55 values
Safety nets protect households facing hard times from falling into deeper poverty and help them manage risk
poor communities
during the conflict, the Israel Defense Forces "did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Multiculturalism allows people to truly express who they are within a society
one may generally wish to spare a potential child from the suffering of life
gun possession is a civil right
the right to bear arms
Older people are seen as a group that acts as more of a cost than an asset to the company
a mandatory retirement age
Economic inequality is thought to reduce distributive efficiency within society
poor communities
The repeated firing of rockets by Hamas endangers the lives of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
spreading democracy is likely to spread peace
Hydropower can be intermittent
hydroelectric dams
The American Jobs Act gives more tax breaks, thus contributing more to the federal deficit
american jobs act
Corruption reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure
all that is being achieved through the blockade is to "enrich Hamas and marginalize even further the voices of moderation
the blockade of gaza
the state should provide citizens their demands in order to achieve people's well-being
austerity measures
nothing justifies the suffering inflicted to civilian populations who live trapped in the Gaza strip
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
limitations on free speech balance rights to free speech and other rights
freedom of speech
heavy exposure to media violence can lead to more aggressive behavior
the sale of violent video games to minors
Policies adopted as affirmative action have been criticized as a form of referse discrimination
the use of affirmative action
controlled nuclear proliferation may be beneficial for inducing stability
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
All the utterances intended to endanger the security of the State may be restrained in the interest of the security of the State
freedom of speech
Neurological link was found between playing violent video games and aggressive behaviour in children and teenagers
the sale of violent video games to minors
the household does not form wealth
housewives should be paid for their work
fewer restrictions on handguns will result in increasing numbers of injuries and deaths
the right to bear arms
procreation today is de facto child abuse
That government is best which governs not at all
the free market
Advertising occupies public space and more and more invades the private sphere of people
certain public goods and services should remain primarily in the hands of government in order to ensure that everyone in society has access to them
the creation of private universities in the uk
Subsidies tend to be expensive and regressive
poor communities
term limits force politicians "to represent the people instead of advancing their own careers
enforce term limits on the legislative branch of government
access to resources play a hugely important role in educational inequality
fund education using a voucher scheme
freedom of speech cannot be compromised
it is neither necessary nor desirable to create an offence of religious insult
the open primary leaves the party nominations vulnerable to manipulation and dilution
open primaries
The use of anabolic steroids is now banned by all major sporting bodies
the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports
Migration provides a positive resource for the economy
the right to asylum
a draft would make the military more representative of the American public at large
national service
The social costs of gambling to society are varied
Subsidies produce inefficiencies
poor communities
Affirmative action policies increase animosity toward preferred groups
the use of affirmative action
having many service providers promotes choice and competition
the free market
there are no good reasons and no credible grounds for believing that gods exist
Monarchy contradicts democracy
the monarchy
If inventors did not have the legal protection of patents, in many cases, they would prefer or tend to keep their inventions secret
intellectual property rights
the military solution won't conduct to peace
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
a republic is "inevitable
the monarchy
granting government money, even indirectly, to private and religious schools will inevitably lead to increased governmental control over non-government education
fund education using a voucher scheme
nuclear forces continue to play an essential role in war prevention
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
it would be of no use to forbid law-abiding citizens to own legal registered guns in accordance to the law
the right to bear arms
if universities are "to nurture genuinely free and creative academic research" and "be the guardians of liberty which a free society needs" they must be independent of government funding
the creation of private universities in the uk
media cannot cause violence because humans have the ability to recognize what is wrong, and what is right
the sale of violent video games to minors
since species become extinct "all the time" the disappearance of a few more will not destroy the ecosystem
endangered species
Education programs which focus exclusively on abstinence have never been shown to delay sexual activity
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
Copyright is a fundamental right for both creators and consumers
intellectual property rights
The use of (or threat of use of) nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
human existence has ultimately been destructive to the Earth and many of its non-human organisms
Bribes lead to a misdirection of resources
some forms of expression can be legitimately prohibited by law because they are very offensive
freedom of speech
a morally-based, balanced monarchy is stressed as the ideal form of government
the monarchy
censorship violates multiple Basic Human Rights
freedom of speech
Nuclear proliferation will decrease the likelihood of war
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
The system of monarchy since antiquity has contrasted with forms of democracy
the monarchy
by trying to maximize their own gains in a free market, individual ambition benefits society
the free market
Affirmative action aims to correct the effects of past and present discrimination
the use of affirmative action
competitive markets do a good job allocating resources
the free market
Many find wind turbines to not be very aesthetically pleasing and consider them to be an eyesore
wind power
Nuclear weapons give nations the potential to not only destroy their enemies but humanity itself
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
refugees have much to bring to the countries in which they are resettled in terms of culture and labor
the right to asylum
Atheism has been criticized as a faith in itself
nuclear weapons induce stability in all regimes
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
Diversity makes available more ways of solving problems and responding to catastrophes
Abstinence-only education programs often provide inaccurate information about contraceptives and sexuality
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
renewable energy is naturally replenished and not subject to the volatility of global fuel markets
hydroelectric dams
the right to freedom of speech can be subjected to limitations such as hate speech
freedom of speech
unions never raise productivity to compensate for higher wages
collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions
Violent video games - especially first-person shooter games - encourages real-life acts of violence in teenagers
the sale of violent video games to minors
The Gaza war was conducted as a response to rockets fired from the Gaza Strip
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Bribery encourages rent seeking behaviour
The blockade action is a violation of international law
the blockade of gaza
dam construction requires the state to displace individual people
hydroelectric dams
laws which make it easier for law-abiding citizens to get a permit to carry a gun in public places, cause reductions in crime
the right to bear arms
the psychological effect of the rocket strikes paralyzed life across Israel's south
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
copyright remains the fundamental way by which authors, sculptors, artists, musicians and others can fund the creation of new works
intellectual property rights
people are given greater dignity from choosing their head of state
the monarchy
Many former athletes suffer from health problems related to steroid consumption
the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports
The extremely dangerous side-effects of performance-enhancing drugs are admitted
the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports
democracies treat each other with trust and respect even during crises
any interference with the market process decreases social well being
the free market
freedom of education notably implies the freedom for parents to choose a school for their children without discrimination on the basis of finances
fund education using a voucher scheme
Hydropower is an extremely flexible technology from the perspective of power grid operation
hydroelectric dams
private entities are more efficiently run
the creation of private universities in the uk
cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature
many species are threatened by the increasing human population
corruption is more prevalent in non-privatized sectors
the creation of private universities in the uk
Renewable power technologies have significant environmental benefits
hydroelectric dams
The disproportionate and excessive use of force displayed by the Israeli government has resulted in numerous casualties
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Catholicism considers all forms of birth control to be sins
barrier methods of contraception
Hydroelectricity is the most widely used form of renewable energy
hydroelectric dams
There are substantial correlations between gun ownership and gun-related suicide and homicide rates
the right to bear arms
Israel's blockade of Gaza is a direct consequence of attacks launched from within the territory
the blockade of gaza
Free trade is generally considered to achieve an overall increase in utility in a society
the free market