A 33-year-old male diagnosed with KS and with a history of bilateral sinusitis, bronchiectasis and retinal detachment of the right eye that consulted for increased testicular size and induration. The patient reported no other accompanying symptoms except lumbar pain radiating to the left testicle. The examination showed an increase in testicular volume, painless and with a stony consistency suggestive of neoplasia. No adenopathies. 1. The ultrasound showed signs compatible with testicular tumor seminoma type without locoregional ganglia. On chest X-ray, situs instillus was observed, as evidenced by the apex of the cardiac silhouette and the gastric gas chamber dcha and some left lower lobe achiectasis with probable blobulasis. 1. Analytical analysis determined LDH: 340 (230-460); GOT: 44 (2-37); GPT: 44 (2-37). Tumor markers: a-fetoprotein 1.1 ng/ml (1-7) and b-HCG <5.0 mIU/ml. Inguinal orchiectomy was performed under spinal anesthesia at L3-L4 level with hyperbaric bupivacaine and testicular prosthesis was placed. The anatomopathological result was a classic seminoma of 2.5 cm in diameter that affects the albuginea (without exceeding it) and respects the epididymis, the rete testis, the surgical cord seal. There was no evidence of vascular invasion. Intratubular germ cell neoplasm. Fibrosis and tubular hyalinization of non-tumoral testis. With the diagnosis of grade I seminoma without criteria of poor prognosis and according to the imaging service, it was decided not to apply additional treatment, observing after one year of follow-up biochemical normality of tumor parameters and being negative by physical examination as well After orchiectomy two spermiograms were performed with the result in both azoospermia.