Sam Goodman 's biography of the Spartan general Xenophanes conveys a vivid sense of the difficulties _ faced in his childhood. (A) Goodman (B) Xenophanes (B) James asked Robert for a favor but _ was refused. (A) James (B) Robert (A) Stephen King called Spielberg so that _ could ask for some money. (A) Spielberg (B) Stephen King (B) The father convinced his son that it is possible for him to one day become a knight, because _ did not want to crush his dreams. (A) The father (B) his son (A) Lucas is younger than Claus because _ was born first. (A) Lucas (B) Claus (B) A series of injections are used to battle a type of cancer in patients because _ have a special type of drug which counteracts this sickness. (A) A series of injections (B) patients (B) The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because _ feared violence. (A) the demonstrators (B) The city councilmen (B) The government has made about 30 percent of the requests for censoring classified materials to Google, because _ did not want this information to be widely available to the public. (A) The government (B) Google (A)