diff --git "a/data/part_5/02d26a30dddb5b237464c5ca4eb5fcdc.json" "b/data/part_5/02d26a30dddb5b237464c5ca4eb5fcdc.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/part_5/02d26a30dddb5b237464c5ca4eb5fcdc.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"metadata":{"id":"02d26a30dddb5b237464c5ca4eb5fcdc","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/130e0389-b664-4f95-a6f6-f688b7b7d6e4/retrieve"},"pageCount":148,"title":"Director General's Report* r2~~ f), ~~","keywords":["It'rrd rOlll rol","n","\"PJ","'90-6IJ-o nl y by means or germplas m excha nge, pub lica tions, a nd training."},{"index":3,"size":93,"text":"Withillth cspccia lt argct Africa n ecologies, IITA cxpects to take the lead in resea rch on a ll iLS cro ps. Core resou rces wi ll be used to carry out the ful.! range of research. training and outreach acti vities here. We will int ensify efTorts to und ersta nd the fa rming systems of these ecologies in ord er to improve the producti vity of our crop improvement progra ms a nd to contribute through more basic resea rch to bell er resource manag(' mcn t and conserva tio n."},{"index":4,"size":122,"text":"In response LO the crisis of African agriculture, ma ny interna tiona l agricultura l research centers arc developing new programs lor Af'rica. This is admi r~b l c, but the genera lity of the CCllt\"TS' mand a tes creall'S potential {o r mi~und ers talldin g, confusion to the h'uders of na tiona l resea rch systems, and possibl y wastcful competition. I ITA is centrall y positioned to encourage l'Volulion of the centers toward a coherent system with consistellt prog ra ms in Afi•ica . But I rrA can play this role ill inHTC('l1tL T coopera tion onl y if we first de lin ea te' our own priorities in a way that is clear. realistic, a nd \"vorka blc."}]},{"head":"Conclusions","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":97,"text":"VVe ent er 1986 constrained by a budget lower in rcallcrms than in 1985 a nd tht pros pect for finan cia l stringency throug h the end of 1987. Nevertheless, we arc opt imistic about the flIlure. \\Ve arc instituting majo r improvements in management control and fin a ncia l planning syslems for lhe I nSlilu le. The lig hl budgel reinforces lhe process of progra m consolidation a nd priorit y-setting under way. As a consequence ofth c Strategic Pla nning Study, I ITA should emerge as a stronger and more rHcctive organiza tion."},{"index":2,"size":69,"text":"Nloreovc-r, a vision of the Illturc is emerging that includes emphasis upon the sma ll fa mil y farmer, increased focus o n ecologies where r rrA has a comparative ad va ntage, o rientation of I ITA commodit y prog ra ms toward the Illrming syst('ms of these ecologies, a nd commitment to coopera tion wit h o ther int lTnationai Cl'nl co mpared with the original seed pop ula tion at th e b('ginning of the stud y. Resu lts show that aftcr fo ur yea rs of ma ize produ cti on (tWO crops per yea r), weed seeds in t he so il d ecreased b) over 80 0 0 in th e lj ve mulc h plols beca use Lh ey rO iled . The decrease in lhcconvcnLi ona l a nd no till age plots was on ly 45 0 '0 (Figure 9 ri ght). Thl' live mulch ckpletcd weed seeds in a manner simil a r to crop lan d subj ected to a long period of bush fallow."},{"index":5,"size":169,"text":"Effec t of li ve mulc h all soil fe rtilit ~ restoration was investigated on a site wit h a previous history of intensive la nd usc, After fou r yea rs of cropping, t he organi c Ctl. rbon can len t of\" soil in the live mulch plots approa ched the level in newly c1 c£la'd trop ical fOI'L \"S IS while th a l in the no-tillage a nd COJ1\\'cluiona l ti ll age sites remai ned relativel y low. This demonstrates the crfecti ve ness of tropical leg um cs in ad din g organ ic mailer to th e soi l a nd improving other soil properti es at 10\\\\1 in put levels witholl t a long peri od of bush fa llow . Howevcr, management prac tices associa tcd wit h lht: usc of these legumes as grou nd covers need to be refined in order to in crease the intensit y of la nd usc in the Land ma nagcnH:rlt systcm"}]},{"head":"Convcntional ti llage","index":13,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":6,"text":"Iropics a l low weed pressure."},{"index":2,"size":131,"text":"Afte r fiv e years of co ntinu ous m al zc prod uc tion involving 10 crops of l11., ~ 1 ajo r fin din g~ or a 198•1-/85 : o:ocio-l'co no mi c \"i Un ' l' ~ of 386 o ut patil'llL\"i of th l\" clinic at Ogbomosho in cluded: • TIll\" IllOs t n'CUIT(' 111 malnutri ti on fa c lor was \",Iwl her the.: c hild was being c; m:d lo r by his o r hn mo tiwr. I (' (\"-..... ;;. ~ .,.,. .. -~_. ,c.:: ~~ 'j:;.' \"'<' .l. _. -....... _~ ... -~\" .l :.~:.' ;.::... . }--. , ' .\"'!o--i .... . ~<~ . ~ . . ~.~, ':~.!._ ->-.\":': ~: . ~: .. '~..;~. ~~\" -Wtw 1Q'/~\"\". -. ~ . -.... ........ -~\" . ' . . ~ .... . , ,:. '~. j--:-' -':~~~.'-~ -~~~. '-' .. ~~-. . -'--..,:-.. ~.-,\\,~\"\" , . ..;::. . ... ~ -. -. ,::'f,. . ; , . .•• t } •. ''''; :Af,. ),..-~\"-\\~~, ...... , . i~. _ -.\" ~ .... . .-, .. ~ ..... \"\"\" . . . . . ,~-, :. '1-j . . -:. .. ~ .. . . . . ~ . ,~-\",--.~ __ -_ ...... K ..... \". 'It.16:. t-Joi . .,.;~. ~ ,. ~'\" ~ ... ~~\" ~~'~-'-$: :J!Y, . .. ~.,.,.,.. .... -..:.~. • > -•• ~~-.... '---. --~-..L:': __ ~ . So) ,beulls planted by ajanJl e r twd hisfa mily Wider hig h population i\" all i nte l•c r op sitltatio'l . Testing Tropically Adapted Soybeans for Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus S oybean mosaic virus (SMV) is found in many parts of the world and can cause serious yield losses when it is epidemic. So far, in Nigeria and other areas of West and Central Africa, SMV becomes a serious problem only in the dry season but because the disease is often see d-borne it can spread from one s e ason to the next. Infected plants IDay be stunted and less productive, leaves tend to be narrower, leaf margins turn down, and blades become severely ruffled along the edge of the main veins. Soybean Lin es resistant to SMV we re tes ted in 1985 rOf yield and agrono mic characters) and lin es with tropi cal adap ta ti on, hig h yie ld , and desira ble ag ro nomic c h a racter isti cs n ow in corpo ra te S MV resistance (T a ble 23) . T he work represents a cooperativc eOo n bc t wcen the soybean breeders and virologists a t IlTA and with the I ntcrnaLional Soybean Cenler (I NTSOY) in lhe Uniled Slales. "},{"text":"* Sltntlrrillg ralillg: J = 110 IXllls sltollrml: 2 = < 25°{. slll/llered,' 3= 25-5(J' ~,,''' = .50-75°/,,: 5= > 75\" 0 J/wflrr,d . • * Lodgillg mli,,:: I = all plollls f(l'rl,' 2=soll1r /1101115 lealling or lodged: 3= 1II0SI/I/(lIIls leaning. l 'OIlU lodgrd, ,,= most /11(11115 forlgnl: :) = alll/hllllS IOtlged, *** Sf!)'htfllllllosaic virw ralings ( I 5smle) : J == //0 Sj'mIJlo/llS, 5 = Jeu(!re J)'/111110/llS, Tab le 23. M ean y ield and ag rono m.ic c haracteristics o/promising soybean lines w ith resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) grown at Mok w a J Nige ria (1985). "},{"text":" e (SMV-I O) w hi c h is less viru lent , thoug h typica l of th e virus fo und in the fi eld_ So far , lines resistan t to \" Micro A I ) arc gl'nt.Ta ll y resistant to commOIl fo rms of th e virus. Lines sho wi ng no sy mpt o ms of S MV in lhe g reenho use arc t('sted to a suscepti ble \\' <:lI'iet)' as \\\\'('11 as by sl'I'o logicalmcans. Ifbolh back teslS a re negati ve, it is ass um ed th al th e lin e is resistant to S M Vas it occurs in N igeria .o rne o r t he li l1c:. 'S shown in Table23 donOt have ad equatt.• resistan ce to shallcring a nd lodgin g, and th<:: y have nOt ye t been tested for their rea c ti o n to o ther diseases. A ll lhc lines lisLl:d in till' tab le re prese nt ca rl y-maturing I ypl•S. T hey w ill be crossed wit h o th er tro pi ca ll y ad ap ted lin es to b ring in o th er res ista nce if necessa ry a nd to inco rpo ra te SMV resista nce into li nes in otht.'!' mat u rit y g rollps. \\' Vo rk has bC'gu n to I t.'S I o th er pop ulalio ns o r crosses bc tw('ell adapt ed pa rents a nd S~I V rcs ista11l lines from Zim babwe and th e U .S. Maize Research Program R ecogni z ing the need LO s tre ng th ell resea rc h fo r in crc;1sccimai z(' prod uc ti o n in An-iea , avoid dup li ca ti o n or (•(fo n s, a nd improve coordin a ti o n or the intern at io na l lcsting p rograms. I IT A ancl C I:\\ I ~I YT eSlab lishecl a jo in l program for Afi'iea in 1985. The m ost sig nifi cant und (,rta kin g or this progra m during tlw yea r was the establ ishm en t or the III iel -3 1 ti ru ck germ plasm ckvd opllll'1lI site ill coop . . :ra t io n \",i th 1 he U ni ve rsi t y o f Z i III ba bwc. Ill itiall y, two SCiCllIis l S -a brecder and a ll l'lI to mo logist -WlTl' posted in that co ulltry and other sc ientists wi ll 1)(\" a ssig ned to th e proj ec t hu e I'. Its majo r aim is LO devciop stab l\", hig h yielding. a nd ciiscasc-J'esislarll maize gcrmplasl11 ada ptcd to t.he mici-a hiLUd e eco logy in .\\ f'ri ca. I n add ilion lO H a ra rC. Zi rn ba bwc. t1w jo i n l p rogra m o pera t~•s prcsen tl y in two o ther majo r Sill'S: Ibacla n , Nige ri a and Ouagado ugo u 1 Burkina Faso. 'The lhree rl'p rl'sellt a ll the impOn a nl l'Co logir s where maize is g row n in Arri ca except hi g h a It ilLld c -over 1800 m above Sl'a k'vc l. Sc ie ntists a t each of these sit es a rc c:o ncelllnlling o n the improvc m ent of ma ize gl' rmpl asm fo r th e na tion a l progra ms in A fi•ica. :-\\no ther nt'w d imellsio n in I ITA 's l'vl a ize Rc'searc h Progra m ,vas the posting o f a breeder ,,,ilh Ihe na ti o nal progra m in Za ire. Ten years of resea' rch and breedingfor resistance to 1naize streak-virus (MSV) -a n A Ii-ica n l'lldl'mi c disL'ase was co mpll'tl'd in 1985. It is UIll' o r lhl' IllOS t l'conom ica ll y i 111 po rta n L d ise-1•2 kg. respl\"Cl ivci y. Bt'caw;c o f t he in c reasing d ema nd. liT. \\ 's ca pa b ilit y to prod uce goo qu a li ty seed for na l io n a l p rogra ms is b eing s tcp ped u p. To i111prov e the efficiency of rice technology transfe1' in Africa, an internationa testing netw ork began to function in 1985. Ca ll ed t h t' Intc rn a ti o na l Ri ce T esti n Program fo r Africa ( IRTP-A fri ca l. it is ,. coope ra ti ve progra m in\\'oh-i ng IRRI , W A RDA a nd liT A. T his ne two r k dis! ribu tl'S spec ific ricl\" nu rse ri es fo r ta rge t ecologies a nd b ri ngs ric sc ie n tis ts toge th e r fro m seve ra l Il at io n a l p rogra ms 10 int e ra c t a nd p arti c ip at e in th a ssess m e nt o f les t lines . "},{"text":"20° 0 T in trials by resea l'c hers in th e-Na tio na l C('fca is R esca rch a nd Ex tensio n P roj ec t (Ta ble 32). \\ Iult ilocati o ll tria ls ill Eunwrs' fidds in th e COllntry co nfin l1 (:ci this resu lt. Rig ht, r£ce v a ,.,:e ty I T A 306 pe ,/o rms w e ll unde r hy dro m o rp hic a nd \" \"'lgated soil c ondit io ns ; n ow un derg oing Im'ge -scale testing in Ca ,ne r oo n . ab le 30. A v e rag e y ie ld, days t o m at u r ity , an d plaut height o/t wo IITA rice v a rie ties I T A 222 and I TA 306 a t "},{"text":"~ yield ed 7.8 t/ha. a nd is being in creasin g ly grown o n r. : \" l.rms in va rio LI S pa rtS o f' th e co un try. ITA 222 is a scl('cl io n from the progcnyof lhe cross i\\ lahsuri /TET 1444 a nd IT !\\ 306 from TO, 49+ Sci /TO, 711 /BG 6832. The parrnt varic ti es in thl'sc crosses, na mel y i\\ la hsuri , l ET 1444. and BG 6832 show di rIcl\"cTll favo rable traits. the co mbi na ti o ns of w hi ch h,ln' res ult ed in th c su perio r perfo rm a nce of ITA 222 a nd ITA 306 un der African lowla nd co nditi o ns. TO, 494 Sci and TO, 711 arc I ITA lincs. . ... -::\"\"'\"-........ -:-,.. .-.-Lo ng slendeJ' gnlins of the high-yielding rice v ariety ITA 306. "},{"text":"• SOl/rrr: . \\ •a/ jollfl/ Cereals RI!Sf'llrrllIllstitlllr. 1985. Tab le 31. EntJ-ies with the highest. y ields in the Coo' rdinated Rice Evaluation Trial conduc te d at eight locations in Nige1•ia.* "},{"text":" Figure 13. Mean rr:ceyield at different s ites in a hyd,•o111.0rph,:c v alley at UTA iu }905. (Tlte v alue is the m.ean oj e ight rice lines ; experinle nt co\"dllc t ed w ithout ferti lize1',) "},{"text":". • :~t~f•~;•!:~~.:5',~t~:~~;.:~r~~\":'6•.~:;•~;5;\"~ * Upper Hydromorphic * Lower Hydromorphic One of t he bas£c p ,-ob le m s affec t£ng rice p rodu c t ion in lowe,. hy d r o m o ,.ph ic lands: ox£dize d iron (,-ed c olOJ-) in s eepage w at e'-. "},{"text":" Severa l fun gi arc in cr imin a lcd in lhissy nclro m c, lhe IllOS l common o nes being species of Sllroc/adium, ClmJUlflr;(l, a nd Fusarium. Gra in-Sli cking insects a re a lso know n LO pred ispose lh e g rai ns fo r infection by th cse o rga nisms.T o idenlifyso urccs of res ista nce to this disease problem. IITA scie nti sts tested several tho usand exotic a nd m a n y loca l rice v(lri cti cs from Africa in th e Institute's hig h rai nfa ll statio n a t O nn e. : in Ri vers Sta te, Nige ria. Sc reening of progeny of crosses of breed ing ma te rials und er severe disease press ure there showed th a t ma ny proge ni es fo und res ista nt ca me fro m l ll rrsisl{l1I110 gmill discQlomliol/ ul/d blusl. "},{"text":" Thl' \\'irus ca uses yellowing a lld stunting orrin ' piallls lead in g In in co mp le te l'T1lCTgc nc(' o f panicles wi th sttTile g ra ins. '\\'rllow mo tlie ca n be transmiu cd to hrailh y plali Lli b~ sa p in• oc ulali o n and by insec ts. bUI no seed tra ns-milSs ion has bccn obscrn'cI in l 'x lJt'ril1lf'11ls with m ' lT 5.000 stxd s liTJI11 infec ted piants. Also, th t' \\' irll ~ has bec n puriri t'd at (I TA :lnd a h ig h titre I' Gra in yidd Yidd increase rice v(H'iety ITA 306 St'~hania cuuingsC rain r iddYield incn•:L' >I'Gra in yiddYidd increaserice v(H'iety ITA 306 (t/ha l (kg/ha) (°0 ) (kg/ha) (o {)) (t/ha l(kg/ha)(°0 )(kg/ha)(o {)) 2 4.327 42. 1 •1.645 3.80 24.32742. 1•1.6453.80 "},{"text":"Table 38 . Ware yam yield yam yield with and without plastic with and without plastic mulch; different times of mulch; different times of planting and Nove mber planting and Nove mber harvest. harvest. "},{"text":"Table 39 . Ware y am. production using alternative m.anagem.ent m et hods.-cos ts and income (Nigerian Naira). "},{"text":"Table 40 . Memt y ie ld and stability index oj elite sweet potato lines tested in six environments in Rwanda . : ' -o lean : ' -o lean yield Rcgn:ssion yieldRcgn:ssion Line «/hal coefficient Line«/hal coefficient DV 16/820 12.8 1.28 DV 16/82012.81.28 T IS 2544- 9.6 1.3i T IS 2544-9.61.3i Serura 9.3 1.02 Serura9.31.02 Rutam bir:t 9.2 .96 Rutam bir:t9.2.96 Bukarasa 812 9.1 1.00 Bukarasa 8129.11.00 \\Vadada 7.6 .91 \\Vadada7.6.91 Rcscnya (loca l check) 6.3 .71 Rcscnya (loca l check)6.3.71 N),jra muju na 5.1 . i I N),jra muju na5.1. i I ~I ean 8.6 ~I ean8.6 SE 2.3 SE2.3 "},{"text":"Table 41 , Yield an.d total Non-Swat Non-Swat "}],"sieverID":"a1783c60-377c-4b35-9607-95701ce7a76a","abstract":"A t the initia ti ve of the Wo rld Ba nk, the United Nations Food and Agriculture O rganiza tion (FAa), a nd the U nitcd Na tions Development Progra mme (U. DP), a n info rmal associa tion of governm ents, internatio nal and regiona l organizations, and private fo undatio ns was set up in 197 1 dedicatcd to supporting a sys te m o f agri culLUra l resea rc h centers around the world. II was na m ed the Consultative Group o n In ternational"} \ No newline at end of file