dict |
"en": "Of course, weâll keep the important stuff, but weâll try to sell as much as possible of the stuff we donât need. afterwards I feel like we can save money by reducing things and making life related patterns too.",
"ja": "ăăĄăă大ĺăŞăăŽăŻĺăŁăŚăăăžăăăăŞăăŚăĺ°ăăŞăăăŽăŻăŞăăšă売ăăăăŤăăžăă ăăă㍠ăăŽăć¸ăăăŚăçć´ťé˘éŁăăăżăźăłĺăăăă¨ă§ăéăŻč˛Żăžăć°ăăăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Of course I canât remember what happened in the past, and I have to remember what I sent in the past.",
"ja": "ćăŽăă¨ă§ăăăĺ˝çśčŚăăŚăăžăăăăăŽćăŤéăŁăăĄăźăŤăĺ
} |
"en": "Of course there are places where the service is free, and Iâm not denying that in and of itself, but Itâs no surprise that doing that on behalf of the company would cost a lot of work and commission.",
"ja": "ăľăźăăšăçĄćă¨č¨ăă¨ăăăŻăăĄăăăăăžăăăăčŞä˝ăĺŚĺŽăăăăă§ăŻăăăžăăăăăăă䝣čĄă§čĄăă¨č¨ăäşăŻä˝ćĽéăćć°ćăăăăăŽăŻĺ˝çśăŽăă¨ă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "But itâs not a big deal, itâs the actions I took at the time, the food I ate, etc.",
"ja": "ă¨ăăŁăŚă大ăăĺ
} |
"en": "Playing a very popular title with many rivals also has its advantages and disadvantages, and unpopular Itâs also possible that playing a game title in the first place wonât get you any more plays.",
"ja": "ăŠă¤ăăŤăŽĺ¤ă大人ć°ăżă¤ăăŤăăăŹă¤ăăăă¨ăăĄăŞăăă¨ăăĄăŞăăăăăăžăăăä¸äşşć°ăŽă˛ăźă ăżă¤ăăŤăăăŹă¤ăăŚăăăăăăĺçć°ăä¸ăăăŞăăă¨ăăăăăžăă"
} |
"en": "In that case, Iâm trying to see if I canât streamline my keyboard input by putting the spacebar in The method is to reduce the number of presses.",
"ja": "ăăăŞă¨ăăŤăăăźăăźăĺ
} |
"en": "We donât want viewers who say those things to come to us, because we honestly donât want them to come.",
"ja": "ăăăăŁăăă¨ăč¨ăŁăŚăăžăčŚč´č
ăŻăćŁç´ćĽăŚăťăăăŞăă§ăăăăă ăăăăŻăć¤č¨ăăžăăăă"
} |
"en": "There are some folk remedies that are not so good, so you should do a thorough research and ask yourself, âIf this doesnât work, thereâs no choice.",
"ja": "ć°éçćłăŻăä¸ăŤăăăłăă˘ăŞăăŽăăăăžăăăăĺžšĺşçăŤčŞżăšăŚăăăă§ă ăăŞăäťćšăăŞăăă¨ćăŁăŚăăĺŽčĄăăćšăăăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "I wanted the best paper and pen for that, so I did a lot of research and hereâs what I found So Iâll make a note of it.",
"ja": "ăăŽăăăŤćéŠăŞç´ă¨ăăłă揲ăăă¨ćăăăăăă調ăšăçľćă䝼ä¸ăŽăăăŤăŞăăžăăă ăŞăŽă§ăĄă˘ăăŚăăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Iâm sorry Iâm causing you trouble, but Iâm going to die doing what I can do to the best of my ability.",
"ja": "迡ćăăăăŚăăžăŁăŚçłă訳ăŞăăŞă¨ćăă¤ă¤ăčŞĺăŽă§ăăçŻĺ˛ĺ
} |
"en": "For correspondence with vendors, youâll most likely use email mail for practical purposes.",
"ja": "ćĽč
} |
"en": "There isnât one, and it will only cost you money to do so. Real celebrities also play the role of the bad guy for various reasons, including for the structure of the show and for convenience.",
"ja": "ćŹĺ˝ăŽč¸č˝äşşăăçŞçľăŽć§ćä¸ăé˝ĺä¸ăŞăŠć§ă
ă§ăăăăŽăăăŞçŤĺ ´ăćźăăăă¨ăăăă¨ćăăžăăăăăăŻĺşăćĺłă§čŚč´č
} |
"en": "You should take an orderly approach to those people and say, âPlease unsubscribe.",
"ja": "ăăăăäşşăŤĺŻžăăŚăŻăăŠăă解é¤ăăŚăă ăăăă¨ăć´çśă¨ăăć
} |
"en": "Doing the necessary work in as little time as possible without lowering the quality is the best use of my time. I think itâs important to I hope you all will give it a try.",
"ja": "ăŻăŞăŞăăŁăä¸ăăăŤăăŞăăšăçăćéă§ĺż
čŚăŞä˝ćĽăčĄăăă¨ăăčŞĺăŽćéăćĺšăŤä˝żăä¸ă§ă大ĺăŞăă¨ă ă¨ćăăžăă ăă˛çăăă芌ăăŚăżăŚä¸ăăă"
} |
"en": "Finally. Iâm trying to minimize the amount of time I spend on the daily report, which is why itâs in this form.",
"ja": "ćĺžăŤ ćĽĺ ąăŤăăăćéăăŞăăšăćĺ°éăŤăăăă¨ćăŁăŚăăăăăăŽăăăŞĺ˝˘ăŤăŞăăžăăăăăăŚćŁč§Łă§ăăă"
} |
"en": "I managed to clean up this time, but Iâve been thinking about how I can make the process of throwing things away as easy as possible.",
"ja": "äťĺăŻăŠăăŤăçäťăă§ăăžăăăăäťĺžć¨ăŚăä˝ćĽăăŞăăšă漽ăŤăăăăăŤăŠăăăăăăăŽăăčăăŚăżăžăăă"
} |
"en": "Iâm more of a person with a lot of stuff, so Iâm preparing to sell everything I donât see these days on mercantile We are working on the following.",
"ja": "ăĄăŤăŤăŞă§ăăăŞăăăŽăŻĺŁ˛ă ç§ăŻăŠăĄăăă¨ăăă¨çŠăĺ¤ăäşşăŞăŽă§ăćčżăżăŞăăăŽăŻăăšăŚăĄăŤăŤăŞă§ĺŁ˛ăăăăäťćşĺăé˛ăăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Since we are a digital society, missing or writing down things that should really be done by humans. I think we should focus on the creative process.",
"ja": "ăăŁăăăŽăă¸ăżăŤĺ礞äźă§ăăăăéăăăăĄă˘ăăăă¨ă§ćŹĺ˝ăŤäşşéăčĄăăšăăŻăŞă¨ă¤ăăŁăăŞä˝ćĽăŤéä¸ăăšăă ă¨ćăăžăă"
} |
"en": "I also dabble in the things that interest me, but I donât feel like Iâm an expert on them. No, itâs halfway through.",
"ja": "ăžăăčĺłăŽăăăă¨ăŤăŻăĄăăăĄăăćăĺşăăŽă§ăăăăăŽäşăŤčŠłăăäşşă¨ăăćăă§ăŻăŞăăä¸éĺ獯ă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Itâs not a common practice to clipping article information that youâre interested in when youâre looking at a website.",
"ja": "ăăźă ăăźă¸ăčŚăŚăăŚć°ăŤăŞăč¨äşć
ĺ ąăăŻăŞăăăłă°ăăäşăŻăăăăčĄçşă§ăŻăŞăă§ăăăăă"
} |
"en": "The more views you get, the better, of course, so the more popular games you play as a result It will be.",
"ja": "ĺçć°ăŻä¸ăăŁăăťăăăăăŤćąşăžăŁăŚăăžăăăăçľćäşşć°ăŽăăă˛ăźă ăĺ¤ăăăăă¨ăŤăŞăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Youâll want to open a flea market like this one because thatâs where the customers will be coming from.",
"ja": "äťĺăŽăăăŞăăŞăźăăźăąăăăăăăăŤĺŽ˘ăéăžăăăĺşĺşăăăă¨ćăŁăŚăăăŻăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Itâs a plugin to shorten the process of copying and pasting text every time and replacing it, and Please take a look.",
"ja": "ăăĄăăĄćçŤ ăăłăăăăăăĺźľăćżăăăăăä˝ćĽăçăăăăăăŽăăŠă°ă¤ăłă ă¨ćăŁăŚăă ăăă"
} |
"en": "Unfortunately, by refusing to go to a store that sells this âfish shrewdnessâ without knowing what it is In addition to wasting a great opportunity, the negative impact of the âI wouldnât want to call on you in the future, even if I were asked.",
"ja": "ćŽĺżľăŞăăăăăŽăéăŽăăăăă売ăŁăŚăăăĺşăŻăä˝ăăĺăăăŞăăžăžćăăă¨ă§ăăăŁăăăŽăăŁăłăšăçĄăŤăăŚăăăŤĺ ă ă ă äťĺžé źăžăăŚăăĺźăłăăăŞăăŞăă¨ăăč˛ ăŽă¤ăĄăźă¸ăćăăăçľćăŤăŞăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "For example, if you say, âBuy me a ready-made product,â youâll certainly not get a job next time.",
"ja": "äžăă° ă ă ĺşćĽĺăăŽĺĺă財ăŁăŚăăăăŞăăŚč¨ăă°ă確ĺŽăŤćŹĄăăäťäşăŻăăŞăăŞăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "Itâs just tacitly accepted. So, for example, in response to a video of âStreet Fighterâ, it came from the manufacturer âCapcomâ.",
"ja": "ă§ăăăäžăă°ăăšăăŞăźăăăĄă¤ăżăźăăŽĺçťăŤĺŻžăăŚăĄăźăŤăźă§ăăăăŤăăłăłăăăćĽăăŽă§ăăă°ç´ ç´ăŤĺžăăšăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "The work continues to be difficult, and if you are blessed with a marriage or a child, it will be a nuisance, but as much as possible. and forgive me for having done so much.",
"ja": "äťäşăčŚăăććăçśăă䝎ăŤçľĺŠăĺĺŽăŤćľăžăăćăŻă迡ćăŻăăăžăăĺşćĽăéăăŽăă¨ăăăŚăăăă ăăŽăă¨ăăăŁăăă ăă訹ăăŚăťăăă"
} |
"en": "With so many blog posts on the internet, the basic helpful articles are already saturated with Itâs safe to say that itâs a state of affairs.",
"ja": "ăăă ăă¤ăłăżăźăăăä¸ăŤăăă°č¨äşă溢ăăŚăăăŽă§ăĺşćŹçăŞă彚çŤăĄč¨äşăŻăă§ăŤéŁ˝ĺçść
ă ă¨ăăŁăŚčŻăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "As I write down again the house dealings with companies that have come down to me, I have to be careful with myself. I recognized that I had to.",
"ja": "čŞĺčŞčşŤăŤéă注ăă äźćĽă¨ăŽĺŽśăŽăăă¨ăăćšăăŚć¸ăĺşăă¨ăčŞĺăć°ăă¤ăăŚăăăŞăăă°ăŞăăŞăă¨čŞčăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "For example, if you wash your car with a polymer and then wax it a few months later, the effect of the polymer will be lost.",
"ja": "äžăă°ăăŞăăźă§ć´čťăăăăŽăŤăć°ăśćĺžăŻăăŻăšć´čťăăăăăăăŁăăăŽăăŞăăźăŽĺšćăćăĄćśăăŚăăžăăăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Let the computer float a little. There are fans and vents on the sides of the laptop to release heat, but they are not very effective.",
"ja": "ăă˝ăłăłăĺ°ă澎ăăă ăăźăăă˝ăłăłăŻĺ´é˘ăŤçąăéăăăăăŽăăĄăłăéć°ĺŁăăăăŽă§ăăăăăžăăĄĺšćăăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "This is my definition of good content, but for another person, it can be a completely different idea Itâs probably a lot.",
"ja": "ăăăŻç§ăŽčăăčŻăăłăłăăłăăŽĺŽçžŠă§ăăăĺĽăŽäşşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăŻĺ
} |
"en": "It helps them realize that games are fun because theyâre free, and theyâre not fun if theyâre obligatory.",
"ja": "ăă˛ăźă ăŻčŞçąă ăăé˘ç˝ăă瞊ĺăŤăŞăŁăŚăăžăŁăăé˘ç˝ăăŞăăă¨ăăăă¨ăć°ăĽăăăžăăăă"
} |
"en": "It is preferable to say no in a gentle, down-to-earth way, but with a clear refusal.",
"ja": "ăăăžă§ăăăăăä¸ćăŤă§ăăăăŞč¨ăćšă§ăă§ăăŻăŁăăă¨ćăč¨ăćšăćăžăăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Or the pattern is that I really signed up for it at the time, but then unsubscribed as soon as I was done.",
"ja": "ăăăăŻăăăŽćăŻćŹĺ˝ăŤçťé˛ăăăăăăŠăçľăăŁăăăă解é¤ăăŚăăžăăăżăźăłă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Which room to put it in. How many to put on. Placement, not only on the left and right, but also the location of heaven and earth.",
"ja": "ăă¤ăłăă¨ăăŚăŻă ăŠăŽé¨ĺąăŤäťăăă ăŠăă ăăŽć°ăäťăăă 塌ĺłă ăă§ăŞăă夊ĺ°ăŽĺ ´ćăčć
罎 ă¨ăăŁăćă§ăăăăă"
} |
"en": "However, if the price is not in line with what is being asked, explain the reasoning and raise the price. Itâs important to become and lower the price to match the price.",
"ja": "ăăăăäžé źăăăĺ
厚ă¨ĺŻžäžĄăĺăŁăŚăăŞăĺ ´ĺăŻăăăŁăăççąă誏ćăăŚăäžĄć źăä¸ăăăŞăăäžĄć źăŤĺăăăăăŽăŤä¸ăăăŞăăăäşă大ĺă§ăă"
} |
"en": "The difference between a polymer wash and a wax wash. The difference between a polymer wash and a wax wash is, roughly speaking, as follows.",
"ja": "ăăŞăăźć´čťă¨ăŻăăŻăšć´čťăŽéă ăăŞăăźć´čťă¨ăŻăăŻăšć´čťăŽéăăŻăăăăăŁăąăŤč¨ăă¨ă䝼ä¸ăŽăăăŞćăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "The human mind should only be used for whatâs really necessary and not bothered to remember past informant events. I think itâs important to digitize everything that isnât necessary.",
"ja": "äşşéăŽé ăŻăćŹĺ˝ăŤĺż
ĺ ąĺąäşćăŞăŠăăăăčŚăăŚăăĺż
¨ăŚăă¸ăżăŤĺăăăă¨ă大ĺă ă¨ćăŁăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "This is probably because we know that our kids have value in this thing called âchannel registrationâ and I think itâs a sign of the desire to use them as bait and to go above the distributors.",
"ja": "ăăăŻăăăăăĺäžăăăăŁăłăăŤçťé˛ăă¨ăăăăŽăŤäžĄĺ¤ăćăŁăŚăăă¨ăăăŁăŚăăŚăă¨ăľăŤä˝żăŁăŚăăăé
ăăä¸ăŽçŤĺ ´ăŤčĄăăăă¨č¨ăć°ćăĄăŽčĄ¨ăă ă¨ćăŁăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "You may have an admirable painting skill, but youâre honestly paying for an outsourcing project. Companies that canât pay, companies that donât understand give and take, when theyâre asking for something they canât do.",
"ja": "ĺĄčŁ
ăŽćčĄă¨ăăŚăŻăçŤć´žăŞăăŽăćăŁăŚăăăŽăăăăăžăăăăĺ¤ćł¨ăŤĺŻžăăŚčŞ ĺŽăŤăéăćăăŞăăăăŞäźćĽăăŽăă˘ăłăăă¤ăŻăç解ă§ăăŞăäźćĽăă§ăăŞăăă¨ăäžé źăăŚăăăŽăŤăăăŤĺŻžăă寞䞥ăćăăŞăäźćĽă"
} |
"en": "I donât know why, but after duplication, you can go back to the list screen and go to the edit screen again to update and publish.",
"ja": "ççąăŻăăăăžăăăăč¤čŁ˝ĺžăä¸ćŚä¸čŚ§çťé˘ăŤćťăăĺ庌硨éçťé˘ăŤăăăă¨ă§ć´ć°ăťĺ
} |
"en": "I have a habit of writing double entendres that mean the same thing, like âmy headache hurtsâ and âIâll regret it later. Weâll keep those areas simple as well.",
"ja": "ăé çăçă ă ă ĺžă§ĺžćăăăăŽăăăŞăĺăćĺłăäşéăŤć¸ăăŚăăžăçăăăăŽă§ăăăăăŁăçŽćăăˇăłăăŤăŤăăŚăăăžăă"
} |
"en": "There are advantages and disadvantages to âanticancer drug treatment,â âradiation therapy,â and âresection,â and it is up to you to decide what to do with them.",
"ja": "ăćăăĺ¤ć˛ťç ă ă ćžĺ°çˇć˛ťç ă ă ĺé¤ăăŤăŻăĄăŞăăăăăĄăŞăăăăăăăăăĺăăŚčŞĺăăŠăăăăăăăăé¸ćăăăăă¨ăă§ăăă¨čăăžăă"
} |
"en": "The more you think, the less confident you seem to be. When you use the word âI think,â youâre not confident in the words you say or the content of your blog post.",
"ja": "ăćăăĺ¤ăă¨ăčŞäżĄăăŞăăăăŤčŚăă ăćăăă¨č¨ăč¨čă使ăă¨č¨ăäşăŻăçşč¨ăăč¨čăăăă°ăŽč¨äşăŽĺ
} |
"en": "Invest in your health. I think itâs inevitable that as we get older, our bodies get rattled.",
"ja": "ĺĽĺşˇăŤćčłă 嚴齢ăéăăăă¨ăŤă躍ä˝ăŤăŹăżăăăăŽăŻäťćšăăŞăăă¨ă ă¨ćăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Itâs important. If youâre working in a completely different genre, the probability of failure increases, and in a broader sense, the direction of the business youâre currently in.",
"ja": "ĺ
¨ăç°ăŞăă¸ăŁăłăŤăŽäťäşă ă¨ĺ¤ąćăŽç˘şçăä¸ăăăžăăăĺşăćĺłă§äťčĄăŁăŚăăäşćĽăŽćšĺć§ăŻăŻăăăŞăăăăŤăă¤ă¤ăć°ăăŞčŚç´ ăĺ ăăŚčĄăăă¨ă大ĺă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Rakuten limited time points are also money, so make sure you use them up! It may depend on the person, but the Rakuten Limited Time Limit points are a few dozen points, which is a half a dozen points.",
"ja": "漽夊ćééĺŽăă¤ăłăăăéăŞăŽă§ăăăŁăă使ăĺăă äşşăŤăăăăăăăžăăăă漽夊ćééĺŽăă¤ăłăăŻć°ĺăă¤ăłăă¨ĺ獯ăŞć°ĺăŞăŽă§ăă¤ăăăŽăžăžç ´ćŁăăŚăăžăăăĄă§ăăă漽夊ćééĺŽăă¤ăłăăăéă§ăă"
} |
"en": "When it gets long, you can say, âI donât have a lot of time to talk about it.",
"ja": "éˇăăŞăŁăćăŤăăăžăćéăăŞăăŽă ăăŠăă¨ăăăă¨ăă§ăăžăăŽă§ă"
} |
"en": "It basically makes sense to me, but that doesnât mean I should just take it all in stride.",
"ja": "ĺşćŹçăŤç´ĺžăŽăăĺ
厚ă§ăăăă ăăă¨ăăŁăŚăăăăăăšăŚéľĺăżăŤăăă°ăăăăŽă§ăŻăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "I try to reduce the number of words I use or adjust them during the writing process. It is.",
"ja": "ăăăăăăŻăăžăčŻăăŞăăŽăăŞă¨čăăăŞăăšăć¸ăăăăăć¨ć˛ăŽćŽľéă§čŞżć´ăăăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "And when you think about the ease of disposal, itâs easier to keep the room clean, and itâs also easier on the environment.",
"ja": "ăăăŤć¨ăŚăăăăžă§čăăă¨ăé¨ĺąăŻĺ¸¸ăŤăăăăŞçść
} |
"en": "You all have your own thoughts, even if youâre wrong, at least when youâre running your own blog.",
"ja": "ăżăŞăăăăčŞĺă§éĺśăăŚăăăăă°ăŽćăăăăŻăééăŁăŚăăăăăčŞĺăŽćłăăč¨ăĺăăăă§ăăă"
} |
"en": "As long as we do it as a job, we have to do the same thing for decades, and weâre not going to get bored.",
"ja": "äťäşă¨ăăŚăăŁăŚăă䝼ä¸ăä˝ĺĺš´ăĺăäşăăăŞăăă°ăăăŞăăŽă§ăăăă飽ăăăăăŞăăŽă§ăŻäťäşăŤăŞăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "Being depressed doesnât start anything, so I take a supplement that I think is good for me.",
"ja": "ĺšăă§ăăŚăä˝ăĺ§ăžăăžăăăŽă§ăčŞĺăŽä¸ă§ăăă¨ćăăľăăŞăĄăłăă飲ăă§ăăžăă"
} |
"en": "If you have a dream, itâs good luck to find out what it suggests from the dream. Maybe when I'm tired, I have weird dreams.",
"ja": "夢ăčŚăćăŻăăŽĺ¤˘ăăä˝ăć示ăăŚăăăŽă調ăšăăŽăĺ ç˛ăăŚăăă¨ăăŻăĺ¤ăŞĺ¤˘ăčŚăăŽăăăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "Many of the products in the world are a combination of multiple materials, especially hardware and iron.",
"ja": "ä¸ăŽä¸ăŽĺĺăŻč¤ć°ăŽç´ ćăçľăżĺăăăăŚăăäşăĺ¤ăă§ăăăçšăŤéçŠăééĄăĺŤăžăăŚăăă¨ĺŚçăé˘ĺă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Where the pigment is missing, the pigmented area is speckled and looks uncomfortable. It feels like.",
"ja": "č˛ç´ ăćăăŚăăćăćŹćĽăăŽăžăžăŽč˛ç´ ăŽçŽćăăžă ă樥ć§ăŤăŞăŁăŚăăăčŚăçŽăŤć°ăŤăŞăćăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "You can open the audio file and add markers at the desired time to make the markers more subtle.",
"ja": "éłĺŁ°ăăĄă¤ăŤăéăăĺ¸ćăŽăżă¤ăăłă°ă§ăăźăŤăźăă¤ăăăă¨ă§ăăăçšç´°ăŤăăźăŤăźăă¤ăăăă¨ăă§ăăžăă"
} |
"en": "I felt like it was good. summary It was like the complete opposite of the toothbrushes on the market.",
"ja": "ăžă¨ă ä¸ăŤĺşĺăŁăŚăăćŻăăŠăˇă¨ćŻăšăŚăăžăă§çéăăăăăăŞćŻăăŠăˇă§ăăă"
} |
"en": "If youâre considering honesty, itâs still important to explain the reasoning behind the decision! .",
"ja": "čŞ ĺŽăăčăăăăăăŻăăăŁăăă¨ççąă誏ćăăä¸ă§ăĺ¤ćăăŚăăăăă¨ăéčŚă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "In my case, I made a big mistake by not increasing my capital in U.S. stocks to try to increase my money, so I will revise that.",
"ja": "ç§ăŽĺ ´ĺăçąłĺ˝ć Şă§ăéăĺ˘ăăăă¨ăăŚĺ˘čłăăŞăăŁăăŽă大ăăŞăăšă§ăăăŽă§ăăăăćšĺŽăăŚăăă¤ăăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "Securing a stable job with a large company while looking for another source of income to diversify the risk.",
"ja": "大äźćĽăŽĺŽĺŽăăäťäşă確äżăă¤ă¤ăăăă¨ăŻĺĽăŽĺĺ
} |
"en": "Since it is something that regularly exits each month, you must also estimate the amount for it.",
"ja": "ćŻćĺŽćçăŤćăăăăŽă§ăăăăăăăŤĺŻžăăééĄăčŚçŠăăŁăŚăăăŞăăă°ăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "The parts of the house should be of a general specification that you can buy at a home improvement store. I had a chance to talk to a construction company at work, an...",
"ja": "厜ăŽé¨ĺăŻăăźă ăťăłăżăźă§č˛ˇăăăăăŞä¸čŹçăŞäťć§ăŽăăŽăčŻă äťäşă§ĺťşč¨äźç¤žăŽäşşă¨čŠąăăăćŠäźăăăŁăăŽă§ăăăăăă§ăŞăăťăŠăă¨ćăŁăäşăčăăăŽă§ăĄă˘ăăŚăăăžăă"
} |
"en": "But if youâre working on a job, or if voice input is a pain in the ass, you can use the traditional keyboard input.",
"ja": "ă§ăăäťäşă§ăŽä˝ćĽă ăŁăăăéłĺŁ°ĺ
} |
"en": "Enter your time as follows and describe what you did at the time in the appropriate places.",
"ja": "䝼ä¸ăŽăăăŤćéăĺ
} |
"en": "I believe that if I donât continue to change my constitution, I will eventually get it again.",
"ja": "çśăăŚčŞĺăŽä˝čłŞăĺ¤ăăŚăăăŞăăă°ăçľĺąăžăĺşćĽăŚăăžăă¨čăăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Iâm acutely aware that houses are difficult to answer because of the complexity of the various conditions involved.",
"ja": "厜ăŻăć§ă
ăŞćĄäťśăč¤éăŤçľĄăżĺăŁăŚăăăăăăŞăăŞăçăăŽĺşăŤăăăăŽă ăŞăă¨çćăăŚăăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Iâm taking into account the fact that itâs relatively easy to get, so there may be better products out there.",
"ja": "ăŻăă㍠ĺ˛ă¨ćčť˝ăŤćăŤĺ
} |
"en": "The actual books are all printed with special spot colors, so these figures are only âapproximateâ.",
"ja": "ĺŽéăŽć¸çąăŻăăšăŚĺ°ç¨ăŽçšč˛ă§ĺ°ĺˇăăŚăăăăăŞăŽă§ăăăăăŽć°ĺ¤ăŻăăăžă§ăčżäźźč˛ăă§ăă"
} |
"en": "You might give up being a professional gamer by saying you like games but hate learning.",
"ja": "ă˛ăźă ăŻĺĽ˝ăă ăăŠĺ埡ăĺŤăă¨č¨ăăă¨ă§ăăă˛ăźăăźă荌ăăŚăăăăăăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "After that, take a note of the random character string called âaddressâ that appears on the login screen. and the first one.",
"ja": "ä¸ĺżć§ăăŚăăăžăăăă ăăŽĺžăăă°ă¤ăłăăçťé˘ăŤčĄ¨ç¤şăăăăă˘ăăŹăšăă¨ĺźă°ăăăŠăłăă ćĺĺăć§ăăŚăăăžăă"
} |
"en": "Maybe itâs my stance, but I choose to take what seems to be safe, although itâs not a quick fix.",
"ja": "ćĺžăŤ ç§ăŽăšăżăłăšăăăăăžăăăăĺłĺšć§ăŻăŞăă§ăăăĺŽĺ
} |
"en": "Since the client is an amateur homeowner and has to deal with a variety of other home related issues, such as You will often not notice the point of view itself.",
"ja": "厢ăŻĺŽśăŽç´ äşşă§ăăä¸ăŤăäťăŤă厜ăŤé˘ăăć§ă
} |
"en": "Some people may be concerned about how much detail to write in a daily report, but itâs very simple It is.",
"ja": "ćĽĺ ąă¨č¨ăă¨ăŠăăžă§ç´°ăăć¸ăăŽăĺżé
} |
"en": "Such windows should be designed to be hard to see, or they should be installed on top of the wall. .",
"ja": "ăăč¨ăŁăçŞăŻčŚăăĽăăć§é ăŽçŞăŤăăăăĺŁăŽä¸é¨ăŤĺăäťăăăŞăŠăŽčć
} |
"en": "To add to this so that there are no misunderstandings, Iâm not criticizing professional gamers.",
"ja": "誤解ăŽăŞăăăăŤčŁčśłăăŚăăă¨ăç§ăŻăăă˛ăźăăźăćšĺ¤ăăăăă§ăŻăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "To be more specific, the process of putting them into an array, separating them by line breaks.",
"ja": "ăŻăă㍠ĺ
} |
"en": "Before I blogged with voice input, I used to write blog posts using a keyboard, of course! .",
"ja": "ç§ăăŠăŽăăăŤéłĺŁ°ĺ
} |
"en": "B. The perspective of a window to assist in air circulation. You may need windows as air circulation.",
"ja": "犺ć°ăŽĺžŞç°ăčŁĺŠăăăăăŽçŞă¨ăăčŚçš 犺ć°ăŽĺžŞç°ă¨ăăŚăŽçŞăĺż
čŚăŞĺ ´ĺăăăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "But thereâs no point in worrying too much about perfect writing if you canât publish a post.",
"ja": "ă§ăăăăžăăŤĺŽç§ăŞćçŤ ăć°ăŤăăăăŚăč¨äşăĺ
} |
"en": "For example, if you play the game Fortnite on your laptop, the fan will keep spinning! .",
"ja": "äžăă°ăă˛ăźă ăŽăăŠăźăăă¤ăăăăźăăă˝ăłăłă§ăăă¨ăăăĄăłăĺăăŁăąăŞăăŤăŞăăžăă"
} |
"en": "For this reason, it is best to use the official name of the content that might be misleading by abbreviation I think.",
"ja": "ăăŽăăăççĽăăăă¨ă§čŞ¤č§ŁăćăăăăŞĺ
厚ăŻăă§ăăă ăćŁĺźĺ称ă§ć¸ăă¨ăăăăăăă¨ćăăžăă"
} |
"en": "However, I have taken a stance on objecting to third parties who are unfamiliar to me.",
"ja": "ă§ăă珏ä¸č
} |
"en": "Itâs important to spend your time playing a game that you think will be interesting! Hey.",
"ja": "ăăŁăăăŽćéă使ăăŽă§ăăăčŞĺăé˘ç˝ăăă ă¨ćăŁăŚăăă˛ăźă ăčĄăăă¨ă大ĺă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "Naturally, we label the daily reports we send so that they can be easily retrieved later on.",
"ja": "é俥ăăćĽĺ ąăŤăŻĺ˝çśăŠăăŤăäťăĺžăăć¤ç´˘ăăăăăăŞăăăăŤăăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "The shop was a shop that sold âfish shirasuâ and I tried to say a few words when it was free. And he immediately said he didnât want it.",
"ja": "ăăŽăĺşăŻăéăŽăăăăă売ăŁăŚăăăĺşă ăŁăăŽă§ăăă犺ăăŚăăćăŤä¸č¨čŠąăăă¨ăăă¨ăăăăŤăăăăŞăăă¨č¨ăĺşăăŚăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "The unique size means that there is no rival for sales, so the parts will be more expensive I can see it.",
"ja": "çŹčŞăľă¤ăşă¨ăăäşăŻč˛ŠĺŁ˛ăŤĺŻžăăŚăŠă¤ăăŤăăăŞăăŽă§ăăăăé¨ĺăĺ˛éŤăŤăŞăăŽăŻçŽăŤčŚăăŚăăžăă"
} |
"en": "This product comes in capsules, so if you are worried about the capsules, you can take apart the capsules and remove the powder inside.",
"ja": "ăăŽĺĺăŻăăŤăăťăŤăŤĺ
ĽăŁăŚăăžăăŽă§ăăŤăăťăŤăć°ăŤăŞăćšăŻăăŤăăťăŤăĺ解ăä¸ăŽç˛ă ă飲ăăăăŤăăă¨ăăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "With the advent of drones, aerial photography has become an easy way for individuals to take pictures. .",
"ja": "ăăăźăłăĺşăŚăăăă¨ăŤăăŁăŚă犺ćŽăĺäşşă§ăć°čť˝ăŤćŽĺ˝ąă§ăăăăăŤăŞăŁăăăă§ăăăă"
} |
"en": "Because even if it was a failure for someone else, I wouldnât have to worry about it.",
"ja": "䝎ăŤăăăäťäşşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăŽĺ¤ąćčŤă ăŁăă¨ăăŚăăăăăć°ăŤăăĺż
} |
"en": "If you keep in mind the point of ease of repair when it breaks down, it might help you in making decisions about your house. It might.",
"ja": "ĺŁăăć㎠čŁäżŽăŽăăăă ă¨ăăçšćčăŽä¸ăŤĺ
} |
"en": "Save money for future renovations. Just because you build a home, doesnât mean you can live in it forever.",
"ja": "ĺ°ćĽăŽăŞăăŠăźă ăŤĺăăŚăéă貯ăă ćăĄĺŽśăĺťşăŚăăăă¨ăăŁăŚăăăŁă¨ä˝ăăăăă§ăŻăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "So, in addition to the position of the placement from the top surface, do you put that outlet at the top or at the bottom?",
"ja": "ă§ăăăăé
} |
"en": "This content itself isnât something to hide, and I didnât find this kind of information online. Note as a reminder.",
"ja": "ăăŽĺ
厚čŞä˝ăĺĽăŤé ăăăăŞăăŽă§ăăŞăăăăăăăŁăć
ĺ ąăŻăăăä¸ăŤăŞăăŁăăŽă§ăĺĺżé˛ă¨ăăŚăĄă˘ă"
} |
"en": "This time, the toothbrush I got at the dentist was different from the one I usually use, so Iâll talk about that.",
"ja": "äťĺăŻăćŻĺťč
} |
"en": "To generate drafts automatically I devised a system to make the daily report as easy as possible.",
"ja": "ä¸ć¸ăăčŞĺă§çćăăăă㍠ćŻćĽăŽćĽĺ ąăăŞăăšăç°ĄĺăŤć¸ăžăăăăăŤĺˇĽĺ¤Ťăăăžăăă"
} |
"en": "Weâve made it a top priority that this would make it easier to adapt to future changes.",
"ja": "ăăăăăă¨ă§ăćŞćĽăŽĺ¤ĺăŤă寞ĺżăăăăăŞăă ăăă¨ăăăă¨ăćĺŞĺ
} |
"en": "You can use thumbnails linked to the expressions of those animals, or you can use them for something related to the animal.",
"ja": "ăăăĺçŠăŽčĄ¨ć
ă¨ăŞăłăŻăăăăľă ăă¤ăŤă使ăŁăŚăăăăăĺçŠăŤé˘éŁăăăă¨ăŤä˝żăăŽăăăă§ăăăă"
} |
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