# Summary Universal Derivations version of Démonette (http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexiques/demonette_en.html). # Introduction Démonette is a morphological lexical database of French organized as a derivational network, in which entries are pairs of words (Word1, Word2) belonging to the same morphological family. By design, original Démonette is a symetrical network. It provides as many morphological descriptions for a word as there are relations in which it participates. A word can indeed intervene in several morphological relations with members of its derivational family. These relations can be direct or indirect, ascending and descending, simple or complex. One original feature of Démonette is that it provides each word with a morphosemantic definition for each relations in which it appears. Démonette has been harmonized manually. # Acknowledgments We wish to thank all the developers and annotators of the Démonette, including Nabil Hathout, and Fiammetta Namer. ## References As a citation for the resource in articles, please use this: * Hathout, Nabil; Namer, Fiammetta. 2014. Démonette, a French derivational morpho-semantic network. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology. 11(5): 125-168. http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexiques/demonette/2014_LILT_Hathout_Namer.pdf. ``` @ARTICLE{Demonette, author = {Hathout, Nabil and Namer, Fiammetta}, title = {{D{\'e}monette, a French Derivational Morpho-Semantic Network}}, journal = {{Linguistic Issues in Language Technology}}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {125-168}, year = {2014}, url = {http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexiques/demonette/2014_LILT_Hathout_Namer.pdf} } ``` # License The resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). A detailed license is available in the file `LICENSE.txt`.
=== Machine-readable metadata =================================================
Resource: Démonette
Language: French
Authors: Hathout, Nabil; Namer, Fiammetta
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Contact: http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexiques/demonette_en.html
=== Machine-readable metadata =================================================
Harmonized resource: Démonette
Harmonized version: 1.2
Data source: http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexiques/demonette/demonette-1.2.zip
Data available since: UDer v0.5
Harmonization: manual
Common features: Semantic labels; Morphological categories
JSON features: was_in_family_with; other_parents; suffix
Lemmas: 22060
Relations: 13808
Families: 8252
Singletons: 839
Avarage tree size: 2.7
Avarage tree depth: 1.0
Avarage tree out-degree: 1.6
Maximum tree size: 12
Maximum tree depth: 4
Maximum tree out-degree: 8
Part-of-speech: ADJ, 2.5; NOUN, 64.2; VERB, 33.4
Derivational relations: 13808
Conversion relations: 0
Compounding relations: 0
Variant relations: 0