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(A) HeLa cells were incubated for 4 h in either EBSS or media without glucose/pyruvate. Lysates were then analysed by western blot for the presence of MCL‐1, as well as actin as a loading control.(B) CGNs were subjected to 17 h hypoxia after 7 daysin vitro. Protein lysates were collected at indicated times after reoxygenation and blotted for MCL‐1 expression and for actin as a loading control.(C) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were incubated for 2 h in EBSS, and expression of various BCL‐2 homologues was analysed by western blot. Alternatively, primary cortical neurons were incubated for 4 h in media without glucose/pyruvate.(D) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were incubated for 3 h in media without glucose/pyruvate, followed by re‐addition of glucose and pyruvate for the indicated times.(E) HeLa cells were infected with 5 p.f.u. per cell of either Ad HA‐tBID or Ad LacZ for 7 h, the media being changed to EBSS for the last 3 h where indicated. Alternatively, cells were treated with 50 μM camptothecin for 3 h.

(F, G) HeLa cells were treated as in E in the presence of 50 μM zVAD‐FMK and analysed by immunofluorescence microscopy for active BAX (6A7 epitope; F) or cyt c (G). Data are expressed as the average of three experiments±s.d. *P0.01.

(A) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were incubated for the indicated times in EBSS in the presence of 50 μM zVAD‐FMK and analysed by immunofluorescence for cyt c or active BAX (6A7 epitope). As a positive control, cells were infected with 5 p.f.u. per cell Ad HA‐tBID for 7 h. Data are expressed as the average of three experiments±s.d.

(B) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were incubated for 4 h in either EBSS or media without glucose/pyruvate. Cells were then fixed, stained with an antibody against cyt c and analysed by immunofluorescence. Scale bars=50 μm.

( Alternatively (C), the cells were analysed by western blot for the presence of MCL‐1 and the autophagic markers GFP-LC3 (anti‐GFP antibody) and p62.

(D) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were incubated for the indicated times in either EBSS or media without glucose/pyruvate and analysed by western blot for the presence of MCL‐1 and autophagic markers.(E, F) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were pre‐incubated for 1 h with 5 mM 3MA (E) or 200 nM bafilomycin (F), and then incubated for 2 h in complete media or EBSS in the presence of 3MA or bafilomycin. Lysates were then analysed for the presence of MCL‐1, the autophagy marker p62 and actin as a loading control.
(A) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were infected with 10 p.f.u. per cell of either Ad LacZ or Ad MycMCL‐1 for 24 h then incubated in EBSS for 4 h. Alternatively, cells were transfected with control or MCL‐1 siRNA 24 h before EBSS treatment. Cells were stained with an antibody against cyt c and analysed by immunofluorescence. Representative images are shown. Scale bars=50 μm.(B) The percent of the cell surface area covered by GFP-LC3 vesicles was quantified using the Image J software. n>70 cells in three experiment, *P0.01.(C, D) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were transfected as in A and incubated with 200 nM bafilomycin for 1 h where indicated. The levels of endogenous LC3‐II relative to actin were quantified by western blot in C. Data are expressed as the average of three experiments±s.d, *P0.05.(E, F) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were treated as in A and analysed by western blot for the presence of p62 and GFP-LC3.(G) Primary cortical neurons of the indicated genotypes were infected with a lentivirus expressing Cre at the time of plating and analysed for the presence of MCL‐1 and p62 by western blot 3 days later.(H) Transformed wild‐type (WT) and MCL‐1Δ/Δ (KO) MEFs were analysed by western blot for the expression of endogenous LC3.(I, J) Colocalization of GFP-LC3 vesicles with the lysosomal marker LAMP1 was analysed by immunofluorescence in cells treated as in A. The number of LC3‐positive vesicles that colocalised with LAMP1 was quantified in I. Data are expressed as the percentage of LC3 vesicles per cell that are LAMP1‐positive±s.e.m., with at least 14 cells per condition. Representative images are shown in J. Arrows indicate LC3‐positive vesicles colocalizing with LAMP1. Scale bars=10 μm.(A) MCL‐1 interacts with Beclin‐1. Lysates from H1299 stably expressing GFP-LC3 were immunoprecipitated using control or MCL‐1‐specific antibodies and analysed for the presence of Beclin‐1 by western blot.(B) H1299 cells stably expressing GFP-LC3 were fractionated into HM (containing mitochondria), and LM (containing ER). Fractions were analysed for the presence of MCL‐1, BCL‐2, Beclin‐1, the mitochondrial marker mtHSP70 and the ER marker calreticulin.(C) MCL‐1 was immunoprecipitated from HM and LM before analysing the presence of MCL‐1 and Beclin‐1.(A) Control and MCL‐1Δ/Δ mice.(B) Expression levels of various BCL‐2 homologues in the cortices of animals of the indicated genotypes.(C) Brain morphology of MCL‐1Δ/Δ. Brain sections were stained with cresyl violet and imaged using a × 1 objective.

(D-G) Cortical neurons around the lesion in MCL‐1Δ/Δ animals are positive for the autophagic marker LC3. Brain sections from animals with the indicated genotypes (P14 for E, G; P7 for H) were stained for LC3 (Green) and the neuronal marker NeuN (in H, red), along with the nuclear stain Hoechst (Blue). Confocal images were taken using × 10 (E) or × 63 (G, H) objectives. Scale bars=200 μm (E); 50 μm (G, H). Quantification of the LC3 staining is shown in D. The total number of cells was determined by counting the Hoechst‐positive nuclei. Data are expressed as percent of LC3‐positive cells in at least three animals per genotype±s.d. *P0.01. (F) Quantification of the total surface area occupied by autophagosomes. Data are expressed as percent of total cortical area covered by autophagosomes in at least 16 EM images per genotype±s.d. P0.005 (I) Representative EM images from MCL‐1+/Δ and MCL‐1Δ/ΔP14mice. N, nucleus; *, autophagosomal structures; arrowheads, double membrane; arrow, mitochondrion inside a vesicle.

(A) Cortices from the indicated genotypes and ages were analysed by western blot for the presence of active caspase‐3, p62 and MCL‐1. Primary cortical neurons treated for 12 h with camptothecin were used as a positive control for active caspase‐3.(B) Active BAX (6A7) and active caspase‐3 were also quantified by staining the cortex of 1‐ to 14‐day‐old MCL‐1Δ/Δ mice. Representative images from at least three sections from each animal were counted. The total number of cells was determined by counting the Hoechst‐positive nuclei. Data are expressed as percent of positive cells for at least three animals per genotype±s.d. *P0.05.(C) Active BAX is present in a subset of LC3‐positive cells. Sections from P7 and P14 MCL‐1Δ/Δ brains were stained for LC3 (Green) and active BAX (6A7; Red). Confocal images were taken using × 63 objective. Arrows point to BAX‐positive, LC3‐negative cells. Representative images are shown. Scale bars=50 μm.

Primary cortical neurons of the indicated genotypes were infected with a lentivirus expressing Cre at the time of plating and analysed for the presence of the caspase‐cleaved fragment of the caspase‐3 substrate CAS5 days later. Alternatively (E), the neurons were analysed for cytochrome c release by immunofluorescence. Data are expressed as percent of positive cells for at least three embryos per genotype±s.d.

(A) Brains from E12.5 Foxg1 Cre MCL‐1 animals were analysed by western blot for the presence of the caspase‐cleaved fragment of the caspase‐3 substrate p130CAS and the autophagic markers LC3 and p62.(B) Autophagy in Foxg1 Cre MCL‐1Δ/Δ mice. Brain sections from E15.5 animals with the indicated genotypes were stained for LC3 (green). Confocal images were taken using × 20 (bottom panel) or × 63 (top and middle panels) objectives. Scale bars=50 μm.(C) Colocalization of LC3 vesicles with the lysosomal marker LAMP1 was analysed by immunohistochemistry in E15.5 wild‐type embryos. Data are expressed as the percentage of LC3 vesicles that are LAMP1‐positive±s.d. About 100 LC3 vesicles were counted per section, with four sections per embryo. VZ, ventricular zone.(D) Primary cortical neurons and neuronal progenitor cells were analysed for the presence of the indicated apoptosis (BIM, Puma) and autophagy (ATG7, ATG5ATG12) related proteins as well as Tuj‐1 (neuronal marker), Nestin (neural progenitor marker) and HSC70 (loading control).(E) Primary neurospheres were treated for 8 h with EBSS and analysed by western blot for the presence of MCL‐1 and actin as a loading control.(F) Primary neurons and neurospheres were treated as in E and analysed by western blot for p130CAS, LC3 and actin as a loading control.

Alternatively, they were analysed by immunofluorescence for c release (G) in the presence of 50 μM zVAD‐FMK to prevent apoptotic cells from detaching from the coverslip. Data are expressed as the average of 3-7 embryos±s.d. *P0.001.

(A) Brain morphology of P14 MCL‐1Δ/Δ Beclin‐1+/− mice. Brain sections were stained with cresyl violet and imaged using a × 1 objective.

(B-D) Active BAX (6A7; B) and active caspase‐3 (C) were quantified by staining the cortex of 14‐day‐old MCL‐1Δ/Δ and MCL‐1Δ/Δ Beclin-1+/− mice. The number of BAX‐positive LC3‐negative cells was also quantified. (D)Representative images from at least three sections from each animal were counted. The total number of cells was determined by counting the Hoechst‐positive nuclei. Data are expressed as percent of positive cells for least three animals per genotype±s.d. *P0.05.

(E) Survival data from MCL‐1Δ/Δ (n=14) and their MCL‐1Δ/Δ Beclin‐1+/− littermates (n=13).
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