Pr 29:21.", "Persecuted by the wicked. -- Ps 37:14.", "Praise is comely for. -- Ps 33:1.", "A blessing to others. -- Pr 11:11.", "The truly wise walk in -- Pr 15:21.", "The way of, is to depart from evil -- Pr 16:17.", "They who walk in, shall", "Possess good things. -- Pr 28:10.", "Have nothing good withheld. -- Ps 84:11.", "Dwell in the land. -- Pr 2:21.", "Dwell on high and be provided for. -- Isa 33:16.", "Dwell with God. -- Ps 15:2; 140:13.", "Be blessed. -- Ps 112:2.", "Be delivered by righteousness. -- Pr 11:6.", "Be delivered by their wisdom. -- Pr 12:6.", "Be saved. -- Pr 28:18.", "Enter into peace. -- Ps 37:37; Isa 57:2.", "Have dominion over the wicked. -- Ps 49:14.", "Have inheritance for ever. -- Ps 37:18.", "A characteristic of saints -- Ps 111:1; Isa 26:7.", "Saints should resolve to walk in -- Ps 26:11.", "The wicked", "Have not, in heart. -- Hab 2:4.", "Leave not the path of. -- Pr 2:13.", "Do not act with. -- Mic 7:2,4.", "Pray for those who walk in -- Ps 125:4.", "Reprove those who deviate from -- Ga 2:14."]} +{"term": "Urim and Thummin", "definitions": ["Placed in the breastplate of the high priest -- Ex 28:30; Le 8:8.", "God to be consulted by -- Nu 27:21.", "Instances of consulting God by -- Jdj 1:1; 20:18,28; 1Sa 23:9-11; 30:7,8.", "Sometimes no answer by, in consequence of the sin of those consulting -- 1Sa 28:6.", "Were wanting in the second temple -- Ezr 2:63; Ne 7:65.", "Illustrative of the light and perfection of Christ, the true high priest -- De 33:8; Joh 1:4,9,17; Col 2:3."]} +{"term": "Usury or Interest", "definitions": ["The lending of money or other property for increase -- Le 25:37.", "Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed to enjoy their gain -- Ps 28:8.", "The curse attending the giving or receiving of unlawful, alluded to -- Jer 15:10.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to take, from brethren. -- De 23:19.", "Forbidden to take, from brethren specially when poor. -- Ex 22:25; Le 25:35-37.", "Often guilty of taking. -- Ne 5:6,7; Eze 22:12.", "Required to restore. -- Ne 5:9-13.", "Allowed to take, from strangers. -- De 23:20.", "True and faithful Israelites never took, from their brethren -- Ps 15:5; Eze 18:8,9.", "Judgments denounced against those who exacted unlawful -- Isa 24:1,2; Eze 18:13.", "Illustrative of the improvement of talents received from God -- Mt 25:27; Lu 19:23."]} +{"term": "Vail or Veil", "definitions": ["A covering for the head usually worn by women -- Ge 38:14.", "Was worn", "As a token of modesty. -- Ge 24:65.", "As a token of subjection. -- 1Co 11:3,6,7,10.", "For concealment. -- Ge 38:14.", "The removing of, considered rude and insolent -- Song 5:7.", "Removing of, threatened as a punishment to ungodly women -- Isa 3:23.", "Moses put one on to conceal the glory of his face -- Ex 34:33; 2Co 3:13.", "Illustrative", "Of the spiritual blindness of the Gentile nations. -- Isa 25:7.", "Of the spiritual blindness of the Jewish nation. -- 2Co 3:14-16."]} +{"term": "Vail, the Sacred", "definitions": ["Moses commanded to make -- Ex 26:31.", "Made by Bezaleel for the tabernacle -- Ex 36:35.", "Suspended from four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold -- Ex 26:32.", "Hung between the holy and most holy place -- Ex 26:33; Heb 9:3.", "Designed to conceal the ark, mercy seat, and the symbol of the divine presence -- Ex 40:3.", "The high priest", "Alone allowed to enter within. -- Heb 9:6,7.", "Allowed to enter but once a year. -- Le 16:2; Heb 9:7.", "Could not enter without blood. -- Le 16:3; Heb 9:7.", "Made by Solomon for the temple -- 2Ch 3:14.", "Was rent at the death of our Lord -- Mt 27:51; Mr 15:38; Lu 23:45.", "Illustrative", "Of the obscurity of the Mosaic age. -- Heb 9:8.", "Of the flesh of Christ which concealed his divinity. -- Heb 10:20; Isa 53:2.", "(Rending of,) of the death of Christ which opened heaven to saints. -- Heb 10:19,20; 9:24."]} +{"term": "Valleys", "definitions": ["Tracts of land between mountains -- 1Sa 17:3.", "Called", "Vales. -- De 1:7; Jos 10:40.", "Dales. -- Ge 14:17; 2Sa 18:18.", "Fat valleys, when fruitful. -- Isa 28:1,4.", "Rough valleys, when uncultivated and barren. -- De 21:4.", "Watered by mountain streams -- Ps 104:8,10.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 11:11.", "Abounded with", "Fountains and springs. -- De 8:7; Isa 41:18.", "Rocks and caves. -- Job 30:6; Isa 57:5.", "Trees. -- 1Ki 10:27.", "Lily of the valley. -- Song 2:1.", "Ravens. -- Pr 30:17.", "Doves. -- Eze 7:16.", "Of Israel well tilled and fruitful -- 1Sa 6:13; Ps 65:13.", "Often the scenes of idolatrous rites -- Isa 57:5.", "The heathen supposed that certain deities presided over -- 1Ki 20:23,28.", "The Canaanites held possession of, against Judah -- Jdj 1:19.", "Often the scenes of great contests -- Jdj 5:15; 7:8,22; 1Sa 17:19.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Achor. -- Jos 7:24; Isa 65:10; Ho 2:5.", "Ajalon. -- Jos 10:12.", "Baca. -- Ps 84:6.", "Berachah. -- 2Ch 20:26.", "Bochim. -- Jdj 2:5.", "Charashim. -- 1Ch 4:14.", "Elah. -- 1Sa 17:2; 21:9.", "Eshcol. -- Nu 32:9; De 1:24.", "Gad. -- 2Sa 24:5.", "Gerar. -- Ge 26:17.", "Gibeon. -- Isa 28:21.", "Hebron. -- Ge 37:14.", "Hinnom or Tophet. -- Jos 18:16; 2Ki 23:10; 2Ch 28:3; Jer 7:32.", "Jehoshaphat or decision. -- Joe 3:2,14.", "Jericho. -- De 34:3.", "Jezreel. -- Ho 1:5.", "Jephthah-el. -- Jos 19:14,27.", "Keziz. -- Jos 18:21.", "Lebanon. -- Jos 11:17.", "Megiddo. -- 2Ch 35:22; Zec 12:11.", "Moab where Moses was buried. -- De 34:6.", "Passengers or Hamongog. -- Eze 39:11.", "Rephaim or giants. -- Jos 15:8; 18:16; 2Sa 5:18; Isa 17:5.", "Salt. -- 2Sa 8:13; 2Ki 14:17.", "Shaveh or king's dale. -- Ge 14:17; 2Sa 18:18.", "Shittim. -- Joe 3:18.", "Siddim. -- Ge 14:3,8.", "Sorek. -- Jdj 16:4.", "Succoth. -- Ps 60:6.", "Zared. -- Nu 21:12.", "Zeboim. -- 1Sa 13:18.", "Zephathah. -- 2Ch 14:10.", "To be filled with hostile chariots, threatened as a punishment -- Isa 22:7.", "Miracles connected with", "The moon made to stand still over Ajalon. -- Jos 10:12.", "Ditches in, filled with water. -- 2Ki 3:16,17.", "Water in, made to appear to the Moabites like blood. -- 2Ki 3:22,23.", "Illustrative", "Of the church of Christ. -- Song 6:11.", "(Fruitful and well watered,) of the tents of Israel. -- Nu 24:6.", "(Dark,) of affliction and death. -- Ps 23:4.", "(Filling up of,) of removing all obstructions to the gospel. -- Isa 40:4; Lu 3:5."]} +{"term": "Vanity", "definitions": ["A consequence of the fall -- Ro 8:20.", "Every man is -- Ps 39:11.", "Every state of man is -- Ps 62:9.", "Man at his best estate is -- Ps 39:5.", "Man is like to -- Ps 144:4.", "The thoughts of man are -- Ps 94:11.", "The days of man are -- Job 7:16; Ec 6:12.", "Childhood and youth are -- Ec 11:10.", "The beauty of man is -- Ps 39:11; Pr 31:30.", "The help of man in -- Ps 60:11; La 4:17.", "Man's own righteousness is -- Isa 57:12.", "Worldly wisdom is -- Ec 2:15,21; 1Co 3:20.", "Worldly pleasure is -- Ec 2:1.", "Worldly anxiety -- Ps 39:6; 127:2.", "Worldly labour is -- Ec 2:11; 4:4.", "Worldly enjoyment is -- Ec 2:3,10,11.", "Worldly possessions are -- Ec 2:4-11.", "Treasures of wickedness are -- Pr 10:2.", "Heaping up riches is -- Ec 2:26; 4:8.", "Love of riches is -- Ec 5:10.", "Unblessed riches are -- Ec 6:2.", "Riches gotten by falsehood are -- Pr 21:6.", "All earthly things are -- Ec 1:2.", "Foolish questions, &c are -- 1Ti 1:6,7; 6:20; 2Ti 2:14,16; Tit 3:9.", "The conduct of the ungodly is -- 1Pe 1:18.", "The religion of hypocrites is -- Jas 1:26.", "The worship of the wicked is -- Isa 1:13; Mt 6:7.", "Lying words are -- Jer 7:8.", "False teaching is but -- Jer 23:32.", "Mere external religion is -- 1Ti 4:8; Heb 13:9.", "Alms giving without charity is -- 1Co 13:3.", "Faith without works is -- Jas 2:14.", "Idolatry is -- 2Ki 17:15; Ps 31:6; Isa 44:9,10; Jer 10:8; 18:15.", "Wealth gotten by, diminishes -- Pr 13:11.", "Saints", "Hate the thoughts of. -- Ps 119:113.", "Pray to be kept from. -- Ps 119:37; Pr 30:8.", "Avoid. -- Ps 24:4.", "Avoid those given to. -- Ps 26:4.", "The wicked", "Especially characterised by. -- Job 11:11.", "Though full of, affect to be wise. -- Job 11:12.", "Love. -- Ps 4:2.", "Imagine. -- Ps 2:1; Ac 4:25; Ro 1:21.", "Devise. -- Ps 36:4.", "Speak. -- Ps 10:7; 12:2; 41:6.", "Count God's service as. -- Job 21:15; Mal 3:14.", "Allure others by words of. -- 2Pe 2:18.", "Walk after. -- Jer 2:5.", "Walk in. -- Ps 39:6; Eph 4:17.", "Inherit. -- Jer 16:19.", "Reap. -- Pr 22:8; Jer 12:13.", "Judicially given up to. -- Ps 78:33; Isa 57:13.", "Fools follow those given to -- Pr 12:11.", "Following those given to, leads to poverty -- Pr 28:19.", "They who trust in, rewarded with -- Job 15:31."]} +{"term": "Vine, The", "definitions": ["Often found wild -- 2Ki 4:39; Ho 9:10.", "Cultivated", "In vineyards from the time of Noah. -- Ge 9:20.", "On the sides of hills. -- Jer 31:5.", "In the valleys. -- Song 6:11.", "By the walls of houses. -- Ps 128:3.", "Required to be dressed and pruned to increase its fruitfulness -- Le 25:3; 2Ch 26:10; Isa 18:5.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 6:11; 8:8.", "Places celebrated for", "Eshcol. -- Nu 13:23,24.", "Sibmah. -- Isa 16:8,9.", "Lebanon. -- Ho 14:7.", "Egypt. -- Ps 78:47; 80:8.", "The dwarf and spreading vine particularly esteemed -- Eze 17:6.", "Of Sodom bad and unfit for use -- De 32:32.", "Often degenerated -- Isa 5:2; Jer 2:21.", "Frequently injured by hail and frost -- Ps 78:47; 105:32,33.", "Foxes destructive to -- Song 2:15.", "The wild boar destructive to -- Ps 80:13.", "The fruit of", "Called grapes. -- Ge 40:10.", "Peculiarly sour when unripe. -- Jer 31:30.", "Eaten fresh from the tree. -- De 23:24.", "Eaten dried. -- 1Sa 25:18; 30:12.", "Sold in the markets. -- Ne 13:15.", "Made into wine. -- De 32:14; Mt 26:29.", "The wood of, fit only for burning -- Eze 15:2-5.", "Young cattle fed on its leaves and tender shoots -- Ge 49:11.", "Probably produced two crops of fruit in the year -- Nu 13:20.", "Perfumed the air with the fragrance of its flowers -- Song 2:13; Ho 14:7.", "God made, fruitful for his people when obedient -- Joe 2:22; Zec 8:12.", "Frequently made unfruitful as a punishment -- Jer 8:13; Ho 2:12; Joe 1:7,12; Hag 2:19.", "Sometimes cast its fruit before it came to perfection -- Job 15:33; Mal 3:11.", "Nazarites prohibited eating any part of -- Nu 6:3,4.", "Illustrative", "Of Christ. -- Joh 15:1,2.", "Of Israel. -- Ps 80:8; Isa 5:2,7.", "(Its fruitful branches,) of saints. -- Joh 15:5.", "(Of unfruitful branches,) of mere professors. -- Joh 15:2,6.", "(Its quick growth,) of the growth of saints in grace. -- Ho 14:7.", "(Its rich clusters,) of the graces of the church. -- Song 7:8.", "(Pruning of,) of God's purifying his people by afflictions. -- Joh 15:2.", "(Worthlessness of its wood,) of the unprofitableness, of the wicked. -- Eze 15:6,7.", "(Unfruitful,) of the wicked. -- Ho 10:1.", "(Sitting under one's own) of peace and prosperity. -- 1Ki 4:25; Mic 4:4; Zec 3:10.", "Proverbial allusion to fathers eating the unripe fruit of -- Jer 31:29,30; Eze 18:2."]} +{"term": "Vineyards", "definitions": ["Origin and antiquity of -- Ge 9:20.", "The design of planting -- Ps 107:37; 1Co 9:7.", "Frequently walled or fenced with hedges -- Nu 22:24; Pr 24:31; Isa 5:2,5.", "Cottages built in, for the keepers -- Isa 1:8.", "Provided with the apparatus for making wine -- Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33.", "The stones carefully gathered out of -- Isa 5:2.", "Laws respecting", "Not to be planted with different kinds of seed. -- De 22:9.", "Not to be cultivated in the Sabbatical year. -- Ex 23:11; Le 25:4.", "The spontaneous fruit of, not to be gathered during the sabbatical year. -- Le 25:5,11.", "Compensation in kind to be made for injury done to. -- Ex 22:5.", "Strangers entering, allowed to eat fruit of, but not to take any away. -- De 23:24.", "The gleaning of, to be left for the poor. -- Le 19:10; De 24:21.", "The fruit of new, not to be eaten for three years. -- Le 19:23.", "The fruit of new, to be holy to the Lord in the fourth year. -- Le 19:24.", "The fruit of new, to be eaten by the owners from the fifth year. -- Le 19:25.", "Planters of, not liable to military service till they had eaten of the fruit. -- De 20:6.", "Frequently let out to husbandmen -- Song 8:11; Mt 21:33.", "Rent of, frequently paid by part of the fruit -- Mt 21:34.", "Were often mortgaged -- Ne 5:3,4.", "Estimated rent of -- Song 8:11; Isa 7:23.", "Estimated profit arising from, to the cultivators -- Song 8:12.", "The poor engaged in the culture of -- 2Ki 25:12; Isa 61:5.", "Members of the family often wrought in -- Song 1:6; Mt 21:28-30.", "Mode of hiring and paying labourers for working in -- Mt 20:1,2.", "Of the kings of Israel superintended by officers of the state -- 1Ch 27:27.", "The vintage or ingathering of", "Was a time of great rejoicing. -- Isa 16:10.", "Sometimes continued to the time of sowing seed. -- Le 26:5.", "Failure in, occasioned great grief. -- Isa 16:9,10.", "Of red grapes particularly esteemed -- Isa 27:2.", "The produce of, was frequently destroyed by enemies -- Jer 48:32.", "The whole produce of, often destroyed by insects, &c -- De 28:39; Am 4:9.", "In unfavourable seasons produced but little wine -- Isa 5:10; Hag 1:9,11.", "The wicked judicially deprived of the enjoyment of -- Am 5:11; Zep 1:13.", "The Rechabites forbidden to plant -- Jer 35:7-9.", "Of the slothful man neglected and laid waste -- Pr 24:30,31.", "Illustrative", "Of the Jewish Church. -- Isa 5:7; 27:2; Jer 12:10; Mt 21:23.", "(Failure of,) of severe calamities. -- Isa 32:10.", "(Cleaning grapes of,) of the elect. -- Isa 24:13."]} +{"term": "Visions", "definitions": ["God often made known his will by -- Ps 89:19.", "God especially made himself known to prophets by -- Nu 12:6.", "Often accompanied", "A representative of the divine person and glory. -- Isa 6:1.", "An audible voice from heaven. -- Ge 15:1; 1Sa 3:4,5.", "An appearance of angels. -- Lu 1:22,11; 24:23; Ac 10:3.", "An appearance of human beings. -- Ac 9:12; 16:9.", "Frequently difficult and perplexing to those who received them -- Da 7:15; 8:15; Ac 10:17.", "Often communicated", "In the night season. -- Ge 46:2; Da 2:19.", "In a trance. -- Nu 24:16; Ac 11:5.", "Often recorded for the benefit of the people -- Hab 2:2.", "Often multiplied for the benefit of the people -- Ho 12:10.", "Mentioned in scripture", "To Abraham. -- Ge 15:1.", "To Jacob. -- Ge 46:2.", "To Moses. -- Ex 3:2,3; Ac 7:30-32.", "To Samuel. -- 1Sa 3:2-15.", "To Nathan. -- 2Sa 7:4,17.", "To Eliphaz. -- Job 4:13-16.", "To Isaiah. -- Isa 6:1-8.", "To Ezekiel (See chapters 10, 40-48 of Ezekiel). -- Eze 1:4-14; 8:2-14; 11:24,25; 37:1-10.", "To Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 2:28; Da 4:5.", "To Daniel (See chapters 7, 8, and 10 of Daniel). -- Da 2:19.", "To Amos. -- Am 7:1-9; 8:1-6; 9:1.", "To Zechariah. -- Zec 1:8; 3:1; 4:2; 5:2; 6:1.", "To Paul. -- Ac 9:3,6; 16:9; 18:9; 22:18; 27:23; 2Ch 12:1-4.", "To Ananias. -- Ac 9:10,11.", "To Cornelius. -- Ac 10:3.", "To Peter. -- Ac 10:9-17.", "To John (See also Rev chapters 4 - 22). -- Re 1:12.", "Sometimes withheld for a long season -- 1Sa 3:1.", "The withholding of a great calamity -- Pr 29:18; La 2:9.", "False prophets pretended to have seen -- Jer 14:14; 23:16.", "The prophets of God skilled in interpreting -- 2Ch 26:5; Da 1:17."]} +{"term": "Vows", "definitions": ["Solemn promises made to God -- Ps 76:11.", "Were made in reference to", "Devoting the person to God. -- Nu 6:2.", "Dedicating children to God. -- 1Sa 1:11.", "Devoting property to God. -- Ge 28:22.", "Offering sacrifices. -- Le 7:16; 22:18:22; Nu 15:3.", "Afflicting the soul. -- Nu 30:13.", "To be voluntary -- De 23:21,22.", "To be performed faithfully -- Nu 30:2.", "To be performed without delay -- De 23:21,23.", "Danger of inconsiderately making -- Pr 20:25.", "Of children void without the consent of parents -- Nu 30:3-5.", "Of married women void without consent of husbands -- Nu 30:6-8,10-13.", "Of widows and women divorced from their husbands binding -- Nu 30:9.", "Of wives, could only be objected to at the time of making -- Nu 30:14,15.", "Might be redeemed by paying a suitable compensation -- Le 27:1-8,11-23.", "Clean beasts the subjects of, not to be redeemed -- Le 27:9,10.", "Recorded in scripture", "Of Jacob. -- Ge 28:20-22; 31:13.", "Of Israelites. -- Nu 21:2.", "Of Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:30,31.", "Of Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:1.", "Of Elkanah. -- 1Sa 1:24.", "Of David. -- Ps 132:2-5.", "Of mariners who cast out Jonah. -- Jon 1:16.", "Of Jonah. -- Jon 2:9.", "Of Lemuel's mother. -- Pr 31:1,2.", "Of Paul. -- Ac 18:18.", "Of certain Jews with Paul. -- Ac 21:23,24,26.", "All things dedicated by, to be brought to the tabernacle -- De 12:6,11,17,18,26.", "Of things corrupt or blemished an insult to God -- Le 22:23; Mal 1:14.", "The hire of a prostitute or price of a dog could not be the subject of -- De 23:18."]} +{"term": "Waiting Upon God", "definitions": ["As the God of providence -- Jer 14:22.", "As the God of salvation -- Ps 25:5.", "As the Giver of all temporal blessings -- Ps 104:27,28; Ps 145:15,16.", "For", "Mercy. -- Ps 123:2.", "Pardon. -- Ps 39:7,8.", "The consolation of Israel. -- Lu 2:25.", "Salvation. -- Ge 49:18; Ps 62:1,2.", "Guidance and teaching. -- Ps 25:5.", "Protection. -- Ps 33:20; 59:9,10.", "The fulfillment of His word. -- Hab 2:3.", "The fulfillment of His promises. -- Ac 1:4.", "Hope of righteous by faith. -- Ga 5:5.", "Coming of Christ. -- 1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10.", "Is good -- Ps 52:9.", "God calls us to -- Zep 3:8.", "Exhortations and encouragements to -- Ps 27:14; 37:7; Ho 12:6.", "Should be", "With the soul. -- Ps 62:1,5.", "With earnest desire. -- Ps 130:6.", "With patience. -- Ps 37:7; 40:1.", "With resignation. -- La 3:26.", "With hope in His word. -- Ps 130:5.", "With full confidence. -- Mic 7:7.", "Continually. -- Ho 12:6.", "All the day. -- Ps 25:5.", "Specially in adversity. -- Ps 59:1-9; Isa 8:17.", "In the way of His judgments. -- Isa 26:8.", "Saints resolve on -- Ps 52:9; 59:9.", "Saints have expectation from -- Ps 62:5.", "Saints plead, in prayer -- Ps 25:21; Isa 33:2.", "The patience of saints often tried in -- Ps 69:3.", "They who engage in", "Wait upon Him only. -- Ps 62:5.", "Are heard. -- Ps 40:1.", "Are blessed. -- Isa 30:18; Da 12:12.", "Experience His goodness. -- La 3:25.", "Shall not be ashamed. -- Ps 25:3; Isa 49:23.", "Shall renew their strength. -- Isa 40:31.", "Shall inherit the earth. -- Ps 37:9.", "Shall be saved. -- Pr 20:22; Isa 25:9.", "Shall rejoice in salvation. -- Isa 25:9.", "Shall receive the glorious things prepared by God for them. -- Isa 64:4.", "Predicted of the Gentiles -- Isa 42:4; 60:9.", "Illustrated -- Ps 123:2; Lu 12:36; Jas 5:7.", "Exemplified", "Jacob. -- Ge 49:18.", "Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:2.", "David. -- Ps 39:7.", "Isaiah. -- Isa 8:17.", "Micah. -- Mic 7:7.", "Joseph. -- Mr 15:43."]} +{"term": "Walls", "definitions": ["Designed for separation -- Eze 43:8; Eph 2:14.", "Designed for defence -- 1Sa 25:16.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Of cities. -- Nu 13:28.", "Of temples. -- 1Ch 29:4; Isa 56:5.", "Of houses. -- 1Sa 18:11.", "Of vineyards. -- Nu 22:24; Pr 24:31.", "Frequently made of stone and wood together -- Ezr 5:8; Hab 2:11.", "Were probably often strengthened with plates of iron or brass -- Jer 15:20; Eze 4:3.", "Of cities", "Often very high. -- De 1:28; 3:5.", "Strongly fortified. -- Isa 2:15; 25:12.", "Had towers built on them. -- 2Ch 26:9; 32:5; Ps 48:12; Song 8:10.", "Houses often built on. -- Jos 2:15.", "Were broad and places of public resort. -- 2Ki 6:26,30; Ps 55:10.", "Were strongly manned in war. -- 2Ki 18:26.", "Kept by watchmen night and day. -- Song 5:7; Isa 62:6.", "Houses sometimes broken down to repair, and fortify. -- Isa 22:10.", "Danger of approaching too near to, in time of war. -- 2Sa 11:20,21.", "Were battered by besieging armies. -- 2Sa 20:15; Eze 4:2,3.", "Adroitness of soldiers in scaling alluded to. -- Joe 2:7-9.", "Sometimes burned. -- Jer 49:27; Am 1:7.", "Frequently laid in ruins. -- 2Ch 25:23; 36:19; Jer 50:15.", "Destruction of, a punishment and cause of grief. -- De 28:52; Ne 1:3; 2:12-17.", "The falling of, sometimes occasioned great destruction. -- 1Ki 20:30.", "The bodies of enemies sometimes fastened on, as a disgrace. -- 1Sa 31:10.", "Custom of dedicating. -- Ne 12:27.", "idolatrous rites performed on. -- 2Ki 3:27.", "Instances of persons let down from. -- Jos 2:15; Ac 9:24,25; 2Co 11:33.", "Small towns and villages were not surrounded by -- Le 25:31; De 3:5.", "Of houses", "Usually plastered. -- Eze 13:10; Da 5:5.", "Had nails or pegs fastened into them when built. -- Ec 12:11; Isa 22:23.", "Liable to leprosy. -- Le 14:37.", "Often infested with serpents. -- Am 5:19.", "Could be easily dug through. -- Ge 49:6; Eze 8:7,8; 12:5.", "The seat next, was the place of distinction. -- 1Sa 20:25.", "Hyssop frequently grew on -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Miracles connected with", "Falling of the walls of Jericho. -- Jos 6:20.", "Handwriting on the wall of Belshazzar's palace. -- Da 5:5,25-28.", "Illustrative", "Of salvation. -- Isa 26:1; 60:18.", "Of the protection of God. -- Zec 2:5.", "Of those who afford protection. -- 1Sa 25:16; Isa 2:15.", "Of the Church as a protection to the nation. -- Song 8:9,10.", "Of ordinances as a protection to the Church. -- Song 2:9; Isa 5:5.", "Of the wealth of the rich in his own conceit. -- Pr 18:11.", "(Brazen,) of prophets in their testimony against the wicked. -- Jer 22:20.", "(Bowing or tottering,) of the wicked under judgments. -- Ps 62:3; Isa 30:13.", "(Of partition,) of separation of Jews and Gentiles. -- Eph 2:14.", "(Daubed with untempered mortar,) of the teaching of false prophets. -- Eze 13:10-15.", "(Whited,) of hypocrites. -- Ac 23:3."]} +{"term": "War", "definitions": ["Antiquity of -- Ge 14:2.", "Originates in the lusts of men -- Jas 4:1.", "A time for -- Ec 3:8.", "God", "Frequently ordered. -- Ex 17:16; Nu 31:1,2; De 7:1,2; 1Sa 15:1-3.", "Taught His people the art of. -- 2Sa 22:35.", "Strengthens His people for. -- Le 26:7,8.", "Gives the victory in. -- Nu 21:3; De 2:33; 3:3; 2Sa 23:10; Pr 21:31.", "Causes to cease. -- Ps 46:9.", "Scatters those who delight in. -- Ps 68:30.", "Large armies frequently engaged in -- 2Ch 13:3; 14:9.", "Weapons used in -- Jos 1:14; Jdj 18:11.", "Preceded by", "Consultation. -- Lu 14:31; Pr 24:6.", "Great preparation. -- Joe 3:9.", "Rumors. -- Jer 4:19; Mt 24:6.", "Frequently long continued -- 2Sa 3:1.", "Frequently sore and bloody -- 1Sa 14:22; 1Ch 5:22; 2Ch 14:13; 28:6.", "Often attended by", "Famine. -- Isa 51:19; Jer 14:15; La 5:10.", "Pestilence. -- Jer 27:13; 28:8.", "Cruelty. -- Jer 18:21; La 5:11-14.", "Devastation. -- Isa 1:7.", "Records often kept of -- Nu 21:14.", "Often sent as a punishment for sin -- Jdj 5:8.", "The Jews", "Were expert in. -- 1Ch 12:33,35,36; Song 3:8.", "Frequently engaged in (See Joshua chapters 6 through 11). -- 1Ki 14:30; 15:7,16.", "Illustrative of", "Our contest with death. -- Ec 8:8.", "The contest of saints with the enemies of their salvation. -- Ro 7:23; 2Co 10:3; Eph 6:12; 1Ti 1:18.", "The contest between Antichrist and the Church. -- Re 11:7; 13:4,7.", "The malignity of the wicked. -- Ps 55:21."]} +{"term": "Warfare of Saints", "definitions": ["Is not after the flesh -- 2Co 10:3.", "Is a good warfare -- 1Ti 1:18,19.", "Called the good fight of faith -- 1Ti 6:12.", "Is against", "The devil. -- Ge 3:15; 2Co 2:11; Eph 6:12; Jas 4:7; 1Pe 5:8; Re 12:17.", "The flesh. -- Ro 7:23; 1Co 9:25-27; 2Co 12:7; Ga 5:17; 1Pe 2:11.", "Enemies. -- Ps 38:19; 56:2; 59:3.", "The world. -- Joh 16:33; 1Jo 5:4,5.", "Death. -- 1Co 15:26; Heb 2:14,15.", "Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives -- Mic 7:6; Mt 10:35,36.", "To be carried on", "Under Christ, as our captain. -- Heb 2:10.", "Under the Lord's banner. -- Ps 60:4.", "With faith. -- 1Ti 1:18,19.", "With a good conscience. -- 1Ti 1:18,19.", "With steadfastness in the faith. -- 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:9; Heb 10:23.", "With earnestness. -- Jude 1:3.", "With watchfulness. -- 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:8.", "With sobriety. -- 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 5:8.", "With endurance or hardness. -- 2Ti 2:3,10.", "With self-denial. -- 1Co 9:25-27.", "With confidence in God. -- Ps 27:1-3.", "With prayer. -- Ps 35:1-3; Eph 6:18.", "Without earthly entanglements. -- 2Ti 2:4.", "Mere professors do not maintain -- Jer 9:3.", "Saints", "Are all engaged in. -- Php 1:30.", "Must stand firm in. -- Eph 6:13,14.", "Exhorted to diligence. -- 1Ti 6:12; Jude 1:3.", "Encouraged in. -- Isa 41:11,12; 51:12; Mic 7:8; 1Jo 4:4.", "Helped by God in. -- Ps 118:13; Isa 41:13,14.", "Protected by God in. -- Ps 140:7.", "Comforted by God in. -- 2Co 7:5,6.", "Strengthened by God in. -- Ps 20:2; 27:14; Isa 41:10.", "Strengthened by Christ in. -- 2Co 12:9; 2Ti 4:17.", "Delivered by Christ in. -- 2Ti 4:18.", "Thank God for victory in. -- Ro 7:25; 1Co 15:57.", "Armour for", "Girdle of truth. -- Eph 6:14.", "Breastplate of righteousness. -- Eph 6:14.", "Preparation of the gospel. -- Eph 6:15.", "Shield of faith. -- Eph 6:16.", "Helmet of salvation. -- Eph 6:17; 1Th 5:8.", "Sword of the Spirit. -- Eph 6:17.", "Called armour of God. -- Eph 6:11.", "Called armour of righteousness. -- 2Co 6:7.", "Called armour of light. -- Ro 13:12.", "Not carnal. -- 2Co 10:4.", "Mighty through God. -- 2Co 10:4,5.", "The whole, is required. -- Eph 6:13.", "Must be put on. -- Ro 13:12; Eph 6:11.", "To be on right hand and left. -- 2Co 6:7.", "Victory in, is", "From God. -- 1Co 15:57; 2Co 2:14.", "Through Christ. -- Ro 7:25; 1Co 15:27; 2Co 12:9; Re 12:11.", "By faith. -- Heb 11:33-37; 1Jo 5:4,5.", "Over the devil. -- Ro 16:20; 1Jo 2:14.", "Over the flesh. -- Ro 7:24,25; Ga 5:24.", "Over the world. -- 1Jo 5:4,5.", "Over all that exalts itself. -- 2Co 10:5.", "Over death and the grave. -- Isa 25:8; 26:19; Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:54,55.", "Triumphant. -- Ro 8:37; 2Co 10:5.", "They who overcome in, shall", "Eat of the hidden manna. -- Re 2:17.", "Eat of the tree of life. -- Re 2:7.", "Be clothed in white raiment. -- Re 3:5.", "Be pillars in the temple of God. -- Re 3:12.", "Sit with Christ in his throne. -- Re 3:21.", "Have a white stone, and, in it a new name written. -- Re 2:17.", "Have power over the nations. -- Re 2:26.", "Have the name of God written upon them by Christ. -- Re 3:12.", "Have God as their God. -- Re 21:7.", "Have the morning-star. -- Re 2:28.", "Inherit all things. -- Re 21:7.", "Be confessed by Christ before God the Father. -- Re 3:5.", "Be sons of God. -- Re 21:7.", "Not be hurt by the second death. -- Re 2:11.", "Not have their names blotted out of the book of life. -- Re 3:5.", "Illustrated -- Isa 9:5; Zec 10:5."]} +{"term": "Watchfulness", "definitions": ["Christ an example of -- Mt 26:38,40; Lu 6:12.", "Commanded -- Mr 13:37; Re 3:2.", "Exhortations to -- 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 4:7.", "God especially requires in ministers -- Eze 3:17; Isa 62:6; Mr 13:34.", "Ministers exhorted to -- Ac 20:31; 2Ti 4:5.", "Faithful ministers exercise -- Heb 13:17.", "Faithful ministers approved by -- Mt 24:45,46; Lu 12:41-44.", "Should be", "With prayer. -- Lu 21:36; Eph 6:18.", "With thanksgiving. -- Col 4:2.", "With steadfastness in the faith. -- 1Co 16:13.", "With heedfulness. -- Mr 13:33.", "With sobriety. -- 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 4:7.", "At all times. -- Pr 8:34.", "In all things. -- 2Ti 4:5.", "Saints pray to be kept in a state of -- Ps 141:3.", "Motives to", "Expected direction from God. -- Hab 2:1.", "Uncertain time of the coming of Christ. -- Mt 24:42; 25:13; Mr 13:35,36.", "Incessant assaults of the devil. -- 1Pe 5:8.", "Liability to temptation. -- Mt 26:41.", "Blessedness of -- Lu 12:37; Re 16:15.", "Unfaithful ministers devoid of -- Isa 56:10.", "The wicked averse to -- 1Th 5:7.", "Danger of remissness in -- Mt 24:48-51; 25:5,8,12; Re 3:3.", "Illustrated -- Lu 12:35,36.", "Exemplified", "David. -- Ps 102:7.", "Anna. -- Lu 2:37.", "Paul. -- 2Co 11:27."]} +{"term": "Watchmen", "definitions": ["Soldiers generally acted as -- Mt 27:65,66.", "Citizens sometimes acted as -- Ne 7:3.", "Were stationed", "On watch towers. -- 2Ki 9:17; Isa 21:5.", "On the walls of cities. -- Isa 62:6.", "In the streets of cities. -- Ps 127:1.", "Around the temple in Jerusalem on special occasions. -- 2Ki 11:6.", "Paraded the streets at night to preserve order -- Song 3:3; 5:7.", "In time of danger", "Increase in number. -- Jer 51:12.", "Vigilant night and day. -- Ne 4:9; Isa 21:8.", "Reported the approach of all strangers. -- 2Sa 18:24-27; 2Ki 9:18-20; Isa 21:6,7,9.", "Sounded an alarm at the approach of enemies. -- Eze 33:2,3.", "Vigilance of, vain without God's protection -- Ps 127:1.", "Were relieved by turns -- Ne 7:3.", "Danger of sleeping on their posts, referred to -- Mt 28:13,14.", "Neglecting to give warning punished with death -- Eze 33:6.", "Often interrogated by passengers -- Isa 21:11.", "Illustrative", "Of ministers. -- Isa 5:28; 62:6; Eze 3:17; Heb 13:17.", "(Blind,) of careless ministers. -- Isa 56:10.", "(Looking for the morning,) of anxious waiting for God. -- Ps 130:5,6."]} +{"term": "Water", "definitions": ["One of the elements of the world -- Ge 1:2.", "God originally", "Created the firmament to divide. -- Ge 1:6,7.", "Collected into one place. -- Ge 1:9.", "Created fowls and fishes, &c from. -- Ge 1:20,21.", "Necessary to vegetation -- Ge 2:5,6; Job 14:9; Isa 1:30.", "Some plants particularly require -- Job 8:11.", "Necessary to the comfort and happiness of man -- Isa 41:17; Zec 9:11.", "Collected in", "Springs. -- Jos 15:19.", "Pools. -- 1Ki 22:38; Ne 2:14.", "Ponds. -- Ex 7:19; Isa 19:10.", "Fountains. -- 1Ki 18:5; 2Ch 32:3.", "Wells. -- Ge 21:19.", "Brooks. -- 2Sa 17:20; 1Ki 18:5.", "Streams. -- Ps 78:16; Isa 35:6.", "Rivers. -- Isa 8:7; Jer 2:18.", "The sea. -- Ge 1:9,10; Isa 11:9.", "The clouds. -- Ge 1:7; Job 26:8,9.", "Rises in vapour to the clouds -- Ec 1:7; Ps 104:8.", "Drops from the clouds in rain -- De 11:11; 2Sa 21:10.", "Described as", "Fluid. -- Ps 78:16; Pr 30:4.", "Unstable. -- Ge 49:4.", "Penetrating. -- Ps 109:18.", "Reflecting images. -- Pr 27:9.", "Wearing the hardest substances. -- Job 14:19.", "Cleansing. -- Eze 36:25; Eph 5:26.", "Refreshing. -- Job 22:7; Pr 25:25.", "Congealed by cold -- Job 38:29; Ps 147:16,17.", "Was used by Jews", "As their principal beverage. -- Ge 24:43; 1Ki 13:19,22; 18:4; Ho 2:5.", "For culinary purposes. -- Ex 12:9.", "For washing the person. -- Ge 18:4; 24:32.", "For legal purification. -- Ex 29:4; Heb 9:10,19.", "Kept for purification in large waterpots -- Joh 2:6.", "Carried in vessels -- Ge 21:14; 1Sa 26:11; Mr 14:13.", "Artificial mode of conveying, into large cities -- 2Ki 20:20.", "Frequently brackish and unfit for use -- Ex 15:23; 2Ki 2:19.", "The want of, considered a great calamity -- Ex 17:1-3; Nu 20:2; 2Ki 3:9,10; Isa 3:1.", "In times of scarcity, sold at an enormous price -- La 5:4.", "Miracles connected with", "Turned into blood. -- Ex 7:17,20.", "Turned into wine. -- Joh 2:7-9.", "Brought from the rock. -- Ex 17:6; Nu 20:11.", "Brought from the jaw-bone of an ass. -- Jdj 15:19.", "Consumed by fire from heaven. -- 1Ki 18:38.", "Divided and made to stand on heap. -- Ex 14:21,22; Jos 3:16.", "Trenches filled with. -- 2Ki 3:17-22.", "Iron made to swim in. -- 2Ki 6:5,6.", "Our Lord, &c walking on. -- Mt 14:26-29.", "Healing powers communicated to. -- 2Ki 5:14; Joh 5:4; 9:7.", "The world and its inhabitants once destroyed by -- Ge 7:20-23; 2Pe 3:6.", "The world not to be again destroyed by -- Ge 9:8-15; 2Pe 3:7.", "Illustrative", "Of the support of God. -- Isa 8:6.", "Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. -- Isa 41:17,18; 44:3; Eze 36:25; Joh 7:38,39.", "Of persecutors. -- Ps 124:4,5.", "Of persecutions. -- Ps 88:17.", "Of hostile armies. -- Isa 8:7; 17:13.", "(Still,) of the ordinances of the gospel. -- Ps 23:2.", "(Deep,) of severe affliction. -- Ps 66:12; 69:1; Isa 30:20; 43:2.", "(Deep,) of counsel in the heart. -- Pr 20:5.", "(Deep,) of the words of the wise of the wise. -- Pr 18:4.", "(Poured out,) of the wrath of God. -- Ho 5:10.", "(Poured out,) of faintness by terror. -- Ps 22:14.", "(Pouring, out of buckets,) of a numerous progeny. -- Nu 24:7.", "(Spilled on the ground,) of death. -- 2Sa 14:14.", "(Its instability,) of a wavering disposition. -- Ge 49:4.", "(Its weakness,) of faintness and cowardice. -- Jos 7:5; Eze 7:17.", "(Difficulty of stopping,) of strife and contention. -- Pr 17:14.", "(Rapidly flowing away,) of the career of the wicked. -- Job 24:18; Ps 58:7.", "(Many,) of different nations and people. -- Re 17:1,15; Jer 51:13.", "(Many,) of a variety of afflictions. -- 2Sa 22:17.", "(Noise of many,) of the word of Christ. -- Re 1:15.", "(Covering the sea,) of the general diffusion of the knowledge of God. -- Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14."]} +{"term": "Wave Offering", "definitions": ["Placed in the hand of the priest and waved before the Lord -- Ex 29:24; Le 8:27.", "Consisted of", "The fat, right shoulder, &c of the priest's consecration ram. -- Ex 29:22,23; Le 8:25,26.", "The breast of the priest's consecration ram. -- Ex 29:26; Le 8:29.", "The breast of all peace offerings. -- Le 7:30; 9:18,21; 6:17,20.", "Left shoulder, of Nazarite's peace offering. -- Nu 6:17,19.", "The first fruits of barely harvest. -- Le 23:10,11.", "The first fruits of wheaten bread. -- Le 23:20.", "The Jealousy offering. -- Nu 5:25.", "The leper's trespass offering. -- Le 14:12,24.", "Of the fat, &c of the consecration ram burnt on the altar -- Ex 29:25; Le 8:28.", "Was given to the priest as his due -- Ex 29:26-28; Le 7:31,34; 8:29; 10:15; 23:20; Nu 18:11.", "Was to be eaten in a holy place by the priest's family -- Le 10:14."]} +{"term": "Weeks", "definitions": ["A period of time consisting of seven days -- Le 23:15,16; Lu 18:12.", "A space of seven years sometimes so called -- Ge 29:27,28; Da 9:24,25,27.", "Origin of computing time by -- Ge 2:2.", "The feast of pentecost called the feast of weeks -- Ex 34:22; Ac 2:1."]} +{"term": "Weights", "definitions": ["Generally regulated by the standard of the sanctuary -- Ex 30:24.", "Sometimes regulated by the king's standard -- 2Sa 14:26.", "Were frequently used in scales or balances -- Job 31:6; Isa 40:12.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Gerah. -- Ex 30:13; Eze 45:12.", "Bekah or half shekel. -- Ge 24:22.", "Shekel. -- Ex 30:13; Eze 45:12.", "Dram. -- Ne 7:70,71.", "Maneh or pound. -- Ne 7:71; Eze 45:12.", "Talent. -- 2Sa 12:30; Re 16:21.", "Value of money estimated according to -- Ge 23:16; 43:21; Jer 32:9.", "All metals were given by -- Ex 37:24; 1Ch 28:14.", "Provisions were sold by, in times of scarcity -- Le 26:26; Eze 4:10,16.", "The Jews", "Forbidden to have various. -- De 25:13,14.", "Forbidden to have unjust. -- Le 19:35,36.", "Frequently used unjust. -- Mic 6:11.", "Illustrative", "Of sins. -- Heb 12:1.", "Of the restraints put on the elements. -- Job 28:25.", "(Heavy,) of the exceeding glory reserved for saints. -- 2Co 4:17."]} +{"term": "Wells", "definitions": ["First mention of -- Ge 16:14.", "Frequently made", "Near encampments. -- Ge 21:30; 26:18.", "Outside cities. -- Ge 24:11; Joh 4:6,8.", "In the courts of houses. -- 2Sa 17:18.", "In the desert. -- 2Ch 26:10.", "Supplied by springs -- Pr 16:22.", "Supplied by the rain -- Ps 84:6.", "Surrounded by trees -- Ge 49:22; Ex 15:27.", "Names often given to -- Ge 16:14; 21:31.", "Canaan abounded with -- De 6:11.", "Many supplied from Lebanon -- Song 4:15.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Beerlahairoi. -- Ge 16:14.", "Bethlehem. -- 2Sa 23:15; 1Ch 11:17,18.", "Beer (east of Jordan). -- Nu 21:16-18.", "Beer-sheba. -- Ge 21:30,31.", "Elim. -- Ex 15:27.", "Esek. -- Ge 26:20.", "Hagar. -- Ge 21:19.", "Haran. -- Ge 29:3,4.", "Jacob. -- Joh 4:6.", "Rehoboth. -- Ge 26:22.", "Sitnah. -- Ge 26:21.", "Often deep and difficult to draw from -- Joh 4:11.", "Often covered to prevent their being filled with sand -- Ge 29:2,3.", "Had troughs placed near for watering cattle -- Ge 24:19,20; Ex 2:16.", "Frequented by", "Women who came to draw water. -- Ge 24:13,14; Joh 4:7.", "Travellers. -- Ge 24:11,13,42; Joh 4:6.", "Strangers not to draw from, without permission -- Nu 20:17.", "Water of, frequently sold -- Nu 20:19.", "Were a frequent cause of strife -- Ge 21:25; 26:21,22; Ex 2:16,17.", "Were often stopped up by enemies -- Ge 26:15,18; 2Ki 3:19,25.", "Often afforded no water -- Jer 14:3; Zec 9:11.", "Illustrative", "Of the ordinances of the Church. -- Isa 12:3.", "Of the Holy Spirit in saints. -- Song 4:15; Joh 4:14.", "Of the mouth of the righteous. -- Pr 10:11.", "Of wisdom and understanding in man. -- Pr 16:22; 18:4.", "(A fruitful bough by,) of Joseph's numerous posterity. -- Ge 49:22.", "(Drinking from one's own,) of enjoyment of domestic happiness. -- Pr 5:15.", "(Without water,) of hypocrites. -- 2Pe 2:17."]} +{"term": "Whirlwind", "definitions": ["Generally came from the south -- Job 37:9; Isa 21:1; Zec 9:14.", "Sometimes came from the north -- Eze 1:4.", "Called the whirlwind of God -- Jer 23:19; 30:23.", "Arose up from the earth -- Jer 25:32.", "Miracles connected with", "Elijah taken to heaven in. -- 2Ki 2:1,11.", "God spoke to Job from. -- Job 38:1; 40:6.", "Frequently continued for a long time -- Jer 30:23.", "Destructive nature of -- Pr 1:27.", "Illustrative of the", "Speed with which God executes his purposes. -- Na 1:3.", "Velocity of Christ's second coming. -- Isa 66:15.", "Velocity of the chariots in hostile armies. -- Isa 5:28; Jer 4:13.", "Fury of God's judgments. -- Jer 25:32; 30:23.", "Sudden destruction of the wicked. -- Ps 58:9; Pr 1:27; Isa 17:13; 40:24; 41:16; Jer 30:23.", "Unavoidable fruit of a life of sin and vanity. -- Ho 8:7."]} +{"term": "Wicked, The, Are Compared To", "definitions": ["Abominable branches -- Isa 14:19.", "Ashes under the feet -- Mal 4:3.", "Bad fishes -- Mt 13:48.", "Beasts -- Ps 49:12; 2Pe 2:12.", "Blind, The -- Zep 1:17; Mt 15:14.", "Brass and iron -- Jer 6:28; Eze 22:18.", "Briars and thorns -- Isa 55:13; Eze 2:6.", "Bulls of Bashan -- Ps 22:12.", "Carcasses trodden under feet -- Isa 14:19.", "Chaff -- Job 21:18; Ps 1:4; Mt 3:12.", "Clouds without water -- Jude 1:12.", "Corn blasted -- 2Ki 19:26.", "Corrupt trees -- Lu 6:43.", "Deaf adders -- Ps 58:4.", "Dogs -- Pr 26:11; Mt 7:6; 2Pe 2:22.", "Dross -- Ps 119:119; Eze 22:18,19.", "Early dew that passes away -- Ho 13:3.", "Evil figs -- Jer 24:8.", "Fading oaks -- Isa 1:30.", "Fiery oven -- Ps 21:9; Ho 7:4.", "Fire of thorns -- Ps 118:12.", "Fools building upon sand -- Mt 7:26.", "Fuel of fire -- Isa 9:19.", "Garden without water -- Isa 1:30.", "Goats -- Mt 25:32.", "Grass -- Ps 37:2; 92:7.", "Grass on the housetop -- 2Ki 19:26.", "Green bay-trees -- Ps 37:35.", "Green herbs -- Ps 37:2.", "Heath in the desert -- Jer 17:6.", "Horses rushing into the battle -- Jer 8:6.", "Idols -- Ps 115:8.", "Lions greedy of prey -- Ps 17:12.", "Melting wax -- Ps 68:2.", "Morning-clouds -- Ho 13:3.", "Moth-eaten garments -- Isa 50:9; 51:8.", "Passing whirlwinds -- Pr 10:25.", "Potsherds -- Pr 26:23.", "Raging waves of the sea -- Jude 1:13.", "Reprobate silver -- Jer 6:30.", "Scorpions -- Eze 2:6.", "Serpents -- Ps 58:4; Mt 23:33.", "Smoke -- Ho 13:3.", "Stony ground -- Mt 13:5.", "Stubble -- Job 21:18; Mal 4:1.", "Swine -- Mt 7:6; 2Pe 2:22.", "Tares -- Mt 13:38.", "Troubled sea -- Isa 57:20.", "Visions of the night -- Job 20:8.", "Wandering stars -- Jude 1:13.", "Wayward children -- Mt 11:16.", "Wells without water -- 2Pe 2:17.", "Wheels -- Ps 83:13.", "Whited sepulchres -- Mt 23:27.", "Wild ass's colt -- Job 11:12."]} +{"term": "Widows", "definitions": ["Character of true -- Lu 2:37; 1Ti 5:5,10.", "God", "Surely hears the cry of. -- Ex 22:23.", "Judges for. -- De 10:18; Ps 68:5.", "Relieves. -- Ps 146:9.", "Establishes the border of. -- Pr 15:25.", "Will witness against oppressors of. -- Mal 3:5.", "Exhorted to trust in God -- Jer 49:11.", "Should not be", "Afflicted. -- Ex 22:22.", "Oppressed. -- Jer 7:6; Zec 7:10.", "Treated with violence. -- Jer 22:3.", "Deprived of raiment in pledge. -- De 24:17.", "Should be", "Pleaded for. -- Isa 1:17.", "Honoured, if widows indeed. -- 1Ti 5:3.", "Relieved by their friends. -- 1Ti 5:4,16.", "Relieved by the Church. -- Ac 6:1; 1Ti 5:9.", "Visited in affliction. -- Jas 1:27.", "Allowed to share in our blessings. -- De 14:29; 16:11,14; 24:19-21.", "Though poor, may be liberal -- Mr 12:42,43.", "When young, exposed to may temptations -- 1Ti 5:11-14.", "Saints", "Relieve. -- Ac 9:39.", "Cause joy to. -- Job 29:13.", "Disappoint not. -- Job 31:16.", "The wicked", "Do no good to. -- Job 24:21.", "Send, away empty. -- Job 22:9.", "Take pledges from. -- Job 24:3.", "Reject the cause of. -- Isa 1:23.", "Vex. -- Eze 22:7.", "Make a prey of. -- Isa 10:2; Mt 23:14.", "Slay. -- Ps 94:6.", "Curse for perverting judgment of -- De 27:19.", "Woe to those who oppress -- Isa 10:1,2.", "Blessings on those who relieve -- De 14:29.", "A type of Zion in affliction -- La 5:3.", "Were released from all obligation to former husbands -- Ro 7:3.", "Were clothed in mourning after the decease of husbands -- Ge 38:14,19; 2Sa 14:2,5.", "Reproach connected with -- Isa 54:4.", "Increase of, threatened as a punishment -- Ex 22:24; Jer 15:8; 18:21.", "Laws respecting", "Not to be oppressed. -- Ex 22:22; De 27:19.", "Raiment of, not to be taken in pledge by creditors. -- De 24:17.", "Bound to perform their vows. -- Nu 30:9.", "Not to intermarry with priests. -- Le 21:14.", "To be allowed to glean in fields and vineyards. -- De 24:19.", "To have a share of the triennial tithe. -- De 14:28,29; 26:12,13.", "To share in public rejoicings. -- De 16:11,14.", "When daughters of priests and childless to partake of the holy things. -- Le 22:13.", "When left childless, to be married by their husband's nearest of kin. -- De 25:5,6; Ru 3:10-13; 4:4,5; Mt 22:24-26.", "Allowed to marry again -- Ro 7:3.", "Intermarrying with, of kings considered treason -- 1Ki 2:21-24.", "Not to be deplored by, considered a great calamity -- Job 27:15; Ps 78:64.", "Were under the special protection of God -- De 10:18; Ps 68:5.", "Were frequently oppressed and persecuted -- Job 24:3; Eze 22:7.", "Specially taken care of by the Church -- Ac 6:1; 1Ti 5:9.", "Often devoted themselves entirely to God's service -- Lu 2:37; 1Ti 5:10.", "Instances of great liberality in -- 1Ki 17:9-15; Mr 12:42,43.", "Illustrative of", "A desolate condition. -- Isa 47:8,9.", "Zion in captivity. -- La 1:1."]} +{"term": "Wind, The", "definitions": ["Variable nature of -- Ec 1:6.", "God", "Created. -- Am 4:13.", "Restrains. -- Job 28:25; Ps 107:29.", "Brings forth, out of his treasuries. -- Ps 135:7; Jer 10:13.", "Raises. -- Ps 107:25; Jon 4:8.", "Changes. -- Ps 78:26.", "Assuages. -- Mt 8:26; 14:32.", "Gathers, in his hand. -- Pr 30:4.", "Accomplishes the purposes of God -- Ps 148:8.", "Theory of, above man's comprehension -- Joh 3:8.", "Mentioned in scripture", "North. -- Pr 25:23; Song 4:16.", "South. -- Job 37:17; Lu 12:55.", "East. -- Job 27:21; Eze 17:10; Ho 13:15.", "West. -- Ex 10:19.", "Euroclydon. -- Ac 27:14.", "The simoom or pestilential wind. -- 2Ki 19:7,35; Jer 4:11.", "The whirlwind. -- Job 37:9.", "Drying nature of -- Ge 8:1; Isa 11:15.", "Purifying nature of -- Job 37:21; Jer 4:11.", "When violent called", "Tempest. -- Job 9:17; 27:20; Jon 1:4.", "Storm. -- Job 21:18; Ps 83:15.", "Stormy wind. -- Ps 148:8; Eze 13:11,13.", "Windy storm. -- Ps 55:8.", "Great and strong wind. -- 1Ki 19:11.", "Mighty wind. -- Ac 2:2; Re 6:13.", "Fierce wind. -- Jas 3:4.", "Rough wind. -- Isa 27:8.", "From the north drives away rain -- Pr 25:23.", "Frequently brings rain -- 1Ki 18:44,45; 2Ki 3:17.", "Often blighting -- Ps 103:16; Isa 40:7.", "Movement of the leaves of trees, &c by, noticed -- Isa 7:2; Mt 11:7; Re 6:13.", "Tempestuous", "Raises the sea in waves. -- Ps 107:25; Joh 6:18.", "Drives about the largest ships. -- Mt 14:24; Ac 27:18; Jas 3:4.", "Destroys houses. -- Job 1:19; Mt 7:27.", "Miracles connected with", "Locusts brought by. -- Ex 10:13.", "Locusts removed by. -- Ex 10:19.", "Red sea divided by. -- Ex 14:21.", "Quails brought by. -- Nu 11:31.", "Rocks and mountains rent by. -- 1Ki 19:11.", "Raises on account of Jonah. -- Jon 1:4.", "Calmed by casting out Jonah. -- Jon 1:15.", "Calmed by Christ. -- Mt 8:26; 14:32.", "Illustrative", "Of the operations of the Holy Spirit. -- Eze 37:9; Joh 3:8; Ac 2:2.", "Of the life of man. -- Job 7:7.", "Of the speeches of the desperate. -- Job 6:26.", "Of terrors which pursue the soul. -- Job 30:15.", "Of molten images. -- Isa 41:29.", "Of iniquity which leads to destruction. -- Isa 64:6.", "Of false doctrines. -- Eph 4:14.", "(Chaff or stubble before,) of the wicked. -- Job 21:18; Ps 1:4.", "(Without rain,) of one who boasts of a false gift. -- Pr 25:14.", "(When destructive,) of the judgments of God. -- Isa 27:8; 29:6; 41:16.", "(Sowing,) of a course of sin. -- Ho 8:7.", "(Feeding upon) of vain hopes. -- Ho 12:1.", "(Bringing forth,) of disappointed expectations. -- Isa 26:18."]} +{"term": "Wine", "definitions": ["First mention of -- Ge 9:20,21.", "Was made of", "The juice of the grape. -- Ge 49:11.", "The juice of the pomegranate. -- Song 8:2.", "First mode of making, notice -- Ge 40:11.", "Generally made by treading the grapes in a press -- Ne 13:15; Isa 63:2,3.", "Refining of, alluded to -- Isa 25:6.", "Improved by age -- Lu 5:39.", "Places celebrated for", "Canaan in general. -- De 33:28.", "Possessions of Judah. -- Ge 49:8,11,12.", "Lebanon. -- Ho 14:7.", "Helbon. -- Eze 27:18.", "Assyria. -- 2Ki 18:32; Isa 36:17.", "Moab. -- Isa 16:8-10; Jer 48:32,33.", "Many kinds of -- Ne 5:18.", "Sweet, esteemed for flavour and strength -- Isa 49:26; Am 9:13; Mic 6:15.", "Red, most esteemed -- Pr 23:31; Isa 27:2.", "Often spiced to increase its strength, &c -- Pr 9:2,5; 23:30; Song 8:2.", "Was used", "As a beverage from the earliest age. -- Ge 9:21; 27:25.", "At all feasts and entertainments. -- Es 1:7; 5:6; Isa 5:12; Da 5:1-4; Joh 2:3.", "For drink offerings in the worship of God. -- Ex 29:40; Nu 15:4-10.", "For drink offerings in idolatrous worship. -- De 32:37,38.", "As a medicine. -- Lu 10:34; 1Ti 5:23.", "First fruits of, to be offered to God -- De 18:4; 2Ch 31:5.", "With corn and oil, denoted all temporal blessings -- Ge 27:28,37; Ps 4:7; Ho 2:8; Joe 2:19.", "Given in abundance to the Jews when obedient -- Ho 2:22; Joe 2:19,24; Zec 9:17.", "The Jews frequently deprived of, as a punishment -- Isa 24:7,11; Ho 2:9; Joe 1:10; Hag 1:11; 2:16.", "The Jews frequently drank, to excess -- Isa 5:11; Joe 3:3; Am 6:6.", "In times of scarcity, was mixed with water -- Isa 1:22.", "Sometimes mixed with milk as a beverage -- Song 5:1.", "Characterised as", "Cheering God and man. -- Jdj 9:13; Zec 9:17.", "Gladdening the heart. -- Ps 104:15.", "Strengthening. -- 2Sa 16:2; Song 2:5.", "Making mirthful. -- Es 1:10; Ec 10:19.", "Custom of presenting to travellers -- Ge 14:18; 1Sa 25:18.", "Custom of giving to persons in pain or suffering, mixed with drugs -- Pr 31:6; Mr 15:23.", "Forbidden to the priests while engaged in the tabernacle -- Le 10:9.", "Forbidden to Nazarites during their separation -- Nu 6:3.", "The Rechabites never drank -- Jer 35:5,6.", "In excess", "Forbidden. -- Eph 5:18.", "Infuriates the temper. -- Pr 20:1.", "Impairs the health. -- 1Sa 25:37; Ho 4:11.", "Impairs the judgment and memory. -- Pr 31:4,5; Isa 28:7.", "Inflames the passions. -- Isa 5:11.", "Leads to sorrow and contention. -- Pr 23:29,30.", "Leads to remorse. -- Pr 23:31,32.", "An article of extensive commerce -- Eze 27:18.", "Was stored in cellars -- 1Ch 27:27.", "Was kept in bottles -- 1Sa 25:18; Hab 2:15.", "Consequence of putting (when new), into old bottles -- Mt 2:22.", "The love of Christ to be preferred to -- Song 1:2,4.", "Water miraculously turned into -- Joh 2:9.", "Illustrative", "Of the blood of Christ. -- Mt 26:27-29.", "Of the blessing of the gospel. -- Pr 9:2,5; Isa 25:6; 55:1.", "Of the wrath and judgments of God. -- Ps 60:3; 75:8; Jer 13:12-14; 25:15-18.", "Of the abominations of the apostasy. -- Re 17:2; 18:3.", "Of violence and rapine. -- Pr 4:17."]} +{"term": "Winter", "definitions": ["God makes -- Ps 74:17.", "Yearly return of, secured by covenant -- Ge 8:22.", "Coldness and inclemency of, noticed -- Pr 20:4; Joh 10:22.", "Unsuited for", "Travelling. -- Mt 24:20; 2Ti 4:21.", "Navigation. -- Ac 27:9.", "Ships were laid up in port during -- Ac 27:12; 28:11.", "The Jews frequently had special houses for -- Jer 36:22; Am 3:15.", "Illustrative of seasons of spiritual adversity -- Song 2:11."]} +{"term": "Wisdom of God, The", "definitions": ["Is one of his attributes -- 1Sa 2:3; Job 9:4.", "Described as", "Perfect. -- Job 36:4; 37:16.", "Mighty. -- Job 36:5.", "Universal. -- Job 28:24; Da 2:22; Ac 15:18.", "Infinite. -- Ps 147:5; Ro 11:33.", "Unsearchable. -- Isa 40:28; Ro 11:33.", "Wonderful. -- Ps 139:6.", "Beyond human comprehension. -- Ps 139:6.", "Incomparable. -- Isa 44:7; Jer 10:7.", "Underived. -- Job 21:22; Isa 40:14.", "The gospel contains treasures of -- 1Co 2:7.", "Wisdom of saints is derived from -- Ezr 7:25.", "All human wisdom derived from -- Da 2:1.", "Saints ascribe to him -- Da 2:20.", "Exhibited in", "His works. -- Job 37:16; Ps 104:24; 136:5; Pr 3:19; Jer 10:12.", "His counsels. -- Isa 28:29; Jer 32:19.", "His foreshadowing events. -- Isa 42:9; 46:10.", "Redemption. -- 1Co 1:24; Eph 1:8; 3:10.", "Searching the heart. -- 1Ch 28:9; Re 2:23.", "Understanding the thoughts. -- 1Ch 28:9; Ps 139:2.", "Exhibited in knowing", "The heart. -- Ps 44:21; Pr 15:11; Lu 16:15.", "The actions. -- Job 34:21; Ps 139:2,3.", "The words. -- Ps 139:4.", "His saints. -- 2Sa 7:20; 2Ti 2:19.", "The way of saints. -- Job 23:10; Ps 1:6.", "The want of saints. -- De 2:7; Mt 6:8.", "The afflictions of saints. -- Ex 3:7; Ps 142:3.", "The infirmities of saints. -- Ps 103:14.", "The minutest matters. -- Mt 10:29,30.", "The most secret things. -- Mt 6:18.", "The time of judgment. -- Mt 24:36.", "The wicked. -- Ne 9:10; Job 11:11.", "The works, &c of the wicked. -- Isa 66:18.", "Nothing is concealed from -- Ps 139:12.", "The wicked question -- Ps 73:11; Isa 47:10.", "Should be magnified -- Ro 16:27; Jude 1:25."]} +{"term": "Witness of the Holy Spirit", "definitions": ["Is truth -- 1Jo 5:6.", "To be implicitly received -- 1Jo 5:6,9.", "Borne to Christ", "As Messiah. -- Lu 3:22; Joh 1:32,33.", "As coming to redeem and sanctify. -- 1Jo 5:6.", "As exalted to be a Prince and Saviour to give repentance, &c. -- Ac 5:31,32.", "As perfecting saints. -- Heb 10:14,15.", "As foretold by himself. -- Joh 15:26.", "In heaven. -- 1Jo 5:7,11.", "On earth. -- 1Jo 5:8.", "The first preaching of the gospel confirmed by -- Ac 14:3; Heb 2:4.", "The faithful preaching of the Apostles accompanied by -- 1Co 2:4; 1Th 1:5.", "Given to saints", "On believing. -- Ac 15:8; 1Jo 5:10.", "To testify to them of Christ. -- Joh 15:26.", "As an evidence of adoption. -- Ro 8:16.", "As an evidence of Christ in them. -- 1Jo 3:24.", "As an evidence of God in them. -- 1Jo 4:13.", "Borne against all unbelievers -- Ne 9:30; Ac 28:25-27."]} +{"term": "Wives", "definitions": ["Not to be selected from among the ungodly -- Ge 24:3; 26:34,35; 28:1.", "Duties of, to their husbands", "To love them. -- Tit 2:4.", "To reverence them. -- Eph 5:33.", "To be faithful to them. -- 1Co 7:3-5,10.", "To be subject to them. -- Ge 3:16; Eph 5:22,24; 1Pe 3:1.", "To obey them. -- 1Co 14:34; Tit 2:5.", "To remain with them for life. -- Ro 7:2,3.", "Should be adorned", "Not with ornaments. -- 1Ti 2:9; 1Pe 3:3.", "With modesty and sobriety. -- 1Ti 2:9.", "With a meek and quiet spirit. -- 1Pe 3:4,5.", "With good works. -- 1Ti 2:10; 5:10.", "Good", "Are from the Lord. -- Pr 19:14.", "Are a token of the favour of God. -- Pr 18:22.", "Are a blessing to husbands. -- Pr 12:4; 31:10,12.", "Bring honour on husbands. -- Pr 31:23.", "Secure confidence of husbands. -- Pr 31:11.", "Are praised by husbands. -- Pr 31:28.", "Are diligent and prudent. -- Pr 31:13-27.", "Are benevolent to the poor. -- Pr 31:20.", "Duty of, to unbelieving husbands. -- 1Co 7:13,14,16; 1Pe 3:1,2.", "Should be silent in the Churches. -- 1Co 14:34.", "Should seek religious instruction from their husbands -- 1Co 14:35.", "Of ministers should be exemplary -- 1Ti 3:11.", "Good -- Exemplified", "Wife of Manoah. -- Jdj 13:10.", "Orpah and Ruth. -- Ru 1:4,8.", "Abigail. -- 1Sa 25:3.", "Esther. -- Es 2:15-17.", "Elizabeth. -- Lu 1:6.", "Priscilla. -- Ac 18:2,26.", "Sarah. -- 1Pe 3:6.", "Bad -- Exemplified", "Samson's wife. -- Jdj 14:15-17.", "Michal. -- 2Sa 6:16.", "Jezebel. -- 1Ki 21:25.", "Zeresh. -- Es 5:14.", "Job's wife. -- Job 2:9.", "Herodias. -- Mr 6:17.", "Sapphira. -- Ac 5:1,2."]} +{"term": "Wolf, The", "definitions": ["Rapacious nature of -- Ge 49:27.", "Particularly fierce in the evening when it seeks its prey -- Jer 5:6; Hab 1:8.", "Destructive to flocks of sheep -- Joh 10:12.", "Illustrative", "Of the wicked. -- Mt 10:16; Lu 10:3.", "Of wicked rulers. -- Eze 22:27; Zep 3:3.", "Of false teachers. -- Mt 7:15; Ac 20:29.", "Of the devil. -- Joh 10:12.", "Of the tribe of Benjamin. -- Ge 49:27.", "Of fierce enemies. -- Jer 5:6; Hab 1:8.", "(Taming of,) of the change effected by conversion. -- Isa 11:6; 65:25."]} +{"term": "Woman", "definitions": ["Origin and cause of the name -- Ge 2:23.", "Originally made", "By God in his own image. -- Ge 1:27.", "From one of Adam's ribs. -- Ge 2:21,22.", "For man. -- 1Co 11:9.", "To be an helpmeet for man. -- Ge 2:18,20.", "Subordinate to man. -- 1Co 11:3.", "To be the glory of man. -- 1Co 11:7.", "Deceived by Satan -- Ge 3:1-6; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14.", "Led man to disobey God -- Ge 3:6,11,12.", "Curse pronounced on -- Ge 3:16.", "Salvation promised through the seed of -- Ge 3:15; Isa 7:14.", "Safety in childbirth promised to the faithful and holy -- 1Ti 2:15.", "Characterised as", "Weaker than man. -- 1Pe 3:7.", "Timid. -- Isa 19:16; Jer 50:37; 51:30; Na 3:13.", "Loving and affectionate. -- 2Sa 1:26.", "Tender and constant to her offspring. -- Isa 49:15; La 4:10.", "To wear her hair long as a covering -- 1Co 11:15.", "Good and virtuous, described -- Pr 31:10-28.", "Virtuous, held in high estimation -- Ru 3:11; Pr 31:10,30.", "Frequently", "Fond of self-indulgence. -- Isa 32:9-11.", "Subtle and deceitful. -- Pr 7:10; Ec 7:26.", "Silly and easily led into error. -- 2Ti 3:6.", "Zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry. -- Jer 7:18; Eze 13:17,23.", "Active in instigating to iniquity. -- Nu 31:15,16; 1Ki 21:25; Ne 13:26.", "Generally wore a vail in the presence of the other sex -- Ge 24:65.", "Generally lived in a separated apartment or tent -- Ge 18:9; 24:67; Es 2:9,11.", "Submissive and respectful to husbands -- 1Pe 3:6; Ge 18:12.", "Of distinction", "Fair and graceful. -- Ge 12:11; 24:16; Song 1:8; Am 8:13.", "Haughty in their deportment. -- Isa 3:16.", "Fond of dress and ornaments. -- Isa 3:17-23.", "Wore their hair plaited and adorned with gold and pearls. -- Isa 3:24; 1Ti 2:9.", "Of the poorer classes swarthy from exposure to the sun -- Song 1:5,6.", "Young", "Called maids. -- Ex 2:8; Lu 8:51,52.", "Called damsels. -- Ge 24:55; Mr 5:39.", "Called virgins. -- Ge 24:16; La 1:4.", "Gay and merry. -- Jdj 11:34; 21:21; Jer 31:13; Zec 9:17.", "Kind and courteous to strangers. -- Ge 24:17.", "Fond of ornaments. -- Jer 2:32.", "Required to learn from and imitate their elders. -- Tit 2:4.", "Inherited parents' property when there was no male heir. -- Nu 27:8.", "Could not marry without consent of parents. -- Ge 24:3,4; 34:6; Ex 22:17.", "Not to be given in marriage considered a calamity. -- Jdj 11:37; Ps 78:63; Isa 4:1.", "Often taken captive. -- La 1:18; Eze 30:17,18.", "Punishment for seducing, when betrothed. -- De 22:23-27.", "Punishment for seducing when not betrothed. -- Ex 22:16,17; De 22:28,29.", "Often treated with great cruelty in war. -- De 32:25; La 2:21; 5:11.", "Of distinction, dressed in robes of various colours. -- 2Sa 13:18; Ps 45:14.", "Were required to hear and obey the law -- Jos 8:35.", "Had a court of the tabernacle assigned to them -- Ex 38:8; 1Sa 2:2.", "Allowed to join in the temple-music from the time of David -- 1Ch 25:5,6; Ezr 2:65; Ne 7:67.", "Often engaged in", "Domestic employments. -- Ge 18:6; Pr 31:15.", "Agriculture. -- Ru 2:8; Song 1:6.", "Tending sheep. -- Ge 29:9; Ex 2:16.", "Drawing and carrying water. -- Ge 24:11,13,15,16; 1Sa 9:11; Joh 4:7.", "Grinding corn. -- Mt 24:41; Lu 17:35.", "Spinning. -- Pr 31:13,14.", "Embroidery. -- Pr 31:22.", "Celebrating the victories of the nation. -- Ex 15:20,21; Jdj 11:34; 1Sa 18:6,7.", "Attending funerals as mourners. -- Jer 9:17,20.", "Vows of, when married not binding upon the husband -- Nu 30:6-8.", "Unfaithfulness of, when married found out by the waters of jealousy -- Nu 5:14-28.", "Punishment for injuring, when with child -- Ex 21:22-25.", "To be governed by, considered a calamity by the Jews -- Isa 3:12.", "To be slain by, considered a great disgrace -- Jdj 9:54.", "Considered a valuable booty in war -- De 20:14; 1Sa 30:2.", "Often treated with great cruelty in war -- 2Ki 8:12; La 5:11; Eze 9:6; Ho 13:16.", "Illustrative", "(Gloriously arrayed,) of the Church of Christ. -- Ps 45:13; Ga 4:26; Re 12:1.", "(Delicate,) of backsliding Israel. -- Jer 6:2.", "(Chaste and holy,) of saints. -- Song 1:3; 2Co 11:2; Re 14:4.", "(Lewd,) of the Roman apostasy. -- Re 17:4,18.", "(Wise,) of saints. -- Mt 25:1,2,4.", "(Foolish,) of mere professors. -- Mt 25:1-3.", "(At ease and careless,) of a state of carnal security. -- Isa 32:9,11.", "(Forsaken,) of Israel in her captivity. -- Isa 54:6."]} +{"term": "Works, Good", "definitions": ["Christ, an example of -- Joh 10:32; Ac 10:38.", "Called", "Good fruits. -- Jas 3:17.", "Fruits meet for repentance. -- Mt 3:8.", "Fruits of righteousness. -- Php 1:11.", "Works and labours of love. -- Heb 6:10.", "Are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God -- Php 1:11.", "They alone, who abide in Christ can perform -- Joh 15:4,5.", "Wrought by God in us -- Isa 26:12; Php 2:13.", "The Scripture designed to lead us to -- 2Ti 3:16,17; Jas 1:25.", "To be performed in Christ's name -- Col 3:17.", "Heavenly wisdom is full of -- Jas 3:17.", "Justification unattainable by -- Ro 3:20; Ga 2:16.", "Salvation unattainable by -- Eph 2:8,9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5.", "Saints", "Created in Christ to. -- Eph 2:10.", "Exhorted to put on. -- Col 3:12-14.", "Are full of. -- Ac 9:36.", "Are zealous of. -- Tit 2:14.", "Should be furnished to all. -- 2Ti 3:17.", "Should be rich in. -- 1Ti 6:18.", "Should be careful to maintain. -- Tit 3:8,14.", "Should be established in. -- 2Th 2:17.", "Should be fruitful in. -- Col 1:10.", "Should be perfect in. -- Heb 13:21.", "Should be prepared to all. -- 2Ti 2:21.", "Should abound to all. -- 2Co 9:8.", "Should be ready to all. -- Tit 3:1.", "Should manifest, with meekness. -- Jas 3:13.", "Should provoke each other. -- Heb 10:24.", "Should avoid ostentation in. -- Mt 6:1-18.", "Bring to the light their. -- Joh 3:21.", "Followed into rest by their. -- Re 14:13.", "Holy women should manifest -- 1Ti 2:10; 5:10.", "God remembers -- Ne 13:14; Heb 6:9,10.", "Shall be brought into the judgment -- Ec 12:14; 2Co 5:10.", "In the judgment, will be an evidence of faith -- Mt 25:34-40; Jas 2:14-20.", "Ministers should", "Be patterns of. -- Tit 2:7.", "Exhort to. -- 1Ti 6:17,18; Tit 3:1,8,14.", "God is glorified by. -- Joh 15:8.", "Designed to lead others to glorify God. -- Mt 5:16; 1Pe 2:12.", "A blessing attends. -- Jas 1:25.", "The wicked reprobate to. -- Tit 1:16.", "Illustrated. -- Joh 15:5."]} +{"term": "Years", "definitions": ["The sun and moon appointed to mark out -- Ge 1:14.", "Early computation of time by -- Ge 5:3.", "Divided into", "Seasons. -- Ge 8:22.", "Months. -- Ge 7:11; 1Ch 27:1.", "Weeks. -- Da 9:27; Lu 18:12.", "Days. -- Ge 25:7; Es 9:27.", "Length of, during the patriarchal age -- Ge 7:11; 8:13; 7:24; 8:3.", "Commencement of, changed after the exodus -- Ex 12:2.", "Remarkable", "Sabbatical. -- Le 25:4.", "Jubilee. -- Le 25:11.", "In prophetic computation, days reckoned as -- Da 12:11,12.", "Illustrative", "(Coming to,) of manhood. -- Heb 11:24.", "(Well stricken in,) of old age. -- Lu 1:7.", "(Being full of,) of old age. -- Ge 25:8.", "(Acceptable,) of the time of the gospel. -- Isa 61:2; Lu 4:19.", "(Of the right hand of the Most High,) of prosperity. -- Ps 77:10.", "(Of the redeemed,) of redemption by Christ. -- Isa 63:4.", "(Of visitation,) of severe judgments. -- Jer 11:23; 23:12.", "(Of recompences,) of judgments. -- Isa 34:8."]} +{"term": "Zeal", "definitions": ["Christ an example of -- Ps 69:9; Joh 2:17.", "Godly sorrow leads to -- 2Co 7:10,11.", "Of saints, ardent -- Ps 119:139.", "Provokes others to do good -- 2Co 9:2.", "Should be exhibited", "In spirit. -- Ro 12:11.", "In well-doing. -- Ga 4:18; Tit 2:14.", "In desiring the salvation of others. -- Ac 26:29; Ro 10:1.", "In contending for the faith. -- Jude 1:3.", "In missionary labours. -- Ro 15:19,23.", "For the glory of God. -- Nu 25:11,13.", "For the welfare of saints. -- Col 4:13.", "Against idolatry. -- 2Ki 23:4-14.", "Sometimes wrongly directed -- 2Sa 21:2; Ac 22:3,4; Php 3:6.", "Sometimes not according to knowledge -- Ro 10:2; Ga 1:14; Ac 21:20.", "Ungodly men sometimes pretend to -- 2Ki 10:16; Mt 23:15.", "Exhortation to -- Ro 12:11; Re 3:19.", "Holy -- Exemplified", "Phinehas. -- Nu 25:11,13.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:19-25.", "Apollos. -- Ac 18:25.", "Corinthians. -- 1Co 14:12.", "Epaphras. -- Col 4:12,13."]} +{"term": "Zebulun, the Tribe Of", "definitions": ["Descended from Jacob's tenth son -- Ge 30:19,20.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:13; De 33:18,19.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:9.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:10.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:25.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:30,31.", "Formed the rear of the first division of the army of Israel in its journeys -- Nu 10:14,16.", "Encamped under the standard of Judah, east of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:3,7.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:24-29.", "Families of -- Nu 26:26,27.", "Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:27.", "On Ebal said amen to the curses -- De 27:13.", "A naval and commercial people -- Ge 49:13.", "Furnished scribes or writers to Israel -- Jdj 5:14.", "Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:10-16.", "Unable to drive out the Canaanites from their cities, but made them tributary -- Jdj 1:30.", "Praised for assisting Deborah and Barak in opposing Sisera -- Jdj 5:14,18; 4:10.", "Aided Gideon against the army of the Midianites -- Jdj 6:35.", "Furnished a judge to Israel -- Jdj 12:11,12.", "Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:33.", "Officer appointed over by David -- 1Ch 27:19.", "Only some of, assisted in Hezekiah's reformation -- 2Ch 30:10,11,18."]}