diff --git "a/data/part_5/0a43d8638349c62562b9698a353fb537.json" "b/data/part_5/0a43d8638349c62562b9698a353fb537.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/part_5/0a43d8638349c62562b9698a353fb537.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"metadata":{"id":"0a43d8638349c62562b9698a353fb537","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/ead8aaa0-d4f3-4bc4-a7c0-603e10db906e/retrieve"},"pageCount":234,"title":"Section 3: Annexes","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"1","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"Greater attention to discerning the role of regionally focused yield-gap closing/ sustainable intensification research in the system, as distinct from and a complement to global public goods research in areas such as crop breeding, livestock health, food policy, and others."}]},{"head":"AFS programs; Excellence in Breeding Platform","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":103,"text":" Greater maize-specific focus on facilitating increased rate of genetic gain on the farmer's field by improving the trait pipeline development, capacity building, and by increased replacement of obsolete/less productive varieties.  Increased investment in: i) better understanding of system diversity, dynamics and livelihoods, and ii) better understanding of ecosystems services as they link to sustainable intensification. These areas of work will be greatly enhanced through integration of expertise from the Humid Tropics CRP into MAIZE AFS.  Changes to FP4, including a new CoA 4.4 on Partnership and collaborations models for scaling, and a new partnership on scaling out with GIZ. 2"},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"More clearly articulating the strength of the arguments for Genebank; Not relevant for MAIZE. See Genetic Gains Platform proposal."}]},{"head":"Caveats expressed by the ISPC, dated 9 December 2015","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"ISPC comments on the portfolio (a paraphrase of a longer document)"},{"index":2,"size":6,"text":"No Item to address Relevant CRP(s)"}]},{"head":"Centers' summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":155,"text":"Portfolio level 8 Seek explicit prioritization within CRPs (and also between CRPs); balancing research on 'upstream' science with research on how to scale out and up relevant new knowledge and technologies (while leaving the delivery of impact at scale to organizations with that remit) All  MAIZE explains its up-/downstream research mix in section 1.6 and elaborates key partners involved at different stages in Table 3.1.  MAIZE has a balanced mix of Discovery-Validation-Scale-out in its portfolio of CoAs (see Section 1.6 on Program structure and flagship projects; Figure 1.6). The balance between upstream research, downstream research, and interaction with partners for large-scale delivery is explained in the flagship project narratives, specifically in the impact pathways, theories of change, and science quality sections.  FP4 CoA 4.4 focuses solely on key research themes related to scaling-up the products of the other CoAs, including analysis of the roles of development actors vis-a-vis research actors in MAIZE."}]},{"head":"No Item to address Relevant CRP(s)","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"Centers' summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed 9 Important to capture synergies between CRPs so that the System delivers more than the sum of the CRPs (the One System One Portfolio mantra)"},{"index":2,"size":6,"text":"All (statement of portfolio synthesis required)"},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":" MAIZE proposes a net increase in inter-CRP collaboration, leveraging the current work on Site Integration (see section 1.7 and Annex 3.7)."},{"index":4,"size":1,"text":"10"},{"index":5,"size":46,"text":"Clearer explanations of what W1&2 funding will be used for All  The budget management narrative in each of the MAIZE FPs clearly highlights how W1&2 funding effectively complements the W3/bilateral resources, in addressing the key priorities under both the base and uplift budget scenarios. 11"},{"index":6,"size":158,"text":"CRPs should not be expected to adhere to the 'prioritization' undertaken in a very short time-frame to produce the 'Refreshed' submission, but should hold serious discussion with their partners on which activities to prioritize according to the principles which were agreed at FC14 All  The MAIZE R4D portfolio is continuously being shaped by the priorities expressed by the stakeholders, including farmers, public and private R4D partners, high-level experts, and donors. Annually, more than 10,000 farmers, seed companies, extension agents, NGOs and NARES partners provide crucial feedback through more than 3000 maize field days and on-farm demonstrations. At least 800-900 of these clients attend one or more of the 30 annual project workshops/review meetings.  During the past four years, MAIZE has organized e-consultations and phone interviews with dozens of high-level experts and donors. For example, 350 MAIZE partners provided crucial advice during the launch meeting of MAIZE Phase-I in January 2012. In 2014, 2015and 2016, MAIZE received "}]},{"head":"MAIZE","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"The ideal balance for MAIZE is 1 : 3 (W1&2 to Windows 3 and bilateral). The current balance is approximately 1 : 5 (W1&2 to W3/bilateral)."}]},{"head":"No Item to address Relevant CRP(s)","index":7,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":64,"text":"Centers' summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed 20 RAFS (and presumably other CRPs) proposes to reduce the number of targeted IDOs and sub-IDOs -and both RAFS and Wheat make reference to cutting back on capacity development due to budget cuts. Realistic adjustments to current funding and base scenario funding will need to be considered by CRPs and funders RAFS, WHEAT NA"}]},{"head":"Global Integrating Programs","index":8,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"21","index":9,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":158,"text":"The ISPC is glad that PIM has agreed to take on the role of co-ordination of a System-wide platform or Community of Practice for gender work, although we hope that it will be possible to reinstate the original budget. It is hoped that down-rating gender from a Flagship to 'Crosscutting work' does not reflect diminishing importance of gender PIM re role of the FP on gender NA 22 A4NH and WLE seem to be following the ISPC recommendations (through additional steps for integration with CRPs through defined flagships, while the CCAFS Summary in Annex 2 suggests the budget cuts: 'need a totally new business model', the ISPC understands that only minor changes are now being proposed A4NH, WLE, CCAFS, PIM  MAIZE is maintaining its traditional linkages with A4NH through FP3 (especially on provitamin A enriched and high-Zn maize) but seeks to expand collaboration with A4NH through the new FP5. MAIZE continues to explore closer collaboration with WLE."}]},{"head":"1.3","index":10,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"Additional caveats expressed by the Fund Council during its ad hoc meeting on 11 th December 2015."},{"index":2,"size":82,"text":"The Fund Council noted that its granting of a 'green light' to move to full proposal development was subject to the caveats noted by the Working Group and ISPC (in their written submission) and the Fund Council's request for enhanced focus on gender and capacity building. The Fund Council also specifically acknowledged that CGIAR is engaged in an incremental process and some concerns raised by Fund Council members will require additional time and attention before the new portfolio of CRPs is approved. "}]},{"head":"Partnership Strategy","index":11,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"The global partners' network of MAIZE is essential for addressing global, regional and sub-regional challenges through the co-generation, brokering, and pipeline stewardship of publicly accessible knowledge, often bound in new technologies and approaches. The MAIZE Partnership Strategy is based upon these assumptions:"},{"index":2,"size":92,"text":"1. MAIZE can achieve outcomes and impact only through partnerships outside and within the CGIAR 2. Different partnerships and partners are needed in the different phases of the non-linear continuum, from knowledge discovery to systemic change (e.g., discovery to scaling out). Table Table 3.1 depicts this by way of examples. 3. The further MAIZE moves along this continuum, the less it can/should lead and influence (Circle of Influence principle). 4. As products, solutions and approaches developed under MAIZE move towards scaling out/up, partners-of-partners (e.g., boundary partners) become the key drivers of change."},{"index":3,"size":12,"text":"Table 3.1: Different types of partnerships along the knowledge discovery-systemic change continuum."}]},{"head":"Discovery Validation","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"Scaling out Strategic** Regional / Global PIM and the University of Minnesota for MAIZE foresight."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"Wageningen UR and the former Humid Tropics CRP for systems characterization and trajectories, synergies and trade-off analysis."},{"index":3,"size":13,"text":"Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the University of Minnesota on Big Data."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"Cornell University on high-density genotypingby-sequencing (GBS), genomic selection and GOBII."},{"index":5,"size":5,"text":"KIT: Gender and development work."},{"index":6,"size":10,"text":"University of Hohenheim: R4D on haploid inducers and DH technology."},{"index":7,"size":11,"text":"The University of Barcelona and the private sector on field-based phenotyping."},{"index":8,"size":22,"text":"Multinational companies (Monsanto, Pioneer) and partners in SSA (e.g., KALRO, ARC and NARO) on maize transgenic testing under CFTs and stewardship implementation."},{"index":9,"size":5,"text":"GIZ: Build Scaling Out networks."},{"index":10,"size":8,"text":"SFSA: Business models and commercialization of scale-appropriate mechanization."},{"index":11,"size":23,"text":"CIMMYT-IITA-KIT: Building a functional innovation platform \"infrastructure\", while simultaneously building on-the-job capacity to facilitate maize system innovation in SSA, Asia and Latin America."},{"index":12,"size":11,"text":"KALRO and private sector seed companies on the MLN trait pipeline."},{"index":13,"size":36,"text":"3. Develop new kinds of partnerships for specific purposes and in specific contexts: work with new kinds of partners (e.g., ORNL, USA), participate in new types of partnerships (e.g., GIZ and SFSA scaling out multi-CRP partnership)."},{"index":14,"size":7,"text":"How will this strategy be implemented? By:"},{"index":15,"size":253,"text":"A. Giving partnership as such more attention: a. Integrating methods and tools along the partnership life cycle into the MAIZE project management cycle; B. Improving upon screening partners: a. In many cases, MAIZE cannot choose its partners (e.g., there is only one, donors stipulate partners). Therefore, a better SWOT analysis at the outset is needed, as well as explicit mutual expectations management (e.g., agree on \"how to partner\") C. Staying close to partners and fostering partnership management practices (sustaining, partnering capacity) in three critical areas: a. Approaches, methods and tools, such as stakeholder and network analysis, mutual selfassessments and targeted capacity development activities b. Relationship management: Roles and Competencies c. Building and maintaining a Partnership Knowledge Base D. Exchange of experiences and know-how with other CRPs in the context of country coordination. Just as important is committing resources to developing and maintaining partnerships: MAIZE uses a mix of (co)-funding approaches and modalities to accommodate different partnership purposes and partner co-funding ability (see Table 3.2 below). 1. MAIZE works extensively with both public and private sector partners. In recent years, work with the private sector has expanded considerably. Currently, MAIZE works directly with DuPont, Monsanto, and Syngenta multi-national seed corporations, more than 180 small-to medium-sized (SME) seed companies and 226 community-based seed producers across Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. These partnerships vary from exchange of promising germplasm between CIMMYT/IITA and multi-national seed corporations through to development of varieties, along with technical support, to many of the SME seed companies and community-based seed producers."},{"index":16,"size":77,"text":"2. MAIZE works with the University of Wageningen, CIRAD, SAIL (Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Laboratory), Earth Institute-Colombia University, ORNL, and IPNI to develop strategic, scalable approaches based on farming systems analytical frameworks at multiple spatial and temporal scales to support development partners (i.e., \"last-mile providers\") with knowledge products (including policy briefs and other advocacy materials), decision-support and information systems (including GIS and SMS), which enables them to take to scale targeted options that increase system performance and sustainability."},{"index":17,"size":25,"text":"3. MAIZE works with development partners (such as SFSA, GIZ, Total Land Care, One Acre Fund and machinery manufacturers, etc.) on scaling out of innovations."},{"index":18,"size":40,"text":"4. MAIZE's International Maize Improvement Consortium (IMIC) is the most important source of new genetic variation for maize yield increases, adaptation to climate change, resistance to pests and diseases, and the basis for the rapid response to maize lethal necrosis."},{"index":19,"size":52,"text":"5. MAIZE accesses, develops and transfers scientific innovations to NARS partners as an IPG, through germplasm and data exchange, joint research and capacity development. It uses its convening power to involve ARIs and the private sector in research within pre-competitive domains, e.g., hybrid research, genomic selection, Big Data, mechanization and nutrition research."},{"index":20,"size":79,"text":"6. MAIZE is co-leading an 11-CRP research study on gender norms and women's and men's decisionmaking within households related to farm planning and management. The study develops synergies among the scarce gender research capacities in ARIs and NARS to empirically analyze gender roles and social norms in maize growing environments. It also examines the way these factors affect maize production and productivity. The study will develop strategies to address gender-based constraints in maize farming systems and the wider environment."},{"index":21,"size":53,"text":"7. MAIZE partners are an important source for building the capacity of NARS students, scientists, technicians and professionals, with up to 12 PhD and 38 MSc. students finishing their higher degrees every year. In 2015, MAIZE conducted over 1,500 training courses and field days involving over 39,000 farmers and research and development collaborators."},{"index":22,"size":95,"text":"8. The deployment of CGIAR maize staff in regional offices allows close collaboration, understanding of farmer needs, opportunities for engaging local partners in collaborative research and scaling out, which has led to the successful development of sustainable intensification approaches in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as south-south collaboration on mechanization. 9. MAIZE shapes the international R&D agenda to address cross-border challenges and foster collaboration among NARS based on delivery of IPG. It engages with sub-regional and regional agricultural research organizations (e.g., ASARECA and APAARI) and launches new international consortia (e.g., IMIC) with partners."},{"index":23,"size":21,"text":"What are MAIZE partners looking for? Surveys underline key elements of the comparative advantage of the centers and their R&D partners:"},{"index":24,"size":119,"text":"1. In the first CGIAR Stakeholder Perceptions Survey, research partners rated MAIZE highest among all CRPs on sector-specific knowledge, working effectively with partners and insightful external communications. 2. According to the 2014 IEA Review, \"MAIZE has strong research and boundary partners engaged throughout the MAIZE target geographies\" and \"NARS are appreciative of the collaborations.\" 3. Indeed, MAIZE's \"success rests on strong partnerships and good quality science\" (IEA, 2014). For example, \"strong partnerships with National Research Programs, and increasingly with the private sector, have enabled rapid effective reaction to MLN in Africa\" (IEA, 2014). Major MAIZE partner planning/consultation events between 2012 and 2016 (outside the significant partner consultations held as part of annual planning meetings for the big bilateral projects)."},{"index":25,"size":97,"text":" 2012, Annual Meeting with 350 MAIZE partners 12 th -20 th January.  2012, Science Leaders Meeting and Mini Symposium with partners in Montpellier 12 th will be easily discoverable and in accessible formats (appropriate for the audience) and useful for stakeholders. This will be implemented in collaboration with the various learning functions, which include communications, partnerships, research and information technology to develop a range of knowledge products and dissemination approaches. The learning program is also concerned with the packaging of practices, protocols for improving research capacity, and insights/lessons for knowledge sharing, training and policy advocacy."},{"index":26,"size":152,"text":"Strategic actions to implement this priority include graduate training, short-term training courses, theme-based workshops, visiting scientist schemes, internships, a mentoring and coaching scheme targeting mainly young and mid-career scientists, and the development and dissemination of relevant learning resources through the MAIZE Platform and other media. Specific short-term training courses and workshops on data curation and stewardship, software tools for breeding program management, statistical analysis methods and tools, and genomic data analysis will be organized. d) Strengthening capacity in technology dissemination and upscaling -Much of the CapDev in this area will be through \"learning-by-doing\" in the innovation platforms for upscaling, as well as through the exchange and sharing of practical experiences at different learning workshops and other experience sharing fora. Syntheses of successful approaches with illustrative case studies and other insights drawn from the action research projects and other sources will provide complementary learning materials to be shared through platforms and other channels."},{"index":27,"size":74,"text":"Additionally, MAIZE will organize and facilitate focused, short theme-based training and learning events to achieve enhanced adoption and impacts from improved maize seed in the following areas: improving small-scale farmers' knowledge of new maize varieties along with complementary crop and land management practices; seed production; business management skills; sustainable intensification; processing and value-addition; and strengthening institutions to influence policy. Other actions in CapDev include cross-projects exchange visits and mentoring of young scientists and practitioners."},{"index":28,"size":17,"text":"Lessons and practices for upscaling will be packaged in various forms and in appropriate languages for dissemination."}]},{"head":"Implementation, management and delivery","index":13,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":129,"text":"Implementation will build upon the experiences of MAIZE Phase-I and other initiatives. The CapDev will operate in a matrix that cuts across clusters and includes input on needs and priorities from the broader scientific and development communities. The CapDev will support activities where MAIZE has high potential impact; high quality results promote inclusiveness and contribute to the CGIAR research outcomes in terms of human welfare benefits. The guiding principles for operationalization are ''participation and alignment, understanding the context, building on strength, interlinking priorities and continuous learning.\" To implement the plan, the following are needed: (a) a schedule of activities, identification of results and indicators, clarification of roles and responsibilities; (b) integrating the plan with existing plans of other partners; (c) clarifying the levels of financial and human resources required;"},{"index":2,"size":58,"text":"(c) establishing a CapDev function to coordinate, monitor and evaluate activities within the overall framework of MAIZE M&E; and (d) adjust the plan as necessary to achieve results. While setting priorities is the rational process of allocating limited resources, in practice, priority setting involves a combination of supply-and demand-oriented methods, consultation with stakeholders, and a resource mobilization program."}]},{"head":"Measure of success","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":245,"text":"Results will be assessed against predefined targets and indicators following the MAIZE M&E framework and in alignment with CapDev indicators for the second phase of CGIAR research. In selecting the indicators during the planning process, MAIZE should take into account: the purpose -what it will be and how it will indicate the required change; the availability -how straightforward is it to collect the relevant data; and the cost -how much it will cost, in terms of time and money, to collect the data. For each activity, the desired output and outcome should be determined, as well as the baseline and target for each indicator. The proposed indicators described below are specific to each priority. They should be combined with more generic indicators, such as number of workshops or trainings provided in each strategic priority, number of people trained, etc. Challenges to integration between Flagships remain. It can be difficult for upstream scientists to understand how their work on germplasm suited to large environments can address what appear to be trait preferences by small niche groups, including women or particular indigenous communities. Taking gender to the types of scale MAIZE operates on is a further challenge. The increasingly high profile of gender in MAIZE's work can create expectations among scientists and partners for support in gender research and analysis that cannot currently be met with the existing staff capacity. A community of practice is being developed which is expected to help expand analytic skills and knowledge."}]},{"head":"Phase-I Learning on Gender in Maize Systems","index":15,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":92,"text":"Between 2013 and early 2016, MAIZE scientists published 24 journal articles and 9 resources (books, monographs, brochures, reports, etc.) and contributed to numerous blogs on gender research. The majority of research has been in maize-based systems in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. These efforts are creating a critical mass of knowledge and expertise which can inform improved scientific priorities and research questions for MAIZE as a whole and its Flagship Projects. Important findings from this work are presented in the Gender Strategy (3.4); a summary is provided here, followed by selected examples."},{"index":2,"size":156,"text":"Strategic and integrative gender research was conducted on small-scale mechanization (Eerdewijk and Danielsen 2015), improved post-harvest storage technologies (Kandiwa et al., forthcoming), conservation agriculture (Farnworth et al. 2015), and participatory varietal selection and seed sector development (Kandiwa et al., forthcoming). Significant progress has been achieved in documenting gender aspects of technology adoption and impact assessment, e.g., Teklewold et al. 2013a/b;Gitonga et al. 2013;Teklewold et al. 2013b;Rodney et al. 2013;Fisher and Kandiwa 2013;Ndiritu et al. 2014;Mutenje et al. 2016;Manda et al. 2016). Ongoing projects (e.g., SIMLESA, DTMA, IMAS, FACASI, WEMA, CSISA) have adopted integrative gender research processes, including gender-responsive technology development and testing; integration of gender in value-chain R4D; assessing life histories of women's and men's plots, and action-oriented pilot projects to motivate and engage young adults in improved crops, post-harvest processing and agribusiness opportunities. The learning trajectories of selected research projects are presented here to show how they will inform and influence MAIZE Phase-II gender research."}]},{"head":"Intra-household decision-making is central to adoption","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":125,"text":"The Farm Power and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) project began with the assumption -which turned out to be flawed -that it would have a strong impact on gender inclusion by developing, testing and promoting \"women-friendly\" two-wheeled tractors. However, research conducted in Ethiopia and Kenya showed that although women supply most farm labor and do the most-labor intensive tasks, this often fails to translate into demand for mechanization. This is because women generally control few financial resources (particularly in FHH), have little decisionmaking power in MHH, and because women's work is socially not valued, nor is its high intensity recognized. The key lesson from Phase-I is that focusing on women-friendly machines is far less important than understanding and working with gender relations and dynamics."}]},{"head":"Upstream work is increasingly embracing downstream concerns","index":17,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":95,"text":"In Phase-I, research findings on gender and ethnic trait preferences regarding maize landraces in Mexico and other locations, was fed upstream to scientists in FP2 to help inform their germplasm work (Hellin et al. 2010(Hellin et al. , 2013)). In response to this and other CRP MAIZE work on preferred traits, and under the guidance of FP1 regarding priority setting, FP2 began to assess gender preferences and the gender implications of target traits. It worked on trait pipelines for high beta-carotene, high lysine and specialty traits of particular cultural or income-related importance to certain groups."}]},{"head":"Developing partner capacity is vital","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":153,"text":"In Latin America, MAIZE worked with partners on (1) GENNOVATE, (2) MasAgro Productor, and (3) Feed the Future Buena Milpa Project, Guatemala. In MasAgro, CRP MAIZE partnered with private sector players to develop market-oriented innovation strategies, with public institutions to ensure that research and social inclusion were promoted, and with NGOs to offer training to women and men. While the technologies were the same (improved varieties, conservation agriculture, and soil conservation practices), they were tailored to poorer and mid-level farmers. Socially equitable implementation strategies were central to the Feed the Future Buena Milpa Project, Guatemala, with particular attention on ensuring resource-poor women and indigenous communities (regardless of age) participated effectively. The project partners learned that knowledge among partners on gender, youth and indigenous communities in maize farming systems is low. Integrating gender and social inclusion is a major challenge because of the variety of partners involved and the depth of additional effort required."},{"index":2,"size":26,"text":"In Phase II, the implications of soil conservation and other technologies on the labor demand for women and youth will be assessed and interventions adapted accordingly. "}]},{"head":"Gender in MAIZE Phase-II","index":19,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"FACASI Systems Analysis Tools for User-Led Empowerment and Change","index":20,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":143,"text":"The Evaluation of Systems Analysis tools in multi-stakeholder Platforms (ESAP) is coordinated by MAIZE. Six systems analysis tools will be assessed for their ability to facilitate discussions, reflections, social inclusion and empowerment leading to systems change among technology end users. They are: Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Farm Typology FT), Board Games, Ecological Network Analysis, and Efficiency Frontier. FACASI will use FCM and board games with established women's groups in Ethiopia to identify 2WT mechanization entry points for service providers. Analysis will focus on gendered perceptions of the benefits and trade-offs of different types of mechanization. Scenarios will be run to understand the changes in gender-based agricultural labor with each type of mechanization. Scenarios will be presented back to the groups and the efficacy of the tools on reducing women's labor and improving their participation in decision-making assessed over time."}]},{"head":"Reducing Risks Associated with Innovation","index":21,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":97,"text":"MAIZE has developed widely available climate-adapted maize germplasm. However, fear of the risks posed by drought prevents widespread adoption. CCAFS is funding research on how index insurance reduces the risk faced by farmers and enhances technology uptake. In Phase-II, research will focus on East and West Africa (Nigeria). Particular attention will be paid to understanding the gender and equity dimensions of insurance initiatives, for example, how socioeconomic differentiation affects farmers' access to index insurance, and how this combines with cultural and geographical features to shape access to markets, institutions and resources required to benefit from index insurance."}]},{"head":"Deepening Feedback Loops between Upstream and Downstream Work on Traits","index":22,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":133,"text":"FP2 will continue to draw on research generated in FPs 1, 3, and 5 on traits and trait combination preferences of men and women farmers and consumers in particular contexts. This will include research on novel trait variation and molecular pipelines that address nutritional quality, antioxidants and other issues, for example, herbicide tolerance to help reduce female drudgery. Complementary work in FP5 includes plans to link consumer preferences to sensory and processing characteristics of diverse maize materials through participatory trials with both women and men. Complementary nutrition education initiatives will include women and men, and youth. Additional efforts to address and enhance the nutrient content of maize-based diets (whether through biofortification or diet diversification) will assess and take into account the quantity and quality of women's and children's as well as men's diets."}]},{"head":"Sustainable Intensification (SI) in MAIZE","index":23,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"SI knowledge/technology portfolios differentiated for gender, youth and resource-poor communities will be developed. This will include integrating nutrition aspects and crop-livestock systems to promote multi-functional climate-smart farming systems. Moreover, implications of gender-asset gaps for intrahousehold food security, technology adoption and market participation will be modeled."}]},{"head":"Household Methodologies (HHM) in Malawi and Tanzania","index":24,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"Under CCAFS, a small project will work initially in Malawi to evaluate the potential of HHM to promote selection and adoption of climate-smart practices in SIMLESA areas. The ability of HHM to foster gendertransformation will be tracked. Controls will be established. "}]},{"head":"Youth Strategy","index":25,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Introduction","index":26,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":92,"text":"Ninety percent of the world's young people live in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Up to 70% of youth in SSA and South Asia live in rural areas (Bennell, 2010), and 47% of rural youth in Africa work in agriculture (Kokanova, 2013). The combined challenges of continued population growth, declining agricultural productivity growth and environmental depletion pressure AR&D to work on all fronts to enhance agricultural productivity and food security. Young women and men represent a human resource with tremendous development potential, but have often been neglected in AR&D."},{"index":2,"size":61,"text":"Recognizing the need to leverage the potential of youth for agricultural development and food security, MAIZE Phase-II will dedicate special attention to exploring avenues for harnessing the capacities and opportunities of young women and men as agents of change in maize AFS. Part of the strategy is to determine MAIZE's comparative advantage in doing youth-related research linked to agricultural systems research."}]},{"head":"The rationale for a focus on youth in MAIZE AFS","index":27,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"The agricultural sector's declining ability to attract youth causes concern in the face of continued population growth, rising food demands and natural resource challenges (Sumberg et al., 2012)."},{"index":2,"size":95,"text":"According to Kokanova (2013), youth working in agriculture are the poorest group of working rural youth compared to rural youth engaged in other sectors, often earning significantly less than the poverty threshold of $1.25 per day, and frequently related to poor nutritional and health status. Across the globe, more and more young people do not see farming as offering attractive livelihood options (Leavy and Hossain, 2014). Increasingly, traditional small-scale farming, which in many parts continues to involve high levels of drudgery and hardship, is no longer enough to make ends meet and raise a family."},{"index":3,"size":111,"text":"Young people today are generally better educated than their parents. However, with higher levels of education typically come greater expectations. But many rural contexts do not offer options that match youth aspirations (Leavy and Hossain, 2014;Chinsinga and Chasukwa, 2012). Farming is a viable choice only for those who can access land and inputs. However, land fragmentation linked to rising population as well as gerontocratic and patriarchal social systems is a key constraint to the development of smallscale agriculture (White, 2012; for Ethiopia, see also Bezu and Holden, 2014). Still, as Leavy and Hossain (2014) note, agriculture could acquire status among young people if it is modern and cash-based rather than subsistence-oriented."},{"index":4,"size":148,"text":"In 2013, global youth unemployment reached 12.6%, with young people almost three times more likely than adults to be unemployed (Table 1). The situation is particularly critical in developing regions where 90% of the global youth population lives. High levels of unemployment and disillusion can lead to social and political instability (the 'Arab spring' of 2010-11 is a recent example), as noted by ILO in its Policy Brief on investments in rural youth (ILO, 2012). The world needs farmers, as well as professionals and entrepreneurs engaged in dynamic, inclusive AFS, to ensure the food and nutrition security of future generations. However, while hopes of developing the agricultural sector are often pinned on the energy and innovativeness of youth and their willingness to take risks (e.g., IFAD, 2013;Adedugbe, 2013), interventions focusing on youth should appeal and make sense to young women and men from their own perspectives (White, 2012)."}]},{"head":"Defining youth as a social category","index":28,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":137,"text":"The concept of youth as a distinguishable demographic group is socially defined and varies across different contexts. 3 Youth is often viewed as a stage in life of transition from childhood to adulthood, associated with physiological and psychological changes and increasing social and economic autonomy (World Bank, 2006;Bennell, 2007;White, 2012). In many contexts the concept of youth does not exist as such or is delimited by entirely different parameters for entry into adulthood, e.g., age-sets, initiation or rites of passage, the onset of menstruation or childbearing, marriage, death of a parent, working for pay (Keesing, 1981, Potash, 1981in Quisumbing et al., 2014). However, defining youth as being in transition to adulthood conceals the fact that they are living in the here and now with their own needs, rights and interests (White, 2012;Sumberg in CGIAR Consortium Office, 2015)."},{"index":2,"size":68,"text":"Formal, legal definitions of youth typically apply age-based criteria linked to rights or special protective measures and policies (e.g., the right to vote or the uptake of hazardous work) and in many countries the age of 18 marks the legal boundary to adulthood. The UN usually defines youth as persons between the ages of 15 to 24, and children as persons up to the age of 14. 4"},{"index":3,"size":85,"text":"Though in principle the term youth covers both genders, in practice it often refers primarily to young males, thus rendering invisible the gender-based constraints and opportunities young rural women face (Farnworth and Sillah, 2013;Levine et al., 2008;Bertini, 2011). Overall, the social heterogeneity of youth and their embeddedness in different social relations and institutions needs to be understood and taken into account in R&D interventions. In MAIZE, research on youth will be guided by relevant social definitions of this demographic group, taking into account their heterogeneity."}]},{"head":"MAIZE Youth Strategy","index":29,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"By including youth-related and -focused research, we address IDO B.1: Equity and inclusion achieved."},{"index":2,"size":29,"text":"Informed by the commitment to promote equality of opportunity and outcomes, the objectives as well as the expected impact and outcomes of the MAIZE youth strategy are listed below:"},{"index":3,"size":28,"text":"Objectives  To increase inclusion of youth in multi-stakeholder research partnerships.  To harness the opportunities and innovation capacities of resource-poor young women and men in maize-based AFS."}]},{"head":"Impact","index":30,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":56,"text":" Improved livelihoods due to improved opportunities for young women and men to engage in MAIZE AFS. Outcomes  MAIZE scientists and research teams increase research focus on youth's local opportunity structures and their linkages to sustainable agri-food system development.  Increased livelihood opportunities for young women and men, directly or indirectly linked to MAIZE AFS."}]},{"head":"Overall approach to youth in MAIZE AFS","index":31,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":168,"text":"MAIZE's overall approach to youth focuses on understanding and harnessing rural opportunity structures. Limited research has been conducted specifically on the roles of young women and men in agriculture (Farnworth and Sillah, 2013;Proctor and Lucchesi, 2012;Paroda et al., 2014) and related value chains, and statistics are rarely disaggregated by age (FAO, 2014, p.xvii). Integrating a youth perspective in the MAIZE Phase-II agenda, therefore, has to begin with strengthening the evidence base and establishing a research agenda. Borrowing from Sumberg et al. (2012), key research questions include:  How are opportunities for engagement with maize farming and maize agri-food system development more broadly structured for young women and men in different places?  What are the implications of this structuring for consequent patterns of young women and men's engagement with maize farming and maize AFS, as well as for livelihood, poverty, social justice and sustainability outcomes?  How might particular policy options affect or modify these outcomes?  What are the politics around these policy options and associated processes?"}]},{"head":"Emerging findings from GENNOVATE","index":32,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":73,"text":"Current examples from MAIZE Phase-I research with specific attention to the perspectives of rural youth include the cross-CRP comparative research initiative, GENNOVATE, informed by an opportunity structure conceptual framework in which MAIZE plays a lead role (http://gender.cgiar.org/wpcontent/uploads/2015/12/GENNOVATE-Flyer_WEB.pdf). As part of this initiative, MAIZE is capturing the views of young women and men regarding social norms and practices in relation to their aspirations, livelihoods, capacities for innovation, physical mobility, economic opportunities, and family formation."},{"index":2,"size":70,"text":"Initial findings from 23 communities in Zimbabwe, Mexico, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Nepal indicate that the aspirations of young men and women are mostly found outside agriculture or NRM activities (see Figure 3.1 below). For many of these young respondents, owning a business, holding a degree, or migrating is fundamental for moving out of poverty. As many relate farming activities with economic stagnation and backwardness, they hope for other opportunities."},{"index":3,"size":194,"text":"At the same time, both young women and men express interest in agriculture-related business activities (see Figure 3.2 below). Limited access to knowledge and resources are common constraints for youth respondents across these countries. Young people speak critically about their local opportunity structures and wish for more inclusion and openness. Furthermore, young people ask for technological innovations that reduce drudgery. A young woman from Zimbabwe expresses: \"I wish someone could invent tools that dig basins in conservation agriculture so that we do not do it manually since as women we already have the burden of doing all household chores.\" to access and benefit from more efficient and labor-saving technologies? FP5  What is the role of public/private/NGO sectors in providing market-oriented services to smallholder farmers? How inclusive of youth are these services? How can their inclusiveness be enhanced?  How do we identify and promote income-generating opportunities along the value chain that are attractive to youth?  How can the development and deployment of nutritionally enriched maize be linked to youth engagement in MAIZE AFS?  Do digital technologies strengthen the engagement and contributions of youth in agriculture and how to enhance these contributions?"},{"index":4,"size":139,"text":"CIMMYT and IITA, the lead centers of MAIZE, have a long history of developing and deploying nutritious maize varieties, especially QPM. Provitamin A-enriched maize development and deployment (strong linkage with A4NH CRP) is an important addition that is beginning to show results in SSA. Increased emphasis on the nutrition of children and adolescents could bring additional resources to solve the problem of combining high nutritional quality with multiple biotic and abiotic stress resistance and high yield potential. MAIZE would welcome the opportunity to use the best available germplasm to more aggressively combine nutritional traits with agronomic performance and add value to farmers and consumers in target geographies. The nutritional advantages of QPM and provitamin A-enriched maize were demonstrated in recent years by MAIZE and A4NH, respectively. Strong collaboration with A4NH will increase the nutritional benefits for women and children."}]},{"head":"Results-based Management","index":33,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Purpose","index":34,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":73,"text":"In Phase-II, MAIZE will be implementing a results-based management (RBM) framework. This framework will act as a strategic management system that integrates strategy, results, people, resources, processes and measurements. 5 It will also consist of a set of tools for strategic planning, monitoring and evaluating performance, reporting, improvement and learning. 6 RBM seeks to support greater accountability, transparency, informed decision-making, swift corrective actions, learning from experience and better management of risks and opportunities."}]},{"head":"Principles","index":35,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":91,"text":"This framework will be implemented based on a set of globally recognized RBM principles: a culture focused on outcomes; strong leadership in RBM to model results-orientation across the system; participatory approaches at all levels, including partners and stakeholders; learning and adaptation through the use of performance information; accountability and transparency where program staff are held accountable for appropriate levels of results that are acquired and reported in a transparent manner; and a utilization-focused and flexible operational system where RBM tools, procedures and practices can be adapted based on contexts and needs."}]},{"head":"Steps in Managing for Results","index":36,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":95,"text":"Given that RBM is a management strategy, the framework will be part of the overall ongoing CRP cycle of planning, budget allocation, risk management, and performance reporting and evaluation, including value for money. Key steps that will be used throughout this cycle include: 7 based on lessons, defining and revising the impact pathways at the CRP level and theories of change at the Flagship level; budget allocation based on performance; planning for monitoring and evaluation; establishing responsibilities and accountabilities; monitoring and analyzing performance and risks information; using performance and risks information; and reporting performance results."}]},{"head":"Implementation within CRP","index":37,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"CRP Impact Pathway and Flagship Theories of Change","index":38,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":119,"text":"The CRP impact pathway and Flagship Programs' theories of change as presented in the proposal above were developed during workshops with Flagship teams. A participatory approach was used to capture all views, experiences and known evidence into these theories of change. They serve as the CRP's hypotheses of the way by which change is expected to occur from output to outcome and impact. They are meant to be dynamic document and adapted as evidence is further collected. Assumptions explaining the causality underlying the relationships between the outcomes and impacts were also identified. Key assumptions will be tested to validate the theories of change. Furthermore, critical risks were included and will be monitored to support effective management of the CRP."},{"index":2,"size":103,"text":"In terms of high-level outcomes, the CRP will be contributing to the following elements from the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework: Given that projects will align to Flagship Projects' theories of change (ToCs), the platform will be structure on the basis of these ToCs. The CRP will ensure that the platform will comply with CGIAR policies (e.g., Open Access and Data Management Policy); is interoperable with other systems, including those of the other lead center; and can produce reports necessary for the CRP. To the extent possible, interoperability with other CRPs' systems will also be sought to support reporting at the portfolio level."},{"index":3,"size":17,"text":"To ensure effective implementation of this ICT online platform, capacity building at various levels will be needed."}]},{"head":"Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact Assessment (MELIA)","index":39,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Purpose","index":40,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":94,"text":"In order to effectively implement the RBM framework, strengthening monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA) will be necessary at both project and program levels. A robust and strategic plan is proposed and will support CRP cycle of planning, budget allocation and reporting steps. Operationalization of the plan will take place following submission of the proposal under the guidance of the CGIAR MEL Communication of Practice (CoP). To the extent possible, the MEL CoP will strive to establish minimal standardization and consistency across the CRPs to contribute to coherent reporting at the portfolio level."},{"index":2,"size":47,"text":"In addition to the above RBM principles, the MELIA strategy will focus on adding value and creating opportunities for adaptive management and learning. The CRP will use a modular approach for the implementation of the strategy, which will include a suite of tools, guidelines and best practices."},{"index":3,"size":60,"text":"Furthermore, plans will be put in place to systematically review the strategy and make necessary adjustments, where required, to better assist staff and management in delivering and improving the performance of the CRP. It is expected that the strategy and its modules will improve over time as more information is gathered and experience in gained in implementing such a framework."}]},{"head":"MELIA Strategy Modules","index":41,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Monitoring","index":42,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"A monitoring plan consisting of a continuous process of collection and analysis of data is proposed on: the performance of the CRP at the output, outcome and impact levels; the key assumptions of the theories of change; and the critical risks."},{"index":2,"size":83,"text":"The definition of indicators to assess these above elements will be conducted by using a two-pronged approach. First, the CRP will seek indicators already in existence that are In addition to the targets identified for SLOs, the CRP will identify targets to indicators, to the extent possible and where appropriate, drawing from existing baselines, studies, and thematic and regional context expertise. The methodology used to identify the targets and to measure progress, as well as key assumptions, will be detailed to ensure transparency."},{"index":3,"size":49,"text":"To complete the monitoring plan, data collection sources and methodologies, responsibilities and timelines will be identified for each of the indicators. A variety of methodologies are expected to be used dependent on the indicators, including document reviews, surveys, case studies, meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, impact assessments, adoption studies and contribution analysis."}]},{"head":"Evaluation","index":43,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"Under the CGIAR Policy for Independent External Evaluation, several types of evaluations have been identified to support the system, including IEA commissioned External Evaluation, CRP-Commissioned External Evaluations (CCEEs), and Impact Assessments."},{"index":2,"size":54,"text":"The IEA conducts a cycle of Independent External Evaluations of CRPs to provide accountability, support to decision making, and lessons for improving quality and effectiveness of research programs. It is expected that IEA will use CRP monitoring and evaluation information as its primary source of evidence, including CCEEs, impact assessments, and annual monitoring reports."},{"index":3,"size":39,"text":"The CRP will operationalize a rolling evaluation plan to build credible evaluative evidence to support decision-making and lessons for improved and more cost-effective programming. This rolling plan will include CCEEs, impact assessments and other studies identified by CRP management."},{"index":4,"size":138,"text":"The CCEEs will most likely be at the Flagship level but could also include other programming elements to evaluation. The conduct of these CCEEs will be spread over the cycle to minimize the burden on management and researchers. The CCEEs will cover at least half of the budgeted activities of a Flagship in a cycle in line with the CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement's Guidance for CRP-Commissioned External Evaluations (January 2015). A maximum budget of $300,000 per year will be identified in the CRP budget for the conduct of these CCEEs. Joint CCEEs will be sought to leverage the resources of multiple CRPs and to assess performance within a geographic focus (likely in line with the site integration plans) or thematic area (e.g., seed systems, nutrition, and gender). They will be conducted in line with the CGIAR Evaluation Standards."},{"index":5,"size":42,"text":"These CCEEs will consist of a systematic and objective assessment of the program based on evaluation criteria related to relevance, efficiency, quality of science, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. They are considered the building blocks to the external evaluations conducted by the IEA."},{"index":6,"size":133,"text":"The CRP proposed rolling plan for CCEEs are presented in Table 3.4. The CRP management will annually review this plan to ensure it meets its needs for accountability and learning purposes. Planned impact assessments can be found in the FP1 section of the proposal. Globally, impacts are defined as the positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. Within the CGIAR, impacts are described as the consequences of the CRPs on the state of selected development variables concerning the SLOs, which are themselves related to Sustainable Development Goals. There is increasing recognition that interventions that contribute to complex, indirect causal chains, with multiple partnerships, and with data limitations require a broad range of methods to evaluate effectively, especially at the impact level."},{"index":7,"size":238,"text":"Therefore, the CRP will adopt a mixed methods approach to evaluate its performance, including ex-ante and ex-post impact assessments. Specific needs of the CPR for the conduct of impact assessments will be identified as part of the monitoring plan as well as by the programming needs for prioritization of research and improved performance. Impact assessments aim to understand impact (attributable change) and how that impact has been brought about. In order to do so in a way that yields unambiguous results, it is helpful to analyze interventions with a theory-based evaluation (TBE) methodology (Ton, 2012).The basis of this approach is the use of theories of change and the determination of critical nodes where the development process may need to be validated. These critical nodes are the focal points of impact assessment. Depending on the nature of the critical node, (i) whether it is a state or a process, (ii) whether data related to the critical node can be gathered easily or not, and (iii) whether the data is quantitative or qualitative, will determine the type of method that can be employed for the impact assessment, hence the mixed methods. The rigorous application of impact logic for conducting meaningful ex-ante impact assessment allows for determining the key issues that need to be monitored in order to do ex-post impact assessment. For each step in the intervention logic framework there are a number of questions that need to be answered:"}]},{"head":"CRP PHASE II -Rolling Evaluation Plan","index":44,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":53,"text":" What are the key assumptions and do they need to be tested?  What outside factors that are not under control of the programme play a key role? How do they form a counterfactual to the intervention logic?  To what extent are idiosyncratic circumstances at play? Is there scope for generalisations?"}]},{"head":"Reporting","index":45,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":93,"text":"The annual reporting process will be the key method for the CRP to describe its progress and results achieved as established in the Flagship theories of change. Reporting of results will be conducted at the output and outcomes levels, and when possible, at the impact level. A review of data collected on indicators, assumptions and risks will serve as guides for reporting on results. As part of this process, the CRP will also document any lessons and changes to the implementation of the program, including to the theories of change and monitoring plan."}]},{"head":"Learning","index":46,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":48,"text":"In line with the RBM principles, the CRP will be operationalizing a variety of measures to support learning from the information collected from monitoring and evaluation. The CRP will integrate these measures as part of its planning and reporting cycle with clear roles and responsibilities. The measures include:"},{"index":2,"size":110,"text":"• annually reviewing and revising the ToCs based on evidence collected, and to the extent possible, conducting contribution analysis to reflect and strengthen the CRP performance story; • annually conducting reflection sessions on performance and risk information collected; • adjusting and prioritizing the implementation of the Program in line with the evidence collected; • implementing and adjusting mitigation measures to manage risks; • documenting lessons learned and best practices (e.g., meta-synthesis of lessons from evaluations); • conducting evaluation workshops to reflect on and adjust to the evaluation findings and lessons; • knowledge management and information sharing; and • follow-up on learning decisions, including actions plans in response to evaluation recommendations."}]},{"head":"Budget Allocation to MELIA","index":47,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"Resources required to implement a robust and credible MELIA strategy have been included accordingly in the CRP's budget."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"For the MEL elements of the strategy, a budget of 2% of CRP budget should be allocated. This allocation would cover:"},{"index":3,"size":72,"text":"• development and implementation of a stronger monitoring and reporting interoperable platform • management of data collection measures in various geographies to implement the monitoring plan effectively • annual conduct of a CCEE, which is estimated at USD 300,000 of consulting fees per evaluation • MEL specialists to provide MEL expertise to CRP and project leads, build capacity across the lead centers and partners, and coordinate the implementation of the MEL modules"},{"index":4,"size":21,"text":"As for impact assessments, detailed information of the budget and coverage can be found under the FP1 section of the proposal."}]},{"head":"Linkages with Other CRPs and Site Integration","index":48,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":43,"text":"Agri-Food System (AFS) CRPs Much collaboration currently exists between MAIZE and other AFS CRPs, which will be expanded in MAIZE Phase-II (see Table 3.5). The priority areas for enhanced linkages are collaborative work on: 1) pre-breeding; 2) sustainable intensification, and; 3) value addition."},{"index":2,"size":52,"text":"1) Cross-commodity pre-breeding, tools, models and methods will be increasingly shared between AFS CRPs to support research and enhance genetic gains in crops other than maize. Other CRPs (such as RICE, WHEAT, GLDC) will share knowledge on G x E x M in mixed cropping systems, where maize is an integral component."},{"index":3,"size":141,"text":"2) Sustainable intensification in target geographies shared with other CRPs will be enhanced through the development and application of improved methodological approaches to analyze multicommodity farming systems and target technical interventions within specific agro-ecological, socioeconomic and institutional environments. In addition, MAIZE's expertise in agronomy (precision agriculture, appropriate scale mechanization, and nutrient/water management) will be developed and applied with an increasing systems perspective. In return, other AFS CRPs will share knowledge on the performance on maize rotation, intercropped or in combination with rice, wheat, legumes, root crops, livestock and trees. MAIZE will benefit from MAIZE will also collaborate with other AFS CRPs in the development of framework for baselining and monitoring progress at farm and landscape levels. MAIZE will increasingly collaborate with other CRPs (and non CRP instititutions with scaling expertise) to develop and apply increasinly sophisticated business models for upscaling technologies."},{"index":4,"size":97,"text":"3) MAIZE already collaborates with other AFS CRPs and PIM on the development and sharing of methods, tools and data in relation to foresight, impact assessment, gender, value chain/market analysis, and MELIA. In Phase-II, emphasis will be placed on stronger collaboration with CRP and non-CRP partners to develop and apply methods, tools and data for analysis of value addition in agri-food systems/value chains. joint analysis of complementarities and interactions in AFS (including maize and its by-products for animal feed) and advanced processing and postharvest technologies will be increasingly undertaken with colleagues in GLDC, RTB and Livestock CRPs."}]},{"head":"Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) CRP","index":49,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":257,"text":"Collaborative work with A4NH in MAIZE Phase-I has been focused on developing bio-fortified crops (provitamin A and kernel Zn enriched maize hybrids) and advocating for research products that decrease consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated maize, especially in Africa. CIMMYT and IITA will continue to support A4NH through their Harvest+ work. In Phase-II, MAIZE will continue to accelerate progress in developing nutritious crops and foods through exploiting the rich genetic diversity of maize. During Phase II, MAIZE will explore the feasibility and genetic variability for additional stacking of nutritional traits in maize varieties within A4NH. MAIZE will develop and produce nutrient enhanced germplasm, markers and breeding tools for maize micronutrients and develop increasinly nutrition-dense maize, which will be shared through MAIZE's global network of breeders and SME for commercialization of biofortified maize. In return, A4NH assist in identifying target areas and priority interventions and partners for nutrition and scale-up. During Phase-II, FP5 will develop stronger collaboration with A4NH and PIM for the adoption and dissemination of bio-fortified products, approaches and lessons to be learned on diet shifts, advocacy for better data capture and integration of value chain research into agrifood systems research. Several areas of iteration and complementarity have been identified with A4NH including food systems and understanding the dynamics of consumption and the differential roles in food systems for people by socio-economic status, age and gender, particularly among adolescent girls and women of reproductive age. There is a need for effective innovations with food suppliers to improve diets through MAIZE AFS -requiring an enabling environment from regulators and policymakers."}]},{"head":"Climate Change CRP (CCAFS)","index":50,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":308,"text":"MAIZE contributes to Climate Change CRP (CCAFS) in a number of ways. Firstly, through improved foresight modeling, targeting (in conjunction with other AFS-CRPs, PIM), analysis of climate smart innovations (including weather index insurance; drought/heat tolerance; conservation agriculture). In Phase-I, modelling of future climate effects on production, together with synergies and trade-offs, to target adaptation domains with potential mitigation co-benefits has underpinned decision making in both MAIZE and CCAFS. In return, through its links with policy making bodies, CCAFS acts as a sciencebased advocate for policy changes to mitigate climate change. Increasngly, new abiotic and biotic stressresilient improved MAIZE-derived cultivars will be evaluated within climate smart villages under heterogeneous production and socio-economic conditions. In return, CCAFS acts as faciitator, linking this germplasm to scaling-out partnerships. In Phase-II, MAIZE FP4 will work closely with CCAFS around research activities related to: a) participatory evaluation of MAIZE technologies and practices in climate smart villages (CSVs) and other sites where appropriate; b) improved resource use efficiency, particularly nitrogen and water, and impacts of GHG emissions; c) evaluation of the C sequestration potential of SI interventions, and; d) creation of minimum datasets for climate-smart technologies. Through CSVs and other CCAFS research, collaboration with important climate-related actors in both the public and private sectors will be strengthened. FP4 will also integrate with CCAFS in terms of data: (a) the generation of multi-criteria minimum datasets for maize-based systems and standardized methods and metrics to quantify climate smart agricultural technologies and practices over a range of scales; (b) to build a community of practice around climate resilient GxExM technologies and improved cropping system models that better characterize the effects of climate extremes on maize-based systems in terms of yield performance, resource use, GHG emissions, synergies and trade-offs. The GYGA spatial framework will provide a means to explicitly evaluate climate smart options in both current and future climates."}]},{"head":"Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) CRP","index":51,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":80,"text":"Most of the collaboration between MAIZE and PIM is concentrated in FP1 and FP5. In Phase-I, MAIZE successfully collaborated with PIM in the co-development and sharing of methods, tools and data in relation to foresight, impact assessment, gender, value chain/market analysis through a strong community of practice. Phase-II, with the addition of FP5, MAIZE and PIM will further collaborate on research to determine dietary pattterns, tools for better data capture and integration, and opportunities for value addition and scaling out."}]},{"head":"Water, land, and ecosystems (WLE) CRP","index":52,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":47,"text":"The collaboration between MAIZE and WLE is still at an early stage. To date, discussions have focused on how best to integrate the field and farm level knowledge on maize agronomy and systems analysis generated by MAIZE and the landscape level and beyond knowledge generated by WLE."}]},{"head":"Genebank Platform","index":53,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":123,"text":"Both FP2 and FP3 of MAIZE will align strongly with the Genebanks Platform. FP2 will focus on the Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of maize genebank accessions/genomic diversity and identification of novel variants for use by breeding programs. MAIZE will generate knowledge about genebank accessions, including definition of core sets to enhance use of genebank accessions. MAIZE FP2 will develop informatics tools to extract knowledge from Genebank data and to inform genebank decisions about gaps and duplications in collections. Ultimately, this will enhance use and impact of genebank accessions. Experience about intellectual property issues affecting the use of genetic resources will be generated and shared between MAIZE and the Genebank and Excellence in Breeding Platforms. The application of genetic engineering tools will be explored."},{"index":2,"size":177,"text":"Excellence in Breeding Platform MAIZE FP2 and FP3 will have strong linkages to the Excellence in Breeding Platform and others. MAIZE FP2 and the Excellence in Breeding Platform will deploy tools developed by partners; for example, breeding program management software from the Integrated Breeding Platform and web-based visualization tools to interpret complex genomics and phenomics data developed by the James Hutton Institute. Interactions with MAIZE FP2-CoA2.1 and the Excellence in Breeding Platform will ensure that data management and GS prediction analysis pipelines result in useful and timely prediction reports to breeders. The GOBII project, a proposed component of the Excellence in Breeding Platform, is a showcase example of cooperation among these CRPs, involving five major crops. It is already generating interest from alternate crops, and the pioneering work done within GOBII is expected to benefit other non-focus crops within a ten year timeframe. MAIZE FP2 will also have strong linkages to the phenotyping and bioinformatics modules from the Excellence in Breeding Platform for inputs into high throughput/remote-sensing phenotypic data capture, storage, and analysis, and automated image analysis."},{"index":3,"size":115,"text":"With regard to MAIZE FP3, all the six CoAs will be linked to the Excellence in Breeding Platform, MAIZE FP1 and FP2. MAIZE CoA 3.1 and 3.3 will provide promising maize germplasm for targeted environments and cropping systems to FP4, and will receive feedback on their performance through G  E  M analyses. Products from CoA 3.3 will form the core for developing novel technologies/processes/products through FP5. Some of the key tools developed by the Excellence in Breeding Platform for cross-cutting areas, such as phenotyping and breeding decision-making, will be validated and deployed in FP3. The FP3 team in turn will also help determine priorities to guide development of new tools in this platform. "}]},{"head":"Template 2b: Plans for site integration in CGIAR target countries","index":54,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":90,"text":"In the countries you have identified as important to your CRP, please complete the template, identifying the steps taken so far -and with a schedule for completion -for site integration (for ++ and + countries) with other CRPs. The starting point was the June 6-7 2013 meeting of WLE, FTA and CCAFS in Bonn which agreed to explore areas of cross-CRP synergy (both issue and place-based) in Burkina Faso. All three CRPs had indeed major new research programs in this country, and there was potential to link to CRP Drylands."},{"index":2,"size":71,"text":"On 24 August 2013, CIFOR organized a first internal meeting between ICRAF and CIFOR in Ouagadougou to review the expected outcomes of the CRPs' joint initiative in Burkina Faso. A committee was set up at this meeting and was tasked to establish a database of CGIAR projects in terms of targets, location, and partners that would be a basis for discussing improved coordination, but also for joint development of new projects."},{"index":3,"size":82,"text":"A 2 nd meeting was convened in December 2013 in Ouagadougou with participation of a broader set of partners intervening in Burkina Faso (CRPs FTA, CCAFS, WLE, Drylands, national and other international research institutions, including universities, state and non-state development partners, international NGOs) to review the quality of previous partnerships with CGIAR initiatives in Burkina Faso and to work out a new partnership framework guided by the aim to contribute to the same development pathways in Burkina Faso in a synergetic manner."},{"index":4,"size":71,"text":"A 3 rd meeting was held in February 2014 with the same set of partners to define a vision, mission and action plan for the partnership framework. It was also agreed to develop a common theory of change aligned to the strategy for accelerated growth and sustainable development of Burkina Faso (SCADD), particularly the national programme for the rural sector (PNSR). The outputs of this meeting were validated by CRPs Leaders."},{"index":5,"size":72,"text":"As part of the agreed roadmap, the CGIAR-led initiative for building a thematic and geographical database of all CGIAR projects and those of non-CGIAR actors working in the rural sector of Burkina has been merged with a similar initiative led by the SP/CPSA (Permanent Secretariat for Coordination of Agricultural Sectoral Policies) to setting up a map database of Government and development partners' interventions in the areas of rural development in Burkina Faso."},{"index":6,"size":102,"text":"The CRPs' joint initiative in Burkina Faso has also partnered with the CCAFS Scenarios program and the SP/CPSA in a specific process aimed at examining the ending PNSR in the context of multiple socio-economic and climatic scenarios, to improve its robustness, flexibility and feasibility in the face of possible diverse futures. This scenarioguided policy revision workshop, held in July 2015, offered a unique opportunity to CGIAR experts (FTA, CCAFS, Dryland, WLE) and national policy making experts and all other workshop participants to identify research areas through which CRPs and CG Centres can contribute to the expected outcomes of the upcoming revised PNSR."},{"index":7,"size":59,"text":"Overall, the CRPS' joint initiative in Burkina Faso has set up and followed until now a participatory approach involving CGIAR actors (CRPs and Centres), national actors of Burkina Faso, and other international actors intervening in Burkina Faso, to frame partnership, map research interventions and define development and research priorities to be considered for the rural development of Burkina Faso."}]},{"head":"Cameroon Placeholder until meting to be held March 16 th","index":55,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":196,"text":"No meeting for site integration has been yet held in Cameroon. However I had the opportunity to attend the DRC site integration meeting organized in DRC. In DRC I discussed extensively with Manning-Thomas, Nadia (CGIAR Consortium) who was facilitating this meeting in DRC. associations and others as agreed in the December meeting)  Joining the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural research in celebrating their golden jubilee through a series of seminars, technology exhibition and other high level ceremonies.  Creating a wiki for the coordinating committee On 11 December 2015 we held a national consultation whose main objectives were to: 1. Improve understanding of the national priorities and goals for agricultural and related nutrition and health research for development; 2. Present CGIAR work in Ethiopia (major thematic areas, partnerships and geographic location); and 3. Identify major opportunities to align activities across actors around specific themes, including reviewing modalities for country collaboration. Participants were drawn mainly from the Federal Government Departments, Development partners (Donors, NGOs) and very few private sector and farmer association groups. The meeting participants agreed that the follow on focused meetings by CRPs should aim to include the wider stakeholders groups including women and youth."},{"index":2,"size":152,"text":"The Roadmap for agricultural and economic growth in Ethiopia is spelt out in the Government's vision was launched in during the last quarter of 2015 through the Growth and Transformation Plan II. The CGIAR should continue to align its programs to that. In addition there are already big ongoing programs led by the Government like the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) to which the CGIAR is already a major player. Following the launch of GTP II there have been a lot of national consultation meetings organised by several of CGIAR partners working on the alignment to GTP II. A good example are the meetings organised by the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and the Rural Economic Development and Food Security Sector Working Group (RED&FS) to discuss different pillars under GTP II. A number of CGIAR Centers participated in these consultations based on subject matter. The months of October-December were a busy time in Ethiopia."},{"index":3,"size":59,"text":"The CGIAR national consultation focused on strengthening mechanisms of engagement and seeking ways to better align to national priorities. One of the key recommendations was the need to establish a joint CGIAR-national agriculture research system collaboration and communication mechanism. This mechanism, it was recommended, would establish a permanent secretariat for joint planning, sharing of findings, and monitoring and evaluation."},{"index":4,"size":53,"text":"The other areas of collaboration were: the development of joint research proposals, sharing of equipment and resources, streamlining policy engagement, and improving opportunities and modalities of capacity development. The need to facilitate access to laboratory facilities was also highlighted as key. These goals could be achieved through enhanced joint research implementation and supervision."},{"index":5,"size":86,"text":"This meeting was fully supported by ILRI and the Livestock and Fish CRP. When contacted most Centers had no budgets to support this meeting. We risked not holding the meeting if the Lead Center had not taken action. This is a gap that the committee has raised in the previous meetings and asked every Center and CRP to seek further clarification from DDGs, CRP Directors and the CO on the way forward. More details on the Ethiopia national consultations can be found on the GCARD3 website."}]},{"head":"Next steps:","index":56,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":67,"text":"In our last meeting on the 16 th of February we reflected on the December meeting and the follow on focused group meetings by individual CRPs. We further tried to clarify amongst ourselves what we understood site integration to mean? We agreed that so far the CRPs' priorities were well aligned with those of the GTP II and ATA's priorities. This is very promising for upcoming collaboration."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"We plan to purposely use the GTP II language in our engagements with the national processes and/or document through a flyer how CGIAR is contributing to GTP II."},{"index":3,"size":67,"text":"Furthermore we are aiming to identify what each CRP is seeing as the current situation and then the future situation in terms of site integration in Ethiopia from the perspective of the 10 elements which were highlighted in the guidelines, and to turn all that information into a narrative that also looks at collaboration initiatives and at ideas for future integration based on pipeline plans and projects."},{"index":4,"size":44,"text":"We were planning for a day's meeting for a smaller group to synthesize this material and write the site integration plan. At the time we discussed this we were not sure what is the level of details the CO is expecting for these plans?"},{"index":5,"size":16,"text":"We also plan to continue the process of refining the mapping of CGIAR work in Ethiopia."}]},{"head":"Ghana Olufunke Cofie (IWMI)","index":57,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"Although not initially depicted as 'integration', CGIAR centres that are active in Ghana have been collaborating for a long time by sharing resources and working on different projects together."},{"index":2,"size":138,"text":"Since January 2016, nine Centres (AfricaRice, Bioversity, CIAT, CIP, IFPRI, IITA, ILRI, IWMI and WorldFish) and eight CRPs (A4NH, CCAFS, GLDC, Maize, RICE, WLE, RTB, PIM) have been involved in the Ghana Site integration process. First, the Steering Committee (SC) was constituted by official nominations from the Centres/CRPS. Several virtual and face-to-face meetings were held prior to the national consultation workshop which took place from 2-3 March 2016 in Accra. Other preliminary activities carried out by the SC were: (i) mapping of Centre/CRP project locations, thematic focus, target commodities and partnerships in Ghana; (ii) Review of relevant national policy documents as well as donors' priorities for Ghana; and (iii) engagement with and sensitization of local partners on the Site Integration Process. From the mapping and review exercise, the SC identified potential thematic areas for CGIAR collaboration in Ghana."},{"index":3,"size":165,"text":"Two key national partners of the CGIAR in Ghana are the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). These two institutions co-organized the National Consultation workshop with the Centres/CRPs. Over 60 people from different stakeholder categories participated in the event. The workshop revealed how the integrated efforts of the CGIAR Centres can actually complement national priorities and those of other partners, towards agricultural transformation in Ghana. Following MoFA's presentation on the national priorities for driving Ghana's Shared Growth and Development Objectives, the participants identified and discussed key themes that could be the CGIAR strategic focus in Ghana. The themes identified were consistent with the preliminary findings from the review done by the SC. The workshop participants also suggested ways of working effectively together (internal integration) and with local partners (external integration). The workshop further provided insight on tracking the progress and impact of the integrations as well as the coordination mechanism to sustain the Site Integration Process."},{"index":4,"size":84,"text":"Next steps are: (i) finalise the site integration plan with the information gathered during the workshop; (ii) engage in regular consultation and exchange with the national partners through their representation in the steering committee and (iii) sharing information at national platforms. The SC agreed that sharing of information, as well as collaboration in joint activities and resource mobilisation is paramount to strengthen our integration. Collaboration will commence on the identified themes and with a joint visit to the National Development Planning Commission of Ghana."}]},{"head":"India","index":58,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"MAIZE FP3, FP5 and CoA 2.1 were flagged to be of high priority."},{"index":2,"size":16,"text":"Alignment with national priorities. In addition to the on going programmes the following points are identified:"},{"index":3,"size":11,"text":"Stress resilient maize germplasm enhancement both for biotic and abiotic stresses."},{"index":4,"size":19,"text":"Abiotic: Drought, heat, water logging Biotic: Site specific priorities to be identified. However, BLSB and PFSR are emerging priorities."},{"index":5,"size":248,"text":"There is a need for conducting dedicated trials under rain fed conditions particularly in targeted areas such as Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP, Peninsular zone, Bihar, Orissa, HP, JK, Uttarakhand. The Mali CGIAR country collaboration and site integration process is coordinated by a committee representing 7 centers and 1 CRP. Three Mali based CGIAR Centers (ICRISAT, ICRAF, and ILRI), AVRDC, AGRA, Africa Rice ,IITA and CCAFS CRP are members of the steering committee. The committee worked on mapping of on-going projects in Mali by the different centers and CRPS. The committee under the leadership of ICRISAT organized a CGIAR site integration workshop in Bamako from March 01 to 02, 2016. Nearly 70 participants attended the two-day workshop including representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), donor community, private sector, CGIAR centers and farmers group. At the end of the two-day consultation, the participants came up with a draft framework of the site integration, which includes CGIAR Mali current status, principles, gaps and opportunities for site integration, resourcing, communication within and outside the CG as well as mechanisms to monitor progress and assess activities and impact. The main outputs of the integration workshop are outlined below:  The workshop served as background information for participants to build on their individual experiences within their organizations. It also helped the CG partners to upgrade and improve the draft inventory of various research programs and project partnerships in Mali  For more efficiency and increased impact, stronger coordination and collaboration were highlighted."},{"index":6,"size":65,"text":"Participants agreed that there is a strategic advantage to integrate activities and programs for the benefit of the final beneficiaries in light of the challenges linked to research funding and human resources.  Participants had a clear understanding of what the gaps and opportunities are in Mali for ARD. In addition, they proposed concrete ideas to improve the collaboration among research partners, NGOs and producers."},{"index":7,"size":26,"text":"Another key lesson addressed was the need for research to go beyond the production stage and focus on empowering farmers and NGOs to develop value chains."},{"index":8,"size":85,"text":"Working groups were formed to reflect on the following five main issues of site integration: (i) key features of integration, (ii) principles for selecting sites, and integrating actions, and (iii) towards effective collaboration and cooperation, (iv) communication and (v) progress tracking and impact assessment. The group discussions were conducted very well and allowed all participants to share their views in a constructive and open way. The working groups demonstrated the presence of vast knowledge that participants have about integration, principles for site selection and collaboration."}]},{"head":"Next Steps:","index":59,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":86,"text":"We are in the process of finalizing the brief report for submission to the CGIAR office by March 9 th , 2016 and a full report on the national consultation for Mali by March 25 th , 2016. The Site Integration plan will be submitted on or before April 29 th , 2016. The Site integration process steering committee agreed to meet to discuss the modalities of preparing the CGIAR site integration plan for Mali based on the 10 elements which were highlighted in the guidelines."},{"index":2,"size":96,"text":"The process of site integration in Nepal was initiated on November 9, 2015 by organizing a meeting of all CG centres working in Nepal. The site integration steering committee was formed (with one member from each CG/CRP centre). This included CIMMYT, IWMI, Biodiversity Int, IFPRI, IRRI, CIFOR and ICARDA. CCAFS was included in the subsequent meeting. Two meetings were held on 4 th and 30 th December to share information on work being done by each centre in Nepal and to plan for a stakeholder consultation meeting which was organized at Kathmandu on 11 January 2016."},{"index":3,"size":59,"text":"The purpose of the stakeholder meeting was three-pronged: to design the integrated research agenda, to consolidate CGIAR centres, and to coordinate with national actors and strengthen the coordination, collaboration and alignments with partners in line with national priorities and policies. More than 60 participants, representing 34 national institutions participated. The cost of this meeting was shared by all centres."},{"index":4,"size":91,"text":"A joint presentation on activities being undertaken by all CG centres on various CRPs in Nepal was presented and two discussion sessions were held. The first one focused on better alignment of current CGIAR research activities, whilst the second one on targeting stakeholders' needs. Opportunities for further alignment of CG programs and CRP integration were identified through shared goals, activities and increased partnerships. The minutes were prepared along with one pager blog and submitted to CGIAR. The next CG-national consultation meeting was proposed to be held in Nepal in January 2017."},{"index":5,"size":57,"text":"Highlights included how to better align CG work with national policy issues, demand for continued capacity building of local agricultural scientists, the development of stronger national databases, promoting local genetic resources and the need for research on both climatic and non-climatic stress on agriculture. Ideas for new research avenues were also raised. For more info, see https://library.cgiar.org/handle/10947/4148"},{"index":6,"size":196,"text":"The next steering committee meeting has been scheduled for 10th March to draft the site integration. This is being done based on the national consultation and experiences of each of the centers in Nepal. In doing all this, the central point will be the Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS 2015(ADS -2035) ) To take the Nicaragua site integration forward, a steering committee was established with representatives from CIAT, Bioversity, CATIE, ICRAF and CCAFS. As the first priority, a national consultation was held in Managua, Nicaragua from 17-18 November, 2015. Participants included six CGIAR Centers (Bioversity, CIAT, CIMMYT, CIP, ICRAF, and IFPRI), as well as CATIE and CIRAD and 20+ national partners. Centers represented work of nine CRPs (from Phase 1) which are active in the region (A4NH, CCAFS, FTA, Humidtropics, L&F, MAIZE, PIM, RTB, and WLE). Opportunities for further CRP integration were identified, including shared goals, activities, partnerships that would benefit the work being carried out by each program in Nicaragua and a proposed theory of change and impact pathway to carry them out. CIAT covered expenses related to the venue and food, while each participant assumed the cost of their travel and other incidental expenses. https://library.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10947/4180/Informe-Reunion-Integracion-2015-English.pdf?sequence=1."},{"index":7,"size":163,"text":"With the guidance from the Consortium Office, the steering committee will draft the site integration plan building on the national consultation and past/current experiences of centers in Nicaragua. A clear understanding of what is being proposed in Phase 2 CRP proposals are important before we carry out any further stakeholder consultation. Potential sites of integrative work were identified based on previous and ongoing CGIAR efforts (such as CCAFS climate-smart village (CSV) and FTA sentinel sites) and on priorities of the government (such as the dry corridor). Some integrative work has been already done in Tuma La Dalia CSV between CCAFS and FTA regarding baseline surveys and implementation of agroforestry measures. Developing information and knowledge management systems are essential to sustain dialogue and communication. Unlike other countries, we don't anticipate Nicaragua being a physical hub leading to a single CGIAR office. Political situation in Nicaragua is challenging and therefore engagement with the national Government and collective process towards policy level process are not easy."},{"index":8,"size":17,"text":"To meet donor/CGIAR aspirations on site integration, dedicated funding to support coordination and collective efforts are required."}]},{"head":"Niger TBD","index":60,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Nigeria","index":61,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":83,"text":"The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) conducts research on various issues through 15 centers distributed in different countries across the world. National research institutes and other development agencies also work on related aspects of agricultural value chains alongside the CGIAR initiatives. Due to lack of, or weak mechanisms to harmonize the operations of these multiple partners, there is a possibility for duplication of efforts and resource wastage especially where several institutions are conducting similar research in isolation in a given site."},{"index":2,"size":119,"text":"In order to address the above challenge, the CGIAR and development partners mandated the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to lead a process of integrating research activities and sites in Nigeria, one of the 20 selected countries for site integration in the world. Towards this effort, a national consultation workshop for Nigeria was held in Abuja Nigeria on 16th and 17th November 2015. The workshop focused on: Understanding Nigeria's agricultural research and development strategy; Mapping the CGIAR activities and sites in the country; Developing a common understanding of integration and key principles to be considered; Identifying the roles of various stakeholders in the integration process and; Developing a framework for integration. The main outcomes of the workshop were:"},{"index":3,"size":236,"text":" Elements of integration: Participants agreed that effective integration must entail pursuit of common goals, joint action plans, collaboration, inclusiveness, co-ownership and communication.  Integration principles: When selecting sites and issues, consideration must be given to opportunities for value addition on the collaboration and alignment with major issues. To effectively integrate work, there must be local ownership, institutional commitment at the highest level and open dialogue.  Harmonizing focus: There is need to harmonize Consortium Research Program (CRP) thematic focus with priority ARD challenges in Nigeria, while building synergies on the on-going major initiatives such as the agricultural transformation agenda for productivity and sustainability.  Operationalizing the integration: Implementation of an integrated approach requires the understanding of key challenges, guiding principles and specific steps on six important issues -project development, resource mobilization, partnerships, coordination, monitoring and evaluation, and communication.  Integration framework: A comprehensive integration plan must comprise stakeholder consultations to identify the issue/problem, sites and partners. It must also specify the steps for project development and implementation.  Lessons for future planning: The national consultation workshop in Nigeria offered important insights on the need for stakeholder inclusion; collaboration among government entities and CGIAR Centers; understanding national strategies and; scheduling of integration meetings to provide adequate time for discussions and synchronizing such meetings with government calendars to ensure effective government presence and participation so as to create local ownership of the outcomes. Rwanda Kirimi Sindi (CIP)"},{"index":4,"size":236,"text":"The Rwanda CGIAR country collaboration and site integration process is coordinated by a committee of six individuals representing 4 centres. The Rwanda based CGIAR Centres are CIP, CIAT, IITA, and ICRAF. Each centre has one or two individuals as part of the steering committee. The centres have held 4 site integration meetings so far. One was with three main donors represented in Rwanda (USAID, EU, and DFID). The committee is working on mapping all on-going projects in Rwanda by the different centres and CRPS. This will be put on a map of Rwanda to assist all the centres understand areas where they is there is potential for synergy in working together. The map will assist the CG centres in communicating the contribution they are having to the donors and government policy makers and speak as one voice. The committee under the leadership of CIP will organized a CGIAR site integration workshop in Kigali on 29 th March, 2016. This workshop will bring together an estimated 75 representative of donors, government agencies, other development organizations, civil societies, and financial institutions. There has been an already established forum R4D by Humid and Tropics that brings together all the CGIAR centres, policy makers, and other implementing partners in working together in an integrated manner. The site integration committee has resolved to build on this already on going forum and expand it further to achieve the CGIAR site integration goals."}]},{"head":"Next steps:","index":62,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":112,"text":" We will be setting up a full secretariat to assist in organising the workshop and all the invited participant will get invitation letters by 11 th March, 2016.  Next review meeting will be on 18 th March, 2016 to review the plans and progress for the workshop preparations  The main workshop meeting to be held on 29 th , March 2016. This meeting will gather stakeholders views and then utilizing the recommendation to work on the site integration plan that will be finalized by end of April, 2016.  We will be posting all the minutes to the CG sites in the next two weeks. Tanzania Regina Kapinga (IITA)"},{"index":2,"size":322,"text":"The Tanzania CGIAR country collaboration and site integration process is coordinated by a CG-Tanzania Site integration process group composed of representatives from: The Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock and Fisheries ( 3 persons), Private Sector (1) , 7 CGIAR Centres (CIAT, CIP, ICRAF, IITA, IRRI, Africa Rice, and ILRI ) that are based in Tanzania plus 4 others (Africa Rice, ICRISAT, CIMMYT, Bioversity International ) who have no offices in the country, 9 CRP focal points, (Climate Change, Livestock, Maize, Nutrition and Health, PIM, RICE, Roots Tubers & Bananas, WLS&E) and the Genebank platform. From the national stakeholders' consultation workshop which was held in December 2015, principles of success and major opportunities for integration between and amongst CG centers, CRPs and national partners were identified to be: mutual trust, shared vision, shared rules of engagement, joint planning and clearly defined roles, transparency and accountability, flexibility, equal voice in partnership, comparative advantage and collective responsibility. To ensure alignment with the national agricultural priorities, both CG centres and CRPs have to understand the national strategies as elaborated in the Tanzanian Agricultural Sector Development Program (ASDP) Phase II. This implies that both CG centres and/ CRPs, when preparing the proposals that include Tanzania, should ensure to access the ASDPII documents for references so that where possible align the activities with the identified national priorities. IITA therefore as a lead focal centre, in January this year, was invited to participate in a 5-days national ASDPII prioritization workshop whereby we worked closely with the Ministry officials and other key stakeholders to identify key areas of focus by the country. The documents from this exercise, have been shared with all the CG site-integration focal persons to share with their respective directors and teams for consideration when developing the draft proposals. It is expected that before final submissions, some of the NARS reps. will get an opportunity to provide input on the proposals which include Tanzania to ensure alignment."},{"index":3,"size":211,"text":"We are also currently striving to jointly develop and implement projects that have multiple commodities and disciplines. An example we plan to emulate is that of AFRICA RISING project which although is led by IITA, it has other implementing centres which include-ICRAF, CIAT, ICRISAT, IITA, ILRI, AVRDC, and CIMMYT respectively. These together with various national R4D partners in the country, are demonstrating a good example of collaboration and integration. AFRICA RISING project, is using a common set of research sites and staff from various centres are participating in the implementation the project. In the pipeline is the new CGIAR-FARA-African Development Bank's Africa-wide initiative on FEEDING AFRICA. This potential project known as Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), will implement the scaling up and out of the proven technologies from the CG-centres to about 20 African countries. Tanzania, is one of the focus countries for TAAT project which again will provide an opportunity for about 13 CG centres to work together and also partner with the governments and other agencies from the selected focus countries. On 11-15 April, IITA in collaboration with AfDB, will convene in Nigeria, a TAAT awareness regional consultative workshop which will be attended by several CGIAR centres, development partners, sub-regional organizations and several national stakeholders from various countries."},{"index":4,"size":163,"text":"Regarding the sharing of the CGIAR facilities, IITA -Tanzania office, already is hosting three CG centres-CIP, IRRI, and ILRI. AGRA although not a CG centre is hosted by IITA. ICRAF and Africa Rice centres are located in the neighbouring areas which also makes it easy for consultation and effective use of the CG facilities. Our site-integration process group will regularly communicate via emails and where possible organize meetings at least once every six months. Co-funding of these meetings will be explored and explored. Plans are also under way, to discuss the possibility of organizing a CG-NARS national awareness workshop aimed at popularizing to the new government, our best-bet technologies for scaling-up and out using the internally-sourced resources. Therefore, the workshop will strategically target the policy & decision makers, private sector and other key players for resource mobilization. The selected technologies for popularization should have been tested and proven for potential to reach and impact millions of beneficiaries in Tanzania Uganda Eldad Karamura (Bioversity)"},{"index":5,"size":213,"text":"The site integration process in Uganda is jointly chaired by Bioversity and CIP on a 2-year rotational basis, with Bioversity starting in 2016. A steering committee involving all the 8 CGIAR centres present in Uganda (Bioversity, CIAT, CIP, ICRAF, IFPRI, IITA, ILRI, and IWMI), was formed and held its first meeting on January 27, 2016. At that meeting the 1st Consultation Stakeholder meeting was fixed for 9 March 2016. All centres agreed to share the costs of the stakeholder consultation workshop. A second Steering Committee meeting was held on 11 February 2016, following which the chair and co-chair visited some key NARS stakeholders such NARO-Uganda DG and Makerere University. CIAT member consulted with the Uganda National Farmers' Federation, while the IWMI member consulted with teams in the Ministry of Finance. These consultation helped to collect secondary data and afforded us opportunities to interact with key stakeholders. The steering committee resolved that the first stakeholder workshop be co-hosted with the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) of Uganda in order to enhance ownership by national partners. The third Steering Committee meeting was held on February 29, 2016 and focused on the plans for the implementation of the Stakeholder Consultation workshop; drew up the program, agreed on the discussion issues and the details of workshop outputs."},{"index":6,"size":70,"text":"Other staff members from the CRP working in Uganda are email-looped into all communications regarding the CGIAR site integration process right from the start. We hold internal brief consultations to discuss issues on the structure and content of on meeting agendas and usually arrive at a common consensus. Minutes from these meetings are shared to all members of the steering committee through whom information is shared with respective centre teams."},{"index":7,"size":28,"text":"In addition we are collecting information from partners and stakeholders and we hope to build this information into sharable data about our site. Materials collected so far include:"},{"index":8,"size":5,"text":"-CGIAR major partners/collaborators in Uganda."},{"index":9,"size":8,"text":"-documents that highlight national development priorities in Uganda."},{"index":10,"size":5,"text":"-CGIAR research work in Uganda."},{"index":11,"size":114,"text":"-Individual project activities The CGIAR site integration committee has so far not reached a stage of discussing potential bilateral project or W1/2funded activities planned in Uganda for joint activities amongst CRPs. However, in our discussions, we noted that for several CRPs operational in Uganda, there are already several clusters of centres collaborating in one or more of the CRPs and sharing sites among themselves and with NARS. The Humidtropics Uganda action sites of Mukono-Wakiso and Kiboga-Kyankwanzi field sites seem to be common sites in which many CGIAR centres are currently working including ILRI, CIP, IITA, Bioversity, ICRAF and CIAT. Furthermore, it was noted that centres were already sharing laboratory facilities along with NARO-Uganda institutes."},{"index":12,"size":111,"text":"The workshop on March 9, 2016 will lay the foundation for a long term engagement between the CRPs and Ugandan partners and stakeholders. Our intention at this stage is not to come up with a complete work plan/site integration plan during the actual meeting but to really listen to and discuss with partners and stakeholders about the development priorities for Uganda; what the various stakeholders and partners are doing themselves to meet those priorities and goals; and exploring what the opportunities are for partnership, alignment and working together towards these goals. The outputs of the meeting will guide the development of our site integration plans while informing the CRP II process."}]},{"head":"Zambia","index":63,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Peter Setimela (CIMMYT)"},{"index":2,"size":130,"text":"The first step towards site integration was the establishment of a steering committee composed of representatives from CIMMYT, ILRI, WorldFish, HarvestPlus, CIAT, IITA, Bioversity, ICRAF, ICRISAT and CIP. The steering committee developed the agenda for the site integration consultation workshop which was held from the 9-10 February 2016 in Lusaka. The workshop brought together stakeholders from the CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, research agencies, academic institutions, donors, NGOs and the private sector. The consultative meeting came against the background of the launch of the Second Phase of the CRPs, focusing on integrated research agendas to more effectively contribute to the objectives and targets set by the Strategic and Results Framework of CGIAR and also to align the CRPs research agenda with national agricultural priorities in Zambia."},{"index":3,"size":491,"text":"From the workshop, the participants identified key elements that would lead to successful site integration, the key elements are summarised under the headings of: core values, administration and management, technical, communication and resource mobilisation in the workshop report. Furthermore participants identified key activities that would be required to bring about site integration and which areas they would like to proceed in partnership with the CGIAR and CRPs. The Zambian National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP) provided a basis for the discussions and is key in ensuring the alignment of the research and development priorities in the Zambia agricultural sector goals. The key issues identified for site integration included the following: The workshop also identified critical steps that will lead to the establishment and coordination structures to drive site integration in Zambia. including establishment of a centralized MLN Screening facility at KALRO-Naivasha (Kenya), in addition to breeding for MLN resistance, and MLN management, through extensive public-private partnerships.  Formulated and successfully led several multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary projects on maize R4D in India, while serving the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR); served as AMBIONET (Asian Maize Biotechnology Network) Team Leader for India (1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005), and initiated research for the first time on molecular breeding for maize improvement in India.  His main research interests include assessing the response of weed seedbanks to control options and promoting the uptake of improved weed, crop and natural resource management options by farmers  David has trained many postgraduate students and has contributed to authoring over 100 refereed journal articles and conference abstracts or proceedings. Vincenzo has had the opportunity to investigate many aspects related to food processing, human nutrition and medical science related to bioactive food compounds. He has worked on the design of functional foods containing dietary fiber, proteins and phytochemicals from different sources in collaboration with many food industries.  Vincenzo investigated chemical analytical and physiological aspects of the Maillard Reaction with the consequent formation of beneficial and detrimental bioactive products. He also developed an original research line connecting food science and phytochemicals, and their health effects, particularly inflammation and cancer.  Vincenzo has acted as a consulting expert for some of the main Italian and international food companies. He was coordinator of FP7 EU projects, COST action and strategic national cluster Italian projects, and was a partner in several EU projects since 1998 (FP4). He was president of the International Maillard Reaction Society up to 2012, and member of the advisory board of ILSI Europe as well as of the editorial board of leading food science journals.  Vencenzo guided 14 Ph.D. students, some of whom now occupy leading positions in academia and the food industry, and is presently supervising 18 Ph.D. students. Authored more than 250 papers published in peerreviewed international journals with 6000 citations and an h-index of 46. He is cited in the ISI Thompson list of the World's Highly Cited Scientists (www.highlycited.com). Food science with background in chemistry and biochemistry. "}]},{"head":"Staffing of Management","index":64,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":65,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":66,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":67,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Selected Recent Publications","index":68,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":124,"text":"Gorjanc, G., Jenko, J., Hearne, S.J., Hickey, J.M. ( 2016) Initiating maize pre-breeding programs using genomic selection to harness polygenic variation from landrace populations. BMC Genomics, 17, DOI:10.1186/s12864-015-2345-z Adebayo, M.A., Menkir, A., Blay, E., Gracen, V., Danquah, E., Hearne, S. (2014) Genetic analysis of drought tolerance in adapted × exotic crosses of maize inbred lines under managed stress conditions. Euphytica, 196: 261-270. Semagn, K., Babu, R., Hearne, S., Olsen, M. ( 2014) Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP): Overview of the technology and its application in crop improvement. Mol. Breeding, 33: 1-14. Swarts K., Li H., Alberto Romero Navarro J., An D., Romay M.C., Hearne S., Acharya C., Glaubitz J.C., Mitchell S., Elshire R.J., Buckler E.S., Bradbury P.J. ( 2014 "}]},{"head":"Expertise","index":69,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":390,"text":" Quantified genetic gains within the maize breeding pipeline in eastern and southern Africa, providing the baseline for measuring future success of the maize breeding pipeline through the addition of new tools and techniques.  Prioritized climate change research needs for maize systems in Eastern and Southern Africa and led efforts to incorporate heat stress tolerance into CIMMYT maize breeding programs. New hybrids which yield up to five times more than commercial varieties under heat stress are now available for commercialization.  Established remote sensing capacity within the national maize breeding program of Zimbabwe. Facilitating linkages between advanced research institutes and national research programs.  Identification of key drought tolerant donors for maize breeding. Through the systematic screening the best inbred lines within the CIMMYT and IITA breeding programs allowed the identification of the most donor tolerant lines. The publication and promotion of these results has resulted in these lines being widely incorporated into international and national breeding programs in sub-Saharan Africa, Mexico and Asia.  Published more than 40 research papers and book chapters on maize and rice, with over 900 citations. maize open-pollinated varieties and hybrids in sub-Saharan Africa. Eleven maize inbred lines have been released as CIMMYT Maize Lines (CMLs).  Coordinated the Affordable, Accessible, Asian (AAA) Drought Tolerant Maize Project, a partnership with national partners, Syngenta and other private seed partners for development and deployment of affordable drought tolerant maize hybrids. This effort has led to the identification of several hybrids which are on the verge of being commercialized.  Capacity building effort has led to the training of several maize researchers and technicians in maize breeding, experimental design and informatics. Formal capacity building effort has led to the supervision of 9 Master's and 5 Ph.D. students through various Universities.  Contributions to maize research information management has led to the development of software used by many maize breeders at CIMMYT, public institutions and private seed companies.  Research findings are published in over 25 refereed journal articles and as two practical manuals.  Lead the formation of the International Maize Improvement Consortium for Asia -a consortium of over 40 seed companies formed in an effort to better engage the private seed industry of Asia to enable a focused development and deployment of high-yielding and stress tolerant maize hybrids for markets in South and South-East Asia. "}]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":70,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":71,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"P.H. ZAIDI CoA 3.4 Co-leader","index":72,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":359,"text":"Time commitment: 30% Expertise  As Senior Maize Physiologist at CIMMYT-Asia, leading a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional, including both public and private sector, projects on development and deployment of abiotic stress resilient maize suitable for Asian tropics.  As project leader further strengthened the collaborative research activities of CIMMYT-Asia with Asian NARS, both public and private sector partners, including a strong abiotic stress breeding and phenotyping network in the region.  Developed/fine-tuned screening methods and phenotyping protocols for major abiotic stresses, including drought, water-logging and heat stress. Published harmonized field phenotyping protocols for precision phenotyping of key abiotic stresses in tropics.  Developed and shared new generation of stress-resilient maize germplasm, including multi-parent populations, inbred lines, released stress-resilient elite traits donor as CIMMYT Maize Lines (CML), including CML 562 -CML 565, and developed new elite stress-resilient hybrids that area licensed to partners in the Asian region for deployment and scale-out. Development Project (GGDP) from 1987 to 1992 a QPM laboratory for the screening of maize genotypes for high lysine content was established in Ghana and used to develop the QPM variety, Obatanpa GH which was released, and widely adopted in Ghana, Benin, Togo, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Chad, Guinea, Uganda, Malawi, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, and Ethiopia.  Through his maize breeding program at IITA since 1992, several Striga-resistant and drought-tolerant early and extra-early populations have been developed and are serving as valuable sources of varieties and inbred lines for breeders of the sub-region. Over the years, many early and extra-early Striga, drought and low soil nitrogen-tolerant varieties and, more recently, hybrids have been developed in his program, formally released, and widely adopted by farmers in the sub-region.  Baffour has also conducted research to improve maize selection and evaluation procedures including breeding for resistance to multiple stresses, identification of indirect selection criteria, and grouping of evaluation sites into mega-environments using GGE biplot analysis of genotype × trait interaction and factor analysis of repeatability estimates.  His most recent achievement includes the development of Striga-resistant and low soil nitrogen-tolerant extra-early varieties and hybrids with genes for tolerance to drought at the flowering and grain-filling periods."}]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":73,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"He led a group of scientists to develop a heterotic grouping method, designated HGCMAT. "}]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":74,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Expertise","index":75,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":471,"text":" Leader of the IMIC-LA platform for the regional maize seed industry, public sector researchers, and CIMMYT for improving smallholder maize productivity through improvement and dissemination of high yielding, stresstolerant, and nutritionally-enhanced hybrids for the Latin American tropics/subtropics, especially in Mexico under the MasAgro Project.  Established an overall product and marketing strategy for the Africa region, working closely with the business units and leveraging market and economic data for increased efficiency in addressing market needs, while aligning with the ACEA and Africa regional leadership teams on risk and opportunity assessments, resource allocation and decision-making processes.  Defined the strategies and tactics of the Corn & Sorghum Seed Business, aligned with the Strategic intent of Syngenta in order to reach a significant presence within the corn & sorghum seed market in Mexico creating better and complete offers plus solutions for the grower. Establish the strategic plans of the corn & sorghum seed business in Mexico to deliver profitable growth…  Developed an integrated Latin America North supply plan that meets demand requirements within defined cost targets. Lead seed sales forecasting processes and analyze to match supply with demand. Coordinate, follow up and update the Production Plan for commercial seeds by crop, brand, and hybrid in order to cover the product requirements of customers as well as the general market.  Supplied planning and demand forecasting of Corn, Soybeans, Sorghum, Sunflower and Alfalfa sold in Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Responsible for the update, projection and report of the Supply and Demand Information. Development & implementation of a CRM & Sales Information System for dealer performance evaluation. He currently manages a portfolio of applied and multidisciplinary research efforts in tropical maize, wheat, and rice systems agronomy, farming systems analysis, scale-appropriate farm machinery, and the integration of environmental and development goals in agricultural production.  Timothy's research in South Asia has actively involved hundreds farmers the implementation and management their own adaptive experimental trials and farming system analyses.  Prior to CIMMYT, Timothy was affiliated with AfricaRice and partnered with the FAO to conduct on-farm, participatory action research on water saving rice cropping systems, and detailed studies of nutrient balances and water productivity, as well as crop-weed competition under water saving irrigation.  Timothy has conducted research and has consulting experience in Senegal, India, Madagascar, Bangladesh, Haiti, Ethiopia, and Kenya. He has authored of 21 peer-reviewed papers, one book, and several technical reports and invited presentations, in addition to the development of a number of award winning extension materials including seven farmer-to-farmer educational videos now translated into six languages with documented viewership of over 110,000 farmers and millions of television viewers in South Asia.  In collaboration with partners, his science into scaling efforts have resulted in over 41,000 farmers utilizing resource conserving and resilient crop management practices on 17,000 hectares in South Asia. "}]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":76,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Employment including current position","index":77,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Open Access and Open Data Management","index":78,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":55,"text":"Open Access and Open Data planning, according to the CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy (\"CG OADMP\"), is driven by the target date for implementing Policy mandates by the end of 2018. By then, full Open Access and Open Data should be a reality (CG OADMP has been effective as of October 2, 2013)."}]},{"head":"Key challenges are:","index":79,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":" Culture change: Since scientists are compelled by the CG OADMP to make their information products immediately, irrevocably, unrestrictedly and freely accessible online, they may face a challenge on how adapting to the current and future requirements. This challenge is also closely related to the following.  Availability and commitment of resources for implementing Open Access and Open Data."},{"index":2,"size":1,"text":"Adequate "}]},{"head":" Formats","index":80,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":76,"text":"Currently most of the information products are natively created in digital formats, so that these can be immediately stored in proper repositories for \"into perpetuity\" archiving. Nevertheless, MAIZE will make a special effort to transform relevant legacy information products into digital formats, as a way to preserve institutional knowledge. Moreover, MAIZE will do its best to archive its information products in commonly used and highly compatible digital file formats, such as PDF, CSV, JPG, MP4, etc."}]},{"head":"Storage and preservation of information products","index":81,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":70,"text":"Currently MAIZE uses the following state-of-the-art digital repositories: o CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository o CIMMYT Institutional Research Data and Software Repository These repositories ensure not only preservation and backup but openness of research outputs via FAIR principles as well. Since the partner center/institutions may not have such repositories in place, it will be necessary to implement similar ones for preserving FAIR principles CRP-wide as well as the center's independence."}]},{"head":" Licensing","index":82,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"CIMMYT already has different licenses for all its publicly available information products. Those licenses have been approved by its Legal Unit and are shown to the users of the repositories before they can download any information product. Since the partner center has not fully implemented a licensing system, it will be necessary to cover all information products coherently CRP-wide."},{"index":2,"size":51,"text":" Procedures, workflows and embargo periods All procedures, workflows and embargo periods regarding information products must observe the regulations given in the CG OADMP. CRP MAIZE will review procedures, workflows and embargo period(s) currently in place at both centers and will adapt them to comply with the CG OADMP if necessary."}]},{"head":"Technical considerations","index":83,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":96,"text":"Information products stored in the repositories cited in the DMP can be found by search engines, and their contents indexed via standard protocols. Those state-of-the-art repositories provide syntactic and semantic interoperability by means of widely used international standards such as OAI-PMH, Agrovoc and Dublin Core; they are hosted in first-class cloud servers so the content is properly backed-up and archived \"into perpetuity\". The partner center has not implemented such kinds of interoperable repositories, so this should be one of the priority actions to be taken. The repositories currently used in MAIZE are summarized below (Table 3.9). "}]},{"head":"Coordination and decision-making","index":84,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":64,"text":"The CIMMYT Knowledge Management, Data Management, Geographic Information Systems and Intellectual Property working group, which holds periodic meetings regarding Open Access and Open Data Management activities, should be extended to include relevant equivalent staff from the partner center, as well as the CRP Program Manager and other relevant staff, in order to jointly define workflows, procedures and governance recommendations that should be followed CRP-wide."},{"index":2,"size":71,"text":"Narrative for required resources (e.g., human and financial) Besides existing resources (material and human), Table 3.10 shows additional resources forecasted for MAIZE OA/OD activities (see Uplift budget). 3.11 shows estimates for MAIZE publishing fees in Open Access, based on the assumption that all articles published in 2015 have been published as Gold Open Access. A 15% annual increase is added to compensate for increments both in scientific production and publishers' prices. "}]},{"head":"Explanatory note for the above tables","index":85,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"The \"total average estimated extra cost per year\" in Table 3.10 is the result of dividing by 6 (2017 to 2022) the \"total estimated extra cost for 2017-2022 for MAIZE\" (2,993,172 / 6 = 498,862)."},{"index":2,"size":10,"text":"The numbers shown in Table 3.11 were calculated as follows:"},{"index":3,"size":23,"text":"1. The cost for year 2015 is the hypothetical cost of having published all 2015 CIMMYT CRP MAIZE publications in Gold Open Access."}]},{"head":"Intellectual Asset Management","index":86,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"I. Relevance of Intellectual Asset (IA) management for CRPs","index":87,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":102,"text":"All MAIZE participants (the Lead and the Participating Center(s), as well as other partners, to the extent that they are able to align) will treat research results and products developed under MAIZE according to appropriate implementation of CGIAR Principles for the Management of Intellectual Assets and the CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy, as described below. Assist in implementing methods and tools such as legal documents and legal language to be incorporated into documents used in the project lifecycle. End of the project Administrative closeout, ensure sharing of information and/or materials, closing out contracts and tracking finalization of any confidentiality clauses."},{"index":2,"size":153,"text":"2. Accountability for the appropriate implementation of CGIAR principles will be handled as follows: a. Participating centers are also CG centers and, therefore, their policies and procedures should be consistent with those of the CGIAR; additionally, the Lead Center will ensure this approach by contractual obligation and the right to audit the Participating Center; b. The Lead Center will encourage compliance by non-CGIAR partners, to the extent possible, for example, through subgrant contractual obligations. c. The Lead Center will create appropriate stewardship issues so not to expose third parties to not be in compliance with IA principles. It is the exception, rather than the rule, that a new language will be needed. For example, in germplasm, CIMMYT does not disclose confidential pedigree information. Additionally, in data and information product management, CIMMYT repositories and management plans will be applicable to results generated by partners and, to the extent possible, CIMMYT will lead such management."},{"index":3,"size":27,"text":"3. Implementation is subject to available budget; capacity building for incorporating CGIAR policies into project planning and implementation will be developed and provided through guidelines, training, etc. "}]},{"head":"Targeted abiotic and biotic stresses under MAIZE FP3","index":88,"paragraphs":[]}],"figures":[{"text":"Figure 3 . 1 Figure 3 Figure 3.1 Aspirations of rural youth, 2015 data from 23 communities "},{"text":" a) Resource mobilization to drive the site integration process b) Development of coordination structures to provide strategic direction for site integration c) Shared vision among CGIAR Centers and national partners d) Capacity development of national partners and research infrastructure e) Collaboration mechanisms f) Alignment of CGIAR research activities to national priorities g) Identification of research priorities, effective delivery and scaling-out h) Impactful development initiatives to ensure improved production, food and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Zambia. i) Coordinated and harmonized communications strategy encompassing learning hubs to share lessons. "},{"text":" As Director of Global Maize Program of CIMMYT, leading a multi-disciplinary team of 45+ scientists located in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia, since March 2010; Technical oversight for CIMMYT and Chair/Member of Steering Committees for more than 10 bilateral projects, including DTMA/STMA, IMAS, WEMA, DH-Africa, HTMA, AAA, MasAgro-Maize, etc.  Established the state-of-the-art maize doubled haploid (DH) facility at Kiboko (Kenya), in partnership with Kenya Agriculture & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) in 2013; the facility offers maize DH line development service to the breeding programs of CIMMYT, IITA, NARES and SMEs in Africa.  Since 2012, effectively coordinated the rapid response to the Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) in eastern Africa, "},{"text":"Employment 2011 to present: Senior scientist, molecular geneticist and pre-breeder at CIMMYT, Mexico.  2008 to 2011: Scientist at; IITA Ibadan & IITA, Nairobi. Plant Molecular Geneticist/Physiologist  2005 to 2008: Scientist at; IITA, Nairobi. Plant Molecular Geneticist/Physiologist.  2001 to 2003: Postdoctoral Fellow at CIMMYT Mexico. Molecular Geneticist / Physiologist. Education Ph.D. 2001, The University of Sheffield, UK.  B.Sc. (Hons) 1997 Applied Plant Science. First class. The University of Manchester, UK. "},{"text":" ) Novel methods to optimize genotypic imputation for lowcoverage, next-generation sequence data in crop plants. Plant Genome, 7(3). Mir, C., Zerjal, T., Combes, V., Dumas, F., Madur, D., Bedoya, C., Dreisigacker, S., Franco, J., Grudloyma, P., Hao, P.X., Hearne, S., Jampatong, C., Laloë, D., Muthamia, Z., Nguyen, T., Prasanna, B.M., Taba, S., Xie, C.X., Yunus, M., Zhang, S., Warburton, M.L., Charcosset, A. (2013) Out of America: Tracing the genetic footprints of the global diffusion of maize. TAG, 126: 2671-2682. Muchero, W., Diop, N.N., Bhat, P.R., Fenton, R.D., Wanamaker, S., Pottorff, M., Hearne, S., Cisse, N., Fatokun, C., Ehlers, J.D., Roberts, P.A., Close, T.J. (2009) A consensus genetic map of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.] and synteny based on EST-derived SNPs. PNAS, 106 (43): 18159-18164. "},{"text":" 02/2013 to date: Senior scientist, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT, Zimbabwe.  07/2009 to 01/2013: Scientist, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT  03/2006 to 06/2009: International Research Fellow, IRRI  06/2003 to 02/2006: Postdoctoral Fellow, IRRI. Contributions to maize germplasm improvement figure in the release and commercialization of numerous "},{"text":" 01/2015 to date: Maize Breeder and Principal Scientist, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT; Leader for MAIZE FP3 CoA 3.1 (Asia)  9/1997 to 12/2014: Various scientist positions at CIMMYT Education  Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 1997Selected PublicationsWegary D, Vivek BS, LabuschagneMT (2014). Combining Ability of Certain Agronomic Traits in Quality Protein Maize under Stress and Nonstress Environments in Eastern and Southern Africa. Crop Science 54(3):1004-1014. Lobell DB, Banziger M, Magorokosho C, Vivek B (2011) Nonlinear heat effects on African maize as evidenced by historical yield trials. Nature Climate Change 1:42-45 Wegary D, Labuschagne M, Vivek BS (2011) Effect of Low Soil Nitrogen Fertility on Protein Quality and Endosperm Modification of Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.). Field Crops Res 121:408-415 Vivek BS, Krivanek AF, Palacios-Rojas N, Twumasi-Afriyie S, Diallo AO (2008) Breeding Quality Protein Maize (QPM): Protocols for Developing QPM Cultivars. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT Vivek BS, Kasango J, Chisoro S, Magorokosho C (2007) Fieldbook: Software For Managing A Maize Breeding Program: A Cookbook For Handling Field Experiments, Data, Stocks and Pedigree Information CIMMYT Leading strategies to control emerging and remerging diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, such as maize lethal necrosis, banana bunchy top, cassava viruses, and also facilitating phytosanitary strategy of genebanks, advocacy on strengthening phytosanitary capacity and prevention of disease spread through germplasm.  Part of the MAIZE team; and involved in the characterization of maize germplasm for maize streak virus resistance, phenotyping breeding lines and understanding genetics and molecular mechanisms of resistance. I am also Cluster leader on Banana virus (RTB) and coordinating GH theme in the Genebank Platform.  Led, several multidisciplinary and multi-country projects. For example plant health component of seed yam of YIIFSWA project funded by the BMGF, which contributed to establishment of clean planting materials of popular landraces, disease mapping and epidemiology, development of QMP and certification system, capacity development in yam virus diagnostics and seed health management.  Initiated BBTV Alliance in 2009 (www.bbtvalliance.org) as a continent wide strategy to combat bunchy top disease spread in Africa. Developed sensitive and robust diagnostic tools for the detection of emerging pathogens including Maize chlorotic mottle virus responsible for MLN.  Authored/co-authored more than 80 peer reviewed journal articles, 10 book chapters and edited books/proceedings. Also co-supervised 6 PhD students, and organized nearly 20 training courses on virus disease diagnosis and control. Employment including current position  01/08/10 to present: Head, Germplasm Health Unit / Virologist: IITA, Nigeria  01/08/07 to 31/07/10: Virologist (West & Central Africa): IITA, Nigeria  01/01/05 to 30/05/07: Scientist -Virology: ICRISAT, India  31/12/04 to 01/09/99: Special Project Scientist (Virology): ICRISAT, IndiaEducation PhD Virology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, 2000  MSc Virology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, 1995 Selected Recent Peer-reviewed publications Mahuku, G., Lockhart, B.E.L., Wanjala, B., Jones, M.W., Kimunye, N.J., Stewart, L.R., Cassone, B.J., Sevgan, S., Nyasani, J.O., Kusia, E., Kumar, P.L., Niblett, C.L., Kiggundu, A., Asea, A., Pappu, H.R., Wangai, A., Prasanna, B.M., and Redinbaugh, M.G. 2015. Maize lethal necrosis, an emerging threat to maize-based food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Phytopathology 105: 956-965. Sudha Nair, K., Babu, R., Magorokosho, C., Mahuku, G., Semagn, K., Beyene, Y., Das, B., Makumbi, D., Kumar, P.L., Olsen, M., and Prasanna, B.M. 2015. Fine mapping of Msv1, a major QTL for resistance to Maize streak virus leads to development of production markers for breeding pipelines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 1839 -1854. Lukanda, M., Owati, A., Ogunsanya, P., Valimunzigha, K., Katsonga, K., Ndemere, H. and Kumar P.L. 2014. First Report of Maize chlorotic mottle virus Infecting Maize in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Plant Disease 98 (10): 1448 Kumar, P.L., Selvarajan, R., Iskra-Caruana, M-L., Chabannes, M. and Hanna, R. 2015. Biology, etiology and control of virus diseases of banana and plantain. Advances in Virus Research 91: 229-269. Silva, G., Bömer, M., Nkere, C., Kumar, P.L. and Seal, S.E. 2015. Rapid and specific detection of Yam mosaic virus by reverse-transcription recombinase polymerase amplification. Journal of Virological Methods 222: 138-144. "},{"text":" As the leader of the Ghana National Maize Program and Joint Coordinator of the Ghana-CIDA Grains "},{"text":"Education 2007 to date: Maize Breeder, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria  1992-2006: Coordinator of WECAMAN, and Maize Breeder, IITA  1986-1992: Leader of the National Maize Program of Ghana and Joint Coordinator of the Ghana-CIDa Grains Development Project MSc in Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada  Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. Selected Publications Badu-Apraku, B., M.A.B. Fakorede , M. Oyekunle, G.C. Yallou, K. Obeng-Antwi, A. Haruna, I.S. Usman and R.O. Akinwale. 2015. Gains in grain yield of early maize cultivars developed during three breeding eras under multiple environments. Crop Sci. 55:527-539. Do:10.2135/cropsci 2013.11.0783. Badu-Apraku, B., M.A.B. Fakorede, M. Gedil, A.O. Talabi, B. Annor, M. Oyekunle, R.O. Akinwale, T. Y. Fasanmade, M. Aderounmu.. 2015. Heterotic responses among crosses of IITA and CIMMYT early white maize inbred lines under multiple stress environments. Euphytica (DOI 10.1007/s10681-015-1506-0). Badu-Apraku, B., M.A.B. Fakorede, M. Oyekunle, R.O. Akinwale. 2015. Genetic gains in grain yield under nitrogen stress following three decades of breeding for drought tolerance and Striga resistance in early maturing maize. Journal of Agric. Sci. (doi:10.1017/S0021859615000593). Badu-Apraku, B. and Fakorede, M. Breeding early and extra-early maize for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in sub-Saharan Africa, Plant Breeding Reviews, volume 37, pages 115-199, chapter 3, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2013. Badu-Apraku, B., M.A. B. Fakorede, Menkir and Sanogo. 2012. Conduct and Management of maize field trials. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 59 pp. ISBN978-978-8444-02-2. "},{"text":" CIMMYT: Scientist (August 2014 -Present)  CIMMYT: Associate Scientist (June 2013 -July 2014)  CIMMYT: Post Doctorial Fellow (July 2011 -April 2013) "},{"text":"Education Ph.D. Rural Development, University of Reading, UK (1982)  M.Sc. Farm Management, University of Reading, UK (1976)  M.A Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin, USA (1976) Selected Recent Publications Baudron F., David Kahan (2015) Re-examining appropriate mechanization in Eastern and Southern Africa: twowheel tractors, conservation agriculture and private sector involvement, Food Security. Kahan D. et.al. Agricultural mechanization and small scale agriculture: case study evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa (recently submitted). Kahan D. et al. (2016) Business models for scaling-up 2WT technologies among smallholder farmers: theoretical underpinnings and empirical observations (recently submitted). Kahan D. 2013. Market-oriented advisory services in Asia -a review and lessons learned. FAO, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. FAO. 2014. The State of Food and Agriculture: Innovation in family farming (led the writing team). Kahan D. 2007. Business services in support of farm enterprise development. AGS Occasional Paper, 16, FAO. "},{"text":" MAIZE describes priority investments on gender and social inclusion in Section 1.4 and Annex 3.4. MAIZE invests around 15% of its total resources each year in gender research and gender mainstreaming.  MAIZE describes priority investments under Capacity development in Section 1.10 and Annex 3.3.  See also relevant sections on gender and capacity development in the narrative of each of the MAIZE Flagships. No Item to address Relevant Summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed NoItem to addressRelevantSummary of how the matters has been adequately addressed CRP(s) CRP(s) 23 Enhanced focus on gender and capacity building All  23Enhanced focus on gender and capacity buildingAll "},{"text":"Table 3 . 2 : MAIZE (co)-funding approaches and modalities. Funding source Funding source "},{"text":" -22 nd June.  2012, Dublin II meeting on the CGIAR and CAADP in Dublin 17 th to 20 th June.  2012, BISA Work Planning Meeting in Delhi, 15 th to 19 th September.  2012, GCARD2 Meeting in Uruguay 27 th October to 1 st November.  2013, Consortium Office and ISPC Intermediate Development Outcomes (IDO) meeting in Cali, Columbia, 23 rd to 26 th March.  2013, FARA Science Week, in Accra, Ghana, 15 th to 18 th July.  2013, CGIAR ISPC 8th Meeting, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8 th to 13 th September.  2013, Innovation Transfer into Agriculture / Adaption to Climate Change (ITAACC) and Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development (BEAF) , Feldafing, Germany, 18 th to 22 nd November.  2013-14: MAIZE Partner Priorities Survey, with 67 responses from 23 countries regarding priorities for IAR4D versus national research.  2014, KIT Innovation Systems Workshop, Amsterdam, Holland, 29 th September to 3 rd October.  2014, 12th Asian Maize Conference at Hanoi, Vietnam, 27 th to 29 th October.  2014, ASARECA multi-CRP coordination meetings (Nairobi, June, and Burundi, December).  2015, IITA-CIMMYT 'summit' on CGIAR Maize research, 16 th of February.  2015, CRP Leaders meeting in Montpellier, 1 st to 5 th June.  2015, High Level Policy Dialogue on Investment in Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, at Bangkok on 8 th and 9 th December.  2015, Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) Workshop, Wageningen, 11 th to 13 th December.  2015, MAIZE & WHEAT Sustainable Intensification write-shop with CRPs HT, DS 15 th to 17 th December.  2016 Selected R&D partners participate in Full Proposal development.  (Feb.): Online partner feedback to Full Proposal.  (Apr.): Participation GCARD3 Conference. "},{"text":"Table 3 . 3 below outlines the proposed performance indicators for capacity building. "},{"text":"Table 3 . 3 : Proposed performance indicators for capacity building. Strategic priority Proposed performance indicators Strategic priorityProposed performance indicators Improving MAIZE science  Amount of funding for fellowship programs Improving MAIZE science Amount of funding for fellowship programs capacity  Number of fellowships provided (disaggregated by level, gender, capacity Number of fellowships provided (disaggregated by level, gender, department) department)  Number of participants from NARS and research partner  Number of participants from NARS and research partner organizations attending organizations attending  Number of knowledge products generated using innovative  Number of knowledge products generated using innovative research approaches and research process management tools and research approaches and research process management tools and practices practices  Increase in the number of peer-reviewed publications led by  Increase in the number of peer-reviewed publications led by NARS students and faculty NARS students and faculty  Availability of funding from CRPs for institutional strengthening  Availability of funding from CRPs for institutional strengthening Enhancing gender in research  Funding made available for design/review of gender-sensitive Enhancing gender in research Funding made available for design/review of gender-sensitive design and impact pathways approaches in partner projects /programs/policies (disaggregated design and impact pathwaysapproaches in partner projects /programs/policies (disaggregated by type of organization) by type of organization)  Number of new policies that support gender-transformative  Number of new policies that support gender-transformative measures (disaggregated by country) measures (disaggregated by country)  Number of CapDev activities in gender approaches/toolkits  Number of CapDev activities in gender approaches/toolkits initiated (disaggregated by type) initiated (disaggregated by type) Improving research-based  Number of knowledge products generated using innovative Improving research-based Number of knowledge products generated using innovative management, governance, research approaches and research process management tools and management, governance,research approaches and research process management tools and learning and knowledge practices learning and knowledgepractices sharing  Increase in engagement activities between NARS and brokers and sharing Increase in engagement activities between NARS and brokers and end users of research (identifying research needs and subjects; end users of research (identifying research needs and subjects; sharing research results) sharing research results)  Proportion of learning materials using media formats accessible  Proportion of learning materials using media formats accessible to the intended audience to the intended audience  Efficiency of MAIZE internal processes; e.g., percentage of tools,  Efficiency of MAIZE internal processes; e.g., percentage of tools, guidelines developed and used guidelines developed and used  Number of best practices identified, documented and packaged  Number of best practices identified, documented and packaged  Increase in learning and MAIZE intellectual assets  Increase in learning and MAIZE intellectual assets Strengthening capacity in  Number of collaborations (e.g., joint research, training/workshops Strengthening capacity in Number of collaborations (e.g., joint research, training/workshops technology dissemination and conducted jointly, shared funding arrangements, common technology dissemination andconducted jointly, shared funding arrangements, common "},{"text":"Gender Strategy Knowledge of gender in maize-based agri-food systems gained in Phase-I and informing Phase-II Until 2011, the integration of gender and social equity in MAIZE's socioeconomic research was not an institutional priority. It was based on individual interpretations and interests and tended to be donordriven. Since then, structured, strategic work to create an effective learning research institution able to support, assimilate and mainstream researcher-driven learning on gender in wheat and maize systems has been an important focus. Work to date includes Gender Audits in MAIZE and WHEAT (2013), a Gender Capacity and Awareness Building Program to strengthen scientist research skills in gender(Wong et al. 2015); a Research Management Framework; developing gender inIDO and Flagship Projects (2014-2015); developing gender-responsive Key Performance Indicators; gender budget tracking (DAC); and a Gender Policy (2015 draft). This work has contributed towards a dramatic upsurge in projects integrating gender, from 4 projects in 2012 to 20 in 2014 and 18 in 2015. CRP MAIZE leadership is demonstrating strong support by ensuring gender is addressed at meetings, TOC workshops, reviews, etc. "},{"text":" GENNOVATEMAIZE is a leading actor in GENNOVATE (https://gender.cgiar.org/collaborative-research/gennovate/), a cross-CRP comparative research initiative examining how gender norms and agency influence the ability of men, women and youth to learn about, try out, adopt and adapt new agricultural technologies. In MAIZE, 27 case studies are being prepared in Mexico, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Nepal. Phase-II will develop journal papers and other user-orientated data. The findings will provide evidence for contextually grounded systems approaches and actions. This is essential for the design and roll-out of equitable and efficient maize agri-food systems innovations. GENNOVATE will contribute to MAIZE's strategic planning of Phase-II and beyond by: (1) enhancing the gender-responsiveness of targeting, priority setting and theories of change; (2) advancing gender-transformative outcomes of maize research and development interventions at scale; (3) building the evidence base and actions to address the role of gender norms in the adoption of improved maize technologies and related development. Work will continue on mainstreaming gender in the MAIZE Research Management Framework (RMF). Work will continue on mainstreaming gender in the MAIZE Research Management Framework (RMF). Recommendations from the Phase 1 Gender Audit include: (i) deepening the mainstreaming of gender in Recommendations from the Phase 1 Gender Audit include: (i) deepening the mainstreaming of gender in institutional and programmatic frameworks and procedures; (ii) refining and consolidating mechanisms institutional and programmatic frameworks and procedures; (ii) refining and consolidating mechanisms to support integration of gender in research project design, budgeting and M&E; and (iii) implementing to support integration of gender in research project design, budgeting and M&E; and (iii) implementing the Gender Equality Competency Framework and the Gender Capacity and Awareness Building Program the Gender Equality Competency Framework and the Gender Capacity and Awareness Building Program to support the development of required staff gender equality competencies by level and area of work. to support the development of required staff gender equality competencies by level and area of work. Priority areas for gender research encompass: (i) technology development, including on trait Priority areas for gender research encompass: (i) technology development, including on trait preferences, e.g., related to labor-or input-saving, risk reduction, and nutrition and processing qualities; preferences, e.g., related to labor-or input-saving, risk reduction, and nutrition and processing qualities; "},{"text":" Work will be conducted with National Association of Smallholder Farmers in Malawi (NASFAM) farmer groups. Other partners (the government, the private sector, civil society, research) will be involved to create a learning community of practice. Under the MAIZE Research Management Framework (RMF), funded projects prepare a detailed work plan. Activities planned are assigned to a specific individual in the Research Management System (RMS). This person provides progress updates at task and summary task levels. Reports are then aggregated up to project level and thence to Cluster of Activity, Flagship Project, and CRP levels. Physical progress reported to the RMS is integrated with financial management reporting. This allows financial and physical issues arising during implementation to be assessed with projects recalibrated as necessary. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are registered at the RMS level. Sex-disaggregated KPIs include the number of: (i) maize lines with characteristics valued by women Sex-disaggregated KPIs include the number of: (i) maize lines with characteristics valued by women farmers; (ii) technologies evaluated with explicit relevance for women farmers; (iii) trials conducted with farmers; (ii) technologies evaluated with explicit relevance for women farmers; (iii) trials conducted with women farmers; (iv) demonstrations conducted with women farmers; (v) technologies demonstrated women farmers; (iv) demonstrations conducted with women farmers; (v) technologies demonstrated with explicit relevance for women farmers; and (vi) surveys with sex-disaggregated data. Adoption with explicit relevance for women farmers; and (vi) surveys with sex-disaggregated data. Adoption studies and impact assessments (especially under CoA 1.2) investigate uptake of CRP MAIZE studies and impact assessments (especially under CoA 1.2) investigate uptake of CRP MAIZE technologies. technologies. "},{"text":"Aspirations of rural youth (frequency) 43 FGs (21 with men and 22 with women) 43 FGs (21 with men and 22 with women) Young women Young women Young men Young men Agri entrepreneurship Non-agri entrepreneurship Agri entrepreneurshipNon-agri entrepreneurship "},{"text":"Entrepreneurship by gender (frequency) What types of institutional arrangements and business models can enhance the ability of poor youth FP Potential research questions FPPotential research questions FP1  What are the structural opportunities and constraints for young men and women to engage in MAIZE FP1  What are the structural opportunities and constraints for young men and women to engage in MAIZE AFS? AFS?  What are the implications of this structuring for consequent patterns of young men and women's  What are the implications of this structuring for consequent patterns of young men and women's engagement with MAIZE AFS and how might particular institutional arrangements, policy options, engagement with MAIZE AFS and how might particular institutional arrangements, policy options, programs, technological support or capacity building and training affect or modify these outcomes? programs, technological support or capacity building and training affect or modify these outcomes?  Are young men and women's voices being heard, and what are the best ways to enhance their  Are young men and women's voices being heard, and what are the best ways to enhance their contribution in policy dialogues? contribution in policy dialogues? FP3  How can youth's priorities be addressed in product development strategies? FP3  How can youth's priorities be addressed in product development strategies?  How can young people be included as co-designers of agricultural innovations?  How can young people be included as co-designers of agricultural innovations?  How can nutrition development interventions be more inclusive and specifically target women of  How can nutrition development interventions be more inclusive and specifically target women of reproductive age and young children? reproductive age and young children? FP4  FP4  43 FGs (21 with men and 22 with women) 43 FGs (21 with men and 22 with women) Young women Young women Young men Young men "},{"text":"Table 3 .4 Proposed rolling plan for CCEEs Impact Assessment "},{"text":"CRP Review / Evaluation/ Impact Evaluation Focus Main Evaluation Topic/Issue Description Budget Participating Centers Evaluation Manager Start End Focus Country Non- Focus Country Dates Geographic Focus DatesGeographic Focus MAIZE CCEE 2017 FP2 -Novel tool s a nd TBD TBD Joi nt eva l ua tion Ma x -300K CIMMYT, IITA, M. Guertin MAIZECCEE2017FP2 -Novel tool s a ndTBDTBDJoi nt eva l ua tionMa x -300K CIMMYT, IITA,M. Guertin di vers i ty wi th WHEAT ICARDA di vers i tywi th WHEATICARDA MAIZE CCEE 2018 FP3 -Stres s tol era nt rel eva nce, TBD TBD Ma x -300K CIMMYT, IITA M. Guertin MAIZECCEE2018FP3 -Stres s tol era ntrel eva nce,TBDTBDMa x -300K CIMMYT, IITAM. Guertin a nd nutri tious ma i ze effi ci ency, qua l i ty of a nd nutri tious ma i zeeffi ci ency, qua l i ty of MAIZE CCEE 2019 FP4 -Sus tai na bl e s ci ence, TBD TBD Joi nt eva l ua tion Ma x -300K CIMMYT, IITA, M. Guertin MAIZECCEE2019FP4 -Sus tai na bl es ci ence,TBDTBDJoi nt eva l ua tionMa x -300K CIMMYT, IITA,M. Guertin Intens i fi ca tion effectivenes s , wi th WHEAT ICARDA Intens i fi ca tioneffectivenes s ,wi th WHEATICARDA MAIZE CCEE 2020 FP1 -Enha nci ng R4D i mpa ct a nd TBD TBD Joi nt eva l ua tion Ma x -300K CIMMYT, IITA, M. Guertin MAIZECCEE2020FP1 -Enha nci ng R4Di mpa ct a ndTBDTBDJoi nt eva l ua tionMa x -300K CIMMYT, IITA,M. Guertin Stra tegy for Impa ct s us tai na bi l i ty wi th WHEAT ICARDA Stra tegy for Impa cts us tai na bi l i tywi th WHEATICARDA MAIZE CCEE 2021 FP5 -Addi ng va l ue TBD TBD Ma x -300K CIMMYT, IITA M. Guertin MAIZECCEE2021FP5 -Addi ng va l ueTBDTBDMa x -300K CIMMYT, IITAM. Guertin MAIZE Thema tic CCEE TBD Thema tic -TBD TBD TBD TBD Ba s ed on Ma x -300K CIMMYT, IITA M. Guertin MAIZEThema tic CCEETBDThema tic -TBDTBDTBDTBDBa s ed onMa x -300K CIMMYT, IITAM. Guertin Ma na gement Ma na gement "},{"text":"Table 3 . 5 : MAIZE Perspective on Site Integration in Phase-II Overview of Inter-CRP Collaboration: What MAIZE provides and receive is presented as Table 1.4 Template 2a: MAIZE partnerships with other CRPs and Platforms (activities, mode, geographies and outputs sought). Countries Phase-I and Extension Possible integration In Phase-II Lead center Topics/projects Integration under FP CountriesPhase-I and ExtensionPossible integration In Phase-IILead centerTopics/projectsIntegration under FP Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Cameroon Germplasm screening activity RTB, integration of CIRAD's research TBD (discussions among CRPs are ongoing) Access to improved maize germplasm FP3, FP4 CameroonGermplasm screening activityRTB, integration of CIRAD's researchTBD (discussions among CRPs are ongoing)Access to improved maize germplasmFP3, FP4 DRC Germplasm screening activity in the maize-growing provinces (through MAIZE) RTB TBD (discussions among CRPs are ongoing) Access to improved maize germplasm FP3 DRCGermplasm screening activity in the maize-growing provinces (through MAIZE)RTBTBD (discussions among CRPs are ongoing)Access to improved maize germplasmFP3 Adoption of improved maize Adoption of improved maize Ethiopia Large portfolio of projects from several CRPs with a significant contribution from MAIZE MAIZE, WHEAT, FTA, CCAFS, RTB, GLDC, Livestock, PIM, WLE MAIZE and/or CCAFS and/or Livestock varieties (see DTMA, NUME), research on crop, tree, livestock Sustainable intensification (TAMASA, SIMLESA, FACASI, Africa intervention and integrated RISING), improved targeting of SI FP1, FP3, FP4 FP5 EthiopiaLarge portfolio of projects from several CRPs with a significant contribution from MAIZEMAIZE, WHEAT, FTA, CCAFS, RTB, GLDC, Livestock, PIM, WLEMAIZE and/or CCAFS and/or Livestockvarieties (see DTMA, NUME), research on crop, tree, livestock Sustainable intensification (TAMASA, SIMLESA, FACASI, Africa intervention and integrated RISING), improved targeting of SIFP1, FP3, FP4 FP5 systems systems Many IITA-led Many IITA-led Ghana projects in relation to MAIZE, covering most Flagship Projects; includes Africa TBD TBD Access to improved maize germplasm and sustainable intensification FP1, FP3, FP4, FP5 Ghanaprojects in relation to MAIZE, covering most Flagship Projects; includes AfricaTBDTBDAccess to improved maize germplasm and sustainable intensificationFP1, FP3, FP4, FP5 RISING, N2Africa RISING, N2Africa Adoption of improved maize Adoption of improved maize varieties (see DTMA, NUME), varieties (see DTMA, NUME), Kenya Many CIMMYT and IITA led projects in Kenya under FP3, 4, 5 WLE, Livestock, FTA, RTB, CCAFS MAIZE, FTA Sustainable intensification targeting of SI intervention and (SIMLESA, FACASI), improved FP3, FP4, FP5 KenyaMany CIMMYT and IITA led projects in Kenya under FP3, 4, 5WLE, Livestock, FTA, RTB, CCAFSMAIZE, FTASustainable intensification targeting of SI intervention and (SIMLESA, FACASI), improvedFP3, FP4, FP5 integrated research on crop, tree, integrated research on crop, tree, livestock systems livestock systems "},{"text":"Target country (++ and + countries relevant to your CRP) Define steps taken so far (March 2016) to establish national level engagement with other CRPs towards site integration CRPs have established a CGIAR Advisory Committee. Through this venue all CGIAR centers plus AVRDC and IFDC meet with our NARS and Ministry officials twice a year. We have met twice in 2015 and will meet 2 times in 2016. All details for this integration as well as 4 CAC minutes are posted on the Bangladesh In Bangladesh, for over 3 years 7 CGIAR centers representing over 7 BangladeshIn Bangladesh, for over 3 years 7 CGIAR centers representing over 7 Craig Meisner (WorldFish) Craig Meisner (WorldFish) "},{"text":" For ICRAF as more most of research activities are covered by FTA, Scientists focussed their activities that are linked to CRP6.1, CRP6.2, CRP6.3, CRP6.4, and CRP6.5. Data collected from this research work were analysed and used for publications of scientific papers. With IITA, ICRAF and IRAD had also worked together for the implementation of Humid Tropics program.Overall, to date, the CRPS' joint initiative in Cameroon has created an approach involving several CGIAR centres (ICRAF, CIFOR, Bioversity), as well as other national partners (like IRAD-Cameroon's Institute of Agriculture for Development) to design partnership and identity research areas and priorities necessary for the development of the rural sector in Cameroon and other countries in the Congo Basin.When we meet on 16 March, we will identify research priorities and development a common program to address these.National consultation workshop for the integration of CGIAR centers took place in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo-DRC), February 19th, 2016. Nine CG centers (AfricaRice, CIAT, CIFOR, CIMMYT, CIP, ICRAF, IFPRI, IITA and ILRI,) operating directly or indirectly through partners participated at this workshop. The event brought together more than 60 public-private partners from DRC including the DRC civil society. CRP representatives, NARS, donors and government officials.It was indicated at the workshop that the second phase of CRP's (2017-2025) presents three innovations as compared to the first one: well-integrated portfolio, aligned with national priorities, and coordinated and transparent interaction with local stakeholders and partners. Thus, the national consultation workshop constituted the first step of the integration process and aimed to engage partnership, find synergies and learn about national priorities.The Ethiopia CGIAR country collaboration and site integration process is coordinated by a committee representing 11 CGIAR Centers (Bioversity, CIAT, CIFOR, CIMMYT, CIP, ICARDA, ICRAF, ICRISAT, IFPRI, ILRI and IWMI) that are based in Ethiopia plus 3 others (Africa Rice, IITA and IRRI) who have no offices in the country, 10 CRP focal points, (Climate Change, GLDC, Forest and Agro Forests, Livestock, Maize, Nutrition and Health, PIM, Rice, Roots Tubers & Bananas and WLS&E) and the Genebank platform. This is the larger group that receives all communications on this process and meets quarterly for those who are based here to coincide with the existing Heads of Institutes meetings. This committee also helps with data collection (eg. mapping of ongoing projects in Ethiopia and baselining on the 10 principles of site integration). Out of this we formed a smaller group of six(3 Centers and 3 CRPs) which meets more often to plan for meetings and the process in more detail with the help of ILRI Communications and Knowledge Management team which facilitates and helps capture the notes of meetings. We are in the process of activating a wiki for our communications. At strategic points of the planning process we have brought in the Agricultural Transformation Agency and the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research to help us better prepare for the national consultation process. Different CRPs/Flagships are conducting focused group consultations (January-March 2016) Conduct focused group discussion with a target group of stakeholders (women and youth groups, farmers DR Congo DR Congo Nzola M. Mahungu (IITA) Nzola M. Mahungu (IITA) Some key activities to date include: Some key activities to date include:  Creating a database of our major partners/collaborators  Creating a database of our major partners/collaborators  Mapping CGIAR Center and CRP work in Ethiopia (November 2015). Continuing to refine.  Mapping CGIAR Center and CRP work in Ethiopia (November 2015). Continuing to refine.  Engaging in partners' (ATA, RED&FS) national consultations on alignment to GTP II (November 2015 -January  Engaging in partners' (ATA, RED&FS) national consultations on alignment to GTP II (November 2015 -January 2016). 2016).  Conducting National Consultation Meeting (11 December 2015)  Conducting National Consultation Meeting (11 December 2015)   Next step: the R4D platform coordinated by IITA will have its first meeting on 11 March 2012, to discuss amongst Next step: the R4D platform coordinated by IITA will have its first meeting on 11 March 2012, to discuss amongst other issues: other issues: I. The role of the platform in DRC R4D agenda, its evolvement to a steering committee I.The role of the platform in DRC R4D agenda, its evolvement to a steering committee II. The mapping of CRPs present in DRC and refining/aligning CRP II to national priorities II.The mapping of CRPs present in DRC and refining/aligning CRP II to national priorities III. Explore possibilities of complementarities in sharing IITA and INERA infrastructures wherever feasible III.Explore possibilities of complementarities in sharing IITA and INERA infrastructures wherever feasible Ethiopia Ethiopia Siboniso Moyo (ILRI) Siboniso Moyo (ILRI) "},{"text":" Develop national Integrated data management systems (store, manage and share) data.• Integrate the 'soft' sciences and pay more attention to the impact of CG actions on gender, livelihoods, climate change, and environmental sustainability. • Provide holistic packages vs components to farmers. • Develop and adopt sound crop-livestock and small mechanization systems • Develop and adopt sound crop-livestock and small mechanization systems • Adopt farming system-nutrition-themed interventions • Adopt farming system-nutrition-themed interventions CGIAR integration in Kenya CGIAR integration in Kenya • Sharing facilities at common test sites (benchmark sites, common IPs, stress screening facilities etc.) • Sharing facilities at common test sites (benchmark sites, common IPs, stress screening facilities etc.) • Facilitate networking and continuity in research. • Facilitate networking and continuity in research. • Adopt collaborative research projects with Kenya NARs. Development of DH facility and implementation of DH technology for enhanced genetic improvement Trials under various CA and management regimes (G x E x M interaction) to identify suitable hybrids • • Adopt collaborative research projects with Kenya NARs. Development of DH facility and implementation of DH technology for enhanced genetic improvement Trials under various CA and management regimes (G x E x M interaction) to identify suitable hybrids • Kenya Opportunities for enhanced CGIAR -Kenya Partnership KenyaOpportunities for enhanced CGIAR -Kenya Partnership • Utilize a farming system approach in target areas • Utilize a farming system approach in target areas • Link agriculture, income, nutrition and climate change • Link agriculture, income, nutrition and climate change • Sustainable intensification and soil health • Sustainable intensification and soil health • BIG Data initiatives to support agriculture decision making • BIG Data initiatives to support agriculture decision making • Capacity strengthening at MSc, PhD and on the job training • Capacity strengthening at MSc, PhD and on the job training • Adopt agroforestry interventions for climate change adaptation and mitigation • Adopt agroforestry interventions for climate change adaptation and mitigation • Adopt crop-tree systems for better integration and soil fertility management • Adopt crop-tree systems for better integration and soil fertility management "},{"text":" approved by Government of Nepal on 14th August, 2015. Nicaragua Nicaragua Maya Rajasekharan (CIAT) Maya Rajasekharan (CIAT) "},{"text":"USA Selected Recent Peer-reviewed Publications Bola Crop Science [doi: 10.2135/cropsci2015.10.0653]. Gowda M, Das B, Makumbi D, Babu R, Semagn KF; Mahuku G, Olsen MS, Bright JM, Beyene Y, Prasanna BM (2015) Genome-wide association and genomic prediction of resistance to maize lethal necrosis disease in tropical maize germplasm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:1957-1968. Nair S, Babu R, Magorokosho C, Mahuku G, Semagn K, Beyene Y, Das B, Makumbi D, Kumar L, Olsen M, Prasanna BM (2015) Fine mapping of Msv1, a major QTL for resistance to Maize Streak Virus leads to development of production markers for breeding pipelines.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128: 839-1854. Since 2013 involved in the CRP's Management Committee.  Research has focused on R&D implications based on agricultural system and innovation analysis in developing countries, particularly in cereal based systems (maize, wheat, rice). Have been involved in evaluation and impact assessment of several projects mainly in West Africa. Research work covers a wide range of rural economic issues including seed systems, farm-level efficiency and also technology evaluation and transfer. More recent research focus on post-harvest losses, innovation systems and value chains and how these can help increase technology uptake by small farmers.  Led the socioeconomic component of Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (DTMA) project (CIMMYT-IITA) in West Africa since 2009.  Coordinator of the Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) project (Sub grant) aimed at promoting hermetic grain storage in West Africa.  Currently project leader for the PICS3 project working Nigeria and Ghana. This latest phase of the project has reached 1,500 villages in Nigeria and another 1000 villages in Ghana with hermetic storage technology focusing on maize.  Principal investigator of the Cassava Monitoring Survey (CMS) project aimed at documenting use of improved cassava varieties in Nigeria with the use of fingerprinting for identification. As Director of Genetic Resources Program of CIMMYT, Provide strategic and administrative leadership for a team of scientists to conserve, and to apply a wide range of genetic and bioinformatics tools to effectively use, genetic diversity of maize and wheat.  As Associate Professor of Agronomy at the University of Wisconsin: Teach undergraduate and graduate students in agronomy and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Lead the oat breeding program with emphasis on cultivar development while developing opportunities for graduate student research projects  As Associate Director & Maize Breeder, Maize Program, CIMMYT: develop the research agenda and strategies for CIMMYT Global Maize Program's Projects in Asia and Latin America, and on nutritionally enhanced maize.  Maize Crop Leader, HarvestPlus Challenge Program (June 2003-2012): Coordinate and lead efforts of a global network of scientists seeking to enhance nutritional value of maize, with particular attention to provitamins A. Lead a maize breeding program to develop maize with enhanced nutritional value for provitamin A and zinc.  Developed and provided disease resistant inbred lines currently used by private and public sector programs in Africa. Partnered with biotechnologist to investigate use of marker-assisted selection for MSV resistance. Led research guiding students to investigate inheritance and methodology for weevil resistance breeding in maize.  Published 50 research papers on genetics, breeding and nutrition in refereed international journals of repute.  Supervised as major advisor 6 PhD, 6 M.Sc (or M.Phil.) and 12 B.Sc. students in plant breeding. N. Palacios-Rojas, S.M. Kaeppler and R. Babu. 2014. Formation of heterotic groups and understanding genetic effects in a provitamin A biofortified maize breeding program. Crop Sci. 54:14-24. Kandianis, C.B., R. Stevens, W. Liu, N. Palacios, K. Montgomery, K. Pixley, W.S. White and T. Rocheford. 2013. Member of the Research Committee of a regional maize network for eight years and as an elected coordinator of the IITA multidisciplinary project on maize-grain legume production systems for three years  One of the principal investigators of 24 successful projects  Supervised/guided 15 PhD and 11 MSc students  Co-editor of 3 books and author or co-author of 137 journal articles, 20 edited book chapters, and 4 monographs  Received 2015 Crop Science of America Fellow and other awards for his contributions to maize improvement research and product delivery Olaf ERENSTEIN Tahirou ABDOULAYE Kevin PIXLEY Abebe MENKIR Bruno GERARD David CHIKOYE Olaf ERENSTEIN Tahirou ABDOULAYE Kevin PIXLEY Abebe MENKIR Bruno GERARD David CHIKOYE MAIZE-Management Committee Member & FP1 Co-leader FP1 Co-leader, CoA 1.4 and 5.4 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member & FP2 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member; FP2 & FP3 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member; FP4 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member; CoA 4.3 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member & FP1 Co-leader FP1 Co-leader, CoA 1.4 and 5.4 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member & FP2 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member; FP2 & FP3 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member; FP4 Co-leader MAIZE-Management Committee Member; CoA 4.3 Co-leader  03/2010 to date: Director, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT.  04/1991 to 03/2010: Served ICAR in various capacities, including as National Fellow & Leader of Maize Program, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India (01/2005 to 03/2010); Maize Geneticist & Faculty Member, Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India (04/1991 to 03/2010). Time commitment: 50% Expertise  Program director of a team of 30+ internationally recruited scientists located in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia. The team's research-for-development (R4D) aims to help prioritize, target, understand and enhance wheat and maize interventions for greatest impact and social inclusiveness.  Employment including current position  2013 -to date: Director Socio-economics Program, CIMMYT, Mexico (initially Ethiopia)  2009-2012: Senior Ag-economist, CIMMYT, Ethiopia  2004-2009: Agro-economist, CIMMYT, India  2000-2004: Production economist, Africa Rice Centre (WARDA/ADRAO), Côte d'Ivoire/Mali Education Krishna, V.V., Erenstein, O., Sadashivappa, P., Vivek, B.S. 2014. Potential Economic Impact of Biofortified Maize in the Indian Poultry Sector. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 17: 109-138. Kassie, G.T., Erenstein, O., Mwangi, W., MacRobert, J., Setimela, P. & Shiferaw, B. (2013). Political and economic features of the maize seed industry in southern Africa. Agrekon, 52(2), 104-127. Grings, E., Erenstein, O., Blümmel, M. (Eds). 2013 Special Issue: Dual-purpose maize. Field Crops Research, 153, 1-112. Erenstein, O., Sayre, K., Wall, P., Hellin, J., Dixon, J. 2012. Conservation agriculture in maize and wheat based systems in the (sub)tropics: Lessons from adaptation initiatives in South Asia, Mexico and Southern Africa. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 36(2): 180-206. Time commitment: 50% Expertise  07/2011 to date: Director, Genetic Resources Program, CIMMYT. Co-leader of CRP MAIZE FP2. Project Leader of MasAgro Biodiversidad.  09/2009 to 06/2001: Associate Professor of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.  01/1990 to 09/2009: Maize Breeder, CIMMYT. Held various positions including Program Director, Associate Program Director, Team Leader and Regional Representative for CIMMYT in Zimbabwe/Southern Africa. Bielders, C.L., Gérard, B., 2015. Millet response to microdose fertilization in south-western Niger: Effect of antecedent fertility management and environmental factors. Field Crops Res. 171: 165-175. Mekasha, A., Gérard, B., Tesfaye, K., Nigatu, L., Duncan, A.J., 2014. Inter-connection between land use/land cover change and herders'/farmers' livestock feed resource management strategies: A case study from three Ethiopian eco-environments. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 188: 150-162. Powlson, D.S., Stirling, C.M., Jat, M.L., Gérard, B.G., Palm, C.A., Sanchez, P.A., Cassman, K.G., 2014. Limited potential of no-till agriculture for climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change 4: 678-683.  (2015) Time commitment: 75% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 20% Time commitment: 50% Expertise Selected Recent Publications (ICRISAT), Niger Education  Employment including current position Expertise  Maize breeder-geneticist at IITA since 1996. levels, multi-disciplinary approaches Employment including current position  September 2011 -Present: Director, Sustainable Intensification Program, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico  September 2008 -August 2011: System-wide Livestock (SLP) Program coordinator, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia  September 2005 -August 2008: Visiting Scientist seconded from ICRISAT to Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium  January 2000 -August 2005: Principal Scientist International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics  Education:  Research interests in geospatial topics, land use, soil fertility and resource management at farm and landscape companies, NGOs and CBOs for many years  Coordination of multi-center research under CGIAR system-wide initiative (SLP)  Collaborated with the national agricultural research systems, advanced research institutes, private seed  Research leadership in CIMMYT: team of 42 internationally recruited scientists  Team leader for maize improvement research at IITA since 2001. Expertise Expertise  Sustainable Intensification Flagship leader of MAIZE Phase-I  David's professional background is research on weed management in the tropics.  03/2010 to date: Director, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT.  04/1991 to 03/2010: Served ICAR in various capacities, including as National Fellow & Leader of Maize Program, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India (01/2005 to 03/2010); Maize Geneticist & Faculty Member, Division of Genetics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India (04/1991 to 03/2010). Time commitment: 50% Expertise  Program director of a team of 30+ internationally recruited scientists located in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia. The team's research-for-development (R4D) aims to help prioritize, target, understand and enhance wheat and maize interventions for greatest impact and social inclusiveness.  Employment including current position  2013 -to date: Director Socio-economics Program, CIMMYT, Mexico (initially Ethiopia)  2009-2012: Senior Ag-economist, CIMMYT, Ethiopia  2004-2009: Agro-economist, CIMMYT, India  2000-2004: Production economist, Africa Rice Centre (WARDA/ADRAO), Côte d'Ivoire/Mali Education Krishna, V.V., Erenstein, O., Sadashivappa, P., Vivek, B.S. 2014. Potential Economic Impact of Biofortified Maize in the Indian Poultry Sector. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 17: 109-138. Kassie, G.T., Erenstein, O., Mwangi, W., MacRobert, J., Setimela, P. & Shiferaw, B. (2013). Political and economic features of the maize seed industry in southern Africa. Agrekon, 52(2), 104-127. Grings, E., Erenstein, O., Blümmel, M. (Eds). 2013 Special Issue: Dual-purpose maize. Field Crops Research, 153, 1-112. Erenstein, O., Sayre, K., Wall, P., Hellin, J., Dixon, J. 2012. Conservation agriculture in maize and wheat based systems in the (sub)tropics: Lessons from adaptation initiatives in South Asia, Mexico and Southern Africa. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 36(2): 180-206. Time commitment: 50% Expertise  07/2011 to date: Director, Genetic Resources Program, CIMMYT. Co-leader of CRP MAIZE FP2. Project Leader of MasAgro Biodiversidad.  09/2009 to 06/2001: Associate Professor of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.  01/1990 to 09/2009: Maize Breeder, CIMMYT. Held various positions including Program Director, Associate Program Director, Team Leader and Regional Representative for CIMMYT in Zimbabwe/Southern Africa. Bielders, C.L., Gérard, B., 2015. Millet response to microdose fertilization in south-western Niger: Effect of antecedent fertility management and environmental factors. Field Crops Res. 171: 165-175. Mekasha, A., Gérard, B., Tesfaye, K., Nigatu, L., Duncan, A.J., 2014. Inter-connection between land use/land cover change and herders'/farmers' livestock feed resource management strategies: A case study from three Ethiopian eco-environments. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 188: 150-162. Powlson, D.S., Stirling, C.M., Jat, M.L., Gérard, B.G., Palm, C.A., Sanchez, P.A., Cassman, K.G., 2014. Limited potential of no-till agriculture for climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change 4: 678-683.  (2015) Time commitment: 75% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 20% Time commitment: 50% Expertise Selected Recent Publications (ICRISAT), Niger Education  Employment including current position Expertise  Maize breeder-geneticist at IITA since 1996. levels, multi-disciplinary approaches Employment including current position  September 2011 -Present: Director, Sustainable Intensification Program, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico  September 2008 -August 2011: System-wide Livestock (SLP) Program coordinator, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia  September 2005 -August 2008: Visiting Scientist seconded from ICRISAT to Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium  January 2000 -August 2005: Principal Scientist International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics  Education:  Research interests in geospatial topics, land use, soil fertility and resource management at farm and landscape companies, NGOs and CBOs for many years  Coordination of multi-center research under CGIAR system-wide initiative (SLP)  Collaborated with the national agricultural research systems, advanced research institutes, private seed  Research leadership in CIMMYT: team of 42 internationally recruited scientists  Team leader for maize improvement research at IITA since 2001. Expertise Expertise  Sustainable Intensification Flagship leader of MAIZE Phase-I  David's professional background is research on weed management in the tropics. 7:1239-1258 Tittonell, P., Gérard, B., Erenstein, O., 2015. Tradeoffs around crop residue biomass in smallholder crop-livestock 7:1239-1258 Tittonell, P., Gérard, B., Erenstein, O., 2015. Tradeoffs around crop residue biomass in smallholder crop-livestock Abdoulaye T., Abass A., Maziya-Dixon B., Tarawali G., Okechukwu R., Rusike J., Alene A., Manyong V. and Ayedun systems-What's next? Agric. Syst. 134: 119-128. Abdoulaye T., Abass A., Maziya-Dixon B., Tarawali G., Okechukwu R., Rusike J., Alene A., Manyong V. and Ayedun systems-What's next? Agric. Syst. 134: 119-128. B, 2014. Awareness and use of improved cassava varieties and processing Technologies. Journal of Valbuena, D., Erenstein, O., Tui, S.H.-K., Abdoulaye, T., Claessens, L., Duncan, A.J., Gérard, B., Rufino, M.C., Teufel, B, 2014. Awareness and use of improved cassava varieties and processing Technologies. Journal of Valbuena, D., Erenstein, O., Tui, S.H.-K., Abdoulaye, T., Claessens, L., Duncan, A.J., Gérard, B., Rufino, M.C., Teufel, Development and Agricultural Economics, 6(2), 67-75. N., Rooyen, A. van, Wijk, M.T. van, 2012. Conservation Agriculture in mixed crop-livestock systems: Scoping Development and Agricultural Economics, 6(2), 67-75. N., Rooyen, A. van, Wijk, M.T. van, 2012. Conservation Agriculture in mixed crop-livestock systems: Scoping Bokar Moussa, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Ousmane Coulibaly, Dieudonné Baributsa, J. Lowenberg-Deboer, 2014. crop residue trade-offs in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Field Crops Res. 175-184. Bokar Moussa, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Ousmane Coulibaly, Dieudonné Baributsa, J. Lowenberg-Deboer, 2014. crop residue trade-offs in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Field Crops Res. 175-184. Shiferaw B, Tesfaye K, Kassie M, Abate T, Prasanna BM, Menkir A (2014) Managing vulnerability to drought and enhancing livelihood resilience in sub-Saharan Africa: technological, institutional and policy options. Weather and Climate Extremes 3: 67-79. Cairns JE, Hellin J, Sonder K, , Araus JL, MacRobert J, Prasanna BM (2013) Adapting maize to climate change in sub-Saharan Africa. Food Security 5: 345-360. Adoption of on-farm hermetic storage for cowpea in West and Central Africa in 2012. Journal of Stored Products Research, 58: 77-86. Dieudonné Baributsa, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, Clémentine Dabiré, Bokar Moussa, Ousmane reducing maize yield variability in Africa. Food Policy, 43: 213-226. Pixley, K.V., N. Palacios-Rojas and R.P. Glahn. 2011. The usefulness of iron bioavailability as a target trait for Genti Kostandini, Roberto La Rovere, Tahirou Abdoulaye. 2013. Potential impacts of increasing average yields and Appl. Gen. 126:389-399. efforts, Journal of Stored Products Research, 58: 59-66. polymorphisms in LcyE and CrtRB1 on provitamin A concentrations for 26 tropical maize populations. Theor. Coulibaly, Ibrahim Baoua. 2014. Market building for post-harvest technology through large-scale extension Vanlauwe, B., Wendt, J., Giller, K.E., Corbeels, M., Gérard, B., Nolte, C., 2014. A fourth principle is required to Genetic architecture controlling variation in grain carotenoid composition and concentrations in two maize define Conservation Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: The appropriate use of fertilizer to enhance crop populations. Theor. Appl. Genet. 126:2879-2895. Babu, R., N. Palacios Rojas, S. Gao, J. Yan and K. Pixley. 2013. Validation of the effects of molecular marker productivity. Field Crops Res. 155: 10-13. Shiferaw B, Tesfaye K, Kassie M, Abate T, Prasanna BM, Menkir A (2014) Managing vulnerability to drought and enhancing livelihood resilience in sub-Saharan Africa: technological, institutional and policy options. Weather and Climate Extremes 3: 67-79. Cairns JE, Hellin J, Sonder K, , Araus JL, MacRobert J, Prasanna BM (2013) Adapting maize to climate change in sub-Saharan Africa. Food Security 5: 345-360. Adoption of on-farm hermetic storage for cowpea in West and Central Africa in 2012. Journal of Stored Products Research, 58: 77-86. Dieudonné Baributsa, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, Clémentine Dabiré, Bokar Moussa, Ousmane reducing maize yield variability in Africa. Food Policy, 43: 213-226. Pixley, K.V., N. Palacios-Rojas and R.P. Glahn. 2011. The usefulness of iron bioavailability as a target trait for Genti Kostandini, Roberto La Rovere, Tahirou Abdoulaye. 2013. Potential impacts of increasing average yields and Appl. Gen. 126:389-399. efforts, Journal of Stored Products Research, 58: 59-66. polymorphisms in LcyE and CrtRB1 on provitamin A concentrations for 26 tropical maize populations. Theor. Coulibaly, Ibrahim Baoua. 2014. Market building for post-harvest technology through large-scale extension Vanlauwe, B., Wendt, J., Giller, K.E., Corbeels, M., Gérard, B., Nolte, C., 2014. A fourth principle is required to Genetic architecture controlling variation in grain carotenoid composition and concentrations in two maize define Conservation Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: The appropriate use of fertilizer to enhance crop populations. Theor. Appl. Genet. 126:2879-2895. Babu, R., N. Palacios Rojas, S. Gao, J. Yan and K. Pixley. 2013. Validation of the effects of molecular marker productivity. Field Crops Res. 155: 10-13. "},{"text":" Present: Director of the Regional Hub for southern Africa and Plant Production and Health Management at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA, Nigeria)  Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Guelph and lecturer at the University of Zambia Education  Ph.D. from the University of Guelph, Canada.  MSc from the University of Manitoba, Canada  BSc from the University of Zambia, Zambia Ekeleme, F., Lum, A.F., Udensi, U.E. 2014. Competition between Imperata cylindrica and maize in the forest savannah transition zone of Nigeria. Weed Research, 59:285-292. Fontem, L.A., Chikoye, D. 2012. Efficacy of herbicide formulations for weed control in maize in a humid tropical environment. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 10(3&4):1572-1574. Vincenzo FOGLIANO Vincenzo FOGLIANO CoA 5.2 Co-leader CoA 5.2 Co-leader Time commitment: 20% Time commitment: 20% Expertise Expertise  Fields of expertise include food design, thermal treatment, and food bioactives. During his professional career,  Fields of expertise include food design, thermal treatment, and food bioactives. During his professional career, Selected Recent Publications Selected Recent Publications Chikoye, D., Fontem, L.A., Menkir, A. 2011. Seed coating herbicide tolerant maize hybrids with imazapyr for Striga Chikoye, D., Fontem, L.A., Menkir, A. 2011. Seed coating herbicide tolerant maize hybrids with imazapyr for Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth control in the West African savanna. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, hermonthica (Del.) Benth control in the West African savanna. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 9(1):416-421. 9(1):416-421. Menkir, A., Chikoye, D. and Fontem Lum, A. 2010. Incorporating an herbicide resistance gene into tropical maize Menkir, A., Chikoye, D. and Fontem Lum, A. 2010. Incorporating an herbicide resistance gene into tropical maize with inherent polygenic resistance to control Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Plant Breeding, 129(4):385-392. with inherent polygenic resistance to control Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Plant Breeding, 129(4):385-392. "},{"text":" Professor of Functional Food at the Master degree in Food and Health. Chairman of the degree in Food and Health from 2006 to 2008.  Professor of Food Chemistry at the Master of Science in Food Science and Technology and the Master of Science in Food and Health  Director of CRIAcq the center of Aquaculture of the University of Naples \"Federico II\"  Full Professor and Chair of the Food Quality and Design Group University Wageningen "},{"text":"Bussie MAZIYA-DIXON FP5 Co-leader, CoA 3.3, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Expertise As Leader of the Agriculture for Nutrition CRP of IITA, coordinating a multi-disciplinary team of scientists located in West, East, Central, and Southern Africa, since January 2012; Head, Food and Nutrition Sciences Laboratory, and Senior Scientist responsible for research in food technology and nutrition  Developed and/or contributed to project proposals for research on maize quality, processing and utilization  As Head of the Food and Nutrition Sciences Laboratory, supervise all laboratory research activities on maize quality and utilization and laboratory staff including budgeting, personnel issues, and procurement of laboratory chemicals and equipment  Collaborated with national research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and community based groups to increase awareness on maize postharvest research and technologies developed at IITA.  Conducted the first food consumption and nutrition national survey in Nigeria and other countries in SSA to assess food security, nutritional status, micronutrient deficiencies and nutrient intakes  Worked with small and medium-scale processing industries on product development, food safety, and environmental hygiene  Managed and coordinated four special projects. All involve a variety of development partners, colleagues from national and international institutions with specialization in range of different disciplines  Co-supervised with University partners 10 MSc and 15 PhD degree-related researches in food science/technology at IITA  Published more than 90 research papers on food quality, processing, and nutrition in international journals, and (co)authored 18 books/ technical manuals. Main area of work is the development of maize germplasm with high nutritional quality, including high quality protein maize, high zinc and high provitamin A maize. This includes assessing the nutritional quality of food products and phenotyping of genetic diversity for the nutritional, end-use and culinary quality of maize.  Served as principal investigator and leader of Harvest plus maize biofortification at CIMMYT for the last 5 years.  Established and maintains the state-of-the-art maize nutritional quality laboratory at CIMMYT  Published more than 40 research papers on maize nutritional breeding and plant biochemistry in international journals of repute (more than 3050 citations), besides (co)authoring 7 books chapters and more than 10 magazines and brochures of science. Served as (co)-supervisor of 11 Ph.D. and 14 M.Sc. students 07/2013 to date: Senior scientist-Maize nutritional quality specialist, Head of maize quality laboratory, Global Maize program, CIMMYT  10/2008 to 06/2013: Scientist-Maize nutritional quality specialist, Head of maize quality laboratory, Global Maize program, CIMMYT  01/2007 to 09/2008: Associate scientist, Head of maize quality laboratory, Global Maize program, CIMMYT  01/2005 to 12/2006: Post-doctoral scientist Maize quality, Global Maize program, CIMMYT  09/2001 to 12/2004: Post-doctoral scientist Max Plank Institute of Molecular Plant physiology, Postdam-Germany 08/2015 to date: Ex-ante and foresight specialist at CIMMYT  01/2016 to date: Focal point Big Data at CIMMYT.  03/2015 to 08/2016 Consultant Big Data  03/2006 to 03/2015: Lead on environmental economic modelling, at LEI Wageningen, ex-ante and ex-post impact evaluation of programs, projects and policies in Netherlands, EU, Tunisia, Egypt and Bangladesh  03/2004 to 03/2006: Senior Research fellow at the Institute of Environmental studies in Amsterdam involved in environmental modelling, research on the poverty environment nexus, environmental policy in Ntherlands, EU, Tunisia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Pakistan  09/2003-03/2004: Consultant for IFPRI for East African highlands project; consultant for ICCO conserning monitoring and evaluation  04/1992-09/2003: worked in different capacities in Wageningen University and DLO research institutes on research related to food security and sustainable land use and research on climate change. Research related to Netherlands, EU, Mali, Costa Rica, Ethiopia and China  03/1989 to 04/1992 associate expert for the Andean outreach project of CIAT's bean program covering Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Natalia PALACIOS ROJAS Gideon KRUSEMAN Sika DOFONSOU GBEGBELEGBE Natalia PALACIOS ROJAS Gideon KRUSEMAN Sika DOFONSOU GBEGBELEGBE FP5 Co-leader, CoA 3.3, 5.1 and 5.2 Co-leader CoA 1.1 Co-leader CoA 1.1 Co-leader FP5 Co-leader, CoA 3.3, 5.1 and 5.2 Co-leader CoA 1.1 Co-leader CoA 1.1 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 50% Expertise Expertise Expertise Expertise Expertise Expertise  As an ex-ante and foresight specialist, leading this research with a multi-disciplinary team of scientists located in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia, since August 2015  Expert in quantitative economic and bio-economic modeling of complex systems at farm household, community, value chain, national and global levels, using econometric, simulation and mathematical programming techniques..  Expert in quantitative and qualitative ex-ante policy analysis  Expert in ex-post impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation Employment including current position  Leader of IITA's strategic foresight research program  Conducting ex-ante evaluation of improved agricultural technologies related to IITA's mandate crops  Improving bio-economic models used in ex ante impact assessment studies Employment including current position  Scientist, Social Science Dept, IITA, (June 2015 to now)  Associate Scientist, Socio-economics Program, CIMMYT (Jan 2011 to June 2015)  Post-doctoral fellow, ReSAKSS, ILRI (Jan 2008 -Jan 2011) Education  PhD, 2008, Agricultural Economics (international development), Purdue University, USA  Employment including current position  MS, 2002, Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, Canada  As an ex-ante and foresight specialist, leading this research with a multi-disciplinary team of scientists located in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia, since August 2015  Expert in quantitative economic and bio-economic modeling of complex systems at farm household, community, value chain, national and global levels, using econometric, simulation and mathematical programming techniques..  Expert in quantitative and qualitative ex-ante policy analysis  Expert in ex-post impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation Employment including current position  Leader of IITA's strategic foresight research program  Conducting ex-ante evaluation of improved agricultural technologies related to IITA's mandate crops  Improving bio-economic models used in ex ante impact assessment studies Employment including current position  Scientist, Social Science Dept, IITA, (June 2015 to now)  Associate Scientist, Socio-economics Program, CIMMYT (Jan 2011 to June 2015)  Post-doctoral fellow, ReSAKSS, ILRI (Jan 2008 -Jan 2011) Education  PhD, 2008, Agricultural Economics (international development), Purdue University, USA  Employment including current position  MS, 2002, Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, Canada Employment including current position Education Employment including current position Education  Ph.D. in Plant Biochemistry, University of East Anglia-John Innes Centre, England, 2000  Ph.D. in Plant Biochemistry, University of East Anglia-John Innes Centre, England, 2000 Selected Recent Publications Selected Recent Publications of Applied of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) 8(2): 55-63. Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) 8(2): 55-63. De Moura, F. F., Moursi, M., Lubowa, A., Ha, B., Boy, E., Oguntona, B. E., Sanusi, R., Maziya-Dixon. B. 2015. Cassava De Moura, F. F., Moursi, M., Lubowa, A., Ha, B., Boy, E., Oguntona, B. E., Sanusi, R., Maziya-Dixon. B. 2015. Cassava intake and vitamin A status among women and preschool children in Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria. PLoS ONE. 10(6) intake and vitamin A status among women and preschool children in Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria. PLoS ONE. 10(6) (e0129436):1-14. (e0129436):1-14. Akinola, A. A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ayedun, B., Abdoulaye, T. 2014. Economics of maize, soybean and cowpea Akinola, A. A., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ayedun, B., Abdoulaye, T. 2014. Economics of maize, soybean and cowpea processing in the northern regions of Ghana. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 12(2):252-258. processing in the northern regions of Ghana. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 12(2):252-258. Day, R.S., Douglass, D.L., and Maziya-Dixon, B. 2008. Developing a Nigerian-Specific Food and Nutrient Coding Day, R.S., Douglass, D.L., and Maziya-Dixon, B. 2008. Developing a Nigerian-Specific Food and Nutrient Coding Database Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 21: S109-S114. Database Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 21: S109-S114. "},{"text":"Selected Recent Peer-reviewed publications: Paswel MARENYA CoA 1.2 Co-leader Time commitment: 100% Expertise Agricultural development, policy and technology adoption on maize based smallholder systems of East and Southern Africa.  Analysis of pathways and impacts of technology adoption among smallholder maize farmers within the framework of sustainable intensification.  Lead a multicounty project on Identifying Socioeconomic Constraints to, and Incentives for, Faster Technology Adoption: Pathways to Sustainable Intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa (Adoption Pathways).  Lead the socioeconomics component of a four-year, five-country project on Sustainable Intensification of Maize Legume Systems in East and Southern Africa (SIMLESA). March 2010 -May 2013: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C.  March 2002 -March 2010: Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Shiferaw Shiferaw Employment including current position: Employment including current position: "},{"text":"FELEKE CoA 1.2 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Expertise 2014 -Present: Impact Economist International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)  2007-2013: Research Associate at the Centre for Tobacco Grower Research Education  2006, PhD, Agricultural Economics, University of Florida, USA.  2002, MS, Agricultural Economics, University of Florida, USA. Tiller, K. Feleke, S. and Starnes, J. 2013. \"Federal Excise Tax Increase and Its Effects on U.S. Tobacco Production\" Empirical Economics, 44 (2): 701-717. Tiller, K., Feleke, S. and Starnes, J. 2010. \"Exit among Burley Tobacco Growers after the End of the Federal Tobacco Program\" Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 42(2):161-175. Tiller, K., Feleke, S. and Starnes, J. 2010. \"A discrete-time Hazard Analysis of the Exit of Burley Tobacco Growers in Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia\" Agricultural Economics, 41(5): 397-408. Feleke, S and Kilmer, R. 2009 \"Japanese Market for Imported Fruit Juices\" International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 12(4): 1-28. Lone BADSTUE Lone BADSTUE CoA 1.3 Co-leader CoA 1.3 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 50% Expertise Expertise  Agricultural Policy analysis  Agricultural Policy analysis  Assessment of impact of technologies  Assessment of impact of technologies  Track technologies contributions towards key performance indicators such as poverty and food security  Track technologies contributions towards key performance indicators such as poverty and food security Employment including current position Employment including current position Selected Recent Peer-reviewed publications: Selected Recent Peer-reviewed publications: "},{"text":" Rural Development Sociologist with special focus on gender and social heterogeneity, crop genetic resources improvement and seed systems, knowledge processes, local livelihoods and farmer decision making processes.  Badstue has over 15 years of experience working with international development issues. She has broad experience working with different types of social actors and multi-disciplinary teams on issues related to rural development processes, including social relations and gender, seed systems and crop genetic resources, technology diffusion, natural resource management and collective action, as well as mainstreaming of gender in institutional procedures and project portfolios. She has long-term experience in several countries of Latin America and in Tunisia and Kenya, and short-term assignments in a number of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.  Badstue is currently Strategic Leader for Gender research at CIMMYT, and chairs the Executive Committee of GENNOVATE, a collaborative research initiative on Gender Norms, Agency and Innovation in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management involving 11 CRPs. October 2011 till present, Strategic Leader for Gender Research, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico.  March 2010 -September 2011, Gender and Advocacy Specialist, Helen Keller International (HKI), Kenya.  October 2007 -February 2010, Socio-Economic and Gender Specialist, African Water Facility (AWF), African Development Bank.  October 2000 -May 2006, Associate Scientist, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico. Senior Socio-economic Adviser, National Agriculture and Livestock Extension Program, Sida, Kenya  2005-2007 Agriculture Technology Development and Transfer (ATDT) project Coordinator, CIAT, Rwanda  2007-2009 Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in Borno (PROSAB) project coordinator and specialist in Participatory Gender Research  2010-2012. IITA Country Representative in Liberia and Gender Specialsit  2013-to date. IITA Gender Specialsit and Gender Unit Head, IITA Eastern Agfrica Regional Hub, Tanzania Education  PhD. 1998, Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden  MSc. 1987, Social Anthropology and Development Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden Holger Kirscht and Eva Rathgeber (2013). Humidtropics Gender Strategy. Humidtropics System Research. IITA. CGIAR. Employment including current position Education  PhD Rural Development Sociology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2006.  MA Social Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000. Amare TEGBARU CoA 1.3 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Expertise  Social Anthropology, Gender and rural development  IITA Gender Specialist and Gender Unit Head (current position)  Maize Gender Focal Point  Humid Tropics Gender Research Coordinator Employment  1989-1991 Associate Professional Officer (APO), FAO, Thailand  1991 -1991 Rural Sociology advisor, FAO, Bhutan  1992 -1998 University Lecturer & Examiner, Stockholm University, Sweden  1998 -2000 University Lecturer & Examiner, Falun University College, Dalarna, Sweden  2000-2005 Selected Recent Publications Tegbaru, A. et al. (2016) Gender empowerment outcome as an unforeseen consequence of Health & Nutrition project: the case of the MIRACLE Project. (In Press). Tegbaru, A., John Fitz Simons, Holger Kirscht and Per Hillbur (2015) Resolving the Gender Empowerment Equation in agricultural research: A systems approach. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 13(3&4):131-139. Christine Okali, Mike Loevensohn and Amare Tegbaru (2014) Interpreting the agricultural transformation agenda -women's roles in seed systems. FAO Discussion Paper, Institute of Development Studies, UK. Tegbaru, A. (2014) Gender Master Plan. N2Africa Phase II -Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa. IITA, Nigeria & Wageningen University. CoA 1.4 Co-leader Time commitment: 60% Tegbaru Amare, Jon HELLIN Expertise Employment including current position Education  PhD Rural Development Sociology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2006.  MA Social Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000. Amare TEGBARU CoA 1.3 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Expertise  Social Anthropology, Gender and rural development  IITA Gender Specialist and Gender Unit Head (current position)  Maize Gender Focal Point  Humid Tropics Gender Research Coordinator Employment  1989-1991 Associate Professional Officer (APO), FAO, Thailand  1991 -1991 Rural Sociology advisor, FAO, Bhutan  1992 -1998 University Lecturer & Examiner, Stockholm University, Sweden  1998 -2000 University Lecturer & Examiner, Falun University College, Dalarna, Sweden  2000-2005 Selected Recent Publications Tegbaru, A. et al. (2016) Gender empowerment outcome as an unforeseen consequence of Health & Nutrition project: the case of the MIRACLE Project. (In Press). Tegbaru, A., John Fitz Simons, Holger Kirscht and Per Hillbur (2015) Resolving the Gender Empowerment Equation in agricultural research: A systems approach. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 13(3&4):131-139. Christine Okali, Mike Loevensohn and Amare Tegbaru (2014) Interpreting the agricultural transformation agenda -women's roles in seed systems. FAO Discussion Paper, Institute of Development Studies, UK. Tegbaru, A. (2014) Gender Master Plan. N2Africa Phase II -Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa. IITA, Nigeria & Wageningen University. CoA 1.4 Co-leader Time commitment: 60% Tegbaru Amare, Jon HELLIN Expertise "},{"text":" Jon Hellin has 25 years of experience in agricultural research and rural development (farmers' access to markets, land management, and climate change adaptation and mitigation) including 12 years' field work in Latin America, East Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean.  He has authored and co-authored two books and over 80 articles (including 50 in peer-reviewed journals).  His current research interests include making markets work for the poor; and index insurance and farmers' uptake of climate-smart agricultural technologies  From 2010 -2014, he led CIMMYT's socio-economics team in the \"Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture\" (MasAgro) initiative in Mexico. He also contributed to the MasAgro proposal and subsequent strategic direction of the initiative.  From 2009 -2010 he was the interim director of CIMMYT's Socio-economics program while also serving on CIMMYT's Senior Management Committee.  Since joining CIMMYT in 2005, Jon has contributed to successful proposal writing for projects supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, SDC, European Union and DFiD Employment  2005 -present Poverty and Value Chain Specialist, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Mexico  2002-2005 International Team Leader, Markets and Livelihoods Programme, ITDG (now called Practical Action), UK  2000-2002 Independent consultant  1994-1999 Senior Scientific Officer, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), UK but based in Honduras Education  1999 Ph.D. in Geography, Geography Department, Oxford Brookes University, UK  1989 MSc. Forestry and its Relation to Land Use. University of Oxford, UK  1987 BA Hons. Modern History University of Oxford, UK "},{"text":"Selected Recent Publications Hellin, J., Krishna , V.V.,Erenstein, O. and Boeber, C. 2015. India's Poultry Revolution: Implications for its Sustenance and the Global Poultry Trade. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Volume 18, Special Issue. Hellin, J., Bellon, M.R. and Hearne, S. 2014. Maize Landraces and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mexico. Journal of Crop Improvement 28:4, 484-501. Shiferaw B., Hellin, J. and Muricho, G. 2011. Improving Market Access and Agricultural Productivity Growth in Smallholder Agriculture in Africa: What Roles for Producer Organizations and Collective Action Institutions? Food Security 3(4), 475-489, DOI: 10.1007/s12571-011-0153-0. Donnet, L. and Hellin, J. 2011. Los Productores Frente a los Cambios de la Demanda en las Cadenas de Trigo en México y Argentina. Revista Mexicana de Economía Agrícola y de los Recursos Naturales 4(2) pp. 39-48. Bellon, M.R., Hodson, D. and Hellin, J. 2011. Assessing the Vulnerability of Traditional Maize Seed Systems in Mexico to Climate Change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (33): 13432-13437. Collaborates with members of the CIMMYT Knowledge Management Unit, Sustainable Intensification, and Socio-Economics Programs who focus on the management of agronomic and socio-economic data.  Serves as a CIMMYT representative to the CGIAR Data Management Task Force and the Wheat Information System Expert Working Group, leads the CGIAR Dataverse Community of Practice, and contributes to the further development of CIMMYT Open Access policies, resources, and implementation plans in conjunction with other CGIAR centers  At the Carnegie Institution for Science (2007-2013) worked on biological database curation for The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR, www.arabidopsis.org) and the Plant Metabolic Network (www.plantcyc.org) and helped release databases focused on plant metabolism in over 15 species.  Contributed to 12 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and one book chapter.  Mentored 8 students at the Carnegie Institution for Science and 6 at the University of California, Davis, and served as a Teaching Assistant for 3 classes at the University of California, Davis. Karthikeyan A., Chi A., Pujar A., Caspi R., Karp P., Kirkup V., Latendresse M., Lee C., Mueller L.A., Muller R., and Rhee SY (2010). Creation of a genome-wide metabolic pathway database for Populus trichocarpa using a new approach for reconstruction and curation of metabolic pathways for plants. Plant Physiology. 153(4):1479-1491. Kate DREHER CoA 2.1 Co-leader Time commitment: 60% Expertise  As a Germplasm Data Coordinator at CIMMYT since 2013, helps to coordinate efforts to implement institutional databases and tools for storing and utilizing maize and wheat phenotypic, genotypic, and genealogical data.  Employment including current position Dreher K. (2014) Putting the Plant Metabolic Network pathway databases to work: going offline to gain new capabilities. Methods Mol. Biol. 1083:151-71. Lamesch P, Berardini TZ, Li D, Swarbreck D, Wilks C, Sasidharan R, Muller R, Dreher K, Alexander DL, Garcia-Hernandez M, Karthikeyan AS, Lee CH, Nelson WD, Ploetz L, Singh S, Wensel A, Huala E. (2012). The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): improved gene annotation and new tools. Nucleic Acids Research. 40(Database issue):D1202-10. CoA 2.1 Co-leader Time commitment: 20% Expertise  Crop informatics -data management and analysis  Breeding Management System -database and tools for breeding  Software development for decision support tools -developed tools for Marker Assisted Backcrossing  Bioinformatics applications -Analysis of WGRS and GBS data with application to crop breeding Employment including current position  Jan 2015 to present: Integrated Breeding Hub Manager, IITA, Kenya  Oct 2009-Nov 2014: Bioinformatics Scientist, ICRISAT, India  Jul 2007 -Oct 2009: Bioinformatics Specialist, CIMMYT, Mexico Zhang P., Dreher K., Trushar SHAH Education Kate DREHER CoA 2.1 Co-leader Time commitment: 60% Expertise  As a Germplasm Data Coordinator at CIMMYT since 2013, helps to coordinate efforts to implement institutional databases and tools for storing and utilizing maize and wheat phenotypic, genotypic, and genealogical data.  Employment including current position Dreher K. (2014) Putting the Plant Metabolic Network pathway databases to work: going offline to gain new capabilities. Methods Mol. Biol. 1083:151-71. Lamesch P, Berardini TZ, Li D, Swarbreck D, Wilks C, Sasidharan R, Muller R, Dreher K, Alexander DL, Garcia-Hernandez M, Karthikeyan AS, Lee CH, Nelson WD, Ploetz L, Singh S, Wensel A, Huala E. (2012). The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): improved gene annotation and new tools. Nucleic Acids Research. 40(Database issue):D1202-10. CoA 2.1 Co-leader Time commitment: 20% Expertise  Crop informatics -data management and analysis  Breeding Management System -database and tools for breeding  Software development for decision support tools -developed tools for Marker Assisted Backcrossing  Bioinformatics applications -Analysis of WGRS and GBS data with application to crop breeding Employment including current position  Jan 2015 to present: Integrated Breeding Hub Manager, IITA, Kenya  Oct 2009-Nov 2014: Bioinformatics Scientist, ICRISAT, India  Jul 2007 -Oct 2009: Bioinformatics Specialist, CIMMYT, Mexico Zhang P., Dreher K., Trushar SHAH Education "},{"text":"reviewed publications Mike OLSEN CoA 2.2 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Expertise Fourteen years private sector experience in conventional and molecular maize breeding as part of Syngenta and Monsanto North America breeding teams. Recognized as Monsanto Fellow.  Two years public sector experience leading the molecular breeding team of the CIMMYT Global Maize Program and providing strategic direction for upstream research efforts. Project lead for Improved Maize for African Soils (IMAS), a multi-institutional public-private partnership to develop maize varieties with improved performance under low fertility conditions common in Sub-Saharan Africa.  CIMMYT Principal Investigator for the Genomics and Open source Breeding and Informatics Initiative (GOBII), a partnership between Cornell University, ICRISAT, IRRI, and CIMMYT to enable routine use of genomic data in applied CGIAR breeding programs through integration of appropriate infrastructure, databases, analysis pipelines, and user interfaces.  Co-inventor of 25 commercially utilized maize inbred lines and 13 hybrid varieties with US patents issued between 2009 and 2015. Broad background in plant breeding, statistical genetics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics for developing and applying an efficient and effective molecular breeding program for pest and disease resistance, quality traits, and abiotic stresses such as drought.  Genomics and modern breeding approaches such as marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS), genome wide association study (GWAS), genome selection, linkage/QTL mapping, comparative genomics and bioinformatics.  Proficient with state-of-the-art lab techniques including DNA sequencing, gene cloning and library screening, variety of PCR techniques including quantitative real-time PCR. Apraku et al. (2015). Grouping of Early Maturing Quality Protein Maize Inbreds based on SNP markers and Combining Ability under Multiple Stress Environments. Field Crops Research (in print) Menkir, A., Gedil, M., Tanumihardjo, S. A., Adepoju, A., Bossey, B. 2014 Carotenoid accumulation and agronomic performanca of maize hybrids involving parental combinations from different marker-based groups Food Chemistry, 148, 131 -137. Azmach, G., Gedil, M., Menkir, A., & Spillane, C. (2013). Marker-trait association analysis of functional gene markers for provitamin a levels across diverse tropical yellow maize inbred lines. BMC Plant Biology, 13(227), 1-16. Adeyemo, O., Menkir, A., Gedil, M. and Omidiji, O. 2011. Carotenoid and molecular marker-based diversity assessment in tropical yellow endosperm maize inbred lines. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 9(3):383-392. Melaku GEDIL Sarah HEARNE Melaku GEDIL Sarah HEARNE CoA 2.1 & 2.2 Co-leader CoA 2.3 Co-leader CoA 2.1 & 2.2 Co-leader CoA 2.3 Co-leader Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 100% Time commitment: 50% Time commitment: 100% Expertise Expertise Expertise Expertise  As the Head of Bioscience Center manages a biotechnology laboratory with a user of up to 80 personnel  As the Head of Bioscience Center manages a biotechnology laboratory with a user of up to 80 personnel including scientists, technicians, grad students with major tasks of procurement of equipment and lab including scientists, technicians, grad students with major tasks of procurement of equipment and lab consumables, promotion, training, financial management, genotyping services, personnel management and consumables, promotion, training, financial management, genotyping services, personnel management and communication. communication.  Employment including current position  Employment including current position Employment including current position Employment including current position Selected Recent Publications Selected Recent Publications Selected Recent Publications Selected Recent Publications "},{"text":" Assessment of the genomic and phenotypic diversity of the CIMMYT genebank collection of maize and other publically accessible maize genetic resources. GWAS for high priority traits using landrace panels. Selection sweep evaluation for key abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic characteristics of maize landraces. Development of new analytical approaches to explore and understand maize genetic diversity.  Modelling training population formation, selection techniques and breeding methods for GS advancement to optimize landrace based pre-breeding approaches for oligo and polygenic traits. Pre-breeding using genomic selection and forward breeding.  Works with bioinformaticians and programmers to develop integrated systems and specific tools for genetic research, breeding application and knowledge dissemination.  Leadership, oversight, coordination, planning and monitoring of activities within the maize and informatics components of the SeeD initiative.  Fundraising and research strategy development. "},{"text":"Terence MOLNAR CoA 2.4 Co-leader Time commitment: 20% Expertise Management of large-scale multi-location biotic and abiotic stress trials of maize genetic resources that include public-private collaborations and collaborations with NARS partners in Mexico. Currently evaluating 1300 testcrosses with landrace germplasm for drought tolerance in 5 locations and evaluating 900 BC1 individuals for tolerance to tar spot disease complex.  In 2015 led effort in selecting and evaluating 1000 maize landrace accessions for tolerance to the component viruses of the MLN disease complex. Breeding populations with best 20 landraces currently being developed.  In 2015 began development of a rapid-cycle nursery system in Mexico that allows 3 cycles in 13 to 15 months (depending on germplasm maturity). From 2002 -2013 led and managed commercial maize breeding programs for DuPont-Pioneer in France and the US. Inbred lines developed in the breeding programs have been parents in at least 9 commercial hybrids registered in EU member countries and at least 3 Pioneer brand commercial hybrids currently being sold in the US central Corn Belt.  Led the effort for developing the DuPont-Pioneer strategy for breeding with and testing of double-haploids for Maritime and Continental Europe evaluation zones and coordinated the initial implementation of large scale double-haploid breeding in the region.  Extensive experience in using marker-assisted selection and genomic selection in a maize breeding program including the application of markers for incorporating novel exotic haplotypes into existing elite germplasm. This was accomplished for 1) incorporating elite late maturity US germplasm into elite northern Europe early germplasm and, 2) incorporating elite Brazilian and Mexican tropical germplasm into elite US Corn Belt germplasm. "},{"text":"USA Publications Felix SAN VICENTE CoA 3.1 (Latin America) Co-leader Time commitment: 30% Expertise As maize breeder/geneticist has spent more than 30 years developing and adapting breeding methods for increasing genetic gains in tropical maize.  As maize breeding coordinator for Latin America at CIMMYT, leading a multi-disciplinary team of scientists located in Mexico, since January 2011; Project leader for MasAgro-Maize, 2012-2014.  Since 2010, working with partners in Latin America, has developed 15 hybrids and 8 open pollinated varieties (OPVs) which are grown commercially on about 500,000 ha in 10 countries of Latin America.  Proposed and released 14 Tropical CIMMYT Maize Lines (CMLs), which are elite germplasm used as parents of maize hybrids in at least 25 different countries worldwide.  Published more than 35 research papers on maize genetics and breeding in international journals of repute, besides (co)authoring 5 technical manuals and 2 book chapters.  As a Faculty Member at Universidad Central de Venezuela, guided 2 Ph.D. and 5 M.Sc. students, and received Best Research Paper Award. 01/2014 to date: Principal Scientist, Maize Breeder Lowland Tropics and Maize Breeding Lead Latin America, CIMMYT-Mexico. Flagship Project 3, CoA 3.1 (Latin America) Lead.  01/2010 to 12/2013: Senior Scientist, Maize Breeder Lowland Tropics and Maize Breeding Lead Latin America, CIMMYT-Mexico.  01/1998 to 12/2009: Served Venezuelan National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) in various capacities, including as Principal Scientist & Leader of Maize Program, Venezuela (01/2000 to 12/2009); Maize Breeder, National Cereals Program, INIA, Venezuela (01/1998 to 12/1999).  01/1998 to 12/2009. Faculty Member College of Agriculture, Advanced Plant Breeding and Quantitative Genetics, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.  01/1995 to 12/1997: Postdoctoral fellow. Lowland Tropical Maize Subprogram, CIMMYT-Mexico.  11/1982 to 12/1987 and 06/1992 to 12/1994: Scientist and Maize Breeder, National Cereals Program, INIA, Venezuela. Employment including current position Employment including current position "},{"text":"1992 Selected Recent Publications Cairns JE, Sonder K, Zaidi PH, Verhulst N, Mahuku G, Babu R, Nair SK, Das B, Govaerts B, Vinayan MT, Rashid Z, Noor JJ, Devi P, San Vicente F, Prasanna BM. (2012). Maize Production in a Changing Climate: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Strategies. In: Donald Sparks (ed.), Advances in Agronomy, 114: 1-58. Kebede Z, Burgueño J, San Vicente F, Cairns JE, Das B, Makumbi D, Magorokosho C, Windhausen VS, Melchinger AE, Atlin GN (2013). Effectiveness of selection at CIMMYT's main maize breeding sites in Mexico for performance at sites in Africa and vice versa. Plant Breeding DOI:10.1111/pbr.12063. Miranda A, Vásquez-Carrillo G, García-Lara S, San Vicente F, Torres JL, Ortiz-Islas S, Salinas-Moreno Y, Palacios-Rojas N (2013). Influence of genotype and environmental adaptation into the maize grain quality traits for nixtamalization, CyTA. Journal of Food DOI:10.1080/19476337.2013.763862. Trachsel S, San Vicente FM, Suarez EA, Rodriguez CS, Atlin GN (2015). Effects of planting density and nitrogen fertilization level on grain yield and harvest index in seven modern tropical maize hybrids (Zea mays L.). Journal of Agricultural Science doi:10.1017/S0021859615000696. Jill CAIRNS Jill CAIRNS CoA 3.1 (Africa) Co-leader CoA 3.1 (Africa) Co-leader Time commitment: 40% Time commitment: 40% "},{"text":"Selected Recent Peer-reviewed publications: Zaidi P.H., Z  10/2010 to date: Senior Scientist -Asia Regional Maize Program, International Maize & Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).  12/2007 to 09/2010: Scientist -Asia Regional Maize Program, International Maize & Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).  11/2006 to 11/2007: Senior Scientist (Maize Physiologist and Leader, Abiotic Stress Breeding, All-India Coordinated Maize Program), Directorate of Maize Research, ICAR, New Delhi, India.  11/1997 to 10/2006, Scientist (Maize Physiologist and Leader, Abiotic Stress Breeding, All-India Coordinated Maize Program), Directorate of Maize Research, ICAR, New Delhi, India. . Rashid, MT Vinayan, GD Almeida, RK Phagna, R Babu (2015). QTL Mapping of Agronomic Waterlogging Tolerance Using Recombinant Inbred Lines Derived from Tropical Maize (Zea mays L). Germplasm. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0124350 Kleinknecht, K.; J. Möhring, K.P. Singh, P.H. Zaidi, G.N. Atlin and H.P. Piepho (2013). Comparison of the performance of best linear unbiased estimation and best linear unbiased prediction of genotype effects from zoned Indian maize Data. Crop Science, 53(4):1384-1391. Cairns JE, Crossa J, Zaidi PH, Grudloyma P, Sanchez C, Araus JL, Makumbi D, Magorokosho C, Bänziger M, Menkir A, Hearne S, Atlin GN. (2013). Identification of drought, heat and combined drought and heat tolerance donors in maize (Zea mays L.). Crop Science 53, 1335-1346. Zaidi, PH, Zerka Rashid, M.T. Vinayan and T. Anil Babu (2012). Pre-germination anaerobic stress tolerance in tropical maize (Zea mays L.). Aust. J. Crop Sci.: 6(12):1703-1711. Cairns, J.E., K. Sonder, P.H. Zaidi, N. Verhulst, G. Mahuku, R. Babu, S.K. Nair, B. Das, B. Govaerts,M.T. Vinayan, Z. Rashid, J.J. Noor, P. Devi, F. San Vicente and B.M. Prasanna. 2012. Maize Production in a Changing Climate: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies. Advances in Agronomy. 114: 1-58. "},{"text":"Education  Ph.D. in Environmental Studies (Concentration in Agroecology). University of California, Santa Cruz, 2011.  MSc. International Agricultural Development. University of California, Davis, 2014. Nov. 2013-Present, Agribusiness/ Scaling up Specialist, CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  2012 -2013, Principal Officer, Agricultural Innovation and Extension, FAO Rome, Italy  2010 -2012, Senior Officer, Agribusiness and Agro-enterprise Development, FAO, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, ThailanD  2001 -2010, Senior Officer, Agribusiness and Agro-enterprise Development, FAO, Rome, Italy 1996-2001 FAO, Chief Technical Adviser, Myanmar. David KAHAN David KAHAN CoA 4.4 Leader CoA 4.4 Leader Time commitment: 15% Time commitment: 15% Expertise Expertise  Agribusiness development  Agribusiness development  Business modelling  Business modelling  Innovation Systems  Innovation Systems  Agricultural extension  Agricultural extension  Farm business management  Farm business management  Farm economics  Farm economics  Natural resource management  Natural resource management  Marketing and value chain development  Marketing and value chain development Employment including current position Employment including current position "},{"text":"Time commitment: 15% Expertise  35 years of Experience primarily in South Asia as a manager, technical specialist and designer of a range of agriculture, resource management, aquaculture/fisheries horticulture and related programs  Most of his recent work involves the design and management of large multi-sectorial agriculture programs that focus on market based agriculture and include mechanization and livestock, aimed at poor rural smallholders  He has significant experience in market based value chain approaches, livelihoods and income generating activities in sustainable agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, livestock and micro-irrigation programs.  He has significant experience as a manager of large programs working with host governments, multilateral and bilateral donors and the private sector. Apart from national governments, those agencies include the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, the European Community, USAID, CARE, DANIDA, DFID, GIZ, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations, SAVE the Children, BRAC and others.  He established Bangladesh's Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation-based on a debt equity swap. He has designed and managed rural credit programs with both NGOs and commercial banks. December 2014 -Present: Project Leader/COP, CIMMYT, USAID funded CSISA Mechanization and Irrigation Program and Country Coordinator for the regional Gates/USAID Funded CSISA III program and Project Leader for the Bangladesh SIIL Program.  March 2013-October 2014: COP, Winrock International, USAID KISAN Project. Nepal.  Managing and administrating USAID's largest Feed the Future initiative in Nepal. This integrated agriculture and nutrition project operates in the western districts of Nepal  Oct. 2009 -Dec 2012: Regional Director-South Asia, WorldFish Center, Bangladesh Office Responsible for all WorldFish research and program activities in the South Asia region. BSc in Biology and Chemistry, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville Florida  1980, MSc from the Auburn University School of Agriculture, Auburn Alabama Employment including current position: Employment including current position: Education: Education:  1973,  1973, "},{"text":" investments are required for proper compliance with the CG OADMP. Cost drivers are: o Implementation, maintenance and improvement of suitable repositories, including hardware infrastructure as well as staff costs for development, maintenance and population. [CG OADMP § 4.1.2] o Implementation, maintenance and improvement of interoperability, including the cost of properly tagging all the information products with metadata based on controlled vocabularies. [CG OADMP § 4.1.3] o Data storage, format conversion and adequate preservation for future use, including costs related to storage volumes, backup storage and disaster recovery plans. [CG OADMP § 4.1.4] o Copyright and Open Licenses, which include the royalties paid for publishing articles under the Gold or Green Open Access ways. [CG OADMP § 4.1.5] o Incentives and professional expertise in all areas of Open Access and Data Management. Brief Data Management Plan Brief Data Management Plan  Expected information product types  Expected information product types MAIZE expects to produce the following types of information products: Annual reports, books MAIZE expects to produce the following types of information products: Annual reports, books and monographs, brochures, databases, datasets, factsheets/flyers, financial management and monographs, brochures, databases, datasets, factsheets/flyers, financial management documents, financial statements, guidelines and manuals, gray literature, journal articles, documents, financial statements, guidelines and manuals, gray literature, journal articles, newsletter/bulletins, non-conventional literature, photographs, posters, presentations, newsletter/bulletins, non-conventional literature, photographs, posters, presentations, proceedings, reports, reprints, research highlights, research plans, research reports, software, proceedings, reports, reprints, research highlights, research plans, research reports, software, special publications, speeches and presentations, technical bulletins, theses, trip reports, special publications, speeches and presentations, technical bulletins, theses, trip reports, videos/film. videos/film. [CG OADMP § 4.1.6] [CG OADMP § 4.1.6] o Translation of key documents and other media into pertinent languages. [CG OADMP § o Translation of key documents and other media into pertinent languages. [CG OADMP § 4.1.7] 4.1.7] Planning and implementation Planning and implementation To comply with the CG OADMP, CRP-Management will consider the following issues during project To comply with the CG OADMP, CRP-Management will consider the following issues during project planning and implementation: planning and implementation:  Allocation of staff and material resources for proper implementation, maintenance and  Allocation of staff and material resources for proper implementation, maintenance and improvement of suitable repositories and tools, implementation of interoperability (including improvement of suitable repositories and tools, implementation of interoperability (including metadata tagging), data curation and data quality control, data storage, license management metadata tagging), data curation and data quality control, data storage, license management (including royalties for Gold and Green Open Access publishing), counseling on information (including royalties for Gold and Green Open Access publishing), counseling on information product management, and translation. [CG OADMP § 4.1.2 to § 4.1.7] product management, and translation. [CG OADMP § 4.1.2 to § 4.1.7]  Properly designing and putting in place coordination mechanisms among participating centers  Properly designing and putting in place coordination mechanisms among participating centers and/or units for ensuring proper Open Access and Open Data implementation. [CG OADMP § 2] and/or units for ensuring proper Open Access and Open Data implementation. [CG OADMP § 2]  Establishing and implementing procedures and workflows for meeting the deadlines for making  Establishing and implementing procedures and workflows for meeting the deadlines for making information products Open Access, according to the CG OADMP. [CG OADMP § 4.2] information products Open Access, according to the CG OADMP. [CG OADMP § 4.2] "},{"text":"Table 3 . 9 : MAIZE-related information product repositories Training activities covering relevant topics to ensure proper staff knowledge and engagement to accomplishing envisaged Open Access and Open Data objectives (on demand). Name Repository Technology URL FAIR compliant? NameRepository Technology URLFAIR compliant? CIMMYT Institutional DSpace http://repository.cimmyt.org/ Yes CIMMYT InstitutionalDSpacehttp://repository.cimmyt.org/Yes Multimedia Publications Multimedia Publications Repository Repository CIMMYT Institutional Dataverse http://data.cimmyt.org/ Yes CIMMYT InstitutionalDataversehttp://data.cimmyt.org/Yes Research Data and Research Data and Software Repository Software Repository IITA Knowledge Non-specific http://www.iita.org/knowledge No IITA KnowledgeNon-specifichttp://www.iita.org/knowledge No Technical Operations Technical Operations Given the above considerations, personnel and infrastructures will be allocated to ensure proper Given the above considerations, personnel and infrastructures will be allocated to ensure proper development of the following routine and on-demand operations: development of the following routine and on-demand operations:  Implementation of suitable repositories and tools (on demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.2]  Implementation of suitable repositories and tools (on demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.2]  Maintenance and improvement of suitable repositories and tools (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.2]  Maintenance and improvement of suitable repositories and tools (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.2]  Implementation of interoperability (on demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.3]  Implementation of interoperability (on demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.3]  Maintenance and improvement of interoperability (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.3]  Maintenance and improvement of interoperability (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.3]  Implementation of hardware infrastructure, storage volumes, backup storage, and disaster  Implementation of hardware infrastructure, storage volumes, backup storage, and disaster recovery plans (on demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.4] recovery plans (on demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.4]  Maintenance and improvement of hardware infrastructure, storage volumes, backup storage,  Maintenance and improvement of hardware infrastructure, storage volumes, backup storage, and disaster recovery plans (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.4] and disaster recovery plans (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.4]  Translation of key documents and other media into pertinent languages (on-demand). [CG  Translation of key documents and other media into pertinent languages (on-demand). [CG OADMP § 4.1.7] OADMP § 4.1.7]  Data curation, metadata tagging, and data quality control (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.3 and §  Data curation, metadata tagging, and data quality control (routine). [CG OADMP § 4.1.3 and § 4.1.4] 4.1.4]  Periodic evidence-based review of the implementation of relevant regulations in force (routine).  Periodic evidence-based review of the implementation of relevant regulations in force (routine). [CG OADMP § 5] [CG OADMP § 5]  Continuous coordination among participating centers to ensure proper Open Access and Open  Continuous coordination among participating centers to ensure proper Open Access and Open Data implementation (routine). [CG OADMP § 2] Data implementation (routine). [CG OADMP § 2]   "},{"text":"Table 3 . 10: Additional OA/OD budget proposed for MAIZE Phase-II. MAIZE Phase-II MAIZE Phase-II Amount Resource Amount Resource "},{"text":"Total average estimated extra cost per year USD 498,862 Total estimated extra cost for 2017-2022 for MAIZE = USD 2,993,172 Table "},{"text":"Table 3 . 11: OA publishing costs for CIMMYT and IITA CRP MAIZE-Estimated costs for publishing in Open Access CRP MAIZE-Estimated costs for publishing in Open Access Year Cost (CIMMYT) Cost CIMMYT and IITA (CRP) YearCost (CIMMYT)Cost CIMMYT and IITA (CRP) 2015 USD 95,145 USD 158,575 (60%-40%) 2015USD 95,145USD 158,575 (60%-40%) 2016 USD 104,660 USD 174,433 (60%-40%) 2016USD 104,660USD 174,433 (60%-40%) 2017 USD 120,359 USD 200,598 (60%-40%) 2017USD 120,359USD 200,598 (60%-40%) 2018 USD 138,413 USD 230,688 (60%-40%) 2018USD 138,413USD 230,688 (60%-40%) 2019 USD 159,174 USD 265,290 (60%-40%) 2019USD 159,174USD 265,290 (60%-40%) 2020 USD 183,050 USD 305,083 (60%-40%) 2020USD 183,050USD 305,083 (60%-40%) 2021 USD 210,507 USD 350,845 (60%-40%) 2021USD 210,507USD 350,845 (60%-40%) 2022 USD 242,083 USD 403,472 (60%-40%) 2022USD 242,083USD 403,472 (60%-40%) Total cost estimate 2017-2022 USD 1,053,586 USD 1,755,976 (60%-40%) Total cost estimate 2017-2022USD 1,053,586USD 1,755,976 (60%-40%) Average annual cost estimate 2017-2022 USD 175,598 USD 292,662 (60%-40%) Average annual cost estimate 2017-2022USD 175,598USD 292,662 (60%-40%) "},{"text":"Table 3 . 12: Critical issues to address in CRP implementation from the IA perspective Barriers to full Actions implemented to address critical issues Envisioned Barriers to fullActions implemented to address critical issuesEnvisioned adoption improvements adoptionimprovements Ensuring CGIAR IA Prepare agreements to align with CGIAR principles for Monitor and train Ensuring CGIAR IAPrepare agreements to align with CGIAR principles forMonitor and train principles, center the Management of Intellectual Assets and with LEA and partners on local laws principles, centerthe Management of Intellectual Assets and with LEA andpartners on local laws policies, and center RUA requirements when local laws and practices differ. and revise internal policies, and centerRUA requirements when local laws and practices differ.and revise internal contracts are in compliance with local legislation, local markets and Revise internal policies to address critical issues, as well as to align them with local legislation standards and, when possible, with local markets/practices. and CGIAR policies in view of local laws, potentially as part of CRP \"Policies and contracts are in compliance with local legislation, local markets andRevise internal policies to address critical issues, as well as to align them with local legislation standards and, when possible, with local markets/practices.and CGIAR policies in view of local laws, potentially as part of CRP \"Policies and local practices. Markets.\" Focus on local practices.Markets.\" Focus on local seed laws and local seed laws and regulations that regulations that affect dissemination affect dissemination of research outputs. of research outputs. Lack of Include tools in the project management lifecycle to Standardize such Lack ofInclude tools in the project management lifecycle toStandardize such incorporation of IA assist in tracking intellectual assets. practices in MAIZE incorporation of IAassist in tracking intellectual assets.practices in MAIZE management principles into the project lifecycle. Prepare freedom-to-operate analysis for dissemination of CRP outputs. projects. management principles into the project lifecycle.Prepare freedom-to-operate analysis for dissemination of CRP outputs.projects. Formulate flow-down obligations and standards from Monitor and train Formulate flow-down obligations and standards fromMonitor and train internal and CGIAR policies to participating center(s) and partners. internal and CGIAR policies to participating center(s) andpartners. other partners, according to their capacities. other partners, according to their capacities. Align CGIAR IA Draft and negotiate agreements with private partners, in Continue revising Align CGIAR IADraft and negotiate agreements with private partners, inContinue revising principles with light of CGIAR principles and, if necessary, draft internal policies and principles withlight of CGIAR principles and, if necessary, draftinternal policies and private sector exceptions while ensuring appropriate justification for extend such policies private sectorexceptions while ensuring appropriate justification forextend such policies partner interests. appropriate dissemination along with the appropriate within the CGIAR. partner interests.appropriate dissemination along with the appropriatewithin the CGIAR. search and emergency exceptions. search and emergency exceptions. "},{"text":"implementation vis-a-vis IA management 1. CGIAR policy requirements are at odds with private sector interests and stewardship of GMO technologies. This applies for both outputs created through the use of private sector technology or outputs created solely by a center. 2. There are concerns about confidentiality obligations aimed at maintaining trade secrets and delay disclosure of information to provide ample time for enabling patentable inventions in view of CGIAR IA principles. 3. Ensuring that CRP MAIZE has adequate human resources, funding and capacity development to implement in a timely manner all actions needed for proper IA management. 4. Lack of knowledge among NARES of IA practices at the centers. 5. Nonexistence of IP policies within the various NARES. 6. Collecting, exporting and licensing seed in view of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Nagoya Protocol. The Lead Center IP and Legal Unit will intervene in the following phases of the project management lifecycle (highlighted in Table 3.13 below): III. Project planning and implementation III.Project planning and implementation 1. Project phase Intervention from the IP and Legal Unit 1. Project phaseIntervention from the IP and Legal Unit Planning Direct and/or participate in drafting of documents for work plan, data PlanningDirect and/or participate in drafting of documents for work plan, data management, knowledge management, and dissemination of results. IP and Legal management, knowledge management, and dissemination of results. IP and Legal will handle contractual obligations (including subgrants) to ensure appropriate will handle contractual obligations (including subgrants) to ensure appropriate planning. If appropriate, prepare preliminary FTO assessment for dissemination of planning. If appropriate, prepare preliminary FTO assessment for dissemination of results. results. Implementation, Draft and negotiate agreements, including material transfer agreements. As Implementation,Draft and negotiate agreements, including material transfer agreements. As monitoring and needed, monitor work scope, risk issues and legal issues in moving forward with monitoring andneeded, monitor work scope, risk issues and legal issues in moving forward with evaluation project. evaluationproject. Draft commercial licenses, if necessary, for dissemination of outputs. Draft commercial licenses, if necessary, for dissemination of outputs. Assist with any audits, if necessary. Assist with any audits, if necessary. If appropriate, prepare preliminary FTO assessment for dissemination of results. If appropriate, prepare preliminary FTO assessment for dissemination of results. "},{"text":"Table 3 . 14: Key dissemination pathways for maximizing global impact Type of Intellectual Asset Dissemination pathway IP + Legal contributions Type of Intellectual AssetDissemination pathway IP + Legal contributions Data and Information Products -Multi-lingual Open  Development of global licenses for dissemination as Data and Information Products-Multi-lingual Open Development of global licenses for dissemination as (databases, publications, Access repositories \"international public goods\" (databases, publications,Access repositories\"international public goods\" multimedia, reports, training -Adapted information  Legal advice on: multimedia, reports, training-Adapted information Legal advice on: materials, software, algorithms, dissemination - access to third-party technologies/ data/ materials, software, algorithms,dissemination-access to third-party technologies/ data/ maps) channels to specific software/information; maps)channels to specificsoftware/information; target groups, e.g., - agreements to publish information products target groups, e.g.,-agreements to publish information products farmers through publishers and/or scientific journals; farmersthrough publishers and/or scientific journals; -Licensing - freedom-to-operate opinions; and -Licensing-freedom-to-operate opinions; and - development of IA management strategies to -development of IA management strategies to achieve greater impact. achieve greater impact. Know-how (protocols, how-to -OA repositories Legal advice on: Know-how (protocols, how-to-OA repositoriesLegal advice on: guides, best practices) -Partnership - development of IA management strategies to guides, best practices)-Partnership-development of IA management strategies to approaches and achieve greater impact; approaches andachieve greater impact; capacity development - dissemination strategies and global licenses for that capacity development-dissemination strategies and global licenses for that -NARs purpose; -NARspurpose; -Extension specialists - access to third-party know-how; and -Extension specialists-access to third-party know-how; and -Partners and - management of confidential/ proprietary -Partners and-management of confidential/ proprietary collaborators information. collaboratorsinformation. Germplasm (physical, -As international public  Preparation of licenses and other kinds of applicable Germplasm (physical,-As international public Preparation of licenses and other kinds of applicable dissemination) goods/through NARs agreements to access and give access to germplasm, dissemination)goods/through NARsagreements to access and give access to germplasm, -Public and private including SMTA/MTAs; -Public and privateincluding SMTA/MTAs; partnerships  Legal advice on: partnerships Legal advice on: -Networks - germplasm collection and exportation; -Networks-germplasm collection and exportation; -Participatory - germplasm transfer; -Participatory-germplasm transfer; development - contract negotiation for PPP; development-contract negotiation for PPP; - freedom-to-operate opinions; -freedom-to-operate opinions; - dissemination strategies for scaling up and out; and -dissemination strategies for scaling up and out; and - data dissemination. -data dissemination. Agronomic technologies -On-farm Legal advice on: Agronomic technologies-On-farmLegal advice on: (sustainable intensification, SI) management/ - farmer's rights, germplasm collection and transfer, (sustainable intensification, SI)management/-farmer's rights, germplasm collection and transfer, participatory research use of traditional knowledge and prior informed participatory researchuse of traditional knowledge and prior informed consent; consent; - freedom-to-operate opinions; -freedom-to-operate opinions; - ethics in research and privacy matters; -ethics in research and privacy matters; - contract negotiation for accessing third-party -contract negotiation for accessing third-party technologies and/or for collaboration/ use of technologies and/or for collaboration/ use of patents; and patents; and - data dissemination. -data dissemination. Agronomic special category: -Scaling up and out Legal advice on Agronomic special category:-Scaling up and outLegal advice on Specialized machinery -Networks - contract negotiation and drafting, including for Specialized machinery-Networks-contract negotiation and drafting, including for accessing third-party technologies and/or for accessing third-party technologies and/or for "},{"text":"Table 3 . 15: Operations (technical infrastructure, planned activities) CIMMYT human resources that will support CRP implementation include: 1. CIMMYT general counsel to focus on general coordination and oversight of legal implications (10% FTE devoted to CRPs). 2. CIMMYT IP counsel with background in legal matters related to germplasm development and deployment. (10% FTE devoted to CRP MAIZE, in addition to approximately 25% FTE to be invested in projects that are linked to CRP MAIZE and approximately 20% FTE devoted to policy drafting and implementation as well as capacity building at CIMMYT, which will have a direct impact on CRP MAIZE). 3. CIMMYT IP counsel with background in legal matters related to data and information product development and deployment. (10% FTE devoted to CRP MAIZE, in addition to approximately 25% FTE to be invested in projects that are linked to CRP MAIZE and approximately 20% FTE devoted to policy drafting and implementation as well as capacity building at CIMMYT, which will have a direct impact on CRP MAIZE). 4. CIMMYT legal specialist to support IP Counsel's activities. (5% FTE devoted to CRPs in addition to approximately 20% FTE to be invested in projects that are part of CRP MAIZE). 5. CIMMYT administrative support (as needed). IA/IP operations Policy, procedure, work process Policy, procedure, Estimated cost Additional IA/IP operationsPolicy, procedure, work processPolicy, procedure,Estimated costAdditional category status (provide ref docs if apt) process owner core budget investment, categorystatus (provide ref docs if apt)process ownercore budgetinvestment, budget needed budget needed Incorporation into Lead Project management lifecycle (in Project Managers + IP & Legal: 5% + 5 % FTE of Incorporation into LeadProject management lifecycle (inProject Managers +IP & Legal: 5%+ 5 % FTE of Center project cycle draft form) IP & Legal FTE of one IP one IP Counsel Center project cycledraft form)IP & LegalFTE of one IPone IP Counsel Counsel + 3% + 2% FTE of Counsel + 3%+ 2% FTE of FTE of General General FTE of GeneralGeneral Counsel Counsel CounselCounsel Incorporation into In accordance with CIMMYT policies CRP Managers + Incorporation intoIn accordance with CIMMYT policiesCRP Managers + project cycle for and decisions taken in the CRP-MC; Participating project cycle forand decisions taken in the CRP-MC;Participating participating centers, Subgrant Centers/ non- participating centers,SubgrantCenters/ non- non-CGIAR partners CGIAR partners non-CGIAR partnersCGIAR partners IA/IP tracking Project management lifecycle (in Project Leader + IP IP & Legal: 5% +15 % FTE of IA/IP trackingProject management lifecycle (inProject Leader + IPIP & Legal: 5%+15 % FTE of draft) & Legal FTE of one IP one IP Counsel draft)& LegalFTE of one IPone IP Counsel Counsel Counsel Negotiation of partner IP Policy & IP Manual (approved, Project Leader + IP IP & Legal: 15% +10% FTE of Negotiation of partnerIP Policy & IP Manual (approved,Project Leader + IPIP & Legal: 15%+10% FTE of agreements under revision for update) & Legal FTE of each IP each IP Counsel agreementsunder revision for update)& LegalFTE of each IPeach IP Counsel Counsel (2) (2) Counsel (2)(2) Convention on Biological Germplasm Policy (in draft) Project Leader + IP IP & Legal: 5% +15 % FTE of Convention on BiologicalGermplasm Policy (in draft)Project Leader + IPIP & Legal: 5%+15 % FTE of Diversity/Farmer's & Legal FTE of one IP one IP Counsel Diversity/Farmer's& LegalFTE of one IPone IP Counsel Rights/Nagoya Protocol Counsel Rights/Nagoya ProtocolCounsel /International Treaty for /International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources Plant Genetic Resources for Food &Agriculture for Food &Agriculture Ethics in Research & Ethics in Research Policy (in draft) Project Leader + IP IP & Legal: 5% +15 % FTE of Ethics in Research &Ethics in Research Policy (in draft)Project Leader + IPIP & Legal: 5%+15 % FTE of Privacy Protection & Legal FTE of one IP one IP Counsel Privacy Protection& LegalFTE of one IPone IP Counsel Counsel Counsel "},{"text":"DT and heat stress tolerant, resistant to Striga hermonthica Stalk and ear rots (Diplodia and Fusarium spp.)  Kernel and ear rots (Aspergillus and Fusarium spp.)  Parasitic weed Striga (Striga asiatica and S. hermonthica)  Stem borers (Chilo sp., Busseola fusca and Sesamia calamistis)  Large grain borer (LGB; Prostephanus truncatus)  Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) Dry Lowland Guinea 5 6.8 40 Extra-early maturing (80-100 days), high Extra-early to medium maturing (90 to Early (90-95 days), medium (105-110 Seed companies (1), CIMMYT (1), IITA (1), MAIZE is the major provider of MAIZE is the major provider of Dry Lowland Guinea5 6.8 40Extra-early maturing (80-100 days), high Extra-early to medium maturing (90 to Early (90-95 days), medium (105-110Seed companies (1), CIMMYT (1), IITA (1),MAIZE is the major provider of MAIZE is the major provider of Region Major abiotic stresses lowlands tropical humid Savannah resistant maize soil tolerant, low P tolerant and Striga SLB, CLS, and MSV), aflatoxin and NUE. Major biotic stresses yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, aflatoxin, pre-(C. partellus) and post-harvest (LGB, maize weevil) insect pest PS, GLS, HT and cob rots) resistant, acid Striga hermonthica, foliar diseases (SLR, 135 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (DM, MSV, MLN, days) and late (110-130 days) maturing, high yielding, DT and HT, resistant to CIMMYT (2), NARS (3) NARS (2), Seed companies (3) Seed companies (2), NARS (3) (e.g., MLN); potential for further specific traits (e.g., DM, heat diverse, well-adapted, early-maturing drought, NUE, and heat tolerant germplasm with other relevant traits heat tolerant germplasm with diverse, well-adapted, extra-early to medium maturing drought, NUE, and RegionMajor abiotic stresses lowlands tropical humid Savannahresistant maize soil tolerant, low P tolerant and Striga SLB, CLS, and MSV), aflatoxin and NUE. Major biotic stresses yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, aflatoxin, pre-(C. partellus) and post-harvest (LGB, maize weevil) insect pest PS, GLS, HT and cob rots) resistant, acid Striga hermonthica, foliar diseases (SLR, 135 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (DM, MSV, MLN, days) and late (110-130 days) maturing, high yielding, DT and HT, resistant toCIMMYT (2), NARS (3) NARS (2), Seed companies (3) Seed companies (2), NARS (3)(e.g., MLN); potential for further specific traits (e.g., DM, heat diverse, well-adapted, early-maturing drought, NUE, and heat tolerant germplasm with other relevant traits heat tolerant germplasm with diverse, well-adapted, extra-early to medium maturing drought, NUE, and Sub-Saharan Africa  Asia  Drought  Poor soil fertility (sub-optimal soil N and P; soil acidity)  Heat  Combination of stresses (drought + heat; heat + sub-optimal soil N) tolerant maize  Maize lethal necrosis (MLN)  Maize streak virus (MSV)  Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)  Gray leaf spot (GLS; Cercospora zeae-maydis)  Maydis leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis)  Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)  Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)  Drought  Drought + heat  Drought + waterlogging  Heat  Waterlogging  Cold  Salinity  Lodging  Soil acidity  Sub-optimal soil P and N  Downy mildews (Peronosclerospora species)  Banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB; Rhizoctonia solanai f.sp. sasakii)  Post-flowering stalk rots (PFSR)  Gray leaf spot (GLS; Cercospora zeae-maydis)  Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)  Maydis leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis)  Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)  Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)  Kernel and ear rots (Aspergillus and Fusarium spp.) Late maturing (170-190 days), high yielding, nitrogen use efficient (NUE), acid soil tolerant, disease (MLN, MSV, TLB, GLS, PS, ear rots) resistant maize Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) Upper humid mid-altitudes 25 Medium maturing (130-145 days), high yielding, NUE, DT, acid soil tolerant, aflatoxin, and disease (MLN, MSV, TLB, GLS, PS, ear rots) resistant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Lower humid mid-altitudes 40 Medium maturing (120-130 days), high yielding, NUE, DT disease (MLN, TLB, GLS, PS, ear rots) , Striga, aflatoxin, and insect pest (B. fusca) resistant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Dry mid-altitudes 10 Early maturing (100-120 days), high yielding, DT, heat, NUE, MLN, Striga, aflatoxin, and post-harvest insect pest resistant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Humid (including MLN), aflatoxin, pre-(C. NARS (3) and Striga tolerant maize lowlands 5 Early maturing (90-120 days), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), warm MLN and ear rots) resistant, acid soil tolerant, low P tolerant, stem borer and post-harvest insect pest resistant maize Mid-altitude humid hot 26.4 Early to late maturing (115 to 145 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (GLS, MSV, HT, PS, PLS, MLN and ear rots) resistant, acid soil Mid-altitude dry 19 Extra-early to medium maturing (90 to 135 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (PS, MSV, MLN and ear rots) resistant, low P tolerant NARS (3) Seed companies (2), CIMMYT (1), CLS, and MSV), aflatoxin and NUE. tolerant, low P tolerant maize NARS (3) Savannah NARS (3) days) maturing, high yielding, , foliar diseases (SLR, SLB, Seed companies (2), CIMMYT (2), West Africa Sudan 15 Extra-early (80-85 days) and early (90-95 IITA (1), Seed companies (1), cold/frost tolerant maize. tolerant, photoperiod-sensitive, and humid NUE, disease (GLS, MSV, HT, PS, PLS, NARS (3) resistant, acid soil tolerant, low P altitude PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, CIMMYT (2), disease (PS, GLS, MLN, HT, and ear rots) Mid-29.6 Early to late maturing (115 to 145 days to Seed companies (1), 145 days to PM), high yielding, NUE, Seed companies (2) Southern Africa Sub-tropical temperate 2.1 Early to late maturing (115 to 145 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (GLS, TLB, PLS, MSV and ear rots) resistant, and photoperiod sensitive maize Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) Lowland tropical dry 15.1 Extra-early to medium maturing (90 to 135 days to PM), high yielding, combined heat and drought tolerant, disease (PS) resistant, aflatoxin, NUE, stem borer resistant, and Striga tolerant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Southern 25 Early (90-95 days), medium (105-110 IITA (1), days) and late (110-130 days) maturing, Seed companies (2), Guinea high yielding, DT, resistant to Striga NARS (3) Savannah hermonthica, foliar diseases (SLR, SLB, CLS, and MSV), ear rots, aflatoxin and NUE. Forest / 20 Early (90-95 days), medium (105-110 Highlands 1 Early-medium to late maturing (120 to CIMMYT (1), days) and late (110-130 days) maturing, Transitional high yielding, resistant to foliar diseases Zone (SLR, increasing productivity. Also, overall tolerance) of interest, with potential genetic gains in the highlands have for further increasing productivity MAIZE provides improved highland germplasm to help specific countries where seed companies have not invested (e.g., Rwanda and Burundi). Also, overall genetic gains in the highlands have decreased and productivity has stagnated over the years due to a very narrow genetic base. with relevant traits (e.g., MLN in DT genetic backgrounds); opportunities for upstream research to increase genetic gain and productivity. MAIZE is the major provider of adapted DT, NUE and heat tolerant germplasm, with relevant traits (e.g., MLN); opportunities for upstream research to increase genetic gain and productivity. drought, NUE, and heat tolerant MAIZE is the major provider of diverse, well-adapted, early-maturing preferred traits (e.g., heat tolerance, NUE, MLN, aflatoxin, stem borers, post-harvest pests, in DT genetic backgrounds); opportunities for upstream research to increase genetic gains and productivity. productivity. growing cycles and further enhance smallholders in areas with short traits, to meet the needs of maize germplasm, with relevant abiotic and biotic stress tolerant early and early maturing improved MAIZE is the major supplier of extra-America. with appropriate and gender from as far Ethiopia or South resilient and diverse elite germplasm areas. Germplasm has to be sourced MAIZE is the major provider of stress address the needs of their highland do not have the genetics required to in southern Africa. These countries adapted and diverse elite germplasm germplasm to help specific countries MAIZE is the major provider of decreased and productivity has stagnated over the years due to a very narrow genetic base. MAIZE provides diverse, well-adapted, early to late maturing, drought, NUE, and heat tolerant germplasm with other relevant traits (e.g., photoperiod sensitive germplasm with unique plant ideotype); potential for further increasing productivity. (especially in Mozambique and Angola). MAIZE is the major provider of diverse, well-adapted, extra-early to medium maturing germplasm combining drought and heat tolerance with NUE, and with specific MAIZE supplies primarily medium (105-110 days) and late (110-130 days) maturing maize germplasm with tolerance to key abiotic and biotic stresses to exploit the long growing period and further enhance farm level productivity. traits of interest (aflatoxin, stem borers), with potential for further increasing productivity. MAIZE provides improved highland Sub-Saharan Africa  Asia  Drought  Poor soil fertility (sub-optimal soil N and P; soil acidity)  Heat  Combination of stresses (drought + heat; heat + sub-optimal soil N) tolerant maize  Maize lethal necrosis (MLN)  Maize streak virus (MSV)  Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)  Gray leaf spot (GLS; Cercospora zeae-maydis)  Maydis leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis)  Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)  Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)  Drought  Drought + heat  Drought + waterlogging  Heat  Waterlogging  Cold  Salinity  Lodging  Soil acidity  Sub-optimal soil P and N  Downy mildews (Peronosclerospora species)  Banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB; Rhizoctonia solanai f.sp. sasakii)  Post-flowering stalk rots (PFSR)  Gray leaf spot (GLS; Cercospora zeae-maydis)  Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)  Maydis leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis)  Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)  Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)  Kernel and ear rots (Aspergillus and Fusarium spp.) Late maturing (170-190 days), high yielding, nitrogen use efficient (NUE), acid soil tolerant, disease (MLN, MSV, TLB, GLS, PS, ear rots) resistant maize Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) Upper humid mid-altitudes 25 Medium maturing (130-145 days), high yielding, NUE, DT, acid soil tolerant, aflatoxin, and disease (MLN, MSV, TLB, GLS, PS, ear rots) resistant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Lower humid mid-altitudes 40 Medium maturing (120-130 days), high yielding, NUE, DT disease (MLN, TLB, GLS, PS, ear rots) , Striga, aflatoxin, and insect pest (B. fusca) resistant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Dry mid-altitudes 10 Early maturing (100-120 days), high yielding, DT, heat, NUE, MLN, Striga, aflatoxin, and post-harvest insect pest resistant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Humid (including MLN), aflatoxin, pre-(C. NARS (3) and Striga tolerant maize lowlands 5 Early maturing (90-120 days), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), warm MLN and ear rots) resistant, acid soil tolerant, low P tolerant, stem borer and post-harvest insect pest resistant maize Mid-altitude humid hot 26.4 Early to late maturing (115 to 145 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (GLS, MSV, HT, PS, PLS, MLN and ear rots) resistant, acid soil Mid-altitude dry 19 Extra-early to medium maturing (90 to 135 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (PS, MSV, MLN and ear rots) resistant, low P tolerant NARS (3) Seed companies (2), CIMMYT (1), CLS, and MSV), aflatoxin and NUE. tolerant, low P tolerant maize NARS (3) Savannah NARS (3) days) maturing, high yielding, , foliar diseases (SLR, SLB, Seed companies (2), CIMMYT (2), West Africa Sudan 15 Extra-early (80-85 days) and early (90-95 IITA (1), Seed companies (1), cold/frost tolerant maize. tolerant, photoperiod-sensitive, and humid NUE, disease (GLS, MSV, HT, PS, PLS, NARS (3) resistant, acid soil tolerant, low P altitude PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, CIMMYT (2), disease (PS, GLS, MLN, HT, and ear rots) Mid-29.6 Early to late maturing (115 to 145 days to Seed companies (1), 145 days to PM), high yielding, NUE, Seed companies (2) Southern Africa Sub-tropical temperate 2.1 Early to late maturing (115 to 145 days to PM), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant, NUE, disease (GLS, TLB, PLS, MSV and ear rots) resistant, and photoperiod sensitive maize Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) Lowland tropical dry 15.1 Extra-early to medium maturing (90 to 135 days to PM), high yielding, combined heat and drought tolerant, disease (PS) resistant, aflatoxin, NUE, stem borer resistant, and Striga tolerant maize CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Southern 25 Early (90-95 days), medium (105-110 IITA (1), days) and late (110-130 days) maturing, Seed companies (2), Guinea high yielding, DT, resistant to Striga NARS (3) Savannah hermonthica, foliar diseases (SLR, SLB, CLS, and MSV), ear rots, aflatoxin and NUE. Forest / 20 Early (90-95 days), medium (105-110 Highlands 1 Early-medium to late maturing (120 to CIMMYT (1), days) and late (110-130 days) maturing, Transitional high yielding, resistant to foliar diseases Zone (SLR,increasing productivity. Also, overall tolerance) of interest, with potential genetic gains in the highlands have for further increasing productivity MAIZE provides improved highland germplasm to help specific countries where seed companies have not invested (e.g., Rwanda and Burundi). Also, overall genetic gains in the highlands have decreased and productivity has stagnated over the years due to a very narrow genetic base. with relevant traits (e.g., MLN in DT genetic backgrounds); opportunities for upstream research to increase genetic gain and productivity. MAIZE is the major provider of adapted DT, NUE and heat tolerant germplasm, with relevant traits (e.g., MLN); opportunities for upstream research to increase genetic gain and productivity. drought, NUE, and heat tolerant MAIZE is the major provider of diverse, well-adapted, early-maturing preferred traits (e.g., heat tolerance, NUE, MLN, aflatoxin, stem borers, post-harvest pests, in DT genetic backgrounds); opportunities for upstream research to increase genetic gains and productivity. productivity. growing cycles and further enhance smallholders in areas with short traits, to meet the needs of maize germplasm, with relevant abiotic and biotic stress tolerant early and early maturing improved MAIZE is the major supplier of extra-America. with appropriate and gender from as far Ethiopia or South resilient and diverse elite germplasm areas. Germplasm has to be sourced MAIZE is the major provider of stress address the needs of their highland do not have the genetics required to in southern Africa. These countries adapted and diverse elite germplasm germplasm to help specific countries MAIZE is the major provider of decreased and productivity has stagnated over the years due to a very narrow genetic base. MAIZE provides diverse, well-adapted, early to late maturing, drought, NUE, and heat tolerant germplasm with other relevant traits (e.g., photoperiod sensitive germplasm with unique plant ideotype); potential for further increasing productivity. (especially in Mozambique and Angola). MAIZE is the major provider of diverse, well-adapted, extra-early to medium maturing germplasm combining drought and heat tolerance with NUE, and with specific MAIZE supplies primarily medium (105-110 days) and late (110-130 days) maturing maize germplasm with tolerance to key abiotic and biotic stresses to exploit the long growing period and further enhance farm level productivity. traits of interest (aflatoxin, stem borers), with potential for further increasing productivity. MAIZE provides improved highland  Stem borers (Chilo sp.; Busseola fusca) partellus) and post-harvest (LGB, maize germplasm with specific traits in high  Stem borers (Chilo sp.; Busseola fusca) partellus) and post-harvest (LGB, maizegermplasm with specific traits in high  Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) weevil) insect pest resistant maize demand (e.g., MLN); potential for  Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) weevil) insect pest resistant maizedemand (e.g., MLN); potential for Latin America  Drought  Tar spot complex further increasing productivity. Latin America  Drought Tar spot complexfurther increasing productivity.  Soil acidity/Al toxicity  Corn stunt complex  Soil acidity/Al toxicity Corn stunt complex  Heat  Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)  Heat Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)  Sub-optimal soil P  Gray leaf spot (GLS; Cercospora zeae-maydis)  Sub-optimal soil P Gray leaf spot (GLS; Cercospora zeae-maydis)  Maydis leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis)  Maydis leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis)  Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)  Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)  Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)  Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)  Stalk and ear rots (Diplodia and Fusarium spp.)  Stalk and ear rots (Diplodia and Fusarium spp.)  Kernel and ear rots (Aspergillus and Fusarium spp.)  Kernel and ear rots (Aspergillus and Fusarium spp.)  Large grain borer (LGB; Prostephanus truncatus)  Large grain borer (LGB; Prostephanus truncatus)  Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais)  Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) "},{"text":"SLB, CLS, and MSV), ear rots, aflatoxin, insect pests (Sesamia calamistis and Eldana saccharina) and NUE. *Improved maize varieties deployed by SME seed companies and NARS are largely based on MAIZE germplasm, except in the eastern Africa highlands and midaltitude areas in southern Africa, where unique germplasm is used by seed companies. Traits highlighted in bold are particularly limiting genetic gains, and are important for product success.**Improved maize varieties deployed by SME seed companies and NARS are largely based on MAIZE germplasm, except in mid-altitude areas where unique germplasm is used by seed companies. In yellow-highlighted seasons, there is high penetration of hybrids from MNCs; however, SME seed companies do serve niche/unreached markets and require MAIZE germplasm. Also, MAIZE contributes improved donors for abiotic/biotic stress traits to both public and private sectors serving across regions in Asia. **Traits highlighted in bold are particularly limiting genetic gains, and are important for product success. Latin America Sub-region Asia Moisture regime* Rainfed season; Meso America and the Caribbean Western and Northern South High rainfall areas Rainfed season; Assured moisture areas America (Andean) Rainfed season; Low rainfall (<500 mm) areas Rainfed; Medium rainfall (800-1200 mm) areas, but with erratic rainfall distribution Irrigated; Dry season Spring season Irrigated; Agro-ecology Highlands Irrigation Nil Highlands Mid-altitude Protective Nil Mid-altitude Lowland Tropics Nil Full Lowland Tropics Full Proprtion of maize area in the region (%) 5 Proportion of maize area in the region (%) 15 15 15 11 16 25 80 38 13 60 7 Target products* Medium-early maturing (240-250 days), high yielding, cold tolerant (CT), DT and disease (common rust, ear rot) resistant maize Target products** Medium-full maturity, high-yielding, Medium-early maturing (230-240 days), high yielding, cold tolerant (CT), drought tolerant (DT), disease (common rust, ear rot) resistant maize short to medium height, waterlogging Medium maturing (170-180 days), high yielding, DT, NUE, and disease (TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots) resistant maize tolerant (WLT), disease [TLB, MLB, BLSB, DM (Indonesia), rust, GLS] resistant maize Full maturity, high-yielding, water use efficient (WUE), nutrient use efficient, and disease (TLB, DM, rust, BLSB, GLS) resistant maize Early maturity, high-yielding, short to Medium maturing (170-180 days), high yielding, DT, NUE and disease (TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots) resistant maize medium height, drought tolerant (DT) or DT + heat tolerant (HT) and disease Medium maturing (140-150 days), high (PFSR, ear rots, DM) resistant maize yielding, DT, HT, NUE and disease (TLB, GLS, ear rot) resistant maize Early to medium maturity, high-yielding, DT + WLT / DT + HT, and disease (PFSR, BLSB, MLB, GLS) resistant maize Full maturity, high-yielding, short to Medium maturing (140-150 days), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant (HT), NUE and disease (tar spot complex, northern corn leaf blight, corn stunt complex, ear rot) resistant maize medium height, cold tolerant, WUE, nutrient use efficient, and disease [Macrophomina, DM (Indonesia)] resistant maize and shoot fly resistant maize Early maturity, high-yielding, HT, WUE, IITA (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Improved germplasm providers (with NARS (1), CIMMYT (2), Seed companies (3) Comparative advantage*** MAIZE: 80 relative ranking)** CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) MNCs: 20 Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) MAIZE: 20 MNCs: 80 MAIZE: 80 Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) MNCs: 20 Seed companies (1), CIMMYT (2), NARS (3) MAIZE: 60 MNCs: 40 MAIZE: 20 CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) MNCs: 80 MNCs: 20 MAIZE: 80 MAIZE provides unique improved highland germplasm with tolerance MAIZE target countries/areas to drought and disease resistance (common rust and ear rot) to help Justification for MAIZE investment in smallholders in specific regions Phase-II where seed companies have not NE India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, MAIZE provides unique improved highland germplasm with tolerance to drought and disease resistance (common rust and ear rot) to help smallholders in specific regions where seed companies have not made significant investment (e.g., made significant investment (e.g., Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Sri Mexico's Central Highlands). Lanka MAIZE is a relevant provider of adapted and diverse elite germplasm with tolerance to abiotic stresses South India, Thailand, South China, (drought, crowding stress, nitrogen Indonesia, Sri Lanka use efficiency) and disease resistance (e.g., TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots). Opportunities for increasing genetic gain by using modern enabling C & W India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mexico's Central Highlands). technologies (e.g., DH, genomic and northwestern Bangladesh MAIZE is a relevant provider of selection, precision phenotyping). adapted and diverse elite germplasm MAIZE is a major provider of adapted with tolerance to abiotic stresses (drought, crowding stress, nitrogen use efficiency) and disease resistance (e.g. TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots). Opportunities for increasing genetic gain by using modern enabling and diverse elite germplasm with IGP (India), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, tolerance to abiotic stresses Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam (drought, heat, nitrogen use efficiency) and disease resistance (e.g., NCLB, GLS, and ear rot). Opportunities for increasing genetic technologies (e.g., DH, genomic gain by using modern enabling India, Bangladesh, southern China, selection, precision phenotyping). technologies (e.g., DH, genomic Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nepal MAIZE is a major provider of adapted selection, precision phenotyping). and diverse elite germplasm with tolerance to abiotic stresses (drought, heat, nitrogen use (e.g., TSC, NCLB, CSC, and ear rot). efficiency) and disease resistance Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Nepal Latin America Sub-region Asia Moisture regime* Rainfed season; Meso America and the Caribbean Western and Northern South High rainfall areas Rainfed season; Assured moisture areas America (Andean) Rainfed season; Low rainfall (<500 mm) areas Rainfed; Medium rainfall (800-1200 mm) areas, but with erratic rainfall distribution Irrigated; Dry season Spring season Irrigated;Agro-ecology Highlands Irrigation Nil Highlands Mid-altitude Protective Nil Mid-altitude Lowland Tropics Nil Full Lowland Tropics FullProprtion of maize area in the region (%) 5 Proportion of maize area in the region (%) 15 15 15 11 16 25 80 38 13 60 7Target products* Medium-early maturing (240-250 days), high yielding, cold tolerant (CT), DT and disease (common rust, ear rot) resistant maize Target products** Medium-full maturity, high-yielding, Medium-early maturing (230-240 days), high yielding, cold tolerant (CT), drought tolerant (DT), disease (common rust, ear rot) resistant maize short to medium height, waterlogging Medium maturing (170-180 days), high yielding, DT, NUE, and disease (TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots) resistant maize tolerant (WLT), disease [TLB, MLB, BLSB, DM (Indonesia), rust, GLS] resistant maize Full maturity, high-yielding, water use efficient (WUE), nutrient use efficient, and disease (TLB, DM, rust, BLSB, GLS) resistant maize Early maturity, high-yielding, short to Medium maturing (170-180 days), high yielding, DT, NUE and disease (TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots) resistant maize medium height, drought tolerant (DT) or DT + heat tolerant (HT) and disease Medium maturing (140-150 days), high (PFSR, ear rots, DM) resistant maize yielding, DT, HT, NUE and disease (TLB, GLS, ear rot) resistant maize Early to medium maturity, high-yielding, DT + WLT / DT + HT, and disease (PFSR, BLSB, MLB, GLS) resistant maize Full maturity, high-yielding, short to Medium maturing (140-150 days), high yielding, DT, heat tolerant (HT), NUE and disease (tar spot complex, northern corn leaf blight, corn stunt complex, ear rot) resistant maize medium height, cold tolerant, WUE, nutrient use efficient, and disease [Macrophomina, DM (Indonesia)] resistant maize and shoot fly resistant maize Early maturity, high-yielding, HT, WUE,IITA (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) Improved germplasm providers (with NARS (1), CIMMYT (2), Seed companies (3) Comparative advantage*** MAIZE: 80 relative ranking)** CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) MNCs: 20 Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) MAIZE: 20 MNCs: 80 MAIZE: 80 Seed companies (1), NARS (2), CIMMYT (3) MNCs: 20 Seed companies (1), CIMMYT (2), NARS (3) MAIZE: 60 MNCs: 40 MAIZE: 20 CIMMYT (1), Seed companies (2), NARS (3) MNCs: 80 MNCs: 20 MAIZE: 80MAIZE provides unique improved highland germplasm with tolerance MAIZE target countries/areas to drought and disease resistance (common rust and ear rot) to help Justification for MAIZE investment in smallholders in specific regions Phase-II where seed companies have not NE India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, MAIZE provides unique improved highland germplasm with tolerance to drought and disease resistance (common rust and ear rot) to help smallholders in specific regions where seed companies have not made significant investment (e.g., made significant investment (e.g., Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Sri Mexico's Central Highlands). Lanka MAIZE is a relevant provider of adapted and diverse elite germplasm with tolerance to abiotic stresses South India, Thailand, South China, (drought, crowding stress, nitrogen Indonesia, Sri Lanka use efficiency) and disease resistance (e.g., TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots). Opportunities for increasing genetic gain by using modern enabling C & W India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mexico's Central Highlands). technologies (e.g., DH, genomic and northwestern Bangladesh MAIZE is a relevant provider of selection, precision phenotyping). adapted and diverse elite germplasm MAIZE is a major provider of adapted with tolerance to abiotic stresses (drought, crowding stress, nitrogen use efficiency) and disease resistance (e.g. TLB, GLS, stalk and ear rots). Opportunities for increasing genetic gain by using modern enabling and diverse elite germplasm with IGP (India), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, tolerance to abiotic stresses Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam (drought, heat, nitrogen use efficiency) and disease resistance (e.g., NCLB, GLS, and ear rot). Opportunities for increasing genetic technologies (e.g., DH, genomic gain by using modern enabling India, Bangladesh, southern China, selection, precision phenotyping). technologies (e.g., DH, genomic Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nepal MAIZE is a major provider of adapted selection, precision phenotyping). and diverse elite germplasm with tolerance to abiotic stresses (drought, heat, nitrogen use (e.g., TSC, NCLB, CSC, and ear rot). efficiency) and disease resistance Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Nepal Opportunities for increasing genetic Opportunities for increasing genetic gain by using modern enabling gain by using modern enabling technologies (e.g., DH, genomic technologies (e.g., DH, genomic selection, precision phenotyping). selection, precision phenotyping). "},{"text":"3.13 MAIZE Target Nutritional Traits under FP3 (CoA 3.3) Trent Bunderson Total Landcare TLC's mandate is to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the region with a focus on community based approaches to increase agricultural production, food security and incomes within a context that ensures sound management of their natural resources.A key thrust is to provide information to decision-makers to improve policies that support economic development and growth in a sustainable manner. CIMMYT has collaborated extensively with TLC in Zambia and Malawi, providing scientific backstoping to TLC scaling efforts.http://www.totallandcare.org/ iDE, Bangladesh iDE is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with over 30 years of experience in designing and delivering market based antipoverty programs. We believe that markets can be a powerful force for improving the prosperity of rural communities. Throughout our programs we deploy business models, appropriate technologies, and agricultural science to facilitate market systems which work for the poor. iDE is a key scaling partner for our CSISA-MI project. Region Africa Asia Latin America Controlling the spread and impact of MLN in Sub-Target countries Spill-over countries  Ethiopia  Kenya  Countries where A4NH activities on provitamin A are focus (Zambia, Nigeria, Malawi, etc.)  Tanzania  Malawi  Zimbabwe  Ghana  Nepal  India  Indonesia  Bangladesh  Vietnam  Pakistan  Haiti  Bolivia  Countries where A4NH activities on high Zn and provitamin A are focus (southern Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia)  Honduras  El Salvador  Ecuador  Peru 2.4 Universidad Autónoma de University Products with nutritional traits  Provitamin A  Kernel Zn in QPM and non-QPM backgrounds  Combinations of Provitamin A, kernel methionine, high oil  Kernel Zn in both non-QPM and QPM (yellow and white) backgrounds  Kernel Zn in QPM and non-QPM backgrounds Kenya, Tanzania, Rationale of prioritization  Malnutrition indices in the countries  White maize consumption  Complementation of priority areas of A4NH  Maize for food consumption patterns  Spill-over countries have increasing demand for maize feed  Malnutrition indices in countries  Maize pattern consumption  Complementation of priority areas of A4NH Fusarium ear rot evaluation 3.1 INTA (Nicaragua) NARES Yes Local testing of improved 3.6 SEAN Seed Service Centre Private Sector Yes Identification and promotion 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 Various small and medium Seeds companies Yes Testing of stress resilience varieties. FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING 9 System trajectories, diversity and cross-scale trade-offs; targeting innovations for the sustainable intensification of maize-based agro-ecosystems. Implementing organization: Wageningen UR CGIAR: MAIZE CRP Competitive Partners' Grant Nepal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mexico Feed-the-Future Initiative USAID Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Guatemala, Haiti yes Developing approaches for sustainable access to mechanization for smallholder farmers -focus on dryland farming. Implementing organization: Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture CGIAR: MAIZE CRP Competitive Partners' Grant Nepal, Bangladesh, Mexico How to assure access to affordable high quality maize seed: what works and consequences for program design. Implementing organization: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) CGIAR: MAIZE CRP Competitive Partners' Grant Mexico, Zambia, Malawi, India yes Africa Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) BMGF and USAID Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe yes Improved Maize for African Soils (IMAS) BMGF and USAID Kenya, South Africa, USA Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) BMGF and USAID Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda Africa Rising Project -IITA USAID Africa yes Managing maize lethal necrosis (MLN) in eastern Africa through accelerated development and delivery of resistant maize germplasm and seed systems support BMGF & Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) Eastern Africa Saharan Africa through improved diagnostic capacity and MCMV-free commercial seed production USAID Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Malawi, Nuevo León germplasm. Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots Limited (SSSC) of multiple stress tolerant high yielding and low cost enterprise (SME) seed companies in SSA, Asia hybrids, lines and OPVs; uptake of new stress resilient 3.1; 3.6 BARI, Bangladesh NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Zambia, Zimbabwe Drought tolerant maize for Africa seed scale-up (DTMASS) USAID Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia yes Malawi Improved Seed Systems and Technologies (MISST) -ICRISAT USAID Malawi yes Role of crop diversification for food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) Ethiopia, Malawi yes Infant foods from local resources as a pathway to better food and nutrition security in Benin Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF) Benin West Africa Seed Program CORAF/WECARD Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal The Multinational -CGIAR Project: Support to Agricultural Research for Development on Strategic Commodities in Africa (SARD-SC) AfDB, SARD-SC, IPI Benin, C'te d'Ivoire, DR, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania yes Increasing research technicians capacity for supporting plant breeding through short training courses AGRA Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria Agricultural Investment and Market Development Project (AIMDP)-IITA MINADER Cameroon yes The development and expansion of sustainable agriculture activities in the periphery south of Faunal Reserve of Lomako Yokokala mainly in the territory of Djolu and Befale (MLW Landscape) AWF DR Congo Youth Agribusiness Development Initiative (YADI) IFAD DR Congo, Kenya, Nigeria yes 3.1 DICTA NARES Yes Local testing of improved germplasm. Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots 3.1 DuPont-Pioneer Multinational private sector Yes In Mexico: 1) Drought evaluation 2) Heat evaluation 3) Fusarium ear rot evaluation 4) Tar spot evaluation; In Asia: Heat tolerant maize 3.1 Free State University University Yes Training of Ph.D. students 3.1 GMRI, China NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 IAS, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam NARES Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 ICTA NARES Yes Local testing of improved germplasm. Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots 3.1 IDIAP (Panama) NARES Yes Local testing of improved germplasm. Phenotyping for drought 3.1 MMRI, Pakistan NARES Yes Heat stress phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment hybrids towards doubling and LA. germplasm for product in target environment. Prepared by: 3.1 NMRI, Hanoi, Vietnam NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 NSFCRC, Thailand NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 Universidad de San Carlos University Yes Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots 3.1 University of Leeds, UK University Yes Meta-data analysis combined with climate data 3.2 DSMZ, Germany ARI Yes Diagnostics and virology 3.2 IAPSC International cooperation agency Yes Surveillance, phytosanitary policy and advocacy 3.2 ICIPE ARI Yes MLN vector ecology and biocontrol 3.2 RECs (CORAF, ASARECA, ACTESA) International cooperation agency Yes Policy, advocacy, capacity development 3.2 Regional Seed Trade Associations (e.g., AFSTA) Other Yes Supporting commercial seed sector for MLN-free seed production; policy and advocacy; phenotyping sites but also cotton seed, wheat, soya bean, barley, sorghum and ground nut seed. 3.6 Semilla Nueva National NGO Yes Local testing of improved germplasm 3.6 Suba Agro-Trading & engineering Co. Ltd. Private Sector Yes Identification of multiple stress tolerant, high yielding, easy to produce and low cost hybrids for smallholder farmers in mid-altitude zone of Northern Tanzania 3.6 Somali Agricultural Technical group Private Sector Yes Test drought-tolerant maize hybrids in the Lower Shebelle region of Somalia 3.1; 3.2; 3.6; 5.2; FP1, FP2, FP4 Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) NARES Yes Breeding, phenotyping, DH, MLN, consumer acceptance of lime-cooked products, 3.1; 3.3; 3.6 Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), China NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment. Deploying improved maize germplasm 3.1; 3.6 INIA (Venezuela) NARES Local testing of improved germplasm 3.1; 3.6 INIA (Peru) NARES Yes Local testing of improved agriculture, socioeconomics seed systems, conservation in target environments representative agro-ecology 3.1; 3.6 ICeRI, Indonesia NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with germplasm 3.1; 3.6 FIPAH National NGO Yes Local testing of improved 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 Various medium and large seed companies (including Pioneer and Monsanto) Multinational private sector Yes Identification of the best hybrids, rapid multiplication and sell to farmers; MLN diagnostics and MLN-free commercial seed production 3.1; 3.2; 3.6; 4.3; 4.4 Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) International NGO Yes Abiotic and biotic stress resilient maize germplasm; MLN R4D; advocacy; scale-appropriate mechanization; PPP germplasm 3.1; 3.6 FIDAR National NGO Local testing of improved key diseases germplasm; phenotyping for 3.1; 3.6 FEDERECAFE National NGO Yes Local testing of improved protocols offices other public germplasm 3.1; 3.6 CRDD Ministries or Local testing of improved germplasm 3.1; 3.6 CORPOICA NARES Yes Local testing of improved improved germplasm commercial seed production. pilot seed production of technologies. MLN-free 3.1; 3.6 CHIBAS National NGO Local testing, promotion and Collaboration on transgenic mainly hybrid maize seed, southern Africa. key diseases in hot spots markets certified crop seeds, maize hybrids in eastern and germplasm; phenotyping for 3.6 SeedCo Ltd. Private Sector Yes Seed Co develops and Technology Foundation) NGO deployment of improved 3.1; 3.6 CENTA NARES Yes Local testing of improved maize productivity in mid-hills of Nepal development and/or release. 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 AATF (African Agricultural International Yes Supporting development and Development and delivery of stress tolerant maize. Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Jan-17 - Geography (sites in key areas Local presence, infrastructure, Expertise Physical resources (land, breeding and nutritious maize yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes where CIMMYT does not have a station). Expertise in hot spot and expertise irrigation), human capacity, expanded testing network Geographical location. Previous experience with yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Fusarium ear rot evaluation. Local presence, infrastructure, hot spot and expertise Expertise in genomics, transgenic technologies, phenotyping, DH, seed systems, and in-kind services Strong history of collaboration in breeding Geographical location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Geographical location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Local presence, infrastructure and expertise Local presence, infrastructure, dry environment and expertise abiotic and biotic stress Geographic location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Geographic location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Local presence, infrastructure and expertise Leading in climate projections (lead author of IPCC) and agricultural modeling Experience in diagnostics African regional phytosanitary body Expertise in entomology African regional agricultural policy and implementation Development of seed enterprise capacity in Africa; niche phenotyping network; technology scaling up Local presence, infrastructure and expertise Reliable extension service a nationwide distribution network and infrastructures, a team of highly qualified personnel as well as extensive and well-tailored product range. We also provide key technology on input use and communities in the sustainable development of Somali agriculture, and conservation of the natural resource base to solve the prevailing food crisis in Somalia on abiotic and biotic stress and expertise breeding; previous experience Local presence, infrastructure, YAAS. Sub-tropical maize and expertise Hosts CIMMYT-China team in Local presence, infrastructure, phenotyping and biotic stress breeding and chains Previous experience on abiotic agricultural systems and value Geographical location. Expertise in Kenyan national, regional, and local partnerships, extension and expertise Cooperate with international, Public and private Local presence, infrastructure management. for planting and harvesting, and expertise phenotyping; in-kind services Local presence, infrastructure, a station); expertise in where CIMMYT does not have hot spot and expertise Geography (sites in key areas Local presence, infrastructure, farmers and expertise hybrids and reach more Local presence, infrastructure, rapidly scale up improved and expertise dissemination network to Local presence, infrastructure, Have facility, know-how and and expertise Local presence, infrastructure, experience on abiotic and Geographic location. Previous and expertise phenotyping Expertise and location enterprise capacity in Africa Local presence, infrastructure biotic stress breeding and Development of seed breeding and phenotyping Region Africa Asia Latin America Controlling the spread and impact of MLN in Sub-Target countries Spill-over countries  Ethiopia  Kenya  Countries where A4NH activities on provitamin A are focus (Zambia, Nigeria, Malawi, etc.)  Tanzania  Malawi  Zimbabwe  Ghana  Nepal  India  Indonesia  Bangladesh  Vietnam  Pakistan  Haiti  Bolivia  Countries where A4NH activities on high Zn and provitamin A are focus (southern Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia)  Honduras  El Salvador  Ecuador  Peru 2.4 Universidad Autónoma de University Products with nutritional traits  Provitamin A  Kernel Zn in QPM and non-QPM backgrounds  Combinations of Provitamin A, kernel methionine, high oil  Kernel Zn in both non-QPM and QPM (yellow and white) backgrounds  Kernel Zn in QPM and non-QPM backgrounds Kenya, Tanzania, Rationale of prioritization  Malnutrition indices in the countries  White maize consumption  Complementation of priority areas of A4NH  Maize for food consumption patterns  Spill-over countries have increasing demand for maize feed  Malnutrition indices in countries  Maize pattern consumption  Complementation of priority areas of A4NH Fusarium ear rot evaluation 3.1 INTA (Nicaragua) NARES Yes Local testing of improved 3.6 SEAN Seed Service Centre Private Sector Yes Identification and promotion 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 Various small and medium Seeds companies Yes Testing of stress resilience varieties. FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING 9 System trajectories, diversity and cross-scale trade-offs; targeting innovations for the sustainable intensification of maize-based agro-ecosystems. Implementing organization: Wageningen UR CGIAR: MAIZE CRP Competitive Partners' Grant Nepal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mexico Feed-the-Future Initiative USAID Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Guatemala, Haiti yes Developing approaches for sustainable access to mechanization for smallholder farmers -focus on dryland farming. Implementing organization: Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture CGIAR: MAIZE CRP Competitive Partners' Grant Nepal, Bangladesh, Mexico How to assure access to affordable high quality maize seed: what works and consequences for program design. Implementing organization: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) CGIAR: MAIZE CRP Competitive Partners' Grant Mexico, Zambia, Malawi, India yes Africa Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) BMGF and USAID Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe yes Improved Maize for African Soils (IMAS) BMGF and USAID Kenya, South Africa, USA Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) BMGF and USAID Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda Africa Rising Project -IITA USAID Africa yes Managing maize lethal necrosis (MLN) in eastern Africa through accelerated development and delivery of resistant maize germplasm and seed systems support BMGF & Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) Eastern Africa Saharan Africa through improved diagnostic capacity and MCMV-free commercial seed production USAID Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Malawi, Nuevo León germplasm. Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots Limited (SSSC) of multiple stress tolerant high yielding and low cost enterprise (SME) seed companies in SSA, Asia hybrids, lines and OPVs; uptake of new stress resilient 3.1; 3.6 BARI, Bangladesh NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Zambia, Zimbabwe Drought tolerant maize for Africa seed scale-up (DTMASS) USAID Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia yes Malawi Improved Seed Systems and Technologies (MISST) -ICRISAT USAID Malawi yes Role of crop diversification for food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) Ethiopia, Malawi yes Infant foods from local resources as a pathway to better food and nutrition security in Benin Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF) Benin West Africa Seed Program CORAF/WECARD Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal The Multinational -CGIAR Project: Support to Agricultural Research for Development on Strategic Commodities in Africa (SARD-SC) AfDB, SARD-SC, IPI Benin, C'te d'Ivoire, DR, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania yes Increasing research technicians capacity for supporting plant breeding through short training courses AGRA Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria Agricultural Investment and Market Development Project (AIMDP)-IITA MINADER Cameroon yes The development and expansion of sustainable agriculture activities in the periphery south of Faunal Reserve of Lomako Yokokala mainly in the territory of Djolu and Befale (MLW Landscape) AWF DR Congo Youth Agribusiness Development Initiative (YADI) IFAD DR Congo, Kenya, Nigeria yes 3.1 DICTA NARES Yes Local testing of improved germplasm. Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots 3.1 DuPont-Pioneer Multinational private sector Yes In Mexico: 1) Drought evaluation 2) Heat evaluation 3) Fusarium ear rot evaluation 4) Tar spot evaluation; In Asia: Heat tolerant maize 3.1 Free State University University Yes Training of Ph.D. students 3.1 GMRI, China NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 IAS, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam NARES Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 ICTA NARES Yes Local testing of improved germplasm. Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots 3.1 IDIAP (Panama) NARES Yes Local testing of improved germplasm. Phenotyping for drought 3.1 MMRI, Pakistan NARES Yes Heat stress phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment hybrids towards doubling and LA. germplasm for product in target environment. Prepared by: 3.1 NMRI, Hanoi, Vietnam NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 NSFCRC, Thailand NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment 3.1 Universidad de San Carlos University Yes Phenotyping for key diseases in hot spots 3.1 University of Leeds, UK University Yes Meta-data analysis combined with climate data 3.2 DSMZ, Germany ARI Yes Diagnostics and virology 3.2 IAPSC International cooperation agency Yes Surveillance, phytosanitary policy and advocacy 3.2 ICIPE ARI Yes MLN vector ecology and biocontrol 3.2 RECs (CORAF, ASARECA, ACTESA) International cooperation agency Yes Policy, advocacy, capacity development 3.2 Regional Seed Trade Associations (e.g., AFSTA) Other Yes Supporting commercial seed sector for MLN-free seed production; policy and advocacy; phenotyping sites but also cotton seed, wheat, soya bean, barley, sorghum and ground nut seed. 3.6 Semilla Nueva National NGO Yes Local testing of improved germplasm 3.6 Suba Agro-Trading & engineering Co. Ltd. Private Sector Yes Identification of multiple stress tolerant, high yielding, easy to produce and low cost hybrids for smallholder farmers in mid-altitude zone of Northern Tanzania 3.6 Somali Agricultural Technical group Private Sector Yes Test drought-tolerant maize hybrids in the Lower Shebelle region of Somalia 3.1; 3.2; 3.6; 5.2; FP1, FP2, FP4 Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) NARES Yes Breeding, phenotyping, DH, MLN, consumer acceptance of lime-cooked products, 3.1; 3.3; 3.6 Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), China NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with representative agro-ecology in target environment. Deploying improved maize germplasm 3.1; 3.6 INIA (Venezuela) NARES Local testing of improved germplasm 3.1; 3.6 INIA (Peru) NARES Yes Local testing of improved agriculture, socioeconomics seed systems, conservation in target environments representative agro-ecology 3.1; 3.6 ICeRI, Indonesia NARES Yes Phenotyping sites with germplasm 3.1; 3.6 FIPAH National NGO Yes Local testing of improved 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 Various medium and large seed companies (including Pioneer and Monsanto) Multinational private sector Yes Identification of the best hybrids, rapid multiplication and sell to farmers; MLN diagnostics and MLN-free commercial seed production 3.1; 3.2; 3.6; 4.3; 4.4 Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) International NGO Yes Abiotic and biotic stress resilient maize germplasm; MLN R4D; advocacy; scale-appropriate mechanization; PPP germplasm 3.1; 3.6 FIDAR National NGO Local testing of improved key diseases germplasm; phenotyping for 3.1; 3.6 FEDERECAFE National NGO Yes Local testing of improved protocols offices other public germplasm 3.1; 3.6 CRDD Ministries or Local testing of improved germplasm 3.1; 3.6 CORPOICA NARES Yes Local testing of improved improved germplasm commercial seed production. pilot seed production of technologies. MLN-free 3.1; 3.6 CHIBAS National NGO Local testing, promotion and Collaboration on transgenic mainly hybrid maize seed, southern Africa. key diseases in hot spots markets certified crop seeds, maize hybrids in eastern and germplasm; phenotyping for 3.6 SeedCo Ltd. Private Sector Yes Seed Co develops and Technology Foundation) NGO deployment of improved 3.1; 3.6 CENTA NARES Yes Local testing of improved maize productivity in mid-hills of Nepal development and/or release. 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 AATF (African Agricultural International Yes Supporting development and Development and delivery of stress tolerant maize. Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Jan-17 -Geography (sites in key areas Local presence, infrastructure, Expertise Physical resources (land, breeding and nutritious maize yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes where CIMMYT does not have a station). Expertise in hot spot and expertise irrigation), human capacity, expanded testing network Geographical location. Previous experience with yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Fusarium ear rot evaluation. Local presence, infrastructure, hot spot and expertise Expertise in genomics, transgenic technologies, phenotyping, DH, seed systems, and in-kind services Strong history of collaboration in breeding Geographical location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Geographical location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Local presence, infrastructure and expertise Local presence, infrastructure, dry environment and expertise abiotic and biotic stress Geographic location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Geographic location. Previous experience on abiotic and biotic stress breeding and phenotyping Local presence, infrastructure and expertise Leading in climate projections (lead author of IPCC) and agricultural modeling Experience in diagnostics African regional phytosanitary body Expertise in entomology African regional agricultural policy and implementation Development of seed enterprise capacity in Africa; niche phenotyping network; technology scaling up Local presence, infrastructure and expertise Reliable extension service a nationwide distribution network and infrastructures, a team of highly qualified personnel as well as extensive and well-tailored product range. We also provide key technology on input use and communities in the sustainable development of Somali agriculture, and conservation of the natural resource base to solve the prevailing food crisis in Somalia on abiotic and biotic stress and expertise breeding; previous experience Local presence, infrastructure, YAAS. Sub-tropical maize and expertise Hosts CIMMYT-China team in Local presence, infrastructure, phenotyping and biotic stress breeding and chains Previous experience on abiotic agricultural systems and value Geographical location. Expertise in Kenyan national, regional, and local partnerships, extension and expertise Cooperate with international, Public and private Local presence, infrastructure management. for planting and harvesting, and expertise phenotyping; in-kind services Local presence, infrastructure, a station); expertise in where CIMMYT does not have hot spot and expertise Geography (sites in key areas Local presence, infrastructure, farmers and expertise hybrids and reach more Local presence, infrastructure, rapidly scale up improved and expertise dissemination network to Local presence, infrastructure, Have facility, know-how and and expertise Local presence, infrastructure, experience on abiotic and Geographic location. Previous and expertise phenotyping Expertise and location enterprise capacity in Africa Local presence, infrastructure biotic stress breeding and Development of seed breeding and phenotyping "},{"text":"Dec-17 Jan-18 -Dec-18 Jan-19 -Dec-19 Jan-20 -Dec-20 Jan-21 -Dec-21 Jan-22 -Dec-22 Ramiro Tovar Ramiro Tovar Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget BudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudget Category TOTAL CategoryTOTAL Personnel $ 2,127,058 $ 2,233,411 $ 2,345,082 $ 2,462,336 $ 2,585,453 $ 2,714,725 $ 14,468,064 Personnel$2,127,058$2,233,411$2,345,082$2,462,336$2,585,453$2,714,725$14,468,064 Travel 293,837 308,529 323,956 340,146 357,159 375,025 1,998,653 Travel293,837308,529323,956340,146357,159375,0251,998,653 Capital Equipment 102,248 107,361 112,729 118,363 124,283 130,500 695,483 Capital Equipment102,248107,361112,729118,363124,283130,500695,483 Other Supplies and Services 897,050 941,902 988,997 1,038,425 1,090,364 1,144,905 6,101,644 Other Supplies and Services897,050941,902988,9971,038,4251,090,3641,144,9056,101,644 CGIAR collaborations 214,225 224,936 236,183 247,986 260,390 273,415 1,457,135 CGIAR collaborations214,225224,936236,183247,986260,390273,4151,457,135 Non CGIAR Collaborations 817,833 858,724 901,661 946,723 994,076 1,043,800 5,562,817 Non CGIAR Collaborations817,833858,724901,661946,723994,0761,043,8005,562,817 TOTAL DIRECT COST 4,452,251 4,674,864 4,908,607 5,153,979 5,411,725 5,682,369 30,283,796 TOTAL DIRECT COST4,452,2514,674,8644,908,6075,153,9795,411,7255,682,36930,283,796 Indirect Cost 586,928 616,274 647,088 679,435 713,412 749,090 3,992,227 Indirect Cost586,928616,274647,088679,435713,412749,0903,992,227 $ 5,039,179 $ 5,291,138 $ 5,555,695 $ 5,833,415 $ 6,125,137 $ 6,431,459 $ 34,276,022 $5,039,179$5,291,138$5,555,695$5,833,415$6,125,137$6,431,459$34,276,022 TOTAL TOTAL CIMMYT $ 4,137,827 $ 4,344,719 $ 4,561,955 $ 4,790,000 $ 5,029,542 $ 5,281,071 $ 28,145,114 CIMMYT$4,137,827$4,344,719$4,561,955$4,790,000$5,029,542$5,281,071$28,145,114 901,352 946,419 993,740 1,043,415 1,095,595 1,150,388 6,130,908 901,352946,419993,7401,043,4151,095,5951,150,3886,130,908 - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- 5,039,179 5,291,138 5,555,695 5,833,415 6,125,137 6,431,459 34,276,022 5,039,1795,291,1385,555,6955,833,4156,125,1376,431,45934,276,022 Sources of Funding Needed TOTAL Sources of Funding NeededTOTAL W1+W2 $ 1,867,255 1,960,618 2,058,648 2,161,534 2,269,648 2,383,177 $ 12,700,881 W1+W2$1,867,2551,960,6182,058,6482,161,5342,269,6482,383,177$12,700,881 W3 1,526,284 1,602,598 1,682,728 1,766,826 1,855,198 1,947,996 10,381,628 W31,526,2841,602,5981,682,7281,766,8261,855,1981,947,99610,381,628 Bilateral 1,645,640 1,727,923 1,814,319 1,905,054 2,000,291 2,100,286 11,193,513 Bilateral1,645,6401,727,9231,814,3191,905,0542,000,2912,100,28611,193,513 Other Sources - Other Sources- 5,039,179 5,291,138 5,555,695 5,833,414 6,125,137 6,431,459 34,276,022 5,039,1795,291,1385,555,6955,833,4146,125,1376,431,45934,276,022 Sources of Funding Secured TOTAL Sources of Funding SecuredTOTAL W1+W2 (Assumed Secured) 1,867,255 1,960,618 2,058,648 2,161,534 2,269,648 2,383,177 $ 12,700,881 W1+W2 (Assumed Secured)1,867,2551,960,6182,058,6482,161,5342,269,6482,383,177$12,700,881 W3 194,812 - - - - - 194,812 W3194,812-----194,812 Bilateral 1,024,857 268,098 - - - - 1,292,955 Bilateral1,024,857268,098----1,292,955 Other Sources - Other Sources- 3,086,923 2,228,715 2,058,648 2,161,534 2,269,648 2,383,177 14,188,647 3,086,9232,228,7152,058,6482,161,5342,269,6482,383,17714,188,647 TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER) $ (1,952,255) $ (3,062,423) $ (3,497,047) $ (3,671,880) $ (3,855,488) $ (4,048,281) $ (20,087,375) TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER)$(1,952,255)$(3,062,423)$(3,497,047)$(3,671,880)$(3,855,488)$(4,048,281)$(20,087,375) W1+W2 (Required from SO) - - - - - - - W1+W2 (Required from SO)------- W3 (Required from FC Members) (1,331,472) (1,602,598) (1,682,728) (1,766,826) (1,855,198) (1,947,996) (10,186,816) W3 (Required from FC Members)(1,331,472)(1,602,598)(1,682,728)(1,766,826)(1,855,198)(1,947,996)(10,186,816) Bilateral (Fundraising) (620,783) (1,459,825) (1,814,319) (1,905,054) (2,000,291) (2,100,286) (9,900,558) Bilateral (Fundraising)(620,783)(1,459,825)(1,814,319)(1,905,054)(2,000,291)(2,100,286)(9,900,558) Other Sources (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Other Sources (Fundraising)------- "},{"text":"TOTAL BUDGET Breakdown of Budget by Participating Partners Uses of Funds by Expense Category FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING Total Amount by Category Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Total Amount by Category Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → BudgetBudget $- $4,000,000 Prepared by: Period 1 Jan-17 - $8,000,000 Period 2 Period 3 $12,000,000 Period 4 Period 5 $16,000,000 Period 6 $-$4,000,000 Prepared by: Period 1 Jan-17 -$8,000,000 Period 2Period 3$12,000,000Period 4Period 5 $16,000,000Period 6 Personnel $14,468,064 Personnel$14,468,064 Travel 1,998,653 Travel1,998,653 Cap ital Equipment 695,483 Cap ital Equipment695,483 Other Supplies and… 6,101,644 Other Supplies and…6,101,644 CGIAR collaborations 1,457,135 CGIAR collaborations1,457,135 Non CGIAR… 5,562,817 Non CGIAR…5,562,817 Indirect Cost 3,992,227 Indirect Cost3,992,227 IITA IITA N/A N/A Amount by Category for Each Period Amount by Category for Each Period N/A N/A N/A TOTAL BUDGET $7,000,000 Indirect Cost N/A TOTAL BUDGET $7,000,000Indirect Cost $6,000,000 Non CGIAR $6,000,000Non CGIAR Funding Plan $5,000,000 Collaborations CGIAR Funding Plan $5,000,000Collaborations CGIAR $4,000,000 collaborations Other Supplies and $4,000,000collaborations Other Supplies and $3,000,000 Services Capital Equipment $3,000,000Services Capital Equipment TOTAL FUNDING PLAN $2,000,000 Travel TOTAL FUNDING PLAN $2,000,000Travel $1,000,000 Personnel $1,000,000Personnel $- $- TOTAL SECURED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Period TOTAL SECURED12345678910Period "},{"text":"Dec-17 Jan-18 -Dec-18 Jan-19 -Dec-19 Jan-20 -Dec-20 Jan-21 -Dec-21 Jan-22 -Dec-22 Ramiro Tovar Ramiro Tovar Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget BudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudget Category TOTAL CategoryTOTAL Personnel $ 2,409,727 $ 2,530,214 $ 2,656,725 $ 2,789,561 $ 2,929,039 $ 3,075,491 $ 16,390,756 Personnel$2,409,727$2,530,214$2,656,725$2,789,561$2,929,039$3,075,491$16,390,756 Travel 867,777 911,165 956,724 1,004,538 1,054,782 1,107,543 5,902,530 Travel867,777911,165956,7241,004,5381,054,7821,107,5435,902,530 Capital Equipment 55,879 58,673 61,607 64,685 67,921 71,318 380,083 Capital Equipment55,87958,67361,60764,68567,92171,318380,083 Other Supplies and Services 2,651,892 2,784,486 2,923,711 3,069,830 3,223,374 3,384,609 18,037,902 Other Supplies and Services2,651,8922,784,4862,923,7113,069,8303,223,3743,384,60918,037,902 CGIAR collaborations 95,610 100,390 105,410 110,678 116,213 122,027 650,327 CGIAR collaborations95,610100,390105,410110,678116,213122,027650,327 Non CGIAR Collaborations 463,650 486,832 511,174 536,721 563,567 591,756 3,153,701 Non CGIAR Collaborations463,650486,832511,174536,721563,567591,7563,153,701 TOTAL DIRECT COST 6,544,534 6,871,761 7,215,349 7,576,013 7,954,896 8,352,745 44,515,299 TOTAL DIRECT COST6,544,5346,871,7617,215,3497,576,0137,954,8968,352,74544,515,299 Indirect Cost 946,569 993,898 1,043,593 1,095,758 1,150,557 1,208,100 6,438,475 Indirect Cost946,569993,8981,043,5931,095,7581,150,5571,208,1006,438,475 $ 7,491,104 $ 7,865,659 $ 8,258,942 $ 8,671,771 $ 9,105,454 $ 9,560,844 $ 50,953,774 $7,491,104$7,865,659$8,258,942$8,671,771$9,105,454$9,560,844$50,953,774 TOTAL TOTAL CIMMYT $ 6,620,881 $ 6,951,925 $ 7,299,521 $ 7,664,391 $ 8,047,695 $ 8,450,186 $ 45,034,599 CIMMYT$6,620,881$6,951,925$7,299,521$7,664,391$8,047,695$8,450,186$45,034,599 870,223 913,734 959,421 1,007,380 1,057,759 1,110,658 5,919,175 870,223913,734959,4211,007,3801,057,7591,110,6585,919,175 - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- 7,491,104 7,865,659 8,258,942 8,671,771 9,105,454 9,560,844 50,953,774 7,491,1047,865,6598,258,9428,671,7719,105,4549,560,84450,953,774 Sources of Funding Needed TOTAL Sources of Funding NeededTOTAL W1+W2 $ 2,285,078 2,399,331 2,519,298 2,645,206 2,777,512 2,916,444 $ 15,542,869 W1+W2$2,285,0782,399,3312,519,2982,645,2062,777,5122,916,444$15,542,869 W3 4,411,786 4,632,375 4,863,994 5,107,083 5,362,526 5,630,762 30,008,527 W34,411,7864,632,3754,863,9945,107,0835,362,5265,630,76230,008,527 Bilateral 794,241 833,952 875,650 919,480 965,417 1,013,638 5,402,378 Bilateral794,241833,952875,650919,480965,4171,013,6385,402,378 Other Sources - Other Sources- 7,491,104 7,865,659 8,258,942 8,671,770 9,105,454 9,560,845 50,953,774 7,491,1047,865,6598,258,9428,671,7709,105,4549,560,84550,953,774 Sources of Funding Secured TOTAL Sources of Funding SecuredTOTAL W1+W2 (Assumed Secured) 2,285,078 2,399,331 2,519,298 2,645,206 2,777,512 2,916,444 $ 15,542,869 W1+W2 (Assumed Secured)2,285,0782,399,3312,519,2982,645,2062,777,5122,916,444$15,542,869 W3 746,354 - - - - - 746,354 W3746,354-----746,354 Bilateral 756,476 339,233 300,179 - - - 1,395,888 Bilateral756,476339,233300,179---1,395,888 Other Sources - Other Sources- 3,787,907 2,738,564 2,819,477 2,645,206 2,777,512 2,916,444 17,685,110 3,787,9072,738,5642,819,4772,645,2062,777,5122,916,44417,685,110 TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER) $ (3,703,198) $ (5,127,094) $ (5,439,465) $ (6,026,564) $ (6,327,943) $ (6,644,400) $ (33,268,663) TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER)$(3,703,198)$(5,127,094)$(5,439,465)$(6,026,564)$(6,327,943)$(6,644,400)$(33,268,663) W1+W2 (Required from SO) - - - - - - - W1+W2 (Required from SO)------- W3 (Required from FC Members) (3,665,432) (4,632,375) (4,863,994) (5,107,083) (5,362,526) (5,630,762) (29,262,174) W3 (Required from FC Members)(3,665,432)(4,632,375)(4,863,994)(5,107,083)(5,362,526)(5,630,762)(29,262,174) Bilateral (Fundraising) (37,765) (494,719) (575,471) (919,480) (965,417) (1,013,638) (4,006,490) Bilateral (Fundraising)(37,765)(494,719)(575,471)(919,480)(965,417)(1,013,638)(4,006,490) Other Sources (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Other Sources (Fundraising)------- "},{"text":"TOTAL BUDGET Breakdown of Budget by Participating Partners Uses of Funds by Expense Category IITA IITA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A "},{"text":"TOTAL FUNDING PLAN TOTAL BUDGET Funding Plan TOTAL SECURED Total Amount by Category FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections →BudgetBudget $- $4,000,000 $8,000,000 Prepared by: Period 1 Jan-17 - Period 2 $12,000,000 Period 3 $16,000,000 Period 4 $20,000,000 Period 5 Period 6 $-$4,000,000$8,000,000 Prepared by: Period 1 Jan-17 -Period 2$12,000,000Period 3$16,000,000Period 4$20,000,000Period 5Period 6 Personnel $16,390,756 Personnel$16,390,756 Travel 5,902,530 Travel5,902,530 Cap ital Equipment 380,083 Cap ital Equipment380,083 Other Supplies and… 18,037,902 Other Supplies and…18,037,902 CGIAR collaborations 650,327 CGIAR collaborations650,327 Non CGIAR… 3,153,701 Non CGIAR…3,153,701 Indirect Cost 6,438,475 Indirect Cost6,438,475 Amount by Category for Each Period Amount by Category for Each Period $12,000,000 Indirect Cost $12,000,000Indirect Cost $10,000,000 Non CGIAR $10,000,000Non CGIAR Collaborations Collaborations $8,000,000 CGIAR collaborations $8,000,000CGIAR collaborations $6,000,000 Other Supplies and Services $6,000,000Other Supplies and Services Capital Equipment Capital Equipment $4,000,000 Travel $4,000,000Travel $2,000,000 Personnel $2,000,000Personnel $- $- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Period 12345678910Period "},{"text":"Dec-17 Jan-18 -Dec-18 Jan-19 -Dec-19 Jan-20 -Dec-20 Jan-21 -Dec-21 Jan-22 -Dec-22 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget BudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudget TOTAL TOTAL $ 6,862,443 $ 7,205,565 $ 7,565,844 $ 7,944,136 $ 8,341,342 $ 8,758,410 $ 46,677,740 $6,862,443$7,205,565$7,565,844$7,944,136$8,341,342$8,758,410$46,677,740 1,107,339 1,162,706 1,220,841 1,281,856 1,345,971 1,413,297 7,532,010 1,107,3391,162,7061,220,8411,281,8561,345,9711,413,2977,532,010 529,330 555,796 583,586 612,752 643,400 675,583 3,600,447 529,330555,796583,586612,752643,400675,5833,600,447 9,095,249 9,550,011 10,027,512 10,528,660 11,055,275 11,608,266 61,864,974 9,095,2499,550,01110,027,51210,528,66011,055,27511,608,26661,864,974 2,396,026 2,515,827 2,641,618 2,773,639 2,912,369 3,058,048 16,297,527 2,396,0262,515,8272,641,6182,773,6392,912,3693,058,04816,297,527 4,862,826 5,105,967 5,361,265 5,629,207 5,910,765 6,206,424 33,076,454 4,862,8265,105,9675,361,2655,629,2075,910,7656,206,42433,076,454 24,853,212 26,095,873 27,400,667 28,770,250 30,209,122 31,720,028 169,049,152 24,853,21226,095,87327,400,66728,770,25030,209,12231,720,028169,049,152 Indirect Cost 3,059,267 3,212,230 3,372,842 3,541,433 3,718,545 3,904,523 20,808,840 Indirect Cost3,059,2673,212,2303,372,8423,541,4333,718,5453,904,52320,808,840 $ 27,912,479 $ 29,308,103 $ 30,773,508 $ 32,311,683 $ 33,927,668 $ 35,624,551 $ 189,857,993 $27,912,479$29,308,103$30,773,508$32,311,683$33,927,668$35,624,551$189,857,993 TOTAL TOTAL $ 25,982,789 $ 27,281,929 $ 28,646,025 $ 30,077,856 $ 31,582,125 $ 33,161,702 $ 176,732,426 $25,982,789$27,281,929$28,646,025$30,077,856$31,582,125$33,161,702$176,732,426 1,929,690 2,026,174 2,127,483 2,233,827 2,345,543 2,462,850 13,125,567 1,929,6902,026,1742,127,4832,233,8272,345,5432,462,85013,125,567 - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- 27, 27, "},{"text":"912,479 29,308,103 30,773,508 32,311,683 33,927,668 35,624,551 189,857,993 Sources of Funding Needed Ramiro Tovar Ramiro Tovar Category Category Personnel Personnel Travel Travel Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Other Supplies and Services Other Supplies and Services CGIAR collaborations CGIAR collaborations Non CGIAR Collaborations Non CGIAR Collaborations TOTAL DIRECT COST TOTAL DIRECT COST CIMMYT CIMMYT TOTAL TOTAL W1+W2 $ 3,123,179 3,279,338 3,443,305 3,615,392 3,796,224 3,986,114 $ 21,243,552 W1+W2$3,123,1793,279,3383,443,3053,615,3923,796,2243,986,114$21,243,552 W3 14,678,969 15,412,918 16,183,564 16,992,375 17,842,287 18,734,768 99,844,881 W314,678,96915,412,91816,183,56416,992,37517,842,28718,734,76899,844,881 Bilateral 10,110,331 10,615,847 11,146,640 11,703,916 12,289,157 12,903,669 68,769,559 Bilateral10,110,33110,615,84711,146,64011,703,91612,289,15712,903,66968,769,559 Other Sources - Other Sources- 27,912,479 29,308,103 30,773,508 32,311,683 33,927,668 35,624,551 189,857,992 27,912,47929,308,10330,773,50832,311,68333,927,66835,624,551189,857,992 Sources of Funding Secured TOTAL Sources of Funding SecuredTOTAL W1+W2 (Assumed Secured) 3,123,179 3,279,338 3,443,305 3,615,392 3,796,224 3,986,114 $ 21,243,552 W1+W2 (Assumed Secured)3,123,1793,279,3383,443,3053,615,3923,796,2243,986,114$21,243,552 W3 5,873,682 - - - - - 5,873,682 W35,873,682-----5,873,682 Bilateral 3,842,163 594,438 8,781 8,781 - - 4,454,164 Bilateral3,842,163594,4388,7818,781--4,454,164 Other Sources - Other Sources- 12,839,025 3,873,777 3,452,086 3,624,173 3,796,224 3,986,114 31,571,398 12,839,0253,873,7773,452,0863,624,1733,796,2243,986,11431,571,398 TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER) $ (15,073,454) $ (25,434,326) $ (27,321,422) $ (28,687,510) $ (30,131,444) $ (31,638,437) $ (158,286,594) TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER)$(15,073,454)$(25,434,326)$(27,321,422)$(28,687,510)$(30,131,444)$(31,638,437)$(158,286,594) W1+W2 (Required from SO) - - - - - - - W1+W2 (Required from SO)------- W3 (Required from FC Members) (8,805,287) (15,412,918) (16,183,564) (16,992,375) (17,842,287) (18,734,768) (93,971,199) W3 (Required from FC Members)(8,805,287)(15,412,918)(16,183,564)(16,992,375)(17,842,287)(18,734,768)(93,971,199) Bilateral (Fundraising) (6,268,167) (10,021,409) (11,137,859) (11,695,135) (12,289,157) (12,903,669) (64,315,395) Bilateral (Fundraising)(6,268,167)(10,021,409)(11,137,859)(11,695,135)(12,289,157)(12,903,669)(64,315,395) Other Sources (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Other Sources (Fundraising)------- "},{"text":"TOTAL BUDGET Breakdown of Budget by Participating Partners Uses of Funds by Expense Category IITA IITA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A "},{"text":"TOTAL FUNDING PLAN TOTAL BUDGET Funding Plan TOTAL SECURED FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections →BudgetBudget Prepared by: Prepared by: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Period 6 Jan-17 - Jan-17 - "},{"text":"Dec-17 Jan-18 -Dec-18 Jan-19 -Dec-19 Jan-20 -Dec-20 Jan-21 -Dec-21 Jan-22 -Dec-22 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget BudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudget TOTAL TOTAL $ 6,925,322 $ 7,271,588 $ 7,635,167 $ 8,016,926 $ 8,417,772 $ 8,838,661 $ 47,105,436 $6,925,322$7,271,588$7,635,167$8,016,926$8,417,772$8,838,661$47,105,436 955,000 1,002,750 1,052,887 1,105,508 1,160,802 1,218,866 6,495,812 955,0001,002,7501,052,8871,105,5081,160,8021,218,8666,495,812 128,379 134,798 141,538 148,611 156,044 163,850 873,220 128,379134,798141,538148,611156,044163,850873,220 5,899,432 6,194,404 6,504,124 6,829,182 7,170,760 7,529,445 40,127,347 5,899,4326,194,4046,504,1246,829,1827,170,7607,529,44540,127,347 2,372,906 2,491,551 2,616,129 2,746,876 2,884,267 3,028,540 16,140,268 2,372,9062,491,5512,616,1292,746,8762,884,2673,028,54016,140,268 4,638,762 4,870,700 5,114,235 5,369,831 5,638,415 5,920,452 31,552,395 4,638,7624,870,7005,114,2355,369,8315,638,4155,920,45231,552,395 20,919,800 21,965,790 23,064,080 24,216,934 25,428,060 26,699,813 142,294,477 20,919,80021,965,79023,064,08024,216,93425,428,06026,699,813142,294,477 Indirect Cost 2,777,678 2,916,562 3,062,390 3,215,467 3,376,275 3,545,130 18,893,503 Indirect Cost2,777,6782,916,5623,062,3903,215,4673,376,2753,545,13018,893,503 $ 23,697,478 $ 24,882,352 $ 26,126,470 $ 27,432,401 $ 28,804,335 $ 30,244,944 $ 161,187,980 $23,697,478$24,882,352$26,126,470$27,432,401$28,804,335$30,244,944$161,187,980 TOTAL TOTAL $ 11,907,687 $ 12,503,072 $ 13,128,225 $ 13,784,438 $ 14,473,819 $ 15,197,708 $ 80,994,950 $11,907,687$12,503,072$13,128,225$13,784,438$14,473,819$15,197,708$80,994,950 11,789,791 12,379,280 12,998,244 13,647,963 14,330,516 15,047,235 80,193,030 11,789,79112,379,28012,998,24413,647,96314,330,51615,047,23580,193,030 - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- 23, 23, "},{"text":"697,478 24,882,352 26,126,470 27,432,401 28,804,335 30,244,944 161,187,980 Sources of Funding Needed Ramiro Tovar Ramiro Tovar Category Category Personnel Personnel Travel Travel Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Other Supplies and Services Other Supplies and Services CGIAR collaborations CGIAR collaborations Non CGIAR Collaborations Non CGIAR Collaborations TOTAL DIRECT COST TOTAL DIRECT COST CIMMYT CIMMYT TOTAL TOTAL W1+W2 $ 2,563,385 2,691,555 2,826,132 2,967,375 3,115,795 3,271,649 $ 17,435,891 W1+W2$2,563,3852,691,5552,826,1322,967,3753,115,7953,271,649$17,435,891 W3 8,980,685 9,429,720 9,901,206 10,396,041 10,916,023 11,462,049 61,085,724 W38,980,6859,429,7209,901,20610,396,04110,916,02311,462,04961,085,724 Bilateral 12,153,407 12,761,078 13,399,132 14,068,982 14,772,517 15,511,247 82,666,363 Bilateral12,153,40712,761,07813,399,13214,068,98214,772,51715,511,24782,666,363 Other Sources - Other Sources- 23,697,478 24,882,352 26,126,470 27,432,399 28,804,335 30,244,944 161,187,978 23,697,47824,882,35226,126,47027,432,39928,804,33530,244,944161,187,978 Sources of Funding Secured TOTAL Sources of Funding SecuredTOTAL W1+W2 (Assumed Secured) 2,563,385 2,691,555 2,826,132 2,967,375 3,115,795 3,271,649 $ 17,435,891 W1+W2 (Assumed Secured)2,563,3852,691,5552,826,1322,967,3753,115,7953,271,649$17,435,891 W3 7,416,468 6,183,861 2,608,125 854,847 - - 17,063,301 W37,416,4686,183,8612,608,125854,847--17,063,301 Bilateral 6,798,940 3,756,779 - - - - 10,555,719 Bilateral6,798,9403,756,779----10,555,719 Other Sources - Other Sources- 16,778,793 12,632,195 5,434,258 3,822,222 3,115,795 3,271,649 45,054,911 16,778,79312,632,1955,434,2583,822,2223,115,7953,271,64945,054,911 TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER) $ (6,918,685) $ (12,250,157) $ (20,692,212) $ (23,610,177) $ (25,688,540) $ (26,973,296) $ (116,133,067) TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER)$(6,918,685)$(12,250,157)$(20,692,212)$(23,610,177)$(25,688,540)$(26,973,296)$(116,133,067) W1+W2 (Required from SO) - - - - - - - W1+W2 (Required from SO)------- W3 (Required from FC Members) (1,564,218) (3,245,859) (7,293,080) (9,541,194) (10,916,023) (11,462,049) (44,022,423) W3 (Required from FC Members)(1,564,218)(3,245,859)(7,293,080)(9,541,194)(10,916,023)(11,462,049)(44,022,423) Bilateral (Fundraising) (5,354,468) (9,004,299) (13,399,132) (14,068,982) (14,772,517) (15,511,247) (72,110,644) Bilateral (Fundraising)(5,354,468)(9,004,299)(13,399,132)(14,068,982)(14,772,517)(15,511,247)(72,110,644) Other Sources (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Other Sources (Fundraising)------- "},{"text":"TOTAL BUDGET Breakdown of Budget by Participating Partners Uses of Funds by Expense Category IITA IITA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A "},{"text":"TOTAL FUNDING PLAN TOTAL BUDGET Funding Plan TOTAL SECURED Total Amount by Category FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections →BudgetBudget $- $10,000,000 $20,000,000 Prepared by: Period 1 Jan-17 - Period 2 $30,000,000 Period 3 $40,000,000 Period 4 $50,000,000 Period 5 Period 6 $-$10,000,000$20,000,000 Prepared by: Period 1 Jan-17 -Period 2$30,000,000Period 3$40,000,000Period 4$50,000,000Period 5Period 6 Personnel $47,105,436 Personnel$47,105,436 Travel 6,495,812 Travel6,495,812 Cap ital Equipment 873,220 Cap ital Equipment873,220 Other Supplies and… 40,127,347 Other Supplies and…40,127,347 CGIAR collaborations 16,140,268 CGIAR collaborations16,140,268 Non CGIAR… 31,552,395 Non CGIAR…31,552,395 Indirect Cost 18,893,503 Indirect Cost18,893,503 Amount by Category for Each Period Amount by Category for Each Period $35,000,000 Indirect Cost $35,000,000Indirect Cost $30,000,000 Non CGIAR $30,000,000Non CGIAR $25,000,000 Collaborations CGIAR $25,000,000Collaborations CGIAR $20,000,000 collaborations Other Supplies and $20,000,000collaborations Other Supplies and $15,000,000 Services Cap ital Equipment $15,000,000Services Cap ital Equipment $10,000,000 Travel $10,000,000Travel $5,000,000 Personnel $5,000,000Personnel $- $- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Period 12345678910Period "},{"text":"Dec-17 Jan-18 -Dec-18 Jan-19 -Dec-19 Jan-20 -Dec-20 Jan-21 -Dec-21 Jan-22 -Dec-22 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget BudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudget TOTAL TOTAL $ 617,234 $ 648,096 $ 680,500 $ 714,525 $ 750,252 $ 787,764 $ 4,198,372 $617,234$648,096$680,500$714,525$750,252$787,764$4,198,372 78,035 81,937 86,034 90,334 94,852 99,596 530,788 78,03581,93786,03490,33494,85299,596530,788 50,355 52,872 55,516 58,290 61,206 64,268 342,507 50,35552,87255,51658,29061,20664,268342,507 475,073 498,826 523,768 549,944 577,451 606,335 3,231,397 475,073498,826523,768549,944577,451606,3353,231,397 118,173 124,082 130,286 136,797 143,640 150,825 803,803 118,173124,082130,286136,797143,640150,825803,803 654,731 687,467 721,841 757,916 795,825 835,633 4,453,414 654,731687,467721,841757,916795,825835,6334,453,414 1,993,601 2,093,281 2,197,945 2,307,807 2,423,225 2,544,421 13,560,280 1,993,6012,093,2812,197,9452,307,8072,423,2252,544,42113,560,280 Indirect Cost 243,841 256,033 268,835 282,273 296,390 311,213 1,658,586 Indirect Cost243,841256,033268,835282,273296,390311,2131,658,586 $ 2,237,442 $ 2,349,314 $ 2,466,780 $ 2,590,081 $ 2,719,615 $ 2,855,634 $ 15,218,865 $2,237,442$2,349,314$2,466,780$2,590,081$2,719,615$2,855,634$15,218,865 TOTAL TOTAL $ 1,302,924 $ 1,368,071 $ 1,436,474 $ 1,508,272 $ 1,583,706 $ 1,662,917 $ 8,862,364 $1,302,924$1,368,071$1,436,474$1,508,272$1,583,706$1,662,917$8,862,364 934,518 981,243 1,030,306 1,081,809 1,135,909 1,192,717 6,356,501 934,518981,2431,030,3061,081,8091,135,9091,192,7176,356,501 - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- 2, 2, "},{"text":"237,442 2,349,314 2,466,780 2,590,081 2,719,615 2,855,634 15,218,865 Sources of Funding Needed Category Category Personnel Personnel Travel Travel Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Other Supplies and Services Other Supplies and Services CGIAR collaborations CGIAR collaborations Non CGIAR Collaborations Non CGIAR Collaborations TOTAL DIRECT COST TOTAL DIRECT COST CIMMYT CIMMYT IITA IITA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL BUDGET TOTAL BUDGET Funding Plan Funding Plan TOTAL TOTAL W1+W2 $ 1,038,785 1,090,724 1,145,260 1,202,497 1,262,643 1,325,801 $ 7,065,709 W1+W2$1,038,7851,090,7241,145,2601,202,4971,262,6431,325,801$7,065,709 W3 365,750 384,038 403,240 423,393 444,570 466,807 2,487,797 W3365,750384,038403,240423,393444,570466,8072,487,797 Bilateral 832,907 874,552 918,280 964,191 1,012,402 1,063,026 5,665,359 Bilateral832,907874,552918,280964,1911,012,4021,063,0265,665,359 Other Sources - Other Sources- TOTAL FUNDING PLAN 2,237,442 2,349,314 2,466,780 2,590,081 2,719,615 2,855,634 15,218,865 TOTAL FUNDING PLAN2,237,4422,349,3142,466,7802,590,0812,719,6152,855,63415,218,865 Sources of Funding Secured TOTAL Sources of Funding SecuredTOTAL W1+W2 (Assumed Secured) 1,038,785 1,090,724 1,145,260 1,202,497 1,262,643 1,325,801 $ 7,065,709 W1+W2 (Assumed Secured)1,038,7851,090,7241,145,2601,202,4971,262,6431,325,801$7,065,709 W3 203,257 - - - - - 203,257 W3203,257-----203,257 Bilateral 578,399 101,094 26,487 - - - 705,980 Bilateral578,399101,09426,487---705,980 Other Sources - Other Sources- TOTAL SECURED 1,820,440 1,191,818 1,171,747 1,202,497 1,262,643 1,325,801 7,974,946 TOTAL SECURED1,820,4401,191,8181,171,7471,202,4971,262,6431,325,8017,974,946 TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER) $ (417,002) $ (1,157,496) $ (1,295,033) $ (1,387,584) $ (1,456,972) $ (1,529,833) $ (7,243,919) TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER)$(417,002)$(1,157,496)$(1,295,033)$(1,387,584)$(1,456,972)$(1,529,833)$(7,243,919) W1+W2 (Required from SO) - - - - - - - W1+W2 (Required from SO)------- W3 (Required from FC Members) (162,493) (384,038) (403,240) (423,393) (444,570) (466,807) (2,284,540) W3 (Required from FC Members)(162,493)(384,038)(403,240)(423,393)(444,570)(466,807)(2,284,540) Bilateral (Fundraising) (254,508) (773,458) (891,793) (964,191) (1,012,402) (1,063,026) (4,959,379) Bilateral (Fundraising)(254,508)(773,458)(891,793)(964,191)(1,012,402)(1,063,026)(4,959,379) Other Sources (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Other Sources (Fundraising)------- "},{"text":"TOTAL BUDGET Breakdown of Budget by Participating Partners Uses of Funds by Expense Category FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING FINANCIAL SUMMARY & REPORTING Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections → Budget Budget Expand/Collapse sections to see/hide the budget and actuals & projections →BudgetBudget Prepared by: Ramiro Tovar Prepared by:Ramiro Tovar Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Period 6 Jan-17 - Jan-17 - "},{"text":"Dec-17 Jan-18 -Dec-18 Jan-19 -Dec-19 Jan-20 -Dec-20 Jan-21 -Dec-21 Jan-22 -Dec-22 Ramiro Tovar Ramiro Tovar Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget BudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudgetBudget Category TOTAL CategoryTOTAL Personnel $ 633,298 $ 664,963 $ 698,212 $ 733,122 $ 769,778 $ 808,267 $ 4,307,641 Personnel$633,298$664,963$698,212$733,122$769,778$808,267$4,307,641 Travel 98,092 102,997 108,146 113,551 119,231 125,195 667,212 Travel98,092102,997108,146113,551119,231125,195667,212 Capital Equipment 15,394 16,163 16,971 17,820 18,711 19,647 104,705 Capital Equipment15,39416,16316,97117,82018,71119,647104,705 Other Supplies and Services 663,928 697,124 731,980 768,563 807,004 847,371 4,515,969 Other Supplies and Services663,928697,124731,980768,563807,004847,3714,515,969 CGIAR collaborations - - - - - - - CGIAR collaborations------- Non CGIAR Collaborations - - - - - - - Non CGIAR Collaborations------- TOTAL DIRECT COST 1,410,712 1,481,247 1,555,309 1,633,056 1,714,724 1,800,479 9,595,527 TOTAL DIRECT COST1,410,7121,481,2471,555,3091,633,0561,714,7241,800,4799,595,527 Indirect Cost 211,607 222,187 233,296 244,958 257,209 270,072 1,439,329 Indirect Cost211,607222,187233,296244,958257,209270,0721,439,329 $ 1,622,318 $ 1,703,434 $ 1,788,606 $ 1,878,014 $ 1,971,932 $ 2,070,551 $ 11,034,856 $1,622,318$1,703,434$1,788,606$1,878,014$1,971,932$2,070,551$11,034,856 TOTAL TOTAL CIMMYT $ 1,622,318 $ 1,703,434 $ 1,788,606 $ 1,878,014 $ 1,971,932 $ 2,070,551 $ 11,034,856 CIMMYT$1,622,318$1,703,434$1,788,606$1,878,014$1,971,932$2,070,551$11,034,856 - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - ------- 1,622,318 1,703,434 1,788,606 1,878,014 1,971,932 2,070,551 11,034,856 1,622,3181,703,4341,788,6061,878,0141,971,9322,070,55111,034,856 Sources of Funding Needed TOTAL Sources of Funding NeededTOTAL W1+W2 $ 1,622,318 1,703,434 1,788,606 1,878,014 1,971,932 2,070,551 $ 11,034,855 W1+W2$1,622,3181,703,4341,788,6061,878,0141,971,9322,070,551$11,034,855 W3 - - - - - - W3------ Bilateral - - - - - - Bilateral------ Other Sources - Other Sources- 1,622,318 1,703,434 1,788,606 1,878,014 1,971,932 2,070,551 11,034,855 1,622,3181,703,4341,788,6061,878,0141,971,9322,070,55111,034,855 Sources of Funding Secured TOTAL Sources of Funding SecuredTOTAL W1+W2 (Assumed Secured) 1,622,318 1,703,434 1,788,606 1,878,014 1,971,932 2,070,551 $ 11,034,855 W1+W2 (Assumed Secured)1,622,3181,703,4341,788,6061,878,0141,971,9322,070,551$11,034,855 W3 - W3- Bilateral - Bilateral- Other Sources - Other Sources- 1,622,318 1,703,434 1,788,606 1,878,014 1,971,932 2,070,551 11,034,855 1,622,3181,703,4341,788,6061,878,0141,971,9322,070,55111,034,855 TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL FUNDING GAP OVER/(UNDER)$-$-$-$-$-$-$- W1+W2 (Required from SO) - - - - - - - W1+W2 (Required from SO)------- W3 (Required from FC Members) - - - - - - - W3 (Required from FC Members)------- Bilateral (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Bilateral (Fundraising)------- Other Sources (Fundraising) - - - - - - - Other Sources (Fundraising)------- "},{"text":"TOTAL BUDGET Breakdown of Budget by Participating Partners Uses of Funds by Expense Category IITA IITA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A "},{"text":"TOTAL FUNDING PLAN TOTAL BUDGET Funding Plan TOTAL SECURED "}],"sieverID":"71d9ef7f-2e22-4408-ac92-17f55bfe64a6","abstract":"As set out in Annex 1 to the Final Guidance for the 2 nd Call for Full Proposals, the collective portfolio submitted by the Centers/partners in response to this call for full proposals must be accompanied by a summary of how the 23 caveats raised in that annex by the respective stakeholders have been addressed. This annex sets out those caveats, grouped by the body putting forward the topic for added attention in the full proposals 1.1 Caveats expressed by the Joint Consortium Board/Centers/Fund Council Working Group, in its Memorandum to the Fund Council to express support for a 'green light' to move to full proposal development, dated 30 November 2015 Recognizing the advances already made in the re-submitted portfolio in the highly constrained time available, the full proposals submitted by 31 st March 2016 for ISPC review must address to the satisfaction of the ISPC, and contributors, the points set out below, to strengthen further the rationale and coherence of the planned research agenda, thereby delivering increased confidence that with funding from 2017 onwards, it has the capacity to deliver on SDGs in general and the Results Framework and CGIAR targets as set out in the SRF: No Item to address Relevant CRP(s) Summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed (Full Proposal sections are referenced) No Item to address Relevant CRP(s) Summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed (Full Proposal sections are referenced) maintaining genebanks and genetic gain as two separate platforms rather than an integrated effort 1 Genetic gain platforms 5 | P a g e No Item to address Relevant CRP(s) Summary of how the matters has been adequately addressed (Full Proposal sections are referenced) portfolio, not limited to genetic gain Data platform diversification and intensification is achieved in ways that protect soil and water (see Table FP4.1 for details).  See Big Data Platform proposal (IFPRI/CIAT), Table 1.4 and 1.5 and FP1 and FP4. National A wide array of NARS, seed companies and NGOs are partners in germplasm development and multi-location testing in SSA, LA and Asia Introgression of other institutional germplasm and technologies (e.g., Monsanto under WEMA; Pioneer under IMAS). NGO collaboration on mechanization business development."} \ No newline at end of file