text,cluster The summary needs more context like how it was the girlfriend’s pool.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should also mention that they received a free bottle of wine to the tables as well.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I think this should include they met up for drinks and she also went back to his house and slept on his couch(although family was there).,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't mention that the friends family has resorted to fraud and lying, and the author wants to know where they can get advice on estate laws in Guatemala.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This could include that he felt like he texted her too early, and that she hasn't responded.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that they are opposites in many ways. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should also include some reasons she feels that she could be upset by the cost of it.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is concise and to the point and offers enough context to be able to offer feedback or advice. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the boyfriend used to seem extremely responsible. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary leaves out information on how the user was kind of upset that it seemed like their doctor had shared confidential information about her health when it should only be a doctor-patient relationship.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is good but could mention he’s looking for any relationship tips as well.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster wants the video to be of their favorite song Angels with a message to his girlfriend.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details There should be mention of the mister issue of not having any ideas.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The post is succinct and to the point for what the poster is asking.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is a bit too vague.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The post is to the point with enough info for readers to provide advice and tips to the poster.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary didn't include that the author needs advice,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out the detail that the cousin was inappropriately touching and pointing at her chest.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't mention that the author is more solitary, while the sister needs to socialize and bother the author to play alot. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a good amount of coverage for a summary of this post,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary left out the author's question on what to do in this scenario,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out a key detail about her trying to show up late for the date.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The reason they are not sure on how to continue is because of the large age gap which should be emphasized here.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is good and asks for advice the poster is looking for. The summary could include information about the poster not knowing how to chat with people via text or in person to show them he is interested. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary leaves out that the author wants stories from fellow Redditors,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary should elaborate on the jealousy issue being that of past relationships.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "It's a pretty good summary but I would try to include that they were together for 9 years, which might change the advice. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary is a great representation of the main points made in the post,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is most of the way there but a few key details for clarity would be beneficial. For example the colleague conned his brother into being a guarantor on a loan for him and has since gone rogue. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the author is willing to compromise to find a solution,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is accurate, but it could have mentioned the author believes his friend should try to move on.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary left out that the author and wife are struggling on how to tell the current daycare provider about their plan,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary lacks the details that their dates went well, and that the author feels like she might be too serious and career driven for him.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include how she didn't respond or provide any details as she stated she would for the date and the poster is asking for advice on what to do. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is incomplete; the poster is wondering if it would be unreasonable to ask that the carpet be replaced with something else before they move in.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out key details about the boyfriend's temper tantrums negatively impacting the relationship.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This should include that he’s asking if this is normal. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster does not know how to tell his girlfriend about it.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is a useless summary and it doesn't mention the reason for the fight, so how can you possibly give advice?",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the cheating was a one-time thing. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include that she has scheduled an appointment with a psychiatrist and will be trying medication to help regulate her emotions. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This covers the main points of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't mention that the guy is friends with the authors girlfriend, and would probably sleep with her if given the chance. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It should mention that he sleeps all day because he goes to bed at 4 or 5 am. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is a great summary. It could include one of the solutions, which is the girlfriend moving into Jamie's room but the boyfriend doesn't want to kick Jamie out. I can understand that part not being included, as there isn't enough room. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "I think it should be emphasized that he stalked her and threatened her, because that shows the seriousness of the issue. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "Summary clarifies the situation well but does omit that conversations regarding the topic are only getting worse and the wife has admitted, in the heat of the moment, that she is only staying for the kids. He states that he does not know what to do and fears that his marriage is over. This last statement gives the reader the impression that he may also be seeking some advice.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This summary misses the whole point of the post, which is setting the scenario and opening up a debate.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary should also include details about how they have lost friendships, new and old, and their circle of friends is dwindling.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This summary misses context of the story, for example that the girl is from his friend group but not really his friend.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary does cover the main point but should also add that he had already been holding it for a while.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This mentions all of the main points of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details """that"" in the summary is too vague and needs to be explained in more detail.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out key details about the housemate never cleaning before.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should specify that the girlfriend broke up with the user.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is precise and to the point.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't mention that the author could end up with 250K in debt, and is not getting info on exact interest rates from schools and banks. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary should have stated what the author did or thought he should have done,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is missing important details about how it was in a drive thru and the guy was constantly honking his horn.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary left out that the author is developing feelings for the guy,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "It should mention they were in his porn folder, which suggest his motives for having them.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that recently they have been getting into a lot of fights over stupid things.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is accurate, but it should mention how she confronted the bf and he thinks she is immature.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster's fiancees and future mother-in-law do not like some of the ways he does things.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't indicate the the author is split between breaking up now, or waiting and enjoying the time they have together. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The post should include she is considering asking him for an open relationship.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is a good summary, but should include that they only need to figure it out for 7-8 months and can't get a job for a few months.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include that the use has a group of new friends that they feel more connected to.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Should add Author is hoping to find a spreadsheet or an app to help and cannot take on another job.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "Mentions absolutely nothing about running, or why they're taking a day off. Also, they took two days off.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary is missing a a lot of details, like how the author has friends but specifically wants a girlfriend. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "They want to lose weight, not necessary should. They also don't talk about dietary habits or fitness.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention the author's confusion over whether or not her friends are trying to set her up.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary left out that the author was grateful to people who helped through with the job,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is concise and to the point and covers the gist of the story. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a summary that covers most of the main points. It could have mentioned this person is troublesome.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is clear and concise and provides the required information to be able to provide advice or feedback. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary mentions a couple of main points but the main reason for writing the post was for advice on how to tell someone that they don’t want to work out with them.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The part about the phone not recording missed calls if it is turned off is important.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a great summary that covers the situation. It would be nice to include the specific things that he wants advice on but that's difficult with the summary length constraints. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is precise and to the point and includes the information necessary to offer feedback or advice. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a good summary but there's room to show that this roommate used to hang out with the other one frequently and that he thought they were pretty close. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster broke up with her boyfriend of 7 years and has been single for four and a half months.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out a key detail about the wakefulness usually starting after a diaper change.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a great summary that covers all key points,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is just the cons part of the post, it's not a good summary. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is clear and concise and provides enough context for readers to be able to offer support or advice. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include that the girl takes days to respond to texts and she barely ever wants to meet up.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Should be in there that he spends all of his free time with her and take out the offensive word,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is very vague and is missing key information,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary needs more context about the mess that happened after they poured the HCl into the jug of Na2S2O3.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary is incomplete; the writer wants to tell her that he is not interested without hurting her feelings, but does not know how to go about doing so.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is an accurate summary of all the important points in the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesn't mention that she is very religious and the author isn't at all.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is clear and concise and provides the information required to offer feedback or advice. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does a nice job of summing up the main points of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that he is moving closer soon and wants to see if spending more time together will change things.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary does not fully encapsulate the dilemma the author is facing. He assumes that he and his girlfriend will be marrying soon and she would like to move to her hometown when she finishes nursing school in a few months. While he would actually prefer her hometown, one of the jobs is a very prestigious job in his field being offered in his hometown.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I think this needs to include the details of the night out and how the poster knew it was fake.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out key details about the woman saying things that hurt her boyfriend's feelings.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary covers the main concerns from the user but could add that he has photos of his exes still up on his page.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesn't mention that the girlfriend met the friend while the author and her were on a break and while she was abroad. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the boyfriend treats the author better than she has ever been treated before. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It's a good summary but should have indicated that the author wanted to know if what they were feeling was normal,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details She said that she wanted her BF to follow her after he expressed disappointment that she didn't. This summary is missing that part of it. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary fails to mention that the “typo” is that the user booked the wrong date.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The post does not mention that the poster does not want to get his friend in trouble.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary captures all the key points from the post. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I think this should include that the son has spent years supporting him.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Maybe include how he wants to be over it.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary leaves out details about how the stranger accomplished this- by giving the pair a ride.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is a good summary of the main question, but it's missing some details of the post.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary is a good representation of the post but should also pose the question he is ultimately asking which is should he try to relearn the math he should have in high school.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary present all the key information from the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This doesn't cover anything at all. The post is about how they are considering moving back home, but it would cause him and his girlfriend to break up. They also mention that they've been emotionally cheating with another friend.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesnt mention that the author is considering breaking up with the woman. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This covers the main points well.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't indicate that the author has tried repeatedly to convince her to pay attention to her doctor, but only holding her while she cried made her feel a bit better. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster is wondering they should risk the friendship by launching an intervention.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This summary fails to mention the final question that the user does and also, it lacks 'essence'",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is missing a lot of the story. It's important to note that she originally didn't know there was a date and he bragged to his friends. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should also mention that they are particularly curious in the snowball/avalanche loan payment menthol.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is fairly accurate, should maybe add details that both are sad over the relationship ending, but they agreed that long distance was not good for either of them.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesnt mention that the author feels that he just has trouble expressing emotions. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include the fact that the woman is a coworker. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should specify that he needs sexual attention.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary does a good job conveying all the important points made in the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This should include that the FIL was fixing a roof leak and was yelling for over an hour. It should also include he was wearing headphones.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary leaves out important questions the user is asking in which the idea appeals to them and they wonder how others feel about rumspingas.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary leaves out important context on how she has lied about having orgasms the entire time they have been together.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details No notes. This covers the main points.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary is missing details, that the girl has a very busy lifestyle, lots of responsibilities, and is not allowed to date.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "Summary pretty much explains the situation but does omit the author's request at the end. The author is looking for someone to talk to as he is seeking ""advice or sympathy or something"".",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that they both live with their parents.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is incomplete. It doesn't even mention that Gary and Francine are together again.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This misses key information about the poster not knowing they were from the neighborhood.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is strong and captures all the key details from the post. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that her parents are strict with her when she is with him.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesn't mention that the author also wants to avoid the ex while at work .,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I think that this is a good summary that covers all of the important points.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This summary should include that the roommate is annoyed when she gets left alone, and that's the main struggle OP is having.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary doesn't mention why hes unsure of the relationship (he doesn't like and gets annoyed talking to her), and that he might be able to sleep with her more if they don't break up. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary should have included what the user wanted to say instead,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary left out the but of the author saying they fucked up by not standing up to their boss,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster would like to hyphenate her last name with his.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary lists a series of events from the scenario but is left confused about the smug look on her face because crucial initial details are missing.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary did not mention that the drunk millionaire gave her his email address and insisted she email him.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should have indicated that she asked for space after their little fight,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It should mention that he shot down one of the guys simply because he works for tips. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The poster does not mention that she is just lonely and needs someone to be with.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary lacks some extra context about her telling other guys that she is single.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary does not mention that the poster wants to ask her out, but is not sure because he does not want to lose his friend or her.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "It could mention that he's desperate, looked everywhere, etc.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is an accurate account of the main idea of the post, but it could have mentioned the child.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This needs to include the context that the coworker called her a slut, but she doesn't want to stoop to his level.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a good summary but it leaves out a detail about his intentions not to cheat.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out a key detail about the author being in the process of divorce.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary fails to mention what was the moment of bliss and also didn’t mention the purpose of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It's a pretty good summary but it doesn't touch on any of the housework that the guy does. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I think this is good but also the silent treatment issue should be mentioned. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The main point is him putting the money on the conveyor belt instead of handing it to the cashier. Not hearing the guy scolding him is just kind of secondary.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This needs to mention that they had a 3 month affair, and that she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that he is also asking if he should pay for lunch and how to get her number.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out details about what kind of dog it is and how the dog would prefer to be chased than come when called.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is an accurate summary of the post. It should mention that the things they have tried were not successful.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The author doesn't want to emasculate her crush but this summary doesn't state it also doesn't affirm that she's friends with her crush already,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Should be explained he wants to be closer to her. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary left out the main point of the post which is about how the author still has serious doubts about the relationship continuing further.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary should have included that the author wants advice on what to do,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "I think this should include that she saw him at her house, so she has proof he was there",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out details about the reason for the call- to get girlfriend back.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "I think this could include that they are living on the west coast, so the readers know how far 'east' is.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the boyfriend proved he was not cheating.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does a succinct job of summing up the main point of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary misses the purpose of the post which is to ask other users how they lost their virginity.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The line about their friend giving away $10,000 worth of virtual goods isn’t that relative to the main ideas mentioned in the post.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the girlfriend claims to have forgotten to tell him.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary does not mention that the poster is feeling guilty for having the cheat meal and that even though they are supposed to have a rest day today, they want to exercise.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary should also include that the user still has strong feelings for her despite being broken up with for a while.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It should describe what's wrong more thoroughly.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary fails to mention the fact that the user doesn't want to take him to the dog pound because he might be put down.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I think this is a good explanation. The only thing I'd add is that they broke up a few months ago.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is a good summary. It can include that she stopped talking to him and he finally messaged that he missed her.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should explicitly state the author moved to where the ex lives. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This leaves out the key detail about him asking her to hang out, she said yes but is too busy.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary left out that the author asked for help,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesn't mention that the girlfriend is being distant towards the author. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It's a good summary that covers the important parts of the Reddit post. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster's best friend is also her roommate.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It's a nice summary but left out the author is a foreigner,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This should probably mention he is seeking advice,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is concise and to the point and contains the required information necessary to provide any advice. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary is very incomplete; it does not mention that the poster turned in an assignment to their substitute teacher who did not know about the assignment, and now the rest of their class had to do the assignment.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include information about him sharing he has anxiety and he was paranoid and that's why he broke up with her. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does a good job of covering the important points in the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "There is key information missing. Without it, this makes little sense. The 2nd sentence has no context.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that she looked at the reviews to catch him lying. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "I think this should include that they're looking for a specific reward program. This author wants something that will give them travel rewards, but not something that accounts for travel miles/groceries/gas.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is way too vague, as the post is mostly about the author's specific nightmares.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary left out that the author asked for advice,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the guy has been dating the girl for 3 weeks.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary leaves out that the author is attracted to someone else.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the author has a whole list of superficial reasons to breakup with his girlfriend,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is accurate, but it would have been useful to add the detail about the car only holding 5, yet there are 6 of them.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary did not mention that someone tried to do it twice, and that they called the police, who told them that there was not much they could do since nothing was stolen.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary doesn't flow naturally and also misses key details of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary does not mention that the poster can't stop comparing other guys to him.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "It ought to mention that he's 23, and he's missing out on this opportunity.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary doesn’t include the main question the user is asking about how to budget for themselves in a program that they use for money already spent.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary could include details about the walk she had today where a stranger's dog ran up to her dog who reacted aggressively due to being startled. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary could include that the boyfriend thinks she is only with him because he is the first person to be nice to her. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary is strong, but doesnt mention that the author wants to know if contracts made over phones are legally binding.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This doesn’t include the first half of the story where the girlfriend is hurt by the sister in law using a name for her baby that the girlfriend wanted to use.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Summary should have stated that the author needed advice,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This isn't accurate. They have a cyst or tumor, they're not 100% sure. This also doesn't include the bit about surgery, or how they feel overwhelmed. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should include that neither of them know much about relationships and that they really care about each other. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary does a great job at capturing the major details of the post,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "The summary did not mention that the poster's car backfired, which sounded like a gunshot.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I feel this summary ought to have stated the context in which the author wants to improve his wife's self image,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the author is questioning whether or not to it's fair to her new boyfriend,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary has no background information to even understand the question that was proposed.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should also include the man’s question about wondering if he should wait for her to text him or not.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is accurate, but it should mention why she is maintaining the relationship with the other guy",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary lacks key details about the poster's DUI and weight issues.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is good but I would also add that the posters family is coming and they haven’t seen them for half a year.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary captures the main point in the post but should be a little longer and include details about how they have hung out and are casually texting.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary leaves out important context of how they both had downloaded the site when trying an open relationship but then they were both supposed to delete it and carry on a normal relationship.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary omits that the author's boyfriend found the message,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary covers the main point of the post without all the confusing extraneous detail.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesn't mention that the author is moving from Austin. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary conveys all the key details from the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This is accurate, but it could have mentioned the two other people at the second interview.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This summary is short and simple but still conveys the main message in the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details I feel that the summary misses some of the main points of the post.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should make it clear that the author is looking for advice. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "While this summary includes the main question poised, it left out the specific question they want others to answer in order to prove their brother wrong.",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Left out may be HIV+ and wants advice about talking to him about it or waiting until she gets tested.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is strong and conveys all the key points from the post ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details While the summary indicates a possible cause stemming from stress it does not specify what the stress or stressors are. The reader needs some of the details to fill in the scope of the situation the author is trying to relay.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details It could mention they're getting back into running after a hiatus due to having twins and bed rest.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary includes the important points but does not mention that the date is already scheduled.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The post is concise and includes the main points of the post for readers to be able to offer advice or feedback to the poster. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary doesn't mention finding the egg on the ground outside the nest.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary should mention that the man needs space to help with his healing process. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary kind of addresses the dilemma but only includes some of the variables in the situation. The man is essentially wondering if her personality is enough to continue dating her. He also feels her attractiveness would increase if she lost a few pounds but knows he can not tell her that. He is seeking advice about what he should no about the situation.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out key details about the author coming from an abusive home,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary is clear and concise and provides enough detail for readers to offer advice or feedback. ,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This summary doesn't include the dilemma at all. The issue is that while the boyfriend is staying in the hometown long-term, she might be offered job opportunities elsewhere and they might have to have a long-distance relationship. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details The summary leaves out the main point of the post in which the user is asking how a relationship progresses as he has never been in one before.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This is missing key details about how the poster shifted to a work from home position and has no kids.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details "This needs to cover the rest of the story and why the poster is telling the story, which is that the girl doesn’t want to move too fast. ",1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details This leaves out the key detail about the author considering quitting their job.,1) Inclusion of Main Points and Necessary Details Male and female have been on and off again over 10 years and are now friends with benefits.,2) Content Accuracy This isn't really accurate - both girlfriends broke up with him on both occasions. ,2) Content Accuracy The summary does not indicate that the author has a boyfriend. ,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is incorrect in that the poster is not the one who broke up the relationship. Their partner broke up with them, and they are feeling like they can't move on and are wondering if there's something wrong with them. ",2) Content Accuracy This summary is inaccurate because it says that the male is interested in the female but it’s the other way around.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not accurate; the poster accidentally curled their hair with a flat iron that had lube on it.,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate summary of what is mentioned in the post,2) Content Accuracy His ex accused him of cheating and he wonders if someone is cheating do they make accusations to their s/o,2) Content Accuracy The summary is strong bus misses that the author wonders if her kindness is being confused for romantic interest. ,2) Content Accuracy They have seen each other face to face before because they have hung out together a lot so the summary is quite inaccurate.,2) Content Accuracy "The author is asking whether he's using a girl to get over another girl, that's not necessarily the case as he liked Sally before ever meeting Lucy. ",2) Content Accuracy This is not fully accurate. He asked how he can express himself to her and how does he justify snooping. Didn't really pose the question asked in this summary.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is confusing as the two sentences kind of contradict one another.,2) Content Accuracy She texted him first and she's thinking about ending it.,2) Content Accuracy The motorcyclist never mentioned taking a photo in the post but the summary says that he did.,2) Content Accuracy The friends think he's ruining the harasser's life.,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate account of what was in the post,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster did forgive her.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster never mentions perceiving Lifelock as a personal security concern.,2) Content Accuracy "This is somewhat accurate. The only thing is, I don't know that the brother really 'did it for him', it sounds like the brother did it for himself.",2) Content Accuracy "This is missing some context. He didn't really 'meet' another girl, another girl texted her. Also, this should mention that the friend isn't ready for a relationship.",2) Content Accuracy The user’s question isn’t how he can make her feel better about herself. He is asking if it’s normal for her age and if she will eventually grow out of feeling so insecure.,2) Content Accuracy With a female co-worker and her husband. And she got drunk.,2) Content Accuracy For one the author's girlfriend is not mad at him for sexting be sister but because he hurt her intentionally or atleast that's what she claims,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not accurate as he broke up with C because he knows he'd go back to H in a heartbeat. ,2) Content Accuracy This is not quite what the text said. He was referring to a girl dressed in black not realizing and African American girl was next to her.,2) Content Accuracy This summary says that he actually tried to record his girlfriend but he was only making a joke about having Xbox record him when it wasn’t even plugged in.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not accurate; the poster does not like the culture they grew up in and was wondering if other people on Reddit felt the same way.,2) Content Accuracy "This is good, but could include that the girlfriend is not mad about the boyfriend leaving x ",2) Content Accuracy This is slightly garbled and inaccurate.,2) Content Accuracy "He broke up with her, then apologized.",2) Content Accuracy "She's upset, not him",2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster actually can't get his girlfriend to do anything with him.,2) Content Accuracy He was in a near fatal accident years before,2) Content Accuracy "The post gives a better description of what the author is feeling. ""Weird things"" should be replaced by jealously. ",2) Content Accuracy This summary reads like the girl first became friends with the guy she is now going out with but she is just friends with one guy and dating a whole other one.,2) Content Accuracy She said she wanted to hang out and he thinks they've been flirting.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster believes that the boyfriend's throwaway account is being used for a porn collection; she has no proof that it's true.,2) Content Accuracy The summary says that they found “child care worker” written all over their brother’s porn stash but that is his profession and they actually found concerning porn fetish media.,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is strong, but it would be good to mention that the author mixed up midday and midnight. ",2) Content Accuracy The summary would go to do state explicitly that the authors parents are uncooperative and don't help. ,2) Content Accuracy This does not reflect what the poster wrote. The roommate disagrees with the poster emptying someone else's clothes from the washer when the cycle is done.,2) Content Accuracy " The girlfriend did not cheat, as they were split up at the time. ",2) Content Accuracy Girlfriend didn't reply to that text. Texted him later,2) Content Accuracy "The summary makes it sound like the author is only concerned for the girls wellbeing, when they are also frustrated. ",2) Content Accuracy The summary is a complete miss. It is inaccurate and does not come close to lending clarity to the scenario.,2) Content Accuracy The summary does not paint an accurate picture of the post.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster's girlfriend knowingly signed up for the subscription.,2) Content Accuracy He forgave her for that. He feels like she owes him something because she knows that he's worried about her going out and drinking and she did it five nights in a row. ,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not accurate; the poster accidentally offended their friend whose mother died recently by telling her that their mother is alive.,2) Content Accuracy The author doesn’t say she is worried about him cheating in the post but the summary does. She is actually concerned that he might have been hurt.,2) Content Accuracy The summary states that the girl was his girlfriend but in the post it was just a girl he liked and she had turned the idea of a relationship down.,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate account of the information that was in the post,2) Content Accuracy "I don't think he's concerned the dog is aggressive, concerned about bath time aggression alone.",2) Content Accuracy "This should explain that they want to get back together with their ex, and that the “rules” is playing games. ",2) Content Accuracy John is not straight,2) Content Accuracy Author states everything is okay now and not the biggest stressor.,2) Content Accuracy This summary reads like the man broke up with his girlfriend but it was actually the other way around.,2) Content Accuracy "This is not a good reflection of the post. To be precise, the poster says she looked like a street walker not that she was a street walker.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not accurate; the poster does not like it when their parents go through their stuff, but they let them do it.",2) Content Accuracy The summary doesn't mention the author being a young man anywhere. ,2) Content Accuracy unfair to her husband that she can't enjoy sex when she's down-not exactly what she states. More along the lines of she sees herself as disgusting and it ruins the mood.,2) Content Accuracy "The drunk boyfriend is the one who said ""I love you"" first. ",2) Content Accuracy Author is asking for advice on how not to be institutionalised so this summary is pretty off in terms of context,2) Content Accuracy "This isn’t accurate, the girlfriend does want a long distance relationship but the poster doesn’t.",2) Content Accuracy " that we don't talk much should read ""after not having a conversation in awhile"". He's known her for awhile.",2) Content Accuracy This is not a clear reflection of the post. They are not both trying because she has not been receptive of his efforts to help her change her behavior.,2) Content Accuracy "The summary says that they lost the friendship but in the post they said they are worried they are losing the friendship, not that it’s happened yet.",2) Content Accuracy This is a good summary but should clarify that the past infidelity was with a past boyfriend.,2) Content Accuracy "I think this isn’t completely accurate because a lot of the post is how she’s in love with her best friend which could be him, but he’s not sure.",2) Content Accuracy The author is also disinterested in all of his classes.,2) Content Accuracy "It seems to me that the money is not actually child support, which the author says he has been paying faithfully, but an extra expense outside of that.",2) Content Accuracy This is a bit weirdly written because it implies the author is dating more than one person.,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate summary of what happened to the author.,2) Content Accuracy "The author wasn't scared that he would be unable to perform, she just thought that would be the case. ",2) Content Accuracy "The sisters friend is the one who laces the dress too tight, not the authors sister.",2) Content Accuracy The poster does not say that she does not know what to do about the situation but is confused about it.,2) Content Accuracy "This is not accurate. The grilfriend is the one who purchased a card for the author, not the other way around.",2) Content Accuracy The PhD student is female. ,2) Content Accuracy "I think this should clarify what she’s doing when she’s going out and how he’s okay with the situation but isn’t sure how to handle it. ",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is partly inaccurate; the poster does not want to call their friend not because she is out of the country, but because they do not want to hear her voice. There is also no indication that the poster is female.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is misleading as it sidesteps the intention of the comment and paints it as overt and blatant rather than a misconstrued situation involving a gross comedic misstep.,2) Content Accuracy "This is accurate, but it should point out the goal is for their site to be epic.",2) Content Accuracy His girlfriend his hurt is missing.,2) Content Accuracy Boyfriend and girlfriend live together and his mother wouldn't allow her to move his things and accused her of stealing money for a car.,2) Content Accuracy The post says that they don’t want to break up over IM like the summary is stating.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster does not mention thinking that her boyfriend will not forgive her.,2) Content Accuracy "It isn't quite accurate about their passion for art, its just the thing driving him to want to pursue it is also telling him not to bother. It's the drive to get really good at programming that they lack.",2) Content Accuracy "The post doesn’t mention that the boyfriend will definitely be proposing soon, just that they’ve gotten serious about the possibility of it.",2) Content Accuracy Man said something about her family,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate summary of what was mentioned in the post,2) Content Accuracy The summary says that the guy she was seeing was a boyfriend but the post states that they were just friends with benefits and nothing serious.,2) Content Accuracy Who's moving out? Him or his mother?,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate cummary of what was mentioned in the post,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate.,2) Content Accuracy It is not true that the wife is bored generally; she and her husband have become bored in their relationship.,2) Content Accuracy She propositioned him after he quit talking to her because she's too pessimistic.,2) Content Accuracy The poster does not feel unsexy but wonders if helping her partner with housework makes her unsexy.,2) Content Accuracy "Both children have special needs, though one is more severe than the other. ",2) Content Accuracy Guy wants to know if he should pursue a relationship. They were both accepted at their top college but she turned down the offer.,2) Content Accuracy Graphic artists of Reddit have given no such advice. This is not accurate.,2) Content Accuracy The boyfriend never said no to going shooting like the summary states.,2) Content Accuracy This is not accurate because he has a reason for not texting back,2) Content Accuracy This summary is not a true reflection of the post because the couple are still having sex.,2) Content Accuracy The summary suggests that he feels the need to mess around but in the post he clearly states that he doesn’t feel the need and is concerned he may feel it someday.,2) Content Accuracy The summary doesn't indicate the authors PUA beliefs or that he treats his girlfriend poorly deliberately. ,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is inaccurate; the poster has not met her boyfriend's parents yet, and he does not plan on introducing her to them for at least another year.",2) Content Accuracy This summary reads like it was written from the boyfriend’s perspective but the post was from the girlfriend’s.,2) Content Accuracy This summary says that the reason USA servers get paid the most is because of entitlement but that is more of an opinion than fact and should be stated as such.,2) Content Accuracy "notjustgold.com doesn't actually exist, it was a hypothetical example.",2) Content Accuracy "This is an inaccurate account of what is in the post. It mentions him leaving which is an assumption the OP is making, not a proven fact.",2) Content Accuracy "This summary implies the author is questioning their current relationship because of the breakup, which isn't true. The author is happy about their current relationship.",2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate and full summary of the post.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster is wondering if he should support his girlfriend.,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate account of what was mentioned in the post.,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not clear at all and inaccurate. The poster is a female dating a male and they are very much in love. She wants to be with him and have a family with him, but is obsessing over being in a relationship with a woman and wishes she had tried it before meeting her boyfriend. ",2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster is not unsure if he should stay in it because of the distance.,2) Content Accuracy "The summary should make it clearer that the author confessed her feeling first, not the other way around. ",2) Content Accuracy "That wasn't the lie, the lie was about a short fling he had in the summer after they got together but before they were ""official.""",2) Content Accuracy The boyfriend was present for the first part of the party but left early so he felt resentful when the party seemed to get more fun after he left. The summary stated that he was resentful because he wasn’t present.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster is regretting it because they believe that having sex for the first time should be something shared with someone you care about.,2) Content Accuracy "There's no ""him"" in this story. Both of the people in this story are women. Also the summary needs to include something about how the girlfriend can't cope with the results of the accident. ",2) Content Accuracy The poster's ex-girlfriend's family did not tell the poster that he should wait for her.,2) Content Accuracy 17M should read 17 year old male,2) Content Accuracy Nowhere in the story does it mention the driver of the vehicle was a woman so that fact from the summary may be incorrect.,2) Content Accuracy She invited him over to her house but also invited his best friend,2) Content Accuracy "The post never states that they dated, they had an affair as the boyfriend was still with his girlfriend.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is confusing and misconstrues the events. The friend's garage burned down while the author was in the house. They had attempted to light the wood stove in the garage but it would not take so they moved the gathering into the house. Later, his friend who was outside, alerted him that the garage was on fire. The entire structure burnt to the ground except for the wood stove with the newspapers and logs untouched inside.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is fairly on point except for the timeline inaccuracies. They dated for four years in high school. They broke up roughly a year ago, given their ages, and she reconnected with him three months ago.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster helped a friend picked out a bottle of lube at Walmart and gave the cashier the wrong impression that they were two males in a gay relationship and using it for themselves.,2) Content Accuracy "I think this can include that the GF actually went home, and that she also lied about being in the office.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is good, but states the author threw their phone twice, but they didn't actually throw it, they almost threw it.",2) Content Accuracy This is accurate and is not missing any key information,2) Content Accuracy Girl lives over 4 hours away,2) Content Accuracy Guy thinks she's hiding something.,2) Content Accuracy "The post never states that the woman became a ""completely different person"" after they started dating. ",2) Content Accuracy She's not a college graduate. She's a high school senior.,2) Content Accuracy "She has a lot of money now, but he makes more money than her, so over time he may have contributed more financially and the prenup will screw him over.",2) Content Accuracy "There is nothing in the passage that mentions the best friend is happier, but this summary suggests it.",2) Content Accuracy "The poster never specified that the friend moving to Korea was her best friend, so the summary is misleading.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster did not feel odd seeing their first love after 6 years.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is kind of inaccurate; the poster is asking if they should disclose that they left a job after a month when applying for a new job.,2) Content Accuracy This summary does not reflect the post correctly because the girl knows how she feels and wants to be with the guy.,2) Content Accuracy It's not the owner at this point buy may adopt the horse.,2) Content Accuracy The poster's girlfriend is not graduating high school; she is going to be a senior in high school.,2) Content Accuracy This is not accurate. The writer has already decided they want to stay,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is slightly inaccurate; the poster finds out that the TV is worth something like $1,700, not over $1,700.",2) Content Accuracy This summary states that Reddit’s founder posted the plea for Wikipedia but it’s actually Wikipedia’s founder.,2) Content Accuracy "He doesn't call the boyfriend stupid, he just says that the boyfriend treats her poorly. ",2) Content Accuracy The summary covers the overall situation well but it is slightly inaccurate. The author is not between apartments but her intended roommate will not be able to move in until a later than expected date.,2) Content Accuracy "The ""strap to chair"" detail at the end isn't meant to be literal, it was only an expression in the post.",2) Content Accuracy The summary says that the person registered an email we a different first and last name which is incorrect. The only difference between the emails is that the other person used their middle initial.,2) Content Accuracy He's much older,2) Content Accuracy "This is wrong. The author is a woman. It is also odd that ""dilemma"" is not part of a full sentence.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not accurate as the boyfriend is not touchy when he's been smoking, and she wants him to be more engaged and physical with her. ",2) Content Accuracy The summary is adding facts that do not belong. The reason the dog is in the ER is not disclosed only that the episode is most likely to reoccur at some point.,2) Content Accuracy The second half of the summary is inaccurate; the poster at no point in the post voices the opinion that it is better to be honest and disappointing than to be dishonest and happy.,2) Content Accuracy This summary said he had to explain to his brother that he wouldn’t be at work the next morning but in the post he had to call his work about not being there.,2) Content Accuracy "It didn't lead him to it. Also, he questioning about how bad it is to be hurt",2) Content Accuracy "I think this makes it sound like she's entertaining them, which might not be the case. It needs more context. ",2) Content Accuracy This summary is entirely inaccurate as it says that the woman’s paranoia has caused problems in their relationship. The distance has caused to the girl to be a little paranoid but it’s not something the couple is necessarily overcoming as difficult.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is somewhat inaccurate; it is never indicated that the guy suffers from a sleeping problem.,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not representative of what happened and is littered with inaccuracies. It states that he ran to the next subdivision and not necessarily an extra mile. Also, the other dog did not chase him until he got bit but bit him as he was saving him from being mauled by two pit bulls. ",2) Content Accuracy "This is extremely confusing, even though it is technically accurate",2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate as the author is not dating someone else. ,2) Content Accuracy It's a fair enough summary of the post,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is slightly inaccurate; the poster is not 100% sure that the name is of a woman, although they believe it is likely.",2) Content Accuracy "This is not quite correct. He had suggested marriage to his girlfriend, but she eventually turned him down.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary misconstrues events somewhat. Even though they were not together anymore they had still been sleeping in the same bed. On the day they are to sign a new lease, he says that he wants separate rooms at the new place.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not accurate; the poster's company is moving into a new location and is asking the employees what kind of quirky, cool things they might want to have. The poster is asking for suggestions.",2) Content Accuracy Girlfriend didn't empty his bank account,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate account of what is mentioned in the post,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is fairly close except that it mischaracterizes the advice that he is seeking. While he may feel like an outcast, his primary concern is that he is looking for advice on how to approach these situations where he can politely decline or indicate that this is not something he is interested in doing without coming across as arrogant or judgmental for something that he is not against but just not into participating in.",2) Content Accuracy She said he's holding her back and he wants to know if he is overreacting.,2) Content Accuracy Should be rewritten to Girlfriend using birth control for 10 months. The relationship has gone downhill. The fighting is worse when she's on the pill. She's having doubts about relationship. Could the pill be the cause?,2) Content Accuracy The user did not get fired for having a medical emergency but they were let go afterwards because they were closing his office’s location.,2) Content Accuracy This is inaccurate. The author is male. ,2) Content Accuracy "I think it's important to add that they both have cheated on eachother, and the husband HAD cancer, not has cancer.",2) Content Accuracy He weighs 268 now.,2) Content Accuracy "I don’t think this is accurate. The poster is worried about her having feelings, not influencing. ",2) Content Accuracy The author was wrongly accused of putting beers in the oven and not turning it on,2) Content Accuracy The first sentence of the summary is not an accurate representation of the post.,2) Content Accuracy He thinks the chemistry is undeniable but may have misread the situation.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the second sentence is not true of the post.,2) Content Accuracy ...and she doesn't know how to make him leave.,2) Content Accuracy "This isn’t super accurate at all - the sister doesn’t live with them, and the poster is especially annoyed she comes over even if they aren’t home.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is kind of inaccurate; the poster does not ask if people think that the compromise is reasonable.,2) Content Accuracy The summary states that they don’t want to be friend with someone they may want to date in the future which is completely inaccurate. The post states that the person does not want to date the new girl they have become friends with.,2) Content Accuracy The summary says that the friends don’t want want them to attend but that is more the author’s assumption. In the post it states that the girls told the user that it was not a requirement to attend meetings.,2) Content Accuracy This is an accurate summary of what is in the post,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster did not hook up with the girl; they had sex with her. Also, they were both really drunk at the time.",2) Content Accuracy "The summary is very crude and a misrepresentation of what happened. The person was ""pleasuring"" himself when his 7 year old cousin came in while he was taking a shower. He did not realize she was there until she started to speak asking to ""touch it"". He turned around to face her, which placed his member in her line of sight, causing him to yell and asking her to leave as he reached for a towel.",2) Content Accuracy There is nothing that states his AMA was different or about nitpicking.,2) Content Accuracy The ex is trying to make the poster jealous by liking her ex-boyfriends pictures. It's possible that she's liking pictures of women but it's most likely guys. ,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not accurate; the poster is trying to decide between being Homeless Mustard or Epic Beard Guy for a costume.,2) Content Accuracy This summary does not correctly reflect the post because the author does not regret distancing herself.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster is actually wondering if the Softpaws is safe because their cat cannot retract his claws with the Softpaws on.,2) Content Accuracy The first part of the summary is nonsensical. The boyfriend's age seems to be inserted as the amount of time dating which conflicts with the first part of the sentence and the actual stated length of the relationship.,2) Content Accuracy "The post is about a 22 year old man who was dating a 32 year old man, not a 22 year old woman as the summary states.",2) Content Accuracy There was an update to the post at the top that thanked everyone for their advice and that he ultimately did decide to end it with her. The question at the end of the summary should be changed to reflect the update.,2) Content Accuracy This is a solid an accurate account of what was in the post,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is not accurate; they do not have to move because they have a horse, and the poster's partner is not concerned about the money.",2) Content Accuracy "Thisi isn't really a good summary. The landlord was making a ton of noise outside, and they didn't know what was going on. They then fell into the door, which scared their landlord. They also didn't mention being worried about their landlord.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster accidentally spitted water all over their crush in class because they were laughing at a friend's joke while their mouth was full of water they had just drank.,2) Content Accuracy This is not a good reflection of the post because the poster says the girl in question is not a girlfriend. ,2) Content Accuracy This summary is not relevant at all. There is no advice in the text. The writer is actually seeking advice.,2) Content Accuracy Doesn't state that it's a guy.,2) Content Accuracy The summary says that the woman is being separated due to geographical reasons but it’s really more because he is moving to get away from her family.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; the poster does not mention age being a factor in the stigma he thinks will be placed on him for joining a dating site.,2) Content Accuracy "The author's wife has become unbearable and makes the author not want to go home, there's an error I'm this summary",2) Content Accuracy "This isn't really accurate. She said that she hurt his ego, not that he had an ego. The entire story is about how she feels like her boyfriend and she are not in the same place in life, and that he doesn't want to hustle and have a career and she hurt his feelings by telling him to make more.",2) Content Accuracy This is accurate based on what was written,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is misleading because it says that her boyfriend sent a nude to her boss but the nude was actually sent to the girlfriend, the boss just happened to see it pop up on her phone.",2) Content Accuracy This is not quite accurate. This person is worried and they are not asking of they should be.,2) Content Accuracy This is inaccurate. The post says nothing about the therapist thinking they are making things up.,2) Content Accuracy "This is not a question that is posed in the post. The author discusses how their love of making videos is driven by the process and whether their viewers like them. They consider the money they make through their contract as a bonus. They then tell the story of their friend, who is just starting out, but seems fixated on just getting subscribers to get a partnership. They are looking for peoples opinions on making videos just for money.",2) Content Accuracy The ex is not one of the roommates. ,2) Content Accuracy "She didn't move to be with him, he moved to be with her.",2) Content Accuracy "In the post, he mentions that he did break up with his girlfriend but before he had intended on doing it. The summary states that he is planing on breaking up with her.",2) Content Accuracy "This is a good summary but based on the writing, it seems like the fact that he's better at speaking is a reason that they're constantly in fights. ",2) Content Accuracy "This mentions all of the relevant points, only issue is that it has not been quite 4 years",2) Content Accuracy This summary says that they are seeing someone long distance already but the long distance relationship is what is looming ahead.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster did not get woken up by the police.,2) Content Accuracy The summary states that the girl and guy friends have been sleeping together when the post specifically states that nothing has happened yet between them.,2) Content Accuracy "This is inaccurate because ""bell pepper is a habanero pepper"" should be ""habanero pepper is a bell pepper.""",2) Content Accuracy The word prank should be changed to troll to match the word used in the actual post.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is too precise while the author makes it a probability,2) Content Accuracy "She doesn't work at the coffee shop, but otherwise it covers the important stuff.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is not accurate as they are not splitting up but his need for alone time is causing lots of fights in their relationship and he wants to know if it's normal to need alone time or if he is being selfish. ,2) Content Accuracy They're aren't currently in a long distance relationship,2) Content Accuracy "This is not completely accurate. The author is sure she wants children, and is not sure how to bring it up and feels that she is keeping something from him by not telling him.",2) Content Accuracy The summary mentions that the fighter’s pension is stable but it’s actually a job position they are referring to.,2) Content Accuracy The summary incorrectly identifies the author as female when it's a male. ,2) Content Accuracy The summary mislabels the people involved. The author is also female and is dating a female who suffers from social anxiety. Some of this anxiety stems from the author's family not initially accepting their relationship which her girlfriend uses as a reason for not being there during her hospitalizations.,2) Content Accuracy This is not accurate because it implies they gained all the weight back and they have only regained 15 lbs.,2) Content Accuracy There is no indication that the poster is female.,2) Content Accuracy The summary should talk about how they were on good terms immediately following the breakup. ,2) Content Accuracy "The ex-girlfriend isn't the one denying the friendship, the author is. ",2) Content Accuracy This is inaccurate because the post does not mention how much weight he lost. ,2) Content Accuracy "The summary is hard to follow without the aid of the provided text. The use of ""crazy"" does not immediately connect to her need for commitment. Instead, the post is saying that the woman would like to solidify her boyfriend's commitment with an engagement upon graduation and having him lay out some concrete plans outlining their future together. She is looking for some reassurance that they are on the same page. ",2) Content Accuracy "The summary doesn't state that the fiancé is reluctant, the title indicates that the fiancé wants to help ",2) Content Accuracy "The summary has inverted the roles. The guy was breaking up with the girl over the phone when she cut him off. Two months later, she is still wondering what he was going to say.",2) Content Accuracy This summary assumes the male is glad the relationship is over when it is the woman who expressed relief.,2) Content Accuracy The summary says that the user’s parents want them to have the baby but the post never mentions anything of the sort.,2) Content Accuracy The uncle died after the plug was pulled from a stroke so some better clarity would make more sense in this summary.,2) Content Accuracy The post doesn’t necessarily say that she is no longer interested in pursuing a sexual relationship but it’s more of an assumption on the user’s end.,2) Content Accuracy This is a spot-on summary of the information in the post.,2) Content Accuracy The summary is inaccurate; the poster punched their girlfriend hard several times in their sleep while dreaming that they were Neo from the Matrix movie fighting off agents.,2) Content Accuracy "The question was if it was appropriate to ask the Doctor, not the intensivist, about the clinical findings.",2) Content Accuracy The summary is not exactly accurate; there is no indication in the post that the woman knew the poster for less than a week.,2) Content Accuracy This make it sound like he is leaving as in breaking up and that wasn't specified.,2) Content Accuracy "This is a good summary but it isn't the only option, as the guy's solution is for her to go home. ",2) Content Accuracy The summary should be rewritten so it flows a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summary doesn't sound coherent enough, it lacks context.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary makes it a statement when it's actually a question,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "For the most part the summary reflects the intention of relaying petty revenge. However, for clarity and to reinforce that the latter sentence was a result of the former I would connect the two sentences using the conjunction 'so'.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" I would change a few words to make this summary 'flow' better and more naturally.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The post gets cut off so it's impossible to answer,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Sounds like caveman talk. Use articles and conjunctions.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "What to do other than emailing all the sites and asking to take down his info, he means. Also use a complete sentence.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rewritten into more cohesive sentences to make it easier to comprehend.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" All the sentences are grammatically incorrect.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This reads like a hypothetical situation but it actually happened. The “you” words should be replaced with I and written in the first person so it makes more sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summary covers the point in a concise way, but it doesn't flow naturally.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is pretty accurate. I would have isolated the symptoms to their situational occurrence for more clarity. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written in a way that would flow better than separating each point with a comma.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary doesn't flow naturally when you read it.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The end of the summary where it states “and being less reactive” should be a separate sentence that explains he is working on being less reactive.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be written more fluently.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The ""what do"" at the end of the summary is vague and confusing even if it was taken from the poster's title.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Why did he block you? Also use complete sentences.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is accurate, but could have been written better grammatically","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is strong but would be better phrased if the question was ""Are these thoughts ok and should I bring them up?"" ","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary feels a bit disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary reads like definitive instructions but the post is told from a question standpoint for ideas on how to remedy the situation where the new dog tries to take the lead.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary feels disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary should rephrase the first sentence without the dash is to make it read easier.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary isn't structed enough to be discernable, and has no details.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Every important detail from this passage is stuffed into a single sentence. It doesn't make grammatical sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The word ""phased"" is wrong; it should be ""fazed"".","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "It's too vague, needs more detail, and too wordy before it gets to the point.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is an accurate account of the post. The ord ""him"" should be placed at the end. That sentence is incomplete.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be written in a way that flows better and easier to read.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be written so it flows a little better. The comma could be replaced with the word “and.”,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" relationship breakdown makes no sense,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary should say “doesn’t” instead of “don’t.”,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This could be rewritten to make it flow a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" It's a bunch of disjointed sentence fragments. It should be more readable. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is worded unclearly and should clarify that the guy was talking to the poster.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is made up of incomplete sentences, which could be adjusted for clarity.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This pretty much covers everything, but it could do so in complete sentences.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The last sentence doesn't summarize anything in the post.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rephrased so that it is easier to read and understand. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary sums it up well. Small thing, it mixes tenses. It should be couldn't instead of can't.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary does cover most details of the post but doesn’t tell the story in a natural and coherent way. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is incoherent and does not make sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is written in a confusing way because you cannot tell who is referring to who.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be worded better to make it more concise and coherent,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary has an error in which it states that the user is paying bills for their mother and herself but should said “myself.”,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This covers just about everything important. Doesn't need ""The text describe..."" part and could be rewritten without it.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" There is a small grammatical error in the summary where “don’t” should be “doesn’t.”,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The question at the end could have been phrased a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Covers things pretty well. Maybe use complete sentences.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is accurate, but it could have been written better. The first sentence seems choppy and the second is a bit unclear.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" """The text describes a situation in which"" needs to be removed.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is oddly written since it implies that her goal is 2 hours of sleep nightly,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The first sentence in the summary could flow a little better. Semicolons instead of commas would make more sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rewritten into separate sentences instead of one long one with the different points separated by a comma.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summary is not written clearly and contains the spelling error ""voluntold.""","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The way this summary reads doesn’t make much sense. It needs to be rephrased so that you can understand that the author’s reputation has been tarnished.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The sentence could be rewritten without the parenthesis and ages/gender as it makes it confusing.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written in full words so it makes more sense and reads easier.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Very convoluted,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is written in the third person, while the original passage is in the first person.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The sentence is phrased a bit weird and could be improved for better understanding.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summarizes the main point well, but the first sentence could have been broken up into two to improve readability","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is a little disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary first starts out from the girlfriend’s point of view and ends in the boyfriend’s so it’s a but confusing.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not well written. The first sentence doesn't even belong.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "I think this summary is a bit confusing, I can't tell if when they say 'with what we choose' if they're talking about employees, companies, or someone else.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary seems all over the place and difficult to read. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is a very hard to decipher summary.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Should say in college in a year or two,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The roommate the summary is referring to is the user themselves so the wording is a little difficult to understand.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rephrased so it reads more fluently.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This make no sense in the first sentence. It needs to be worded better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" I feel like this could have been written better. Perhaps using full sentences,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "First sentence doesn't read right. Should be something like 16 year old female goes to movie night with guy she likes and is super shy, making the night awkward.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be written so it flows better and is easier to comprehend.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be written so it flows nicely and is easier to comprehend.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" That last sentence has too much wasted space. It should simply say that it does bother him and then go into the bonus question. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is written in the third person, but the original text is in the first person.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This could have been broken up into more than one sentence to make it easier to read.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" It's a string of sentence fragments that could be more coherent.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "While the events mentioned did happen, two of them are in the wrong order so it doesn’t read properly.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could have been composed better,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is disjointed, confusing and incoherent.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is confusing and cannot stand alone at all.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This description doesn't really make sense. I don't know what 'girlfriend will be soon' means, and it's written in a way that's a bit confusing (like it mentions academic stuff, but doesn't mention anything about his engineering studies beforehand)","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is too vague and not that coherent by itself.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not well written at all. The first sentence makes no sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary is too stilted. It could be rewritten better,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Having the second sentence written in the second person is kind of confusing.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Needs to be written in separate sentences. Should read Is it time to call this unhealthy friendship off?,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is totally incomprehensible. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is accurate, but it is not well written. It could have been nroken up into two sentences.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be structured in more complete sentences.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary has a lot of information written in short form which makes it confusing. It should be rewritten to better understand it.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could flow a little better and not be broken up into so many little sentences.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Use complete sentences, not a string of fragments.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written better so it flows nicely.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Neighbor was feeding it. Also ""what do"" makes no sense.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary unnecessarily adds a second sentence in that basically just rephrases what the first sentence stated.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written so it flows a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The grammar could be better in this summary.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is a run-on sentence and could have been written better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is all jumbled up and makes very little sense. e.g. ""nice favored stepson"" ","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Remove ""The text contains a situation in which"". The comment is eating him up and is he overthinking it","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not very well written. It can be taken out of context easily. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not coherent and makes very little sense. Confusing.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written more fluently and in a complete sentence.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Second sentence isn't clear,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be reworded so it flows a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not a good summary. It is all over the place and it does not really tie anything together.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be written so it flows a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary would have been perfect if it was well constructed in the right order if event happenings,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The switch from third person to first person between the two sentences is a bit confusing.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summary does well at condensing the post, but it doesn’t flow naturally.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The first sentence in the summary should be reworded to make better sense. It reads like the other guy was cheating on his ex wife when really like it was the user’s ex wife.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is accurate, but I think it is oddly written","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary has repetitiveness and poor grammar so it should be rewritten to flow better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is not written in the same style as the post. The summary is in third person.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summary is pretty concise about the topic, but I would word it in a better way to make it flow more naturally.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary is made up of choppy sentence fragments.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is somewhat incoherent; the poster shared a story about how when they were little, they got bit by a dog and lied about it. They are asking other people what lies they have told their parents when they were young that their parents still believe to be true.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary covers the main ideas in the post but could be written more fluently.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary should just add the word “and” where the comma is so it flows better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is very incoherent and mixes up the poster and the guy they punched.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This description isn't coherent. It ends in the middle of a sentence, and gives no context as to what's really going on.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is somewhat incoherent; the poster wants to do something nice for their girlfriend on her birthday. She will be working on her birthday, so they have no idea what they can do and are asking for advice.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The way this summary is written doesn’t flow that well, but it does capture the purpose of the post.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The wording could be improved,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The second person sentence feels odd in the context of a summary of the post.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" There's room to use complete sentecnes.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is written in a confusing way with a lot of ideas crammed together in one sentence.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary should use less commas and be broken up into two sentences so it flows a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The sentence is kind of run on with the the part after the comma not making much sense. Should be a spar ate sentence with more clarity.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is extremely confusing and it doesn't tell a story on its own.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be phrased a bit better but that’s minor and doesn’t affect the understanding of it.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is hard to read and follow, it needs to be restructured and also include that she broke up with the guy.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is not very coherent; the poster is buying a new smartphone and is asking Reddit what they objectively think is the best smartphone on the market currently.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Other than being a little clunky syntactically, it captures the author's sentiment well. However, I would mention that the author's discomfort stem from his worry as to why his fiancee is still talking to her ex.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Remove ""The text is a question from""","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Grammatically this summary could be a bit better about using capital letters.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary sums up the situation well but the flow could use some work. The use of partner is repetitive.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is not written correctly. ""Doesn't affect"" should be ""affects"".","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rewritten to flow better instead of commas separating main points.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary covers the details pretty well but it’s written in an unnatural way.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The sentence ""Can you help?"" feels odd and rather out of place in the context of a summary.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could grammatically flow better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be rewritten in a way that make it easier to understand the situation.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The last sentence is unclear and hard to follow.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary is written in a way that’s not easy to read.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The beginning of the summary is phrased in a very confusing way. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is confusing the way that it was written, especially the first sentence.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "It needs more detail, better sentence structure and some things can be left out.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The last two sentences seem weird since they seem redundant.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is an incomplete sentence, so cannot stand alone","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary is not well composed,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Thisn't isn't super coherent. Without the full context, saying 'boiling chick peas creates gas' doesn't make sense. ","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Husband has given veto power is a confusing statement. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is a bit disjointed at the end.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is a very long, run-on sentence. This could have been written much better.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is a good summary that mentions all the key points, but ""What do"" is not a valid sentence.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary covers the main points but should be written in better grammatical form to make it easy to read.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is written in the third person, while the original text is in the first person.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is too disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Uses sentence fragments to fit everything in. Cover just the main points, but with complete sentences","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The main ideas are in the summary but it is broken up weirdly and doesn’t read properly.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is kind of disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written more fluently.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The second sentence in the summary should be broken up into two separate sentences and the two ideas there do not make much sense when paired together.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not grammatically correct and it could have been written without the profanity.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This focuses on the wrong details ang gets things in the wrong order. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary doesn't make it clear who he/his being referred to is. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The first sentence in the summary could be phrased a bit better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary should be written to be more fluent and not so broken up by too many sentences.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary does pretty well at getting the details of the post but the way it’s written doesn’t sound naturally.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rewritten so it flows a little better and is easier to comprehend.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written in a proper sentence to make it flow better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The first sentence does not match the style of the passage.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary should be split into two sentences so that it reads easier.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" It's cut off,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" """The text discusses"" is a clunky beginning. Not so much too much time with the friends as not enough time with him.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is not very coherent.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary contains most of the important information from the passage but is hard to follow. ,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is not written well since it implies the girlfriend flipped out.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The wording in the summary’s sentence is confusing. It should be split up into a couple of sentences so it’s easier to understand.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This could be more clearly written.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be rewritten in better sentence format so it flows a little better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could flow a little better. The comma is misplaced and should have been a period.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The end part of this summary could be rephrased to just say that the relationship seems one-sided because she doesn’t reciprocate favors.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The first part of the summary seems like its written in third person, while the second is in first. ","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The sentence structure in the summary feels too simplistic.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The use of ""it"" grammatically references the last instance, ex., etc. given. This makes the summary misleading as both instances are actually April Fools jokes. With the former a retaliation for the latter.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Doesn't read right-I found out my significant other slept with a friend of his before he met me. I've met her and always had a feeling she didn't like me. This is getting to me. (this sounds better),"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The first sentence in the summary is a bit confusing so it could be rewritten for better understanding.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is a bit disjointed and incoherent by itself.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is a good summary, but could be phrased with a little more clarity (like specify his girlfriend is the Christian).","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary doesn’t read easily and has commas where they don’t belong.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary feels a little disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary being written in the second person feels out of place for the post summary.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This does not read smooth. It is too cut off and makes no sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is an accurate summary. It could have been written better grammatically,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is a bit disjointed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is not that coherent at the end; the poster's sister messaged them to flush it while they were out.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The sentences could be put together so it reads a little easier.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The post is a little unclear and could be condensed in some way to ask for advice about what to do with a person who is not vested in a relationship.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Said she was confused,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be better phrased and constructed.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This summary covers the main issue within the post but worded in a non-coherent way, or at least the first sentence.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary is hard to read as it’s written in a strange format. The sentences don’t flow nice and it’s hard to understand the main idea.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could flow a little better. It read more like a run off sentence with lots of commas.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary does not make any sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary should be phrased better, split into 2 sentences maybe. ","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" It's a string of sentence fragments. It also doesn't really explain how he messed up.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary sums up the situation and the advice sought pretty well. If I were to be picky I would clean up the sentence a bit.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This should probably not have been written in the 2nd person.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary isn't well composed and can be a whole lot better,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is accurate, but not really grammatically correct","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary repeats two main ideas and is not written in a way that’s easy to understand.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is technically correct, but it could have been more well written","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Describes the issue fairly well, but I might phrase or arrange things different.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Instead of restriction, should be feeling restricted. Arguments instead of argument.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" That isn't a very well-written summary. And it's a rhetorical question instead of an apt description of the post.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The writing could be more fluid and natural. It goes from merely describing events in a passive way to directly addressing the reader to act.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary is kind of disjointed and a bit hard to comprehend.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could be rewritten so it flows better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Broken sentence fragments. Use actual sentences.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This is a good post but if it starts in first person it should stay in first person and not switch to third person narration in the middle of the summary.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The question sounds awkward. It should read What do you think of her response? Also should read 30 year old divorce male.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be rewritten to flow a bit better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is jumbled and not very coherent. In addition, he never said he was over her, so this is not accurate.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary should be split into two different sentences so that the main points don’t muddle together.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Summary looks like a list and not an actual story,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary should say that the guy “drobe” into the side of the car so it makes more sense.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary gathers all the details of the post but I would word it better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "This is all accurate and all points are covered, but it reads awkwardly.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The comma in the summary isn’t necessary where it was placed but it is a minor grammar issue.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary should be rewritten so that it flows better.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The names don't really need to be added. It also reads oddly,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "Accurate summary, just a little choppy sentence structure.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The "" used in the summary is confusing.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary would be better if it was broken up into two sentences or a semi colon where the comma is.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could flow a little better to make it easier to understand.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" The summary could be written a bit more fluently.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The summary is very fragmented and not written in the format of a sentence, also appears to be missing a $ sign of the word dollar. ","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary doesn't flow naturally.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary could flow a little better without so many commas.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary needs better sentence structure to make it easier to read.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" This summary should be rewritten so it flows better and is easier to understand.,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" Needs to be rewritten better,"3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The last section would be better phrased as ""He is looking for advice on how to deal with this issue""","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors" "The last sentence could have been written better. It is a full sentence, but it feels incomplete.","3) Structure, Coherence or Grammatical Errors"