diff --git "a/data/part_1/00aaf4cc63a9f7696a779f2b42a0d79f.json" "b/data/part_1/00aaf4cc63a9f7696a779f2b42a0d79f.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/part_1/00aaf4cc63a9f7696a779f2b42a0d79f.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"metadata":{"id":"00aaf4cc63a9f7696a779f2b42a0d79f","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/4edb5140-cb6b-40e9-9260-22558d7f5737/retrieve"},"pageCount":60,"title":"","keywords":["Via dei Tre Denari","472/a -00054 Maccarese","Rome","Italy Via dei Tre Denari","472/a -00054 Maccarese","Rome","Italy Via dei Tre Denari","472/a -00054 Maccarese","Rome","Italy Via dei Tre Denari","472/a -00054 Maccarese","Rome","Italy"],"chapters":[{"head":"INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"To the Board of Trustees of Bioversity International"},{"index":2,"size":102,"text":"We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Bioversity International, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2016 and the statements of activities, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, including also the statement of grant revenue, the schedule of restricted projects, the donors supporting Bioversity International, the schedule of CGIAR Research Program Expenditure, the schedule of CGIAR Research Program Funding, the indirect cost ratio calculations, the statement of expenditure to IFAD and the schedule of expenses by natural classification."},{"index":3,"size":45,"text":"The financial statements have been prepared by management of Bioversity International in accordance with the Accounting Policies and Reporting Practices Manual -Financial Guidelines Series, No. 2, Revised February 2006 and supplemented by the 2016 Advisory Note issued by the CGIAR System Organization in December 2016."}]},{"head":"Management's responsibility for the financial statements","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":76,"text":"Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Policies and Reporting Practices Manual -Financial Guidelines Series, No. 2, Revised February 2006 and supplemented by the 2016 Advisory Note issued by the CGIAR System Organization in December 2016, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error."}]},{"head":"Auditor's responsibility","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":198,"text":"Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. days of expenditure) at 31 December 2016 compared with $10.7 million (115 days) at 31 December 2015, both of which are above the target of 90 days set by the Board. In conclusion, it is a great honour to have been elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of Bioversity International in November 2016 and to follow in the footsteps of Cristián Samper's excellent leadership over the preceding three years. I would like to thank all staff for their commitment and hard work to deliver scientific evidence, management practices and policy options to use and safeguard agricultural biodiversity to attain sustainable global food and nutrition security. On behalf of the members of the Board, I thank our funders and partners for their confidence and continued support allowing us to find innovative ways in which agricultural biodiversity can nourish people and sustain the planet."},{"index":2,"size":4,"text":"Julia Marton---Lefèvre Board Chair"}]},{"head":"Board Statement on Risk Management","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"Bioversity's Board of Trustees has responsibility for ensuring that an appropriate risk management system is in place which enables management to identify and take steps to mitigate significant risks to the achievement of the center's objectives."},{"index":2,"size":52,"text":"Risk mitigation strategies have been ongoing at Bioversity and include the implementation of systems of internal control which, by their nature, are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk. Bioversity also endeavors to manage risk by ensuring that the appropriate infrastructure, controls, systems and people are in place throughout the organization."},{"index":3,"size":85,"text":"The Board has adopted a risk management policy ( 2004) that has been communicated to all staff together with a detailed management guideline. The policy includes a framework by which Bioversity's management identifies, evaluates and prioritizes risks and opportunities across the organization; develops risk mitigation strategies that balance benefits with costs; monitors the implementation of these strategies; and reports, in conjunction with finance & administration staff and internal audit, semi-annually to a Task Group of the Board and annually to the full Board, on results."},{"index":4,"size":15,"text":"The Board is satisfied that Bioversity has adopted and implements a comprehensive risk management system."},{"index":5,"size":12,"text":"Julia Marton-Lefevre B o a r d C h a i r"}]},{"head":"Board Statement on Risk Management","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"Bioversity's Board of Trustees has responsibility for ensuring that an appropriate risk management system is in place which enables management to identify and take steps to mitigate significant risks to the achievement of the center's objectives."},{"index":2,"size":52,"text":"Risk mitigation strategies have been ongoing at Bioversity and include the implementation of systems of internal control which, by their nature, are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk. Bioversity also endeavors to manage risk by ensuring that the appropriate infrastructure, controls, systems and people are in place throughout the organization."},{"index":3,"size":85,"text":"The Board has adopted a risk management policy ( 2004) that has been communicated to all staff together with a detailed management guideline. The policy includes a framework by which Bioversity's management identifies, evaluates and prioritizes risks and opportunities across the organization; develops risk mitigation strategies that balance benefits with costs; monitors the implementation of these strategies; and reports, in conjunction with finance & administration staff and internal audit, semi-annually to a Task Group of the Board and annually to the full Board, on results."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"The Board is satisfied that Bioversity has adopted and implements a comprehensive risk management system. The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement."},{"index":5,"size":13,"text":"(US dollar 000s) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement."},{"index":6,"size":13,"text":"(US dollar 000s) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement."},{"index":7,"size":4,"text":"(1) Statement of purpose "}]},{"head":"Vision","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"Our vision is that agricultural biodiversity nourishes people and sustains the planet."}]},{"head":"Mission","index":7,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":56,"text":"Bioversity International's mission is to deliver scienti c evidence, management practices and policy options to use and safeguard agricultural and tree biodiversity to attain sustainable global food and nutrition security. We work with partners in low-income countries in different regions where agricultural and tree biodiversity can contribute to improved nutrition, resilience, productivity and climate change adaptation."},{"index":2,"size":24,"text":"The international status of Bioversity International was conferred under an Establishment Agreement which has been signed and rati ed by 56 Governments. In January "}]},{"head":"Financial Statements","index":8,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":48,"text":"Bioversity International is not subject to statutory and regulatory laws requiring the entity to prepare annual nancial statements. On a voluntary basis and as per CGIAR good governance requirements, Bioversity International prepares annual nancial statements in order to report to its stakeholders its operating performance and nancial position."},{"index":2,"size":42,"text":"(2 ) Summary of significant accounting policies (a) Accounting for not-for-pro t organizations Bioversity International prepares its nancial statements, except for cash ow information, under the accrual basis of accounting. Bioversity International follows the accounting policies set out in the CGIAR Accounting "}]},{"head":"Recognition and Valuation","index":9,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable."},{"index":2,"size":165,"text":"a. Cash grants are recorded at the face value of the cash received or the US dollar equivalent. b. Grant revenue, including non-monetary grants at fair value, is recognized when there is reasonable assurance that: i. Bioversity International will comply with the conditions attached to them; and, ii. the grants will be received. c. Grants are recognized as revenue over the periods necessary to match them with the related costs which they are intended to compensate, on a systematic basis. d. Other revenues and gains include, but are not limited to: i. consultancy revenue earned from third parties ii. gains, net of losses, resulting from transactions involving currencies other than the US dollar and restatement of foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities at year-end or at reporting date iii. income from hosting other entities iv. board members contributions v. gains, net of losses on the disposal of property and equipment vi. other miscellaneous revenue/losses or expenses, including any other items not speci cally covered above."}]},{"head":"(c) Expenses","index":10,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"Expenses are recognized in the Statement of Activities when a decrease in future economic bene ts related to a decrease in an asset or an increase in a liability has arisen that can be measured reliably."},{"index":2,"size":30,"text":"Expenses are recognized in the Statement of Activities on the basis of a direct association between the costs incurred and the earning of speci c items of revenue (Matching principle)."},{"index":3,"size":40,"text":"When economic bene ts are expected to arise over several accounting periods and the association with revenue can only be broadly or indirectly determined, expenses are recognized on the basis of systematic and rational allocation procedures. (e.g. depreciation and amortization)."},{"index":4,"size":31,"text":"An expense is recognized immediately when expenditure produces no future bene t or when future economic bene ts cease to qualify for recognition as assets in the Statement of Financial Position."}]},{"head":"(d) Foreign currency transactions","index":11,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":63,"text":"Bioversity International habitually effects transactions in a number of foreign currencies. The US dollar is its reporting currency and the accounting records are maintained in US dollars. Foreign currency transactions in Bioversity International are accounted for at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of transactions: gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions are recognized in the statement of activities."},{"index":2,"size":66,"text":"At year-end all monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are re-valued at exchange rates prevailing on the date of the statement of nancial position. Any resulting exchange gains and losses are recognized in the statement of activities as 'Other Revenues and Gains'. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currency which are carried at historical cost are reported using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction."}]},{"head":"(e) Property and equipment","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"Property and equipment are de ned as tangible assets that:"},{"index":2,"size":40,"text":"1. are held by Bioversity International for use in the production, or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes 2. are expected to be used for more than one period 3. have a minimum cost of US$ 2,500."},{"index":3,"size":31,"text":"Property and equipment are initially measured at cost. Subsequent to initial recognition as an asset, property and equipment are carried at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses."},{"index":4,"size":58,"text":"The cost of an item of property and equipment comprises its purchase price and all other incidental costs in bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Depreciation of acquired assets is made in the year the asset is placed in operation and continues until the asset is fully depreciated or its use is discontinued."},{"index":5,"size":55,"text":"Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of property and equipment are determined as the difference between the estimated net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized as revenue or expense in the Statement of Activities within the caption 'Other revenues and gains' or 'Other losses and expenses'."},{"index":6,"size":44,"text":"Property and equipment acquired through the use of grants restricted for a certain project are recorded as an asset. Such assets are depreciated at a rate of 100% and the depreciation expense charged directly to the appropriate restricted project in the year of acquisition."}]},{"head":"(f) Indirect cost recovery","index":13,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"Bioversity International charges indirect costs to restricted projects to ensure that such projects contain a fair share of research support and institutional costs."},{"index":2,"size":29,"text":"The rate chargeable depends on the provision agreed upon by the two contracting parties (Bioversity International and the donor) for indirect cost recovery and stated in each project's contract."}]},{"head":"(g) Investments","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":54,"text":"Investments acquired with the intention of disposing of the same within one year or less from the acquisition date are classi ed as current investments. Furthermore, investments classi ed as current, as distinguished from cash equivalents, are those that are acquired with original maturities of more than three months but not exceeding one year."},{"index":2,"size":24,"text":"Investments acquired with the intention of keeping the same for more than a year from the acquisition date are classi ed as long-term investments."},{"index":3,"size":28,"text":"Investments are initially recorded at their acquisition cost (including brokerage and other transaction costs) if they were purchased and fair value if they were received as a grant."},{"index":4,"size":30,"text":"Investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are measured at fair value as of the date of the Statement of Financial Position."},{"index":5,"size":23,"text":"Interest, dividends, losses and gains relating to a nancial instrument are reported in the Statement of Activities as Financial Income or Financial Expense."},{"index":6,"size":5,"text":"(3) Cash and cash equivalents"},{"index":7,"size":60,"text":"The amounts are composed of the following: Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand and in banks (current accounts) and interest bearing time deposits held at call with banks. No more than 50% of total cash and investments are held in any one bank at any point in time. Cash in banks are denominated in US dollars and Euro."},{"index":8,"size":32,"text":"Regional of ces' imprest funds are denominated in local currencies (Kenyan shillings, Euro, Malaysian ringgits, Uganda shillings, Central African francs, Indian rupee and Costa Rica Colon), as well as in US dollars."},{"index":9,"size":3,"text":"(4) Investments (current)"},{"index":10,"size":6,"text":"This account is composed as follows:"},{"index":11,"size":1,"text":"($000s)"},{"index":12,"size":5,"text":"At December 31 2016 2015"},{"index":13,"size":18,"text":"Short-term investments acquired with original maturities of more than three months but not exceeding one year 7,449 11,831"},{"index":14,"size":3,"text":"(5) Accounts receivable"},{"index":15,"size":25,"text":"All receivable balances are valued at their net realizable value, that is, the gross amount of receivable minus, if applicable, allowances provided for doubtful accounts."},{"index":16,"size":45,"text":"Allowances for doubtful accounts are provided in an amount equal to the total receivables shown, or reasonably estimated to be doubtful of collection. The amount in the allowance is based on past experience and on a continuous review of receivable reports and other relevant factors."},{"index":17,"size":21,"text":"When an account receivable is deemed doubtful of collection, an allowance is provided during the year the account is deemed doubtful."},{"index":18,"size":31,"text":"Any receivable or portion of receivable judged to be uncollectible is written off. Write-offs of receivables are done via allowance for doubtful accounts after all efforts to collect have been exhausted."},{"index":19,"size":28,"text":"Based on past experience and review of accounts receivable at year-end, $50 thousand was deemed doubtful of collection at December 31, 2016; $50 thousand at December 31, 2015."}]},{"head":"(a) Accounts receivable -donors","index":15,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":43,"text":"Accounts receivable from donors consists of claims from donors for grants promised or pledged in accordance with the terms speci ed by the donor. It also pertains to claims from donors for expenses paid on behalf of projects in excess of cash received."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"The amounts are composed of the following: Further detail is found in Exhibit 1."}]},{"head":"(b) Accounts receivable -employees","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"This comprises amounts paid to staff for salary and travel advances."},{"index":2,"size":39,"text":"(c) Accounts receivable -Other CGIAR Centers: The Waverton (NRW) investment was classi ed as long term based on the original investment duration being in excess of one year. This investment expired on January 31, 2017 and was not re-invested."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"(9) Accounts payable -donors The decrease in accounts payable to other CGIAR centers is due to a decrease in amounts due for the hosting of Bioversity activities in countries outside of Italy."},{"index":4,"size":4,"text":"(12) Accounts payable -others"},{"index":5,"size":14,"text":"The amount includes: Bioversity recognizes liabilities toward partners only upon receipt of Financial Reports."},{"index":6,"size":2,"text":"(13) Accruals"},{"index":7,"size":53,"text":"The amount is composed of accruals and provisions made for supplies and services received and expenses incurred before year-end for which invoices were not yet received or payment not made as of the balance sheet date. This includes regional of ce expenditures not yet paid out of the imprest accounts as of year-end."},{"index":8,"size":9,"text":"The amount is composed of: (15) Employee benefits programme"},{"index":9,"size":17,"text":"The Bioversity Employee Bene ts Program (EBP) replaces the social security programs of its various host countries."},{"index":10,"size":36,"text":"The EBP was established by CGIAR and adopted by all of its institutions. It provides a comprehensive package of insurance and fund accumulations to meet staff members' and their dependents' needs during employment and for retirement."},{"index":11,"size":17,"text":"The EBP is fully funded by Bioversity International. No deductions from salary are required from staff members."},{"index":12,"size":53,"text":"Bioversity International makes contributions on behalf of staff members to the pension plan managed by the Association of International Agricultural Research Centers (AIARC). These contributions are charged against revenue in the year in which the bene t accrues. Therefore, Bioversity International has no future obligations for retirement bene ts for its staff members."},{"index":13,"size":21,"text":"The contribution to the AIARC administered pension plan amounted to $1,265 thousand in 2016; this amount was $1,501 thousand in 2015."},{"index":14,"size":1,"text":"("}]},{"head":"16) Non-current liabilities","index":17,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"This balance consists of accruals for end-of-service bene ts due to staff members, speci cally for separation allowances and repatriation costs, calculated in accordance with the personnel policies of Bioversity International."},{"index":2,"size":3,"text":"(17) Net assets"},{"index":3,"size":15,"text":"Net assets are the residual interest in Bioversity International's assets remaining after liabilities are deducted."},{"index":4,"size":20,"text":"The overall change in net assets represents the total gains and losses generated by Bioversity International's activities during the year."},{"index":5,"size":10,"text":"Net assets are classi ed as either undesignated or designated."},{"index":6,"size":17,"text":"(a) Undesignated -that part of net assets not designated by Bioversity International's management for speci c purposes."},{"index":7,"size":19,"text":"(b) Designated -that part of net assets that has been designated by Bioversity International's management for speci c purposes."}]},{"head":"Designation for acquisition and replacement of property and equipment","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"As per Board of Trustees resolution, each year an amount equal to the annual depreciation charged to operating income is designated to meet the costs of acquisition and replacement of property and equipment."}]},{"head":"Designation for net investment in property and equipment","index":19,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"A portion of the unrestricted net assets has been designated by the Board of Trustees to re ect net investment in property and equipment."},{"index":2,"size":12,"text":"(c) Breakdown of net assets Execution rate (c) = (b)/(a) 81% 81%"},{"index":3,"size":35,"text":"(1) We hereby certify that the above amounts have been expensed for Eligible Expenditures for the proper execution of the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement received 8 June 2016."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"(2) Retroactive nancing: expenditure incurred before the effective date but after 27 November 2015 shall be deemed eligible expenditures for the purposes of this Agreement."},{"index":5,"size":15,"text":"3) Expenditures were primarily incurred in US$ and included in the accounting system in US$."},{"index":6,"size":20,"text":"Conversion into Euro was made using relevant exchange rate (\" rst in-rst out method\") at the time of cash collection. "}]}],"figures":[{"text":" Depreciation of property and equipment is calculated on the straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. Estimated useful lives are as follows: "},{"text":" ) At December 31 2016 2015 At December 3120162015 Unrestricted 98 127 Unrestricted98127 Restricted* 6,208 4,814 Restricted*6,2084,814 6,306 4,941 6,3064,941 Less allowance for doubtful Less allowance for doubtful accounts (50) (50) accounts(50)(50) 6,256 4,891 6,2564,891 "},{"text":" Bioversity International's non-current investments are composed of corporate bonds and oating rate notes. The investment portfolio is managed by Waverton Investment Management (owned by JOHIM staff and Somers Ltd). Investments are presented at their fair value as of December 31, 2016 as follows: Type of investment 2016 investment Date of 2015 This amount can be analyzed as follows: At December 31 ($000s) (7) Property plant and equipment (8) Investments (non-current) Date of maturity This amount consists of: Rate Amount invested Euro ('000) (6) Prepaid expenses Amount invested US$ ('000) Interest US$ Type of investment 2016 investment Date of 2015 This amount can be analyzed as follows: At December 31 ($000s) (7) Property plant and equipment (8) Investments (non-current)Date of maturity This amount consists of: Rate Amount invested Euro ('000) (6) Prepaid expensesAmount invested US$ ('000)Interest US$ Banca Popolare di Sondrio HSBC AfricaRice CGIAR System Organization COST CIAT Balance: January 1 At December 31 Time deposit Infrastructure and 17.06.16 Leasehold Fixed 12.07.16 3 49 51 17.06.17 Furnishing and 0.15% Equipment 12.01.17 0.53% 2 At December 31 ($000s) Advances to partners: Total 2016 2,300 deposit 30 65 1,818 4,614 6,432 CGIAR collaborators 2016 2015 2,426 Total 2015 ($000s) 5,023 2016 2015 2 13 6,572 Banca Popolare di Sondrio HSBC AfricaRice CGIAR System Organization COST CIAT Balance: January 1 At December 31Time deposit Infrastructure and 17.06.16 Leasehold Fixed 12.07.16 3 49 51 17.06.17 Furnishing and 0.15% Equipment 12.01.17 0.53% 2 At December 31 ($000s) Advances to partners: Total 2016 2,300 deposit 30 65 1,818 4,614 6,432 CGIAR collaborators 2016 20152,426 Total 2015 ($000s) 5,023 2016 2015 2 13 6,572 Total short-term investments CIFOR Long-term investments acquired 1 CIAT 7,449 12 15 31 Total short-term investments CIFOR Long-term investments acquired1CIAT7,449121531 ICRAF Current Period: for a period of more than one year 751 2 1,252 CIFOR 10 ICRAF Current Period: for a period of more than one year7512 1,252CIFOR10 ICRISAT Additions IFPRI Institution Transfers Disposals 20 investment Type of investment 2 Date of (4) ICRAF 255 Subtotal advances to CGIAR collaborators Date of Rate Amount (312) (316) 255 US$ ('000) maturity invested 12 Interest US$ ('000) 137 110 69 Risk (277) profile ICRISAT Additions IFPRI Institution Transfers Disposals20 investment Type of investment 2 Date of (4)ICRAF 255 Subtotal advances to CGIAR collaborators Date of Rate Amount (312) (316) 255 US$ ('000) maturity invested12 Interest US$ ('000)137 110 69 Risk (277) profile IITA Balance: December 31 63 53 1,814 Non-CGIAR collaborators 4,557 6,371 4,192 3,065 6,432 IITA Balance: December 316353 1,814Non-CGIAR collaborators 4,5576,3714,1923,065 6,432 ILRI Waverton (IBM Corp) Bonds 27 125 05.02.13 Total advances to parnters 08.02.18 1.25% 251 4,204 3 3,175 Low ILRI Waverton (IBM Corp)Bonds27125 05.02.13Total advances to parnters 08.02.18 1.25%2514,204 33,175 Low IRRI ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Waverton (NRW) 16 Rate Notes Floating 06.02.13 36 31.01.17 oating 500 3 Low IRRI ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Waverton (NRW)16 Rate Notes Floating06.02.133631.01.17oating5003Low IWMI Balance: January 1 Total long-term investments 11 (1,154) Advance payments to suppliers Prepaid rent (3,692) (4,846) 751 114 58 6 (4,749) 27 92 IWMI Balance: January 1 Total long-term investments11(1,154)Advance payments to suppliers Prepaid rent (3,692) (4,846) 751114 58 6(4,749)27 92 220 336 220336 4,376 3,294 4,3763,294 (d) Accounts receivable -Others The amounts includes: Current Period: Depreciation (40) The increase in prepaid expenses , due mainly to the increase in advances to partners can be explained by the (476) (516) (359) (d) Accounts receivable -Others The amounts includes: Current Period: Depreciation(40)The increase in prepaid expenses , due mainly to the increase in advances to partners can be explained by the (476) (516) (359) Transfers greater number of Letters of Agreement with partners which Transfersgreater number of Letters of Agreement with partners which Disposals ($000s) increased from 210 in 2015 to 269 in 2016. 307 307 262 Disposals($000s)increased from 210 in 2015 to 269 in 2016. 307 307262 At December 31 Balance: December 31 2016 2015 (1,194) (3,861) (5,055) (4,846) At December 31 Balance: December 3120162015 (1,194)(3,861)(5,055)(4,846) Interest accrued NET BOOK VALUE 16 12 620 696 1,316 1,586 Interest accrued NET BOOK VALUE1612 6206961,3161,586 French value-added tax advanced French value-added tax advanced by INIBAP 160 203 by INIBAP160203 Other receivables 212 113 Other receivables212113 388 Fixed Asset purchases in 2016 of $255 thousand were mainly 328 for equipment for the CRP Financial Support to the CGIAR 388 Fixed Asset purchases in 2016 of $255 thousand were mainly 328 for equipment for the CRP Financial Support to the CGIAR Center Genebanks out of W1W2 funds. Center Genebanks out of W1W2 funds. "},{"text":" * Accounts payable for separation are those amounts due for end of service bene ts for staff who left Bioversity in 2016. Accounts payable to donors at December 31 include grants Accounts payable to donors at December 31 include grants received from donors for which conditions for revenue received from donors for which conditions for revenue recognition are not yet met and amounts payable to donors recognition are not yet met and amounts payable to donors in respect of any unexpended funds received in advance for in respect of any unexpended funds received in advance for signed contracts. signed contracts. The amounts are composed of the following: The amounts are composed of the following: ($000s) ($000s) At December 31 2016 2015 ($000s) At December 3120162015($000s) At December 31 2016 2015 At December 3120162015 Unrestricted Unrestricted Restricted 7,325 8,550 AfricaRice 13 Restricted7,3258,550AfricaRice13 7,325 8,550 CGIAR System Organization 212 223 7,3258,550CGIAR System Organization212223 CIAT 17 CIAT17 Further detail is found in Exhibit 1. CIMMYT 8 Further detail is found in Exhibit 1.CIMMYT8 (10) Accounts payable -employees CIP 15 (10) Accounts payable -employeesCIP15 ICARDA 44 67 ICARDA4467 This amount consists of: ICRAF 18 196 This amount consists of:ICRAF18196 ($000s) ICRISAT 6 ($000s)ICRISAT6 At December 31 2016 2015 IITA 91 At December 3120162015IITA91 ILRI 26 ILRI26 IRRI 1 IRRI1 Unpaid leave* 759 1,123 IWMI 26 Unpaid leave*7591,123IWMI26 Separation** 125 307 656 Separation**125307656 Redundancy*** 96 342 Redundancy***96342 Travel 47 36 Travel4736 Other 13 Other13 1,040 1,501 1,0401,501 "},{"text":" Bioversity International is party to a tripartite CRP Program Implementation Agreement (PIA) with the CGIAR System Organization and the Global Crop Diversity Trust for the Genebanks CRP. In the agreement, Bioversity International is the 'Lead Center' and the Trust is the 'Program Manager'.In the PIA all responsibilities of a CRP Lead Center are delegated to the Program Manager, and Bioversity International retains only one role (Section 1.3), which is to receive the W1/W2 distributions from the CGIAR System Organization, and then disburse them, at the request of the Trust, to the program participants (those who have PPAs) and to the Trust (see note 3).The Funds in Trust arrangement with the CGIAR System Organization was closed in May 2016. can be explained by the increased number of Letters of Agreement raised by Bioversity in 2016 (269) with respect to Total Funds in Trust at 31 December can be explained by the increased number of Letters of Agreement raised by Bioversity in 2016 (269) with respect to Total Funds in Trust at 31 December 2015 (210) (see note 6.) ($000s) 2015 (210) (see note 6.)($000s) 2016 2015 20162015 (14) Funds in trust Cash in Banks -funds in trust 9 10,118 (14) Funds in trust Cash in Banks -funds in trust910,118 9 10,118 910,118 Beneficiary: CGIAR Beneficiary: CGIAR The CGIAR System Organization ($000s) The CGIAR System Organization($000s) ($000s) Balance January 1 9,853 ($000s)Balance January 19,853 Balance January 1 264 Donor receipts: Balance January 1264Donor receipts: Donor receipts: CGIAR Fund 19,768 Donor receipts:CGIAR Fund19,768 CGIAR Fund CGIAR Fund Total donor receipts 0 Disbursements Total donor receipts0Disbursements Paid to the CGIAR Systems AfricaRice (775) Paid to the CGIAR SystemsAfricaRice(775) Organization to close* (264) Bioversity International (1,436) Organization to close*(264)Bioversity International(1,436) Balance December 31 0 CIAT (3,678) Balance December 310CIAT(3,678) CIMMYT (1,585) CIMMYT(1,585) CIP (5,294) CIP(5,294) Global Crop Diversity Trust (2,824) Global Crop Diversity Trust(2,824) Beneficiary: Generation Challenge Program ICARDA (2,837) Beneficiary: Generation Challenge ProgramICARDA(2,837) 000s) Hosted personnel in Toulouse, France ICRAF (2,034) 000s) Hosted personnel in Toulouse, FranceICRAF(2,034) At December 31 2016 2015 ($000s) ICRISAT (3,590) At December 3120162015 ($000s)ICRISAT(3,590) Balance January 1 1 IITA (2,163) Balance January 11IITA(2,163) Collaboration with Partners Donor receipts: 5,906 4,447 ILRI (1,430) Collaboration with Partners Donor receipts:5,9064,447ILRI(1,430) Supplies and services Generation Challenge Program 538 553 IRRI (1,966) Supplies and services Generation Challenge Program538553IRRI(1,966) Personnel-related Disbursements 76 (1) 66 Total disbursements (29,612) Personnel-related Disbursements76(1)66Total disbursements(29,612) Travel Balance December 31 18 0 53 Travel Balance December 3118053 6,538 5,119 Balance December 31 9 6,5385,119Balance December 319 The increase in accruals for Collaboration with Partners The increase in accruals for Collaboration with Partners "},{"text":" Following the CGIAR Financial Guidelines Series, No. 5, December 2008 each center must compute its own indirect cost ratio using the CGIAR methodology. Direct and indirect costs are pooled based on the principle of attribution and assignability. Expenditures are pooled to different resource user units (cost centers) by direct identi cation. Costs that are not directly allocable to speci c cost centers are apportioned on the basis of resource drivers.As per the Advisory Note issued by the CGIAR Consortium Of ce in December 2016, the computation of the overhead rate has been revised to re ect the fact that overhead charges on partnerships do not always match the institutional overhead rate.Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN/ Global Environment Facility FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Restricted donors to EUROPEAN COUNTRIES -ECPGR and EUFORGEN: (continued) Netherlands, Wageningen University ALTERRA Norway, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute Norway, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO) Poland, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Poland, Ministry of the Environment Portugal, Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agraria e Veterinaria (INIA) Romania, Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development Serbia, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Serbia, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Directorate for Forests Slovakia, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic Slovenia, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Slovenia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sweden, Ministry for Rural Affairs, Animal and Food Division Sweden, Ministry of of Enterprise and Innovation Switzerland, Federal Department of Economic Affairs FDEA Switzerland, Federal Of ce for the Environment (FOEN) Turkey, Ministry of Agricultural Researches and Policies Turkey, Ministry of Forest and Water Affairs, Forest Tree Seeds and Tree Breeding Research Directorate United Kingdom, Forestry Commission United Kingdom, Genetic Resources Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (US dollar 000s) Linking agrobiodiversity value chains and climate adaptation: empowering the poor to manage risk (EU-funded portion, contracted by IFAD) STATEMENT OF STATEMENT OF STATEMENT OF STATEMENT OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF DONORS SUPPORTING DONORS SUPPORTING BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 STATEMENT OF STATEMENT OF STATEMENT OF STATEMENT OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF SCHEDULE OF DONORS SUPPORTING DONORS SUPPORTING BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONALExhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 GRANT REVENUE GRANT REVENUE GRANT REVENUE GRANT REVENUE RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL SCHEDULE OF CGIAR RESEARCH PROGRAM FUNDING INDIRECT COST RATIO COMPUTATION Statement of Expenditure to IFAD GRANT REVENUE GRANT REVENUE GRANT REVENUE GRANT REVENUE RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS RESTRICTED PROJECTS BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL BIOVERSITY INTERNATIONAL SCHEDULE OF CGIAR RESEARCH PROGRAM FUNDING INDIRECT COST RATIO COMPUTATION Statement of Expenditure to IFAD For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 Contributors of Unrestricted Funding Contributors of Restricted Funding For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 From June 3 to December 31, 2016 (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 Contributors of Unrestricted Funding Contributors of Restricted Funding For the year ended December 31, 2016 For the year ended December 31, 2016 From June 3 to December 31, 2016(US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) (US dollar 000s) 000s) 10,528 2016 1,720 1,316 3,036 13,564 The breakdown of total operating expenses by natural At December 31 2015 Undesignated 9,311 Designated for: -acquisition and replacement of property and equipment 1,426 -net investment in property and equipment 1,586 3,012 12,323 (20) Operating Expenses classi cation is as follows: 2016 Unrestricted CRP Non-CRP Expenses by natural classification Personnel costs 4,532 7,077 1,258 CGIAR collaboration 144 Other collaboration 137 5,511 1,784 Supplies and Services 2,317 5,818 596 Travel 129 660 109 Depreciation 261 255 System cost (CSP) 104 85 14 Indirect cost recovery (2,886) 2,539 347 Total operating expenses 4,594 22,089 4,108 Total operating expenses were $30,791 thousand in 2016; $36,939 thousand in 2015. The decrease was the consequence of the reduced Window 1&2 funding for CRPs as explained in note 18. (21) Financial Income and Expenses As per the Advisory Note 2016, Financial Income is to include interest income and other gains that are nancial in nature; Financial Expenses include interest expense. (22) Indirect cost ratio The indirect cost ratios for Bioversity International of 17.60% in 2016 and 15.52% in 2015 are disclosed in Exhibit 6. (23) CSP (Cost Sharing Percentage) \"CSP\" is the annual cost-sharing percentage determined by the CGIAR System Organization which will be charged to all funds contributed to Window 2, Window 3 and all Bilateral Funding, from which all System Costs are paid. As per the 2016 Advisory Note, Centers are to include a note for CSP breakdown, showing CSP paid in 2016 and 2015. Exhibits STATEMENT OF GRANT REVENUE For the year ended December 31 Donors Funds Available Accounts (18) Total Grant Revenue This is composed of grants from donors (refer to note 2b): ($000s) 2016 2015 Unrestricted 5,310 2,345 Restricted 26,197 31,979 Total Grant Revenue 31,507 34,324 The decrease in Grant Revenue in 2016 is primarily due to decreased Window 1&2 funding for CRPs (see Exhibits 1 & 2.) (19) Other revenues and gains This amount includes: ($000s) 2016 2015 Foreign exchange gains/(losses) (329) (541) Gains (net of losses) on the disposal of property and equipment 24 Allowance for doubtful accounts* 554 Income from hosting other entities 107 218 Miscellaneous gains/(losses)** 622 1,143 Board members contributions 23 22 Cancellation of liabilities pertaining to Letters of Agreement which expired before 31/12/2012 540 Total Other Revenues and gains 447 1,936 2015 Total Unrestricted CRP Non-CRP Total 12,867 5,485 8,040 1,458 14,983 144 163 163 7,432 5,323 3,035 8,358 8,731 2,704 8,176 855 11,735 898 195 777 176 1,148 516 307 52 359 203 102 74 17 193 0 (3,833) 3,413 420 0 30,791 4,960 26,018 5,961 36,939 Bioversity's payments of CSP are summarized as follows: ($000s) At December 31 CSP 2013 Financial Statements 82 CSP 2014 Financial Statements 59 CSP 2015 Financial Statements (for 2014) 101 CSP 2015 Financial Statements (for 2015) 92 CSP 2016 Financial Statements (for 2015) 77 CSP 2016 Financial Statements 203 Total CRP expense 614 CSP 2013 paid in 2016 (82) CSP 2014 paid in 2015 (59) CSP 2014 paid in 2015 (101) CSP 2015 paid in 2016 (92) CSP 2015 paid in 2016 (77) Total CSP disbursements (411) Balance due at 31/12/2016 203 (24) Prior year comparatives Prior year amounts have been reclassi ed/regrouped wherever necessary, to conform to current year's classi cations. Such reclassi cation did not result in any net impact on the Statement of Activities. (US dollar 000s) Exhibit 1 Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted Window 3 China 98 98 127 Total -Unrestricted Window 3 0 98 0 98 127 Unrestricted Bilateral Italy* 5,195 5,195 2,200 Philippines 17 17 18 Total -Unrestricted Bilateral 5,212 0 0 5,212 2,218 Total -Unrestricted Grants 5,212 98 0 5,310 2,345 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 RESTRICTED CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Windows 1 & 2 CGIAR Fund 2,088 (13) 2,075 972 CIAT 1,234 112 1,346 1,969 CIFOR 440 249 689 2,334 CIMMYT 49 CIP 876 1,782 2,658 4,575 ICARDA 34 26 60 198 IFPRI 870 605 1,475 1,758 IITA 161 59 220 302 IWMI 1,143 669 1,812 2,045 WORLDFISH 68 37 105 362 Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Windows 1 & 2 6,914 3,539 (13) 10,440 14,564 CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Window 3 Austria 536 8 (147) 397 460 Belgium 730 (528) 202 China 98 98 CIP 209 Harvest Plus 12 IFAD 771 245 (261) 755 799 IFPRI 32 IITA 676 India 1,738 (1,054) 684 881 Japan 118 Luxembourg 359 (115) 244 337 South Africa 294 (161) 133 137 Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Window 3 4,428 351 (2,266) 2,513 3,661 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 RESTRICTED CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Bilateral Australia 131 (48) 83 7 Belgium 1,030 1,030 759 Brazil 26 (26) 20 CARBAP, Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains (15) 32 17 32 Catholic Relief Service 52 53 105 21 CGIAR Fund 65 (29) 36 15 Christensen Fund 140 (44) 96 81 CIFOR 61 CIMMYT 19 30 49 79 CIP 91 46 137 CIRAD 18 Cornell University 4 (4) Crop Trust 176 (140) 36 172 Daniel et Nina Carasso Fondation (27) 27 43 Ecopetrol 16 16 EPM, Empresas Publicas de Medellin 71 71 Esmee Fairbairn Foundation 2 FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN 293 18 311 130 FAO-GEF, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN/ Global Environment Facility 214 (185) 29 722 Finland 176 3 (45) 134 242 Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (52) 85 33 108 FONTAGRO, Regional Fund for Agricultual Technology (23) 94 71 88 Germany 806 30 (61) 775 334 GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation 11 11 19 Harvest Plus 91 54 145 210 HIVOS, Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking 30 30 68 IAI, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research 43 17 60 61 IER, Institut D'Econome Rurale 20 15 35 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development 183 IFPRI 8 53 61 IITA 777 373 (219) 931 10 IORA Ecological Solutions 7 51 58 Korea 239 (70) 169 McGill University 47 47 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2015 Grants 2014 RESTRICTED CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Bilateral (continued) Multi-Donors to Cocoa of Excellence 85 (80) 5 1 Multi-Donors to Cocoa-planting-material 8 Multi-Donors to Descriptors 2 (1) 1 7 Multi-donors to Feeding Programs in Busia County, Kenya 43 (6) 37 7 Multi-Donors to Support to CacaoNET 41 (11) 30 13 Netherlands 357 64 421 1,664 NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy 2 2 Oregon State University 78 49 127 Peru 44 (12) 32 8 Philippines 88 88 68 PPECF, Programme de Promotion de L'Exploitation Certi ée des Forêts 22 (4) 18 SADRA, La Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Antioquia 8 8 61 SCBD, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 20 4 24 Stockholm University 29 Switzerland 423 99 522 441 Syngenta 6 6 The Nature Conservancy 9 9 Trocaire 32 (32) Uganda 2,562 (1,664) 898 378 UNEP-GEF, United Nations Environmental Programme/Global Environment Facility 916 717 (134) 1,499 1,022 United Kingdom 199 (57) 142 146 United Kingdom Fundraising Initiative 190 (40) 150 52 University of Illinois Solar 11 11 University of Queensland 94 (69) 25 UNU-IAS, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies 2 USA 288 (84) 204 351 Wageningen University 7 7 14 Wellcome Trust 39 39 World Cocoa Foundation 29 (29) WRI, World Resources Institute 45 5 50 WYG International Limited 84 84 Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Bilateral 10,474 2,052 (3,390) 9,136 7,793 Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Bilateral AEF, Agroecology Fund 119 CGIAR Fund 56 56 Christensen Fund 95 (13) 82 45 Crop Trust 23 (7) 16 3 Daniel et Nina Carasso Fondation 29 European Commission 675 141 (18) 798 843 European Countries 1,688 (889) 799 728 FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN 39 (20) 19 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development 4 4 250 IFPRI 15 5 20 Italy 236 (144) 92 90 Korea 36 Margaret A Cargill Foundation 529 (314) 215 471 Marin Community Foundation 32 32 8 Multi-Donors to PGR Secure Conference 25 Peru 75 (75) 3 RSF Social Finance 69 69 59 Swift Foundation 46 (3) 43 39 The Research Council of the Sultanate of Oman 40 UNEP-GEF, United Nations Environmental Programme/Global Environment Facility 402 (173) 229 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Bilateral 3,984 146 (1,656) 2,474 2,788 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted 5,498 266 (1,656) 4,108 5,961 Total -Restricted Grants 27,314 6,208 (7.325) 26,197 31,979 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 RESTRICTED Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Windows 1 & 2 CGIAR Fund 53 14 67 24 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Windows 1 & 2 53 14 0 67 24 Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Window 3 China 166 166 196 Italy 566 Japan 106 106 USA 1,295 1,295 2,387 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Window 3 1,461 106 0 1,567 3,149 Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total from to Windows 1 & 2 CGIAR Fund Agronomy ontology and design of an agronomy eldbook 01.05.15 28.02.17 90 23 67 90 (CROP TRUST) CRP Financial Support to the CGIAR Center Genebanks 01.01.12 31.12.16 5,271 3,898 1,373 5,271 (CROP TRUST) Long-term conservation strategy for Banana -Cryobanking 01.01.14 31.12.16 433 172 261 433 (CROP TRUST) RAP, Recommended Action Plan to improve the ITC Banana Genebank facility 01.11.14 31.12.16 481 40 441 481 6,275 4,133 2,142 6,275 CIAT, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security 01.01.11 31.12.16 17,649 16,303 1,346 17,649 17,649 16,303 1,346 17,649 CIFOR, Center for International Forestry Research CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry 01.07.11 31.12.16 15,822 15,162 660 15,822 CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry MEIA, Monitoring & Evaluation and Impact Assessment 01.01.15 31.12.16 67 38 29 67 15,889 15,200 689 15,889 CIP, International Potato Center CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas 01.01.12 31.12.16 20,802 18,945 1,857 20,802 CRP RTB Task Order 06-12-RTB-TO: Complementary Funding for cross-cutting projects 01.01.12 31.12.16 1,810 1,609 201 1,810 CRP RTB Task Order 03-13-RTB-TO: Complementary funding for cross-cutting projects 01.01.13 31.12.16 2,085 1,578 507 2,085 CRP RTB Task Order 05-14-RTB-TO -Administrative Support: RTB Theme Leaders and Project Management Of cer 01.01.14 31.12.16 140 106 34 140 CRP RTB Task Order 09-14-RTB-TO -Impact Assessment 2014 01.09.14 31.12.16 176 142 34 176 CRP RTB Task Order 04-14-RTB-TO -RBM Flagship Pilot 01.07.14 31.12.16 135 110 25 135 25,148 22,490 2,658 25,148 ICARDA, International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems 01.01.13 31.12.16 2,026 1,966 60 2,026 2,026 1,966 60 2,026 IFPRI, Internationa Food Policy Research Institue CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets 01.01.12 31.12.16 4,082 3,586 496 4,082 CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) 01.01.12 31.12.16 7,079 6,100 979 7,079 11,161 9,686 1,475 11,161 IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics 01.07.12 31.12.16 1,507 1,287 220 1,507 1,507 1,287 220 1,507 IWMI, International Water Management Institute CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems 01.01.12 31.12.16 7,403 6,572 831 7,403 Ecosystem Service and Resilience Working group 01.04.14 31.12.16 575 464 111 575 Agrobiodiversity for ecosystem service restoration in Ethiopia -WLE Nile Basin and East Africa Focal Region 15.12.14 31.12.16 445 266 179 445 Targeting Agricultural Innovation and Ecosystem Service Management in the Northern Volta 15.12.14 31.12.16 1,244 553 691 1,244 9,667 7,855 1,812 9,667 Worldfish CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems 01.01.12 31.12.16 1,724 1,619 105 1,724 1,724 1,619 105 1,724 Windows 1 & 2 91,046 80,539 10,507 91,046 Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total from to Windows 1 & 2 Donors and Program/Project (a) Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Total The Governments of: Windows 1 & 2 Institutional indirect cost rate Year Total from to CGIAR Research Programs (CRP) Restricted Bilateral & Window 3 grants (continued) Austria Threats to priority food tree species in Burkina Faso: drivers of resource losses and mitigation measures 01.06.12 31.05.16 622 538 84 622 Developing agrobiodiversity-based strategies: alleviation of micronutrient and protein de ciencies among smallholder households from banana growing regions of East Africa 01.07.12 31.08.16 645 516 129 645 Forestry to enhance livelihoods and sustain forests in Mesoamerica: How institutional arrangements and value chains affect bene ts and resources 01.11.13 30.04.17 618 422 130 552 Nutrition-sensitive forest restoration to enhance adaptive capacity of rural communities in Burkina Faso 15.08.16 14.08.19 526 54 54 2,411 1,476 397 1,873 Belgium PhenSeeData -Expanding the services of the Bioversity International Musa germplasm Transit Centre (ITC) and the use of the global banana collection 01.07.16 30.06.17 731 202 202 731 0 202 202 China Innovative studies on adaptability of buckwheat and oat genetic diversity to climate change in China 01.01.12 01.01.16 364 237 127 364 Training Program for Chinese young Scientists 01.01.14 01.01.16 98 59 39 98 Program on agrobiodiversity research in China and training of Chinese scientists 01.01.16 31.12.16 98 98 98 560 296 264 560 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development Linking agrobiodiversity value chains and climate adaptation: empowering the poor to manage risk 27.02.15 31.05.16 980 740 240 980 GIAHS Indigenous Communities 10.11.15 09.05.17 486 181 181 (EUROPEAN COMMISSION) Linking agrobiodiversity value chains and climate adaptation: empowering the poor to manage risk 28.11.15 31.12.18 1,581 334 334 3,047 740 755 1,495 India Use and conservation of agrobiodiversity for increased agricultural sustainability, smallholder wellbeing and resilience to climate change in India 01.04.13 31.03.18 5,278 1,769 684 2,453 5,278 1,769 684 2,453 from to Window 3 Japan Promoting use of underutilized crop species for endogenous community development 01.01.16 31.12.16 53 53 53 Community plant genetic resources use and conservation in East Africa and Promoting use of underutilized crop species for endogenous community development 01.01.16 31.12.16 53 53 53 106 0 106 106 Luxembourg Conservation for diversi ed and sustainable use of fruit tree genetic resources in Central Asia 01.01.12 30.06.17 1,380 1,028 244 1,272 1,380 1,028 244 1,272 South Africa \"Farmers' seed systems and community seed banks in South Africa: a baseline study of selected sites\" 01.01.13 31.03.17 410 216 133 349 410 216 133 349 USA, United States USAID Support to the Crop Trust 25.07.14 31.12.99 7,357 6,062 1,295 7,357 7,357 6,062 1,295 7,357 Window 3 21,280 11,587 4,080 15,667 from to Window 3 Australia Linking smallholders to markets. Scoping study on developing value chains for conserving local biodiversity and improving diets 30.06.15 31.08.17 128 7 83 90 128 7 83 90 Belgium Adding value to the ITC collection through molecular and phenotypic characterization -2013 -2015 15.09.13 31.12.16 2,529 1,499 1,030 2,529 2,529 1,499 1,030 2,529 CARBAP, Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains Conservation et utilisation durable de la biodiversité des Musa pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique Occidentale et Centrale 01.10.14 30.11.16 126 43 17 60 126 43 17 60 Catholic Relief Services AMASHIGA 01.11.14 31.10.17 382 11 105 116 382 11 105 116 CGIAR Fund Address implications of the Nagoya Protocol for the CGIAR Centers 15.07.15 30.04.16 25 14 11 25 Consultancy for provision of ICT Business Applications Services 22.02.16 30.04.17 74 56 56 Integrating gendered knowledge and preferences into banana breeding in East Africa 25.02.16 30.06.18 108 25 25 207 14 92 106 Christensen Fund Bridging Agriculture and Conservation for a new paradigm 01.05.13 31.07.16 250 190 61 251 The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (phase 5) 01.02.14 30.04.16 225 205 20 225 Supporting agrobiodiversity maintenance and use in the context of land management decisions 01.04.14 31.01.17 150 146 4 150 Land use and agrobiodiversity: Developing a compendium of methods that support agrobiodiversity inclusion in local and global land use management decisions 01.07.16 31.12.17 150 31 31 The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (phase 6) 01.08.16 31.07.18 150 62 62 925 541 178 719 from to Bilateral CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Maintaining and Expanding the Crop Ontology as a quality resource tool for the Breeding Management System -Integrated Breeding Platform 01.01.15 31.07.16 110 79 31 110 Bioversity Participation in the Executive Committee of GENNOVATE 01.01.16 31.12.17 36 18 18 146 79 49 128 CIP, International Potato Center Reducing Post harvest losses and promoting product differentiation of fresh cooking banana for increased return to all Value Chain actors 01.11.14 30.11.16 345 208 137 345 345 208 137 345 Crop Trust Providing for the long-term funding of ex situ collections of germplasm held by Bioversity 01.01.12 31.12.17 1,343 668 36 704 Rebuilding local seed system: Collection, conservation and repatriation of native crop seeds in earthquake affected areas in Nepal 01.08.15 31.12.17 29 3 16 19 1,372 671 52 723 ECOPETROL (CIAT) Protocolos de restauración ecológica de la diversidad orística y genética del Bosque Seco tropical en Colombia: El caso para la compensación por pérdida de Biodiversidad en la Hidroeléctrica de Ituango, Antioquia. 28.01.14 27.01.16 154 138 16 154 154 138 16 154 EPM, Empresas Publicas de Medellin (CIAT) Asociar recursos, capacidades y competencias tecnicas y cienti cas para el diseno de protocolos de restauracion ecologica del bosque seco tropical -BST, en la zona de in uencia del proyecto hidroelectrico ituango -Antioquia 01.10.15 31.08.17 106 71 71 106 0 71 71 European Commission Towards the Sustainable Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe 01.03.12 29.02.16 581 486 95 581 In situ Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives in three ACP countries of SADC Region 01.01.14 31.12.16 1,144 958 186 1,144 NUS value chains Africa 01.01.14 31.12.16 1,085 699 405 1,104 Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe 01.03.16 28.02.20 535 112 112 3,345 2,143 798 2,941 from to Bilateral European Countries ECPGR, European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources -Phase IX 01.01.14 31.12.18 3,449 1,143 506 1,649 EUFORGEN, European Forest Genetic Network PHASE V 01.01.15 31.12.19 1,850 163 293 456 5,299 1,306 799 2,105 FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN Planning and organization of a regional workshop on the conservation and use of forest genetic resources in SSA 07.12.15 30.06.16 55 55 55 Assisting National Focal Points in 12 countries for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Second Global Plan of Action on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 23.12.15 31.10.17 50 19 19 (TREATY) Promoting open source seed systems for beans, forage legumes, millet and sorghum for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda 30.12.15 31.10.19 800 204 204 Research and stakeholder mapping support for incentives for ecosystem services 20.05.16 30.06.17 60 52 52 965 0 330 330 FAO-GEF, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN/ Global Environment Facility Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Nutrition and Sectors for Improving Human Well-being 01.11.12 31.10.17 2,639 1,605 29 1,634 2,639 1,605 29 1,634 Finland Improving Food Security in West and East Africa through Capacity Building in Research and Information Dissemination -FoodAfrica 01.01.12 30.06.16 979 848 131 979 Improving Food Security in West and East Africa through Capacity Building in Research and Information Dissemination -FoodAfrica II 01.07.16 30.06.18 69 3 3 1,048 848 134 982 Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco Developing DNA timber tracking tools and a conservation strategy for African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) in West Africa 01.09.14 30.11.16 159 116 33 149 159 116 33 149 Technology Fortaleciendo la base productiva de pequeños productores de banano orgánico y convencional en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: control biológico de plagas y manejo de suelos saludables 01.06.14 31.05.17 400 154 71 225 400 154 71 225 Programme for Impact Evaluation Approaches for Agricultural Research 01.01.10 31.12.15 1,000 996 4 1,000 1,000 996 4 1,000 The Indigenous Peoples Pollinators Network-appreciating the neglected movers 01.12.14 29.02.16 40 8 32 40 40 8 32 40 136 52 5 57 Mitigating banana Fusarium wilt Tropical Race 348 260 88 348 Novel approaches to the improvement of --Phase II Japan application of biotechnological methodologies 11 0 11 11 Italy banana production in Eastern Africa: the 01.01.11 31.12.17 4,363 2,459 898 3,357 cookers in Zambia IORA Ecological Solutions and quantity (particularly legumes) -Solar developing disease management strategies Uganda Measuring changes in consumption frequency 19.02.16 31.08.16 11 11 11 IWMI, International Water Management Institute 4 through a farmer-participatory approach of 01.04.12 28.02.17 223 169 54 223 404 0 25 25 University of Illinois Solar CIP, International Potato Center FONTAGRO, Regional Fund for Agricultual from to Bilateral Germany Genebank 2016 Unrestricted 01.01.16 31.12.16 304 304 304 Strengthening cultivar diversity of barley and durum wheat to manage climate related risks and foster productivity in marginal areas of Ethiopia 01.02.16 31.01.19 1,289 386 386 Innovative, participatory tools for dietary assessment and nutrition education considering local agrobiodiversity in Turkana County, Kenya 01.03.16 28.02.18 109 56 56 Learning from Baseline Surveys 2015/2016 -One World No Hunger 01.06.16 15.11.16 29 29 29 1,731 0 775 775 GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation Vavilov-Frankel Fellowships 01.07.11 30.06.16 110 99 11 110 110 99 11 110 Harvest Plus Addressing micronutrient de ciencies in Sub-Saharan Africa through Musa-based foods-amendment no 4 01.01.14 30.06.16 316 292 24 316 Adressing micronutrient de ciencies in Sub-Sahara Africa through Musa-based foods 31.12.15 31.03.17 140 121 121 456 292 145 437 HIVOS, Netherlands, Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Netherlands Seeds are the soul of our food systems: building open source seed systems in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (OSIWA) 01.05.16 31.03.17 30 30 30 30 0 30 30 IAI, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research Climate Resilient Planning: Interdisciplinary Research to Improve Information Provision for Decision Making 01.04.14 31.03.17 180 101 60 161 180 101 60 161 IER, Institut D'Econome Rurale Projet d'accroissement de la productivite agricole du Mali, PAPAM 01.10.15 31.12.16 35 35 35 35 0 35 35 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development from to Bilateral IFPRI, Internationa Food Policy Research Institue (BMGF) Ecosystem Services foresight modelling 20.07.15 31.03.17 130 32 46 78 Farmer experimental games for informing the effective design and implementation of incentive mechanisms for collective action related to the conservation of agrobiodiversity 01.10.15 30.09.16 20 20 20 GAAP CGIAR Fellowship 13.08.16 06.05.18 80 15 15 230 32 81 113 IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (USAID) AFRICA RISING Impact of sustainable intensi cation technologies on on-farm agricultural diversity in Ghana 01.07.15 30.06.16 70 10 60 70 (Belgium) Improving agriculture-based livelihoods in Central Africa through sustainably increased system productivity to enhance income, nutrition security, and the environment-CIALCA-III 01.01.14 30.06.17 2,043 820 698 1,518 (BMGF) Improvement of banana for smallholder farmers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa 01.10.14 30.09.19 749 79 173 252 2,862 909 931 1,840 IORA Ecological Solutions (USA) Alliance for Forestry Innovation in India 19.12.14 13.07.17 276 39 58 97 276 39 58 97 Italy Junior Professional Of cer -2014 Milan Expo 06.10.14 05.10.16 219 107 61 168 Junior Professional Of cer -Private Sector Engagement 24.10.16 23.10.18 223 31 31 442 107 92 199 Korea Developing cryopreservation protocols for sub-tropical crops and establishing cryo-genebank at RDA in coordination with Bioversity International 01.11.15 31.10.18 338 169 169 338 0 169 169 Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Achieving Impact at Scale: Bioversity International's new business model 01.12.14 30.06.17 1,000 471 215 686 1,000 471 215 686 Marin Community Foundation from to Bilateral McGill University (IFAD) Strengthening Capacity of Local Actors in Nutrition-Sensitive Agrifood Value Chains in Zambia and Malawi 01.07.16 30.06.19 337 47 47 337 0 47 47 McKnight Foundation Modeling the epidemiology of Xanthomonas wilt of bananas in smallholder systems in east and horn of Africa 01.12.12 30.06.17 160 70 10 80 Integrated management of Xanthomonas wilt of bananas in smallholder systems in East and Horn of Africa 01.11.13 31.12.17 234 105 102 207 Democratizing farmer citizen science: designing a coherent methodology from participatory target setting to large-N experiments to ensure engagement and equity 01.10.16 30.09.19 600 9 9 994 175 121 296 MULTIDONOR Support to CacaoNET WCF 45 0 MARS 20 0 MULTIDONOR Support to CacaoNET 01.01.07 31.12.99 65 24 30 54 65 24 30 54 MULTIDONOR Descriptors ICRAF 5 0 FAO 8 0 COMAV 1 0 Universidad Politecnica de Velencia 8 0 MULTIDONOR Descriptors 01.01.14 31.12.17 22 20 1 21 22 20 1 21 MULTIDONOR Cocoa of Excellence Private Sector Co-Financing Barry Callebout 10 0 Puratos 36 0 Lutheran World Relief 10 0 European Cocoa Association 43 MARS 25 WCF 12 0 MULTIDONOR Cocoa of Excellence Private Sector Co-Financing 01.10.09 31.12.99 136 52 5 57 Enhancing capacities of farmers, extension agents and local researchers towards the effective management of Foc for small-scale banana progenitors for resistance 15,954 9,069 1,728 10,797 CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Cavendish banana sector 01.04.12 28.02.17 125 91 34 125 The University of Queensland (Gates) BBTV mitigation: Community management in Nigeria, and screening wild 24.05.16 31.12.20 404 25 production in Uzbekistan IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 25 supporting ecosystem services in agriculture IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development biodiversity to improve regulating and 0 Philippines 9 0 9 Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural 01.01.16 31.07.19 1,236 104 104 ICARDA, International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas 9 0 from to Bilateral MULTIDONOR Introducing nutritious vegetables and fruits into primary school feeding programs in Busia County, Kenya Van Guard Trust 20 0 MarArthur Foundation 30 0 MULTIDONOR Introducing nutritious vegetables and fruits into primary school feeding programs in Busia County, Kenya 01.06.15 31.03.17 50 7 37 44 50 7 37 44 Netherlands Strengthening national capacities to implement the International Treaty of PGRFA: Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI) Phase II 01.01.11 01.12.17 6,143 4,940 421 5,361 6,143 4,940 421 5,361 NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Diagnosis, virus cleaning and cryopreservation of rspberry, blackberry and shallot 19.08.16 31.12.20 14 2 2 14 0 2 2 Oregon State University (USA) IPGA The Common Reference Ontology For Plants 01.12.14 30.11.17 256 49 127 176 256 49 127 176 Peru Mayor competitividad del cacao peruano Chuncho, mediante la identi cación, 01.03.11 28.02.17 150 144 3 147 from to Bilateral from to Bilateral PPECF, Programme de Promotion de L'Exploitation Certifiée des Forêts Congo Basin Genetic Diversity 12.12.15 31.01.17 24 18 18 24 0 18 18 RSF Social Finance (Tamalpais Trust) The Future we sow: Indigenous Science, Practice and Perspectives 01.03.14 28.02.16 128 59 69 128 128 59 69 128 SADRA, La Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Antioquia (CIAT) Efforts to develop propagation protocols and establish provenance trials of plant species of tropical dry forest of the Department of Antioquia 23.09.14 12.12.14 69 61 8 69 69 61 8 69 SCBD, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Map-based decision-support tool for tree-based restoration 01.09.16 30.09.17 50 24 24 50 0 24 24 SYNGENTA Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture GreenPhylDB 01.01.16 31.12.16 6 6 6 6 0 6 4,363 2,459 898 3,357 UK Fundraising Iniative GreenPhylDB 01.02.13 31.10.16 135 108 27 135 Seeds 4 Needs: Climate smart agriculture for poor rural communities in Laos & Cambodia 01.04.13 30.04.17 360 199 123 322 495 307 150 457 UK, UNITED KINGDOM Mutually supportive implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and Plant Treaty 01.04.15 31.03.18 366 146 102 248 Upgrading and broadening the new South-Paci c International Coconut Genebank 01.06.16 31.03.19 385 40 40 751 146 142 288 UNEP-GEF, United Nations Environmental Programme/Global Environment Facility In-situ On-Farm Conservation and Use of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticultural Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia 01.12.05 31.12.13 5,688 5,668 20 5,688 Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use for Improved Human Nutrition and Wellbeing 01.04.12 30.09.17 2,879 1,628 555 2,183 Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Man and the Biosphere Reserves in Cuba: Bridging Managed 01.12.12 30.11.17 1,368 578 161 739 from to Bilateral from to China CRP 5 Water, Land and Ecosystems 2016 2015 Bilateral USA, United States Crowdsourcing Crop Improvement: Evidence 01.03.15 01.03.18 1,000 263 204 Opening Balance (840) Italy Philippines Cash Receipts from Lead Center IWMI Previous June-Dec 1,983 Disbursements (1,812) Research Expenses 24,960 Period 2016 29,758 Category Budgeted Received Expense Expense (2) Total Spent Outstanding 467 Closing Balance (669) General & Administration Expenses 4,392 4,617 of Expenditures (1) A B C D E=C+D F=B-E base and out scaling model 1,000 263 204 467 Wellcome Trust Peri-Urban Food Systems: Boosting Human and Environmental Health at the Rural-Urban 15.04.16 15.08.16 39 39 Total 29,352 34,375 Contributors of Restricted Funding: Restricted donors to Bioversity: Amounts in EURO CRP 6 Trees and Agroforestry Opening Balance (496) Institutional indirect cost rate 17,60% Bioversity International 15,52% 39 Cash Receipts from Lead Center CIFOR Consultancies 69,000 17,845 17,845 936 Interface 39 0 39 Australia Disbursements Equipment and materials 100,000 25,862 17,217 17,217 8,645 (689) 39 Austria Closing Balance (249) Operating costs 234,000 60,517 53,086 53,086 7,431 WRI, World Resources Institute Seed systems in restoration 06.06.16 03.03.17 69 50 50 69 0 50 Belgium Brazil CRP 7 Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Salaries and allowances 816,000 211,034 193,360 193,360 17,674 CGIAR partner funds excluded from institutional indirect cost rate computation Workshops 84,000 21,724 5,560 5,560 16,164 50 WUR, Wageningen University Consultancy with Policy Unit 01.09.14 31.08.16 20 13 7 20 20 13 7 Catholic Relief Services CIFOR, Center for International Forestry Research CARBAP, Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains Opening Balance 252 Cash Receipts from Lead Center CIAT 2016 2015 Training 71,000 18,362 16,835 16,835 1,527 982 Disbursements In-house Partner Total In-house Partner Total Travel and allowances 76,000 19,655 17,798 17,798 1,857 (1,346) 20 WYG International Limited (UK) International What Works Where for which farmer: Combing big data and crowdsourcing for household-speci c targeting and learning 15.06.16 31.12.19 686 84 84 686 0 84 84 CIAT, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical Closing Balance Administrative costs 44,950 11,625 9,420 9,420 2,205 (112) Research expenses 18,823 18,823 23,787 23,787 Sub-total CGIAR Fund China Christensen Fund Crop Trust ECOPETROL Non-CGIAR Collaboration Expenses 6,137 1,295 7,432 5,971 2,387 (amount disbursed 8,358 CRP -Genebanks Opening Balance Total Research expenses 24,960 1,295 26.255 29,758 2,387 to Center) 1,494,950 386,625 0 313,276 313,276 73,349 32,145 172 Cash Receipts from CGIAR Fund General & Administration Expenses 4,392 4,392 4,617 Cost sharing 2% 30,509 7,890 6,393 6,393 1,497 4,617 1, 916 Disbursements Total 29,352 1,295 30,647 34,375 2,387 36,762 (2,075) SUB-TOTAL 1,525,459 394,515 0 319,669 319,669 74,846 and Natural Landscapes Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity conservation 01.12.12 30.11.17 1,450 398 238 636 Bilateral 63,802 31,892 11,610 43,502 European Commission Closing Balance 13 Percentage Indirect/Direct 17,60% 0.00% 15,52% 0,00% 6 SWIFT Foundation and use in Sri Lankan agro-ecosystems for livelihoods and adaptation to climate change Finland Funds statement Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco evaluación, caracterización y comercialización de variedades nas de calidades altamente identi cadas y diferenciadas (Enhancing the competiveness of Peruvian cocoa via the identi cation and commercialisation of ne and diverse avour quality) PROGRAMACIÓN DEL CENTRO ANDINO DE 01.04.14 31.12.17 100 50 50 The Future we want: Indigenous Perspectives and Actions 01.06.15 01.06.17 85 39 43 82 85 39 43 82 Switzerland Improving Seed Systems for Smallholders Food Security 01.08.12 31.12.16 1,782 1,259 522 1,781 Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity conservation and utilization in agricultural sector to ensure ecosystem services and reduce vulnerability in India 22.09.13 31.12.16 150 109 41 150 Integrating Traditional Crop Genetic Diversity into Technology: Using a Biodiversity Portfolio Approach to Buffer Against Unpredictable 01.11.13 30.06.19 2,300 688 380 1,068 Contribution received EURO US$ Exchange rate FAO-GEF, Germany 27-Dec-16 386,625 411,794 0.939 GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation Total received (a) 386,625 411,794 Harvest Plus RECURSOS FITOGENÉTICOS Plátanos isla y palillo: asegurando su base genética y productividad para el bene cio de las comunidades rurales peruanas (y del mundo) 01.01.13 30.06.17 100 59 29 1,782 1,259 522 1,781 Environment Change in the Nepal Himalayas India 88 350 253 32 285 The Nature Conservancy Restoration of tropical forests: recovery of tree conservation and utilization IFPRI, Internationa Food Policy Research Institue biodiversity and carbon after 20 years 01.04.16 30.06.16 9 9 9 Enhancing livelihoods in rural communities 01.12.15 31.10.19 883 229 229 (less) 2016 expense (b) (3) 313,276 333,670 0.939 IER, Institut D'Econome Rurale of Armenia through mainstreaming and strengthening agricultural biodiversity IAI, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research Balance as of 31 December 2016 73,349 78,124 000s) 10,528 2016 1,720 1,316 3,036 13,564 The breakdown of total operating expenses by natural At December 31 2015 Undesignated 9,311 Designated for: -acquisition and replacement of property and equipment 1,426 -net investment in property and equipment 1,586 3,012 12,323 (20) Operating Expenses classi cation is as follows: 2016 Unrestricted CRP Non-CRP Expenses by natural classification Personnel costs 4,532 7,077 1,258 CGIAR collaboration 144 Other collaboration 137 5,511 1,784 Supplies and Services 2,317 5,818 596 Travel 129 660 109 Depreciation 261 255 System cost (CSP) 104 85 14 Indirect cost recovery (2,886) 2,539 347 Total operating expenses 4,594 22,089 4,108 Total operating expenses were $30,791 thousand in 2016; $36,939 thousand in 2015. The decrease was the consequence of the reduced Window 1&2 funding for CRPs as explained in note 18. (21) Financial Income and Expenses As per the Advisory Note 2016, Financial Income is to include interest income and other gains that are nancial in nature; Financial Expenses include interest expense. (22) Indirect cost ratio The indirect cost ratios for Bioversity International of 17.60% in 2016 and 15.52% in 2015 are disclosed in Exhibit 6. (23) CSP (Cost Sharing Percentage) \"CSP\" is the annual cost-sharing percentage determined by the CGIAR System Organization which will be charged to all funds contributed to Window 2, Window 3 and all Bilateral Funding, from which all System Costs are paid. As per the 2016 Advisory Note, Centers are to include a note for CSP breakdown, showing CSP paid in 2016 and 2015. Exhibits STATEMENT OF GRANT REVENUE For the year ended December 31 Donors Funds Available Accounts (18) Total Grant Revenue This is composed of grants from donors (refer to note 2b): ($000s) 2016 2015 Unrestricted 5,310 2,345 Restricted 26,197 31,979 Total Grant Revenue 31,507 34,324 The decrease in Grant Revenue in 2016 is primarily due to decreased Window 1&2 funding for CRPs (see Exhibits 1 & 2.) (19) Other revenues and gains This amount includes: ($000s) 2016 2015 Foreign exchange gains/(losses) (329) (541) Gains (net of losses) on the disposal of property and equipment 24 Allowance for doubtful accounts* 554 Income from hosting other entities 107 218 Miscellaneous gains/(losses)** 622 1,143 Board members contributions 23 22 Cancellation of liabilities pertaining to Letters of Agreement which expired before 31/12/2012 540 Total Other Revenues and gains 447 1,936 2015 Total Unrestricted CRP Non-CRP Total 12,867 5,485 8,040 1,458 14,983 144 163 163 7,432 5,323 3,035 8,358 8,731 2,704 8,176 855 11,735 898 195 777 176 1,148 516 307 52 359 203 102 74 17 193 0 (3,833) 3,413 420 0 30,791 4,960 26,018 5,961 36,939 Bioversity's payments of CSP are summarized as follows: ($000s) At December 31 CSP 2013 Financial Statements 82 CSP 2014 Financial Statements 59 CSP 2015 Financial Statements (for 2014) 101 CSP 2015 Financial Statements (for 2015) 92 CSP 2016 Financial Statements (for 2015) 77 CSP 2016 Financial Statements 203 Total CRP expense 614 CSP 2013 paid in 2016 (82) CSP 2014 paid in 2015 (59) CSP 2014 paid in 2015 (101) CSP 2015 paid in 2016 (92) CSP 2015 paid in 2016 (77) Total CSP disbursements (411) Balance due at 31/12/2016 203 (24) Prior year comparatives Prior year amounts have been reclassi ed/regrouped wherever necessary, to conform to current year's classi cations. Such reclassi cation did not result in any net impact on the Statement of Activities. (US dollar 000s) Exhibit 1 Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted Window 3 China 98 98 127 Total -Unrestricted Window 3 0 98 0 98 127 Unrestricted Bilateral Italy* 5,195 5,195 2,200 Philippines 17 17 18 Total -Unrestricted Bilateral 5,212 0 0 5,212 2,218 Total -Unrestricted Grants 5,212 98 0 5,310 2,345 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 RESTRICTED CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Windows 1 & 2 CGIAR Fund 2,088 (13) 2,075 972 CIAT 1,234 112 1,346 1,969 CIFOR 440 249 689 2,334 CIMMYT 49 CIP 876 1,782 2,658 4,575 ICARDA 34 26 60 198 IFPRI 870 605 1,475 1,758 IITA 161 59 220 302 IWMI 1,143 669 1,812 2,045 WORLDFISH 68 37 105 362 Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Windows 1 & 2 6,914 3,539 (13) 10,440 14,564 CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Window 3 Austria 536 8 (147) 397 460 Belgium 730 (528) 202 China 98 98 CIP 209 Harvest Plus 12 IFAD 771 245 (261) 755 799 IFPRI 32 IITA 676 India 1,738 (1,054) 684 881 Japan 118 Luxembourg 359 (115) 244 337 South Africa 294 (161) 133 137 Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Window 3 4,428 351 (2,266) 2,513 3,661 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 RESTRICTED CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Bilateral Australia 131 (48) 83 7 Belgium 1,030 1,030 759 Brazil 26 (26) 20 CARBAP, Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains (15) 32 17 32 Catholic Relief Service 52 53 105 21 CGIAR Fund 65 (29) 36 15 Christensen Fund 140 (44) 96 81 CIFOR 61 CIMMYT 19 30 49 79 CIP 91 46 137 CIRAD 18 Cornell University 4 (4) Crop Trust 176 (140) 36 172 Daniel et Nina Carasso Fondation (27) 27 43 Ecopetrol 16 16 EPM, Empresas Publicas de Medellin 71 71 Esmee Fairbairn Foundation 2 FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN 293 18 311 130 FAO-GEF, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN/ Global Environment Facility 214 (185) 29 722 Finland 176 3 (45) 134 242 Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (52) 85 33 108 FONTAGRO, Regional Fund for Agricultual Technology (23) 94 71 88 Germany 806 30 (61) 775 334 GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation 11 11 19 Harvest Plus 91 54 145 210 HIVOS, Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking 30 30 68 IAI, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research 43 17 60 61 IER, Institut D'Econome Rurale 20 15 35 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development 183 IFPRI 8 53 61 IITA 777 373 (219) 931 10 IORA Ecological Solutions 7 51 58 Korea 239 (70) 169 McGill University 47 47 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2015 Grants 2014 RESTRICTED CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Bilateral (continued) Multi-Donors to Cocoa of Excellence 85 (80) 5 1 Multi-Donors to Cocoa-planting-material 8 Multi-Donors to Descriptors 2 (1) 1 7 Multi-donors to Feeding Programs in Busia County, Kenya 43 (6) 37 7 Multi-Donors to Support to CacaoNET 41 (11) 30 13 Netherlands 357 64 421 1,664 NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy 2 2 Oregon State University 78 49 127 Peru 44 (12) 32 8 Philippines 88 88 68 PPECF, Programme de Promotion de L'Exploitation Certi ée des Forêts 22 (4) 18 SADRA, La Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Antioquia 8 8 61 SCBD, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 20 4 24 Stockholm University 29 Switzerland 423 99 522 441 Syngenta 6 6 The Nature Conservancy 9 9 Trocaire 32 (32) Uganda 2,562 (1,664) 898 378 UNEP-GEF, United Nations Environmental Programme/Global Environment Facility 916 717 (134) 1,499 1,022 United Kingdom 199 (57) 142 146 United Kingdom Fundraising Initiative 190 (40) 150 52 University of Illinois Solar 11 11 University of Queensland 94 (69) 25 UNU-IAS, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies 2 USA 288 (84) 204 351 Wageningen University 7 7 14 Wellcome Trust 39 39 World Cocoa Foundation 29 (29) WRI, World Resources Institute 45 5 50 WYG International Limited 84 84 Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Bilateral 10,474 2,052 (3,390) 9,136 7,793 Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Bilateral AEF, Agroecology Fund 119 CGIAR Fund 56 56 Christensen Fund 95 (13) 82 45 Crop Trust 23 (7) 16 3 Daniel et Nina Carasso Fondation 29 European Commission 675 141 (18) 798 843 European Countries 1,688 (889) 799 728 FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN 39 (20) 19 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development 4 4 250 IFPRI 15 5 20 Italy 236 (144) 92 90 Korea 36 Margaret A Cargill Foundation 529 (314) 215 471 Marin Community Foundation 32 32 8 Multi-Donors to PGR Secure Conference 25 Peru 75 (75) 3 RSF Social Finance 69 69 59 Swift Foundation 46 (3) 43 39 The Research Council of the Sultanate of Oman 40 UNEP-GEF, United Nations Environmental Programme/Global Environment Facility 402 (173) 229 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Bilateral 3,984 146 (1,656) 2,474 2,788 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted 5,498 266 (1,656) 4,108 5,961 Total -Restricted Grants 27,314 6,208 (7.325) 26,197 31,979 Donors Funds Available Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Grants 2016 Grants 2015 RESTRICTED Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Windows 1 & 2 CGIAR Fund 53 14 67 24 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Windows 1 & 2 53 14 0 67 24 Non-CGIAR Research Programs -Restricted Window 3 China 166 166 196 Italy 566 Japan 106 106 USA 1,295 1,295 2,387 Total -Non-CGIAR Research Programs Restricted Window 3 1,461 106 0 1,567 3,149 Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total from to Windows 1 & 2 CGIAR Fund Agronomy ontology and design of an agronomy eldbook 01.05.15 28.02.17 90 23 67 90 (CROP TRUST) CRP Financial Support to the CGIAR Center Genebanks 01.01.12 31.12.16 5,271 3,898 1,373 5,271 (CROP TRUST) Long-term conservation strategy for Banana -Cryobanking 01.01.14 31.12.16 433 172 261 433 (CROP TRUST) RAP, Recommended Action Plan to improve the ITC Banana Genebank facility 01.11.14 31.12.16 481 40 441 481 6,275 4,133 2,142 6,275 CIAT, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security 01.01.11 31.12.16 17,649 16,303 1,346 17,649 17,649 16,303 1,346 17,649 CIFOR, Center for International Forestry Research CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry 01.07.11 31.12.16 15,822 15,162 660 15,822 CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry MEIA, Monitoring & Evaluation and Impact Assessment 01.01.15 31.12.16 67 38 29 67 15,889 15,200 689 15,889 CIP, International Potato Center CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas 01.01.12 31.12.16 20,802 18,945 1,857 20,802 CRP RTB Task Order 06-12-RTB-TO: Complementary Funding for cross-cutting projects 01.01.12 31.12.16 1,810 1,609 201 1,810 CRP RTB Task Order 03-13-RTB-TO: Complementary funding for cross-cutting projects 01.01.13 31.12.16 2,085 1,578 507 2,085 CRP RTB Task Order 05-14-RTB-TO -Administrative Support: RTB Theme Leaders and Project Management Of cer 01.01.14 31.12.16 140 106 34 140 CRP RTB Task Order 09-14-RTB-TO -Impact Assessment 2014 01.09.14 31.12.16 176 142 34 176 CRP RTB Task Order 04-14-RTB-TO -RBM Flagship Pilot 01.07.14 31.12.16 135 110 25 135 25,148 22,490 2,658 25,148 ICARDA, International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems 01.01.13 31.12.16 2,026 1,966 60 2,026 2,026 1,966 60 2,026 IFPRI, Internationa Food Policy Research Institue CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets 01.01.12 31.12.16 4,082 3,586 496 4,082 CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) 01.01.12 31.12.16 7,079 6,100 979 7,079 11,161 9,686 1,475 11,161 IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics 01.07.12 31.12.16 1,507 1,287 220 1,507 1,507 1,287 220 1,507 IWMI, International Water Management Institute CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems 01.01.12 31.12.16 7,403 6,572 831 7,403 Ecosystem Service and Resilience Working group 01.04.14 31.12.16 575 464 111 575 Agrobiodiversity for ecosystem service restoration in Ethiopia -WLE Nile Basin and East Africa Focal Region 15.12.14 31.12.16 445 266 179 445 Targeting Agricultural Innovation and Ecosystem Service Management in the Northern Volta 15.12.14 31.12.16 1,244 553 691 1,244 9,667 7,855 1,812 9,667 Worldfish CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems 01.01.12 31.12.16 1,724 1,619 105 1,724 1,724 1,619 105 1,724 Windows 1 & 2 91,046 80,539 10,507 91,046 Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total from to Windows 1 & 2 Donors and Program/Project (a) Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Year Total Grant Title Grant Period (DD/MM/YY) Grant Pledged (b) Prior Years Current Total The Governments of: Windows 1 & 2 Institutional indirect cost rate Year Total from to CGIAR Research Programs (CRP) Restricted Bilateral & Window 3 grants (continued) Austria Threats to priority food tree species in Burkina Faso: drivers of resource losses and mitigation measures 01.06.12 31.05.16 622 538 84 622 Developing agrobiodiversity-based strategies: alleviation of micronutrient and protein de ciencies among smallholder households from banana growing regions of East Africa 01.07.12 31.08.16 645 516 129 645 Forestry to enhance livelihoods and sustain forests in Mesoamerica: How institutional arrangements and value chains affect bene ts and resources 01.11.13 30.04.17 618 422 130 552 Nutrition-sensitive forest restoration to enhance adaptive capacity of rural communities in Burkina Faso 15.08.16 14.08.19 526 54 54 2,411 1,476 397 1,873 Belgium PhenSeeData -Expanding the services of the Bioversity International Musa germplasm Transit Centre (ITC) and the use of the global banana collection 01.07.16 30.06.17 731 202 202 731 0 202 202 China Innovative studies on adaptability of buckwheat and oat genetic diversity to climate change in China 01.01.12 01.01.16 364 237 127 364 Training Program for Chinese young Scientists 01.01.14 01.01.16 98 59 39 98 Program on agrobiodiversity research in China and training of Chinese scientists 01.01.16 31.12.16 98 98 98 560 296 264 560 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development Linking agrobiodiversity value chains and climate adaptation: empowering the poor to manage risk 27.02.15 31.05.16 980 740 240 980 GIAHS Indigenous Communities 10.11.15 09.05.17 486 181 181 (EUROPEAN COMMISSION) Linking agrobiodiversity value chains and climate adaptation: empowering the poor to manage risk 28.11.15 31.12.18 1,581 334 334 3,047 740 755 1,495 India Use and conservation of agrobiodiversity for increased agricultural sustainability, smallholder wellbeing and resilience to climate change in India 01.04.13 31.03.18 5,278 1,769 684 2,453 5,278 1,769 684 2,453 from to Window 3 Japan Promoting use of underutilized crop species for endogenous community development 01.01.16 31.12.16 53 53 53 Community plant genetic resources use and conservation in East Africa and Promoting use of underutilized crop species for endogenous community development 01.01.16 31.12.16 53 53 53 106 0 106 106 Luxembourg Conservation for diversi ed and sustainable use of fruit tree genetic resources in Central Asia 01.01.12 30.06.17 1,380 1,028 244 1,272 1,380 1,028 244 1,272 South Africa \"Farmers' seed systems and community seed banks in South Africa: a baseline study of selected sites\" 01.01.13 31.03.17 410 216 133 349 410 216 133 349 USA, United States USAID Support to the Crop Trust 25.07.14 31.12.99 7,357 6,062 1,295 7,357 7,357 6,062 1,295 7,357 Window 3 21,280 11,587 4,080 15,667 from to Window 3 Australia Linking smallholders to markets. Scoping study on developing value chains for conserving local biodiversity and improving diets 30.06.15 31.08.17 128 7 83 90 128 7 83 90 Belgium Adding value to the ITC collection through molecular and phenotypic characterization -2013 -2015 15.09.13 31.12.16 2,529 1,499 1,030 2,529 2,529 1,499 1,030 2,529 CARBAP, Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains Conservation et utilisation durable de la biodiversité des Musa pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique Occidentale et Centrale 01.10.14 30.11.16 126 43 17 60 126 43 17 60 Catholic Relief Services AMASHIGA 01.11.14 31.10.17 382 11 105 116 382 11 105 116 CGIAR Fund Address implications of the Nagoya Protocol for the CGIAR Centers 15.07.15 30.04.16 25 14 11 25 Consultancy for provision of ICT Business Applications Services 22.02.16 30.04.17 74 56 56 Integrating gendered knowledge and preferences into banana breeding in East Africa 25.02.16 30.06.18 108 25 25 207 14 92 106 Christensen Fund Bridging Agriculture and Conservation for a new paradigm 01.05.13 31.07.16 250 190 61 251 The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (phase 5) 01.02.14 30.04.16 225 205 20 225 Supporting agrobiodiversity maintenance and use in the context of land management decisions 01.04.14 31.01.17 150 146 4 150 Land use and agrobiodiversity: Developing a compendium of methods that support agrobiodiversity inclusion in local and global land use management decisions 01.07.16 31.12.17 150 31 31 The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (phase 6) 01.08.16 31.07.18 150 62 62 925 541 178 719 from to Bilateral CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Maintaining and Expanding the Crop Ontology as a quality resource tool for the Breeding Management System -Integrated Breeding Platform 01.01.15 31.07.16 110 79 31 110 Bioversity Participation in the Executive Committee of GENNOVATE 01.01.16 31.12.17 36 18 18 146 79 49 128 CIP, International Potato Center Reducing Post harvest losses and promoting product differentiation of fresh cooking banana for increased return to all Value Chain actors 01.11.14 30.11.16 345 208 137 345 345 208 137 345 Crop Trust Providing for the long-term funding of ex situ collections of germplasm held by Bioversity 01.01.12 31.12.17 1,343 668 36 704 Rebuilding local seed system: Collection, conservation and repatriation of native crop seeds in earthquake affected areas in Nepal 01.08.15 31.12.17 29 3 16 19 1,372 671 52 723 ECOPETROL (CIAT) Protocolos de restauración ecológica de la diversidad orística y genética del Bosque Seco tropical en Colombia: El caso para la compensación por pérdida de Biodiversidad en la Hidroeléctrica de Ituango, Antioquia. 28.01.14 27.01.16 154 138 16 154 154 138 16 154 EPM, Empresas Publicas de Medellin (CIAT) Asociar recursos, capacidades y competencias tecnicas y cienti cas para el diseno de protocolos de restauracion ecologica del bosque seco tropical -BST, en la zona de in uencia del proyecto hidroelectrico ituango -Antioquia 01.10.15 31.08.17 106 71 71 106 0 71 71 European Commission Towards the Sustainable Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe 01.03.12 29.02.16 581 486 95 581 In situ Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives in three ACP countries of SADC Region 01.01.14 31.12.16 1,144 958 186 1,144 NUS value chains Africa 01.01.14 31.12.16 1,085 699 405 1,104 Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe 01.03.16 28.02.20 535 112 112 3,345 2,143 798 2,941 from to Bilateral European Countries ECPGR, European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources -Phase IX 01.01.14 31.12.18 3,449 1,143 506 1,649 EUFORGEN, European Forest Genetic Network PHASE V 01.01.15 31.12.19 1,850 163 293 456 5,299 1,306 799 2,105 FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN Planning and organization of a regional workshop on the conservation and use of forest genetic resources in SSA 07.12.15 30.06.16 55 55 55 Assisting National Focal Points in 12 countries for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Second Global Plan of Action on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 23.12.15 31.10.17 50 19 19 (TREATY) Promoting open source seed systems for beans, forage legumes, millet and sorghum for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda 30.12.15 31.10.19 800 204 204 Research and stakeholder mapping support for incentives for ecosystem services 20.05.16 30.06.17 60 52 52 965 0 330 330 FAO-GEF, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN/ Global Environment Facility Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Nutrition and Sectors for Improving Human Well-being 01.11.12 31.10.17 2,639 1,605 29 1,634 2,639 1,605 29 1,634 Finland Improving Food Security in West and East Africa through Capacity Building in Research and Information Dissemination -FoodAfrica 01.01.12 30.06.16 979 848 131 979 Improving Food Security in West and East Africa through Capacity Building in Research and Information Dissemination -FoodAfrica II 01.07.16 30.06.18 69 3 3 1,048 848 134 982 Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco Developing DNA timber tracking tools and a conservation strategy for African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) in West Africa 01.09.14 30.11.16 159 116 33 149 159 116 33 149 Technology Fortaleciendo la base productiva de pequeños productores de banano orgánico y convencional en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: control biológico de plagas y manejo de suelos saludables 01.06.14 31.05.17 400 154 71 225 400 154 71 225 Programme for Impact Evaluation Approaches for Agricultural Research 01.01.10 31.12.15 1,000 996 4 1,000 1,000 996 4 1,000 The Indigenous Peoples Pollinators Network-appreciating the neglected movers 01.12.14 29.02.16 40 8 32 40 40 8 32 40 136 52 5 57 Mitigating banana Fusarium wilt Tropical Race 348 260 88 348 Novel approaches to the improvement of --Phase II Japan application of biotechnological methodologies 11 0 11 11 Italy banana production in Eastern Africa: the 01.01.11 31.12.17 4,363 2,459 898 3,357 cookers in Zambia IORA Ecological Solutions and quantity (particularly legumes) -Solar developing disease management strategies Uganda Measuring changes in consumption frequency 19.02.16 31.08.16 11 11 11 IWMI, International Water Management Institute 4 through a farmer-participatory approach of 01.04.12 28.02.17 223 169 54 223 404 0 25 25 University of Illinois Solar CIP, International Potato Center FONTAGRO, Regional Fund for Agricultual from to Bilateral Germany Genebank 2016 Unrestricted 01.01.16 31.12.16 304 304 304 Strengthening cultivar diversity of barley and durum wheat to manage climate related risks and foster productivity in marginal areas of Ethiopia 01.02.16 31.01.19 1,289 386 386 Innovative, participatory tools for dietary assessment and nutrition education considering local agrobiodiversity in Turkana County, Kenya 01.03.16 28.02.18 109 56 56 Learning from Baseline Surveys 2015/2016 -One World No Hunger 01.06.16 15.11.16 29 29 29 1,731 0 775 775 GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation Vavilov-Frankel Fellowships 01.07.11 30.06.16 110 99 11 110 110 99 11 110 Harvest Plus Addressing micronutrient de ciencies in Sub-Saharan Africa through Musa-based foods-amendment no 4 01.01.14 30.06.16 316 292 24 316 Adressing micronutrient de ciencies in Sub-Sahara Africa through Musa-based foods 31.12.15 31.03.17 140 121 121 456 292 145 437 HIVOS, Netherlands, Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Netherlands Seeds are the soul of our food systems: building open source seed systems in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (OSIWA) 01.05.16 31.03.17 30 30 30 30 0 30 30 IAI, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research Climate Resilient Planning: Interdisciplinary Research to Improve Information Provision for Decision Making 01.04.14 31.03.17 180 101 60 161 180 101 60 161 IER, Institut D'Econome Rurale Projet d'accroissement de la productivite agricole du Mali, PAPAM 01.10.15 31.12.16 35 35 35 35 0 35 35 IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development from to Bilateral IFPRI, Internationa Food Policy Research Institue (BMGF) Ecosystem Services foresight modelling 20.07.15 31.03.17 130 32 46 78 Farmer experimental games for informing the effective design and implementation of incentive mechanisms for collective action related to the conservation of agrobiodiversity 01.10.15 30.09.16 20 20 20 GAAP CGIAR Fellowship 13.08.16 06.05.18 80 15 15 230 32 81 113 IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (USAID) AFRICA RISING Impact of sustainable intensi cation technologies on on-farm agricultural diversity in Ghana 01.07.15 30.06.16 70 10 60 70 (Belgium) Improving agriculture-based livelihoods in Central Africa through sustainably increased system productivity to enhance income, nutrition security, and the environment-CIALCA-III 01.01.14 30.06.17 2,043 820 698 1,518 (BMGF) Improvement of banana for smallholder farmers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa 01.10.14 30.09.19 749 79 173 252 2,862 909 931 1,840 IORA Ecological Solutions (USA) Alliance for Forestry Innovation in India 19.12.14 13.07.17 276 39 58 97 276 39 58 97 Italy Junior Professional Of cer -2014 Milan Expo 06.10.14 05.10.16 219 107 61 168 Junior Professional Of cer -Private Sector Engagement 24.10.16 23.10.18 223 31 31 442 107 92 199 Korea Developing cryopreservation protocols for sub-tropical crops and establishing cryo-genebank at RDA in coordination with Bioversity International 01.11.15 31.10.18 338 169 169 338 0 169 169 Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Achieving Impact at Scale: Bioversity International's new business model 01.12.14 30.06.17 1,000 471 215 686 1,000 471 215 686 Marin Community Foundation from to Bilateral McGill University (IFAD) Strengthening Capacity of Local Actors in Nutrition-Sensitive Agrifood Value Chains in Zambia and Malawi 01.07.16 30.06.19 337 47 47 337 0 47 47 McKnight Foundation Modeling the epidemiology of Xanthomonas wilt of bananas in smallholder systems in east and horn of Africa 01.12.12 30.06.17 160 70 10 80 Integrated management of Xanthomonas wilt of bananas in smallholder systems in East and Horn of Africa 01.11.13 31.12.17 234 105 102 207 Democratizing farmer citizen science: designing a coherent methodology from participatory target setting to large-N experiments to ensure engagement and equity 01.10.16 30.09.19 600 9 9 994 175 121 296 MULTIDONOR Support to CacaoNET WCF 45 0 MARS 20 0 MULTIDONOR Support to CacaoNET 01.01.07 31.12.99 65 24 30 54 65 24 30 54 MULTIDONOR Descriptors ICRAF 5 0 FAO 8 0 COMAV 1 0 Universidad Politecnica de Velencia 8 0 MULTIDONOR Descriptors 01.01.14 31.12.17 22 20 1 21 22 20 1 21 MULTIDONOR Cocoa of Excellence Private Sector Co-Financing Barry Callebout 10 0 Puratos 36 0 Lutheran World Relief 10 0 European Cocoa Association 43 MARS 25 WCF 12 0 MULTIDONOR Cocoa of Excellence Private Sector Co-Financing 01.10.09 31.12.99 136 52 5 57 Enhancing capacities of farmers, extension agents and local researchers towards the effective management of Foc for small-scale banana progenitors for resistance 15,954 9,069 1,728 10,797 CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Cavendish banana sector 01.04.12 28.02.17 125 91 34 125 The University of Queensland (Gates) BBTV mitigation: Community management in Nigeria, and screening wild 24.05.16 31.12.20 404 25 production in Uzbekistan IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 25 supporting ecosystem services in agriculture IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development biodiversity to improve regulating and 0 Philippines 9 0 9 Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural 01.01.16 31.07.19 1,236 104 104 ICARDA, International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas 9 0 from to Bilateral MULTIDONOR Introducing nutritious vegetables and fruits into primary school feeding programs in Busia County, Kenya Van Guard Trust 20 0 MarArthur Foundation 30 0 MULTIDONOR Introducing nutritious vegetables and fruits into primary school feeding programs in Busia County, Kenya 01.06.15 31.03.17 50 7 37 44 50 7 37 44 Netherlands Strengthening national capacities to implement the International Treaty of PGRFA: Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI) Phase II 01.01.11 01.12.17 6,143 4,940 421 5,361 6,143 4,940 421 5,361 NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Diagnosis, virus cleaning and cryopreservation of rspberry, blackberry and shallot 19.08.16 31.12.20 14 2 2 14 0 2 2 Oregon State University (USA) IPGA The Common Reference Ontology For Plants 01.12.14 30.11.17 256 49 127 176 256 49 127 176 Peru Mayor competitividad del cacao peruano Chuncho, mediante la identi cación, 01.03.11 28.02.17 150 144 3 147 from to Bilateral from to Bilateral PPECF, Programme de Promotion de L'Exploitation Certifiée des Forêts Congo Basin Genetic Diversity 12.12.15 31.01.17 24 18 18 24 0 18 18 RSF Social Finance (Tamalpais Trust) The Future we sow: Indigenous Science, Practice and Perspectives 01.03.14 28.02.16 128 59 69 128 128 59 69 128 SADRA, La Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Antioquia (CIAT) Efforts to develop propagation protocols and establish provenance trials of plant species of tropical dry forest of the Department of Antioquia 23.09.14 12.12.14 69 61 8 69 69 61 8 69 SCBD, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Map-based decision-support tool for tree-based restoration 01.09.16 30.09.17 50 24 24 50 0 24 24 SYNGENTA Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture GreenPhylDB 01.01.16 31.12.16 6 6 6 6 0 6 4,363 2,459 898 3,357 UK Fundraising Iniative GreenPhylDB 01.02.13 31.10.16 135 108 27 135 Seeds 4 Needs: Climate smart agriculture for poor rural communities in Laos & Cambodia 01.04.13 30.04.17 360 199 123 322 495 307 150 457 UK, UNITED KINGDOM Mutually supportive implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and Plant Treaty 01.04.15 31.03.18 366 146 102 248 Upgrading and broadening the new South-Paci c International Coconut Genebank 01.06.16 31.03.19 385 40 40 751 146 142 288 UNEP-GEF, United Nations Environmental Programme/Global Environment Facility In-situ On-Farm Conservation and Use of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticultural Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia 01.12.05 31.12.13 5,688 5,668 20 5,688 Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use for Improved Human Nutrition and Wellbeing 01.04.12 30.09.17 2,879 1,628 555 2,183 Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Man and the Biosphere Reserves in Cuba: Bridging Managed 01.12.12 30.11.17 1,368 578 161 739 from to Bilateral from to China CRP 5 Water, Land and Ecosystems 2016 2015 Bilateral USA, United States Crowdsourcing Crop Improvement: Evidence 01.03.15 01.03.18 1,000 263 204 Opening Balance (840) Italy Philippines Cash Receipts from Lead Center IWMI Previous June-Dec 1,983 Disbursements (1,812) Research Expenses 24,960 Period 2016 29,758 Category Budgeted Received Expense Expense (2) Total Spent Outstanding 467 Closing Balance (669) General & Administration Expenses 4,392 4,617 of Expenditures (1) A B C D E=C+D F=B-E base and out scaling model 1,000 263 204 467 Wellcome Trust Peri-Urban Food Systems: Boosting Human and Environmental Health at the Rural-Urban 15.04.16 15.08.16 39 39 Total 29,352 34,375 Contributors of Restricted Funding: Restricted donors to Bioversity: Amounts in EURO CRP 6 Trees and Agroforestry Opening Balance (496) Institutional indirect cost rate 17,60% Bioversity International 15,52% 39 Cash Receipts from Lead Center CIFOR Consultancies 69,000 17,845 17,845 936 Interface 39 0 39 Australia Disbursements Equipment and materials 100,000 25,862 17,217 17,217 8,645 (689) 39 Austria Closing Balance (249) Operating costs 234,000 60,517 53,086 53,086 7,431 WRI, World Resources Institute Seed systems in restoration 06.06.16 03.03.17 69 50 50 69 0 50 Belgium Brazil CRP 7 Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Salaries and allowances 816,000 211,034 193,360 193,360 17,674 CGIAR partner funds excluded from institutional indirect cost rate computation Workshops 84,000 21,724 5,560 5,560 16,164 50 WUR, Wageningen University Consultancy with Policy Unit 01.09.14 31.08.16 20 13 7 20 20 13 7 Catholic Relief Services CIFOR, Center for International Forestry Research CARBAP, Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plantains Opening Balance 252 Cash Receipts from Lead Center CIAT 2016 2015 Training 71,000 18,362 16,835 16,835 1,527 982 Disbursements In-house Partner Total In-house Partner Total Travel and allowances 76,000 19,655 17,798 17,798 1,857 (1,346) 20 WYG International Limited (UK) International What Works Where for which farmer: Combing big data and crowdsourcing for household-speci c targeting and learning 15.06.16 31.12.19 686 84 84 686 0 84 84 CIAT, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical Closing Balance Administrative costs 44,950 11,625 9,420 9,420 2,205 (112) Research expenses 18,823 18,823 23,787 23,787 Sub-total CGIAR Fund China Christensen Fund Crop Trust ECOPETROL Non-CGIAR Collaboration Expenses 6,137 1,295 7,432 5,971 2,387 (amount disbursed 8,358 CRP -Genebanks Opening Balance Total Research expenses 24,960 1,295 26.255 29,758 2,387 to Center) 1,494,950 386,625 0 313,276 313,276 73,349 32,145 172 Cash Receipts from CGIAR Fund General & Administration Expenses 4,392 4,392 4,617 Cost sharing 2% 30,509 7,890 6,393 6,393 1,497 4,617 1, 916 Disbursements Total 29,352 1,295 30,647 34,375 2,387 36,762 (2,075) SUB-TOTAL 1,525,459 394,515 0 319,669 319,669 74,846 and Natural Landscapes Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity conservation 01.12.12 30.11.17 1,450 398 238 636 Bilateral 63,802 31,892 11,610 43,502 European Commission Closing Balance 13 Percentage Indirect/Direct 17,60% 0.00% 15,52% 0,00% 6 SWIFT Foundation and use in Sri Lankan agro-ecosystems for livelihoods and adaptation to climate change Finland Funds statement Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco evaluación, caracterización y comercialización de variedades nas de calidades altamente identi cadas y diferenciadas (Enhancing the competiveness of Peruvian cocoa via the identi cation and commercialisation of ne and diverse avour quality) PROGRAMACIÓN DEL CENTRO ANDINO DE 01.04.14 31.12.17 100 50 50 The Future we want: Indigenous Perspectives and Actions 01.06.15 01.06.17 85 39 43 82 85 39 43 82 Switzerland Improving Seed Systems for Smallholders Food Security 01.08.12 31.12.16 1,782 1,259 522 1,781 Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity conservation and utilization in agricultural sector to ensure ecosystem services and reduce vulnerability in India 22.09.13 31.12.16 150 109 41 150 Integrating Traditional Crop Genetic Diversity into Technology: Using a Biodiversity Portfolio Approach to Buffer Against Unpredictable 01.11.13 30.06.19 2,300 688 380 1,068 Contribution received EURO US$ Exchange rate FAO-GEF, Germany 27-Dec-16 386,625 411,794 0.939 GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation Total received (a) 386,625 411,794 Harvest Plus RECURSOS FITOGENÉTICOS Plátanos isla y palillo: asegurando su base genética y productividad para el bene cio de las comunidades rurales peruanas (y del mundo) 01.01.13 30.06.17 100 59 29 1,782 1,259 522 1,781 Environment Change in the Nepal Himalayas India 88 350 253 32 285 The Nature Conservancy Restoration of tropical forests: recovery of tree conservation and utilization IFPRI, Internationa Food Policy Research Institue biodiversity and carbon after 20 years 01.04.16 30.06.16 9 9 9 Enhancing livelihoods in rural communities 01.12.15 31.10.19 883 229 229 (less) 2016 expense (b) (3) 313,276 333,670 0.939 IER, Institut D'Econome Rurale of Armenia through mainstreaming and strengthening agricultural biodiversity IAI, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research Balance as of 31 December 2016 73,349 78,124 McKnight Foundation Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted 417 21,816 5,942 (296) (5,669) 121 22,089 36 26,018 McKnight Foundation Total -CGIAR Research Programs Restricted417 21,8165,942(296) (5,669)121 22,08936 26,018 Total Grants 32,526 6,306 (7.325) 31,507 34,324 Total Grants32,5266,306(7.325)31,50734,324 "}],"sieverID":"f1fc200e-6340-4abe-8d0b-f3c5dff20f02","abstract":"An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion."} \ No newline at end of file