stringlengths 1
⌀ | is_toxic
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Hola, Yoleviatan. De nada, un placer haber leído tu artículo. Sobre lo que me comentas, efectivamente tienes razón. Ahora comprendo la razón de ser del supuestamente en ese enunciado. Y precisamente eso que me has explicado hay que agregarlo en el artículo, quizá como nota explicativa al pie. Saludos y cualquier cosa estoy a tu disposición. L ink 58 | 0 | es |
I suspect a lot of people wanted this inquiry, but for quite different reasons. And they were too busy lobbying for the inquiry to stop and figure out what they really wanted the inquiry to do.
So now some complain that the inquiry isn't 'victim-centered' enough.
Some want the inquiry to take on a judicial/police function.
Some think it isn't honouring indigenous traditions enough. (And how many of the commissioners or staff are native, btw?)
And all agree it needs more money and time.
The number of resignations around this commission is telling. This inquiry will still be rolling forward by the next election with some people still dissatisfied with whatever it ends up doing.
Myself, I thought a useful contribution by this inquiry would be to investigate and recommend ways to ensure crimes involving aboriginals are investigated and treated with the same seriousness as the rest of society.
But what do I know, eh? | 0 | en |
Hey Dbigxray I seen your pov before friend in time I will present all the bigoted comments of yours and chit chatting you do with other editors to tag team articles and yes I have proof no point in deleting your comments now P | 0 | en |
What's truly telling is that conservatives attack this bill for - get this - not being AWFUL enough.
Why do people keep voting for these awful people? They want to transfer more money to the donor class, and make all of our lives miserable. Haven't we already had enough of Ronnie Raygunomics? The wealth transfer to the donor class has already been staggering over the decades since Ronnie, and they want even more to stuff into their gaping maw, with an assist from the cons. MAGA? | 0 | en |
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me. | 0 | en |
Yes, there would have been. A judge is not to show political affiliation in the court room.
Try to read articles and comprehend. Try to learn something before you post.
Your post has not merit. You fail at logic. | 0 | en |
Digital billboard? Nah will be just like pop ups and spam on a computer . A pail in the eyes! | 0 | en |
Unit Testing Controller that uses GetUserASync (User)
I am trying to Unit Test that a controller action returns the correct view. I am using .NET Core, Moq, and NUnit.
I want test the default ManageController,
The Constructor is below,
public ManageController(
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager,
SignInManager<ApplicationUser> signInManager,
IEmailSender emailSender,
ILogger<ManageController> logger,
UrlEncoder urlEncoder)
_userManager = userManager;
_signInManager = signInManager;
_emailSender = emailSender;
_logger = logger;
_urlEncoder = urlEncoder;
And am trying to Unit Test the following Index Action, and Assert that it returns the correct ViewModel when successful. (And will add other paths that return different ViewModels in future)
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
if (user == null)
throw new ApplicationException($"Unable to load user with ID '{_userManager.GetUserId(User)}'.");
var model = new IndexViewModel
Username = user.UserName,
Email = user.Email,
PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber,
IsEmailConfirmed = user.EmailConfirmed,
StatusMessage = StatusMessage
return View(model);
After many attempts, my closest solution is as follows,
I have mocked, UserManager, and Setup the GetUserASync method with a ClaimsPrincipal with the Id "1". I have also set the HttpContext to use the same ClaimsPrincipal and passed that the the controller.
As the Action is async, I was forced to make the test method async. Currently the test fails due to the async Task that is returned being null. I can't see if the rest of the test passes as I can't get past this error.
public async Task Index_UserExists_ReturnsViewAsync()
var mockUserStore = new Mock<IUserStore<ApplicationUser>>();
var mockUserManager = new Mock<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>(mockUserStore.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[]
new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "1"),
mockUserManager.Setup(x => x.GetUserAsync(user));
var controller = new ManageController(mockUserManager.Object, null, null, null, null)
ControllerContext = new ControllerContext()
HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext() { User = user }
var result = await controller.Index();
Set up the mock to return a task so that it can be awaited and allow the code to flow as intended
var appUser = new ApplicationUser {
//...populate as needed
.Setup(_ => _.GetUserAsync(user))
.ReturnsAsync(appUser); // Allows mocked member to be awaited and return desired type
| 0 | en |
And who's covered in your profile pic? | 0 | en |
Amigo se você é novato aqui, pare com o que você está fazendo e comece a ler as instruções. Você está destruindo vários artigos tentando carregar ficheiros. Você está tirando ficheiros corretos e licenciados e não está conseguindo colocar outro no lugar. Pare com isso! aprenda a editar primeiro. Senão parar com isso vou pedir o seu bloqueio. Não sabe? peça ajuda e aprenda.NosLida (discussão) | 0 | pt |
If you used your real name you might have a better chance at corespondence in return. | 0 | en |
Oh, just about any health, safety, environmental or responsible land use planning decision -even something so simple as renaming a dorm -anything at all, if it right wing ideologue to couch crying and footstomping.
Double word score if it's something they hear about on their AM radio. Triple letter score when they think it might, maybe, somehow, get in the way of making a cheap buck at someone else's ...or all of our expense. | 0 | en |
What an extraordinary looking vehicle. It keeps within the original design concept but adding a few edges to the traditional fattened/rounded look. Preference given to ongoing Ford customers- fair enough but placing first time buyers in a disadvantaged position, the few that they may be. I have always been a fan of manual transmission and that and the price would exclude me from purchase. I also question how comfortable it would be for one over 6 feet in height. All that aside, it will have mass appeal. | 0 | en |
Hubbard is s coastal glacier and has different dynamic than land based glacier. While the Hubbard may be advancing, it's getting thinner like all the glaciers in the world. Do you have an example of a land based glacier advancing? It's common for climate change skeptics to point to a very small number of worldwide glaciers advancing to convince them that glaciers aren't melting and that climate change is hoax. | 0 | en |
The pretender in Chief has brought more jobs to American than that last one. I agree there are a few things he could do or change but he is definitely good for America. | 0 | en |
"Way to hijack an important conversation about tribal rights and the environment and make it all about you. Why would you sidetrack from this important issue?" -- Here2Learn
Relax. My message was supportive of a shared principle. (Appears you're actually Here2BeSelfRighteous, rather than to Here2Learn.)
-- Paul | 0 | en |
SFI, your view is common and one of the reasons I wrote this article. I'm also interested in where your stats are from and how you calculated that. Nonetheless, interest sensitive stocks like utilities & pipelines get hurt pretty badly at times.
The bear market in the spring/summer of 1998 was particularly tough on interest sensitive stocks that were index heavyweights at the time in Canada. The stocks you listed I bet were hit hard back then.. If memory serves these were also hit hard in 2002. While dividend paying stocks held up well during the bust of the tech bubble - even making money for a while - eventually that bear market also broadened to hit just about everything (approx Apr through Sep 2002).
If holding these kinds of companies lets you rest easily - great. But there are tradeoffs in every decision and you need to understand what those are in each case. I just doubt most are able to handle equity-heavy portfolios' ups & downs. | 0 | en |
I agree with this letter, and find it interesting that it has been published the day after Lance Robertson (Public Affairs Manager, Eugene Water & Electric Board) tried defending the continued use of the "old" EWEB building.
In 2010 EWEB built and opened an $85 million Roosevelt Operations Center. So, they have more building(s) than they need, and we’re paying for it.
With their new building, built out-of granite, and rate increases, there is no question that the ratepayers need protection provided by the state Public Utility Commission. | 0 | en |
(e·quiv·o·cate əˈkwivəˌkāt - Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.) I think you are misusing the word equivocate. Trump did not equivocate nor do I. Many hate Trump's comment precisely because he did not equivocate. If you think I equivocate specify what is ambiguous and what you feel I have not committed to (of course when one is not certain about a topic, one does not commit, but undecided is not the same as equivocation). | 0 | en |
Het debat in de Tweede Kamer over de afschaffing van het referendum is na verschillende discussies tussen de regeringspartijen en de oppositiepartijen geschorst. Eerst moet minister Ollongren een brief sturen met een uitgebreidere juridische toelichting.
Volgens minister Ollongren is het juridisch houdbaar dat over de afschaffing van het referendum geen referendum kan worden gehouden. "Als de Tweede en Eerste Kamer deze afschaffingswet goedkeuren dan bestaat op dat moment de referendumwet niet meer", zegt zij. "Dat is dan een oude wet. Die logica houd ik vol."
De oppositiepartijen vinden het helemaal niet logisch en spreken van "een juridisch moeras". Ze wilden vanavond niet verder debatteren. De regeringspartijen stemden daar uiteindelijk mee in. Het debat gaat na de brief van de minister dinsdag verder.
Verkeerde verwachtingen
In het eerste deel van het debat kreeg Ollongren al harde kritiek van de oppositiepartijen. De minister verdedigde dat het kabinet het raadgevend referendum wil afschaffen.
Het raadgevend referendum heeft bij burgers verkeerde verwachtingen gewekt, zegt zij. "Veel kiezers rekenen erop dat er iets wordt gedaan met de uitspraak, terwijl het alleen maar vraagt aan het kabinet om een besluit te heroverwegen."
Verder wacht ze op een advies aan het eind van het jaar over hoe burgers meer bij de democratie kunnen worden betrokken. Ook wil Ollongren de lokale democratie versterken. "De gemeente is de bestuurslaag die het dichtst op de inwoners staat."
'Jonkvrouw' en 'Kasja'
Voordat Kajsa Ollongren kon beginnen nam Kamervoorzitter Arib het woord. Zij wees de Kamerleden erop dat Ollongren er staat als minister, en niet als D66'er. Zij werd daar steeds op aangesproken, terwijl zij daar namens het hele kabinet staat.
Eerder kwam VVD-Kamerlid Koopmans naar voren om te vragen of de voorzitter erop wilde toezien dat het debat volgens de regels wordt gevoerd. Hij doelde op de uitspraken van PVV-Kamerlid Bosma, die de minister steeds als 'jonkvrouw' aansprak, FvD-Kamerlid Baudet die haar 'Kasja' noemde en SP-Kamerlid Van Raak, die de minister aansprak als D66'er.
Iets heel raars
Ondanks alle protesten van de oppositie zal het referendum worden afgeschaft, want dat hebben regeringspartijen VVD, CDA, D66 en ChristenUnie afgesproken.
Er moet dus iets heel raars gebeuren, wil het anders lopen. Donderdag wordt er over de wet gestemd, is nu de afspraak. | 0 | nl |
Everyone came to a place as conquerors. The Anglo Saxons came to Britain as conquerors. That didn't mean they got pushed out when the Normans took over.
The ancient Muslim communities that I am discussing were the ones in Spain, Portugal and Italy. I am excluding the Ottoman Empire's territories in the Balkans and Eastern Europe (e.g., the Crimea). To be fair, the last large scale massacre in Europe was a holdover from the Ottoman times (the massacre in Srebrenica). | 0 | en |
Take that to heart next time someone presents you with a video full of purported Hillary Clinton lies or any other slander you may hear from the right wing machine or the Sanders supporters who are having a tough time conceding that their candidate did not win the delegate count or the popular vote this go round Andi. | 0 | en |
Debunked old news.. Move on please.
Hey did you hear that Wacky Wilkie said Trump is mean to the dead green beret's widow? | 0 | en |
I agree. I love animals too but it's not worth getting in an accident trying to avoid them. 26 yrs of driving experience here...one dark night I was driving my drunk girlfriend home from a party i think.so long ago ago I don't remember all the details except that a hare ran across the road and I slammed on brakes and my gf flew into the dash lol. She was upset and told me what she had learned in drivers school. | 0 | en |
What, do you mean a club that is committed to campaigning against established Church teaching??
I'm sure Cardinal Burke would be quite accepting of a club that was committed to relevant goals in accord with that teaching: https://couragerc.org/resource/5-goals-courage/ | 0 | en |
Trump refused to shake Angelas hand twice , he didn't like that her hands are bigger than his. | 0 | en |
The whole process is nothing but a charade. | 0 | en |
أهنئك كثيرا ليس لأنهم أعطوك الفيزا بل لأنهم لم يلقوا القبض عليك بتهمة الإرهاب. | 1 | ar |
I would like to add that I do think that most people browsing this site and similar sites like rule34 are in fact ugly and fat and even autistic.
Most don't even understand the picture half the time and tag it with stupid stuff.
The artists themselves are obviously talented and a step above these retards commenting.
Considering the things I hear some commenters say and think the picture doesn't make sense (they don't seem to understand perspective) would lead me to think the comment maker is like Chris Chan and would draw like a retard if they tried.
Though the creators of most things have an audience that is on average far lower in intelligence than themselves obviously. And when it comes to sites like this, many browsing obviously are autistic or have some level of clinical retardation. | 1 | en |
You keep insulting everyone who doesn't agree with you. You are entitled to do that but when they start firing back at you, you call them "fools". Like I said go back under your rock until you can place nicely with everyone. Respect each person's opinions. | 0 | en |
What difference does it make. | 0 | en |
- 'Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI 53706 USA'
- '*In memory of Prof. Xi-De Xie.*'
- 'Ren-Jie Zhang'
title: ' Effective potential calculation of the MSSM lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass[^1]'
Computing the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass is the most important loop calculation in the minimal supersymmetric standard model because of the paramount importance of a precise $m_{h^0}$ value to the Higgs boson experimental discovery. Tree-level supersymmetry relations require that the Higgs field quartic coupling be related to the electroweak gauge couplings; therefore they impose a strict upper bound $m_{h^0}\leq m_Z$, which is already in conflict with the current lower limit from LEP 2.
It is well-known that this tree-level limit can be drastically changed by radiative corrections. One-loop calculations[@rad] show that incomplete cancellations of the top and stop loops give positive corrections of the form $$\Delta m^2_{h^0} = {3h^2_t m^2_t\over 4\pi^2}
\ln{m^2_{{\tilde{t}}}\over m^2_t}\ ,$$ where $m_t$ and $m_{{\tilde{t}}}$ are top and stop masses respectively. This formula, however, suffers from an ambiguity in the definition of $m_t$. Numerically, using running or on-shell top-quark mass can amount to about $20\%$ difference in $\Delta m^2_{h^0}$. The problem can only be resolved by an explicit two-loop calculation.
Two-loop calculations in the existing literature have used two different approaches: (a) a renormalization group resummation approach[@CEQWHHH], and (b) a two-loop diagrammatic approach[@HH; @HHW; @RenJie]. In the first approach, leading and next-to-leading logarithmic corrections are calculated by integrating one- and two-loop renormalization group equations. However, two-loop non-logarithmic finite corrections are not calculable in principle. The second approach was initiated by Hempfling and Hoang[@HH] using an effective potential method; they restricted their calculation to specific choice of supersymmetry parameters: [*i.e.*]{} large $\tan\beta\rightarrow\infty$ and zero left-right stop mixing. Two-loop QCD corrections were later computed at more general cases[@RenJie] in the effective potential approach. $m_{h^0}$ to the same two-loop QCD order was also computed[@HHW] using an explicit diagrammatic method. These calculations incorporate both two-loop logarithmic and non-logarithmic finite corrections. In the following, I shall concentrate on the effective potential approach.
The general way of calculating corrections to CP-even Higgs boson mass is to compute Higgs self-energy and tadpole diagrams to the required loop order. In an effective potential approach, these diagrams can be derived from a generating functional, [*i.e.*]{} the effective potential, by taking explicit derivatives with respect to the Higgs fields. These quantities then enter the MSSM CP-even Higgs boson mass-squared matrix as follows $${\cal M}^2_h = \left[
m^2_Z c_\beta^2 + m^2_{A^0} s^2_\beta + \Delta{\cal M}^2_{11} &
-(m^2_Z + m^2_{A^0}) s_\beta c_\beta + \Delta{\cal M}^2_{12} \\
-(m^2_Z + m^2_{A^0}) s_\beta c_\beta + \Delta{\cal M}^2_{21} &
m^2_Z s_\beta + m^2_{A^0} c_\beta + \Delta{\cal M}^2_{22}
\end{array}\right]\ ,\label{mhmatrix}$$ where $\Delta{\cal M}^2_{ij}$ represents radiative corrections to the $ij$-entry. We note that all these corrections are computed at the zero external momentum limit; sometimes it is necessary to calculate self-energy diagrams directly to account for corrections from non-zero external momenta.
The CP-even Higgs boson masses can be calculated by diagonalizing the above matrix in eq. (\[mhmatrix\]). This computation is tedious but can be greatly simplified when one considers the case $m_{A^0}\gg m_Z$, where $m_{A^0}$ is the mass of the pseudoscalar $A^0$. In this case, we find the corrections to $m^2_{h^0}$ is $$\Delta m^2_{h^0} = {4 m^4_t\over v^2}\left({d\over d m^2_t}\right)^2 V
-{\rm Re}~\Pi_{hh}(m^2_{h^0})+{\rm Re}~\Pi_{hh}(0)\ .$$ where $V$ is the effective potential, $v$ the Higgs field VEV, and the last two terms account for non-zero external momentum corrections.
We have carried out this calculation procedure to the two-loop order including leading QCD[@RenJie] and top Yukawa[@EZ] corrections. To illustrate our analysis, we present an approximation formula which is derived under the following assumptions: the soft masses for left and right stops, gluino, heavy Higgs bosons and Higgsinos have a common mass $M_S$, where $M_S$ can be identified as the supersymmetry scale. The two eigenvalues and mixing angle of stops are then accordingly $m^2_{{{\tilde{t}}}_1}={m_{\tilde{t}}}^2+m_t{X_t}$, $m^2_{{{\tilde{t}}}_2}={m_{\tilde{t}}}^2-m_t{X_t}$ and $s_t =c_t={1\over\sqrt{2}}$, where the average top-squark mass ${m_{\tilde{t}}}^2=M_S^2+m_t^2$, and $X_t=A_t+\mu/\tan\beta$ is the left-right stop mixing parameter.
We find the approximation formula for two-loop QCD+top Yukawa corrections is[@EZ] (in terms of on-shell mass parameters) $$\begin{aligned}
&&\Delta m^2_{h^0} =
{3m^4_t\over2\pi^2 v^2}\biggl(\ln{{m_{\tilde{t}}}^2\over m_t^2}
&+&{\alpha_sm^4_t\over\pi^3 v^2}
\biggl(-3\ln^2{{m_{\tilde{t}}}^2\over m^2_t}-6\ln{{m_{\tilde{t}}}^2\over m^2_t}
+6\hat{X}_t-3\hat{X}_t^2\ln{{m_{\tilde{t}}}^2\over m^2_t}
&+&{3\alpha_t m_t^4\over 16\pi^3 v^2}\Biggl\{
s_\beta^2\biggl(3 \ln^2{M_S^2\over m_t^2}
+ 13 \ln{M_S^2\over m_t^2}\biggr) -1 -{\pi^2\over3}
60 K + {13\over2} + {4\pi^2\over3}\biggr) \nonumber\\
&+&\biggl[3 s^2_\beta \ln{M_S^2\over m_t^2}
\biggr] {\hat{X}_t}^2
&+&c^2_{\beta}\biggl[(3-16 K-\sqrt{3}\pi)(4{\hat{X}_t}{\hat{Y}_t}+{\hat{Y}_t}^2)
&+&\biggl(-{4\over3}+24 K+\sqrt{3}\pi\biggr){\hat{X}_t}^2{\hat{Y}_t}^2
-\biggl({7\over12}+8 K+{\pi\over2\sqrt{3}}\biggr){\hat{X}_t}^4{\hat{Y}_t}^2\biggr]\Biggr\}\ ,
\label{eq:dmdr}\end{aligned}$$ where the constant $K\simeq -0.195$. We note that two-loop QCD corrections depend only on $\hat{X}_t=X_t/m_{{\tilde{t}}}$ while the top Yukawa corrections depend on $\hat{Y}_t=(A_t-\mu\tan\beta)/m_{{\tilde{t}}}$ as well. This approximation formula is good to a level of 0.5 GeV for most of the parameter space.
Fig. 1 shows the Higgs boson mass $m_{h^0}$ vs. the stop mixing parameter $\hat{X}_t$, for different choices of $M_S$, $\mu$ and $\tan\beta$. The two-loop QCD corrections agree well with other approaches[@HHW]. They generally decrease $m_{h^0}$ from their one-loop values by $10-20$ GeV depending on the parameter choice. Two-loop Yukawa corrections are sizeable for large stop mixings, in particular, for $\hat{X}_t\simeq\pm 2$ two-loop Yukawa corrections can increase $m_{h^0}$ by about $5$ GeV.
Another interesting feature observed in the literature[@HHW; @RenJie] is that two-loop corrections shift the maximal mixing peaks. At the one-loop level, these peaks are at $\hat{X}_t=\pm\sqrt{6}$. It is easy to see from eq. (\[eq:dmdr\]) that the size of shifts is about $10\%$, [*i.e.*]{} the peaks move to $\hat{X}_t\simeq\pm 2$. This is confirmed by Fig. 1.
Finally, renormalization group resummation technique can be used to derive a particularly nice mass correction formula which has clearer physical interpretations. We find eq. (\[eq:dmdr\]) can be transformed into the following form by using solutions to the renormalization group equations $$\Delta m_{h^0}^2 =
{3\overline{m}_t^4 (Q_t)\over 2\pi^2\overline{v}^2(Q^*_1)}
\ln{m^2_{{\tilde{t}}}(Q_{\rm th})\over \overline{m}_t^2(Q_t')}
+{3\overline{m}_t^4 (Q_{\rm th})\over 2\pi^2\overline{v}^2(Q^*_2)}
\left[\hat{X}_t^2(Q_{\rm th})-{\hat{X}_t^4(Q_{\rm th})\over12}\right]
+\Delta^{(2)}_{\rm th}\ ,$$ where $Q^*_1=e^{-1/3} m_t$, $Q^*_2=e^{1/3} m_t$, $Q_t=\sqrt{m_t{m_{\tilde{t}}}}$, $Q_t'=(m_t{m_{\tilde{t}}}^2)^{1/3}$ and $Q_{\rm th}={m_{\tilde{t}}}$, $\overline{v}$ and $\overline{m}$ are the Standard Model ${\mbox{\footnotesize$\overline{\rm MS}$~}}$ parameters. These choices of scales for evaluating one-loop corrections automatically take into account two-loop leading and next-to-leading logarithmic effects. The leftover finite correction term $\Delta^{(2)}_{\rm th}$ is understood as two-loop threshold corrections and numerically small; its detail form can be found in a forthcoming paper[@EZ].
I thank J. R. Espinosa for collaborations. This work was supported in part by a DOE grant No. DE-FG02-95ER40896 and in part by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
[99]{} Y. Okada, M. Yamaguchi, and T. Yanagida, ; J. Ellis, G. Ridolfi and F. Zwirner, ; H.E. Haber and R. Hempfling, . M. Carena, J.R. Espinosa, M. Quirós and C.E.M. Wagner, ; M. Carena, M. Quirós and C.E.M. Wagner, ; H.E. Haber, R. Hempfling and A.H. Hoang, . R. Hempfling and A.H. Hoang, . S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik and G. Weiglein, ; . R.-J. Zhang, ; J.R. Espinosa and R.-J. Zhang, hep-ph/9912236. J.R. Espinosa and R.-J. Zhang, hep-ph/0003246.
[^1]: C PASCOS99: I S P, S C, G, T C, C, 10-16 D 1999.
| 0 | en |
Um, they are protesting a pipeline but likely all flew their using that very fuel to get there. Did they fly on solar planes? | 0 | en |
Leafs made it into the middle pack and scraped into the playoffs with a losing record. Making the next leap up into a top six team, the kind that win Cups, will need a lot more talent. | 0 | en |
I don't do theology; too interpretive and subjective.
I just read your Book and quote what I read. It justifies everything from slavery to killing a man for saying something bad about his father. And that's just in the portion sometimes referred to as the "Ten Commandments" (more like 25-30 when you start reading them all!) Having kids eaten by a pair bears for kidding a 'prophet' for being bald has always sounded like overkill to me also, but He's your "God", not mine.
Jesus' direct action of whipping the money lenders always seemed to clash against his 'loving and forgiving' nature, too.
But, again, your Messiah, not mine.
Theology and religious doctrine are null sounds for me. | 0 | en |
Uh...wake up USA. This guy got to go. What are going to do, wait until he has enough bombs to wipe America off the face of the Earth, starting with Hawaii? | 0 | en |
You seem to undertake a lot of contentious and sometimes widespread actions which gain the ire of some editors. Perhaps you'd be better off discussing first. | 0 | en |
Jane, I'll bet the current occupant has thought more than a little about how he can put his name on the White House.
In gold of course, and don't forget the licensing fees. | 0 | en |
CAR TROUBLEA blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died.After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says,"What 's the story?" He replied, "Just crap in the carburetor." | 1 | en |
Eddie Murphy Is Making A Serious Reggae Album With Snoop Lion
Eddie “The donkey from Shrek” Murphy is making a serious reggae album with Snoop Lion, a.k.a. Snoop Dogg, a.k.a. that rapper that you liked when you’re 13. Shockingly, this was approved by someone as a good idea. That person has since been fired and murdered in a hole somewhere for ever thinking this pairing would result in anything other than a reverse masterpiece of aural inertia.
It’s a reggae song named “REDLIGHT” (all caps?), and it is legitimate proof that God does not exist for what God of man would allow something this atrocious to exist? Surely a cruel god who likes to laugh pigheadedly with a girlish, ghoulish giggle as his denizens below him tear the ears from their heads with frustration, angered that these two men are millionaires and remain millionaires long after they were relevant, some 20 to 30 years ago. Who can honestly trust Eddie Murphy, let alone with a song, let along with a movie production? And Snoop – who’s so-weird-its-kind-of-adorable documentary about his change to Snoop Lion is almost 90 minutes of him smoking weed in Jamaica – seemingly says yes to anything passed his way.
I’m not a reggae fan and frankly there’s construction going on five feet from where I’m sitting here in Brooklyn and my god I’m actually preferring the sounds of the jackhammers of this. “REDLIGHT” is the sound of a paycheck being cashed and the sound of Eddie Murphy taking himself too seriously again. Shit, dude, even your ’80s jam “Party All The Time” was catchy – ”REDLIGHT” sounds like someone pressed the “reggae” button on a Casio keyboard, left the room, and charged everyone studio time.
There’s people out there who don’t get to realize their dreams their whole lives because of financial instabilities, and then there’s people out there like Snoop Lion and Eddie Murphy who get to exercise every fucking whim that crosses their brainfields regardless of whether they’re any good or not. I dunno, man. Just because the pants fit doesn’t mean you look any good in them. This wasn’t a good idea on any level. | 1 | en |
Deceiving interpretation of this article's heading and what HRM said.
Hit piece from the MSM FAKEnews again. | 0 | en |
Not at Mass, you didn't.....and relieving you of your buttons and posters was perfectly appropriate. | 0 | en |
None of the things you mention are illegal. They all fall into the purview of a president's rights and duties.
Posts like your exemplify the problem American is facing -- the media has no understanding of American civics, and has sold the public on the bogus idea that crimes have been committed by the current admin.
In other words, when it comes to judging this admin, you clearly don't know right from wrong. | 0 | en |
caralho maluco | 0 | pt |
The picture of Kate Winslet
Putting a picture of Kate Winslet on this article gives a deeply misleading impression. A reader could be forgiven for thinking that she has an important connection with the subject matter, when really she has little or nothing to do with it she just happened to play a very minor role in a film adaptation of the novel. Ideally, it would be nice to replace the picture of Winslet with a more appropriate one, but since I don't have one I'll just go shead and delete. | 0 | en |
== The Daily Mail ""overtakes The New York Times as the most visited online newspaper"" ==
The Daily Mail is today trumpeting that it has overtaken The New York Times as the world's most visited online newspaper, according to December 2011 figures released by comScore. (Mail BBC Guardian coverage). This is quite a feat for a UK newspaper up against the big American newspapers, although stories like this one, which curiously fail to mention that the Mail published hoax allegations about Philip Mould's private life that were subsequently removed from its website, show why caution is needed when using it as a source. Archived discussion . " | 0 | en |
None of your questions have any bearing on the driver's identity or legal responsibility to stop and render aid. | 0 | en |
Three thirty-story buildings would be a better approach. Easier to build, less intrusive on the skyline, easier to adapt/retrofit as business needs change, etc. | 0 | en |
R.I.P. Your were a great man and a strong spirit. | 0 | en |
Ora, eu também não compreendo porque vocês não podem ser listados naquela lista idiota. Sinceramente, nem me interessa. Cada um embirra com o que quiser, não estou nem aí . Acho é que a coerência deve prevalecer, e aí o E2m tem razão. Nuno Tavares ✉ | 0 | pt |
"has withered to what it was in the 1980's , with a much smaller population then."
It recently hit a record high. | 0 | en |
;; this is a shared ip by a university fyi. | 0 | en |
` ::And thanks for changing the link to the complete online version of the chapter. ) ` | 0 | en |
it cost to much to get videos and paper work from the city of eugene or..... | 0 | en |
So is the CO2 released by coal in the steel-making process less damaging than the CO2 released during the power-generation process? | 0 | en |
Tag: offensive
I have been pretty open about not really believing in Karma, feeling it is mostly a scare tactic and have grappled with my own contribution to the universe after many a martini. Last week I had a situation that reaffirmed many of the existential life crises.
After spending the last few weeks traveling (#humblebrag) my Ashkenazi Jew fro had hit maximum brillo pad capacity. Being in desperate need of a deep hydration hair mask, I saddled up my pooch in his illegal service dog vest and walked to my local Rite Aid to load up on some vodka and argan oil treatments. As I approached the entrance I saw a family of 4 standing with a sign that read “Homeless with 2 babies to feed. Anything helps, God Bless”. This isn’t going to come out right but here I go. I avoid homeless people like the plague. Sticks are free, find a tin and make some fucking music. Provide a service for compensation. Begging seems so half assed. This is America.
This homeless mother of 2 infants caught me in a very vulnerable state. “Sorry I don’t have any cash.” As I walked into Rite Aid with my hypoallergenic pup, one of her small children locked eyes with me and was giving me Sara McLachlan beaten puppy eyes. All the sudden I started hearing the familiar “In the arms of the angel… Fly away from here.” Fuck.
I was basically already in the clear, strolling right past them into the fluorescent lighting when I had a very out of character heart pang and decided I was due for a good deed. I begrudgingly turned around, went up to the mother and told her I didn’t have cash but would be happy to buy her some groceries. In my head, I though condoms would be the smart purchase personally. As I led her into the store she immediately grabbed a shopping cart. I was hoping she grabbed it as a possible guesthouse and not to fill with goods on my dime.
I suggested we go to the baby supply aisle because I am a philanthropist and immediately this bitch starting throwing shit in the cart like it was the fucking Supermarket Sweep. I’m not talking generic brand diapers and wet wipes… this poverty stricken asshole was hawking Jessica Alba locally sourced organic burlap diapers and aloe vera infused ass wipes. Um no. I suggested we gravitate towards thing with a yellow sticker but she clearly wasn’t listening. Soon the cart was overflowing with 70lb containers of organic formula, paraben free bottles, even some fucking toys and coloring books.
If I were alone I would have put the kibosh on this immediately. But other shoppers were giving me such nods of approval, one person even offered me a warm shoulder grab and said he was honored to witness such selflessness. That was a first. I considered asking him if he wanted to go halfsies on the final bill but contained the urge.
My attempt at a good deed was now making me resentful. I was gritting my teeth and murmuring things under my breath like “Want to go to the fucking Ivy after this? Do your babies like crab cakes? Perhaps a fresh orchid for your tent?” I grabbed my $38 hair mask feeling less guilty than I had a mere 16 minutes ago and got in line with my new sponsored family. Solely because there were like 6 other people in line I decided this was my mitzvah for the decade and I needed to suck it up and be gracious. Although every time I saw the woman peruse through the bins in the line I gave her wrist a quick slap.
Finally, I was at the register. The cashier started to ring up everything and I looked around at the Rite Aid staff and fellow shoppers and gave them all a nonchalant shrug that said “Hey! I do what I can. Humanitarian by day, good time gal by night. It’s no biggie.” For 32 seconds I was Mother Teresa. I considered buying a pastel sweater set, organizing a can drive and eliminating the word “cunt” from my lexicon… giving back felt so right. “Alright miss, your total is $463.28.”
It was over as soon as it begun. No fucking way. This was a defining life moment. I took a second to gather my thoughts, take a deep breath and figure out how to navigate this situation. Should I hand my card over graciously or am I going to shatter my short-lived image of grace and humanity?
“Oh fuck no. Can you give us a quick second?” I asked the cashier. I pulled the homeless woman aside and explained to her that I too would be homeless if I had to pay for all of these goods. I know found myself bartering with her item by item. “Do you really need this economy sized formula? Can you still produce milk from the tit? I hear it’s better for brain development and then maybe one of your sons can be a brain surgeon and get you a condo in the valley. Also rattles are a luxury item. Void please.”
After we had the store manager void 7 items, I then made the executive decision we needed to exchange our remaining goods for the generic brand which resulted in 5 very embarrassing PA announcements “Manager to register 3, we need to exchange the Honest Company diaper rash cream for the Rite Aid brand equivalent.” This homeless woman was NOT happy about her Supermarket Sweep going generic and had the nerve to tell me that if I didn’t need my $40 hair mask, her children could have new toys.
After 28 minutes of checkout drama, I was able to get my charity bill down to $120 and left Rite Aid with my head held low and truly bitter towards the whole experience. The woman hugged me, blessed me and I was on my merry way. I decided to grab a reflective iced tea at Starbucks and call my mom to brag about what a giver she had raised.
When I walked outside I saw my new rescue family standing on the street with the cart full of merchandise and imagined they were headed to the freeway underpass and got the same familiar heart pang that got me into this whole mess. A real full circle moment.
Until a brand new Honda mini van pulled up curbside, trunk popped (automatic) and her husband started loading all the shit I just bought into their car. My jaw dropped and rage filled my body. The doors slid open (luxury) and this “homeless” hooker started to buckle her kids in their seemingly non pre-owned car seats. I had to get closer.
As I approached the van I noticed Despicable Me playing in the fucking headrest TVs. Yes I said it, HEADREST TVS. What the fuck? They sped away presumably to their Bel Air estate before I could confront her and I sat their feeling helpless and taken advantage of. For my own state of well being I have convinced myself they LIVE in that car hence the leather interiors and built in entertainment system. God, I hope they live in that car… Is that awful? Nope.
Anne Frank once said, “No one has ever become poor from giving.” No offense to Anne, but she didn’t get out much. The moral of this long winded and sure to be polarizing story is to never let someone shame your hair product selections, a small act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention and always carry cash.
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Okay so I am done pimping my t-shirts. HA – not even close. My newsfeed is going to make you want to kill yourself with the shameless self-promotion and I don’t give two fucks. Im werkin for a birkin bitches. (Ehem you can purchase shirts here.)
Now that that ‘s all out of the way, I have been involved in 3 incidents today all before the brisk hour of 9am that gives me very unsettled foreshadowing into how the rest of my weekend looks. First I compared my love with my dog Leo to a real “Rita and Tom” type of love to my neighbor. I won’t even go into how weird that is. Then I went totally ape shit on a pedestrian who was literally moving at a glacial pace across the crosswalk and yelled “ARE YOU PHYSICALLY IMPAIRED, FUCKING WALK. SOME OF US HAVE JOBS TO GET TO.” Not nice. I will repent for this next Yom Kippur. Then, this happened…
Haute Mess Lesson – Be cautious when making rape jokes. Anyone who says this is a non-informative blog clearly is not a faithful reader. Listen, I get it rape jokes are “never funny”. That is only true if you are actually a rapist or Oprah. Too much? Sorry. Whilst in my office elevator I always try to make small talk with other office building patrons because let’s face it – nothing is more awkward then an elevator ride. I have had multiple offenses during my elevator rides. Last week my not so trusty iPhone got rambled in my purse and started playing “Dancing Queen” sung by Meryl Streep circa 2009’s Mamma Mia adaption (which was fabulous). Being in an elevator with a blasian (a blonde Asian – basically a modern day unicorn)and a man in a polyester suit who probably thinks Mamma Mia is a chain Italian food restaurant in Riverside is not ideal to begin with. My purse is like a black hole so for the longest 26 seconds of my life “Dancing Queen” played at full volume while Blasian and 56 year old accountant pretended not to notice and stared aimlessly at the floor buttons waiting to get the fuck out of the elevator carriage. “You gotta love ABBA right?” Silence. Needless to say, my elevator reputation is not fabulous. Back to rape (sorry I can get SO side tracked). This morning I picked up my usual Friday Pop tart (frosted strawberry – obvi) and headed into the silent elevator. It’s so fucking weird NOBODY talks, not even a friendly hi hello, weather commentary, NOTHING. Happy to break the silence my phone rang. My best friend called me and told me she was going for a jog (ew) and needed to be on the phone with someone because she saw a big white van parked on her street with no windows and a creepy man inside.
To paint a picture, the elevator was filled with about 4 young and old professionals in suits and then there is me in rhinestoned flats, leather pants and a shirt that says HAUTE SHIT (plug) all listening to the following one sided conversation.
“OMG – ew. That’s a total rape van. Does it have windows with curtains or no windows at all?”
“Walk with a purpose. Pretend you’re on the phone with your martial arts instructor. Actually maybe don’t. That may turn him on. I heard rapists get off on the fight. Those fuckers love the struggle”
“Well if he does lure you into his rape cave, just act like you are super into him and maybe he will let you go?”
“ Okay well call me if you end up getting raped, you could definitely get on a talk show if you did and you could wear one of my Haute Mess shirts cause that would be great publicity for me. I could lie and say we would donate 50% of the sales to some women’s rape counseling charity but really we could just use the money and go to Bali or something. Love you!”
— fin —
Clearly I need to start being more self-aware – especially in public. If you could see the look on these people’s faces you would understand how badly I wanted to shank myself. Oops. The eye rolls, disgusted throat clearing and just full on death glares were in full force and all I could do was wait patiently until I reached the 9th floor trying to regain some form of social decency in the last 5 seconds of my trip. I am usually painfully unaware of how inappropriate I can be but this may have pushed things too far. As I exited the elevator I gave a nervous “Bye!” to the remaining 2 people, which is even more awkward because the only words/ pleasantries exchanged during the entire ride were my thought provoking rape philosophies. | 1 | en |
This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday column
Once again, as a patriotic Englishman from a Naval family, I stand amazed to find myself so lonely in my doubts about a foolish war.
I am no pacifist. I supported the retaking of the Falklands, national territory illegally seized by foreign invaders. I was thrilled to see that the Royal Navy could still do the hard tasks for which it is paid too little. Could it now?
Yet, on the basis of an emotional spasm and a speech that was illogical and factually weak, we are rushing towards yet another swamp, from which we will struggle to extract ourselves and where we can do no conceivable good.
Heaven forbid that it will lead (as other such adventures have) to more melancholy processions, bearing flag-wrapped coffins, from RAF Brize Norton; or to quieter convoys, carrying terribly injured men to special hospitals. Why must good, brave, dutiful men and women die or be maimed for life because our politicians are vain and ignorant?
But there is no knowing the end of this, especially given the Prime Minister’s absurd belief that we have 70,000 ‘moderate’ allies just waiting to help us in Syria. Among these scattered ‘moderates’ are those who last week murdered a Russian pilot as he parachuted to earth, and mauled his corpse.
When this phantom army turns out to be non-existent, or hostile, how long will it take Mr Cameron to return to the House of Commons, pleading oh-so-reasonably for ground troops to follow?
It is all such rubbish. I have yet to see conclusive evidence that the Paris murders were organised by or in Islamic State. France has plenty of home-grown hatred and (despite strict gun laws) is awash with illegal Kalashnikovs and ammunition.
Nor can I see why bombing Raqqa will defend us or anyone against such murders.
France’s President Hollande, a failed politician in bad domestic trouble, mired his own country in Syria months ago. I can’t see what good reason we have to follow him there. It will not help to bind up the wounds of the people of France.
Only three weeks back, the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee advised, in a carefully argued report, that intervention in Syria is not a good idea. The pathetic cave-in of that committee’s chairman, Crispin Blunt, who now supports Mr Cameron’s latest war, merely makes Mr Blunt look irrational, weak-minded and easily led.
The UN Security Council resolution (of which Mr Cameron makes so much) actually offers no legal basis for military action. Nor does it cite Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which authorises the use of force.
David Cameron is already suffering from galloping Churchill syndrome (the patient growls, denounces his critics as appeasers, and starts wars). Now he seems to have contracted Blair’s disorder, an irresistible desire to pose alongside military hardware. On Monday he managed to have his portrait taken next to a very macho-looking Typhoon fighter jet at Northolt RAF base on his way back from Paris. Odd, that. Typhoons are not normally stationed at Northolt, and I haven’t been able to get a coherent explanation of what military reason it had to be there, so convenient for a photo-opportunity.
The Prime Minister might have been better employed looking up Syria on a map, reading the relevant documents, or consulting with our former ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford – who energetically opposes what he denounces as ‘recreational bombing’.
In all these modern wars real experts are impatiently pushed aside, while flatterers and yes-men take over. But it’s not decided yet. There’s still just time to write to your MP, if you agree with me that this is folly. I beg you to do so.
Reaping a feminist whirlwind
On Thursday night I witnessed the ugliness of the new student intolerance at the Oxford Union, where I was taking part in a debate on marriage (I was in favour). I had never before seen burly security men stationed around the hall, or had to watch as screeching hecklers – having ignored pleas to put questions in a civilised way – were hauled from the room.
It was Germaine Greer they were mainly after (though they handed out leaflets at the gate slandering me, too). I like Germaine, as it happens, and think she is often a lot more sensible than people think she is. But does she ever wonder if the militant feminism she launched has some responsibility for the new generation of self-righteous would-be censors who would rather silence an opponent than listen to her?
I travel a lot by train, and have begun to notice that the ride is getting much rougher. On a recent journey from London to Edinburgh I had to move seats because I was over the wheels and being jolted about so much. It reminded me of the Mandalay-Rangoon express (though in its grimy way that’s more comfortable than Virgin).
The worrying thing is that I noticed a similar worsening in the track at the end of the 1990s, just before a terrible series of crashes caused by track failure. Is Network Rail maintaining our lines properly?
The turmoil of the past two weeks has buried two pieces of bad news which the Government really doesn’t want you to know.
The first was Thursday’s record net immigration figures, showing that Mr Cameron has completely lost control of our borders.
The other was a huge and unexpected increase in Government borrowing in October, when it was supposed to have fallen. This passed almost entirely unnoticed.
No wonder the Chancellor seems to have put the economy in the hands of Doctor Who. The mythical £27 billion that he miraculously discovered in time for his Autumn Statement is even more non-existent than the Prime Minister’s imaginary army of 70,000 Syrian moderates.
Doctor Who will be needed to get hold of this money, since it does not yet exist, and is to be found (if at all) only in the future, and then in small annual dribs and drabs.
If George Osborne were a company, he would be heading for bankruptcy. As it is, I confidently predict very severe tax rises within three years. Perhaps Doctor Who will by then have replaced Mr Osborne at No 11 and will be able to escape the voters’ wrath in his Tardis.
All the four main unpopular newspapers had virtually the same page one headline on Friday morning: The Times’: ‘Labour at war over vote to bomb Isis’, The Telegraph: ‘Labour at war over Syria air strikes’; ‘The Guardian: ‘Labour in Syria Turmoil as PM makes the case for war’; ‘The Independent’ : ‘Labour at war over air strikes in Syria’. The BBC’s headlines were very similar.
None of these stories contained any clear facts, just anonymous briefings. If it had been a plane crash, or a verdict in a major court case, this sort of unanimity in supposedly competing media would have been normal. But in this case it looks much more as if we have a controlled press.
(This last item was accidentally omitted when the column was first posted)
If you want to comment on Peter Hitchens, click on Comments and scroll down | 1 | en |
Subclavian artery stenosis is well described in the adult population commonly associated with atherosclerosis. Other etiologies are arteritis, inflammation due to radiation exposure, compression syndromes, fibromuslar dysplasia, and fibromatosis. Congenital origin is rarely described in literature.
Here, we are reporting three patients, one infant and two toddlers with clinically significant LSA stenosis. The infant and one of the toddlers presented with obvious left upper limb shortening due to severe congenital LSA stenosis. The third patient, a 2.5-year-old child presented with pulse volume and blood pressure (BP) differences between two upper limbs due to severe LSA stenosis as a rare postoperative complication.
CASE REPORTS {#sec1-2}
Case report 1 {#sec2-1}
A 28-day-old female newborn was referred for the evaluation of incidental detection of murmur. History revealed a second gravida mother having nonconsanguineous marriage with an uneventful gestation and perinatal period. The baby weighed 2.8 kg at birth. There was a history of death of a previous baby with stigmata of multiple congenital anomalies.
The patient was nonsyndromic without external skeletal deformity and weighing 3.6 kg, length was 53 cm. Pulses were well palpable and saturation in room air was 100% in all four limbs. Except faint systolic murmur (2/6) at left supraclavicular region, clinical examinations were noncontributory.
Chest X-ray and 12-lead electrocardiogram were within normal limit. Transthoracic echocardiography detected structurally normal heart and right aortic arch (RAA) with aberrant LSA with flow turbulence across the vessel. Stenosis of LSA was suspected and multi-slice computerized tomographic (MSCT) angiography was advised. Due to the presence of RAA possibility of 22q11 micro deletion was also considered and genetic study was planned. However, the family denied any further investigation at that point of time.
Two months later, the baby was again brought to the hospital for recognizable limb length discrepancy noted by her mother \[[Figure 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}\]. She was apparently healthy baby with adequate weight gain (5 kg at 3 months). Anthropometry revealed the left upper limb, 21.4 cm (measured from tip of acromion to tip of middle finger), 8 mm shorter than the right upper limb which measured 22.2 cm. The mid arm circumference of left arm (11.5 cm) was 10 mm lesser than the right mid arm circumference (12.5 cm).
![Left upper limb shortening (pre procedure), Case 1](APC-12-163-g001){#F1}
Clinically there was no obvious color or saturation differences between the two upper limbs. The only noticeable finding in the left upper limb was slightly cooler skin, low volume radial pulse, and difference in mean BP of 10 mmHg.
Urgent MSCT was done which revealed severe focal stenosis of LSA origin \[[Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}\]. It was RAA and first branch being left common carotid artery, second one right common carotid artery, third one right subclavian artery (RSA) and the last branch was aberrant LSA. The absence of obvious collateral supply to the left arm was noted. The presence of Kommerell\'s diverticulum (KD) and vascular ring were excluded. There was no external bony compression. Normal right kidney with ectopic left kidney found as an incidental finding.
![Computed tomography angiogram detected right aortic arch with critical narrowing of left subclavian artery just distal to its origin in Case 1](APC-12-163-g002){#F2}
As there was subtle sign of early ischemic changes and visible shortening of the left upper limb caused by severe focal stenosis of LSA with the absence of collateral formation, LSA stenting as limb salvage strategy and minimally invasive technique was discussed with parents and team of cardio thoracic surgeon.
After taking proper written consent from parents baby was taken into the catheterization laboratory. She was intubated and ventilated and right femoral artery (RFA) access was obtained with 4(F) short sheath (Terumo medical corporation, somerset, New Jersey), full heparinization (100 U/kg) was done and arch angiograms were obtained in PA and shallow left anterior view (LAO) which detected RAA with aberrant LSA with significant stenosis \[[Figure 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}\]. The most stenotic segment was 2 mm in width and it was 5 mm distal to the origin of LSA. 4(F) femoral artery sheath was exchange with 5(F) sheath. LSA was threaded with a 0.014 cm × 180 cm stabilizer super soft wire (Lake Region Medical, 340 lake Hazeltine Drive, chaska, USA) and 5(F) Guiding right Judkin\'s catheter (Cordis de Mexico S. A de C. V) was negotiated over the wire. A 3.5 mm × 16 mm (3V Krome) stent was introduced over the wire, which kept in LSA such a way that it fully covered the stenotic segment. The position of wire-stent assembly was confirmed by fluoroscopy and angiogram. After confirming satisfactory stent position it was inflated \[[Figure 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}\]. The post procedure angiogram confirmed perfect position of stent; spanning across the stenotic segment with good flow in the distal part of LSA and left axillary artery. The whole procedure was done aseptically and it was uneventful. Baby was extubated after shifting to paediatric intensive care unit and was kept on heparin (20 U/kg/h) infusion over the night. She was discharged 48 h with oral aspirin 5 mg/kg daily for the next 6 months. Most encouraging sign was normalization of temperature, pulses and BP difference in both limbs at the time of discharge.
![Arch angiogram revealed critical narrowing of left subclavian artery just distal to its origin in Case 1](APC-12-163-g003){#F3}
![Therapeutic stenting done in critical narrowing of left subclavian artery Case 1](APC-12-163-g004){#F4}
On 3 months follow-up, there was no noticeable temperature, pulse volume and BP differences between two upper limbs. Anthropometrically, the left upper limb (22.9 cm) is 6 mm shorter (pre-procedure was 8 mm shorter) than the right upper limb (23.5 cm) and mid upper arm circumference of the left arm (12.7 cm) is 5 mm (pre-procedure was 10 mm lesser) lesser than the right upper arm mid circumference (13.2 cm) \[[Figure 5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}\]. ultrasonography (USG) of limb was done which confirmed a laminar flow pattern in LSA. The baby is being followed up for the last 4 years with satisfactory result that is characterized by the equalization of both upper limb lengths. Till date, no further therapeutic procedure has been needed.
![Almost equalization of both limbs 3 months after procedure Case 1](APC-12-163-g005){#F5}
Case report 2 {#sec2-2}
A 4-year-old boy presented with incidental detection of murmur. Clinical examination revealed a low volume radial pulse in the left upper limb and lower BP in same limb. The right radial pulse was normal. BP in the right arm was 92/58/68 mmHg, whereas in the left arm measured 72/55/60 mmHg. He also had 2/6 systolic murmur in the left supra-clavicular region. Anthropometrically, his height was 100 cm and left upper limb was 10 mm shorter than the right upper limb.
Echocardiography revealed structurally normal heart with RAA and aberrant LSA with flow turbulence. Computerized tomographic (CT) angiogram had done which confirmed the diagnosis. There was 70%--80% stenosis just beyond the origin of LSA. The presence of limb length discrepancy justified treatment and transcatheter placement of stent was decided.
That child was also electively intubated and ventilated after taking written consent. RFA access was obtained by 5(F) short sheath and arch angiogram was done which confirmed the diagnosis. The stenosed segment was measured 13 mm in length and 2 mm width. The stenosed segment was crossed with 5(F) Judkin right catheter and 0.025 × 260 angulated glide wire (Terumo medical corporation, somerset, New Jersey). Then, the 5(F) short sheath was upgraded to 6(F) short sheath and the 5(F) JR catheter was exchange with 6(F) guiding JR (Cordis de Mexico S. A de C. V) then 0.014 × 180 stabilizer coronary wire was parked in distal part of LSA over which racer 5 mm × 18 mm stent was positioned across the defect. The position of the stent was confirmed by check angiogram and then the stent was deployed under fluoroscopic guidance. Post procedure angiogram showed stent *in situ* with good flow in LSA and left axillary artery. Patient tolerated the procedure very well and was extubated on table. He was also kept on overnight heparin infusion and discharged with oral aspirin.
Follow-up visit on 3 and 6 months showed near normalization of radial pulse and BP in the left upper limb and significant improvement of limb length. USG of left upper limb was done which confirmed a laminar flow pattern in the LSA. The boy is being followed up for the last 4 years. At present, there is no remaining limb length discrepancy.
Case report 3 {#sec2-3}
Two years 5 months old post cardiac surgery patient on routine follow-up was detected to have BP and pulse volume discrepancy in upper limb. She had already undergone left-sided modified Blalock Taussing shunt (BTs) followed by bidirectional Glenn (BDG) shunt as single ventricular route of palliation.
BT shunt was done at the age of 3 months followed by BDG and takedown of BTs at the age of 9 months. Her immediate and late post-operative period was uneventful. She was on regular follow-up without any significant new findings. However, at the age of 2.5 years pulse volume and BP differences between two upper limbs were documented. Length, mid arm circumference, color, saturation, temperature, and capillary refill time were same in both upper limbs.
Well-functioning BDG was detected with flow turbulence across LSA on echocardiography. LSA origin stenosis was suspected and CT angiogram was done which confirmed the diagnosis. Transcatheter placement of stent was decided as minimally invasive procedure after discussion with family and surgical team.
As like our previous patients she was also electively intubated and ventilated for the procedure. Arch angiogram confirmed severe LSA origin stenosis. The width of the stenosed segment was 3 mm and length was 18 mm.
An Abbot vascular RX herculink Elite 5 mm × 18 mm stent was deployed with satisfactory result \[Figures [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"} and [7](#F7){ref-type="fig"}\].
![Therapeutic stenting of left subclavian artery Case 3](APC-12-163-g006){#F6}
![Deployment of stent in left subclavain artery Case 3](APC-12-163-g007){#F7}
That patient is also under follow-up for the past 4 years with clinical and USG evaluation of her left limb. At the age of 4.3 years, she also underwent Fontan completion. Till date, she is doing well both the Fontan circuit and limb perspective.
DISCUSSION {#sec1-3}
Subclavian artery stenosis is mostly described in adult population which is commonly associated with atherosclerotic changes in subclavian artery. Other etiologies are arteritis, inflammation due to radiation exposure, compression syndromes, fibromuslar dysplasia, and fibromatosis.
Ischemic changes and limb length shortening is described in newborn and early infancy as a complication of arterial cannulation induced thrombosis, with reduced pulses and temperature of concerned limb. That occurs in 2%--33% of children after arterial cannulation.\[[@ref1][@ref2]\] Impaired growth has been recognised for 30 years.\[[@ref3][@ref4]\] Other described aetiologies of limb length shortening includes compound fracture, disseminated sepsis, and purpura fulminance. Compound fractures can directly damage epiphysis of growth plate and may hamper limb growth in later part of life. Like our patient early chances of vascular compromise and limb length shortening due LSA stenosis congenital in origin is rarely described in literature.
A RAA represents a variant of the thoracic vascular anatomy and found in approximately 0.1% of population.\[[@ref5][@ref6]\] About half of the patients have an aberrant LSA which may arise either directly from the aorta or from KD. Although an aberrant LSA may be an isolated finding, it is commonly associated with RAA. Symptoms if any are due to compression of esophagus or trachea characterized by dysphagia, airway compression which can occur in infancy or adulthood.\[[@ref7][@ref8][@ref9]\] Such obstructive complications are rarely described in neonatal period. Management of LSA with feature of compression of oesophagus or trachea mostly requires surgical reconstruction. However, the presenting features of our cases were unique, there were no features of any obstruction of nearby structure characterized by stridor, feeding difficulties, or chocking episodes. The only symptoms were limb length shortening in two patients and temperature differences in one patient additional to limb length shortening.
Compression of the esophagus may occur when both the ligamentum arteriosum and a KD are present. The ligamentum completes the vascular ring that connects the diverticulum posteriorly behind the esophagus to the left pulmonary artery anteriorly. KD, a remnant of the left dorsal arch, is located where the aberrant LSA originates, causing external posterior compression of the esophagus.\[[@ref10]\] In our all three cases, CT angiogram had done before intervention which also excluded KD and vascular ring. If LSA stenosis is associated with KD and vascular ring then surgical correction should be considered rather than only stenting.
Tschirch, *et al.* reported similar case of RAA with stenosis of aberrant LAS which was diagnosed antenatally by fetal echocardiography. That was treated with two multi-link pixel stent (8 mm × 2.5 mm) on the 18^th^ day of life. They have electively put stent in the stenosed LSA before appearances of any clinical symptoms. Follow-up study by USG revealed significant residual stenosis and that baby needed repeat therapeutic intervention in the form of balloon dilatation of stent with success.\[[@ref11]\]
In our patient\'s major stent-related complications such as thrombosis, rupture, stent migration, fracture, stent block fortunately was absent. BP discrepancies were reduced within 48 h of putting stent in LSA. Follow-up on 3, 6, and 12 months showed almost equalization of both upper limb lengths and mid arm circumference and no features of re-stenosis clinically or ultrasonographycally. There were other alternative management options such as surgical correction or balloon dilatation of stenotic segment. Only balloon dilatation might not have given satisfactory result and a chance of re-stenosis is also very high. However, percutaneous stent implantation into the stenotic subclavian artery represents a less invasive therapeutic option than surgical intervention and more rewording option than only balloon dilatation of stenotic artery.\[[@ref12]\]
We had used non bio-absorbable stent in an infant, which may not be sufficient to her limb growth till adolescent period. In that case different surgical options like by-passing the carotid to subclavian or to the axillary artery may be considered electively in future. Literature has shown transposition of subclavian artery on to carotid artery is suitable for congenital aberrant RSA who has presented with subclavian steal syndrome in later part of life.\[[@ref13]\]
Loss of pulse as a postcardiac surgical complication is described in literature. Known surgeries are classical BT shunt or aortic coarctation repair where subclavian artery had been used. Limb length shortening due to severe LSA stenosis after taking down of BT shunt which required stenting is exceptional in the world literature. As per the institutional policy surgeons do extra-cardiac Fontan surgery after 4 years of age with minimum body weight of 15 kg. That was the reason we had chosen stenting of LSA rather than completion of Fontan circuit and surgical correction of stenosis in same setting.
CONCLUSION {#sec1-4}
Our case series is the first report in the world literature of successful trans-catheter treatment of severe congenital and postoperative critical LSA stenosis leading to vascular compromise and limb length shortening in pediatric age group.
Declaration of patient consent {#sec2-4}
The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. In the form the patient(s) has/have given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patients understand that their names and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
Financial support and sponsorship {#sec2-5}
Conflicts of interest {#sec2-6}
There are no conflicts of interest.
| 0 | en |
:Please respond before you make any further edits. The website still shows the old logo and brand. | 0 | en |
Needs rewording
Whole passages are lifted verbatim from http://homepage.newschool.edu/het//profiles/lange.htm | 0 | en |
Absolute Bullchips.
The Kochs are Republican... | 0 | en |
Really people...wake up. Trump says what the 90% of you are too ashamed to admit. The media...really. If you take what they say as gospel you are really asleep. I vow to not standby and let this country be destroyed, my children deserve a leader that has the courage to openly address our problems. I vote Trump as one the last chances we have. What happened to the country that delivered, not shivered | 0 | en |
:You are welcome. It was good fun, I learnt a lot and appreciated your encouragement and relaxed collaborative style. Yes I'll stay with the article. | 0 | en |
My stand is quite clear...I support NEITHER candidate....and I've said CLEARLY that BOTH Clinton AND Trump supporters are equally blind.
If you Clinton cheerleaders are too blind, stupid and arrogant to fail to see that in your own little "well if they don't support Trump then they just have to support CLinton" world....it ain't my problem. | 1 | en |
"Molinar's mother, who was in the car with him...???" I did read this right, right? | 0 | en |
USA. NRA. | 0 | hu |
You're right! Elimination of the estate tax will be a HUGE victory for Donald and his family. Forbes magazine estimated his wealth at $3.1 billion. Under existing rates, taxes on his estate would be around $1.2 billion. [However, there currently are numerous clever tricks available to reduce the amount ultimately owed.] | 0 | en |
Given the opportunity why do so many Canadians purchase dairy products in the US . Citizens in Belligham Wa were asking Costco to open a separate outlet for locals. Largest dairy sales in the US. Why would so many Canadians take 2 to 3hrs out of there day to do this?Has our current prime minister ever had to worry about cost of food for his family? | 0 | en |
Agree , seems that way with Gov't here. Look at the State and Counties. | 0 | en |
I don't understand how you think it is a free ride. Iolani had to finish higher than P-5. Those two teams declared for Div 2 for the State Tournament. If Iolani had beaten St. Francis and Damien, then I would think they were sandbagging. This was not the case for them this year; they were a Div 2 team for sure. Throwing for 300-400 yards a game doesn't win games. You still need to score more points than the other team. | 0 | en |
Unless you are privy to information that the rest of us are not, he has said nothing about doing away with family trusts. | 0 | en |
I asked for this on another thread , but was subjected to untelling rudeness . | 0 | en |
"Murilo. Looks a nice village!♦
" | 0 | en |
It can also be singular. | 0 | en |
== you stupid whore == will never get it will you? doesnt fit in your tiny wakpedia wimp err admin brain fuck you asshole | 1 | en |
Really? You think so? And what makes it happen when it isn't done by a Priest?
The particular "God" in this case is the same God who said, "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."
I'm not defending these priests. I think the millstone sentence is particularly fitting, but that would probably be considered "Cruel and Unusual" punishment by you. | 0 | en |
"Civility" is for the "haves" to wonder on the "have-nots".
Why are "they" so "uncivil"? (choke)
Look into the list of who's in the forum above and you'll find the common characteristic of no worries of how to get through the day, or the month, or the year, or an entire lifetime.
You'll find those who spawn and instigate all forms of taking away from others, since it's not an issue for themselves.
Why is it such a problem? (choke again)
Doesn't everyone make $128K to over $200K per year? And, employ their spouses and relatives in the same money-grab?
You see, in our 77% white (surprised?) and 70% "Bernie" state people like to flog themselves in self-white hate, and write checks of absolution.
Checks written with other people's money.
Go ahead, look into plastic forums like these, or any other silly attempts, of those who wonder why others can't and won't be civil?
(and why they won't stay in their place)
Bush couldn't be a better example of what you find in our state. | 0 | en |
How many Syrian refugees in Canada froze to death? Zero. All was given to them, housing, money, clothes, food, dental, you name it. The Royal treatment!
How many Canadians froze to death? Left alone, with nothing.
Since when does Canada need to import poverty, we have enough at home. Lets take care of our own for a change!! | 0 | en |
Why not use lipstick to paint a happy face on this fat pig? Something along the lines of ""USMC aviators have developed innovative flying patterns in order to briefly reach the specified Mach 1.6 top speed of the F-35."" Would everybody be happy with that? " | 0 | en |
Jesus, you guys are not thrilled that he has found Atlantis? | 0 | en |
After 99% administrative costs are deducted. | 0 | en |
Not sure what "successes" our president was able to accomplish on his recent trip. The only thing he has succeeded in doing, was to hand over leadership of the world to the Russians and Chinese; which may very well have been his intention all along. | 0 | en |
== The Wanderground ==
Hi DragonflySixtyseven. I saw that the page for The Wanderground was deleted several years ago due to copyright violation. As part of a feminist science fiction seminar at my university I'd like to create a new page for it, including how it fits into broader discussions on fem sci-fi, utopian fiction, and the women's movement. The page suggested I check with you, would that be a permissible reason to recreate an article for The Wanderground? Thank you for your help. | 0 | en |
And I apologize if I sounded like a curmugeon, but absolute claims do make for some difficulty. | 0 | en |
One has only to visit Spain and Portugal to realize just how grotesquely high these wine prices are ! For €2 or €3 one can enjoy a 75cl bottle of excellent Spanish or Portuguese red or white wine every bit as good, if not better, than the advertised wines. People in Canada simply do not realize that provincial government monopoly liquor boards are price gouging consumers by a factor of at least 400% compared to prices available in south western Europe. | 0 | en |
Mike, you worked in Seward, and from all appearances you did a good job. No doubt your job was dangerous but how many times did you and other C.O.s try to get rid of bad C.O.s? There was a tall bald-headed officer that was very cruel to prisoners, and yet you all backed him up when the management tried to get rid of him. There are two sides to every story. | 0 | en |
I agree completely with (). It was the first thing that came to mind when the page loaded. Male buttock takes the objective view, female the fashion magazine take on it, lit up and indeed suggestive. However, I'm not going to search the web for female buttocks that would be better suited... | 0 | en |
Since most people don't care about much more than recharging their cell to STAY online, naming the square that is known by its name, other than by those who will never say his name in their utter disgust, seems a NO-BRAINER. Now if its official name was to be one of our local historical racists, oh man, the outcry or perhaps not, by the same anti-Kesey folks. Hmmm . . . maybe it's time to focus on our streets of Presidents and our county name. But for me, I want to return 9th Street to its rightful place in history. | 0 | en |
sììììììì!!! mettiamo al potere Prodi che nel 92 stava sul Britannia con Soros, mario draghi e banchieri e finanzieri vari intento a svendere il patrimonio dello stato. Sìììì !!! mettiamo al governo gli stessi uomini che hanno trasformato i monopoli da pubblici a privati e che hanno creato il lavoro precario!!! Sììììììì !!! A noi va bene anche l incontrario di tutto ciò in cui crediamo, basta che non resti al governo Berlusconi che altrimenti garantisce diritti minimi anche ai precari, stipendi degli statali, pensioni e non privatizza nulla. No! piuttosto di un uomo così capitalista ed ultra liberista, preferisco il comunistissimo e anticapitalista e antiliberista Prodi! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAH, continuate a farvi abbindolare da qualche falce e martello disegnata incoscenti di essere pupazzetti della Goldman Sachs | 0 | it |
"Currently, a product can be certified organic in Canada if it has been deemed so by an accredited certification body"
Ever heard of a phenomenon in administrative matters known as "captive regulator"?
Gee, if we need a certification, let's make sure we have a certification body that knows how to do things right (wink wink, nudge nudge).
W.C Fields had it right - "Never give a sucker an even break". | 0 | en |
Right or wrong, I recall when the same things were said in real time about JPII. Indeed, uncanny in the parallel areas of criticism and the words used to express assessments.
But I assume--from all sides--we'll hear: "But that was very different..." | 0 | en |
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The continent of Compass, which consists of mortals, immortals, and gods is primarily governed by eight gods aligned on the four cardinal and four secondary points of the basic compass. These are the only gods that have multiple divine attributes, as they represent a direction, an element, and a secondary attribute.
Each of the four Cardinal Compass Gods governs a quarter of Compass. The four capital cities are Wraith (in the north), Jun Trich (in the east), Metria (in the south), and Kin Caroline (in the west).
Each of the four gods also created a species of "holy dragon" as a guardian for their High Shrine. (The Compass Gods are the only gods who's High Shrine is not located in Shrine.) The four species of dragon are Krame (under Seiran), Scathe (under Junpei), Daun (under Meika), and Een (under Caroline). | 0 | en |
Sorry, my friend, but I led the fight against tearing down city hall. I'm also not a fan of the outrageous amounts of fraud and overcharging the Defense Dept. engages in every single year. Yeah, the state has made large bad mistakes--- but as a fraction of the overall budget. Private corporations and all human run organizations of large scale make... here's a shocker!... large mistakes. It isn't limited to one party. Is the remedy to destroy what is there already? To screw up higher ed? Whether you like it or not, high school grads aren't going to keep this country great and defeat economic threats like China, India, and Brazil. Nor will crappy roads, bridges, airports, and services make us a good country. Citizens in poor health, compared to other country's that take care of their citizens also is a dumb-as-hell idea.
If one hates taxation, try living in a country w/very little of it. Any 3rd-world country will gladly accept you. | 0 | en |
` Please stop. If you continue to vandalize Wikipedia, you will be blocked from editing. :If this is a shared IP address, and you didn't make any unconstructive edits, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant warnings.` | 0 | en |
Honolulu Hawaii, just another Democratic cesspool of cronyism and corruption !!! | 1 | en |
USER Hidup pak jokowi ada layak menjadi presiden 5 tahun ke depan lagi | 0 | id |
いわゆる天使だろ | 0 | ja |
底知れないカリスマ性があるよな | 0 | ja |
ありがとう | 0 | ja |