--- title: "CARTO17" author: "Simon Gabay and Giovanni Pietro Vitali" date: "9/26/2019" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` # Preparation ```{r} setwd("YOUR_PATH") ``` Install packages if needed ```{r} # install.packages("leaflet") # install.packages("sp") # install.packages("rgal") # install.packages("RColorBrewer") # install.packages("leaflet.esri") ``` Call the libraries ```{r} library(leaflet) library(sp) library(rgdal) library(RColorBrewer) library(leaflet.extras) ``` Shapefile that contains the geographical information on the macro-area polygons ```{r} shp <- readOGR('shapefile_1/area.shp') ``` Counting the frequency of the recurrence of toponyms ```{r} par(mar = c(5,5,0,0), cex = 10) #hist(shp$number, breaks = 20, main = "") ``` Creating a continuous palette function ```{r} pal <- colorNumeric( palette = "YlOrRd", domain = shp$Notation) ``` Loading the main csv file ```{r} data <- read.csv("csv/theatre.csv") ``` # Load the csv files of each author 1 Boyer ```{r} boyer <- read.csv("csv/boyer.csv") data_boyer <- data[complete.cases(boyer),] boyer$long <- as.numeric(boyer$lng) boyer$lat <- as.numeric(boyer$lat) data_boyer.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(boyer[,c(10,11)], boyer[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 2 Corneille Pierre ```{r} corneille_P <- read.csv("csv/corneille_P.csv") data_corneille_P <- data[complete.cases(corneille_P),] corneille_P$long <- as.numeric(corneille_P$lng) corneille_P$lat <- as.numeric(corneille_P$lat) data_corneille_P.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(corneille_P[,c(10,11)], corneille_P[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 3 Corneille Thomas ```{r} corneille_T <- read.csv("csv/corneille_T.csv") data_corneille_T <- data[complete.cases(corneille_T),] corneille_T$long <- as.numeric(corneille_T$lng) corneille_T$lat <- as.numeric(corneille_T$lat) data_corneille_T.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(corneille_T[,c(10,11)], corneille_T[,-c(10,11)]) ``` Du Ryer ```{r} duryer <- read.csv("csv/duryer.csv") data_duryer <- data[complete.cases(duryer),] duryer$long <- as.numeric(duryer$lng) duryer$lat <- as.numeric(duryer$lat) data_duryer.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(duryer[,c(10,11)], duryer[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 5 Molière ```{r} moliere <- read.csv("csv/moliere.csv") data_moliere <- data[complete.cases(moliere),] moliere$long <- as.numeric(moliere$lng) moliere$lat <- as.numeric(moliere$lat) data_moliere.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(moliere[,c(10,11)], moliere[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 6 Racine ```{r} racine <- read.csv("csv/racine.csv") data_racine <- data[complete.cases(racine),] racine$long <- as.numeric(racine$lng) racine$lat <- as.numeric(racine$lat) data_racine.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(racine[,c(10,11)], racine[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 7 Rotrou ```{r} rotrou <- read.csv("csv/rotrou.csv") data_rotrou <- data[complete.cases(rotrou),] rotrou$long <- as.numeric(rotrou$lng) rotrou$lat <- as.numeric(rotrou$lat) data_rotrou.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(rotrou[,c(10,11)], rotrou[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 8 Scarron ```{r} scarron <- read.csv("csv/scarron.csv") data_scarron <- data[complete.cases(scarron),] scarron$long <- as.numeric(scarron$lng) scarron$lat <- as.numeric(scarron$lat) data_scarron.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(scarron[,c(10,11)], scarron[,-c(10,11)]) ``` 9 Scudéry ```{r} scudery <- read.csv("csv/scudery.csv") data_scudery <- data[complete.cases(scudery),] scudery$long <- as.numeric(scudery$lng) scudery$lat <- as.numeric(scudery$lat) data_scudery.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(scudery[,c(10,11)], scudery[,-c(10,11)]) ``` Load the csv with the authors' data ```{r} ecrivain <- read.csv("csv/ecrivain.csv") ecrivain <- ecrivain[complete.cases(ecrivain),] ecrivain$long <- as.numeric(ecrivain$lng) ecrivain$lat <- as.numeric(ecrivain$lat) data.SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(ecrivain[,c(6,7)], ecrivain[,-c(6,7)]) ``` ### Load Icons for genre' markers Comedies ```{r} data_comedie <-read.csv("csv/theatre_comedie.csv") icon_comedie <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "c", markerColor = "red", iconColor = "black", library = "glyphicon", text = data_comedie$publication, fontFamily = "small") ``` Tragedies ```{r} data_tragedie <- read.csv("csv/theatre_tragedie.csv") icon_tragedie <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "t", markerColor = "green", library = "fa", iconColor = "black", text = data_tragedie$publication, fontFamily = "small") ``` Tragi-comedies ```{r} data_tragedie_comedie <- read.csv("csv/theatre_tragedie_comedie.csv") icon_tragedie_comedie <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "tc", markerColor = "blue", library = "ion", text = data_tragedie_comedie$publication, fontFamily = "small") ``` Loading the groups of authors divided by period ```{r} theatre_groupe1 <- read.csv("csv/theatre_groupe1.csv") theatre_groupe2 <- read.csv("csv/theatre_groupe2.csv") theatre_groupe3 <- read.csv("csv/theatre_groupe3.csv") ``` Add Icon for the genre ```{r} html_legend <- "

Toponyms by genre:

Tragicomedy" ``` Loading the map ```{r} m <- leaflet(shp) %>% ## Choose a standard basemap ## addTiles() %>% ## This is a first example of a possible basemap ## addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>% ## This is a second example of a possible basemap ## addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.Toner) %>% ## This is a third example of a possible basemap addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap)%>% ## Add a Zoom reset option addResetMapButton() %>% ## Choose the zoom of the map and its central point setView(lng = -13.439978, lat = 37.804134, zoom = 2.2 ) %>% ## Add the layer with the polygons used for the big areas addPolygons(data = shp, stroke = FALSE, smoothFactor = 0.2, fillOpacity = 1, color = ~pal(number), group = "Areas", label = ~paste("Area:", area, "that has", number, "occurences", sep = " ")) %>% ## Add a legend with the occurrences of the toponyms according to the macro areas addLegend("bottomleft", pal = pal, values = ~number, title = "Occurrences of toponyms by region:", labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = " occurrences"), opacity = 1, group = "Areas") %>% ## Add a layer of circles for each author ## 9 Scudéry addCircleMarkers(lng = scudery$lng, lat = scudery$lat, color = "brown", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Scudéry", label = ~paste("The toponym", scudery$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", scudery$titre, "by", scudery$auteur)) %>% ## 9 Scudéry - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = scudery$lng, lat = scudery$lat, color = "brown", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", scudery$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", scudery$titre, "by", scudery$auteur)) %>% # 8 Scarron - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = scarron$lng, lat = scarron$lat, color = "white", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Scarron", label = ~paste("The toponym", scarron$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", scarron$titre, "by", scarron$auteur)) %>% # 8 Scarron - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = scarron$lng, lat = scarron$lat, color = "white", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", scarron$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", scarron$titre, "by", scarron$auteur)) %>% ##1 Boyer addCircleMarkers(lng = boyer$lng, lat = boyer$lat, color = "blue", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Boyer", label = ~paste("The toponym", boyer$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", boyer$titre, "by", boyer$auteur)) %>% ##1 Boyer - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = boyer$lng, lat = boyer$lat, color = "blue", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", boyer$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", boyer$titre, "by", boyer$auteur)) %>% ## 2 Corneille Pierre addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_P$lng, lat = corneille_P$lat, color = "Yellow", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Corneille Pierre", label = ~paste("The toponym", corneille_P$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", corneille_P$titre, "by", corneille_P$auteur)) %>% ## 2 Corneille Pierre - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_P$lng, lat = corneille_P$lat, color = "Yellow", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", corneille_P$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", corneille_P$titre, "by", corneille_P$auteur)) %>% ## 3 Corneille Thomas addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_T$lng, lat = corneille_T$lat, color = "Green", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Corneille Thomas", label = ~paste("The toponym", corneille_T$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", corneille_T$titre, "by", corneille_T$auteur)) %>% ## 3 Corneille Thomas - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_T$lng, lat = corneille_T$lat, color = "Green", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", corneille_T$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", corneille_T$titre, "by", corneille_T$auteur)) %>% ## 4 Du Ryer addCircleMarkers(lng = duryer$lng, lat = duryer$lat, color = "Purple", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Du Ryer", label = ~paste("The toponym", duryer$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", duryer$titre, "of", duryer$auteur)) %>% ## 4 Du Ryer - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = duryer$lng, lat = duryer$lat, color = "Purple", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", duryer$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", duryer$titre, "of", duryer$auteur)) %>% ## 5 Molière addCircleMarkers(lng = moliere$lng, lat = moliere$lat, color = "Violet", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Molière", label = ~paste("The toponym", moliere$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", moliere$titre, "by", moliere$auteur)) %>% ## 5 Molière - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = moliere$lng, lat = moliere$lat, color = "Violet", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", moliere$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", moliere$titre, "by", moliere$auteur)) %>% ## 6 Racine addCircleMarkers(lng = racine$lng, lat = racine$lat, color = "Orange", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Racine", label = ~paste("The toponym", racine$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", racine$titre, "by", racine$auteur)) %>% ## 6 Racine - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = racine$lng, lat = racine$lat, color = "Orange", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", racine$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", racine$titre, "by", racine$auteur)) %>% ## 7 Rotrou addCircleMarkers(lng = rotrou$lng, lat = rotrou$lat, color = "red", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Rotrou", label = ~paste("The toponym", rotrou$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", rotrou$titre, "by", rotrou$auteur)) %>% ## 7 Rotrou - Create a layer with colored dots addCircleMarkers(lng = rotrou$lng, lat = rotrou$lat, color = "red", weight = 1, radius = 14, fillOpacity = 0.6, group = "Toponyms by author", label = ~paste("The toponym", rotrou$occurrence, "is mentioned in the work", rotrou$titre, "by", rotrou$auteur)) %>% ## Add a legend to link colored dots to their authors of reference addLegend("bottomleft", colors= c("blue", "Yellow", "Green", "purple", "Violet", "Orange", "red", "white", "brown"), labels=c("Claude Boyer", "Pierre Corneille", "Thomas Corneille", "Pierre du Ryer", "Molière", "Jean Racine", "Jean Rotrou", "Paul Scarron", "Georges de Scudéry"), title= "Toponyms by author:", group = "Toponyms by author") %>% ## Create the markers layer with a html pop-up addMarkers(data = data, lng = ~lng, lat = ~lat, group = "List of places", popup = ~paste("

Information on this place:

", "Occurrence:", "", occurrence,"","
", "Type:", "", type, "", "","
", "Author:", "", auteur, "","
", "Title:", "", titre, "", "
", "Year:", "", publication, "", "
", "Genre:", "", genre, "", "
", sep = " "), clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>% ## Create markers with custumised custom made icons ## Commedies addAwesomeMarkers(data = data_comedie, data_comedie$lng, data_comedie$lat, group = "Comedy", icon = icon_comedie, popup = ~paste("

Information on this place:

", "Occurrence:", "", occurrence,"","
", "Type:", "", type, "", "","
", "Author:", "", auteur, "","
", "Title:", "", titre, "", "
", "Year:", "", publication, "", "
", "Genre:", "", genre, "", "
", sep = " ")) %>% ## Tragedies addAwesomeMarkers(data = data_tragedie, data_tragedie$lng, data_tragedie$lat, group = "Tragedy", icon = icon_tragedie, popup = ~paste("

Information on this place:

", "Occurrence:", "", occurrence,"","
", "Type:", "", type, "", "","
", "Author:", "", auteur, "","
", "Title:", "", titre, "", "
", "Year:", "", publication, "", "
", "Genre:", "", genre, "", "
", sep = " ")) %>% ## Tragic-commedies addAwesomeMarkers(data = data_tragedie_comedie, data_tragedie_comedie$lng, data_tragedie_comedie$lat, group = "Tragicomedy", icon = icon_tragedie_comedie, popup = ~paste("

Information on this place:

", "Occurrence:", "", occurrence,"","
", "Type:", "", type, "", "","
", "Author:", "", auteur, "","
", "Title:", "", titre, "", "
", "Year:", "", publication, "", "
", "Genre:", "", genre, "", "
", sep = " ")) %>% ## Add a group of heatmap, one for each period of writers' production ## First period: Du Ryer, Scudéry, Rotrou, Scarron addHeatmap(theatre_groupe1$lng, theatre_groupe1$lat, group = "First Period", blur = 20, max = 0.5, radius = 15, gradient = '#ff7f50') %>% ## Second Period: Pierre Corneille addHeatmap(theatre_groupe2$lng, theatre_groupe2$lat, group = "Second Period", blur = 20, max = 0.5, radius = 15, gradient = '#6495ed') %>% ## Third Period: Boyer, Thomas Corneille, Molière, Racine addHeatmap(theatre_groupe3$lng, theatre_groupe3$lat, group = "Third Period", blur = 20, max = 0.5, radius = 15, gradient = '#9acd32') %>% ## Add a legend for genre addControl(html = html_legend, position = "bottomleft") %>% # Add a legend that combines icon markers layers and heatmap layers addLegend(position = "bottomleft", labels = c("First Period", "Second Period", "Third Period"), colors = c("red", "blue", "green"), title = "Toponyms by period:") %>% ## Add a legend with the credits addLegend("topright", colors = c("trasparent", "trasparent"), labels=c("Mapping: Giovanni Pietro Vitali - giovannipietrovitali@gmail.com", "Extraction: Simon Gabay - simon.gabay@unine.ch"), title="Mapping French Theatre:") %>% ## Add the layer selector which allows you to navigate the possibilities offered by this map addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("List of places", "Empty layer"), overlayGroups = c("Areas", "Comedy", "Tragedy", "Tragicomedy", "First Period", "Second Period", "Third Period", "Toponyms by author", "Authors", "Boyer", "Corneille Pierre", "Corneille Thomas", "Du Ryer", "Molière", "Racine", "Rotrou", "Scarron", "Scudéry"), options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE)) %>% ## Hide the layers that the users can choose as they like hideGroup(c("Empty", "Authors", "Toponyms by author", "Comedy", "Tragedy", "Tragicomedy", "First Period", "Second Period", "Third Period", "Boyer", "Corneille Pierre", "Corneille Thomas", "Du Ryer", "Molière", "Racine", "Rotrou", "Scarron", "Scudéry")) ``` ```{r} #labelFormat(prefix = "", suffix = "", between = " – ", # digits = 3, big.mark = ",", transform = identity) ``` Showing the map ```{r} m ```