diff --git "a/token_classification/10-1002_emmm-201202176.xml" "b/token_classification/10-1002_emmm-201202176.xml" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/token_classification/10-1002_emmm-201202176.xml" @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + +

A. Confocal microscopy image of PD myotubes (cl. 3LE8) infected for 72 h with adenovirus containing TFEB (PD + Ad-TFEB 72 h) shows a dramatic reduction in the number of large LAMP1-positive lysosomes (red) compared to that in untreated (PD) or adenovirus (PD + Ad-null)-treated PD myotubes. WT myotubes are shown on the left panel. Nuclei are stained with Hoechst (blue). TFEB was detected with anti-Flag antibody (green).

B. Distribution of lysosomal size differs significantly in Ad-null and Ad-TFEB PD myotubes (p = 6.32 × 10−8; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). Lysosomal size is expressed as number of pixels representing lysosomal area (LAMP1-positive structures). The median lysosomal size of Ad-TFEB infected myotubes (m = 367.13 pixels, n = 703, range 208-2659) was significantly lower than that of Ad-null infected myotubes (m = 491.16 pixels, n = 1395, range 200-2857; p = 6.5 × 10−12; Wilcoxon rank sum test).

C. Confocal microscopy image of PD myotubes infected for 24 h with Ad-TFEB shows relocation of lysosomes to the plasma membrane (top). Images showing LAMP1 staining (red) on plasma membrane in a PD myotube infected with Ad-TFEB (bottom; arrows) but not in a non-infected cell (middle). Non-permeabilized cells were incubated with anti-LAMP1 antibody at 4°C for 40 min, followed by fixation and staining with secondary antibody.

D. Confocal microscopy images of live non-infected PD myotubes (left) or PD myotubes infected for 72 h with Ad-TFEB (right) show a dramatic reduction in the amount of accumulated glycogen in TFEB-treated cells. The cells were incubated with the fluorescent glucose (2-NBDG; green), extensively washed, and analysed by confocal microscopy. Bar: 10 µm for all panels.

Confocal microscopy of live unstained fibres from a GFP-LC3:WT mouse (WT) and from untreated (GAA−/−) or ERT-treated (GAA−/−; +ERT) GFP-LC3:GAA−/− mice. Images show typical centrally located autophagic build-up with multiple clusters of LC3-positive autophagosomes. Structures like these are never seen in WT muscle. Autophagic build-up is present virtually in all fibres derived from EDL or gastrocnemiusmuscles (not shown), but only in 60-70% of FDBfibres. Labelled recombinant human GAA (red) was administered i.v. into 3-4 month-old GFP-LC3:GAA−/− mice (n = 5) at a dose of 100 mg/kg twice with a 24 h interval. Mice were sacrificed the next day, and live fibres (shown for EDLmuscle) were analysed by confocal microscopy. The labelled recombinant GAA was detected almost exclusively in the autophagic vesicles. At least 500 fibres were analysed for each condition. Bar: 10 µm.

A. Immunostaining of non-infected cells (day 13 in differentiation medium) and cells infected with a mutant form of TFEB (TFEBmt) with LAMP1 (red) and Flag (green). Ad-TFEBmt was added to the myotubes for 72 h on day 10 in differentiation medium. Ad-TFEBmt-infected cells show massive accumulation of TFEB in the nuclei and significant reduction in lysosomal size, similar to that seen with TFEB.

B. Western blot of cell lysates confirms the presence of TFEB in the nuclear fraction; the different intensities of the two bands corresponding to LAMP1 protein in untreated and TFEBmt-treated samples may reflect the differences in the glycosylation pattern.

C. Western blot of protein lysates from untreated, Ad-null, TFEB, and TFEBmt-treated myotubes with anti-caspase-3 antibody. No activated (cleaved) products are detected in any condition. α-Tubulin was used as a loading control.

D. TUNEL assay shows the presence of some apoptotic cells in Ad-TFEB-infected cultures, but not in control cultures infected with adenovirus alone (n = 3). Bar: 10 µm for all panels.

A. Confocal microscopy images of live fibres derived from 3 to 4 month-old GFP-LC3:WT (top left), untreated GFP-LC3:GAA−/− (bottom left) or TFEB-treated GFP-LC3:GAA−/− (right) mice. All fibres were transfected with mCherry-LAMP1 to visualize lysosomes (red). The effects of TFEB are clearly visible - overall reduction in lysosomal size, appearance of normal size lysosomes (similar to those in the WT), and lysosomal docking to the plasma membrane (inset). Bar: 10 µm.

B. FDBmuscle of a GAA−/− mouse was transfected with both GFP-TFEB and mCherry-LAMP1 (GAA−/− + GFP-TFEB). Images were taken before (left) and after 4 h (right) of time-lapse microscopy. Lysosomal clearance is visible in the TFEB-transfected fibre at both time points. Lysosomes appear to "exit" the fibre (inset and arrow) at the 4 h time point when TFEB is activated as evidenced by its nuclear translocation (green nuclei). Bar: 10 µm.

C. The mean maximum velocity of lysosomes (top) and the number of large (>3.5 µm) lysosomes (bottom) in untreated and TFEB-treated PD fibres (note: all data for Flag- and GFP-TFEB-treated fibres are pooled). Lysosomal velocities were calculated from time-lapse images using ImageJ software with the manual tracking plug-in. For each condition the trajectories of multiple lysosomes were followed (n = 26 untreated; n = 43 TFEB-treated) and the three highest velocity measurements per lysosome were recorded. In TFEB-treated fibres, the maximum velocity of lysosomes was significantly increased (p = 2.07 × 10−17) and the number of large lysosomes was significantly decreased (p = 1.0 × 10−3). Ten untreated and 24 TFEB-treated fibres were analysed for the size calculations. * indicates statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.001; Student's t-test). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Confocal microscopy images of live fibres from GFP-LC3:GAA−/− mice.

Muscle was transfected with mCherry-LAMP1 only. The image (a single frame from the time-lapse series presented in Movie 5) shows lysosomes (red), LC3-positive autophagosomes (green) and a number of autolysosomes (yellow).

Muscle was transfected with Flag-TFEB and mCherry-LAMP1. Massive formation of autolysosomes is indicated by yellow structures; the three lower panels provide a snapshot of the process of exocytosis. The structures at the plasma membrane are labelled with both LC3 and LAMP1, indicating that they represent amphisomes (a product of fusion between autophagic vesicles and late endosomes) or autolysosomes (a product of fusion between autophagic vesicles and lysosomes). Bar: 10 µm for all panels.

Confocal microscopy images of live fibres from muscle-specific autophagy-deficient GAA−/− mice (Atg7:GAA DKO).

Muscle was transfected with mCherry-LAMP1 only.

Muscle was transfected with GFP-TFEB and mCherry-LAMP1 (Atg7:GAA DKO +GFP-TFEB). The TFEB-transfected fibres show realignment of the lysosomes and membrane detachment (most striking in top and bottom panels) similar to those in TFEB-transfected fibres from PD mice (see Fig 4B inset). Lysosomes can be seen in the space between the fibre and plasma membrane (arrows). Bar: 10 µm for all panels.

The mean maximum velocity of lysosomes (top) and the number of large (>3.5 µm) lysosomes (bottom) in untreated and TFEB-treated autophagy-deficient Atg7:GAA DKO fibres. The increase in maximum velocity (41%) is significant (p = 2.729 × 10−18; n = 57 lysosomes for untreated; n = 52 lysosomes for TFEB-treated), but there is only a slight trend toward smaller lysosomal size (p = 7.0 × 10−2; n = 10 fibres for untreated; n = 21 fibres for TFEB-treated). The corresponding values from GAA���/− mice are presented for comparison (for TFEB-treated condition: n = 19 lysosomes for velocity measurements, and n = 10 fibres for the lysosomal size measurements). * indicates statistically significant differences (p ≤ 1.0 × 10−5 for the top panel and p ≤ 0.01 for the lower panel; Student's t-test).

A. Glycogen assay in TFEB-injected gastrocnemii and in the contralateral muscles. In TFEB-injected musclesglycogen levels were significantly decreased compared to those in untreated muscles. * indicates statistically significant differences (p = 1.0 × 10−4; n = 6; Student's t-test).

B. PAS staining of TFEB-treated muscle shows a reduction of lysosomalglycogen stores (puncta) compared to those in untreated muscle. Original magnification: 20×.

C. LAMP1 staining of TFEB-injected gastrocnemii and of the contralateral untreated muscles. In TFEB-treated muscles, the size of LAMP1-positive vesicles was reduced. Bar: 2 µm.

A. EM images of muscle injected with either AAV-GFP (untreated) or AAV-TFEB (TFEB-treated). Asterisks indicate glycogen-containing lysosomes. Bar: 1.5 µm (upper panels) and 0.45 µm (lower panels). Higher magnification images (lower panels) show that glycogen particles are less densely packed in TFEB-treated muscle. Black arrows indicate autophagosome profiles; the white empty arrow shows remnants of mitochondria engulfed by the lysosome.

B. Graphical presentations of lysosomal length (average ± SE; n = 100 lysosomes; p = 6.31 × 10−5), the number of lysosomes per 5 µm2 area of muscle fibre section (average ± SE; n = 50 fields; p = 4.80 × 10−3), and the number of autophagosomes flanking glycogen-containing lysosomes (average ± SE; n = 100 lysosomes; p = 4.39 × 10−5 < 0.001). Student's t-test was used for each comparison.

C. Graphical presentations of mitochondrial size (average ± SE; n = 100) and the number of mitochondria per 5 µm2 area of muscle fibre section (average ± SE; n = 50 fields). The differences were not significant by Student's t-test (p = 3.65 × 10−1 and 4.27 × 10−1, respectively).

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