diff --git "a/MCQA/task122_medmcqa_test_set.json" "b/MCQA/task122_medmcqa_test_set.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/MCQA/task122_medmcqa_test_set.json" @@ -0,0 +1,16762 @@ +{ + "Contributors": "medmcqa authors", + "Source": "medmcqa", + "URL": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/openlifescienceai/medmcqa", + "Reasoning": [], + "Input_language": [ + "English" + ], + "Output_language": [ + "English" + ], + "Instruction_language": [ + "English" + ], + "Positive Examples": [], + "Negative Examples": [], + "Instances": [ + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true for myelinated nerve fibers:\nOptions: \nA. Impulse through myelinated fibers is slower than non-myelinated fibers\tB. Membrane currents are generated at nodes of Ranvier\tC. Saltatory conduction of impulses is seen\tD. Local anesthesia is effective only when the nerve is not covered by myelin sheath.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Impulse through myelinated fibers is slower than non-myelinated fibers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about glomerular capillaries')\nOptions: \nA. The oncotic pressure of the fluid leaving the capillaries is less than that of fluid entering it\tB. Glucose concentration in the capillaries is the same as that in glomerular filtrate\tC. Constriction of afferent aeriole decreases the blood flow to the glomerulas\tD. Hematocrit of the fluid leaving the capillaries is less than that of the fluid entering it.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The oncotic pressure of the fluid leaving the capillaries is less than that of fluid entering it" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 29 yrs old woman with a pregnancy of 17 week has a 10 years old boy with down syndrome. She does not want another down syndrome kid; best advice to her is\nOptions: \nA. No test is required now as her age is below 35 years\tB. Ultra sound at this point of time will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not\tC. Amniotic fluid samples plus chromosomal analysis will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not\tD. blood screening at this point of time will clear the exact picture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Amniotic fluid samples plus chromosomal analysis will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Axonal transport is:\nOptions: \nA. Antegrade\tB. Retrograde\tC. Antegrade and retrograde\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Antegrade and retrograde" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Low insulin to glucagon ratio is seen in all of these except:\nOptions: \nA. Glycogen synthesis\tB. Glycogen breakdown\tC. Gluconeogenesis\tD. Ketogenesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Glycogen synthesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Concentration of tropicamide:\nOptions: \nA. 0.01\tB. 0.02\tC. 0.03\tD. 0.04.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.01" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is true regarding H I N1 Influenza?\nOptions: \nA. Pregnant woman with sore throat can be staed immediately on oseltamivir without diagnostic testing under category B\tB. People on long-term steroids cannot receive Os-eltam ivir\tC. Category B concerns with low risk cases\tD. Category B patients have to undergo immediate testing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pregnant woman with sore throat can be staed immediately on oseltamivir without diagnostic testing under category B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following are not a branch of external carotid Aery in Kiesselbach's plexus.\nOptions: \nA. Sphenopalatine aery\tB. Anterior ethmoidal aery\tC. Greater palatine aery\tD. Septal branch of superior labial aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anterior ethmoidal aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diagnosis of the following ECG-\nOptions: \nA. Ventricular bigeminy\tB. Electrical alternans\tC. P pulmonale\tD. Left ventricular failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Electrical alternans" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A blue new born presents with cyanosis. The X\u2013ray chest reveal oligaemic lung field and normal sized heart. Most likely diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Ebstein's anomaly\tB. Pulmonary atresia\tC. Transposition of great arteries\tD. Tetralogy of fallot.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pulmonary atresia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 27.\tThe lateral spread of dental caries is facilitated mostly by the\nOptions: \nA. Enamel spindles\tB. Dentinoenamel junction\tC. Enamel lamellae\tD. Striae of Retzius.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dentinoenamel junction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A second-year PG resident tells you to perform an ABG of a patient. All of the following are true about performing an ABG except:\nOptions: \nA. Before performing the ABG, syringe should be loaded with 0.3 cc of heparin\tB. Normal pH, HCO. and PCO, levels may not indicate absence of an acid-base imbalance\tC. A different site should be tried i f modified Allen's test is negative\tD. Radial aery is the preferred site.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Before performing the ABG, syringe should be loaded with 0.3 cc of heparin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Respiratory rhythm generation center is located at:\nOptions: \nA. Dorsal respiratory group\tB. Pre-Botzinger complex\tC. Ventral respiratory neurons\tD. Pneumotaxic center.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pre-Botzinger complex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gait apraxia is seen in thromboembolic episode involving:\nOptions: \nA. ACA\tB. MCA\tC. PCA\tD. Posterior choroidal aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ACA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Heavy forces on periodontal ligament causes:\nOptions: \nA. Hyalinization\tB. Osteoclastic activity around tooth\tC. Osteoblastic activity around tooth\tD. Crest bone resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hyalinization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About N. gonorrhoea, all are true except\nOptions: \nA. Most common cause of urethritis in male\tB. All stains are highly susceptible to penicillin\tC. Wide spread axoregnic stains cause disseminated gonococcal infection\tD. Found exclusively in human beings.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: All stains are highly susceptible to penicillin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient who was on ventilator and being ventilated for past few days, suddenly pulls out the endotracheal tube. What is the next step of management?\nOptions: \nA. Assess the patient, give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathing\tB. Sta bag and mask ventilation and reintubate\tC. Sedate and reintubate\tD. Make him sit and do physiotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Assess the patient, give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a\t6-month-old child, thick curd like white\tpatch\nappears on the buccal mucosa. On rubbing it leaves an\nerythematous patch. Most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Tuberculosis\tB. Lichen planus\tC. Lupus erythematous\tD. Candidiasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Candidiasis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Characteristic of venous blood flow of lower limb in duplex Doppler is?\nOptions: \nA. Monophasic\tB. Biphasic\tC. Triphasic\tD. Non phasic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Monophasic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The source of calcium ions of a calcific bridge in a\ntooth in which calcium hydroxide pulpotomy has been\nperformed is:\nOptions: \nA. Blood vessel borne\tB. Derided cells\tC. Dentin\tD. From the calcium hydroxide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Blood vessel borne" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 2, 3-BPG binds to sites of haemoglobin and the affinity for oxygen\nOptions: \nA. 4, decreases\tB. 1, decreases\tC. 4, increases\tD. 1, increases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1, decreases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Highest concentration of oxygen is delivered through?\nOptions: \nA. Nasal cannula\tB. Venturi mask\tC. Bag and mask\tD. Mask with reservoir.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bag and mask" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sharpest cusp is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Upper Canine\tB. Lower Canine\tC. Upper Premolar\tD. Lower premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Upper Canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A mother is Hbs Ag positive and anti Hbe Ag positive. Risk of transmission of Hep. B in child is:\nOptions: \nA. 20%\tB. 50%\tC. 0%\tD. 90%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 20%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with competent lips together at rest, the lip\nline is opposite the tips of the upper incisors. The lip line is then described as\nOptions: \nA. Average\tB. High\tC. Incomplete\tD. Low.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Low." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented to emergency with overdose some drug. There were increased salivation and increased bronchial secretions. On examination, blood pressure was 88/60 mmHg. RBC esterase level is 50. What should be the treatment of this person?\nOptions: \nA. Neostigmine\tB. Atropine\tC. Flumazenil\tD. Physostigmine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Atropine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The current bar clasp design used is:\nOptions: \nA. Mesio-occlusal rest\tB. Disto-occlusal rest\tC. Mesial or distal depending on the situation\tD. Choice of the dentist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesio-occlusal rest" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true regarding Class-II inlay gingival margins preparation except?\nOptions: \nA. Removal of week enamel rods\tB. Increased metal burnishability\tC. Lap sliding fit of metal margin\tD. Margins of restoration in self-cleansable area.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Margins of restoration in self-cleansable area." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Breakdown of periodontal fibres in periodontitis is due to bacterial enzyme: (OR) Which of the following bacterial products have been implicated in initiation of inflammatory periodontal disease?\nOptions: \nA. Collagenase\tB. Hyaluronidase\tC. Coagulase\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Collagenase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a study, two groups of newborns are checked for their weights based on whether their mothers received food supplements or not. The appropriate test which can be used for comparing the data is:\nOptions: \nA. Chi square test\tB. Paired T-test\tC. Student's T-test\tD. Fischer exact test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Student's T-test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which vitamin is required for glycogen Phosphorylase?\nOptions: \nA. PLP\tB. TPP\tC. Riboflavin\tD. Lipoic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: PLP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child's behaviour is traced to have dental difficulties\nfrom\this\tmother.\tThe\tmost\tsatisfactory\tmethod\tof\nhandling the situation is to:\nOptions: \nA. Introduce another child as a good example\tB. Modify his fear by familiarization\tC. Use small amounts of barbiturates\tD. Use firmness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Modify his fear by familiarization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the only complete cailage ring in the respiratory tree?\nOptions: \nA. Cricoid cailage\tB. Thyroid cailage\tC. Cunieform cailage\tD. Epiglottis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cricoid cailage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Steps of intubation - arrange in sequence:- a. Head extension and flexion of neck b. Introduction of laryngoscope c. Inflation of cuff d. Check breath sounds with stethoscope e. fixation of the tube to prevent dislodgement\nOptions: \nA. ABCDE\tB. DBCEA\tC. ACBED\tD. CBAED.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ABCDE" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Erythroblastosis fetalis not involved is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Anti C\tB. Anti D\tC. Anti E\tD. Anti Lewis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Anti Lewis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A dentist suffered from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal, but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is:\nOptions: \nA. Inactive carrier\tB. Healthy carrier\tC. Convalescent carrier\tD. Paradoxical carrier.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Convalescent carrier" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pediatrician in a district hospital with specialization neonatal care unit calls an ophthalmologist for consultation for which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. A newborn with respiratory distress\tB. A baby born at 28 weeks of gestation\tC. Newborn with jaundice\tD. A newborn with bih weight 2300 grams.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: A baby born at 28 weeks of gestation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a child with active liver failure, the most important prognosis factor for death is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Increasing transaminases\tB. Increasing bilirubin\tC. Increasing prothrombin time\tD. Gram (\u2013)ve sepsis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Gram (\u2013)ve sepsis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient went into shock immediately after normal delivery, likely cause:\nOptions: \nA. Amniotic fluid embolism\tB. PPH\tC. Uterine inversion\tD. Eclampsia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Uterine inversion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with flat topped violaceous papules, thinning of nails and onycholysis. What is the microscopic finding observed in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Prominent necrotic cell\tB. Suprabasal split\tC. Basal cell degeneration\tD. Acantholysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Basal cell degeneration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not. true regarding myelopathy?\nOptions: \nA. Sensory loss of facial area\tB. Brisk jaw jerk\tC. Brisk pectoral jerk\tD. Urgency and incontinence of micturition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Brisk jaw jerk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following committees has recommended a 3-year bachelor degree in medical education for rural health service?\nOptions: \nA. High level expe group of universal health program for india\tB. Central bureau of health investigation\tC. Srivastava committee\tD. Sundar committee.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: High level expe group of universal health program for india" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sequential arrangement of fetal scans -\nOptions: \nA. Growth scan\tB. Triple marker\tC. Anomalous Scan and NT scan\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is a muscle splitting incision?\nOptions: \nA. Kocher's incision\tB. Rutherford-Morrison incision\tC. Pfannenstiel incision\tD. Lanz incision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lanz incision." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Multiple canals in mandibular premolars are seen in?\nOptions: \nA. Africas\tB. Caucians\tC. Not Recalled\tD. Not Recalled.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Africas" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following blade angle is appropriate for scaling and root planing\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which pa of brachial plexus do not give branches\nOptions: \nA. Root\tB. Division\tC. Cord\tD. Trunk.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Division" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the Rb gene phosphorylation is defective, which of the following will happen?\nOptions: \nA. Cell cycle will stop at GI phase\tB. Cell cycle will stop at G2 phase\tC. The cell cycle will progress and the cell will divide\tD. There will be no effect on cell cycle as for Rb gene phosphorylation is not needed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cell cycle will stop at GI phase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cumulative index is:\nOptions: \nA. Russet's periodontal index\tB. Ramjford's periodontal index\tC. PMA (Massler and Schlour)\tD. Gingival index (Loe and Silness).\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PMA (Massler and Schlour)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cells which will proliferate from top to bottom of villi are:\nOptions: \nA. Chief cells\tB. Goblet cells\tC. Paneth cells\tD. Parietal cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Paneth cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the usual weight of rabbit used in ophthalmological experiments?\nOptions: \nA. 0.5-1 kg\tB. 1.5-2.5 kg\tC. 5-7 kg\tD. 10-12 kg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1.5-2.5 kg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In plasmodium vivax malaria, relapse is caused by:September 2012\nOptions: \nA. Sporozoite\tB. Schizont\tC. Hypnozoite\tD. Gamteocyte.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hypnozoite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Retraction of mandible is achieved by:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral pterygoid\tB. Temporalis\tC. Medial pterygoid\tD. Masseter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Temporalis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: How is modified shock index represented as?\nOptions: \nA. HR/MAP\tB. MAP/HR\tC. HR/SBP\tD. HR/DBP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: HR/MAP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3 week neonate with ambiguous genitalia presented with Na+ 127 meq/L, K+ 7.2 meq/L wit BP 52/24 mm Hg and he was managed with IV fluids. What is the next step of management?\nOptions: \nA. Spironolactone\tB. Hydrocoisone administration\tC. Broad spectrum antibiotics\tD. Calcium gluconate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hydrocoisone administration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Base pairs in DNA\nOptions: \nA. 1.5 billion\tB. 46 billions\tC. 3.2 billion\tD. 100 billion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3.2 billion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a solid solution?\nOptions: \nA. Amalgam\tB. Cobalt-chromium\tC. Silver-palladium\tD. Gallium-silver.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Silver-palladium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tracheal secretions should be suctioned for:\nOptions: \nA. 10-15 seconds\tB. 60 seconds\tC. 30 seconds\tD. 3 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 10-15 seconds" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents with carcinoma of the larynx involving the left false cords, left arytenoid and the left aryepiglottic folds with bilateral mobile true cords. Treatment of choice is -\nOptions: \nA. Vertical hemilaryngectomy\tB. Horizontal partial hemilaryngectomy\tC. Total laryngectomy\tD. Radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Vertical hemilaryngectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following lipoproteins does not move towards charged end in electrophoresis?\nOptions: \nA. VLDL\tB. LDL\tC. HDL\tD. Chylomicrons.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chylomicrons." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60 years old male presented with fever, chills and dysuria. Patient was hospitalized in emergency for 5 days. PSA level was 7.4. Next best step in this patient:\nOptions: \nA. Repeat PSA\tB. TURP\tC. TRUS guided biopsy\tD. Antibiotics and admit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Antibiotics and admit." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Name the structure marked with arrow\nOptions: \nA. Mitochondria\tB. Golgi bodies\tC. Secretory vesicles\tD. Rough Endoplasmic reticulum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Secretory vesicles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient from,nqh-eastern states was diagnosed to have infection with P. falciparum malaria. What is the most appropriate drug for this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Aemether plus lumefantrine\tB. Sulfadoxine plus pyrimethamine\tC. Chloroquine\tD. Mefloquine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Aemether plus lumefantrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Iron is present in all, EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. Myoglobin\tB. Cytochrome\tC. Catalase\tD. Pyruvate kinase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pyruvate kinase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common bone tumor that occurs in children is:\nOptions: \nA. Osteosarcoma\tB. Ewing's sarcoma\tC. Metastatic carcinoma\tD. Multiple myeloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osteosarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a couple for treatment of infeility from the last four years, female paner is normal. Male paner has 0.8 ml semen volume per ejaculate on two repeated samples and absent fructose, with no sperms on examination under microscope. What is the next line of management?\nOptions: \nA. Per-rectal examination to check ejaculatory duct obstruction\tB. Give antioxidants\tC. Testicular biopsy\tD. Transrectal ultrasound to detect duct obstruction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Transrectal ultrasound to detect duct obstruction." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The zygomatic bone does not articulate with:\nOptions: \nA. Frontal bone\tB. Maxillary bone\tC. Nasal bone\tD. Temporal bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nasal bone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is true regarding medical aboion?\nOptions: \nA. Ultrasound should be done in all cases\tB. If the patient has an IUCD in-situ, it doesn't need to be removed\tC. Can only be done up to 72 days\tD. Only a person ceified under MTP act can perform medical termination of pregnancy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Only a person ceified under MTP act can perform medical termination of pregnancy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcium ions triggers muscle contraction by binding to:\nOptions: \nA. Actin\tB. Myosin\tC. Troponin\tD. Tropomyosin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Troponin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: SD plasma destroys lipid enveloped virus. On SD plasma transfusion, which of the following infection is the likely possibility?\nOptions: \nA. HIV\tB. HAV\tC. HBV\tD. HCV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: HAV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to the intelligence quotient classification, a score of 90-110 is:\nOptions: \nA. Low average.\tB. Average\tC. Superior\tD. Mentally retarded..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Average" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Due to which of the following enzyme deficiency, vitamin C cannot be synthesised in humans?\nOptions: \nA. L-Glucuronic acid oxidase\tB. L-Gulonic acid reductase\tC. L-Gulonolactone oxidase\tD. L-Gulonolactone reductase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: L-Gulonolactone oxidase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient of heart disease antibiotic prophylaxis for dental extraction is:\nOptions: \nA. Amoxicillin.\tB. Imipenem.\tC. Gentamicin.\tD. Erythromycin..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Amoxicillin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following type of failure may occur, if the coefficient of thermal expansion of ceramic is much lower than that of metal?\nOptions: \nA. Cohesive failure of ceramic\tB. Adhesive failure of metal ceramic bond\tC. Cohesive failure of metal\tD. Cohesive failure of metal ceramic bond.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Adhesive failure of metal ceramic bond" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti monsoon curve seen in :\nOptions: \nA. Premolar\tB. Molar\tC. Anterior\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 years old child has lytic lesions in upper femur, the differential diagnosis can be all except :\nOptions: \nA. Plasmacytoma\tB. Browns tumour\tC. Metastasis\tD. Histiocytosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Plasmacytoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During periradicular surgery bone is removed with?\nOptions: \nA. Round burr\tB. Double inverted cone burr\tC. Fissure burr\tD. Taper Burr.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Round burr" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The primary function of the dental pulp is:\nOptions: \nA. Nutritive\tB. Production of dentin\tC. Production of enamel\tD. Vascular supply to the teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Production of dentin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following increases callus formation:\nOptions: \nA. Rigid immobilization\tB. Movement at fracture site\tC. Compression plating\tD. Intraosseous nailing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Movement at fracture site" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Child of Vasanthi was weaned from breast milk on the 5th day and was given sugarcane juice the child developed hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly biochemical examination showed hypophosphatemia and enzyme deficiencies\u2013reducing substances in urine. The child is probably suffering from which of the following enzyme deficiencies \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Fructokinase\tB. Aldolase B\tC. Glucose 6 Phosphatase\tD. Beta galactosidase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Aldolase B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Skeletal muscles\nOptions: \nA. Contracts when calcium is taken up by sarcoplasmic reticulum\tB. Contracts when actin and myosin filaments shorten\tC. Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin\tD. Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to tropomyosin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is most effective for gluconeogenesis in starvation?\nOptions: \nA. Acetyl Co-A stimulation of pyruvate carboxylase\tB. Fructose-1, 6-biphosphate stimulation of phosphofructokinase-1\tC. Citrate stimulation of acetyl carboxylase\tD. Fructose-2, 6-biphosphate stimulation of phosphofructokinase-2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acetyl Co-A stimulation of pyruvate carboxylase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not involved in iron metabolism?\nOptions: \nA. Transthyretin\tB. Ceruloplasmin\tC. Hepcidin\tD. Ferropoin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Transthyretin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 14 year girl presented with absent thelarche.On examination uterus was present. Investigations showed high FSH. karyotype is XY.What is the probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Gonadal dysgenesis\tB. Kallman syndrome\tC. Androgen insensitivity syndrome\tD. Adrenal hyperplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gonadal dysgenesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reciprocal arm taper in\nOptions: \nA. 1 dimension\tB. 2 dimension\tC. 3 dimension\tD. Not tapered.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 dimension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bluegrass appliance is used to treat:\nOptions: \nA. Thumb sucking.\tB. Tongue thrusting.\tC. Both\tD. Mouth breathing..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On a primary 2nd molar caries occur most commonly on\nOptions: \nA. Occlusal pit and fissures\tB. Proximal caries below contact point\tC. Buccal surface\tD. Promixal caries above contact point.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Occlusal pit and fissures" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Waldeyer's lymphatic chain is formed by all except\nOptions: \nA. Palatine tonsils\tB. Pharyngeal tonsils\tC. Tubal and lingual tonsils\tD. Post auricular nodes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Post auricular nodes." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Polydactyly, craniosynostosis, Late closure of fontanelles is a feature of:\nOptions: \nA. Apert's syndrome\tB. Crouton's syndrome\tC. Pierre robin syndrome\tD. Down' syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Apert's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Physiological changes seen in laparoscopy include all except:\nOptions: \nA. Increased ICP\tB. Decreased FRC\tC. Increased CVP\tD. Increased pH.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Increased pH." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following nerve fibre types is least susceptible to LA blockade?\nOptions: \nA. A beta\tB. A alpha\tC. B fibers\tD. C fibers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: A alpha" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child born with multiple congenital defect including cleft palate, neural tube defect, atrial septal defect and microcephaly which of the following drug is used by mother during pregnancy:\nOptions: \nA. Erythromycin\tB. Isotretinoin\tC. Ibuprofen\tD. Metronidazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Isotretinoin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incorporation of peripheral seal in an impression is necessary to obtain;\nOptions: \nA. Stability\tB. Functionally moulded periphery\tC. Harmonious occlusion\tD. Posterior palatal seal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Functionally moulded periphery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increase in height of mandible with increase in interdental spaces in elderly man\nOptions: \nA. Hyperpituitarism\tB. Hyperthyroidism\tC. Hypopituitarism\tD. Hyperparathyroidism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hyperpituitarism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient has seasonal allergic rhinitis and is on terfenadine. He develops cardiac arrhythmias after a course of antibiotics. Which of the following antibiotic could have been given:\nOptions: \nA. Ampicillin\tB. Tetracycline\tC. Erythromycin\tD. Co-trimoxazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Erythromycin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Modulus of elasticity means:\nOptions: \nA. Rigidity or stiffness of the material\tB. Ability to be stretched with permanent deformation\tC. Ductility of a material\tD. Malleability of the metal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rigidity or stiffness of the material" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vwf factor is produced by:\nOptions: \nA. Platelets\tB. Endothelial cells\tC. Neutrophils\tD. Monocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Endothelial cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statement is false statement about snake-bites?\nOptions: \nA. Anti-venom is not effective in humpnosed pit viper bite\tB. Cobra venom is neurotoxic\tC. Atropine premedication should be used before administering Neostigmine\tD. Neostigmine has a role in krait bite..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Neostigmine has a role in krait bite.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A prosthetic appliance given to cover the palatal defect in patients with cleft palate is called\nOptions: \nA. Artificial velum\tB. Obturator\tC. Removable prosthetic appliance\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Obturator" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Biofilm forming bacteria causes antimicrobial resist-ance by all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Mechanical barrier\tB. Increased excretion of antibiotics\tC. Altered metabolism\tD. Adherence.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Adherence." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these drugs is an antidote for fibrinolytic therapy?\nOptions: \nA. Epsilon aminocaproic acid\tB. Protamine\tC. Heparin\tD. Streptokinase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epsilon aminocaproic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which facial bone is most prone to fracture?\nOptions: \nA. Mandible\tB. Nasal\tC. Zygoma\tD. Frontal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nasal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To check objective pain response, which is best used method\nOptions: \nA. Facial pain scale\tB. Knee jerk reflex\tC. H - Reflex\tD. R III Reflex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial pain scale" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A one year old child, who is earlier normal, is suffering from copious nasal discharge, coarse facial features, large tongue, bulging head and flattened nose. He is also having enlarged spleen and liver. What may be the cause?\nOptions: \nA. Hypothyroidism\tB. Beckwith widman syndrome\tC. Proteus syndrome\tD. Hurler syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hurler syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The resolution of IOPA is about:\nOptions: \nA. 10 Lp/mm\tB. 16 Lp/mm\tC. 28 Lp/mm\tD. 30 Lp/mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 16 Lp/mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient diagnosed with carcinoma of lung presented with a serum calcium level of 16.4 mmol/L. What will be the first step in management?\nOptions: \nA. IV fluids and furosemide\tB. Immediate hemodialysis\tC. Bisphosphonates\tD. Chemotherapy with gemcitabine and carboplatin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IV fluids and furosemide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following test may be abnormal in disseminated intravascular coagulation except:\nOptions: \nA. Prothrombin\tB. Activated partial thromboplastin time\tC. D-timer levels\tD. Clot solubility..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Clot solubility.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Xerostomia the salivary pH is:\nOptions: \nA. Unaffected\tB. Low\tC. High\tD. increased in morning & decreases in day.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Low" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about stamp cusp?\nOptions: \nA. Maintain vertical height of face\tB. Facial incline might contact in MI\tC. Sharp cusps and prominent ridges are present\tD. Not recalled.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sharp cusps and prominent ridges are present" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sugar restricted to diet was beneficial in presence of unfavorable hygiene was from which study?\nOptions: \nA. Hopewood\tB. Experimental\tC. Vipeholm\tD. Turku.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hopewood" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Alginate at 20 degrees, the gel is formed in\nOptions: \nA. 3-4 mins.\tB. 6-8 mins.\tC. 15-16 mins.\tD. 1-2 min..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3-4 mins." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common tumor of lacrimal gland:\nOptions: \nA. Trans-scaphoid perilunate fracture\tB. Scaphoid fracture\tC. Distal radius fracture\tD. Hamate fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hamate fracture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Percentage of carbon in carbon steel hand instruments is\nOptions: \nA. 1-1.2%\tB. 10-12%\tC. 0.6 to 0.8%\tD. 6 to 8%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1-1.2%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Topical administration of I% Pilocarpine failed to produce pupillary constriction in a patient who had a large, dilated pupil What should be the most probable reason?\nOptions: \nA. Adie's tonic pupil\tB. Diabetic III nerve palsy\tC. Pharmacological blockade\tD. Uncal herniation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pharmacological blockade" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pregnancy gingivitis is caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Bacteriodes melaninogenicus\tB. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans\tC. Streptococcus sanguis\tD. Fusobacterium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bacteriodes melaninogenicus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Artery palpable at the anterior border of the masseter is :\nOptions: \nA. Superficial temporal artery\tB. Facial artery\tC. Lingual artery\tD. Maxillary artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Facial artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In DIC following are seen except\nOptions: \nA. Fibrinogen decreased\tB. Thrombocytopenia\tC. Normal APTT\tD. PT elevation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Normal APTT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Absorption of which of the following drugs is increased after a fatty meal?\nOptions: \nA. Amphotericin B\tB. Griseofulvin\tC. Ampicillin\tD. Aspirin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Griseofulvin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the basis of behavior shaping:\nOptions: \nA. Stimulus response theory\tB. Social learning principle.\tC. Hierarchy of needs\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Stimulus response theory" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Shortest root of maxillary 1st molar\nOptions: \nA. Distobuccal\tB. Mesiobuccal\tC. Palatal\tD. All are equal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Distobuccal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Malaria relapse common with which type plasmodium species?\nOptions: \nA. Plasmodium malariae and vivax\tB. Plasmodium falciparum and vivax\tC. Plasmodium vivax and ovale\tD. Plasmodium ovale and malariae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Plasmodium vivax and ovale" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following constituents is common in occlusal sealants, bonding agents, composite resins?\nOptions: \nA. BIS GMA\tB. Polymethyl methacrylate\tC. Benzoin methyl ether\tD. Silica filter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: BIS GMA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which primary tooth resemble premolar\nOptions: \nA. Upper 1st molar\tB. Lower 1st molar\tC. Upper 2nd molar\tD. Lower 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Upper 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Transplantation of Human Organs Act, which of the following doctors is/are not authorized to declare brainstem death?\nOptions: \nA. RMP incharge of the hospital\tB. Treating physician\tC. Neurosurgeon\tD. Surgeon doing liver transplant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Surgeon doing liver transplant." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following types of lipase is controlled by glucagon?\nOptions: \nA. Lipoprotein lipase\tB. Hormone-sensitive lipase\tC. Gastric lipase\tD. Pancreatic lipase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hormone-sensitive lipase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In dentistry which sedatives are generally used:\nOptions: \nA. Benzodiazepines\tB. Morphine\tC. NSAID\tD. Pethidine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Benzodiazepines" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of Fracture of mandible; alveolar border experiences which force\nOptions: \nA. Tension\tB. Compression\tC. Torsion\tD. Rotation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The hormone having the maximum effect on granulation wound healing is:\nOptions: \nA. Thyroxine\tB. Cortisone\tC. Parathormone\tD. Epinephrine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cortisone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The clot formed is not stable unless extensive cross-linking occurs. This extensive cross-linking of blood clot is done by:\nOptions: \nA. Plasmin\tB. Thrombin\tC. HMWK\tD. Factor XIII.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Factor XIII." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pre-carve burnishing is useful for all except:\nOptions: \nA. Bring further excess mercury to surface\tB. Increase surface hardness\tC. Decrease number and size of voids\tD. Marginal adaptation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increase surface hardness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate is being investigated for jaundice. A liver biopsy shows features of a \"Giant Cell/Neonatal hepatitis\". Which one of the following conditions usually results in this case \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Congenital hepatic fibrosis\tB. Hemochromatosis\tC. Alpha\u20131\u2013antitrypsin deficiency\tD. Glycogen storage disease Type 1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Alpha\u20131\u2013antitrypsin deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ammonia from brain is removed as:\nOptions: \nA. Urea\tB. Alanine\tC. Glutamate\tD. Glutamine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glutamine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Use of lithium during pregnancy increases the risk of development of which of the following malformations in the baby?\nOptions: \nA. Facial defects\tB. Cardiac defects\tC. Neural tube defects\tD. Urogenital defects.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cardiac defects" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common presentation of abdominal desmoids tumor is?\nOptions: \nA. Abdominal pain\tB. Abdominal mass\tC. Fever\tD. Urinary retention.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Abdominal mass" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Noise induced hearing toss inosto affects:\nOptions: \nA. Inner hair cell\tB. Outer hair cell\tC. Macula\tD. Cupula.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Outer hair cell" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Replacing amino acid will not change its functions\nOptions: \nA. Glutamine to Asparagine\tB. Aspaate and Glutamate\tC. Alanine to tryptophan\tD. None of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Glutamine to Asparagine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 75 year old chronic smoker who is diabetic and edentulous for the last 30 years has a bilateral body fracture, best treatment modality is\nOptions: \nA. ORIF with reconstruction plate\tB. Gunning splints\tC. Two mini plates\tD. Wire osteosynthesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gunning splints" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used as, surface hardener in Impression material?\nOptions: \nA. 2% potassium sulfate\tB. 0.2% potassium sulfate\tC. 2% sodium sulfate\tD. 4% potassium sulfate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2% potassium sulfate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 59-year-old female presents with gingival condition punched out crater-like depression covered with membrane which can be pulled off painlessly?\nOptions: \nA. Diphtheritic lesion\tB. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis\tC. ANUG\tD. Syphilitic lesion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: ANUG" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Visual cortex is present in the:\nOptions: \nA. Occipital lobe\tB. Temporal lobe\tC. Frontal lobe\tD. Parietal lobe.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Occipital lobe" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bartholins duct is the name of :\nOptions: \nA. Parotid duct\tB. Submandibular gland\tC. Sublingual duct\tD. Lacrimal duct.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sublingual duct" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following exists as yeast at 37deg and hyphae at 25deg?\nOptions: \nA. Histoplasma capsulatum\tB. Sporothrix globosa\tC. Candida albicans\tD. Cryptococcus neoformans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Histoplasma capsulatum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulsatile varicose veins in lower limbs is seen in \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Klippel trenaunay syndrome\tB. TR\tC. RV failure\tD. Carcinoid stenosis of tricuspid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Klippel trenaunay syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The number of dental caries cases reported during last 10 years are given below 250, 320, 190, 300, 5000, 100, 260, 350, 320 and 160. The epidemiologist wants to find out average number of caries cases reported in that town for last 10 yrs. The most appropriate average per this data will be\nOptions: \nA. Arithmetic mean\tB. Mode\tC. Median\tD. Geometric mean.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Median" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common bone cancer is:\nOptions: \nA. Osteosarcoma\tB. Metastatic bone cancer\tC. Multiple myelonia\tD. Squamous cell carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Metastatic bone cancer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the ligand for receptors present in liver for uptake of LDL?\nOptions: \nA. Apo B-100\tB. Apo B-48\tC. Apo E and Apo B-100\tD. Apo A-I.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Apo B-100" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Amyloid protein in Hemodialysis associated with amyloidosis is-\nOptions: \nA. AA\tB. A b\tC. b- 2 microglobulin\tD. Transthyretin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: b- 2 microglobulin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Teeth that erupt in 30 days of birth\nOptions: \nA. Neonatal teeth\tB. Natal teeth\tC. Premature teeth\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neonatal teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arrange the following in the sequence of closure :\nOptions: \nA. Umbilical Aery\tB. Umbilical Vein\tC. Ductus venosus and Foramen ovale\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug adveisement letter is a necessary component of each drug formulation and contains various information about the drug like drug dosing, frequency and half-life. Which of the following information need not be given in the drug adveisement letter?\nOptions: \nA. Research papers and other aicles proving efficacy of the drug\tB. Date of expiry of the drug\tC. Rare, but serious life threatening adverse-effects\tD. Common, not so serious adverse-effects.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Date of expiry of the drug" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with fresh blow out fracture of the orbit, best immediate management is\nOptions: \nA. Wait & watch\tB. Antral pack\tC. Titanium Mesh\tD. Glass bead mesh.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wait & watch" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs can be stopped abruptly without any withdrawal symptoms?\nOptions: \nA. Esctilaopram\tB. Fluoxetine\tC. Fluvoxamine\tD. Seraline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fluoxetine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Keyhole-shaped visual field defect is seen in lesion involving which of the following regions?\nOptions: \nA. Optic disk\tB. Optic chiasma\tC. Lateral geniculate body\tD. Occipital lobe.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lateral geniculate body" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The soft tissue tooth interface that forms after flap surgery in a previously denuded area is\nOptions: \nA. Long junctional epithelium\tB. Collagen adhesion\tC. Scar tissue attachment\tD. Connective tissue attachment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Long junctional epithelium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The test done for a statistically significant change in cholesterol values in a group of patients following an interventional programme is:\nOptions: \nA. Chi square test\tB. Paired \"t\" test\tC. Unpaired \"t\" test\tD. Fisher test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Paired \"t\" test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mw vaccine is prepared from:\nOptions: \nA. Mycobacterium bovis\tB. Mycobacterium indicus pranii\tC. Mycobacterium welchii\tD. Mycobacterium tuberculosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mycobacterium indicus pranii" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Guiding planes are:\nOptions: \nA. Located adjacent to the edentulous area\tB. Located far anterior to the edentulous area\tC. Helps in the stability of the denture\tD. Provides a different path of insertion and removal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Located adjacent to the edentulous area" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reflex which never disappear:\nOptions: \nA. Walking and stepping reflex\tB. Limb placement reflex\tC. Parachute reflex\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vitamin D toxicity is treated with\nOptions: \nA. Chloroquine\tB. Hydroxycholoquine\tC. Dexamethasone\tD. Ketoconazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dexamethasone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not the component of qSOFA?\nOptions: \nA. Respiratory rate >22/min\tB. Systolic BP<100 mmHg\tC. Altered mental status\tD. Unequally dilated pupils.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Unequally dilated pupils." + }, + { + "input": "Question: How much hone can be stretched at a time before it fractures:\nOptions: \nA. 1%\tB. 2%\tC. 6%\tD. 8%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tonsils developed from:\nOptions: \nA. Ventral part of 3rd pouch.\tB. Ventral part of 2nd pouch.\tC. Dorsal part of 2nd pouch.\tD. Ventral part of 3rd pouch..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ventral part of 2nd pouch." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gutta Percha can effectively be sterilized by?\nOptions: \nA. Hot salt sterilizer\tB. Chemical solutions\tC. Autoclaving\tD. Dry heat.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chemical solutions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these conditions does not require SABE prophylaxis\nOptions: \nA. MR\tB. ASD\tC. MS\tD. CABG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: CABG." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Motor supply of infrahyoid muscle is:\nOptions: \nA. Branches of cervical plexus\tB. Vagus nerve\tC. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tD. Mandibular nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Branches of cervical plexus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: This direction of force can cause:\nOptions: \nA. Reduce overbite\tB. Worsen open bite\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cystinuria is characterised by \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Generalised aminoaciduria\tB. Systemic acidosis\tC. Deposition of cystine crystals in Renal tubular cells\tD. Recurrent urinary caliculi.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Recurrent urinary caliculi." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with PPF transfusion complaint of breathing difficulty, tachycardic, tachypnia, Had Batwing sign present in X-ray. What will be the possible reason?\nOptions: \nA. Transfusion related lung injury\tB. Due to overload of PPF\tC. Acute renal tubular acidosis\tD. Hemoglobinuria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Due to overload of PPF" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is not a theory of TMJ ankylosis?\nOptions: \nA. Calcification in the soft tissues around the joint space\tB. Synovial fluid attracting calcium ions\tC. Lateral displacement of fracture condyle with fusion with zygomatic bone\tD. Condylar burst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Synovial fluid attracting calcium ions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fingerprinting (FINDER) involves recording prints of 8 fingers. Which finger pair is excluded?\nOptions: \nA. Ring finger\tB. Thumb\tC. Little finger\tD. Middle finger.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Little finger" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Impression compound is characterized by all the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Warps at room temperature\tB. Is a thermoset material\tC. Shows increased flow when kneaded with water\tD. Low coefficient of thermal conductivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Is a thermoset material" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Galactorrhoea--amenorrhea syndromes, which is the investigation you should advise (apa from serum prolactin)?\nOptions: \nA. TSH\tB. LH\tC. hCG\tD. Urinary ketosteroids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: TSH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is common in class I cavity preparation for amalgam and gold inlay?\nOptions: \nA. Buccolingually divergent walls\tB. Mesiodistally divergent walls\tC. Maximum depth is needed in both cases to provide sufficient thickness\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mesiodistally divergent walls" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Periodontal surgery is best performed\nOptions: \nA. 4 weeks after completion of the hygienic phase\tB. 8 weeks after the completion of the restorative phase\tC. 4 weeks before completion of occlusal adjustments\tD. Immediately after the completion of the hygienic phase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 4 weeks after completion of the hygienic phase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endocrine glands that are not influenced by the pituitary gland include the:\nOptions: \nA. Thyroid gland, testes, and adrenal medulla\tB. Adrenal medulla, parathyroids, and the islets of langerhans\tC. Adrenal cortex, parathyroids and ovaries\tD. Pancreas, adrenal medulla and thyroid gland.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Adrenal medulla, parathyroids, and the islets of langerhans" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rooting reflex also known as search reflex disappears:\nOptions: \nA. 2 month\tB. 3 month\tC. 4 month\tD. 5 month.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 4 month" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Migratory motor complexes in the gut reappear after intervals of:\nOptions: \nA. 60 minutes\tB. 90 minutes\tC. 120 minutes\tD. 150 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 90 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IV ultrashort acting barbiturate:\nOptions: \nA. Meprobamate\tB. Pentobarbitone\tC. Thiopentone\tD. Phenobarbitone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thiopentone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The component that sensitizes bacteria and virus to UV irradiation\nOptions: \nA. Lipids\tB. Carbohydrates\tC. Inorganic salts\tD. Nucleic acids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Nucleic acids." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All these are Included In active tissue engineering, except\nOptions: \nA. Antigens fibroblasts\tB. Bilayered cell therapy\tC. Enamel matrix derivative\tD. Acellular dermal matrix.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Acellular dermal matrix." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For which of the following is PPV-23 is most beneficial:\nOptions: \nA. Cystic fibrosis patient\tB. Sickle cell anemia patient\tC. Patient with recurrent rhinitis and sinusitis\tD. Child less than 2 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sickle cell anemia patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Characteristic histopathological feature of basal cell car cinoma is\nOptions: \nA. Nuclear palisading\tB. Keratin pearls\tC. Psammoma bodies\tD. Foam cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nuclear palisading" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common mediastinal tumor:\nOptions: \nA. Neurogenic tumor\tB. Thymoma\tC. Lymphoma\tD. Bronchogenic cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neurogenic tumor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are the branches of ECA that supply nasal septum except:\nOptions: \nA. Anterior ethmoidal aery\tB. Sphenopalatine aery\tC. Facial aery\tD. Superior labial aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior ethmoidal aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of these are continuous variables except:\nOptions: \nA. Height in cms\tB. Weight in kg\tC. Blood groups A. B. ABO\tD. Age in years and months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Blood groups A. B. ABO" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following type of tongue thrusting has the worst prognosis?\nOptions: \nA. Simple\tB. Complex\tC. Retained infantile swallow\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Retained infantile swallow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CYP50 inhibition is least by:\nOptions: \nA. Pantoprazole\tB. Rabeprazole\tC. Lansoprazole\tD. Omeprazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rabeprazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a component of Pentalogy of Fallot \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Atrial septal Defect (ASD)\tB. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)\tC. Coarctation of Aorta (COA)\tD. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH).\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Atrial septal Defect (ASD)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The contractile element in a skeletal muscle is present in:\nOptions: \nA. Sarcolemma\tB. Sarcoplasm\tC. Myofibril\tD. Endomysium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Myofibril" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cherry red spot and Hollenhorst plaque are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. CRAO\tB. CRVO\tC. Branch RAO\tD. Branch RVO.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CRAO" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Optimal location for intra osseous anesthesia for mandibular second molars is\nOptions: \nA. Distal to the molar\tB. Mesial to the molar\tC. In the furcation area\tD. Apical perforation and injection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mesial to the molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which statements is true regarding VENTOUSE :\nOptions: \nA. Minor scalp abrasions and subgaleal hematomas in new born are more frequent than forceps\tB. Can be applied when foetal head is above the level of ischial spine\tC. Maternal trauma is more frequent than forceps\tD. Can not be used when fetal head is not fully rotated.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Minor scalp abrasions and subgaleal hematomas in new born are more frequent than forceps" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After cleaning and pumicing the tooth surface, plaque formation takes place within\nOptions: \nA. A few minutes\tB. 1/2 to 1 hour\tC. 2 to 4 hour\tD. After 1 hour.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1/2 to 1 hour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following structure is not present on floor of third ventricle?\nOptions: \nA. Optic stalk\tB. Third nerve\tC. Infundibulum\tD. Mammillary body.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Third nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Speech problems in cleft palate patients are due to\nOptions: \nA. Lisping of tongue\tB. Inability of soft palate to stop air to go into nasopharynx\tC. Inability of learning process\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inability of soft palate to stop air to go into nasopharynx" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to the WHO definition of hearing loss, what is the value to classify as profound hearing loss?\nOptions: \nA. 61-71 dB\tB. >81 dB\tC. >91 dB\tD. >101 dB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: >81 dB" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What we will define it \"ratio of no. of death under 1 year of age to total live birth per 1000 live births per year\"?\nOptions: \nA. Infant mortality rate\tB. Child mortality rate\tC. Child morbidity rate\tD. Life expectancy rate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Infant mortality rate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The necrotising pressure areas, undergoing bone resorption and endosteal bone formation\nOptions: \nA. Juvenile periodontitis\tB. Occlusal trauma\tC. Chronic suppurative periodontitis\tD. ANUG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Occlusal trauma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CLED is better medium than MacConkey medium for processing of urine samples\nOptions: \nA. It differentiate LF from NLF Bacteria\tB. Prevents swarming of proteus\tC. Identifies pseudomonas\tD. Allows staphylococcus,Streptococcus and candida to grow.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Allows staphylococcus,Streptococcus and candida to grow." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pre-maturity in edge to edge position is relieved by reducing:\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular incisal edge.\tB. Maxillary lingual fossa.\tC. Both AB\tD. Either AB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular incisal edge." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most effective method of assessing breathing is by measuring:\nOptions: \nA. Tidal volume\tB. Respiratory rate\tC. Alveolar ventilation\tD. FEV 1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: FEV 1." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major aim of phase 1 clinical trials is:\nOptions: \nA. Safety\tB. Efficacy\tC. Dose\tD. Pharmacokinetics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The blood pressure data of 200 persons were collected. The first quaile BP of the data was 94 mm Hg and third quaile was 110 mm. How many patients have blood pressures between the 3rd and 4th quaile?\nOptions: \nA. 25\tB. 50\tC. 100\tD. 200.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 50" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following defines the pressure in the vascular system in the absence of blood flow? (Asked twice)\nOptions: \nA. Pulse pressure\tB. Critical closing pressure\tC. Mean circulatory filling pressure\tD. Perfusion pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mean circulatory filling pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best parameter for ultrasound evaluation of IUGR is:\nOptions: \nA. Placental membrane\tB. Length of femur\tC. Abdominal circumference\tD. BPD.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Abdominal circumference" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO classi\ufb01cation of periapical pathology, sinus to oral cavity comes under:\nOptions: \nA. 4.6\tB. 4.6\tC. 4.61\tD. 4.62.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 4.62." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a child, surgery was done for biliary stricture with hepatojejunal anastomosis. Postoperative bilirubin level after 2 weeks was 6 mg/dL from a preoperative level 12mg/dL. The reason for this could be:\nOptions: \nA. Normal lowering of bilirubin takes time\tB. Anastomotic stricture\tC. Delta bilirubin\tD. Mistake in lab technique.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Delta bilirubin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2 month old girl has failure to thrive, polyuria and medullary nephrocalcinosis affecting both kidneys. Investigations show blood pH 7.48, bicarbonate 25 mEq/l, potassium 2 mEq/l, sodium 126 mEq/l and chloride 88 mEq/l. The most likely diagnosis is -\nOptions: \nA. Distal renal tubular acidosis\tB. Primary hyperaldosteronism\tC. Bartter syndrome\tD. Pseudohypoaldosteronism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bartter syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resin teeth:\nOptions: \nA. Show a high compressive strength\tB. Contraindicated in patients with decreased inter occlusal distance\tC. Show crazing\tD. Show a high fracture strength.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Show a high fracture strength." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In alpha-thalassemia trait,electrophoresis shows:March 2005\nOptions: \nA. Increased HbF and normal HbA2\tB. Normal HbF and normal HbA2\tC. Normal HbF and decreased HbA2\tD. Decreased HbF and normal HbA2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Normal HbF and normal HbA2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Zone of stimulation contains all except:\nOptions: \nA. Fibroblasts\tB. Osteoclasts\tC. Osteoblasts\tD. New bone formation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Osteoclasts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Minimum number of lobes require to form a tooth\nOptions: \nA. 1\tB. 2\tC. 3\tD. 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the odontoblastic layer the following connections is/are found\nOptions: \nA. Zona adherens\tB. Gap junctions\tC. Zonula occludens\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are features of Neonatal Tetanus except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Refusal to feed is common initial symptom\tB. Caused by clostridium tetani\tC. Usually occurs in 1st 2 days of life\tD. Mortality is 50\u201375%..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Usually occurs in 1st 2 days of life" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In assessing infant deaths, Ploucquet's test involves:\nOptions: \nA. Change in specific gravity of lungs\tB. Presence of air in stomach and duodenum\tC. Change in paial weight of lungs\tD. Air in middle ear.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Change in paial weight of lungs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Scammon's growth curve. False is\nOptions: \nA. Neural tissues-Most of the growth is completed by 6 years\tB. Lymphoid tissues \u2014 growth reaches 200% by age 13 and regresses afterwards\tC. Genital tissues \u2014 most of the growth is completed by the age of puberty\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Genital tissues \u2014 most of the growth is completed by the age of puberty" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The transport of CO is diffusion limited because\nOptions: \nA. Binds avidly with Hb\tB. Partial pressure of CO is less\tC. CO is less absorbed in water\tD. Alveolar membrane is less permeable.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Binds avidly with Hb" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acetazolamide is given to a patient of angle closure glaucoma. It is a non-competitive inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase enzyme. Which of the following should be the effect of this drug?\nOptions: \nA. Decrease in Vmax\tB. A.Decrease in Km\tC. Increase in both Km and Vmax\tD. No change in Vmax.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decrease in Vmax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about rapid sequence induction done in a cardiac patient in emergency except:\nOptions: \nA. Inducing agent and neuromuscular relaxant are administered together\tB. The patient is pre-oxygenated for 3 minutes before the procedure\tC. Cricoid pressure has to be applied till the endotracheal tube has been secured with a cuff\tD. Induction should be done with thiopentone sodium and succinylcholine for muscle relaxation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Induction should be done with thiopentone sodium and succinylcholine for muscle relaxation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 25-year-old lady presents with sudden severe bilateral loss of vision, more so on the right side, with no perception of light. Rest of the examination including pupillary reflexes, fundus and optokinetic nystagmus are normal. She was able to touch the tips of her fingers with her right eye closed but not with her left eye closed. The most like1 tgnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Optic neuritis\tB. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy\tC. CMV retinitis\tD. Functional vision loss.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Functional vision loss." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60-year old male presents with painful, 141 oupet. vesicles over erythematous plaques in T3 dermatome region of trunk. Which of the following would be the most likely causative organism?\nOptions: \nA. Varicella zoster\tB. Herpes simplex\tC. Pox virus\tD. Papilloma virus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Varicella zoster" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is administered 200 mg of a drug. 75 mg of the drug is eliminated from the body in 90 minutes. If the drug follows first order kinetics, how much drug will remain after 6 hours?\nOptions: \nA. 12.5 mg\tB. 25 mg\tC. 30 mg\tD. 50 mg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 30 mg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common side effect of the oral administration of ampicillin is\nOptions: \nA. Anaphylactic shock\tB. Diarrhoea\tC. Oral candidiasis\tD. Renal failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Diarrhoea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Adverse effects of salbutamol are all except\nOptions: \nA. Tremors\tB. Tachycardia\tC. Hypoglycemia\tD. Hypokalemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hypoglycemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common extraradicular microorganism is/ are:\nOptions: \nA. Actinomyces species.\tB. Propioni bacterium.\tC. Propionicum.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ludwig's angina is characterized by\nOptions: \nA. Raised tongue\tB. Elevation of ear lobe\tC. Trismus\tD. Unilateral swelling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Raised tongue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Least condensation pressure is required in:\nOptions: \nA. Spherical amalgam alloy, high copper\tB. Admixed amalgam alloy, high copper\tC. Admixed amalgam alloy, low copper\tD. Lathe cut alloy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spherical amalgam alloy, high copper" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Denominator in perinatal moality rate\nOptions: \nA. Total bihs\tB. Total live bihs\tC. Live bihs + Still bih\tD. Total number of newborns.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Total bihs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child spends 8 years of life in a temperate climate where the drinking water had fluoride of 3 ppm. The teeth that are effected are:\nOptions: \nA. All primary teeth\tB. All permanent teeth, except third molars\tC. Incisors, canines, premolars and third molars\tD. Only molars.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: All permanent teeth, except third molars" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The ideal instrument that is used to widen the canal is\nOptions: \nA. Broach\tB. File\tC. Fissure bur\tD. Reamer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: File" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to instrument formula given by G.V. Black, primary cutting edge angle should be:\nOptions: \nA. More than 50 degree\tB. More than 90 degree\tC. Less than 50 degree\tD. Less than 90 degree.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: More than 50 degree" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true for incubation period?\nOptions: \nA. For determining isolation period of a disease\tB. To prevent infection among contacts\tC. For quarantine of disease\tD. To differentiate among secondary cases and co-primary cases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: For determining isolation period of a disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of ANUG utilizes all except:\nOptions: \nA. Debridement\tB. Oral hygiene\tC. Penicillin\tD. Topical steroid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Topical steroid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Median rhomboid glossitis is associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Burning mouth syndrome\tB. Fungal infection\tC. Bacterial infection\tD. Absence of filiform papillae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Absence of filiform papillae." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young male present with loose motions and intermittent abdominal pain over the past 1 year. Wet mount stool specimen showed the presence of multiple ova which are more than 100u in diameter. The causative organisms for the disease shall not include?\nOptions: \nA. Fasciola gigantica\tB. Gastrodiscoides hominis\tC. Echinostoma ilocanum\tD. Opisthorchis viverrini.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Opisthorchis viverrini." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Concentric teeth bite mark on forearm, what to do next?\nOptions: \nA. 2 swab technique for saliva collection\tB. Keep scale for measuring below the mark and take photo in the plane of bite\tC. Complete description of injury as seen\tD. Prepare cast using vinyl polysiloxane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Complete description of injury as seen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient believes he is the most impoant person in the world than anyone so his neighbors and family is trying to harm him as they are jealous of him. His wife says otherwise and says he behaves like this recently only before he was working as a school-teacher peacefully and brought to OPD. He is suffering from:\nOptions: \nA. Delusion of grandiosity\tB. Delusion of persecution\tC. Delusion of grandiosity and persecution\tD. Delusion of grandiosity, persecution and reference.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Delusion of grandiosity, persecution and reference." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Measuring variation between two different units is done through\nOptions: \nA. Variance\tB. Standard deviation\tC. Coefficient of variation\tD. Range.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Coefficient of variation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following diseases is diagnosed with the help of the flowcytometry pattern?\nOptions: \nA. Bruton disease\tB. Bare lymphocyte syndrome\tC. Hyper IgM syndrome\tD. Severe combined immunodeficiency disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hyper IgM syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best indicator of developing cardiovascular disease is\nOptions: \nA. LDL cholesterol level more than 120 mg/dl\tB. History of salt intake of more than 6 gm/day\tC. LDL/HDL ratio\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: LDL/HDL ratio" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulp proper contains\nOptions: \nA. Large Blood vessels\tB. Nerve fibers\tC. Fibroblasts\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used as a bio-degradable membrane in \"guided tissue regeneration\" process?\nOptions: \nA. Polylactic acid\tB. Poly tetrafluoroethylene\tC. Millipore\tD. Core membrane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polylactic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulmonary-renal syndromes include-\nOptions: \nA. Goodpasture\tB. Leptospirosis\tC. Hantavirus and Wegner's\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bone sounding done in modern times is performed by which method?\nOptions: \nA. RVG\tB. Probing\tC. CBCT\tD. Radiovisiography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: CBCT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Oil red '0' stain is used for:\nOptions: \nA. Glutaraldehyde fixed specimen\tB. Alcohol fixed specimen\tC. Formalin fixed specimen\tD. Frozen specimen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Frozen specimen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Jaw or tooth apart swallow is:\nOptions: \nA. Infantile swallow.\tB. Mature swallow.\tC. Both\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Infantile swallow." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A female with suspected child abuse was brought to the casualty with severe bleeding from the perineum. What should be the first line of management?\nOptions: \nA. Airway maintenance\tB. Internal iliac aery ligation\tC. Whole blood transfusion\tD. Inform police before staing the treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Airway maintenance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Classify the class of recession:\nOptions: \nA. Class 1\tB. Class 2\tC. Class 3\tD. Class 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Class 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Method of choice for a New born child not passing urine for 36 hours :\nOptions: \nA. Ultrasound of kidney & bladder\tB. CT Scan\tC. Cystoscopy\tD. X\u2013ray pelvis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ultrasound of kidney & bladder" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bacteria free zone of dentinal caries is\nOptions: \nA. a)Zone of decomposed dentin\tB. Zone of bacterial invasion\tC. Zone of decalcification\tD. Zone of dentinal sclerosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Zone of dentinal sclerosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not a type of Gracey curvettes?\nOptions: \nA. # 1-2\tB. # 11-12\tC. # 13-14\tD. # 5-16.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: # 5-16." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which ion of hydroxyapatite crystals is substituted by Fluoride imparts more strength?\nOptions: \nA. Hydroxyl ion\tB. Calcium ion\tC. Phosphate ion\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hydroxyl ion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cleaning of base metal alloy is done by\nOptions: \nA. Warm HCl\tB. Cold HF\tC. Cold H2 So4\tD. Sand blasting with aluminium oxide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sand blasting with aluminium oxide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Estimation of the blood sugar is relevant in all except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Birth asphyxia\tB. Large for date baby\tC. Baby of hypothyroid mother\tD. Rh Incompatibility.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Baby of hypothyroid mother" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about isolated aoic stenoses except:\nOptions: \nA. Pulsus bisferiens\tB. Cardiac apex is displaced laterally to left\tC. Thrill in carotid aery\tD. Blood pressure maintained in initial phase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pulsus bisferiens" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common site for the\noccurrence of a basal cell carcinoma?\nOptions: \nA. Buccal mucosa\tB. Hard palate\tC. Skin of the lower lip\tD. Dorsum of the tongue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Skin of the lower lip" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Who was associated with second amalgam war?\nOptions: \nA. G V Black\tB. Charles bell\tC. Huggins\tD. Alfred stock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Alfred stock." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reticular fibers of collagen tissues are present in all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Thymus\tB. Spleen\tC. Bone marrow\tD. Lymph node.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thymus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following muscle is not supplied by the nerve marked in the diagram?\nOptions: \nA. Superior oblique\tB. Medial rectus\tC. Inferior rectus\tD. Inferior oblique.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Superior oblique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is a direct content of cavernous sinus?\nOptions: \nA. Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve\tB. Trochlear nerve\tC. Abducent nerve\tD. Oculomotor nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Abducent nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Mount and Hume classification, what will be the site size of the following lesion?\nOptions: \nA. 2.1\tB. 2.2\tC. 3.1\tD. 3.2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3.1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Keeping in Jack-knife position for long leads to death by:\nOptions: \nA. Wedging\tB. Burking\tC. Positional asphyxia\tD. Traumatic asphyxia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Positional asphyxia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extraction of 3rd molar tooth bud in 7-9 yr old child:\nOptions: \nA. Improves growth of maxilla\tB. Causes excessive damage to the mandible\tC. Results of future orthodontic treatment are\timproved anterior teeth\tD. Results in less crowding.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Results in less crowding." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is false in relation to myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Mainly affects young females\tB. Is caused by muscle fatigue due to chronic oral habits as grinding and clenching\tC. Treatment involves construction of occlusal guard and stress free emotional condition\tD. The perioral musculature becomes hypotonic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: The perioral musculature becomes hypotonic." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following features is not seen in Crouzon syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Midface hypoplasia\tB. Syndactyly\tC. Beak shaped nose\tD. Ocular hypertelorism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Syndactyly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best finish line for anterior metal ceramic crown is\nOptions: \nA. Chamfer with bevel\tB. Heavy chamfer\tC. Shoulder\tD. Shoulder with bevel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Shoulder with bevel." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Kamlesh, a 2 year old girl, has Down's syndrome. Her karyotype is 21/21 translocation. What is the risk ofrecurrence in subsequent pregnancies if the father is a balanced translocation carrier :\nOptions: \nA. 100%\tB. 50%\tC. 25%\tD. 0%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 100%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following are the predominant connective tissue cells of the periodontal Ligament?\nOptions: \nA. Cementoblasts\tB. Fibroblasts\tC. Osteoblasts\tD. Rests of Malassez.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fibroblasts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is characterized by Apple Jelly Nodules?\nOptions: \nA. Scrofula\tB. Lupus vulgaris\tC. Ghon\u2019s focus\tD. Ghon's complex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lupus vulgaris" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 years okl smoker and hypeensive was diagnose to have non-small cell lung carcinoma with brain metastases. He is on enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide for hypeension. On investigation, he had a serum Sodium 120 mg/dl|, Urinary Sodium ll0 mg/dl, Serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dL, Serum osmolarity 285 mOsm/L, Urinary osmolarity 35l mOsm/L, Urinary K+ 9 mg/dl, Blood sugar ll2 mgldL and BP of 150/90 mm Hg. Which of the following is the mnst probable cause for his hyponatremia?\nOptions: \nA. Cerebral salt wasting\tB. Diuretic induced\tC. SIADH\tD. Pseudohyponatremia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: SIADH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 year male complaining of hot flushes each time he baths. Hb: 20%gm, Platelet: 89,000/mL, WBC: 30,000/mL, Investigation revealed JAK2 mutation. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. PMF\tB. CML\tC. PCV\tD. Essential thrombocytosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PCV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 55- year old diabetic patient presents with transient obscuration in vision for 2-3 days followed by sudden loss of vision. Which of the following would be the best test to evaluate the symptoms?\nOptions: \nA. Serum ACE levels\tB. Quantiferon-Gold TB test\tC. Elevated homocysteine levels\tD. Serum creatinine levels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Serum creatinine levels." + }, + { + "input": "Question: One of the most common side effects of phenytoin is\nOptions: \nA. Gingival Hyperplasia\tB. Gingival Necrosis\tC. Dental stains\tD. Hypertension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gingival Hyperplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 38-years old patient who had a total abdominal hysterectomy presents 2 months postop complaining of leakage of urine from the vagina. On examination, no fistula can be identified. Dilute methylene blue (100mL) is injected into the bladder through a Foley catheter and a tampon is placed in the vagina. The patient is asked to walk for about 15 minutes, after which the patient is found to be wet, but there is no blue stain anywhere on the tampon. Which of the following is true:-\nOptions: \nA. 100mL was probably not enough methylene blue, and the test should be repeated with a higher volume\tB. The patient probably has stress incontinence not a fistula\tC. The patient probably has a ureterovaginal fistula\tD. The patient most likely has small apical vesicovaginal fistula that was too small to leak the dye in 15 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The patient probably has a ureterovaginal fistula" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Freedom of centric relation correlates with\nOptions: \nA. 0.15 - 1.5 mm\tB. 0.20 - 0.40 mm\tC. 0.5 to 1.5 mm\tD. 1 to 2 mmm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 0.5 to 1.5 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ganglionic transmission is mediated by:\nOptions: \nA. Presynaptic alpha-receptors\tB. Postsynaptic beta-receptors\tC. Postsynaptic dopaminergic receptors\tD. Postsynaptic nicotinic receptors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Postsynaptic nicotinic receptors." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an example of a syndrome caused by uniparental disomy?\nOptions: \nA. Prader-Willi syndrome\tB. Angelman syndrome\tC. Russell-Silver syndrome\tD. Bloom syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bloom syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: One of the many mechanisms of adverse events is its increased binding to secondary targets, usually proteins. With respect to the primary target, the secondary target:\nOptions: \nA. Should be present in the same tissue as the primary target\tB. Should have similar binding sites\tC. Should have absolutely identical secondary structure\tD. Should have a similar primary structure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Should have similar binding sites" + }, + { + "input": "Question: School based dental health care for whole country is adopted by which of the following country?\nOptions: \nA. USA\tB. NewZealand\tC. Sweden\tD. Australia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: NewZealand" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Postrenal transplant patient presents with diarrhoea after 3 months; it was showing organism measuring 2-6 micron meter and kinoyn stain positive. Most likely it is caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Balantidium coli\tB. Clostridium difficile\tC. Cystoisospora belli\tD. Cryptosporidium hominis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cryptosporidium hominis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Iron entry into enterocytes occurs which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. DMT-1\tB. Ferropoin\tC. Transferrin\tD. Hepcidin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: DMT-1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An elderly male patient presented with fever, chest pain, and dry coughp; sputum culture showed growth on Charcoal Yeast Extract Medium, the organism is\nOptions: \nA. H. influenza\tB. Moraxella catarrhalis\tC. Legionella\tD. Burkholderia cepacia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Legionella" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ashley-Howe model analysis is used to predict:\nOptions: \nA. Tooth material excess\tB. Maxillo-mandibular relationships\tC. Basal bone-transverse relationship\tD. Growth prediction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Basal bone-transverse relationship" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate on routine examination at bih was found to have hepatomegaly. Rest of the examination was essentially unremarkable. On investigations, Anti-HCMV antibodies were found to be positive. What sequelae in later life is the child at risk of?\nOptions: \nA. Renal failure\tB. Mental retardation\tC. Hepatic fibrosis\tD. Sensorineural hearing loss.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sensorineural hearing loss." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient is a known case of epilepsy, taking levetiracetam 1 gm BD. He is now seizure free from 2 years but he developed agitation and anger issues interfering with day to day activities as a result of the drug intake. What should be the next best step?\nOptions: \nA. Stop levetiracetam and sta on a different antiepileptic\tB. Discontinue the drug as he is seizure free\tC. Slowly taper the drug over next 6 months\tD. Continue levetiracetam since a 5-year seizure free interval is needed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Slowly taper the drug over next 6 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements regarding the National Programme for Non-communicable diseases-Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and stroke (NPCDCS) is true?\nOptions: \nA. The plan is to implement the programme in 10 districts across the 5 states during 2010-2012\tB. The diagnosis or treatment of non-communicable diseases to be carried out at the subcentre level\tC. Coronary care unit and cancer care facility to be established at the district level hospital\tD. All the components of the programme to be addressed separately- cancer, diabetes, CVD and stroke.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Coronary care unit and cancer care facility to be established at the district level hospital" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Contractile element in myofibril is:\nOptions: \nA. H band\tB. Sarcoplasm\tC. Sarcomere\tD. A line.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sarcomere" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following complications are more common in ventouse assisted delivery than forceps except:\nOptions: \nA. Subgaleal hemorrhage\tB. Cephalhematoma\tC. Intracranial hemorrhage\tD. Transient lateral rectus palsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Transient lateral rectus palsy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about aspiration pneumonia except:\nOptions: \nA. Aspiration of 20-30 mL of contents with pH < 2.5 is required\tB. Fungal infection is the common cause of pneumonia\tC. Posterior segment of the right upper lobe is most commonly affected in the recumbent position\tD. Aspiration responsible for 5-15% of community acquired pneumonia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fungal infection is the common cause of pneumonia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not associated with haemorrhage?\nOptions: \nA. Ecchymosis\tB. Petechiae\tC. Melanosis\tD. Purpura.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Melanosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dapsone is used for treatment of bacterial and fungal infections as well as for immunomodulatory actions. What is mechanism of dapsone for these indication?\nOptions: \nA. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis\tB. Inhibition of ergosterol in cell membranes\tC. Inhibition of protein synthesis\tD. Competition with PABA in folic acid synthesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Competition with PABA in folic acid synthesis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In processing methyl methacrylate, the resin may show porosity if the flask is placed too soon. Porosity most likely occur\nOptions: \nA. Throughout the denture\tB. Near the borders\tC. In the thickest part\tD. On the denture surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: In the thickest part" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pre-maxillary hard palate is supplied by which nerve\nOptions: \nA. Nasopalatine nerve\tB. Pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve\tC. Greater palatine nerve\tD. Tensor palatine nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nasopalatine nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 23 serotypes pneumococcal vaccine Most useful in\nOptions: \nA. Cystic fibrosis\tB. Recurrent otitis media & sinusitis\tC. Child less than 2 years\tD. Sickle cell anaemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sickle cell anaemia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fourth generation apex locater based on\nOptions: \nA. Resistance\tB. lmpedence\tC. Frequency\tD. Multiple frequency ratio.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Multiple frequency ratio." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Biopsy specimens removed for examinations are immediately placed in:\nOptions: \nA. 10% ethanol\tB. 10% formalin\tC. Hydrogen peroxide\tD. 1% formalin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 10% formalin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True open bite is caused by\nOptions: \nA. Horizontal fracture of the maxilla\tB. Unilateral fracture of mandibular angle\tC. Fracture of the coronoid process of left side of mandible\tD. Fracture of mandibular symphysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Horizontal fracture of the maxilla" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Greatest potential hazard of mercury toxicity occurs due to:\nOptions: \nA. Skin contact with mercury\tB. Inhalation of mercury vapours\tC. During amalgam restoration\tD. Ingestion of amalgam scrap during removal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inhalation of mercury vapours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is an indiction for tonsillectomy \u2013a) Rheumatic feverb) Glomerulonephritisc) Recurrent upper respiratory infectiond) Persistent carrier of diptheria bacilli\nOptions: \nA. ab\tB. cd\tC. bd\tD. ac.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: cd" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an effect of efferent aeriole constriction :\nOptions: \nA. Decreased GFR\tB. Increased glomerular hydrostatic pressure\tC. Decreased blood flow in peritubular vessels\tD. Increased oncotic pressure in peritubular vessels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decreased GFR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cleft lip is due to non-union of\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary process with MNP\tB. MNP - LNP\tC. MNP - MNP\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary process with MNP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sickle cell anemia is a -\nOptions: \nA. Gene deletion\tB. Gene modification\tC. Point mutation\tD. Frame shift mutation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Point mutation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about widal test except\nOptions: \nA. Base lines differ depending on the endemicity of the disease\tB. O antibodies last longer and hence is not indicative of recent infection\tC. H antigen cannot differentiate between subtypes\tD. High titre value in a single widal test is not confirmative.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: O antibodies last longer and hence is not indicative of recent infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the name of the given instrument, used for harvesting the graft from healthy area in split thickness skin graft?\nOptions: \nA. Dermatome\tB. Silver's knife\tC. Catlin amputating knife\tD. Humby knife.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Humby knife." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person working in an abattoir presented with a papule on hand, which turned in to an ulcer. Which will best help in diagnosis\nOptions: \nA. Polychrome Methylene blue\tB. Carbol Fuschin\tC. Acid Fast Stain\tD. Calcoflour White.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polychrome Methylene blue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A midwife at a PHC did per vaginal examination of a women in labor with 8 cm cervical dilation and 70% cervical effacement with the fetal head at +1 station. This +1 station implies the position of fetal head is-\nOptions: \nA. 1 cm above the ischial spine\tB. 1 cm below the ischial spine\tC. At the level of ischial spine\tD. 1 cm below the cervical os.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1 cm below the ischial spine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: High content of cholesterol is present in:\nOptions: \nA. Coconut oil\tB. Egg yolk\tC. Hydrogenated fat\tD. Ghee (unsaturated).\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Egg yolk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth with smallest root\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular central incisor\tB. Mandibular lateral incisor\tC. Maxillary lateral incisor\tD. Maxillary 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular central incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The function of a sprue is to\nOptions: \nA. Form an opening for molten metal to enter the mold\tB. Help polish cast restorations\tC. Eliminate air bubbles on the wax pattern\tD. Reproduce fine detail.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Form an opening for molten metal to enter the mold" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Access cavity of mandibular 1st molar is:\nOptions: \nA. Oval\tB. Rounded triangle\tC. Rhomboid\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rounded triangle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pier abutment is:\nOptions: \nA. Periodontally weak abutment\tB. With an edentulous space on mesial and distal sides of the abutment\tC. Edentulous space on one side of the abutment\tD. Abutment adjacent to edentulous space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: With an edentulous space on mesial and distal sides of the abutment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to the new RNTCP guidelines, the following is not a suspect of tuberculosis\nOptions: \nA. Confirmed extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patient with cough of 2 weeks or more\tB. HIV-positive patient with cough of any duration\tC. Contacts of sputum positive tuberculosis patient with cough of any duration\tD. Any individual having cough of duration 2 weeks or more.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Confirmed extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patient with cough of 2 weeks or more" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are topical hemostatic agents except?\nOptions: \nA. Bone wax & patty\tB. HemCon bandage\tC. Quikclot\tD. Fixclot.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fixclot." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following pulp horn of primary molar is commonly exposed during restorative procedures:\nOptions: \nA. Mesiobuccal puplhorn of 1st molars.\tB. Distobuccal pulp horn of 1st molars.\tC. Mesiobuccal pulp horn of 2nd molars.\tD. Distobuccal pulp horn of 2nd molars..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesiobuccal puplhorn of 1st molars." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rate of Dentinal fluid permeability depends on all except?\nOptions: \nA. Temperature variation\tB. Pressure gradient across dentinal tubule\tC. Increase viscosity of dentinal fluid\tD. Rate of removal of substances by blood vessels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Temperature variation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extraction of disto-angular impaction of mandibular 3rd molar can cause:\nOptions: \nA. Slippage in lingual pouch\tB. # of ramus of mandible\tC. Excessive Haemorrhage\tD. Dry socket.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: # of ramus of mandible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acetazolamide is given to a patient of angle closure glaucoma. It is a non- competitive inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase enzyme. Which of the following should be the effect of this drug?\nOptions: \nA. Decrease in Vmax\tB. Decrease in Km\tC. Decrease in both Km and Vmax\tD. No change in Vmax.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decrease in Vmax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does not require 5'capping?\nOptions: \nA. tRNA of alanine\tB. mRNA for histone\tC. U6 snRNA\tD. siRNA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: tRNA of alanine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Peau d'orange in carcinoma breast is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Obstruction of sub-dermal lymphatics\tB. Infiltration of Cooper's ligament\tC. Hematogenous dissemination\tD. Hematogenous dissemination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Obstruction of sub-dermal lymphatics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about adult polycystic kidney disease is all, except:\nOptions: \nA. Autosomal dominant inheritance\tB. Hypertension is rare\tC. Can be associated with cysts in liver, lungs and pancreas\tD. Pyelonephritis is common.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypertension is rare" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Propranolol is drug of choice for -\nOptions: \nA. Ulcerated infantile hemangioma\tB. Lymphangioma\tC. Pyogenic granuloma\tD. Capillary malformation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ulcerated infantile hemangioma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During pregnancy baby can be affected in utero in all except:\nOptions: \nA. Candida\tB. Syphilis\tC. Toxoplasmosis\tD. Polio.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Polio." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Long term assessment of glucose control can be made by:\nOptions: \nA. Estimation of post prandial blood sugar\tB. Estimation of fasting blood sugar\tC. Estimation of urine sugar level\tD. Estimation of blood level of glycosylated hemoglobin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Estimation of blood level of glycosylated hemoglobin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mosaic pattern of bone is seen in radiographic features of:\nOptions: \nA. Fibrous dysplasia\tB. Paget's disease\tC. Osteopetrosis\tD. Osteogenesis imperfecta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Paget's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fourth generation meth-acrylate based resin sealer include?\nOptions: \nA. Endorez\tB. Resilon\tC. Hydron\tD. Real Seal E.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Real Seal E." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maternal moality ratio expressed in:-\nOptions: \nA. Maternal death per 10,000 lives\tB. Maternal death per 100,000 lives\tC. Maternal death per 1,000,000 lives\tD. Maternal death per 100 lives.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Maternal death per 100,000 lives" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which induction anaesthetic agent has antiemetic effect?\nOptions: \nA. etomidate\tB. propofol\tC. thiopentone\tD. ketamine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: propofol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old boy following a road traffic accident presents to the casualty with contaminated wound over the left leg. He has received his com- plete primary immunization before preschool age and received a booster of DT at school entry age. All of following can be done except :\nOptions: \nA. Injection of TT\tB. Injection of human antiserum\tC. Broad spectrum antibiotics\tD. Wound debridement and cleaning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Injection of human antiserum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Myocardial infarction, the major pathology is\nOptions: \nA. Ischemia caused by dynamic obstruction of a coronary artery.\tB. Myocardial necrosis caused by acute occlusion of a coronary artery.\tC. Ischemia due to fixed atheromatous stenosis of one or more coronal artery.\tD. Altered conduction due to ischemia or infarction..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Myocardial necrosis caused by acute occlusion of a coronary artery." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Localized Juvenile Periodontitis- primary pathogen is\nOptions: \nA. Acinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans\tB. Prevotella intermedia\tC. Mycoplasma\tD. all the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: all the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A male child with Fanconi syndrome with nephrocalcinosis has a variant of dent disease. All are true except :\nOptions: \nA. Hypercalciuria\tB. Proteinuria\tC. Similar presentation in father\tD. Rickets.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Similar presentation in father" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not involved in blood clotting?\nOptions: \nA. Calcium\tB. Prothrombin\tC. Fibrinogen\tD. Fe+2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fe+2." + }, + { + "input": "Question: DNA Methylation is not related with?\nOptions: \nA. Mismatch repair\tB. DNA Replication\tC. Gene silencing\tD. Capping.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Capping." + }, + { + "input": "Question: While preparing a Class II cavity on a maxillary first molar which of the pulp horns are likely to get exposed:\nOptions: \nA. Mesiolingual and mesiobuccal\tB. Distolingual and distobuccal\tC. Mesiolingual and distobuccal\tD. Distolingual and mesiobuccal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesiolingual and mesiobuccal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Additional period required for enamel calcification after eruption into oral cavity\nOptions: \nA. 1 yr\tB. 2 yr\tC. 3 yr\tD. 4 yr.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2 yr" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are Gp lIbilIla inhibitors except:\nOptions: \nA. Prasugrel\tB. Abciximab\tC. Tirofiban\tD. Eptifibatide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Prasugrel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The active principle of white oleander is:\nOptions: \nA. Nicotine\tB. Nerin\tC. Abrine\tD. Pilocarpine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nerin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The yellowish white soft sticky deposit loosely adherent\npresent on tooth surface is\nOptions: \nA. Materia alba\tB. Food debris\tC. Plaque\tD. Calculus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Materia alba" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A term gestation newborn developed respiratory distress. Which of the following would favour Respiratory distress syndrome (HIVID) ?\nOptions: \nA. History of receiving antenatal corticosteroids\tB. Air bronchogram on chest x\u2013ray\tC. Onset of distress after 6 hours of birth\tD. Term birth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Air bronchogram on chest x\u2013ray" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \u2018Fleur -de- lys\u2019 term is used for:\nOptions: \nA. Dens invaginatus\tB. Denticle\tC. Odontome\tD. Supernumerary tooth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dens invaginatus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Renal feed for CKD patients-\nOptions: \nA. Low calorie low volume\tB. Low calorie high volume\tC. High calorie low volume\tD. High calorie high volume.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High calorie low volume" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Point used as termination of Root canal procedure is\nOptions: \nA. Apical constriction\tB. Apical foramen\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Apical constriction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Kwashiorkar , true is\nOptions: \nA. Deficiency of protein with sufficient calorie intake\tB. Occurs in children between 6 months and 3 years of age\tC. Subcutaneous fat preserved but atrophy of different tissues\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lenolin is added in ZOE paste to:\nOptions: \nA. Decrease flow\tB. Increase flow\tC. Accelerate reaction\tD. Decrease irritation due to eugenol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increase flow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not transmitted by lice\nOptions: \nA. Q fever\tB. Trench fever\tC. Relapsing fever\tD. Epidemic typhus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Q fever" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What will be the oxygen carrying capacity of an 18-year-old patient with a hemoglobin of 14 g/dL?\nOptions: \nA. 7\tB. 14\tC. 18\tD. 28.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 18" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following muscles of larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except:\nOptions: \nA. Cricohyoid\tB. Cricothyroid\tC. Arytenoid\tD. Aryepiglotticus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cricothyroid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following techniques is based on RNA?\nOptions: \nA. PCR\tB. Sanger's technique\tC. Next generation sequencing\tD. Western blot.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: PCR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Minimum concentration of oxygen needed in NO analgesia\nOptions: \nA. 10%\tB. 20%\tC. 30%\tD. 40%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 30%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In rheumatoid arthritis there is inflammation of:\nOptions: \nA. Cartilage\tB. Synovial membrane\tC. Sclerosis of joints\tD. Articular bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Synovial membrane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Winged rubber dam retainer in endodontics advantages are all except\nOptions: \nA. Radiographs are good showing full length of canals\tB. Stability\tC. Provide extra bucco-lingual retraction\tD. Dam, clamp and frame placed in one operation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Radiographs are good showing full length of canals" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 11-year-old child comes to the dental office one hour\nafter injury to a maxillary central incisor. The tooth is\nvital and\tslightly\tmobile.\tRadiographic\texamination\nreveals a fracture at the apical third of the root. What is\nthe best treatment at this point of time:\nOptions: \nA. Render palliative therapy\tB. Extract the tooth\tC. Relieve the occlusion and splint the tooth\tD. Perform immediate root canal treatment and splint.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Relieve the occlusion and splint the tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resistance form of endodontics is:\nOptions: \nA. Resists movement of gutta-percha in apical area\tB. To allow use of spreader in lateral condensation\tC. Fracture of root while vertical condensation\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Resists movement of gutta-percha in apical area" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antibody in chronic allergy ?\nOptions: \nA. IgM\tB. IgA\tC. IgG\tD. IgE.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: IgE." + }, + { + "input": "Question: While assessing the efficacy of a newly developed drug in comparison to placebo, the 95% confidence interval in clinical trials is used to check for:\nOptions: \nA. Efficacy of the drug\tB. Non-efficacy of the drug\tC. Both efficacy and non-efficacy of the drug\tD. Either efficacy or non-efficacy of the drug.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Efficacy of the drug" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which material is the most difficult to remove from the patient's mouth?\nOptions: \nA. Metallic oxide paste\tB. Silicone impression material\tC. Reversible hydrocolloid\tD. Impression plaster.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Metallic oxide paste" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Main cause of RPD failure is:\nOptions: \nA. Improper clasp design\tB. Insufficient contact of teeth\tC. Insufficient contact of teeth and improper clasp design\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Insufficient contact of teeth and improper clasp design" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 years old female presented with acute onset shoness of breath. She has a history of nephrotic syndrome 1 year back and recent prolonged air travel. She has a BP of 90/60 mm Hg, hea rate of 115 per minute and sinus tachycardia on ECG. A 2-D echocardiogram revealed dilation of right ventricle with bulging of the interventricular septum to the left. What will be the primary treatment modality?\nOptions: \nA. Thrombectomy\tB. Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator\tC. Unfractionated heparin\tD. d. IVC filter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In multirooted teeth, formation of multiple roots is due to presence of:\nOptions: \nA. Epithelial diaphragm\tB. Cell rests of Malassez\tC. Toot bud division or bell stage\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epithelial diaphragm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Down syndrome patient, which teeth have severe periodontitis\nOptions: \nA. Lower Anterior\tB. Upper Anterior\tC. Upper Molar\tD. Lower Molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lower Anterior" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Folic acid deficiency occurs in:\nOptions: \nA. Aspirin\tB. Phenytoin\tC. Chloromphenicol\tD. Cyclosporine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Phenytoin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following will not decrease mother to child transmission of HIV?\nOptions: \nA. Avoid breastfeeding\tB. Vaginal delivery\tC. Zidovudine given to mother antenataly and to neonate after bih\tD. Vitamin A supplementation given to mother.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Vaginal delivery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On the day following a formocresol pulpotomy of a\nmandibular molar, a three year old patient returned with\na large ulcer near the midline of the lower lip. What is\nthe probable cause of the ulcer?\nOptions: \nA. Lip biting by the patient\tB. Allergy to the anaesthetic solution\tC. Pressure by the rubber dam frame\tD. Leakage of formocresol on the lip.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lip biting by the patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following conditions is associated with polyhy dramnios?\nOptions: \nA. Posterior urethral valve\tB. Cleft palate\tC. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia\tD. Bladder exostrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cleft palate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chemotactic cytokine is\nOptions: \nA. IL-1\tB. IL-6\tC. IL-8\tD. TNF.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: IL-8" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 38 years old female presented to the emergency with extensive burns. The patient had grade 3 burns on the face, back, upper arms and forearms along with singeing of hairs. Which of the following is not a proof of inhalation burns?\nOptions: \nA. Yellow colored sputum\tB. Blackish soot deposit on posterior pa of tongue\tC. Hoarseness & stridor of voice\tD. Singeing of eyebrows and facial hair.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Yellow colored sputum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After spleenectomy patient becomes more prone to\nOptions: \nA. Gram +ve & anaerobic\tB. Gram -ve & anaerobic\tC. Nonencapsulated\tD. Encapsulated organisms.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Encapsulated organisms." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are developed from Meckel's cartilage except:\nOptions: \nA. Zygomatic bone\tB. Malleus\tC. Incus\tD. Stapes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Stapes." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In judicial hanging, the knot is placed at:\nOptions: \nA. Below the chin\tB. Angle of the jaw\tC. The back of the neck\tD. Choice of hangman.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Angle of the jaw" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Non-pulsatile dose of GnRH agonist is used in all the following conditions except-\nOptions: \nA. Endometriosis\tB. infeility\tC. Precocious pubey\tD. Prostate cancer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: infeility" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Eisenmenger syndrome\u2013True are A/E \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary veins are not distended\tB. RV & LV walls come back to normal size\tC. Dilatation of central pulmonary artery\tD. Peripheral pruning of pulmonary arteries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: RV & LV walls come back to normal size" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gap healing, a type of primary healing having gap of 0.8 mm is healed as:\nOptions: \nA. Direct lamellar bone formation.\tB. Woven bone formation replaced by lamellar bone.\tC. Woven bone formation only.\tD. Any of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Woven bone formation replaced by lamellar bone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The radiographic examination of a traumatized tooth is\nessential -\nOptions: \nA. To establish baseline data\tB. To find associated root fracture\tC. To determine stage of root development\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The fifth nerve innervates the following:\nOptions: \nA. Mylohyoid, anterior and posterior belly of digastric\tB. Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, and tensor tympani\tC. Mylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric and tensor tympani\tD. Mylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, Stapedius and tensor tympani.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, and tensor tympani" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A study was conducted to find average intra-ocular pressure. IOP was measured in 400 people and the mean was found to be 25 mm Hg with a standard detion of 10 mm Hg. What is the range in which 10P of 95% of the population would be lying?\nOptions: \nA. 22-28 mm Hg\tB. 20-30 mm Hg\tC. 24-26 mm Hg\tD. 23-27 mm Hg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 24-26 mm Hg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The lag phase of tooth movement usually lasts for:\nOptions: \nA. 2-3 mins\tB. 2-3 hrs\tC. 2-3 day\tD. 2-3 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 2-3 weeks." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a common osseous lesion in\nperiodontitis is\nOptions: \nA. Exostosis\tB. crater\tC. buttressing bone\tD. hemiseptum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: crater" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following groups of fibres are not attached to alveolar bone?\nOptions: \nA. Transseptal\tB. Horizontal\tC. Oblique\tD. Apical.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Transseptal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First nerve fiber present in vicinity of dental papilla in\nOptions: \nA. Bud stage\tB. Cap stage\tC. Bell stage\tD. Advanced Bell stage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bud stage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 32 years old female came for routine PAP smear testing. The repo came as carcinoma in situ. What is the next step?\nOptions: \nA. HPV-DNA testing\tB. Hysterectomy\tC. Conization\tD. Colposcopy and biopsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Colposcopy and biopsy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The frontal paranasal sinus drains into the:\nOptions: \nA. Superior meatus\tB. Middle meatus\tC. Inferior meatus\tD. Spheno-ethmoidal recess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Middle meatus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the mammalian genome, maximum number of genes code for the receptors of:\nOptions: \nA. Immunoglobulin receptors\tB. Interleukins\tC. Growth factors\tD. Odorants.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Odorants." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pegloticase is used in\nOptions: \nA. Chronic gout\tB. Paralytic ileus\tC. Psoriatic ahritis\tD. Rheumatoid ahritis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chronic gout" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Wave patterns of EEF, ECG and EMG are depicted below. The B pattern belongs to (Figure was not provided in the exam):\nOptions: \nA. NREM sleep\tB. REM sleep\tC. Wakefulness\tD. Quiet wakefulness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Wakefulness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Staphylococcus aureus and pneumoniae are responsible for:\nOptions: \nA. Subacute endocarditis.\tB. Acute endocarditis.\tC. Post operative endocarditis.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Acute endocarditis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: First paranasal sinus to develop at bih is:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary\tB. Ethmoidal\tC. Frontal\tD. Sphenoidal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the best test for assessment of intestinal malabsorption?\nOptions: \nA. Fecal fat estimation\tB. Serum lactose levels\tC. Serum amylase levels\tD. NBT-PABA test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fecal fat estimation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Primary Colonization of plaque is dominated by\nOptions: \nA. Facultative Aerobic Gram + ve rods\tB. Facultative Anaerobic Gram - ve rods\tC. Facultative Aerobic Gram - ve cocci\tD. Facultative Anaerobic Gram + ve cocci.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Facultative Anaerobic Gram + ve cocci." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Types of pocket respectively:\nOptions: \nA. Simple pocket, compound pocket, complex pocket.\tB. Simple pocket, complex pocket, compound pocket.\tC. Compound pocket, simple pocket, complex pocket.\tD. Simple pocket, compound pocket, tertiary pocket..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Simple pocket, compound pocket, complex pocket." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Depression of mandible is achieved by:\nOptions: \nA. Digastric\tB. Lateral pterygoid\tC. Geniohyoid\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 18 year old female presents with an ovarian mass, her serum bio marker are found to be normal except for LDH, which is found to be elevated. The most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Dysgerminoma\tB. Endodermal sinus tumor\tC. Malignant terratoma\tD. Mucinous cystadeno carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dysgerminoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common infection post solid organ transplantation\nOptions: \nA. CMV\tB. HSV\tC. EBV\tD. HPV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CMV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tuberculous otitis media is characterized by all except -\nOptions: \nA. Multiple perforations\tB. Pale granulations\tC. Pain\tD. Thin odourless fluid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Child Pugh score put patients into three categories of Score A (<7), Score B (7-9) and Score C (10-15). The following is a type of which scale?\nOptions: \nA. Nominal\tB. Ordinal\tC. Quantitative\tD. Continuous.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ordinal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Skin of the entire upper lip is supplied by:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary nerve.\tB. Facial nerve.\tC. Mandibular nerve.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary nerve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia\nOptions: \nA. TTP\tB. ITP\tC. Senile purpura\tD. CML.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: ITP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of choice for anaphylactic shock is:\nOptions: \nA. Adrenaline 0.5 mL of 1:1000 solution by intramuscular route\tB. Adrenaline 1 mL of 1:10000 by intravenous route\tC. Atropine 3 mg intravenously\tD. Adenosine 12 mg intravenously.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Adrenaline 0.5 mL of 1:1000 solution by intramuscular route" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The\tcotton\tapplied\tto\tthe\tpulpal\tstumps\tin\tthe\nformocresol pulpotomy technique should be\nOptions: \nA. Slightly dampened with formocresol\tB. Saturated with formocresol\tC. Left for 2 hours in the cavity\tD. Sealed until the next appointment..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Slightly dampened with formocresol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of following is not a tumor suppressor gene?\nOptions: \nA. pRb\tB. FHIT\tC. PTCH\tD. c-erbB1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: c-erbB1." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following instruments are required for tonsillectomy except:\nOptions: \nA. Coblation wand\tB. Bipolar cautery\tC. Microdebrider\tD. Harmonic scalpel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Microdebrider" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which marker shows holocrine gland?\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Landmark for pup chamber opening is :\nOptions: \nA. CEJ\tB. Cervical third of crown\tC. Level of alveolar bone\tD. Enamel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CEJ" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bezold-Jarisch reflex is mediated by:\nOptions: \nA. Serotonin\tB. Angiotensin\tC. Prostaglandin\tD. Histamine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Serotonin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Action of Nitroglycerin is\nOptions: \nA. Direct action on smooth muscle\tB. Slows SA node conductvity\tC. Blocks arrhythmia\tD. Increases perfusion to heart.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Direct action on smooth muscle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ICD-10 stands for\nOptions: \nA. International Classification of Drugs, 10th revision\tB. International Classification of Disabilities, 10th revision\tC. International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision\tD. International Classification of Disasters, 10th revision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 year old woman has arneloblastoma, the histomorphologic features will be\nOptions: \nA. Peripheral palisading cellular strand with central loose stellate reticulum\tB. Peripheral palisading with central stromal retraction artefact\tC. Peripheral palisading cellular strand with peripheral loo se stellate reticulum\tD. Central Loose stellate reticulum shows marked nuclear atypia and numerous mitotic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Peripheral palisading cellular strand with central loose stellate reticulum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Method of transpo of glucose in the intestine is:\nOptions: \nA. Primary active transpo\tB. Secondary active transpo\tC. Simple diffusion\tD. Counter transpo.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Secondary active transpo" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 28 year old man has lenticonus and end stage renal disease now. His maternal uncle also died of the same illness. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease\tB. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease\tC. Oxalosis\tD. Alport syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Alport syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient comes after a dog bite with hydrophobia, tearing and altered sensorium. You suspect rabies in this patient. Corneal impression has been taken. What test will you do on it for most accurate diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Indirect immunofluorescence\tB. -PCR for virus\tC. Histopathological examination for Negri bodies\tD. Antibodies against Rabies virus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: -PCR for virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about LDL receptor:\nOptions: \nA. It recognizes apo B100 and apo E\tB. Involved in endocytosis process\tC. Present in both hepatic and extrahepatic cells\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pterygomandibular space contains all, except:\nOptions: \nA. Nerve to mylohyoid muscle\tB. Long buccal nerve\tC. Loose areolar tissue\tD. Nerve to medial pterygoid muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Long buccal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 32-year-old P2L2 lady comes five days after unpro!tected sexual intercourse. What will be your advice for contraception in this lady?\nOptions: \nA. Copper IUCD\tB. Levonorgestrel 0.75 mg\tC. Two tablets of high dose OCP, repeated after 24 hours\tD. Laparoscopic tubectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Copper IUCD" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Data about recent trends of immunization in the community can be found by:\nOptions: \nA. Sample registration system\tB. District level health survey\tC. Rural survey\tD. Census data.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: District level health survey" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following diuretic can be given in mild to moderate hypeension?\nOptions: \nA. Potassium sparing diuretic\tB. Osmotic diuretic\tC. Thiazide diuretic\tD. Loop diuretic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thiazide diuretic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used for etching porcelain?\nOptions: \nA. 1.23% HF\tB. 4% HF\tC. 9.6% HF\tD. 37% HF.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 9.6% HF" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ceramide is:\nOptions: \nA. Simple lipid\tB. Compound lipid\tC. Precursor lipid\tD. Derived lipid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Simple lipid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of oral candidiasis does not presents with white patch?\nOptions: \nA. Chronic atrophic candidiasis\tB. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis\tC. Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis\tD. Pseudomembranous candidiasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chronic atrophic candidiasis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is false about apoptosis?\nOptions: \nA. No inflammation\tB. Intact plasma membrane\tC. Swelling of organelles\tD. Affected by dedicated genes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Swelling of organelles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 55 yr old patient presented to the opd with complaint of pain in back. On examination his limbs seemed to be bent with overlying warm and thick skin. Patient also complain of decreased hearing over a few days. On biochemical analysis his serum ALP was raised. X-ray obtained showed the following features. Most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Osteoporosis\tB. Osteopetrosis\tC. Pagets disease\tD. Renal osteodystrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pagets disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Halo effect surrounding the root of tooth on IOPA X-Ray is seen with?\nOptions: \nA. Horizontal root fracture\tB. Root caries\tC. Widening of periodontal ligament space\tD. Periapical-periostitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Periapical-periostitis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A temporary bridge constructed from a synthetic resin\nOptions: \nA. Is not required when the missing tooth is provided on a partial denture\tB. Should be cemented with a polycarboxylate cement to ensure retention between the preparation and fitting stages\tC. Should have the same buccal and lingual contours as the permanent bridge\tD. Should restore the occlusion to the same extent as the permanent bridge.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Should restore the occlusion to the same extent as the permanent bridge." + }, + { + "input": "Question: After resection of posterior pituitary all of the following hormones is given except?\nOptions: \nA. Glucagon\tB. Thyroxine\tC. Estradiol\tD. Mineralocoicoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mineralocoicoid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the thickness of cement-dentinal junction?\nOptions: \nA. 1-2 \u03bcm\tB. 2-3 \u03bcm\tC. 3-4 \u03bcm\tD. 4-5 \u03bcm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2-3 \u03bcm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following appliances is not used for slow maxillary expansion?\nOptions: \nA. Jack screw\tB. Coffin spring\tC. Quad helix appliance\tD. Hyrax appliance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hyrax appliance." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For how long should NiTi files be submerged in NaOCl at 122-degree F to prevent damage to file corrosion\nOptions: \nA. 20 mins\tB. 45 mins\tC. 60 mins\tD. 2 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 60 mins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibular process of each side fuse to form:\nOptions: \nA. Lower lip.\tB. Lower jaw.\tC. Both.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both." + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about meningococcal vaccine is -\nOptions: \nA. Capsule polysaccharide act as a virulent factor for the production of antibody\tB. Conjugate vaccine is not given in outbreaks\tC. Polysaccharide vaccine should be given to children below 2 years of age\tD. Vaccine with polysaccharide B is immunogenic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Capsule polysaccharide act as a virulent factor for the production of antibody" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Self injury most likely caused after extraction in children is\nOptions: \nA. Inadvertent lip biting after anesthesia\tB. Chemical burn\tC. Permanent palsy\tD. Trismus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inadvertent lip biting after anesthesia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antempasterior relation of jaws is measured by:\nOptions: \nA. ANB angle\tB. Angle between SN & FH Plane\tC. Angle between SN & mandibular plane\tD. Facial angle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ANB angle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Intensifying screen is used in extraoral radiograph to:\nOptions: \nA. Decrease radiation to patient\tB. Increase contrast\tC. Decrease contrast\tD. Collimation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decrease radiation to patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gold Standard for evaluation of any obstruction in the nasal pathway:\nOptions: \nA. Mirror test.\tB. Butterfly test.\tC. Rhinomanometry.\tD. To check the size of nostril..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Rhinomanometry." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following is used in which procedure in gynecology?\nOptions: \nA. Pap smear\tB. Endometrial Biopsy\tC. Cervical Biopsy\tD. Vulval Biopsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pap smear" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5 years old child presented with continuous fever and features of sepsis with a BP of 90/60 mm Hg, Pulse rate 144/min and respiratory rate of 30/min. What is the initial fluid of choice for management?\nOptions: \nA. 10 mL/kg of 10% dextrose\tB. 10 mL/kg of hydroxyethyl starch\tC. 20 mL/kg of 0.45% normal saline\tD. 20 mL/kg of 0.9% normal saline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 20 mL/kg of 0.9% normal saline." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with increased PT, APTT & TT and normal fibrinogen and platelet counts, diagnosis is?\nOptions: \nA. DIC\tB. Fac. VIII def.\tC. Liver disease\tD. Vitamin K deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vitamin K deficiency." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented with abdominal distension, hepatomegaly, doll like facies and recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Menkes disease\tB. Down syndrome\tC. Von gierke disease\tD. Lesch nyhan syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Von gierke disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Estrogen and progesterone in the first 2 months pregnancy are produced by:\nOptions: \nA. Fetal ovaries\tB. Fetal adrenal\tC. Placenta\tD. Corpus luteum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Corpus luteum." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the common factor for the initiation of both dental caries and periodontal disease\nOptions: \nA. bacterial plaque\tB. lactic acid\tC. calculus\tD. no common factor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: bacterial plaque" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hidden X suture proves to be a novel suturing technique for:\nOptions: \nA. Alveolar ridge preservation\tB. Apical repositioning flap\tC. Coronal repositioning flap\tD. Papillae repositioning flap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Alveolar ridge preservation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tracheostomy will:\nOptions: \nA. Increase dead air space\tB. Increase respiratory resistance\tC. Decrease respiratory work\tD. Cause obstruction in respiration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Decrease respiratory work" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are diseases of skin except\nOptions: \nA. Erythema multiforme\tB. Keratosis folticularis\tC. Erythema migrans\tD. Psoriasis form lesion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Erythema migrans" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Case control study was done regarding breast cancer & risk factors & odds ratio was obtained. Which of the following are causative factors ?ParameterCaseControlORAge at menarche>12171423291.04Menopause177124081.53OCP use93511051.02Smoking932140.97Family history5135021.10BMI>27.51654930.53Breastfeeding94225140.56Multiparity(2)277833661.05\nOptions: \nA. 6\tB. 5\tC. 3\tD. 2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 5" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Compared with autoclave, use of a dry heat oven for sterilization has the following disadvantage:\nOptions: \nA. Time-consuming\tB. Less effective\tC. Causes instruments to rust\tD. Causes sharp instruments to dull.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Time-consuming" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A screening test is used in same way in two similar populations, but the proportion of false positive results among those who test positive in population A is lower than among those who test positive in population B. What is the likely explanation for this finding?\nOptions: \nA. The prevalence of disease is higher in population A\tB. The prevalence of disease is lower in population A\tC. The specificity of the test is lower in population A\tD. The specificity of the test is higher in population A.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The prevalence of disease is higher in population A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti-centromere antibodies seen in which of the followings conditions:\nOptions: \nA. Drug induced lupus\tB. SLE\tC. Sjogren syndrome\tD. Scleroderma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scleroderma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Denture cleaning tablets include all, EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. Hydrogen peroxide\tB. Alkaline material\tC. Sodium perborate\tD. Detergent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hydrogen peroxide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 26 years old lady with H/o recurrent abortion which of the following investigations you will do to confirm the diagnosis ?\nOptions: \nA. PT\tB. BT\tC. Anti Russel viper venom antibodies\tD. Clot solubility test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Anti Russel viper venom antibodies" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Shelf life of colourless, aqueous solution of suxamethonium is\nOptions: \nA. 6 months\tB. 1 year\tC. 2 yr\tD. 3 yr.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 2 yr" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infective endocarditis is least common in :\nOptions: \nA. Mitral stenosis.\tB. Aortic stenosis.\tC. VSD.\tD. ASD..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ASD.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Facial nerve lies:\nOptions: \nA. Below SMAS & above parotidomasseteric fascia\tB. Above SMAS & below parotidomasseteric fascia\tC. Above SMAS & above parotidomasseteric fascia\tD. Below SMAS & below parotidomasseteric fascia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Below SMAS & below parotidomasseteric fascia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is common to both zinc eugenol cement and polycarboxylate cement?\nOptions: \nA. Polyacrylic acid is liquid\tB. Chemical bond to tooth structure\tC. Chelation\tD. Substitution of eugenol by EBA to increase strength of cement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chelation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the drug of choice of Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy\nOptions: \nA. Metronidazole\tB. Clindamycin\tC. Erythromycin\tD. Rovamycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Metronidazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is having Maximum buffering capacity\nOptions: \nA. Histidine\tB. Cysteine\tC. Tyrosine\tD. Arginine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Histidine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For >10 mm setback of mandible, which of these surgeries is most suitable:\nOptions: \nA. Sagittal split ramus osteotomy\tB. Vertical ramus osteotomy\tC. Subapical osteotomy\tD. Body osteotomy with extraction of premolars.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Vertical ramus osteotomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In full tooth borne dentures occlusal rests transmits _________ percentage of occlusal forces to teeth:\nOptions: \nA. 50%\tB. 70%\tC. 80%\tD. 100%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 100%." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The definition of pyrexia of unknown origin includes all except:\nOptions: \nA. Diagnosis requires fever persisting for 3 weeks\tB. Fever undiagnosed after 1 week of in-patient workup\tC. Absence of immunological compromise\tD. Temperature of 38.3degC or more.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fever undiagnosed after 1 week of in-patient workup" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Subantimicrobial dose of doxycycline is\nOptions: \nA. 20 mg doxycycline\tB. 60 mg doxycycline\tC. 80 mg doxycycline\tD. 150 mg doxycycline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 20 mg doxycycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child has bilirubin of 4 mg. Conjugated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase are normal, bile salts and bile in urine are absent. However urobilinogen in urine is raised. What is the likely diagnosis \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Obstructive jaundice\tB. Rotor's syndrome\tC. Biliary cholestasis\tD. Hemolytic jaundice.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hemolytic jaundice." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In mandibular primary second molar true statement is\nOptions: \nA. ML is largest cusp and distobuccal is smallest\tB. All buccal cusp are fo same size> all lingual cusp are of same size\tC. DB is largest cusp\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: All buccal cusp are fo same size> all lingual cusp are of same size" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The advantage of ultra speed hand piece is:\nOptions: \nA. Low frequency and high amplitude make the patient comfortable\tB. High frequency and low amplitude do not let the patient perceive pain\tC. Less trauma\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: High frequency and low amplitude do not let the patient perceive pain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Highest incidence of atypical root canal or root among all teeth is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular 1st premolar\tB. Mandibular canine\tC. Maxillary 1stpremolar\tD. Mandibular 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which Hodgkin\u2019s disease is associated with best prognosis?\nOptions: \nA. Lymphocytic predominance\tB. Lymphocyte depletion\tC. Mixed cellularity\tD. Nodular sclerosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lymphocytic predominance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ________occurs whenever there is an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand.\nOptions: \nA. Sudden Death\tB. Stable angina\tC. Unstable angina\tD. Myocardial infarction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Stable angina" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mutation seen in sickle cell anemia:\nOptions: \nA. Point\tB. Inseion\tC. Deletion\tD. Frame shift.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Point" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Isolation period of measles:-\nOptions: \nA. Onset of prodromal stage until 7th day of rash\tB. Eruptive stage until 2 days of rash\tC. Onset of prodromal phase until 3rd day of rash\tD. Eruptive stage until 7th day of rash.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Onset of prodromal phase until 3rd day of rash" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endocarditis culture sampling is done as:\nOptions: \nA. 2 culture 12 hrly\tB. 1 culture 12 hrly\tC. 2 culture 24 hrly\tD. 3 culture separated by 1 hr over 24 hour.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 3 culture separated by 1 hr over 24 hour." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6-year old girl presents with fever tor the past 5 days, generalized erythematous rash, strawberry tongue and cervical lymphadenopathy. The most likely diagnosis is: (Asked twice)\nOptions: \nA. Kimura disease\tB. Kawasaki disease\tC. Scarlet fever\tD. Rosie-Dorfman syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Kawasaki disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hematuria during labour in previous LSCS is sign\nOptions: \nA. Impending rupture of scar\tB. Urethral trauma\tC. Prolong labour\tD. Sepsis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Impending rupture of scar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Delayed haemolytic transfusion involves all except?\nOptions: \nA. Positive DAT\tB. Spherocytes positive\tC. Haemoglobinuria\tD. Reduced haemoglobin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Spherocytes positive" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following can lead to damage of the axillary nerve except:\nOptions: \nA. Fracture of surgical neck of humerus\tB. Intramuscular injection\tC. Improper use of crutches\tD. Shoulder dislocation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Improper use of crutches" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An infant presented to the OPD with a history of vomiting and malnutrition. Patient has blue eyes, blonde hair & fair skin. On investigation, Guthrie test was found to be positive. All are true regarding this disease EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Due to PAH enzyme defect\tB. White patch of hair due to tryptophan deficiency\tC. Phenyl acetate positive in urine\tD. Mental retardation is present.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: White patch of hair due to tryptophan deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which acid does not show coagulation necrosis on contact?\nOptions: \nA. HC1\tB. H,SO4\tC. HF\tD. HNO3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: HF" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hormones which is/are under inhibitory control of hypothalamus:\nOptions: \nA. Prolactin\tB. Prolactin only\tC. GH\tD. Both GH and prolactin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both GH and prolactin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In myocardial infarction the first enzyme to rise:\nOptions: \nA. CPK\tB. LDH\tC. SGOT\tD. Amylase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CPK" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a blood sample antiserum A and antiserum B and Rh +ve factor is added. No agglutination is seen. This is:\nOptions: \nA. O group and Rh+ve\tB. O group and Rh-ve\tC. AB group and Rh+ve\tD. AB group and Rh-ve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: O group and Rh-ve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 22 years old male presented with history of fever, sore throat and enlarged neck lymph nodes. He was ordered a Paul-Bunnell test with a suspicion of Infectious mononucleosis. What is the immunological basis behind the use of this test?\nOptions: \nA. Heterophile antibody test\tB. Complement mediated agglutination reaction\tC. Homophile antibody test\tD. Latex agglutination test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Heterophile antibody test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Histopathologic study of lichen planus shows:\nOptions: \nA. Mixed cellular inflammatory infiltrate\tB. Presence of T-Lymphocytes predominantly\tC. Antiepithelial antibodies\tD. Scattered infiltrate with ill-defined lower border.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Presence of T-Lymphocytes predominantly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Markers of acute kidney injury inculde all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Micro RNA-122\tB. Cystatin C\tC. N-gal\tD. Kim-1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Micro RNA-122" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The microwave method of processing resin is better than the conventional in that it provides:\nOptions: \nA. Better shine\tB. Less porosity\tC. Less shrinkage\tD. Color stability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Less porosity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 19-year-old woman presented with primary amenorrhea, sho stature, webbed neck and widely spaced nipples. Examination showed weak pulses in lower extremity and streak ovaries, raised FSH, no oocyte in histology of ovary. Karyotype most likely to be present:KCET 12; JIPMER 12; AIIMS 13; PGI 13\nOptions: \nA. 45XO\tB. 47XXY\tC. 46XY\tD. 46XX.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 45XO" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Example of excavator are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Hoe\tB. Ordinary hatchet\tC. Enamel hatchet\tD. Angle former.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Enamel hatchet" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The special visceral afferent fibres of the facial nerve are located in which nuclei:\nOptions: \nA. Motor nucleus\tB. Nucleus ambiguous\tC. Nucleus of tractus solitarius\tD. Lacrimatory nucleus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nucleus of tractus solitarius" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best investigation for metabolic disorders is?\nOptions: \nA. Western blot\tB. Tandem mass spectrometry\tC. PCR\tD. Gel electrophoresis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tandem mass spectrometry" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Strain is defined as:\nOptions: \nA. An applied load or force\tB. A deformation resulting from an applied load\tC. An external force opposing an applied load\tD. An internal force opposing an applied Load.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: A deformation resulting from an applied load" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which cement is irritating to the pulp?\nOptions: \nA. Carboxylate cement\tB. Zinc oxide-eugenol cement\tC. Zinc phosphate\tD. Ethoxybenzoic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Zinc phosphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: APGAR scores of 30 children are recorded in a hospital and most of the readings are found to be 7 or above. What can you make out about this data distribution?\nOptions: \nA. Positively skewed data\tB. Negatively skewed data\tC. Normal distribution\tD. Symmetrically skewed data.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Negatively skewed data" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Is it possible to remove centric interference and working interference by reducing supporting cusps in natural dentition:\nOptions: \nA. Yes\tB. No\tC. Yes but we should avoid it\tD. It is not possible to remove both the interferences simultaneously..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Yes but we should avoid it" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incision given within hairline, 45\u00b0 to zygoma is:\nOptions: \nA. Gillis temporal\tB. Alkat Bramley\tC. Risdon\tD. Morey.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gillis temporal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following has least density?\nOptions: \nA. VLDL\tB. LDL\tC. HDL\tD. Chylomicrons.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chylomicrons." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 42 years old male patient presented with jaundice. His AST was 48 U, ALT was 51 U, ALP, GGTP were normal. Ultrasound of liver was suggestive of cirrhosis. Viral markers were done and the following results were obtained.TestResultAnti-HAVNegativeAnti-HBsAgNegativeAnti-HBeAgNegativeAnti-HBcAg IgGPositiveAnti-HBcAg IgMNegativeHBsAgNegativeAnti-HCVPositiveAnti-HEVNegativeWhat is the next best step in management of this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Sta interferon therapy\tB. Liver biopsy\tC. -PCR for hepatitis C virus\tD. PCR for HBV-DNA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: -PCR for hepatitis C virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Action of the muscle marked (with arrow) on mandible is\nOptions: \nA. Elevation\tB. Depression\tC. Retraction\tD. Protraction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Elevation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is associated with defect in DNA repair\nOptions: \nA. Xeroderma pigmentosum\tB. Albinism\tC. Icthyosis\tD. Sickle cell anaemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Xeroderma pigmentosum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child to emergency with accidental ingestion of cyanide. It blocks citric acid cycle by blocking:\nOptions: \nA. Aconitase\tB. Acetyl-CoA production\tC. NAO\tD. Citrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: NAO" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When a dentist says that \" I cannot fix your teeth if you do not open your mouth wide:\" He is employing:\nOptions: \nA. Problem ownership.\tB. Voice control\tC. Tolerance.\tD. Flexibility..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Problem ownership." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 55-year-old male presents with severe backache for 10 days and urinary incontinence with a H/o Interveebral lumbar disc prolapse. There is no H/o fever or weight loss. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Potts spine\tB. Multiple myeloma\tC. Cauda equine syndrome\tD. Bone metastasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cauda equine syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Metallic taste is due to SnF in saliva is\nOptions: \nA. Stannous triphosphate\tB. Stannic triphosphate\tC. Tin hydroxyl phosphate\tD. Stannous hydroxide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tin hydroxyl phosphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pediatric patient planned for costochondral graft for TMJ ankylosis is intubated best by\nOptions: \nA. Topical anesthesia plus sedation\tB. General anaesthesia\tC. Awake fibreoptic intubation\tD. Tracheostomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Awake fibreoptic intubation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thyroglossal fistula is:\nOptions: \nA. Lined by squamous epithelium\tB. Causes a bulge in neck\tC. Inflammatory lesion\tD. Precancerous lesion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Causes a bulge in neck" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fluoride pit and fissure sealants belong to which\ngeneration?\nOptions: \nA. I\tB. II\tC. III\tD. IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: IV." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about Catlan's appliance?\nOptions: \nA. It is used to treat cross-bite of maxillary posterior teeth\tB. It is constructed on the lower anterior teeth with an inclined plane\tC. If used for a long period it results in anterior deep bite\tD. Of constructed on the upper anterior teeth it has a 45 degree angulation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It is constructed on the lower anterior teeth with an inclined plane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which teeth are least involved in periodontitis?\nOptions: \nA. Lower incisor and lower molar\tB. Lower premolar and upper canine\tC. Upper molars and upper incisors\tD. Lower incisors and upper molars.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lower premolar and upper canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prucalopride drug is ?\nOptions: \nA. 5HT4 agonist\tB. 5HT2b agonist\tC. 5HT2b antagonist\tD. 5HT2a agonist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 5HT4 agonist" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During voluntary movements, Golgi tendon organ has an impoant role to play because it continuously relays to the efferent neurons:\nOptions: \nA. Length of the muscle at rest\tB. Change in angle of joint during motion\tC. Change in length of muscle before and after the movement\tD. Tension in the muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tension in the muscle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The hormone, which stimulates uterus contraction and lets down milk, is:\nOptions: \nA. Progesterone\tB. Prolactin\tC. Prostaglandin\tD. Oxytocin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Oxytocin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Production and citation impact of published work of a scientist or scholar\nOptions: \nA. Impact factor\tB. Citation\tC. H index\tD. Z index.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Citation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ig in GCF?\nOptions: \nA. Ig A\tB. Ig M\tC. Ig G\tD. Ig D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ig G" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The function of compensating curve is\nOptions: \nA. To provide balanced occlusion in complete dentures when mandible is protruded\tB. To aid in establishing an incisal guide\tC. Same as function of curve of spee\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To provide balanced occlusion in complete dentures when mandible is protruded" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Induction of inhalational agent is faster.\nOptions: \nA. Agent with high blood gas solubility\tB. Combined with nitrous oxide\tC. Person with increased residual volume\tD. Right to left shunt.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Combined with nitrous oxide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hammock ligament is present:\nOptions: \nA. Between temporal and sphenoid bone\tB. Between hamular notch and mandible\tC. In apical area of a tooth\tD. As a part of deep cervical fascia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: In apical area of a tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Centric holding cusp is?\nOptions: \nA. Mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary 1st molar\tB. Mesiolingual cusp of mandibular first molar\tC. Distolingual cusp of mandibular 1st molar\tD. Mesiopalatal cusp of maxillary 1st molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mesiopalatal cusp of maxillary 1st molar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the Ilekt step in management of a 32 years old woman with a 5 years history of primary infeil-ity with bilateral tubal block seen at cornu on hys-terosalpingogram?\nOptions: \nA. In vitro feilization\tB. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy\tC. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection\tD. Tuboplasty.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pickling is done:\nOptions: \nA. To remove oxide film from casting\tB. Polish the casting\tC. Improve the strength of casting\tD. Avoid casting defects.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To remove oxide film from casting" + }, + { + "input": "Question: MHC Class II proteins are expressed by:\nOptions: \nA. B-cells, dendritic cells and macrophages\tB. Platelets\tC. T-cells\tD. All nucleated cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: B-cells, dendritic cells and macrophages" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Soft tissue curettage is used for:\nOptions: \nA. Shallow pockets with gingivitis\tB. Deep pockets with gingivitis\tC. Infrabony pockets\tD. Oedematous gingiva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Shallow pockets with gingivitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about RVG except:\nOptions: \nA. 80% reduction of patient exposure\tB. Instant imaging\tC. Easy to storage and retrieval.\tD. Image is sharper than caused by silver halide..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Image is sharper than caused by silver halide.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: HCO3/H2CO3 is the best buffer because it is:\nOptions: \nA. pKa near physiological pH\tB. Its components can be increased or decreased in the body as needed\tC. Good acceptor and donor of H+ ions\tD. Combination of a weak acid and weak base.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Its components can be increased or decreased in the body as needed" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is an essential fatty acid?\nOptions: \nA. Linoleic acid\tB. Alpha linolenic acid\tC. Both of the above\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both of the above" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In female adrenal gland secretes which hormone?\nOptions: \nA. Progesterone\tB. Testosterone\tC. Estrogen\tD. DHEA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: DHEA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the function of Hyperpolarizing Cyclic Nucleotide (HCN) gated channels?\nOptions: \nA. Cardiac rhythm generation\tB. Generation of mitochondrial action potential\tC. Myocardial muscle contraction\tD. Memory formation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cardiac rhythm generation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 4 year old child sustained a fracture in central incisor one month ago. On examination, a necrotic pulp was seen with no other pathological findings. The treatment of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Watchful observation\tB. Extraction followed by space maintainer\tC. Pulpectomy and root canal filling with gutta percha\tD. Endodontic treatment and root canal filling with ZOE.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Endodontic treatment and root canal filling with ZOE." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Both ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids as\nOptions: \nA. Isoleucine\tB. Leucine\tC. Arginine\tD. Glycine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Isoleucine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An un-immunized 13 months old child comes to you in OPD, according to the latest immunizations schedule, what vaccines will you advise??\nOptions: \nA. OPV 3 doses, I IPV 3 Pentavalent and I measles\tB. BCG, OPV 3 doses, 3 lPV, 3 Pentavalent and I measles\tC. OPV 3 doses, I IPV 3 Pentavalent and 2 measles\tD. OPV 3 doses, 3 IPV 3 DPI : Hep-B.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: OPV 3 doses, 3 IPV 3 DPI : Hep-B." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 32 weeks pregnant female presented with labor pains and minimal vaginal discharge, on analysis of the cervicovaginal discharge showed presence of fetal fibronectin. What is the probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Preterm labour\tB. IUGR\tC. IUD\tD. Cervical infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Preterm labour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A65-year-old male adult presents with chronic sinusitis, nasopharyngeal ulcers, cavitatory lung nodules and renal failure. What will be the appropriate next diagnostic step?\nOptions: \nA. Lung biopsy\tB. Sputum AFB and PCR for TB\tC. ANCA and evaluation for vasculitis\tD. ESR.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: ANCA and evaluation for vasculitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about COPD except:\nOptions: \nA. Decreased FEV1\tB. Decreased MEFR\tC. Increased RV\tD. Decreased diffusion capacity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Decreased diffusion capacity." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bias that arises from evaluating data on patients and hospital records only such that probability of exposure to a particular factor is increased is known as:\nOptions: \nA. Berkesonian bias\tB. Confound bias\tC. Memory or recall bias\tD. Selection bias.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Berkesonian bias" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A midwife at a PI-IC is monitoring pregnancy and maintaining the paograph of pregnancy progression. At how much cervical dilation should the paograph plotting be staed?\nOptions: \nA. 4 cm\tB. 5 cm\tC. 6 cm\tD. 8 cm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 4 cm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Geniculate neuralgia is caused in the nerve\nOptions: \nA. VII\tB. IX\tC. X\tD. II.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: VII" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Empty Thecal sac sign in:\nOptions: \nA. Arachnoiditis\tB. Tethered Cord syndrome\tC. Veebral osteomyelitis\tD. Discitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Arachnoiditis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An absolute indication for LSCS in case of a Heart disease is:\nOptions: \nA. Co-arctation of Aorta\tB. Eisenmenger syndrome\tC. Ebsteins anomaly\tD. Pulmonary stenosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Co-arctation of Aorta" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not true about vibrio cholera\nOptions: \nA. It is non-halophilic\tB. Grows on simple media\tC. Man is the only natural host\tD. Cannot survive in extracellular environment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cannot survive in extracellular environment." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gene commonly indicated in congenital cataract:\nOptions: \nA. PAX-6\tB. CRYGS-3\tC. LMX- IB\tD. PITX-3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: CRYGS-3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A case of jaundice with 50% direct bilirubin, other LFTs normal. Diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Rotor syndrome\tB. Gilbert syndrome\tC. Glucuronyl transferase deficiency\tD. Primary biliary cirrhosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rotor syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pickling:\nOptions: \nA. Is accomplished by soaking the casting in baking soda\tB. Causes porosity in gold\tC. Removes surface oxides from gold castings\tD. Remove investment from gold casting.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Removes surface oxides from gold castings" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Easiest 3rd molar surgical extraction is:\nOptions: \nA. Mesioangular\tB. Horizontal\tC. Vertical\tD. Distoangular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesioangular" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In examining the edentulous mouth of an aged patient wearing complete maxillary denture against six mandibular teeth, the dentist will see:\nOptions: \nA. Cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve\tB. Loss of osseous structure in the anterior maxilla\tC. Flabby tissue in the posterior region\tD. Decrease interocclusal distance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Loss of osseous structure in the anterior maxilla" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Obstructive sleep apnoea caused by the following\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular ameloblasma\tB. Dentigerous cyst\tC. Orbital fracture\tD. Bilateral TMJ ankylosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bilateral TMJ ankylosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Von Willebrand factor is secreted by which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Macrophages\tB. Endothelial cells\tC. Platelets\tD. Fibroblast.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Endothelial cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Factors affecting the treatment of MI\nOptions: \nA. Regional wall motion abnormality\tB. Troponin level\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are features of systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Uveitis\tB. Rash\tC. Fever\tD. Hepatosplenomegaly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Uveitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 80 kg male patient presented to the emergency with hypotension and you have been instructed to sta him on an inotrope at a dose of 10 mcg/kg/min. Each 5 mL amp of the drug contains 200 mg drug. You choose 2 ampules of the drug and decide to mix it with saline to make a 250 mL solution. What should be the flow rate of the drug solution to maintain the BP of the patient (assuming 16 drops = 1 mL)?\nOptions: \nA. 4 drops/min\tB. 8 drops/min\tC. 10 drops/min\tD. 16 drops/min.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 8 drops/min" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A two year old girl child is brought to the out patient with features of hand wringing stereotype movements, impaired language and communication development, breath holding spells, poor social skills and deceleration of head growth after 6 months of age. The most likely diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Asperger's syndrome\tB. Rett's syndrome\tC. Fragile x\u2013syndrome\tD. Colarad syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rett's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: How many scores are used in modified Dean's \ufb02uorosis index?\nOptions: \nA. 4\tB. 6\tC. 8\tD. 5.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 6" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Beta 3 glucan assay testing not done for\nOptions: \nA. Invasive candidiasis\tB. Aspergillosis\tC. Pneumocystis carnii\tD. Mucormycosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mucormycosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Topical treatment for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis includes:\nOptions: \nA. Acyclovir\tB. Cidofovir\tC. Ranitidine\tD. Zinc.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cidofovir" + }, + { + "input": "Question: More than 80% cephalic index of a patient indicates which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Brachycephalic\tB. Mesocephatic\tC. Dolicocephalic\tD. Depends on age.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Brachycephalic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major determinant of loading dose of a drug is\nOptions: \nA. Half life\tB. Clearance\tC. Volume of distribution\tD. Bioavailability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Volume of distribution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Divergence from contact area in proximal surfaces\ncauses embrasures:\nOptions: \nA. Facially\tB. Lingually\tC. Cervically\tD. Facially, lingually, cervically & occlusally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Facially, lingually, cervically & occlusally." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Yellowish-brown staining of the IOPA dental X-ray film is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Immersion in fixer without washing\tB. Increased temperature of developer\tC. Increased exposure time\tD. Drying away of the developer solution.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Immersion in fixer without washing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not ture about increased intracraniaL pressure\nOptions: \nA. Headache\tB. Nausea / vomiting\tC. Muscle twitching\tD. Somnolence.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Muscle twitching" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Retromolar pad:\nOptions: \nA. Should not be covered by Low denture\tB. Should be covered by lower denture\tC. Has tendon of temporal muscle attached to it\tD. Disappears on eruption of mandibular last molars.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Should be covered by lower denture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The process of transfer of information from the RNA to the proteins is called:\nOptions: \nA. Mutation\tB. Translation\tC. Transcription\tD. Conjugation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Translation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are potentially serious side effects of thioamide group of antithyroid drugs except:\nOptions: \nA. Hepatic dysfunction\tB. Severe rash\tC. Agranulocytosis\tD. Anaphylaxis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Anaphylaxis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which stage of neurocysticercosis, there is no edema?\nOptions: \nA. Vesicular\tB. Vesicular colloidal\tC. Granular nodular\tD. Nodular calcified.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Nodular calcified." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a pa of the quadruple test for antenatal detection of Down syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. AFP\tB. Estriol\tC. Beta HCG\tD. Inhibin B.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inhibin B." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antibody-dependent enhancement is implicated in the immunopathogenesis of which disease?\nOptions: \nA. Influenza\tB. Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome\tC. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome\tD. Dengue hemorrhagic fever.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dengue hemorrhagic fever." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The drug not belonging to amide group\nOptions: \nA. Procaine\tB. Xylocaine\tC. Lignocaine\tD. Bupivacaine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Procaine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extra retention in abutment teeth is obtained with:\nOptions: \nA. Dovetail\tB. Slots, pins and grooves\tC. Outline form\tD. Increasing tooth reduction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Slots, pins and grooves" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sonic frequency range is:\nOptions: \nA. 1000-2000 Hz\tB. 1500-6000 Hz\tC. 20,000-30,000 Hz\tD. 10,000 Hz.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1500-6000 Hz" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cause of apical periodontitis is/are:\nOptions: \nA. Sequel of pulpal diseases\tB. Wedging of foreign object between the teeth\tC. High points in restoration\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following series act as the best space\nmaintainer in a child's mouth?\nOptions: \nA. Restored deciduous tooth\tB. Acrylic partial denture\tC. Distal shoe space maintainer\tD. Band and loop space maintainer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Restored deciduous tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of postauricular lymphadenopathy in children :\nOptions: \nA. Sore throat\tB. Pediculosis capitis\tC. Pulmonary Koch's\tD. Chronic suppurative otitis media.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pediculosis capitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infected mandibular angle fracture is treated by?\nOptions: \nA. Mini plates\tB. Reconstruction plates\tC. Champy plate at upper border\tD. IMF + ID.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: IMF + ID." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Of all the solvent used to dissolve Gutta Percha, safest & efficacious G.P. solvent is?\nOptions: \nA. Halothane\tB. Chloroform\tC. Methylchloroform\tD. Xylene.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chloroform" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following enzyme is responsible for thirst mechanism during dehydration?\nOptions: \nA. ADH\tB. Noradrenaline\tC. Epinephrine\tD. Dopamine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ADH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ptosis may be caused by a lesion of the:\nOptions: \nA. Oculomotor nerve\tB. Superior oblique\tC. Trigeminal nerve\tD. Trochlear nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Oculomotor nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The treatment of choice for primary grade V vesicoureteric reflux involving both kidneys in a 6 month old boy is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Antibiotic prophylaxis\tB. Ureteric reimplantation\tC. Cystoscopy followed by subureteric injection of teflon\tD. Bilateral ureterostomies..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Antibiotic prophylaxis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Idiosyncratic side-effects of carbamazepine are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Steven-Johnson syndrome\tB. Agranulocytosis\tC. Rash\tD. Blurred vision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Blurred vision." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Neoplasia of blood vessel is called\nOptions: \nA. Angioma\tB. Hematoma\tC. Lymphosarcoma\tD. Papilloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Angioma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is innervated by the vagus nerve?\nOptions: \nA. The levator veli palatine (levator palatini)\tB. The posterior belly of digastric\tC. Mylohyoid\tD. The tensor veli palatine (tensor palatini).\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The levator veli palatine (levator palatini)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A voluntary donor underwent apheresis for platelet donation for the first time after which he developed perioral tingling and numbness. This is seen because\nOptions: \nA. His platelet count was low for donation\tB. He underwent apheresis for the first time\tC. Due to fluid depletion\tD. Due to citrate based anticoagulant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Due to citrate based anticoagulant." + }, + { + "input": "Question: P3L3 came to opd with postcoital bleeding and pap positive p/v cervix hyperophied bleed on touch diagnosis -\nOptions: \nA. CA cervix\tB. Fibroid\tC. Cervicitis\tD. Cervical polyp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CA cervix" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is removed first?\nOptions: \nA. Gloves\tB. Face shield\tC. Gown\tD. Mask.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gloves" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A cyst occurs under the tongue, caused by obstruction of a salivary gland. Such a cyst is called:\nOptions: \nA. Mucocele\tB. Ranula\tC. Derrnoid cyst\tD. Dentigerous cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ranula" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the maximum capacity of Bakri balloon which is used in post paum hemorrhage?\nOptions: \nA. 200 mL\tB. 300 in L\tC. 500 mL\tD. 1000 m L.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 500 mL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of these are G2 phase blockers except:\nOptions: \nA. Etoposide\tB. Topotecan\tC. Paclitaxel\tD. Daunorubicin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Paclitaxel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The primary action of topical fluoride is a:\nOptions: \nA. Conversion of hydroxyapatite to fluoroapatite\tB. Decrease in the plaque bacteria\tC. Form a reservoir in saliva\tD. Improve morphology of teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Conversion of hydroxyapatite to fluoroapatite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child is admitted on 7 days of life with severe respiratory distress and shock. He was discharged 2 days back healthy. What could be the probable diagnosis \u2013\nOptions: \nA. VSD large\tB. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome\tC. Ebstein anomaly\tD. AP window defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 20 years old boy presented with persistent cervical lymphadenopathy for the past 1 year. Histopathology of lymph node shows Reed-Sternberg cells with focal nodularity and background of T reactive lymphocytes. The cells were positive for CD20, LCA, EMA and negative for CD15 and CD30 and EBV negative. Diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma\tB. Lymphocyte rich Hodgkin's lymphoma\tC. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma\tD. Small cell lymphoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Among all of the following foramens in the base of skull, which is, the most posteriorly present:\nOptions: \nA. Foramen spinosum\tB. Foramen rotundum\tC. Foramen ovale\tD. All at same level.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Foramen spinosum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common pathognomonic sign of mandibular fracture:\nOptions: \nA. Sublingual hematoma.\tB. Malocclusion\tC. Tenderness\tD. Buccal hematoma..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sublingual hematoma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Open reduction of condylar fracture is strongly indicated in\n(Or)\nAbsolute indication for open reduction in condylar fractures\nOptions: \nA. Condyle fracture along with body fracture\tB. Lateral displacement of the condyle (or) Lateral fracture dislocation condyle\tC. 200 angulations\tD. Condyle is separated from the stump.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lateral displacement of the condyle (or) Lateral fracture dislocation condyle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: BCG is maximally protective against:-\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary TB\tB. Pulmonary and CNS TB\tC. CNS and Disseminated TB\tD. Extra pulmonary TB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: CNS and Disseminated TB" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and was discharged on the same day. On postoperative day 3, he presented to the hospital with fever. Ultra-sonography showed a 5 x 5 cm collection in the right sub diaphragmatic region. What will be the manage!ment?\nOptions: \nA. Observe with antibiotic cover\tB. Re-explore the wound with T-tube inseion\tC. Pigtail inseion and drainage\tD. ERCP and proceed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pigtail inseion and drainage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI), all of the following are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Signs and symptoms usually subsides within 2-3 weeks of onset\tB. Suppoive care is the mainstay of treatment\tC. Steroids have a doubtful role in management\tD. Moality is less than 10%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Signs and symptoms usually subsides within 2-3 weeks of onset" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant lady is diagnosed to be HBs Ag positive. Which of the following is the best way to prevent infection to the child:\nOptions: \nA. Hepatitis vaccine to the child\tB. Full course of Hepatitis B vaccine and immunoglobulin to the child\tC. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin to the mother\tD. Hepatitis B immunization to mother.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Full course of Hepatitis B vaccine and immunoglobulin to the child" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements concerning hepatitis infection in pregnancy is true?:\nOptions: \nA. Hepatitis B core antigen status is the most sensitive indicator of positive vertical transmission of disease\tB. Hepatitis B is the most common form of hepatitis after blood transfusion\tC. The proper treatment of infants born to infected mothers includes the administration of hepatitis B immune globulin as well as vaccine\tD. Patients who develop chronic active hepatitis should undergo MTP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The proper treatment of infants born to infected mothers includes the administration of hepatitis B immune globulin as well as vaccine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endocarditis is most commonly seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Aortic stenosis.\tB. Mitral regurgitation.\tC. Patent ductus arteriosus.\tD. Venous bypass graft..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Aortic stenosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with multiple loose teeth requires extraction and has mitral stenosis with mild cardiac insufficiency. He is on enalapril, digoxin, and furosemide. The antibiotic of choice to prevent bacterial endocarditis is:\nOptions: \nA. Amoxicillin\tB. Doxycycline\tC. Cotrimoxazole\tD. Gentamicin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Amoxicillin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with a history of diabetes for one year with no other complications should have an ophthalmic examination?\nOptions: \nA. As early as feasible\tB. After 5 years\tC. After 10 years\tD. Only after visual symptoms level.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: As early as feasible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An I.V. drug abuser presents with fever for 10 days. CXR shows B/L lower lobe consolidation with necrosis and right sided pyopneumothorax. Probable diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. MV endocarditis due to viridans Streptococci\tB. TV endocarditis due to Staph. aureus\tC. Tuberculosis\tD. Pneumocystis jirovecii infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: TV endocarditis due to Staph. aureus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A breast fed child presents with hypernatremia (Serum sodium > 170m Eq/L). His urine sodium is 70 mEq/L. Which of the following is the most likely cause \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Diabetes insipidus\tB. Acute necrosis\tC. Severe dehydration\tD. Excessive intake of sodium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Excessive intake of sodium." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gingival massage increases blood supply in:\nOptions: \nA. Epidermis\tB. Basal layer\tC. Lamina propria\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lamina propria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Initial calcification of crown represents Which Nolla's stage:\nOptions: \nA. Stage 1\tB. Stage 2\tC. Stage 3\tD. Stage 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Stage 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Plastic carrier size of 40-90 in carrier base Gutta percha are made from?\nOptions: \nA. Poly propylene\tB. Poly Sulphone\tC. Poly Sulphide\tD. Liquid crystal plastic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Poly Sulphone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true for light cure composite except:\nOptions: \nA. Held at distance of 1 mm from tooth\tB. Use of orange glass shield for eye protection\tC. Polymerization reaction continues for a period of 72 hours\tD. Adding increments of 1-2 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polymerization reaction continues for a period of 72 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The joint which histologically & morphologically best simulate the TMJ is\nOptions: \nA. 5th costochondral graft\tB. 3rd metatarsal graft\tC. Sternoclavicular graft\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sternoclavicular graft" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient sustained A and endotracheal intubation was done. Most likely GCS score of such a patient would be:March 2013 (b, c, d)\nOptions: \nA. 8\tB. 10\tC. 12\tD. 15.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 8" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rapid onset of action seen by local anesthesia in small nerve endings is due to\nOptions: \nA. Increased threshold of small nerves due to depolarization\tB. Low pH of small nerve fibres\tC. High ratio of surface area to the volume of small nerve fibres\tD. Increased resting potential of small nerve fibres.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High ratio of surface area to the volume of small nerve fibres" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following intrauterine infections is associated with limb reduction defects and scarring of skin \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Varicella virus\tB. Herpes virus\tC. Rubella\tD. Parvovirus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Varicella virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acromegaly is associated with\nOptions: \nA. Class. I malocclusion\tB. Class. I cross bite\tC. Class. II malocclusion\tD. Class. III malocclusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Class. III malocclusion." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The appropriate force required to tip a tooth is:\nOptions: \nA. 10 - 20mg\tB. 35 - 60mg\tC. 50 - 70mg\tD. 70 - 100mg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 35 - 60mg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Function of Merkel's cells is:\nOptions: \nA. Tactile sensation\tB. Melanophage\tC. Chemoreceptor\tD. Proprioception.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tactile sensation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is function of fluoride flux in soldering process?\nOptions: \nA. It prevents the formation of copper oxide\tB. It prevents the formation of chromium oxide or dissolves chromic oxide layer\tC. It prevents the flow of material in undesirable area\tD. Increases the strength of solder.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It prevents the formation of chromium oxide or dissolves chromic oxide layer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hyperparathyroidism is associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Renal stones\tB. Bone resorption\tC. Increased level of serum calcium\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Surgery on the hard palate of a 3 years old cleft patient may inhibit growth, causing the facial profile to become:\nOptions: \nA. Straight\tB. Elongated\tC. Shortened\tD. More concave.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: More concave." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 16-year old girl was brought with primary amenorrhea. Her mother mentioned that she staed developing breast at the age of 12. She was prescribed OCPs 2 years back by a doctor with no effect. She was having normal stature and was a football player. On examination, breasts were well developed (Tanner's stage 5) and pubic hair was minimal (Tanner's stage 1). What is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Premature ovarian failure\tB. Turner's syndrome\tC. Miillerian agenesis\tD. Androgen insensitivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Androgen insensitivity." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Absence of which of the given milestones in a 3 year old child should be called delayed development?\nOptions: \nA. Hopping on one leg\tB. Drawing square\tC. Feeding by spoon\tD. Catching a ball reliably.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Feeding by spoon" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following tooth structure during formation\nis most effected due to Vit -A deficiency\nOptions: \nA. Enamel\tB. Dentin\tC. Cementom\tD. Periodontal Ligament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Enamel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Indications for caesarean section in pregnancy are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Eisenmenger's syndrome\tB. Aortic stenosis\tC. MR\tD. Aortic regurgitation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Eisenmenger's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Brachycephaly is due to fusion of \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Parietal suture\tB. Sagittal suture\tC. Lambdoid suture\tD. Coronal suture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Coronal suture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The forces acting through a fixed partial denture on the\nabutment tooth should be directed:\nOptions: \nA. As far as possible at right angles to the long axis of the teeth\tB. Parallel to the long axis of the teeth\tC. By decreasing the mesio-distal dimension\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Parallel to the long axis of the teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following drugs require dose reduction in renal failure except?\nOptions: \nA. Amphotericin B\tB. Vancomycin\tC. Gentamicin\tD. Doxycycline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Doxycycline." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used in osteoporosis?\nOptions: \nA. Milnacipran\tB. PTH\tC. Strontium ranelate\tD. Denosumab.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Milnacipran" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Consistent radiographs require:\nOptions: \nA. Long cone technique\tB. Fixed kvp & mA\tC. Automatic processing\tD. Proper developing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fixed kvp & mA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about augmentation of labor except:\nOptions: \nA. Twin pregnancy precludes the use of oxytocin\tB. Amniotomy decreases the need for oxytocin use\tC. Methods of augmentation does not increase the risk of operational management\tD. Associated with a risk of uterine hyper stimulation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Twin pregnancy precludes the use of oxytocin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nucleus in brain common to IX, X and XI cranial nerves:\nOptions: \nA. Nucleus solitarius\tB. Nucleus ambiguus\tC. Dentate nucleus\tD. Red nucleus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nucleus ambiguus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acromegaly occurs:\nOptions: \nA. Before closure of epiphyses of long bones\tB. After closure of epiphyses of long bones\tC. Not related to closure of epiphyses of long bones\tD. Depending on functioning on posterior Pituitary gland.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: After closure of epiphyses of long bones" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fordyce's spots are:\nOptions: \nA. Fat tissue embedded in buccal mucosa\tB. Red spots\tC. Present on the cheek mucosa lateral to angle of the mouth\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Present on the cheek mucosa lateral to angle of the mouth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The tipping of a tooth results in the fibers of the PDL to be:\nOptions: \nA. All compressed\tB. All stretched\tC. Half compressed half stretched\tD. No effect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Half compressed half stretched" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6-month child presented with diarrhea and vomiting for three days. Which of the following enterotoxin is most likely responsible for the condition?\nOptions: \nA. NSP4\tB. NSP6\tC. VP3\tD. VP7.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: NSP4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common site of CSF Rhinorrhoea is\nOptions: \nA. Ethmoidal sinus\tB. Frontal sinus\tC. Petrous bone\tD. Cribriform plate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cribriform plate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lymph from tongue not drained by following vessels\nOptions: \nA. Central\tB. Ventral\tC. Posterior\tD. Marginal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ventral" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vitamin K:\nOptions: \nA. Helps in formation of prothrombin\tB. Inhibition of antithrombin\tC. Prevention of capillary fragility\tD. Stimulation of hematopoiesis in red bone marrow.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Helps in formation of prothrombin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The primary site of action of antidiuretic hormone is on the:\nOptions: \nA. Distal tubules and collecting ducts in the kidney\tB. Afferent arterioles of the glomeruli\tC. Thirst center in the hypothalamus\tD. Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Distal tubules and collecting ducts in the kidney" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The part of the mandible which ossify in cartilage is:\nOptions: \nA. Coronoid process\tB. Condylar process\tC. Upper half of ramus above the level of mandibular foramen\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a cerebrohepatorenal syndrome, which of the following accumulate in brain?\nOptions: \nA. Pyruvate\tB. Sho-chain fatty acid\tC. Very long-chain fatty acid\tD. Acetyl CoA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Very long-chain fatty acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient's cross-infection with sensor, in digital radiography/RVG is prevented by\nOptions: \nA. Cover with autoclaved cloth with each use\tB. Wipe with ethyl alcohol in each patient\tC. Clean with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite in each patient\tD. Cover with impervious barrier.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cover with impervious barrier." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Term \"Clean Tooth Never Decays\" given by\nOptions: \nA. Perrie Fauchard\tB. Leon J Williams\tC. Dean\tD. MJ Rihanna.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Leon J Williams" + }, + { + "input": "Question: intermediate of kreb cycle used in heme synthesis;\nOptions: \nA. succinyl-CoA\tB. Alpha ketoglutarate\tC. Citrate\tD. Aspaate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: succinyl-CoA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with Type I diabetes mellitus, with complains of polyuria. Which of the following will occur normally in his body?\nOptions: \nA. Glycogenesis in muscle\tB. Increased protein synthesis\tC. Increased conversion of fatty acid to acetyl CoA\tD. Decreased cholesterol synthesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increased conversion of fatty acid to acetyl CoA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reactive oxygen metabolite in lysosomes is released by\nOptions: \nA. Peroxidase\tB. NADPH oxidase\tC. Superoxide dismutase\tD. Catalase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: NADPH oxidase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Square root of pq/n indicates:\nOptions: \nA. Standard error of mean\tB. Standard error of difference of means\tC. Standard error of proportions\tD. Standard error of difference in proportions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Standard error of proportions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following should be treated by using a \ntissue conditioner material?\nOptions: \nA. Tissue symptoms related to diabetes mellitus\tB. Generalized ridge hyperplasia\tC. Traumatized mucosa caused by ill fitting dentures\tD. Sharp residual ridge in molar area.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Traumatized mucosa caused by ill fitting dentures" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an indication for evisceration?\nOptions: \nA. Malignancy\tB. Panophthalmitis\tC. Severe globe trauma\tD. Expulsive hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Malignancy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The one measurement of fetal maturity that is not affected by a 'bloody tap' during amniocentesis is:\nOptions: \nA. L/S ratio\tB. Phosphatidyl glycerol\tC. \u03b1-fetoprotein\tD. Bilirubin as a measured by DOD 450.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Phosphatidyl glycerol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sensitivity in gingival area of class II light cured composite restoration after 2 months is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Improper cavity preparation at gingival margin\tB. Curing from occlusal area only\tC. Addition of resin in multiple increments\tD. Curing from buccal and lingual aspect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Improper cavity preparation at gingival margin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which dentifrices should be used for periodontal patients?\nOptions: \nA. Tooth powders with high abrasive content\tB. Tooth pastes with high abrasive content\tC. Tooth pastes with minimum abrasive content\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tooth pastes with minimum abrasive content" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young patient is diagnosed to have irreparable tear of the rotator cuff. Treatment of choice will be:\nOptions: \nA. Tendon transfer\tB. Total shoulder replacement\tC. Reverse c shoulder replacement\tD. Acromioplasty.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tendon transfer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 22 year old female in emergency presents with sore throat from 3 days, headache and vomiting, blood pressure 90/50, tiny red spots distal to sphygomomanometer cuff\nOptions: \nA. Brucella species\tB. Neisseria Meningitidis\tC. P.falciparum\tD. Salmonella species.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Neisseria Meningitidis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young male complains of burning sensation upon urination and a purulent urethral discharge. Gram stain of the specimen shows pus cells with Gram negative diplococci. What is not true about the organism?\nOptions: \nA. Pili is a virulence factor\tB. Intracellular obligate\tC. Show twitching motility\tD. It is both catalase and oxidase positive.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Intracellular obligate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypogonadism, developmental delay, loss of taste and\nsmell is due to deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. Cu\tB. Zn\tC. K\tD. Cr.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Zn" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Characteristics radiological feature of transient tachypnoea of newborn is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Reticulogranular appearance\tB. Low volume lungs\tC. Prominent horizontal fissure\tD. Air bronchogram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Prominent horizontal fissure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 16 year girl, Not sexually active, came for vaccination against cervical cancer. Which vaccine to be given\nOptions: \nA. Gardasil\tB. Rubavac\tC. Biovac\tD. Tdap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gardasil" + }, + { + "input": "Question: plate endings are features of\nOptions: \nA. Nuclear chain fibres\tB. Nuclear bag fibres\tC. Golgi tendon\tD. Extra fusal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nuclear bag fibres" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tuberculin test is a cheap and easily available test. In which of the following situations there is high failure in the interpretation of the test?\nOptions: \nA. High percentage of immunized people\tB. HIV cases are less\tC. High prevalence of disease\tD. Environmental mycobacterium infections are less.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: High percentage of immunized people" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following parameters is used to determine the sensitivity of vaccine due to heat?\nOptions: \nA. VVM\tB. VMV\tC. VCM\tD. VMM.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: VVM" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young man was on high protein diet. After 3 days he developed weakness. Blood investigation revealed hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is due to inhibition of which of the following enzymes\nOptions: \nA. Glucose 6 phosphatase\tB. Glycogen phosphorylase\tC. Phosphoglucomutase\tD. PEP carboxylase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: PEP carboxylase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 8 year old child presented with cough and fever since 15 days. On auscultation, decreased air entry was found on right side. A CXR was done and shown below. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Consolidation\tB. Abscess\tC. Hydatid Cyst\tD. Congenital. AV Malformation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Consolidation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Malaria control means\nOptions: \nA. To reduce Malaria moality to Zero\tB. To prevent local transmission for 3 years\tC. To reduce Malaria disease so that its no longer a Public Health Problem\tD. To reduce Incidence to Zero.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: To reduce Malaria disease so that its no longer a Public Health Problem" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following bacteria is responsible for progression of dental caries:\nOptions: \nA. Actinomyces spp.\tB. Proteolytic bacteria\tC. Acidogenic bacteria\tD. Gram positive bacteria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Proteolytic bacteria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 4yr boy absence of right testes, diagnostic laparoscopy done, a blind end vessel seen what to do next?\nOptions: \nA. Open laprotomy\tB. Nothing to be done\tC. Scrotal approach\tD. Inguinal approach.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inguinal approach." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If multiple firing is done to opaque layer of dental porcelain than It become\nOptions: \nA. Too Smooth\tB. Too glazed\tC. Become more opaque\tD. Crack.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Too glazed" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Distolingual extension of the mandibular impression for \na complete denture is limited by the action of:\nOptions: \nA. Stylohyoid muscle\tB. Medial pterygoid muscle\tC. Lateral pterygoid muscle\tD. Superior constrictor muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Superior constrictor muscle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Among the following propeies of dopamine, which of them is not helpful in acute shock?\nOptions: \nA. Alpha-1 agonist action leading to peripheral vasoconstriction\tB. Increase in renal perfusion due to agonist action on DI receptors\tC. Releases noradrenaline and causes positive inotropic effect\tD. Direct action on hea beta-1 receptors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increase in renal perfusion due to agonist action on DI receptors" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 3.5 kg term male baby, born of uncomplicated pregnancy, developed, respiratory distress at birth, not responded to surfactant, ECHO finding revealed nothing abnormal, X\u2013ray showed ground glass appearance and culture negative. Apgars 4 and 5 at 1 and 5 minutes. History of one month female sibling died before. What is the diagnosis ?\nOptions: \nA. TAPVC\tB. Meconium aspiration\tC. Neonatal pulmonary alveolar proteinosis\tD. Diffuse herpes simplex infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Neonatal pulmonary alveolar proteinosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Upper lip is formed by the fusion of:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary and lateral nasal process.\tB. Lateral nasal and median nasal process.\tC. Maxillary, lateral nasal, median nasal process.\tD. Maxillary, mandibular, lateral nasal, median nasal process..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Maxillary, lateral nasal, median nasal process." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increased Monocytic count is seen in Typhoid and which of the following conditions?\nOptions: \nA. Parasitic infections\tB. Sub-Acute Bacterial Endocarditis\tC. Hodgkin's Lymphoma\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sub-Acute Bacterial Endocarditis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If 2 Implants of size 4 mm are to be placed in a ridge, what should be the minimum width required in the ridge\nOptions: \nA. 14 mm\tB. 15 mm\tC. 17 mm\tD. 18 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 14 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Elderly female present with pain and swelling in the thigh. Xray shows multiple lytic lesions in distal femur with no periosteal reaction. Aspirate from the swelling shows homogenous serosanguinous fluid with RBCs. Which investigation can confirm the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. S. Calcium levels\tB. S. PTH levels\tC. MRI\tD. CD1a IHC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: S. PTH levels" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiation affects all three germ layers (ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm) in which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Teratoid cyst\tB. Dermoid cyst\tC. Thyroglossal cyst\tD. Branchial cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Teratoid cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Post op pulmonary complications are seen/expected in all except:-\nOptions: \nA. BMI>30\tB. Upper abdominal surgery\tC. Patient with 7 pack years of smoking\tD. Age >70.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: BMI>30" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The antidote for heparin is:\nOptions: \nA. Penicillinase\tB. Protamine sulphate\tC. Pryosulphate\tD. Potassium sulphate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Protamine sulphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 26 years old female suffers from PPH on her second postnatal day. Her APTT and PTT are prolonged while BT, PT and platelet counts are normal. Likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Acquired hemophilia\tB. Lupus anticoagulant\tC. DIC\tD. Inherited congenital hemophilia..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acquired hemophilia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a tool used in gene editing?\nOptions: \nA. CRISPR\tB. Gene Xpe\tC. Big Data\tD. HealthCare App.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CRISPR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following muscles causes the forward movement of the condyle in the glenoid fossa?\nOptions: \nA. Masseter\tB. Temporalis\tC. Medial pterygoid\tD. Lateral pterygoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lateral pterygoid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is characteristic of T.B. otitis media -\nOptions: \nA. Marginal perforation\tB. Attic perforation\tC. Large central perforation\tD. Multiple perforation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Multiple perforation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following features are suggestive of asbestosis except:\nOptions: \nA. Occurs within five years of exposure\tB. The disease progresses even after removal of contact\tC. Can lead to pleural mesothelioma\tD. Sputum contains asbestos bodies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Occurs within five years of exposure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: High molecular weight proteins in cataractous lens seen only in humans:\nOptions: \nA. HM 1 and 2\tB. HM 2 and 3\tC. HM 2 and 4\tD. HM 3 and 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: HM 3 and 4." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of following in not true about SLE?\nOptions: \nA. IgA. IgU against basement of mucosa or increased collagen formation\tB. ROR-2 gene mutation\tC. Complement c3 activation and fibroblast formation\tD. Positive antinuclear antibody test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: ROR-2 gene mutation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The surgical registrar successfully performs a testicu!lar biopsy and hands over the specimen to the attend!ing nurse. The sister asks you how to send the speci!men to the pathologist. What fluid will you tell the sister to put the specimen in?\nOptions: \nA. 95% ethanol\tB. Zenker's solution\tC. Bouin's solution\tD. 10% formalin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bouin's solution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common phobia in chilhood:\nOptions: \nA. Zoophobia\tB. Nyclophobia\tC. Xenophobia.\tD. Claustrophobia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Zoophobia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The finish line used in complete metal cast crown is:\nOptions: \nA. Chamfer\tB. Chafer with bevel\tC. Feather edge\tD. Shoulder.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chamfer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In carrier base gutta percha the plastic carrier size of 40- 90 are made by?\nOptions: \nA. Plastic liquid crystal\tB. Poly propylene\tC. Poly sulphide\tD. Poly sulphone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Poly sulphone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 4-year old girl presents with severe vomiting after a viral fever of 5 days. She is hospitalized and develops cerebral edema. Liver biopsy is most likely to demonstrate w hich of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Centrizonal hemorrhagic necrosis\tB. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis\tC. Ring granulomas\tD. Marked microvesicular steatosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Marked microvesicular steatosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The carat for Au foil used for restorations is:\nOptions: \nA. 18\tB. 20\tC. 22\tD. 24.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 24." + }, + { + "input": "Question: APAF-1 is involved in the activation of which of the following casapses?\nOptions: \nA. Caspase 8\tB. Caspase 9\tC. Caspase 3\tD. Caspase 10.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Caspase 9" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are suggestive of domestic violence in a child except:\nOptions: \nA. Wormian bones\tB. Microfractures in the sub-ep physeal region\tC. Corner fractures\tD. Bucket handle fractures of metaphyses.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wormian bones" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What should be ideal depth of MTA for root end filling material?\nOptions: \nA. 1 mm\tB. 3 mm\tC. 5 mm\tD. 7 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 3 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The high cou has the power to stay the execution of a pregnant woman according to which section of Criminal Procedure Code?\nOptions: \nA. 416 CrPC\tB. 417 CrPC\tC. 418 CrPC\tD. 419 CrPC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 416 CrPC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following muscle divides the sub-mandibular gland into a superficial and deep part?\nOptions: \nA. Genioglossus\tB. Mylohyoid\tC. Sternohyoid\tD. Digastric.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mylohyoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Renal osteodystrophy differs from nutritional and genetic form of osteomaLacia in having:\nOptions: \nA. Hypocalcemia\tB. Hypercalcemia\tC. Hypophosphatemia\tD. Hyperphosphatemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hyperphosphatemia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Skeletal muscles:\nOptions: \nA. Contracts when calcium is taken up by sacroplasmic reticulum\tB. Contracts when actin and myosin filaments shorten\tC. Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin\tD. Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to tropomyosin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The advantage of glass ionomer cement reinforced with metal particles is:\nOptions: \nA. Decreased strength but biocompatibility\tB. Increased resistance to abrasion\tC. Better colour\tD. Ease of manipulation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increased resistance to abrasion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best guide for the management of Resuscitation is:\nOptions: \nA. CVP\tB. Urine output\tC. Blood pressure\tD. Saturation of Oxygen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Urine output" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The disturbances occurred during \"Calcification\" stage of tooth development is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Peg laterals\tB. Microdontia\tC. Supernumerary tooth\tD. Interglobular dentin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Interglobular dentin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following affects bur efficiency except:\nOptions: \nA. Spiral angle\tB. Head length and diameter\tC. Neck diameter\tD. Crosscut.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Head length and diameter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except:\nOptions: \nA. Hypoglossal nerve\tB. Lingual artery\tC. Stylohyoid muscle\tD. Geniohyoid muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hypoglossal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following disease modifying anti-rheumatoid drugs acts by increasing extracellular adenosine?\nOptions: \nA. Leflunomide\tB. Hydroxychloroquine\tC. Azathioprine\tD. Methotrexate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Methotrexate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Oral prophylaxis is contraindicated in:\nOptions: \nA. Prepubertal gingivitis\tB. Pregnancy gingivitis\tC. Ulcerative refractory gingivitis\tD. Leukemic gingivitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Leukemic gingivitis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Injury to the right mandibular nerve as it passes through foramen ovale produces the following effects:\nOptions: \nA. Loss of taste from the anterior 2/3 of tongue\tB. Deviation of the tongue to the left\tC. Deviation of chin to left when mouth is opened\tD. Loss of general sensation to anterior 2/3 of tongue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Loss of general sensation to anterior 2/3 of tongue." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cross section of the root most prone to vertical root fracture is\nOptions: \nA. Round\tB. Oval\tC. Kidney shape\tD. Elliptical.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oval" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following conditions oral screen should\nnot be used:\nOptions: \nA. Nail biting habit\tB. Tongue thrusting\tC. Acute infection of tonsils and adenoids\tD. Thumb sucking.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Acute infection of tonsils and adenoids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient who is on a regimen of steroid therapy and has need for extraction of chronically infected teeth requires premedication with\nOptions: \nA. Atropine to reduce the hazard of vagal stimulation and cardiac arrest.\tB. Antihypertensive to combat tendency towards shock\tC. Antihistaminics to prevent allergic reaction\tD. Antibiotics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Antibiotics." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6\u2013month old boy weighing 3.2 kg presents with recurrent vomiting and polyuria. Investigations show blood area 60 mg/dl creatinine 0.7 mg/dL, calcium 12.8 mg/dL, phosphate 3 mg/dL, pH 7.45, bicarbonate 25 mEq/L and PTH 140 pg ml (normal <60 pg/ml). Daily urinary calcium excretion is reduced. Ultrasound abdomen show bilateral nephrocalcinosis. The most likely diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Bartter syndrome\tB. Mutation of the calcium sensing receptor\tC. Ps eudo\u2013ps eudohypoparathyroidism\tD. Parathyroid adenoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mutation of the calcium sensing receptor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Type of mouth breathing can be:\nOptions: \nA. Obstructive.\tB. Anatomic.\tC. Habitual.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The order of caries susceptibility of primary teeth is:\nOptions: \nA. 2nd molar>1st molar>canine\tB. 1st molar>2st molar>canine\tC. Canine>1st molar>2nd molar\tD. Canine>2nd molar>1st molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2nd molar>1st molar>canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 26 year old, 6 feet 4 inch male presented to the emergency depament with complaints of acute onset dysnea. On examination, he was tachypneic, other vitals were stable. A chest xray was done which shown the following pathology:\nOptions: \nA. Pneumothorax\tB. Hydropnemo thorax\tC. Massive pleural effusion\tD. Pulmonary embolism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pneumothorax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acetyl choline release can be increased from presynaptic membrane by:\nOptions: \nA. Blocking voltage gated Na+ channels on presynaptic membrane\tB. Blocking voltage gated Ca+ channels on presynaptic membrane\tC. Blocking voltage gated K+ channels on presynaptic membrane\tD. Blocking voltage gated CI- channels on presynaptic membrane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Blocking voltage gated K+ channels on presynaptic membrane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a JubLeitter arca pith crude bih rate of 211, what would be the expected number of ANC registrations?\nOptions: \nA. 60\tB. 80\tC. 100\tD. 120.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 60" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A woman comes with obstructed labour and is grossly dehydrated. Investigations reveal fetal demise. What will be the management ?\nOptions: \nA. Craniotomy\tB. Decapitation\tC. Cesarean section\tD. Forceps extraction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cesarean section" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When a patient is asked to say 'ah' , if the uvula is drawn upwards to the left, the cranial nerve likely to be damaged is\nOptions: \nA. Vagus\tB. Rt accessory\tC. Lt accessory\tD. Hypoglossal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rt accessory" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following event has little or no significance?\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular incisor erupting before mandibular molar\tB. Mandibular canine erupting before mandibular premolar\tC. Mandibular 2nd premolar erupting before mandibular 2nd molar\tD. Maxillary premolar and canine erupting before maxillary 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular incisor erupting before mandibular molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On rubber dam application gingiva is seen protruding out of margins, it can be seen due to?\nOptions: \nA. Edematous gingival tissues\tB. Holes paced too far apart\tC. Using a light-weight dam\tD. Holes placed too close together.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Holes placed too close together." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these statements depicts vasomotor reversal of Dale?\nOptions: \nA. Propranolol followed by adrenaline\tB. Propranolol followed by noradrenaline\tC. Decrease in hea rate on adrenaline administration after phentolamine has been given\tD. Noradrenaline followed by propranolol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Decrease in hea rate on adrenaline administration after phentolamine has been given" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following best describes the resistance form in endodontic root canal preparation?\nOptions: \nA. The establishment of apical tug back resistance to prevent the apical root fracture during obturation\tB. The cavity form which is obtained for application of condenser in vertical compaction\tC. The cavity form which is designed for application of condenser in lateral compaction\tD. Cavity form which is designed to obtain for entry of condenser during obturation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The establishment of apical tug back resistance to prevent the apical root fracture during obturation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements about high copper silver alloy compared to conventional alloy is not true?\nOptions: \nA. It has increased tensile and compressive strength\tB. It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance\tC. Its' edge strength is greater\tD. Mercury content in the final restoration is less.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nimodipine is approved for use in:\nOptions: \nA. Subdural hemorrhage\tB. Extradural hemorrhage\tC. Intracerebral hemorrhage\tD. Subarachnoid hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Subarachnoid hemorrhage." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The first instrument used on the facial surfaces of gingiva while gingivectomy is:\nOptions: \nA. Orban's knife\tB. Kirkland's knife\tC. BP blade with No. 11 blade\tD. BP blade with No. 12 blade.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Kirkland's knife" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Internal occlusal rest provided in partial denture does not provide:\nOptions: \nA. Horizontal stabilization\tB. Retention\tC. Vertical stop\tD. Occlusal support.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Retention" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hyperkalemia in children may occur in all except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Insulin deficiency\tB. Metabolic acidosis\tC. Acute renal failure\tD. Cushing's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cushing's syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The feature that distinguishes herpes zoster from other \nvesiculo butlous eruptions is\nOptions: \nA. Unilateral occurrence\tB. Severe burning pain\tC. Prominent crusting vesicles\tD. Sub epidermal bulious formation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Unilateral occurrence" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a technique for protein precipitation?\nOptions: \nA. Trichloroacetic acid\tB. Heat precipitation\tC. Isoelectric point method\tD. Titration with reducing sugar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Titration with reducing sugar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resistance to corrosion in a cobalt-chrome casting is due to presence of:\nOptions: \nA. High quality iron\tB. Chrome\tC. Cobalt\tD. Nickel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60-year-old chronic smoker presented with progres-sive jaundice, pruritus and clay colored stools for 2 months. History of waxing and waning of jaundice was present. A CT scan revealed dilated main pancre-atic duct and common bile duct. What is the likely di-agnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Carcinoma head of pancreas\tB. Periampullary carcinoma\tC. Chronic pancreatitis\tD. H lar cholangiocarcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Periampullary carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patellar cluck syndrome is interposition of soft tissue at or hyperophied scar:\nOptions: \nA. Superior pole of patella and impinging on femoral component during flexion\tB. Superior pole of patella and impinging on femoral component during extension\tC. Inferior pole of patella and impinging on femoral component during flexion\tD. Inferior pole of patella and impinging on femoral component during extension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Superior pole of patella and impinging on femoral component during extension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For statistical test output of p value is interpreted as\nOptions: \nA. Rejective Ho, p <0.05\tB. Rejective Ho, p>0.05\tC. Rejective H1, p<0.05\tD. Accepting Ho, p<0.05.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rejective Ho, p <0.05" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the most frequently used restorative material?\nOptions: \nA. Silicate\tB. Amalgam\tC. Composite\tD. Gold.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Amalgam" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Magnesium is needed for the activity of which enzyme?\nOptions: \nA. Phosphatase\tB. Aldolase\tC. Dismutase\tD. ATPase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ATPase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anterior 2/3rd of tongue is supplied by\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. X nerve\tC. IX nerve\tD. XI nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What percentage of cases of mandibular incisors have single apical foramen\nOptions: \nA. 97.80%\tB. 82.50%\tC. 60%\tD. 60%- 78%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 97.80%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Condensation shrinkage of porcelain during firing depends on:\nOptions: \nA. Rate of arriving at firing temperature.\tB. Uniformity of particle size.\tC. Shape and size of particle.\tD. Type of investment used.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Shape and size of particle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The prevalence of disease in a population is expected to be 50%. An investigator is interested in the range of 45 to 55% with 95% confidence. The minimum sample size required for the study is:\nOptions: \nA. 100\tB. 200\tC. 300\tD. 400.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 400." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inferior alveolar nerve runs:\nOptions: \nA. Medial to lateral pterygoid\tB. From Infratemporal fossa\tC. Lateral to medial pterygoid\tD. Lateral to lateral pterygoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lateral to medial pterygoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 12-years-old boy presents with a symmetric, expansile cystic lesion in the proximal humerus. All of the following can be done for his treatment except\nOptions: \nA. Curettage\tB. Intralesional steroids\tC. Intralesional sclerosing agents\tD. Radiotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Intralesional steroids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Iron is taken up into enterocytes through which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. DMT-2\tB. DMT-1\tC. Ferroprotein 1\tD. GLUT1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: DMT-1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not associated with GDM (Gestational DM)?\nOptions: \nA. Past history of fetal abnormality\tB. Obesity\tC. Hypeension\tD. Macrosomia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hypeension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person on fat free carbohydrate rich diet continues to grow obese. Which of the following lipoproteins is likely to be elevated in his blood?\nOptions: \nA. Chylomicron\tB. VLDL\tC. HDL\tD. LDL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: VLDL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the least useful for diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis?\nOptions: \nA. CT\tB. MR\tC. X-ray lumbar spine- AP view\tD. X-ray lumbar spine- Lateral view.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: X-ray lumbar spine- AP view" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is false about Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury?\nOptions: \nA. Develops within 24 hours\tB. Mostly seen after sepsis and cardiac surgeries\tC. It's a cause of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema\tD. Plasma is more likely to cause it than whole blood.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Develops within 24 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following bones are involves in wrist joint formation EXCEPT?\nOptions: \nA. Scaphoid\tB. Ulna\tC. Radius\tD. Triquetral.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ulna" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The non-invasive method to measure the blood flow is:\nOptions: \nA. Electric pulp test\tB. Percussion\tC. Radiograph\tD. Laser Doppler flowmetry.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Laser Doppler flowmetry." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about Doctrine ofborrowed servant except?\nOptions: \nA. Hospital administration is responsible for the actions of interns and trainees\tB. A nurse assisting a surgery is a borrowed servant ofthe hospital\tC. Doctor assisting a surgeon for fee in OT\tD. Physician is responsible for the acts ofthe orderlies and nursing staff done by his orders.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Doctor assisting a surgeon for fee in OT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which antibiotic is effective against pseudomonas and indole +ve proteus?\nOptions: \nA. Methicillin\tB. Carbenicillin\tC. Lincomycin\tD. Oxacillin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Carbenicillin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following analysis helps in determining the disproportion in the size between maxillary and mandibular teeth?\nOptions: \nA. Pont's analysis\tB. Bolton's analysis\tC. Peck and Peck analysis\tD. Carey's analysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bolton's analysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Trismus is due to inflammation of:\nOptions: \nA. Medial pterygoid\tB. Facial nerve irritation\tC. Superior constrictor\tD. Buccinator.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Medial pterygoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are disadvantages of composite restoration except:\nOptions: \nA. Greater localized occlusal wear\tB. Recurrent secondary caries\tC. Technique sensitive\tD. More time in replacement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: More time in replacement." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is common to both zinc oxide eugenol cement and polycarboxylate cement?\nOptions: \nA. Polyacrylic acid is liquid\tB. Chemical bond to tooth structure\tC. Chelation\tD. Substitution of eugenol by EBA to increase strength of cement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chelation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5 year-old child presents with non-utatiening macules and pappules on the skin. Skin biopsy revealed a perivascular IgA deposition. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Henoch Shonlein purpura\tB. Wegener's granulomatosis\tC. Kawasaki disease\tD. Drug-induced vasculitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Henoch Shonlein purpura" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements about cystic fibrosis (CF) is not true \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Autosomal recessive disorder\tB. Abnormality in CFTR which leads to defective calcium transport\tC. Mutation in cystic fibrosis transport regulator\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Abnormality in CFTR which leads to defective calcium transport" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of choice in childhood thyrotoxicosis :\nOptions: \nA. Radio Iodine\tB. Lugols Iodine\tC. Carbimazole\tD. Surgery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Carbimazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child with 10 days abdominal pain presented to OPD. Stool microscopy was done which showed the given findings. What is the DOC for the disease caused by the given organism?\nOptions: \nA. Albendazole\tB. Mebandazole\tC. Praziquintal\tD. Pyrantelpamoate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Praziquintal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The skin of a patient undergoing radiotherapy will show\nafter 2 weeks?\nOptions: \nA. Erythema\tB. Depigmentation\tC. Radiation induced carcinomas\tD. No change.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Erythema" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following histories is not an indication to perform oral glucose tolerance test to diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus?\nOptions: \nA. Previous Eclampsia\tB. Previous Congenital anomalies in the fetus\tC. Previous Unexplained fetal loss\tD. Polyhydramnios.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Previous Eclampsia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For intrusive luxation injuries, \ufb01xation period is about:\nOptions: \nA. 2 weeks only\tB. 4 weeks\tC. 4 weeks with semi rigid and 2 week with rigid\tD. 6 to 8 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 4 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Interruption of the optic chiasm will lead to:\nOptions: \nA. Bitemporal hemianopia\tB. Binasal hemianopia\tC. Homonymous hemianopia\tD. Normal vision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bitemporal hemianopia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The function of posterior palatal seal is:\nOptions: \nA. To aid in balanced occlusion\tB. To aid in insertion and removal of complete denture\tC. To ensure a complete seal thus helping in retention of a denture\tD. Retention of mandibular denture by sealing its posterior margin..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: To ensure a complete seal thus helping in retention of a denture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about property of polymethyl methacrylate except:\nOptions: \nA. KHN 18-20\tB. chemical stable if heated till 260 degree F\tC. Modulous of elasticity is 2.4 Gpa.\tD. Tensile strength 29Mpa..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tensile strength 29Mpa.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lateral sliding flap done on a tooth with roots denuded for 6 years will show\nOptions: \nA. PDL fibres attached to cementum\tB. PDL fibres attached to dentin\tC. Epithelium adjacent to previously denuded root surface\tD. Co adaptation to the remaining fibres.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Epithelium adjacent to previously denuded root surface" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person is criminally not responsible for his actions if at the time of doing it by reason of unsoundness of mind, in incapable of knowing the nature of the act or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to the law.\nOptions: \nA. McNaughten rule\tB. Curren's rule\tC. Durham's rule\tD. Irresistible impulse test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: McNaughten rule" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Core built up on a molar tooth should preferably be done with a chemically cured composite as:\nOptions: \nA. Light cure resin lacks sufficient strength for a core\tB. Core made with a light cure resin would be too opaque and esthetically unacceptable\tC. core made with a light cure resin would be too brittle and would fracture easily\tD. Its lower viscosity allows free flow of resin also around pins and post.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Its lower viscosity allows free flow of resin also around pins and post." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In dislocation of the jaw, displacement of the\narticular disc beyond the articular tubercle of the temporomandibular joint results from spasm or excessive contraction of the following muscle?\nOptions: \nA. Buccinator\tB. Lateral pterygoid\tC. Masseter\tD. Temporalis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lateral pterygoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 40-year male patient who was a known smoker presents in AIIMS OPD with fever, latigue, jaundice, yellow colored urine with clay colored stools. For the past few days he had developed aversion to cigarette smoking. On examination scleral icterus was present. LFT are:Total Bill18.5Direct Bill7.5SGOT723SGPT812What investigations will you send for ruling out acute viral hepatitis?\nOptions: \nA. HBsAg, IgM antiHBC, AntiHCV AntiHEV\tB. AntiHAV, HBsAg, IgM antiHBc, AntiHCV\tC. HBsAg, IgM antiHBC,AntiHDV AntiHCV AntiHEV\tD. AntiHAV IgMantiHBC, AntiHCV, AntiHEV..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: AntiHAV, HBsAg, IgM antiHBc, AntiHCV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is not a pa of catatonia?\nOptions: \nA. Akathisia\tB. Ambivalence\tC. Ambitendency\tD. Akinesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Akathisia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thirty-eight children consumed eatables procured from a single source at a picnic party. Twenty children developed abdominal cramps followed by vomiting and watery diarrhea 6-10 hours after the party. The most likely etiology for the outbreak is:\nOptions: \nA. Rotavirus infection\tB. Enterotoxigenic E.coli infection\tC. Staphylococcal toxin\tD. Clostridium perfringens infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Clostridium perfringens infection." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young female presented with vaginal itching and green frothy genital discharge. Strawberry vagina is seen on examination. What w ill be the drug of choice?\nOptions: \nA. Doxycycline\tB. Oral fluconazole\tC. Metronidazole\tD. Amoxicillin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Metronidazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient who has recently received a pair of complete denture complains of difficulty in swallowing. The reason for this is most likely to be:\nOptions: \nA. Excessive vertical dimension of occlusion with resulting decrease in interacclusal distance\tB. InteroccLusal distance of more than normal\tC. Alveolar ridge with bony spicules\tD. Candida albicans colonizing the mouth causing patient discomfort.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Excessive vertical dimension of occlusion with resulting decrease in interacclusal distance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hardness of stone surface is affected by?\nOptions: \nA. Impression wax\tB. Impression compound\tC. Hydrocolloid impression material\tD. Rubber based material.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hydrocolloid impression material" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cleft in facial region;\nOptions: \nA. Non fusion of ectodermal process\tB. Absence or deficiency of mesodermal mass or other failure to penetrate ectodermal grooves\tC. Covering of mesoderm on both sides by ectodermal process\tD. Failure of endodermal structures to fuse in midline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Absence or deficiency of mesodermal mass or other failure to penetrate ectodermal grooves" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The upper denture falls when the patient opens his\nmouth wide. This is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Thick labial flange\tB. Over-extended borders\tC. Thick disto-buccal flange\tD. Poor peripheral seal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thick disto-buccal flange" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Overload of denture base is caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Small bases\tB. Too large bases\tC. Small teeth\tD. Large teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Small bases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If during access opening of a maxillary incisor perforation occurs on labial surface just above CEJ, reason is?\nOptions: \nA. Inability to assess the lingual inclination of crown to root\tB. Inability to assess the facial inclination of crown to root\tC. All of the above\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inability to assess the lingual inclination of crown to root" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For periodontal patients, the most frequently recommended tooth brushing technique is:\nOptions: \nA. Scrub technique\tB. Roll technique\tC. Sulcular technique\tD. Fones technique.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sulcular technique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true regarding blood transfusion of packed RBC?\nOptions: \nA. Should be staed within 4 hours of receiving it from blood bank\tB. Should be completed within 4 hours of receiving from blood bank\tC. Wait till the patient is stable then transfuse, irrespective of any timing\tD. Should be completed within 6 hours of receiving from blood bank.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Should be completed within 4 hours of receiving from blood bank" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endontically treated posterior teeth are more susceptible to fracture than untreated one because:\nOptions: \nA. Loss of moisture.\tB. Hollow canals.\tC. Loss of coronal structure.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Loss of coronal structure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following system of depiction of 32 teeth is in accordance with which system?Permanent TeethUpper RightUpper Left1234567891011121314151632313029282726252423222120191817Lower RightLower Left\nOptions: \nA. Universal system\tB. Palmer's system\tC. Haderup system\tD. Diagrammatic depiction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Universal system" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following has intracellular receptor -\nOptions: \nA. Glucagon\tB. Insulin\tC. Epinephrine\tD. Thyroxine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Thyroxine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lidocaine is used more commonly in dentistry because :\nOptions: \nA. Causes less depression of CNS.\tB. Causes less cardiovascular collapse.\tC. Causes lesser incidence of allergic reactions.\tD. Is 50 times more potent then procaine..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Causes lesser incidence of allergic reactions." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Negative rake angle means:\nOptions: \nA. Rake face is ahead of radial line.\tB. Rake face coincides with radial line.\tC. Rake face is behind the radial line.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rake face is ahead of radial line." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral pedicle flap is used for\nOptions: \nA. Increasing the width of attached gingiva\tB. Recession coverage\tC. Curettage\tD. Vestibular deepening.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Recession coverage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anterior division of mandibular nerve has:\nOptions: \nA. One sensory and all motor branches\tB. One motor and all sensory branches\tC. All motor branches\tD. All sensory branches.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: One sensory and all motor branches" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transfusion-associated malaria has a shoer incubation period because of the presence in blood of:\nOptions: \nA. Trophozoites\tB. Sporozoites\tC. Female gametocyte\tD. Merozoites.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trophozoites" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A boy presented with a history of fever, headache and vomiting since 3 days and disorientation since I day. On examination, neck rigidity was positive. He also had 1 episode of generalized tonic clonic seizures (GTC) and then he became unconscious. CECT was found to be normal. CSF examination reveals a cell count of 300 cells/mm3 (polymorphs: 50-70%), protein 70 mg/dL, sugar 50 mg/dL (blood: 95 mg/dL). Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Pyogenic meningitis\tB. Tubercular meningitis\tC. Herpes encephalitis\tD. Cerebral malaria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pyogenic meningitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth most frequently requiring RCT is:\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular 1st molar\tB. Maxillary 1st molar\tC. Mandibular 2nd premolar\tD. Maxillary 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A study finds no significant association between two variables but truly there exists a difference. What type of error is this?\nOptions: \nA. Type I error\tB. Type II error\tC. Random error\tD. Systematic error.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Type II error" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To prepare a cavity on a mandibular first molar in a child\nwe should give:\nOptions: \nA. Mental nerve block\tB. Lingual nerve block\tC. Inferior alveolar nerve block and long buccal nerve block\tD. Long buccal nerve block.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Inferior alveolar nerve block and long buccal nerve block" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While performing Burch operation there was significant bleeding and pooting of blood in the space of Retzius. The source of bleeding cannot be visualized. What is the next step in the management?\nOptions: \nA. Call vascular stlrgeon\tB. Give a generalized suture in bleeding area\tC. Lift endopelvic fascia by putting fingers in vagina\tD. Placing surgical drain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lift endopelvic fascia by putting fingers in vagina" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiation causes cell death by:\nOptions: \nA. Charring of nucleoproteins\tB. Destroying their mitochondria\tC. Ionization\tD. Disruption of cytosol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ionization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of head injury is intubated and ventilated. The ideal mode of ventilation in him would be:\nOptions: \nA. CMV\tB. CPAP\tC. AMV\tD. SIMV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CMV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following statements about insulin Afreeza are true except\nOptions: \nA. Inhalational preparation of insulin\tB. Not a substitute of injectable insulin\tC. Needs to be given in multiple doses\tD. Used in combination with sho acting insulin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Used in combination with sho acting insulin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The lateral lingual swellings and tuberculum impar give rise to:\nOptions: \nA. Anterior 1/3 of tongue\tB. Anterior 2/3 of tongue\tC. Posterior 1/3 of tongue\tD. Posterior 2/3 of tongue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anterior 2/3 of tongue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Impression compound has which of the following characteristic property?\nOptions: \nA. Low thermal conductivity\tB. High flow property\tC. Degradation in presence of moisture\tD. Remain distortion free up to 72 hrs. pouring can be safely delayed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Low thermal conductivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Craters in interseptal bone are best eliminated by\nOptions: \nA. Gingivectomy\tB. Supragingival curettage\tC. Interseptal massage with stimulators\tD. Osseous recontouring.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Osseous recontouring." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In pregnancy, the most common cause of transient- diabetes insipidus is:\nOptions: \nA. Severe preeclampsia\tB. Hydramnios\tC. Multiple pregnancy\tD. IUGR.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Severe preeclampsia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 12-years-old child suffers from an avulsed tooth following trauma. The best medium which to carry in the tooth to the dental clinic is:\nOptions: \nA. Buccal vestibule\tB. Milk\tC. Water\tD. Cotton.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Milk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used in the management of haemophillic patient?\nOptions: \nA. Tranxemic acid\tB. Acetic acid\tC. Ascorbic acid\tD. Palmitonic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tranxemic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After a class V amalgam restoration, patient experiences pain, which may be due to?\nOptions: \nA. Dentin (Hyper) sensitivity\tB. Irreversible pulpal damage\tC. Injury to adjacent gingiva\tD. Any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Any of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following influence the efficiency of bur, except:\nOptions: \nA. Neck diameter\tB. Length and diameter of bur\tC. Height of taper of bur\tD. Spiral angle and cross-cuts of bur.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Height of taper of bur" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A man comes with aphasia. He is unable to name things and repetition is poor. However comprehension, fluency and understanding written words is unaffected. He is probably suffering from:\nOptions: \nA. Anomic aphasia\tB. Broca's aphasia\tC. Transcoical sensory aphasia\tD. Conduction aphasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Conduction aphasia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true regarding tonsillectomy in children except:\nOptions: \nA. Extracapsular approach is best for cold approach\tB. Sleep apnea is an indication\tC. Adenoids should also be removed if significantly involved\tD. Cricothyroid region is high and anterior in children than adults.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Extracapsular approach is best for cold approach" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Korffs fibres are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Mantle dentin\tB. Secondary dentin\tC. Reactionary dentin\tD. Indeed dermal tubules.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mantle dentin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ABCDE mnemonic is used for which disease?\nOptions: \nA. SCC\tB. Melanoma\tC. Basal Cell carcinoma\tD. Verrucous carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Melanoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: At what age root resorption start\nOptions: \nA. 5 years\tB. 3 years\tC. 6.5 years\tD. 7 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 5 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Boiled lobster syndrome is seen in poisoning of:\nOptions: \nA. Boric acid\tB. HNO,\tC. H,SO4\tD. Phenol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Boric acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sodium iodide sympoer is not present in\nOptions: \nA. Pituitary gland\tB. Placenta\tC. Parotid\tD. Thyroid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pituitary gland" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fate of IDL(Intermediate Density Lipoprotein) in plasma\nOptions: \nA. 50% is taken up by liver\tB. 50% is converted to LDL particle\tC. Both 1 and 2\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both 1 and 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nowadays, swine flu is in news, it is considered as\nOptions: \nA. Pandemic\tB. Epidemic\tC. Endemic\tD. Seasonal variation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pandemic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 55-year-old male presents with renal failure. He gives a history of mild bone pains for the last 7 years. X-ray pelvis shows osteolytic lesions. Serum electrophoresis reveals a M spike. Peripheral blood evaluation showed rouleaux formation of RBCs with 35% plasma cells. Bone marrow examination showed a increase in plasma cells with aberrant antigen expression. The most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Multiple myeloma\tB. Monoclonal gammopathy with unknown significance\tC. Smouldering myeloma\tD. Plasma cell leukemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Multiple myeloma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anterior limit of infratemporal fossa is:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral pterygoid plate\tB. Maxillary posterior wall\tC. Pterygomaxillary fissure\tD. Mastoid process.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Maxillary posterior wall" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the diluting segment of kidney?\nOptions: \nA. PCT\tB. Collecting duct\tC. Ascending thick loop Henle\tD. Descending loop of Henle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ascending thick loop Henle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vitamin K dependent factor is\nOptions: \nA. II\tB. III\tC. IV\tD. VI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: II" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The principal reason for placing an aluminium filter in\nthe primary beam of radiation is to:\nOptions: \nA. Reduce exposure time\tB. Decrease development time of the films\tC. Reduce radiation to the skin of the patient\tD. Obtain greater definition of the images of teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Reduce radiation to the skin of the patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Myelinated nerve fibres have all of the following properties except\nOptions: \nA. Conduction is slower in myelinated than in non-myelinated fibres\tB. Current discharges at nodes of Ranvier\tC. Outer layer is of lipids\tD. Depolarisation occurs only at nodes of ranvier.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Conduction is slower in myelinated than in non-myelinated fibres" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Central wrapping is done by:\nOptions: \nA. Golgi tendon\tB. Type 2 fibre\tC. Flower spray ending\tD. Annulospiral ending.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Annulospiral ending." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Golgi tendon organs used to detect ?\nOptions: \nA. Dynamic\tB. Static\tC. Tension of muscle\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tension of muscle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Function of WHO collaborating centers:\nOptions: \nA. Collection, collation and dissemination of information\tB. Functioning and forming new guidelines/definitions for diseases\tC. Contact with grass root workers\tD. Collaborate information mainly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Collection, collation and dissemination of information" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vesicoureteric reflux is more common in \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Newborn females\tB. Older girls\tC. Older boys\tD. Only during pregnancy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Newborn females" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young man was on high protein diet and raw eggs. After 3 days he developed weakness. Blood investigation revealed hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is due to inhibition of which of the following enzymes\nOptions: \nA. Glucose 6 phosphatase\tB. Glycogen phosphorylase\tC. Pyruvate Carboxylase\tD. Glucokinase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pyruvate Carboxylase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 20 year old man fell on an outstretched hand and later had pain in the anatomic snuff box area of hand. What is the deformity in this person. The x - ray after the fall is given below:\nOptions: \nA. Scaphoid - lunate fracture\tB. Distal radius fracture\tC. Ulnar fracture\tD. Scaphoid fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scaphoid fracture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 70 years old patient presents with a lesion on the cheek with raised, pearly borders and with telangiectasias on surface of the lesion. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Basal cell carcinoma\tB. Squamous cell carcinoma\tC. Was\tD. Actinic keratosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Basal cell carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Crude Bih rate for a sub-center is 20. What the number of pregnant woman registered in sub-center?\nOptions: \nA. 80\tB. 100\tC. 110\tD. 60.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 60." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 12 - year - old boy had a cut in his forearm 4 days ago. Now the bleeding has been stopped due to granulation tissue formation. While taking a skin biopsy a pa of the granulation tissue was also included in the specimen. The histology of granulation tissue is shown below. Which type of collagen is found in this granulation tissue?\nOptions: \nA. Type 1\tB. Type 2\tC. Type 3\tD. Type 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Type 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 61 years old post-menopausal woman with a family history of ovarian cancer presents with pain abdomen. She is on hormone replacement therapy. An abdominal ultrasound revealed a smooth cyst in the right ovary. What should be done next?\nOptions: \nA. Observe and reassure the patient\tB. Laparoscopic surgery to visualize the nature of the cyst\tC. Drilling of cysts\tD. Check CA-125 levels and advise regular follow-up if normal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Check CA-125 levels and advise regular follow-up if normal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A drug X was given continuous intravenous infusion at 1.6 mg/min. The clearance of the drug is 640 mL/min. With a half-life of 1.8 hours, what would be the steady state plasma concentration of drug?\nOptions: \nA. 0.002 mg/mL\tB. 0.004 trig/mL\tC. 2.88 mg/mL\tD. 3.55 mg/mL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.002 mg/mL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is seen in Asherman syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Oligomenorrhea\tB. Hypomenorrhea\tC. Metromenorrhagia\tD. Polymenorrhea.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypomenorrhea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy is:\nOptions: \nA. Bronchogenic carcinoma\tB. Thyroid surgery\tC. Mediastinal tumors\tD. Pancoast tumor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Thyroid surgery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A G2 P1+0+0 diabetic mother present at 32 weeks pregnancy, there is history of full term fetal demise in last pregnancy. Her vitals are stable, sugar is controlled and fetus is stable. Which among the following will be the most appropriate management?\nOptions: \nA. To induce at 38 weeks\tB. To induce at 40 weeks\tC. Cesarean section at 38 weeks\tD. To wait for spontaneous delivery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To induce at 38 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Numbness on shaving after parotidectomy due to which nerve injury?\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. Auriculotemporal nerve\tC. Greater auricular nerve\tD. Occipital nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Auriculotemporal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to RAMJFORD, occlusal interferences with nervous tension triggers which of the following habit:\nOptions: \nA. Bruxism\tB. Thumb sucking\tC. Tongue thrusting\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bruxism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about cow\\'s milk are all except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Cow's milk contains 80% whey protein not casein\tB. Cow milk has less carbohydrate than mothers milk\tC. Has more K+ and Na+ than infant formula feeds\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cow's milk contains 80% whey protein not casein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While performing biomechanical preparation, apical constriction is enlarged to 50 sized instrument. What would be the next step?\nOptions: \nA. Use reverse filing technique\tB. Reinstrument with larger instrument 1 mm short of previous preparation\tC. Fit a 50 mm cone and condense carefully\tD. Fill with 40 sized cone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reinstrument with larger instrument 1 mm short of previous preparation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Root value of cremaster reflex is\nOptions: \nA. L1, L2\tB. L2, L3\tC. S1, S2\tD. S3, S4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: L1, L2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about venous drainage of esophagus except:\nOptions: \nA. Thoracic esophagus drains into the azygos vein\tB. Esophageal veins drain into a submucosal plexus\tC. The cervical esophagus drains directly into the right brachiocephalic vein\tD. Lower esophageal veins anastomose with the left gastric vein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The cervical esophagus drains directly into the right brachiocephalic vein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Patient in medical intensive care unit who is intubated ,suddenly removes the endotracheal tube. What should be done next?\nOptions: \nA. Sedate and reintubate\tB. Make him sit and do physiotherapy\tC. Assess the patient and give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathing\tD. Give bag and mask ventilation and intubate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Assess the patient and give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Disadvantages of grids are:\nOptions: \nA. Skin exposure of patient\tB. Increase exposure time\tC. Doesn't improve image\tD. Overall density of radiograph is increased.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increase exposure time" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most commonly missing tooth is\nOptions: \nA. Upper 3rd molar\tB. Lower 3rd molar\tC. Upper lateral incisor\tD. Lower 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lower 3rd molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about enameloma\nOptions: \nA. A globule like structure usually found on root due to misplaced ameloblast\tB. True neoplasm of ameloblast\tC. Tumor resembling enamel present on gingiva\tD. Tumor of ameloblast which fail to differentiate terminally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A globule like structure usually found on root due to misplaced ameloblast" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chewing stroke starts from?\nOptions: \nA. CO\tB. CR\tC. Maximum intercuspation\tD. CR or CO depends on patient to patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: CR or CO depends on patient to patient." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Molecule with permanent dipole\nOptions: \nA. Oxygen\tB. Helium\tC. Liquid nitrogen\tD. Water.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Water." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A diabetic patient presented with uncontrolled blood sugar level. He has history of pancreatitis and family history of urinary bladder carcinoma. He does not want to take injectable drugs. Which of the following drug can be added to control his blood sugar?\nOptions: \nA. Liraglutide\tB. Sitagliptin\tC. Canagliflozin\tD. Pioglitazone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Canagliflozin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant female with known cardiac disease presents to you in the first trimester with history of warfarin embryopathy what should be advised now?\nOptions: \nA. Continue warfarin throughout the pregnancy\tB. Replace warfarin with heparin in First trimester\tC. Give acicoumarin\tD. Use LMW heparin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Replace warfarin with heparin in First trimester" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which muscle is responsible for translation of condyle?\nOptions: \nA. Medial pterygoid\tB. Masseter\tC. Superior constrictor of pharynx\tD. Lateral pterygoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lateral pterygoid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Average daily dose of vitamin-C is:\nOptions: \nA. 30 - 40 mg\tB. 50 - 60 mg\tC. 60 - 100 mg\tD. 100 - 150 mg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 50 - 60 mg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: It is likely that cell mediated immune reactions (delayed\nhypersensitivity) occur in periodontitis because subjects with periodontitis have\nOptions: \nA. High levels of histamine in involved gingival tissue\tB. IgG antibodies reactive with plaque bacterial antigens\tC. Ttymphocytes sensitized to bacterial plaque antigens\tD. High Levels of collagenase in gingival fluids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ttymphocytes sensitized to bacterial plaque antigens" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is NOT the criteria to discharge a patient of dengue haemorrhagic fever?\nOptions: \nA. Afebrile for 24 hours without antipyretics\tB. Platelet count greater than 50,000 cells\tC. Return of appetite\tD. Atleast 24 hours since recovery from shock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Atleast 24 hours since recovery from shock." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A mother is exposed to Diethyl stilbesterol during pregnancy. All the following features may be seen in the child after birth except :\nOptions: \nA. Clear cell carcinoma\tB. Microglandular hyperplasia\tC. Malformation of the vagina and uterus\tD. Vaginal adenosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Microglandular hyperplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to 2011 census, life expectancy at birth for male and female is\nOptions: \nA. 67 and 70\tB. 70 and 67\tC. 61 and 69\tD. 69 and 61.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 67 and 70" + }, + { + "input": "Question: which one of the following shows 'Blueberry lips'?\nOptions: \nA. MEN syndrome\tB. Cyanotic heart disease\tC. Albright syndrome\tD. Gardner syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MEN syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A surgeon with less experience of laparoscopic cholecystectomy while doing laparoscopic surgery found some stone in common bile duct. What should he ideally do?\nOptions: \nA. Open cholecystectomy with choledochoduodenostomy\tB. Laparoscopic exploration of CBD and removal of stone\tC. Laparoscopic CBD exploration through the cystic duct\tD. Open CBD exploration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Open CBD exploration." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Macrocephaly is seen in which of the following syndromes ?\nOptions: \nA. Metachromatic leucodystrophy\tB. Adrenoleukodystrophy\tC. Canavan's disease\tD. Krabbe's disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Canavan's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to wein if there is bone resorption but no tooth resorption then substract \u2026\u2026..from the radiographic length\nOptions: \nA. 1mm\tB. 1.5 mm\tC. 2mm\tD. 2.5 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1.5 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The 3 embryonic germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm are derived from:\nOptions: \nA. Epiblast only\tB. Ectoderm from epiblast; mesoderm and endoderm from hypoblast\tC. Ectoderm and mesoderm from epiblast; endoderm from hypoblast\tD. Hypoblast only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epiblast only" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma. Salbutamol inhalation didn't improve the condition of the patient. So, intravenous coicosteroids and aminophylline were added and the condition improved. What is the mechanism of action of coicosteroids in this condition?\nOptions: \nA. They cause bronchodilatation when given with xanthines\tB. They increase bronchial responsiveness to salbutamol\tC. They increase the action of aminophylline on adenosine receptors\tD. They increase the mucociliary clearance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: They increase bronchial responsiveness to salbutamol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A mucostatic impression for a prosthesis is taken for which of the following cases\nOptions: \nA. Lower RPD with Kennedy I classification\tB. Lower RPD with Kennedy II Classification\tC. Upper RPD with Kennedy IV classification\tD. Full upper and lower denture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Upper RPD with Kennedy IV classification" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In sequencing for panfacial trauma, requires the first reduction and fixation of:\nOptions: \nA. Mandible\tB. ZMC\tC. NOE region with frontal bone fracture\tD. First can be any of the above but it should end with maxilla.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: First can be any of the above but it should end with maxilla." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best preferred biochemical marker for MI\nOptions: \nA. CPK MM\tB. CPK MB\tC. CPK BB\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: CPK MB" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reichert's cartilage is:\nOptions: \nA. 1st arch cartilage.\tB. 2nd arch cartilage.\tC. 3rd arch cartilage.\tD. 4th arch cartilage..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2nd arch cartilage." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An epithelial lining is typically found in all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Sinuses\tB. Fistulae\tC. Aneurismal bone cysts\tD. Keratocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Aneurismal bone cysts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A girl is has white hair. 40% of her classmates are also suffering from the same problem. None of the other people from the same village have white hair. Her brother who is staying with an aunt in the neighbouring village is also normal and does not have white hair. Which of the following explains the probable cause of her white hair?\nOptions: \nA. Environmental\tB. Genetic\tC. Nutritional\tD. Infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Environmental" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Non- working contact is needed in all except:\nOptions: \nA. Natural dentition.\tB. Complete denture.\tC. Distal extension RPDs\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Natural dentition." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true?\nOptions: \nA. Latanoprost is used with caution in patients of bronchial asthma\tB. Topiramate can cause bilateral angle closure glaucoma\tC. Methazolamide causes decrease in ocular blood flow\tD. Central scotoma is seen in open angle glaucoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Topiramate can cause bilateral angle closure glaucoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Patient is having Ph- 7.12, HCO3- 28 and PCO2- S0mmhg. What is the acid base disorder in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation\tB. Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation\tC. Respiratory acidosis with renal compensation\tD. Respiratory alkalosis with renal compensation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Respiratory acidosis with renal compensation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fibroblasts in cell-rich zone primarily secretes:\nOptions: \nA. Type I collagen\tB. Type VI collagen\tC. Type V collagen\tD. Type IV collagen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Type I collagen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young female patient presents with jaundice and elevated liver enzymes. She has a history of two smilar episodes in the past. Her serum ANA was 1:40 and IgG was 2400 IU. Her serum copper levels were normal and viral markers were negative. A liver biopsy was carried out and based on the pathology repo, you treated her with immunosuppressants and the patient's condition improved. What was the most likely finding on pathology repo to suggest the treatment?\nOptions: \nA. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis\tB. Hemosiderosis\tC. Autoimmune hepatitis\tD. Primary biliary cirrhosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Autoimmune hepatitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On applying pressure on angle of jaw while maintaining patent airway which nerve is likely to be damaged:\nOptions: \nA. 6th\tB. 7th\tC. 4th\tD. 9th.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 7th" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not present in porcelain:\nOptions: \nA. Silica\tB. Feldspar\tC. Calcium carbonate\tD. Amorphous material.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Amorphous material." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For data of \"GLOBOCAN 2012\" screening examination for carcinoma of lip incidence was measured. Which of the following is measured for data collection worldwide:\nOptions: \nA. Age specific only\tB. Age specific with demographics\tC. Age specific with gender\tD. Age specific with growth rate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Age specific with gender" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a schedule X drug?\nOptions: \nA. Thalidomide\tB. Colistin\tC. Ketamine\tD. Halothane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ketamine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diffuse mottling of retina with focal areas of increased and decreased pigmentation between posterior pole and equator (Salt and pepper retinopathy) is observed in all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Resolving retinal detachment\tB. Phenothiazine toxicity\tC. Congenital rubella\tD. Fundus flavimaculatus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Resolving retinal detachment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Birth weight of a baby can be increased by:\nOptions: \nA. Cessation of smoking\tB. Aspirin\tC. Ca++ and vitamin D supplement\tD. Bed rest.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cessation of smoking" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Z tracking technique is used in?\nOptions: \nA. Administering long acting antipsychotic\tB. Lithium monitoring\tC. Carbamazepine monitoring\tD. Nicotine patch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Administering long acting antipsychotic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ex-Press glaucoma implant is made up of?\nOptions: \nA. Silicone\tB. Titanium\tC. Gold\tD. Stainless steel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Stainless steel." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presents with high grade fever, inspiratory stridor and develops swallowing difficulty with drooling of saliva since last 4-6 hours. Which of the following treatment is recommended apa from general airway management?\nOptions: \nA. Nebulized racemic epinephrine\tB. Anti-diphtheria toxin\tC. Coicosteroids\tD. IV ceftriaxone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nebulized racemic epinephrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A measure of location which divides the distribution the ratio of 3:1 is:\nOptions: \nA. Median\tB. First quartile\tC. Third quartile\tD. Mode.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Third quartile" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rearrange the sequence of hand washing: a. b. c. d.\nOptions: \nA. a,c,d,b\tB. b,c,a,d\tC. d,a,c,b\tD. c,a,b,d.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: a,c,d,b" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents to your clinic for evaluation of defective hearing. Rinne's test shows air conduction greater than the bone conduction on both sides with Weber test lateralized to right ear. What is the next logical step?\nOptions: \nA. Normal test\tB. Schwabach's test\tC. Repeat Rinne's test on right side\tD. Wax removal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Schwabach's test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phenol red thread test is used for dry eye:\nOptions: \nA. In the test, volume of tears is measured as it changes color on contact with tears\tB. If the color changes to blue, it depicts surface mucin deficiency\tC. Requires pH meter for reading the result\tD. Requires topical anesthetic agent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: In the test, volume of tears is measured as it changes color on contact with tears" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Specific plaque hypothesis state that\nOptions: \nA. All plaque is pathogenic\tB. Only specific micro-organisms are responsible for pathogenicity of plaque\tC. Only specific microbes cause caries\tD. Plaque is pathogenic only when signs of associated disease are present.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Plaque is pathogenic only when signs of associated disease are present." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Organism which causes bacterial endocarditis:\nOptions: \nA. Lacto bacillus\tB. Streptococcus sanguis\tC. Streptococcus viridans\tD. Streptococcus pyogenes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Streptococcus viridans" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following alloys has the highest surface roughness?\nOptions: \nA. Stainless steel\tB. Elgiloy\tC. NiTi\tD. TMA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: NiTi" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An infant presented with the following lesions on his face and limbs. Which of the following is the most likely causative organism?\nOptions: \nA. HSV\tB. HPV\tC. Coxsackie\tD. CMV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Coxsackie" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cannot be diagnosed without positive ANA?\nOptions: \nA. Drug induced lupus\tB. SLE\tC. Sjogren syndrome\tD. Scleroderma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: SLE" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lesions of oral tuberculosis are associated with all the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Central caseation\tB. Hyaline degeneration\tC. Giant cells in the center\tD. Presence of epithelioid cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hyaline degeneration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statement is true as far as spring back bending of super-elastic NiTi and non-super elastic NiTI wires is concern?\nOptions: \nA. Spring back in bending is much greater for superelastic NiTi wires than non-superelastic NiTi\tB. Spring back in bending is much lesser for superelastic NiTi wires than non-superelastic\tC. Spring back in bending is same for superelastic Nill wires as well as non-superelastic NiTi wires\tD. No comparison can be made between the spring back in bending of these two wires.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spring back in bending is much greater for superelastic NiTi wires than non-superelastic NiTi" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Intra-epithelial bulla are found in\nOptions: \nA. Pemphigus\tB. Bullous pemphigoid\tC. Bullous Lichen planus\tD. Pemphigoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pemphigus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Kraissl's lines arc:\nOptions: \nA. Collagen and elastin lines in stab wounds\tB. Point of maximum tension in a fracture\tC. Point of tension in hanging\tD. Relaxed tension lines in skin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Relaxed tension lines in skin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A surgeon decides to operate a patient of carcinoma cecum and perform a right hemicolectomy through a midline laparotomy approach. You have been instructed to prepare the pas of the patient for surgery. What will you do?\nOptions: \nA. Clean and drape from the level of nipple to mid-thigh\tB. Clean and drape from chin to knee\tC. Clean and drape from umbilicus to mid-thigh\tD. Clean and drape from rib cage to inguinal regions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Clean and drape from the level of nipple to mid-thigh" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Human Developmental Index is a composite measure, which uses?\nOptions: \nA. Life expectancy at age one, literacy and infant moality\tB. Freedom, spice and right to express oneself\tC. Life expectancy at bih, infant moality and quality of life\tD. Life expectancy at bih, knowledge and decent standard of living..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Life expectancy at bih, knowledge and decent standard of living.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: NESTROFT test is a screening test for \u2013\nOptions: \nA. \u03b2\u2013thalassemia\tB. Hereditary spherocytosis\tC. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia\tD. Megaloblastic anemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: \u03b2\u2013thalassemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Difference between the size of the cranium and the cephalogram is:\nOptions: \nA. No difference\tB. 5% reduction\tC. 5% enlargement\tD. 10% enlargement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 5% enlargement" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which amino acid does not include post translational modification?\nOptions: \nA. Selenocystiene\tB. Triiodothyronine\tC. Hydroxy-proline\tD. Hydroxy-lysine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Selenocystiene" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A politician is shot in the back during a rally at level of T8 veebral immediately after the shot he loses all the sensation below level of lesion. Chance of regeneration of spinal cord due to the fact that injured nerve is not able to regenerate is due to reason all except:\nOptions: \nA. Lack of endoneural tubes\tB. Lack of growth factors\tC. Presence of glial scar\tD. Lack of myelin inhibiting substance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lack of myelin inhibiting substance." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzyme that catalyses the transfer of a molecule group from one molecule to another is:\nOptions: \nA. Oxidases\tB. Oxidases\tC. Transferases\tD. Lipases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Transferases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bacteria are populated most commonly on\nOptions: \nA. Buccal surface\tB. Lingual surface\tC. Interproximal surface\tD. Occlusal surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Interproximal surface" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stretch fibers are present in striated muscle, innervation is carried by\nOptions: \nA. A delta fiber\tB. C fiber\tC. unmyelinated fiber\tD. Gamma fiber.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Gamma fiber." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which film is used for caries detection? (or) Which film\nis used for caries detection in children?\nOptions: \nA. D speed\tB. E speed\tC. B speed\tD. F speed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: F speed." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sending the parents outside the operatory and threatening the child that they won't be back until he stops crying-is an example of which of the following behavior management techniques:\nOptions: \nA. Omission\tB. Negative reinforcement\tC. Positive reinforcement\tD. Modelling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Omission" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Black deposits on conjunctiva in a patient with glaucoma are seen with the use of:\nOptions: \nA. Prostaglandins\tB. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors\tC. Epinephrine\tD. Beta blocker.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Epinephrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is responsible for adhesion of platelet on exposed collagen fibril after an injury\nOptions: \nA. Von willebrand factor\tB. Factor 8\tC. Factor 9\tD. Fibronectin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Von willebrand factor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transformation into osteosarcoma is seen with\nOptions: \nA. Pagets disease and polyostotic fibrous dysplasia\tB. Pagets disease and osteopetrosis\tC. Cherubism and polyostotic fibrous dyspLasia\tD. Cherubism and polyostotic fibrous dyspLasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pagets disease and polyostotic fibrous dysplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Accessory canals are most numerous in apical third, which one is 2nd numerous in this regard\nOptions: \nA. Middle Third\tB. Coronal Third\tC. Both are equal\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Coronal Third" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Injury to which of the following vessels is least likely to result in significant damage:\nOptions: \nA. Renal aery\tB. Superior mesenteric aery\tC. Inferior mesenteric aery\tD. Celiac trunk.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Inferior mesenteric aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 65 year old edentulous patient is treated for squamous cell carcinoma involving 2/3rd of tongue with 50 Gy radiation dose. Which of the following material is best for making impression in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Polysulfide\tB. Polyether\tC. ZOE\tD. Irreversible hydrocolloids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polysulfide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth develops from: (Or) Calcified structures of\noral cavity develops from\nOptions: \nA. Ectoderm, mesoderm\tB. Ectoderm\tC. Mesoderm\tD. Ectoderm and endoderm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ectoderm, mesoderm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 5-year-old child with mandibular fracture, on a follow up recall after 2 months, what should be done to check the bone healing:\nOptions: \nA. OPG at every 2 month till one year\tB. NCCT\tC. Single contrast CT\tD. Clinical examination adequate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Clinical examination adequate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ciliocytophthoria caused by\nOptions: \nA. Kaagener syndrome\tB. Fungal infection\tC. Viral infection\tD. Bacterial infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Viral infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The principal central action of caffeine is on the:\nOptions: \nA. Cerebral cortex\tB. Corpus callosum\tC. Hypothalamus\tD. Spinal cord.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cerebral cortex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In root fracture of the apical one-thrid of permanent\nanterior teeth, the teeth usually\nOptions: \nA. Discolor rapidly\tB. Remain in function and are vital\tC. Undergo papal necrosis and become ankylosed\tD. Are indicated for extraction and prosthetic replacement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Remain in function and are vital" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mode is\nOptions: \nA. Value that most frequently occurs in a set of observation\tB. When observations are arranged in ascending or descending order the value that comes in the centre\tC. Calculated by adding up the values of a group of items and dividing the sum by the number of items\tD. Best measure for central tendency in a highly scented distribution.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Value that most frequently occurs in a set of observation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The base of an X-ray film is composed of:\nOptions: \nA. Polyester\tB. Gelatin\tC. Nylon\tD. Bromide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polyester" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Location of MB2 in maxillary first molar\nOptions: \nA. Distopalatal to MB1\tB. Mesiobuccal to MB1\tC. Distobuccal to MB1\tD. Mesiopalatal to MB1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mesiopalatal to MB1." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following abnormalities can be diagnosed in the I st trimester of pregnancy?\nOptions: \nA. Anencephaly\tB. Encephalocele\tC. Meningocele\tD. Microcephaly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anencephaly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 years old female on junk food diet presented with point hemorrhages in scalp, bleeding in joints and erythemataous lesions in the skin. X-ray of knee joint was suggestive of hemahrosis. Problem lies with:\nOptions: \nA. Hydroxylation of proline and lysine\tB. Carboxylation of glutamic acid\tC. Carboxylation of coagulation factors\tD. Platelet aggregation defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hydroxylation of proline and lysine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 60 yr old hypertensive male with renal failure, renal biopsy shows onion skin appearance. The most likely diagnosis is\nOptions: \nA. Hyaline arteriosclerosis\tB. Thrombophlebitis obliterans\tC. Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis\tD. Arteriosclerosis obliterans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The inter-arch distance measured when the occlusal rims are in uniform contact is:\nOptions: \nA. Freeway space\tB. Vertical dimension of occlusion\tC. Vertical dimension of rest\tD. Christensen's space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Vertical dimension of occlusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used by RBCs in the fasting state?\nOptions: \nA. Glucose\tB. Alanine\tC. Ketone body\tD. Fatty acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Glucose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A condition where there is loss of interdental bone on facial and lingual plate, without involvement of radicular bone is:\nOptions: \nA. Ledge\tB. Crater\tC. Intrabony defect\tD. Reverse architecture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Reverse architecture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Till what age tetracycline should not be given to prevent discoloration\nOptions: \nA. 3 year\tB. 8 year\tC. 12 year\tD. 18 year.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 8 year" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 year old tall thin smoker presents with dyspnoea and palpitations. ECG was done. Diagnosis:\nOptions: \nA. Atrial fibrillation\tB. Multifocal atrial tachycardia\tC. AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia\tD. Monomorphic VT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Multifocal atrial tachycardia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a feature of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Rheumatoid nodule\tB. Spikes of high fever\tC. Uveitis\tD. Raynaud's phenomenon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Raynaud's phenomenon." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For an unbounded amalgam restoration, what should be done before copal varnish is applied ?\nOptions: \nA. Dentine desensitiser is applied\tB. Smear layer is left intact\tC. Smear layer is modified\tD. After removal of enamel smear layer only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dentine desensitiser is applied" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In CPITN index zero score means:\nOptions: \nA. Gingival bleeding\tB. Grade 1 mobility of teeth\tC. Healthy tooth\tD. Spontaneous bleeding.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Healthy tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A five year old male child presents with complaints of fever and abdominal distension. IIe is having vomiting for the last five days. On examination there are 6\u20138 Pus Cell/hpf in urine. WBC count shows 78% neutrophils. What is the best line of management \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Send urine for culture and sensitivity and wait for results\tB. Send urine for culture and sensitivity and start I.V. antibiotics immediately\tC. Send urine for culture, do an USG and start chloroquine\tD. Radio nucleotide studies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Send urine for culture and sensitivity and start I.V. antibiotics immediately" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A doctor who performed the autopsy on a 26-year-old married woman, committing suicide found the cause of death to be aluminium phosphide poisoning. She was summoned in a cou of law where he willingly hides this information. This is punishable under which section?\nOptions: \nA. IPC 193\tB. CrPC 175\tC. CrPC 69\tD. IPC 189.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IPC 193" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Loading dose MgSO4 (IV) to be prepared as\nOptions: \nA. 4 ml 50% w/v plus 16 ml NS\tB. 8 ml 50% w/v plus 12 ml NS\tC. 12 ml 50% w/v plus 8 ml NS\tD. 16 ml 50% w/v plus 4 ml NS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 8 ml 50% w/v plus 12 ml NS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Apoprotein B-48 is found in\nOptions: \nA. VLDL\tB. LDL\tC. HDL\tD. Chylomicrons.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chylomicrons." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the distribution of intra-ocular pressure (IOP) seen in 100 glaucoma patients has an average 30 mm with a SD of 1.0, what is the lower limit of the average IOP that can be expected 95% of times?\nOptions: \nA. 26\tB. 28\tC. 32\tD. 259.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 28" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The radiographic view of choice for diagnosing horizontally favorable and unfavorable # is:\nOptions: \nA. OPG\tB. Occlusal\tC. Lateral Oblique view\tD. Transpharyngeal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lateral Oblique view" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of Hb is not affected by Rh isoimmunisation:\nOptions: \nA. Anti C\tB. Anti E\tC. Anti lewis\tD. Anti D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Anti lewis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The ETDRS cha is used for visual evaluation in diabetic patients. What does ETDRS stand for\nOptions: \nA. Extended treatment for diabetic retinopathy study\tB. Early treatment for diabetic retinopathy study\tC. Emergency treatment for diabetic retinopathy study\tD. Emerging treatment for diabetic retinopathy study.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Early treatment for diabetic retinopathy study" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Working side contact means:\nOptions: \nA. Contact on lateral movement.\tB. Contact on medial movement.\tC. No contact on lateral movement.\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Contact on lateral movement." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What percentage of accessory canals found in apical third of the root\nOptions: \nA. 74%\tB. 54%\tC. 94%\tD. 60%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 74%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The resolving power of a microscope depends upon all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Size of the apeure\tB. Focal length of the eyepiece\tC. Thickness of the film\tD. Wavelength of light source used.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thickness of the film" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of trauma is associated with destruction of protective layer?\nOptions: \nA. Intrusion\tB. Extrusion\tC. Avulsion\tD. Lateral luxation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intrusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During diagnostic laparoscopy for undescended testis, there are absent testicular vessels. What should be done next?\nOptions: \nA. Explore fuher\tB. Nothing is to be done\tC. Inguinal exploration\tD. Scrotal examination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Inguinal exploration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Excessive occlusal forces can be superimposed in all cases, except\nOptions: \nA. Normal periodontium with normal height of bone\tB. Normal periodontium with reduced height of bone\tC. Marginal periodontitis with reduced height of bone\tD. Marginal periodontitis with normal height of bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Marginal periodontitis with normal height of bone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The reverse bevel incision is made to\nOptions: \nA. Allow atraumatic reflection of the gingival margin\tB. Remove the infected tissue in the sulcus\tC. Provide access to the alveolar crest\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Remove the infected tissue in the sulcus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Partial veneer crown is contraindicated in\nOptions: \nA. Long teeth\tB. Short teeth\tC. Tipped teeth\tD. Tapered teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Short teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Target sign is seen in?\nOptions: \nA. Spontaneous CSF Rhinorrhea\tB. Traumatic CSF Rhinorrhea\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Traumatic CSF Rhinorrhea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: LA deposited in Inferior alveolar nerve block at\nOptions: \nA. Sigmoid notch\tB. Coronoid notch\tC. Lingula\tD. Groove of mandibular neck.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lingula" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In extraction, best time to administer analgesics is:\nOptions: \nA. Before anaesthesia wears off\tB. Prior to extraction\tC. When pain is moderate to severe\tD. After anaesthesia wears off.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Before anaesthesia wears off" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mantle dentin is a layer next to:\nOptions: \nA. DE]\tB. Pulp\tC. Dentin\tD. Enamel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: DE]" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The wave ' V ' in BERA represents activity in which of the following ?\nOptions: \nA. Lateral lemniscus\tB. Superior olivary complex\tC. Cochlear nerve\tD. Cochlear nucleus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral lemniscus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Preconceptional intake of which of the following results in decrease in incidence of neural tube defect:\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin A\tB. Folate\tC. Vitamin E\tD. Vitamin C.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Folate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lower 2nd molar has\nOptions: \nA. \u2018+\u2019 shape\tB. Distorted \u2018+\u2019 shape\tC. Y shaped\tD. H shaped.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: \u2018+\u2019 shape" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Failure of partial dentures due to poor clasp design can best be avoided by:\nOptions: \nA. Using stress breakers\tB. Using bar type clasps\tC. Altering tooth contours\tD. Clasping only those teeth with fairly long crowns and normal bone support.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Altering tooth contours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In excitable cells, repolarization is closely associated with one of the following events:\nOptions: \nA. Na+ efflux\tB. Na+ influx\tC. K+ efflux\tD. K+ influx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: K+ efflux" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hapten is?\nOptions: \nA. Antigenic and proteinaceous substance\tB. Protein and non antigenic\tC. Nonprotein and antigenic\tD. Nonprotein and non antigenic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Antigenic and proteinaceous substance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Right trochlear nerve palsy can lead to all except:\nOptions: \nA. Diplopia on upward gaze and adduction\tB. Right head tilt\tC. Exotropia\tD. Hyperopia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Right head tilt" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The lingual extension of a Lower denture is Limited by all of the following (except)\nOptions: \nA. Modiolus\tB. Mylohyoid muscle\tC. Origin of genioglossus\tD. Sublingual salivary glands.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Modiolus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with history of tachyarrhythmias is on implantable cardioveer defibrillator. He develops shock. Best method to know the position and integrity of ICD is:\nOptions: \nA. CECT\tB. MRI\tC. USG\tD. Plain radiograph.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CECT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Morris retractor is most commonly used to retract\nOptions: \nA. Left hypochondrium\tB. Right hypochondrium\tC. Hernia surgery\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Left hypochondrium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about H. influenza?\nOptions: \nA. Rarely presents as meningitis in children less than 2 months of age\tB. Capsular polypeptide protein is responsible for virulence\tC. Requires factor V and X for growth\tD. Most common invasive disease of H. influenza is meningitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Capsular polypeptide protein is responsible for virulence" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which drug is not given in Wilson disease?\nOptions: \nA. Trientine\tB. Calcium\tC. Penicillamine\tD. Zinc.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Calcium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bullet fingerprinting is:\nOptions: \nA. Human fingerprints on bullet\tB. Primary marking\tC. Secondary marking\tD. Distoed bullet.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Secondary marking" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following intracoronal bleaching immediate composite restoration required, what has to be done:\nOptions: \nA. Treat with catalase\tB. Wait for 7 days is mandatory\tC. Treat with H2O2 for 3 minutes\tD. Not possible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Treat with catalase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is developed from the 1st arch:\nOptions: \nA. Stylohyoid ligament.\tB. Spenomandibular ligament.\tC. Stapes.\tD. Styloid process..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Spenomandibular ligament." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 70 years old male patient presents with amblyopia, exeional chest pain, episodic tachycardia and extra systoles on FCC. What is the probable cause?\nOptions: \nA. Cocaine poisoning\tB. Chronic nicotine poisoning\tC. Arsenophagia\tD. Cannabis ingestion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chronic nicotine poisoning" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following reflex appear at birth except:\nOptions: \nA. Landau reflex\tB. Babinski reflex\tC. Startle reflex\tD. Moro's reflex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Landau reflex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child had repeated vomiting and developed metabolic alkalosis. The treatment given is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Ringer lactate\tB. I.V. normal saline and potassium\tC. ORS\tD. I.V. Normal saline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: I.V. normal saline and potassium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most used selective medium for streptococcus rnutans is\nOptions: \nA. Mac conkey medium\tB. Mitus salivarius bacitracin agar\tC. Nutrient agar\tD. Tellurite medium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mitus salivarius bacitracin agar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which characteristic of orthodontic wire describe energy storage capacity?\nOptions: \nA. Range\tB. Resilience\tC. Formability\tD. Proportional limit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Resilience" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thickness of luting cement is:\nOptions: \nA. 20-40 \u03bc\tB. 10-20 \u03bc\tC. 60-80 \u03bc\tD. 1-2 \u03bc.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 20-40 \u03bc" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Midface is defined as the portion between:\nOptions: \nA. Hairline to subnasale\tB. Glabella to subnasale\tC. Glabella to menton\tD. Subnasale to menton.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Glabella to subnasale" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones is primarily under inhibitory control of hypothalamus.\nOptions: \nA. TSH\tB. GRH\tC. Somatostatin\tD. Prolactin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Prolactin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Buccal coil spring used to regain space between 1st premolar and 1st molar causes following common post treatment complication:\nOptions: \nA. Pain\tB. Gingival irritation\tC. Tendency of 1st premolar to rotate\tD. Tendency of 1st premolar to intrude.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tendency of 1st premolar to rotate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Direct inter dental wiring is also known as:\nOptions: \nA. Risdon's wiring\tB. Gilmer's wiring\tC. Eyelet wiring\tD. Col. Stouts wiring.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gilmer's wiring" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On biopsy report of CGCG on the basis of histologically & morphological similarities differential diagnosis is made between:\nOptions: \nA. Fibrous dysplasia\tB. Hyperparathyroidism\tC. Osteitis deformans\tD. Hyperthyroidism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hyperparathyroidism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best fluid for factor VIII replacement is:\nOptions: \nA. fresh whole blood\tB. cryoprecipitate\tC. FFP\tD. Platelet concentrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: cryoprecipitate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following feature is not seen in tongue thrusting?\nOptions: \nA. Spaced dentition\tB. Crowding and crossbite\tC. Open bite\tD. Flush terminal plane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Crowding and crossbite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best way to monitor perfusion of free flap:\nOptions: \nA. Pulse oximeter\tB. Laser doppler velocimetery\tC. Prick test\tD. Flourescin & dermo flourometer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Prick test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following structures is not of ectodermal origin:\nOptions: \nA. Hunter-schreger bands\tB. Enamel spindles\tC. Enamel tufts\tD. Enamel lamellae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Enamel spindles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Paradoxical undressing seen in -\nOptions: \nA. Immersion syndrome\tB. Heat cramps\tC. Hypothermia\tD. Heat exhaustion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hypothermia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The single most effective method of reducing patient\nsomatic exposure when taking radiograph is to use:\nOptions: \nA. A lead apron\tB. Speed E film\tC. Added filtration\tD. An open ended, shielded cone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Speed E film" + }, + { + "input": "Question: There is a swelling in a patient with respect to maxillary LI region, since last 48 hours, the swelling is hot & palpable & rebounds on pressure, the treatment of choice is\nOptions: \nA. Incision & drainage\tB. Antibiotic coverage\tC. Antibiotics of heat only\tD. Aspiration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Incision & drainage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about occulomotor nerve are all except\nOptions: \nA. Carries parasympathetic fibres\tB. Causes constriction of pupils\tC. Supplies inferior oblique muscle\tD. Passes through inferior orbital fissure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Passes through inferior orbital fissure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a free gingival graft, what happens to epithelium of the graft? It:\nOptions: \nA. Remains as such\tB. Proliferates\tC. Degenerates\tD. Has to be removed by the surgeon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Degenerates" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A boy is suffering from acute pyelonephritis. The most specific investigation is\nOptions: \nA. Histopathological examination\tB. Leucocyte esterase test\tC. Nitrite test\tD. Bacteria in gram stain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Histopathological examination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Setting expansion of grey MTA when mixed with water is?\nOptions: \nA. 0.68%\tB. 0.12%\tC. 1.02%\tD. 0.80%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 1.02%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following syndromes are associated with uniparental disomy except-\nOptions: \nA. Prader-Willi syndrome\tB. Russell-Silver syndrome\tC. Bloom syndrome\tD. Angelman syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bloom syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following has a male:female ratio of 1:1?\nOptions: \nA. Rheumatoid ahritis\tB. Gout\tC. Seronegative spondyloahritis\tD. Polymyalgia rheumatica.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Seronegative spondyloahritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A diabetic and hypeensive patient taking several drugs presented with septicemia. Serum creatinine levels are 5.7 mg/dL. Which of the following drug should be stopped?\nOptions: \nA. Insulin\tB. Metoprolol\tC. Linagliptin\tD. Metformin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Metformin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug of choice for Rheumatic fever prophylaxis in penicillin allergic patient \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Erythromycin\tB. Clindamycin\tC. Vancomycin\tD. Gentamycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Erythromycin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Placement of graft will be failure in which class of recession\nOptions: \nA. class I\tB. Class II\tC. Class III\tD. Class IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Class IV." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The vascular supply of the periodontal ligament is:\nOptions: \nA. Greatest in the middle-third of a single rooted tooth\tB. Greatest in the middle-third of a multirooted tooth\tC. A net-like plexus that runs closer to the cementum than to the bone\tD. A net-like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: A net-like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementum." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Commonest cause of TMJ ankylosis is\nOptions: \nA. Trauma\tB. Development disturbances\tC. Infections\tD. Atrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trauma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To prevent sensitivity caused by acid etching and to protect pulp in deep cavities which of the following should be used.\nOptions: \nA. Ca(OH)2 liner\tB. ZOE\tC. Light cured GIC liner\tD. Varnish.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ca(OH)2 liner" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about rheumatic fever, except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Common in poor socioeconomic group\tB. Develops after streptococcal pharyngitis\tC. Communicable disease\tD. Seen in 5\u201315 years of children.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Communicable disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The case of biliary duct stricture with retching and vomiting, given 3mg morphine epiduraly daily, one day 12 mg mistakenly dose of epidural, morphine given. Not present:-\nOptions: \nA. Itching\tB. Urinary retention\tC. Increase vomiting\tD. Overstimulation of respiratory centre.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Overstimulation of respiratory centre." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bonding agents have hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. The hydrophobic group binds which structure?\nOptions: \nA. Calcium in enamel\tB. Hydroxyapatite group in hard tissue\tC. Resin in restoration\tD. Collagen in dentin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Resin in restoration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient on 300 mg of aspirin will show all the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase path way\tB. Prolonged bleeding time\tC. Inhibition of thromboxane TXA2\tD. Inhibition of prostaglandin PGI2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase path way" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antimalarial drug used for causal prophylaxis act at which stage of developmental cycle\nOptions: \nA. Gametogony\tB. Erythrocytic schizogony\tC. Pre-erythrocytic schizogony\tD. Exo-erythrocytic schizogony.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pre-erythrocytic schizogony" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3-year-old patient reports of painless progressive bilateral facial swellings. The tentative diagnosis is\nOptions: \nA. Cherubism\tB. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia\tC. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia\tD. Central giant cell granuloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cherubism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Normal WBC count\nOptions: \nA. 4,000-11,000\tB. 40000 -80000\tC. 13000-17000\tD. 1000-3000.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 4,000-11,000" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Provision of WHO mental action gap are all, except:\nOptions: \nA. Human rights\tB. Communication regarding care and career\tC. Screening family members\tD. Social suppo.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Screening family members" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Retraction of the protruded mandible is done by\nOptions: \nA. Medial Pterygoid\tB. Lateral pterygoid\tC. Masseter\tD. Temporalis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Temporalis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Methacholine acts at which receptor?\nOptions: \nA. M1\tB. M2\tC. M3\tD. M4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: M2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Name the curve which passes through the cusps of all the posteriors, reaches to condyle:\nOptions: \nA. Curve of Wilson.\tB. Anti monsoon curve.\tC. Monsoon curve.\tD. Curve of spee..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Curve of spee.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 4 yr old child has 0.2 ppm fluoride in drinking water. The child can be administered:\nOptions: \nA. 1 mg tab/day\tB. Rinses 0.2% NaF\tC. Topical application of fluoride\tD. Fluoride containing dentifrices.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 mg tab/day" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which or tile following is true about antigenic drift?\nOptions: \nA. It is seen only in influenza virus type A\tB. It is a result of framesshift mutation\tC. It mostly affects the matrix protein\tD. It mostly affects the matrix protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: It mostly affects the matrix protein." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most commonly used technique for determination of working length of a 8 year old child patient of teeth maxillary central incisor:\nOptions: \nA. Tactile sensation\tB. Moisture on paperpoint\tC. Digital\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Moisture on paperpoint" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Iaday 35 years old lactating mother Presented with a Painful breast lump. Most appropriate initial investigation should be:\nOptions: \nA. Mammography\tB. USG\tC. MRI\tD. X-ray.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: USG" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is caused by Amphotericin B\nOptions: \nA. Hypo kalemia\tB. Hyperkalemia\tC. Hypermagnesemia\tD. Hyponatremia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hypo kalemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common curvature of the palatal root of maxillary first molar is:\nOptions: \nA. Facial\tB. Lingual\tC. Distal\tD. Mesial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A new marker for mantle cell lymphoma especially useful in Cyclin DI negative cases is:\nOptions: \nA. SOX 11\tB. Annexin V\tC. MYD88\tD. ITRA I.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: SOX 11" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Type of skull seen in Beckwith hypoglycemic syndrome and fanconi syndrome:\nOptions: \nA. Platycephaly.\tB. Microcephaly.\tC. Anencephaly.\tD. Brachcephaly..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Microcephaly." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Centre of rotation during intrusion is at:\nOptions: \nA. Infinity\tB. Middle third of tooth\tC. CEJ\tD. Outside the tooth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Outside the tooth." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Koebner phenomenon is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Impetigo\tB. Pemphigoid\tC. Erythema multiforme\tD. Psoriasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Psoriasis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most abundant cells in Cell rich zone\nOptions: \nA. Fibroblasts\tB. Odontoblasts\tC. Ameloblasts\tD. Undifferentiated mesencymal cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fibroblasts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Countercurrent mechanism is not seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Kidney\tB. Testes\tC. Eye\tD. Intestine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Eye" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which component of cement causes allergic contact dermatitis??\nOptions: \nA. Cobalt\tB. Nickel\tC. Iron\tD. Chromium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chromium." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A bank employee felt depressed with no interest in activities came to AIIMS OPD. He was staed on Escitalopram. Which of these adverse effects cannot be explained with escitalopram?\nOptions: \nA. Vivid dreaming\tB. Anorgasmia\tC. Sialorrhea\tD. Nausea.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sialorrhea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True statements about osteoblasts are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Derived from osteoprogenitor cells\tB. Regulated by BM P\tC. Have a plasma membrane showing multiple folds\tD. Have neuropeptide receptors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Have a plasma membrane showing multiple folds" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Heart muscle, true are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Act as syncitium\tB. Has multiple nuclei\tC. Has gap junctions\tD. Has branching.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Has multiple nuclei" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IDL has\nOptions: \nA. Apo B100 and Apo E\tB. Apo C\tC. Apo E\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Apo B100 and Apo E" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fracture of mandible having mandibular height 8 mm, line of treatment:\nOptions: \nA. Champy's plate\tB. Lag screw\tC. Reconstruction plate\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Reconstruction plate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Natural disaster causing maximum deaths\nOptions: \nA. Hydrological\tB. Meterological\tC. Geological\tD. Fires.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hydrological" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young healthy male patient presented with abdominal pain and history of altered bowel habits from the last 6 months. On CT examination, there was dilated distal pa of ileum, thickened ileocecal junction with thickened cecum with presence of sacculations on the antimesenteric border. The vascularity of adjoining mesentery is also increased and there is surrounding mesentery fat. Which of the following is not a differential diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Ulcerative colitis\tB. Crohn's disease\tC. Tuberculosis\tD. Ischemic bowel disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ischemic bowel disease." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Kroll designed\nOptions: \nA. RPI clasp\tB. Bar clasp\tC. Circumferential clasp\tD. Altered clasp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: RPI clasp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If multiple myeloma is suspected in a patient's history and intraoral radiograph, which of the following radiographs should be taken to confirm the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Lateral skull\tB. Anterior posterior view\tC. Lateral oblique\tD. Posterior anterior view.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral skull" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are signs of respiratory insufficiency except:\nOptions: \nA. Hypoxia\tB. Inability to speak\tC. Strider during inspiration\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Eutectic mixture of 2.5% lignocaine and 2.5% prilocaine is used for\nOptions: \nA. Gow gates technique for mandibular nerve block\tB. Gasserion ganglion block\tC. Intraputpal anesthesia\tD. For anesthetizing intact mucosa.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: For anesthetizing intact mucosa." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Primordial cyst develops\nOptions: \nA. In place of missing teeth\tB. In teeth in which crown development is completed\tC. In periapical region\tD. In mandibular body.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: In place of missing teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Precipitation of proteins is done by all of these except:\nOptions: \nA. Adding trichloroacetic acid.\tB. Adding acetyl alcohol and acetone.\tC. Adjusting pH to other than the isoelectric point.\tD. Salts of heavy metals..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Adjusting pH to other than the isoelectric point." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true for rifabutin as compared to rifampicin?\nOptions: \nA. Rifabutin has the longer half-life than rifampicin\tB. Rifabutin has lesser incidence of drug-interactions\tC. Rifabutin is more efficacious against MAC as compared to rifampicin\tD. Rifabutin is more efficacious for pulmonary TB as compared to rifampicin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Rifabutin is more efficacious for pulmonary TB as compared to rifampicin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is most stable restoration for a G.V. Black class V unstable erosive lesion?\nOptions: \nA. Acid etch composite\tB. GIC\tC. Resin modified GIC\tD. Compomer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Resin modified GIC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is seen in syndrome X?\nOptions: \nA. Prediabetics\tB. Prehypertensive\tC. X chromosome mutation\tD. More chances of syncope during dental extractions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Prediabetics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The stiffness of the bristles of a nylon toothbrush is dependent on the:\nOptions: \nA. Diameter and length of filament\tB. Amount of polish of filament\tC. Colour of filament\tD. Consistency of shape of the filament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Diameter and length of filament" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Campbell's lines are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Transorbital\tB. Transpharyngeal\tC. Occipitomental\tD. Transcranial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Occipitomental" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Free gingival groove represents\nOptions: \nA. Histologic depth of gingival sulcus\tB. False pocket depth\tC. Depth of gingival sulcus\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Histologic depth of gingival sulcus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true regarding oxygenases except :\nOptions: \nA. Incorporate 2 atoms of oxygen\tB. Incorporate 1 atom of oxygen\tC. Required for hydroxylation of steroids\tD. Required for carboxylation of drugs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Required for carboxylation of drugs." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In females adrenal glands are the exclusive source for secretion of?\nOptions: \nA. Estrogen\tB. Testosterone\tC. DHEAS\tD. Progesterone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: DHEAS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the dose of adrenaline in anaphylactic shock?\nOptions: \nA. 0.5 ml in 1:1000\tB. 0.5 ml in 1:10000\tC. 1 ml in 1:1000\tD. 1.5 ml in 1:1000.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.5 ml in 1:1000" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which combination forms day care anesthesia\nOptions: \nA. Fentanyl, propofol, Isoflurane\tB. Pethidine, Propofol, Isoflurane\tC. Thiopental pethidime, Halothane\tD. Thiopentane, isoflurane fantanyt.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fentanyl, propofol, Isoflurane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CEREC AC which is true\nOptions: \nA. Creates the image by video recording\tB. Laser beam is used\tC. LED is used\tD. Composite metal resin alloy etc.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: LED is used" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are used for postpaum hemorrhage except -\nOptions: \nA. Misoprostol\tB. Dinoprostone\tC. Prostaglandin F2 alpha\tD. Oxytocin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dinoprostone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ratio of polymer to monomer in cold cure resin\nOptions: \nA. 3:1 by volume and 2:1 by weight\tB. 3:1 by weight and 2:1 by volume\tC. 2:1 by volume and 2:1 by weight\tD. 3:1 by volume and 3:1 by weight.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3:1 by volume and 2:1 by weight" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO classification of periapical pathology, 4.81 means:\nOptions: \nA. Periapical cyst\tB. Lateral cyst\tC. Residual cyst\tD. Inflammatory periodontal cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Residual cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Termination of diseases by extermination of micro organisms is?\nOptions: \nA. Eradication\tB. Control\tC. Elimination\tD. Regional elimination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Eradication" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which TCA intermediate is used in haem synthesis:\nOptions: \nA. Fumarate\tB. Alpha keto gluterate\tC. Malate\tD. Succinyl CoA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Succinyl CoA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Presence of glucose in urine indicates:\nOptions: \nA. Patient suffers from diabetes insipidus\tB. Patient has consumed excess sugar over long years\tC. Renal threshold for glucose is exceeded\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Renal threshold for glucose is exceeded" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What among the following is the use of this?\nOptions: \nA. Prevent viral infections\tB. Prevent transfusion related reactions\tC. Prevent bacterial contamination\tD. Prevent blood mismatch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Prevent transfusion related reactions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A cell membrane is damaged by inseion of a micro needle, repair shall occur by which of the following process?\nOptions: \nA. Lateral movement of proteins\tB. Enzyme catalysed process\tC. Hydrophobic interactions\tD. An active process involving hydrolysis of ATP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral movement of proteins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The common complication of the local anesthetic prilocaine is:\nOptions: \nA. Agranulocytosis\tB. Hepatic dysfunction\tC. Methemoglobinemia\tD. Loss of taste.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Methemoglobinemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cross sectional from and dimension of lingual bar major connector is:\nOptions: \nA. 4 gauge full pear shape\tB. 6 gauge half pear shape\tC. 6 gauge round shape\tD. gauge flat.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 6 gauge half pear shape" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 22 year old college boy with history of sex with commercial workers came to Derma OPD with lesion in genital region, tissue from this lesion was examined, which is the most likely finding?\nOptions: \nA. Intracytoplasmic vacuolations\tB. Multinucleated giant cells\tC. Belongs to Herpes family\tD. It's a RNA virus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intracytoplasmic vacuolations" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is advantage of sub-marginal flop?\nOptions: \nA. Cause less gingival shrinking\tB. Cause Less scars\tC. Less intra-operative bleeding\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cause less gingival shrinking" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glossy smooth margins of a casting are due to:\nOptions: \nA. Shrinkage of alloy on cooling\tB. Investment breakdown\tC. Incomplete wax elimination\tD. Incomplete gas elimination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Incomplete wax elimination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the working time of zinc polycarboxylate cement?\nOptions: \nA. 1 minute\tB. 2 minutes\tC. 3 minutes\tD. 4 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Risk factors for Coronary artery disease are all except\nOptions: \nA. Smoking\tB. Increased fibrinogen level\tC. Hypertension\tD. Alcohol consumption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Alcohol consumption." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In esophageal varices bleeding, which of the following is not used?\nOptions: \nA. Endoscopy banding\tB. Octreotide\tC. Platelet transfusion\tD. TIPS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Platelet transfusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Posterior pituitary insufficiency leads to:\nOptions: \nA. Diabetes mellitus\tB. Diabetes insipidus\tC. Dwarfism\tD. Cretinism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Diabetes insipidus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are used in preterm labour to decrease uterine contractility except:\nOptions: \nA. Methyl alcohol\tB. Ritodrine\tC. Magnesium sulphate\tD. Dexamethasone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dexamethasone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Site specificity is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Syphilis\tB. Recurrent herpes Labialis\tC. Carcinoma\tD. Traumatic aphthous ulcer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Recurrent herpes Labialis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Remodelling theory of craniofacial growth was given by\nOptions: \nA. Brash\tB. John hunter\tC. Vander Klauuw\tD. Sicher & Weinmann.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Brash" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 10-year-old boy visits dentist with complicated crown fracture with abscess formation in 12. X-ray reveals radiolucency in relation to 11, 12. 12 is having immature blunderbuss canal while 11 has complete root formation, vitality of 11, 21 is negative. What would be the management of this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Apexification of 12 and RCT of 11\tB. Revascularization in 12 and RCT of 11\tC. RCT of 12 and 11\tD. Extraction of 12 and RCT in 11.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Revascularization in 12 and RCT of 11" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lymphocytes found in the pulp proper are:\nOptions: \nA. T lymphocytes\tB. B lymphocytes\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: T lymphocytes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2 months old child was brought to the subcenter by his mother with complaints of fever for two days. Weight of the child is 2 kg. On examination, the child is restless and irritable, skin pinch went back in 2 seconds, oral mucosa is dry and eyes were sunken. There were ten pustules on his forehead. What should be done at the subcenter?\nOptions: \nA. Refer to higher center with mother giving frequent sips of ORS.\tB. Immediately admit the child, give IV fluids and then refer to higher center.\tC. Give first dose of antibiotic and refer to higher center in an ambulance with sips of ORS along the way.\tD. Send child home with few packets of ORS and call after 3 days..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Give first dose of antibiotic and refer to higher center in an ambulance with sips of ORS along the way." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a left skewed curve, true statement is:\nOptions: \nA. Mean = Median\tB. Mean < Mode\tC. Mean >Mode\tD. Mean = Mode.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mean < Mode" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following are seen in ectodermal dysplasia?\nOptions: \nA. Hyperpyrexia\tB. Protuberant lips and frontal bossing\tC. Defective or absence of sweat glands\tD. Any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Any of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60-year-old has got severe bulla and target lesion which erythema around halo and genital lesions:\nOptions: \nA. Stevens Jhonson syndrome\tB. Herpes zoster\tC. Herpes simplex\tD. Herpangina.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Stevens Jhonson syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient comes to ER with headache describing it as worst headache in his life. What is the next step?\nOptions: \nA. CT brain\tB. Lumbar puncture\tC. MRI brain\tD. Observation and analgesics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CT brain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Vertucci\u2019s classification of root canal, the fig shows:\nOptions: \nA. Type III\tB. Type IV\tC. Type V\tD. Type VI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Type V" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In SCHWARTZ formula for calculation of creatinine clearance in a child, the constant depends on the following except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Age\tB. Method of estimation of creatinine\tC. Mass\tD. Severity of renal failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Severity of renal failure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulpal medication and thermal protection is given by\nOptions: \nA. Solution liners (2-5 \u03bcm)\tB. Suspension Liners (25-30 \u03bcm)\tC. Traditional Liner (0.2-0.3 mm)\tD. Cement bases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Traditional Liner (0.2-0.3 mm)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Epstein pearls are:\nOptions: \nA. Gingival cyst of newborn\tB. Gingival cyst of adult\tC. Enamel pearls\tD. Epithelial rests.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gingival cyst of newborn" + }, + { + "input": "Question: White flecks yellow or brown spots on surface of teeth covering, giving papery white appearance\nOptions: \nA. Mottled enamel\tB. Incipient caries\tC. Dental stains\tD. Smooth caries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mottled enamel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Adult stage of filarial worms responsible for diseases in all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Brugia malayi\tB. Onchocerca volvulus\tC. Mansonella ozzardi\tD. Wuchereria bancrofti.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Onchocerca volvulus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth in the mandibular arch which is most likely to be\ndisplaced due to arch size discrepancy is\nOptions: \nA. First molar\tB. Second molar\tC. First premolar\tD. Second premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Second premolar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inferiohyroid aery is a branch ol?\nOptions: \nA. Thyrocervical trunk\tB. ICA\tC. Costocervical trunk\tD. ECA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thyrocervical trunk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Secondary flare provides a marginal metal of:\nOptions: \nA. 10-20 degrees\tB. 30-40 degrees\tC. 140-150 degrees\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 30-40 degrees" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient comes to a dentist with decayed mandibular 1st molar which involves the mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusp. The restoration of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Intermediate restoration\tB. Composite\tC. Cast metal\tD. GIC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cast metal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Marathon runner had pain in anteromedial tibia on regular walking/jogging for long hours. X ray is normal. Doctor orders a bone scan. What may be the probable diagnosis\nOptions: \nA. Jones fracture\tB. Shin splint\tC. Lisfranc fracture\tD. Nutcracker.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Shin splint" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiographic finding in Pindborg tumour is\nOptions: \nA. burst appearance\tB. Onion-peel appearance\tC. Driven-snow appearance\tD. Cherry-blossom appearance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Driven-snow appearance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Risk of endocarditis is more in all in all of the following lesions except:\nOptions: \nA. VSD.\tB. MR.\tC. AR.\tD. ASD..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ASD.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The green stains frequently seen on children's teeth are\ncaused by\nOptions: \nA. Materia alba\tB. Enamel defects\tC. Dentinal defects\tD. Chromogenic bacteria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chromogenic bacteria." + }, + { + "input": "Question: At low infusion rates of 3-5 mcg/kg/min, what action is produced by dopamine?\nOptions: \nA. Vasoconstriction\tB. Increased renal blood flow\tC. Increased cardiac contractility\tD. Decreased blood pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increased renal blood flow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Posselt's diagram indicates?\nOptions: \nA. Motion of mandible\tB. Protrusive relation of central incisor\tC. Antero-superior relation of condyle in articular fossa in CR\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Motion of mandible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the most common site for fracture in zygomatic arch fracture?\nOptions: \nA. At the suture\tB. Anterior to zygomaticotemporal suture\tC. Posterior to zygomaticotemporal suture\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Posterior to zygomaticotemporal suture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While taking final impression tray should be seated first:\nOptions: \nA. Anteriorly\tB. Posteriorly\tC. Anteriorly or posteriorly depending upon operators choice\tD. Anteriorly and posteriorly simultaneously.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anteriorly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following bilateral mandibular fracture in the canine region, the following muscles will tend to pull the mandible back:\nOptions: \nA. Genioglossus and anterior belly of digastric\tB. Genioglossus and mylohyoid\tC. Genioglossus and thyrohyoid\tD. Genioglossus and masseter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Genioglossus and anterior belly of digastric" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The anemia associated with leukemia\nOptions: \nA. Iron deficiency\tB. Megaloblastic type\tC. Myelophthisic type\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Myelophthisic type" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To regain arch length in anterior segment by moving incisors labially\nOptions: \nA. Cephalometric analysis have to be made before taking up treatment\tB. Use tongue blade therapy 20 times 1 day\tC. Use of 7 spring with Hawley's retainer\tD. Use on anterior bite plane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cephalometric analysis have to be made before taking up treatment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to scientists, recent studies says about the pattern of enamel prism demineralization, true is:\nOptions: \nA. Head and tail both are resistant to dissolution\tB. Head and tail both are not resistant to dissolution\tC. Head is more resistant to dissolution\tD. Tail is more resistant to dissolution.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tail is more resistant to dissolution." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Central value of a set of 180 values can be obtained by\nOptions: \nA. 2nd tertile\tB. 90th percentile\tC. 2nd quartile\tD. 9th decile.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 2nd quartile" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In order to reduce non-working side interference, reduce\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary supporting cusp\tB. Mandibular supporting cusp\tC. Both maxillary and mandibular supporting cusps\tD. Either of the jaw\u2019s supporting cusps.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Either of the jaw\u2019s supporting cusps." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What will be treatment plan for a parasymphysial fracture in a 55 year old man.\nOptions: \nA. IMF for 3 weeks\tB. IMF for 6 weeks\tC. Compression plate is must\tD. Non union will occur if reconstruction plate is not given.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: IMF for 6 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ADA sp. Number fir dental excavating burs:\nOptions: \nA. 20\tB. 21\tC. 22\tD. 23.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 23." + }, + { + "input": "Question: False about enamel rods is\nOptions: \nA. They are perpendicular to tooth surface\tB. They are parallel to each other\tC. Diameter of enamel rods is 30micrometer at DEJ\tD. Diameter of enamel rod is 5 micrometer at DEJ.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Diameter of enamel rods is 30micrometer at DEJ" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiographs are of no help in the diagnosis of\nOptions: \nA. Cementoma\tB. Subluxation teeth\tC. Acute alveolar abscess\tD. Impacted canines.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Acute alveolar abscess" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CPR should have a ratio of chest compression to mouth breathing of:\nOptions: \nA. 1:04\tB. 4:01\tC. 2:03\tD. 3:02.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 4:01" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The use of stress breaker in modern dentistry is avoided because\nOptions: \nA. It affects abutment more\tB. It affects alveolar ridge\tC. It affects both abutment and alveolar ridge\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It affects alveolar ridge" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does not complicate into CHF \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Co\u2013relation of aorta\tB. Transposition of great vessels\tC. Tetralogy of fallot's\tD. Patent ductus arteriorus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tetralogy of fallot's" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Leeway space is due to ?\nOptions: \nA. Space differential between deciduous canine and molar and their succedaneous permanent teeth\tB. Space differential between deciduous incisors and their succedaneous permanent teeth\tC. Difference between deciduous and permanent maxillary and mandibular canines only\tD. Difference between deciduous and permanent maxillary and mandibular molars only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Space differential between deciduous canine and molar and their succedaneous permanent teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are sensory to the palate except:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve\tB. Facial nerve\tC. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tD. Hypoglossal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hypoglossal nerve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Weber-Fechner's law, strength of stimulus perceived is directly propoional to:\nOptions: \nA. Intensity of stimulus\tB. Amplitude of action potential\tC. Number of neurons stimulated\tD. Number of receptors stimulated.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intensity of stimulus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a functional implant, bone loss seen annually after 1 year is:\nOptions: \nA. 1.5 to 2 mm\tB. Less than 0.1 mm\tC. 1 to 2 mm\tD. 1 to 1.5 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Less than 0.1 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A baby presents with tetany. First thing to be done is administration of :\nOptions: \nA. Diazepam\tB. Vitamin D\tC. Calcium gluconate\tD. Calcitonin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Calcium gluconate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum level of alpha fetoprotein is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Fetal serum\tB. Placenta\tC. Amniotic fluid\tD. Maternal serum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fetal serum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anthracis causes which pulmonary manifestations-\nOptions: \nA. Atypical pneumonia\tB. Hemorrhagic mediastinitis\tC. Lung abscess\tD. Bronchopulmonary pneumonia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hemorrhagic mediastinitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following vaccine is not included in EPI schedule\nOptions: \nA. DPT\tB. MMR\tC. BCG\tD. OPV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: MMR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vasopressin antagonist acts on which pa of the nephron?\nOptions: \nA. Proximal convoluted tubule\tB. Distal convoluted tubule\tC. Coical collecting tubule\tD. Medullary collecting duct.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Medullary collecting duct." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following anti-tubercular drug can cause ophthalmological toxicity?\nOptions: \nA. Isoniazid\tB. Rifampicin\tC. Ethambutol\tD. Pyrazinamide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ethambutol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Compared to unfractionated heparin, Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) has reliable anticoagulant action because:\nOptions: \nA. It interferes with thrombin and antithrombin III simultaneously\tB. It is less protein bound\tC. It is given subcutaneously\tD. It is cleared by macrophages.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It is less protein bound" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rake angle for tungsten carbide burs:\nOptions: \nA. Positive.\tB. Neutral.\tC. Slight negative.\tD. Both BC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both BC." + }, + { + "input": "Question: You went to a sub center as pa of an audit. How many infants should be registered with a health worker working there?\nOptions: \nA. 50\tB. 100\tC. 150\tD. 200.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 100" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dr Bernhard Giesenhagen gave which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Bone ring technique\tB. Bone flap technique\tC. Overlap technique\tD. Bone pouch technique.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bone ring technique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Modification spaces are:\nOptions: \nA. Spaces other than the original class\tB. Space posterior to all teeth\tC. Space anterior to all teeth\tD. Additional space in class IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spaces other than the original class" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the nerve supply of the angle of the jaw?\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular nerve\tB. Maxillary nerve\tC. Lesser occipital nerve\tD. Greater auricular nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Greater auricular nerve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child has received full Rabies vaccination in December 2018 and now presented with oozing wound on Great toe and the pet had vaccination also. Next line of management is\nOptions: \nA. No vaccine required\tB. RIG + 5 doses of vaccine\tC. 5 doses of vaccines only\tD. 2 doses of Rabies vaccine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 2 doses of Rabies vaccine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are typically associated with the loss of 40% of the circulating blood volume except\nOptions: \nA. A decrease in the blood pressure\tB. A decrease in the central venous pressure\tC. A decrease in the heart rate\tD. A decrease in the urine output.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: A decrease in the heart rate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Disappearance of nuclear chromatin is called as\nOptions: \nA. Pyknosis\tB. Karyolysis\tC. Karyorhexis\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Karyolysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Biomineralization is a process by which inorganic `metals' are incorporated in the body and made a pa of biological structures. Example of Biomineralization is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Pinna (anatomy)\tB. Hooves of cattle\tC. Honeycomb\tD. Mollusc shell.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mollusc shell." + }, + { + "input": "Question: There was an outbreak of MRSA in the hospital and it was found that a nurse of NICU had MRSA colonisation of anterior nares. What is the best treatment?\nOptions: \nA. Topical bacitracin\tB. Oral Vancomycin\tC. Inhaled colistin\tD. IV cefazolin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Topical bacitracin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the location of Meissner's corpuscles?\nOptions: \nA. Lucidum\tB. Basale\tC. Reticular dermis\tD. Papillary dermis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Papillary dermis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are signs of impending Eisenmenger except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Increased flow murmur across tricuspid & pulmonary valve\tB. Single S2\tC. Loud P2\tD. Graham steel murmur.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increased flow murmur across tricuspid & pulmonary valve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Spiral angle can be defined as:\nOptions: \nA. Angle between long axis and blade.\tB. Angle between long axis and cutting edge.\tC. Angle formed by the blades.\tD. All are same..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Angle between long axis and blade." + }, + { + "input": "Question: G-protein coupled receptor that does not act through opening of potassium channels is\nOptions: \nA. Muscarinic M2 receptor\tB. Dopamine D2 receptor\tC. Serotonin 5 HT 1 receptor\tD. Angiotensin 1 receptor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Angiotensin 1 receptor." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is not a non-contraceptive use of levonorgestrel?\nOptions: \nA. Endometriosis\tB. Premenstrual tension\tC. Complex endometrial hJperplasia\tD. Emergencycontraception.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Premenstrual tension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vestibuloplasty all are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Mucosal advancement\tB. Use of hydroxyapatite\tC. Secondary epithelialization\tD. Usage of epithelial grafts.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Use of hydroxyapatite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following metal alloy held in reducing hardness of orthodontic wires?\nOptions: \nA. Chromium\tB. Cobalt\tC. Silicon\tD. Carbon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cobalt" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are structures in the lateral wall of cavernous sinus except:\nOptions: \nA. Occulomotor nerve\tB. Ophthalmic nerve\tC. Optic chiasma\tD. Maxillary nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Optic chiasma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fixation period of intrusive luxation injury is?\nOptions: \nA. 2 weeks\tB. 4 weeks\tC. 4 weeks, if semi-rigid & 2 weeks, if rigid\tD. 6-8 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 4 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Judet view of X-ray is for:\nOptions: \nA. Calcaneum\tB. Scaphoid\tC. Shoulder\tD. Pelvis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pelvis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prostaglandins are synthesized from:\nOptions: \nA. RNA template\tB. Rough endoplasmic reticulum\tC. Polyunsaturated fatty acids\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polyunsaturated fatty acids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: EDTA does not cause which of the following action\nOptions: \nA. Chelating action\tB. Irrigation\tC. Remove smear layer\tD. Pulp fixation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pulp fixation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dentigerous cyst is likely to cause which neoplasia\nOptions: \nA. Ameloblastoma\tB. Adeno carcinoma\tC. Fibrosarcoma\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ameloblastoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Key indicator for AFP surveillance ?.\nOptions: \nA. At least one case of non-polio AFP per year per 1000 population of under 5 years\tB. At least one case of non-polio AFP per year per 100000 population of under 5 year\tC. At least one case of non-polio AFP per year per 1000 population of under 15 years\tD. At least one case of non-polio AFP per year per 100000 population of under 15 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: At least one case of non-polio AFP per year per 100000 population of under 15 years." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Premaxilla is derived from\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary protuberance\tB. Palatine bones\tC. Frontonasal process\tD. Median process.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Frontonasal process" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If periodontal surgery is necessary in case of horizontal bone toss in upper anterior region. Which of the following procedure is the most appropriate?\nOptions: \nA. Papilla preservation flap\tB. Widman flap\tC. Coronally displaced flap\tD. Gingivectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Papilla preservation flap" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prolonged administration of streptomycin may result in damage to the:\nOptions: \nA. Optic nerve\tB. Facial nerve\tC. Auditory nerve\tD. Trigeminal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Auditory nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Considering the latent period of muscle twitch to be 10 ms, contraction time 40 ms and relaxation time 50 ms, what will be the tetanizing frequency for this muscle?\nOptions: \nA. 25 Hz\tB. 50 Hz\tC. 100 Hz\tD. 75 Hz.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 25 Hz" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Compament of leg without neurovascular bundle?\nOptions: \nA. Anterior\tB. Lateral\tC. Deep posterior\tD. Superficial posterior.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Superficial posterior." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following condition must be met for a valid student-t test between means of two groups:\nOptions: \nA. Number of observation must be same - no\tB. Standard deviation must be approximately same - no\tC. Mean should be approximately same - no\tD. Sample must be small.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sample must be small." + }, + { + "input": "Question: V) hich of the following can change the gene expression by methylation and acetylation without affecting the content of the gene?\nOptions: \nA. Epigenetics\tB. Translocation\tC. Inversion\tD. Transduction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epigenetics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What type of fibers are principal fibers of the PDL?\nOptions: \nA. Elastic\tB. Reticular\tC. Collagenous\tD. Collagenous and elastic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Collagenous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Find faulty statement regarding muscle spindle:\nOptions: \nA. Central zone has no actin and myosin\tB. Type 1 nuclear bag fibres has low myosin ATPase activity\tC. Peripheral zone has no actin and myosin\tD. Type 2 nuclear bag has high level of myosin ATPase activity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Peripheral zone has no actin and myosin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Injecting dye for diagnosis of salivary gland\nOptions: \nA. Angiogram\tB. Sialography\tC. Angiogram\tD. Tomography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sialography" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are causes of subcortical dementia except -\nOptions: \nA. Alzheimer's disease\tB. Parkinson's disease\tC. Supranuclear palsy\tD. HIV associated dementia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Alzheimer's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which growth factor Is not present in PRP?\nOptions: \nA. PDGF aa\tB. PDGF bb\tC. PDGF cc\tD. PDGF Fab.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PDGF cc" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 18-year-old girl was brought to OPD, labia majora separated, labia minora flabby, fourchette tear present and vagina is roomy but Hymen is intact. What could be possible?\nOptions: \nA. Virgin\tB. False virgin\tC. Premenstrual stage\tD. Molestation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: False virgin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A diffuse spreading inflammatory lesion is due to bacterial enzyme\nOptions: \nA. Coagulase\tB. Hyaluronidase\tC. Peroxidase\tD. Bradykinin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hyaluronidase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs can be given in renal failure safely?\nOptions: \nA. Saxagliptin\tB. Linagliptin\tC. Vildagliptin\tD. Sitagliptin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Linagliptin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Zones of periapical pathology were described by:\nOptions: \nA. Palmer\tB. Fish\tC. Black\tD. Hugues.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fish" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Brachcephaly with narrow foramen magnum is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Down syndrome.\tB. Fanconi syndrome.\tC. Achondroplasia.\tD. Cleidocranial dysplasia..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Achondroplasia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gingival hyperplasia is caused by all except\nOptions: \nA. Sodium valproate\tB. Carbamazepine\tC. Verapamil\tD. Bleomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Carbamazepine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A triad of seizure, mental retardation and sebaceous adenoma is seen in \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Congenital syphilis\tB. Tuberous sclerosis\tC. Toxoplasmosis\tD. Hypothyroidism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tuberous sclerosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not seen in neuroimaging of patient of tuberous sclerosis?\nOptions: \nA. White matter lesion\tB. Ependymoma\tC. Subependymal nodules\tD. Giant cell astrocytoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ependymoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cholesterol crystals in apical periodontitis lesions are believed to be formed from cholesterol released by:\nOptions: \nA. Disintegrating erythrocytes of stagnant blood vessels within the lesion\tB. Lymphocyte, plasma cells, macrophages that die and disintegrate in chronic apical lesion\tC. Circulating plasma lipids\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The analytical study where population is the unit of study is\nOptions: \nA. Cross-sectional\tB. Ecological\tC. Case-control\tD. Cohort study.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ecological" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What % is the incidence of vertucci type 8\nOptions: \nA. 6%\tB. 10%\tC. 2%\tD. 12%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 6%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is expected when a tooth is lost?\nOptions: \nA. Decrease in trabecular pattern\tB. Loss of bone width\tC. Loss of bone height\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Mandibular 1st molar smallest cusp is\nOptions: \nA. Distobuccal\tB. Distal\tC. Mesiobuccal\tD. Mesial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Distal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a village, despite of health education for oral cancer, people don't follow instructions even after referral with persuasive reminders, people are still reluctant. It best fits under which model:\nOptions: \nA. Trans-theoretical model\tB. Health belief model\tC. Social compliance\tD. Public health model.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trans-theoretical model" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following finger has two dorsal interossei (AIIMS May 2019)\nOptions: \nA. Little\tB. Ring\tC. Middle\tD. Index.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Middle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dimensional stability of elastomeric impression material can be given in descending order as :\nOptions: \nA. Polysulphide > Polyether > Condensation silicone > Addition silicone\tB. Polyether > Condensation silicone > Polysulphide > Addition silicone\tC. Addition silicone > Polyether > Polysulphide > Condensation silicone\tD. Addition silicone > Condensation silicone Polysulphide > Polyether.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Addition silicone > Polyether > Polysulphide > Condensation silicone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a female, intraocular metastasis most commonly occurs from which of the following gynaecological primary?\nOptions: \nA. Breast\tB. Ovary\tC. Cervix\tD. Endometrium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Breast" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calculate the Age of fetus having CRL 23 cm, foot length 7 cm. Talus is present and testes are present at superficial inguinal ring?\nOptions: \nA. 5 months\tB. 6 months\tC. 7 months\tD. 8 months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 7 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Serum is:\nOptions: \nA. Plasma-clotting factors\tB. Plasma-fibrin\tC. Blood-RBC\tD. Blood-all cellular elements.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Plasma-fibrin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following has a radiolucency closest to the dentin:\nOptions: \nA. ZOE\tB. Calcium hydroxide\tC. Silicophosphate\tD. Gutta percha.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Silicophosphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Indirect retainers are situated:\nOptions: \nA. As far anteriorly from the fulcrum line\tB. As close to the fulcrum line\tC. At the canine region\tD. At the mesial marginal ridge of the premolars in the class I case.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: As far anteriorly from the fulcrum line" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a 3-D curve:\nOptions: \nA. Curve of spee.\tB. Anti monsoon curve.\tC. Monsoon curve..\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Monsoon curve.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cementosis are commonly seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Females in maxilla\tB. Females in mandible\tC. Males in maxilla\tD. Males in mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Females in mandible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Facial nerve innervates all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Platysma\tB. Anterior belly of digastric\tC. Stapedius\tD. Auricular muscles.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anterior belly of digastric" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Amalgam restorations give the best clinical service when the residual mercury content is:\nOptions: \nA. 38-42%\tB. 48-52%\tC. 58-62%\tD. 68-72%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 48-52%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About intraoperative histopathological analysis, all are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Gives an immediate definitive diagnosis of tumor\tB. Used for detecting positive margins after resection\tC. Used to confirm suspected metastasis\tD. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast carcinoma is an example.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gives an immediate definitive diagnosis of tumor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 23 years old boy, a badminton player, sustained injury of left ankle. He was immobilized for 3 months, the cast was removed and patient was able to walk normally. Later he complained of pain and swelling in the left calf, left ankle and foot. His mother massaged him for 30 minutes. After a while he developed acute onset of breathlessness and was brought to emergency and died. Most likely cause of death is:\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary thromboembolism\tB. Congestive cardiac failure\tC. Massive stroke\tD. Hypovolemic shock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pulmonary thromboembolism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Petechial hemorrhage is seen in\nOptions: \nA. cyclic neutropenia\tB. agranulocytosis\tC. pernicious anemia\tD. thrombocytopenic purpura.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: thrombocytopenic purpura." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Digoxin is obtained from a plant product and has a half-life of 36 hours. How does this information help us in formulating treatment?\nOptions: \nA. To adjust maintenance dose of digoxin required to keep the blood levels within therapeutic range\tB. Intravenous administration in emergency and urgent dosing\tC. Long half-life permits altemate day dosing\tD. It requires a high loading dose to be administered.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To adjust maintenance dose of digoxin required to keep the blood levels within therapeutic range" + }, + { + "input": "Question: You have been asked to design a study for a disease whose prevalence in the community is 10%. The alpha error has to be kept at 5% with a relative precision of 20% and a power of 20%. What will be the accurate sample size for this study?\nOptions: \nA. 400\tB. 900\tC. 1800\tD. 3600.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 900" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The anteroposterior curve is\nOptions: \nA. Curve of Spee\tB. Curve of Wilson\tC. Curve of Monson\tD. Bonwill's curve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Curve of Spee" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which periodontal fibres are consistent and are reconstructed even after the destruction of the alveolar bone?\nOptions: \nA. Apical\tB. Alveolar crest group\tC. Oblique\tD. Transseptal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Transseptal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Condensation reaction occurs in\nOptions: \nA. Agar\tB. Alginate\tC. Polysulfide\tD. ZOE.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polysulfide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following cardiac defects are characterized by ductus dependent blood flow except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Transposition of great arteries with intact septum\tB. Interrupted aortic arch\tC. Truncus arteriosus\tD. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Truncus arteriosus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The function of 2% potassium sulphate in a gypsum product is:\nOptions: \nA. To regulate the setting expansion\tB. Regulate setting time\tC. Acts as retarder\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Regulate setting time" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the most poable diagnosis based on the findings in the CT scan given below?\nOptions: \nA. Extradural hemorrhage\tB. Subdural hamorrhage\tC. Intracerebral hamorrhage\tD. Subarachnoid hamorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Extradural hemorrhage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibular fracture managed by adapting mini plates is a type of\nOptions: \nA. Load bearing osteosynthesis\tB. Load sharing\tC. Non rigid osteosynthesis\tD. Rigid osteosynthesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Load sharing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The incubation period of LGV is?\nOptions: \nA. 3-7 days\tB. 7-10 days\tC. 10-30 days\tD. 30-90 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 10-30 days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true for ZOE based sealer except?\nOptions: \nA. Expands on setting & hence provide impervious seal\tB. Absorb if extruded periapically\tC. Antibacterial, so prevent entombing of Bacterial\tD. Slow setting, so results in increased inflammation initially.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Expands on setting & hence provide impervious seal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum amount of phosphate is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Bone\tB. Enamel\tC. Gingiva\tD. Dentine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Enamel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What should be the ideal temperature in delivery room for the neonates to be kept in warmer?\nOptions: \nA. 22-26degC\tB. 28-30degC\tC. 30-35degC\tD. 37degC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 22-26degC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the best management of the case shown?\nOptions: \nA. Dapsone plus steroids\tB. Stop smoking and screen for cancer\tC. Vitamin supplements\tD. Antifungals for oral candidiasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Antifungals for oral candidiasis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Spinal cord ends at what level in adults?\nOptions: \nA. T12\tB. L1\tC. L2\tD. L3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: L1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Amniotic fluid contains acetyl cholinesterase enzyme. What is the diagnosis ?\nOptions: \nA. Open spina bifida\tB. Gastroschisis\tC. Omphalocele\tD. Osteogenesis imperfecta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Open spina bifida" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cause an increase in ACh release from the presynaptic neuron?\nOptions: \nA. Blocking calcium channels on presynaptic\tB. Blocking chloride channel on presynaptic\tC. Blocking Na channel\tD. Blocking K channels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Blocking K channels." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bifid tongue, a congenital anomaly occurs due to non-fusion of:\nOptions: \nA. Tuberculum impar and lateral lingual swellings\tB. Hypobranchial eminence and tuberculum impar\tC. The two lateral lingual swellings\tD. Some of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The two lateral lingual swellings" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a disease characterized by elevated eosinophil count in the blood for at least 6 months, without any recognizable cause, with involve-ment of either hea, nervous system or bone marrow. What should be the eosinophil count for diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. >500/mm3\tB. >1000/ mm3\tC. >1500/ mm3\tD. >2000/ mm3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: >1500/ mm3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of kawasaki disease in children is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Oral steroids\tB. IV steroids\tC. IV Immuno globulins\tD. Mycophenolate mefentil.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: IV Immuno globulins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The effectiveness of condensing porcelain powder to\nreduce shrinkage is determined by\nOptions: \nA. Shape and size of the particle\tB. Thickness of the platinum matrix\tC. Speed of increase of furnace heat\tD. Using powder of same particle size.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Shape and size of the particle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Russell's bodies are found in:\nOptions: \nA. Activated macrophages\tB. Histiocytes\tC. Plasma cells\tD. Erythrocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Plasma cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When horse serum is injected intravenously in to a rabbit and again in to the skin two or three weeks later, what is the necrotising reaction that occurs at the site of the second injection?\nOptions: \nA. Atopy\tB. Anaphylaxis\tC. Arthus phenomenon\tD. Serum sickness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Arthus phenomenon" + }, + { + "input": "Question: on examination 18 month old child has inward detion of both eyes, which of the following test should be done?\nOptions: \nA. Forced duction test\tB. Cover Uncover Test\tC. Fundus Examination\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cover Uncover Test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Serum sickness syndrome is:\nOptions: \nA. A transplant immunity\tB. An anaphylactic shock\tC. Systemic arthus reaction\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Systemic arthus reaction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used to denote a continuous variable?\nOptions: \nA. Simple bar\tB. Histogram\tC. Pie diagram\tD. Multiple bar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Histogram" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What dose of misoprostol is used orally to control bleeding in post paum hemorrhage?\nOptions: \nA. 400 micrograms\tB. 600 micrograms\tC. 800 micrograms\tD. 1000 micrograms.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 600 micrograms" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the best for determining the threshold for diagnosis of a positive test?\nOptions: \nA. Analysis of variance\tB. Pearson coefficient\tC. Receiver-operating characteristic curve\tD. Pre-test probability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Receiver-operating characteristic curve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Highest concentration of desmosomes are seen in which location?\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 8 year old female child following URTI developed maculopapular rash on the jaw spreading onto the trunk which cleared on the 3T day without desquamation and tender post auricular and suboccipital lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Kawasaki disease\tB. Erythema infectiosiun\tC. Rubella\tD. Measles.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Rubella" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 months old child having severe dehydration comes to the casualty with weak pulse and unrecordable B.P. Repeated attempt in gaining I.V. access has failed \u2013 The next best step is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Try again\tB. Jugular vein catheterization\tC. Intra osseus I.V. fluids\tD. Venesection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Intra osseus I.V. fluids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the statements are true about standardization, except\nOptions: \nA. Standardization allows comparison to be made between two different populations\tB. The national population is always taken as the standard population\tC. For direct standardization age specific rates of the study population are applied to that of the standard population\tD. For indirect standardization age specific rates of the standard population are applied to the study population.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: The national population is always taken as the standard population" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not removed in radical neck dissection\nOptions: \nA. Sternocleidomastoid muscle\tB. Digastric muscle\tC. Spinal accessory nerve\tD. Internal jugular vein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Digastric muscle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Loading dose depends on\nOptions: \nA. Volume of distribution\tB. Clearance\tC. Rate of administration\tD. Half life.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Volume of distribution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 68 years old man had severe chest pain. The patient died on the way to the hospital. In the hospital, at autopsy tetrazolium chloride staining of the hea was done. What will be the color of ble myocardium?\nOptions: \nA. Red\tB. Blue\tC. Dark brown\tD. Pink.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Red" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate has central cyanosis and short systolic murmur on the 2nd day of birth. The diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Tetralogy of Fallot's\tB. Transposition of great vessels\tC. Atrial septal defect\tD. Ventricular Septal defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Transposition of great vessels" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Christmas disease is due to deficiency of\nOptions: \nA. Hagernan Factor\tB. Platelets\tC. Plasma thromboplastin antecedent\tD. Plasma thromboplastin component.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Plasma thromboplastin component." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Latest drug reccntly approved for Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis is?\nOptions: \nA. Piracetam\tB. Ceftriaxone\tC. Edaravone\tD. Doxycycline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Edaravone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Water content in enamel by volume\nOptions: \nA. 2-3%\tB. 6-7%\tC. 20-25%\tD. 10-12%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 6-7%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The given below device is/used for:\nOptions: \nA. Pneumatic compression stocking\tB. Varicose vein\tC. Hypothermia\tD. Cellulitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pneumatic compression stocking" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Autogenic inhibition is afunction of\nOptions: \nA. Intrafusal fibre\tB. Extrafusal fibre\tC. Muscle spindle\tD. Golgi tendon organ.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Golgi tendon organ." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not a monosaccharide?\nOptions: \nA. Glucose\tB. Galactose\tC. Maltose\tD. Fructose.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Maltose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with cough was sputum AFB negative but chest X-ray was suggestive of TB. What should be the next step according to RNTCP?\nOptions: \nA. Line probe assay\tB. Culture\tC. Nucleic acid amplification test\tD. Tuberculin test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nucleic acid amplification test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 42 years old woman from a dry state who ingested rye for long time presented with complaints of weakness in both lower limbs, nausea and fatigue. Over due course of time, she is completely unable to walk. What is the most likely cause?\nOptions: \nA. Argemone mexicana\tB. Amanita\tC. Ergot alkaloids\tD. Lathyrus sativus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lathyrus sativus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Ludwig's angina, the 1st step when patient report to emergency room\nOptions: \nA. Incision & drainage under local anaesthesia\tB. Tracheostomy under general anaesthesia\tC. Tracheostomy under local anaesthesia\tD. I/V antibiotics and fluids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tracheostomy under local anaesthesia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arterial supply of Submandibular gland is through which branch of ECA:\nOptions: \nA. Ascending pharyngeal\tB. Superior pharyngeal\tC. Maxillary\tD. Facial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Facial." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The community periodontal index of treatment needs is recorded for:\nOptions: \nA. Quadrants\tB. Sextants\tC. One arch\tD. Whole dentition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sextants" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Syndrome which is characterized by 2X chromosomes and 1Y chromosome is:\nOptions: \nA. Kleinfelter syndrome\tB. Down syndrome\tC. Turner syndrome\tD. Marfan syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Kleinfelter syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient who has been given tumoricidal dose of radiotherapy recently reports to dental clinic with painful carious exposed mandibular first molar with periapical abscess. The treatment of choice should be:\nOptions: \nA. Extraction of the offending tooth\tB. Root canal treatment if possible\tC. No treatment should be given\tD. Incision and drainage of abscess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Root canal treatment if possible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A material that speeds up a chemical reaction without chemically becoming involved is called:\nOptions: \nA. A solvent\tB. A base\tC. A catalyst\tD. Thermoplastic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: A catalyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Histopathologically rosettes are seen in\nOptions: \nA. Retinoblastoma\tB. Neurocysticercosis\tC. PNET\tD. Medulloblastoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Retinoblastoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 20 years old female came with complaints of headache, vomiting and decrease in movement of right leg. In the past, she had episodes of violent and aggressive behaviour and abdominal pain. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Conversion disorder\tB. Mitochondria disorder\tC. Acute inflammatory demyelinating, paralysis\tD. Acute intermittent porphyria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Acute intermittent porphyria." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The commonest cause of occipitoposterior position of fetal head during labor is:\nOptions: \nA. Maternal obesity\tB. Multiparity\tC. Deflexion of fetal head\tD. Android pelvis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Android pelvis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not associated with gingival Lesions?\nOptions: \nA. Herpes\tB. Recurrent apthae\tC. Pemphigus\tD. Pyugenic granuloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Recurrent apthae" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Exclusive breast feeding may be associated with all of the following except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Hemolysis due to Vit\u2013K deficiency\tB. Evening colic\tC. Golden colour stool\tD. Prolongation of physiological jaundice.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Evening colic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60 years old man presents to the emergency depament with history of A, in unconscious state and gains consciousness in between but again becomes unconscious. The time when he becomes conscious is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Lucid Interval\tB. Extradural hematoma\tC. Subdural hematoma\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lucid Interval" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following anticholinergic agent does not cross the blood brain barrier?\nOptions: \nA. Glycopyrrolate\tB. Atropine\tC. Hyoscine butylbromide\tD. Hyoscine hydrobromide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hyoscine hydrobromide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to psychosexual theory development of personality and skills occurs:\nOptions: \nA. Anal stage.\tB. Phallic stage.\tC. Latency stage.\tD. Genital stage..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Latency stage." + }, + { + "input": "Question: On radiograph of upper lateral incisor a periapical lesion is found after 2 years following RCT curretage was done and histopathology showed presence of apical cyst. Lesion continued to enlarge even after surgery, What is the reason for this.\nOptions: \nA. Leaking from main canal\tB. Unobturated accessory canal\tC. Apex was not resected\tD. Actinomycoses infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Leaking from main canal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following nerve root is the control center for the stapedial reflex?\nOptions: \nA. Superior olivary complex\tB. Lateral lemniscus\tC. Inferior colliculus\tD. Medial geniculate body.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Superior olivary complex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: KLK4 gene mutation is associated with which type of amelogenesis imperfecta?\nOptions: \nA. Hypoplastic\tB. Hypomaturation\tC. Hypocalcification\tD. Hypoplastic hypomaturation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypomaturation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Absolute refractoriness of a neuron is due to?\nOptions: \nA. Closure of activated Na channels\tB. Closure of inactivated Na channels\tC. Hyperpolarization of CI channels\tD. Opening of rectifier K + channels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Closure of inactivated Na channels" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dinesh, a 24-year-old male, complains of loose teeth\nin a single quadrant. His radiograph shows irregular bone loss and histopathology reveals eosinophils and histiocytes. The most probable diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease\tB. Paget's disease\tC. Osteoclastoma\tD. Albright's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hand-Schuller-Christian disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Perception of taste even in absence of stimuli is known as\nOptions: \nA. Ageusia\tB. Dysguesia\tC. Cocoguesia\tD. Phantoguesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Phantoguesia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The anesthetic drug injected for paravertebral block is least likely to diffuse to\nOptions: \nA. Epidural space\tB. Subarachnoid space\tC. Intercostal space\tD. Superior and inferior paravertebral space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Subarachnoid space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the local anesthetic agent can be given in liver failure cases?\nOptions: \nA. Articaine\tB. Lignocaine\tC. Bupivacaine\tD. Benzocaine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Benzocaine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: To assure surgical hemostasis, the best blood product\nadministered\tpreoperatively to\tpatients\twith\tclassic\nhemophilia is:\nOptions: \nA. Whole blood\tB. Factor 8 concentrate\tC. Fresh frozen plasma\tD. Factor 9 concentrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Factor 8 concentrate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following clasp is preferable on a partially erupted tooth for adequate retention of removable orthodontic appliance?\nOptions: \nA. Circumferential clasp\tB. Adams clasp\tC. Jacksons clasp\tD. South end clasp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Adams clasp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About Juvenile Myoclonic epilepsy, all are true EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Valproate is contraindicated\tB. Lamotrigine can be given\tC. Phenytoin is not the preferred drug\tD. Polygenic inheritance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Valproate is contraindicated" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzymes are classified according to:\nOptions: \nA. Action on substrate\tB. Action of coenzymes\tC. Nature of the enzymes\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Action on substrate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enlargement of the blind spot occurs in which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Primary open angle glaucoma\tB. Diabetic macular edema\tC. Optic nerve hypoplasia\tD. Papilledema.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Papilledema." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Percentage of surgical site infection in patients with clean contaminated wound after prophylactic antibiotic?\nOptions: \nA. 1-2%\tB. <10%\tC. 10-20%\tD. 20-30%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: <10%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Direct impact on the bone will produce a:\nOptions: \nA. Transverse fracture\tB. Oblique fracture\tC. Spiral fracture\tD. Comminuted fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Transverse fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A psychiatrist is not posted at:\nOptions: \nA. PHC\tB. Military hospitals\tC. District hospitals\tD. Hospitals with medical colleges.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: PHC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For posterior abutment with acceptable crown root ratios, average crown length, normal esthetic requirement, retainer of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Full crown\tB. Partial veneer crown\tC. Resin veneer\tD. PFM.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Partial veneer crown" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 45 years old patient presented with complaints of pain in abdomen and menorrhagia. Endometrial biopsy was normal and sonogram of uterus showed diffusely enlarged uterus with no adnexal mass. What is the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Fibroid uterus\tB. Endometritis\tC. Endometriosis\tD. Adenomyosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Adenomyosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is involved in chronic mouth breathing, the clinical examination of the patient reveals\nOptions: \nA. Convex profile, long face, narrow arches\tB. Concave profile, Long face, broad arches\tC. Convex profile, short face, broad arches\tD. Concave profile, short face, narrow arches.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Convex profile, long face, narrow arches" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following bones are involves in wrist joint formation; except:\nOptions: \nA. Scaphoid\tB. Ulna\tC. Radius\tD. Triquetral.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ulna" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hodgkin's disease is considered to be:\nOptions: \nA. Follicular reticulosis\tB. Inflammatory disease\tC. Chronic granulomatous disease\tD. A malignant neoplasm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: A malignant neoplasm." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Majority of oral microorganisms are:\nOptions: \nA. Strict anaerobes\tB. Gram-positive bacilli\tC. Spirochetes\tD. Facultative anaerobes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Facultative anaerobes." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is considered as high risk infant?\nOptions: \nA. Working mother\tB. Antenatal preeclampsia\tC. Third child\tD. Twins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Working mother" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cells affected in glaucomatous optic neuropathy are:\nOptions: \nA. Amacrine cells\tB. Bipolar cells\tC. Ganglion cells\tD. Rods and cones.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ganglion cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: . The most common fungal infection in the neonates transmitted by caregiver's hand is:\nOptions: \nA. Candida albicans\tB. Candida glabrata\tC. Candida tropicalis\tD. Candida parapsilosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Candida parapsilosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Young Male complained of intermittent pain , swelling and discharge at the base of spine. He also had episodes of fever and repeated abscesses that had burst spontaneously , in recent past. By occupation , he is a jeep driver. On physical examination, diagnosis of pilonidal sinus was made. Which flap-based procedure is used for pilonidal sinus surgery?\nOptions: \nA. Rhomboid flap\tB. Circular flap\tC. Free flap\tD. Rotational flap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rhomboid flap" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Insufficient closure of the flasks during packing of denture base resin can result in:\nOptions: \nA. Poor colour stability\tB. Less polymerization shrinkage\tC. Increase in vertical dimension\tD. Decrease in vertical dimension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increase in vertical dimension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is a true association:\nOptions: \nA. Lichen planus and malignant melanoma\tB. Melasma and malignant melanoma\tC. Psoriasis and metabolic syndrome\tD. Vitiligo and metabolic syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Psoriasis and metabolic syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dental plaque adheres to the tooth because:\nOptions: \nA. Levans are gummy\tB. Dextrans are insoluble and sticky\tC. Plaque grows into the irregularities\tD. Microorganisms produce sticky lipoproteins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dextrans are insoluble and sticky" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arestin is:\nOptions: \nA. 2% minocycline\tB. 1% minocycline\tC. 0.5% minocycline\tD. 0.1% minocycline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2% minocycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Histamine is present on surface of:\nOptions: \nA. Lymphocytes\tB. Mast cells\tC. Neutrophils\tD. Erythrocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mast cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Physical sign of severe aortic stenosis is:\nOptions: \nA. A late peaking holosystolic murmur\tB. A delayed carotid upstroke\tC. A diastolic rumble\tD. An opening snap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: A delayed carotid upstroke" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nasal antrostomy usually done from through\nOptions: \nA. Middle concha\tB. Inferior concha\tC. Middle meatus\tD. Inferior meatus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inferior meatus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increased VDO results in\nOptions: \nA. Strained facial appearance\tB. Trauma to underlying tissues\tC. Clicking of teeth\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mesodermal basis of lateral part of lip is formed by:\nOptions: \nA. Frontonasal process.\tB. Maxillary process.\tC. Globular process.\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Maxillary process." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sensory supply of cornea is by?\nOptions: \nA. Infraorbital nerve\tB. Supraorbital nerve\tC. Infratrochlear nerve\tD. Nasolacrimal nerve (probably printing mistake - probably Nasociliary nerve)..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Nasolacrimal nerve (probably printing mistake - probably Nasociliary nerve).." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Average Diameter of Apical foramen in an 18-25 years old adult is\nOptions: \nA. 400 micrometer\tB. 502 micrometer\tC. 681 micrometer\tD. 602 micrometer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 502 micrometer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient came with history of joint pain and fever for one week. For which the patient took NSAIDS foilowing which he developed rash and hyperpigmentation on nose. What is the most likelv diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Dengue\tB. fixed Drug eruption\tC. Chikungunya\tD. melasma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chikungunya" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which focal length in the objective piece of microscope is commonly used for ear surgery?\nOptions: \nA. 100mm\tB. 250 mm\tC. 450mm\tD. 950 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 250 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the level of proteinuria to diagnose severe preeclampsia?\nOptions: \nA. 20 mg\tB. 200 mg\tC. 300 mg\tD. 3000 mg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 300 mg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not true about piperacilline is:\nOptions: \nA. Active against pseudomonas aeruginosa\tB. Inhibits Beta-lactamase\tC. It is a ureido penicillin\tD. Given parenterally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inhibits Beta-lactamase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following disorder of mother leads to microcephaly in baby \u2013a) SLEb) Hepatitis A c) Phenylketonuriad) Rubella\nOptions: \nA. ab\tB. cd\tC. bd\tD. ac.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: cd" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Left superior intercostal vein drains into ?\nOptions: \nA. Azygous vein\tB. Hemiazygous vein\tC. Brachiocephalic vein\tD. Internal thoracic vein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Brachiocephalic vein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bakers anchorage is a type of:\nOptions: \nA. Intramaxillary anchorage\tB. Intermaxillary anchorage\tC. Extraoral anchorage\tD. Muscular anchorage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Intermaxillary anchorage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Early fusion of the coronal suture results in\nOptions: \nA. Brachycephaly\tB. Oxycephaly\tC. Trigonocephaly\tD. Scaphocephaly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Brachycephaly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In 1921, school dental nurse was started in\nOptions: \nA. Adelaide\tB. Wellington\tC. New cross\tD. Connecticut.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Wellington" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The proximal walls of a class II cavity on a deciduous molar:\nOptions: \nA. Follow directions of enamel rods\tB. Converge toward occlusal surface\tC. Diverge toward occlusal surface\tD. Undermine enamel which is very thin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Converge toward occlusal surface" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used for selecting patients with respect to potential factors that will affect the results?\nOptions: \nA. Systematic random sampling\tB. Simple random sampling\tC. Stratified random sampling\tD. Cluster sampling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Stratified random sampling" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a physiological method of heat loss from the body?\nOptions: \nA. Sweating\tB. Vasodilation\tC. Posture\tD. Peripheral vasoconstriction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Peripheral vasoconstriction." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Single central pit is formed on the occlusal surface of\nOptions: \nA. Lower 1st premolar\tB. Upper 1st premolar\tC. Lower 2nd premolar\tD. Upper 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lower 2nd premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After a surgery, the surgeon asked the intern to remove the Foley's catheter but he could not do it. The surgeon himself tried to remove the Foley's catheter but he was unsuccessful. What should be done next?\nOptions: \nA. CT-guided rupture of bulb of Foley's\tB. Inject ether to dissolve the balloon and pull it out\tC. Inject water to overdistend the balloon until it bursts and Foley's can be removed\tD. Use ultrasound guidance to locate and prick the balloon and then remove the catheter..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Use ultrasound guidance to locate and prick the balloon and then remove the catheter.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about ythT cells:\nOptions: \nA. Are helper t cells\tB. Oligoclonal proliferation\tC. Antigen presentation\tD. Opsonization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oligoclonal proliferation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral shift (Bennett's movement) influences:\nOptions: \nA. Faciolingual position of teeth\tB. Mesiodistal position of the teeth\tC. Both of the above\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Faciolingual position of teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Abnormal development of a joint is known as:\nOptions: \nA. Synostosis.\tB. Dysostosis.\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Synostosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For a loose complete denture relining and rebasing can be done in which of the following condition\nOptions: \nA. Excessive alveolar bone loss\tB. When centric relation and centric occlusion do not coincide\tC. The patient is poor and cannot afford new denture\tD. More than 2mm loss of alveolar bone height.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The patient is poor and cannot afford new denture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Odontoblastic layer\u2019s cell size:\nOptions: \nA. Directly depends on no. of dentinal tubules\tB. Tall columnar in crown\tC. Squamous in apical portion\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Percentage of Phosphoric acid where Dicalcium phosphate\nmonohydrate is formed that cannot be rinsed off.\nOptions: \nA. 25%\tB. 37%\tC. 50%\tD. 85%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 25%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Preferred haemostatic agents for perforation repair include all except?\nOptions: \nA. Freeze dried bone\tB. Calcium Hydroxide\tC. Ferric Sulphate\tD. Collagen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ferric Sulphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with Hb 7 was to be transfused with 2 packs of blood. The first pack was transfused in 2 hours after which vitals were stable and then the transfusion of the next pack was staed . But suddenly the patient develops breathlessness and hypeension. What can be the cause of this sudden reaction?\nOptions: \nA. transfusion related circulatory overload (TACO)\tB. allergic reaction to transfused blood\tC. transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)\tD. transfusion related acute renal failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 years old male presented with frontal bossing, enlarged nasal bone, enlarged jaw and spade like fingers. Which of the following test will you do for diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. IGF1\tB. ACTH\tC. TSH\tD. Serum coisol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IGF1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following inducing agent has analgesic property?\nOptions: \nA. Nitrous oxide\tB. Hatothane\tC. Enflurane\tD. Sevoflurane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nitrous oxide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not present in posterior\ntriangle of neck?\nOptions: \nA. Phrenic nerve\tB. Subclavian nerve\tC. External jugular vein\tD. Hypoglossal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hypoglossal nerve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of hypeension on Metoprolol, Verapamil was given. This is will result in?\nOptions: \nA. Atrial fibrillation\tB. Bradycardia with AV Block\tC. Torsades De pointes\tD. Tachycardia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bradycardia with AV Block" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with history of frequent abortions and pain in calf muscles from past 4 years is due to deficiency of\nOptions: \nA. Factory VII\tB. Protein c\tC. Plasmin\tD. Thrombin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Protein c" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true regarding Galeazzi's fracture dislocation?\nOptions: \nA. Interosseous membrane tear with ulnar shaft fracture\tB. Radial collateral ligament tear with interosseous membrane tear with radial shaft fracture\tC. Interosseous membrane tear with triangular fibro-cailage complex (TFCC) tear and ulnar shaft fracture\tD. Interosseous membrane tear with triangular fibro-cailage complex (TFCC) tear and radial shaft fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Interosseous membrane tear with triangular fibro-cailage complex (TFCC) tear and radial shaft fracture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the intercuspal position, the lingual cusp of\nmaxillary 2nd premolar contacts the:\nOptions: \nA. Distal fossa of mandibular 2nd premolar\tB. Mesial fossa of mandibular 1st molar\tC. Distal marginal ridge of mandibular 2nd molar\tD. Distal marginal ridge of mandibular 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Distal fossa of mandibular 2nd premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Female patient was brought to the ER with altered sensorium. On examination BP was 88/67mm with a pulse of 60/min. Rectal temperature was 34 Celsius. There was associated history of constipation, dry skin and menorrhagia. What is the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Myxedema Coma\tB. Septic Shock\tC. Hypothermia\tD. Cardiogenic Shock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Myxedema Coma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Duration of action of proparacaine:\nOptions: \nA. 2min\tB. 5min\tC. 10min\tD. 20min.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 20min." + }, + { + "input": "Question: When it is made up of same steel, size 55, which will be more prone to fracture:\nOptions: \nA. Triangular reamer\tB. Rhomboid cross section file\tC. Square cross section file\tD. Headstrom file.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Headstrom file." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about master apical file?\nOptions: \nA. The last file which is selected for the obturation\tB. The initial file which is selected for initial radiographic working length\tC. The smaller file used in between the other file during biomechanical preparation\tD. The last file which is used for removal of soft debris from root canal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The last file which is selected for the obturation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents to the emergency with altered sensorium. All of these tests should be done except:\nOptions: \nA. Complete blood counts\tB. Random blood sugar\tC. Lumbar puncture\tD. Non-contrast CT head.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lumbar puncture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Figure depicts:\nOptions: \nA. Balanced force technique\tB. Anticurvature filing\tC. Standarized technique\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anticurvature filing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Under polarised light, the congo red stained amyloid shows-\nOptions: \nA. Pink or red color\tB. White color\tC. Apple green birefringence\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Apple green birefringence" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In sleep apnea syndrome, AHI Index for mild sleep apnea is\nOptions: \nA. >5\tB. >15\tC. >10\tD. >30.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: >5" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true of midazolam over diazepam except\nOptions: \nA. 2 to 3 times more potent than diazepam\tB. It has low water solubility and shows minimal risk for thrombophlebitis\tC. Has more affinity for benzodiazepine receptors\tD. Better anxiolysis and amnesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It has low water solubility and shows minimal risk for thrombophlebitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is non parametric test\nOptions: \nA. Pearson correlation\tB. ANOVA\tC. Mann whitney test\tD. Student t test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mann whitney test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Haglund's deformity is seen in which joint?\nOptions: \nA. Elbow\tB. Wrist\tC. Knee\tD. Ankle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ankle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Naive T cell get activated by:\nOptions: \nA. NK cell\tB. Dendritic cell\tC. Macrophage\tD. B-lymphocyte.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dendritic cell" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lidocaine produces its antiarrhythmic effects by\nOptions: \nA. Increasing A-V conduction\tB. Decreasing cardiac excitability\tC. Increasing cardiac conduction velocity\tD. Increasing spontaneous pacemaker activity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decreasing cardiac excitability" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Marginal bone loss around mandibular implant depends on all except\nOptions: \nA. Abutment\tB. Boning technique\tC. Connector\tD. Implant fixture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Boning technique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Size of apical foramen\nOptions: \nA. Remain constant\tB. Increases with age\tC. Decreases with age\tD. May increase or decrease with age.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increases with age" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In order to have balance in hand instrument:\nOptions: \nA. Blade edge should be within 2 mm of the axis of handle\tB. Blade edge should be within 2 mm of the axis of shank\tC. Blade edge should be within 2.5 mm of the axis of handle\tD. Blade edge should be within 2.5 mm of the axis of shank.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Blade edge should be within 2 mm of the axis of handle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of septic shock was given intravenous norepinephrine. The response to this drug is best checked by:\nOptions: \nA. Increase in hea rate\tB. Decrease in hea rate\tC. Increase in mean aerial pressure\tD. Decreased renal perfusion and reduced urine output.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increase in mean aerial pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In facial porcelain inlay what should be kept in mind?\nOptions: \nA. Facial surface should be perpendicular to cavity margins\tB. Facial surface should converge to cavity margins\tC. Facial surface should be parallel to cavity margins\tD. Axial wall is 2.5 mm deeper than normal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial surface should be perpendicular to cavity margins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rapid tooth separation works on following principle:\nOptions: \nA. Wedge principle.\tB. Traction principle.\tC. Both of the above.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true regarding administration of betamethasone to a mother with premature delivery except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Neonatal morbidity better\tB. Helps lung maturity\tC. Prevents hyperbilirubinemia\tD. Decreases intraventricular hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Prevents hyperbilirubinemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Method of increasing attached gingiva\nOptions: \nA. Apical flap\tB. Widman flap\tC. Undisplaced flap\tD. Modified widman flap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Apical flap" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with headache and fever. His investigations revealed hemoglobin of 16g/dl, TLC of 21,000/ uL, platelet count of 3,75,000. His DLC showed Neutrophils (25%), Lymphocytes (20%), Metamyelocytes and myelocytes 40%and eosinophils5%. Which of the following is the next best investigation in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. JAK 2 mutation\tB. EPO level\tC. Philadelphia chromosome\tD. Bone marrow biopsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Philadelphia chromosome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant female, 38 years old, had a child with Down's syndrome. How do you assess the risk of Down's syndrome in the present pregnancy:\nOptions: \nA. Material alpha-feto protein\tB. Material HCG\tC. USG\tD. Chorionic villous biopsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chorionic villous biopsy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: With reference to Bacteroides fragilis the following statements are true except:\nOptions: \nA. B. fragilis is the most frequent anaerobe isolated from clinical samples\tB. B. fragilis is sensitive to metronidazole\tC. The lipopolysaccharide formed by B. fragilis is structurally & functionally different from conventional endotoxin.\tD. Shock & DIC are common in Bacteroides bacteremia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Shock & DIC are common in Bacteroides bacteremia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady was brought from village, unconscious, about 12 hours after ingesting some kind of unknown poison. Her hea rate was 103/min, blood pressure in 90/50 mm Hg and respiratory rate is 19/min. Her breath smelled like kerosene. All of the following should be done in her management, except:\nOptions: \nA. Gastric lavage should be done\tB. Atropine should be administered till signs of recovery\tC. Vasopressors should be administered intravenously\tD. Immediate airway management.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vasopressors should be administered intravenously" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Located medial to the third molar at the junction of the maxilla and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone:\nOptions: \nA. Posterior nasal spine\tB. Mylohyoid line\tC. Pterygoid hamulus\tD. Greater palatine foramen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Greater palatine foramen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: After Le-Fort 1 osteotomy the blood supply of maxilla is maintained by\nOptions: \nA. Posterior superior alveolar artery\tB. Anterior superior alveolar artery\tC. Greater palatine artery\tD. Ascending palatine branch of facial artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ascending palatine branch of facial artery." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does not include Specific protection under primary prevention?\nOptions: \nA. Tab Rifampicin to those in contact with meningitis\tB. Health education\tC. Pentavalent vaccination\tD. Wheat flour foified with added iron.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Health education" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following Universal pro-taper re-treatment file has end cutting tip?\nOptions: \nA. D1\tB. D2\tC. D3\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: D1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The proximal segment of mandibular angle fracture\nusually displaced in which direction\nOptions: \nA. Anterior and Superior\tB. Posterior and interior\tC. Interior only\tD. Posterior and superior.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior and Superior" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Under section 304A of IPC, for a proved case of medical negligence, The maximum punishment of imprisonment is up to:\nOptions: \nA. 1 year\tB. 2 years\tC. 3 years\tD. 5 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The action of proparacaine stas within?\nOptions: \nA. 2 minutes\tB. 5 minutes\tC. 15 minutes\tD. 20 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Type of cry, which is not a cry at all, there are no tears, no sobs, just a constant whining noise:\nOptions: \nA. Obstinate cry.\tB. Frighten cry.\tC. Hurt cry.\tD. Compensatory cry..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Compensatory cry.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cyst which is found within the bone at the junction of the globular process, the Lateral nasal process & maxillary process is:\nOptions: \nA. Naso-alveolar cyst\tB. Globulomaxillary cyst\tC. Naso palatine cyst\tD. Mid palatine cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Globulomaxillary cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of surgeries this retractor is commonly used.\nOptions: \nA. LSCS\tB. Vaginal hysterectomy\tC. Fothergill repair\tD. Manchester operation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: LSCS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not seen in classical triad of megaloblastic anemia\nOptions: \nA. Howell-Jolly bodies\tB. Reticulocytosis\tC. Hypersegmented neutrophil\tD. Macro-ovalocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reticulocytosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to `AHA 2010 Guidelines' which of the following drug is not used in CPCR?\nOptions: \nA. Adrenalin\tB. Vasopressin\tC. Atropine\tD. Amiodarone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Atropine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cleft lip is treated by all of the following methods except:\nOptions: \nA. Von-Langenback\tB. Millard's method\tC. Tannison rindal method\tD. Le-mesurier.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Von-Langenback" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does not cause head and neck squamous cell carcinoma\nOptions: \nA. Alcohol\tB. Betel nut\tC. HPV\tD. EBV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: EBV." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In lead poisoning, there is an inhibition of some of the enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway. This is reflected by the accumulation of what substance in blood?\nOptions: \nA. Uroporphyrinogen III\tB. Ferrochelatase\tC. Porphob I inogen\tD. Delta amino levulinic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Delta amino levulinic acid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 30\u2013year old lady delivered a healthy baby at 37 week of gestation. She was a known case of chronic hepatitis B infection She was positive for HBsAG o but negative for HBeAG. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for the baby \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Both active and passive immunization soon after birth\tB. Passive immunization soon afte birth and active immunization at 1 year of age\tC. Only passive immunization soon after birth\tD. Only active immunization soon after birth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Both active and passive immunization soon after birth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CHX mouthwash daily use till 2 week for streptococcus mutanus is effective for:\nOptions: \nA. 14-18 weeks\tB. 12-14 weeks\tC. 12-16 weeks\tD. 12-26 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 12-26 weeks." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following can lead to uncontrolled bleeding during oral prophylaxis\nOptions: \nA. Patient on Heparin\tB. Patient on Nifedipine\tC. Patient on phenytoin\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Patient on Heparin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Obturation with gutta-percha cones is indicated in primary teeth only when:\nOptions: \nA. Canals are too wide\tB. Successor is missing\tC. Canals are very long but straight\tD. When stainless steel crown recommended.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Canals are too wide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Short child with low T4 and raised TSH and swelling of pituitary, what is the diangosis ?\nOptions: \nA. Primary hypothyrodism\tB. Pituitary tumor\tC. TSH Secreting pituitary adenoma\tD. TSH resistance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Primary hypothyrodism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: D1 bone found mainly in which site?\nOptions: \nA. Anterior maxilla\tB. Anterior mandible\tC. Posterior mandible\tD. Posterior maxilla.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anterior mandible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A researcher said he has discovers a new drug which is effective in chronic hypeensives with a p value of < 0.10. Which of the following is true regarding the same?\nOptions: \nA. The test is 90% reproducible\tB. 90% of test results could have occurred by chance\tC. Not more than 10% of the people benefitted by the drug could he due to chance\tD. 90% of patients will be benefitted by giving the drug.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Not more than 10% of the people benefitted by the drug could he due to chance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which metabolic condition has phosphaturia and osteomalacia?\nOptions: \nA. Fibrosarcoma\tB. Osteosarcoma\tC. Undifferentiated sarcoma\tD. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fibrosarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: How will you check the functioning of an ICD tube?\nOptions: \nA. By observing for continuous air bubbles coming out of the underwater drain\tB. By observing the movement of air water column in the tube during respiration\tC. By taking X ray chest repeatedly\tD. By auscultation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: By observing the movement of air water column in the tube during respiration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A smoker presents with recent onset breathlessness and ECG was done. The diagnosis is?\nOptions: \nA. Atrial fibrillation\tB. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia\tC. Acute myocardial infarction\tD. Multi-focal atrial tachycardia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Multi-focal atrial tachycardia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: During mandibular nerve block which nerve also gets damaged?\nOptions: \nA. Abducence\tB. Facial\tC. Vagus\tD. Trochlear.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Facial" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is most associated with respiratory alkalosis:-\nOptions: \nA. Assisted control mode ventilation\tB. Non invasive ventilation\tC. Pressure controlled\tD. SIMV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Assisted control mode ventilation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormone crosses the plasma membrane for its action?\nOptions: \nA. Epinephrine\tB. Glucagon\tC. Insulin\tD. Thyroxine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Thyroxine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cross-sectional studies are carried on\nOptions: \nA. Same individuals but of same age\tB. Different individuals but of same age groups\tC. Same individuals at different ages\tD. Different individuals of different age groups.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Different individuals of different age groups." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In gene studies, the specific site to which the enzyme CRE recombinase binds is:\nOptions: \nA. RE site\tB. LoxP site\tC. NT site\tD. F site.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: LoxP site" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used in DIC?\nOptions: \nA. Heparin\tB. Epsilon amino caproic acid\tC. Blood transfusion\tD. Intravenous fluids..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Epsilon amino caproic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Kalindi 25 years female admitted as a case of septic abortion with tricuspid valve endocarditis. Vegetation from the valve likely to affect is:\nOptions: \nA. Liver\tB. Spleen\tC. Brain\tD. Lung.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lung." + }, + { + "input": "Question: High velocity gunshot injury with periosteal denudation & comminuted fracture is best treated as\nOptions: \nA. 'Bag of bones' & IMF\tB. Reconstruction plates & closure of fracture\tC. Immediate reconstruction & grafting\tD. Initially debridement is done, than load bearing reconstruction plates, and grafting in secondary procedure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Initially debridement is done, than load bearing reconstruction plates, and grafting in secondary procedure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Palatal secretions affect the setting of all the impression materials except:\nOptions: \nA. Silicone\tB. Agar-agar\tC. Impression paste\tD. Impression plaster.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Agar-agar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 28-year-old patient of neurocysticercosis develops generalized peeling of skin all over except palms and soles staing one month after taking anti-epileptics. What is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Fixed drug eruption\tB. Pemphigus\tC. Steven Johnson syndrome\tD. TEN.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: TEN." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following finding are there in iron deficiency anemia?\nOptions: \nA. | TIBC, | Ferritin, | Transferrin saturation\tB. | TIBC, | Ferritin, | Transferrin saturation\tC. | TIBC, | Ferritin, | Transferrin saturation\tD. | TIBC, | Ferritin, | Transferrin saturation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: | TIBC, | Ferritin, | Transferrin saturation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Characteristic features of growth hormone deficiency include all of the following except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Short stature since birth\tB. Symptomatic hypoglycemia\tC. Delayed tooth eruption\tD. Sexual infantilism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Short stature since birth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The host tissue response in acute inflammation is all except:\nOptions: \nA. Exudative\tB. Necrotizing\tC. Granulomatous\tD. Cytopathic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Granulomatous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An empty cavity in the mandible with no lining is\nmostly likely to be:\nOptions: \nA. Aneurysmal bone cyst\tB. Idiopathic bone cavity\tC. Dentigerous cyst\tD. Keratocyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Idiopathic bone cavity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about supracondvlar fracture of humerus?\nOptions: \nA. Distal segment is dislocated anteriorly more than posterior\tB. Cubitus valgus more common than cubitus varus during malunion\tC. Nerve injury related manifestations are transitory\tD. Injury causes weakness of elbow flexion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nerve injury related manifestations are transitory" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Advantage of the submarginal falp for periradicular surgery is?\nOptions: \nA. Crestal bone less\tB. Bleeding lees\tC. Gingival shrinking less\tD. Flap closure easy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Crestal bone less" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is of warfarin therapy. All of the following drugs increase the risk of bleeding with warfarin except?\nOptions: \nA. Isoniazid\tB. Amiodarone\tC. Carbamazepine\tD. Cimetidine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Carbamazepine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following binds mRNA with ribosome in prokaryotes?\nOptions: \nA. tRNA\tB. Shine Dalgarno sequence\tC. 7 methyl guanosine capping\tD. Poly A tail.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Shine Dalgarno sequence" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which heart sound indicates stiffness of ventricular wall\nOptions: \nA. S1\tB. S2\tC. S3\tD. S4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: S4." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the cycle stas with ' a ' wave of jvp . Arrange the following in order-\nOptions: \nA. R wave\tB. T wave\tC. 1st hea sound and Rapid ejection phase\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Window period for thrombolysis in a stroke patient is:\nOptions: \nA. 1.5 hours\tB. 2.5 hours\tC. 3.5 hours\tD. 4.5 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 4.5 hours." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 99.73 variation involves how many SD?\nOptions: \nA. 1\tB. 2\tC. 3\tD. 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best way to remove a hydrocolloid impression from the patient's mouth is:\nOptions: \nA. Slight rocking of the impression to disengage it from the undercut\tB. Wetting the periphery of the impression with moist cotton to break the peripheral seal\tC. Sudden jerking of the impression to prevent tearing\tD. Supporting the impression along with the tray to prevent disengaging of the tray alone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sudden jerking of the impression to prevent tearing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Buccinator is pierced by all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Labial branch of facial nerve\tB. Buccal branch of mandibular nerve\tC. Parotid duct\tD. Molar mucous glands.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Buccal branch of mandibular nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Main disadvantage of dry heat used for sterilization is that:\nOptions: \nA. It is time consuming\tB. Rusts the instruments\tC. Dulls the sharp instruments\tD. Ineffective sterilization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: It is time consuming" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reed Sternberg cells in Hodgkin's lymphoma are derived from\nOptions: \nA. Macrophages\tB. N K cell\tC. T cell\tD. B cell.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: B cell." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Broca's area is related to\nOptions: \nA. Reading\tB. Sentence formation\tC. Word formation\tD. Comprehension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Word formation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is true or false regarding the CPR technique?1. Czan be given irrespective of rib fracture.2. An adult chest compression : breath is 30 : 2 to 15 : 2 even if 2nd rescuer present.3. In infants ratio change from 30 : 2 to 15 : 2 when 2nd rescuer arrive.4. Chest compression at rate of 100 - 120 / min on adults and 90 per minute in infants.\nOptions: \nA. a is false and b, c, d are true\tB. a, b are true & c, d are false\tC. a, c, d are true & b is false\tD. b, c are true & a, d are false.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: a is false and b, c, d are true" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CASE -2 SR visit again but the condition is not improved but this time IV cannula was set. What drug should be given now?\nOptions: \nA. Midazolam\tB. I/V Phenobarbital\tC. Oral valproate\tD. IV carbamazepine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: I/V Phenobarbital" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are carried by the dorsal column except?\nOptions: \nA. Pain\tB. Proprioception\tC. Vibration\tD. Touch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used for making indirect wax pattern?\nOptions: \nA. Ivory wax\tB. Modeling wax\tC. Utility wax\tD. Inlay wax.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Utility wax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 1-month-old child presented with conjugated bilirubinemia and intrahepatic cholestasis. On Liver biopsy staining with PAS, red colored granules were seen inside the hepatocytes. Probable diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Congenital hepatic fibrosis\tB. Wilson's disease\tC. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency\tD. Hemochromatosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Half-life of TGF -B (beta) is\nOptions: \nA. 24 hrs\tB. 4a hrs\tC. 10-12 min\tD. 3-5 min.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 3-5 min." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most suitable pontic for maxillary posterior area\nOptions: \nA. Trupontic or long pin pontic\tB. Sanitary pontic\tC. Flat back pontic with porcelain facing\tD. Pin facing pontic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trupontic or long pin pontic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In fixed orthodontic treatment, how much force is needed for intrusion of four mandibular anterior teeth:\nOptions: \nA. 50 gm\tB. 100gm\tC. 150gm\tD. 200gm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 50 gm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Like all opioids, tramadol acts as an analgesic drug by stimulating mu opioid receptors. Apa from this, the additional mechanism of action of tramadol is?\nOptions: \nA. Serotonin and nor-adrenaline reuptake inhibition\tB. Anticholinergic\tC. Antihistaminic\tD. Serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Serotonin and nor-adrenaline reuptake inhibition" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A woman with 20 weeks pregnancy presents with bleeding per vaginum. On speculum examination, the os is open but no products have comes t. The most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Incomplete aboion\tB. Complete aboion\tC. Inevitable aboion\tD. Missed aboion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Inevitable aboion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50-year-old male presented with complains of ptosis, difficulty in chewing and occasional difficulty in swallowing. There is no history of diplopia or visual loss. On examination, there is symmetric ptosis and mild restriction of extraocular muscle movement with finger abduction test 60deg. Nerve conduction study shows decremental response in orbicularis only. ERG revealed a myopathic pattern. Anti-AchR radioimmunoassay was negative. The most probable diagnosis would be:\nOptions: \nA. Ocular myasthenia gravis\tB. Generalized myasthenia gravis\tC. As anti-ACHR is negative you will consider an alternative diagnosis\tD. Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO).\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Generalized myasthenia gravis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common funga. infection of the eye seen in an HIV positive patient?\nOptions: \nA. Aspergillus\tB. Candida\tC. Toxoplasma\tD. Rhinosporidium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Candida" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with pain abdomen for 2 hours presents to the casualty and the following X-ray was obtained. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Pneumoperitoneum\tB. Subphrenic abscess\tC. Pneumomediastinum\tD. Amebic liver abscess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pneumoperitoneum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Multi constricted apical constriction is seen in which type of Dummer\u2019s classification\nOptions: \nA. Type 1\tB. Type 2\tC. Type 3\tD. Type 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Type 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following areas is the alveolar process the thinnest:\nOptions: \nA. Lingual to the maxillary central incisors\tB. Buccal to the mandibular central incisors\tC. Lingual to the maxillary canines\tD. Lingual to the mandibular first molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Buccal to the mandibular central incisors" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following indicate Fetal lung maturity except?\nOptions: \nA. LecithiniSphingomyelin ratio >2\tB. Positive shake test\tC. Increased phosphatidyl glycerol\tD. Blue cells in Nile Blue Test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Blue cells in Nile Blue Test." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 30 year old patient has right upper limb BP of 180/95 mm Hg and left upper limb BP of 130/90 mm Hg. He also has early diastolic murmur in right 2 intercostal space. Which of the following would be LEAST likely associated with these findings?\nOptions: \nA. Supravalvular aoic Stenosis\tB. Coarctation of aoa\tC. Takayasu aeritis\tD. Aoic dissection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Coarctation of aoa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acid neutralizing substance in saliva\nOptions: \nA. NH3\tB. Carbonate\tC. Bicarbonate\tD. Chlorides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bicarbonate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant lady acquires chickenpox 3 days prior to delivery. She delivers by normal vaginal route which of the following statement is true?\nOptions: \nA. Both mother and baby are safe\tB. Give antiviral treatment to mother before delivery\tC. Give antiviral treatment to baby\tD. Baby will develop neoatal varicella syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Baby will develop neoatal varicella syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Method for slow tooth separation:\nOptions: \nA. Use of 26 gauge spring wire around proximal contacts\tB. Use of soft brass wire around contacts\tC. Use of oversized resin\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents to the ER after a A with multiple rib injuries. He is conscious, speaking single words. RR = 40/min, BP= 90/40 mmHg. What is the next immediate step in management?\nOptions: \nA. Intubate the patient\tB. Urgent fluid infusion\tC. Chest X ray\tD. Needle inseion in 2nd ICS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Needle inseion in 2nd ICS." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3 \u2013 month old infant presents with bilateral medullary nephrocalcinosis. All of the following can cause medullary nephrocalcinosis except :\nOptions: \nA. Hyperoxaluria\tB. Bartter's syndrome\tC. Prolonged use of furosemide\tD. ARPKD.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ARPKD." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient has bilateral conductive deafness, tinnitus with positive family history. The diagnosis is -\nOptions: \nA. Otospongiosis\tB. Tympanosclerosis\tC. Meniere's disease\tD. B/L otitis media.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Otospongiosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a child with tetralogy of Fallot with fever and diarrhea, which of the following is the surest sign of a cyanotic spell?\nOptions: \nA. Hepatomegaly\tB. Absence of murmur\tC. S3 gallop rhythm\tD. Aerial oxygen saturation of less than 75%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Absence of murmur" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resolution of IOPA radiograph is?\nOptions: \nA. 16 lp\tB. 22 lp\tC. 30 lp\tD. 10 lp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 16 lp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used for laboratory diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis?\nOptions: \nA. ALP\tB. AST\tC. LDH\tD. GGT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: AST" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A radiograph is shown below. This type of root morphology has highest incidence in which population?\nOptions: \nA. African\tB. Caucasians\tC. Mongoloids\tD. Asians.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Asians." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Virus is cultured in:\nOptions: \nA. Sabouraud's agar\tB. Rogosa medium\tC. Nonembryonated egg\tD. Embryonated egg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Embryonated egg." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vitamin K in its coenzyme form is regenerated by which enzyme?\nOptions: \nA. Glutathione reductase\tB. Pyruvate carboxylase\tC. Dihydrofolate reductase\tD. Epoxide reductase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Epoxide reductase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 18 months old child, who has received one dose of DPT and OPV at 2 months of age. What will be your next immunization plan :\nOptions: \nA. Restart immunization schedule, as per age\tB. Measles, BCG, booster dose of DPT and OPV\tC. Measles, booster dose of DPT and OPV\tD. BCG, 2ND dose of DPT and OPV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: BCG, 2ND dose of DPT and OPV." + }, + { + "input": "Question: HTR polymer is\nOptions: \nA. Polyether\tB. Polytmethymethacrylate\tC. Silica\tD. Hydroxyapatite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Polytmethymethacrylate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The treatment of choice for stage I cancer larynx is-\nOptions: \nA. Radical surgery\tB. Chemotherapy\tC. Radiotherapy\tD. Surgery followed by radiotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Radiotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gingival Recession is most common due to\nOptions: \nA. Tooth brush trauma\tB. TFO\tC. Deflective contacts\tD. ANUG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tooth brush trauma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following prevents fracture of MO amalgam:\nOptions: \nA. Beveling of axiopulpal line angle\tB. Occlusal dovetails\tC. Pin retained amalgam\tD. Removal of unsupported enamel rods.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Beveling of axiopulpal line angle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bacteria associated with caries are able to cause the same due to:\nOptions: \nA. Production of extxacellular polysaccharides like dextrans and levans\tB. Production of acid to hydrolyse diet carbohydrates\tC. Production of enzymes which inhibit normal flora\tD. Inhibition of secretory IgA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Production of extxacellular polysaccharides like dextrans and levans" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most commonly used route of administration of heparin for post-operative thromboprophylaxis is?\nOptions: \nA. Subcutaneous\tB. Intravenous\tC. Inhalational\tD. Intramuscular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Subcutaneous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which part of fallopian tube ectopic pregnancy will have longest survival:\nOptions: \nA. Isthmus\tB. Ampulla\tC. Cornua\tD. Interstitium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Interstitium." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major mechanism of action of nitrates in acute attack of angina is:\nOptions: \nA. Coronary vasodilation\tB. Decrease in preload\tC. Decrease in afterload\tD. Decrease in hea rate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decrease in preload" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is least sensitive to radiation exposure\nOptions: \nA. Bone\tB. Hematopoietic tissue\tC. Nerve\tD. Muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following least resemble permanent tooth?\nOptions: \nA. Incisor\tB. Canine\tC. Mandibular 1st Molar\tD. Mandibular 2nd Molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mandibular 1st Molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Umblical cord contains:\nOptions: \nA. 3 arteries & 1 vein\tB. 1 artery& 3 veins\tC. 1 artery & 1 vein\tD. 2 arteries & 1 vein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 2 arteries & 1 vein." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Looseness seen in a recently delivered RPD is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Defective occlusal balancing\tB. Passive clasp on abutment\tC. Thin flange\tD. Insufficient overlap on posterior teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Defective occlusal balancing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with Hepatitis B infection. Which one of the markers will be increased?\nOptions: \nA. HbsAg\tB. HbcAg\tC. Anti HbsAg IgG\tD. Anti HbcAg IgG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Anti HbcAg IgG." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sunlight is one of the etiological causes of:\nOptions: \nA. Squamous cell carcinoma\tB. Malignant melanoma\tC. Basal cell carcinoma\tD. Port-wine stain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Basal cell carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with typhoid, diagnosis after 15 days of onset of fever is best done by:\nOptions: \nA. Blood culture\tB. Widal test\tC. Stool culture\tD. Urine culture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Stool culture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which pa of 2nd metatarsal is involved in the March fracture?\nOptions: \nA. Head\tB. Neck\tC. Shaft\tD. Base.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Neck" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Branchial fistula is persistent of:\nOptions: \nA. 1st branchial cleft.\tB. 1st branchial arch.\tC. 2nd branchial cleft.\tD. 2nd branchial arch..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 2nd branchial cleft." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient reported with Disto-oclusal amalgam restoration in 47 & complaints of sticking of food in interproximal area. Most common reason is?\nOptions: \nA. Broad contact area Buccolingually\tB. Wide contact area occlugingivaly\tC. Contact area too occlusively\tD. Contact area too gingivally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Contact area too gingivally." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following clinical features are seen in Zika fever except:\nOptions: \nA. Guillain-Barre syndrome\tB. Petechial rash\tC. Fever with ahralgia\tD. Petechial rash.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Petechial rash" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First order neuron of visual pathway -\nOptions: \nA. Photoreceptor\tB. bipolar neuron\tC. lateral geniculate body\tD. all of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Photoreceptor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with complete denture complains of pain while swallowing and there is overextension in the distolingual aspect. The muscle involved is:\nOptions: \nA. Superior constrictor\tB. Palatopharyngeus\tC. Palatoglossus\tD. Styloharyngeus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Superior constrictor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Urobilinogen levels in obstructed jaundice due to gallstones will be:\nOptions: \nA. Markedly raised\tB. Slightly increased\tC. Normal\tD. Completely absent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Completely absent." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not true about phenotype?\nOptions: \nA. It is modified with the passage of time\tB. It is the appearance of an individual\tC. It is genetic sequence of an individual\tD. It is influenced by genotype.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: It is genetic sequence of an individual" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Both bone and disc spaces are destroyed in-\nOptions: \nA. Tuberculosis\tB. Metastasis\tC. Lymphoma\tD. Multiple myeloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tuberculosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following drug is not useful for MRSA?\nOptions: \nA. Cefaclor\tB. Cotrimoxazole\tC. Ciprofloxacin\tD. Vancomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cefaclor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Loss of flexion in the interphalangeal joint of thumb in supracondylar fracture is due to involvement of which nerve\nOptions: \nA. Anterior interosseous\tB. Posterior interosseous\tC. Median\tD. Ulnar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior interosseous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Study model with mounted base and trimmed height is:\nOptions: \nA. 55 mm\tB. 70 mm\tC. 60 mm\tD. 90 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 70 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In noncompetitive antagonism, the true statement is:\nOptions: \nA. Km value decrease;.vmaxdecreases\tB. no change in vmax;Km value decrease\tC. V max decreased; Km value normal\tD. Km value increased; V max increased.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: V max decreased; Km value normal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: T-lymphocytes play a primary role in\nOptions: \nA. Production of Antibodies\tB. Production\tof\tlymphokines\tand\tdelayed hypersensitivity\tC. Activation of complement system\tD. Immediate Hypersensitivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Production\tof\tlymphokines\tand\tdelayed hypersensitivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Apoptosis is suggestive of:\nOptions: \nA. Liquefaction degeneration\tB. Coagulative necrosis\tC. Neo angiogenesis\tD. Epithelial dysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Coagulative necrosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Electric resistance between oral mucosa and PDL is always constant that is:\nOptions: \nA. 4.5 K ohm\tB. 5.5 K ohm\tC. 6.5 K ohm\tD. 7.5 K ohm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 6.5 K ohm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Frey's syndrome results from surgery of the\nOptions: \nA. a)Submandibular salivary gland\tB. Parotid gland\tC. Sublingual salivary gland\tD. TMJ.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Parotid gland" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a platelet poor plasma sample calcium and tissue thromboplastin is added. This is used to assess which of the following pathway?\nOptions: \nA. Extrinsic\tB. Intrinsic\tC. Fibrinolytic\tD. Common.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Extrinsic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following can be used to decreased intraocular pressure in glaucoma except?\nOptions: \nA. Mannitol\tB. Methazolamide\tC. Clonidine\tD. Dexamethasone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dexamethasone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The undesirable side effect most commonly associated with the use of finger spring to tip the crown of a tooth is:\nOptions: \nA. Pain\tB. Gingival irritation\tC. Tendency for the root apex to move in the direction opposite from the crown\tD. Tendency for the tooth to intrude.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tendency for the root apex to move in the direction opposite from the crown" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A chronic alcoholic patient came to emergency with severe pain in epigastrium and multiple episodes of vomiting. On examination, guarding was present in upper epigastrium. Chest X-ray was normal. What is the next best step?\nOptions: \nA. Upper GI endoscopy\tB. Serum lipase\tC. Alcohol breath test\tD. CECT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Serum lipase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Process shown in color plate is:\nOptions: \nA. Bleeding on probing.\tB. Bone sounding.\tC. Pocket measurement\tD. Attached ginigiva measurement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bone sounding." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In oral and maxillofacial surgery, 'danger space' is known as\nOptions: \nA. Carotid sheath\tB. Posterior to carotid sheath in posterior triangle of neck\tC. Posterior to transverse process of vertebrae\tD. Space between alar &prevertebral fascia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Space between alar &prevertebral fascia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Doc of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy is\nOptions: \nA. Clindamycin\tB. Metronidazole\tC. Erythromycin\tD. Rovamycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Metronidazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The biofilms found on tooth surfaces are termed as:\nOptions: \nA. Enamel\tB. Dental caries\tC. Dental plaque\tD. Saliva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dental plaque" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A girl child with fever, cough, dyspnoea with x\u2013ray showing right lower lobe patchy consolidation, for which treatment was given. After 8 weeks symptom improved but x-ray showed more dense consolidation involving the whole of the right lower lobe. What is the next best line of investigation ?\nOptions: \nA. Bronchoscopy\tB. Culture from nasopharynx\tC. Barium esophagogram\tD. Allergic skin test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bronchoscopy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mouth Breathing is most commonly seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Athetoid type of cerebral palsy.\tB. Spastic type of cerebral palsy.\tC. Ataxic type of cerebral palsy.\tD. Mixed type..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Athetoid type of cerebral palsy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to 'DELHI ANATOMY ACT 1957', a person died in road traffic accident, the dead body is said to be unclaimed after.\nOptions: \nA. 24 hours\tB. 48 hours\tC. 72 hours\tD. 96 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 72 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormone is/are under inhibitory control of hypyothalamus?\nOptions: \nA. Prolactin\tB. Only Prolactin\tC. Only Growth hormone\tD. Both Prolactin and Growth hormone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both Prolactin and Growth hormone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Annual new case detection rate of leprosy as on 31st March, 2016 is:\nOptions: \nA. 0.66 /10,000 population\tB. 0.66/1,00,000 population\tC. 9.7/10,000 population\tD. 9.7/1,00,000 population.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 9.7/1,00,000 population." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the most reliable site to measure core temperature during general anesthesia?\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary aery\tB. Distal esophagus\tC. Rectum\tD. Tympanic membrane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tympanic membrane." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are characteristic features of Tricuspid Atresia except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Left Axis deviation\tB. Right ventricular hypoplasia\tC. Pulmonary vascularity is diminished\tD. Splitting of S2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Splitting of S2." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fick's law deals with\nOptions: \nA. Passive diffusion of molecules along the concentration gradient\tB. Active diffusion of molecules along the concentration gradient\tC. Both passive and active diffusion of molecules along the concentration gradient\tD. Not concerned with the diffusion of molecules.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Passive diffusion of molecules along the concentration gradient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is most common location of intracranial neurocysticercoses:\nOptions: \nA. Brain parenchyma\tB. Spinal cord.\tC. Basal cisternae.\tD. Medulla oblongata..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Brain parenchyma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements about developing a dental radiograph is false?\nOptions: \nA. It involves chemically precipitating metallic silver\tB. If it is too long, it results in an over dark radiograph\tC. If high temperatures are used, it results in a fogged, over dark radiograph\tD. It typically involves a developer containing sodium thiosulphate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: It typically involves a developer containing sodium thiosulphate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 16 years old girl walks into your clinics and asks for Ca cervix vaccination.Which of the following should be administered?\nOptions: \nA. Gardasil 9\tB. Biovac\tC. Polymer 7\tD. Cohen 5.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gardasil 9" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dunlop's beta hypothesis is useful for the treatment of:\nOptions: \nA. Bruxism.\tB. Thumb sucking.\tC. Mouth breathing.\tD. Tongue thrusting..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Thumb sucking." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Iron enters enterocyte by :\nOptions: \nA. Divalent cation transpoer\tB. Ferropoin\tC. Hephaestin\tD. Ceruloplasmin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Divalent cation transpoer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lady wth MS + MR with full term gestation, obstetrician planning to conduct normal delivery, what would be anesthesia of choice?\nOptions: \nA. Parenteral opioids\tB. Spinal anesthesia\tC. Inhalational analgesia\tD. Neuraxial analgesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Neuraxial analgesia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most appropriate method to differentiate between a dentigerous cyst and an ameloblastoma is through:\nOptions: \nA. Radiographic examination\tB. Aspiration cytology\tC. Microscopic examination\tD. Clinical features.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Microscopic examination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A hypeensive patient was on metoprolol treatment. Verapamil was added to the therapy of this patient. This can result in:-\nOptions: \nA. Atrial fibrillation\tB. Bradycardia with AV block\tC. Torsades de pointes\tD. Tachycardia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bradycardia with AV block" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rabies vaccine not to be given in case of?\nOptions: \nA. Rat bite\tB. Cat bite\tC. Dog bite\tD. Monkey bite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rat bite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Asymmetric widening of the periodontal Ligament around two or more teeth is seen in\nOptions: \nA. metastatic breast carcinoma\tB. osteosarcoma\tC. Paget's disease\tD. Fibrous dysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: osteosarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most accurate and safe method to diagnose ble pregnancy at 6weeks-\nOptions: \nA. Doppler assessment of fetal cardiac activity\tB. USG for fetal cardiac activity\tC. Urinary Beta-hCG determination\tD. Per vaginal examination of uterine size corresponding to 6 weeks gestation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: USG for fetal cardiac activity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reversal lines are characteristic on the radiograph of:\nOptions: \nA. Osteoma\tB. Osteosarcoma\tC. Epidermoid cyst\tD. Paget's disease of bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Paget's disease of bone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Function of molybdenum in base metal alloys\nOptions: \nA. Increases strength\tB. Decreases strength\tC. Increase CTP.\tD. Decrease corrosion resistance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increases strength" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vaccine for caries is based on which immunoglobulin\nOptions: \nA. IgG\tB. IgA\tC. IgE\tD. IgM.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: IgA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: As we move from anterior to posterior gingival embrasure become\nOptions: \nA. Smaller\tB. Larger\tC. Remain same\tD. Can be any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Smaller" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What % collagen fibers and fibroblasts are present In gingival connective tissue\nOptions: \nA. 60% & 5%\tB. 65% & 5%\tC. 60%& 10%\tD. 65%& 10%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 60% & 5%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Immunologicaly active cells are:\nOptions: \nA. Plasma cells\tB. MAST cells\tC. Eosinophils\tD. R.B.C s.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Plasma cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following about use of aerotor hand piece are false except:\nOptions: \nA. The sound frequency greater than 75 decibel (dB) causes damage to the ear\tB. The frequency of rotation of bur is 6000-8000rpm\tC. It will harm more in elderly than very young\tD. Its use in younger teeth is contraindicated..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The sound frequency greater than 75 decibel (dB) causes damage to the ear" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following kit has been designed & preferred specially for removal of fibre reinforced composite post?\nOptions: \nA. Ruddle post removal system\tB. Gonion kit\tC. Gyro kit\tD. JS extractor kit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gyro kit" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Distance of the blade from the shank to have antirotational stability of the instrument?\nOptions: \nA. 2 mm\tB. 3 mm\tC. 4 mm\tD. 5 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The procedure preferred for periodontal surgery in mandibular anterior teeth is\nOptions: \nA. Gingivectomy\tB. Periodontal flap\tC. Subgingival curettage\tD. Grafting.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Periodontal flap" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A researcher selected all possible samples from a population and plotted their means on a line graph. This distribution is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Sample distribution\tB. Sampling distribution\tC. Population distribution\tD. Parametric distribution.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sampling distribution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Motor division of trigeminal division comes out via:\nOptions: \nA. Foramen spinosum\tB. Foramen magnum\tC. Foramen ovale\tD. Foramen lacerum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Foramen ovale" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Helmet cells are characteristic of anemia of\nOptions: \nA. Hemolytic uremic syndrome\tB. Polysplenia\tC. Spherocytosis\tD. Acanthocytosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hemolytic uremic syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In chronic renal failure : a) Urine output is more than 3 litres per dayb) Urine concentration is decreasedc) Sodium conservation is poord) Polycythemia is present\nOptions: \nA. a\tB. c\tC. bc\tD. ad.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: bc" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are induction agents except:September 2007\nOptions: \nA. Thiormtal\tB. Halothane\tC. Nitrous oxide\tD. Propofol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nitrous oxide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common organism responsible for acute apical abscess:\nOptions: \nA. Trepenoma denticola\tB. Dilaster invisus\tC. E. faecalis\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trepenoma denticola" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Indirect retention is designed to\nOptions: \nA. Stabilize tooth borne RPD\tB. Engage an undercut area of the abutment tooth\tC. Resist tissue ward movement of an extension base partial denture\tD. Resist dislodgement of an extension base partial denture in occlusal direction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Resist dislodgement of an extension base partial denture in occlusal direction." + }, + { + "input": "Question: One unit of PRBC raises HCT by: (In exam instead of HCT, they wrote HCV, which we assume to be a spelling error):\nOptions: \nA. 1%\tB. 2%\tC. 3-5%\tD. 5-8%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3-5%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true for the following about methanol poisoning EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Fomepizole is a competitive inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase\tB. Minimum lethal dose of methanol is 1.25 ml/kg body weight\tC. Formic acid is mainly responsible for toxicity\tD. Methanol causes snow field vision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fomepizole is a competitive inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All factors governing dentine permeability EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. Smear Layer\tB. Fluid Convection\tC. Length of dentinal tubules\tD. Diffusion coefficient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fluid Convection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Injection Glucagon is effective for management of persistent hypoglycemia in all, except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Large for date baby\tB. Galactosemia\tC. Infant of diabetic mother\tD. Nesidioblastosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Galactosemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not characteristic feature of Binder syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Acute naso-labial angle\tB. Flat nasal bridge\tC. Class III malocclusion\tD. Class II malocclusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Class II malocclusion." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following vitamin increases the absorption of iron?\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin A\tB. Vitamin C\tC. Thiamin\tD. Riboflavin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Vitamin C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following injection is available for subcutaneous administration?\nOptions: \nA. Albuterol\tB. Terbutaline\tC. Metaproteronol\tD. Pirbuterol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Terbutaline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gillis approach is used in\nOptions: \nA. Open reduction of zygomatic fracture\tB. Mandible\tC. Closed reduction of zygomatic fracture\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Closed reduction of zygomatic fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are resorbable Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) except?\nOptions: \nA. Poly lactic acid\tB. Poly galactic acid\tC. Polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid, and trimethylene carbonate\tD. PTFE.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: PTFE." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following sinus grows till early adulthood:-\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary\tB. Ethmoidal\tC. Frontal\tD. Sphenoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Frontal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mode:is defined as?\nOptions: \nA. Average of the values\tB. Relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a data after arranging in ascending or descending order\tC. Adding up the values and then dividing by the number of values\tD. The number which appears most often in a set of numbers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: The number which appears most often in a set of numbers." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Given below is the diagrammatic representation of a bacterium showing its flagella. Which of the following most closely resembles the organism depicted in the diagram?\nOptions: \nA. Leptospria\tB. H. Pylori\tC. Vibrio cholera\tD. Salmonella typhi.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Leptospria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Time required for pre-oxygenation before tracheal intubation\nOptions: \nA. 3 min\tB. 5 min\tC. 2 min\tD. 1 min.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3 min" + }, + { + "input": "Question: With aging changes in periodontal ligament are\nOptions: \nA. Decrease in number of cells and increase in collagen fibers\tB. Increase in number of cells and decrease in collagen fibers\tC. Increase in number of elastic fibers\tD. Hyalinisation changes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increase in number of elastic fibers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \"Grape bunch\" shaped colonies are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Streptococcus\tB. Staphylococcus\tC. E.coli\tD. Gonococci.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Staphylococcus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: House Brackman grading scale used for evaluation of which nerve?\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. Hypoglossal\tC. Vagus\tD. Trigeminal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To prevent ventilator associated pneumonia, the most effective and evidence based results are seen with which of the following for critically ill patients:\nOptions: \nA. Betadine mouthwash\tB. Oral hygiene procedures plus chlorhexidine\tC. Manual brushing\tD. Powered brushing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oral hygiene procedures plus chlorhexidine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The darkening of radiograph X-ray depends on all except:\nOptions: \nA. Thickness of object\tB. Quality and quantity of X-rays\tC. Angulation cone\tD. Velocity of electron emitted from cathode.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Angulation cone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To remove non working side interference, reduce:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary supporting cusps.\tB. Mandibular supporting cusps.\tC. Supporting cusps of both the arches.\tD. Either of the arch's supporting cusps should be reduced..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Either of the arch's supporting cusps should be reduced.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tumor represented T3N2M0 is classified as :\nOptions: \nA. Stage I\tB. Stage II\tC. Stage III\tD. Stage IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Stage IV." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A bomb blast took place in Delhi following which 2 persons died. All of the following are true about their injuries except:\nOptions: \nA. Injuries occurred due to burns air blast\tB. Force of explosion decreases rapidly\tC. Force of explosion is directional\tD. Bruise, laceration, fractures are triad of main explosive injuries seen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bruise, laceration, fractures are triad of main explosive injuries seen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Broken ampula is thrown into which coloured bin?\nOptions: \nA. Red\tB. Yellow\tC. Blue\tD. Black.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Blue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phage mediated change in C. diphtheria is due to which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Conjugation\tB. Transformation\tC. Transduction\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Transduction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is not true regarding Zika Virus:\nOptions: \nA. Belong to family flaviviridae\tB. Transmission happens by Mosquitoes\tC. Not transmitted from mother to newborn\tD. Possibly can cause microcephaly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Not transmitted from mother to newborn" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 23-year-old lady taking antiepileptics for a seizure disorder gets married. When should folic acid supplementation advised to the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Any time as soon as she presents to the clinic irrespective of pregnancy\tB. Three months before becoming pregnant\tC. 1st trimester\tD. As soon as pregnancy is confirmed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Any time as soon as she presents to the clinic irrespective of pregnancy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infective endocarditis is most commonly seen in:\nOptions: \nA. ASD\tB. VSD\tC. PDA\tD. Pulmonary stenosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: VSD" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Clavulanic acid added to ampicillin causes:\nOptions: \nA. Increase\teffectivity\tagainst\tgram-negative organisms\tB. Inhibition of \u03b2-lactamases\tC. Increases the effectiveness against delta lactamase producing organism\tD. Increase\teffectivity\tagainst\tgram-positive organisms.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inhibition of \u03b2-lactamases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Epidural hematoma is caused by\nOptions: \nA. Middle meningeal artery\tB. Vertebral artery\tC. Anterior cerebral artery\tD. Posterior cerebellar artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Middle meningeal artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: With respect to peripheral vascular disease, all of the following statements are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Ankle brachial index < 0.5 indicates critical limb ischemia\tB. The ankle-brachial index is different at rest than that during exercise\tC. L-arginine is useful for providing endothelium-independent vasorelaxation\tD. Smoking has a greater association with peripheral vascular disease than coronary vascular disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Smoking has a greater association with peripheral vascular disease than coronary vascular disease." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pregnant women with following is called systemic hypeension:\nOptions: \nA. Hypeension diagnosed at 10 weeks of gestation\tB. Diabetic retinopathy\tC. Diabetic nephropathy\tD. Episode of seizure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hypeension diagnosed at 10 weeks of gestation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The highest risk associated with the use of oral contraceptives is in:\nOptions: \nA. Hepatic necrosis\tB. Permanent sterility\tC. Thromboembolic disorders\tD. Cancer of breast.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thromboembolic disorders" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neuralgia with trigger zones in the oropharynx and pain\nin the ear pharynx, nasopharynx, tonsils and posterior tongue is most likely:\nOptions: \nA. Trigeminal neuralgia\tB. Bell's patsy\tC. GlossopharyngeaL neuralgia\tD. Sphenopalatine neuralgia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: GlossopharyngeaL neuralgia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ergometrine is contraindicated in:\nOptions: \nA. Eclampsia\tB. Abortion\tC. Induction of labour\tD. Post partum hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Eclampsia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not an obvious advantage of high pressure oxygen through cannula:\nOptions: \nA. Bypassing nasopharyngeal dead space\tB. Decreases need for intubation\tC. PEEP\tD. Hot and Humidification of air.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bypassing nasopharyngeal dead space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Silicate cement is indicated in:\nOptions: \nA. Mouth breathers\tB. Patients with high caries index\tC. In the restoration of posterior tooth\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Patients with high caries index" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Effect of radiation is:\nOptions: \nA. Cumulative\tB. Fractionalized\tC. Concentrated\tD. Dependent on genetic make-up of individuals.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cumulative" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ossifying fibroma manifests as:\nOptions: \nA. Unilocular radiolucency.\tB. Unilocular radiopoacity.\tC. Multilocular radiolucency.\tD. Multilocular radiopoacity..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Unilocular radiopoacity." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following groups of newborns are at an increased risk of hypoglycemia except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Birth asphyxia\tB. Respiratory distress syndrome\tC. Maternal diabetes\tD. Post term infant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Post term infant." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resorption of cementum as compared to bone occurs:\nOptions: \nA. Less readily\tB. More readily\tC. Same\tD. Undermining resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Less readily" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibulectomy cantor Curtis class 2 defect Is\nOptions: \nA. Midline\tB. lateral to canine\tC. Alveolus\tD. discontinuity defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: lateral to canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 year woman was brought to the casualty 8 hours after sustaining burns on the abdomen, both the limbs and back. What will be the best formula to calculate amount of fluid to be replenished?\nOptions: \nA. 2 mL/kg x %TBSA\tB. 4 mL/kg x %TBSA\tC. 8 mL/kg x %TBSA\tD. 4 mL/kg x %TBSA in first 8 hours followed by 2 mL/ kg/hour x %TBSA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2 mL/kg x %TBSA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common functional tumors of endocrine pancreas?\nOptions: \nA. Vipoma\tB. Gastrinoma\tC. Glucagonoma\tD. Somatostatinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gastrinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The main vessel involved in bleeding from Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma:\nOptions: \nA. Facial aery\tB. Ascending pharyngeal aery\tC. Internal maxillary aery\tD. Anterior ethmoidal aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Internal maxillary aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incus and malleus are derived from:\nOptions: \nA. Dorsal end of meckels cartilage.\tB. Ventral end of meckels cartilage.\tC. Inferior end of meckels cartilage.\tD. Any of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dorsal end of meckels cartilage." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common odontogenic tumour which occurs in relation to an unerupted tooth in the anterior maxilla:\nOptions: \nA. Odontogenic adenomatoid tumour\tB. Odontoma\tC. Myxoma\tD. Cementifying fibroma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Odontogenic adenomatoid tumour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Brachytherapy is:\nOptions: \nA. Irradiation of tissues from a distance\tB. Irradiation of tissues from a distance of 3 cm\tC. Irradiation of tissues by implants within the tissues\tD. Irradiation of tissues by radiopharmaceuticals.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Irradiation of tissues by implants within the tissues" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Golgi apparatus in serous acinar cells is at:\nOptions: \nA. Supranuclear\tB. Apical\tC. Adjacent to nucleus\tD. Basal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Supranuclear" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An imaginary occlusal curve that contacts the buccal and lingual cusp tips of mandibular buccal teeth is called the\nOptions: \nA. Catenary curve\tB. Curve of spee\tC. Monson curve\tD. Wilson curve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Wilson curve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An infant presented to the OPD with a history of vomiting and malnutrition. On investigation, the Guthrie test was found to be positive.All are true regarding this disease except?\nOptions: \nA. Due to Phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme defect\tB. White patch of hair due to tryptophan deficiency\tC. Phenyl acetate positive in urine\tD. Mental retardation is present.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: White patch of hair due to tryptophan deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The porosity formed due to simultaneous nucleation of solid grains and gas bubbles at the first moment that metal freezes at the mold walls is called:\nOptions: \nA. Pinhole porosity\tB. Gas inclusion porosity\tC. Micro porosity\tD. Subsurface porosity..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Subsurface porosity.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 days old neonate weighing 2800 gm (bih weight 3200 gm) was brought with the complaints of fever, poor feeding and poor activity. There was no history of vomiting or diarrhea. Axillary temperature was 39degC with depressed fontenalle, sunken eyes, decreased urine output and decreased skin turgor. Her mother has the history of decreased milk production. What is your diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Neonatal sepsis\tB. Galactosemia\tC. Fever & dehydration\tD. Acute renal failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neonatal sepsis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pneumococcal vaccine PCV 23 polysaccharide has shown the best results in the following people\nOptions: \nA. Sickle cell anemia\tB. Cystic fibrosis\tC. Child less than 2 year age\tD. Recurrent otitis media and sinusitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sickle cell anemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Light transmitting wedges transmit:\nOptions: \nA. 70-80% of incident light\tB. 80-85% of incident light\tC. 85-90% of incident light\tD. 90-95% of incident light.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 90-95% of incident light." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chronic hyperpLastic pulpitis is\nOptions: \nA. necrotizing\tB. suppurative lesion\tC. proliferation of a chronically inflamed pulp\tD. also called as phoenix abscess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: proliferation of a chronically inflamed pulp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is responsible for rhythm generation of inspiration?\nOptions: \nA. Dorsal nucleus of vagus\tB. Pre botzinger complex\tC. ventral respiratory neurons\tD. Pneumotaxic center.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pre botzinger complex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In leukemia patient, post extraction bleeding doesn't stop because of:\nOptions: \nA. Increased leukocyte count\tB. Increased Ca+ level in blood\tC. Platelet disorder\tD. Deficiency of clotting factors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Platelet disorder" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following constitute the active management of third stage of labour for the prevention of postpaum hemorrhage (PPH) except:\nOptions: \nA. Direct injection of oxytocin after delivery of anterior shoulder\tB. Constant controlled cord traction\tC. Early cord clamping and cutting\tD. Prophylactic misoprostol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Early cord clamping and cutting" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Optimum BMP dose for osteogenesis is:\nOptions: \nA. 50 \u03bcg/mL\tB. 2.5 \u03bcg/mL\tC. 100 \u03bcg/mL\tD. 100 \u03bcg/mL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 50 \u03bcg/mL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anchorage not being applied here:\nOptions: \nA. Reciprocal\tB. Stationary\tC. Intramaxillary\tD. Intraoral.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Stationary" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is not used in management of rheumatoid ahritis?\nOptions: \nA. Etanercept\tB. Leftunomide\tC. Febuxostat\tD. Methotrexate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Febuxostat" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Biopsy of a clinically suspicious lesion is negative. The most appropriate treatment is\nOptions: \nA. Tell patient no malignancy\tB. Repeat the biopsy\tC. Observe the patient for twelve months\tD. Observe the patient for three months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Repeat the biopsy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 36 week primigravida was admitted in view of a single seizure episode. On examination her BP is 170/100, PR is 90/min, fetal hea rate is present. Immediate next step in management is?\nOptions: \nA. Inj. mgso4\tB. Inj. Calcium gluconate\tC. Inj Phenetoin\tD. MRI brain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inj. mgso4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For primary herpes simplex, the diagnosis is made by which gene\nOptions: \nA. Culture with giernsa stain\tB. Culture with wright strain\tC. Routine cytology\tD. Flourescent stain for cytology.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Flourescent stain for cytology." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a village of 20,000 population 456 bihs occurred in april, 56 showed no signs of life at bih, 56 died before 28 days of life, 34 died between 28 days- 1 year, 500 was total number of deaths in that year. Infant moality rate?\nOptions: \nA. 197.4\tB. 320\tC. 225\tD. 125.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 225" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A middle aged lady was found in a robbed room lying in a pool of blood on forensic examination there was an entry wound of size around 2 x 2 cm on the left temporal region with tattooing and blackening around the wound. There was also an exit wound with beveling at the right temporal region. On fuher examination two bullet fragments were found inside the brain parenchyma. Which of the following could be used to determine the distance from which the weapon was fired?\nOptions: \nA. Hair\tB. Clothes\tC. Bullet fragments\tD. Blood.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hair" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 16-year-old female with normal pubic hair and breast development, presented with complaints of primary amenorrhea. Investigation shows normal karyotype. Most likely diagnosis is:AFMC 12; JIPMER 12; AIIMS 12, 13\nOptions: \nA. Mullerian agenesis\tB. Turner syndrome\tC. Testicular feminization\tD. Kallmann syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mullerian agenesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On massive blood transfusion the following complication occurs-\nOptions: \nA. Respiratory acidosis\tB. Metabolic acidosis\tC. Metabolic alkalosis\tD. Respiratory alkalosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Metabolic alkalosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ponderal index is:\nOptions: \nA. Square root of height in feet by weight in grams\tB. Weight in kilograms by cube of height in meters\tC. Mid-upper arm circumference to head circumference ratio\tD. Head circumference to abdominal circumference ratio.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Weight in kilograms by cube of height in meters" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is inclusion of cytoplasm?\nOptions: \nA. Endoplasmic reticulum\tB. Ribosome\tC. Golgi body\tD. Glycogen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glycogen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which process shows phases of acute inflammation-\nOptions: \nA. Apoptosis\tB. Pyroptosis\tC. Necroptosis\tD. Necrosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Necrosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Investigation of choice to rule out biliary atresia in a 2-month-old child is:\nOptions: \nA. Hepatic scintigraphy\tB. ERCP\tC. USG\tD. CT scan..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hepatic scintigraphy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: HDL is synthesised in\nOptions: \nA. Liver and GIT\tB. Liver\tC. GIT\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Liver and GIT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A man throws sulphuric acid on the face of his wife after a fight following which she comes to the emergency for suppoive management. All of these statements are true about chemical burns except:\nOptions: \nA. Blisters are present\tB. Ulcerated patches are present\tC. Absence of singeing of hairs\tD. Coagulation necrosis occurs at the site of burn.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Blisters are present" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is best method to assess fetal damage in a diabetes mother in 1st trimester is:\nOptions: \nA. Blood sugar estimation\tB. Urine ketone assay\tC. Amniocentesis to see level of sugar in amniotic fluid\tD. Glycosylated Hb.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glycosylated Hb." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an indicator of difficult mask ventilation?\nOptions: \nA. Patient having history of snoring\tB. Patient having beard\tC. Old age patient\tD. Full set of teeth present.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Full set of teeth present." + }, + { + "input": "Question: muscle spindle is\nOptions: \nA. Receptor for a variety of multisynaptic reflexes\tB. Receptor for stretch receptor reflex\tC. Occurs only in antigravity extensor muscles\tD. Excited by both stretch and contraction of the muscles in which it is located.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Receptor for stretch receptor reflex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 year old patient with anemia, on electrophoresis shows HbF of 90% and HbA2 of 3%. Which of the following will be seen on peripheral smear\nOptions: \nA. A,B\tB. A,C\tC. B,C\tD. ABC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ABC." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Recently two methods, CPAP conventional and bubble CPAP were compared, in the conventional method 90 out of 160 showed extubation failure while 40 out of 160 showed extubation failure in the bubble method. Which test would be the best to compare the statically significance between the rates of extubation in the two tests.?\nOptions: \nA. Paired test\tB. Chi square test\tC. Student test\tD. ANOVA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chi square test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used for the treatment of paucibacillary leprosy?\nOptions: \nA. 2 drugs for 6 months\tB. 2 drugs for 12 months\tC. 3 drugs for 6 months\tD. 3 drugs for 12 months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 drugs for 6 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The pin used in pin restoration of a root canal treated tooth is:\nOptions: \nA. Self thread pin\tB. Cemented pin\tC. Frictional pin\tD. Any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cemented pin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Etching of dentin does not include:\nOptions: \nA. Removal of smear layer\tB. Exposure of collagen fibres\tC. Opening of dentinal tubules\tD. Increases surface energy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Increases surface energy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: ETDRS grading of vision is done for\nOptions: \nA. Endothelial count\tB. Corneal topography\tC. Primary open angle glaucoma\tD. Classification of diabetic retinopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Classification of diabetic retinopathy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bacteriocidal toxin is found in:\nOptions: \nA. Zone of contamination\tB. Zone of infection\tC. Zone of stimulation\tD. Zone of irritation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Zone of infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a feature of infective endocarditis.\nOptions: \nA. Roth spot.\tB. Osler's nodes.\tC. Aschoff nodules.\tD. Positive blood culture..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Aschoff nodules." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 27-year-old female presented to OPD of infeility clinic. She was prescribed bromocriptine. What could be the possible reason?\nOptions: \nA. Hyperprolactinemia\tB. Polycystic ovarian disease\tC. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism\tD. Pelvic inflammatory disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hyperprolactinemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of buccolingual wide proximal box, which of the following wedgging method should be used:\nOptions: \nA. Wedge wedgging.\tB. Double wedgging.\tC. Piggy back.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Double wedgging." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nociceptive signals are transmitted primarily to which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Nucleus caudalis\tB. Limbic system\tC. Reticular system\tD. Superior cervical ganglion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nucleus caudalis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: At what stage of embryonic development does initial tooth development begins:\nOptions: \nA. 3rd week\tB. 6th week\tC. 8th week\tD. 4th week.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 6th week" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Unique characteristic of attached gingiva in children:\nOptions: \nA. Interdental clefts.\tB. Retrocuspid papilla.\tC. Both.\tD. Stillman's cleft..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Effect of thumb sucking:\nOptions: \nA. Localized anterior open bite.\tB. Increase overjet.\tC. Constricted maxilla\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient presented with PSVT after carotid management, BP is 70/30 mm/H & vagal maneuver failed and refractory to adenosine given. what will be the next step-\nOptions: \nA. Synchronised Cardioversion\tB. Repeated adenosine\tC. Inj. Amiodarone\tD. DC shock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Synchronised Cardioversion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 7\u2013day old infant has a leaky meningomyelocele. The most useful test for diagnosis and management of the condition is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Blood\u2013culture and sensitivity\tB. Urine\u2013culture and sensitivity\tC. Rectal swab\u2013culture and sensitivity\tD. Wound swab\u2013culture and sensitivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Blood\u2013culture and sensitivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The radiopacity that frequently obliterate the root apices of maxillary molars is\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary sinus\tB. Palatine bone\tC. Zygoma and Zygomatic process of Maxilla\tD. Orbital process of Zygomatic bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Zygoma and Zygomatic process of Maxilla" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Disadvantages of using a GRID during radiography is:\nOptions: \nA. Increased patient exposure due to more exposure time\tB. Decreased exposure time\tC. Increased secondary radiation fog to film\tD. Reduces secondary radiation to film.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increased patient exposure due to more exposure time" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Brittle bone syndrome is caused by\nOptions: \nA. Improper synthesis of procollagen\tB. Polymerisation of collagen\tC. Increased osteoclastic activity\tD. Increased fibroblastic activity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Improper synthesis of procollagen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Full mouth disinfection is done in:\nOptions: \nA. 24 hours\tB. 48 hours\tC. 72 hours\tD. 36 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 24 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The nerve which constitutes the sensory nerve supply of capsule of TMJ is:\nOptions: \nA. Auriculotemporal nerve\tB. Facial nerve\tC. Masseteric nerve\tD. Auricular nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Auriculotemporal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For a bonding agent to be effective wetting angle should be\nOptions: \nA. Minimum with dental hard tissue\tB. Minimum with dentin and Maximum with enamel\tC. Maximum with dentin and Minimum with enamel\tD. Maximum with dental hard tissue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Minimum with dental hard tissue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The strength of a gypsum investment is dependent\non:\nOptions: \nA. Carbon content\tB. Silica content\tC. Gypsum\tD. Copper.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gypsum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the impoant marker of male infeility in semen analysis?\nOptions: \nA. Motility\tB. Concentration\tC. Volume\tD. Sperm Count.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Concentration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant woman with placenta pre staed to bleed as she went into labor. Her blood pressure was 80/50 mm Hg. A lower segment caesarean section was planned in view of acute shock. What type of anesthesia will you plan for this patient?\nOptions: \nA. General anesthesia with IV induction by ketamine\tB. Spinal anesthesia up to L4 level\tC. General anesthesia with IV induction by propofol followed by maintenance with fluranes\tD. Sedation and epidural analgesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: General anesthesia with IV induction by ketamine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient requires 180 mg ceftriaxone. The l contains 500 mg/5ml of ceftriaxone. You have a 2 ml syringe with l0 divisions per ml. How many divisions in the 2 ml syringe will you fill to give 180 mg ceftriaxone?\nOptions: \nA. 9\tB. 18\tC. l0\tD. 12.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 18" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An adult patient sustained a subcondylar fracture on the left side. Clinically it is seen that there is :\nOptions: \nA. Moderate intraoral bleeding\tB. Trismus and bilateral crepitus\tC. Deviation of the mandible to the right on protrusion\tD. Inability to deviate the mandible to the right.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inability to deviate the mandible to the right." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the best time to give anti-D to a pregnant patient?\nOptions: \nA. 12 weeks\tB. 28 weeks\tC. 36 weeks\tD. After delivery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 28 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gingivitis\nOptions: \nA. Inevitably progresses to periodontitis\tB. Affects approximately 40% of adolescents\tC. Is characterized by true pocketing\tD. Is a reversible lesion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Is a reversible lesion." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The protein rich in basic amino acids, which functions in the packaging of DNA in chromosomes, is:\nOptions: \nA. Histone\tB. Collagen\tC. Hyaluronic acid binding protein\tD. Fibrinogen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Histone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Statistics to check out mean of values is done by:\nOptions: \nA. Chi-square test\tB. Student's analysis\tC. Probability test\tD. Horizontal studies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Student's analysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In class II cavity for inlay, the cavosurface margin of the gingival seat clears the adjacent tooth by:\nOptions: \nA. 0.20+ 0.05mm\tB. 0.50+ 0.20mm\tC. 0.80 \u00b1 0.35mm\tD. 1.10 \u00b1 0.45mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 0.50+ 0.20mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Aspirin acts on which part of brain?\nOptions: \nA. Substantia gelatinosa\tB. Limbic system\tC. Medulla\tD. Cortex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Substantia gelatinosa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A latex agglutination test for detection of meningitis was approved. Calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the test based on the data given below: Test PositiveTest NegativeDiseased273Non-diseased595\nOptions: \nA. Sensitivity 90% Specificity 95%\tB. Specificity 90% Sensitivity 95%\tC. Sensitivity 80% Specificity 90%\tD. Sensitivity 75% Specificity 95%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sensitivity 90% Specificity 95%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 years old patient came with complaints of spikes of fever and difficulty in breathing. Transesophageal ECHO found out the vegetations in the hea. The culture was positive for Burkholderia cepacia. Drug of choice for Burkholderia cepacia pneumonia is:\nOptions: \nA. Aminoglycoside and colistin\tB. Carbapenems with 3rd generation cephalosporins\tC. Tigecycline and cefipime\tD. Cotrimoxazole with 3rd generation cephalosporins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cotrimoxazole with 3rd generation cephalosporins." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following bone defects offers the best chance for bone fill?\nOptions: \nA. 3 Walled defect\tB. 2 Walled defect\tC. Osseous crater\tD. Hemisepta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3 Walled defect" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hand to knee gait in polio is due to involvement of which muscle?\nOptions: \nA. Gastrocnemius\tB. Gluteus medius\tC. Quadriceps\tD. Hamstring.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Quadriceps" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following marked muscles is Involved in Opening of jaw?\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Urine analysis of a patient with hematuria and hypercalciuria is most likely to reveal;\nOptions: \nA. Isomorphic RBCs\tB. RBC casts\tC. Nephrotic range proteinuria\tD. Eosinophiluria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Isomorphic RBCs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents to the ER after a A with multiple rib injuries. He is conscious, speaking single words.RR= 40/ minute, BP= 90/40mm Hg. What is the next immediate step in management?\nOptions: \nA. Intubate the patient\tB. Urgent fluid infusion\tC. Chest X- ray\tD. Needle inseion in 2nd ICS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Needle inseion in 2nd ICS." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate presented with cicatrizing skin lesions all over the body with hypoplasia of all limbs. An MRI of the brain revealed diffuse cerebral atrophy. An ophthalmologic evaluation reveals chorioretinitis. Which of these tests is most likely to show a positive result in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Anti-HCMV antibodies\tB. Anti-toxoplasma antibodies\tC. Anti-VZV antibody\tD. Anti-rubella antibody.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Anti-VZV antibody" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which part of body is underdeveloped at birth:\nOptions: \nA. Eyes\tB. Ears.\tC. Face.\tD. Brain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Face." + }, + { + "input": "Question: To preserve blood for transfusion later:\nOptions: \nA. Dilute with equal volume of 0.9% saline\tB. Add solution of sodium citrate\tC. Add solution of calcium chloride\tD. Add fibrinogen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Add solution of sodium citrate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: False about Bone marrow biopsy\nOptions: \nA. Can be done in prone or lateral position\tB. To find out infiltrative and granulomatous disorders\tC. Breath holding not necessary\tD. Contraindicated when platelet count is below 40,000.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Contraindicated when platelet count is below 40,000." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypeensive hemorrhage is most commonly seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Basal ganglia\tB. Thalamus\tC. Brain stem\tD. Cerebrum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Basal ganglia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When Isoflurane is used as a general anesthetic agent, what is the maximum dose of adrenaline that can be given:\nOptions: \nA. 3.4 mug/kg\tB. 6.7 mug/kg\tC. 2.1 mug/kg\tD. 10.9 mug/kg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 6.7 mug/kg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres to the Otic ganglion are carried in the:\nOptions: \nA. Greater petrosal nerve\tB. Lesser petrosal nerve\tC. Chorda tympani\tD. Auriculotemporal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lesser petrosal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old patient reported to department with BCLP (bilateral cleft lip & palate); the maxillary transverse width was normal, lateral incisor was congenitally missing with impacted canine. What will be the treatment approach?\nOptions: \nA. SABG only\tB. SABG followed by expansion\tC. Expansion followed by SABG\tD. Only expansion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: SABG only" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The secretion of salivary gland may be described as?\nOptions: \nA. Exocrine and merocrine\tB. Exocrine and holocrine\tC. Endocrine and holocrine\tD. Endocrine and merocrine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Exocrine and merocrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CG islands in our DNA are impoant for:\nOptions: \nA. Methylation\tB. Acetylation\tC. t-RNA synthesis\tD. DNA replication.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Methylation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Adrenocorticosteroids in excess may cause:\nOptions: \nA. Osteoporosis\tB. Osteosclerosis\tC. Osteochondritis\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osteoporosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chances of recurrence of multicystic ameloblastoma after surgical enucleation is:\nOptions: \nA. <50%\tB. <10%\tC. 50-100%\tD. 18-25%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 50-100%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about conversion of monomer to polymer is\nOptions: \nA. Density changes from 1.19g/cm3 to 0.9 and volume shrinkage is 21%\tB. Density changes from 1.19g/cm3 to 0.9 and volume shrinkage is 7%\tC. Density changes from 0.9g/cm3 to 1.19 and volume shrinkage is 21%\tD. Density changes from 0.9g/cm3 to 1.19 and volume shrinkage is 7%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Density changes from 0.9g/cm3 to 1.19 and volume shrinkage is 21%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Before ovulation development of granules in a cell is dependent on:\nOptions: \nA. Estrogen\tB. Progesterone\tC. FSH\tD. LH.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Estrogen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In long surgical procedure intubation method is\nOptions: \nA. Nasotracheal tube with cuff\tB. LIMA\tC. Nasotracheal tube without cuff\tD. Endotracheal tube.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nasotracheal tube with cuff" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Working cusps are also known as:\nOptions: \nA. Guiding cusps.\tB. Supporting cusps.\tC. Holding cusps.\tD. Balancing cusps..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Supporting cusps." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are criteria for admission in upper GI bleed except:\nOptions: \nA. Shock index >1.5\tB. Hematocrit > 40%\tC. Frank blood in nasogastric aspirate\tD. BP <100 mm Hg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hematocrit > 40%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Caries in a 4 year old child is best assessed by:\nOptions: \nA. Previous caries experience\tB. Maternal caries\tC. School fluoridation\tD. Daily fluoride mouthwash.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Previous caries experience" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Strength of collagen is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Hydroxy glycine\tB. Glycine\tC. Praline\tD. Hydroxyproline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hydroxyproline." + }, + { + "input": "Question: At physiological pH, which of these amino acids has a positive charge?\nOptions: \nA. Valine\tB. Aspaic acid\tC. Arginine\tD. Isoleucine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Arginine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gycosylated Hb is done for the assessment of:\nOptions: \nA. Diabetic patient\tB. Cushing disease\tC. Hyperparathyroidism\tD. Addison disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Diabetic patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: GNAS-1 gene mutation is associated with\nOptions: \nA. Fibrous dysplasia\tB. Osteogenesis imerfecta\tC. Amelogenesis imperfect\tD. Cleidocranial dysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fibrous dysplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fill the missing data in the Ottawa charter for health promotion\nOptions: \nA. Promotion of health services\tB. Reorienting health services\tC. Prevention of disease\tD. Effective health services.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reorienting health services" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Helminth implicated in causing pernicious anemia is:\nOptions: \nA. Diphyllobothrium latum\tB. Ascaris\tC. Taenia solium\tD. Hymenolepis nana.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Diphyllobothrium latum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about polycystic ovarian disease except:\nOptions: \nA. Persistently elevated LH\tB. Increased LH/FSH ratio\tC. Increased Dheas\tD. Increased prolactin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Increased prolactin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is gametocidal for all species:\nOptions: \nA. Quinine\tB. Chloroquine\tC. Primaquine\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Primaquine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiation effect blood supply because of\nOptions: \nA. Anemia\tB. Endarteritis of small blood vessels\tC. Infection\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Endarteritis of small blood vessels" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lepromin test is useful for\nOptions: \nA. Diagnosis\tB. Prognosis\tC. Treatment plan\tD. Epidemiology.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Prognosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A statistical test which indicates the chance or probability of an observed difference between two means occurring by chance is called,\nOptions: \nA. Tests of significance\tB. Means\tC. Ratio\tD. Normalcy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tests of significance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is the Renal feed for CKD patients?\nOptions: \nA. Low calorie low volume\tB. Low calorie high volume\tC. High calorie low volume\tD. High calorie high volume.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High calorie low volume" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hemophilics show:\nOptions: \nA. Increased bleeding time and clotting time\tB. Decreased bleeding time and clotting time\tC. Decreased bleeding time and increased clotting time\tD. Normal bleeding time and increased clotting time.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Normal bleeding time and increased clotting time." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Process shown in color plate is called:\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular mesial root resection\tB. Mandibular distal root resection\tC. Hemisection.\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hemisection." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tourniquet test is used in daily follow-up of patients with:\nOptions: \nA. Zika virus\tB. Dengue virus\tC. Chikungunya\tD. Swine flu.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dengue virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What high energy phosphate compound is formed in the citric acid cycle through substrate level phosphorylation:\nOptions: \nA. ATP\tB. TTP\tC. ITP\tD. GTP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: GTP." + }, + { + "input": "Question: When instrument with primary cutting edge is perpendicular to blade then:\nOptions: \nA. 1st digit of 4 digit formula omitted.\tB. 2nd digit of 4 digit formula omitted.\tC. 3rd digit of 4 digit formula omitted.\tD. 4th digit of 4 digit formula omitted..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2nd digit of 4 digit formula omitted." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A rest seat is prepared as:\nOptions: \nA. Spoon shaped depression with the apex towards the center of the tooth\tB. Concavity with hemisphere shape\tC. Elliptical shape\tD. Rhomboid depression limited to enamel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spoon shaped depression with the apex towards the center of the tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient showing inability to close the right corner of the mouth is most probably suffering from:\nOptions: \nA. Myasthenia gravis\tB. Bell's palsy\tC. TMJ dysfunction syndrome\tD. Multiple sclerosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bell's palsy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tensor veli palatini is supplied by:\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. Trigeminal nerve\tC. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tD. Pharyngeal plexus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Trigeminal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to ISO 6876-2001 ADA specifications 57 Endodontics sealer penetration is upto?\nOptions: \nA. 150 \u03bcm\tB. 50 \u03bcm\tC. 300 \u03bcm\tD. 100 \u03bcm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 50 \u03bcm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following disease cause damage of vertebral body & intervertebral space?\nOptions: \nA. Tuberculosis\tB. Multiple myeloma\tC. Lymphoma\tD. Metastasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tuberculosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mechanical objectives of cleaning ans shaping are given by:\nOptions: \nA. Schilder\tB. Wein\tC. Brook\tD. Grossman.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Schilder" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are features of glucocoicoid deficiency except:\nOptions: \nA. Fever\tB. Hyperkalemia\tC. Postural hypotension\tD. Weight loss.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hyperkalemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transient tachypnea of new born (TTN) is commonly seen in which of the following situations \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Term delivery requiring forceps\tB. Term requiring ventouse\tC. Elective caesarean section\tD. Normal vaginal delivery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Elective caesarean section" + }, + { + "input": "Question: KRI paste composition is:\nOptions: \nA. Iodoform+ZOE\tB. Iodoform+chlorophenol+menthol\tC. Iodoform+CaOH\tD. Iodoform only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Iodoform+chlorophenol+menthol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Steepest cusp is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary 1st premolar\tB. Maxillary 1st molar\tC. Mandibular IInd molar\tD. Mandibular 1st molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about Chi-square test?\nOptions: \nA. Measures qualitative data\tB. Measures both qualitative and quantitative data\tC. Measures the qualitative data between two proportion\tD. Measure the quantitative data between two proportion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Measures the qualitative data between two proportion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After 24 hrs. of setting tensile stength of GIC is:\nOptions: \nA. Equal to Znpo4\tB. Greater to Znpo4\tC. Lesser to Znpo4\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Greater to Znpo4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \"Strawberry Tongue\" is associated with\nOptions: \nA. syphilis\tB. measles\tC. scarlet fever\tD. typhoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: scarlet fever" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thiamine is a cofactor for all of the following enzymes except:\nOptions: \nA. Alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase\tB. Branched-chain keto-acid dehydrogenase\tC. Succinate dehydrogenase\tD. Pyruvate dehydrogenase..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Succinate dehydrogenase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Name the type of cry which is a sort of coping mechanism to an unpleasant stimuli:\nOptions: \nA. Obstinate cry\tB. Hurt cry\tC. Compensatory cry\tD. Frightened cry.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Compensatory cry" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A five year old child presents with left ventricular hypertrophy and central cyanosis what is the most probable diagnosis \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Tricuspid atresia\tB. Eisenmenger syndrome\tC. Tetrology of Fallot\tD. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tricuspid atresia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In dental materials setting time is measured by which test\nOptions: \nA. Rockwell test\tB. Cold blend test\tC. Vickers test\tD. Vicat needle method.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vicat needle method." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of professional misconduct Patients records on demand should be provided within?\nOptions: \nA. 36 hours\tB. 36 hours\tC. 72 hours\tD. 7 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 72 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The number of sites examined to assess the stages of bone maturation in Fishman's skeletal maturation index are:\nOptions: \nA. 4\tB. 5\tC. 6\tD. 7.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 6" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following muscles are derived from pharyngeal arches except:\nOptions: \nA. Tensor tympani\tB. Levator palpebrae superioris\tC. Palatine tensor\tD. Orbicularis oculi.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Levator palpebrae superioris" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a polytrauma patient, chest tube insertion caused sudden drainage of 1,500 mL blood from left side. Oxygen saturation is 92%. What should be the immediate next step:\nOptions: \nA. Transfer to trauma center\tB. Prepare for immediate open thoracotomy\tC. Auscultate for left chest breath sounds and wait for saturation to rise\tD. Clamp the chest tube.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Clamp the chest tube." + }, + { + "input": "Question: As compared to relining, in rebasing of a denture a \nchange is effected in:\nOptions: \nA. Centric occlusion\tB. Centric relation\tC. Entire denture base\tD. Tissue surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Entire denture base" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dentin island are frequently found in the root canals of which of the following permanent teeth\nOptions: \nA. Upper 2nd Molar\tB. Upper 2nd Premolar\tC. Lower 2nd Molar\tD. Lower 2nd Premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Upper 2nd Premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following muscle helps in depressing the mandible:\nOptions: \nA. Temporalis\tB. Massetor\tC. Lateral pterygoid\tD. Medial pterygoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lateral pterygoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 48-year old lady presented with bony pain and hepatosplenomegaly. On examination of biopsy speci!men from spleen, crumpled tissue paper appearance is seen. Which of the following product is likely to have accumulated?\nOptions: \nA. Ganglioside\tB. Sulfatide\tC. Sphingomyelin\tD. Glucocerebroside.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glucocerebroside." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug of choice in acute bacterial meningitis\nOptions: \nA. Erythromycin\tB. Ceftriaxone\tC. Sulfisoxazole\tD. Cefoperazone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ceftriaxone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IgA deposits in dermal papilla are characteristically seen in?\nOptions: \nA. A. Dermatitits herpetiformis\tB. B. Pemphigus vulgaris\tC. C. Bullous pemphigoid\tD. D. IgA dermatosis of childhood.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A. Dermatitits herpetiformis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A drop in fetal heart rate that typically last less than 2 minutes and usually associated with umbilical cord compression is called:\nOptions: \nA. Early deceleration\tB. Late deceleration\tC. Variable deceleration\tD. Prolonged deceleration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Variable deceleration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Microscopic examination of chromosomes shape, size and arrangement is known as\nOptions: \nA. Chromosomal mapping\tB. Karyotyping\tC. Inheritance testing\tD. Genotyping.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Karyotyping" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chimerism phenomenon is associated with which of the following-\nOptions: \nA. Paternity test\tB. Maternity test\tC. Person identification test\tD. organ transplantation case.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: organ transplantation case." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a middle aged female swelling that presents in the midline of neck is most likely originating from:\nOptions: \nA. Larynx\tB. Trachea\tC. Thyroid\tD. Hyoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thyroid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug has gametocidal action all species of Plasmodium?\nOptions: \nA. Primaquine\tB. Chloroquine\tC. Quinine\tD. None of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Primaquine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of diastema because of a thick labial frenum is done:\nOptions: \nA. After frenectomy\tB. Before eruption of canines\tC. After eruption of canines\tD. Before frenectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: After eruption of canines" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about screw feed technology\nOptions: \nA. Reduces weight by 30%\tB. Reduces volume by 80%\tC. Ideal for pathological waste\tD. Non-burn heat sterilization technique.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ideal for pathological waste" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bacteria are most commonly ENGULFED by:\nOptions: \nA. Neutrophilic leukocytes\tB. Large granular lymphocytes\tC. Small lymphocytes\tD. Killer cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neutrophilic leukocytes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about intracellular iron homeostasis in iron deficiency anemia?\nOptions: \nA. Transferrin receptor-1 iron responsive elements increase transferrin receptor mRNA concentration and synthesis\tB. Transferrin receptor-1 iron responsive elements decrease transferrin receptor mRNA concentration and synthesis\tC. Apoferritin mRNA iron response element decreases and ferritin synthesis decreases\tD. Apoferritin mRNA iron response element decreases and ferritin synthesis increases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Transferrin receptor-1 iron responsive elements increase transferrin receptor mRNA concentration and synthesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) positive neoplasm?\nOptions: \nA. Synol sarcoma\tB. Fibromatosis\tC. Ewing sarcoma\tD. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor." + }, + { + "input": "Question: %lost radio-resistant cells in retina\nOptions: \nA. Retinal pigment epithelium\tB. Ganglion cell layer\tC. Rods and cones\tD. Bipolar cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ganglion cell layer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Port wine stains are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Nevus\tB. Haemangionna\tC. Melanoma\tD. All the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Haemangionna" + }, + { + "input": "Question: As compared to blood, vitreous humor has high concentration of:\nOptions: \nA. Sodium\tB. Potassium\tC. Glucose\tD. Ascorbate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ascorbate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 8-year-old boy presents with well defined annular lesion over the buttock with central scarring that is gradually progressive over the last 8 months. The diagnosis is\nOptions: \nA. Annular psoriasis\tB. Lupus Vulgaris\tC. Tinea Corporis\tD. Chronic granulomatous disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lupus Vulgaris" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a reactive lesion of the gingiva that may demonstrate bone radiographically and often even microscopically?\nOptions: \nA. Osteoma\tB. Peripheral ossifying fibroma\tC. Traumatic neuroma\tD. Irritation fibroma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Peripheral ossifying fibroma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The percentage of fluoride used in iontophoresis is:\nOptions: \nA. 1%\tB. 2%\tC. 4%\tD. 8%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glazing of the layer crack is seen because Of\nOptions: \nA. Thermal shock\tB. Contamination\tC. Incompatible\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thermal shock" + }, + { + "input": "Question: MTA barrier in open apex is made up to?\nOptions: \nA. 3mm\tB. 5mm\tC. Depend on length of canal\tD. 1mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 5mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is microaerophilic -\nOptions: \nA. Campylobacter\tB. Vibrio\tC. Bacteroides\tD. Pseudomonas.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Campylobacter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Oncotype Dx test is done to for the following in breast cancer:\nOptions: \nA. Chemotherapy in hormone receptor positive patients\tB. Hormone therapy in hormone positive\tC. Chemotherapy in hormone receptor negative patients\tD. Herceptin in Her-2-neu +ve..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chemotherapy in hormone receptor positive patients" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 25 yr old person with history of repeated episodes of rheumatic fever is hypersensitive to penicillin. Which of following drug can be prescribed to him?\nOptions: \nA. Penicillin G\tB. Sulfisoxazole\tC. Sulfasalazine\tD. Streptomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sulfisoxazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major determinant of loading dose of a drug is:-\nOptions: \nA. Half life\tB. Clearance\tC. Volume of distribution\tD. Bioavailability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Volume of distribution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Auriculotemporal nerve encircles which artery\nOptions: \nA. Superficial temporal artery\tB. Superficial temporal vein\tC. Middle meningeal artery\tD. Deep temporal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Middle meningeal artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young patient has been admitted with A and had massive hemorrhage. He needs to be transfused with large amounts of fluids. Which IV cannula is preferred?\nOptions: \nA. Grey\tB. Green\tC. Blue\tD. Pink.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Green" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cranial nerve that is not involved in olfaction:-\nOptions: \nA. Glossopharyngeal\tB. Vagus\tC. Hypoglossal\tD. Trigeminal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hypoglossal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Difference between mandibular and maxillary premolars is that in the mandibular premolars:\nOptions: \nA. The buccal and lingual cusps are more prominent\tB. The lingual cusp is sharper and longer\tC. The lingual surface rounded and less developed\tD. The buccal surface is rounded and Less developed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The lingual surface rounded and less developed" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Simple random sampling is ideal for:\nOptions: \nA. Vaccinated people\tB. Heterogenous population\tC. Homogenous population\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Homogenous population" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dead bone appears on a radiograph as:\nOptions: \nA. Radiolucent\tB. Radio-opaque\tC. Cotton wool appearance\tD. Salt and pepper appearance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Radio-opaque" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following resembles caries in radiographs?\nOptions: \nA. Zinc oxide eugenol\tB. Zinc phosphate\tC. GIC\tD. Polymethyl methacnilate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Polymethyl methacnilate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Beveling of the pulpoaxial line angle of a class II cavity\nis done to:\nOptions: \nA. Increase the strength of the restoration\tB. Improved marginal adaptation\tC. To prevent the fracture of enamel\tD. To prevent the fracture of amalgam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: To prevent the fracture of amalgam." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most potent topical anesthestic is\nOptions: \nA. Mepivacaine\tB. Prilocaine\tC. Benzocaine\tD. Tetracaine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tetracaine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 7-year old boy presented with severe abdominal pain. On examination, he had xanthoma. Blood sample was taken for work-up blood sample had milky appearance of plasma. Which of the following lipoprotein is increased?\nOptions: \nA. LDL\tB. HDL\tC. Chylomicron\tD. Chylomicron remnants.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chylomicron" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used in hea failure?\nOptions: \nA. Metoprolol\tB. Trimetazidine\tC. Sacubitril\tD. Nesiritide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Trimetazidine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common gene defect in idiopathic steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome \u2013\nOptions: \nA. ACE\tB. NPHS 2\tC. HOX 11\tD. PAX.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: NPHS 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ligamentum flavum consists of:\nOptions: \nA. Type-II collagen\tB. Type-III collagen\tC. Reticulin\tD. Elastin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Elastin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of following are recognized manifestation of acute Rheumatic fever except \u2013a) Abdominal painb) Epistaxisc) Choread) Subcutaneous nodules\nOptions: \nA. ac\tB. a\tC. ad\tD. ab.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ab." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following are functions of prostaglandins except:\nOptions: \nA. Increase capillary permeability\tB. Uterine contraction\tC. Lowers blood pressure\tD. Elevates blood pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Elevates blood pressure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Complete denture teeth are in edge to edge contact in centric occlusion. What should be done?\nOptions: \nA. Grind the centric holding cusp\tB. Grind the lingual fossa of upper and lower incisors\tC. Grind the cusp in such a way that the incline of the upper cusp slides buccally and lower cusp slides lingually\tD. Grind the cusp in such a way that the incline of the upper cusp slides lingually and lower cusp slides buccally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Grind the cusp in such a way that the incline of the upper cusp slides buccally and lower cusp slides lingually" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Position of adenoid is in the ?\nOptions: \nA. Hypopharynx\tB. Oropharynx\tC. Trachea\tD. Nasopharynx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Nasopharynx." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anterior two third of the tongue is demarcated from the posterior one third by: plexus, 2-long thoracic plexus, 2-long thoracic\nOptions: \nA. Passavant's ridge\tB. Sulcus terminalis\tC. Circurnvallatepapillae\tD. Filifonn papilla.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sulcus terminalis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fish tail deformity in a child is seen after injury to?\nOptions: \nA. Distal Tibia\tB. Distal Femur\tC. Distal humerus\tD. Distal Radius.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Distal humerus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A radiograph of the mandibular posteriors\u00a0in a patient reveals radiopacity\u00a0above the apices of right 1st molar. No restoration\u00a0or cavity present. There is no pain or swelling and the pulp is vital. The diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Periapical granuloma\tB. Cementoblastoma\tC. Radicular cyst\tD. Chronic abscess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cementoblastoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major fimbrial structural component of P. gingivalis is\nOptions: \nA. Kgr\tB. KgP\tC. Fim A\tD. Fim C.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Fim A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A female of 36 weeks gestation presents with hypertension, blurring of vision and headache. Her blood pressure reading was 180/120 mm Hg and 174/110 mm Hg after 20 minutes. How will you manage the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Admit the patient and observe\tB. Admit the patient, start antihypertensives and continue pregnancy till term.\tC. Admit the patient, start antihypertensives, MgSO4 and terminate the pregnancy\tD. Admit oral antihypertensives and follow up in out-patient department.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Admit the patient, start antihypertensives, MgSO4 and terminate the pregnancy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not glucogenic?\nOptions: \nA. Pyruvate\tB. Oxaloacetate\tC. Acetyl-CoA\tD. Lactate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Acetyl-CoA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reduction in the fusion temperature of dental gold casting alloys is caused by presence of:\nOptions: \nA. Platinum\tB. Copper\tC. Silver\tD. Gold.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Copper" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Highly vascular tumor of brain and spinal cord in adults:\nOptions: \nA. Metastasis\tB. Pilocytic astrocytoma\tC. Hemangioblastoma\tD. Cavernous malformation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hemangioblastoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The patient suffered from hypogonadism, failure to thrive, loss of taste and unable to maintain stability. This shows the deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. Zinc\tB. Chromium\tC. Copper\tD. Potassium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Zinc" + }, + { + "input": "Question: At which stage of Nolla's, the tooth starts erupting?\nOptions: \nA. Stage 5\tB. Stage 6\tC. Stage 7\tD. Stage 8.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Stage 6" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The primitives palate is formed from:\nOptions: \nA. Frontonasal process.\tB. 2 palatal process.\tC. Maxillary process.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Frontonasal process." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Palatogingival groove is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular lateral incisor\tB. Maxillary lateral incisor\tC. Mandibular 1st premolar\tD. Maxillary first premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Maxillary lateral incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not a branch of the external carotid aery supplying nasal septum?\nOptions: \nA. Sphenopalatine\tB. greater palatine\tC. superior labial\tD. anterior ethmoidal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: anterior ethmoidal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prucalopride is a\nOptions: \nA. 5HT4 agonist\tB. 5HT2b agonist\tC. 5HT2b antagonist\tD. 5HT1a paial agonist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 5HT4 agonist" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dicor restoration is:\nOptions: \nA. Two coloured restorations\tB. Heat pressed ceramics\tC. Castable ceramic\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Castable ceramic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cysts associated with vital teeth are:\nOptions: \nA. Dentigerous cyst, Globulomaxillary cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, OKC\tB. Dentigerous cyst, Globulomaxillary cyst, radicular cyst\tC. Dentigerous cyst, OKC, radicular cyst\tD. 'B' & 'C'.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dentigerous cyst, Globulomaxillary cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, OKC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Metal coping seen in upper anteriors is suggestive of:\nOptions: \nA. Cast post & core\tB. PFM crowns\tC. Metal coping with high stiffness\tD. Metal coping with low stiffness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cast post & core" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Common carotid artery divides to ICA & ECA at:\nOptions: \nA. Cricoid cartilage\tB. Thyroid cartilage\tC. 1st tracheal ring\tD. Cricothyroid membrane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Thyroid cartilage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Algophobia is:\nOptions: \nA. Phobia of closed space.\tB. Phobia of large space.\tC. Phobia of pain.\tD. Phobia of animals..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Phobia of pain." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is unpaired bone of facial skeleton:\nOptions: \nA. Nasal\tB. Lacrimal\tC. Inferior nasal concha\tD. Vomer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vomer." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following technique is used to move tongue away from post pharyngeal wall\nOptions: \nA. Jaw thrust maneuver\tB. Triple maneuver\tC. Head maneuver\tD. Neck maneuver.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Jaw thrust maneuver" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cry is characterized by loud, high pitched and siren-like wail:\nOptions: \nA. Obstinate cry.\tB. Frighten cry.\tC. Hurt cry.\tD. Compensatory cry..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Obstinate cry." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A recently delivered woman with a 15 days old child suffering from cough, sneezing and fever needs help. She has no money for transpoation to nearby hospital. Which of the national programme can help this woman?\nOptions: \nA. JSSK\tB. Indira Gandhi YojanaF-IMNCI\tC. F-IMNCI\tD. Home-based Care.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: JSSK" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 2nd Mesiobuccal canal can be seen from naked eyes in what percentage of cases\nOptions: \nA. 62-70%\tB. 90-95%\tC. 30%\tD. 40-55%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 62-70%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Direct pulp capping is not done in which of these situations?\nOptions: \nA. Mechanical exposure\tB. No bleeding\tC. Pinpoint exposure\tD. Carious exposure with more than 1 mm in size.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Carious exposure with more than 1 mm in size." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tip of ultrasonic scaler after usage, cleaned by\nOptions: \nA. Under running H2O for 2 min\tB. chemical cleaning\tC. Autoclave\tD. Not Recalled.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Autoclave" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the best study design to assess in quick time the strength of association between smoking and lung cancer?\nOptions: \nA. Cross-sectional study\tB. Case controlstudy\tC. Randomized controlled trial\tD. Coho study.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Case controlstudy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tumor marker for seminoma:\nOptions: \nA. PLAP\tB. LDH\tC. AFP\tD. HCG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: PLAP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nerve supply of the mucosa of larynx, from epiglottis to the level of the cords is :\nOptions: \nA. Superior laryngeal\tB. External laryngeal\tC. External laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal\tD. Internal laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Superior laryngeal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following muscle is not inseed to the greater tubercle of humerus?\nOptions: \nA. Supraspinatus\tB. lnfraspinatus\tC. Teres minor\tD. Subscapularis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Subscapularis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Adverse effect of Foscarnet includes all except?\nOptions: \nA. Hypercalcemia\tB. Hyperkalemia\tC. Hypocalcemia\tD. Hypokalemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hyperkalemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following statements about acute leukemia in children are true except\nOptions: \nA. It characteristically causes gross gingival swelling\tB. It may he manifested by mucosal pallor\tC. It can cause obvious purpura\tD. It is usually of the lymphoblastic variety.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: It characteristically causes gross gingival swelling" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 days old neonate is posted for pyloric stenosis in surgery. The investigation report shows a serum calcium level of 6 mg/dL. What information would you like to know before you supplement calcium to this neonate \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Blood glucose\tB. Serum protein\tC. Serum bilirubin\tD. Oxygen saturation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Serum protein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In heavy calculus formers, early plaque consists of Ca, PO4 and k in what proportions:\nOptions: \nA. Calcium > phosphorous > potassium\tB. Phosphorous > potassium > calcium\tC. Phosphorous > calcium > potassium\tD. Potassium > phosphorous > calcium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Phosphorous > calcium > potassium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of Blood stained diaper in a Neonate is :\nOptions: \nA. Bilharziasis\tB. Sickle cell trait\tC. Meatal stenosis\tD. Urethral hemangioma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Urethral hemangioma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The purpose of pulpotomy in young permanent tooth\nOptions: \nA. Prevent tooth fracture\tB. To induce root formation\tC. Formation of hard base to support restoration\tD. To minimize infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: To induce root formation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Deep y descent in JVP is seen in all except:-\nOptions: \nA. Cardiac tamponade\tB. RCM\tC. Constrictive pericarditis\tD. Tricuspid regurgitation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cardiac tamponade" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of these stains are used in tattooing except:\nOptions: \nA. Osmium blue\tB. Prussian blue\tC. Vermillion\tD. India ink.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osmium blue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of carcinoma larynx with stridor presents in casualty, immediate management is -\nOptions: \nA. Planned tracheostomy\tB. Immediate tracheostomy\tC. High dose steroid\tD. Intubate, give bronchodilator and wait for 12 hours, if no response, proceed to tracheostomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Immediate tracheostomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The penetration of the fissure sealant into the fissure:\nOptions: \nA. Is not influenced by the wettability of the enamel\tB. Is independent of the chemical composition of the enamel\tC. Is the result of a chemical bond between the sealant and enamel\tD. Must occur before the polymerization of the material.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Must occur before the polymerization of the material." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following markers is not used in quadruple test for antenatal detection of Down syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. AFP\tB. ss-hCG\tC. Estradiol\tD. Inhibin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Estradiol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: High Cu alloys have all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. High tensile strength\tB. Low creep\tC. High corrosion\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High corrosion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When soft palate is paralysed, which is not seen?\nOptions: \nA. Clefting of the palate\tB. Nasal regurgitation\tC. Nasal twang\tD. Flat palate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Clefting of the palate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is most useful for:\nOptions: \nA. Carcinoma cervix\tB. Carcinoma endometrium\tC. Carcinoma vulva\tD. Carcinoma vagina.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Carcinoma vulva" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Atropine is not an antidote in:\nOptions: \nA. Tik 20\tB. Endrin\tC. Baygon\tD. Parathion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Endrin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: As per mental health care act, an individual with a known psychotic disorder on treatment and is not a minor, can choose to decide the caretaker and the course of treatment. This is called as:-\nOptions: \nA. Advance directive\tB. Treatment directive\tC. Mental will\tD. Future directive.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Advance directive" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a population of 10000 people, the prevalence of a disease is 20%. The sensitivity of a screening test is 95% and specificity is 80%. The positive predictive value of the test will be -\nOptions: \nA. 45.70%\tB. 54.30%\tC. 15.30%\tD. 98.50%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 54.30%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most commonly used drug for management of community acquired pneumonia?\nOptions: \nA. Vancomycin\tB. Ceftriaxone\tC. Azithromycin\tD. Streptomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Azithromycin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Water powder ratio for class IV stone is:\nOptions: \nA. 0.22-0.24\tB. 0.24-0.28\tC. 0.65-0.70\tD. 0.45-0.50.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.22-0.24" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most specific for diagnosing Ankylosing spondyliti?\nOptions: \nA. HLA B27\tB. B/l sactoilitis\tC. Lumbar movement\tD. ESR.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: B/l sactoilitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Abnormality in elastin protein can lead to all except ?\nOptions: \nA. Fractures\tB. Joint laxity\tC. Aoic aneurysm\tD. Subluxation of lens.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fractures" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 years old female is diagnosed to have epilepsy and is staed phenytoin and valproate. Four weeks later, she developed a diffuse rash all over her body, which gradually disappeared on stopping both the drugs. In how many weeks, will the rash reappear when she is re-challenged with phenytoin and valproate?\nOptions: \nA. 1 day\tB. 1 week\tC. 2 weeks\tD. 4 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 day" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of HIV is on treatment with indinavir, zidovudine, lamivudine and ketoconazole. He developed nephrolithiasis, hyperlipidemia, central obesity, hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. Which of the following drug is likely to produce above adverse effects?\nOptions: \nA. Lamivudine\tB. Indinavir\tC. Zidovudine\tD. Ketoconazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Indinavir" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the most common tumor of mediastinum?\nOptions: \nA. Neurogenic\tB. Thymoma\tC. Lymphoma\tD. Metastatic tumor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neurogenic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A new method of measuring Haemoglobin levels has been developed. Ten successive readings of a single sample are as follows: 9.4, 10.4, 9.6, 9.1, 10.8, 12.1, 10.1, 9.8, 9.2, 9.5. But the Haemoglobin measured by standard calorimetry was 10.2. Therefore the given method has\nOptions: \nA. Low validity, low reliability\tB. High validity, low reliability\tC. High validity, high reliability\tD. Low validity, high reliability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: High validity, low reliability" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Using stopko tip irrigation which of these is used cleaning and drying of pulp chamber:\nOptions: \nA. 5.25% NaOCl + 17% EDTA\tB. 95% alcohol+17% EDTA\tC. 5.25 NaOCl+17% CHX\tD. 95% ethanol + 17% EDTA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 95% ethanol + 17% EDTA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ideal route of drug delivery in neonatal resuscitation is:\nOptions: \nA. Intraosseous\tB. Through umbilical vein\tC. Through peripheral vein\tD. Through umbilical aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Through umbilical vein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs used for management of preterm labor for also has Neuro- protective role in fetus:-\nOptions: \nA. MgSO4\tB. Nifedipine\tC. Ritodrine\tD. Isoxsuprine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MgSO4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most modern precapsulated dental amalgam formulated with\nOptions: \nA. 50-55% hg by wt.\tB. 40-45% hg by wt.\tC. 25-35% hg by wt.\tD. 15-25% hg by wt..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 40-45% hg by wt." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormones will be affected most after the change in sex hormone binding globulin?\nOptions: \nA. Testosterone\tB. Estrogen\tC. Progesterone\tD. DHEA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Testosterone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chronic carrier state is seen in all except\nOptions: \nA. Measles\tB. Diptheria\tC. Typhoid\tD. Gonorrhea.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Measles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sealants are effective in\nOptions: \nA. Initial caries\tB. Secondary caries\tC. Recurrent caries\tD. Rampant caries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Initial caries" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following change can be done in insulin structure so that there is least change in the function of insulin:\nOptions: \nA. Interchange of A1 & A4\tB. Interchange of B29 and B30\tC. Interchange of A5 & A6\tD. Breaking disulphide linkages.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Interchange of B29 and B30" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 15-year-oldboy presented with headache and blurring of vision. On examination there was diptopia on looking towards left in the right eye.What is your diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Tb meningitis\tB. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia\tC. Cranial neuritis\tD. Demyelination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Internuclear ophthalmoplegia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Duct of parotid gland crosses over masseter muscle and pierces the:\nOptions: \nA. Buccinator muscle\tB. Superior constrictor\tC. Masseter\tD. Zygomaticus major.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Buccinator muscle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A gravida 2 patient with previous LSCS comes at 37 weeks, has BP= 150/100 mm of hg. And on pervaginal examination, cervix is 50% effaced station-3, os is closed and pelvis is adequate. Protein uria is +1, Most appropriate step at the moment would be:\nOptions: \nA. Antihypertensive regime and wait for spontaneous labor\tB. Wait and watch\tC. Induce labour\tD. caesarean section.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Induce labour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extremely axle insecticide according to WHO classification, are coded as:\nOptions: \nA. Red\tB. Green\tC. Yellow\tD. Blue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Red" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 26 years old female presented with mild pain in lower abdomen. She has had 2 full-term normal delivery earlier. Her last menstrual period was 3 weeks back. On pelvic examination, you find a palpable mass in the adnexa. On USG pelvis, you find a 5 cm ovarian cyst. What should be your next step?\nOptions: \nA. Observation and follow-up for cyst after 2-3 months\tB. CA-125 levels\tC. Diagnostic exploratory laparotomy\tD. CECT of pelvis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Observation and follow-up for cyst after 2-3 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Removal of veebral disc can be done by all these approaches except:\nOptions: \nA. Laminotomy\tB. Laminectomy\tC. Laminoplasty\tD. Hemilaminectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Laminoplasty" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug not used in H. pylori?\nOptions: \nA. Metronidazole\tB. Omeprazole\tC. Mosapride\tD. Amoxicillin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mosapride" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about nitric oxide, EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Regulates vasomotor tone\tB. Acts via cAMP\tC. Present in cigarette smoke\tD. It is important in penile erection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Acts via cAMP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of supracondylar humerus fracture is unable to flex interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Which nerve is most likely injured?\nOptions: \nA. Median nerve\tB. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve\tC. AIN\tD. Pin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: AIN" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a cause of clubfoot in newborns?\nOptions: \nA. CTEV\tB. Ahogryposis multiplex cngenita\tC. Polio\tD. Spina bifida.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polio" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following clinical features of demyelinating myelopathy least likely suggests a progression to multiple sclerosis?\nOptions: \nA. Complete cord transection\tB. Bilateral visual loss\tC. Absence of oligoclonal bands\tD. Poor prognosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Absence of oligoclonal bands" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to 2010 ACLS guidelines, all of the following are true except\nOptions: \nA. Defibrillation whenever done, it should be done with maximum available energy\tB. Atropine is for asystole\tC. Immediately call for help in witnessed or unwitnessed cases\tD. Cardiac massage resuscitation immediately after defibrillation without waiting for assessing rhythm..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Atropine is for asystole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To assess outcome from labour, cost, time\nOptions: \nA. Cost benefit\tB. Cost Effectiveness\tC. Cost utility\tD. Risk Benefit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cost benefit" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Jersey finger is caused by rupture of:\nOptions: \nA. Flexor digitorum superficialis\tB. Flexor digitorum profundus\tC. Extensor digiti minirni\tD. Extensor indicis proprius.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Flexor digitorum profundus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is least likely in PDA?\nOptions: \nA. CO, wash out\tB. Necrotizing enterocolitis\tC. Bounding pulse\tD. Pulmonary hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CO, wash out" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glycoprotein which is Lubricant & Protective\nOptions: \nA. Mucin\tB. Immunoglobulin\tC. Ovalbumin\tD. None of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mucin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common tumour of parotid gland is:\nOptions: \nA. Pleomorphic adenoma\tB. Adenoid cystic carcinoma\tC. Cylindroma\tD. Epidermoid carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pleomorphic adenoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a function of guiding plane?\nOptions: \nA. Provide one path of insertion and removal of the restoration\tB. Provide stabilizing characteristics against horizontal rotation of denture\tC. Eliminate detrimental strain to abutment teeth during placing or removing restoration\tD. Engage the abutment tooth in such a manner as to resist displacement of restoration away from basal seat.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Engage the abutment tooth in such a manner as to resist displacement of restoration away from basal seat." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The means by which one part of R.P.D opposes the action of the retainer in the function is called\nOptions: \nA. Tripoding\tB. Reciprocation\tC. Retention\tD. Stress breaking.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reciprocation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about metformin except:\nOptions: \nA. Inhibits cellular respiration in mitochondria\tB. Excreted unchanged in urine\tC. Reduce hepatic glucose production\tD. Used in decompensated heart failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Used in decompensated heart failure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Coenzyme A contains which of the following vitamins:\nOptions: \nA. Biotin\tB. Pyridoxine\tC. Pantothenic acid\tD. Niacin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pantothenic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \"Multifactorial Causation\" theory was given by\nOptions: \nA. McMohan Pugh\tB. Pettenkofer of Munich\tC. Winslow\tD. Robert Koch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pettenkofer of Munich" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral movement of condyle takes place by:\nOptions: \nA. Contralateral lateral pterygoid\tB. Ispilateral lateral pterygoid\tC. Same side medial pterygoid\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Contralateral lateral pterygoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Causative organism for ANIIG is:\nOptions: \nA. Fusospirochetal bacilli\tB. Treponema pallidum and spirochetes\tC. Streptococcus sanguis\tD. Sptreptococcus epidermidis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fusospirochetal bacilli" + }, + { + "input": "Question: causes of thyroid storm\nOptions: \nA. ineffective pre-operative hormonal control\tB. manhandling of the thyroid gland during surgery\tC. parathyroid tail left after surgery\tD. Poor Preoperative preparation of the patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Poor Preoperative preparation of the patient." + }, + { + "input": "Question: This curve is known as\nOptions: \nA. Cephalocaudal curve\tB. Scammon\u2019s curve\tC. S shaped curve\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Scammon\u2019s curve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lidocaine is used more commonly in dentistry because lidocaine :\nOptions: \nA. Causes Less depression of CNS\tB. Causes less cardiovascular collapse\tC. Causes lesser incidence of allergic reactions\tD. Is 50 times more potent than procaine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Causes lesser incidence of allergic reactions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which material is carried in a custom tray?\nOptions: \nA. High fusing compound\tB. Reversible hydrocolloid\tC. Metallic oxide paste\tD. Irreversible hydrocolloid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Metallic oxide paste" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Surface roughness of an orthodontic mini-screw implant can be measured by:\nOptions: \nA. Gyrometer\tB. Androidometer\tC. Profilometer\tD. Resonance analyzer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Profilometer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is main cause of pain during pulpal injury progression?\nOptions: \nA. Increased vascular permeability\tB. Decreased threshold of nerve fibres to pain\tC. Arteriolar dilatation\tD. Decrease pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increased vascular permeability" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child was brought to the hospital was found to have hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly and accumulation of highly branched glycogen called limit dextrins. He is likely to be suffering from:\nOptions: \nA. McArdle's disease\tB. Anderson's disease\tC. von Gierke's disease\tD. Cori's disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cori's disease." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Decay of enamel following radiotherapy is initiated due to:\nOptions: \nA. Decrease in salivary flow\tB. Direct radiations contacting the enamel\tC. Dessication of tooth structure\tD. Hypocalcification and pitting of enamel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decrease in salivary flow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum infective stage of hepatitis B is\nOptions: \nA. HBsAg\tB. HBe Ag\tC. HBc Ag\tD. Anti-HBs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: HBe Ag" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lente insulin is composed of:\nOptions: \nA. 30% Amorphous + 70% Crystalline insulin\tB. 30% Crystalline + 70% Amorphous insulin\tC. Same as NPH insulin\tD. Only 70% amorphous insulin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 30% Amorphous + 70% Crystalline insulin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Materials which has high compressive strength and low tensile strength is classified with property of\nOptions: \nA. Ductility\tB. Brittleness\tC. Malleability\tD. Resilient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Brittleness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Apical foramen is offcenter the root apex\nOptions: \nA. 0.5-3 mm\tB. 0.5- 1 mm\tC. 1.5-4 mm\tD. 1.5-3 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.5-3 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When there is a prematurity in centric occlusion but not\nin eccentric or other movements then reduce;\nOptions: \nA. Cusps of opposing teeth\tB. Mesiodistal position of teeth\tC. Opposing fassa or marginal ridge\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Opposing fassa or marginal ridge" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A condition of the mouth which increases the caries activity in the oral cavity is\nOptions: \nA. Xerostomia\tB. Fissured tongue\tC. Hairy tongue\tD. Watery saliva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Xerostomia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hyaline membrane disease of lungs is characterized by \u2013\nOptions: \nA. FRC is smaller than closing volume\tB. FRC is greater than closing volume\tC. FRC is equal to closing volume\tD. FRC is independent of closing volume.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: FRC is smaller than closing volume" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is clinical use of tafenoquine?\nOptions: \nA. Radical cure of Plasmodium vivax\tB. Prophylaxis of malaria in pregnancy\tC. Treatment of severe falciparum malaria\tD. Treatment of endemic malaria in children < 2 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Radical cure of Plasmodium vivax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anaesthestic agent causing adrenal suppression\nOptions: \nA. Midazolom\tB. Thiopentone\tC. Etomidate\tD. Propofol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Etomidate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a monomeric intermediate filament?\nOptions: \nA. Vimentin\tB. Keratin\tC. Desmin\tD. Tubulin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tubulin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient comes with pinpoint pupil, salivation, tremors, and red tears. Cholinesterase activity was 30% normal. Probable diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Opium\tB. Organophosphate poisoning\tC. Dhatura\tD. Organochloride pesticide poisoning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Organophosphate poisoning" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 45-year-old presents with persistent productive cough and clubbing. On auscultation, wheeze and crackles are present. Which is the most specific investigation to confirm the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. HRCT\tB. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage\tC. Chest X-ray\tD. MRI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: HRCT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The \"Pulse oximetry\" used in the determination of:\nOptions: \nA. Rate of flow\tB. Oxygen saturation\tC. Blood volume\tD. Blood coefficient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oxygen saturation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The iron carbide in orthodontic wire is in the form of:\nOptions: \nA. Martensite\tB. Ferrite\tC. Carbide\tD. Austenite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Austenite." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ewing's postulates concerns with which of the following:\nOptions: \nA. Growth at the site following trauma\tB. Growth after a neurological injury\tC. Age related changes in the teeth\tD. Old seminal stains.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Growth at the site following trauma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A hemophilia B patient needs a major surgery. Factor replacement should be done at what rate:\nOptions: \nA. 80-100 units/ kg every 12 hours\tB. 80-100 units/kg every 24 hours\tC. 60 units/kg every 12 hours\tD. 80-100 units/kg every 6 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 80-100 units/kg every 24 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about severe malaria except:\nOptions: \nA. Hypoglycemia, blood sugar level less than 40 mg\tB. Creatinine more than 3 mg/dL\tC. LDH > 750 U/L\tD. Hematocrit more than 15.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hematocrit more than 15." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In post moem body traumatic injury of face with one eye missing and some injury on mouth and nose ( right eye ball was missing , blood in socket area ) Cause of injury\nOptions: \nA. Blunt rupture to eyeball\tB. Evisceration by sharp weapon\tC. Post moem aefact\tD. None of the Above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Evisceration by sharp weapon" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The Chamfer finish line is used in\nOptions: \nA. Lingual surface of metal ceramic crown\tB. Facial surface of metal ceramic crown\tC. Facial surface of porcelain jacket crown\tD. Lingual surface of porcelain jacket crown.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lingual surface of metal ceramic crown" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The minimum incidence of cleft palate is seen in which of the following:\nOptions: \nA. Mongoloid\tB. Afghans\tC. Negroes\tD. South Americans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Negroes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) with PPARgamma function as well is:\nOptions: \nA. Olmesaan\tB. Candesaan\tC. Telmisaan\tD. Eprosaan.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Telmisaan" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An isolated area in which root is denuded of bone is intact and covered only by periosteum and overlying gingiva is called\nOptions: \nA. Fenestration\tB. Dehiscence\tC. Infracrestal pocket\tD. Hemiseptum defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fenestration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following metals shows the property of twinning:\nOptions: \nA. Stainless steel\tB. Nickel-titanium alloy\tC. Cobalt chromium\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nickel-titanium alloy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following impression material requires a hardener?\nOptions: \nA. Agar\tB. Alginate\tC. Elastomers\tD. Impression compound.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Agar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A driver wearing seat belt applied brake suddenly to avoid a collision. Which of the following body pas is most likely to be injured?\nOptions: \nA. Liver\tB. Spleen\tC. Mesentery\tD. Abdominal aoa.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mesentery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug not given in PCOD in a 30-year-old lady with infeility?\nOptions: \nA. Clomiphene\tB. Tamoxifen\tC. OCPs\tD. Metformin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tamoxifen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Kim and colleagues which of the following describe type IV isthmus?\nOptions: \nA. Two canals with a definite connection between them\tB. Complete or incomplete isthmus between three or more canals\tC. Very short, complete Isthmus between two canals\tD. Two or three canal openings without visible connections.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Complete or incomplete isthmus between three or more canals" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Heavy and light body impression materials are used with:\nOptions: \nA. Mercaptan\tB. Silicone\tC. Reversible hydrocolloid\tD. 1 and 2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 1 and 2." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In comparison to maxillary central incisor, maxillary canine has a height of contour that is:\nOptions: \nA. More\tB. Less\tC. Same\tD. Different on different teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: More" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bite cells are seen in\nOptions: \nA. G6PD deficiency\tB. SCA\tC. Hereditory spherocytosis\tD. Trauma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: G6PD deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The decreased phosphate levels seen in hyper parathyroidism is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Decreased intestinal phosphate absorption\tB. Increased calcium excretion\tC. Decreased renal phosphate absorption\tD. Increased loss of phosphate in urine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Decreased renal phosphate absorption" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient on Anti - tubercular therapy develops tingling sensation in the limbs. Which of the following when substituted can result in improvement of symptoms?\nOptions: \nA. Thiamine\tB. Pyridoxine\tC. Folic acid\tD. Methylcobalamine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pyridoxine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A permanent tooth with fracture involving apical one\nthird of root after treatment, would most likely:\nOptions: \nA. Exhibit internal root resorption\tB. Remain vital and functional\tC. Be ankylosed\tD. Exhibit external root resorption and exfoliate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Remain vital and functional" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The effect of enlarged Adenoids on the maxillary growth is by\nOptions: \nA. Narrowing of maxilla\tB. Widening of maxilla\tC. Palatal plane tipped upwards at PNS\tD. Palate descends down.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Narrowing of maxilla" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true of boiling water\nOptions: \nA. It can kill hepatitis B virus\tB. Used for sterilizing surgical instruments\tC. Can kill mycobacterium tuberculosis\tD. Can kill vegetative bacterial cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Used for sterilizing surgical instruments" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Marker appearing last in MI\nOptions: \nA. LDH\tB. CPK-MB\tC. Troponin T\tD. Troponin I.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: LDH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient reports with severe throbbing pain in relation\nto mandibular second molar. The tooth is sensitive to both hot and cold food and elicits a painful response on percussion. What would be your treatment of choice?\nOptions: \nA. Incision and drainage of Periapical area\tB. Endodontic therapy\tC. Indirect pulp capping\tD. Partial pulpectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Endodontic therapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about the larynx?\nOptions: \nA. All intrinsic muscles are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve\tB. Cricothyroid is supplied by the external laryngeal nerve\tC. Posterior cricoarytenoid abduct the vocal cords\tD. Lymphatic drainage of the larynx is to the deep cervical nodes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: All intrinsic muscles are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Etanercept is a disease-modifying drug used in management of rheumatoid ahritis. What is its mechanism of action?\nOptions: \nA. Inhibition of TNF alpha\tB. COX-2 inhibition\tC. IL-6 inhibition\tD. Stabilization of mast cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inhibition of TNF alpha" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A6 month old child with Tetralogy of Fallot develops cyanotic spell initiated by crying. Which one of the following drugs you would like to avoid \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Sodium bicarbonate\tB. Propranolol\tC. Phenylephrine\tD. Isoprenaline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Isoprenaline." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For root fracture it is imperative to take X-ray at?\nOptions: \nA. 45\u00b0,\t90\u00b0\tB. 90\u00b0\tC. 90\u00b0,\t110\u00b0\tD. 45\u00b0,\t90\u00b0, 110\u00b0.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 45\u00b0,\t90\u00b0, 110\u00b0." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5 year child is brought with brown coloured urine and oliguria since 3 days with mild facial puffiness and pedal edema with 3+ proteinuria, BP 126/90. Urine examination shows RBCs 100/hpf and granular casts. Which of the following doesn't present with this finding?\nOptions: \nA. Minimal change disease\tB. Membranous glomerulonephritis\tC. FSGS\tD. IgA nephropathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Minimal change disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An alert 6 months old child is brought with vomiting & diarrhea. RR\u201345/min, HR\u2013130/min, S P\u201385 mm of Hg. Capillary refilling time is 4 secs. Diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Early compensated hypovolemic shock\tB. Early decompensated hypovolemic shock\tC. Late compensated hypovolemic shock\tD. Late decompensated shock due to SVT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Early compensated hypovolemic shock" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Postherpetic neuralgia is defined as pain lasting beyond how many weeks?\nOptions: \nA. 1 week\tB. 2 weeks\tC. 3 weeks\tD. 4 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 4 weeks." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Swelling and redness of the orifices of minor salivary glands of the palate occurs in:\nOptions: \nA. Nicotinic stornatitis\tB. Leukoplakia\tC. Fovea palatine\tD. Erythroplakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nicotinic stornatitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child is diagnosed to have acute gastroenteritis. The consulting pediatrician wants to send a stool sample to a lab which is 16-18 hours away. Which of the following mediums should he use to send this sample \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Charcol cotton bud\tB. Carry Blair medium\tC. Sterilized jar\tD. A medium with high CO2 content.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Carry Blair medium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: GIC was developed by:\nOptions: \nA. Barnum.\tB. Wilson and Kent.\tC. Bowen.\tD. Herman..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Wilson and Kent." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The first sensation to be lost following administration of local anesthetic is\nOptions: \nA. Proprioception\tB. Pain\tC. Touch\tD. Temperature.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug causing toxic optic neuropathy is:March 2009\nOptions: \nA. Pyrazinamide\tB. Chloroquine\tC. Ethambutol\tD. Tetracycile.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ethambutol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 years old child with development delay, can ride a tricycle, can climb upstairs with alternate feet, but downstairs with 2 feet per step, can tell his name, known his own sex, but cannot narrate a story. What is his development age?\nOptions: \nA. 3 years\tB. 4 years\tC. 5 years\tD. 2 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 20 years old woman has been brought to casualty with BP 70/40 mm Hg, pulse rate 120/min. and a positive urine pregnancy test. She should be managed by:\nOptions: \nA. Immediate laparotomy\tB. Laparoscopy\tC. Culdocentesis\tD. Resuscitation and Medical management.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Immediate laparotomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major mechanism of action of nitrates in acute attack of angina is:-\nOptions: \nA. Coronary vasodilation\tB. Decreases in preload\tC. Decreases in afterload\tD. Decreases in hea rate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decreases in preload" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Black Extension for prevention to MID (Minimally invasive dentistry), all are true except\nOptions: \nA. Site & size of lesion\tB. Technique & Material used\tC. Increase number of cariogenic bacteria\tD. Minimal preparation of cavity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increase number of cariogenic bacteria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In dental composite 75 % by weight filler is approximately what % volume of filler?\nOptions: \nA. 85\tB. 90\tC. 60\tD. 50.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 50." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In penicillin allergy, penicillin acts as a:\nOptions: \nA. Hapten\tB. Carrier\tC. Super antigen\tD. Toxin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hapten" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 12 years old boy develops sore throat of 4 day s duration. On examination, yellow grayish patch seen over both the tonsils and foul smell coming from his mouth. Which of the following non-suppurative complication is of concern?\nOptions: \nA. Acute rheumatic fever\tB. Acute glomerulonephritis\tC. Both acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis\tD. Scarlet fever.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with implanted cardiac pacemaker (defibrillator),which of the following investigation is useful to know the position of the misplaced implant ?.\nOptions: \nA. X-ray\tB. CT scan\tC. MR1\tD. USG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: X-ray" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the effective management of a dengue patient with warning signs without shock and haemorrhage-\nOptions: \nA. Steroids\tB. Platelet transfusion\tC. IV fluids\tD. Antiviral.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: IV fluids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most impoant but nonspecific regulator of iron metabolism is:\nOptions: \nA. Hepcidin\tB. DMT I\tC. Ferropoin\tD. Ferritin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hepcidin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of solitary langerhans histiocytoma of mandible is by\nOptions: \nA. Curettage\tB. Radiotherapy\tC. No treatment required\tD. Chemotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Curettage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In PHC, which anticoagulant is used to send the blood sample for blood glucose:\nOptions: \nA. EDTA\tB. Heparin\tC. Potassium oxalate + sodium fluoride\tD. Potassium oxalate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Potassium oxalate + sodium fluoride" + }, + { + "input": "Question: HIV sentinel surveillance provides data:\nOptions: \nA. To monitor disease trends\tB. To identify high risk population\tC. To estimate disease incidence\tD. To assess the quality of related services.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To monitor disease trends" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 1,1,1,1 Tetra-floroethylene is applied during cold test testing with?\nOptions: \nA. # 4 Cotton pellet\tB. # 2 Cotton pellet\tC. # 6 Cotton pellet\tD. # 8 Cotton pellet.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: # 2 Cotton pellet" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A radiotherapist prescribes a new drug combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma. It prolongs the survival. Which of the following is true in this situation?\nOptions: \nA. Incidence reduces and prevalence increases\tB. Incidence remains the same and prevalence increases\tC. Incidence reduces and prevalence remains the same\tD. Incidence increases and prevalence reduces.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Incidence remains the same and prevalence increases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Receptors for olfactory sensation are present in:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral walls\tB. Nasal septum\tC. Lateral wall and nasal septum above superior concha\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lateral wall and nasal septum above superior concha" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What processing should be done of the blood before transfusion to reduce chances of febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction (FNHTR)?\nOptions: \nA. Irradiation\tB. Washing\tC. Leucocyte reduction\tD. Glycolisation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Leucocyte reduction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following nerves are related to the mandible except:\nOptions: \nA. Lingual nerve\tB. Auriculotemporal nerve\tC. Chorda tympani\tD. Mental nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chorda tympani" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements about high copper silver alloy compared to conventional alloy in not true?\nOptions: \nA. It has increased tensile and compressive strength\tB. It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance\tC. Its edge strength is greater\tD. Mercury content in the final restoration is less.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After amalgam polishing, the outermost surface has crystals arranged flattened to tooth surface. This layer is known as\nOptions: \nA. Beilby layer\tB. Beillyl layer\tC. Beibyl Layer\tD. none of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Beilby layer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nutra sweet is:\nOptions: \nA. Saccharin.\tB. Aspartame.\tC. Xylitol.\tD. Sorbitol..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Aspartame." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is not used in typhoid fever?\nOptions: \nA. Amikacin\tB. Ciprofloxacin\tC. Cefixime\tD. Azithromycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Amikacin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Opium poisoning is treated with:MAHE 06; Bihar 12; UPSC 13\nOptions: \nA. Naloxone\tB. Atropine\tC. Neostigmine\tD. Physostigmine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Naloxone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Onodi cells and Haller cells are seen in relation to following respectively -\nOptions: \nA. Optic nerve and floor of the orbit\tB. Optic nerve and internal carotid artery\tC. Optic nerve and nasolacrimal duct\tD. Orbital floor and nasolacrimal duct.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Optic nerve and floor of the orbit" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Junctional epithelium\nOptions: \nA. Lines the gingival sulcus\tB. Is permeable\tC. Is derived initially from the outer enamel epithelium\tD. Is attached to enamel by desmosomes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Is permeable" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child present with recurrent sinusitis and recurrent chest infections. Chest X\u2013ray reveals dextrocardia and situs invertus. The diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Kartagener's syndrome\tB. Good\u2013pasture's syndrome\tC. Ehlers\u2013Danlos syndrome\tD. William Campbell syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Kartagener's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In expansion screws an expansion of 90\u00b0 causes an expansion of:\nOptions: \nA. 0.20 mm\tB. 0.10 mm\tC. 0.36 mm\tD. 0.09 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.20 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The function of a sprue is to:\nOptions: \nA. Form an opening for molten metal to enter the mold\tB. Help polish cast restorations\tC. Eliminate air bubbles on the wax pattern\tD. Reproduce fine detail.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Form an opening for molten metal to enter the mold" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A nurse got accidental prick from the HIV infected needle. Which of the following is T/F regarding the management of this nurse?a. Lamivudine used as monotherapy in post-exposure prophylaxis (t/f)b. Washing hands advised(t/f)c. Viral markers at the time of prick(t/f)d. Repeat serology at 6 weeks (t/f)\nOptions: \nA. b,c,d true a false\tB. a, b true c,d false\tC. b,c true a,d false\tD. All true.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: b,c,d true a false" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Peripheral eosinophila with renal failure is least likely to be possible in:\nOptions: \nA. Drug-induced interstitial nephritis\tB. Drug-induced interstitial nephritis\tC. Atheroembolic renal failure\tD. Polyangitis nodosa.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Polyangitis nodosa." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Largest permanent tooth in mouth is\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary 1st molar\tB. Mandibular 1st molar\tC. Maxillary canine\tD. Mandibular canine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is TRUE about propagated nerve action potential?\nOptions: \nA. Decremental\tB. Not affected by hypoxia\tC. Fastest in C fibers\tD. Not affected by membrane capacitance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Not affected by hypoxia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Translocation seen in Ewing's sarcoma is:\nOptions: \nA. t(8,11)\tB. t(11,22)\tC. t(11,18)\tD. t(14,18).\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: t(11,22)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60 years old male with alcoholic liver disease presented to emergency with a history of hematemesis. Which of the following is false regarding his management'\nOptions: \nA. Somatostatin infusion is indicated\tB. Negative nasogastric aspirate does not exclude variceal bleed\tC. Nasogastric tube inseion can provoke variceal bleeding\tD. Upper GI endoscopy is done initially.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nasogastric tube inseion can provoke variceal bleeding" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used as a disinfectant?\nOptions: \nA. 1-2% Cetrimide\tB. 100% Alcohol\tC. 2% Lysol\tD. 5% Chloroxylene.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 100% Alcohol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Young\u2019s formula for calculating pediatric dose of a drug is:\nOptions: \nA. Age / Age+12 x Adult dose\tB. Age / 20 x Adult dose\tC. Weight (pounds) / 150 x Adult dose\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Age / Age+12 x Adult dose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common site for melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy is (MNTI):\nOptions: \nA. Maxilla\tB. Mandible\tC. Ethmoid bone\tD. Cervical spine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxilla" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Liver is divided into eight segments according to Couinaud's classification based upon\nOptions: \nA. Bile Duct\tB. Poal vein\tC. Hepatic Vein\tD. Hepatic aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Poal vein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mantle cell Carcinoma shows\nOptions: \nA. CD 5+, CD 25-\tB. CD 5+, CD 10+\tC. CD 5+, CD 23+\tD. CD 5+, CD 23-.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: CD 5+, CD 23-." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The drug which gives orange colour to the urine is:\nOptions: \nA. Rifampicin\tB. Ethambutol\tC. INH\tD. Streptomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rifampicin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 27 years old pregnant lady comes with severe jaundice and altered sensorium. On examination, the patient is deeply icteric, not responding to commands and pelvic sonogram reveals intrauterine fetal death. Serum bilirubin levels are 28.8 mg/dL (direct = 18.6 mg/dL), AST levels are 1063 and ALT levels are 1191. The viral markers are as follows. What is the likely diagnosis?Anti-HAV IgGReactiveAnti-HAV IgMNonreactiveHbSAgNon reactiveAnti-HbSAgNonreactiveAnti-HBc IgMNonreactiveAnti-HBc IgGReactiveAnti-HCV IgGNonreactiveAnti-HEV IgMReactiveAnti-HEV IgGNon reactive\nOptions: \nA. Acute hepatitis E superimposed on chronic liver failure due to hepatitis B\tB. Fulminant hepatitis due to hepatitis B infection\tC. Acute hepatitis E with chronic hepatitis A\tD. Fulminant hepatitis due to hepatitis E infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fulminant hepatitis due to hepatitis E infection." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient of liver disease, the possible complication during extraction is:\nOptions: \nA. Dry socket\tB. Fascial space infection\tC. Bleeding\tD. Loss of clot.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bleeding" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dengue shock syndrome is characterized by the following except :\nOptions: \nA. Hepatomegaly\tB. Pleural effusion\tC. Thrombocytopenia\tD. Decreased haemoglobin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Decreased haemoglobin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vascular event of inflammation in order-a) delayed prolonged- leukocytes mediated injuryb) immediate transient - mast cell activation lead to release of histamine bradykininc) immediate prolonged- direct endothelial injury by bacterial toxind) Somewhat delayed prolonged- sun exposure /heat stroke lead to mild endothelial injury\nOptions: \nA. ABCD\tB. DCBA\tC. ACDB\tD. BDCA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: BDCA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endotoxin of gram -ve bacteria that do not cause pathogenesis of natural disease\nOptions: \nA. Mycobacterium\tB. Klebsiella\tC. Vibrio\tD. E.coli.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vibrio" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 24 years old female presented with patchy hair loss in the right temporal and occipital region. Examination revealed non- scarring alopecia with multiple small broken hairs. Scrapings from scalp showed mild inflammation, peri-follicular hemorrhage and surrounding mild lymphocytic infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Alopecia areata\tB. Androgenic alopecia\tC. Loose anagen hair\tD. Trichotillomania.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Trichotillomania." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Decalcification and discoloration of teeth occurs during orthodontic treatment due to:\nOptions: \nA. Acid etching\tB. Poor oral hygiene\tC. Leakage of cement around bands\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 4 yr old girl child suffering from vomiting, cerebral edema and is being treated for viral infection from past 5 days. Liver biopsy in this patient may show\nOptions: \nA. Central haemorrhagic necrosis\tB. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis\tC. Autoimmune hepatitis\tD. Microvesicular steatohepatitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Microvesicular steatohepatitis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Currently used radiographic method for working length determination is:\nOptions: \nA. Grossman technique\tB. Ingels technique.\tC. Bregman technique.\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ingels technique." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient who is a known case of CKD has complaints of vomiting. His ABG repos are as follows: pH - 7.40, pCO2 - 40, HCO3 - 25. Na -145, chloride-100.\nOptions: \nA. Normal anion gap met acidosis\tB. High anion gap met acidosis\tC. No acid base abnormality\tD. High anion gap metabolic acidosis with metabolic alkalosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: High anion gap metabolic acidosis with metabolic alkalosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Impression compound base:\nOptions: \nA. Low thermal conductivity\tB. Crystalline structure\tC. Formation of cross linkage with heating\tD. High fusion temperature.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Low thermal conductivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient had a A and put on mechanical ventilation, he is opening his eyes on verbal command, Moves all his 4 limbs spontaneously. What will be his GCS score?\nOptions: \nA. 9\tB. 10\tC. 11\tD. 12.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 9" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following enzyme is common between glycogenesis and glycogenolysis?\nOptions: \nA. Glycogen synthase\tB. Glycogen phosphorylase\tC. Glucan transferase\tD. Phosphoglucomutase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Phosphoglucomutase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Common sign of occlusal trauma (TFO) is\nOptions: \nA. Tooth mobility\tB. Fractures of cusps\tC. Resorption of alveolar ridge\tD. Widening of P.D ligament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tooth mobility" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What to be done next?\nOptions: \nA. Extended curettage with allograft\tB. Bone biopsy\tC. Curettage\tD. Extended curettage with autograft.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bone biopsy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mechanism of action of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) as an antiviral agent is:\nOptions: \nA. Inhibition of M2 receptor\tB. Neuraminidase inhibition\tC. Inhibition of RNA dependent DNA polymerase\tD. Apoptosis of infected cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Neuraminidase inhibition" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cranial nerve not associated with olfaction?\nOptions: \nA. XII\tB. IX\tC. V\tD. X.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: XII" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regimen followed in expectant management of placenta previa:\nOptions: \nA. Liley's method\tB. Crede's method\tC. Macafee and Johnson regime\tD. Brandt-Andrews Method.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Macafee and Johnson regime" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Recommnended daily intake of iodine in pregnancy-\nOptions: \nA. 90 microgram\tB. 120 microgram\tC. 150 microgram\tD. 250 microgram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 250 microgram." + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about Levator Ani except -\nOptions: \nA. Converge downwards & medially\tB. Suppos viscera\tC. Made up of iliococcygeus & pubococcygeus\tD. Attached to pelvic brim.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Attached to pelvic brim." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glossy smooth margins of a casting are due to\nOptions: \nA. Shrinkage of alloy on cooling\tB. Investment breakdown\tC. incomplete wax elimination\tD. incomplete gas elimination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: incomplete wax elimination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5\u2013years old male child presents with episodic anaemia and jaundice since birth. He is least likely to have which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Hereditary spherocytosis\tB. Siclde cell anemia\tC. PNH\tD. G\u20136\u2013PD deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PNH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best medium to transport/store an avulsed tooth, which is not to be reimplanted immediately? (OR) the medium which maintains the vitality of PDl and thus indicated for long duration transport of an avulse tooth\nOptions: \nA. Viaspan\tB. Hanks balanced salt solution\tC. Coconut water\tD. Milk.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Viaspan" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True statements regarding the calculation of HDI are all of the following except\nOptions: \nA. In gross enrolment, only secondary education is considered, not primary education\tB. 1/3rd weightage is given to adult literacy\tC. 2/3`dweightage is given to gross enrolmen\tD. Country's achievement is computed on the basis of adult literacy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Country's achievement is computed on the basis of adult literacy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In complete bilateral palsy of recurrent laryngeal nerves, there is -\nOptions: \nA. Complete loss of speech with stridor and dyspnea\tB. Complete loss of speech but not difficulty in breathing\tC. Preservation of speech with severe stridor and dyspnea\tD. Preservation of speech and not difficulty in breathing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Preservation of speech with severe stridor and dyspnea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Delayed neuronal migration and organization leads to ceain disorders. Which of the following is the least likely possibility?\nOptions: \nA. Lissencephaly\tB. Schizencephaly\tC. Polymicrogyria\tD. Focal coical dyplasia without balloon cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Focal coical dyplasia without balloon cells." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzyme involved in gluconeogenesis are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Pyruvate carboxylase\tB. PEP carboxykinase\tC. Pyruvate kinase\tD. Glucose-6-phosphatase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pyruvate kinase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Concentration of adrenaline in local anaesthetic solution for achieving haemostasis & vasoconstriction at surgical site?\nOptions: \nA. 1:20000\tB. 1:50000\tC. 1:80000\tD. 1:100000.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1:50000" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While performing drainage of fluid from the pleural cavity, the needle is introduced through all of the following structures except-\nOptions: \nA. Skin\tB. Thoracic fascia\tC. Pulmonary pleura\tD. Intercostal muscles.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pulmonary pleura" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inter dose interval depends on?\nOptions: \nA. Half life of drug\tB. Dose of drug\tC. Age of patient\tD. Bioavailability of drug.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Half life of drug" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the most common type of congenital ossicular dysfunction?\nOptions: \nA. Isolated stapes defect\tB. Stapes defect with fixation of footplate and lenticular process involvement.\tC. Defective lenticular process of incus\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Stapes defect with fixation of footplate and lenticular process involvement." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Earliest transient change following tissue injury\nOptions: \nA. Neutrophilia\tB. Neutropenia\tC. Monocytoses\tD. Lymphocytoses.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neutrophilia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Canine can be classified as\nOptions: \nA. Haplodont\tB. Triconodont\tC. Tritubercular teeth\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Haplodont" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Microaneurysms are the earliest manifestation of diabetic retinopathy. Which of the following layer is involved in diabetic etinopathy?\nOptions: \nA. Outer plexiform layer\tB. Inner nuclear layer\tC. Layer of rods and cones\tD. Retinal pigment epithelium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inner nuclear layer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The type of bone present in the inter-radicular area is\nOptions: \nA. Cortical\tB. Cancellous\tC. Osteophytic\tD. Exophytic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cancellous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Asymptomatic hep B is common in 2-3% normal population, but there is increased risk of transmission into hepatocellular carcinoma. Why?\nOptions: \nA. Inability to induce inflammation to remove the organism\tB. High level of transaminases\tC. High rate of proliferation of virus\tD. Integration of viral DNA with host DNA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Integration of viral DNA with host DNA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following alloys has the highest coe\ufb03cient of friction?\nOptions: \nA. SS\tB. TMA\tC. Ni-Ti\tD. Elgiloy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: TMA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following has strong familial inheritance:\nOptions: \nA. Functional class III\tB. Class I type I\tC. Class II div I\tD. Class II div II.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Class II div II." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which anti-cholinergic drug doesn't cross the blood brain barrier and placenta?\nOptions: \nA. Glycopyrrolate bromide\tB. Hyoscine bromide\tC. Hyoscine butylbromide\tD. Atropine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Glycopyrrolate bromide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a primarily RNA based technique?\nOptions: \nA. Next generation sequencing\tB. PCR\tC. Sanger's technique\tD. Western blotting.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: PCR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child accidentally swallows 10 cc of a 10% fluoride solution. The most effective immediate action is to:\nOptions: \nA. Have the child drink copious quantities of water\tB. Have the child drink a 100/0 sodium bicarbonate solution\tC. Have the child drink milk or some other calcium containing liquid\tD. Send the child to the family physician.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Have the child drink milk or some other calcium containing liquid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: I.V. anesthesia is:\nOptions: \nA. Propofol\tB. Sevoflurane\tC. Flumazanil\tD. Naloxane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Propofol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is carcinoma of the skin, spreads by local invasion and has no tendency to metastasise?\nOptions: \nA. Malignant melanoma\tB. Basal cell carcinoma\tC. Fibrosarcoma\tD. Leukoplakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Basal cell carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chronic alcoholic comes with pain epigastrium and recurrent vomiting. On examination guarding in upper epigastrium. Chest X-ray normal. What to do next?\nOptions: \nA. UGI endoscopy\tB. Serum lipase\tC. CECT\tD. Alcohol breath test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Serum lipase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral movement of condyle is caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Contralateral lateral pterygoid muscle\tB. Both lateral and medial pterygoid muscle\tC. Epsilateral lateal pterygoid muscle\tD. Bilateral contraction of lateral pterygoid muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Both lateral and medial pterygoid muscle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Submandibular duct is exposed via intraoral approach by incising the:\nOptions: \nA. Buccinator\tB. Mucous membrane\tC. Masseter\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mucous membrane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Purkinje fibers project to which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Caudate nucleus\tB. Red nucleus\tC. Dentate nucleus\tD. Ventero lateral nucleus of thalamus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dentate nucleus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The bisecting angle technique is used to take\nOptions: \nA. Bitewing radiographs\tB. Periapical radiographs\tC. True occlusal radiographs of the mandible\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Periapical radiographs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Physiological active form of cholesterol is:\nOptions: \nA. Lipoprotein\tB. Lipid\tC. Free cholesterol\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Free cholesterol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most difficult access cavity preparation is in\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular incisors\tB. Mandibular Canine\tC. Mandibular premolar\tD. Mandibular molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular incisors" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 4 - year - old child presented with painless genu valgum. X - ray bilateral knee was done and is shown below. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Rickets\tB. Scurvy\tC. Congenital anomaly\tD. Trauma to epiphysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Scurvy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Patient is admitted with Insomnia, Agitation, Diarrhoea, Dilated pupils and Sweating, what is the type of poisoning?\nOptions: \nA. Heroin\tB. Cocaine\tC. Cannabis\tD. Ecstasy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Heroin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A conventional gingivectomy will\nOptions: \nA. Eliminate infra-bony pockets\tB. Eliminate false pockets\tC. Preserve width of attached gingiva\tD. Facilitate healing by primary intention.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Eliminate false pockets" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increased depth in posterior palatal seal area of denture \ncauses:\nOptions: \nA. Tingling sensation\tB. Gagging\tC. Increased retention\tD. Unseating of denture base.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Unseating of denture base." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pegloticase used in which of the following conditions?\nOptions: \nA. Chronic Gout\tB. Psoriatic ahritis\tC. RA\tD. Paralytic Ileus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chronic Gout" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about cardiolipin is all except\nOptions: \nA. Found in inner mitochondrial membrane\tB. Play role in process of apoptosis\tC. Is Diphosphatidyl glycerol\tD. Has choline base which has labile methyl group.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Has choline base which has labile methyl group." + }, + { + "input": "Question: During cryosurgery\nOptions: \nA. Cells get evaporated\tB. Cells will not die, only freeze\tC. Cell death occurs when the temperature falls below -20\u00b0C\tD. Patients need general anesthesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cell death occurs when the temperature falls below -20\u00b0C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Golgi tendon organ function is?\nOptions: \nA. Detects the dynamic change in muscle length\tB. Detects the muscle tension\tC. Detects the muscle stretch\tD. Detects the muscle strength.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Detects the muscle tension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A cephalogram of a 10-year-old child shows ANB = -4\u00b0 and facial angle of 98\u00b0. The case is of:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary hypoplasia\tB. Pseudoclass III malocclusion\tC. True Class III malocclusion\tD. Maxillary prognathism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: True Class III malocclusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tobacco Chewing/ smoking is the most common predisposing cause of which of the following:\nOptions: \nA. Cyclic neutropenia\tB. Juvenile periodontitis\tC. Necrotising periodontitis\tD. Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG).\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The main arterial trunk supplying the infra temporal fossa is:\nOptions: \nA. Infratemporal artery\tB. Deep temporal artery\tC. Maxillary artery\tD. Posterior superior alveolar artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Maxillary artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Reticulocytosis is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Hemolytic anemia\tB. Megaloblastic anemia\tC. Aplastic anemia\tD. Iron deficiency anemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hemolytic anemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The material used in its pure form in dentistry is:\nOptions: \nA. Composite\tB. Silver\tC. Gold\tD. Amalgam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gold" + }, + { + "input": "Question: MB2 (In maxillary first molar)can be seen through Dental operating microscope in what percentage of cases\nOptions: \nA. 90-95%\tB. 70-85%\tC. 62-70%\tD. 30-40%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 90-95%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Post-auricular ecchymosis in cases of fracture of the base of the skull is called:\nOptions: \nA. Battle's sign\tB. Tinel's sign\tC. Trousseau's sign\tD. Nikolsky's sign.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Battle's sign" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transverse symphyseal fracture of mandible can be managed by all of the following, except\nOptions: \nA. Lag screws\tB. 2 mm compression plate\tC. 2.5 mm monocortical plate\tD. 1.5 mm single miniplates.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 1.5 mm single miniplates." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Modified access cavity in maxillary molar to accommodate accessory orifice is known as\nOptions: \nA. Clove leaf\tB. Shamrock preparation\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of interochanteric fracture in old is -\nOptions: \nA. Osteoporosis\tB. Paget's dis\tC. Osteopetrosis\tD. Osteomalacia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osteoporosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Split finger technique is used for\nOptions: \nA. Gingival augmentation\tB. Sinus augmentation procedures\tC. 1^st stage implant surgery\tD. Creation of inter-implant papillae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Creation of inter-implant papillae." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Second messenger for smooth muscle relaxation mediated by NO is:\nOptions: \nA. Ca'\tB. cAMP\tC. cGMP\tD. Magnesium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: cGMP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which factor of the following contributes to short duration of anesthetic action of single dose thiopental\nOptions: \nA. Rapid biotransformation\tB. Rapid accumulation in body fat\tC. High lipid solubility\tD. Ability to enter and leave brain tissue every rapidly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High lipid solubility" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fibroblasts in pulp produces collagen\nOptions: \nA. Type I only\tB. Type II and III\tC. Type I and III\tD. Type II and I.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Type I and III" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If a bacteria were susceptible to both penicillin and Erythromycin, then it would not be appropriate to treat the patients with both antibiotics at the same time because\nOptions: \nA. Penicillin is inactivated by erythromycin\tB. Erythromycin exerts its effects extracellularly\tC. Erythromycin enhances the \u03b2-lactamases activity\tD. Penicillin is only effective against growing cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Penicillin is only effective against growing cells." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is false about indirect opthalmoscopy?\nOptions: \nA. Convex lens is used\tB. Image is viual and erect\tC. Magnification is 4-5 times\tD. It is so bright that regular haziness is penetrated.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Image is viual and erect" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child with 22-25 stool/day, 3 day old pneumonitis, no passage of urine from 36 hours. low B.P. Blood pH \u2013 7.21. Urine Na+\u201318 meq/L, S. Urea 120, serum Creatinine 1.2 indicate \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Acute cortical necrosis\tB. Acute tubular necrosis\tC. Pre\u2013renal Azotemia\tD. Acute medullary necrosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pre\u2013renal Azotemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Number of fossa in upper 1st molar\nOptions: \nA. 2 major 2 minor\tB. 3 major 2 minor\tC. 2 major 1 minor\tD. 1 major 2 minor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2 major 2 minor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For wound healing which mineral is helpful?\nOptions: \nA. Calcium\tB. Selenium\tC. Magnesium\tD. Copper.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Magnesium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is used for treatment of cancer associated thromboembolism?\nOptions: \nA. LMW heparin\tB. Anti-thrombin III inhibitors\tC. Direct factor Xa inhibitors\tD. Warfarin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: LMW heparin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nuk Sauger Nipple is :\nOptions: \nA. Non-physiologic nipple.\tB. Conventional nipple.\tC. Physiologic nipple.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Physiologic nipple." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child who was normal at bih develops chronic liver failure and muscle weakness at 3 months of age. On investigations, serum glucose is low, along with ketoacidosis and decreased pH. ALT and AST are raised. Blood lactate and uric acid levels are normal. Intravenous glucagon given after meals raises the blood glucose levels, but does not raise glucose when given after an overnight fast. Liver biopsy shows increased glycogen in liver. Which is the enzyme likely to be defective in this child?\nOptions: \nA. Glucose-6-phosphatase\tB. Muscle phosphorylase\tC. Branching enzyme\tD. Debranching enzyme.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Debranching enzyme." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ameloblastoma histologically resembles:\nOptions: \nA. BCC\tB. SCC\tC. Osteosarcoma\tD. Fibrosarcoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: BCC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The depth of clinical gingival sulcus is the distance between the gingival margin to the\nOptions: \nA. Cementoenamel Junction\tB. Alveolar crest\tC. Apical extension of junctional epithelium\tD. Apical penetration of the probe.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Apical penetration of the probe." + }, + { + "input": "Question: ECG shows a mean axis of 90 degrees. In which of the following would be present the maximum voltage of R wave?\nOptions: \nA. III\tB. I\tC. aVF\tD. aVL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: aVF" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a tertiary monoblock system of obturation of the root canal.\nOptions: \nA. Resilon monoblock obturation\tB. Active Gutta percha\tC. Orthograde obturation with MTA\tD. Gutta Percha and AH plus sealer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Active Gutta percha" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is false about apoptosis?\nOptions: \nA. No inflammation\tB. Plasma membrane intact\tC. Organelle swelling\tD. Affected by dedicated genes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Organelle swelling" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During polymerisation of acrylic resin, above what temperature benzoyl peroxide form free radicals?\nOptions: \nA. 25\u00b0C\tB. 37\u00b0C\tC. 45\u00b0C\tD. 60\u00b0C.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 60\u00b0C." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiolucencies of the jaw may be seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Multiple myeloma\tB. Giant cell tumours\tC. Hyperparathyroidism\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Test to exclude a disease\nOptions: \nA. Positive predictivity\tB. Negative predictivity\tC. Specificity\tD. Sensitivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Specificity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pharyngeal Pseudosulcus is seen secondary to-\nOptions: \nA. Vocal Abuse\tB. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux\tC. Tuberculosis\tD. Corticosteroid usage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Laryngopharyngeal Reflux" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During cobalt chromium crown reconstruction, temperature of soldering torch suddenly increases. In such case, which of the following property will change?\nOptions: \nA. Yield strength decreases and percent elongation increases\tB. Yield strength and percent elongation both increases\tC. Yield strength increases and percent elongation decreases\tD. Yield strength and percent elongation both decreases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Yield strength and percent elongation both decreases." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 4th generation apex locators are based on?\nOptions: \nA. Frequency based\tB. Impedence based\tC. Multiple frequency ratio based\tD. Resistance based.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Multiple frequency ratio based" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Law of pulse oxymetry is based on\nOptions: \nA. Doppler's law\tB. Pascal's law\tC. Poille's law\tD. Beer Lambert's law.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Beer Lambert's law." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common intraoral location for a pigmented\nnevi is the\nOptions: \nA. Hard palate\tB. Soft palate\tC. Buccal mucosa\tD. Floor of mouth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hard palate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: AIDS, secondary infection will be all except\nOptions: \nA. Rubella\tB. HSV\tC. Candida\tD. kaposis sarcoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rubella" + }, + { + "input": "Question: NN hick of the following tractions is not used in lower limb?\nOptions: \nA. Gallows\tB. Bryant\tC. Dunlop\tD. Perkin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dunlop" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Earliest valvular lesion in a case of acute rheumatic fever is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Mitral regurgitation (MR)\tB. Aortic Regurgitation(AR)\tC. Mitral stenosis (MS)\tD. Aortic Stenosis (AS).\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mitral regurgitation (MR)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase is increased in:\nOptions: \nA. Renal failure\tB. Prostatic carcinoma\tC. Myocardial infarction\tD. Pulmonary edema.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Myocardial infarction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the best index for burden of disease?\nOptions: \nA. Case fatality rate\tB. Morbidity data\tC. Dependency ratio\tD. Disability adjusted life years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Disability adjusted life years." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Peau d'Orange of breast is due to:September 2005, 2010, March 2007\nOptions: \nA. Obstruction of Vein\tB. Obstruction of lymphatic ducts.\tC. Obstruction of glandular ducts\tD. Obstruction of aeries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Obstruction of lymphatic ducts." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most accurate method of determination of working length in a tooth with open apex:\nOptions: \nA. Moisture on paperpoint\tB. Electronic apex locator\tC. Other digital method\tD. Both 1 and 2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Moisture on paperpoint" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infection of masticatory space is usually associated with\nOptions: \nA. Tonsillar abscess\tB. Mandibular molar\tC. Lateral pharyngeal space\tD. Parotid space infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mandibular molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The patients with class II division 1 malocclusion have\nOptions: \nA. Hypertonic Lower Lip\tB. Hypotonic Lower lip\tC. Hypertonic upper Lip\tD. Hypotonic upper lip.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hypotonic upper lip." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following road traffic accident, a patient with vague abdominal pain was immediately taken to the operation theatre for emergency laparotomy. On examination, a large, contained, stable, non-pulsatile retroperitoneal hematoma was found on the right side. One-shot IVU shows a barely discernible nephrogram on the right side and prompt uptake and excretion on the left side. What should be the next step to be done?\nOptions: \nA. Nephrectomy\tB. Isolate the proximal renal vessels, open the Gerota's fascia and explore the kidney\tC. Perform on table retrograde pyelography\tD. Perform on table angiography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Isolate the proximal renal vessels, open the Gerota's fascia and explore the kidney" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In mandibular angle fracture, which is most appropriate treatment?\nOptions: \nA. 1 mini plate on oblique ridge\tB. 2 mini plates on lateral surface of mandible\tC. Compression plates\tD. Reconstruction plates.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 mini plate on oblique ridge" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not true about Juvenile periodontitis\nOptions: \nA. Rate of bone loss is faster than normal periodontitis\tB. There is predilection for female patients\tC. The inflammatory process starts about simultaneously as the bone loss\tD. Frequently bilateral symmetrical patterns of bone loss Occur.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The inflammatory process starts about simultaneously as the bone loss" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In normal dentition, in centric occlusion, opposing contact may be expected at?\nOptions: \nA. Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth.\tB. Buccal slopes of buccal cusps of maxillary posterior teeth.\tC. Lingual slopes of lingual cusps of mandibular posterior teeth.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An elderly, hypeensive patient presented with sudden onset headache, vomiting, neck rigidity without focal neurological deficit. Diagnosis:\nOptions: \nA. Subarachnoid hemorrhage\tB. Ischemic stroke\tC. Subdural hemorrhage\tD. Meningitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Subarachnoid hemorrhage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The setting time of irreversible hydrocolloids can be decreased by:\nOptions: \nA. Raising the temperature of water used for mixing\tB. Using excess water for mixing\tC. Lowering the temperature of water used for mixing\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Raising the temperature of water used for mixing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug binds to activate the receptor in same fashion, which directly or indirectly brings effect, is:\nOptions: \nA. Inverse agonist\tB. Antagonist\tC. Agonist\tD. Partial agonist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Agonist" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infective endocarditis is not seen in \u2013\nOptions: \nA. ASD\tB. TOF\tC. VSD\tD. MR.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ASD" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The systolic blood pressure in normal healthy males of age group of 40 \u2014 60 has a normal distribution with a mean of 130 in a sample of 100. People with systolic blood pressure more than 130 will be:\nOptions: \nA. 100\tB. 75\tC. 50\tD. 25.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 50" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs does not affect DNA synthesis?\nOptions: \nA. Rifampicin\tB. Linezolid\tC. Nitrofurantoin\tD. Metronidazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Linezolid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Periodontosis manifests itself mainly in:\nOptions: \nA. Molars\tB. Upper incisors\tC. Molars and incisors\tD. Premolars.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Molars and incisors" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nerve fibres in pulp are\nOptions: \nA. Sympathetic efferent post ganglionic\tB. Parasympathetic post ganglionic\tC. Motor fibres\tD. Both autonomic parasympathetic and sympathetic fibres.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sympathetic efferent post ganglionic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient was schedule for surgery. Before giving anaesthesia, he was administered glycopyrrolate. What is rationale of giving glycopyrrolate before anaesthesia?\nOptions: \nA. To allay anxiety\tB. To decrease secretions\tC. As inducing agent\tD. For muscle relaxation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: To decrease secretions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about Ifosfamide except:\nOptions: \nA. It is nitrogen mustard\tB. Metabolised by CYP3A4 to form active metabolite\tC. Chloracetaldehyde is active form\tD. Less neurotoxic than cyclophosphamide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Less neurotoxic than cyclophosphamide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The organism which is involved in anaerobic infections of head and neck region is\nOptions: \nA. Staphylococcus aureus\tB. S. albus\tC. Streptococci\tD. Bacteroids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bacteroids." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Earliest diagnosis of pregnancy can be established safely by:\nOptions: \nA. USG for fetal cardiac activity\tB. Fetal cardiac Doppler study\tC. hCG levels\tD. MRI pelvis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: USG for fetal cardiac activity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infarction of anterior inferior cerebellar artery may cause damage to\nOptions: \nA. Pyramidal tract\tB. Lateral spinothalamic tract\tC. Vestibular nuclei\tD. Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vestibular nuclei" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Oral mucosa is?\nOptions: \nA. keratinized squamous\tB. stratified squamous\tC. Squamous\tD. Columnar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: stratified squamous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following statements about cast cobalt\nalloys are true EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. They have a modulus of elasticity twice that of gold alloys.\tB. They are more rigid than gold alloys.\tC. They have higher ductility than gold alloys.\tD. They have a lower proportional limit than gold alloys..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: They have higher ductility than gold alloys." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Initial clicking of TMJ while opening is due to\nOptions: \nA. Protruded condyle in respect to articular disc\tB. Retruded condyle in respect to articular disc\tC. Perforated disc\tD. Lateral displacement of the condyle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Retruded condyle in respect to articular disc" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5-year old boy passed 18 loose stools in last 24 hours\nand vomited twice in last 4 hours. He is irritable but drinking fluids. The optional therapy for this child is:\nOptions: \nA. Intravenous fluids\tB. Oral rehydration therapy\tC. Intravenous fluid initially for 4 hours followed by oral fluids\tD. Plain water ad libitum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oral rehydration therapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nickel is added to wrought gold alloys as\nOptions: \nA. Strengthener\tB. Hardener\tC. Whitens the alloy\tD. Scavenger.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Strengthener" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of these are dental auxiliary dental materials except:\nOptions: \nA. Dental impression wax\tB. Ceramic\tC. Casting investment\tD. Impression compound.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ceramic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment resins are given for which type of edentulous \nridges?\nOptions: \nA. Abused ridges\tB. Flabby ridges\tC. Ridges with large tori on them\tD. Ridges with bony resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Abused ridges" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resilient silicone denture lining materials are superior \nto plasticized acrylic resin as:\nOptions: \nA. Bond strength with a denture is increased\tB. They remain resilient for a short time\tC. They do not support fungal growth\tD. Tissue adaptation is better.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: They do not support fungal growth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents with focal alopecia areata. All of the following are associations of alopecia areata except:\nOptions: \nA. Nail pitting\tB. Atopy\tC. Geographic tongue\tD. Exclamatory mark.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Geographic tongue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Delayed eruption of at least part of the dentition is a recognized feature of all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Rickets\tB. Congenital hyperthyroidism\tC. Cleidocranial dysplasia\tD. Cherubism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Congenital hyperthyroidism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After the appearance of rash, prophylactic isolation of measles case is necessary for a minimum of:September 2007\nOptions: \nA. 2 days\tB. 5 days\tC. 7 days\tD. 9 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 5 days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The usefulness of a screening test depends upon it\nOptions: \nA. Sensitivity\tB. Specificity\tC. Reliability\tD. Predictive value.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sensitivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Brushing technique for gingival recession\nOptions: \nA. Bass\tB. Stillman\tC. Charter\tD. Modified stillman.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Modified stillman." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The intramuscular administration of 0.6 mg of atropine sulphate to a 50 kg adult may produce all of the following effects except:\nOptions: \nA. Bradycardia\tB. Decreased salivation\tC. Decreased sweating\tD. Mydriasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bradycardia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 19 years old patient, with a swelling over the left angle of the mandible, temperature of 38\u00b0C and negative history of trauma, one should suspect:\nOptions: \nA. Spontaneous fracture of the mandible\tB. Pericoronal infection\tC. Mumps\tD. Sjogren's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pericoronal infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 2nd optimal landmark for termination of cleaning, shaping and obturation is\nOptions: \nA. Apical constriction\tB. Cementodentinal junction\tC. Major diameter\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Apical constriction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Borders of major connectors adjacent to gingival crevices, should be no closer to the crevice\nthan?\nOptions: \nA. 1-2 mm\tB. 2-3 mm\tC. 3-6 mm\tD. 7-10 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3-6 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Golgi bodies function as:\nOptions: \nA. Protein lipid synthesis\tB. Protein synthesis\tC. Sorting of glycoproteins\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sorting of glycoproteins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Prothrombin time (PT) estimation, on addition of calcium and thromboplastin to platelet poor plasma. which of the following pathway is activated?\nOptions: \nA. Extrinsic\tB. Intrinsic\tC. Fibrinolysis\tD. Common.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Extrinsic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: true statement about golgi tendon organ is\nOptions: \nA. High threshold\tB. Dynamic response only\tC. Detects length change\tD. 3-25 muscle fibres.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 3-25 muscle fibres." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment for KOT is:\nOptions: \nA. Mandible resection with continuity defect and immediate reconstruction\tB. Mandible resection without continuity defect and immediate reconstruction\tC. Enucleation and peripheral osteotomy, chemical cauterization\tD. Cauterization and delayed reconstruction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Enucleation and peripheral osteotomy, chemical cauterization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lingual bar is used in conditions where:\nOptions: \nA. Lingual sulcus is deep\tB. Lingual sulcus is shallow\tC. When splinting of adjacent teeth is require\tD. When abutment teeth have poor bony support.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lingual sulcus is deep" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are used for screening cancers in females except\nOptions: \nA. CA-125: Ovarian cancer\tB. Office endometrial aspirate: Endometrial carcinoma\tC. Pap smear: Cervical cancer\tD. Mammography: Breast cancer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Office endometrial aspirate: Endometrial carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum area in homunculus signifies?\nOptions: \nA. Low control and skilled movements\tB. More muscle fibers are present\tC. Increased precisiveness of movements\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increased precisiveness of movements" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following hemostatic agents are used as perforation repair, except?\nOptions: \nA. Collagen\tB. CaOH2\tC. Ferric sulphate\tD. Fridge dried bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ferric sulphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Unattached gingiva:\nOptions: \nA. Is interdental gingiva\tB. Is below mucogingival fold\tC. c)\tCannot be separated by probe\tD. d)\tIs marginal gingiva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: d)\tIs marginal gingiva." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of nodal metastasis, which is not seen on CT scan\nOptions: \nA. Spiculated node\tB. Size more than 6 mm\tC. Necrotic node\tD. Rounded node.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spiculated node" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fixed drug eruptions are frequently seen with?\nOptions: \nA. Penicillin\tB. Sulfonamide\tC. Cetirizine\tD. Roxithromycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sulfonamide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An autopsy was performed on a case of accidental death. It showed two linear fractures on petrous pa of temporal bone. Which of the following rules gives the sequence of fractures?\nOptions: \nA. McNaughton's rule\tB. Puppe's rule\tC. Young's rule\tD. Dunlop's rule.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Puppe's rule" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pharyngeal arches are rod like thickning of:\nOptions: \nA. Endoderm.\tB. Ectoderm.\tC. Mesoderm.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mesoderm." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The average no of muscle fibres attached to one golgi tendon oragn are\nOptions: \nA. 3-Jan\tB. 10-May\tC. 15-Oct\tD. 15-75.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 15-Oct" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gene for Dentin mineralization\nOptions: \nA. MAP1B\tB. PHEX\tC. DEN\tD. PHIX.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: PHEX" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is an example of anaplerotic reaction?\nOptions: \nA. Pyruvate to oxaloacetate\tB. Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA\tC. Pyruvate to lactic acid\tD. Pyruvate to acetaldehyde.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pyruvate to oxaloacetate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most effective caustic that may be used locally in the treatment of hypersensitive dentin in the molars is:\nOptions: \nA. Alcohol\tB. Chlorhexidine\tC. Trichloro acetic acid\tD. Silver nitrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Silver nitrate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Orthodontically treated midline diastema is best retained by:\nOptions: \nA. Hawley's appliance for 6 months\tB. Hawley's appliance for 12 months\tC. Bonded lingual retainer\tD. No need for retainer as it is self-retained.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bonded lingual retainer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Poisoning by which of these elements causes blind staggers alkali disease in livestock?\nOptions: \nA. Magnesium\tB. Manganese\tC. Selenium\tD. Molybdenum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Selenium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with allergy to costume jewelry, which of the following is contraindicated:\nOptions: \nA. High gold\tB. Low gold\tC. Palladium \u2014 Ag\tD. Ni \u2014 Cr.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ni \u2014 Cr." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the complication of massive blood transfusion?\nOptions: \nA. Metabolic acidosis\tB. Metabolic alkalosis\tC. Respiratory alkalosis\tD. Respiratory acidosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Metabolic alkalosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Turku\u2019s sugar study was related to\nOptions: \nA. Fluorosis\tB. Dental Caries\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dental Caries" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum alveolar aerial oxygen difference is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary embolism\tB. Severe asthma\tC. Interstitial lung disease\tD. Foreign body in upper airway.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pulmonary embolism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Isosorbide 5 \u2014 mononitrate is preferred because\nOptions: \nA. Less tolerance develops\tB. Sublingual absorption is better\tC. Longer duration of action\tD. Direct coronary vasodilatory action is more.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Longer duration of action" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dicor is\nOptions: \nA. Castable ceramic\tB. Metavite\tC. Vitallium\tD. Vita ceramic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Castable ceramic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following premolars has a mesial marginal ridge more cervical than the distal marginal ridge:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary 1st premolar\tB. Maxillary 2nd premolar\tC. Mandibular 1st premolar\tD. Mandibular 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mandibular 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Correlation between the height and weight of children is best represented by:\nOptions: \nA. Histogram\tB. Line diagram\tC. Scatter diagram\tD. Bar diagram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Scatter diagram" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which among the following shows pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia?\nOptions: \nA. Sq. cell carcinoma\tB. Basal cell carcinoma\tC. Verrucous carcinoma\tD. Granular cell myoblastorna.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Granular cell myoblastorna." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person was advised by his ohopedic surgeon to get regular dressing of his wound done. But the patient did not give much care. During follow-up, patient was repeatedly told to get the dressing done timely but patient didn't do the dressing himself, saying that he was busy. Finally the wound enlarged and the underlying bone developed osteomyelitis. Which of the following statement is true regarding above-mentioned situation?\nOptions: \nA. Doctor is guilty under \"Last clear chance\" doctrine\tB. Doctor is not guilty under \"Contributory negligence\"\tC. Doctor is punishable under avoidable negligence\tD. Doctor is guilty as he prescribed wrong medicines.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Doctor is guilty under \"Last clear chance\" doctrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dengue discharge protocol includes\nOptions: \nA. 24 hours after Recovery from shock\tB. Urine volume > 200 ml\tC. 24 hours after absence of fever with use of Paracetamol\tD. Return of normal appetite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Return of normal appetite." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is true about Swyer svndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Can be feile with surrogacy\tB. Can be feile with ovum donation\tC. Presents with primary feility\tD. Gonadectomy is indicated for all patients.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Can be feile with surrogacy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arterial supply to floor of mouth & suprahyoid muscle is\nOptions: \nA. Lingual artery\tB. Maxillary artery\tC. Inferior alveolar artery\tD. Facial artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lingual artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In intraoral radiograph, patient radiation is decreased by\nall except:\nOptions: \nA. High speed film\tB. Intensifying screens\tC. Lead apron\tD. Decreasing kVp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Decreasing kVp." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Recently approved drug by FDA for treatment of Lennox-Gestaut syndrome:\nOptions: \nA. Lacosamide\tB. Vigabatrin\tC. Zonisamide\tD. Rufinamide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Rufinamide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not true about fresh frozen plasma\nOptions: \nA. Supplies major coagulation factors\tB. ABO match not required\tC. Should be used in replacement of factors in DIC/Trauma\tD. To be used within 30 minutes of having trauma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: To be used within 30 minutes of having trauma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A newborn presents with congestive heart failure, on examination has bulging anterior fontanelle with a bruit on auscultation. Transfontanellar USG shows a hypoechoic midline mass with dilated lateral ventricles. Most likely diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Medulloblastoma\tB. Encephalocele\tC. Vein of Galen malformation\tD. Arachnoid cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vein of Galen malformation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant, diabetic female on oral hypoglycemics is shifted to insulin. All of the following are true regarding this, except:\nOptions: \nA. Insulin does not cross placenta\tB. During pregnancy insulin requirement increases and cannot be provided with sulphonylureas\tC. Tolbutamide crosses placenta\tD. Tolbutamide causes PIH.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tolbutamide causes PIH." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fenestri vestibuli is:\nOptions: \nA. Rounded bulge produced by first turn of cochlea\tB. Oval opening posterosuperior to the promontory\tC. Prominence produced due to the lateral semicircular canal\tD. It is grooved by tympanic plexus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oval opening posterosuperior to the promontory" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lefort 1 osteotomy essentially involves osteotomy of how many bones?\nOptions: \nA. 2\tB. 3\tC. 4\tD. 5.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 5." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Wilson curve seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Molars\tB. Premolar\tC. Anteriors\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Molars" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In primary trauma from occlusion:\nOptions: \nA. The blood vessels present in periodontal ligament rupture and release contents in surrounding space\tB. Adaptive capacity of tissues to withstand occlusal forces is impaired resulting in injury from normal occlusal forces\tC. The alveolar bone is not damaged\tD. Bifurcations and trifurcations are less susceptible to injury related to this condition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The blood vessels present in periodontal ligament rupture and release contents in surrounding space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About psedomonas. All are true except\nOptions: \nA. Strict aerobes\tB. Can grow in disinfectants in hospital\tC. Infection is mostly due to endogenous source\tD. Most common organism in burn patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Infection is mostly due to endogenous source" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the heart valve is most likely to be involved by Infective endocarditis following a septic abortion:\nOptions: \nA. Aortic valve.\tB. Tricuspid valve.\tC. Pulmonary valve.\tD. Mitral valve..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tricuspid valve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: On loading the fracture mandible posterior to the site of fracture, which of the following is present:\nOptions: \nA. Tension on upper border\tB. Compression on upper border\tC. Compression on medial surface\tD. Compression on inferior surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Compression on upper border" + }, + { + "input": "Question: DOC for bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy\nOptions: \nA. Clindamycin\tB. Erythromycin\tC. Rovamycin\tD. Metronidazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Metronidazole." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following antibiotics chelates with calcium ?\nOptions: \nA. Penicillin\tB. Tetracycline\tC. Cephalosporins\tD. Erythromycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tetracycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gene for odontoblast differentiation\nOptions: \nA. MAP1B\tB. PHEX\tC. DEN\tD. PHIX.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MAP1B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drugs preventing PPH, all except:\nOptions: \nA. Misoprostol\tB. Dinoprostone\tC. PGF-2 alpha\tD. Oxytocin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dinoprostone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Porcelain denture teeth\nOptions: \nA. Have a higher coefficient of thermal expansion than acrylic teeth\tB. Have a lower abrasion resistance than enamel\tC. Should be used where the inter alveolar clearance is small\tD. Have a higher abrasion resistance than gold.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Have a higher abrasion resistance than gold." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Green Vermillion index measures\nOptions: \nA. Periodontal disease\tB. Oral hygiene\tC. Bone level\tD. Gingival health.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oral hygiene" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After Dengue hemorrhagic shock, what is the criteria for the patient to be discharged from the hospital?\nOptions: \nA. After return of appetite\tB. After urine output more than 200ml\tC. 24hrs after recovery from shock\tD. Fever controlled by paracetamol for >24hrs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: After return of appetite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Coxsackie virus causes\nOptions: \nA. infectious mononucleosis\tB. Lymphoma\tC. herpangina\tD. herpes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: herpangina" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about nerve supply of adrenal gland?\nOptions: \nA. Release of catecholamines is not affected by nerve supply to adrenals\tB. Preganglionic fibres from lower thoracic and lumbar veebra come sympathetic chain to supply adrenals\tC. Adrenal coex doesn't have nerve supply as it has endocrine functions\tD. Adrenal medulla doesn't have nerve supply.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Preganglionic fibres from lower thoracic and lumbar veebra come sympathetic chain to supply adrenals" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to the instrument formula given by G.V. Black, the primary cutting edge angle should be:\nOptions: \nA. >50 degree\tB. >90 degree\tC. <50 degree\tD. <90 degree.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: >50 degree" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Optimal anti-rotational design in a blade is incorporated by offset not greater than?\nOptions: \nA. 2 mm\tB. 5 mm\tC. 3 mm\tD. 6 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true for S/S spreader compared to Ni-Ti Spreader?\nOptions: \nA. Less depth penetration is achieved with Ni-Ti spreader is achieved\tB. More Flexibility with Ni-Ti spreader is achieved\tC. Less stress Generated in Ni-Ti spreaded condensation\tD. Less incidence of root Fracture with Ni-Ti spreader.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Less depth penetration is achieved with Ni-Ti spreader is achieved" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about legionella pneumophilia except\nOptions: \nA. a)\tquatic bodies are main habitat\tB. It can replicate in amoeba\tC. Urine test is a reliable method\tD. Person to person transmission.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Person to person transmission." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In \u201cTip of Iceberg Phenomenon\u201d, submerged portion does not consist of\nOptions: \nA. Healthy population\tB. Carriers\tC. Undiagnosed cases\tD. Latent period.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Healthy population" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Curve passing through the buccal and lingual cusp tips of the mandibular buccal teeth is:\nOptions: \nA. Wilson curve\tB. Mansoon curve\tC. Curve of Spee\tD. Catenary curve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wilson curve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective to mosquito?\nOptions: \nA. Sporozoite\tB. Gametocyte\tC. Merozoite\tD. Zygote.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gametocyte" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady presents with complaints of abdominla pain. CECT shows bilateral papillary necrosis. Which of the following test shall not be done to investigate the cause of her papillary necrosis?\nOptions: \nA. Urine acidification test\tB. Sickling test\tC. Urine -PCR for TB\tD. Bacterial culture of urine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Urine acidification test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phase 1 clinical trial is done for:\nOptions: \nA. Drug safety\tB. Pharmacodynamics\tC. Efficacy\tD. Dosing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Drug safety" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are features of infant born to diabetic mother except:\nOptions: \nA. Obesity\tB. Learning disability\tC. Ketotic hypogylycemia\tD. Future diabetes mellitus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Learning disability" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A\tpermanent tooth\tbud,\twhich\thas\tbeen\taccidentally\nremoved during extraction of a deciduous tooth, should be:\nOptions: \nA. Discarded\tB. The socket curetted and the tooth bud replanted\tC. Pulpectomy of the tooth bud and placed into the socket\tD. Place deep into the socket from where it was removed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Place deep into the socket from where it was removed." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following stain is used for diagnosis of Granular dystrophy of cornea?\nOptions: \nA. Colloidal iron\tB. Congo red\tC. PAS\tD. Masson trichrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Masson trichrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a component of quick SOFA (qSOFA) scoring?\nOptions: \nA. Bilateral undilated pupils\tB. Altered Mentation\tC. Glasgow Coma Score\tD. SBP <= 100 mm Hg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bilateral undilated pupils" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is not used as an abrasive in the dentifrice\nOptions: \nA. Calcium carbonate\tB. Silica\tC. Sodium Chloride\tD. Amylase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Amylase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these indicators is used at anganwadi centers for growth monitoring in children?\nOptions: \nA. Height for age\tB. Weight for age\tC. Weight for height\tD. Mid-arm circumference.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Weight for age" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Palatine process begins to fuse at:\nOptions: \nA. 6th week of fertilization\tB. 8th week of fertilization\tC. 10th week of fertilization\tD. 12th week of fertilization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 8th week of fertilization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Shy Drager syndrome is:\nOptions: \nA. Intestinal polyp\tB. Acute adernergic shock\tC. Vasovagal hypotension\tD. Orthostatic hypotension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Orthostatic hypotension." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Medlar bodies are found in -\nOptions: \nA. Sporotrichosis\tB. Chromoblastomycosis\tC. Mycetoma\tD. Histoplasmosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chromoblastomycosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The muscles of the tongue are supplied by:\nOptions: \nA. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tB. Lingual nerve\tC. Chorda tympani\tD. Hypoglossal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hypoglossal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transudate is characterized by:\nOptions: \nA. Associated inflammatory conditions\tB. Low protein content\tC. Tendency to clot\tD. Specific gravity of above 1.018.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Low protein content" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Function of major connector is that it:\nOptions: \nA. Connects parts of prosthesis on one side of arch with\tthose on opposite side\tB. Distributes forces aver entire supporting structure\tC. Resists flexing and torque\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which\tof\tthe\tfollowing\tcan\tresult\tin\tParadoxical\nexcitement in children.\nOptions: \nA. Morphine\tB. Phenobarbitone\tC. Nitrous Oxide\tD. Amphetamine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Phenobarbitone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is a gender-specific side-effect of valproate?\nOptions: \nA. Polycystic ovarian syndrome\tB. Alopecia\tC. Weight loss\tD. Tremor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polycystic ovarian syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: History of fall on outstretched hand with the given xray:\nOptions: \nA. Galeazzi fracture\tB. Montaggia fracture\tC. Colles fracture\tD. Smith fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Galeazzi fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nitrous oxide alone is not used as a G.A agent because of\nOptions: \nA. Difficulty in maintaining an adequate oxygen concentration\tB. Expense of the agent and its exposure hazards\tC. Adverse effect on liver\tD. Poor analgesic property.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Difficulty in maintaining an adequate oxygen concentration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum pCO2 is seen in which of the following stage in arterial gas analysis?\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cholesterol crystals are found in which zone?\nOptions: \nA. Zone of infection\tB. Zone of contamination\tC. Zone of irritation\tD. Zone of stimulation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Zone of irritation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following are the essential amino acids:\nOptions: \nA. Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Lysine\tB. Phenylalanine, Asparagine, Methionine\tC. Phenylalanine, Valine, Glycine\tD. Histidine, Glutamine, Valine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Lysine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 25 years old lady with a history of fever for 1 month presents with headache and ataxia.Brain imaging shows dilated ventricles and significant basal exudates. Which of the following will be the most likely CSF finding?\nOptions: \nA. Lymphocytosis, Low Glucose, High protein\tB. Lymphocytosis, Normal Glucose, High protein\tC. Lymphocytosis, Low Glucose, Normal protein\tD. Neutrophilia, Low glucose, Low Protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lymphocytosis, Low Glucose, High protein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A sick intubated neonate is having bilateral jerk of both right and left upper limbs with some occasional twitching of neck as well. Likely type of seizures:-\nOptions: \nA. Focal clonic\tB. Multifocal clonic\tC. Multifocal tonic clonic\tD. Focal tonic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Multifocal clonic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sickle cell mutation is\nOptions: \nA. Point mutation\tB. Selective mutation\tC. Frame shift mutation\tD. Nonsense mutation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Point mutation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Pleomorphism\tB. Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin\tC. Penicillin analogue production\tD. Lack of nucleic acid in the cell wall.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All information must be explained in comprehensible, non medical terms preferable in local language about the diagnosis, nature of treatment, risks involved, prospects of success and alternative methods of treatment known\nOptions: \nA. Implied consent\tB. Express consent\tC. Informed consent\tD. Substitute consent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Informed consent" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Proteins elevated in the plasma in myocardial infarction\nOptions: \nA. Troponin T\tB. Troponin H\tC. Troponin K\tD. Troponin M.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Troponin T" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dystrophic calcification is seen most commonly in which of the following oral tissues\nOptions: \nA. Enamel\tB. Pulp\tC. Dentin\tD. Periodontal ligament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pulp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant woman with G3P2L0 presented to you with a pregnancy at period of gestation of 9 weeks. She has a history of conization one year back currently on follow up with no recurrence on PAP smean She also has the history of preterm bihs at 30 and 32 weeks during her last 2 pregnancy. What is your next step in the management of this patient?\nOptions: \nA. USG to see cervical length\tB. Cervical cerclage\tC. Complete bed rest\tD. Abdominal cerclage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: USG to see cervical length" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Angles between Adhesive and Adherent is Zero degree, it indicates:\nOptions: \nA. Complete wetting of surfaces\tB. Rough surfaces between Adhesive & Adherent\tC. Adherent and adhesive molecules are tangent to each other\tD. Irregularities present between Adherent surfaces.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Complete wetting of surfaces" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following require delayed separation?\nOptions: \nA. Tilted tooth\tB. Drifted tooth\tC. Rotated tooth\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acetone free methyl alcohol is present in Leishmann's stain for:\nOptions: \nA. It fixes cells to the slide\tB. It colors the red cells\tC. It prevents the cells from sticking to the slide surface\tD. It stops metabolic and enzymatic activity of the cell.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: It stops metabolic and enzymatic activity of the cell." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of choice for erythrodermic psoriasis:\nOptions: \nA. Methotrexate\tB. Coicosteroids\tC. Coal tar topical\tD. Topical steroids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Methotrexate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 8 year old child got trauma and got his central incisor avulsed 20 minutes back which got contaminated with debris. The child rushes to dental clinic with avulsed tooth, the treatment is:\nOptions: \nA. Clean root surface with saline and reimplant\tB. Clean and curette root surface and reimplant\tC. Clean root surface, do RCT and reimplant\tD. Scrubbing of root surface and reimplant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Clean root surface with saline and reimplant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In 3 mix paste; discoloration occurs due to presence of:\nOptions: \nA. Ciprofloxacin\tB. Minocycline\tC. Metronidazole\tD. Tetracycline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Minocycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ear prosthesis and ocular prosthesis is made from\nOptions: \nA. Methyl methacrylate\tB. Metallic implants\tC. Silicone\tD. Epoxy resin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Silicone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion, disease manifests in:\nOptions: \nA. 1 week\tB. 6 weeks\tC. 3 months\tD. 1 year.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these statements is true about Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana?\nOptions: \nA. Cashless benefit on presenting smacard and fingerprints\tB. Valid for up to 4 family members\tC. Can be used only in 1 district\tD. Treatment only in government hospitals.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cashless benefit on presenting smacard and fingerprints" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The activity of the following enzyme is affected by biotin deficiency:\nOptions: \nA. Transketolase\tB. Dehydrogenase\tC. Oxidase\tD. Carboxylase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Carboxylase." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For maintaining parallelism between object the and\nfilm, film is placed at a distance to avoid distortion what should be done:\nOptions: \nA. Increase target to object distance\tB. Decrease target to object distance\tC. Both of the above\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increase target to object distance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of cerebral palsy is commonly associated with scoliosis and other orthopedic problems \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Spastic quadriplegia\tB. Anterior cerebral palsy\tC. Spastic deplegia\tD. Atonic cerebral palsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spastic quadriplegia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vitamin K antagonizes\nOptions: \nA. Corticosteroids\tB. Thrombin formation\tC. Bishydroxy coumarin\tD. Production of clotting factors by liver.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bishydroxy coumarin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does golgi tendon organ detect?\nOptions: \nA. Muscle Tension\tB. Dynamic muscle length\tC. Static muscle length\tD. Muscle action.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Muscle Tension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum strain of parturient heart occurs during:\nOptions: \nA. At term\tB. Immediate postpartum\tC. Ist trimester\tD. IInd trimester.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Immediate postpartum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Schizonts and late trophozoite stages of plasmodium falciparum not seen in peripheral blood smear because:\nOptions: \nA. They are sequestered in the spleen\tB. Due to adherence to the capillary endothelium, they are not seen in peripheral blood\tC. Due to antigen-antibody reaction and removal\tD. They are seen in mosquito blood.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Due to adherence to the capillary endothelium, they are not seen in peripheral blood" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In depressed zygomatic arch fracture, difficulty in opening the mouth is caused by impingement of:\nOptions: \nA. Condyles\tB. Ramus\tC. Petrous temporal\tD. Coronoid process.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Coronoid process." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant female delivered a baby with normal expulsion of an intact placenta. After half hour she staed bleeding per vaginaly. On examination she was hypotensive and boggy mass is palpated per abdomen. USG showed retained placental tissues. what is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Placenta succenturiata\tB. Adenomyosis\tC. Placenta accreta\tD. Membranous placenta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Placenta succenturiata" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Crescendo angina is\nOptions: \nA. Stable angina\tB. Heart failure\tC. Unstable angina\tD. MI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Unstable angina" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After the delivery of an infant of diabetic mother, blood glucose of the infant was 60 mg/dt. Which other investigation docs the sister expects that the physician would ask her to do?\nOptions: \nA. Serum potassium\tB. CBC\tC. Serum calcium\tD. Serum chloride.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Serum calcium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About giant cell tumor, all are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Commonly presents in the 20-40 year age group\tB. Matrix consists of proliferating mononuclear cells\tC. Osteoclast giant cells constitute the proliferative component of the tumor\tD. It is a benign tumor which may have lung metastasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Osteoclast giant cells constitute the proliferative component of the tumor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During recording of PPS, face is titled down 30 degrees to touch the sternum:\nOptions: \nA. To activate the muscles of palate & pharynx\tB. To activate the muscles of soft palate only\tC. To prevent flow of material to throat\tD. Help in sucking & swallowing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: To activate the muscles of soft palate only" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 year old patient with extra cusp on maxillary central incisor is associated with all, except\nOptions: \nA. Mohr's syndrome\tB. Sturge-Weber Syndrome\tC. Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome\tD. Proteus Syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Proteus Syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: High copper dental amalgams are superior to other amalgams because high copper dental amalgams:\nOptions: \nA. Have less marginal breakdown\tB. Are workable at lower Hg-alloy ratio\tC. Have a higher ratio of tensile to compressive strength\tD. Have less resistance to tarnish and corrosion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Have less marginal breakdown" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Study models are used:\nOptions: \nA. As references in orthodontic cases\tB. To show shape, size and position of teeth\tC. As an aid in treatment planning\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is giving; history of avulsed tooth 20 minutes back, comes to dentist what should be done?\nOptions: \nA. Scrub the tooth and reimplant\tB. Rinse with saline and reimplant\tC. Sterilize tooth and reimplant\tD. Scrub the tooth do RCT and reimplant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rinse with saline and reimplant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 14 year old child with blindness, sensorineural hearing loss, progressive hematuria, hypeension with similar family history in father\nOptions: \nA. Alpo syndrome\tB. Goldenhar syndrome\tC. Goodpasture syndrome\tD. Nager syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Alpo syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Coarse tremors of tongue is seen in all except:\nOptions: \nA. Parkinsonism\tB. Alcohol\tC. Thyrotoxicosis\tD. General paresis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thyrotoxicosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most probable chance of developing caries in the following curve is at:\nOptions: \nA. Point A\tB. Point B\tC. Point C\tD. Point D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Point B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dustless alginate is produced by\nOptions: \nA. Reducing the diatomaceous earth\tB. Adding heavy metal salts\tC. Coating with dihydric alcohol\tD. Altering the matrix.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Coating with dihydric alcohol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A-alpha \ufb01bers have a speed of conduction of ------ m/s.\nOptions: \nA. 20-Oct\tB. 40-50\tC. 50-70\tD. 70-120.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 70-120." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is not true about randomization in a clinical trial?\nOptions: \nA. Reduces confounding\tB. Decreases selection bias\tC. Ensures comparability of two groups\tD. Increases external validity of the trial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Increases external validity of the trial." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a dye used for dentinal caries detection:\nOptions: \nA. Calcein\tB. Zygo ZL-22.\tC. Fuschin.\tD. Acid red system..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Acid red system.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ritonavir inhibits metabolism of all of the following drugs except:\nOptions: \nA. Amiodarone\tB. Phenytoin\tC. Cisapride\tD. Midazolam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Phenytoin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About gutta-percha all are true, except:\nOptions: \nA. It contains 60-70% gutta-percha and 20% ZnO\tB. Can be sterilized by heating\tC. With time they become brittle\tD. It has two forms \u03b1 and \u03b2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Can be sterilized by heating" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient shows one or more of the following: advanced bone loss, grade II and III furcation involvements, tooth mobility, inaccessible areas, systemic/environmental factors represents:\nOptions: \nA. Questionable prognosis\tB. Poor prognosis\tC. Fair prognosis\tD. Hopeless prognosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Questionable prognosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Carotid sinus/baroreceptor is located at the origin of\nOptions: \nA. Common carotid artery\tB. Internal carotid artery\tC. Aorta\tD. External carotid artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Internal carotid artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum permissible dose of Articaine in a healthy patient is\nOptions: \nA. 1.3 mg/kg\tB. 5 mg/kg\tC. 2 mg/kg\tD. 7 mg/kg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 7 mg/kg." + }, + { + "input": "Question: ADA specification of orthodontic wire:\nOptions: \nA. 29\tB. 25\tC. 32\tD. 30.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 32" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is true about mucogingival flap designs\nOptions: \nA. Flap should be wider at the base\tB. Flap should be narrower at the base\tC. Flap margins should not rest on bone\tD. Mucogingival flaps should be avoided.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Flap should be wider at the base" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An anterior bite plate should be trimmed so that\nOptions: \nA. It is included at 10\u00b0 to occlusal plane\tB. It is inclined at 30\u00b0 to occlusal plane\tC. Posterior teeth are 5 mm apart\tD. Posterior teeth are 2 mm apart.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Posterior teeth are 2 mm apart." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In resorption of roots of the primary teeth, the\ndental pulp\nOptions: \nA. Plays a passive role\tB. Becomes a fibrotic non\u2014vital mass\tC. Initiates resorption from the inner surface of roots\tD. Aids in formation of secondary dentin slowing down resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Plays a passive role" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2 years old child suffers flame burns involving face, bilateral upper limbs and front of chest and abdomen. What is the body surface area involved?\nOptions: \nA. 40%\tB. 45%\tC. 54%\tD. 60%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 40%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About carey coombs murmur which is false \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Delayed diastole murmur\tB. Seen in rheumatic fever\tC. Can be associated with AR\tD. Low pitched murmur.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Can be associated with AR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The probable reasons for a high incidence of dental caries in the teenage population relates most directly to:\nOptions: \nA. Rapid growth\tB. Frequency of sucrose intake\tC. Negligence in visiting the dentist\tD. Carelessness in oral hygiene habits.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Frequency of sucrose intake" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an adverse effect of Escitalopram?\nOptions: \nA. Nausea\tB. Vivid dreams\tC. Anorgasmia\tD. Sialorrhoea.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sialorrhoea." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 30 years old female patient with polyahritis, testing reveals nucleolar pattern of ANA staining. What is the likely course of this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Malar rash, alopecia and renal failure\tB. Sclerodactyly, esophageal dysmotility and Raynaud's phenomenon\tC. Sjogren's syndrome\tD. Painful genital and oral blisters and ulcers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sclerodactyly, esophageal dysmotility and Raynaud's phenomenon" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug can decrease the size of prostate?\nOptions: \nA. Tamsulosin\tB. Sildenafil\tC. Finasteride\tD. Prazosin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Finasteride" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Problem associated with wide divergent roots of primary teeth\nOptions: \nA. During resorption, apical 1/3rd may remain unresorbed\tB. During extraction, fracture of apical 1/3rd may be there\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an autoimmune disorder?\nOptions: \nA. Ulcerative colitis\tB. Grave's disease\tC. Rheumatoid ahritis\tD. SLE.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ulcerative colitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During relining procedures fear lies in the alteration of\nOptions: \nA. Balanced occlusion\tB. Centric occlusion\tC. Vertical dimension\tD. Condylar guidance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vertical dimension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Klenow fragment lacks the activity of?\nOptions: \nA. 3'-5' exonuclease\tB. 5'-3' exonuclease\tC. 5'-3' DNA polymerase\tD. 3'-5' DNA polymerase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 5'-3' exonuclease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lesion of the marked structure affects all EXCEPT (AIIMS May 2019)\nOptions: \nA. Superior rectus\tB. Superior oblique\tC. Inferior oblique\tD. Medial rectus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Superior oblique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with severe acidosis is treated with\nOptions: \nA. i.v. NaHCo3\tB. Ringers lactate\tC. Dextrose\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: i.v. NaHCo3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diagnodent uses what for detecting caries\nOptions: \nA. Sound wave\tB. Visible light\tC. LASER\tD. Nanotechnology.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: LASER" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Under National Health Mission which committee makes plan for village health?\nOptions: \nA. Panchayat health committee (PHC)\tB. Village health planning and management committee (VHPMC)\tC. Village health sanitation and nutrition committee (VHSNC)\tD. RogiKalyan Samiti.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Village health sanitation and nutrition committee (VHSNC)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anodontia affects the growth of:\nOptions: \nA. Maxilla\tB. Mandible\tC. Alveolar bone\tD. Cranium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Alveolar bone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most mucostatic impression material is\nOptions: \nA. Thin mix of plaster of paris\tB. Zinc oxide eugenol impression paste\tC. Free flowing wax\tD. Reversible hydrocolloids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thin mix of plaster of paris" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Wrong among following about Irritated mandible\nOptions: \nA. Anterior mandible is most common site\tB. HBO THERAPY success rate is 94 to 100%\tC. Mandible is most commonly affected bone in the entire craniofacial skeleton\tD. Radiation less than 55 is low risk for implant success.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior mandible is most common site" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Facial nerve injury during forceps delivery in labour is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Mastoid process is absent at birth\tB. Parotid gland in developing stage\tC. Beak of forceps engages main trunk of facial Nerve\tD. Sublingual hematoma during delivery causes neuropraxia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mastoid process is absent at birth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A sevoflurane vaporizer can accurately deliver the dose of an anesthetic agent. It resembles it in which of the following propeies?\nOptions: \nA. Molecular weight\tB. Oil gas paition coefficient\tC. Blood gas paition coefficient\tD. Vapor pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vapor pressure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following projects efferent fibers through the marked structure:-\nOptions: \nA. Hippocampus\tB. Mammillary body\tC. Caudate nucleus\tD. Amygdala.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hippocampus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sequential arrangement question on JVP. Staing with \"a\" wave. A-First hea sound B-T wave C-R wave D-Rapid ejection phase\nOptions: \nA. A,B,C,D\tB. A,C,D,B\tC. C,A,D,B\tD. D,C,B,A.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: C,A,D,B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum masticatory forces taken up by which fibers:\nOptions: \nA. Alveolar crest\tB. Oblique\tC. Horizontal\tD. Apical.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oblique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most characteristic feature of mandibulofacial dysostosis is\nOptions: \nA. Normal hearing\tB. Normal vision with coloboma\tC. Mandibular prognathism\tD. Vertical maxillary excess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Normal vision with coloboma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the function of filtration process while taking radiographs?\nOptions: \nA. Remove the short wavelength photons\tB. Remove the portion of long wavelength photons\tC. To increase the radiation dose to patient\tD. To increase scatter of secondary radiation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Remove the portion of long wavelength photons" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 8 year old boy complaints of increasing muscle weakness. On examination, his calves are bulky and show muscle tightening. His serum creatine kinase levels are increasing with age. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy\tB. Myelin deficiency\tC. Dystrophin deficiency\tD. Congenital myopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dystrophin deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transfer of hinge opening axis is compulsory in:\nOptions: \nA. Partially edentulous\tB. Complete edentulous\tC. Orthodontics\tD. Planning to change vertical dimensions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Planning to change vertical dimensions." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these findings is not specific of blast injury?\nOptions: \nA. Abrasion\tB. Bruise\tC. Puncture laceration\tD. Fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fracture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An investigator want to know the similarity of the mean peak flow of expiratory rates and non-smokers, light smokers, moderate smokers, & heavy smokers. Which is statistical test of significance:\nOptions: \nA. One way ANOVA\tB. Two way ANOVA\tC. Student-t test\tD. Chi square test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: One way ANOVA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Crab claw separator is\nOptions: \nA. Farrier separator\tB. Elliot separator\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Elliot separator" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are secondary colonizers except\nOptions: \nA. S. sanguis\tB. P. intermedia\tC. Fusobacteria\tD. P. gingivalis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: S. sanguis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Passavant\u2019s ridge is located on which of the following:\nOptions: \nA. Posterior wall of oropharynx\tB. Anterior wall of oropharynx\tC. Posterior wall of nasopharynx\tD. Anterior wall of nasopharynx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Posterior wall of nasopharynx" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Apical foramen is found at root apex in\nOptions: \nA. 17-46% of cases\tB. 5-10 % of cases\tC. 10-30% of cases\tD. 100% of cases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 17-46% of cases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 1-3 beta - d - glucan assay is done for which infection?\nOptions: \nA. Invasive candidiasis\tB. Cryptococcus\tC. Penicillium\tD. Rhinicerebral mucormycosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Invasive candidiasis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is rapid source of energy by resynthesizing ATP for exercising muscles is?\nOptions: \nA. Glycolysis\tB. Glycogenolysis\tC. TCA cycle\tD. Phosphocreatine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Glycolysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Midazolam cannot be given by which of the following routes:\nOptions: \nA. Oral\tB. Inhalation\tC. Intra muscular\tD. Intra venous.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inhalation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are signs of hydrocephalus in a neonate except \u2013a) Enlarged headb) Sunset signc) Crack post signd) Depressed fontanelle\nOptions: \nA. ab\tB. cd\tC. bd\tD. ac.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: cd" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About depersonalization, which of the following is false:\nOptions: \nA. More common in females than male\tB. Common in patients with seizure and migraine\tC. Common with post life threatening accidents\tD. Reality testing is lost.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Reality testing is lost." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antiemetic action is due to which propey of metoclopramide?\nOptions: \nA. 5-HT3 antagonist\tB. D, antagonist\tC. 5-HT4 agonist\tD. M3 antagonist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: D, antagonist" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Epsilon in high copper amalgam is?\nOptions: \nA. Cu6Sn5\tB. Ag3Sn\tC. Cu3Sn\tD. Ag2Hg3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cu3Sn" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Blood on OT floor is cleaned by?\nOptions: \nA. Phenol\tB. Alcohol based compounds\tC. Chlorine based compounds\tD. Quaternary ammonium compounds.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chlorine based compounds" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regarding Influenza, not true statement is\nOptions: \nA. Secondary attack rate 5-15%\tB. Virus shedding present before the patient presents with symptoms\tC. 1-5 years age is not a high risk age group\tD. Aquatic birds are reservoir.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 1-5 years age is not a high risk age group" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is the role of barrier membrane in GTR?\nOptions: \nA. To help overall healing\tB. Prevention of epithelial migration\tC. To stop bleeding\tD. To prevent the underlying tissues from the infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Prevention of epithelial migration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Suture technique is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Simple loop suture.\tB. Sling suture.\tC. Figure eight suture.\tD. Simple sling suture..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Figure eight suture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Functional appliances in skeletal class II are indicated when:\nOptions: \nA. Maxilla is normal, mandible is retrognathic\tB. Maxilla is prognathic\tC. Mandible is retrognathic in a mature individual\tD. When severe crowding is present.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxilla is normal, mandible is retrognathic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A healthy center repos 40 to 50 cases in a week in the community. This week there are 48 cases normally. This is called:\nOptions: \nA. Epidemic\tB. Sporadic\tC. Endemic\tD. Outbreak.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Endemic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a phosphoryn indicating dentin presence\nOptions: \nA. Nestin\tB. Arestin\tC. Collagen\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nestin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cartilage of larynx are developed from:\nOptions: \nA. 3rd arch cartilage.\tB. 4th arch cartilage.\tC. 4&5 arch cartilage.\tD. 4&6 arch cartilage..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 4&6 arch cartilage.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 13 year old girl with soft painful swelling on posterior aspect of thigh. Color Doppler showed multiple venous channels without any major arterial feeder. All of the following are liquid embolizing agents except\nOptions: \nA. Cyanoarylate\tB. Sodiumtetradecyl sulphate\tC. Polyvinyl alcohol\tD. Absolute alcohol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polyvinyl alcohol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The mean systolic blood pressure was measured in a sample population of elderly females and came out to be 125 mm Hg with a standard detion of 10. 95 percent of people would have blood pressure above:\nOptions: \nA. 105 mm Hg\tB. 110 mm Hg\tC. 115 mm Hg\tD. 140 mm Hg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 110 mm Hg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sequence of treatment in patient with caries in relation to 51, 52, 61 & 62:\nOptions: \nA. History taking-oral care assessment-caries risk assessment-diet counseling-restoration-fluoride application\tB. History taking-oral care assessment-caries risk assessment-diet counseling-fluoride application-restoration\tC. History taking-caries risk assessment- oral care assessment\u2013diet counseling -restoration-fluoride application\tD. History taking-oral care assessment caries risk assessment-restoration-fluoride application diet counseling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: History taking-oral care assessment-caries risk assessment-diet counseling-fluoride application-restoration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pernicious anaemia occurs in:\nOptions: \nA. Vit B1 deficiency\tB. Vit B12 deficiency\tC. Vit C deficiency\tD. Vit D deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Vit B12 deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of multiple myeloma?\nOptions: \nA. Increased Ig levels in serum\tB. Positive ANA\tC. Plasmacytosis\tD. M spike on electrophoresis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Positive ANA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major pattern of accessory canals in mandibular molar is?\nOptions: \nA. A lateral canal extends from coronal 3rd to furcal region in distal canal.\tB. Presence of both lateral & furcal canal\tC. Single furcation canal extend from pulp chamber to intra-radicular region\tD. Variable pattern & depend on age of patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A lateral canal extends from coronal 3rd to furcal region in distal canal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about enamel rods except\nOptions: \nA. Length of enamel rods is same as the thickness of enamel\tB. Enamel rods are narrow at DEJ and wide at tooth surface.\tC. Under light microscope seen as Fish scale\tD. Tail is more resistant to caries than the core.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Length of enamel rods is same as the thickness of enamel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with history of coronary aery disease presents with pulse rate of 48/min and low BP. Patient has decreased myocardial contractility on Echo. Which of these anesthetic agents is contraindicated?\nOptions: \nA. Fentanyl\tB. Etomidate\tC. Ketamine\tD. Dexmedetomidine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dexmedetomidine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following nerves supplies the ear lobule?\nOptions: \nA. Greater auricular nerve\tB. Lesser occipital nerve\tC. Facial nerve d\tD. Auriculotemporal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Greater auricular nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true of paracetamol poisoning expect?\nOptions: \nA. Acetylcysteine in antidote\tB. Asymptomatic for 24 to 30 hours\tC. 10 mg is safe dose\tD. Acetylcysteine block glutathione in paracetamol poisoning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Asymptomatic for 24 to 30 hours" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Theories which define the etiology of thumb sucking:\nOptions: \nA. Sigmond Freud theory.\tB. Oral drive theory.\tC. Benjamin theory of rooting reflex.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true for ESI act?\nOptions: \nA. Funeral benefit is up to Rs 50,000\tB. The State Government's share of expenditure on medical care is 1/8; the ESI Corporation's share of expenditure on medical care is 7/8 of total cost\tC. Person with daily wages of Rs 70 has to contribute Rs 300 towards ESI\tD. Employee has to contribute 4.75% and employer contributes 8.75%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: The State Government's share of expenditure on medical care is 1/8; the ESI Corporation's share of expenditure on medical care is 7/8 of total cost" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nausea and vomiting postoperatively can be because of all except\nOptions: \nA. Blood ingested\tB. N2O\tC. Opioid\tD. Acetaminophen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Acetaminophen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus which is not mediated through a toxin is\nOptions: \nA. Food poisoning\tB. Septicemic shock\tC. Toxic shock syndrome\tD. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Septicemic shock" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient had a femur fracture for which internal fixation was done. Two days later, the patient developed sudden onset shoness of breath with low-grade fever. What is the likely cause?\nOptions: \nA. Pneumothorax\tB. Fat embolism\tC. Pleural effusion\tD. Congestive hea failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fat embolism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Localization of the receptor of a hormone Xis found to be in the nucleus. What is likely to be X?\nOptions: \nA. Adrenaline\tB. Insulin\tC. Thyroxine\tD. FSH.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thyroxine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endo-cochlear potential is:\nOptions: \nA. +45 mV\tB. --45mV\tC. -60mV\tD. +85 mV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: +85 mV." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Statistical `Q' test is used for:\nOptions: \nA. Comparing the propoion of means of 2 groups\tB. To determine outliars\tC. To determine normality distribution\tD. Comparing the propoion of means of more than 2 groups.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: To determine outliars" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug acting on cell wall of gram positive bacteria:March 2009\nOptions: \nA. Gentamycin\tB. Ciprofloxacin\tC. Tetracycline\tD. Vancomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vancomycin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Typical lipoprotein contains\nOptions: \nA. Free cholesterol + Phospholipid at periphery\tB. Cholesteryl ester + FA at center\tC. Proteins as apoproteins\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of choice in a patient with a staghorn calculus with mild hydronephrosis?\nOptions: \nA. ESWL\tB. PCNL\tC. RIRS\tD. Open surgery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: PCNL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pericytes are found:\nOptions: \nA. In thymus\tB. Around capillaries of pulp\tC. In gallbladder\tD. Along with heparin on surface of mast cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Around capillaries of pulp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following Slatements is not true?\nOptions: \nA. Parathyroid hormone-related protein is responsible for causing hypercalcemia in cancer patients\tB. The unionized fraction of calcium in the plasma is an impoant determinant of PTH secretion\tC. Mg2+ influences PTH secretion in the same direction as Ca2+ but is a less potent secretagogue\tD. Ca2+influences PTH secretion by acting on a calcium sensor G-protein coupled receptor located in the parathyroid gland.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: The unionized fraction of calcium in the plasma is an impoant determinant of PTH secretion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 35-year-old male is put on thiazides for the treatment of primary hypeension. What would be the status of his urinary sodium, potassium and calcium in the first 24-hours of drug administration?\nOptions: \nA. Sodium and potassium increases, calcium increases\tB. Sodium and potassium decreases, calcium decreases\tC. Sodium and calcium increases, potassium decreases\tD. Potassium and calcium increases sodium decreases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sodium and potassium increases, calcium increases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cytokines associated with periapical lesions\nOptions: \nA. IL-1\tB. IL-6\tC. IL-8\tD. TNF-\u03b1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IL-1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rapid axonal flow in the neurons is mediated by all except:\nOptions: \nA. Dynein\tB. Kinesin\tC. Neurofilaments\tD. Microtubules.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Neurofilaments" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 49 years old male with 35 pack years presented with painless mass in left scrotal sac and microscopic hematuria. On laboratory investigation, Alphafetoprotein and lactate dehydrogenase was negative. What is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Epididymitis\tB. Seminoma\tC. Renal cell carcinoma\tD. Carcinoma lung.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Renal cell carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Severe alveolar bone loss, as observed in juvenile periodontitis is associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Cyclic neutropenia\tB. Lysis of neutrophils\tC. Increased phagocytosis\tD. Neutrophil chemotactic defects or Impaired neutrophil chemotaxis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Neutrophil chemotactic defects or Impaired neutrophil chemotaxis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 14 years old rape victim with 22 weeks of gestation coming to hospital. All of the following can be done except:\nOptions: \nA. Male doctor can examine her with female attendant\tB. Gynecologist can abo the fetus upon the patient request\tC. No need to collect vaginal swab\tD. UPT not required.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gynecologist can abo the fetus upon the patient request" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following site doesn't contain brown adipose tissues?\nOptions: \nA. Scapula\tB. Subcutaneous tissue\tC. Around blood vessel\tD. Around adrenal coex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Scapula" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about RVG, except:\nOptions: \nA. 80% reduction of patient exposure\tB. Instant imaging\tC. Easy to storage and retrieval\tD. Image is sharper than cause by halogen halide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Image is sharper than cause by halogen halide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Modulus of elasticity of which cement is best to support under complex amalgam restoration?\nOptions: \nA. GIC\tB. ZnPO4\tC. ZOE\tD. Polycarboxylate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: ZnPO4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hyalinization in orthodontic movement means:\nOptions: \nA. A cell free zone histologically similar to hyaline appearance\tB. Change to hyaline cartilage\tC. Lamina dura converts into hyaline cartilage\tD. Periodontal Ligament changes to hyaline cartilage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A cell free zone histologically similar to hyaline appearance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is least efficacious in the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy?\nOptions: \nA. Phenobarbitone\tB. Phenytoin sodium\tC. Primidone\tD. Carbamazepine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Primidone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Serology profile done for a patient is mentioned below. What is the likely cause of the abnormal findings:HbsAg-Non-reactiveHBV DNA-UndetectableHbeAg-Non-reactiveIgG Anti-HbC-Reactive\nOptions: \nA. Chronic hepatitis inactive state\tB. Chronic hepatitis recovery state\tC. Pre-core mutant infection\tD. Window period.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chronic hepatitis recovery state" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Beta-1,3-D Glucan testing is done for all except-\nOptions: \nA. Aspergillosis\tB. Mucormycosis\tC. Candidiasis\tD. Pneumocystis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mucormycosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum thermic effect of food is seen with\nOptions: \nA. Carbohydrates\tB. Protein\tC. Fat\tD. Not dependent on macronutrients.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Protein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Latest technique by which bone graft is obtained without\ndamaging vital structure, vessels/veins is based on?\nOptions: \nA. Piezoelectric vibration\tB. Osteotome\tC. Ultrasonic/soft lasers\tD. Electrocautery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Piezoelectric vibration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enlarged tonsils are only seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Infantile swallow.\tB. Mature swallow.\tC. Simple tongue thrust.\tD. Complex tongue thrust..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Complex tongue thrust.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a cause of Squamous cell Carcinoma for Head & Neck:\nOptions: \nA. EBV\tB. HPV\tC. Betel Nut\tD. Vitamin A.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vitamin A." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Episodes of repeated thin stools with mucus, subjective feeling of fever and lower abdominal pain, with leukocytes in stool. Which of the following is likely?\nOptions: \nA. Giardia\tB. Entamoeba\tC. Staph\tD. Clostridium perfringens.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Entamoeba" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Permanent bending of an orthodontic wire during its clinical application will leads to work hardening of the alloy, this might cause:\nOptions: \nA. Increase in strength\tB. Decrease in ductility\tC. Development of internal stresses\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about degenerative myopia?\nOptions: \nA. More common in males as compared to females\tB. Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment\tC. It is seen in less than 6 dioptres of myopia.\tD. The condition has no racial prediliction..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Metronidazole:\nOptions: \nA. Has no side-effects\tB. Is used in management of ANUG\tC. Is mainly concentrated in saliva\tD. Is active against gram-positive aerobes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Is used in management of ANUG" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Growth of nasal bone is completed by:\nOptions: \nA. 10 years\tB. 11 years\tC. 13 years\tD. 7 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 10 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The typical cervical differs from thoracic vertebra in that it\nOptions: \nA. Has a triangular body\tB. Has a foramen transversarium\tC. Superior articular facet directed backwards and upwards\tD. Has a large vertebral body.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Has a foramen transversarium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phosphate bonded investment should be completely carbon free, otherwise:\nOptions: \nA. Investment chips off when molten metal enters the mold space\tB. Black castings\tC. Carbon makes the casting brittle\tD. Smooth casting.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Carbon makes the casting brittle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In cephalometric radiography, the distance between the subject and the source of X-ray is\nOptions: \nA. 2 feet\tB. 48 inches\tC. 4.8 metres\tD. 5 feet.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 5 feet." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most atypical (unique) tooth\nOptions: \nA. Primary lower 1st molar\tB. Primary lower 2nd molar\tC. Primary upper 1st molar\tD. Primary upper 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Primary lower 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Capillary microaneurysms is an earliest sign of:March 2013\nOptions: \nA. Vitreous hemorrhage\tB. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy\tC. Trauma\tD. Hypeensive retinopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following marker persists in chronic hepatitis and recurrent hepatitis?\nOptions: \nA. IgG Anti HbcAg\tB. HBsAg\tC. IgG Anti HBsAG\tD. Anti Hbs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IgG Anti HbcAg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 22-year-old man presents with diarrhea and intolerance to dairy products, on investigation he was found to have lactase deficiency. Agent least likely to cause lactose intolerance among these is?\nOptions: \nA. Condensed MILK\tB. Skimmed Milk\tC. Yoghu\tD. Ice cream.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ice cream." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Object permanence seen in which stage of Jean Piaget\u2019s theory\nOptions: \nA. Sensorimotor\tB. Pre-operational stage\tC. Concrete operations stage\tD. Formal operations stage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sensorimotor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with hypeension and diabetes presents with blurred vision. Fluorescein angiography shows\nOptions: \nA. Macular edema\tB. Sub macular edema\tC. Papilledema\tD. Pre macular hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Macular edema" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following malignancy is least commonly associated with lymphatic spread ?\nOptions: \nA. Basal Cell Carcinoma\tB. Squamous cell Carcinoma\tC. Malignant melanoma\tD. Merkel cell Carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Basal Cell Carcinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While extracting a mandibular third molar, it is noted that the distal root is missing. The root tip is most likely in the:\nOptions: \nA. Submental space\tB. Submandibular space\tC. Para pharyngeal space\tD. Pterygomandibular space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Submandibular space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzyme regulating the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde:\nOptions: \nA. Alcohol dehydrogenase\tB. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase\tC. Catalase\tD. Enolase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Alcohol dehydrogenase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Caries status in child is most likely suggested by\nOptions: \nA. DMFT and past caries experience\tB. Salivary flow and composition\tC. Frequency of sugar intake\tD. Fluoride concentration in the area.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: DMFT and past caries experience" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bar-clasp assembly mostly used is:\nOptions: \nA. Mesio-occlusal rest\tB. Disto-occlusal rest\tC. Buccal approach\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesio-occlusal rest" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Large anterior fontanelles, open sutures, slanting eyes,\ndecreased sexual development, macroglossia and enamel hypoplasia are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Craniofacial dysostosis\tB. Down's syndrome\tC. Treacher Collins syndrome\tD. Marfan's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Down's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following appliance is used in:\nOptions: \nA. Space regaining\tB. Maxillary arch expansion\tC. Distalization of molar\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Maxillary arch expansion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Folic acid deficiency is precipitated by:\nOptions: \nA. Aspirin\tB. Ranitidine\tC. Cyclosporin\tD. Phenytoin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Phenytoin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Group 2 sensory fibres are attached to:\nOptions: \nA. Annulospiral ending\tB. Golgi tendon\tC. Flower spray ending\tD. Pacinian corpuscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Flower spray ending" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lamina cribrosa is a modification of :\nOptions: \nA. Sclera\tB. Choroid\tC. Optic nerve sheath\tD. Retina.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sclera" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mgo added to alginate power to modify which property:\nOptions: \nA. Increases surface character.\tB. Increases shelf life.\tC. Increases shear and tear strength.\tD. Improve strength..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increases surface character." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 2 root canals are found in what percentage of Mandibular incisors\nOptions: \nA. 22-40%\tB. 11-22%\tC. 20-50 %\tD. 5-15%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 22-40%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most difficult maxillary tooth to anaesthetize by infiltration is :\nOptions: \nA. 1st molar\tB. 1st premolar\tC. Canine\tD. 3rd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: (gd) T cell is associated with?\nOptions: \nA. CD4\tB. CD5\tC. Cd8\tD. First line defense against bacterial peptides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: First line defense against bacterial peptides." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Health education includes all except\nOptions: \nA. Development of reflexive behavior\tB. Appeals to reason\tC. Positive instilled behaviour\tD. People to think for themselves.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Development of reflexive behavior" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Main crystalline component of calculus is\nOptions: \nA. Hydroxyapatite\tB. Octacalcium phosphate\tC. Magnisium whitlockite\tD. Brushite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hydroxyapatite" + }, + { + "input": "Question: PPS anatomically is:\nOptions: \nA. Pterygomaxillary notches & fovea palatine\tB. Pterygomaxillary notches & PN5\tC. Maxillary tuberosity & pterygornaxillary raphae\tD. Posterior Limit of palatine bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pterygomaxillary notches & fovea palatine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: There is <2 cm painful swelling responsive to salicylates, this is:\nOptions: \nA. Osteoma\tB. Osteochondroma\tC. Osteoid osteoma\tD. Osteoblastoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Osteoid osteoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Card test is done for which of the following muscle?\nOptions: \nA. Palmar interossei\tB. Dorsal interossei\tC. Lumbricals\tD. Adductor pollicis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Palmar interossei" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The chances of having an unaffected baby, when both parents have achondroplasia, are \u2013\nOptions: \nA. 0%\tB. 25%\tC. 50%\tD. 100%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 25%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ionic exchange between enamel surface and environment:\nOptions: \nA. Does not take place once enamel matures\tB. Stops after 2 years of eruption\tC. Continues till adult life\tD. Continues through out life.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Continues through out life." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The common site for necrotizing sialometaplasia\nOptions: \nA. cheeks\tB. dorsum of tongue\tC. palate\tD. gingival.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: palate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a major pattern of accessory canals in mandibular first molar is?\nOptions: \nA. Single furcation canal which is extend from pulp chamber to intra-redicular region\tB. A lateral canal extends from coronal third to furcal region particular in distal canal\tC. Presence of both lateral and furcal canal\tD. Pattern is variable and age dependent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: A lateral canal extends from coronal third to furcal region particular in distal canal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 45 chromosomes are seen in\nOptions: \nA. Turner's syndrome\tB. Down's syndrome\tC. Dentinogenesis imperfecta\tD. Treacher's Collins syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Turner's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of following will happen with a flexible major connector:\nOptions: \nA. It will make other components more effective\tB. Will cause PDL destruction of abutment teeth\tC. Cause ill-fitting of RPD\tD. Will cause difficulty in occlusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Will cause PDL destruction of abutment teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 year male presented with high BP of 160/100 mm Hg and hea rate of 120/min. CECT is shown below. Which is best management of this condition?\nOptions: \nA. Surgical repair\tB. LMW heparin\tC. Beta blocker\tD. Vitamin K inhibitors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Surgical repair" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common site of zygomatic arch fracture is:\nOptions: \nA. Anterior to Zygomaticotemporal suture\tB. Posterior to Zygomaticotemporal suture\tC. Zygomaticotemporal suture\tD. No specific location.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Posterior to Zygomaticotemporal suture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following principles governs biomedical research in human subjects?\nOptions: \nA. Geneva declaration\tB. Helsinki declaration\tC. Hippocratic oath\tD. International code of medical ethics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Helsinki declaration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Median rhomboid glossitis is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Inflammation of the tongue\tB. Persistence of tuberculum impar\tC. Hypertrophy of filiform papillae\tD. Atrophy of filiform papillae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Persistence of tuberculum impar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2 weeks old infant has conjunctivitis, which later developed into respiratory distress and pneumonia. Chest X-ray showed bilateral lung infiltrates. WBC count was 14,300/dL. Which of the following is the most likely organism?\nOptions: \nA. Chlamydia trachomatis\tB. Streptococcus agalactiae\tC. Gonococcus\tD. Haemophilus influenzae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chlamydia trachomatis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Independent assoment of maternal and paternal chromosome occurs at which stage of spermatocyte maturation:\nOptions: \nA. Spermatogonia to primary spermatocyte\tB. Primary spermatocyte to secondary spermatocyte\tC. Secondary spermatocyte to spermatids\tD. Spermatid to spermatozoa.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Primary spermatocyte to secondary spermatocyte" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During post preparation in distal canal of mandibular first molar, maximum chance of perforation is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Lingual surface\tB. Distal surface\tC. Buccal surface\tD. Mesial surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mesial surface." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ratio of mesiodistal width to height of crown of maxillary canine\nOptions: \nA. 8:10\tB. 10:08\tC. 6:08\tD. 8:06.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 8:10" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormone is/are under inhibitory of hypothalamus?\nOptions: \nA. Prolactin\tB. Only prolactin\tC. Only growth hormone\tD. Both prolactin and growth hormone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both prolactin and growth hormone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are the reasons responsible for ketosis in a patient of Von Gierke's disease?\nOptions: \nA. They have hypoglycemia\tB. Have low blood sugar levels\tC. Oxaloacetate is required for gluconeogenesis\tD. Low fat mobilization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Low fat mobilization." + }, + { + "input": "Question: How much population falls between median and median plus one standard deviation in a normal distribution ?\nOptions: \nA. 0.34\tB. 0.68\tC. 0.17\tD. 0.47.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.34" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which crown would be suitable for a patient with high\ncaries index, minimum horizontal overlap of maxillary central incisors?\nOptions: \nA. Metal ceramic crown\tB. Three fourth crown\tC. Porcelain jacket crown\tD. Aluminium crown.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Metal ceramic crown" + }, + { + "input": "Question: NK cells are effective against viral infected cells only if the cell with infection:\nOptions: \nA. Express MHC class I proteins\tB. Unable to express MHC class I proteins\tC. Express MHC class II proteins\tD. Unable to express MHC class II proteins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Unable to express MHC class I proteins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Main concern during prosthodontics surgery and better prosthetic prognosis?\nOptions: \nA. Continuity defects\tB. Minimal invasion\tC. Occlusion\tD. Cost.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Minimal invasion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Serial technique Or telescoping technique is another name of:\nOptions: \nA. Step back technique.\tB. Crown down technique.\tC. Standarize technique.\tD. Balance force technique..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Step back technique." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Clinical diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed by\nOptions: \nA. Characteristic odour\tB. Demonstration of mycelia and spores in scrapping\tC. Response to injection of vitamin B12\tD. Demonstration of ray fungus in granules.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Demonstration of mycelia and spores in scrapping" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best radiographic view of temporomandibular joint\nis given by:\nOptions: \nA. Transorbital view\tB. Reverse Towne's view\tC. Transpharyngeal\tD. Panorex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Transpharyngeal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Submandibular calculus can be removed by:\nOptions: \nA. Dilatation of the duct\tB. Excision of the opening of duct\tC. Removal of the gland\tD. Incision of the duct and removal of calculus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Incision of the duct and removal of calculus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best way to fill a bony defect will be with which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Hydroxy apatite\tB. Donor graft\tC. Xenograft\tD. Autograft.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Autograft." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 36 year old female is found to have a large pituitary mass on MRI imaging. She underwent transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. Postop replacement of which of the following hormone is not needed?\nOptions: \nA. L-Thyroxine\tB. Estradiol\tC. Glucocoicoids\tD. Mineralocoicoids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mineralocoicoids." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Barbiturates in pediatrics is:\nOptions: \nA. Contraindicated\tB. Low safety\tC. Can be used safely\tD. Not much use.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Low safety" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following type of behavior is seen in stubborn child:\nOptions: \nA. Obstinate.\tB. Timid.\tC. Whinning.\tD. Hysterical..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Obstinate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Recently two methods of cPAP; conventional and bubble cPAP were compared. In the conventional method, 90 out of 160 showed extubation failure while 40 out of 160 showed extubation failure in bubble method, which test would be the best to compare the statistical significance between the rates of extubation failure in the two tests?\nOptions: \nA. Chi square test\tB. Student's test\tC. Paired t test\tD. Analysis of variance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chi square test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Angle between rake face and radial line is called:\nOptions: \nA. Edge angle.\tB. Rake angle.\tC. Clearance angle.\tD. Spiral angle..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rake angle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following are true regarding levator ani EXCEPT?\nOptions: \nA. Levator ani muscle is attached at pelvic brim\tB. Pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus are components\tC. Fibres are directed posterior and medial\tD. Suppos pelvic viscera.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Levator ani muscle is attached at pelvic brim" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True congenital anodontia is:\nOptions: \nA. X linked dominant\tB. X linked recessive\tC. Autosomal dominant\tD. Polygenic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Autosomal dominant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most advantageous indication of acid etching is\nOptions: \nA. Decrease micro leakage\tB. Decrease polymerization shrinkage\tC. Decrease coefficient of thermal expansion\tD. Decrease porosity in restorative material.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decrease micro leakage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which hormone act by crossing cell membrane -\nOptions: \nA. Thyroxine\tB. Insulin\tC. Glucagon\tD. Calcitonin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thyroxine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: I.V. diazepam causes following in a patient on dental chair:\nOptions: \nA. Tinel's sign\tB. Virrel's sign\tC. Batters sign\tD. Bell's sign.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Virrel's sign" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Preferred drug for the treatment of uncomplicated grade 2 hypeension in a 48 year old man is\nOptions: \nA. Chlohalidone\tB. Triamterene\tC. Spironolactone\tD. Furosemide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chlohalidone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not true\nOptions: \nA. Actinomycin D is a mono clonal antibody\tB. Actinomycin D is not a cell specific but It's a cell cycle specific\tC. Vinblastine is not a cell specific but its a cycle/phase specific\tD. None of above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Actinomycin D is not a cell specific but It's a cell cycle specific" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bone better described as \"bat with extended wings\" is:\nOptions: \nA. Ethmoid\tB. Sphenoid\tC. Nasal\tD. Mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sphenoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \"Cut back\" incision made on laterally displaced flap is:\nOptions: \nA. Mesial cut toward the donor site\tB. Distal cut toward the donor site\tC. Mesial cut toward the recipient site\tD. Distal cut toward the recipient site.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Distal cut toward the recipient site." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the best incision preferred for diaphragmatic surgery?(AIIMS May 2015, May 2014)\nOptions: \nA. Circumferential\tB. Radial\tC. Veical\tD. Transverse.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Circumferential" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CLED media better than Macconkey media\nOptions: \nA. It stimulates growth of Staph and Candida as it is non selective\tB. Inhibits swarming of proteus\tC. Differentiates between Lactose fermenter and non-lactose fermenters\tD. Sodium taurocholate is used as selective agent..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: It stimulates growth of Staph and Candida as it is non selective" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2-day-old neonate in the neonatal ICU develops seizures. Which of the following would be the next best investigation for the child?\nOptions: \nA. Transcranial ultrasound\tB. CT Head\tC. MRI brain\tD. X-ray.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Transcranial ultrasound" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common lesion of the mandible?\nOptions: \nA. Adamantinoma\tB. Osteogenic sarcoma\tC. Squamous cell carcinoma\tD. Osteoclastoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Adamantinoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A medical student presented to the ED with protracted vomiting. For this he was given and anti-emetic drug following which he developed abnormal posturing. Which of the following is the most likely drug to be given to the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Metoclopramdie\tB. Ondansetron\tC. Domperidone\tD. Dexamethasone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Metoclopramdie" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient complains of loss of visual acuity, deafness and enlargement of maxilla:\nOptions: \nA. Paget's disease\tB. Osteomalacia\tC. Fibrous dysplasia\tD. Osteogenesis imperfecta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Paget's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The genetic mutation seen in the most common type of maturity onset diabetes of young (MOM') is:\nOptions: \nA. Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4\tB. Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1\tC. Glucokinase\tD. Insulin promoter factor-1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common inherited malignancy :\nOptions: \nA. Infant leukemia\tB. Retinoblastoma\tC. Wilm's tumour\tD. Neuroblastoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Retinoblastoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about grey communicans except:\nOptions: \nA. U nmyel inated\tB. Connects to spinal nerves\tC. Pregang I ion ic\tD. Present medial to the white ramus cornmunicans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pregang I ion ic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following structure is not removed in radical neck dissection-\nOptions: \nA. Spinal accessory nerve\tB. Submandibular\tC. Tail of parotid\tD. Level 2 b lymph nodes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tail of parotid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In fracture of atrophic mandible with bone loss, what is the best treatment modality?\nOptions: \nA. Bone grafting and load bearing\tB. Bone grafting and load sharing\tC. Semi-rigid fixation\tD. IMF with open reduction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bone grafting and load bearing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormones has a permissive action at the onset of pubey?\nOptions: \nA. Insulin\tB. Leptin\tC. GnRH\tD. Growth hormone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Leptin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Contraindication of band and Loop space maintainer are all except\nOptions: \nA. High caries susceptibility\tB. Single tooth missing in posterior region\tC. Moderate to severe space loss\tD. Lower anterior crowding.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Single tooth missing in posterior region" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A tooth can be made to appear shorter by positioning?\nOptions: \nA. Gingival Height of contour more incisally\tB. Gingival Height of contour more gingivally\tC. Developmental depression more far.\tD. Mesial and distal ling angle closure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gingival Height of contour more incisally" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In 7-year-old patient; 74 and 85 are indicated for extraction; which of the following will be appropriate space maintainer for the child?\nOptions: \nA. Bilateral band and loop\tB. Lingual arch\tC. Nance space maintainer\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bilateral band and loop" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following are true about bronchial cyst except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Mostly mediastinal\tB. 50\u201370% occur in lungs\tC. Usually multiloculated\tD. Are infected quite often.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 50\u201370% occur in lungs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To localize a supernumerary or an impacted tooth and\ndetermine its exact relationship to the other teeth, which of the following radiographs would be most effective?\nOptions: \nA. A periapical and an occlusal view\tB. An occlusal view using a high angle\tC. A panoramic radiograph\tD. Two or more periapical views at different angles and an occlusal view.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Two or more periapical views at different angles and an occlusal view." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cells most commonly affected in glaucomatous optic atrophy?\nOptions: \nA. Amacrine cells\tB. Bipolar cells\tC. Ganglion cells\tD. Rods and cones.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ganglion cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following muscles have parallel oriented fibers except:\nOptions: \nA. Saorius\tB. Rectus abdominis\tC. Sternohyoid\tD. Tibialis anterior.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tibialis anterior." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Amount of energy actually producing cutting is:\nOptions: \nA. Cutting efficiency.\tB. Cutting effectiveness.\tC. Cutting fraction.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cutting efficiency." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Supragingival plaque undergoes which of the following changes with time?\nOptions: \nA. Plaque mass decreases\tB. Plaque microflora becomes more gram positive\tC. Plaque microflora becomes gram negative\tD. Plaque microflora becomes predominantly spirochetal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Plaque microflora becomes gram negative" + }, + { + "input": "Question: James classified habits as:\nOptions: \nA. Useful and Harmful.\tB. Intentional and Unintentional.\tC. Compulsive and Non-compulsive.\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Useful and Harmful." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transmission of herpes is maximum in-\nOptions: \nA. IInd trimester\tB. IIIrd trimester\tC. During parturition\tD. 1st trimester.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: During parturition" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An investigator wants to study the association between maternal intake of iron supplements (Yes or No) and birth weights (in gm) of new born babies. He collects relevant data from 100 pregnant women and their newborns. What statistical test of hypothesis would you advise for the investigator in this situation?\nOptions: \nA. Chi-square test\tB. Unpaired or independent t - test\tC. Analysis of variance\tD. Student t \u2014 test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Unpaired or independent t - test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the most numerous component of plaque?\nOptions: \nA. Minerals\tB. Food debris\tC. Microorganisms\tD. Leucocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Microorganisms" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug must be sold by retail only on production of a prescription by a registered medical practitioner?\nOptions: \nA. Schedule H\tB. Schedule G\tC. Schedule X\tD. Schedule M.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Schedule H" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arrange the sequence of auditory pathway from peripheral to central: Inferior colliculus Cochlear nucleus Auditory coex Medial geniculate body\nOptions: \nA. B>A>D>C\tB. B>D>C>A\tC. A>D>B>C\tD. C>A>B>D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: B>A>D>C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO 1986, a molar filled with temporary restoration is classified as:\nOptions: \nA. Sound tooth\tB. Filled but decay\tC. Filled with no decay\tD. Decayed tooth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Decayed tooth." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Middle aged woman presents with fissures in mouth, tingling sensation and peripheral neuropathy. Investigations showed reduced glutathione reductase activity. which vitamin deficiency is the likely cause of this?\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin B1\tB. Vitamin 82\tC. Vitamin 86\tD. Vitamin B l2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Vitamin 82" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Creation of an apical stop to prevent extrusion of matrix beyond apex is called:\nOptions: \nA. Resistance form\tB. Retention form\tC. Conenience form\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Resistance form" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Jawan posted in Siachen was brought to the emergency depament with hypothermia. Which is the ideal site to measure his temperature?\nOptions: \nA. Oral\tB. Rectal\tC. Tympanic membrane\tD. Armpit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rectal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3.5 kg male infant born at term after an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery develops respiratory distress sholy after bih and requires mechanical ventilation. The chest radiograph reveals a normal cardiothymic silhouette but a diffuse ground glass appearance to the lung fields. Surfactant replacement fails to improve gas exchange. Over the first week life, the hypoxemia worsens. Results of routing culture and echocardiographic findings are negative. A term female sibling died at 1 month of age with respiratory distress. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Neonatal pulmonary alveolar proteinosis\tB. Meconium aspiration\tC. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return\tD. Disseminated herpes simplex infection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neonatal pulmonary alveolar proteinosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 26-year-old primigravida with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy comes to you at 4 months with concern regarding continuing sodium-valproate treatment. Your advice is:\nOptions: \nA. Add lamotrigine to sodium valproate\tB. Taper sodium valproate and add lamotrigine\tC. Switch on to carbamazepine\tD. Continue sodium valproate with regular monitoring of serum levels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Continue sodium valproate with regular monitoring of serum levels." + }, + { + "input": "Question: On laboratory investigations in a patient. pH = 7.3, pCO2 = 35 mm Hg. What is the likely acid base imbalance?\nOptions: \nA. Respiratory acidosis\tB. Metabolic acidosis\tC. Metabolic alkalosis\tD. Respiratory alkalosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Metabolic acidosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lingually placed mandibular posteriors will cause all, except\nOptions: \nA. Gagging\tB. Speech difficulties\tC. Excessive pressure on ridge\tD. Tongue interference.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Excessive pressure on ridge" + }, + { + "input": "Question: __________ is helpful in making radicular access after entry:\nOptions: \nA. Gates glidden drill\tB. K-File\tC. K-reamer\tD. Round bur.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gates glidden drill" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Functions of apoproteins are/is\nOptions: \nA. Structural component of lipoprotein\tB. Enzyme cofactors\tC. Enzyme inhibitors\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cleaning of base metal alloy is done by:\nOptions: \nA. Warm HCl\tB. Cold HF\tC. Cold H2SO4\tD. Sandblasting with aluminium oxide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sandblasting with aluminium oxide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Shape of trapezium muscle is\nOptions: \nA. Triangular\tB. Quadrilateral\tC. Trapezium\tD. Quadrangular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Triangular" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In medically intractable seizures, which of the following modalities of treatment has shown the best seizure-free period?\nOptions: \nA. Epileptic surgery\tB. Deep brain stimulation\tC. Vagal stimulation\tD. Ketogenic diet.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epileptic surgery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An affected male does not have affected children but an affected female always has affected children. Type of inheritance?\nOptions: \nA. X linked recessive\tB. Autosomal recessive\tC. X linked dominant\tD. Mitochondrial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mitochondrial." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common complication of ECT is -\nOptions: \nA. Antegrade amnesia\tB. Retrograde amnesia\tC. Psychosis\tD. Depression.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Retrograde amnesia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is seen in severe AS \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Pulsus bisferiens\tB. Late ejection systolic click\tC. Heaving shifted apex\tD. Loud S2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Late ejection systolic click" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Beta 1,3 Glucan test is positive in all except?\nOptions: \nA. Aspergillus\tB. Candida\tC. Mucormycosis\tD. Pneumocystis Jirovecii.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mucormycosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If a patient with Raynaud's disease puts his hand in cold water, the hand appears:\nOptions: \nA. Red\tB. Yellow\tC. White\tD. Blue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: White" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2-year-old child with fever and barking cough for last 2 days presented to the pediatric emergency at 2.30 am. On examination, respiratory rate is 36/ min, temperature of 39 degC and stridor heard only on crying. No other abnormality is found. What is the next best step in management?\nOptions: \nA. High-dose dexamethasone\tB. Racemic epinephrine nebulization\tC. Reassurance\tD. Intravenous antibiotics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: High-dose dexamethasone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents with Von-Gierk's disease and ketosis was detected on investigation. All of the following would he associated findings except:\nOptions: \nA. There is hypoglycemia\tB. Have low blood sugar levels\tC. Oxaloacetate is required for gluconeogenesis\tD. Low fat mobilization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Low fat mobilization." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chylomicron are formed in\nOptions: \nA. GIT\tB. Liver\tC. Liver and GIT\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: GIT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Potential generated due to movement of freely diffusible ions across a semi-permeable membrane is calculated using:\nOptions: \nA. Nemst equation\tB. Gibbs equation\tC. Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation\tD. Fick principle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nemst equation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mean and standard deviation can be worked out only if data is on\nOptions: \nA. Nominal scale\tB. Dichotomous scale\tC. Interval/Ratio scale\tD. Ordinal scale.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Interval/Ratio scale" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infection from maxillary first molar drains into\nOptions: \nA. Submandibular space\tB. Infratemporal space\tC. Buccal space\tD. Infraorbital space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Buccal space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mean and standard deviation can be worked out only if data is on -\nOptions: \nA. Interval/Ratio scale\tB. Dichotomous scale\tC. Nominal scale\tD. Ordinal scale.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Interval/Ratio scale" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Coarctation of aorta is associated with all, except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Turner's syndrome\tB. Bicuspid aortic valve\tC. Pulmonary stenosis\tD. Atresia of aortic arch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pulmonary stenosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cause of death in congenital diaphragmatic hernia is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Septicaemia\tB. Hemorrhage\tC. Pulmonary hypoplasia\tD. Intestinal obstruction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pulmonary hypoplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sudden hyperflexion of thigh over abdomen (Mc Roberts manoeuvre) with of the following nerve is commonly involved?\nOptions: \nA. Common peroneal nerve\tB. Obturator nerve\tC. Lumbosacral trunk\tD. Lateral cutaneous Nerve of thigh.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lateral cutaneous Nerve of thigh." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following conditions would maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein values be the highest:\nOptions: \nA. Down's syndrome\tB. Omphalocele\tC. Gastroschisis\tD. Spina bifida occulta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gastroschisis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increased size of filler particle in composite:\nOptions: \nA. Increases strength\tB. Decreases surface roughness\tC. Increases exposure time\tD. decreases viscosity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increases strength" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In iron poisoning drug Desferoxamine is given.what is its mechanism of action -\nOptions: \nA. By binding with trivalent Fe3+\tB. -by inhibiting Hepcidin\tC. -by inhibiting DMT1\tD. -by inhibiting ferropoin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: By binding with trivalent Fe3+" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First local anaesthesia to be used clinically was\nOptions: \nA. Cocaine\tB. Bupivacaine\tC. Procane\tD. Lignocaine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cocaine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In universal pro-taper retreatment file end cutting tip is seen in?\nOptions: \nA. D-1\tB. D-2\tC. D-3\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: D-1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The drug which is used to treat laryngospasm is\nOptions: \nA. Atropine\tB. Diazepam\tC. Neostigmine\tD. Succinylcholine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Succinylcholine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best stimulator of respiratory centre is:\nOptions: \nA. Decrease in arterial carbon dioxide level\tB. Increase in arterial carbon dioxide level\tC. Increase in arterial oxygen level\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increase in arterial carbon dioxide level" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old girl presented with fever convulsions, neck rigidity. CSF findings are protein 150 mg, sugar 40 mg, chloride 2500 mg with lymphadenopathy \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Viral meningitis\tB. Pyogenic meningitis\tC. Cryptococcal meningitis\tD. Tuberculous meningitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tuberculous meningitis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 7-year-old child having yellowish discoloured spot of maxillary central incisor. His mother presents a history of injury to deciduous tooth 3 years back with recurrent infections & swelling. The diagnosis is\nOptions: \nA. Turners hypoplasia\tB. Generalised dental fluorosis\tC. Syphilitic hypoplasia\tD. Rickets hypomineralisation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Turners hypoplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following structures is not found in a living pulp?\nOptions: \nA. Collagen fibres\tB. Haversian fibres\tC. Non-myelinated nerve fibres\tD. Reticulum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Haversian fibres" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When a person lies down :\nOptions: \nA. There is immediate increase in venous return\tB. Heart rate becomes stable at slightly more than normal\tC. Cerebral blood flow increases & becomes stable at more than normal\tD. Blood flow to the Apex of lung decreases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: There is immediate increase in venous return" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Long term complication of infants born to I.D.D.M mother AJE \u2013\nOptions: \nA. DM\tB. Ketotic hypoglycemia\tC. Obesity\tD. Blindness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ketotic hypoglycemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dark points on teeth along with tooth destruction of 4 years old patient\nOptions: \nA. ECC\tB. Staining\tC. Fluorosis\tD. Deep caries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ECC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The incision used for treatment of traumatic telecanthus is\nOptions: \nA. Bicoronal incision\tB. Upper blepharoplasty\tC. Infraorbital incision\tD. Preauricular incision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bicoronal incision" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is not used in detoxifica-tion of chronic alcoholics?\nOptions: \nA. Flumazenil\tB. Disulfiram\tC. Acamprosate\tD. Naltrexone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Flumazenil" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the angle subtended by the largest letter in the Snellen cha on a person's eye who is reading it from a distance of 6 meters?\nOptions: \nA. 1 minute\tB. 10 minutes\tC. 50 minutes\tD. 60 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 50 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following enzyme is required to induce the formation of a plasma clot pathogenic staphylococci\nOptions: \nA. Lysozyme\tB. Fibrinolysin\tC. Coagulase\tD. S protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Coagulase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient giving history of thrombocytopenic purpura reports for extraction. What could be the most common postoperative complication?\nOptions: \nA. Oedema\tB. Haemorrhage\tC. Infection spreading through tissue spaces\tD. Dry socket.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Haemorrhage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are seen with scar dehiscence, except:\nOptions: \nA. Maternal bradycardia\tB. Fetal bradycardia\tC. Vaginal bleeding\tD. Hematuria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maternal bradycardia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An average diameter of apical foramen in patients of age above 55 years is\nOptions: \nA. 400 micrometer\tB. 502 micrometer\tC. 681 micrometer\tD. 602 micrometer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 681 micrometer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mesial contact area of the permanent canine is at the:\nOptions: \nA. Middle third\tB. Junction of the incisal and middle thirds\tC. Junction of the middle and cervical thirds\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Junction of the incisal and middle thirds" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The pathway of pain from teeth and temperature is carried by:\nOptions: \nA. Corlicospinal tract\tB. Corticocerebral tract\tC. Lateral spinothalamic tract\tD. Ventral spinothalamic tract.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lateral spinothalamic tract" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is a qualitative test for bacteria:\nOptions: \nA. Snyder test\tB. Allen's test\tC. Dentocult test\tD. Salivary reductase test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Salivary reductase test." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The radiographic feature of sinusitis includes\nOptions: \nA. Fluid Levels\tB. Erosion of bone\tC. Clouding of antra\tD. Clouding and fluid level.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Clouding and fluid level." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acquired cause of pure red cell aplasia are all except:\nOptions: \nA. ABO incompatibility in bone marrow transplantation\tB. Lymphoma\tC. Drug induced-NSAIDs\tD. Chromosome 5q deletion syndrome (5q monosomy).\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Drug induced-NSAIDs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following cells are of endodermal origin except:\nOptions: \nA. Epithelial cells of intestine\tB. Odontoblasts\tC. Goblet cells\tD. Hepatocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Odontoblasts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A middle-aged female presented with recurrent bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy reveals multiple geographic ulcers and histopathological examination is shown below. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Crohn's disease\tB. Adenocarcinoma colon\tC. Pseudomembranous colitis\tD. Ulcerative colitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Crohn's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: CA maxillary sinus stage III (T3 No Mo), treatment of choice is / Ca maxillary sinus is treated by -\nOptions: \nA. Radiotherapy\tB. Surgery + Radiotherapy\tC. Chemotherapy\tD. Chemotherapy + Surgery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Surgery + Radiotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About polymerization shrinkage of composite all are true, except:\nOptions: \nA. Polymerization shrinkage is greater if bonded surface area is lesser than unbounded surface area\tB. Polymerization shrinkage is high if within the enamel margins\tC. Acid etching and priming will decrease polymerization shrinkage\tD. Microleakage can occur because of polymerization shrinkage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polymerization shrinkage is greater if bonded surface area is lesser than unbounded surface area" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Within which parts of a gastric gland are chief cells located\nOptions: \nA. Fundus\tB. Isthmus\tC. Neck\tD. Gastric pit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fundus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Feed forward mechanism..\nOptions: \nA. Feeling thirsty while walking in hot temperature\tB. Shivering on exposure to cold temperature\tC. Salivation on smelling food\tD. Increase blood pressure during supine posture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Salivation on smelling food" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 15 years old boy presents with loose motions and intermittent abdominal pain over the past 1 year. Wet mount stool specimen showed the presence of multiple ova, which are more than 100 p in diameter. The causative organism for the disease shall not include:\nOptions: \nA. Fasciola gigantica\tB. Gastrodiscoides hominis\tC. Echinostoma ilocanum\tD. Opistorchis viverrini.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Opistorchis viverrini." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best method to neasure HbA1c?\nOptions: \nA. lsoelectric focusing\tB. Affinity chromatography\tC. Ion exchange chromatography\tD. Electrophoresis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ion exchange chromatography" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true regarding Duncan placental separation except:\nOptions: \nA. Most common method of placental separation\tB. Maternal side of the placenta presents at the vulva\tC. Separation stas from the periphery\tD. Blood collects between the placenta and fetal membranes and escapes through vagina.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Most common method of placental separation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 8 year old child had fractured his maxillary central incisor 10 months ago. The pulp shows no response. There is no periapical lesion in the radiograph. The treatment of choice is\nOptions: \nA. Ca(OH)2 Pulp capping\tB. Formocresol pulpotomy\tC. Conventional root canal treatment\tD. Complete debridement and apexification.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Complete debridement and apexification." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sublingual space is divided from submandibular space by:\nOptions: \nA. Fibres of mylohyoid\tB. Submandibular gland\tC. Body of mandible\tD. Geniohyoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fibres of mylohyoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most characteristic feature of basal cell carcinoma is:\nOptions: \nA. Keratin pearls\tB. Foam cells\tC. Nuclear palisading\tD. Psammoma bodies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nuclear palisading" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following are seen in thyrotoxicosis except\nOptions: \nA. Tremor\tB. Increased temperature\tC. Slow pulse rate\tD. Exophthalmos.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Slow pulse rate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Staging of GTN with lung metastasis.\nOptions: \nA. Stage 1\tB. Stage 2\tC. Stage 3\tD. Stage 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Stage 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glucosamines used in following condition:\nOptions: \nA. Ahritis\tB. Niemann pick disease\tC. Alzheimer's disease\tD. Cancer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ahritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After removal of periodontal dressing what should be done to keep sensitivity to the minimum?\nOptions: \nA. Use of mouthwash\tB. Use of desensitizing paste\tC. Keep roots, plaque free\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Keep roots, plaque free" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following increase at full term in pregnancy except:\nOptions: \nA. Minute volume\tB. GFR\tC. Blood volume\tD. Cardiac output.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cardiac output." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Multiple punched out lesions are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Paget's disease\tB. Osteosarcoma\tC. Ewing sarcoma\tD. Multiple myeloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Multiple myeloma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth structure cutting is preceded by crack propogation due to tensile forces known as:\nOptions: \nA. Brittle fracture\tB. Ductile fracture\tC. Shear fracture\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Brittle fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to POCSO, all of the following are aggravated sexual offence except:\nOptions: \nA. Gang Rape\tB. Rape by threatening\tC. Rape by police officer\tD. Rape during communal violence.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rape by threatening" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 45 year old woman has a nodule in the neck which moves during swallowing. The nodule most probably is attached to:\nOptions: \nA. Thyroid\tB. Larynx\tC. Oesophagus\tD. Pharynx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thyroid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Benzodiazepines are true in:\nOptions: \nA. Produce distortion in sleep more than other sedatives\tB. More safe than other sedatives when take in larger amounts\tC. After metabolism of other drugs in liver\tD. All have metabolically active substrates.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: More safe than other sedatives when take in larger amounts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An example of acute inflammatory gingival enlargement is most likely to be seen in patient exhibiting:\nOptions: \nA. Periodontal cyst\tB. Pregnancy gingivitis\tC. Dilantin hyperplasia\tD. Hereditary fibromatosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pregnancy gingivitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Intake of unsaturated fatty acid is associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease\tB. Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease\tC. Increased risk of GI disturbances\tD. Decreased risk of GI disturbances.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 14 year old boy has delayed eruption of the\nsecond molar. Radiography shows a dentigerous cyst surrounding the crown of the tooth. The treatment of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Extraction of the molar\tB. Aspiration of the cyst\tC. Observe\tD. Expose the crown and keep it exposed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Expose the crown and keep it exposed." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 6 yr old child H/O fever 5 days back which is now afebrile with normal muscle mass, tone and reflex, no neurological deficit but pain on palpating muscles and CPK levels 2000, diagnosis is\nOptions: \nA. GBS\tB. Dermatomyositis\tC. DMD\tD. Acute viral myositis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Acute viral myositis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: MHC antigens are absent on?\nOptions: \nA. Platelet\tB. Erythrocyte\tC. Neutrophil\tD. Monocyte.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Erythrocyte" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cohesion of direct gold filling at room temperature\nis an example of:\nOptions: \nA. Wedging\tB. Annealing\tC. Adaptability\tD. Atomic attraction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Atomic attraction." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 92. A clinical trail was conducted with 15225 hypeensive patients alloted in the intervention group (New drug) and control group (Old drug) respectively. Results of the research study are given in the following table. Calculate the absolute risk reduction (ARR) and relative risk (RR): Control group (old drug)Intervention group (new drug)Developed HT complications18001620Did not develop HT complications1342513605Total subjects1522515225\nOptions: \nA. ARR = 10% and RR = 0.9\tB. ARR = 1% and IZR = 9\tC. ARR = 1% and RR = 0.9\tD. ARIZ = 10% and RR = 9.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: ARR = 1% and RR = 0.9" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lacrimation is affected due to damage to which of the following nerves?\nOptions: \nA. Nasociliary nerve\tB. Greater petrosal nerve\tC. Trigeminal nerve\tD. Anterior ethmoid nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Greater petrosal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Insulin resistance is seen in liver disease because of-\nOptions: \nA. Decreased secretion of insulin\tB. Hepatic steatosis\tC. Hepatocytedysfunction\tD. Low 'C'peptide level.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hepatic steatosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Access cavity shape in mandibular 1st molar with 4 canals\nOptions: \nA. Trapezoidal\tB. Round\tC. Oval\tD. Triangular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trapezoidal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 25-year-old lady with submucosal fibroid was undergoing myomectomy. The surgeon was using 1.5 yo glycine as irrigating fluid for the cavity. During the surgery the nurse informs the surgeon that there is a 500m1 fluid deficit. What is the next step to be done?\nOptions: \nA. Stop the'surgery\tB. Change the fluid to normal saline\tC. Continue the surgery with careful monitoring of fluid status\tD. Give furosemide to the patient and continue surgery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Continue the surgery with careful monitoring of fluid status" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the distribution of intraocular pressure (IOP) seen in 100 glaucoma patients has an average 30 mm with an SD of 1, what is the lower limit of the average that can be expected 95% of times -\nOptions: \nA. 28\tB. 26\tC. 32\tD. 25.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 28" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Metal oxides are added in porcelain provide all except\nOptions: \nA. Strength\tB. Improve bonding\tC. Cosmetic\tD. Impart colour.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Strength" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anatomical dead space measured by -\nOptions: \nA. Bohler's method\tB. Xenon dilution technique\tC. Spirometry\tD. Single breath nitrogen test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Single breath nitrogen test." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Suprasellar cystic mass in children is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Medulloblastoma\tB. Craniopharyngioma\tC. Meningioma\tD. Secondaries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Craniopharyngioma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incidence of extra canal in mandibular 1st molar is seen in\nOptions: \nA. 10%\tB. 20%\tC. 30%\tD. 40%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 30%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 55 year old male presents with a lesion of 2.5*3.5 cm on lateral border of tongue with induration. There is no associated lymphadenopathy. What is the staging according to the 8th AJCC guidelines?\nOptions: \nA. T2N0M0\tB. T3N2M0\tC. T4N3M0\tD. T3N2M0.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: T2N0M0" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First permanent molars begin to calcify at:\nOptions: \nA. 6 months of intra uterine life\tB. At birth\tC. Before deciduous incisors\tD. About 1 year after birth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: At birth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lactobacillus count AFTER CARIES ACTIVITY test is 10,500CFU. What is the rate of caries progression ?\nOptions: \nA. Slight\tB. Mild\tC. Moderate\tD. Severe.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Severe." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 5 years and 4 month old child having small chin, he clinically presents with distal step 2nd molar relation and narrow width of maxilla, having normal SNA angle, decreased SNB angle, with low FMA angle, then. What would be the appropriate treatment protocol for this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Wait and watch for 6 years\tB. Kloehn head gear to treat maxillary protrusion\tC. FR II appliance\tD. Twin block appliance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wait and watch for 6 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 32-year-old woman is 9 weeks pregnant and has a 10 year old Down's syndrome child. What test would you recommend for the mother so that she can know about her chances of getting a Down's syndrome baby is this present pregnancy. How will you assure the mother about the chances of Down's syndrome in the present pregnancy?\nOptions: \nA. Blood test\tB. USG\tC. Chorionic villus sampling\tD. Assure her there is no chance since she is less than 35 years of age.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chorionic villus sampling" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which types of wooden wedges are commonly available\nOptions: \nA. Triangular\tB. Rectangular\tC. Round\tD. All are common.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Triangular" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Short-acting non-depolarising muscle relaxant is:\nOptions: \nA. Succinylcholine\tB. Pancuronium\tC. Mivacurum\tD. Decamethonium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mivacurum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with Tubercular meningitis was taking ATT regularly. At end of 1 month of regular intake of drugs deterioration in sensorium is noted in condition of the patient despite good compliance for drugs. Which of the following investigations is not required as emergency condition?\nOptions: \nA. MRI\tB. NCCT\tC. CSF examination\tD. Liver function tests.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: CSF examination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ability of a bur blade to describe a complete circle during rotation is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Concentricity.\tB. Staticity.\tC. Run out.\tD. Symmetry.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Run out." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about prostate cancer?\nOptions: \nA. Histopathology is determined by Gleason score\tB. Most common region involved is central zone\tC. Most common type is squamous cell Carcinoma\tD. It is not a hormone dependent cancer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Histopathology is determined by Gleason score" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following anticoagulant preservative can be used to store blood, so that it can be kept for 35 days?\nOptions: \nA. Acid citrate dextrose (ACD)\tB. CPD Citrate phosphate dextrose\tC. Citrate phosphate dextrose-adenine (CPD-A)\tD. CP2D - citrate phosphate double dextrose.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Citrate phosphate dextrose-adenine (CPD-A)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All ceramic crown is placed on mandibular canine, what can we do to prolong the life of crown:\nOptions: \nA. Glazing\tB. Polishing.\tC. Out of occlusion (Infraocclusion).\tD. Group function..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Group function.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are complications of supracondylar fracture of humerus in children,except -\nOptions: \nA. Compartment syndrome\tB. Myositis ossificans\tC. Malunion\tD. Non-Union.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Non-Union." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diagnosis of mouth breathing can be done by all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Cephalometric\tB. Mouth mirror test\tC. Rhinomanometry\tD. Kinesiography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Kinesiography." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In reversible hydrocolloid the property by which the transformation from sol to gel and gel to sol occurs, is a function of the:\nOptions: \nA. Concentration of fillers and plasticizer\tB. Percentage composition by weight of water\tC. Concentration of potassium sulphate\tD. Temperature.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Temperature." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents with ascending muscle weakness for 2 days. On examination, the limb is flaccid. What investigation should be done first?\nOptions: \nA. Serum potassium\tB. Serum creatinine\tC. Serum magnesium\tD. Serum calcium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Serum potassium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acetone breath is a feature of:\nOptions: \nA. Liver disease\tB. Sinusitis\tC. Renal disease\tD. Diabetes mellitus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Diabetes mellitus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following bone(s) are used for the determination of growth in an individual?\nOptions: \nA. Clavicle\tB. Sternum\tC. Cervical vertebrae\tD. Mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cervical vertebrae" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Shape of the central groove in Mandibular 2nd premolar is\nOptions: \nA. Y shaped\tB. H shaped\tC. U shaped\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Amniotic fluid is mainly produced by:\nOptions: \nA. Placenta\tB. Fetus\tC. Chorion\tD. Amnion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fetus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 years old female currently on a drug for psychiatric illness and hypeension presents with NYHA class III hea failure with dyspnea, pedal edema and K+ levels of 5.5 mEq/L and creatinine 2.5 mg%. Which of the following drug is best avoided?\nOptions: \nA. Carvedilol\tB. Enalapril\tC. Spironolactone\tD. Digoxin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Spironolactone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Among the following solvent which of the following is safest and effective gutta percha solvent?\nOptions: \nA. Terpentine\tB. Choloroform\tC. Methylchioroform\tD. Halothane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Choloroform" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Type-IV isthmii is?\nOptions: \nA. complete or incomplete isthmus between three or more canals\tB. Complete communication between two canal\tC. No communication between any canal\tD. two or three canal openings without visible connections.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: complete or incomplete isthmus between three or more canals" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Green discoloration of teeth is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Tetracycline therapy\tB. Fluorosis\tC. Erythroblastosis fetalis\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Erythroblastosis fetalis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Improved marginal adaptation in a composite restoration can be achieved by:\nOptions: \nA. Moisture free environment\tB. Application of pressure\tC. Acid etching\tD. Continued packing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Acid etching" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In an animal model, the phenomenon of vasomotor reversal of dale can be demonstrated by:\nOptions: \nA. Stimulation of alpha-1 followed by stimulation of beta-2\tB. Block of alpha-1 followed by stimulation of beta-2\tC. Stimulation of alpha-1 followed by block of beta-2\tD. Stimulation of beta-1 receptor followed by block of beta-2 receptor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Block of alpha-1 followed by stimulation of beta-2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which hormone, together with the catecholamines, enhances the tone of vascular smooth muscle and assists in elevating blood pressure?\nOptions: \nA. Parathyroid hormone\tB. Glucagon\tC. Thyroxine\tD. Cortisol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cortisol." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The purpose of plane of orientation is:\nOptions: \nA. To serve as a guide in establishing occlusal plane\tB. To aid in measuring height and Length of posterior teeth\tC. To serve as an arbitrary plane when established on the articulator\tD. To divide the distance between upper and Lower cast equally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To serve as a guide in establishing occlusal plane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The two cements which hold with the tooth are:\nOptions: \nA. GIC and polycarboxylate\tB. GIC and ZnPO4\tC. ZnPO4 and silicate\tD. GIC and silicate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: GIC and polycarboxylate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inflammation of the periapical tissue is sustained by:\nOptions: \nA. Stagnant tissue fluid\tB. Necrotic tissue\tC. Microorganisms\tD. Pus cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Microorganisms" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young lady with symptoms of hypehyroidism with elevated T4 and TSH levels were 8.5. Fuher examination reveals bitemporal hemianopia. Next step of management:\nOptions: \nA. Sta antithyroid drugs, and do urgent MRI brain\tB. Sta beta-blockers\tC. Conservative management\tD. Sta antithyroid drugs and wait for symptoms to resolve..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sta antithyroid drugs, and do urgent MRI brain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a soft tissue cyst which do not produce any radiographic changes\nOptions: \nA. Nasolabial cyst\tB. Nasopalatine cyst\tC. Mid alveolar cyst\tD. Palatine cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nasolabial cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pure histological landmark for termination of cleaning, shaping and obturation is\nOptions: \nA. CDJ\tB. Apical foramen\tC. Apical constriction\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CDJ" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mesial and distal wall of class V cavity depends on:\nOptions: \nA. Direction of enamel rods\tB. Presence of carious lesion\tC. Contour of gingiva\tD. Location of contact area.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Direction of enamel rods" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 20 year young female presented for antenatal checkup. She was in 1st trimester and was diagnosed to have ovarian cyst. Treatment of choice:\nOptions: \nA. Surgical removal in IInd trimester\tB. Removal after delivery\tC. Termination of pregnancy and cyst removal\tD. Observation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Surgical removal in IInd trimester" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Addison's disease is related to:\nOptions: \nA. Adrenal medulla\tB. Adrenal cortex\tC. Post pituitary\tD. Parathyroid gland.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Adrenal cortex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented with Microcephaly, Hepatomegaly and periventricular calcification. Best site from where specimen should be obtained for diagnosis of CMV by PCR?\nOptions: \nA. Urine\tB. Blood\tC. Liver biopsy\tD. CSF.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Urine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The force applied to cause root movement should be\nOptions: \nA. Positive intermittent force\tB. Torque or moment\tC. Extra - oral\tD. Gentle action.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Torque or moment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormones is controlled by feedforward control?\nOptions: \nA. ADH\tB. Insulin\tC. Coicosteroids\tD. Prolactin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ADH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is penicillinase resistant penicillin:\nOptions: \nA. Amoxycillin\tB. Cloxacillin\tC. Ampicillin\tD. Penicillin G.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cloxacillin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IPC section dealing with illegal aboion with woman consent?\nOptions: \nA. 310\tB. 312\tC. 313\tD. 314.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 312" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a suspected patient of dengue, all of these are acceptable investigations at day 3 of presentation except:\nOptions: \nA. Viral culture and isolation in C6/36 cell line\tB. ELISA for antibody against dengue virus\tC. NS I antigen detection\tD. #NAME?.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: ELISA for antibody against dengue virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Government initiative to improve the facilities in labour room in all govt hospitals is under\nOptions: \nA. Ayushman Bharat Scheme\tB. Laqshya\tC. Newborn delivery room program\tD. Janani suraksha yojana.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Laqshya" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When length of a spring is doubled, the effect is:\nOptions: \nA. Doubled\tB. Four times\tC. Six times\tD. Eight times.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Eight times." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Effective strategies to decrease the risk of post puncture dural headache are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Use of small bore needle\tB. Use of atraumatic needle\tC. Supplementation of fluids\tD. Replacement of stylet prior to removal of needle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Replacement of stylet prior to removal of needle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Severe acidosis occurs during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The best method to counteract acidosis is to administer:\nOptions: \nA. Glucose intravenously\tB. Epinephrine intravenously\tC. Epinephrine intramuscularly\tD. Sodium bicarbonate intravenously.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sodium bicarbonate intravenously." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Giemsa stained smear cannot detect\nOptions: \nA. Coxiella burnetti\tB. Baonella\tC. Toxoplasmosis\tD. E. Chaffnessis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Coxiella burnetti" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Separation through rubber ring or band takes\nOptions: \nA. 2-3 days to 1 week\tB. 1-2 days\tC. 1-3 weeks\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2-3 days to 1 week" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gardner syndrome does not include:\nOptions: \nA. Osteomas\tB. Epidermoid cysts\tC. Osteosarcoma\tD. Impacted permanent teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Osteosarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pediatric patient presented with 45 mins h/o continuous convulsions.CASE 1: SR told to give iv lorazepam but J.R cant secured iv line. Then what he has given?\nOptions: \nA. Rectal diazepam\tB. Inhalation Phenobarbital\tC. IV carbamazepine\tD. Subcutaneous midazolam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rectal diazepam" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bones are held by a long cord or sheet of dense fibrous connective tissue called:\nOptions: \nA. Suture.\tB. Gomphosis.\tC. Synchondrosis.\tD. Syndesmosis..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Syndesmosis.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A thinner mix of a gypsum-bonded investment will:\nOptions: \nA. Produce a smoother casting\tB. Decrease setting expansion\tC. Increase setting expansion\tD. Increase thermal expansion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decrease setting expansion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 45 years old male presents with itchy papules over face, neck and V area of chest for the last three years, which are exacerbated in summers and improved in winters. What test will you do to confirm diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Patch test\tB. Prick test\tC. IgE levels\tD. Skin biopsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Patch test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Metformin causes I severe, sometimes life-threatening side effect of lactic acidosis. All of the following factors increase the risk of lactic acidosis except:\nOptions: \nA. Advanced age\tB. Smoking\tC. Liver dysfunction\tD. Renal failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Smoking" + }, + { + "input": "Question: C wave in JVP due to\nOptions: \nA. Atrial contraction\tB. Atrial filling\tC. Tricuspid bulging\tD. Rapid ventricular filling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tricuspid bulging" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Management of NaOCl accident are all except?\nOptions: \nA. Over instrumentation of root canal to establish drainage\tB. Cold packs followed by hot packs after 24 hrs\tC. Antibiotics\tD. Corticosteroids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Over instrumentation of root canal to establish drainage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is suffering from dehydration secondary to diarrhea. Which of the following intravenous agent is used in this case?\nOptions: \nA. 10% glucose solution\tB. Distilled water\tC. 0.9% saline\tD. 5% glucose solution.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 0.9% saline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient's cross infection with bite block of orthopantamograph machine is prevented by\nOptions: \nA. Cover with autoclaved cloth with each use\tB. Using disposable bite blocks\tC. Clean with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite in each patient\tD. Cover with impervious barrier.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Using disposable bite blocks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5-years old child was presented with proptosis. Microscopic examination of the mass revealed a round cell tumor positive for Desmin immunohistochemical marker. Most likely diagnosis is ?\nOptions: \nA. Leukemia\tB. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma\tC. Lymphoma\tD. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET).\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 16-year-old male complains of nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis for several months. On CT scan of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses, an enhancing mass is seen in the nasopharynx with minimal extension into sphenoid sinus and no lateral extension. What is the stage of this lesion?\nOptions: \nA. IA\tB. IB\tC. IIA\tD. IIB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: IB" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A case of carcinoma larynx with the involvement of anterior commissure and right vocal cord, developed perichondritis of thyroid cartilage. Which of the following statements is true for the management of this case -\nOptions: \nA. He should be given radical radiotherapy as this can cure early tumors\tB. He should be treated with combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy\tC. He should first receive radiotherapy and if residual tumor is present then should undergo laryngectomy\tD. He should first undergo laryngectomy and then post-operative radiotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: He should first undergo laryngectomy and then post-operative radiotherapy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 years old lady, who has a known diagnosis of bronchial asthma, presented to the AIIMS emergency with complaints of severe breathlessness, diaphoresis and wheezing. On examination, you find that the patient is conscious with a respiratory rate of 30 per minute, blood pressure of 96/64 mm Hg and a pulse rate of 144 per minute. An aerial blood gas analysis showed a pH of 7.2, p02 of 50 mm Hg and pCO, of 70 mm Hg. How will you manage the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure\tB. Oxygen supplementation by nasal mask\tC. Mechanical ventilation with controlled ventilation\tD. Intubation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Porosity present in a acrylic denture is usually the result of:\nOptions: \nA. A prolonged curing cycle\tB. Lack of sufficient pressure applied to flask\tC. Insufficient acrylic resin monomer\tD. Prolonged bench cooling after curing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lack of sufficient pressure applied to flask" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major aim of phase 1 clinical trials is:-\nOptions: \nA. Safety\tB. Efficacy\tC. Dose\tD. Pharmacokinetics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bennett angle is:\nOptions: \nA. The angle between sagittal condylar path and Frank fort plane\tB. The angle which the path of balancing side condyle makes with the sagittal plane during Lateral excursion\tC. Measured by using a face bow\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: The angle which the path of balancing side condyle makes with the sagittal plane during Lateral excursion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Couinaud classified liver into 8 segments,which structure differentiates the segments anatomically\nOptions: \nA. Poal vein\tB. Hepatic vein\tC. Bile duct\tD. Hepatic aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hepatic vein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 'Care index' with respect to epidemiology of oral disease is\nOptions: \nA. Ratio of filled teeth to total teeth with caries experience\tB. Ratio of filled teeth to teeth present\tC. No. of filled teeth per person\tD. Ratio of denture users to non-denture users.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ratio of filled teeth to total teeth with caries experience" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A morbidly obese diabetic woman was on failed metformin therapy. She has the history of pancreatitis and family history of bladder cancer. Patient does not want to take injections. Which of the following would be suitable to reduce her glucose levels?\nOptions: \nA. Liraglutide\tB. Sitagliptin\tC. Canagliflozin\tD. Pioglitazone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Canagliflozin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cavity varnish is used for:\nOptions: \nA. To reduce thermal conductivity\tB. To reduce the permeability of acid into dentinal tubules\tC. Action as an obtundant\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: To reduce the permeability of acid into dentinal tubules" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient shows gingival swelling in lower premolar region. Biopsy was taken and histopathological examination showed endothelium-lined vascular spaces and the extreme proliferation of fibroblasts and budding endothelial cells. What could this lesion be:\nOptions: \nA. Pyogenic granuloma\tB. Fibroma\tC. Aneurysmal bone cyst\tD. Traumatic bone cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pyogenic granuloma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common sign of airway obstruction\nOptions: \nA. Slow pounding pulse\tB. Strenuous breathing\tC. Increase pulse rate\tD. Decrease pulse rate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Strenuous breathing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: GPCR that does not act through opening of potassium channels is?\nOptions: \nA. Muscarinic M2 receptor\tB. Dopamine D2 receptor\tC. Serotonin 5 HT1 receptor\tD. Angiotensin 1 receptor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Angiotensin 1 receptor." + }, + { + "input": "Question: After a building collapse, among remnants, a person's length of humerus is 24.5 cm. What is the predicted height of this person?\nOptions: \nA. 90 cm\tB. 110 cm\tC. 130 cm\tD. 146 cm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 130 cm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of CKD has presented with protracted vomiting. ABG shows pH = 7.40, pCO2 = 40 mm Hg, HCO3 = 25 mEq, Na=145 mEq/L, Chloride = 100 mEq/L, HCO3 = 24 mEq/L. What is the observation?\nOptions: \nA. Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis\tB. High anion gap metabolic acidosis\tC. No acid base abnormality\tD. High anion gap metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: High anion gap metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Purpose of giving Glycopyrrolate before GA\nOptions: \nA. Decrease laryngeal secretions\tB. Muscle relaxation\tC. Prevents aspiration\tD. Provides analgesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decrease laryngeal secretions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: what does not occur in 5'- 3'direction?\nOptions: \nA. DNA repair\tB. DNA replication\tC. RNA editing\tD. Transcription.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: RNA editing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Highest level of evidence is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Case control studies\tB. Meta-analysis\tC. Cohort studies\tD. Systematic review.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Meta-analysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cannula is used in patient with severe dehydration and diarrhea?\nOptions: \nA. Blue\tB. Green\tC. Grey\tD. Pink.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Grey" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following diseases is NOT transmitted by it?\nOptions: \nA. Kala Azar\tB. Chandipura encephalitis\tC. Babesiosis\tD. Carrion's Disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Babesiosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following statements of nasal fractures are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Even if minor, they may be followed by bilateral ecchymosis and facial oedema\tB. They may need to be reduced for a few weeks\tC. They need not be complicated by traumatic telecanthus\tD. They may lead to the telescoping of the nasal complex into the frontal sinus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: They may need to be reduced for a few weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Etchant preferred in gel form than in liquid form:\nOptions: \nA. Better control over placement\tB. Enhance and concentrate the action of acid\tC. Helps in visualization while placement\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Better control over placement" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A known HIV patient on anti - retroviral therapy presented with diarrhea of six months duration. Stoll microscopy was done in which 10-30 micrometer cysts were seen, Kinyoun stain was positive. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Cystoisospora\tB. Cryptosporidium\tC. Balantidium coli\tD. Strongyloides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cystoisospora" + }, + { + "input": "Question: How long should a child be isolated after being diagnosed with bacterial meningitis to prevent fuher transmission?\nOptions: \nA. Till 24 hours after staing antibiotics\tB. Till cultures become negative\tC. Till antibiotics course is complete\tD. Till 12 hrs after admission.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Till 24 hours after staing antibiotics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On stretching the cheek the lesion disappears in:\nOptions: \nA. Leukoplakia\tB. Focal hyperkeratosis\tC. Leukoedema\tD. Typhoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Leukoedema" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extra palatal root when present on mesial side its known as\nOptions: \nA. Radix mesiopalatalis\tB. Radix mesialis\tC. Radix mesiolingualis\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Radix mesiolingualis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 56-year-old female presents with nocturnal pain in the right thumb, index and middle finger for the past 3 months. All of the following provocative tests can be performed for the diagnosis of the condition except :\nOptions: \nA. Phalen's test\tB. Finkelstein test\tC. Tinel's sign\tD. Tourniquet test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Finkelstein test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug is contraindicated in pregnancy?\nOptions: \nA. Enalapril\tB. Amlodipine\tC. b-blockers\tD. Propylthiouracil.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Enalapril" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Interglobular dentin\nOptions: \nA. Has less mineral content\tB. Shows PAS reaction\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following indicate superimposed pre-eclampsia in a pregnant female of chronic hypeension except: (Asked twice)\nOptions: \nA. New onset proteinuria\tB. Platelet count < 75,000\tC. Increase in systolic BP by 30 mm Hg and diastolic by 15 mm Hg\tD. Fresh retinal hypeensive changes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increase in systolic BP by 30 mm Hg and diastolic by 15 mm Hg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Basic fear of a 2-year-old child during his first visit to\nthe dentist is related to\nOptions: \nA. Fear of an injection\tB. Fear of separation from parent\tC. Fear of dental instruments\tD. Not understanding the reason for dental treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Fear of separation from parent" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following show chemical bond with enamel:\nOptions: \nA. Composites\tB. Direct filling resins\tC. Polycarboxylate cements\tD. BIS-GMA resins in pit and fissure sealants.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polycarboxylate cements" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Study conducted in a population. Diastolic Blood Pressure mean 110 mm Hg with SD of 11 mm Hg, Vitamin D mean 18 ng/ml with SD of 3 ng/ml. what is the relation between the two variance\nOptions: \nA. Variance of Vitamin D > DBP\tB. Variance of DBP > 4 times Vitamin D\tC. Data insufficient to comment upon\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Variance of DBP > 4 times Vitamin D" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Main mechanism of action of heparin Is to prevent:\nOptions: \nA. Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin\tB. Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin\tC. PTC to PTA\tD. Factor VIIa inhibition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For class II die 1 malocclusion of 14 years old boy, which analysis is indicated to detect the tooth extraction\nOptions: \nA. Bolton's analysis\tB. Pont's analysis\tC. Peck & peck analysis\tD. Ashley & Howe's analysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ashley & Howe's analysis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide is decreased in all except:\nOptions: \nA. Polycythemia\tB. Interstitial lung disease\tC. Emphysema\tD. Pulmonary vascular disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polycythemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An avulsed tooth which is replanted shows loss of lamina dura radiographically, high sound on percussion. The type of resorption is\nOptions: \nA. Internal resorpton\tB. External resorption\tC. Replacement resorption\tD. Cervical resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Replacement resorption" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extra-radicular source of persistent endodontic infection is?\nOptions: \nA. Propionobacterium\tB. E.fecalis\tC. V.parvula)\tD. T.denticola.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Propionobacterium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a content of mesorectal fascia?\nOptions: \nA. Inferior rectal vein\tB. Superior rectal vein\tC. Pararectal lymph node\tD. Inferior mesenteric plexus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inferior rectal vein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A motorcyclist after road traffic accident is having raised aerial pCO2 on ABG. Probable cause can be:\nOptions: \nA. Damage to respiratory apparatus\tB. Damage to respiratory centre\tC. Damage to both respiratory apparatus and respiratory centre\tD. Massive lung contusion alone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Damage to both respiratory apparatus and respiratory centre" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulp mummification is indicated in:\nOptions: \nA. Non-vital tooth\tB. Deep caries on a symptomatic vital tooth\tC. Traumatic exposure of a vital tooth\tD. Traumatic exposure of a vital tooth with open wide apex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Traumatic exposure of a vital tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \"Hair-on-end\" appearance in a skull roentgenogram is\nseen in :\nOptions: \nA. Fibrous dysplasia\tB. Thalassemia\tC. Garre's Osteomyelitis\tD. Pagets disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Thalassemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Poor prognostic indicator of ALL is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Female sex\tB. Leukocyte count < 50,000\tC. Age greater than 1 year\tD. Hypodiploidy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hypodiploidy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: L-asparaginase is used in the treatment of:\nOptions: \nA. AML\tB. ALL\tC. CML\tD. CLL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: ALL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Glickman, maximum accumulation of plaque takes place in approximately\nOptions: \nA. 7 days\tB. 15 days\tC. 30 days\tD. 60 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 30 days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a false statement?\nOptions: \nA. Acetaminophen does not have anti-inflammatory action\tB. NSAIDs with least cardiovascular risk in Naproxen\tC. Gastric irritation is more severe with NSAIDs compared to aspirin\tD. Non selective COX-2 inhibitors are contraindicated in postoperative patients.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gastric irritation is more severe with NSAIDs compared to aspirin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of death in case of acute poliomyelitis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Intercostal muscles paralysis\tB. Convulsion\tC. Cardiac arrest\tD. Respiratory failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Respiratory failure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is true for rapid prototyping?\nOptions: \nA. Photopolymer resin cures with laser\tB. Powder by fused deposition modeling\tC. Selective laser sintering\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In choriocarcinoma, lung metastasis occurs in which stage?\nOptions: \nA. Stage 1\tB. Stage 2\tC. Stage 3\tD. Stage 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Stage 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Role of plasticizer in synthetic resins in dentistry is\nOptions: \nA. Increase smoothness\tB. To increase bulk\tC. To prevent polymerisation shrinkage\tD. To reduce softening and fusion temperature.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: To reduce softening and fusion temperature." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following disorders a circulating antibody directed to intercellular cementing substance of stratified squamous epithelium is observed:\nOptions: \nA. Lichen planus\tB. Verrucous vulgaris\tC. Bullous pemphigoid\tD. Pemphigus vulgaris.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pemphigus vulgaris." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old boy is having polyuria, polydipsia,laboratory data showed (in mEq/lit) \u2013 Na\u2013 154 K\u2013 4.5 HCO3\u2013 \n 22 Serum osmolality \u2013 295 Blood urea \u2013 50 Urine specific gravity \u2013 1.005 The likely diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Diabetes insipidus\tB. Renal tubular acidosis\tC. Barter's syndrome\tD. Recurrent UTI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Diabetes insipidus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: FNAC can not diagnose\nOptions: \nA. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid\tB. Follicular carcinoma of thyroid\tC. Anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid\tD. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Follicular carcinoma of thyroid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lacunar cells are seen in which type of Hodgkin\u2019s lymphoma\nOptions: \nA. Lymphocyte predominance\tB. Lymphocyte depletion\tC. Nodular sclerosing\tD. Mixed cellularity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Nodular sclerosing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum fluoride content is found in:\nOptions: \nA. Sea fish\tB. Tea leaves\tC. Human milk\tD. Coconut water.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tea leaves" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with acute history of blistering and denudation involving >30% BSA along with erosions of the lips with hemorrhagic crusting and other mucosa for few days. What is the most common triggering factor?\nOptions: \nA. Bacterial infection\tB. Viral infection\tC. Drug induced\tD. Idiopathic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Drug induced" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Organic component of bone comprises of:\nOptions: \nA. 35% collagen\tB. 35% noncollagenous protein\tC. 65% noncollagenous protein\tD. 90% collagen protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 90% collagen protein." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the difference between RIFLE & KDIGO criteria in differentiating a tubular injury?\nOptions: \nA. Uosm\tB. Urinary Na\tC. Urinary NGAL\tD. FeNa (UN, x Scr / SNa x Ucr).\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Urinary NGAL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lipids are \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026group of compounds:\nOptions: \nA. Heterogenous\tB. Homogenous\tC. None of the above\tD. Any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Heterogenous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A couple comes for evaluation of infeility. The HSG was normal but semen analysis revealed azoospermia. What is the diagnostic test to differentiate between testicular failure and vas deferens obstruction?\nOptions: \nA. Serum FSH\tB. Karyotyping\tC. Testosterone levels\tD. Testicular FNAC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Serum FSH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following toxin is causing this:\nOptions: \nA. Botulism\tB. Tetanus\tC. Diphtheria\tD. Cholera.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Botulism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radio density can be increased by\nOptions: \nA. Decreasing MA\tB. Decreasing kVp\tC. Decreasing target film distance\tD. Increasing target film distance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Decreasing target film distance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, elevated triglyceride and VLDL levels are seen due to:\nOptions: \nA. Increased activity of lipoprotein lipase and decreased activity of hormone sensitive lipase\tB. Increased activity of hormone sensitive lipase and decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase\tC. Increase in peripheral LDL receptors\tD. Increased activity of hepatic lipase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increased activity of hormone sensitive lipase and decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 9-year-old child comes with Ellis class-III fracture in 11 after 24 hours, what will be the first step of management?\nOptions: \nA. Take radiograph and Cvek's pulpotomy\tB. Take radiograph and pulpectomy\tC. Indirect pulp capping\tD. Observation and restore with composite resin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Take radiograph and Cvek's pulpotomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 40 years old patient with head injury, which of the following is the best strategy to decrease the intracerebral pressure?\nOptions: \nA. Limiting pCO, of the patient\tB. Administer sedatives\tC. Oxygen supplementation by mechanical ventilation\tD. Administer nimodipine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Limiting pCO, of the patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following are seen in myasthenia gravis except:\nOptions: \nA. Ptosis\tB. Muscle fatigability\tC. Absent DTRs\tD. Normal pupillary reflex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Absent DTRs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient notices a well demarcated area of depapillation on his tongue which has been there for as long as he can remember. The most probable diagnosis:\nOptions: \nA. Median rhomboid glossitis\tB. Geographic tongue\tC. Black hairy tongue\tD. Moeller's glossitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Median rhomboid glossitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Root end resection is done?\nOptions: \nA. 1mm\tB. 4mm\tC. 6mm\tD. 3mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 3mm." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following should be avoided by a patient with lactose intolerance, EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Condensed milk\tB. Ice-cream\tC. Skimmed milk\tD. Yoghu.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Yoghu." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For testing the statistical significance of the difference in heights of school children among three socio economic groups the most appropriate statistical test is:\nOptions: \nA. Student's 't' test\tB. Chi-squared test\tC. Paired 't' test\tD. One way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA).\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: One way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA)." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inheritance of cleft lip and palate is\nOptions: \nA. Monogenic\tB. Polygenic\tC. Multifactorial\tD. Sex linked.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Multifactorial" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Name the parts of the implant assembly\nOptions: \nA. 1 - fixture, 2 \u2013 abutment, 3 - abutment screw, 4 - crown\tB. 1 - crown, 2 \u2013 abutment screw, 3 - abutment. 4 - fixture\tC. 1 - crown, 2 - healing cap, 3 - abutment. 4 - root form implant\tD. 1 - crown, 2 - healing cap, 3 - cover screw, 4 - fixture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1 - crown, 2 \u2013 abutment screw, 3 - abutment. 4 - fixture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a survey of sleep apnea scores among 10 people, the highest sample of 58 was entered by mistake as 85. This will affect the result as:\nOptions: \nA. Increased mean, decreased median\tB. Increased mean, increased median\tC. Increased mean. no change in median\tD. No change in mean, increased median..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increased mean. no change in median" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Localised suppuration of lung is called:\nOptions: \nA. An abscess\tB. Empyema\tC. Emphysema\tD. Anasarca.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: An abscess" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Artery of 4th pharyngeal arch:\nOptions: \nA. Right and left CCA.\tB. Right and left subclavian artery and arch of aorta.\tC. Right and left pulmonary arteries.\tD. None of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Right and left subclavian artery and arch of aorta." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Among a 100 women with average Hb of 10 gm%, the standard deviation was 1, what is the standard error?\nOptions: \nA. 0.01\tB. 0.1\tC. 1\tD. 10.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 0.1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The age of the child used in the determination of child mortality rate is:\nOptions: \nA. 0-5 years\tB. 1-4 years\tC. 5-8 years\tD. 0-1 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1-4 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The formation of the dental lamina is initiated by\nOptions: \nA. Forebrain\tB. Rathke's pouch\tC. Neural crest cells\tD. Odontoblasts.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Neural crest cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most outer covering of nerve fibres is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Neurolemma\tB. Perineurium\tC. Axolemma\tD. Myelin sheath.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Perineurium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 46 years old male patient was given subarachnoid block with bupivacaine (heavy) by the anesthetist. After 10 minutes he was found to have a BP of 72/44 mm Hg and hea rate of 52/min. On checking the level of block it was found to be T6. What is the likely explanation for the bradvcardia?\nOptions: \nA. Bezold-Jarisch reflex\tB. Bainbridge reflex\tC. Block of Cardio-accelerator fibers of synthetic origin\tD. Reverse Bainbridge reflex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bezold-Jarisch reflex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: This specific sign is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Lead poisoning\tB. Organophosphorus poisoning\tC. Arsenic poisoning\tD. Zinc poisoning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Arsenic poisoning" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient who is a known case of thalassemia major already on repeated blood transfusions with history of iron overload previously treated with chelating agents. She also has a history of cardiac arrhythmia. She came for BT now. During BT patient complained of backache and looks extremely anxious. What is next management?\nOptions: \nA. Observe for a change in colour of the urine\tB. Continue BT, do ECG\tC. Stop BT and wait for patient to get normal and sta\tD. Stop BT and Do clerical check.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Stop BT and Do clerical check." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following has a bifid root?\nOptions: \nA. 32, 42\tB. 31, 41\tC. 34, 44\tD. 13, 23.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 34, 44" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which Bone does not form the wrist joint\nOptions: \nA. Radius\tB. Triquetrum\tC. Scaphoid\tD. Ulna.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ulna." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stenopic slit'is used for all except-\nOptions: \nA. Fincham's test\tB. Determine the axis of cylinder\tC. Corneal tattooing\tD. lridectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Corneal tattooing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with obstructive jaundice, what is the possible explanation for a bilirubin level of 40 mg/dL?\nOptions: \nA. Malignant obstruction\tB. Complete obstruction of common bile duct\tC. Renal failure\tD. Liver failure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Renal failure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drugs used in urea cycle disorders to reduce ammonia?\nOptions: \nA. Phenyl butarone\tB. Phenyl butyrate\tC. L - Carnitine\tD. Isoleucin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Phenyl butyrate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcium In blood increased by\nOptions: \nA. Calcitonin\tB. Parathormone\tC. TNF alpha\tD. Insulin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Parathormone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mass Drug Administration is not helpful for\nOptions: \nA. Lymphatic Filariasis\tB. Vitamin A Deficiency\tC. Worm infestation\tD. Scabies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scabies." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If continuous hypersensitivity develops in recently restored tooth:\nOptions: \nA. No treatment necessary\tB. Remove the restoration and place ZOE\tC. Perform pulpectomy\tD. Perform direct pulp capping.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Perform pulpectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a complication observed with which of the following vaccines? (Asked twice)\nOptions: \nA. MMR\tB. HIV conjugate polysaccharide vaccine\tC. Typhoid Vi polysaccharide vaccine\tD. Influenza vaccine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MMR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: . The prospectively evaluated, double-blinded, randomized clinical trail represents the 'gold-standard' for providing evidence for therapeutic decision making. This was first proposed by the father of evidence-based medicine:\nOptions: \nA. Tolstoy\tB. Sackett\tC. Hippocrates\tD. da Vinci.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sackett" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hepatic First pass metabolism will be bypassed by the foltowing routes of drug adminisration excePt?\nOptions: \nA. Oral\tB. Intravenous\tC. Sublingual\tD. Intradermal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Oral" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cherry red spot after trauma is seen in children due to:\nOptions: \nA. CRAO\tB. CRVO\tC. Berlin's edema\tD. Niemann-Pick's disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Berlin's edema" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Single accessory canal arises from coronal 1/3rd in what percentage of mandibular molars\nOptions: \nA. 23%\tB. 13%\tC. 10%\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 23%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What does low volume of distribution of a drug mean?\nOptions: \nA. Low bioavailability\tB. Does not accumulates in tissues\tC. Low absorption\tD. Not metabolized in the body.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Does not accumulates in tissues" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The conversion of glucose-6-P to fructose-6-P is an example of which of the following reactions:\nOptions: \nA. Phosphate transfer\tB. Isomerisation\tC. Dehydration\tD. Aldol cleavage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Isomerisation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person with histrionic, shy, anxious avoidant per!sonality comes under which cluster?\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is third generation cephalosporin?\nOptions: \nA. Cefoperazone\tB. Cefuroxime\tC. Cefoxitin\tD. Cefadroxil.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cefoperazone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ideal denture base material should not have\nOptions: \nA. Sufficient strength\tB. Dense and non-irritating surface\tC. High specific gravity\tD. Esthetically acceptable.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High specific gravity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Buccopharyngeal membrane is composed of:\nOptions: \nA. Ectoderm.\tB. Endoderm.\tC. Mesoderm\tD. Both AB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both AB." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 11 year old boy with grossly carious right maxillary lateral incisor, LA is given, complains of burning sensation in right eye, swelling in right eyelid, best statement to explain this condition.\nOptions: \nA. Middle meningeal artery has tortuous course\tB. LA reaches the eyelid via infraorbital foramen\tC. Reaction is due to preservative in the L.A., it will subside in some time\tD. Pain will subside in few minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Reaction is due to preservative in the L.A., it will subside in some time" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sibilant sounds are produced at:\nOptions: \nA. Rest position\tB. Occluding position\tC. Open from resting position\tD. Between rest and occluding position.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Between rest and occluding position." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Temporo-mandibular ligament is attached to:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral aspect of TMJ\tB. Posterior aspect of TMJ\tC. Mandibular condyle\tD. Coronoid process.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral aspect of TMJ" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What should be the best treatment option for the extraction socket shown in Fig\nOptions: \nA. Ovate Pontic\tB. Modified ridge lap\tC. Sanitary pontic\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ovate Pontic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The maximum penetration among the following is seen with which ray:\nOptions: \nA. Alpha\tB. Beta\tC. Gamma\tD. Electron Beam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gamma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The red blood cells in beta thalassemia are typically:\nOptions: \nA. Macrocytic and normochromic\tB. Microcytic and hypochromic\tC. Normocytic and hypochromic\tD. Normocytic and normochromic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Microcytic and hypochromic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60 years old patient who had myocardial infarction 2 weeks back, the lipid profile is done for a patient and reveals HDL 32 mgldL, LDL 126 mg/dl, TG 276 mgl/dL. Which of the following is preferred for this patient ?\nOptions: \nA. Rosuvastatin + Fenofibrate\tB. Fenofibrate alone\tC. Rosuvastatin 10 mg\tD. Atorvastatin 80 mg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Atorvastatin 80 mg." + }, + { + "input": "Question: RNAi causes the following in a gene:\nOptions: \nA. Knock in\tB. Knock out\tC. Knock down\tD. Knock up.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Knock down" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with heart disease, which of the following should not be used to control PPH:\nOptions: \nA. Methylergometrine\tB. Oxytocin\tC. Misoprostol\tD. Carboprost.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Methylergometrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulpectomy and pulp capping are more successful in\nprimary teeth because of:\nOptions: \nA. Increased odontoblastic activity in the young\tB. Increased blood supply through the wide apex\tC. Increased volume of pulp in primary teeth\tD. Lesser amount of collagen fibres in young.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increased blood supply through the wide apex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which are all the factors determining the GFR?\nOptions: \nA. Afferent aeriolar resistance\tB. Efferent aeriolar resistance\tC. Aerial pressure\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sclerotic dentin has following features:\nOptions: \nA. Caries susceptible\tB. Insensitive\tC. Hypersensitive\tD. Resistant to caries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Resistant to caries." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Complete obliteration of pulp is seen in all except:\nOptions: \nA. Type I dentinogenesis imperfecta\tB. Type II dentinogenesis imperfecta\tC. Type III dentinogenesis imperfecta\tD. Dentin dysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Type II dentinogenesis imperfecta" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A spirometry curve of a patient has been provided below. Calculate the FEV1/FVC ratio from the curve:\nOptions: \nA. 60-69%\tB. 70-79%\tC. 80-89%\tD. 90-99%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 80-89%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Minimum blood pressure is in:\nOptions: \nA. Aorta\tB. Arteries\tC. Capillaries\tD. Venules.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Venules." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Streptococcus mutans is considered to be a principal etiologic agent of caries because it produces organic acids and it:\nOptions: \nA. Forms a gelatinous matrix\tB. bMetabolizes substrate from saliva\tC. Derives energy from enamel constituents\tD. Lives symbiotically with lactobacillus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Forms a gelatinous matrix" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Rh lso Immunisation, exchange transfusion is indicated if \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Cord blood hemoglobin is less than 10 g %\tB. Cord bilirubin is more than 5 mg\tC. History of previous sibling affected\tD. All of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of these." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following angle is associated with fracture of\nOptions: \nA. Calcaneum\tB. Talus\tC. Navicular\tD. Cuboid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Calcaneum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a feature of anaphylaxis?\nOptions: \nA. Delayed reaction\tB. Immediate reaction\tC. Passive transfer by serum\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Delayed reaction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 8 year old boy during a routine checkup is found to have E. coli 1,00,000 cc/ml on a urine culture. The urine specimen was obtained by mid\u2013stream clean\u2013catch void. The child is asymptomatic. Which is the most appropriate next step in the management \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Treat as an acute episode of urinary tract infection\tB. No therapy\tC. Prophylactic antibiotics for 6 months\tD. Administer long term urine alkalinizer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Treat as an acute episode of urinary tract infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of laser is used in waterlase system?\nOptions: \nA. Argon laser\tB. Diode Laser\tC. Nd:YAG laser\tD. YSGG Laser.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: YSGG Laser." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements regarding Kawasaki disease is true \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Associated with coronary artery aneurysm in up to 25% of untreated cases\tB. It is the most common cause of vasculitis in children\tC. IV immunoglobulins are recommended only if coronary artery is involved\tD. Lymph node biopsy is used for diagnosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Associated with coronary artery aneurysm in up to 25% of untreated cases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient has had recurrent optic neuritis bilaterally with transverse myelitis. Visual acuity in right eye is 6/60 and left eye is 6/18. Patient showed a 50% response to steroids. Diagnosis is?\nOptions: \nA. Neuromyelitis Optica\tB. Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord(SACD)\tC. Post cerebral aery stroke\tD. Neuro-syphilis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neuromyelitis Optica" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are reversible long acting contraceptives except:?\nOptions: \nA. Copper T\tB. Laparoscopic tubal ligation\tC. LNG- IUS\tD. Implanon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Laparoscopic tubal ligation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The maxillary sinus drains into the\nOptions: \nA. Middle meatus\tB. Inferior meatus\tC. Superior meatus\tD. Sphenoethmoidal recess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Middle meatus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug not requiring dose adjustment in renal disease is\nOptions: \nA. Aminoglycoside\tB. Vancomycin\tC. Calcium channel blocker\tD. Metronidazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Calcium channel blocker" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Occlusal adjustment is affected by all except:\nOptions: \nA. Compensating curve\tB. Cusp height\tC. Incisal guidance\tD. Postural position.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Postural position." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dried blood spotes test in neonates is used in testing for:-\nOptions: \nA. Inborn error of metabolism\tB. Blood group\tC. Total cell count\tD. Creatinine and bilirubin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inborn error of metabolism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A research was undeaken by a group of psychiatrists and obstetricians to assess postpaum depression in mothers giving bih to male versus female children according to the Edinburgh depression scale (EPDS). What test should be used to compare the outcomes?\nOptions: \nA. Student's t-test\tB. Paired t-test\tC. Chi-square test\tD. Pearson's correlation coefficient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chi-square test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Splinting of cervical root fracture is done for\nOptions: \nA. 40 days\tB. 4 months\tC. 4 weeks\tD. 14 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 4 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: true is all except regarding intrafusal fibres\nOptions: \nA. Nuclear bag fibres are lesser\tB. Nuclear chain fibres are shorter and thinner\tC. Secondary endings excited by chain fibres only\tD. Primary endings excited by bag fibres only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Primary endings excited by bag fibres only." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which acid is formed in the citric acid cycle?\nOptions: \nA. Oxaloacetic acid\tB. Glutamic acid\tC. Nitric acid\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Oxaloacetic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Foramen caecum is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Ethmoid bone\tB. Tongue\tC. Sphenoid\tD. Option 1 and 2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Option 1 and 2." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 48-years-old male reported to you with fractured central incisor with fracture line extending 4 mm gingival below CEJ with thin bone buccally and thick apicopalatally, treatment of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Socket shield technique\tB. Post and core\tC. Extraction and implant\tD. Socket preservation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Socket shield technique" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Open reduction & fixation of fracture of mandibular condyle is indicated when\nOptions: \nA. Shortening of ramal height is more than 5 mm\tB. Superior 5 mm condyle is fractured\tC. Green stick fracture in children\tD. Condylar fracture which is not dislocated.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Shortening of ramal height is more than 5 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented with respiratory distress was brought to emergency with bag and mask ventilation. Now child is intubated. Chest X\u2013ray shows right\u2013sided deviation of mediastinum with scaphoid abdomen. His Pulse rate is increased. What is the next step ?\nOptions: \nA. Endotracheal intubation\tB. Put a nasogastric tube\tC. Surgery\tD. End tidal CO2 to confirm intubation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Put a nasogastric tube" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the following diagram, the structure marked with arrow has all of the following cell junctions except?\nOptions: \nA. Zona occludens\tB. Zona adherens\tC. Macula adherens\tD. Gap junction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Zona occludens" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best graft for alveolar cleft surgery\n(Or)\nPatient with cleft palate graft taken from\nOptions: \nA. Posterior iliac crest\tB. Anterior iliac crest\tC. Clavicle\tD. Rib.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Posterior iliac crest" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calculate the base deficit in a patient of weight 75 kg with a pH = 6.96, pCO2 = 30 mm Hg and HCO3- = 6 mEq/L:\nOptions: \nA. 300 mEq\tB. 400 mEq\tC. 500 mEq\tD. 800 mEq.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 500 mEq" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About zinc oxide eugenol all are true except\nOptions: \nA. ZnO is converted to Zn(OH)2\tB. Reaction is autocatalytic\tC. Water is the byproduct of reaction\tD. Dehydrated ZnO reacts with dehydrated eugenol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dehydrated ZnO reacts with dehydrated eugenol." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the triangle formed by projection of the orifices of the canals of maxillary molars\nOptions: \nA. Line connecting lingual with mesial is longest\tB. Line connecting mesial to distal is longest\tC. Line connecting distal to lingual is longest\tD. All lines are equal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Line connecting lingual with mesial is longest" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Storage temperature of RBC, Platelet, and Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) are:\nOptions: \nA. RBC 2-6oC, Platelet 20-22oC, FFP-30oC\tB. RBC - 30oC, FFP 2-6oC, Platelet 20-22oC\tC. RBC 20-22oC, Platelet 2-6oC, FFP-30oC\tD. RBC 20-22oC, FFP-30o C, Platelet 2-6oC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: RBC 2-6oC, Platelet 20-22oC, FFP-30oC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: C shaped root canals are preferably found in (Maximum incidence)\nOptions: \nA. Mand 1st molar\tB. Maxillary 2nd molar\tC. Maxillary 1stmolar\tD. Mand 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mand 2nd molar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient underwent thyroidectomy for hypehyroidism. Two days later he was presented with features of thyroid storm. What is the most likely cause?\nOptions: \nA. Poor antibiotic coverage\tB. Rough handling during surgery\tC. Removal of parathyroid\tD. Inadequate preoperative preparation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inadequate preoperative preparation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 27 years old lady with 20 weeks pregnancy presented with a thyroid nodule on right side. FNAC from the nodule was suggestive of papillary carcinoma. Which of the following is contraindicated in her management?\nOptions: \nA. Total thyroidectomy plus neck node dissection\tB. Right lobectomy\tC. Radioactive iodine ablation\tD. Total thyroidectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Radioactive iodine ablation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following features of skull of a newborn are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Diploe not formed\tB. Styloid process has not fused with rest of temporal bone\tC. Anterior fontanelle open\tD. Mastoid process is of adult size.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mastoid process is of adult size." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diminution in normal size of the body, well proportioned body, fine sparse hair on the head and other hairy regions wrinkled atrophic skin and often hypogonadism could be diagnosed as suffering from:\nOptions: \nA. Hypothyroidism\tB. Hypopituitarism\tC. Hyperthyroidism\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypopituitarism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Dysphonia plica ventricularis, sound is produced by -\nOptions: \nA. False vocal cords\tB. True vocal cords\tC. Ventricle of larynx\tD. Tongue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: False vocal cords" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maculopapular rash is not seen in ?\nOptions: \nA. Dengue\tB. Rubella\tC. measles\tD. Zoster.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Zoster." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which anesthetic agent can cause pain on IV adminis-tration?\nOptions: \nA. Ketamine\tB. Propofol\tC. Thiopentone\tD. Midazolam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Propofol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bacteria responsible for post-operative endocarditis is:\nOptions: \nA. Streptococcus viridans.\tB. Staphylococcus epidermidis.\tC. Streptococcus aureus.\tD. Streptococcus pneumoniae..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Staphylococcus epidermidis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which tooth has a non functional cusp\nOptions: \nA. Lower 1st premolar\tB. Upper 1st premolar\tC. Lower 2nd premolar\tD. Upper 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lower 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In periodontal flap most important factor to be considered is:\nOptions: \nA. Depth of vestibule\tB. Frenum attachment\tC. Amount of attached gingiva\tD. Free gingiva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Amount of attached gingiva" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young donor came to the blood bank for the first time for platelet apheresis with platelet count of 1.9L. During the course he developed paresthesias, circumoral numbness during donation. His vitals remain stable though. ECG showed tachycardia with ST-T changes. What is the reason for his symptoms?\nOptions: \nA. Hypovolemic shock\tB. Hypocalcemia\tC. Seizures\tD. Allergic reaction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypocalcemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mesiolingual developmental groove is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary 1st premolar\tB. Mandibular lateral incisor\tC. Maxillary lateral incisor\tD. Mandibular 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mandibular 1st premolar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of post neonatal mortality is:\nOptions: \nA. Genetic cause\tB. Maternal health during pregnancy\tC. Environmental causes\tD. Conditions effecting in early neonatal period.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Environmental causes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient has normal blood glucose level as estimated by glucose-oxidase peroxidase method, shows positive Benedicts test in urine. Which of the following is the most likely cause?\nOptions: \nA. Fructosemia\tB. Denaturation of glucose\tC. Galactosemia\tD. False positive.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Galactosemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following inborn errors of metabolism is associated with mental retardation \u2013a) Alkaptonuriab) Homocystinuriac) Pentosuriad) Galactosemia\nOptions: \nA. c\tB. d\tC. bd\tD. ac.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: bd" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 weeks old baby presents with cough and cold for the last three days. Respiratory rate is 48/min. Patient is febrile, there are no chest retractions but wheezing is present. Which of the following statement is not true?\nOptions: \nA. Antibiotics are not required\tB. Child is suffering from pneumonia\tC. Treat only wheezing\tD. Treat only fever.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Child is suffering from pneumonia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with Ludwig's angina comes to you. What will be your first treatment step:\nOptions: \nA. Incision and drainage\tB. Start IV antibiotics and ICU admission\tC. Tracheostomy under GA\tD. Fiberoptic intubation/tracheostomy under LA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fiberoptic intubation/tracheostomy under LA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Single accessory canal arising from coronal third of the mandibular molars arises majorly in\nOptions: \nA. Distal root\tB. Mesial root\tC. Both equally\tD. Does not arise at all.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Distal root" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Indirect Retainer is placed:\nOptions: \nA. Near direct retainer\tB. As far as possible from fulcrum line\tC. Near fulcrum line\tD. Near edentulous area.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: As far as possible from fulcrum line" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Post operative thromboprophylaxis by low molecular weight heparin is best done by which route of administration?\nOptions: \nA. Subcutaneous\tB. Intravenous\tC. Inhalational\tD. Intramuscular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Subcutaneous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most important initiative factor for periodontitis is:\nOptions: \nA. Dental plaque\tB. Calculus\tC. Trauma from occlusion\tD. Food debris layer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dental plaque" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO guidelines, latent TB should be ruled out in all the following situations except:\nOptions: \nA. Before treatment with TN F-alpha inhibitors\tB. Chronic alcoholics\tC. Silicosis\tD. Hemodialysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chronic alcoholics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum recommended dose for dental X-ray operator in a week is\nOptions: \nA. 100 milliroentgen\tB. 10 roentgen\tC. 100 roentgen\tD. 300 roentgen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 100 milliroentgen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When adequate bone buttressing is present, the AO system of fixation suggests\nOptions: \nA. Compression Osteogenesis\tB. Load bearing fixation\tC. Load sharing fixation\tD. Non-rigid fixation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Load sharing fixation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 36 years old patient underwent breast conservation therapy and chemotherapy for a 1.5 x 1.2 cm ER positive breast cancer with one positive axillary lymph node. She is now on tamoxifen. How will you follow-up the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Annual bone scan\tB. Assessment of tumor markers 6 monthly\tC. Routine clinical examination 3 monthly in 1st year with annual mammogram\tD. Routine clinical examination 3 monthly and 6 monthly liver function tests.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Routine clinical examination 3 monthly in 1st year with annual mammogram" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On laboratory investigations in a patient, LDL was highly elevated but the level of LDL receptors was normal. Which of the following is most probable cause?\nOptions: \nA. Phosphorylation of LDL receptors\tB. Lipoprotein lipase deficiency\tC. Apo B-100 mutation\tD. Cholesterol Acyl Co-A transferase deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Apo B-100 mutation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is true regarding lathe cut silver alloy:\nOptions: \nA. Requires least amount of mercury\tB. Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hr.\tC. Has tensile strength both at 15 min & 7 days comparable to high copper unicompositional alloy\tD. Has Low creep.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Has tensile strength both at 15 min & 7 days comparable to high copper unicompositional alloy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are indications for thrombolysis in a patient with stroke except:\nOptions: \nA. Age <18 years\tB. Sustained BP >185/110 mm Fig despite treatment\tC. On CT scan, edema less than 1/3rd of middle cerebral aery territory\tD. Acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of onset.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sustained BP >185/110 mm Fig despite treatment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Morphine should not be used in the treatment of:\nOptions: \nA. Ischemic pain\tB. Biliary colic\tC. Cancer pain\tD. Post operative pain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Biliary colic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common site of esophageal carcinoma?\nOptions: \nA. Middle 1/3rd of esophagus\tB. Upper 2/3rd of esophagus\tC. Lower 2/3rd of esophagus\tD. Middle 2/3rd of esophagus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Middle 1/3rd of esophagus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Serum chemistry analysis in a patient reveals pCo2=30mm Hg, pO2=105mm Hg, pH=7.46. This profile indicates\nOptions: \nA. Metabolic alkalosis\tB. Metabolic acidosis\tC. Respiratory alkalosis\tD. Respiratory acidosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Respiratory alkalosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If impacted 3rd molar is to be extracted in patient planned for bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, then extraction should be done\nOptions: \nA. 8-12 weeks after surgery\tB. At the time of surgery\tC. 1 month after surgery\tD. 6 month before surgery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 6 month before surgery." + }, + { + "input": "Question: To remove any occlusal pre-maturity, what should be the first step to be done:\nOptions: \nA. Check working side interference.\tB. Check non working interference.\tC. Check the occlusion in centric.\tD. Any of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Check the occlusion in centric." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Swollen joint, anemic, loose teeth & dentin dysplasia are\nbecause of deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin C\tB. Vitamin D\tC. Vitamin B1\tD. Vitamin E & D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Vitamin C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following structure is disrupted by Vibrio cholerae?\nOptions: \nA. Hemi desmosome\tB. Gap junctions\tC. Zona occludens\tD. Zona adherens.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Zona occludens" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following glucocoicoid is used?\nOptions: \nA. E.coli septicemia\tB. Severe typhoid\tC. Cerebral Malaria\tD. Leishmaniasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Severe typhoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not required for protein synthesis of eukaryotes:\nOptions: \nA. RNA polymerase\tB. Ribosomes\tC. Peptidyl transferase\tD. Amino acyl tRNA synthetase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: RNA polymerase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 3 weeks after insertion of distal extension partial denture, the patient reports to the dental clinic with complaint of sensitivity to chewing pressure. The most probable reason would be:\nOptions: \nA. Improper occlusion\tB. Abrasion of tooth by clasp\tC. Wearing off the cement base\tD. Passive retentive arm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Improper occlusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the formula for urea clearance, C = U x V/P, U denotes:\nOptions: \nA. Urinary concentration in gm/24 hours\tB. Urine osmolarity\tC. Urinary concentration in mg/ml\tD. Urine volume per minute.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Urinary concentration in mg/ml" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prevention of any incipient lesion at initial stage comes under\nOptions: \nA. Primary prevention\tB. Secondary prevention\tC. Tertiary prevention\tD. Primordial prevention.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Secondary prevention" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Relative bradycardia is uncommon in:\nOptions: \nA. Brucellosis\tB. Typhoid\tC. Malaria\tD. Factitious fever.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Malaria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The treatment of choice for stage-I cancer larynx is:\nOptions: \nA. Radical surgery\tB. Chemotherapy\tC. Radiotherapy\tD. Surgery followed by radiotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Radiotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Least pain sensitivity in oral cavity is in which mucosa\nOptions: \nA. Gingiva\tB. Buccal mucosa\tC. Labial mucosa\tD. Dorsal mucosa of tongue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Buccal mucosa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 16 years old girl came for evaluation of primary amenorrhea. She was having hirsutism, irregular bleeding and infeility, diagnosed as PCOS. Which of the following drugs should not be given?\nOptions: \nA. Spironolactone\tB. Tamoxifen\tC. OCPs\tD. Clomiphene citrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tamoxifen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following are characteristic feature of high copper amalgam alloy?\nOptions: \nA. Low compressive strength\tB. High marginal breakdown\tC. Less marginal #\tD. High creep.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Less marginal #" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Low apparent volume of distribution of a drug indicates That\nOptions: \nA. Drug has low half life\tB. Drug has low bioavailability\tC. Drug has low efficacy\tD. Drug is not extensively distribution to tissue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Drug is not extensively distribution to tissue." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The tissue response to oral hygiene instruction is best\nassessed by\nOptions: \nA. Probing the base of the socket\tB. Changes in plaque scores\tC. Reduced tendency to bleed on probing the gingival margin\tD. Reduced tooth mobility.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Reduced tendency to bleed on probing the gingival margin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant lady had no complaints but mild cervical lymphadenopathy in first trimester. She was prescribed spiramycin but she was noncompliant. Baby was born with hydrocephalus and intracerebral calcification. Which of these is likely cause ?\nOptions: \nA. Rubella\tB. Toxoplasmosis\tC. CMV\tD. Herpes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Toxoplasmosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rampant caries should be applied to a caries rate of:\nOptions: \nA. 5 or more new lesions per year.\tB. 7 or more new lesions per year.\tC. 10 or more new lesions per year.\tD. 15 or more new lesions per year..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 10 or more new lesions per year." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Unpaired structures in the brain:\nOptions: \nA. Basilar artery\tB. Vertebral artery\tC. Middle cerebral artery\tD. Anterior cerebral artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Basilar artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A paediatrician was called for attending a new born baby in the labour ward. The serum unconjugated bilirubin of this baby was 33 mg/dL. Which of the following drug taken by mother in late 3rd trimester may have lead to this problem?\nOptions: \nA. Cotrimoxazole\tB. Azithromycin\tC. Ampicillin\tD. Chloroquine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cotrimoxazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a small round cell tumor?\nOptions: \nA. Neuroblastoma\tB. Retinoblastoma\tC. Ewing's sarcoma\tD. Hemangiosarcoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hemangiosarcoma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increased collum angle is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Class I bimaxillary protrusion\tB. Class II div 1\tC. Class II div 2\tD. Class III.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Class II div 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a vitamin K dependent procoagulant?\nOptions: \nA. Factor II\tB. Factor VII\tC. Factor IX\tD. Factor XI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Factor XI." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient got trauma and a metal rod inserted in superior orbital fissure causes damage of?\nOptions: \nA. Occulomotor nerve\tB. Occulomotor and ophthalmic nerve\tC. Only ophthalmic nerve\tD. Trochlear and vagus nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Occulomotor and ophthalmic nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following defines the pressure in the vascular system in the absence of blood flow?\nOptions: \nA. Pulse pressure\tB. Critical closing pressure\tC. Mean circulatory filling pressure\tD. Perfusion pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mean circulatory filling pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pure left sided failure may be seen with \u2013a) ASDb) Aortic stenosisc) Patent ductus arteriosusd) Pulmonary valvular obstruction\nOptions: \nA. a\tB. c\tC. bc\tD. ad.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: bc" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the advantage of chromic gut over plain\ngut suture in deep wounds?\nOptions: \nA. Greater strength\tB. Greater ease of use\tC. Delayed resorption\tD. Less tissue irritation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Delayed resorption" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pellicle formation involves\nOptions: \nA. Adsorption of acidic glycoproteins from saliva\tB. Focal areas of mineralisation\tC. Focal areas of necrosis\tD. Bacterial colonization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Adsorption of acidic glycoproteins from saliva" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increase in the residual mercury in silver amalgam filling can:\nOptions: \nA. Cause fracture of the filling\tB. Tarnish and corrosion\tC. Increase the strength\tD. Decrease condensation pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cause fracture of the filling" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not included in the human poverty index is:\nOptions: \nA. % of population not surviving up to 40 yrs age\tB. Occupation\tC. Underweight for age\tD. % population not using safe water supply.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Occupation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 33 years old male came with pain and watering in the right eye for 36 hours. On examination, a 3 x 2 cm corneal ulcer is seen with elevated margins, feathery hyphae, finger like projections and minimal hypopyon in cornea. What is the likely causative organism?\nOptions: \nA. Aspergillosis\tB. Pseudomonas\tC. Acanthamoeba\tD. HSV-1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Aspergillosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient of oral & maxillofacial trauma, cervical injury is not ruled out, intubation of preference will be:\nOptions: \nA. LMA\tB. Combitube\tC. Normal laryngoscopy & endotracheal intubation\tD. Fiberoptic intubation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fiberoptic intubation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is not enough to diagnose:\nOptions: \nA. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid\tB. Follicular carcinoma of thyroid\tC. Carcinoma breast\tD. Adenocarcinoma lung.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Follicular carcinoma of thyroid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Animal test to check the biocompatibility of dental material are all except\nOptions: \nA. Buehler test\tB. Implantation test\tC. Ame's test\tD. Sensitization test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ame's test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis seen in all except?\nOptions: \nA. Proximal A\tB. Severe pancreatitis\tC. Diarrhea\tD. Salicylates poisoning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Salicylates poisoning." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 40 years old male with history of fall and one episode of vomiting near an alcohol shop. He was brought to casualty and he was awake with open eyes and had retrograde amnesia. Which of the following is most likely cause?\nOptions: \nA. Diffuse axonal injury\tB. Concussion\tC. Drunkenness\tD. Cerebral venous thrombosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Concussion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: DOPA and 5 - Hydroxytryptophan are clinically\nimportant because\nOptions: \nA. They cross Blood Brain Barriers\tB. They are acidic precursors of Brain amines\tC. They act as neuromodulators\tD. They are metabolites of various neurogenic amines.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: They cross Blood Brain Barriers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which among the following should be the last resort for giving L.A technique to the patient\nOptions: \nA. Intrapulpal\tB. Intraligamentary\tC. Intraosseous\tD. Infiltration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intrapulpal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug is used to counter act the gastric irritation produced by administration of NSAID:\nOptions: \nA. Roxatidine\tB. Pirenzipine\tC. Betaxolol\tD. Misoprostol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Misoprostol." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is associated with defective apoptosis and increased cell survival\nOptions: \nA. Neuro degenerative diseases\tB. Auto immune disorders\tC. Myocardial infarction\tD. Stroke.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Auto immune disorders" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 16-year-old girl comes to a doctor with fractured forearm. She told she tripped and fell but cigarette burns were observed on her forearm. What will be your Next step?\nOptions: \nA. To inform higher authorities\tB. To do a complete physical examination\tC. To tell or discuss with colleagues that she is a case of abuse\tD. To call local social worker for help.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: To do a complete physical examination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following Is not an etiological agent for gingival recession\nOptions: \nA. Gingival abrasion\tB. Gingival ablation\tC. Gingival inflammation\tD. TFO.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: TFO." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum risk of ureter injury is seen after:\nOptions: \nA. Vaginal hysterectomy\tB. Weheim's hysterectomy\tC. Laparoscopic abdominal hysterectomy\tD. Anterior colporrhaphy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Weheim's hysterectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 45 year patient working in a factory for past 20 years presents with breathlessness. HRCT chest shows pleural thickening and fibrosis. Histopathology of the lesion shows?\nOptions: \nA. Asbestosis\tB. Cotton fiber\tC. Coal worker pneumoconiosis\tD. Silicosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Asbestosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following can be used to decrease IOP in glaucoma except\nOptions: \nA. Mannitol\tB. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor\tC. Apraclonidine\tD. Dexamethasone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dexamethasone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following conditions is the role of microbial plaque most obscure:\nOptions: \nA. Periodontitis\tB. Juvenile periodontitis\tC. Desquamative gingivitis\tD. Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Desquamative gingivitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the first sign of pubey in a girl?\nOptions: \nA. Thelarche\tB. Menarche\tC. Adrenarche\tD. Pubarche.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thelarche" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy true is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Lower limbs affected more than upper limbs\tB. Prox. Muscles > distal muscles\tC. Seizure\tD. Trunk involved.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Seizure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the best anticoagulant to send sample for serum electrolyte measurement?\nOptions: \nA. EDTA\tB. Lithium heparin\tC. Sodium fluoride\tD. Citrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lithium heparin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Known Hypertensive patient with BP of 170/120, what will be done for oral prophylaxis\nOptions: \nA. Sent him back to physician\tB. Wait, monitor & do the treatment\tC. Give him intravenous drug and do the oral prophylaxis\tD. Not recalled.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sent him back to physician" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The two roots of auriculotemporal nerve encircles which structure\nOptions: \nA. Superficial temporal vein\tB. Superficial temporal artery\tC. Anterior tympanic artery\tD. Middle meningeal artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Middle meningeal artery." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most effective way of preventing tetanus is :\nOptions: \nA. Surgical debridement and toilet\tB. Hyperbaric oxygen\tC. Antibiotics\tD. Tetanus toxoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tetanus toxoid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Erosive lichen planus resembles which of the following\nOptions: \nA. Monilial gingivitis\tB. Desquamative gingivitis\tC. Herpetic gingivitis\tD. Acute ulcerative gingivitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Desquamative gingivitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient taking which of the following drug should not eat cheese, etc:\nOptions: \nA. Tetracycline\tB. Amoxycillin\tC. Doxycycline\tD. Triamterene.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tetracycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Need for tooth separation is\nOptions: \nA. Diagnosis\tB. Cavity preparation\tC. Matrix placement\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stress breakers are not used in partial denture construction because:\nOptions: \nA. They are expensive\tB. Increase the vertical dimension\tC. They are difficult to design and fabricate\tD. Harmful effect on the abutment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: They are difficult to design and fabricate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the sequence of clotting factors in coagulation pathway?\nOptions: \nA. XII, XIII, X, XI\tB. XIII, XII, XI, X\tC. XII, XI, IX, X\tD. X, XIII, XII, XI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: XII, XI, IX, X" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6 years male child comes with complaints of bedwetting. The child is continent during the day and problem is only at night. Growth and development of the child were normal. Urine microscopy is normal and urine specific gravity was 1.020. How will you manage?\nOptions: \nA. Reassure the parents and follow up after 6 months\tB. Refer to psychiatrist\tC. Complete blood counts\tD. Ultrasound-KUB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Reassure the parents and follow up after 6 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not a feature of HELLP syndrome:\nOptions: \nA. Thrombocytopenia\tB. Eosinophilia\tC. Raised liver enzyme\tD. Hemolytic anemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Eosinophilia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which laboratory test is most useful for patient under\ndicumarol therapy?\nOptions: \nA. PT\tB. Platelet count\tC. BT\tD. CT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: PT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infectious mononucleosis is caused by?\nOptions: \nA. EBV\tB. CMV\tC. HIV\tD. HSV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: EBV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drugs causing hyperglycemia:\nOptions: \nA. \u03b2-blocker\tB. Glucocorticoids\tC. Acetylcholine\tD. \u03b1-blockers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Glucocorticoids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In CPR for Infants-1. The sequence followed is Compression - Breathing- Airway2. 30 chest compression is given3. 1 breathe every 15 compressions4. Chest Compression should be 1 1/2 inches in infants5. In infants, the brachial pulse should be assessed.\nOptions: \nA. True False False True False\tB. True False False True True\tC. False True False True False\tD. False True False True True.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: False True False True True." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Density of radiograph is affected by all, except:\nOptions: \nA. mA\tB. kVp\tC. Cone angulation\tD. Thickness of object.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cone angulation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Child is Evasive and dawdling, what could be the child's mother behavior:\nOptions: \nA. Overprotective mother.\tB. Authoritarian mother.\tC. Rejecting mother.\tD. Underaffectionate mother..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Authoritarian mother." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum spherocytes is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia\tB. Vit B12 deficiency\tC. Aplastic anemia\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Medial squint is caused by paralysis of\nOptions: \nA. Occulomotor nerve\tB. Abducens nerve\tC. Optic nerve\tD. Trochlear nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Abducens nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Difference in transudate & exudate is that the former\nhas a:\nOptions: \nA. Low protein\tB. Cloudy appearance\tC. Increased specific gravity\tD. High protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Low protein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The spectacles are used in:\nOptions: \nA. Progressive glasses for presbyopia\tB. Bifocal glasses for presbyopia\tC. Bifocals for pediatric pseudophakia\tD. Bifocals for adult aphakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bifocals for pediatric pseudophakia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following complications of stroke need not to be treated?\nOptions: \nA. Fever\tB. Spasticity\tC. Dysphagia\tD. Numbness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Spasticity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 32 year female patient, left supraclavicular lymph node biopsy histologically shows acidophilic owl eye nucleoli lying freely in empty spaces showing immunohistocompatibility with CD 15 & CD 30, it is suggestive of\nOptions: \nA. Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin's lymphoma\tB. Lymphocytic predominant Hodgkin's Lymphoma\tC. Reactive nodular hyperplasia\tD. Large cell lymphoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin's lymphoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: St. Anthony's fire refers to poisoning by:\nOptions: \nA. Ergot alkaloids\tB. Spanish fly\tC. Crotalaria juncea\tD. Aflatoxin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ergot alkaloids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Odontogenic keratocyst has the following feature\nOptions: \nA. Occurs due to infection periapically\tB. Is developmental in origin\tC. Can be treated by aspiration\tD. Has low recurrence rate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Is developmental in origin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Streptococci have the ability to adhere to the tooth surfaces and contribute to caries development as they?\nOptions: \nA. Are penicillinase resistant\tB. Produce acid during metabolism\tC. Produce extracellular polysachharides\tD. Ferment carbohydrates.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Produce extracellular polysachharides" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In gypsum products thinner mix leads to\nOptions: \nA. Increased setting expansion\tB. Decreased setting expansion\tC. Increase compressive strength\tD. Decrease consistency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decreased setting expansion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: TNM Staging is what type of scale\nOptions: \nA. Ordinal\tB. Ratio\tC. Nominal\tD. Interval.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ordinal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Child presents with hypotonia and seizures. It was confirmed to be zellweger syndrome. Which of the following accumulates in brain?\nOptions: \nA. Glucose\tB. Lactic acid\tC. Long chain fatty acid\tD. Triglycerides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Long chain fatty acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Type III gold alloy does not have following features except:\nOptions: \nA. Harder than type IV\tB. Used for small inlays\tC. Easily burnishable than type IV\tD. Less gold than type IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Easily burnishable than type IV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait?\nOptions: \nA. Lichen planus\tB. Bullous pemphigoid\tC. Pemphigus yulgaris\tD. White sponge nevus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: White sponge nevus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anaphylaxis is mediated by\nOptions: \nA. 5-hydroxytryptamine\tB. Heparin\tC. ProstaglandinImmunology\tD. All of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of these." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mental foramen is located:\nOptions: \nA. Between roots of premolars\tB. Between roots of molars\tC. Near canine\tD. Between Incisors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Between roots of premolars" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cyst associated with adjoining vital teeth?\nOptions: \nA. Dentigerous cyst\tB. Globulomaxillary cyst\tC. Periapical cyst\tD. Lateral periodontal cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dentigerous cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sorting a patient of trauma of head injury on basis of need of care and availability of resources\nOptions: \nA. Triage\tB. Emergency care\tC. Definitive care\tD. Hospital care.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Triage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a skeletal Class III, the value of ANB will be:\nOptions: \nA. -10\tB. 2\tC. 4\tD. 6.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: -10" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient presented with imbalance on walking with eyes closed and has to lift up foot and stomp on ground to walk. The tract involved is:-\nOptions: \nA. Spinocerebellar tract\tB. Dorsal column tract\tC. Lateral spinothalamic tract\tD. Vestibulospinal tract.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dorsal column tract" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a provisional entity as per WHO 2016 classification of Acute leukemia?\nOptions: \nA. AML with hyperploidy\tB. B - ALL with BCR - ABL like mutatio\tC. AML with BCR - ABL\tD. Early T - cell precursor leukemia / Lymphoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: AML with hyperploidy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Difference between physical characteristic of reamers and files is:\nOptions: \nA. The cross-section of reamers in square and files are triangular in cross-section\tB. The number of flutes on the blade are more in files than in reamers\tC. The reamers have more flutes in the blade\tD. Files have two superficial grooves to produce flutes in a double helix design.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: The number of flutes on the blade are more in files than in reamers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anterior - posterior spread of implant is:\nOptions: \nA. Distance from center of most anterior implant to the center of most posterior implant\tB. Distance from center of most anterior implant to the distal surface of most posterior implant\tC. Distance from distal surface of most anterior implant to the mesial surface of most posterior implant\tD. Distance from mesial surface of most anterior implant to the distal surface of most posterior implant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Distance from center of most anterior implant to the distal surface of most posterior implant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For determining periodontal disease an epidemiological survey is done by using:\nOptions: \nA. Gingival index (G.I.)\tB. Plaque index (P.I.)\tC. Periodontal index (P.I)\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Periodontal index (P.I)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arch length analysis of a dentition shows a discrepancy of more than 10 mm. This indicates:\nOptions: \nA. No extraction required if treated at an early age\tB. No extraction required\tC. Extraction of posterior teeth\tD. Proximal stripping.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Extraction of posterior teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about Total Goitre Rate (TGR) is:\nOptions: \nA. It is an indicator of iron deficiency in the community\tB. Community survey of TGR does not require doctors in the team\tC. Goitres are classified as not visible, palpable and visible\tD. Goitres are classified as not visible, palpable and visible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Goitres are classified as not visible, palpable and visible." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For which of the following, you will not perform pulpectomy?\nOptions: \nA. Primary teeth with sinus tract\tB. Primary teeth without successor\tC. Primary teeth with furcation pathology\tD. Pulpless primary teeth next to the line of a palatal cleft.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Primary teeth with furcation pathology" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inorganic component of bone is:\nOptions: \nA. 35%\tB. 45%\tC. 85%\tD. 65%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 65%." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An elderly female presented with blockade, nasal discharge, diplopia and facial swelling. On examination, there is blackish discharge from the nasal cavity with necrosis of nasal mucosa, facial skin and palate. There is fixation of the right globe. There is elevated blood sugar and urinary ketones are positive.Which of the following would be the medication to be used in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Amphotericin B\tB. Itraconazole\tC. Ketoconazole\tD. Broad spectrum antibiotics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Amphotericin B" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Video based question - AIIMS NICU - neonate shown on O2 with nasal prongs, not intubated, sister shown inseing a tube through the mouth, camera zooms in, 18 (calibration) mark seen, the other (green) end as of now not connected to anything, video ends, what is the procedure that is being done?VIDEO LINK:\nOptions: \nA. Oral suction\tB. Oropharyngeal suction\tC. Nasogastric tube inse\tD. Orogastric tube inseion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Orogastric tube inseion." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of following is an oral precancer?\nOptions: \nA. Oral hairy Leukoplakia\tB. White spongy naevus\tC. Leukemia\tD. Speckled Leukoplakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Speckled Leukoplakia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient with carcinoma endometrium treated with pelvic external beam irradiation to whole pelvis. Which of the following organs is most radiosensitive in the pelvic region?\nOptions: \nA. Ovary\tB. Vagina\tC. Bladder\tD. Rectum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ovary" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Repeated fracture of a porcelain fused to metal restoration is primarily due to\nOptions: \nA. Occlusal trauma\tB. Inadequately designed framework\tC. Improper firing schedule\tD. Failure to use metal conditioner.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inadequately designed framework" + }, + { + "input": "Question: White patch is seen on the buccal mucosa consisting of\npseudomycelium and chalmydospores with desquamated\nepithelium adjacent to it, the patient is suffering from\nOptions: \nA. histoplasmosis\tB. cryptococcosis\tC. candidiasis\tD. coccidionnycosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: candidiasis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The micro organism previously present in the Periapical\ntissues following obturation\nOptions: \nA. Persist and stimulate the formation of a granuloma\tB. Are eliminated by the natural defenses\tC. Re-enter and re-infect the sterile canal and are removed by surgery\tD. Are eliminated by the medicaments used in endodontic treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Are eliminated by the natural defenses" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cranioveebral joint does not include:\nOptions: \nA. Occipital condyle\tB. Axis\tC. Atlas\tD. Wings of sphenoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Wings of sphenoid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What type of suturing technique is used here\nOptions: \nA. Figure of 8\tB. Direct loop\tC. Horizontal mattress\tD. Vertical mattress.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Figure of 8" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First step in major connector construction is\nOptions: \nA. Design of the stress bearing areas\tB. Design of the non stress bearing areas\tC. Marking the outline of the strapline\tD. Selection of the strap type.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Design of the stress bearing areas" + }, + { + "input": "Question: SI unit of X-ray\nOptions: \nA. Rad\tB. Sv\tC. Gray\tD. Kerma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Gray" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Father of statistics\nOptions: \nA. John Snow\tB. John Graunt\tC. MacMahon\tD. John M. Last.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: John Graunt" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For testing the statistical significance of the difference in heights of school children -\nOptions: \nA. Student's t test\tB. chi-square test\tC. Paired 't' test\tD. ANOVA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ANOVA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Odontoblasts are derived from ____________\nOptions: \nA. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells\tB. Histocytes\tC. Macrophages\tD. Lymphocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The deepest layer of cervical fascia is:\nOptions: \nA. Vertebral\tB. Carotid sheath\tC. Deep fascia\tD. Prevertebral fascia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Prevertebral fascia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10\u2013year old male child was presented to the pediatrician for evaluation of a seizure disorder. On examination a vascular plaque was found along the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve. The mother informed the pediatrician that the lesion was present since birth and there was no change in morphology. The most likely possibility is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Sturge Weber syndrome\tB. Infantile hemangioma\tC. Congenital hemangioma\tD. Proteus syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sturge Weber syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dry heat destroys microorganisms by\nOptions: \nA. Lysis\tB. Oxidation\tC. Hydrolysis of DNA\tD. Coagulation of proteins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oxidation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hyponatremia is defined as a serum Na+ level\nOptions: \nA. < 135 mmol/L\tB. > 135 mmol/L\tC. < 160 mmo/L\tD. < 100 mmo/L.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: < 135 mmol/L" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cribriform plate connects\nOptions: \nA. Nasal cavity and anterior cranial fossa\tB. Nasal cavity and orbit\tC. Nasal cavity and oral cavity\tD. Anterior cranial fossa and orbit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nasal cavity and anterior cranial fossa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a tumor suppressor gene?\nOptions: \nA. pRb\tB. p16\tC. PTCH\tD. c-erbB1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: c-erbB1." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which hormone has permissive role in pubey?\nOptions: \nA. Leptin\tB. GnRH\tC. Insulin\tD. GH.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: GnRH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In 4-years-old patient S-ECC is present with recurrent gingival swelling and pain in 61 and 62; what will be your line of treatment:\nOptions: \nA. Endodontic treatment\tB. Restoration\tC. Extraction\tD. Fluoride application.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Endodontic treatment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A middle-aged woman came to OPD with a twin pregnancy. She already had 2 first trimester aboion and she has a 3 years old female child who was born at the end of ninth month of gestation. Which of the following is her accurate representation? C = gravid, P = para?\nOptions: \nA. G4P1 1+2+1\tB. G4P1 0+1+2\tC. G5P1 2+0+1\tD. G5P0 1+0+2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: G4P1 0+1+2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The aspirate from a keratocyst will have:\nOptions: \nA. A low soluble protein content\tB. A high soluble protein content\tC. Cholesterol crystal\tD. inflammatory cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A low soluble protein content" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Initially compression osteosynthesis was used for:\nOptions: \nA. Malunion\tB. Non union\tC. Reduce length of bone\tD. Increase length of bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Non union" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Property affected due to diameter of nerve fiber/axon?\nOptions: \nA. Conduction velocity\tB. Refractory period\tC. Latency period\tD. Amplitude.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Conduction velocity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Routine examination of a 17 years old asymptomatic boy reveals sho PR interval, and delta wave on ECG. The least effective measure for the boy would be:\nOptions: \nA. Hotter monitoring\tB. Treadmill stress test\tC. Beta blocker\tD. Reassurance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Treadmill stress test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A surgeon decides to operate a patient under epidural anesthesia. 3% Xylocaine with adrenaline is used for administering epidural anesthesia. The patient suddenly develops hypotension after 3 minutes of administration. What is the most likely cause for this?\nOptions: \nA. Systemic absorption of the drug\tB. Vasovagal effect\tC. Allergy to the drug preparation\tD. Penetration into the subarachnoid space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Penetration into the subarachnoid space." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person after consuming raw eggs presents with weakness, fatigue & hypoglycemia. Doctor gave him vitamin tablets. Which enzyme deficiency is causing hypoglycemia in this patient:\nOptions: \nA. Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase\tB. Pyruvate carboxylase\tC. Glycogen phosphorylase\tD. Glucose 6 phosphatase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pyruvate carboxylase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibular fossa is a part of:\nOptions: \nA. Mandible bone\tB. Maxilla bone\tC. Sphenoid bone\tD. Temporal bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Temporal bone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following scoring system is used for wound infection?\nOptions: \nA. ASA score\tB. SIRS score\tC. Southampton score\tD. Glasgow score.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Southampton score" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ellis and deway classification of traumatic fractures are\nhow many\nOptions: \nA. 9\tB. 5\tC. 3\tD. 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 9" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \u03b2-oxidation of odd-chain fatty acids produce:\nOptions: \nA. Succinyl CoA\tB. Propionyl CoA\tC. Acetyl CoA\tD. Malonyl CoA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Propionyl CoA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following can cause epidemic in post-disaster period except\nOptions: \nA. Leishmaniasis\tB. Leptospirosis\tC. Rickettsiosis\tD. Acute respiratory infections.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Leishmaniasis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common morphological variation is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary lateral incisor\tB. Mandibular lateral incisor\tC. Maxillary canine\tD. Mandibular canine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary lateral incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 years old boy came to emergency with complains of severe pain in right scrotum that is not relieved for the past 1 hour. On examination, testicular torsion of the right side is suspected. The surgical intervention should be:\nOptions: \nA. Immediate scrotal exploration of the affected side and operate opposite side if symptomatic\tB. Delay exploration and operate opposite side if symptomatic\tC. Immediate exploration of the affected side and operate opposite side even if asymptomatic\tD. Delayed exploration on the affected side along with the opposite side even if asymptomatic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Immediate exploration of the affected side and operate opposite side even if asymptomatic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following condition, mandibular stabilization is not governed by the facial nerve contraction?\nOptions: \nA. Infantile swallow\tB. Mature swallow\tC. Complex tongue thrusting\tD. Retained infantile swallow.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mature swallow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzymes help by:\nOptions: \nA. Lowering the activation energy\tB. Increasing the substrate concentration\tC. Decreasing the surface tension\tD. Increasing the activation energy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lowering the activation energy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best biochemical description of glucose is?\nOptions: \nA. Exists as ketose sugar\tB. Present in L form in all biosystems\tC. Its C-4 epimer is galactose\tD. It's a disaccharide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Its C-4 epimer is galactose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres travel to otic ganglion from:\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tC. Trigeminal nerve\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Glossopharyngeal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a non-diabetic high risk pregnancy the ideal time for non stress test monitoring is:\nOptions: \nA. 48 hrs\tB. 72 hrs\tC. 96 hrs\tD. 24 hrs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 72 hrs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Age of preoperational stage is\nOptions: \nA. 1-2 years\tB. 2-7 years\tC. 8-11 years\tD. 0-2 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2-7 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Patient presented to emergence after A with multiple rib fractures. He is conscious speaking single words. On examination, respiratory rate was 40/minute and BP was 90/40 mmHg. What is immediate next step?\nOptions: \nA. Urgent IV fluid administration\tB. Intubate the patient\tC. Chest X-ray\tD. Needle inseion in 2nd intercostal space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Needle inseion in 2nd intercostal space." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In class 2 inlay preparation, How should the pulpal floor be placed in comparison with pulpal floor in amalgam class 2 preparation?\nOptions: \nA. Deeper\tB. Pulpal floor for amalgam should be placed deeper in dentin\tC. Same as Amalgam\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pulpal floor for amalgam should be placed deeper in dentin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The fourth root canal if present in a maxillary 1st molar\nis usually present in:\nOptions: \nA. Mesiolingual root\tB. Mesiobuccal\tC. Palatal root\tD. Distal root.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mesiobuccal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following component acts as an accelerator in ZOE impression paste?\nOptions: \nA. Zinc Sulphate & Zinc chloride\tB. Zinc chloride & Eugenol\tC. Zinc Sulphate & Eugenol\tD. Glycerin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Zinc Sulphate & Zinc chloride" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which drug causes flagellate pigmentation of skin?\nOptions: \nA. Bleomycin\tB. Minocycline\tC. Vincristine\tD. Daunorubicin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bleomycin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If during an application of an orthodontic force, the level declines to zero between activations then the force duration is classified as:\nOptions: \nA. Continuous force\tB. Interrupted force\tC. Intermittent force\tD. Differential force.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Interrupted force" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which material undergoes hysteresis?\nOptions: \nA. Irreversible hydrocolloid\tB. Reversible hydrocolloid\tC. Impression plaster\tD. Metallic oxide paste.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reversible hydrocolloid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In 3rd nerve palsy all seen except?\nOptions: \nA. Pupil dilation\tB. Ptosis\tC. Outward upward rolling of pupil\tD. Impaired pupillary reflex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pupil dilation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mesial marginal developmental groove is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary 1st premolar\tB. Mandibular lateral incisor\tC. Maxillary lateral incisor\tD. Mandibular 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Maxillary 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis is:\nOptions: \nA. Due to excessive periosteal bone formation\tB. An extremely painful condition\tC. Due to low grade chronic infection\tD. A common sequel following sequestrectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Due to low grade chronic infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Counter bevel in tooth should not be given in\nOptions: \nA. Facial surface of premolar\tB. Occlusal surface of premolar\tC. Lingual surface of premolar\tD. Any surface of premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial surface of premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug has gameticidal action against all species of plasmodium?\nOptions: \nA. Primaquine\tB. Chloroquine\tC. Quinine\tD. None of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Primaquine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arch perimeter can be measured with\nOptions: \nA. Cephalogram\tB. Brass wire\tC. Vernier calipers\tD. Occlusal radiograph.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Brass wire" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ideal depth for root end filling with MTA is?\nOptions: \nA. 3mm\tB. 5mm\tC. 7mm\tD. 1mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis usually occurs:\nOptions: \nA. Prior to age 10\tB. Between ages 13 to 30\tC. At the onset of the menstrual period\tD. During menopause.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Prior to age 10" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In spherical alloys as compared to lathe cut:\nOptions: \nA. Less condensing force is required\tB. More condensing force is required\tC. Both require same condensing force\tD. Manipulation is easy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Less condensing force is required" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young female presents to OPD with a spontaneous aboion and secondary amenorrhea since then. FSH was found to be 6 IU/mL. What is the most probable cause of amenorrhea?\nOptions: \nA. Ovarian failure\tB. Pituitary failure\tC. Ongoing pregnancy\tD. Uterine synechiae.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Uterine synechiae." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common route for metastasis of oral cancer is by:\nOptions: \nA. Direct extension\tB. Lymphatics\tC. Blood vessels\tD. Aspiration of tumor cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lymphatics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following are features of Addison's disease, EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Hypoglycemia\tB. Hypocalcaemia\tC. Hypotension\tD. Hyponatremia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypocalcaemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Electric nerve tester detects pain by stimulating which nerve fibres (OR) Sharp, shooting pain in reversible pulpitis indicates stimulation of (OR) In pulp hyperemia which nerve fibers are stimulated\nOptions: \nA. A alpha\tB. A beta\tC. A delta\tD. C fibres.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: A delta" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is \u03c99 family?\nOptions: \nA. Oleic Acid\tB. Linoleic acid\tC. Linolenic acid\tD. Arachidonic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Oleic Acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Who discovered the structure and amino acid sequence of insulin as well as the interspecies differences in molecular structure and won the Nobel prize for?\nOptions: \nA. Prof. JJ Abel\tB. Frederick Sanger\tC. Rutter, Goodman and Uhlich\tD. Frederick Banting and Charles Best.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Frederick Sanger" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If rate of loading is decreased, the mechanical properties of material:\nOptions: \nA. Remains unchanged\tB. Increases\tC. Decreases\tD. Becomes unpredictable.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Decreases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In relaxed state, chest wall and lung recoil are balanced at:\nOptions: \nA. Minute volume\tB. TLC\tC. Residual volume\tD. FRC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: FRC." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 35 years old lady has chromosomal translocation 21/21. The risk of down syndrome in the child is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. 100%\tB. 0%\tC. 10%\tD. 50%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 100%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Suganti Devi is 30 weeks pregnant with idiopathic cholestasis, is likely to present with following features except:\nOptions: \nA. Serum bilirubin of 2 mg/dl\tB. Serum alkaline phosphatase slightly elevated\tC. SGPT of 200 units\tD. Prolongation of prothrombin time.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Prolongation of prothrombin time." + }, + { + "input": "Question: TMJ develops at the age of\nOptions: \nA. 18 weeks\tB. 10 weeks\tC. 6 weeks\tD. 29 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 10 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Light cure system, side effect is:\nOptions: \nA. Iritis\tB. Cataract\tC. Conjunctivitis\tD. Retinal damage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Retinal damage." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Rh-negative mother, who has Indirect Coombs Test (ICT), negative was given Anti-D during 28 weeks of pregnancy. Which of the following is the ideal one?\nOptions: \nA. Give another dose of Anti-D 72 hours postpaum depending on the baby blood group\tB. Give another dose of Anti-D 72 hours postpaum irrespective of baby blood group\tC. No need of additional dose since she is ICT negative\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Give another dose of Anti-D 72 hours postpaum depending on the baby blood group" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which syndrome consists of flushing, warmness and perspiration over the cheek and pinna of the ear on the side following the ingestion of highly seasoned food?\nOptions: \nA. Fanconi's syndrome\tB. Auriculotemporal syndrome\tC. Horner's syndrome\tD. Cushing's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Auriculotemporal syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Tweed inclination of lower incisors by 1\u00b0 labially increases the arch length by\nOptions: \nA. 0.5 mm\tB. 0.8 mm\tC. 1.0 mm\tD. 1.2 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 0.8 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Foltowing are the features of the color of normal amniotic fluid during delivery?\nOptions: \nA. Milky to yellowish green with mucus flakes\tB. Amber colored\tC. Clear colorless to Pale Yellow\tD. Golden color.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Clear colorless to Pale Yellow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The shape of the occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar is:\nOptions: \nA. Oval\tB. Trapezoidal\tC. Triangular\tD. Rhomboidal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Rhomboidal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with a steering wheel injury to the right side of chest with breathlessness and shock. How will you differentiate tension pneumothorax and cardiac tamponade?\nOptions: \nA. Pulse pressure\tB. JVP\tC. Breath sound\tD. Hea sounds.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Breath sound" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following causes vasodilation?\nOptions: \nA. Thromboxane A2\tB. Prostaglandin E2\tC. Histamine\tD. Serotonin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Histamine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A I 6-y ear-old girl presented with abdominal pain after administration of a sulfa drug. She was incoherent and suffered a seizure. Which of the following is the most likely possibility?\nOptions: \nA. Acute intermittent porphyria\tB. Congenital erythropoetic porphyria\tC. Adenosine deaminase deficiency\tD. HGPase deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acute intermittent porphyria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Microdontia is most commonly seen affecting:\nOptions: \nA. Max. Lateral incisor\tB. Mand. second premolar\tC. Mand. central incisor\tD. Mand. first premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Max. Lateral incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Condylar fracture which leads to disruption of TMJ anteriorly is an example of:\nOptions: \nA. Simple fracture\tB. Compound fracture\tC. Complex fracture\tD. Comminuted fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Complex fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following tests is most sensitive for the detection of iron depletion in pregnancy ?\nOptions: \nA. Serum iron\tB. Serum ferritin\tC. Serum transferrin\tD. Serum iron binding capacity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Serum ferritin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphomas are all of these except:\nOptions: \nA. NK T-cell lymphoma\tB. Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma\tC. Plasmablastic lymphoma\tD. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inferior thyroid artery is a branch of :\nOptions: \nA. Internal thoracic artery\tB. Thyrocervical trunk\tC. Dorsal scapular artery\tD. Costocervical trunk.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Thyrocervical trunk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person presented to OPD with complaints of rotatory veigo and nausea in the morning on change in position of the head. WHat is your diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Labyrinthitis\tB. BPPV\tC. Vestibular neuronitis\tD. Meniere's disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: BPPV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is an obligate intracellular parasite?\nOptions: \nA. Tropheryma whippelii\tB. Baonella henselae\tC. Ehrlichia chaffeensis\tD. Coxiella burnetii.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ehrlichia chaffeensis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti-epileptic which is not associated with congenital malformation when used in pregnant woman is:\nOptions: \nA. Phenytoin\tB. Phenobarbitone\tC. Carbamazepine\tD. Valproate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Phenobarbitone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Portion of tooth covered by calculus or altered cementum is:\nOptions: \nA. Toxic zone\tB. Deposit zone\tC. Instrumentation zone\tD. Take away zone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Instrumentation zone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Annealing is also known as:\nOptions: \nA. Soft hardening treatment\tB. Hard hardening treatment\tC. Precipitating heat treatment\tD. Stress relieving heat treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Soft hardening treatment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fetal ECHO shows congenital hea block, what should be the mother screened for?\nOptions: \nA. SLE\tB. Myxoma\tC. APLA\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: SLE" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During exercise in physiological limits what is the effect on end systolic volume?\nOptions: \nA. ESV decreases\tB. ESV increase\tC. ESV remain unchanged\tD. ESV first decrease and then increases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ESV decreases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug is commonly used in treatment for cancer associated thromboembotismt\nOptions: \nA. Low molecular weight heparin\tB. anti-thrombin III inhibitors\tC. Direct Xainhibitors\tD. Warfarin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Low molecular weight heparin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not responsible for endogenous staining of teeth during development?\nOptions: \nA. Tetracycline\tB. Rh incompatibility\tC. Neonatal liver disease\tD. Vitamin-C deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Vitamin-C deficiency." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young girl hospitalised with anorexia nervosa is on treatment, Even after taking adequate food according to the recommended diet plan for last 1 week, there is no gain in weight, what is the next step in management:\nOptions: \nA. Increase fluid intake\tB. Observe patient for 2 hours after meal\tC. Increase the do se of anxiolytics\tD. Increase the caloric intake from 1500 kcal to 2000 kcal per day.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Observe patient for 2 hours after meal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these amino acids does not enter the Krebs cycle by forming Acetyl-CoA pyruvate?\nOptions: \nA. Glycine\tB. Tyrosine\tC. Hydroxyprolinc\tD. Alanine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tyrosine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following type of flow occurs, when on applying critical shear stress, a material turns to liquid?\nOptions: \nA. Bingham body behaviour\tB. Newtonian body\tC. Dilatant\tD. Pseudoplastic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bingham body behaviour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Facial nerve is located?\nOptions: \nA. Above SMAS and below parotidomassetric fascia\tB. Below SMAS and below parotidomassetric fascia\tC. Above SMAS and above parotidomassetric fascia\tD. Below SMAS and above parotidomassetric fascia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Below SMAS and below parotidomassetric fascia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: RBCs are stored at what temperature?\nOptions: \nA. -2 to -4 degC\tB. 2-6 degC\tC. 20-25 degC\tD. 37 degC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2-6 degC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common complication during ridge split or bone spreading is\nOptions: \nA. Dehiscence\tB. Facial plate splitting\tC. Implant micro movement\tD. Poor position of implant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Facial plate splitting" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Etching time in teeth with fluorosis\nOptions: \nA. 10-15 sec\tB. 15-30 sec\tC. 60-90 sec\tD. Can\u2019t be etched.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 60-90 sec" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Compression of bone is resisted by:\nOptions: \nA. Protein component\tB. lipid component\tC. Collagen component\tD. Mineral component.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mineral component." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Golgi tendon organs detect:\nOptions: \nA. Static muscle length\tB. Dynamic muscle length\tC. Muscle tension\tD. Muscle action.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Muscle tension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A properly designed rest on lingual surface of a canine is preferred to a rest on incisal surface because:\nOptions: \nA. Less Leverage is exerted against the tooth by Lingual rest\tB. Enamel is thicker on lingual surface\tC. Visibility and access is better on lingual surface\tD. The cingulum of canine produces a naturalsurface for recess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Less Leverage is exerted against the tooth by Lingual rest" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For supporting complex amalgam restoration, which of the following cement has best modulus of elasticity?\nOptions: \nA. ZOE\tB. GIC\tC. Polycarboxylate\tD. Zinc phosphate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Zinc phosphate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Perfect example of transition of anterior to posterior is\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular canine\tB. Maxillary canine\tC. Mandibular 1st premolar\tD. Maxillary 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sequential order of sperm formation: Spermatogonia Spermatocyte Spermatids Spermatozoa\nOptions: \nA. 2314\tB. 3214\tC. 3124\tD. 1234.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 1234." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inlay wax is used to:\nOptions: \nA. Temporarily cement inlays\tB. Make inlay wax patterns\tC. Invest inlay patterns\tD. Box models.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Make inlay wax patterns" + }, + { + "input": "Question: find false statement regarding sensory endings\nOptions: \nA. Annulospiral wrap the ends\tB. Primary ending is annulospiral\tC. Primary ending conduct 1a fibres\tD. Flower spray is secondary.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Annulospiral wrap the ends" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dentition of humans is:\nOptions: \nA. Herbivorous\tB. Omnivorous\tC. Carnivorous\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Omnivorous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glycogen synthesis and breakdown takes place in the same cell, having enzymes necessary for both the pathways. Why the glucose-6-phosphate, freshly synthesized during glycogenesis in cytoplasm of hepatocytes, is not immediately degraded by the enzyme glucose!6-phosphatase?\nOptions: \nA. The thermodynamics does not or such a reaction to occur\tB. Glucose-6-phosphatase is present in the endoplasmic reticulum and cannot act on glycogen formed in the cytoplasm\tC. Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis are tightly regulated such that enzymes of only one of those is present at a time.\tD. Steric hindrance due to albumin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Glucose-6-phosphatase is present in the endoplasmic reticulum and cannot act on glycogen formed in the cytoplasm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Number of vision centers under vision 2020, a national program for control of blindness are -\nOptions: \nA. 20\tB. 200\tC. 2000\tD. 20000.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 20000." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tachycardia in a patient in shock is response to:\nOptions: \nA. Hypotension\tB. Vasoconstriction\tC. CNS anoxia\tD. Anxiety.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: CNS anoxia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a branch of external carotid artery\nOptions: \nA. Posterior auricular artery\tB. Occipital artery\tC. Maxillary artery\tD. Ophthalmic artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ophthalmic artery." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 35 years old female patient present with hearing loss with improvement in hearing in noisy environment. On examination Rinne's is negative and weber's is centralized. Following is the audiometry repo. What is the most likely diagnosis:\nOptions: \nA. Meniere's disease\tB. Perilymph fistula\tC. Stapedial Otosclerosis\tD. Vestibular Schwannoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Stapedial Otosclerosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Myocardial infarction; signs are all except\nOptions: \nA. \u2018a\u2019 wave elevation\tB. Levine\u2019s sign\tC. Kussmaul\u2019s sign\tD. Bradycardia in case of infarction of anterior portion of heart.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bradycardia in case of infarction of anterior portion of heart." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is NOT a socio-economic indicator?\nOptions: \nA. Literacy rate\tB. Life expectancy at birth\tC. Housing\tD. Family size.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Life expectancy at birth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: LA acts on nerve membrane by:\nOptions: \nA. Blocking conductance of Na+ from interior to exterior\tB. Blocking conductance of Na+ from exterior to interior\tC. Blocking conductance of K+ from interior to exterior\tD. Blocking conductance of K+ from exterior to interior.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Blocking conductance of Na+ from exterior to interior" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sudden death in a patient with an acute myocardial\ninfarction is most commonly due to\nOptions: \nA. Aortic dissection\tB. Atrial fibrillation\tC. Cardiac tamponade\tD. Ventricular fibrillation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ventricular fibrillation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inferior thyroid artery ligation during thyroidectomy is done\nOptions: \nA. For recurrent Laryngeal nerve\tB. Superior laryngeal nerve\tC. Vagus nerve\tD. Glossopharyngeal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: For recurrent Laryngeal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulmonary manifestation for inhalational anthrax\nOptions: \nA. Hemorrhagic mediastinitis\tB. Lobar consolidation\tC. Bronchopneumonia with type two respiratory failure\tD. Can cause pneumonia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hemorrhagic mediastinitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The inter radicular bone is:\nOptions: \nA. Compact\tB. Cancellous\tC. Exophytic\tD. Osteophytic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cancellous" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Investigation of choice for diagnosis of Zenker's diveiculum is:\nOptions: \nA. CECT\tB. Endoscopy\tC. Esophageal manometry\tD. Barium swallow.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Barium swallow." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug should not be given in a patient of narrow angle glaucoma?\nOptions: \nA. Phenylephrine\tB. Timolol\tC. Acetazolamide\tD. Homatropine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Homatropine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The bacteria of oral flora which plays least role in periodontitis is:\nOptions: \nA. Actinomyces\tB. Actinomycetam comitans\tC. Spirocheates\tD. Bacteriodes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Actinomyces" + }, + { + "input": "Question: crossed extensor reflex is a\nOptions: \nA. Withdrawal reflex\tB. Postural reflex\tC. Sympathetic\tD. Monosynaptic reflex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Withdrawal reflex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cell membrane consists of:\nOptions: \nA. Lipids and proteins\tB. Lipids only\tC. Protein only\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lipids and proteins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient complains of numbness of lower lip. There is no history of tooth extraction . It could be:\nOptions: \nA. Infection\tB. Metastatic neoplasia.\tC. Dental menipulation.\tD. CNS disease..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Metastatic neoplasia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lymph from lower lip-middle part drains directly into:\nOptions: \nA. Submandibular nodes\tB. Submental nodes\tC. Sublingual nodes\tD. Preauricular nodes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Submental nodes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Saliva is increased by:\nOptions: \nA. Cholinergic drugs\tB. Anticholinergic drugs\tC. Adrenergic drugs\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cholinergic drugs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: False regarding protective co-contraction muscle splinting:\nOptions: \nA. Reduced mouth opening due to infection\tB. Protective co-contraction is not a pathologic condition\tC. There is no pain reported when the muscle is at rest, but use of the muscle will typically result in increased pain.\tD. Altered sensory input or pain, antagonistic muscle groups fire during movement in an attempt to protect the injured part..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Reduced mouth opening due to infection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inferior oblique muscle of the eye is responsible for all of the following, except:\nOptions: \nA. Downward rotation\tB. Lateral rotation\tC. Extortion\tD. Upward rotation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Downward rotation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Craniopagus is defined as fusion of:\nOptions: \nA. Head and spine\tB. Head only\tC. Thorax and spine\tD. Thorax only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Head only" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 11 yr female in the school brought to principle by teacher that she is always crying unattentive not taking interest in any activity. On fuher investigation the girl told that she was inappropriately touched by her uncle at private pas at her home. Principle inform to whom ?\nOptions: \nA. Child welfare\tB. Parents\tC. Police\tD. Magistrate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Police" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mw vaccine is made from which bacteria?\nOptions: \nA. M. Welchii\tB. M. Bovis\tC. M. Indicus pranii\tD. none of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: M. Indicus pranii" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Wound that does not involve dermis is\nOptions: \nA. Abrasion\tB. contusion\tC. Laceration\tD. Incision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Abrasion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not a dimorphic fungi?\nOptions: \nA. P. marneffi\tB. Histoplasma capsulatum\tC. Blastomyces dermatitidis\tD. Pneumocystis jirovecii.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pneumocystis jirovecii." + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about bisphosphonate mechanism of action\nOptions: \nA. Inhibit osteoclast mediated resorption\tB. Increases rate of osteoid formation\tC. Increases mineralization of osteoid\tD. All of above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inhibit osteoclast mediated resorption" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about iron deficiency anemia except:\nOptions: \nA. Transferrin saturation <16%\tB. Detected by serum ferritin levels even in earlier states\tC. Mostly presents without any symptoms with abnormal laboratory findings\tD. Latent anemia is most prevalent in India.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mostly presents without any symptoms with abnormal laboratory findings" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the interstitial hydrostatic pressure is 2 mm Hg, interstitial oncotic pressure is 7 mm Hg and capillary hydrostatic pressure is 25 mm Hg. What should be the capillary oncotic pressure to allow a net filtration pressure of 3 mm Hg?\nOptions: \nA. 20\tB. 21\tC. 23\tD. 27.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 27." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In BSSO setback, fixation in neutral posterior zone is best achieved with:\nOptions: \nA. Lag screw\tB. Position screw\tC. Miniplate\tD. No fixation is required in neutral position.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lag screw" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient was given ampicillin 2 g intravenously. After that, the person developed rash on skin, hypotension and difficulty in breathing. The patient should be managed by\nOptions: \nA. 0.5 ml of 1:1000 adrenaline by intramuscular route\tB. 0.5 ml of 1:1000 adrenaline by intravenous route\tC. 0.5 ml of 1:10000 adrenaline by intramuscular route\tD. 0.5 ml of 1:10000 adrenaline by intravenous route.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.5 ml of 1:1000 adrenaline by intramuscular route" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Interstitial fluid volume can be determined by:\nOptions: \nA. Radioactive iodine and radiolabelled water\tB. Radioactive water and radiolabelled albumin\tC. Radioactive sodium and radioactive water\tD. Radioactive sodium and radioactive labelled albumin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Radioactive sodium and radioactive labelled albumin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 28 year old eclamptic woman develop convulsions.The first measure to be done is:\nOptions: \nA. Give MgSO4\tB. Sedation of patient\tC. Immediate delivery\tD. Care of airway.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Care of airway." + }, + { + "input": "Question: IOL placed in the young male., After 10 year what should be done..?\nOptions: \nA. IOL should be removed in case of Posterior Capsule ossification\tB. Never be removed\tC. Remove when presbyopia sets in\tD. Should be changed after 10 year.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IOL should be removed in case of Posterior Capsule ossification" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a coho study, to study association between factor and disease, the risk ratio was calculated to be equal to 1. What does this signifies?\nOptions: \nA. There is no association present between the factor and the disease\tB. There is positive association between the factor and the disease\tC. There is negative association between the factor and the disease\tD. Data insufficient to comment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: There is no association present between the factor and the disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Minimum age of screening of osteoporosis:\nOptions: \nA. 55 years\tB. 60 years\tC. 65 years\tD. 50 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 65 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The total number of vertebrae present in the vertebral column are?\nOptions: \nA. 22\tB. 34\tC. 56\tD. 52.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 34" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a caries-free individual the saliva has:\nOptions: \nA. Low buffering capacity for acids\tB. Medium buffering capacity for acids\tC. High buffering capacity for acids\tD. Independent of buffering capacity for acids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High buffering capacity for acids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phallic stage of Freud corresponds to which of the following stages of Piaget\nOptions: \nA. Sensorimotor\tB. Pre operational\tC. Concrete operational\tD. Formal operational.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pre operational" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common site of primary for intraocular metastasis is from-\nOptions: \nA. Breast\tB. Ovary\tC. Cervix\tD. Endometrium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Breast" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cortex of lymph node contains:\nOptions: \nA. Cords of billroth\tB. Hassall's corpuscles\tC. Lymphatic nodules\tD. White pulp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lymphatic nodules" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Occluded submandibular salivary duct can be best observed by\nOptions: \nA. Palpation\tB. Sialography\tC. Occlusal X-ray\tD. Thermography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sialography" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of facial injuries with voluntary control lost over tongue, the best emergency treatment to prevent tongue from falling back is\nOptions: \nA. Towel clipping of Tongue\tB. Deep traction silk suture of tongue\tC. Oropharyngeal airway\tD. Definitive treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Towel clipping of Tongue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chances of ankyloses of mandibular molar which is autotransplanted depends on?\nOptions: \nA. Splinting of mandibular molar\tB. Surgical extraction of molar\tC. Socket preparation of molar for autotransplantation\tD. Root kept moist in cotton.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Surgical extraction of molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Greater crown bulk distal to the faciolingual dissecting plane of the tooth is most typical of mandibular\nOptions: \nA. Central incisor\tB. Canine\tC. Lateral incisor\tD. Second premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Some medicine comes with a label of 'store at a cool place only'. At what temperature should these medicines be kept?\nOptions: \nA. 8-15 degC\tB. 2-8 degC\tC. 0 degC\tD. 25-28 degC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 8-15 degC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following statements about idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura are true EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. It is associated with platelet-specific auto-antibodies\tB. It causes a prolonged bleeding time\tC. It is often controllable by immunosuppressive treatment\tD. It causes more prolonged hemorrhage than hemophilia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: It causes more prolonged hemorrhage than hemophilia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a MO cavity prepared for inlay, mechanical advantage\nto prevent proximal displacement of the restoration is\nby establishing:\nOptions: \nA. Adequate pulpal depth\tB. Parallel walls\tC. Occlusal dovetail\tD. Acute lingual inclination in axiogingival area.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Occlusal dovetail" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major drawback of pro-root MTA is its increased setting time which is decreased by addition of ?\nOptions: \nA. 3% of NaOH\tB. 3% NaCl\tC. 5% CaCl\tD. Distilled Water.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 5% CaCl" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Apical constriction is \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026mm coronal to Apical foramen\nOptions: \nA. 0-0.5\tB. 0.5-1.5\tC. 1.5-2.5\tD. 2-Jan.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 0.5-1.5" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An elderly male presents 2 months after renal trans-planatation with nephropathy. Which of the following can be a viral etiological agent?\nOptions: \nA. Polymoa virus BK\tB. Human herpes virus type 6\tC. Hepatitis C\tD. Human papillorna virus, high risk types.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polymoa virus BK" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Erythropoietin acts on:\nOptions: \nA. CFU\tB. Late erythtoblast\tC. Normoblast\tD. Burst forming unit (BFU).\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Burst forming unit (BFU)." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Expansion of the contrast filled space in myelography is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Intramedullary tumor\tB. Intradural extramedullary tumor\tC. Spinal dysraphism\tD. Extradural tumor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intramedullary tumor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tensor veli palatini origin and insertion are\nOptions: \nA. Origin Greater wing of sphenoid and scaphoid fossa; Insertion as palatine aponeurosis into posterior hard palate.\tB. Origin Lesser wing of sphenoid and scaphoid fossa;Insertion Hamular notch and opposite muscle of same name\tC. Origin Lesser wing of sphenoid and scaphoid fossa; Insertion- Posterior hard palate\tD. Origin Lesser wing of sphenoid and scaphoid fossa; Insertion: as palatine aponeurosis into posterior hard palate..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Origin Greater wing of sphenoid and scaphoid fossa; Insertion as palatine aponeurosis into posterior hard palate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: C-factor is associated with?\nOptions: \nA. Condensing force for amalgam\tB. Cavity preparation factor for amalgam\tC. Root curvature\tD. Polymerisation shrinkage in composite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Polymerisation shrinkage in composite." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient of rheumatic heart disease with fever and mitral valve vegetations due to infective endocarditis, the vegetation usually do no embolise to:\nOptions: \nA. Brain\tB. Lungs\tC. Liver\tD. Spleen..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lungs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stainless steel orthodontic wire can be hardened by: (OR) Bending orthodontic wire at room temperature is an example of\nOptions: \nA. Tempering\tB. Work/ Strain hardening\tC. Age hardening\tD. Precipitation hardening.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Work/ Strain hardening" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady delivered a normal vaginal delivery and was discharged. On third day she came back with fever, tachycardia and seizures. Fundus showed papilledema with no focal deficits. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Coical vein thrombosis\tB. Meningitis\tC. Subarachnoid hemorrhage\tD. Acute migraine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Coical vein thrombosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infeility in kaagener syndrome is due to which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Oligospermia\tB. Blockage of epididymis\tC. Asthenozoospermia\tD. Undescended testis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Asthenozoospermia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regeneration leads to formation of which layer of cementum:\nOptions: \nA. Cellular mixed cementum\tB. Cellular intrinsic fibre cementum\tC. Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum\tD. Acellular afibrillar cementum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mention the true/false statements about digoxin toxicity?\nOptions: \nA. The earliest manifestation of digoxin toxicity are gastrointestinal symptoms\tB. Non-specific vision changes may be noted in digoxin toxicity\tC. Early toxicity may not correlate with serum levels and Neurological symptoms may occur without corresponding cardiovascular changes\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following bones are the pas of inferior wall of orbit except:\nOptions: \nA. Ethmoid\tB. Maxillary\tC. Palatine\tD. ZygomaticWhile.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ethmoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not responsible for chronic gingival inflammation?\nOptions: \nA. Neutrophil\tB. Macrophages\tC. T-lymphocytes\tD. Plasma cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Neutrophil" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which cells are decreased in chronic periodontitis?\nOptions: \nA. B-lymphocytes\tB. T-lymphocytes\tC. Mast cells\tD. Plasma cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: T-lymphocytes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For calculation of sample size for a prevalence study all of the following are necessary except\nOptions: \nA. Prevalence of disease in population\tB. Power of the study\tC. Significance level\tD. Desired precision.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Desired precision." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are features of benign intracranial hypeension except:\nOptions: \nA. Proptosis\tB. Normal size ventricles\tC. Headache\tD. Papilledema.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Proptosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common mode of spread of retinoblastoma:\nOptions: \nA. Optic nerve invasion\tB. Lymphatics\tC. Vascular\tD. Direct invasion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Optic nerve invasion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The organ most resistant to GA is\nOptions: \nA. Spinal Cord\tB. Medulla oblonagata\tC. Medullary cortex\tD. Cerebrum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Medulla oblonagata" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Continuous murmur can be heard in all except:\nOptions: \nA. VSD with aoic regurgitation\tB. Coronary AV fistula\tC. Pulmonary AV fistula\tD. Patent ductus aeriosus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: VSD with aoic regurgitation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Impedence based apex locator is:\nOptions: \nA. Generation 1\tB. Generation 2\tC. Generation 3\tD. Generation 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Generation 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mechanism of adhesion of GIC restoration with tooth surface is by means of?\nOptions: \nA. Carboxyl group\tB. Chelates with Metal Ions\tC. C=C double bond\tD. Polymer Chains.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Carboxyl group" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old child came to the OPD with pain and mass in right lumbar region with no fever, with right hip flexed. The pain increased on extension and X ray showed spine changes. Most probable diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Psoas abscess\tB. Pyonephrosis\tC. Appendicular lump in retrocecal position\tD. Torsion of Right undescended testis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Psoas abscess" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The process by which the amount of a drug in the body decreases after administration, but before entering the systemic circulation is called:\nOptions: \nA. Excretion\tB. First pass effect\tC. First order elimination\tD. Metabolism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: First pass effect" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Eugenol may be replaced in the zinc oxide eugenol cement by:\nOptions: \nA. Acetic acid\tB. Alginic acid\tC. Phosphoric acid\tD. Ortho-ethoxy acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ortho-ethoxy acid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cross-linking in resins helps increasing:\nOptions: \nA. Strength\tB. Hardness\tC. Crazing resistance\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following leads to an increase in enzyme activity -\nOptions: \nA. Increase in temperature\tB. Decrease in activation energy\tC. Extremes of pH value\tD. Low substrate concentration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decrease in activation energy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nutrients are mainly absorbed in:\nOptions: \nA. Small intestine\tB. Large intestine\tC. Liver\tD. Stomach.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Small intestine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcification of falx cerebrl is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Sturge Weber syndrome\tB. Gorlin goltz syndrome\tC. Mobius syndrome\tD. Caffey silverman syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gorlin goltz syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 70-74.9% cephalic index indicates:\nOptions: \nA. Hyperdolichocephalic\tB. Dolichocephalic\tC. Mesocephalic\tD. Brachycephalic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dolichocephalic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most commonly used tooth numbering system in books is\nOptions: \nA. Universal system\tB. Zigmondy and Palmar\tC. FDI\tD. Grid System.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Universal system" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child who has an avulsed tooth 1/2 hour back should\ncarry the tooth to the dentist in:\nOptions: \nA. Cold milk\tB. Normal saline\tC. Wrapped in a wet handkerchief\tD. Buccal vestibule.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cold milk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The term poikilokaryosis refers to\nOptions: \nA. Alteration of nuclear cytoplasmic ratio\tB. Division of nuclei without division of cytoplasm\tC. Large, prominent nuclei\tD. Loss of polarity and disorientation of cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Division of nuclei without division of cytoplasm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Example of Dystrophic calcification-\nOptions: \nA. Hyperparathyroidism\tB. Sarcoidosis\tC. Hypervitaminosis D\tD. Myositis ossificans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Myositis ossificans." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In National Water Supply and Sanitation programme a problem village is defined as all except?\nOptions: \nA. Distance of safe water is greater than 1.6 Km\tB. Water is exposed to the risk of cholera\tC. Water source has excess iron and heavy metals\tD. Water infested with Guniea worm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Water infested with Guniea worm." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Autoinnoculation is seen with?\nOptions: \nA. Ameloblastoma\tB. Papilloma\tC. Benign pemphigoid\tD. Leukoplakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Papilloma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following condition do not create gingival defects necessitating gingivoplasty except\nOptions: \nA. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis\tB. Desquamative gingivitis\tC. Erosive lichen planus\tD. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: female patient came with right side hearing loss, better heard in a noisy environment,Audiogram shown with about 30-40 dB gap between AC-BC of right & left ear. Rinne's test negative, Weber's test centralised. Which of the following condition shown?\nOptions: \nA. Meniere's disease\tB. stapedial otosclerosis\tC. Presbycusis\tD. Vestibular schwannoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: stapedial otosclerosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A middle-aged man comes after a road traffic accident with bleeding from the scalp. He is unconscious. A card in his pocket reveals that he is a known diabetic on Tab Glimepiride + Metformin 2 tablets twice daily. What should the next step in management?\nOptions: \nA. Send blood for tests, sta IV glucose and send to CT\tB. Sta normal saline and send to CT\tC. Dextrose solution, CT scan\tD. Airway, CT scan. Blood sugar if <70 sta dextrose.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Airway, CT scan. Blood sugar if <70 sta dextrose." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a method of achieving slow separation?\nOptions: \nA. Seperating rubber bands\tB. Rubber Dam Sheet\tC. Ligature wire\tD. All of the following.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the following." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Caries Assessment Test (CAT), which condition doesn't come in highest risk category?\nOptions: \nA. Isolated with spot lesion on tooth\tB. Enamel hypoplasia\tC. Child with special care need\tD. Visible plaque on anterior teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Isolated with spot lesion on tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: High angle case is:\nOptions: \nA. FMIA > 65\tB. IMP > 100\tC. FMP > 35\u00b0\tD. SNA >4\u00b0.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: FMP > 35\u00b0" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mother to children's transmission is a key feature of which pattern of inheritance?\nOptions: \nA. Codominance\tB. Autosomal dominant inheritance\tC. Recessive inheritance\tD. Mitochondrial inheritance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mitochondrial inheritance." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sublingual tablet or sublingual GTN metered dose aerosol usually relieve angina in\nOptions: \nA. 15 sec\tB. 2-3 min\tC. 10-12 min\tD. 30 min.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2-3 min" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gene not involved in SCID\nOptions: \nA. BTK\tB. ZAP70\tC. IL2RG\tD. JAK3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: BTK" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 6\u2013month\u2013old infant presents to the 'diarrhoea clinic' unit with some dehydration. The most likely organism causing diarrhea is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Entamoeba histolytica\tB. Rotavirus\tC. Giardia lamblia\tD. Shigella.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rotavirus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lip and mentalis muscle contraction are not seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Mature swallow\tB. Simple tongue thrust\tC. Complex tongue thrust\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mature swallow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ABC and VED analysis at PHC are done for:\nOptions: \nA. Drug inventory\tB. Staff management\tC. Vaccination coverage\tD. National Programs implementation..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Drug inventory" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true regarding teeth features and ethnicity?\nOptions: \nA. Upper third molar is most commonly absent in Mongolians\tB. Carabelli cusps are seen in Caucasians\tC. Negros have wide molar cusps and deep, shovel shaped cusps in incisors\tD. Prominent lingual ridge and labial ridge is seen in Mongolians.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Negros have wide molar cusps and deep, shovel shaped cusps in incisors" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Continues use of vibrator can leads to\nOptions: \nA. Random nodule formation\tB. Surface roughness\tC. Surface irregularities\tD. Discoloration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Surface roughness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most reliable method of recording centric relation\nOptions: \nA. Graphic tracing with excursive movements\tB. Wax cone method\tC. Trial and error method\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Graphic tracing with excursive movements" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common chances of pulpal exposure will be there if pulpal floor is made perpendicular to the long axis of tooth:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary 1st premolar\tB. Maxillary 1st molar\tC. Mandibular 1st premolar\tD. Mandibular 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mandibular 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diagnosis of CI. Difficile infection is made by which of the following methods?\nOptions: \nA. Toxin gene detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)\tB. Culture\tC. Enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)\tD. Nagler's reaction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Toxin gene detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 37-year-old patient presented to you with hyper-extension of 4th and 5th metacarpophalangeal joint with flexion at proximal interphalangeal joint. This deformity is due to injury to:\nOptions: \nA. Deep branch of ulnar nerve\tB. Median nerve\tC. Radial nerve\tD. Superficial branch of median nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Deep branch of ulnar nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Myofunctional appliance is given at which stage:\nOptions: \nA. Primary dentition\tB. Mixed dentition\tC. Permanent dentition\tD. Adulthood.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mixed dentition" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not true about NRHM\nOptions: \nA. Appoint ASHA\tB. Strengthen institutional delivery under JSY\tC. Health and family welfare societies\tD. State and district health mission.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Health and family welfare societies" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Model plaster (white) used to cast study models before mixing with water, is largely composed of:\nOptions: \nA. CaO\tB. CaCO3\tC. CaSO4\u00a0 \u2022 \u00bdH2O\tD. CaSO4 \u2022 2H2O.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: CaSO4\u00a0 \u2022 \u00bdH2O" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following nonaqueous elastomeric impression materials has the least shelf life\nOptions: \nA. Poly ether\tB. Addition silicone\tC. Condensation silicone\tD. Polysulphide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Poly ether" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A female in labor ward was administered opioid analgesic. Which of the following drugs should be kept ready for emergency?\nOptions: \nA. Lignocaine\tB. Naloxone\tC. Diphenhydramine\tD. Fentanyl.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Naloxone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When we try to find out significance of difference in height of children between 2 classes in a school, which test is used?\nOptions: \nA. Unpaired test\tB. ANOVA\tC. Chisquare\tD. Coefficient of variance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Unpaired test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Composition of KRI paste is:\nOptions: \nA. Calcium hydroxide + Iodoform.\tB. Iodoform+ calcium hydroxide + menthol.\tC. Iodoform + camphor + parachlorophenol + Menthol.\tD. Parachlorophenol + Camphor + menthol..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Iodoform + camphor + parachlorophenol + Menthol." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following tooth shows C shaped canal\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular 1st premolar\tB. Maxillary 1st premolar\tC. Mandibular 2nd premolar\tD. Maxillary 2nd premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular 1st premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: SPIKES protocol is used for:\nOptions: \nA. Triage\tB. Communication with patients/attendants regarding bad news\tC. Writing death ceificate\tD. RCT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Communication with patients/attendants regarding bad news" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is a P-glycoprotein inducer?\nOptions: \nA. Azithromycin\tB. Ketoconazole\tC. Itraconazole\tD. Rifampicin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Rifampicin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A male child presented with coarse facies, protuberant abdomen , frontal head enlargement, thickening of cardiac valve, hepatosplenomegaly, hearing impairement. What is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Hurler's disease\tB. Hunter's disease\tC. Fragile X syndrome\tD. Tay Sach's disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hunter's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A term neonate with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia of 18 mg/dl on 20th day. All are common causes except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Breast rnilk jaundice\tB. Congenital cholangiopathy\tC. G 6PD deficiency\tD. Hypothyroidism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Congenital cholangiopathy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the most preferred route for drug administration in the management of chronic pain\nOptions: \nA. Intrathecal\tB. Oral\tC. Subdermal\tD. Intravenous.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oral" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Weber-Fechner law related to:\nOptions: \nA. Number of nerve Fibers\tB. Number of muscle Fibers\tC. Number of stimulus\tD. Intensity of stimulus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Intensity of stimulus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: White, spongy, folded thick mucosa is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Oral hairy leukoplakia\tB. Aspirin burn\tC. White spongy nevus\tD. Pseudomembranous Candidiasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: White spongy nevus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calculate net filtration pressure with the following data: PGC = 42 mm Hg pGC = 12 mm Hg PBC= 16 mm Hg Assume that no proteins were filtered.\nOptions: \nA. 34 mm Hg\tB. Data not sufficient\tC. 14 mm Hg\tD. 28 mm Hg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 14 mm Hg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Schielder principle is\nOptions: \nA. Minimal enlarged apical foramen\tB. Shape of the canal can be changed\tC. Use of 3-5 times larger than first binding file\tD. Original canal curvature should be altered to make it compatible with obturating material.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Minimal enlarged apical foramen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While drilling an implant, bone necrosis occurs at what temperatures:\nOptions: \nA. 65\tB. 35\tC. 45\tD. 55.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 45" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Subantimicrobial dose of doxycycline is:\nOptions: \nA. 20 mg doxycycline\tB. 60 mg doxycycline\tC. 80 mg doxycycline\tD. 150 mg doxycycline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 60 mg doxycycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Non radiographic method of working length determination:\nOptions: \nA. Digital tactile sense\tB. Apical periodontal sensitivity\tC. Electronic apex locator\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Problems associated with nitrous oxide anaesthesia is\nOptions: \nA. Behavioral problem\tB. Sensitizes the heart to adrenaline\tC. Prolonged difficult induction\tD. Tachycardia and or arrhythmias.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Behavioral problem" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Roots of primary and secondary teeth are different\nin that the primary roots are more divergent and flaring. The other difference:\nOptions: \nA. Primary roots show less accessory and lateral canals\tB. Primary roots resorb more easily\tC. Primary roots are shorter\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Primary roots show less accessory and lateral canals" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most important factor in rapid progression of Bacteria resulting in pulpal necrosis is?\nOptions: \nA. Host resistance\tB. Virulence of bacteria\tC. Dentinal Fluid flow\tD. Pulp vitality.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pulp vitality." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gene for ectodermal dysplasia with cleft lip and palate\nOptions: \nA. ED-1\tB. GJB6\tC. PVRL1\tD. R P73.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PVRL1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is the best study to evaluate effect and outcome?\nOptions: \nA. Clinical trial\tB. Coho\tC. Case control study\tD. Cross sectional study.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Clinical trial" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following processes take place in mitochondria except:\nOptions: \nA. Beta-oxidation of fatty acids\tB. DNA synthesis\tC. Fatty acid synthesis\tD. Protein synthesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Fatty acid synthesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In moyer's classification of class II type D malocclusion, there is:\nOptions: \nA. Orthognatic maxilla and orthognathic mandible\tB. Prognathic maxilla and orthognathic mandible\tC. Orthognathic maxilla and retrognathic mandible\tD. Retrognathic maxilla and retrognathic mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Orthognathic maxilla and retrognathic mandible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cephalometric analysis are used to evaluate growth changes by superimposing on:\nOptions: \nA. Sella - Nasion plane\tB. Mandibular plane\tC. FHP\tD. Occlusal plane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sella - Nasion plane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are associated with HHV8 except?\nOptions: \nA. Kaposi sarcoma\tB. Primary effusion lymphoma\tC. Castleman disease\tD. T-cell leukemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: T-cell leukemia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Presented edema, oliguria and frothy urine. He has no past history of similar complaints. On examination, his urine was positive for 3+ proteinuria, no RBCs/WBCs and no casts. His serum albumin was 2.5 gm/L and serum creatinine was 0.5 mg/dL. The most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Minimal change disease\tB. IgA nephropathy\tC. Interstitial nephritis\tD. Membranous nephropathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Minimal change disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not attached laterally to thyroid cartilage, or all the following muscles are attached to the oblique line of thyroid cartilage except:\nOptions: \nA. Sternothyroid\tB. Thyrohyoid\tC. Superior constrictor\tD. Inferior constrictor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Superior constrictor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A parent is homozygous and a parent heterozygous for an autosomal recessive gene. What will be the outcome \u2013\nOptions: \nA. 75% children affected\tB. No child affected, but all are carriers\tC. 50% children affected, rest are carriers\tD. 25% children affected, rest are carriers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 50% children affected, rest are carriers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antischkow cells are present in all of the following conditions except\nOptions: \nA. Sickle cell anaemia\tB. Iron deficiency anaemia\tC. Apthous ulcer\tD. herpes simplex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: herpes simplex." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient on dental chair during extraction becomes unconscious; patient is breathing but not responsive. Your first step will be:\nOptions: \nA. Recline chair and shout for help and give oxygen\tB. Check BP and pulse and intubate\tC. Start CPR immediately\tD. ECG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Recline chair and shout for help and give oxygen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following structures is not present on the internal surface of mandible?\nOptions: \nA. Genial tubercle\tB. Mylohyoid ridge\tC. Lingula\tD. Mental foramen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mental foramen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A mother and her 4 year old son are seated alone in\na reception area with the child staring off into space,\nrocking and constantly twisting a strand of hair about\nhis fingers. Upon entry of another person, the child\nbegins to beat his fist against the side of his face and\nbehaves as though he does not hear his mother speaking\nto him. This behavior is most characteristic of:\nOptions: \nA. An autistic child\tB. A mentally retarded child\tC. First dental appointment anxieties of a 4 year old child\tD. A child with a chronic seizure disorder.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: An autistic child" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ZnPO4 setting time is 4-7 min. All of the following methods are employed to prolong its setting time except:\nOptions: \nA. Addition of drop of distilled water\tB. Prolong spatulation time\tC. Small increment of addition of powder to liquid\tD. Mixing on cooled glass slab.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Addition of drop of distilled water" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An abnormal resorption pattern in primary teeth, delayed\neruption of permanent teeth and a Large tongue are the\nfeatures of:\nOptions: \nA. Addison's disease\tB. Hypothyroidism\tC. Hyperthyroidism\tD. Von-Recklinghausen disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypothyroidism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is not FDA approved\nOptions: \nA. GEM 215\tB. Elyzol\tC. Periochip\tD. Atridox.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Elyzol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dynamic creep is the\nOptions: \nA. Continuing alloying between silver-tin alloy and mercury during the life of restoration\tB. Deformation of set amalgam during function\tC. Process whereby alloy is \"wetted\" by mercury\tD. Spread of amalgam during packing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Deformation of set amalgam during function" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are features of non paralytic polio except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Absent deep tendon reflexes\tB. Head drop\tC. Nuchal rigidity\tD. Knee heel test negative.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Absent deep tendon reflexes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following procedures can be used to treat an oro-antral fistula resulting from posterior surgery: (Or) Oro-antral fistula in maxillary 3rd molar region is best/commonly treated by\nOptions: \nA. Buccal mucoperiosteal flap\tB. Palatal mucoperiosteal flap\tC. Bridge flap\tD. Palatal island flap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Palatal island flap." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fovea palatine are\nOptions: \nA. Structures through which blood supply take place\tB. Mucosal salivary glands\tC. Palatal termination of maxillary denture\tD. Found in every individual.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mucosal salivary glands" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of addition silicones what should be done for better cast\nOptions: \nA. Apply ketone over tray\tB. Apply chloroform over tray\tC. Add flavouring agent to prevent bad odour\tD. Delay pouring of cast.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Delay pouring of cast." + }, + { + "input": "Question: contractile part of intrafusal fibres\nOptions: \nA. Centre\tB. Ends\tC. None\tD. Both.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ends" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The type of strain develop when force is applied perpendicular to surface\nOptions: \nA. Compressive strain\tB. Tensile strain\tC. Shear stress\tD. Tensile stress.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Compressive strain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Km value indicates:\nOptions: \nA. Purity of Enzyme\tB. Physiological role\tC. The substrate concentration at half maximal velocity\tD. A\ufb03nity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The substrate concentration at half maximal velocity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following conversions does not require Biotin as a cofactor?\nOptions: \nA. Gamma carboxylation of glutamate\tB. Acetyl Co-A to Malonyl Co-A\tC. Propionyl Co-A to methyl malonyl Co-A\tD. Pyruvate to oxaloacetate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gamma carboxylation of glutamate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Majority of the syndromic craniosynosteses are associated with:\nOptions: \nA. FGFR mutations\tB. IRFS mutations\tC. VWS mutations\tD. 22q 11.2 mutations.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: FGFR mutations" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The facial proportions between upper, middle and lower thirds of fare Is:\nOptions: \nA. 25:50:25\tB. 34:33:33\tC. 35:30:35\tD. 30:35:35.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 30:35:35." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cold agglutinin is\nOptions: \nA. IgG\tB. IgM\tC. IgA\tD. IgD.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: IgM" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thiamine deficiency is assessed by:\nOptions: \nA. Erythrocyte transketolase activity\tB. RBS Glutathione reductase\tC. RBC thiamine levels\tD. Serum thiamine level.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Erythrocyte transketolase activity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcification of brain is seen in which of the following:\nOptions: \nA. Papillon lefevre syndrome\tB. Gorham stout syndrome\tC. Menke syndrome\tD. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Papillon lefevre syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cardiac dysarrythmia during extraction is caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Trochlear nerve\tB. Facial nerve\tC. TrigeminaL nerve\tD. Occulomotor nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: TrigeminaL nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 35-year-old male farmer presents with multiple discharging cervical sinuses. Which of these stains will be useful for the diagnosis? Where does this organism normally colonise in the body?\nOptions: \nA. Grocott Methenamine silver, skin\tB. PAS, intestine\tC. AFB, mouth\tD. Gram-stain, oropharynx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: AFB, mouth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The concentration of a negative ion is 100 mMoUL extracellular and 10 mMo1/1 intracellular. What will be the Nernst potential for this ion?\nOptions: \nA. --10 mV\tB. +10 mV\tC. --61 mV\tD. +61 mV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: --61 mV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A Pediatrician was called for attending a new born baby in the labour ward. The serum unconjugated bilirubin of this baby was 33 mg/dL. Which of the following drug taken by mother in late 3rd trimester may have lead to this problem?\nOptions: \nA. Cotrimoxazole\tB. Azithromycin\tC. Ampicillin\tD. Chloroquine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cotrimoxazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Syncope is usually caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Vasoconstriction\tB. Cerebral ischemia\tC. Cerebral hyperemia\tD. Decrease in the vascular bed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cerebral ischemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The enamel has no capacity of self \u2014repair because\nOptions: \nA. It has only a small percent of organic content\tB. Its formative cells are lost once it is completely formed\tC. It is essentially a keratin tissue and has no blood vessels\tD. It has no direct connection with the active cells of the dental pulp.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Its formative cells are lost once it is completely formed" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If resin is packed in sandy stage what will be seen in the processed denture?\nOptions: \nA. Distortion\tB. Porosity\tC. Inhomogeneous colour\tD. Increased strength.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Porosity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Endocrine disorder is the primary cause of:\nOptions: \nA. Acromegaly\tB. Albright's syndrome\tC. Paget's disease\tD. Fibrous dysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acromegaly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All parasites are in hepatocytes Except ?\nOptions: \nA. Toxoplasma\tB. P. falciparium\tC. Leishmania\tD. Babesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Babesia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The speed with which the electrons travel from the\nfilament of cathode to the anode depends upon\nOptions: \nA. Potential difference between the two electrodes\tB. Number of milliamperes in the tube circuit\tC. Angle between the filament and target\tD. Voltage of the filament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Potential difference between the two electrodes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Recurrent abdominal pain in children in most often due to \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Roundworms\tB. Emotional/behavioural problems\tC. Amoebiasis\tD. Giardiasis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Emotional/behavioural problems" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented in the OPD with multiple permeating lesions involving all the bones of the body which of the following is the most probable diagnosis :\nOptions: \nA. Neuroblastoma\tB. Metastasis from osteosarcoma\tC. Histiocytosis X\tD. Metastasis from Wilm's tumour.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Histiocytosis X" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with suspected cardiac tamponade presents to the AIIMS emergency. You are asked to monitor BP of this patient. All the following precautions should be taken except:\nOptions: \nA. Patient should be asked to take deep breaths\tB. The cuff pressure should be increased to 20 mm over systolic pressure\tC. The cuff should be slowly deflated until the first Korotkoff sound is heard only during expiration\tD. Pulses paradoxus may not be present.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The cuff should be slowly deflated until the first Korotkoff sound is heard only during expiration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most important career of cholesterol in plasma is:\nOptions: \nA. VLDL\tB. LDL\tC. HDL\tD. Chylomicrons.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: LDL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An asymptomatic tooth has deep caries on occlusal surface. Radiograph shows radiopaque mass at apex of the tooth; this mass is most likely to be:\nOptions: \nA. Cementoma\tB. Condensing osteitis\tC. Chronic apical periodontitis\tD. Acute apical periodontitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Condensing osteitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best diagnostic investigation for acute appendicitis in children is:\nOptions: \nA. MRI\tB. CECT\tC. USG\tD. X-ray..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: USG" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about WILSON disease\nOptions: \nA. High copper in urine, high copper in serum\tB. High ceruloplasmin\tC. Low serum copper\tD. Low urinary copper.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Low serum copper" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true regarding iron supplementation in iron deficiency anemia?\nOptions: \nA. Administer a small diluted dose first prior to infusion to look for any allergy to iron preparation\tB. Oral iron therapy should be stopped once the patient achieves a hemoglobin of >12 mg/dL\tC. If gastric intolerance to oral iron therapy occurs, all patients should be administered parenteral forms\tD. Parenteral iron supplementation is required in a patient with Hb of less then 7 mg/dL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oral iron therapy should be stopped once the patient achieves a hemoglobin of >12 mg/dL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to piagets, the period of pre operational stage is:\nOptions: \nA. Birth to 18 months\tB. 12 years onwards.\tC. 2-6 years.\tD. 7-12 years..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 2-6 years." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not the diagnostic feature of Apert syndrome:\nOptions: \nA. Bicoronal craniosynostosis\tB. Midface hypoplasia\tC. Mandibular hypoplasia\tD. Complex syndactyly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mandibular hypoplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increase in muscle mass at adolescence is probably caused by \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Thyroid hormone\tB. Adrenal hormone\tC. Growth harmone\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Growth harmone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an obstructive cause of mouth breathing:\nOptions: \nA. Deviated nasal septum.\tB. Short lip.\tC. Narrow maxilla.\tD. Obstructive adenoids..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Short lip." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Epidemiological surveillance is defined as\nOptions: \nA. Active surveillance\tB. passive surveillance\tC. Sentinel surveillance\tD. Epidemiological surveillance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: passive surveillance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hydrocephalus is best detected antenately by:\nOptions: \nA. X-ray abdomen\tB. Amniocentesis\tC. Clinical examination\tD. Ultrasonography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ultrasonography." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the pulp of the single rooted canal is triangular in cross-section with the base of the triangle located facially and apex located lingually with the mesial arm longer than the distal, the tooth is most likely:\nOptions: \nA. Max. central incisor\tB. Max. lateral incisor\tC. Mand. second premolar\tD. Mand. central incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Max. central incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true for octreotide?\nOptions: \nA. Stimulates growth hormone secretion\tB. Used in secretory diarrhea\tC. Orally active\tD. Contraindicated in acromegaly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Used in secretory diarrhea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Slow wave potential originates in which pa of intestine:\nOptions: \nA. Interstitial cells of Cajal\tB. Parasympathetic neurons\tC. Smooth muscle cells\tD. Myentric plexus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Interstitial cells of Cajal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glanzmann disease is\nOptions: \nA. Congenital defect of platelets\tB. Congenital defect of RBC\tC. Defect of Neutrophils\tD. Clotting factor deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Congenital defect of platelets" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about use of articaine in a child except\nOptions: \nA. It's an amide which is metabolised in both plasma and liver\tB. Plasma half-life is 90 min\tC. Infiltration produces adequate anaesthesia in primary molar so need for block anesthesia is eliminated\tD. More breakdown cause less toxicity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Plasma half-life is 90 min" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following, long spaced collagen present?\nOptions: \nA. Diaphragm\tB. Cornea\tC. Basement membrane\tD. Tympanic membrane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cornea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the least likely complication of pregnancy-induced hypeension?\nOptions: \nA. Renal failure\tB. Pre-eclampsia\tC. HELLP syndrome\tD. Fetal macrosomia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fetal macrosomia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Good contacts in primary teeth with lack of spacing predicts?\nOptions: \nA. Normal occlusion in permanent teeth\tB. Crowding in permanent teeth\tC. Anterior cross bite\tD. Spaced permanent dentition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Crowding in permanent teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Determining level of fluoride in community water fluoridation programme depends on:\nOptions: \nA. Mean annual temperature of the place\tB. Economic factors\tC. Average weight of children of the area\tD. Altitude of area above sea level.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mean annual temperature of the place" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 35 years old male comes with complain of baldness. On examination, well-defined bald patches were seen with no scarring. Small broken hairs were seen in the surrounding area. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Androgenetic alopecia\tB. Alopecia areata\tC. Anagen effluvium\tD. Telogen Effluvium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Alopecia areata" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incomplete casting is the result of\nOptions: \nA. More porous investment in the mold\tB. Narrow sprue diameter\tC. Hollow sprue pin\tD. Large reservoir.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Narrow sprue diameter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The occlusal clearance of an onlay is best detected by:\nOptions: \nA. Depth cuts\tB. Visual inspection\tC. Wax chew-in\tD. Articulating paper.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Wax chew-in" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The probability of a test detecting a truly positive person from the population of diseased is the\nOptions: \nA. Specificity of the test\tB. Positive predictive value of the test\tC. Sensitivity of the test\tD. Likelihood ratio.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sensitivity of the test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chronic mercury toxicity results from:\nOptions: \nA. Inhalation while removing old amalgam\tB. Skin contact\tC. Mercury vapour\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Suitable\ttechnique\tused\tfor\tdiagnosis\tof\tposterior\ninterproximal caries in children\nOptions: \nA. Bite wing with Bisecting angle technique\tB. Bite wing with Paralleling technique\tC. Bite wing with RVG\tD. Panoramic Radiography.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bite wing with RVG" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dentin is composed of\nOptions: \nA. 70% inorganic\tB. 30% inorganic\tC. 50% inorganic\tD. 96% inorganic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 70% inorganic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The optimal time to employ an orthodontic appliance that takes advantage of growth is during:\nOptions: \nA. Late mixed dentition\tB. Early mixed dentition\tC. Late primary dentition\tD. Early permanent dentition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Late mixed dentition" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Guiding planes on abutment teeth provide:\nOptions: \nA. Predictable clasp retention\tB. Increased resistance towards horizontal movement\tC. Transmit forces along long axis of tooth\tD. Guides the key into the key way.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Predictable clasp retention" + }, + { + "input": "Question: One of the following is not an amino acid:\nOptions: \nA. Glycine\tB. Hydroxy proline\tC. Glutamic acid\tD. Choline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Choline." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Square knot is composed of:\nOptions: \nA. Two single loops thrown in opposite direction\tB. Two double loops thrown in opposite direction\tC. Two single loops thrown in same direction\tD. Two double loops thrown in Same direction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Two single loops thrown in opposite direction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Largest incisal embrasure seen in\nOptions: \nA. Between upper Lateral incisor and Canine\tB. Between lower Central incisor and Lateral incisor\tC. Between upper canine and premolar\tD. Between lower canine and premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Between upper Lateral incisor and Canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient's lab value of Na+ 137, K+4, Urea 54, Bicarbonate 15, Phosphate 3, Chloride 110, Calcium 10. Calculate the Anion gap?\nOptions: \nA. 12\tB. 16\tC. 10\tD. 8.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 12" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true regarding trigeminal nerve?\nOptions: \nA. Roots of trigeminal nerve are attached to Pons\tB. It has three main divisions\tC. Trigeminal nerve supplies the dura mater of middle cranial fossa\tD. The trigeminal ganglion contributes to the sensory root only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: The trigeminal ganglion contributes to the sensory root only." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following intravenous anesthetic agents is contraindicated in epileptic patients posted for general anaesthesia\nOptions: \nA. Ketamine\tB. Thiopentone\tC. Propofol\tD. Midazolam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ketamine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is most common developmental cyst\nOptions: \nA. Nasopalatine cyst\tB. Naso-alveolar cyst\tC. Globulomaxillary cyst\tD. Median palatal cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nasopalatine cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What does the red cell distribution width represents?\nOptions: \nA. Anisocytosis\tB. Poikilocytosis\tC. Level of hypochromia\tD. Anisochromia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anisocytosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sublingual salivary gland lies:\nOptions: \nA. Superior to mylohyoid\tB. Inferior to mylohyoid\tC. Deep to genioglossus\tD. Deep to geniohyoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Superior to mylohyoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are sequelae of fetal alcohol syndrome except:\nOptions: \nA. Macrocephaly\tB. Holoprosencephaly\tC. Microcephaly\tD. Thinning of corpus callosum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Macrocephaly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following nucleus has cardio inhibitory function?\nOptions: \nA. Nucleus Ambiguus\tB. Nucleus Tractus Solitarius\tC. Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla\tD. Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nucleus Ambiguus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is primarily located in\nOptions: \nA. Lamina propria\tB. Submucosa\tC. Muscularis\tD. Serosa.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lamina propria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is rare in children?\nOptions: \nA. Herpangina\tB. Dental cysts\tC. Cherubism\tD. Small pox.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dental cysts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with acute pulpitis, it is difficult for the patient to locate the pain. This is because?\nOptions: \nA. No nociceptors are present in the pulp\tB. Less proprioceptors are present in the pulp\tC. Patient cannot speak\tD. Patient is not cooperative.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Less proprioceptors are present in the pulp" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In an adult, the spinal cord ends at the level of:\nOptions: \nA. Lower border of L1\tB. L2\tC. L3\tD. L4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lower border of L1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the least important prognostic factor in congenital diaphragmatic hernia ?\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary Hypertension\tB. Delay in emergent surgery\tC. Size of defect\tD. Gestational age at diagnosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Delay in emergent surgery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Currently used step back technique is modified, it was given by:\nOptions: \nA. Clam\tB. Wein\tC. Schilder\tD. Mullaney.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mullaney." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does not or permissive euchromatin due to changes occurring at cytosine residues at CpG islands in DNA?\nOptions: \nA. Methylation\tB. Alkylation\tC. Phosphorylation\tD. Sumoylation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Methylation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following to reduce for occlusal equilibration:\nOptions: \nA. Upper buccal\tB. Lower buccal\tC. Upper lingual\tD. Both AB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Upper buccal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Upper 1st premolar resembles upper 2nd premolar from which aspect\nOptions: \nA. Buccal\tB. Occlusal\tC. Lingual\tD. Proximal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lingual" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Embrasure characterized by a slight to moderate recession of interdental papilla are:\nOptions: \nA. Type I\tB. Type II\tC. Type III\tD. Type IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Type II" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Ricketts esthetic plane, lower lip rests:\nOptions: \nA. 1 mm anterior to plane\tB. On the plane\tC. 2 mm posterior to plane\tD. 1 mm posterior to plane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 2 mm posterior to plane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following may result if an excessive amount of monomer is incorporated into an acrylic resin mixture?\nOptions: \nA. Excessive expansion\tB. Low impact strength\tC. Excessive shrinkage\tD. Excessive brittleness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Excessive shrinkage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To prevent porosity in dental porcelain it should be\nbaked:\nOptions: \nA. In presence of air\tB. In vacuum\tC. For long period\tD. Under pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: In vacuum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of simple endometrial hyperplasia with atypia in 45 yr female:\nOptions: \nA. Hysterectomy\tB. Progestin\tC. Mirena\tD. Postmenopausal women.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hysterectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs is used for the treatment of refractory histiocytosis :\nOptions: \nA. High dose methotrexate\tB. High dose cytarabine\tC. Cladribine\tD. Fludrabine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cladribine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The highest (longest) and sharpest cusp on the deciduous mandibular first molar is:\nOptions: \nA. Mesiolingual\tB. Distolingual\tC. Mesiobuccal\tD. Distobuccal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesiolingual" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcification of roots of deciduous teeth is completed by:\nOptions: \nA. 2 years\tB. 4 years\tC. 6 years\tD. 8 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 4 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To evaluate post-operative vision effects after cataract extraction surgery under PCB, which of the following is used?\nOptions: \nA. Active surveillance\tB. Sentinel surveillance\tC. Passive surveillance\tD. Routine checkup of all operated cases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Routine checkup of all operated cases." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An adult came to casualty with complaints of rapid hea rate. On examination everything else was normal except for episodic tachycardia and occasional extra-systole and amblyopia. Which of the following is the cause of it?\nOptions: \nA. Nicotine\tB. Cannabis\tC. Atropine\tD. Cocaine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nicotine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which one of the following mixed dentition analysis of deciduous dentition, there is no use of radiographs?\nOptions: \nA. Carey's analysis\tB. Moyer's analysis\tC. Nance Carey's analysis\tD. Pont's index.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Moyer's analysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During exercise:\nOptions: \nA. Cerebral bood flow increases if there is increase in systolic blood pressure\tB. Body temperature increases\tC. Blood flow to muscle increases after 1\u00bd minute\tD. Lymphatic flow from muscle decreases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Body temperature increases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An intubated patient with eye opening to pain with abnormal flexion. What is the GCS score?\nOptions: \nA. E2VNTM3\tB. E2VTM3\tC. E2V1M3\tD. E2VTM4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: E2VNTM3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a male after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the specimen is sent for histopathology which shows carcinoma gallbladder stage T1a. What is the most appropriate management in this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Conservative and follow up.\tB. Extended cholecystectomy\tC. Simple cholecystectomy\tD. Radiotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Simple cholecystectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mechanism of action of chlortetracycline:\nOptions: \nA. Interfere with metabolism\tB. Inhibition of protein synthesis\tC. Inhibition of cell wall formation\tD. Interfere with DNA function.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inhibition of protein synthesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A glass factory worker presented with complaints of numbness in hands and feet, generalized weakness and constipation. Radiograph showed linear lines on metaphyses of knee and wrist joints. How will you diagnose this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Serum mercury levels\tB. Vitamin D levels\tC. RBCcholinesterase levels\tD. Amino levulinic acid levels in urine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Amino levulinic acid levels in urine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In symphyseal fracture with lag screw fixation?\nOptions: \nA. Load bearing\tB. Load sharing\tC. Adaptation osteosynthesis\tD. Compression osteosynthesis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Load sharing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The highest critical surface tension is for which of the orthodontic brackets?\nOptions: \nA. Stainless steel\tB. Polycarbonate\tC. Ceramic alumina\tD. Titanium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Stainless steel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Non-visualization of gallbladder in hepatic scintigraphy is suggestive of:\nOptions: \nA. Chronic cholecystitis\tB. Carcinoma gallbladder\tC. Acute cholecystitis due to gallstones\tD. Gallstones obstructing CBD.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Acute cholecystitis due to gallstones" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bismuth Oxide incorporated in MTA results in grey discolouration of crown. In newer material this Bismuth Oxide is replaced with?\nOptions: \nA. Terbium-Dysisopropium\tB. Tantalam Oxide\tC. Bismuth Carbonate\tD. Titanium Oxide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tantalam Oxide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about CRISPR cas 9 Except\nOptions: \nA. gRNA ensures that the Cas9 enzyme cuts at the right point in the genome\tB. NHEJ repair & HDR pathway\tC. C9 enzyme is used in CRISPR gene editing\tD. All of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of these." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Centrineuraxial (spinaland epidural) anaesthesia is not contraindicated in\nOptions: \nA. Platelets <80,000\tB. Patient on aspirin\tC. Patient on oral anticoagulants\tD. Raised intracranial pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Patient on aspirin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Prinzmetal\u2019s angina\nOptions: \nA. Generally Right Coronary Artery presents as inferior wall MI\tB. Coronary artery spasm most commonly occurs distal to atherosclerotic area.\tC. No changes in ECG, Q wave become normal after few hours.\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Foramen magnum transmits all except:\nOptions: \nA. Vertebral artery\tB. Spinal branch of 10th nerve\tC. Spinal cord\tD. Both option 2 and 3.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both option 2 and 3." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most appropriate method of isolation during tooth preparation in vital tooth:\nOptions: \nA. Cotton rolls\tB. Salivary ejector\tC. Isolation with rubber dam\tD. Svedopter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Isolation with rubber dam" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Of all the pulpal sensibility test, which is best in a patient who is restored with Porcelain fused to metal crown?\nOptions: \nA. Cold test\tB. Heat test\tC. EPT\tD. Pulse oximetery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cold test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Teeth selected for scoring of PHP-M (Personal Hygiene Performance Modified) are:\nOptions: \nA. Six\tB. Twelve\tC. Eighteen\tD. Twenty four.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Six" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage is all except:\nOptions: \nA. Oxytocin\tB. Syntometrine\tC. Oestrogen\tD. Prostaglandins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Oestrogen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fibers reaching directly to Purkinje cell of cerebellum arise from which of the following:\nOptions: \nA. Vestibular nucleus\tB. Inferior olivary nucleus\tC. Raphe nucleus\tD. Locus ceruleus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inferior olivary nucleus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by all except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Microcephaly\tB. Low intelligence\tC. Large proportionate body\tD. Septal defects of heart.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Large proportionate body" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A layman before introduction of fluoride in prevention of dental caries knew about it as a constituent used in\nOptions: \nA. Pesticide\tB. Industrial use\tC. Fertilizers\tD. Irrigant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pesticide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presents with abdominal colic and hematuria on ultrasonography a stone 2.5 cm in diameter is seen in the renal pelvis. The next step in management of this case is :\nOptions: \nA. Pyelolithotomy\tB. Nephroureterostomy\tC. Conservative\tD. ESWL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ESWL." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used in polymerase chain reaction?\nOptions: \nA. DNA Polymerase\tB. Taq polymerase\tC. Dideoxyribonucleotides\tD. DNA template.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dideoxyribonucleotides" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Imaginary line joining MB1, Distal and Palatal orifices in maxillary 1st molar forms\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary triangle\tB. Molar Triangle\tC. Molar quadrilateral\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Molar Triangle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the approved dose of misoprostol in emergent management of postpaum hemorrhage?\nOptions: \nA. 200 mcg\tB. 400 mcg\tC. 600 mcg\tD. 1000 mcg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 600 mcg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transmission assessment survey (TAS) is done in the following?\nOptions: \nA. To determine when infections have been reduced below these target thresholds\tB. For assessing primary immunization coverage\tC. To provide reliable estimates of bih rate, death rate and infant moality rate\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To determine when infections have been reduced below these target thresholds" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia type II is due to deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. LDL receptor\tB. Apoprotein B-100\tC. Apoprotein C\tD. Lipoprotein lipase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Apoprotein B-100" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Binding of Eukaryotic mRNA to Ribosomes is facilitated by\nOptions: \nA. Capping\tB. Poly-A tail\tC. tRNA\tD. Shine-Dalgarno sequence.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Capping" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5-year-old child from a rural area presented to the OPD with pustular lesions on the lower legs. The cuture from the lesion showed hemolytic colonies on the blood agar which were Gram-positive cocci. Which of the following reactions would help to provisionally confirm the diagnosis of group A streptococcal pyoderma?\nOptions: \nA. Optochin sensitivity\tB. Bacitracin sensitivity\tC. Catalase positivity\tD. Bile solubility.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bacitracin sensitivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following amino acids does not include post-translational modification?\nOptions: \nA. Selenocysteine\tB. Triiodothyronine\tC. Hydroxyproline\tD. Hydroxylysine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Selenocysteine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Centre of activity of autonomic nervous system is:\nOptions: \nA. Midbrain\tB. Cerebrum\tC. Hypothalamus\tD. Pons.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hypothalamus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells found in pulp are:\nOptions: \nA. Multipotent\tB. Totipotent\tC. Polypotent\tD. Monopotent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Multipotent" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In postductal coarctation of the aorta, blood flow to the lower limb is maintained through which of the following arteries \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Umblical artery and subcostal arteries\tB. Thoracic and pericardiophrenic arteries\tC. Intercostal arteries and superior epigastric artery\tD. Ant and post circumflex arteries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Intercostal arteries and superior epigastric artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Absence of which of the following milestone in 3 yr old chitd is called delayed development?\nOptions: \nA. Hopping on one leg\tB. Drawing a square\tC. Feeding by spoon\tD. Passing a ball to someone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Feeding by spoon" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of diabetes and hypeension comes to your clinic. As a doctor, you explain to him the risks of various complications. Which of these is the best tool to demonstrate the complications?\nOptions: \nA. Pie cha\tB. Histogram\tC. Scatter plot\tD. Venn diagram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Venn diagram." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Distal palatal termination of the maxillary complete denture base is dictated by the:\nOptions: \nA. Vibrating line\tB. Fovea palatine\tC. Tuberosity\tD. Maxillary torus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Vibrating line" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hormones increases the sensitivity of heart to epinephrine:\nOptions: \nA. Parathyroid\tB. Insulin\tC. Thyroid\tD. Glucagon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thyroid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Heroin, an addict drug contains\nOptions: \nA. ASA\tB. Acetyl morphine\tC. Pentazocine\tD. Propoxyphene.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Acetyl morphine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hepcidin inhibits which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Hepheastin\tB. DMT-1\tC. Cerruloplasmin\tD. Ferropoin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ferropoin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The weakest part of the pharynx is\nOptions: \nA. Sinus of morgagni\tB. Between thyropharyngeal and cricopharyngeal sphincter\tC. Piriform fossa\tD. Pharyngeal recess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Between thyropharyngeal and cricopharyngeal sphincter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The KRI paste is composed of:\nOptions: \nA. Iodoform, camphor, parachlorophenol and menthol\tB. Iodoform and ZOE\tC. Parachlorophenol, camphor and menthol\tD. Calcium hydroxide and iodoform.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Iodoform, camphor, parachlorophenol and menthol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Curve of occlusion touching the buccal and lingual surfaces of mandibular buccal cuspal teeth is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Curve of Wilson\tB. Curve of Spee\tC. Curve of Monsoon\tD. Catenary curve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Curve of Wilson" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are good progonostic factor for ALL except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Age of onset between 2-8 years\tB. Initial WBC count less than 50000\tC. Hyperdiploidy\tD. t (9 : 22), t (8 : 14), t (4 : 11).\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: t (9 : 22), t (8 : 14), t (4 : 11)." + }, + { + "input": "Question: After I.V. administration of which of the following anesthetic agent, there is rapid recovery and less headedness?\nOptions: \nA. Propofol\tB. Diazepam\tC. Droperidol\tD. Midazolam.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Propofol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is associated with HIV infection\nOptions: \nA. Hairy leukoplakia\tB. Erythroplakia\tC. Oral Lichen planus\tD. Bullous pemphigoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hairy leukoplakia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In aerial blood gas analysis of a patient with pCO2- 30, p02-115 and pH-7.45, patient has compensated:\nOptions: \nA. Respiratory alkalosis\tB. Metabolic alkalosis\tC. Respiratory acidosis\tD. Metabolic acidosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Respiratory alkalosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acetyl Co-A acts as a substrate for all the enzymes except:\nOptions: \nA. HMG-CoA synthase\tB. Malic enzyme\tC. Malonyl CoA synthetase\tD. Fatty acid synthetase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Malic enzyme" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Flow of a material refers to:\nOptions: \nA. Continued change of the material under a given load\tB. The consistency of a material when mixing\tC. The homogeneity of gypsum products\tD. Dimensional change of the material during settings.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Continued change of the material under a given load" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During which stage of tooth formation the size of the tooth is determined?\nOptions: \nA. Apposition\tB. Histodifferentiation\tC. Morpho differentiation\tD. Calcification.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Morpho differentiation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following, viral load done by Real Time PCR is of no role in investigative procedures?\nOptions: \nA. Person with hepatitis B on Tenofovir therapy\tB. HSV causing temporal encephalitis\tC. BK virus in patient of allograft renal transplant\tD. CMV PCR in blood of patient of liver transplant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: HSV causing temporal encephalitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Adeno ameloblastoma treatment\nOptions: \nA. Enbloc resection of maxilla\tB. Marsupialization\tC. Enucleation\tD. No treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Enucleation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 30 year old female is on antibiotics with prolonged IV cannulation, has spike of fever, the likely cause is :\nOptions: \nA. Pseudomonas aerugenosa\tB. Coagulase negative staphylococcus\tC. Streptococcus agalactiae\tD. E. coli.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Coagulase negative staphylococcus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is a gypsum product?\nOptions: \nA. Stone\tB. Plaster\tC. Investment\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cements are not be used to cement acrylic temporary crown:\nOptions: \nA. Zinc oxide eugenol\tB. Zinc phosphate\tC. Glass ionomer\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Glass ionomer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In hemorrhagic shock, hypotension occurs when blood loss is more than:\nOptions: \nA. 10% - 15%\tB. 15% - 30%\tC. 30% - 40%\tD. More than 40%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: More than 40%." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best test that shows the integrity of intrinsic pathway of clotting mechanism\nOptions: \nA. bleeding time\tB. aPTT\tC. prothrombin time\tD. clotting time.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: aPTT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Alginate impression material is similar to agar-agar impression material in the following respect:\nOptions: \nA. Gelation increases in both on increase in temperature\tB. Mixing time is increased to reduce the setting time\tC. Deformation during removal of impression occurs due to distortion of gel. fibers\tD. Both can be re-used for fresh impressions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Deformation during removal of impression occurs due to distortion of gel. fibers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Spaces in deciduous dentition\nOptions: \nA. Physiological\tB. pathological\tC. Incisal liability\tD. none of above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Physiological" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pigmentation of nail is caused by all of these drugs except:\nOptions: \nA. Cyclophosphamide\tB. Chlorpromazine\tC. Chloroquine\tD. Amiodarone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Amiodarone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Immediate treatment of CSF Rhinorrhoea requires-\nOptions: \nA. Antibiotics and observation\tB. Plugging with paraffin guage\tC. Blowing of nose\tD. Craniotomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Antibiotics and observation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Interdental papilla protruding from the rubber dam, most common cause is\nOptions: \nA. Inflammation of interdental papillae\tB. Use of light weight rubber dam\tC. Punch are placed too far\tD. Punch are placed too close.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Punch are placed too close." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Paograph represents various stages of labor with respect to time. True about paograph is all except:\nOptions: \nA. Each small square represents one hour\tB. Ale and action lines are separated by a difference of 4 hours\tC. Paograph recording should be staed at a cervical dilation of 4 cm\tD. Send the patient to first referral unit if the labor progression line crosses the ale line.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Paograph recording should be staed at a cervical dilation of 4 cm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with Suspected Poisoning with meiosis, Increased Bronchial Secretions & salivation from Angle of mouth. What type of Antidote is to be Given.\nOptions: \nA. Atropine\tB. EDTA\tC. Neostigmine\tD. Belladonna.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Atropine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cells with greatest affinity to bisphosphonates are:\nOptions: \nA. Osteoprogenitor cells\tB. Osteoblasts\tC. Osteoclasts\tD. Osteocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Osteoclasts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Guiding cusps occlude in:\nOptions: \nA. Buccal groove.\tB. Lingual groove.\tC. Embrassures.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The radiographic view of choice for demonstrating a nasal fracture is:\nOptions: \nA. Reverse towne's\tB. PA view\tC. True lateral\tD. OPG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: True lateral" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An oral hypoglycemic agent is:\nOptions: \nA. Warfarin\tB. Insulin\tC. Glibeneclamide\tD. Gluengon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Glibeneclamide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Genes involved in X-Linked SCID-\nOptions: \nA. EGFR\tB. CD23\tC. IL6\tD. IL2RG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: IL2RG." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dentin conditioner has the following function.\nOptions: \nA. Removes smear layer\tB. Increases surface energy of dentin\tC. Forms a thin resin layer over exposed collagen fibrils\tD. Helps in bonding with composite.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Removes smear layer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient underwent extraction of 3rd molar experiences pain in socket on 3rd day; socket is tender with no fever and swelling: what treatment should be done\nOptions: \nA. Irrigation of socket with sedative placement and analgesic\tB. Curettage of socket and induces bleeding\tC. Left untreated and observe for few days\tD. Start antibiotics followed by curettage of socket.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Irrigation of socket with sedative placement and analgesic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of wider osteotomy planned happen which should not be done\nOptions: \nA. Press buccal and lingual plate\tB. Wider implant\tC. Bone graft plus implant\tD. Deep osteotomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Wider implant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which among the following is not a risk factor for contrast-induced nephropathy?\nOptions: \nA. Diabetic nephropathy\tB. High osmolar agent\tC. Obesity\tD. Dehydration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Obesity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is not true about incidence?\nOptions: \nA. Incidence decreases when a programme is effective\tB. Vaccination strategies decrease the incidence of a disease\tC. Newer and effective treatment modalities decrease the incidence\tD. Incidence implies number of new cases detected over a fixed time.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Newer and effective treatment modalities decrease the incidence" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A hypeensive patient was on metoprolol treatment. Verapamil was added to the therapy of this patient. This can result in\nOptions: \nA. Atrial fibrillation\tB. Bradycardia with AV block\tC. Torsades de pointes\tD. Tachycardia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bradycardia with AV block" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cannula infuse maximum fluids in dehydration and diarrhea is\nOptions: \nA. Grey\tB. Green\tC. Pink\tD. Blue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Grey" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Example of synarthroses is / are:\nOptions: \nA. Suture\tB. Syndesmosis.\tC. Gomphosis.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following antibiotics is most frequently associated with pseudomembranous colitis?\nOptions: \nA. Ampicillin\tB. Penicillin\tC. Clindamycin\tD. Cephalosporin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Clindamycin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to American association of Endodontics, which of following terminology is not mentioned in the glossary of terms:\nOptions: \nA. Chronic apical periodontitis\tB. Acute apical abscess\tC. Chronic apical abscess\tD. Symptomatic apical periodontitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chronic apical periodontitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Finishing and Polishing of Amalgam make the restoration:\nOptions: \nA. Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance\tB. Increase the marginal strength\tC. Decrease the tarnish and corrosion resistance\tD. Increased compressive strength.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2 year old boy has vitamin D refractory rickets. Investigations show serum calcium 9 mg/dl. Phosphate 2.4 mg dl, alkaline phosphate 1040 parathyroid hormone and bicarbonate levels are normal. The most probable diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Distal renal tubular acidosis\tB. Hypophosphatemic rickets.\tC. Vitamin D dependent rickets\tD. Proximal renal tubular acidosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypophosphatemic rickets." + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO, anemia in pregnancy is diagnosed, when hemoglobin is less than:\nOptions: \nA. 10.0 gm%\tB. 11.0 gm%\tC. 12.0 gm%\tD. 9.0 gm%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 11.0 gm%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Premature baby of 34 weeks was delivered. Baby had bullous lesion on the body. X ray shows periosistis what is the next investigation:\nOptions: \nA. VDRL for mother and baby\tB. ELISA for HIV\tC. PCR for T.B.\tD. Hepatitis surface antigen for mother.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: VDRL for mother and baby" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The trivalent influenza vaccine contains all of the following strains except:\nOptions: \nA. H IN I\tB. H3N2\tC. H2N 1\tD. Influenza B.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: H2N 1" + }, + { + "input": "Question: VLDL is synthesised in\nOptions: \nA. GIT\tB. Liver\tC. Liver and GIT\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Liver" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cephalosporins have all of the following interactions & uses, except:\nOptions: \nA. Show cross sensitivity with penicillins\tB. Are penicillinase resistant\tC. Have a broad spectrum but are inactive against anaerobes\tD. Are used in upper respiratory tract infections.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Are penicillinase resistant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Magnesium deficiency has been reported as an etiological cause for:\nOptions: \nA. Bruxism.\tB. Nail biting.\tC. Thumb sucking.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bruxism." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In determining the posterior Limit of a maxillary denture base, which of the following is on the posterior border?\nOptions: \nA. Hamular notch\tB. Hamular process\tC. Fovea palatine\tD. Vibrating Line.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hamular notch" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5 year old child is rushed to casualty reportedly electrocuted while playing in a park. The child is apneic and is ventilated with bag and a mask. Which of the following will be the next step in the management \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Check pulses\tB. Start chest compressions\tC. Intubate\tD. Check oxygen saturation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Check pulses" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is maximum in HDL as compared to other lipoproteins?\nOptions: \nA. Cholesterol\tB. Apoproteins\tC. Triglycerides\tD. Fatty acids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Apoproteins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Asseion - Distal pole of scaphoid goes to avascular necrosis after scaphoid fracture.Reason- Blood supply of scaphoid is from distal to proximal.\nOptions: \nA. Asseion is true but reason is false\tB. Both asseion reason are true and reason explains asseion\tC. Both asseion and reason are false\tD. Reason is true but asseion is false.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Reason is true but asseion is false." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 30 year old male presented with severe dyspnea. His investigations showed mitral stenosis with left atrial enlargement. The histopathology repo from his mitral valve is shown below. What is the likely diagnosis of these patients?\nOptions: \nA. Sarcoidosis\tB. Fungal granuloma\tC. Tuberculosis\tD. Rheumatic hea disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Rheumatic hea disease." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the management of anaphylaxis, which action of adrenaline is not observed?\nOptions: \nA. Bronchodilation by beta-receptors\tB. Cardiovascular effects of beta-receptors\tC. Action on blood vessels by alpha-receptors\tD. Action on presynaptic alpha-receptors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Action on presynaptic alpha-receptors." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Normally Maxillary first molar has\nOptions: \nA. 3 roots and 3 canals\tB. 3 roots and 4 canals\tC. 2 roots and 3 canals\tD. 2 roots and 4 canals.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 3 roots and 3 canals" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mark true or false among the following:Content 's of Carotid Sheath areA. Internal jugular veini) trueii) falseB. Cervical sympathetic trunki) trueii) falseC. Vagus nervei) trueii) falseD. Internal carotid aeryi) trueii) falseE. Deep cervical lymph nodesi) trueii) false\nOptions: \nA. A. ii) B. ii) C. i) D. i) E. i)\tB. A. i) B. ii) C. ii) D. i) E. i)\tC. A. i) B. ii) C. i) D. i) E. ii)\tD. A. i) B. ii) C. i) D. i) E. i).\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: A. i) B. ii) C. i) D. i) E. i)." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Normal Curvature seen in Lumbar\nOptions: \nA. Lordosis\tB. Kyphosis\tC. Scoliosis\tD. Recurvatum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lordosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In class III composite preparation, retention points should be placed:\nOptions: \nA. In the axial wall\tB. Entirely in dentine\tC. At the dentinoenamel junction\tD. At the expense of facial and lingual wall.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Entirely in dentine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rotation speed of profile instruments\nOptions: \nA. 50-100 RPM\tB. 100-3000 RPM\tC. 300-500 RPM\tD. 150-300 RPM.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 150-300 RPM." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In biopsy true about formalin as fixative is all except\nOptions: \nA. To prevent autolysis\tB. To make tissue rigid\tC. To kill micro organisms\tD. 2% forrnaline is used.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 2% forrnaline is used." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50 years old patient presented with progressive jaundice. Liver function test was done in which conju!gated serum bilirubin-4.8% and total bilirubin-6.7%, alkaline phosphatase- 550 IU, SGOT-50, SGPT-65. Most probable diagnosis is;\nOptions: \nA. Jaundice due to choledocholithiasis\tB. Dubin-Johnson syndrome\tC. Viral hepatitis\tD. Malignant obstructive jaundice.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Jaundice due to choledocholithiasis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Continuous GnRH therapy is used in All EXCEPT.\nOptions: \nA. Precocious pubey\tB. Prostate cancer\tC. Male infeility\tD. Endometriosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Male infeility" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are manifestation of dengue virus infection in eye except?\nOptions: \nA. Cataract\tB. Maculopathy\tC. Vitreous hemorrhage\tD. Optic neuritis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cataract" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Supporting cusps occlude in:\nOptions: \nA. Central fossa\tB. Marginal ridges.\tC. Embrassures.\tD. Both AB.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both AB." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the most common site for congenital cholesteatoma\nOptions: \nA. Anterior superior quadrant of tympanic membrane\tB. Posterior superior quadrant of tympanic membrane\tC. Anterior inferior quadrant of tympanic membrane.\tD. posterior inferior quadrant of tympanic membrane.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior superior quadrant of tympanic membrane" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Iodine is primarily important in the biochemical synthesis of:\nOptions: \nA. ACTH\tB. Thyroxine\tC. Adrenaline\tD. Calcitonin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Thyroxine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Steroids:\nOptions: \nA. Steroids reduce the rate of repair of tissues thus delays the healing\tB. Exacerbate the inflammatory response\tC. Can be safely given to immunocompromised patients\tD. Indicated in oral thrush.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Steroids reduce the rate of repair of tissues thus delays the healing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following DOESN'T supply dura mater\nOptions: \nA. Middle meningeal aery\tB. Meningeal branch of internal carotid aery in posterior cranial fossa\tC. Anterior and posterior ethmoidal aeries\tD. Accessory meningeal aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Meningeal branch of internal carotid aery in posterior cranial fossa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young girl with the diagnosis of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML) was treated medically. On day 3 of treatment, she developed tachypnea and fever. Chest X-ray shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Which of the follow ing drug should be given next?\nOptions: \nA. Dexamethasone\tB. Cytarabine\tC. Dacarbazine\tD. Doxorubicin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Doxorubicin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fear of closed space, open space, and crowded space is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Acrophobia\tB. Agoraphobia\tC. Claustrophobia\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Claustrophobia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum chances of injury in a child patient occurs during:\nOptions: \nA. 8 months\tB. 10-12 months\tC. 12-15 months\tD. 16 months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 12-15 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gjessing canine is made up of\nOptions: \nA. 0.18 x 0.25 stainless steel rectangular wire\tB. 0.16 x 0.22 stainless steel rectangular wire\tC. 0.17 x 0.25 TMA wire\tD. 0.15 x 0.22 TMA wire.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 0.16 x 0.22 stainless steel rectangular wire" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The maximum shrinkage during firing process in ceramic occurs in:\nOptions: \nA. High Bisque stage\tB. Low Bisque stage\tC. Medium Bisque stage\tD. Fusion stage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Medium Bisque stage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Least amount of mercury is required in\nOptions: \nA. Admixed alloy\tB. Spherical\tC. Hybrid\tD. Lathe cut alloy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Spherical" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In human the Hb is :\nOptions: \nA. HbH\tB. HbA\tC. HbM\tD. HbS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: HbA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Segmentation of blood in blood vessel after death is known as:\nOptions: \nA. Kevorkian sign\tB. Rokitansky sign\tC. Kennedy phenomenon\tD. Tache noir.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Kevorkian sign" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If Patient is identified with Hepatitis B positive, after treatment what should be done with instrument\nOptions: \nA. Clean with water for 2 min\tB. Instruments should be burnt in flame\tC. Instruments should be washed and sent for autoclave\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Instruments should be washed and sent for autoclave" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not done for antenatal diagnosis of Down's syndrome:\nOptions: \nA. Amniotic fluid volume estimation\tB. Alpha-fetoprotein estimation\tC. Cordocentesis\tD. Chorionic villous biopsy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Amniotic fluid volume estimation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of radiation effect results in radiation induced thyroid cancer?\nOptions: \nA. Somatic\tB. Genetic\tC. Teratogenic\tD. Autosomal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Somatic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 5 years old child brought to the hospital with history of loose stools but no history of fever or blood in stools. Mother says he is irritable and drinks water hastily when given. On examination eyes are sunken and in skin pinch test, the skin retracted within two seconds but not immediately. What is the treatment for this child?\nOptions: \nA. Administer the first dose of IV antibiotic and immediately refer to hither center\tB. Give oral fluids and ask the mother to continue the same and visit again next day\tC. Consider severe dehydration, sta IV fluids, IV antibiotics and refer to higher center\tD. Give Zinc supplementation and oral rehydration solution only and ask mother to come back if some danger signs develop.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Give Zinc supplementation and oral rehydration solution only and ask mother to come back if some danger signs develop." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Basophils are activated by\nOptions: \nA. IL - 5\tB. Neutrophils\tC. Killer inhibitory peptide\tD. Cell fixed Ig E.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cell fixed Ig E." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Custom tray is better than stock tray for impression of crown due to following reasons except:\nOptions: \nA. Custom tray is easy to adapt\tB. Stock tray may not record full flange\tC. Custom tray is cheaper\tD. Stock tray can distort easily.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Custom tray is cheaper" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Palpable purpura is seen in all. except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. H.S. Purpura\tB. Mixed cryoglobulinemia\tC. Giant cell arteritis\tD. Drug induced vasculitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Giant cell arteritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In class II malocclusion, ANB angle is\nOptions: \nA. Greater than normal\tB. Less than normal\tC. Not altered\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Greater than normal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Blood brain barrier is absent in all of the following areas except\nOptions: \nA. Subfornical region\tB. Habenuclear trigone\tC. Area posterma\tD. Neurohypophysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Habenuclear trigone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a major maxillary metal partial denture frame work:\nOptions: \nA. Lingual U plate\tB. Palatal strap\tC. Palatal plate\tD. Single palatal plate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lingual U plate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fracture passing through mental foramen in mandible with less than 10 mm of bone can be best managed by\nOptions: \nA. Reconstruction plate\tB. MMF\tC. Lag screws\tD. 3-D plate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Reconstruction plate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To establish the diagnosis of H-type trachea-esophageal fistula, which if the following is required?\nOptions: \nA. Chest X-ray\tB. Tracheo-bronchoscopy\tC. CT scan\tD. Esophagoscopy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tracheo-bronchoscopy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is normally seen in lumbar spine:-\nOptions: \nA. Scoliosis\tB. Lordosis\tC. Kyphosis\tD. Recurvatum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lordosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause for nose bleeding is-\nOptions: \nA. Trauma to little's area\tB. A.V. aneurysm\tC. Postero superior part of nasal septum\tD. Hiatus - semilunaris.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trauma to little's area" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hyperkalemia management includes all except:\nOptions: \nA. Calcium gluconate\tB. Insulin drip\tC. Salbutamol nebulisation\tD. MgSO4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: MgSO4." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following antihypertensives is not safe in pregnancy:\nOptions: \nA. Clonidine\tB. ACE inhibitors / Enalapril\tC. \u03b1 \u2212 Methyldopa\tD. Amlodipine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: ACE inhibitors / Enalapril" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In an inferior alveolar nerve block given to a child, the\nposition of the needle as compared to that in an adult is more\nOptions: \nA. Superior\tB. Inferior\tC. Buccal\tD. Lingual.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Inferior" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following heart diseases is materanl mortality during pregnancy found to be the highest:\nOptions: \nA. Coarctation of aorta\tB. Eisenmenger syndrome\tC. AS\tD. MS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Eisenmenger syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An adolescent school girl complaints of dropping objects from hands, it gets precipitated during morning and during exams. There is no history of loss of consciousness and her cousin sister has been diagnosed with epilepsy. EEG was done and was suggestive of epileptic spikes. What is the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy\tB. Atypical absence\tC. Choreo - athetoid epilepsy\tD. Centrotemporal spikes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not a monomeric intermediate filament:\nOptions: \nA. Vimentin\tB. Keratin\tC. Tubulin\tD. Desmin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tubulin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 46.\tA 9 year old child has increased Horizontal anterior bone loss, less cementum and on test shows excretion of phosphoethanolamine in the urine. The child is suffering from.\nOptions: \nA. Hypophosphatasia\tB. Vit. D resistant Rickets\tC. Juvenile periodontitis\tD. Osteomalacia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hypophosphatasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sodium nitroprusside is metabolized to form an active metabolite. This active metabolized to form an active metabolite. This active metabolite of sodium nitroprusside act activation of:\nOptions: \nA. Phospholipase A\tB. Phospholipase C\tC. Guanylate cyclase\tD. Protein Kinase C.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Guanylate cyclase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most useful parameter according to WHO in assessing adequacy of sperms for feilization?\nOptions: \nA. Spermatocyte count\tB. Spermatocyte motility\tC. Semen volume\tD. Spermatocyte morphology.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Spermatocyte morphology." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3 year old child has a fever of 102 degrees F; and\nfollowing upper respiratory tract infection discrete vesicles and ulcers on the soft plate and pharynx are noted. The most probable diagnosis is\nOptions: \nA. Herpangina\tB. Scarlet fever\tC. RubeLlla\tD. Herpetic gingivostomatitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Herpangina" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acrocephaly is also known as:\nOptions: \nA. Oxycephaly.\tB. Turticephaly.\tC. Dome shaped skull.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The reverse bevel incision is made to:\nOptions: \nA. Allow atraumatic reflection of the gingival margin.\tB. Remove the infected tissue in the sulcus.\tC. Provide access to the alveolar crest.\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Remove the infected tissue in the sulcus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzymes, which play an important role in calcification, are:\nOptions: \nA. Enolase and Calcitonin\tB. Alkaline phosphatase and catalase\tC. Alkaline phosphatase and pyrophosphatase\tD. Pyrophosphatase and carbonic anhydrase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Alkaline phosphatase and pyrophosphatase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What does forward scatter in flow cytometry used to assess?\nOptions: \nA. Cell death\tB. Cell size\tC. Cell granules\tD. Cell fluorescence.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cell size" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which inflammatory mediator involve in intracellular killing of microbes?\nOptions: \nA. Catalase\tB. Oxidase\tC. Lysozyme\tD. IL6.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lysozyme" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most effective, scientifically proven and cost efficient caries prevention program in children is:\nOptions: \nA. Enameloplasty\tB. Oral health education\tC. Pit and fissure sealants\tD. ART.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pit and fissure sealants" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 24 years old college student while playing hockey injured his right knee. This patient presents after 3 months with instability of knee joint in it full extension without instability at 90 degree of flexion. The structure most commonly damaged is:\nOptions: \nA. Posterolatilal pa of anterior cruciate ligament\tB. Anteromedial pa of anterior cruciate ligament\tC. Posterior cruciate ligament\tD. Anterior hom of medial meniscus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Posterolatilal pa of anterior cruciate ligament" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Drug of choice for scrub typhus is:\nOptions: \nA. Azithromycin\tB. Ciprofloxacin\tC. Doxycycline\tD. Chloramphenicol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Doxycycline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: VLDL is concerned with:\nOptions: \nA. Delivery of endogenous FA to extrahepatic tissue\tB. Delivery of exogenous FA to extrahepatic tissue\tC. Delivery of cholesterol to extrahepatic tissue\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Delivery of endogenous FA to extrahepatic tissue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Malignant pustule is referred to:\nOptions: \nA. Facio-cervical actinomycosis\tB. Cutaneous anthrax\tC. Infected squamous cell carcinoma\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cutaneous anthrax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 56yr old underwent transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for pituitary tumour. Now he has low ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH. Which of the hormone will not be given to the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Glucocoicoids\tB. Mineralocoicoids\tC. Levothyroxine\tD. Estradiol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mineralocoicoids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cobalt-Chromium alloys contains:\nOptions: \nA. 30% cobalt and 60% chromium\tB. 60% cobalt and 30% chromium\tC. 1% palladium\tD. 20% gold.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 60% cobalt and 30% chromium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Surveyor is used on master cast to:\nOptions: \nA. Locate guiding planes\tB. Determine aesthetics\tC. Delineate areas of maximum convexity\tD. Locate undercuts to be used for retention or to be blocked out.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Locate undercuts to be used for retention or to be blocked out." + }, + { + "input": "Question: COPRA came into action on:\nOptions: \nA. 15th April 1987\tB. 15th April 1989\tC. 25th April 1988\tD. 15th April 1986.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 15th April 1987" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cyst of parasite seen in stool microscopy. What is the organism?\nOptions: \nA. Entamoeba dyspar\tB. Balantidium coli\tC. Giardia lambia\tD. Taenia solium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Giardia lambia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Active form of vitamin D in kidney is:\nOptions: \nA. 1 dihydroxy cholecalciferol\tB. 25 hydroxy cholecalciferol\tC. 1, 25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol\tD. 7 dihydroxy calciferol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 1, 25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enamel lamellae\nOptions: \nA. Elevation on outer surface of enamel\tB. Dentinal tubule in enamel\tC. Uniform arrangement of enamel rods\tD. Enamel projection in dentin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Enamel projection in dentin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The drug for choice for treatment of infection\ninvolving\tnon-penicillinase\tproducing\nstaphylococcus is:\nOptions: \nA. Ampicillin\tB. Erythromycin\tC. Penicillin G\tD. Methicillin sodium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Penicillin G" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Before pouring an elastic impression, it is washed with slurry of water and stone to:\nOptions: \nA. Increase gel strength\tB. Prevent syneresis\tC. Prevent distortion\tD. Wash off saliva on impression.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Wash off saliva on impression." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cleaning of files in between of endodontic treatment is done by:\nOptions: \nA. Gauze soaked in hypochlorite solution\tB. 15 seconds in glass bead sterilizer\tC. 30 seconds in glass bead sterilizer\tD. Chlorhexidine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gauze soaked in hypochlorite solution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old child presented with headache, vomiting, gait instability and diplopia. On examination he had papilledema and gait ataxia. The most probable diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Hydrocephalus\tB. Brain stem tumour\tC. Suprasellar tumour\tD. Midline posterior fossa tumour.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Midline posterior fossa tumour." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What should be the time of termination of pregnancy of a female with insulin dependent diabetes?\nOptions: \nA. 40 weeks\tB. 38 weeks\tC. 37 weeks\tD. 34 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 40 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following a A, a young man was brought to ER. Due to massive blood loss, 2 units of PRBC and 4 platelets obtained from blood bank. Only one IV line was accessible. What will you do?\nOptions: \nA. Sta PRBC 1st mid store platelet in room temperature\tB. Sta platelet and store PRBC in room temperature\tC. Only transfuse PRBC\tD. Transfuse PRBC and store platelet at 2-6 degrees.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sta PRBC 1st mid store platelet in room temperature" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Amount of heat that is required to change boiling water into vapor is referred to as\nOptions: \nA. Latent Heat of vaporization\tB. Latent Heat of sublimation\tC. Latent Heat of condensation\tD. Latent heat of fusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Latent Heat of vaporization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A continuum to sedation, anxiolysis is referred to:\nOptions: \nA. Conscious sedation\tB. Deep sedation\tC. Minimal sedation\tD. General anaesthesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Minimal sedation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Peg-shaped incisors which taper towards the indsal edge\nare typically seen in all of the following conditions EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. Congenital syphilis\tB. Rickets\tC. Anhyirotic ectodermal dysplasia\tD. Supernumerary teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rickets" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pick out odd drugs for anaesthetic emergencies are:\nOptions: \nA. AminophylLine\tB. Epinephrine\tC. Atropine sulphate\tD. Amoxycillin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Amoxycillin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A study was done where the sale of anti-asthma drug was recorded and the number of deaths because of asthma was measured over a period of 15 years (1975-1990). This is which type of study.\nOptions: \nA. Ecological\tB. Case reference\tC. Experimental\tD. Psephology.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ecological" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The fear of a 6 year old related to dentistry is primarily:\nOptions: \nA. Subjective\tB. Objective\tC. Subjective & objective\tD. Psychological.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Subjective" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The sulcular epithelium acts as a semi permeable membrane through which\nOptions: \nA. Bacterial products pass in to the gingiva\tB. Fluids from the gingiva seeps in to the sulcus\tC. Both of the above\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both of the above" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient inhales a tidal volume of 500 mL. The intrapleural pressure was measured as - 4 cm of water before inspiration and - 9 cm of water after inspiration. Calculate the pulmonary compliance in this patient:\nOptions: \nA. 0.1 L/cm\tB. 0.3 L/cm\tC. 0.2 L/cm\tD. 0.4 L cm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0.1 L/cm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum steroid produced by fetal adrenal:-\nOptions: \nA. DHEA-S\tB. Coisol\tC. Coicosterone\tD. Progesterone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Coisol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Semi colon shaped C shaped canal is classified as (according to Melton and Seitzor)\nOptions: \nA. Type 1\tB. Type 2\tC. Type 3\tD. Type 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Type 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which nerve biopsy is taken to diagnose neuritic leprosy?\nOptions: \nA. Median nerve\tB. Radial cutaneous nerve\tC. Ulnar nerve\tD. Radial nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Radial cutaneous nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Low grade infection which leads to localized periosteal reaction is:\nOptions: \nA. Garre's osteomyelitis\tB. Acute osteomyelitis\tC. Condensing csteitis\tD. Local alveolar osteitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Garre's osteomyelitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 72-y ear-olo gentleman with normal renal functions presents with new onset focal seizures. Which of the following is the best drug to manage the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Sodium valproate\tB. Oxcarbazepine\tC. Leviteracetam\tD. Pregabalin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oxcarbazepine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Injury to which of the following deep pa of perinea! body causes cystocele, enterocele and urethral descent?\nOptions: \nA. Pubococcygeus\tB. Ischiocavernosus\tC. Bulbospongiosus\tD. Sphincter of urethra and anus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pubococcygeus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a post transcriptional modification of RNA?\nOptions: \nA. Splicing\tB. 5' capping\tC. 3' polyadenylation\tD. Glycosylation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glycosylation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Largest Faciolingual dimension is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Lower 1st molar\tB. Upper 1st molar\tC. Lower 2nd molar\tD. Upper 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Upper 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Children with germline retinoblastoma are more likely to develop other primary malignancies in their later lifetime course. Which of the following malignancy can occur in such patients?\nOptions: \nA. Osteosarcoma of lower limbs\tB. Thyroid carcinoma\tC. Seminoma\tD. Renal cell carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osteosarcoma of lower limbs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug is commonly used for community acquired pneumonia in OPD?\nOptions: \nA. Vancomycin\tB. Ceftriaxone\tC. Azithromycin\tD. Streptomycin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Azithromycin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not a side effect of Escitalopram?\nOptions: \nA. Nausea\tB. Vivid dreams\tC. Anorgasmia\tD. Sialorrhoea.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sialorrhoea." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Death due to smoke inhalation is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Hypoxemia\tB. Anemic hypoxia\tC. Ischemic hypoxia\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anemic hypoxia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Child has received full rabies vaccination in December 2018 and now presented with oozing wound on great toe and the pet had vaccination also, what would you do now?\nOptions: \nA. No vaccine\tB. 2 doses of vaccine on day 0 and 3\tC. Full 5 doses of vaccines\tD. Rabies Ig and full vaccination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2 doses of vaccine on day 0 and 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Oral infection by penicillinase producing organisms should be treated with:\nOptions: \nA. Ampicillin\tB. Dicloxacillin\tC. Erythromycin\tD. Any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dicloxacillin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Babu, a 49-year-old patient, complains of foul breath and regurgitation of food eaten few days back. He also complains of dysphagia. The probable diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Gastrophoresis\tB. Achalasia\tC. Diabetes\tD. Pharyngeal pouch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pharyngeal pouch." + }, + { + "input": "Question: False statement about Thyroglossal Duct cyst is-\nOptions: \nA. Infected thyroglossal cyst from sinus\tB. Lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium\tC. 40% cases have sub hyoid location\tD. It is due to congenital.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Infected thyroglossal cyst from sinus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2 year old premature neonate develops GTCS. What is the best investigation done to diagnose the pathology?\nOptions: \nA. Transcranial ultrasound\tB. CT Head\tC. MRI brain\tD. X-ray.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Transcranial ultrasound" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Binder in investment for dental castings:\nOptions: \nA. Brings about reduction in expansion\tB. Provides adequate strength to the investment, holds ingredients together and provides rigidity\tC. Is usually a form of silica\tD. Can be safely heated above 700\u00b0C when present in the form of gypsum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Provides adequate strength to the investment, holds ingredients together and provides rigidity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vasodilatation is caused by:\nOptions: \nA. Serotonin\tB. Histamine\tC. LT C4\tD. Thromboxane A2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Histamine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 56 years old patient came to casualty with history of massive hemoptysis. His routine investigations and chest X-ray was normal. Which of the following is not done to prevent hemoptysis?\nOptions: \nA. Bronchial aery embolization\tB. Pulmonary aery embolization\tC. Bronchoscopic laser cauterization\tD. Lobectomy of the affected segment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lobectomy of the affected segment." + }, + { + "input": "Question: While doing emergency laparotomy for an intestinal obstruction, which organ will you first visualize to say whether it is small bowel or large bowel obstruction?\nOptions: \nA. Ileum\tB. Sigmoid colon\tC. Cecum\tD. Rectum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cecum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For deep gingival sheath preparation, shape of wedge should be:\nOptions: \nA. Round\tB. Triangular\tC. Square\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Triangular" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The knowledge about the biomechanics of the muscles attached around the shoulder joint, known as 'rotator cuff muscles' has increased exponentially. However, the role of one of the rotator cuff muscles, which is also now known as 'forgotten rotator cuff muscle' has been ignored or less impoance has been attached to its role. Which of the following muscles best describes this description?\nOptions: \nA. Supraspinatus\tB. Infraspinatus\tC. Teres minor\tD. Subscapularis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Subscapularis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Electromyography is used to:\nOptions: \nA. To study muscle activity\tB. Determine class II malocclusion\tC. Determine the centric relation\tD. Determine the centric occlusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To study muscle activity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drugs acting on dilator pupillae has an action analogous to that of pilocarpine on sphincter papillae?\nOptions: \nA. Timolol\tB. Epinephrine\tC. Neostigmine\tD. Tropicamide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Epinephrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate presented with jaundice on first day of life. His mother's blood group is `0' positive. How will you manage this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Observe only as it is mostly physiological jaundice\tB. Exchange transfusion\tC. Liver function tests and liver biopsy as it is mostly due to cholestasis\tD. Phototherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Phototherapy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: After brushing dryness of mouth is caused by\nOptions: \nA. Glycol\tB. sodium Lauryl sulphate\tC. Friction due to brushing\tD. Sweetner.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: sodium Lauryl sulphate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Rhodopsin deficiency is chiefly associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin D deficiency\tB. Rickets\tC. Vitamin A deficiency\tD. Scurvy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vitamin A deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The maxillary teeth if placed too far anteriorly and superiorly in a complete denture results in the faulty pronunciation of:\nOptions: \nA. F and V sounds\tB. S and T sounds\tC. Vowels\tD. Consonants.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: F and V sounds" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fill the missing data in the common risk factor approach diagram.\nOptions: \nA. Diet and smoking\tB. Smoking and disease\tC. Smoking and prevention\tD. Prevention and diet.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Diet and smoking" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The logical explanation for the unique anticariogenic property of most silicate cements is:\nOptions: \nA. The reduction in enamel solubility due to fluoride uptake by enamel\tB. That beryllium flux is used in silicates\tC. That silicates show very little leakage at the margins of the restoration\tD. Due to the high silica content.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The reduction in enamel solubility due to fluoride uptake by enamel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An unknown drug is being tested in experimental setup. The results obtained are given in the table. From these actions, new drug is likely to be:ParameterPlacebo treatedNew drug treatedHea rate7286Systolic BP110150Diastolic BP8068TremorsAbsentPresent\nOptions: \nA. Beta-I and beta-2 agonist\tB. Alpha-1 antagonist and beta-2 agonist\tC. M2 and M3 agonist\tD. Alpha-1 and beta-1 agonist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Beta-I and beta-2 agonist" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true regarding Pseudotumour cerebri except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Ventricular system is of normal size or small\tB. CT Scan shows punctate hypodense areas\tC. No focal neurological deficit\tD. Intracranial pressure is raised.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: CT Scan shows punctate hypodense areas" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Changes seen in conjunctiva after vitamti. A deficiency:\nOptions: \nA. Actinic degeneration\tB. Hyperplasia of goblet cells\tC. Hyperkeratosis of squamous epithelium\tD. Stromal infiltration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hyperkeratosis of squamous epithelium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibular 1st premolar normally has\nOptions: \nA. 1 root\tB. 2 roots\tC. May have any\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 root" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is not a criterion for making a diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia in accelerated phase:\nOptions: \nA. Blasts 10-19% of WBC's in peripheral blood\tB. Basophils 10-19% of WBC'S in peripheral blood\tC. Increasing spleen size unresponsive to therapy\tD. Persistent thrombocytosis (>1000 x 109/L) unresponsive to therapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Persistent thrombocytosis (>1000 x 109/L) unresponsive to therapy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Desensitization was given by:\nOptions: \nA. Bandura.\tB. Joseph wolpe.\tC. Addleston.\tD. Wright..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Joseph wolpe." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hea sound may be a normal finding during pregnancy?\nOptions: \nA. Fixed splitting of S2\tB. S3\tC. S4\tD. Pericardial knock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: S3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following about Vitamin D metabolism are true except\nOptions: \nA. 25\u2013\u03b1 hydroxylation takes place in liver\tB. 1\u2013\u03b1 hydroxylation takes place in kidney\tC. Daily requirement in the absence of sun\u2013light is 450-6001U/day\tD. Williams syndrome is associated with obesity, mental retardation, precocious puberty.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Williams syndrome is associated with obesity, mental retardation, precocious puberty." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Oral hairy leukoplakia is seen in AIDS patients. The most\nlikely site of appearance is:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral borders of tongue\tB. Sublingual mucosa\tC. Soft palate\tD. Buccal mucosa.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral borders of tongue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most appropriate pontic design is:\nOptions: \nA. It should fill the missing teeth area\tB. Greater lingual embrasure\tC. Should contact mucosa but should not irritate it\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Should contact mucosa but should not irritate it" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a general compartment of body fluid ?\nOptions: \nA. Peritoneal\tB. Intracellular\tC. Interstitial\tD. Blood plasma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Intracellular" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is true about carbamazepine?\nOptions: \nA. Not associated with agranulocytosis\tB. Has been known to cause Steven-Johnson's syndrome\tC. Causes serious nephrogenic toxicity\tD. Drug monitoring is not required.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Has been known to cause Steven-Johnson's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regarding Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), all of the ing arc true, except:\nOptions: \nA. EBM depends on clinical model and decision analysis to base its recommendations\tB. EBM objectively evaluates the quality of clinical research by critical assessing techniques repoed by researchers in publications\tC. The strongest argument for the therapeutic intervention is systemic review or meta-analysis of triple blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials with allocation concealment and complete follow-up involving a homogenous population of patients or medical disorders\tD. The weakest argument is the opinion of expes or medical boards.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: EBM depends on clinical model and decision analysis to base its recommendations" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pharyngotympanic tube is supplied by all except:\nOptions: \nA. Ascending pharyngeal\tB. Ascending palatine\tC. Middle meningeal artery\tD. Artery of pterygoid canal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ascending palatine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is a connective tissue tumour:\nOptions: \nA. Lipoma\tB. Melanoma\tC. Carcinoma\tD. Papilloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lipoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with thrombocytopenia, what is the target platelet count after transfusion to perform an invasive procedure?\nOptions: \nA. 30,000\tB. 40,000\tC. 50,000\tD. 60,000.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 50,000" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sjogren's syndrome includes all except:\nOptions: \nA. Xerostomia\tB. Keratoconjunctivitis\tC. Arthritis\tD. Lymphoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lymphoma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following occurs most commonly on tongue?\nOptions: \nA. Lymphangioma and granular cell myoblastoma\tB. Lipoma and fibroma\tC. Neuroblastoma and lipoma\tD. Lymphangioma and fibroma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lymphangioma and granular cell myoblastoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vitamin D deficiency\nOptions: \nA. Does not affect enamel\tB. Does not affect dentin\tC. Does not affect tooth development\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Does not affect dentin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pulp proper resembles\nOptions: \nA. Loose connective tissue\tB. Fine nerve fibers and blood vessels\tC. Multipotent cells\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Loose connective tissue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best surgery to relieve intractable veigo in a menieres disease patient is?\nOptions: \nA. Surgical Labyinthectomy\tB. Vestibular neurectomy\tC. Endolymphatic sac decompression\tD. Cochleosacculotomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Surgical Labyinthectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A G6+0+0 lady with h/o recurrent missed aboions at 14-16 weeks comes to you with a missed aboion at 12 weeks. Which of the following tests is not warranted?\nOptions: \nA. Lupus anticoagulant\tB. VDRL for husband and wife\tC. Anticardiolipin antibody\tD. Fetal karyotype.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: VDRL for husband and wife" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cyst that moves by protruding the tongue is:\nOptions: \nA. Thyroglossal cyst\tB. Median rhomboid cyst\tC. Ranula\tD. Tracheal cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thyroglossal cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A woman comes with postdated pregnancy at 42 weeks. The initial evaluation would be:\nOptions: \nA. Induction of labour\tB. Review of previous menstrual history\tC. Cesarean section\tD. USG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Review of previous menstrual history" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lingual ridge is most prominent in\nOptions: \nA. Upper Canine\tB. Lower Canine\tC. Upper Central Incisor\tD. Lower central incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Upper Canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Euphemism pudding paste is used for:\nOptions: \nA. Sealants.\tB. Varnish.\tC. GIC.\tD. Alginate..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Alginate.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In heart patient the worst prognosis during pregnancy is seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Mitral regurgitation\tB. Mitral valve prolapse\tC. Aortic stenosis\tD. Pulmonary stenosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Aortic stenosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acute Barbiturate poisoning results in:\nOptions: \nA. Renal failure\tB. Liver failure\tC. Respiratory failure\tD. Convulsions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Respiratory failure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The direct bonded orthodontic stainless steel brackets derive retention with composite because of:\nOptions: \nA. The mechanical interlock with mesh at the bracket base\tB. The chemical interlock of composite with bracket base\tC. Both mechanical and chemical interlock of composite with the bracket base\tD. Biological interlock between the tooth surface and bracket.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The mechanical interlock with mesh at the bracket base" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 26 years old patient c/o foul smelling greyish white discharge diagnosed to be Gardnerella vaginalis infection. Microscopic finding is suggestive of?\nOptions: \nA. Group of bacilli arranged in chain forms\tB. Bacteria found to be engulfed by macrophages\tC. Bacteria adherent to lining vaginal epithelial cells\tD. Bacteria arranged in cluster forms.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bacteria adherent to lining vaginal epithelial cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Optic atrophy is not seen in:\nOptions: \nA. Retinitis pigmentosa\tB. Methanol poisoning\tC. Central retinal aerial occlusion (CRAO)\tD. Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which vaccine is effective for Mass vaccination post-disaster?\nOptions: \nA. Cholera\tB. Typhoid\tC. Measles\tD. Scrub typhus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Measles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dose of radiation for early and locally advanced cancer cervix at point A during brachytherapy?\nOptions: \nA. 70-75 Gray and 75- 80 Gray\tB. 75-80 Gray and 80-85 Gray\tC. 80-85 Gray and 85-90 Gray\tD. 85-90 Gray and 90-95 Gray.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 80-85 Gray and 85-90 Gray" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An individual with a known psychiatric disorder or on treatment and is not a minor can chose to decide the care taker and the course of treatment according to mental health act. This is called:\nOptions: \nA. Advance directive\tB. Treatment directive\tC. Mental will\tD. Future directive.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Advance directive" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sealer penetration into dentinal tubule depends mainly on?\nOptions: \nA. Type of sealer used\tB. Method of obturation\tC. Not Recalled\tD. Not Recalled.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Method of obturation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Student t test is:\nOptions: \nA. Parametric test based on average\tB. Non parametric test based on average\tC. Parametric test based on variance\tD. Non parametric test based on variance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Parametric test based on average" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During maxillary osteotomy, which of the following can be given to prevent bleeding:\nOptions: \nA. Acetoacetic acid\tB. Lactic acid\tC. Heparin\tD. Tranexamic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tranexamic acid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the term for the radio opaque area found at the\nroot apex of young permanent teeth involved with a chronic pulpitis?\nOptions: \nA. Apical cyst\tB. Apical condensing osteitis\tC. Chronic apical periodontitis\tD. Stage one apical osteofibroses.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Apical condensing osteitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When force are applied on lateral surface at angle region, compression is generated on:\nOptions: \nA. Superior surface\tB. Lateral surface\tC. Inferior surface\tD. Medial surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lateral surface" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Child of an Overindulgent mother will be:\nOptions: \nA. Shy, submissive.\tB. Aggressive, display temper tantrums.\tC. Evasive and dawdling.\tD. Disobedient..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Aggressive, display temper tantrums." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a behavioral theory:\nOptions: \nA. Cognitive theory.\tB. Hierarchy of needs.\tC. Social learning.\tD. Classical conditioning..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cognitive theory." + }, + { + "input": "Question: myasthenia gravis is a disorder of\nOptions: \nA. Peripheral nerve\tB. Spinal cord\tC. Motor neuron\tD. Neuromuscular junction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Neuromuscular junction." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In occlusion, the teeth have\nOptions: \nA. Cusp-to-cusp contact\tB. Edge-to-edge contact\tC. Marginal contact\tD. Surface-to-surface contact.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Surface-to-surface contact." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Submental intubation is an alternative to tracheostomy in which type of fractures?\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular fracture\tB. Nasal fracture\tC. Panfacial fracture\tD. Styloid process fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Panfacial fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve?\nOptions: \nA. Stylopharyngeus\tB. Palatopharyngeus\tC. Geniohyoid\tD. Genioglossus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Stylopharyngeus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cardiac pain may be transmitted to the jaw due to the overlapping of:\nOptions: \nA. 5th cranial nerve, third cervical nerve and first thoracic nerve\tB. 7th cranial nerve, third cervical nerve and first thoracic nerve\tC. 5th cranial nerve, second cervical nerve and first thoracic nerve\tD. 7th cranial nerve, second cervical nerve and first thoracic nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 5th cranial nerve, third cervical nerve and first thoracic nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Considering the morphology of root and pulp canals, a root canal instrument should be placed in what direction to gain access to the Mesiofacial root of permanent maxillary first molar:\nOptions: \nA. From the mesiobuccal\tB. From the distobuccal\tC. From the mesiolingual\tD. From the distolingual.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: From the distolingual." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Optimal landmark for termination of cleaning, shaping and obturation is\nOptions: \nA. Cementodentinal junction\tB. Apical constriction\tC. Minor diameter\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cementodentinal junction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about congenital diseases in diabetes mellitus is all except:\nOptions: \nA. Results due to free radical injury\tB. 6-10% cases are associated with major congenital abnormality\tC. 1-2% of newborns are associated with single umbilical artery\tD. Insulin can be given.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 6-10% cases are associated with major congenital abnormality" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phenylbutyrate is used in management of urea cycle disorders. What is its role?\nOptions: \nA. Activates enzymes of urea cycle\tB. Excretion of products of urea cycle\tC. Maintains energy production\tD. Scavenges nitrogen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scavenges nitrogen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 60 years old patient having cardiorespiratory arrest in hospital ward, for oxygenation what should be done immediately?\nOptions: \nA. Nasal intubation\tB. Oral intubation\tC. Cricothyroid membrane puncture\tD. Tracheostomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oral intubation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following doesn't have any effect on pancreatic secretion?\nOptions: \nA. Cck\tB. Gastrin\tC. Secretin\tD. Gastric inhibitory polypeptide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Gastric inhibitory polypeptide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If there is absence of precursor cell of an organ with the subsequent non development of the organ, what is the condition is called as?\nOptions: \nA. Agenesis\tB. Aplasia\tC. Atresia\tD. Atrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Agenesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Habit developed under psychological cause is:\nOptions: \nA. Non Compulsive habits.\tB. Unintentional habits.\tC. Useful habits.\tD. Intentional habits..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Intentional habits.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of fibrous dysplasia is:\nOptions: \nA. Radical resection of lesion\tB. Radiation therapy\tC. If the Lesion is small, dissection is done, if Lesion is large cosmetic surgery has to be carried out\tD. Cryosurgery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: If the Lesion is small, dissection is done, if Lesion is large cosmetic surgery has to be carried out" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10-year-old girl presents with a mass in lower abdomen involving umbilical and the hypogastrium. On examination it is cystic and mobile and the examiner is unable to insinuate fingers between the mass and the pelvic bone. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Duplication of small intestine\tB. Omental cyst\tC. Ovarian cyst\tD. Mesenteric cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ovarian cyst" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Improving Quality of Labour room is covered under which program?\nOptions: \nA. LaQshya\tB. Improving care of newborn\tC. Ayushman Bharat Scheme\tD. JSSK.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: LaQshya" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 26 years old female presented with pallor and hemoglobin of 9.5 mg/dl, PCV 30 mm Hg and RBC count of 2 million/mm. What is the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Iron deficiency anemia\tB. Sideroblastic anemia\tC. Thalassemia\tD. Folic acid deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Folic acid deficiency." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cribriform plate connects:\nOptions: \nA. Nasal cavity and anterior cranial fossa\tB. Nasal cavity and orbit\tC. Nasal cavity and oral cavity\tD. Anterior cranial fossa and orbit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Nasal cavity and anterior cranial fossa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Major mechanism of transport of drugs across biological membranes is by ?\nOptions: \nA. Passive diffusion\tB. Facilitated diffusion\tC. Active transport\tD. Endocytosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Passive diffusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented with complaint of severe itching over the web of fingers, more at night. Examination revealed burrows. Most probable diagnosis is:September 2009\nOptions: \nA. Tinea cruris\tB. Scabies\tC. Infantile eczema\tD. Papular uicaria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Scabies" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Middle constrictor of pharynx has attachment from:\nOptions: \nA. Body of hyoid bone\tB. Mandible\tC. Pterygomandibular raphae\tD. Cricoid cartilage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Body of hyoid bone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If we know the value of one variable in an individual and wish to know the value of another variable, we calculate -\nOptions: \nA. Coefficient of correlation\tB. Coefficient of regression\tC. SE of mean\tD. Geometric mean.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Coefficient of regression" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following infections causes a non-centrally distributed rash?\nOptions: \nA. Epidemic typhus\tB. Measles\tC. Secondary syphilis\tD. Typhoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epidemic typhus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hepcidin decreases iron absorption by inhibition of -\nOptions: \nA. Hephaestin\tB. Ferropoin\tC. Divalent metal ion transpoer\tD. Transferrin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ferropoin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Detachment of myosin head from actin is caused by?\nOptions: \nA. Entry of calcium into sarcoplasmic reticulum\tB. Change in troponin C configuration\tC. Binding of ATP\tD. Release of ADP and Pi.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Binding of ATP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Integration between blade vent implant and bone Is\nOptions: \nA. Fibto-oeseous integration\tB. Osseo-integration\tC. Osseo vent integration\tD. Fibrocartilaginous.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fibto-oeseous integration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Characteristic feature true about outer membrane of peripheral nerve\nOptions: \nA. Relative permeable to sodium ions\tB. Relative permeable to potassium ions\tC. Permeable to chloride ions\tD. Impermeable to potassium ions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Relative permeable to potassium ions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 14 years old male child presented with abnormal body movements with MRI showing signal changes in corpus striatum, thalami, pons, medulla, centrum semiovale and asymmetric diffuse white matter involvement. Most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Parkinsonism\tB. Nigrostriatal degeneration\tC. Wilson's disease\tD. Hallervorden-Spatz disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Wilson's disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most likely (among them)\nto turn malignant?\nOptions: \nA. Intradermal nevus\tB. Junctional nevus\tC. Lichen planus\tD. Papilloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Junctional nevus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of Condylar fracture dysarthrosis refers to:\nOptions: \nA. Disturbance of anatomy but function is alright.\tB. Disturbance of both anatomy as well as function.\tC. Disturbance of function only.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Disturbance of both anatomy as well as function." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gingival deformities are seen in:\nOptions: \nA. ANUG\tB. Internal resorption\tC. Cementomas\tD. Periapical cysts.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ANUG" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Numerator in Perinatal moality is\nOptions: \nA. Post neonate death with weight 2.5 kg\tB. Early neonatal with weight 1000 grams\tC. Aboion of < 500 gram foetus\tD. Still bih of fetus > 500 grams.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Early neonatal with weight 1000 grams" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most commonly missing primary teeth are:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary central incisors\tB. Mandibular central incisors\tC. Maxillary lateral incisors\tD. Maxillary canines.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Maxillary canines." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with dehydration, which of the following color intravenous cannula will you place for rapid fluid resuscitation?\nOptions: \nA. Grey\tB. Blue\tC. Pink\tD. Green.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Grey" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A girl complaints of acute abdominal pain on and off with tingling sensation of limbs. She had a history of eating paint from the wall of newly built house. Which of the following enzyme deficiency will be the cause of her condition?\nOptions: \nA. ALA dehydratase\tB. ALA synthase\tC. Coproporphyrinogen synthase\tD. Heme synthase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: ALA dehydratase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Where is the second step of damage control resuscitation carried out?\nOptions: \nA. In emergency\tB. In ICU\tC. In OT\tD. Prehospital resuscitation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: In ICU" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A primigravida came to the labor room at 40 weeks + 5 days gestation for induction of labor. On per vaginal examination, the cervix is 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced. The veex is at --1 station and the cervix is soft and posterior. What will be the modified bishop score for this lady?\nOptions: \nA. 0\tB. 3\tC. 5\tD. 8.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 5" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sensory nerve supply of capsule of TMJ is?\nOptions: \nA. Auriculotemporal nerve\tB. Facial nerve\tC. Massetric nerve\tD. Auricular nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Auriculotemporal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fishman's index is used in relation with\nOptions: \nA. Population\tB. Hand wrist radiographs\tC. Cephalograms\tD. Periodontal diseases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hand wrist radiographs" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arch space for eruption of 2nd & 3rd molar created by:\nOptions: \nA. Apposition of Hamular processes\tB. Resorption of anterior border of ramus\tC. Resorption of posterior border of ramus\tD. Apposition of lower border of mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Resorption of anterior border of ramus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are used in the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage except:\nOptions: \nA. Misoprostol\tB. Mifepristone\tC. Carboprost\tD. Methyl ergometrine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mifepristone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IOTN is not used for which malocclusion?\nOptions: \nA. Open bite\tB. CLP\tC. Bimaxillary protrusion\tD. Crowding.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Bimaxillary protrusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A girl comes with symptoms of involuntary movements. Sydenham's chorea and acute rheumatic fever is suspected. Other major criteria of rheumatic fever (ahritis, skin rashes, subcutaneous nodules and carditis) were absent. No evidence of sore throat. Best investigation to prove rheumatic etiology is:\nOptions: \nA. Antistreptolysin S\tB. Antistreptolysin O\tC. Throat culture\tD. PCR for M protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Antistreptolysin O" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following heart diseases maternal mortality is found to be highest ?\nOptions: \nA. Eisenmenger's complex\tB. Coarctation of aorta\tC. Mitral stenosis\tD. Aortic stenosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Eisenmenger's complex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young patient presented to casualty with a history of some substance abuse. His pulse was 130 beats per minute and respiratory rate was 30 per minute. Blood gas analysis revealed metabolic acidosis and his urea was 100 mg/dL and creatinine was 4 mg/dL. Urinalysis revealed calcium oxalate crystals. He improved symptomatically after management with intravenous fluids, gastric lavage, sodium bicarbonate, calcium gluconate and 4-methylpyrazole administration. What is the most likely substance that he consumed?\nOptions: \nA. Formaldehyde\tB. Methyl alcohol\tC. Ethylene glycol\tD. Paraldehyde.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ethylene glycol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 3 year old girl having delayed milestones, playing with\nherself, difficulty in learning is likely to be suffering from\nOptions: \nA. Mental retardation\tB. Autism\tC. Specific Learning Disorder\tD. ADHD.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Autism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Post parotidectomy, patient feels numb while shaving. Which nerve was involved ?\nOptions: \nA. Facial\tB. Mandibular\tC. Auriculotemporal\tD. Greater auricular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Greater auricular." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Articular disc of TMJ is:\nOptions: \nA. Thickest posteriorly\tB. Narrow in the centre\tC. Strengthened by lateral pterygoid\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of these are true about microalbuminuria\nOptions: \nA. Urine protein levels range from 20 mg/d to 200 mg/d\tB. It is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity in diabetic patients\tC. It is the earliest marker of diabetic nephropathy\tD. It is not detected by routine dipstick method.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Urine protein levels range from 20 mg/d to 200 mg/d" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phase-contrast microscopy is based on the principle of:\nOptions: \nA. Different refractive indices of object\tB. Different reflective indices of object\tC. Light scattering\tD. Light attenuation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Different refractive indices of object" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Before an arbitrary face bow transfer record, the dentist must determine:\nOptions: \nA. Physiologic rest position\tB. Inclination of each condyle\tC. Axial centre of rotation of condyle\tD. Kinematic axis of movement of condyle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Axial centre of rotation of condyle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a 4 year old child with ASOM the infecting of organism is likely to be \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Pneumococcus\tB. H.influenza\tC. Streptococcus\tD. Staphylococcus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pneumococcus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Increased calories required during pregnancy:September 2012\nOptions: \nA. 300\tB. 400\tC. 550\tD. 800.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 300" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Klenow fragment is formed by loss of fragment having which activity:\nOptions: \nA. 5'- 3' polymerase\tB. 3'- 5' exonuclease\tC. 5'- 3' exonuclease\tD. 3'- 5' polymerase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 5'- 3' exonuclease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 45 years old female presented with a history of pain!less breast lump of size 6 x 5 cm in left upper quadrant with no axillary lymph nodes. A true-cut biopsy was suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ. She undergoes surgery with resection of all tumor tissue with adequate margins and postoperative HPE showing DCIS with high grade necrosis with 4 mm clearance on margins. Which of the following is needed?\nOptions: \nA. Adjuvant chemotherapy\tB. Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy\tC. Adjuvant radiotherapy\tD. No additional treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Adjuvant radiotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A newly introduced vaccines include all, except:\nOptions: \nA. Rota virus\tB. Influenza\tC. Dengue\tD. Malaria vaccine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Influenza" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A man who had suffered from displaced fracture of mandible complains of pain in-old fracture site near mental foramen. There is a movable tender mass on palpation in the area. The best preoperative diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Neuroleiomyoma\tB. Neurofibroma\tC. Trigeminal neuralgia\tD. Traumatic neuroma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Traumatic neuroma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Standard deviation of means measures -\nOptions: \nA. Non-sampling errors\tB. Sampling error\tC. Random errors\tD. Conceptual errors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sampling error" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Addison's disease is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Chronic insufficiency of adrenal cortex\tB. Chronic insufficiency of adrenal medulla\tC. Insufficiency of pancreas\tD. Hypofunction of thyroid gland.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chronic insufficiency of adrenal cortex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the best distribution to study the daily admission of head injury patients in a trauma care centre\nOptions: \nA. Normal distribution\tB. Binomial distribution\tC. Uniform distribution\tD. Poisson distribution.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Poisson distribution." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Inlay and 3 fourth crowns main purpose of bevel is\nOptions: \nA. To remove unsupported enamel rods\tB. Increase retention\tC. Provide secondary resistance\tD. None of above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To remove unsupported enamel rods" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 35 years old female with choriocarcinoma treatment of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Dilatation and evacuation\tB. Radiotherapy\tC. Hysterectomy\tD. Chemotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Chemotherapy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In post splenectomy patient, chances of Infection with which of these Increases:\nOptions: \nA. Encapsulated bacteria\tB. Non capsulated bacteria\tC. Anaerobic and gram positive bacilli\tD. Anaerobic and grain negative bacilli..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Encapsulated bacteria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following instructions should be given to a lactating mother regarding drug usage?\nOptions: \nA. No advice is required as most of the drugs are secreted negligibly in the milk\tB. Take drugs with longer half-life\tC. Tell her to feed the baby just before next dose\tD. Do not feed the baby if you are consuming any drug.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tell her to feed the baby just before next dose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following gives the rate of drug absorption in plasma concentration graph?\nOptions: \nA. Tmax and Cmax\tB. Area under the curve\tC. Tmax alone\tD. Cmax alone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tmax and Cmax" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 2 years female has been successfully treated for urinary tract infection. Next step in management is :\nOptions: \nA. Do nothing\tB. Ultrasound\tC. Ultrasound + DMSA scan\tD. 6 monthly culture sensitivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Ultrasound + DMSA scan" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 4-year-old child has a normal complement of primary teeth, but they are grey and exhibit extensive occlusal and incisal wear. Radiographic examination indicates extensive deposits of secondary dentin in these teeth. Most likely this condition is:\nOptions: \nA. Neonatal hypoplasia\tB. Amelogenesis imperfecta\tC. Cleidocranial dysplasia\tD. Dentinogenesis imperfecta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Dentinogenesis imperfecta." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thermal conductivity of which material is close to dentin:\nOptions: \nA. Amalgam\tB. Silicate\tC. Composite resin\tD. Cavity varnish.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Silicate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sella tursica lies above:\nOptions: \nA. Pons\tB. Frontal sinus\tC. Foramen ovale\tD. Sphenoidal sinus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sphenoidal sinus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In genomic imprinting. DNA is modified by:\nOptions: \nA. Acetylation\tB. Methylation\tC. Phosphorylation\tD. Deamination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Methylation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Numbness and tingling sensation felt in the anterior one third of the tongue can be due to:\nOptions: \nA. Over extended lingual borders\tB. Sharp and rough lingual borders\tC. Allergy to residual monomer of acrylic\tD. Excessive vertical dimension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Over extended lingual borders" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Innervation of pulp is from\nOptions: \nA. Trigeminal nerve\tB. Facial nerve\tC. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tD. Hypoglossal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trigeminal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 62 years old woman presented with acute onset confusion and bumping into th ings. On examination, she was ale, oriented with fluent speech and normal comprehension. Fuher examination revealed impaired writing (acalculia), right-left confusion, impaired arithmetic abilities, difficulty in finger identification. MRI demonstrated foci of coical and sub coical increase T2 signals and areas of leptomeningeal enhancement. Most likely diagnosis:\nOptions: \nA. Gerstmann's syndrome\tB. Millard-Gubler syndrome\tC. Anton syndrome\tD. Korsakoff's psychosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gerstmann's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements about tedizolid is true?\nOptions: \nA. It causes peripheral neuropathy as an adverse effect\tB. It is active against gram positive organisms\tC. It has poor oral bioavailability\tD. It is active against anaerobes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It is active against gram positive organisms" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which component of zinc oxide-eugenol cement gives its strength?\nOptions: \nA. Rosin\tB. Zinc oxide\tC. Zinc acetate\tD. Oil of cloves.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Zinc oxide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A healthy volunteer was taken for a blood experiment. A history was taken from the volunteer before the experiment regarding exposure of NSAlDs, which he specifically denied. But on testing, the BT was found to be increased All of the following can be causative agent except:\nOptions: \nA. Theophylline\tB. Cephalosporin\tC. Anti-depressants\tD. Multivitamins containing Vitamin K.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Multivitamins containing Vitamin K." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient came with complaints of lower limb weakness. Examiner places one hand under the patient's heel and patient is asked to raise his other leg against downward resistance. What is the name of this test?\nOptions: \nA. Hoover test\tB. Waddell's test\tC. O'Donoghue test\tD. McBride test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hoover test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is an example of placebo?\nOptions: \nA. Herbal medication with no known effect\tB. Physiotherapy\tC. Sham surgery\tD. Cognitive behavioral therapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sham surgery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dietary goals for avoiding Coronary Artery Disease include\nOptions: \nA. LDL cholesterol less than 100 mg/dl\tB. Saturated fat <7% of total calories.\tC. Alcohol consumption of 30 ml/day\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth eruption is due to\nOptions: \nA. Osteoclastic activity\tB. Proliferation of cells at crypt\tC. Exfoliation of primary tooth\tD. Eruptive forces.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Eruptive forces." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Steroids do not have a role in management of which of these tumors?\nOptions: \nA. Kaposi sarcoma\tB. Chronic lymphoid leukemia\tC. Hodgkin's lymphoma\tD. Multiple myeloma Gram-stain, oropharynx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Kaposi sarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During 3rd molar surgical extraction, distal incision is curved buccally to prevent injury to:\nOptions: \nA. Buccal artery\tB. Lingual nerve\tC. Temporalis fibers\tD. BFP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lingual nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infant of diabetic mother with weight 3.8 Kg presented with seizures after 16 hours of birth.What is the cause \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Hypoglycemia\tB. Hypocalcemia\tC. Birth asphyxia\tD. Intraventricular hemorrhage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hypoglycemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 12 year old child complains of recurrent pain over right maxillary posterior tooth but clinically no caries can be found. He also reports of cold and fever spells. What should be advised to the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Extract the primary retained tooth i.e., 54, 55\tB. Extract the tooth 16, 54, 55\tC. Refer to physician for the evaluation of maxillary sinus\tD. Do nothing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Refer to physician for the evaluation of maxillary sinus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following device work on traction principle except:\nOptions: \nA. Ferrier double bow separator.\tB. Elliot separator.\tC. Perry separator.\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Elliot separator." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extension of odontoblast processes into enamel\nOptions: \nA. Enamel spindle\tB. Cracks\tC. Primary dentin\tD. Secondary Dentine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Enamel spindle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Short sharp pain of tooth transmitted to brain by\nOptions: \nA. A delta fibers\tB. C fibers\tC. Beta fibers\tD. Gamma fibers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A delta fibers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is the most reliable method for monitoring fluid resuscitation?\nOptions: \nA. Urine output\tB. CVP\tC. Pulse rate\tD. Blood pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Urine output" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) assay in urine is used for screening of?\nOptions: \nA. Mycobacterium tuberculosis\tB. Pneumocystis jirovecii\tC. Histoplasm capsulatum\tD. Cryptococcus neoformans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mycobacterium tuberculosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a cross-linking fixative?\nOptions: \nA. Osmium tetroxide\tB. Glutaraldehyde\tC. Methanol\tD. Formaldehyde.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Methanol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cholinomimetic is not used in which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Bradycardia\tB. Glaucoma\tC. Myasthenia gravis\tD. Post-surgical atony or ileus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bradycardia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gene which inhibits cell cycle is -\nOptions: \nA. p53\tB. RB\tC. p16\tD. Notch receptor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: p53" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cell membrane of a cell is freely permeable to three ions X, Y and Z. At resting membrane potential, the respective equilibrium potentials of Xand Y are -30mV and -40 mV.What will happen to the membrane potential if a drug is infused which can block the permeability of Z?\nOptions: \nA. Depolarisation\tB. Hyperpolarization\tC. No change\tD. Hyperpolarization following repolarization.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Depolarisation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient complains of looseness of dentures within two to four hours of insertion. The most likely cause is:\nOptions: \nA. Psychological\tB. Adaptive unresponsiveness\tC. Deflective occlusion\tD. Unretentive denture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Deflective occlusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Split impedence based apex locator is:\nOptions: \nA. Generation 1\tB. Generation 2\tC. Generation 3\tD. Generation 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Generation 4." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A mother comes with her 3 months' child asking the physician if she can give cereals to her child. What problems can this lead to her child?\nOptions: \nA. Allergy due to the food content\tB. Risk of gastrointestinal infection\tC. Retarded oro-motor development\tD. Contaminated food leading to reflux.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Allergy due to the food content" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following tooth is not having 5 cusps?\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular 2nd Molar\tB. Mandibular 1st Molar\tC. Mandibular 3rd Molar\tD. Maxillary 1st Molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular 2nd Molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A case presented with lower natural teeth and 7 maxillary implants placed, having space of 15 mm for the restoration. What would be the ideal treatment plan for the patient?\nOptions: \nA. Single crown and bridge screw retained\tB. Single crown and bridge cement retained\tC. Overdenture\tD. Hybrid denture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hybrid denture." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In non immune hydrops which of the following is NOT seen:\nOptions: \nA. Skin oedema\tB. Ascites\tC. Large placenta\tD. Cardiomegaly.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cardiomegaly." + }, + { + "input": "Question: For a maxillary premolar in a radiograph, the facial root appears distal to the palatal root, the film was exposed with:\nOptions: \nA. Increased vertical angulation\tB. Decreased vertical angulation\tC. From mesial side of the tooth\tD. From distal side of the tooth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: From mesial side of the tooth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lalloo, a 13-year old child has a severe thumb-sucking habit. On examination he has a Class-II malocclusion, anterior open bite with an over-jet of 12mm. His cephalogram will show:\nOptions: \nA. Normal anterior and posterior facial heights\tB. Increased anterior facial height and normal\tposterior facial height\tC. Increased posterior facial height and normal anterior facial height\tD. Increased posterior facial height and increased anterior facial height.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increased anterior facial height and normal\tposterior facial height" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During implant placement maximum torque should not be above?\nOptions: \nA. 100 N\tB. 50 N\tC. 60 N\tD. 70 N.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 70 N." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral part of middle cranial fossa and posterior\ncranial fossa are divided by:\nOptions: \nA. Petrous temporal bone\tB. Crista galli\tC. Transverse groove\tD. Sphenoid bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Petrous temporal bone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 27 year primigravida presents with pregnancy induced hypertension with blood pressure of 150/100 mm of Hg at 32 weeks of gestation with no other complications. Subsequently, her blood pressure is controlled on treatment. If there are no complications, the pregnancy should be terminated at:\nOptions: \nA. 40 completed weeks\tB. 37 completed weeks\tC. 35 completed weeks\tD. 34 completed weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 37 completed weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 1.5 years old child was brought to emergency with history of burn by hot water on both hands and palms. The lesion was pink, oozing and painful to air and touch. Which of the following is the best management for this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Paraffin gauze and dressing\tB. Collagen dressing\tC. Excision and grafting\tD. Apply 1% silver sulfasalazine ointment and keep the wound open.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Paraffin gauze and dressing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Growth of the maxilla in the vertical direction is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Growth of the alveolus\tB. Growth at sutures\tC. Growth of the cranial base\tD. Growth of the synchondrosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Growth of the alveolus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Although standarize technique is simple and rapid but not used frequently because:\nOptions: \nA. Inaccurate technique.\tB. Relies on inherent shape of file to give shape of canal.\tC. Accessory canals are not removed efficiently.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Relies on inherent shape of file to give shape of canal." + }, + { + "input": "Question: clostridium difficile diarrhoea associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Aminopenicillins\tB. Carbapenems\tC. Macrolide\tD. Fluoroquinolones.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Fluoroquinolones." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common systemic symptom during migration of larval phase of Helminths like Ancylostoma, Strongyloides and Ascaris?\nOptions: \nA. Asymptomatic\tB. Pneumonitis\tC. Liver failure\tD. Larva migrans.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Asymptomatic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The police has brought an unresponsive patient to you. What is the first thing you will do?\nOptions: \nA. Sta chest compressions immediately\tB. Check carotid pulse\tC. Check for response and call help\tD. Sta rescue breaths.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Check carotid pulse" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Arrange the following layers of epidermis from surface to deep layer - CorneocytesMerkel cellsMelanocytesLangerhans cells\nOptions: \nA. Corneocytes>merkel cell>melanocytes>langerhans cells\tB. Merkel cells>corneocytes>melanocytes>langerhans cells\tC. Melanocytes >merkel cells>corneocytes>langerhans cells\tD. corneocytes>>langerhans cells>melanocytes > merkel cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: corneocytes>>langerhans cells>melanocytes > merkel cells." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A material turns to liquid on applying critical shear stress. This type of flow is called as?\nOptions: \nA. Newtonian body\tB. Bingham body\tC. Dilatant\tD. Pseudoplastic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Bingham body" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The setting time of zinc phosphate may be retarded by?\nOptions: \nA. Increase in the ratio of powder to liquid\tB. Diluting the liquid with water\tC. Increase the addition of powder to liquid\tD. Decrease the addition of powder to liquid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Decrease the addition of powder to liquid." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Features of cardiac rest pain are all, except\nOptions: \nA. Compressive.\tB. Radiating\tC. Excruciating\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: None of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following statements about an intraoral dental\nX-ray film are true except:\nOptions: \nA. It is composed of a cellulose acetate base coated with a silver bromide emulsion\tB. It has a thin sheet of lead foil that lies in front of the film to prevent overexposure\tC. It has an embossed dot on it which should be orientated towards the source of X-rays\tD. It is exposed by the direct action of X-rays on the emulsion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: It has a thin sheet of lead foil that lies in front of the film to prevent overexposure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Only tooth in which buccal surface is made of 2 lobes\nOptions: \nA. Upper 1st molar\tB. Lower 1st molar\tC. Upper 2nd molar\tD. Lower 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Upper 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Niacin & riboflavin help in:\nOptions: \nA. Redox reactions\tB. Transamination reaction\tC. Methyl group transfer\tD. Amine group transfer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Redox reactions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The middle meningeal artery is associated with which foramen:\nOptions: \nA. Ovale\tB. Rotundum\tC. Stylomastoid\tD. Spinosum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Spinosum." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Asymmetrical union of sutures resuting in twisted skull known as:\nOptions: \nA. Plagiocephaly.\tB. Anencephaly.\tC. Scaphocephaly.\tD. Solicocephaly..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Plagiocephaly." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Surgery of the cleft lip should be carried out at:\nOptions: \nA. 20 -30 weeks\tB. 2 - 12 months\tC. 3 - 6 months\tD. 5 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 - 6 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Excessive forces of occlusion within physislogical limit will:\nOptions: \nA. Increase width of PDL\tB. Decrease width of PDL\tC. Width will remain same\tD. Trauma from occlusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increase width of PDL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most consistent feature of rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis (RPGN)?\nOptions: \nA. Crescent formation\tB. Mesangial cell proliferation\tC. IgAdeposition\tD. Loss offoot processes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Crescent formation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not a risk factor for malignancy\nOptions: \nA. DNA aneuploidy\tB. Male gender\tC. Invasive candidiasis\tD. Leukoplakia in non smokers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Male gender" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person met with road traffic accident and came to casualty with contusion on anterior chest wall with Pulse rate-90/minute, BP-120/80 mm Hg, respiratory rate-16/minute. Normal hea sounds are heard but breath sounds were decreased on the left side and trachea was deted towards right. Which of the following is the first line management?\nOptions: \nA. Needle thoracostomy\tB. Pericardiocentesis\tC. Chest tube inseion and drainage\tD. Immediate exploratory thoracotomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chest tube inseion and drainage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Universal marker of limbal epithelial stem cells:\nOptions: \nA. Elastin\tB. Keratin\tC. Collagen\tD. ABCG2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: ABCG2." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10-year boy with dog bite unprovoked comes to you. Appropriate action is:\nOptions: \nA. Give cell culture derived vaccine\tB. Withhold vaccine and observe dog for 10 days\tC. Kill dog and send brain for biopsy\tD. No fuher action is necessary.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Give cell culture derived vaccine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: O\ufb03ce personnel who are at higher risk of NO toxicity, to prevent this, the most sensitive test for nitrous oxide detection is\nOptions: \nA. Laminar \ufb02ow\tB. Dosimeter\tC. Infrared spectrophotometer\tD. High suction speed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Infrared spectrophotometer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: At 12 year age, 2nd mandibular molar will have?\nOptions: \nA. Crown complete with 1/3rd root, open apex\tB. Crown complete with 3/4th root,, open apex\tC. 3/4th crown completed\tD. Crown complete with 1/4th root, open apex.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Crown complete with 3/4th root,, open apex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following movements are performed by a non \u2014 working condyle?\nOptions: \nA. Straightward\tB. Down wards forwards and lateral\tC. Down wards forwards and medial\tD. Down wards Back wards and medial.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Down wards forwards and medial" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A rhabdomyoma is a tumour originating from\nOptions: \nA. Nerve tissue\tB. Smooth muscle\tC. Striated muscle\tD. Vascular endothelium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Striated muscle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Free way space of less than normal, in complete denture \nhas the following adverse result:\nOptions: \nA. Mucosal irritation\tB. Irresistible alveolar ridge resorption\tC. Nonspecific ulcerations\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Irresistible alveolar ridge resorption" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following best describes the working time of impression material?\nOptions: \nA. After the start of appearing elastic properties of impression material\tB. Just after the start of appearing elastic properties of impression material\tC. The time from start of mixing till just before the start of appearing elastic properties of impression material\tD. Loss of lusture of impression material.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The time from start of mixing till just before the start of appearing elastic properties of impression material" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Purpose of sterilization is to eliminate\nOptions: \nA. Bacteria\tB. Viruses\tC. Spore formers\tD. Fungus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Spore formers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lower density usually means\nOptions: \nA. High strength\tB. Low strength\tC. Low melting temperature\tD. Lighter weight.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lighter weight." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common complication following rheumatoid arthritis of the TMJ is:\nOptions: \nA. Ankylosis\tB. Synovial chondromatosis\tC. Subluxation\tD. Osteoarthritis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ankylosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In RVG bit depth is seen of?\nOptions: \nA. 8 bit\tB. 6 bit\tC. 12 bit\tD. 4 bit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 8 bit" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In pregnancy cardiac output increases 30 to 40% during?\nOptions: \nA. 20th week of pregnancy\tB. 22 weeks of pregnancy\tC. 24 weeks of pregnancy\tD. 28 weeks of gestation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 28 weeks of gestation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enamel hatchet is differentiated from chisel by all except:\nOptions: \nA. Curved in one plane only\tB. Blade is larger\tC. Blade is perpendicular to the long axis of handle\tD. Blade is heavier.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Blade is perpendicular to the long axis of handle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the pelvic inlet, which is the shoest anteroposterior diameter?\nOptions: \nA. True conjugate\tB. Obstetric conjugate\tC. Anatomical conjugate\tD. Bispinous diameter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Obstetric conjugate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient was found to have splenomegaly, anemia and jaundice. All of the following is true about this condition except:\nOptions: \nA. Increased urobilinogen\tB. Increased LDH\tC. Decreased haptoglobin\tD. Low reticulocyte count.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Low reticulocyte count." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dorsal part of 2nd pouch give rise to:\nOptions: \nA. Tonsils.\tB. Thymus.\tC. Tubotympanic recess.\tD. Tympanic antrum..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tubotympanic recess." + }, + { + "input": "Question: leksell efferents go to\nOptions: \nA. Interneurons\tB. Spindle\tC. Golgi tendon organ\tD. Golgi bottle cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Spindle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A newborn with eyes closed 6 hrs after birth lustily crying, no chest retraction and movements of all four limbs. Neonatal behavioral response grading \u2013\nOptions: \nA. State 1\tB. State 3\tC. State 5\tD. State 6.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: State 6." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Langerhan\u2019s histiocytosis was previously known as\nOptions: \nA. Eosinophilic granuloma\tB. Pyogenic granuloma\tC. Letterer siwe disease\tD. Histiocytosis x.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Histiocytosis x." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following case Hamman's sign is seen?\nOptions: \nA. Hematoma\tB. Accidental NaOCl\tC. Pneumomediastinitis\tD. Oral carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pneumomediastinitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Magenta tongue and cracks at corner of mouth are seen in deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin B1\tB. Niacin\tC. Riboflavin\tD. Pantothenic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Riboflavin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Height of group of 20 boys aged 10 years was 140 \u00b1 13 cm and 20 girls of same age was 135 cm \u00b1 7 cm. To test the statistical significance of difference in height, test applicable is -\nOptions: \nA. X2\tB. Z\tC. t\tD. F.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: t" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Adrenaline used for controlling of bleeding during surgery may result in:\nOptions: \nA. Syncope\tB. Cardiac arrhythmias\tC. Drastic fall in blood pressure\tD. Precipitation of allergic reaction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cardiac arrhythmias" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After removal of periodontal pack after a week of surgery, you see a large round elevated granulation tissue. It is most likely due to:\nOptions: \nA. Allergy to components in the pack\tB. Normal finding\tC. Incomplete calculus removal\tD. Mechanical irritation due to periodontal pack.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Incomplete calculus removal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which centre first gets the input from neural control of CVS?\nOptions: \nA. RVLM\tB. NTS\tC. Nucleus ambiguous\tD. Raphe Nucleus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: NTS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti-hypeensive drug contraindicated in pregnancy is:September 2005, 2010 March 2007, March 2013\nOptions: \nA. Hydralazine\tB. Methyldopa\tC. Enalapril\tD. Amlodopine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Enalapril" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the most common sequelae of traumatic shoulder dislocation in young adults?\nOptions: \nA. Rotator cuff tear\tB. Recurrent shoulder dislocation\tC. Adhesive capsulitis\tD. Subscapular tendinitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Recurrent shoulder dislocation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following best describes paradoxical suicide?\nOptions: \nA. Suicide after taking low dose of drug\tB. Suicide occurring at the time when the pt. stas to recover\tC. Suicidal tendency increase as the patient improves\tD. Accidental completion of suicide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Suicide occurring at the time when the pt. stas to recover" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Decrease in creep occurs in:\nOptions: \nA. Under trituration or over trituration of amalgam\tB. Decreases with condensation pressure\tC. Increases with condensation pressure\tD. Cannot be predictable.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increases with condensation pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Burning tongue might not be associated with\nOptions: \nA. Ranula\tB. Diabetes mellitus\tC. Pernicious anaemia\tD. Local irritation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ranula" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 10 year old present with ankle pain. X-ray has Lytic Lesion with sclerotic rim at calcaneum. Following HPE findings were seen. What is your diagnosis:\nOptions: \nA. Eumycosis\tB. PVNS\tC. Ochronosis\tD. Hemophilic pseudotumar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hemophilic pseudotumar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Olympian brown and rhagdes are seen in-\nOptions: \nA. CMV inclusion disease\tB. Ectodermal dysplasia\tC. Congenital syphilis\tD. Hyper IgE syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Congenital syphilis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Soft palate is made up of:\nOptions: \nA. Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus\tB. Uvula\tC. Mucous membrane and muscles\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements regarding proteoglycans is true?\nOptions: \nA. consist of a core protein with GAG chains attached.\tB. GAG contain oxidized acid sugars\tC. negative charges cause to radiate out from the protein\tD. All of these.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of these." + }, + { + "input": "Question: GNAS-1 gene mutation is associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Fibrous dysplasia\tB. Osteogenesis imperfecta\tC. Amelogenesis imperfecta\tD. Cleidocranial dysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fibrous dysplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hydatid cyst is:\nOptions: \nA. Parasitic in nature\tB. Fungal\tC. Congenital\tD. Viral.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Parasitic in nature" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these anticonvulsants causes contraction of visual field?\nOptions: \nA. Levetiracetam\tB. Phenytoin\tC. Vigabatrin\tD. Ethosuximide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vigabatrin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 7-years child having very deep carious lesions in multiple teeth with no pain what should he the treatment plan:\nOptions: \nA. Indirect pulp capping\tB. pulpotomy of all teeth\tC. RCT of all teeth\tD. Extraction of teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Indirect pulp capping" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Doctor or nursing disclosing the identity of rape, victim is punishable under the following section of IPC?\nOptions: \nA. Section 228A\tB. Section 222A\tC. Section 224A\tD. Section 226A.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Section 228A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Wrong statement regarding grey rami communicates is\nOptions: \nA. Connected to spinal nerve\tB. Present medial to white rami communicantes\tC. Carries pre-ganglionic fibres\tD. Fibres are non-myelinated.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Carries pre-ganglionic fibres" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 8-years-old patient with a supernumerary tooth and crowding in the arch comes to you; what will be your line of treatment:\nOptions: \nA. Wait and watch\tB. Extraction and orthodontic treatment\tC. Serial extraction\tD. Immediate intervention with removal appliance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wait and watch" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Consumption of which of the following poison produce bluish discoloration of stomach during postmortem examination.\nOptions: \nA. Sodium amytal\tB. Soneryl\tC. Oxalic acid\tD. Arsenic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sodium amytal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The classification is given by:\nOptions: \nA. Ackerman\tB. Proffit\tC. Dewey\tD. Both 1 and 2.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Both 1 and 2." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which drug is given to prevent acute mountain sickness?\nOptions: \nA. Acetazolamide\tB. Dexamethasone\tC. Digoxin\tD. Diltiazem.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acetazolamide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An episiotomy is to be performed in a primigravida in labor. Which of these is an advantage of mediolateral episiotomy over midline episiotomy?\nOptions: \nA. Less chance of extension\tB. Can be repaired at ease\tC. Fewer breakdown\tD. Lesser blood loss.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Less chance of extension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Normally seen in lumbar spine?\nOptions: \nA. Scoliosis\tB. Lordosis\tC. Kyphosis\tD. Kyphosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lordosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mother of a 10 month old child came with a complaint of non-eruption of teeth, what will be the treatment protocol?\nOptions: \nA. Wait and watch\tB. You will do OPG which shows developing tooth buds\tC. PA skull view which shows developing tooth buds\tD. Paediatric consultation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wait and watch" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3- year old child has hepatosplenomegaly. On examination of the bone marrow, large cells are seen with crumpled paper appearance. Which of the following must have accumulated in these cells?\nOptions: \nA. Spingomyelins\tB. Gulcocerebrosides\tC. Ceramides\tD. Sulphatides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gulcocerebrosides" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is a negative acute phase reactant?\nOptions: \nA. Ferritin\tB. Haptoglobin\tC. Albumin\tD. C-reactive protein.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Albumin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following will lead to spread of communicable disease during disaster, except\nOptions: \nA. Diarrhoea\tB. Acute Respiratory infection\tC. Measles\tD. Malnutrition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Malnutrition." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug must be sold only on production of a prescription by a registered medical practitioner?\nOptions: \nA. Schedule H\tB. Schedule G\tC. Schedule X\tD. Schedule M.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Schedule H" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 40 year old female came with fullness in upper right quadrant of abdomen with diabetes type II, hyperlipidemia, biopsy shows\nOptions: \nA. Biliary cirrhosis\tB. Luminal thrombosis\tC. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis\tD. Autoimmune hepatitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Minimum number of lobes required to form a permanent tooth\nOptions: \nA. 1\tB. 2\tC. 3\tD. 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 4." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Comprehensive emergency obstetric care does not include:\nOptions: \nA. Manual removal of placenta\tB. Hysterectomy\tC. Blood transfusion\tD. Cesarean section.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hysterectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following is true about dentinal tubules except:\nOptions: \nA. Inner pulpal layer contains more dentinal tubules than outer dentin layer\tB. The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7\u03bcm\tC. The diameter of dentinal tubule is more at pulpal layer than outer layer\tD. The bonding is more difficult on the inner Layer of dentin compared to outer surface.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: The diameter of dentin tubules ranges from 5 to 7\u03bcm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person is HBsAg positive, but Anti- HBc Ab is negative. What should he the next step?\nOptions: \nA. Repeat test after 6 months\tB. Check HBV DNA load\tC. Check HBeAg, if positive sta interferon\tD. Reassure patient that he does not have any disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Check HBV DNA load" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 34-year-old primigravida at 11 weeks gestation presents to her obstetrics clinic with chief complain of exposure to a rash. Her husband is HIV+ve and has broken out on a rash in his left buttock which consists of a grouped vesicles on a maculopapular base, 4 days back. She has got her HIV testing done which is negative. Her P/R is 86/min, B/P = 100/60 mm of hg, resp rate 10/min and temp = 98.7F.FHS is heard via Doppler.What is the next step in the management:\nOptions: \nA. Administer high dose acyclovir to the infant at birth.\tB. Administer high dose acyclovir to the patient now.\tC. Administer varicella immunoglobulin to the infant at birth.\tD. Administer varicella immunoglobulin to the patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Administer varicella immunoglobulin to the patient." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is most appropriate for pseudopocket ?\nOptions: \nA. Is a feature of periodontitis\tB. Is associated with attachment loss\tC. Is associated with trans-septal fibres loss\tD. May have a depth of more than 3 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: May have a depth of more than 3 mm." + }, + { + "input": "Question: It is necessary to remove a disto-occlusal inlay from maxillary premolar. The procedure of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Cut through the isthmus and remove the inlay in 2 pieces\tB. Use a chisel and mallet\tC. Try to tease the inlay out with help of an elevator\tD. Remove the inlay in one piece.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cut through the isthmus and remove the inlay in 2 pieces" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Occlusal isthmus of a M.O. dental amalgam is resistant to fracture if:\nOptions: \nA. Pulpal floor depth is 1mm\tB. Dove tail is present\tC. Axiopulpal line angle is rounded\tD. Unsupported enamel at the gingival cavosurface margin is planed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Axiopulpal line angle is rounded" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best test for fetal maturity in a diabetic mother is :\nOptions: \nA. L:S ratio\tB. Lecithin-cephalin ratio\tC. Phosphatidyl choline\tD. Phosphatidyl glycerol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Phosphatidyl glycerol." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is the earliest manifestation of Cushing's syndrome :\nOptions: \nA. Loss of diurnal variation\tB. Increased ACTH\tC. Increased plasma cortisol\tD. Increased urinary metabolites of cortisol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Loss of diurnal variation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is under-5 moality' rate in world by 2010?\nOptions: \nA. 6 million\tB. 8 million\tC. 10 million\tD. 12 million.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 8 million" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Position and movement of articular disc of TMJ is controlled by fibers of:\nOptions: \nA. Lower head of lateral pterygoid muscle\tB. Sphenomandibular ligament\tC. Superficial head of medial pterygoid muscle\tD. Upper head of lateral pterygoid muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Upper head of lateral pterygoid muscle." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following should be considered a 'High risk infant'?\nOptions: \nA. Mal-presentation\tB. Folic acid tablet not consumed\tC. Working mother\tD. Antenatal preeclampsia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Working mother" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The number of patients required in a clinical trial to treat a specify disease increases as\nOptions: \nA. The drop-out rate increases\tB. The significance level increases\tC. The size of the expected treatment effect increased\tD. The incidence of the disease decreases.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The drop-out rate increases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Myosin head detachment from actin is triggered by:-\nOptions: \nA. Change in troponin c configuration\tB. Entry of Ca into sarcoplasmic reticulum\tC. Binding of ATP to head\tD. Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Binding of ATP to head" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Immunization that could help post-disaster includes\nOptions: \nA. Measles\tB. Cholera\tC. Typhoid\tD. All.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Measles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sphenoidal air sinus is supplied by which nerve:\nOptions: \nA. Posterior ethmoidal\tB. Posterior superior\tC. Sphenoidal\tD. Infratemporal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Posterior ethmoidal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lower two pas of sternal body is fused by:\nOptions: \nA. 8 years\tB. 10 years\tC. 12 years\tD. 14 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 14 years." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sensory nerve fibres to posterior one third of the tongue is supplied by:\nOptions: \nA. XII cranial nerve\tB. IX cranial nerve\tC. X cranial nerve\tD. VII cranial nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: IX cranial nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Nobel prize for medicine/physiology in 2018 for the discovery of:\nOptions: \nA. Apoptotic pathway\tB. Crispr-Cas9\tC. Negative immune regulation\tD. Molecular mechanisms controlling circadian rhythm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Negative immune regulation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child with fever and sore throat developed acute cervical lymphadenopathy most likely investigation to be done is :\nOptions: \nA. Open biopsy of node\tB. Radical neck dissection\tC. Neck X\u2013ray\tD. Complete hemogram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Complete hemogram." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dose of dexamethasone given to mother in anticipated preterm delivery:\nOptions: \nA. 12 mg 12 hourly 2 doses\tB. 12 mg 24 hourly 4 doses\tC. 6 mg 24 hourly 2 doses\tD. 6 mg 12 hourly 4 doses.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 6 mg 12 hourly 4 doses." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not a part of ethmoid bone is\nOptions: \nA. Inferior turbinate\tB. Agar nasi cells\tC. Uncinate process\tD. Crista galli.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inferior turbinate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anaerobic glycolysis of which of these produces 3 ATPs per unit glucose consumed?\nOptions: \nA. Amino acid\tB. Fructose\tC. Galactose\tD. Glycogen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glycogen." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the inheritance, if father is affected no offspring is affected, but if mother affected, all offspring affected?\nOptions: \nA. Mitochondrial\tB. X linked recessive\tC. Autosomal dominant\tD. Autosomal recessive.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mitochondrial" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient on anti-tubercular drug therapy developed tingling sensation on lower limb. Which of the following drug should be used for the treatment?\nOptions: \nA. Thiamine\tB. Folic acid\tC. Pyridoxine\tD. Vitamin B-12.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pyridoxine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: DPT Vaccine is not contraindicated in?\nOptions: \nA. Progressive neurological disorder\tB. Severely immunocompromised patient\tC. High allergic response to 1st dose\tD. Severe convulsions in a patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Severely immunocompromised patient" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A non synovial joint with connective tissue in between is:\nOptions: \nA. Syndesmosis\tB. Synchondrosis\tC. Saddle\tD. Suture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Syndesmosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO guidelines for excess sugar control by all except\nOptions: \nA. Fiscal policies\tB. Chair side council\tC. Marketing\tD. Food Labelling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Chair side council" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following decrease in iron deficiency anemia except:\nOptions: \nA. Ferritin\tB. TIBC\tC. Serum iron\tD. Transferrin saturation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: TIBC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the ratio of chest compressions and breaths when a lone person is giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation?\nOptions: \nA. 10:01\tB. 15:01\tC. 30:01:00\tD. 30:02:00.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 30:02:00." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hydrolysis of IgG with papain will lead to formation of following fragments:\nOptions: \nA. 1 Fc and 2 Fab fragments\tB. 2 Fc and 1 Fab fragment\tC. 1 variable chain and 1 constant chain\tD. 1 Fab and 1 hypervariable region.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 Fc and 2 Fab fragments" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fetal adrenals release which hormone predominantly:March 2009, September 2010\nOptions: \nA. Oestrogen\tB. Testosterone\tC. Aldosterone\tD. Coisone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Coisone." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fear developed in a patient due to previous experience, events, objects:\nOptions: \nA. Innate fear.\tB. Subjective fear.\tC. Objective fear.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Objective fear." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sterilization of hand piece will cause:\nOptions: \nA. Rust of hand piece\tB. Turbine wear\tC. Fibre loss\tD. Loss of torque.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Fibre loss" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant lady develops chickenpox. During which part of her pregnancy will it lead to highest chance of neonatal infection:\nOptions: \nA. Last 5 days\tB. 12-16 week\tC. 8-12 week\tD. 16-20 week.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Last 5 days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A male child with coarse facial features, macroglossia, thick lips presents with copious mucous discharge from nose at 10 months of age. The child was absolutely normal at bih. On examination he was found to have enlarged Liver and Spleen. Diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Hurler's syndrome\tB. Beckwith-Weidman syndrome\tC. Hypothyroidism\tD. Proteus syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hurler's syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: G3 with previous second trimester abortion presents with 22 week of gestation, abdominal pain, USG shows funneling of internal os. What is the ideal management?\nOptions: \nA. Dinoprost and bed rest\tB. Misoprost and bed rest\tC. Fothergills stitch\tD. Mc Donald stitch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mc Donald stitch." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The neutralization of saliva is due to\nOptions: \nA. Mucin\tB. Ammonia\tC. Amino a cids\tD. Bicarbonates.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bicarbonates." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 45 y ears old patient presented to you with ongoing massive hematemesis. The patient is ale and hemodynamically stable. What will be the first step in management?\nOptions: \nA. Do an urgent upper GI endoscopy\tB. Put the patient in recovery position and secure airway\tC. Inse a cannula and sta IV fluids\tD. Send for blood transfusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Put the patient in recovery position and secure airway" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extraction of a tooth during acute infection:\nOptions: \nA. Can cause extensive spread of infection\tB. Helps drainage and relieves pain if proper antibiotic is given and its adequate blood level is reached\tC. Can cause sudden death due to pulmonary embolism\tD. Can Lead to trigeminal neuralgia in post operative period.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Helps drainage and relieves pain if proper antibiotic is given and its adequate blood level is reached" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Kamla 4 yrs of age presented in emergency with mild respiratory \"stress. On laryngoscopy she was diagnosed to have multiple juvenile papilomatosis of the larynx. Next line of management is -\nOptions: \nA. Tracheostomy\tB. Microlaryngoscopy\tC. Steroid\tD. Antibiotics.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Microlaryngoscopy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Unconjugated bilirubin is increased in all, except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Criggler Najjar syndrome\tB. Dubin Johnson syndrome\tC. Gilbert syndrome\tD. Hemolytic anaemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dubin Johnson syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is not a cofactor for glycogen phosphorylase, an impoant enzyme of the glycogenolysis pathway?\nOptions: \nA. Calmodulin\tB. c-AMP\tC. Protein Kinase A\tD. Glycogenin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glycogenin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which type of lesion 'eburnation' of the dentine is seen?\nOptions: \nA. Acute caries\tB. Chronic caries\tC. Arrested caries\tD. Root Caries.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Arrested caries" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In case of a deep carious lesion incomplete debridement is done to:\nOptions: \nA. Allow secondary dentin formation first\tB. To seal the cavity and create aseptic field\tC. Prevent pulp exposure and allow a thin layer of a dentin to remain\tD. Avoid microleakage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Prevent pulp exposure and allow a thin layer of a dentin to remain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In chronic allergy which lg are more persistent in the body?\nOptions: \nA. lg G\tB. lg E\tC. lg A\tD. lg M.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: lg E" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following drug is not used for medical management of ectopic pregnancy:\nOptions: \nA. Potassium Chloride\tB. Methotrexate\tC. Actinomycin D\tD. Misoprostol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Misoprostol." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following is characteristic feature of staphylococcus food poisoning except:\nOptions: \nA. Optimum temperature for toxin production is 370C\tB. Intradietic toxin are responsible for intestinal symptoms\tC. Toxin can be destroyed by boiling for 30 minutes\tD. Incubation period is 1-6 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Toxin can be destroyed by boiling for 30 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 22-year-old female gives the history of recurrent joint pains. She has now developed petechial hemorrhages. She is most likely to have:\nOptions: \nA. Megakaryocytic thrombocytopenia\tB. Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia\tC. Platelet function defects\tD. Acquired factor VIII inhibitors.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Acquired factor VIII inhibitors." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The red zones of lips have:\nOptions: \nA. 30% sebaceous glands\tB. 75% sebaceous glands\tC. very small number of sebaceous glands, if any\tD. absolutely no sebaceous glands.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: very small number of sebaceous glands, if any" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2-year-old child was brought to the emergency depament at 3 AM. The child presented with fever and cough. On examination, respiratory rate was 36/ min, temperature was 39degC and saturation on pulse oximetry was 96%. The child had barking cough and stridor only on crying. Otherwise, the child was hydrated, able to drink and consolable. The nest step in management would be:\nOptions: \nA. Racemic epinephrine nebulization\tB. Single dose of dexamethasone\tC. Complete blood count and culture\tD. Nasal washings for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and influenza.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Single dose of dexamethasone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The virus HIV is produced and propagated in:\nOptions: \nA. Dendritic cells of the lymphnode germinal epithelium\tB. Circulating T4 lymphocytes\tC. B- lymphocytes\tD. Epithelial cells of the sex organs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Circulating T4 lymphocytes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Deficiency of nicotinic acid results in:\nOptions: \nA. Beri-beri\tB. Pellagra\tC. Night blindness\tD. Pernicious anemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pellagra" + }, + { + "input": "Question: At 28 weeks gestation, amniocentesis reveals a AOD 450 of 0.20 which is at the top of third zone of the liley curve. The most appropriate management of such a case is:\nOptions: \nA. Immediate delivery\tB. Intrauterine transfusion\tC. Repeat Amniocentesis after 1 week\tD. Plasmapheresis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Intrauterine transfusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After a midline laparotomy, you have been asked to suture the incision. What length of suture material will you choose?\nOptions: \nA. 2x incision length\tB. 4x incision length\tC. 6x incision length\tD. 8x incision length.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 4x incision length" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In response to traumatic occlusal forces, alveolar bone has\nOptions: \nA. Osteoblasts in areas of tension and osteoclasts in areas of pressure\tB. Osteoblasts in areas of tension and osteoblasts in areas of pressure\tC. Osteoid in areas of tension and osteoblasts in areas of pressure\tD. Afunctional atrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osteoblasts in areas of tension and osteoclasts in areas of pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Class 3 hemorrhagic shock refers to:\nOptions: \nA. Blood loss less than 15 %\tB. Blood loss between 15 % - 30%\tC. Blood loss between 30% - 40%\tD. Blood loss more than 40%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Blood loss between 30% - 40%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a school bus accident, which of the following victim you will attend first?\nOptions: \nA. A child with Airway obstruction\tB. A child with shock\tC. A child with flail chest\tD. A child with Severe head injury.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A child with Airway obstruction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Supplementary retention on the abutment tooth is made\npossible by:\nOptions: \nA. Greater bulk of metal\tB. Proper cementation technique\tC. Shoulder preparation\tD. Proper use of pins and grooves.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Proper use of pins and grooves." + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to WHO definition, what is the criteria for considering a high endemic area for meningococcal meningitis?\nOptions: \nA. <2 per 1,00,000 population\tB. 2-10 per 1,00,000 population\tC. >10 per 1,00,000 population\tD. >100 per 1,00,000 population.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: >10 per 1,00,000 population" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Augmented genioplasty is done by:\nOptions: \nA. Sliding horizontal osteotomy\tB. Bone grafts\tC. Silicone implants\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sliding horizontal osteotomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is not a feature of wilson\\'s disease in a child \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Fanconi syndrome\tB. Sensory changes\tC. Hemolytic anemia\tD. Chronic active hepatitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sensory changes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following zones is used for melting alloy during casting:\nOptions: \nA. Reducing flame\tB. Oxidizing flame\tC. Green flame\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Reducing flame" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most important prognostic factor in congenital diaphragmatic hernia \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Pulmonary hypertension\tB. Size of hernia\tC. Timing of surgery\tD. Gestational age.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pulmonary hypertension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 years old child has intrusion of permanent maxillary central incisor. The choice of treatment is\nOptions: \nA. Put tooth in its place and splint it\tB. Allow tooth to erupt on its own (spontaneous eruption)\tC. Treat it orthodontically\tD. Do nothing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Allow tooth to erupt on its own (spontaneous eruption)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about diabetic mother is:a) Hyperglycemia occurs in all infants of diabetic mothersb) High incidence of congenital heart anomalies is commonc) Small babyd) Beta agonist drugs are CI during delivery\nOptions: \nA. c\tB. d\tC. ab\tD. bd.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: bd." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The advantage of metal base denture is:\nOptions: \nA. Increase in tissue tolerance\tB. Easy laboratory procedure\tC. Rebasing and relining are quite easy\tD. Increase in restorative cost.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increase in tissue tolerance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti D prophylaxis is administered in all except?\nOptions: \nA. MTP at 63 days\tB. Amniocentesis at 16 weeks\tC. Manual removal of placenta\tD. Intra-uterine transfusion 28 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Intra-uterine transfusion 28 weeks." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 8 year-old child had fractured his maxillary central incisor\n10-months ago. The pulp shows no response. There is no periapical lesion in the radiograph. The treatment of choice is:\nOptions: \nA. Ca(OH)2 pulp capping\tB. Formocresol pulpotomy\tC. Conventional root canal treatment\tD. Complete debridement and apexification.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Complete debridement and apexification." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Marked reduction in amount of dentin, widening of predentin layer, presence of large area of interglobular dentin and irregular pattern of dentin is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Hypocalcified dentin\tB. Odonto dysplasia\tC. Dentin dysplasia\tD. Dentinogenesis imperfecta.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Odonto dysplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: One common radiographic finding in clinical gingivitis is\nOptions: \nA. Vertical bone loss\tB. Normal bone pattern\tC. Horizontal bone loss\tD. Increase in bone density.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Normal bone pattern" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 11-year-old boy complains of spacing between maxillary incisors. The appropriate treatment is with:\nOptions: \nA. Hawley's appliance\tB. Fixed appliance\tC. No treatment\tD. Oral screen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: No treatment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A traumatized tooth nonvital with or without crown\nfracture is classified as\nOptions: \nA. Class-III\tB. Class-IV\tC. Class -V\tD. Class-VII.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Class-IV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Habits are classified as Intentional and Unintentional by:\nOptions: \nA. William James\tB. Kingsley\tC. Earnest Klein\tD. Finn and Sim.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Earnest Klein" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gingiva is most commonly affected by deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. Vitamin A\tB. Vitamin D\tC. Vitamin C\tD. Vitamin B.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vitamin C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Injection of Glucagon is effective for management of persistent hypoglycemia in all EXCEPT \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Large for date baby\tB. Galactosemia\tC. Infant of diabetic mother\tD. Nesidioblastosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Galactosemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following show chemical bond with enamel (calcified tissues)?\nOptions: \nA. Composites\tB. Direct filling resins\tC. Polycarboxylate cements\tD. BIS-GMA resins in pit and fissure sealants.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Polycarboxylate cements" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 'Store in a cool place' is written on a drug label. It means drug should be stored at a temperature of:\nOptions: \nA. -2 degree Celsius\tB. 0 degree Celsius\tC. 2-8 degree Celsius\tD. 8-15 degree Celsius.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 8-15 degree Celsius." + }, + { + "input": "Question: During autopsy of a patient died due to suspected myocardial infarction, the hea was stained with triphenyltetrazolium tetrachloride dye. What will be the color of the ble myocardium?\nOptions: \nA. White\tB. Red\tC. Blue\tD. Dark Brown.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Red" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ADA specification for orthodontic wires is\nOptions: \nA. 32\tB. 30\tC. 27\tD. 25.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 32" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Frankfort - horizontal is a reference plane constructed by joining which of the following landmarks?\nOptions: \nA. Nasion and Sella\tB. Porion and Sella\tC. Porion and Nasion\tD. Porion and Orbitale.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Porion and Orbitale." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gum pads are divided into following segments:\nOptions: \nA. 3 in each quadrant\tB. 2 in each jaw\tC. 5 in each quadrant\tD. 2 in each quadrant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 5 in each quadrant" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A youthful feminine smile have all the characteristics except?\nOptions: \nA. Golden proportion is followed\tB. Closure of incisor embrasure\tC. Rounding of incisal line angles\tD. Softened facial line angles.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Closure of incisor embrasure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Release of synaptic vesicle from presynaptic terminal is inhibited by\nOptions: \nA. Inhibition of conduction of nerve impulse\tB. Prevention of sodium influx\tC. Prevention of calcium influx\tD. Prevention of depolarization of nerve terminal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Prevention of calcium influx" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What will be the 95% confidence interval (CI) for an estimated prevalence of 10% and a sample size of 100?\nOptions: \nA. 18-Feb\tB. 16-Apr\tC. 13-Jul\tD. Given data inadequate for calculation of class intervals..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 16-Apr" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Greatest movement is seen in which type of joint:\nOptions: \nA. Amphiarthroses.\tB. Diarthroses.\tC. Synarthroses.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Diarthroses." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Extra-embryonic mesoderm is derived from:\nOptions: \nA. Epiblast\tB. Primary yolk sac\tC. Secondary yolk sac\tD. Hypoblast.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Primary yolk sac" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not true about vibrio cholera is\nOptions: \nA. Increase water and sodium loss by debilitating diarrhoea\tB. Toxic protein is cholera toxin\tC. Activate adenylatecyclase\tD. Gram positive rod.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Gram positive rod." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 7-years girl with single tooth crossbite came to clinic what should be treatment plan:\nOptions: \nA. Wait till all permanent teeth erupt\tB. Removable appliance therapy\tC. Immediate intervention therapy\tD. Extraction of tooth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Immediate intervention therapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most prominent lingual fossa in Incisors is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Upper Lateral incisor\tB. Lower Lateral Incisor\tC. Upper Central Incisor\tD. Lower Central Incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Upper Lateral incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Finger with two dorsal interossei attached?\nOptions: \nA. Little\tB. Index\tC. Middle\tD. Ring.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Middle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common malignant bone tumor in child:\nOptions: \nA. Osteosarcoma\tB. Ewing sarcoma\tC. Metastatic carcinoma\tD. Osteoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Osteosarcoma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 29-year-old, 4 months pregnant primigravida has history of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. She has been regularly taking sodium valproate and now presents requesting for an opinion for a change in her anti-epileptic treatment. What would you sugeets her?\nOptions: \nA. Immediately taper off valproate and sta lamotrigine\tB. Switch to carbamazepine\tC. Continue valproate and serial drug monitoring in blood\tD. Add lamotrigine to valproate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Continue valproate and serial drug monitoring in blood" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following would you consider ohostatic hypotension?\nOptions: \nA. SBP fall by 20 mm hg, DBP fall by 10 mm hg within 3 minutes\tB. SBP fall by 20 mm hg, DBP fall by 10 mm Hg within 6 minutes\tC. SBP fall by 30 mm hg, DBP fall by 20 mm Hg within 3 minutes\tD. SBP fall by 30 mm hg, DBP fall by 20 mm hg within 6 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: SBP fall by 20 mm hg, DBP fall by 10 mm hg within 3 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is NOT a major criteria for Rheumatic heart disease \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Arthritis\tB. Carditis\tC. Subcutaneous nodule\tD. Raised ASLO titer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Raised ASLO titer." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not used as an antiflux?\nOptions: \nA. Graphite\tB. Boric acid\tC. Iron oxide\tD. Calcium carbonate with alcohol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Boric acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cerebellar lesion can produce all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Nystagmus\tB. Past pointing\tC. Resting tremor\tD. Ataxic gait.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Resting tremor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Enzymes elevated in the plasma in MI\nOptions: \nA. CPK-MB\tB. SGOT (AST)\tC. LDH\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 18 years old girl presents with primary amenorrhea. On evaluation, she was having a karyotype of 45X0 and infantile uterus. What should he done next?\nOptions: \nA. H to induce pubey\tB. Vaginoplasty\tC. Clitoroplasty\tD. Bilateral gonadectomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Bilateral gonadectomy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Palatoglossus develops from:\nOptions: \nA. Occipital myotomes\tB. Lingual swelling of first arch\tC. Third arch\tD. Mesoderm of sixth arch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mesoderm of sixth arch." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Benzodiazepine antagonist is\nOptions: \nA. Flumazenil\tB. Furazolidone\tC. Naloxone\tD. Naltrexone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Flumazenil" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following tumor MRI is better than CT Scan..\nOptions: \nA. Brochogenic Carcinoma\tB. SCC of lung\tC. Mesothelioma\tD. Pancost tumor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Pancost tumor." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Glucocorticoids decrease inflammatory reaction by reducing:\nOptions: \nA. Activity of histamine\tB. Release of histamine\tC. Fibroblastic activity\tD. Neutrophils.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Release of histamine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Inca bone or Goethe's ossicles is a sutural bone present in?\nOptions: \nA. Bregma\tB. Lambda\tC. Pterion\tD. Asterion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lambda" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti-centromere antibodies are seen in which of the following conditions?\nOptions: \nA. Drug-induced lupus\tB. SLE\tC. Sjogren syndrome\tD. Scleroderma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scleroderma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: You have been called to declare a brain dead l2-year-ord chitd in pICU, all ofthe given are signs of brain death except?\nOptions: \nA. Normal BP without pharmacological suppo\tB. Positive spinal reflexes on stimulation\tC. Sweating and tachycardia\tD. Decoicate and decerebrate posturing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Decoicate and decerebrate posturing." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are derived from mesonephros except:\nOptions: \nA. Paroophoron\tB. Vas deferens\tC. Epididymis\tD. Glomerulus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glomerulus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A phenomenon by which a sustance appears different under varying conditions of colour is called as?\nOptions: \nA. Mesomerism\tB. Metamerism\tC. Fluorescence\tD. Refractive index.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Metamerism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following does not occur in High Copper Amalgam?\nOptions: \nA. Electrochemical Corrosion\tB. Chemical Corrosion\tC. Penetrating Corrosion\tD. Corrosion does not occur at all.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Penetrating Corrosion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tendon of Gracilis, Sartorius and semitendenous muscles insert on tibia to form Pesanserinus. Similar structure is seen in\nOptions: \nA. TMJ\tB. Parotid\tC. Submandibular gland\tD. Cheek.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Parotid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Technique of root coverage called as:\nOptions: \nA. Langer and langer technique\tB. Pouch and tunnel technique.\tC. Azis technique.\tD. Bruno technique.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pouch and tunnel technique." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of these can be used for post-coital contraception except:\nOptions: \nA. Desogestrel\tB. Copper-T\tC. Levonorgestrel\tD. OCP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Desogestrel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is known as corner stone of behavior management:\nOptions: \nA. Modelling.\tB. Tell Show Do.\tC. Contigency management.\tD. Communication..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Tell Show Do." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Medial dislocation of fractured condyle in subcondylar fracture is caused by\nOptions: \nA. Lateral pterygoid\tB. Medial pterygoid\tC. Masseter\tD. Temporalis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral pterygoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Unstable Angina, True is\nOptions: \nA. Chest pain occurs at rest.\tB. Pain lasts for 10 minutes.\tC. Pain subsides on rest.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Chest pain occurs at rest." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A known 60-year-old male Diabetic and hypeensive patient was found unconscious in the morning. On examination pulse- 120, bp- 180/100 and there was positive extensor plantar. What is next step to be done?\nOptions: \nA. Order CT scan\tB. Immediately reduces bp with antihypeensives\tC. Give I/v mannitol\tD. Check blood glucose.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Check blood glucose." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following movement(s) is /are involved in the opening of the mouth?\nOptions: \nA. Only hinge (rotation)\tB. Only translation\tC. Hinge followed by translation\tD. Translation followed by hinge.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Hinge followed by translation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dental plaque is formed by reaction of enzymes on:\nOptions: \nA. Sucrose and lipids\tB. Glucose and proteins\tC. Glucose and lipids\tD. Sucrose and saliva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sucrose and saliva." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 76 - year - old female presented with non - healing ulcer on labia majora for 6 months measuring 2 x 3 cm with no palpable lymphadenopathy. Biopsy shows Squamous cell carcinoma. Management of this patient includes?\nOptions: \nA. Radical vulvectomy with sentinal LN biopsy\tB. Wide excision\tC. Simple vulvectomy\tD. Chemoradiation with resection.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Radical vulvectomy with sentinal LN biopsy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most appropriate method of testing the statistical significance of the differences between means of two groups is\nOptions: \nA. Chi square test\tB. Multiple regression analysis\tC. Correlation coefficient analysis\tD. Student test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Student test." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 4 years old child was brought to the hospital with right impalpable testsis. During diagnostic laparoscopy for undescended testis, there are blind testicular vessels. What should be done next?\nOptions: \nA. Abdominal exploration\tB. Nothing is to be done\tC. Inguinal exploration\tD. Scrotal exploration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Nothing is to be done" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady presented with fatigue and tingling sensation in both hands and legs. On examination, she is found to have a fissured red tongue, lesions at angle of mouth and peripheral neuropathy with a decreased RBC glutathione reductase activity. What is the likely deficient vitamin?\nOptions: \nA. Riboflavin\tB. Vitamin B12\tC. Thiamine\tD. Vitamin B6.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Riboflavin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Minimum dosage of tetracycline which will show tooth discoloration is\nOptions: \nA. 5 mg/kg body weight\tB. 20 mg/kg body weight\tC. 50 mg/kg body weight\tD. 80 mg/kg body weight.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 20 mg/kg body weight" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mass Drug Administration is helpful is used/effective for all except\nOptions: \nA. Lymphatic Filariasis\tB. Vit A Deficiency\tC. Worm Infestation\tD. Scabies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scabies." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A person of eonism derives pleasure from.\nOptions: \nA. Wearing clothes of opposite sex\tB. Fondling female body pas\tC. Rubbing genitalia against body of other person\tD. Seeing the opposite paner nude.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wearing clothes of opposite sex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Normal growth of maxilla occurs by\nOptions: \nA. Displacement and drift\tB. Drift only\tC. Apposition\tD. Replacement resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Displacement and drift" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about PCL except?\nOptions: \nA. It's a extra synol structure\tB. Primary restrain for post dislocation of knee joint\tC. Primary restrain for internal rotation around knee joint\tD. Attached to medical femoral condyle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Primary restrain for internal rotation around knee joint" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The strength of association between the risk factor and disease is measured by\nOptions: \nA. Attributable risk\tB. Absolute risk of the variable\tC. Odds ratio/Relative risk\tD. P-value.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Odds ratio/Relative risk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A researcher wants to (to a study of blood levels of lipids among people who smoke and those who do not. But he is now concerned that the smokers might differ from non-smokers in their diet, exercise, etc as well. This concern is known as:\nOptions: \nA. Recall bias\tB. Information bias\tC. Selection bias\tD. Interviewer bias.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Selection bias" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are components of manning score/Biophysical score except:\nOptions: \nA. Non stress test\tB. Oxytocin challenge test\tC. Fetal body movement\tD. Respiratory activity of child.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Oxytocin challenge test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Carbamazepine has been utilized to successfully diminish attacks in trigeminal neuralgia. During this therapy, which of the following is indicated?\nOptions: \nA. Clinical observation only\tB. Clinical observation and complete blood and platelet counts prior to and at frequent intervals during therapy\tC. No monitoring\tD. Complete blood investigation, only if adverse symptoms arise.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Clinical observation and complete blood and platelet counts prior to and at frequent intervals during therapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient underwent surgery at the lateral pa of the skull. Postoperatively patient had aspirations without voice change\nOptions: \nA. Vagus\tB. RLN\tC. Glossopharyngeal\tD. SLN.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: SLN." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Touidine blue is to:\nOptions: \nA. Differentiate between malignant transformation\tB. Differentiate lichen planus from Leukoplakia\tC. Differentiate between pemphigus and lichen planus\tD. Differentiate between candidiasis & leukoplakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Differentiate between malignant transformation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Investigation of choice for a lesion of the temporal bone is\nOptions: \nA. X-ray\tB. USG\tC. CT\tD. MRI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: CT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ligamentum flavum consists of which fibres:-\nOptions: \nA. Type-I collagen\tB. Type-II collagen\tC. Reticular\tD. Elastic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Elastic." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acanthosis is\nOptions: \nA. Increase in mitotic division\tB. Increase in thickness of superficial layer\tC. Increase in thickness of spinous Layer\tD. Disruption of basal lamina.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increase in thickness of spinous Layer" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A G3P2, pregnant comes to your clinic at 18 weeks of gestation for genetic counselling. She has a history of two kids born with thalassemia major. Which test would you recommend now?\nOptions: \nA. Amniocentesis\tB. Chorionic villus sampling\tC. Cordocentesis\tD. Non-invasive prenatal testing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cordocentesis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Excision of the submandibular gland for calculus or tumours is done by incision below angle of the jaw. Special care should be taken to avoid which nerve?\nOptions: \nA. Ansa cervicalis\tB. Mandibular branch of facial nerve\tC. Posterior auricular nerve\tD. Submandibular ganglion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mandibular branch of facial nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most common problem with blood transfusion is:\nOptions: \nA. Hemolytic reaction\tB. Remission of disease\tC. Hypokalemia\tD. Metabolic acidosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hemolytic reaction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A man has 1x1.5cm pedunculated lesion on the soft palate which has a rough, \"warty\" surface but is the same colour as adjacent mucosa. Appropriate management of this lesion is to:\nOptions: \nA. Perform an incisional biopsy\tB. Perform excisional biopsy\tC. Scrape for exfoliative cytology\tD. Observe for two weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Perform excisional biopsy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady complains of headache, nausea and tenderness in temporal region with migraine. On microscopic investigation what will be seen\nOptions: \nA. Temporal aneurysm\tB. Giant cell arteritis\tC. Granulomatous giant cell lesions\tD. Luminal thrombosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Giant cell arteritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chlorhexidine mouth rinsing:\nOptions: \nA. Specifically inhibits gram-negative bacteria\tB. Can inhibit subgingival plaque\tC. May disturb taste sensation\tD. Can only be obtained on prescription.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: May disturb taste sensation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Black foot is seen in which poisoning?\nOptions: \nA. Arsenic\tB. Lead\tC. Mercury\tD. Phosphorus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Arsenic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following are true about imaging in primary survey of a trauma patient except:\nOptions: \nA. Cervical X-ray is not mandatory\tB. Chest X-ray and pelvic X-ray are taken as a pa of primary survey\tC. Hemodynamically unstable patients should not be sent for CT scan\tD. All patients should have chest X-ray-PA view only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All patients should have chest X-ray-PA view only." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiographs of a 40 year old female revealed radiolucent\nareas around several of her mandibular teeth, all which tested vital on the electric pulp tester. These areas represent\nOptions: \nA. Multiple granulomas\tB. Periapical osteofibroses\tC. Chronic periapical abscesses\tD. Bone hypoplasias associated with opalescent teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Periapical osteofibroses" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tooth brush abrasions are more common on the\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular teeth, on the right half of the arch\tB. Mandibular teeth, on the left half of the arch\tC. Maxillary teeth, on the right half of the arch\tD. Maxillary teeth, on the left half of the arch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Maxillary teeth, on the left half of the arch." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is undergoing MRND for laryngeal malignancy; while dissecting the venous tributaries the surgeon elevated the internal jugular vein for ligation. Suddenly the patients EtCO2 dropped from 3g mmHg to 12 mmHg and the patient developed hypotension along with cardiac arrhythmia. Which of the following is most likely cause??\nOptions: \nA. Sympathetic overactivity\tB. Vagal stimulation\tC. Venous air embolism\tD. Carotid body stimulation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Venous air embolism" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In amalgam filling there is a wide buccolingual space, the wedge technique used should be (OR) If you are going to restore lower molar with amalgam which is having cavity with proximal box wide buccolingually which wedging technique will you use\nOptions: \nA. Double wedge\tB. Wedge wedge\tC. Single wedge\tD. No wedge.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Double wedge" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypertonic salt solutions are used in all, except\nOptions: \nA. Burn\tB. Brain injury patient\tC. Prolonged bowel surgery\tD. Cardiac type IV shock.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cardiac type IV shock." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Flexion, adduction and internal rotation is characteristic posture in -\nOptions: \nA. Anterior dislocation of hip joint\tB. Posterior dislocation of hip joint\tC. Fracture of femoral head\tD. Fracture shaft of femur.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Posterior dislocation of hip joint" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Ratio of upper anterior facial height to lower anterior facial height is:\nOptions: \nA. 55:45:00\tB. 60:40:00\tC. 40:60\tD. 45:55:00.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 45:55:00." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Saliva which is formed in salivary glands, when passes from salivary gland to duct orifices, it undergoes numerous ion exchanges and as a result\nsaliva become ____________ as compared to plasma:\nOptions: \nA. Hypertonic sometimes\tB. Hypotonic\tC. Isotonic\tD. Hypertonic always.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypotonic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Palatine process began to fuse at\nOptions: \nA. 10 weeks post fertilisation\tB. 8 weeks post fertilisation\tC. 6 weeks post fertilisation\tD. 12 weeks post fertilisation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 10 weeks post fertilisation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibular Molar is\nOptions: \nA. Tritubercular teeth\tB. Quadritubercular teeth\tC. Haplodont\tD. Triconodont.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Quadritubercular teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements about tRNA molecules is false?\nOptions: \nA. The enzyme that attaches an amino acid to a tRNA is aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase\tB. Although composed of a single strand of RNA, each molecule contains several sho, double-helical regions\tC. The amino acid attachment is always to 3' end of the molecule.\tD. There is at least one tRNA for each of the 2 amino acids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: There is at least one tRNA for each of the 2 amino acids." + }, + { + "input": "Question: 20-year-old female had abdominal pain previous week, USG and clinically normal. Again she presented with loss of vision, examination is normal. Diagnosis is:AIIMS 13\nOptions: \nA. Malingering\tB. Masochist\tC. Hypochondriac\tD. Anxiety disorder.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Malingering" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An 8\u2013day old breast\u2013fed baby presents with vomiting, poor feeding and loose stools. On examination the heart rate is 190/minute, blood pressure 50/30 mmHg, respiratory rate 72 breaths/minute and capillary refill time of 4 seconds. Investigations show hemoglobin level of 15 g/dl. Na 120 mEq/l, K 6.8 mEq/l, Cl 81 meq/l, bicarbonate 15 mEq/l, urea 30 mg/dl and creatinine 0.6 mg/dl. the most likely diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia\tB. Acute tubular necrosis\tC. Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis\tD. Galactosemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Acute tubular necrosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following can be used to delay preterm contractions of uterus with best neurological outcome for the fetus?\nOptions: \nA. Mgso4\tB. Nifidipine\tC. Ritodrine\tD. Isoxprine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mgso4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following instrument does not have 4 digits?\nOptions: \nA. GMT\tB. Excavators\tC. Enamel hatchet\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Enamel hatchet" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Direct Coombs test is positive in all the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Hemolytic anemia due to transfusion\tB. Hemolytic anemia due to transfusion\tC. Aplastic anemia\tD. Drug-induced AIHA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Aplastic anemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented at 2 years of age with delayed motor development, mental retardation and finger biting. He was normal at bih. He subsequently develops cerebral palsy ahritis and dies due to renal failure at age of 25 years. What is the likely enzyme deficiency implicated?\nOptions: \nA. Hexosaminidase deficiency\tB. Adenosine deaminase deficiency\tC. HGP deficiency\tD. Ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: HGP deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Eustachian tube function is best assessed by:\nOptions: \nA. Tympanometry\tB. VEMP\tC. Rhinomanometry\tD. Politzer test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tympanometry" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most metabolically active layer in the bone is:\nOptions: \nA. Periosteum\tB. Endosteum\tC. Cancellous bone\tD. Coical bone.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Endosteum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Criteria for infant at risk?\nOptions: \nA. Working mothers\tB. Have not taken 100 days folic acid\tC. Preclampsia is pregnancy\tD. Malpresentation during bih.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Preclampsia is pregnancy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following vitamin is synthesized in vivo, in the body by humans?\nOptions: \nA. Niacin\tB. Pantothenic acid\tC. Cyanocobalamin\tD. Folic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Niacin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Embalming without issuing death ceificate is punishable under section:\nOptions: \nA. IPC 201\tB. IPC 297\tC. IPC 299\tD. IPC 498.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: IPC 201" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following anticoagulant is used for electrolyte estimation?\nOptions: \nA. EDTA\tB. Citrate\tC. Sodium fluoride\tD. Lithium heparin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Lithium heparin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calculate the neonatal moality rate for a population according to the data of 2012. Number of neonatal deaths- 450, number of stillbihs-212, total number of live bihs-12,450.\nOptions: \nA. 36\tB. 15\tC. 90\tD. 56.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 36" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lingual plate is indicated when\nOptions: \nA. There is need for addition of one or more Anterior teeth\tB. Deep Lingual sulcus\tC. Good ridge support\tD. Narrow lingual sulcus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: There is need for addition of one or more Anterior teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 48 years old female presents with seizure, recurrent gross hematuria and left flank abdominal pain. Abdominal CT reveals left perinephric hematoma with 3 cm angiomyolipoma along with multiple right renal angiomyolipoma measuring 1.5 to 6.5 cm. What would be the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. VHL syndrome\tB. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease\tC. Tuberous sclerosis\tD. Hereditary angiolipoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tuberous sclerosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following rightly describes the mechanism of \"Pressor Escape\" in SIADH?\nOptions: \nA. Characterized by sudden increase in urine volume with decrease in urine osmolality independent of circulating vasopressin levels.\tB. Characterized by sudden increase in urine volume with decrease in urine osmolality dependent of circulating vasopressin levels.\tC. Characterized by sudden decrease in urine volume with increase in urine osmolality independent of circulating vasopressin levels.\tD. Characterized by sudden decrease in urine volume with increase in urine osmolality dependent of circulating vasopressin levels.=.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Characterized by sudden increase in urine volume with decrease in urine osmolality independent of circulating vasopressin levels." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Distraction osteogenesis is done in pediatric patient which of the following is considered\nOptions: \nA. Increase in rate\tB. Increase rhythm\tC. Consolidation time is increased\tD. Time of fixation is increased.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increase in rate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour showing which of the following differentiation is termed as \"Triton tumour\"?\nOptions: \nA. Glandular\tB. Rhabdomyoblastic\tC. Cailaginous\tD. Osseous.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rhabdomyoblastic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prevalence of pit & fissure caries is measured with:\nOptions: \nA. ICDAS\tB. DMF\tC. def/dmf\tD. Transillumination.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Transillumination." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child can walk upstairs one step at a time, can ride cycle but can't jump can also speak sentences, can tell his/her name gender but finds difficult to narrate the story.What is her actual developmental age\nOptions: \nA. 1 yrs\tB. 2\tC. 3\tD. 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following sites is least commonly preferred for insulin injection?\nOptions: \nA. Anterior thigh\tB. Lateral thigh\tC. Dorsum of arm\tD. Around umbilicus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lateral thigh" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The access cavity for mandibular first molar typically is\nOptions: \nA. Trapezoid\tB. Triangular\tC. Oval\tD. Round.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trapezoid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair a tacker was accidently placed below and lateral to the ilio-pubic tract. Postoperatively the patient complained of pain and soreness in the thigh. This is due to the involvement of:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh\tB. llioinguinal nerve\tC. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve\tD. Obturator nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Efferent tracts from cerebellum arises from:\nOptions: \nA. Purkinje cells\tB. Deep cerebellar nuclei\tC. Cerebellar cortex\tD. Vermis of cerebellum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Purkinje cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most appropriate method for obtaining a urine specimen for culture in an 8 month old girl \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Suprapubic aspiration\tB. Indwelling catheter sample\tC. Clean catch void\tD. Urinary bag sample.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Suprapubic aspiration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is not an Indication for antibiotic therapy In patients with acute abscess?\nOptions: \nA. Fever\tB. Deep inaccessible pocket\tC. Horizontal bone loss\tD. Regional lymphadenopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Horizontal bone loss" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following sensation is NOT perceived by spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve\nOptions: \nA. Touch\tB. Pain\tC. Temperature\tD. Proprioception.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Proprioception." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The condylar cartilage at birth looks like\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. Any of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient of disseminated malignancy comes to the palliative care clinic with nausea, vomiting and altered sensorium. Hypercalcemia is detected on investigations. What will be the first line of management?\nOptions: \nA. Intravenous steroids\tB. Thiazides\tC. Intravenous fluids\tD. Intravenous bisphosphonates.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Intravenous fluids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Space between Apical constriction and Apical foamen is\nOptions: \nA. Funnel shaped\tB. Hyper bolic\tC. Morning glory\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statements is true regarding for influenza vaccine\nOptions: \nA. Secondary attack rate 5 to 15%\tB. Virus shedding present before the pt presents with symptoms\tC. 1 to 5 years is high risk age group\tD. Aquatic birds are reservoirs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Aquatic birds are reservoirs." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 2s-year-old women underwent induced ovulation.on uSG, ovary showed 8 follicles. Serum estradol level was 800 pg/ml.what is the next step in the management of this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Retrieve follicles\tB. Give cabergoline\tC. cancel cycle\tD. withhold HCG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Retrieve follicles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The periodontal ligament\nOptions: \nA. Derives its blood supply primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp\tB. Has a slow rate of turnover\tC. Contains epithelial cells of malassez\tD. Comprises primarily of type 2 collagen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Contains epithelial cells of malassez" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presents with palpitations. O/E the patient was conscious, pulse was fast with BP of 80/50 mmHg. He was subjected to Vagal maneuver and was given intravenous adenosine. The rhythm remains refractory to maximum dose of adenosine. What is the next step in management of this patient?\nOptions: \nA. Repeat adenosine\tB. Amiodarone\tC. Defibrillation\tD. Cardioversion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cardioversion." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Autoinfection can be caused by all the following helminths except:\nOptions: \nA. Enterobius vermicularis\tB. Hymenolepis nana\tC. Taenia solium\tD. Ascaris lumbricoides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Ascaris lumbricoides." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the name of this technique for palpation of thyroid. A thumb is placed on the lateral side of trachea and patient is swallowing?\nOptions: \nA. Lahey's method\tB. Kocher's test\tC. Pizzilo method\tD. Crile method.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Crile method." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Gelation temperature of agar is between\nOptions: \nA. 20\u00b0C to 25\u00b0C\tB. 27\u00b0C to 33\u00b0C\tC. 37\u00b0C to 50\u00b0C\tD. 55\u00b0C to 60\u00b0C.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 37\u00b0C to 50\u00b0C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 26 years old healthy female got pregnant for 1st time and LSCS was done for fetal distress. Mild hypeension was present during pregnancy. Two days after delivery she had headache and seizures but proteinuria was not seen. CT scan shows 2 x 3 cm parasagittal hematoma. Diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Eclampsia\tB. Hypeensive intracranial hemorrhage\tC. Sagittal sinus thrombosis\tD. Pituitary apoplexy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sagittal sinus thrombosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the typical facies of Down syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Hypoplastic maxilla\tB. Prognathic maxilla\tC. Retrognathic mandible\tD. Prognathic mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hypoplastic maxilla" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Exact number of weeks between last menstrual period and expected date of delivery :March 2005\nOptions: \nA. 38 weeks\tB. 39 weeks\tC. 40 weeks\tD. 41 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 40 weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is not responding even after undergoing multiple platelet transfusion. Which of the following will be the best treatment for him?\nOptions: \nA. Random platelet donor\tB. Single platelet donor\tC. HLA matched platelet\tD. Irradiated platelets.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: HLA matched platelet" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An adult patient with panfacial trauma, treatment should start from\nOptions: \nA. Mandible\tB. Zygomatic arch\tC. NOE & frontal bar\tD. Any but end at lefort 1.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Any but end at lefort 1." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following doesn't occur in 5' to 3' direction?\nOptions: \nA. DNA repair\tB. DNA replication\tC. RNA editing\tD. Transcription.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: RNA editing" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 9 year old boy presenting with lytic lesion on midshaft tibia. On HPE, there are grooved nuclei, giant cells eosinophilic cytoplasm and fibroblastic proliferation. Xray is as shown below. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Langerhans cell histiocytosis\tB. Giant cell tumor\tC. Chondroblastoma\tD. Osteoid osteoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Langerhans cell histiocytosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Dense irregular connective tissue is found in\nOptions: \nA. Dermis\tB. Lamina propria\tC. Tendon\tD. Ligament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Dermis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antibiotic that interferes with DNA function is:\nOptions: \nA. Metronidazole\tB. Nystatin\tC. Tetracycline\tD. Sulphonamides.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Metronidazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Muscles spared by complete transection of cranial part of accessory nerve:\nOptions: \nA. Cricopharyngeus\tB. Palatopharyngeus\tC. Stylopharyngeus\tD. Salpingopharyngeus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Stylopharyngeus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chicken pox infection in mother most dangerous for the baby when it occurs at -\nOptions: \nA. 14-28 weeks\tB. 3 -9 weeks\tC. 28-37weeks\tD. 8-14weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 28-37weeks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Site of lesion in endocarditis of RHD is:\nOptions: \nA. Along line of closure of valves\tB. Both side of valves\tC. Valve cusps\tD. Free margins of valves.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Along line of closure of valves" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In an internal derangement of TMJ fracture, panoramic view has been taken for the patient. To confirm our diagnosis, we may take the help of\nOptions: \nA. MRI\tB. CT scan\tC. Arthroscopy\tD. Bone scan.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MRI" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The key ridge useful in assessing malocclusion is present on:\nOptions: \nA. Maxilla\tB. Zygomatic buttress\tC. Sphenoid bone\tD. Mandible.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Zygomatic buttress" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Local irritating factors in gingiva is most likely give rise to:\nOptions: \nA. Pyogenic granuloma\tB. Generalized fibrous hyperplasia of gingiva\tC. Mucosal cobblestoning\tD. Periapical abscess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pyogenic granuloma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is activated by intrinsic or extrinsic pathway's?\nOptions: \nA. Necroptosis\tB. Apoptosis\tC. Necrosis\tD. Pyroptosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Apoptosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: About Bacteroids. True are all except\nOptions: \nA. Susceptible to many antibiotics\tB. Present mainly in mixed infections\tC. Most common species is B fragilis\tD. Bile resistant anerobes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Susceptible to many antibiotics" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are the complications in the new born of a diabetic mother except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Hyperbilirubinemia\tB. Hyperglycemia\tC. Hypocalcemia\tD. Hypomagnesemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hyperglycemia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vasopressor of choice in pregnancy is:\nOptions: \nA. Ephedrine\tB. Phenylephrine\tC. Methoxamine\tD. Mephentermine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ephedrine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following malignancy is not caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection?\nOptions: \nA. Carcinoma base of tongue\tB. Cervical carcinoma\tC. Tonsillar carcinoma\tD. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stimulated saliva as compared to unstimulated saliva has more\nOptions: \nA. Bicarbonate\tB. Cl\tC. Na\tD. H.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bicarbonate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are regarding osteoporosis except.\nOptions: \nA. Calcitonin decreases pain\tB. Bisphophonates are work horse for treatment\tC. T-score <1.5 in osteoporosis\tD. PTH is used in severe osteoporosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: T-score <1.5 in osteoporosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Periapical bone resorption occurs due to:\nOptions: \nA. IL-1 alpha\tB. TNF alpha\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A non-painful, slowly enlarging benign neoplasm appears as a submucosaL lu nip and exhibits pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia in the overlying epithelium, is most probably:\nOptions: \nA. Fibroma\tB. Rhabdomyoma\tC. Granular cell tumour\tD. Papilloma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Granular cell tumour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral traction test is done in unnatural sexual offences in:\nOptions: \nA. Habitual active agent\tB. Pedophilia active agent\tC. Bestiality active agent\tD. Habitual passive agent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Habitual passive agent." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Valvular lesion most often resulting from myocardial infarction is:\nOptions: \nA. Aortic stenosis\tB. Mitral stenosis\tC. Mitral regurgitation\tD. Pulmonary stenosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mitral regurgitation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Balanced resuscitation in trauma management is:-\nOptions: \nA. Giving colloids and crystalloids ratio of 1:1\tB. Maintaining pH by ensuring acid base are balanced\tC. Maintaining permissible hypotension to avoid bleeding\tD. Maintaining airway breathing and circulation simultaneously.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Maintaining permissible hypotension to avoid bleeding" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient comes to ED with fever and headache. On examination he has neck stiffness. CSF analysis was done:- Parameter Finding Normal range Glucose (mg/dl) 55 50-80 Protein (g/L) 0.50 0.18-0.45 ICT (cmH2O) 35 5-20 WBC 25 (predominantly lymphocytes) <5 Most likely diagnosis is-\nOptions: \nA. TB\tB. N. Gonorrhea\tC. Cryptococcus\tD. Coxsackie.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Coxsackie." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Estimate the dental age from the radiograph:\nOptions: \nA. 5 years\tB. 10 years\tC. 15 years\tD. 25 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 15 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A girl suffering from browning of teeth, wearing of enamel but not cavitatory. OPG shows obliteration of pulp with narrowing of canal & deposition of secondary dentin, she gave the history that out of her 4 brothers, 2 are suffering from the same disease. She is suffering from\nOptions: \nA. Amelogenesis imperfecta\tB. Dentinogenesis imperfecta\tC. Fluorosis\tD. Odontodysplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dentinogenesis imperfecta" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered with coumarin anticoagulants, the anticoagulant action may be:\nOptions: \nA. Reduced because of enhanced hepatic drug metabolism\tB. Reduced because of increased protein-binding\tC. Increased because of reduction of vitamin 'K' sources\tD. Increased because of decreased renal excretion of the anticoagulant.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increased because of reduction of vitamin 'K' sources" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In hemorrhage lost plasma is replaced by:\nOptions: \nA. Bone marrow\tB. Kidney\tC. Spleen\tD. Muscle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Kidney" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a reaction substrate is available in a concentration that is l000times the Km value of the enzyme. After 9 minutes of reaction, l7o substrate is conveed to product (12 microgram/ml). If the concentration of the enzyme is changed to 1/3 and concentration of substrate is doubled. What is the time taken to conve the substrate into the same amount of product, i.e. I 2microgram/ml?\nOptions: \nA. 9 minutes\tB. 4.5 minutes\tC. 27 minutes\tD. 13.5 minutes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 27 minutes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the most conspicuous sign in breast cancer?\nOptions: \nA. Nipple retraction\tB. Peau d'orange\tC. Puckering\tD. Cancer en-cuirasse.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Peau d'orange" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common sequelae due to periventricular leukomalacia \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Spastic diplegia\tB. Spastic quadriplegia\tC. Mental retardation\tD. Seizures.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spastic diplegia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What should be the position of child during asthmatic attack:\nOptions: \nA. Supine\tB. Semi erect\tC. Erect\tD. Trendelenburg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Semi erect" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient on amphotericin B develops hypokalemia of 2.3 meq/l. K+ supplementation required?\nOptions: \nA. 40 mEq over 24 hours\tB. 60 mEq over 24 hours\tC. 80 mEq over 24 hours\tD. 120-160 mEq over 24 hours.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 120-160 mEq over 24 hours." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If a patient has gingival recession, how far should the gutta percha be trimmed back before sealing the coronat area?\nOptions: \nA. 1 mm below the level of the recession\tB. 1 mm below the ACJ\tC. 1 mm below the canal opening\tD. 1 mm below the roof of pulpal chamber.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 mm below the level of the recession" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 50-year-old male has fever for the past l-week with abdominal ilistention and loss of appetite. It is not responding to antibiotics and antimatarials. widal test is negative but RK39 dipstick test is positive.Which of the following drugs can be used in the above patient?\nOptions: \nA. Bedaquiline\tB. Linezolid\tC. Fluconazole\tD. Liposomal AmPhotericin B.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Liposomal AmPhotericin B." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following orthodontic wire has least modulus of elasticity?\nOptions: \nA. NiTi\tB. Beta titanium\tC. Stainless steel\tD. Co-Cr-Ni.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: NiTi" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is common to all types of shock?\nOptions: \nA. Vasoconstriction\tB. Hypotension\tC. Sepsis\tD. Bradycardia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Hypotension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 28 years old female presented with the history of recurrent aboions, pain in calves for 4 years. Patient is suffering from congenital deficiency of:\nOptions: \nA. Protein C\tB. Thrombin\tC. Plasmin\tD. Factor XIII.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Protein C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sodium nitroprusside is metabolized to form an active metabolite. This active metabolite of sodium nitroprusside act activation of:-\nOptions: \nA. Phospholipase A\tB. Phospholipase C\tC. Guanylate cyclase\tD. Protein kinase C.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Guanylate cyclase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Baroreceptor is which type of feedback?\nOptions: \nA. Negative feedback\tB. Positive feedback\tC. Both negative and positive\tD. Feed forward control.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Negative feedback" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient in an ICCU is on CVP line. His blood culture shows growth of Gram +ve cocci which\nare catalase positive and coagulase negative. The most likely etiological agent is:\nOptions: \nA. Staph. aureus\tB. Staph. epidermidis\tC. Streptococcus pyogenes\tD. Enterococcus faecalis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Staph. epidermidis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 55 years old male patient presents with 4 cm x 5 cm lump in right neck. FNAC assessment revealed it to be a squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical assessment of the oral cavity, pharynx, hypopharynx and larynx did not yield any tumor. Whole body PET scan did not show any increased uptake except for the neck mass. A diagnosis of unknown primary was made. According to AJCC system of classification, the TNM status of the tumor would be:\nOptions: \nA. T1N2M0\tB. TON2aMO\tC. T1N2aMO\tD. TxN2aMx.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: TxN2aMx." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient has an infectious process associated with maxillary right Lateral incisor that tooth is deeply carious and non-restorable. His temperature is 102\u00b0F. The patient has not been able to chew for the past 24 hours. The right side of the face is swollen. The patient cannot open his right eye, on palpation the area is soft, painful to touch and tissue rebound when palpated; treatment for the patient should be\nOptions: \nA. Aspiration\tB. Antibiotics of Heat only\tC. Incision and Drainage\tD. Antibiotics, heat and fluid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Aspiration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True statements regarding Direct Ophthalmoscopy are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Image is viual and erect\tB. 2 disk diameter field of vision\tC. Magnification is 5 times\tD. Self-illuminated device.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Magnification is 5 times" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following puy NiUiugiLai changes are seen in pregnancy except:\nOptions: \nA. Increased stroke volume\tB. Increased cardiac output\tC. Increased intravascular volume\tD. Increased peripheral resistance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Increased peripheral resistance." + }, + { + "input": "Question: About acid etching of dentin all are true, except:\nOptions: \nA. It removes smear layer\tB. It expose collagen\tC. It opens dentinal tubules\tD. It increase surface tension.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: It increase surface tension." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pterion is:\nOptions: \nA. Is a point of articulation of four skull bones\tB. It is a point where 'bregma' and 'lamba' meet\tC. It is region of the postero-lateral fontanelle merge\tD. Lies deep to the zygomatic arch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Is a point of articulation of four skull bones" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following instruments are more efficient?\nOptions: \nA. Stainless steel\tB. Carbon steel\tC. Both have equal efficacy\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Carbon steel" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transmission of HIV from mother to child is prevented by all the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Oral zidovudine to mother at 3rd trimester along with oral zidovudine to infant for 6 weeks\tB. Vitamin A prophylaxis to mother\tC. Vaginal delivery\tD. Stopping breast feed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Vaginal delivery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Persons with the greatest risk of oral cancer\nOptions: \nA. Have a poor oro-dental hygiene, nutritional deficiencies and are chronic alcoholics\tB. Are middle aged, have a poor oro-dental hygiene and regularly use tobacco\tC. Are old, Chronic alcoholics and regularly use tobacco\tD. Are young, have poor oro-dental hygiene and are heavy smokers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Are old, Chronic alcoholics and regularly use tobacco" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old presented to ohopaedic OPD with a Curved Back, AP and Lateral Radiographs are obtained, what is the most likely cause of such deformity?\nOptions: \nA. Congenital\tB. Neurofibromatosis\tC. Idiopathic\tD. Neuromuscular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Congenital" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Essential fatty acid present in breast milk which is required for normal growth of child\nis:\nOptions: \nA. Lenoleic acid\tB. Palmitic acid\tC. Docosahexanoic acid\tD. EPA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Docosahexanoic acid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following ways is CLED medium better than MacConkey agar?\nOptions: \nA. It prevents proteus swarming\tB. Inhibits growth of other commensals\tC. It allows Staphylococcus and Candida to grow\tD. It differentiates lactose fermenters from non-fermenters.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: It allows Staphylococcus and Candida to grow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The haemoglobin levels of pregnant females in a community was found to have a mean of 10.6 g/d1, and a standard detion of 2 g/dL. What is the minimum haemoglobin level below which 5% of the pregnant females will have their haemoglobin levels?\nOptions: \nA. 7.32\tB. 8.64\tC. 6.68\tD. 8.96.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 6.68" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fibrous histiocytoma involves most commonly:\nOptions: \nA. Eyelid\tB. Epibular\tC. Intraocular\tD. Orbit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Orbit." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis include :\nOptions: \nA. Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation\tB. Penicillin\tC. Local antibiotic application\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: None of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Primary cartilaginous joint is called as:\nOptions: \nA. Symphyses.\tB. Synchondrosis.\tC. Syndesmosis.\tD. Synarthroses..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Synchondrosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Biopsy from an eight-year-old child with leg swelling showed smallround blue tumor cells consistent with diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma. What will be the best method to detect translocation t(ll;22) in this malignancy?\nOptions: \nA. Conventional karyotyping\tB. Next generation sequencing\tC. FISH\tD. PCR.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: FISH" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 7 years old child comes with fever and tibial swelling exhibits on X- ray exhibits periosteal reaction. Laboratory results show raised ESR and TLC. What is the next step in diagnosis of the patient?\nOptions: \nA. MRI\tB. Pus culture\tC. Bone biopsy\tD. Blood culture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MRI" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following organisms is NOT implicated in the etiology of Periodontal disease\nOptions: \nA. Bacteroides\tB. Wolinella\tC. Neisseria\tD. Eikenella.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Neisseria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about the salivary gland output in Sjogren's syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Increase in sodium concentration\tB. Increase in phosphate concentration\tC. Decreased output of salivary glands <0.5 ml/min\tD. Increase in IgA concentration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increase in phosphate concentration" + }, + { + "input": "Question: While measuring blood pressure of a cardiac tamponade patient, what advice will you give him:\nOptions: \nA. Hold breath\tB. Breathe normally\tC. I.ong and deep breathing\tD. Sho and shallow breaths.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Breathe normally" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hutchinson's triad includes?\nOptions: \nA. Interstitial keratitis, malformed molars, conductive deafness\tB. Interstitial keratitis, malformed molars, sensorineural deafness\tC. Conductive deafness, malformed incisors, interstitial keratitis\tD. Interstitial keratitis, malformed molars, conductive deafness.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Interstitial keratitis, malformed molars, sensorineural deafness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Check point for ZMC fracture reduction is:\nOptions: \nA. Intraorbital margin\tB. Fronto-zygomatic suture region\tC. Zygomatico-maxillary buttress region\tD. Symmetry of arch.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intraorbital margin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stoppage of which of the following drugs can result in anxiety and insomnia causing discontinuation syndrome?\nOptions: \nA. Venlafaxine\tB. ImiPramine\tC. Valproate\tD. OlanzaPine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Venlafaxine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Migration of odontoblasts into dentinal tubules \noccurs during __________ :\nOptions: \nA. Cavity preparation\tB. Dehydration\tC. Water irrigation\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cavity preparation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient complains of sensitivity in a Mandibular premolar. A well condensed class V amalgam restoration was placed in that tooth 5 months ago, with no discomfort for the first 4 months. Since then it has become increasingly sensitive. The problem probably relates to:\nOptions: \nA. Marginal leakage\tB. Fractured restoration\tC. Irreversible pulpal damage\tD. Tooth brush abrasion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Irreversible pulpal damage" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The function of reciprocal clasp arm is:\nOptions: \nA. a)\tTo balance the denture\tB. b)\tTo act as a direct retainer\tC. c)\tTo counteract the movement of denture which is caused during engagement of retentive arm\tD. d)\tNone of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: c)\tTo counteract the movement of denture which is caused during engagement of retentive arm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which score is used for wound infection\nOptions: \nA. Glasgow coma scale\tB. Southampton score\tC. Apgar score\tD. SIRS score.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Southampton score" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypertonic solution is used in all except\nOptions: \nA. Prolonged bowel surgery\tB. Cardiac type IV shock\tC. Brain injury\tD. Burn.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cardiac type IV shock" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Vulcanization refers to the setting of:\nOptions: \nA. Reversible hydrocolloid\tB. Mercaptan impression material\tC. Zinc phosphate cement\tD. Zinc oxide-eugenol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Mercaptan impression material" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Diabetes insipidus, bone lesions and exophthalmos is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Sickle cell anemia\tB. Niemen pick disease\tC. Littere Siewe Disease\tD. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hand-Schuller-Christian disease." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What are the appropriate instructions to be given while prescribing bisphosphonates to a patient:\nOptions: \nA. To be given empty stomach with a glass of water\tB. Taken along with food\tC. Stop if features of gastritis develop\tD. Stop if bone pains occur..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To be given empty stomach with a glass of water" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which tooth is known as enigma to endodontist\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular canine\tB. Maxillary 1st premolar\tC. Mandibular 2nd premolar\tD. Mandibular 1st premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mandibular 1st premolar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following are most sensitive to X-ray?\nOptions: \nA. Tooth buds and salivary glands\tB. Nerve and muscle tissue\tC. Hair and nails\tD. Cartilage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tooth buds and salivary glands" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A type of immediately occurring reaction in which antigens combine with antibodies already attached \nto the surface of mast cells and basophils is called:\nOptions: \nA. Type I hypersensitivity\tB. Type II hypersensitivity\tC. Type III hypersensitivity\tD. Type IV hypersensitivity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Type I hypersensitivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor:\nOptions: \nA. M protein\tB. Pyrogenic exotoxin\tC. Streptolysin 0\tD. Carbohydrate cell wall.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Pyrogenic exotoxin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which surface of tooth has most of plaque?\nOptions: \nA. Gingival third of tooth surface\tB. Incisal one third of tooth surface\tC. Middle third of tooth surface\tD. Uniform on all surfaces.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gingival third of tooth surface" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Epidural venous plexus is located in\nOptions: \nA. Basal ganglia adjacent to pons\tB. At the junction of middle and posterior cranial fossa\tC. In vertebral canal below duramater\tD. In vertebral canal above duramater.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: In vertebral canal above duramater." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young marathon runner is paicipating in a marathon competition. After running for 100 m, he develops at the anteromedial aspect of tibia which was mild to sta with, but increased on fuher running. X ray was normal. The doctor ordered a bonescan. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Lisfranc fracture\tB. Jones fracture\tC. Shin splint\tD. Nutcracker fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Shin splint" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which tooth all the 8 types of Vertucci seen\nOptions: \nA. 1st maxillary premolar\tB. 2nd maxillary premolar\tC. 1st mandibular premolar\tD. 2nd mandibular premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2nd maxillary premolar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A man presents it n rashes on face and also complains of decreased mental function. He is also having few macular lesions on his skin. On CT scan, intracranial calcification was seen. His wife is normal. His 10-year old daughter is also normal but his 6-year old son is also having similar skin lesions. What would be the most likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Neurofibrornatosis-1\tB. Neurofibromatosis-2\tC. Xeroderma pigmentosum\tD. Autosomal dominant inheritance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Autosomal dominant inheritance." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What causes malignant hyperpyrexia?\nOptions: \nA. Thiopentone\tB. Cisatracurium\tC. Propofol\tD. Suxamethonium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Suxamethonium." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Force generated by 90\u00b0 rotation of finger spring in pendulum appliance with distalisation:\nOptions: \nA. 75 gms\tB. 125 gms\tC. 150 gms\tD. 200 gms.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 200 gms." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about bacteriocin except:\nOptions: \nA. It has no role in adherence of plaque to the tooth surface\tB. It can be used in therapy of dental caries\tC. It is a protein\tD. It enhances the growth of other bacteria.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: It enhances the growth of other bacteria." + }, + { + "input": "Question: White rough pedunculated lesion on palate is most likely:\nOptions: \nA. Pleomorphic adenoma\tB. Papilloma\tC. Nevus\tD. Fibroma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Papilloma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Advantage of wide palatal bar over narrow bar is:\nOptions: \nA. Less discomfort\tB. Less bulk\tC. More tough\tD. More tissue coverage (area of basal seat).\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Less bulk" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is pierced during posterior superior alveolar nerve Block?\nOptions: \nA. Medial Pterygoid\tB. Lateral Pterygoid\tC. Buccinator\tD. Masseter.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Buccinator" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is used in the induction of anesthesia:-\nOptions: \nA. Bupivacaine\tB. Dexmediatomidine\tC. Lorazepam\tD. Neostigimine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lorazepam" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A suitable fixative for a routine biopsy specimen is\nOptions: \nA. 10% formalin\tB. 40% formalin\tC. 20% formalin\tD. 10% alcohol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 10% formalin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pre eclampsia with torsades de pointes, stable vitals. The next best management will be-\nOptions: \nA. DC shock\tB. MgSo4\tC. IV Calcium\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: MgSo4" + }, + { + "input": "Question: SCC present on lateral margin of tongue of staging T2N0, options of treatment is\nOptions: \nA. SOHND (supraomohyoid neck dissections)\tB. Remove Lymph node I-II along with\tC. Remove Lymph node I-V along with\tD. Remove Lymph node I-IV along with.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Remove Lymph node I-IV along with." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are branches of external carotid aery except?\nOptions: \nA. Superior thyroid aery\tB. Transverse cervical aery\tC. Ascending pharyngeal aery\tD. Superficial temporal aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Transverse cervical aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient gives a history of chuna falling into his eyes. All of the following would be a pa of his immediate management except:\nOptions: \nA. Irritation of both eyes with copious amounts of normal saline\tB. Frequent sodium citrate drops\tC. Thorough slit-lamp examination on presentation\tD. Removal of chuna paicles by double eversion of upper eyelids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thorough slit-lamp examination on presentation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 8-years-old patient comes to you with malocclusion what will be your line of treatment:\nOptions: \nA. Wait and watch till canine erupts\tB. Extraction a and orthodontic treatment\tC. Serial extraction\tD. Immediate intervention with removal appliance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Wait and watch till canine erupts" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following zone is characterized by macrophages and osteoclasts?\nOptions: \nA. Zone of infection\tB. Zone of contamination\tC. Zone of irritation\tD. Zone of stimulation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Zone of irritation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Not a feature of infective endocarditis:\nOptions: \nA. Myocardial abscess.\tB. Vegetation along cusps.\tC. Thrombus in left atria.\tD. Perforation of cusp..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Thrombus in left atria." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Basically TMJ is a:\nOptions: \nA. Ball and socket joint\tB. Hinge and axis joint\tC. Synovial joint\tD. Diarthrodal joint.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Diarthrodal joint." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant lady with persistent late, variable deceleration with cervical dilatation of 6 cm shifted to OT for surgery. Which of the following is not done in Mmn:\nOptions: \nA. Supine position\tB. O2 inhalation\tC. I.V. fluid\tD. Subcutaneous terbutaline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Supine position" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Principle secretory cells found in the single layer outlining the pulp (Ourtermost zone of pulp)\nOptions: \nA. Fibroblasts\tB. Odontoblast\tC. Ameloblast\tD. Undifferentiated cells.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Odontoblast" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A dentist planning to remove an impacted tooth will need which of the following radiographs:\nOptions: \nA. A periapical film will be all that is required\tB. A bite-wing film will be of little or no use\tC. A lateral view will be all that is required\tD. An anteroposterior view is all that is required.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: A bite-wing film will be of little or no use" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chloroquine related eye disease risk is\nOptions: \nA. HIV protease\tB. HIV reverse transcriptase\tC. HIV integrase\tD. HIV entry into the cell.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: HIV reverse transcriptase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cervical resorption after bleaching is prevented by:\nOptions: \nA. 80% alcohol drying immediately after bleaching\tB. Alpha tocopherol applied immediately after bleaching\tC. Sodium perborate + sodium hypochlorite\tD. Sodium perborate + calcium hydroxide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sodium perborate + calcium hydroxide." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is done for screening of Down's syndrome in first trimester?\nOptions: \nA. Beta HCG and PAPP-A\tB. Unconjugated estradiol and PAPPA\tC. AFP and Inhibin A\tD. AFP and Beta HCG.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Beta HCG and PAPP-A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Muscles of mastication are supplied by:\nOptions: \nA. Second part of maxillary artery\tB. Third part of maxillary artery\tC. First part of maxillary artery\tD. Facial artery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Second part of maxillary artery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thumb sucking is normal during:\nOptions: \nA. The first year of life.\tB. First 2 years of life.\tC. First 3 years of life.\tD. First 4 years of life..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: First 2 years of life." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The most recent oral direct thrombin inhibitor (DTI) for acute stroke prevention is:\nOptions: \nA. Ximelagatran\tB. Idraparinux\tC. Dabigatran\tD. Wasfarean.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dabigatran" + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Weerheijm et al, prevalence of MIH (Molar-Incisor hypomineralisation) :\nOptions: \nA. 1.2% to 25.6%\tB. 2.4% to 40.2%\tC. 6.2% to 48.8%\tD. 9.7% to 62.1%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: 9.7% to 62.1%." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The nerve supply for motor action of buccinator:\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. Mandibular nerve\tC. Maxillary nerve\tD. Auriculo temporal nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Facial nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common single cause of pyrexia of unknown origin\nOptions: \nA. Mycobacterium tuberculosis\tB. Salmonella paratyphi\tC. Brucella\tD. Salmonella typhi.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mycobacterium tuberculosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tongue movement has its primary effect on\nOptions: \nA. Palatoglossus arch\tB. Facial musculature\tC. Lips\tD. Cheeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Palatoglossus arch" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Edge angle is the angle between:\nOptions: \nA. Rake face and radial line.\tB. Rake face and clearance face.\tC. Clearance face and tooth structure.\tD. Radial line and clearance face.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Rake face and clearance face." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Absent thumb, radial deviation of wrist, bowing of forearm with thrombocytopenia which investigation need not to be done ?\nOptions: \nA. Echocardiography\tB. Bone marrow examination\tC. Platelet count\tD. Karyotyping.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Echocardiography" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Placenta grade 3, 35+3 weeks pregnancy, and absent end diastolic flow Doppler; next ,management is:-\nOptions: \nA. Dexamethasone and terminate after 48 hours\tB. Terminate after 37 weeks\tC. Talk with pediatrician and termination\tD. Monitor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Talk with pediatrician and termination" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In mandibular first molar, extra distal root is known as\nOptions: \nA. Radix paramolaris\tB. Radix entomolaris\tC. Tomt\u2019s root\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Radix entomolaris" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Girdle like elevation on the lingual surface of anteriors is\nOptions: \nA. Cingulam\tB. Mamelons\tC. Incisal edge\tD. Incisal ridge.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cingulam" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Good clinical practice is observed in all phases of clinical trials, EXCEPT?\nOptions: \nA. Preclinical\tB. Phase I\tC. Phase II\tD. Phase V.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Preclinical" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chroma is;\nOptions: \nA. Intensity of colour\tB. Translucency of enamel\tC. Translucency of enamel & dentin\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intensity of colour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Angio fibroma is classified as what stage if it extends to one or more paranasal sinuses\nOptions: \nA. Stage I\tB. Stage II\tC. Stage III\tD. Stage IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Stage I" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady underwent vaginal hysterectomy for Carci!noma cervix. Following the surgery after her urethral catheter was removed, she complained of urinary in!continence. On examination she had normal voiding as well as continuous incontinence. Methylene blue dye was instilled in her bladder through her urethra and she was given oral Phenazopyridine dye. After some time her pads were checked and it showed yellow staining at the top most pad, while the middle or bottom pads were unstained. She is likely to have:\nOptions: \nA. Vesicovaginal fistula\tB. Ureterovaginal fistula\tC. Urethrovaginal fistula\tD. Vesicouterine fistula.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ureterovaginal fistula" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Smallest mesiodistal diameter is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Deciduous lower central incisor\tB. Permanent lower central incisor\tC. Deciduous upper lateral incisor\tD. Permanent upper lateral incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Deciduous lower central incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anchoring fibres of lamina densa contains:\nOptions: \nA. Type 2 collagen.\tB. Type 4 collagen.\tC. Type 6 collagen.\tD. Type 7 collagen..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Type 7 collagen.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Occurrence of malocclusion in given population is best described as:\nOptions: \nA. Prevalence rate\tB. Incidence rate\tC. Morbidity\tD. Probability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Prevalence rate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Anti D is required in all cases except\nOptions: \nA. Aboion at 63 days\tB. Manual removal of placenta\tC. Amniocentesis of 16 Weeks\tD. Intrauterine transfusion at 28 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Intrauterine transfusion at 28 weeks." + }, + { + "input": "Question: CSF leakage is diagnosed by all except\nOptions: \nA. Tram Line\tB. \u03b2 2- transferrin level\tC. increase in glucose\tD. increase in proteins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: increase in glucose" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lead cause following except\nOptions: \nA. Uroporphyrinuria\tB. Sideroblastic anemia\tC. Basophilic stippling\tD. Macrocytic anemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Macrocytic anemia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which among the following is used for sharpening of both stainless steel and carbon steel instrument:\nOptions: \nA. Arkansas.\tB. Silicon carbide.\tC. Alumina.\tD. Diamond..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Diamond.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The initial pulpal response to any insult is:\nOptions: \nA. Necrosis\tB. Ulceration\tC. Calcification\tD. Inflammation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Inflammation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is ture about afferent nerve fibers of pulp\nOptions: \nA. Parasympathetic post ganglionic\tB. Sympathetic post ganglionic\tC. Parasympathetic pre ganglionic\tD. Sympathetic preganglionic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sympathetic post ganglionic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcification in enamel starts at :\nOptions: \nA. Enamel matrix\tB. Root\tC. CEJ\tD. DEJ.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: DEJ." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mc Spadden compactor is of __________ shape:\nOptions: \nA. Reverse blade of K-file\tB. Reverse blade of H-file\tC. Endosonic instrument\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reverse blade of H-file" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tubercle of zukerkandle is seen on\nOptions: \nA. MB on upper and lower primary 1st molar\tB. MB on upper and lower permanent 1st molar\tC. MB on upper Primary 1st molar only\tD. MB on lower primary 1st molar only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: MB on upper and lower primary 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 25 year old lady on treatment for rheumatoid ahritis has following lab findings: Hb-9gm/dl, MCV- 55fl, serum iron-30microgm/d1, ferritin 200 ng/ml, TIBC- 298 micrograms/dl. What is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Thalassemia minor\tB. Thalassemia major\tC. Anemia of chronic disease\tD. Iron deficiency anemia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Anemia of chronic disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are synthetic sharpening stone except:\nOptions: \nA. Silicon carbide\tB. Alumina\tC. Arkansas\tD. Diamond.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Arkansas" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Least complication in outlet forceps is:\nOptions: \nA. Complete perinea! tear\tB. Vulval hematoma\tC. Extension of episiotomy\tD. Cervical tear.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cervical tear." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A lady developed breathlessness, pruritus, uicaria 1 hour after eating NSAIDS for headache. Chest examination was remarkable for rales with BP-80/50 mm Hg. All of following can be used for initial management except:\nOptions: \nA. Crystalloids infusion\tB. Steroids\tC. Early respiratory suppo and oxygenation\tD. Adrenaline.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Steroids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: To remove working side interference reduce:\nOptions: \nA. Guiding cusps\tB. Supporting cusps\tC. Both of the above.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Guiding cusps" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are used in management of overdosage of Fibrinolytics except?\nOptions: \nA. Epsilon amino Caproic Acid\tB. Tranexamic Acid\tC. DDAVP\tD. FFP.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: DDAVP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IQ range 90-109 is:\nOptions: \nA. Superior.\tB. Average.\tC. Low average.\tD. Borderline..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Average." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the codon for selenocysteine?\nOptions: \nA. UAG\tB. UGA\tC. UAA\tD. GUA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: UGA" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about trauma from occlusion except\nOptions: \nA. Trauma to Marginalized gingiva\tB. Reversible\tC. Reduction in height of alveolar crest\tD. No pocket.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Trauma to Marginalized gingiva" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following muscles are grouped together as \"muscles of mastication\" except:\nOptions: \nA. Buccinator\tB. Masseter\tC. Temporalis\tD. Pterygoids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Buccinator" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mid palatal split following Le-Fort 1 osteotomy is done by moving the maxilla in which direction?\nOptions: \nA. Superior\tB. Inferior\tC. Antero-posterior\tD. Transverse.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Transverse." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following gingival retraction cord is used in hypertensive patient?\nOptions: \nA. Plain retraction cord\tB. Retraction cord with 2% racemic epinephrine\tC. Retraction cord with 8% aluminium chloride\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Retraction cord with 8% aluminium chloride" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Two bodies are found outside the car following an accident. The doctor conducting the autopsy was able to decide who was driver based on all of these features except:\nOptions: \nA. Whiplash injury\tB. Steering wheel imprint\tC. Sparrow foot marks\tD. Seat belt abrasion over left shoulder.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sparrow foot marks" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tissue conditioners are not used for long as they\nOptions: \nA. Harden in mouth\tB. Are expensive\tC. Are difficult to fabricate\tD. Cause ridge resorption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Harden in mouth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Type I collagen is present in all EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. Ligament\tB. Aponeurosis\tC. Bone\tD. Cailage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cailage." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Absorption of fluoride in child takes place mainly in\nOptions: \nA. Intestine\tB. Lungs\tC. Oral cavity\tD. Gingiva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intestine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In CRISPR-Cas 9 system, which repair mechanism is used for genome editing?\nOptions: \nA. Non homologous end repair\tB. Homologous repair\tC. Mismatch repair\tD. Nucleotide excision repair.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Non homologous end repair" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mucocutaneous circumoral pigmentation is found in:\nOptions: \nA. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome\tB. Plummer-Vinson syndrome\tC. Lead poisoning\tD. Bechet's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Biomarker of alcoholic hepatitis:\nOptions: \nA. ALP\tB. AST\tC. LDH\tD. GGT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: GGT." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 9 year old child's mother comes to dental clinic with the complaint of oral ulceration, fever and shedding of skin of palms and soles; she is giving history of premature shedding of teeth and increased sweating, she is also giving one month history of using any new teething gel available in market. The child is suffering from.\nOptions: \nA. Acrodynia\tB. Pemphigus vulgaris\tC. Epidermolysis Bullosa\tD. Erosive lichen planus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Acrodynia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The diameter of the tip of a periodontal probe is:\nOptions: \nA. 0.25 mm\tB. 0.75 mm\tC. 0.5 mm\tD. 1 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 0.5 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Polyglycolic acid suture material (\"vicryl/Dexon\") is an:\nOptions: \nA. Absorbable natural suture\tB. Absorbable synthetic suture\tC. Non-absorbable natural suture\tD. Non absorbable synthetic suture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Absorbable synthetic suture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about instrument given except:\nOptions: \nA. Platelets <40,000 cu/mm is contraindication\tB. Can be done in both prone or lateral position\tC. Infiltrative and granulomatous diseases are indications\tD. No breath holding needed.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Platelets <40,000 cu/mm is contraindication" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are characteristic features of superior semicircular canal dehiscence except?\nOptions: \nA. Third window phenomenon\tB. SNHL\tC. Tullio's phenomenon\tD. Vestibular evoked myogenic potential is useful investigation..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: SNHL" + }, + { + "input": "Question: RBC should be transfused:\nOptions: \nA. With a 18-20 G needle within 4 hours of receiving at the patient's side\tB. With a 18-20 G needle within 4 hours of receiving at the patient's side\tC. With a 20-22 G needle within 4 hours of issue from the blood bank\tD. With a 20-22 G needle within 4 hours of receiving at the patient's side.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: With a 20-22 G needle within 4 hours of issue from the blood bank" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Step back technique is consist of:\nOptions: \nA. 2 phases.\tB. 3 phases.\tC. 4 phases.\tD. None..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2 phases." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following structures lie in the relation to the left ureter except:\nOptions: \nA. Mesentery of sigmoid colon\tB. Bifurcation of common iliac aery\tC. Quadratus lumborum\tD. Gonadal vessels.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Quadratus lumborum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The odontoblastic layer histologically\nOptions: \nA. Appears 3-5 layer thick.\tB. Is single layer outlining pulp\tC. Is psuedostratified palisade layer\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Treatment of choice for a patient with gonococcal as well as non-gonococcal urethritis is:\nOptions: \nA. Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose\tB. Cefixime 400 mg oral single dose\tC. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg oral single dose\tD. Azithromycin 2 g oral single dose.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Azithromycin 2 g oral single dose." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In OKC which is more aggressive and has more recurrence potential\nOptions: \nA. Orthokeratinized\tB. Parakeratinized\tC. Non keratinized\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Parakeratinized" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In anteriors labial surface is formed from\nOptions: \nA. 1 lobe\tB. 2 lobes\tC. 3 lobes\tD. 4 lobes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 lobes" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 4 day old breastfed neonate, otherwise well, term neonate presented with jaundice, on testing the bilirubin level was found to be 18 mg/dl. Which of the following is the best step of management?\nOptions: \nA. Sta phototherapy and continue breast feeding\tB. Sta iv fluids and given phototherapy\tC. Initiate exchange transfusion\tD. Stop breast feeding and do phototherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sta phototherapy and continue breast feeding" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After planning an implant in lower molar region, patient complains of inability to chew by other teeth on same side. What should be your first step in treating this patient\nOptions: \nA. Reduce the centric fossa\tB. Reduce the supporting cusp\tC. Check the occlusion in centric\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Check the occlusion in centric" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a group of 100 people, the average GFR is 85 ml/ min with a standard detion of 25. What is the range for 90% confidence interval?\nOptions: \nA. 81-89\tB. 80-90\tC. 75-95\tD. 70-100.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 81-89" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about polymerization shrinkage of composite resin except:\nOptions: \nA. The more surface area of bonded structure causes LESS shrinkage compare to surface area of unbounded structure restoration.\tB. Class-V composite restoration causes. Contraction more than gold restoration\tC. Etching and priming reduces shrinkages\tD. One third (1/3rd) of the enamel involves causes more shrinkage.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: The more surface area of bonded structure causes LESS shrinkage compare to surface area of unbounded structure restoration." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chi-square test is used to measure the degree of:\nOptions: \nA. Causal relationships between exposure and effect\tB. Association between two variables\tC. Correlation between two variables\tD. Agreement between two observations.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Association between two variables" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cytopathic effect is shown by:\nOptions: \nA. Virus\tB. Bacteria\tC. Spirochete\tD. Anaerobe.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cause of bone destruction in juvenile periodontitis is:\nOptions: \nA. Phagocytosis are reduced\tB. Reduced neutrophilic chemotaxis\tC. Decreased host resistance\tD. Highly virulent microorganisms.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Reduced neutrophilic chemotaxis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Infective endocarditis due to pseudomonas is most commonly seen with:\nOptions: \nA. Intravenous drug abuse of pentazocin.\tB. HIV patient.\tC. Chronic steroid therapy.\tD. Elderly with community acquired pneumonia..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Intravenous drug abuse of pentazocin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Alginate fillers derived from\nOptions: \nA. Calcium sulphate\tB. Sodium phosphate\tC. Potassium alginate\tD. Diatomaceous earth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Diatomaceous earth." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Given instrument is known as:\nOptions: \nA. Perry separator\tB. Ferrier double bow separator\tC. Elliot separator\tD. Wood ward separator.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Elliot separator" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Garre's osteomyelitis all statements are true except:\nOptions: \nA. Common in children and young\tB. Occurs due to staphylococcus aureus\tC. Moth eaten appearance in radiography\tD. Prevalent in immune-competent patients.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Moth eaten appearance in radiography" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best index to measure cardiac afterload is:\nOptions: \nA. Mean aerial pressure\tB. LV end diastolic pressure\tC. LV mean systolic pressure\tD. Total peripheral resistance.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Total peripheral resistance." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Apical migration of the epithelial attachment with corresponding recession of the marginal gingiva results in?\nOptions: \nA. A shallow sulcus\tB. Gingival pocket formation\tC. Infrabony pocket formation\tD. Periodontal pocket formation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A shallow sulcus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following may be a feature of acromegaty?\nOptions: \nA. Large tongue\tB. Micrognathia\tC. Hypoglycemia\tD. Crowded teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Large tongue" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Immunofluorescence staining pattern from a kidney biopsy from a 35-year-old patient presenting with proteinuria has been shown below. What is the most probable cause?\nOptions: \nA. FSGS\tB. PSGN\tC. Lupus Nephritis\tD. Goodpasture syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Lupus Nephritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common symptom of aooiliac occlusive disease?\nOptions: \nA. Calf claudication\tB. Gluteal claudication\tC. Impotence\tD. Symptomless.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Gluteal claudication" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In mechanical trituration of amalgam, what is adversely affected ?\nOptions: \nA. Hardness of filling\tB. Tarnish resistance\tC. Working time\tD. Final gloss of the filling.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Working time" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Prions true is:\nOptions: \nA. Readily inactivated by autoclave at 121oC\tB. Evokes strong immunogenic reaction\tC. Have short incubation periods\tD. Contains DNA/RNA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Readily inactivated by autoclave at 121oC" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Millennium development goal was adopted in which year?\nOptions: \nA. 1977\tB. 2000\tC. 1984\tD. 2004.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 2000" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Direction of placement of retentive pin holes should be:\nOptions: \nA. Perpendicular to external tooth surface\tB. Parallel to external tooth surface\tC. Parallel to other pins\tD. Never beneath cusps to be restored.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Parallel to external tooth surface" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following produces osteoblastic secondaries\nOptions: \nA. Carcinoma Lung\tB. Carcinoma breast\tC. Carcinoma urinary bladder\tD. Carcinoma prostate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Carcinoma prostate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10\u2013month old baby previously normal, suddenly becomes distressed in his crib. The external appearance of genitalia was normal, except hyperpigmentation. lood glucose showed a level of 30 mg%. What is the most probable diagnosis ?\nOptions: \nA. 21 hydroxylase deficiency\tB. Hyperinsulinism\tC. Familial glucocorticoid deficiency\tD. Cushing's syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Familial glucocorticoid deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The largest commissure of the brain:\nOptions: \nA. Commissure of Ganser\tB. Commissure of Gudden\tC. Corpus callosum\tD. Both (A) & (C).\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Corpus callosum" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 32 weeks pregnant diabetic female with NST non reactive. What should be done next?\nOptions: \nA. Induction of labour\tB. CS\tC. Do NST after 1hr\tD. Proceed to biophysical profile.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Proceed to biophysical profile." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Renal agenesis is associated with:\nOptions: \nA. Hydramnios\tB. Anencephaly\tC. Tracheo-oesophageal fistula\tD. Oligohydramnios.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Oligohydramnios." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A man comes with history of abnormal excessive blinking and grunting. He says he has no control over his symptoms, which have risen in frequency of late. This has staed affecting his social life making him depressed. Which of the following medications should be used in him?\nOptions: \nA. Risperidone\tB. Imipramine\tC. Carbamazepine\tD. Methylphenidate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Risperidone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pick the right answer when 2 screening tests are done in series:\nOptions: \nA. Increased sensitivity and decreased specificity\tB. Increased specificity and decreased sensitivity\tC. Increased sensitivity and increased specificity\tD. Decreased sensitivity and decreased specificity.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Increased specificity and decreased sensitivity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Scaphocephaly is caused by premature fusion of:\nOptions: \nA. Corona] suture\tB. Sagittal suture\tC. Metopic suture\tD. Lambdoid suture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Sagittal suture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Complete the missing step in the flow cha shown below:\nOptions: \nA. Intubate, spO2, ECG monitor\tB. CPAP and ECG monitor\tC. PPV, spO2 and ECG monitor\tD. spO2 and ECG monitor only.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PPV, spO2 and ECG monitor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient comes to your clinic with a complaint of multiple episodes of loose watery stool for 3 days. On probing, you discover that these episodes sta after he had ingested shellfish at a local restaurant 3 days back and other people who had food from that restaurant had similar symptoms. What is the most common cause of viral diarrhoea in adults?\nOptions: \nA. Calicivirus\tB. Rotavirus\tC. Adenovirus\tD. Norovirus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Norovirus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with dengue hemorrhagic fever, which of the following is most impoant to monitor?\nOptions: \nA. Hemoglobin\tB. TLC\tC. Platelet count\tD. Hematocrit.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hematocrit." + }, + { + "input": "Question: TRUE statement regarding nerve supply of adrenal gland\nOptions: \nA. Preganglionic fibres from lower thoracic & upper lumbar spinal segments sympathetic chain\tB. Adrenal coex has no nerve supply\tC. Adrenal medulla has no nerve supply\tD. Release of catecholamines is not affected by nerve supply.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Preganglionic fibres from lower thoracic & upper lumbar spinal segments sympathetic chain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum contribution to the refractive power of the eye is by which pa of the eye?\nOptions: \nA. Anterior surface of cornea\tB. Posterior surface of cornea\tC. Anterior surface of lens\tD. Posterior surface of lens.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior surface of cornea" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If the interocclusal distance is increased beyond physiologic limits, the patients chief complaint may result from:\nOptions: \nA. A muscular imbalance\tB. An occlusal disharmony in centric\tC. A displacement of the mandibular denture\tD. A displacement of the maxillary denture while yawning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: A muscular imbalance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best radiograph to obtain a view of maxillary sinus is:\nOptions: \nA. Lateral oblique maxilla\tB. Submentovertex\tC. Waters view\tD. Lateral skull.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Waters view" + }, + { + "input": "Question: When would you do trans-vaginal sonography in post-menopausal bleeding if endometrial thickness is?\nOptions: \nA. 5mm\tB. 7mm\tC. 4mm\tD. 9mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 5mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fracture of gold restoration primarily depends on\nOptions: \nA. Restoration design\tB. Type of alloy\tC. Noble metal & base metal ratio\tD. All of above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Restoration design" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Manufaeturer of a drug company labels that the drug contains 500 mg of paracetamol. On analysis' if was found to contain only 200 mg of drug. Which type of drug it is known as?\nOptions: \nA. Counterfeit drug\tB. Adulterant drug\tC. Spurious drug\tD. Unethical drug.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Counterfeit drug" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate presents with jaundice and clay coloured stools. Liver biopsy shows giant cells diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Neonatal hepatitis with physiological jaundice\tB. Neonatal hepatitis with extrahepatic biliary atresia\tC. Physiological jaundice\tD. Physiological jaundice with extrahepatic biliary atresia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Neonatal hepatitis with extrahepatic biliary atresia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 'Potts puffy' tumour is:\nOptions: \nA. A malignant tumour\tB. An extradural abscess\tC. A tumour or pituitary gland\tD. An adrenal gland tumour.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: An extradural abscess" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Event of early acquisition of malignant phenotype of epithelium is an expression of:\nOptions: \nA. Cyclin a\tB. Cyclin b\tC. Cyclin c\tD. Cyclin d.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cyclin d." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In constructing a fixed partial denture for a patient, the\ndentist will use a hygienic pontic. Which of the following\nwill primarily determine the faciolingual dimension of\nthe occlusal portion of this pontic?\nOptions: \nA. The length of the pontic\tB. The masticatory, force of the patient\tC. The position of the opposing contact areas\tD. The width and crestaL position of the edentulous ridge.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The position of the opposing contact areas" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are diarthroses type of joint except:\nOptions: \nA. Plane\tB. Symphyses.\tC. Condyloid.\tD. Saddle..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Symphyses." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is premalignant -\nOptions: \nA. Chronic glossitis\tB. Submucous fibrosis\tC. Hypertrophic glossitis\tD. Aphthous stomatitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Submucous fibrosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In treating a tooth with a nonvital pulp and a sinus, the\nsinus should be treated as follows:\nOptions: \nA. No special treatment\tB. Cauterisation\tC. Curettage of sinus\tD. Use of cautery to eliminate the sinus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: No special treatment" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the rise of blood flow if the radius of blood vessels is increased by 50%?\nOptions: \nA. 5 times\tB. 10 times\tC. 20 times\tD. 100 times.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 5 times" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Pain and sensitivity in a tooth with onlay after 4 months is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Supra occlusion\tB. Gingivitis\tC. Infra occlusion\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Supra occlusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which cell releases vasoactive amine so as to increase vascular permeability?\nOptions: \nA. Leukocyte\tB. Macrophage\tC. Mast cell\tD. Fibroblast.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mast cell" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The only tissue - borne functional appliance is\nOptions: \nA. Activator\tB. Bionator\tC. Twin block\tD. Frankel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Frankel." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incomplete casting is the result of:\nOptions: \nA. More porous investment in the mould\tB. Narrow sprue diameter\tC. Hollow sprue pin\tD. Large reservoir.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Narrow sprue diameter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Restriction endonuclease cuts at\nOptions: \nA. AAGGAA\tB. AAGAAG\tC. AAGTTC\tD. AAGCTT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: AAGCTT." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The flap technique for pocket elimination and to increase\nin width of attached gingiva is\nOptions: \nA. Coronally repositioned flap\tB. Apically repositioned flap\tC. Lateral pedicel flap\tD. Modified widman flap.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Apically repositioned flap" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hepatitis B occurs after an incubation period of:\nOptions: \nA. 1 week\tB. 3 weeks\tC. 3 months\tD. 6 months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 months" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A tooth can be made to appear shorter by\nOptions: \nA. Positioning gingival height of contour gingivally\tB. Positioning gingival height of contour incisally\tC. Positioning mesial and distal line angles closer\tD. Positioning developmental depressions further apart.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Positioning gingival height of contour incisally" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about placenta accreta is:\nOptions: \nA. Seen in cesarean scar\tB. Removal should be done under GA in piecemeal\tC. Chorionic villi invade serosa\tD. It is an etiological factor for amniotic fluid embolism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Seen in cesarean scar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Standardized technique of cleaning and shaping was given by:\nOptions: \nA. Schilder\tB. Ingle\tC. Weine\tD. Grossman.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ingle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In which of the following microvilli are not present?\nOptions: \nA. Gallbladder\tB. Duodenum\tC. Collecting duct\tD. Proximal convoluted tubule.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Collecting duct" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a patient with post-tuberculosis bronchiectasis, which of the following will you observe on auscultation?\nOptions: \nA. Late inspiratory crackles\tB. Bibasilar crepts\tC. Both early and late inspiratory crackles\tD. Tubular breath sounds.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both early and late inspiratory crackles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Radiograph of a periodontal ligament of a tooth which has lost its antagonist shows:\nOptions: \nA. Widening of the PDL space\tB. Narrowing of PDL space\tC. Increased density\tD. Sclerotic change.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Narrowing of PDL space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The property of amalgam that makes it undesirable to bevel occlusal margins of an amalgam cavity preparation is its:\nOptions: \nA. Flow\tB. Ductility\tC. Brittleness\tD. Malleability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Brittleness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 4 year old boy presented with recurrent chest infections. Sweat chloride test was done, showed values of 36 and 42. What is the next best investigation to confirm the diagnosis ?\nOptions: \nA. 72 hour fecal fat estimation\tB. CT chest\tC. Transepithelial nasal potential difference\tD. DNA analysis of delta F 508 mutation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Transepithelial nasal potential difference" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Moality associated with emergency abdominal aoic surgery is:\nOptions: \nA. 10%\tB. 20%\tC. 40%\tD. >50%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 40%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Without supervision, allowed to give dentures\nOptions: \nA. Denturist\tB. Hygienist\tC. School Dental nurse\tD. Dental therapist.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Denturist" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An apically repositioned flap\nOptions: \nA. Does not preserve the attached gingiva\tB. Does not increase the length of clinical crown\tC. Is the procedure of choice for palatal pockets\tD. Is a pocket elimination procedure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Is a pocket elimination procedure." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cells are most increased in number\nin the connective tissue wall of a periodontal pocket?\nOptions: \nA. Plasma cells\tB. Leukocytes\tC. Lymphocytes\tD. Erythrocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Plasma cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following classification uses the \"canine law\" malocclusion in a sagittal direction\nOptions: \nA. Bonnet's classification\tB. Simon classification\tC. Dewey classification\tD. Lischer's classification.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Simon classification" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stiffness is?\nOptions: \nA. Resistance to elastic deformation\tB. Degree of elastic deformation\tC. Resistance to plastic deformation\tD. Degree of plastic deformation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Resistance to elastic deformation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following type of collagen is present in healing and granulation tissue?\nOptions: \nA. Type I\tB. Type II\tC. Type III\tD. Type IV.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Type III" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following drugs are not used in hea failure?\nOptions: \nA. Metoprolol\tB. Nesiritide\tC. Trimetazidine\tD. Sacubitril.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Trimetazidine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following hematological disease is associated with periodontal disease?\nOptions: \nA. AIDS\tB. Hypophosphatesia\tC. Wegener's granulomatosis\tD. Histocytosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: AIDS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which among the following laboratory investigation is best to reveal bleeding in Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DtC.?\nOptions: \nA. Increased PT\tB. Increased aPTT\tC. Decreased fibrinogen\tD. Increased FDPs.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Increased FDPs." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following conditions are true regarding false positive results on EPT testing except?\nOptions: \nA. Immature apex\tB. Improper Isolation\tC. Partial Pulpal Necrosis\tD. Anxiety.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Immature apex" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Creep rate decreases with:\nOptions: \nA. Increase force of condensation\tB. Decrease force of condensation\tC. Under or overtrituration\tD. Dealy in time between trituration and condensation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increase force of condensation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: How much Is the connective tissue width around an Implant\nOptions: \nA. 2-3 mm\tB. 3-3.65 mm\tC. 4-4.5 mm\tD. 4-5 mm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 2-3 mm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Monitoring and diagnosis after completion of H. pylori treatment is done through\nOptions: \nA. Gastric acid test\tB. urea breath test\tC. bacterial culture of stool\tD. sodium chloride test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: urea breath test" + }, + { + "input": "Question: ECG with \"mean\" axis of 90deg. In which lead there would be the maximum voltage of R wave?\nOptions: \nA. III\tB. I\tC. aVF\tD. aVL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: aVF" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In arthroscopy, for TMJ adhesion lysis, the laser used is:\nOptions: \nA. Ho-Yag\tB. Er-Yag\tC. He-Ne\tD. Argon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Ho-Yag" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is the most common tumor associated with type I neurofibromatosis \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Optic nerve glioma\tB. Meningioma\tC. Acoustic schwannoma\tD. Low grade astrocytoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Optic nerve glioma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Etching depth after 30 sec for orthodontic bracket with orthophosphoric acid is:\nOptions: \nA. 10 \u03bcm \u2014 20 \u03bcm\tB. 3 \u03bcm \u2014 9 \u03bcm\tC. 50 \u03bcm \u2014 110 \u03bcm\tD. 200 \u03bcm \u2014 250 \u03bcm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 10 \u03bcm \u2014 20 \u03bcm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 1.5 kg child born at 32 weeks by LSCS presents with moderate respiratory difficulty (RR 70/ minutes). Which of the following is the appropriate management \u2013\nOptions: \nA. CPAP\tB. Mechanical ventilation\tC. Warm oxygen\tD. Surfactant and ventilation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: CPAP" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A nurse got accidental prick from the HIV infected needle. Which of the following statements is false regarding the management of this nurse?\nOptions: \nA. Zidovudine is used as monotherapy for post-exposure prophylaxis\tB. Washing hands with soap and water is advised\tC. Baseline viral markers of health care personnel should be done at the time of presentation\tD. Follow up viral markers of health care personnel should be measured at 6 weeks.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Zidovudine is used as monotherapy for post-exposure prophylaxis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which type of prefabricated post preparation system in mandibular molar is preferred?\nOptions: \nA. Tapered, screwed in\tB. Parallel, screwed in\tC. Tapered, passively cemented\tD. Parallel, partially cemented.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Parallel, partially cemented." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following increases calcium absorption from the gut except\nOptions: \nA. Phytates\tB. Vitamin D\tC. Alkaline pH in the gut\tD. Protein in diet.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Alkaline pH in the gut" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A screening test is used in the same way in two similar populations but the proportion of false positive results in population A is lower than that in population B. what is the likely explanation?\nOptions: \nA. The specificity of the test is lower in population A\tB. The prevalence of the disease is lower in population A\tC. The prevalence of the disease is higher in population A\tD. The specificity of test is higher in population A.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: The prevalence of the disease is higher in population A" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If untreated, percentage of mother to child transmission of HIV during delivery without intervention in a non-breast fed child is:\nOptions: \nA. 40-50%\tB. 10-15%\tC. 15-30%\tD. 5%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 15-30%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Two palatal roots are found in what percentage of maxillary 1st molars\nOptions: \nA. 1-4%\tB. 2-10%\tC. 0-1 %\tD. Two palatal roots are never found.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1-4%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The cell junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are called:\nOptions: \nA. Gap junctions\tB. Tight junctions\tC. Anchoring junctions\tD. Focal junctions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Gap junctions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A middle aged male patient presents with fever and diarrhea for 1 week and acute onset pain abdomen for 6 hours. An erect abdominal X-ray was taken as shown. What is the likely diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Pseudomembranous colitis\tB. Adenocarcinoma colon\tC. Pneumatosis intestinalis\tD. Toxic megacolon.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Toxic megacolon." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Difference between the skin and mucosa of cheek is:\nOptions: \nA. Thin lamina and non keratinized mucosa of cheek\tB. Keratinized mucosa of cheek\tC. Rete pegs\tD. Thick lamina propria on skin of cheek.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thin lamina and non keratinized mucosa of cheek" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Scaphoid fracture at waist with retrograde blood supply. Which segment is most susceptible to avascular necrosis?\nOptions: \nA. Proximal\tB. Distal\tC. Middle\tD. Scaphoid tubercle.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Proximal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 12 years old boy came with complaints of 4 hypopigmented patches on back and on left arm. The patches had loss of sensation. Which of the following is the treatment for this case?\nOptions: \nA. Rifampicin (450 mg) + Dapsone (50 mg) + Clofazimine (150 mg) monthly and 50 mg daily\tB. Rifampicin (600 mg) + Dapsone (150 mg) only\tC. Rifampicin (450 mg) + Dapsone (50 mg) + Clofazimine (150 mg) monthly and 50 mg alternate days\tD. Rifampicin (600 mg) + Dapsone (150 mg) + Clofazimine (300 mg) monthly and 50 mg daily.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Rifampicin (450 mg) + Dapsone (50 mg) + Clofazimine (150 mg) monthly and 50 mg alternate days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Uses of atropine are A/E -\nOptions: \nA. Organophoshorus poisoning\tB. Mushroom poisoning\tC. Arrhythmia\tD. Miotic.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Miotic." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What are the cut-off values in 2 hours oral glucose tolerance test for fasting and at 1 hour and 2 hours after meals respectively?\nOptions: \nA. 92, 182, 155\tB. 92, 180, 153\tC. 95, 180, 155\tD. 92, 180, 155.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 92, 180, 153" + }, + { + "input": "Question: You have performed a pleural tap in a patient with suspected TB. You will send the sample for all of the following studies except:\nOptions: \nA. Gene Xpe\tB. ADA\tC. LDH\tD. Albumin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Albumin." + }, + { + "input": "Question: HOX gene is responsible for which malformation\nOptions: \nA. Polysyndactyly\tB. Holoprosencephaly\tC. Mayer Rokitansky syndrome\tD. Gorlin syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Polysyndactyly" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Possible conversion to choriocarcinoma after hydatidiform mole is denoted by all of the following, except:-\nOptions: \nA. Rising hCG\tB. More Theca lutein cysts\tC. Increase uterus size\tD. Sub urethral nodule.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Sub urethral nodule." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lateral pharyngeal space is not connected directly by:\nOptions: \nA. Buccal space\tB. Sublingual space\tC. Submandibular space\tD. Retropharyngeal space.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Buccal space" + }, + { + "input": "Question: On abdominal ultrasound gallbladder shows diffuse wall thickening with hyperechoic nodules at neck and comet tail aifacts. The most likely diagnosis will be:\nOptions: \nA. Adenomyomatosis\tB. Adenocarcinoma of gallbladder\tC. Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis\tD. Cholesterol crystals.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Adenomyomatosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: p' value is 0.00, then\nOptions: \nA. Results are true of 99.9% of population\tB. Test is not significant\tC. 1% of significance\tD. There is no co-relation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Results are true of 99.9% of population" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The amino acid, which is used in the estimation of collagen is:\nOptions: \nA. Hydroxyproline\tB. Proline\tC. Lysine\tD. Glycine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Hydroxyproline" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child with Down's syndrome has Moon facies, retarded mentally and which of the facial characteristics:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary prognathism\tB. Mandibular retrognathia\tC. Mandibular prognathism\tD. Maxillary hypoplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Maxillary hypoplasia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best Age to sta bone mineral density test in female.\nOptions: \nA. After 50 years\tB. After 55 years\tC. After 60 years\tD. After 65 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: After 65 years." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Haddon matrix is related to:\nOptions: \nA. Injury prevention\tB. Communicable diseases\tC. Maternal and child moality\tD. Hypeensive disorders.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Communicable diseases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following marked arrow represent lateral semicircular canal during coical mastoidectomy:\nOptions: \nA. A\tB. B\tC. C\tD. D.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: C" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Expected surgical procedure most frequently indicated for odontogenic cysts is:\nOptions: \nA. Incision and drainage\tB. Sclerosing solution\tC. Marsupialisation\tD. Enucleation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Enucleation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A boy complains of bleeding gums, swollen, Joints with hemorrhage into joints. His paternal and maternal uncle complains of same problem. It is due to deficiency of factor:\nOptions: \nA. VIII\tB. IX\tC. X\tD. VI.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: VIII" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Deepest layer of deep cervical fascia is\nOptions: \nA. Prevertebral\tB. Carotid sheath\tC. Pretracheal\tD. Temporal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Prevertebral" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In the formula for urea clearance, C = U x V/P, what does U stands for:\nOptions: \nA. Urinary concentration in g/24 hour\tB. Urinary concentration in mg/ml\tC. Urine osmolarity\tD. Urine volume per minute.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Urinary concentration in mg/ml" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Trisodium phosphate in alginate acts as:\nOptions: \nA. Retarder\tB. Reactor\tC. Accelerator\tD. Plasticizer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Retarder" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For measuring hardness of Co-Cr alloy, which hardness test is used?\nOptions: \nA. Vicat apparatus\tB. Cold bend\tC. Heat and cold bend\tD. Rockwell hardness test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Rockwell hardness test." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with intermittent fever, no weight loss, no anorexia, but with a retroperitoneal mass. Peripheral smear findings were normal. Gross & microscopy of the mass is given. What's the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. NHL\tB. Castleman disease\tC. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia\tD. Ig G4 disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Castleman disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: One day after complete mouth extraction, blue black spots are seen on the neck of the patients. These spots indicate:\nOptions: \nA. Thrombocytopenic purpura\tB. Postoperative ecchymosis\tC. Impaired blood circulation\tD. Cellulitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Postoperative ecchymosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: painful crater like 1.5 cm ulcer develops within one week on the hard palate mucosa of a 40 year old female. The most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Actinomycosis\tB. Squamous cell carcinoma\tC. Pleomorphic adenoma\tD. Necrotizing sialometaplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Necrotizing sialometaplasia." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common cause of lobar hemorrhage in elderly age group ?\nOptions: \nA. Hypeension\tB. Vascular malformation\tC. Coagulopathy\tD. Amyloid angiopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Amyloid angiopathy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is least likely to cause infective endocarditis:\nOptions: \nA. Staphylococcus albus.\tB. Streptococcus faecalis.\tC. Salmonella typhi.\tD. Pseudomonas aeruginosa..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Salmonella typhi." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Platelet derived growth factor is released in vessels from:\nOptions: \nA. Endothelial cells\tB. Fibroblasts\tC. Macrophages\tD. Alpha granules.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Alpha granules." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Down syndrome is caused by all except:\nOptions: \nA. Trisomy of 21 chromosome\tB. Mosaicism of 21 chromosome\tC. Robertsonian translocation of 21.21, 21.18\tD. Deletion of 21.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Deletion of 21." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is the most common organism found in retreatment cases of periapical abscess?\nOptions: \nA. E. faecalis\tB. Trepenoma denticola\tC. S. mutans\tD. Actinomyces.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: E. faecalis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Maximum chances of fracture are present when which of these forces are present on a bone:\nOptions: \nA. Tension\tB. Torsion\tC. Compression\tD. Either of the three.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tension" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Phrenic nerve chiefly supplies?\nOptions: \nA. Stomach\tB. Diaphragm\tC. Oesophagus\tD. Ileum.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Diaphragm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regional Odontodysplasia is most common in\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular premolar\tB. Mandibular canine\tC. Mandibular third molar\tD. Maxillary central incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Maxillary central incisor." + }, + { + "input": "Question: During surgical excision of the parotid gland the following structures may be damaged:\nOptions: \nA. Lesser occipital nerve, hypoglossal nerve, chorda tympani\tB. Facial nerve and auriculotemporal nerve\tC. Submandibular duct\tD. Cervical fascia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Facial nerve and auriculotemporal nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A dye injected in to space to see the joint is known as:\nOptions: \nA. Arthrography\tB. Arthroscopy\tC. Arthroplasty\tD. Orthopantogram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Arthrography" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An elderly male presents with T3NO laryngeal carcinoma. What would be the management?\nOptions: \nA. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy\tB. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy\tC. Radical radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy\tD. Radical radiotherapy without chemotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Concurrent chemoradiotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which is the only anterior teeth with Mesiodistal size more than Cervicoincisal dimension\nOptions: \nA. Deciduous lower central incisor\tB. Permanent lower central incisor\tC. Deciduous upper lateral incisor\tD. Permanent upper lateral incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Deciduous upper lateral incisor" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following abnormalities is commonly seen in a fetus with congenital CMV infection:\nOptions: \nA. Colitis\tB. Myocarditis\tC. Blood dyscrasias\tD. Pulmonary cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Blood dyscrasias" + }, + { + "input": "Question: White radiating Lines can be observed in case of Lesions of\nOptions: \nA. Lichen planus\tB. Erythema multiforme\tC. Pemphigus\tD. Leukoplakia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lichen planus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which among the following is not true about ankylosing spondylitis?\nOptions: \nA. Enthesis is the primary site of pathology\tB. More common in Females\tC. TNF plays an impoant role in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis\tD. Sacroiliitis is the earliest manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: More common in Females" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Cephalosporin\tactive\tagainst\tpseudomonas\naeruginosa\nOptions: \nA. Cefoperazone\tB. Cefaclor\tC. Ceftriaxone\tD. Cefotaxime.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cefoperazone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The least effect on the prognosis of a periodontal disease is\nOptions: \nA. Suppuration from the pocket\tB. Furcation involvement\tC. Alveolar bone loss\tD. Co-operation and motivation of the patient.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Suppuration from the pocket" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Occulomotor nerve passes through\nOptions: \nA. Foramen rotundum\tB. Superior orbital fissure\tC. Inferior orbital fissure\tD. Foramen ovale.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Superior orbital fissure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presents to the emergency with a history of ingestion of button battery, on X-ray it was found in the stomach or duodenum. What is the next step?\nOptions: \nA. Endoscopic removal of battery\tB. Wait and watch\tC. Repeat X-ray after 5 days\tD. Immediate laparotomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Wait and watch" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child with tetralogy of fallot uses which of the following positions \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Supine\tB. Prone\tC. Squatting\tD. Leaning forwards.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Squatting" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about Arrangement of hydroxyapatite crystals in Enamel rods?\nOptions: \nA. In center orientation of hydroxyapatite crystal is 0 degree\tB. Orientation of hydroxyapatite crystals at periphery is 45 degree\tC. Both\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Both" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Predisposing clinical condition for endodontic flare up?\nOptions: \nA. Acute periapical abscess\tB. Acute apical periodontitis\tC. Asymptomatic necrotic pulp with periapical lesion\tD. Pain and swelling since the treatment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Asymptomatic necrotic pulp with periapical lesion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regarding ASO titre all are seen except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. ASO can be increased in school children\tB. May be negative in post streptococcal glomerulonephritis\tC. ASO titre included in major criteria in jones criteria\tD. May not be elevated in 20% cases of carditis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: ASO titre included in major criteria in jones criteria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 28 yr with infeility lapro tube uterus healthy ovary diagnosis -\nOptions: \nA. PCOS\tB. Ovarian cyst\tC. Fibroid\tD. Endometriosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Endometriosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not the branch of external carotid aery in Kiesselbach's plexus?\nOptions: \nA. Anterior Ethmoidal aery\tB. Sphenopalatine aery\tC. Greater palatine aery\tD. Septal branch of superior labial aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Anterior Ethmoidal aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Excess of plasma level of lignocaine can cause cardiovascular collapse due to:\nOptions: \nA. Myocardial depression\tB. Vagal stimulation\tC. Syncope\tD. CN5 excitability.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Myocardial depression" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Best noninvasive investigation to check for bility of myocardium is:\nOptions: \nA. FDG-18 PET CT\tB. MIBG scintigraphy\tC. Echocardiogram\tD. Thallium scintigraphy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: FDG-18 PET CT" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Regarding Japanese encephalitis vaccine, what is not true?\nOptions: \nA. Not given for infants less than 6 months\tB. Two primary doses given to children in the one to three year age group\tC. Booster doses are given after I year and repeated every 3 years\tD. In endemic areas vaccination is given to cover children between one to nine years age group..\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: In endemic areas vaccination is given to cover children between one to nine years age group.." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Role of Negative reinforcement:\nOptions: \nA. Makes negative to positive\tB. Makes positive to negative\tC. Makes negative to more negative\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Makes negative to more negative" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are features of reversible cell injury EXCEPT\nOptions: \nA. ER swelling\tB. Dens deposition of mitochondria\tC. Bleb\tD. Detachment of ribosome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Dens deposition of mitochondria" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which\tof the following is\turethane\tdimethacrylate\n(UDMA) resin based endosealer?\nOptions: \nA. Endorez\tB. Real seal\tC. Raeko sealer\tD. Tubli seal.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Endorez" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is diagnosed of oral cancer of stage T3N2M0\nOptions: \nA. Surgery\tB. Surgery + radiotherapy\tC. Chemotherapy alone\tD. Surgery + chemotherapy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Surgery + radiotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: GFR is increased by all except?\nOptions: \nA. Increased renal blood flow\tB. Efferent aeriole constriction\tC. Renal stone in ureter\tD. Decreased oncotic pressure.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Renal stone in ureter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Muscle that attaches to zygomatic process of maxilla:\nOptions: \nA. Masseter\tB. Buccinator\tC. Middle temporal\tD. Medial pterygoid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Masseter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Patient complaint of loose immediate dentures today morning, and also told that this happened 2-3 days back also. What could be the possible reason\nOptions: \nA. Patient forgot how to insert the denture\tB. Continuous healing of defect\tC. Due to shrinkage of resin\tD. Due to reduction of diameter of defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Continuous healing of defect" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about the given instrument except\nOptions: \nA. Can be done in prone or lateral position\tB. To find out infiltrative and granulomatous disorders\tC. Breath holding not necessary\tD. Platelet count of 40000 is a contraindication.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Platelet count of 40000 is a contraindication." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 22 years old gravida 3 para 2 lady delivers a normal child followed by delivery of an intact placenta. Following delivery, the lady develops severe per vaginal bleeding after 30 minutes. On table sonogram revealed retained placental tissue. What is the suspected type of placenta?\nOptions: \nA. Membranous placenta\tB. Placenta fenestrae\tC. Placenta accreta\tD. Placenta succenturiata.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Placenta succenturiata." + }, + { + "input": "Question: In ALL patient; at which stage can the orthodontic treatment be done:\nOptions: \nA. During chemotherapy\tB. Before chemotherapy\tC. 2 years after remission\tD. Any time as not affected by ALL.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: During chemotherapy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which diseases are infectious but not communicable?\nOptions: \nA. Measles\tB. Mumps\tC. Scarlet fever\tD. Tetanus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tetanus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Deepening the pulpal floor during cavity preparation\nprovides for\nOptions: \nA. Outline form\tB. Retention form\tC. convenience form\tD. Resistance form.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Resistance form." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Clinically acceptable limit of run out:\nOptions: \nA. 0.012\tB. 0.023\tC. 0.15\tD. 0.032..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 0.023" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 30-year-old gentleman has exce' cep at work attributed to sleep discomfo at night. He also has recent history of falling while paying with friends. What are the other features that can be seenassociated with his condition?\nOptions: \nA. Paralysis during sleep-wake transition with hallucinations\tB. Snoring with witnessed sleep apnea\tC. Pain in the legs before going to sleep\tD. Generalized seizures in the wake state.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Paralysis during sleep-wake transition with hallucinations" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Improved Drinking water source protect from\nOptions: \nA. Fecal matter\tB. Teratogenic\tC. Inorganic\tD. Not Recalled.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fecal matter" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most constant and valuable trait to differentiate among maxillary 1st , 2nd and 3rd molars is\nOptions: \nA. Relative position of DL groove\tB. Relative position of ML groove\tC. ML cusp size\tD. Oblique ridge size.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Relative position of DL groove" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The odontoblasts killed during cavity preparation are derived from:\nOptions: \nA. Unaffected odontoblasts from the pulp\tB. Undifferentiated cells\tC. Histocytes\tD. Osteoblasts.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Undifferentiated cells" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are true about aneuploidy except:\nOptions: \nA. 30% of trisomy 21 fetus die in utero\tB. 80% of trisomy 18 fetus die in uero\tC. Occurrence of aneuploidy has no relation with the progression of mother's age\tD. The recurrence risk for nondysjunctional aneuploidy is 1% higher.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Occurrence of aneuploidy has no relation with the progression of mother's age" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The following is the ovum of a helminth. What is true about the helminth?\nOptions: \nA. Transmission is through ingestion of infected pork\tB. Both adult and larval stages are seen in humans\tC. The helminth causes a transient self-resolving infection in humans\tD. Drug of choice for this condition is albendazole.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Both adult and larval stages are seen in humans" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Progenitor hematopoietic stem cells originate in\nOptions: \nA. Bone marrow\tB. Thymus\tC. Lymph Node\tD. Spleen.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Bone marrow" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Long face syndrome patient with increased lower facial height, the palatal plane will be:\nOptions: \nA. Posteriorly downward\tB. Upward posteriorly\tC. Downward anteriorly\tD. No change.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Posteriorly downward" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of these is most commonly used as pre-anesthetic medication?\nOptions: \nA. Atropine\tB. Promethazine\tC. Scopolamine\tD. Glycopyrrolate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Glycopyrrolate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: If a permanent first molar is lost, the permanent second molar drifts to the:\nOptions: \nA. Buccal side\tB. Distal side\tC. Mesial side\tD. Lingual side.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Mesial side" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The best marker for neural tube defect is:\nOptions: \nA. Acetyl glucosonidase\tB. Acetyl cholinesterase\tC. Alpha fetoprotein\tD. Chorionic gonadotrophin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Acetyl cholinesterase" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Transmits which disease\nOptions: \nA. Kyasanur forest disease\tB. Scrub typhus\tC. Japanese encephalitis\tD. Leptospirosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Scrub typhus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A female come to gynaeoPD for preconceptual counseling, with history of two second trimester aboions. What is the next investigation you will advice\nOptions: \nA. TVS\tB. hysteroscopy\tC. Endometrial biopsy\tD. chromosomal abnormalities.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: TVS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The pattern of change of disease of mortality and morbidity where the pandemics of infection are replaced by degenerative and manmade disorders as the main cause of morbidity and mortality is known as?\nOptions: \nA. Epidemiological transition\tB. Demographic transition\tC. Paradoxical transition\tD. Reversal of transition.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Epidemiological transition" + }, + { + "input": "Question: IV loading dose of MgSo4 prophylaxis in pre-eclampsia?\nOptions: \nA. 8ml MgSo4+10ml of NS\tB. 10ml MgSo4+10ml of NS\tC. 8ml MgSo4+12ml of NS\tD. 12ml MgSo4+8 ml of NS.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 8ml MgSo4+12ml of NS" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Bond found in GIC is:\nOptions: \nA. Covalent bond\tB. Ionic bond\tC. Hydrogen bond\tD. Metallic bond.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Ionic bond" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An adolescent male patient came with pain in calf muscles on exercise. On biopsy excessive amount of glycogen present was found to be present in the muscle. What is the most likely enzyme deficiency?\nOptions: \nA. Muscle debranching enzyme\tB. Phosphofructokinase I\tC. Glucose 6 phosphatase\tD. Phosphorylase enzyme.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Phosphorylase enzyme." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 20-year-old male presents with hard painless testicular swellingon investigation AFP is 3080. No paraaoic or iliac nodes as well as no mediastinal lymph nodes found. usG shows uniform echotexture and small areas of necrosis surrounding structures are normal.What is the next best steP:\nOptions: \nA. FNAC\tB. Trucut bioPsY\tC. High inguinal orchidectomy\tD. PET-CT.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: High inguinal orchidectomy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What would be the ideal management of a woman with infeilty who is detected to have bilateral cornual block on hysterosalpingography?\nOptions: \nA. Tuboplasty\tB. In-vitro feilization\tC. Hydrotubation\tD. Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following renal disorder is associated with worst pregnancy outcome:\nOptions: \nA. Systemic lupus erythromatosus\tB. IgA nephropathy\tC. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease\tD. Scleroderma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Scleroderma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Shape of 1st Maxillary molar\nOptions: \nA. Rhomboid\tB. Rounded triangular\tC. Trapezoid\tD. Square.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Rhomboid" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Topical steroids is most effective in:\nOptions: \nA. Dermal atrophy\tB. Eczematous dermatitis\tC. Bullous lesions due to HSV\tD. Herpes Zoster.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Eczematous dermatitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Stable element in Ti6Al4V in alpha phase is?\nOptions: \nA. V\tB. Al\tC. Ti\tD. Al, V.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Al" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following carry proprioception from head and neck except:\nOptions: \nA. Facial nerve\tB. Trigeminal nerve\tC. Glossopharyngeal nerve\tD. Cranial accessory nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cranial accessory nerve." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not true about latent phase of labour?\nOptions: \nA. According to ACOG it stas after 3-4 cm cervical dilatation but they are planning to increase it to 5 cm\tB. Begins at the end of active phase and is a pa of 1st stage of labour\tC. Patient may present with false labour due to mild cramps\tD. Stas with contractions of the uterus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Patient may present with false labour due to mild cramps" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with a history of fall after hypoglycemic episode presents with pain in bilateral preauricular region and deviation of the mandible to right side on mouth opening, probable diagnosis will be\nOptions: \nA. Fracture of right condyle\tB. Fracture of left condyle\tC. Dislocation of left condyle\tD. Dislocation of both condyles.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fracture of right condyle" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The instrument shown in fig is used for\nOptions: \nA. Rapid separation\tB. Slow separation\tC. Not used for separation\tD. Depends on force for separation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Slow separation" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tongue develops from all of the following except\nOptions: \nA. Tuberculum impar\tB. Hypobranchial eminence\tC. Lingual swellings\tD. Arytenoid swellings.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Arytenoid swellings." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Polishing of composite is problematic due to\nOptions: \nA. Soft matrix and hard filler particles\tB. Hard filler particles\tC. Hardness of matrix and filler particles\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Soft matrix and hard filler particles" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Lithium should be stopped how many days before anaesthesia\nOptions: \nA. 1 day\tB. 2 days\tC. 3 days\tD. 4 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3 days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10 year old boy presents with midline swelling arising from cerebellum the diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Astrocytoma\tB. Glioblastoma multiforme\tC. Ependymoma\tD. Medulloblastoma.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Medulloblastoma." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mast cells are\nOptions: \nA. Absent in both inflamed and normal pulp.\tB. Present in normal pulp\tC. Present in inflamed pulp only.\tD. Absent in inflamed pulp only..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Present in inflamed pulp only." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which\tof\tthe\tfollowing\tis\tassociated\twith\ta\tlow\nconcentration of ionized calcium in the serum?\nOptions: \nA. Hypothyroidism\tB. Osteogenesis imperfecta\tC. Paget's disease of the bone\tD. Tetany.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Tetany." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are done to remove Confounding except\nOptions: \nA. Randomization\tB. Random Selection\tC. Matching\tD. Blinding.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Random Selection" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Asseion: In a patient admitted to hospital for community acquired pneumonia, combination therapy of beta lactams and azithromycin is given.Reason : This combination covers gram positive organisms and anaerobes.\nOptions: \nA. Both reason and asseion are true\tB. Asseion is true but reason is false.\tC. Asseion is true but reason is paially true for asseion\tD. Both asseion & reason are not true..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Asseion is true but reason is false." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Heart of controlled trial?\nOptions: \nA. Blinding\tB. Experiment\tC. Randomization\tD. Intervention.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Randomization" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Definitive treatment for the condition shown in radiograph below is?\nOptions: \nA. Apexogenesis\tB. Revascularisation\tC. Calcium Hydroxide apexification\tD. MTA barrier formation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: MTA barrier formation." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient is taking drugs for rheumatoid ahritis and has a history of cataract surgery 1 year back, the patient presented with sudden painless loss of vision, probable diagnosis is?\nOptions: \nA. CME\tB. Macularhole\tC. Chloroquine toxicity\tD. Chronic choroiditis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Chloroquine toxicity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Tumor cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia or small lymphoblastic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) arisefrom which of the following?\nOptions: \nA. Mature B cell\tB. Naive B cell\tC. Centrocytes of germinal center\tD. Progenitor B-cell.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Naive B cell" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Positive pivot shift test in knee is because of injury to -\nOptions: \nA. Posterior cruciate ligament\tB. Anterior cruciate ligament\tC. Medial meniscus\tD. Lateral meniscus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Anterior cruciate ligament" + }, + { + "input": "Question: An apical radiolucent area present in central incisor\nafter 4 months of RCT is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Inadequate obturation & leakage from main canal\tB. Leakage from accessory canal\tC. Leakage from gingival crevice\tD. Leakage from access opening.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Inadequate obturation & leakage from main canal" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Low apparent volume of distribution of drug indicates that:\nOptions: \nA. Drug has low half life\tB. Drug has low bioavailability\tC. Drug has low efficacy\tD. Drug is not extensively distributed to tissue.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Drug is not extensively distributed to tissue." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are true about lumbar puncture except:\nOptions: \nA. Level of needle inseion should be L I -L2 veebral junction\tB. The bevel end of needle should face up\tC. Needle should be inseed in a slightly cephalad direction\tD. Legs should be straightened for CSF pressure measurement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Level of needle inseion should be L I -L2 veebral junction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hormone Replacement therapy is not indicated in:\nOptions: \nA. Hot flashes\tB. Prevention of CAD\tC. Osteoporosis\tD. Vaginal atrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Prevention of CAD" + }, + { + "input": "Question: If sodium channel inactivation is prolonged then which property of nerve conduction is hampered?\nOptions: \nA. Decreased relative refractory period\tB. Increased conduction blockade\tC. Increased upward stroke velocity\tD. Decreased downward stroke velocity of refractory period..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Increased upward stroke velocity" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Largest cusp is\nOptions: \nA. Mesiolingual cusp of upper 1st molar\tB. Mesiolingual cusp of Upper 2nd molar\tC. Buccolingual cusp of Upper 1st molar\tD. Buccolingual cusp of lower 2nd molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mesiolingual cusp of upper 1st molar" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of following causes lysis of clot :\nOptions: \nA. Fibrin\tB. Plasmin\tC. Hyaluronidase\tD. Coagulase.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Plasmin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The oral findings in erythroblastosis fetal's include\nOptions: \nA. Dentinal dysplasia\tB. Hypoplastic teeth\tC. Pigmented teeth\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pigmented teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A neonate develops encephalitis without any skin lesions. Most probable causative organisms is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. HSV I\tB. HSV II\tC. Meningococci\tD. Streptococci.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: HSV II" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following is most elastic?\nOptions: \nA. \u03b1 titanium\tB. \u03b2 titanium\tC. Chrome-cobalt-nickel\tD. Nickel titanium.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Nickel titanium." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Latent period of distraction osteogenesis in 8 months old child is\nOptions: \nA. 0-2 days\tB. 5-7 days\tC. 4-6 weeks\tD. 31-40 days.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 0-2 days" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following methods is used for calculation of anatomical dead space?\nOptions: \nA. Xenon dilution technique\tB. Bohler's method\tC. Spirometry\tD. Single breath nitrogen test.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Single breath nitrogen test." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhea include all of the following except:\nOptions: \nA. Outer membrane proteins\tB. IgA Protease\tC. M-Proteins\tD. Pili.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: M-Proteins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hard swelling at the angle of mandible with numerous draining sinuses is most likely:\nOptions: \nA. Actinomycosis\tB. Ludwig's angina\tC. Mucormycosis\tD. Cellulitis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Actinomycosis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which fracture results in the given deformity?\nOptions: \nA. Supracondylar fracture of humerus\tB. Lateral condylar fracture\tC. Olecranon fracture\tD. Radial head fracture.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Supracondylar fracture of humerus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which does not cross placenta:\nOptions: \nA. Heparin\tB. Morphine\tC. Naloxone\tD. Warfarin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Heparin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A middle aged female presents with slowly progressive weakness of lower limbs, spasticity and recent onset hesitancy of Micturition. On neurological examination there is evidence of dorsal myelopathy. MRI scan of spine reveals middorsal intradural contrast enhancing mass lesion. Diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Intradural lipoma\tB. Dermoid cyst\tC. Meningioma\tD. Epidermoid cyst.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Meningioma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Sodium bicarbonate when given with local anaesthetics has which of the following effect?\nOptions: \nA. Increases speed and quality of anaesthesia\tB. Decreases diffusion of the anaesthetic drug\tC. Causes rapid elimination of the Local anesthetic\tD. Decreases speed and quality of anaesthesia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Increases speed and quality of anaesthesia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 12 years old Shyam presented with gross hematuria with 80% dysmorphic RBC's 2 days after a attack of upper respiratory tract infection diagnosis is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Microangiopathic thrombotic anaemia\tB. IgA Nephropathy\tC. PSGN\tD. H.S. purpura.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: IgA Nephropathy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Metapex is a combination of which of these?\nOptions: \nA. Calcium hydroxide +ZoE\tB. ZoE + Iodoform\tC. Calcium hydroxide + iodoform\tD. Calcium hydroxide + GIC.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Calcium hydroxide + iodoform" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Fibres of periodontal ligament embedded in the bone are\nOptions: \nA. Sharpey's fibres\tB. Tomes fibres\tC. Elastic fibres\tD. Ray's fibres.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Sharpey's fibres" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with intermittent fever, no weight loss, no anorexia, but with a retroperitoneal mass. Peripheral smear findings were normal. Microscopy of the mass is given. What's the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. NHL\tB. Castleman disease\tC. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia\tD. Ig G4 disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Castleman disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A healthy middle-aged man was arguing with his brother and got emotionally upset due to the arguments with his brother, he suddenly developed chest pain and collapsed. When brought to the hospital' hewas declared dead.What is the diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy\tB. Dilated cardiomyopathy\tC. Arhmogenic right ventricle dysplasia\tD. Chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Out of Syphilitic glossitis, Plummer Vinson syndrome, Mikulicis syndrome and hepatitis A; which of these predispose to squamous cell carcinoma\nOptions: \nA. Syphilitic glossitis and plummer Vinson syndrome\tB. Syphilitic glossitis and Mikulicz's syndrome\tC. Plummer Vinson disease and hepatitis A\tD. hepatitis A and Mikulicz's Syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Syphilitic glossitis and plummer Vinson syndrome" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Calcification of third molar begins at:\nOptions: \nA. 8 months\tB. 18 months\tC. 8 years\tD. 16 years.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 8 years" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Allergy in immediate perioperative period is due to:\nOptions: \nA. Opioids\tB. LA agents\tC. Induction agents\tD. Neuromuscular blockers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Neuromuscular blockers." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child transfers objects from one hand to other. What does it imply?\nOptions: \nA. Visual motor co-ordination\tB. Explores small object\tC. Object release\tD. Comparison of objects.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Comparison of objects." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Heparin acts which of the following adjuvants?\nOptions: \nA. Antithrombin III\tB. Protein C\tC. Protein S\tD. Thrombomodulin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Antithrombin III" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In submandibular surgery incision is given 2 cm below the border of mandible to preserve which nerve?\nOptions: \nA. Marginal mandibular nerve\tB. Mental Nerve\tC. Long buccal nerve branch of facial\tD. Inferior alveolar nerve.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Marginal mandibular nerve" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What drug is used for prophylaxis against Pneumocystis jirovecii in patients on chemotherapy?\nOptions: \nA. Cotrimoxazole\tB. Amoxicillin\tC. Dexamethasone\tD. Cephalosporin.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cotrimoxazole" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which disease affects neurons only\nOptions: \nA. Spinocerebellar ataxia\tB. Supranuclear palsy\tC. Corticobasillar degeneration\tD. Multiple system atrophy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Spinocerebellar ataxia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Electrical conductivity speed of A \u03b1 fibres ?\nOptions: \nA. 70-120\tB. 50-70\tC. 30-51\tD. 20-Oct.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 70-120" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Raised serum alkaline phosphatase is seen in all except:\nOptions: \nA. Pagets disease\tB. Multiple myeloma\tC. Osteomalacia\tD. Hyperthyroidism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Multiple myeloma" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 24 years old female presented with amenorrhea for 3 months. LH and FSH levels are elevated three times the normal value. What is the next best step?\nOptions: \nA. Urinary HCG level\tB. Check serum estradiol levels\tC. Progesterone challenge test and look for withdrawal bleeding\tD. Ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Check serum estradiol levels" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient with tubercular meningitis was taking ATT regularly. At end of 1 month of regular intake of drugs deterioration in sensorium is noted in condition of the patient. Which of the following investions is not required on emergency evaluation ?.\nOptions: \nA. MRI\tB. NCCT\tC. CSF examination\tD. Liver function tests.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Liver function tests." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 10-year old boy was presented with a mass in abdomen. On imaging, the para-aoic lymph nodes were enlarged. On biopsy, starry sky appearance was seen. What is the underlying abnormality?\nOptions: \nA. p53 gene mutation\tB. Rb gene mutation\tC. Translocation involving BCR-ABL gene\tD. Translocation involving Myc gene.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Translocation involving Myc gene." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child is brought to the clinic with complaint of irregular teeth. The maxillary central incisor is rotated in an otherwise normal occlusion. What should the next step be?\nOptions: \nA. Check for supernumerary teeth\tB. Resection of supracrestal fibers\tC. Exert a couple on tooth\tD. Fixed orthodontic appliances given.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Check for supernumerary teeth" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A pregnant female presents with fever. On lab investigation her Hb was decreased (7 mg%), TLC was normal and platelet count was also decreased. Peripheral smear shows fragmented RBCs. Which is least probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. DIC\tB. TTP\tC. HELLP syndrome\tD. Evans syndrome.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Evans syndrome." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Coefficient of thermal expansion of which of following is most similar to that of tooth?\nOptions: \nA. Gold inlay\tB. Acrylic resin\tC. Silicate cement\tD. Gold foil.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Silicate cement" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A baby is born with meconium stained liquor which of the following is taken account of in terming a baby vigorous except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Tone\tB. Colour\tC. HR\tD. Respiration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Colour" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Guiding planes help in:\nOptions: \nA. For better clasp prediction\tB. Vertical to occlusal plane\tC. Balanced occlusion\tD. Avoid precision attachment.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: For better clasp prediction" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following arteries does not supply the circle of Willis?\nOptions: \nA. Anterior cerebral\tB. Middle cerebral\tC. Posterior-inferior cerebral\tD. Posterior communicating.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Posterior-inferior cerebral" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following muscle do NOT work for inversion of foot?\nOptions: \nA. Extensor hallucis longus\tB. Tibialis anterior\tC. Tibialis posterior\tD. Peroneus longus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Peroneus longus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: X,Y,Z are the ee ions pet meaule..\\\\ and V=-30. If at resting membrane potential (RMP), when there is no net electro genic transfer, what is the value of Z?\nOptions: \nA. 20\tB. -20\tC. 80\tD. -80.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 80" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child presented at 18 months of age who has never been vaccinated before. Which vaccines will you administer?\nOptions: \nA. DPT, OPV and MMR\tB. Pentavalent vaccine alone\tC. BCG and OPV\tD. MMR, OPV, Rotavirus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: DPT, OPV and MMR" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For propofol all are true except\nOptions: \nA. Has a rapid recovery rate\tB. Used for induction & maintenance of anesthesia\tC. Causes vomiting after use\tD. Causes sedation.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Causes vomiting after use" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Following a blunt trauma abdomen, a patient had renal laceration and urinoma. Even after 12 days, urinoma persisted, but the patient was stable and there was no fever. Next step in management would be:\nOptions: \nA. Percutaneous exploration and repair\tB. Wait and watch\tC. J-shaped urinary stent\tD. Percutaneous nephrostomy.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: J-shaped urinary stent" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is unlikely to cause enamel hypoplasia?\nOptions: \nA. Rickets\tB. Fluoride\tC. Congenital syphilis\tD. Cleidocranial dysostosis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Cleidocranial dysostosis." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Thiamine deficiency decreases cellular metabolism because:\nOptions: \nA. Thiamine is a coenzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase and alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenases\tB. Activity of transketolase is inhibited\tC. It is required for the process of transamination\tD. It is a cofactor in oxidative reduction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Thiamine is a coenzyme for pyruvate dehydrogenase and alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a bus accident, which patient is given more priority to\nshift to the hospital?\nOptions: \nA. Severe haemorrhage with leg fracture\tB. Head injury\tC. Circulation shock\tD. Airway obstruction.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Severe haemorrhage with leg fracture" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Excessive bleeding during oral surgery can be decreased in which position?\nOptions: \nA. Head up\tB. Head down\tC. Prone\tD. Supine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Head up" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Incidence of 2 canals in mandibular incisors is\nOptions: \nA. 3 - 12%\tB. 12 - 20%\tC. 20 - 41%\tD. Less than 3%.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 20 - 41%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the use of the given instrument:\nOptions: \nA. To hold bone and plate\tB. To hold bone fragments with traction\tC. To cut the bone\tD. For creating a gap in wound.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: To hold bone and plate" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Asphyxial injury in a term baby is characterized by all except \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Seizures\tB. Differential hypotonia (lower limbs > upper limbs)\tC. Altered sensorium\tD. Difficulty in clearing oral secretions.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Differential hypotonia (lower limbs > upper limbs)" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following is not an etiological factor for pancreatitis?\nOptions: \nA. Abdominal trauma\tB. Hyperlipidemia\tC. Islet cell hyperplasia\tD. Germline mutations in the cationic trypsinogen gene.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Islet cell hyperplasia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Percentage of SSI rate in patients with a clean contaminated wound?\nOptions: \nA. 1-2%\tB. <10%\tC. 10- 20 %\tD. 20- 30 %.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: <10%" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following are seen in MEN-1 syndrome except:\nOptions: \nA. Posterior pituitary tumors\tB. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors\tC. Foregut carcinoid\tD. Parathyroid hyperplasia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Posterior pituitary tumors" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Storage of drug in the tissues is suggested by:\nOptions: \nA. Large volume of distribution\tB. Small volume of distribution\tC. Excretion in urine\tD. Excretion in saliva.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Large volume of distribution" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which one of the following does not classify as locally advanced breast cancer?\nOptions: \nA. Tumour more than 4cm\tB. Inflammatory breast cancer\tC. Chest wall involvement\tD. Skin involvement.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Tumour more than 4cm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Robinson's classification of ameloblastoma does not include:\nOptions: \nA. Multicentric\tB. Non-functional\tC. Anatomically benign\tD. Clinically persistent.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Multicentric" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In Parkinsonism patient, teeth arrangement is\nOptions: \nA. Anatomic\tB. Non anatomic\tC. Semi anatomic\tD. Saucer teeth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Non anatomic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most useful test in vesicovaginal fistula?\nOptions: \nA. Cystoscopy\tB. Three swab test\tC. Urine culture\tD. Intravenous pyelogram.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Cystoscopy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: \"First hand knowledge\" refers to\nOptions: \nA. Opinion of a doctor in cou\tB. Handwriting expe\tC. Common witness\tD. Fingerprint expe.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Common witness" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The first radiographic sign of chronic pulpal infection of primary molars is:\nOptions: \nA. Periapical bony changes\tB. Root resorption\tC. Changes in bony furcation area\tD. Widening of apical periodontal ligament.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Changes in bony furcation area" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First line therapy in anaphylactic shock is:\nOptions: \nA. Adenosine 12 mg intravenously\tB. Atropine 3 mg intravenously\tC. Epinephrine .5 ml of 1:1000 IM\tD. Epinephrine 1 ml of 1:10000 intravenously.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Epinephrine .5 ml of 1:1000 IM" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following headgear is preferred while treating a class II div. 1 malocclusion with a horizontal growth trend?\nOptions: \nA. High pull head gear\tB. Medium pull head gear\tC. Cervical head gear\tD. Reverse pull head gear.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Cervical head gear" + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the cause of delirium tremens in alcoholics?\nOptions: \nA. Fatty liver\tB. Abrupt cessation of heavy and prolonged consumption of alcohol\tC. Gradual withdrawal of alcohol\tD. Small doses of consumption.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Abrupt cessation of heavy and prolonged consumption of alcohol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following material is not applied for root conditioning after placement of MTA?\nOptions: \nA. Tetracycline\tB. Citric acid\tC. Polyacrylic acid\tD. EDTA.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: EDTA." + }, + { + "input": "Question: HbA2 is raised in:\nOptions: \nA. Beta thalassemic trait\tB. Sickle cell anemia\tC. Hereditary spherocytosis\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Beta thalassemic trait" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young male patient is on 5 mg haloperidol for many days, recently for last 4 days of duration he has inner restlessness and urges to move. Diagnosis is?\nOptions: \nA. Akathisia\tB. Tardive dyskinesia\tC. Rabbit syndrome\tD. Acute Dystonia.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Akathisia" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 1st dental visit of the child should be at the age of:\nOptions: \nA. 6 months\tB. 1 year\tC. 2 years\tD. 3 months.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1 year" + }, + { + "input": "Question: During exercise, the most rapid way to synthesize ATP is:\nOptions: \nA. Glycogenolysis\tB. Glycolysis\tC. TCA cycle\tD. Creatine phosphate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Creatine phosphate." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Mandibular molars show how many patterns of Accessory Canals\nOptions: \nA. 1\tB. 2\tC. 3\tD. 4.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 3" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In endometriotic lesions, histology represents its:\nOptions: \nA. High estrogen\tB. Low insulin\tC. High levels of prolactin\tD. High cholesterol.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: High estrogen" + }, + { + "input": "Question: 'There has been a gradual increase in number of non-communicable disease cases as compared to previous years. This trend is called:\nOptions: \nA. Seasonal\tB. Cyclical\tC. Periodical\tD. Secular.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Secular." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Hypercementosis of whole dentition is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Hypophosphatasia\tB. Achondroplasia\tC. Pagets disease\tD. Fibrous dysplasia polyostotic type.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Pagets disease" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Acid dissolution is most common in which part of rod\nOptions: \nA. Periphery of head\tB. Head region\tC. Rod tails\tD. equally.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Head region" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Intra nuclear inclusions detected during the course of\nherpes simplex virus infection are ratted\nOptions: \nA. Bacteriophages\tB. Lipschutz bodies\tC. Negri bodies\tD. Donavan bodies.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Lipschutz bodies" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented with pain in the right lower quadrant of abdomen. He has history of renal stones in right kidney. He was prescribed an opioid which is agonist at kappa receptors and antagonist at mu receptors. The likely drug given was:\nOptions: \nA. Pentazocine\tB. Buprenorphine\tC. Tramadol\tD. Fentanyl.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Pentazocine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After sequential arrangement of blistering disorder staing from superficial to deep blisters, which is the deepest among these?\nOptions: \nA. IgA pemphigus\tB. EBD\tC. PV\tD. Bullous pemphigoid+.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: PV" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Specific for Ankylosing spondylitis is true?\nOptions: \nA. HLA\tB. B27\tC. Sacroileitis\tD. Raised ESR.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sacroileitis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The retrocuspid papilla is found approx 1mm below the free gingiva on the attached gingiva lingual to:\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular canine.\tB. Maxillary canine.\tC. Mandibular premolars\tD. Maxillary premolars..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular canine." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Concentration of triple antibiotic paste (TAP) in treatment of revascularisation is?\nOptions: \nA. 1 mg\tB. 0.1 mg\tC. 100 mg\tD. 10 mg.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 1 mg" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Antigen-presenting cells are all except:\nOptions: \nA. M-cells\tB. Macrophages\tC. Langerhans cells\tD. Thymocytes.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Thymocytes." + }, + { + "input": "Question: A child underwent a tonsillectomy at 6 years of age with no complications. He underwent a preoperative screening for bleeding at the age of 12 years before an elective laparotomy, and was found to have a prolonged partial thromboplastin time, but normal prothrombin time. There was no family history of bleeding. The patient is likely to have acquired Vitamin K deficiency:\nOptions: \nA. Acquired Vitamin K deficiency\tB. Acquired liver disease\tC. Factor XII deficiency\tD. Mild hemophilia A.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Factor XII deficiency" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are drugs which lower IOP except\nOptions: \nA. Clonidine\tB. Mannitol\tC. Dexamethasone\tD. Acetazolamide.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Dexamethasone" + }, + { + "input": "Question: False about innervation of parotid gland:\nOptions: \nA. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibre secretomotor\tB. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibre relay in Otic ganglion\tC. Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve begin in inferior petrosal nucleus\tD. Sympathetic nerve are vasomotor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve begin in inferior petrosal nucleus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A patient presented to the hospital with severe hydrophobia. You suspect rabies, obtained corneal scrapings from the patient. What test should be done on this specimen for a diagnosis of rabies?\nOptions: \nA. Negri bodies\tB. Antibodies to rabies virus\tC. -PCR for rabies virus\tD. Indirect immunofluorescence.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: -PCR for rabies virus" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Percentage of lactose in human milk is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. 7.2gm\tB. 4.5gm\tC. 8.0gm\tD. 6.7gm.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 7.2gm" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Juvenile periodontitis is a\nOptions: \nA. Definite genetic disease\tB. Immunological defect\tC. Neutrophil chemotactic defect\tD. Neutrophil adhesion defect.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Neutrophil chemotactic defect" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In a post operative intensive care unit, five patients\ndeveloped post-operative wound infection on the same wound. The best method to prevent cross infection occurring in other patients in the same ward is to:\nOptions: \nA. Give antibiotics to all other patients in the ward\tB. Fumigate the ward\tC. Disinfect the ward with sodium hypochlorite\tD. Practice proper hand washing.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Practice proper hand washing." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Caries tetralogy by Newburn includes the fourth factor, which is:\nOptions: \nA. Temperature.\tB. Time.\tC. Frequency.\tD. Substrate..\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Time." + }, + { + "input": "Question: According to Frankel's behavior rating scale, a positive child:\nOptions: \nA. May become uncooperative during treatment.\tB. Reluctant to accept treatment.\tC. Good rapport with the dentist.\tD. Show slight negativism.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: May become uncooperative during treatment." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Masseter is a strong muscle due to:\nOptions: \nA. Multipennate arrangement of fibers\tB. Bipennate arrangement of fibers\tC. Random arrangement of fibers\tD. Circumpennate arrangement of fibers.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Multipennate arrangement of fibers" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following cephalometric analysis does not reveal the severity of anteroposterior jaw dysplasia?\nOptions: \nA. Down's analysis\tB. Steiner analysis\tC. Tweed's analysis\tD. Wit's analysis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Tweed's analysis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following muscles are elevators of the mandible EXCEPT:\nOptions: \nA. Digastric\tB. Masseter\tC. Medial pterygoid\tD. Temporalis.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Digastric" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In transfacial proportions, the face Is divided into how many segments:\nOptions: \nA. 3\tB. 5\tC. 6\tD. 7.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 5" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following Glomerulonephritis has Nephrotic syndrome except -\nOptions: \nA. FSGS\tB. Post-infectious Glomerulonephritis\tC. MPGN\tD. Minimal Change Disease.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Post-infectious Glomerulonephritis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Slow growing alveolar like tumor in liver\nOptions: \nA. E. granulosus\tB. E. multilocularis\tC. Cysticercus cellulosae\tD. Amoebic liver abscess.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: E. multilocularis" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The usual radiographic appearance of an osteosarcoma is:\nOptions: \nA. Discrete radiolucency with regular borders\tB. Multicystic radiolucency with a soap bubble appearance with an irregular peripheral border\tC. Sunburst pattern with radiopaque strands extending from the cortical plates\tD. Cotton wool appearance with an irregular peripheral border.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Sunburst pattern with radiopaque strands extending from the cortical plates" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Direction of force by class III elastic in face mask?\nOptions: \nA. 15-20 degree downward from occlusion\tB. 15-20 degree upward from occlusion\tC. 35-40 deg downward from occlusion\tD. 5-10 deg downword from occlusion.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: 15-20 degree downward from occlusion" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All are done in management of shoulder dystocia except:\nOptions: \nA. Fundal pressure\tB. Mc Roberts manoeuvre\tC. Suprapubic pressure\tD. Woods manoeuvre.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Fundal pressure" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Deciduous teeth do not show fluorosis because:\nOptions: \nA. Placenta acts as a barrier\tB. Fluoride is taken up by the fast growing skeletal tissue\tC. The calcification time of deciduous teeth is less\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: All of the above." + }, + { + "input": "Question: The temperature of body is controlled by:\nOptions: \nA. Medulla\tB. Precentral gyrus\tC. Diencephalon\tD. Hypothalamus.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Hypothalamus." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Among anteriors highest incidence of bifurcated root is seen in\nOptions: \nA. Mandibular canine\tB. Maxilary canine\tC. Mandibular Lateral incisor\tD. Mandibular central incisor.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Mandibular canine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The tooth most commonly having bifurcated roots is the:\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary central incisor\tB. Mandibular lateral incisor\tC. Mand. central incisor\tD. Mandibular premolar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Mandibular premolar." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following vessels supply the anal canal?\nOptions: \nA. Superior rectal aery\tB. Middle rectal aery\tC. Inferior rectal aery\tD. all of the following.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: all of the following." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Saliva buffer system having low importance in stimulated saliva\nOptions: \nA. Amino acids\tB. Carbonic acids\tC. Phosphates\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Amino acids" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following amino acids is quickly converted to tyrosine?\nOptions: \nA. Arginine\tB. Glycine\tC. Phenylalanine\tD. Leucine.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Phenylalanine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following statement is not true about glomerular basement membrane?\nOptions: \nA. Type III collagen is present\tB. Glomerular basement membrane is stained with PAS\tC. Glomerular basement membrane acts as filtration barrier\tD. Glomerular basement membrane is involved in charge dependent filtration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Type III collagen is present" + }, + { + "input": "Question: After a point mutation, glutamic acid is replaced by valine, which leads to formation of sickle cell hemoglobin. The mobility of HbS as compared with normal hemoglobin on gel electrophoresis will be:\nOptions: \nA. Decreased\tB. Increased\tC. Dependent on HbS concentration\tD. Unchanged..\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Decreased" + }, + { + "input": "Question: All of the following form radiolucent stones except:\nOptions: \nA. Xanthine\tB. Cysteine\tC. Allopurinol\tD. Orotic acid.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cysteine" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Chromium is used in stainless steel for which purpose?\nOptions: \nA. Corrosion resistance\tB. Increases the lustre of stainless steel\tC. Stabilization of the alloy\tD. Increases the hardness of steel.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Corrosion resistance" + }, + { + "input": "Question: In alpha thalassemia\nOptions: \nA. Excess alpha chain\tB. No alpha chain\tC. Excess beta chain\tD. No beta chain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: No alpha chain" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 3 days old baby is admitted with intraventricular hemorrhage. Baby develops abdominal distention. The X-ray abdomen showed pneumatosis poalis. Stage the necrotizing enterocolitis:\nOptions: \nA. lb\tB. 2a\tC. 2b\tD. 3a.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 2b" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Aggravated penetrative sexual assault under POCSO 2012 are all except:\nOptions: \nA. Threatening\tB. Gang\tC. During communal or secular violence\tD. By police officer.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Threatening" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 70 years old hypeensive patient with stage 5 chronic kidney disease was diagnosed recently with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. He doesn't want to take injectable insulin. Which of the following oral hypoglycemic agents will be preferred in this patient, which won't require any renal dose modification?\nOptions: \nA. Linagliptin\tB. Repaglinide\tC. Vildagliptin\tD. Glimepiride.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Linagliptin" + }, + { + "input": "Question: First time causative agent of AIDS was discovered in:\nOptions: \nA. 1976\tB. 1983\tC. 1994\tD. 1969.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: 1983" + }, + { + "input": "Question: For the calculation of the positive predictive value of a screening test, the denominator is comprised of:\nOptions: \nA. True+ves + False-ves\tB. False+ves + True-ves\tC. True+ves + False+ves\tD. True+ves + True-ves.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: True+ves + False+ves" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Culture media of candida is:\nOptions: \nA. Methylene blue dextrose agar\tB. Saboraud's medium\tC. Pingolevin\tD. All of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Saboraud's medium" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A tender swelling in submandibular triangle is mostly likely diagnosed as\nOptions: \nA. Lymphadenopathy\tB. Ludwig's angina\tC. Phlegmon\tD. None of the above.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Lymphadenopathy" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 25 years old unidentified male from roadside was brought by police to emergency room with disorientation, altered sensorium and vomiting. He had a BP of 90/70 mm Hg, hea rate of 110/min, temperature -36.4degC and respiratory rate of 11/min. On examination, he had bilateral pin-point pupils. What is the most probable diagnosis?\nOptions: \nA. Pontine hemorrhage\tB. Hypothermia\tC. Dhatura poisonine\tD. Opioid poisoning.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Opioid poisoning." + }, + { + "input": "Question: All the following markers are expressed on the surface of T-cells at some stage of development except:\nOptions: \nA. CDIa\tB. PAX5\tC. CD 34\tD. Tdt.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: PAX5" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Which of the following vessel is not ligated in case of epistaxis control?\nOptions: \nA. Maxillary aery\tB. Anterior ethmoidal aery\tC. Internal carotid aery\tD. External carotid aery.\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: Internal carotid aery" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A young adult presents 2 days after trauma to the eye with proptosis and pain in the right eye. On examination, hi is found to have a bruise on the right eye and forehead. The most likely diagnosis is:\nOptions: \nA. Fracture sphenoid bone\tB. Cavernous sinus thrombosis\tC. Internal carotid aery aneurysm\tD. Carotico-cavernous fistula.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Carotico-cavernous fistula." + }, + { + "input": "Question: What is the drug of choice for precocious pubey in girls?\nOptions: \nA. GnRH analogues\tB. Cyproterone acetate\tC. Danazol\tD. Medroxyprogesterone acetate.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: GnRH analogues" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about Postural Hypotension:\nOptions: \nA. Decreases in systolic blood pressure 20 mmHg within 6 mins\tB. Decreases in systolic blood pressure 20 mmHg within 3 mins\tC. Decreases in diastolic blood pressure 20 mmHg within 6 mins\tD. Decreases in diastolic blood pressure 20 mmHg within 3 mins.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decreases in systolic blood pressure 20 mmHg within 3 mins" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Intraocular pressure in pregnancy\nOptions: \nA. Increases\tB. Decreases\tC. Remains same\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Decreases" + }, + { + "input": "Question: The action of digastric muscle is:\nOptions: \nA. Depression of mandible\tB. Protrusion of mandible\tC. Side-to-side movement of mandible\tD. Depressing the floor of the mouth.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Depression of mandible" + }, + { + "input": "Question: True about bicuspidization:\nOptions: \nA. Separation of mandibular molar mesial and distal roots with their respective crown portions\tB. Separation or removal of half root with their respective crown portion in mandibular molar\tC. Separation or removal of half root without their respective crown portion in mandibular molar\tD. Separation or removal of half-crown without their respective root portion in mandibular molar.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Separation of mandibular molar mesial and distal roots with their respective crown portions" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Size of finishing diamond bur ranges from:\nOptions: \nA. 38-44micron.\tB. 20-30micron.\tC. 10-38 micron.\tD. All of the above..\t", + "output": "The right answer is C: 10-38 micron." + }, + { + "input": "Question: To remove centric interference, reduce:\nOptions: \nA. Supporting cusps\tB. Central fossa\tC. Both of the above\tD. None.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Central fossa" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Morphine should not be used in the treatment of:-\nOptions: \nA. Ischemic pain\tB. Biliary colic\tC. Cancer pain\tD. Post operative pain.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Biliary colic" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A study is to be conducted with regards to the fat content in the expressed breast milk of pre-term infants as compared to term infants. Which study design is best suited?\nOptions: \nA. Case control\tB. Prospective coho\tC. Longitudinal study\tD. Ambispective.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Case control" + }, + { + "input": "Question: APGAR acronym stands for?\nOptions: \nA. Activity, pulse pressure, grimace, appearance, rate of respiration\tB. Appearance, pressure, grimace, MAP, hea rate\tC. Appearance, pressure, grimace, appearance, rate of hea beat\tD. Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration.\t", + "output": "The right answer is D: Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration." + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most commonly implicated drug for acute liver failure is -\nOptions: \nA. Paracetamol\tB. Valproate\tC. Warfarin\tD. Tetracyclines.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: Paracetamol" + }, + { + "input": "Question: A 9 year old boy has steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome for the last 5 year. The patient is markedly cushingoid with blood pressure of 120/86 mmHg and small subcapsular cataracts. The most appropriate therapy of choice is \u2013\nOptions: \nA. Longterm frusemide with enalapril\tB. Cyclophosphamide\tC. Intravenous immunoglobulin\tD. Intravenous pulse corticosteroids.\t", + "output": "The right answer is B: Cyclophosphamide" + }, + { + "input": "Question: Most common type of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the orbit:\nOptions: \nA. B-cell\tB. T-cell\tC. NK-cell\tD. Plasma cell.\t", + "output": "The right answer is A: B-cell" + } + ], + "Definition": [ + "Given a question and a list of options, select the correct answer from the options directly." + ], + "Domains": [ + "Medicine", + "Muliple Choice", + "Exam" + ], + "Categories": [ + "Question Answering" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file