264 あれ見ていなかった!笑 Haha. 2195 ポプテピピックを見終わって冷え切った布団の中に潜ってると急に襲ってくる将来への不安 I finished watching Pop Team Epic and when I got into my freezing futon, I was suddenly hit with uncertainty towards the future. 805 イギリスを見習って公募せよ! We should follow the example of the English and have an open recruitment! 1786 リテラ見ただけでも、色んな人の証言とか労力が尋常じゃない Just looking at the literature, the testimony and efforts of various people are not ordinary. 1302 それを見越した上での話し合いでしょ Talk about our anticipated discussion. 640 フッお見通しだぜ Ha, I can see right through it. 769 えろげ規制したら人類滅びるとか言われて信じるバカおる? Are you stupid enough to think that the human race will perish if we regulate pornographic video games? 2739 規制には反対だけどこれは無理筋 I'm against restrictions but this doesn't make sense. 4277 「視力4.0のメガネ作りたい」メガネスーパーが開発したメガネで何が見えるか? こんなパリピ的珍妙アイテムより視力4.0メガネの方が欲しいです "I want to make glasses for people with 4.0 eyesight". What can you see with glasses developed by Meganesuper? Rather than some crazy bar hopper item like this I want some glasses for 4.0 eyesight. 3137 とにかく視線が集まったりするのが極端に苦手だから社会不安障害かもしれない At any rate I'm really bad at having all eyes focused on me, so I might have a social anxiety disorder. 4464 みんなよく覚えてるなあ Everyone remembers very well. 1661 なぜかニナガワとスプリットタンだけは覚えてる For some reason I only remember Ninagawa and Split Tongue. 1702 覚醒間近 A near by stimulant. 1463 メタモンの親名を何気なく見たら同士だった Nonchalantly seeing ditto's owner name we bonded. 1590 親子2代で登場した広告がなんとも微笑ましい Gin's daughter's reach 100 years old. 3190 🦉🐥 わかった!親子丼! 🦉🐥 I know! Oyakodon! (Rice bowl with chicken and egg) 4469 親ドリルだから子供はランドリル背負って生きてるはず Because it is a parent drill, children should live with Randol on the back. 3016 親にも彼氏にも言えない。新宿歌舞伎町で「夜だけ営業している薬局」、カウンター越しの小さな物語 怪しいクスリ屋かと思った I won't tell my parents or my boyfriend. A "pharmacy that is only open at night" in Shinjuku Kabukicho, a small tale from behind the counter. I thought it might be a questionable pharmacy. 2752 親御さんいない施設の子とか漏れなくやられてそうだねこの国 Orphaned children placed in institutions are very likely to be raped in this country. 1222 親指「考えるんじゃない、感じるんだ。」 Thumb "It's not thinking, it's feeling." 1222 ずっと親指でスマホいじってると、よく自分の意志とは関係なく動いてる不気味な何かみたいな感じになる If you always use your thumb to work your smartphone, then it starts to seem like it is moving of its own volition and starts to feel weird. 1466 それをヅラの親父が邪魔している It inconvenienced Tsura's father. 3743 アフィの親玉だし It's the affiliate's boss. 2051 それ観ただけで何これってなった I was like what the hell when I saw it. 2449 観光促進税19年4月から=日本人も1人1000円-政府・与党 Tourism Promotion Tax from April of 2019 = Japanese people, too, will contribute 1000 yen per person to the government and government party. 507 観光庁、「若者が海外旅行に行かない理由」を完全に勘違いする まあ、派遣やらブルーカラーが仕事で越境するのは直ぐ近い未来 日本に来る側からすれば既になってるかもしれんが 季節や景気連動労働を複数国間でやるのはメリットあるのよ。いろいろ The Tourism Agency is completely missunderstanding “the reason why young people are not traveling abroad.” Well, it is in the near future for temporary workers and blue collar workers to cross the border to do an assignment for work. Seasonal movements and economic labor movements might already be in Japan but there are various different merits for doing these movements in multiple countries. 2725 モスクワで観測史上最大の大雪、1人死亡 1日で43センチ 暖冬だったら温暖化騒ぐ猿がおらへんやん Heaviest snowfall on record in Moscow, 1 person has died, 43 cm in 1 day. If it were a warm winter there wouldn't be fools that go crazy about global warming. 2716 角川に逆輸入という形で公式認定された It was originally a software that was unrelated to Tsukuru, but it was officially certified by Kadokawa after it was reimported through Degica. 759 なるほどこれはテーマが解りやすいし中世である必然性がある戦闘シーンひどいけど(※シリアスとしてはってことね!) Second one Indeed, the theme is easy to understand, and the obligatory medieval battle scene is intense (* and as serious as it is!) 3193 解散だ解散 Breakup, it's a breakup. 4463 解雇した社員の顔写真を“罪状”として店舗に掲示 NHK won the victory by Web voting. 754 解り難い… This is difficult to understand... 1913 触手には勝てなかったよ… うへへ Failed to withstand the tentacles, hehehe 1264 『フォーオナー』お触り禁止。女性ヴァルキリーの胸元を掴むアニメーションが「不適切な表現」として修正される 金玉蹴るのはOKというのは金玉差別である 金玉に人権を! "For Honor" touching not allowed. Animation of grabbing the breast of a female Valkyrie "an inappropriate depiction" and to be amended. It being okay to kick someone in the testicles is testicle discrimination. Testicles deserve human rights! 3302 これってビールと言えんの? Can you call this beer? 2697 そうって言ってた That's what I'm saying. 12 はっきり言って地元は”外野がガタガタ言うんじゃね〜”って空気だった To put it bluntly, it felt like the locals were saying, "Outsiders shouldn't prattle on about our business." 2915 と言うか属性の根本をぶち壊す貫通で Horus is saved completely. 93 言うほど忖度得意か? Isn't it a good conjecture the more you say it? 2575 これはローンと言うよりリボ払い的なアレではないかと思うんだがどうなの教えてLLLくん! 情弱を騙す商品だな その実リボ払い… I think that this is a revolving payment rather than a loan, but please tell me what it is, LLL! It's a commodity that tricks illiteracy Reality is it's revolving payment... 3966 言うほどクソ物件か?穢れ的な発想なのか Is that a bad way of thinking? 2273 ばぶばぶ言いながら甘える I'd act like a spoiled child. 1691 言われてみれば確かに、治外法権、人権無視、裁判権無 If we look at what's been said, it is a case of extraterritorial rights, ignoring human rights, and a lack of judicial rights. 4250 しかも言い訳がひどい Furthermore, his excuse is deplorable. 4386 プログラミング言語Ruby開発者「高度なスキルを持つと自負し、高い裁量が欲しい私のような労働者を野党が目の敵にしてることはよく分かった。実に残念だ。」 Developer of programming language Ruby "I know well how the opposing party looks to make enemies of people like me who talk about our own skills and value flexibility. 227 プログラミング言語Ruby開発者「高度なスキルを持つと自負し、高い裁量が欲しい私のような労働者を野党が目の敵にしてることはよく分かった。実に残念だ。」 プログラマーって頭いいのかと思ってたけど まともに文章も読めない人もいるのかな 理系にも最近感じることだけど A developer for Ruby, the programming language: "I'm a very skilled person that brags about my ability and as a person that wants a high level of discretion like myself, I understand very well that the opposition hates the very sight of me. It's really unfortunate." I thought that programmers must be smart but I guess that there are people that can't properly read a sentence. 3253 記事がアンコンされました It is because of that, the media is so distorted.” 2802 あれ、スレタイと記事… It's an article of the thread title 3339 この記事中では陰謀論を否定してるけど、結局『巨大な忖度組織』である日本のPTAは This article denies the conspiracy theory, but in the end Japan's PTA is an "enormous organization that panders to the higher ups." 3980 バズフィードなんてまとめ記事ばかりでクオリティが低すぎる Buzz feed is just a summary article and the quality is too bad. 3980 そんな記事まみれでたまに政治とか語られても全く話にならん Such articles are sometimes talked about by politics. 175 記事ではアベノミクスによる相対的貧困率・子どもの貧困率改善は、大幅な就業者数の増加によるものだと記者は言っているのだけど、君は民主党政権下の貧困率増加は非正規雇用の増加が要因だとして必死に弁護しているんだよね In the article it says that Abenomics combating the poverty rate and improving the child poverty rate is due to a large increase in the number of people who are employed, but you are using all your effort to convince people that under the Democratic Party administration the poverty rate increasing is due to the increase in irregular employment. 233 キム・ヨンジン記者 Reporter Kim Yeongjin. 2427 記者の挨拶まで完全スルー Even completely ignores greetings from reporters. 1631 訪日観光客の男を逮捕 Man visiting Japan for tourism arrested. 2258 設定がわからんw I don't understand the setting lol 1956 もんじゅ 設計、廃炉想定せず ナトリウム搬出困難 もんじゅの前に常陽という実験炉がある たぶんアレも廃炉できない状態なんだろうな The Monju plan. Difficulties transporting sodium lead to an unexpected problem in decommissioning the reactor. In front of the Monju there is an experimental reactor called Joyo. Maybe this one will also prove impossibe to decommission. 717 もんじゅ 設計、廃炉想定せず ナトリウム搬出困難 自ら退路を断つ() 背水の陣() Monju plan, assumed to be decomissioned Difficulty in carrying out sodium Cutting off the retreat as a matter of course ( ) Fighting until the end ( ) 29 #コロプラを許して A new work, lots of clamour for a remake. 234 【ワクチンは許さない】根拠なきワクチン批判で救える命を見殺しにしないで【ダメ、絶対】 お、おう… 【Vaccines are not permitted】If you can save someone then don’t let them die if they criticize vaccines even if they don't have a basis for it.【No, not a chance】O, oh... 4393 「許されざる行為です」 "Unforgivable acts." 3672 ぼくの許せないものリストにインチ規格のボルトが入りました 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1" 持ってるレンチを小さい順に並べるとこうなる 設定したやつは狂ってる Among the things I can't forgive, bolts that are in inches have joined the list. 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1". When I order the wrenches I have from smallest to largest this is what happens. The person who made this measurement is crazy. 4018 訴えてケツの毛までむしれ Pluck up the ass's hair, too! 1698 ニューヨーク証券取引所が年明け早々ビットコインETFの立ち上げ申請 ダブルベアブルこそ投機だろ… 大丈夫かNYSE NYSE, already a request for a bitcoin ETF at the start of the year. Double bear bull is what makes it speculation... Is the NYSE okay? 1841 証券口座以外にも普通預金の預け先さがさないとなあ I should find a bank for my regular accounts, aside from my stock accounts... 1786 そもそも証言してる人の今までのお仕事の話になるから、その道に詳しい人が居なかったら、と思うとゾッとするよ Just because it is the stories about work up until now of people that gave testimonies, I think it is nonsense if none of them are familiar with the area. 2715 これは、詐欺じゃ? Isn't this a scam? 2738 それ詐欺だから That's a scam. 3393 スパコン詐欺「ニセ半導体」報道 PEZY社員でごちうさファンのスーパーエンジニア田中英行さん「立憲民主党のデマが朝日新聞として「事実」になってゆく(´・_・`)恐ろしい…。」 大体当たってる 鏡見たらわかった Supercomputer fraud "Fake Semiconductor" Report by PEZY employee, Gochiusa fan and super engineer Hideyuki Tanaka "The hoax by the Democratic Party becomes a 'fact' in the Asahi Shimbun (´・_・`) awful...." That's the gist of it. I knew when I saw the mirror. 1766 もはや詐欺…安倍首相「幼児教育無償化」の真っ赤なウソ 実現したのはそりゃ自民だってあるよ。でも民主自民とも守らなかった公約あったでしょ No more fraud... PM Abe's complete lie on "free children's education". It is the LDPs that realized it. But it was a problem that the Liberal Democratic Party did not keep 3258 カゴイケさんは~詐欺師でありますから!詐欺罪で立件されておられる人物でありますから He is a charlatan that was shown to be such! 767 試される大地 Test site. 569 センター試験:大雪で繰り下げ「1時間勉強できる」 新潟 社(会に踊らされている家)畜の鏡 National Center Test for University Admissions: test postponed due to heavy snows in Niigata: "enough time for one hour of study." Sha (being manipulated by the committee) A mirror for beasts 3934 センター試験ムーミン設問に疑問 地理B、研究者が指摘 バイキングと語族から答えは推察できるから言うほど悪問ではない 平然と問題バグりまくってる国家試験の方が問題 Questioning about Moomin questions on Center examination . Researchers point out the question of Geography B, Viking and family of languages can lead you to the answer, so the question is not so bad. The national exam which is stuck up is more scandalous 641 センター試験頑張ります❗ がんばえー I'll do my best on the admissions test❗ Good luck! 1408 センター試験でアニメの高度な知識が問われたらしい Apparently, high level knowledge of anime was tested on the National Center Test for University Admissions. 1032 センター試験でアニメの高度な知識が問われたらしい 毎年奇問出してんな。俺だったら3をマークする A high level of anime knowledge was asked at the testing center. Tricky questions are asked every year. If it was me, I would mark 3. 3612 詩織さん「準強姦」事件で検察審査会が黒塗り文書開示 検審はブラックボックスか 犯罪者がその国の最高指導者(自称)を賛美する本を書いていれば 訴追さえされないという土人国がこの世界にはあるみたいだな Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution releases censored documents regarding the "incapacitated rape" case for Shiori. Is the committee a black box? It seems like this world contains countries where if a criminal writes a book praising the (self appointed) supreme leader, then he won't get prosecuted. 1246 詩織さんの準強姦罪事件追及で法務委員会が大荒れ!「総理の友達だから逮捕されないのか!?」 Committee on Judicial Affairs in uproar over investigation into case of incapacitated rape with Shiori! 3046 詩織さんの準強姦罪事件追及で法務委員会が大荒れ!「総理の友達だから逮捕されないのか!?」 レイプ国家やで The Committee of Judicial Affairs is in an uproar upon investigation of Shiori's sexual assault crime! 「Just because she is the prime minister's friend, she's not going to be arrested!?」 This is a rape country. 82 すごくどうでもいい話していい? Can I say something really trivial? 1405 話が全く伝わらない人とは? What is behind people who totally fail to grasp conversation? 12 これでやっと話が動き出すから普天間・辺野古住民としてはホッとしてんじゃね With this things are finally happening, so Futenma / Henoko residents can relax. 2012 やっさんの話になってそうって思ったら案の定だったわ。 I was thinking what a story about Yassan would look like, and it was just as expected. 245 つらい話ですが、特捜部では「自殺者が出る事件は本物だ」と言われています。 It's a painful story, but the special investigations department said, "The case was a genuine suicide." 310 まあ、バンコックの話は、相対的にドライバーの顔つきが穏やかになって、横断歩道で止まってくれる車が多くなったってことだよ。 In contrast now days people start crossing when the driver's facial expression assures them their safety. 277 この話職場同僚ともしてたけどだから何感はある... I heard this from someone at work, and I think it is right. 1638 話題の『Airtone』製作者に“音ゲー”への溢れんばかりの愛と、VRでの新たな実験を4時間にわたり洗いざらい話してもらいました We talked for four hours with the creator of the popular "Airtone" about the outpouring of love for "rhythm games" and about new experiments in VR. 3819 話題のモルゲッソヨを折る Folding Moreugesseoyo, which is trending. 2347 どうせ話題逸らして有耶無耶にされて内閣は無傷だよ At any rate ignoring the topic and flittering around leaves the cabinet undamaged. 748 ジャンル詳しくないけど、最後の静かに終わってく感じ良かった I tried making it! 1008 こいつら認知症かよ Do these people have dementia? 4226 そんな認識で大丈夫か? Is such recognition okay? 1936 って認識かと思う I think that's what's reflected here. 1639 お誕生日おめでとうのLINEが今くる I just got the Happy Birthday wishes on LINE. 3669 誘導ミスでトレーラーに積載中の戦車を横転させて損傷させた陸曹長を減給1カ月。損害額は約3400万円。 あほくさ Sergeant major faces 1 month pay cut after misdirecting tank loaded on trailer, causing it to fall on its side and get damaged. The loss is around 34 million yen. How stupid. 170 ラーメンおいちいお(誘惑) I feel like eating ramen (temptation). 875 これは誘ってますね間違いない You're asking for it, no doubt. 2389 ヤホーじゃラトビア語翻訳はないからね It's because Yahoo won't translate Latvian. 2149 「ノルド語を話せる奴はいるか?」 "Can anybody speak Norse?" 1195 「ノルド語を話せる奴はいるか?」 バイキングの櫛を発掘、刻まれた文字に研究者興奮 Jeg kan. Is there anyone who speaks Old Nordic? A Viking comb has been excavated, and researchers are excited about the letters carved into it. 1358 誤報を元に他者を非難しといてだんまりはさすがにないですよね? Is there a story about an apology from Sankei, for censuring others based on false reports. 2177 誤報と判明 Discovered to be false alarm. 1597 【誤報】米欧日の家庭用ゲームソフト市場は14:10:1ではなく16:15:6の比だった。本当に日本はゲームの「辺境」に過ぎないのか? ここまで数値違うとさすがに印象がまるでかわってきてしまうな(笑) 【Misinformation】The Trilateral Commission's marketplace for residential use game software doesn't start at 14:10:1 but at 16:15:6. Is Japan really nothing more than a remote region? If the numbers this far are inaccurate, then of course you get the impression that we're starving for games haha. 2840 誤情報は20倍速く拡散 ツイッターの投稿分析 「嘘は作品」だからね Misinformation is like a20 speed CD drive, scattering Twitter posts that have been analyzed. Remember, a lie is a work of fiction. 376 誤った「緊急警報」届くトラブルが一部のスマホに発生 消防庁は配信を否定 うちのASUSには届いてない。関東の人だけ? Some smartphones receive erroneous emergency alerts. Fire Department denies having sent them. My ASUS device didn't get any. Is this limited to Kanto area users? 1743 あー、誤読してた。スマンコ Oh, I misread it. 859 その説はある That's one theory. 2146 説明動画とスクショにUIを映してないのがセコい。 It's cheap how the explanatory videos and screenshots don't show the UI. 1400 タイトルだけ読む人から誤解されそうなタイトルだな This thread title is the kind to mislead people who don't click through to the article. 3576 まともにやっても読売朝日毎日の3強に勝てないので、 Even if Sankei works in an honest way, they can’t beat the big three of Asahi, Yomiuri, and Mainichi. 47 読書家って尊敬する I respect readers. 1681 読テレ社長 「ミヤネ屋」視聴率巻き返し必要…勝負は「生の機動力」 ミヤネ屋 ミネーヤ Satori TV chief. The 'Myane House' audience rating needs revision. .. The result is 'raw mobility'. Myane House. Myane. 583 読者サークルの感想に噛みついて炎上した作家・古野まほろさん、その輝かしき経歴が日本に一人いるかいないかレベルのあり得なさで詐称疑惑が噴出する 役所エリートコース(文系)入省(この場合入庁か)後留学だったならば PhD取得が目的でなく政治学や国際関係論の修士課程に留学させる方が むしろ一般的ともいえる(別にアカデミックキャリア自体が目的でないから) 。 また、年代によるけれど20世紀中のフランス社会科学系への留学なら PhDまで取って来るのはかなり少数だと思う。 Controversial Tweets from Lauded Author Mahoro Furuno in Response to Book Club's Impressions\\nGovernment Elite Course (Liberal Arts) Entering the ministry (in this case the agency), and if you're going to study abroad, rather than aiming for a PHD, I've heard it is popular to study abroad for a master's in political science or international relations (not necessarily for an academic career). Also, perhaps due to the times, in the 20th century there were few who studied abroad up to a PHD in French society. 4247 ほんとにおまえ誰だよ Who are you really? 3160 「いったい誰なんだ!?」 "Who on earth is this!?" 3340 誰の上でも腰を振るビッチ They're sluts that hump whoever they want. 2199 誰より先に新年にオナニーしてスレ立てようとしてる人いるでしょ 初オナニーのネタがいまだに思いつかない 戌年だから首輪ものでいくか Who will masturbate first on the new year, and wear themselves out. I can't think of material for the first wank Because it is underage, maybe it is some sort of collar? 473 誰かゲロると周りも続々とゲロりだす If one person vomits all those around start vomiting too. 1835 「誰か太陽系の惑星を美少女化した学園物で、地球ちゃんがことあるごとに『貧乳じゃないもん!』と言うアニメを作るべきだ」 "Someone should make a school life animation about a solar system in which each planet is a beautiful girl and and the girl who is earth says 'My boobs aren't tiny!'" 3632 誰のネタだか忘れたけど、『小便器にはトンカチ・女子便器にはくぎ抜き』っていう I don't remember where it's from, but there's the phrase "For a urinal it's a hammer, for a women's toilet it's a nail puller". 2416 誰が払ったとか誰がクビとか心底どうでもいい As for who paid and who get's fired, from the bottom of my heart I really don't care. 3476 誰かスコットランドのスラング知りたい? 私の親はLaphroaig 10やArdgerg 10がある! Brewdogは人気よ!友達はBrewdogの株式買って毎年に株式ある人のイベント行ける。 Does anyone want to know scottish slang? My parents have Laphroaig 10 and Ardgerg 10! Brewdog is popular! My friend bought Brewdog stocks, and every year they can go to events that people who own stocks can go to. 2197 誰でも「美少女バーチャルYouTuber」になれるアプリ登場 そう、iPhone Xならね 美少女()っていっても声はおっさんな訳じゃん それでも見てる方はちんちん反応するの? New app lets anybody be a "Beautiful Girl Virtual YouTuber". Yeah, if you have an iPhone X. Even if it says beautiful girl, the voice will still be that of a middle aged man. Will that still get a reaction out of the penises of the viewers? 929 「こんなもん誰が買うんでい」サイバーマンデーでLLLみを感じるものを見つけたら貼るスレ 'Who bought that thing" On Cyber Monday, pasting if you discover something that feels like an LLL. 944 誰が餌やるかで揉めてそう I bet they're fighting over who gets to feed them. 2345 ツムツムで課金しちゃった I ended up spending money on the TSUM TSUM phone game. 2346 「課金がスマホ依存をやわらげた」ってどういうこと? What does it mean that "paying for phone games weakens smartphone addiction"? 1902 「課金がスマホ依存をやわらげた」ってどういうこと? “ゲームを用いて社会貢献した研究”に贈られるFOST賞が発表 各者を見ていって うん…うん…うん!?…はい… ってなった What does it mean to say that 'billing has reduced smart phone dependency'\\n\\n'The announcement of the FOST prize, awarded to research that contributes to society using games. Lot of people around. Woo woo!' 1675 課金勢初めて見たかも This might be the first fruits of paying for the game I've seen. 1559 【マンガでわかる】課金の心理的抵抗をなくすテクニック8選! この内容でPR記事ワラタ "Understanding with Manga." Techniques to get rid of your low psychological resistance to pay for items in online games, #8! The contents of this article have to be some kind of PR move haha. 4221 課金すると“推し”に高級肉が届く? If you charge will high grade meat reach "inferiority"? 1156 *調べたら、リーグ戦では4点取ってるっぽいね。 *When I looked into it, in league play he usually scores 4 points. 4235 ハースストーンがバランス調整 「パッチーズ」が大幅弱体化でtwitterトレンド入り メアは7/3/3で良かったと思うんだが 強化したやつ処理しても5/5残るのが糞なんだよ 漁り蟲はもうコモンでいいだろこれ ラザとパチ男はどうせスタン落ちするからどうでもいい で心霊絶叫は? Hearthstone balance changes. "Patches" is trending on Twitter after being nerfed significantly. I think making Bonemare a 7/3/3 would have been good, but now even if you deal with the buffed minion there's still a 5/5 on the board, which is horrible. For Corridor Creeper it might as well be a common now. Raza and Patches are going to drop from Standard anyway so whatever. And what about Psychic Scream? 2718 エクスペディア調査 Expedia investigation. 4180 調理時にむせないよう防毒マスクを着ける Putting a gas mask when you cook to not coughing up. 0 リニア談合は特捜部が断念した案件だった The special investigations department has given up on linear discussions. 4285 トレハロース論争 Trehalose controversy. 4285 論文紹介を書いた人は経歴上、京都大学医学部卒から7年医者をしてその後教授の立場らしいが、結論が稚拙すぎやしないだろうか。 It seems as though the person who wrote the introduction for the article graduated from Kyoto University Medical School and was a doctor for seven years then a professor after that, but isn't the conclusion a bit too childish? 2832 諦めてグーパンで潰そう I gave up and had to punch it in. 1747 諭吉握りしめてチョコレート売り場に行ったのだけれど低賃金が染み付いているので千円を超えるチョコレートは買えませんでした うーんハーシーうまうま。 この薬っぽい味。 I clasped the 10,000 yen note and went to the chocolate store, but because of the low wages I couldn't buy chocolate over 1,000 yen. Oh dear... Tastes like medicine. 2818 イスラエルとアラブ諸国の埋まらない食の溝 溝じゃなくて築いてるのは壁だけどね The gap of no food in Israel and other Arab countries Although the wall is built without a gap 1723 謎の人物「ダークネス玉葱君」を直撃 Directly attacking the mysterious “Darkness Onion Boy.” North Korea is continuing their cyber attacks on Nikoniko website. 1191 謎の巨大観音像写真から始まった歴史ミステリー、Twitterユーザーの呼びかけで正体判明 Historical mysteries, as requested by Twitter users. 1125 謎の巨大観音像写真から始まった歴史ミステリー、Twitterユーザーの呼びかけで正体判明 この捜索劇が Yahoo ニュースになっとるw Puzzling photo of giant Kannon launches historical mystery; appeal from Twitter users leads to truth: Feel like this search drama's taking over Yahoo News lol 4025 謎の水装置問題(2018年) Mysterious water equipment problem (2018) No way out. 1286 「謎の若松組が換気扇から出現」ハイッ「ニワトリになった弟とオヤジ」ハイッ「宇宙人の女の子を助けた」ハイッ「お前は石原裕次郎の息子だ」ハイッ! 統合失調症の人たちが自分の闘病体験を元に作った「幻聴妄想かるた」発表 なんで女の子である必要があるんですか(正論) "Mysterious Wakamatsu Group appears from ventilation fan." Hai "Little brother and uncle that became chickens." Hai "Saved an alien girl." Hai "You are Ishihara Yujiro's son." Hai! Created by people with schizophrenia based on their own experiences, "Genchou Mousou Karuta" announced. Why is it necessary that it be a girl? (Fair argument) 980 謎の達人感ある This guy has the aura of a mysterious genius. 2525 なんで謝らないんだろ? It's a good practice to quickly apologize for these things, so why won't he apologize? 2525 こんなのちゃちゃっと謝っていい事例だろうに Prime Minister Abe refuses to apologize to Mr. Morikake. 1181 サイトで謝罪 Just stop it. 1774 【謝罪】超人気バーチャルユーチューバーに訴えられそうです… : はちま起稿 アフィカス冷えてるか~? [Apology] It looks like the super popular Virtual YouTube Bar has been sued...: Hachima post Is the illegal affiliate business cooling down? 3519 警告!次の震災は国民の半数が被災者になる 「日本ほど安心安全な国はない(脳死)」 Warning! The next earthquake disaster will take half of the citizens of Japan. “There is not a country as safe and at ease as Japan (brain dead).” 1226 警官が2時間車制止、ビデオ撮影… Police officer stops a car for 2 hours, video surveillance... Investigation determine it was "against the law". 3501 インドネシア警察、トランスジェンダー12人拘束し断髪 Police in Indonesia have detained 12 transgender people and cut their hair. 51 警察、ガチで児童ポルノ単純所持を取り締まり始める。 警視庁の警部補ら3人が逮捕。 児ポはDVDが中心なのか? 合法AV/IVはBDや配信でHD画質以上が基本だろ Police begin earnestly cracking down on child porn possession Three Metropolitan Police Department officers arrested. Are they focusing on child porn DVDs? For legal AV/IV, HD quality through BD and streaming is the standard, wouldn't you say? 1243 スリランカの警察官、ゾウに追いかけられ自動小銃紛失 Sri Lankan Police officer, chased by elephant, loses firearm. 884 警察庁有識者検討会 National Police Agency expert conference. 1347 警察庁、ドラッグレイプが疑われる場合には血液や尿を採取して証拠保全をするように指示 The Police Agency of Japan has instructed those who suspect that they have been drug raped to gather and save all proof, be it blood, urine, or whatever else. 94 警察「もう把握してるから賞金は無しね」 Police 'We already know this, so there is no reward money. 293 警戒範囲を3キロに拡大 The caution area has expanded 3 kilometers. 3910 警視庁👮‍♂️👮‍♀️「明けましておめでとう!ロリコンども7200人分の名簿を入手したから新年から震えて眠れ」 Police 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️"Happy New Year! 2928 議事録改竄は? What about falsification of records? 3032 ノルウェー議会がドラッグ非犯罪化へ「薬物依存症者に罰ではなく治療と助けを」 Norway's congress makes drugs no longer a crime. 3322 議員様「力士、体でかいから別のことできない。相撲協会が潰れたら露頭に迷う」 77の議員よりは潰しがきくだろ Assemblyman: "Sumo wrestlers have large bodies so they can't do anything else. If the sumo association falls apart then they'll be on the streets." They're more prone to breaking than a 77 year old assemblyman. 2524 議員様「力士、体でかいから別のことできない。相撲協会が潰れたら露頭に迷う」 Congressman "wrestler, I cannot do different things with a big body. 183 議員様「力士、体でかいから別のことできない。相撲協会が潰れたら露頭に迷う」 わし舞の海より図体でかいけど普通に働けとりまっせ Diet member states,”Sumo wrestlers have a big body so they cannot do anything else.” I have a bigger body than Mainoumi but I can work normally. 715 護衛艦「いずも」空母化…離島防衛の拠点に : 政治 : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE) 大柄な機体で航続距離あって兵曹山盛りつめるロシア製Suシリーズが我国の離島防衛的に正解だつたのにアメリカにうんこ戦闘機買わされてる Making the "Izumo" destroyer into an aircraft carrier... In position to defend an isolated island: Politics: Yomiuru Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE) The Russian Su series, which has a wide cruising range, a large fuselage and can hold a full measure of soldiers is what can protect our nations isolated islands Even though we got the correct answer for defense, we were made to buy this shitty aircraft from America instead 468 あれを谷が私的に送信したものだって言い訳で無理やり押し通せてる現状が異常なだけ It’s just odd that Tani is forcefully pushing this excuse that she had sent it privately. 3753 どうぞ すまん… また豆天狗行くから許して… Please, sorry... I'm going to Mametengu again, so please forgive me... 3083 そんな豪胆な6歳いるかよ オトナンサー to hell if there is such a bold 6 year old. 1462 豪雪で立ち往生の車に500人前 餃子の王将、無償で こんなことされたら俺もちょろりんQで一回は足運んじゃうわ There is almost 500 people at the car stuck in a lot of snow. If the king of gyoza were to have this happen to them, I would move my feet fast \\nto help. 3034 タコ「貝シールド!」 Octopus "shell shield!" 2927 負債総額16億円超 Super "Yamato" has declared personal bankruptcy, with aggregate debt over 16 billion Yen. 3531 財務官僚「親分の奥さん、部下は守る」 改ざんの背景は ヤクザ組織よりおっかねーゾ 内閣人事局 普通のヤクザなら、末端組織の親分の襲名には口出ししてくるけど幹部の人事まではイジってこねーもん Financial bureaucracy “underlings will protect the yakuza boss’ wife”\\nThe forgery is without a doubt, Yakuza involved. \\n \\nCabinet Personnel Bureau\\n\\nYakuza usually inherit the name of the boss but that usually doesn’t go to the higher ups.\\n\\n 1573 財務省で2人目の“自殺” A second member of the Ministry of finance has committed "suicide." 1506 財務省でメールが60日削除される件について、意見を募りたい。野党の中高年の議員さんはよく分かってないみたいなんで、メールで意見を送ろうと思うんで相談に乗って欲しい The Ministry of Finance is seeking opinions over deleting 60 days worth of emails. 468 財務省の”乱”で佐川国税庁長官を国会招致? With the disorder in the Ministry of Finance, has National Tax Agency Director Sagawa been invited to Parliament? 2705 財務省、「1億3千」の音声データ存在認める The Finance Ministry admits to the existence of "one hundred million and three thousand" files of voice recordings. 1269 財務省入手、開示せず Three days previous the Ministry of Finance obtained the unfalsified document, did not release it. 3738 財務省前理財局長 Former financial director of the Ministry of Finance. 668 財務省幹部:全78ページのうち62ページで書き換え Finance Minister Official: Rewrite 62 pages out of all 78 pages. 2594 財務省幹部:全78ページのうち62ページで書き換え これ半分書き下ろしだろ 書き換えってか改ざん、偽造の類 Treasury executives: rewrites 62 pages out of total of 78 pages That means it's half newly written Rather than calling it a rewrite it's kind of a falsification and forgery 1871 なぜか財務省や政府を批判せず民進を批判してる奴はネトウヨ未満だわ For some reason, criticising the DPP without criticising government agencies like the Ministry of Finance is a netouyo trick. 4454 財務省文書、「国会答弁との整合性」で書き換え Rewritten in Ministry of Finance document, "consistency with National Assembly Response." 4345 財務省、森友交渉記録「まだ存在」=参院予算委 「今から消しま~す(笑)」 The Ministry of Finance states Moritomo negotiation records "still exist" = Upper House Budget Committee "We'll erase it now (haha)" 2142 財務省、森友文書の書き換え認める方針 あす国会報告 麻生太郎氏、辞任せず 辞任なんかせんでいいからクサいメシ食ってこい Ministry of Finance, Moritomo document alteration acknowledgement plan. Tomorrow Diet report, Asao Taro will not resign. He doesn't have to be forced to resign, but he needs to go eat some stinky food. 1951 いまさら? 財務省が破棄したはずの森友学園記録を300ページ提出! 嘘確定の佐川国税庁長官をすぐ国会招致せよ 逮捕だ逮捕 Now this document appears at this late date? The minutes of the Moritomo Gakuen affair, which the Ministry of Finance was supposed to have discarded, now show up, 300 pages in all! Sagawa, director of the National Tax Agency, is behind the false income tax returns. Summon him to the Diet at once! Arrest him, arrest him! 3552 貧乳はステータス Tits are a status symbol. 1285 「貧困層」が急拡大している欧州のリアル 「ベーシックインカム」では解決できない 課税なんかしなくても現時点で日本企業の大株主は日本政府なので 溜め込んだ内部留保を配当として吐き出せって要求することは現状のシステムで十分可能なんだよね そうやって得た金でBIでもやれば「大企業バラマキ」とか言って批判してた左翼もついてくるだろ Europe cannot solve its problem of increasing poverty through the 'basic income'. In present day Japan, most shares in Japanese companies are held by the government, so even if no taxes are collected, internal reserves can be paid out as a claimed dividend, and this would be sufficient. If this payment is made with money or with BI, then the left wing will come down on company favouritism. 1654 ネトウヨは貧困層なのに自民に投票して自分の首絞めてる阿呆、なんて言ってるわけではないよ Right wingers are fools who despite being in the poor class vote for the Liberal Democratic Party and dig their own graves, it's not like that's what they're saying. 1654 貧困層といえば自身がそうだから、わざわざ自分を差別する発言をしたのかと意外に思ったんだ If they are talking about the poor class then that includes themselves as well, so I was surprised at how they went out of their way to discriminate against themselves. 175 貧困率を改善させた第二次安倍政権だって2013,2014年までは正規減、非正規増だったんだよ? Even under the second Abe cabinet, in which the poverty rate improved, up until 2013 / 2014 regular employment decreased while irregular employment increased, you know? 3600 貧すれば鈍するってマジなんすねぇ I guess the old proverb that "Poverty dulls the wit" is true. 3242 モンハン販促女「バレンタインの日、もちまんさん連休で居なかったからあげなかった」 Monster Hunter sales promotion lady says, “Mr. 2196 イケアが販売したマシュマロに小さなネズミ🐀が混入していたため、自主回収開始 まじかよのらきゃっと最低だな IKEA begins voluntary recall because marshmallows they sold had mice in them. Seriously? Wild cats are the worst. 633 「モンパチ」が貫く自然体 It is the nature that MONGOL800 excels at. 3588 責任は双方にはないだろ There's no way both parties are at fault. 3821 「責任ある政策ではない」 "It's not a responsible policy." 1029 責任が漢字一文字なのは上級国民だけやしな The people that should be taking the responsibility are the elite upper class. 738 キヌアミックスなるものを貰った 肉にかけそう I got some Quinoa mix It looks like a meat filler 1554 貰える頃には破綻してるしどうせ死んでる By the time I get anything back it will be a broken system and I'll probably be dead anyway. 3770 しかし貴乃花もこれだけボロクソにされて恨み言や暴露の一つも出さんのだからその点では凄まじいストイックさだよなぁ However, with Takanohana being treated like garbage like this and not complaining or revealing things at all, it really is quite stoic. 3770 貴乃花が洗いざらい暴露してマスコミ味方にしてたら倒れてたのは相撲協会の方だったろうに If Takanohana revealed everything to get the media on his side, then it probably would have been the Japan Sumo Association that collapsed. 476 貴乃花親方に厳罰!業務停止か理事から降格も…やっと弁護士同伴で聴取、28日処分へ 相撲協会の思惑・掟>法律の世界 なぜ示談に持っていかなかったんだっていう協会の闇の声が聞こえる 公益通報者を組織でリンチする国技 A sever punishment to Takanohana's stable master! His business activities will cease or he will be demoted from the board of directors. Finally the hearing will go with along with the lawyers and the punishment will commence on the 28th. The Sumo Association's ulterior motives ・arrangement>The world of law. You can hear the dark voice of the association wonder why this wasn't settled out of court. The national sport where the informant for the public good is lynched by the organization. 4403 貴乃花について、どこかの親方がコメント「大切な力士を預かっている意識が薄い」 Regarding Takanohana, some stable master commented, "His feelings for the precious sumo wrestlers are weak." 1997 貴乃花親方「あーす」1秒で早退、LLLerも見習いたいスピード早退 入門待ったなし Takanohana Oyakata "aaaaahhh" I left 1 second early, I wanted to learn how to LLLer and sped too quickly, I didn't wait at the entrance. 3770 貴乃花親方が落選、一門外の支持伸びず Takanohana loses, support doesn't extend to other sumo stables. 4225 貴乃花親方が落選、一門外の支持伸びず 相撲理事候補選 それを踏まえると貴親方現役復帰で土俵で斃れると Without an increase in outside support, Stablemaster Takanohana was defeated in the election for Director of the Japan Sumo Association. Following the election, Stablemaster Takanohana might fall down in the ring when he actively returns. 512 貴族みある It's aristocratic. 3370 それニートじゃなくて貴族 They'd be considered nobility, not unemployed. 4060 貴音「これはまた綿羊な……」 ??「ひつじ郎!ひつじ郎じゃないか!もうひつじ郎のゴハン食べたりしないから一緒に帰るさ~」 Takane "is this another sheep...." ?? "Hitsujirou! its you Hitsujirou! I wont eat your food anymore Hitsujirou so lets go home together" 1330 でもセールきても買わないでしょ But even if there's a sale I probably won't buy it. 3469 ブラックフライデーなんか買うた? Did you buy something on black friday? 1566 ルーター買った I bought a router. 1891 ゼルダとベヨネッタ買ったぞぉい I bought Zelda and Bayonetta. 3995 買ってる人逆に童貞っぽい TENGA The people buying this are the opposite of virgins. 3827 あんときビットコイン買っとけば俺も今頃・・・ ワロリンヌ If I had bought Bitcoin that one time, by now I would be... LOL 107 あんときビットコイン買っとけば俺も今頃・・・ 絶対に上がって上がり幅が大きいコインを大量に買いたいのは誰でも同じ この3つから1つ諦めろ If you're ready to buy Bitcoin at that time, I'll also do it around now... It's absolutely going to go up and up, the difference will be huge Everyone who wants to buy a large quantity of coins is the same Out of those three, give up on one 2656 モンハン買え女も今月から夜勤って・・・ ホイホイのったら狩られるのか Buy Monster Hunter This month that girl is gonna work the night shift... if she's easy, maybe I can hunt her? 399 「買って応援」という文言をよく見かけるので、じゃあ何か買ってみようかなと思ったのだけれどほしいものが見つからない 最近は好きなウェブ漫画がすぐ連載打ち切りに追い込まれてるから、なるべく単行本は買うようにしている 漫画なら「買って応援」は既にしてたな…これで連載が続いてくれたらぼくの労働も無意味ではなかった I often see the phrase "vote with your wallet", so I thought I'd buy something, but I couldn't find what I wanted Recently, the webcomics that I like are being driven to end serialization, so I make sure to buy the book volumes as much as possible As far as manga is concerned, I've been "voting with my wallet" in the meanwhile... If the series continues from here, then my work wasn't in vain 14 クロスバイク買ってよかったと思うけど同時にママチャリすげぇなって思った I thought it would be great to buy a bike with a cross bar, but at the same time, the lady's style bike looks cool. 2654 スカイリム買って感想かいて I'm gonna buy Skyrim and write my impressions of it. 1829 ペットのヨウムがネットで買い物 飼い主の声まねてAIスピーカーで注文 TIL ヨウムというオウムっぽい鳥がいる オウム目インコ科ヨウム属 Buy a Pet African Gray Parrot online, Order an AI speaker called TIL Gray Parrot, a large parrot in the parrot bird family, that imitates the owners voice. 3995 コンビニで買える「精力ドリンク」飲み比べ!王道・凄十から飲むTENGAまで Drink test comparison of "Energy Drinks" that you can buy at convenience stores. 1922 ネットで「ふぐのひれ」を買って、自宅で極上の“ひれ酒”をつくってみた。 I bought some blowfish fins online and tried my hand at making the ultimate braized fin over sake. 861 ネットで買った製品に開封した形跡が……あなたならどうする? また君かあ、壊れるなあ There are signs that the item I ordered online has already been opened...\\nIf it was you, what would you do? \\nYou again? It is going to break. 3119 ネットで買った製品に開封した形跡が……あなたならどうする? 箱蹴り職人を恨む Evidence of an item purchased online having been opened... If it were you what would you do? Hate the worker who kicked the box. 845 サイコン買おうか迷う… Wondering whether to buy a PC game. 2083 買ったスマホ、モバイルデータ通信どころかアンテナが立たないんだけど…… I bought a smartphone. 1185 買ったスマホ、モバイルデータ通信どころかアンテナが立たないんだけど…… やばそう The smartphone I bought, the mobile data isn't working at all although the antenna isn't standing up...... piece of junk 614 買ったスマホ、モバイルデータ通信どころかアンテナが立たないんだけど…… 寄らば大樹の陰やで About the smartphone I bought, it's not even the mobile data's signal but the antenna isn't even standing up...... Man, look for a big tree when you want shelter 946 パン買う金あったらジン買ってそう If they have money to buy bread, I bet they bought gin instead. 845 ガーミン買ってピロピロ鳴らそう I could buy a Garmin and keep beeping and pinging. 3826 どうする? ちん貸契約 What are you going to do about the lease agreement? 3779 レッテルを貼って悦に入ってる Slap on a label and be happy about it. 2946 賃上げ1.5%分、増税で帳消し 社会保険料や消費税 増えぬ「手取り」 皆自殺願望持ちなのか 末期症状だな The wage increase was offset by a tax increase. With social insurance and consumption tax "Net Income" doesn't increase. Do they want everyone to kill themselves? This is a sign of the end. 3355 マクドナルド、賃金水準アップで2年間で過去最大の大赤字から過去最高の黒字へ なぜ許された感があるのか不思議 With wages rising, McDonalds went from the worst debt to the highest profit in 2 years why does it feel like it's forgiven, it's mysterious 4461 マクドナルド、賃金水準アップで2年間で過去最大の大赤字から過去最高の黒字へ 食中毒で死んでも当たり前だろこの属国豚 McDonald's wage level increases in 2 years from the biggest loss in the past to a record high surplus. No wonder even if I die of food poisoning. This belongs to a pig. 231 資格取るって大変なんだね Getting qualifications is tough, for most psychology related qualifications. 1856 もはや資金の限界…「いまも飛べる零戦」が海外流出の危機 売却金額は3億5千万円、維持費は年間約2000万円 わからないな、日本の保守はこういうものにこそ金をかけるべきだと思うのだけど 遊就館の動かない零戦よりよっぽどインパクトあるだろうに Now the fund limit... "The Zero Fighter that can still fly" has an overseas information leak crisis about its 300,005,000 yen selling price, and the maintenance costs of about 20,000,000 yen per year. I think that Japanese conservation should spend money on these kinds of things but there is a much larger impact than the Yushukan's immobile zero fighter. 4314 賛成しなかった国と「友情の宴」 A "friendship banquet" with countries we did not agree with. 2472 「ママのスパゲッティで賞」や「うぉぉぉぁぁぁぁ、マジか! 2.0 で賞」を決める“Steam Awards 2017”ノミネート作品が発表 言い訳は無用で賞にHuniePopがあってワロタ ウィトルウィウスの精神で賞のI am Breadとかもなんだよ The "Steam Awards 2017" nominated works that decide 「ママのスパゲッティで賞」and「うぉぉぉぁぁぁぁ、マジか! 2.0 で賞」have been announced. With no excuses needed, I laughed that HuniePop was included in the prizes. With Vitruvius' mindset, what's up with the things like the prize's "I am Bread"? 262 賞味期限間近の非常食 Emergency rations that are approaching their expiration date. 3229 [質問]今、日本の政治を変えるために我々ができることは何がある? [Question] What can we do to change the government in Japan? 1561 アレクサ、うんち 質問する ↓ アレクサ「半年ROMれ」 新参に厳しいスマートスピーカー I asked Alexa about poop. Alexa replied, saying that I can't read situations. This is a very harsh smart speaker. 2686 質問時間が増えた自民党議員「首相を見ていると本当は平昌五輪に行きたくないと感じる。インフルエンザもはやっているので罹患するという手もある」 野党は「公の場で首相にズル休みを提案するような与党のレベルにあきれる」と批判 あべぴょんなら死んでもらっても結構だけどな Liberal Democratic Party Diet member who was granted extra time for questions "When I look at the prime minister I feel a sense of not really wanting to go to the Pyeongchang Olympics. Infulenza is going around, so there's also the strategy of getting sick." Opposition party fires back, "I can't believe your party would stoop to the level of publicly accusing the prime minister of playing truant." Even if Abe died that'd be fine. 1369 「ここはオランダです、質問には答えないと」 トランプの派遣した「フェイクニュース」米大使を記者団が質問責め 日本には忖度があるので、それすら要らないまである "This is the Netherlands, I will not answer the question" Reporters blamed the US ambassador dispatched by Trump for "Fake News" Because we have so much conjecture in Japan, even that is there until you don't need it anymore 1983 ベルギーの賭博委員会が『SWBF2』『オーバーウォッチ』などに搭載する「ルートボックス」をギャンブルに認定。欧州全域での禁止を要請 わいも反対である The Belgian gaming committee certified "Route Box" to be installed in "SWBF 2", "Overwatch", etc. as gambling. It is contrary to all of Europe's ban request. 904 サブレごと購読したった Subscribed to Sable. 4221 あんまり贈るとデブるので注意 Becareful not to increase too much or you will become fat. 4456 赤坂見附がエグかった…… Akasaka Mitsuke was awoken... 3174 レビューが赤壁炎上状態に Reviewers up in arms. 3174 赤壁炎上とはうまいこと言いよる Up in arms is a nice expression. 4057 赤外線温度計楽しいい ぼくの書いたポストだね えっへん Infra red thermometers are fun. the posts i write are fun haha 204 赤池、池田の圧力事件に話題が移ってるね The topic is shifting to the coercion incident with Akaike and Ikeda. 4496 ばーさんの赤貝なら許してあげた I would've forgiven if they hadn't escaped with the 100 horsepower modified fishing boat. 2612 おかんが走る おとんは? Mom runs What about dad? 2911 走鳥類の怖さは異常。もし家にいたらとか考えると、怖くて眠れなくなる。 手が羽になっただけで恐竜じゃん 人類は滅亡する The scariness of running birds is abnormal. If you think about one being in your home, you'd be too scared to sleep. It's just a dinosaur with hands turned into feathers. They will make mankind extinct. 448 起承転結が綺麗に決まりすぎだろこの話 I wonder why that is. 3198 カフェで起業する人がだいたい失敗する理由 The reason most people who start a cafe fail. 4430 はちま起稿やnetgeekの記事をわりとよくツイートしていた They had a relatively high number of Tweets about Hachima Kikou and netgeek articles. 2078 超やりたい I wanna play so badly. 538 バナメイエビを超える・・・のか They'll be more bent over than a shrimp... 2533 「超人ロック」漫画家の聖悠紀氏 昨年12月に心停止 心臓手術で2カ月入院していた 新谷かおるも柴田昌弘も引退しちゃったし 巨神殖装ガイバーも何時完結するか分からんからなぁ Mr. Yuki Sakurai, cartoonist of "superhuman rock," was hospitalized for cardiac arrest in December of last year for 2 months. Kaoru Shintaniya and Masahiro Shibata also retired and I don't know when the giant guy will be completed 3664 ペヤング超大盛をおかずにお米食べたい I want to eat rice with a ton of peyang as a side dish. 2635 超レアなサメ捕獲、エイリアンのように突き出す顎 An extremely rare shark has been captured, and it has an alien like protruding jaw. 1306 超新星の「ビフォーアフター」、アマチュア天文家が偶然撮影 オレオアイスに空見した。 An amateur astronomer accidentally captures a supernova "before and after" I saw the sky in my Oreo ice cream 1 超有望!「人工食肉」が世界を救う根本理由 Super promising! 346 シノアリス超えたらまたスレ立てて If you cross over to SINoALICE set up a thread. 1311 【超緊急速報】日本の12月、暑い☀️ どーせ明後日またぶるっちょさむさむスレ立てなきゃならなくなるんだから… [Super urgent news flash] December in Japan is hot ☀️ At any rate the day after tomorrow I'll have to make a thread talking about how it's absolutely freezing... 156 超頑張る I'm really going to do my best! 1937 越乃寒梅っておいしいの? Does Koshino Kanbai taste good? 3628 でも趣味で個人開発続けてくれないかなあ But I wonder if he'll continue developing projects he's interested in on his own. 4486 「趣味はスキーと映画鑑賞、映画は年間100本はみる。料理は特にイタリアンに拘ります」 "Hobbies are skiing and watching moves, seeing 100 movies a year, cooking is particularly concerned with Italian." 2125 足ピンしとる Clenching leg muscles. 2114 パイロットが足りない! Not enough pilots! 2367 足は性器 I'm getting aroused from my leg..." The leg is a sex organ. 1341 アイマスから足を洗った 声優が政治家云々で じゃりん子チエの中の人が地方だか国家だか議員やってなかったかと思い出した俺はおっさんなんだろうなぁ I washed my legs blindfold. I am a voice actor, originally a politician. I remember whether the person in the Jarinko Chie animation was a regional or national level representative. I am now an old man. 3683 アイマスから足を洗った 運営から詫び石配布じゃねーのか。。。 方向性が逆ですげぇ I'm not playing Idol Master anymore. The management issued an apology. They're not giving out rocks... It's amazing that their course of action is the opposite. 4452 足が細すぎるぞ俺 Your legs are too thin 2387 足羽山の笏谷石坑道内の池で In a pond within a mine shaft on Asuwa Mountain. 2367 「うわぁ……足で興奮するんだ……」 "Ahh... 2460 「うわぁ……足で興奮するんだ……」 ふともも←わかる ふくらはぎ←わかる 足の裏←わからない 「oh.... they get excited with just the feet....」thighs ←I understand. Calves ← I understand. The soles of the feet ← I don't understand. 2055 足でかいからトンガリ靴履けないよ My feet are so big that I can't wear those pointy shoes. 3142 ロキソニンじゃ足りないレベルの頭痛がするw This is enough to cause a headache that can't be helped by Loxoprofen haha 3178 踏み抜き防止、安全帯着用が必須の現場だこれ Solid foot protection and a safety line are essential for this kind of job. 2377 ゾウに踏み潰されるロヒンギャ、すみかを追われて感電死するゾウ        \  /        / / ピシャーン       く <        ,\\     :::: ',∴//∵・_::::    ::::::::::';人・:::::::::::     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\< くそがあああああああああ        | ・ U      |       | |ι        |つ     U||  ̄ ̄ || Rohingya people trampled by elephant, driven from home and electrocuted to death.\\n        \  /        / / ピシャーン       く <        ,\\     :::: ',∴//∵・_::::    ::::::::::';人・:::::::::::     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\< くそがあああああああああ        | ・ U      |       | |ι        |つ     U||  ̄ ̄ || 193 身体に悪いもの食ってるという背徳感がいい It also has that "bad for your body" aspect that feels good. 3296 身内や近い存在(昭恵、加計孝太郎)に恥をかかせたくないと思ってるんじゃないだろうか He becomes emotional when asked someone by Akie in the Diet. 1033 身バレの危機? Danger of revealing your identity? 3009 まぁ、身請前だったら問題で、嫁にしたら問題なしなんかな Well, I guess it's a problem if you pay to get someone out of bondage, but not a problem if you marry them. 3002 この車両のどこかにワキガがいる A body odor is coming from somewhere in this car. 1736 あくまでも車両のはなしです At the end of the day it is a story about vehicles 310 車と人、どうしたら譲り合いできる Cars and pedestrians, how can we coexist? 115 ガソリン車、存続の危機…エンジン部品メーカー、生産撤退始まる Gasoline cars are in a continued crisis... Engine makers have started to cease production. 2585 車にかかる年間費用100万円超…車を手放せばお金が貯まる 消滅自治体に住むのはやめよう 未来はないしまじむり 消滅日本に住むのはやめよう 未来はないしまじむり Annual cost on a car is over 1 million yen... If I let go of the car it will save me some money I'm going to stop living in disappearing municipal There's no future and I really can't do this Let's not live in disappearing Japan There's no future and I really can't do this 2017 たくさん車さばいてると運転席だけ確認してオーケー出したつもりが左ハンドルでまだ運転手残ってたとかありそう "the car's acceleration speed" This is scary I was checking out a lot of cars and confirmed the drivers seat was okay its likely that the driver still has left hand drive 3509 軍人「大統領、辞任して下さい」与党「大統領を党首から解任し、弾劾します」国民「ムガベ辞めろ!」大統領(93)「・・・ムガベちゃんはー!大統領をー!やめへんでー!」 ジンバブエ大統領がテレビ演説、辞任表明せず 混乱に拍車 アフリカの晋三 日本のムガベ The military is saying, “Mr. President, resign.” The party in power is saying, “release the president from party leadership and impeach him.” The citizens are, “resign Mugabe!” The president (93 years old) is saying, “Mukabe....will not... quit the presidency!”\\nThe President of Zimbabwe is lecturing on TV and showing no sign of resigning. \\nThe spures are in chaos. Africa’s Shinzo and Japan’s Mugabe 622 転生したらスライムだった件は面白い 'Slime' incidents are interesting 191 (軽い感想 (not serious thoughts) 1736 やっぱり軽自動車を廃止するべきでは? Light vehicles should just be abolished? 1164 軽蔑するような目でパンツ見せてくれる女の子←これ 屋外ならなおいい A girl who shows her underwear while wearing a look of contempt ←This It's even better if it's outdoors 2428 輝夜月ちゃんの荒削りな感じよいよね The rough style of Kaguya Luna is great. 2693 「輝く社会」目標達成せず "Shining society" goal not yet reached. 3080 【いらすとや】パンジャンドラムのイラスト 輪入道のパクリ 【Irasutoya】Illustration of Panjandrum Lifted from Wanyudo 2379 輪行袋持って遠出しよう I think I'll take my bike wheel bag and go on a long trip. 4415 なんか辛そうな人がいるから、今読んだ記事→メンタルが豆腐の人向けの、あまり落ち込まないための工夫 There are some people who have things really tough, so here's an article I read → For people who have a "tofu" mentality and get depressed easily, a mechanism for keeping you from getting depressed. 4462 やたら辛辣なお人形遊びへの説教って今年だったっけ…? Did you preach this year to a bitter playing doll...? 538 お辞儀会見ラッシュが・・・ Time for lots of public apologies and bowing... 3047 農林水産省「ビワの種の粉末をガンに効くとか言って売ってる連中がいるけど有害物質だから食べないようにな」 ??「死ねばガンは消える!問題解決!」 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 「Apparently there are some people that are selling some powder made of a type of Japanese Medlar, but it's a toxic substance so make sure not to eat it ok」?? 「If you die, cancer will disappear! Problem solved!」 1252 その辺は福祉と教育の出番じゃ? So is it time for welfare and education? 2396 辺野古埋め立て海域に「活断層なし」 政府、答弁書を閣議決定 うちの猫にちゅ~る一年分与えることも閣議決定して欲しい Henoko land reclamation extends into water. "No active faults." Government, cabinet decision written response. I wish there were a cabinet decision to give my cat a year's worth of Chuuru cat food. 2889 サンタ迎える気ゼロでワロタ Lmao. 3976 ポケモンに近づける! 「ポケモンGO」に「AR+」登場 iOS 11の「ARKit」を活用 今んとこアイホンのみなのか… しかし、昔のギャロップみたく悪意があるレベルで遠いポケモンって今おらんなあ Get closer to Pokemon! "AR+" now in "Pokemon GO" using iOS 11's "ARKit" Is it only for the current iPhone? However, I really want to see the Rapidash from before, it's a far away Pokemon that is no longer around 619 マミさんにメスのフリして近づいて…SEX! メスイキさすよね Female pretending to Mami and approaching ... SEX! It's to Mesuiki 1495 近所のドスケベショップ、つぶれる あるあるwww A shop for perverts is near by. Exterminate! www 764 しずりんから返信もらっちゃった❤️ もう次の女かよー I got a reply from Shizurin ❤️ On to the next girl. 1262 返信を開くといつものヤフコメで安心した When I heard the reply I was relieved at all of the comments on Yahoo. 2162 返済能力など検査か Repayment ability under investigation? 190 お返しに脇の臭いかぐ In exchange, they got my stinky armpit. 515 迷惑だから頭の病院いってね You're getting in the way, so please go to the mental hospital. 2374 ウィッシュリストにコンパクトモードが追加 Compact mode added to wish list. 549 ウィッシュリストにコンパクトモードが追加 地味だけどリスト削除しても 位置が戻されないのはありがたい Added Compact Mode to the wishlist It's unobtrusive, but even if the list is deleted, I'm thankful that it's not returned to its previous position 1126 「もり・かけ・スパ」追及=辻元氏 "Melt · Kake / Spa" pursue = Mr. Tsujimoto Mr. Yafukome,\\nI only talked about raw conc. 2461 【追記あり】共同通信、iPS研の論文不正に山中教授が関与したかのようなミスリード記事で大炎上→謝罪なく記事全文書き換えてさらに炎上中 【Another post to follow】There is an uproar over misleading information spread through joint communications that Professor Yamanaka had participated in the iPS Lab essay fraud→yet another flood of comments due to them rewriting the whole article without apology. 1231 退任前に佐々江駐米大使が指摘 Identified by former US ambassador Sasae Kenichiro before retirement. 2155 退廃短編作家や What a degenerate short story creator. 1153 退職日がきまりました。 The retirement date has been decided. 4375 退職する決意は固まったけど、まだ一ヶ月も勤めてない会社になんて伝えればいいのかわかんない。 I have firmly decided to resign, but I have no idea what to tell the company at which I've been working for less than a month. 1010 送らないし送られない I don't send them, I don't get sent them. 1631 マリオカートでひき逃げ Mario Kart hit and run. 4033 なぜ? LINEからも逃げ出し始めた若者たち : 深読みチャンネル : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE) 1/5 まぁ確かに画面いっぱいにゴチャゴチャ書かれてたら読むのが面倒になる時はある その点ツィッターは250文字だから読む気にもなるね Why? Young people who are fleeing from LINE: Reading Channel: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE) 1/5 Well, there are certainly times when it's a pain to read when things are written as a bunch of jumbled screens On that point, Twitter is 250 characters so it makes me feel like reading it, I suppose 2801 「逃げ恥」「半沢直樹」の続編が決まらない理由 下町と逃げ恥はほぼ原作同時進行で完結だっただろうに…… 固定イメージが付くから番組卒業した優香みたいなもんやろ The reason why "Naoki Hanzawa" and "Nigehaji" sequels haven't been decided Downtown and Nigehaji would have finished up at around the same time as the original works... ... Because there's a certain image associated with it, it seems like Yuka has outgrown it 3649 マリオカートでひき逃げ 訪日観光客の男を逮捕 記事なくね? A hit and run in Mario Kart, man visiting Japan for sightseeing arrested, this isn't news, right? 4025 逃げ道なし。怖すぎ Too scary 1386 そういう逆ギレと不貞腐れた態度取ってる内は許されるものも許されないと思います I think that attitude of getting upset at your own mistakes and sulking probably makes people not want to see your side even if they would have before. 243 逆に価値担保してるのが上限がある事なわけだけど…… On the contrary, the price guarantee is the reason for the upper limit. 1706 逆に書籍漫画家の電子書籍版購入しても、彼らに印税が入らないところもあるよね That is messed up. 205 逆に月のあれこれでズボンよりスカートがいいって声もチラホラ聞くけどどうなんだろ But what to do about these voices that say that skirts are better than trousers for that time of the month? 4492 逆立ちって聞くだけで例のOP思い出すようになってあかんわ Just listening to the handstand is getting to remember the OP of the example. 3725 逆に見たいですね。 Actually, that makes me want to watch the adult video even more. 2333 逆ネトウヨみたいなこと言う奴いないだろ There probably won't be anybody saying anti right wing things. 373 逆転不能!日本はいつのまにか「階級固定社会」になっていた デブしかいないのか It's impossible to come back from this! Before we could realize it, Japan has become a society in which ranks are predetermined. There must only be fat people. 2359 途中ちょっとずれるけどいいなこれ In the middle it was a bit off, but this is great. 839 途中でとまってるwitcher3もやらないとお話し忘れちゃう、、 I haven't been playing The Witcher 3 since I left of in the middle, so I'll probably forget what's going on in it... 2290 とおりますよ    /⌒ヽ   / ´_ゝ`)すいません、ちょっと通りますよ・・・   |    /   | /| |   // | |  U  .U I will pass   /⌒ヽ   / ´_ゝ`)Sorry, I'm passing through...  |    /   | /| |   // | |  U  .U 2270 通信を暗号化する機能を搭載した高セキュリティの「セキュアフォン」を販売した会社のCEOが逮捕される 「世の中には高い安全性と機密性を誇る携帯電話「セキュアフォン」を販売する会社が存在していますが、いくつかのセキュアフォン販売会社が暗号化した通信機能を搭載した「カスタムスマホ」を、麻薬カルテルやギャングに販売していることが報じられています。 」 うーんこういう道具に頼るのは二流だね笑 僕みたいな本物の悪は自分の嗅覚と信頼しか信じない笑 The CEO of a company that sold the 'Securiphone', which is equipped with a high security signal encryption function, has been arrested. 'There are a number of companies that sell 'securiphones', cell phones that boast of high security and encryption, but its has been reported that some of these companies have been selling the encrypted smartphone devices to drug rings and gangs.' Neh, anyone who depends on these things must be pretty second rate LOL. Those with true evil like me, rely solely on our own wits and sense of smell LOL. 3732 いつも通りのスクエニクオリティっぽくてそれはそれで安心した Then I thought they might have made some changes, but it looks like its the same Square Enix quality as always, so I felt reassured. 2062 通算で二回買った I bought twice in total. 1960 テレビ通販は「世界最大のレンタルショップ」、着用後に返品する「ワードロービング」に打つ手なく ユニクロは返品条件無いから 1着だけ買って旅行行く先々で交換してる奴が居たような TV shopping is the 'world's largest rental shop' where people practice 'wardrobing' by returning items after wearing them, and companies can't stop them. Uniqlo offers unconditional returns, so there are even people who have bought just one outfit, gone on holiday, then exchanged it for something else. 3293 通販こそ年寄りのためにあると思う Such methods are good for older people. 2349 ミサイル通過を想定 地下鉄止めて避難訓練 福岡(NHK) 外国のミサイルが宇宙空間を通過したという名目で、電車を停めたりサラリーマンを壁際でしゃがませたりする国を、第三者的に俯瞰して見れば「その国の統治者は国民を恐怖で支配しようとしている」と気づくだろう。 ???「この調子じゃ来年度の予算減らされるな…… そや、道路工事よろしく 訓練と言う体で予算じゃぶじゃぶ使って来年度予算が減るの避けたろ」 そもそもミサイル兵器の訓練なんて基本的には無意味だし こんな所だと思うぞ 今後もミサイル訓練と言う体の予算対策は全国的に増えるだろうから 各自治体は覚悟しておくように Missile passage presumption. Subway stopped and evacuated in drill. Fukuoka. (NHK) Under the pretext of an international missile passing through outer space, a country that would stop a train and force the riders to wait against the wall, from the viewpoint of a third party it'd be easy to see that "That country's ruler is using fear to control the citizens", right? ??? "At this rate we'll have to lower the budget for next year... Well, good luck with road construction. Splashing the budget around on things like drills let's them avoid having the budget lowered for the next year." First off, drills against missiles are fundamentally meaningless, that's what I think. I bet that things like missile drills will continue to rise all over the country as budget countermeasures, so the local governments better get themselves ready. 630 ちかくを通っただけで金抜かれそう。 I feel like they might take my money when I'm just passing by. 3692 いつぞやの『パソ通につなぐためにアナログ電話回線探す』記事の話思い出した It made me remember the article about "searching for analog telephone lines in order to connect to online communications." 4344 フェティッシュ通り魔 Fetish passing evil. 196 ニュー速R 今年の漢字を考える 【自動集計】 なぜか原作がわかる凄さ New speed R. Consider this year's Chinese character. 'Automatic tabulation' For some reason its great to understand the original work. 1942 ニュー速R 今年の漢字を考える 【自動集計】 安倍さんが残した数少ない物の一つや Newsokur: automatically aggregated data on this year's kanji selection. It's one of the few things Prime Minister Abe can claim to have accomplished in his career! 4305 ニュー速Rでチェス将棋大会を開こうと思います I think I am going to open a chess tournament on newsokur. 110 ニュー速Rでチェス将棋大会を開こうと思います お前の妄想は知ったことじゃないが信念がないとかデマをばらまくのは許さん 無限退行の果てに何もないということは 知性は知性によって導かれないから基礎付けが必要なのであって 哺乳類には母乳が必要で人は相続するから 人間社会というサバンナより不条理な世界で 条理のゲームに逃げ込んで世界は公正だと思い込みたいクズ村民どもめ I think we should have a chess / shogi tournament on New Soku R. I don't know what your delusions are, but not having conviction and spreading misinformation cannot be allowed. Infinite regress leads to nothing, intelligence cannot be guided by intelligence, so it is important to lay the groundwork. Just as mammals require their mother's milk so do humans follow along, and in a world that is more absurd than the Savannah that is human society, those that escape via logic games and believe that the world is just are worthless villagers. 3155 【速報】ティッシュ、やはりおいしかった [News flash] As expected the tissue was delicious. 3326 【速報】今期の萌えアニメ、豊作すぎる わ か る [Breaking News] There's an abundance of moe anime this season. I understand. 1531 速報値だけは声高に喧伝するんだよ They broadcast only quick estimations so loudly. 4491 【速報】台湾で大きな地震 現地基準で最大震度7 沖縄でも揺れ | NewsDigest 震度7 心配です。 [Breaking News] Great earthquake in Taiwan with maximum local severity of seismic intensity 7 shaking even in Okinawa| NewsDigest 7 seismic intensity 3207 【速報】「アラフォーエンジェル」とかいうパワーワードが商標登録される [News flash] Power words like "around forty angel" trademarked. 3521 【速報】スロウスタートの夏服、えっちすぎる こんなん早漏スタート不可避なんだが? Slow start summer clothing is too sexy.\\nWouldn’t it be unavoidable to ejaculate prematurely? 913 【速報】小保方晴子さんのSTAP細胞特許 特許庁に拒絶される 特許は拒絶って言葉結構使うよ 審査請求したら少なくとも一回は拒絶される感じで [Breaking news] Hakuko Kosakata's STAP cell patent, has been refused by the patent office. Its easy to bandy about words like 'patent refused' It seems to me that patents are always refused after at least the first examination request. 1882 【速報】ストレッチ尻、エッチすぎる [News flash] Stretched butt, too sexy. 344 【速報】アニメ、現実だった [News Flash] Anime is Real. 1086 【速報】アマゾンジャパンの社員はこんなふうに評価を下されている [News flash] The reputation of Amazon Japan employees is getting worse due to things like this. 875 【速報】紐水着、えっちすぎる 【News Flash】String swimsuits are too erotic. 4428 【速報】評論家の西部邁氏(78)が死去。多摩川で入水自殺か。 [News] Critic Nishibe (78) dead. 267 【速報】評論家の西部邁氏(78)が死去。多摩川で入水自殺か。 入水、しかもこの季節に? 請負業者が雑な仕事した、って印象しかないわ [Breaking news] Critic Tsutomu Seibu has died. It is thought he killed himself by drowning in the Tama river. Is it the right season to go into the water? All I can say is that the contract worker was sloppy. 3963 【速報】評論家の西部邁氏(78)が死去。多摩川で入水自殺か。 アパホテルにスポンサーしてもらってたウヨクなのにこの発言のせいで保守速報にサヨク・在日扱いされてるの本当に可哀想 [Breaking news] Critic 's west part Mr. Nishibe (78) died. Suicide entering into the Tama river? Apa Hotel was sponsored by uyoku Because of this remark owing to remarks Sayoku · Indeed poorly being treated in Japan 508 【速報】評論家の西部邁氏(78)が死去。多摩川で入水自殺か。 「近代化(彼曰くモデル化)」以降の日本に懐疑的でそれに沿うとこれからもっと日本は酷くなりそうだから 伝統文化が薄れて白痴化した我々を見捨てる形でお先におさらばできて幸せだったろうと 【Breaking news】Critic Seibu Suzumushi(78)has died. He committed suicide in Tamagawa River. Along the lines of “Modernisation (as modelled by him)”, we should be skeptical of Japan from now on as it seems that Japan is going to get worse. He must have been happy to go ahead and abandon all of us who have lost our traditional culture and have turned into idiots. 3020 【速報】クイズゲームのラスボス、エッチ過ぎる 俺達で温めてあげるんだるぉ!? [News flash] The final boss for this quiz game is way too sexy. Are you trying to heat us all up!? 596 【速報】ゲゲゲの鬼太郎の猫娘さん、またアップデートされる また猫娘スレだ!(ババババ [News Flash] Kitaro of the Graveyard's catgirl is getting an update Time for another catgirl thread (ババババ 2925 つぶやきの速さで存在感、正体不明の岡三マンには12万のフォロワー The unknown okasanman has managed to get 120,000 followers by tweeting at an impressive rate. 3109 「速く弁当食べられる人ほど仕事できる」日本電産・永守氏が講演「社会で求められる人材とは」 経営者までガラパゴってる 「A hard worker is someone who finishes their lunch quickly」Nidec CEO Nagamori addresses, 「What kind of people are demanded by companies」Even CEOs are getting desperate. 315 “ねつ造”データで「働き方改革」/一般労働者→最長の残業時間/裁量労働者→1日の労働時間 実質的な賃下げは株価が上がる。 経団連が望んでいるし自民党の議員も株をやってる(参考:自民党の武藤貴也・衆議院議員の株購入資金集め事件)し、マスコミも喜ぶのでB層もつられて喜ぶ。 これがホンネだろうな "Falsified" deta being used for reforms to work: average workers→maximum overtime/discretionary workforce→daily work hours Substantive wage decreases lead to stock spikes. That's what the Japan Business Federation wants, and LDP members also trade stocks (source: the incident involving Takaya Muto of the LDP, a member of the lower house, fundraising to buy stocks), and the mass media loves it, so the old Koizumi diehards also love it. That's the real intent behind this. 163 「連合、陳情は自民。選挙は民進。あほらしい」 麻生氏 どどどどどどの口がー(へ) 'In unions and appeals they vote LDP. In elections they vote Democratic. It's stupid'. Who are you to talk, Mr. Aso? 2959 「連合、陳情は自民。選挙は民進。あほらしい」 麻生氏 連合が上級国民の僕になってるのは変ではあるな そこら辺詳しい奴おる? "RENGO and petition are the Liberal Democratic Party. Election is the Democratic Party. How stupid." Mr. Aso. It's strange how RENGO has become me, a wealthy elite. Is anyone familiar with this? 3255 マツダとの連携が驚きの形で表面化 We are surprised to find out that Toyota is working with Matsuda on this. 3225 連立政権合意、自民押し返す Agreement for coalition government, forces back Liberal Democratic Party. 245 連鎖自殺がみものやな Consecutive suicides are so tough. 1233 しかも逮捕する側の人間も味方でまず捕まらないというおまけつき Also, you can add on that if a person getting arrested is an ally they won't be arrested. 3796 ワタミ「週休7日が幸せか」 過労死遺族の抗議うけ謝罪 だね たまにみかける Watami: "Is having 7 days off a week true happiness?" They're going to have to issue an apology after families of people who died from overwork protest. I see it from time to time. 1573 〈週刊朝日〉 (Weekly Asahi) Another Abe death? 4438 週刊誌レベルの話だけど、今でさえ安定動作はあやしいって話があるし It's just weekly magazine level talk, but even now there's talk about questions regarding stable operation. 252 週四日勤務の準正社員にしてくれって頼んだら通った 体を労ろう。 If you asked me to be a four day a week employee, I'd get there and work hard. 2667 週四日勤務の準正社員にしてくれって頼んだら通った そうなんですよ。臆せず言ってみると得します I requested to become a part time employee that goes to work four days a week and it was accepted. So that's it. If you say something without being hesitant good things happen. 2968 進化するサバゲー An evolving survival game. 3555 進化gif 一匹すつ追跡してみるのもおつなもの It is really neat to track progressive gifs one at a time 1526 ゆうてエロゲって進化してなくね You say so but erotic games aren't evolving 3172 進化するサバゲー 非日常求めて女性も参戦:日経ビジネスオンライン 会社の女子メンバーとサバゲーやる妄想ならする Advanced airsoft, women looking for an escape from normal life also participate: Nikkei Business Online. If it's a fantasy involving female employees and airsoft I'm in. 3957 進撃の🏹 すぐに答えられるのぼる賢い Noboru is wise to answer immediately about the attack of ? 1097 【遅報】ナナチが可愛い 【Late News】Nanachi is cute. 1519 遅いけど…ハッピー誕生日おめでとう《《o(≧◇≦)o》》 It is a little late but happy birthday 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》. 528 どやって遊ぶの As far as how you play. 383 モンハン遊びたいけどXBOXしか持ってない I want to play "Monster Hunter" but don't have an XBOX. 3745 いじめは遊びの延長、見て見ぬふりの担任ら処分 : 社会 : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE) 貴乃花親方が解決法を提示してくれただろ ケーサツや司法を動かせる証拠を掴んで告発しろって事 キョーカイ(教育委員会)を信用してはいけない Bullying is an extension of playing, get rid of teachers who turn a blind eye: Society: Yomiyuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE) Takanohana gave us a method for solving it, right? You just get your hands on some evidence that will force the police and courts into action and report it. You can't trust the Board of Education. 4492 運動嫌いにオススメだ It is recommended for exercise dislikes. 2503 運動部顧問の高校教諭、平手打ちで生徒の鼓膜破る 「ぶっ殺す」発言も やきそばハイボールの闇は深い The discovery that a high school sports club advisor slaps and rips students ears saying "I'll beat you to death" and the darkness of yakisoba and highball are deep. 3743 運営側は他人事のようなコメント Administrators give a comment as if it doesn't concern them. 3220 運営側の責任は非常に重い The management bears a lot of responsibility. 2283 でも運営の考え方からしてこれを「ゴール」と思ってそう This appears to be a goal of management. 3263 ながら運転 完全自動運転になれば乗ってる間は暇だろうし密室だしでヤルだろうな I can do it while driving. If complete automatic driving becomes a reality, I will probably become more available while driving. I would probably make a secret room. 3880 あおり運転のあげく衝突、危険運転傷害などの疑いで男逮捕 A man who is arrested suspected in dangerous driving followed by collision and injury, etc. 4439 あおり運転のあげく衝突、危険運転傷害などの疑いで男逮捕 もう定年まで免許持てない?仕事で使ってたら辛いな しかしまあこんな仏みたいな顔してんのに中身は醜悪なもんだ Man arrested under suspicion of reckless driving in injury causing crash. Can't have a driver's license until retirement age? If he used it for work that's tough. But even though his face is so kind looking, inside he's awful. 3984 運転してて見える街並みもスタンド・バイ・ミーみたいな昔のアメリカ感半端ねえよ…… ウェザナイッ The city scape that you can see driving is just like a stand by by me, like an American sense of the United States ... ... 1218 プラスにもマイナスにも過剰な脂肪量は代謝疾患の疑いがあるんよ Whether it's a positive or a negative, with excess fat there is a suspicion of metabolism disorders. 1621 過労死ラインを超えて働かせると日本人は輝いて(shine)死ぬ Going over the line for overwork deaths and still making people work, Japan sure "shines" ("shine" = die in Japanese) 1621 過労死ライン越えの「月80時間以上残業可」の労使協定、東証一部上場企業の過半数に及ぶ Over the line overwork death "80 hours or more of overtime a month possible" labor agreement, impacts a majority of companies listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. 4233 過労死遺族に暴言、謝罪…ブラック経営者・渡邉美樹を働き方改革公聴会の質問者にした自民党の異常 死ぬまで働け!Jワーク Reckless remarks and apology to family of victim of death by overworking... Abnormality in Liberal Democratic Party member at public hearing who questioned the work methods and reformation of slimy manager Watanabe Miki. Work until death! J work. 2405 過去最大 97兆7128億円の来年度予算案 閣議決定 ないです Largest in history. 97 trillion 712.8 billion yen budget for next year. No Cabinet decision. 192 過去最強クラスの寒波が襲来。日本海側は広く雪で、大雪の恐れ。特に北陸地方では、たった1日で降雪が100センチに達する所も。その後もさらなるドカ雪の可能性。太平洋側にも所々に雪雲が流れ込み、厳しい寒さになるでしょう。 この前めちゃ降って電車に監禁があったばかりなのに ラニーニャぱねぇ The worst cold snap ever has struck. there is extensive snow along the Japan Sea coast, and heavy snow falls are threatened. In the Hokuriku region, the snow fall reached 100 centimeters in a day. There are fears of this being followed by blizzards. On the Pacific coast, snow is falling in various places, and it will be extremely cold. There were people trapped in the train due to previous excessive falls, but this is due to La Nina. 2777 フィクションにおける過去と未来 以下「世界線」禁止 Past and Future in Fiction "World line" is not allowed below 1202 過熱する恵方巻き廃棄問題に兵庫のスーパーが一石投じるチラシ Super market in Hyogo addresses increasing ehomaki sushi disposal problem with a flyer. 3117 ゲームやり過ぎは病気…そろった医学的知見 分かった病気だから金くれ Playing games to much is a disease... The common medical opinion. If you recognize it as a disease then give me money. 3308 過酷な勤務、突然の死…女性が漫画化「生きろ。逃げろ」 どこだろうと考えようとしたけど やらかしてるところありすぎて絞れないわらた、わろえない There was a harsh work environment and the death was sudden... The girl created the Manga, “Live. Run away.” When thinking about it, there are too many blunders and I can’t narrow the possibilities. I laugh and yet I cannot laugh. 3481 トマトって過酷な環境で育ったほうが甘みが強くて美味しいって言うけど、豊穣な土地で育ったトマトは美味しくないのかしら。 They say that tomatoes grow sweeter and more delicious when they grow in harsh environments, but I wonder if a crop of tomatoes that are grown in a great environment are not good. 3535 道徳の教科書に載った「下町ボブスレー」が公式ツイッターで保守速報を拡散&他国チームを「笑い者」呼ばわり The “Undercity Bobsleds” in the textbook “Doutoku” (virtue) showed up a lot on Twitter using the hosyusokuhou website. 534 「道路寸断したら逃げられない」 滋賀の原発30キロ圏住民 今後は事故前に故郷を奪われるのか さすが日本だ "If the road is destroyed we can't escape" Citizens within 30km of Shiga nuclear plant Will someone remove it from the town before an accident occurs? Just as you would expect from Japan 514 このコギャル達だったらどの娘と付き合う? 全員ブスやん(贅沢病) If it was out of these kogals, which daughter would you date? They’re all ugly. (Disease due to luxurious lifestyle) 1872 この達成の仕方は陸地の敗北 Can this jet engine allow us to surpass earthly constraints? 1501 イランのデモがいつもと違う5つの理由 There are 5 totally different reasons for the Iran demonstrations. 703 イランのデモがいつもと違う5つの理由 どうせ元はCIAだろ モサドは黙って暗殺か破壊する 5 reasons why Iran's demonstration is different than usual Anyway, the original one is the CIA Mossad causes destruction by assassinating without a word 4083 ちんぽ!ちんぽ!おちんぽ!ちんぽ! インポ違うもん、、 dick! dick! penis! penis! not erectile dysfunction 2716 違いはlive2dが国内版は非DLC扱い The difference is that live2d is not labeled as DLC in the domestic version. 3813 それ違う検査じゃね? Isn't that a different test? 324 マミとは違う母性 Mommy, a different kind of motherhood. 3019 ギャンブルと違っていきなりゼロになる瞬間がわからんのに "Under Abenomics Japan's economy is recovering it's energy." 2463 それも違うこれも違う That's wrong too, this is wrong too. 209 ハッカーに遠隔操作の恐れ Fears of remote control hacking. 4285 適当に書いても金はもらえるだろうが、これでは信頼は失われ、(有ればだけど)このおっさんが関わった論文全てに疑念を持たれかねない。 It seems like if they just wrote something half decent they'd get paid, so they lose credibility (if there is any), and it brings into doubt all of the papers that this guy has written. 1672 【適材適所】杉田水脈議員、「差別問題に関する特命委員会・部落問題に関する小委員会合同会議」に出席 【The right person at the right place】Diet member Mio Sugita attends the "joint session of the special committee investigating the discrimination problem and the subcommittee investing the Burakumin problem." 1308 選択的夫婦別姓「容認」4割超 「必要ない」は3割切る 夫婦別姓選択可になったって同姓にするって人等に不利益ないのに。 デマの歴史を鵜呑みにしてるんやろね。 明治27年まで妻は元の姓だったそうだから、同姓は日本の伝統ってのは明らかにデマなんだよな。 Should married couples have choice in their surname. 40% say yes, 30% say no need. There is no disadvantage in keeping the same surname. Maybe some just think it is somehow not proper. Until 1879, the wife kept her original surname. So using the same surname is not in keeping with Japanese tradition. 202 選挙カーの名前連呼、効果どれほど? 教授が実際に研究「選挙カーによる連呼を聞いても、候補者の好感度は変わりません。ただ、集票には一定の効果があります」 じゃあ俺は竿竹で How effective are election campaign cars that repeatedly call out a candidate's name? Actual experiment by a teacher "Even after hearing a candidate's name repeatedly called out by an election campaign car, there is no change in one's affinity for the candidate. However, there is a fixed effect as far as gathering votes." Well, a bamboo pole for me. 1999 そら選挙だって捏造できるって今回思い知っちゃったからね It is becoming more likely that this election is a hoax. 478 遺された姉妹は取材攻勢に憔悴していた The surviving sisters have been hounded by news reporters until they are exhausted. 2368 遺族、妻と連絡取れず Unable to contact bereaved family or wife. 2919 遺族に渡辺美樹氏が不適切発言 「週休7日が幸せなのか」で謝罪 お前は週休7日側の人間だろうが Miki Watanabe inappropriately remarks to the bereaved family and apologizes for saying "Are you happy that you get to rest 7 days a week?" She's one to talk being someone who doesn't have to work 7 days a week. 2368 「遺書まで改ざんなんてあり得ませんよね」 "There's no way even the will is falsified, right?" 852 ここ那覇は20℃でした Here is Naha it was 20℃. 1226 那覇地裁 Naha court. 1333 ござるは邪道なりよ "Gozaru" leads to bad things. 2622 くるま「邪魔な鳥どもめ!どけ!」 A car "Disturbing birds! 4104 部下に初恋ポエム強要=福島県警、警部補ら懲戒処分: Subordinates being forced to write a love poem = Fukushima prefectural police. 2423 あえて部屋でHELINOX A HELINOX for my room. 2983 部屋が性臭でむせ返ってそう I think I'm going to choke from the smell of semen in this room. 222 部屋にメモ残し首つる She left the note in her room and hung herself. 1889 部屋着なに着てる? What do you wear to dress up? 681 きららファンタジアのステキなお部屋できたよ~ 脱法ハウスかな A beautiful Kirara Fantasia room has been made ~ I wonder if it is a flat share. 776 ブラック部活動 強制参加は生徒の自由侵害 子ども目線で見直しを やる気のない人間にもやらせて時間を浪費させてるのは人権侵害だと思う そうやって競争させて推薦枠とか確保してんだろ やる気のない人間や負け犬は日本社会の餌かよ ニッキョーソ!ニッキョーソ! The Black faction of the movement. Compulsory participation is an infringement of students' freedom. Getting people who lack motivation to look at something from the standpoint of children, is a waste of time, and violates their rights. Making them compete secures a recommendation frame. Unmotivated losers should be food for Japanese society. Nikkouso, Nikkouso! 1962 部活動がなくなる→日本は犯罪大国となり沈没する Departmental activity is no more. 1319 部活動がなくなる→日本は犯罪大国となり沈没する そんな中でしか作り上げる社会て 部活なんて種類が少ないしその分視野狭なりそうだしその中しか選べないと学生は思い込みそう 色んなものがある中で選択肢が少ないのは若い子が可哀想 Club activities go away → Japan becomes a country of criminals and collapses. In a made up society like that there are only a few types of clubs, and there isn't much variation, and the students are under the impression that those are the only choices there are. I feel sorry for the kids who have limited choices among a wide variety of options. 1257 部活動がなくなる→日本は犯罪大国となり沈没する かって深沢七郎は、 「戦争でエネルギーを 使うくらいなら、セックスで 消耗する方がよっぽど気がきいてるよ。」 と言ったそうだ。 それを思い出した。 Club activities stopping → Japan becomes a country of criminals and collapses. Fukuzawa Shichiro said something like "If you are going to use your energy for war, you'll find it's much more sensible to spend it on sex." I just remembered that. 3451 部活動がなくなる→日本は犯罪大国となり沈没する 無駄に声出したり走り回ったり なんか居酒屋か作業員みたいな感じだよね、無償どころか金取られるし この点だけでも児童労働未満だと思いますね それに脳とか関節壊してもなんの補償もないでしょ しかも指導者はこうやって犯罪者予備軍の矯正で社会貢献してるとか思ってるみたいだよ Departmental activity disappears → Japan becomes a criminal power and sinks Uselessly crying and running around It feels like a worker at an izakaya, so far from getting rich At this point I think it's less than child labor Besides, I don't get any compensation if my brain or my joints break down On top of that, it seems like the leaders think that they're contributing to society by reforming a criminal reserve army 1013 部活の強制入部 やめるべき 「自主的な活動」に全員参加の矛盾(内田良) 強制加入は体にも精神的にもよくない だから先生の金髪も止めるべき 髪を染めるのは体に悪い Compulsory club activity, should be ended. The contradiction of everybody participating in "activities of their own free will". (Uchida Ryo) Then we should also stop teachers from having blonde hair. Dying your hair is bad for your body. 2011 「ブラック部活」は教師も生徒も地獄なのになぜなくならないのか Even though "black club activities" are hell for both students and teachers, why don't they go away? 222 「部活疲れた」中2女子自殺か "Sick of my club" 2nd grade junior high girl committed suicide. 0 部長交代で復活 Revival by changing the director. 2081 都会こわ It's scary in the city. 35 都内の人気公立小学校 A popular state primary school within the Tokyo area. 2136 都内の人気公立小学校 小渕優子の息子のクラスで学級崩壊 私はジャップガキ脳を高精度でエミュレートできるので… 漢字ドリルとか算数ドリルの宿題が出るたびに「おい小渕ンコ、宿題やりたくねーからって穴あけて無かった事にできると思うなよ?ズルすんなよ?真面目にやれ?」って言われたり、学芸会とか運動会みたいな催し物のたびに「おい小渕ンポ、今日は本番だからな?ドリルじゃねーぞ?ボサッとしてんなよ。真面目にやれ?」て言われたり、休み時間になると「おいチンポ小渕ンポ、あく必殺技見せろよー。ドリルチンポ見せろよー」ってみんなに追いかけられて無理やりパンツ脱がされたり、そういう辛い思いをして毎日泣かされてる子供の姿をパッと思い浮かべる 親の不始末や罪を子供にまで擦りつけてイジメるガキというのは世の中に実在するので、上述した想像は別に荒唐無稽ではない。イジメるガキというのは、家庭内で親(大抵は母親)から色々吹き込まれてる。陰険なガキの所作を見ると親の性格がうかがえる Popular public middle school in the city. Chaos in the classroom of Obuchi Yuko's son. I can emulate a Jap brat's mind to a super high precision, so... Whenever there was homework with a kanji drill or an arithmetic drill it was "Hey, Obuchi kid, I don't want to do the homework, so can you dig a hole and get rid of it? Don't be so sneaky? Do it honestly?" Whenever there was an event like a school arts festival or athletic festival is was "Hey, Obuchi kid, today it's for real, right? This isn't a drill? Don't slack off. Do it honestly?" When it was break time it was "Hey, Obuchi penis, let's see your special moves. Let's see your penis drill." He was chased by everybody and his pants were forcibly pulled down, and thinking of that tough daily life being made to cry every day, the image pops into my mind. There are bullies out there who will bully a child for the mistakes or crimes of their parent, so the imagined scene above is not unthinkable. Bullies generally get indoctrinated by their parents (usually the mother). If you see bad behavior by a child it gives you a glimpse into the character of the parents. 1246 都合の悪いことを "He doesn't get arrested because he's the prime minister's friend!?" 1978 都民提案の新事業 New citizen suggestion project. 4157 こんなの「都道府県市区町村」と言ったら何を思い浮かべますか? ドイツ村! What comes to your mind when you hear "prefectures and municipalities"? German village! What comes to your mind when you hear "prefectures and municipalities"? German village! 1202 そうだタダで配ろう Yeah, let's distribute it for free. 460 イージス・アショアに配備される予定のSM3ブロック2A、ミサイル迎撃実験に失敗 むしろ撃墜率がバッターの打率くらいしかないからいらんだろって話で SM3 Block 2A is planned to be deployed at the Aegis Offshore. The missile intercept experiment failed. Its shooting down rate is about the same as a baseball batter. Please tell me we don't need it. 4490 ミサイル配備に攻撃型空母導入も 安倍“壊憲”政権の大暴走 憲法解釈次第で空母も持てる!ってこと? 防衛型空母(爆撃機満載)とかまたニュースピークするのかな The introduction of an offensive aircraft carrier into missile deployment as well as Abe's "unconstitutional" regime are overwhelming. Depending on interpretation of the constitution you mean you can have an aircraft carrier? I wonder whether the defense type aircraft carrier (full of bombers) and news peaks again 1108 グッズ配布でファン殺到、危険な状況で中止に It got so dangerous, they had to shut it down. 1061 ※プライバシーに配慮し映像を加工しています Considering privacy when adding images. 2224 そもそも酒で擬似的に腹を膨らませてるだけだから落ち着いてくると腹が減るっていう Since alcohol artificially expands your stomach in the first place, if you calm down, you get hungry. 336 酒の肴なのか Its a snack served with alcohol, I think. 3638 酒豪女優・高橋由美子が明かす Heavy smoker and actress Takahashi Yumiko exposed. 3318 お酒飲むと楽しくなれるし、幸せになれる。お前らも飲もう。俺は飲んでる。 胃腸がなあ When you drink, you can have fun and become happy. You guys should drink too. I'm drinking right now. But my bowels. 2348 酒飲んで陰毛燃やす男を賞揚できないと出世できないタイプの煉獄だし、新人の若い男はそんなレイプ受けて心折れた奴隷か洗脳された焼きそばハイボールしか生き残れない It's a type of purgatory where if you don't praise a man who drink and burns pubic hair you can't get ahead, and with new young men only broken hearted slaves who accept rape or brainwashed yakisoba highballs can survive. 3900 これは酷い… but this is terrible 2325 アニメそんなに酷いのか Fullmetal Alchemist is that thing, the one from the manga, right? 870 これは酷い Its hard. 873 うーん醜い笑 Uuuhh, ugly hahaha 4093 なんと重さ11kg! 超重量級の高級毛布が教えてくれた「快眠の秘訣」 寝がえりをうてないというのは問題では The weight is an incredible 11kg! Learning the "secret to ideal sleep" from a heavy grade high quality blanket Isn't it a problem that you can't roll over in your sleep? 2161 重そう Feels heavy. 1818 その重大な結果は男が原因では? 度重なるレイプとレイプによる妊娠で追い詰められた被害者に懲役4年 司法でも行われる男の透明化、とレイプ被害女性を犯罪者として処罰するイスラム国家と何ら変わらない人権意識 男に支配された法学、議会、司法に服従させられる男尊女卑の打破には積極的差別是正措置が必要 刑事責任は行為者にある。強姦は強姦で裁かれるべきで、殺人は殺人で裁かれる。 一緒にする理由がない。 あなたは嬰児を人間として認めない鬼畜のごとき主張してる自覚ある? これで殺人の被害者が、長年レイプしてきた義父だったらこの女性を褒め称えてたよ。 Is that a serious consequence for the man? A four year sentence for repeated rape and pregnancy due to rape, transparency of men's sexism is obvious even in the judicial system, and their view on human rights is no different from the Islamic state which punishes rape victims as criminals. Corrective action must be taken against proactive discrimination and the breakdown of misogynistic practices in law, parliament, and the judiciary system is necessary. Criminal responsibility lies directly with the person who committed the crime. The rapist should be judged for rape just as a murderer is judged for murder. Are you aware that you are the same as a devil who does not recognize infants as human beings? If this was a murder victim, this woman was applauded if the father in law had raped her for several years. 855 重ね履きだ I'll wear them doubled up. 1111 たま~に重機を運転したくなる衝動にかられてコベルコとかコマツの教習所のスケジュール チェックしてしまう 小型車両系(整地・掘削)の講習なら2日で終わるし楽しいぞい Every now and then I get the urge to operate heavy machinery, so I check the training schedule for Kobe Steel and Komatsu. The training for a light vehicle (soil preparation / excavation) can be completed in just two days, and it is fun. 483 【重要】権威ある学術誌で発表「地球の生命は地球外からやって来た、しかも…」 パンスペルミア説ほぼ確定、衝撃の“宇宙生命拡散システム”発見 トカナにしてはちょっとまともっぽい記事 [Important] An announcement in an influential academic journal: "Life on Earth originated from outside of the Earth, furthermore..." Panspermia has practically been decided upon, and this shocking discovery of a "diffusion system of life in the universe," for Tokana it's a pretty normal article 4342 コインチェックから重要なお知らせ An important message from Coincase. 907 ゆうくんは重課金勢だからSランめざしてね The cartoon character Yuu Kun gets some serious money, so aim for S rank. 1542 ―野党 The opposing party: "I'm not wrong so I shouldn't have to apologize!" 3597 野党「事実なら内閣総辞職を」=森友文書疑惑 Opposing party "If it's true it will mean an en masse resignation of the cabinet" = Moritomo Document Doubt. 4449 野党、安倍内閣打倒に照準=一段と攻勢「首相にも責任」 Opposition party, Abe cabinet aimed to overthrow = More offensive "responsibility also to the prime minister" it is impossible to deal with Abe, so I only have to work with Abe, I was already hungry. 92 野党、安倍内閣打倒に照準=一段と攻勢「首相にも責任」 × 首相にも責任 ◯ 首相(夫妻)にこそ責任 Opposition parties positioning themselves in readiness for an overthrow of the Abe Cabinet = stepping up the confrontation. 'Its the responsibility of the Prime Minister' x. Its the responsibility of the Prime Minister ◯ Its the responsibility of the Prime Minister (and his wife). 2191 キモオタアニメも野放しだしね Kimo Ota animation is unregulated. 883 野村沙知代 死去 85歳 すっちーとのバトル懐かしい Sachiyo Nomura dies at 85 years old I miss the battle with Sutchi 2993 野村沙知代 死去 85歳 浅香光代のコメはよ Sachiyo Nomura has died at 85 year of age. Hurry up and get a statement from Mitsuyo Asaka. 1228 プロ野球 Professional baseball. 3162 プロ野球くじ、導入を検討 Professional baseball lottery, introduction considered. 1109 プロ野球 ヤクルト春季キャンプで豆まき、鬼退治に失敗 靭帯を食っていたのは畜ペンではなく鬼だった…? Pro baseball: At the Yakult spring training camp, beans were scattered but they failed to drive out the demons. So demons ate the ligament, not Chikupen...? 1082 ネットに野球選手の奥さんをブスと書き込んだら、特定されて損害賠償200万請求されたでござる The person that called a baseball player's wife ugly on the internet and has been told to pay 20,00,000 yen in restitution. 1387 カツオは野球部でいじめにあってグレる Katsuo falls off the rails due to bullying at the baseball club. 3407 インスタに野球部員の飲酒喫煙 滋賀・綾羽高、暴行も な、野球部だろ? Baseball club drinking and smoking on Instagram Shiga Ayaha High, assault too Well, it's a baseball club, right? 113 野菜価格高騰 Steep rise in the price of vegetables. 3702 野菜の価格高騰収まらず、白菜などは平年の2倍以上 ??「経済は良好、デフレ脱却し始めている証拠だ」 Vegetables' prices keep going up, and napa cabbages are valued at 2 times more than usual prices. ?? "The economy is doing well, it's a sign that deflation is starting to end." 2677 まじでメルカリで野菜売ってる-! There really are vegetables for sale at Mercari! 4089 野菜小売価格 レタスが平年の1.8倍など一部で高値 これ半分安倍のせいだろ retail price for Lettuce is unusually high, 1.8 times the normal average. this is half Abe's fault 2846 野菜高騰 家計に寒い冬 レタスやハクサイ…平年の倍 今日買ったキャベツ一玉340円 全国平均より高いじゃないか! The sudden rise of vegetable prices and the sever winter has been tough on family finances. Lettuce and Chinese cabbage cost twice what they normally do. I bought one head of cabbage for 340 yen today. That's way higher than the national average! 270 「量子速度限界」の不等式が身近な物理現象でも成立することを証明 東北大学など もはや呪文の領域 The 'quantum speed limit' inequality is a familiar concept in physics, and has been proved by Tohoku University. No longer in the spell's area of effect. 3553 「量子速度限界」の不等式が身近な物理現象でも成立することを証明 東北大学など おっそうだな(適当) The inequality of the “Quantum Speed Limit” is proven as a physics phenomenon. Tohoku University is behind the times. 727 「金も何も持たんばってん…」10世帯の限界集落、住民ら起業 原野に太陽光パネル、特産品の販売も ばってんおいどん "I don't have any money or anything, although..." In a small village of only 10 households, inhabitants' business begins Solar panels in the wilderness, and sales of special products Although, for me 1342 金は出せないけど人手は欲しいとかぬかすタワケどもは滅びろ I want the foolish businesses who talk about what they want while not being willing to spend money to perish. 1454 金はいくらでも出すから天国戦争編はよ作れ I will pay any amount of money to make a volume of the Heaven's war. 642 金=力、からの立場逆転萌え的な現象じゃない? Because Money = power, is it the reversal of normal positions that is the issue? 3511 →金品を貢がせる Supply money and other articles. 1242 金塊盗愛知県警漏えい Gold robbery Aichi Prefecture Police leak. 4389 お金大好き浅野真澄ですら手を出してないのに Even the money loving Asano Masumi didn't get into them. 2904 グラビアアイドルの金子理江ちゃんでぴゅっぴゅしました。取り急ぎ。 はー!なの I puffed up with Rie Kaneko , the bikini model. In haste. huh! 2963 お金があって将来に何の不安もないニートって最高だろうな Being a rich NEET without worries about the future sounds great. 120 金属なら福島の原発デブリが最適では? If they're looking for the medal you get in medals, maybe they should look in the nuclear disaster debris in Fukushima? 2001 そんな金あるなら復興に使えや If you have that kind of money, use it for reconstruction. 3587 金持ちちょっと来い まだアイスとか食ってるの? 食後は大抵ブッシュドノエルだはwww Are you getting rich a bit yet do you like ice cream? After meals it's usually a Yule log. 2512 イギリス 金持ち男性のみが参加できるチャリティー晩餐会 チンポ出したりホステスにセクハラし放題の様子がバレる とんだ自善だ A charity dinner party where only the rich men in the UK can participate. They pull out their penises and sexually harass the hostesses, this will get out eventually 3008 金星配給しすぎぃ Kinboshi distributes too much. 597 フッフーーーウ!!!金曜日!明日は休み!!フッフーーーウ!!!!フーーーウ!!!フーーーウ!!!! なんか永い Woo woo!!! Friday! No work tomorrow! Woo, wooo!!! (repeat for ever) 233 金本は? What about Kanemoto? 3045 金沢大学9年ぶりに大雪で休講 「休講ヤッター!」とはならないから困る Kanazawa University cancelled its lectures for the first time in 9 years. It doesn't feel like, "class is cancelled, hooray!" so it's troublesome. 2336 金沢市で来月1日スタート Starting in Kanazawa City the first of next month. 2721 なんか金玉が気持ち悪い My balls are disgusting. 358 金があれば 生きづらそう If you've got money, it seems like life would be hard. 494 金田一中年の事件簿 連載開始 何でもかんでも中年化してんな最近 Ichi Kaneda's old case file will be serialised. Recently everything is getting older. 4313 金盾、steamcommunity.comをブロック ゲームはまだできるもよう (r/steamより) テンセント大勝利か The Golden Shield Project has blocked steamcommunity.com. It seems that games will still be playable. (From r/steam) A great victory for Tencent 368 金盾は外国人のため仮説。 Its thought that Gold Shield is for foreigners. 1158 パシュート金メダルでも… 「菊池彩花」が村民栄誉賞をもらえない「村八分」騒動 | デイリー新潮 これは俺も思った Ayaka Kikuchi cannot get the village honour award, even with a gold medal in the pursuit. Riot over 'ostracism' | daily Shincho. I thought so too. 2419 金融庁、強い懸念 Financial Services Agency, very worried. 2162 金融庁、コインチェックに立ち入り Financial Services Agency, gets involved with coincheck. 2877 【コインチェック】金融庁「いくら話を聞いても、どういう人間がどういうセキュリティーを動かしているのか、全然わからない」 【Coin check】 Financial Services Agency "No matter how much people talk about it, I do not understand what kind of security people are running on what security" I do not know how many gears are in, because it's a large, super high speed challenger. 175 金融緩和で所得格差はむしろ「縮小」している Monetary easing is actually "shrinking" the income divide. 2669 金融のプロ警鐘 Alarm bells among investing professionals. 2362 『金よこせ』(ヘイジョージ〜覚えているかい?ほら君の小学校で大親友だったタカシだよぉ〜ハッハッハッハッハ無理もないね〜) It's me, Takashi, I was your best friend in elementary school hahahaha, it makes sense) 1242 「金で警官買っていた」 "I purchased the police with gold." 2306 金を貸さなくなった銀行が人員削減競争突入 The bank that did not lend money reduced its workforce and is rushing into competition. 428 金があれば お賃金増えたら悩まないもん 絶対 If I had money I wouldn't worry if my wages increased. Definitely. 4185 金・銀・プラチナは宇宙のどこからやってきた? センター試験の問題を一瞬にして時代遅れにしたまさかの出来事 センター試験てこんな簡単なのか おれ大学院入れるじゃん Where did Gold, Silver, Platinum come from in the universe? I made an institutional examination of a center test mistakenly and made an episode of an emergency event Center I made such a simple graduate school attendance. I can go to Master's. 3019 金額次第で自殺考えるとか全然株持ってる人が儲かる話じゃなくて草 (Electrical machinery) Even though unlike gambling you don't know the moment it hits zero, depending on the amount of money there can be suicidal thoughts, and it isn't at all a case of people with stocks making money haha 1752 あといきなり金髪モヒカンでグラサンは反則や!笑てまうわ I can't stop laughing 2320 釣具屋の駐輪場で釣具を盗まれた中学生、即座に周辺の中古釣具屋に網を張る→ドカタ28歳男がのこのこ売りに来て逮捕 Middle aged man steals fishing equipment from parking lot of fishing goods store, net immediately put into place around second hand fishing goods stores in area → 28 year old male laborer nonchalantly comes to sell and is arrested. 1863 釣具屋の駐輪場で釣具を盗まれた中学生、即座に周辺の中古釣具屋に網を張る→ドカタ28歳男がのこのこ売りに来て逮捕 中学生「チッ…釣れたのは雑魚か…」 Middle school student had his fishing equipment stolen from the parking lot of a fishing goods store, net immediately put in place around nearby used fishing goods stores → 28 year old man nonchalantly walks in to sell and gets arrested. Middle school student "Dang... I just caught a small fry..." 2444 釣り用品ダイワ、トラウトルアーの部品を使ったピアスとイヤリングを発売 Fishing Supplies ダイワ, now selling earrings and piercings that use trout lure parts. 676 カヌー鈴木先輩、後輩のおのみものにサーッと薬物混入するのほかに練習器具を盗んだりライバルのパドルに細工したりする人間のクズだった Senior canoeist Suzuki was a piece of trash human who snuck drugs into his junior's drinks, stole practice equipment, and altered his rival's paddles. 3331 カヌー鈴木先輩、後輩のおのみものにサーッと薬物混入するのほかに練習器具を盗んだりライバルのパドルに細工したりする人間のクズだった もう表し方が見つからない程のクズの中のクズ タトエ勝ッテモ長生キハシタイカ… Not only did canoeist Suzuki spike his younger teammate's drink, but he stole practice equipment and tampered with his rival's paddles. He's a trash human. I don't have any words for him except that he's the trashiest among trash. Even if you win do you want to have a long life... 2914 鉄血のオルフェンズの何がすごいかって、孤児であることが全くテーマに絡んでこなかったことだよな What is amazing in the iron bronze Orphans is that no orphan is involved in the theme at all. 4326 鉛筆写実画、ネットで話題 Realistic pencil drawings, Okayama's Mr. Omori is a topic on the net. 2643 「アルマーニか」銀座の小学生に嫌がらせ相次ぐ "Armani?" 2227 「アルマーニか」銀座の小学生に嫌がらせ相次ぐ クズ野郎出没しとんなー [Is is Armani?] Continually harassed by primary school kids in Ginza. The demise of the creepy perv. 311 銀と息子のウィードと孫のシリウスを合わせた合計やで This is the sum total when you combine the metal and son weed and the grandchild's Sirius. 3631 スマホアプリにもなってる銀星囲碁・銀星将棋が北朝鮮製だよね。 The Ginsei Igo / Ginsei Shogi that have become smartphone apps were made in North Korea. 671 銀河系の外に、1兆個の惑星が存在か Are there 100,000,000 stars outside of our galaxy? 311 銀の父親のリキだけ1巻しか出てないけど Only the metal father's tooth in the first volume. 164 みずほ銀行、勘定系システム移行が6月から開始される「もはや個別企業のシステム案件を超越した、全国民参加型の国家的プロジェクトと位置付けられる」 Mizuho Bank to Change Calculation Systems from June: 'We'd Rank This As Greater Than Simply a System Meant for a Single Company, But a National Project All Citizens Are Involved In'. 909 銀行で大学生の母親と間違われる悲劇…まだ33歳…一生口座作らない I'm still 33 years old... 3221 ロシアの銀行が独自仮想通貨チンコインを発行 Russian bank issues unique cryptocurrency chincoin. 567 銀行送金に仮想通貨「ブロックチェーン」技術、スマホで送金 手数料は数百円から1/10程度に大幅引き下げへ えー!いきなり損なの?しかも**大**損なの!!? 送金時間のメカニズムもきになるけど取引所についてまずググってみます。通貨自体はとりあえずビットコインでいいかなと思ってるけど勉強代が安い通貨があるならそっちでとりあえずやってみるのも手なのかな…。とにかく調べてみる。 "Block chain" cryptocurrency technology to make money transfers, send money with smartphone. The processing fee will go down from a few hundred yen to approximately a tenth of that. What! A loss all of a sudden? And a **huge** loss to boot!!? I'm worried about the mechanism of the transfer time but I'm first going to Google about exchanges. I'm thinking the currency itself can be Bitcoin for now, but it might be worth using a cheap currency just to learn the ropes... I'm just going to research about it first. 2776 銀行送金に仮想通貨「ブロックチェーン」技術、スマホで送金 手数料は数百円から1/10程度に大幅引き下げへ 現金→取引所→購入の流れだけでも間違って酷い手段選ぶと最悪数割近く手数料で持っていかれる そして暴騰した直後のタイミングで買うと暴落して最悪半値とかになったりする 買うなとは言わないが実態は株を買うようなものだと思ったほうが良いです Bank transfer to "blockchain" technology cryptocurrency, smartphone transfer fee drastically cut down to 1/10 from several hundred yen It's only the flow of Cash → Exchange → Buy, but if you make a mistake you can easily be taken away by the commission charges And when you buy during a rush, the price can easily crash back down to half, etc I won't say not to buy it, but it's better to think of it as buying stocks 3523 銃にAI搭載しよう Let’s place AI (artificial intelligence) into guns. 1724 銃乱射を生き残った高校生たちに全米から誹謗中傷なぜ? Why is so much criticism of high school students who survived shootings coming from America? 3523 「銃が人を殺すのではない」は真実か? Is it the truth that “guns do not kill people”? 1939 銃撃から隠れてるって?電話していい? うわこれは最悪 You're hiding from a shootout? Can I phone you? Ugh, this is the worst. 1633 銃の自由所持を尊重する憲法があるから It's because the constitution values freedom to own guns. 2325 鋼の錬金術師ってあれね、漫画のやつね Movie "Fullmetal Alchemist" positive reviews under suspicion of being created by studio, trending. 2879 ふゆ ツーカー錠みたいなの欲しい I want one like the Winter Tuuka tablets. 962 さっき『ハバネロ錬金術師』という言葉を思い出して10秒くらい笑ってた Previously I remembered the term 'Habanero pepper alchemist' and laughed for about 10 seconds. 3691 録画すらさせてくれなかったorz I couldn't even record it orz. 3723 鍵となる「共感」の能力 The key is the power of "sympathy". 2980 鎮痛剤「オピオイド危機」の現実 The reality of painkillers aka "The Opioid Crisis". 1514 鎮痛薬のイブプロフェンに男性不妊と関係の疑い その考えはなかったわw   …なかったわ The analgesic Ibuprofen is implicated in male infertility. I hope not... 189 長崎県議が理事長を努める社会福祉法人の福祉施設では、職員らが定期的に議員に献金していた 「給料日に封筒を配って寄付を集めている」「仕事を失いたくないので、しかたなく」「寄付が遅れると幹部に催促された」 20年以上前から総額2億円以上 生き血すすってんなあ At the welfare facility of the social welfare corporation where this Nagasaki Prefectural Assembly member serves as board chairman, the staff members made regular donations to him. It was said, "On payday, an envelope would be passed around, and donations would be collected." "I didn't want to lose my job, so it couldn't be helped." "If you were late with your donation, management would demand it from you." This went on for over 20 years, and a total of over 200 million yen was collected. He really sucked the lifeblood out of them! 791 長時間出してれば見飽きるし粗も見えてくるし If it goes on for too long it will become jaded and crude. 2475 長時間スマホ?なぜか福井の高校生、視力最悪 鯖江で眼鏡作ってるので地産地消が進む? Long time using Smart phone? For some reason, Fukui high school students have the worst vision. They're making glasses in Sabae, so local production for local consumption will increase? 4494 それで長期間民主主義のふりをした独裁体制敷いてるんだからすげえな That's why I'm laying dictatorshpi systems pretending to be democracy for a long time. 3135 長さ測ってぴったりの高さにした I measured the length and made it just the right height. 969 フィデル・カストロの長男がキューバで自殺 うつは辛い Fidel Castro's eldest son commits suicide in Cuba Depression is harsh 1034 長距離巡航ミサイル「国産化」を検討 34年度試作品完成目指す 敵基地攻撃能力保有を視野 対中戦想定してるんだろうけど 先に水爆落とされるかサイロ破壊されたら終い その時代までアメリカが同盟国であるかもわからんから あせってるんだろうな きちんと手順踏んでるなら文句はないが ボンクラ安倍は暴走してるから一切認められない Investigation into "domestically manufacturing" super long range cruise missiles. Aiming to complete a prototype from 1964. Looking for power to destroy enemy bases. I guess they were probably thinking about a war with China, but if they dropped hydrogen bombs first and blew up the missile silos then it would all be over. At the time they didn't know if the US was an ally or not, so they were probably worried. If they go through the proper steps then I don't have any problem with it, but that crazy Abe acts rashly, so I am completely against it. 3580 長野五輪の銅メダリストを逮捕 Nagano bronze medalist Uematsu was arrested. 160 長野は県章っぽくなくてびっくりした I was surprised at how the symbol for Nagano Prefecture doesn't look like a prefecture symbol at all. 2833 長い間使ってきた電動歯ブラシが充電できていないことが増えてきたのでいつ買ったのか調べたら2007年だった アナル刺激用? The electric toothbrush that I have used for a long time doesn't work anymore. I've heard this happens to a lot of people. When I looked into it, it turns out that I bought it in 2007. Can you use that for anal stimulation? 2892 カピバラ長風呂対決に5頭挑戦 Capybara long baths match, Showdown against five challengers Tochigi Representative Peko, three consecutive victories over three minutes. 3624 「閃乱カグラ PEACH BEACH SPLASH」,DLCで「ネプテューヌ」が参戦 アズレンといいコラボは割と気合入ってる感じなのに本家はリメイクばかりなのはなんでなのん… "Neptune" joins in battle in the DLC for "Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash" Even though the good combo with Azuren shows a lot of spirit, it makes you wonder why it is just a remake... 382 閉鎖していた Why!?!?! 1775 オリンピック開会式がすごくLLLを感じる モルゲッソヨ The Olympics opening ceremony seems too LLL Bullet Man 650 ピョンチャンオリンピック 開会式 聖火台に火をともしたのはキム・ヨナさん 白い虎や人面鳥が登場 巨大スマホを持って踊り OAR = Olympic Athlete from Russia 日本の服が蛍光赤で開場も蛍光色が多くて、目がチカチカした トンガ人が氷点下で半裸 韓国と北朝鮮の選手団が同時入場 キムヨナがスケートしながら聖火点灯   ジャニーズみたいな踊り 桑子「閉会式」と言い間違い Pyeongchang Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. It was Kim Yuna who lit the torch. There were white tigers and bird masks. Someone was carrying a giant smarphone while dancing. OAR = Olympic Athlete from Russia. The Japanese clothes were fluorescent red, and the venue was filled with fluorescent colours. It was dazzling. The Tongans were half naked even in the cold. The North and South Korean teams entered the stadium together as Kim Yuna skated over to light the torch. The dance was like a Johnnies. Kuwako mistook it for the closing ceremony. 530 開催中の「平壌五輪」?ツイッターで地名の取り違え急増 テレビ見てたら画面下に流れる応援ツイートで ピョンヤン頑張れ!って言ってる人いて吹いた 検閲されなかったんだな・・・ The ongoing "Pyongyang Olympics"? Sudden increase in the place name being misidentified. I was watching TV and the support tweet scrolling along the bottom said, "Do your best in Pyongyang!" Hahaha. I guess they don't bother checking the tweets... 2870 プレミアムフライデー 開始から1年も定着進まず なぜ定着すると思ったのか Why did you think that it will be established if it still hasn't been estableshed after 1 year since the premium Friday started 1660 サブミ開いたら完結してた The submission was open so I finished it. 4386 ソフトウェア開発なんて会社員じゃなくてもできるだろ It really is unfortunate." 235 きららファンタジア開発の内部状況貼る 漫画にすると角が取れるw it's relaxing when I read a comic of the internal situation at Kirara Fantasia Development. 2212 ひたすら「ルートボックス」を開け続ける風刺ゲーム『I Can't Believe It's Not Gambling』発売。僅かな高揚と大きな虚無感を味わう 早速やってるけどめっちゃ楽しい The satirical game in which you repeatedly open loot boxes "I Can't Believe It's Not Gambling" goes on sale. Experience mild excitement and crushing emptiness. I tried it right away, and it's a lot of fun. 3795 閑話休題。面白ジョーク?見つけた。 I found a funny? 781 間をとって原付 Split the difference with a scooter. 3735 ここは間を取って白ブリーフで Let's split the difference and go with white briefs. 1697 まだ間に合え!流行りそうでギリギリ流行ってないバーチャルYouTuberに流行る前から注目してた顔をするためのお勧めn選 Still not too late! 3259 うとうとしてたらいつの間にか日付かわっとるんやが? ひ? When dozing off I suddenly noticed that\\nthe date had changed. 3245 どこでどう間違えて、こんなにも悲惨な人生になっちゃったのかな How and where did I make such a mistake to become such a miserable life? 906 どこでどう間違えて、こんなにも悲惨な人生になっちゃったのかな かなしい How did I make such a mistake, and end up with such a miserable life, I wonder So sad 2716 もともとツクール関係なかったソフトをデジカ繋がりで It's a tool you can use to create ADV and light novel games without any programming knowledge. 1570 関係者の証人喚問が続く The search for official witnesses continues. 1720 おまえらは関心ないだろうが一昨日ぐらいからネットで話題になってた絵本作家のぶみの糞歌詞「あたしおかあさんだから」について横山だいすけお兄さんが謝罪 今子育て真っ最中だけど、なんでこの歌詞って怒ららるんだろうね。 2番にお父さんだからで同じ内容欲しいとは思うけど、たまに夫婦で子供が居なかったらもっと遊べたのにねって懐かしむことは多い None of you seem interested, but around two days ago, this crappy song by an illustrator was all over the net. Older brother Daisuke Yokoyama has apologised about 'Because I'm a mother'. We are in the middle of bringing up children, so why did that song make us so angry. One reason is because we would like a no.2 similar song 'because I'm a father.' But also because married couples start to think about all the free time they would have if children didn't arrive.\\n 2975 おまえらは関心ないだろうが一昨日ぐらいからネットで話題になってた絵本作家のぶみの糞歌詞「あたしおかあさんだから」について横山だいすけお兄さんが謝罪 子どもに依存する母親の歌ね 毒親の歌といってもいいか この歌に影響されるようなうっかりさんな女性が出ないことを願う I don't know if any of you care, but Daisuke Yamada issued an apology because of Nobumi, the the picture book author who caused controversy on the Internet two days ago over her horrible song lyrics, "Because I'm the mom". It's a song about a mother who depends on her children, you could even call it a song about toxic parenting. I hope it doesn't influence any thoughtless women who happen to hear it. 3629 ビットコインへの関心薄れる、検索件数も激減 Interest in bitcoin fades, the number of searches sharply decreases, is it because it's not profitable? 3258 関東大震災の「朝鮮人虐殺はなかった」という人びと People that say the massacre of the North Koreans never happened at the Great Kanto Earthquake are the same kind of people that read revisionist history. 1374 関東あたりまでの川底はかなりベクレってるから The river beds around the Kanto region are fairly radioactive [? 1636 関東甲信中心に大雪のおそれ Chance of heavy snow focused in the Kanto Koushin Region. 4028 関西大学のグループが摩擦で発電に成功 環境に優しい発電機として今後も改良に挑む そうです(なぜか怒っている) Kansai University group seems to challenge improvement as an environmentally friendly generator succeeding in power generation by friction (why I am angry) 4090 関西大学のグループが摩擦で発電に成功 環境に優しい発電機として今後も改良に挑む 擦れ!擦れ!亀頭を!マスタベイションのエナジーで 燈せ!燈せ!明かりを!闇を照らせよ Group of Kansai University succeeded in generating electricity with friction as we continue to improve as an environmentally friendly generator! Sharpen! Scrub glens! Illuminate with the energy of masterbase! Lights! A light! Shine the darkness 405 ゆっ ゆっゆっ ゆうくん ゆっ ゆっゆっ ゆうくん… ゆうくんは関西資本 Yu, Yu, Yu, hey Yu, Yu. Yu is a real asset to the Kansai area. 866 関西限定「忖度まんじゅう」10月まで8万箱爆売れ これこの前お土産で貰った Limited to the Kansai area only. “Sontaku Manjuu (name of treat)” is being sold like crazy until October for 80,000 yen. I received it as a souvenir a little while back. 1203 関連会社っていうならサイゾー系列であるリテラも同じようなものじゃん Talking about associated businesses, the Cyzo conglomeration LITERA is pretty similar. 4426 【閲覧注意】大草原の殺人家族「ベンダー家」! [Viewer discretion advised] Prairie murder family "Bender Family"! 2730 【閲覧注意】毎日6リットルの炭酸を飲んだ男の歯はどうなるのっと [Graphic Warning] What happens to a man's teeth after drinking 6 liters of carbonated drinks everyday. 785 闘える君らの生きがいができて Can you live with all your fighting. 663 ガンで闘病中だったラッパーのECDさんが57歳で亡くなる うそ… RIP ECD, who had been fighting a battle with cancer, died at age 57. No way... RIP. 926 阪神・淡路大震災から23年 「あの日」を胸に祈りの朝 まー今思えば津波も放射能もなくてまだ助かった方だわ。ようけ死んだけどな。 これと併せてルミナリエも、来年も続きますように。 From the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake 23 years ago. That memorable morning when we said all those prayers. When compared to today's situation we can be thankful there was no tsunami or radiation. Though the dead were just as dead. Luminairie will also be continuing next year. 1602 防衛相、迎撃実験の失敗認める「うまくいかなかった」 Minister of Defense, acknowledges error in counterattack test "It did not go well". 1368 防衛相、迎撃実験の失敗認める「うまくいかなかった」 懐事情ってのは双方にある だから片方だけが振り回されるって事はありえないんだ Minister of Defense. Failure of intercept experiment confirmed.'It didn't go well' There are always two sides to any incident. If only one side turns back nothing will happen. 3474 防衛省「新品」と説明 The Ministry of Defense explains it as "New". 236 防衛費負担で対日批判=「不公平」と議論蒸し返す-米大統領 君んちの都合でいる軍隊じゃろ Bashing Japan over the defense cost burden is 'unfair', and a rehash of old arguments. US President. The army is there for you. 525 防衛費負担で対日批判=「不公平」と議論蒸し返す-米大統領 日本人ごときが対等だと思って接して来たら、俺ならキレて死ぬまで顔面殴ると思う U.S covering Japan's defense budget was criticised by a U.S president while it was countered to being "unfair" If I see Japan thinking they're on the same level with the U.S I'll be furious. 992 イノベーションを阻害する「技適」。経団連などが規制改革要望を提出→疎外された例:Google Glassの実証実験ができなかった。MS HoloLensを使ったMRの開発が一年ストップ。Androidのリファレンス機が販売されない。 それ技適なんも関係ないだろ The "standards compliance" that is stifling innovation. Japan Business Federation and others file requests for regulatory reform → Examples of hindrance: Demonstration of Google Glass was impossible. Development of MR using MS HoloLens was stopped for one year. Android reference machines aren't being sold. Those cases of standards compliance don't matter. 162 よっぽど降らないのか埼玉 Just how rare is snow in Saitama? 2611 降霊術師の妄想 ホモなの Denication of a Necromancer I'm a homosexual 730 降霊術師の妄想 じゃない Wild ideas of a spiritualism teacher It's not 3028 除染作業に技能実習生 Technical trainee for decontamination work, Vietnamese male "There was no explanation." 3499 除雪作業中、重機オペレーター死亡。疲労ピーク、心肺停止で見つかる 休めない職場は叩かれてなくて思わずニッコリした 本当糞だな^^ While clearing away snow, heavy machinery operator dies. Having been severely fatigued, he was found to have gone into cardiac arrest. I couldn't help but smile that workplaces with no days off aren't getting bashed. What a piece of shit ^^ 4458 お陰で仕事がらみには嫌でも使わにゃならん Because I do not want to work for my work, I will not use it 2175 お陰で仕事できるようになるまでかなり時間がかかった気がする Because of that I feel like it took me quite a while until I was able to work. 4104 陰湿体育会系やな Police inspector offers disciplinary actions: A young athletic association system. 3880 陰湿で根暗で洞窟の毒シメジのような日本人は煽るのも得意だから、会社員も信用できないけれどな As Japanese are like cave poison shimaji is dangerous. 722 陸地に住んでるままで服を着だして牡蠣とか魚とか食べるって発想はでないと思うんよね It doesn't seem farfetched that while living on land they started wearing clothes and started eating oysters and fish. 2802 テレビドラマ『陸王』放送前にあれだけ番宣したにも関わらず最終回の視聴率は20%ギリギリだった Despite such advertisement before airing, ratings for TV drama "Rikuo" barely reached 20% Huh? 1850 陸自2佐がコンビニ強盗容疑 埼玉県警逮捕、容疑は否認 佐官が強盗…… いっそ誰かにはめられたと言われた方が納得できる 2 people from the JGSDF are suspected for a convenience store robbery. Saitama prefecture police arrest, the suspects in denial. A field officer involved in a robbery... if I was told that someone had framed him, I would agree. 199 陸自2佐がコンビニ強盗容疑 埼玉県警逮捕、容疑は否認 信用失墜しきってる埼玉県警は?否認してるのにすげえ勢いで切り捨てるな やっぱこの組織日本軍だわ Two people from the army were arrested by the Saitama Police arrested on suspicion of robbing a convenience store. The suspects denied involvement. Are the Saitama police losing credibility? Even though they denied it, don't be too eager to throw it away. The Japanese military is that kind of organisation. 986 陸自ヘリ墜落 また被害者ネット中傷 負傷少女の父に 自衛隊には文句いうなって風潮になっていく A Ground Self Defense Force helicopter crashed. The victims are being slandered on the internet again. There is a trend to not criticize a girl’s father and the Self Defense Force. 1897 陸路で大陸とつなげてほしい。 Japan is a special case being an island nation. 1271 ポカポカ陽気で花粉が大量飛散! Balmy weather causes pollen to spread all over! 263 隙はなかったようやな it seems that there was no gap involved. 404 際立つ自民議員の外交音痴ぶり 台湾頑張れの何処が問題なんだよw もう少し頭使えよ。問題になってるのは台湾総統呼称の方だろ。 LDP assembly members' feigning ignorance of foreign affairs stands out: just what the hell was wrong with saying "Go for it, Taiwan?" LOL. Use your brains a little, geez. The real problem was how they referred to the president of Taiwan. 2010 おっしゃ障害年金ゲットだぜ Alright, I'm getting a disability pension. 2808 障害ある従業員に「幼稚園児以下」 スーパーに賠償命令 不当判決! 人間性を否定されてたったの22万ぽっちって何だよ! Supermarket that told a disabled employee that he was "less than a kindergartener" ordered to pay compensation It's an unfair ruling! No way, he was treated inhumanely and only received 220,000 yen! 726 障害ある従業員に「幼稚園児以下」 スーパーに賠償命令 いいんだよ、無理に地位にしがみ付いて「できます、やります」でストレス溜めてさらに下に当たるようになったら人間終わりだって気づかないと 下がみんな言う事聞かなくなれば困るのは上役も同じなのに、みんな全自動忖度機と化してて馬鹿みたい Supermarket who said "more useless than a kindergartener" to a disabled employee ordered to pay damages That's great, if you are forcibly attached to your position and amassing stress from repeating "I can do it, I will do it", you have to realize that humans can't take anymore once they hit the bottom If you don't listen to what everyone under you says, the boss will also be in trouble, it looks like everyone is stupid and becoming a fully automated assumption machine 634 障害者は昇格賃上げ In developed countries, it is an ethical imperative to take a developed view, and listen sincerely to the women's claims when it comes to evaluating HR policies. 3286 コミュ障特有の意味不明な行動をなくしていこうと思う むーり I am thinking of quitting illogical behavior that is because of communication disorder but it is impossible. 2008 コミュ障特有の意味不明な行動をなくしていこうと思う I hope we can stop meaningless behaviour specific to communication barriers. 2524 なお障碍者は見殺しにします I will be lost when the Sumo Association collapses" still disabled people will be killed. 1074 隠して応援 They're aiding them by hiding something. 815 隣の人はどんな夕食を食べてるの? What does your neighbor eat for dinner? 3966 “隣人は死刑囚” "My neighbors are death row prisoners" A newly built apartment building that's being talked about on the net. 4142 “隣人は死刑囚” 一部ネットで話題の新築マンション あーこれはアレフの拠点化待ったなしだな "My neighbour is on death row" a new apartment building turning into a topic at some parts of the internet. Ah now's the chance to make it into an Aleph base. 4489 うるさい隣人と遂に切れた人 A person who's fed up with his noisy neighbors 1148 隣の部屋から、壁越しに灰色さんの楽しそうな笑い声が聞こえる、、つらい、、 ワロタ You can hear Mr Grey's happy laughter in the next room through the wall. Boring. LOL 4226 雀荘かよ Is this a Mah Jongg parlor? 3744 雅楽論文数はまだ世界一位のはず The scientific (kagaku) paper count is sixth in the world, but the old Japanese court music (gagaku) paper count must still be number one in the world. 1892 集中審議で、ある質問に太田理財局長がいらだちながら全力否定 Annoyed director Tadashi Ota responds to the question with a full denial after an extensive investigation. 261 「それはいくらなんでも」 集中審議で、ある質問に太田理財局長がいらだちながら全力否定 まさしくあきれはてたな・・・・・・ 忠告するが君は(画像略 'However much it is' After an intensive investigation, Director Tadashi Oda hotly denies the allegation. Perhaps he was tired.... The warning is you (thumbnail image) \\n 1446 集団準強姦容疑の慶大生6人、横浜地検が不起訴処分に。地検は処分理由を明らかにしていない 地検「未来を背負う若者はこれぐらい元気じゃないとな!(お父さんによろしく)」 Yokohama district prosecutor decides not to prosecute six Keio university students over allegations of group rape scandal. Prosecutor is not making reasons public. Prosecutor: "These young people are our future! If they don't keep healthy and fuck, we're lost! Give my best to their parents." 2380 集団準強姦容疑の慶大生6人、横浜地検が不起訴処分に。地検は処分理由を明らかにしていない アベさんサンキュー これも民意 Six Keio University students suspected of group incapacitated rape, Yokohama District Public Prosecutor's Office elects not to prosecute. The District Public Prosecutor's Office did not disclose the reason for not prosecuting. Abe, thank you. This is also the will of the people. 1539 集団食中毒か Could it be group food poisoning? 3700 集まりくる干し柿 Dried persimmons are piling up. 3567 集まりくる干し柿 ほちい 干し柿だいすき I want gathered dried persimmon. I love dried persimmon. 2923 【雑】冬だ!師走だ!土曜日は映画の雑談スレの日だ!WWは良かったジャスティスリーグ!ビビらせる系の怖さIT!KUBO!CGゴジラ!ごちうさ!実写・鋼の錬金術師!ほかにもいろいろやってるぞ 今日BS11でガルパン劇場版20:00から [Rough Winters! It's December! Saturday is a chatting thread day for movies! WW was good justice League! Fear to threaten IT! KUBO! CG Godzilla! wrong handling! Live photography · Full metal alchemist! we do many other things. Today at BS 11,Garpan theater version at 20: 00 3333 【雑】冬だ!師走だ!土曜日は映画の雑談スレの日だ!WWは良かったジャスティスリーグ!ビビらせる系の怖さIT!KUBO!CGゴジラ!ごちうさ!実写・鋼の錬金術師!ほかにもいろいろやってるぞ クリーピー 偽りの隣人見たんだけど、ある物の設定や警察のあれこれなどが気になってあまり楽しめなかった でも後から思い返してちょっと怖かった 香川照之と藤野涼子が良かった [Misc.] It's winter! It's December! Saturday's thread is for chatting about movies! WW was good. Justice League! IT was all about trying to scaring you! KUBO! CG Godzilla! GochiUsa! Live action Full Metal Alchemist! A bunch of other movies are on right now. I watched Creepy: The Lying Next Door Neighbor, but I was distracted by the settings and stuff about the police so I couldn't really enjoy it. But I thought about it later and I got a little scared. Teruyuki Kagawa and Ryoko Fujino was good. 3167 【雑】土曜日は久しぶりの映画の雑談スレの日!日本では検閲されてるシェイプ・オブ・ウォーター!アフリカの謎国家ブラックパンサー!ハネケ新作ハッピーエンド!スリー・ビルボード!グレイテスト・ショーマン!空海!岡田麿里監督作さよ朝!カネがないやつは映画サブレでセッション観よう あれもこれだけは見る、あとぷりきゅあも割と見たいのだがどうすれば… [Miscellaneous] Saturday marks the return of the movie discussion thread! Censored in Japan was The Shape of Water! The African nation of Wakanda in Black Panther! Haneke's new film Happy End! Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri! The Greatest Showman! Kukai! Okada Mari's Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms! People without money can go to the movie subreddit to watch a session. After watching this and that I also kind of want to watch PreCure, so I wonder what I should do... 2224 雑炊でもソバでもなんでもいいんだけど色々手頃だからラーメンになるだけで Zōsui or soba or whatever is fine but since they're all suitable, they just get made into ramen. 1384 ミニストップ、とうとうドスケベ雑誌の取り扱い中止。 Mini Stop will finally stop carrying adult magazines. 2241 雑誌「映画芸術」がベスト映画から「アニメ」を除外した 'Cinema art' Magazine leaves out animations in its best movie evaluation. 551 雑談多めでテンポ悪いから漫画向きじゃなくね It goes off topic too much and the pace is too slow so I don't think it's suited to be a manga. 4070 雑談とか、好きに使え。チンポストにしとくから Buy the magazines and stuff if you want to. 1217 雑談とか、好きに使え。チンポストにしとくから LLLerモテる説 Feel free to use the chat or whatever. I'll just make a penis post. The reason for LLLer popularity. 1144 雑談とか、好きに使え。チンポストにしとくから はきだそう Small talk all you want. I will put it in the dick post. I am going to throw up. 1581 雑談とか、好きに使え。チンポストにしとくから 吹雪いてる Use stuff like "discussions" as you like. I'm just going to put dick posts here. It's snowing like crazy. 3369 雑談とか、好きに使え。チンポストにしとくから 筑前煮作ってた すぐ汁半分くらい捨てて水入れたけどしょっぱかった Chat and so on, use it as you like. Prepared for chimposting I made a chicken vegetable stew I immediately threw out about half the broth and put in water, but it was salty 3557 雑談とか、好きに使え。チンポストにしとくから これ花粉症じゃあ無くて風邪だ・・ せっかくの土日に・・・。 ジブリの大博覧会って企画展にいこうと思ってたのに、って今調べたらまだ始まってなかった4月からだ Use small talk as you wish. I will use Chin Post. This is a cold, not pollen allergies. It is the weekend too... \\nI am thinking of planning Ghibli Studios Exhibitions. However, even if I do, it is already April and it hasn’t started yet. 3887 雑貨屋で欲しいものがあるたびに部屋掃除しなきゃって思う Every time I want something in a store, I think I need to clean my room. 2058 クソ雑魚国民が上級様に一人で逆らっても、上級様+同じクソ雑魚国民からフルボッコくらって沈んでいく Even though a piece of shit Japanese goes against the upper management alone, same level of crappy Japanese + upper management will beat the shit out of you and bury you deep. 3538 離婚した知人が転居するとき It hurts. 2737 これ難しいな This is difficult. 3992 そうだ!難民しよう Let's seek asylum. 3591 あべぴょんに難病があるとしたら頭じゃね If there's something about Abe that can't be cured, it's got to be his head. 3971 雪印コーヒーにつかれるお風呂 発売55年記念で誕生 ユネッサンかと思った Bathing in Snow Brand Coffee Commemoration of the 55th anniversary I thought “Is this Yunessan?” 317 雪なのでニーハイブーツ履いて行ったらえろいねっていわれました It was snowing so I put on knee high boots. 1277 雪と氷の世界「霧氷」の投稿映像 橋幸夫かな? Posted footage of the world of snow and ice "hard rime" Is it Yukio Hashi? 4127 雪男イエティの正体はクマ、進化史まで解明         ____       ノ       ヽ       /  /   \ ヽ      |    ( _●_)   ヽ  スポッ    (⌒ヽ;"''i'"i'''i"'i''"∩⌒)    .i  |  ! ! ! !  |  |    |  |∩___∩  | プハー    |  i| ノ    U ヽ i    |  /  ─   ─ | !  イエティのふりをするのも疲れたクマー    !  | U  ( _●_) ミ    ヽ 彡、   |∪|  ノ     \    ヽノ  / Evolutionary history eluded that the identity of the abominable yeti is a bear.\\n      ____       ノ       ヽ       /  /   \ ヽ      |    ( _●_)   ヽ  スポッ    (⌒ヽ;"''i'"i'''i"'i''"∩⌒)    .i  |  ! ! ! !  |  |    |  |∩___∩  | プハー    |  i| ノ    U ヽ i    |  /  ─   ─ | !  イBear who is tired of pretending to be a yeti.    !  | U  ( _●_) ミ    ヽ 彡、   |∪|  ノ     \    ヽノ  / 3717 雪しょぼくて良かったなぁコミケ Comiket aren't you glad there wasn't that much snow. 3005 雪すごすぎて街歩いてるだけなのに山登りしてる気分 The snow is beyond amazing, just walking around the town feels like mountain climbing. 3578 雪が降っとる It is snowing I just returned home. 1438 雪よく降っちゃった Quite a lot of snow\\n 3891 雪降ってないから雪かきごっこするわ It's not snowing outside so I will imitate snow plowing. 132 雪かきする→雪が降る→雪が積もる→雪かきする→雪が降る→雪が積もる→雪が 溶かすんだ雷電。 Shovel snow → snow falls → snow accumulates → shovel snow → snow falls → snow accumulates → snow melts, thunder and lightening. 3212 雷句誠「東京の家、買ってください。2億円でお得です」 RCかなと思ったら木造なんだね。でも変じゃないし売れるんじゃないかな Raiku Makoto "Please buy my house in Tokyo. I'll give you a special deal of 2 hundred million yen." I thought it might be made of reinforced concrete, but it turns out it's made of wood. But it isn't strange, and I imagine it'll probably sell. 3563 「電光超人グリッドマン」が新作アニメに、2018年秋放送へ “Gridman: The Hyper Agent” is going to be broadcasted in the fall of 2018 as a new anime. 814 電子の漫画販売が紙超える 電子書籍って読書体験を変えるものとして語られがちだけど、購入体験を変える側面の方が本質だよね。 一巻を買って面白かったら、1分で二巻を買って読める。漫画との相性が抜群に良い。 Electronic manga sales overtake paper. I tend to talk about how electronic books change the reading experience, but the buying experience changes this aspect. If you buy the first volume and it's interesting, you can buy the second volume in a minute and read it. The compatibility with manga is exceptionally high. 2757 アンドロイドは電気山羊の夢を見るか? Do androids dream of electric sheep? 2195 電気毛布暖かいのでおすすめ Electric blankets are warm so I would recommend them. 3723 はいはい、電気羊は夢見ません Yeah, yeah, electric sheep do not dream. 2559 電波ソングブームの先駆け『さくらんぼキッス』は黒歴史? 作詞者・KOTOKO「あれは今後、お葬式で流すだけにして(笑)」 あれは…歌詞もそうだけどMVが黒ってレベルじゃない A pioneer of radio wave song boom, "Black Cherry Kiss," is part of black history? Lyricist・KOTOKO "lets just shed it at the funeral int he future (haha)" That is... the lyrics are like that too, but MV is not black level. 1068 ソフトバンクが電波法違反 SoftBank commits Radio Law violation. 173 電磁的記録頒布容疑で逮捕 “It was fun and I wanted money.” She was arrested on suspicion of digital distribution (of lewd photos). 2720 電線から火花 トラブル相次ぐ 先週の強風の影響か 今日も雨と風強いビニール傘壊れるわ Incidents of sparks flying from power lines continue. Perhaps due to last week's strong winds. Today the rain and wind is strong too so my umbrella's going to break. 702 電脳老女が腰叩きながらデータ運んでる図 Image of the old computer mistress having a bad back and carrying my data 2340 「電話が怖い」若者たち(上) Young people who think that "phones are scary" (above). 11 「電話が怖い」若者たち(上) 「まずメール」 仕事に支障も 慣れ The young people above are saying, “I am scared of the telephone.” “First use email.” It will hinder your work. Get use to it. 2733 電車なう I'm on a train right now. 137 電車で僕の両隣二席分座られない The seats on my both sides have not been sat by anyone on a train. 3429 電車で泣いた他人の赤ちゃんの首絞める 22歳男逮捕「苦しくなくなると思って…」 リョナものとか読んでそう 22 year old boy who strangled a stranger's crying baby on a train was arrested「I thought that they would be suffering...」He seems like the type that would be reading リョナ 2941 電通がネット広告に毒されるだけで The "employee" he corresponded with had a business card with a Twitter account listed... 1382 ブロガーはあちゅう 電通時代のセクハラ・パワハラを証言 有名社員さん「俺に気に入られる絶好のチャンスなのに体も使えないわけ? その程度の覚悟でうちの会社入ったの? お前にそれだけの特技あるの? お前の特技が何か言ってみろ」「あいつは下手だからもっとうまい女を紹介しろ。底辺の人間の知り合いは底辺だな。お前もセックス下手なんだろ。彼氏がかわいそうだ」 ひどいのうw A blogger's testimony over sexual harassment and power play in the digital age. A well known company official. Even though I have such a perfect opportunity to do something I enjoy, is that a reason for using bodies? Did you join our company with that attitude? Is that your only skill? Tell me what you are good at.'\\n'You are useless, so introduce me to a more skillful woman. Low lives associate with low lives. You're also useless in bed. I pity him'. Awful. 2145 ブロガーはあちゅう 電通時代のセクハラ・パワハラを証言 有名社員さん「俺に気に入られる絶好のチャンスなのに体も使えないわけ? その程度の覚悟でうちの会社入ったの? お前にそれだけの特技あるの? お前の特技が何か言ってみろ」「あいつは下手だからもっとうまい女を紹介しろ。底辺の人間の知り合いは底辺だな。お前もセックス下手なんだろ。彼氏がかわいそうだ」 デジャブだと思ったら岡村隆史が~~クマエリ~~熊田曜子拉致監禁した話にそっくりだよ 人格被ってんな、あーすっきりした Blogger Haachuu gives testimony about sexual harassment and power harassment from her time at Dentsu. Famous employee "This is a great chance to catch my favor, but you won't use your body? You entered this company without being willing to make that commitment? Are you really skilled enough for that? Tell me what makes your skills so great." "That one wasn't good for me so introduce me to another woman. It takes a low class person to know a low class person. You are probably bad at sex too, right? Your poor boyfriend." I thought it was deja vu, since it was exactly like the story of Okamura Takashi abducting and imprisoning ~~ Kumaeri ~~ Kumada Yoko. Lining them up like that, it fits perfectly. 4131 電通関連企業の不買やるわ I won't buy anything from any company affiliated with Dentsu. 1722 震災避難所でも似たような話あったよな確か At earthquake evacuation centers, too, there tends to be similar talk. 1001 霊長類感ある People are primates. 1019 霞が関の造反か Is it a revolt in Kasumigaseki? 3277 エロすぎるジャズピアニスト、露出度が高すぎて演奏どころじゃない ピアノうまいの腹立つw That Jazz pianist is too erotic. He/she is showing too much skin and it is not appropriate for a recital. I am mad that he is good at piano. 820 露悪的な奴増えたよね (Osamu Omae)\\nThere has been an increase in people who boast about one’s own faults. 3780 あれ青いよな It was blue I think. 2191 まあもうすぐ青健法出るけど Well, soon there will be a law passed. 2994 みんなも青汁飲もう Everyone drink green juice. 2994 青汁飲んだら寿命伸びるかな If you drink it will you live longer? 4011 青空文庫、今年も大勢の作者がパブリック・ドメインに追加。新村出や吉田茂など。なお日本とEU間の経済連携協により著作権が70年に伸びそうな模様。そうなれば20年間ハッピー・パブリック・ドメイン・デイはない… 小説村が出来る方が早そうですねクォレワ Aozora Bunko, a lot of authors also added this year to the public domain. Aramura and Shigeru Yoshida etc. It seems that copyright is likely to grow in 70 years by economic partnership cooperation between Japan and the EU. If so, there is no Happy Public Domain Day for 20 years ... It seems to be better for a novel village , someone who is able to do . 4097 青空に男性器を描いたパイロット、クビを免れる なにそのお線香? The pilot who drew a male appendage avoided being fired. What is that? It just looks like smoke from incense. 3650 静岡知事が憲法改正案 Shizuoka governor proposes constitutional reform. 3938 静岡知事が憲法改正案 富士山を国土統合の象徴として憲法に書き込むべきと /^o^\ ^^きもちわるい The governer of Shizuoka proposes constitutional amendment Says Mt. Fuji should be in the constitution as a symbol of national unity /^o^\ ^^This makes me sick 1721 静岡知事が憲法改正案 富士山を国土統合の象徴として憲法に書き込むべきと /^o^\ ロボット対決が見られそう The governor of Shizuoka says the constitution should be revised to integrate Mt. Fuji as a national symbol /^o^\ It seems like you'll be able to see a robot showdown 1801 静電気にびびんな Do not be afraid of quiet electricity. 1648 非モテはない There's no way they'd be unattractive. 3285 【非常】【再送】【天候】雪 さむええよね [emergency] [resend] [climate] snow It’s cold isn’t it 1666 【非常】【再送】【天候】雪 'Unusual' 'resend' 'climate' snow. 2968 非日常求めて女性も参戦:日経ビジネスオンライン Women seeking the extraordinary participate as well: Nikkei Business Online. 2235 【非正規の2018年問題】重宝される人材まで...理研のベテラン職員が「雇い止め」に直面 [Irregular problem from 2018] Valuable human capital ... experienced RIKEN staff face the axe. 1648 非モテとかコミュ障の役を美人がやってもぜんっぜん説得力ないよね If a beautiful person plays a role where they are unattractive or have a communication disorder it doesn't carry any persuasiveness. 2529 ルール面倒なんはイヤどす I don't care about the rules 1800 面接受けてきた わぁい I just went to an interview woo 1580 面接官「サターニャとのクリスマスデート中、彼女が寒そうにしているのに気づきました。あなたならどうしますか?」 寒いからそのマフラーの端貸してよと言ってくっつく Interviewer: "You're out on a Christmas date with Satania, and you notice that she looks cold. What do you do?" Stick with you giving her the scarf because it's cold. 840 面白かった It was interesting. 250 ネウロは面白いからしゃーない Neuro is interesting so it can't be helped. 4069 ニンジャバットマン、クッソ面白そう ninja batman looks really funny. 3697 テレビまぁ面白いし便利だけど、でかい数万もする専用機買ってまではいいです TV is pretty fun and useful, but I don't need it to the point of buying a special device for tens of thousands of yen. 2376 もはや革命しかない Well it's now revolution or bust. 855 靴下買ったら、いつも履いているのより薄かった。 I bought some socks, and they are thinner than the ones I normally wear. 3042 韓国中部・堤川のスポーツジムのビル火災、29人死亡。1階駐車場から出火、犠牲者の大半は2階のサウナにいた客 大惨事や。冬は火事が怖いね Central Korea・Tsutsumi river's sports gym building caught fire, 29 people died. The fire originated on the first floor,and the majority of the victims were those in the sauna on the second floor. It's a huge tragedy. Fires in the winter are scary, aren't they... 4383 韓国中部・堤川のスポーツジムのビル火災、29人死亡。1階駐車場から出火、犠牲者の大半は2階のサウナにいた客 うう、火事怖い。 Fire in sports gym in Jecheon, North Chungcheong Province, South Korea, 29 dead. Fire started in first floor garage, majority of victims were customers in sauna on second floor. Ugh, fire is scary. 2655 韓国のカフェ 五輪開幕の平昌で犬肉禁止令を軒並み無視 苦肉の策 Korean Cafes Completely Disregard the Dog Meat Ban for the Pyeongchang Olympic Opening What desperate measures 3795 韓国企業の強み分析記事とかも割とあって今思えば随分マトモだった There were articles analyzing Korean companies' strengths too, and looking back on it now it was pretty respectable. 1445 韓国のパク前大統領に懲役30年求刑 Prosecution demands 30 years for Park, former president of South Korea. 2411 韓国と北朝鮮、70年の分断が生んだキムチの違い The difference in kimchi between North and South Korea born from 70 years of separation. 1480 韓国北朝鮮合同選手団入場のとき、そそくさと中腰になって座ろうとする瞬間を撮られる When Prime Minister Abe was at the joint Korea and North Korea team session, he was snapped bending his body to sit down. 40 もしかして韓国だけじゃなく国際社会一般で慰安婦問題は日本悪いって感じになってんの? Is not it not only Korea, but also international society in general has treated Japan as the negative one on comfort women problem, is it? 188 韓国大統領、中国での演説で南京事件に言及「この苦しい事件に深い共感の思いを持っている」 The President of Korea addressed the Nanjing incident in a speech in China. 2303 韓国左派「政府がベトナムに公式謝罪する時が来た」「大韓民国は安倍の道を進むことはできない」 ジャギからトキへなりつつあるな South Korean left "Time has come when the government officially apologizes to Vietnam" "Korea can not go on Abe's way" Its going from toki from Jagi 1975 韓国左派「政府がベトナムに公式謝罪する時が来た」「大韓民国は安倍の道を進むことはできない」 韓国の鳩山感ある According to the Korean left, 'it is time to make an official apology to Vietnam. The Republic of Korea cannot follow Abe's path'. Korea agrees with Hatoyama. 4177 韓国憲法改正草案を独自入手、国家社会主義的性格が露わに ナチスかよ気持ち悪 A Korean draft constitutional amendment was independently acquired. A national socialist figure was exposed. He was a Nazi or something. Makes me sick. 1897 シベリアでも韓国でもベトナムでもいいから海底トンネル掘って、 I want a tunnel that can connect us to Siberia, Korea and Vietnam so we can get to these places by road. 1952 韓国に逆転勝ち Come from behind to defeat South Korea. 1854 いい音だね It is a good song isn’t it. 613 アイカツの音ゲー新バージョン更新したら Why don't you update Aikatsu's music game to the new version. 2901 アメリカ音楽市場がV字回復、音楽ビジネスの新モデル タラちゃんグラインドハウスとかヘイトフル8やってたしね〜 まぁ、日本じゃその本質は叶わなかったけどな! Return of V American music market , new model Mr. Tara of music business performs Grindhouse and Hateful 8 Well, this essence did not come true in Japan! 286 音楽理論の本を買うと大体の内容がCのkey基準で説明されてるんだよね。そんで譜例の下に「ではこの譜例を12key全てで弾けるように譜面に書いて見よう」「この進行を分析して12key全ての対応表を書いてみよう」とか平然とやる気なくす爆弾ぶっこんでくるんだけどさ、よく考えたらで楽譜や表くらい筆者であるテメーが書いて然るべきだろクソボケがって感じだよね I bought a book on music theory, but most of the explanation was centered around the key of C. There is nothing to the effect of 'lets try writing this exercise so that it can be played in all 12 keys,' or 'Lets analyse this progression and write it in all 12 keys'. 2932 オルタナティヴ音楽の系譜が、美しい「回路基板」のようなポスターに──英デザインスタジオが制作 A British design studio created a beautiful History of Alternative Music poster that is in the form of an electrical circuit diagram. 2175 音に過敏なタイプには地獄 It's hell for people who are sensitive to sounds. 1990 リリカって響きで珍しく感じただけか Just that "Ririka" feels like it has an unusual sound to it. 3795 この頃は10年後韓国に抜かれる論が盛んだった気がする Around that time, I think there were many theories that Korea would surpass Japan in 10 years. 3010 この頃の支持率高止まりは単にご飯美味しいれすだけでしょ The only reason the approval rating is staying high is because the food is delicious, right? 310 この頃覚えた”テク”を現在時々日本でつかってるw Japan to this day uses this method haha. 2326 バブルの頃なんて金持ちの家の子は一か月で10万くらい使ってたよ During the bubble kids of rich households used about 100,000 yen per month. 587 タッチパネルで項目が多すぎて選べないのならメニューを絞っちゃえばいいのにな I think you should narrow down the menu. 2576 順番に殴るね こわい They punch each one at a time Scary 2945 順番を間違ってないか、公立高の部活週休2日に疑問。子供たちの1度きりの青春に、大人が大人の都合で邪魔をしないでほしい。部活でなく、授業を減らせばいい。 やきう民だけど高校野球関係は頭おかしい 頭高野連か?といいたくなる Isn't this out of order? I question the second day of the weekly holiday for public high school clubs. I wish adults wouldn't interfere with children's one chance at adolescence to convenience themselves. Reduce class time instead of club time. I'm a baseball fan, but involving baseball is strange. It makes me want to say, "Is it the Japan High School Baseball Federation?" 2210 そんな順風満帆な人生を歩みながらLLLにいるって逆に闇深そう LLLer When your life is such plain sailing, getting into the LLL is so stark by comparison. 1963 預けているだけで金をとられる!? 「口座維持手数料」導入にメガバンク秒読み 口座解約ラッシュで解約手数料で稼ぎそう Your money can be taken even if you only deposit it!? The Countdown for Major Banks to Introduce an "Account Maintenance Fee" And then we'll get a cancellation fee with the mad rush to close our bank accounts. 1261 頑丈なガワを持たせて中身も鉄板を多く使って長持ちを考えた作りになってた Long ago people made things where the assumption was that they'd need repair, so they were made of solid parts and the insides were dependable so that they would last a long time. 3631 なかなか頑張ってる。 They seem to be working hard. 2244 まあ頑張れ Well, hang in there! 1642 というかよくこいつ領土返還大会に出られるな But, it's kind of amazing how he'll go to a meeting about returning land. 1642 ロシア領ということで終止符でしょ Things were finished at "Russian land". 3078 頭おかしなるで I'm going to go crazy. 1193 あっ、あのサブレは頭のおかしな人の脳内だった… That sable was the contents of a strang person’s brain... Don’t let young people see it. 3716 頭の体操 Brain teaser. 482 はやりすたりにすがる頭の悪い猿を見事に表現できていた \\nShe portrayed a badly behaved squatting monkey beautifully. 1224 なんか頭がぼんやりして現実感がない I feel kind of out of it and things don't really feel real. 2680 頭痛がするので私は今頭痛がする美人になってる I've got a headache, so right now I'm a beauty with a headache. 3351 ロリだと頭が載せられない大きさの人多そう If it's lolicon, I feel like there'll be a lot of people whose bodies won't be able to support heads. 1862 頭隠して尻隠さず“実践”して逮捕 Someone "puts into practice" the proverb "Don't cover your head and leave your bottom exposed" and gets arrested. 3338 頻繁に福祉センターへ。 Frequently visited welfare center. 763 あさイチ「プロのイラストレーターに頼んだら3万円になるところをアマチュアに頼んで2500円! Asaichi. 690 顎の下タプタプだよね I have a double chin. 281 ゲンダイの願望で草 A desire to move with the times. 742 やっぱり類は友を呼ぶ、気が合う親友は同じ体験に似通った神経反応を見せる事が示される ア×には国に寄生したり、地位権力の為に正義を売るような連中が寄って来ている(ように俺には思える) As expected, birds of a feather flock together It's been demonstrated that people who get along the best show similar reactions under the same experiences As for A×, in this country the parasitic people who sell justice for the sake of political power are getting closer (at least I think so) 2551 顧客満足度No1! Ctrl + Shift + N (Chrome) Ctrl + Shift + P (Firefox) 履歴も Cookie も残らないウインドウに限る! Customer satisfaction No1! Ctrl + Shift + N (Chrome) Ctrl + Shift + P (Firefox) Only windows that no not have history or cookies! 3655 風のバルバリシア Barbariccia of the Winds. 3171 風上に養毛剤工場をぜひ・・ Please put a hair tonic factory upwind as well... 923 風俗店で火災、4人死亡1人重体 Fire at a sex shop. 833 風俗行けよ Hahaha, go to a brothel. 1726 こっちは風がない分今日はマシ Today is good weather for not having any wind. 3789 風強い海っぱたに住んでるから霜なんぞ見たことねぇですだ I live in a coastal region with strong winds, so I've never seen frost myself. 3559 あらゆる風景や場所がヒロイン出現3秒前になる「#主人公レンズ 」 これは発想の勝利やなぁ がっぽり儲けてもらいたい It is “Star Lense” where the heroine shows up in various places and scenery 3 seconds beforehand. This is my idea for victory. I want you to bet in large quantities.\\n 4255 風流やねえ How refined. 2845 風流だ They're so elegant. 2918 なにが風評だったんだ? What was it about reputation? 2890 風邪に効くらしい 最後の漫☆画太郎みたいな噴射にやられた It seems to be effective for colds, like the spray like last mangataro really got me. 2389 ラトビアボブスレーでデマが飛び交わないのはなぜだろうか Why are there so many fake news stories about Latvian bobsledding? 2347 これで飛ぶんならもうすでに安倍内閣なんてとっくになくなってるはずでしょ If this were enough to fracture it, then the Abe Cabinet would have certainly fallen apart a long time ago. 724 ハワイで「ミサイル飛来、これは訓練ではない」の緊急警報、人的ミスの誤報 訓練ではないが誤報であった An emergency broadcast in Hawaii said the following: "A missile is approaching. This is not a drill." However, it was human error. Though it was not a drill, it also was not accurate. 2773 ぼくのぶーぶーのうえにうんこしたでしょ 飛べるからって素手で捕まえられないと思ってんの? ハト、、、てめーは鈍臭いから素手で余裕なんだ You pooped on top of my car Do you think I can't catch you just because you can fly? Pigeon... you're so slow that I can easily catch you with my bare hands 1203 飛ばし記事、デマ、中傷、ステマ、ゴシップ、悪質まとめとか上げていけばきりがない Articles without evidence, fake news, slander, stealth marketing, gossip, if you just keep tossing together collections of garbage there is no end. 4040 そもそも食べない3割 The 30% of wasting. 1162 ナン食べた I ate naan at a curry place run by a Nepali. 886 食べたい いたい I want to eat I want to be there 3406 食べたい I want to eat this. 768 これはぜひ食ってみたい I want to try this by all means 2101 『「ガン食事療法本」が「がん患者」を殺す』記事に対するプレジデント社の抗議への回答 | デイリー新潮 反論は新潮にね Response for President Inc's objection for an article『「Medical diet for Cancer book」is going to kill 「Cancer patients」』 | Daily Shincho Please object to Shincho 4426 食人一族と比べると微妙 It's hard to say what's worse, this or a family of cannibals. 4100 ウナギを食べたい人たちの言い訳 ていうか欧米人がやらかしたのってせいぜい20世紀初頭まででしょ 今 は 2 1 世 紀 ! An excuse for those who want to eat an eel. i mean the westerners did it only till the beginning of 20th century, now its the 21st centuary 2276 このインスタント食品のCM結構おもしろい The instant food commercial is pretty funny. 1670 食品も輸入車もUSJも…新年、値上げの波 Food supplies, foreign cars, and Universal Studios Japan are all going up in price... 3297 ナマケモノ「食べるのめんどくせえから変温動物になるわ」 死ぬときに脱力するの好き The lazy person says,”it is too much trouble to eat so I will become a cold blooded animal.” I like to drain out my strength when I die. 4146 いっぱい食べる女の子はかわいい ワァオ Girls who eat a lot are cute wow! 3664 食った後の眠気やばそう I would get so sleepy after eating it. 216 カキ食べ放題の店で集団食中毒、36人症状 三重・鳥羽 便所住まいのノロエッティになる オムツを買いに行くためのオムツがない状態で途方に暮れる Group food posoning incident at an all you can eat oyster restaurant and 6 people were poisoned.A person from Mie prefecture, Toba city does not have diaper to go buy more diaper. 2739 食べ物の絵を見ても余計腹減るだけだろ If you look at pictures of food you'll only get hungrier. 2715 食肉用の雌牛が逃亡、助命の呼び掛けに660万円集まる A female beef cow escapes, people donate 6,600,000 yen in response to calls to save its life. 1670 食費も貯金も削れなくなったら次は命を削る番 If you cannot cut the price on food and savings, I will next cut down on my life. 3913 しかし食通に「たとえ死んでも食べたい」と言わしめるほど美味いのでこういう非合法な流通は割と多いし、食べられる店の話も時々噂で聞く But, it is so tasty that one says "I want to eat even if I die," because it is so delicious, such illegal distribution is quite often, and sometimes I hear rumors of shops and restaurants where we can eat. 1541 「飢餓状態というストレス」ってオチじゃないだろうなw AMPK is active no matter what type of stress you're under. 1493 ご飯にザクザクのせよう。甘辛のお肉でご飯がすすむ「のっけるふりかけ Put something crunchy on your rice. 3151 飲み会帰り Returning home after drinking. 2342 とりあえず飲めよお前ら あぁぁぁぁん?舐めてんのかオラァ いつでもテメェのstolichnayaなんざ一滴残らず、ぜ~んぶ飲んでやるよ First off all, take a drink all of you. Aaahhh. Hmm? Are you underestimating me? At any time I'll take your Stolichnaya and drink it down to the last drop. 1472 ムシャクシャするからストゼロ飲んで壺男のゲームやる I'm irritated so I'm going to drink a Strong Zero and play that game with the guy in the pot. 4302 エナジードリンクを飲む子どもたちに起きている「異変」 "Abnormality" among kids who drink energy drinks. 2678 タコを飲み込もうとしてイルカが窒息死 なんというコラ素材 Shocking article on dolphins gulping down octopus and choking to death. 841 飲酒運転逮捕、今月だけで100人 Arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol, 100 people this month alone. 2404 飲酒量ハンパなくて脳溶けてるから He always drank a ton and his mind is melting away. 2143 飲食店主死亡 暴行した客「接客態度が悪い」 こわい Restaurant owner dead. Assault by customer. "He had a bad attitude with customers." Scary. 2620 飲食店経営に手を出して、ズバリ「地獄にはまった」漫画家の話(折原 みと) | 現代ビジネス まんがで描いて A story of a comic artist who "fell into hell" after getting into restaurant management (Mito Orihara) | Gendai business draw in comic 2519 飲食を絶ち、自ら死期を早める患者たち これは選択としてはあるんだよなあ。父親がそうだった 苦痛はないよ。在宅なら本人の意思に拠るので可能 病院は命を救う所なので無理。介護施設はわからん Patients who stop eating and drinking may be quickening their own death. This is an option. There is no pain like that my father experienced. Hospitals can save lives, but they depend on the wills of the patients at home, so it's impossible to stop. I don't know the care facilities. 2364 餃子ビールしたの? Did you have gyoza and beer? 2457 餅ポルノ Mochi Porn. 4151 餅に何かけて食べる? What do you put on your rice cakes? 1796 餅四個食べたよ I ate four mochi 737 ウナギ養殖業者「ウナギが絶滅すると言っても、その前にわしらが絶滅してまうで」県漁業管理課「特例で採捕期間延長や」 知らないかも知れないけど、ウナギ絶滅したらお前ら結局仕事なくなるんだよ え?別のに変える?じゃあ今変えろよwww 新規参入ストップして、別の業種への移行を補助していけばいいんじゃねと思うけど、ウナギなんかよりマネーの方が大切だもんね! Eel farmers "They say that eels are going extinct, but we are going to die out first." Fisheries Management Division "We'll extend the capturing season as a special exception." Perhaps you haven't realized, but you'd lose your job if eels become extinct. What? Switching careers? Then do so now lollollol I'd suggest to prevent new farmers coming into the industry and support them to switch to another industry, but I bet you care more about money than eels! 1115 養豚場で火災、妊娠中のメス豚40頭が死ぬ R.I.P.(とんかつたべたい) Fire at a piggery. 40 pregnant sows died. RIP (I want to eat pork chops). 3549 まほしょ〜 首がぐきってなった Mahosho~ My neck has a sudden pain in it 2517 (首を横に降るパイセン) What!?" 1183 首相、元TBS記者との交友否定 暴行被害問題巡り 事故死ルート入ったか The prime minister refuses a friendship with a former TBS reporter. Arguing about victim problems. Did we enter the route of the deadly accident? \\n 1107 首相、元TBS記者との交友否定 暴行被害問題巡り また友達捨てちゃった(T_T) The Prime Minister denies any acquaintance with a former TBS reporter. After the incident with being the victim of assault, he severed the friendship. 2091 首相、公文書管理で新指針 疑惑元が音頭取ってるせいでどこまで本気なのか測りかねる Prime minister, New guideline for official document management \\nAlleged source is in charge so it is hard to see how serious they are 4454 首相夫人の記述削除 Delete description of Prime Minister's wife. 3142 首相「妻に確認した。『そんなことは言っていない』ということだった」 Prime minister "I checked with my wife. 479 首相「巨人負けたら名前を変えるのか。練習するんです」 日本語でオナシャス Prime minister "If the Giants lose will you change your name? Practice." Please say it in Japanese. 3335 カナダ首相、性的少数者に謝罪 「国家の抑圧」 萌えオタ「おっほ、レズ展開キマシタワーwwwあ?ホモとか誰得?腐女子に媚びてんじゃねーよカス」 Canada's prime minister issues an apology to sexual minorities. "Oppressed by the nation" Moe otaku: "Oh, here come the lesbians LOL. Huh? Who benefits from homos? Don't try to suck up to fujoshi, you trash." 1093 首相、批判報道に不満か…放送の規制緩和に業界は警戒 So the PM is displeased with critical news... Industry on guard in face of broadcast deregulation: "What if their goal is not only the demolition of commercial broadcasting; what if they're looking for programs that support the Prime Minister? 2676 首相、批判報道に不満か…放送の規制緩和に業界は警戒 「民放解体を狙うだけでなく、首相を応援してくれる番組を期待しているのでは。政権のおごりだ」 放送局に圧力かけたつもりなんだろうけど、これは悪手だと思うよ。 これで一番困るのは読売と産経だから。産経はそもそも経営が苦しいし 読売は日テレ・巨人とのトライアングルを崩されると困る。 Prime minister, displeased at critical reporting? ... Business world on guard regarding broadcast deregulating "It isn't just aiming for the dismantling of public broadcasting, but there is an expectation of programs that support the prime minister. Paid for by the administration." It seems like they intended to pressure the broadcast stations, but I think this is wrong. With this the ones in the most trouble are Yomiyuri and Sankei. Sankei had economic issues from the start, and there's worries that Yomiyuri might be crushed by the triangle with Nippon TV / Giants. 1505 首相、沖縄「軽視」と誤読 参院本会議の答弁 これは老眼か何かじゃないかな。 まあ本音が出たとかではなく、単純に読めなかっただけだろう。 次からはフォントを大きくしてもらおう。 ... 自分で考えたことをしゃべってなくて読み上げてるだけというのも問題ではあるが。 Prime Minister, Okinawa, misreadings and 'neglect'. Response from the Upper House plenary session. This must be some sort of long sightedness from these old people who just couldn't read out something so simple. Lets give them a bigger font next time. Its not expressing thoughts that's the problem, its reading aloud. 1354 首相が私邸周辺を散歩 「気持ち良かった」 政治的さんぽ Prime minister walking near his residence "That felt good." Political stroll. 53 首相が私邸周辺を散歩 「気持ち良かった」 権威の確認行為じゃない? 首相がお散歩なされた→寒波のニュースが多いけど首相がお散歩するほど実は暖かい→暖かいと景気が良い→お金つかおう→アベノミクス!→アベノミクス達成した俺すごい Isn't the Prime Minister walking around his private residence "feeling good" a validation of his authority? The Prime Minister went for a walk → There's a lot of news about cold weather, but the Prime Minister taking a walk means the weather must actually be warmer → The economy is good if it's warm → Let's spend money → Abenomics! → Abenomics achieved, I'm amazing 2744 首相の移動の様子公開 It shows the prime minister's activities. 1542 首相答弁のデータに疑問符=残業1日1時間、週に計2時間? The data on the prime minister's response is a question mark = Doing overtime an hour for one day adds up to 2 hours a week? 1098 首相 自衛隊違憲議論の余地無くすのが責任 違憲かもしれない程度の事柄は他にもいっぱいあるし 最高裁に明確に違憲と判断される一票の格差問題もある それらを差し置いて九条をいじる根拠は 行政制度と自衛隊員の尊厳をまぜこぜにして 憲法論を精神論にすげ替える詭弁であるという… It is the prime minister's responsibility to remove any room for argument concerning the constitutionality of the Self Defense Force. As for things that might be unconstitutional, there are loads of others. There's also the issue of apportionment that the Supreme Court ruled to be unconstitutional. Ignoring those other topics and messing around with Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is jumbling together the governmental organization and the dignity of the Self Defense Force, and it is just fancy talk putting idealism in place of constitutional theory. 4152 首相 自衛隊違憲議論の余地無くすのが責任 選挙の争点には無かったと思うけど何に対する責任なの? で、責任というならその余地が無くならなかったら腹切るの? 適当なこと言うだけのポンコツスピーカーを真に受けるのも馬鹿なんだろうけどさw Resposibility to get rid of possibility of Self Defense Force Unconstitution, it is Prime Minister's. I think that it was not in the issue of elections, but what is the responsibility for? So, if you say your responsibility, are you disappearing if you cannot find the way to resolve? It might be stupid to truly receive speaker's messange just listening to w 2960 首相が自身や昭恵夫人の関与を重ねて否定 The Prime Minister has repeatedly denied his and Mrs. Akie's participation. 3980 首相記者会見に堂々と”バズフィードの〇〇です”って参加出来たらやるなと思うけど I think that I will do it if I can participate dignifiedly presenting as "buzz feedback" at the prime minister press conference 366 アフガン首都で救急車を使った爆弾攻撃、40人死亡 140人負傷 どうせ死を運ぶなら霊柩車にしろ Concerning the bombing that used an amblance in the Afghan capital, leaving 40 dead, 140 injured. If you're going to bring death, bring it in a hearse. 4049 香取慎吾 Tweeting "stay alive!" 321 香取慎吾 未明に「生きろ!」「死んじゃダメだよ」とツイート 成功という評価なのにまだ不安定なんかな。 シンゴシンゴで受け手側だったのに 中年の危機で実存な問題なのかな Shingo Katori, tweets, 'live in the unknown', and 'Never say die' He is advocating success, but he still seems unstable. Although he was receiving on the side of the cartoon character Shingo Shingo, mabe it is a midlife crisis? 2848 香山リカ「新聞、テレビ、出版社、医療界、役所にいる知人から、奇しくも同じ内容のメールが来てる。『ウチの上司、安倍政権が終わったら我が身も危ないんで、いますごくイライラしてるんですよ。』」 ああ、嘘松だな Rika Kayama: Newspapers, publishing companies, the medical world, acquaintances at city hall, oddly, the same email seems to be going around. "If the Abe administration was finished, then my boss would be in danger himself, so I'm about to get real irradiated!" Ahh, a lie spread around twitter. 2937 おわかりいただけただろ馬か Did you understand? 4366 馬にとってはかなりのストレスのはず That must be very stressful for the horse. 1289 馬や犬に引っ張られるスキージョーリング、スキーバレエ、時速約230キロでるスピードスキー 冬季五輪の「幻の競技」 スピードスキー見た記憶があるけど 1回しかやってないレア競技だったのか Skijoring where you are pulled by a horse or dog, ski ballet, and and speed skiing with speeds of 230 kilometers per hour. Winter Olympic "dream events". I seem to remember seeing speed skiing before, but I didn't know it was a rare event only done once. 1436 「馬鹿」「クズ」「猿」罵倒連発にネット「ドン引き」 Netizens are "shocked." 2363 もう駄目Nano? Is this the end for Nano? 2584 「駆け付け厳しい」「管理人焼酎を」 民泊条例成立で注文 : 京都新聞 そのうち修正されると思うけど焼酎が呑める民泊なら行ってみたい Ordered "Too hard to trot" "Manager's shochu" upon guest houses ordinance establishment: Kyoto newspaper Although I think it will be overhauled, I would like to go if it's a guest house that serves shochu 2517 ぼく「騒ぐんじゃねえっつったろ」 Me "I told you not to make noise." 3913 フグ騒動のスーパータツヤ取締役「長年売っていた」「肝に銘じてフグはもう売らない」 Fugu fish scandal's Super Tatsuya 's director "I have been selling for many years" "I will not sell any more Fugu fish" Fugu fish's poison has a difference depending on variety, timing, cultivation environment, individuals and the like depending on the strength of the poison. 4411 フグ騒動のスーパータツヤ取締役「長年売っていた」「肝に銘じてフグはもう売らない」 テッポウに当たらなきゃヘーキヘーキ Super Tatsuya board member on the fugu controversy. "Had been sold for many years." "It has struck home with us, and we won't sell it anymore." As long as it's not beef rectum then it's fine. 471 これだけの騒ぎでもやはり心配事は金 Even if the amount of people is only this much, I worry about my money. 340 骨折の重傷負わせ謝罪 Apologizes for serious injuries including broken bones. 3684 高くなったのは2016年3月まで It was expensive up until March of 2016. 1457 高まってそう It seems pretty high brow. 818 高 Tall. 734 高木さんって原作初期はちょいワルだったんだな あ、こっちならシコれる The early days of the work called Takagi were a little bad, huh Oh, I can masturbate to this 3316 高校生20人に1人、家族を介護 学校も知らず、支援課題 そーそ、ムセキニンダーとか勇ましいことほざくヤツほど 実際に親の介護をしだすと面倒になって親を殺す 介護殺人の犯人の男率の高さwww 1 out of every 20 high schoolers are looking after a family member. They can't go to school; providing aid is an issue at hand. Oh yea, those who valiantly say "oh how irresponsible" and such are usually the ones who end up killing their parents because they can't handle taking care of them. It's usually men who kill their parents while taking care of them LOL. 2747 高校生20人に1人、家族を介護 学校も知らず、支援課題 いや、意味がわからん 俺の時はこうだったからお前も従えと誰がどうでも問題は問題だろが一緒か? つか、自分がどうとかとか世界は関係ないから。手前の尺度なんて誰も気にしないのが世間様だからな 俺がこうだから滅びろとか面白すぎだろ。俺ん時は給料なしの休日出勤当たり前だからみんなやれとかと変わんねえわ あ、これ、部活とか伝統とかと同じ匂いがすんな 1 out of every 20 high school students are taking care of their family, and can't go to school, aid is an issue. I don't understand. A problem is a problem and you can't say it was like this during my time so you need to do the same now. Your world view isn't related to this. Society doesn't care about how you gauge the world. It's too funny that you want others to fail because you're like that. It's like saying because working on the weekends without pay was the standard, everybody should do it now. Oh, this fits into the same category as club activities and traditions. 1673 高校バレー部の66歳男コーチ、男子部員が女子マネージャーと交際をはじめたので練習中に呼び出し正座をさせたまま胸などを蹴りケガを負わせ学校から怒られる A school official whom started a relationship with a girl manager was kicked, punched, and yelled at by his \\n66 year old high school balley coach. 2437 高橋由美子 不倫疑惑報道で謝罪「理性欠いた時間を過ごしたのは確か」←この文章エロすぎないか イクイクイクイクイク!いくよお!イク! ああ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あぁぁぁぁぁあぁぁぁぁ~ ア゛ンア゛ン!ア゛ンア゛ン! Yumiko Takahashi apologizes over the reported suspicious of adultery. 「It's true that I've had times where I was without reason」←Isn't this phrase so sexy I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming! ahhg ahg ahg ahg aaahhhhhhh~ uhn! uhn! 1226 高江検問に「違法」沖縄県に賠償命令 Okinawa Prefecture ordered to pay compensation. 2160 高いシャツを買った I bought an expensive shirt. 3545 「高く買わないでください」 人気酒「獺祭」の広告に驚きと称賛の声 社長「本当は広告出したくない」 直販しろと “Do not buy it expensive.” There are surprise and praise in the advertisements of the popular sake Dassai. The company president says, “I really don’t want to place any advertisements. Sell it directly.” 4315 高速道路で「ネコ捕獲中」 車線を一時規制 福岡 認知症の徘徊老人がはいったらすげー勢いで叩きそう "Searching for a cat" on a highway. Lanes are temporarily regulated in Fukuoka. If a wandering elderly person with dementia comes in I'll probably hit him/her with great force. 3478 高部あい、うっ頭が… Ai Takabe, oh, my head... 2878 高須院長を挑発した男の愚かさ ネットの「謝ったら死ぬ病」は身を滅ぼすだけ ネットはバカと暇人のものって本書いて自ら証明した人ね The man's foolishness that provoked Takasu, the "I would rather die than apologize" disease destroys him. He is the one who wrote the book that the internet is a place for fools and people with too much time and he proved it himself. 4442 高齢世帯で減ってるのはやや解せないが There doesn't seem to be a fix for the decrease from older households. 877 高齢化で火葬件数が増加 自治体が対策急ぐ 火力つよくして早く焼くんだろうか…とか 『これが喉仏です』とか説明受けながら骨を拾うあの行程を短縮するのかしら…とか考えちゃってた 今まで経験したのは朝早くに納棺→マイクロバス等で火葬場へ→終わったらホールや自宅や寺に移動し葬儀って感じだったけど、そっか後出棺というのもあるのか With an ageing society, cremation requirements are increasing. Local authorities bring in emergency measures. If the fire is fierce then it should burn everything quickly... etc.This should be compacted enough to be able to say 'this is the Adam's apple' when gathering together the bones. From my experience so far, the body is put in the coffin early in the morning, and carried to the crematorium in a small bus. When it is finished, everyone moves to the hall or the home or the temple for the funeral service. Is the body removed from the coffin afterwards? 1268 高齢男女3人が死亡、無理心中か Three elderly people dead, possible forced double suicide? 38 「高齢者=65歳以上」を見直し We need to rethink the assumption that old people = over 65. 3293 高齢者にECでモノを売る時がきた The time has come to sell goods electronically to old people. 3208 鬱だ氏のう…犬も鬱で死ぬ Depressed and suicidal... dogs also die of depression. 108 鬱だ氏のう…犬も鬱で死ぬ 捨てられたショックで心は修復不可能に NSRまことに広うなりもうした Suicidal depression.... Dogs also die from depression. A neglected shock to the system is incurable. NSR has truly grown already. 2586 鬱だ氏のう…犬も鬱で死ぬ 捨てられたショックで心は修復不可能に (∪´ω`)わんわんお・・・ I'm depressed ... Dogs also die from depression My heart cannot be repaired from the shock of being tossed away (∪ 'ω `) woofwoofw ... 827 ネカフェで鬱漫画読んだら泣きそう I was reading depressing manga at an internet cafe and I felt like I was going to cry. 1837 鬼太郎6期が発表されたからこれまでの猫娘をおさらいしておこう Kitaro's 6th period has been announced, so lets review the Cat Girl performance up to now. 38 魂だけになっても税金取られて働かされそう As long as you have a pulse, you will be urged to work and pay taxes. 1696 魔力がこもってそう There will be a lot of magical power. 1793 魔性菩薩が集うスレ It is where the fates assemble. 2076 魔法女子ね!! ! 2182 魔法女子になる Become magical girls. 1858 魔法少女 俺:18年春にテレビアニメ放送 LLLerがまほしょ化する話 Me, a witchlet: In the spring of the 18th year, an animated TV broadcast. The story about becoming enchanted. 2150 魔法少女描いた! I drew a magical girl! 1473 そういえば魔法少女の設定画描いたので見てください By the way I drew a magical girl picture setting so please look at it. 3123 ただし魔法は尻から出る、からのアナル弄り物はあったりするんだろうか However, the magic comes from the butt, so there is probably some item for messing around analy. 4232 魔法陣グルグルのククリとかいう完全に視聴者を精通させにかかってきている女の子 胸ペタンコでかぼちゃパンツでロリロリし過ぎてあんま抜けない Kururuguri girl of the magic team guruguru who is getting familiar with viewers completely as Girls with small breast and pumpkin pants and so lolita...I can not fuck so. 3123 魔法陣グルグルはロリコン生成アニメなのでは? Magical Circle Guru Guru is a lolicon style anime? 2230 魔法陣グルグルはロリコン生成アニメなのでは? ニケとやっちゃうのは順当過ぎて描きごたえないからね、しゃーない How about if "Magic Circle" was lolicon anime? They can't be reasonably drawn sleeping with Nike. Not much you can do about that. 3034 魔界村の鎧 Ghosts 'n Goblins armor. 3848 魔除けの身代わりだったお雛さま 季節の変化に根差す日本の習慣を源流へ遡る 川に流さないから呪いが溜まってそう Chicks who were a substitute of chastity. Might have accumulated supernatural power because we don't release it ti the river of its roots in changes in the seasons in Japanese tradition. 3766 魚は平気で捌くクセにな She was able to clean a fish without flinching. 1036 魚は新鮮です The fish is fresh. 2948 魚は新鮮です 魚s「これからは俺達のターンだ」 The fish are fresh.\\nFishes: "It's our turn now" 2167 そもそも鯖が安い Mackerel has always been cheap. 1049 鰹節あまってるけど何に使おう I have some extra katsuoboshi, so I wonder what I should make with it. 3594 鳥も Birds too. 292 アニマルサブレはじめました 鳥の換羽のときの鳥肌からぷちぷちと現れ始めてる羽毛入りの筒がビッチリ並んでるNSFW画像が見たい…birdpoppingサブレ立てて即日banされたい… Animal sable has started. I'd like to see the NSFW image of the down erupting over a bird's skin during their moulting period. Birdpopping sable standing up on the same day that as it is banned. 457 鳩山議員秘書 国税幹部呼び出し説明求める ヤー公の番頭とつかえねー2代目みたいな図 まあやってることもヤー公だな 国税に圧力とか上級の中の上級しかできんだろ Diet Secretary Hatoyama summons a national tax official for questioning. He is useless as a Yakuza captain. He is doing Yakuza things. He probably could only apply pressure and flaunt his rank to national tax people. 3853 鳴り物入りの原発輸出、日立社長は「採算厳しい、政府は支援して」出資者集まらなければ中止も 海外から拒否られてるだろ。無理。とっとと沈め金の亡者め Randomized export of nuclear power plant, President of Hitachi "tough to make it profitable, the government supports is appreciated" If they don't get enough investment, the project will get canceled. Aren't they refused by overseas. Impossible. Decease as soon as possible, you thief. 807 バリバリ鳴る財布だろ? Is it a wallet with a velcro sound? 2825 ちんこたつ 鴆炬燵(ちんこたつ) 西暦1237年頃に南宋で作られたと言われる炬燵(こたつ)の一種である。 その快適な暖かさから「まるで鴆(ちん。羽に毒があると言われている鳥)の毒にやられたように炬燵から動くことができない」と評判になった為、鴆炬燵(ちんこたつ)と呼ばれ、庶民の間で大変人気となった。 また鴆炬燵には血行を良くする効能があり(余談ではあるが、これは「元々は冷え性の女貴族の為に作られたから」とする説が有効である)、どういうわけか特に男性器の血行を良くする効果があったと言われている。 襄陽・樊城の戦いに始まる南宋の滅亡で製造方法が失われてしまった為、現在その正体は不明である。 民明書房 「伝承に見る中国の暖房器具名鑑」より The chinkotatsu 鴆炬燵(ちんこたつ) is said to have been made in 1237 in the Southern Song dynasty of China, and is a variety of the kotatsu. The pleasant warmth was exclaimed to feel like being poisoned by a zhen or chin (a bird that is said to have poisonous feathers) and not being able to move from the kotatsu. Because of this, it was called a chinkotatsu, and became extremely popular with the public. In addition, the chinkotatsu promotes good circulation, (the theory original was that it was made for noble women who were sensitive to the cold) and for some reason it was said that it was especially good for male genitalia. It is also said that at the the battle of Fancheng in Xiangyang, which marked the beginning of the end for the Sun Song dynasty in China, that the method for making them was lost. Today, we don't know if that is actually true or not. From Minmei Publishing's "Observed Traditional Chinese Heater List" 3952 チースタッカルビの「タッ」てなんだろうな… 「タッ」が鶏って意味だよとマジレスしてもいいのだろうか The meaning of the "Dak" in Cheese Dak Galbi ... Is it okay to give a serious reply that the meaning of "Dak" is chicken? 1135 鶏むね肉「実はおいしい」いつから人気? 科学も後押し 東京都内の飲食店「筋肉食堂 六本木店」でも「鶏ムネ肉のステーキ」(千円)が人気 Jランド民は食品を産地偽装された時の怒りが凄まじいから、そうそう危ない橋渡らないと思うけどね(そして光の速さで忘れる) Delicious chicken breast meat, always popular. This has scientific backing. It is popular in Tokyo grocers such as the meat food hall, Roppongi branch. A chicken breast steak is 1000 yen. The anger of the Land people when food products are disguised as productive land is terrible to behold. I am certainly not going there. I'll run from that danger at light speed. 1045 鶴瓶、NHK女性職員から深夜に「助けて!」 昔方々の番組でチンコ出したり皮剥いたり小便まいたりしてたのを知ってて鶴瓶に電話したのか? Tsurube was called at midnight by a NHK female employee screaming “help me!” Did she phone him knowing that he exposed his dick, pulled the skin back, and took a leak on various television programs a long time ago? 3611 鹿児島和牛を堪能 Seeing the leader of my country photographed with his elbows on his knees eating like a young punk is embarrassing. 1928 鹿にもプリオン病あるんだよなぁ Deer carry prion diseases, don't they? 1079 麓の露天で既に It's already too late for an open air bath at the foot of the mountain. 3076 きし麺みたいなパスタ好き I like noodles made in flat strips. 4399 つけ麺頼んだら麺がラーメンの1.5倍の量って仕様だった If you order tsukemen (cold noodles with soup for dipping) the amount of noodles is 50% more than for ramen. 3145 麺類制覇がんばれ Good luck in your conquest of noodles. 3735 麻布警察署 Azabu Police Station. 4228 麻生副総理、自殺した財務省職員は元国鉄職員だったと明かす。→国鉄=左翼の大合唱が始まる Deputy Prime Minister Aso reveals that the Ministry of Finance staff was a former staff of the Japan National Railway. 3199 麻生副総理、自殺した財務省職員は元国鉄職員だったと明かす。→国鉄=左翼の大合唱が始まる 訳知り顔で闇深とか抜かしてるの恥ずかしくならないのかな?ネットに出てる情報拾って識者気取りも大概にしろよ 一次ソース触れられないのに憶測ではなく断定して誤情報広めるの保守でもない保守気取りの奴らに多過ぎんだろ Deputy Prime Minister Asao, reveals that Ministry of Finance employee who committed suicide was a former Japanese National Railways worker. → Japanese National Railways = left wing chorus begins. Is there no shame in plodding through the darkness with a know it all look? Gathering information online and acting like you know it all has a limit. There are too many people who, despite not even talking with a primary source, make not just conjectures but actual decisions and spread false news without any regard for conservatism. 3253 麻生太郎「(森友問題に関してマスコミに)自分に都合の悪いところを隠すんじゃない。だから報道はゆがんでいるといわれるんだ」 Tarou Asou is iconized in the article by saying the following concerningm the Moritomo problem: “Isn’t he hiding inconvenient things about himself? 158 アッキーナ、麻生さんよりバカそうだから失言暴言に期待が高まる She seems dumber than Akina and Aso, so my expectations of gaffes and rash remarks are growing. 4141 麻に生きる希望 The hope in cannabis 593 麻生財務相には森友問題の調査の指揮執ってもらう=菅官房長官 Finance Minister Aso taking charge of the investigation into the Moritomo problem = Chief Cabinet Secretary. 3186 麻生財務相「極めて有能」 Finance Minister Asao "Exceptionally talented". 496 麻生財務相の責任や佐川宣寿前国税庁長官の証人喚問などについて聞きましたが、首相は毎回「おはよう」と答えるのみ。16日も、文書の書き換えの可能性を5日から把握していたことについて問われ「おはようございます」と答えました However, the Prime Minister responds every time by simply saying, “good morning.” I also asked him on the 16th about the possibility of knowing about the public document changes since the 5th. 167 麻生財務相「やかましいなぁ」 野党席にらみ、答弁中断 昔だったらやかましいなぁ解散だった Finance Minister Asou interrupted someone in the minority party by yelling “shut up!” If it was a long time ago, there would be a noisy adjournment of the Diet. 2347 麻生の首では済まない Aso's removal alone won't end things. 1207 黄ばんだ畳で日用雑貨が散らかってるような部屋がいい A room with tatami turning a bit yellow and everyday items strewn around is the best. 2542 黄色と赤混ぜるとオレンジ←わかる 赤と青で紫←まだわかる 青と黄色で緑← 結婚して妻子を養うだけの財力ある父 と 結婚して子供を産んで家事ができる母 の間に 結婚できず非正規で財力も無く成人しているのにまだまだ養われていたいぼく が生まれたのも不思議 If you mix yellow and red it makes orange ← I understand. Red and blue make purple← I still understand. Blue and yellow make green ←this is just as mysterious as how a father who only has the assets to marry and take care of his wife and child and a mother who marries and has kids and does housework could not get married or find irregular employment still managed to raise me as a child. 4268 ここだけインターネット黎明期 Only here, the dawning of a new internet era. 130 黒タイツごしパンツ ← これについてどう思う? 触ってよし、脱がせてよし、破いてよし、舐めてよし、すべてよし! Black tights ← What do you think of these? Touch them, strip them off, break them, lick them. Everything is okay. 4259 黒点減少で地球は氷河期に Due to decreasing sunspots the Earth will enter a glacial period. 3965 黒色ジャンパーを着て黒色自転車に乗った年配男が下校途中の児童に対して「並んで歩くなやー」と声をかけた、という事案 3/7 島根 これは許してやれよww A case in which an elderly man wearing a black jumper on a black bike yelling at "Do not walk side by side" to children on the way back home 3/7 Shimane: Please forgive them on this ww 3528 ぼく、黒髪でリボン🎀が可愛い、古風な感じの大和撫子をゲットする すごい、そんな見分け方あったのか I think black hair and a ribbon is cute. I will get an old fashioned “Yamato Nadeshiko” (classical Japanese beauty). Wonderful, there was that way at looking at things. 1501 モサドは黙って暗殺か破壊する Mossad will silence, assassinate or destroy. 2517 ぼく「だから黙れって言ってんだろ!?」 (Paisen shakes her had back and forth) Me "I'm telling you to shut up!" 4099 鼻から膿的なやつが鼻血みたいにぽとぽとでてきてとまらん あー 死んだー Puss is coming out of my nose like a nose bleed. Non stop dripping, im dying 1985 鼻かみすぎて鼻の下痛い ちーん I scratched my nose too much and now the underside of it hurts. 2517 (ぼく、アリナパイセンの鼻をパンチ、鼻血だらけになるアリナパイセン) (I slap Alina Paisen's ear and it bleeds) 1346 齋藤ウィリアム浩幸さん、高卒… ホラッチョ斎藤 William Hiroyuki Saito, high school graduate... Horaccho Saito