{"data": [{"name": "basir/amazona", "link": "https://github.com/basir/amazona", "tags": ["react", "nodejs", "reactjs", "redux", "redux-thunk", "expressjs", "mongoose", "mongodb", "bycryptjs"], "stars": 538, "description": "Build Ecommerce Like Amazon By MERN Stack", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Amazona ECommerce Website\n![amazona](/template/images/amazona.jpg)\n\n# React & Node Tutorial - Full ECommerce in 9 Hours [2021]\nWelcome to my React and Node tutorial to build a fully-functional e-commerce website exactly like amazon. Open your code editor and follow me for the next hours to build an e-commerce website using MERN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React and Node.JS).\n\n## Demo Website\n\n- \ud83d\udc49 Heroku : [https://react-amazona.herokuapp.com](https://react-amazona.herokuapp.com)\n- \ud83d\udc49 Heroku Mirror: [https://react-amazona-mirror.herokuapp.com](https://react-amazona-mirror.herokuapp.com)\n\n\n## You Will Learn\n\n- HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox\n- React: Components, Props, Events, Hooks, Router, Axios\n- Redux: Store, Reducers, Actions\n- Node & Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT\n- MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation\n- Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github,\n- Deployment: Heroku\n- Watch React & Node Tutorial\n\n## Run Locally\n\n### 1. Clone repo\n\n```\n$ git clone git@github.com:basir/amazona.git\n$ cd amazona\n```\n\n### 2. Setup MongoDB\n\n- Local MongoDB\n - Install it from [here](https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community)\n - Create .env file in root folder\n - Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost/amazona \n- Atlas Cloud MongoDB\n - Create database at [https://cloud.mongodb.com](https://cloud.mongodb.com)\n - Create .env file in root folder\n - Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb+srv://your-db-connection\n\n### 3. Run Backend\n\n```\n$ npm install\n$ npm start\n```\n\n### 4. Run Frontend\n\n```\n# open new terminal\n$ cd frontend\n$ npm install\n$ npm start\n```\n\n### 5. Seed Users and Products\n\n- Run this on chrome: http://localhost:5000/api/users/seed\n- It returns admin email and password\n- Run this on chrome: http://localhost:5000/api/products/seed\n- It creates 6 sample products\n\n### 6. Admin Login\n\n- Run http://localhost:3000/signin\n- Enter admin email and password and click signin\n\n## Support\n\n- Q/A: https://webacademy.pro/amazona\n- Contact Instructor: [Basir](mailto:basir.jafarzadeh@gmail.com)\n\n## Lessons\n\n1. Introduction to this course\n 1. what you will build\n 2. what you will learn\n 3. who are audiences\n2. Install Tools\n 1. Code Editor\n 2. Web Browser\n 3. VS Code Extension\n3. Website Template\n 1. Create amazona folder\n 2. create template folder\n 3. create index.html\n 4. add default HTML code\n 5. link to style.css\n 6. create header, main and footer\n 7. style elements\n4. Display Products\n 1. create products div\n 2. add product attributes\n 3. add link, image, name and price\n5. Create React App\n 1. npx create-react-app frontend\n 2. npm start\n 3. Remove unused files\n 4. copy index.html content to App.js\n 5. copy style.css content to index.css\n 6. replace class with className\n6. Share Code On Github\n 1. Initialize git repository\n 2. Commit changes\n 3. Create github account\n 4. Create repo on github\n 5. connect local repo to github repo\n 6. push changes to github\n7. Create Rating and Product Component\n 1. create components/Rating.js\n 2. create div.rating\n 3. style div.rating, span and last span\n 4. Create Product component\n 5. Use Rating component\n8. Build Product Screen\n 1. Install react-router-dom\n 2. Use BrowserRouter and Route for Home Screen\n 3. Create HomeScreen.js\n 4. Add product list code there\n 5. Create ProductScreen.js\n 6. Add new Route from product details to App.js\n 7. Create 3 columns for product image, info and action\n9. Create Node.JS Server\n 1. run npm init in root folder\n 2. Update package.json set type: module\n 3. Add .js to imports\n 4. npm install express\n 5. create server.js\n 6. add start command as node backend/server.js\n 7. require express\n 8. create route for / return backend is ready.\n 9. move products.js from frontend to backend\n 10. create route for /api/products\n 11. return products\n 12. run npm start\n10. Load Products From Backend\n 1. edit HomeScreen.js\n 2. define products, loading and error.\n 3. create useEffect\n 4. define async fetchData and call it\n 5. install axios\n 6. get data from /api/products\n 7. show them in the list\n 8. create Loading Component\n 9. create Message Box Component\n 10. use them in HomeScreen\n11. Install ESlint For Code Linting\n 1. install VSCode eslint extension\n 2. npm install -D eslint\n 3. run ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init\n 4. Create ./frontend/.env\n 5. Add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true\n12. Add Redux to Home Screen\n 1. npm install redux react-redux\n 2. Create store.js\n 3. initState= {products:[]}\n 4. reducer = (state, action) => switch LOAD_PRODUCTS: {products: action.payload}\n 5. export default createStore(reducer, initState)\n 6. Edit HomeScreen.js\n 7. shopName = useSelector(state=>state.products)\n 8. const dispatch = useDispatch()\n 9. useEffect(()=>dispatch({type: LOAD_PRODUCTS, payload: data})\n 10. Add store to index.js\n13. Add Redux to Product Screen\n 1. create product details constants, actions and reducers\n 2. add reducer to store.js\n 3. use action in ProductScreen.js\n 4. add /api/product/:id to backend api\n14. Handle Add To Cart Button\n 1. Handle Add To Cart in ProductScreen.js\n 2. create CartScreen.js\n15. Implement Add to Cart Action\n 1. create addToCart constants, actions and reducers\n 2. add reducer to store.js\n 3. use action in CartScreen.js\n 4. render cartItems.length\n16. Build Cart Screen\n 1. create 2 columns for cart items and cart action\n 2. cartItems.length === 0 ? cart is empty\n 3. show item image, name, qty and price\n 4. Proceed to Checkout button\n 5. Implement remove from cart action\n17. Implement Remove From Cart Action\n 1. create removeFromCart constants, actions and reducers\n 2. add reducer to store.js\n 3. use action in CartScreen.js\n18. Create Sample Users In MongoDB\n 1. npm install mongoose\n 2. connect to mongodb\n 3. create config.js\n 4. npm install dotenv\n 5. export MONGODB_URL\n 6. create models/userModel.js\n 7. create userSchema and userModel\n 8. create userRoute\n 9. Seed sample data\n19. Create Sample Products In MongoDB\n 1. create models/productModel.js\n 2. create productSchema and productModel\n 3. create productRoute\n 4. Seed sample data\n20. Create Sign-in Backend\n 1. create /signin api\n 2. check email and password\n 3. generate token\n 4. install json web token\n 5. install dotenv\n 6. return token and data\n 7. test it using postman\n21. Design SignIn Screen\n 1. create SigninScreen\n 2. render email and password fields\n 3. create signin constants, actions and reducers\n 4. Update Header based on user login\n22. Implement SignIn Action\n 1. create signin constants, actions and reducers\n 2. add reducer to store.js\n 3. use action in SigninScreen.js\n23. Create Register Screen\n 1. create API for /api/users/register\n 2. insert new user to database\n 3. return user info and token\n 4. create RegisterScreen\n 5. Add fields\n 6. Style fields\n 7. Add screen to App.js\n 8. create register action and reducer\n 9. check validation and create user\n24. Create Shipping Screen\n 1. create CheckoutSteps.js component\n 2. create shipping fields\n 3. implement shipping constant, actions and reducers\n25. Create Payment Screen\n 1. create payment fields\n 2. implement shipping constant, actions and reducers\n26. Design Place Order Screen\n 1. design order summary fields\n 2. design order action\n27. Create Place Order API\n 1. createOrder api\n 2. create orderModel\n 3. create orderRouter\n 4. create post order route\n28. Implement PlaceOrder Action\n 1. handle place order button click\n 2. create place order constants, action and reducer\n29. Create Order Screen\n 1. build order api for /api/orders/:id\n 2. create OrderScreen.js\n 3. dispatch order details action in useEffect\n 4. load data with useSelector\n 5. show data like place order screen\n 6. create order details constant, action and reducer\n30. Add PayPal Button\n 1. get client id from paypal\n 2. set it in .env file\n 3. create route form /api/paypal/clientId\n 4. create getPaypalClientID in api.js\n 5. add paypal checkout script in OrderScreen.js\n 6. show paypal button\n31. Implement Order Payment\n 1. update order after payment\n 2. create payOrder in api.js\n 3. create route for /:id/pay in orderRouter.js\n 4. rerender after pay order\n32. Display Orders History\n 1. create customer orders api\n 2. create api for getMyOrders\n 3. show orders in profile screen\n 4. style orders\n33. Display User Profile\n 1. create user details api\n 2. show user information\n34. Update User Profile\n 1. create user update api\n 2. update user info\n35. Create Admin View\n 1. Create Admin Menu\n 2. Create Admin Middleware in Backend\n 3. Create Admin Route in Frontend\n36. List Products\n 1. Create Product List Screen\n 2. Add reducer to store\n 3. show products on the screen\n37. Create Product\n 1. build create product api\n 2. build Create Product button\n 3. define product create constant, action and reducer\n 4. use action in Product List Screen\n38. Build Product Edit Screen\n 1. create edit screen\n 2. define state\n 3. create fields\n 4. load product details\n 5. add to routes\n39. Update Product\n 1. define update api\n 2. define product update constant, action and reducer\n 3. use action in Product Edit Screen\n40. Upload Product Image\n 1. npm install multer\n 7. define upload router\n 8. create uploads folder \n 9. Handle frontend\n41. Delete Product\n 1. create delete api in backend\n 2. create delete constants, action and reducer\n 3. use it in product list screen\n42. List Orders\n 1. create order list api\n 2. create Order List Screen\n 3. Add reducer to store\n 4. show products on the screen\n43. Delete Order\n 2. create delete order action and reducer\n 3. add order delete action to order list\n44. Deliver Order\n 1. create constant, actions and reducers for deliver order\n 2. add order deliver action to order details screen\n45. Publish To Heroku\n 1. Create git repository\n 2. Create heroku account\n 3. install Heroku CLI\n 4. heroku login\n 5. heroku apps:create amazona\n 6. Edit package.json for build script\n 10. Create Procfile\n 12. Create mongodb atlas database\n 19. Set database connection in heroku env variables\n 20. Commit and push\n46. List Users\n 1. build api for list users\n 2. Create UserList Screen\n 3. create order details constant, action and reducer\n47. Delete Users\n 1. build api for delete users\n 2. create order details constant, action and reducer\n 3. Use action in UserListScreen\n48. Edit User\n 1. build api for update users\n 2. create edit screen UI\n49. Implement Seller View\n 1. add seller menu\n 2. create seller route\n 3. list products for seller\n 4. list orders for seller\n 5. add Seller to Product List and Details Screen\n50. Create Seller Page\n 1. create seller page\n 2. update product component and product screen\n 3. update product routes\n51. Add Top Seller Carousel\n 1. install react carousel\n 2. implement actions and reducers for top sellers\n 3. use react carousel with data in Home Screen\n52. Force Order Items From One Seller\n 1. update addToCart action to buy from one seller at an order\n53. Create Search Box and Search Screen\n 1. create search bar in Header.js\n 2. add style\n 3. handle submit form\n 4. edit parse url to get query string\n 5. update product list api for search by name\n 54. Add Advanced Search Filter\n 1. filter by category\n 2. filter by price range\n 3. filter by average rating\n 55. Complete Advanced Search\n 1. filter by price\n 2. filter by rating\n 3. sort by price, rating, ...\n 56. Rate and Review Products\n 1. rate products\n 2. create actions and reducers\n 57. Choose Address On Google Map\n 1. create google map credentials\n 2. update .env file with Google Api Key\n 3. create api to send google api to frontend\n 4. create map screen\n 5. fetch google api\n 6. getUserLocation\n 7. install @react-google-maps/api\n 8. use it in shipping screen\n 9. apply map to the checkout screen\n 58. BugFix: Running Locally Without Issue\n 1. add seller info to data.js\n 2. seed product data with admin info as seller\n 3. fix isSeller and isAdmin on update user\n 4. remove auth from user details\n 59. Implement Pagination\n 1. add pagination to product router in backend\n 2. apply page number to actions and reducers in frontend\n 3. show page numbers in search screen\n 60. Email order receipt by mailgun\n 1. create mailgun account\n 2. add and verify your domain to mailgun\n 3. install mailgun-js\n 4. set api key in env file\n 5. change pay order in orderRouter\n 6. send email the \n 61. Create Dashboard Screen\n 1. Create chart data in backend\n 2. Build Chart screen\n 62. Implement Live Chat With Customers\n 1. use socket io to create backend\n 2. create chat box component\n 3. create support screen\n 63. Upgrade To React 17, Router 6, Mongoose 6\n 1. Backend\n 2. Uninstall and install all packages\n 3. remove options in mongoose connect\n 4. wrap mailgun in try catch in orderRouter\n 5. Frontend\n 6. Uninstall and install all packages\n 7. remove in search box\n 8. wrap all in \n 9. replace with }> \n 10. replace with }/>\n 11. replace and too\n 12. Update PrivateRoute, AdminRoute and SellerRoute\n 12. replace push() with navigate() from useNavigate\n 13. replace props.match.params.id with const params = useParams();\n 14. replace props.location.search with const { search } = useLocation(); and URLSearchParams\n 15. replace props.match.path with const {pathname} = useLocation();\n 16. put userInfo in useEffect in ChatBox, SupportScreen", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I finally got some good google results. So there was one dude that just went around the US with two panels hanging off the rear pannier rack. So he did that, but I can't see that producing a lot of power.Another guy is closer to what I would do, he had a trailer of three solar panels and a recumbent (with another panel as a sunshield). His blog complained a lot about the lack of water and supplies... but his trailer was just the solar panels. Seemed like he missed an opportunity for free cargo storage. The recumbent and sunshield as another solar panel was a good idea.Also wondering when good 30%+ multijunctions will hit the market. I can see there are lots of production problems, but the best you can get is multijunction and 20% ish. There has to be so many applications for more expensive but light and high efficiency like this.I would think a decent vanlife solar setup would be able to recharge a couple ebikes. Hell might even be able to do it with a Jackery or GoalZero batteryhttps://owncloud.com/ this in the past covered some part of requirementsHmm maybe you can structure your links such that the high priority pages you want indexed are getting 10x more link juice than the rest? This would at least signal to Google which pages you deem more important to youFinally an SEO question on HN! While I haven\u2019t worked on SO, I\u2019ve worked on a medical equivalent site which started with 1500 of 2.5m pages indexed and when I was finished with my contract they had over 1.4m indexed.There are a few factors that you need to adjust for: authority, quality, structure.Authority is mostly out of your hands as a technical SEO scope but as more content gets indexed, more links and signals will come in. The real culprits are quality and structure. As others have said, low-quality pages need to be addressed. They can always be worked back in later but you\u2019re better to be ruthless about it now and add them back later.Profile pages, thin content pages, duplicates all need to go. No index them first, then block in robots eventually and doesn\u2019t hurt to canonical them where applicable. If you jump straight to robots, they won\u2019t pickup the noindex directive.The structure, a lot of people think of folder structure as IA but really it\u2019s linking structure. It\u2019s important to know where you\u2019re placing emphasis on pages by how you\u2019re internal links are setup. This is also the best way to surface deep pages as you can link to them to bring Google deeper into your site.Also you can try refreshing dates and seeing if that helps. Short term solution but works plenty well.I know this is pretty general but it\u2019s hard without seeing your issues specifically. If I can help you get on the right track, lmk. Gladly take a look. I run a small(free) community with some strong technical SEOs in it as well who like helping. Not sure how to connect but lmk if interested and we will figure it out.A few questions that come to mind off the bat:Do you have a sitemap.xml file? Does it include accurate last updated dates or suggest realistic crawl schedules (eg: only index static pages every month, but frequently updated pages every day)?Have you run your site through an SEO checker (or at least some of the ignored pages) to make sure that they are accessible and not being blocked/ignored by a crawler? Any server responses or canonical links that may signal the wrong thing to a bot?Do you have any deep links to your more overlooked pages on the homepage (or at least on your more popular pages)?Do you have backlinks in the wild that point to the pages that you want to have crawled? Are they marked as nofollow? Do you post links to these pages on any social media accounts?I'm curious to hear other people's takes on this, too.How unique is the content on each page? What do the crawled and not indexed vs discovered not crawled ratios look like relative to indexed pages? What does linking to the detail pages look like (category pages, similar items)? How much authority do category pages have in terms of backlinks? Page speed issues-- in GSC, can you manage average download time <100ms (makes a huge difference)?Noindexing may help-- if you just initially handle that based on page content uniqueness and/or presumed MSV potential for the page. Otherwise, based on your language, can you request a quota increase from the 200/day notifications for the Indexing API?If you like reading about the topic, maybe head to BHW forums (very poor SNR, though) and read about what some of the more unscrupulous people are doing to index MM+ pages/mo and extract some of the less-risky strategies (e.g. don't abuse the news/job posting APIs to get spam content indexed).As additional commentary, the last 2-3 months have been chaos in terms of algo updates. There was essentially a 30 day period where Googlebot all but disappeared for most sites, then the two HCUs and other random updates tossed in for good measure, stacked with desktop infinite scroll and the switch to mobile first indexing. I can't remember as many changes happening in a single quarter in over 15 years of being SEO or SEO adjacent.Hi Gabriel, congratulations for the launch!I think software development is due for a disruption and your take on testing is spot on.As part of a dev tool belt we developing, we are building a tool to translate user interaction into a selenium script, and have the selenium script run on our server. User get to take away the script so they don't get vendor lock-in. What is your approach into replaying a user session?On a broader picture, I think what you do has potential beyond QA. e.g. if run on production, have CS hop on the same session as a troubled user.Just checked your profile. It seems we both are based in london. Maybe we can grab a beer to discuss the potential.Best of luck!Gabriel and the team are really awesome and this product is a genius idea - I'll definitely be using it at my company as it could save us a ton of work in setting up our testing pipelines.- Alejandro :)Congrats on the launch.How do you deal with generating resilient selectors automatically? That's a class of problem which plagues this type of tool in my understanding.Evaluating technologies by analogy, how far off base am I?jQuery, Angular, Reactare analogous to:Selenium, Puppeteer, PlaywrightIs Selenium still worth considering for a brand new project, though primarily due to ecosystem instead of implementation (Ruby, IDE, etc.)?To frame the question in context of the analogy, though now completely off-topic:What is the React equivalent of datatables.net?How does it differ from ages old selenium and it\u2019s browser plug-in to record tests? Afaik the worst bit is the indeterminism introduced by network waits, etc that makes e2e complicated and often not worth its upkeep.Good luck!We tried and failed to create a \u201cbug capture\u201d offering in Testim.io - what helped us work with comapnies like Microsoft/Salesforce and eventually make an exit and sell to a much larger player (Tricentis) is focusing on rock-solid AI improving tests. The founder still believes the capture idea (qa capture bugs for devs) has a lot of merit but I think there are fundamental issues with anything that doesn\u2019t reproduce timing perfectly (some do like Firefox\u2019s replay.I\u2019m not with Testim anymore but still very excited people tacking this problem and I warmly recommend pinging Oren@testim.io (the founder, an engineer, a GDE and a nice guy) for pointers - he likes giving free advice and investing in new players in the space to cultivate the ecosystem (most companies currently have no e2e tests)WowWow, that's impressive. Love the network request/response capturing for the replays.Could you explain to me the benefit this tool offers over something like Playwright + docker-compose (which I think also does stuff like this)?Pretty slick! I wish we had this a long time ago. At the time, our testing infrastructure was a bunch of very flaky Selenium tests that we would run on through SauceLabs. The tests were super slow, mainly because we tried to reduce flakiness by buffering clicks/interactions with sleep() commands. All around, a painful experience which developers hated, which meant engineers did everything they could to avoid adding/modifying tests. It was the worst vicious cycle.Biggest concern I would have is portability. One benefit of testing suites, when done right, is they gain more coverage over time, especially against regression bugs. I would be very concerned about building up a large suite of tests for my most critical flows on proprietary tech that could be rendered worthless in an instant if the company goes bust, decides to pivot, etc.Congrats on the launch! Really exciting to see this coming together :)Congrats on the launch!I've been looking forward to this launch for a while; I've spent a lot of time experimenting with session recording and how it can work for regression testing, reproducing bugs, measuring performance, sharing feedback during development - there is so much potential here.> We're actively discussing open sourcing the record+replay code.I think open source is a good call - supporting an option to self-host would make a lot of sense, since session recording will inevitably slurp up PII or sensitive data which could put off some users.When talking about \"capturing network traffick\", does that include SSE and WebSockets? If used for regression testing, how do you go about updating existing recordings?Congrats on the launch! meticulous.ai is great and the team is A+Heh, I've been waiting for this Show/HN/Launch, as I applied to the company a few months back via workatastartup, and it seemed to me like this would be an awesome product.Looks very promising, wish the team the best!Catch those errors before hitting prod, sounds like the dreamPS: As on open sourcing the record+replay code, I'm sure that'd be awesome, I only have this on my radar https://github.com/openreplay/openreplay as a FOSS alternative to fullstory/logrocket for now.Congrats on the launch and good luck!Reading through thus just reminded me of Datadog browser tests. It's not exactly the same, but it might be interesting to check them out.What do you think the pros and cons are compared to playwright.dev? The top-level features of recording, replaying, and diff-ing seem very close in my understanding.Looks like an impressive tool that makes a previously hard but useful process an order of magnitude more approachable.With waldo.io and Checkly It joins the list of QA force multipliers that would make my life, as the sole developer in a bootstrapped startup trying to punch above it's weight, much easier. First, they give me a taste with a free plan, then hit me with production pricing we still can't justify.If I have this right, 20 sessions is just a trial and 1000 sessions is very careful use.If these scenarios are so easy to create, I would imagine you would make something like 50 (?), run them against every deploy (10 a day?). That's 15.000 replays, right?So the 100$ plan is something like 10 scenarios at 3 deploys a day. That sounds too scaled back to get good use out of it. Or do I have the wrong idea about the intended use case?I get it though: they all have reasonable pricing for a unique service that provides real, obvious value AND may actually be expensive to run. I'm just a little sad about not getting to use them.Would like to know how it differs or compares with Cypress. Is it the mocking of the network calls that makes it different?Yes, my Amazon Fire is basically unusable after 5 years in now, takes 10's of seconds to load anything.Interestingly, it varies tremendously from device to device. I have an original FireTV box (the one about the size and shape of a CD/DVD drive) that's pretty snappy, although I don't think I've gotten an update on it in a while. I have a much newer FireTV stick which, in theory, should be much faster, but as you describe, it seems to take forever for it to retrieve its info from the AWS servers. It is running a newer version of the FireTV app, though, than the old FireTV. This makes me think that the different versions may well be making different API call into the AWS cloud, and that the older ones were necessarily more streamlined and efficient. That's just a guess though - I could be wrong...My second-gen Echo Dot works solidly, but the Echo Show 8 is a bloody trainwreck, and whoever designed and managed that POS should just be taken out back and shot. The Show 8 refuses to keep its display off at night - blazing out and waking us up. It's so bad that we just unplug it before bedtime, now. (You can tell it \"Display Off\" and that will work, but only until it randomly decides to turn it back on, or until you speak to it again (say to change station/playlist for music on a sleep timer)- then you have to tell it to turn the damn display off again! We mostly use it for a voice-controlled radio or Prime music player, but it can't even do that half as well as the Dot - it drops streams, plays the wrong thing, etc.In fact, the Echo Show 8, which I'd really love to love (or at least, like) was the last straw - I'm tired of getting burned for that much money for a poorly performing device, so I'm never again buying Amazon devices, and I'm cutting Amazon out of the home automation platform (and keeping Apple and Google out) in favor of devices and solutions that do not rely on the cloud in any way.BTW, why can't Amazon make the music playing capabilities of the Fire and Echo devices know about one another? e.g., Why can't I play the same, sync'ed music on both Echoes and a FireTV simultaneously? And why does Alexa still act like a really stupid AI, when people have been asking reasonable questions that it should pick up on for years now? Frustrating as hell...I recently started watching a bit of content on Prime Video using my Roku TV and found the buffering and scrub (FF/RW/seek) performance to be atrocious. This is in spite of the fact that my device has a hardwired gigabit Ethernet connection, a 900/20 Mbit internet connection through Comcast, and good to excellent Bufferbloat numbers. I'd initially chalked it up to the Roku implementation and the fact that I, like many of the people here, tend to be pretty sensitive to poor UX but over the holidays totally unprompted my father-in-law mentioned that he can't stand watching content on Prime Video using either his Roku or his Android TV devices because the buffering is so terrible (one wired, one wifi, both via Ziply gigabit fiber).This is in stark contrast to the buttery smooth performance I see when using Netflix, hell, even YouTube bests Prime. Netflix even degrades gracefully when encountering network contention. I know Netflix has been around a lot longer but it's not like Amazon is some type of startup trying its best with the the few engineers it can afford.I bought the second generation Fire TV around January 2020 and at the time it was decent. Last year when the UI update came it became very laggy. It would take ten seconds or more to play a movie in Netflix, when on a PC it would load instantly. It became worse gradually until I gave up.No. I never connected my kindle to wifi. It works exactly the way it worked on day 1.I severely dislike Amazon and try to avoid supporting them, but, I do have the original echo with the video screen and it's better now than when I bought it.At some point they even added the ability to control my Phillips Hue lights, whereas when I bought it, it didn't have whatever smart hub capabilities were needed for this to work and I was told I needed to upgrade to a newer device.Instead over time they also found a way to bring the feature to me, which I appreciate.Yep, my fire cube was great when I bought it. Six months in, it's a piece of garbage and all my videos lag. I'm going to dig up my rokus again. I only switched to Fire Cube because I could install random APKs like stremio but this performance aint worth it.Yes, I have noticed my TV slowing and I'm likely going to go back to my Roku for it now that the kids are old enough and don't need to use Alexa to do everything.On the performance note: they do care about performance, but like Apple, are tailoring their software updates toward the latest and greatest available hardware, not what you bought years ago. Is planned obsolescence at the heart of their decision making? Probably not, but it's a definite side benefit I'm positive.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "pointhi/leaflet-color-markers", "link": "https://github.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers", "tags": ["leaflet", "markers"], "stars": 537, "description": "color variations of the standard leaflet marker", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "leaflet-color-markers\n=====================\n\ncolor variations of the standard leaflet markers:\n\n| Color | Marker 2x | Marker | Color Inside | Color Outside |\n| ------------- |:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|\n| Blue | ![Marker Blue 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-blue.png) | ![Marker Blue](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-blue.png) | #2A81CB | #3274A3 |\n| Gold | ![Marker Gold 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-gold.png) | ![Marker Gold](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-gold.png) | #FFD326 | #C1A32D |\n| Red | ![Marker Red 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-red.png) | ![Marker Red](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-red.png) | #CB2B3E | #982E40 |\n| Green | ![Marker Green 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-green.png) | ![Marker Green](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-green.png) | #2AAD27 | #31882A |\n| Orange | ![Marker Orange 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-orange.png) | ![Marker Orange](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-orange.png) | #CB8427 | #98652E |\n| Yellow | ![Marker Yellow 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-yellow.png) | ![Marker Yellow](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-yellow.png) | #CAC428 | #988F2E |\n| Violet | ![Marker Violet 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-violet.png) | ![Marker Violet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-violet.png) | #9C2BCB | #742E98 |\n| Grey | ![Marker Grey 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-grey.png) | ![Marker Grey](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-grey.png) | #7B7B7B | #6B6B6B |\n| Black | ![Marker Black 2x](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-black.png) | ![Marker Black](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-black.png) | #3D3D3D | #313131 |\n\n### Usage\n```javascript\nvar greenIcon = new L.Icon({\n iconUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-green.png',\n shadowUrl: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/0.7.7/images/marker-shadow.png',\n iconSize: [25, 41],\n iconAnchor: [12, 41],\n popupAnchor: [1, -34],\n shadowSize: [41, 41]\n});\n\nL.marker([51.5, -0.09], {icon: greenIcon}).addTo(map);\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "flovan/headstart", "link": "https://github.com/flovan/headstart", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "An automated front-end setup", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# [Headstart](website-url), an automated front-end setup\n\n> Headstart is an all-in-one task runner that frees front-end developers of the little worries that come along with modern web development. If you ever wanted to use tools like [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) or [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/), but found the configuration too troublesome, you will probably like this pre-configured setup better.\n\n[![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Gitter][gitter-image]][gitter-url]\n\n## Documentation\n\n - [Getting started][getting-started-url]\n - [Base Setup][base-setup-url]\n - [Upgrading][ugrading-url]\n\n## \u2665 Feedback\n\nWhat did you like? What didn't you like? Did you get stuck somewhere? Where the docs easy to follow, or did you give up at a certain point?\n\nThis is a one-man project, so some approaches might be personated. Nevertheless, Headstart is meant to be used by other people as well, so your feedback is very valuable!\n\n[Mail me anything at all](mailto:hello@flovan.me) or [add an issue][issues-url].\n\n## Updates\n\nFor all updates, follow [@headstartio][twitter-url] on Twitter. \nChanges can be found on [the changelog page][changelog-url].\n\n[website-url]: http://headstart.io\n[getting-started-url]: http://headstart.io/installation\n[base-setup-url]: http://headstart.io/base-setup\n[changelog-url]: http://www.headstart.io/changelog\n[ugrading-url]: http://headstart.io/upgrading-guide\n[twitter-url]: https://twitter.com/headstartio\n[issues-url]: https://github.com/flovan/headstart/issues\n[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/headstart\n[npm-image]: https://badge.fury.io/js/headstart.svg\n[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/flovan/headstart\n[travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/flovan/headstart.svg\n[downloads-url]: https://github.com/flovan/headstart\n[downloads-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/dm/headstart.svg\n[david-url]: https://david-dm.org/flovan/headstart\n[david-image]: https://david-dm.org/flovan/headstart.png?theme=shields.io\n[gitter-url]: https://gitter.im/flovan/headstart?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge\n[gitter-image]: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "sodabrew/puppet-dashboard", "link": "https://github.com/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "The Puppet Dashboard is a web interface providing node classification and reporting features for Puppet, an open source system configuration management tool", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "Puppet Dashboard\n================\n\nPuppet Dashboard is a web interface for [Puppet](http://www.puppetlabs.com/).\nIt can view and analyze Puppet reports, assign Puppet classes and parameters to\nnodes, and view inventory data and backed-up file contents.\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard)\n[![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/375ff4ee551f467dd62a/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard/maintainability)\n[![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/375ff4ee551f467dd62a/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard/test_coverage)\n\nDependencies\n------------\n\n* Ruby 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7\n* MySQL/MariaDB >= 5.5 or PostgreSQL >= 9.2\n\nPuppet Report Format Support\n----------------------------\n\n[Puppet Format Documentation](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-docs/tree/master/source/_includes/reportformat)\n\n| Format Version | Puppet Version | Dashboard Version |\n|-----------------|----------------|-------------------|\n| 0 | 0.25.x | >= 1.0.0 |\n| 1 | 2.6.0 - 2.6.4 | >= 1.0.0 |\n| 2 | 2.6.5 - 2.7.11 | >= 1.0.0 |\n| 3 | 2.7.13 - 3.2.4 | >= 1.0.0 |\n| 4 | 3.3.0 - 4.3.2 | >= 2.0.0 |\n| 5 | 4.4.0 - 4.5.3 | >= 3.0.0 |\n| 6 | 4.6.0 - 4.10.x | >= 3.0.0 |\n| 7 | 5.0.0 - 5.3.x | >= 3.0.0 |\n| 8 | 5.4.0 - 5.4.x | >= 3.0.0 |\n| 9 | 5.5.0 - 5.5.x | >= 3.0.0 |\n\nFuture Puppet Report formats may work automatically if no required fields are removed.\nIf there is a new Format available which is not yet supported please let us know by creating\na [new issue](https://github.com/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard/issues/new).\n\nFast Install\n------------\n\n* Install prerequisites:\n````\napt-get install git libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev ruby-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev nodejs\n````\n* Check out the code:\n````\ncd /usr/share && \\\ngit clone https://github.com/sodabrew/puppet-dashboard.git && \\\ncd puppet-dashboard\n````\n* Create a MySQL database and user\n````\nmysql -p -e\"CREATE DATABASE dashboard_production CHARACTER SET utf8;\" && \\\nmysql -p -e\"CREATE USER 'dashboard'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';\" && \\\nmysql -p -e\"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard_production.* TO 'dashboard'@'localhost';\"\n````\n* Set `max_allowed_packet = 32M` in your MySQL configuration\n````\nvim /etc/mysql/my.cnf\n````\n* Edit your `config/settings.yml` and `config/database.yml` files.\n````\ncp config/settings.yml.example config/settings.yml && \\\ncp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml && \\\nvim config/database.yml\n````\n* Install Puppet Dashboard Dependencies\n````\ngem install bundler && \\\nbundle install --deployment\n````\n* You need to create a secret for production and either set it via environment variable:\n `export SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(bundle exec rails secret)`\n or follow the instructions in config/secrets.yml to setup an encrypted secret.\n* Setup database and pre-compile assets\n````\nRAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:setup && \\\nRAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile\n````\n* Start Puppet Dashboard manually\n````\nRAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails server\n````\n* Set up Puppet to be Dashboard-aware.\n* Start the delayed job worker processes.\n* You will find an initscript and other useful files for Debian in `ext/debian`\n\nProduction Environment\n----------------------\n\nDashboard is currently configured to serve static assets when `RAILS_ENV=production`. In high-traffic\nenvironments, you may wish to farm this out to Apache or nginx. Additionally, you must explicitly\nprecompile assets for production using:\n\n * `SECRET_KEY_BASE=none RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile`\n\nDashboard will keep all reports in the database. If your infrastructure is big the database will\neventually become very large (more than 50GB). To periodically purge old reports (~ once per day)\nand optimize the database tables (~ once per month) it is recommended to run the following tasks\nperiodically:\n\n * `SECRET_KEY_BASE=none RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails reports:prune upto=20 unit=day`\n * `SECRET_KEY_BASE=none RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails db:raw:optimize`\n\nPuppet Dashboard Manual\n-----------------------\n\nThe [Puppet Dashboard manual](./docs/manual/index.markdown) is an extracted version of the Puppet\nDashboard documentation which was hosted on the Puppetlabs homepage.\n\nContributing\n------------\n\nTo contribute to this project, please read [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).\nA list of contributors is found in [CONTRIBUTORS](CONTRIBUTORS.md). Thanks!\nThis project uses the [Silk icons](http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/) by Mark James. Thank you!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "zenozeng/p5.js-svg", "link": "https://github.com/zenozeng/p5.js-svg", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "SVG runtime for p5.js.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# p5.js-svg\n\nThe main goal of p5.SVG is to provide a SVG runtime for p5.js,\nso that we can draw using p5's powerful API in \\, save things to svg file\nand manipulating existing SVG file without rasterization.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nAdd this line in your projects index.html :\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n(p5.js-svg v1.3.x is compatible with p5.js v1.4.1)\n\nOpen your sketch.js and edit it:\n\n```javascript\nfunction setup() {\n createCanvas(100, 100, SVG);\n background(255);\n fill(150);\n stroke(150);\n}\n\nfunction draw() {\n var r = frameCount % 200 * Math.sqrt(2);\n background(255);\n ellipse(0, 0, r, r);\n}\n```\n\nThen you can open your html file, and view the result.\nIt's \\!\n\n![SVG Gettting Started](./doc/svg-getting-started.png)\n\n## Examples\n\n- https://zenozeng.github.io/p5.js-svg/examples/\n- https://zenozeng.github.io/p5.js-svg/test/\n\n## SVG Renderer vs Canvas2D Renderer\n\nThe major difference is that SVG Renderer is based on SVG Document Object Model\nwhile Canvas 2D Renderer is based on pixels.\nTherefore, the performance may not be as good as canvas, but SVG-format vector images can be rendered at any size without loss of quality.\n\nNote that not all drawing results are exactly same in pixel-level.For example, the round rects below are almost same, but there are some pixels different.\n\n![round rect](doc/round-rect.png)\n\nAs for filters, gray(), invert(), threshold(), opaque() did have same behavior as Canvas2D Renderer. But blur(), erode(), dilate() didn't.\n\nTo implement blur, feGaussianBlur was used, which is different from Processing's blur.\n![blur](doc/blur.png)\n\nAs for erode() and dilate(), they were implemnted using feOffset and feBlend. So, the result is not exactly same.\n![erode](doc/erode.png)\n\nYou can view all the pixels based diff on the [online tests](http://zenozeng.github.io/p5.js-svg/test/).\n\n## Browser Compatibility\n\np5.js-svg@1.x was tested and should work on:\n\n- Chromium 90 (Debian 11.0, LXQt 0.16)\n- Safari (iPadOS 14)\n\n## How it works\n\np5.RendererSVG is a class which extends p5.Renderer2D.\nA mocked \\ element and a CanvasRenderingContext2D api are provided using [svgcanvas](https://github.com/zenozeng/svgcanvas),\nwhich is JavaScript Object that syncs proprieties and draws on \\ element.\n\n## Known issue\n\n### Too many child elements\n\nSince SVG is XML-based, every call of the draw function will insert elements into it, and these elements keep existing even if they are not visible. So, long-time running will result in too many child elements. We recommend calling clear() in your draw function, which will trigger internal context.__clearCanvas() to remove elements.\n\n```javascript\nfunction draw() {\n clear();\n // draw\n}\n```\n\nSee https://github.com/zenozeng/p5.js-svg/issues/32\n\n### blendMode is not implemented yet.\n\n## Building dist\n\nTo build dist files after cloning repo, you can run:\n\n```bash\nnpm install\nnpm run build\n```\n\n## Tests\n\np5.SVG was driven by tests.\nWe use Karma and mocha.\nMost tests are based on pixel-diff.\nThere are still some p5's methods not covered with unit tests.\nBut Rendering and Shape API are already covered with tests and should work.\n\nIf you found a bug, feel free to open a issue or pull a request.\n\nAll tests can be found here:\nhttps://github.com/zenozeng/p5.js-svg/tree/master/test/unit\n\nYou can also run the online test yourself:\nhttps://zenozeng.github.io/p5.js-svg/test/\n\nAnd this is our coverage report:\nhttps://coveralls.io/github/zenozeng/p5.js-svg?branch=master\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "MeCKodo/vue-tap", "link": "https://github.com/MeCKodo/vue-tap", "tags": ["vue", "vue-tap"], "stars": 537, "description": "a v-tap directive of vue.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# vue-tap ( already supports vue2.0, there is an update log at the bottom)\n\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/v-tap.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/v-tap) [![npm]( https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/v-tap.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/v-tap)\n\n> a v-tap directive of vue.js\n\n## How To use\n\n[example](https://github.com/MeCKodo/vue-tap/blob/master/doc/use.MD)\n\n## Update\n\n### 2017.06.17(fix)\n\n> * Fix the bug that the input in the parent DOM cannot be focused when clicking on the input (only supports vue2 and above)\n> * vue1.x no longer adds new features\n> * Next prepare new growth by event (v-tap:long)\n\n### 2017.03.16(fix)\n\n> * Major bug fixes! V-if and v-else instruction binding event binding incorrect problem\n> * has been fixed, you can see if-else.html test\n> *Thanks to coco for helping me with testing!\n\n### 2017.02.21 (fix)\n\n> * Major bug fixes! After the list rendered by v-for, the v-tap cannot get the latest value after the data is re-rendered in the life cycle\n> * has been fixed, you can see list-test.html test\n> *Thanks to Prince X of Mars for helping me with the test!\n\n### 2016.10.02 (update)\n\nSupport Vue2.0, compatible with Vue1.0\n\n### 2016.9.25(fix)\n\n> * Fixed PC side bugs\n> * test-href.html page, add test\n> * I am testing v-tap=\"a++\" to directly execute the expression\n I am history.go(-1)\n\n### 2016.9.19(update)\n\n> * Optimized the fast jump logic of a tag, you can directly write v-tap instructions in , so that you can quickly jump\n\n### 2016.8.26(update)\n\n> * Release npm, you can download and use `npm i v-tap --save;`\n> * Rewrite the currentTarget object to avoid the situation that the currentTarget is null\n> * fix: Determine whether el is a tag, avoid getting href error\n\n### 2016.8.25(update)\n\n> * There is no point penetration problem after testing\n\n### 2016.8.24(update)\n\n> * Unified as v-tap, compatible with `PC` and `mobile`\n> * Added the href address to capture the a tag, click on the a tag to achieve a quick jump\n> * Solve the problem that some mobile phones do not respond to clicks\n> * Ready to join the npm family\n\n\n### 2016.1.20(merge)\n\n> * When the new dom has the disable attribute, the tap will fail\n\n### 2015.12.22 (update)\n\n> * The new vue-tap-click version is compatible with PC and mobile terminals, and the v-tap command will automatically determine whether to use click or tap events\n> * vue-tap is a compatible version without vue-tap-click, please choose to eat by yourself.", "readme_type": "text", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "cmpolis/smart-table-scroll", "link": "https://github.com/cmpolis/smart-table-scroll", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "Build 1MM row tables with native scroll bars by reusing and yielding nodes.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Smart Table Scroll\nBuild 1MM row tables with native scroll bars by reusing and yielding nodes.\n\nCreated by [@ChrisPolis](http://twitter.com/chrispolis), originally as a component of [Datacomb](https://github.com/cmpolis/datacomb)\n\nFor related projects, see: [Clusterize.js](https://github.com/NeXTs/Clusterize.js) and [fixed-data-table](https://github.com/facebook/fixed-data-table)\n\n## [Demo](http://www.bytemuse.com/tablescroll/)\n![demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmpolis/smart-table-scroll/master/1mm-demo.gif)\n\n## Usage\n```js\nvar table = new SmartTableScroll({\n\n // DOM element to render to\n el: document.querySelector('#some-table'),\n \n // Array of objects that will be used to build and update each row\n data: [ { row1Data }, { row2Data } ... ],\n \n // Function used to calculate the height of each row\n heightFn: function(rowData) { return rowData.hasPicture ? 20 : 10; },\n \n // Used when first creating dom nodes for each row\n buildRow: function(rowData) {\n var node = document.createElement('div');\n node.classList.add('test-row');\n node.innerHTML =\n \"
\"+\n \"
\"+\n \"
\";\n return node;\n },\n \n // Used to yield an existing row to a new element in `data`\n updateRow: function(rowData, rowEl) {\n rowEl.childNodes[0].textContent = rowData.index;\n rowEl.childNodes[1].textContent = rowData.color;\n rowEl.childNodes[2].textContent = rowData.random;\n },\n \n // (Optional) How many rows to create nodes for\n // this needs to be > than the max number of rows that can fit on screen (2x this value seems right)\n // play around, this will have performance implications\n availableNodes: 200,\n});\n\n// To update the table, pass in new data to `updateData`\ntable.updateData([ { updatedRow1Data }, { updatedRow2Data } ... ]);\n\n```\n\nInclude `smart-table-scroll.css` or add the following to your CSS:\n```css\n.sts-container {\n overflow-y: scroll;\n position: relative;\n /* scroll container also needs a fixed/defined height */\n}\n.sts-container .sts-row {\n position: absolute;\n}\n.sts-container .sts-bottom-anchor {\n position: absolute;\n height: 1px;\n width: 1px;\n}\n```\n\n#### Known limitations\n*Firefox has an issue with `top` css property greater than `~18,000,000px`([more info](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28260889/set-large-value-to-divs-height)); the 1,000,000 row demo works with Firefox, but larger tables may not.*\n\n#### To build and test locally\n```\n$ npm install\n$ npm run build\n$ npm run serve\n$ open localhost:5050\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "This seems nice enough, and is certainly performant, but it strikes me that the majority of the things you'd often want to do with a data table like this (filtering and sorting, selecting rows, to name a few) would all be quite a pain to handle with this implementation.I've used Facebook's FixedDataTable too, which is also performant and relatively minimal, and it was also moderately painful to achieve even quite simple things.Here's another implementation of a table that can handle a large amount of rows: http://jarwol.com/aTable. I created it a few years ago as a need for another side project I was doing.Have a look at:\nhttps://github.com/iljamaas/vanilla-js-smartscrollNo jQuery needed, with eventing and keyboard navigationSomething similar from Airbnb http://airbnb.io/infinity/One thing a lot of fixed header plugins dont do well is make sure that the header cells properly line up with body cells. Things usually break down as soon as you start resizing the window, adding your own custom styles, hiding columns... etc.How well does this plugin handle that? I noticed you didnt use a table, so perhaps you dont really care about styling it like one either.Really impressive work. Sounds like this would break in-browser search though.Nice, reminds me on the table views in iOS.What would be your use case? Apart from this being a nice feat of technology and the possibility of loading the data asynchronously, in what scenario would it be practical to present 1K+ rows of data to a user? It's infeasible or at least very impractical to examine them by hand - some sorting/filtering possibility is necessary for large datasets and if your filters still return 1K+ rows you could have filtered on something more specific.I have used similar techniques to achieve this in both dimensions, ie x+y.The basic premise was ala google maps, a view port div, a massive div (map) within the view port for the scrollbar support, the concept of a virtual buffer area around the viewport and then a collection of tiles (tables) that would have data rendered into them and then be appropriately positioned into the buffer area around the viewport as one scrolls. Works well, have tested up to 40mm rows and columns and works in ie8 up to 4mm rows. Also supports random column and row sizes littered throughout the sheet. This solution does also break native in browser search though as mentioned in other comments.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "mattzeunert/FromJS", "link": "https://github.com/mattzeunert/FromJS", "tags": ["debugging", "dynamic-analysis", "dataflow-analysis"], "stars": 537, "description": "See where each character on the screen came from in code.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# FromJS [![Build Status](https://circleci.com/gh/mattzeunert/FromJS/tree/master.svg?style=shield&circle-token=f6f134d69e7755b89c1ac418e6d3f84df593d9a1)](https://circleci.com/gh/mattzeunert/FromJS/tree/master)\n\nFromJS is an experiental dynamic data-flow analysis tool for front-end JavaScript. It can tell you where each bit of content on a web page came from.\n\nFor example, some content might have been loaded using `fetch`, some might have been stored in `localStorage`, and some might have been hard-coded in the JavaScript code.\n\n![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1303660/50536171-80a00680-0b49-11e9-92a5-69ee2185ce0c.gif)\n\n## Getting started\n\nInstall with `npm install -g @fromjs/cli` and then run `fromjs`. This will open a new Chrome browser window.\n\nBy default FromJS will launch a web server on [localhost:7000](http://localhost:7000/) and store the collected data in `./fromjs-session`.\n\nLoading pages will be slow! For large apps expect it to take several minutes. Maybe try something simple like [Backbone TodoMVC](http://todomvc.com/examples/backbone/) to get started.\n\n## fromJSInspect\n\nInstead of using the visual DOM Inspector you can also use the global `fromJSInspect` function in the inspected page.\n\nIf you control the code for the inspected page you can write something like this:\n\n```\nvar greeting = \"Hello world!\"\nfromJSInspect(greeting)\n```\n\nOr you can inspect DOM elements:\n\n```\nfromJSInspect(document.querySelector(\"#app\"))\n```\n\n## How it works\n\nRead about it [here](http://www.mattzeunert.com/2018/05/27/dynamic-dataflow-analysis-for-javascript-how-fromjs-2-works.html), or watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmuadtxtBS4&feature=youtu.be).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "chromium/ballista", "link": "https://github.com/chromium/ballista", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "An interoperability system for the modern web.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Ballista\n\n**Date**: 2015-09-25\n**Updated**: 2019-11-08\n\n![A ballista](docs/images/ballista-300.png)\n\n**Ballista** was a project to explore inter-website and web/native\ncommunication; specifically, communication between one website and another site\nor native app of the user's choosing. We explored ways for the user to be able\nto *share* or *edit* documents in another website or app that the first website\nhas never even heard of, *choose* documents from another website, or register a\nwebsite as a *native file handler*. We were attempting to solve similar problems\nto the intents system on Android, but also address other use cases like document\nediting. Essentially, we set out to create an **interoperability system for the\nweb**.\n\nOur [explainer document](docs/explainer.md) dives deeper into the problem space\nand outlines our early draft of an API that we thought solved this problem. But\nthis was less about proposing an API, and more about starting a conversation.\n\nEpilogue (2019): The Ballista project started in 2015 as an ambitious\nexploration of the above concepts. The project evolved into a number of more\nspecialized and smaller proposals to achieve these goals, several of which are\nnow generally available. These include [Web\nShare](https://github.com/w3c/web-share), [Web Share\nTarget](https://github.com/WICG/web-share-target) and [File\nHandling](https://github.com/WICG/file-handling).\n\n## Spin-off proposals\n\nThese standards-track proposals were created as a result of the explorations\nbegun in the Ballista project:\n\n* [Web Share](https://github.com/w3c/web-share).\n* [Web Share Target](https://github.com/WICG/web-share-target).\n* [File Handling](https://github.com/WICG/file-handling).\n\n## Demo\n\nWe have a prototype that works in Chrome and Firefox. Try this:\n\n1. Go to\n [handler-dot-chromium-ballista.appspot.com](https://handler-dot-chromium-ballista.appspot.com)\n (Ballista Editor Demo), and click \"OK\" to register it as an action handler.\n2. Go to\n [requester-dot-chromium-ballista.appspot.com](https://requester-dot-chromium-ballista.appspot.com)\n (Ballista Cloud Demo), and open a file with \"Ballista Editor Demo\".\n\nThese two apps don't know about each other, yet the editor can edit files from\nthe cloud app. Using our polyfill, you can write a web app that interoperates\nwith our demo apps in the same way.\n\nYou can view and manage app registrations at\n[chromium-ballista.appspot.com](https://chromium-ballista.appspot.com). In the\nfinal product, the registration, picking and management UI would be part of the\nbrowser.\n\n## Resources\n\n* For a detailed overview, see [Ballista Explained](docs/explainer.md).\n* In the [`polyfill`](polyfill) directory, there is a polyfill that you can use\n to write a requester that can fire actions at any handler, or a handler that\n can receive actions from any requester.\n* The [`handler`](handler) and [`requester`](requester) directories contain the\n source code for the demo apps described above.\n\nSee the `README.md` file in each directory for details. Many caveats apply.\n\n## Who is behind Ballista?\n\nThe Google Chrome team, including:\n\n* Matt Giuca <>\n* Sam McNally <>\n* Ben Wells <>\n\nThis is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just\ncode that happens to be owned by Google.\n\nCopyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n> \n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "> This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just code that happens to be owned by Google.I think I am more confused than anything. On the product itself, they don't seem to be aware of pajax.Good!For those unfamiliar with Android, it has a system where you send off a named Intent (I don't know the real names off hand so lets say Intent.PHONE_CALL) and another app handles it.You might have several apps that can handle such an intent, or you have a default one - and the intent triggers that app to open and depending on various things an action to take place.As Ballista states, they're looking at editing documents etc.The one place where this might be creating functionality that already exists is URIs. For example, mailto:someone@somewhere.tld. Although URI's are supposed to simply indicate a resource and not really act as a full blown intent system.Either way, things such as this bring the web closer and closer to being able to do the sort of things we \"just expect\" from native apps. It should be worthwhile to watch.This is amazing. This is huge.But for this to be a full success, the other vendors will also need to come on board. Can't think of a more important feature that needs standardization than intents. So once this gets standardized:- Mozilla probably will implement, because (barring minor transgressions) they care about users more than everyone else.- Microsoft may, because any chance of increasing their 2.5% market share depends on maximal interop and web-apps being a genuine cross-platform solution to make up for the lack of apps in their App store.- Apple and Safari. This is going to take time, if ever. They might even come up with their own solution, requiring developers to implement two solutions to do the same thing. Strategy-wise, web apps becoming more potent is not in their interest.Isn't this what Ink/Filepicker tried to do?This could be huge! like it's a really great idea! I'd be slightly concerned about progress slowing down as people stop implementing things because it might break someone else's implementation (kind of the thing that happens every time there's a standard) but overall it would probably make the web better instead of worse.I wonder how this relates to Web Intents, a similar Google project from a few years back:http://webintents.org/Interesting that the copyright is by Google yet they have permission to release it under the Apache license and yet it isn't an official Google project of any kind.One benefit: I could have a \"Share on Twitter\" button without Twitter seeing me load their button and thus profiling me based on my web browsing?> ...We determine the people you might enjoy following based on your visits to websites in the Twitter ecosystem (sites that have integrated Twitter buttons or widgets)... (https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169421)", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "AttackXiaoJinJin/reactExplain", "link": "https://github.com/AttackXiaoJinJin/reactExplain", "tags": ["react16", "source-code", "explaination"], "stars": 537, "description": "React\u6e90\u7801\u89e3\u6790", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "




\n\n* \u672c\u6e90\u7801\u53ef\u4ece[https://github.com/AttackXiaoJinJin/reactExplain/blob/master/react16.8.6/CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/AttackXiaoJinJin/reactExplain/blob/master/react16.8.6/CHANGELOG.md)\n\u67e5\u770b\u7248\u672c\u53f7\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u76f4\u63a5 fork\uff0c\u82e5\u4ece\u5b98\u7f51\u4e0b\u8f7d\u6e90\u7801\uff0c\u8003\u8651\u5230 [\u6587\u4ef6\u540d\u79f0\u88abrename](https://github.com/AttackXiaoJinJin/reactExplain/issues/147) \u7684\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u7248\u672c\u53f7\u4ece16.9.0\u5f00\u59cb\n\u5b98\u7f51 release \u5730\u5740\uff1a\n[https://github.com/facebook/react/releases?after=v16.10.2](https://github.com/facebook/react/releases?after=v16.10.2)\n\n* \u5982\u679c\u627e\u4e0d\u5230\u5bf9\u5e94\u7684`\u51fd\u6570\u540d`/`\u6587\u4ef6\u540d`\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u5168\u5c40\u641c\u7d22\u91cc\u9762\u7684\u4ee3\u7801\u5757\u8fdb\u884c\u67e5\u627e\n\n








































\n[React\u6e90\u7801\u89e3\u6790\u4e4bCommit\u7b2c\u4e00\u5b50\u9636\u6bb5\u300cbefore mutation\u300d](https://juejin.im/post/5e883ff76fb9a03c860b6ab0)\n











\n\n[\u56fe\u89e3React](http://www.7km.top) \u2014\u2014\u4f5c\u8005\uff1a[\u516c\u91cc\u67d2(KM.Seven)](https://github.com/7kms)\n

\n[React\u6e90\u7801\u63ed\u79d81 \u67b6\u6784\u8bbe\u8ba1\u4e0e\u9996\u5c4f\u6e32\u67d3]()\u2014\u2014\u4f5c\u8005\uff1a[\u5361\u9882](https://juejin.im/user/5aea853b518825670f7baf2e/posts)\n

\n[\u8fd9\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u6700\u901a\u4fd7\u7684 React Fiber(\u65f6\u95f4\u5206\u7247) \u6253\u5f00\u65b9\u5f0f](https://juejin.im/post/5dadc6045188255a270a0f85)\u2014\u2014\u4f5c\u8005\uff1a[\u8352\u5c71](https://juejin.im/user/5762733b2e958a00696163ea/posts)\n

\n[\u8d70\u8fdbReact Fiber \u67b6\u6784](https://juejin.im/post/5df21c895188251260743972#heading-36)\u2014\u2014\u4f5c\u8005\uff1a[intopiece_\u69df](https://juejin.im/user/59435713128fe1006a278401/posts)\n***\n


\n\n\u6bcf\u5468\u5206\u4eab\u524d\u7aef\u5e72\u8d27\u548c\u751f\u6d3b\u611f\u609f\uff01\n\n![](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/5518628-d990fd52db10fd66.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "generativefm/generators", "link": "https://github.com/generativefm/generators", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "A collection of generative music pieces for generative.fm", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# pieces-alex-bainter\n\nA collection of generative music systems for [Generative.fm](https://generative.fm).\n\nThe documentation here is incomplete but hopefully it can help you get started. Please see [Generative.fm Open-source Objectives](https://gist.github.com/metalex9/11923b7faa710215dc7ab39a0e056a65).\n\n## Installation\n\nThe generative systems are available as [npm] packages. You can either install every system in one package or as separate packages for each system.\n\n### Installing every system in one package\n\nSee [@generative-music/pieces-alex-bainter](packages/pieces-alex-bainter/README.md#Installation).\n\n### Installing systems individually\n\nEach piece is available on [npm] as package in the `@generative-music` scope. For example, to install the system for \"Zed\", you would do:\n\n```bash\nnpm install @generative-music/piece-zed\n```\n\nIn general, a system's package name is the same as its title, written in lower-kebab-case and prefixed with `@generative-music/piece-`. Slashes (/) in titles are replaced with dashes (-). You can confirm a system's package name by looking at the `name` property of its `package.json` file. For example, the `package.json` file for \"Zed\" is located at [packages/piece-zed/package.json](packages/piece-zed/package.json), where the `name` is specified as `\"@generative-music/piece-zed\"`.\n\nYou will also need to install [Tone.js] if you haven't already (`npm install tone`).\n\n## Usage\n\n### As fast as possible\n\n1. You need to have the necessary audio sample files hosted somewhere accessible to the systems. These samples can be found in the [@generative-music/samples-alex-bainter](https://github.com/generative-music/samples-alex-bainter) repository. For local development, follow the instructions for [building](https://github.com/generative-music/samples-alex-bainter#building) and [serving](https://github.com/generative-music/samples-alex-bainter#serving-locally-with-docker) the files.\n\n2. Install necessary dependencies from [npm]:\n\n```bash\nnpm install @generative-music/web-library @generative-music/web-provider @generative-music/samples-alex-bainter\n```\n\n3. Run the system:\n\n```javascript\nimport activate from '@generative-music/piece-zed';\nimport createLibrary from '@generative-music/web-library';\nimport createProvider from '@generative-music/web-provider';\nimport getSampleIndex from '@generative-music/samples-alex-bainter';\nimport { Transport, Destination, context } from 'tone';\n\nconst provider = createProvider();\n\nconst sampleIndex = getSampleIndex({\n format: 'wav', // also accepts 'mp3' and 'ogg'\n host: 'http://localhost:6969', // host where sample files can be fetched from\n});\n\nconst sampleLibrary = createLibrary({\n sampleIndex,\n provider,\n});\n\n\n// activate the system (load sample files and allocate memory)\nactivate({\n context,\n sampleLibrary\n destination: Destination, // connect the output of the system to Tone's Destination node\n}).then(([deactivate, schedule]) => {\n const end = schedule(); // schedule a performance along Tone's Transport\n Transport.start(); // begin playback\n\n // stopping the system\n Transport.stop(); // stop Tone's Transport\n Transport.cancel(); // clear Tone's Transport\n end(); // clear the performance\n\n // releasing resources\n deactivate();\n});\n```\n\n## \ud83c\udf5d Regarding code quality (or lack thereof)\n\nMost of the systems within this repository were written during a period where I'd set an aggressive pace for myself to create new systems regularly and experiment. As a result, code quality suffered. Unfortunately, this means the code may be hard to understand, and I don't consider it to be a good example of how I typically build software. Someday, I'd love to improve these systems so they're easier for you to read.\n\nYou've been warned!\n\n[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/\n[tone.js]: https://tonejs.github.io/\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Really interesting! I like where this is going even though i'm not sure the particular use case is that useful. Generating content for list views is marginally useful; being able to generate UI components for full web/mobile app experiences is a must have.Suppose I'm a founder/PM who wants to design a crypto app with fiat on-ramp/off-ramp. Before the app is built, initial thought must be given to what's important to the user. Once established, a prioritization of UI elements is made and designer implements them. Now imagine if I write this as a GPT prompt and get back 20 different designs, choosing between 30+ UI elements. Almost like a Pinterest board for UX designs from a single prompt. This visual experience inspires me to tradeoff decisions quicker and thereby ship faster.I think its broken. Just throwing up a js promptI love the idea but it is not working for me : even the example prompts are saying they cannot generate any design.So how does it work? SD is not gpt right? So does it use sd or gpt or some clever mix, like gpt3 writing prompts for dall-e to make sure they are designs for web components?this is a very interesting concept for UX designThis is a great idea, but I noticed all the components I tried ended up looking very similar: a wide rectangle with (sometimes) an image on the left, and two sets of text captions, one pair left-aligned and one right-aligned.My custom prompt,> files in a file systemgave something almost identical to the predefined prompts:> comedian shows in a comedy venue's booking application (which has an image too)\n> zany brainy stuff (has a centered label too)\netc.Is it more that it's not a UI component, but specifically only list items or cards, that it can generate? I did notice that it got the order of priority (eg filename first, size secondary) correct.This is cool! Nice work. How about generating figma as well?Very interesting project. i was wondering about the cost margins of running this.\nand how does the workflow from gpt3 react code update to uiWe've just released (open source) a Weaviate module that allows you to pipe search results directly through an LLM (in this case, OpenAI's GPT-3, soon more to come). Would love to hear what you all think about this approach. More context and examples here: https://twitter.com/bobvanluijt/status/1623041783402795044Don't worry, AI will cause a lot more problems than it will solve.Learn strong communication skills.I come from an automation background, and work as a tech lead, and I have absolutely no concerns about AI. Most people who worry about it don't fully understand what it is, and that it's ultimately just tools, albeit ones with more difficult to understand internals.Nevertheless, strong communication skills are leverage on almost anything you do. That includes programming. They also can't be surpassed by AI in a non-apocalyptic world.You can start by joining Toastmasters, and/or Rotary.Communication skills can be further improved by understanding human psychology. If you're able to quickly detect personality disorders and other psychological minefields you'll encounter in the workplace, it'll bode well for you.Again, no machine can understand a human better than another human, in anything short of an apocalyptic future.ChatGPT expects to have $1B in revenue in 2024. This revenue is going to come from people building businesses around it (<-- possibly you? this would require programming knowledge obv.). Honestly, I think a person could make a living as a prompt-engineer right now. You can't fight it, you have to lean into it.If it turns out that AI with respect to programming is just a productivity amplifier for programmers - which is all it is currently - then it will be more like a rising tide floats all boats - I think you'd rather be in the mix and super adept at any new techniques and you'll be more competitive than those who fail to adapt. Otherwise - look at what OpenAI suggests and is mentioned in another comment - find the niche and create and train the AI for that niche - profit.Since you are thinking about this in highschool, you are on the right track. There is not a AI dominated future that isn't driven by Software Engineers. You can either be an engineer creating AI/ML tech or an engineer using the AI/ML tech.There will also be a very long tail of \"traditional\" software engineering. But if you are still 4-5 years out from your \"career\" - you probably wont want to count on a traditional software engineering job.I got into software because it was a good way to solve a broad class of problems. Not because I have some obsession with actually writing code. You can fight the tools and risk becoming obsolete, or you can embrace the tools and adapt to continue to solve problems and deliver value. Just like business users cannot adequately convey requirements to off-shore development firms, they won't be able to get the most use out of ML generated code. They don't know the details of what problems they are trying to solve, nor do they know how to implement the coded suggestions in a production ready capacity. There is still a lot of technical work required to use these tools. The \"real\" value technical folk provide is being able to decipher and translate business speak to implementation. The only people who should be really worried are those who want to hide in their basement and just program against tickets implementing discrete tasks. The technical folk who actually understand business objectives and are effective at communicating with business folk should still have a long lucrative career ahead of them.AI needs computation power, it needs data processing. Focus on the tools, processes and hardware.AI will make trivial stuff easier to work with, so we can focus on the harder stuff. This isn't going to hit critical mass for at least another decade, so you have time.> built some pretty fun and cool things like chess engines, video games, 3d renderers from scratch and competed in my national computing contest with a solid placementYou're already ahead of 99% of the folks out there. Learn AI, learn ML, get into that now and you'll remain ahead of the curve.I don't think AI is going to be quite that ground-breaking for at least another 20 years. It's impressive now, yes, but until it's on every device running under every OS as part of a commercial package, it's not going to disrupt anything.If anything it'll be like the transition to cloud computing. Jobs will change. The disrupting factor will be that a good portion of data processing jobs will no longer need bodies to fill it. Middle management in IT will be next. Programmers and sysadmins will be safe for some time to come.Taking software as an example, there will be some practical application for code that's generated, which means there needs to be some analysis of the result. Somewhere along the way there will be a human who reads some output, regardless of how complex the systems are which produce that output. Much of the time, this person is going to have a significant level of technical knowledge. Identify what positions those people will be in and try to fill them.There are some great comments on this thread all with pretty decent if not great advice. But i'll come from a slightly different angle - not because it's better/worse but just to provide a more rounded group of responses.My background is not in hardcore cs, ML, or AI but i majored in engineering and have worked as a software engineer for about 6 years.Both breadth and depth are important with knowledge/skills and having diversified experiences at early ages (and throughout life) is valuable for \"honing in on\" what you want to do.This is just to say maybe seeking out various computing \"applications\" wherever possible may help expose you to the different things out there. It could be neuroscience, medical imaging, nuclear fusion energy or whatever interesting thing presents itself.\nSince you mentioned starting a business understanding a variety of markets could also be valuable.best of luck and keep hackingedit formattingAI will create more engineer jobs then it will destroy. Learn math and computational complexity theory and then use AI to augment your productivity as a researcher or engineer. Math knowledge will be indispensable.Don\u2019t worry if you\u2019re not a math major. You can and should get a degree in mathematics along side an software engineering degree.AI is a major factor in applied computer science and engineering. \nHowever, there is more to compsci than just \"AI\". It will make you more productive provided you're above the threshold of engineers who will indeed by automated away.So this is the thing I've been thinking about the most in this AI wave ... people like you in your position.Depending on how fast AI transforms the economy (which I'm in no position to begin to predict), but presuming some degree of speed that is unexpected by at least a good proportion of people, one of the things that will surely be disrupted the most is the idea of career planning for teenagers and high-schoolers.Because surely, in line with the idea of the \"singularity\", one of the corollaries of AI disruption will be that the rate and predictability of disruption events increases. At some point, either there's no point on planning out a career, or the only plans that seem to make sense are either vague, snake-oil, or to focus on really basic fundamental things that entail a major shift in lifestyle and even philosophy like farming.If anything like that pans out, with sufficient speed, I'd predict some hefty social disruption, like groups of people going hard on Ludditism. But also, I'd predict some general polarisation not unlike what appears to have transpired in the west politically, which I think can be attributable to a growing sense of uncertainty and misunderstanding of an increasingly complex and incomprehensible world.I know I'm not answering your question. That's partly because, though I'm older than you, I've not settled well on a career in my life and am in a not too dissimilar, perhaps worse, scenario from you. But also, as someone who didn't see this year's wave of AI coming, my response is that I don't have an answer, and I think that that is, and that you're asking this question, the actual problem....All that being said, AI pessimism can go too far, and the tone of my post above is certainly guilty of this. Recent AI developments are still very problematic and there's plenty of scope in tech jobs that aren't going to be touched by AI.Nonetheless, in the spirit of this more optimistic position (for tech at least), I would predict that the blindspot many on here (and in tech in general) will be the experience of juniors with AI being involved more and more.On one hand, I can see leveraging AI tools to be more productive and learn faster to become more common, especially amongst more adaptable younger people.On the other hand, I can see AIs making the work of juniors harder, because the AI most easily supplants a junior's non-expert error prone work and so might raise the floor of the bare minimal expertise in the industry without providing accessible means of acquiring that expertise for newcomers. It may quickly become the case, for instance, that writing code in a language and having some vague and basic awareness of tools and concepts is no longer sufficient for a junior, but instead, you need to know the things that an AI doesn't but which are hard to learn without experience, like the pitfalls of combining two tools together, or what certain errors are likely to be caused by etc.If you want to get into tech, get into the ML space. Teach yourself StableDiffusion. like, really dig into it and learn how it all works from start to finish. The model was released so it's open source(ish) but most importantly learning about that will let you look behind the curtain, and realize the pieces that go into, say ChatGPT. it may seem like a magic but OpenAI's published papers on the underlying technologies. I'm not trying to say it's not impressive, because it is, I'm trying to say that decomposing AI into understanding that it's really a series ML models that you can interact with and tweak and tune - that's a skill that's not going away and so will be useful while the machines take over. obviously this isn't for everyone but if I were in your shoes, that's the direction I would go to future proof my career.Don't (completely) buy the hype.I understand that you are being told that AI will make everything obsolete, but remember that you are getting this message through news outlets. These are businesses that make money by getting attention, and nothing gets attention more than making extreme, especially threatening, claims.The maturity of machine learning will change things, but exactly how will be hard to predict.Rather than try to optimize for 'success' based on guessing the future, I'd suggest that you focus on continuing to learn and ask yourself what you like.People are still playing chess and go, and there will still be software.Classically, what you're looking for in a stable career is to be part of a generational cohort that is well-positioned to transition from something emerging, risky, and low-value, into a more established senior role. And then stay there forever, holding the expertise captive until retirement, at which point the economy now has to figure out what to do without your indispensable knowledge.This is actually a process that has been a big part of recent news: the Boomer generation, being oversized and long-lived, sucked up a lot of the jobs. By the time their Millenial children arrived, a lot of career paths had no emerging prospects because the parents were still there, still in the same roles, and the world had become fantastically more competitive through globalization. But now they've finally begun to age out altogether, and that transition plays into the dynamic of high unrest, financial turmoil and anxiety around tech that we're experiencing.The thing is, tech is something societies decide to invent pragmatically, based on what available science allows. We invent \"automobile tech\" because policy and available resources supported its widespread use in the richest parts of the world. In the ones destroyed by WWII, auto tech still existed but was complemented with reinvestment in rail tech.So with ML AI, the tech is something we're currently looking for models of application for. The science is cool, and there are certain things it's great at, but contra the \"learn AI\" replies, that doesn't mean the \"AI industry\" is something you'll gain the most leverage from by approaching it at its most fundamental level, getting a degree in, and then simply signing up for a research job. That is one of the most competitive routes you could take, as the \"easy part\" of the field is already behind us, and now everything is going to be about little nuances of improving the tech and integrating it better.What we currently see in terms of AI users is relatively unsophisticated application: people who log on to one of the apps, send a few basic prompts, and then stop there, satisfied with the result. But I believe the way to think about this is rather to become sufficiently AI-literate to use it to storm the gates of some other field, as a combination threat; a layered synthesis of traditional know-how and new methods. This is why some artists are unconcerned, while others are panicked; one group sees a way to enhance what they're doing with another layer of tech, another sees a threat to their routine illustration and asset creation gigs.But in \"storming the gates\" you have to expect to arrive at a surprisingly empty field, where nobody knows what you are doing or whether it's valuable. It might take several years to build up visibility, just trying things and publishing results, before you find a path to monetize on it.If the basic idea you're building from is coherent - it doesn't contain contradictory elements, and you can use it as a philosophical framework to assess the value of your output - you will stay motivated and eventually succeed. Study enough philosophy to get what it means to be coherent and build such a framework; it'll pay off.I suggest starting a company. It seems that there is no better time to be an entrepreneur as you will be able to amplify your talents so greatly with AI. If that isn't your thing, suggest taking the academic route and get a PhD in machine learning.>Tldr: what would you do if you were an ambitious teenager interested in tech entering a world soon to be dominated by large language models and other generative machine learning algorithms?An interesting topic for a science fiction novel, but that doesn't describe your experience today.I studied ML at a PhD level. A lot of \"neat tricks\", but a whole lot of issues preventing it from taking over basic tasks like driving (let alone programming).Just keep doing what you're doing and adapt to the AI revolution when it actually happens.It's been \"just 10 years away\" since the 1960's. :)AI will often lie confidently. It will need expert humans to correct these \u201challucinations\u201d. You\u2019ll be safe, kiddo.Why not aks yourself \u201ewhat is it i like to do\u201c instead of \u201ehow do i thrive\u201c? \nYou \u201ethrivers\u201c are a boring bunch.Yes you are absolutely right. You have to learn to leverage AI as a tool and use it the most to your benefit. This is the new way.Just thinking about ChatGPT: it* doesn't \"care\" if its output is true or false* is weak at humourwhich (for the moment) suggests that there remains a niche for people who have integrity and can laugh at themselves.(Should that niche disappear in the future, at least one won't have lived in a shameful manner before then: Losing one glove\n is certainly painful,\n but nothing \n compared to the pain,\n of losing one,\n throwing away the other,\n and finding \n the first one again. )Build systems not available to public access. AI is not a problem where it is not permitted.Honestly, if this thing keeps progressing like it does now then all bets are off, simple as that. Cognitive jobs will plummet in salary and then simply disappear.\nThere may be jobs for the top 1% of IQ for 10-15 more years but then that's probably gone too as A.I simply becomes better than us in everything.What's left? stuff like kindergarten workers, nurses and police officers aren't likely to be replaced so soon..(does it bring you joy though doing that?).You can also try catching some of the A.I boom and starting your own business, there's a lot of opportunity to be had in the coming 5-10 years probably.AI is good at generating simple examples in any given domain, including programming.AI can't refactor code, or debug (or at least debug well as far as I know). Folks here can correct me if I'm wrong, I stopped looking into AI once I realized it wasn't as far along as most non-technical people seemed to think.Things like Stable Diffusion and OpenAI have made great strides, but they will only serve to enhance humans' skills and abilities. There are limitations to what these tools can do, I wouldn't worry too much about having to compete with them once you're in the work force.Start a brand or company based around your work, and sell based on name recognition rather than price/quality/ease of use/timing/whatever.AI can create art or program. It can write text. And in future, it'll be able to make videos and music too.But it can't BE someone else, not legally at least. A random AI cannot replace a popular celebrity because its their name that matters the most, not the objective quality of their work. It can't outcompete Disney or Marvel or DC or Nintendo at their own game, because their works are protected by IP laws and sell based on their characters and brands as much as the objective quality of the works.So don't just draw or write or program in a way that you can be replaced. Do so under your own name/brand, so people pick you over the AI copycats based on your personality and image alone. If you become the next Stephen King or George RR Martin or Markiplier, people will check out your work because it's your work, and no amount of tech can ever compete on that front.It seems like the trap you're falling into goes back to what \"a job\" is.\nNot your fault, you're still young, and a lot of older folk fall into the same trap, believing a job is defined as \"someone paying me to do some work.\"A job is when someone pays you to add value.(It's true all the way down to bullshit jobs, where the value you're adding is to meet an uneconomic need.)It doesn't matter which work models will eliminate. All that matters is building value in a reality where they exist. Just as a casual observation, climate change continues to rage on, energy supply is still a bottleneck, almost half the deaths in high-income countries are from cancer etc. etc. etc.There will always be value to add. The baseline may change, but no one yearns back to the days before the copying machine or Excel.In my mind, the most sensible thing an ambitious teenager can do is get a proper academic education (AI is not magic, it's jus the product of research, and all those people doing the research did exactly that - get good education.)Also, and I realize that doesn't gel with the whole HN ethos but whatever, don't waste your early working years starting a company. The only way to discover real problems in the world are to live in that world. Getting to understand a domain well, any domain, will serve you better than any 'Uber for X' ever will.Focus on something you expect AI not to exceed professional humans at in the next couple of decades. If you're convinced there's no such thing, then I wouldn't worry so much about career choice.For a concrete answer in tech, have a look at AI development itself. Keep abreast of what OpenAI and their competitors identify as open problems and orient your academic career towards working in them. The object level questions will change while you're in school; the goal is an \"intercept trajectory\" where what you study just before you graduate is the state of the art.Alternatively, highly regulated professions (medicine, law, civil engineering to name a few) are likely to continue to employ bright humans long after AI can do the job just because no-one will be allowed to use AI there.Find an industry or line of work you are interested in and learn about problems in that area. Then build products to solve those problems. Use ChatGPT, stable diffusion, and others as force multipliers.The funny thing with problems is that they never end. Even if AI is effective against the current slate of problems, new ones tend to show up quickly.I'm a software developer/engineer with 25 years experience. The coding aspect of software development is actually a very small part of the overall job. I don't expect AI to significantly change my job in the least.> I\u2019ve set up a subreddit for ityes, yes. And that subreddit is?Why scary?", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "thenativeweb/node-eventstore", "link": "https://github.com/thenativeweb/node-eventstore", "tags": ["event-sourcing", "eventstream", "eventstore", "javascript", "nodejs", "domain-driven-design"], "stars": 537, "description": "EventStore Implementation in node.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# \u26a0\ufe0f IMPORTANT NEWS! \ud83d\udcf0\n\nI\u2019ve been dealing with CQRS, event-sourcing and DDD long enough now that I don\u2019t need working with it anymore unfortunately, so at least for now this my formal farewell!\n\nI want to thank everyone who has contributed in one way or another.\nEspecially...\n\n- [Jan](https://github.com/jamuhl), who introduced me to this topic.\n- [Dimitar](https://github.com/nanov), one of the last bigger contributors and maintainer.\n- My last employer, who gave me the possibility to use all these CQRS modules in a big Cloud-System.\n- My family and friends, who very often came up short.\n\nFinally, I would like to thank [Golo Roden](https://github.com/goloroden), who was there very early at the beginning of my CQRS/ES/DDD journey and is now here again to take over these modules.\n\nGolo Roden is the founder, CTO and managing director of [the native web](https://www.thenativeweb.io/), a company specializing in native web technologies. Among other things, he also teaches CQRS/ES/DDD etc. and based on his vast knowledge, he brought wolkenkit to life.\n[wolkenkit](https://wolkenkit.io) is a CQRS and event-sourcing framework based on Node.js. It empowers you to build and run scalable distributed web and cloud services that process and store streams of domain events.\n\nWith this step, I can focus more on [i18next](https://www.i18next.com), [locize](https://locize.com) and [localistars](https://localistars.com). I'm happy about that. \ud83d\ude0a\n\nSo, there is no end, but the start of a new phase for my CQRS modules. \ud83d\ude09\n\nI wish you all good luck on your journey.\n\nWho knows, maybe we'll meet again in a github issue or PR at [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/i18next) \ud83d\ude09\n\n\n[Adriano Raiano](https://twitter.com/adrirai)\n\n---\n\n# Introduction\n\n[![JS.ORG](https://img.shields.io/badge/js.org-eventstore-ffb400.svg?style=flat-square)](http://js.org)\n[![travis](https://img.shields.io/travis/adrai/node-eventstore.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/adrai/node-eventstore) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/eventstore.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/eventstore)\n\nThe project goal is to provide an eventstore implementation for node.js:\n\n- load and store events via EventStream object\n- event dispatching to your publisher (optional)\n- supported Dbs (inmemory, mongodb, redis, tingodb, elasticsearch, azuretable, dynamodb)\n- snapshot support\n- query your events\n\n# Consumers\n\n- [cqrs-domain](https://github.com/adrai/node-cqrs-domain)\n- [cqrs](https://github.com/leogiese/cqrs)\n\n# Installation\n\n npm install eventstore\n\n# Usage\n\n## Require the module and init the eventstore:\n```javascript\nvar eventstore = require('eventstore');\n\nvar es = eventstore();\n```\n\nBy default the eventstore will use an inmemory Storage.\n\n### Logging\n\nFor logging and debugging you can use [debug](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug) by [TJ Holowaychuk](https://github.com/visionmedia)\n\nsimply run your process with\n\n DEBUG=eventstore* node app.js\n\n## Provide implementation for storage\n\nexample with mongodb:\n\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'mongodb',\n host: 'localhost', // optional\n port: 27017, // optional\n dbName: 'eventstore', // optional\n eventsCollectionName: 'events', // optional\n snapshotsCollectionName: 'snapshots', // optional\n transactionsCollectionName: 'transactions', // optional\n timeout: 10000, // optional\n // emitStoreEvents: true // optional, by default no store events are emitted\n // maxSnapshotsCount: 3 // optional, defaultly will keep all snapshots\n // authSource: 'authedicationDatabase' // optional\n // username: 'technicalDbUser' // optional\n // password: 'secret' // optional\n // url: 'mongodb://user:pass@host:port/db?opts // optional\n // positionsCollectionName: 'positions' // optional, defaultly wont keep position\n});\n```\n\nexample with redis:\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'redis',\n host: 'localhost', // optional\n port: 6379, // optional\n db: 0, // optional\n prefix: 'eventstore', // optional\n eventsCollectionName: 'events', // optional\n snapshotsCollectionName: 'snapshots', // optional\n timeout: 10000 // optional\n // emitStoreEvents: true, // optional, by default no store events are emitted\n // maxSnapshotsCount: 3 // optional, defaultly will keep all snapshots\n // password: 'secret' // optional\n});\n```\n\nexample with tingodb:\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'tingodb',\n dbPath: '/path/to/my/db/file', // optional\n eventsCollectionName: 'events', // optional\n snapshotsCollectionName: 'snapshots', // optional\n transactionsCollectionName: 'transactions', // optional\n timeout: 10000, // optional\n // emitStoreEvents: true, // optional, by default no store events are emitted\n // maxSnapshotsCount: 3 // optional, defaultly will keep all snapshots\n});\n```\n\nexample with elasticsearch:\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'elasticsearch',\n host: 'localhost:9200', // optional\n indexName: 'eventstore', // optional\n eventsTypeName: 'events', // optional\n snapshotsTypeName: 'snapshots', // optional\n log: 'warning', // optional\n maxSearchResults: 10000, // optional\n // emitStoreEvents: true, // optional, by default no store events are emitted\n // maxSnapshotsCount: 3 // optional, defaultly will keep all snapshots\n});\n```\n\nexample with custom elasticsearch client (e.g. with AWS ElasticSearch client. Note ``` http-aws-es ``` package usage in this example):\n```javascript\nvar elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');\n\nvar esClient = = new elasticsearch.Client({\n hosts: 'SOMETHING.es.amazonaws.com',\n connectionClass: require('http-aws-es'),\n amazonES: {\n region: 'us-east-1',\n accessKey: 'REPLACE_AWS_accessKey',\n secretKey: 'REPLACE_AWS_secretKey'\n }\n});\n\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'elasticsearch',\n client: esClient,\n indexName: 'eventstore',\n eventsTypeName: 'events',\n snapshotsTypeName: 'snapshots',\n log: 'warning',\n maxSearchResults: 10000\n});\n```\n\nexample with azuretable:\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'azuretable',\n storageAccount: 'nodeeventstore',\n storageAccessKey: 'aXJaod96t980AbNwG9Vh6T3ewPQnvMWAn289Wft9RTv+heXQBxLsY3Z4w66CI7NN12+1HUnHM8S3sUbcI5zctg==',\n storageTableHost: 'https://nodeeventstore.table.core.windows.net/',\n eventsTableName: 'events', // optional\n snapshotsTableName: 'snapshots', // optional\n timeout: 10000, // optional\n emitStoreEvents: true // optional, by default no store events are emitted\n});\n```\n\nexample with dynamodb:\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: 'dynamodb',\n eventsTableName: 'events', // optional\n snapshotsTableName: 'snapshots', // optional\n undispatchedEventsTableName: 'undispatched' // optional\n EventsReadCapacityUnits: 1, // optional\n EventsWriteCapacityUnits: 3, // optional\n SnapshotReadCapacityUnits: 1, // optional\n SnapshotWriteCapacityUnits: 3, // optional\n UndispatchedEventsReadCapacityUnits: 1, // optional\n UndispatchedEventsReadCapacityUnits: 1, // optional\n useUndispatchedEventsTable: true // optional\n eventsTableStreamEnabled: false // optional\n eventsTableStreamViewType: 'NEW_IMAGE', // optional\n emitStoreEvents: true // optional, by default no store events are emitted\n});\n```\n\nDynamoDB credentials are obtained by eventstore either from environment vars or credentials file. For setup see [AWS Javascript SDK](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/guide/node-configuring.html).\n\nDynamoDB provider supports [DynamoDB local](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBLocal.html) for local development via the AWS SDK `endpoint` option. Just set the `$AWS_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT` (or `%AWS_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT%` in Windows) environment variable to point to your running instance of Dynamodb local like this:\n\n $ export AWS_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000\n\nOr on Windows:\n\n > set AWS_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000\n\nThe **useUndispatchedEventsTable** option to available for those who prefer to use DyanmoDB.Streams to pull events from the store instead of the UndispatchedEvents table. The default is true. Setting this option to false will result in the UndispatchedEvents table not being created at all, the getUndispatchedEvents method will always return an empty array, and the setEventToDispatched will effectively do nothing.\n\nRefer to [StreamViewType](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_StreamSpecification.html#DDB-Type-StreamSpecification-StreamViewType) for a description of the **eventsTableStreamViewType** option\n\n## Built-in event publisher (optional)\n\nif defined the eventstore will try to publish AND set event do dispatched on its own...\n\n### sync interface\n```javascript\nes.useEventPublisher(function(evt) {\n // bus.emit('event', evt);\n});\n```\n\n### async interface\n\n```javascript\nes.useEventPublisher(function(evt, callback) {\n // bus.sendAndWaitForAck('event', evt, callback);\n});\n```\n\n## catch connect and disconnect events\n\n```javascript\nes.on('connect', function() {\n console.log('storage connected');\n});\n\nes.on('disconnect', function() {\n console.log('connection to storage is gone');\n});\n```\n\n## define event mappings [optional]\n\nDefine which values should be mapped/copied to the payload event.\n\n```javascript\nes.defineEventMappings({\n id: 'id',\n commitId: 'commitId',\n commitSequence: 'commitSequence',\n commitStamp: 'commitStamp',\n streamRevision: 'streamRevision'\n});\n```\n\n## initialize\n```javascript\nes.init(function (err) {\n // this callback is called when all is ready...\n});\n\n// or\n\nes.init(); // callback is optional\n```\n\n## working with the eventstore\n\n### get the eventhistory (of an aggregate)\n\n```javascript\nes.getEventStream('streamId', function(err, stream) {\n var history = stream.events; // the original event will be in events[i].payload\n\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n});\n```\n\nor\n\n```javascript\nes.getEventStream({\n aggregateId: 'myAggregateId',\n aggregate: 'person', // optional\n context: 'hr' // optional\n}, function(err, stream) {\n var history = stream.events; // the original event will be in events[i].payload\n\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n});\n```\n\n'streamId' and 'aggregateId' are the same...\nIn ddd terms aggregate and context are just to be more precise in language.\nFor example you can have a 'person' aggregate in the context 'human ressources' and a 'person' aggregate in the context of 'business contracts'...\nSo you can have 2 complete different aggregate instances of 2 complete different aggregates (but perhaps with same name) in 2 complete different contexts\n\nyou can request an eventstream even by limit the query with a 'minimum revision number' and a 'maximum revision number'\n\n```javascript\nvar revMin = 5,\n revMax = 8; // if you omit revMax or you define it as -1 it will retrieve until the end\n\nes.getEventStream('streamId' || {/* query */}, revMin, revMax, function(err, stream) {\n var history = stream.events; // the original event will be in events[i].payload\n\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n});\n```\n\nstore a new event and commit it to store\n\n```javascript\nes.getEventStream('streamId', function(err, stream) {\n stream.addEvent({ my: 'event' });\n stream.addEvents([{ my: 'event2' }]);\n\n stream.commit();\n\n // or\n\n stream.commit(function(err, stream) {\n console.log(stream.eventsToDispatch); // this is an array containing all added events in this commit.\n });\n});\n```\n\nif you defined an event publisher function the committed event will be dispatched to the provided publisher\n\nif you just want to load the last event as stream you can call getLastEventAsStream instead of \u00b4getEventStream\u00b4.\n\n## working with snapshotting\n\nget snapshot and eventhistory from the snapshot point\n\n```javascript\nes.getFromSnapshot('streamId', function(err, snapshot, stream) {\n var snap = snapshot.data;\n var history = stream.events; // events history from given snapshot\n\n // myAggregate.loadSnapshot(snap);\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n});\n```\n\nor\n\n```javascript\nes.getFromSnapshot({\n aggregateId: 'myAggregateId',\n aggregate: 'person', // optional\n context: 'hr' // optional\n}, function(err, snapshot, stream) {\n var snap = snapshot.data;\n var history = stream.events; // events history from given snapshot\n\n // myAggregate.loadSnapshot(snap);\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n});\n```\n\nyou can request a snapshot and an eventstream even by limit the query with a 'maximum revision number'\n\n```javascript\nvar revMax = 8; // if you omit revMax or you define it as -1 it will retrieve until the end\n\nes.getFromSnapshot('streamId' || {/* query */}, revMax, function(err, snapshot, stream) {\n var snap = snapshot.data;\n var history = stream.events; // events history from given snapshot\n\n // myAggregate.loadSnapshot(snap);\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n});\n```\n\n\ncreate a snapshot point\n\n```javascript\nes.getFromSnapshot('streamId', function(err, snapshot, stream) {\n\n var snap = snapshot.data;\n var history = stream.events; // events history from given snapshot\n\n // myAggregate.loadSnapshot(snap);\n // myAggregate.loadFromHistory(history);\n\n // create a new snapshot depending on your rules\n if (history.length > myLimit) {\n es.createSnapshot({\n streamId: 'streamId',\n data: myAggregate.getSnap(),\n revision: stream.lastRevision,\n version: 1 // optional\n }, function(err) {\n // snapshot saved\n });\n\n // or\n\n es.createSnapshot({\n aggregateId: 'myAggregateId',\n aggregate: 'person', // optional\n context: 'hr' // optional\n data: myAggregate.getSnap(),\n revision: stream.lastRevision,\n version: 1 // optional\n }, function(err) {\n // snapshot saved\n });\n }\n\n // go on: store new event and commit it\n // stream.addEvents...\n\n});\n```\n\nYou can automatically clean older snapshots by configuring the number of snapshots to keep with `maxSnapshotsCount` in `eventstore` options.\n\n## own event dispatching (no event publisher function defined)\n\n```javascript\nes.getUndispatchedEvents(function(err, evts) {\n // or es.getUndispatchedEvents('streamId', function(err, evts) {\n // or es.getUndispatchedEvents({ // free choice (all, only context, only aggregate, only aggregateId...)\n // context: 'hr',\n // aggregate: 'person',\n // aggregateId: 'uuid'\n // }, function(err, evts) {\n\n // all undispatched events\n console.log(evts);\n\n // dispatch it and set the event as dispatched\n\n for (var e in evts) {\n var evt = evts[r];\n es.setEventToDispatched(evt, function(err) {});\n // or\n es.setEventToDispatched(evt.id, function(err) {});\n }\n\n});\n```\n\n## query your events\n\nfor replaying your events or for rebuilding a viewmodel or just for fun...\n\nskip, limit always optional\n```javascript\nvar skip = 0,\n limit = 100; // if you omit limit or you define it as -1 it will retrieve until the end\n\nes.getEvents(skip, limit, function(err, evts) {\n // if (events.length === amount) {\n // events.next(function (err, nextEvts) {}); // just call next to retrieve the next page...\n // } else {\n // // finished...\n // }\n});\n\n// or\n\nes.getEvents('streamId', skip, limit, function(err, evts) {\n // if (events.length === amount) {\n // events.next(function (err, nextEvts) {}); // just call next to retrieve the next page...\n // } else {\n // // finished...\n // }\n});\n\n// or\n\nes.getEvents({ // free choice (all, only context, only aggregate, only aggregateId...)\n context: 'hr',\n aggregate: 'person',\n aggregateId: 'uuid'\n}, skip, limit, function(err, evts) {\n // if (events.length === amount) {\n // events.next(function (err, nextEvts) {}); // just call next to retrieve the next page...\n // } else {\n // // finished...\n // }\n});\n```\n\nby revision\n\nrevMin, revMax always optional\n\n```javascript\nvar revMin = 5,\n revMax = 8; // if you omit revMax or you define it as -1 it will retrieve until the end\n\nes.getEventsByRevision('streamId', revMin, revMax, function(err, evts) {});\n\n// or\n\nes.getEventsByRevision({\n aggregateId: 'myAggregateId',\n aggregate: 'person', // optional\n context: 'hr' // optional\n}, revMin, revMax, function(err, evts) {});\n```\nby commitStamp\n\nskip, limit always optional\n\n```javascript\nvar skip = 0,\n limit = 100; // if you omit limit or you define it as -1 it will retrieve until the end\n\nes.getEventsSince(new Date(2015, 5, 23), skip, limit, function(err, evts) {\n // if (events.length === amount) {\n // events.next(function (err, nextEvts) {}); // just call next to retrieve the next page...\n // } else {\n // // finished...\n // }\n});\n\n// or\n\nes.getEventsSince(new Date(2015, 5, 23), limit, function(err, evts) {\n // if (events.length === amount) {\n // events.next(function (err, nextEvts) {}); // just call next to retrieve the next page...\n // } else {\n // // finished...\n // }\n});\n\n// or\n\nes.getEventsSince(new Date(2015, 5, 23), function(err, evts) {\n // if (events.length === amount) {\n // events.next(function (err, nextEvts) {}); // just call next to retrieve the next page...\n // } else {\n // // finished...\n // }\n});\n```\n\n## streaming your events\nSome databases support streaming your events, the api is similar to the query one\n\nskip, limit always optional\n\n```javascript\nvar skip = 0,\n limit = 100; // if you omit limit or you define it as -1 it will retrieve until the end\n\nvar stream = es.streamEvents(skip, limit);\n// or\nvar stream = es.streamEvents('streamId', skip, limit);\n// or by commitstamp\nvar stream = es.streamEventsSince(new Date(2015, 5, 23), skip, limit);\n// or by revision\nvar stream = es.streamEventsByRevision({\n aggregateId: 'myAggregateId',\n aggregate: 'person',\n context: 'hr',\n});\n\nstream.on('data', function(e) {\n doSomethingWithEvent(e);\n});\n\nstream.on('end', function() {\n console.log('no more evets');\n});\n\n// or even better\nstream.pipe(myWritableStream);\n```\n\ncurrently supported by:\n\n1. mongodb\n\n## get the last event\nfor example to obtain the last revision nr\n```javascript\nes.getLastEvent('streamId', function(err, evt) {\n});\n\n// or\n\nes.getLastEvent({ // free choice (all, only context, only aggregate, only aggregateId...)\n context: 'hr',\n aggregate: 'person',\n aggregateId: 'uuid'\n} function(err, evt) {\n});\n```\n\n## obtain a new id\n\n```javascript\nes.getNewId(function(err, newId) {\n if(err) {\n console.log('ohhh :-(');\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('the new id is: ' + newId);\n});\n```\n\n## position of event in store\n\nsome db implementations support writing the position of the event in the whole store additional to the streamRevision.\n\ncurrently those implementations support this:\n\n1. inmemory ( by setting ```trackPosition`` option )\n1. mongodb ( by setting ```positionsCollectionName``` option)\n\n## special scaling handling with mongodb\n\nInserting multiple events (documents) in mongodb, is not atomic.\nFor the eventstore tries to repair itself when calling `getEventsByRevision`.\nBut if you want you can trigger this from outside:\n\n```javascript\nes.store.getPendingTransactions(function(err, txs) {\n if(err) {\n console.log('ohhh :-(');\n return;\n }\n\n // txs is an array of objects like:\n // {\n // _id: '/* the commitId of the committed event stream */',\n // events: [ /* all events of the committed event stream */ ],\n // aggregateId: 'aggregateId',\n // aggregate: 'aggregate', // optional\n // context: 'context' // optional\n // }\n\n es.store.getLastEvent({\n aggregateId: txs[0].aggregateId,\n aggregate: txs[0].aggregate, // optional\n context: txs[0].context // optional\n }, function (err, lastEvent) {\n if(err) {\n console.log('ohhh :-(');\n return;\n }\n\n es.store.repairFailedTransaction(lastEvent, function (err) {\n if(err) {\n console.log('ohhh :-(');\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('everything is fine');\n });\n });\n});\n```\n## Catch before and after eventstore events\nOptionally the eventstore can emit brefore and after events, to enable this feature set the `emitStoreEvents` to true.\n\n```javascript\nvar eventstore = require('eventstore');\nvar es = eventstore({\n emitStoreEvents: true,\n});\n\nes.on('before-clear', function({milliseconds}) {});\nes.on('after-clear', function({milliseconds}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-next-positions', function({milliseconds, arguments: [positions]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-next-positions', function({milliseconds, arguments: [positions]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-add-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [events]}) {});\nes.on('after-add-events', function(milliseconds, arguments: [events]) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, skip, limit]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, skip, limit]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-events-since', function({milliseconds, arguments: [milliseconds, date, skip, limit]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-events-since', function({milliseconds, arguments: [date, skip, limit]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-events-by-revision', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMin, revMax]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-events-by-revision', function({milliseconds, arguments, [query, revMin, revMax]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-last-event', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-last-event', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-undispatched-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-undispatched-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-set-event-to-dispatched', function({milliseconds, arguments: [id]}) {});\nes.on('after-set-event-to-dispatched', function({milliseconds, arguments: [id]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-add-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [snap]}) {});\nes.on('after-add-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [snap]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-clean-snapshots', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\nes.on('after-clean-snapshots', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMax]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMax]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-remove-transactions', function({milliseconds}, arguments: [event]) {});\nes.on('after-remove-transactions', function({milliseconds}, arguments: [event]) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-pending-transactions', function({milliseconds}) {});\nes.on('after-get-pending-transactions', function({milliseconds}) {});\n\nes.on('before-repair-failed-transactions', function({milliseconds, arguments: [lastEvt]}) {});\nes.on('after-repair-failed-transactions', function({milliseconds, arguments: [lastEvt]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-remove-tables', function({milliseconds}) {});\nes.on('after-remove-tables', function({milliseconds}) {});\n\nes.on('before-stream-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, skip, limit]}) {});\nes.on('after-stream-events', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, skip, limit]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-stream-events-since', function({milliseconds, arguments: [date, skip, limit]}) {});\nes.on('after-stream-events-since', function({milliseconds, arguments: [date, skip, limit]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-event-stream', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMin, revMax]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-event-stream', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMin, revMax]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-from-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMax]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-from-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query, revMax]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-create-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [obj]}) {});\nes.on('after-create-snapshot', function({milliseconds, arguments: [obj]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-commit', function({milliseconds, arguments: [eventstream]}) {});\nes.on('after-commit', function({milliseconds, arguments: [eventstream]}) {});\n\nes.on('before-get-last-event-as-stream', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\nes.on('after-get-last-event-as-stream', function({milliseconds, arguments: [query]}) {});\n```\n\n# Sample Integration\n\n- [nodeCQRS](https://github.com/jamuhl/nodeCQRS) A CQRS sample integrating eventstore\n\n# Inspiration\n\n- Jonathan Oliver's [EventStore](https://github.com/joliver/EventStore) for .net.\n\n# [Release notes](https://github.com/adrai/node-eventstore/blob/master/releasenotes.md)\n\n# Database Support\n\nCurrently these databases are supported:\n\n1. inmemory\n2. mongodb ([node-mongodb-native](https://github.com/mongodb/node-mongodb-native))\n3. redis ([redis](https://github.com/mranney/node_redis))\n4. tingodb ([tingodb](https://github.com/sergeyksv/tingodb))\n5. azuretable ([azure-storage](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-node))\n6. dynamodb ([aws-sdk](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js))\n\n## own db implementation\n\nYou can use your own db implementation by extending this...\n\n```javascript\nvar Store = require('eventstore').Store,\n util = require('util'),\n _ = require('lodash');\n\nfunction MyDB(options) {\n options = options || {};\n Store.call(this, options);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(MyDB, Store);\n\n_.extend(MyDB.prototype, {\n\n // ...\n\n});\n\nmodule.exports = MyDB;\n```\n\nand you can use it in this way\n\n```javascript\nvar es = require('eventstore')({\n type: MyDB\n});\n// es.init...\n```\n\n# License\n\nCopyright (c) 2018 Adriano Raiano, Jan Muehlemann\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jDataView/jDataView", "link": "https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "DataView. Extended. Anywhere.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/jDataView/jDataView?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jDataView/jDataView.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jDataView/jDataView)\n[![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/jdataview.png)](https://npmjs.org/package/jdataview)\n[jDataView](http://blog.vjeux.com/2011/javascript/jdataview-read-binary-file.html) - A unique way to work with a binary file in JavaScript.\n================================\n\njDataView provides convenient way to read and/or modify binary data in all the browsers. It follows the [DataView Specification](http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#8) and even extends it for a more practical use.\n\nExplanation\n===========\n\nThere are three ways to read a binary file from the browser.\n\n* The first one is to download the file through XHR with [charset=x-user-defined](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/using_xmlhttprequest#Receiving_binary_data). You get the file as a **String**, convert it to byte **Array** and you have to rewrite all the decoding and encoding functions (getUint16, getFloat32, ...). All the browsers support this.\n\n* Then browsers that implemented **Canvas** also added **CanvasPixelArray** as part of **ImageData**. It is fast byte array that is created and used internally by `` element for manipulating low-level image data. We can create such host element and use it as factory for our own instances of this array.\n\n* Then browsers that implemented **WebGL** added **ArrayBuffer**. It is a plain buffer that can be read with views called **TypedArrays** (Int32Array, Float64Array, ...). You can use them to decode the file but this is not very handy. It has big drawback, it can't read non-aligned data (but we can actually hack that). So they replaced **CanvasPixelArray** with **Uint8ClampedArray** (same as Uint8Array, but cuts off numbers outside 0..255 range).\n\n* A new revision of the specification added **DataViews**. It is a view around your buffer that can read/write arbitrary data types directly through functions: getUint32, getFloat64 ...\n\nAnd one way to read a binary file from the server.\n\n* **NodeJS Buffers**. They appeared in [Node 0.4.0](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.4.0/api/buffers.html). [Node 0.5.0](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.5.0/api/buffers.html) added a DataView-like API. And [Node 0.6.0](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.6.0/api/buffers.html) changed the API naming convention.\n\n**jDataView** provides the **DataView API** with own convenient extensions using the best available option between Arrays, TypedArrays, NodeJS Buffers and DataViews.\n\nDocumentation\n=============\n\n * API\n * [jDataView constructor](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/jDataView-constructor)\n * [DataView Specification](http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#8)\n * Extended Specification\n * [Operation control](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/Operation-control)\n * [writeXXX methods](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/writeXXX-methods)\n * [Strings and Blobs](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/Strings-and-Blobs)\n * [64-bit integers](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/64-bit-integers)\n * [Bitfields](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/Bitfields)\n * [Internal utilities](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/Internal-utilities)\n * [Example](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/wiki/Example)\n * [Changelog](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nAdvanced usage ([jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary))\n========================\n\nFor complicated binary structures, it may be hard enough to use only low-level get/set operations for parsing,\nprocessing and writing data.\n\nIn addition, most likely you might need convenient I/O methods for retrieving data from external sources such like\nlocal files (using File API or from Node.js), remote files (via HTTP(S)), data-URIs, Node.js streams etc. as well\nas for displaying generated content to user on webpage in image/video/audio/... containers\nor even as simple download link.\n\nIf you faced any of these problems, you might want to check out new [jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary)\nlibrary that works on top of **jDataView** and allows to operate with binary data in structured and convenient way.\n\nDemos\n=====\n\n[HTTP Live Streaming realtime converter and player demo](http://rreverser.github.io/mpegts/) implemented using [jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary) data structures.\n[![Screenshot](http://rreverser.github.io/mpegts/screenshot.png?)](http://rreverser.github.io/mpegts/)\n\n---\n\nA [World of Warcraft Model Viewer](http://jdataview.github.io/jsWoWModelViewer/). It uses [jDataView](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView)+[jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary) to read the binary file and then WebGL to display it.\n[![Screenshot](http://jdataview.github.io/jsWoWModelViewer/images/modelviewer.png)](http://jdataview.github.io/jsWoWModelViewer/)\n\n---\n\nA [PhotoSynth WebGL Viewer](http://www.visual-experiments.com/2011/04/05/photosynth-webgl-viewer/) by Visual Experiments. It uses jDataView to read the binary file and then WebGL to display it.\n[![Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/HRHXo.jpg)](http://www.visual-experiments.com/2011/04/05/photosynth-webgl-viewer/)\n\n---\n\nA [simple tar viewer](http://jdataview.github.io/jDataView/untar/). It is a \"Hello World\" demo of how easy it is to use the library.\n\n---\n\nJavaScript [TrueTypeFont library demo](http://ynakajima.github.io/ttf.js/demo/glyflist/) which uses jDataView to read and display glyphs from TrueType file.\n\n--\n\n[jBinary.Repo](https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo) ready-to-use typesets and corresponding demos of using\n[jDataView](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView)+[jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary)\nfor reading popular file formats like\n[GZIP archives](https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo/demo/#gzip),\n[TAR archives](https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo/demo/#tar),\n[ICO images](https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo/demo/#ico),\n[BMP images](https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo/demo/#bmp),\n[MP3 tags](https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo/demo/#mp3)\netc.\n\n---\n\n[Talking image](http://hacksparrow.github.io/talking-image/) - animation and audio in one package powered by\nHTML5 Audio, [jDataView](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView) and [jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary).\n\n---\n\n*Please tell us if you made something with jDataView :)*\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "velopert/learning-react", "link": "https://github.com/velopert/learning-react", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "[\uae38\ubc97] \ub9ac\uc561\ud2b8\ub97c \ub2e4\ub8e8\ub294 \uae30\uc220 \uc11c\uc801\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ub418\ub294 \ucf54\ub4dc", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Technical revision source code dealing with React\n\nThis is the technical revision source code dealing with React.\n\nThe code used in the first release can be found in the [v1](https://github.com/velopert/learning-react/tree/v1) branch.", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "berrberr/streamkeys", "link": "https://github.com/berrberr/streamkeys", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "Global media player hotkeys for chrome", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Streamkeys v1.8.4 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/berrberr/streamkeys.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/berrberr/streamkeys)\n\nChrome extension to send \"global\" (ie. across the browser) hotkeys to various online media players.\n\nIt is available on the Chrome Store:\n\nhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/streamkeys/ekpipjofdicppbepocohdlgenahaneen?hl=en\n\n## Installation\n\n#### Requirements\n\n- Node.js\n\n#### Install\n\nClone the repo and then install dependencies:\n\n```bash\n$ npm install\n```\n\nThen to build the extension in watch mode, run:\n\n```bash\n$ npm run develop\n```\nIn Chrome, load the unpacked extension from `build/unpacked-dev/`.\n\n\n\n## NPM Scripts\n- `npm test`: Run unit tests.\n\n- `npm run develop`: Lints `code/*`, runs browserify, copies built code to `build/unpacked-dev/` and `test/streamkeys-ext/` in watch mode\n\n- `npm run grunt:dev`: Lints `code/*`, runs browserify and copies built code to `build/unpacked-dev/` and `test/streamkeys-ext/`\n\n- `npm run grunt:rel`: Lints `code/*`, runs browserify and uglify and copies built code to `build/unpacked-prod/` and `test/streamkeys-ext/`\n\n- `npm run grunt:watch`: Watches for changes to JS files in `code/*`, lints `code/*`, runs browserify and copies built code to `build/unpacked-dev/`\n\n- `npm run grunt:lint`: Lints `code/*`\n\n\n## Info\n\nThis extension works by sending click events to the elements that control the music player. Each music site has an associated controller which contains the css selectors for the play/pause/next/previous/mute buttons (where available). In addition there is a [`BaseController`][0] module which contains common functions that are shared across all controllers.\n\nThe background script routes hotkey presses from the user to the correct tab (ie., the media player(s) tab) if the media player site is enabled.\n\n## Adding Sites\n\nAdding a new site to the extension is straight forward. There are 3 steps:\n\n#### 1. Add site controller\n\nFigure out the css selectors for a site's media player buttons and create a new controller in `code/js/controllers/`. Naming scheme is `{Sitename}Controller.js`. You should copy code from an exisiting controller as a template. Here is an example controller for Fooplayer:\n\n```javascript\nFilename: FooplayerController.js\n\n\"use strict\";\n(function() {\n var BaseController = require(\"BaseController\");\n\n new BaseController({\n playPause: \"#play_btn\",\n playNext: \"#next_btn\",\n playPrev: \"#prev_btn\",\n mute: \"#mute_btn\",\n\n playState: \"#play_btn.playing\",\n song: \"#song\",\n artist: \"#artist\"\n });\n})();\n```\n\n##### Special controller properties:\n\n- `buttonSwitch` - Used to determine playing state. Set to `true` if a site only shows the pause button when it's playing and only shows the play button when it's paused.\n- `playState` - Used to determine playing state. Set to the selector that will return `true` if the player is playing. Example: `playState: \"#play_btn.playing\"`\n- `iframe` - Used when the player is nested inside an iframe. Set to the selector of the iframe containing the player. Example: `iframe: \"#player-frame\"`\n\n**Note**: One of `buttonSwitch` or `playState` should (almost) always be set. If `buttonSwitch` is true then your controller **must** define both `play` and `pause` selectors. If a `playState` is defined, then you controller might have either a single `playPause` selector or both `play` and `pause` selectors.\n\n#### 2. Add site to sitelist\n\nNext, add the site to the Sitelist object in `code/js/modules/Sitelist.js`.\n\n```javascript\n\"fooplay\": { name: \"Fooplay\", url: \"http://www.fooplayer.com\" }\n```\n\nThe object key name is very important. It serves two purposes: constructs the site's controller name as well as builds the regular expression which will be used to check URLs to inject the controller into. It is important that the url is correct, and that the object's key name is contained in the URL.\n\nIf it is not possible for the object's key name to be part of the sites URL then you can add the optional `alias` array field to the object which will add the array's contents into the regular expression to match URLs. For example, for lastFM:\n\n```javascript\n\"last\": { name: \"LastFm\", url: \"http://www.last.fm\", controller: \"LastfmController.js\", alias: [\"lastfm\"] }\n```\n\nthe alias here will match URLs: last.* AND lastfm.*\n\nThe logic to construct the controller name is: Capitalized object key + \"Controller\". So, using the above example we should name our LastFM controller: \"LastController\" based on that key name.\n\nIf it is not possible for the controller file to be named according to that scheme then add the optional `controller` property to the site object and put the FULL controller name there, for example: \"SonyMusicUnlimitedController.js\"\n\n## Tests\n\nThere is a Karma test suite that simulates core extension functionality. The automated Travis-CI will trigger on every pull request/push.\n\nTo run the tests locally, simply\n\n```bash\n$ npm test\n```\n\n## Linux MPRIS support\n\nOn Linux you can enable basic [MPRIS][1] support in options. Currently, this requires\n`single player mode` to be enabled. It requires an extra host script to be\ninstalled. The host script currently supports Chromium, Google Chrome and Brave.\n\n#### Install host script\n\nTo install the host script, run the following commands:\n\n```bash\n$ extension_id=\"ekpipjofdicppbepocohdlgenahaneen\"\n$ installer=$(find $HOME/.config -name \"mpris_host_setup.py\" | grep ${extension_id})\n$ python3 \"${installer}\" install ${extension_id}\n```\n\nA restart of the browser is necessary to load the changes.\n\n#### Uninstall host script\n\nTo uninstall the host script, run the following commands:\n\n```bash\n$ extension_id=\"ekpipjofdicppbepocohdlgenahaneen\"\n$ installer=$(find $HOME/.config -name \"mpris_host_setup.py\" | grep ${extension_id})\n$ python3 \"${installer}\" uninstall\n```\n\n## License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2018 Alex Gabriel under the MIT license.\n\n[0]: https://github.com/berrberr/streamkeys/blob/master/code/js/modules/BaseController.js\n[1]: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/mpris-spec/latest/\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "beakable/isometric", "link": "https://github.com/beakable/isometric", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "JSIso - An HTML5 Canvas Tile Engine ", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "HTML5 Canvas Tile Engine\n=========\n\n\n![JSiso](http://jsiso.com/jsiso.png)\n\n\nThis repo contains an MIT Licensed Isometric HTML5 tile engine Copyright \u00a9 2014 of Iain Hamilton.\n\nFor a list of examples and further details checkout: http://jsiso.com\n\n![noniso](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1159739/4778380/9ee88a06-5be7-11e4-9237-45c3020bdc84.jpg)\n\n\nCurrently contained features are:\n- Implements AMD through RequireJS\n- Easily build complex isometric 2D.5 layouts or flat 2D layouts\n- Tiled Editor format support\n- Unlimited layer stacking\n- Isometric heightmaps\n- Auto scaling of image dimensions\n- Spritesheet and individual one by one tile image loading\n- RGBA tile values\n- Zooming\n- Rotating\n- Simple Collision\n- AI Pathfinding using Web Workers\n- Custom built Particle Engine\n- Easy fake lighting\n- Player vision limiting\n- Simple player device interaction\n- Apply the same code accross tile formats\n\n\n\nSetup Instructions:\n-------------\n\n1: In each of the samples .html you'll see: ``````. If you move JsIso and RequireJs location this will require updating.\n\n2: config.js contains the requirejs baseUrl set as \"/isometric/\" by default. Make sure this reflects your base path to the folder containing JsIso & RequireJS.\n\n3: That should be everything.\n\n\nParticles\n![particles](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1322878/ca65cd72-3453-11e3-97f6-c6b0243787b0.png)\n\n\nPathfinding (All cuboids apart from blue are AI)\nPathfinding calculations are handled via webworkers.\n![ai](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1286661/31621fbc-2fdb-11e3-9e7a-39436670d4ba.png)\n\n\nFog of view and lighting toggled on (blue cuboid represents player)\n![lighting](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1278363/757498b4-2f0f-11e3-97af-5e5042679270.png)\n\n\nBasic dynamic lighting\n![with-lighting](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1277738/28d797b8-2edd-11e3-95f8-4e6177eb81bd.png)\n\nLighting toggled off\n![no-lighting](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1277736/0fb64586-2edd-11e3-8a73-43645830401c.png)\n\n\n\nHeight Maps, Rotation, Auto Shadows, Zoom\n![new-screen](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1273886/fd76d006-2d5c-11e3-8dde-f9d83eba639b.png)\n\n\nPrevious tile map zoomed out\n![new-screen2](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1273894/d760ad64-2d5d-11e3-9bf2-77319cce1fc6.png)\n\n\n\nEarly Screenshot 1\n![screen1](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1267397/a8c33f7a-2cb9-11e3-8d82-2b5ec4c5f2aa.png)\n\nEarly Screenshot 2 \n![screen2](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1159739/1267395/94e0ea16-2cb9-11e3-9726-86f312bca9f9.png)\n\n\n\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "ikrima/gamedevguide", "link": "https://github.com/ikrima/gamedevguide", "tags": ["unreal", "unreal-engine", "ue4", "gamedev", "guide", "programming", "unrealengine", "houdini", "houdini-engine", "houdini-digital-assets", "houdini-plugin", "unreal-engine-4", "unreal-engine-plugin", "graphics", "graphics-programming", "graphics-rendering", "rendering"], "stars": 537, "description": "Game Development & Unreal Engine Programming Guide", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Game Development Notes\n\n[Live site build @ ![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/b04d49f2-9006-49ee-9f9a-569f59732aff/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/gamedevguide/deploys) \n[Live site @ ikrima.dev](https://ikrima.dev) \n[Github repo @ github.com/ikrima/gamedevguide](https://github.com/ikrima/gamedevguide)\n\n## Wut is this\n\nThese are my personal notes from the past 4 years that I'm transforming from our internal dev onboarding guide.\n\nI'm aiming to process about one section a day since the conversion from onenote/evernote/confluence is lossy and needs a final human pass to clean up little niggles.\n\nYou can subscribe to the repo for updates\n\n## Site Build Instructions\n\n- Originally built with gatsby, migrating to mkdocs\n- My notes related to the webdev of the site are in the gitrepo/docs folder\n- Webdev is pita. I never use the live site anymore so ymmv; your best bet experience is cloning and opening locally\n - I use and _\u2728 recommend \u2728_ [obsidian](https://obsidian.md); no affiliation, it's just free, fast, sparks joy with zero setup (just open the notes folder)\n - [foam](https://foambubble.github.io/) or [vscode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) are also great alternatives\n - or for the lazy, [vscode.dev//gamedevguide](https://vscode.dev/github/ikrima/gamedevguide) or [github.dev//gamedevguide](https://github.dev/ikrima/gamedevguide)\n\n## Current Conversion Status\n\nRestarting of rationalizing all notes/guides into one place...\n\n- [ ] Programming\n- [ ] Graphics\n- [ ] OneNote\n- [ ] Notion\n - [x] export to obsidian\n - [ ] clean and integrate\n\n## Finished Conversion\n\n- [x] Conversion scripts from onenote/trillium to custom central store\n- [x] Houdini\n- [x] UE4\n - [x] Environment Setup\n - [x] Build Guide\n - [x] Packaging\n - [x] Source Control\n - [x] Gameplay\n - [x] Editor Extensions\n - [x] Tooling\n - [x] Engine Programming\n - [x] Rendering\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "ElementsProject/lightning-charge", "link": "https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge", "tags": ["bitcoin", "lightning", "lightning-charge", "micropayments", "lightning-payments"], "stars": 537, "description": "A simple drop-in solution for accepting lightning payments", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Lightning Charge\n\n[![build status](https://api.travis-ci.org/ElementsProject/lightning-charge.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/ElementsProject/lightning-charge)\n[![npm release](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/lightning-charge.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lightning-charge)\n[![docker release](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/shesek/lightning-charge.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/shesek/lightning-charge/)\n[![MIT license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/elementsproject/lightning-charge.svg)](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge/blob/master/LICENSE)\n[![Pull Requests Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg)](http://makeapullrequest.com)\n[![IRC](https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-on%20freenode-brightgreen.svg)](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lightning-charge)\n\n\nA drop-in solution for accepting lightning payments, built on top of [c-lightning](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning).\n\n- Simple HTTP REST API, optimized for developer friendliness and ease of integration. Near-zero configuration.\n\n- Supports invoice metadata, fiat currency conversion, long polling, web hooks, websockets and server-sent-events.\n\n- Built-in checkout page, can be iframed or redirected to.\n\n:zap: radically low fees :zap: nano payments :zap: instant confirmations :zap:\n\n## Getting Started\n\nSetup [c-lightning](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning#getting-started) and nodejs (v7.6 or newer), then:\n\n```bash\n$ npm install -g lightning-charge\n\n$ charged --api-token mySecretToken # defaults: --ln-path ~/.lightning/testnet --db-path ./charge.db --port 9112\n\n```\n\n> Note: if you're running into permission issues, try following\n[these instructions](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions#option-two-change-npms-default-directory).\n\nThat's it! The Lightning Charge REST API is now running and ready to process payments.\nYou can access it at `http://localhost:9112` using the API access token configured with `--api-token`.\n\nConfiguration options may alternatively be provided using environment variables:\n\n```bash\n$ LN_PATH=~/.lightning/testnet DB_PATH=charge.db API_TOKEN=mySecretToken PORT=9112 charged\n```\n\nListens for connections on `` by default. Set `-i` to bind on all available interfaces.\nNote that Charge does not have TLS encryption and should not normally be exposed directly to the public\ninternet. For remote access, you should setup an SSH tunnel or a TLS-enabled reverse proxy like nginx.\n\nSee `$ charged --help` for the full list of available options.\n\n### Deploy with Docker\n\nTo deploy Lightning Charge with Docker, run these commands:\n\n```bash\n$ mkdir data # make sure to create the folder _before_ running docker\n$ docker run -it -u `id -u` -v `pwd`/data:/data -p 9735:9735 -p 9112:9112 \\\n shesek/lightning-charge --api-token mySecretToken\n```\n\nThis will start `bitcoind`, `lightningd` and `charged` and hook them up together.\nYou will then be able to access the REST API at `http://localhost:9112` using `mySecretToken`.\n\nRuns in `testnet` mode by default, set `NETWORK` to override.\n\nIf you want to experiment in `regtest` mode and don't care about persisting data, this should do:\n\n```bash\n$ docker run -it -e NETWORK=regtest -p 9112:9112 shesek/lightning-charge --api-token mySecretToken\n```\n\nTo connect to an existing `lightningd` instance running on the same machine,\nmount the lightning data directory to `/etc/lightning` (e.g. `-v $HOME/.lightning:/etc/lightning`).\nConnecting to remote lightningd instances is currently not supported.\n\nTo connect to an existing `bitcoind` instance running on the same machine,\nmount the bitcoin data directory to `/etc/bitcoin` (e.g. `-v $HOME/.bitcoin:/etc/bitcoin`).\nTo connect to a remote bitcoind instance, set `BITCOIND_URI=http://[user]:[pass]@[host]:[port]`\n(or use `__cookie__:...` as the login for cookie-based authentication).\n\n### Deploy to Azure\n\n[One-click deployment on Azure](https://github.com/NicolasDorier/lightning-charge-azure)\n(by [@NicolasDorier](https://github.com/NicolasDorier)).\n\nAn instructional video is [available here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4RqULSA4uU).\n\n## Client libraries\n\nClients libraries are available for [JavaScript](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge-client-js)\nand [PHP](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge-client-php).\nFor other languages, you can use the REST API directly using a standard HTTP library.\n\n## LApps\n\nBelow are example LApps built on top of Lightning Charge:\n\n- [FileBazaar](https://github.com/ElementsProject/filebazaar): an ecommerce tool for content creators that produce digital files like photos, videos, or music.\n\n- [Lightning Publisher](https://github.com/ElementsProject/wordpress-lightning-publisher): accept bitcoin payments for content on WordPress blogs.\n\n- [nanotip](https://github.com/ElementsProject/nanotip): a simple web server for accepting lightning donations (a lightning tip jar).\n\n- [paypercall](https://github.com/ElementsProject/paypercall): easily charge for HTTP APIs on a pay-per-call basis.\n\n- [nanopos](https://github.com/ElementsProject/nanopos): a simple point-of-sale system for physical stores.\n\n- [ifpaytt](https://github.com/ElementsProject/ifpaytt): trigger IFTTT actions with lightning payments.\n\n- [WooCommerce Lightning](https://github.com/ElementsProject/woocommerce-gateway-lightning): a lightning gateway for the WooCommerce e-commerce software.\n\n- [Lightning Jukebox](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-jukebox): a lightning powered jukebox. Pay with Bitcoin to choose your music.\n\nThird party Lapps:\n\n- [Satoshi's Place](https://github.com/LightningK0ala/satoshis.place): a collaborative art board, pay with lightning to draw on a pixel grid. (live on [satoshis.place](https://satoshis.place/))\n\n- [Pollo feed](https://github.com/j-chimienti/pollofeed): a lightning powered chicken feeder. (live on [pollofeed.com](https://pollofeed.com/))\n\n- [lightning-captive-portal](https://github.com/poperbu/lightning-captive-portal/): Wi-Fi access through a nodogsplash captive portal with Lightning payments.\n\n## REST API\n\nAll endpoints accept and return data in JSON format.\n\nAuthentication is done using HTTP basic authentication headers, with `api-token` as the username and\nthe api token (configured with `--api-token`/`-t` or using the `API_TOKEN` environment variable) as the password.\n\nInvoices have the following properties: `id`, `msatoshi`, `msatoshi_received`, `quoted_currency`, `quoted_amount`, `rhash`, `payreq`, `description`, `created_at`, `expires_at`, `paid_at`, `metadata` and `status` (one of `unpaid|paid|expired`).\n\nThe code samples below assume you've set `CHARGE=http://api-token:mySecretToken@localhost:9112`.\n\n### `GET /info`\n\nGet information about the c-lightning node.\n\n```bash\n$ curl $CHARGE/info\n{\"id\":\"032c6ba19a2141c5fee6ac8b6ff6cf24456fd4e8e206716a39af3300876c3a4835\",\"port\":42259,\"address\":[],\"version\":\"v0.5.2-2016-11-21-1937-ge97ee3d\",\"blockheight\":434,\"network\":\"regtest\"}\n```\n\n### `POST /invoice`\n\nCreate a new invoice.\n\n*Body parameters*: `msatoshi`, `currency`, `amount`, `description`, `expiry`, `metadata` and `webhook`.\n\nYou can specify the amount as `msatoshi` (1 satoshi = 1000 msatoshis),\nor provide a `currency` and `amount` to be converted according to the current exchange rates (via bitcoinaverage).\nIf a currency and amount were provided, they'll be available under `quoted_{currency|amount}`.\n\n`expiry` sets the invoice expiry time in seconds (defaults to one hour).\n`metadata` may contain arbitrary invoice-related meta-data.\n`description` is embedded in the payment request and presented by the user's wallet (keep it short).\n\n`webhook` may contain a URL to be registered as a webhook\n(see [`POST /invoice/:id/webhook`](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge#post-invoiceidwebhook)).\n\nReturns `201 Created` and the invoice on success.\n\n```bash\n$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -d msatoshi=10000\n{\"id\":\"KcoQHfHJSx3fVhp3b1Y3h\",\"msatoshi\":\"10000\",\"status\":\"unpaid\",\"rhash\":\"6823e46a08f50...\",\n \"payreq\":\"lntb100n1pd99d02pp...\",\"created_at\":1515369962,\"expires_at\":1515373562}\n\n# with fiat-denominated amounts\n$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -d currency=EUR -d amount=0.5\n{\"id\":\"OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb\",\"msatoshi\":\"3738106\",\"quoted_currency\":\"EUR\",\"quoted_amount\":\"0.5\",...}\n\n# without amount (accept all payments)\n$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice\n{\"id\":\"W8CF0UqY7qfAHCfnchqk9\",\"msatoshi\":null,...}\n\n# with metadata as application/json\n$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n -d '{\"msatoshi\":7000,\"metadata\":{\"customer_id\":9817,\"products\":[593,182]}}'\n{\"id\":\"PLKV1f8B7sth7w2OeDOt_\",\"msatoshi\":\"7000\",\"metadata\":{\"customer_id\":9817,\"products\":[593,182]},...}\n\n# with metadata as application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -d msatoshi=5000 -d metadata[customer_id]=9817 -d metadata[product_id]=7189\n{\"id\":\"58H9eoerBpKML9FvnMQtG\",\"msatoshi\":\"5000\",\"metadata\":{\"customer_id\":\"9817\",\"product_id\":\"7189\"},...}\n```\n\n### `GET /invoices`\n\nList all invoices.\n\n```bash\n$ curl $CHARGE/invoices\n[{\"id\":\"KcoQHfHJSx3fVhp3b1Y3h\",\"msatoshi\":\"10000\",...},{\"id\":\"PLKV1f8B7sth7w2OeDOt_\",\"msatoshi\":\"7000\"},...]\n```\n\n### `GET /invoice/:id`\n\nGet the specified invoice.\n\n```bash\n$ curl $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb\n{\"id\":\"OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb\",\"msatoshi\":\"3738106\",\"quoted_currency\":\"EUR\",\"quoted_amount\":\"0.5\",\"status\":\"unpaid\",...}\n```\n\n### `DELETE /invoice/:id`\n\nDelete the specified invoice.\n\n*Body parameters:* `status`\n\nThe current status of the invoice needs to be specified in the request body.\n\n```bash\n$ curl -X DELETE $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb -d status=unpaid\n204 No Content\n```\n\n### `GET /invoice/:id/wait?timeout=[sec]`\n\nLong-polling invoice payment notification.\n\nWaits for the invoice to be paid, then returns `200 OK` and the updated invoice.\n\nIf `timeout` (defaults to 30s) is reached before the invoice is paid, returns `402 Payment Required`.\n\nIf the invoice is expired and can no longer be paid, returns `410 Gone`.\n\n```bash\n$ curl $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb/wait?timeout=60\n# zZZZzzZ\n{\"id\":\"OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb\",\"msatoshi\":\"3738106\",\"status\":\"paid\",\"paid_at\":1515371152,...}\n```\n\n### `POST /invoice/:id/webhook`\n\nRegister a URL as a web hook to be notified once the invoice is paid.\n\n*Body parameters:* `url`.\n\nReturns `201 Created` on success. Once the payment is made, a POST request with the updated invoice will be made to the provided URL.\n\nIf the invoice is already paid, returns `405 Method Not Allowed`. If the invoice is expired, returns `410 Gone`.\n\nWebhooks can also be registered during invoice creation using the `webhook` parameter.\n\nFor security reasons, the provided `url` should contain a secret token used to verify the authenticity of the request\n(see an example HMAC-based implementation at woocommerce-gateway-lightning\n[here](https://github.com/ElementsProject/woocommerce-gateway-lightning/blob/84592d7bcfc41db129b02d1927a6060a05c5c11e/woocommerce-gateway-lightning.php#L214-L225),\n[here](https://github.com/ElementsProject/woocommerce-gateway-lightning/blob/84592d7bcfc41db129b02d1927a6060a05c5c11e/woocommerce-gateway-lightning.php#L131-L134)\nand [here](https://github.com/ElementsProject/woocommerce-gateway-lightning/blob/84592d7bcfc41db129b02d1927a6060a05c5c11e/woocommerce-gateway-lightning.php#L109-L115)).\n\n```bash\n$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb/webhook -d url=http://example.com/callback\nCreated\n```\n\n### `GET /payment-stream`\n\nSubscribe to payment updates as a [server-sent events](https://streamdata.io/blog/server-sent-events/) stream.\n\n```bash\n$ curl $CHARGE/payment-stream\n# zzZZzZZ\ndata:{\"id\":\"OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb\",\"msatoshi\":\"3738106\",\"status\":\"paid\",\"paid_at\":1515371152,...}\n# zZZzzZz\ndata:{\"id\":\"KcoQHfHJSx3fVhp3b1Y3h\",\"msatoshi\":\"10000\",\"status\":\"paid\",\"paid_at\":1515681209,...}\n# zZZzzzz...\n```\n\nOr via JavaScript:\n\n```js\nconst es = new EventSource('http://api-token:[TOKEN]@localhost:9112/payment-stream')\n\nes.addEventListener('message', msg => {\n const inv = JSON.parse(msg.data)\n console.log('Paid invoice:', inv)\n})\n```\n\n(`EventSource` is natively available in modern browsers,\nor via the [`eventsource` library](https://github.com/EventSource/eventsource) in nodejs)\n\n## WebSocket API\n\n### `GET /ws`\n\nSubscribe to payment updates over WebSocket.\n\n```javascript\nconst ws = new WebSocket('http://api-token:[TOKEN]@localhost:9112/ws')\n\nws.addEventListener('message', msg => {\n const inv = JSON.parse(msg.data)\n console.log('Paid invoice:', inv)\n})\n```\n\n## Tests\n\nRequires `bitcoind`, `bitcoin-cli`, `lightningd`, `lightning-cli`\nand [`jq`](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) to be in your `PATH`.\n\n```bash\n$ git clone https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge.git\n$ cd lightning-charge\n$ npm install\n$ npm test\n```\n\nThis will setup a temporary testing environment with a bitcoind regtest node\nand two c-lightning nodes with a funded channel,\nthen start the Lightning Charge server and run the unit tests\n(written with [mocha](https://mochajs.org/) and [supertest](https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest)).\n\nTo run in verbose mode, set the `VERBOSE` environment variable: `$ VERBOSE=1 npm test`.\n\nTo pass arguments to mocha, use `$ npm test -- [mocha opts]`.\n\nTo prevent the test environment files from being deleted after completing the tests, set `KEEP_TMPDIR=1`.\n\nTo setup a testing environment without running the tests, run `$ npm run testenv`.\nThis will display information about the running services and keep them alive for further inspection.\n\nTests can also be run using docker: `$ docker build --build-arg TESTRUNNER=1 -t charge . && docker run -it --entrypoint npm charge test`\n\n## License\n\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "tungs/timecut", "link": "https://github.com/tungs/timecut", "tags": ["video", "puppeteer", "nodejs"], "stars": 537, "description": "Node.js program to record smooth movies of web pages with JavaScript animations", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# timecut\n\n**timecut** is a Node.js program that records smooth videos of web pages that use JavaScript animations. It uses **[timeweb](https://github.com/tungs/timeweb)**, **[timesnap](https://github.com/tungs/timesnap)**, and [puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer) to open a web page, overwrite its time-handling functions, take snapshots of the web page, and then passes the results to ffmpeg to encode those frames into a video. This allows for slower-than-realtime and/or virtual high-fps capture of frames, while the resulting video is smooth.\n\nYou can run **timecut** from the command line or as a Node.js library. It requires ffmpeg, Node v8.9.0 or higher, and npm.\n\nTo only record screenshots and save them as pictures, see **[timesnap](https://github.com/tungs/timesnap)**. For using virtual time in browser, see **[timeweb](https://github.com/tungs/timeweb)**.\n\n## # **timeweb**, **timecut**, and **timesnap** Limitations\n**timeweb** (and **timesnap** and **timecut** by extension) only overwrites JavaScript functions and video playback, so pages where changes occur via other means (e.g. through transitions/animations from CSS rules) will likely not render as intended.\n\n## Read Me Contents\n\n* [From the Command Line](#from-cli)\n * [Global Install and Use](#cli-global-install)\n * [Local Install and Use](#cli-local-install)\n * [Command Line *url*](#cli-url-use)\n * [Command Line Examples](#cli-examples)\n * [Command Line *options*](#cli-options)\n* [From Node.js](#from-node)\n * [Node Install](#node-install)\n * [Node Examples](#node-examples)\n * [Node API](#node-api)\n* [timecut Modes](#modes)\n* [How it works](#how-it-works)\n\n## # From the Command Line\n\n### # Global Install and Use\n\nTo install:\n\nDue to [an issue in puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/375) with permissions, timecut is not supported for global installation for root. You can configure `npm` to install global packages for a specific user following this guide: https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions#option-two-change-npms-default-directory\n\nAfter configuring, run:\n```\nnpm install -g timecut\n```\n\nTo use:\n```\ntimecut \"url\" [options]\n```\n\n### # Local Install and Use\n\nTo install:\n\n```\ncd /path/to/installation/directory\nnpm install timecut\n```\n\nTo use:\n```\nnode /path/to/installation/directory/node_modules/timecut/cli.js \"url\" [options]\n```\n\n*Alternatively*:\n\nTo install:\n\n\n```\ncd /path/to/installation/directory\ngit clone https://github.com/tungs/timecut.git\ncd timecut\nnpm install\n```\n\nTo use:\n```\nnode /path/to/installation/directory/timecut/cli.js \"url\" [options]\n```\n\n### # Command Line *url*\nThe url can be a web url (e.g. `https://github.com`) or a file path, with relative paths resolving in the current working directory. If no url is specified, defaults to `index.html`. Remember to enclose urls that contain special characters (like `#` and `&`) with quotes.\n\n### # Command Line Examples\n\n**# Default behavior**:\n```\ntimecut\n```\nOpens `index.html` in the current working directory, sets the viewport to 800x600, captures at 60 frames per second for 5 virtual seconds (temporarily saving each frame), and saves `video.mp4` with the `yuv420p` pixel format in the current working directory. The defaults may change in the future, so for long-term scripting, it's a good idea to explicitly pass these options, like in the following example.\n\n**# Setting viewport size, frames per second, duration, mode, and output**:\n```\ntimecut index.html --viewport=\"800,600\" --fps=60 --duration=5 \\\n --frame-cache --pix-fmt=yuv420p --output=video.mp4\n```\nEquivalent to the current default `timecut` invocation, but with explicit options. Opens `index.html` in the current working directory, sets the viewport to 800x600, captures at 60 frames per second for 5 virtual seconds (temporarily saving each frame), and saves the resulting video using the pixel format `yuv420p` as `video.mp4`.\n\n**# Using a selector**:\n```\ntimecut drawing.html -S \"canvas,svg\"\n```\nOpens `drawing.html` in the current working directory, crops each frame to the bounding box of the first canvas or svg element, and captures frames using default settings (5 seconds @ 60fps saving to `video.mp4`).\n\n**# Using offsets**:\n```\ntimecut \"https://tungs.github.io/amuse/truchet-tiles/#autoplay=true&switchStyle=random\" \\ \n -S \"#container\" \\ \n --left=20 --top=40 --right=6 --bottom=30 \\\n --duration=20\n```\nOpens https://tungs.github.io/amuse/truchet-tiles/#autoplay=true&switchStyle=random (note the quotes in the url and selector are necessary because of the `#` and `&`). Crops each frame to the `#container` element, with an additional crop of 20px, 40px, 6px, and 30px for the left, top, right, and bottom, respectively. Captures frames for 20 virtual seconds at 60fps to `video.mp4` in the current working directory.\n\n### # Command Line *options*\n* # Output: `-O`, `--output` *name*\n * Tells ffmpeg to save the video as *name*. Its file extension determines encoding if not explicitly specified.\n* # Frame Rate: `-R`, `--fps` *frame rate*\n * Frame rate (in frames per virtual second) of capture (default: `60`).\n* # Duration: `-d`, `--duration` *seconds*\n * Duration of capture, in *seconds* (default: `5`).\n* # Frames: `--frames` *count*\n * Number of frames to capture.\n* # Selector: `-S`, `--selector` \"*selector*\"\n * Crops each frame to the bounding box of the first item found by the [CSS *selector*][CSS selector].\n* # Viewport: `-V`, `--viewport` *dimensions*\n * Viewport dimensions, in pixels, followed by optional keys. For example, `800` (for width), or `\"800,600\"` (for width and height), or `\"800,600,deviceScaleFactor=2\"` for (width, height, and deviceScaleFactor). When running in Windows, quotes may be necessary for parsing commas. For a list of optional keys, see [`config.viewport`](#js-config-viewport).\n* # Frame Cache: `--frame-cache` *[directory]*\n * Saves each frame temporarily to disk before ffmpeg processes it. If *directory* is not specified, temporarily creates one in the current working directory. Enabled by default. See [cache frame mode](#cache-frame-mode).\n* # Pipe Mode: `--pipe-mode`\n * Experimental. Pipes frames directly to ffmpeg, without saving to disk. See [pipe mode](#pipe-mode).\n* # Canvas Mode: `--canvas-capture-mode` *\\[format\\]*\n * Experimental. Captures images from canvas data instead of screenshots. See [canvas capture mode](#canvas-capture-mode). Can provide an optional image format (e.g. `png`), otherwise it uses the saved image's extension, or defaults to `png` if the format is not specified or supported. Can prefix the format with `immediate:` (e.g. `immediate:png`) to immediately capture pixel data after rendering, which is sometimes needed for some WebGL renderers. Specify the canvas [using the `--selector` option](#cli-options-selector), otherwise it defaults to the first canvas in the document.\n* # Start: `-s`, `--start` *n seconds*\n * Runs code for n virtual seconds before saving any frames (default: `0`).\n* # X Offset: `-x`, `--x-offset` *pixels*\n * X offset of capture, in pixels (default: `0`).\n* # Y Offset: `-y`, `--y-offset` *pixels*\n * Y offset of capture, in pixels (default: `0`).\n* # Width: `-W`, `--width` *pixels*\n * Width of capture, in pixels.\n* # Height: `-H`, `--height` *pixels*\n * Height of capture, in pixels.\n* # No Even Width Rounding: `--no-round-to-even-width`\n * Disables automatic rounding of capture width up to the nearest even number.\n* # No Even Height Rounding: `--no-round-to-even-height`\n * Disables automatic rounding of capture height up to the nearest even number.\n* # Transparent Background: `--transparent-background`\n * Allows background to be transparent if there is no background styling. Only works if the output video format supports transparency.\n* # Left: `-l`, `--left` *pixels*\n * Left edge of capture, in pixels. Equivalent to `--x-offset`.\n* # Right: `-r`, `--right` *pixels*\n * Right edge of capture, in pixels. Ignored if `width` is specified.\n* # Top: `-t`, `--top` *pixels*\n * Top edge of capture, in pixels. Equivalent to `--y-offset`.\n* # Bottom: `-b`, `--bottom` *pixels*\n * Bottom edge of capture, in pixels. Ignored if `height` is specified.\n* # Unrandomize: `-u`, `--unrandomize` *\\[seeds\\]*\n * Overwrites `Math.random` with a seeded pseudorandom number generator. Can provide optional seeds as up to four comma separated integers (e.g. `--unrandomize 2,3,5,7` or `--unrandomize 42`). If `seeds` is `random-seed` (i.e. `--unrandomize random-seed`), a random seed will be generated, displayed (if not in quiet mode), and used. If `seeds` is not provided, it uses the seeds `10,0,20,0`.\n* # Executable Path: `--executable-path` *path*\n * Uses the Chromium/Chrome instance at *path* for puppeteer.\n* # ffmpeg Path: `--ffmpeg-path` *path*\n * Uses the ffmpeg *path* for running ffmpeg.\n* # Puppeteer Launch Arguments: `-L`, `--launch-arguments` *arguments*\n * Arguments to pass to Puppeteer/Chromium, enclosed in quotes. Example: `--launch-arguments=\"--single-process\"`. A list of arguments can be found [here](https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches).\n* # No Headless: `--no-headless`\n * Runs Chromium/Chrome in windowed mode.\n* # Screenshot Type: `--screenshot-type` *type*\n * Output image format for the screenshots. By default, `png` is used. `jpeg` is also available.\n* # Screenshot Quality: `--screenshot-quality` *number*\n * Quality level between 0 to 1 for lossy screenshots. Defaults to 0.92 when in [canvas capture mode](#cli-options-canvas-capture-mode) and 0.8 otherwise.\n* # Extra input options: `-e`, `--input-options` *options*\n * Extra arguments for ffmpeg input, enclosed in quotes. Example: `--input-options=\"-framerate 30\"`\n* # Extra output options: `-E`, `--output-options` *options*\n * Extra arguments for ffmpeg output, enclosed in quotes. Example: `--output-options=\"-vf scale=320:240\"`\n* # Pixel Format: `--pix-fmt` *pixel format*\n * Pixel format for output video (default: `yuv420p`).\n* # Start Delay: `--start-delay` *n seconds*\n * Waits *n real seconds* after loading the page before starting to capture.\n* # Keep Frames: `--keep-frames`\n * Doesn't delete frames after processing them. Doesn't do anything in pipe mode.\n* # Quiet: `-q`, `--quiet`\n * Suppresses console logging.\n* # Stop Function Name: `--stop-function-name` *function name*\n * Creates a function with *function name* that the client web page can call to stop capturing. For instance, `--stop-function-name=stopCapture` could be called in the client, via `stopCapture()`.\n* # Version: `-v`, `--version`\n * Displays version information. Immediately exits.\n* # Help: `-h`, `--help`\n * Displays command line options. Immediately exits.\n\n## # From Node.js\n**timecut** can also be included as a library inside Node.js programs.\n\n### # Node Install\n```\nnpm install timecut --save\n```\n\n### # Node Examples\n\n**# Basic Use:**\n```node\nconst timecut = require('timecut');\ntimecut({\n url: 'https://tungs.github.io/amuse/truchet-tiles/#autoplay=true&switchStyle=random',\n viewport: {\n width: 800, // sets the viewport (window size) to 800x600\n height: 600\n },\n selector: '#container', // crops each frame to the bounding box of '#container'\n left: 20, top: 40, // further crops the left by 20px, and the top by 40px\n right: 6, bottom: 30, // and the right by 6px, and the bottom by 30px\n fps: 30, // saves 30 frames for each virtual second\n duration: 20, // for 20 virtual seconds \n output: 'video.mp4' // to video.mp4 of the current working directory\n}).then(function () {\n console.log('Done!');\n});\n```\n\n**# Multiple pages:**\n```node\nconst timecut = require('timecut');\nvar pages = [\n {\n url: 'https://tungs.github.io/amuse/truchet-tiles/#autoplay=true',\n output: 'truchet-tiles.mp4',\n selector: '#container'\n }, {\n url: 'https://breathejs.org/examples/Drawing-US-Counties.html',\n output: 'counties.mp4',\n selector: null // with no selector, it defaults to the viewport dimensions\n }\n];\n(async () => {\n for (let page of pages) {\n await timecut({\n url: page.url,\n output: page.output,\n selector: page.selector,\n viewport: {\n width: 800,\n height: 600\n },\n duration: 20\n });\n }\n})();\n```\n\n### # Node API\n\nThe Node API is structured similarly to the command line options, but there are a few options for the Node API that are not accessible through the command line interface: [`config.logToStdErr`](#js-config-log-to-std-err), [`config.navigatePageToURL`](#js-config-navigate-page-to-url), [`config.preparePage`](#js-config-prepare-page), [`config.preparePageForScreenshot`](#js-config-prepare-page-for-screenshot), [`config.outputStream`](#js-config-output-stream), [`config.logger`](#js-config-logger), and certain [`config.viewport`](#js-config-viewport) properties.\n\n**timecut(config)**\n* # `config` <[Object][]>\n * # `url` <[string][]> The url to load. It can be a web url, like `https://github.com` or a file path, with relative paths resolving in the current working directory (default: `index.html`).\n * # `output` <[string][]> Tells ffmpeg to save the video as *name*. Its file extension determines encoding if not explicitly specified. Default name: `video.mp4`.\n * # `fps` <[number][]> frame rate, in frames per virtual second, of capture (default: `60`).\n * # `duration` <[number][]> Duration of capture, in seconds (default: `5`).\n * # `frames` <[number][]> Number of frames to capture. Overrides default fps or default duration.\n * # `selector` <[string][]> Crops each frame to the bounding box of the first item found by the specified [CSS selector][].\n * # `frameCache` <[string][]|[boolean][]> Saves each frame temporarily to disk before ffmpeg processes it. If `config.frameCache` is a string, uses that as the directory to save the temporary files. If `config.frameCache` is a boolean `true`, temporarily creates a directory in the current working directory. See [cache frame mode](#cache-frame-mode).\n * # `pipeMode` <[boolean][]> Experimental. If set to `true`, pipes frames directly to ffmpeg, without saving to disk. See [pipe mode](#pipe-mode).\n * # `viewport` <[Object][]>\n * # `width` <[number][]> Width of viewport, in pixels (default: `800`).\n * # `height` <[number][]> Height of viewport, in pixels (default: `600`).\n * # `deviceScaleFactor` <[number][]> Device scale factor (default: `1`).\n * # `isMobile` <[boolean][]> Specifies whether the `meta viewport` tag should be used (default: `false`).\n * # `hasTouch` <[boolean][]> Specifies whether the viewport supports touch (default: `false`).\n * # `isLandscape` <[boolean][]> Specifies whether the viewport is in landscape mode (default: `false`).\n * # `canvasCaptureMode` <[boolean][] | [string][]>\n * Experimental. Captures images from canvas data instead of screenshots. See [canvas capture mode](#canvas-capture-mode). Can provide an optional image format (e.g. `png`), otherwise it uses the saved image's extension, or defaults to `png` if the format is not specified or supported. Can prefix the format with `immediate:` (e.g. `immediate:png`) to immediately capture pixel data after rendering, which is sometimes needed for some WebGL renderers. Specify the canvas by [setting `config.selector`](#js-config-selector), otherwise it defaults to the first canvas in the document.\n * # `start` <[number][]> Runs code for `config.start` virtual seconds before saving any frames (default: `0`).\n * # `xOffset` <[number][]> X offset of capture, in pixels (default: `0`).\n * # `yOffset` <[number][]> Y offset of capture, in pixels (default: `0`).\n * # `width` <[number][]> Width of capture, in pixels.\n * # `height` <[number][]> Height of capture, in pixels.\n * # `transparentBackground` <[boolean][]> Allows background to be transparent if there is no background styling. Only works if the output video format supports transparency.\n * # `roundToEvenWidth` <[boolean][]> Rounds capture width up to the nearest even number (default: `true`).\n * # `roundToEvenHeight` <[boolean][]> Rounds capture height up to the nearest even number (default: `true`).\n * # `left` <[number][]> Left edge of capture, in pixels. Equivalent to `config.xOffset`.\n * # `right` <[number][]> Right edge of capture, in pixels. Ignored if `config.width` is specified.\n * # `top` <[number][]> Top edge of capture, in pixels. Equivalent to `config.yOffset`.\n * # `bottom` <[number][]> Bottom edge of capture, in pixels. Ignored if `config.height` is specified.\n * # `unrandomize` <[boolean][] | [string][] | [number][] | [Array][]<[number][]>> Overwrites `Math.random` with a seeded pseudorandom number generator. If it is a number, an array of up to four numbers, or a string of up to four comma separated numbers, then those values are used as the initial seeds. If it is true, then the default seed is used. If it is the string 'random-seed', a random seed will be generated, displayed (if quiet mode is not enabled), and used.\n * # `executablePath` <[string][]> Uses the Chromium/Chrome instance at `config.executablePath` for puppeteer.\n * # `ffmpegPath` <[string][]> Uses the ffmpeg *path* for running ffmpeg.\n * # `launchArguments` <[Array][] <[string][]>> Extra arguments for Puppeteer/Chromium. Example: `['--single-process']`. A list of arguments can be found [here](https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches).\n * # `headless` <[boolean][]> Runs puppeteer in headless (nonwindowed) mode (default: `true`).\n * # `screenshotType` <[string][]> Output image format for the screenshots. By default, `'png'` is used. `'jpeg'` is also available.\n * # `screenshotQuality` <[number][]> Quality level between 0 to 1 for lossy screenshots. Defaults to 0.92 when in [canvas capture mode](#js-config-canvas-capture-mode) and 0.8 otherwise.\n * # `inputOptions` <[Array][] <[string][]>> Extra arguments for ffmpeg input. Example: `['-framerate', '30']`\n * # `outputOptions` <[Array][] <[string][]>> Extra arguments for ffmpeg output. Example: `['-vf', 'scale=320:240']`\n * # `pixFmt` <[string][]> Pixel format for output video (default: `yuv420p`).\n * # `startDelay` <[number][]> Waits `config.startDelay` real seconds after loading before starting (default: `0`).\n * # `keepFrames` <[boolean][]> If set to true, doesn't delete frames after processing them. Doesn't do anything in pipe mode.\n * # `quiet` <[boolean][]> Suppresses console logging.\n * # `logger` <[function][](...[Object][])> Replaces console logging with a particular function. The passed arguments are the same as those to `console.log` (in this case, usually one string).\n * # `logToStdErr` <[boolean][]> Logs to stderr instead of stdout. Doesn't do anything if `config.quiet` is set to true.\n * # `stopFunctionName` <[string][]> *function name* that the client web page can call to stop capturing. For instance, `'stopCapture'` could be called in the client, via `stopCapture()`.\n * # `navigatePageToURL` <[function][]([Object][])> A function that navigates a puppeteer page to a URL, overriding the default navigation to a URL. The function should return a promise that resolves once the page is finished navigating. The function is passed the following object:\n * # `page` <[Page][]> the puppeteer page\n * # `url` <[string][]> the url to navigate to\n * # `preparePage` <[function][]([Page][])> A setup function that will be called one time before taking screenshots. If it returns a promise, capture will be paused until the promise resolves.\n * `page` <[Page][]> The puppeteer instance of the page being captured.\n * # `preparePageForScreenshot` <[function][]([Page][], [number][], [number][])> A setup function that will be called before each screenshot. If it returns a promise, capture will be paused until the promise resolves.\n * `page` <[Page][]> The puppeteer instance of the page being captured.\n * `frameNumber` <[number][]> The current frame number (1 based).\n * `totalFrames` <[number][]> The total number of frames.\n * # `outputStream` <[stream][]()> A node stream to write data to from ffmpeg\n * # `outputStreamOptions` <[Object][]> Optional configuration object when using [`config.outputStream`](#js-config-output-stream)\n * # `format` <[string][]> Format of piped output. Defaults to `'mp4'` if undefined.\n * # `movflags` <[string][]> String representing MOV muxer flags to pass via `-movflags` argument. Defaults to `'frag_keyframe+empty_moov+faststart'` if undefined.\n* # returns: <[Promise][]> resolves after all the frames have been captured.\n\n## # **timecut** Modes\n### # Capture Modes\n**timecut** can capture frames to using one of two modes:\n * # **Screenshot capture mode** (default) uses puppeteer's built-in API to take screenshots of Chromium/Chrome windows. It can capture most parts of a webpage (e.g. div, svg, canvas) as they are rendered on the webpage. It can crop images, round to even widths/heights, but it usually runs slower than canvas capture mode.\n * # **Canvas capture mode** (experimental) directly copies data from a canvas element and is often faster than using screenshot capture mode. If the background of the canvas is transparent, it may show up as transparent or black depending on the captured image format and the output video format. Configuration options that adjust the crop and round to an even width/height do not currently have an effect. To use this mode, [use the `--canvas-capture-mode` option from the command line](#cli-options-canvas-capture-mode) or [set `config.canvasCaptureMode` from Node.js](#js-config-canvas-capture-mode). Also specify the canvas using a css selector, [using the `--selector` option from the command line](#cli-options-selector) or [setting `config.selector` from Node.js](#js-config-selector), otherwise it uses the first canvas element.\n### # Frame Transfer Modes\n**timecut** can pass frames to ffmpeg using one of two modes:\n * # **Cache frame mode** stores each frame temporarily before running ffmpeg on all of the images. This mode can use a lot of temporary disk space (hundreds of megabytes per second of recorded time), but takes up less memory and is more stable than [pipe mode](#pipe-mode). This is currently enabled by default, though it may change in the future. To explicitly use this mode, [use the `--frame-cache` option from the command line](#cli-options-frame-cache) or [set `config.frameCache` from Node.js](#js-config-frame-cache) to `true` or to a directory name.\n * # **Pipe mode** (experimental) pipes each frame directly to `ffmpeg`, without saving each frame. This takes up less temporary space than [cache frame mode](#cache-frame-mode), but it currently has some observed stability issues. To use this mode, [use the `--pipe-mode` option from the command line](#cli-options-pipe-mode) or [set `config.pipeCache` to `true` from Node.js](#js-config-pipe-mode). If you run into issues, you may want to try [cache frame mode](#cache-frame-mode) or to install and use **timesnap** and [pipe it directly to ffmpeg](https://github.com/tungs/timesnap#cli-example-piping). Both alternative implementations seem more stable than the current pipe mode.\n\n## # How it works\n**timecut** uses **[timesnap](https://github.com/tungs/timesnap)** to record frames to send to `ffmpeg`. **timesnap** uses puppeteer's `page.evaluateOnNewDocument` feature to automatically overwrite a page's native time-handling JavaScript functions and objects (`new Date()`, `Date.now`, `performance.now`, `requestAnimationFrame`, `setTimeout`, `setInterval`, `cancelAnimationFrame`, `cancelTimeout`, and `cancelInterval`) to custom ones that use a virtual timeline, allowing for JavaScript computation to complete before taking a screenshot.\n\nThis work was inspired by [a talk by Noah Veltman](https://github.com/veltman/d3-unconf), who described altering a document's `Date.now` and `performance.now` functions to refer to a virtual time and using `puppeteer` to change that virtual time and take snapshots.\n\n[Object]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object\n[Array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array\n[Promise]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise\n[string]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#String_type\n[number]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Number_type\n[boolean]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Boolean_type\n[function]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions\n[CSS selector]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors\n[Page]: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#class-page\n[stream]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "guaxiao/gua.game.js", "link": "https://github.com/guaxiao/gua.game.js", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "JavaScript \u5199\u6e38\u620f", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "#gua.game.js\nWriting Games with JavaScript", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "RenwaX23/XSSTRON", "link": "https://github.com/RenwaX23/XSSTRON", "tags": [], "stars": 537, "description": "Electron JS Browser To Find XSS Vulnerabilities Automatically", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\n

\n \n
\n XSSTRON, Electron JS Browser To Find XSS Vulnerabilities\n


\n\n#### Powerful Chromium Browser to find XSS Vulnerabilites automatically while browsing web, it can detect many case scenarios with support for POST requests too\n\n### Installation\n```\nInstall Node.js and npm (https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) or (sudo apt install npm)\nDownload this repo files or (git clone https://github.com/RenwaX23/XSSTRON)\ncd XSSTRON\nnpm install\nnpm start\n```\nSome users using Debian/Ubuntu might not able to run the tool as i think it's an issue with Electron itself, you can continue using the app in Window/OSX and Linux installed on Windows. Check [Known Issues](https://github.com/RenwaX23/XSSTRON#known-issues)\n\n### Usage\n**Just browse the web like a normal web browser then it will automatically look for XSS vulns in background and show them in a new window with POC**\n\n![](https://i.imgur.com/W6guvyw.png)\n![](https://i.imgur.com/QNnzC0h.png)\n\n### GET request POC\n![](https://i.imgur.com/ekFafmU.png)\n\n### POST request POC\n![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsaEPwiXIAEdXIQ?format=jpg&name=large)\n\n### Known issues\n\nSome users in certain linux distributions get into some problems try these\n\nKali/Debian users this fixes installation:\n```\nsudo apt install npm\nsudo npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root\ncd XSSTRON\nsudo npm install\nelectron . --no-sandbox\n```\n- In (package.json) change it to:\n```\n \"devDependencies\": {\n \"electron\": \"^10\"\n },\n ```\n- Try to update npm and nodejs to latest version\n- delete node_modules and package-lock.json and reinstall\n- in package.json change the electron devDepencies to (electron11-bin)\n- install electron using (npm install electron) and run the app with electron using (electron .)\nwith each step remember to delete the node_modules and package-lock.json and re install again using (npm install)\n\n**Failed to serialize arguments** is known issue and might be fixed soon :)\n\n### Thanks for\n- [electron-browser](https://github.com/pfrazee/electron-browser)\n- [Firing Range](https://public-firing-range.appspot.com/)\n- [Brute Logic](https://brutelogic.com.br/knoxss.html)\n- [Sapra](https://twitter.com/0xsapra)\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "TuxedoJS/TuxedoJS", "link": "https://github.com/TuxedoJS/TuxedoJS", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "INACTIVE - A feature-complete framework built on React and Flux.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "#THIS FRAMEWORK IS INACTIVE#\n\nThis framework is no longer maintained.\n\nIf you would like to view or download the files switch to the `master` branch. The files are provided as-is with no support.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "...another low-res screen.What is the deal with PCs (for the most part) being stuck on pixel densities that were standard on machines fifteen years ago?!(The 300+ ppi 4K XPS 13\" being a notable exception - but even that is a configurable option and the default is an XPS with standard PC minecraft pixels.)Isn't only 1 stick of RAM leaving a lot of perf on the table with these APU's not having dual channels?I just wish laptop designers would stop copying Macbook form factor.For $100 more you could get a laptop with a solid gpu and dual boot it.I very much suspect this is a relabeled Qinghua Tongfang machine.Almost all OEM laptops with 4* Ryzens are made by them.This is a rebranded laptop from an ODM [1]. It is also available from Schenker [2] and was reviewed by the Notebookcheck [3]. It looks really good, but I would love a few things to be fixed/updated: better 16:10 screen, Ryzen 4000, more USB-C ports, USB-C charging and dual-channel memory.___________[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_design_manufacturer[2] https://www.schenker-tech.de/en/schenker-via-15-en[3] https://www.notebookcheck.net/Schenker-VIA-15-Laptop-Review-...I stopped buying Linux only computers after buying a System76. I'll never make that mistake again.Looks great. Hope they have a Ryzen 4000 model soon.They say their US keyboard is ISO (tall Enter), not ANSI (wide Enter). Hopefully that's just a typo. Emailed them to ask.https://support.getfreewrite.com/article/44-freewrites-physi...I purchased a Tuxedo laptop last summmer in order to support Linux only hardware vendors, but sadly it's been one of the worst computers - with the worst customer service - I've ever used. Sending it back for repairs doesn't help - they ignore the issues and fail to resolve them. At one point I didn't get a response for weeks. I'm not sure how their trustpilot score recently improved from fair / bad to great, but I'm suspicious that they could make such a turnaround so quickly. Read the bad reviews and they're quite consistent. https://au.trustpilot.com/review/tuxedocomputers.comI have to take up the cudgels on behalf of Tuxedo.Tuxedo is a small company, not far from Munich, Germany. They have specialized on assembling customized laptops that are guaranteed to work nicely with Linux. They are owned by Schenker. You can think of them as the Linux department of Schenker.I bought a Tuxedo XUX707 almost 4 years ago, which they built to my ridicolous specs: a desktop (!sic) i7-7700, GTX 1060, 32 GB RAM, 2x 2TB SSHD, 17\" 4K monitor, 1x HDMI, 2x DP. I need a computer that has the performance of a desktop PC, but that I can take along once in a while if I have to. The cooling of the Tuxedo is superb, the screen is fantastic, sound is good, keyboard is ok, touchpad not so much. This \"laptop\" is bulky and heavy and makes only 3 hours on the battery and of course it is like this, because the cooling needs space - the CPU alone consumes up to 65 Watts. Who else would build you such an unreasonable device, Linux-ready, with a 4 year warranty (extra option)? I love this beast more than any computer I had before and the price is unbelievably cheap compared to a Dell or Lenovo or a MacBook with similar specs.I run a second 4K monitor connected to one of the 3 video outlets and have currently 16 USB devices connected. I later added a M.2-SSD-drive (there is space for one more).After two years I dropped the computer and the body cracked - not bad, the computer continued to run nicely.After three years the GPU developed issues - random black screen on boot, which disappeared after a couple of restarts. It took me some while to diagnose the problem and make sure that the NVIDIA card was the culprit. I contacted Tuxedo support. They answered within 24 hours, had me run a system report script (which I could inspect before), and sent me the stickers for free mailing of the device to their headquarter. I asked, if I could send the device without HDs and SSDs and they were happy with this and told me, that they make the tests with prepared SSDs of their own. The device was checked, they confirmed a damaged GPU and decided to replace it as guarantee item without costs. I asked them, if they would replace the cracked body parts in the process and that I would pay for this. They agreed. All communications was per email and with fast response times. Just a summary: they agreed to process my device with no storage devices, made no trouble because of the cracked body and quickly deciced to replace a GPU that had random issues. Try this with Apple!It got even better: when the device came back, I put in my storage devices and everything was working perfectly.The body was completely replaced (two parts) for 60,- Euro. No assembly costs.They noticed a Kensington adapter in the housing that I had forgotten about, removed it from the broken part and returned it in a separate bag.I had no idea that the M.2-slot could be connected to a dedicated heat pipe so I never installed a heatpad for it. They found, though - although I had removed all storage devices - from my system report, that I used to have a M.2 device built in (which was not part of the original computer) and put the missing heatpad in place.Finally, obviously because of all the nerdy stickers on my cover, they included a bag with more nerdy stickers and some Linux magazines.The service procedure was not fast: they check the problem at Tuxedos Headquarter in Augsburg, then send it to Schenker in Leipzig for the replacement and assembly, send it back to Augsburg for final quality control before they deliver the device back to the customer. For me this is not a big problem: if the computer is away for more than 24 hours, I have to switch to a backup computer anyway (in this case a Lenovo W520). Tuxedo does not have the size and logistics for super fast service. But the quality of the service, in my experience, was stunning.now with 16:10 and ryzen 4000 seriesHow are you supposed to plug 2 screens? Graphic card description says it should be possible, but there is only one HDMI port for video outputI bought a tuxedo laptop for my work but the experience has been very bad. I WOULD NOT recommend them.They overturned the screws of the cooling fans with the cooling upgrade I ordered, and ordering spareparts is a hassle (Takes very long, sending constant reminders and getting sarcastic responses).Tried to be smart guy and support FOSS suppliers in the process, but now I get laughed at at work for having the most ghetto laptop in the office.2020 might be The Year of the linux desktop>ATTENTION: To use our store you have to activate JavaScript and deactivate script blockers! \nThank you for your understanding! Id need a sim card slot implemented in order to consider thinking about buying this laptop. I'm a Thinkpad user and my last and my current laptop are equipped with one and it's such a convenience to have connectivity on demand without sacrificing the phone's battery.In order to actually buy this laptop, I'd really need it to have the trackpoint. Implemented not like HP does it sometimes, or Dell, but like Lenovo does it. The response and overall feel of the trackpad is the best among the options I have tried so far.Other present specs are more than fine.Comes with an Intel wifi card if I'm not mistaken. Maybe update the title?Nice, except for the screen. FullHD is the new \"barely adequate\". But at least it is non-glare, not \"bathroom-mirror\" finish. The latter would be unacceptable due to workplace regulations here.Can anyone describe how a magnesium chassis compares to an aluminum chassis?Wow, from the EU (no hassle with expensive shipping, either initially or for warranty) and 830 euros for a laptop that would usually cost me ~1000 because manufacturers usually force Microsoft tax, a GPU, and a new SSD on you (I don't want a dedicated GPU but they always have one when the CPU is reasonable; and I don't want an SSD because I already have my own). This is pretty neat indeed!The only nitpicks are:- a keyboard with a short left shift which doesn't work as well for my hands (I worked with it every day for 6 months while writing PHP, i.e. constant stretching to get to the $ symbol, but couldn't get used to it) and no numpad despite being a 15\" laptop, and- the battery can't be taken out. My current laptop (2 years old) has the same issue and it already lost 25% capacity because I use it as a desktop much of the time and it's charged at 100% capacity all day long. With my 2012 laptop I'd just pop out the battery at ~40-70% charge: it takes 4 seconds (I didn't need to look or turn it over) and after 5 years of use the battery reported having lost 3% capacity. I don't trust that number, that's too good to be true with 2012 battery tech, but the runtime from 100%-0% was still about half of what it was originally (and I used the battery daily, either for standby mode between classes or on the train where I would, of course, have a deeper discharge cycle than when near a power source).But compare that to all the plus points that I see that many other reasonably-priced (<1200 euro) laptops don't always have:+ No new SSD, a GPU, or Microsoft tax forced on you (as mentioned)+ WiFi 6+ reasonably-priced 16 or 32GB RAM option+ RJ45 connector without needing an adapter+ No Intel+ Big battery+ The up/down arrow keys are not shoved into a single (split) key! I don't know who ever thought that was a good idea+ Pgup/dn/home/end are nicely reachable. Though I noticed it's actually not a big deal to have them under Fn+arrow keys, I remember how much I got used to my Asus EEE 1215n having this layout. While using that laptop, I'd miss the layout even on a desktop keyboard where the keys are further away.~ Screen brightness is specified (most of the time, you just have to hope that the screen is readable in sunlight, though I used to work outside more when I had a public transport route with switches so it's not very relevant for me now)~ USB-C capabilities mentioned, even if both displayport and power delivery modes are a \"no\" it's good to know~ earphones and microphone jack in one. Nice sometimes; super annoying when you want a separate mic or some other device that uses the mic jack. I should just find a splitter for that I guess, no getting around that anymore.All in all, this is a steal and I'm considering getting one just to be rid of my crappy Lenovo Ideapad (maybe I'll donate it to one of these organisations that provide kids with laptops for corona-related homeschooling), but I don't technically need it...> 1x USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ-C (DisplayPort: no; Power Delivery: no)So close. Why would you release laptop like this in 2020?A bit surprised by the amount of negative comments about the company in here, so I feel that I have to offer a different perspective: I ordered a 14\" fanless linux laptop from them about one year ago and that's one of the best laptop I ever owned.\nIt's fast, has a great mate screen of the right proportion, decent backlit keyboard with no crazy layout (which has become rare recently), better than average trackpad (although nothing like that of a Mac), good battery. Of course being fanless it is also 100% silent. And it runs Linux flawlessly (I've run debian and nixos on it).Only downsides I can think of are the specific charger cord (as opposed to USB) and its large-ish besel which makes it a bit too large for comfortable use in planes or trains.I also interacted with support at the time because I had not heard from UPS and I remember them as quite quick to answer and friendly.Overall, I'm afraid this thread might leave readers with an unfair impression on the company. Maybe not all of their laptop have the same quality? Mine is actually a Clevo, branded as \"infinitybook 14\".I really appreciate how descriptive they are in the specs.`\nBattery life: (with our optimizations)\nabout 25 hours at min. display-brightness, without Wifi & Bluetooth, without keyboard backlit, in idle mode\nabout 13 hours at medium brightness with Wifi, at office workWe're testing battery time always in idle mode, at minimal display brightness, with keyboard backlight deactivated, WIFI & Bluetooth disabled and without any further connected devices (USB, LAN, HDMI, VGA etc. unplugged!).\nThis way you get an information of maximal possible battery life. Starting from this you can manage your individual battery life depending on your demands and to influence it e.g. is keyboard backlight unnecessary during daylight. Bluetooth is also only needed to be turned on, if there's a Bluetooth device connected. Full display brightness as well is hardly always necessary.\n`or their disclaimer about the display panel:`\nModern displays with IPS panels have bright areas along the frame as a normal characteristic. This has hardly any influence on everyday operation, not least because the displays are optimized for daylight operation. It can only be minimized, but not completely avoided, regardless of the manufacturer and for manufacturing reasons.\n`Hmm, seems a bit steep, price-wise. I am writing this on a cheap ($500ish USD) Asus VivoBook w/ a Ryzen 7 3700U and Vega 10 gfx, it runs Ubuntu 20.04 without any problems. The display is a bit dim, and it really ought to do usb-c pd, but it was a bargain, so I can't complain too much.Some bad reviews here, so I'd encourage people to look into some of the AMD APU laptops from Acer and others. I have an Acer Swift 3 with 2700u APU and it runs Linux (Ubuntu) flawlessly apart from the fingerprint reader. Suspend, function keys, everything works well, performance is absolutely unreal for the pricepoint (paid 900 something CAD when it came out).I've bought a Tuxedo as work laptop for my parents and they couldn't be happier. The hardware looks and works great and Tuxedo Linux runs effortless and does automatic updates.I'd definitely recommend it.I have a Tuxedo Infinitybook pro 14 v4, fully maxed out. I love it. It's dirt cheap and everything works out of the box. I was a little concerned about moving from Mac to Linux but I can sync my phone, I can print, I can connect to all my bluetooth devices, external displays work nicely, it sleeps properly, battery life is Ok...no trackpoint available :-(I hate myself for saying this, but guys, just get someone to fix up the English around the website. It can't be that difficult. Looks like a great product, aimed at a specific niche, I think details matterJust ran the configurator, the price is _really_ good IMO. With memory maxed out (32GB), a 1TB SSD and WiFi 6 it's only 1099 EUR.Too bad it's not offered with a 4K display. And personally I would have preferred a TB3 port over all the I/O that this machine has build-in. When on-the-go I'm using wireless connectivity anyway, and at my desk I like to use a TB3 dock with PD as an all-in-one docking solution. Not supporting charging trough USB-PD is also missed opportunity.Ended up getting an e595 thinkpad with ryzen several months ago, flashed it with pop-os. Originally there was all kinds of problems; opening chrome would completely freeze the computer, the computer would not come out of suspend mode so I had to shut it down, battery life is probably less than 4 hours. With the latest pop-os everything is fine now.If I were to do it again I would probably get an intel cpu for any laptop just because good battery life ended up being much more important than any cpu power gain for me. I definitely would have spent a little more on getting one pre-installed with linux just knowing it would have good hardware support. Older laptops seem to always work great, but anything new always has a chance of having some hardware issues.Just as an anecdotal counterpoint to all the negative reviews here: I have a 2015 Tuxedo notebook that is still going strong, and never had any issue with it. There is quite a bit of fan noise, which I don't hear as I'm typically using a noise-cancelling headset anyway. The keyboard is rather flimsy and the build quality is definitely not on par with Dell XPS or a T-series Lenovo, at least for this model: in my use case (using external keyboard and monitor 99% of the time) this is not an issue, so I'm (still) quite happy with it. As others have already said, the pricing is hard to beat and its Ubuntu setups are well configured.I also had very positive interactions with their support staff; very friendly and knowledgeable. I have yet to see a piece of Tuxedo hardware fail, and know several people who are using their hardware (both laptops and workstations, which are even nicer and have a much better build quality IMO).Hard to justify spending \u20ac860 on a no-name brand when I can buy a Dell Inspiron 15 3000 with the same spec for \u20ac550.Ok, it comes with Windows 10 and it doesn't have a backlit keyboard but neither of those things are deal breakers if I'm saving \u20ac300.Single channel RAM? What\u2019s this nonsenseDang. This looks like something that could replace my aging T460s (which has a garbage trackpad, and cost over 2000 eur with all its 8GB of RAM; Linux keeps OOMing and freezing all the time[1]).Ryzen 4000 series would be nice. 17\" would be nice. But 3000 series Ryzen and 15.6\" screen is already a decent upgrade over my Thinkpad with i7-6600U..I'm feeling conflicted because it's obviously not a dream-come-true laptop, but the price point seems very very reasonable (and if I wait for the perfect laptop, I might have to wait forever).[1] https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/8/4/15Just this morning I found my laptop non-responsive and spinning the fan at full speed. I cut the power. It's probably been thrashing all night. In my case, \"this little crisis\" never lasts for just a few minutes, it'll last as long as I care to wait (I've waited hours and it never recovered).EDIT: Specs say there's a 9-in-1 card reader, but in photos I only see a micro SD slot.. what am I missing?Not sure if any representative from Tuxedo are reading. There are spelling mistakes;Another highlight of the TUXEDO Book BA15 is its elegant and durable chassis, which is partly made of magnesium allow (AZ91D) (display cover as well as baseunit), while aluminum is used on the bottom panel.Magnesium \"Alloy\", and \"base unit\". And in other places, \"videostreaming\",On another note, if AMD have sufficient capacity right at launch for AMD Ryzen 5 3500U to be used by so many ODM models suggests it might not be doing so well in the Top 5 laptop brand which represent 80% of the market. And if you exclude Apple, it is close to 90%.Getting a 500... anyone have a mirror?Compared to my HP ZBook from 2014:Pro:- No number pad, I really love this. I could finally align the center the laptop with my body.- Smaller footprint, same screen size. Nice to have.- Half the weight. Good.- Much better battery. Nice to have.- Lower price for the same configuration (32 GB / 2 TB.) Good.Cons:- No physical touchpad buttons. I really hate this.- Generally awful reviews of the company in the other comments here. Probably a deal breaker.I didn't investigate the self serviceability of the hardware and the availability of spare parts. The ZBook is great about that. I'm also used to next business day on site repairs from HP for the first 3 years. The last time the package cost about 100 Euro. That's important. I've got an old spare computer but I can't do everything there.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "wooorm/refractor", "link": "https://github.com/wooorm/refractor", "tags": ["syntax-highlighting", "virtual-dom", "vdom", "react", "hast", "virtual", "syntax", "highlight", "html"], "stars": 536, "description": "Lightweight, robust, elegant virtual syntax highlighting using Prism", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\n\n# refractor\n\n[![Build][build-badge]][build]\n[![Coverage][coverage-badge]][coverage]\n[![Downloads][downloads-badge]][downloads]\n[![Size][size-badge]][size]\n\nLightweight, robust, elegant virtual syntax highlighting using [Prism][].\n\n## Contents\n\n* [What is this?](#what-is-this)\n* [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)\n* [Playground](#playground)\n* [Install](#install)\n* [Use](#use)\n* [API](#api)\n * [`refractor.highlight(value, language)`](#refractorhighlightvalue-language)\n * [`refractor.register(syntax)`](#refractorregistersyntax)\n * [`refractor.alias(name[, alias])`](#refractoraliasname-alias)\n * [`refractor.registered(aliasOrlanguage)`](#refractorregisteredaliasorlanguage)\n * [`refractor.listLanguages()`](#refractorlistlanguages)\n* [Examples](#examples)\n * [Example: serializing hast as html](#example-serializing-hast-as-html)\n * [Example: turning hast into react nodes](#example-turning-hast-into-react-nodes)\n* [Types](#types)\n* [Data](#data)\n* [CSS](#css)\n* [Compatibility](#compatibility)\n* [Security](#security)\n* [Related](#related)\n* [Projects](#projects)\n* [Contribute](#contribute)\n\n## What is this?\n\nThis package wraps [Prism][] to output objects (ASTs) instead of a string of\nHTML.\n\nPrism, through refractor, supports 270+ programming languages.\nSupporting all of them requires a lot of code.\nThat\u2019s why there are three entry points for refractor:\n\n\n\n* `lib/core.js` \u2014 0 languages\n* `lib/common.js` (default) \u2014 36 languages\n* `lib/all.js` \u2014 297 languages\n\n\n\nBundled, minified, and gzipped, those are roughly 12.7 kB, 40 kB, and 211 kB.\n\n## When should I use this?\n\nThis package is useful when you want to perform syntax highlighting in a place\nwhere serialized HTML wouldn\u2019t work or wouldn\u2019t work well.\nFor example, you can use refractor when you want to show code in a CLI by\nrendering to ANSI sequences, when you\u2019re using virtual DOM frameworks (such as\nReact or Preact) so that diffing can be performant, or when you\u2019re working with\nASTs (rehype).\n\nA different package, [`lowlight`][lowlight], does the same as refractor but\nuses [`highlight.js`][hljs] instead.\nIf you\u2019re looking for a *really good* (but rather heavy) highlighter, try\n[`starry-night`][starry-night].\n\n\n\n\n\n## Playground\n\nYou can play with refractor on the\n[interactive demo (Replit)](https://replit.com/@karlhorky/official-refractor-demo#index.js).\n\n## Install\n\nThis package is [ESM only][esm].\nIn Node.js (version 14.14+, 16.0+), install with [npm][]:\n\n```sh\nnpm install refractor\n```\n\nIn Deno with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'https://esm.sh/refractor@4'\n```\n\nIn browsers with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n## Use\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor'\n\nconst tree = refractor.highlight('\"use strict\";', 'js')\n\nconsole.log(tree)\n```\n\nYields:\n\n```js\n{\n type: 'root',\n children: [\n {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'span',\n properties: {className: ['token', 'string']},\n children: [{type: 'text', value: '\"use strict\"'}]\n },\n {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'span',\n properties: {className: ['token', 'punctuation']},\n children: [{type: 'text', value: ';'}]\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n\n## API\n\nThis package exports the identifier `refractor`.\nThere is no default export.\n\n### `refractor.highlight(value, language)`\n\nHighlight `value` (code) as `language` (programming language).\n\n###### Parameters\n\n* `value` (`string`)\n \u2014 code to highlight\n* `language` (`string` or `Grammar`)\n \u2014 programming language name, alias, or grammar.\n\n###### Returns\n\nNode representing highlighted code ([`Root`][root]).\n\n###### Example\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor/lib/core.js'\nimport css from 'refractor/lang/css.js'\n\nrefractor.register(css)\nconsole.log(refractor.highlight('em { color: red }', 'css'))\n```\n\nYields:\n\n```js\n{\n type: 'root',\n children: [\n {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: [Object], children: [Array]},\n {type: 'text', value: ' '},\n // \u2026\n {type: 'text', value: ' red '},\n {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: [Object], children: [Array]}\n ]\n}\n```\n\n### `refractor.register(syntax)`\n\nRegister a syntax.\n\n###### Parameters\n\n* `syntax` (`Function`)\n \u2014 language function custom made for refractor, as in, the files in\n `refractor/lang/*.js`\n\n###### Example\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor/lib/core.js'\nimport markdown from 'refractor/lang/markdown.js'\n\nrefractor.register(markdown)\n\nconsole.log(refractor.highlight('*Emphasis*', 'markdown'))\n```\n\nYields:\n\n```js\n{\n type: 'root',\n children: [\n {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: [Object], children: [Array]}\n ]\n}\n```\n\n### `refractor.alias(name[, alias])`\n\nRegister aliases for already registered languages.\n\n###### Signatures\n\n* `alias(name, alias|list)`\n* `alias(aliases)`\n\n###### Parameters\n\n* `language` (`string`)\n \u2014 programming language [name][names]\n* `alias` (`string`)\n \u2014 new aliases for the programming language\n* `list` (`Array`)\n \u2014 list of aliases\n* `aliases` (`Record`)\n \u2014 map of `language`s to `alias`es or `list`s\n\n###### Example\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor/lib/core.js'\nimport markdown from 'refractor/lang/markdown.js'\n\nrefractor.register(markdown)\n\n// refractor.highlight('*Emphasis*', 'mdown')\n// ^ would throw: Error: Unknown language: `mdown` is not registered\n\nrefractor.alias({markdown: ['mdown', 'mkdn', 'mdwn', 'ron']})\nrefractor.highlight('*Emphasis*', 'mdown')\n// ^ Works!\n```\n\n### `refractor.registered(aliasOrlanguage)`\n\nCheck whether an `alias` or `language` is registered.\n\n###### Parameters\n\n* `aliasOrlanguage` (`string`)\n \u2014 programming language name or alias\n\n###### Example\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor/lib/core.js'\nimport markdown from 'refractor/lang/markdown.js'\n\nconsole.log(refractor.registered('markdown')) //=> false\n\nrefractor.register(markdown)\n\nconsole.log(refractor.registered('markdown')) //=> true\n```\n\n### `refractor.listLanguages()`\n\nList all registered languages (names and aliases).\n\n###### Returns\n\n`Array`.\n\n###### Example\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor/lib/core.js'\nimport markdown from 'refractor/lang/markdown.js'\n\nconsole.log(refractor.listLanguages()) //=> []\n\nrefractor.register(markdown)\n\nconsole.log(refractor.listLanguages())\n```\n\nYields:\n\n```js\n[\n 'markup', // Note that `markup` (a lot of xml based languages) is a dep of markdown.\n 'html',\n // \u2026\n 'markdown',\n 'md'\n]\n```\n\n## Examples\n\n### Example: serializing hast as html\n\nhast trees as returned by refractor can be serialized with\n[`hast-util-to-html`][hast-util-to-html]:\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor'\nimport {toHtml} from 'hast-util-to-html'\n\nconst tree = refractor.highlight('\"use strict\";', 'js')\n\nconsole.log(toHtml(tree))\n```\n\nYields:\n\n```html\n\"use strict\";\n```\n\n### Example: turning hast into react nodes\n\nhast trees as returned by refractor can be turned into React (or Preact) with\n[`hast-to-hyperscript`][hast-to-hyperscript]:\n\n```js\nimport {refractor} from 'refractor'\nimport {toH} from 'hast-to-hyperscript'\nimport React from 'react'\n\nconst tree = refractor.highlight('\"use strict\";', 'js')\nconst react = toH(React.createElement, tree)\n\nconsole.log(react)\n```\n\nYields:\n\n```js\n{\n '$$typeof': Symbol(react.element),\n type: 'div',\n key: 'h-1',\n ref: null,\n props: { children: [ [Object], [Object] ] },\n _owner: null,\n _store: {}\n}\n```\n\n## Types\n\nThis package is fully typed with [TypeScript][].\nIt exports the additional types `Root`, `Grammar`, and `Syntax`.\n\n\n\n\n\n## Data\n\nIf you\u2019re using `refractor/lib/core.js`, no syntaxes are included.\nChecked syntaxes are included if you import `refractor` (or explicitly\n`refractor/lib/common.js`).\nUnchecked syntaxes are available through `refractor/lib/all.js`.\nYou can import `core` or `common` and manually add more languages as you please.\n\nPrism operates as a singleton: once you register a language in one place, it\u2019ll\nbe available everywhere.\n\nOnly these custom built syntaxes will work with `refractor` because Prism\u2019s own\nsyntaxes are made to work with global variables and are not importable.\n\n\n\n* [x] [`arduino`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/arduino.js) \u2014 alias: `ino`\n* [x] [`bash`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bash.js) \u2014 alias: `sh`, `shell`\n* [x] [`basic`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/basic.js)\n* [x] [`c`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/c.js)\n* [x] [`clike`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/clike.js)\n* [x] [`cpp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cpp.js)\n* [x] [`csharp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/csharp.js) \u2014 alias: `cs`, `dotnet`\n* [x] [`css`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/css.js)\n* [x] [`diff`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/diff.js)\n* [x] [`go`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/go.js)\n* [x] [`ini`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ini.js)\n* [x] [`java`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/java.js)\n* [x] [`javascript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/javascript.js) \u2014 alias: `js`\n* [x] [`json`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/json.js) \u2014 alias: `webmanifest`\n* [x] [`kotlin`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/kotlin.js) \u2014 alias: `kt`, `kts`\n* [x] [`less`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/less.js)\n* [x] [`lua`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/lua.js)\n* [x] [`makefile`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/makefile.js)\n* [x] [`markdown`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/markdown.js) \u2014 alias: `md`\n* [x] [`markup`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/markup.js) \u2014 alias: `atom`, `html`, `mathml`, `rss`, `ssml`, `svg`, `xml`\n* [x] [`markup-templating`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/markup-templating.js)\n* [x] [`objectivec`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/objectivec.js) \u2014 alias: `objc`\n* [x] [`perl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/perl.js)\n* [x] [`php`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/php.js)\n* [x] [`python`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/python.js) \u2014 alias: `py`\n* [x] [`r`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/r.js)\n* [x] [`regex`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/regex.js)\n* [x] [`ruby`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ruby.js) \u2014 alias: `rb`\n* [x] [`rust`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/rust.js)\n* [x] [`sass`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/sass.js)\n* [x] [`scss`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/scss.js)\n* [x] [`sql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/sql.js)\n* [x] [`swift`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/swift.js)\n* [x] [`typescript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/typescript.js) \u2014 alias: `ts`\n* [x] [`vbnet`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/vbnet.js)\n* [x] [`yaml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/yaml.js) \u2014 alias: `yml`\n* [ ] [`abap`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/abap.js)\n* [ ] [`abnf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/abnf.js)\n* [ ] [`actionscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/actionscript.js)\n* [ ] [`ada`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ada.js)\n* [ ] [`agda`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/agda.js)\n* [ ] [`al`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/al.js)\n* [ ] [`antlr4`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/antlr4.js) \u2014 alias: `g4`\n* [ ] [`apacheconf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/apacheconf.js)\n* [ ] [`apex`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/apex.js)\n* [ ] [`apl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/apl.js)\n* [ ] [`applescript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/applescript.js)\n* [ ] [`aql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/aql.js)\n* [ ] [`arff`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/arff.js)\n* [ ] [`armasm`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/armasm.js) \u2014 alias: `arm-asm`\n* [ ] [`arturo`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/arturo.js) \u2014 alias: `art`\n* [ ] [`asciidoc`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/asciidoc.js) \u2014 alias: `adoc`\n* [ ] [`asm6502`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/asm6502.js)\n* [ ] [`asmatmel`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/asmatmel.js)\n* [ ] [`aspnet`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/aspnet.js)\n* [ ] [`autohotkey`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/autohotkey.js)\n* [ ] [`autoit`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/autoit.js)\n* [ ] [`avisynth`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/avisynth.js) \u2014 alias: `avs`\n* [ ] [`avro-idl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/avro-idl.js) \u2014 alias: `avdl`\n* [ ] [`awk`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/awk.js) \u2014 alias: `gawk`\n* [ ] [`batch`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/batch.js)\n* [ ] [`bbcode`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bbcode.js) \u2014 alias: `shortcode`\n* [ ] [`bbj`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bbj.js)\n* [ ] [`bicep`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bicep.js)\n* [ ] [`birb`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/birb.js)\n* [ ] [`bison`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bison.js)\n* [ ] [`bnf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bnf.js) \u2014 alias: `rbnf`\n* [ ] [`bqn`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bqn.js)\n* [ ] [`brainfuck`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/brainfuck.js)\n* [ ] [`brightscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/brightscript.js)\n* [ ] [`bro`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bro.js)\n* [ ] [`bsl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/bsl.js) \u2014 alias: `oscript`\n* [ ] [`cfscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cfscript.js) \u2014 alias: `cfc`\n* [ ] [`chaiscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/chaiscript.js)\n* [ ] [`cil`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cil.js)\n* [ ] [`cilkc`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cilkc.js) \u2014 alias: `cilk-c`\n* [ ] [`cilkcpp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cilkcpp.js) \u2014 alias: `cilk`, `cilk-cpp`\n* [ ] [`clojure`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/clojure.js)\n* [ ] [`cmake`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cmake.js)\n* [ ] [`cobol`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cobol.js)\n* [ ] [`coffeescript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/coffeescript.js) \u2014 alias: `coffee`\n* [ ] [`concurnas`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/concurnas.js) \u2014 alias: `conc`\n* [ ] [`cooklang`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cooklang.js)\n* [ ] [`coq`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/coq.js)\n* [ ] [`crystal`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/crystal.js)\n* [ ] [`cshtml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cshtml.js) \u2014 alias: `razor`\n* [ ] [`csp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/csp.js)\n* [ ] [`css-extras`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/css-extras.js)\n* [ ] [`csv`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/csv.js)\n* [ ] [`cue`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cue.js)\n* [ ] [`cypher`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/cypher.js)\n* [ ] [`d`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/d.js)\n* [ ] [`dart`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/dart.js)\n* [ ] [`dataweave`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/dataweave.js)\n* [ ] [`dax`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/dax.js)\n* [ ] [`dhall`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/dhall.js)\n* [ ] [`django`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/django.js) \u2014 alias: `jinja2`\n* [ ] [`dns-zone-file`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/dns-zone-file.js) \u2014 alias: `dns-zone`\n* [ ] [`docker`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/docker.js) \u2014 alias: `dockerfile`\n* [ ] [`dot`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/dot.js) \u2014 alias: `gv`\n* [ ] [`ebnf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ebnf.js)\n* [ ] [`editorconfig`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/editorconfig.js)\n* [ ] [`eiffel`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/eiffel.js)\n* [ ] [`ejs`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ejs.js) \u2014 alias: `eta`\n* [ ] [`elixir`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/elixir.js)\n* [ ] [`elm`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/elm.js)\n* [ ] [`erb`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/erb.js)\n* [ ] [`erlang`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/erlang.js)\n* [ ] [`etlua`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/etlua.js)\n* [ ] [`excel-formula`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/excel-formula.js) \u2014 alias: `xls`, `xlsx`\n* [ ] [`factor`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/factor.js)\n* [ ] [`false`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/false.js)\n* [ ] [`firestore-security-rules`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/firestore-security-rules.js)\n* [ ] [`flow`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/flow.js)\n* [ ] [`fortran`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/fortran.js)\n* [ ] [`fsharp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/fsharp.js)\n* [ ] [`ftl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ftl.js)\n* [ ] [`gap`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gap.js)\n* [ ] [`gcode`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gcode.js)\n* [ ] [`gdscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gdscript.js)\n* [ ] [`gedcom`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gedcom.js)\n* [ ] [`gettext`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gettext.js) \u2014 alias: `po`\n* [ ] [`gherkin`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gherkin.js)\n* [ ] [`git`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/git.js)\n* [ ] [`glsl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/glsl.js)\n* [ ] [`gml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gml.js) \u2014 alias: `gamemakerlanguage`\n* [ ] [`gn`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gn.js) \u2014 alias: `gni`\n* [ ] [`go-module`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/go-module.js) \u2014 alias: `go-mod`\n* [ ] [`gradle`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/gradle.js)\n* [ ] [`graphql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/graphql.js)\n* [ ] [`groovy`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/groovy.js)\n* [ ] [`haml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/haml.js)\n* [ ] [`handlebars`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/handlebars.js) \u2014 alias: `hbs`, `mustache`\n* [ ] [`haskell`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/haskell.js) \u2014 alias: `hs`\n* [ ] [`haxe`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/haxe.js)\n* [ ] [`hcl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/hcl.js)\n* [ ] [`hlsl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/hlsl.js)\n* [ ] [`hoon`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/hoon.js)\n* [ ] [`hpkp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/hpkp.js)\n* [ ] [`hsts`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/hsts.js)\n* [ ] [`http`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/http.js)\n* [ ] [`ichigojam`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ichigojam.js)\n* [ ] [`icon`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/icon.js)\n* [ ] [`icu-message-format`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/icu-message-format.js)\n* [ ] [`idris`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/idris.js) \u2014 alias: `idr`\n* [ ] [`iecst`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/iecst.js)\n* [ ] [`ignore`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ignore.js) \u2014 alias: `gitignore`, `hgignore`, `npmignore`\n* [ ] [`inform7`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/inform7.js)\n* [ ] [`io`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/io.js)\n* [ ] [`j`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/j.js)\n* [ ] [`javadoc`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/javadoc.js)\n* [ ] [`javadoclike`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/javadoclike.js)\n* [ ] [`javastacktrace`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/javastacktrace.js)\n* [ ] [`jexl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jexl.js)\n* [ ] [`jolie`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jolie.js)\n* [ ] [`jq`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jq.js)\n* [ ] [`js-extras`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/js-extras.js)\n* [ ] [`js-templates`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/js-templates.js)\n* [ ] [`jsdoc`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jsdoc.js)\n* [ ] [`json5`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/json5.js)\n* [ ] [`jsonp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jsonp.js)\n* [ ] [`jsstacktrace`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jsstacktrace.js)\n* [ ] [`jsx`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/jsx.js)\n* [ ] [`julia`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/julia.js)\n* [ ] [`keepalived`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/keepalived.js)\n* [ ] [`keyman`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/keyman.js)\n* [ ] [`kumir`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/kumir.js) \u2014 alias: `kum`\n* [ ] [`kusto`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/kusto.js)\n* [ ] [`latex`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/latex.js) \u2014 alias: `context`, `tex`\n* [ ] [`latte`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/latte.js)\n* [ ] [`lilypond`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/lilypond.js) \u2014 alias: `ly`\n* [ ] [`linker-script`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/linker-script.js) \u2014 alias: `ld`\n* [ ] [`liquid`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/liquid.js)\n* [ ] [`lisp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/lisp.js) \u2014 alias: `elisp`, `emacs`, `emacs-lisp`\n* [ ] [`livescript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/livescript.js)\n* [ ] [`llvm`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/llvm.js)\n* [ ] [`log`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/log.js)\n* [ ] [`lolcode`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/lolcode.js)\n* [ ] [`magma`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/magma.js)\n* [ ] [`mata`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/mata.js)\n* [ ] [`matlab`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/matlab.js)\n* [ ] [`maxscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/maxscript.js)\n* [ ] [`mel`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/mel.js)\n* [ ] [`mermaid`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/mermaid.js)\n* [ ] [`metafont`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/metafont.js)\n* [ ] [`mizar`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/mizar.js)\n* [ ] [`mongodb`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/mongodb.js)\n* [ ] [`monkey`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/monkey.js)\n* [ ] [`moonscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/moonscript.js) \u2014 alias: `moon`\n* [ ] [`n1ql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/n1ql.js)\n* [ ] [`n4js`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/n4js.js) \u2014 alias: `n4jsd`\n* [ ] [`nand2tetris-hdl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nand2tetris-hdl.js)\n* [ ] [`naniscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/naniscript.js) \u2014 alias: `nani`\n* [ ] [`nasm`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nasm.js)\n* [ ] [`neon`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/neon.js)\n* [ ] [`nevod`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nevod.js)\n* [ ] [`nginx`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nginx.js)\n* [ ] [`nim`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nim.js)\n* [ ] [`nix`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nix.js)\n* [ ] [`nsis`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/nsis.js)\n* [ ] [`ocaml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/ocaml.js)\n* [ ] [`odin`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/odin.js)\n* [ ] [`opencl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/opencl.js)\n* [ ] [`openqasm`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/openqasm.js) \u2014 alias: `qasm`\n* [ ] [`oz`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/oz.js)\n* [ ] [`parigp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/parigp.js)\n* [ ] [`parser`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/parser.js)\n* [ ] [`pascal`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/pascal.js) \u2014 alias: `objectpascal`\n* [ ] [`pascaligo`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/pascaligo.js)\n* [ ] [`pcaxis`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/pcaxis.js) \u2014 alias: `px`\n* [ ] [`peoplecode`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/peoplecode.js) \u2014 alias: `pcode`\n* [ ] [`php-extras`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/php-extras.js)\n* [ ] [`phpdoc`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/phpdoc.js)\n* [ ] [`plant-uml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/plant-uml.js) \u2014 alias: `plantuml`\n* [ ] [`plsql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/plsql.js)\n* [ ] [`powerquery`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/powerquery.js) \u2014 alias: `mscript`, `pq`\n* [ ] [`powershell`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/powershell.js)\n* [ ] [`processing`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/processing.js)\n* [ ] [`prolog`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/prolog.js)\n* [ ] [`promql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/promql.js)\n* [ ] [`properties`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/properties.js)\n* [ ] [`protobuf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/protobuf.js)\n* [ ] [`psl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/psl.js)\n* [ ] [`pug`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/pug.js)\n* [ ] [`puppet`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/puppet.js)\n* [ ] [`pure`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/pure.js)\n* [ ] [`purebasic`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/purebasic.js) \u2014 alias: `pbfasm`\n* [ ] [`purescript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/purescript.js) \u2014 alias: `purs`\n* [ ] [`q`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/q.js)\n* [ ] [`qml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/qml.js)\n* [ ] [`qore`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/qore.js)\n* [ ] [`qsharp`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/qsharp.js) \u2014 alias: `qs`\n* [ ] [`racket`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/racket.js) \u2014 alias: `rkt`\n* [ ] [`reason`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/reason.js)\n* [ ] [`rego`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/rego.js)\n* [ ] [`renpy`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/renpy.js) \u2014 alias: `rpy`\n* [ ] [`rescript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/rescript.js) \u2014 alias: `res`\n* [ ] [`rest`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/rest.js)\n* [ ] [`rip`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/rip.js)\n* [ ] [`roboconf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/roboconf.js)\n* [ ] [`robotframework`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/robotframework.js) \u2014 alias: `robot`\n* [ ] [`sas`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/sas.js)\n* [ ] [`scala`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/scala.js)\n* [ ] [`scheme`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/scheme.js)\n* [ ] [`shell-session`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/shell-session.js) \u2014 alias: `sh-session`, `shellsession`\n* [ ] [`smali`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/smali.js)\n* [ ] [`smalltalk`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/smalltalk.js)\n* [ ] [`smarty`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/smarty.js)\n* [ ] [`sml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/sml.js) \u2014 alias: `smlnj`\n* [ ] [`solidity`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/solidity.js) \u2014 alias: `sol`\n* [ ] [`solution-file`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/solution-file.js) \u2014 alias: `sln`\n* [ ] [`soy`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/soy.js)\n* [ ] [`sparql`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/sparql.js) \u2014 alias: `rq`\n* [ ] [`splunk-spl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/splunk-spl.js)\n* [ ] [`sqf`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/sqf.js)\n* [ ] [`squirrel`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/squirrel.js)\n* [ ] [`stan`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/stan.js)\n* [ ] [`stata`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/stata.js)\n* [ ] [`stylus`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/stylus.js)\n* [ ] [`supercollider`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/supercollider.js) \u2014 alias: `sclang`\n* [ ] [`systemd`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/systemd.js)\n* [ ] [`t4-cs`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/t4-cs.js) \u2014 alias: `t4`\n* [ ] [`t4-templating`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/t4-templating.js)\n* [ ] [`t4-vb`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/t4-vb.js)\n* [ ] [`tap`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/tap.js)\n* [ ] [`tcl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/tcl.js)\n* [ ] [`textile`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/textile.js)\n* [ ] [`toml`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/toml.js)\n* [ ] [`tremor`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/tremor.js) \u2014 alias: `trickle`, `troy`\n* [ ] [`tsx`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/tsx.js)\n* [ ] [`tt2`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/tt2.js)\n* [ ] [`turtle`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/turtle.js) \u2014 alias: `trig`\n* [ ] [`twig`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/twig.js)\n* [ ] [`typoscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/typoscript.js) \u2014 alias: `tsconfig`\n* [ ] [`unrealscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/unrealscript.js) \u2014 alias: `uc`, `uscript`\n* [ ] [`uorazor`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/uorazor.js)\n* [ ] [`uri`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/uri.js) \u2014 alias: `url`\n* [ ] [`v`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/v.js)\n* [ ] [`vala`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/vala.js)\n* [ ] [`velocity`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/velocity.js)\n* [ ] [`verilog`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/verilog.js)\n* [ ] [`vhdl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/vhdl.js)\n* [ ] [`vim`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/vim.js)\n* [ ] [`visual-basic`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/visual-basic.js) \u2014 alias: `vb`, `vba`\n* [ ] [`warpscript`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/warpscript.js)\n* [ ] [`wasm`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/wasm.js)\n* [ ] [`web-idl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/web-idl.js) \u2014 alias: `webidl`\n* [ ] [`wgsl`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/wgsl.js)\n* [ ] [`wiki`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/wiki.js)\n* [ ] [`wolfram`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/wolfram.js) \u2014 alias: `mathematica`, `nb`, `wl`\n* [ ] [`wren`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/wren.js)\n* [ ] [`xeora`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/xeora.js) \u2014 alias: `xeoracube`\n* [ ] [`xml-doc`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/xml-doc.js)\n* [ ] [`xojo`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/xojo.js)\n* [ ] [`xquery`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/xquery.js)\n* [ ] [`yang`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/yang.js)\n* [ ] [`zig`](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/blob/main/lang/zig.js)\n\n\n\n## CSS\n\n`refractor` does not inject CSS for the syntax highlighted code (because well,\nrefractor doesn\u2019t have to be turned into HTML and might not run in a browser!).\nIf you are in a browser, you can use any Prism theme.\nFor example, to get Prism Dark from cdnjs:\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n## Compatibility\n\nThis package is at least compatible with all maintained versions of Node.js.\nAs of now, that is Node.js 14.14+ and 16.0+.\nIt also works in Deno and modern browsers.\n\nOnly the custom built syntaxes in `refractor/lang/*.js` will work with\n`refractor` as Prism\u2019s own syntaxes are made to work with global variables and\nare not importable.\n\nrefractor also does not support Prism plugins, due to the same limitations, and\nthat they almost exclusively deal with the DOM.\n\n## Security\n\nThis package is safe.\n\n## Related\n\n* [`lowlight`][lowlight]\n \u2014 the same as refractor but with [`highlight.js`][hljs]\n* [`starry-night`][starry-night]\n \u2014 similar but like GitHub and really good\n\n## Projects\n\n* [`react-syntax-highlighter`](https://github.com/react-syntax-highlighter/react-syntax-highlighter)\n \u2014 [React][] component for syntax highlighting\n* [`@mapbox/rehype-prism`](https://github.com/mapbox/rehype-prism)\n \u2014 [**rehype**][rehype] plugin to highlight code\n blocks\n* [`react-refractor`](https://github.com/rexxars/react-refractor)\n \u2014 syntax highlighter for [React][]\n\n## Contribute\n\nYes please!\nSee [How to Contribute to Open Source][contribute].\n\n## License\n\n[MIT][license] \u00a9 [Titus Wormer][author]\n\n\n\n[build-badge]: https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/workflows/main/badge.svg\n\n[build]: https://github.com/wooorm/refractor/actions\n\n[coverage-badge]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/wooorm/refractor.svg\n\n[coverage]: https://codecov.io/github/wooorm/refractor\n\n[downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/refractor.svg\n\n[downloads]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/refractor\n\n[size-badge]: https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/refractor.svg\n\n[size]: https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=refractor\n\n[npm]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install\n\n[esmsh]: https://esm.sh\n\n[license]: license\n\n[author]: https://wooorm.com\n\n[esm]: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c\n\n[typescript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org\n\n[contribute]: https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/\n\n[rehype]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype\n\n[names]: https://prismjs.com/#languages-list\n\n[react]: https://facebook.github.io/react/\n\n[prism]: https://github.com/PrismJS/prism\n\n[lowlight]: https://github.com/wooorm/lowlight\n\n[hljs]: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js\n\n[starry-night]: https://github.com/wooorm/starry-night\n\n[root]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#root\n\n[hast-util-to-html]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-to-html\n\n[hast-to-hyperscript]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-to-hyperscript\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "JedWatson/sydjs-site", "link": "https://github.com/JedWatson/sydjs-site", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "SydJS Meetup Website", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "sydjs.com\n=========\n\n## The SydJS Website.\n\nInitially built in two and a half days by the team at [Thinkmill](http://www.thinkmill.com.au) as a demo of what [KeystoneJS](http://keystonejs.com) can do, it's now a showcase for the Sydney Javascript community.\n\n## Get Involved!\n\nPlease use the GitHub Issues to log any ideas you have to improve the site, or problems you may come across.\n\nOr if you're feeling more adventurous, go pick an issue and submit a pull request.\n\nFeel free to ask questions about how it works, if you're getting into the code.\n\nIf you are part of another meetup group and want to use our site as a basis for your own, that's great, we'd love to hear about it.\n\n### Coding Guidelines\n\nIf you're contributing code, please do your best to follow the conventions established in the codebase already. This makes pull requests much easier to review and merge.\n\nWe have generally followed the guidelines set out in [AirBnB's Javascript Style Guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript), with the exception of using real tabs for indentation.\n\n\n## Getting Started\n\nTo run the SydJS site locally, there are a few things to set up.\n\nBecause we have some private keys for our MongoDB, Cloudinary and Mandrill accounts, you'll need to set up your own equivalents before the site will run properly.\n\n_If you're looking to work on the SydJS site and want access to our accounts, please get in touch_\n\n### Install Node.js and MongoDB\n\nYou'll need node 4.8.x and npm 2.15.x installed to run SydJS. The easiest way is to download the installers from [nodejs.org](http://nodejs.org).\n\nYou'll also need MongoDB 2.4.x - if you're on a Mac, the easiest way is to install [homebrew](http://brew.sh) and then run `brew install mongo`.\n\nIf you're on a Mac you'll also need Xcode and the Command Line Tools installed or the build process won't work.\n\n### Setting up your copy of SydJS\n\nGet a local copy of the site by cloning this repository, or fork it to work on your own copy.\n\nThen run `npm install` to download the dependencies.\n\nBefore you continue, create a file called `.env` in the root folder of the project (this will be ignored by git). This file is used to emulate the environment config of our production server, in development. Any `key=value` settings you put in there (one on each line) will be set as environment variables in `process.env`.\n\nThe only line you **need** to add to your `.env` file is a valid `CLOUDINARY_URL`. To get one of these, sign up for a free account at [Cloudinary](http://cloudinary.com) and paste the environment variable if gives you into your `.env` file. It should look something like this:\n\n\tCLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://12345:abcde@cloudname\n\n### Running SydJS\n\nOnce you've set up your configuration, run `node keystone` to start the server.\n\nBy default, [Keystone](http://keystonejs.com) will connect to a new local MongoDB database on your localhost called `sydjs`, and create a new Admin user that you can use to log in with using the email address `user@keystonejs.com` and the password `admin`.\n\nIf you want to run against a different server or database, add a line to your `.env` file to set the `MONGO_URI` environment variable, and restart the site.\n\nWhen it's all up and running, you should see the message `SydJS is ready on port 3000` and you'll be able to browse the site on [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000).\n\n### Facebook login\nAdd `FACEBOOK_API=X.x` in your .env file.\nFor Facebook API >= 2.4 you must specify the fields you want to get in user profile.\n\n### Here be ~~dragons~~ errors\n\n#### or, how you don't have any content yet\n\nThe first time you run the site, the homepage will warn you that it expects there to be at least one meetup, and your database won't have any. Don't freak out, just go to [/keystone](http://localhost:3000/keystone), sign in as the admin user, and create one.\n\nYou'll probably want to add some other content too (blog post, members, etc) to get all the pages looking right.\n\n... happy hacking!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "luciotato/waitfor", "link": "https://github.com/luciotato/waitfor", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "Sequential programming for node.js, end of callback hell / pyramid of doom", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "Wait.for\n=======\nSequential programming for node.js, end of callback hell.\n\nSimple, straightforward abstraction over [Fibers](https://github.com/laverdet/node-fibers).\n\nBy using **wait.for**, you can call any nodejs standard async function in sequential/Sync mode, waiting for result data, \nwithout blocking node's event loop (thanks to fibers)\n\nA nodejs standard async function is a function in which the last parameter is a callback: function(err,data)\n\nAdvantages:\n* Avoid callback hell / pyramid of doom\n* Simpler, sequential programming when required, without blocking node's event loop (thanks to fibers)\n* Simpler, try-catch exception programming. (default callback handler is: if (err) throw err; else return data)\n* You can also launch multiple parallel non-concurrent fibers.\n* No multi-threaded debugging nightmares, only one fiber running at a given time (thanks to fibers)\n* Can use any node-standard async function with callback(err,data) as last parameter.\n* Plays along with node programming style. Write your async functions with callback(err,data), but use them in sequential/SYNC mode when required.\n* Plays along with node cluster. You design for one thread/processor, then scale with cluster on multicores.\n\n##NEWS\n\n###Aug-2013 - Wait.for-ES6 based on ES6-generators\n\nI've developed ***a version based on JavaScript upcoming ES6-Harmony generators***. It's not based on node-fibers.\n***Surprisingly***, ES6 based implementation of *wait.for(asyncFn)* is almost a no-op, you can even completely omit it. *Warning: Bleeding edge*. Check [Wait.for-ES6] (https://github.com/luciotato/waitfor-ES6) \n\n---------------\n\n\nInstall: \n----\n```\nnpm install wait.for\n```\n\nProper Use:\n----\nYou need to be in a Fiber to be able to use wait.for. The ideal place to launch a fiber\nis when a request arrives, to handle it:\n\n```js\nvar server = http.createServer(\n function(req, res){\n console.log('req!');\n wait.launchFiber(handler,req,res); //handle in a fiber, keep node spinning\n }).listen(8000);\n```\n\nthen,at *function handler(req,res)* and every function you call from there, \nyou'll be able to use wait.for(ayncFn...\n\nMinimal running example\n----\n```js\nvar wait = require('wait.for');\n\nfunction anyStandardAsync(param, callback){\n setTimeout( function(){\n callback(null,'hi '+param);\n }, 5000);\n};\n\nfunction testFunction(){\n console.log('fiber start');\n var result = wait.for(anyStandardAsync,'test');\n console.log('function returned:', result);\n console.log('fiber end');\n};\n\nconsole.log('app start');\nwait.launchFiber(testFunction);\nconsole.log('after launch');\n```\n\nBasic Usage Example with Express.js\n----\n```js\nvar wait = require('wait.for');\nvar express = require('express');\nvar app = express();\n\n// in a Fiber\nfunction handleGet(req, res){\n res.send( wait.for(fs.readFile,'largeFile.html') );\n}\n\napp.get('/', function(req,res){\n wait.launchFiber(handleGet, req, res); //handle in a fiber, keep node spinning\n});\n\napp.listen(3000);\n```\n\nCradle/couchdb Usage Example\n----\nsee [cradle example](/examples/waitfor-cradle.js)\n \nGeneric Usage: \n------------\n```js\nvar wait=require('wait.for');\n\n// launch a new fiber\nwait.launchFiber(my_sequential_function, arg,arg,...)\n\n// in a fiber.. We can wait for async functions\nfunction my_sequential_function(arg,arg...){\n // call async_function(arg1), wait for result, return data\n var myObj = wait.for(async_function, arg1); \n // call myObj.querydata(arg1,arg2), wait for result, return data\n var myObjData = wait.forMethod(myObj,'queryData', arg1, arg2);\n console.log(myObjData.toString());\n}\n```\n\n-------------\n##Notes on non-standard callbacks. e.g.: connection.query from mysql, database.prepare on node-sqlite3\n\nwait.for expects standardized callbacks. \nA standardized callback always returns (err,data) in that order.\n\nA solution for the sql.query method and other non-standard callbacks \nis to create a wrapper function standardizing the callback, e.g.:\n```js\n connection.prototype.q = function(sql, params, stdCallback){ \n this.query(sql,params, function(err,rows,columns){ \n return stdCallback(err,{rows:rows,columns:columns}); \n });\n }\n```\nusage:\n```js\n try {\n var result = wait.forMethod(connection, \"q\", options.sql, options.params); \n console.log(result.rows);\n console.log(result.columns);\n} \ncatch(err) {\n console.log(err);\n}\n```\ne.g.: node-sqlite3's [database.prepare](https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/wiki/API)\n\n```js\nvar sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();\nvar db = new sqlite3.Database(':memory:');\n\ndb.prototype.prep = function(sql, stdCallback){ \n var stmt = this.prepare(sql, function(err){ \n return stdCallback(err, stmt); \n });\n }\n\nvar stmt = wait.forMethod (db, 'prep', \"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO foo (a,b,c) VALUES (?,?,?)\");\n```\n\n\nMore Examples:\n-\n\nDNS testing, *using pure node.js* (a little of callback hell):\n```js\nvar dns = require(\"dns\");\n \nfunction test(){ \n\tdns.resolve4(\"google.com\", function(err, addresses) {\n\t\tif (err) throw err;\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar a = addresses[i];\n\t\t\tdns.reverse(a, function (err, data) {\n\t\t\t\tif (err) throw err;\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"reverse for \" + a + \": \" + JSON.stringify(data));\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t};\n\t});\n}\n\ntest();\n```\n\n***THE SAME CODE***, using **wait.for** (sequential):\n```javascript\nvar dns = require(\"dns\"), wait=require('wait.for');\n\nfunction test(){\n\tvar addresses = wait.for(dns.resolve4,\"google.com\");\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {\n\t\tvar a = addresses[i];\n\t\tconsole.log(\"reverse for \" + a + \": \" + JSON.stringify(wait.for(dns.reverse,a)));\n\t}\n}\n\nwait.launchFiber(test); \n```\n\nDatabase example (pseudocode)\n--\n*using pure node.js* (a callback hell):\n```js\nvar db = require(\"some-db-abstraction\");\n\nfunction handleWithdrawal(req,res){ \n try {\n var amount=req.param(\"amount\");\n db.select(\"* from sessions where session_id=?\",req.param(\"session_id\"),function(err,sessiondata) {\n if (err) throw err;\n db.select(\"* from accounts where user_id=?\",sessiondata.user_ID),function(err,accountdata) {\n if (err) throw err;\n if (accountdata.balance < amount) throw new Error('insufficient funds');\n db.execute(\"withdrawal(?,?)\",accountdata.ID,req.param(\"amount\"), function(err,data) {\n if (err) throw err;\n res.write(\"withdrawal OK, amount: \"+ req.param(\"amount\"));\n db.select(\"balance from accounts where account_id=?\", accountdata.ID,function(err,balance) {\n if (err) throw err;\n res.end(\"your current balance is \" + balance.amount);\n });\n });\n });\n });\n }\n catch(err) {\n res.end(\"Withdrawal error: \" + err.message);\n }\n}\n```\nNote: The above code, although it looks like it will catch the exceptions, **it will not**. \nCatching exceptions with callback hell adds a lot of pain, and i'm not sure if you will have the 'res' parameter \nto respond to the user. If somebody like to fix this example... be my guest.\n\n\n***THE SAME CODE***, using **wait.for** (sequential logic - sequential programming):\n```js\nvar db = require(\"some-db-abstraction\"), wait=require('wait.for');\n\nfunction handleWithdrawal(req,res){ \n try {\n var amount=req.param(\"amount\");\n sessiondata = wait.forMethod(db,\"select\",\"* from session where session_id=?\",req.param(\"session_id\"));\n accountdata = wait.forMethod(db,\"select\",\"* from accounts where user_id=?\",sessiondata.user_ID);\n if (accountdata.balance < amount) throw new Error('insufficient funds');\n wait.forMethod(db,\"execute\",\"withdrawal(?,?)\",accountdata.ID,req.param(\"amount\"));\n res.write(\"withdrawal OK, amount: \"+ req.param(\"amount\"));\n balance = wait.forMethod(db,\"select\",\"balance from accounts where account_id=?\", accountdata.ID);\n res.end(\"your current balance is \" + balance.amount);\n }\n catch(err) {\n res.end(\"Withdrawal error: \" + err.message);\n }\n}\n```\n\nNote: Exceptions will be catched as expected.\ndb methods (db.select, db.execute) will be called with this=db\n\n\n-------------\n\n##How does wait.launchFiber works?\n\n`wait.launchFiber(genFn,param1,param2)` starts executing the `function genFn` *as a fiber-generator* until a \"yield\" (wait.for) is found, then `wait.launchFiber` execute the \"yielded\" value (a call to an async function), and links generator's \"next\" with the async callback(err,data), so when the async finishes and the callback is called, the fiber/generator \"continues\" after the `var x =wait.for(...)`.\n\n\nParallel Extensions\n----------\n\n-------------\n###wait.parallel.launch(functions:Array)\n \nNote: must be in a Fiber\n\n####input: \n* functions: Array = [[func,arg,arg],[func,arg,arg],...]\n\nwait.parallel.launch expects an array of [[func,arg,arg..],[func,arg,arg..],...] and then launches a fiber for each function call, in parallel, and waits for all the fibers to complete.\n\nThe functions to be called ***should not be async functions***. \n\nEach called sync function will be executed in it's own fiber, and this sync function should/can use `data=wait.for(..)` internally in order to call async functions.\n\n####actions:\n-launchs a fiber for each func\n-the fiber does `resultArray[index] = func.apply(undefined,args)`\n\n####returns:\n- array with a result for each function\n- do not \"returns\" until all fibers complete\n- throws if error\n\n\n-------------\n###wait.parallel.map(arr:Array, mappedFn:function)\n \nNote: must be in a Fiber\n\n####input: \n- arr: Array\n- mappedFn = function(item,index,arr) \n-- mappedFn should return converted item. Since we're in a fiber\n-- mappedFn can use wait.for and also throw/try/catch\n \n####returns:\n- array with converted items\n- do not \"returns\" until all fibers complete\n- throws if error\n\n-------------\n###wait.parallel.filter(arr:Array, itemTestFn:function)\n\nNote: must be in a Fiber\n\n####input: \n- arr: Array\n- itemTestFn = function(item,index,arr) \n-- itemTestFn should return true|false. Since we're in a fiber\n-- itemTestFn can use wait.for and also throw/try/catch\n\n####returns \n- array with items where itemTestFn() returned true\n- do not \"returns\" until all fibers complete\n- throws if error\n\n\n-------------\nParallel Usage Example: \nsee: \n- [parallel-tests](/parallel-tests.js)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Why not use harmony generators?Generators are provided by V8, don't require an external fibers extension (i.e. hack), and will be available in the next node stable via `node --harmony-generators`.Here's an example for those interested: https://github.com/visionmedia/co> What if... Fibers and WaitFor were part of node core?> then you can deprecate almost half the functions at: http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html (clue: the Sync versions)Not quite. I use the Sync versions not to avoid callbacks, but to ensure that nothing else happens while I'm doing the operation. For example, take a look at the Database.reload function from this project (a NoSQL database written in Node): https://github.com/phusion/zangetsu/blob/master/lib/zangetsu....\\nReloading the database contents involves traversing multiple directories and reading multiple files. While reloading the database contents, I do not want the database to be modified. With asynchrony, the amount of different states that I have to be aware of rises so quickly that it's much, MUCH easier to use sync calls and tell the user \"reloading is not concurrent, deal with it; at least it's correct\". Wait.for does not solve this problem.It seems people believe that you can't run into concurrency problems or race conditions because Node is single threaded. This is false. I even had to write my own locks (https://github.com/phusion/zangetsu/blob/master/lib/zangetsu...) because Node doesn't provide one.Cool idea. You should mention upfront that you're using Fibers under the hood, since it has important performance implications. Also, your Wait.for function only takes functions right now; but if you check for a .then function you can accept promises too.Is this different from async.series? If so, in what way?Please also take a look at ToffeeScript which is a brilliant and amazingly relatively unknown solution. https://github.com/jiangmiao/toffee-scriptWouldn't it be easier to just not use Node.js then ? :pIf all you want to do is make existing async methods synchronous, it's easier to modify the function prototoype like this: https://github.com/olegp/mongo-sync/blob/master/lib/mongo-sy... or just use Futures that come with fibers.However, in practice you want a higher level of abstraction, since multiple async calls typically end up mapping to one sync call. This applies to streams in particular where you need to wait until they become readable.I've written Common Node (https://github.com/olegp/common-node) to do just this and made it CommonJS and RingoJS compatible, which means the code written for Common Node runs on both V8 and the JVM. We've been using it in production at https://starthq.com for a while with great success. Due to some optimizations we put in place, Common Node actually performs faster than Node in some benchmarks.Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a big part of async programming that it forces you to think about error handling.\nWorking as a Java developer I have seen very lousy error handling mostly because try/catch lets you wrap everything and kill errors easily.\nMost of the node code I have seen handles errors much better thanks to it's async nature.https://github.com/scriby/asyncblockI'll just leave this here. It's been my pet project for the last couple years, and is a fully featured version of this concept.There's also https://github.com/0ctave/node-sync, which is the same concept.I don't get it, console.log(wait.for(fs.readfile,'/etc/passwd'));\n\nwon't that execute console.log immediately, whereas fs.readfile will return the data later? \"I don't think it means what you think it means\" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2y8Sx4B2Sk", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "bevry/watchr", "link": "https://github.com/bevry/watchr", "tags": ["javascript", "file-watchers", "nodejs", "executable"], "stars": 536, "description": "Better file system watching for Node.js. Provides a normalised API the file watching APIs of different node versions, nested/recursive file and directory watching, and accurate detailed events for file/directory changes, deletions and creations.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\n\n


\n\"GitHub\n\"Patreon\n\"Flattr\n\"Liberapay\n\"Buy\n\"Open\n\"crypto\n\"PayPal\n\"Wishlist\n\n\n\n\nWatchr provides a normalised API the file watching APIs of different node versions, nested/recursive file and directory watching, and accurate detailed events for file/directory creations, updates, and deletions.\n\n## Usage\n\n[Complete API Documentation.](http://master.watchr.bevry.surge.sh/docs/)\n\nThere are two concepts in watchr, they are:\n\n- Watcher - this wraps the native file system watching, makes it reliable, and supports deep watching\n- Stalker - this wraps the watcher, such that for any given path, there can be many stalkers, but only one watcher\n\nThe simplest usage is:\n\n```javascript\n// Import the watching library\nvar watchr = require('watchr')\n\n// Define our watching parameters\nvar path = process.cwd()\nfunction listener(changeType, fullPath, currentStat, previousStat) {\n switch (changeType) {\n case 'update':\n console.log(\n 'the file',\n fullPath,\n 'was updated',\n currentStat,\n previousStat\n )\n break\n case 'create':\n console.log('the file', fullPath, 'was created', currentStat)\n break\n case 'delete':\n console.log('the file', fullPath, 'was deleted', previousStat)\n break\n }\n}\nfunction next(err) {\n if (err) return console.log('watch failed on', path, 'with error', err)\n console.log('watch successful on', path)\n}\n\n// Watch the path with the change listener and completion callback\nvar stalker = watchr.open(path, listener, next)\n\n// Close the stalker of the watcher\nstalker.close()\n```\n\nMore advanced usage is:\n\n```javascript\n// Create the stalker for the path\nvar stalker = watchr.create(path)\n\n// Listen to the events for the stalker/watcher\nstalker.on('change', listener)\nstalker.on('log', console.log)\nstalker.once('close', function (reason) {\n console.log('closed', path, 'because', reason)\n stalker.removeAllListeners() // as it is closed, no need for our change or log listeners any more\n})\n\n// Set the default configuration for the stalker/watcher\nstalker.setConfig({\n stat: null,\n interval: 5007,\n persistent: true,\n catchupDelay: 2000,\n preferredMethods: ['watch', 'watchFile'],\n followLinks: true,\n ignorePaths: false,\n ignoreHiddenFiles: false,\n ignoreCommonPatterns: true,\n ignoreCustomPatterns: null,\n})\n\n// Start watching\nstalker.watch(next)\n\n// Stop watching\nstalker.close()\n```\n\n\n\n




  • Install: npm install --save watchr
  • \n
  • Import: import * as pkg from ('watchr')
  • \n
  • Require: const pkg = require('watchr')
  • \n



This package is published with the following editions:

  • watchr aliases watchr/source/index.js
  • \n
  • watchr/source/index.js is ESNext source code for Node.js 10 || 12 || 14 || 16 with Require for modules


\n\nThis project provides its type information via inline JSDoc Comments. To make use of this in TypeScript, set your maxNodeModuleJsDepth compiler option to `5` or thereabouts. You can accomlish this via your `tsconfig.json` file like so:\n\n``` json\n{\n \"compilerOptions\": {\n \"maxNodeModuleJsDepth\": 5\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


\n\nDiscover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md file.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


\n\nDiscover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n




\n\nThese amazing people are maintaining this project:\n\n\n\n


\n\nNo sponsors yet! Will you be the first?\n\n\"GitHub\n\"Patreon\n\"Flattr\n\"Liberapay\n\"Buy\n\"Open\n\"crypto\n\"PayPal\n\"Wishlist\n\n


\n\nThese amazing people have contributed code to this project:\n\n\n\nDiscover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


\n\nUnless stated otherwise all works are:\n\n\n\nand licensed under:\n\n\n\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "sindresorhus/crypto-random-string", "link": "https://github.com/sindresorhus/crypto-random-string", "tags": ["random", "crypto", "random-string", "random-string-generators", "javascript", "npm-package"], "stars": 536, "description": "Generate a cryptographically strong random string", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# crypto-random-string\n\n> Generate a [cryptographically strong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_cryptography) random string\n\nCan be useful for creating an identifier, slug, salt, PIN code, fixture, etc.\n\nWorks in Node.js and browsers.\n\n## Install\n\n```sh\nnpm install crypto-random-string\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n```js\nimport cryptoRandomString from 'crypto-random-string';\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10});\n//=> '2cf05d94db'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10, type: 'base64'});\n//=> 'YMiMbaQl6I'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10, type: 'url-safe'});\n//=> 'YN-tqc8pOw'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10, type: 'numeric'});\n//=> '8314659141'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 6, type: 'distinguishable'});\n//=> 'CDEHKM'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10, type: 'ascii-printable'});\n//=> '`#Rt8$IK>B'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10, type: 'alphanumeric'});\n//=> 'DMuKL8YtE7'\n\ncryptoRandomString({length: 10, characters: 'abc'});\n//=> 'abaaccabac'\n```\n\n## API\n\n### cryptoRandomString(options)\n\nReturns a randomized string. [Hex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal) by default.\n\n### cryptoRandomStringAsync(options)\n\nReturns a promise which resolves to a randomized string. [Hex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal) by default.\n\nFor most use-cases, there's really no good reason to use this async version. From the Node.js docs:\n\n> The `crypto.randomBytes()` method will not complete until there is sufficient entropy available. This should normally never take longer than a few milliseconds. The only time when generating the random bytes may conceivably block for a longer period of time is right after boot, when the whole system is still low on entropy.\n\nIn general, anything async comes with some overhead on it's own.\n\n```js\nimport {cryptoRandomStringAsync} from 'crypto-random-string';\n\nawait cryptoRandomStringAsync({length: 10});\n//=> '2cf05d94db'\n```\n\n#### options\n\nType: `object`\n\n##### length\n\n*Required*\\\nType: `number`\n\nLength of the returned string.\n\n##### type\n\nType: `string`\\\nDefault: `'hex'`\\\nValues: `'hex' | 'base64' | 'url-safe' | 'numeric' | 'distinguishable' | 'ascii-printable' | 'alphanumeric'`\n\nUse only characters from a predefined set of allowed characters.\n\nCannot be set at the same time as the `characters` option.\n\nThe `distinguishable` set contains only uppercase characters that are not easily confused: `CDEHKMPRTUWXY012458`. It can be useful if you need to print out a short string that you'd like users to read and type back in with minimal errors. For example, reading a code off of a screen that needs to be typed into a phone to connect two devices.\n\nThe `ascii-printable` set contains all [printable ASCII characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#ASCII_printable_characters): ``!\"#$%&\\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`` Useful for generating passwords where all possible ASCII characters should be used.\n\nThe `alphanumeric` set contains uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits: `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789`. Useful for generating [nonce](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLOrForeignElement/nonce) values.\n\n##### characters\n\nType: `string`\\\nMinimum length: `1`\\\nMaximum length: `65536`\n\nUse only characters from a custom set of allowed characters.\n\nCannot be set at the same time as the `type` option.\n\n## Related\n\n- [random-int](https://github.com/sindresorhus/random-int) - Generate a random integer\n- [random-float](https://github.com/sindresorhus/random-float) - Generate a random float\n- [random-item](https://github.com/sindresorhus/random-item) - Get a random item from an array\n- [random-boolean](https://github.com/arthurvr/random-boolean) - Get a random boolean\n- [random-obj-key](https://github.com/sindresorhus/random-obj-key) - Get a random key from an object\n- [random-obj-prop](https://github.com/sindresorhus/random-obj-prop) - Get a random property from an object\n- [unique-random](https://github.com/sindresorhus/unique-random) - Generate random numbers that are consecutively unique\n\n---\n\n
\n\t\n\t\tGet professional support for this package with a Tidelift subscription\n\t\n\t
\n\t\n\t\tTidelift helps make open source sustainable for maintainers while giving companies
assurances about security, maintenance, and licensing for their dependencies.\n\t
\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "lucaorio/sketch-styles-generator", "link": "https://github.com/lucaorio/sketch-styles-generator", "tags": ["sketch", "sketch-plugin", "sketch-app", "sketch-plugins"], "stars": 536, "description": "Generate hundreds of Sketch Shared Styles in a matter of seconds.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Sketch Styles Generator\n\n![Sketch Styles Generator](images/img-header.jpg)\n\n> Programmatically generate hundreds Shared Styles, all at once\n\n**Sketch Styles Generator** is a plugin made for [Sketch](http://sketchapp.com).\n\nYou can select any amount of layers (text, shapes, or both) and generate Shared Styles for all of them, at once. The Shared Styles are named like the layers. Take a look at the [usage](#usage) section to know more about how to use it.\n\nFollow me on Twitter [@lucaorio\\_](https://twitter.com/lucaorio_) for updates, help and other stuff! \ud83c\udf89\n\n_Looking for other plugins? Give these a try!_ \ud83d\ude0e\n\n[\"Sketch](https://github.com/lucaorio/sketch-resize)\n[\"Sketch](https://github.com/lucaorio/sketch-reverse)\n\n## Contents\n\n- [Why this plugin?](#why-this-plugin)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n- [Usage](#usage)\n- [FAQ](#faq)\n- [Integrations](#integrations)\n- [License](#license)\n- [Contacts](#contacts)\n\n## Why this plugin?\n\n- Sketch doesn't allow to generate **multiple shared styles** at once\n- Sketch appends a `Style` suffix to the name of **every style** you try to create\n\n## Installation\n\n#### Manual\n\n- [Download](https://github.com/lucaorio/sketch-styles-generator/releases/latest) the latest release of the plugin [`sketch-styles-generator.zip`](https://github.com/lucaorio/sketch-styles-generator/releases/latest)\n- Uncompress the downloaded file\n- Double-click `Sketch Styles Generator.sketchplugin` to install\n\n#### Via Sketch Runner\n\n- Trigger [Sketch Runner](http://bit.ly/SketchRunnerWebsite) (`cmd+'`)\n- Move to the _Install_ tab\n- Search for _Styles Generator_, and install\n\n## Usage\n\n- **Rename** the layers you want to generate your shared styles from (you can speed up this process with [RenameIt](https://github.com/rodi01/RenameIt), or [Find-And-Replace](https://github.com/mscodemonkey/Sketch-Find-And-Replace))\n- **Select** the layers (it doesn't matter if the selection includes both shapes, and text fields)\n- **Run** the plugin by clicking `Plugins->Styles Generator->Generate Shared Styles`, or by using the `ctrl+cmd+s` shortcut\n- A log will recap what has been generated/updated\n\n![Styles Generator Usage](images/img-usage.gif)\n\n## FAQ\n\n#### What happens if my selection includes symbols, or artboards?\n\n_Sketch Styles Generator_ will ignore them.\n\n#### How to generate shared styles for grouped layers?\n\n_Sketch Styles Generator_ doesn't recursively search for layers nested in one, or multiple groups. You can check the Sketch's native _Select Group's Content on Click_ feature and refine your selection.\n\n#### Can I use other groups/artboards/pages to generate the names?\n\nNo. This is an intentional choice to keep the scope of the plugin as narrow as possible, simplify its maintenance, and avoid duplication of features already available in other plugins.\n\n#### How does this plugin manage updates, and already existing styles?\n\nBelow is a quick overview of how the plugin works behind the scenes. Please note that this is a generator, _not_ a manager. \ud83d\ude1c\n\n`The layer has no shared style applied, and no existing shared style matches its name`: **Create a new shared style**\n\n`The layer has no shared style applied, but there's a shared style that shares its name`: **Apply the shared style to the layer**\n\n`The layer has a shared style applied, and its synced, but there's a mismatch between the names`: **The shared style is renamed to match the layer**\n\n`The layer was changed, and is now out-of-sync with the shared style applied to it`: **The shared style, and all its instances are synced**\n\n`The layer was changed in both its appereance, and name, but still connected to a shared style`: **The shared style, and all its instances are synced and renamed**\n\n## Integrations\n\n_Sketch Styles Generator_ is now fully integrated with [Sketch Runner](http://bit.ly/SketchRunnerWebsite), the ultimate tool to speed up your Sketch workflow. You can trigger the plugin by simply typing its name.\n\n![Sketch Runner Integration](images/img-sketch-runner.jpg)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n## License\n\n![https://github.com/lucaorio/sketch-styles-generator/blob/master/license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)\n\n---\n\n## Contacts\n\n- \ud83d\udc26 Twitter [@lucaorio\\_](http://twitter.com/@lucaorio_)\n- \ud83d\udd78 Website [lucaorio.com](http://lucaorio.com)\n- \ud83d\udcec Email [luca.o@me.com](mailto:luca.o@me.com)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "fsahin/artist-explorer", "link": "https://github.com/fsahin/artist-explorer", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "Artist Explorer is a music discovery tool to to explore artists and music by browsing artists through a relationship tree", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "Artist Explorer\n===============\n\nSee Artist Explorer at [https://artist-explorer.glitch.me/](https://artist-explorer.glitch.me/)\n\nArtists Explorer is a tool that helps serious music enthusiasts explore artist relationships and discover new music. Start from any artist and quickly navigate through trees of related artists, previewing their music as you go.\n\nThe app pulls related artist information from Spotify Web APIs. Have a look at the documentation at:\n\n* [https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/)\n\nRunning Locally\n===============\n**Not necessary but strongly suggested:** Create a [virtualenv] (http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/) or use an existing one before installing dependencies of this project.\n\n\nEcho Nest API calls are proxied through a flask server. You need to start the server first.\n\n```\ncd server\npip install -r requirements.txt\npython server.py\n```\n\nAnd you also need to serve the files at the root of the project. You can use SimpleHTTPServer module in python. To do that, change directyory to the project base and enter the following command:\n```\npython -m SimpleHTTPServer\n```\n\nApp\n===\n\n\nLibraries Used:\n--------------\n* [d3](http://d3js.org/)\n* [Spotify Web API Wrapper](https://github.com/JMPerez/spotify-web-api-js)\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "guyijie1211/JustLive-Web", "link": "https://github.com/guyijie1211/JustLive-Web", "tags": ["live", "livestream", "streaming", "vue"], "stars": 537, "description": ":tv:\u4e00\u4e2a\u6574\u5408\u56fd\u5185\u591a\u4e2a\u76f4\u64ad\u5e73\u53f0\u5185\u5bb9\u7684\u7f51\u7ad9", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "![image-20210524192657052](pic/image-20210524192657052.png)\n\n# JustLive-Web\n\n:tv:\u4e00\u4e2a\u6574\u5408\u56fd\u5185\u591a\u4e2a\u76f4\u64ad\u5e73\u53f0\u5185\u5bb9\u7684\u7f51\u7ad9\uff0c\u57fa\u4e8evue.js\u5f00\u53d1\u3002\n\n\u6b64\u9879\u76ee\u4e3aJustLive Web\u7aef\ud83d\udcbb\n\n \ud83d\udcf1 Android\u7248 [JustLive-Android](https://github.com/guyijie1211/JustLive-Android)\n\n\u540e\u7aef\u9879\u76ee\u5730\u5740 [JustLive-Api](https://github.com/guyijie1211/JustLive-Api)\n\nQQ\u4ea4\u6d41\u7fa4\uff1a645962588\n\n\u7f51\u7ad9\u9875\u9762 👉 [live.yj1211.work](http://live.yj1211.work) 👈\n\n#### \u529f\u80fd\n\n\u2714\t\u591a\u5e73\u53f0\u76f4\u64ad\u4fe1\u606f\u83b7\u53d6\n\n\u2714\t\u5173\u6ce8\u76f4\u64ad\u95f4\n\n\u2714\t\u5f39\u5e55\u83b7\u53d6\n\n\u2714\t\u76f4\u64ad\u95f4\u641c\u7d22\n\n\n\n## \u76f4\u64ad\u652f\u6301\n\n\u864e\u7259\u3001\u6597\u9c7c\u3001BILIBILI\u76f4\u64ad\u3001\u7f51\u6613cc\uff08cc\u6682\u65e0\u6e05\u6670\u5ea6\u5207\u6362\uff09\n\n\u76f4\u64ad\u6e90\u83b7\u53d6\u53c2\u8003\t[wbt5/real-url](https://github.com/wbt5/real-url)\n\n\u64ad\u653e\u5668\u4f7f\u7528\t[zhw2590582/ArtPlayer](https://github.com/zhw2590582/ArtPlayer)\n\n## \u5f39\u5e55\u652f\u6301(\u6682\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u5f39\u5e55\u53d1\u9001)\n\n\u6597\u9c7c\u3001BILIBILI\u76f4\u64ad\u3001\u864e\u7259\n\n\u6597\u9c7c\u5f39\u5e55\u534f\u8bae\u53c2\u8003\t[\u6597\u9c7c\u5f00\u653e\u5e73\u53f0](https://open.douyu.com/source/api/63)\n\nBILIBILI\u76f4\u64ad\u5f39\u5e55\u534f\u8bae\u53c2\u8003\t[lovelyyoshino/Bilibili-Live-API](https://github.com/lovelyyoshino/Bilibili-Live-API)\n\n## \u66f4\u65b0\u8bb0\u5f55\n**2022/08/11** \u56e0\u4f01\u9e45\u7535\u7ade\u5173\u7ad9\uff0c\u5148\u5df2\u53d6\u6d88\u652f\u6301\u8be5\u76f4\u64ad\u6e90\n\n**2021/07/28** \u66f4\u6362\u5f39\u5e55\u63d2\u4ef6, \u4f18\u5316\u5f39\u5e55\u4f53\u9a8c\n\n**2021/07/27** \u589e\u52a0\u4f01\u9e45\u7535\u7ade\u76f4\u64ad\u6e90\n\n**2021/07/09** \u6d4b\u8bd5\u529f\u80fd\uff1a\u7535\u89c6\u8282\u76ee\u76f4\u64ad\n\n**2021/07/07** \u589e\u52a0\u76f4\u64ad\u9875\u9762\u5f39\u5e55\u5217\u8868\u3001\u623f\u95f4\u5217\u8868\u548c\u5206\u533a\u5217\u8868\u7684\u52a8\u753b\u6548\u679c\n\n**2021/06/29** \u4fee\u590d\u6597\u9c7c\u623f\u95f4\u4eba\u6570\u8fbe\u5230\u201c\u4ebf\u201d\u540e\u5bfc\u81f4\u65e0\u6cd5\u83b7\u53d6\u623f\u95f4\u4fe1\u606f\u7684\u95ee\u9898\n\n**2021/06/28** \u589e\u52a0\u5f39\u5e55\u5c4f\u853d\u529f\u80fd\uff08\u652f\u6301\u7528\u6237\u7b49\u7ea7\u548c\u5f39\u5e55\u5185\u5bb9\u5c4f\u853d\uff09\n\n**2021/06/27** \u4fee\u590d\u864e\u7259\u63a5\u53e3\u66f4\u65b0\u5bfc\u81f4\u7684\u95ee\u9898\n\n**2021/06/08** \u7f51\u7ad9\u5347\u7ea7Https\u534f\u8bae\n\n**2021/06/04** \u589e\u52a0\u864e\u7259\u5f39\u5e55\u83b7\u53d6\u652f\u6301\n\n\n## \u9875\u9762\n\n![image-20210524193646108](pic/image-20210524193646108.png)\n\n![image-20210524194748667](pic/image-20210524194748667.png)\n\n![image-20210524193933924](pic/image-20210524193933924.png)\n\n![image-20210524194048907](pic/image-20210524194048907.png)\n\n![image-20210524194340048](pic/image-20210524194340048.png)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp", "link": "https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "Escape RegExp special characters", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# escape-string-regexp\n\n> Escape RegExp special characters\n\n## Install\n\n```\n$ npm install escape-string-regexp\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n```js\nimport escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp';\n\nconst escapedString = escapeStringRegexp('How much $ for a \ud83e\udd84?');\n//=> 'How much \\\\$ for a \ud83e\udd84\\\\?'\n\nnew RegExp(escapedString);\n```\n\nYou can also use this to escape a string that is inserted into the middle of a regex, for example, into a character class.\n\n---\n\n
\n\t\n\t\tGet professional support for this package with a Tidelift subscription\n\t\n\t
\n\t\n\t\tTidelift helps make open source sustainable for maintainers while giving companies
assurances about security, maintenance, and licensing for their dependencies.\n\t
\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "prscX/react-native-spruce", "link": "https://github.com/prscX/react-native-spruce", "tags": ["react-native", "android", "ios"], "stars": 536, "description": "React Native Bridge for Native Spruce Animation Library", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "


\n \n


\n \n \"PRs\n \n

\n\n\n ReactNative Spruce - (Android & iOS): Deprecated\n\nDue to time constraint, this library is deprecated and not maintained anymore, You can still use this library.\n\nIf this project has helped you out, please support us with a star \ud83c\udf1f\n

\n\nSpruce is a lightweight animation library that helps choreograph the animations on the screen. With so many different animation libraries out there, developers need to make sure that each view is animating at the appropriate time. Spruce can help designers request complex multi-view animations and not have the developers cringe at the prototype.\n\nIt provides a React Native Bridge around native spruce library. Here is a quick example of how you can Spruce up your screens!\n\n> **Note**: Currently on iOS it is not supported due to unavailable of Spruce Objective-C wrappers, please refer issue: [101](https://github.com/willowtreeapps/spruce-ios/issues/101)\n\n

\n \n

\n\n## \ud83d\udcd6 Getting started\n\n`$ npm install react-native-spruce --save`\n\n`$ react-native link react-native-spruce`\n\n- **Android**\n\n - Please copy below snippet in your app `build.gradle` file:\n\n```\nbuildscript {\n repositories {\n jcenter()\n google()\n ...\n }\n}\n\nallprojects {\n repositories {\n mavenLocal()\n jcenter()\n google()\n ...\n }\n}\n```\n\n> **Note**: Android SDK 27 > is supported\n\n## \ud83d\udcbb Usage\n\n```javascript\nimport {\n Spruce,\n CorneredSort,\n DefaultAnimations\n} from \"react-native-spruce\";\n\n\n// TODO: What to do with the module?\n\nrender () {\n let sortWith = new CorneredSort(100);\n let animateWith = DefaultAnimations.shrinkAnimator(1000)\n\n \n \n \n}\n\n```\n\n## Using a SortFunction\nLuckily, RNSpruce comes with 8 `SortFunction` implementations with a wide open possibility to make more! Use the `SortFunction` to change the order in which views animate. Consider the following example:\n\n```javascript\nlet sort = new LinearSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, /*reversed=*/false, LinearSort.Direction.TOP_TO_BOTTOM);\n```\n\nTo make sure that developers can use RNSpruce out of the box, we included about 8 stock `SortFunction` implementations. These are some of the main functions we use at WillowTree and are so excited to see what others come up with!\n\n- `DefaultSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new DefaultSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L);\n```\n\n- `LinearSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new LinearSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, /*reversed=*/false, LinearSort.Direction.TOP_TO_BOTTOM);\n```\n\n- `CorneredSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new CorneredSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, /*reversed=*/false, CorneredSort.Corner.TOP_LEFT);\n```\n\n- `RadialSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new RadialSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, /*reversed=*/false, RadialSort.Position.TOP_LEFT);\n```\n\n- `RandomSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new RandomSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L);\n```\n\n- `InlineSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new InlineSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, /*reversed=*/false, LinearSort.Direction.TOP_TO_BOTTOM);\n```\n\n- `ContinousSort`\n```javascript\nlet sort = new ContinousSort(/*interObjectDelay=*/100L, /*reversed=*/false, ContinousSort.Position.TOP_LEFT);\n```\n\n## Stock Animators\n\nTo make everybody's lives easier, the stock animators perform basic View animations that a lot of apps use today. Mix and match these animators to get the core motion you are looking for.\n\n- `DefaultAnimations.growAnimator(duration:number)`\n- `DefaultAnimations.shrinkAnimator(duration:number)`\n- `DefaultAnimations.fadeAwayAnimator(duration:number)`\n- `DefaultAnimations.fadeInAnimator(duration:number)`\n- `DefaultAnimations.spinAnimator(duration:number)`\n\n\nExperiment which ones work for you! If you think of anymore feel free to add them to the library yourself!\n\n\n## \u2728 Credits\n\n- [willowtreeapps/spruce-android](https://github.com/willowtreeapps/spruce-android)\n- [willowtreeapps/spruce-ios](https://github.com/willowtreeapps/spruce-ios)\n\n## \ud83e\udd14 How to contribute\nHave an idea? Found a bug? Please raise to [ISSUES](https://github.com/prscX/react-native-spruce/issues).\nContributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.\n\n## \ud83d\udcab Where is this library used?\nIf you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list below. \u2728\n\n\n## \ud83d\udcdc License\nThis library is provided under the Apache 2 License.\n\nRNSpruce @ [prscX](https://github.com/prscX)\n\n## \ud83d\udc96 Support my projects\nI open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).\n\nHowever, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:\n* Starring and sharing the projects you like \ud83d\ude80\n* If you're feeling especially charitable, please follow [prscX](https://github.com/prscX) on GitHub.\n\n \"Buy\n\n Thanks! \u2764\ufe0f\n
\n [prscX.github.io](https://prscx.github.io)\n
\n \n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "damianociarla/node-ffmpeg", "link": "https://github.com/damianociarla/node-ffmpeg", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "ffmpeg module for nodejs", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "node-ffmpeg\n===========\n\n[FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org/) module for [Node](http://nodejs.org/). This library provides a set of functions and utilities to abstract commands-line usage of ffmpeg. To use this library requires that ffmpeg is already installed (including all necessary encoding libraries like libmp3lame or libx264)\n\nYou can install this module using [npm](http://github.com/isaacs/npm):\n\n\tnpm install ffmpeg\n\n## Usage\n\nTo start using this library, you must include it in your project and then you can either use the callback function or through the [promise](https://github.com/cujojs/when) library:\n\n\tvar ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg');\n\t\nUse the callback function\n```js\n\ttry {\n\t\tnew ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi', function (err, video) {\n\t\t\tif (!err) {\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log('The video is ready to be processed');\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\t\nUse the approach with the library promise\n```js\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar process = new ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi');\n\t\tprocess.then(function (video) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('The video is ready to be processed');\n\t\t}, function (err) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\t\n## The video object\n\nEach time you create a new instance, this library provides a new object to retrieve the information of the video, the ffmpeg configuration and all methods to make the necessary conversions:\n```js\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar process = new ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi');\n\t\tprocess.then(function (video) {\n\t\t\t// Video metadata\n\t\t\tconsole.log(video.metadata);\n\t\t\t// FFmpeg configuration\n\t\t\tconsole.log(video.info_configuration);\n\t\t}, function (err) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\t\n## Preset functions\n\nThe video object contains a set of functions that allow you to perform specific operations independent of the settings for the conversion. In all the functions you can use the approach with the callback function or with the promise object\n\n### *video.fnExtractSoundToMP3 (destionationFileName, callback)*\n\nThis function extracts the audio stream of a video into an mp3 file\n\nParams:\n\n*\t__destionationFileName__: Full path of the new file:\n\t> /path/to/your_audio_file.mp3\n\n*\t__callback__: *(optional)* If specified at the end of the process it will return the path of the new audio file:\n\t> function (error, file)\n\nExample:\n```js\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar process = new ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi');\n\t\tprocess.then(function (video) {\n\t\t\t// Callback mode\n\t\t\tvideo.fnExtractSoundToMP3('/path/to/your_audio_file.mp3', function (error, file) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!error)\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log('Audio file: ' + file);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}, function (err) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\n### *video.fnExtractFrameToJPG(destinationFolder, settings, callback)*\n\nThis function takes care of extracting one or more frames from the video that is being developed. At the end of the operation will return an array containing the list of extracted images\n\nParams:\n\n*\t__destinationFolder__: Destination folder for the frames generated:\n\t> /path/to/save_your_frames\n\n*\t__settings__: *(optional)* Settings to change the default settings:\n```js\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tstart_time\t\t\t\t: null\t\t// Start time to recording\n\t\t , duration_time\t\t\t: null\t\t// Duration of recording\n\t\t , frame_rate\t\t\t\t: null\t\t// Number of the frames to capture in one second\n\t\t , size\t\t\t\t\t: null\t\t// Dimension each frame\n\t\t , number\t\t\t\t\t: null\t\t// Total frame to capture\n\t\t , every_n_frames\t\t\t: null\t\t// Frame to capture every N frames\n\t\t , every_n_seconds\t\t\t: null\t\t// Frame to capture every N seconds\n\t\t , every_n_percentage\t\t: null\t\t// Frame to capture every N percentage range\n\t\t , keep_pixel_aspect_ratio\t: true\t\t// Mantain the original pixel video aspect ratio\n\t\t , keep_aspect_ratio\t\t: true\t\t// Mantain the original aspect ratio\n\t\t , padding_color\t\t\t: 'black'\t// Padding color\n\t\t , file_name\t\t\t\t: null\t\t// File name\n\t\t}\n```\n*\t__callback__: *(optional)* If specified at the end of the process will be returned list of paths of frames created:\n\t> function (error, files)\n\nExample:\n```js\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar process = new ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi');\n\t\tprocess.then(function (video) {\n\t\t\t// Callback mode\n\t\t\tvideo.fnExtractFrameToJPG('/path/to/save_your_frames', {\n\t\t\t\tframe_rate : 1,\n\t\t\t\tnumber : 5,\n\t\t\t\tfile_name : 'my_frame_%t_%s'\n\t\t\t}, function (error, files) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!error)\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log('Frames: ' + files);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}, function (err) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\n### *video.fnAddWatermark(watermarkPath, newFilepath, settings, callback)* \n\nThis function takes care of adding a watermark to the video that is being developed. You can specify the exact position in which position the image\n\nParams:\n\n*\t__watermarkPath__: The full path where the image is stored to add as watermark:\n\t> /path/to/retrieve/watermark_file.png\n\n*\t__newFilepath__: *(optional)* Name of the new video. If not specified will be created by the function:\n\t> /path/to/save/your_file_video.mp4\n\n*\t__settings__: *(optional)* Settings to change the default settings:\n```js\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tposition\t\t: \"SW\"\t\t// Position: NE NC NW SE SC SW C CE CW\n\t\t , margin_nord\t\t: null\t\t// Margin nord\n\t\t , margin_sud\t\t: null\t\t// Margin sud\n\t\t , margin_east\t\t: null\t\t// Margin east\n\t\t , margin_west\t\t: null\t\t// Margin west\n\t\t};\n```\n*\t__callback__: *(optional)* If specified at the end of the process it will return the path of the new video containing the watermark:\n\t> function (error, files)\n\nExample:\n```js\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar process = new ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi');\n\t\tprocess.then(function (video) {\n\t\t\t// Callback mode\n\t\t\tvideo.fnAddWatermark('/path/to/retrieve/watermark_file.png', '/path/to/save/your_file_video.mp4', {\n\t\t\t\tposition : 'SE'\n\t\t\t}, function (error, file) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!error)\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log('New video file: ' + file);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}, function (err) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\n## Custom settings\n\nIn addition to the possibility of using the preset, this library provides a variety of settings with which you can modify to your liking settings for converting video\n\n*\t__video.setDisableAudio()__: Disables audio encoding\n\n*\t__video.setDisableVideo()__: Disables video encoding\n\n*\t__video.setVideoFormat(format)__: Sets the new video format. Example:\n\t\t\n\t\tvideo.setVideoFormat('avi')\n\n*\t__video.setVideoCodec(codec)__: Sets the new audio codec. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setVideoCodec('mpeg4')\n\n*\t__video.setVideoBitRate(bitrate)__: Sets the video bitrate in kb. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setVideoBitRate(1024)\n\n*\t__video.setVideoFrameRate(framerate)__: Sets the framerate of the video. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setVideoFrameRate(25)\n\n*\t__video.setVideoStartTime(time)__: Sets the start time. You can specify the value in seconds or in date time format. Example:\n```js\t\n\t\t// Seconds\n\t\tvideo.setVideoStartTime(13)\n\n\t\t// Date time format\n\t\tvideo.setVideoStartTime('00:00:13')\n```\n*\t__video.setVideoDuration(duration)__: Sets the duration. You can specify the value in seconds or in date time format. Example:\n```js\t\n\t\t// Seconds\n\t\tvideo.setVideoDuration(100)\n\n\t\t// Date time format\n\t\tvideo.setVideoDuration('00:01:40')\n```\n*\t__video.setVideoAspectRatio(aspect)__: Sets the new aspetc ratio. You can specify the value with a number or with a string in the format 'xx:xx'. Example:\n```js\t\n\t\t// Value\n\t\tvideo.setVideoAspectRatio(1.77)\n\n\t\t// Format xx:xx\n\t\tvideo.setVideoAspectRatio('16:9')\n```\n*\t__video.setVideoSize(size, keepPixelAspectRatio, keepAspectRatio, paddingColor)__: Set the size of the video. This library can handle automatic resizing of the video. You can also apply a padding automatically keeping the original aspect ratio\n\t\n\tThe following size formats are allowed to be passed to _size_:\n\n\t> 640x480 _Fixed size (plain ffmpeg way)_\n\n\t> 50% _Percental resizing_\n\n\t> ?x480 _Fixed height, calculate width_\n\n\t> 640x? _Fixed width, calculate height_\n\n\tExample:\n```js\t\n\t\t// In this example, the video will be automatically resized to 640 pixels wide and will apply a padding white\n\t\tvideo.setVideoSize('640x?', true, true, '#fff')\n\n\t\t// In this example, the video will be resized to 640x480 pixel, and if the aspect ratio is different the video will be stretched\n\t\tvideo.setVideoSize('640x480', true, false)\n```\n*\t__video.setAudioCodec(codec)__: Sets the new audio codec. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setAudioCodec('libfaac')\n\n*\t__video.setAudioFrequency(frequency)__: Sets the audio sample frequency for audio outputs in kb. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setAudioFrequency(48)\n\n*\t__video.setAudioChannels(channel)__: Sets the number of audio channels. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setAudioChannels(2)\n\n*\t__video.setAudioBitRate(bitrate)__: Sets the audio bitrate in kb. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setAudioBitRate(128)\n\n*\t__video.setAudioQuality(quality)__: Sets the audio quality. Example:\n\t\n\t\tvideo.setAudioQuality(128)\n\n*\t__video.setWatermark(watermarkPath, settings)__: Sets the watermark. You must specify the path where the image is stored to be inserted as watermark\n\t\n\tThe possible settings (the values \u200b\u200bshown are the default):\n\n\t*\t**position : \"SW\"** \n\t\t\n\t\tPosition: NE NC NW SE SC SW C CE CW\n\n\t*\t**margin_nord : null** \n\n\t\tMargin nord (specify in pixel)\n\n\t*\t**margin_sud : null** \n\n\t\tMargin sud (specify in pixel)\n\n\t*\t**margin_east : null** \n\n\t\tMargin east (specify in pixel)\n\n\t*\t**margin_west : null** \n\n\t\tMargin west (specify in pixel)\n\n\tExample:\n\n\t\t// In this example will be added the watermark at the bottom right of the video\n\t\tvideo.setWatermark('/path/to/retrieve/watermark_file.png')\n\n## Add custom options\n\nIf the ffmpeg parameters are not present in the list of available function you can add it manually through the following function\n\n**video.addCommand(command, argument)**\n\nExample:\n```js\t\n\t// In this example will be changed the output to avi format\n\tvideo.addCommand('-f', 'avi');\n```\n## Save the file\n\nAfter setting the desired parameters have to start the conversion process. To do this you must call the function 'save'. This method takes as input the final destination of the file and optionally a callback function. If the function callback is not specified it's possible use the promise object.\n\n**video.save(destionationFileName, callback)**\n\nExample:\n```js\t\n\ttry {\n\t\tvar process = new ffmpeg('/path/to/your_movie.avi');\n\t\tprocess.then(function (video) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvideo\n\t\t\t.setVideoSize('640x?', true, true, '#fff')\n\t\t\t.setAudioCodec('libfaac')\n\t\t\t.setAudioChannels(2)\n\t\t\t.save('/path/to/save/your_movie.avi', function (error, file) {\n\t\t\t\tif (!error)\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log('Video file: ' + file);\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t}, function (err) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log('Error: ' + err);\n\t\t});\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tconsole.log(e.code);\n\t\tconsole.log(e.msg);\n\t}\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "wp-erp/wp-erp", "link": "https://github.com/wp-erp/wp-erp", "tags": ["wordpress", "erp", "crm", "hr", "accounting"], "stars": 536, "description": "An open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution for WordPress", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "=== WP ERP | Complete HR solution with recruitment & job listings | WooCommerce CRM & Accounting ===\r\nContributors: tareq1988, nizamuddinbabu, wedevs\r\nDonate Link: https://tareq.co/donate\r\nTags: HR, CRM, Accounting, WooCommerce CRM, Recruitment, Job Listings, Inventory, ERP, Employee management, Leave management, Attendance, Reimbursement, WooCommerce Accounting, Document manager, Custom field builder, CRM integration\r\nRequires at least: 5.6\r\nTested up to: 6.1.1\r\nRequires PHP: 7.2\r\nStable tag: 1.12.1\r\nLicense: GPLv2\r\nLicense: GPLv2 or later\r\nLicense URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html\r\n\r\nWP ERP comes with HR, CRM & Accounting modules. HR helps to manage leaves, attendance, recruitment & job listings. Manage leads, clients, contacts, invoicing, billing & deals with WooCommerce CRM. Its Accounting has WooCommerce integration too.\r\n\r\n== Description ==\r\n\r\n= ULTIMATE COMPANY/BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR WORDPRESS =\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udc49 Official Free Demo Link: [Official Demo of WP ERP](https://wperp.com/demo/)\r\n\ud83d\udc49 Learn More About WP ERP (PRO): [All The Features of WP ERP PRO](https://wperp.com/pro/)\r\n\r\n= SUPERCHARGE YOUR GROWING BUSINESS FROM YOUR WORDPRESS DASHBOARD =\r\n\r\n[WP ERP](https://wperp.com/) is the first full-fledged ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system through which you can simultaneously manage your WordPress site and business from a single platform.\r\n\r\nWP ERP aims to deliver all your enterprise business requirements with simplicity. With real-time reports and a better way to handle business data, make your operation better managed, away from errors, and prepare your company for the next leap.\r\n\r\nWP ERP\u2019s core version has all the important features you need to manage the basics of your business.\r\n\r\nWP ERP has 3 core modules: HR, CRM, and Accounting, which together make a complete ERP system for any type of business.\r\n\r\nThe plugin is so beginner-friendly that all you need is a one-click activation to get started!\r\n\r\n\r\n== Core Modules ==\r\n\r\nWP ERP Comes with **three** powerful pre-built core modules \u2013\r\n\r\n* [WordPress HR Management](https://wperp.com/hr/)\r\n* [WordPress CRM System](https://wperp.com/crm/)\r\n* [WordPress Accounting System](https://wperp.com/accounting/)\r\n\r\n***Other Modules***\r\n\r\n* Project Management via [WP Project Manager](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wedevs-project-manager/)\r\n\r\n= OUR SPECIALITIES =\r\n\r\n* WP ERP core plugin is **free.** You only **pay for components, support, and updates**\r\n* **Fast** and **Real-time.** Even **faster** with a **personal hosting server**\r\n* **Ease of access.** Accessible from **any platform** or **device**\r\n* **Ease of use.** Intuitive and requires almost **no training** for the user\r\n* **Cloud-based.** Never lose data and keep everyone **synced**\r\n* **Secure** according to WordPress standards and **your data stays with you**\r\n* **Lightweight and divided into **Components.** So, companies can **expand** their ERP system in a **step-by-step** process\r\n* **Industry-specific customizations** are readily available and even easier to modify\r\n* **No maintenance** is required\r\n* **Open-source.** **Development** and **customization** become easy\r\n* **Streamlined** for **Collaboration** and **Teamwork.** Easily **share, track time, and review projects** with co-workers\r\n* **Privacy** at every level of work\r\n* Option to use a built-in **WooCommerce CRM**\r\n* Option to manage **job listings** related works\r\n* **Best accounting component** on the market\r\n\r\n= \u2666\ufe0fGeneral Free features of WP ERP core:\u2666\ufe0f =\r\nHere are some of the benefits you get for using the pioneer WordPress ERP\r\n\r\n* Your own company profile\r\n* Full control over operations\r\n* Easy employee management\r\n* 44+ Currency Support\r\n* Overview of all modules\r\n* Notification emails with templates & short-code\r\n* Help from support & documentation\r\n\r\n= \u2666\ufe0fFree WordPress HR MANAGEMENT directly from your dashboard\u2666\ufe0f =\r\n\r\nCreate your very own HR system for your company just the way you like!\r\n\r\nFree features of [WP ERP HR Manager](https://wperp.com/hr/) module:-\r\n\r\n* Manage all company information\r\n* Manage locations\r\n* Easy employee management system\r\n* Add & list departments & designations\r\n* Create employee profiles with editing privilege\r\n* Share announcements\r\n* Manage holidays\r\n* Allow employees to request leave\r\n* Manage employee leaves, leave policies, and attendance\r\n* Create Reports based on employee age & gender, headcount, salary, and year of service\r\n\r\n= \u2666\ufe0fFree CLIENT MANAGEMENT \u2013 KEEP CUSTOMERS ONLINE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!\u2666\ufe0f =\r\n\r\nWith the WP ERP CRM module, the process of converting leads to customers is much easier, organized, and seamless.\r\n\r\nFree features of [WP ERP CRM](https://wperp.com/crm/) module:\r\n\r\n* Create contacts with life stages to prioritize service\r\n* Create contact groups\r\n* Make notes for each customer\r\n* Use Activity logs to see all deals\r\n* Schedule meetings & calls directly\r\n* Create company profiles\r\n* Filter contacts using keywords or attributes\r\n* Save search filters & conditions\r\n* Assign contacts & tasks to the right agents\r\n* Create a CRM activity report including customers & business growth\r\n\r\n= \u2666\ufe0fFree ACCOUNTING MODULE MADE FOR NON-ACCOUNTANTS\u2666\ufe0f =\r\n\r\nThis is the perfect accounting module for anyone who is un-initiated with accounting. The simple intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to get started.\r\n\r\nFree features of [WP ERP Accounting](https://wperp.com/accounting/) module:\r\n\r\n* Get a dashboard to track all incomes, expenses, receivables, payables, balances, etc\r\n* Get various reports like ledger reports, trial balances, income statements, sales tax reports, balance sheets, etc\r\n* Set a financial year or fiscal year\r\n* Set opening balance for all accounts\r\n* Create a closing balance sheet for a financial year\r\n* Get preloaded ledger accounts for assets, liabilities, expenses, income, etc\r\n* Add custom ledger accounts or bank accounts according to your needs\r\n* Manage sales using invoices\r\n* Create quotations for estimation\r\n* Receive payments from customers\r\n* Create a bill for any customer, vendor, or employee\r\n* Pay bills against any bill\r\n* Make direct expenses or issue a check\r\n* Get a Purchase report of products/services\r\n* Make payments to vendors\r\n* Create products/product categories\r\n* Create unlimited users like vendors, customers, etc\r\n* Partial payments for any transactions\r\n* Create unlimited bank accounts, manage, and view economics in a graph\r\n* Produce journal entries for any transaction\r\n* Create tax rates, tax agencies, tax zones & tax categories for invoices\r\n* Pay tax to agencies\r\n* Send pdf copy of all transactions via email\r\n* Filter reports by date range\r\n* Print all transactions or reports\r\n\r\nGetting Started with WP ERP is only a matter of moments.\r\n\r\nCheck out the detailed [documentation](https://wperp.com/documentation/) created by us to help you to run WP ERP in the best way.\r\n\r\n== \u2666 WP ERP PRO \u2013 PREMIUM EXTENSIONS & FEATURES \u2666 ==\r\n\r\nAutomate & Manage your growing business even better using Human Resources, Customer Relations, and Accounts Management right inside your WordPress\r\n\r\n= Why WP ERP Pro =\r\n\r\nBuild a modern, convenient and reliable business management system for your company\r\n\r\n* Gain access to nine powerful extensions and different features with a single purchase\r\n* Add only those individual extensions which suit your business\r\n* Get priority support from our support team\r\n* Save money: User-based Pricing\r\n* Easy & simple to upgrade or downgrade\r\n* Get powerful CRM integrations including a WooCommerce CRM\r\n* Take advantage of advanced leave management\r\n* Manage WooCommerce store\u2019s finance better with a powerful WooCommerce Accounting system\r\n\r\n\r\n= What you will get =\r\n\r\nTake your business to the next level with 9 accessible premium extensions & different features\r\n\r\n* **[Advanced Leave Management](https://wperp.com/downloads/advanced-leave-management/)**: Create and manage multiple types of leave across your organization. Take leave management to a new level!\r\n* **[WP ERP HR Frontend](https://wperp.com/downloads/hr-frontend/)**: Bring the powerful HR Module of WP ERP to your web front using this handy extension. Let staff check in, check out, and even take leaves from the web front.\r\n* **[Awesome Support Sync](https://wperp.com/downloads/awesome-support-sync/)**: Using Awesome Support to support your customers? Easily bring them to your CRM with WP ERP\u2019s CRM integration, so you get full relationship management features!\r\n* **[Gravity Forms Sync](https://wperp.com/downloads/crm-gravity-forms/)**: Create users in the CRM module automatically with the data you receive on a form created by Gravity Forms.\r\n* **[Help Scout Integration](https://wperp.com/downloads/help-scout-integration/)**: Sync Help Scout contacts with your CRM & view your CRM contact data on Help Scout with this two-way integration!\r\n* **[Mailchimp Contacts Sync](https://wperp.com/downloads/mailchimp-contacts-sync/):** Import and Sync all your MailChimp mailing lists into the WP ERP CRM system and vice versa.\r\n* **[Salesforce Contacts Sync](https://wperp.com/downloads/salesforce-contact-sync/)**: Import and Sync all your SalesForce mailing lists into the WP ERP CRM system with its effective CRM integration.\r\n* **[Hubspot Contacts Sync](https://wperp.com/downloads/hubspot-contacts-sync/)**: Import and Sync all your Hubspot contacts into the WP ERP CRM system and vice versa.\r\n* **[Zendesk Integration](https://wperp.com/downloads/zendesk-integration/)**: Increase CRM contacts, leads, and customers by integrating the Zendesk ticket support system to WP ERP\u2019S CRM integration and responding to clients faster.\r\n\r\n\r\n= Choose other premium extensions that match your business =\r\n\r\n* **[Payment Gateway](https://wperp.com/downloads/payment-gateway/)**: This feature extension allows you to take payments from the most popular payment gateways - PayPal and Stripe.\r\n* **[Recruitment](https://wperp.com/downloads/recruitment/)**: This is a Job Manager and complete Job Vacancy, Resume, and Employment Manager. You can directly create, publish and manage your recruitment from your WordPress-powered company website and manage the whole job listings.\r\n* **[Attendance](https://wperp.com/downloads/attendance/)**: Manage attendance digitally and easily with WP ERP. Track the work hours of your employees and balance them with their leaves with this feature extension.\r\n* **[Training](https://wperp.com/downloads/training/)**: Monitor training programs for different teams & employees.\r\n* **[WoCommerce Integration](https://wperp.com/downloads/woocommerce-crm/)**: Sync your WooCommerce order details and customer data with WP ERP\u2019s efficient WooCommerce CRM and WooCommerce accounting to allow your assigned agent to track your sales.\r\n* **[Custom Field Builder](https://wperp.com/downloads/custom-field-builder/)**: Add more fields to your ERP forms with custom field builder for collecting extra information about your employees or customers.\r\n* **[Payroll](https://wperp.com/downloads/payroll/)**: Manage your employee salaries more efficiently and automate the payment system with this amazing extension of WP ERP.\r\n* **[Deals](https://wperp.com/downloads/deals/)**: Deals is a great tool to manage and guide your CRM agents on a faster and more organized sales process.\r\n* **[Workflow](https://wperp.com/downloads/workflow/)**: Automate actions in your ERP system with this advanced extension. Save time and reduce the margin of error. This workflow can be used from job listings to WooCommerce CRM, the entire part of WP ERP.\r\n* **[Reimbursement](https://wperp.com/downloads/reimbursement/)**: Manage your employee expenses and complete payments easily and effectively using ERP Reimbursement.\r\n* **[Document Manager](https://wperp.com/downloads/document-manager/)**: Store and access your company and employee documents on-site with WP ERP\u2019s powerful document manager.\r\n* **[Inventory](https://wperp.com/downloads/inventory/)**: Managing your inventory for your products within your accounting software can be done with WooCommerce accounting.\r\n* **[Asset Manager](https://wperp.com/downloads/asset-manager/)**: Create your company assets virtually, assign them to employees and keep track of all your company assets in one place. Making your employee management and asset management easy with one extension.\r\n\r\n\r\n= WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT WP ERP: =\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [Businesses Using ERP Solution: Success Stories That You Can\u2019t Afford to Miss Out](https://wperp.com/57388/successful-businesses-using-erp-solution-success-stories/)\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [WP ERP Wins Two Prestigious ERP Software Awards From FinancesOnline](https://wperp.com/23904/wp-erp-wins-two-prestigious-erp-software-awards/)\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [WP ERP: Journey of Bringing Revolutionary Changes in the WordPress Industry to Becoming the No.1 ERP Solution](https://wperp.com/71484/wp-erp-journey-in-wordpress-community-to-no-1-erp-solution/)\r\n\r\n**[View More Blogs](https://wperp.com/blog/)** \u23e9\r\n\r\n= SOME OF OUR RESOURCES ON WP ERP: =\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [Introducing WP ERP Pro: Get User-Based Pricing & Manage Your Business Like An Expert](https://wperp.com/78709/wp-erp-pro-pricing-get-user-based-pricing/)\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [How to Translate WordPress ERP to Your Favorite Languages Easily](https://wperp.com/65662/how-to-translate-wordpress-erp-to-your-favorite-languages-easily/)\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [How to Install WP ERP on Your WordPress Site (with Configurations)](https://wperp.com/62945/how-to-install-wperp-on-wordpress-easy-guide/)\r\n\ud83d\udc49 [A Beginner\u2019s Guide to Implement ERP System on WordPress (Free)](https://wperp.com/13483/free-erp-system-wordpress/)\r\n\r\n*** VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO LEARN MORE ***\r\n\u27a1\ufe0f [WP ERP, Inc.](https://wperp.com/) \u2b05\ufe0f\r\n\r\n= Privacy Policy =\r\n\r\nWP ERP uses [Appsero](https://appsero.com) SDK to collect some telemetry data upon the user's confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.\r\n\r\nAppsero SDK **does not gather any data by default.** The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data **when a user allows it via the admin notice**. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users.\r\n\r\nIntegrating Appsero SDK **DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY** start gathering data, **without confirmation from users in any case.**\r\n\r\nAll the promotional data for marketing are fetched through REST API from the official website of [WP ERP](https://wperp.com/)\r\n\r\n\r\n= Contribute =\r\nThis may have bugs and lack many features. If you want to contribute to this project, you are more than welcome. Please fork the repository from [Github](https://github.com/wp-erp/wp-erp).\r\n\r\n== Installation ==\r\n### Automatic Install From WordPress Dashboard\r\n\r\n1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard\r\n2. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New\r\n3. Search **WP ERP**\r\n4. Click install and activate and follow instructions\r\n\r\n### Manual Install From WordPress Dashboard\r\n\r\nIf your server is not connected to the Internet, then you can use this method-\r\n\r\n1. Download the plugin by clicking on the red button above. A ZIP file will be downloaded\r\n2. Login to your site\u2019s admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload\r\n3. Click choose file, select the plugin file and click install\r\n\r\n### Install Using FTP\r\n\r\nIf you are unable to use any of the methods due to internet connectivity and file permission issues, then you can use this method-\r\n\r\n1. Download the plugin by clicking on the red button above. A ZIP file will be downloaded\r\n2. Unzip the file\r\n3. Launch your favorite FTP client. Such as FileZilla, FireFTP, CyberDuck etc. If you are a more advanced user, then you can use SSH too\r\n4. Upload the folder to wp-content/plugins/\r\n5. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.\r\n6. Navigate to Plugins -> Installed\r\n7. Activate the plugin\r\n\r\n== Screenshots ==\r\n\r\n1. Plugin on-boarding\r\n2. Dashboard Overview- Your business overview is here\r\n3. Available modules and extensions that can make your growth with ease\r\n4. Your Company Details are here\r\n5. HR Dashboard- Overviewing all over your Human Resource Management\r\n6. Overall Company Employee list\r\n7. Just a single form to create/board an Employee\r\n8. Here is what an Employee profile looks like and to manage\r\n9. HR Report\r\n10. CRM Dashboard- Reflects your overall CRM status\r\n11. CRM Contact list\r\n12. CRM Company List\r\n13. CRM Contact Profile- where you can manage and interact with the contact/lead\r\n14. Contacts that subscribed to your list\r\n15. Accounting Dashboard- Your overall sales, income, expenses status\r\n16. Product and services- that you sell or your business is about to\r\n17. Sales Transactions\r\n18. Journal Entry\r\n19. A complete VAT-TAX management\r\n20. Trial Balance\r\n21. Accounting Reports\r\n22. Audit Log- Reflects the overall operations of your business\r\n\r\n== Frequently Asked Questions ==\r\n\r\n= How much does WP ERP cost? =\r\nWP ERP is completely free of cost, you can download and install the plugin right from your WordPress dashboard just like any other WordPress plugin.\r\n\r\n= Can I use only one module? =\r\nYes, you definitely can! The whole plugin is divided into three parts- HR, CRM, and Accounting based on features and the source code are separate for each module. So you can turn on or off any module you like from the settings.\r\n\r\n= Can I customize the plugin? =\r\nAbsolutely! WP ERP and all its extensions are open-source and the source files are well-documented. So you can customize any feature you want. Our support service is always there to help you with information to get you started.\r\n\r\n= Do you provide customization support? =\r\nCurrently, we do not offer customization support. However, you can post your requirements on specialized and diverse marketplaces like Upwork, Freelancer, PeoplePerHour, etc.\r\nWe are always here to help you with more information to get started.\r\n\r\n= Is WP ERP Multi-Site Compatible? =\r\nYou can use one ERP installation on 1 database. That means one WordPress installation can have only one ERP activation. You can install and activate the plugin on a single sub-site of a network installation. But WP ERP can not be used across multiple sub-sites of a network installation.\r\n\r\n= How can I translate WP ERP? =\r\nYou can easily translate WP ERP (and its extensions) by following some simple steps. You\u2019ll find the [guideline here.](https://wperp.com/docs/erp-core/how-to-translate-wp-erp-plugin/...\r\n\r\n= Do you have any video tutorials on WP ERP? =\r\nYes, we have some helpful videos on our [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PaXj-qWPOM378L11QJyIQ) channel.\r\n\r\n= Can I use WP ERP from the front end? =\r\nYou can use the HR module from the frontend now by using the [\u201cHR Frontend\u201d](https://wperp.com/downloads/hr-frontend/) extension. The CRM & Accounting module does not have a frontend right now.\r\n\r\n= How can I get continuous support and updates after one year? =\r\nTo get continuous support and updates on our products you just need to renew the license.\r\n\r\n= How can I suggest new features? =\r\nWe would love to hear your suggestions! Feel free to [submit your suggestions here](https://wperp.com/roadmap/)\r\nYou can also suggest new features through your My Account dashboard if you are already registered with WP ERP. Simply generate a new support ticket under the Plugins form. Choose the plugin you want to query about and under Query type select Feature Suggestion. Then type the kind of new feature you would like to see under Description.\r\n\r\n= What are our support timings? =\r\nOur general live support hours are-\r\n24 hours of support (Monday to Friday)\r\nOff day/Weekend (Saturday & Sunday)\r\n\r\n= What is the average response time in the support thread? =\r\nWe strive to respond to all queries within 12 hours. Our response time may be just 1 hour if you reach us during our working hours!\r\nIt may take longer to respond to more advanced or technical queries. We promise to serve and support you in the best way possible, which can sometimes take time, but you will be assured of the best service.\r\n\r\n\r\n== Changelog ==\r\n\r\n= v1.12.1 -> February 15, 2023 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n* [FIX] - Contacts are not importing properly.\r\n* [FIX] - Fixed unformatted strings for translation.\r\n* [ENHANCEMENT] - Filter value gets removed when going to next page on Leave Report.\r\n\r\n= v1.12.0 -> January 12, 2023 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [Feature] - Implement Advanced Filtering & Live Search on Leave Request.\r\n- [Feature] - Upgrade prompts design revamp.\r\n- [Update] - Update project in composer version 2.\r\n- [Enhancement] - Update Appsero SDK\r\n- [Enhancement] - Bug fix and reliability improvements across all ERP core\r\n\r\n= v1.11.3 -> October 13, 2022 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [fix] Fatal error due to some version incompatibility\r\n\r\n= v1.11.2 -> October 13, 2022 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [fix] Error while creating holiday. (HRM)\r\n- [fix] Pay rate validation inconsistencies in some cases. (HRM)\r\n- [fix] Year range of datepicker was limited to 50 years. It has been changed as needed. (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Contact activities were not being loaded when the user is both crm manager and agent. (CRM)\r\n\r\n= v1.11.1 -> August 26, 2022 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [update] Optimized holiday importing process in favor of large number of data (HRM)\r\n- [fix] Bulk delete was not working for Holidays (HRM)\r\n- [fix] Life stages, names of that are formed with non-English strings, were not supported while importing contacts from Users (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Text formats were not persisting while creating different activities for any contact/company (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Some caching issues to avoid data inconsistency\r\n\r\n= v1.11.0 -> June 15, 2022 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [update] Some package compatibilities\r\n- [update] Support for fractional quantity during transactions (Accounting)\r\n- [fix] All people were not being loaded in filter dropdown for transaction (Accounting)\r\n- [fix] Download link of sample csv for customer and vendor was not working (Accounting)\r\n- [fix] Inbound email using IMAP was not working (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Gravity form integration was not working properly (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Contact list table UI was breaking in some cases (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Timezone inconsistencies for contact related operations (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Some contact integration related issues (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Non alphanumeric slug was causing issue for life stages (CRM)\r\n- [fix] Retrieving people was throwing error when CRM module was deactivated\r\n- [fix] Resetting ERP was removing admin access in some cases\r\n\r\n= v1.10.6 -> May 24, 2022 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [update] Enhanced securities to avoid vulnerabilities\r\n- [fix] Sanitization, escaping, permission and data validation all over the plugin\r\n- [fix] Fixed missing translation issues\r\n\r\n= v1.10.5 -> March 15, 2022 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [notice] Limited time promotional offer on WeDevs' anniversary\r\n\r\n= v1.10.4 -> December 29, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [fix] Data synchronization and compatibility issues with PDF invoice plugin\r\n- [fix] Pagination was not working correctly in Employee list table\r\n\r\n= v1.10.3 -> December 24, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [update] Functionality to import Accounting customers and vendors as CRM contacts\r\n- [update] Restrict access of CRM agents to their own contacts only while importing/exporting csv\r\n- [fix] CRM agent's top navigation bar status count was showing wrong\r\n- [fix] CRM manager can't access all contacts if CRM Agent adds or lists contacts first after a cache invalidation\r\n- [fix] CRM contacts settings were not being saved and parsed properly\r\n- [fix] CRM contact form settings were throwing error when no contact form is available\r\n- [fix] Email templates settings were generating error when CRM module was not active\r\n- [fix] Compatibility issues of some hooks\r\n- [fix] Compatibility issue with PDF Invoice plugin\r\n- [notice] Limited time promotional offer on holiday sale\r\n\r\n= v1.10.2 -> November 16, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [new] Option to assign relevant leave policies to employees after employment type is changed\r\n- [update] ERP addon page backend optimization\r\n- [update] Attachment download links are included in single invoice view and in downloadable invoice\r\n- [fix] CRM Growth report labels were not translatable\r\n- [fix] Contact group subscriber bulk delete was not working\r\n- [fix] Page responsive issues on whole Accounting module\r\n- [fix] Action trigger and action dropdown issues on small screen\r\n- [notice] Promotional offer notice regarding Black Friday and Cyber Monday\r\n\r\n= v1.10.1 -> October 12, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [notice] Promotional offer notice on account of Halloween\r\n- [update] Some dependency package version updated to maintain compatibility\r\n- [update] CRM Agent will not be able to import Users as CRM contacts\r\n- [update] CRM Agent will not be able to import contact/company from CSV\r\n- [update] CRM Agent will not be able to export contact/company to CSV\r\n- [fix] Note section in contact/company single page was not working while adding a note for the first time\r\n- [fix] Department parent sorting was generating some redundant data\r\n\r\n= v1.10.0 -> August 17, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [new] Agency wise sales tax report\r\n- [new] Transaction wise sales tax report\r\n- [new] Category wise sales tax report\r\n- [new] Customer wise sales tax report\r\n- [update] Employee list table design in Accounting people\r\n- [update] Deactivating a module will deactivate its associated extensions\r\n- [update] License page redesign in the settings for separate extension\r\n- [update] UX for leave type actions for better usability\r\n- [update] Meta postbox design of employee single page\r\n- [update] Task description and link in email while sending email notifications for new task\r\n- \u200b\u200b[update] Redesign of email connectivity settings page\r\n- [update] Mailgun email service for outgoing email\r\n- [update] Email template settings has been moved from CRM to Email section globally\r\n- [update] Support for dynamic side menu list hiding option inside Tools\r\n- [update] Some more admin toolbar options to hide in Tools\r\n- [update] Announcements list table has been integrated under people menu of HR\r\n- [update] Announcements filtering based on date range\r\n- [fix] Termination widget was not showing in terminated employees\u2019 single page\r\n- [fix] Tax category was not inserting properly while adding or updating products\r\n- [fix] Tax agency was not inserting properly while creating or updating purchase transaction\r\n- [fix] Some backend issues to avoid any transaction issues in Accounting\r\n- [fix] Audit log filtering dropdown was not working\r\n- [fix] Activities filtering was not working properly in CRM\r\n- [fix] Some validations were generating inconsistency for employees' old data export/import\r\n- [fix] Leave policy delete option was not working properly\r\n- [fix] Leave type bulk delete was not working\r\n- [fix] Mobile responsiveness for requests table in HRM\r\n- [fix] employee permanent delete was not working\r\n- [fix] SMTP test email was not working properly\r\n- [fix] IMap enable/disable option was not working properly\r\n- [fix] Some backend optimizations all over the plugin\r\n- [fix] Some texts were not translatable\r\n\r\n= v1.9.0 -> July 15, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [notice] Limited time summer sale promotional offer\r\n- [new] A new tab titled \u2018Danger Zone\u2019 inside Tools\r\n- [new] WP ERP database can be reset and installed newly from Danger Zone\r\n- [new] Accounting Quick tour to demonstrate accounting module at a glance\r\n- [new] Import from CSV option for products in Accounting\r\n- [new] Export to CSV option for products in Accounting\r\n- [update] A brand new look all over the settings. The usability will be smoother and more comfortable with this new UI/UX\r\n- [update] Search option in products list table page\r\n- [update] Current history of employment type, compensation, and job info will be able to be edited\r\n- [update] In the employee list table, instead of 'Status' a new column will show the status update date for non active status filters\r\n- [update] Some optimization to make the performance better\r\n- [fix] Existing data were not parsing properly while updating job related information of employees\r\n- [fix] Current job history in the employee section was not showing properly in some cases\r\n- [fix] Mobile responsive issue in Contacts list table\r\n- [fix] Mobile responsive issue in Company list table\r\n\r\n= v1.8.6 -> June 30, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [update] Included all new features' info in the ERP Pro add-ons page\r\n- [update] Optimized some backend technicalities\r\n\r\n= v1.8.5 -> June 08, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [new] While adding people in Accounting with an email that exists in CRM, the people can be updated and imported from CRM directly at that moment\r\n- [new] New Request submenu under HRM People\r\n- [new] Real-time bubble to show pending request count in Requests\r\n- [new] Import csv options in Employee, Contact, Company, Vendor, and Customer list table page individually\r\n- [new] Export csv options in Employee, Contact, Company, Vendor, and Customer list table page individually\r\n- [new] Import users as contacts option in Contact list table page\r\n- [update] Styles upgrade for filter dropdown\r\n- [update] Optimized some library scripts and stylesheets\r\n- [update] Removed import/export tabs from Tools\r\n- [update] Some backend optimization in Accounting\r\n- [update] Filtering use case of dropdown has been improved in leave entitlement form\r\n- [update] Responsive design in modules and extension page\r\n- [update] Optimized extension icons to make the page more smooth and lightweight\r\n- [update] Filter dropdown buttons design upgrade\r\n- [fix] Employee address was unable to update\r\n- [fix] Adding new customer/vendor with an email that exist in CRM was showing error\r\n- [fix] All transaction payment chart was not showing amounts correctly\r\n- [fix] Some incompatible API response issues on products and customers in accounting\r\n- [fix] Country and state was getting reset each time a customer is updated in accounting\r\n- [fix] Customer and vendor address was not showing correctly on frontend\r\n- [fix] Outside click event for transaction filter was generating error\r\n- [fix] Department dropdown was not showing all departments in some cases\r\n- [fix] JSON datatype issue in employee education table\r\n- [fix] Error regarding gmail api connection with CRM when google auth api returns error\r\n- [fix] Accounting manager permission checkbox option was not showing in employee permissions tab\r\n- [fix] Leave policy list page was showing empty after updating a policy\r\n- [fix] Some undefined index notice issues all over the plugin\r\n\r\n= v1.8.4 -> May 07, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [notice] Limited time promotional offer on account of Eid\r\n- [update] Applied status change action when an employee gets trashed\r\n- [fix] Department listing issue when there is no root parent\r\n\r\n= v1.8.3 -> May 05, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [update] Caching process has been applied in the missing area to make performance faster and more smooth\r\n- [update] New create option for Department and Designation on Employee create/update form\r\n- [update] Some predefined department and designation for first time installation\r\n- [update] Detailed result feature in employee education\r\n- [update] A new design on modules and extension page\r\n- [update] Delete option has been disabled for current employee history\r\n- [fix] Employee history was not showing the current value correctly\r\n- [fix] Terminate option was showing for already terminated employees\r\n- [fix] Compensation history from past was updating the current value of employee\r\n- [fix] Caching issues all over the plugin\r\n- [fix] Contact group order by column\r\n- [fix] DB table prefix issue in leave\r\n- [fix] Delete product details was not deleting from detail table\r\n- [fix] Some list parsing, ordering, counting and filtering\r\n- [fix] Leave policy filtering by name was not working\r\n- [fix] Reactivity on updating and deleting holidays\r\n- [fix] Delete, bulk delete was not working properly on contact, company in CRM\r\n\r\n= v1.8.2 -> April 15, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [new] Attachments feature for note, email, log activity, schedule, and tasks inside CRM contact/company\r\n- [update] Actions on tax payments have been temporarily disabled\r\n- [update] User limit check has been applied on updating status and restoring trashed employee\r\n- [update] Sanitization on all phone number input has been applied to filter numeric values and an optional '+' at the beginning\r\n- [update] Current user will be auto assigned while creating schedule from my schedule section\r\n- [update] Autocomplete has been disabled for many datepicker and other input fields to make usability better\r\n- [update] All filter menu usability has been updated including reset option and outside click event\r\n- [update] Translation has been applied in all missing translatable string in all over the accounting module\r\n- [fix] Inconsistent schedule data in my schedule section\r\n- [fix] User was not being assigned to while creating backdated schedule\r\n- [fix] Additional fields in employee were not updating\r\n- [fix] Some checkbox, radio, and dropdown input validations were not working properly\r\n- [fix] Issues on loading some components\r\n- [fix] Existing employees were unable to update upon reaching user limit\r\n- [fix] Direct termination was not updating employee history\r\n- [fix] Some minor undefined index notices on various actions\r\n- [fix] Transaction count filter with pagination was not working correctly\r\n- [fix] Datepicker empty selection issue in accounting transactions\r\n- [fix] Date filtering was not working for expense transaction\r\n- [fix] Inconsistent default end date on ledger reports filters\r\n- [fix] Dynamic voucher pages were not loading in accounting transactions\r\n- [fix] Tax rates were unable to update\r\n- [fix] Design of tax rate edit form was broken\r\n\r\n= v1.8.1 -> March 17, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [fix] Fixed fatal error while updating data\r\n- [fix] Fixed incompatibility on contact form integration settings\r\n- [fix] Fixed data was not loading in my schedule tab\r\n- [fix] Fixed design conflict of setup wizard\r\n- [update] Updated some designs\r\n\r\n= v1.8.0 -> March 15, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n- [new] Added VAT on purchase feature in accounting\r\n- [new] Added both way payment system for sales and purchases to receive and pay amount for the same invoice/purchase\r\n- [notice] Added limited time promotion for weDevs\u2019 birthday\r\n- [update] Updated menu arrangement to group some menus under their parent menu to make the arrangement more organized\r\n- [update] Updated transaction lists to track debit/credit balance\r\n- [update] Updated pdf invoices for all transactions\r\n- [update] Updated some frontend design of accounting to make the usability smoother\r\n- [update] Updated designs of list tables in CRM and HR\r\n- [update ] Updated settings tabs to organize the settings under their corresponding parent settings\r\n- [update] Updated the design of settings section menu\r\n- [fix] Fixed pdf export issues for some voucher types\r\n- [fix] Fixed wrong percentage issues of all transaction charts\r\n- [fix] Fixed user permission issue on viewing single invoice\r\n- [fix] Fixed google access token storing error response was generating fatal error\r\n- [fix] Fixed deprecation warning on some codebase\r\n- [fix] Fixed setup page design was broken with new WordPress update\r\n\r\n= v1.7.5 -> February 12, 2021 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] Fixed nonce verification issue while leave year is being saved\r\n- [fix] Issue with importing WP user to CRM contact fixed\r\n- [fix] CRM agent was not able edit their own contact- this has been fixed\r\n- [fix] Fixed extra slash issue if CRM first name last name has apostrophe\r\n- [fix] Fixed the Admin access loosing issue when adding an Employee with the Admin email address\r\n- [fix] Fixed accounting transaction summary piechart was not showing the percentage value\r\n- [fix] Fixed static cache key issue at designation list page\r\n- [update] Updated already existing employee check functionality\r\n\r\n= v1.7.4 -> December 31, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [new] Added holiday reminder email\r\n- [new] Added action to synchronize employee status with attendance shifts\r\n- [update] Updated calendar library.\r\n- [update] Updated importing holidays from iCal/CSV to ensure the holidays can be customized before importing\r\n- [fix] Fixed some minor issues\r\n\r\n= v1.7.3 -> December 18, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [update] Improved the code quality & fixed a minor issue\r\n- [update] Added holiday gift promotional notice\r\n\r\n= v1.7.2 -> December 17, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] Fixed searching employee was not working in other languages except english\r\n- [fix] Fixed type checking issue while accessing contact/company single page\r\n- [fix] Fixed leave creating problem for 31st December\r\n- [fix] Fixed user given website is not saved while creating or updating employee\r\n- [new] Added restriction for trashed contact/company. From now on, trashed contact/company cannot be edited or made WP user.\r\n- [update] Updated audit logger to log all activities for CRM, HRM, and Accounting\r\n- [new] Added email marketing step for weMail setup in installation wizard\r\n\r\n= v1.7.1 -> December 09, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] Fixed js compatiblity issue with WordPress version 5.6\r\n\r\n= v1.7.0 -> November 30, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [new] Added Accounting vendor import option in the CSV import feature\r\n- [new] Added Accounting vendor export option in the CSV export feature\r\n- [new] Added filter at holiday calender\r\n- [new] Added hr calendar weekend marker\r\n- [new] Added filter at workdays\r\n- [fix] Fixed issue of deleting all leave related references when an employee is permanently deleted\r\n- [fix] Fixed permission issue of contact and company single pages to ensure no unauthorized user can access those pages\r\n- [fix] Fixed CRM contact form integration issue to prevent contact owner from being reset every time a contact form is submitted by an existing contact\r\n- [fix] Fixed issue of contact form settings so that the settings can not be saved without selecting contact owner as a required field\r\n- [fix] Set hr calendar starting day as per settings\r\n- [fix] Fixed announcement employee selection tag\r\n- [fix] Fixed issue of deleting all leave related references when an employee is permanently deleted\r\n- [update] Updated weekend from setting at hr leave calendar\r\n- [update] Updated validation for CSV import to show row-wise detailed error notice when import operation fails\r\n\r\n= v1.6.9 -> November 20, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [update] Improved the code quality & fixed some minor issues to make your usages smoother\r\n\r\n= v1.6.8 -> November 12, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [new] Added prevention of product duplication when product create and update\r\n- [new] Added transaction charge for purchase payment , expense\r\n- [new] Added filter at WP ERP title & CRM title\r\n- [new] Added reference number for expense, bill, bill payment\r\n- [update] Updated csv export import permission\r\n- [update] Updated employee display name when update employe information\r\n- [update] Updated PDF export system for Expense, bill, bill pay, purchase, purchase pay voucher with reference number, due date and dynamic invoice type\r\n- [update] Updated expense, sales, purchase filtering system with type and people\r\n- [update] Updated reference no in purchase list\r\n- [update] Updated customer transaction ledger\r\n- [fix] Fixed Employee/Contact/Company name and city name validation issue to lessen the restrictions\r\n- [fix] Fixed tax payment for decimal value support\r\n- [fix] Fixed redirect to expense list after saving or update expense\r\n- [fix] Fixed validation issue for name & city\r\n\r\n= v1.6.7 -> October 29, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] Fixed phone no validation issue while importing contact or company from CSV\r\n- [fix] Fixed email body style support issue\r\n- [fix] Added asynchronous loading of holiday & leave data at HR calendar\r\n- [new] Added inactive contact/company segmentation for CRM\r\n- [new] Added validation for all fields of employee, contact, and company forms\r\n- [new] Added validation to alert for number of empty required fields on submitting employee, contact, and company forms\r\n- [fix] Fixed employee type update history tracker, previously stated as employee status\r\n- [new] Added history tracker on updating employee status\r\n- [update] Updated edit employee form to remove employee status and type fields\r\n- [update] Updated task/schedule assign user dropdown to include CRM managers and contact owner only\r\n- [fix] Fixed showing status, type, pay type and pay reason with localized values, previously db keys were shown.\r\n- [update] Rearranged employee job histories in descending order, added indicator for all latest histories\r\n- [update] Updated activity assign permission so that crm agents can assign activities to themselves only, involving only the contacts/company they own\r\n- [new] Added WP ERP Pro sub menu\r\n- [fix] Fixed responsive issues on mobile devices\r\n- [fix] removed unnecessary use of wrongly called Google_Auth class reference, this was causing fatal error for some users.\r\n\r\n= v1.6.6 -> September 25, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] Fixed category creating issue, set default value as 0 if no parent category assigned\r\n- [fix] Fixed notice display conflict\r\n- [fix] Fixed imported csv count issue\r\n\r\n= v1.6.5 -> September 24, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [new] Added csv data validation when importing contact, company & employee\r\n- [new] Added csv data validation when importing holidays\r\n- [update] Updated parseCsv library to support php 7.4\r\n- [update] Updated Trix Editor version\r\n- [fix] Fixed Menus responsive issue with iPad 11 inch view\r\n- [fix] Fixed email heading html tag support issue\r\n- [new] added support for \"dd.mm.yyyy\" as new ERP \"Date Format\"\r\n- [new] added new filter hook \u201cerp_pre_contact_form_people_data\u201d\r\n- [new] added new action hook \u201cerp_crm_email_opened\u201d\r\n- [new] added various tooltips for easy access of various features\r\n\r\n- [fix] Fixed responsive issue of leave application form\r\n- [fix] Fixed Leave requests table 'Employee Search' filter\r\n- [fix] fixed timezone problem of leave request modal\r\n- [new] added employee type filter on leave policy, now user can create leave policy based on employee types\r\n- [update] added proper redirect based on various actions on hrm leave related sections\r\n\r\n- [fix] Fixed issue with Company and contact filtering where data not loading correctly\r\n- [fix] Fixed Problem creating CRM schedule/notes(All text field) from Mobile\r\n- [fix] fixed Import contacts from WP users is broken\r\n\r\n- [new] Increased accounting DB fields limit to decimal(20,2)\r\n- [update] add transaction charge for payment\r\n- [update] add new sub head 'bank transaction charge' to ledger\r\n- [update] update opening balance/ acct financial year date picker problem\r\n- [update] update trial balance, Balance Sheet: total Cash At Bank, cash At Bank Breakdowns, total Loan At Bank\r\n\r\n= v1.6.4 -> August 25, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [tweak] changed ERP PRO class references\r\n- [new] revoke access of hrm, crm and accounting modules if employee status is not active\r\n- [new] added various erp user count on Status report page\r\n- [fix] Optimized code for better security\r\n\r\n= v1.6.3 -> August 13, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [enhancement] Support both old PHPMailer v5 (WordPress <=5.4) and PHPMailer v6 (WordPress >=5.5)\r\n- [new] Added Bank Transaction Charge on Accounting Module\r\n- [fix] Fixed life stage display issue when translating\r\n\r\n= v1.6.2 -> July 23, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [new] added bulk action for leave requests\r\n- [fix] Fixed pdf attachment issue at transactional emails\r\n- [enhancement] Added missing string translation for Accounting module\r\n- [new] Added accounting emailer class\r\n- [new] Added tab view at email setting page\r\n- [new] Filter extension email base on criteria\r\n- [new] Registered switch check for email type & configure email for invoice\r\n- [new] Added accounting payment email template\r\n- [new] Added new purchase email template at accounting\r\n- [new] Fixes Cannot find taxes in Chart of Accounts #1066\r\n- [new] Fixed Chart of account ledgers update issue\r\n- [new] Added email template for accounting product estimate\r\n- [new] Configured accounting new purchase order create email template\r\n- [new] Configured pay purchase email template for accounting\r\n- [new] Disallowing expense, bill & pay bill emails\r\n\r\n= v1.6.1 -> June 30, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] Fixed auto select issue of state while adding new company\r\n- [fix] Fixed vendor search issue while adding new product\r\n- [new] Added custom date range search for leave report\r\n- [fix] Fixed email Template is adding back slash (\\) when using with single and double quote\r\n\r\n= v1.6.0 -> June 01, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [enhancement] Rewritten HR leave feature from the ground up for better performance and better management.\r\n- [new] Introduced new tables related to leaves for better management\r\n- [new] Added Year support for leaves under Settings \u2014> HR \u2014> Leave Years\r\n- [new] Moved policy name under Leave Management \u2014> Policies \u2014> View Leave Types for better policy management. Now you can define all leave types eg: Annual Leave, Casual Leave, Sick Leave, etc in one place and reuse them when you create new policies\r\n- [new] Add new policy page moved to a standalone page\r\n- [new] Leave Year and Leave Type fields are mandatory to create new policies now\r\n- [new] Now policies can be customized for each leave year by leaving previous policy settings untouched\r\n- [new] Now policies can be duplicated depending on department, designation, location, gender, marital status filter\r\n- [new] Added copy feature for policies where you can copy an existing policy and reuse it for next year\r\n- [enhancement] Updated Leave Entitlements table for a more compact view.\r\n- [enhancement] Updated Leave Entitlements: Add New page with related policy filters, now to entitle employees to a policy, you\u2019ve to select related filters to get desired leave policy\r\n- [enhancement] Now only full-time employees will be considered for leave entitlements\r\n- [new] Added related filters for leave entitlement list page\r\n- [enhancement] Moved policy and entitlement delete feature to debug mode. If you want to delete leave policies or leave entitlements, enable debug mode from Settings \u2014> General \u2014> Enable Debug Mode\r\n- [new] Added new Year field for New Leave Request form on admin and Take a Leave modal on employee end, if there are multiple leave years defined, users can choose which leave year they are going to apply leave for\r\n- [enhancement] Updated Leave History section under Employee \u2014> Leave tab, so that user can view all request made from their end, view request status, filter through a leave year, approve status and policies, etc\r\n- [new] User can now apply for leaves for multiple leave year\r\n- [new] Added Approve message feature while approving a leave request\r\n- [new] Added new Approved By column on leave request table\r\n- [enhancement] Updated existing leave request table view for better information display, now you can get an overview of leave request on a more compact way\r\n- [tweak] Removed leave request bulk action from Leave Requests table\r\n- [tweak] Updated API related to leave features\r\n- [tweak] Updated some string on various pages\r\n- [enhancement] On CRM Contact Activity Feeds Filter added a new filter to display all activities, thanks to Andrija Naglic\r\n- [fix] updated schedule event hooks to avoid duplicate events\r\n- [fix] updated validation for extra leave requests\r\n\r\n= v1.5.16 -> April 17, 2020 =\r\n--------------------------\r\n- [fix] [Accounting] Fixed Trial Balance bank balance-loan calculation\r\n- [fix] [Accounting] Fixed balance of ledger report debit-credit label: Wrong Dr/Cr label is showing at the rightmost balance column in the list row of accounting ledger details report page.\r\n- [fix] [Accounting] moved Chart of Accounts \"Sales Returns and Allowance:1403\" from Income to Expense section\r\n- [fix] fixed tooltip display issue on WP ERP -> Tools -> Status page\r\n- [fix] fixed a notice on \u201cLatest ERP Blogs\u201d section under WP ERP -> Dashboard page\r\n\r\n= v1.5.15 -> March 31, 2020 =\r\n- [fix] Plugin update capability of the user\r\n- [fix] Fixed pay bill duplicate entry issue on the ledger_details\r\n- [fix] Fixed the Check single view- which was not showing properly\r\n- [fix] Fixed dashboard CSS conflict with wpdatatable\r\n- [fix] Fixed accounting load issue with different permalink structure\r\n- [fix] Fixed Contact Group-based permission issue for the CRM agent\r\n- [fix] Contact Owner was not being updated from the CRM contact profile, Which has been fixed\r\n\r\n= v1.5.14 -> March 03, 2020 =\r\n- [fix] Show owners equity ledger account balance in chart of accounts\r\n- [fix] Bank balance transfer issue with opening balance cash\r\n- [fix] Subscription widget is not working issue\r\n- [fix] Email attachment is not working\r\n- [fix] Opening balance doesn't support fraction amounts\r\n- [fix] States/provinces are missing for most of the country\r\n- [tweak] Conditionally required vendor field on product creation\r\n- [tweak] Add expiration field at employee education section\r\n\r\n= v1.5.13 -> February 11, 2020 =\r\n- [new] Add document attachment field at leave application form\r\n- [new] Add csv import feature for uploading bulk holidays\r\n- [fix] Problem with announcement publication for selected employees & department\r\n- [fix] Default email format or HTML tags are not working with ERP Email notifications\r\n- [fix] Add disabled props in multi-select for people selection\r\n- [fix] Fix tax component validation\r\n- [fix] Fix missing company custom field csv export issue\r\n- [fix] Fix most of the CRM list table translation related issues\r\n- [fix] Fix CRM subscription issue\r\n\r\n= v1.5.12 -> January 23, 2020 =\r\n[fix] - Some import related issues for wrong sanitize functions\r\n[fix] - HR: Cannot set AC Manager permission for an employee\r\n[fix] - CR: Email templates could not be enabled\r\n[fix] - CR: View meeting details from widget\r\n[fix] - CR: New contact & assigned task email configuration issue\r\n[fix] - AC: Broken journal link from admin bar menu\r\n[fix] - AC: Prevent creating a tax rate without component values\r\n[fix] - AC: Banks cannot be deleted from opening balance\r\n[tweak] - AC: Update address field formation in transactions\r\n[tweak] - AC: Support for alphanumeric post code in people creation\r\n\r\n= v1.5.11 -> January 09, 2020 =\r\n[fix] - Unicode characters saving issue during CSV import\r\n[fix] - CR: Removed extra slash when saving company name\r\n[fix] - CR: Contact owner field value is not saving where contact or company is a wp user\r\n[fix] - AC: Save journal entries \"Error: Debit and Credit must be Equal\"\r\n[fix] - AC: When viewing an expense transaction the bank and check fields appear although paying with Cash\r\n[tweak] - Optimize code for better security\r\n[tweak] - CR: Make first_name and email as required fields to avoid duplicate entry during CSV import\r\n[tweak] - AC: Display only products of selected vendor in purchase transaction\r\n\r\n= v1.5.10 -> December 19, 2019 =\r\n[fix] CR: Fixed file attachment issue.\r\n[tweak] Add privacy policy in readme.txt\r\n\r\n= v1.5.9 -> December 11, 2019 =\r\n[fix] Updated: CRM js loading sequence. Which was causing CRM single page view not working properly.\r\n[fix] Fixed: Redirect to CRM overview page after login as CRM Agent\r\n\r\n= v1.5.8 -> December 10, 2019 =\r\n[fix] HR: Fixed country, state schema type for customer & vendor.\r\n[fix] CRM: Made the strings translatable that are not translatable.\r\n[tweak] CRM: Moved customer statistics from admin dashboard to crm dashboard.\r\n[fix] AC: Fixed the Customer transactions wrong balance issue.\r\n[fix] AC: Amount was not showing on PDF invoice, which has been fixed.\r\n[fix] AC: Decimals valus were not appearing in the Pay Purchase. It has fixed now.\r\n[fix] AC: Particulars were not showing in journal entries. Fixed now.\r\n[fix] AC: Unit price was showing Zero in purchase single view. It has been fixed.\r\n[fix] AC: Fixed the Void transaction related issues.\r\n[fix] AC: Fixed the wrong balance issue in the People details.\r\n[fix] AC: Show only the products of selected vendor in purchase.\r\n[tweak] AC: Disabled Product type while editing product to preserve reports.\r\n[tweak] AC: Updated modal style.\r\n\r\n= v1.5.7 -> November 15, 2019 =\r\n[fix] Fixed the SQL syntax error for DB collate which was causing installation error in some cases.\r\n[fix] AC: Fixed financial year creating an issue.\r\n[fix] AC: Changing currency position was not reflecting Accounting, this has been fixed now.\r\n[fix] AC: Changing currency was not working and it was always fixed for USD, this has been fixed now.\r\n[fix] AC: Added decimal amount support to pay the purchases.\r\n[fix] AC: After the Purchase edit, the trial balance mismatch issue has been fixed.\r\n[tweak] Added form changes saving alert in Settings.\r\n\r\n= v1.5.6 -> November 01, 2019 =\r\n[new] HR: Hiring date anniversary reminder and wishing email to employees.\r\n[new] HR: Add dashboard widget for the HR manager (trainee & contractual).\r\n[new] HR: Add inactive status and change status style.\r\n[new] HR: Weekly digest email.\r\n[new] HR: Contract & trainee is about to end can only be seen by HR manager.\r\n[new] CR: Add enable/disable section at CRM settings for sending birthday greeting.\r\n[new] AC: Add photo for customer/vendor.\r\n[fix] HR: Apostrophe is generating an extra backslash on the holiday. Closes #900\r\n[fix] HR: Send SMS if all employees are selected. Closes #906\r\n[fix] AC: Bank transfer is not working after opening balance creation.\r\n[fix] AC: Check single page duplicate entry\r\n[fix] AC: Invoice PDF Export issue. Closes #882\r\n[fix] AC: Transfer decimal contained amount on bank transfer.\r\n[fix] AC: Errors in transaction single page if no particulars available. Closes #894\r\n[fix] AC: Journal reference is not available on the single journal entry view. Closes #893\r\n[fix] AC: Chart of accounts editing error. Closes #887\r\n[fix] AC: Vendor Update details does not show custom field. Closes #885\r\n\r\n= v1.5.5 -> October 04, 2019 =\r\n[new] Accounting: Estimate to Invoice create shortcut.\r\n[new] Accounting: Purchase Order to Purchase create shortcut.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Wrong Invoice & Purchase unit price on edit.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Customers & Vendors pagination with search. Closes #858, #876\r\n[fix] Accounting: Create invoice & purchase can not retrieve more than 20 products/services. Closes #859\r\n[fix] Accounting: Dashboard income-expense chart remains at $ currency. Closes #866\r\n[fix] Accounting: Purchase unit price needs to be able to accept decimal values. Closes #868\r\n[fix] General: Auto import option of Customers from CRM. Closes #874\r\n[fix] Accounting: WP ERP accounting mega menu links. Closes #871\r\n[fix] Accounting: Calculation for sales invoice with multi line entries. Closes #875\r\n[fix] Accounting: Tax payment form does not show up. Closes #877\r\n[fix] Accounting: Ledger migration. Closes #878\r\n[tweak] Remove button to send a birthday email to employees from HR dashboard.\r\n[tweak] Update DB collate in class install to proper support for Arabic font.\r\n[tweak] Accounting: Proper formatting of transaction particulars. Closes #854\r\n\r\n= v1.5.4 -> September 24, 2019 =\r\n[fix] Accounting: Fix various pdf related issue.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Company is not showing in vendor list.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Transaction particular is not showing in single view and pdf.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Fix permission related issue on product and product category API.\r\n[fix] HRM: Employee designations and departments are not showing properly.\r\n[fix] HRM: API restriction for leave request if applied for extra leave.\r\n\r\n= v1.5.3 -> September 17, 2019 =\r\n[fix] CRM: Search segment issue.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Topbar menu permission issue.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Customer & Vendor display issue.\r\n[fix] Accounitng: Menu highlighting issue.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Add option to directly export pdf invoice.\r\n[fix] Accounting: Fix translation issue.\r\n[tweak] Accounting: Void accounting transactions.\r\n\r\n= v1.5.2 -> September 12, 2019 =\r\n[fix] Updater file not found issue.\r\n\r\n= v1.5.1 -> September 10, 2019 =\r\n[fix] Showing people transaction in single user view.\r\n[fix] Fix various small accounting related issue.\r\n\r\n= v1.5.0 -> September 09, 2019 =\r\n[new] Rewrite accounting module from the ground-up.\r\n[new] Add Philippines provinces. Closes #836\r\n[tweak] Add a filter for `custom attr` length. Closes #837\r\n[fix] Fix printing issue in menu. Closes #839\r\n[fix] Company location delete not working. Closes #843\r\n[fix] Fix a broken link under status page. Closes #844\r\n\r\n= v1.4.6 -> July 24, 2019 =\r\n[new] Added 'switch to' button at the employee list if 'User Switching' plugin activated.\r\n[tweak] Changed contact & company deleting message when checking if it has a relationship.\r\n[fix] Terminated employees are also shown at leave entitlement list.\r\n[fix] Prevent cron job to duplicate existing job entitlement at the same financial year or policy update.\r\n[fix] Company or contact does not get trashed.\r\n[fix] CRM mail template issues.\r\n\r\n= v1.4.5 -> June 12, 2019 =\r\n[tweak] Leave reason field is made required. Closes #824\r\n[fix] Saving Leave entitlement was redirecting to the leave requests rather than the Entitlements. It has been fixed now. Closes #820\r\n[fix] Employee ERP Permission was not saving from the Employee profile, which has been fixed. Closes #827\r\n[fix] CRM email template tag parsing issue. Closes #829\r\n\r\n= v1.4.4 -> May 02, 2019 =\r\n[new] Added a new feature to send a notification email when a new contact is assigned to an agent.\r\n[new] Added a new feature to send birthday greetings to contacts with the customizable email template.\r\n[fix] Previously, CRM agents were able to see all the CRM activities including the activity of the contacts that he/she doesn't belong to. This has been limited now and CRM agents can see the activity that he/she own only. Closes #814\r\n[fix] Vendor details were taking to the Accounting overview page instead of taking to the Vendor profile. This has been fixed. Closes #815\r\n\r\n= v1.4.3 -> April 04, 2019 =\r\n[fix] CRM Agents should not delete contact groups. Closes #802\r\n[fix] Printing invoice getting the header informations along with the top menus. Closes #792\r\n[fix] Portugal states are missing. Closes #731\r\n[fix] Problem with CRM inbound email. Closes #787\r\n[fix] Modal select box style. Closes #794\r\n[fix] Can't select state on vendor create.\r\n[fix] Missing contact owner when importing contact.\r\n\r\n= v1.4.2 -> February 14, 2019 =\r\n[fix] Exclude terminated employees from Who is Out widget. Closes #727\r\n[fix] Fix upload company logo. Closes #732\r\n[fix] States selection changing according to country selection in company edit page. Closes #733\r\n[fix] Profile image can't be deleted once uploaded. Closes #748\r\n[fix] Fix responsive issue with HR overview page and employee's my profile page\r\n[fix] Fix leave request email sending from API\r\n[fix] Fix various reports issue with terminated employees (e.g. salary history, leave reports, gender reports).\r\n[fix] Fix contact list view and edit for crm agent\r\n[fix] Fix ninja contact form integration\r\n[fix] Fix issue with leave entitlement creation\r\n[new] Add employee blood groups in employee creation\r\n[new] Add project manager plugin in setup wizard to improve project management with employees\r\n\r\n= v1.4.1 -> November 06, 2018 =\r\n[new] Revoke access to ERP for terminated employees\r\n[fix] Problem with rejecting leave requests #721\r\n[fix] Fixed state not showing while editing contact #722\r\n[fix] Employee create or update not saving employee name\r\n[tweak] Added script versioning to avoid unwanted cache of scripts\r\n\r\n= v1.4.0 -> October 30, 2018 =\r\n[new] Add ERP main menu in Dashboard sidebar and Admin bar\r\n[new] HR menu moved under new ERP menu\r\n[new] CRM menu moved under new ERP menu\r\n[new] Accounting menu moved under new ERP menu\r\n[new] Add gmail API for CRM email connectivity\r\n[fix] Transfer amount from main account. Fixed #708\r\n[fix] Sales transaction list issue\r\n[tweak] Replace old urls according to new ERP menu\r\n[tweak] Change links in rest response according to wp style. Closes #715\r\n\r\n= v1.3.14 -> September 03, 2018 =\r\n[new] New employee login details api added\r\n[new] Assign pending status to rejected/approved leave request, resolved #696\r\n[fix] Fixed employee report generation issue showing warnings\r\n[fix] Fixed showing invalid end time in calendar if not set, resolved #687\r\n[fix] Fixed CRM contact quick edit not showing unsubscribe message, resolved #674\r\n[fix] Unable to import users to CRM contacts, fixed #695\r\n[fix] CRM email template loading issue fixed\r\n[fix] HRM Headcount report doesn't exclude terminated employees, resolved #655\r\n[tweak] No Information about Settings update is displayed upon saving the settings from \"ERP Settings\" Menu, resolved #697\r\n\r\n= v1.3.13 -> Jul 30, 2018 =\r\n[new] Search functionality for email, tasks, schedules etc in CRM contact. Closes #670\r\n[new] Employee image upload API added.\r\n[new] Add memo for invoice pdf.\r\n[fix] Fix employee import problem.\r\n[fix] Expense chart information update.\r\n[fix] Leave entitlement remove system add.\r\n[fix] Autofill customer address to the invoice billing address.\r\n[fix] Email Template is adding back slash (\\) on edit with single and double quote. Closes #672\r\n[fix] Unable to apply for leave longer than 1 day. Closes #668\r\n[fix] Unable to edit an existing employee. Closes #678\r\n[fix] Unable to terminate an employee. Closes #679\r\n[fix] An Employee can send multiple leave requests on the same date. Closes #682\r\n[tweak] Update pot file\r\n\r\n= v1.3.12 -> June 21, 2018 =\r\n[fix] Postal Code does not appear on a customer's user details tab. Closes #591\r\n[fix] A Payment voucher's total amount is not formatted as currency. Closes #592\r\n[tweak] A vendor text field on an add customer form is confusing. Closes #593\r\n[fix] Department delete not working. Closes #661\r\n[fix] Not all the employees are receiving announcement. Closes #663\r\n[fix] Can't create leave request with api. Closes #664\r\n[fix] Contact Owner is assigned as \"Nobody\" for newly imported contacts. Closes #665\r\n[fix] Creating multiple employees with the same email address replace the previous employee and keep the last one. Closes #666\r\n[fix] Invoice total price should not be zero. Closes #667\r\n[fix] Fix state select on click when add new contact.\r\n\r\n= v1.3.11 -> May 29, 2018 =\r\n[fix] Employee list conflicts with reporting to. Closes #649\r\n[fix] Unable to void payment entry in sales tab. Closes #658\r\n[fix] Payment amount is more than due. Closes #659\r\n[fix] Unable to import contacts from CSV.\r\n[tweak] NPM packages update.\r\n[tweak] Employee single link update.\r\n\r\n= v1.3.10 -> Apr 25, 2018 =\r\n[fix] Fix contact life stage sync.\r\n[fix] User ID is always 0 when check for restricted employee data. Closes #650\r\n[fix] Enable/Disable email notification. Closes #289\r\n[fix] Currency choice in setup wizard does not work. #651\r\n[tweak] Compatibility fix.\r\n\r\n\r\n= v1.3.9 -> Apr 08 2018 =\r\n[new] Department head review employees. Closes #334\r\n[new] CRM email attachments. Closes #642\r\n[fix] Unable to select state. Closes #643\r\n[fix] Prevent duplicate vendor creation. Closes #644\r\n[fix] Employee profile edit permission. Closes #646\r\n[fix] CRM tag is not saving without clicking on \"Add\". Closes #647\r\n\r\n= v1.3.8 -> Mar 29 2018 =\r\n[new] Filter contact by company added in CRM. Closes #464\r\n[fix] CRM growth report graph not showing properly. Closes #640\r\n\r\n= v1.3.7 -> Mar 22 2018 =\r\n[fix] Missing important fields in HRM Closes #639\r\n[fix] Unable to add new contact group in CRM #638\r\n\r\n= v1.3.6 -> Mar 20, 2018 =\r\n[fix] Status report guide URL. Closes #630\r\n[fix] CRM activity search is not working properly. Closes #628\r\n[fix] The calendar function on ERP doesn't go back than 1968. Closes #633\r\n[fix] Unable to assign Department lead. Closes #634\r\n[fix] Unable to edit/update designation. Closes #636\r\n[new] CRM reporting. Closes #560\r\n[new] Company wise activity. Closes #626\r\n[new] CRM contact tagging add.\r\n[new] Add CRM tag in save search.\r\n[tweak] PDF separated as extension.\r\n[tweak] Employee modal elements placement change.\r\n[tweak] Modify pop-up modal design.\r\n\r\n= v1.3.5 -> Feb 25, 2018 =\r\n[fix] CRM segment is saved with the same name multiple times and there is no way to delete. Closes #318\r\n[fix] When a payment is mailed, it is automatically changed to invoice. Closes #482\r\n[fix] Create New (Customer) on the Add Payment form will remove info from an existing CRM Contact. Closes #554\r\n[fix] Invoice and payment section 'Bill to' name error. Closes #622\r\n[fix] Holidays created without any range are generating wrong end date. Closes #623\r\n[fix] Employee Get Events API not returning leaves. Closes #624\r\n[fix] New employee compensation data missing. Closes #625\r\n[new] Send birthday wish email to the employee. Closes #150\r\n[new] Add invoice filtering based on customer name, status and date. Closes #310\r\n[new] Add search fields on leave entitlements page. Closes #618\r\n[tweak] Fix input field width on employee create form.\r\n\r\n= v1.3.4 -> Feb 8, 2018 =\r\n\r\n[tweak] Sales and expenses status text change. Closes #401\r\n[tweak] Invoice formatting. Closes #397\r\n[fix] Employee avatar get reset on employee edit when update other information. Closes #610\r\n[fix] Invoice Amount (USD works fine. EURO doesn't work). Closes #512\r\n[fix] Assign to company is searching for contacts instead of companies. Closes #609\r\n[fix] Accounting invoice add payment issue with thousand separator. Closes #615\r\n[fix] WP existing user is not importing as employee. Closes #616\r\n[fix] Update Setup wizard. Closes #611\r\n[fix] Leave entitlements is being created for non active employees. Closes #617\r\n[fix] Accounting Issue with Partial Payment. Closes #578\r\n[fix] Updating employee job history removes employee's meta data. Closes #619\r\n[new] Remove WP user when removing employee. Closes #614\r\n[new] System status report. Closes #250\r\n\r\n= v1.3.3 -> Feb 1, 2018 =\r\n\r\n[fix] Employee API returns wrong event data. Closes #605\r\n[fix] CRM overview links are not working as expected. Closes #596\r\n[fix] CRM contact owner is not updating. Closes #606\r\n[fix[ CRM filter by Owner is not working. Closes #597\r\n[fix] CRM selected life stage is not assigned while importing. Closes #603\r\n[fix] Showing phone number twice in HRM -> My Profile. Closes #607\r\n[fix] Months are not showing properly in ERP Settings. Closes #608\r\n[fix] Add announcement author name in the API response.\r\n[fix] API date response fix.\r\n\r\n= v1.3.2 -> Jan 25, 2018 =\r\n\r\n[fix] Leave report filters are not working as expected. Closes #600\r\n[fix] Employee profile fields are not updating when empty. Closes #599\r\n[fix] Employee create leave request permission denied. Closes #598\r\n[fix] Employee is not receiving email notification on leave request rejection. Closes #589\r\n[fix] Employees on Leave on the same date is not showing in 'Who is out' postbox. Closes #587\r\n[fix] 500 Internal Server Error when filtering and searching employees. Closes #586\r\n[fix] Duplicate department title. Closes #584\r\n[fix] Duplicate designation title. Closes #585\r\n[fix] HR overview page is taking long time to load. Closes #583\r\n[fix] Employee custom avatar image not working. Closes #580\r\n[fix] Assigning Leave policy to employee generates fatal error. Closes #577\r\n[fix] Leave entitlements should not be generated for inactive employees. Closes #573\r\n[fix] Fix single employee performance required fields.\r\n[fix] Fix upcoming birthdays for next week.\r\n[fix] Leave report filters add.\r\n\r\n[new] Search option in Leave Requests. Closes #574\r\n\r\n= v1.3.1 -> Jan 11, 2018 =\r\n\r\n[Fix] HRM Overview page blank when CRM module is not active.Closes #575\r\n\r\n= v1.3.0 -> Jan 09, 2018 =\r\n\r\n[tweak] Improved employee API.\r\n[tweak] Remove unnecessary validation with security improvement.\r\n[tweak] Job information tab improvement.\r\n[tweak] Employee class optimized.\r\n[tweak] Reports API improvement.\r\n[tweak] HRM endpoints optimized.\r\n[tweak] Leave balance view improvement.\r\n[tweak] Updater improved.\r\n\r\n[new] Add HRM birthday API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM leave API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM upcoming leave request API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM note API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM job history rest API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM permission/roles rest API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM head counts rest API support.\r\n[new] Add HRM employee termination API.\r\n\r\n[fix]\tEmployee and Department API search option. Closes #569.\r\n[fix] Payments are shown on an invoice in the popup. Closes #552.\r\n[fix] HRM gender reporting count error. Closes #565.\r\n[fix] Fix CRM contact inbound mail tracker.\r\n[fix]\tEmployee full name not showing.\r\n[fix] Fix alert on department delete which contains employees.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.8 -> Oct 30, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[fix] Partially created invoice can't be approved, void or deleted. Closes #522.\r\n[fix] The search function is not working on accounting customers and vendors list page. Closes #540.\r\n[fix] Deactivated Accounting module gives a fatal error. Closes #545.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.7 -> Oct 26, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Import CRM users into accounting module. Closes #394.\r\n[new] Send emails to different users from different email address. Closes #465.\r\n[new] Add Bulk Action in accounting module. Closes #538.\r\n[new] Database SQL query optimization.\r\n[fix] Help pages link fixed.\r\n[fix] Create employee form data sanitization. Closes #473.\r\n[fix] Exported (pdf) Invoice does not show TAX (%) and TAX amount. Closes #493.\r\n[fix] Contact adding issue from frontend with Ninja Forms. Closes #501.\r\n[fix] CRM contact groups search option. Closes #524.\r\n[fix] Woocommerce order synchronization issue when the discount is more than 100. Closes #526.\r\n[fix] Accounting sales page customer search issue. Closes #527.\r\n[fix] Large description is not aligned in PDF. Closes #528.\r\n[fix] Searching for a non listed employee takes to a different page. Closes #532.\r\n[fix] Load time increases for unnecessary query on the settings page. Closes #533.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.6 -> Oct 05, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Add help submenu pages under HRM, CRM and Accounting menu.\r\n[new] Add subscription form shortcode placeholder support.\r\n[new] Add get started employee page.\r\n[new] Add customer statics admin widget. Closes #26.\r\n[new] Capability to create a contact group with the result (list of contacts) of a search (filter search). Closes #516.\r\n[new] Add 'By Departments' and 'By Designations' option to create/send an announcement. Closes #519.\r\n[fix] Accounting insert transaction discount issue.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.5 -> Sep 14, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Redirect users to their role specific pages. Closes #337.\r\n[new] Employees can apply for leave even after remaining days in the policies are 0. Closes #486.\r\n[new] Add .github CONTRIBUTING.md and PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md files.\r\n[tweak] Add indexing for DB table optimization\r\n[tweak] Deleting and Editing option on single Leave Entitlements. Closes #291.\r\n[tweak] Updated readme with FAQ questions\r\n[fix] Unable to add leave request from the backend. Fixes #514.\r\n[fix] Enqueue scripts for email testing only in settings page\r\n[fix] CRM overview page css issue. Fixes #502.\r\n[fix] Accounting enqueue issue due to translation. Fixes #505.\r\n[fix] CRM overview page wrong links. Fixes #508.\r\n[fix] CRM fetch few number of contacts. Fixes #509.\r\n[fix] Create contact from created user conflicts.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.4 -> Aug 24, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] `erp_get_editable_roles` provides a filtered list of user roles.\r\n[fix] Prevent CRM Manager to convert a contact as administrator. Fixes #497.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.3 -> Aug 10, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Add hook after subscriber confirmation\r\n[new] Add erp_save_contact_form_data hook\r\n[new] Make sure employees can make only one leave request per day. Fixes #485.\r\n[new] Added help text for leave policy option.\r\n[new] Add support for Saudi Arabia regions (states).\r\n[new] Added help text for leave policy option.\r\n[tweak] Use image file path instead of url for PDF Invoice logo.\r\n[tweak] Bind subscription form submit action to body.\r\n[tweak] Check for valid subscriber before unsubscribe it.\r\n[fix] While importing contacts WP ERP is adding dump email address. Fixes #475.\r\n[fix] Removed due date from the payment. Fixes #481.\r\n\r\n= v1.2.2 -> Jul 13, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Add private option for contact groups\r\n[new] Add edit subscription page\r\n[new] Add module activate and deactivate CLI commands\r\n[tweak] Improve people search query\r\n[tweak] Exclude past requests from Who is out metabox\r\n[tweak] Insert people hash key when insert new people or assign a group\r\n[fix] Remove assigning dummy email address when importing contacts\r\n[fix] Fix new leave request notification email recipients filter\r\n[fix] Fix erp_crm_customer_get_status_count query\r\n[fix] Change _assign_crm_agent meta key to contact_owner in API function\r\n[fix] Throw exception if accounting transaction failed\r\n\r\n= v1.2.1 -> Jun 18, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Add force_subscribe_to option for subscribing users\r\n[new] Add with-groups optional parameter for CRM delete command\r\n[tweak] Sort employee list table by employee name.\r\n[tweak] Improve assinging Admin as HR, CRM and Accounting Manager logic\r\n[tweak] db schema changed for fractional qty\r\n[fix] Fix erp_hr_leave_get_balance query.\r\n[fix] Fix 'From Name' for emails sending from CRM single pages.\r\n[fix] Fix main plugin class singleton instance call\r\n[fix] Fix symbol for South African rand\r\n[fix] Fix eventLimit for Leave Calendar\r\n[fix] Fix warning issue due to run loop on an empty array\r\n[fix] Fix invoice number in exported Sales Invoice\r\n\r\n= v1.2.0 -> May 22, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[new] Add function to get employee work location id\r\n[new] Show unconfirmed column in contact group list tables\r\n[new] Add support for importing employee when related WP users exist\r\n[new] Add new leave request notification recipients filter\r\n[new] Add HR CLI class\r\n[tweak] Refactor and fix queries for leave management\r\n[tweak] Employee tabs URL changed to erp-my-profile. Fixes #451\r\n[tweak] Hide message when change email address in accounting - customer page\r\n[tweak] Remove setup_database hook from init action and call immediately\r\n[tweak] Refactor Subscription class.\r\n[tweak] Export employee with all kind of status\r\n[tweak] After delete an employee, remove HR roles instead of delete the related wp user\r\n[tweak] Improve CSV parsing during import ERP data\r\n[fix] Audit log erroneous pagination. Fix #460\r\n[fix] Remove rejected requests from calendar. Fixes #449\r\n[fix] Fix request list table ordering. Fixes #450\r\n[fix] Remove terminated employee on Who is Out widget. Fixes #455\r\n[fix] Leave request status colors CSS. Fixes #458\r\n[fix] Fix entitlements list table filter\r\n[fix] Leave rejection message in Leave rejection email .Fixes #453\r\n[fix] Template names in comments corrected\r\n[fix] Dix expense created by one manager can be seen by other managers too. Issue#444\r\n\r\n= v1.1.19 -> Apr 27, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[tweak] Import partial data in case of existing contacts during WP User to CRM import or CSV import\r\n[tweak] Log each time a contact opens an email.\r\n[tweak] Improve insert_people function\r\n[fix] `From` name mismatch in emails sending from CRM single contact page\r\n\r\n= v1.1.18 -> Apr 13, 2017 =\r\n\r\n[fix] Fix owner avatar in contact and company single pages\r\n[fix] Fix export error handle when no field is given\r\n[fix] Fix leave available count in employee profile Leave tab\r\n[fix] Fix erp_hr_leave_get_balance query\r\n[tweak] Load CRM scripts only in specific pages\r\n[tweak] Check permission before convert a contact to WP User\r\n[tweak] Prevent woocommerce from redirecting ERP users to my account page\r\n\r\n= v1.1.17 -> Mar 30, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [new] Add email opt-in with subscription form\r\n* [tweak] Change employee pay_rate column int to decimal in db\r\n\r\n= v1.1.16 -> Mar 27, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [new] added function `erp_get_client_ip()` for getting client IP address\r\n* [fix] Fix CRM dashboard Today's Schedule metabox\r\n* [fix] Remove a contact from all groups after delete it\r\n* [fix] TypeError when deleting search segment. Fixes #421.\r\n* [fix] Update unsubscribed contact/company data properly\r\n* [fix] Fixes CRM Dashboard metaboxes display issue.\r\n* [fix] Using dynamic life stages instead of statics in CRM dashboard\r\n* [fix] Append extra life stage label after the filter applied\r\n* [tweak] Added some file types in file_upload option\r\n\r\n= v1.1.15 -> Mar 16, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [fix] Allow export fields like checkbox or multiselect for Contact or Company\r\n* [fix] Fix import export undefined field_builder_contacts_fields error\r\n* [fix] Fix condition to hide dashboard metabox\r\n* [fix] Pagination problem on leave request page. Fixes #419\r\n\r\n= v1.1.14 -> Mar 07, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [new] Added CRM cli command for clearing up the contacts\r\n* [new] Add most of the current circulating currencies\r\n* [new] Add `post_where_queries` optoin for erp_get_peoples query\r\n* [new] Add param to print erp meta values\r\n* [fix] Fix contact editor error when assigned to one group in single page\r\n* [fix] Email Template adding back slash (\\) on edit with single and double quote\r\n* [fix] Proper error handle for contact form integration\r\n* [tweak] Hide HR Permission tab in own profile page\r\n* [tweak] Remove terminated employees from Birthday Buddies list\r\n* [tweak] Added created_at field to enable adding log in a past date\r\n\r\n= v1.1.13 -> Feb 16, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [fix] Show tasks based on permission and tab in CRM Schedule calendar\r\n* [fix] Fix contact editor error when assigned to one group\r\n* [fix] Update ERP_Settings_Page class. Fix #409.\r\n* [fix] Fix core Updates class\r\n* [fix] Fix WP User to CRM importer meta sync error\r\n* [fix] Fix comapny default address zip error\r\n* [new] Add function to remove select2 enqueued by other plugins\r\n\r\n= v1.1.12 -> Feb 01, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [fix] Fix employee editor popup country dropdown\r\n* [fix] Fix announcement mark as read process\r\n* [fix] Fix people conversion from another type or from WP User\r\n* [fix] Fix people total counting issues in `erp_get_peoples` function\r\n* [new] `erp_include_popup_markup` function to include erp-popup markup\r\n* [new] Add toastr.js plugin\r\n* [new] Add filterable company default location name\r\n* [tweak] Refactor single employee permissions update process\r\n\r\n= v1.1.11 -> Jan 22, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [fix] Update minified JavaScript files\r\n\r\n= v1.1.10 -> Jan 18, 2017 =\r\n\r\n* [new] Introduce REST API\r\n* [new] Meta query support in advance search segmentaion\r\n* [new] Date and number range type filter in crm search segmentation\r\n* [new] Pakistani Rupee currency\r\n* [new] Contact age filter in advance search filter CRM\r\n* [new] Pagination system for individual ledger\r\n* [new] Closing balance for individual ledger\r\n* [new] Added filter `erp_crm_js_template_file_path` in js template path\r\n* [tweak] Remove edit functionality from single transaction page\r\n* [tweak] Change label for dashboard net income\r\n* [tweak] Update select2 v4.0.3\r\n* [fix] Leave request deleting issue\r\n\r\n= v1.1.9 -> Dec 22, 2016 =\r\n\r\n* [new] Can input data from older financial year (balance c/f)\r\n* [new] Added email validation for new customer and vendor\r\n* [new] Include journal tax in sales tax report\r\n* [tweak] Customers and vendors are searchable and limit lifted\r\n* [tweak] Tax receivable accounts moved to expense\r\n* [tweak] Date picker range enhanced\r\n* [fix] ERP updater is now working\r\n* [fix] Removed journal edit option from individual chart list table\r\n\r\n= v1.1.8 -> Dec 11, 2016 =\r\n\r\n* [new] Add filter for hiding dashboard metaboxes\r\n* [fix] Fix leave request datetime calculation\r\n* [fix] Fix journal entry item problem\r\n* [fix] Move tax receivable accounts from expense to assets\r\n* [fix] Update number formating for transaction unit price\r\n* [fix] Remove employee role checkbox from wp user edit profile\r\n* [Update] Update moment.js to v2.17.1\r\n\r\n= v1.1.7 -> Dec 7, 2016 =\r\n\r\n* [new] Label added in tax form\r\n* [new] Added editing system in journal\r\n* [new] Should be able to transform a CRM Contact into a WP_User\r\n* [new] Add localize support for fullcalendar\r\n* [new] Add date range in all date picker.\r\n* [new] Add flot chart stack and categories plugins\r\n* [new] Added age field in contact\r\n* [fix] Joining date does not display on the employee welcome email\r\n* [fix] Employee Privileges are Removed upon role change\r\n* [fix] Checkbox toggling in all list tables\r\n* [fix] Expense pie chart is set to 100% by default\r\n* [fix] Holidays editing and deleting\r\n* [fix] Fix screen, screen base and form handler hook for HR and Leave pages\r\n* [fix] Calculation in dashboard all charts\r\n* [fix] Calculation fixed in bank charts\r\n* [fix] Dejavusanscondensed font paths for FPDF\r\n* [fix] Change contact get query sql\r\n* [fix] Change people meta key `_assign_crm_agent` to `contact_owner`\r\n* [fix] Email duplication problem when people create\r\n* [fix] Conflicting with accounting customer when contact create\r\n* [fix] Tax amount processing during transaction\r\n* [fix] Discount field range only 0 to 100 at transaction time\r\n* [fix] Quantity field make grater than 0 at transaction time\r\n* [fix] Required minimum amount for bank transfer\r\n* [fix] Refactor & add journal new function\r\n\r\n= v1.1.6 -> Nov 9, 2016 =\r\n\r\n* [Fix] Query fix dashboard income & expense, business expense, net income, invoice payable to and bill you need to pay\r\n* [Fix] Fix overdue payment problem\r\n* [Fix] Unnecessary select checkboxes in accounting module\r\n* [Fix] Transaction list table total item query\r\n* [Fix] Unsubscribe contact from a specific group\r\n* [Fix] Unable to change CRM contact owner problem\r\n* [Fix] Menu item are not in open/fixed mode when announcement is selected\r\n* [Fix] Contact status refreshing problem during edit and add contact\r\n* [Fix] Permission for CRM manager to delete others contacts\r\n* [Fix] Custom field fix on csv export\r\n* [New] Add Currency option in Settings - General Options\r\n* [New] Unicode support added to PDF\r\n* [New] Add new column `email_status` and `data_id` in `erp_hr_announcement` and `erp_audit_log` table respectively\r\n* [Update] Set default current date for new invoice, payment, vendor credit and payment voucher\r\n* [Update] Button status for all new transaction time\r\n* [Update] Sales and expense list table according with transaction status\r\n* [Update] Sales and expense bulk action for different transaction section\r\n* [Update] All transaction report query\r\n* [Update] Journal query and journal list table class for filtering only journal type transaction\r\n* [Update] Improve announcement functionality\r\n* [Update] Chosen js removed from core\r\n\r\n= v1.1.5 -> Sep 19, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [fix] Holiday date calculation problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Ajax request for edit holiday\r\n * [fix] Change holiday listing order\r\n * [fix] Update leave holiday search, table end column for iCal\r\n * [fix] Fix payment dropdown button in Payment Voucher create page\r\n * [fix] Remove currency option in vendor and customer add, edit\r\n * [fix] Contact deleting permission issues\r\n * [fix] Pdf invoice class undefined problem\r\n * [fix] Fix issue_date problem in chart of accounting\r\n * [fix] Reloading employee list problem fixed in js\r\n * [fix] Change some style in employee note section and added loading effect\r\n * [new] Add letter support to company location zip code\r\n * [new] Added country and state select2 in accounting vendor and customer\r\n * [new] Custom Fields support in contact form\r\n * [new] Added erp_create_new_people hook if people is an existing wp user\r\n * [new] Added Saudi Riyal currency\r\n\r\n= v1.1.4 -> Aug 28, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [fix] New expense time undefined invoice_number problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Ignore rejected leaves during validating duration\r\n * [fix] Tax calculation problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Announcement permission problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Employee can not take leave in weekend\r\n * [fix] Problem to take leave when no leave days available fixed\r\n * [fix] Duplicate row item created in payemnt and invoice fixed\r\n * [fix] Employee birthday check hook changes\r\n * [fix] Fixed save search segment reset filter functionality\r\n * [fix] Updated some crm permissions\r\n * [new] Delete functionality in save search segment\r\n * [new] Voucher create time from account is required\r\n * [new] Action hook 'erp_crm_contact_inbound_email' added\r\n\r\n= v1.1.3 -> Aug 4, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [fix] Added loading feedback when submitting form for all popup\r\n * [fix] Invoice number formatting functionality\r\n * [fix] HR all capabilities problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Hook contact form integration to plugins_loaded hook\r\n * [fix] Removed logged in user check for cron job\r\n * [fix] Hide plugin updater for non-admin\r\n * [new] Life stage, contact owner & group added on CSV contact importer form\r\n * [new] added some hooks and filters\r\n\r\n= v1.1.2 -> June 26, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [new] Settings for invoice formatting\r\n * [new] Set submit group button for sales payment and invoice\r\n * [new] Set submit group button for expense payment voucher and vendor credit\r\n * [new] Add email search in contact and company listing\r\n * [new] Display dropdown text instead of value in save search filter details\r\n * [new] Add contact group filter option in saved search segment\r\n * [new] Added Iranian Rial currency and change India currency symbol\r\n * [new] Bulk users to contacts importer tools added\r\n * [new] Contact Forms Integration: add contact owner field\r\n * [new] Added localization for js string in activity feeds\r\n * [new] CSV sample file generator added\r\n * [fix] Transaction update time check for invoice number uniquness\r\n * [fix] Transaction due date should be greater than issue date\r\n * [fix] Leave request quota validation problem when apply leave\r\n * [fix] Select2 rendering problem in expense\r\n * [fix] Defualt invoice prefix set at transaction time\r\n * [fix] Error message problem fixed when company settings updated\r\n * [fix] Employee edit their own Employee ID\r\n * [fix] Employees without manager or agent permission are listed in Activities page - Create By filter\r\n * [fix] Contact Source is not showing in single view sidebar in CRM\r\n * [fix] User's role isn't showing correctly on edit page\r\n * [fix] Fixing select2 derective issues\r\n * [fix] Announcement select2 issue fixed when select employee\r\n * [fix] Leave policy rendering problem in employee my profile page\r\n * [fix] HR dashboard calendar loading error\r\n * [fix] Contact editing problem\r\n * [fix] Line breaking problem in announcement email\r\n * [update] Transaction insert form filtering for table row and column\r\n * [update] Currency schema update\r\n * [update] Update query according with submit group button for sales and expenses\r\n * [update] transaction table column name change from invoice to invoice_number\r\n * [update] Table column field length increase for decimal type\r\n * [update] Set default invoice prefix\r\n * [update] Customer and vendor fields are required when add new transaction\r\n * [update] Vendor name is required when new verndor is created\r\n * [update] Save search labeling change to search segment\r\n * [update] Users to contacts tool progress changes\r\n * [update] CRM contacts CSV imported improvements\r\n * [update] Change crm activity component structure for extending thirdparty integration\r\n * [update] Change invoice url format for sharing\r\n * [update] Set wp mysql timezone instead of carbon\r\n\r\n= v1.1.1 -> June 22, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [fix] Accounting report query optimzation\r\n * [fix] Partial payment amount problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Contact and company permission problem fixed for CRM agent\r\n * [fix] Bulkaction permission fixed for contact and company listing\r\n * [fix] Javascript null date problem fixed\r\n * [Fix] Fixed enable disable problem at reference number entry time\r\n * [Fix] Save search dropdown default value problem fixed\r\n * [Fix] Fixed CRM contact table after a bulk action, items don't get deselect\r\n * [Fix] Fixed schedule calander styling problem\r\n * [fix] CRM agent permission problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Fix assign group permission problem\r\n * [fix] Fix assign contact issue when deal with wp user contacts\r\n * [fix] Contact group edit and assign problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Fixed total number counting when add new contact\r\n * [fix] Fixed schedule notification problem\r\n * [fix] Timeline date issue in contact single page\r\n * [new] Added loading effect when assign contact owner\r\n * [new] Invoice number generator functionality in accounting\r\n * [new] Added support for Omanian Rial currency\r\n * [new] Added some filter and action hook in sales transaction\r\n * [new] Added restore functionality in HRM employee table\r\n * [new] Export invoices as PDF and send via email\r\n * [Update] Accounting dashaboard updated\r\n * [Update] Updated filter and hook for people query sql\r\n\r\n= v1.1.0 -> June 8, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [new] Merge accounting module\r\n * [new] Currency formating\r\n * [new] Income tax settings\r\n * [new] Income tax report\r\n * [new] Income statement report\r\n * [new] Balance sheet report\r\n * [new] Permission management system\r\n * [new] Save as draft for all transaction\r\n * [new] Convert wp list table into vue js in contact and company listing page\r\n * [new] SMTP and IMAP/POP3 integration added into core\r\n * [fix] Bank chart\r\n * [fix] Customer and vendor create time email field is required\r\n * [fix] ref number make unique\r\n * [fix] Role updating fixed when contact edit\r\n * [fix] Contact group assign and editing problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Trix editor firefox compability fixed\r\n * [fix] Adding and editing feed problem fixed when using firefox browser\r\n * [fix] Dashboard page contact fetching error fixed\r\n * [fix] Activity page loading problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Schedule page loading problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Select2 conflict fixed with accounting\r\n * [improve] All transaction table with balance column and short view popup link\r\n * [imporve] Save search filter improvement\r\n * [imporve] People insert and fetching query optimized\r\n * [imporve] Contact and company single page converted into vue js\r\n * [imporve] Added more filter into advance search segment\r\n * [update] Transaction query update for current financial year.\r\n * [update] Include tax field in transaction form\r\n * [update] Vuejs updated\r\n * [update] Select2 updated\r\n * [update] Trix editor js updated\r\n\r\n= v1.0.1 -> April 27, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [fix] Employee performance fetching was returning all entries\r\n * [fix] WP_User importing into contact was not refering the right WP_User\r\n * [fix] License key was not saving\r\n * [fix] Imported contact counting issues\r\n * [fix] Social field url issues in contact profile\r\n\r\n= v1.0 -> April 25, 2016 =\r\n\r\n * [improved] Change people table structure.\r\n * [new] New CRM agent role added\r\n * [new] CSV import/export tool added\r\n * [new] Added CRM email templating system\r\n * [new] Save reply added in CRM contact activities\r\n * [new] Added quick view schedules details from CRM dashboard\r\n * [new] Assign contact to CRM agents\r\n * [new] Add progress-bar when activity delete for better UX\r\n * [new] License management feature added\r\n * [new] CRM activity email read tracker\r\n * [new] HR reporting headcount chart now shows department-wise\r\n * [new] New life stage added in CRM contacts\r\n * [new] Added contact group and contact owner field in new contact or company creation\r\n * [new] Added inbounding reply emails in CRM activity\r\n * [new] Bulk importer WP User to CRM contacts\r\n * [new] Added directly replying from CRM email activities feeds\r\n * [new] Added address options in employee details, add and edit\r\n * [new] Added plugin updater functionalities\r\n * [new] Added more hooks and filters\r\n * [fix] Re-factor contact forms integration\r\n * [fix] Re-factor CRM permissions\r\n * [fix] Contact pagination problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Re-factor save search query builder\r\n * [fix] Logs and schedules add and displaying problem in schedule page\r\n * [fix] ERP date format problem\r\n * [fix] Manage user role during plugin activation and deactivation\r\n * [fix] Who is out widget in HR dashboard\r\n * [fix] Leave request bulk actions\r\n * [fix] All ERP users show their own attachments\r\n * [fix] Added file uploading permission for Employee, HR Manager, CRM Manager and CRM Agents\r\n * [fix] Contact mail functionality improvements\r\n * [fix] Fix employee termination issues\r\n * [fix] Leave entitlement problem fixed\r\n * [fix] Employee list table now focus on \"active\" subnav by default\r\n * [fix] Employee and Contact record duplication remove with better UX\r\n * [update] - Trix editor js, Select2, Vuejs\r\n\r\n= v0.1 -> March 18, 2016 =\r\n\r\n* Beta Release\r\n\r\n\r\n== Upgrade Notice ==\r\n\r\n= 1.6.0 =\r\nThis is a major release of ERP. Before update please take a backup of your existing database. Also if you are using WP ERP - HR Frontend, WP ERP - Attendance or WP ERP - Workflow extensions, please update those after you update ERP\r\n", "readme_type": "text", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "mg901/styled-breakpoints", "link": "https://github.com/mg901/styled-breakpoints", "tags": ["styled-components", "breakpoints", "breakpoint", "media-queries", "css-in-js", "css-in-react", "media", "react", "mg901", "styled-breakpoints", "emotion", "creating-breakpoints", "typescript", "css-breakpoint", "preact"], "stars": 536, "description": "Simple and powerful breakpoints for styled components and emotion.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

\n\n\n\"GitHub\n\n\n\n\"coverage\n\n\n\n\"npm\n\n\n \"npm\n\n\n\"npm\n\n


Simple and powerful tool for creating media queries with


\n\n \"styled-components\"\n \n     OR   \n\"emotion\"\n\n


\n\n## Core concepts\n\n**Breakpoints are the building blocks of responsive design**. Use them to control when your layout can be adapted at a particular viewport or device size.\n\n**Use media queries to architect your CSS by breakpoint**. Media queries are a feature of CSS that allow you to conditionally apply styles based on a set of browser and operating system parameters. We most commonly use min-width in our media queries.\n\n**Mobile first, responsive design is the goal**. Styled Breakpoints aims to apply the bare minimum of styles to make a layout work at the smallest breakpoint, and then layers on styles to adjust that design for larger devices. This optimizes your CSS, improves rendering time, and provides a great experience for your visitors.\n\n## Documentation\n\nExamples\n\n- [mobile first](#mobile-first)\n- [desktop first](#desktop-first)\n- [hooks api](#hooks-api)\n\nGetting Started\n\n- [Installation](#installation)\n- [default breakpoints](#default-breakpoints)\n- [customization](#customization)\n- [object notation](#object-notation)\n\nAPI\n\n- [up](#up)\n- [down](#down)\n- [between](#between)\n- [only](#only)\n- [useBreakpoint](#useBreakpoint)\n\n## Examples\n\n### Mobile First\n\nFrom smallest to largest\n\n\n\"Edit\n\n\n### Desktop First\n\nFrom largest to smallest\n\n\n \"Edit\n\n\n### Hooks API\n\n#### Styled Components\n\n\n \"Hooks\n\n\n#### Emotion\n\n\n\"Hooks\n\n\n### Installation\n\n```sh\nnpm install styled-breakpoints\n\n# or\n\nyarn add styled-breakpoints\n\n# or\n\npnpm add styled-breakpoints\n```\n\n### Available breakpoints\n\nStyled Breakpoints includes six default breakpoints, sometimes referred to as grid tiers, for building responsively. These breakpoints can be customized. Each breakpoint was chosen to comfortably hold containers whose widths are multiples of 12. Breakpoints are also representative of a subset of common device sizes and viewport dimensions they don\u2019t specifically target every use case or device. Instead, the ranges provide a strong and consistent foundation to build on for nearly any device.\n\n```js\nconst defaultBreakpoints = {\n xs: '0px',\n sm: '576px',\n md: '768px',\n lg: '992px',\n xl: '1200px',\n xxl: '1400px',\n};\n```\n\n```js\nimport { up, down, between, only } from 'styled-breakpoints';\n\nconst Component = styled.div`\n color: black;\n\n ${only('md')} {\n color: rebeccapurple;\n }\n`;\n```\n\n### Customization\n\n```jsx\nimport { up, down, between, only, createTheme } from 'styled-breakpoints';\n\nconst theme = createTheme({\n sm: '576px',\n md: '768px',\n lg: '992px',\n xl: '1200px',\n});\n\nconst Component = styled.div`\n color: black;\n\n ${only('sm')} {\n color: rebeccapurple;\n }\n\n ${between('sm', 'md')} {\n color: hotpink;\n }\n\n ${down('lg')} {\n color: lightcoral;\n }\n\n ${up('xl')} {\n color: hotpink;\n }\n`;\n\n\n This is cool!\n;\n```\n\n### Object notation\n\nMake sure to explicitly pass `props` to breakpoint\nmethods. Please see the example below using default configuration:\n\n```js\nimport { down, between } from 'styled-breakpoints';\n\nconst Component = styled('div')((props) => ({\n color: 'black',\n [down('md')(props)]: {\n color: 'lightcoral',\n },\n [between('sm', 'md')(props)]: {\n color: 'hotpink',\n },\n}));\n```\n\n### Hooks API\n\n#### Styled Components\n\n```jsx\nimport { useBreakpoint } from 'styled-breakpoints/react-styled';\n```\n\n#### Emotion\n\n```jsx\nimport { useBreakpoint } from 'styled-breakpoints/react-emotion';\n```\n\n
\n\n## API\n\nCore API is inspired by [Bootstrap responsive breakpoints](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/layout/breakpoints/).\n\nFor example, let's take default values of breakpoints.\n\n### up\n\n
Type declaration\n\n```ts\n declare function up(\n min: string,\n orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'\n ) => any\n```\n\n
\n\n```jsx\ncss`\n ${up('md')} {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n }\n`;\n```\n\n
Convert to pure css: \n\n```css\n@media (min-width: 768px) {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n}\n```\n\n
\n\n### down\n\n
Type declaration\n\n```ts\n declare function down(\n max: string,\n orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'\n ) => any\n```\n\n
\n\nWe occasionally use media queries that go in the other direction (the given screen size or smaller).\n\nThis function takes this declared breakpoint, subtracts 0.02px from it, and uses it as the maximum width value.\n\n```tsx\ncss`\n ${down('md')} {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n }\n`;\n```\n\n
Convert to: \n\n```css\n@media (max-width: 767.98px) {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n}\n```\n\n
\n\n> Why subtract .02px? Browsers don\u2019t currently support [range context queries](https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#range-context), so we work around the limitations of [min- and max- prefixes](https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#mq-min-max) and viewports with fractional widths (which can occur under certain conditions on high-dpi devices, for instance) by using values with higher precision.\n\n
\n\n### between\n\n
Type declaration\n\n```ts\n declare function between(\n min: string,\n max: string,\n orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'\n ) => any\n```\n\n
\n\nSimilarly, media queries may span multiple breakpoint widths:\n\n```js\ncss`\n ${between('md', 'xl')} {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n }\n`;\n```\n\n
Convert to: \n\n```css\n@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1199.98px) {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n}\n```\n\n
\n\n### only\n\n
Type declaration\n\n```ts\n declare function only(\n name: string,\n orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'\n ) => any\n```\n\n
\n\nThere is also function for targeting a single segment of screen sizes using the minimum and maximum breakpoint widths.\n\n```jsx\ncss`\n ${only('md')} {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n }\n`;\n```\n\n
Convert to: \n\n```css\n@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991.98px) {\n background-color: rebeccapurple;\n}\n```\n\n
\n\n### useBreakpoint\n\n```js\n/**\n * @param {function} up | down | between | only\n *\n * @return {(boolean|null)} `true` if currently matching the given query,\n * `false` if not, and `null` if unknown (such as\n * during server-side rendering)\n */\nuseBreakpoint(up('md')) => boolean | null\n```\n\n## Other\n\n### License\n\nMIT License\n\nCopyright (c) 2018-2019 [Maxim Alyoshin](https://github.com/mg901).\n\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/mg901/styled-breakpoints/blob/master/LICENCE) file for details.\n\n### Contributors\n\nThanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors#emoji-key)):\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

\ud83d\udcbb \ud83c\udfa8 \ud83d\udcd6 \ud83d\udca1 \ud83e\udd14 \ud83d\udce2
Abu Shamsutdinov

\ud83d\udcbb \ud83d\udca1 \ud83e\udd14 \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udce2
Sergey Sova

\ud83d\udcbb \ud83d\udca1 \ud83e\udd14 \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udce2
Jussi Kinnula

\ud83d\udc1b \ud83d\udcbb
Rafa\u0142 Wyszomirski

Adrian Celczy\u0144ski

\ud83d\udc1b \ud83d\udcbb
Alexey Olefirenko

\ud83d\udcbb \ud83e\udd14

\ud83d\udcbb \ud83e\udd14

Ryan Bell

Bart Nagel

\ud83d\udc1b \ud83d\udcbb \ud83d\udca1 \ud83e\udd14
Greg McKelvey

Buck DeFore

Pierre Burel


\ud83d\udc1b \ud83d\udcbb
Pawel Kochanek

\ud83d\udc1b \ud83d\udcbb
\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!\n\n```\n\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "pazguille/viewport", "link": "https://github.com/pazguille/viewport", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": ":computer: Gets the dimensions of the Viewport and beyond.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Viewport\n\nViewport is a component to ease viewport management. You can get the dimensions of the viewport and beyond, which can be quite helpful to perform some checks with JavaScript.\n\n## Installation\n\n\t$ npm install viewport-js\n\n### Standalone\nAlso, you can use it without components.\n```html\n\n```\n\n## Usage\nFirst, add the following meta viewport:\n```html\n\n```\nThen, initialize the Viewport:\n```js\nvar viewport = require('viewport');\n```\nNow, starts to use it!\n```js\nviewport.height // Returns the current height of the viewport. (Read below the API)\n```\n\n## Browser Support\n- Chrome (OS X, Windows)\n- Firefox (OS X, Windows)\n- Opera (OS X, Windows)\n- Safari (OS X, Windows)\n- IE10+\n\n## API\n\n### Viewport#width\nReturns the current `width` of viewport (in pixels).\n\n### Viewport#height\nReturns the current `height` of viewport (in pixels).\n\n### Viewport#calculateDimensions()\nCalculates/updates the dimensions (`width` and `height`) of viewport (in pixels).\n\n### Viewport#top\nReturns offset `top` of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#right\nReturns offset `right` of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#bottom\nReturns offset `bottom` of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#left\nReturns offset `left` of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#calculateOffset()\nCalculates/updates the viewport position.\n\n### Viewport#scrollY\nReturns vertical scroll position of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#scrollX\nReturns horizontal scroll position of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#calculateScroll()\nCalculates/updates the scroll positions (`scrollY` and `scrollX`) of viewport.\n\n### Viewport#orientation\nReturns the device orientation: `portrait-primary`, `portrait-secondary`, `landscape-primary`, `landscape-secondary`.\n\n###\u00a0Viewport#calculateOrientation()\nCalculates/updates the device `orientation`.\n\n###\u00a0Viewport#device\nDevice size is static and doesn't change when the page is resized. Returns an object with size of device (`width` and `height`).\n\n###\u00a0Viewport#inViewport()\nCalculate if an element is completely located in the viewport. Returns boolean.\n\n###\u00a0Viewport#isVisible()\nCalculates if an element is visible in the viewport. Returns boolean.\n\n###\u00a0Viewport#refresh()\nUpdates the viewport dimension, viewport positions and orientation.\n\n###\u00a0Events\n- `scroll`: emitted when the viewport are scrolled.\n- `resize`: emitted when the dimensions of the viewport changes.\n- `bottom`: emitted when the viewport position is the bottom.\n- `top`: emitted when the viewport position is the top.\n\n## With :heart: by\n\n- Guille Paz (Frontend developer | Web standards lover)\n- E-mail: [guille87paz@gmail.com](mailto:guille87paz@gmail.com)\n- Twitter: [@pazguille](http://twitter.com/pazguille)\n- Web: [https://pazguille.me](https://pazguille.me)\n\n## License\n\nMIT license. Copyright \u00a9 2016.\n\n[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/horwheel.svg\n[lic-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/horwheel.svg\n[npm-link]: https://npmjs.org/package/horwheel\n[deps-image]: https://img.shields.io/david/pazguille/horwheel.svg\n[deps-link]: https://david-dm.org/pazguille/horwheel\n[devdeps-image]: https://img.shields.io/david/dev/pazguille/horwheel.svg\n[devdeps-link]: https://david-dm.org/pazguille/horwheel#info=devDependencies\n[dt-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/horwheel.svg\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Whoa components are making it on HN. This is great.I need some context for this. Google isn't helping with a term like \"component\". I see the install command itself is \"component\". I'm not familiar with this. What am I looking at? I would like to understand. Thanks!Just wanted to say. Thank you for supporting Opera too. It simply looks nice to have inclusive development taking place in the web.Any chance you could provide an actual Viewport.js file for people who don't want to set up a full Nodejs env just to get this?tl;dr The Viewport is a componente to ease viewport management. You can get the dimensions of the viewport and beyond, which can be quite helpful to perform some checks with JavaScript.I've got a brilliant idea. How about we stop assuming that only Linux users browse HN or github! Some of us can't simply \"$ component install\". And it's a .js file... why is there an \"installation\" to begin with?It is bizarre to need node.js to install a Javascript component.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "koto/xsschef", "link": "https://github.com/koto/xsschef", "tags": [], "stars": 536, "description": "Chrome extension Exploitation Framework", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "XSS ChEF - Chrome Extension Exploitation Framework\n======\n\nby [Krzysztof Kotowicz](http://blog.kotowicz.net)\nver 1.0\n\nhttps://github.com/koto/xsschef\n\n![](https://github.com/koto/xsschef/raw/master/bootstrap/img/xss-chef.png \"Logo by Gareth Heyes\")\n\nAbout\n-----\nThis is a Chrome Extension Exploitation Framework - think [BeEF](http://beefproject.com/) for Chrome extensions.\nWhenever you encounter a XSS vulnerability in Chrome extension, ChEF will ease the exploitation.\n\nWhat can you actually do (when having appropriate permissions)?\n \n - Monitor open tabs of victims\n - Execute JS on every tab (global XSS)\n - Extract HTML, read/write cookies (also httpOnly), localStorage\n - Get and manipulate browser history\n - Stay persistent until whole browser is closed (or even futher if you can persist in extensions' localStorage)\n - Make screenshot of victims window\n - Further exploit e.g. via attaching BeEF hooks, keyloggers etc.\n - Explore filesystem through file:// protocol\n - Bypass Chrome extensions content script sandbox to interact directly with page JS\n\nDemo\n----\nSee http://youtu.be/KmIG2EKLP2M for a demonstrational video. BeEF hooking: http://youtu.be/uonVWh0QO1A\n\nInstallation & usage\n------------\n### Setup CHeF server (on attacker's machine)\n\nChEF has three spearate backends to choose from: *PHP/XHR*, *PHP/WebSockets* and *node.js/WebSockets* version.\n\n#### PHP \nPHP backends require only a PHP and a HTTP server (Apache/nginx) for hosting attacker command & control center.\n\nYou can choose one of two flavours:\n\n WebSockets (recommended) - requires launching a PHP WebSocket server that will listen on a separate TCP port.\n XHR - Legacy mode. Communication with hooked browsers has certain latency as it is based on XMLHttpRequest polling.\n\nTo install PHP version just download the files somewhere within your document root.\n\n $ mv xsschef /var/www/\n\nIf you want to use XHR backend, you're done. If you want to use the WebSockets backend, additionally lauch a PHP WebSocket server:\n\n $ php server.php [port=8080] [host=] 2>log.txt\n\n#### Node.js\nNode.js version requires a [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) installation and is much faster as it is based on [WebSockets](http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/) protocol.\n\nInstallation:\n\n $ npm install websocket\n // windows users: npm install websocket@1.0.3\n // see https://github.com/Worlize/WebSocket-Node/issues/28\n $ npm install node-static\n $ node server.js [chosen-tcp-port] 2>log.txt\n \n### Launch CHeF console (on attacker's machine)\n - PHP/WebSockets:\n - PHP/XHR:\n - node.js/WebSockets:\n\n### Hook Chrome extension (on victim's)\nFirst, you have to find a XSS vulnerability in a Google Chrome addon. I won't help you here.\nThis is similar to looking for XSS in webpages, but totally different, as there are way more DOM based XSSes than reflected ones and the debugging is different.\n\nOnce you found a vulnerable extension, inject it with CheF hook script. See 'hook' menu item in console UI for the hook code.\n\nChEF ships with an exemplary XSS-able chrome addon in `vulnerable_chrome_extension` directory. Install this unpackaged extension (Tools, Extensions, Developer mode, load unpacked extension) in Chrome to test.\n\n### Exploit ###\nOnce code has been injected and run, a notification should be sent to console, so you can choose the hook by clicking on a 'choose hooked browser' icon on the left and start exploiting.\n\nHow does it work?\n=================\n\n\n ATTACKER VICTIM(S)\n\n +------------+\n | tab 1 |\n command | http://.. |\n +----------> |\n | +------------+\n |\n +------------+ +-----------+-+\n | console | | addon w/XSS | result+------------+\n | | +-------------+ (XHR/WS) | |<------+| tab 2 |\n | |+->| ChEF server |<----------+| |+------>+ https://.. |\n | |<-+| |+---------->| ChEF hook | | |\n | | +-------------+ | | +------------+\n +------------+ +-----------+-+\n |\n | +------------+\n | | tab 3 |\n +----------> https://.. |\n | |\n +------------+\n \nChrome addons usually have permissions to access inidividual tabs in the browser. They can also inject JS code into those tabs. So addons are theoretically cabable of doing a global XSS on any tab. When there is a exploitable XSS vulnerability within a Chrome addon, attacker (with ChEF server) can do exactly that. \n\nScript injected into Chrome extension (ChEF hook served from a ChEF server) moves to extension background page and installs JS code into every tab it has access to. This JS code listens for various commands from the addon and responds to them. And ChEF-hooked addon receives commands and responds to them by connecting to CHeF server on attackers machine (using XMLHttpRequest or WebSockets connection). Attacker has also a nice web-based UI console to control this whole XSS-based botnet.\n\nExploitability requirements\n===========================\nVulnerable extension needs to have:\n\n - `tabs` permissions\n - origin permission for sites you want to interact with - ideally, `` or `http://*/*`\n - background page for the code to persist. ChEF will try to work anyways, but it will be very limited in functionality.\n - no [CSP](http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/trunk/contentSecurityPolicy.html) restrictions i.e. [manifest v1.0 in Chrome 18+](http://blog.chromium.org/2012/02/more-secure-extensions-by-default.html)\n \nTo be able to read/write cookies, `cookies` permission is needed, though you can get non httpOnly cookies with `eval()`. To manipulate history, `history` permission is needed.\n\nMore info\n=========\nXSS ChEF was demonstrated during Black Hat USA 2012 *Advanced Chrome Extension Exploitation: Leveraging API powers for Better Evil* workshops.\nThere is more info about the workshops and XSS ChEF in [the whitepaper](http://kotowicz.net/bh2012/advanced-chrome-extension-exploitation-osborn-kotowicz.pdf)\n\nLicence\n-------\nXSS ChEF - Chrome Extension Exploitation framework\nCopyright (C) 2012 Krzysztof Kotowicz - http://blog.kotowicz.net\n\nThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n(at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jellekralt/Responsive-Tabs", "link": "https://github.com/jellekralt/Responsive-Tabs", "tags": ["javascript", "jquery", "responsive", "tabs", "accordion", "accordion-tab"], "stars": 536, "description": "Responsive Tabs is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. You can use this plugin as a solution for displaying tabs elegantly on desktop, tablet and mobile.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "jQuery Responsive Tabs\n==============\n\nThis jQuery plugin provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint.\nCheck out a demo at http://jellekralt.github.io/Responsive-Tabs/\n\nFeatures\n=========\n\n+ Tabs transform to accordion based on breakpoint\n+ Uses javascript / jQuery for the technical tab switching (class based)\n+ Uses CSS for the desktop/tablet/mobile view\n+ Has callback events for the tab events\n+ Tabs can be opened with URL hashes\n+ Tabs can auto rotate\n+ Tabs can be collapsed (optional)\n+ Tabs can start collapsed based on the view (optional)\n+ Tabs can be disabled\n+ The tabs are controllable with API methods\n+ Cross browser compatibility (IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera)\n+ Multiple device support (Web, Tablet, Mobile, etc)\n\n\nHow to use\n==========\n\n* Requires jQuery (minimaly jQuery 1.7.0)\n* Include jquery.responsiveTabs.js\n```html\n\n```\n* Include responsive-tabs.css for the basic Tabs to Accordion switching\n```html\n\n```\n* Include style.css for a basic tab/accordion theme\n```html\n\n```\n\n* Use this HTML markup:\n\n```html\n
\n \n\n
\n```\n\n* Use this jQuery function to enable responsive tabs on the selected element:\n\n```javascript\n$('#responsiveTabsDemo').responsiveTabs({\n startCollapsed: 'accordion'\n});\n```\n\nGet\n=======\n\n### Bower\n\n bower install responsive-tabs\n \n### NPM\n\n npm install responsive-tabs\n \n### CDN\n\nResponsive Tabs is available on [jsDelivr](http://www.jsdelivr.com/)\n\n http://www.jsdelivr.com/#!jquery.responsive-tabs\n \nAPI\n===\n\nThe following options are available:\n\n### Collapsible\nIf set to 'true' the panels are collapsible. The values 'tabs' and 'accordion' can be used to make the panels collapsible in a specific view/state. If a tab is active and you select it again, the panel will collapse.\n```javascript\ncollapsible: false // The panels are not collapsible\ncollapsible: true // The panels are collapsible\ncollapsible: 'tabs' // The panels are only collapsible if the view is currently tab based\ncollapsible: 'accordion' // The panels are only collapsible if the view is currently accordion based\n```\n\n### Start collapsed\nThis option defines if the first panel on load starts collapsed or not. With the values 'tabs' and 'accordion' you can specify in which view the tabs are supposed to start collapsed.\n\n```javascript\nstartCollapsed: false // Do not collapse on start\nstartCollapsed: true // Start with the panels collapsed\nstartCollapsed: 'tabs' // Start with the panels collapsed if the view is currently tab based\nstartCollapsed: 'accordion' // Start with the panels collapsed if the view is currently accordion based\n```\n\n### Disabled tabs\nAn array with zero based integers that define the tabs that should be disabled\n\n```javascript\ndisabled: [0,2] // Disables the first and third tab\n```\n\n### Active tab\nAn 0 based integer that defines the initial opened tab on load.\n\n```javascript\nactive: 1 // Opens the second tab on load\n```\n\n### Accordion Tab HTML element\nA single HTML element template in which the accordion tab will be wrapped.\n\n```javascript\naccordionTabElement: '
'\n```\n\n### Set hash\nA boolean that can be used to enable and disable the setting of a reference to the selected tab in the URL hash. If set to 'true', the selecting of a new tab will set the reference to that tab in the URL hash.\n\n```javascript\nsetHash: true\n```\n\n### Rotate\nThis option can be used to auto rotate the tabs. The tabs will stop rotating when a tab is selected.\n\n```javascript\nrotate: false, // The tabs won't auto rotate\nrotate: true, // The tabs will auto rotate from the start\n```\n\n### Event\nThis option can be used to specify the event that activates a tab. For instance: 'mouseover'. Defaults to 'click'\n\n```javascript\nevent: 'click' // (default) The tabs will activate on click\nevent: 'mouseover' // The tabs will activate on mouseover\netc...\n```\n\n### Animation\nThis option enables the animation of the panels. By default the panels will just show and hide, this option can be used to make the panels slide up and down and fade in and out.\n\n```javascript\nanimation: 'fade', // The panels will fade in and out\nanimation: 'slide', // The panels will slide up and down\n```\n\nYou can enable / disable the queueing of the animation by setting the ```animationQueue``` option.\n\n```javascript\nanimationQueue: false, // (default) disables the queueing of the animations. With this option on, all animations happen at the same time\nanimationQueue: true, // enables the queueing of the animations. With this option on, animations wait for each other\nanimationQueue: 'tabs', // enables the queueing of the animations for the tabs state only\nanimationQueue: 'accordion', // enables the queueing of the animations for the accordion state only\n```\n\nYou can set the speed of the animation by setting the ```duration``` option.\n```javascript\nduration: 500, // (default) Sets the animation duration to 500\n```\n\n### Scroll to Accordion panel\nThis options can be used to enable automatic scrolling to the accordion panel that has been opened\n\n```javascript\nscrollToAccordion: false, // (default) disables the auto scrolling to the accordion panel\nscrollToAccordion: true, // enables the auto scrolling to the accordion panel\n```\n\n### Scroll to Accordion panel on load\nThis option can be used to disabling the scrolling to an accordion panel on load\n\n```javascript\nscrollToAccordionOnLoad: true, // (default) enables scrolling to accordion on load\nscrollToAccordionOnLoad: false, // disables scrolling to accordion on load\n```\n\nYou can define an offset in pixels for the scroll to accordion panel by setting the ```scrollToAccordionOffset``` option.\n\n```javascript\nscrollToAccordionOffset: false, // (default) disables the auto scrolling to the accordion panel\nscrollToAccordionOffset: true, // enables the auto scrolling to the accordion panel\n```\n\n### Navigation container\nThis option can be used to select a different container element for the navigation `
    `.\n\n```javascript\nnavigationContainer: '.some-css-selector'\n```\n\n```html\n
    • Tab
    • \n ...\n
    \n```\n\nCallbacks\n---------\n\n### Click\nThis callback is called after a tab is clicked, regardless of whether it's disabled\n\n**Arguments**\n- event: Clicked event\n- tab: Clicked tab object\n\n```javascript\nclick: function(event, tab){},\n```\n\n### Activate\nThis callback is called after a tab is selected\n\n**Arguments**\n- event: Activate event\n- tab: Activated tab object\n\n```javascript\nactivate: function(event, tab){},\n```\n\n### Deactivate\nThis callback is called after a tab is deactivated\n\n**Arguments**\n- event: Deactivate event\n- tab: Deactivated tab object\n\n```javascript\ndeactivate: function(event, tab){},\n```\n\n### Load\nThis callback is called after the plugin has been loaded\n\n**Arguments**\n- event: Load event\n- tab: First tab object\n\n```javascript\nload: function(event, firstTab){},\n```\n\n### Activate State\nThis callback is called after the plugin switches from state (Tab view / Accordion view)\n\n```javascript\nactivateState: function(){}\n```\n\nMethods\n-------\n\nThe following methods are available:\n\n### Activate\nThis method activates/opens a tab by using a zero based tab reference\n\n```javascript\n$('#responsiveTabsDemo').responsiveTabs('activate', 1); // This would open the second tab\n```\n\n### Deactivate\nThis method deactivates/closes a tab by using a zero based tab reference\n\n```javascript\n$('#responsiveTabsDemo').responsiveTabs('deactivate', 1); // This would close the second tab\n```\n\n### Enable\nThis method enables a tab by using a zero based tab reference\n\n```javascript\n$('#responsiveTabsDemo').responsiveTabs('enable', 1); // This would enable the second tab\n```\n\n### Disable\nThis method deactivates/closes a tab by using a zero based tab reference\n\n```javascript\n$('#responsiveTabsDemo').responsiveTabs('disable', 1); // This would disable the second tab\n```\n\n### startRotation\nThis method start the rotation of the tabs. You can use the first argument to define the speed.\n \n```javascript\n$('#responsiveTabsDemo').responsiveTabs('startRotation', 1000); // This would open the second tab\n```\n\nEvents\n-------\nThe following events are emitted on the element the tabs are initialised on (the container):\n\n### tabs-load\nThis event is triggered when the tabs plugin has finished loading\n\n**Passed variables**\n- event\n\n### tabs-activate \nThis event is triggered when a tab is activated\n\n**Passed variables**\n- event\n- Activated tab object\n\n### tabs-deactivate \nThis event is triggered when a tab is deactivated\n\n**Passed variables**\n- event\n- Deactivated tab object\n\n### tabs-activate-state \nThis event is triggered when the state of the plugin changes\n\n**Passed variables**\n- event\n- State object\n - Old state\n - New state\n\n\nCredits\n=========\nThe idea for this plugin is based on 'Easy Responsive Tabs to Accordion' by samsono (github.com/samsono)\n\nhttps://github.com/samsono/Easy-Responsive-Tabs-to-Accordion\n\nSupport\n=======\nIf you have any questions, problems or suggestions, feel free to submit a ticket!\nAlso, pull requests with improvements, new features or other great stuff are always very welcome.\n\nLicence\n=======\nMIT: http://jellekralt.mit-license.org/\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "component/textarea-caret-position", "link": "https://github.com/component/textarea-caret-position", "tags": [], "stars": 535, "description": "xy coordinates of a textarea or input's caret", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Textarea Caret Position\n\nGet the `top` and `left` coordinates of the caret in a `\n\n\n\n````\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "musically-ut/lovely-forks", "link": "https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks", "tags": ["stars", "addon", "github", "chrome-extension", "firefox-addon", "firefox-extension", "github-forks", "forks-insight", "forks"], "stars": 533, "description": "\ud83d\udc9a \ud83c\udf74 Show notable forks of GitHub repositories under their names.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "![Lovely forks logo](http://musicallyut.in/docs/lovely-forks/logo.png)\n## Lovely forks\n\n

    Firefox addon


    Chrome extension\n

    \n \n

    Can also be installed on Opera through the Opera Chrome-extension addon.

    \n\n----\n\nAn addon to help you notice **notable** forks of a GitHub project.\n\nSometimes on GitHub, projects are abandoned by the original authors and the\ndevelopment continues on a fork. However, the original repository is seldom\nupdated to inform newcomers of that fact. I have often wasted effort on making\na pull-request or installing old buggy versions of projects when the community\nhad already moved to a fork.\n\nTo make matters worse, the old projects usually have higher search-engine\ntraffic and a lot more stars than the forks. This makes the forks even harder\nto find. This addon tries to remedy that by adding a subscript under the name\nof the repository on the GitHub page of the project with a link to the most\nnotable fork (i.e. the fork with the most stars and at least one star), if such\na fork exists.\n\nAlso, if the fork is _more recent_ than the upstream, a flame icon is shown\nnext to it. These are called [_flamey forks_](https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks/issues/13) \nas suggested by [Mottie](https://github.com/Mottie).\n\n## Use cases\n\nThe [tipsy plugin](https://github.com/jaz303/tipsy) hasn't been updated since\n2012 and there is a [community supported\nfork](https://github.com/CloCkWeRX/tipsy) which has merged in all the PRs.\nHowever, the alternative only has 27 stars versus the 1,888 stars of the\noriginal project (at the time of writing):\n\n


    \n\nSimilarly, the project [slate](https://github.com/jigish/slate) was last\nupdated in 2013 and has about 5,000 stars. The [currently active\nfork](https://github.com/mattr-/slate) only has 185 stars (at the time of\nwriting):\n\n


    \n\nIn some cases, a new flavour of the project might become visible, like an\ninternationalized fork ([Semantic-UI-pt-br](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-pt-br)\nis [Semantic-UI](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI) in a different\nlanguage):\n\n


    \n\nOr provides new features ([vim-fugitive](https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive) \nprovides git integration for vim, \n[vim-mercenary](https://github.com/jlfwong/vim-mercenary) provides Mercurial\nintegration):\n\n


    \n\n## Development\n\nPlease install the following before building the extension:\n\n - [`web-ext`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Getting_started_with_web-ext)\n - [`jq`](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) **Note:** This is not the `jq` on NPM, which is a server-side `jQuery` replacement.\n\nThe project is supplied with a `Makefile` which can produce final files for both Firefox and Chrome.\n\n```bash\nmake chrome\nmake firefox\n```\n\nThe build is done by selectively copying parts of the source code to the folder `./.tmp` and then archiving it again using either `zip` (for Chrome) or `web-ext` (for Firefox).\nThe final archives are kept in the `./build` folder.\n\n### Testing\n\nThe [`StandardJS` style checker](https://github.com/standard/standard) is used for setting the style guide in the code.\n\nFor testing, the extension can be loaded into Chrome by going to [chrome://extensions](chrome://extensions) and clicking on the Load Unpacked Extension button.\nThen navigate to the `.tmp` folder in the source code root which was created by running `make chrome` and load it. An alternate is to run `make manifest` in the root folder and then load the source code root as the unpacked extension. This will allow for a simpler edit-reload cycle, except while editing `manifest.json.template`.\n\nFor Firefox, the easiest way to test the packaged extension would be to download the [unbranded build](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Add-ons/Extension_Signing#Latest_Builds) or the [Developer Edition](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/developer/) and loading the extension there. Otherwise, one would need to _sign_ the extension via your account on their Addon server. Go to [`about:addons`](about:addons), to the _Extensions_ Tab and click the Gear icon (Settings) on the top right to load the packed extension.\n\nIf the browser still complains that the package has not been signed, then go to [`about:config`](about:config) and set `xpinstall.signatures.required` to `false`. Note that this setting only takes effect on the Developer Edition and the Unbranded versions of the browser even though it shows up in `about:config` pages of the release channel versions as well.\n\n## See Also\n\n - [useful-forks.github.io](https://github.com/useful-forks/useful-forks.github.io) and [their Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/useful-forks/aflbdmaojedofngiigjpnlabhginodbf).\n\n## Acknowledgements\n\nThis project uses icons made by\n[Freepik](http://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik) and \n[Dave Gandy](http://www.flaticon.com/authors/dave-gandy) from\n[www.flaticon.com](http://www.flaticon.com) is licensed by \n[CC BY 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).\n\n[bfred-it](https://github.com/bfred-it) has contributed to improving the look\nand feel of the extension considerably. He also brought the extension from the [dark age into the space age](https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks/pull/38) of JavaScript.\n\n[izuzak](https://github.com/izuzak) from GitHub was instrumental in helping me\nwith bug fixing and suggesting [compare API](https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#compare-two-commits) \nfor improving the heuristic to determine if a fork is more recent than the upstream\nrepository.\n\n[yfdyh000](https://github.com/yfdyh000) added a [userscript version](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/31469-lovely-forks) and made the switch from Firefox Addon SDK to Web-extensions.\n\n[Jackymancs4](https://github.com/Jackymancs4) fixed [a bug](https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks/issues/40) and re-enabled the settings page.\n\n[olso](https://github.com/olso) added an option to set how many days old the last commit on the current repository should be before the forks are shown.\n\n[Jorgen1040](https://github.com/Jorgen1040) helped fix a bug about multiple \"also forked\" messages appearing.\n\n[francislavoie](https://github.com/francislavoie) implemented a [repo skip list](https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks/pull/74), to not show forks on specific repos.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "pubnub/javascript", "link": "https://github.com/pubnub/javascript", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "PubNub JavaScript SDK docs https://www.pubnub.com/docs/sdks/javascript", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# PubNub JavaScript SDK (V4)\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/pubnub/javascript.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/pubnub/javascript)\n[![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/2859917905c549b8bfa27630ff276fce)](https://www.codacy.com/app/PubNub/javascript?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=pubnub/javascript&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade)\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/pubnub.svg)]()\n[![Bower](https://img.shields.io/bower/v/pubnub.svg)]()\n[![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/npm/pubnub/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/npm/pubnub)\n\nThis is the official PubNub JavaScript SDK repository.\n\nPubNub takes care of the infrastructure and APIs needed for the realtime communication layer of your application. Work on your app's logic and let PubNub handle sending and receiving data across the world in less than 100ms.\n\n## Get keys\n\nYou will need the publish and subscribe keys to authenticate your app. Get your keys from the [Admin Portal](https://dashboard.pubnub.com/login).\n\n## Configure PubNub\n\n1. Integrate the JavaScript SDK into your project:\n * use `npm`:\n ```\n npm install pubnub\n ```\n * or download one of our builds from our CDN: \n * https://cdn.pubnub.com/sdk/javascript/pubnub.7.2.2.js\n * https://cdn.pubnub.com/sdk/javascript/pubnub.7.2.2.min.js\n\n2. Configure your keys:\n\n ```javascript\n pubnub = new PubNub({\n publishKey : \"myPublishKey\",\n subscribeKey : \"mySubscribeKey\",\n uuid: \"myUniqueUUID\"\n })\n ```\n\n## Add event listeners\n\n```javascript\npubnub.addListener({\n message: function (m) {\n // handle messages\n },\n presence: function (p) {\n // handle presence \n },\n signal: function (s) {\n // handle signals\n },\n objects: (objectEvent) => {\n // handle objects\n },\n messageAction: function (ma) {\n // handle message actions\n },\n file: function (event) {\n // handle files \n },\n status: function (s) {\n // handle status \n },\n});\n```\n\n## Publish/subscribe\n\n```javascript\nvar publishPayload = {\n channel : \"hello_world\",\n message: {\n title: \"greeting\",\n description: \"This is my first message!\"\n }\n}\n\npubnub.publish(publishPayload, function(status, response) {\n console.log(status, response);\n})\n\npubnub.subscribe({\n channels: [\"hello_world\"]\n});\n```\n\n## Documentation\n\n* [Build your first realtime JS app with PubNub](https://www.pubnub.com/docs/platform/quickstarts/javascript)\n* [API reference for JavaScript (web)](https://www.pubnub.com/docs/web-javascript/pubnub-javascript-sdk)\n* [API reference for JavaScript (Node.js)](https://www.pubnub.com/docs/nodejs-javascript/pubnub-javascript-sdk)\n\n## Support\n\nIf you **need help** or have a **general question**, contact .\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Where is ORTC now? Is it still getting integrated into WebRTC?>In this tutorial, we\u2019ll start by building a very simple video chat application that only requires around 20 lines of JavaScriptBullhockey, even if you want to consider minified libraries as \"one line\". \n \n <-- 570 lines -->\n\nThis looks interesting, but there's no reason to be disingenuous about how lightweight it is.I can also recommend:https://github.com/mroderick/PubSubJSA slight variation on the implementation which makes it great for single-page apps that need local events.Instead of attaching it to the body (global events), you can also attach to the current 'page' element. Now all your events can subscribe to the local event handler. There's an added bonus that when the page is removed, the event handlers are automatically destroyed, too.PubSub is probably one of the easiest JavaScript patterns to make with vanilla js. function PubSub(){\n this.listeners = {};\n };\n \n PubSub.prototype.subscribe = function(name, fn){\n if(!this.listeners[name]){\n this.listenders[name] = [];\n }\n \n this.listeners.name.push(fn);\n \n return this;\n };\n \n PubSub.prototype.publish = function(name, args, binding_object){\n if(this.listeners[name]){\n var i, l;\n \n for(i = 0, l = this.listeners[name].length; i < l; i++){\n this.listeners[name][i].apply(binding_object || this, args);\n }\n }\n \n return this;\n };\n \n PubSub.prototype.unsubscribe = function(name, fn){\n //loop through and remove fn from this.listners\n };\n\n //usage\n var = ps_controller = new PubSub();\n //somewhere subscribe to an event\n ps_controller.subscribe('test', function(one, two three){ //do stuff });\n\n //publish the test event later\n ps_controller.publish('test', [1, 2 3]);Lately I've been toying with a jQuery pub/sub that publishes based on changeData events: https://gist.github.com/2136216I love all the stuff coming out in the Javascript world lately, especially things making comet-style coding easier. That said, seeing last week's chatroom in 15 loc and this week's chatroom in 10 lines kinda reminds me of the \"5 minute abs\" infomercials. I wonder when the first Perl-style one-liner chatroom will come out? :)In seriousness, I'd love to see a comparison between this and now.js and some of the others.Wish I saw this before I spend hours writing and testing a comet server in C# for IIS. I still can't believe Amazon doesn't have this as a webservice yet.Still, I wonder how their lib interacts with mobile OSs because running comet in the background for these devices can kill the battery life.@lux ...curious...do you have a link to last weeks 'chat room n 15 loc'?10 lines of javascript..so long as you include these other several hundred lines from a library.It's cool that you can work this way with the PubNub library--but on the web, where all of the code needed actually has to be downloaded by the client, it's completely disingenuous.You don't escape html entities, you can easily have fun inverting text with the mirroring character ‮Amazing. Very optimized and smooth.neat. looks like it uses polling + JsonP to maintain state.tried to install trafficbeat on my site, but got a javascript error - looks like the script tags they give you to copy/paste are including files that aren't javascript.WOh! The demo videos are awesome :-)Love the background image.\"Performance is number one and so is usability.\"How dilbertian.This looks really, really awesome -- App Engine users have been needing something like this for a very long time. Unfortunately, Google is about to roll out their own version for free:http://code.google.com/apis/feed/push/and a native App Engine solution called the Channel API: http://code.google.com/events/io/2010/sessions/building-real...Dojo supports a lot of this for quite some time, ie.: http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojo/publishlooks exactly like: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1216648", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "caspar-chen/swagger-ui-layer", "link": "https://github.com/caspar-chen/swagger-ui-layer", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "\u57fa\u4e8eswagger\u7684\u6f02\u4eae\u7684\u63a5\u53e3\u6587\u6863", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# swagger-ui-layer\n\n------\n\nswagger-ui-layer \u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u57fa\u4e8eswagger\u7684\u524d\u7aefUI\u5b9e\u73b0,\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u66ff\u6362\u4e86\u9ed8\u8ba4\u7684swagger-ui,\u8ba9\u751f\u6210\u7684\u6587\u6863\u66f4\u52a0\u53cb\u597d\u548c\u7f8e\u89c2\n\nswagger-ui-layer \u8981\u4f9d\u8d56swagger\u7684\u6ce8\u89e3\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3aswagger-ui-layer \u4ec5\u4ec5\u53ea\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u524d\u7aefUI\u754c\u9762\u7684\u5b9e\u73b0\uff0c\u89e3\u6790\u7684\u6570\u636e\u6765\u6e90\u4e8e `/v2/api-docs` \n\n\n### \u6548\u679c\n\n* \u6700\u7ec8\u751f\u6210\u6587\u6863\u7684\u5c55\u793a\u4f8b\u5b50\uff1ahttp://suldemo.tianox.com/docs.html\n\n* \u63a5\u53e3\u6587\u6863\u4fe1\u606f\u754c\u9762\n\n![api-info](swagger-ui-layer/src/main/resources/examples/api-info.png)\n\n* \u63a5\u53e3\u6587\u6863\u8c03\u8bd5\u754c\u9762\n\n![api-debug](swagger-ui-layer/src/main/resources/examples/api-debug.png)\n\n------\n\n### \u5982\u4f55\u4f7f\u7528\n##### 1\u3001\u5f15\u5165jar\u5305\n\n\u9996\u5148\u9700\u8981\u5728\u4f60\u7684 `pom.xml` \u4e2d\u5f15\u5165`swagger` \u548c `swagger-ui-layer` \u6700\u65b0\u7248\u7684jar\u5305\n\nswagger-ui-layer \u6700\u65b0\u7248jar\u5305\u5730\u5740\uff1ahttp://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.github.caspar-chen%22%20AND%20a%3A%22swagger-ui-layer%22\n```xml\n\n io.springfox\n springfox-swagger2\n 2.2.2\n\n\n com.github.caspar-chen\n swagger-ui-layer\n ${last-version}\n\n```\n\n##### 2\u3001\u6dfb\u52a0swagger\u529f\u80fd\u548c\u6ce8\u89e3\n\u542f\u7528swagger ,\u521b\u5efaSwaggerConfig\u6587\u4ef6\uff0c\u5185\u5bb9\u5982\u4e0b\uff0c\n> \u9700\u8981\u6ce8\u610f\u7684\u4e00\u70b9\u662f swagger api \u7684\u9ed8\u8ba4\u5730\u5740\u662f`/v2/api-docs` \u6240\u4ee5swagger-ui-layer\u4e5f\u8bfb\u53d6\u7684\u662f\u9ed8\u8ba4\u5730\u5740\uff0c\n\u6240\u4ee5\u5728new Docket()\u7684\u65f6\u5019\u4e0d\u80fd\u6307\u5b9agroup\u53c2\u6570\uff0c\u5426\u5219 swagger api \u7684\u5730\u5740\u4f1a\u5728\u540e\u9762\u52a0\u5165group\u7684\u53c2\u6570\u5bfc\u81f4swagger-ui-layer\u4e0d\u80fd\u6b63\u786e\u8bf7\u6c42\u5230\u6570\u636e\n```java\n@Configuration\n@EnableSwagger2\npublic class SwaggerConfig {\n\n\t@Bean\n\tpublic Docket ProductApi() {\n\t\treturn new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)\n\t\t\t\t.genericModelSubstitutes(DeferredResult.class)\n\t\t\t\t.useDefaultResponseMessages(false)\n\t\t\t\t.forCodeGeneration(false)\n\t\t\t\t.pathMapping(\"/\")\n\t\t\t\t.select()\n\t\t\t\t.build()\n\t\t\t\t.apiInfo(productApiInfo());\n\t}\n\n\tprivate ApiInfo productApiInfo() {\n\t\tApiInfo apiInfo = new ApiInfo(\"XXX\u7cfb\u7edf\u6570\u636e\u63a5\u53e3\u6587\u6863\",\n\t\t\t\t\"\u6587\u6863\u63cf\u8ff0\u3002\u3002\u3002\",\n\t\t\t\t\"1.0.0\",\n\t\t\t\t\"API TERMS URL\",\n\t\t\t\t\"\u8054\u7cfb\u4eba\u90ae\u7bb1\",\n\t\t\t\t\"license\",\n\t\t\t\t\"license url\");\n\t\treturn apiInfo;\n\t}\n}\n```\n\u5e38\u7528\u7684swagger\u6ce8\u89e3 \nApi\nApiModel\nApiModelProperty\nApiOperation\nApiParam\nApiResponse\nApiResponses\nResponseHeader\n\u5177\u4f53\u7684\u6ce8\u89e3\u7528\u6cd5\u53ef\u53c2\u9605\u4e92\u8054\u7f51\n\n##### 3\u3001\u67e5\u770b\u7ed3\u679c\n`swagger-ui-layer` \u7684\u9ed8\u8ba4\u8bbf\u95ee\u5730\u5740\u662f `http://${host}:${port}/docs.html`\n\n### License\nApache License 2.0\n\n### \u6e90\u7801\u7ef4\u62a4\u5730\u5740\n* Github \uff1a https://github.com/caspar-chen/swagger-ui-layer\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "lokenx/plexrequests-meteor", "link": "https://github.com/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "Meteor version of the original Plex Requests", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Plex Requests - Meteor Style!\n\n ![plexrequestspreview](http://plexrequests.8bits.ca/img/preview.png \"PlexRequests\")\n\n [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Average time to resolve an issue](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/resolution/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor \"Average time to resolve an issue\") [![Percentage of issues still open](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/open/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor \"Percentage of issues still open\")\n > This is [Plex Requests](https://github.com/lokenx/plexrequests) but written with Meteor! It's been updated with an approval system, basic issue reporting, and a new visual style!\n\n---\n\n### :warning: Warning regarding Meteor 1.3 :warning:\n\n Meteor recently updated to 1.3, and while we don't expect any issues we advise you don't update your installation yet. You will get prompted to run `meteor update` once the update has downloaded in the background. Please refrain from running it, until we can confirm everything will continue to work.\n\n---\n\n## Overview\n\n * Movie data is searched and retrieved from [TheMovieDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/)\n * TV Show data is searched and retrieved from [TVMaze](http://www.tvmaze.com/)\n * Easily accessible list of requested Movies and TV series\n * Simple and easy user authentication and request approval\n * Improved user permissions management :star2:\n\n## Downloader Integrations\n\n * **[CouchPotato](https://couchpota.to/)** Automated Movie Download Application\n * **[SickRage](https://github.com/SickRage/SickRage)** Automated TV Series Download Application\n * **[Sonarr](https://sonarr.tv/)** Automated TV Series Download Application\n * **[Radarr](https://radarr.video/)** Automated Movie Download Application\n\n## Notifications\n\n * **Providers**\n 1. **[Pushbullet](https://www.pushbullet.com/)**\n 2. **[Pushover](https://pushover.net/)**\n 3. **[Slack](https://slack.com/)**\n 4. **[Telegram](https://telegram.org/)**\n\n * **Pushbullet Channels**\n * You can now push notifications to a custom channel to easily notify others whenever new content is requested and added. Users only need to subscribe to the channel to start recieving notifications.\n * Visit the **[Channel Creation Page](https://www.pushbullet.com/my-channel)** to learn more about how to create and distribute your own channel.\n\n * **Telegram Bot Notifications**\n * You can now push notifications using a Telegram bot to either a personal chat, or a bot added into a group chat.\n * A bot API key can be acquired through messaging the official Telegram bot, **[BotFather](https://telegram.me/BotFather)**. \n * Your group chat or personal chat ID can be acquired **[using one of the methods here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32423837/telegram-bot-how-to-get-a-group-chat-id)**, or more easily through **[another bot, found here](https://telegram.me/get_id_bot)**.\n\n * **Custom Notifications**\n * Users can customize both the Notifications Title as well as the Notifications body. You can access this from the \"Notifications\" section of the admin panel.\n * We've added the ability to create dynamic custom notifications through the use of tags; The available tags are listed and described below:\n * **\\** - Type of request that was made, either a \"Movie\" or \"TV\"\n * **\\** - The user that placed the request\n * **\\** - The issues associated with the request\n * **\\** - Year the requested content was released. For TV shows, this is the year the first episode aired.\n * **\\** - The link to the requested medias TVDB/TVMaze information page.\n\n * These tags can be used anywhere in the Notifications body and title. The default settings are an example how to utilize the tags in your messages.\n\n## Installation\n * Installation is straightforward: please update to Meteor 1.2.1, download and extract the [latest release](https://github.com/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor/releases/latest), `cd` into the directory, and run `meteor`. For Windows users check out this **[blog post](http://8bits.ca/posts/2015/installing-plex-requests-on-windows/)** for installation instructions using Git!\n\n * On first run navigate to `http://localhost:3000/admin` and create an admin account with an email address and password. **If this isn't done someone else can create the admin account to your application.** This account is only used for logging in, email integration isn't enabled. Once logged in, you can configure your settings and get things going.\n\n * **Docker**\n * To use the bundled docker-compose simply run it with\n\n ```docker-compose up```\n\n (add -d to run it as a daemon)\n\n---\n\n## FAQ\nPlease visit the projects [GitHub page](http://plexrequests.8bits.ca/) for [FAQ page](http://plexrequests.8bits.ca/faq)\n\n## Contributors\n [@rigrassm](https://github.com/rigrassm) / [@Qw-in](https://github.com/Qw-in) / [@leonkunert](https://github.com/leonkunert) / [@jeradin](https://github.com/Jeradin) / [@jrudio](https://github.com/jrudio) / [@drzoidberg33](https://github.com/drzoidberg33) / [@SmallwoodDR82](https://github.com/SmallwoodDR82) / [@camjac251](https://github.com/camjac251)\n\n## Want to help out?\nWant to make Plex Requests more awesome? Feel free to fork the repo and submit a pull request! Not a developer or rather not get your hands dirty? You can donate via [PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/plexrequests) to keep things going, or just simply to say thanks!\n\n## License\nThis application is licensed under The MIT License. The Plex logo, and name are copyright of Plex Inc.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "azat-co/react-quickly", "link": "https://github.com/azat-co/react-quickly", "tags": ["graphql", "react", "react-js", "reactjs", "nodejs", "node-js", "node", "javascrit", "website", "jasmine", "ui", "redux"], "stars": 533, "description": "Source code for React Quickly [Manning, 2017]: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL \ud83d\udcd5", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# React Quickly Source Code\n\nSource code for *React Quickly: Painless Web Apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL \ud83d\udcd5* [Manning, 2017]. More information at\nthe [website](http://reactquickly.co) or [Manning Publications](https://www.manning.com/books/react-quickly?a_aid=a&a_bid=5064a2d3).\n\nAvailable NOW in major book stores and at [Manning](https://www.manning.com/books/react-quickly?a_aid=a&a_bid=5064a2d3).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "kgolid/p5ycho", "link": "https://github.com/kgolid/p5ycho", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "Generative art with P5", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Generative art with P5\n\nhttp://generated.space/\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "icebob/vue-websocket", "link": "https://github.com/icebob/vue-websocket", "tags": ["websocket", "vue", "vuejs", "vue-websocket"], "stars": 533, "description": "Simple websocket (socket.io) plugin for Vue.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# vue-websocket [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/vue-websocket.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-websocket)\n![VueJS v1.x compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/vue%201.x-compatible-green.svg)\n![VueJS v2.x compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/vue%202.x-compatible-green.svg)\n\nA [socket.io](https://socket.io) plugin for Vue.js.\n\n> **This package does not support native websockets**. At the time, we recommend using [vue-native-websocket](https://github.com/nathantsoi/vue-native-websocket) or [implementing it yourself](https://alligator.io/vuejs/vue-socketio/). For ongoing discussion on this, please visit [#2](https://github.com/icebob/vue-websocket/issues/2).\n\n## Installation\nYou can either install this package with `npm`, or manually by downloading the primary plugin file.\n\n### npm\n\n```bash\n$ npm install -S vue-websocket\n```\n\n### Manual\nDownload the production [`vue-websocket.js`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icebob/vue-websocket/master/dist/vue-websocket.js) file. This link is a mirror of the same file found in the `dist` directory of this project.\n\n## Usage\nRegister the plugin. By default, it will connect to `/`:\n\n```js\nimport VueWebsocket from \"vue-websocket\";\nVue.use(VueWebsocket);\n```\n\nOr to connect to another address:\n\n```js\nVue.use(VueWebsocket, \"ws://otherserver:8080\");\n```\n\nYou can also pass options:\n\n```js\nVue.use(VueWebsocket, \"ws://otherserver:8080\", {\n\treconnection: false\n});\n```\n\nTo use it in your components:\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n## Develop\n\n### Building\nThis command will build a distributable version in the `dist` directory:\n\n```bash\n$ npm run build\n```\n\n## Testing\nThis package uses [`karma`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/karma) for testing. You can run the tests like so:\n\n```bash\n$ npm test\n```\n\n## Contribution\nPlease send pull requests improving the usage and fixing bugs, improving documentation and providing better examples, or providing some testing, because these things are important.\n\n## License\n`vue-websocket` is available under the [MIT license](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license).\n\n## Contact\n\nCopyright \u00a9 2018 Icebob\n\n[![@icebob](https://img.shields.io/badge/github-icebob-green.svg)](https://github.com/icebob) [![@icebob](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-Icebobcsi-blue.svg)](https://twitter.com/Icebobcsi)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "meteor-useraccounts/core", "link": "https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/core", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "Meteor sign up and sign in templates' core functionalities", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![Meteor Icon](http://icon.meteor.com/package/useraccounts:core)](https://atmospherejs.com/useraccounts/core)\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/meteor-useraccounts/core.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/meteor-useraccounts/core)\n\n# User Accounts\n\nUser Accounts is a suite of packages for the [Meteor.js](https://www.meteor.com/) platform. It provides highly customizable user accounts UI templates for many different front-end frameworks. At the moment it includes forms for sign in, sign up, forgot password, reset password, change password, enroll account, and link or remove of many 3rd party services.\n\n## Some Details\n\nThe package `useraccounts:core` contains all the core logic and templates' helpers and events used by dependant packages providing styled versions of the accounts UI.\nThis means that developing a version of the UI with a different styling is just a matter of writing a few dozen of html lines, nothing more!\n\nThanks to [accounts-t9n](https://github.com/softwarerero/meteor-accounts-t9n) you can switch to your preferred language on the fly! Available languages are now: Arabic, Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese.\n\nFor basic routing and content protection, `useraccounts:core` integrates with either [flow-router](https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/flow-routing) or [iron-router](https://atmospherejs.com/package/iron-router).\n\nAny comments, suggestions, testing efforts, and PRs are very very welcome! Please use the [repository](https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/ui) issues tracker for reporting bugs, problems, ideas, discussions, etc..\n\n## The UserAccounts Guide\nDetailed explanations of features and configuration options can be found in the Guide.\n\n## Who's using this?\n\n* [Abesea](https://abesea.com/)\n* [backspace.academy](http://backspace.academy/)\n* [bootstrappers.io](http://www.bootstrappers.io/)\n* [crater.io](http://crater.io/)\n* [Dechiper Chinese](http://app.decipherchinese.com/)\n* [Henfood](http://labs.henesis.eu/henfood)\n* [meteorgigs.io](https://www.meteorgigs.io/)\n* [Orion](http://orionjs.org/)\n* [Telescope](http://www.telesc.pe/)\n* [We Work Meteor](http://www.weworkmeteor.com/)\n\n\nAren't you on the list?!\nIf you have a production app using accounts templates, let me know! I'd like to add your link to the above ones.\n\n## Contributing\nContributors are very welcome. There are many things you can help with,\nincluding finding and fixing bugs and creating examples for the brand new [wiki](https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/wiki).\nWe're also working on `useraccounts@2.0` (see the [Milestone](https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/core/milestones)) so you can also help\nwith an improved design or adding features.\n\nSome guidelines below:\n\n* **Questions**: Please create a new issue and label it as a `question`.\n\n* **New Features**: If you'd like to work on a feature,\n start by creating a 'Feature Design: Title' issue. This will let people bat it\n around a bit before you send a full blown pull request. Also, you can create\n an issue to discuss a design even if you won't be working on it.\n\n* **Bugs**: If you think you found a bug, please create a \"reproduction.\" This is a small project that demonstrates the problem as concisely as possible. If you think the bug can be reproduced with only a few steps a description by words might be enough though. The project should be cloneable from Github. Any bug reports without a reproduction that don't have an obvious solution will be marked as \"awaiting-reproduction\" and closed after a bit of time.\n\n### Working Locally\nThis is useful if you're contributing code to useraccounts or just trying to modify something to suit your own specific needs.\n\n##### Scenario A\n\n1. Set up a local packages folder\n2. Add the PACKAGE_DIRS environment variable to your .bashrc file\n - Example: `export PACKAGE_DIRS=\"/full/path/topackages/folder\"`\n - Screencast: https://www.eventedmind.com/posts/meteor-versioning-and-packages\n3. Clone the repository into your local packages directory\n4. Add the package just like any other meteor core package like this: `meteor\n add useraccounts:unstyled`\n\n```bash\n> cd /full/path/topackages/folder\n> git clone https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/semantic-ui.git\n> cd your/project/path\n> meteor add useraccounts:semantic-ui\n> meteor\n```\n\n##### Scenario B\n\nLike Scenario A, but skipping point 2.\nAdd the official package as usual with `meteor add useraccounts:semantic-ui` but then run your project like this:\n\n```bash\n> PACKAGE_DIRS=\"/full/path/topackages/folder\" meteor\n```\n\n##### Scenario C\n\n```bash\n> cd your/project/path\n> mkdir packages && cd packages\n> git clone https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/semantic-ui.git\n> cd ..\n> meteor add useraccounts:semantic-ui\n> meteor\n```\n\n\n## Thanks\n\nAnyone is welcome to contribute. Fork, make your changes, and then submit a pull request.\n\nThanks to [all those who have contributed code changes](https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/ui/graphs/contributors) and all who have helped by submitting bug reports and feature ideas.\n\n[![Support via Gittip](https://rawgithub.com/twolfson/gittip-badge/0.2.0/dist/gittip.png)](https://www.gittip.com/splendido/)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "Houfeng/mditor", "link": "https://github.com/Houfeng/mditor", "tags": ["mditor", "markdown", "markdown-editor", "markdown-parser", "markdown-to-html", "md", "markdown-viewer", "markdown-converter"], "stars": 533, "description": "\ud83d\udcdd [ M ] arkdown + E [ ditor ] = Mditor", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "![alt](http://mditor.com/assets/screen-shot.png)\n \n\n# Simple description\nMditor only had the \"component version\" at the beginning. With the release of the \"desktop version\", Mditor currently has two versions:\n- An Embed version that can be embedded into any web application, which is the basis of a desktop version, Repo: [https://github.com/houfeng/mditor](https://github.com/Houfeng/mditor)\n- Standalone desktop version, currently only Mac version, homepage: [http://mditor.com](http://mditor.com), Repo: [https://github.com/houfeng/mditor-desktop] (https://github.com/houfeng/mditor-desktop)\n \n \n# Related features\nIn addition to the regular editing functions, the Mditor desktop version also has the following features\n- Multi-file editing, Mditor desktop version is a \"multi-window\" application, you can open multiple window instances through \"menu, Dock, right-click menu\" for multiple editing\n- Support GFM, such as tables, etc. (GFM is a plain text writing format based on Markdown extended by Github)\n- Auto-completion, Mditor supports auto-completion of \"unordered list, ordered list, reference\" to assist input.\n- \"code highlighting\" support for multiple editing languages \u200b\u200b(via the ``` syntax)\n- Split screen real-time preview, full screen preview\n- Export \"HTML, PDF, Image\" and other functions.\n \n# How to participate\n- If you have any questions or suggestions, you can directly initiate [Issue](https://github.com/Houfeng/mditor-desktop/issues)\n- Of course, you can also initiate [Pull Request](https://github.com/Houfeng/mditor-desktop/pulls) directly to Mditor\n- Very welcome, [Add a Star](https://github.com/houfeng/mditor-desktop) directly to Mditor, this will be a good encouragement to Midior, and it will become a motivation.\n\n \n## Development Guide\n\n##### Clone source code\n```sh\n$ git clone git@github.com:Houfeng/mditor-desktop.git your_path\n```\n\n##### Install dependencies\nThe premise is that Nodejs and npm need to be installed (it is recommended to use cnpm to accelerate through domestic mirrors)\n```sh\n$ npm install\n```\n\n##### Automatic build\nWill automatically build based on Webpack (some resources need to be packaged by Webpack), and change the Watch file and then automatically build\n```sh\n$ npm run dev\n```\n\n##### starting program \nwill start the Mditor in development\n```sh\n$ npm start\n```", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "https://archive.ph/KkZjFThey will need to triple or quadruple the capacity of the water, electrical and sewer grids that were sized for the current density.\nAnd convince people to part with their cars because street parking will become impossible.So I actually have a story about this, which I have posted on HN in the past...Alameda, Ca - I was talking to the planning department about this problem as I was interested in creating a Tiny Home Community - and had one of the Pre-Eminent Tiny Home Companies on board: Wind River Tiny Homes to assist in planning, speaking to the city council etc...The city council shut it down and refused to re-zone the lots. They stated that one was not allowed to put multiple tiny homes on a single lot - as the zoning required one entrance per dwelling only on the lot, which meant one pluming infrastructure, one sewer and one power...So I asked if I could build shared utilities underground for multiple units on a lot - and they said no, because they defined single dwelling as only having one primary entrance (front door)And they were dead set against changing any zoning laws.Further, when asked about municipal broadband, they said \"no we sold that whole contract to comcast, and we wont be looking at that again\"(That is an actual quote)One state alone can't fix a nationwide problem. Otherwise it becomes more attractive and loses any ground made. There need to be homes everywhere people would like to live, within reason.Perhaps single family zoning, which is also in many other states without crises, is not the cause or it's change the solution for California's very real crisis.Seems like this would create a whole host of problems which restrictive zoning solves.In other words we already learned that lesson and people generally do not like unappealing entities being right next door. It allows the public an extra check on something not appropriate.Why does California not have a wider range of political ideas to solve their problems?It appears Cali is chasing its tail by their brand and experiment in democracy when they try to \"solve\" their glaring issues.Credit where due -- many times other states have benefited from California being so big and mandated certain safety laws. But like the famous saying many citizens of the Golden State will soon be able to answer the question for Newsom (uberkind-liberal-idiot-when-it-suits): What have you done for me lately?We don't have the water for that. Sorry.Why is single-family zoning required to \"save\" California when the problem is pretty much only in a small downtown core in a 2-3 major metro areas?Pretty sure Bakersfield will do just fine with single-family zoning.To save California, build more. Single family, multi family, whatever. Just more.California voters are probably totally fine with the housing supply being too low because it drives up the price of their houses.I know nothing about housing, but I am always perplexed about size of US houses. My sister has 9 room house, and it is considered small! My parents here in northern Europe has house twice as small, and it is more than enough for them.Maybe it is part of the problem. Smaller house obviously is cheaper to build and maintain.Yeah, the traffic isn't bad enough so let's just shoehorn in multifamily units into single family zoned neighborhoods that aren't remotely close enough to the jobs people work for bicycling to be a realistic option. Virtue signaling the housing crisis isn't useful. If you're going to talk about housing you can't just rail against \"NIMBYs\" and clamor for more housing. You have to actually explain how the infrastructure and transportation to/from jobs will work with your assertions. Otherwise you're just arguing for cramming everyone up each other's asses and let the chips fall where they may.Most people are not going to ride a bicycle to work. Some of us have kids to drop off at school on the way to work. We have to buy enough groceries to feed a family, which don't fit on a bicycle. Let go of your hipster fantasies. We can't all be single people living in a flat, riding a bicycle to the farmer's market and the book store.Every NIMBY this side of Sacramento: \"From my cold, dead hands!\"Any Californians here?For the people with homes, locked into lower property taxes, a stable monthly payment, and their version of the CA dream, nothing needs to change. I can't really blame them. When I owned a home I was a NIMBY who thought my mortgage payment afforded me a right to continue my lifestyle indefinitely.After a divorce and becoming a renter, I have a lot more sympathy for folks subject to the whims of landlords and the rental market. Sure, renting means I have some flexibility and don't have to worry much about maintenance, but there is an emotional and social price you pay for the lack of (sometimes imagined) stability afforded to you by home ownership.I'm about to plan my CA escape after 27 years in the sun and it is not without regrets. I'll say though that the one thing CA should consider is requiring the supply of housing to match the supply of jobs. I suppose it's fine if, say, Cupertino doesn't want to urbanize, but as long as they allow more commercial space and more jobs, they put pressure on surrounding communities to deal with the negative effects. I can't really care too much anymore though. CA has been good to me for a long time, but she's showing me the door and telling me I'm no longer welcome and it's not something I have the will to fight for.This is much more complex problem, and each time someone offers one simple solution, you should suspect it\u2019s BS.Sure, single family zoning contributes to the problem, but Manhattan doesn\u2019t really have single family zoning and is still not affordable. Just getting rid of it, won\u2019t be the end of the world for the neighborhoods, but also won\u2019t really solve problems it\u2019s advertised to solve.Disclaimer, I\u2019m European and have only been in SFBA for 5months in my life.Maybe the solution is not to build more residential to keep growing, but instead to limit implantation of new jobs/companies to limit the growth to a sustainable decent value? The result would be to limit real estate price, but without making the Bay Area a hellscape of concrete towers.I understand it is controversial, but do we really want to transform the Bay Area (which still has some really fine natural beauty and neighborhoods) into the hellscape that are some Chinese (or European) concrete tower based suburbs? Do we still want to keep centralizing more?Sadly free market + democracy means either the homeowners side are in charge and keep the status quo so their property prices go up. Or the renters side might one day win, and start sacrificing this nice place to make concrete prisons for everyone. The current system ensures that the optimal thing to do will never happen.If places like the Bay Area had a modicum of intelligent governance, they\u2019d take the approach that Tokyo did. Urbanize and ban street parking. Make the place walkable with affordable rent. The current real estate developments out there are a joke.You WILL live in the concrete pod\nYou WILL eat the bugs\nYou WILL NOT own anything\nYou WILL be happyAmazing how many of these articles I'm seeing lately.Interesting. So 50 years ago, with labour efficiency and productivity being a small fraction of what it is today, single-family houses were easily built and bought by people.Today its somehow an unreachable goal that people cant obtain. Why? I dont want to live in a pod or communal flat with 20 people. How are people not revolting over the direction western economies are taking?Foreign investors are the real issue. It's apparent that some are even laundering their money by purchasing US real estate. Just because the big players are doing so with commercial real estate doesn't mean smaller players aren't doing it with housing. Many houses owned by foreign investors tend to sit vacant full time.There's even lawyers who specialize in the stuff, telling people to setup businesses and have the house owned by the business to reduce their tax rate.https://www.icij.org/investigations/fincen-files/a-kleptocra...https://calmatters.org/housing/2018/03/data-dig-are-foreign-...https://www.avvo.com/legal-guides/ugc/a-guide-for-foreign-in...Zoning changes are worthless when there is still prop 13 and the most onerous permitting and building restrictions in the country.The only long term solutions are completely infeasible while there are elections in the state. Existing property owners need to pay actual representative property taxes and need to see their homes decrease about 75% in value through a combination of massive building campaign and increase an inventory from the unaffordability of paying real property taxes.Changing zoning in your neighborhood that you currently live in (and continue to want to live in) will likely change it, so for people to accept that risk they should be given an incentive.. for example within a given neighborhood what if the state gave those areas huge property tax breaks to allow zoning changes? Then there is a trade-off, pay less taxes and then you get something for the potentially different future. Maybe it\u2019s better maybe it\u2019s worse but saying to people \u201cplease just allow changes to the zoning\u201d has not worked...edit: basic thing I was thinking about was giving people incentives for YIMBY pushes in areas.. yea prop13 complicates it, but just wondering if there is any incentive for the folks that live in someplace already or the base assumption is that a very large percentage will vote against it?I urge the Times editorial board to experiment in their own neighborhoods first and report back to us.Communists gonna commune.https://archive.is/7lrVlI don't understand the counter argument to a bill like this. Protecting property value, I guess?This bill needs 21 votes to pass. It got 18 this afternoon, and its last chance is tomorrow.Here is a list of senators that did not vote and the districts they represent: https://twitter.com/aceckhouse/status/1222676578708021251Definitely definitely worth calling if you live in one of those districts, and encouraging friends and family to do so if they live there too!Where is he going to build housing? Tough times ahead for CA. Govt got too big.Commentary on this from earlier in the week:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14728094", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "getify/fasy", "link": "https://github.com/getify/fasy", "tags": ["functional-programming", "fp", "async", "asynchronous-programming", "library", "javascript"], "stars": 533, "description": "FP iterators that are both eager and asynchronous", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Fasy\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/getify/fasy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/getify/fasy)\n[![npm Module](https://badge.fury.io/js/fasy.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/fasy)\n[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/getify/fasy/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/getify/fasy?branch=master)\n[![Modules](https://img.shields.io/badge/modules-ESM%2BUMD%2BCJS-a1356a)](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#dual-commonjses-module-packages)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-a1356a)](LICENSE.txt)\n\n**Fasy** (/\u02c8f\u0101s\u0113/) is a utility library of FP array iteration helpers (like `map(..)`, `filter(..)`, etc), as well as function composition and transducing.\n\nWhat's different from other FP libraries is that its methods are capable of operating asynchronously, via `async function` functions and/or `function*` generators. **Fasy** supports both concurrent and serial asynchrony.\n\nFor concurrent asynchrony, **Fasy** also supports limiting the batch size to avoid overloading resources.\n\n## Environment Support\n\nThis library uses ES2017 (and ES6) features. If you need to support environments prior to ES2017, transpile it first (with Babel, etc).\n\n## At A Glance\n\nHere's a quick example:\n\n```js\nvar users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\nFA.concurrent.map( getOrders, users )\n.then( userOrders => console.log( userOrders ) );\n```\n\nThis would work fine with any implementation of `map(..)` if `getOrders(..)` was synchronous. But `concurrent.map(..)` is different in that it handles/expects asynchronously completing functions, like `async function` functions or `function*` generators. Of course, you can *also* use normal synchronous functions as well.\n\n`concurrent.map(..)` will run each call to `getOrders(..)` concurrently (aka \"in parallel\"), and once all are complete, fulfill its returned promise with the final result of the mapping.\n\nBut what if you wanted to run each `getOrders(..)` call one at a time, in succession? Use `serial.map(..)`:\n\n```js\nvar users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\nFA.serial.map( getOrders, users )\n.then( userOrders => console.log( userOrders ) );\n```\n\nAs with `concurrent.map(..)`, once all mappings are complete, the returned promise is fulfilled with the final result of the mapping.\n\n**Fasy** handles `function*` generators via its own [generator-runner](https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/1st-ed/async%20%26%20performance/ch4.md#promise-aware-generator-runner), similar to utilities provided by various async libraries (e.g., [`asynquence#runner(..)`](https://github.com/getify/asynquence/tree/master/contrib#runner-plugin), [`Q.spawn(..)`](https://github.com/kriskowal/q/wiki/API-Reference#qspawngeneratorfunction)).:\n\n```js\nvar users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\nFA.serial.map(\n function *getOrders(username){\n var user = yield lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n },\n users\n)\n.then( userOrders => console.log( userOrders ) );\n```\n\n## Background/Motivation\n\nFunctional helpers like `map(..)` / `filter(..)` / `reduce(..)` are quite handy for iterating through a list of operations:\n\n```js\n[1,2,3,4,5].filter(v => v % 2 == 0);\n// [2,4]\n```\n\nThe [sync-async pattern](https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/master/async%20%26%20performance/ch4.md#generators--promises) of `async function` functions offers much more readable asynchronous flow control code:\n\n```js\nasync function getOrders(username) {\n var user = await lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n}\n\ngetOrders( \"getify\" )\n.then( orders => console.log( orders ) );\n```\n\nAlternately, you could use a `function*` generator along with a [generator-runner](https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/master/async%20%26%20performance/ch4.md#promise-aware-generator-runner) (named `run(..)` in the below snippet):\n\n```js\nrun( function *getOrders(username){\n var user = yield lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n}, \"getify\" )\n.then( orders => console.log( orders ) );\n```\n\nThe problem is, mixing FP-style iteration like `map(..)` with `async function` functions / `function*` generators doesn't quite work:\n\n```js\n// BROKEN CODE -- DON'T COPY!!\n\nasync function getAllOrders() {\n var users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\n var userOrders = users.map( function getOrders(username){\n // `await` won't work here inside this inner function\n var user = await lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n } );\n\n // everything is messed up now, since `map(..)` works synchronously\n console.log( userOrders );\n}\n```\n\nThe `await` isn't valid inside the inner function `getOrders(..)` since that's a normal function, not an `async function` function. Also, `map(..)` here is the standard array method that operates synchronously, so it doesn't wait for all the lookups to finish.\n\nIf it's OK to run the `getOrders(..)` calls concurrently -- in this particular example, it quite possibly is -- then you could use `Promise.all(..)` along with an inner `async function` function:\n\n```js\nasync function getAllOrders() {\n var users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\n var userOrders = await Promise.all( users.map( async function getOrders(username){\n var user = await lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n } ) );\n\n // this works\n console.log( userOrders );\n}\n```\n\nUnfortunately, aside from being more verbose, this \"fix\" is fairly limited. It really only works for `map(..)` and not for something like `filter(..)`. Also, as that fix assumes concurrency, there's no good way to do the FP-style iterations serially.\n\n## Overview\n\nWith **Fasy**, you can do either concurrent or serial iterations of asynchronous operations.\n\n### Concurrent Asynchrony\n\nFor example, consider this [`concurrent.map(..)`](docs/concurrent-API.md#concurrentmap) operation:\n\n```js\nasync function getAllOrders() {\n var users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\n var userOrders = await FA.concurrent.map(\n async function getOrders(username){\n var user = await lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n },\n users\n );\n\n console.log( userOrders );\n}\n```\n\nNow let's look at the same task, but with a [`serial.map(..)`](docs/serial-API.md#serialmap) operation:\n\n```js\nasync function getAllOrders() {\n var users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\n var userOrders = await FA.serial.map(\n async function getOrders(username){\n var user = await lookupUser( username );\n return lookupOrders( user.id );\n },\n users\n );\n\n console.log( userOrders );\n}\n```\n\nLet's look at a `filter(..)` example:\n\n```js\nasync function getActiveUsers() {\n var users = [ \"bzmau\", \"getify\", \"frankz\" ];\n\n return FA.concurrent.filter(\n async function userIsActive(username){\n var user = await lookupUser( username );\n return user.isActive;\n },\n users\n );\n}\n```\n\nThe equivalent of this would be much more verbose/awkward than just a simple `Promise.all(..)` \"fix\" as described earlier. And of course, you can also use [`serial.filter(..)`](docs/serial-API.md#serialfilter) to process the operations serially if necessary.\n\n#### Limiting Concurrency\n\nTo limit the concurrency (aka, parallelism) of your operations, there are two modes to select from: *continuous pooling* (default) and *batch*.\n\n**Note:** Such limitations on concurrency are often useful when the operations involve finite system resources, like OS file handles or network connection ports, and as such you want to avoid exhausting those resources and creating errors or over-burdening the system.\n\nTo illustrate, *continuous pooling* mode:\n\n```js\nasync function getAllURLs(urls) {\n var responses = await FA.concurrent(5).map(fetch,urls);\n\n // .. render responses\n}\n```\n\nIn this example, the `(5)` part of `FA.concurrent(5)` limits the concurrency to only (up to) five active `fetch(..)` calls at any given moment. As soon as one finishes, if there are any more calls waiting, the next one is activated. This argument must be greater than zero.\n\nThe `concurrent(5)` call is actually a shorthand for `concurrent(5,5)`, which includes a second argument: minimum active threshold. In other words, the way *continuous pooling* mode works is, the first five `fetch(..)` calls are activated, and when the first one finishes, the active count is now down to `4`, which is below that specified `5` threshold, so the next one (if any are waiting) is activated.\n\nIn contrast to *continuous pooling* mode, *batch* mode is activated by explicitly specifying a number for this second argument that is lower than the first argument (but still greater than zero).\n\nFor example, `concurrent(5,1)` runs a batch of five concurrent `fetch(..)` calls, but doesn't start the next batch of calls until the active count falls below `1` (aka, the whole batch finishes):\n\n```js\nasync function getAllURLs(urls) {\n var responses = await FA.concurrent(5,1).map(fetch,urls);\n\n // .. render responses\n}\n```\n\nAnd `concurrent(5,3)` would run a batch of five active calls, then refill the active batch set (to five) once the active count gets below `3`.\n\nWith these two limit arguments, you have complete control to fine tune how much concurrent activity is appropriate.\n\nYou can safely call `concurrent(..)` multiple times with the same arguments -- the resulting concurrency-limited API is internally cached -- or with any different arguments, as necessary. You can also store the concurrency-limited API object and re-use it, if you prefer:\n\n```js\nFA.concurrent(5).map(..);\nFA.concurrent(5).filter(..);\nFA.concurrent(12).forEach(..);\n\nvar FAc5 = FA.concurrent(5);\nFAc5.map(..);\nFAc5.filter(..);\n```\n\n### Serial Asynchrony\n\nSome operations are naturally serial. For example, `reduce(..)` wouldn't make any sense processing as concurrent operations; it naturally runs left-to-right through the list. As such, `concurrent.reduce(..)` / `concurrent.reduceRight(..)` delegate respectively to `serial.reduce(..)` / `serial.reduceRight(..)`.\n\nFor example, consider modeling an asynchronous function composition as a serial `reduce(..)`:\n\n```js\n// `prop(..)` is a standard curried FP helper for extracting a property from an object\nvar prop = p => o => o[p];\n\n// ***************************\n\nasync function getOrders(username) {\n return FA.serial.reduce(\n async (ret,fn) => fn( ret ),\n username,\n [ lookupUser, prop( \"id\" ), lookupOrders ]\n );\n}\n\ngetOrders( \"getify\" )\n.then( orders => console.log( orders ) );\n```\n\n**Note:** In this composition, the second call (from `prop(\"id\")` -- a standard FP helper) is **synchronous**, while the first and third calls are **asynchronous**. That's OK, because promises automatically lift non-promise values. [More on that](#syncasync-normalization) below.\n\nThe async composition being shown here is only for illustration purposes. **Fasy** provides [`serial.compose(..)`](docs/serial-API.md#serialcompose) and [`serial.pipe(..)`](docs/serial-API.md#serialpipe) for performing async compositions ([see below](#async-composition)); these methods should be preferred over doing it manually yourself.\n\nBy the way, instead of `async (ret,fn) => fn(ret)` as the reducer, you can provide a `function*` generator and it works the same:\n\n```js\nasync function getOrders(username) {\n return FA.serial.reduce(\n function *composer(ret,fn) { return fn( ret ); },\n username,\n [ lookupUser, prop( \"id\" ), lookupOrders ]\n );\n}\n\ngetOrders( \"getify\" )\n.then( orders => console.log( orders ) );\n```\n\nSpecifying the reducer as an `async function` function or a `function*` generator gives you the flexibility to do inner `await` / `yield` flow control as necessary.\n\n### Sync/Async Normalization\n\nIn this specific running example, there's no inner asynchronous flow control necessary in the reducer, so it can actually just be a regular function:\n\n```js\nasync function getOrders(username) {\n return FA.serial.reduce(\n (ret,fn) => fn( ret ),\n username,\n [ lookupUser, prop( \"id\" ), lookupOrders ]\n );\n}\n\ngetOrders( \"getify\" )\n.then( orders => console.log( orders ) );\n```\n\nThere's an important principle illustrated here that many developers don't realize.\n\nA regular function that returns a promise has the same external behavioral interface as an `async function` function. From the external perspective, when you call a function and get back a promise, it doesn't matter if the function manually created and returned that promise, or whether that promise came automatically from the `async function` invocation. In both cases, you get back a promise, and you wait on it before moving on. The *interface* is the same.\n\nIn the first step of this example's reduction, the `fn(ret)` call is effectively `lookupUser(username)`, which is returning a promise. What's different between `serial.reduce(..)` and a standard synchronous implementation of `reduce(..)` as provided by various other FP libraries, is that if `serial.reduce(..)` receives back a promise from a reducer call, it pauses to wait for that promise to resolve.\n\nBut what about the second step of the reduction, where `fn(ret)` is effectively `prop(\"id\")(user)`? The return from *that* call is an immediate value (the user's ID), not a promise (future value).\n\n**Fasy** uses promises internally to normalize both immediate and future values, so the iteration behavior is consistent regardless.\n\n### Async Composition\n\nIn addition to traditional iterations like `map(..)` and `filter(..)`, **Fasy** also supports serial-async composition, which is really just a serial-async reduction under the covers.\n\nConsider:\n\n```js\nasync function getFileContents(filename) {\n var fileHandle = await fileOpen( filename );\n return fileRead( fileHandle );\n}\n```\n\nThat is fine, but it can also be recognized as an async composition. We can use [`serial.pipe(..)`](docs/serial-API.md#serialpipe) to define it in point-free style:\n\n```js\nvar getFileContents = FA.serial.pipe( [\n fileOpen,\n fileRead\n] );\n```\n\nFP libraries traditionally provide synchronous composition with `pipe(..)` and `compose(..)` (sometimes referred to by other names, like `flow(..)` and `flowRight(..)`, respectively). But asynchronous composition can be quite helpful!\n\n### Async Transducing\n\nTransducing is another flavor of FP iteration; it's a combination of composition and list/data-structure reduction. Multiple `map(..)` and `filter(..)` calls can be composed by transforming them as reducers. Again, many FP libraries support traditional synchronous transducing, but since **Fasy** has serial-async reduction, you can do serial-async transducing as well!\n\nConsider:\n\n```js\nasync function getFileContents(filename) {\n var exists = await fileExists( filename );\n if (exists) {\n var fileHandle = await fileOpen( filename );\n return fileRead( fileHandle );\n }\n}\n```\n\nWe could instead model these operations FP-style as a `filter(..)` followed by two `map(..)`s:\n\n```js\nasync function getFileContents(filename) {\n return FA.serial.map(\n fileRead,\n FA.serial.map(\n fileOpen,\n FA.serial.filter(\n fileExists,\n [ filename ]\n )\n )\n );\n}\n```\n\nNot only is this a bit more verbose, but if we later wanted to be able to get/combine contents from many files, we'd be iterating over a list three times (once each for the `filter(..)` and two `map(..)` calls). That extra iteration is not just a penalty in terms of more CPU cycles, but it also creates an intermediate array in between each step, which is then thrown away, so memory churn becomes a concern.\n\nThis is where transducing shines! If we transform the `filter(..)` and `map(..)` calls into a composition-compatible form (reducers), we can then combine them into one reducer; that means we can do all the steps at once! So, we'll only have to iterate through the list once, and we won't need to create and throw away any intermediate arrays.\n\nWhile this obviously can work for any number of values in a list, we'll keep our running example simple and just process one file:\n\n```js\nasync function getFileContents(filename) {\n var transducer = FA.serial.compose( [\n FA.transducers.filter( fileExists ),\n FA.transducers.map( fileOpen ),\n FA.transducers.map( fileRead )\n ] );\n\n return FA.transducers.into(\n transducer,\n \"\", // empty string as initial value\n [ filename ]\n );\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** For simplicity, we used the [`transducers.into(..)`](docs/transducers-API.md#transducersinto) convenience method, but the same task could also have used the more general [`transducers.transduce(..)`](docs/transducers-API.md#transducerstransduce) method.\n\n## npm Package\n\nTo install this package from `npm`:\n\n```\nnpm install fasy\n```\n\nAnd to require it in a node script:\n\n```js\nvar FA = require(\"fasy\");\n```\n\nYou can also require any of the three sub-namespaces of this library directly:\n\n```js\n// like this:\nvar concurrent = require(\"fasy/concurrent\");\n\n// or like this:\nvar { serial } = require(\"fasy\");\n```\n\nAs of version 9.0.0, the package (and its sub-namespaces) are also available as ES Modules, and can be imported as so:\n\n```js\nimport FA from \"fasy\";\n\n// or:\n\nimport concurrent from \"fasy/concurrent\";\n\n// or:\n\nimport { serial } from \"fasy\";\n```\n\n**Note:** Starting in version 8.x, **Fasy** was also available in ESM format, but required an ESM import specifier segment `/esm` in **Fasy** `import` paths. This has been deprecated as of version 9.0.0 (and will eventually be removed), in favor of unified import specifier paths via [Node Conditional Exports](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_conditional_exports). For ESM `import` statements, always use the specifier style `\"fasy\"` or `\"fasy/concurrent\"`, instead of `\"fasy/esm\"` and `\"fasy/esm/concurrent\"`, respectively.\n\n## API Documentation\n\n* See [Concurrent API](docs/concurrent-API.md) for documentation on the methods in the `FA.concurrent.*` namespace.\n* See [Serial API](docs/serial-API.md) for documenation on the methods in the `FA.serial.*` namespace.\n* See [Transducers API](docs/transducers-API.md) for documentation on the methods in the `FA.transducers.*` namespace.\n\n## Builds\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/getify/fasy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/getify/fasy)\n[![npm Module](https://badge.fury.io/js/fasy.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/fasy)\n[![Modules](https://img.shields.io/badge/modules-ESM%2BUMD%2BCJS-a1356a)](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#dual-commonjses-module-packages)\n\nThe distribution library files (`dist/*`) come pre-built with the npm package distribution, so you shouldn't need to rebuild them under normal circumstances.\n\nHowever, if you download this repository via Git:\n\n1. The included build utility (`scripts/build-core.js`) builds (and minifies) `dist/*` files (both UMD and ESM formats) from source.\n\n2. To install the build and test dependencies, run `npm install` from the project root directory.\n\n3. To manually run the build utility with npm:\n\n ```\n npm run build\n ```\n\n4. To run the build utility directly without npm:\n\n ```\n node scripts/build-core.js\n ```\n\n## Tests\n\nA test suite is included in this repository, as well as the npm package distribution. The default test behavior runs the test suite using the files in `src/`.\n\n1. The tests are run with QUnit.\n\n2. You can run the tests in a browser by opening up `tests/index.html`.\n\n3. To run the test utility with npm:\n\n ```\n npm test\n ```\n\n Other npm test scripts:\n\n * `npm run test:dist` will run the test suite against `dist/umd/bundle.js` instead of the default of `src/*` files.\n\n * `npm run test:package` will run the test suite as if the package had just been installed via npm. This ensures `package.json`:`main` properly references the correct file for inclusion.\n\n * `npm run test:all` will run all three modes of the test suite.\n\n4. To run the test utility directly without npm:\n\n ```\n node scripts/node-tests.js\n ```\n\n### Test Coverage\n\n[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/getify/fasy/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/getify/fasy?branch=master)\n\nIf you have [NYC (Istanbul)](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc) already installed on your system (requires v14.1+), you can use it to check the test coverage:\n\n```\nnpm run coverage\n```\n\nThen open up `coverage/lcov-report/index.html` in a browser to view the report.\n\n**Note:** The npm script `coverage:report` is only intended for use by project maintainers. It sends coverage reports to [Coveralls](https://coveralls.io/).\n\n## License\n\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-a1356a)](LICENSE.txt)\n\nAll code and documentation are (c) 2021 Kyle Simpson and released under the [MIT License](http://getify.mit-license.org/). A copy of the MIT License [is also included](LICENSE.txt).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "inaturalist/inaturalist", "link": "https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "The Rails app behind iNaturalist.org", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "h2. iNaturalist \"!https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/workflows/inaturalist%20CI/badge.svg!\":https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/actions\n\nOpen source Rails app behind \"iNaturalist.org\":https://www.inaturalist.org/\n\nWant to help out? Fork the project and check out the \"Development Setup Guide\":https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/wiki/Development-Setup-Guide (might be a bit out of date, contact \"kueda\":http://github.com/kueda if you hit problems getting set up).\n\nThinking about running your own version of iNaturalist? Consider joining the \"iNaturalist Network\":https://www.inaturalist.org/sites/network instead of forking the community.\n\nh3. Attribution\n\nUse of the Time Zone Geometries feature with the recommended source data will include information from \"Timezone Boundary Builder\":https://github.com/evansiroky/timezone-boundary-builder, which is made available under the \"Open Database License (ODbL)\":https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/.\n", "readme_type": "text", "hn_comments": "Given \"naturalist\" is sometimes a moniker for a nudist, it's hard not to wonder about precisely what these people are helping each other learn.Edit: Doh! I was indeed thinking of \"naturist\". (Also, glad I don't care about the downvotes; intended mild joke, clearly whiffed on that too.)\"iNaturalist is a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.\"It makes me pretty happy that this is not a VC-backed startup.I love iNaturalist, I get to learn more about the local plants and animals, and contribute to scientific projects at the same time. Their AI works remarkably well at identification most of the time.I really like their Seek app when finding myself in the woods or in a botanical garden.iNaturalist is a ton of fun!More than 2000 observations in my Brazilian hometown[1]. Not bad!Kinda feels like a real-life Pokemon \u2014 without the capturing and slaving part.I haven't seen any monkeys and we have quite a few. I'll try adding some![1] https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=20640Reminds me my old pet project.\nI created android apps[1] for local herpetologist in Indonesia using iNaturalist API.\nSo, people can report every encounter of herpetofauna around them and saved as gallery for their portfolio.[1] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=id.web.adiyatm...Note: I tried reading the article: Wired.com\n Sorry, something has gone wrong.\n\n Please try again soon.\n\nSpeaking of learning about nature, Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't YT channel.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3CBOpT2-NRvoc2ecFMDCsAIt sounds like this app will be different and useful, which is good.iNat has a lot of unique content too - not just \"in your backyard\" type of stuff. Just a couple of days ago, a user posted a picture of what appears to be a new species of Spiny Orbweaver spiders:https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/39210068Uses Rails and Node.js! It's nice to see an example of a great project that uses Boring Software\u2122 in 2020.Related from a couple months ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21870138A bit from 2017: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14831794For plants only I also use Picture This app.https://apps.apple.com/us/app/picturethis-plant-identifier/i...I'm a huge fan of Seek. It's not perfect, sometimes it can be tricky to get just the right combination of zoom + lighting + angles to get a good match, but I've been impressed at what a good job it does. It's great to take on local hikes with kids.Is this the new definition of social network these days? Back in the 80s or 90s these would have been affinity groups, forums, or even just a BBS if it was dialup centric.Sweet, something useful and educational. The interface reminds me a lot of the now defunct foodspotting.I have used this and love it!Today marks the last day I'll be the (paid) maintainer for a similar project called Fieldscope.Fieldscope is a similar project that came out of NatGeo. It is currently operated by BSCS.Fieldscope is now very old and is being rebuilt with modern tech. I did not write the app itself, but kept it alive for 2 years.Working on it opened up my eyes to all the wonderful world of citizen science. Specially how many (really many) scientific datasets are available for open use.One of the datasets I enjoyed working with is one that centers around the Chesapeake Bay project. It contains flora observations taken by citizen volunteers. It's very interesting to learn about the history of the Chesapeake Bay and to be able to map how it has changed over time.I exhort those intersted in open source and science to look into tackling problems in this space. Observing and recording nature is not a solved problem. Better software will certainly help get there. I'm on the process of doing so myself. Makes no sense to waste all this experience without benefit open source and science.If you are part of a scientific project please reach out to me. Email in profile.I submitted my first observation one month ago. Love this stuff, especially given that I collected more than 1000 observations of trees during my masters; I'm now slowly publishing the interesting ones.My grandmother was a member of the local \"Naturalist's Field Club\" a bunch of mostly little old ladies who would go on bus trips to look at flowers in the countryside - they were continually being confused with the Naturists which resulted in a bunch of embarrassed titteringiNaturalist was the final product of my Master's degree thesis team. I haven't contributed to it since school, about 11 years, so I don't deserve any credit for its success. The folks who have kept it alive are personal heros - they sacrificed a lot and invested so much to build the community that exists today. It's probably the project I'm still the proudest to have contributed to.When we started, our goal was to encourage people to go outside and engage with the world around them. We dreamt that the data gathered by the community would be used in scientific research, but weren't confident it would ever reach enough of a critical mass. It has! More surprisingly, we had no idea how important iNat's image dataset would become for computer vision research.Again, so proud of the folks who have helped to make iNaturalist thrive and so glad it still exists in the world.I can't recommend iNaturalist enough. You can learn about the world around you by uploading sightings of any plants and animals you see all while contributing to a rich dataset for scientific research. I regularly upload birds and occasionally other fauna from where I live and work.One issue that I've noticed with their system is that usually when a person posts an image, they take a random guess at the ID, and then all their friends will dog-pile on agreeing with it. There are so many misidentifications on there and not enough experts to correct it.I love it! I can identify a number of native plants, but I use it for hikes when I spot something that looks weird. I found native orchids at my work!Thanks for sharing this, I've been yearning for an app like this for months maybe even years.More impressive even is that iNaturalist is seemingly entirely open source: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/developersThe backend is Rails (4.2), the iNaturalist iOS app is native, the Seek app is ReactNative. It's really neat stuff.Their 2019 Year in Review post is fascinating and impressive as well: https://www.inaturalist.org/blog/29540-year-in-review-2019I wish something like this existed for organisms you see under the microscope (fungi, bacteria, viruses).It\u2019s incredible how far along iNaturalist has come. I\u2019ve been an active user in Hong Kong since before the Pok\u00e9mon Go craze. I used to tell my coworkers in jest that I gotta catch them all. :PSeriously, iNaturalist is sooo much more meaningful than stuff like Pok\u00e9mon Go. If you have kids who want to play Pok\u00e9mon Go, show them iNaturalist instead. It\u2019s a great tool to teach kids about the environment and its evolution. Once you start getting into iNaturalist, you\u2019ll start noticing trends of species getting more or less populous from year to year, and you\u2019ll learn to identify bugs, plants, birds, etc, and you\u2019ll gain a new appreciation of nature, even when you are in an urban setting.This app sounds like a great idea.I had to do a number of silly school science projects with my daughter while she was growing up, things like a bridge made of toothpicks and glue. These projects, while not really serious science, were experiences we both remember now that she is an adult. One of the best projects was making a short video of the animal life that lived around a local lake.This was a really fun afternoon and evening where we recorded insects, turtles, birds, and even bats. It was a really nice time to talk about natural science with my young daughter.Previous discussion, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14831794We are trying to do something similar (citizen science + AI) but for the acoustic data,our first model can identify manatee calls and mastication (chewing) sounds. https://manatee-chat-demo.appspot.com/Many countries already have applications like this with databases ranging back into the eighties or even earlier, and are used both by professionals and others. And a lot of them. So unfortunately I don't see those people leaving their track record behind and swith, which is going to lead to uncovered areas in this application. Unless they can hook into each others databases?For a project that seems to be based around a mobile app it\u2019s a shame that the site doesn\u2019t seem to have a mobile version (at least not for me on iOS / Safari)I remember my sibling using the app when we were going on a guided tour in some wetlands. Pretty cool app that democratizes sightings of plants and animals.The iNaturalist species identifier is astoundingly good. Of the dozen observations I've made with it over the last few weeks all but one were spot on -- and the last one did have the proper species within the \"don't know but might be one of these\" list.Flowers, trees, moths, mushrooms, and bees all properly identified for one or two images.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "vercel/title", "link": "https://github.com/vercel/title", "tags": ["title", "capitalize", "service", "vercel"], "stars": 533, "description": "A service for capitalizing your title properly", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Title\n\nThis package correctly capitalizes your titles as per [The Chicago Manual of Style](http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html). Furthermore, all of\nVercel's product names are capitalized properly as well.\n\n## Usage\n\nFirstly, install the package:\n\n```bash\nyarn add title\n```\n\nThen load it and convert any input:\n\n```js\nconst title = require('title')\n\ntitle('tHe cHicaGo maNual oF StyLe')\n\n// Will result in:\n// \"The Chicago Manual of Style\"\n```\n\nYou can even pass words that should be capitalized as specified:\n\n```js\ntitle('FaCEbook is great', {\n special: [ 'facebook' ]\n})\n\n// Will result in:\n// \"facebook is great\"\n```\n\nThat's it!\n\n### Command Line\n\nYou can also convert titles in the command line, if you want. Install the package globally:\n\n```bash\nyarn global add title\n```\n\nNext, run it:\n\n```bash\ntitle \"tHe cHicaGo maNual oF StyLe\"\n\n# Will result in:\n# \"The Chicago Manual of Style\"\n```\n\nTo see all available options, run:\n\n```bash\ntitle -h\n```\n\n## Contributing\n\n1. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) this repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) it to your local device\n2. Uninstall `title` if it's already installed: `yarn global remove title`\n3. Link it to the global module directory: `yarn link`\n\nAfter that, you can use the `title` command everywhere.\n\n## Authors\n\n- Leo Lamprecht ([@notquiteleo](https://twitter.com/notquiteleo))\n- Josh Junon ([@Qix-](https://github.com/Qix-))\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I asked for \"sad folorn trumpet sound over gentle spanish acoustic guitars\"I got:\npiano\nsynth over drums\nweird beeping noises\ndrumsNice project and great to see more stuff built with the OP stack (OpenAI + Pinecone). I'm from Pinecone and if there's anything I can do to support, send me an email: greg@pinecone.ioThis cannot be used without a government ID card in some countries:- You require a Google account to use it.- To create a Google account, the user needs a phone number.- SIM cards are in some countries only allowed to be sold if you show your ID card. Landline phones require a bank account, and those also require an ID.Now, call me old fashioned, but even considering that I have nothing to hide about my music taste, I am appalled at needing government approval to search for music :)And yes, I know I am a party pooper here, but this pattern has already creeped all over all Internet services, so at which point in time should we start to point it out everywhere if not now?Anyway, to be constructive: If you want me to be human I will happily solve dozens of captchas or have my CPU run hot for a while to generate hashcash :) No need to involve daddy Google.This is great! Some suggestions: - Add download links with download attribute:\n https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#attr-download\n - Make the grid responsive with CSS minmax (and media queries):\n https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/minmax\n - Display a (visual?) score for closeness of match\n - Add link to similar sounds (by the vector database closeness)\n - Add query parameter so the results can be bookmarked\n - Use HTML5 History API\n - Show tags from freesound.org (and allow to filter by tags from search results)\n - Generate visual previews for the sounds (like in Soundcloud)Thanks for sharing!Some initial feedback:1. Can you provide some example searches that you think or demonstrative of good matches?2. On mobile safari, the search results overflow and the scrollbar flashes as the results are painted: https://i.postimg.cc/85RMrJxQ/81-BA5335-6-AD9-4277-93-CD-D50...3. Add some links so people can reach out to you for feedback/bugsYou could add visualization, thumbnails for sound. Because it's very hard to navigate.Cool! Could you implement a download button so if a user hears a sound they like, they can just download it, or save it?[flagged]Google sign-in required for what reason?Nicely done.On iOS mobile, the three per row causes overlap of the sound playback bars. (First per row's playback button is also off-screen, so cannot be used)Easiest solution would likely just be one per row if the screen is small enough.I tried this with wonderful results \u2013 where is my Reaper now?\ncyberpunk pad \"amiga game\" \"without beats\"Hi, Freesound developer here, this is great! We're a small research team at a university[1], and we're also working on auto-captioning tasks that include trying to describe sound effects based on the audio content, although we're not doing anything with OpenAI or summarisation of metadata at the moment.A reminder, we also have acoustic similarity using signal processing analysis and nearest neighbour lookup for all sounds[2]Could you update the sound displays to include a link to the sound page on Freesound, for citation purposes? You can use https://freesound.org/s/[soundid] or use our embedded player. See the \"Embed\" option in the share box on the right -hand-side toolbar of any sound page.Are you interested in integrating this into FS? Talk to us![3][1] https://www.upf.edu/web/mtg/[2] https://freesound.org/people/lebaston100/sounds/243627/simil...[3] https://github.com/mtg/freesoundThis was fun to play with. I was initially expecting to be able to search for single notes or instrument sounds, e.g. I tried \"warm synth tone single note C4\" but afterwards I realised its library has mostly fixed tempo loops.Like the idea, would be great if you linked back to freesound for each sample so I could explore the author's other sounds.With my web audio hat on I'm imagining an interface that lets you mix, edit and add effects to the sounds you've found to help create new ones.Thank you for sharing!Update:- Redoing UI- Adding good prompt examples- Planning on cleaning up code and open sourcing. If anyone is interested in contributing feel free to reach out at jonathanmir115@gmail.com- Going to try to embed the audio files to create similarity clusters.- Might add folder upload so that producers can upload large loop libraries and have their sounds clustered or allow them to search their library through natural language.- If you have any ideas for cool things I could add or improve, feel free to leave it in a comment or reach out through my email!Really like this project. Curious to learn more about the embedding process. Can you describe the process of generating the unique description a bit more?WOW, it gave me a great match on the first try. Here are some examples to test if you are not into music production:\"dark atmospheric pad\"\"crispy sharp dark bass with a beat\"\"groovy hi hat\"But!\"cowbells\" I gotta have more cowbells!I don't know how to use it. I put in \"boom boom boom\" expecting thumping base sound and I got a completely unexpected beat structure instead. How the heck are you supposed to describe sounds? Is there a secret language?I think you may need more than 3,000 grooves. I like the project idea.We would love to help promote this? Ping me Joe dot Drumgoole at mongodb.com as we can get you some time on our podcast.Datadog or GrafanaGrafana seems to be the most popular so far. But as it develops, it becomes more and more bulky and complex.https://github.com/perses/perses seems to be a very promising one.Hey, a topic I know something about! I've done something similar to this: \"tightening\" text to resist wrapping but not prevent it. I'll describe:A subtle feature of OS X since its early days (but possibly not anymore) is that if you had something like a window title or a filename in Finder's column view, and you made the window or column smaller, before cutting off the text, OS X would shrink the letter spacing (and possibly other metrics) by a barely perceptible amount, so that the text could still fit. I always thought that was brilliant.One day I was working on a very design-forward web project and wanted the same thing. Occasionally, text would wrap when it really only needed a few pixels of wiggle room to stay on one line. Thus, react-typesetting and a component were born: https://exogen.github.io/react-typesetting/Eventually I realized it would be neat to make work with variable fonts (and their arbitrary axes) as well. Check out this demo: https://react-typesetting-alpha.surge.shI haven't touched or thought about this in a while, but I still think there's an interesting blog post to be made there about how it's done!An interesting fact I learned about professional typesetting (and justification) is that, in order to justify lines, books don't just shrink the letter and word spacing: they also squish the characters themselves (in CSS this can be done with a scaleX transform). I guess my eyes have actually noticed this when reading books before, but I found it surprising because I always thought of the letterforms themselves as sacrosanct, and any distortion would be unacceptable. But it turns out, in almost every book you've ever read, 2\u20133% squishiness is perfectly acceptable.[deleted]This is fantastic. I remember having a requirement for this on a project some 2 years ago. The devs didn\u2019t know how to do it easily and as always, they had bigger fish to fry. Glad to see this exists now.Would this work with React Native too?This is amazing! Thank you for bringing it up!I viciously hate that part of writing an article where I am editing the title text again and again to make it look good in the contexts of my websites.This site crashed my ios safari. It seemed like you might be iframing other websites? Maybe just used too much memory.Also I realize the site is very heavy since it's basically loading 20 other sites, if anyone knows how to make it load asynchronously or only what's in the viewport, as well as other ideas to keep the interactivity of iframes but reduce their size and loading speed, please let me know.Giving yourself, say, 20 hours to build a kind of an application seems like a good way to learn quick iteration techniques. Coding challenges like Advent of Code or game jams like Ludum Dare can really push one to take a whole new approach to coding.Also, light themes are superior.> I'm kind of a perfectionist coder/creator.Ok. Must be true if you are saying so. Perfect job with the website - downloading 88MB of data just because I accessed the site.You didn't build an app, you built a site, right? Or is there some CMS behind this?Last week I received a badly written, details-lacking requirement to create a site that would take an amount and present a page to pay a tip, either one of fixed %, or a custom sum (including url signing, design and actual backend that talks to a payment processor and a client registry). Two hours of express, querySelectors and a page of css later I deployed it to DO Apps (add half an hour if it were a vps with a certbot) and moved on.I\u2019m looong tired of setting up a scaffold, configuring configs, building builds, componentizing components, zealoting paradigms. If a way is correct, it must be built-in, no-overhead. Feed it to someone else if it takes half an hour only to set up.The true scrappy solution would be screenshots in a google doc. Not whatever you did hereA full scroll through is downloading 135MB+ currently, even though it's a quickly made site it's super wasteful imo. The suggested preview gifs (and loading on click) could be a major improvement.I wonder the legality aspect of hosting someone's else code as preview. If this is a problem, I think you can use a video preview like any other award websites. godly.website is one example that comes to mind. IIRC, they have responsive videos and good information density.I hope this comment is not taken as a criticism, which you have received a lot already in this thread. I myself use Next.js (and Cloudflare stack) in almost all of my projects and I feel very productive with it.Just throwing an idea here: since the viewer of your website may need to copy other website's design, it would be nice if you can save them a few clicks/keystrokes by providing a color palette. One thing I learned recently from creating a personal tools like yours (with additional types, elements, motion pattern, and tech stack) is that we can extract colors from any page easily using CSS Overview panel in Chromium Dev Tools.Lastly, I just want to congratulate you on shipping!I am an amateur dev and used to look for the MOFD (most optimal framework of the day).I realized that I spent more time perfectionning my work than actually do the work.I settled for two languages for the back (go and python and a fixed nr of libs) and one framework for the front (quasar, vue3, vite), and PWA to have an \"app\" on desktop and mobile.This is heavy, not optimized, ebery problem looks like a nail to my only tool (a hammer).But I write mostly for myself and managed to write over an evening the app which would track chores at home for the kids, display it on the home dashboard and disconnect their phones until they are not done (just kidding for the last one, my children are way stronger than me and I do not take risks, and stay with the \"because I said so\").I have many similar apps, some I throw away, some I use, some I open source.Perfectionism is painful.That's a list that could be done in a markdown file with screen shots, render using a static site generator, not gonna classify as an app since it lacks input or automation.Using IFrame is really bad ux too. You could generate scrolling page gif screenshotwouldn't call this an MVP. This is a notch above an MVP. I still like this, though. Resource-heavy but looks good.Great execution and appreciate the thought process. I\u2019m sure many of us here, find it useful.> One tricky part was that many sites block iframes, so what I had to do was save the entire website into its constituent HTML, CSS, and JS, and I displayed that instead in the iframe.I\u2019m sure you know it, those artifacts might get outdated soon. They don\u2019t need to be synced in real-time or maybe never. Cloudflare threads (or something like that) can be used for updates, in case you plan to go that route.Please don\u2019t stop here. It should go on.It\u2019s really cool that you did this. It\u2019s like a personal exercise to develop a particular aspect of yourself, in this case \u2018focus\u2019.Did you know there is a similar challenge between comic-book creators called the \u201824h-comic challenge\u2019? The idea is to produce a 24-pages-long comic book in 24 hours. Creators like Scott McCloud or Neil Gaiman have participated.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/24-hour_comicLove it! This might do well on Product Hunt.If you had a mailing list, I'd sign up to get notified about new dark modes you add in the future.Very inspiring!Site almost crashed my browser (it all went blank for a sec) but this is an awesome story - definitely bookmarking this as one of my goto-inspirations.Bandwidth warning: opening this site downloads 87.9 MB in resources.Nice work though! I'd suggest moving to screenshots that toggle to an iframe once they're clicked.I want to inquire something that I feel only I have this problem: it takes me forever to make anything with code. Like hours to do something simple. I don't get distract that much, but coding is difficult and I've come to appreciate those who can code faster than me. First of all, I spend a bunch of time looking up the best way to write something. That means stackoverflow, searching for libraries, etc. Then, I would write with the debugger on. Making sure what I wrote works, one baby step at a time. I never write the whole thing in one shot like so many other programmers do. They just write pages and pages of code without ever running it, they just know its going to work (for the most part). Thoughts? How do you make progress in programming?Were you exhausted at some point?I thought you were going to say you built a tool for sharing any list of websites, although I guess that might take a little bit longer than a day. This is still cool though! Congrats on overcoming your perfectionism.I did something similar for accounting websites. Except I used Python/Selenium to screenshot at different screen sizes and wrote to a plain html file.Dark Mode thought: As someone who uses an OLED screen, I want dark mode to feature true black. This makes a huge difference for me. I get quite annoyed with any dark mode that is mostly \"dark grey\" as opposed to just black. I want all of those dark pixels emitting no light at all. This is much easier on the eyes, and takes full advantages of the wonders of OLED. This is especially important for mobile, where many, many people now have OLED screens.Well done!As someone who teaches prototyping but then ends up spending 3 months on a \u201c1-day indie game project\u201d I think this is quite impressive!Here\u2019s my approach in case you find it interesting: https://sonnet.io/posts/reactive-hole/Looks nice but almost took down my browser on an M2 macbook pro with 16gb of ram. Ok, sure, I have a lot of stuff running and what feels like a thousand tabs open, but that's something else.Bandwidth is probably like downloading a small video gameNice, but, do you really need Next.js and React for that? What about just taking screenshots and linking them to the sites in simple HTML? Wouldn't that serve the purpose?I guess you wouldn't really call that an 'app', just a page. But it'd be pretty quick and simple. And if you really want to get away from over-engineering and getting lost in the code details, doing it without any code at all is a good exercise.Perhaps from there a simple script to take a list of URLs and generate the page's HTML, but still no libraries or frameworks. Scripts like that can live for many years, just being run as needed, serving their purpose with no maintenance or dependency or deprecation issues. Some scripts that I wrote are still running perfectly fine on their own, untouched after 7+ years, while the main application requires a whole team of people constantly maintaining it.It's good sometimes to get back to basics to put things in perspective.Things like the leftpad debacle of 2016 should make us think about how we build complex, fragile ecosystems that are constantly changing, and need constant maintenance, often to just do something simple that doesn't need all that complexity in the first place. How simple and quick can you do it? Do you really need code to dynamically scroll down to thing X, or could you just put that thing at the top to start with and not need any code or dependencies?You're on a good track. We over-complicate things a lot.OP: don't change a goddamn thing. Other commenters' suggestions are great, but that's the point: you built the thing and you released it. Doesn't matter if it's React, large, not static, whatever - it's done and it works.As someone who finds himself in a perpetual battle against the tendency to be perfectionistic: you are an inspiration.You would need:\n - Auth and billing to let users connect to your platform and bill them for usage\n - Source Control providers integration to get the code of your clients (e.g. a GitHub app)\n - Setup container builder service that can get requests from your platforms server and build Docker images of your clients code. Check out Google Cloud Build for inspiration\n - Call a cloud platform\u2019s API to start a vm with the newly created Docker image and setup networking, logging etc for it", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "dat-ecosystem-archive/docs", "link": "https://github.com/dat-ecosystem-archive/docs", "tags": ["dat", "dat-protocol"], "stars": 532, "description": "Documentation resources for dat and the surrounding ecosystem [ DEPRECATED - see https://github.com/hypercore-protocol/new-website/tree/master/guides for similar functionality. More info on active projects and modules at https://dat-ecosystem.org/ ] ", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![deprecated](http://badges.github.io/stability-badges/dist/deprecated.svg)](https://github.com/hypercore-protocol/new-website/tree/master/guides) See [hyp](https://github.com/hypercore-protocol/new-website/tree/master/guides) for similar functionality. \n\nMore info on active projects and modules at [dat-ecosystem.org](https://dat-ecosystem.org/) \n\n--- \n\n# Dat Project Documentation\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "silas/node-consul", "link": "https://github.com/silas/node-consul", "tags": ["consul", "nodejs", "javascript"], "stars": 532, "description": "Consul client", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Consul\n\nThis is a [Consul][consul] client.\n\n- [Documentation](#documentation)\n- [License](#license)\n\n## Documentation\n\nSee the official [HTTP API][consul-docs-api] docs for more information.\n\n- [Consul](#init)\n - [Common Method Call Options](#common-options)\n\n* [ACL](#acl)\n - [Legacy](#acl-legacy)\n* [Agent](#agent)\n - [Check](#agent-check)\n - [Service](#agent-service)\n* [Catalog](#catalog)\n - [Connect](#catalog-connect)\n - [Node](#catalog-node)\n - [Service](#catalog-service)\n* [Event](#event)\n* [Health](#health)\n* [KV](#kv)\n* [Query](#query)\n* [Session](#session)\n* [Status](#status)\n* [Transaction](#transaction)\n* [Watch](#watch)\n\n\n\n### Consul([options])\n\nInitialize a new Consul client.\n\nOptions\n\n- host (String, default: agent address\n- port (Integer, default: 8500): agent HTTP(S) port\n- secure (Boolean, default: false): enable HTTPS\n- defaults (Object, optional): common method call options that will be included with every call (ex: set default `token`), these options can be override on a per call basis\n\nAdvanced options\n\n- agent (http.Agent|https.Agent, optionals): if not set uses the global agent\n- baseUrl, headers, tags, socketPath, and timeout (see [Papi](https://github.com/silas/node-papi/blob/main/README.md#client) for details)\n- tls options: ca, cert, ciphers, clientCertEngine, crl, dhparam, ecdhCurve, honorCipherOrder, key, passphrase, pfx, rejectUnauthorized, secureOptions, secureProtocol, servername, and sessionIdContext (see [Node.js docs](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/tls.html#tls_tls_connect_options_callback) for details)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nimport Consul from \"consul\";\n\nconst consul = new Consul();\n```\n\n\n\n### Common Method Call Options\n\nThese options can be included with any method call, although only certain endpoints support them. See the [HTTP API][consul-docs-api] for more information.\n\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- wan (Boolean, default: false): return WAN members instead of LAN members\n- consistent (Boolean, default: false): require strong consistency\n- stale (Boolean, default: false): use whatever is available, can be arbitrarily stale\n- index (String, optional): used with `ModifyIndex` to block and wait for changes\n- wait (String, optional): limit how long to wait for changes (ex: `5m`), used with index\n- token (String, optional): ACL token\n- near (String, optional): used to sort the node list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node\n- node-meta (String[], optional): used to specify a desired node metadata key/value pair of the form key:value\n- filter (String, optional): used to [refine a data query](https://www.consul.io/api/features/filtering.html) for some API listing endpoints\n\nThese options work for all methods.\n\n- ctx (EventEmitter, optional): emit `cancel` to abort request\n- timeout (Number|String, optional): number of milliseconds before request is aborted (ex: `1000` or `1s`)\n\n\n\n### consul.acl\n\n- [bootstrap](#acl-bootstrap)\n- [legacy](#acl-legacy)\n- [replication](#acl-replication)\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.bootstrap()\n\nCreates one-time management token if not configured.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.bootstrap();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.replication([options])\n\nGet the status of the ACL replication process in the datacenter.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.replication();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"Enabled\": true,\n \"Running\": true,\n \"SourceDatacenter\": \"dc1\",\n \"ReplicatedIndex\": 1976,\n \"LastSuccess\": \"2016-08-05T06:28:58Z\",\n \"LastError\": \"2016-08-05T06:28:28Z\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy\n\n- [create](#acl-legacy-create)\n- [update](#acl-legacy-update)\n- [destroy](#acl-legacy-destroy)\n- [get](#acl-legacy-get)\n- [clone](#acl-legacy-clone)\n- [list](#acl-legacy-list)\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy.create([options])\n\nCreates a new token with policy.\n\nOptions\n\n- name (String, optional): human readable name for the token\n- type (String, enum: client, management; default: client): type of token\n- rules (String, optional): string encoded HCL or JSON\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.legacy.create();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"b1f4c10e-b61b-e1de-de95-218c9fefdd3e\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy.update(options)\n\nUpdate the policy of a token.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): token ID\n- name (String, optional): human readable name for the token\n- type (String, enum: client, management; default: client): type of token\n- rules (String, optional): string encoded HCL or JSON\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.legacy.update({\n id: \"63e1d82e-f718-eb92-3b7d-61f0c71d45b4\",\n name: \"test\",\n});\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy.destroy(options)\n\nDestroys a given token.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): token ID\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.legacy.destroy(\"b1f4c10e-b61b-e1de-de95-218c9fefdd3e\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy.get(options)\n\nQueries the policy of a given token.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): token ID\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.legacy.get(\"63e1d82e-f718-eb92-3b7d-61f0c71d45b4\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"CreateIndex\": 7,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 7,\n \"ID\": \"63e1d82e-f718-eb92-3b7d-61f0c71d45b4\",\n \"Name\": \"Read only\",\n \"Type\": \"client\",\n \"Rules\": \"{\\\"key\\\":{\\\"\\\":{\\\"policy\\\":\\\"read\\\"}}}\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy.clone(options)\n\nCreates a new token by cloning an existing token.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): token ID\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.legacy.clone(\"63e1d82e-f718-eb92-3b7d-61f0c71d45b4\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"9fb8b20b-2636-adbb-9b99-d879df3305ec\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.acl.legacy.list([options])\n\nLists all the active tokens.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.acl.legacy.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"CreateIndex\": 2,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 2,\n \"ID\": \"anonymous\",\n \"Name\": \"Anonymous Token\",\n \"Type\": \"client\",\n \"Rules\": \"\"\n }\n {\n \"CreateIndex\": 3,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 3,\n \"ID\": \"root\",\n \"Name\": \"Master Token\",\n \"Type\": \"management\",\n \"Rules\": \"\"\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent\n\n- [check](#agent-check)\n- [service](#agent-service)\n- [members](#agent-members)\n- [reload](#agent-reload)\n- [self](#agent-self)\n- [maintenance](#agent-maintenance)\n- [join](#agent-join)\n- [forceLeave](#agent-force-leave)\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.members([options])\n\nReturns the members as seen by the consul agent.\n\nOptions\n\n- wan (Boolean, default: false): return WAN members instead of LAN members\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.members();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Name\": \"node1\",\n \"Addr\": \"\",\n \"Port\": 8301,\n \"Tags\": {\n \"bootstrap\": \"1\",\n \"build\": \"0.3.0:441d613e\",\n \"dc\": \"dc1\",\n \"port\": \"8300\",\n \"role\": \"consul\",\n \"vsn\": \"2\",\n \"vsn_max\": \"2\",\n \"vsn_min\": \"1\"\n },\n \"Status\": 1,\n \"ProtocolMin\": 1,\n \"ProtocolMax\": 2,\n \"ProtocolCur\": 2,\n \"DelegateMin\": 2,\n \"DelegateMax\": 4,\n \"DelegateCur\": 4\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.reload([options])\n\nReload agent configuration.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.reload();\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.self()\n\nReturns the agent node configuration.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.self();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"Config\": {\n \"Bootstrap\": true,\n \"Server\": true,\n \"Datacenter\": \"dc1\",\n \"DataDir\": \"/tmp/node1/data\",\n \"DNSRecursor\": \"\",\n \"DNSConfig\": {\n \"NodeTTL\": 0,\n \"ServiceTTL\": null,\n \"AllowStale\": false,\n \"MaxStale\": 5000000000\n },\n \"Domain\": \"consul.\",\n \"LogLevel\": \"INFO\",\n \"NodeName\": \"node1\",\n \"ClientAddr\": \"\",\n \"BindAddr\": \"\",\n \"AdvertiseAddr\": \"\",\n \"Ports\": {\n \"DNS\": 8600,\n \"HTTP\": 8500,\n \"RPC\": 8400,\n \"SerfLan\": 8301,\n \"SerfWan\": 8302,\n \"Server\": 8300\n },\n \"LeaveOnTerm\": false,\n \"SkipLeaveOnInt\": false,\n \"StatsiteAddr\": \"\",\n \"Protocol\": 2,\n \"EnableDebug\": false,\n \"VerifyIncoming\": false,\n \"VerifyOutgoing\": false,\n \"CAFile\": \"\",\n \"CertFile\": \"\",\n \"KeyFile\": \"\",\n \"ServerName\": \"\",\n \"StartJoin\": [],\n \"UiDir\": \"\",\n \"PidFile\": \"/tmp/node1/pid\",\n \"EnableSyslog\": false,\n \"SyslogFacility\": \"LOCAL0\",\n \"RejoinAfterLeave\": false,\n \"CheckUpdateInterval\": 300000000000,\n \"Revision\": \"441d613e1bd96254c78c46ee7c1b35c161fc7295+CHANGES\",\n \"Version\": \"0.3.0\",\n \"VersionPrerelease\": \"\"\n },\n \"Member\": {\n \"Name\": \"node1\",\n \"Addr\": \"\",\n \"Port\": 8301,\n \"Tags\": {\n \"bootstrap\": \"1\",\n \"build\": \"0.3.0:441d613e\",\n \"dc\": \"dc1\",\n \"port\": \"8300\",\n \"role\": \"consul\",\n \"vsn\": \"2\",\n \"vsn_max\": \"2\",\n \"vsn_min\": \"1\"\n },\n \"Status\": 1,\n \"ProtocolMin\": 1,\n \"ProtocolMax\": 2,\n \"ProtocolCur\": 2,\n \"DelegateMin\": 2,\n \"DelegateMax\": 4,\n \"DelegateCur\": 4\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.maintenance(options)\n\nSet node maintenance mode.\n\nOptions\n\n- enable (Boolean): maintenance mode enabled\n- reason (String, optional): human readable reason for maintenance\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.maintenance(true);\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.join(options)\n\nTrigger agent to join a node.\n\nOptions\n\n- address (String): node IP address to join\n- wan (Boolean, default false): attempt to join using the WAN pool\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.join(\"\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.forceLeave(options)\n\nForce remove node.\n\nOptions\n\n- node (String): node name to remove\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.forceLeave(\"node2\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check\n\n- [list](#agent-check-list)\n- [register](#agent-check-register)\n- [deregister](#agent-check-deregister)\n- [pass](#agent-check-pass)\n- [warn](#agent-check-warn)\n- [fail](#agent-check-fail)\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check.list()\n\nReturns the checks the agent is managing.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.check.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"example\": {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"example\",\n \"Name\": \"example\",\n \"Status\": \"passing\",\n \"Notes\": \"This is an example check.\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"\"\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check.register(options)\n\nRegisters a new check.\n\nOptions\n\n- name (String): check name\n- id (String, optional): check ID\n- serviceid (String, optional): service ID, associate check with existing service\n- http (String): url to test, 2xx passes, 429 warns, and all others fail\n- tlsskipverify (Boolean, default: false): skip HTTPS verification\n- tcp (String): host:port to test, passes if connection is established, fails otherwise\n- args (String[]): path to check script, requires interval\n- script (String): path to check script, requires interval (DEPRECATED)\n- dockercontainerid (String, optional): Docker container ID to run script\n- grpc (String, optional): gRPC endpoint (ex: ``)\n- grpcusetls (Boolean, optional): enable TLS for gRPC check\n- shell (String, optional): shell in which to run script (currently only supported with Docker)\n- interval (String): interval to run check, requires script (ex: `15s`)\n- timeout (String, optional): timeout for the check (ex: `10s`)\n- ttl (String): time to live before check must be updated (ex: `60s`)\n- aliasnode (String): ID of a node for an alias check (ex: `web1`)\n- aliasservice (String): ID of a service for an alias check (ex: `web`)\n- notes (String, optional): human readable description of check\n- status (String, optional): initial service status\n- deregistercriticalserviceafter (String, optional, Consul 0.7+): timeout after\n which to automatically deregister service if check remains in critical state\n- successbeforepassing (Number, optional): number of consecutive successful\n results required before check status transitions to passing\n- failuresbeforecritical (Number, optional): number of consecutive unsuccessful\n results required before check status transitions to critical\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.check.register({\n name: \"example\",\n ttl: \"15s\",\n notes: \"This is an example check.\",\n});\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check.deregister(options)\n\nDeregister a check.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): check ID\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.check.deregister(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check.pass(options)\n\nMark a test as passing.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): check ID\n- note (String, optional): human readable message\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.check.pass(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check.warn(options)\n\nMark a test as warning.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): check ID\n- note (String, optional): human readable message\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.check.warn(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.check.fail(options)\n\nMark a test as critical.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): check ID\n- note (String, optional): human readable message\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.check.fail(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.service\n\n- [list](#agent-service-list)\n- [register](#agent-service-register)\n- [deregister](#agent-service-deregister)\n- [maintenance](#agent-service-maintenance)\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.service.list()\n\nReturns the services the agent is managing.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.service.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"example\": {\n \"ID\": \"example\",\n \"Service\": \"example\",\n \"Tags\": [\"dev\", \"web\"],\n \"Port\": 80\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.service.register(options)\n\nRegisters a new service.\n\nOptions\n\n- name (String): service name\n- id (String, optional): service ID\n- tags (String[], optional): service tags\n- address (String, optional): service IP address\n- port (Integer, optional): service port\n- meta (Object, optional): metadata linked to the service instance\n- check (Object, optional): service check\n - http (String): URL endpoint, requires interval\n - tcp (String): host:port to test, passes if connection is established, fails otherwise\n - script (String): path to check script, requires interval\n - dockercontainerid (String, optional): Docker container ID to run script\n - shell (String, optional): shell in which to run script (currently only supported with Docker)\n - interval (String): interval to run check, requires script (ex: `15s`)\n - timeout (String, optional): timeout for the check (ex: `10s`)\n - ttl (String): time to live before check must be updated, instead of http/tcp/script and interval (ex: `60s`)\n - notes (String, optional): human readable description of check\n - status (String, optional): initial service status\n - deregistercriticalserviceafter (String, optional, Consul 0.7+): timeout after\n which to automatically deregister service if check remains in critical state\n- checks (Object[], optional): service checks (see `check` above)\n- connect (Object, optional): specifies the [configuration](https://www.consul.io/api/agent/service.html#connect-structure) for Connect\n- proxy (Object, optional): specifies the [configuration](https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/registration/service-registration.html) for a Connect proxy instance\n- taggedAddresses (Object, optional): specifies a map of explicit LAN and WAN addresses for the service instance\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.service.register(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.service.deregister(options)\n\nDeregister a service.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): service ID\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.service.deregister(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.agent.service.maintenance(options)\n\nSet service maintenance mode.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): service ID\n- enable (Boolean): maintenance mode enabled\n- reason (String, optional): human readable reason for maintenance\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.agent.service.maintenance({ id: \"example\", enable: true });\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog\n\n- [register](#catalog-register)\n- [deregister](#catalog-deregister)\n- [datacenters](#catalog-datacenters)\n- [connect](#catalog-connect)\n- [node](#catalog-node)\n- [service](#catalog-service)\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.register(options)\n\nRegisters or updates entries in the catalog.\n\nNOTE: this endpoint is a low-level mechanism for registering or updating entries in the catalog. It is usually preferable to instead use the agent endpoints for registration as they are simpler and perform anti-entropy. It is suggested to read the [catalog API](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/catalog) documentation before using that.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String, optional): an optional UUID to assign to the node. This must be a 36-character UUID-formatted string\n- node (String, required): specifies the node ID to register\n- address (String, required): specifies the address to register.\n- taggedaddresses (Object, optional): specifies the tagged addresses\n- nodemeta (Object, optional): specifies arbitrary KV metadata pairs for filtering purposes\n- service (Objet, optional): specifies to register a service\n - id (String): service ID. If ID is not provided, it will be defaulted to the value of the Service.Service property.\n Only one service with a given ID may be present per node.\n - service (String): service name\n - tags (String[], optional): service tags\n - meta (Object, optional): metadata linked to the service instance\n - address (String): service IP address\n - port (Integer): service port\n- check (Object, optional): specifies to register a check.The register API manipulates the health check entry in the Catalog, but it does not setup the\n TCP/HTTP check to monitor the node's health.\n - node (String): the node id this check will bind to\n - name (String): check name\n - checkid (String): the CheckID can be omitted and will default to the value of Name. The CheckID must be unique on this node.\n - serviceid (String): if a ServiceID is provided that matches the ID of a service on that node, the check is treated as a service level health check, instead of a node level health check.\n - notes (String): notes is an opaque field that is meant to hold human-readable text\n - status (String): initial status. The Status must be one of `passing`, `warning`, or `critical`.\n - definition (Object): health check definition\n - http (String): URL endpoint, requires interval\n - tlsskipverify (Boolean, default: false): skip HTTPS verification\n - tlsservername (String): SNI\n - tcp (String): host:port to test, passes if connection is established, fails otherwise\n - intervalduration (String): interval to run check, requires script (ex: `15s`)\n - timeoutduration (String): timeout for the check (ex: `10s`)\n - deregistercriticalserviceafterduration (String): timeout after\n which to automatically deregister service if check remains in critical state (ex: `120s`)\n- checks (Object[], optional): multiple checks can be provided by replacing `check` with `checks` and sending an array of `check` objects.\n- skipnodeupdate (Bool, optional): pecifies whether to skip updating the node's information in the registration. Note, if the parameter is enabled for a node that doesn't exist, it will still be created\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.register(\"example\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.deregister(options)\n\nDeregister entries in the catalog.\n\nNOTE:This endpoint is a low-level mechanism for directly removing entries from the Catalog. It is usually preferable to instead use the agent endpoints for deregistration as they are simpler and perform anti-entropy. It is suggested to read the [catalog API](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/catalog) documentation before using that.\n\nOptions\n\n- node (String, required): specifies the ID of the node. If no other values are provided, this node, all its services, and all its checks are removed.\n- checkid (String, optional): specifies the ID of the check to remove.\n- serviceid (String, optional): specifies the ID of the service to remove. The service and all associated checks will be removed.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.deregister(\"example\");\n```\n\nor\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.deregister({ id: \"example\" });\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.datacenters()\n\nLists known datacenters.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.datacenters();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\"dc1\"]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.connect\n\n- [nodes](#catalog-connect-nodes)\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.connect.nodes(options)\n\nLists the nodes for a given Connect-capable service.\n\nOptions\n\n- service (String): service name\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.connect.nodes(\"example\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"ID\": \"40e4a748-2192-161a-0510-9bf59fe950b5\",\n \"Node\": \"foobar\",\n \"Address\": \"\",\n \"Datacenter\": \"dc1\",\n \"TaggedAddresses\": {\n \"lan\": \"\",\n \"wan\": \"\"\n },\n \"NodeMeta\": {\n \"somekey\": \"somevalue\"\n },\n \"CreateIndex\": 51,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 51,\n \"ServiceAddress\": \"\",\n \"ServiceEnableTagOverride\": false,\n \"ServiceID\": \"32a2a47f7992:nodea:5000\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"foobar\",\n \"ServiceKind\": \"connect-proxy\",\n \"ServiceProxyDestination\": \"my-service\",\n \"ServicePort\": 5000,\n \"ServiceMeta\": {\n \"foobar_meta_value\": \"baz\"\n },\n \"ServiceTags\": [\"tacos\"]\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.node\n\n- [list](#catalog-node-list)\n- [services](#catalog-node-services)\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.node.list([options])\n\nLists nodes in a given datacenter.\n\nOptions\n\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.node.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Address\": \"\"\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.node.services(options)\n\nLists the services provided by a node.\n\nOptions\n\n- node (String): node ID\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.node.services(\"node1\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"Node\": {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Address\": \"\"\n },\n \"Services\": {\n \"consul\": {\n \"ID\": \"consul\",\n \"Service\": \"consul\",\n \"Tags\": [],\n \"Port\": 8300\n },\n \"example\": {\n \"ID\": \"example\",\n \"Service\": \"example\",\n \"Tags\": [\"dev\", \"web\"],\n \"Port\": 80\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.service\n\n- [list](#catalog-service-list)\n- [nodes](#catalog-service-nodes)\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.service.list([options])\n\nLists services in a given datacenter.\n\nOptions\n\n- dc (String): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.service.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"consul\": [],\n \"example\": [\"dev\", \"web\"]\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.catalog.service.nodes(options)\n\nLists the nodes for a given service.\n\nOptions\n\n- service (String): service name\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- tag (String, optional): filter by tag\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.catalog.service.nodes(\"example\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Address\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"example\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"example\",\n \"ServiceTags\": [\"dev\", \"web\"],\n \"ServicePort\": 80\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.event\n\n- [fire](#event-fire)\n- [list](#event-list)\n\n\n\n### consul.event.fire(options)\n\nFires a new user event.\n\nOptions\n\n- name (String): event name\n- payload (String|Buffer): payload\n- node (String, optional): regular expression to filter by node\n- service (String, optional): regular expression to filter by service\n- tag (String, optional): regular expression to filter by tag\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.event.fire(\"deploy\", \"53\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"4730953b-3135-7ff2-47a7-9d9fc9c4e5a2\",\n \"Name\": \"deploy\",\n \"Payload\": \"53\",\n \"NodeFilter\": \"\",\n \"ServiceFilter\": \"\",\n \"TagFilter\": \"\",\n \"Version\": 1,\n \"LTime\": 0\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.event.list([options])\n\nLists the most recent events an agent has seen.\n\nOptions\n\n- name (String, optional): filter by event name\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.event.list(\"deploy\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"ID\": \"4730953b-3135-7ff2-47a7-9d9fc9c4e5a2\",\n \"Name\": \"deploy\",\n \"Payload\": \"53\",\n \"NodeFilter\": \"\",\n \"ServiceFilter\": \"\",\n \"TagFilter\": \"\",\n \"Version\": 1,\n \"LTime\": 2\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.health\n\n- [node](#health-node)\n- [checks](#health-checks)\n- [service](#health-service)\n- [state](#health-state)\n\n\n\n### consul.health.node(options)\n\nReturns the health info of a node.\n\nOptions\n\n- node (String): node\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.health.node(\"node1\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"serfHealth\",\n \"Name\": \"Serf Health Status\",\n \"Status\": \"passing\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"Agent alive and reachable\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"\"\n },\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"service:example\",\n \"Name\": \"Service 'example' check\",\n \"Status\": \"critical\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"example\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"example\"\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.health.checks(options)\n\nReturns the checks of a service.\n\nOptions\n\n- service (String): service name\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.health.checks(\"example\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"service:example\",\n \"Name\": \"Service 'example' check\",\n \"Status\": \"critical\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"example\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"example\"\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.health.service(options)\n\nReturns the nodes and health info of a service.\n\nOptions\n\n- service (String): service name\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- tag (String, optional): filter by tag\n- passing (Boolean, optional): restrict to passing checks\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.health.service(\"example\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Node\": {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Address\": \"\"\n },\n \"Service\": {\n \"ID\": \"example\",\n \"Service\": \"example\",\n \"Tags\": [],\n \"Port\": 0\n },\n \"Checks\": [\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"service:example\",\n \"Name\": \"Service 'example' check\",\n \"Status\": \"critical\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"example\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"example\"\n },\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"serfHealth\",\n \"Name\": \"Serf Health Status\",\n \"Status\": \"passing\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"Agent alive and reachable\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.health.state(options)\n\nReturns the checks in a given state.\n\nOptions\n\n- state (String, enum: any, passing, warning, critical): state\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.health.state(\"critical\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"CheckID\": \"service:example\",\n \"Name\": \"Service 'example' check\",\n \"Status\": \"critical\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"example\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"example\"\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.kv\n\n- [get](#kv-get)\n- [keys](#kv-keys)\n- [set](#kv-set)\n- [del](#kv-del)\n\n\n\n### consul.kv.get(options)\n\nReturn key/value (kv) pair(s) or `undefined` if key not found.\n\nOptions\n\n- key (String): path to value\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- recurse (Boolean, default: false): return all keys with given key prefix\n- index (String, optional): used with `ModifyIndex` to block and wait for changes\n- wait (String, optional): limit how long to wait for changes (ex: `5m`), used with index\n- raw (Boolean, optional): return raw value (can't be used with recursive, implies buffer)\n- buffer (Boolean, default: false): decode value into Buffer instead of String\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.kv.get(\"hello\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"CreateIndex\": 6,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 6,\n \"LockIndex\": 0,\n \"Key\": \"hello\",\n \"Flags\": 0,\n \"Value\": \"world\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.kv.keys(options)\n\nReturn keys for a given prefix.\n\nOptions\n\n- key (String): path prefix\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- separator (String, optional): list keys up to a given separator\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.kv.keys(\"a/\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\"a/b\", \"a/c\"]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.kv.set(options)\n\nSet key/value (kv) pair.\n\nOptions\n\n- key (String): key\n- value (String|Buffer): value\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- flags (Number, optional): unsigned integer opaque to user, can be used by application\n- cas (String, optional): use with `ModifyIndex` to do a check-and-set operation\n- acquire (String, optional): session ID, lock acquisition operation\n- release (String, optional): session ID, lock release operation\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.kv.set(\"hello\", \"world\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\ntrue\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.kv.del(options)\n\nDelete key/value (kv) pair(s).\n\nOptions\n\n- key (String): key\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- recurse (Boolean, default: false): delete all keys with given key prefix\n- cas (String, optional): use with `ModifyIndex` to do a check-and-set operation (must be greater than `0`)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.kv.del(\"hello\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query\n\n- [list](#query-list)\n- [create](#query-create)\n- [update](#query-update)\n- [get](#query-get)\n- [destroy](#query-destroy)\n- [execute](#query-execute)\n- [explain](#query-explain)\n\n\n\n### consul.query.list()\n\nList prepared query.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"ID\": \"422b14b9-874b-4520-bd2e-e149a42b0066\",\n \"Name\": \"redis\",\n \"Session\": \"\",\n \"Token\": \"\",\n \"Template\": {\n \"Type\": \"\",\n \"Regexp\": \"\"\n },\n \"Service\": {\n \"Service\": \"redis\",\n \"Failover\": {\n \"NearestN\": 3,\n \"Datacenters\": [\"dc1\", \"dc2\"]\n },\n \"OnlyPassing\": false,\n \"Tags\": [\"master\", \"!experimental\"]\n },\n \"DNS\": {\n \"TTL\": \"10s\"\n },\n \"RaftIndex\": {\n \"CreateIndex\": 23,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 42\n }\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query.create(options)\n\nCreate a new prepared query.\n\nOptions\n\n- name (String, optional): name that can be used to execute a query instead of using its ID\n- session (String, optional): provides a way to automatically remove a prepared query when the given session is invalidated\n- token (String, optional): captured ACL Token that is reused as the ACL Token every time the query is executed\n- near (String, optional): allows specifying a particular node to sort near based on distance sorting using Network Coordinates\n- service.service (String, required): name of the service to query\n- service.failover.nearestn (Number, optional): when set the query will be forwarded to up to nearest N other datacenters based on their estimated network round trip time using Network Coordinates from the WAN gossip pool\n- service.failover.datacenters (String[], optional): fixed list of remote datacenters to forward the query to if there are no healthy nodes in the local datacenter\n- service.onlypassing (Boolean, default: false): filter results to only nodes with a passing state\n- service.tags (String[], optional): list of service tags to filter the query results\n- ttl.dns (String, optional, ex: `10s`): controls how the TTL is set when query results are served over DNS\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.create({\n name: 'redis',\n service: {\n service: 'redis'\n onlypassing: true\n },\n});\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"422b14b9-874b-4520-bd2e-e149a42b0066\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query.update(options)\n\nUpdate existing prepared query.\n\nOptions\n\n- query (String, required): ID of the query\n\nAnd all [create options][query-create].\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.update({\n query: '422b14b9-874b-4520-bd2e-e149a42b0066',\n name: 'redis',\n service: {\n service: 'redis'\n onlypassing: false\n },\n});\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query.get(options)\n\nGet prepared query.\n\nOptions\n\n- query (String, required): ID of the query\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.get(\"6119cabf-c052-48fe-9f07-711762e52931\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"6119cabf-c052-48fe-9f07-711762e52931\",\n \"Name\": \"redis\",\n \"Session\": \"\",\n \"Token\": \"\",\n \"Template\": {\n \"Type\": \"\",\n \"Regexp\": \"\"\n },\n \"Service\": {\n \"Service\": \"redis\",\n \"Failover\": {\n \"NearestN\": 3,\n \"Datacenters\": [\"dc1\", \"dc2\"]\n },\n \"OnlyPassing\": false,\n \"Tags\": [\"master\", \"!experimental\"]\n },\n \"DNS\": {\n \"TTL\": \"10s\"\n },\n \"RaftIndex\": {\n \"CreateIndex\": 23,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 42\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query.destroy(options)\n\nDelete prepared query.\n\nOptions\n\n- query (String, required): ID of the query\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.destroy(\"422b14b9-874b-4520-bd2e-e149a42b0066\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query.execute(options)\n\nExecute prepared query.\n\nOptions\n\n- query (String, required): ID of the query\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.execute(\"6119cabf-c052-48fe-9f07-711762e52931\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"Service\": \"redis\",\n \"Nodes\": [\n {\n \"Node\": {\n \"Node\": \"foobar\",\n \"Address\": \"\",\n \"TaggedAddresses\": {\n \"lan\": \"\",\n \"wan\": \"\"\n }\n },\n \"Service\": {\n \"ID\": \"redis\",\n \"Service\": \"redis\",\n \"Tags\": null,\n \"Port\": 8000\n },\n \"Checks\": [\n {\n \"Node\": \"foobar\",\n \"CheckID\": \"service:redis\",\n \"Name\": \"Service 'redis' check\",\n \"Status\": \"passing\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"redis\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"redis\"\n },\n {\n \"Node\": \"foobar\",\n \"CheckID\": \"serfHealth\",\n \"Name\": \"Serf Health Status\",\n \"Status\": \"passing\",\n \"Notes\": \"\",\n \"Output\": \"\",\n \"ServiceID\": \"\",\n \"ServiceName\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"DNS\": {\n \"TTL\": \"10s\"\n },\n \"Datacenter\": \"dc3\",\n \"Failovers\": 2\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.query.explain(options)\n\nExplain prepared query.\n\nOptions\n\n- query (String, required): ID of the query\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.query.explain(\"422b14b9-874b-4520-bd2e-e149a42b0066\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"Query\": {\n \"ID\": \"422b14b9-874b-4520-bd2e-e149a42b0066\",\n \"Name\": \"redis\",\n \"Session\": \"\",\n \"Token\": \"\",\n \"Template\": {\n \"Type\": \"\",\n \"Regexp\": \"\"\n },\n \"Service\": {\n \"Service\": \"redis\",\n \"Failover\": {\n \"NearestN\": 3,\n \"Datacenters\": [\"dc1\", \"dc2\"]\n },\n \"OnlyPassing\": false,\n \"Tags\": [\"master\", \"!experimental\"]\n },\n \"DNS\": {\n \"TTL\": \"10s\"\n },\n \"RaftIndex\": {\n \"CreateIndex\": 23,\n \"ModifyIndex\": 42\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.session\n\n- [create](#session-create)\n- [destroy](#session-destroy)\n- [get](#session-get)\n- [node](#session-node)\n- [list](#session-list)\n- [renew](#session-renew)\n\n\n\n### consul.session.create([options])\n\nCreate a new session.\n\nOptions\n\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n- lockdelay (String, range: 1s-60s, default: `15s`): the time consul prevents locks held by the session from being acquired after a session has been invalidated\n- name (String, optional): human readable name for the session\n- node (String, optional): node with which to associate session (defaults to connected agent)\n- checks (String[], optional): checks to associate with session\n- behavior (String, enum: release, delete; default: release): controls the behavior when a session is invalidated\n- ttl (String, optional, valid: `10s`-`86400s`): interval session must be renewed\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.session.create();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"ID\": \"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\"\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.session.destroy(options)\n\nDestroy a given session.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): session ID\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.session.destroy(\"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\");\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.session.get(options)\n\nQueries a given session.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): session ID\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.session.get(\"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n{\n \"CreateIndex\": 11,\n \"ID\": \"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Checks\": [\"serfHealth\"],\n \"LockDelay\": 15000000000\n}\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.session.node(options)\n\nLists sessions belonging to a node.\n\nOptions\n\n- node (String): node\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.session.node(\"node1\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"CreateIndex\": 13,\n \"ID\": \"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Checks\": [\"serfHealth\"],\n \"LockDelay\": 15000000000\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.session.list([options])\n\nLists all the active sessions.\n\nOptions\n\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.session.list();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"CreateIndex\": 15,\n \"ID\": \"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Checks\": [\"serfHealth\"],\n \"LockDelay\": 15000000000\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.session.renew(options)\n\nRenew a given session.\n\nOptions\n\n- id (String): session ID\n- dc (String, optional): datacenter (defaults to local for agent)\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.session.renew(\"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\");\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"CreateIndex\": 15,\n \"ID\": \"a0f5dc05-84c3-5f5a-1d88-05b875e524e1\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Node\": \"node1\",\n \"Checks\": [\"serfHealth\"],\n \"LockDelay\": 15000000000,\n \"Behavior\": \"release\",\n \"TTL\": \"\"\n }\n]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.status\n\n- [leader](#status-leader)\n- [peers](#status-peers)\n\n\n\n### consul.status.leader()\n\nReturns the current Raft leader.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.status.leader();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n\"\"\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.status.peers()\n\nReturns the current Raft peer set.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.status.peers();\n```\n\nResult\n\n```json\n[\"\"]\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.transaction.create(operations)\n\noperations: The body of the request should be a list of operations to perform inside the atomic transaction. Up to 64 operations may be present in a single transaction.\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nawait consul.transaction.create([\n {\n {\n KV: {\n Verb: 'set',\n Key: 'key1',\n Value: Buffer.from('value1').toString('base64')\n }\n },{\n KV: {\n Verb: 'delete',\n Key: 'key2'\n }\n }\n }\n]);\n```\n\n\n\n### consul.watch(options)\n\nWatch an endpoint for changes.\n\nThe watch relies on blocking queries, adding the `index` and `wait` parameters as per [Consul's documentation](https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/http.html)\n\nIf a blocking query is dropped due to a Consul crash or disconnect, watch will attempt to reinitiate the blocking query with logarithmic backoff.\n\nUpon reconnect, unlike the first call to watch() in which the latest `x-consul-index` is unknown, the last known `x-consul-index` will be reused, thus not emitting the `change` event unless it has been incremented since.\n\nNOTE: If you specify an alternative options.timeout keep in mind that a small random amount of additional wait is added to all requests (wait / 16). The default timeout is currently set to (wait + wait \\* 0.1), you should use something similar to avoid issues.\n\nOptions\n\n- method (Function): method to watch\n- options (Object): method options\n- backoffFactor (Integer, default: 100): backoff factor in milliseconds to apply between attempts (`backoffFactor * (2 ^ retry attempt)`)\n- backoffMax (Integer, default: 30000): maximum backoff time in milliseconds to wait between attempts\n- maxAttempts (Integer): maximum number of retry attempts to make before giving up\n\nUsage\n\n```javascript\nconst watch = consul.watch({\n method: consul.kv.get,\n options: { key: \"test\" },\n backoffFactor: 1000,\n});\n\nwatch.on(\"change\", (data, res) => {\n console.log(\"data:\", data);\n});\n\nwatch.on(\"error\", (err) => {\n console.log(\"error:\", err);\n});\n\nsetTimeout(() => {\n watch.end();\n}, 30 * 1000);\n```\n\n## Acceptance Tests\n\n1. Install [Consul][download] into your `PATH`\n\n ```console\n $ brew install consul\n ```\n\n1. Attach required IPs\n\n ```console\n $ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up\n $ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up\n ```\n\n1. Install client dependencies\n\n ```console\n $ npm install\n ```\n\n1. Run tests\n\n ```console\n $ npm run acceptance\n ```\n\n## License\n\nThis work is licensed under the MIT License (see the LICENSE file).\n\nParts of the Documentation were copied from the official\n[Consul website][consul-docs-api], see the NOTICE file for license\ninformation.\n\n[consul]: https://www.consul.io/\n[consul-docs-api]: https://www.consul.io/api-docs\n[download]: https://www.consul.io/downloads\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "vvvmax/unitegallery", "link": "https://github.com/vvvmax/unitegallery", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Unite Gallery - Responsive jQuery Image and Video Gallery Plugin. Aim to be the best gallery on the web on it's kind. See demo here: ", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\n##[Unite Gallery](http://unitegallery.net) - Responsive jQuery Gallery Plugin\n\nProduct Link: [unitegallery.net](http://unitegallery.net)\n\nThis gallery has commercial versions for: [WordPress](http://wp.unitegallery.net) , [Joomla!](http://unitecms.net/premium-extensions/unite-gallery-main/default-theme) , [PrestaShop](http://ps.unitegallery.net/content/6-ug-default-theme) , [OpenCart](http://oc.unitegallery.net/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=7)\n\nMain Documentation: [main documentation page] (http://unitegallery.net/index.php?page=documentation)\n\nThemes including and options help under each theme menu [as here for example](http://unitegallery.net/index.php?page=default-options)\n\n## Overview\n\nThe Unite Gallery is multipurpose javascript gallery based on jquery library. \nIt's built with a modular technique with a lot of accent of ease of use and customization. It's very easy to customize the gallery, changing it's skin via css, and even writing your own theme. \nYet this gallery is very powerfull, fast and has the most of nowdays must have features like responsiveness, touch enabled and even zoom feature, it's unique effect. \n\n## Features\n\n- The gallery plays VIDEO from: Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5, Wistia and SoundCloud (not a video but still )\n- Responsive - fits to every screen with automatic ratio preserve\n- Touch Enabled - Every gallery parts can be controlled by the touch on touch enabled devices\n- Responsive - The gallery can fit every screen size, and can respond to a screen size change.\n- Skinnable - Allow to change skin with ease in different css file without touching main gallery css.\n- Themable - The gallery has various of themes, each theme has it's own options and features, but it uses gallery core objects\n- Zoom Effect - The gallery has unique zoom effect that could be applied within buttons, mouse wheel or pinch gesture on touch - enabled devices\n- Gallery Buttons - The gallery has buttons on it, like full screen or play/pause that optimized for touch devidces access\n- Keyboard controls - The gallery could be controlled by keyboard (left, right arrows)\n- Tons of options. The gallery has huge amount of options for every gallery object that make the customization process easy and fun.\n- Powerfull API - using the gallery API you can integrate the gallery into your website behaviour and use it with another items like lightboxes etc.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jquery-textfill/jquery-textfill", "link": "https://github.com/jquery-textfill/jquery-textfill", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Resizes font-size of text to fit into container", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# jQuery TextFill\n\nThis jQuery plugin resizes text to make it fit into a container. The font size\ngets as big as possible.\n\n* [Homepage][index].\n* [Simple example][demo].\n* [Unit tests (assure plugin correctness)][tests].\n\n![logo](http://jquery-textfill.github.io/images/logo.png)\n\n## Usage\n\n- Remember to include _jQuery_ and _jQuery TextFill_:\n\n```html\n\n\n```\n\n- Select which element you'll use. Make sure to:\n - Specify the parent's width and height\n - Put the text inside of a `` child by default (see _Options_ to change this)\n\n```html\n
    \n The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n
    \n```\n\n- Initialize _jQuery TextFill_\n\n```js\n$('#my-element').textfill({\n ...options...\n});\n```\n\n## Options\n\nRemember, **container** means the _parent_ element, while **child** is the\nelement that will _resize_. On the example above, the parent was the `div` and the\nchild was the `span`.\n\n| Name | Description | Default Value |\n| ----------------- | ----------- | ------------- |\n| `minFontPixels` | Minimal font size (in pixels). The text will shrink up to this value. | 4 |\n| `maxFontPixels` | Maximum font size (in pixels). The text will stretch up to this value.. If it's a negative value (`size <= 0`), the text will stretch to as big as the container can accommodate. | 40 |\n| `innerTag` | The child element tag to resize. We select it by using `$(innerTag + ':visible:first', container)` | `span` |\n| `widthOnly` | Will only resize to the width restraint. The font might become tiny under small containers. | `false` |\n| `explicitWidth` | Explicit width to resize. Defaults to the container's width. | `null` |\n| `explicitHeight` | Explicit height to resize. Defaults to the container's height. | `null` |\n| `changeLineHeight`| Also change the `line-height` of the parent container. This might be useful when shrinking to a small container. | `false` |\n| `allowOverflow` | Allows text to overflow when minFontPixels is reached. Won't fail resizing, but instead will overflow container. | `false` |\n| `debug` | Output debugging messages to console. | `false` |\n\nFor example,\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n## Callbacks\n\n| Name | Called when... | Default Value |\n| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------- |\n| `success` | Called when a resizing is successful | `null` |\n| `fail` | Called when a resizing is failed | `null` |\n| `complete` | Called when all elements are done | `null` |\n\nFor example,\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n## Contributing\n\nYou are very welcome to contribute!\n[A good number of people did](https://github.com/jquery-textfill/jquery-textfill/graphs/contributors),\nso feel free to help no matter how small the changes might be.\n\nJust _make sure_ to read the file [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md) first.\nThere we make a quick take on how you could help us.\n\nAlso, there we lay down our rules for _reporting issues_ and _making pull\nrequests_. Gotcha! Now you can't say we didn't tell you about it!\n\nIf you found something critical or just want to make a suggestion\n[open an issue][issue] and start typing right away.\n\n## Credits\n\nThis jQuery plugin was created by [Russ Painter][russ] around May 2009,\nbeginning with a StackOverflow [question][soq].\n\nIn very early 2012, [Yu-Jie Lin][yu] helped to move the project to GitHub with\nversion _0.1_ and obtained the clearly stated open source licensing from Russ.\n\nAround July 2014 [Alexandre Dantas][alex] was made a contributor.\n\n## License\n\n`jquery-textfill` is licensed under the _MIT License_. See file\n[`COPYING.md`](COPYING.md) to see what you can and cannot do with the source.\n\n[index]: http://jquery-textfill.github.io/\n[demo]: http://jquery-textfill.github.io/example/\n[tests]: http://jquery-textfill.github.io/unit-tests\n[issue]: https://github.com/jquery-textfill/jquery-textfill/issues\n[soq]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687998/auto-size-dynamic-text-to-fill-fixed-size-container\n[russ]: https://github.com/GeekyMonkey\n[yu]: https://github.com/livibetter\n[alex]: https://github.com/alexdantas\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "nextacular/nextacular", "link": "https://github.com/nextacular/nextacular", "tags": ["saas", "boilerplate-template", "starter-kit", "nextjs", "javascript", "full-stack", "backend", "multi-tenancy", "prisma", "stripe", "tailwindcss", "email", "next-themes", "next-auth", "analytics", "seo", "vercel", "open-source", "oss"], "stars": 532, "description": "An open-source starter kit that will help you build full-stack multi-tenant SaaS platforms efficiently and help you focus on developing your core SaaS features. Built on top of popular and modern technologies such as Next JS, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Nextacular\ud83c\udf19\n\n![Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://img.shields.io/opencollective/all/nextacular) ![GitHub package.json version](https://img.shields.io/github/package-json/v/nextacular/nextacular) ![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/nextacular/nextacular) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/nextacular/nextacular) ![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/nextacular/nextacular?style=social)\n\n## Quickly launch multi-tenant SaaS applications\n\n![Nextacular - Quickly launch multi-tenant SaaS applications](./public/images/seo-cover.png)\n\nAn open-source starter kit that will help you build full-stack multi-tenant SaaS platforms efficiently and help you focus on developing your core SaaS features. Built on top of popular and modern technologies such as Next JS, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe\n\n**Features** packaged out-of-the-box: **Authentication**, **Billing & Payment**, **Database**, **Email**, **Custom Domains**, **Multi-tenancy**, **Workspaces**, and **Teams**\n\n## Live Demo\n\nNextacular Demo: [https://demo.nextacular.co](https://demo.nextacular.co)\n\n## Documentation\n\nNextacular Documentation: [https://docs.nextacular.co](https://docs.nextacular.co)\n\n## Getting Started\n\nRead the quick start here: [https://docs.nextacular.co/getting-started/quick-start](https://docs.nextacular.co/getting-started/quick-start)\n\n## One-Click Deploy to Vercel \ud83d\ude80\n\nDeploy to Vercel for free!\n\n[![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnextacular%2Fnextacular&env=APP_URL,NEXTAUTH_SECRET,DATABASE_URL,SHADOW_DATABASE_URL,EMAIL_FROM,EMAIL_SERVER_USER,EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD,EMAIL_SERVICE,NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_IP_ADDRESS&project-name=nextacular&repo-name=nextacular&demo-title=Nextacular%20-%20Your%20Next%20SaaS%20Project&demo-description=Nextacular%20is%20an%20open-source%20starter%20kit%20that%20will%20help%20you%20build%20SaaS%20platforms%20efficiently%20and%20focus%20on%20developing%20your%20core%20SaaS%20features.&demo-url=https%3A%2F%2Fdemo.nextacular.co&demo-image=https%3A%2F%2Fnextacular.co%2Fimages%2Fseo-cover.png)\n\nYou might encounter errors after deployment, so make sure you add the necessary [Environment Variables](https://docs.nextacular.co/customization/environment-variables)\n\nRead the [docs](https://docs.nextacular.co) for more details\n\n## Outstanding Features\n\n- \ud83d\udd10 Authentication\n- \ud83d\udcbf Database Integration + Prisma (SQL/PostgreSQL)\n- \ud83e\udd1d Teams & Workspaces\n- \u2601 Multi-tenancy Approach\n- \ud83d\udcdc Landing Page\n- \ud83d\udcb8 Billing & Subscription\n- \ud83d\udcf1 Simple Design Components & Mobile-ready\n- \ud83d\udd0d SEO Support\n- \ud83d\udc7e Developer Experience\n- \ud83d\udc8c Email Handling\n\n## Tech Stack\n\n### Primary\n\n- [Next.JS](https://nextjs.org) - **12.3.1** (React **18.2.0**)\n- [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com) - **3.1.8**\n- [Prisma](https://prisma.io) - **4.4.0**\n- [Stripe](https://stripe.com)\n- [Vercel](https://vercel.com)\n\n## Dependencies\n\n- Headless UI - 1.7.7\n- Hero Icons - 2.0.12\n- Date FNS - 2.29.3\n- Express Validator - 6.14.2\n- Micro - 9.4.1\n- Next Themes - 0.2.1\n- Nodemailer - 6.8.0\n- React Copy to Clipboard - 5.1.0\n- React Google Analytics - 3.3.1\n- React Hot Toast - 2.4.0\n- React Top Bar Progress Indicator - 4.1.1\n- Slugify - 1.6.5\n- SWR - 1.3.0\n- Validator - 13.7.0\n\n## Project Roadmap\n\nNextacular's Previous and Upcoming Features: [https://github.com/nextacular/nextacular/projects/1](https://github.com/nextacular/nextacular/projects/1)\n\n## Built With Nextacular\n\nCheck out these amazing projects built with Nextacular:\n\n1. [Nextacular Demo](https://demo.nextacular.co) by Nextacular\n2. [Livebic](https://livebic.com/) by Shadrach\n3. [Vixion Pro Blogging](https://vixion.pro) by Mina\n4. [Living Pupil Homeschool Solutions](https://livingpupilhomeschool.com) by Living Pupil\n5. [MyWS](https://myws.dev) by @monoxruyi\n\n> If you have a project built with Nextacular and want to be listed, feel free to reach out to us through our Discord server.\n\n## Reviews\n\n> Steven Tey - Developer, Vercel\n> It's going to be super helpful for folks to bootstrap their MVPs and get to market faster!\n>\n> **Positive company mission**, **Easy to use**, **Cost-effective**, **Strong feature set**\n\n## Company Sponsors\n\n## Vercel\n\n[![Powered by Vercel](./public/images/powered-by-vercel.svg)](https://vercel.com/?utm_source=nextacular&utm_campaign=oss)\n\n### GitBook - Documentation Sponsor\n\n[![GitBook](https://www.vectorlogo.zone/logos/gitbook/gitbook-ar21.svg)](https://gitbook.com)\n\nYour company name could be here. If you wish to be listed as a sponsor, reach out to [arjay.osma@gmail.com](mailto:arjay.osma@gmail.com)\n\n## Contributing\n\nWant to support this project?\n\n1. Consider purchasing from our marketplace (soon)\n2. Subscribe to our newsletter. We send out tips and tools for you to try out while building your SaaS\n3. If you represent company, consider becoming a recurring sponsor for this repository\n4. Submit issues and features. Fork the project. Give it some stars. Join the discussion\n5. Share Nextacular with your network\n\nRead the [guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for contributing\n\n## License\n\nAll code in this repository is provided under the [MIT License](LICENSE)\n\n## Supporters \u2013 Special Mention \ud83c\udf89 Thank you!\n\nShow some love and support, and be a backer of our project\n\n[![Open Collective](https://www.vectorlogo.zone/logos/opencollective/opencollective-ar21.svg)](https://opencollective.com/nextacular)\n\nBrian Roach, Cien Lim, Chris Moutsos, Fred Guth ([@fredguth](https://twitter.com/fredguth)), Maxence Rose ([@pirmax](https://twitter.com/pirmax)) Sandeep Kumar ([@deepsand](https://twitter.com/deepsand)), Justin Harr ([@DasBeasto](https://twitter.com/dasbeasto)), Saket Tawde ([@SaketCodes](https://twitter.com/SaketCodes)), Corey Kellgren, Adarsh Tadimari, Altamir Meister, Abhi Ksinha\n\n## Acknowledgement\n\n\ud83d\ude4f Happy to have the support of early adopters and supporters over at [Product Hunt](https://www.producthunt.com/posts/nextacular), [Gumroad](https://arjayosma.gumroad.com/l/nextacular), [Github](https://github.com/nextacular/nextacular), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/nextacular), and through personal email. Lots of plans moving forward. Thanks to you guys!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Hi guys!I built a SaaS starter kit on top of Next.JS. In our startup, we didn't have a standard way of building our applications, so I thought of spending some time crafting a Workspace-based SaaS starter kit to be deployed on Vercel. This is an open-source initiative and a way for me to improve on my development skills with React and Next.JS. Lots of SaaS boilerplates, some are free some are premium, but I wasn't able to find the ease of configuration and simple developer experience in the existing ones.I do know that there exists Vercel's Platform Starter kit, and I was happy I was invited into their repository. I was already building Nextacular before I joined the repository and had to piece some of this things together with my knowledge about Next.JS and Vercel's APIs. Luckily, the repo invite made me improve the codebase of Nextacular.It packages features out-of-the-box which includes:\n- Authentication\n- Workspaces and Teams\n- Multi-tenancy and Custom Domains\n- Billing and Subscriptions\n- Basic Landing Page and Components\n- Database Integration\n- Email HandlingIt was fun building it in public and people were showing their support for this open-source project. Documentation is still being constructed, but it is not substantial enough to generate a working SaaS application.In case you may want to explore how it works, you may visit the demo on the link from the landing page. Rest assured your information will be cleaned out every other day.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "adrianhajdin/project_music_player", "link": "https://github.com/adrianhajdin/project_music_player", "tags": ["javascript", "rapidapi", "reactjs", "tailwindcss"], "stars": 532, "description": "Master modern web development by building an improved version of Spotify. With a modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around you, worldwide top charts, and much more, this is the best music application you can currently find on YouTube.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Build and Deploy a Better Spotify 2.0 Clone Music App with React 18! (Tailwind, Shazam, Redux)\n![Spotify Clone](https://i.ibb.co/mFh2kGZ/Thumbnail-2.png)\n\n### Launch your development career with project-based coaching on [JS Mastery Pro](https://www.jsmastery.pro).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "zce/weapp-boilerplate", "link": "https://github.com/zce/weapp-boilerplate", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "\u4e00\u4e2a\u4e3a\u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5f00\u53d1\u51c6\u5907\u7684\u57fa\u7840\u9aa8\u67b6\u3002A boilerplate application for wechat weapp runtime.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# WeChat applet skeleton\n\n> A basic skeleton for the development of WeChat applets\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/zce/weapp-boilerplate.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/zce/weapp-boilerplate)\n[![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/zce/weapp-boilerplate.svg)](https://david-dm.org/zce/weapp-boilerplate)\n[![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/zce/weapp-boilerplate/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/zce/weapp-boilerplate#info=devDependencies )\n[![js-standard-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg)](http://standardjs.com/)\n\n## For English\n\n[English](./README.en.md)\n\n\n## Skeleton Features\n\n- The development phase is separated from the production phase.\n- Automatically generate the files required for new pages and add them to the configuration.\n- Validate all `js` and `json` files with `Standard Code Style`.\n- The `json` configuration file in the development stage can have comments, which is convenient for notes.\n- Integrate part of the document content in the code to reduce the time to check the document.\n- In the development stage, you can use `less` to complete the style coding, because you know the reason~ (if you know these, of course you can support `sass` and other preprocessing styles).\n- Use `babel` to automatically convert `ES2015` features, so you can use new features with confidence.\n- In the development phase, use the `xml` file suffix instead of the `wxml` suffix to avoid configuring code highlighting in the development tool.\n- Source Map\n-Travis CI\n\n\n## Clone the project locally\n\n```bash\n# Navigate to any directory\n$ cd path/to/root\n\n# Clone the repository to the specified folder\n$ git clone https://github.com/zce/weapp-boilerplate.git [project-name] --depth 1\n\n# Enter the specified folder\n$ cd [project-name]\n```\n\n\n## Install project `npm` dependencies\n\n```bash\n$ npm install\n```\n\n\n## use\n\n### development stage\n\nExecute the following command\n\n```bash\n# start monitoring\n$ npm run watch\n```\n\nOpen the `dist` folder in the root directory of the project through the `WeChat Web Opener Tool`, preview~\n\nYou can use any development tool to complete the coding under `src`, `gulp` will monitor the `src` folder in the project root directory, and automatically compile when the file changes\n\n#### Create a new page\n\nExecute the following command\n\n```bash\n# start generator\n$ npm run generate\n# complete each question\n# Automatic generated...\n```\n\nSince each page of the WeChat applet has a specific structure, the work of creating it is relatively cumbersome. Operations can be reduced with this task.\n\n\n### Production stage\n\nExecute the following command\n\n```bash\n# start compilation\n$ npm run build\n```\n\nThe code in the production stage will be compressed and finally output to `dist`.\n\nIt can also be tested through `WeChat Web Opener Tool`.\n\n\n## Development Plan\n\n- [x] Automatically generate files required for new pages;\n- [x] Automatically add configuration to `app.json` when automatically generating a new page;\n- [ ] Add `Polyfill` of `ES2015`, support new `API` similar to `Promise`;\n- [ ] Automatically refresh the preview in `WeChat Web Developer Tools`;\n- [ ] `HTML` to `WXML` converter, so that everyone can directly use `HTML` element development;\n\n\n## Related Items\n\n[zce/weapp-demo](https://github.com/zce/weapp-demo)\n\n\n## has a problem?\n\nWelcome PR or Issue!\n\n\n## License\n\nMIT © [Wang Lei](http://github.com/zce)", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "sayokey/link-helper", "link": "https://github.com/sayokey/link-helper", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "\u652f\u6301\u4e0b\u8f7d\u98de\u732b\u4e91\u3001kufile\u7b4915+\u7f51\u8d5a\u7f51\u76d8\u7684\u6cb9\u7334\u811a\u672c\uff01", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "


    \n\n----\n\n## \u4ecb\u7ecd\n\n\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u6b3e\u652f\u630115+\u7f51\u8d5a\u76d8\u89e3\u6790\u7684\u514d\u8d39\u811a\u672c\uff0c\u5b83\u662f\u514d\u8d39\u7ef4\u62a4\u8fd1\u4e24\u5e74\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u516c\u76ca\u9879\u76ee\u3002\n\n**\u672c\u5730\u7248\uff1a\u7a7a\u57ce\u91cc\u94fe\u63a5\u52a9\u624b.local.user.js**\n\n**\u67d0\u732b\u4e91\u63a5\u53e3\u5df2\u7ecf\u6c38\u4e45\u505c\u6b62\u7ef4\u62a4\uff01**\n\n**\u6211\u4eec\u6ca1\u6709\u5728\u4efb\u4f55\u5e73\u53f0\u552e\u5356 \"\u98de\u732b\u4e91\" \u89e3\u6790\u670d\u52a1\uff0c\u8bf7\u52ff\u4e0a\u5f53\u53d7\u9a97\uff0c\u8be5\u9879\u76ee\u5df2\u7ecf\u8fdb\u5165\u5c3e\u58f0\uff0c\u5728\u5e74\u540e\u6211\u4eec\u4f1a\u628a\u6240\u6709\u4ee3\u7801\u4ee5\u672c\u5730\u5316\u5728\u6b64\u66f4\u65b0\uff0c\u540c\u65f6\u4f1a\u5173\u95ed\u540e\u53f0\u670d\u52a1\uff0c\u611f\u8c22\u4e24\u5e74\u4ee5\u6765\u7684\u966a\u4f34\uff01**\n\n\n## \u6ce8\u610f\n\n\u6211\u4eec\u5728\u6cb9\u7334\u4e2d\u6ca1\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u8d26\u53f7\u4e14\u672a\u53d1\u5e03\u8fc7\u4efb\u4f55\u811a\u672c\uff0c\u8c28\u9632\u88ab\u9a97\uff0c\u5b98\u65b9\u811a\u672c\u53ea\u5728\u6b64\u9875\u9762\u8fdb\u884c\u66f4\u65b0\u53ca\u53d1\u5e03\u3002\n\n## \u5b89\u88c5\n\n
    1. \u5b89\u88c5\u6cb9\u7334\u63d2\u4ef6
    2. \n \n
    3. \u5b89\u88c5\u811a\u672c(\u672c\u5730\u7248)
    4. \n \n
    \n\n\n## \u534f\u52a9\u6211\u4eec\n\n\u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u52a0\u5165\u8fd9\u4e2a\u9879\u76ee\u4e00\u8d77\u7ef4\u62a4\uff0c\u5b83\u4e0d\u53d7\u4efb\u4f55\u9650\u5236\uff01\n\n- \u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7 **[PR](https://github.com/sayokey/link-helper/pulls)** \u5bf9\u9879\u76ee\u4ee3\u7801\u505a\u51fa\u8d21\u732e\n- \u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7 **[ISSUES](https://github.com/sayokey/link-helper/issues)** \u53d1\u5e03\u4f60\u7684\u5efa\u8bae\u6216\u53cd\u9988\u4efb\u4f55BUG\n- \u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u70b9\u4eae\u4e00\u4e2a **Star** \u6765\u652f\u6301\u6211\u4eec\uff01\n- \u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u8fd9\u91cc\u7545\u8c08\u4efb\u4f55\u4f60\u6240\u60f3\u8bf4\u7684\u5185\u5bb9 **[\u8ba8\u8bba\u533a](https://github.com/sayokey/link-helper/discussions)**\n\n\n## \u63d0\u4ea4\u610f\u89c1\n\n\u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u5230 [ISSUES](https://github.com/sayokey/link-helper/issues) \u63d0\u4ea4\u4f60\u5728\u4f7f\u7528\u4e2d\u9047\u5230\u7684\u4efb\u4f55\u95ee\u9898\uff01\n\n## \u5f00\u6e90\u534f\u8bae \n\n\u811a\u672c\u4ee5 `AGLP` \u534f\u8bae\u5f00\u6e90\u3002\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "olivernn/davis.js", "link": "https://github.com/olivernn/davis.js", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "RESTful degradable JavaScript routing using pushState", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "", "readme_type": "text", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jgallen23/toc", "link": "https://github.com/jgallen23/toc", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "jQuery Table of Contents Plugin", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# TOC ![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@firstandthird/toc.svg)\n\nTOC is a library that will automatically generate a table of contents for your page.\n\n## Features\n\n- Completely customizable\n- Click to smooth scroll to that spot on the page\n- Automatically highlight the current section\n- Can have multiple on a page\n\n## Installation\n\n```sh\nnpm install import '@firstandthird/toc'\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nImport required scripts:\n\n```javascript\nimport '@firstandthird/toc';\n// or\nimport Toc from '@firstandthird/toc';\n```\n\nSetup HTML:\n\n```html\n

    My heading

    \n```\n\n## Options\n\nOptions are set via custom properties:\n\n| Property | Value | Description |\n|---|---|---|\n| `data-toc` | *{string\\|Element\\|NodeList}* | Elements to use as headings |\n| `data-toc-container` | *{string\\|Element\\|NodeList}* | Element to find all selectors in |\n| `data-toc-offset` | *{string\\|Element\\|NodeList}* | Offset to trigger the next headline |\n| `data-toc-title` | *{string}* | Text to be used as title (add this to headings) |\n\n## Example\n\nExample HTML:\n\n```html\n\n\n \n TOC Example\n \n \n \n

    Page Title


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Sub Heading


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Sub Heading


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    SubSub Heading


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.

    \n \n \n\n```\n\nExample JavaScript:\n\n```javascript\nimport '@firstandthird/toc';\n```\n\nExample CSS:\n\n```css\n.toc {\n background: #fefefe;\n width: 200px;\n position: fixed;\n border: 1px solid #ddd;\n color: #333;\n}\n.toc a {\n color: #333;\n}\n.toc .toc-h2 {\n margin-left: 10px\n}\n.toc .toc-h3 {\n margin-left: 20px\n}\n.toc-visible {\n color: #000;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n.toc.right {\n right: 0\n}\n```\n\n## License\n\n### MIT License\n\nCopyright (c) 2018 First+Third\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "chef-boneyard/devops-kungfu", "link": "https://github.com/chef-boneyard/devops-kungfu", "tags": [], "stars": 533, "description": "Chef Style DevOps Kung fu", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Chef Style DevOps Kung fu\n\nThis repository defines Chef Style DevOps Kung fu.\n\nIt includes a presentation you can give, or ask people to watch, which explains\nwhat DevOps is, and defines a style of practice that comes from the lived\nexperience of many DevOps professionals. It is a collaborative space, where all\npractitioners of the style can come together to create a reference for how to\nbuild up their own DevOps Kung fu, and teach others how to improve theirs.\n\nYou should start by [watching the presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DEToXsgrPc),\nthen come back here. If you agree with the fundamental principles, wish to\npractice our forms, and apply the style to your professional life, you can join\nour school by sending a pull request to this README file, and adding your name\nto the list of practitioners.\n\nThe [slides are available online](http://chef.github.io/devops-kungfu/).\n\nIf you like most of what you see, but not all, or wish to emphasize different\nthings about your style - but you agree on the same fundamental principles - you\nshould fork this repository, remove the names of practitioners from this file,\nand found your own school of DevOps Kung fu. All we ask is that you please give\nattribution of your style as a derivative of Chef Style DevOps Kung fu.\n\n## What is DevOps?\n\nA cultural and professional movement, focused on how we build and operate high\nvelocity organizations, born from the experiences of its practitioners.\n\n## Practitioners of Chef Style DevOps\n\n* [Adam Jacob](http://chef.io)\n* [Chris Nandor](http://pudge.net/)\n* [Kenneth L McDowell II](https://github.com/kmcdowell85)\n* [Parth Monga](https://github.com/Parthmonga)\n* [Mark L\u00fcntzel](https://github.com/luntzel)\n* [Patrick O'Connor](http://github.com/dontrebootme)\n* [Vandad Chaharlengi](https://github.com/vandadck)\n* [Shashi Shilarnav](https://github.com/shashirsa)\n* [Micah Coletti](http://ancestry.com)\n* [Ian Atkin](https://versal.com)\n* [Ian Henry](http://geekblood.com)\n* [Paul Judt](http://www.shopatron.com)\n* [Tony Flint](http://nefario.us)\n* [Shaun Keenan](http://skeenan.net)\n* [Marcin Sawicki](https://github.com/odcinek)\n* Robert Wolff\n* [Gregory Ruiz-Ade](https://github.com/gkra)\n* [Phil Dibowitz](http://github.com/jaymzh)\n* [Andy Claiborne](http://github.com/veloandy)\n* [Joshua Timberman](https://github.com/jtimberman)\n* [Scott Macfarlane](https://github.com/smacfarlane)\n* [Luke Bradbury](https://github.com/hanskreuger)\n* [Samuel Cassiba](http://github.com/scassiba)\n* [Robb Kidd](http://github.com/robbkidd)\n* [Thom May](https://github.com/thommay)\n* [Matt Ray](http://github.com/mattray)\n* [James Johnson](http://github.com/jcejohnson)\n* [Nathen Harvey](http://github.com/nathenharvey)\n* [Jason Schadel](http://github.com/wyrdvans)\n* [Jessica DeVita](http://github.com/ubergeekgirl)\n* [Terry J Fundak](http://github.com/tjsoftworks)\n* [Erik Rogneby](http://github.com/err0)\n* [Bryce Lynn](http://github.com/bignastybryce)\n* [Todd Michael Bushnell](http://github.com/toddmichael)\n* [Brian Scott](http://github.com/bscott)\n* [Jeff LaPlante](http://github.com/jefflaplante)\n* [Paul Dunnavant](http://github.com/pdunnavant)\n* [Jim Constantine](http://github.com/jaconstantine)\n* [Julian Dunn](http://github.com/juliandunn)\n* [Justin Arbuckle](http://github.com/dromologue)\n* [Jeff Hackert](https://github.com/jchackert)\n* [John Martin](http://github.com/tekbuddha)\n* [Alex Manly](http://github.com/alexmanly)\n* [Alex Vinyar](http://github.com/vinyar)\n* [Kim Halavakoski](http://github.com/khalavak)\n* [Justin Schuhmann](https://github.com/EasyAsABC123)\n* [Nathan Cerny](https://github.com/ncerny/)\n* [Pawel Bartusch](http://twitter.com/pbartusch)\n* [Steve Clark](http://github.com/sclark007)\n* [Christopher Webber](https://github.com/cwebberOps)\n* [Mark Bainter](http://github.com/mbainter)\n* [Mike Thibodeau](http://github.com/MikeTLive)\n* [David Chou](https://twitter.com/iamdavidschou)\n* [David Echols](http://github.com/echohack)\n* [Salim Afiune](http://github.com/afiune)\n* [Michael Ducy](https://twitter.com/mfdii)\n* [Tyler Fitch](https://github.com/tfitch)\n* [Sander van Zoest](https://github.com/svanzoest)\n* [Soo Choi](https://github.com/soosiechoi)\n* [Kevin J. Dickerson](http://github.com/kevindickerson)\n* [Seth Falcon](https://github.com/seth)\n* [JJ Asghar](https://github.com/jjasghar)\n* [Will Fisher](https://github.com/teknofire)\n* [Jason McDonald](https://github.com/hamburglar)\n* [Joe Nuspl](http://github.com/nvwls)\n* [Ryan Cragun](https://github.com/ryancragun)\n* [Nick Rycar](https://github.com/ChefRycar)\n* [Justin Redd](https://twitter.com/justinredd)\n* [Joshua Miller](https://github.com/jassinpain)\n* [Rex Cerbas](https://github.com/rx007)\n* [Lukasz Jagiello](https://github.com/ljagiello)\n* [Kai Forsth\u00f6vel](https://github.com/kforsthoevel)\n* [Adam Leff](https://github.com/adamleff)\n* [Steven Murawski](https://github.com/smurawski)\n* [George Miranda](https://github.com/gmiranda23)\n* [Sean OMeara](https://github.com/someara)\n* [Torben Knerr](https://github.com/tknerr)\n* [Franklin Webber](https://github.com/burtlo)\n* [Jake Fagan](https://github.com/jakef)\n* [Chris Sanders](https://github.com/chris-sanders-dot-org)\n* [Lane McLaughlin](https://github.com/spacattac)\n* [Jim Grill](https://github.com/jgrill)\n* [Karolin Beck](https://github.com/karobeck)\n* [Tony Notto](https://github.com/tonynotto)\n* [Jeffery Padgett](https://github.com/jbpadgett)\n* [Manuel Henke](https://github.com/ducke)\n* [Kristian Vlaardingerbroek](https://github.com/rarenerd)\n* [Andy Fleener](https://github.com/anfleene)\n* [Jeffrey Einhorn](https://twitter.com/JeffEinhorn)\n* [Mickie Smith](https://twitter.com/pagnmickie)\n* [Kevin Duane](https://twitter.com/crackmac)\n* [Will Moore](https://twitter.com/willmoore)\n* [Michael Goetz](https://github.com/micgo)\n* [Nick Thompson](https://github.com/wnthompson78)\n* [Yvo van Doorn](https://twitter.com/yvov)\n* [Jay Kline](https://github.com/slushpupie)\n* [Matt Stratton](https://twitter.com/mattstratton)\n* [Trevor Alexander Powell](https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevorapowell)\n* [Dan Webb](https://github.com/damacus)\n* [Jonathan Poole](https://github.com/digitaljedi2)\n* [Medya Gh](https://github.com/medyagh)\n* [Richard Nixon](https://github.com/trickyearlobe)\n* [Chris Patti](http://www.feoh.org)\n* [Amitraj Budhu](https://github.com/abudhu)\n* [Reuben Dunn](https://github.com/DefSol)\n* [Merritt Krakowitzer](https://github.com/mkrakowitzer)\n* [David Aronsohn](https://github.com/tbunnyman)\n* [Oleg Sumarokov](http://thgsn.org)\n* [Fahd Sultan](https://github.com/fsultan)\n* [Jesse R. Adams](https://github.com/jesseadams)\n* [Rudger Gravestein](https://github.com/Rud5G)\n* [Rakesh Patel](https://github.com/rocpatel)\n* [Sean Carolan](https://github.com/scarolan)\n* [Kevin Short](https://github.com/kshortdyn)\n* [Venkat P](https://github.com/vbp11)\n* [Bill Weiss](https://github.com/BillWeiss)\n* [Nicholas Ng](https://github.com/nicholasnggithub)\n* [Mahesh Varma](https://github.com/varmamahesh)\n* [Trevor Hess](https://github.com/trevorghess)\n* [Mark Jaffe](https://github.com/jaff)\n* [Ricardo Lupo](https://github.com/ricardolupo)\n* [Mark Lehmann](https://github.com/marklehmann26)\n* [Marcin Mazurek](https://twitter.com/mazuchna)\n* [Yigal Weinstein](http://8leggedunicorn.com)\n* [Mike Tavares](https://github.com/TavaTech)\n* [Jason Reslock](https://github.com/jreslock)\n* [Justin Franks](https://github.com/justintfranks)\n* [Travis Spaulding](https://github.com/tspaulding295)\n* [Federico Castagnini](https://github.com/facastagnini)\n* [Paul Everton](https://github.com/patternpaul)\n* [Daniel Siefert](https://github.com/OfCourseITestedIt)\n* [Mike Tyler](https://github.com/mtyler)\n* [Matt Trail](https://github.com/mwtrail)\n* [Shaw Innes](http://shawinnes.com)\n* [Pavlos Ratis](https://github.com/dastergon)\n* [Curtis Yanko](https://github.com/CMYanko)\n* [Sam Thwaites](http://thwaitesy.com)\n* [Jean Paul Mugizi](https://github.com/mugizico)\n* [Randall Morse](http://rmorse.com)\n* [Petr Michalec](https://github.com/epcim)\n* [Carlos Camacho](https://github.com/ccamacho)\n* [Joe Goggins](https://github.com/joegoggins)\n* [Emir Ozer](https://github.com/emirozer)\n* [Anshul Sharma](https://github.com/justanshulsharma)\n* [Jason Walker](https://github.com/desktophero)\n* [Tony Witherspoon](https://github.com/twitherspoon)\n* [Martin Neiiendam](https://github.com/fracklen)\n* [Rory Bramwell](https://github.com/rbramwell)\n* [Jose Ventura](https://github.com/joventuraz)\n* [Rajesh Raheja](https://github.com/rraheja)\n* [Amitraj Budhu](https://github.com/abudhu)\n* [Reuben Dunn](https://github.com/DefSol)\n* [Merritt Krakowitzer](https://github.com/mkrakowitzer)\n* [David Aronsohn](https://github.com/tbunnyman)\n* [Oleg Sumarokov](http://thgsn.org)\n* [Fahd Sultan](https://github.com/fsultan)\n* [Jesse R. Adams](https://github.com/jesseadams)\n* [Rudger Gravestein](https://github.com/Rud5G)\n* [Rakesh Patel](https://github.com/rocpatel)\n* [Sean Carolan](https://github.com/scarolan)\n* [Caedman 'Cads' Oakley](https://github.com/Yokai)\n* [Yen-An Chen](https://github.com/Yen168/)\n* [Nathan Haneysmith](https://twitter.com/tmonk42)\n* [Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis](http://lv.linkedin.com/in/uldiskarlovskarlovskis)\n* [Jovanka Damjanovic](https://github.com/damjanovicj)\n* [John Fitzpatrick](https://github.com/johnfitzpatrick)\n* [Bruno Collaer](http://tiny.cc/3kp21x)\n* [Kurt Crowley](https://github.com/kurtcrowley)\n* [Richard Genthner](https://github.com/moos3)\n* [Tim Mintner](https://twitter.com/tmintner)\n* [Conrad Watson](https://github.com/infcloud01/)\n* [Joel Thimsen](https://twitter.com/joelthimsen)\n* [Corey Wagehoft](https://github.com/coreywagehoft)\n* [\u0141ukasz Czy\u017cykowski](https://github.com/czyzykowski)\n* [Ruslans Scelkunovs](https://github.com/ruslanss)\n* [Scott Ford](http://github.com/smford22)\n* [Eduardo Monesi](http://github.com/emonesi)\n* [Leslie Carr](http://pony.repair/)\n* [Andrew S Thompson](https://github.com/andrewpsp)\n* [Josh Owens](https://github.com/jcache)\n* [Kris Timmerman](https://github.com/ktimmerman)\n* [Antoine GAY](https://github.com/AntoineGa)\n* [Ashley Knowles](https://github.com/AshleyKnowles)\n* [Rob Coward](https://github.com/robcoward)\n* [Matthew Walter](https://github.com/ohaiwalt)\n* [Chris McFee](https://github.com/mickfeech)\n* [Ryan Morten](https://github.com/awesinine)\n* [Brad Knowles](https://github.com/bknowles)\n* [Bernard Ojengwa](https://github.com/ojengwa)\n* [Adarsh Jupudi](https://github.com/jcadarsh)\n* [Ben Vidulich](https://github.com/zl4bv)\n* [Sean Richwine](https://github.com/khaosoi)\n* [Simon Fisher](https://twitter.com/simfish85)\n* [Josu\u00e9 Padilla](https://twitter.com/jpadif)\n* [Adrian Suteu](https://twitter.com/adisuteu)\n* [Tony Henson](https://github.com/geektony)\n* [Dan Belling](https://github.com/dbelling)\n* [Spencer Owen](http://spuder.github.io/)\n* [David Nye](http://github.com/tekmage)\n* [Jose Hidalgo](http://github.com/joseche)\n* [Miles Sorlie](http://github.com/sorliem)\n* [Andrew Zeswitz](http://github.com/azeswitz)\n* [Paras Patel](https://github.com/PatelParas)\n* [Matija Grabnar](https://www.linkedin.com/in/matija-grabnar-a209b)\n* [Tomasz Tarczynski](https://github.com/ttarczynski)\n* [Kamil Herbik](https://github.com/khdevel)\n* [Lucas do Amaral Saboya](http://helabs.com/br/a-empresa/lucas-saboya/)\n* [Tatsuya Suzuki](https://www.linkedin.com/in/tatsuya-suzuki-24605a21)\n* [Karsten M\u00fcller](https://github.com/karstenmueller)\n* [Blake Irvin](https://github.com/bixu)\n* [Sebastian Sejzer](https://github.com/ssejzer)\n* [Xander Grzywinski](https://github.com/salaxander)\n* [Ghislain Bourgeois](https://github.com/ghislainbourgeois)\n* [Roman Bobrovski](https://github.com/rombob)\n* [Carlos Nunez](https://github.com/carlosonunez)\n* [Phillip Roberts](https://ingenium.solutions)\n* [John Paul Herold](https://github.com/dailyherold)\n* [Lachlan White](https://au.linkedin.com/in/lachlan-white-96829059)\n* [Darin Luckie](https://github.com/luckied)\n* [Matt Tunny](https://github.com/MattTunny)\n* [Ryan Brown](https://github.com/thatbuzzguy)\n* [Ralph Brunner](https://github.com/ralbrunn)\n* [Karl Fischer](https://twitter.com/kmf)\n* [Krzysztof Kowalczyk](https://github.com/krzkowalczyk)\n* [Daniel Bright](https://github.com/danielcbright)\n* [Deni Cavalcanti](https://github.com/dpcavalcanti)\n* [Radek Wojcik](https://github.com/radzhome)\n* [Matthew Haines](https://github.com/forensicsguy20012004)\n* [Eric Magalh\u00e3es](https://emagalha.es)\n* [Leon P Johnson](https://www.linkedin.com/in/leon-p-johnson-93327b12b)\n* [Anthony Rees](https://github.com/anthonygrees)\n* [Mahattam Tomar](hhttps://github.com/mattyait)\n\n## License\n\n\"Creative
    Chef Style DevOps Kung fu by Chef Software, Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. A full list of incorporated sources is included.\n\n## Based on reveal.js\n\nBased on [reveal.js](http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js).\n\nReveal.js is MIT licensed\n\nCopyright (C) 2015 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "YodasMyDad/mvcforum", "link": "https://github.com/YodasMyDad/mvcforum", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "MVCForum is a fully featured responsive and themeable ASP.NET MVC 5 discussion board/forum and features similar to StackOverFlow", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "## Status ##\r\n\r\nThis project is no longer actively developed as I don't have the time. As and when I get time, I do occasionally go through the PR's. If you find a bug or want a new feature, then submit a PR and help out everyone else using the software.\r\n\r\nIf you are interested in managing the project then let me know, happy to add a team of developers to this project.\r\n\r\nMVCForum - Fully Featured ASP.NET MVC Forum\r\n========\r\n\r\nMVCForum is a fully featured and themeable enterprise level ASP.NET MVC discussion board/forum. The software has features similar to that seen on StackOverFlow plus LOTS more (See list below). Along with MVC it\u2019s built using Unity & Entity Framework 6 code first and is super easy to extend and add your own features.\r\n\r\n**There are no plans to convert to .NET Core**\r\n\r\nCurrent Features Include\r\n\r\n- Multi-Lingual / Localisation\r\n- Points System\r\n- Moderate Topics & Posts\r\n- Badge System (Like StackOverflow)\r\n- Permission System (Category based and global)\r\n- Roles\r\n- Tags\r\n- RSS Feeds\r\n- Emoticons\r\n- File Attachments\r\n- Post Moderation (Optional)\r\n- Mark Posts As Solution\r\n- Vote Up / Down Posts (View who voted up your posts)\r\n- Favourite Posts\r\n- Easy Logging\r\n- Global and Weekly points Leader board\r\n- Responsive (Bootstrap driven) Theme\r\n- Latest Activity\r\n- Custom Events (Hook into them easily)\r\n- Polls\r\n- Spam Prevention (Inc Akismet)\r\n- Facebook & Google Login\r\n- Private Messages\r\n- Member & Post Reporting \r\n- Batch tools\r\n- Plus loads more\r\n\r\n## Documentation ##\r\n\r\nMost documentation can be found in the Wiki\r\n\r\n[Wiki](https://github.com/YodasMyDad/mvcforum/wiki)\r\n\r\n## Installing ##\r\n\r\n[Please see the Wiki page](https://github.com/leen3o/mvcforum/wiki/Installing)\r\n\r\n## Screenshots ##\r\n\r\n![Home Page Screenshot](https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HrEWn8H.png)\r\n\r\n----------\r\n\r\n![Thread Screenshot](https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HrEWIDA.png)\r\n\r\n----------\r\n\r\n![Badges Screenshot](https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HrEWUbZ.png)\r\n\r\n----------\r\n\r\n![Activity Screenshot](https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HrEX66J.png)\r\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "filamentgroup/grunt-criticalcss", "link": "https://github.com/filamentgroup/grunt-criticalcss", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Grunt wrapper for criticalcss", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": ":warning: This project is archived and the repository is no longer maintained. \n\n# grunt-criticalcss\n\n> Grunt wrapper for [criticalcss](https://github.com/filamentgroup/criticalcss)\n\n## Getting Started\nThis plugin requires Grunt `~0.4.2`\n\nIf you haven't used [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](http://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:\n\n```shell\nnpm install grunt-criticalcss --save-dev\n```\n\nOnce the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:\n\n```js\ngrunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-criticalcss');\n```\n\n## The \"criticalcss\" task\n\n### Overview\nIn your project's Gruntfile, add a section named `criticalcss` to the data object passed into `grunt.initConfig()`.\n\n```js\ngrunt.initConfig({\n criticalcss: {\n custom: {\n options: {\n // Task-specific options go here.\n }\n }\n },\n});\n```\n\n### Options\n\n#### options.url\nType: `String`\nDefault value: `''`\n\nREQUIRED: A string for the URL of the site you'd like to run this script\nagainst\n\n#### options.filename\nType: `String`\nDefault value: `all.css`\n\nA string value for the entire path of a css file that you have hosted\nlocally.\n\n#### options.width\nType: `Integer`\nDefault value: `1200`\n\nAn integer value of the width of the screen in pixels \n\n#### options.height\nType: `Integer`\nDefault value: `900`\n\nAn integer value of the height of the screen in pixels \n\n#### options.outputfile\nType: `String`\nDefault value: `dist/dist.css`\n\nA string value that is the file path for wherever you would like the css\nto be output to\n\n\n#### options.forceInclude\nType: `Array`\nDefault value: `[]`\n\nAn array of selectors that you want to guarantee will make it from the CSS\nfile into your CriticalCSS output.\n\n#### options.buffer\nType: `Integer`\nDefault value: `800*1024`\n\nSets the maxBuffer for child_process.execFile in Node. Necessary for potential memory issues.\n\n#### options.ignoreConsole\nType: `Boolean`\nDefault value: `false`\n\nIf set to `true`, will silence any outputs to console in the page's JavaScript\n\n#### options.restoreFontFaces\nType: `Boolean`\nDefault value: `false`\n\nIf you include `@font-face` declarations in your `all.css` file and set this flag to `true` in your options, criticalcss will include all the `@font-face` declarations that are required to satisfy `font-family` declarations in the criticalcss output.\n\n### Usage Examples\n\n#### Custom Options\n\n```js\ngrunt.initConfig({\n\tcriticalcss: {\n\t\tcustom: {\n\t\t\toptions: {\n\t\t\t\turl: \"http://localhost:4000\",\n\t\t\t\twidth: 1200,\n\t\t\t\theight: 900,\n\t\t\t\toutputfile: \"dist/critical.css\",\n\t\t\t\tfilename: \"/path/to/local/all.css\", // Using path.resolve( path.join( ... ) ) is a good idea here\n\t\t\t\tbuffer: 800*1024,\n\t\t\t\tignoreConsole: false\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t},\n});\n```\n\n## Contributing\nIn lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/).\n\n## Release History\n* v0.5.0 - Add support for ignoreConsole\n* v0.4.0 - Add support for buffer size, so you don't exceed the buffer\n* v0.3.0 - Moved to using a local filename instead of a pattern-match\n* v0.2.0 - Added `forceInclude` functionality.\n* v0.1.0 - Original release\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "CapacitorSet/box-js", "link": "https://github.com/CapacitorSet/box-js", "tags": ["malware", "malwareanalysis", "nodejs", "es6", "javascript", "es6-proxies"], "stars": 532, "description": "A tool for studying JavaScript malware.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "box.js\n======\n\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/box-js.svg)]() [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/CapacitorSet/box-js.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/CapacitorSet/box-js) [![paypal](https://img.shields.io/badge/paypal-donate-yellow.svg)](https://paypal.me/capacitorset)\n\nA utility to analyze malicious JavaScript.\n\n# Installation\n\nSimply install box-js from npm:\n\n```\nnpm install box-js --global\n```\n\n>box-js is also available:\n> - as a Cuckoo module (see the `integrations` directory and [Nwinternights/Cuckoo_Boxjs](https://github.com/Nwinternights/Cuckoo_Boxjs));\n> - as a Dockerfile (see `integrations/README.md`);\n> - as a package in distros for security professionals ([REMnux](https://remnux.org/), [BlackArch](https://blackarch.org/));\n> - as part of open source applications ([Intel Owl](https://github.com/intelowlproject/IntelOwl));\n> - as part of commercial third-party services ([any.run](https://any.run/)).\n\n# Usage\n\nLet's say you have a sample called `sample.js`: to analyze it, simply run\n\n```\nbox-js sample.js\n```\n\nChances are you will also want to download any payloads; use the flag `--download` to enable downloading. Otherwise, the engine will simulate a 404 error, so that the script will be tricked into thinking the distribution site is down and contacting any fallback sites.\n\nBox.js will emulate a Windows JScript environment, print a summary of the emulation to the console, and create a folder called `sample.js.results` (if it already exists, it will create `sample.js.1.results` and so on). This folder will contain:\n\n * `analysis.log`, a log of the analysis as it was printed on screen;\n * a series of files identified by UUIDs;\n * `snippets.json`, a list of pieces of code executed by the sample (JavaScript, shell commands, etc.);\n * `urls.json`, a list of URLs contacted;\n * `active_urls.json`, a list of URLs that seem to drop active malware;\n * `resources.json`, the ADODB streams (i.e. the files that the script wrote to disk) with file types and hashes;\n * `IOC.json`, a list of behaviours identified as IOCs (Indicators of Compromise). These include registry accesses, written files, HTTP requests and so on.\n\n You can analyze these by yourself, or you can automatically submit them to Malwr, VirusTotal or a Cuckoo sandbox: for more information, run `box-export --help`.\n\n >For further isolation, it is recommended to run the analysis in a temporary Docker container. Consult `integrations/README.md` for more information.\n\n >If you wish to automate the analysis, you can use the return codes - documented in `integrations/README.md` - to distinguish between different types of errors.\n\n## Analysis Fails Due to Missing 'document' Object or Other Objects/Functions\n\nThe box-js repository from git includes a `boilerplate.js` file. This file defines some stubbed versions of common browser objects such as document. Try rerunning your analysis with the `--prepended-code=DIR/boilerplate.js` option, where `DIR` is the directory of the cloned box-js repository. The `--prepended-code` option tells box-js to prepend the JavaScript in the given file to the sample being analyzed.\n\nNote that you can copy boilerplate.js and add your own stubbed classes, objects, etc. as needed.\n\n## Batch usage\n\nWhile box.js is typically used on single files, it can also run batch analyses. You can simply pass a list of files or folders to analyse:\n\n```\nbox-js sample1.js sample2.js /var/data/mySamples ...\n```\n\nBy default box.js will process samples in parallel, running one analysis per core. You can use a different setting by specifying a value for `--threads`: in particular, 0 will remove the limit, making box-js spawn as many analysis threads as possible and resulting in very fast analysis but possibly overloading the system (note that **analyses are usually CPU-bound**, not RAM-bound).\n\nYou can use `--loglevel=warn` to silence analysis-related messages and only display progress info.\n\nAfter the analysis is finished, you can extract the active URLs like this:\n\n```\ncat ./*.results/active_urls.json | sort | uniq\n```\n\n## Flags\n\n\n NAME DESCRIPTION \n -h, --help Show the help text and quit \n -v, --version Show the package version and quit \n --license Show the license and quit \n --debug Die when an emulation error occurs, even in \"batch mode\", and pass on the exit \n code. \n --loglevel Logging level (debug, verbose, info, warning, error - default \"info\") \n --threads When running in batch mode, how many analyses to run at the same time (0 = \n unlimited, default: as many as the number of CPU cores) \n --download Actually download the payloads \n --encoding Encoding of the input sample (will be automatically detected by default) \n --timeout The script will timeout after this many seconds (default 10) \n --output-dir The location on disk to write the results files and folders to (defaults to the \n current directory) \n --preprocess Preprocess the original source code (makes reverse engineering easier, but takes\n a few seconds) \n --prepended-code Prepend the JavaScript in the given file to the sample prior to sandboxing\n --fake-script-engine The script engine to report in WScript.FullName and WScript.Name (ex. \n 'cscript.exe' or 'wscript.exe'). Default is wscript.exe. \n --unsafe-preprocess More aggressive preprocessing. Often results in better code, but can break on \n some edge cases (eg. redefining prototypes) \n --no-kill Do not kill the application when runtime errors occur \n --no-echo When the script prints data, do not print it to the console \n --no-rewrite Do not rewrite the source code at all, other than for `@cc_on` support \n --no-catch-rewrite Do not rewrite try..catch clauses to make the exception global-scoped \n --no-cc_on-rewrite Do not rewrite `/*@cc_on <...>@*/` to `<...>` \n --no-eval-rewrite Do not rewrite `eval` so that its argument is rewritten \n --no-file-exists Return `false` for Scripting.FileSystemObject.FileExists(x) \n --no-folder-exists Return `false` for Scripting.FileSystemObject.FileExists(x) \n --function-rewrite Rewrite function calls in order to catch eval calls \n --no-rewrite-prototype Do not rewrite expressions like `function A.prototype.B()` as `A.prototype.B = \n function()` \n --no-hoist-prototype Do not hoist expressions like `function A.prototype.B()` (implied by \n no-rewrite-prototype) \n --no-shell-error Do not throw a fake error when executing `WScriptShell.Run` (it throws a fake \n error by default to pretend that the distribution sites are down, so that the \n script will attempt to poll every site) \n --no-typeof-rewrite Do not rewrite `typeof` (e.g. `typeof ActiveXObject`, which must return \n 'unknown' in the JScript standard and not 'object') \n --proxy [experimental] Use the specified proxy for downloads. This is not relevant if \n the --download flag is not present. \n --windows-xp Emulate Windows XP (influences the value of environment variables) \n --dangerous-vm Use the `vm` module, rather than `vm2`. This sandbox can be broken, so **don't \n use this** unless you're 100% sure of what you're doing. Helps with debugging by\n giving correct stack traces. \n --rewrite-loops Rewrite some types of loops to make analysis faster \n --throttle-writes Throttle reporting and data tracking of file writes that write a LOT of data\n\n\n# Analyzing the output\n\n## Console output\n\nThe first source of information is the console output. On a succesful analysis, it will typically print something like this:\n\n```\nUsing a 10 seconds timeout, pass --timeout to specify another timeout in seconds\nAnalyzing sample.js\nHeader set for http://foo.bar/baz: User-Agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)\nEmulating a GET request to http://foo.bar/baz\nDownloaded 301054 bytes.\nSaved sample.js.results/a0af1253-597c-4eed-9e8f-5b633ff5f66a (301054 bytes)\nsample.js.results/a0af1253-597c-4eed-9e8f-5b633ff5f66a has been detected as data.\nSaved sample.js.results/f8df7228-7e0a-4241-9dae-c4e1664dc5d8 (303128 bytes)\nsample.js.results/f8df7228-7e0a-4241-9dae-c4e1664dc5d8 has been detected as PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows.\nhttp://foo.bar/baz is an active URL.\nExecuting sample.js.results/d241e130-346f-4c0c-a698-f925dbd68f0c in the WScript shell\nHeader set for http://somethingelse.com/: User-Agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)\nEmulating a GET request to http://somethingelse.com/\n...\n```\n\nIn this case, we are seeing a dropper that downloads a file from `http://foo.bar/baz`, setting the HTTP header `User-Agent` to `Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)`. Then, it proceeds to decode it, and write the result to disk (a PE32 executable). Finally, it runs some command in the Windows shell.\n\n * `sample.js.results/a0af1253-597c-4eed-9e8f-5b633ff5f66a` will contain the payload as it was downloaded from http://foo.bar/baz;\n * `sample.js.results/f8df7228-7e0a-4241-9dae-c4e1664dc5d8` will contain the actual payload (PE executable);\n * `sample.js.results/d241e130-346f-4c0c-a698-f925dbd68f0c` will contain the command that was run in the Windows shell.\n\n## JSON logs\n\nEvery HTTP request is both printed on the terminal and logged in `urls.json`. Duplicate URLs aren't inserted (i.e. requesting the same URL twice will result in only one line in `urls.json`).\n\n`active_urls.json` contains the list of URLs that eventually resulted in an executable payload. This file is the most interesting, if you're looking to take down distribution sites.\n\n`snippets.json` contains every piece of code that `box-js` came across, either JavaScript, a cmd.exe command or a PowerShell script.\n\n`resources.json` contains every file written to disk by the sample. For instance, if the application tried to save `Hello world!` to `$PATH/foo.txt`, the content of `resources.json` would be:\n\n```json\n{\n\t\"9a24...\": {\n\t\t\"path\": \"(path)\\\\foo.txt\",\n\t\t\"type\": \"ASCII text, with no line terminators\",\n\t\t\"md5\": \"86fb269d190d2c85f6e0468ceca42a20\",\n\t\t\"sha1\": \"d3486ae9136e7856bc42212385ea797094475802\",\n\t\t\"sha256\": \"c0535e4be2b79ffd93291305436bf889314e4a3faec05ecffcbb7df31ad9e51a\"\n\t}\n}\n```\n\nThe `resources.json` file is also important: watch out for any executable resource (eg. with `\"type\": \"PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows\"`).\n\n# Patching\n\nSome scripts in the wild have been observed to use `new Date().getYear()` where `new Date().getFullYear()`. If a sample isn't showing any suspicious behaviour, watch out for `Date` checks.\n\n--------\n\nIf you run into .JSE files, compile the decoder and run it like this:\n\n```bash\ncc decoder.c -o decoder\n./decoder foo.jse bar.js\nnode run bar.js\n```\n\n## Expanding\n\nYou may occasionally run into unsupported components. In this case, you can file an issue on GitHub, or emulate the component yourself if you know JavaScript.\n\nThe error will typically look like this (line numbers may be different):\n\n```\n1 Jan 00:00:00 - Unknown ActiveXObject WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1\nTrace\n at kill (/home/CapacitorSet/box-js/run.js:24:10)\n at Proxy.ActiveXObject (/home/CapacitorSet/box-js/run.js:75:4)\n at evalmachine.:1:6471\n at ContextifyScript.Script.runInNewContext (vm.js:18:15)\n at ...\n```\n\nYou can see that the exception was raised in `Proxy.ActiveXObject`, which looks like this:\n\n```\nfunction ActiveXObject(name) {\n\tname = name.toLowerCase();\n\t/* ... */\n\tswitch (name) {\n\t\tcase \"wscript.shell\":\n\t\t\treturn require(\"./emulator/WScriptShell\");\n\t\t/* ... */\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tkill(`Unknown ActiveXObject ${name}`);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n}\n```\n\nAdd a new `case \"winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1\"` (note the lowercase!), and have it return an ES6 `Proxy` object (eg. `ProxiedWinHttpRequest`). This is used to catch unimplemented features as soon as they're requested by the malicious sample:\n\n```\n/* emulator/WinHttpRequest.exe */\nconst lib = require(\"../lib\");\n\nmodule.exports = function ProxiedWinHttpRequest() {\n\treturn new Proxy(new WinHttpRequest(), {\n\t\tget: function(target, name, receiver) {\n\t\t\tswitch (name) {\n\t\t\t\t/* Add here \"special\" traps with case statements */\n\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\tif (name in target) return target[name];\n\t\t\t\t\telse lib.kill(`WinHttpRequest.${name} not implemented!`)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t})\n}\n\nfunction WinHttpRequest() {\n\t\n}\n```\n\nRerun the analysis: it will fail again, telling you what exactly was not implemented.\n\n```\n1 Jan 00:00:00 - WinHttpRequest.open not implemented!\nTrace\n at kill (/home/CapacitorSet/box-js/run.js:24:10)\n at Object.ProxiedWinHttpRequest.Proxy.get (/home/CapacitorSet/box-js/run.js:89:7)\n```\n\nEmulate `WinHttpRequest.open` as needed:\n\n```\nfunction WinHttpRequest() {\n\tthis.open = function(method, url) {\n\t\tURLLogger(method, url);\n\t\tthis.url = url;\n\t}\n}\n```\n\nand iterate until the code emulates without errors.\n\n# Contributors\n\n[@CapacitorSet](https://github.com/CapacitorSet/): Original developer\n\n[@kirk-sayre-work](https://github.com/kirk-sayre-work/): Maintainer\n\n[@daviesjamie](https://github.com/daviesjamie/):\n\n * npm packaging\n * command-line help\n * `--output-directory`\n * bugfixes\n\n[@ALange](https://github.com/ALange/):\n\n * support for non-UTF8 encodings\n * bug reporting\n\n[@alexlamsl](https://github.com/alexlamsl/), [@kzc](https://github.com/kzc/)\n\n * advice on integrating UglifyJS in box-js\n * improving the features of UglifyJS used in deobfuscation\n\n[@psrok](https://github.com/psrok/):\n\n * bugfixes\n\n[@gaelmuller](https://github.com/gaelmuller/):\n\n * bugfixes\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "keenethics/svelte-notifications", "link": "https://github.com/keenethics/svelte-notifications", "tags": ["svelte", "svelte-components", "notifications", "toast"], "stars": 532, "description": "Simple and flexible notifications system", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "![build](https://img.shields.io/circleci/build/github/keenethics/svelte-notifications/master.svg)\n![version](https://img.shields.io/github/package-json/v/keenethics/svelte-notifications.svg)\n![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)\n\n# Svelte notifications\n\nSimple and flexible notifications system for Svelte 3\n\n![Svelte Notifications](https://github.com/keenethics/svelte-notifications/blob/media/svelte-notifications-preview.png?raw=true)\n\n## Demonstration\n\n[https://svelte-notifications.netlify.com](https://svelte-notifications.netlify.com)\n\n## Getting started\n\n```bash\nnpm install --save svelte-notifications\n```\n\n## Basic usage\n\n```svelte\n// MainComponent.svelte\n\n\n\n\n \n\n```\n\n```svelte\n// ChildrenComponent.svelte\n\n\n\n addNotification({\n text: 'Notification',\n position: 'bottom-center',\n })}\n>\n Add notification\n\n```\n\n## Providing custom notification component\n\n```svelte\n// MainComponent.svelte\n\n\n\n\n \n\n```\n\n```svelte\n// CustomNotification.svelte\n\n\n\n




    \n \n
    \n```\n\n```svelte\n// AnotherComponent.svelte\n\n\n\n
    \n \n
    \n```\n\n## API\n\n#### `Notifications`\n\nThe `Notifications` component supplies descendant components with notifications store through context.\n\n- @prop {component} `[item=null]` - Custom notification component that receives the notification object\n- @prop {boolean} `[withoutStyles=false]` - If you don't want to use the default styles, this flag will remove the classes to which the styles are attached\n- @prop {string|number} `[zIndex]` - Adds a style with z-index for the notification container\n\n```svelte\n// MainComponent.svelte\n\n\n\n\n \n\n```\n\n#### `getNotificationsContext`\n\nA function that allows you to access the store and the functions that control the store.\n\n```svelte\n// ChildrenComponent.svelte\n\n\n```\n\n#### `getNotificationsContext:addNotification`\n\nYou can provide any object that the notification component will receive. The default object looks like this:\n\n- @param {Object} `notification` - The object that will receive the notification component\n- @param {string} `[id=timestamp-rand]` - Unique notification identificator\n- @param {string} `text` \u2013 Notification text\n- @param {string} `[position=bottom-center]` \u2013 One of these values: `top-left`, `top-center`, `top-right`, `bottom-left`, `bottom-center`, `bottom-right`\n- @param {string} `type` \u2013 One of these values: `success`, `warning`, `error`\n- @param {number} `[removeAfter]` \u2013 After how much the notification will disappear (in milliseconds)\n\n```svelte\n// ChildrenComponent.svelte\n\n\n```\n\n#### `getNotificationsContext:removeNotification`\n\n- @param {string} `id` - Unique notification identificator\n\n```svelte\n// ChildrenComponent.svelte\n\n\n```\n\n#### `getNotificationsContext:clearNotifications`\n\n```svelte\n// ChildrenComponent.svelte\n\n\n```\n\n#### `getNotificationsContext:subscribe`\n\nDefault Svelte subscribe method that allows interested parties to be notified whenever the store value changes\n\n## Contributing\n\nRead more about contributing [here](/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "tusenpo/FlappyFrog", "link": "https://github.com/tusenpo/FlappyFrog", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Excited!", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# FlappyFrog\nThe violent **mo**dification of [Don't Touch My Birdie](https://github.com/marksteve/dtmb) by Mark Steve Samson\nlicensed under [Creative Com**mo**ns Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).\n\nplay: https://tusenpo.github.io/FlappyFrog/\n\nthe weird frog image is **mo**dified from [another frog image](https://amphibian.com/)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "cpsievert/LDAvis", "link": "https://github.com/cpsievert/LDAvis", "tags": ["topic-modeling", "r", "javascript", "visualization", "text-mining"], "stars": 532, "description": "R package for web-based interactive topic model visualization.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "## LDAvis\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cpsievert/LDAvis.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cpsievert/LDAvis)\n\nR package for interactive topic model visualization.\n\n![LDAvis icon](http://www.kennyshirley.com/figures/ldavis-pic.png)\n\n**LDAvis** is designed to help users interpret the topics in a topic model that has been fit to a corpus of text data. The package extracts information from a fitted LDA topic model to inform an interactive web-based visualization.\n\n### Installing the package\n\n* Stable version on CRAN:\n\n```r\ninstall.packages(\"LDAvis\")\n```\n\n* Development version on GitHub (with [devtools](https://cran.r-project.org/package=devtools)):\n\n```r\ndevtools::install_github(\"cpsievert/LDAvis\")\n```\n\n### Getting started\n\nOnce installed, we recommend a visit to the main help page:\n\n```r\nlibrary(LDAvis)\nhelp(createJSON, package = \"LDAvis\")\n```\n\nThe documentation and example on the bottom of that page should provide a quick sense of how to create (and share) your own visualizations. If you want more details about the technical specifications of the visualization, see the vignette:\n\n```r\nvignette(\"details\", package = \"LDAvis\")\n```\n\nNote that **LDAvis** itself does not provide facilities for *fitting* the model (only *visualizing* a fitted model). If you want to perform LDA in R, there are several packages, including [mallet](https://cran.r-project.org/package=mallet), [lda](https://cran.r-project.org/package=lda), and [topicmodels](https://cran.r-project.org/package=topicmodels).\n\nIf you want to perform LDA with the R package **lda** and visualize the result with **LDAvis**, our example of a [20-topic model fit to 2,000 movie reviews](https://ldavis.cpsievert.me/reviews/reviews.html) may be helpful.\n\n**LDAvis** does not limit you to topic modeling facilities in R. If you use other tools ([MALLET](http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/) and [gensim](https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/) are popular), we recommend that you visit our [Twenty Newsgroups](https://ldavis.cpsievert.me/newsgroup/newsgroup.html) example to help quickly understand what components **LDAvis** will need.\n\n### Sharing a Visualization\n\nTo share a visualization that you created using **LDAvis**, you can encode the state of the visualization into the URL by appending a string of the form:\n\n\"#topic=k&lambda=l&term=s\"\n\nto the end of the URL, where \"k\", \"l\", and \"s\" are strings indicating the desired values of the selected topic, the value of lambda, and the selected term, respectively. For more details, see the last section of our [Movie Reviews example](https://ldavis.cpsievert.me/reviews/reviews.html), or for a quick example, see the link here:\n\n\n\n### Video demos\n\n* [Visualizing & Exploring the Twenty Newsgroup Data](http://stat-graphics.org/movies/ldavis.html)\n* [Visualizing Topic Models demo with Hacker News Corpus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGxW2BzC_DU)\n * [Notebook w/Visualization](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/bmabey/hacker_news_topic_modelling/blob/master/HN%20Topic%20Model%20Talk.ipynb)\n * [Slide deck](https://speakerdeck.com/bmabey/visualizing-topic-models)\n\n### More documentation\n\nTo read about the methodology behind LDAvis, see [our paper](http://nlp.stanford.edu/events/illvi2014/papers/sievert-illvi2014.pdf), which we presented at the [2014 ACL Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces](http://nlp.stanford.edu/events/illvi2014/) in Baltimore on June 27, 2014.\n\n### Additional data\n\nWe included one data set in LDAvis, 'TwentyNewsgroups', which consists of a list with 5 elements:\n- phi, a matrix with the topic-term distributions\n- theta, a matrix with the document-topic distributions\n- doc.length, a numeric vector with token counts for each document\n- vocab, a character vector containing the terms\n- term.frequency, a numeric vector of observed term frequencies\n\nWe also created a second data-only package called [LDAvisData](https://github.com/cpsievert/LDAvisData) to hold additional example data sets. Currently there are three more examples available there:\n- Movie Reviews (a 20-topic model fit to 2,000 movie reviews)\n- AP (a 40-topic model fit to approximately 2,246 news articles)\n- Jeopardy (a 100-topic model fit to approximately 20,000 Jeopardy questions)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "OpenIntroStat/ims", "link": "https://github.com/OpenIntroStat/ims", "tags": ["openintro", "statistics", "simulation", "rstats", "modern-statistics", "bootstrap-confidence-intervals", "inference"], "stars": 532, "description": "\ud83d\udcda Introduction to Modern Statistics - A college-level open-source textbook with a modern approach highlighting multivariable relationships and simulation-based inference.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Introduction to Modern Statistics\n\n## Where did Introduction to Statistics with Randomization and Simulation go?\n\nAs we're working on the 2nd edition of this book, we realized that we weren't too enamoured by the name, and decided to rename the book to \"Introduction to Modern Statistics\" to better reflect the content covered in the book, which features simulation-based inference but also many non-inference topics!\n\nIf you're looking for the source files for the 1st edition of OpenIntro - Introduction to Statistics with Randomization and Simulation, please download the zipped release [here](https://github.com/OpenIntroStat/randomization-and-simulation/releases).\n\n## What's planned for Introduction to Modern Statistics?\n\nSome restructuring, some reordering, and some new content with better treatment of randomization and simulation throughout the book.\n\nEach section comes with exercises as well as chapter level exercises in the last (review) section of each chapter.\nThe review section also includes interactive R tutorials and labs.\n\n## Preliminary edition\n\nPreliminary edition of Introduction to Modern Statistics is now complete and can be found at .\n\n### [Chp 1. Getting started with data](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/getting-started-with-data.html)\n\n*Complete*\n\n- Case study\n- Data basics\n- Sampling principles and strategies\n- Experiments\n- Chapter review\n\n### [Chp 2. Summarizing and visualizing data](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/summarizing-visualizing-data.html)\n\n*Complete*\n\n- Exploring numerical data\n- Exploring categorical data\n- Effective data visualization\n- Case study\n- Chapter review\n\n### [Chp 3. Introduction to linear models](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/intro-linear-models.html)\n\n*Complete*\n\n- Fitting a line, residuals, and correlation\n- Least squares regression\n- Outliers in linear regression\n\n### [Chp 4. Multivariable and logistic models](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/multi-logistic-models.html)\n\n*Complete*\n\n- Regression with multiple predictors\n- Model selection\n- Logistic regression\n\n### [Chp 5. Introduction to statistical inference](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/intro-stat-inference.html)\n\n*Complete, exercises need to be added*\n\n- Randomization tests\n- Bootstrap confidence intervals\n- Mathematical models\n\n### [Chp 6. Inference for categorical responses](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/inference-cat.html)\n\n*Complete, exercises need to be added*\n\n- One proportion\n\n - Bootstrap test\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n- Difference of two proportions\n\n - Randomization test\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n- Independence in two way tables\n\n - Randomization test\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n### [Chp 7. Inference for numerical responses](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/inference-num.html)\n\n*Complete, exercises need to be added*\n\n- One mean\n\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n- Difference of two means\n\n - Randomization test\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n- Paired differences\n\n - Randomization test\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n- Comparing many means\n\n - Randomization test\n - Mathematical model\n\n### [Chp 8. Inference for regression](https://openintro-ims.netlify.app/inference-reg.html)\n\n*Complete, exercises need to be added*\n\n- Inference for linear regression\n\n - Randomization test\n - Bootstrap confidence interval\n - Mathematical model\n\n- Checking model assumptions\n\n- Inference for multiple regression\n\n- Inference for logistic regression\n\n## First edition\n\n**THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!**\n\nWe're currently in the process of finalizing the first edition of Introduction to Modern Statistics.\nIt will be available Summer 2021.\nIn the meantime, you can follow along with updates to the first edition [here](https://openintro-ims-1e.netlify.app/) however we do not recommend using the in progress version for teaching while it's being updated as we might move around sections content and exercises, which might be unexpected for you and your students.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nPlease note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/).\nBy participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "One-com/one-color", "link": "https://github.com/One-com/one-color", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "An OO-based JavaScript color parser/computation toolkit with support for RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, and alpha channels. Conversion between color spaces occurs implicitly, and all methods return new objects rather than mutating existing instances. Works in the browser and node.js.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# onecolor\n\n[![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/onecolor.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/onecolor)\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/One-com/one-color.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/One-com/one-color)\n[![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/One-com/one-color.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/One-com/one-color?branch=master)\n[![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/One-com/one-color.svg)](https://david-dm.org/One-com/one-color)\n\nJavaScript color calculation toolkit for node.js and the browser.\n\nFeatures:\n\n- RGB, HSV, HSL, and CMYK colorspace support (experimental implementations of LAB and XYZ)\n- Legal values for all channels are 0..1\n- Instances are immutable -- a new object is created for each manipulation\n- All internal calculations are done using floating point, so very little precision is lost due to rounding errors when converting between colorspaces\n- Alpha channel support\n- Extensible architecture -- implement your own colorspaces easily\n- Chainable color manipulation\n- Seamless conversion between colorspaces\n- Outputs as hex, `rgb(...)`, or `rgba(...)`.\n\nModule support:\n\n- CommonJS / Node\n- AMD / RequireJS\n- Vanilla JS (installs itself on one.color)\n\nPackage managers:\n\n- npm: `npm install onecolor`\n- bower: `bower install color`\n\nSmall sizes:\n\n- one-color.js ![](http://img.badgesize.io/One-com/one-color/master/one-color.js.svg?label=size) ![](http://img.badgesize.io/One-com/one-color/master/one-color.js.svg?label=gzip&compression=gzip) (Basic RGB, HSV, HSL)\n- one-color-all.js ![](http://img.badgesize.io/One-com/one-color/master/one-color-all.js.svg?label=size) ![](http://img.badgesize.io/One-com/one-color/master/one-color-all.js.svg?label=gzip&compression=gzip) (Full RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, XYZ, LAB, named colors, [helper functions](https://github.com/One-com/one-color/tree/master/lib/plugins))\n\n## Usage\n\nIn the browser (change one-color.js to one-color-all.js to gain\nnamed color support):\n\n```html\n\n\n```\n\nIn the browser, the parser is exposed as a global named `onecolor`.\nIn node.js, it is returned directly with a require of the module\n(after `npm install onecolor`):\n\n```javascript\nvar color = require('onecolor');\nconsole.warn(color('rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, .5)').alpha(0.4).cssa());\n```\n\n```output\nrgba(255,0,0,0.4)\n```\n\nAll of the above return color instances in the relevant color space\nwith the channel values (0..1) as instance variables:\n\n```javascript\nvar myColor = color('#a9d91d');\nmyColor instanceof color.RGB; // true\nmyColor.red(); // 0.6627450980392157\n```\n\nYou can also parse named CSS colors (works out of the box in node.js,\nbut the requires the slightly bigger one-color-all.js build in the\nbrowser):\n\n```javascript\ncolor('maroon').lightness(0.3).hex(); // '#990000'\n```\n\nTo turn a color instance back into a string, use the `hex()`, `css()`,\nand `cssa()` methods:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('rgb(124, 96, 200)').hex(); // '#7c60c8'\ncolor('#bb7b81').cssa(); // 'rgba(187,123,129,1)'\n```\n\nColor instances have getters/setters for all channels in all supported\ncolorspaces (`red()`, `green()`, `blue()`, `hue()`, `saturation()`, `lightness()`,\n`value()`, `alpha()`, etc.). Thus you don't need to think about which colorspace\nyou're in. All the necessary conversions happen automatically:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#ff0000') // Red in RGB\n .green(1) // Set green to the max value, producing yellow (still RGB)\n .hue(0.5, true) // Add 180 degrees to the hue, implicitly converting to HSV\n .hex(); // Dump as RGB hex syntax: '#2222ff'\n```\n\nWhen called without any arguments, they return the current value of\nthe channel (0..1):\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#09ffdd').green(); // 1\ncolor('#09ffdd').saturation(); // 0.9647058823529412\n```\n\nWhen called with a single numerical argument (0..1), a new color\nobject is returned with that channel replaced:\n\n```javascript\nvar myColor = color('#00ddff');\nmyColor.red(0.5).red(); // .5\n\n// ... but as the objects are immutable, the original object retains its value:\nmyColor.red(); // 0\n```\n\nWhen called with a single numerical argument (0..1) and `true` as\nthe second argument, a new value is returned with that channel\nadjusted:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#ff0000') // Red\n .red(-0.1, true) // Adjust red channel by -0.1\n .hex(); // '#e60000'\n```\n\n## Alpha channel\n\nAll color instances have an alpha channel (0..1), defaulting to 1\n(opaque). You can simply ignore it if you don't need it.\n\nIt's preserved when converting between colorspaces:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('rgba(10, 20, 30, .8)').green(0.4).saturation(0.2).alpha(); // 0.8\n```\n\n## Comparing color objects\n\nIf you need to know whether two colors represent the same 8 bit color, regardless\nof colorspace, compare their `hex()` values:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#f00').hex() === color('#e00').red(1).hex(); // true\n```\n\nUse the `equals` method to compare two color instances within a certain\nepsilon (defaults to `1e-9`).\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#e00').lightness(0.00001, true).equals(color('#e00'), 1e-5); // false\ncolor('#e00').lightness(0.000001, true).equals(color('#e00'), 1e-5); // true\n```\n\nBefore comparing the `equals` method converts the other color to the right colorspace,\nso you don't need to convert explicitly in this case either:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#e00').hsv().equals(color('#e00')); // true\n```\n\n# API overview\n\nColor parser function, the recommended way to create a color instance:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('#a9d91d'); // Regular hex syntax\ncolor('a9d91d'); // hex syntax, # is optional\ncolor('#eee'); // Short hex syntax\ncolor('rgb(124, 96, 200)'); // CSS rgb syntax\ncolor('rgb(99%, 40%, 0%)'); // CSS rgb syntax with percentages\ncolor('rgba(124, 96, 200, .4)'); // CSS rgba syntax\ncolor('hsl(120, 75%, 75%)'); // CSS hsl syntax\ncolor('hsla(120, 75%, 75%, .1)'); // CSS hsla syntax\ncolor('hsv(220, 47%, 12%)'); // CSS hsv syntax (non-standard)\ncolor('hsva(120, 75%, 75%, 0)'); // CSS hsva syntax (non-standard)\ncolor([0, 4, 255, 120]); // CanvasPixelArray entry, RGBA\ncolor(['RGB', 0.5, 0.1, 0.6, 0.9]); // The output format of color.toJSON()\n```\n\nThe slightly bigger one-color-all.js build adds support for\nthe standard suite of named CSS colors:\n\n```javascript\ncolor('maroon');\ncolor('darkolivegreen');\n```\n\nExisting onecolor instances pass through unchanged, which is useful\nin APIs where you want to accept either a string or a color instance:\n\n```javascript\ncolor(color('#fff')); // Same as color('#fff')\n```\n\nSerialization methods:\n\n```javascript\nvar myColor = color('#bda65b');\n\nmyColor.hex(); // 6-digit hex string: '#bda65b'\nmyColor.css(); // CSS rgb syntax: 'rgb(10,128,220)'\nmyColor.cssa(); // CSS rgba syntax: 'rgba(10,128,220,0.8)'\nmyColor.toString(); // For debugging: '[onecolor.RGB: Red=0.3 Green=0.8 Blue=0 Alpha=1]'\nmyColor.toJSON(); // [\"RGB\"|\"HSV\"|\"HSL\", , , , ]\n```\n\nGetters -- return the value of the channel (converts to other colorspaces as needed):\n\n```javascript\nvar myColor = color('#bda65b');\n\nmyColor.red();\nmyColor.green();\nmyColor.blue();\nmyColor.hue();\nmyColor.saturation();\nmyColor.value();\nmyColor.lightness();\nmyColor.alpha();\nmyColor.cyan(); // one-color-all.js and node.js only\nmyColor.magenta(); // one-color-all.js and node.js only\nmyColor.yellow(); // one-color-all.js and node.js only\nmyColor.black(); // one-color-all.js and node.js only\n```\n\nSetters -- return new color instances with one channel changed:\n\n\n\n```javascript\ncolor.red()\ncolor.green()\ncolor.blue()\ncolor.hue()\ncolor.saturation()\ncolor.value()\ncolor.lightness()\ncolor.alpha()\ncolor.cyan() // one-color-all.js and node.js only\ncolor.magenta() // one-color-all.js and node.js only\ncolor.yellow() // one-color-all.js and node.js only\ncolor.black() // one-color-all.js and node.js only\n```\n\nAdjusters -- return new color instances with the channel adjusted by\nthe specified delta (0..1):\n\n\n\n```javascript\ncolor.red(, true)\ncolor.green(, true)\ncolor.blue(, true)\ncolor.hue(, true)\ncolor.saturation(, true)\ncolor.value(, true)\ncolor.lightness(, true)\ncolor.alpha(, true)\ncolor.cyan(, true) // one-color-all.js and node.js only\ncolor.magenta(, true) // one-color-all.js and node.js only\ncolor.yellow(, true) // one-color-all.js and node.js only\ncolor.black(, true) // one-color-all.js and node.js only\n```\n\nComparison with other color objects, returns `true` or `false` (epsilon defaults to `1e-9`):\n\n\n\n```javascript\ncolor.equals(otherColor[, ])\n```\n\n## Mostly for internal (and plugin) use:\n\n\"Low level\" constructors, accept 3 or 4 numerical arguments (0..1):\n\n```javascript\nnew onecolor.RGB(, , [, ])\nnew onecolor.HSL(, , [, ])\nnew onecolor.HSV(, , [, ])\n```\n\nThe one-color-all.js build includes CMYK support:\n\n```javascript\nnew onecolor.CMYK(, , , [, ])\n```\n\nAll color instances have `rgb()`, `hsv()`, and `hsl()` methods for\nexplicitly converting to another color space. Like the setter and\nadjuster methods they return a new color object representing the same\ncolor in another color space.\n\nIf for some reason you need to get all the channel values in a\nspecific colorspace, do an explicit conversion first to cut down on\nthe number of implicit conversions:\n\n```javascript\nvar myColor = color('#0620ff').lightness(+0.3).rgb();\n\nconsole.log(myColor.red() + ' ' + myColor.green() + ' ' + myColor.blue());\n```\n\n```output\n0 0.06265060240963878 0.5999999999999999\n```\n\n# Building\n\n```\ngit clone https://github.com/One-com/one-color.git\ncd one-color\nnpm install\nnpm run build\n```\n\nIf you aren't up for a complete installation, there are pre-built\npackages in the repository as well as the npm package:\n\n- Basic library: one-color.js\n- Full library including named color support: one-color-all.js\n\n# License\n\nonecolor is licensed under a standard 2-clause BSD license -- see the `LICENSE` file for details.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists", "link": "https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists", "tags": ["myetherwallet", "ethereum", "chain", "ethereum-lists", "security-tools", "phishing"], "stars": 533, "description": "A repository for maintaining lists of things like malicious URLs, fake token addresses, and so forth. We love lists.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Ethereum-lists\n\n[![Travis (.org)](https://img.shields.io/travis/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists)\n[![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists.svg)](https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists/)\n[![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists.svg)](https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists)\n\nA repository for maintaining lists of things like malicious URLs, fake token addresses, and so forth. We love lists.\n\n## Found a Phishing URL? See a fake ICO address?\n\nEveryone is encouraged to make a PR or issue to add an address or URL to the list. This process is far easier than you might imagine!\n\n1. If you do not already have a Github account, sign up. (it's free and easy!)\n\n2. Navigate to the `src` folder and pick which one you'd like to add:\n\n - `addresses` folder is for the darklisting or whitelisting ethereum addresses\n - `contracts` folder is for the different network contracts\n - `tokens` folder is for the different network tokens\n - `urls` folder is for the darklisting or whitelisting ethereum urls\n\n 1. For urls or addresses:\n\n - Click on the file you wish to update:\n - If you would like to make an addition: \n **a.** Copy the top most item starting with the first `{` and ending with the `},` \n **b.** Paste it right above the first item \n **c.** Replace that information with the new information \n **d.** Some add'l notes on specific files are below. Please skim if you don't know what the fields are.\n - If you would like to make a correction or remove an item:\n\n **a.** Scroll to the item in question \n **b.** Edit the item or remove the item by selecting the top `{` and ending with the `},` and deleting that chunk. \n **c.** Some add'l notes on specific files are below. Please skim if you don't know what the fields are.\n\n - Scroll to the bottom. under \"Commit changes\" enter a reason you are making this change.\n - Example: _\"Adding myetherscam.com to darklist. See [link to tweet / reddit post / screenshot].\"_\n - You can also provide more details in the box below. Please provide as much detail / evidence as reasonable so reviewers can verify quickly.\n\n\n \t- Click the green \"Propose File change\" button.\n\n \t- This next page is a review of what you did. Proofread and stuff.\n\n \t- Click the \"Create Pull Request\" button.....twice.\n\n \t- That's it. You successfully made a new pull request!\n\n 2. For tokens or contracts:\n \t-\tClick on the network where you would like to implement a change.\n \t-\tIf you would like to make an addition:\n\n **a.** Click create new file on the upper right side of the screen.\n\n **b.** Name your file with the ethereum address with a `.json` extension. e.g: `0xDECAF9CD2367cdbb726E904cD6397eDFcAe6068D.json`\n\n **c.** Some add'l notes on specific files are below. Please skim if you don't know what the fields are.\n - If you would like to make a correction or remove an item:\n\n **a.** Navigate to the file.\n **b.** Click the pencil to edit or the trash can to delete.\n - When editing, update the relevant information.\n - Scroll to the bottom. under \"Commit changes\" enter a reason you are making this change.\n -\tExample: _\"Adding myetherscam.com to darklist. See [link to tweet / reddit post / screenshot].\"_\n - You can also provide more details in the box below. Please provide as much detail / evidence as reasonable so reviewers can verify quickly.\n\n\n \t- Click the green \"Propose File change\" button.\n\n \t- This next page is a review of what you did. Proofread and stuff.\n\n \t- Click the \"Create Pull Request\" button.....twice.\n\n \t- That's it. You successfully made a new pull request!\n\n## Address Darklist\n\n`src/addresses/addresses-darklist.json`\n\n- **Purpose**: A list of addresses that deserve to be accompanied by a warning.\n- **Example**:\n - Fake twitter handle ShiftShape is DMing telling people to send ETH to `0x1234...` for discount.\n - VitalikBooty DMs you a link telling you to enter your private key in order to 2FA your wallet.\n- **Not for:**\n - Tracking addresses of phishers or scammers.\n - Reporting where stolen funds were sent to.\n\n## Address Lightlist\n\n`src/addresses/addresses-lightlist.json`\n\n- **Purpose**:\n\n - A list of addresses that are the \"legitimate\" addresses.\n - Optionally accompanied by a recommended gas price for sending to (for token contributions mostly)\n\n- **Example**:\n - Upcoming token sale wants to ensure people sending to their address know to use a gas price of 200000.\n\n_Best if you use github account that is part of token team or tweet or email us or something to verify. We should all get in the habit of cross-referencing provided information._\n\n## URL Darklist\n\n`src/addresses/urls-darklist.json`\n\n- **Purpose**:\n - A list of URLs known to be fake, malicious, phishing.\n- **Example**:\n - `myetherphish[.]com`\n- **Not for:**\n - Opinions on whether a project / token sale is a bad project.\n\n## URL Lightlist\n\n`src/addresses/urls-lightlist.json`\n\n- **Purpose**:\n - A list URLs that are caught by the Levenshtein algorithm above or are known to be the \"legitimate\" URLs.\n - Usually are added if a URL is added to the above.\n- **Example**:\n - `myetherwallet.com`\n- **Not for:**\n - Promoting your social media shit.\n\n## Contract ABIs\n\nABIs associated with contract addresses.\n\n##### Information (all optional except for name, symbol, address, decimals):\n\n- `name`: Contract name\n- `address`: Ethereum (or other chain) address of a contract.\n- `comment`: Any notes or comment about the contract\n- `abi`: The contract abi\n\nPlease make sure that you name the files by their address. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists/tree/master/src/contracts): https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists/tree/master/src/tokens\n\n## Tokens\n\nInformation related to tokens. ERC-20 compliant only (For now).\n\n##### Information (all optional except for name, symbol, address, decimals):\n\n- `symbol`: Short ticker style symbol of token.\n- `name`: Token name.\n- `address`: Ethereum (or other chain) address of ERC-20 token.\n- `decimal`: The decimals of the token.\n- `logo`: An optional logo of your token. Must be a **square** (recommended: 128x128) PNG w/ transparent background. Please compress using https://tinypng.com/\n- `support`: A support email, support URL, or other way people can get assistance regarding the token.\n- `social`: Where details about the token are.\n\nPlease make sure that you name the files by their address. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists/tree/master/src/tokens): https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists/tree/master/src/tokens\n\n#### Development\n\non terminal, run: `git clone git@github.com:MyEtherWallet/ethereum-lists.git; cd ethereum-lists` \nand then run: `npm run compile; npm run test:checkToken; npm run test:checkContract; npm run lint` to compile\n\n#### Importing new Icons\n\n1. unzip icons into root\n2. `renameIcons.js` - set var icons to path of extracted folder\n3. `node renameIcons`\n4. move files into src/icons\n5. `node generateMissingTokenListFromIcons`\n6. `node createTokens`\n7. delete files/folders\n - maticTokens.json\n - bscTokens.json\n - ethTokens.json\n - notinlist.json\n - extracted folder from step 1\n8. `npm run test`\n9. `npm run compile`\n10. `npm run lint`\n\n#### A last note\n\nThis list is maintained by volunteers in the cryptocurrency community & people like you around the internet. It may not always be up to date, and it may occasionally get it wrong. If you find an error or omission, please open an issue or make a PR with any corrections.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "elm-community/elm-webpack-loader", "link": "https://github.com/elm-community/elm-webpack-loader", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Webpack loader for the Elm programming language.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Elm loader [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/elm-webpack-loader.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/elm-webpack-loader) [![Travis build Status](https://travis-ci.org/elm-community/elm-webpack-loader.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/elm-community/elm-webpack-loader) \n\n[Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) loader for the [Elm](http://elm-lang.org/) programming language.\n\nIt is aware of Elm dependencies and tracks them. This means that in watch\nmode, if you `require` an Elm module from a Webpack entry point, not only will\nthat `.elm` file be watched for changes, but any other Elm modules it imports will\nbe watched for changes as well.\n\n## Installation\n\n```sh\n$ npm install --save elm-webpack-loader\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nDocumentation: [rules](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/module/#rule)\n\n`webpack.config.js`:\n\n```js\nmodule.exports = {\n module: {\n rules: [{\n test: /\\.elm$/,\n exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],\n use: {\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {}\n }\n }]\n }\n};\n```\n\nSee the [examples](#example) section below for the complete webpack configuration.\n\n### Options\n\n#### cwd (default null) *Recommended*\n\nYou can add `cwd=elmSource` to the loader:\n\n```js\nvar elmSource = __dirname + '/elm/path/in/project'\n ...\n use: {\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {\n cwd: elmSource\n }\n }\n ...\n```\n\n`cwd` should be set to the same directory as your `elm.json` file. You can use this to specify a custom location within your project for your elm files. Note, this\nwill cause the compiler to look for **all** elm source files in the specified directory. This\napproach is recommended as it allows the compile to watch elm.json as well as every file\nin the source directories.\n\n#### Optimize (default is true in production mode)\n\nSet this to true to compile bundle in optimized mode. See for more information.\n\n```js\n ...\n use: {\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {\n optimize: true\n }\n }\n ...\n```\n\n#### Debug (default is true in development mode)\n\nSet this to true to enable Elm's time traveling debugger. \n\n```js\n ...\n use: {\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {\n debug: true\n }\n }\n ...\n```\n\n#### RuntimeOptions (default `undefined`)\n\nThis allows you to control aspects of how `elm make` runs with [GHC Runtime Options](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/runtime_control.html).\n\nThe 0.19 version of `elm make` supports a limited set of those options, the most useful of which is\nfor profiling a build. To profile a build use the settings `runtimeOptions: '-s'`, which will print\nout information on how much time is spent in mutations, in the garbage collector, etc.\n\n_Note_: Using the flags below requires building a new `elm make` binary with `-rtsopts` enabled!\n\nIf you notice your build spending a lot of time in the garbage collector, you can likely optimize it\nwith some additional flags to give it more memory, `e.g. -A128M -H128M -n8m`.\n\n```js\n ...\n use: {\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {\n runtimeOptions: ['-A128M', '-H128M', '-n8m']\n }\n }\n ...\n```\n\n#### Files (default - path to 'required' file)\n\nelm make allows you to specify multiple modules to be combined into a single bundle\n\n```sh\nelm make Main.elm Path/To/OtherModule.elm --output=combined.js\n```\n\nThe `files` option allows you to do the same within webpack\n\n```js\nmodule: {\n loaders: [\n {\n test: /\\.elm$/,\n exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {\n files: [\n path.resolve(__dirname, \"path/to/Main.elm\"),\n path.resolve(__dirname, \"Path/To/OtherModule.elm\")\n ]\n }\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n(Note: It's only possible to pass array options when using the object style of loader configuration.)\n\nYou're then able to use this with\n\n```js\nimport Elm from \"./elm/Main\";\n\nElm.Main.init({node: document.getElementById(\"main\")});\nElm.Path.To.OtherModule.init({node: document.getElementById(\"other\")});\n```\n\n##### Hot module reloading\n\nHot module reloading is supported by installing [elm-hot-webpack-loader](https://github.com/klazuka/elm-hot-webpack-loader)\nand adding it to your list of loaders. It should look something like this:\n\n```js\nmodule: {\n rules: [\n {\n test: /\\.elm$/,\n exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],\n use: [\n { loader: 'elm-hot-webpack-loader' },\n { loader: 'elm-webpack-loader' }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n\n**IMPORTANT**: `elm-hot-webpack-loader` must be placed in the list immediately *before* `elm-webpack-loader`.\n\n\n#### Upstream options\n\nAll options are sent down as an `options` object to node-elm-compiler. For example, you can\nexplicitly pick the local `elm` binary by setting the option `pathToElm`:\n\n```js\n ...\n use: {\n loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',\n options: {\n pathToElm: 'node_modules/.bin/elm'\n }\n }\n ...\n```\n\nFor a list all possible options,\n[consult the source](https://github.com/rtfeldman/node-elm-compiler/blob/3fde73d/index.js#L12-L23).\n\n## Notes\n\n### Example\n\nYou can find an example in the `example` folder.\nTo run:\n\n```sh\nnpm install\nnpm run build\n```\n\nYou can have webpack watch for changes with: `npm run watch`\n\nYou can run the webpack dev server with: `npm run dev`\n\nFor a full featured example project that uses elm-webpack-loader see [pmdesgn/elm-webpack-starter](https://github.com/pmdesgn/elm-webpack-starter) .\n\n### noParse\n\nWebpack can complain about precompiled files (files compiled by `elm make`).\nYou can silence this warning with\n[noParse](https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#module-noparse). You can see it in use\nin the example.\n\n```js\n module: {\n rules: [...],\n noParse: [/.elm$/]\n }\n```\n\n## Revisions\n\n### 8.0.0\n\n- Fix watching when using the dev server. Use `compiler.watching` instead of `compiler.options.watch` as the latter doesn't work with the dev server.\n\n### 7.0.0\n\n- Logs build output directly to stdout to retain formatting.\n- Remove stack trace for errors, as they're never relevant.\n- `optimize` and `debug` flags are now set by default depending on the webpack mode.\n- Removed several options which provide little benefit.\n- Reduced number of dependencies.\n\n### 6.0.0\n\n- Elm is now a peer dependency.\n- Documentation fixes.\n\n### 5.0.0\n\n- Support for Elm 0.19, drops support for Elm 0.18.\n\n### 4.3.1\n\n- Fix a bug where maxInstances might end up being higher than expected\n\n### 4.3.0\n\n- Set maxInstances to 1\n- Patch watching behaviour\n- Add `forceWatch` to force watch mode\n\n### 4.2.0\n\nMake live reloading work more reliably\n\n### 4.1.0\n\nAdded `maxInstances` for limiting of instances\n\n### 4.0.0\n\nWatching is now done based on elm-package.json, faster startup time via @eeue56\n\n### 3.1.0\n\nAdd support for `--debug` via `node-elm-compiler`\n\n### 3.0.6\n\nAllow version bumps of node-elm-compiler.\n\n### 3.0.5\n\nUpgrade to latest node-elm-compiler, which fixes some dependency tracking issues.\n\n### 3.0.4\n\nFix potential race condition between dependency checking and compilation.\n\n### 3.0.3\n\nUse node-elm-compiler 4.0.1+ for important bugfix.\n\n### 3.0.2\n\nUse node-elm-compiler 4.0.0+\n\n### 3.0.1\n\nPass a real error object to webpack on failures.\n\n### 3.0.0\n\nSupport Elm 0.17, and remove obsolete `appendExport` option.\n\n### 2.0.0\n\nChange `warn` to be a pass-through compiler flag rather than a way to specify\nlogging behavior.\n\n### 1.0.0\n\nInitial stable release.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "glin/reactable", "link": "https://github.com/glin/reactable", "tags": ["r", "htmlwidgets", "react", "table", "shiny"], "stars": 532, "description": "Interactive data tables for R", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# reactable\n\n[![CRAN Status](https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/reactable)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=reactable)\n[![Build Status](https://github.com/glin/reactable/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/glin/reactable/actions)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/glin/reactable/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/glin/reactable)\n[![lifecycle](https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-experimental-orange.svg)](https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental)\n\nInteractive data tables for R, based on the\n[React Table](https://github.com/tanstack/table/tree/v7) library and made with\n[reactR](https://github.com/react-R/reactR).\n\n## Features\n- Sorting, filtering, pagination\n- Grouping and aggregation\n- Built-in column formatting\n- Custom rendering via R or JavaScript \u2014 use Shiny HTML tags and HTML widgets in tables\n- Expandable rows and nested tables\n- Conditional styling\n- Works seamlessly within R Markdown documents and Shiny apps\n\n## Demos\n- [Twitter Followers](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/twitter-followers/twitter-followers.html)\n- [Women's World Cup Predictions](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/womens-world-cup/womens-world-cup.html)\n- [NBA Box Score](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/nba-box-score/nba-box-score.html)\n- [CRAN Packages](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/cran-packages/cran-packages.html)\n- [Spotify Charts](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/spotify-charts/spotify-charts.html)\n- [Popular Movies](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/popular-movies/popular-movies.html)\n- [Demo Cookbook](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/cookbook/cookbook.html)\n- [100k Rows](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/100k-rows.html)\n- [Shiny Demo](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/shiny-demo.html)\n\n## Installation\nYou can install reactable from CRAN with:\n```r\ninstall.packages(\"reactable\")\n```\n\nOr install the development version from GitHub with:\n```r\n# install.packages(\"devtools\")\ndevtools::install_github(\"glin/reactable\")\n```\n\n## Usage\nTo create a table, use `reactable()` on a data frame or matrix:\n```r\nlibrary(reactable)\n\nreactable(iris)\n```\n\n\n[![reactable example using the iris dataset](man/figures/iris.png)](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html)\n\nYou can embed tables in **R Markdown** or **Quarto** documents:\n````\n```{r}\nlibrary(reactable)\n\nreactable(iris)\n```\n````\n\nOr use them in **Shiny** applications:\n```r\nlibrary(shiny)\nlibrary(reactable)\n\nui <- fluidPage(\n reactableOutput(\"table\")\n)\n\nserver <- function(input, output) {\n output$table <- renderReactable({\n reactable(iris)\n })\n}\n\nshinyApp(ui, server)\n```\n\nTo learn more about using reactable, check out the examples below.\n\n## Examples\n- [Basic Usage](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#basic-usage)\n- [Sorting](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#sorting)\n- [Filtering](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#filtering)\n- [Searching](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#searching)\n- [Pagination](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#pagination)\n- [Grouping and Aggregation](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#grouping-and-aggregation)\n- [Column Formatting](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#column-formatting)\n- [Custom Rendering](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#custom-rendering)\n- [Embedding HTML Widgets](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#embedding-html-widgets)\n- [Footers and Total Rows](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#footers)\n- [Expandable Rows and Nested Tables](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#expandable-row-details)\n- [Conditional Styling](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#conditional-styling)\n- [Table Styling](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#table-styling)\n- [Theming](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#theming)\n- [Column Groups](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#column-groups)\n- [Column Resizing](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#column-resizing)\n- [Sticky Columns](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#sticky-columns)\n- [Row Names and Row Headers](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#row-names-and-row-headers)\n- [Cell Click Actions](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#cell-click-actions)\n- [Language Options](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#language-options)\n- [Shiny](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#shiny)\n- [Cross-Widget Interactions with Crosstalk](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#cross-widget-interactions)\n- [JavaScript API](https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/examples.html#javascript-api)\n\n## Browser Support\n| [\"IE](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
    IE / Edge | [\"Firefox\"](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
    Firefox | [\"Chrome\"](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
    Chrome | [\"Safari\"](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
    Safari | [\"Opera\"](https://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
    Opera |\n| --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- |\n| IE 11*, Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |\n\n\\* Support for Internet Explorer 11 was deprecated in reactable v0.4.0.\n\n## License\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "tkh44/data-driven-motion", "link": "https://github.com/tkh44/data-driven-motion", "tags": ["react", "reactjs", "animation", "react-motion", "motion", "data-driven-motion", "spring"], "stars": 532, "description": "Easily animate your data in react", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# data-driven-motion\n\n[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/data-driven-motion.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/data-driven-motion)\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tkh44/data-driven-motion.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tkh44/data-driven-motion)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/tkh44/data-driven-motion/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/tkh44/data-driven-motion)\n[![Standard - JavaScript Style Guide](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-standard-brightgreen.svg)](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-standard-brightgreen.svg)\n\n\n\nEasily animate your data in react\n\nThis is a small wrapper around [react-motion](https://github.com/chenglou/react-motion) with the intention of simplifying the api for my most common use case.\n\n## [Demos and Docs](https://tkh44.github.io/data-driven-motion/)\n\n```bash\nnpm install -S data-driven-motion\n```\n\n## Motion\n\n```jsx\n}\n render={(key, data, style) =>
  • {data.name}
  • }\n getKey={data => data.name}\n onComponentMount={data => ({ top: data.top, left: data.left })}\n onRender={(data, i, spring) => ({ top: spring(data.top), left: spring(data.left) })}\n onRemount={({ data }) => ({ top: data.top - 32, left: data.left - 32 })}\n onUnmount={({ data }, spring) => ({ top: spring(data.top + 32), left: spring(data.left + 32) })}\n/>\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "nftstorage/nft.storage", "link": "https://github.com/nftstorage/nft.storage", "tags": ["nft", "storage", "ipfs", "filecoin", "metadata", "immutable", "persistence", "permenance"], "stars": 531, "description": "\ud83d\ude0b Free decentralized storage and bandwidth for NFTs on IPFS and Filecoin.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

    \n \"NFT.Storage\n


    Free decentralized storage and bandwidth for NFTs on IPFS and Filecoin.


    \n \n \"Twitter\n

    \n\n# Table of Contents \n\n- [Client Libraries](#client-libraries)\n- [HTTP API](#http-api)\n- [Developer Tools](#developer-tools)\n- [Development](#development)\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\n- [License](#license)\n\n# Client Libraries\n\nThe JS client library is the official and supported client to nft.storage. Other libraries listed have been generated from the [OpenAPI schema](https://nft.storage/schema.yml) and are experimental, unsupported and may not work at all!\n\n- [JavaScript](https://github.com/nftstorage/nft.storage/tree/main/packages/client)\n- [Go](https://github.com/nftstorage/go-client) (Generated from OpenAPI schema)\n- [Java](https://github.com/nftstorage/java-client) (Generated from OpenAPI schema)\n- [PHP](https://github.com/nftstorage/php-client) (Generated from OpenAPI schema)\n- [Python](https://github.com/nftstorage/python-client) (Generated from OpenAPI schema)\n- [Ruby](https://github.com/nftstorage/ruby-client) (Generated from OpenAPI schema)\n- [Rust](https://github.com/nftstorage/rust-client) (Generated from OpenAPI schema)\n- [Unity (C#)](https://github.com/filipepolizel/unity-nft-storage)\n\n# HTTP API\n\nCheck out the [HTTP API documentation](https://nft.storage/api-docs).\n\n# Examples\n\nSee the [`examples`](./examples) directory in this repository for some example projects you can use to get started.\n\nThe [`examples/client`](./examples/client/) directory contains projects using the JS client library in the browser and node.js.\n\nIn [`examples/ucan-node`] you can find an example of using [`ucan.storage`](https://github.com/nftstorage/ucan.storage) for delegated authorization using [User Controlled Authorization Networks (UCAN)](https://ucan.xyz/).\n\n# Developer Tools\n\nWe've created some scripts to help developers with bulk imports, status checks, file listings and more:\n\nhttps://github.com/nftstorage/nft.storage-tools\n\n# Development\n\nInstructions for setting up a development environment can be found in [DEVELOPMENT.md](./DEVELOPMENT.md). Please [let us know](https://github.com/nftstorage/nft.storage/issues) if anything is missing.\n\n# Contributing\n\nFeel free to join in. All welcome. [Open an issue](https://github.com/nftstorage/nft.storage/issues)!\n\nIf you're opening a pull request, please see the [guidelines in DEVELOPMENT.md](./DEVELOPMENT.md#how-should-i-write-my-commits) on structuring your commit messages so that your PR will be compatible with our [release process](./DEVELOPMENT.md#release).\n\n# License\n\nDual-licensed under [MIT + Apache 2.0](https://github.com/nftstorage/nft.storage/blob/main/LICENSE.md)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "shachaf/jsgif", "link": "https://github.com/shachaf/jsgif", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "JavaScript GIF parser and player", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "JavaScript GIF parser and player bookmarklet. See .\n", "readme_type": "text", "hn_comments": " The source code is a bit of a mess, but if anyone is \n interested in the non-bookmarkletized code, I can upload it\n somewhere.\n\nHow about hosting the source code on GitHub? I'd love to see how this works!Some really clever work there.Add a timeline slider and it's really usable!ps. for those wanting to read the source more easily,paste the bookmarklet into http://jsbeautifier.org/How strange. Until last month, I was running gifexplode.com, a site where you could share 'exploded' gifs - i.e. it took an animated gif and stepped over it frame-by-frame. I took the service offline last month because people were using it to store porn. I had tried finding a client-side solution in vain. The long-term plan for gifexplode was to introduce a player just like this!Soon as I get a chance, I think I'll relaunch gifexplode with your viewer.Here's the blog post about how gifexplode was born, it's quite an interesting story: http://www.puremango.co.uk/2009/08/gifexplode-community-powe...edit: Hmm, using XHR to fetch the gif will give me cross-domain issues unless I first mirror the image on my server. Anyone know of a way around that?I like this simply for the content on the page, not necessarily the actual project (tho it's cool too). It's snarky, self-deprecating, and dryly funny.Well done! Im looking for a png parser in javascript. I would like to load pngs with xmlhttprequest and them draw them on a canvas. Ever heard of one?Neat!What does pin/unpin do? (I clicked it with no obvious effect on playback.)This is the way forward for codecs on the web. Alan Kay has previously complained about how dumbed-down the browsers are in comparison to the possibilities of mobile code, and that's now starting to become less true.The next step beyond that is to provide browser extensions for programming network protocols. One-way HTTP over NAT sucks, web-sockets do not and will not work.We're starting to come back around to the vision of the Internet in the 80s - multi-protocol, multi-host (if you're on the web, you can be a server), mobile code via bytecode (or source code), and with pervasive remote access (VNC and X11/NX).Nice! I was swearing at Wikipedia's animation of a flipflop a couple days ago. Downloading and fiddling with 'convert' was substantially more annoying.That's really cool. The branding made me say at first \"So what? Browsers natively play gifs...\" If you retitled it some how to indicate you can step through it, that would be a better step for promoting this, which is something that is really cool. I'm going to have to check your source out later if you're on github.I made a similar Chrome plugin called GIF Scrubber: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gbdacbnhlfdlllckel...It also uses a canvas element to render each frame but it does support weird disposal methods. You can see the (very sloppy) source by just viewing the source of the plugin window.You mentioned getting test images for the disposal methods and I found these to be very helpful: http://algif.sourceforge.net/#18I'd also recommend using some kind of movie player-style control like I used and some kind of \"explode\" function. They both proved popular.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jaredhanson/passport-github", "link": "https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-github", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "GitHub authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# passport-github\n\n[Passport](http://passportjs.org/) strategy for authenticating with [GitHub](https://github.com/)\nusing the OAuth 2.0 API.\n\nThis module lets you authenticate using GitHub in your Node.js applications.\nBy plugging into Passport, GitHub authentication can be easily and\nunobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports\n[Connect](http://www.senchalabs.org/connect/)-style middleware, including\n[Express](http://expressjs.com/).\n\n
    \n \n:brain: [Understanding OAuth 2.0](https://www.passportjs.org/concepts/oauth2/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=passport-github&utm_content=nav-concept) \u2022\n:heart: [Sponsors](https://www.passportjs.org/sponsors/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=passport-github&utm_content=nav-sponsors)\n\n
    \n\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/passport-github.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/passport-github)\n[![build](https://img.shields.io/travis/jaredhanson/passport-github.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jaredhanson/passport-github)\n[![coverage](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/jaredhanson/passport-github.svg)](https://coveralls.io/github/jaredhanson/passport-github)\n[...](https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-github/wiki/Status)\n\n## Install\n\n```bash\n$ npm install passport-github\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n#### Create an Application\n\nBefore using `passport-github`, you must register an application with GitHub.\nIf you have not already done so, a new application can be created at\n[developer applications](https://github.com/settings/applications/new) within\nGitHub's settings panel. Your application will be issued a client ID and client\nsecret, which need to be provided to the strategy. You will also need to\nconfigure a callback URL which matches the route in your application.\n\n#### Configure Strategy\n\nThe GitHub authentication strategy authenticates users using a GitHub account\nand OAuth 2.0 tokens. The client ID and secret obtained when creating an\napplication are supplied as options when creating the strategy. The strategy\nalso requires a `verify` callback, which receives the access token and optional\nrefresh token, as well as `profile` which contains the authenticated user's\nGitHub profile. The `verify` callback must call `cb` providing a user to\ncomplete authentication.\n\n```js\nvar GitHubStrategy = require('passport-github').Strategy;\n\npassport.use(new GitHubStrategy({\n clientID: GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,\n clientSecret: GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,\n callbackURL: \"\"\n },\n function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {\n User.findOrCreate({ githubId: profile.id }, function (err, user) {\n return cb(err, user);\n });\n }\n));\n```\n\n#### Enterprise (Corporate) GitHub\n\nTo make it work with Enterprise GitHub instances you need to \npass in 3 additional parameters: `authorizationURL`, `tokenURL`, and `userProfileURL`.\n\n```js\nvar GitHubStrategy = require('passport-github').Strategy;\n\npassport.use(new GitHubStrategy({\n clientID: GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,\n clientSecret: GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,\n authorizationURL: \"https://ENTERPRISE_INSTANCE_URL/login/oauth/authorize\",\n tokenURL: \"https://ENTERPRISE_INSTANCE_URL/login/oauth/access_token\",\n userProfileURL: \"https://ENTERPRISE_INSTANCE_URL/api/v3/user\",\n callbackURL: \"\"\n },\n function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {\n User.findOrCreate({ githubId: profile.id }, function (err, user) {\n return cb(err, user);\n });\n }\n));\n```\n\n#### Authenticate Requests\n\nUse `passport.authenticate()`, specifying the `'github'` strategy, to\nauthenticate requests.\n\nFor example, as route middleware in an [Express](http://expressjs.com/)\napplication:\n\n```js\napp.get('/auth/github',\n passport.authenticate('github'));\n\napp.get('/auth/github/callback', \n passport.authenticate('github', { failureRedirect: '/login' }),\n function(req, res) {\n // Successful authentication, redirect home.\n res.redirect('/');\n });\n```\n\n## Examples\n\nDevelopers using the popular [Express](http://expressjs.com/) web framework can\nrefer to an [example](https://github.com/passport/express-4.x-facebook-example)\nas a starting point for their own web applications. The example shows how to\nauthenticate users using Facebook. However, because both Facebook and GitHub\nuse OAuth 2.0, the code is similar. Simply replace references to Facebook with\ncorresponding references to GitHub.\n\n## Contributing\n\n#### Tests\n\nThe test suite is located in the `test/` directory. All new features are\nexpected to have corresponding test cases. Ensure that the complete test suite\npasses by executing:\n\n```bash\n$ make test\n```\n\n#### Coverage\n\nThe test suite covers 100% of the code base. All new feature development is\nexpected to maintain that level. Coverage reports can be viewed by executing:\n\n```bash\n$ make test-cov\n$ make view-cov\n```\n\n## License\n\n[The MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2011-2016 Jared Hanson <[http://jaredhanson.net/](http://jaredhanson.net/)>\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "kmagiera/babel-watch", "link": "https://github.com/kmagiera/babel-watch", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Reload your babel-node app on JS source file changes. And do it fast.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# babel-watch\n\nReload your babel-node app on JS source file changes. And do it *fast*.\n\n## Why should I use it?\n\nIf you're tired of using [`babel-node`](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/master/packages/babel-cli) together with [`nodemon`](https://github.com/remy/nodemon), [`babel/cli`](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-cli) with `--watch` option (or similar solution). The reason why the aforementioned setup performs so badly is the startup time of `babel-node` itself. `babel-watch` only starts `babel` in the \"master\" process where it also starts the file watcher. The transpilation is performed in that process too. On file-watcher events, it spawns a pure `node` process and passes transpiled code from the parent process together with the source maps. This allows us to avoid loading `babel` and all its deps every time we restart the JS script/app.\n\n## Autowatch\n\nA unique feature of `babel-watch` is capability of automatically detecting files that needs to be watched. You no longer need to specify the list of files or directories to watch for. With \"autowatch\" the only thing you need to do is to pass the name of your main script and `babel-watch` will start watching for the changes on files that are loaded by your node program while it is executing. (You can disable autowatch with `-D` option or exclude some directories from being watched automatically with `-x`).\n\n## System requirements\n\nCurrently `babel-watch` is supported on Linux, OSX and Windows.\n\n## I want it\n\nJust install it and add to your package:\n\nWith NPM:\n```bash\n npm install --save-dev babel-watch\n```\n\nWith Yarn:\n```bash\n yarn add --dev babel-watch\n```\n\n(Make sure you have `@babel/core` installed as dependency in your project as `babel-watch` only defines `@babel/core` as a \"peerDependency\")\n\nThen use `babel-watch` in your `package.json` in scripts section like this:\n```json\n \"scripts\": {\n \"start\": \"babel-watch src/main.js\"\n }\n```\n\n## Options\n\n`babel-watch` was made to be compatible with `babel-node` and `nodemon` options. Not all of them are supported yet, here is a short list of supported command line options:\n\n```\n -d, --debug [port] Enable debug mode (deprecated) with optional port\n -B, --debug-brk Enable debug break mode (deprecated)\n -I, --inspect [address] Enable inspect mode\n -X, --inspect-brk [address] Enable inspect break mode\n -o, --only [globs] Matching files will *only* be transpiled (default: null)\n -i, --ignore [globs] Matching files will not be transpiled, but will still be watched. Default value is \"node_modules\". If you specify this option and still want to exclude modules, be sure to add it to the list. (default: [\"node_modules\"])\n -e, --extensions [extensions] List of extensions to hook into (default: [\".js\",\".jsx\",\".es6\",\".es\",\".mjs\"])\n -w, --watch [dir] Watch directory \"dir\" or files. Use once for each directory or file to watch (default: [])\n -x, --exclude [dir] Exclude matching directory/files from watcher. Use once for each directory or file (default: [])\n -L, --use-polling In some filesystems watch events may not work correcly. This option enables \"polling\" which should mitigate this type of issue\n -D, --disable-autowatch Don't automatically start watching changes in files \"required\" by the program\n -H, --disable-ex-handler Disable source-map-enhanced uncaught exception handler. You may want to use this option in case your app registers a custom uncaught exception handler\n -m, --message [string] Set custom message displayed on restart (default: \">>> Restarting due to change in file(s): %s\")\n -c, --config-file [string] Babel config file path\n --clear-console If set, will clear console on each restart. Restart message will not be shown\n --before-restart Set a custom command to be run before each restart, for example \"npm run lint\"\n --restart-timeout Set the maximum time to wait before forcing a restart. Useful if your app does graceful cleanup. (default: 2000)\n --no-colors Don't use console colors\n --restart-command Set a string to issue a manual restart. Set to `false` to pass stdin directly to process. (default: \"rs\")\n --no-debug-source-maps When using \"--inspect\" options, inline source-maps are automatically turned on. Set this option to disable that behavior\n -V, --version output the version number\n -h, --help display help for command\n```\n\nWhile the `babel-watch` process is running you may type \"rs\" and hit return in the terminal to force reload the app.\n\n## Node Options\n\nTo pass options directly to the Node child that are not shown above, use `BABEL_WATCH_NODE_OPTIONS`. For example:\n\n```bash\nBABEL_WATCH_NODE_OPTIONS=\"--experimental-worker\" babel-watch app.js\n```\n\nNote not to use `NODE_OPTIONS`. This will apply the options to both the file watcher and the child process, which may have undesired\neffects with certain options like `--inspect`.\n\n### Example usage:\n\nIn most of the cases you would rely on \"autowatch\" to monitor all the files that are required by your node application. In that case you just run:\n\n```bash\n babel-watch app.js\n```\n\nIf you have your view templates (build with [pug](https://github.com/pugjs/pug), [mustache](https://github.com/janl/mustache.js) or any other templating library) in the directory called `views`, autowatch will not be able to detect changes in view template files (see [why](#user-content-application-doesnt-restart-when-i-change-one-of-the-view-templates-html-file-or-similar)) , so you need to pass in that directory name using `--watch` option:\n\n```bash\n babel-watch --watch views app.js\n```\n\nWhen you want your app not to restart automatically for some set of files, you can use `--exclude` option:\n\n```bash\n babel-watch --exclude templates app.js\n```\n\nStart the debugger\n\n```bash\n babel-watch app.js --debug 5858\n```\n\n## Demo\n\nDemo of `nodemon + babel-node` (on the left) and `babel-watch` reloading simple `express` based app:\n\n![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kmagiera/babel-watch/master/docs/demo.gif)\n\n## Do not use in production\n\nUsing `babel-node` or `babel-watch` is not recommended in production environment. For the production use it is much better practice to build your node application using `babel` and run it using just `node`.\n\n## Babel compatibility\n\n`babel-watch`'s versions now mirror the major version range of the Babel version it is compatible with. Currently, that is `7.x`.\n\n * `babel-watch >= 2.0.7` (and now `7.x`) is compatible with `@babel/core` version `7.0.0` and above\n * `babel-watch < 2.0.7 && >= 2.0.2` is compatible with `babel-core` version `6.5.1`\n * `babel-watch <= 2.0.1` is compatible with `babel-core` from `6.4.x` up to `6.5.0`\n\n*(This is due to the babel's \"option manager\" API change in `babel-core@6.5.1`)*\n\n## What's the difference between `--ignore` and `--exclude`?\n\nThese options seem very similar, and so there is [some confusion](https://github.com/kmagiera/babel-watch/issues/121) about them. The difference is:\n\n* `--ignore` will watch the file, but not transpile it with Babel.\n * Use if you have JS files in your project that are not transpiled or handled by some other tool, but you still want to restart when they change.\n * This is called `--ignore` to mirror the Babel option.\n* `--exclude` will not watch the file at all and thus it won't be transpiled either.\n * Use if you want the watcher to exclude these files entirely. They will not be watched or rebuilt at all. For many projects, judicious use of `--exclude` can really speed things up.\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\n#### Debugging\n\nIf you want to know which file caused a restart, or why a file was not processed, add `env DEBUG=\"babel-watch:*\"` before your command to see babel-watch internals. Please do this before filing a bug report.\n\n#### Application doesn't restart automatically\n\nThere are a couple of reasons that could be causing that:\n\n1. You filesystem configuration doesn't trigger filewatch notification (this could happen for example when you have `babel-watch` running within docker container and have filesystem mirrored). In that case try running `babel-watch` with `-L` option which will enable polling for file changes.\n2. Files you're updating are blacklisted. Check the options you pass to babel-watch and verify that files you're updating are being used by your app and their name does not fall into any exclude pattern (option `-x` or `--exclude`).\n\n#### Application doesn't restart when I change one of the view templates (html file or similar):\n\nYou perhaps are using autowatch. Apparently since view templates are not loaded using `require` command but with `fs.read` instead, therefore autowatch is not able to detect that they are being used. You can still use autowatch for all the js sources, but need to specify the directory name where you keep your view templates so that changes in these files can trigger app restart. This can be done using `--watch` option (e.g. `babel-watch --watch views app.js`).\n\n#### I'm getting an error: *Cannot find module '@babel/core'*\n\n`babel-watch` does not have `@babel/core` listed as a direct dependency but as a \"peerDependency\". If you're using `babel` in your app you should already have `@babel/core` installed. If not you should do `npm install --save-dev @babel/core`. We decided not to make `@babel/core` a direct dependency as in some cases having it defined this way would make your application pull two versions of `@babel/core` from `npm` during installation and since `@babel/core` is quite a huge package that's something we wanted to avoid.\n\n#### Every time I run a script, I get a load of temporary files clogging up my project root\n\n`babel-watch` creates a temporary file each time it runs in order to watch for changes. When running as an npm script, this can end up putting these files into your project root. This is due to an [issue in npm](https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/4531) which changes the value of `TMPDIR` to the current directory. To fix this, change your npm script from `babel-watch ./src/app.js` to `TMPDIR=/tmp babel-watch ./src/app.js`.\n\n#### I'm getting `regeneratorRuntime is not defined` error when running with babel-watch but babel-node runs just fine\n\nThe reason why you're getting the error is because the babel regenerator plugin (that gives you support for async functions) requires a runtime library to be included with your application. You will get the same error when you build your app with `babel` first and then run with `node`. It works fine with `babel-node` because it includes `babel-polyfill` module automatically whenever it runs your app, even if you don't use features like async functions (that's one of the reason why its startup time is so long). Please see [this answer on stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/a/36821986/1665044) to learn how to fix this issue\n\n#### Still having some issues?\n\nTry searching over the issues on GitHub [here](https://github.com/kmagiera/babel-watch/issues). If you don't find anything that would help feel free to open new issue!\n\n## Contributing\n\nAll PRs are welcome!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "archit-p/editable-react-table", "link": "https://github.com/archit-p/editable-react-table", "tags": ["react", "table", "datagrid", "datatables", "database"], "stars": 532, "description": "React table built to resemble a database.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "## Editable React Table\n\n[![Edit editable-react-table](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/editable-react-table-gchwp?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark)\n\n![editable-react-table](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30985772/118361385-dd7caa00-b5a8-11eb-808b-1b4075f4a09d.gif)\n\n### Features\n\n- Resizing columns\n- Cell data types - number, text, select\n- Renaming column headers\n- Sort on individual columns\n- Adding columns to left or right of a column\n- Adding column to end\n- Editing data in cells\n- Adding a new row of data\n- Deleting a column\n- Changing column data types\n- Adding options for cells of type select\n\n### Getting Started\n\n1. Clone this repository.\n\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/archit-p/editable-react-table\n```\n\n2. Install dependencies and build.\n\n```bash\nnpm install\nnpm start\n```\n\n### Contributions\n\nContributions are welcome! Feel free to pick an item from the roadmap below or open a fresh issue!\n\n### Roadmap\n\n- [x] Support for virtualized rows\n- [ ] Date data-type\n- [ ] Multi-Select data-type\n- [ ] Checkbox data-type\n- [ ] Animating dropdowns\n- [ ] Performance - supporting 100000 rows\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "Arcana/node-dota2", "link": "https://github.com/Arcana/node-dota2", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "A node-steam plugin for Dota 2.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "#!/bin/bash\njsdoc2md -f index.js handlers/* -t README.hbs > README.md", "readme_type": "text", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "kesiev/akihabara", "link": "https://github.com/kesiev/akihabara", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "A game engine for making classic arcade style games using Javascript and HTML5. We're starting moving on a re-organized repo here: https://github.com/akihabara", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "Akihabara\n=========\n\nIMPORTANT NOTES! READ THIS!\n---------------------------\nWe're moving in a new repository, more community friendly and more more more tidy.\nIs here!\n\nhttps://github.com/akihabara\n\nSo start playing there!\n\nWhat's Akihabara\n----------------\n\nAkihabara is a set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript that runs in your browser without any Flash plugin, making use of a small small small subset of the HTML5 features, that are actually available on many modern browsers.\n\nNotes for developers\n--------------------\n\n* For maximum compatibility make sure that you're using the [\"name\"] for when setting object properties with reserved names like \"goto\" and \"data\" (Discovered during patching for Wii)\n* Also do not use the comma after the last element of an array or a property of an object. Still work on many browsers but is broken for Opera Wii. (and probably IE, when will be supported)\n* For making sure that your sub-scripts are loaded, try to add an \"alert\" at the end. Opera for Wii silently fail when there are syntax errors like the one explained before.\n* Opera Wii wants that canvas have to be blitted at least once before being used - or fails with a browser crash! The built-in gbox.createCanvas was already fixed. Is a good thing to use that method for spawning canvas.\n\nAkibaKa\n-------\n\nThought as a flexible and simple Akihabara resource editor, AkibaKa has been committed partially uncompleted due to lack of time. It should be functional enough but I hope that I'll start working on it again or (better) that someone will pick up the code and give it a spin! :)\n\nExperimental features\n---------------------\n\nThese features are not available into the current stable version. Use this section as changelog for the next one.\n\n* Syncrhonous keyboard listener. You can use a function called each frame instead of the usual keyup/down listener for changing keyboard status, in order to support specific hardware. (like the WiiU)\n* WiiU official support. Synchronous keyboard listener and standard buttons mapping. Some of them are unusable since is impossibile to cancel their default action.\n\nTodo\n----\n\n* Some way for updating the JSDoc automatically. (Darren and Darius wrapped up tutorials and docs! - BTW some scripts for generating docs form sources are needed)\n* Better embeddability keeping playability on mobile\n* Solve randomly blinking sprites on Wii (?)\n* ON AkibaKa: add addImage and addTiles only when used!\n\nImprovement\n-----------\n\n* Audio compatibility *Work in progress*\n\nNice to have\n----\n* Networking\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Amazing... a few years ago I would have swore this was Flash.Unfortunatly, it does not play well with a german keyboard. Z, X, C keys are used as buttons, but on a german keyboard Z und Y are switched.very nice work!The games don't seem to register my keypresses in Chrome on my MacBook running Snow Leopard.This is so awesome! It certainly is a step towards the future of online games. No more flash, no more CPU at 100%!!So 320x240 is the future?I'm all for HTML5 and all, but this honestly doesn't impress me.Looks nice - certainly runs fast in Firefox, but couldn't get it to work in Android - however looks like a good start.Now how do we all get sound working in HTML5 games?So this is using Canvas? I wonder for 2D graphics, especially for sprites you don't just use CSS, have all the blting and event handling done for you.Between this and the Apple iAd demo in HTML5, which notably demo'd pressing the screen and getting an 'inline' audio response instead of throwing you into a media player, a basic feature of most simple games currently missing from Mobile Safari, I think this is just about to get interesting.I'm so psyched by the idea of games in HTML/JS. I've made a few games in Canvas myself using Processing.js: http://games.zetabee.com/ but frankly I'm amazed at the Akihabara games. I realized Processing.js was cool but I don't think it lends to raw speed as well as these games. I think I'll be making a lot more games in JS in the near future. Thanks for this link sandaru1.Edit: Having looked into the source code... wow! For the \"capman\" game, he's creating the game map using ascii art and his \"help.js\" library has a function just for that: asciiArtToMap. This takes me back to the early 90s when making games meant you had to bitblt sprites and worry about every byte in the RAM. His library is great if you want to make sprite-based 2D scroller-type games but I don't know if it is easier to roll your own mini-library or use his for other types of games (e.g. puzzles). However, the source code itself is very extensive and I can certainly see the gamebox.font library being very useful for JS games.I've seen the future.Was excited about trying a demo on my iPhone, but seems the demos are all keyboard only. A mobile demo would go a long way since that's a reasonably big use case.wow great work. HTML5 games are definitely going to be big", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "walleeeee/daily-zhihu", "link": "https://github.com/walleeeee/daily-zhihu", "tags": ["vue", "zhihu"], "stars": 532, "description": "\u57fa\u4e8eVue2.0\u7684\u77e5\u4e4e\u65e5\u62a5\u5355\u9875\u5e94\u7528", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# \u77e5\u4e4e\u65e5\u62a5\n\n## \u58f0\u660e\napi\u6765\u81ea\u77e5\u4e4e( [\u77e5\u4e4eZhihu](http://www.zhihu.com/) ), \u9879\u76ee\u4e2d\u6240\u6709\u5185\u5bb9\u7684\u4e00\u5207\u6743\u5229\u5c5e\u4e8e\u77e5\u4e4e, \u672c\u9879\u76ee\u6240\u6709\u5185\u5bb9\u53ca\u4ee3\u7801\u4ec5\u4f9b\u79c1\u4e0b\u5b66\u4e60\u53c2\u8003, \u4e0d\u5f97\u4f5c\u4e3a\u5176\u4ed6\u7528\u9014\n\n## \u7b80\u4ecb\n- \u5b66\u4e60Vue.js\u86ee\u4e45\u7684\u4e86, \u4e5f\u770b\u4e86\u4e0d\u5c11\u522b\u4eba\u5199\u7684\u77e5\u4e4e\u65e5\u62a5, \u5e72\u8106\u81ea\u5df1\u4e5f\u62ff\u65e5\u62a5\u7ec3\u7ec3\u624b, \u8be5\u9879\u76ee\u4f7f\u7528vue-cli\u6784\u5efa\u3001\u6253\u5305, \u914d\u5408vue\u5168\u5bb6\u6876\uff08vue\u3001vuex\u3001vue-router\uff09\u8fdb\u884c\u7f16\u7801\u3001\u4f7f\u7528axios\u8fdb\u884c\u8d44\u6e90\u8bf7\u6c42\n\n- api\u4f7f\u7528node.js\u8fdb\u884c\u4e8c\u6b21\u5c01\u88c5\u89e3\u51b3\u8de8\u57df\u95ee\u9898, node\u4f7f\u7528[Heroku](https://www.heroku.com/)\u8fdb\u884c\u90e8\u7f72\n\n- \u4f7f\u7528sketch\u8bbe\u8ba1\u9875\u9762, \u5411\u7740\u7b80\u7ea6\u7684\u65b9\u5411\u505a\u4e86\u4e00\u7248\n\n- \u56fe\u7247\u9632\u76d7\u94fe\u95ee\u9898\u4f7f\u7528\u4ee5\u4e0bmeta\u6807\u7b7e\u89e3\u51b3\u3002http\u534f\u8bae\u4e2d\u5982\u679c\u4ece\u4e00\u4e2a\u7f51\u9875\u8df3\u5230\u53e6\u4e00\u4e2a\u7f51\u9875\uff0chttp\u5934\u5b57\u6bb5\u91cc\u9762\u4f1a\u5e26\u4e2areferer\uff0c\u56fe\u7247\u670d\u52a1\u5668\u901a\u8fc7\u68c0\u6d4breferer\u662f\u5426\u6765\u81ea\u89c4\u5b9a\u57df\u540d\uff0c\u6765\u8fdb\u884c\u9632\u76d7\u94fe\u3002\u5982\u679c\u6ca1\u6709referer\uff0c\u670d\u52a1\u5668\u4f1a\u8ba4\u4e3a\u662f\u6d4f\u89c8\u5668\u76f4\u63a5\u6253\u5f00\u4e86\u6587\u4ef6\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u53ef\u4ee5\u6b63\u5e38\u663e\u793a\u3002\n\n ``` bash\n \n ```\n- \u6b22\u8fceissue\u3001fork\u3001star\ud83d\ude01\n\n## \u9884\u89c8\n\n![\u9884\u89c8](https://github.com/walleeeee/daily-zhihu/blob/master/static/demo.jpg)\n\n## [Demo](https://walleeeee.github.io/daily-zhihu/)\n\n\u5efa\u8bae\u5728\u624b\u673a\u6216F12\u624b\u673a\u6a21\u5f0f\u4e0b\u6d4f\u89c8\n\n## \u8fd0\u884c\u65b9\u6cd5\n\n``` bash\nnpm install\nnpm run dev\n\n```\n## Tip\n\n``` bash\nThis relative module was not found:\n./views/con in ./src/router.js\n\n```\n\n\u597d\u591a\u540c\u5b66\u8fd0\u884c\u9879\u76ee\u62a5\u5982\u4e0a\u9519\u8bef\uff0c\u5e94\u8be5\u662f windows \u7cfb\u7edf\u4e0d\u5141\u8bb8\u521b\u5efa\u540d\u79f0\u4e3a con \u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u89e3\u538b\u9519\u8bef\u6240\u81f4\uff0c\u73b0\u5728 con \u6587\u4ef6\u5df2\u7ecf\u4fee\u6539\u4e3a article \uff0cwindows\u4e0b\u89e3\u538b\u8fd0\u884c\u4e0d\u4f1a\u518d\u62a5\u9519\u4e86\ud83d\ude0e\n\n## License\n\n[MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jacklam718/react-native-button-component", "link": "https://github.com/jacklam718/react-native-button-component", "tags": ["react", "react-native", "button", "react-native-button", "ios", "android", "javascript"], "stars": 532, "description": "A Beautiful, Customizable React Native Button component for iOS & Android", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jacklam718/react-native-button-component.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jacklam718/react-native-button-component)\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-native-button-component.svg)]()\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/react-native-button-component.svg)]()\n\n\n## React Native Button component\n\nReact Native Button component for iOS & Android.\n\n![Example](https://jacklam718.github.io/react-native-button-component/build/video/circle-button-demo.gif)\n![Example](https://jacklam718.github.io/react-native-button-component/build/video/button-demo.gif)\n\n\n## Provided Components\nThis library provided the following button components:\n```\nButtonComponent\nCircleButton\nRoundButton\nRectangleButton\n```\n\n## Installation\n1. `npm install --save react-native-button-component`\n2. `react-native link react-native-button-component`\n\n##### Note\nIf you didn't see this item `libART.a` under the `Link Binary With Libraries` or you get this error `No component found for view with name \"ARTSurfaceView\"`\nPlease open Xcode project and add `libART.a` under `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries`\n\n###### The detailed steps:\n1. Open Xcode project\n2. Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries\n3. Click the `+` button and Click `Add Other...`\n4. Open with `node_modules/react-native/Libraries/ART/ART.xcodeproj`\n5. Click the `+` and select the `libART.a` and click `Add`\n\n\n## Some Simple Examples\n\n One State Button\n\n
    \n\n Multiple States Button\n\n
    \n\n Spinner Button\n\n
    \n\n Progress Button\n\n
    \n\n Circle Button\n\n\n## Documents\n\n Props & Button Options\n\n
    \n\n Options for Progress Button\n\n
    \n\n Options for Spinner Button\n\n
    \n\n Options for Circle Button\n\n\n## Usage - Basic\n\n#### Button with one state\n```javascript\nimport ButtonComponent, { CircleButton, RoundButton, RectangleButton } from 'react-native-button-component';\n\n// You can use CircleButton, RoundButton, RectangleButton to instead ButtonComponent\n {}}\n image={require('button-image.png')}\n text=\"Button\"\n>\n\n```\n\n#### Button with multiple states\n```javascript\nimport ButtonComponent, { CircleButton, RoundButton, RectangleButton } from 'react-native-button-component';\n\n// You can use CircleButton, RoundButton, RectangleButton to instead ButtonComponent\n {\n this.imageUploader.upload();\n this.state.setState({ buttonState: 'uploading' });\n },\n image: require('upload-image.png'),\n text: 'Upload Image',\n },\n uploading: {\n onPress: () => {\n this.imageUploader.cancelUpload();\n this.state.setState({ buttonState: 'upload' });\n },\n spinner: true,\n text: 'Uploding Image...',\n },\n }}\n>\n\n```\n\n## Usage - With Your Configurations\n\n#### Button with one state\n```javascript\n {}}\n image={require('button-image.png')}\n>\n\n```\n\n#### Button with multiple states - different config for different states\n```javascript\nimport ButtonComponent, { CircleButton, RoundButton, RectangleButton } from 'react-native-button-component';\n\n// You can use CircleButton, RoundButton, RectangleButton to instead ButtonComponent\n {\n this.imageUploader.upload();\n this.state.setState({ buttonState: 'uploading' });\n },\n },\n uploading: {\n text: 'Uploding Image...',\n gradientStart: { x: 0.8, y: 1 },\n gradientEnd: { x: 1, y: 1 },\n backgroundColors: ['#ff4949', '#fe6060'],\n spinner: true,\n onPress: () => {\n this.imageUploader.cancelUpload();\n this.state.setState({ buttonState: 'upload' });\n },\n },\n }}\n>\n\n```\n\n#### Button with multiple states - one config for different states\n```javascript\n {\n this.imageUploader.upload();\n this.state.setState({ buttonState: 'uploading' });\n },\n },\n uploading: {\n text: 'Uploding Image...',\n spinner: true,\n onPress: () => {\n this.imageUploader.cancelUpload();\n this.state.setState({ buttonState: 'upload' });\n },\n },\n }}\n>\n\n```\n\n## License\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "If it meets the guidelines, this might make a good 'Show HN'. Show HN guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "tc39/ecmascript_simd", "link": "https://github.com/tc39/ecmascript_simd", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "SIMD numeric type for EcmaScript", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# SIMD.js\n===============\n\nSIMD.js has been taken out of active development in TC39 and removed\nfrom Stage 3, and is not being pursued by web browsers for\nimplementation. SIMD operations exposed to the web are under active\ndevelopment within WebAssembly, with operations based on the SIMD.js\noperations. With WebAssembly in advanced development or shipping in\nmultiple browsers, it seems like an adequate vehicle to subsume asm.js\nuse cases, which are judged to be the broader cases. Although some\ndevelopers have expressed interest in using SIMD.js outside of asm.js,\nimplementers have found that implementing and optimizing for this case\nreliably creates a lot of complexity, and have made the decision to\nfocus instead on delivering WebAssembly and SIMD instructions in WASM.\n\nSee https://github.com/WebAssembly/simd for current development.\n\nThis repository retains a historical snapshot of the SIMD.js specification work:\n* The authoritative API reference documentation is generated from tc39/spec.html. You can view a rendered copy at http://tc39.github.io/ecmascript_simd/ .\n* A polyfill at src/ecmascript_simd.js, which can't implement value semantics, but includes a correct implementation of all functions\n* Extensive tests at src/ecmascript_simd_tests.js, which can be run using other files in src/. Benchmarks and example code live in the same directory.\n* A presentation explaining the motivation and outlining the approach at [tc39/SIMD-128 TC-39.pdf](https://github.com/tc39/ecmascript_simd/blob/master/tc39/SIMD-128%20TC-39.pdf)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "Maxmudjon/Get_MiHome_devices_token", "link": "https://github.com/Maxmudjon/Get_MiHome_devices_token", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": "Get Mi Home devices token Windows/MacOS app.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Get Mi Home Devices Token App\n\n![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Maxmudjon/images/master/mihomemov.gif)\n\n## Download\n\n[Releases](https://github.com/Maxmudjon/Get_MiHome_devices_token/releases)\n\n## Install dependencies\n\n```sh\nnpm i\n```\n\nGet Mi Home devices token Windows / Mac OS app.\n\n## Run on dev mode\n\n```sh\nnpm start\n```\n\n### The electron folder is created in the project director and applications will be built there.\n\n### Build Windows\n\n```sh\nnpm run win\n```\n\n### Build Mac\n\n```sh\nnpm run mac\n```\n\nPaypal: \n\nyoomoney: https://yoomoney.ru/to/410013864894090\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "rcdexta/react-event-timeline", "link": "https://github.com/rcdexta/react-event-timeline", "tags": ["reactjs", "timeline", "widget", "react-component", "storybook", "react"], "stars": 531, "description": "A responsive event timeline in React.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# react-event-timeline\n\nReact component to generate a responsive vertical event timeline\n\n[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-event-timeline.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-event-timeline)\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rcdexta/react-event-timeline.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rcdexta/react-event-timeline)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rcdexta/react-event-timeline/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/rcdexta/react-event-timeline)\n[![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)](https://github.com/rcdexta/react-event-timeline/blob/master/LICENSE.md)\n\n![alt tag](https://github.com/rcdexta/react-event-timeline/raw/master/timeline.png)\n\nStorybook demos here: https://rcdexta.github.io/react-event-timeline\n\nCodeSandbox version to play with examples (in typescript):\n\n[![Edit Timeline Example](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/13k1jjqj64)\n\n> Note: CodeSandbox version has predefined styles and icons loaded in index.html for better presentation!\n\n## Features\n\n* Is lightweight\n* Responsive and extensible\n* Configurable and customizable\n\n## Getting started\n\nTo install as npm dependency\n```\nnpm install --save react-event-timeline\n```\nor if you use `yarn`\n```\nyarn add react-event-timeline\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe following snippet generates the timeline you see in the screenshot:\n\n```jsx\nimport {Timeline, TimelineEvent} from 'react-event-timeline'\n\nReactDOM.render(\n \n textsms}\n >\n I received the payment for $543. Should be shipping the item within a couple of hours.\n \n email}\n >\n Like we talked, you said that you would share the shipment details? This is an urgent order and so I\n am losing patience. Can you expedite the process and pls do share the details asap. Consider this a\n gentle reminder if you are on track already!\n \n ,\n document.getElementById('container')\n);\n```\n\nPlease refer [storybook](https://github.com/rcdexta/react-event-timeline/blob/master/stories/App.story.js) to check code for all the examples in the storybook demo.\n\n## API Documentation\n\n### Timeline\n\nThis is the wrapper component that creates the infinite vertical timeline\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| -------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------- |\n| className | string | The css class name of timeline container|\n| style | object | Override inline styles of timeline container |\n| orientation | string | Display the timeline on `right` or `left`. Default: `left` |\n| lineColor | string | CSS color code to override the line color |\n| lineStyle | string | Override the appearance of line with custom css styling |\n\n### TimelineEvent\n\nEach event in the timeline will be represented by the `TimelineEvent` component. There can be multiple repeating instances of this component inside `Timeline` wrapper\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| ------------ | ------ | ---------------------------------------- |\n| title | node | The title of the event. Can be string or any DOM element node(s) |\n| createdAt | node | The time at which the event occurred. Can be datetime string or any DOM element node(s) |\n| subtitle | node | If you prefer having the title at the top and some caption below, omit createdAt and specify title and subtitle |\n| icon | node | The icon to show as event lable. Can be a SVG or font icon |\n| iconStyle | object | Custom CSS styling for the icon |\n| bubbleStyle | object | Custom CSS styling for the bubble containing the icon |\n| buttons | node | Action buttons to display to the right of the event content |\n| contentStyle | node | Override content style |\n| container | string | Optional value `card` will render event as a Card |\n| style | object | Override style for the entire event container. Can be used to modify card appearance if container is selected as `card` |\n| titleStyle | object | Override style for the title content |\n| subtitleStyle | object | Override style for the subtitle content |\n| cardHeaderStyle | object | Override style for the card header if container is `card` |\n| collapsible | boolean | Make the timeline event collapse body content |\n| showContent | boolean | if `collapsible` is true, should content be shown by default. `false` is default value |\n\n### TimelineBlip\n\nUse this component if your event footprint is too small and can be described in a single line\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------- |\n| title | node | The title of the event. Can be string or any DOM element node(s) |\n| icon | node | The icon to show as event label. Can be a SVG or font icon |\n| iconColor | string | CSS color code for icon |\n| iconStyle | object | Custom CSS styling for the icon |\n| style | object | Override style for the entire event container |\n\nRefer to Condensed Timeline in Storybook for examples of using this component.\n\n## Development\n\nThis project recommends using [react-storybook](https://github.com/kadirahq/react-storybook) as a UI component development environment. Use the following scripts for your development workflow:\n\n1. `npm run storybook`: Start developing by using storybook\n2. `npm run lint` : Lint all js files\n3. `npm run lintfix` : fix linting errors of all js files\n4. `npm run build`: transpile all ES6 component files into ES5(commonjs) and put it in `dist` directory\n5. `npm run docs`: create static build of storybook in `docs` directory that can be used for github pages\n\nThe storybook artefacts can be found in `stories` folder. Run `npm run storybook` and you should see your code changes hot reloaded on the browser\n\nAlso use [semantic-release](https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release) to automate release to npm. Use `npm run commit` to commit your changes and raise a PR.\n\n# Acknowledgements\n\nThis project is graciously supported by IDE tools offered by [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/) for development.\n\n[![alt tag](https://github.com/rcdexta/react-event-timeline/blob/master/jetbrains-badge.png)](https://www.jetbrains.com/)\n\n\n## License\n\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "dobtco/jquery-resizable-columns", "link": "https://github.com/dobtco/jquery-resizable-columns", "tags": [], "stars": 531, "description": "Resizable table columns for jQuery.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "jquery-resizable-columns\n=======================\n\nResizable table columns for jQuery. **[Live Demo](http://dobtco.github.io/jquery-resizable-columns)**\n\n**New and Improved!** *Now tested and working on Chrome & Firefox (Mac + Windows), and IE 9 + 10. Other browsers might work too, just haven't had time to check.*\n\n**Size:** < 8kb minified\n\n#### Dependencies\n- jQuery\n- [store.js](https://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js/) (or anything similar) for localStorage persistence.\n\n#### Simple Usage\n\n```\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n ...\n \n
    #First NameLast NameUsername
    \n\n\n```\n\n#### Persist column sizes\n\nTo save column sizes on page reload (or js re-rendering), just pass an object that responds to `get` and `set`. You'll also have to give your <table> a `data-resizable-columns-id` attribute, and your <th>s `data-resizable-column-id` attributes.\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n ...\n \n
    #First NameLast NameUsername
    \n\n\n```\n\n#### License\n\nMIT\n\n#### Credits\n\nThere's various versions of this plugin floating around the internet, but they're all outdated in one way or another. Thanks to [http://robau.wordpress.com/2011/06/09/unobtrusive-table-column-resize-with-jquery/]() for a great starting point.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Doesn't work in ChromeFirefox on Mac: NoChrome and Safari on Mac: YesBonus:\nIE8 on Win7 (I already had a VM open!): NoPlugin author here -- my fault for not browser testing, but hey, that's what I'm posting it for in the first place.Will investigate now :)EDIT: Now fixed for all major browsers, as far as I can tell :PIs this supposed to work on iPad (Safari)?Works fine for me, cool concept. You should think about what kind of interface affordance makes it clear that the columns are resizable. Also, I tried to resize them not using the table headers at first (just any old spot in the column) and was confused for a while.doesnt work on safari for macdoesn't work for me, chrome on windowsDoesn't work in Chrome 27 on Win 7 x64.Works for me (Chrome 27, Windows). Only the headers's borders can be used as handle, or so it seems.Would be cool if you could double-click the column-border to have it auto-size to the contents in the column to the left of the border, comparable to excel.doesn't work for me, FF21.0, WindowsNot working ( Opera Next 15 OSX )Chrome 27 on Mac doesn't work.I found this online and seems to work fine (except Firefox a possible jquery-css bug)http://forums.devshed.com/javascript-development-115/using-j...Does not work for me on firefox, safari, chromeI can resize columns but I cannot drag them with Chrome 28.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "amannn/action-semantic-pull-request", "link": "https://github.com/amannn/action-semantic-pull-request", "tags": ["pull-requests", "pr-title", "github-action", "conventional-commits"], "stars": 531, "description": "A GitHub Action that ensures that your PR title matches the Conventional Commits spec.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# action-semantic-pull-request\n\nThis is a [GitHub Action](https://github.com/features/actions) that ensures your PR title matches the [Conventional Commits spec](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/).\n\nThe typical use case is to use this in combination with a tool like [semantic-release](https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release) to automate releases.\n\n## Validation\n\nExamples for valid PR titles:\n- fix: Correct typo.\n- feat: Add support for Node 12.\n- refactor!: Drop support for Node 6.\n- feat(ui): Add `Button` component.\n\nNote that since PR titles only have a single line, you have to use the `!` syntax for breaking changes.\n\nSee [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/) for more examples.\n\n## Installation\n\n1. If your goal is to create squashed commits that will be used for automated releases, you'll want to configure your GitHub repository to [use the squash & merge strategy](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/configuring-pull-request-merges/configuring-commit-squashing-for-pull-requests) and tick the option \"Default to PR title for squash merge commits\".\n2. [Add the action](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/quickstart) with the following configuration\n```yml\nname: \"Lint PR\"\n\non:\n pull_request_target:\n types:\n - opened\n - edited\n - synchronize\n\njobs:\n main:\n name: Validate PR title\n runs-on: ubuntu-latest\n steps:\n - uses: amannn/action-semantic-pull-request@v5\n env:\n GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}\n```\n\n## Configuration\n\nThe action works without configuration, however you can provide options for customization.\n\nThe following terminology helps to understand the configuration options:\n\n```\nfeat(ui): Add `Button` component.\n^ ^ ^\n| | |__ Subject\n| |_______ Scope\n|____________ Type\n```\n\n```yml\n with:\n # Configure which types are allowed (newline delimited).\n # Default: https://github.com/commitizen/conventional-commit-types\n types: |\n fix\n feat\n # Configure which scopes are allowed (newline delimited).\n # These are regex patterns auto-wrapped in `^ $`.\n scopes: |\n core\n ui\n JIRA-\\d+\n # Configure that a scope must always be provided.\n requireScope: true\n # Configure which scopes (newline delimited) are disallowed in PR\n # titles. For instance by setting # the value below, `chore(release):\n # ...` and `ci(e2e,release): ...` will be rejected.\n # These are regex patterns auto-wrapped in `^ $`.\n disallowScopes: |\n release\n [A-Z]+\n # Configure additional validation for the subject based on a regex.\n # This example ensures the subject doesn't start with an uppercase character.\n subjectPattern: ^(?![A-Z]).+$\n # If `subjectPattern` is configured, you can use this property to override\n # the default error message that is shown when the pattern doesn't match.\n # The variables `subject` and `title` can be used within the message.\n subjectPatternError: |\n The subject \"{subject}\" found in the pull request title \"{title}\"\n didn't match the configured pattern. Please ensure that the subject\n doesn't start with an uppercase character.\n # If you use GitHub Enterprise, you can set this to the URL of your server\n githubBaseUrl: https://github.myorg.com/api/v3\n # If the PR contains one of these labels (newline delimited), the\n # validation is skipped.\n # If you want to rerun the validation when labels change, you might want\n # to use the `labeled` and `unlabeled` event triggers in your workflow.\n ignoreLabels: |\n bot\n ignore-semantic-pull-request\n # If you're using a format for the PR title that differs from the traditional Conventional\n # Commits spec, you can use these options to customize the parsing of the type, scope and\n # subject. The `headerPattern` should contain a regex where the capturing groups in parentheses\n # correspond to the parts listed in `headerPatternCorrespondence`.\n # See: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/tree/master/packages/conventional-commits-parser#headerpattern\n headerPattern: '^(\\w*)(?:\\(([\\w$.\\-*/ ]*)\\))?: (.*)$'\n headerPatternCorrespondence: type, scope, subject\n # For work-in-progress PRs you can typically use draft pull requests \n # from GitHub. However, private repositories on the free plan don't have \n # this option and therefore this action allows you to opt-in to using the \n # special \"[WIP]\" prefix to indicate this state. This will avoid the \n # validation of the PR title and the pull request checks remain pending.\n # Note that a second check will be reported if this is enabled.\n wip: true\n```\n\n## Event triggers\n\nThere are two events that can be used as triggers for this action, each with different characteristics:\n\n1. [`pull_request_target`](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull_request_target): This allows the action to be used in a fork-based workflow, where e.g. you want to accept pull requests in a public repository. In this case, the configuration from the main branch of your repository will be used for the check. This means that you need to have this configuration in the main branch for the action to run at all (e.g. it won't run within a PR that adds the action initially). Also if you change the configuration in a PR, the changes will not be reflected for the current PR \u2013 only subsequent ones after the changes are in the main branch.\n2. [`pull_request`](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull_request): This configuration uses the latest configuration that is available in the current branch. It will only work if the branch is based in the repository itself. If this configuration is used and a pull request from a fork is opened, you'll encounter an error as the GitHub token environment parameter is not available. This option is viable if all contributors have write access to the repository.\n\n## Outputs\n\nIn case the validation fails, this action will populate the `error_message` ouput.\n\n[An output can be used in other steps](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-jobs/defining-outputs-for-jobs), for example to comment the error message onto the pull request.\n\n
    \nExample\n\n```yml\nname: \"Lint PR\"\n\non:\n pull_request_target:\n types:\n - opened\n - edited\n - synchronize\n\njobs:\n main:\n name: Validate PR title\n runs-on: ubuntu-latest\n steps:\n - uses: amannn/action-semantic-pull-request@v5\n id: lint_pr_title\n env:\n GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}\n\n - uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2\n # When the previous steps fails, the workflow would stop. By adding this\n # condition you can continue the execution with the populated error message.\n if: always() && (steps.lint_pr_title.outputs.error_message != null)\n with:\n header: pr-title-lint-error\n message: |\n Hey there and thank you for opening this pull request! \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc\n \n We require pull request titles to follow the [Conventional Commits specification](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) and it looks like your proposed title needs to be adjusted.\n\n Details:\n \n ```\n ${{ steps.lint_pr_title.outputs.error_message }}\n ```\n\n # Delete a previous comment when the issue has been resolved\n - if: ${{ steps.lint_pr_title.outputs.error_message == null }}\n uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2\n with: \n header: pr-title-lint-error\n delete: true\n```\n\n
    \n\n## Legacy configuration\n\nWhen using \"Squash and merge\" on a PR with only one commit, GitHub will suggest using that commit message instead of the PR title for the merge commit and it's easy to commit this by mistake. To help out in this situation this action supports two configuration options. However, [GitHub has introduced an option to streamline this behaviour](https://github.blog/changelog/2022-05-11-default-to-pr-titles-for-squash-merge-commit-messages/), so using that instead should be preferred.\n\n```yml\n # If the PR only contains a single commit, the action will validate that\n # it matches the configured pattern.\n validateSingleCommit: true\n # Related to `validateSingleCommit` you can opt-in to validate that the PR\n # title matches a single commit to avoid confusion.\n validateSingleCommitMatchesPrTitle: true\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "koalaylj/xlsx2json", "link": "https://github.com/koalaylj/xlsx2json", "tags": ["excell", "json"], "stars": 531, "description": "convert excel to json ,support object/array/number/bool data type.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "### xlsx2json ([English Document](./docs/doc_en.md))\n> Let excel support complex json format, convert xlsx file to json.\n\n### Instructions for use\n* Currently only supports .xlsx format, not .xls format.\n* This project is based on nodejs, so you need to install the nodejs environment first.\n* Excuting an order\n```bash\n# Clone this repository\ngit clone https://github.com/koalaylj/xlsx2json.git\n# Go into the repository\ncd xlsx2json\n# Install dependencies\nnpm install\n```\n\n* Configure config.json\n```javascript\n{\n \"xlsx\": {\n /**\n * The line where the header is located, the first line can be a comment, and the second line is the header\n */\n \"head\": 2,\n\n /**\n * The directory where the xlsx file is located\n * glob configuration style\n */\n \"src\": \"./excel/**/[^~$]*.xlsx\",\n\n /**\n * The location where the exported json is stored\n */\n \"dest\": \"./json\"\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether to export d.ts (for typescript)\n * A table only exports one d.ts file\n * true: generate d.ts, false: do not generate\n */\n \"ts\": false,\n\n \"json\": {\n /**\n * Whether the exported json needs to be compressed\n * true: compression, false: no compression (readable format)\n */\n \"uglify\": false\n }\n}\n```\n* Execute `export.sh|export.bat` to import `./excel/*.xlsx` files into json and store them under `./json`. The json name is named after the sheet name of excel.\n\n* Supplement (generally not used):\n * Execute `node index.js -h` to view the usage help.\n * Use of command line parameter passing: Execute node `index.js --help` to view.\n\n#### Example 1 Basic functions (refer to ./excel/basic.xlsx)\n![excel](./docs/image/excel-data.png)\n\nThe output is as follows (because the `#id` column is set, the output is in `JsonHash` format, if there is no `#id` column, the output is in array format):\n\n```json\n{\n \"1111\": {\n \"id\": 1111,\n \"name\": \"Storm Spirit\",\n \"slogen\": [\"Storm Spirit is gone\", \"There is no safe haven in this storm, Cuenca!\"],\n \"skill\": {\n \"R\": {\n \"name\": \"Afterimage\",\n \"Cooldown Time\": [3.5,3.5,3.5,3.5],\n \"Range of Effect\": 260,\n \"Active Skill\": true,\n \"levels\": [\n {\"level\": 1,\"damage\": 140,\"mana\": 70},\n {\"level\": 2,\"damage\": 180,\"mana\": 80}\n ]\n },\n \"E\": {\n \"name\": \"Electronic Vortex\",\n \"Cooldown Time\": [21,20,19,18],\n \"Active Skill\": true,\n \"levels\": [\n {\"level\": 1,\"time\": 1,\"cost\": 100,\"distance\": 100},\n {\"level\": 2,\"time\": 1.5,\"cost\": 110,\"distance\": 150}\n ]\n }\n }\n },\n \"1112\": {\n \"id\": 1112,\n \"name\": \"Ghost\",\n \"slogen\": null,\n \"skill\": null\n }\n}\n```\n\nIf you replace `id#id` in the first column with `id#string`, it will output `JsonArray` format:\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"id\": \"1111\",\n \"name\": \"Storm Spirit\",\n \"slogen\": [\"Storm Spirit is gone\", \"There is no safe haven in this storm, Cuenca!\"],\n \"skill\": {\n \"R\": {\n \"name\": \"Afterimage\",\n \"Cooldown Time\": [3.5,3.5,3.5,3.5],\n \"Range of Effect\": 260,\n \"Active Skill\": true,\n \"levels\": [\n {\"level\": 1,\"damage\": 140,\"mana\": 70},\n {\"level\": 2,\"damage\": 180,\"mana\": 80}\n ]\n },\n \"E\": {\n \"name\": \"Electronic Vortex\",\n \"Cooldown Time\": [21,20,19,18],\n \"Active Skill\": true,\n \"levels\": [\n {\"level\": 1,\"time\": 1,\"cost\": 100,\"distance\": 100},\n {\"level\": 2,\"time\": 1.5,\"cost\": 110,\"distance\": 150}\n ]\n }\n }\n },\n {\n \"id\": \"1112\",\n \"name\": \"Ghost\",\n \"slogen\": null,\n \"skill\": null\n }\n]\n```\n\n### Example 2 complex table splitting (refer to ./excel/master-slave.xlsx)\n\n![excel](./docs/image/master-slave.png)\n\nIf a certain column of a table is of `#[]` or `#{}` type, the main table can be split to prevent the table from being too complicated. As shown in FIG.\n\nFor example, the `boss#{}` and `reward#[]` columns in `Table 1` in the above figure are more complicated, and can be split into three tables: `Table 2, 3, 4`, and `Table 1` The `boss#{}` in `Table 3` is split into `Table 3`, and the `reward#[]` in `Table 1` is split into Table 4. `Table 2` is the main table, and `Tables 3 and 4` are the slave tables.\n\n\n\n### The following data types are supported\n\n* `number` Number type.\n* `boolean` Boolean.\n* `string` String.\n* `date` date type.\n* `object` object, same as JS object.\n* `array` array, same as JS array.\n* `id` primary key type (when there is an id type in the table, json will output in hash format, otherwise it will output in array format).\n* `id[]` primary key array, only exists in slave tables.\n\n\n\n### Header rules\n\n* For basic data types (string, number, bool), it is generally judged automatically without setting, but the data type can also be explicitly declared.\n* String type: naming form `column name#string`.\n* Number type: naming form `column name#number`.\n* Date type: `column name #date`. The date format should conform to the standard date format. For example `YYYY/M/D H:m:s` or `YYYY/M/D` etc.\n* Boolean type: naming form `column name #bool`.\n* Array: Naming form `column name#[]`.\n* Object: naming form `column name#{}`.\n* Primary key: Naming form `column name #id`, there can only be one column in the table.\n* Primary key array: naming form `column name #id[]`, there can only be one column in the table, and it only exists in the slave table.\n* If the column name starts with `!`, the column will not be exported.\n\n\n\n### sheet rules\n\n- Sheet names start with `! ` does not export this table.\n- The name of the slave table `slave table name@master table name`, the master table must be in front of the slave table.\n\n\n\n### Master-slave table related rules (master/slave)\n\n- The master table must be of hash type, that is, there must be a `#id` column.\n- slave table name `slave name@master name`, the order of the master table must be in front of the slave table.\n- There must be `#id` column or `#id[]` column in the slave table.\n- If the `#{} column` in the master table is split, it should be `#id` in the slave table, and the value is the id of the master table.\n- If the `#[] column` in the master table is split, it should be `#id[]` in the slave table, and the value is the id of the master table.\n- Please see the example `./excel/master-salve.xlsx` for details.\n\n\n\n### Precautions\n\n* The `eval()` function is used when parsing excel strings. If the excel data in the production environment comes from user input, there is a risk of injection, so please use it with caution.\n* The key symbols are all English half-width symbols, which are consistent with JSON requirements.\n* The object writing method is consistent with the object writing method in JavaScript (students who do not know JS can understand that the key of JSON does not need double quotes, and others are the same as JSON).\n* The array writing method is consistent with the array writing method in JavaScript (students who do not know JS can understand that the key of JSON does not need double quotes, and others are the same as JSON).\n* ifThe value of all null data appears at the end of the exported JSON file. It may be because the data in Excel has not been deleted completely. It can be determined that the number of row data entries printed on the console does not match the actual character.\n\n\n###TODO\n- [ ] Merge the code of the master branch into the npm branch.\n\n### branch\n* `master` is the main branch, this branch is used to release the version, contains the current stable code, do not submit the code directly to the main branch.\n* `dev` is the development branch, new features, bug fixes, etc. are submitted to this branch, and will be merged into the `master` branch after stabilization.\n* If you need to use it as an npm module reference, please switch to the `npm` branch (there are still functions that have not been merged and are temporarily unavailable).\n\n\n### Replenish\n* Can run under windows/mac/linux.\n* Project address [xlsx2json master](https://github.com/koalaylj/xlsx2json)\n* If you have any questions, you can discuss them in the QQ group: 223460081\n* Recruiting collaborative developers, if you have time to help maintain this project, you can send an issue or tell me your github email address in the qq group.", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "filamentgroup/politespace", "link": "https://github.com/filamentgroup/politespace", "tags": ["accessibility", "input-mask", "forms"], "stars": 531, "description": "Politely add spaces to numeric form values to increase readability (credit card numbers, phone numbers, etc).", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": ":warning: This project is archived and the repository is no longer maintained.\n\n# Politespace\n\n[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/politespace.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/politespace)\n[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/filamentgroup/politespace/master.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/filamentgroup/politespace)\n[![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/filamentgroup/politespace.svg?theme=shields.io)](https://david-dm.org/filamentgroup/politespace)\n\n[![Filament Group](http://filamentgroup.com/images/fg-logo-positive-sm-crop.png) ](http://www.filamentgroup.com/)\n\n## [Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/politespace/demo/demo.html)\n\n![](assets/politespace.gif)\n\n## Using Politespace\n\nAdd `data-politespace` to your form\u2019s `input[type=text]` (et al) or `textarea` and we\u2019ll add spaces to the value when the user blurs off of it. We\u2019ll also remove those spaces on focus.\n\n### data-politespace-grouplength\n\nTo customize the number of spaces, use the `data-politespace-grouplength` attribute (it defaults to 3). It can be:\n\n * single number (to uniformly repeat, like a credit card)\n * a comma delimited list (for non-uniform strings, like \"2,4\" for MM YYYY). This also works with open ended commas, like \"2,\" for MM YYYY or \"3,3,\" for a US phone number.\n\nUse `pattern=\"[0-9]*\"` for numeric keyboards on iOS.\n\nThis script now works reliably cross-browser with ``. It should be noted that independent of `politespace`, WebKit removes the value on blur when a user types or a script adds a non-numeric character in the field, for example: `myElement.value = \"1,000\"`. We\u2019re now creating a proxy element on top of the form element to workaround this issue and display the formatted value.\n\nMake sure your `maxlength` value is large enough to allow for the addition of the whitespace.\n\n### data-politespace-delimiter\n\nThe default delimiter is a space, but you can add `data-politespace-delimiter` to customize to a different character.\n\n### data-politespace-reverse\n\nWhen delimiting money, for example, you want the grouplengths to be calculated from the lowest digit to the greatest (from right to left). Use `data-politespace-reverse` to opt into this behavior. A USD Price example: `data-politespace-grouplength=\"3\" data-politespace-delimiter=\",\" data-politespace-reverse`\n\n### data-politespace-decimal-mark\n\nWhen delimiting money as a floating point, you\u2019ll want to exclude the fractional portion of the number when inserting delimiters. For example, $4,000.34 will need `data-politespace-delimiter=\",\" data-politespace-decimal-mark=\".\"` (or for proper internationalization, $4 000,34 will need `data-politespace-delimiter=\" \" data-politespace-decimal-mark=\",\"`).\n\n### data-politespace-strip\n\nSpecify a regular expression of characters to remove before formatting the field. To strip out all non-numeric characters (for example, for a telephone number), use `data-politespace-strip=\"[^\\d]*\"`. This is an alternative to [the `numeric-input` plugin of `formcore`](https://github.com/filamentgroup/formcore#numeric-input).\n\n### data-politespace-creditcard\n\nWhen using politespace with credit card fields, the formatting logic changes based on the first digit. For example, American Express (AMEX) card formats are 4,6,5 (15 characters total, the first digit is a 3) and Visa/Mastercard/Discover are 4,4,4,4 (16 characters). If you use the `data-politespace-creditcard` attribute (in lieu of a `data-politespace-grouplength`) politespace will automatically adjust the politespace group length for you. If you add the `data-politespace-creditcard-maxlength` attribute, politespace will also manage the field\u2019s maxlength for you as well.\n\n``\n\nUses the [`creditable`](https://github.com/filamentgroup/creditable) dependency.\n\n### data-politespace-us-telephone\n\nWhen using politespace with US specific telephone number fields, `data-politespace-us-telephone` option will automatically adjust the maxlength of the field to account for a US country code. If the user types a 1, the maxlength will be adjusted to add one additional character until the user blurs, when the country code will be stripped and the original maxlength restored.\n\n### Download\n\n* [politespace.js](http://filamentgroup.github.io/politespace/dist/politespace.js)\n* _Optional:_ [politespace-init.js](http://filamentgroup.github.io/politespace/dist/politespace-init.js), performs auto initialization, calls `$( \".elements\" ).politespace()` for you.\n* [politespace.css](http://filamentgroup.github.io/politespace/dist/politespace.css)\n\n### NPM\n\n`npm install politespace`\n\n\n### Beware input masks.\n\nThis plugin was created as a less intrusive alternative to the common input mask, which have serious accessibility implications:\n\n> A quick [screen/audio recording of tabbing around a form using JS input masks](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9rGmqNcHo-mRGpMS0xQbzVzeGM/edit) with VoiceOver enabled.\n\n\u2014[@scottjehl](https://twitter.com/scottjehl/status/317313054503211010)\n\n> Just a friendly monthly reminder that input mask plugins make your forms sound like a jackhammer to people who use a screen reader. Cheers!\n\n\u2014[@scottjehl](https://twitter.com/scottjehl/statuses/317291417326206976)\n\n## [Tests](http://filamentgroup.github.io/politespace/test/test.html)\n\n## Using the repo\n\nRun these commands:\n\n * `npm install`\n * `grunt` as normal\n\n## License\n\n[MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "bingdian/waterfall", "link": "https://github.com/bingdian/waterfall", "tags": ["jquery", "javascript"], "stars": 531, "description": "jQuery waterfall plugin,like Pinterest. ", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Waterfall\n\njquery waterfall plugin,like [Pinterest](http://pinterest.com/)\u3001[huaban.com](http://huaban.com/)\u3001[faxianla.com](http://faxianla.com/)\n\nDocumentation: [En](http://wlog.cn/waterfall/index.html) [\u4e2d\u6587](http://wlog.cn/waterfall/index-zh.html)", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview", "link": "https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview", "tags": ["listview", "pull-to-refresh", "infinite-scroll", "gridview", "es6", "flatlist", "react-native"], "stars": 531, "description": "A high performance FlatList providing customised pull-to-refresh | auto-pagination & infinite-scrolling | gridview layout | swipeable-row.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# React Native Ultimate Listview\n\nThis Library includes **two** components: `UltimateListView` and `UltimateRefreshView`\n\n- **UltimateListView**: A high performance **FlatList** providing customised pull-to-refresh | auto-pagination & infinite-scrolling | gridview layout | swipeable-row. The truly ultimate version that I have done the most tricky part for you, you can treat this module as an **enhanced FlatList** with all excellently extra features, comparing to the official version.\n- **UltimateRefreshView**: A refreshable **ScrollView** providing customised pull-to-refresh feature, which has already been using in the UltimateListView, but it can be used independently.\n\n\n\nThis module supports both of **iOS** and **Android** platforms.\n\nAll codes are written in **ES6 syntax**, and meet most rules of **Eslint** syntax\n\n\n\n**Quick installation**\n\n- If on react-native < 0.43: `yarn add react-native-ultimate-listview@3.0.2`\n- If on react-native >= 0.43 `yarn add react-native-ultimate-listview@latest`\n\n\n\n\n**Know Issue** (v3.3.0): On Android, if you are using CustomRefreshView, and the total hight of your first load data is less than your device height, then the RefreshView may still sticky on the top. However, if the data you loaded is beyond your screen, everything's fine. This issue only happen on Android, any PR is welcome.\n\n\n\n# Demo\n\n| | iOS | Android |\n| ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |\n| **FlatList** | ![](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/blob/master/Demo/ios.gif) | ![](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/blob/master/Demo/android.gif) |\n\n\n\n# Usage\n\n```\nimport { UltimateListView, UltimateRefreshView } from 'react-native-ultimate-listview'\n \n \n \n\n this.listView = ref}\n key={this.state.layout}\n onFetch={this.onFetch}\n keyExtractor={(item, index) => `${index} - ${item}`} \n refreshableMode=\"advanced\" // basic or advanced\n item={this.renderItem} // this takes three params (item, index, separator) \n displayDate\n arrowImageStyle={{ width: 20, height: 20, resizeMode: 'contain' }}/>\n```\nOr you can look through this link: [Usage](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/Usage)\n\n\n\n# Documentation\n\n- [Overview](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki)\n- [FlatList Migration](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/FlatList-Migration)\n- [Usage](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/Usage)\n- [ListView API](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/ListView-API)\n- [RefreshView API](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/RefreshView-API) - most props are supported in \n- [Pagination API](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/Pagination-API)\n- [Methods API](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/Methods-API)\n- [Swipable Tip](https://github.com/gameboyVito/react-native-ultimate-listview/wiki/Swipable-Row)\n\n\n\n# Breaking Changes\n\n- Provide a new Component , which extends \n\n- Change import syntax to: \n\n `import { UltimateListView, UltimateRefreshView } from 'react-native-ultimate-listview'`\n\n\n\n# Contribution\n\n@gameboyVito - gameboyvito@gmail.com\n\n1. Fork this Repository, then run `yarn` or `npm install` in the root folder\n2. After modifying the code, in the root folder, run `yarn eslint-fix` or `npm run eslint-fix`\n3. Make sure your code satisfy the eslint rules, then commit and push your code\n4. Open your Github, create a pull request to me. I will review it ASAP, thanks a lot.\n\n\n\n# Why FlatList\n\nI have found some articles to explain why you need to use FlatList instead of the legacy ListView. There are some obvious reasons:\n\n1. FlatList is just like the **UICollectionView** or **RecyclerView**, which can dramatically reduce memory usage. It also provides smoother animation when you have an extremely long list.\n2. FlatList supports scrollToIndex function, which is pretty convenient when you want to scroll to an item with index, instead of depending the y-offset.\n3. FlatList recommend developer to use PureComponent to reduce unnecessary re-rendering, this can really boost the performance and make your app run faster.\n\n* [Chinese article](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000008589705) \n* [Official article](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/blog/2017/03/13/better-list-views.html) \n\n\n\n\n\n# License\n\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "magjac/graphviz-visual-editor", "link": "https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor", "tags": ["graphviz", "dot", "visual-editor", "javascript", "graphviz-dot-language", "interactive-visualization", "web-application", "text-editor", "graph-drawing", "graph-visualization", "graph-view", "wysiwyg", "wysiwyg-editor", "graphviz-viewer"], "stars": 531, "description": "A web application for interactive visual editing of Graphviz graphs described in the DOT language.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# graphviz-visual-editor\n\nTry it at http://magjac.com/graphviz-visual-editor.\n\nA web application for interactive visual editing of [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org) graphs described in the [DOT](https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) language.\n\n[![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor)\n\n## Installation ##\n\n```\ngit clone https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor\ncd graphviz-visual-editor\nnpm install\nmake\nnpm run start\n```\n\n**NOTE:** The *make* stage emits a few warnings. Ignore them.\n\nTo create an optimized build of the application:\n\n```\nnpm run build\n```\n\nLearn more from the Create React App [README](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app#npm-run-build-or-yarn-build) and [User Guide](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md#deployment).\n\n## Implemented Features ##\n\n* Rendering of a graph from a textual [DOT](https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) representation.\n* Panning and zooming the graph.\n* Editing the DOT source in a context sensitive text editor.\n* Visual editing of the graph through mouse interactions:\n * Insert node shapes by click or drag-and-drop.\n * Select default node style, color and fillcolor.\n * Draw edges between nodes.\n * Select nodes and edges by click or by area drag and mark them in the text editor.\n * Delete selected nodes and edges.\n * Cut/Copy-and-paste a selected node.\n* Automatic update of the DOT source when the graph is visually edited.\n* Automatic update of the graph when the DOT source is edited.\n* Animated transition of the graph into a new state when changes are made.\n* Preservation of the DOT source and the application state during page reloads by automatic save and retrieve to/from local storage in the browser.\n* Export graph as URL and import graph from such an URL.\n* Export graph as SVG.\n* Options:\n * Automatically fit the graph to the available drawing area.\n * Select Graphviz layout engine.\n* On-line help:\n * Keyboard shortcuts\n * Mouse interactions\n\n## Tested Browsers ##\n\n* Firefox 71\n* Chrome 79\n\n## Known Issues ##\n\nKnown issues are **not listed here**.\n\nAll known bugs and enhancement requests are reported as issues on [GitHub](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor) and are listed under the [Issues](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/issues) tab.\n\n### [All open issues](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/issues) ###\n\nLists both bugs and enhancement requests.\n\n### [Known open bugs](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/labels/bug) ###\n\n### [Open enhancement requests](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/labels/enhancement) ###\n\n### [Known limitations](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug+label%3Aenhancement) ###\n\nA limitation is a feature deliberately released without full functionality. A limitation is classifed both as a bug and as an enhancement request to reflect that although it's an enhancement not yet implemented from the author's perspective, it might be perceived as a bug from the user's perspective.\n\n### [Closed issues](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) ###\n\n## Roadmap ##\n\nThere are numerous cool features missing. They are or will be listed as [enhancement requests](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/labels/enhancement) on [GitHub](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor).\n\nThere is also a [project board](https://github.com/magjac/graphviz-visual-editor/projects/1) showing the short-term activities.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "GoogleChromeLabs/progressive-tooling", "link": "https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/progressive-tooling", "tags": [], "stars": 532, "description": " A list of community-built, third-party tools that can be used to improve page performance", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

    \n \n \"Progressive\n \n


    \n View App\n

    \n\n## What is this?\n\nA small application that shows a list of community-built, third-party tools that you can use to improve the performance of your webpages.\n\n## What is this built with?\n\n- [preact-cli](https://github.com/developit/preact-cli)\n- [Emotion](https://emotion.sh/) for styling (with theming)\n- [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/) for hosting\n\n## Can I contribute?\n\nOf course you can! Contributions are always welcome. Please take a look at [CONTRIBUTING](./CONTRIBUTING.md).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "GGBRW/BOOLR", "link": "https://github.com/GGBRW/BOOLR", "tags": ["digital", "logic-gates", "logic", "simulation", "simulator"], "stars": 531, "description": "A digital logic simulator", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# BOOLR\nA digital logic simulator \nDownload BOOLR: http://boolr.me\n\n#### Running in development\n\nEither npm or yarn can be used to fetch Electron as dependency and run scripts.\n\n```bash\n# Fetch dependencies\nnpm install\n\n# Run in development\nnpm start\n```", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I also wanted to make a computer in a logic simulator. However, I found http://www.cburch.com/logisim/ was good enough for my needs. It allowed me to create a 16bit simple cpu and run it at about 4khz. You can even create custom components in javascript so that things like memory modules aren't just giant arrays of simulator-time wasting flip-flops.Unfortunately, logisim has been abandoned by its creatorYou should try Logism!To move components use Ctrl and Left-drag. Also works for the background.This is very impressiveNice. Good to know that this is a high school project. I was in university already when heavily used Xilinx to wire those logic gates, flip-flop, Mux etc. And burnt it down to FPGA, pretty fun.Does your high school teach Digital Circuit & Logic Design, like, K-map, Quine\u2013McCluskey?Wow, this is pretty cool, I can definitely see myself using this over Quartus for experimentation. It would be even better if it supported displaying logic gates in the ANSI style: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:ANSI_logic_gatesI've used QUCS for this purpopse, which allows inclusion of Verilog/VHDL modules via FreeHDL.How to rewire? \"Remove connection\" and then wire again?Its pretty old now but has anyone tried out Tk Gate?Last year we wanted to make a working computer in a simulator for a school project. We had learned something about digital logic, and we planned to build a computer in a digital logic simulator. We had tried many simulators, but we couldn't find what we were looking for. That's why we decided to make our own simulator, BOOLR, with electron and JavaScript. Because we were quite new to programming, it was quite buggy and slow, but it was much better looking and easier to use than other simulators.Now, one year later, we have gained much more programming experience and we decided to start building a second version that is stable and fast enough for professional use. We are really exited for this project. We have huge plans and it will take a lot of time, but we hope we can make a lot of people happy with it and help people learn more about digital electronics.If you have any suggestion for new features or changes, please do not hesitate to contact us on GitHub or send us an e-mail at info.boolr@gmail.com.Very nice! I just finished \"Circuit scramble\" on Android and will be able to create my own diabolical levels ;)Pretty slick for what I'm assuming is your first big project.Tangentially related: do you think your mentor might have been indirectly encouraging you by telling you it was impossible? I've been on both ends of that trick and have seen mixed results. Any mentors here who have done something similar? How did it go?Always wanted to do that. Very nice project and UI; congrats !This is amazing work! While watching the video, my jaw dropped when you selected \"componetize.\" I'm looking forward to playing with this.Awesome project! I know we don't like to take credit here in the Netherlands, but you should certainly add a small bio of the team members. Take pride in your work ;)I read that you plan to study CS next year. If you are going to the TU Delft, send me a PM. I can introduce you to a couple of professors and their research groups.Nice work! You know EDA is big business and for some reason their UI uniformly sucks. You should talk to Cadence about doing the front end for all their tools. You'd make millions and more importantly end an epoch of suffering.Beautiful piece of software. UI is simple and intuitive. You guys will go places.Congratulations! It looks great!This is absolutely brilliant! After looking at the demo video, I'm at a loss for words to describe how fantastic the user interface looks and how easy it appears to build components. I'll definitely have to find time to play with it.One small suggestion: think of a student who only has access to the code on github and would like to create their own version to see how it works. (Perhaps, for some reason, the site boolr.me has been taken down.) Can you think of simple steps to write to your README file so that this student could get started?", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "twilio-labs/open-pixel-art", "link": "https://github.com/twilio-labs/open-pixel-art", "tags": ["open-source", "hacktoberfest", "opensource"], "stars": 531, "description": "A collaborative pixel art project to teach people how to contribute to open-source", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Open Pixel Art by [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com)\n\n[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-16-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors) [![A Twilio Labs Project](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=&message=Twilio-Labs&color=F22F46&labelColor=0D122B&logo=twilio&style=flat-square)](https://www.twilio.com/labs) [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/611ac0f9-4ae9-48a2-9769-26c32cb5f9e8/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/pixel-project-dev/deploys) [![Learn with TwilioQuest](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=TwilioQuest&message=Learn%20to%20contribute%21&color=F22F46&labelColor=1f243c&style=flat-square&logo=)](https://twil.io/learn-open-source)\n\nThis is an art project created with the intention to teach you how to create a pull request.\n\nVisit [open-pixel-art.com](https://open-pixel-art.com) to see the full artwork!\n\nAnyone who wishes to learn how to create a pull request for a project on GitHub can use this project to contribute a pixel to the canvas. You will only be able to ever create one pixel but you can pick whatever color you prefer as long as it is a valid HEX code. For example: `#F22F46` the brand color of [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com)\n\n> ![decorative banner image for TwilioQuest mission](./docs/twilio-quest-oss-banner.png)\n> If you are new to open-source, GitHub or git in general, fear not, we created a tutorial in [TwilioQuest](https://twil.io/hacktoberfest-quest) for you. It will teach you step by step on how you can get started and will guide you on your quest of creating your pull request.\n> \ud83d\udd79 [Download TwilioQuest](https://www.twilio.com/quest/download)\n\nThe entire project is automated and is largely maintained by a set of bots that will verify any pixel contributions. However, if you'd like to know more about the project or submit other contributions to the project that are not a pixel, feel free to create a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/twilio-labs/open-pixel-art/issues) inside the [Open Pixel Art project](https://github.com/twilio-labs/open-pixel-art).\n\n## Contributing\n\nIn order to contribute a pixel to the canvas, you'll have to create a [pull request](https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/#opening-a-pull-request) to the [Open Pixel Art project on GitHub](https://github.com/twilio-labs/open-pixel-art).\n\nIf you are already familiar with git and how to create a pull request on GitHub, you can go ahead and check out the [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md).\n\nWe understand that contributing to open-source can be intimidating and as a result we created a mission in our interactive coding game [TwilioQuest](https://twil.io/hacktoberfest-quest) that will walk you step by step through creating a pull request for this project and help you embark on your new quest into open-source!\n\n- [Download TwilioQuest](https://www.twilio.com/quest/download)\n- Check out the Contribution Guides:\n - [English](CONTRIBUTING.md)\n - [Espa\u00f1ol](docs/es/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n - [Deutsch](docs/de/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n - [Brazilian Portuguese](docs/br/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n - [Chinese Mandarin](docs/zh/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n - [Dutch](docs/nl/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n\n## Code of Conduct\n\nWe want to make sure that this project is as welcoming to people as possible. By interacting with the project in any shape or form you are agreeing to the project's Code of Conduct:\n\n- [English](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)\n- [Espa\u00f1ol](docs/es/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)\n- [Deutsch](docs/de/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)\n- [Brazilian Portuguese](docs/br/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)\n\nIf you feel like another individual has violated the code of conduct, please raise a complaint to [open-source@twilio.com](mailto:open-source@twilio.com).\n\n## Contributors\n\nThanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
    Dominik Kundel

    \ud83d\udcbb \ud83e\udd14
    Amy Kapernick

    Kevin Whinnery

    Ricky Robinett

    Andr\u00e9 Felipe Scalco

    Teddy Gustiaux

    Aidan Smith

    Scott O'Malley

    Todd Moy

    Samuel Durkin


    Simey de Klerk

    Tilde Ann Thurium

    Daniel Peukert


    Carly Robison

    \n\n\n\nThis project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!\n\n## Technology Thank You\n\nThis project is powered by various open-source projects. Among others:\n\n- [Eleventy](https://www.11ty.io/) for the static site generation\n- [Danger](https://danger.systems/js/) for the automated code review\n- [Mergify](https://github.com/mergifyio) for automated PR merging\n- [All Contributors Bot](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors-bot) to recognize the contributions of everyone\n- [Jest](https://jestjs.io/) for Unit Testing\n- [NES.css](https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/) for the CSS styling\n- [Welcome Bot](https://github.com/behaviorbot/welcome) to welcome new contributors\n\n## License\n\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "ehynds/jquery-notify", "link": "https://github.com/ehynds/jquery-notify", "tags": [], "stars": 531, "description": "A growl/ubuntu-like notification system written on top of the UI widget factory", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# jQuery UI Notify Widget\n\nCreate Growl/Ubuntu-like notifications. Uses RGBA, border-radius, and box-shadow, so they're not as pretty as they could be in IE at the moment.\n\nSee [http://www.erichynds.com/jquery/a-jquery-ui-growl-ubuntu-notification-widget/](http://www.erichynds.com/jquery/a-jquery-ui-growl-ubuntu-notification-widget/) for demos & documentation.\n\n## Features\n\n- No images, all CSS\n- Lightweight. Barely 2.5kb in size\n- Built on top of the jQuery UI widget factory\n- Templating system: include whatever you want inside notifications (images, links, etc.)\n- ThemeRoller support\n- beforeopen, open, close, and click events\n- Show completely different notifications in different containers\n- Ability to customize options on a notification-by-notification basis\n- Ability to programatically call `open` and `close` methods\n- Passes JSLint\n- Cross-browser compatible (including IE6)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "clarkduvall/jsterm", "link": "https://github.com/clarkduvall/jsterm", "tags": [], "stars": 531, "description": "JavaScript terminal using a JSON pseudo-filesystem.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# jsterm\njsterm is a terminal simulator that uses a JSON filesystem. To see it in use,\ncheck out [clarkduvall.com](http://clarkduvall.com).\n\n## Disclaimer\nMost of this was written awhile ago when I knew JavaScript about as well as I\nknow Spanish (which is a little, but not much). It is due for a rewrite with\nsome cool new features like pipes, writable files, and other magic.\n\n## How To Use\nAt the bottom of the [js/jsterm.js](js/jsterm.js) file,\nthere is a series of term.enqueue() calls. This is where the commands are set\nthat are run when the page loads. Other changes can be made to personalize your\nterminal. The directory structure is as follows:\n- [commands](commands) - A JS file with all the possible\n commands that can be run. Add new commands here.\n- [config](config) - A JS file that has basic configuration\n information. Change things like the prompt here.\n- [css](css) - The CSS used on the page.\n- [images](images) - Image files used in your filesystem.\n- [js](js) - The jsterm implementation.\n- [json](json) - Where the filesystem is stored. Change the\n term.Init() call in [js/jsterm.js](js/jsterm.js) to change\n which filesystem is loaded.\n\nFor the loading of the filesytem to work locally, you must server the files in\nthe directory from a local server. To do this easily, change into the jsterm\ndirectory and run:\n```\npython -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000\n```\n\n## Filesystem Format\nA filesystem is a recursive grouping of JSON arrays of objects. Each nested\narray represents the listing of items in a directory. Each object in the array\ndefines a file or directory. For an example, see\n[json/sample.json](json/sample.json).\n\n## make_fs.py\nThis is a script that will create a jsterm filesystem from a real directory.\nExamples of how to make different file types are as follows:\n- Text file (no execute permissions):\n\n```\nThis is a text file.\n```\n- Executable/link (MUST BE MARKED EXECUTABLE):\n\n```\nhttp://google.com\n```\n- Image file: can be any image file with a standard extension (e.g. .png, .jpg)\n\n## Attribution\nIf you use jsterm, it would be great if you could link to this GitHub repo. Thanks!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "ronaldaug/gramateria", "link": "https://github.com/ronaldaug/gramateria", "tags": ["grapesjs", "website", "builder", "electron", "bootstrap5", "netlify-deployment", "drag-and-drop", "drag", "drop"], "stars": 531, "description": "Drag and drop web builder with Grapes js, Bootstrap 5, Electron js and Netlify deployment.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Gramateria - v1.0.6 \n\nGramateria a drag and drop web builder which is built with GrapesJS but with a different look, blocks and components. And v1.0.6 is using Bootstrap 5, can generate a Desktop app with ElectronJS and can deploy to Netlify.\n\n[DEMO](https://gramateria.netlify.app)\n\n\n\n----\n\nGramateria v1.0.6 is a re-rewritten version that changed many features and code.\n\n> Although I have stopped developing this app for a while, there are still many users and I feel a little bad because of my old/dirty codes. So I decided to refactor the codes and add some features to be more useful for developers and non-developers in this v1.0.6.\n\n\n## Installation \n\n```npm install```\n\n```npm start```\n\n## Development\n#### Compile sources\n\n```npm run dev```\n\n```npm run watch```\n\n```npm run prod```\n\n\n## Build desktop app\n\n```npm run pack```\n\nCheck `export` folder after running `npm run pack` command. \n\n----\n\n### v1.0.6 Change logs\n\n- Change electron-packager to electron-builder\n- Change Materialize CSS to Bootstrap 5\n- Upgrade Grapesjs to v0.17.19 (latest version)\n- Added Nelify deployment\n- Messy codes to modular code\n- Added laravel mix for script compling \n- Added new blocks\n- Add Notyf for toast messages\n- Remove Gapesjs export plugin \n- Remove dashboard version in v1.0.4 which was built with vue.js, element UI and firebase. [reason of removing dashboard](#remove-message)\n\n\n#### Reason of removing dashboard\n\nBecause making Gramateria to compatible with Vue, ElementUI and Firebase versions is not an easy task for me. And I want to keep Gramateria as a desktop based app.\n\n#### Roadmap\n- Add more blocks\n- Change icons for section blocks\n- Make it available for linux and window. \n- Add more SEO tags\n- Build multiple pages \n- Improve UI\n\n### Credits\n- Grapesjs [Grapes JS](https://www.grapesjs.com/ \"Grapes Js\")\n- Bootstrap 5 [Bootstrap 5](https://www.getbootstrap.com/ \"Bootstrap 5\")\n- Electron JS [Electron JS](https//www.electronjs.org/ \"Electron Js\")\n\nShow your support by \ud83c\udf1f the project, thanks.\n\n----\n\n[Buy Me a coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ronaldaug)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "xiaody/react-lines-ellipsis", "link": "https://github.com/xiaody/react-lines-ellipsis", "tags": ["react-component", "ellipsis"], "stars": 531, "description": "Simple multiline ellipsis component for React.JS", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![Node.js CI](https://github.com/xiaody/react-lines-ellipsis/actions/workflows/node.js.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/xiaody/react-lines-ellipsis/actions/workflows/node.js.yml)\n[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-lines-ellipsis.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-lines-ellipsis)\n[![js-standard-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg)](https://standardjs.com/)\n\n# react-lines-ellipsis\n\nPoor man's multiline ellipsis component for React.JS https://xiaody.github.io/react-lines-ellipsis/\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install the stable version:\n\n```\nnpm install --save react-lines-ellipsis\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n```jsx\nimport LinesEllipsis from 'react-lines-ellipsis'\n\n\n```\n\n## Options\n\n### props.text {String}\n\nThe text you want to clamp.\n\n### props.maxLine {Number|String}\n\nMax count of lines allowed. Default `1`.\n\n### props.ellipsis {Node}\n\nText content of the ellipsis. Default `\u2026`.\n\n### props.trimRight {Boolean}\n\nTrim right the clamped text to avoid putting the ellipsis on an empty line. Default `true`.\n\n### props.basedOn {String}\n\nSplit by `letters` or `words`. By default it uses a guess based on your text.\n\n### props.component {String}\n\nThe tagName of the rendered node. Default `div`.\n\n### props.onReflow {Function} (version >= 0.13.0)\n\nCallback function invoked when the reflow logic complete.\n\nType: `({ clamped: boolean, text: string }) => any`\n\n```jsx\n handleReflow = (rleState) => {\n const {\n clamped,\n text,\n } = rleState\n // do sth...\n }\n\n render() {\n const text = 'lorem text'\n return (\n \n )\n }\n```\n\n## Methods\n\n### isClamped() {Boolean}\n\nIs the text content clamped.\n\n## Limitations\n\n- not clamps text on the server side or with JavaScript disabled\n- only accepts plain text by default. Use `lib/html.js` for experimental rich html support\n- can be fooled by some special styles: `::first-letter`, ligatures, etc.\n- requires modern browsers env\n\n## Experimental html truncation\n\nInstead of `props.text`, use `props.unsafeHTML` to pass your content.\n\nAlso, `props.ellipsis` here only supports plain text,\nuse `props.ellipsisHTML` is to fully customize the ellipsis style.\n\nThe `props.onReflow` gives you `html` instead of `text`.\n\n`props.trimRight` is not supported by `HTMLEllipsis`.\n\n```jsx\nimport HTMLEllipsis from 'react-lines-ellipsis/lib/html'\n\n\n```\n\n## Responsive to window resize and orientation change\n```js\nimport LinesEllipsis from 'react-lines-ellipsis'\nimport responsiveHOC from 'react-lines-ellipsis/lib/responsiveHOC'\n\nconst ResponsiveEllipsis = responsiveHOC()(LinesEllipsis)\n// then just use ResponsiveEllipsis\n```\n\n## Loose version\n\nThis is a non-standardized css-based solution for some webkit-based browsers.\nIt may have better render performance but also can be fragile.\nBe sure to test your use case if you use it.\nSee https://css-tricks.com/line-clampin/#article-header-id-0 for some introduction.\nAlso, you may want to star and follow https://crbug.com/305376.\n\n```jsx\nimport LinesEllipsisLoose from 'react-lines-ellipsis/lib/loose'\n\n\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "workshopper/learnyoureact", "link": "https://github.com/workshopper/learnyoureact", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Let's learn React.js and server side rendering!", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "learnyoureact\n================\nLet's learn React.js and server side rendering!\n\n[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/kohei-takata/learnyoureact](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/kohei-takata/learnyoureact?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)\n\n[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/learnyoureact.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/learnyoureact/)\n\n[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm-dl/learnyoureact.png?months=3&height=3)](https://nodei.co/npm/learnyoureact/)\n\n\n![learnyoureact.png](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/29263/8172581/e533bb88-1376-11e5-90d9-a2a2efed2b1d.png \"learnyoureact.png\")\n\n# USAGE\n`$ (sudo) npm i -g learnyoureact`\n\n`$ learnyoureact`\n\n# License\nMIT\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "MicrosoftDocs/office-docs-powershell", "link": "https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/office-docs-powershell", "tags": ["mvldocs", "officedocs", "powershell", "core", "pubops", "publiconly"], "stars": 530, "description": "PowerShell Reference for Office Products - Short URL: aka.ms/office-powershell", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Overview\n\n## Learn how to contribute\n\nAnyone who is interested can contribute to the topics. When you contribute, your work will go directly into the content set after being merged. It will then be published to [Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/) and you will be listed as a contributor at: .\n\n### Quickly update an article using GitHub.com\n\nContributors who only make infrequent or small updates can edit the file directly on GitHub.com without having to install any additional software. This article shows you how. [This two-minute video](https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE1XQTG) also covers how to contribute.\n\n1. Make sure you're signed in to GitHub.com with your GitHub account.\n2. Browse to the page you want to edit on Microsoft Learn.\n3. On the right-hand side of the page, click **Edit** (pencil icon).\n\n ![Edit button on Microsoft Learn.](https://learn.microsoft.com/compliance/media/quick-update-edit.png)\n\n4. The corresponding topic file on GitHub opens, where you need to click the **Edit this file** pencil icon.\n\n ![Edit button on github.com.](https://learn.microsoft.com/compliance/media/quick-update-github.png)\n\n5. The topic opens in a line-numbered editing page where you can make changes to the file. Files in GitHub are written and edited using Markdown language. For help on using Markdown, see [Mastering Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/). Select the **Preview changes** tab to view your changes as you go.\n\n6. When you're finished making changes, go to the **Propose file change** section at the bottom of the page:\n\n - A brief title is required. By default, the title is the name of the file, but you can change it.\n - Optionally, you can enter more details in the **Add an optional extended description** box.\n\n When you're ready, click the green **Propose file change** button.\n\n ![Propose file change section.](https://learn.microsoft.com/compliance/media/propose-file-change.png)\n\n7. On the **Comparing changes** page that appears, click the green **Create pull request** button.\n\n ![Comparing changes page.](https://learn.microsoft.com/compliance/media/comparing-changes-page.png)\n\n8. On the **Open a pull request** page that appears, click the green **Create pull request** button.\n\n ![Open a pull request page.](https://learn.microsoft.com/compliance/media/open-a-pull-request-page.png)\n\n> [!NOTE]\n> Your permissions in the repo determine what you see in the last several steps. People with no special privileges will see the **Propose file change** section and subsequent confirmation pages as described. People with permissions to create and approve their own pull requests will see a similar **Commit changes** section with extra options for creating a new branch and fewer confirmation pages.

    The point is: click any green buttons that are presented to you until there are no more.\n\nThe writer identified in the metadata of the topic will be notified and will eventually review and approve your changes so the topic will be updated on Microsoft Learn. If there are questions or issues with the updates, the writer will contact you.\n\n## Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct\n\nThis project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/).\n\nFor more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.\n\n### Contributing\n\nThis project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit .\n\nWhen you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.\n\n### Legal Notices\n\nMicrosoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content in this repository under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode), see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file, and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see the [LICENSE-CODE](LICENSE-CODE) file.\n\nMicrosoft, Windows, Microsoft Azure and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries.\n\nThe licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft names, logos, or trademarks. Microsoft's general trademark guidelines can be found at .\n\nPrivacy information can be found at \n\nMicrosoft and any contributors reserve all others rights, whether under their respective copyrights, patents, or trademarks, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "cibernox/ember-power-select", "link": "https://github.com/cibernox/ember-power-select", "tags": ["ember", "select", "component"], "stars": 530, "description": "The extensible select component built for ember.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# ember-power-select\n\n[![CI](https://github.com/cibernox/ember-power-select/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/cibernox/ember-power-select/actions/workflows/ci.yml)\n[![Ember Observer Score](http://emberobserver.com/badges/ember-power-select.svg)](http://emberobserver.com/addons/ember-power-select)\n[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/cibernox/ember-power-select/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/cibernox/ember-power-select)\n[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/ember-power-select.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/ember-power-select)\n[![dependencies](https://david-dm.org/cibernox/ember-power-select.svg)](https://david-dm.org/cibernox/ember-power-select)\n\nEmber Power Select is a select component written in Ember with a focus in flexibility and extensibility.\n\nIt is designed to work well with the way we build Ember apps, so it plays nicely with promises, ember-concurrency's tasks,\nember-data collections and follows idiomatic patterns.\n\n## Compatibility\n\n* Ember.js v3.16 or above\n* Ember CLI v3.16 or above\n* Node.js v14 or above\n\nEmber Power Select 1.X works in Ember **2.3.1+**, beta and canary with no deprecations\nwhatsoever. Any deprecation will be considered a bug.\nEmber Power Select 2.X requires Ember **2.10.0+**.\nEmber Power Select 3.X requires Ember **3.11.0+**.\nEmber Power Select 4.X requires Ember **3.13.0+**.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nember install ember-power-select\n```\n\n## Features overview\n\n\nEmber Power Select wants to be as agnostic as possible about how you're going to use it, but it still provides\nsome default implementations that will match 95% of your needs, and exposes actions to customize the other\n5% of usages.\n\nFeatures include:\n\n* Single select\n* Multiple select\n* HTML inside the options or the trigger.\n* Filter options sanitizing diacritics.\n* Custom matchers.\n* Asynchonous searches.\n* Theming\n* Fully promise-aware, with loading states.\n* Compatible with ember-concurrency task cancellation.\n* Compatibility with ember-data's ArrayProxies\n* Groups (with not deep limit), placeholders...\n* Clear the selection\n* Disable the component or individual options\n* CSS animations and transitions\n* ... and anything else you want. Just replace parts of the selects with your own components.\n\n## Usage\n\nCheck the full documentation with live examples at [www.ember-power-select.com](http://www.ember-power-select.com) and\nplease open an issue if something doesn't work or is not clear enough.\n\nGood docs are important :)\n\n## Extensions\n\nEmber-power-select's focus on flexibility enables the community to build richer and more tailor made\ncomponents on top of it, focused in solving one particular problem, using composition.\n\nCheck the [addons](http://www.ember-power-select.com/addons) section to see some and if you create\none that you want to open source open a PR to include it in the list.\n\n## Browser support\n\nThis addon was tested in modern browsers and there is no technical reason it\nwouldn't work in IE9+. If you find a problem please file an issue.\n\n### IE 'Invalid character' issue\n\nYou might run into a situation where your app doesn't work in IE11 when doing a production build with the error: `Invalid character`. This is due to uglifyjs stripping quotes out of object keys, and since we handle diacritics for you, those cause issues. Solution:\n\n```js\n// ember-cli-build.js\n'use strict';\n\nconst EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');\n\nmodule.exports = function (defaults) {\n let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {\n 'ember-cli-uglify': {\n uglify: {\n // Prevent uglify from unquoting hash keys in production builds, causes issue with diacritics in EPS\n output: {\n keep_quoted_props: true,\n },\n }\n }\n });\n\n return app.toTree();\n}\n```\n\n## Testing\n\nIn testing it requires phantomjs 2.0+. This component also provides some convenient [test helpers](http://www.ember-power-select.com/docs/test-helpers)\nto interact with the component in acceptance tests.\n\n## Contributing\n\nAny contribution is welcome. Please read our [guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).\nHowever, if your contribution involves adding a new feature, please open an issue before to\nshare your plan and agree the details of the feature before starting implementing it.\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nIf something doesn't work visit the [Troubleshooting](http://www.ember-power-select.com/docs/troubleshooting)\nsection of the docs first and if your problem persist open an issue, specify the version of the component,\nEmber and browser.\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "strapi/community-content", "link": "https://github.com/strapi/community-content", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Contribute and collaborate on educational content for the Strapi Community", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "![Community content](/assets/banner-community-content.png)\n\n# Community content\n\nContribute and collaborate on educational content for the Strapi Community.\n\n - [Articles](#Articles)\n - [Starters](#Starters)\n - [Showcase](#Showcase)\n\n## Articles\n\n## 1. Write for the Community Program\n\nConsidering writing for the Strapi community and sharing your technical expertise? \n\n\nNOTE: WE HAVE RECENTLY RELEASED STRAPI V4 WHICH BROUGHT VARIOUS UPDATES AND IMROVEMENTS. THIS MEANS THAT A BIG PART OF OUR TUTORIALS IS NOW OUTDATED. THEREFORE, WE HAVE PUT A LIST OF OUR TOP 50 PERFORMING TUTORIALS THAT WE WOULD LIKE TO UPDATE ASAP.\nhttps://strapi.notion.site/Writer-s-Guide-V4-Tutorial-Update-68953d4073bf43b7bcba3d8284741c6d\n\n**NOTICE: At this time Strapi DOES NOT allow for content written by ANY AI platform, while you can use these AIs for research, the content SHOULD NOT be written by the AI.**\nWe take an ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this, any content submitted will be given one (1) warning and any further submissions that violate this rule will be banned from our writing programs.\n\n### How it Works?\n\n#### Step 1: Register to join the program\n\n - Please [register your author details](https://strapi.io/write-for-the-community#contact) before submitting content.\n\nYou can write both technical and non technical articles that can be featured on our [blog](https://strapi.io/blog) like this [one](https://strapi.io/blog/how-to-build-a-strapi-custom-plugin) covering the following topics: Headless and CMS, jamstack, javascript, open source, and Strapi tutorials, guides, and How-tos.\n\n#### Step 2: Join our Discord Channel\n\nWe have a dedicated space for the [\"Write for the community\"](https://discord-wfc.strapi.io) for news & updates.\n\n#### Step 3: Propose a topic and an outline\n\n - [Submit your own article proposal](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/issues/new?labels=In+progress&template=submit-a-resource.md&title=%5BSUBMIT%5D) Have your own topic or tutorial? Create a new issue and include an outline of what you have in mind. \n \n - [Write about topics / tutorials requested by our community](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Looking+for+author%22) Browse and select any topic labeled with \"looking for an author\". Add a comment to show your interest and include a short summary and a detailed outline. \n\n#### Step 4: Topic review\n\nOur team will review your request, approve and assign you the article.\n\n\n#### Step 5: Review Guidelines and Submit your article\n - Please go over the [Strapi Article Submission Guidelines](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/blob/master/tutorials/GUIDELINES.md) BEFORE working on your first draft. Make sure that you go over our [FAQ](https://strapi.io/write-for-the-community) to learn more about the submission process.\n \n\n#### Step 6: Get paid\n\n - Once your article is reviewed and published on our blog, you can submit your invoice to get paid. To issue and submit your invoice, please check the \"My blog post post is published, How do I submit an invoice?\" section in our [FAQ](https://strapi.io/write-for-the-community)\n\n#### Step 7: Provide Support\n\n Once your blog post is published. Please click on discussion at the end of your post, register here: https://forum.strapi.io and click on \"watching\" to receive automatically a notification once a new comment is made. We rely on you to monitor the comments and support the community.\n\n\n##### Resources\nBefore you start working on your first draft, please read thoroughly [Strapi Article Submission Guidelines](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/blob/master/tutorials/GUIDELINES.md)\n\nImprove your Writing Skills: Strapi's technical writing workshop [Watch Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uN5c-PY2pdOH1TidZLYiiP9HmgFD9OHU/view) \n\nLearn how to get paid and submit your invoice: [Read our FAQ](https://strapi.io/write-for-the-community)\n\n## 2. Help us Improve our Content\n\n[Report outdated content:](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/issues/new?assignees=&labels=Looking+for+author%2C+Outdated+content&template=request-update-on-outdated-content.md&title=%5BUPDATE+OUTDATED+CONTENT%5D) Ask for an outdated content to be updated by the Strapi team or the community\n\n[Translate an article:](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/issues/new?assignees=&labels=In+progress&template=translate-a-resource.md&title=%5BTRANSLATE%5D) Let us know which resource you want to translate.\n\n[Create an issue concerning a content:](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/issues/new?assignees=Mcastres&labels=&template=issue.md&title=%5BISSUE%5D) Please explain which article or tutorial has an issue.\n\n### Feature or request a Tutorial\n\n[Tutorial Guide:](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/tree/master/tutorials) Follow the step by step process to add your [tutorial on Strapi Website](https://strapi.io/tutorials) or request a tutorial.\n\n\n## Starters\n\nDo you want to create your own e-commerce starter with Strapi and Svelte and share it with the community?\nIt is totally possible for you to submit your starter using our official templates:\n\n - E-commerce: https://github.com/strapi/strapi-template-ecommerce\n - Corporate: https://github.com/strapi/strapi-template-corporate\n - Blog: https://github.com/strapi/strapi-template-blog\n - Portfolio: https://github.com/strapi/strapi-template-portfolio\n\nA template is a Strapi project containing existing content-types and data.\nA starter is a front-end project ready to fetch a Strapi template project data.\n\n[Starters](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/tree/master/starters)\n\n\n## Showcase\n\nShow to the community what your project looks like\n\nThe entire Strapi team is very curious to see what you guy's can build using our product and it may be the same for people in the community who want to reassure themselves about what we can create with Strapi.\n\nWe decided to create a [Showcase](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/tree/master/showcase) section where anyone can list his site that has been made with love, and Strapi of course! This list will be displayed on our website soon.\n\n\n[Showcase](https://github.com/strapi/community-content/tree/master/showcase)\n\n## Members\n\nThank you to all the people who created content for the community!\n\n

    \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "preactjs/preact-render-to-string", "link": "https://github.com/preactjs/preact-render-to-string", "tags": ["preact", "preact-components", "universal", "html"], "stars": 530, "description": ":page_facing_up: Universal rendering for Preact: render JSX and Preact components to HTML.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# preact-render-to-string\n\n[![NPM](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/preact-render-to-string.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/preact-render-to-string)\n[![Build status](https://github.com/preactjs/preact-render-to-string/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/preactjs/preact-render-to-string/actions/workflows/ci.yml)\n\nRender JSX and [Preact](https://github.com/preactjs/preact) components to an HTML string.\n\nWorks in Node & the browser, making it useful for universal/isomorphic rendering.\n\n\\>\\> **[Cute Fox-Related Demo](http://codepen.io/developit/pen/dYZqjE?editors=001)** _(@ CodePen)_ <<\n\n---\n\n### Render JSX/VDOM to HTML\n\n```js\nimport { render } from 'preact-render-to-string';\nimport { h } from 'preact';\n/** @jsx h */\n\nlet vdom =
    ;\n\nlet html = render(vdom);\nconsole.log(html);\n//
    \n```\n\n### Render Preact Components to HTML\n\n```js\nimport { render } from 'preact-render-to-string';\nimport { h, Component } from 'preact';\n/** @jsx h */\n\n// Classical components work\nclass Fox extends Component {\n\trender({ name }) {\n\t\treturn {name};\n\t}\n}\n\n// ... and so do pure functional components:\nconst Box = ({ type, children }) => (\n\t
    \n);\n\nlet html = render(\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n);\n\nconsole.log(html);\n//
    \n```\n\n---\n\n### Render JSX / Preact / Whatever via Express!\n\n```js\nimport express from 'express';\nimport { h } from 'preact';\nimport { render } from 'preact-render-to-string';\n/** @jsx h */\n\n// silly example component:\nconst Fox = ({ name }) => (\n\t

    This page is all about {name}.

    \n);\n\n// basic HTTP server via express:\nconst app = express();\napp.listen(8080);\n\n// on each request, render and return a component:\napp.get('/:fox', (req, res) => {\n\tlet html = render();\n\t// send it back wrapped up as an HTML5 document:\n\tres.send(`${html}`);\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n### License\n\n[MIT](http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "fireship-io/229-multi-level-dropdown", "link": "https://github.com/fireship-io/229-multi-level-dropdown", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Build an animated multi-level dropdown inspired by Facebook's UI", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "## Dropdown Menu \n\nAnimated multi-level dropdown menu inspired by Facebook's March 2020 web UI. \n\nWatch the full [React dropdown tutorial](https://youtu.be/IF6k0uZuypA) on YouTube. \n\n```\ngit clone \n\nnpm i\nnpm start\n```", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "microsoft/opensource.microsoft.com", "link": "https://github.com/microsoft/opensource.microsoft.com", "tags": ["site", "ospo", "open-source", "jekyll"], "stars": 530, "description": "This is the source code to the Microsoft Open Source site featuring projects, program information, and \"get involved\" pages. This site is published at opensource.microsoft.com and managed by the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office (OSPO).", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# opensource.microsoft.com\r\n\r\nThe `opensource.microsoft.com` web site is a simple, factual web site sharing information about Microsoft's\r\nopen source program, the open source ecosystem that we support, and opportunities to get involved in projects\r\nand learn more.\r\n\r\nThe site is generated by Jekyll, a popular open source static site generator implemented in Ruby (Jekyll\r\npowers GitHub Pages). It is deployed to Microsoft Azure within a Linux Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster,\r\nand also makes use of Azure Front Door and Azure CDN. Dynamic data is retrieved through a Node.js backend \r\nimplemented in TypeScript.\r\n\r\nCreated by the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office (OSPO), part of the One Engineering System (1ES) team,\r\nwe launched the site in August 2020, replacing an antiquated version. We expect that updates and contributions to\r\nthe site will be made by Microsoft teams to feature new and interesting projects, update the curated blog posts,\r\nand improve program and ecosystem pages.\r\n\r\nWe do not currently have plans to add drastically different sections to the site or to be the \"source of truth\" \r\nfor blog posts or other content. We're able to accept some coordinated contributions or suggestions, but request\r\ncoordination in issues before embarking on new functionality, as the site has a set of requirements to meet such\r\nas being WCAG 2.1 accessible, and deploying to Microsoft's cloud.\r\n\r\nThe primary site navigation is:\r\n\r\n- Homepage overview\r\n- Get involved\r\n- Projects\r\n- Ecosystem\r\n- Our program\r\n\r\nOther content includes:\r\n\r\n- Jobs (an external link)\r\n- Blog (an external link)\r\n- Code of Conduct text\r\n- Community Resources\r\n- a \"thank you\" page about the open source powering the project\r\n- OpenAtMicrosoft Twitter\r\n- This repository\r\n\r\n# Contributing\r\n\r\n## Code of Conduct\r\n\r\nThis project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/).\r\nFor more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or\r\ncontact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.\r\n\r\n## CLA\r\n\r\nThis project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a\r\nContributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us\r\nthe rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com.\r\n\r\nWhen you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide\r\na CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions\r\nprovided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.\r\n\r\n## Contribution scenarios\r\n\r\nThanks for your interest in contributing to the https://opensource.microsoft.com web site. Please make sure to \r\ncommunicate any contribution ideas as an issue _before_ starting a pull request. We'd love to see how to best involve you.\r\n\r\nWe're happy that this site is open source (because a site _about_ open source should be open source).\r\n\r\nAs a public-facing site hosted at `microsoft.com`, we may not be able to accept general contributions to this site, so your\r\npull request may be closed and not merged, even if it's great, and we may not be able to provide complete context for\r\nany such decision.\r\n\r\nThanks for your understanding.\r\n\r\n# Trademarks\r\n\r\nThis project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft \r\ntrademarks or logos is subject to and must follow \r\n[Microsoft's Trademark & Brand Guidelines](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/trademarks/usage/general).\r\nUse of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship.\r\nAny use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party's policies.\r\n\r\n# Telemetry\r\n\r\nBy default, this project **does not include telemetry**; however, the GitHub Actions may generate the production version of the site without modification.\r\n\r\nWhen the Jekyll build environment is set to Microsoft's production environment name - \"opensource.microsoft.com\" -\r\nMicrosoft's standard cookie compliance and analytics code to connect with Application Insights is included in the site.\r\n\r\n* **Data Collection**. The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository. There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications together with a copy of Microsoft's privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=824704. You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.\r\n\r\n# Development\r\n\r\n## Developing with Codespaces\r\n\r\nRun these commands in your Codespace:\r\n\r\n```sh\r\nbundle\r\nnpm install\r\nbundle exec jekyll serve\r\n```\r\n\r\nThen the editor should direct you to go to the forwarded port to test.\r\n\r\n## Developing locally\r\n\r\nEnsure you have a working copy of Ruby, Node.js and Gulp.\r\n\r\n```sh\r\nbundle\r\nnpm install\r\ngulp\r\nbundle exec jekyll serve\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe `Dockerfile` is available to host a local `nginx` version of the static site,\r\nalthough dynamic site features are not available when running local, and Gulp is\r\nnot currently run in the container.\r\n\r\n## GitHub Actions\r\n\r\nThis repo uses GitHub Actions for several purposes.\r\n\r\n### Build\r\n\r\nThe primary build from the `main`\r\nbranch creates the static version of the site and stores it as an artifact. This is\r\ndone using a Docker container specific to this build environment inc. Ruby Gems,\r\nNode packages, etc.\r\n\r\n### Pull requests\r\n\r\nA separate staging can be configured to use a version of this site, if\r\na maintainer of the project approves it, using a comment including\r\nthe phrase `/startContentBuild`.\r\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I don't think the list of projects is complete.[1] I specifically know Microsoft's open source initiatives through Microsoft R Open[2], which is not listed on that page.[1] https://opensource.microsoft.com/projects/explore/[2] https://mran.microsoft.com/openOh PowerToys, you\u2019re back, I\u2019ve missed you so much https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToysI don't know about you youngsters, but I'm in my thirties and it's amazing to watch Microsoft evolve since the 90s. As a teenager I would never have imagined the words 'Open Source' would ever be in a

    tag on a Microsoft-branded website.Why is Microsoft interested in open source code? What's the plan?Cannot believe people bought this \"Microsoft loves open source\" advertisement. This is their PR stunt.What are the famous Open Source projects they have released?1. Typescript2. VS code3. .NetCompare that to Google, Facebook, others. You will find how much Microsoft is really investing in Open Source projects.Think you're old? I'm in my 50s and the only thing that will make me trust microshit is senility.Any word on when we can host our own Windows Package Manager repositories?Other companies using the same subdomain for their open-source projects:[0] https://opensource.apple.com[1] https://opensource.google.com[2] https://opensource.amazon.com[3] https://opensource.facebook.com[4] https://opensource.twitter.com[5] https://opensource.uber.com> I mean, just look at the hideous UI at https://opensource.apple.com/ Do they not care?This is basically the design language their entire website had during the Leopard/Snow Leopard era. The website continues to serve Prototype.js and Scriptaculous.js, libraries which fell out of favor many years ago. It seems pretty likely whatever system was built hasn't been updated much in years, even though its content continues to be.I don't know if that suggests they care or not. They care to continue to populate it with new releases, but not to invest in building a newer website.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "tholman/ascii-morph", "link": "https://github.com/tholman/ascii-morph", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Library to animate between two ascii images -", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "## AsciiMorph\nAsciiMorph is a small stand alone javascript library for rendering ascii art and creations into elements, allowing for them to be changed out with a morphing transition.\n\n### Demo\nHere's a gif of it in action. You can also play with the [demo live here](http://codepen.io/tholman/full/BQLQyo).\n\n![Ascii Morph in action](https://s3.amazonaws.com/tholman.com/static-assets/ascii-morph-demo.gif)\n\n### Usage\n\nYou'll need an `dom` element for the ascii's to be rendered within.\n\n```html\n\n
    \n```\n\nNext up, you will want to initialize the library. The second parameter is the `width` and `height` properties you want in your rendering square. The ascii will be rendered centered within them, and fill the rest with white space. Naturally this looks best with monospace fonts.\n\n```javascript\n// Initialize AsciiMorph\nvar element = document.querySelector('pre');\nAsciiMorph(element, {x: 50,y: 25});\n```\n\nThen you can get to the fun, rendering elements, and morphing between them.\n\n```javascript\n\n// First, define some ascii art.\nvar bird = [\n \" /\",\n \" /\",\n \" /;\",\n \" //\",\n \" ;/\",\n \" ,//\",\n \" _,-' ;_,,\",\n \" _,'-_ ;|,'\",\n \" _,-'_,..--. |\",\n \" ___ .'-'_)' ) _)\\\\| ___\",\n \" ,'\\\"\\\"\\\"`'' _ ) ) _) ''--'''_,-'\",\n \"-={-o- /| ) _) ) ; '_,--''\",\n \" \\\\ -' ,`. ) .) _)_,''|\",\n \" `.\\\"( `------'' /\",\n \" `.\\\\ _,'\",\n \" `-.____....-\\\\\\\\\",\n \" || \\\\\\\\\",\n \" // ||\",\n \" // ||\",\n \" _-.//_ _||_,\",\n \" ,' ,-'/\"\n ]\n\nvar mona = [\n \" ____\",\n \" o8%8888,\",\n \" o88%8888888.\",\n \" 8'- -:8888b\",\n \" 8' 8888\",\n \" d8.-=. ,==-.:888b\",\n \" >8 `~` :`~' d8888\",\n \" 88 ,88888\",\n \" 88b. `-~ ':88888\",\n \" 888b ~==~ .:88888\",\n \" 88888o--:':::8888\",\n \" `88888| :::' 8888b\",\n \" 8888^^' 8888b\",\n \" d888 ,%888b.\",\n \" d88% %%%8--'-.\",\n \"/88:.__ , _%-' --- -\",\n \" '''::===..-' = --. `\",\n ]\n \n// Then, you can render (will render instantly)\nAsciiMorph.render(bird);\n\n// Then morph, to a new creation\nAsciiMorph.morph(mona);\n\n```\n\n### License\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Tim Holman - http://tholman.com\n\n[The MIT License](https://github.com/tholman/ascii-morph/blob/master/license.md)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "alexguan/node-zookeeper-client", "link": "https://github.com/alexguan/node-zookeeper-client", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "A pure Javascript ZooKeeper client for Node.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# node-zookeeper-client\n\nA pure Javascript [ZooKeeper](http://zookeeper.apache.org) client module for\n[Node.js](http://nodejs.org).\n\n[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/node-zookeeper-client.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/node-zookeeper-client/)\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alexguan/node-zookeeper-client.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/alexguan/node-zookeeper-client)\n\nThis module is designed to resemble the ZooKeeper Java client API but with\ntweaks to follow the convention of Node.js modules. Developers that are familiar\nwith the ZooKeeper Java client would be able to pick it up quickly.\n\nThis module has been tested to work with ZooKeeper version 3.4.*.\n\n---\n\n+ [Installation](#installation)\n+ [Example](#example)\n+ [Documentation](#documentation)\n + [createClient](#client-createclientconnectionstring-options)\n + [Client](#client)\n + [connect](#void-connect)\n + [close](#void-close)\n + [create](#void-createpath-data-acls-mode-callback)\n + [remove](#void-removepath-version-callback)\n + [removeRecursive](#void-removerecursivepath-version-callback)\n + [exists](#void-existspath-watcher-callback)\n + [getChildren](#void-getchildrenpath-watcher-callback)\n + [listSubTreeBFS](#void-listsubtreebfspath-callback)\n + [getData](#void-getdatapath-watcher-callback)\n + [setData](#void-setdatapath-data-version-callback)\n + [getACL](#void-getaclpath-callback)\n + [setACL](#void-setaclpath-acls-version-callback)\n + [transaction](#transaction-transaction)\n + [mkdirp](#void-mkdirppath-data-acls-mode-callback)\n + [addAuthInfo](#void-addauthinfoscheme-auth)\n + [getState](#state-getstate)\n + [getSessionId](#buffer-getsessionid)\n + [getSessionPassword](#buffer-getsessionpassword)\n + [getSessionTimeout](#number-getsessiontimeout)\n + [State](#state)\n + [Event](#event)\n + [Transaction](#transaction)\n + [create](#transaction-createpath-data-acls-mode)\n + [setData](#transaction-setdatapath-data-version)\n + [check](#transaction-checkpath-version)\n + [remove](#transaction-removepath-data-version)\n + [commit](#void-commitcallback)\n + [Exception](#exception)\n + [getCode](#number-getcode)\n + [getPath](#string-getpath)\n + [getName](#string-getname)\n + [toString](#string-tostring)\n + [Exception](#exception)\n+ [Dependency](#dependency)\n+ [License](#license)\n\n## Installation\n\nYou can install it using npm:\n\n```bash\n$ npm install node-zookeeper-client\n```\n\n## Example\n\n1\\. Create a node using given path:\n\n```javascript\nvar zookeeper = require('node-zookeeper-client');\n\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient('localhost:2181');\nvar path = process.argv[2];\n\nclient.once('connected', function () {\n console.log('Connected to the server.');\n\n client.create(path, function (error) {\n if (error) {\n console.log('Failed to create node: %s due to: %s.', path, error);\n } else {\n console.log('Node: %s is successfully created.', path);\n }\n\n client.close();\n });\n});\n\nclient.connect();\n```\n\n2\\. List and watch the children of given node:\n\n```javascript\nvar zookeeper = require('node-zookeeper-client');\n\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient('localhost:2181');\nvar path = process.argv[2];\n\nfunction listChildren(client, path) {\n client.getChildren(\n path,\n function (event) {\n console.log('Got watcher event: %s', event);\n listChildren(client, path);\n },\n function (error, children, stat) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(\n 'Failed to list children of %s due to: %s.',\n path,\n error\n );\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Children of %s are: %j.', path, children);\n }\n );\n}\n\nclient.once('connected', function () {\n console.log('Connected to ZooKeeper.');\n listChildren(client, path);\n});\n\nclient.connect();\n```\n\nMore examples can be found [here](examples).\n\n\n## Documentation\n\n#### Client createClient(connectionString, [options])\n\nFactory method to create a new zookeeper [client](#client) instance.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* connectionString `String` - Comma separated `host:port` pairs, each\n represents a ZooKeeper server. You can optionally append a chroot path, then\n the client would be rooted at the given path. e.g.\n\n ```javascript\n 'localhost:3000,locahost:3001,localhost:3002'\n 'localhost:2181,localhost:2182/test'\n ```\n\n* options `Object` - An object to set the client options. Currently available\n options are:\n\n * `sessionTimeout` Session timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds.\n * `spinDelay` The delay (in milliseconds) between each connection attempts.\n * `retries` The number of retry attempts for connection loss exception.\n\n Defaults options:\n\n ```javascript\n {\n sessionTimeout: 30000,\n spinDelay : 1000,\n retries : 0\n }\n ```\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient(\n 'localhost:2181/test',\n { sessionTimeout: 10000 }\n);\n```\n\n---\n\n### Client\n\nThis is the main class of ZooKeeper client module. An application must\nuse [`createClient`](#createclientconnectionstring-options) method to\ninstantiate the client.\n\nOnce a connection from the client to the server is established, a session id is\nassigned to the client. The client will starts sending heart beats to the server\nperiodically to keep the session valid.\n\nIf the client fails to send heart beats to the server for a prolonged period of\ntime (exceeding the sessionTimeout value), the server will expire the session.\nThe client object will no longer be usable.\n\nIf the ZooKeeper server the client currently connects to fails or otherwise\ndoes not respond, the client will automatically try to connect to another server\nbefore its session times out. If successful, the application can continue to\nuse the client.\n\nThis class inherits from [events.EventEmitter](http://nodejs.org/api/events.html)\nclass, see [Event](#event) for details.\n\n#### void connect()\n\nInitiate the connection to the provided server list (ensemble). The client will\npick an arbitrary server from the list and attempt to connect to it. If the\nestablishment of the connection fails, another server will be tried (picked\nrandomly) until a connection is established or [close](#close) method is\ninvoked.\n\n---\n\n#### void close()\n\nClose this client. Once the client is closed, its session becomes invalid.\nAll the ephemeral nodes in the ZooKeeper server associated with the session\nwill be removed. The watchers left on those nodes (and on their parents) will\nbe triggered.\n\n---\n\n#### void create(path, [data], [acls], [mode], callback)\n\nCreate a node with given path, data, acls and mode.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* data `Buffer` - The data buffer, optional, defaults to null.\n* acls `Array` - An array of [ACL](#acl) objects, optional, defaults to\n `ACL.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE`\n* mode `CreateMode` - The creation mode, optional, defaults to\n `CreateMode.PERSISTENT`\n* callback(error, path) `Function` - The callback function.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.create(\n '/test/demo',\n Buffer.from('data'),\n CreateMode.EPHEMERAL,\n function (error, path) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Node: %s is created.', path);\n }\n);\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void remove(path, [version], callback)\n\nDelete a node with the given path and version. If version is provided and not\nequal to -1, the request will fail when the provided version does not match the\nserver version.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n* callback(error) `Function` - The callback function.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.remove('/test/demo', -1, function (error) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Node is deleted.');\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void removeRecursive(path, [version], callback)\n\nDeletes a node and all its children with the given path and version.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n* callback(error) `Function` - The callback function.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.removeRecursive('/test/demo', -1, function (error) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Nodes removed.');\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void exists(path, [watcher], callback)\n\nCheck the existence of a node. The callback will be invoked with the\nstat of the given path, or `null` if no such node exists.\n\nIf the watcher function is provided and the operation is successful (no error),\na watcher will be placed on the node with the given path. The watcher will be\ntriggered by a successful operation that creates the node, deletes the node or\nsets the data on the node.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* watcher(event) `Function` - The watcher function, optional. The `event` is an\n instance of [`Event`](#event)\n* callback(error, stat) `Function` - The callback function. The `stat` is an\n instance of [`Stat`](#stat).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.exists('/test/demo', function (error, stat) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n if (stat) {\n console.log('Node exists.');\n } else {\n console.log('Node does not exist.');\n }\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void getChildren(path, [watcher], callback)\n\nFor the given node path, retrieve the children list and the stat. The children\nwill be an unordered list of strings.\n\nIf the watcher callback is provided and the operation is successfully, a watcher\nwill be placed the given node. The watcher will be triggered\nwhen an operation successfully deletes the given node or creates/deletes\nthe child under it.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* watcher(event) `Function` - The watcher function, optional. The `event` is an\n instance of [`Event`](#event)\n* callback(error, children, stat) `Function` - The callback function. The\n children is an array of strings and the `stat` is an instance of\n [`Stat`](#stat).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.getChildren('/test/demo', function (error, children, stats) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Children are: %j.', children);\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void listSubTreeBFS(path, callback)\n\nRetrieve a list of all children including itself for the given node path.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* callback(error, children) `Function` - The callback function. The\n children is an array of strings.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.listSubTreeBFS('/test/demo', function (error, children) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Children are: %j.', children);\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void getData(path, [watcher], callback)\n\nRetrieve the data and the stat of the node of the given path. If the watcher\nfunction is provided and the operation is successful (no error), a watcher\nwill be placed on the node with the given path. The watch will be triggered by\na successful operation which sets data on the node, or deletes the node.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* watcher(event) `Function` - The watcher function, optional. The `event` is an\n instance of [`Event`](#event)\n* callback(error, data, stat) `Function` - The callback function. The `data` is\n an instance of [`Buffer`](http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html) and stat is an\n instance of [`Stat`](#stat).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.getData(\n '/test/demo',\n function (event) {\n console.log('Got event: %s.', event);\n },\n function (error, data, stat) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Got data: %s', data.toString('utf8'));\n }\n);\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void setData(path, data, [version], callback)\n\nSet the data for the node of the given path if such a node exists and the\noptional given version matches the version of the node (if the given\nversion is -1, it matches any node's versions). The [stat](#stat) of the node\nwill be returned through the callback function.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* data `Buffer` - The data buffer.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n* callback(error, stat) `Function` - The callback function. The `stat` is an\n instance of [`Stat`](#stat).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.setData('/test/demo', null, 2, function (error, stat) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Data is set.');\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void getACL(path, callback)\n\nRetrieve the list of [ACL](#acl) and stat of the node of the given path.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* callback(error, acls, stat) `Function` - The callback function. `acls` is an\n array of [`ACL`](#acl) instances. The `stat` is an instance of\n [`Stat`](#stat).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.getACL('/test/demo', function (error, acls, stat) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('ACL(s) are: %j', acls);\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void setACL(path, acls, [version], callback)\n\nSet the [ACL](#acl) for the node of the given path if such a node exists and the\ngiven version (optional) matches the version of the node on the server. (if the\ngiven version is -1, it matches any versions).\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* acls `Array` - An array of [`ACL`](#acl) instances.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n* callback(error, stat) `Function` - The callback function. The `stat` is an\n instance of [`Stat`](#stat).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.setACL(\n '/test/demo',\n [\n new zookeeper.ACL(\n zookeeeper.Permission.ADMIN,\n new zookeeper.Id('ip', '')\n )\n ],\n function (error, acls, stat) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('New ACL is set.');\n }\n);\n```\n\n---\n\n#### Transaction transaction()\n\nCreate and return a new Transaction instance which provides a builder object\nthat can be used to construct and commit a set of operations atomically.\n\nSee [Transaction](#transaction) for details.\n\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar transaction = zookeeper.transaction();\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void mkdirp(path, [data], [acls], [mode], callback)\n\nCreate given path in a way similar to `mkdir -p`.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* data `Buffer` - The data buffer, optional, defaults to `null`.\n* acls `Array` - An array of [ACL](#acl) objects, optional, defaults to\n `ACL.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE`\n* mode `CreateMode` - The creation mode, optional, defaults to\n `CreateMode.PERSISTENT`\n* callback(error, path) `Function` - The callback function.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.mkdirp('/test/demo/1/2/3', function (error, path) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error.stack);\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Node: %s is created.', path);\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n#### void addAuthInfo(scheme, auth)\n\nAdd the specified scheme:auth information to this client.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* scheme `String` - The authentication scheme.\n* auth `Buffer` - The authentication data buffer.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.addAuthInfo('ip', Buffer.from(''));\n```\n\n---\n\n#### State getState()\n\nReturn the current client [state](#state).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient({...});\nvar state = client.getState();\nconsole.log('Current state is: %s', state);\n```\n\n---\n\n#### Buffer getSessionId()\n\nReturns the session id of this client instance. The value returned is not valid\nuntil the client connects to a server and may change after a re-connect.\n\nThe id returned is a long integer stored into a 8 bytes\n[`Buffer`](http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html) since Javascript does not support\nlong integer natively.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient({...});\nvar id = client.getSessionId();\nconsole.log('Session id is: %s', id.toString('hex'));\n```\n\n---\n\n#### Buffer getSessionPassword()\n\nReturns the session password of this client instance. The value returned is not\nvalid until the client connects to a server and may change after a re-connect.\n\nThe value returned is an instance of\n[`Buffer`](http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html).\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient({...});\nvar pwd = client.getSessionPassword();\n```\n\n---\n\n#### Number getSessionTimeout()\n\nReturns the *negotiated* session timeout (in milliseconds) for this client\ninstance. The value returned is not valid until the client connects to a server\nand may change after a re-connect.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient({...});\nvar sessionTimeout = client.getSessionTimeout();\n```\n\n---\n\n### State\n\nAfter the `connect()` method is invoked, the ZooKeeper client starts its\nlife cycle and transitions its state as described in the following diagram.\n\n![state transition](http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.4.5/images/state_dia.jpg)\n\nThere are two ways to watch the client state changes:\n\n1\\. **Node.js convention:** Register event listener on the specific event\nwhich interests you. The following is the list of events that can be watched:\n\n* `connected` - Client is connected and ready.\n* `connectedReadOnly` - Client is connected to a readonly server.\n* `disconnected` - The connection between client and server is dropped.\n* `expired` - The client session is expired.\n* `authenticationFailed` - Failed to authenticate with the server.\n\nNote: some events (e.g. `connected` or `disconnected`) maybe be emitted more\nthan once during the client life cycle.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nclient.on('connected', function () {\n console.log('Client state is changed to connected.');\n});\n```\n\n2\\. **Java client convention:** Register one event listener on the `state` event\nto watch all state transitions. The listener callback will be called with an\ninstance of the `State` class. The following is the list of exported state\ninstances:\n\n* `State.CONNECTED` - Client is connected and ready.\n* `State.CONNECTED_READ_ONLY` - Client is connected to a readonly server.\n* `State.DISCONNECTED` - The connection between client and server is dropped.\n* `State.EXPIRED` - The client session is expired.\n* `State.AUTH_FAILED` - Failed to authenticate with the server.\n\n```javascript\nclient.on('state', function (state) {\n if (state === zookeeper.State.SYNC_CONNECTED) {\n console.log('Client state is changed to connected.');\n }\n});\n```\n\n---\n\n### Event\n\nOptionally, you can register watcher functions when calling\n[`exists`](#void-existspath-watcher-callback),\n[`getChildren`](#void-getchildrenpath-watcher-callback) and\n[`getData`](#void-getdatapath-watcher-callback) methods. The watcher function\nwill be called with an instance of `Event`.\n\n**Properties**\n\nThere are four type of events are exposed as `Event` class properties.\n\n* `NODE_CREATED` - Watched node is created.\n* `NODE_DELETED` - watched node is deleted.\n* `NODE_DATA_CHANGED` - Data of watched node is changed.\n* `NODE_CHILDREN_CHANGED` - Children of watched node is changed.\n\n---\n\n#### Number getType()\n\nReturn the type of the event.\n\n---\n\n#### String getName()\n\nReturn the name of the event.\n\n---\n\n#### Number getPath()\n\nReturn the path of the event.\n\n---\n\n#### String toString()\n\nReturn a string representation of the event.\n\n---\n\n### Transaction\n\nTransaction provides a builder interface to construct and commit a set of\noperations atomically.\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nvar client = zookeeper.createClient(process.argv[2] || 'localhost:2181');\n\nclient.once('connected', function () {\n client.transaction().\n create('/txn').\n create('/txn/1', Buffer.from('transaction')).\n setData('/txn/1', Buffer.from('test'), -1).\n check('/txn/1').\n remove('/txn/1', -1).\n remove('/txn').\n commit(function (error, results) {\n if (error) {\n console.log(\n 'Failed to execute the transaction: %s, results: %j',\n error,\n results\n );\n\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Transaction completed.');\n client.close();\n });\n});\n\nclient.connect();\n```\n\n#### Transaction create(path, [data], [acls], [mode])\n\nAdd a create operation with given path, data, acls and mode.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* data `Buffer` - The data buffer, optional, defaults to null.\n* acls `Array` - An array of [ACL](#acl) objects, optional, defaults to\n `ACL.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE`\n* mode `CreateMode` - The creation mode, optional, defaults to\n `CreateMode.PERSISTENT`\n\n---\n\n#### Transaction setData(path, data, [version])\n\nAdd a set-data operation with the given path, data and optional version.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* data `Buffer` - The data buffer, or null.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n\n---\n\n#### Transaction check(path, [version])\n\nAdd a check (existence) operation with given path and optional version.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n\n---\n\n#### Transaction remove(path, data, version)\n\nAdd a delete operation with the given path and optional version.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* path `String` - Path of the node.\n* version `Number` - The version of the node, optional, defaults to -1.\n\n---\n\n#### void commit(callback)\n\nExecute the transaction atomically.\n\n**Arguments**\n\n* callback(error, results) `Function` - The callback function.\n\n---\n\n### Exception\n\nIf the requested operation fails due to reason related to ZooKeeper, the error\nwhich is passed into callback function will be an instance of `Exception` class.\n\nThe exception can be identified through its error code, the following is the\nlist of error codes that are exported through `Exception` class.\n\n* `Exception.OK`\n* `Exception.SYSTEM_ERROR`\n* `Exception.RUNTIME_INCONSISTENCY`\n* `Exception.DATA_INCONSISTENCY`\n* `Exception.CONNECTION_LOSS`\n* `Exception.MARSHALLING_ERROR`\n* `Exception.UNIMPLEMENTED`\n* `Exception.OPERATION_TIMEOUT`\n* `Exception.BAD_ARGUMENTS`\n* `Exception.API_ERROR`\n* `Exception.NO_NODE`\n* `Exception.NO_AUTH`\n* `Exception.BAD_VERSION`\n* `Exception.NO_CHILDREN_FOR_EPHEMERALS`\n* `Exception.NODE_EXISTS`\n* `Exception.NOT_EMPTY`\n* `Exception.SESSION_EXPIRED`\n* `Exception.INVALID_CALLBACK`\n* `Exception.INVALID_ACL`\n* `Exception.AUTH_FAILED`\n\n**Example**\n\n```javascript\nzookeeper.create('/test/demo', function (error, path) {\n if (error) {\n if (error.getCode() == zookeeper.Exception.NODE_EXISTS) {\n console.log('Node exists.');\n } else {\n console.log(error.stack);\n }\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Node: %s is created.', path);\n});\n```\n\n#### Number getCode()\n\nReturn the error code of the exception.\n\n---\n\n#### String getPath()\n\nReturn the associated node path of the exception. The path can be `undefined`\nif the exception is not related to node.\n\n--\n\n#### String getName()\n\nReturn the exception name as defined in aforementioned list.\n\n---\n\n### String toString()\n\nReturn the exception in a readable string.\n\n---\n\n\n## Dependency\n\nThis module depends on the following third-party libraries:\n\n* [async](https://github.com/caolan/async)\n* [underscore](http://underscorejs.org)\n\n## License\n\nThis module is licensed under [MIT License](raw/master/LICENSE)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "MicrosoftEdge/Status", "link": "https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/Status", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "This repository tracks the roadmap for the Microsoft Edge web platform. This data is used\u00a0on\u00a0https://status.microsoftedge.com/ to\u00a0provide\u00a0implementation\u00a0status and forward-looking plans for\u00a0web standards in Edge and other browsers.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/MicrosoftEdge/Status.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/MicrosoftEdge/Status)\n\nThis project contains the data for [`status.microsoftedge.com`](https://status.microsoftedge.com), a portal for the latest implementation status and future roadmap for interoperable web platform features in Microsoft Edge and other browsers, including Internet Explorer.\n\n\n## Using Status Data\n\nThis repository provides valuable data on the implementation status and future plans for web platform features in Microsoft Edge. This data is encouraged to be used for other purposes as licensed by the [Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/legalcode), being provided as a JSON document served at https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/api/platform/status/ with an `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` header, so it may be requested cross-domain.\n\n\n## Contributing\n\nWant to contribute to this project? We'd love to have your help! Take a look at the [Contributing Guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) before you dive in. For many features, support data for browsers other than Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge comes from the [Chromium Dashboard](https://www.chromestatus.com) and bugs against that data can be filed on [Chromium Dashboard GitHub page](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard/issues).\n\nWhen adding a new feature, add it to the very end and increment your new status item's `\"statusid\"` value by 1 (eg: If the status item's `statusid` before yours is 350, make your `statusid` value 351).\n\nNote that this GitHub project is *not* for making feature requests for or reporting bugs in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Browser feedback can be provided through the built in `Help and feedback > Send feedback` menu or `alt + shift + i`.\n\n\n## Additional Attributions\n\nPortions of the content in this page are from [chromestatus.com](https://www.chromestatus.com), used under [Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/legalcode).\n\nNo trademark licenses or rights are provided. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.\n\n## Code of Conduct\n\nThis project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I thought he meant it overlays the Chrome download page.It doesn't.What it does, is show this banner on the Bing search results page, which Microsoft own and is the default provider in Edge. The Chrome download link is still the first result and works fine.This is no worse (actually, significantly less bad) than Google badgering you to download Chrome on every darn web property they own, which happens even when you're not in the market for a new browser.Old monopoly mindsets die hard.To get the kind of exclusivity he desires he needs to register a trademark. Names are not unique and he does not have an exclusive claim to his.Install what looks like official software, only to have it steal all your browsing data.> See if you can spot the spywareLooks like it starts at line 1122.The obfuscation is interesting. But XMLHttpRequest and atob are dead give-aways.defaultLength.tipPublicKey is suspicious. It decodes to this:\"iDays: $1|<3ri deng...|local unavailable, use cloud now...|skip shuaxin 90% prob.|xiao shi: $1 ($2 required)|switch bak sver...|xhr status: $1|skipping bak sver...|ON ERROR|jia zai $1|ON EXCEPTION|suc shuaxin|script;disprizhi;extftsams99ba;svrdpcds;lick.taobao.com/t;nion-click.jd.com;https://www.google.com;liveupdt;dealctr;/ext/load.php?f=svr.... (top.location != self.location);if(1==2)\"the browser itself has such permissions that allows it to override OS settings (and as a dev you just utilize these built-in capabilities)?Microsoft has embraced linux for a longtime already.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "winterbe/github-matrix-screensaver", "link": "https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix-screensaver", "tags": ["github", "matrix", "matrix-animation", "screensaver", "osx", "macos"], "stars": 530, "description": "The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for Mac OSX", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "The GitHub Matrix Sceensaver\n====================\n\n
    The latest commits from GitHub visualized in a Matrix-style animation.
    \n\n\n\nThe GitHub Matrix Screensaver for Mac OSX shows a constant stream of recent commits from GitHub. It's based on my [GitHub Matrix](https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix) webapp project and on Tom Robinsons [WebSaver](https://github.com/tlrobinson/WebSaver) project (kudos).\n\n### http://winterbe.com/projects/github-matrix/\n\n\n\nFor more infos about the GitHub Matrix see this repository:\n\n### https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix\n\n## Install (Mac OSX only)\n\n* Fork or clone this project, then double click the file `Web.saver` in the project folder.\n* Open the Mac OSX preferences, choose Screensaver and activate `Matrix`\n\n## Uninstall\n\nOpen the Mac OSX preferences, choose Screensaver, right click on `Matrix` and choose delete.\n\n## Contribute\n\nFeel free to [fork](https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix-screensaver/fork) this project and send me pull requests. You can also send me feedback via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/benontherun) or by [opening an issue](https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix-screensaver/issues).\n\n## Binary License\n\nSee: https://github.com/tlrobinson/WebSaver\n\n
    \nCopyright (c) 2013, Thomas Robinson http://tlrobinson.net\n\nCopyright (c) 2012, Senseg Ltd http://www.senseg.com\n\nAll rights reserved.\n
    \n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "Monogatari/Monogatari", "link": "https://github.com/Monogatari/Monogatari", "tags": ["visual-novels", "game-engine", "text-based-adventure", "engine", "game-engines", "progressive-web-app", "interactive-storytelling", "visual-novel-engine", "visual-novel", "visual", "novel", "web-components", "custom-elements"], "stars": 530, "description": "Monogatari is a simple web visual novel engine, created to bring Visual Novels to the web.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Monogatari\n\n[![Monogatari](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://dashboard.cypress.io/badge/detailed/b9jn8v/develop&style=flat-square&logo=cypress)](https://dashboard.cypress.io/projects/b9jn8v/runs)\n\nBuilt to bring Visual Novels to the modern web and take them to the next level, making it easy for anyone to create and distribute Visual Novels in a simple way so that anyone can enjoy them on pretty much anywhere, create games with features that no one has ever imagined... It is time for Visual Novels to evolve.\n\nWebsite: https://monogatari.io/\n\nDemo: https://monogatari.io/demo/\n\nDiscord: https://discord.gg/gWSeDTz\n\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/monogatari\n\nCommunity: https://community.monogatari.io/\n\n## Features\n- Responsive out of the box\n- Plays nice with Electron for Desktop apps and Cordova for mobile apps\n- Simple Syntax\n- Progressive Web App Features allowing offline game play\n- Allows you to use any kind of media supported by browsers\n- Compatible with all major browsers\n- Includes libraries for animations and particle effects\n- Allows saving/loading games\n- Extensible, you just can't imagine how much!\n\n## What do I need to get Started?\nThe first thing about Monogatari that you should probably know is that with it, your visual novel is a web page first and a game later. That means that Monogatari has been created specifically for the web, putting things like responsiveness (the fact that your game will adapt to any screen or device size) first. You don't necessarily need to think of your game this way as well, but you'll certainly take the most out of Monogatari if you do.\n\n### Set up your environment\n\nTo develop in Monogatari you would need the same as to develop a webpage, you just need a text editor capable of editing HTML, Javascript and CSS, which means that pretty much any text editor should work, even Windows NotePad but to make it easier, you probably want one with code syntax highlighting.\n\nSome recommended (and free) ones include:\n\n* [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com)\n* [Atom](https://atom.io/)\n* [Brackets](http://brackets.io/)\n\nTake a look at them and pick the one you like the most and feel comfortable with, this will be your main tool from now on.\n\nNow, you can always open a website by just clicking the file `index.html` and opening it with your browser, however there are small aspects of Monogatari that work better when served through a web server. You don't need anything fancy for this, in fact there's a perfectly fine web server you can [download from the Chrome Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-server-for-chrome/ofhbbkphhbklhfoeikjpcbhemlocgigb)\n\nAs previously mentioned, the use of a web server is completely optional, you can just open your game with the browser as a file and it will run just fine, the web server will allow you to test features such as the Service Workers, needed for Monogatari's offline support and asset preloading.\n\n### Workflow\n\nOk so now you have the environment set up, you have some idea on what the files you got are for so how can you start developing your game?\n\n1. Try the game first, open the `index.html` file inside the directory you just unzipped and play the sample game through.\n2. Once you've played it once, open the directory (the one you unzipped) with the editor you chose to start making changes.\n3. Open the `script.js` file with your editor, find the variable called `script`, as you'll see, all the dialogs you just saw are just a simple list in there. More information can be found in [the documentation](https://developers.monogatari.io/documentation/building-blocks/script-and-labels#script).\n4. Change one of the dialogs, save the file and reload the game (just like you reload a website).\n5. Play it again and you'll see the dialog changed just like you made it.\n6. Now try adding more dialog to it and you'll quickly get how things are done.\n7. Once you've gotten yourself used to adding dialogs, [add a scene](https://developers.monogatari.io/documentation/script/scenes) as a challenge, that means you'll have to add your image file to the `img/scenes/` directory , more instructions are on the link.\n\nIf you manage to do all that, congratulations! You just made your first game and are probably more familiarized with the workflow you'll be using, just make changes, save, reload, try and repeat!\n\n## Documentation\nYou can take a look at the documentation in https://developers.monogatari.io/\n\nYou can also contribute to it in the [Documentation repository](https://github.com/Monogatari/Documentation)\n\n## Monogatari as a Module\nMonogatari's core functionality is also released as an UMD module, therefore it's possible to use it either on a browser as a global library, using ES6 modules or Node.js modules.\n\n#### Browser\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n```javascript\nconst monogatari = Monogatari.default;\n```\n\n#### ES6 Modules\n\n```javascript\nimport Monogatari from '@monogatari/core';\n```\n\n#### Node.JS\n\n```javascript\nconst Monogatari = require ('@monogatari/core');\n```\n\n## Contributing\nContributions are always welcome! Read the [CONTRIBUTING file](https://github.com/Monogatari/Monogatari/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.\n\n## License\nMonogatari is a Free Open Source Software project released under the [MIT License](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Monogatari/Monogatari/master/LICENSE).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "stylish-userstyles/stylish", "link": "https://github.com/stylish-userstyles/stylish", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "User styles manager for Firefox and other Mozilla software", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "Stylish - a user style manager for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Pale Moon, and other Mozilla-based software. Install styles from [userstyles.org](https://userstyles.org/) to change how web pages look.\n\n* [Releases](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/)\n* [Source](https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/stylish)\n* [Help](https://userstyles.org/help/stylish_firefox)\n\nContributing\n------------\n\nPull requests are welcome. Translation work can be done [on Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/stylish/) or with a pull request.\n\nDonations\n---------\n\nIf you like Stylish, consider making a donation. Suggested amount is $5.\n\n* [Donate by PayPal or credit card](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=jason.barnabe@gmail.com&item_name=Contribution+for+Stylish)\n* Donate BitCoin to 1Q3snak84MbR2SvSX11Kyz3Rc4f61E5whq\n\nOther Stylishes\n---------------\n\n* [Chrome/Opera/other WebKit](https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/stylish-chrome)\n* [Safari](https://github.com/350d/stylish)\n* [Opera (Presto)](https://github.com/gera2ld/Stylish-oex)\n* [Dolphin](https://github.com/Pmmlabs/StylishForDolphin)\n\nRelated projects\n-----------------\n\n * [userstyles.org](https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/userstyles)\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nCopyright (C) 2005-2014 Jason Barnabe \n\nThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n(at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program. If not, see .\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jDataView/jBinary", "link": "https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "High-level API for working with binary data.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jDataView/jBinary.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jDataView/jBinary) [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/jbinary.png)](https://npmjs.org/package/jbinary)\njBinary\n=======\n[![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/jDataView/jBinary?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)\n\n## Binary data in JavaScript is easy!\n\n\n\njBinary makes it easy to create, load, parse, modify and save complex binary files and data structures in both browser and Node.js.\n\nIt works on top of [jDataView](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView) ([DataView](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView) polyfill with convenient extensions).\n\nWas inspired by [jParser](https://github.com/vjeux/jParser) and derived as new library with full set of operations for binary data.\n\n## How can I use it?\n\nTypical scenario:\n\n * Describe [typeset](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary/wiki/Typesets) with JavaScript-compatible declarative syntax (jBinary will do type caching for you).\n * Create jBinary instance [from memory](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary/wiki/jBinary-Constructor) or [from data source](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary/wiki/Loading-and-saving-data) and your typeset.\n * [Read/write](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary/wiki/jBinary-Methods#readingwriting) data just as native JavaScript objects!\n\n## API Documentation.\n\nCheck out [wiki](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary/wiki) for detailed API documentation.\n\n## Is there any example code?\n\nHow about TAR archive modification:\n```javascript\n// configuring paths for Require.js\n// (you can use CommonJS (Component, Node.js) or simple script tags as well)\nrequire.config({\n paths: {\n jdataview: 'https://jdataview.github.io/dist/jdataview',\n jbinary: 'https://unpkg.com/jbinary@2.1.3/dist/browser/jbinary',\n TAR: 'https://jdataview.github.io/jBinary.Repo/typeSets/tar' // TAR archive typeset\n }\n});\n\nrequire(['jbinary', 'TAR'], function (jBinary, TAR) {\n // loading TAR archive with given typeset\n jBinary.load('sample.tar', TAR).then(function (jb/* : jBinary */) {\n // read everything using type aliased in TAR['jBinary.all']\n var files = jb.readAll();\n\n // do something with files in TAR archive (like rename them to upper case)\n files.forEach(function (file) {\n file.name = file.name.toUpperCase();\n });\n\n jb.writeAll(files, 0); // writing entire content from files array\n jb.saveAs('sample.new.tar'); // saving file under given name\n });\n});\n```\n\n[Run](https://jsbin.com/jofipi/1/) or [edit](https://jsbin.com/jofipi/1/edit?js,console) it on JSBin.\n\n# Show me amazing use-cases!\n\nAdvanced demo that shows abilities and performance of jBinary - [Apple HTTP Live Streaming player](https://rreverser.github.io/mpegts/) which converts MPEG-TS video chunks from realtime stream to MP4 and plays them immediately one by one while converting few more chunks in background.\n\n[![Screenshot](https://rreverser.github.io/mpegts/screenshot.png?)](https://rreverser.github.io/mpegts/)\n\n---\n\nA [World of Warcraft Model Viewer](https://vjeux.github.io/jsWoWModelViewer/). It uses [jDataView](https://github.com/jDataView/jDataView)+[jBinary](https://github.com/jDataView/jBinary) to read the binary file and then WebGL to display it.\n\n[![Screenshot](https://vjeux.github.io/jsWoWModelViewer/images/modelviewer.png)](https://vjeux.github.io/jsWoWModelViewer/)\n---\n\nAlso check out [jBinary.Repo](https://jDataView.github.io/jBinary.Repo/) for advanced usage and demos of some popular file formats (and feel free to submit more!).\n\n# What license is it issued under?\n\nThis library is provided under [MIT license](https://raw.github.com/jDataView/jBinary/master/MIT-license.txt).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "nccgroup/tracy", "link": "https://github.com/nccgroup/tracy", "tags": ["xss", "xss-detection", "security-tools", "security", "browser-extension", "firefox", "firefox-addon", "chrome", "chrome-extension"], "stars": 530, "description": "A tool designed to assist with finding all sinks and sources of a web application and display these results in a digestible manner.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

    \n \n \n

    \n\n## Tracy\nA pentesting tool designed to assist with finding all sinks and sources of a web\napplication and display these results in a digestible manner. `tracy` should be used\nduring the mapping-the-application phase of the pentest to identify sources of input\nand their corresponding outputs. `tracy` can use this data to intelligently find\nvulnerable instances of XSS, especially with web applications that use lots of JavaScript.\n\n`tracy` is a browser extension that records all user input \nto a web application and monitors any time those inputs are output, for example in a\nDOM write, server response, or call to `eval`.\n\nFor guides and reference materials about `tracy`, see [the documentation](https://github.com/nccgroup/tracy/wiki).\n\n## Installation\n\nTracy is now only a browser extension! No more binaries, just download it from the Chrome or Firefox store.\n\n* [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tracyplugin/)\n* [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tracy/lcgbimfijafcjjijgjoodgpblgmkckhn).\n\nAnd that's it! As long as tracy is installed in your browser, you are ready to find XSS. There is no longer\nany requirements to configure a proxy or certificates.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "> Even though we have recommended against this since 1999, some sites still force users to log in before presenting them with any real content.It is constantly astonishing to me how dedicated we are as an industry to ignoring prior art.Nielsen Norman are among the best-respected UX experts in the world. They publish several decades of research on their web site for free, so everyone can benefit from it even if they can't afford to hire them directly. And yet even twenty years of them saying the same thing has not been sufficient to lodge that thing into the conventional wisdom. Just about everywhere, the whims of PMs and lead designers count for more than all that work by NN does. If those whims conflict with NN's findings, the whims always win.I have no idea how to fix this. It would require a major cultural shift, probably. It's just depressing to see the same mistakes getting made over and over and over again.Agreed. I also dislike the sites that require me to submit my address and credit card info before they will tell me how much the shipping charges will be. I almost never will do that. They should allow me to know the total price up-front before I need to enter my credit card info.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "guoguicheng/mxreality.js", "link": "https://github.com/guoguicheng/mxreality.js", "tags": ["vr", "panoramic", "video-player", "hls", "flv", "http-flv", "anaglyph", "live-player", "webrtc", "h265"], "stars": 530, "description": "mxreality.js\u662f\u4e00\u6b3e\u652f\u6301\u666e\u901a\u89c6\u9891\uff0c\u5168\u666fVR\u89c6\u9891\uff0c\u76f4\u64ad\u666e\u901a\u89c6\u9891\uff0c\u76f4\u64ad\u5168\u666f\u89c6\u9891\uff0c\u652f\u6301hls\uff0cflv\uff0cwebrtc\u76f4\u64ad\u534f\u8bae\uff0c\u652f\u6301\u5168\u666f\u56fe\u7684h5\u64ad\u653e\u5668,\u652f\u6301cubemap\u89c6\u9891\u548c\u56fe\u7247\u3002", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# covideo.cn(\u9177\u89c6\u9891) \u4e13\u6ce8\u7814\u7a76web VR\u89c6\u9891\u548c\u666e\u901a\u89c6\u9891\u4f4e\u5ef6\u8fdf\u89e3\u51b3\u65b9\u6848\uff5cfocus on web VR video and general video low latency solutions\n\n## \u5f53\u524dgithub\u7248\u672c\u4e3a\u793e\u533a\u7248\u514d\u8d39\u7248\uff0c\u5f00\u653e\u6e90\u7801\uff0c\u793e\u533a\u5171\u540c\u7ef4\u62a4\n\n // \u5b89\u88c5\u4f9d\u8d56\n npm install\n##\n // \u7f16\u8bd1\u6e90\u7801\n gulp build\n##\n // \u542f\u52a8\u670d\u52a1\u67e5\u770b\u6d4b\u8bd5\u4f8b\u5b50\n http-server -p 8080\n\n\u64ad\u653e\u5668sdk\u5206\u4e3a\u514d\u8d39\u7248\u548c\u6536\u8d39\u7248\uff0c\u6536\u8d39\u7248\u6709mxreality.js\u8fdb\u53d6\u7248(Plus)\u548cmxplayer.js\u65d7\u8230\u7248\uff08Pro\uff09\uff0c\n\u5982\u679c\u5bf9\u76f4\u64ad\u548cVR\u4ea4\u4e92\u8981\u6c42\u4e0d\u9ad8\uff0c\u53ea\u7528\u4e8e\u666e\u901ahls\u76f4\u64ad\uff0cmp4\u89c6\u9891\u64ad\u653e\uff0c\u5168\u666f\u56fe\uff0c\u5f53\u524d\u514d\u8d39\u7248\u5b8c\u5168\u53ef\u4ee5\u6ee1\u8db3\u60a8\u7684\u9700\u8981\uff1b\n\u5982\u679c\u89c9\u5f97mxreality.js\u5e93\u57fa\u672c\u53ef\u4ee5\u6ee1\u8db3\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u9700\u8981\u5bf9\u64ad\u653e\u5668\u529f\u80fd\u9700\u8981\u6269\u5145\uff0c\u5982\u652f\u6301\u666e\u901a\u5e73\u9762\u89c6\u9891\u64ad\u653e\u5668\u529f\u80fd\uff0cVR\u529f\u80fd\u589e\u5f3a\u7b49\u9700\u6c42\u6216\u9700\u8981\u6280\u672f\u652f\u63f4\u670d\u52a1\u5219\u53ef\u4ee5\u9009\n\u7528mxplayer.js\u8fdb\u53d6\u7248\uff08Plus\uff09\u3002\n\u5982\u679c\u5bf9\u76f4\u64ad\u8981\u6c42\u4f4e\u5ef6\u8fdf\uff0c\u652f\u6301flv\u76f4\u64ad\uff0c\u652f\u6301h264\u3001h265\u89e3\u7801\u3001\u652f\u6301webrtc\uff0c\u652f\u6301ts\uff0c\u7acb\u4f53\u7535\u5f71\u7b49\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u6709\u66f4\u597d\u7684\u6e05\u6670\u5ea6\uff0c\u66f4\u597d\u7684\u517c\u5bb9\u6027\uff0c\n\u5219\u63a8\u8350\u8d2d\u4e70mxplayer.js\u6388\u6743\u7248\u672c\uff08Pro\uff09\uff1b\n\u6388\u6743\u7248\u672c\u5bf9\u8fd9\u4e9b\u529f\u80fd\u90fd\u652f\u6301\u7684\u5f88\u53cb\u597d\uff0c\u76f4\u63a5\u8d2d\u4e70\u6388\u6743\u7248\u672c\u53ef\u514d\u9664\u5927\u91cf\u5f00\u53d1\u65f6\u95f4\u548c\u5f00\u53d1\u6210\u672c\n\nThe player SDK is divided into free version (Basic) and paid version. The paid version has MxRealite.js Enterprise (Plus) and MxPlayer.js Ultimate (Pro).\nIf the live broadcast and VR interaction requirements are not high, only used for general HLS live broadcast, MP4 video playback, panorama, the current free version can fully meet your needs;\nIf you think that the MxReality. Js library can basically meet, but the player functions need to be expanded, such as support for ordinary flat video player functions, VR function enhancement and other requirements or need technical support services, you can choose\nUse mxplayer.js for jq-version.\nIf low delay is required for live broadcasting, support FLV live broadcasting, support H264, H265 decoding, support WEBRTC, support websocket, stereo film and other functions, with better clarity, better compatibility,\nIt is recommended to purchase the authorized version of mxplayer.js (Pro);\nThe licensed versions support these functions very friendly, Buying the licensed version directly eliminates a lot of development time and development costs\n\n
    \n\n## check support (Chinese)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
    \n\n## check support (English)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
    Basic(current version)Plaus-APlus-BPro-APro-BPro-CPro-DPro-E
    Enable hlssupportedsupportedsupportednot supportednot supportedsupportedsupportedsupported
    Enable flvPartPartPartsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
    Enable webrtcnot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportedsupported
    websocketnot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportedsupported
    Panorama imagesupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
    Panorama videosupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
    Normal videonot supportednot supportedsupportednot supportednot supportednot supportedsupportedsupported
    Change CubeMap facenot supportednot supportednot supportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
    Stereo videonot supportednot supportedsupportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supportedsupported
    Cinema modenot supportednot supportedsupported-----
    Free supportnoneone yearone yearone yearone yearone yearone yearone year
    Enable decoderh264h264h264h264h264,h265h264,h265h264,h265h264,h265
    Enable resolution2k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k
    Buy licensefree???????
    \n\n* [\u4e2d\u6587\u5728\u7ebf\u6587\u6863](docs/index.md) \n* [English Documents](docs/index_en.md) \n\n* \u6709\u95ee\u9898\u53ef[\u8fdb\u5165\u793e\u533a](http://discuss.mxreality.cn)\u63d0\u95ee\n* Any questions?please check [discuss](http://discuss.mxreality.cn)\n
    \n\n* \u67e5\u770b\u5b98\u65b9\u4f8b\u5b50 [\u5728\u7ebf\u5730\u5740](https://www.covideo.cn)\n* Check examples [examples](https://www.covideo.cn)\n\n\n
    \n\n* \ud83d\udc21\u672c\u7ad9\u63d0\u4f9b\u5168\u9762\u7684VR\u5168\u666f\u89c6\u9891\u3001\u666e\u901a2D\u548c3D\u89c6\u9891\u662f\u5728\u7ebf\u514d\u8d39\u4e0a\u4f20\u5206\u4eab\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u652f\u6301\u514d\u8d39\u5728\u7ebf\u76f4\u64ad\u3002\n* \ud83d\udc21Support VR video,VR video live,panorama images\n
    \n\n* \ud83c\udf88\u63d0\u4f9bVR\u89c6\u9891\u548c\u666e\u901a\u89c6\u9891\u76f4\u64ad\u6280\u672f\u652f\u6301\n* \ud83c\udf88Provide business support\n
    \n\n* \ud83c\udf3c\u52a0\u5165QQ\u7fa4863363544\u4ea4\u6d41\u884c\u4e1a\u6280\u672f\u5fc3\u5f97\n* \ud83c\udf3cFollow [Twitter](https://twitter.com/cheng67274319)\n
    \n\n## Business support\n[Connect on Twitter](https://twitter.com/cheng67274319)\n## (\u5546\u52a1\u5408\u4f5c\u8bf7\u54a8\u8be2\uff09\n\n
    ", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "staticallyio/statically", "link": "https://github.com/staticallyio/statically", "tags": ["images", "acceleration", "compress-images", "sponsors", "image-processing", "minification", "cdn", "optimization", "javascript", "css", "zap"], "stars": 530, "description": "The CDN for developers.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

    \n \n \"Screenshot\"\n \n




    Tools for optimizing your web projects.


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    \n\n## :sparkles: Overview\n\n**Statically** is a free optimization & CDN for images, CSS, JavaScript, open source, and much more.\n\n## :bulb: Features\n\n- Multi-CDN\n- File Optimization\n- CDN for Open Source\n\n## :zap: Quick start\n\nTo get started using Statically, visit [our website](https://statically.io) today!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "JIT works cross-platform with a single deliverable.You make a blanket statement as if it is never (or not even often) true that a JIT that has seen the actual runtime usage patterns can beat C++ and other static compilation. Maybe you haven't seen it. That isn't the same.One advantage of JIT (eg Java) over (eg C++) static AOT compilation is not needing to build (and test) binaries for each target, nor have the bloat that a static compilation can bring, especially with decent debug support or heavy optimisation. (I'm remembering impossible 2GB library binaries back in the late 90s IIRC.)JITs support running cross-platform with a single often relatively-small image, faster than a pure interpreter such as Python or shell, often much faster.I regularly build a small app and test it on my MacBook (Air M1), ship it to my RPi (2+) and run it unchanged on a somewhat different JDK version, and it's plenty fast enough. No cross-compilation needed, no build environment on the target needed.]And that's before gettin into things that AOT cannot easily do, such as dynamically load or even generate new code at run-time.Just an FYI, C++ compilers can also optimize utilizing runtime info., this is called profile-guided optimization. Basically you compile the program, start it up, run tests or scripts that simulate typical user behavior, then you take the output measurements/annotations and stick it into the compiler a second time.An example of one such optimization that could be made, is branch prediction. Basically you guess the result (true or false) of an if statement. Guessing incorrectly often makes an if statement 5-10x (depending on the CPU design) more expensive inside of the CPU pipeline.Hi, I am the author. English is not my first language, but questions or comments are welcome!I fail to see how Luminal would in any way supplant or even be a complement to an existing Python IDE, like PyCharm or Wing.All of the features Luminal suggests have been present in other Python-focused IDE for years.Further the two other users in this thread (Real_Steffie_G and ahasna) - who gave supposedly positive reviews of Luminal - both created their account on the same day of posting, with no other submissions/comments prior. They appear to be fake user accounts to boost Luminal. Be forewarned.I have been using Luminal a bit and it is very cool to see features like 'sidekick', which essentially writes the code for you.Luminal really does take a lot of friction out of writing Python, great job guys!I'm curious to see what functionalities you will add next. Unit tracking? (which is useful for engineering scripts). Or applets, so I can create tools and easily let colleagues use them?I used Python notebooks for quite some time and it'd never been a pleasant \nexperience using jupyter notebooks. Luminal is a game-changer. Glad I came across it. Great work!Congrats Sagar and team - excited that someone is working on this! OpenAPI generator and swagger codegen has almost always produced unreadable and unusable SDKs for me, especially when my schema contains any model composition or polymorphism with allOf/anyOf/oneOf.Have you guys written this entirely from scratch or done your own mustache templating on top of openapi-generator?Interesing product, congrats!Would you mind to share, how the animation was made? I would imagine sth. like blender + after effects + lottie..Congrats on the launch!I think it might be interesting to provide some examples without the need to upload a schema, since I assume most people playing with it won't have one ready right off the bat.Looks pretty cool. Any eta on golang support?Hey all ! I worked on this with Sagar a couple weeks back. The tl;dr of this is that it generates a (in my heavily-biased opinion) relatively clean SDK given an OpenAPI schema, similar to what a human would write. We\u2019d used several other OpenAPI SDK generators but found their result to be a bit too big (and not tree-shakable); so spent a bit of effort trying to work out a way to compile-in the OpenAPI spec into a thin (but statically typed) wrapping around axios \u2014 very similar to an SDK coded manually.Here's a few examples:1. The Petstore API (an tiny example): https://easysdk.xyz/sdk/petstore.json-7bb7c53e017c0f7432f7bd...2. Our own API: https://easysdk.xyz/sdk/openapi.yaml-ee89154ee9cf9a77f9fb07d...3. The LOTR API: http://easysdk.xyz/sdk/lotr.yaml-f1ec4cde1ca7839dca2685e283e...The generator works by:1. Dereferencing an OpenAPI specification into something with inline types. (Ideally we'd handle type references rather than inlining them, but haven't got there yet)2. Walking the type-graph, and mapping it to Operations (a combination of Path and Method).3. Using the Typescript SDK, generating the SDK via creating AST nodes whilst walking the type graph.4. Trying to compile in: 1. Path Parameters as ES6 Template strings (e.g. `\"/v1/apis/{apiID}/api_endpoints\"` => `/v1/apis/${props.apiID}/api_endpoints`)\n\n 2. Query params into axios parameters\n\n 3. Body params as an additional argument to the SDK\n\nIt's not perfect, but we've used this to help run our own unit tests (and have a few customers trying it out too)! Happy to answer any questionsCome join us on Slack if you have any questions on using the SDKs ! https://join.slack.com/t/speakeasy-dev/shared_invite/zt-1df0...Wow, what a coincidence :D We are about to launch something similar: https://samen.ioThis is fantastic!Nice! Any plans for generating C# sdk's?this is amazing and was months of work at my prev job to build internally. After it was built it freed up a whole dev team to do more mission critical work.Reminds me of how visual studio used to produce .net client code in vb or c# when you gave it a wsdl URL. You could do the same thing with Delphi. It had a command line program to generate a client interface. And a Ruby gem could just generate calls on the fly with method_missing. Turns out that having a web service definition language and concrete types to generate it automatically is a really useful thing. A thing that we somehow seem to have lost on the road.Hi, congrats on the launch.On my screen, the website is scrollable. Not sure if the animation needs to have top: 30vh and height: 80%Also: there is a big layout shift right after loading.Client SDKs are a great way to provide a normalised and predictable experience for customers but we're also working on tools for API Producers to self service all parts of the API integration experience. Check out our website! https://www.speakeasyapi.dev/.If anyone finds it useful, I have a Maven plugin that does something similar for Java (Java -> TypeScript)For anybody that still uses Java. :Dhttps://github.com/BlueCircleSoftware/bluecircle-json-interf...Congrats on the launch, this looks great and I'm looking forward to using it!Congrats on launching!For anyone looking for more (open-source) alternatives, here's one I just discovered today: https://microsoft.github.io/kiota/Congrats on the launch, Sagar!This has been something I have desperately wanted for years now. The execution looks very good.This easily shaves hours off a production quality api integration.Deferred static generation is the tradeoff they've arrived at where quick builds and full static site generation are at odds for large sites powered by an API-first CMS.There's also a cache feature in Gatsby that might be able to help reduce the 5 minute build time.https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/build-caching/I have long thought that the JAM stack is primarily aimed at hobbyists, and I have changed my mind on the subject.True, for a hobbyist updating a blog a couple times per month, it works great.No Wordpress nightmares to wake you up at night, no databases going down and taking your site offline. And, should I mention performance? Once the site is built and deployed, that is.Also, no limits as to how you can configure your site. With a bit of coding, you can usually make the static site generator do your bidding.Personally, I use Eleventy [1]. My site has 200+ pages and the build time is not an issue.Now, I am authoring manually in Markdown using VS Code. That's probably not the right tooling for the editors at some content shop.Many static generators do have hooks into CMS's. Eleventy, for example, has a plugin that interacts with the Ghost CMS API [2]. I haven't tried it but if I read it right, it can suck content out of Ghost and publish it as static HTML.That might be a way to get the best of both worlds: a comfortable authoring experience AND the performance of a static site.My argument for why the content shops should give the JAM stack a try is based on a recent experience.I was helping out a team developing a large content website with hundreds if not thousands of articles and many updates throughout the day.I was there mostly for backend work and DevOps. And boy, did I have my hands busy!We hosted on a PaaS with maxed-out specs for both the application server and the database (Postgres). The bills must have been in the four figures monthly just for the servers. And yet, it took us months to get the performance to a level that was even acceptable: not great but okay-ish.I would not recommend a database-backed CMS for a popular content website if we could avoid it at all, and if budget was a thing. Rather, I'd explore how to make a JAM stack-based solution work for the client.With that said, I concede that yes, of course the static site generators have their own issues. The right answer depends on which tradeoffs you are willing or able to make.[1] https://www.11ty.dev/\n[2] https://www.npmjs.com/package/eleventy-plugin-ghostI think there 2 main groups of people that these static site generators are aimed at.\n1) People who care more about cost than anything else. You can host a static site for free with github pages and the like.\n2) People who don't modify the content too often meaning that they don't care too much if the site takes 5 minutes to update.Other people I've seen use them to great effect are photographers who have static sites generating based exclusively of images that they upload. As there's no real text content, they don't end up doing many \"changes\" as they generally upload images in bulk.When you see different static site generators in the wild, most people want: - api for creating pages from remote data\n - developer experience\n - build speed\n\nBut if you plan on using a headless CMS, your must prioritize decoupling the authoring from build times.Your marketing team needs instant feedback, your options are now: - use client side rendering for page previews. (i.e. use a js-based framework)\n - containerize your project & run the framework's dev mode as a preview server (i.e. you might as well have not used a SSG)", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "polotno-project/polotno-studio", "link": "https://github.com/polotno-project/polotno-studio", "tags": ["canvas", "design", "design-editor"], "stars": 530, "description": "Free online Design Editor.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Polotno Studio\n\n**[Launch the application](https://studio.polotno.dev/)**\n\nDesign Editor made with [Polotno SDK](https://polotno.dev/). There is nothing super interesting in the repo yet, because all editor features are inside `polotno` package. But soon we will have much more addition features around `polotno` sdk.\n\n### Found a bug? Or want to suggest a feature?\n\nJust create an issues in this repository!\n\n---\n\nThis project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "Snugug/eq.js", "link": "https://github.com/Snugug/eq.js", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Lightweight JavaScript powered element queries", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# eq.js [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Snugug/eq.js.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/Snugug/eq.js) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/Snugug/eq.js/badge.svg?branch=1.x.x&service=github)](https://coveralls.io/github/Snugug/eq.js?branch=1.x.x) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/Snugug/eq.js/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/Snugug/eq.js) [![Bower version](https://badge.fury.io/bo/eq.js.svg)](https://github.com/Snugug/eq.js/releases/latest)\n### Element queries, fast and light\n\nElement queries are the \"holy grail\" of responsive web design, allowing you to create a single component that can be dropped into any position in any layout and have them respond appropriately. Unfortunately, due to some hard-to-deal-with chicken-and-egg cases, especially involving inline elements, it's unlikely that element queries will make it into browsers any time soon.\n\n**eq.js** aims to be a relatively easy to use drop-in solution to JavaScript powered element queries. Weighing in at about 2.6KB minified, around 1.1KB gzipped, and requiring no external dependencies, **eq.js** sets itself apart through size, speed, and ease of use. Simply drop **eq.js** on to your site and set the `eq-pts` attribute of your element (or set your points in Sass) and you're ready to go!\n\n## Installation\n\nInstallation is super easy. You can either pull down a copy from GitHub here, or you can install from [Bower](http://bower.io):\n\n```bash\nbower install eq.js --save\n```\n\nThen, add either `eq.js` or `eq.min.js` to your HTML, and you're ready to rock!\n\n## Usage\n\nIn order to use **eq.js**, you need to include `eq.js` on your site. Setting up element queries can be done in one of two ways: the first is to set up a `data-eq-pts` attribute on your desired element and the second is to use the `eq-pts` mixin in Sass. The first way is preferred, as it is faster for JavaScript to parse and can fire on `DOMContentLoaded` whereas the second way is slower and can only be fired on window `load`, increasing the likelihood of a flash of unstyled content.\n\nBoth methods have you write `key: value` pairs, with the key being the human-readable name of the applied state and the value being the `min-width` pixel width of the element you would like to set the state at.\n\nWith the first method, the value of `data-eq-pts` should be each pair and should be separated by a comma `,`.\n\n```html\n

    Hello World

    \n```\n\nYou can add this attribute via JavaScript if you would like in the following way:\n\n```javascript\nvar component = document.querySelector('.component');\neqjs.definePts(component, {\n small: 400,\n medium: 600,\n large: 900\n});\n```\n\nIf you use the JavaScript method, you can only pass in a single DOM element at a time. It will return the string for `data-eq-pts` and add the `data-eq-pts` attribute to the element.\n\nSimilarly, with the second method, the `eq-pts` mixin is called with a map of your pairs. It is important not to quote your keys in the Sass map, or wonky things may happen in the parsing. At the bottom of your stylesheet, after all of your `eq-pts` have been called, you also need to call the `eq-selectors` mixin in order to write out the hook for **eq.js**.\n\n```scss\n.component {\n @include eq-pts((\n small: 400,\n medium: 500,\n large: 700\n ));\n}\n\n// ... at the end of the stylesheet\n\n@include eq-selectors;\n```\n\nWhen **eq.js** has determined which state your element is in, it will add an `data-eq-state` attribute to the element set to the human-readable name of the `min-width` specified (along with any other states that have applied thus far). If the element is smaller than the smallest state, there will be no `data-eq-state` attribute. If you did not write your states in order, fear not, they will be sorted for you.\n\n**eq.js** also adds `window.eqjs` to allow you to utilize **eq.js** in your own function calls. It will handle your `DOMContentLoaded` and `load` events as well as all `resize` events, inspecting your DOM to determine what nodes need to be queried each time.\n\nIf you dynamically add nodes that you would like to query, you need to trigger **eq.js** yourself. This is easy though! Just load up your nodes into an array or a NodeList and pass that to `eqjs.query(nodes[, cb])`, and **eq.js** will work its magic. `eqjs.query()` also takes a callback as an optional second argument that will be fired once all of the nodes have been processed. It will be passed an array of nodes that were worked on. You can also call `eqjs.all([cb])` to run **eq.js** against all nodes in the DOM (with an optional `cb` callback).\n\nEach node that gets queried will also fire an `eqResize` event once **eq.js** has worked its magic. This'll allow you to code reactively to what happens! The current value of `data-eq-state` will be available in `event.details`;\n\n```javascript\nvar myElement = document.getElementById('foo');\n\nmyElement.addEventListener('eqResize', function (e) {\n console.log('The current Element Query State is `' + e.details + '`');\n});\n```\n\nAlternatively, you can use `eqjs.refreshNodes()` to update the listing of nodes that is use by `eqjs.query()` with all of the nodes currently in the DOM. This is useful when you know that a node has been dynamically added, but you don't have it as an object and can't pass it to `ejs.query()`.\n\nFrom there, proceed with styling as normal! Because **eq.js** uses attributes, you're going to want to select using attribute selectors. Styling follows the same patters as normal `min-width` media query styling, with styling for the base first, then subsequent styling added on top:\n\n#### Sass\n\n```scss\n.container {\n\tborder: 2px solid red;\n\tbackground-color: rgba(red, .25);\n\t\n\t&[data-eq-state$=\"small\"],\n\t&[data-eq-state$=\"medium\"],\n\t&[data-eq-state$=\"large\"] {\n\t font-size: 1em;\n\t}\n\t\n\t&[data-eq-state$=\"small\"] {\n\t border-color: green;\n\t background-color: rgba(green .25);\n\t}\n\t\n\t&[data-eq-state$=\"medium\"] {\n\t border-color: orange;\n\t background-color: rgba(orange, .25);\n\t}\n\t\n\t&[data-eq-state$=\"large\"] {\n\t border-color: blue;\n\t background-color: rgba(blue, .25);\n\t}\n}\n```\n\n#### CSS\n\n```css\n.container {\n border: 2px solid red;\n background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.25);\n}\n.container[data-eq-state$=\"small\"],\n.container[data-eq-state$=\"medium\"],\n.container[data-eq-state$=\"large\"] {\n font-size: 1em;\n}\n.container[data-eq-state$=\"small\"] {\n border-color: green;\n background-color: rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.25);\n}\n.container[data-eq-state$=\"medium\"] {\n border-color: orange;\n background-color: rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.25);\n}\n.container[data-eq-state$=\"large\"] {\n border-color: blue;\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.25);\n}\n```\n\n### Bonus!\n\nIf you're using [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/), **eq.js** comes with a Sass partial, `_eq.scss`, that provides an `eq` mixin and an `eq-contains` mixin for handling element queries. Import it and use it like you would use a media query mixin, like the one provided by [Breakpoint](https://github.com/team-sass/breakpoint). The mixin will work with Sass 3.4 or greater or Libsass 3.2.0-beta.3 or greater. The above Sass example then becomes something like the following:\n\n```scss\n@import \"eq\";\n\n.container {\n\tborder: 2px solid red;\n\tbackground-color: rgba(red, .25);\n\t\n\t@include eq('small', 'medium', 'large') {\n\t font-size: 1em;\n\t}\n\t\n\t@include eq('small') {\n\t border-color: green;\n\t background-color: rgba(green .25);\n\t}\n\t\n\t@include eq('medium') {\n\t border-color: orange;\n\t background-color: rgba(orange, .25);\n\t}\n\t\n\t@include eq('large') {\n\t border-color: blue;\n\t background-color: rgba(blue, .25);\n\t}\n}\n```\n\nThe `eq-contains` mixin will allow you to apply styling as long as that state is available in the `data-eq-state` list. Passing in a comma separated list is similar to an `or` media query in that at least one of those states must be active, passing in a space separated list is similar to an `and` media query in that all of the states must be active. Using `eq-contains` will allow styles to be built on top of each other.\n\nIf you're compiling with Compass, you're probably going to want to add your bower components directory to your import path to make importing `_eq.scss` easy. To do so, add something like the following to your `config.rb` file:\n\n```ruby\nadd_import_path \"bower_components/eq.js/sass\"\n```\n\n## Browser Support\n\n**eq.js** uses modern JavaScript, but can [supports older browsers as well](#a-note-on-ie8older-browser-support). It has been tested in the following browsers but is likely to support more:\n\n* IE8+ (see below for notes)\n* Firefox 3.5+\n* Chrome\n* Safari\n* Opera 10.0+\n* iOS Safari\n* Opera Mini\n* Android Browser\n* Blackberry Browser\n* Opera Mobile\n* Chrome for Android\n* Firefox for Android\n* IE Mobile\n\n### A note on IE8/Older Browser Support\n\nThere are two files provided: `eq.min.js`, `eq.polyfilled.min.js`, and `polyfills.min.js`. `eq.polyfilled.min.js` includes the polyfills needed to run **eq.js** in older browsers that are missing some newer JavaScript niceties and `polyfills.js` just includes the polyfills. The polyfills that come bundled will work for browsers IE9+. While these allow for a drop-in solutions using just what's provided here, a better solution (and if you need IE8 support, and where a bunch of the polyfills come from), is to consider using something like a [polyfill service](https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-service) for a more robust and well-rounded solution.\n\nThe specific polyfills included are as follows:\n\n* [`Object.getPrototypeOf`](http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/#Object.getPrototypeOf)\n* [`window.requestAnimationFrame`](http://caniuse.com/#feat=requestanimationframe)\n* [`Event.DOMContentLoaded`](http://caniuse.com/#feat=domcontentloaded)\n* [`window.getComputedStyle`](http://caniuse.com/#feat=getcomputedstyle)\n* [`Array.prototype.forEach`](http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/#Array.prototype.forEach)\n\n## Technical Mumbo Jumbo\n\n**eq.js** has been tested in all modern browsers with thousands of nodes all requesting element queries. The limiting factor performance wise is JavaScript's native `offsetWidth` calculation, which is required for each element; hey, it's an element query after all! We work on reducing read/write layout thrashing by grouping reads separately from writes.\n\nThe process for determining which state to apply is primarily greedy for no state, then greedy for the largest state. If the element is neither smaller than its smallest state nor larger than its largest state, it then traverses each state to determine which state is correct. It does this by comparing one state to the next state up, ensuring that the current state is both greater than or equal to the defined `min-width` value and less than the next state's `min-width`.\n\nPerformance wise, the script handles itself very well even with thousands of nodes. With this current test setup of around 2.2k nodes, it can parse all of the nodes, calculate the size, and apply the proper attributes in about 35ms. We're employing [requestAnimationFrame](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/animations/) to reduce layout thrashing and produce smooth layout and resize. **eq.js** also comes with the full [requestAnimationFrame Polyfill](http://www.paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/) by Erik M\u00f6ller and Paul Irish.\n\nBe careful what changes you choose to make with this new found power. While element queries are great in theory, they can cause lots of heartache, especially when combined with inline elements. This script very consciously does not and will not attempt to recalculate element queries on all DOM changes as that is very likely to result in a never-ending rabbit hole of craziness. This, IMO, is one of the biggest things holding back element queries being implemented natively.\n\n### tl;dr\n\n`offsetWidth` is slow, `requestAnimationFrame` reduces layout thrashing, **eq.js** is greedy for natural then largest states, with great power comes great responsibility.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "htmlk/wechat", "link": "https://github.com/htmlk/wechat", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "\u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5546\u57ce\uff0c\u6b22\u8fce\u5b66\u4e60\u4ea4\u6d41\uff01", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Wechat applet mall development---real machine test is useful! ! ! !\n\n## Table of contents\n\n- [Official Documentation] (#Official Documentation)\n- [more codes] (# codes)\n- [Analysis Wheel] (#Analysis Wheel)\n\n\n\n- [Join the QQ group 564956472 [WeChat applet development exchange] (If the group is full, add my personal QQ number (1009756987) and I will pull you into the group)](http://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=40K4X8z )\n## Official document Wechat mall development, accepting personal business services (backend, server configuration, etc.).\n\n- [Mini Program Development Documentation](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/index.html)\n- [Mini Program Design Guide](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/design/index.html)\n- [Mini Program Developer Tools](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/devtools/download.html)\n- [Start from building a WeChat applet (Tencent Cloud)](https://www.qcloud.com/act/event/yingyonghao.html)\n\n\n\n## Example Tutorial\nThis example is purely personal writing, intrusion and deletion\n### 1. Environment construction ###\n\n- WeChat applet background development, please refer to [https://github.com/htmlk/express](https://github.com/htmlk/express)\n\n\nFind the version suitable for your computer in the official website documentation, download it, and install it directly (I do not recommend using the cracked version)\n\n- [WeChat applet latest tools download](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/devtools/download.html)\n\nNext, you will be prompted to use the WeChat QR code to log in, just scan the code to log in\n### 2. Download demo ###\nDirectly use the git tool to clone the above code, click Add Project, and add this program to the project!\n\n(select no AppID for appid, the project name is not necessarily the file name, choose the downloaded directory)\n![](http://i.imgur.com/yCAGELe.png)\n### 3. Start writing code ###\nEnter the debugging page (on the left is the debugging preview, on the right is a tool similar to Google web page debugging)\n![](http://i.imgur.com/xCKThm2.png)\nEnter the edit code page\n![](http://i.imgur.com/w2l2YJQ.png)\n1. app.json is the configuration file of the project, as shown in the right figure,\n\nThe first part (the black box) is that pages are the pages in the entire . Every time a page is added, the path must be written here:\n\nThe second part of the tabbar can generate navigation at the bottom of the app as long as these files are configured (see the documentation for details)\n\nThe third part is the global configuration of widows\n\n2. pages means that you have four files in each page: json (configuration file), js (js written by yourself), wxml (equivalent to html), wxss (equivalent to css)\n\n3. Public files can generally be stored on the remote end, and current development can be created locally, such as images (icon files cannot be used)\n\n4. For more details, please contact the blogger\n\n### Project Demo ###\n\n[Click to view, project dynamic demonstration] (http://7xn9on.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/video.mp4 \"Project dynamic demonstration\")\n\n\n## more code\n\n- [WeChat small application sample code (phodal/weapp-quick)](https://github.com/phodal/weapp-quick)\n- [Wechat small application map positioning demo (giscafer/wechat-weapp-mapdemo)](https://github.com/giscafer/wechat-weapp-mapdemo)\n- [WeChat Mini App-Nuggets Homepage Information Flow (hilongjw/weapp-gold)](https://github.com/hilongjw/weapp-gold)\n- [Example of WeChat applet (application number): WeChat applet Douban Movie (zce/weapp-demo)](https://github.com/zce/weapp-demo)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Douban Movie (hingsir/weapp-douban-film)](https://github.com/hingsir/weapp-douban-film)\n- [Small program hello world early adopters (kunkun12/weapp)](https://github.com/kunkun12/weapp)\n- [WeChat Mini Program Version 2048 Mini Game (natee/wxapp-2048)](https://github.com/natee/wxapp-2048)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Micro Ticket (wangmingjob/weapp-weipiao)](https://github.com/wangmingjob/weapp-weipiao)\n- [Wechat Mini Program Shopping Cart DEMO(SeptemberMaples/wechat-weapp-demo)](https://github.com/SeptemberMaples/wechat-weapp-demo)\n- [WeChat Mini Program V2EX(jectychen/wechat-v2ex)](https://github.com/jectychen/wechat-v2ex)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Zhihu Daily (myronliu347/wechat-app-zhihudaily)](https://github.com/myronliu347/wechat-app-zhihudaily)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Public Account Popular Article Information Stream (hijiangtao/weapp-newsapp)](https://github.com/hijiangtao/weapp-newsapp)\n- [Wechat Mini Program Gank Client (lypeer/wechat-weapp-gank)](https://github.com/lypeer/wechat-weapp-gank)\n- [Todo list (charleyw/wechat-weapp-redux-todos) implemented by integrating Redux into WeChat applet](https://github.com/charleyw/wechat-weapp-redux-todos)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Tomato Clock (kraaas/timer)](https://github.com/kraaas/timer)\n- [Wechat Mini Program Project Summary](http://javascript.ctolib.com/categories/javascript-wechat-weapp.html)\n- [Wechat Mini Program Chat Room (ericzyh/wechat-chat)](https://github.com/ericzyh/wechat-chat)\n- [WeChat Mini Program-HiApp(BelinChung/wxapp-hiapp)](https://github.com/BelinChung/wxapp-hiapp)\n- [Small Program Redux Binding Library (charleyw/wechat-weapp-redux)](https://github.com/charleyw/wechat-weapp-redux)\n- [WeChat mini program version of WeChat (18380435477/WeApp)](https://github.com/18380435477/WeApp)\n- [Small program development starts from layout (hardog/wechat-app-flexlayout)](https://github.com/hardog/wechat-app-flexlayout)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Music Player (eyasliu/wechat-app-music)](https://github.com/eyasliu/wechat-app-music)\n- [WeChat applet - simple calculator - suitable for getting started (dunizb/wxapp-sCalc)](https://github.com/dunizb/wxapp-sCalc)\n- [WeChat applet-github(zhengxiaowai/weapp-github)](https://github.com/zhengxiaowai/weapp-github)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Little Bear's Diary (harveyqing/BearDiary)](https://github.com/harveyqing/BearDiary)\n- [WeChat applet (Seahub/PigRaising)](https://github.com/SeaHub/PigRaising)\n- [WeChat Mini Program (WeChatMeiZhi Sister Picture)](https://github.com/brucevanfdm/WeChatMeiZhi)\n- [Weapp Mini Program Rapid Development Skeleton](https://github.com/zce/weapp-boilerplate)\n- [WeChat Mini Program - Artand the most professional art design platform](https://github.com/SuperKieran/weapp-artand)\n\n## Analysis Wheel\n\n- [\u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5012\u8ba1\u65f6\u7ec4\u4ef6(\u5fae\u4fe1\u516c\u4f17\u53f7)](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI0MjYwMjM2NQ==&mid=2247483670&idx=1&sn=5aa5da2fff2415e9b19f848712ddf480&chksm=e9789904de0f1012159332fda391c3eec0bb3d1c0db2c34ab557208ff0c04806a40d00e844fe&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1007cWRXdd0ug9oAceCsIWp6#rd )\n- [WeChat applet pull down\u7b5b\u9009\u7ec4\u4ef6(\u5fae\u4fe1\u516c\u4f17\u53f7)](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI0MjYwMjM2NQ==&mid=2247483674&idx=1&sn=2bf242b391144f3f0e57e0ed0ebce36f&chksm=e9789908de0f101ee23f7c125c9a48c4f9ba3f242a3b1c89b05ca5b9e8e68262c02b47fe3d12&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1008NvO9oI8wWGp4XBxlpLeL#rd)\n\n### Experience Sharing\n1. There is a blank, but no error is reported, it may be because the json is empty. Just add a {}\n2. If there is a problem, directly add the blogger WeChat.\n3. Please add WeChat for technical exchanges and business cooperation.\n\n![](http://7xn9on.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/weixin.jpg)", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Sounds horrible. Also going to be interesting how it\u2019s a \u201ctown square\u201d linked to payments. Nice when someone gets kicked off the platform..,oh wait that won\u2019t be possible because their life is the platform. Can\u2019t see this ending well.The two ideas are in direct conflict. I\u2019d say WeChat works because it\u2019s based in a communist dictatorship.LINE is DM-first. I'm aware that WeChat hosts a lot of memes like the \"foreigners who won't follow zero covid policies are trash\" one, so I know it must be public facing. Therefore WeChat probably would be a more apt comparison.I love the bit about China accessing wechat user data. I cannot imagine that happening to an American or Australian company. Isn't the assisted access bill specifically just that. I mean that's it's whole reason for being. Build it here and we want to look at your users.Devil as always in details. Dept of commerce is supposes to come up with rules ti determine which apps present national secuirity risks.Without commenting on the rights and wrongs, it is interesting to observe that Australia has been very combative.Perhaps worth noting that Australia is 2.5% the population of China, so this is similar to a country like Switzerland picking a fight with the US. As it happens they usually avoid doing that...https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/18/tech/tiktok-ban-sunday-need-t...", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "markdalgleish/fathom", "link": "https://github.com/markdalgleish/fathom", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Fathom.js - Present JavaScript in its native environment.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "> **PLEASE NOTE:** This project is no longer maintained. Instead, you should check out [Bespoke.js](https://github.com/markdalgleish/bespoke.js).\n\n# [Fathom.js](http://markdalgleish.com/projects/fathom) [![endorse](http://api.coderwall.com/markdalgleish/endorsecount.png)](http://coderwall.com/markdalgleish)\n\n### Present JavaScript in its native environment.\n\nIf you're making a presentation ***on JavaScript***, make it ***in JavaScript***.\n\n## Usage\n\nExample HTML:\n\n``` html\n

    My Presentation

    \n \n

    My Dot Points

    • First dot point
    • \n
    • Second dot point
    • \n
    • Third dot point
    • \n
    \n \n
    \n```\n\n---\n\njQuery Plugin Setup:\n``` js\n$('#presentation').fathom();\n```\n\nAdvanced Setup:\n``` js\nvar fathom = new Fathom('#presentation');\n```\n\n---\n\nFull guide available at the [official Fathom.js project page](http://markdalgleish.com/projects/fathom).\n\nI've included a sample CSS file in the repo to get you started.\n\n---\n\nPlease note that Fathom.js is not trying to recreate Powerpoint or Keynote. While they're good tools, I personally find that style of interface to be inappropriate on the web. If you're wondering why feature *x* from Powerpoint is missing, this is probably why.\n\n## How to Build\n\nThe code is minified using UglifyJS using the following command:\n\n`uglifyjs -o fathom.min.js fathom.js`\n\n## Contributing to Fathom.js\n\nIf you want to contribute in a way that changes the API, please file an issue before submitting a pull request so we can dicuss how to appropriately integrate your ideas.\n\n## Questions?\n\nContact me on GitHub or Twitter: [@markdalgleish](http://twitter.com/markdalgleish)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "cowboy/php-simple-proxy", "link": "https://github.com/cowboy/php-simple-proxy", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "Simple PHP Proxy: Get external HTML, JSON and more!", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Simple PHP Proxy: Get external HTML, JSON and more! #\n[http://benalman.com/projects/php-simple-proxy/](http://benalman.com/projects/php-simple-proxy/)\n\nVersion: 1.6, Last updated: 1/24/2009\n\nWith Simple PHP Proxy, your JavaScript can access content in remote webpages, without cross-domain security limitations, even if it's not available in JSONP format. Of course, you'll need to install this PHP script on your server.. but that's a small price to have to pay for this much awesomeness.\n\nVisit the [project page](http://benalman.com/projects/php-simple-proxy/) for more information and usage examples!\n\n\n## Documentation ##\n[http://benalman.com/code/projects/php-simple-proxy/docs/](http://benalman.com/code/projects/php-simple-proxy/docs/)\n\n\n## Examples ##\nThis working example, complete with fully commented code, illustrates one way\nin which this PHP script can be used.\n\n[http://benalman.com/code/projects/php-simple-proxy/examples/simple/](http://benalman.com/code/projects/php-simple-proxy/examples/simple/) \n\n\n## Release History ##\n\n1.6 - (1/24/2009) Now defaults to JSON mode, which can now be changed to native mode by specifying ?mode=native. Native and JSONP modes are disabled by default because of possible XSS vulnerability issues, but are configurable in the PHP script along with a url validation regex. \n1.5 - (12/27/2009) Initial release\n\n\n## License ##\nCopyright (c) 2010 \"Cowboy\" Ben Alman \nDual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. \n[http://benalman.com/about/license/](http://benalman.com/about/license/)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "codebuddies/codebuddies", "link": "https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies", "tags": ["slack", "schedule-hangouts", "peer-to-peer", "learning", "volunteers", "study", "groups", "jitsi", "google", "hangouts"], "stars": 529, "description": "CodeBuddies.org: Community-organized hangouts for learning programming together - community-built using MeteorJS", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "![CodeBuddies logo](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/raw/master/public/images/cb-readme.jpg)\n[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-106-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors)\n[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-0-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors)\n\n# CodeBuddies Hangouts Platform v2.0 - from scratch\n\n\n[![slack in](http://codebuddiesmeet.herokuapp.com/badge.svg?style=flat-square)](http://codebuddiesmeet.herokuapp.com/)\n[![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/issues)\n[![first-timers-only](https://img.shields.io/badge/first--timers--only-friendly-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](http://www.firsttimersonly.com/)\n[![Issue Stats](https://img.shields.io/issuestats/i/github/codebuddies/codebuddies.svg?maxAge=2592000&style=flat-square)]()\n[![Issue Stats](https://img.shields.io/issuestats/p/github/codebuddies/codebuddies.svg?maxAge=2592000&style=flat-square)]()\n[![License: GPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL%20v3-blue.svg)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)\n[![code style: prettier](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-prettier-ff69b4.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)\n# FAQ\n\n## What is CodeBuddies?\nWe're a community of independent code learners who help each other on [Slack](http://codebuddies.slack.com), [schedule hangouts](https://codebuddies.org/hangouts) to learn with each other, contribute to a periodic [anonymous crowdsourced newsletter](http://tinyletter.com/codebuddies) where anyone can share a personal project or leave a shout out, and post on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/TOPSTUDYGROUP/). We come from all over the world; there are members living in the United States, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, Canada, India, and more. We accept donations and are 100% transparent on [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/codebuddies).\n\nLearning with each other helps us learn faster. We strive to create a safe space for anyone interested in code to talk about the learning process. The project is free and open-sourced on Github, and this app is 100% community/volunteer-built.\n\nJoin us on Slack! You can get your invite by clicking on the Slack invite button and join the community by verifying your invitation through your e-mail!\n\n## How do I contribute to this project?\nMuch of the work on this platform has shifted to the next version of CodeBuddies (aka CBv3), built in React + Django API instead of Meteor. \n\nThe two new repositories:\n- https://github.com/codebuddies/backend - Python / Django / Django Rest Framework (hosted on DigitalOcean)\n- https://github.com/codebuddies/frontend - React (hosted on Netlify)\n\n~~**PLEASE go to _[contributing.md](contributing.md)_ and refer to the contribution steps listed there!** There are also helpful resources there, in case you get stuck. To add yourself as a contributor, please see the [How do I add myself as a contributor?](contributing.md#how-do-i-add-myself-as-a-contributor) section.~~\n\n~~Please check out [docs.codebuddies.org](http://docs.codebuddies.org) for the full documentation.~~\n\n## What are you trying to build here?\n\n![screenshot of what we're building](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/raw/master/public/images/cb-example.png)\nCredit: [Ada Chiu](https://github.com/adachiu).\n\n## Why are you building this site?\nOur community spends a lot of time helping each other on [our public Slack](http://codebuddies.slack.com) (P.S. You can get an invite [here](http://codebuddiesmeet.herokuapp.com) if you want to join), but it's hard to schedule screensharing/voice hangout study times via Slack, and it's also hard to know who else is online and available for joining a Hangout to work on something together. The platform we're building solves those issues.\n\n## Support CodeBuddies\n\nYou can help keep this project alive by [becoming a\nSponsor!](https://opencollective.com/codebuddies#sponsor)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can also support us with a monthly donation by [becoming a Backer!](https://opencollective.com/codebuddies#backer)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Backers\nThank you to [@distalx](https://twitter.com/distalx), [@alfougy](https://twitter.com/alfougy), and [@mozzadrella](https://twitter.com/mozzadrella) for supporting us on our [Open Collective](http://opencollective.com/codebuddies)!\n\n### Sponsors\nThank you to DigitalOcean for sponsoring our hosting, MongoDB Atlas for sponsoring our database hosting, and StickerMule for sponsoring $50 in credits!\n\n\"Powered\n\n\"Hosted\n \n\"Netlify\"/\n\n\"Thank\n\n## Who are the contributors so far?\nNote: if you think you should be on this list, please fill out [this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfw7HrMhCIaxASH6sQosLL6QZq2OfoivWD6nV4fsVrMvTUqNg/viewform).\n\n\n\n| [
    [\ud83d\udcac](#question-lpatmo \"Answering Questions\") [\ud83d\udcdd](#blog-lpatmo \"Blogposts\") [\ud83d\udc1b](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/issues?q=author%3Alpatmo \"Bug reports\") [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=lpatmo \"Code\") [\ud83d\udcd6](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=lpatmo \"Documentation\") [\ud83d\udccb](#eventOrganizing-lpatmo \"Event Organizing\") [\ud83d\udd0d](#fundingFinding-lpatmo \"Funding Finding\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-lpatmo \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") [\ud83d\udc40](#review-lpatmo \"Reviewed Pull Requests\") [\ud83d\udce2](#talk-lpatmo \"Talks\") | [
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    Connie Leung](http://www.blueskyconnie.com/)
    [\ud83d\udc1b](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/issues?q=author%3Arailsstudent \"Bug reports\") [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=railsstudent \"Code\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-railsstudent \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") [\ud83d\udc40](#review-railsstudent \"Reviewed Pull Requests\") | [
    Ada Chiu](https://github.com/adachiu)
    [\ud83c\udfa8](#design-adachiu \"Design\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-adachiu \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") | [
    Anbuselvan Periannan](https://anbuselvan.net)
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    Roberto C Quezada](http://www.robertoquezada.com)
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    [\ud83d\udcac](#question-William-R-Wilson \"Answering Questions\") [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=William-R-Wilson \"Code\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-William-R-Wilson \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") | [
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    Olivia Brundage](https://codemethisolivia.com)
    [\ud83d\udcac](#question-oliikit \"Answering Questions\") [\ud83d\udcd6](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=oliikit \"Documentation\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-oliikit \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") | [
    Hannan Ali](http://hannanali.tech)
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    Luke Camilleri](http://camilleriluke.com)
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    [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=mduca \"Code\") | [
    Christoph Wagner](http://www.pandawhisperer.net)
    [\ud83d\udcac](#question-PandaWhisperer \"Answering Questions\") [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=PandaWhisperer \"Code\") | [
    Patrick San Juan](https://github.com/pdotsani)
    [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=pdotsani \"Code\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-pdotsani \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") |\n| [
    Sheldon Barnes](https://github.com/sheldonbarnes)
    [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=sheldonbarnes \"Code\") | [
    Sujil Anto](http://www.webmastersblog.org/)
    [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=sujilnt \"Code\") | [
    [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=techgeek503 \"Code\") | [
    Omar Sanseviero](https://www.linkedin.com/in/omarsanseviero)
    [\ud83d\udcac](#question-osanseviero \"Answering Questions\") [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=osanseviero \"Code\") [\ud83d\udcd6](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=osanseviero \"Documentation\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-osanseviero \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") [\ud83c\udf0d](#translation-osanseviero \"Translation\") [\u2705](#tutorial-osanseviero \"Tutorials\") | [
    Angelo Cordon](http://www.avividvisual.com)
    [\ud83d\udcac](#question-angelocordon \"Answering Questions\") [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=angelocordon \"Code\") [\ud83c\udfa8](#design-angelocordon \"Design\") [\ud83d\udcd6](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=angelocordon \"Documentation\") [\ud83e\udd14](#ideas-angelocordon \"Ideas, Planning, & Feedback\") [\ud83d\udc40](#review-angelocordon \"Reviewed Pull Requests\") | [
    Marc Baghdadi](https://github.com/stain88)
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    Russ Eby](http://www.planetfor.us)
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    Daniel Gillet](https://github.com/dangillet)
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    Matias Forbord](https://gifsplanation.com)
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    Bill Glover](http://billglover.co.uk/)
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    Chuks Opia](https://www.linkedin.com/in/opiachuks/)
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    Maham Shahid](https://mahamshahid18.github.io)
    [\ud83d\udcbb](https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/commits?author=mahamshahid18 \"Code\") |\n\nThanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors#emoji-key)):\n\nThis project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Nice! Exciting to see these communities being built.But I still want a Rap Genius for source code ;)", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "igrigorik/node-spdyproxy", "link": "https://github.com/igrigorik/node-spdyproxy", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "SPDY forwarding proxy - fast and secure", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# SPDY Proxy\n\nGoogle Chrome comes with built-in support for SSL-based proxies, which means that we can give Chrome an HTTPS proxy URL, and the rest is taken care of: a TLS tunnel is first established to the proxy, and the proxied requests are sent over a secure link. No eavesdropping allowed! This is a huge improvement over regular HTTP proxies, which can also tunnel SSL, but in the process leak information about the site we're connecting to - [read more about Chrome and secure proxies][chrome-secure]. This allow a number of new and interesting use cases:\n\n* End-to-end secure browsing for *all* sites (HTTP, HTTPS, SPDY) - no sniffing!\n* Web VPN: secure access to internal servers and services without relying on heavy TCP VPN solutions\n\nWhere does SPDY fit in here? When the SSL handshake is done, the browser and the server can agree to establish a SPDY session by using [SSL NPN][npn] ([RFC][npn-rfc]). If both sides support SPDY, then all communication between browser and proxy can be done over SPDY:\n\n![SPDY Proxy Diagram](http://origin.igvita.com/posts/12/spdyproxy-diagram.png)\n\n* All browser <-> proxy communication is done over SSL\n* SPDY Proxy and Chrome communicate via SPDY (v2)\n* Browser requests are routed via SPDY proxy to destination\n\nNotice that we can route both HTTP and HTTPS requests through the SPDY tunnel. To establish an HTTPS session, the browser sends a `CONNECT` request to the proxy with the hostname of the secure server (ex, https://google.com), the proxy establishes the TCP connection and then simply transfers the encrypted bytes between the streams - the proxy only knows that you wanted to connect to Google, but cannot see any of your actual traffic - we're tunneling SSL over SSL!\n\nSame logic applies for tunneling SPDY! We can establish a SPDY v2 tunnel to the proxy, and then tunnel SPDY v3 connections over it.\n\n## Installation & Configuration\n\nSPDY proxy requires node.js 0.8.x+. Grab the [package for your platform](http://nodejs.org/) from the node site. Once node.js is installed, you can use npm (node package manager) to install SPDY Proxy:\n\n```bash\n$> npm install -g spdyproxy\n$> spdyproxy --help\n```\n\nTo run the proxy, you need to provide your SSL keys:\n\n```bash\n$> spdyproxy -k keys/mykey.pem -c keys/mycert.pem -p 44300\n```\n\nWith that, you should have a SPDY proxy running on port 44300.\n\n## Configuring Google Chrome\n\nGoogle Chrome uses PAC (proxy auto-config) files to choose the appropriate proxy server for fetching any URL. The PAC file itself, is just a simple JavaScript function:\n\n```javascript\nfunction FindProxyForURL(url, host) {\n return \"HTTPS proxy.example.com:8080; DIRECT\";\n}\n```\n\nThe above file tells the browser to proxy all requests via a secure proxy on port 8080, and if the proxy fails, then try to connect directly to the host. However, the PAC file allows us to create *much* more interesting scenarios: proxy specific URLs or hostnames, proxy rules based on DNS resolution results, and more. See [PAC directory](https://github.com/igrigorik/node-spdyproxy/tree/master/pac) for examples.\n\n## DIY demo setup\n\nTo do a quick local test, start the SPDY proxy on your machine, and start Chrome with the `--proxy-pac-url` flag:\n\n```bash\n$> spdyproxy -k keys/mykey.pem -c keys/mycert.pem -p 44300 -v\n$> \"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome\" --proxy-pac-url=file:///path/to/config.pac --use-npn\n```\n\n![SPDY Proxy](http://origin.igvita.com/posts/12/spdyproxy-demo.png)\n\n## Securing the proxy\n\nTo run a secure (SPDY) proxy your will need a valid SSL certificate on the server, and also make sure that your client will accept this certificate without any errors. If you're generating a self-signed certificate, then you will need to manually import it into your client keychain - otherwise, the browser will terminate the connection. To create a self-signed certificate:\n\n```bash\n$> openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mykey.pem -out mycert.pem\n\n# on OSX, you now need to manually add mycert.pem to your keychain (for local testing)\n# -> lauch Keychain app, drag the key into the app, and mark it as accepted\n```\n\n**Protip**: You can get a free, signed SSL certificate for your domain via [StartSSL](http://www.startssl.com/).\n\nOnce the proxy server is running, it is accessible by any client that wants to use it. To restrict access, you can use regular firewall rules, IP blacklists, etc. Alternatively, SPDY proxy supports `Basic-Auth` proxy authentication. Recall that all communication between client and server is done over SSL, hence all auth data is secure! The first time your browser connects to the proxy, it will ask for a login and password. After that, the browser will automatically append the authentication headers.\n\n```bash\n# pass in -U and -P flags to spdyproxy to set the Basic-Auth username and password\n$> spdyproxy -k keys/mykey.pem -c keys/mycert.pem -p 44300 -U user -P pass\n```\n\n### Two way SSL authentication\nSPDY proxy server authenticate client by SSL certificate.\n\n```bash\n#generate key and CSR for client\nopenssl req -out client1.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout client1.pem\n#sign client CSR using server's key, use -CAserial mycert.srl if serial file alreday exists otherwise use -CAcreateserial\nopenssl x509 -req -in client1.csr -CA mycert.pem -CAkey mykey.pem -CAcreateserial -out client1.cer\n#export client certificate to pfx file so that it can be imported into client's browsers manually\nopenssl pkcs12 -export -out client1.pfx -inkey client1.pem -in client1.cer\n\n```\n\nNow run the SPDY proxy server as\n\n```bash\n#use -C and -a to validate client certificate\nspdyproxy -k keys/mykey.pem -c keys/mycert.pem -p 44300 -a keys/mycert.pem -C\n```\n\nTo use the proxy server, a client certificate must be presented.\n\n### Other resources\n\n* [SPDY & Secure Proxy Support in Google Chrome][chrome-secure]\n* [Web VPN: Secure proxies with SPDY & Chrome][spdy-vpn]\n* [SPDY proxy examples on chromium.org][spdy-examples]\n* [Proxy Auto Configuration][pac]\n* [Creating an SSL Certificate Signing Request][csr]\n* [Creating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate][self-signed]\n\n### License\n\n(MIT License) - Copyright (c) 2012 Ilya Grigorik\n\n[chrome-secure]: http://www.igvita.com/2012/06/25/spdy-and-secure-proxy-support-in-google-chrome/\n[spdy-vpn]: http://www.igvita.com/2011/12/01/web-vpn-secure-proxies-with-spdy-chrome/\n[npn]: https://technotes.googlecode.com/git/nextprotoneg.html\n[npn-rfc]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-agl-tls-nextprotoneg-00\n[pac]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_auto-config\n[spdy-examples]: http://dev.chromium.org/spdy/spdy-proxy-examples\n[csr]: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/csr\n[self-signed]: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-certificate-self\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "colinmorris/SongSim", "link": "https://github.com/colinmorris/SongSim", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "React web app for drawing self-similarity matrices from text", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# [SongSim](https://colinmorris.github.io/SongSim/#/)\n\nA little web app for making interactive [self-similarity matrices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-similarity_matrix) from text (in particular, song lyrics and poetry). \n\nGiven a text of length n tokens, constructs an n x n matrix, where (i, j) is filled in iff the ith and jth words are the same (after some normalization).\n\nThere are lots of examples of researchers constructing self-similarity matrices from raw audio features for the purposes of visualization or segmentation (e.g. [1](http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=319472), [2](http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1178734)), which I drew inspiration from. I don't know of any previous applications of the technique to lyrics/verse.\n\n### Note on canned data\n\n`public/canned` contains a bunch of text files with examples of verse (pop songs, poems, nursery rhymes, etc.). Some of these works are in the public domain, and some are not. I don't own any of that content (and the license on the software in this repo does not extend to those files). My use of the songs which are under copyright is presumed to be fair, given the transformativeness of the use, and that purpose of use is educational and non-commercial.\n\n### Generating matrix image files\n\n(This is mostly a note to myself so I don't forget.)\n\n- set config.debug = true\n- in browser, press 'batch export' button\n - (this will respect all current settings wrt color, single-word matches, etc.)\n- unzip\n- run pngify.sh\n- move pngs to public/img/gallery (or wherever else they're needed)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I'm not sure how easy it is to grok these by playing with them. If you're confused, the \"About\" section has some explanation of how the matrices are constructed and how to interpret them: https://colinmorris.github.io/SongSim/#/aboutAlso, in case it's not clear, you can press the \"+\" button next to the song dropdown to open a textarea where you can paste arbitrary lyrics.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "paramquery/grid", "link": "https://github.com/paramquery/grid", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "jQuery grid plugin based on jQueryui widget design", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "jQuery grid plugin, also support Angular, Reactjs, Vuejs\r\n========================================================\r\n[ParamQuery Grid](http://paramquery.com)\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2012-2021 Paramvir Dhindsa \r\n\r\n[Released under GPL v3 license](http://paramquery.com/license)\r\n \r\nParamQuery grid is a lightweight javascript grid for Angular, jQuery, Reactjs, Vuejs\r\n\r\n\r\n1. [Tutorial](http://paramquery.com/tutorial)\r\n\r\n2. [API](http://paramquery.com/api)\r\n\r\n3. [Demos or Examples](http://paramquery.com/demos)\r\n\r\n4. [PHP Integration Tutorial](http://paramquery.com/tutorial/php)\r\n\r\n5. [Angularjs bindings](http://angularjsgrid.com)\r\n\r\n6. [Angularjs demos](http://angularjsgrid.com/demos)\r\n\r\n\r\n### Features:\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\nSupports 100,000+ records.\r\n\r\nSupport for Angular, Reactjs, Vuejs, Knockout, plain js. \r\n\r\nCopy paste to and from Excel.\r\n\r\nAutofill, drag to fill.\r\n\r\nState management.\r\n\r\nEdit history and tracking: undo and redo.\r\n\r\nLocal, remote and custom sorting for common data formats like Integer, real numbers, Strings, dates, etc.\r\n\r\nLocal and remote filtering with header filtering row interface.\r\n\r\nPaging with local or remote data.\r\n\r\nColumn and row grouping and fixed summary row.\r\n\r\nFrozen rows & columns like Excel.\r\n\r\nExport to Excel(xlsx), HTML, JSON & CSV format.\r\n\r\nNesting of grids and row details.\r\n\r\nVirtual Scrolling and Rendering with unlimited rows and columns support.\r\n\r\nInline Editing: Batch editing, row editing, custom editors, multiline editing, validations.\r\n\r\nHide/ show columns, resizable and reorderable columns through drag and drop.\r\n\r\nTheme support.\r\n\r\ni18n.\r\n\r\nConsistent look and functionality across all major browsers IE(11), Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc\r\n\r\nDisplays data source formats like HTML, Array, XML, JSON, etc.\r\n\r\nCan be used with any server side framework e.g. ASP.NET, MVC3, JSP, JSF, PHP, etc.\r\n\r\nMany more...\r\n```\r\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "gencay/vscode-chatgpt", "link": "https://github.com/gencay/vscode-chatgpt", "tags": [], "stars": 534, "description": "A Visual Studio Code extension to support ChatGPT. The extension is pair-programmed with ChatGPT.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

    Ask ChatGPT


    ChatGPT, GPT-3 and Codex conversations in Visual Studio Code


    \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

    \n\n## \ud83d\udce2 New features - Keybindings, new custom prompts and enable/disable prompts\n\n- You can now use/customize keybindings for your prompts. (i.e. Use `cmd+k cmd+shift+1` to run `ChatGPT: Add Tests` on the selected code on MacOS)\n- You can now enable/disable prompts that you wish to see in the editor's context menus.\n- There are 2 new prompts that you can customize and enable if the currently available prompts are insufficient for your use case.\n\n# ChatGPT as your copilot to level up your developer experience\n\n- \u23f3 Google's LaMDA, Bard integration is upcoming once the API is available.\n- \u2795 ChatGPT Plus support.\n- \ud83d\udd25 Streaming conversation support for both browser and API Key method. ChatGPT will type as they think.\n- \ud83d\udcdd Create files/projects or fix your code with one click or with keyboard shortcuts.\n- \ud83e\udd16 Zero-Config setup. Simply login to OpenAI as usual. Or use OpenAI's official GPT3 APIs.\n- \u27a1\ufe0f Export all your conversation history at once in Markdown format.\n\n\n\n# Zero Configuration with Browser or API Key setup Methods\n\n1. [**Default**] Use OpenAI's official ChatGPT APIs - Use your personal/organizational API Keys. This method provides many parameters to customize your prompt. Check out the GPT3 settings. For more details: [GPT3 OpenAI API Key](#api-key-setup)\n2. Autologin - Uses browser to ask questions to ChatGPT. Zero-Config Autologin lets the extension grab the required tokens automatically using `puppeteer`. The extension will use the browser behind the scenes, so you are not expected to receive 4xx errors while asking ChatGPT via extension unless there is OpenAI outages. [Autologin Setup (Default)](#browser-setup)\n\n\n\n# API Key Setup\n\nGet your API Key ready from here: [OpenAI](https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys)\n\n1. Click `Login` in your extension or ask any coding question by selecting a code fragment.\n2. Once asked provide your API Key to the extension\n - [Optional] You could also store your API Key in your settings.json. However, it's highly discouraged due to security reasons.\n\n# Browser Setup\n\n> \u2755 Please do not interrupt the autologin flow and do not close the browser. Let the extension log you in and the browser will be minimized automatically.\n\n\ud83d\ude80 All you need to do is click Login or ask a question to get started!\n\n1. Click on the ChatGPT extension icon on your sidebar and hit `Login` button.\n\n2. A new browser window (Default is `Chrome` but you may override it with any Chromium-based browser) will open up redirected to https://chat.openai.com/. Wait till you see login page, and click on Login on your browser.\n\n - If you see a `ChatGPT is at capacity right now` message, the extension will refresh the page every 2 seconds until it's passed. If OpenAI systems are experiencing issues and the extension fails to see Login page after 10 retries, the browser will be automatically closed.\n\n3. Solve captchas if you are prompted and continue.\n\n4. After successfully logging in, the browser will be minimized.\n\n\ud83d\udd11 Use Google, Microsoft or standard OpenAI credentials to login. The email/password will be used to autofill the login form depending on the authentication type you choose. **NOTE**: We don't recommend storing your password in your settings.json since the file is plain text. However, you can opt-in to use it to reduce the friction during logins.\n\n\u2139\ufe0f You will need to have a browser open and be logged in at all times. If you close the browser or your VS-Code instance, you will be asked to login again in your next session.\n\n\ud83d\udcdd You can have the extension auto-fill the email address and/or password during logins. Update the extension settings with those information for quicker login. NOTE: We never store any of this information locally or remotely.\n\n\ud83e\udd16 Below is a sample autologin flow. Simply login & keep your browser minimized for dialogues with ChatGPT:\n\n\n\n---\n\n## Override settings with any Chromium-based browser\n\n1. To use `Edge`, go to this URL: `edge://version` and copy the executable path used by your Edge browser.\n2. Override the chromium path by going to vs-code settings and search for `chatgpt:chromiumPath`. Paste the executable path. i.e. `C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe`\n3. [Maybe required] Run `ChatGPT: Reset session` command to clear your previous browser selection. This is required only if you have previously authenticated using a different browser.\n\n### Run on Linux or remote - SSH workspace\n\nThere are community members who are able to run the extension in WSL, Linux, remote-SSH workspaces. Please check these issues for instructions.\n\nCredits to [@EzyDark](https://github.com/EzYDark)\n\n- [How to get it work in remote workspace (Remote - SSH) #39](https://github.com/gencay/vscode-chatgpt/issues/39#issuecomment-1370272656)\n- [How to get it work under WSL2 #25](https://github.com/gencay/vscode-chatgpt/issues/25#issuecomment-1374833026)\n\n# Features\n\nThe extension comes with context menu commands, copy/move suggested code into editor with one-click, conversation window and customization options for OpenAI's ChatGPT prompts.\n\n## ChatGPT conversation window in vs-code\n\n### \ud83c\udd95 Export all your conversation history withs one click\n\n\n\n---\n\n### Ad-hoc prompt prefixes for you to customize what you are asking ChatGPT\n\nCustomize what you are asking with the selected code. The extension will remember your prompt for subsequent questions.\n\n\n\n---\n\n### Automatic partial code response detection\n\nThe extension will detect if ChatGPT didn't complete code in their answer and it will suggest automatic continuation and combination of answers\n\n\n\n---\n\n### \ud83c\udf7b Optimized for dialogue\n\n\n\n---\n\n### Edit and resend a previous prompt\n\n\n\n---\n\n### Copy or insert the code ChatGPT is suggesting right into your editor.\n\n\n\n---\n\n### Ask free-form text questions that will be listed in the conversation window. The conversation is kept in cache until vs-code instance is closed.\n\n\n\n# Use defaults or customize your code prompts\n\n- `ChatGPT: Ad-hoc prompt`: Ad-hoc custom prompt prefix for the selected code. Right click on a selected block of code, run command.\n - You will be asked to fill in your preferred custom prefix and the extension will remember that string for your subsequent ad-hoc queries.\n- `ChatGPT: Add tests`: Write tests for you. Right click on a selected block of code, run command.\n - \"default\": \"Implement tests for the following code\",\n - \"description\": \"The prompt prefix used for adding tests for the selected code\"\n- `ChatGPT: Find bugs`: Analyze and find bugs in your code. Right click on a selected block of code, run command.\n - \"default\": \"Find problems with the following code\",\n - \"description\": \"The prompt prefix used for finding problems for the selected code\"\n- `ChatGPT: Optimize`: Add suggestions to your code to improve. Right click on a selected block of code, run command.\n - \"default\": \"Optimize the following code\",\n - \"description\": \"The prompt prefix used for optimizing the selected code\"\n- `ChatGPT: Explain`: Explain the selected code. Right click on a selected block of code, run command.\n - \"default\": \"Explain the following code\",\n - \"description\": \"The prompt prefix used for explaining the selected code\"\n- `ChatGPT: Add comments`: Add comments for the selected code. Right click on a selected block of code, run command.\n - \"default\": \"Add comments for the following code\",\n - \"description\": \"The prompt prefix used for adding comments for the selected code\"\n- `ChatGPT: Custom prompt 1`: Your custom prompt 1. It's disabled by default, please set to a custom prompt and enable it if you prefer using customized prompt\n - \"default\": \"\",\n- `ChatGPT: Custom prompt 2`: Your custom prompt 2. It's disabled by default, please set to a custom prompt and enable it if you prefer using customized prompt\n - \"default\": \"\",\n\n## Other available commands\n\n- `ChatGPT: Ask anything`: Free-form text questions within conversation window.\n- `ChatGPT: Reset session`: Clears the current session and resets your connection with ChatGPT\n- `ChatGPT: Clear conversation`: Clears the conversation window and resets the thread to start a new conversation with ChatGPT.\n- `ChatGPT: Export conversation`: Exports the whole conversation in Markdown for you to easily store and find the Q&A list.\n\n## Customization settings\n\n- Use proxy with autologin puppeteer setup\n- Opt-in to use automation to authenticate OpenAI.\n- You can configure the commands to use any prompts for the selected code!\n- Opt-in to receive notification when ChatGPT sends you a message!\n\n### Using Proxy\n\nThe autologin supports setting a proxy server. This is useful if you're running into rate limiting issues or if you want to use a proxy to hide your IP address. Right now this setting only supports http proxies. Don't provide a protocol in the setting.\n\nTo use a proxy, update the settings with your proxy server details. For more information on the format, see [here](https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/network-settings).\n\nFormat examples:\n\n- Authenticated: `myUsername:myPassword@my.proxy.com:3001`\n- Anonymous: ``\n\n# Troubleshooting\n\n- It's possible that OpenAI systems may experience issues responding to your queries due to high-traffic from time to time.\n- If you get `404 NotFound` error, it means one of the parameters you provided is unknown (i.e. `chatgpt.gpt3.model`). Most likely switching to default `model` in your settings would fix this issue.\n- If you get `400 BadRequest` error with API Key based method, it means that your conversation's length is more than GPT/Codex models can handle. Clear your conversation history with `ChatGPT: Clear conversation` command and retry sending your prompt.\n- If you get `ChatGPT is at capacity right now` during autologin, the extension will refresh the page every 2 seconds until you see the login page. Refreshing may help in some cases, when there is a queue. This is unfortunately out of this extension's control. If, even after refresh, OpenAI shows capacity error, the browser will close automatically.\n- If you get `ChatGPTAPI error 429`, it means that you are making Too Many Requests. Please wait and try again in a few moments. If it persists, restart your vs-code.\n - This could also be due to multiple browser/requests being active on OpenAI. Make sure that none of your API Keys are being actively used at the moment.\n - You could also try re-generating a new API Key [here](https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys)\n- If you see `ChatGPTAPI error terminated`, your requests are being throttled. Please try again later.\n- If you encounter persistent issues with your queries\n - Try `ChatGPT: Reset session` command\n - As a last resort try restarting your VS-Code and retry logging in.\n- If you are using Remote Development and cant login to ChatGPT\n - In settings.json add\n - \"remote.extensionKind\": {\"gencay.vscode-chatgpt\": [\"ui\"]}\n\n# Disclaimer and Credits\n\n- This public repository is only used for documentation purposes at the moment. It's due to various reasons outlined [here](https://github.com/gencay/vscode-chatgpt/issues/68). Please make sure you are comfortable with the disclaimers below before using the extension.\n- There is no guarantee that the extension will continue to work as-is without any issues or side-effects. Please use it at your own risk. It may stop working without a notice e.g. OpenAI may decide to change all or some of its functionality, which will affect this extension.\n- This extension never uses/stores your personally identifiable information. There are some optional settings that you may opt-in to use i.e. OpenAI API Key. Please be careful of what you are storing in your settings.json file, since vs-code may sync them across their instances and it's outside of this extension's boundary. We recommend not storing any personally identifiable information in your settings.json.\n- This extension collects metadata to improve its features. No personally identifiable information is collected. You can opt-out from telemetry either by setting the global 'telemetry.telemetryLevel' or 'chatgpt.telemetry.disable'. The extension will respect both of these settings and will collect metadata only if both allow telemetry. We use the official telemetry package provided by the vscode team [here](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-extension-telemetry) to understand this extension's usage patterns better to plan new feature releases i.e. popularity of Browser-based autologin vs. API Key method setting.\n- We assume no responsibility of any issues that you may face using this extension. Your use of OpenAI services is subject to OpenAI's [Privacy Policy](https://openai.com/privacy/) and [Terms of Use](https://openai.com/terms/).\n- \ud83d\udcbb Open AI ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/\n- \ud83d\uddbc\ufe0f Open AI Dall-E-2: https://openai.com/dall-e-2/\n- \ud83e\uddea Uses [unofficial nodejs OpenAI API wrapper](https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api) for conversational fetch calls to api.openai.com.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "box/box-ui-elements", "link": "https://github.com/box/box-ui-elements", "tags": ["box-api", "box-platform", "react", "javascript", "box-preview", "box-content-picker", "box-content-explorer", "box-content-uploader", "box-content-preview", "box-content-open-with"], "stars": 529, "description": "React Components for Box's Design System and Pluggable Components", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\"Box\n\n[![Project Status](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-active-brightgreen.svg)](http://opensource.box.com/badges)\n[![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/box/box-ui-elements/tree/master.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/box/box-ui-elements/tree/master)\n[![Styled With Prettier](https://img.shields.io/badge/styled_with-prettier-ff69b4.svg)](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)\n[![Mergify Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https://gh.mergify.io/badges/box/box-ui-elements&style=flat)](https://mergify.io)\n[![semantic-release](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg)](https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release)\n\n\n\"npm\n\n\n\"npm\n\n\n\n[Box UI Elements](https://developer.box.com/docs/box-ui-elements)\n==========================================================================\nBox UI Elements are pre-built UI components that allow developers to add features of the main Box web application into their own applications. Use Box UI Elements to navigate through, upload, preview, and select content stored on Box. Box UI Elements are available as React components and framework-agnostic JavaScript libraries.\n\n# [Demo](https://opensource.box.com/box-ui-elements/)\n*Please note that the demo page has limited functionality.*\n\n## Installation\n`yarn add box-ui-elements` or `npm install box-ui-elements`\n\nTo prevent library duplication, the UI Elements require certain peer dependencies to be installed manually. For a list of required peer dependencies, see [package.json](package.json).\n\n# Usage\nThis documentation describes how to use UI Elements in a [React](https://facebook.github.io/react) application using [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/). If instead you require a framework-agnostic solution, please refer to our [developer documentation](https://developer.box.com/docs/box-ui-elements). You can also reference our [Elements Demo App](https://github.com/box/box-ui-elements-demo) and [Preview Demo App](https://github.com/box/box-content-preview-demo) for examples of minimal React applications using ContentExplorer and ContentPreview, respectively.\n\n### Common\n* [Authentication](src/elements/README.md#authentication)\n* [Internationalization (i18n)](src/elements/README.md#internationalization)\n\n### Elements\n* [ContentExplorer](src/elements/content-explorer/README.md)\n* [ContentOpenWith](src/elements/content-open-with/README.md)\n* [ContentPicker](src/elements/content-picker/README.md)\n* [ContentPreview](src/elements/content-preview/README.md)*\n* [ContentSidebar](src/elements/content-sidebar/README.md)*\n* [ContentUploader](src/elements/content-uploader/README.md)\n\n\\* _These components utilize code splitting. See the [Code Splitting](#code-splitting) section for more information._\n\n### Code Splitting\n[Code splitting](https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/) is currently supported for some UI Elements. In order to use an Element with code splitting, you need to set it up in webpack.\n\n### Stylesheets\nBox UI Elements use [SCSS stylesheets](https://sass-lang.com/guide). Each of the Elements include their corresponding SCSS stylesheet to render properly. Once you `import` an Element within your React app, the corresponding stylesheet will automatically get included. However, you will need to [setup webpack](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin#minimal-example) to handle `.scss` files by using the sass-loader / css-loader. This will direct webpack to properly include our SCSS files in your final CSS output. A sample configuration is [shown here](https://github.com/box/box-ui-elements-demo/blob/master/webpack.config.js) under the rules section.\n\n### Browser Support\n* Desktop Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge (latest 2 versions)\n* Limited support for Internet Explorer 11 (requires ES2015 polyfill)\n* Mobile Chrome and Safari\n\n### Supported Packages\n* React 17: Box UI Elements currently supports usage in React 17 environments. Developers implementing UI Elements in React 18 may experience unexpected issues.\n\n# Contributing\nOur contributing guidelines can be found in [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). The development setup instructions can be found in [DEVELOPING.md](DEVELOPING.md).\n\n# Questions\nIf you have any questions, please visit our [developer forum](https://community.box.com/t5/Box-Developer-Forum/bd-p/DeveloperForum) or contact us via one of our [available support channels](https://community.box.com/t5/Community/ct-p/English).\n\n# Copyright and License\nCopyright 2016-present Box, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\nLicensed under the Box Software License Agreement v.20170516.\nYou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n https://developer.box.com/docs/box-sdk-license\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "adamgibbons/ics", "link": "https://github.com/adamgibbons/ics", "tags": ["icalendar", "ical", "ics", "ics-ical", "javascript", "alarm", "calendar", "calendar-events", "vevent", "vcalendar", "hacktoberfest"], "stars": 529, "description": "iCalendar (ics) file generator for node.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "ics\n==================\n\nThe [iCalendar](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545) generator\n\n[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/ics.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/ics)\n[![TravisCI build status](https://travis-ci.org/adamgibbons/ics.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/adamgibbons/ics.svg?branch=master)\n[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/ics.svg)](http://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=ics)\n\n## Install\n\n`npm install -S ics`\n\n## Example Usage\n\n#### In node / CommonJS\n\n1) Create an iCalendar event:\n\n```javascript\nconst ics = require('ics')\n// or, in ESM: import * as ics from 'ics'\n\nconst event = {\n start: [2018, 5, 30, 6, 30],\n duration: { hours: 6, minutes: 30 },\n title: 'Bolder Boulder',\n description: 'Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder, Colorado',\n location: 'Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)',\n url: 'http://www.bolderboulder.com/',\n geo: { lat: 40.0095, lon: 105.2669 },\n categories: ['10k races', 'Memorial Day Weekend', 'Boulder CO'],\n status: 'CONFIRMED',\n busyStatus: 'BUSY',\n organizer: { name: 'Admin', email: 'Race@BolderBOULDER.com' },\n attendees: [\n { name: 'Adam Gibbons', email: 'adam@example.com', rsvp: true, partstat: 'ACCEPTED', role: 'REQ-PARTICIPANT' },\n { name: 'Brittany Seaton', email: 'brittany@example2.org', dir: 'https://linkedin.com/in/brittanyseaton', role: 'OPT-PARTICIPANT' }\n ]\n}\n\nics.createEvent(event, (error, value) => {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error)\n return\n }\n\n console.log(value)\n // BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n // VERSION:2.0\n // CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n // PRODID:adamgibbons/ics\n // METHOD:PUBLISH\n // X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H\n // BEGIN:VEVENT\n // UID:S8h0Vj7mTB74p9vt5pQzJ\n // SUMMARY:Bolder Boulder\n // DTSTAMP:20181017T204900Z\n // DTSTART:20180530T043000Z\n // DESCRIPTION:Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder\\, Colorado\n // X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY\n // URL:http://www.bolderboulder.com/\n // GEO:40.0095;105.2669\n // LOCATION:Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)\n // STATUS:CONFIRMED\n // CATEGORIES:10k races,Memorial Day Weekend,Boulder CO\n // ORGANIZER;CN=Admin:mailto:Race@BolderBOULDER.com\n // ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED;CN=Adam Gibbons:mailto:adam@example.com\n // ATTENDEE;RSVP=FALSE;ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT;DIR=https://linkedin.com/in/brittanyseaton;CN=Brittany\n // Seaton:mailto:brittany@example2.org\n // DURATION:PT6H30M\n // END:VEVENT\n // END:VCALENDAR\n})\n```\n\n2) Write an iCalendar file:\n```javascript\nconst { writeFileSync } = require('fs')\nconst ics = require('ics')\n\nics.createEvent({\n title: 'Dinner',\n description: 'Nightly thing I do',\n busyStatus: 'FREE',\n start: [2018, 1, 15, 6, 30],\n duration: { minutes: 50 }\n}, (error, value) => {\n if (error) {\n console.log(error)\n }\n\n writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/event.ics`, value)\n})\n```\n\n3) Create multiple iCalendar events:\n```javascript\nconst ics = require('./dist')\n\nconst { error, value } = ics.createEvents([\n {\n title: 'Lunch',\n start: [2018, 1, 15, 12, 15],\n duration: { minutes: 45 }\n },\n {\n title: 'Dinner',\n start: [2018, 1, 15, 12, 15],\n duration: { hours: 1, minutes: 30 }\n }\n])\n\nif (error) {\n console.log(error)\n return\n}\n\nconsole.log(value)\n// BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n// VERSION:2.0\n// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n// PRODID:adamgibbons/ics\n// BEGIN:VEVENT\n// UID:mPfHOGi_sif_xO493Mgi6\n// SUMMARY:Lunch\n// DTSTAMP:20180210T093900Z\n// DTSTART:20180115T191500Z\n// DURATION:PT45M\n// END:VEVENT\n// BEGIN:VEVENT\n// UID:ho-KcKyhNaQVDqJCcGfXD\n// SUMMARY:Dinner\n// DTSTAMP:20180210T093900Z\n// DTSTART:20180115T191500Z\n// DURATION:PT1H30M\n// END:VEVENT\n// END:VCALENDAR\n```\n\n4) Create iCalendar events with Audio (Mac):\n```javascript\nlet ics = require(\"ics\")\nlet moment = require(\"moment\")\nlet events = []\nlet alarms = []\n\nlet start = moment().format('YYYY-M-D-H-m').split(\"-\")\nlet end = moment().add({'hours':2, \"minutes\":30}).format(\"YYYY-M-D-H-m\").split(\"-\")\n\nalarms.push({\n action: 'audio',\n description: 'Reminder',\n trigger: {hours:2,minutes:30,before:true},\n repeat: 2,\n attachType:'VALUE=URI',\n attach: 'Glass'\n})\n\nlet event = {\n productId:\"myCalendarId\",\n uid: \"123\"+\"@ics.com\",\n startOutputType:\"local\",\n start: start,\n end: end,\n title: \"test here\",\n alarms: alarms\n}\nevents.push(event)\nconsole.log(ics.createEvents(events))\n\n// BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n// VERSION:2.0\n// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n// PRODID:MyCalendarId\n// METHOD:PUBLISH\n// X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H\n// BEGIN:VEVENT\n// UID:123@MyCalendarIdics.com\n// SUMMARY:test here\n// DTSTAMP:20180409T072100Z\n// DTSTART:20180409\n// DTEND:20180409\n// BEGIN:VALARM\n// ACTION:DISPLAY\n// DESCRIPTION:Reminder\n// TRIGGER:-PT2H30M\n// END:VALARM\n// BEGIN:VALARM\n// ACTION:AUDIO\n// REPEAT:2\n// ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Glass\n// TRIGGER:PT2H\n// END:VALARM\n// END:VEVENT\n// END:VCALENDAR\n\n```\n\n#### Using ESModules & in the browser\n\n```javascript\nimport { createEvent} from 'ics';\n\nconst event = {\n ...\n}\n\nasync function handleDownload() {\n const filename = 'ExampleEvent.ics'\n const file = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n createEvent(event, (error, value) => {\n if (error) {\n reject(error)\n }\n \n resolve(new File([value], filename, { type: 'plain/text' }))\n })\n })\n const url = URL.createObjectURL(file);\n \n // trying to assign the file URL to a window could cause cross-site\n // issues so this is a workaround using HTML5\n const anchor = document.createElement('a');\n anchor.href = url;\n anchor.download = filename;\n \n document.body.appendChild(anchor);\n anchor.click();\n document.body.removeChild(anchor);\n \n URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\n}\n```\n\n## API\n\n### `createEvent(attributes[, callback])`\n\nGenerates an iCal-compliant VCALENDAR string with one VEVENT.\nIf a callback is not provided, returns an object having the form `{ error, value }`,\nwhere `value` contains an iCal-compliant string if there are no errors.\nIf a callback is provided, returns a Node-style callback.\n\n#### `attributes`\n\nObject literal containing event information.\nOnly the `start` property is required.\nThe following properties are accepted:\n\n| Property | Description | Example |\n| ------------- | ------------- | ----------\n| start | **Required**. Date and time at which the event begins. | `[2000, 1, 5, 10, 0]` (January 5, 2000)\n| startInputType | Type of the date/time data in `start`:
    `local` (default): passed data is in local time.
    `utc`: passed data is UTC |\n| startOutputType | Format of the start date/time in the output:
    `utc` (default): the start date will be sent in UTC format.
    `local`: the start date will be sent as \"floating\" (form #1 in [RFC 5545](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.5)) |\n| end | Time at which event ends. *Either* `end` or `duration` is required, but *not* both. | `[2000, 1, 5, 13, 5]` (January 5, 2000 at 1pm)\n| endInputType | Type of the date/time data in `end`:
    `local`: passed data is in local time.
    `utc`: passed data is UTC.
    The default is the value of `startInputType` |\n| endOutputType | Format of the start date/time in the output:
    `utc`: the start date will be sent in UTC format.
    `local`: the start date will be sent as \"floating\" (form #1 in [RFC 5545](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.5)).
    The default is the value of `startOutputType` |\n| duration | How long the event lasts. Object literal having form `{ weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds }` *Either* `end` or `duration` is required, but *not* both. | `{ hours: 1, minutes: 45 }` (1 hour and 45 minutes)\n| title | Title of event. | `'Code review'`\n| description | Description of event. | `'A constructive roasting of those seeking to merge into master branch'`\n| location | Intended venue | `Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery`\n| geo | Geographic coordinates (lat/lon) | `{ lat: 38.9072, lon: 77.0369 }`\n| url | URL associated with event | `'http://www.mountainsunpub.com/'`\n| status | Three statuses are allowed: `TENTATIVE`, `CONFIRMED`, `CANCELLED` | `CONFIRMED`\n| organizer | Person organizing the event | `{ name: 'Adam Gibbons', email: 'adam@example.com', dir: 'https://linkedin.com/in/adamgibbons', sentBy: 'test@example.com' }`\n| attendees | Persons invited to the event | `[{ name: 'Mo', email: 'mo@foo.com', rsvp: true }, { name: 'Bo', email: 'bo@bar.biz', dir: 'https://twitter.com/bo1234', partstat: 'ACCEPTED', role: 'REQ-PARTICIPANT' }]`\n| categories | Categories associated with the event | `['hacknight', 'stout month']`\n| alarms | Alerts that can be set to trigger before, during, or after the event. The following `attach` properties work on Mac OS: Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sousumi, Submarine, Tink | `{ action: 'display', description: 'Reminder', trigger: [2000, 1, 4, 18, 30] }` OR `{ action: 'display', description: 'Reminder', trigger: { hours: 2, minutes: 30, before: true } }` OR `{ action: 'display', description: 'Reminder', trigger: { hours: 2, minutes: 30, before: false }` OR `{ action: 'audio', description: 'Reminder', trigger: { hours: 2, minutes: 30, before: true }, repeat: 2, attachType: 'VALUE=URI', attach: 'Glass' }`\n| productId | Product which created ics, `PRODID` field | `'adamgibbons/ics'`\n| uid | Universal unique id for event, produced by default with `nanoid`. **Warning:** This value must be **globally unique**. It is recommended that it follow the [RFC 822 addr-spec](https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc822/) (i.e. `localpart@domain`). Including the `@domain` half is a good way to ensure uniqueness. | `'LZfXLFzPPR4NNrgjlWDxn'`\n| method | This property defines the iCalendar object method associated with the calendar object. When used in a MIME message entity, the value of this property MUST be the same as the Content-Type \"method\" parameter value. If either the \"METHOD\" property or the Content-Type \"method\" parameter is specified, then the other MUST also be specified. | `PUBLISH`\n| recurrenceRule | A recurrence rule, commonly referred to as an RRULE, defines the repeat pattern or rule for to-dos, journal entries and events. If specified, RRULE can be used to compute the recurrence set (the complete set of recurrence instances in a calendar component). You can use a generator like this [one](https://www.textmagic.com/free-tools/rrule-generator) | `FREQ=DAILY`\n| sequence | For sending an update for an event (with the same uid), defines the revision sequence number. | `2`\n| busyStatus | Used to specify busy status for Microsoft applications, like Outlook. See [Microsoft spec](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/exchange_server_protocols/ms-oxcical/cd68eae7-ed65-4dd3-8ea7-ad585c76c736). | `'BUSY'` OR `'FREE'` OR `'TENTATIVE`' OR `'OOF'`\n| classification | This property defines the access classification for a calendar component. See [iCalender spec](https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-1-3-classification.html). | `'PUBLIC'` OR `'PRIVATE'` OR `'CONFIDENTIAL`' OR any non-standard string\n| created | Date-time representing event's creation date. Provide a date-time in UTC | [2000, 1, 5, 10, 0] (January 5, 2000 GMT +00:00)\n| lastModified | Date-time representing date when event was last modified. Provide a date-time in UTC | [2000, 1, 5, 10, 0] (January 5, 2000 GMT +00:00)\n| calName | Specifies the _calendar_ (not event) name. Used by Apple iCal and Microsoft Outlook; see [Open Specification](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/exchange_server_protocols/ms-oxcical/1da58449-b97e-46bd-b018-a1ce576f3e6d) | `'Example Calendar'` |\n| htmlContent | Used to include HTML markup in an event's description. Standard DESCRIPTION tag should contain non-HTML version. | `

    This is
    html code.

    ` |\n\nTo create an **all-day** event, pass only three values (`year`, `month`, and `date`) to the `start` and `end` properties.\nThe date of the `end` property should be the day *after* your all-day event.\nFor example, in order to create an all-day event occuring on October 15, 2018:\n```javascript\nconst eventAttributes = {\n start: [2018, 10, 15],\n end: [2018, 10, 16],\n /* rest of attributes */\n}\n```\n\n#### `callback`\n\nOptional.\nNode-style callback.\n\n```javascript\nfunction (err, value) {\n if (err) {\n // if iCal generation fails, err is an object containing the reason\n // if iCal generation succeeds, err is null\n }\n\n console.log(value) // iCal-compliant text string\n}\n```\n\n### `createEvents(events[, callback])`\n\nGenerates an iCal-compliant VCALENDAR string with multiple VEVENTS.\n\nIf a callback is not provided, returns an object having the form `{ error, value }`, where value is an iCal-compliant text string\nif `error` is `null`.\n\nIf a callback is provided, returns a Node-style callback.\n\n#### `events`\n\nArray of `attributes` objects (as described in `createEvent`).\n\n#### `callback`\n\nOptional.\nNode-style callback.\n\n```javascript\nfunction (err, value) {\n if (err) {\n // if iCal generation fails, err is an object containing the reason\n // if iCal generation succeeds, err is null\n }\n\n console.log(value) // iCal-compliant text string\n}\n```\n\n## Develop\n\nRun mocha tests and watch for changes:\n```\nnpm start\n```\n\nRun tests once and exit:\n```\nnpm test\n```\n\nBuild the project, compiling all ES6 files within the `src` directory into vanilla JavaScript in the `dist` directory.\n```\nnpm run build\n```\n\n## References\n\n- [RFC 5545: Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545)\n- [iCalendar Validator](http://icalendar.org/validator.html#results)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "In general, there is a huge problem with how we distribute software, and package managers are even worse.We basically only look at the top level of things, when instead, every branch in the tree should have a bunch of security people watching it, like editors watch every change to a Wikipedia article, before it goes out.Corporations using automation and technology have hijacked our \"Free Speech\" ideals, and caused us to think that it's a good thing when one party can push out a tweet to 5 million people at once, or a single corporation can buy up local stations and enforce talking points on journalism. That's not freedom of speech at all. That's just a preference for maintaining entrenched power because someone \"amassed it voluntarily\"... and this mentality extends recursively all the way down ... Take for example the first Twitter mega-celebrity. Ashton Kutcher himself amassed it voluntarily because he was chosen by TV and movie executives once upon a time, to be used in mass media, and their platforms were \"voluntarily\" built in the past, from the invention of the TV, and people subscribed \"voluntarily\", and Twitter was built \"voluntarily\" and funded by VCs voluntarily, and so on. And the end result is, some power (in this case, audience) is concentrated in the hands of a few people, who disproportionately act as kingmakers for various other people and ideas. That's also how we get \"too big to fail\" issues in telecoms, banks, and so on.In science, things work differently. Arxiv.org exists but peer review is a big thing. Wikipedia has multiple distrusting parties for each large article. So does Bitcoin (presumably, anyway).In general, the more value (votes, data, code, money) accumulates in one place, the more \"checks and balances\" you should have for each release. You can't just have someone push out something in the middle of the night and have everyone pull it into their codebase via npm and then \"launder\" the (malicious) bugs through more and more releases. You need it to go through \"peer review\", and not on the top level of an entire tree, but rather, for each subtree there need to be people who understand what's going on.THAT is a society that's far more secure, that can't be easily backdoored by some hackers paid by a state to find vulnerabilities. And the capitalistic system we have today is pushing the other way (closed source, centralized databases, extract rents reward early investors through information asymmetry, etc.) and the result is stuff like SolarWinds, Equifax hack, Yahoo hack, etc. etc. etc. We're finally starting to put a tax on storing data without an explicit purpose, hopefully that will make it expensive enough that people will be custodying their own data at least. But when it comes to \"broadcasting\" things, I'd rather have less \"real time pushes\" and instead slow things down until we can \"run byzantine consensus\" gradually releasing to the public via concentric circles.The full solution would involve Merkle trees where some security organizations and researchers / peers (anonymous or not, but with reputations) sign off on each changeset. Instead of just Apple or something. Git + Verified Claims can already support most of the infrastructure, btw.I'd just like to mention that if the community was determined enough we'd1. Demand removal of analytics software\n2. If no action, fork and re-publish.Obviously folks who aren't technical/didn't see these threads wouldn't get the benefit of an update.This is something where an explicitly pro-opensource and anti-tracking (or at least minimal tracking) policy by the browser extension stores would be valuable. The store itself could recommend the no-tracking community version instead. Of course this would have to happen on an individual basis and be carefully managed as so not to be abused.Three builds published to Chrome Webstore without corresponding commits published to GitHub.This Extension being GPLv2, is there a way to report this obvious license violation to Google/GitHub? Would they care?Reminds me of the uBlock vs uBlock origin story some years ago:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9437182https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9718625I recently tried to find a health related tracking app on the Apple AppStore in order to conveniently track and manage my health but I noticed that I cannot trust any offered app anymore, regardless of paid or free.This can come either because the proliferation of *analytics, broad openness of supposedly sandboxed systems, needless availability of fingerprinting methods and lack of proof of privacy commitment by the vendors (and any published privacy policy is not enough), or because I just became too paranoid (or both?).Examples like these validate the suspicion that you can\u2019t trust any app or plug-in anymore, with big vendors being in a inbetween position of \u201ctoo big to lose trust\u201d.I wonder when we will reach the point where there is no trusted web browser anymore, no trusted computer appliance. When will it be that you cannot even say a word to a person in-person anymore because it lands in a weakly secured cloud by the microphone inside their smartwatch that runs a weather app that is run by crooks. Or is that point reached already?Isn't this a huge vulnerability that rises to the level of \"Chrome team should police this\"?I mean, just thinking potential threats (which now I'm removing the extension because of them):-- corporate web pages potentially sniffable if installed on work computer-- personal passwords, password manager trafficThe potentially malicious actor is able to just scoop up any domain's encrypted traffic, isn't it? Or is there any practical assurance that they're only gathering domain names, high level traffic stats, etc?TGS is absolutely critical for my everyday use: can someone confirm if everything is still as in the linked GitHub issue?Seems like another case where a successful Chrome extension was bought out so it could be used for either:1. Mining the users' traffic and reselling it as market research, or2. Using the users' computers as a pool for a residential proxy service, or3. Replacing and inserting ads into users' browsers.This is unfortunately quite common.I've been telling everyone who will listen[1][2][3] that as an extension developer, I'd love to be able to guarantee through the Chrome App Store that an extension matches a git commit (or auditable build pipeline artifact) exactly.It wouldn't fix everything (for example, you could still put a payload in an innocent-looking dependency), but it would at least fix the blatant problem that a maintainer can add code when uploading an extension even if the extension itself is open source and therefore (appears to be) auditable.[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23265699\n[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16881343\n[3] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16317686Out of an abundance of paranoia, I always open all financial and secretive websites in Incognito mode, and I always disallow all extensions in Incognito mode.We should really have separate dedicated browsers just for doing transactions.For anyone not clicking the link, TheMageKing opened this issue on Nov 3, 2020.Unrelated to the security implications, Microsoft Edge is doing tab suspension natively in the latest builds.https://www.windowslatest.com/2020/09/17/microsoft-edge-slee...Curated app stores are great at preventing malware because they prevent you from installing packages from anyone other than the official maintainer, including yourself.The culpability of Dean Oemcke in this particular incident should not be understated. Hindsight is hindsight, of course, but the fact that the new owner of the platform distribution rights of this open-source project was (and apparently remains) anonymous seems like it ought to have been a huge red flag. The fact that these rights were paid for made it obvious that monetization was pending. The lack of transparency made it obvious that the form of that monetization would not be acceptable to the contributing community.There might be a way of contesting the rights to the project name but that would require legal activism and external funding. Basically the original project is dead insofar as the contributors are not comfortable with supporting a parasitic and probably malicious actor. I guess a fork is inevitable. Meanwhile the parasite will harvest the value of the 'brand', distribution rights, and existing codebase until it is drained by obsolescence.A really disgusting way to treat a community by both parties. One can only hope that Mr. Oemcke desperately needed the money for some vital purpose.What prevents bad actors from buying a popular extension and rolling out malicious code to everyone who uses the extension?I mean except the integrity of extension developers.I did the work of downloading a forked version [1] of the extension and disabling the mainline extension.In doing so, I lost about 60 suspended tabs, with no record in history as to what they were.In some ways, this is like a weight off my back. On the other hand, I was going to read those tabs, I swear!Oh well, time for me to search jstor for a history of copper mine consolidation, again.[1] https://github.com/aciidic/thegreatsuspender-notrackWe need to talk about how difficult it is to monetize browser extensions. Most of these problems occur when a reputable extension gets sold to a less reputable owner, frequently for a relatively small amount of money (4-5 figures). Even very popular extensions have a hard time monetizing. Unfortunately, Chrome has recently made the situation worse by deprecating Chrome Web Store payments, and Firefox eliminated their paid extension store several years ago.If the only way to monetize an extension is to exploit its users for data, this kind of thing is going to keep happening. It's perfectly understandable how someone who is doing a lot of work for no pay will eventually get tired of it or have other priorities in life, which is what happened in this case. Perhaps we all need to stop taking it for granted that browser extensions ought to be free? Or maybe the browser vendors themselves can find ways of financially supporting extension authors. I feel that money is essential to both the problem and the solution.Of course, paid upfront software gets sold to new owners too. But if the software is paid upfront, the expectation is that the new owner will perhaps do a better job of maintaining and marketing the software, and that's why the new owner buys it. When the software is paid, the new owner has an opportunity to make money legitimately, without secretly exploiting the existing user base.I wrote a browser extension that interacted with a password manager.I receive almost-weekly messages from folks offering to buy my extension.I am one of the few people that inspects the source-code of extensions. It's easy to do, for Firefox for example, just right-click and save-as in the extensions site, then rename your extension to a .zip file and extract e.g: addon.xpi --> addon.zip\n\nThen manually sift through the code looking for obvious malicious intent (or not so obvious malicious intent if the author is doing obfuscation). Note: obfuscation is a red flag! A simple scan for `https://` / 'http://' would usually yield interesting URLs where data is sent. I have actually spotted malicious addons in the wild this way and reported them to Mozilla. They were thankfully removed.Note: Obfuscation is NOT the same as minification, and I don't mean minification when using the word obfuscation!Wouldn\u2019t be perfect but I\u2019d like to see the ability to prevent extensions from making any web requests.I\u2019d also like them to not silently update in the background.Many comments in the GitHub issue mention Tabs Outliner as an alternative for the now-sketchy-looking The Great Suspender.Speaking as a long time paid user of the free/paid Tabs Outliner, I can't recommend it strongly enough.[0]https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tabs-outliner/eggk...Chrome extensions are an interesting study in trust. Even with their push for manifest v3, you can still run arbitrary JS on any url. Which, of course, allows arbitrary spying and manipulation.If they hobble that, though, a large portion of extensions become useless. I don't personally see any real middle ground. It's either a credible risk, or too complicated for practical use. The way manifest v3 hobbles practically required things like heuristics is a good example.I stopped using Great Suspender a few years back when Chrome built this in https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/09/tab-discar...I encourage people to disable all chrome extensions. They have unprecedented access to your data (they can read your bank credentials), and they are a big performance hit. e.g. using Chrome Devtools you can see that Lastpass doubles page load times.You can use SimpleExtManager (only has perms to turn on /off extensions) to turn everything off until you need them.If anyone is looking for an alternative, I'm a big fan of Auto Tab Discard:https://add0n.com/tab-discard.htmlhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/auto-tab-disc...https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/auto-tab-discard/j...This type of developer 'switch' is becoming so common that I now have to add my chrome extensions to google alerts so as to feel safe. As a user below comments: \"We need to talk about how difficult it is to monetize browser extensions\" b/c w/o this we will see this continue.This is a problem with many package managers. Even if one downloads a package in Emacs from MELPA. How can one be sure it\u2019s not containing malware? Read through all code every in every dependency after every update?It says a lot about the value of cross-platform and zero-deployment that developers put up with Javascript and HTML as an application development platform.It also says a lot about what is not valued: a consistent UI paradigm (Bootstrap not withstanding), a rich suite of client-supplied services, multi-tasking, static typing.Javascript is just what you have to put up with to get access to everything else.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "YousefED/ElasticUI", "link": "https://github.com/YousefED/ElasticUI", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "AngularJS directives for Elasticsearch", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "ElasticUI\n=========\n\nElasticUI is a set of AngularJS directives enabling developers to rapidly build a frontend on top of Elasticsearch. It builds upon the elastic.js implementation of the Elasticsearch DSL.\n\n**The concept of ElasticUI is to have one \"view\" of your index to which you can add aggregations, sorting, paging, filters by adding directives in your html.**\n\n\n\nGetting started\n---\nThe easiest way to get started is to checkout the [demo file][3] (or [jsfiddle][6]). \nThis file demonstrates a simple use of facets, search and pagination. \nJust change 4 fields in the source to match your Elasticsearch setup and mapping.\n\nTo use the demo file, create a directory in your Elasticsearch plugins directory \nand drop the demo file in a _site subfolder within. The demo file is then accessible\nvia web browser e.g. http://YOUR_ES_IP/_plugins/demo/demo.html .\n\n_If you are not serving the demo page from Elasticsearch you might have to enable [CORS](http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-http.html) and allow requests to Elasticsearch from your host._\n\n**Changing the UI of the widgets in the Demo**\n\nThe widgets in the demo file are simple templates built upon the ElasticUI components (see below).\n[Learn how they work and how to modify them][4].\n\n_Demo screenshot_:\n\n![ElasticUI Demo screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YousefED/ElasticUI/master/docs/screenshots/demo.png)\n\n\nCreating a project from scratch\n---\nAdd the following files to your Angular project:\n\n - elasticui.js from dist/\n - elastic.js from [fullscale/elastic.js][1]\n - elasticsearch.angular.js from [elasticsearch.org][2] or alternatively [elasticsearch.angular.simple.js][7]\n\nSet up ElasticUI in your project by defining your ElasticSearch host as *euiHost*:\n\n angular.module('yourApp', ['elasticui']).constant('euiHost', 'http://localhost:9200');\n\nSet the `eui-index=\"'INDEX_NAME'\"` on the `` tag, now you can get started adding ElasticUI components to your view (see below).\n\nComponents\n===\nThe directives you can use for aggregations (facets), sorting, paging and filtering your view are documented in [docs/components.md][5].\nThese components are the core of ElasticUI and is what you'd want to build your own front-end on.\n\nFor example, creating an aggregation and listing the buckets it returns is as simple as:\n\n
    • {{bucket}}
    • \n
    \n\n[Read more][5]\n\nScreenshot\n===\nExample dashboard built on top of this project:\n\n![World Cup Twitter Dashboard](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YousefED/ElasticUI/master/docs/screenshots/example_twitter_dashboard.png)\n\n\n\n [1]: http://github.com/fullscale/elastic.js\n [2]: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/javascript-api/current/browser-builds.html\n [3]: https://github.com/YousefED/ElasticUI/blob/master/examples/demo/demo.html\n [4]: https://github.com/YousefED/ElasticUI/blob/master/docs/widgets.md\n [5]: https://github.com/YousefED/ElasticUI/blob/master/docs/components.md\n [6]: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/yousefed/elasticui/tree/master/examples/demo\n [7]: https://github.com/YousefED/elasticsearch.angular.simple\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "I rather build an API around my search index rather than call it directly from AngularJS, but that may just be me.Hi HN! Would appreciate any feedback on this project. It's something I think is definitely missing in the ecosystem so far.What's your experience building a frontend on your Elasticsearch index, tips + something specific you would be looking for in a project like this?", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "jupyter/tmpnb", "link": "https://github.com/jupyter/tmpnb", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "Creates temporary Jupyter Notebook servers using Docker containers. [DEPRECATED - See BinderHub project]", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "## tmpnb, the temporary notebook service\n\nLaunches \"temporary\" Jupyter notebook servers.\n\n**WARNING: tmpnb is no longer actively maintained.**\n\nWe recommend you switch to using JupyterHub.\n\n### Configuration option 1:\n\n* [JupyterHub](https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) with [tmpauthenticator](https://github.com/jupyterhub/tmpauthenticator)\n\n### Configuration option 2:\n\n* [BinderHub](https://binderhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)\n\n----------------\n\n![tmpnb architecture](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/836375/5911140/c53e3978-a587-11e4-86a5-695469ef23a5.png)\n\ntmpnb launches a docker container for each user that requests one. In practice, this gets used to [provide temporary notebooks](https://tmpnb.org), demo the IPython notebook as part of [a Nature article](http://www.nature.com/news/interactive-notebooks-sharing-the-code-1.16261), or even [provide Jupyter kernels for publications](http://odewahn.github.io/publishing-workflows-for-jupyter/#1).\n\nPeople have used it at user groups, meetups, and workshops to provide temporary access to a full system without any installation whatsoever.\n\n#### Quick start\n\nGet Docker, then:\n\n```\ndocker pull jupyter/minimal-notebook\nexport TOKEN=$( head -c 30 /dev/urandom | xxd -p )\ndocker run --net=host -d -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN --name=proxy jupyter/configurable-http-proxy --default-target\ndocker run --net=host -d -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN --name=tmpnb -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock jupyter/tmpnb python orchestrate.py --container-user=jovyan --command='jupyter notebook --no-browser --port {port} --ip= --NotebookApp.base_url={base_path} --NotebookApp.port_retries=0 --NotebookApp.token=\"\" --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True'\n```\nNOTE! This will disable Jupyter Notebook's token security. The option for `container-user` assures that the notebook will not run as a privileged user. You can set `--NotebookApp.token` to a string if you want to add a minimal layer of security.\n\nBAM! Visit your Docker host on port 8000 and you have a working tmpnb setup. The ` -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock` bit causes the orchestrator container to mount the docker client, which allows the orchestrator container to spawn docker containers on the host (see [this article](http://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2014/07/12/10-docker-tips-and-tricks-that-will-make-you-sing-a-whale-song-of-joy/#bind-mount-the-docker-socket-on-docker-run:1765430f0793020845eca6c8326a4e45) for more information).\n\nIf you are running docker using docker-machine, as is now the standard, get the IP address of your Docker host by running `docker-machine ls`. If you are using boot2docker, then you can find your docker host's ip address by running the following command in your console: `boot2docker ip`\n\nIf it didn't come up, try running `docker ps -a` and `docker logs tmpnb` to help diagnose issues.\n\nAlternatively, you can choose to setup a docker-compose.yml file:\n```\nhttpproxy:\n image: jupyter/configurable-http-proxy\n environment:\n CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN: 716238957362948752139417234\n container_name: tmpnb-proxy\n net: \"host\"\n command: --default-target\n ports:\n - 8000:8000\n\ntmpnb_orchestrate:\n image: jupyter/tmpnb\n net: \"host\"\n container_name: tmpnb_orchestrate\n environment:\n CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN: 716238957362948752139417234\n volumes:\n - /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock\n command: python orchestrate.py --command='jupyter notebook --no-browser --port {port} --ip= --NotebookApp.base_url={base_path} --NotebookApp.port_retries=0 --NotebookApp.token=\"\" --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True'\n```\n\nThen, you can launch the container with `docker-compose up`, no building is required since they pull directly from images.\n\n#### Advanced configuration\n\nIf you need to set the `docker-version` or other options, they can be passed to `jupyter/tmpnb` directly:\n\n```\ndocker run --net=host -d -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock jupyter/tmpnb python orchestrate.py --cull-timeout=60 --docker-version=\"1.13\" --command=\"jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.base_url={base_path} --ip= --port {port}\"\n```\n\nNote that if you do not pass a value to `docker-version`, tmpnb will automatically use the Docker API version provided by the server.\n\nThe tmpnb server has two APIs: a public one that receives HTTP requests under the `/` proxy route and an administrative one available only on the private, localhost interface by default. You can configure the interfaces (`--ip`, `--admin_ip`) and ports (`--port`, `--admin_port`) of both APIs using command line arguments.\n\nIf you decide to expose the admin API on a public interface, you can protect it by specifying a secret token in the environment variable `ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN` when starting the `tmpnb` container. Thereafter, all requests made to the admin API must include it in an HTTP header like so:\n\n```\nAuthorization: token \n```\n\nLikewise, if you only want to allow programmatic access to your tmpnb cluster by select clients, you can specify a separate secret token in the environment variable `API_AUTH_TOKEN` when starting the `tmpnb` container. All requests made to the public API must include it in an HTTP header in the same manner as depicted for the admin token above. Note that when this token is set, only the `/api/*` resources of the tmpnb server are available. All human-facing paths are disabled.\n\nIf you want to see the resources available in both the admin and user APIs, look at the handler paths registered in the `orchestrate.py` file. You should consider both APIs to be unstable.\n\n#### Launching with *your own* Docker images\n\ntmpnb can run any Docker container provided by the `--image` option, so long as the `--command` option tells where the `{base_path}` and `{port}`. Those are literal strings, complete with curly braces that tmpnb will replace with an assigned `base_path` and `port`.\n\n```\ndocker run --net=host -d -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN \\\n -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock \\\n jupyter/tmpnb python orchestrate.py --image='jupyter/demo' --command=\"jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.base_url={base_path} --ip= --port {port}\"\n```\n\n#### Using [jupyter/docker-stacks](https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks) images\n\nWhen using the latest [jupyter/docker-stacks](https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks) images with tmpnb, you can use the `start-notebook.sh` script or invoke the `jupyter notebook` command directly to run your notebook servers as user `jovyan`. Substitute your desired docker-stacks image name in the command below.\n\n```bash\ndocker run -d \\\n --net=host \\\n -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN \\\n -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock \\\n jupyter/tmpnb \\\n python orchestrate.py --image='jupyter/minimal-notebook' \\\n --command='start-notebook.sh \\\n \"--NotebookApp.base_url={base_path} \\\n --ip= \\\n --port={port} \\\n --NotebookApp.trust_xheaders=True\"'\n```\n\n#### Options\n\n```\nUsage: orchestrate.py [OPTIONS]\n\nOptions:\n\n --help show this help information\n\ntornado/log.py options:\n\n --log-file-max-size max size of log files before rollover\n (default 100000000)\n --log-file-num-backups number of log files to keep (default 10)\n --log-file-prefix=PATH Path prefix for log files. Note that if you\n are running multiple tornado processes,\n log_file_prefix must be different for each\n of them (e.g. include the port number)\n --log-rotate-interval The interval value of timed rotating\n (default 1)\n --log-rotate-mode The mode of rotating files(time or size)\n (default size)\n --log-rotate-when specify the type of TimedRotatingFileHandler\n interval other options:('S', 'M', 'H', 'D',\n 'W0'-'W6') (default midnight)\n --log-to-stderr Send log output to stderr (colorized if\n possible). By default use stderr if\n --log_file_prefix is not set and no other\n logging is configured.\n --logging=debug|info|warning|error|none\n Set the Python log level. If 'none', tornado\n won't touch the logging configuration.\n (default info)\n\norchestrate.py options:\n\n --admin-ip ip for the admin server to listen on\n [default:] (default\n --admin-port port for the admin server to listen on\n (default 10000)\n --allow-credentials Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials\n header.\n --allow-headers Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Headers\n header.\n --allow-methods Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Methods\n header.\n --allow-origin Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.\n Use '*' to allow any origin to access.\n --assert-hostname Verify hostname of Docker daemon. (default\n False)\n --command Command to run when booting the image. A\n placeholder for {base_path} should be\n provided. A placeholder for {port} and {ip}\n can be provided. (default jupyter notebook\n --no-browser --port {port} --ip=\n --NotebookApp.base_url={base_path}\n --NotebookApp.port_retries=0)\n --container-ip Host IP address for containers to bind to.\n If host_network=True, the host IP address\n for notebook servers to bind to. (default\n\n --container-port Within container port for notebook servers\n to bind to. If host_network=True, the\n starting port assigned to notebook servers\n on the host. (default 8888)\n --container-user User to run container command as\n --cpu-quota Limit CPU quota, per container.\n Units are CPU-\u00b5s per 100ms, so 1\n CPU/container would be:\n --cpu-quota=100000\n --cpu-shares Limit CPU shares, per container\n --cull-max Maximum age of a container (s), regardless\n of activity. Default: 14400\n (4 hours) A container that\n has been running for this long will be\n culled, even if it is not idle.\n (default 14400)\n --cull-period Interval (s) for culling idle containers.\n (default 600)\n --cull-timeout Timeout (s) for culling idle containers.\n (default 3600)\n --docker-version Version of the Docker API to use (default\n auto)\n --expose-headers Sets the Access-Control-Expose-Headers\n header.\n --extra-hosts Extra hosts for the containers, multiple\n hosts can be specified by using a\n comma-delimited string, specified in the\n form hostname:IP (default [])\n --host-directories Mount the specified directory as a data\n volume, multiple directories can be\n specified by using a comma-delimited string,\n directory path must provided in full\n (eg: /home/steve/data/:r), permissions\n default to rw\n --host-network Attaches the containers to the host\n networking instead of the default docker\n bridge. Affects the semantics of\n container_port and container_ip. (default\n False)\n --image Docker container to spawn for new users.\n Must be on the system already (default\n jupyter/minimal-notebook)\n --ip ip for the main server to listen on\n [default: all interfaces]\n --max-age Sets the Access-Control-Max-Age header.\n --max-dock-workers Maximum number of docker workers (default 2)\n --mem-limit Limit on Memory, per container (default\n 512m)\n --pool-name Container name fragment used to identity\n containers that belong to this instance.\n --pool-size Capacity for containers on this system. Will\n be prelaunched at startup. (default 10)\n --port port for the main server to listen on\n (default 9999)\n --redirect-uri URI to redirect users to upon initial\n notebook launch (default /tree)\n --static-files Static files to extract from the initial\n container launch\n --user-length Length of the unique /user/:id path\n generated per container (default 12)\n```\n\n#### Development\n\n*WARNING* The `Makefile` used in the commands below assume your\ncontainers can be deleted. Please work on an isolated machine and read\nthe `cleanup` target in the `Makefile` prior to executing.\n\n```\ngit clone https://github.com/jupyter/tmpnb.git\ncd tmpnb\n\n# Kick off the proxy and run the server.\n# Runs on all interfaces on port 8000 by default.\n# NOTE: stops and deletes all containers\nmake dev\n```\n\n#### Troubleshooting\n\nIf you are receiving 500 errors after changing the proxy port, make sure\nthat you are using the correct internal port (proxy port+1 unless you\nspecify it otherwise).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "btholt/complete-intro-to-react-v8", "link": "https://github.com/btholt/complete-intro-to-react-v8", "tags": [], "stars": 530, "description": "The Complete Intro to React, as taught by Brian Holt on Frontend Masters", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "


    \n\n[![Frontend Masters](https://static.frontendmasters.com/assets/brand/logos/full.png)][fem]\n\n[Please click here][course] to head to the course website.\n\n# Issues and Pull Requests\n\nPlease file issues and open pull requests here! Thank you! For issues with project files, either file issues on _this_ repo _or_ open a pull request on the projects repos. This repo itself is the course website.\n\n# Project Files\n\n[Please go here][project] for the project files.\n\n# License\n\nThe content of this workshop is licensed under CC-BY-NC-4.0. Feel free to share freely but do not resell my content.\n\nThe code, including the code of the site itself and the code in the exercises, are licensed under Apache 2.0.\n\n[fem]: https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/complete-react-v8/\n[course]: https://react-v8.holt.courses\n[project]: https://github.com/btholt/citr-v8-project/\n\n[React icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon](https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/react)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "ectoflow/vue-stripe-elements", "link": "https://github.com/ectoflow/vue-stripe-elements", "tags": ["vue", "stripe-elements", "vue-stripe", "stripe", "vue-component", "payments", "checkout"], "stars": 529, "description": "A Vue 2 component collection for Stripe.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![SWUbanner](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vshymanskyy/StandWithUkraine/main/banner-direct.svg)](https://vshymanskyy.github.io/StandWithUkraine)\n\n# Vue Stripe Elements\nFlexible and powerful Vue components for Stripe. It's a glue between [Stripe.js](https://stripe.com/docs/js) and Vue component lifecycle.\n\n- Vue 2 component collection: stable \u2705\n- Vue 3: use [vue-stripe-js](https://github.com/ectoflow/vue-stripe-js) \n\n# Quickstart\n\n### 1. Install package:\n\n```bash\n# npm\nnpm i vue-stripe-elements-plus --save-dev\n\n# yarn\nyarn add vue-stripe-elements-plus --dev\n```\n\n### 2. Add Stripe.js library to the page:\n```\n\n```\n> Alternatively, you can load Stripe library dynamically. Just make sure it's ready before your components mount.\n\n### 3. Use built-in components\nCreate card\n\n```html\n\n\n\n```\n\n### 4. Get advanced\nCreate multiple elements\n\n```html\n\n \n \n\n```\n\n### 5. Go wild\nYou can even create multiple groups, don't ask me why. It's possible.\n\n```html\n\n \n\n\n \n\n```\n\n# Styles\nNo base style included. Main reason: overriding it isn't fun. Style as you wish via element options: [see details](https://stripe.com/docs/js/appendix/style).\n\n# API Reference\n\n## StripeElements.vue\nThink of it as of individual group of elements. It creates stripe instance and elements object.\n\n```js\nimport { StripeElements } from 'vue-stripe-elements-plus'\n```\n\n### props\n```js\n// https://stripe.com/docs/js/initializing#init_stripe_js-options\nstripeKey: {\n type: String,\n required: true,\n},\n// https://stripe.com/docs/js/elements_object/create#stripe_elements-options\ninstanceOptions: {\n type: Object,\n default: () => ({}),\n},\n// https://stripe.com/docs/stripe.js#element-options\nelementsOptions: {\n type: Object,\n default: () => ({}),\n},\n```\n\n### data\nYou can access `instance` and `elements` by adding ref to StripeElements component.\n```js\n// data of StripeElements.vue\ninstance: {},\nelements: {},\n```\n\n### default scoped slot\nElegant solution for props. Really handy because you can make `instance` and `elements` available to all children without adding extra code.\n\n```html\n\n\n \n \n\n```\n\n## StripeElement.vue\nUniversal and type agnostic component. Create any element supported by Stripe.\n\n### props\n```js\n// elements object\n// https://stripe.com/docs/js/elements_object/create\nelements: {\n type: Object,\n required: true,\n},\n// type of the element\n// https://stripe.com/docs/js/elements_object/create_element?type=card\ntype: {\n type: String,\n default: () => 'card',\n},\n// element options\n// https://stripe.com/docs/js/elements_object/create_element?type=card#elements_create-options\noptions: {\n type: [Object, undefined],\n},\n```\n\n### data\n```js\nstripeElement\ndomElement\n```\n\n### options\nElement options are reactive. Recommendation: don't use v-model on `StripeElement`, instead pass value via options.\n\n```js\ndata() {\n return {\n elementOptions: {\n value: {\n postalCode: ''\n }\n }\n }\n},\n\nmethods: {\n changePostalCode() {\n // will update stripe element automatically\n this.elementOptions.value.postalCode = '12345'\n }\n}\n```\n\n### events\nFollowing events are emitted on StripeElement\n- change\n- ready\n- focus\n- blur\n- escape\n\n```html\n\n```\n\n## Helpers\nIn case you like the manual gearbox. Check [stripeElements.js](src/stripeElements.js) for details.\n\n```js\nimport { initStripe, createElements, createElement } from 'vue-stripe-elements-plus'\n```\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation", "link": "https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation", "tags": ["chartjs", "plugin", "annotation"], "stars": 529, "description": "Annotation plugin for Chart.js", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# chartjs-plugin-annotation.js\n\n[![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation/ci.yml?branch=master)](https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation/actions/workflows/ci.yml)\n[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation?branch=master)\n[![release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation?include_prereleases)](https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation/releases)\n[![npm (latest)](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/chartjs-plugin-annotation/latest)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/chartjs-plugin-annotation/v/latest)\n[![documentation](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?message=Documentation&color=informational)](https://www.chartjs.org/chartjs-plugin-annotation/index)\n\"Awesome\"\n\nAn annotation plugin for Chart.js >= 3.7.0\n\n---\n> This plugin needs to be registered. It does not function as inline plugin.\n---\n\nFor Chart.js 3.0.0 to 3.6.2 support, use [version 1.4.0 of this plugin](https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation/releases/tag/v1.4.0)\nFor Chart.js 2.4.0 to 2.9.x support, use [version 0.5.7 of this plugin](https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation/releases/tag/v0.5.7)\n\nThis plugin draws lines, boxes, points, labels, polygons and ellipses on the chart area.\n\nAnnotations work with line, bar, scatter and bubble charts that use linear, logarithmic, time, or category scales. Annotations will not work on any chart that does not have exactly two axes, including pie, radar, and polar area charts.\n\n![Example Screenshot](docs/guide/banner.png)\n\n[View this example](https://www.chartjs.org/chartjs-plugin-annotation/latest/samples/intro.html)\n\n## Documentation\n\nYou can find documentation for chartjs-plugin-annotation at [www.chartjs.org/chartjs-plugin-annotation](https://www.chartjs.org/chartjs-plugin-annotation/index).\n\n## Contributing\n\nBefore submitting an issue or a pull request to the project, please take a moment to look over the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) first.\n\n## License\n\nChart.Annotation.js is available under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md).\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "keybase/kbpgp", "link": "https://github.com/keybase/kbpgp", "tags": ["openpgp", "openpgpjs", "rfc-4880", "keybase", "kbpgp"], "stars": 529, "description": "OpenPGP (RFC4880) Implementation in IcedCoffeeScript", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\n## kbpgp - Keybase's PGP for JavaScript\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/keybase/kbpgp.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/keybase/kbpgp)\n\n### Tutorial\n\nWe have a bunch of examples here:\n\n - https://keybase.io/kbpgp\n\n### Bugs, issues, comments, questions, and suggestions\n\nIf the bug is kbpgp related, and has nothing to do with Keybase, you can post the issue here. If it has anything to do with Keybase -- the command line client, website, etc. -- please post it in our general [keybase issues](https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues) repo:\n\n - https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues\n\nWe appreciate comments, questions, feature requests, etc.\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "gheeres/node-activedirectory", "link": "https://github.com/gheeres/node-activedirectory", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "ActiveDirectory is an Node.js ldapjs client for authN (authentication) and authZ (authorization) for Microsoft Active Directory with range retrieval support for large Active Directory installations. ", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "ActiveDirectory for Node\n=========\n\nActiveDirectory is an ldapjs client for authN (authentication) and authZ (authorization) for Microsoft Active Directory with range retrieval support for large Active Directory installations. This code was a port of an existing C# library (not published) that I had written a few years ago. Here are the key features\n\n - Authenticate\n - Authorization (via group membership information)\n - Nested groups support\n - Range specifier / retrieval support (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd358433.aspx)\n - Automatic paging support (Active Directory results (MaxPageSize) limited to 1000 per request by default)\n - Recycle bin (tombstone) query support\n - Referral support\n\nRequired Libraries\n-----------\n\nActiveDirectory uses the following additional node modules:\n\n* [underscore] - a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support\n* [async] - Async utilities for node and the browser\n* [ldapjs] - A pure JavaScript, from-scratch framework for implementing LDAP clients and servers in Node.js\n* [bunyan](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan) - A simple and fast JSON logging module for node.js services\n\nInstallation\n--------------\n\n```sh\nnpm install activedirectory\n```\n\nUsage\n--------------\n\n```js\nvar ActiveDirectory = require('activedirectory');\nvar config = { url: 'ldap://dc.domain.com',\n baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',\n username: 'username@domain.com',\n password: 'password' }\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\n```\n\nThe username and password specified in the configuration are what are used for user and group lookup operations.\n\nDocumentation\n--------------\n* [authenticate](#authenticate)\n* [isUserMemberOf](#isUserMemberOf)\n* [find](#find)\n* [findUser](#findUser)\n* [findGroup](#findGroup)\n* [findUsers](#findUsers)\n* [findGroups](#findGroups)\n* [groupExists](#groupExists)\n* [userExists](#userExists)\n* [getGroupMembershipForGroup](#getGroupMembershipForGroup)\n* [getGroupMembershipForUser](#getGroupMembershipForUser)\n* [getUsersForGroup](#getUsersForGroup)\n* [getRootDSE](#getRootDSE)\n* [findDeletedObjects](#findDeletedObjects)\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### authenticate(username, password, callback)\n\nAuthenticates the username and password by doing a simple bind with the specified credentials.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* username - The username to authenticate.\n* password - The password to use for authentication.\n* callback(err, authenticated) - A callback which is called after authentication is completed.\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nvar username = 'john.smith@domain.com';\nvar password = 'password';\n\nad.authenticate(username, password, function(err, auth) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: '+JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n \n if (auth) {\n console.log('Authenticated!');\n }\n else {\n console.log('Authentication failed!');\n }\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### isUserMemberOf(opts, username, groupName, callback)\n\nChecks to see if a user is a member of the specified group. This function will also check for group membership inside of a group. Even if a user is not explicity listed as a member of a particular group, if a group that the user is a member of belongs to the group, then this function will return true.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* username - The username to check for membership. Can be specied as a sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName or distinguishedName (dn)\n* groupName - The group to check for membership. Can be a commonName (cn) or a distinguishedName (dn)\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, result: {Boolean})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar username = 'user@domain.com';\nvar groupName = 'Employees';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nvar ad.isUserMemberOf(username, groupName, function(err, isMember) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n console.log(username + ' isMemberOf ' + groupName + ': ' + isMember);\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### groupExists(opts, groupName, callback)\n\nChecks to see if the specified group exists.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* groupName - The group to check if is defined. Can be a commonName (cn) or a distinguishedName (dn)\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, result: {Boolean})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar groupName = 'Employees';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.groupExists(groupName, function(err, exists) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n console.log(groupName + ' exists: ' + exists);\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### userExists(opts, username, callback)\n\nChecks to see if the specified user exists.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* username - The username to check if it exists. Can be a sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName or a distinguishedName (dn)\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, result: {Boolean})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar username = 'john.smith@domain.com';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.userExists(username, function(err, exists) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n console.log(username + ' exists: ' + exists);\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### getUsersForGroup(opts, groupName, callback)\n\nFor the specified group, retrieve all of the users that belong to the group. If the group contains groups, then the members of those groups are recursively retrieved as well to build a complete list of users that belong to the specified group.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* groupName - The name of the group to retrieve membership from. Can be a commonName (cn) or a distinguishedName (dn)\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, groups: {Array[User]})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar groupName = 'Employees';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.getUsersForGroup(groupName, function(err, users) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if (! users) console.log('Group: ' + groupName + ' not found.');\n else {\n console.log(JSON.stringify(users));\n }\n});\n```\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### getGroupMembershipForUser(opts, username, callback)\n\nFor the specified username, retrieve all of the groups that a user belongs to. If a retrieved group is a member of another group, then that group is recursively retrieved as well to build a complete hierarchy of groups that a user belongs to.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* username - The name of the user to retrieve group membership for. Can be a sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName, or a distinguishedName (dn)\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, groups: {Array[Group]})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar sAMAccountName = 'john.smith@domain.com';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.getGroupMembershipForUser(sAMAccountName, function(err, groups) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if (! groups) console.log('User: ' + sAMAccountName + ' not found.');\n else console.log(JSON.stringify(groups));\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### getGroupMembershipForGroup(opts, groupName, callback)\n\nFor the specified group, retrieve all of the groups that the group is a member of. If a retrieved group is a member of another group, then that group is recursively retrieved as well to build a complete hierarchy of groups that a user belongs to.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* groupName - The name of the user to retrieve group membership for. Can be a sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName, or a distinguishedName (dn)\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, groups: {Array[Group]})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar groupName = 'Employees';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.getGroupMembershipForGroup(groupName, function(err, groups) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if (! groups) console.log('Group: ' + groupName + ' not found.');\n else console.log(JSON.stringify(groups));\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### find(opts, callback)\n\nPerform a generic search for the specified LDAP query filter. This function will return both\ngroups and users that match the specified filter. Any results not recognized as a user or group\n(i.e. computer accounts, etc.) can be found in the 'other' attribute / array of the result.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts). If only a string is provided, then the string is assumed to be an LDAP filter\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, groups: {Array[Group]})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar _ = require('underscore');\nvar query = 'cn=*Exchange*';\nvar opts = {\n includeMembership : [ 'group', 'user' ], // Optionally can use 'all'\n includeDeleted : false\n};\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.find(query, function(err, results) {\n if ((err) || (! results)) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' + JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('Groups');\n _.each(results.groups, function(group) {\n console.log(' ' + group.cn);\n });\n\n console.log('Users');\n _.each(results.users, function(user) {\n console.log(' ' + user.cn);\n });\n\n console.log('Other');\n _.each(results.other, function(other) {\n console.log(' ' + other.cn);\n });\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### findDeletedObjects(opts, callback)\n\nIf tombstoning (recycle bin) is enabled for the Active Directory installation, use findDeletedObjects to retrieve\nitems in the recycle bin.\n \nMore information about tombstoning and enabling can be found at:\n \n* [Enable the Active Directory Recycle Bin (and other New Features)](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff793473.aspx)\n* [Reanimating Active Directory Tombstone Objects](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2007.09.tombstones.aspx)\n\nNote: That when an LDAP entry / object is tombstoned, not all attributes for that item are retained. \nThis is a limitation of Active Directory itself and not the library itself.\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts). If only a string is provided, then the string is assumed to be an LDAP filter\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, result: {Array})\n\nIf the baseDN is not specified, then a RootDSE query will be performed on the attached URL and 'ou-Deleted Objects' \nwill be appended.\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar url = 'ldap://yourdomain.com';\nvar opts = {\n baseDN: 'ou=Deleted Objects, dc=yourdomain, dc=com',\n filter: 'cn=*Bob*'\n};\nad.findDeletedObjects(opts, function(err, result) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('findDeletedObjects: '+JSON.stringify(result));\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### findUser(opts, username, callback)\n\nLooks up or finds a username by their sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName, distinguishedName (dn) or custom filter. If found, the returned object contains all of the requested attributes. By default, the following attributes are returned:\n\n* userPrincipalName, sAMAccountName, mail, lockoutTime, whenCreated, pwdLastSet, userAccountControl, employeeID, sn, givenName, initials, cn, displayName, comment, description\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* username - The username to retrieve information about. Optionally can pass in the distinguishedName (dn) of the user to retrieve.\n* callback(err, user) - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, user: {User})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\n// Any of the following username types can be searched on\nvar sAMAccountName = 'username';\nvar userPrincipalName = 'username@domain.com';\nvar dn = 'CN=Smith\\\\, John,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com';\n\n// Find user by a sAMAccountName\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.findUser(sAMAccountName, function(err, user) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if (! user) console.log('User: ' + sAMAccountName + ' not found.');\n else console.log(JSON.stringify(user));\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### findUsers(opts, callback)\n\nPerform a generic search for users that match the specified filter. The default LDAP filter for users is\nspecified as (&(|(objectClass=user)(objectClass=person))(!(objectClass=computer))(!(objectClass=group)))\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts). If only a string is provided, then the string is assumed to be an LDAP filter that will be appended as the last parameter in the default LDAP filter.\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, users: {Array[User]})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar query = 'cn=*George*';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.findUsers(query, function(err, users) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if ((! users) || (users.length == 0)) console.log('No users found.');\n else {\n console.log('findUsers: '+JSON.stringify(users));\n }\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### findGroup(opts, groupName, callback)\n\nLooks up or find a group by common name (CN) which is required to be unique in Active Directory or optionally by the distinguished name. Supports groups with range retrieval specifiers. The following attributes are returned by default for the group:\n\n* objectCategory, distinguishedName, cn, description, member\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts).\n* groupName - The group (cn) to retrieve information about. Optionally can pass in the distinguishedName (dn) of the group to retrieve.\n* callback(err, group) - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, group: {Group})\n\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\n// Any of the following group names can be searched on\nvar groupName = 'Employees';\nvar dn = 'CN=Employees,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com'\n\n// Find group by common name\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.findGroup(groupName, function(err, group) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if (! user) console.log('Group: ' + groupName + ' not found.');\n else {\n console.log(group);\n console.log('Members: ' + (group.member || []).length);\n }\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### findGroups(opts, callback)\n\nPerform a generic search for groups that match the specified filter. The default LDAP filter for groups is\nspecified as (&(objectClass=group)(!(objectClass=computer))(!(objectClass=user))(!(objectClass=person)))\n\n__Arguments__\n* opts - Optional parameters to extend or override functionality. See [optional parameters](#opts). If only a string is provided, then the string is assumed to be an LDAP filter that will be appended as the last parameter in the default LDAP filter.\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, groups: {Array[Group]})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar query = 'CN=*Admin*';\n\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.findGroups(query, function(err, groups) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n if ((! groups) || (groups.length == 0)) console.log('No groups found.');\n else {\n console.log('findGroups: '+JSON.stringify(groups));\n }\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n\n### getRootDSE(url, attributes, callback)\n\nRetrieves the root DSE for the specified url. Can be called statically.\n\n__Arguments__\n* url - The url to retrieve the root DSE for.\n* attributes - The optional list of attributes to retrieve. Returns all if not specified.\n* callback - The callback to execute when completed. callback(err: {Object}, result: {Object})\n\n__Example__\n\n```js\nvar url = 'ldap://yourdomain.com';\nActiveDirectory.prototype.getRootDSE(url, [ 'defaultNamingContext' ], function(err, result) {\n if (err) {\n console.log('ERROR: ' +JSON.stringify(err));\n return;\n }\n\n console.log('getRootDSE: '+JSON.stringify(result));\n});\n\n// Or can be called with an instance...\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);\nad.getRootDSE(function(err, result) {\n //...\n});\n```\n\n---------------------------------------\n## Advanced Usage\n\n### Attributes\n\nBy default, the following attributes are returned for users and groups:\n\n* user - distinguishedName, userPrincipalName, sAMAccountName, mail, lockoutTime, whenCreated, pwdLastSet, userAccountControl, employeeID, sn, givenName, initials, cn, displayName, comment, description\n* group - distinguishedName, objectCategory, cn, description\n\nIf you need to override those defaults, then you can override them when you create your ActiveDirectory instance:\n\n```js\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory({ url: 'ldap://dc.domain.com',\n baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',\n username: 'username@domain.com',\n password: 'password',\n attributes: {\n user: [ 'myCustomAttribute', 'mail', 'userPrinicipalName' ],\n group: [ 'anotherCustomAttribute', 'objectCategory' ]\n }\n });\n```\n\nIf overriding the 'user' or 'group' attribute, you must specify ALL of the attributes you want. The existing defaults\nwill be overridden. Optionally, you can override the attributes on a per call basis using the 'opts' parameter.\n\n### Referrals\n\nBy default, referral chasing is disabled. To enable it, specify a referrals attribute when you create your instance.\nThe referrals object has the following syntax:\n\n```js\n{\n referrals: {\n enabled: false,\n excluded: [\n 'ldaps?://ForestDnsZones\\./.*',\n 'ldaps?://DomainDnsZones\\./.*',\n 'ldaps?://.*/CN=Configuration,.*'\n ]\n }\n}\n```\n\nThe 'excluded' options is a list of regular expression filters to ignore specific referrals. The default exclusion list\nis included above, ignoring the special partitions that ActiveDirectory creates by default. To specify these options,\noverride them as follows:\n\n```js\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory({ url: 'ldap://dc.domain.com',\n baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',\n username: 'username@domain.com',\n password: 'password',\n attributes: { ... },\n referrals: {\n enabled: true,\n excluded: [ ]\n }\n });\n```\n\nIf you enable referral chasing, the specified username MUST be a userPrincipalName.\n\n### Custom Entry Parsing\n\nif you want to manipulate the search entry in a different way or perhaps augment the search\nresult with additional data, you can pass a custom parser. This is useful, for example, in case \nyou want to change the objectSid or GUID which are binary values.\n\nExample:\n\n```js\nfunction customEntryParser(entry, raw, callback){\n if (raw.hasOwnProperty(\"objectSid\")){\n entry.objectSid = raw.objectSid;\n }\n if (raw.hasOwnProperty(\"objectGUID\")){\n entry.objectGUID = raw.objectGUID;\n }\n callback(entry);\n};\n```\n\nIf you want to specify your own parser you can override the default parser as follows:\n\n```js\nvar ad = new ActiveDirectory({ url: 'ldap://dc.domain.com',\n baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',\n username: 'username@domain.com',\n password: 'password',\n attributes: { ... },\n referrals: { ... },\n entryParser : customEntryParser\n });\n```\n\nOptionally, you can specify your custom entry parser as part of the 'opts' object. See [optional parameters](#opts)\nfor more information.\n\n```js\nvar opts = function(entry, raw, callback) {\n entry.retrievedAt = new Date();\n callback(entry);\n};\nad.findUser(opts, 'userPrincipalName=bob@domain.com', function(err, user) {\n ...\n});\n```\n \n\n### Optional Parameters / Extended Functionality\n\nAny method which takes an 'opts' parameter allows for additional options. Options for both activedirectory.js\nand the internal ldapjs client are supported. \n \nCurrently supported ldapjs opts are:\n\n* url - a valid LDAP url.\n* host - the host name to connect to (used with port in lieu of url)\n* port - the port to connect to (used with hostname in lieu of url)\n* secure - indicates if ldaps:// vs ldap:// is used. (used with hostname/port in lieu of url)\n* tlsOptions - additrional tls options (see ldapjs for more information)\n* socketPath - If you're running an LDAP server over a Unix Domain Socket, use this.\n* log - You can optionally pass in a bunyan instance the client will use to acquire a logger. The client logs all messages at the trace level.\n* timeout - How long the client should let operations live for before timing out. Default is Infinity.\n* idleTimeout - How long the client should wait before timing out on TCP connections. Default is up to the OS.\n* bindDN - The DN all connections should be bound as.\n* bindCredentials - The credentials to use with bindDN.\n* scope\t- One of base, one, or sub. Defaults to base.\n* filter - A string version of an LDAP filter (see below), or a programatically constructed Filter object. Defaults to (objectclass=*).\n* attributes - attributes to select and return (if these are set, the server will return only these attributes). Defaults to the empty set, which means all attributes.\n* sizeLimit - the maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to 0 (unlimited).\n* timeLimit - the maximum amount of time the server should take in responding, in seconds. Defaults to 10. Lots of servers will ignore this.\n\nOptions for activedirectory.js:\n\n* baseDN - The alternative baseDN to use than the one specified in the ctor.\n* includeMembership - Indicates that a search or find operation should enumerate the group memberships of the specified result types. Supported values are [ 'user', 'group', 'all' ].\n* includeDeleted - Indicates that results should include tombstoned / deleted items. Please see [findDeletedObject](#findDeletedObjects) for additional notes and caveats.\n* entryParser - Allows for a custom function to be specified for parsing of the resulting ldap object. Examples include augmenting ldap data with external data from an RDBMs. function onParse(entry, raw, callback) { callback(entry); } If null is returned, the result is excluded.\n\n#### Example\n\n```js\nvar opts = {\n scope: 'sub',\n filter: 'objectClass=User',\n includeMembership: [ 'user' ],\n entryParser: function(entry, raw, callback) {\n // returning null with exclude result\n if (entry.ignore) return(null);\n\n entry.retrievedAt = new Date();\n entry.preferredServer = getPreferredServerFromDatabase(entry.userPrincipalName);\n\n callback(entry); \n }\n};\n```\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n [underscore]: http://underscorejs.org/\n [async]: https://github.com/caolan/async\n [ldapjs]: http://ldapjs.org/\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "arackaf/micro-graphql-react", "link": "https://github.com/arackaf/micro-graphql-react", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "Light and simple GraphQL React client with extensible, composable cache invalidation. Works with Suspense.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "[![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/micro-graphql-react.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/micro-graphql-react)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/arackaf/micro-graphql-react/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=FVZDcYD7tp)](https://codecov.io/gh/arackaf/micro-graphql-react)\n[![code style: prettier](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-prettier-ff69b4.svg)](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)\n\n# micro-graphql-react\n\n---\n\nThe current version is 0.4.0-beta, but the beta is only because of the React Suspense stuff which itself is still in beta. The non-Suspense code in the latest version should be considered stable and safe.\n\n---\n\nA light (2.8K min+gzip) and simple solution for painlessly connecting your React components to a GraphQL endpoint.\n\nLike any other GraphQL React client, there are simple hooks which query and mutate data from your GraphQL endpoint. Where this project differs is how it approaches cache invalidation. Rather than adding metadata to queries and forming a normalized, automatically-managed cache, it instead provides simple, low-level building blocks to handle cache management yourself. The reason for this (ostensibly poor!) tradeoff is because of my experience with other GraphQL clients which attempted the normalized cache route. I consistently had difficulty getting the cache to behave exactly as I wanted, so decided to build a GraphQL client that gave me the low-level control I always wound up wanting. This project is the result.\n\nFull docs are [here](https://arackaf.github.io/micro-graphql-react/docs)\n\nThe slides for the GraphQL Texas talk I gave are [here](https://arackaf.github.io/micro-graphql-react/slides)\n\nThe rest of this README describes in better detail the kind of cache management problems this project attempts to avoid.\n\n## Common cache difficulties other GraphQL clients contend with\n\n### Coordinating mutations with filtered result sets\n\nA common problem with GraphQL clients is configuring when a certain mutation should not just update existing data results, but also, more importantly, clear all other cache results, since the completed mutations might affect other queries' filters. For example, let's say you run\n\n```graphql\ntasks(assignedTo: \"Adam\") {\n Tasks {\n id, description, assignedTo\n }\n}\n```\n\nand get back\n\n```javascript\n[\n { id: 1, description: \"Adam's Task 1\", assignedTo: \"Adam\" },\n { id: 2, description: \"Adam's Task 2\", assignedTo: \"Adam\" }\n];\n```\n\nNow, if you subsequently run something like\n\n```graphql\nmutation {\n updateTask(id: 1, assignedTo: \"Bob\", description: \"Bob's Task\")\n}\n```\n\nthe original query from above will update and now display\n\n```json\n[\n { \"id\": 1, \"description\": \"Bob's Task\", \"assignedTo\": \"Bob\" },\n { \"id\": 2, \"description\": \"Adam's Task 2\", \"assignedTo\": \"Adam\" }\n];\n```\n\nwhich may or may not be what you want, but worse, if you browse to some other filter, say, `tasks(assignedTo: \"Rich\")`, and then return to `tasks(assignedTo: \"Adam\")`, those data above will still be returned, which is wrong, since task number 1 should no longer be in this result set at all. The `assignedTo` value has changed, and so no longer matches the filters of this query. \n\n---\n\nThis library solves this problem by allowing you to easily declare that a given mutation should clear all cache entries for a given query, and reload them from the network (hard reset), or just update the on-screen results, but otherwise clear the cache for a given query (soft reset). See the [docs](https://arackaf.github.io/micro-graphql-react/docs) for more info.\n\n### Properly processing empty result sets\n\nAn interesting approach that the first version of Urql took was to, after any mutation, invalidate any and all queries which dealt with the data type you just mutated. It did this by modifying queries to add `__typename` metadata, so it would know which types were in which queries, and therefore needed to be refreshed after relevant mutations. This is a lot closer in terms of correctness, but even here there are edge cases which GraphQL's limited type introspection make difficult. For example, let's say you run this query\n\n```graphql\ntasks(assignedTo: \"Adam\") {\n Tasks {\n id, description, assignedTo\n }\n}\n```\n\nand get back\n\n```json\n{\n \"data\": {\n \"tasks\": {\n \"__typename\": \"TaskQueryResults\",\n \"Tasks\": []\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\nIt's more or less impossible to know what the underlying type of the empty `Tasks` array is, without a build step to introspect the entire endpoint's metadata. \n\n### Are these actual problems you're facing?\n\nThese are actual problems I ran into when evaluating GraphQL clients, which left me wanting a low-level, configurable caching solution. That's the value proposition of this project. If you're not facing these problems, for whatever reasons, you'll likely be better off with a more automated solution like Urql or Apollo. \n\nTo be crystal clear, nothing in this readme should be misconstrued as claiming this project to be \"better\" than any other. The point is to articulate common problems with client-side GraphQL caching, and show how this project solves them. Keep these problems in mind when evaluating GraphQL clients, and pick the best solution for **your** app.\n\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "Cryptogenic/PS4-4.05-Kernel-Exploit", "link": "https://github.com/Cryptogenic/PS4-4.05-Kernel-Exploit", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "A fully implemented kernel exploit for the PS4 on 4.05FW", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# PS4 4.05 Kernel Exploit\n---\n## Summary\nIn this project you will find a full implementation of the \"namedobj\" kernel exploit for the PlayStation 4 on 4.05. It will allow you to run arbitrary code as kernel, to allow jailbreaking and kernel-level modifications to the system. This release however, *does not* contain any code related to defeating anti-piracy mechanisms or running homebrew. This exploit does include a loader that listens for payloads on port `9020` and will execute them upon receival.\n\nYou can find fail0verflow's original write-up on the bug [here](https://fail0verflow.com/blog/2017/ps4-namedobj-exploit/), you can find my technical write-up which dives more into implementation specifics [here](https://github.com/Cryptogenic/Exploit-Writeups/blob/master/PS4/%22NamedObj%22%204.05%20Kernel%20Exploit%20Writeup.md).\n\n## Patches Included\nThe following patches are made by default in the kernel ROP chain:\n1) Disable kernel write protection\n2) Allow RWX (read-write-execute) memory mapping\n3) Dynamic Resolving (`sys_dynlib_dlsym`) allowed from any process\n4) Custom system call #11 (`kexec()`) to execute arbitrary code in kernel mode\n5) Allow unprivileged users to call `setuid(0)` successfully. Works as a status check, doubles as a privilege escalation.\n\n## Notes\n- This exploit is actually incredibly stable at around 95% in my tests. WebKit very rarely crashes and the same is true with kernel.\n- I've built in a patch so the kernel exploit will only run once on the system. You can still make additional patches via payloads.\n- A custom syscall is added (#11) to execute any RWX memory in kernel mode, this can be used to execute payloads that want to do fun things like jailbreaking and patching the kernel.\n- An SDK is not provided in this release, however a barebones one to get started with may be released at a later date.\n- I've released a sample payload [here](http://www.mediafire.com/file/n4boybw0e06h892/debug_settings.bin) that will make the necessary patches to access the debug menu of the system via settings, jailbreaks, and escapes the sandbox.\n\n## Contributors\nI was not alone in this exploit's development, and would like to thank those who helped me along the way below.\n\n- [qwertyoruiopz](https://twitter.com/qwertyoruiopz)\n- [Flatz](https://twitter.com/flat_z)\n- [CTurt](https://twitter.com/CTurtE)\n- Anonymous\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "dappuniversity/election", "link": "https://github.com/dappuniversity/election", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "A Decentralized Ethereum Voting Application Tutorial", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\n# Election - DAPP Tutorial\nBuild your first decentralized application, or Dapp, on the Ethereum Network with this tutorial!\n\nFull Free Video Tutorial:**\nhttps://youtu.be/3681ZYbDSSk\n\n## 2019 Updated Code\nhttps://github.com/dappuniversity/election/tree/2019_update\n\nFollow the steps below to download, install, and run this project.\n\n## Dependencies\nInstall these prerequisites to follow along with the tutorial. See free video tutorial or a full explanation of each prerequisite.\n- NPM: https://nodejs.org\n- Truffle: https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle\n- Ganache: http://truffleframework.com/ganache/\n- Metamask: https://metamask.io/\n\n\n## Step 1. Clone the project\n`git clone https://github.com/dappuniversity/election`\n\n## Step 2. Install dependencies\n```\n$ cd election\n$ npm install\n```\n## Step 3. Start Ganache\nOpen the Ganache GUI client that you downloaded and installed. This will start your local blockchain instance. See free video tutorial for full explanation.\n\n\n## Step 4. Compile & Deploy Election Smart Contract\n`$ truffle migrate --reset`\nYou must migrate the election smart contract each time your restart ganache.\n\n## Step 5. Configure Metamask\nSee free video tutorial for full explanation of these steps:\n- Unlock Metamask\n- Connect metamask to your local Etherum blockchain provided by Ganache.\n- Import an account provided by ganache.\n\n## Step 6. Run the Front End Application\n`$ npm run dev`\nVisit this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000\n\nIf you get stuck, please reference the free video tutorial.\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "simplajs/simpla", "link": "https://github.com/simplajs/simpla", "tags": ["cms", "cms-framework", "content-management", "web-components", "sdk", "simpla", "json-api"], "stars": 529, "description": "Open, modular, and serverless content management for a modern web", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "

    \n \n \"Simpla\"\n \n


    \n \"Test\n \"Size\n \"NPM\n \"PRs\n

    \n\nSimpla is a modular content system for frontend developers, built on Web Components.\n\nAt a glance, it lets you:\n\n- Build with standard HTML & JS\n- Edit content (safely) inline\n- Use Github as your backend\n- Work in any stack or framework\n- Push everything as JSON data to a static CDN\n- Define content models in the DOM\n- Assemble your own lightweight CMS\n\nIt looks like this:\n\n```html\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n```\n\n

    \n \"Demo\n

    \n\n## Installation\n\nSimpla is available on NPM and Unpkg as `simpla`.\n\n```sh\nnpm i simpla\n```\n\nImport the core library and an OAuth adapter, and call `Simpla.init`\n\n```js\n// Import Simpla and OAuth adapter\nimport Simpla from 'simpla';\nimport SimplaNetlify from 'simpla/adapters/netlify';\n\n// Init Simpla\nSimpla.init({\n\n // Github repo to store content in\n repo: 'username/repo',\n\n // Adapter to authenticate users with Github\n auth: new SimplaNetlify({ site: 'mysite' }),\n\n // Public URL of your content (optional)\n source: 'https://mysite.netlify.com'\n\n});\n\n// Add Simpla to window global for components to access\nwindow.Simpla = Simpla;\n```\n\nSimpla and its adapters export UMD modules, so you can also link to them with `\n```\n\n**[See full documentation & API references](https://docs.simplajs.org)**\n\n## Contributing\n\nThere are lots of ways you can help push the Simpla project forward:\n\n- **Reporting bugs.** If you find a bug please report it! Open an issue against this repository for problems with the core library. For problems with elements, open an issue against the element's repository.\n\n- **Submitting Pull Requests.** We \u2764\ufe0f PRs! Your PR should address an existing issue or have been discussed previously to ensure it gets merged.\n\n- **Publishing new components** Simpla is a community driven project, and the best way you can contribute is to build your own content components. The ecosystem is built on Web Components, but there's no reason you couldn't use Simpla in a component environment of your choice (React, etc).\n\nRead the [Contributing guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information.\n\n***\n\n[MIT](/LICENSE) \u00a9 2017\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Why are you asking? It's your own site, so you should know.Clickable link: https://firefriar.substack.com/p/054272d8-afed-42d0-85bb-82e...Sounds like a great project. I've bookmarked your blog so I can follow your progress.I wanted to like Simple. But the budgeting and money tracking features were never really that useful, I needed checks, and my card number was stolen and used to purchase groceries in another state even though I had only used it for a couple of transactions. Their customer service handled the transaction but it really seemed like the card leak was probably on their end. I pulled my money out then.They picked the worst possible time in 80 years to start a new bank. It meant they couldn't actually get a banking certificate. This constrained every technical choice & feature they wanted to offer.I mean....I'm not sure there's a lot to learn from the Simple story beyond that.> but the reality is that most millennials, like most Americans, bank at the top four banks.I suppose I'm willing to believe this claim, but I find it pretty surprising. In my social group, the commercial banks are viewed negatively almost to the point of stigma against using them. Everyone uses credit unions for their checking, and several credit unions in this area (Nusenda, Rio Grande, USEagle) are at least as convenient as the major national banks.I think a large part of the perception of convenience comes down to the Credit Union strategy of federating services. An ATM network jointly operated by many of the credit unions in the region (CU Anytime) has a large fleet and has focused on placing ATMs in high-convenience locations like offices of major employers and college campuses. Co-Op Shared Branching means that you can walk into a branch of almost any credit union and they can access your accounts at your own credit union. And as for avoiding ATMs and branches at all - the online and mobile services offered by most credit unions are perhaps a bit behind aesthetically, but they work just fine, and the credit unions seem to have been offering free and easy person-to-person transfers for longer than the commercial banks have.So what's limiting adoption of credit unions? I'm skeptical that it's awareness because the branches are everywhere and some of the larger ones around here purchase billboards and TV advertising regularly. Is there a feeling that they're more limited in their service offerings?Ugh. Looking at their info:- I can get same deals from Ally bank. No fees.- Ally bank reimburses 100% of all ATM fees I pay.- Ally bank savings account is 1.60% at the moment. It is no investment account but better than any other bank period.- Ally's customer support is pretty darn goodI don't see ally going crying around about how hard banking is.Simple was just sub-par.I am glad they came along when they did. Works great for me.In the interview, he talks a lot about the difficulty of navigating the regulations.Perhaps his criticisms of those regulations are valid \u2014 but those regulations exist because of previous problems.In many cases, the same people who scream, \u201cbanking sucks\u201d would also scream if their bank failed due to a reason that some existing regulation would have prevented.Hey, so you are using all these expensive AND inadequate techs, could we at least use something sane for this non critical stuff? I mean you don't have to worry about this thing and you save a lot and you are using a much better stack overall. What say you?No.An alternative to to Simple is VaroMoney. Unlike Simple, they are trying to get a bank charter which should give them more control over the bank experience.If someone wants to fix banking they should figure out how to do it in Japan. For all of the supposed idea that Japan embraces the future Japan's banking system must be among the worst in the 1st world.A couple of examplesNo interest: A typical interest rate is 0.015%. No that is not a misprint. It's X * 0.00015 annual interest rate (https://www.boj.or.jp/en/statistics/dl/depo/tento/te180516.p...)No checks: Not sure about other countries but in the USA sending a check to someone usually costs nothing. In Japan checks really don't exist. Instead to send money you do a bank transfer which costs anywhere from $3 to $8 per transaction. For a regular person they might only have 1 payment like that (rent). But for a company that adds up quick. Electronic payment (sign in to your bank, send payment) uses the same $3 to $8 per transaction system.Byzantine hours: I recently got a business bank account and signed up for the online banking (costs extra). I'm only allowed to send payments from 8am to 3:30pm.ATMs are still not 24hrs. 7/11 (Shinsei Bank?) and a few others open 24hrs. Most ATMs still close at some point ever day. MUFG ATMs are currently 7am to midnight.Japan is still a very cash oriented society. They do have things like Felica (digital cash) but getting around with paper cash is not easy. Note, I don't mind the cash thing since cash = anonymous but I know lots of foreigners east and west that are surprised as they can generally get by cashless in their own countries but not here.I'm not even scratching the surface. I'm sure the people in power and regulations in place make it nearly impossible to fix the system but someone one out there must have a way.Eh. This is not a mystery. Banks have tremendous lock-in and inertia working for them. The only way to fix the industry is complete account portability. Anybody should be able to wander into any competitor to their existing bank and initiate a transfer of their account to that competitor. The transfer should freeze the account and take no more than 48 hours. Do this and let the free market work its magic. Just like American celluar providers used to suck until number portability kicked in, American bank providers will suck until account portability is a thing.P.S. Banks should also be required by law to provide minimal services to every American citizen. It is absolutely beyond stupid that there are 10 million American households that don't have access to a bank account [1]. These households are then forced into dealing with the Check Cashing/Payday Loan businesses who are pure, unmitigated fucking evil. These firms charge outrageous fees that trap many people in poverty.[1] https://www.fdic.gov/householdsurvey/There's already a solution for what is wrong with banks: credit unions. They just don't waste money on advertising so they get less visibility than they should.I'm going to write a few words I always do this in the bank topics. In Poland (post-soviet EU member, 36M people) we have many banks. Inter-bank transfers are free for personal accounts. $0.50 for businesses in my case. We have free transfer for phone number of up to $1000. Instant. We use mostly debit cards tied to accounts without any fee with wireless payments. Our goverment reduced transaction fees so you can pay as low as $.10 bill without complain. Of course this moves us closer to cash-less full-control mode but who cares ;)I've been using Simple for close to 5 years now and have been incredibly happy with my experience. The customer service is hands down the best I've ever come across and all updates to the app made the experience much better. Simple being a partner bank instead of a stand-alone bank has definitely held them back. I'd wager they lost quite a few customers when switching from Bancorp to BBVA. Even I considered leaving due to lengthy switch process and generally thinking that such a hard change is not acceptable, but I stuck around and the entire process was exceptionally smooth. I'm still somewhat surprised they haven't made strides to become an actual bank entity, but having experienced regulations working at a banking SAAS company myself I can imagine the monstrous effort required here. Either way, it's sad to see the original founders leave. I really hope this doesn't change the vision and direction.\"Why it's so hard to fix ?\"Very easy question. There are people who profit from how fails. The reason it bothers you is because you are not one of the people who are profiting. You might not be profiting from but you are likely profiting from some . And when it comes to you are probably not recognizing how it fails on the cost of others and are not really bothered by it. So good luck convincing the people who profit from to change it.So how hard is it now to open a bank with $20 million?I was with Simple from the start and generally liked the app and the customer support (based in Portland IIRC) was very helpful and friendly.My problem was that I had a large check to deposit and before they cleared it they insist I not only specify the source of the funds but also what I was going to use the monies for! I understand they need to ask the former (per IRS regulations and \"Suspicious Activity Reporting\") but the latter is frankly NOTFB and no other bank has asked me that question. I told them as such and closed the account.What\u2019s the future of simple, though? With all the founders leaving, does it have a future?The number of FDIC banks in the United States. Anyone working near this space can attest to the flurry of mergers and acquisitions.2002\t7,8702003\t7,7502004\t7,6122005\t7,5072006\t7,3802007\t7,2622008\t7,0612009\t6,8132010\t6,5062011\t6,2632012\t6,0612013\t5,8362014\t5,5962015\t5,3302016\t5,102We came to many of the same conclusions.This is why my co-founder and I decided to relocate to the UK in order to set up our bank. The friendlier regulatory ecosystem here is just a huge advantage compared to the US.Plus, there's still a pretty clear path to getting a national US banking license - it just requires you to expand in from abroad, rather than trying to build it within the US.I've been using Simple for around 4 years now, and one thing I really hoped to have was a very good system for tracking and managing my money. They had a good start 4 years ago with their \"envelope savings system\" and goals and their web interface. It had a few warts, and was only ok, and really didn't do a very good job of categorizing the transactions. But, they were new and surely it would improve, right?4 years later I can say it is basically unchanged. It really isn't very usable. I do still like how it implements the envelope savings towards your goals, but for managing and tracking money it really isn't useful. Mint is better for tracking.I like Simple, but I wouldn't say I love Simple.What is the kickstarter for? You seem to have a product, you even have pricing tiers posted.\"If you are planning to learn filesystems, start from the scratch. You can look from the first commit in this repository and move the way up.\"Slightly off topic - I've always thought this is a very interesting use case for Github and open source in general - especially for understanding such low level concepts and their implementations. Provided the commit history is clear and comprehensive, this might be the best way to learn, other than do the whole thing yourself from scratch. Has somebody actually taken this path? What's your experience?And best of all, the implementation is in the public domain (CC0):https://github.com/psankar/simplefs/blob/master/LICENSENot a filesystem. But a simple experimental kv storage from scratch, https://github.com/t3rm1n4l/lightkvReminds me of a project I had done earlier: https://github.com/jyotiska/vfsThis filesystem seems absurdly simple from all the limitations it has; looking at the amount of code (~1kLOC) I was expecting a bit more functionality than that, maybe closer to FAT level.I've written a FAT32 driver for an embedded system before (with full read/write support) in ~800 lines of Asm, so to express that in C it could be a lot shorter. I think FAT is one of the simplest filesystems already.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "gramener/comicgen", "link": "https://github.com/gramener/comicgen", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "Add comics to your website or app with an API", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Comicgen\n\n\n\n\n\nWe love comics. We badly wanted to create comic strips. But there was one\nproblem. Some of us can't draw a straight line for nuts.\n\nBut why should that stop us from creating comics? So here's a gift to ourselves\nand the world — a **Comic Creator**.\n\nWe created Comicgen to help people write better stories using comic.\n\n---\n\nInterested in data storytelling? Come **join the [#ComicgenFriday](https://gramener.com/comicgenfriday/) community**.\n\n\n\n\n\n## Usage\n\nA simple way to use Comicgen is from [gramener.com/comicgen/](https://gramener.com/comicgen/).\n\n- Choose your character\n- Save the image as SVG\n- Insert it into your favorite editor - Illustrator, PowerPoint, Photoshop, etc.\n\nHere's a 3-minute video explaining how to create your own comic strip.\n\n\n\n### Using npm\n\nTo run your own server, run:\n\n```bash\nnpm install -g comicgen # Install Comicgen globally\ncomicserver # Run server at http://localhost:3000/\n```\n\nTo include Comicgen in your own Node.js app, run:\n\n```bash\nnpm install comicgen\n```\n\nThen you can insert it in your app:\n\n```js\nconst comicgen = require(\"comicgen\");\n// Returns the SVG string for the character\nconst svg = comicgen({ name: \"ava\", emotion: \"cry\", pose: \"angry\" });\n```\n\n### Using Docker\n\nTo run your own server, run:\n\n```bash\ndocker run -p3000:3000 -it gramener/comicgen\n# This runs the server at http://localhost:3000/\n```\n\n## Fonts\n\nFor lettering, you can use comic fonts from\n[Google fonts](https://fonts.google.com/?category=Handwriting) or\n[Fonts.com](https://www.fonts.com/search/all-fonts?Classification=Comic).\n\nSome fonts we like are:\n\n| Font | Example text |\n| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |\n| [Architects Daughter][font-ad] | [![Specimen](docs/font-architects-daughter.png)][font-ad] |\n| [Cavolini][font-ca] (Windows) | [![Specimen](docs/font-cavolini.png)][font-ca] |\n| [Segoe Script][font-ss] (Windows) | [![Specimen](docs/font-segoe-script.png)][font-ss] |\n| [Segoe Print][font-sp] (Windows) | [![Specimen](docs/font-segoe-print.png)][font-sp] |\n| [News Cycle][font-nc] | [![Specimen](docs/font-news-cycle.png)][font-nc] |\n| [Indie Flower][font-if] | [![Specimen](docs/font-indie-flower.png)][font-if] |\n| [Amatic SC][font-ac] | [![Specimen](docs/font-amatic-sc.png)][font-ac] |\n| [Schoolbell][font-sb] | [![Specimen](docs/font-schoolbell.png)][font-sb] |\n| [Just Another Hand][font-jah] | [![Specimen](docs/font-just-another-hand.png)][font-jah] |\n| [Patrick Hand][font-ph] | [![Specimen](docs/font-patrick-hand.png)][font-ph] |\n| [Neucha][font-n] | [![Specimen](docs/font-neucha.png)][font-n] |\n| [Handlee][font-h] | [![Specimen](docs/font-handlee.png)][font-h] |\n\n[font-ca]: https://www.fonts.com/font/monotype/cavolini\n[font-ad]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Architects+Daughter\n[font-ss]: https://www.fonts.com/font/microsoft-corporation/segoe-script\n[font-sp]: https://www.fonts.com/font/microsoft-corporation/segoe-print\n[font-nc]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/News+Cycle\n[font-if]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Indie+Flower\n[font-ac]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Amatic+SC\n[font-sb]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Schoolbell\n[font-jah]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Just+Another+Hand\n[font-ph]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Patrick+Hand\n[font-n]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Neucha\n[font-h]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Handlee\n\n## Plugins\n\nYou can also use Comicgen using the [plugins](#plugins) below.\n(We're planning [more plugins](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/integrate). Your help is welcome!)\n\n### Power BI plugin\n\nThe [Comicgen Power BI](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen-powerbi) plugin\nlets you control the characters, emotions, poses, etc from data. Happy people\ncan accompany good news on charts.\n\n![Power BI Plugin example](docs/power-bi-plugin.gif)\n\n\n\n\n\n## REST API\n\nComics are rendered via the endpoint `https://gramener.com/comicgen/v1/comic` (or wherever you installed it).\nWe'll refer to this as `/comic` from now on.\n\nOptions for each character can be specified as URL query parameters. For example, to render Ethan's angling sideways, winking, we need:\n\n- `name`: `ethan`\n- `angle`: `side`\n- `emotion`: `wink`\n- `pose`: `normal`\n\nThis is exposed at `/comic?name=ethan&angle=side&emotion=wink&pose=normal`:\n\n![Ethan side wink](comic?name=ethan&angle=side&emotion=wink&pose=normal)\n\nThe full list of options is at [dist/characterlist.json](dist/characterlist.json).\n\nYou can create comics by directly linking to these files.\nYou can embed these files directly in your plugin.\n\n## HTML API\n\nTo include comic as HTML components, add this to your page:\n\n```html\n\n```\n\nThen you can add a `` tag with the options for each character as attributes, like this:\n\n```html\n\n```\n\nTo render as a PNG, change `ext=\"svg\"` to `ext=\"png\"`.\n\nIf you change attributes using JavaScript, the comic is re-rendered.\n\n**NOTE**: Currently, `` cannot be used inside an SVG element.\n\n\n\n\n\n## Comicgen is for storytellers\n\nStorytellers want to share a message and change their audience. But they worry that their content is not engaging or \"catchy\" enough to drive the change.\n\n- **Comics are \"catchy\"**. That makes them a powerful way of engaging the audience.\n- **Comics are simple**. Comics signal that the content is simple, interesting, and funny. Authors often write simpler content for comics -- making it come true.\n- **Comics drive emotion**. The pictures convey emotions better than just words alone. They're funny. That helps learning and makes the stories more memorable.\n\nAnyone who writes an email, a presentation, or a document, is a storyteller.\n\n## Comicgen is for developers\n\nDevelopers want to build engaging apps. But design skills are not their forte. Stock images can't match the variety of their scenarios.\n\n- **Comicgen has variety**. Keeping angles, emotions, and poses independent generates thousands of combinations.\n- **Comicgen has an API**. Developers can easily add it to their applications.\n- **Comicgen is public**. No need to license characters.\n\n## Organizations use it when presenting or marketing\n\nOrganizations typically use Comicgen for:\n\n- **Presenting insights**\n - **Executives' analysis**. An analyst created a poster explaining their work using comic characters. It was simple and engaging -- the entire organization understood this deep learning technique.\n - **Managers' reports**. An admin manager sent his status report as a pair of comic characters conversing. Their CEO read this report fully for the first time.\n - **Consultants' workshops**. A consultant runs a culture workshop using [comics in the presentation](https://www.businessillustrator.com/culture-change-with-comics-workshop/) because \"... it's a lot less threatening than an official PowerPoint presentation.\"\n- **Marketing stories**. This could be:\n - **Product teams launching features**. Google Chrome was launched using a [comic book](http://scottmccloud.com/googlechrome/).\n - **Marketer emails**\n - **Event manager invites**\n\n## Comicgen makes storytelling easy\n\nOur vision is to make storytelling with comics easy for everyone. (This includes non-designers, non-programmers, and non-storytellers.)\n\nWe do this by:\n\n- [Adding characters](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/characters).\n Characters can be split into layers (like face & body). By combining these cleverly, we can create more characters with fewer drawings.\n If you have a character idea, please [add a comment](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/issues/27).\n- [Adding layers](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/layers). We need objects like speech bubbles, panels, headings, objects, scenery, backgrounds etc.\n- [Integrate into your workflow](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/integrate). Comicgen should be easy to use in people's current workflow, with their existing tools.\n - Designers use Illustrator / Sketch\n - Developers use HTML / JS\n - Analysts use Tableau / Power BI\n - Managers use e-mail / MS Office\n - We want to make storytelling easy for everyone\n- [API for developers](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/api). Comicgen automates away the drudgery in creating comics. Developers should be able to create any comic without designing, purely using an API\n- [UI for non-developers](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/builder). We want users to be able to do this without any programming. This means exposing every feature of the API should be exposed on the UI\n- [Teaching](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/teach). The ultimate aim is for people to build better stories. Let's teach them\n\n## We measure success by adoption\n\nWe succeed when more people create more and better stories with Comicgen. We measure this by\n\n- How many people have used comicgen\n- How many stories have been created using comicgen\n- How many characters are present in comicgen. (Variety drives adoption)\n- TODO: We need more intermediate success metrics -- things that will drive adoption\n\n\n\n\n\n## Run Comicgen server\n\nInstall the dependencies to run Comicgen:\n\n- [Node](https://nodejs.org/en/)\n- [Git](https://git-scm.com/)\n- [Git LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/)\n\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/gramener/comicgen\ncd comicgen # Go to the Comicgen folder\nnpm install # Install dependencies\nnpm run build # Compile Comicgen\nnpm start # Run Comicgen server on port 3000\n```\n\n## Add new characters\n\nTo add a new character, or add images for an existing character:\n\n1. Add the SVG images under `svg///.../.svg`\n2. File or folder names must use only lowercase letters. Avoid numbers or special characters\n3. Add an `svg//index.json` and `svg//index.svg`. See `svg/dee/` for reference\n4. Update the [character credits](#character-credits)\n5. Run `npm run build` to recompile files under `dist/`\n6. Run src/ on the comicgen folder and test the character\n\n## Release\n\nNew versions of comicgen are released on [Github](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/)\nand [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/comicgen). Here is the release process:\n\n```bash\n# Update package.json version.\nnpm install\nnpm upgrade\nnpm run build\nnpm run lint\n\ngit commit . -m\"DOC: Release version x.x.x\"\ngit push origin v1\ngit push gitlab v1\n# Then: Test build at https://code.gramener.com/s.anand/deedey/-/pipelines\n# Then: Test output at https://gramener.com/comicgen/v1/\n\n# Merge into release branch\ngit checkout release\ngit merge v1\ngit tag -a v1.x.x -m\"Add a one-line summary\"\ngit push gitlab release --follow-tags\ngit push origin release --follow-tags\ngit checkout v1\n```\n\nThen release on [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/comicgen) and [Docker](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/gramener/comicgen):\n\n```bash\nexport VERSION=1.x.x\n# npm repo owned by @sanand0\nnpm publish\ndocker build --tag gramener/comicgen:latest --tag gramener/comicgen:$VERSION pkg/docker/\ndocker push gramener/comicgen:latest\ndocker push gramener/comicgen:$VERSION\n```\n\n## Help wanted (developers)\n\nIf you're a developer, we'd love your help in improving comicgen.\n\n1. **Report bugs**. If something doesn't work the way you expect, please [add an issue](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/issues)\n2. **Ask for features**. Go through the [issues](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/issues). Add a [Like reaction](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-conversations-on-github#reacting-to-ideas-in-comments) to what you like. Or add an issue asking for what you want.\n3. **Offer help**. Go through these issues. Pick something interesting. Add a comment saying \"I'd like to help.\" We'll revert in 2-4 days with ideas.\n\nThere are 3 areas we're focusing on. Help in these areas would be ideal.\n\n### 1. Integrate comicgen into platforms\n\nPeople like to use their own platforms, not switch to a new one. So let's integrate comicgen into popular platforms like Excel, PowerPoint, Power BI, Tableau, R, etc as plugins.\n\n[See **integration** issues related »](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/integrate)\n\n### 2. Create a comic builder UI\n\nPeople find it easier to create comics using a UI than programming. So let's create an interface that let people create an entire graphic novel!\n\n[See **builder** issues »](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/builder)\n\n### 3. Improving comicgen API\n\nDevelopers access comicgen through a JS library. What can we do to make it easier, and feature rich?\n\n[See **API** issues »](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/api)\n\n\n\n\n\n## Credits\n\nLibrary developed by\n\n- Kriti Rohilla \n- S Anand \n- Shamili Robbi \n- Tejesh \n\nConceived & designed by\n\n- Ramya Mylavarapu \n- Richie Lionell \n\n### Character credits\n\n- Devarani B : Aavatar, Ethan & Facesketch\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n- Jed: Smiley\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n- Google Inc.: [Noto emoji](https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji)\n under [Apache 2.0](https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji/blob/main/LICENSE) license\n- Mike Hoye : [FXEmoji](https://github.com/mozilla/fxemoji)\n under [CC-BY license](https://github.com/mozilla/fxemoji/blob/gh-pages/LICENSE.md)\n- [Pablo Stanley](https://twitter.com/pablostanley): [Humaaans](https://www.humaaans.com/)\n under [CC-BY license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)\n- Ramya Mylavarapu : Aavatar, Ava, Bean, Biden, Dee, Dey, Evan, Holmes, Jaya, Priya, Ringo, Smiley, Speechbubbles, Trump & Watson\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n- Renel McCullum: Bill\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n- Shawf Designs : Sophie\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n- Swetha Mylavarapu: Aryan & Zoe\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n- Suchismita Naik : Ricky\n under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/)\n\n\n\n\n\n## Help wanted (designers)\n\nDesigners, we'd love your help in improving comicgen.\n\nIf you're a designer, you could help by:\n\n1. **Designing new characters**. Comicgen characters are open for everyone to use. We [credit the authors](#credits). You can work [freelance](#freelancing) with us, and get paid per character. You can pick your own character, or choose from the [characters people are looking for](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/characters).\n2. **Adding new layers**. Apart from characters, we need other \"layers\" -- things we can add to panel, like speech bubbles, background objects, etc. You can design new kinds of objects if you think people will use it. Here are some [layers people have asked for](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/labels/layers).\n\nHere's a guide to help understand how to design and submit new characters or layers.\n\n## Design new characters\n\nCharacters are made of 1 or more SVG images.\n\nThe easiest way to create a character is to draw a dozen SVGs and save them as\nindividual files **of the same dimensions**. For example:\n\n![Series of SVG images for a character](docs/character-single-images.png)\n\nA better way would be to break up the character into different parts. For\nexample, you could draw faces with different emotions and save them under an\n`faces/` folder:\n\n![Faces for a character](docs/character-faces.png)\n\nThen you could draw the bodies under a `bodies/` folder:\n\n![Bodies for a character](docs/character-bodies.png)\n\nIf you do this, you must make sure that:\n\n- All faces have the **same dimensions**, and are at the **same position** within the SVG\n- All bodies have the **same dimensions**, and are at the **same position** within the SVG\n- When you super-impose any face on any body, the **images should align**.\n\nYou can choose to break up the images in any number of ways. For example:\n\n- `faces/`, `bodies/`\n- `face/`, `trunk/`, `leg/`, `shoes/`\n- `hair/`, `face/`, `eyes/`, `mouth/`, `trunk/`, `legs/`\n\nThe more combinations you have, the more complex your image becomes. You could\nstart small and then add variety.\n\nWhile designing a character in Comicgen, keep these inmind:\n\n- Start with an artboard of **500 px x 600px**.\n- **Minimal anchor points** on your path. It's easy to edit and reduces file size.\n- Keep a **consistent stroke weight** across all the body parts.\n- Keep each SVG **under 10kb**.\n- Re-use the same colors. Keep it to just 5 colors per character.\n - Use opacity for shadows/blush/tears/lighting. When the color changes, they will blend in.\n- Name each SVG file in lowercase without spaces. Avoid uppercase and special characters.\n - E.g., `lookingdown.svg` is OK. `LookingDown.svg`, `looking-down.svg` or `looking down.svg` are not\n\nUse the below template as the base for creating your character\n\n![Base template](docs/base-template.svg)\n\n- Body must start from the horizontal line, with neck centre aligned to the vertical line. Face\n must be positioned right on the horizontal line and must fit inside the box. Hair and ears can\n fall out of the box.\n\n![Base template with body and face](docs/base-template-body-face.svg)\n\n- All side poses should be **slightly angled** as shown below\n\n![Side pose](docs/side-pose.svg)\n\n### Saving file in Adobe Illustrator\n\nGo to File \\> Export as \\> Format: SVGs - Use artboards \\> Save (follow below settings while saving)\n\n![Adobe Illustrator save options](docs/adobe-illustrator-save.png){.img-fluid}\n\n### List of character emotions\n\n- `afraid`\n- `angry`\n- `annoyed`\n- `blush`\n- `confused`\n- `cry`\n- `cryingloudly`\n- `cunning`\n- `curious`\n- `disappointed`\n- `dozing`\n- `drunk`\n- `excited`\n- `facepalm`\n- `happy`\n- `hearteyes`\n- `irritated`\n- `lookingdown`\n- `lookingleft`\n- `lookingright`\n- `lookingup`\n- `mask`\n- `neutral`\n- `nevermind`\n- `ooh`\n- `rofl`\n- `rollingeyes`\n- `sad`\n- `scared`\n- `shocked`\n- `shout`\n- `smile`\n- `smirk`\n- `starstruck`\n- `surprised`\n- `thinking`\n- `tired`\n- `tongueout`\n- `whistle`\n- `wink`\n- `worried`\n\n### List of character poses\n\n| pose | standing | side | sitting | standing back | sitting back |\n| ------------------------ | :------: | :--: | :-----: | :-----------: | ------------ |\n| explaining | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| handsonhip | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| normal | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| pointingdown | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| pointingleft | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| pointingright | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| pointingup | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| shrug | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| thumbsup | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| explaining45degreesdown | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| explaining45degreesup | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| explainingwithbothhands | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| handsclasped | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| handsfolded | Yes | Yes | | | |\n| handsheldback | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| handsinpocket | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| handstouchingchin | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| hi | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| holdingboard | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| holdingbook | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| holdingcoffee | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| holdinglaptopfrontangle | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| holdinglaptopsideangle | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| holdingmobile | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| holdingpaper | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| holdingstick | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| leaningagainst | Yes | Yes | | | |\n| lookingdownatlaptop | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| pushing | Yes | Yes | | | |\n| scratchinghead | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| super | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| takingnotes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| talkingoverphone | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| thinking | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| workinganddrinkingcoffee | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |\n| writingonboard | Yes | Yes | | Yes | |\n| yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n| yuhoo | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |\n\n### Submit new characters\n\nGive your character a name (e.g. \"Ant Man\"). Save the SVG files under a folder\nwith the character name (e.g. \"ant-man\" - lower-case, use hyphens as separator).\nAdd this folder under the\n[svg/](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen/tree/master/svg/) folder.\n\nThen [send a pull request](https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request)\nor email S Anand .\n\nWhen doing this, please mention one of the following:\n\n- \"I release these images under the [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/) license\", OR\n- \"I release these images under the [CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license\"\n\n### Freelancing\n\nComicgen is free, but their designers' time is not. We pay the designers in our team, and freelancers, for the characters they design.\n\nPlease e-mail Anand and Richie if you can design characters as a freelancer. We'd love your help.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Privacy Policy\n\nGramener visuals do not externally collect any information, personal or otherwise.\nIf you have any questions, please contact us at [comicgen.powerbi@gramener.com](mailto:comicgen.powerbi@gramener.com)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## Share\n\n- [Discuss on Twitter. Hashtag #comicgen](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=comicgen&src=typd)\n- [Share on Twitter](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Make%20your%20own%20comics%20with%20the%20%23comicgen%20JS%20API%20by%20%40Gramener%20https%3A%2F%2Fgramener.com%2Fcomicgen%2F)\n- [Share on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?app_id=163328100435225&display=page&href=https%3A%2F%2Fgramener.com%2Fcomicgen%2F&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fgramener.com%2Fcomicgen%2F"e=Make%20your%20own%20comics%20with%20the%20%23comicgen%20JS%20API%20by%20%40Gramener%20https%3A%2F%2Fgramener.com%2Fcomicgen%2F)\n- [Share on LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url=https://gramener.com/comicgen/)\n- [Discuss on Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20049116)\n- [Fork on Github](https://github.com/gramener/comicgen)\n\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "If they could add stick figure characters like xkcd it would be useful.RIP mschat.exehttp://kurlander.net/DJ/Pubs/SIGGRAPH96.pdfThis is awesome. I recently wanted to make a political cartoon, and even tried adapting some images from other political cartoons. But I am a terrible artist, so I just gave up. Would love if they had characters for some of the 2020 presidential candidates so that we could all create/share political cartoons/commentary!Now I really want to see someone use this to make ML generated comics.I love it, but having tried to build the same thing myself in the past I realized a horrible truth: you can't make comics, even ones that strictly informative, without being able to draw.If you look at \"Understanding Comics\" try to picture what parts could be made procedurally. It's a tiny percentage. It looks neat and is eye-catching, but it's hard to add information using comics. When done well, it's amazing - just really hard.Great work. Now I just need a project to go along with it.This is awesome! Amazing workDoes anyone really think replacing the browser's back button with a \"undo\" feature equals a nice UX?Saw it on twitter [1] where they ask for help to create more characters. The comments on that thread also provide more information[1] https://twitter.com/sanand0/status/1120887415319691264Great work, I've added it to my belt of solutions. Now I just need the right problem to use it!It's interesting that knowing this product I was curious to follow the link to the parent (at https://gramener.com/ ) and now I know another company.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "antvis/g6-editor", "link": "https://github.com/antvis/g6-editor", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": null, "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# G6-Editor\n\nExternal support is no longer provided.\nOriginal document: https://github.com/antvis/g6-editor/files/3101934/G6-Editor.pdf\n\n\n### illustrate\nThe G6-Editor project has been launched for more than a year. At first, our purpose was to show you what G6 can do, and finally provide you with out-of-the-box solutions, and open source after the business is approved. We added support for 4 templates on the Demo, and many users directly use it in the project, but we found some difficult problems during the whole process:\n + The scene of the diagram editor is too complicated, and the needs of each business have clear differences, so it is difficult to cover a field with a template\n + Out of the box reduces the cost of user access, but shields the knowledge of the underlying G6, turning the slope of development into a huge step\n + The details of the interaction are very different in business. Some interactions are closely related to business scenarios and must be expanded or modified\n + The cost of answering questions is huge, and the developers of the editor cannot persist\n\nOur solution is to refactor G6, and guarantee the functions required by each user through mechanisms:\n* Custom interaction\n* Custom nodes\n* Custom layout\n* command mode\n* Communication between panels\n\nAll will be supported at the bottom of G6, and we will also provide ideas and processes for a simple editor.\nThank you for your use and feedback, and we ask for your understanding and support.", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "madrobby/emile", "link": "https://github.com/madrobby/emile", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "emile.js is a no-frills stand-alone CSS animation JavaScript framework, named after \u00c9mile Cohl, early animator.", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "\u00c9mile\n=====\n\n#### Stand-alone CSS animation JavaScript mini-framework ####\n\n* Doesn't need a JavaScript framework\n* Full set of CSS properties for animation (length-based and colors)\n* Easing and callbacks\n* Less than 50 lines of code\n\nGet updates on Twitter: \n\nAlso see the video of my presentation at Fronteers 2009:\n\n\n### Targeted platforms ###\n\n\u00c9mile currently targets the following platforms:\n\n* Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, version 6.0 and higher\n* Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and higher\n* Apple Safari 2.0.4 and higher\n* Opera 9.25 and higher\n* Chrome 1.0 and higher\n\n### Documentation ###\n\nOne method:\n\n emile(element, style, options, after)\n\n**Parameters**\n\n * element (id | element) - element to which the animation will be applied\n * style (String) - style which will be applied after the animation is finished\n * for some properties you'll need to define defaults on your page's css\n * options (Object) - optional; the following options are available\n * duration (Number) - duration of the animation in milliseconds\n * after (Function) - a function which will be executed after the animation is finished\n * easing (Function) - easing function for the animation. Receives one argument pos which indicates position in time between animation's start and end\n * after (Function) - optional; a callback that will be excuted after everything is done (in addition to options.after)\n\n### License ###\n\n\u00c9mile is is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included MIT-LICENSE file.\n\u00c9mile borrows its name from .\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "cypress-visual-regression/cypress-visual-regression", "link": "https://github.com/cypress-visual-regression/cypress-visual-regression", "tags": ["cypress", "visual-regression", "image-diff", "cypress-plugin", "visual-regressions"], "stars": 529, "description": "Module for adding visual regression testing to Cypress", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Cypress Visual Regression\n\n[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/cypress-visual-regression)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cypress-visual-regression)\n\n[![github actions](https://github.com/mjhea0/cypress-visual-regression/workflows/Continuous%20Integration/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mjhea0/cypress-visual-regression/actions)\n\n\nModule for adding visual regression testing to [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io/).\n\n## Getting Started\n\nInstall:\n\n```sh\n$ npm install cypress-visual-regression\n```\n\nAdd the following config to your *cypress.config.js* file:\n\n```javascript\nconst { defineConfig } = require(\"cypress\");\nconst getCompareSnapshotsPlugin = require('cypress-visual-regression/dist/plugin');\n\nmodule.exports = defineConfig({\n env: {\n screenshotsFolder: './cypress/snapshots/actual',\n trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,\n video: false\n },\n e2e: {\n setupNodeEvents(on, config) {\n getCompareSnapshotsPlugin(on, config);\n },\n },\n});\n```\n\nAdd the command to *cypress/support/commands.js*:\n\n```javascript\nconst compareSnapshotCommand = require('cypress-visual-regression/dist/command');\n\ncompareSnapshotCommand();\n```\n\n> Make sure you import *commands.js* in *cypress/support/e2e.js*:\n>\n> ```javascript\n> import './commands'\n> ```\n\n### TypeScript\n\nIf you're using TypeScript, use files with a `.ts` extension, as follows:\n\n*cypress/cypress.config.ts*\n\n```ts\nimport { defineConfig } from 'cypress';\nimport getCompareSnapshotsPlugin from 'cypress-visual-regression/dist/plugin';\n\nexport default defineConfig({\n env: {\n screenshotsFolder: './cypress/snapshots/actual',\n trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,\n video: false\n },\n e2e: {\n setupNodeEvents(on, config) {\n getCompareSnapshotsPlugin(on, config);\n },\n },\n});\n```\n\n*cypress/support/commands.ts*\n\n```ts\nimport compareSnapshotCommand from 'cypress-visual-regression/dist/command';\n\ncompareSnapshotCommand();\n```\n\n*cypress/tsconfig.json*\n\n```json:\n{\n \"compilerOptions\": {\n \"types\": [\n \"cypress\",\n \"cypress-visual-regression\"\n ]\n }\n}\n```\n\nFor more info on how to use TypeScript with Cypress, please refer to [this document](https://docs.cypress.io/guides/tooling/typescript-support#Set-up-your-dev-environment).\n\n\n### Options\n\n`failSilently` is enabled by default. Add the following config to your *cypress.config.js* file to see the errors:\n\n```javascript\n{\n env: {\n failSilently: false\n }\n}\n```\n\nYou can also pass default [arguments](https://docs.cypress.io/api/cypress-api/screenshot-api.html#Arguments) to `compareSnapshotCommand()`:\n\n```javascript\nconst compareSnapshotCommand = require('cypress-visual-regression/dist/command');\n\ncompareSnapshotCommand({\n capture: 'fullPage'\n});\n```\n\nThese will be used by default when no parameters are passed to the `compareSnapshot` command.\n\n**Configure snapshot paths**\n\nYou can control where snapshots should be located by setting two environment variables:\n\n| Variable | Description |\n|----------|-------------|\n| SNAPSHOT_BASE_DIRECTORY | Directory of the base snapshots |\n| SNAPSHOT_DIFF_DIRECTORY | Directory for the snapshot diff |\n\nThe `actual` directory always points to the configured screenshot directory.\n\n\n**Configure snapshot generation**\n\nIn order to control the creation of diff images you may want to use the following environment variables which are\ntypically set by using the field `env` in configuration in `cypress.config.json`.\n\n| Variable | Description |\n|---------------------------------|----------------------------|\n| ALWAYS_GENERATE_DIFF | Boolean, defaults to true |\n| ALLOW_VISUAL_REGRESSION_TO_FAIL | Boolean, defaults to false |\n\n\n`ALWAYS_GENERATE_DIFF` specifies if diff images are generated for successful tests. \nIf you only want the tests to create diff images based on your threshold without the tests to fail, you can set `ALLOW_VISUAL_REGRESSION_TO_FAIL`.\nIf this variable is set, diffs will be computed using your thresholds but tests will not fail if a diff is found.\n\nIf you want to see all diff images which are different (based on your thresholds), use the following in your `cypress.config.json`:\n```json\n{\n \"env\": {\n \"ALWAYS_GENERATE_DIFF\": false,\n \"ALLOW_VISUAL_REGRESSION_TO_FAIL\": true\n }\n}\n```\n\n## To Use\n\nAdd `cy.compareSnapshot('home');` in your tests specs whenever you want to test for visual regressions, making sure to replace `home` with a relevant name. You can also add an optional error threshold: Value can range from 0.00 (no difference) to 1.00 (every pixel is different). So, if you enter an error threshold of 0.51, the test would fail only if > 51% of pixels are different.\n\nMore examples:\n\n| Threshold | Fails when |\n|-----------|------------|\n| .25 | > 25% |\n| .30 | > 30% |\n| .50 | > 50% |\n| .75 | > 75% |\n\nSample:\n\n```js\nit('should display the login page correctly', () => {\n cy.visit('/03.html');\n cy.get('H1').contains('Login');\n cy.compareSnapshot('login', 0.0);\n cy.compareSnapshot('login', 0.1);\n});\n```\n\nYou can target a single HTML element as well:\n\n```js\ncy.get('#my-header').compareSnapshot('just-header')\n```\n\nYou can pass arguments as an object to `cy.compareSnapshot()`, rather than just an error threshold, as well:\n\n```js\nit('should display the login page correctly', () => {\n cy.visit('/03.html');\n cy.compareSnapshot('login', {\n capture: 'fullPage',\n errorThreshold: 0.1\n });\n});\n```\n> Looking for more examples? Review [docker/cypress/integration/main.spec.js](https://github.com/mjhea0/cypress-visual-regression/blob/master/docker/cypress/integration/main.spec.js).\n\n\nTake the base images:\n\n```sh\n$ ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run --env type=base --config screenshotsFolder=cypress/snapshots/base,testFiles=\\\"**/*regression-tests.js\\\"\n\n# use comma separated format for multiple config commands\n$ ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run \\\n --env type=base \\\n --config screenshotsFolder=cypress/snapshots/base,testFiles=\\\"**/*regression-tests.js\\\"\n```\n\nFind regressions:\n\n```sh\n$ ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run --env type=actual\n```\n\n## Example\n\n![example](./cypress-visual-regression.gif)\n\n## Tips & Tricks\n\n### Ignore some elements\n\nFollowing function creates a command that allows you to hide elements of the page based on their className:\n```ts\n/**\n * To be called after you setup the command, in order to add a\n * hook that does stuff before the command is triggered\n */\nfunction beforeCompareSnapshotCommand(\n /** Element you want to ignore */\n ignoredElementsQuerySelector: string,\n /** Main app element (if you want for the page to be loaded before triggering the command) */\n appContentQuerySelector: string = \"body\"\n) {\n Cypress.Commands.overwrite(\"compareSnapshot\", (originalFn, ...args) => {\n return cy\n // wait for content to be ready \n .get(appContentQuerySelector)\n // hide ignored elements\n .then($app => {\n return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n $app.find(ignoredElementsQuerySelector).css(\"visibility\", \"hidden\");\n resolve();\n // add a very small delay to wait for the elements to be there, but you should\n // make sure your test already handles this\n }, 300);\n });\n })\n .then(() => {\n return originalFn(...args);\n });\n });\n}\n\nmodule.exports = beforeCompareSnapshotCommand;\n```\nYou may then use this function like below:\n```js\nconst compareSnapshotCommand = require(\"cypress-visual-regression/dist/command\");\nconst beforeCompareSnapshotCommand = require(\"./commands/beforeCompareSnapshots\");\ncompareSnapshotCommand({\n errorThreshold: 0.1\n});\n// add a before hook to compareSnapshot (this must be called AFTER compareSnapshotCommand() so the command can be overriden)\nbeforeCompareSnapshotCommand(\n \".chromatic-ignore,[data-chromatic='ignore']\",\n \"._app-content\"\n);\n```\nIn this example, we ignore the elements that are also ignored by 3rd party tool Chromatic.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "momosecurity/FindSomething", "link": "https://github.com/momosecurity/FindSomething", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": "\u57fa\u4e8echrome\u3001firefox\u63d2\u4ef6\u7684\u88ab\u52a8\u5f0f\u4fe1\u606f\u6cc4\u6f0f\u68c0\u6d4b\u5de5\u5177", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "#FindSomething\nFindSomething, a browser plugin-based passive information extraction tool\nFirst published on Momo Security https://security.immomo.com/blog/145\n## chrome plugin\n1. Go directly to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/findsomething/kfhniponecokdefffkpagipffdefeldb\n2. Or use the chrome developer mode to load the source code.\n## firefox plugins\n1. Go directly to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/findsomething/\n2. Or switch to the firefox branch and use the \"debug add-on\" to load it.\n\nWelcome to communicate together, WeChat search canxiao_xiao", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "FGRibreau/match-when", "link": "https://github.com/FGRibreau/match-when", "tags": [], "stars": 529, "description": ":shell: Pattern matching for modern JavaScript", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "### match-when - Pattern matching for modern JavaScript\n\n\n\n[![Circle CI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/FGRibreau/match-when/master.svg?style=flat)](https://circleci.com/gh/FGRibreau/match-when/tree/master) [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/FGRibreau/match-when/master.svg)](https://coveralls.io/github/FGRibreau/match-when?branch=master) ![deps](https://img.shields.io/david/fgribreau/match-when.svg?style=flat) ![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/match-when.svg?style=flat) ![extra](https://img.shields.io/badge/actively%20maintained-yes-ff69b4.svg?style=flat) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/fgribreau.svg?style=flat)](https://twitter.com/FGRibreau) [![Get help on Codementor](https://cdn.codementor.io/badges/get_help_github.svg)](https://www.codementor.io/francois-guillaume-ribreau?utm_source=github&utm_medium=button&utm_term=francois-guillaume-ribreau&utm_campaign=github) [![Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/Slack-Join%20our%20tech%20community-17202A?logo=slack)](https://join.slack.com/t/fgribreau/shared_invite/zt-edpjwt2t-Zh39mDUMNQ0QOr9qOj~jrg)\n\n\n\n> Finally a **clear**, **succinct** and *safe* syntax to do Pattern Matching in modern JavaScript. [(backstory)](http://blog.fgribreau.com/2015/12/match-when-pattern-matching-for-modern.html)\n\n\n#### Shameless plug\n\n- [Looking for a managed Keycloak IAM ?](https://www.cloud-iam.com/)\n- [**Charts, simple as a URL**. No more server-side rendering pain, 1 url = 1 chart](http://bit.ly/2dPZfbn)\n\n#### Usage\n\nThe setup is pretty simple, simply require the library with `match` and `when` and you are ready to go!\n\n```js\nconst {match, when} = require('match-when');\n```\n\nor globally\n\n```js\nrequire('match-when/register'); // `match` and `when` are now globally available\n```\n\nNow let's see how we would write a factorial function:\n\n```js\nconst fact = match({\n [when(0)]: 1,\n [when()]: (n) => n * fact(n-1)\n});\n\nfact(10); // 3628800\n```\n\nClear and simple right?\n\nAlternatively, `match(, patternSpecification)` can be used to instantly perform a match:\n\n```js\nfunction fact(n){\n return match(n, {\n [when(0)]: 1,\n [when()]: (n) => n * fact(n-1)\n });\n}\n\nfact(10); // 3628800\n```\n\n


    \n\nNote that `when()` is a catch-all pattern and, if used, should always be the last condition. If you forget it `match()` will throw a `MissingCatchAllPattern` exception if nothing was matched.\n\n##### Setup\n\n```\nnpm i match-when -S\n```\n\n##### High Order Functions\n\n`match` works well with high order functions like `map`, `filter` (and so on) too:\n\n```js\n[2, 4, 1, 2].map(match({\n [when(1)]: \"one\",\n [when(2)]: \"two\",\n [when()]: \"many\"\n}));\n\n// [ 'two', 'many', 'one', 'two' ]\n```\n\n##### Arrays\n\n\nIt also works with **arrays**:\n\n```js\nfunction length(list){\n return match({\n [when([])]: 0,\n [when()]: ([head, ...tail]) => 1 + length(tail)\n })(list);\n}\n\nlength([1, 1, 1]); // 3\n```\n\n##### OR\n\nSadly JavaScript does not offer us a way to overload operators so we're stuck with `when.or`:\n\n```js\nfunction parseArgument(arg){\n return match({\n [when.or(\"-h\", \"--help\")]: () => displayHelp,\n [when.or(\"-v\", \"--version\")]: () => displayVersion,\n [when()]: (whatever) => unknownArgument.bind(null, whatever)\n })(arg);\n}\n\nparseArgument(process.argv.slice(1)); // displayHelp || displayVersion ||\u00a0(binded)unknownArgument\n```\n\n##### AND\n\n```js\nconst protocols = repositories.map(match({\n [when.and({useGit:true}, {useSSH: true})]: 'git+ssh:',\n [when.and({useGit:true}, {useHTTP: true})]: 'git+http:',\n [when.and({useGit:true}, {useHTTPS: true})]: 'git+https:',\n [when()]: 'unsupported:'\n}))\n```\n\n##### Regular Expressions\n\nmatch-when supports [regular expressions](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp) as well:\n\n```js\n['hey.com', 'fg@plop.com', 'fg+plop@plop.com', 'wat'].filter(match({\n [when(/\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+/)]: false, // **seems** to be a valid email (unsafe regex for doc purpose only)\n [when()]: true // the email could be invalid, return it\n}));\n\n// ['hey.com', 'wat']\n```\n\n##### Range\n\n```js\n[12, 42, 99, 101].map(match({\n [when.range(0, 41)]: '< answer',\n [when.range(43, 100)]: '> answer',\n [when(42)]: 'answer',\n [when()]: '< 0, or > 100'\n}));\n\n// ['< answer', 'answer', '> answer', '< 0, or > 100']\n```\n\n### Supported patterns:\n\n\n- `{ x1: pattern1, ..., xn: patternn }` - matches any object with property names `x1` to `xn` matching patterns `pattern1` to `patternn`, respectively. Only the own properties of the pattern are used.\n- `[pattern0, ..., patternn]` - matches any object with property names 0 to n matching patterns `pattern0` to `patternn`, respectively.\n- `/pattern/flags` - matches any values than pass the regular expression test\n- `when.range(low, high)` matches any number value in the range [low, high], `low` and `high` included.\n- `when.or(pattern0, ..., patternn)` - matches if at [least one](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some) `pattern` matches.\n- `when.and(pattern0, ..., patternn)` - matches if [every](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every) `pattern` matches.\n\n### Todo:\n\nI will accept PR with their associated tests for the following features:\n\n\n- define and implement some syntax to support wildcards\n\n[todo-list inspired by pattern-match from dherman](https://github.com/dherman/pattern-match#patterns).\n\n\\* *well, of course, they are not keywords but simple functions*\n\n#### Why/How? - the slides\n\n


    \n\n#### Why/how? - the talk in **french (sorry)**\n\n


    \n\n## Development sponsored by iAdvize\n\n


    \n\nI work at [iAdvize](http://iadvize.com) as a Lead Developer and Architect. iAdvize is the **leading real-time customer engagement platform in Europe** and is used in 40 different countries. We are one of the french startup with the [fastest growth](http://www.iadvize.com/fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/11/CP-Fast-50.pdf) and one of [the **greatest place to work** in **France**](https://vimeo.com/122438055).\n\nWe are looking for a [**NodeJS backend developer**](http://smrtr.io/FqP79g), a [Scala backend developer](http://smrtr.io/FqP79g), a [**JavaScript frontend developer**](http://smrtr.io/wR-y4Q), a [Full-stack Developer](http://smrtr.io/SGhrew) and a [DevOps System Engineer](http://smrtr.io/OIFFMQ) in Paris or Nantes. **[Send me a tweet](https://twitter.com/FGRibreau) if you have any questions**!\n\n## [The Story](http://blog.fgribreau.com/2015/12/match-when-pattern-matching-for-modern.html)\n\n## [Changelog](/CHANGELOG.md)\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "OpusCapita/filemanager", "link": "https://github.com/OpusCapita/filemanager", "tags": ["filemanager", "react", "js", "javascript", "nodejs", "file-browser", "file-upload", "file-explorer", "frontend"], "stars": 528, "description": "React based FileManager for browser ( + FS REST API for Node.js and Express)", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Filemanager\n\n[![badge-circleci](https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/github/RedSparr0w/node-csgo-parser.svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/OpusCapita/filemanager)\n[![badge-npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/@opuscapita/react-filemanager.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@opuscapita/react-filemanager)\n[![badge-license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/OpusCapita/filemanager.svg)](./LICENSE)\n\n## [Demo](https://demo.core.dev.opuscapita.com/filemanager/master/?currentComponentName=FileManager&maxContainerWidth=100%25&showSidebar=false)\n\n## [React Documentation](https://demo.core.dev.opuscapita.com/filemanager/master/?currentComponentName=FileNavigator&maxContainerWidth=100%25&showSidebar=true)\n\n> Demo and react documentation are powered by [React Showroom](https://github.com/OpusCapita/react-showroom-client)\n\n### Packages\n\n* [Client React](./packages/client-react)\n* [Server Node](./packages/server-nodejs)\n* [Client React connector for Server Node API v1](./packages/connector-node-v1)\n* [Client React connector for Google Drive API v2](./packages/connector-google-drive-v2)\n\nDetailed documentation for each package is coming soon.\n\n### Spring Boot Starter\n\nSpring boot applications can benefit from Spring boot starter package found here:\n\n* [Spring Boot](./spring-boot) - see README there for details\n\n### Basic usage\n\nClient implementation is an npm package which can be embed into your application.\nIt uses [React](https://reactjs.org/) framework and supports connectors to different file storages.\nPredefined connectors are:\n\n* [Client React connector for Server Node API v1](./packages/connector-node-v1)\n* [Client React connector for Google Drive API v2](./packages/connector-google-drive-v2)\n\nYou can write you own custom connectors (documentation on how to do it will appear later).\n\n#### How to use Server Node\n\n[**Server Node API v1 Documentation**](https://demo.core.dev.opuscapita.com/filemanager/master/api/docs)\n\nInstall package\n\n```shell\nnpm install --save @opuscapita/filemanager-server\n```\n\nNow you have at least two ways of using it:\n\n* Start as application\n\n```js\nlet config = {\n fsRoot: __dirname,\n rootName: 'Root folder',\n port: process.env.PORT || '3020',\n host: process.env.HOST || 'localhost'\n};\n\nlet filemanager = require('@opuscapita/filemanager-server');\nfilemanager.server.run(config);\n```\n\n* [Use as middleware](https://github.com/OpusCapita/filemanager/blob/abbe7b00f57f86c25ed5eae2673920c02ec1859f/packages/demoapp/index.js#L5)\n\n#### How to use Client React\n\nInstall packages\n\n```shell\nnpm install --save @opuscapita/react-filemanager @opuscapita/react-filemanager-connector-node-v1\n```\n\nUse it as a child component of you application\n\n```jsx\nimport React from 'react';\nimport ReactDOM from 'react-dom';\nimport { FileManager, FileNavigator } from '@opuscapita/react-filemanager';\nimport connectorNodeV1 from '@opuscapita/react-filemanager-connector-node-v1';\n\nconst apiOptions = {\n ...connectorNodeV1.apiOptions,\n apiRoot: `http://opuscapita-filemanager-demo-master.azurewebsites.net/` // Or you local Server Node V1 installation.\n}\n\nconst fileManager = (\n
    \n \n \n \n
    \n);\n\nReactDOM.render(fileManager, document.body);\n```\n\n#### [Changelog](https://github.com/OpusCapita/filemanager/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n#### [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/OpusCapita/filemanager/blob/master/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)\n#### [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/OpusCapita/filemanager/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)\n\n## Development\n\nIn any directory with `Makefile` (including repo's root) type `make` to see available commands (requires `make` utility to be installed locally, ideally GNU MAKE 4.2.1).\n\nThere're prebuilt docker images with tools needed for building code and deploying demo application:\n```\nmake container-for-code # starts a container, where one can execute 'make' to test/build/etc code (both for JS and Spring boot parts)\n// or\nmake container-for-deployment # starts a container, where one can execute 'make' with goals related to deployment of demo application\n```\n\n### Main contributors\n\n| [](https://github.com/asergeev-sc) | [**Alexey Sergeev**](https://github.com/asergeev-sc) |\n| :---: | :---: |\n| [](https://github.com/kvolkovich-sc) | [**Kirill Volkovich**](https://github.com/kvolkovich-sc) |\n| [](https://github.com/amourzenkov-sc) | [**Andrei Mourzenkov**](https://github.com/amourzenkov-sc) |\n [](https://github.com/abaliunov-sc) | [**Aleksandr Baliunov**](https://github.com/abaliunov-sc) |\n [](https://github.com/estambakio-sc) | [**Egor Stambakio**](https://github.com/estambakio-sc) |\n\n## License\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for the full license text.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "quilljs/parchment", "link": "https://github.com/quilljs/parchment", "tags": [], "stars": 528, "description": null, "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Parchment [![Build Status](https://github.com/quilljs/parchment/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg?branch=2.0)](https://github.com/quilljs/parchment/actions?query=branch%3A2.0)\n\nParchment is [Quill](https://quilljs.com)'s document model. It is a parallel tree structure to the DOM tree, and provides functionality useful for content editors, like Quill. A Parchment tree is made up of [Blots](#blots), which mirror a DOM node counterpart. Blots can provide structure, formatting, and/or content. [Attributors](#attributors) can also provide lightweight formatting information.\n\n**Note:** You should never instantiate a Blot yourself with `new`. This may prevent necessary lifecycle functionality of a Blot. Use the [Registry](#registry)'s `create()` method instead.\n\n`npm install --save parchment`\n\nSee [Cloning Medium with Parchment](https://quilljs.com/guides/cloning-medium-with-parchment/) for a guide on how Quill uses Parchment its document model.\n\n## Blots\n\nBlots are the basic building blocks of a Parchment document. Several basic implementations such as [Block](#block-blot), [Inline](#inline-blot), and [Embed](#embed-blot) are provided. In general you will want to extend one of these, instead of building from scratch. After implementation, blots need to be [registered](#registry) before usage.\n\nAt the very minimum a Blot must be named with a static `blotName` and associated with either a `tagName` or `className`. If a Blot is defined with both a tag and class, the class takes precedence, but the tag may be used as a fallback. Blots must also have a [scope](#registry), which determine if it is inline or block.\n\n```typescript\nclass Blot {\n static blotName: string;\n static className: string;\n static tagName: string;\n static scope: Scope;\n\n domNode: Node;\n prev: Blot | null;\n next: Blot | null;\n parent: Blot;\n\n // Creates corresponding DOM node\n static create(value?: any): Node;\n\n constructor(domNode: Node, value?: any);\n\n // For leaves, length of blot's value()\n // For parents, sum of children's values\n length(): Number;\n\n // Manipulate at given index and length, if applicable.\n // Will often pass call onto appropriate child.\n deleteAt(index: number, length: number);\n formatAt(index: number, length: number, format: string, value: any);\n insertAt(index: number, text: string);\n insertAt(index: number, embed: string, value: any);\n\n // Returns offset between this blot and an ancestor's\n offset(ancestor: Blot = this.parent): number;\n\n // Called after update cycle completes. Cannot change the value or length\n // of the document, and any DOM operation must reduce complexity of the DOM\n // tree. A shared context object is passed through all blots.\n optimize(context: {[key: string]: any}): void;\n\n // Called when blot changes, with the mutation records of its change.\n // Internal records of the blot values can be updated, and modifcations of\n // the blot itself is permitted. Can be trigger from user change or API call.\n // A shared context object is passed through all blots.\n update(mutations: MutationRecord[], context: {[key: string]: any});\n\n\n /** Leaf Blots only **/\n\n // Returns the value represented by domNode if it is this Blot's type\n // No checking that domNode can represent this Blot type is required so\n // applications needing it should check externally before calling.\n static value(domNode): any;\n\n // Given location represented by node and offset from DOM Selection Range,\n // return index to that location.\n index(node: Node, offset: number): number;\n\n // Given index to location within blot, return node and offset representing\n // that location, consumable by DOM Selection Range\n position(index: number, inclusive: boolean): [Node, number];\n\n // Return value represented by this blot\n // Should not change without interaction from API or\n // user change detectable by update()\n value(): any;\n\n\n /** Parent blots only **/\n\n // Whitelist array of Blots that can be direct children.\n static allowedChildren: Blot[];\n\n // Default child blot to be inserted if this blot becomes empty.\n static defaultChild: Registry.BlotConstructor;\n\n children: LinkedList;\n\n // Called during construction, should fill its own children LinkedList.\n build();\n\n // Useful search functions for descendant(s), should not modify\n descendant(type: BlotClass, index: number, inclusive): Blot\n descendants(type: BlotClass, index: number, length: number): Blot[];\n\n\n /** Formattable blots only **/\n\n // Returns format values represented by domNode if it is this Blot's type\n // No checking that domNode is this Blot's type is required.\n static formats(domNode: Node);\n\n // Apply format to blot. Should not pass onto child or other blot.\n format(format: name, value: any);\n\n // Return formats represented by blot, including from Attributors.\n formats(): Object;\n}\n```\n\n### Example\n\nImplementation for a Blot representing a link, which is a parent, inline scoped, and formattable.\n\n```typescript\nimport Parchment from 'parchment';\n\nclass LinkBlot extends Parchment.Inline {\n static create(url) {\n let node = super.create();\n node.setAttribute('href', url);\n node.setAttribute('target', '_blank');\n node.setAttribute('title', node.textContent);\n return node;\n }\n\n static formats(domNode) {\n return domNode.getAttribute('href') || true;\n }\n\n format(name, value) {\n if (name === 'link' && value) {\n this.domNode.setAttribute('href', value);\n } else {\n super.format(name, value);\n }\n }\n\n formats() {\n let formats = super.formats();\n formats['link'] = LinkBlot.formats(this.domNode);\n return formats;\n }\n}\nLinkBlot.blotName = 'link';\nLinkBlot.tagName = 'A';\n\nParchment.register(LinkBlot);\n```\n\nQuill also provides many great example implementions in its [source code](https://github.com/quilljs/quill/tree/develop/formats).\n\n### Block Blot\n\nBasic implementation of a block scoped formattable parent Blot. Formatting a block blot by default will replace the appropriate subsection of the blot.\n\n### Inline Blot\n\nBasic implementation of an inline scoped formattable parent Blot. Formatting an inline blot by default either wraps itself with another blot or passes the call to the approprate child.\n\n### Embed Blot\n\nBasic implementation of a non-text leaf blot, that is formattable. Its corresponding DOM node will often be a [Void Element](https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#void-elements), but can be a [Normal Element](https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#normal-elements). In these cases Parchment will not manipulate or generally be aware of the element's children, and it will be important to correctly implement the blot's `index()` and `position()` functions to correctly work with cursors/selections.\n\n### Scroll\n\nThe root parent blot of a Parchment document. It is not formattable.\n\n\n## Attributors\n\nAttributors are the alternative, more lightweight, way to represent formats. Their DOM counterpart is an [Attribute](https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attributes-0). Like a DOM attribute's relationship to a node, Attributors are meant to belong to Blots. Calling `formats()` on an [Inline](#inline-blot) or [Block](#block-blot) blot will return both the format of the corresponding DOM node represents (if any) and the formats the DOM node's attributes represent (if any).\n\nAttributors have the following interface:\n\n```typescript\nclass Attributor {\n attrName: string;\n keyName: string;\n scope: Scope;\n whitelist: string[];\n\n constructor(attrName: string, keyName: string, options: Object = {});\n add(node: HTMLElement, value: string): boolean;\n canAdd(node: HTMLElement, value: string): boolean;\n remove(node: HTMLElement);\n value(node: HTMLElement);\n}\n```\n\nNote custom attributors are instances, rather than class definitions like Blots. Similar to Blots, instead of creating from scratch, you will probably want to use existing Attributor implementations, such as the base [Attributor](#attributor), [Class Attributor](#class-attributor) or [Style Attributor](#style-attributor).\n\nThe implementation for Attributors is surprisingly simple, and its [source code](https://github.com/quilljs/parchment/tree/master/src/attributor) may be another source of understanding.\n\n### Attributor\n\nUses a plain attribute to represent formats.\n\n```js\nimport Parchment from 'parchment';\n\nlet Width = new Parchment.Attributor.Attribute('width', 'width');\nParchment.register(Width);\n\nlet imageNode = document.createElement('img');\n\nWidth.add(imageNode, '10px');\nconsole.log(imageNode.outerHTML); // Will print \nWidth.value(imageNode);\t // Will return 10px\nWidth.remove(imageNode);\nconsole.log(imageNode.outerHTML); // Will print \n```\n\n### Class Attributor\n\nUses a classname pattern to represent formats.\n\n```js\nimport Parchment from 'parchment';\n\nlet Align = new Parchment.Attributor.Class('align', 'blot-align');\nParchment.register(Align);\n\nlet node = document.createElement('div');\nAlign.add(node, 'right');\nconsole.log(node.outerHTML); // Will print
    \n```\n\n### Style Attributor\n\nUses inline styles to represent formats.\n\n```js\nimport Parchment from 'parchment';\n\nlet Align = new Parchment.Attributor.Style('align', 'text-align', {\n whitelist: ['right', 'center', 'justify'] // Having no value implies left align\n});\nParchment.register(Align);\n\nlet node = document.createElement('div');\nAlign.add(node, 'right');\nconsole.log(node.outerHTML); // Will print
    \n```\n\n## Registry\n\nAll methods are accessible from Parchment ex. `Parchment.create('bold')`.\n\n```typescript\n// Creates a blot given a name or DOM node.\n// When given just a scope, creates blot the same name as scope\ncreate(domNode: Node, value?: any): Blot;\ncreate(blotName: string, value?: any): Blot;\ncreate(scope: Scope): Blot;\n\n// Given DOM node, find corresponding Blot.\n// Bubbling is useful when searching for a Embed Blot with its corresponding\n// DOM node's descendant nodes.\nfind(domNode: Node, bubble: boolean = false): Blot;\n\n// Search for a Blot or Attributor\n// When given just a scope, finds blot with same name as scope\nquery(tagName: string, scope: Scope = Scope.ANY): BlotClass;\nquery(blotName: string, scope: Scope = Scope.ANY): BlotClass;\nquery(domNode: Node, scope: Scope = Scope.ANY): BlotClass;\nquery(scope: Scope): BlotClass;\nquery(attributorName: string, scope: Scope = Scope.ANY): Attributor;\n\n// Register Blot class definition or Attributor instance\nregister(BlotClass | Attributor);\n```\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "Considering the limited time available to schools for teaching and available to kids for homework I find it very hard to justify teaching cursive in 2019. It is no longer a required skill for being a functional member of society, it's not even in the top half of the \"nice to have\" list.Call me uncultured but I say it should damn well stay dead. Cursive is a waste of everyone's time. It adds nothing to the language. Remembering how to do it is about as skillful as remembering all the Minecraft crafting recipes, and it is merely a historical accident that one of these is seen as a mark of education and the other a mark of immaturity.I was born in 1991. I learned to write cursive in school, but I can't comfortably read it. Whenever I get a card from an older relative I've got to slowly puzzle over some of the words. Apart from the odd instructor who wrote on the board in cursive, these occasional personal notes are my only practice. These days most people default to what used to be called \"printing\" so it's rarely a big deal.If we want to bring back cursive, there needs to be more of an acknowledgement that reading and writing are different things, and need to be practiced differently. When I was learning Morse code, it was understood that sending and receiving are different skills (e.g. I can send at 25 WPM but can only copy at about 12 WPM). The same doesn't seem to be true about cursive education.The common discussion around this topic reminds me of how people got upset about Pluto being demoted to a \"dwarf planet\", or how they value spending hours of one's life reading fiction novels while scoffing at shows and video games as lower forms of art. I know older folks who think it's a bad thing that their nieces and nephews aren't being taught cursive handwriting. People have a visceral reaction to change, especially when it comes to things that were romanticized, or at least emphasized in childhood.Knowing how to write in cursive is like knowing how to churn butter, how to tie a horse to a hitching post, or (more aptly) using a typewriter. Said skills might be selectively useful, but they are generally obsolete. It's great that people want to know that I have to do those things, but don't expect me to have to learn outdated things that have no use for me.Is it an american thing not to learn cursive?\nI'm from the UK, 30 years old and everyone was taught \"joined-up writing\" as it was called.Nowadays I write about half and half. Joining up letters where it's natural to, and leaving some unjoined.I recommend cursive italic, a form of writing that is beautiful and fast to write, but much easier to learn than looped cursive, since it reuses the printed letter forms and avoids complicated joins.As a bonus, your handwriting resembles Shakespeare's.Isn't cursive writing still required in certain social situations? I recall having to write a statement in cursive when I took the LSAT. Presumably, so they could verify I was the person who the test if necessary. I kept making mistakes cause I was used to writing Cyrillic in cursive. Muscle memory turned all my p's into n's :-)I remember in high school I tried to write a letter to my older brother in California. I had forgotten how to write in cursive - too much hand-lettering on my computer printouts etc. So I just hand-lettered the letter.Today (decades later) I use cursive exclusively for signing things. And that's a mess.Typical cursive is a form of connected writing originally designed for pens and quills with flexible nibs. Letters like \u2113 have loops because when writing with these tools the downstroke is thicker than the upstroke. The result is a recognizable lowercase L with a thin stroke on the side. It's easy to read even if you've never had to before.This form of writing was dated as soon as the ballpoint pen was invented, which was in the 19th century. Writing it with a pencil makes even less sense. By tradition we have clung to this terrible writing style instead of introducing something more sensible and modern like italic cursive, which is connected but without loops.It frustrates me that older generations lament the loss of cursive in the curriculum, but refuse to acknowledge that it overall reduces the readability. Not everyone is a born artist, and the evidence is quite clear that it isn't a magic bullet (or else everyone would have readable cursive). I know I don't write that well, but because the letters aren't linked up there's less ability to scrawl, so they tend to be reasonably interpretable.Do they not teach cursive anymore in schools?That\u2019s a new one for me. > Part of being an American is being able to read cursive writing.What?? This is asinine.I've said for years, the American system gets itself all tangled up because we (want) to teach two entirely different writing systems to children: we start with manuscript (printing) and then once the kids are used to that, we consider slapping them with cursive (and a hideous Palmer hand or a derivative to boot).You want to teach cursive effectively? Drop manuscript training entirely and start kids on the joined-up writing in first grade.", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "sindresorhus/matcher", "link": "https://github.com/sindresorhus/matcher", "tags": [], "stars": 528, "description": "Simple wildcard matching", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# matcher\n\n> Simple [wildcard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcard_character) matching\n\nUseful when you want to accept loose string input and regexes/globs are too convoluted.\n\n## Install\n\n```sh\nnpm install matcher\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n```js\nimport {matcher, isMatch} from 'matcher';\n\nmatcher(['foo', 'bar', 'moo'], ['*oo', '!foo']);\n//=> ['moo']\n\nmatcher(['foo', 'bar', 'moo'], ['!*oo']);\n//=> ['bar']\n\nmatcher('moo', ['']);\n//=> []\n\nmatcher('moo', []);\n//=> []\n\nmatcher([''], ['']);\n//=> ['']\n\nisMatch('unicorn', 'uni*');\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('unicorn', '*corn');\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('unicorn', 'un*rn');\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('rainbow', '!unicorn');\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('foo bar baz', 'foo b* b*');\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('unicorn', 'uni\\\\*');\n//=> false\n\nisMatch(['foo', 'bar'], 'f*');\n//=> true\n\nisMatch(['foo', 'bar'], ['a*', 'b*']);\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('unicorn', ['']);\n//=> false\n\nisMatch('unicorn', []);\n//=> false\n\nisMatch([], 'bar');\n//=> false\n\nisMatch([], []);\n//=> false\n\nisMatch('', '');\n//=> true\n```\n\n## API\n\nIt matches even across newlines. For example, `foo*r` will match `foo\\nbar`.\n\n### matcher(inputs, patterns, options?)\n\nAccepts a string or an array of strings for both `inputs` and `patterns`.\n\nReturns an array of `inputs` filtered based on the `patterns`.\n\n### isMatch(inputs, patterns, options?)\n\nAccepts a string or an array of strings for both `inputs` and `patterns`.\n\nReturns a `boolean` of whether any of given `inputs` matches all the `patterns`.\n\n#### inputs\n\nType: `string | string[]`\n\nThe string or array of strings to match.\n\n#### options\n\nType: `object`\n\n##### caseSensitive\n\nType: `boolean`\\\nDefault: `false`\n\nTreat uppercase and lowercase characters as being the same.\n\nEnsure you use this correctly. For example, files and directories should be matched case-insensitively, while most often, object keys should be matched case-sensitively.\n\n```js\nimport {isMatch} from 'matcher';\n\nisMatch('UNICORN', 'UNI*', {caseSensitive: true});\n//=> true\n\nisMatch('UNICORN', 'unicorn', {caseSensitive: true});\n//=> false\n\nisMatch('unicorn', ['tri*', 'UNI*'], {caseSensitive: true});\n//=> false\n```\n\n##### allPatterns\n\nType: `boolean`\\\nDefault: `false`\n\nRequire all negated patterns to not match and any normal patterns to match at least once. Otherwise, it will be a no-match condition.\n\n```js\nimport {matcher} from 'matcher';\n\n// Find text strings containing both \"edge\" and \"tiger\" in arbitrary order, but not \"stunt\".\nconst demo = (strings) => matcher(strings, ['*edge*', '*tiger*', '!*stunt*'], {allPatterns: true});\n\ndemo(['Hey, tiger!', 'tiger has edge over hyenas', 'pushing a tiger over the edge is a stunt']);\n//=> ['tiger has edge over hyenas']\n```\n\n```js\nimport {matcher} from 'matcher';\n\nmatcher(['foo', 'for', 'bar'], ['f*', 'b*', '!x*'], {allPatterns: true});\n//=> ['foo', 'for', 'bar']\n\nmatcher(['foo', 'for', 'bar'], ['f*'], {allPatterns: true});\n//=> []\n```\n\n#### patterns\n\nType: `string | string[]`\n\nUse `*` to match zero or more characters.\n\nA leading `!` negates the pattern.\n\nAn input string will be omitted, if it does not match any non-negated patterns present, or if it matches a negated pattern, or if no pattern is present.\n\n## Benchmark\n\n```sh\nnpm run bench\n```\n\n## Related\n\n- [matcher-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/matcher-cli) - CLI for this module\n- [multimatch](https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch) - Extends `minimatch.match()` with support for multiple patterns\n\n---\n\n
    \n\t\n\t\tGet professional support for this package with a Tidelift subscription\n\t\n\t
    \n\t\n\t\tTidelift helps make open source sustainable for maintainers while giving companies
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    \n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "gorisanson/pikachu-volleyball", "link": "https://github.com/gorisanson/pikachu-volleyball", "tags": ["pikachu-volleyball", "game", "video-game", "reverse-engineering"], "stars": 528, "description": "Pikachu Volleyball implemented into JavaScript by reverse engineering the original game", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# Pikachu Volleyball\n\n_✓_ _English_ | [_Korean(\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4)_](README.ko.md)\n\nPikachu Volleyball (\u5bfe\u6226\u3074\u304b\u3061\u3085\uff5e\u3000\uff8b\uff9e\uff70\uff81\uff8a\uff9e\uff9a\uff70\u7de8) is an old Windows game which was developed by \"(C) SACHI SOFT / SAWAYAKAN Programmers\" and \"(C) Satoshi Takenouchi\" in 1997. The source code on this repository is gained by reverse engineering the core part of the machine code — including the physics engine and the AI — of the original game and implementing it into JavaScript.\n\nYou can play this game on the website: https://gorisanson.github.io/pikachu-volleyball/en/\n\n\"Pikachu\n\n## How to run locally\n\n1. Clone this repository and get into the directory.\n\n```sh\ngit clone https://github.com/gorisanson/pikachu-volleyball.git\ncd pikachu-volleyball\n```\n\n2. Install dependencies. (If errors occur, you can try with `node v16` and `npm v8`.)\n\n```sh\nnpm install\n```\n\n3. Bundle the code.\n\n```sh\nnpm run build\n```\n\n4. Run a local web server.\n\n```sh\nnpx http-server dist\n```\n\n5. Connect to the local web server on a web browser. (In most cases, the URL for connecting to the server would be `http://localhost:8080`. For the exact URL, it is supposed to be found on the printed messages on your terminal.)\n\n## Game structure\n\n- Physics Engine: The physics engine, which calculates the position of the ball and the players (Pikachus), is contained in the file [`src/resources/js/physics.js`](src/resources/js/physics.js). (This file also containes the AI which determines the keyboard input of the computer when you are playing against your computer.) This source code file is gained by reverse engineering the function at the address 00403dd0 of the machine code of the original game.\n\n- Rendering: [PixiJS](https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js) library is used for rendering the game.\n\nRefer comments on [`src/resources/js/main.js`](src/resources/js/main.js) for other details.\n\n## Methods used for reverse engineering\n\nThe main tools used for reverse engineering are following.\n\n- [Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/)\n- [Cheat Engine](https://www.cheatengine.org/)\n- [OllyDbg](http://www.ollydbg.de/)\n- [Resource Hacker](http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/)\n\n[Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/) is used for decompiling the machine code to C code. At first look, the decompiled C code looked incomprehensible. One of the reason was that the variable names (`iVar1`, `iVar2`, ...) and function names (`FUN_00402dc0`, `FUN_00403070`, ...) in the decompiled C code are meaningless. But, with the aid of [Cheat Engine](https://www.cheatengine.org/), I could find the location of some significant variables — x, y coordinate of the ball and the players. And reading from the location of the variables, the decompiled C code was comprehensible! [OllyDbg](http://www.ollydbg.de/) was used for altering a specific part of the machine code. For example, to make slower version of the game so that it would be easier to count the number of frames of \"Ready?\" message on the start of new round in the game. [Resource Hacker](http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/) was used for extract the assets (sprites and sounds) of the game.\n\n## An intended deviation from the original game\n\nIf there is no keyboard input, AI vs AI match is started after a while. In the original game, the match lasts only for about 40 seconds. But in this JavaScript version, there's no time limit to the AI vs AI match so you can watch it as long as you want.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "vestman/Select-or-Die", "link": "https://github.com/vestman/Select-or-Die", "tags": [], "stars": 528, "description": "Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at http://vst.mn/selectordie/", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "Select-or-Die\n=============\n\nYet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. I'm to lazy to update this readme file with the documentation. Head over to http://vst.mn/selectordie/ to view the Select or Die in action and read all about it.\n\nYou can also install it using Bower:\n`bower install SelectOrDie`", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "moll/json-stringify-safe", "link": "https://github.com/moll/json-stringify-safe", "tags": [], "stars": 528, "description": "Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't throw on circular references", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# json-stringify-safe\n\nLike JSON.stringify, but doesn't throw on circular references.\n\n## Usage\n\nTakes the same arguments as `JSON.stringify`.\n\n```javascript\nvar stringify = require('json-stringify-safe');\nvar circularObj = {};\ncircularObj.circularRef = circularObj;\ncircularObj.list = [ circularObj, circularObj ];\nconsole.log(stringify(circularObj, null, 2));\n```\n\nOutput:\n\n```json\n{\n \"circularRef\": \"[Circular]\",\n \"list\": [\n \"[Circular]\",\n \"[Circular]\"\n ]\n}\n```\n\n## Details\n\n```\nstringify(obj, serializer, indent, decycler)\n```\n\nThe first three arguments are the same as to JSON.stringify. The last\nis an argument that's only used when the object has been seen already.\n\nThe default `decycler` function returns the string `'[Circular]'`.\nIf, for example, you pass in `function(k,v){}` (return nothing) then it\nwill prune cycles. If you pass in `function(k,v){ return {foo: 'bar'}}`,\nthen cyclical objects will always be represented as `{\"foo\":\"bar\"}` in\nthe result.\n\n```\nstringify.getSerialize(serializer, decycler)\n```\n\nReturns a serializer that can be used elsewhere. This is the actual\nfunction that's passed to JSON.stringify.\n\n**Note** that the function returned from `getSerialize` is stateful for now, so\ndo **not** use it more than once.\n", "readme_type": "markdown", "hn_comments": "", "gh_updated_time": "", "gh_accessed_time": "", "hn_accessed_time": ""}, {"name": "icindy/wxSearch", "link": "https://github.com/icindy/wxSearch", "tags": [], "stars": 528, "description": "wxSearch-\u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u4f18\u96c5\u7684\u641c\u7d22\u6846", "lang": "JavaScript", "repo_lang": "", "readme": "# wxSearch\n\n- \ud83d\udd0d \u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u4f18\u96c5\u7684\u641c\u7d22\u6846\n\n## \u6765\u6e90\n\n## wxParse\u4fe1\u606f\n\n* \u7248\u672c\u53f7`0.1`\n* github\u5730\u5740: [https://github.com/icindy/wxSearch](https://github.com/icindy/wxSearch)\n\n## \u5f00\u53d1\u4fe1\u606f\n\n[\u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5f00\u53d1\u8bba\u575b](http://weappdev.com)\n\u5782\u76f4\u5fae\u4fe1\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5f00\u53d1\u4ea4\u6d41\u793e\u533a\n\n![\u5c0f\u7801\u6d88\u606f](images/qr.PNG)\n\n## \u7279\u6027\n\n\n- [x] \u652f\u6301\u81ea\u5b9a\u4e49\u70ed\u95e8key\n- [x] \u652f\u6301\u641c\u7d22\u5386\u53f2\n- [x] \u652f\u6301\u641c\u7d22\u5efa\u8bae\n- [x] \u652f\u6301\u641c\u7d22\u5386\u53f2\uff08\u8bb0\u5f55\uff09\u7f13\u5b58\n\n## \u6548\u679c\n\n![wxSearch\u6548\u679cgif1](screenshoot/wxSearch1.gif)\n![wxSearch\u6548\u679cgif2](screenshoot/wxSearch2.gif)\n\n## \u4f7f\u7528\n\n\uff0a \u5f15\u5165\n```\n// \u6a21\u7248\u5f15\u5165\n\n