diff --git "a/Raw-data/test.eten.df.short.tsv" "b/Raw-data/test.eten.df.short.tsv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Raw-data/test.eten.df.short.tsv" @@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@ +index original translation scores mean z_scores z_mean model_scores +0 Pärast Portugali Vabariigi väljakuulutamist võeti 1911. aastal kasutusele uus rahaühik eskuudo, mis jagunes 100 sentaavoks. Following the announcement of the Republic of Portugal, in 1911 a new cash unit was set up, escudo, divided into 100 sentaavograms. [50, 51, 21, 78, 84, 83] 61.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.412248360714594, 0.39856686623484705, 0.6245002025956135] 0.08392866767334378 -0.5743107199668884 +1 Vastutuse rünnaku eest võttis äärmuslik islamiliikumine Islamiriik. The Islamic Islamic movement was responsible for the attack. [37, 51, 21, 65, 77, 71] 53.666666666666664 [-0.4917438555772641, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.1774123885366415, 0.36271858948898755, 0.20480883524336993] -0.09882816111233976 -0.42673954367637634 +2 Ameerika Ühendriikides Los Angeleses tehti teatavaks ja anti üle 2012. aasta Oscari auhinnad. The 2012 Oscar awards were announced and handed out in Los Class in the United States. [31, 31, 3, 81, 55, 58] 43.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, 0.5372396648934048, -0.32348202996362757, -0.20768092291338958] -0.43096625223491175 -0.6014723181724548 +3 Maksejuhise kohaselt saajat nimetatakse soodustatud isikuks. Under the payment code, the beneficiary is called the beneficiary 'the beneficiary'. [9, 11, 1, 52, 80, 66] 36.5 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -0.6300169437293796, 0.4936093960423005, 0.04615892826000089] -0.6685898009091642 -0.5750382542610168 +4 Keisririigi esindused naaberriikides polnud kunagi alalised. The state representations in neighbouring countries were never permanent. [96, 91, 66, 97, 91, 84] 87.5 [1.3516219928723274, 1.0871895608683397, 0.4384050241066452, 0.9910334894835672, 0.8394084631768461, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8946746792276282 -0.28796902298927307 +5 Kui kogemuslikud geštaldid nihkuvad või kaovad, võib propositsionaalne teadmine säilida. If experience-based geo-vision spreads or disappearances, propositional knowledge can be maintained. [23, 1, 1, 65, 57, 49] 32.666666666666664 [-0.9291527009720825, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.1617134852456394, -0.5098867875330986, -0.7871006959787512] -0.8728473465675467 -0.636511504650116 +6 Perekond võib leida vaba maatüki ja sinna endale maja ehitada ja põllu rajada, tarvis läheb ainult naabrite nõusolekut. The family can find a land free and build a house there for itself, and only the consent of its neighbours is needed. [50, 31, 20, 56, 56, 56] 44.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.7818752369371224, -0.48592357188822877, -0.2711408857067372, -0.24977056414566148] -0.42568496950614104 -0.4791715741157532 +7 Põhjendid ja reeglid on ebaisikulised türannid, ent isiklik tahe on nende suhtes täiesti vaba. The reasons and the rules are unpersonal tyrants, but the personal will is completely free of them. [35, 11, 35, 75, 100, 76] 55.333333333333336 [-0.5542308334908096, -1.2688245992492837, -0.3839577605098068, 0.27545805178677896, 1.1249782957469103, 0.32953463266677707] -0.07950703550823895 -0.37820127606391907 +8 Saara leiab Ameerikasse põgenenud Ursula kirja ja peab Priidu vabandustest hoolimata otsustama, mida edasi teha. One hundred will find a letter from Ursula, who has fled to America, and it must decide what to do next, regardless of the apologies made by Primaru. [10, 5, 1, 29, 32, 35] 18.666666666666668 [-1.335318057410128, -1.4455256612581056, -1.285904040411722, -1.12785038341693, -1.6006435088107063, -1.5101665306408727] -1.3842346969914108 -0.49125099182128906 +9 Head suhted olid Eestil ka Rootsiga, kuningas Gustav V külastas 1929. aastal ka Eestit. Estonia also had good relations with Sweden, while King Gustaf V visited Estonia in 1929. [91, 95, 65, 82, 100, 81] 85.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.204990268874221, 0.41187719234482423, 0.5776758168102278, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8420276311263418 -0.40822461247444153 +10 Antti on olnud suhtes Katariina Mäkelägä ja Isabella Holmiga. There has been a reference to Katariina Mountain kelgä and Isabella Holm. [10, 31, 1, 11, 20, 1] 12.333333333333334 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -2.5168791546838967, -1.7827639184585862, -2.016289862523797] -1.6028293487846679 -0.4700707793235779 +11 Endise limonaaditehase territooriumile on ehitatud uus kultuurikeskus, kus asub linna maaligalerii. A new cultural centre has been built on the territory of the former limonal plant, where the city's paintings are located. [60, 80, 60, 71, 53, 62] 64.33333333333333 [0.22685639042850891, 0.7632376138521665, 0.279238033535719, 0.4066897413043879, -0.39597668121738544, -0.08076099732669434] 0.19988068342945042 -0.48290908336639404 +12 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskogu valimiskogu valis Toomas Asseri kolmandaks ametiajaks dekaaniks. Lomas Asseri was selected as the Choice Board of Art at Tartu University for the third term of office. [31, 31, 3, 40, 13, 27] 24.166666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -1.3229960566534074, -1.635530085763711, -1.818794853066228] -1.2281992034848674 -0.5589398145675659 +13 On loomulik öelda, et see teooria on jäme, mitte sellepärast, et see on religioosne, vaid et see on jäme religioon. It is natural to say that this theory is rigid, not because it is religious, but because it is a rigid religion. [91, 91, 100, 86, 84, 85] 89.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.4838888151444026, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6490285747968032] 0.9039988790588813 -0.21779724955558777 +14 Stuart Hampshire, kes ei tahtnud teaduslikust objektiivsusekäsitusest loobuda, võttiski appi psühhoanalüüsi. Stuart Hampshire, who did not want to abandon the concept of scientific objectivity, was resorted to psycho-analysis. [40, 20, 40, 100, 84, 90] 62.333333333333336 [-0.39801338870694586, -1.003773006236051, -0.25131860170070164, 0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.548708683221246] 0.07688360893113157 -0.32653844356536865 +15 Uueks diviisiülemaks sai sakslane Berthold Maack, kes end sellel kohal näitas üsna tähelepandamatu ülemusena. The new dividend became a German, Berthold Maack, who showed himself to be quite insignificant in this place. [41, 41, 20, 26, 1, 14] 23.833333333333332 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, -0.672851171426038, -2.016289862523797, -1.8096223806656633] -1.0054546400846613 -0.3969012200832367 +16 Tundub aga, et neil kahel asjal ei ole kindlat seost. However, the two do not seem to have any definite connection. [92, 91, 100, 67, 78, 56] 80.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.08966679932506398, 0.4063488583400919, -0.2711408857067372] 0.6166216792050712 -0.5748891830444336 +17 Naan märkis ettekandes, et ei ole siiski kahtlust selles, et lõpmatus on oma olemuselt matemaatiline mõiste. In the report, however, the Naan pointed out that there is no doubt that infinality is essentially a mathematical concept. [70, 91, 100, 64, 58, 67] 75.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.1391994964086838, -0.20768092291338958, 0.11148587755891945] 0.5016394326545583 -0.4499257802963257 +18 19. sajandi lõpu poole kolisid sealt välja mitmed asutused, näiteks kuninglik mündivermimiskoda ja mitu hoonet jäi tühjaks. Later in the 19th century, several bodies, such as the Royal Communiqué chamber and several buildings, were withdrawn from it. [31, 1, 1, 36, 29, 42] 23.333333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.426122433406289, -1.12785038341693, -1.0765987441461105] -1.1931677933271565 -0.44302797317504883 +19 Teine atentaadis osaleja Oran Celik pidi lõhkama pommid, kuid ei teinud seda. The other participant in the atentator, Oran Celik, had to break bombs, but did not do so. [10, 31, 1, 67, 84, 80] 45.5 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] -0.39677600678200325 -0.4786551594734192 +20 Kes liituda ei taha, jäävad isolatsiooni või liituvad teiste rühmadega. Those who do not want to join will remain isolated or join other groups. [94, 91, 100, 100, 100, 100] 97.5 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2773609019739463 -0.30610883235931396 +21 Kirjanduslikud ja keelelised huvid liikusid samuti selles suunas. Literary and linguistic interests also moved in this direction. [94, 91, 100, 100, 85, 100] 95.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 1.5148636130151623] 1.173733958585516 -0.3444252014160156 +22 Et inimestel võib olla eksiarvamusi oma valikute ja tegude motiivide asjus, võib neil olla eksiarvamusi ka selle kohta, mida nad armastavad. Since people may have misconceptions about the motives of their choices and actions, they may also have misconceptions about what they love. [95, 91, 100, 100, 81, 100] 94.5 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0848734746328665 -0.31910255551338196 +23 Keenias kuulutas kohtute sõltumatust uurinud erikomisjon neli kõrgemat kohtunikku ametisse sobimatuks. In Kenya, the independence of the courts was declared unfit for the office of four senior judges by the Special committee. [33, 61, 31, 46, 35, 23] 38.166666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -0.8461570014911058, -1.4697527022573933, -1.4275290808375833] -0.7744235721205496 -0.43874454498291016 +24 Elektritoodang oli 2012. aastal hinnanguliselt 2,111 miljardit kWh, tarbimine 1,68 miljardit kWh. Electricity production was estimated at 2.111 billion kWh in 2012, consumption 1.68 billion kWh. [95, 91, 100, 100, 77, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0557866287321305 -0.24330481886863708 +25 Viimastele tundus aga selliste linnade olemasolu "jumala ja inimeste seaduste rikkumisena". The latter, however, seemed to have been 'an infringement of the laws of God and the people'. [33, 11, 31, 54, 58, 66] 42.166666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -1.2688245992492837, -0.49006908755709094, -0.24292942487089356, -0.20768092291338958, 0.07523855193204053] -0.45849721567716206 -0.48465532064437866 +26 Olemise ja eimiski tühja erinevuse asemele lükatakse sisukas erinevus. Instead of being an empty difference, there is a meaningful difference. [24, 11, 1, 98, 80, 89] 50.5 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 1.027056832443855, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7759485003834985] -0.19267052046777688 -0.5609483122825623 +27 Popper ise märgib, et Freudi teooriat, mille järgi unenäod on soovide täitumised, võivad falsifitseerida õudusunenäod. The Popular himself notes that the Freud theory, according to which dreams are perfections of wishes, can classify horrors. [24, 31, 1, 56, 47, 52] 35.166666666666664 [-0.8979092120153097, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.48592357188822877, -0.8698144240265682, -0.7280381317886201] -0.8245684065583877 -0.5714048147201538 +28 Peaassamblee kiitis heaks resolutsiooni, "taunides Ungari rahva represseerimist ja Nõukogude okupatsiooni". The General Assembly approved a resolution 'denouncing the repression of the Hungarian people and the Soviet occupation'. [94, 100, 100, 100, 75, 76] 90.83333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.27545805178677896, 0.32953463266677707] 0.944643769135627 -0.21913984417915344 +29 Harikult püstitati need linna keskele turuplatsi äärde. Rarely were they placed on the middle of the city's market plate. [22, 11, 1, 31, 42, 20] 21.166666666666668 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.6442737776618106, -0.9902503733322566, -2.0716779526032685] -1.3702211555311994 -0.5203797221183777 +30 Ootamatult satub ta modelliks vanemkonstaabel Priit Torim, kes on valmis isegi natuke poseerima. He is looking forward to becoming a modelled on the parental convoy Priit Torim, who is even prepared to pose a little. [10, 11, 1, 100, 90, 79] 48.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] -0.25554759495588913 -0.40774229168891907 +31 Kuigi kasvatus sisaldab vooruste kultiveerimist kasvatatavate juures, on vooruste kultiveerimisel iseenda juures upsakuse või enesepettuse maik man. Although cultivation involves cultivating virtues at the bereaved level, the cult of virtues is a machine of drowning or self-deception to himself. [10, 31, 1, 8, 1, 5] 9.333333333333334 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.9485210876625751, -2.016289862523797, -2.6068027130307234] -1.6454428033764703 -0.5925953388214111 +32 Kirsipuud, harilikud mandlipuud, india mangopuud ja teisi puuliike on intensiivse raie ning keskkonnareostuse tõttu kadunud. Literacy trees, conventional continental trees, individual mangoprooms and other types of disability have been seriously felled and environmental pollution has disappeared. [7, 11, 1, 27, 16, 39] 16.833333333333332 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.5306005177365722, -1.7371277294119054, -1.2006693362178358] -1.408695791217961 -0.5354204177856445 +33 Detsentraliseeritud riigis ja riigikassas oli sõjaline potentsiaal ebaefektiivse maksuaparaadi ja puuduliku maksustamise poolt takistatud. In a decentralised country and the public purse, military potential was blocked by an inefficient tax apparatus and inadequate taxation. [65, 80, 65, 79, 81, 51] 70.16666666666667 [0.3830738352123726, 0.7632376138521665, 0.41187719234482423, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5363189527863194, -0.4297907926901062] 0.3524493214494621 -0.4068649113178253 +34 Umbkaudu aastast 3000 eKr pärineb Palaiokastrost leitud kõrge vööri ja ümara ahtriga minoslaste laeva kujutis. In the past 3 000 years, Kr originated in a high barrel found in Palaiok and a roundtable machine of miners. [9, 1, 1, 68, 74, 80] 38.833333333333336 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.05364345636477628, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] -0.5793045394886157 -0.597375214099884 +35 Üha rohkemad indiviidid võõranduvad poliitilisest elust ja hakkavad selles üha ekstsentrilisemalt käituma. More and more individuals are alienating themselves from political life and are beginning to behave more and more exstinctively in it. [50, 61, 31, 92, 84, 100] 69.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 1.2091604759915002, 0.6681304714467177, 1.0152560939928115] 0.4200972842598252 -0.39060360193252563 +36 Esimesel korral see ei õnnestunud, kuid teisel korral õnnestus tal eksamid sooritada. The first time it did not succeed, but the second time it managed to carry out excesses. [22, 11, 1, 88, 85, 90] 49.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 0.8726797157233768, 0.711760740297822, 0.548708683221246] -0.23032928172456935 -0.43094494938850403 +37 See aitab seletada, miks väiksema arvu inimeste ohverdamine suurema arvu inimeste heaks tekitab kahjutunnet ning jätab taandumatu moraalse jäägi. This will help explain why sacrificing fewer people for more people creates a sense of harmfulness and leaves unretreated moral ice. [18, 31, 31, 51, 51, 51] 38.833333333333336 [-1.0853701457559461, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.7043869679309344, -0.7716684006397244, -0.4297907926901062] -0.6935177422989467 -0.4441911280155182 +38 Keldri läänepoolse osa ruumid on kaetud servjoonvõlvidega, mida kannavad tugevad neljatahulised piilarid. The western part of the Celtic is covered by beacles bearing heavy four-faceless pipes. [10, 11, 1, 27, 33, 21] 17.166666666666668 [-1.335318057410128, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.818794853066228, -1.4488105203612864, -1.3816902345903206] -1.4232237175148281 -0.6124759316444397 +39 Parim idee, mis neile siis pähe tuli, oli luua arstide infovahetuse ja koostöö tõhustamiseks mõeldud reaalajas veebivõrgustik. The best idea that came to mind then was to create a real-time web network for improving the exchange of information and cooperation between doctors. [93, 100, 70, 100, 82, 100] 90.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9932667964822267 -0.33904528617858887 +40 Maailmapank kiitis heaks 12 miljardi USA dollari suuruse laenu eraldamise Pakistanile, mis makstakse välja viie aasta jooksul. The World Bank has approved the provision of a USD 12 billion loan to Pakistan, which will be paid out within five years. [93, 70, 63, 100, 100, 100] 87.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 0.3588215288211821, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 0.970732387631193 -0.3255958557128906 +41 Aleksandrikooli komiteesid ja peakomiteed on mõnikord nimetatud ka Eesti esimeseks parlamendiks. The committees and the main committees of Alexander School have sometimes been called the Estonian Parliament as well. [61, 50, 31, 79, 85, 82] 64.66666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, -0.12026769619194233, -0.49006908755709094, 0.7123928783280498, 0.76393773884274, 0.5538386306067818] 0.27965539056897 -0.557147741317749 +42 Malawi eksportis 2013. aastal hinnanguliselt 1,427 miljardi USA dollari eest. Malawi exports were estimated at USD 1.427 billion in 2013. [91, 91, 100, 100, 100, 80] 93.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 0.32841374389209277] 0.9761141947757502 -0.21538758277893066 +43 Võib peaaegu täie kindlusega väita, et aja jooksul seab see selle riigi ebasoodsasse olukorda." It can be said with almost complete certainty that this will put the country at a disadvantage over time. " [91, 91, 100, 100, 84, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 1.089370814141473 -0.458572655916214 +44 Saksamaa õhujõud osalesid esimest korda islamistliku äärmusorganisatsiooni Islamiriik vastu korraldatud rünnakutes Süürias. The German Air Force participated for the first time in the attacks on the Islamic extremist organisation in Syria. [91, 100, 70, 98, 92, 84] 89.16666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.027056832443855, 1.0176690182308925, 0.6603895448580447] 0.9662129081094594 -0.3840729892253876 +45 Aastal 1918 algas ka vaenulike välismaalaste ametlik represseerimine ning Itaalia sotsialistid olid Itaalia valitsuse poolt üha represseeritud. In 1918, the official repression of hostile foreigners also began, and Italian socialists were increasingly repressed by the Italian Government. [50, 61, 31, 81, 91, 100] 69.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4278375657874865, 1.1709475838635426, 1.1249782957469103] 0.39196668492097686 -0.2784343361854553 +46 Ühtlasi õnnitles kolme presidenti Balti harta allkirjastamise kümnendal aastapäeval Ameerika Ühendriikide president George W. Bush. The three Presidents also congratulated George W. Bush, President of the United States, on the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Baltic Charter. [91, 100, 70, 41, 36, 45] 63.833333333333336 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, -1.2079710891507676, -1.2063904310939828, -0.620170681070149] 0.00960497530151098 -0.20439639687538147 +47 Ukraina valitsuse palvel lubas Venemaa piirivalve ukrainlastel evakueeruda läbi Rostovi oblasti. At the request of the Ukrainian Government, the Russian border guard allowed Ukrainians to evacuate through the Rostov Oblast. [94, 100, 100, 95, 100, 88] 96.16666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1153150491210377, 0.9996617706525889, 0.6557075736525608] 1.125401977712517 -0.19489918649196625 +48 Neid omadusi tajuvad nii need, kellel need on, kui ka teised, ja tavaliselt tunnistavad kõik neid väärtuslikeks. These qualities are perceived both by those who have them and by others, and they are usually recognised by everyone. [95, 100, 100, 98, 81, 100] 95.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.027056832443855, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0833861817231873 -0.49151739478111267 +49 Kui inimese vaim ja meelemõistus on veel terved, peab tal selle juures ühtlasi süda kõvemini põksuma höher schlagen. If man's spirit and sensibilities are still healthy, then he must also bother Höher schlagen more loudly. [10, 1, 1, 31, 25, 28] 16.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3865071458954215, -1.8845074786158034, -1.7751645842151236] -1.5384546126353642 -0.6051255464553833 +50 Pidulikel aastapäevaüritustel osales ka kultuuriminister Urve Tiidus. Urve Tiette, Minister for Culture, also participated in the formal anniversary events. [31, 31, 4, 90, 76, 83] 52.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2063205451262589, 0.6545327129635137, 0.3190883206378832, 0.6190326808341362] -0.16211544653808405 -0.5172908902168274 +51 Belgias Brüsselis toimus Euroopa Liidu välisministrite kohtumine, kus osales ka Eesti välisminister Urmas Paet. In Brussels, Belgium, EU Foreign Ministers met with the participation of the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. [70, 91, 100, 81, 74, 67] 80.5 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.29116755037643405, 0.3652171569470719, 0.07788890965667469] 0.6168509603088862 -0.3006967008113861 +52 Summeerival subjektil oleks tarvis mingit väärtuste või teist järku soovide komplekti, et oma eelistustele kuidagi kaalud määrata. The aggregate subject would need some sort of set of values or a second-class wish set in order to give some consideration to its preferences. [31, 11, 1, 82, 64, 90] 46.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 0.5808699337445091, -0.017301034533346728, 0.9085307290014955] -0.2936389667943747 -0.4553123712539673 +53 Tundub, et usk jumalatesse põhineb inimeste soovidel ja lootustel, eriti neil, mis on seotud enesesäilitamisega. It seems that religion in the gods is based on the wishes and hopes of the people, especially those relating to self-preservation. [94, 91, 100, 76, 100, 80] 90.16666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.2650732744552905, 0.9996617706525889, 0.5827011107083454] 0.9273520059419845 -0.4047073423862457 +54 Mosambiigi keskosas asuvat Inhambane provintsi tabas troopiline tsüklon Favio. The tropical cyclone Favio has been hit by the province of Inhambane in the centre of Mozambique. [25, 11, 31, 41, 29, 53] 31.666666666666668 [-0.866665723058537, -1.2688245992492837, -0.49006908755709094, -1.2079710891507676, -1.12785038341693, -0.6216732398831174] -0.9305090203859544 -0.2615434527397156 +55 Näiteks ei ole inimestel tavaliselt mingit ebakindlust, kas hoolida oma ellujäämisest või oma laste heaolust. For example, people usually have no uncertainty as to whether to care about their survival or about the well-being of their children. [94, 95, 100, 86, 97, 92] 94.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.204990268874221, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7553910091489263, 1.1980287771688547, 0.87113844457352] 1.1098391364554774 -0.3491598665714264 +56 See tähendab, põhjenditele on raske propositsiooni kuju anda. This means that it is difficult to give the reasons the form of a proposition. [94, 70, 100, 59, 57, 79] 76.5 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, -0.17849272745611192, -0.12829074848702035, 0.45360522473850245] 0.5408406519333627 -0.516438901424408 +57 Septembris 1945 okupeerisid saare uuesti Austraalia väed. In September 1945, the island was again occupied by Australian troops. [92, 100, 100, 100, 100, 82] 95.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 1.1133927340926 -0.20710748434066772 +58 Iraagi pealinna Bagdadi kirdeosas ründasid relvastatud isikud parklat ja lasid õhku sinna pargitud kütuseveoki. In the north-east of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, armed persons attacked a park and allowed a tank of fuel parked there. [25, 1, 11, 33, 36, 29] 22.5 [-0.866665723058537, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.1313425431533028, -1.2063904310939828, -1.1982517280698368] -1.1644337529055262 -0.3943312168121338 +59 Dyneley Hussey kirjutas 1934. aastal, et "Laulud surnud lastest" olid vaimustavad, kuid tema sümfooniad peaksid jääma edaspidi tähelepanuta. Dyneley Hussey wrote in 1944 that 'Lakes of dead children' were fantastic, but his symphony should remain untouched in the future. [24, 1, 1, 78, 81, 75] 43.333333333333336 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.4269187050200866, 0.5372396648934048, 0.19851994435723766] -0.43074355123671487 -0.4155362844467163 +60 Nimi ja asukoht jäävad samaks, kuid jões voolavad järjest uued veed. The name and location remain the same, but new waters are flowing into the river. [92, 91, 100, 86, 100, 91] 93.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9798831232237539, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9814216926040136] 1.123412002249469 -0.36708569526672363 +61 Seda, et inimesed on väärtuslikud, on tal võimalik teada ainult väärtust otseselt kogedes. It is only possible for people to know the value when they experience it directly. [70, 100, 100, 99, 86, 73] 88.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0630801754041426, 0.7553910091489263, 0.26826879803671755] 0.8864372867460258 -0.47603511810302734 +62 Usbekistanis toimus parlamendivalimiste esimene voor. Uzbekistan held its first round of parliamentary elections. [93, 100, 100, 77, 100, 100] 95.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1267133730614367 -0.22226662933826447 +63 Biheivioristliku mõiste juurest ei minda vaimse mõiste juurde. There is no spiritual concept going beyond the definition of biological rule. [22, 11, 1, 100, 81, 91] 51.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461] -0.17322886385919667 -0.791694700717926 +64 Kui Nõukogude väed vallutasid Budapesti, palusid Imre Nagy, Georg Lukács, Géza Losonczy ja László Rajki lesk Júlia varjupaika Jugoslaavia saatkonnas. When the Soviet forces invaded Budapest, Imre Nagy, Georg Lukács, Géza Losonczy and László Rajki lesk Júlia asked for asylum in the Yugoslav Embassy. [83, 90, 60, 84, 82, 79] 79.66666666666667 [0.9454566364342819, 1.0577393838668694, 0.279238033535719, 0.6603895448580447, 0.5538386306067818, 0.44997912719119615] 0.6577735594154822 -0.14371737837791443 +65 Seega on katsetulemused ekslikud ning neid saab ajakohastada või asendada. The test results are therefore erroneous and can be updated or replaced. [94, 100, 100, 100, 90, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 0.9451743669771346, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2611239580980202 -0.3803933560848236 +66 Kant ja Fichte on eetilise suhtes sellele olemapidamise vaatekohale pidama jäänud. Kant and Fichs have remained on this ethical point of view. [92, 91, 62, 74, 77, 71] 77.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 0.29999877943339137, 0.36271858948898755, 0.05442657251608684] 0.5605458727352339 -0.5156338214874268 +67 pisiRevolutsioonilise Ungari minister [[István Bibó, kes esines deklaratsiooniga "Vabadus ja tõde" Ms FisiRevolutionary Minister of Hungary [István Bibó, who made a declaration on "Freedom and truth" [50, 71, 41, 87, 83, 90] 70.33333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.4981860208389338, -0.2247907699388806, 0.7844601369297701, 0.6245002025956135, 0.548708683221246] 0.3575809624179107 -0.37775683403015137 +68 Tema armastus määratleb tema jaoks vähemalt osaliselt tema ideaalse mina motiivid ja eelistused. His love defines the motives and preferences for him, at least in part, as his ideal. [92, 91, 62, 79, 84, 73] 80.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 0.4586486864167604, 0.6681304714467177, 0.2054640405950517] 0.6630624155719113 -0.35169535875320435 +69 Jaanus taipab, millised on Arturi lubadused tegelikult. Jaanus will realise what Arturi's promises are. [91, 91, 61, 75, 61, 51] 71.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 0.27545805178677896, -0.30580685708679023, -0.7043869679309344] 0.3089373668372329 -0.5425002574920654 +70 24. augustil astus ametisse riigi esimene põhiseaduslikult valitud president Manuel José de Arriaga. On 24 August the country's first constitutionally elected President, Manuel José de Arrii, took office. [88, 91, 100, 80, 67, 83] 84.83333333333333 [1.1016740812181456, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.4936093960423005, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6190326808341362] 0.7866243221046929 -0.20381444692611694 +71 Üks tunnistaja väitis 1999. aastal, et tema isa oli Rootsi mereväes allohvitser ja osales 1920. aastatel sukeldumisharjutusel Vasa vraki juurde. One witness stated in 1999 that his father was a member of the Basin in the Swedish navy and was involved in a ski exercise to the Vasa wreck in the 1920s. [31, 1, 1, 44, 23, 43] 23.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9182036874116812, -1.318230271796973, -1.035241880122202] -1.1333518397207443 -0.4850635528564453 +72 Aga piirid saavad aidata elule mõtet anda, ja armastuse väärtus ongi osalt selles, et ta annab elule kuju, iseloomu, fookuse. But borders can help to make a difference in life, and the value of love is partly in giving form, character, focus to life. [41, 41, 21, 77, 71, 64] 52.5 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7553474051753013, 0.09994004505140265, -0.15101345762808788, -0.7056279236235737] -0.37735632172181804 -0.39773064851760864 +73 Ent nagu väitis Hegel, ei pea filosoofia olema abstraktne. However, as has been said by Hegel, the philosophy must not be abstract. [91, 91, 100, 100, 83, 79] 90.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.45360522473850245] 0.9710048560077316 -0.34046295285224915 +74 Üks, "toimimine", näiteks nägemine, soovimine, arusaamine, jääb toimijasse endasse, teine, "valmistamine", läheb üle mateeriasse. One, 'functioning', such as seeing, wanting, understanding, remaining in operation, and the other, 'making', is going to be buried. [22, 51, 31, 36, 23, 30] 32.166666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.38977462681314173, -1.318230271796973, -1.2296651706356005] -0.7464921443203556 -0.49784165620803833 +75 2010. aastal oli riigis 671 km gaasitorusid ja 334 km naftatorusid. In 2010, it had 671 km of gas pipeline and 334 km of oil pipeline. [50, 51, 21, 83, 69, 81] 59.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.4929432823203649, 0.1413488724500223, 0.5372396648934048] 0.03996473269313336 -0.2720501720905304 +76 Ungaris toimus raudteelaste kuuetunnine streik, millega protesteeriti kahjumis rongliinide sulgemise vastu maapiirkondades. In Hungary, there was a six-hour strike by railway workers protesting against the damaging closure of train glims in rural areas. [25, 31, 1, 62, 69, 66] 42.333333333333336 [-0.866665723058537, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.26978351412650253, -0.21826842396697346, 0.07523855193204053] -0.5408673681419287 -0.4630432426929474 +77 Seal juhatas Mahler esmakordselt täispikkuses ooperit, Giuseppe Verdi "Trubaduuri". There, Mahler led for the first time a fully-fledged opera, Giuseppe Verdi Trubaduuri. [21, 51, 31, 55, 56, 80] 49.0 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.5389595118353006, -0.2711408857067372, 0.4936093960423005] -0.31483621452215466 -0.27259358763694763 +78 Ka püüe elavdada kohvi ja kakao tootmist polnud edukas, suhkru ja palmiõli tootmine Lambarénés läks veidi paremini käima. The attempt to invigorate coffee and cocoa production was also unsuccessful, the production of sugar and palm oil in sheep arénés went a little better. [11, 1, 1, 69, 83, 76] 40.166666666666664 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2413477505868195, 0.6245002025956135, 0.36345874222673896] -0.5677822973155886 -0.27885180711746216 +79 Albumile pühendatud maailmaturnee Dangerous World Tour kestis 1992. aasta jaanuarist 1993. aasta novembrini ja tõi sisse 100 miljonit dollarit. From January 1992 to November 1993, the World Tour, dedicated to the Alliance of World Cirrou, delivered USD 100 million. [20, 1, 1, 81, 81, 80] 44.0 [-1.0228831678424006, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.6189484363352243, 0.5372396648934048, 0.17436773524631535] -0.4235929568405274 -0.5990851521492004 +80 Adamsoni sõnul on sellel teosel Eesti kirjandusväljal kindlasti oma kunstiline väärtus. According to Adamson, this work certainly has its artistic value in Estonia's literary output. [90, 91, 61, 100, 83, 100] 87.5 [1.164161059131691, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8716074358060452 -0.3412143290042877 +81 Ameerika Ühendriikides astus Arkansase osariigi kubernerina ametisse vabariiklane Asa Hutchinson. In the United States, the Republican, Asa Hutchinson, took office as the Governor of the Arkansas State. [93, 91, 100, 100, 100, 82] 94.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 1.0744247167498566 -0.2041804939508438 +82 Arvatavalt moodustasid ketseriteks peetud keisririigi algusaegadel rohkem kui poole elanikkonnast. Apparently, more than half of the population was considered to be heretics in the early days of the crisis. [31, 31, 4, 48, 51, 45] 35.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2063205451262589, -0.646406757005007, -0.4297907926901062, -0.952528152074385] -0.7656786825722559 -0.5064835548400879 +83 Belgias Brüsselis algas Euroopa Liidu keskkonnaministrite kahepäevane kohtumine, millel osales ka Eesti keskkonnaminister Marko Pomerants. In Brussels, Belgium, European Union Environment Ministers started a two-day meeting with the participation of Estonian Environment Minister Marko Pombakts. [34, 51, 64, 61, 65, 51] 54.333333333333336 [-0.5854743224475824, -0.09081751919047204, 0.3853493605830032, -0.30580685708679023, 0.1774123885366415, -0.4297907926901062] -0.141521290382551 -0.4488178491592407 +84 Eddington otsis seda nihet, vaadates tähte päikesevarjutuse ajal, kui Päikeselt valgust ei paista. Eddington sought this shift, looking at the sun shells when the sun does not seem to light. [22, 1, 31, 49, 54, 30] 31.166666666666668 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -0.7871006959787512, -0.5579702578088042, -1.2296651706356005] -0.9314212951955149 -0.4584471881389618 +85 Nende kunagiste rannikupiirkondade all leidub väga häid muldi. There is very good soil under these former coastal regions. [94, 100, 100, 82, 100, 100] 96.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8241835542857531] 1.0852932094376813 -0.44362062215805054 +86 2014. aasta detsembris lahutas Musk Riley'st teist korda. In December 2014, Musk Riley was the second time divorced. [21, 51, 51, 62, 83, 73] 56.833333333333336 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, 0.04048754767932973, -0.08076099732669434, 0.6245002025956135, 0.035841257666501314] -0.07706486457689161 -0.41415196657180786 +87 Järgnenud kodusõda Bütsantsis tekitas Pärsia sissetungi ja pärast 615. aastat nautisid avaarid vabu käsi kaitsetul Balkani poolsaarel. The subsequent civil war in Butsana created the Gulf invasion and, after 615, enjoyed the opening hand on the defenceless Balkan Peninsula. [11, 31, 1, 59, 70, 80] 42.0 [-1.3040745684533552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.3778535430073656, 0.17307885384669613, 0.4936093960423005] -0.4968274935338874 -0.5748130083084106 +88 Kuningas Henri suri 1197. aastal õnnetuse tagajärjel, Isabella abiellus neljandat korda, seekord Guido venna, Küprose kuninga Amalricusega. King Henri died in 1967 as a result of the accident, Isabella's marriage for the fourth time, this time with Guido venna, the King of Cyprus with Amalricus. [24, 51, 31, 73, 85, 60] 54.0 [-0.8979092120153097, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.26826879803671755, 0.711760740297822, -0.574314160703546] -0.17884674018864652 -0.22834144532680511 +89 Makedoonia dünastia võimuperiood kujunes riigi pealinna õitsenguajaks. Macedonia's period of inflammatory power turned into a period of prosperity for its capital city. [24, 1, 1, 98, 90, 82] 49.333333333333336 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.027056832443855, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5808699337445091] -0.22192239562041363 -0.5828661918640137 +90 Ta aitas troonile tagasi Husrav II ja naitis tolle oma tütrega. He helped the throne back to Husrav II and returned to the throne with his daughter. [15, 31, 1, 59, 85, 72] 43.833333333333336 [-1.1791006126262644, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.6679574951345972, 0.711760740297822, 0.23653881664004375] -0.47741394174243257 -0.25166603922843933 +91 Seoses Nõukogude okupatsiooniga lahkusid paljud muusikud läände, mõned hukkusid ja osa sattud põlu alla. Many musicians left the West in connection with the Soviet occupation, some lost their lives and others fell under their knees. [16, 31, 1, 77, 84, 70] 46.5 [-1.1478571236694917, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, -0.6273367365200079] -0.44626662745849477 -0.4014262557029724 +92 Venemaal kinnitas Moskva oblasti duuma oblasti uueks kuberneriks senise eriolukordade ministri Sergei Šoigu. In Russia, the Moscow Observer was confirmed as a new governor of the Moscow Obduuma Oblast, Sergei Scotland, Secretary of State for Emergency situations so far. [31, 1, 1, 63, 81, 72] 41.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2337601711662148, 0.5372396648934048, 0.23653881664004375] -0.49806948143772917 -0.6580445766448975 +93 Türgi suurima linna İstanbuli Bakırköy linnaosas algas linna esimese armeenlaste kooli ehitus. In the Turkish city of Istanbuli Bakırköy, the city's first-ever school of Armenians began to be built. [24, 51, 54, 77, 74, 53] 55.5 [-0.8979092120153097, -0.09081751919047204, 0.12007104296479283, 0.2705666302778131, -0.050131008119759506, -0.39597668121738544] -0.1740327912167201 -0.34957659244537354 +94 See oli tema sõnul armee üldjuhi feldmarssal Ferdinand Schörneri isiklik käsk. That, as he said, was the personal order of the army's general manager, Dr Ferdinand Schörner. [70, 91, 100, 74, 73, 84] 82.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.24682090461896014, -0.07070385276770842, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6351799446951844 -0.40090906620025635 +95 Kuigi Aristotelese vastus igaüht ei aita, on see siiski vastus igaühele. Although the answer to Aristotle does not help everyone, it is a response to everyone. [22, 41, 11, 83, 85, 80] 53.666666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 0.5855686120034557, 0.711760740297822, 0.4949620887624109] -0.09567496014397547 -0.38384974002838135 +96 Muidu me ei mõista suurt osa inimkogemusest, sealhulgas armastust. Otherwise, we will not understand much of the human experience, including love. [93, 91, 100, 100, 92, 100] 96.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 1.0176690182308925, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1209412000698726 -0.24942299723625183 +97 Luuasaarele ilmub ootamatult Leili, kes tuleb sinna Jürka kirja peale. Leil, who comes there after the Jürka letter, is suddenly appearing on the balance. [10, 1, 1, 86, 84, 87] 44.833333333333336 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.680758556193477, 0.6681304714467177, 0.0774748306116163] -0.4596974348056708 -0.5425222516059875 +98 Varasematel pitsatitel kujutati valdavalt loomi, harvem ka inimesi. In previous canals, animals, less often also humans, were predominantly depicted. [17, 1, 1, 39, 54, 24] 22.666666666666668 [-1.116613634712719, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9021985014502908, -0.5579702578088042, -1.3893161887096255] -1.1358881653928579 -0.6843492984771729 +99 Galilei pakkus välja objektiivse meetodi tähe läbimõõdu mõõtmiseks. Galileo has proposed an objective method for measuring its thinking. [15, 1, 1, 22, 48, 23] 18.333333333333332 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7107172325380107, -0.4769400795635252, -1.318230271796973] -1.2557031010334139 -0.7126657366752625 +100 Bagdadis kogunes esimesele istungile Iraagi parlament. The first session of the Iraqi Parliament met in Baghdad. [50, 51, 80, 80, 100, 98] 76.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 0.9812361563169528] 0.5717239286737137 -0.23309405148029327 +101 Kui aga neid võtta ülalmainitud kavatsuse järgi uurida arvamusi, tundub see meie kavaga paremini kooskõlas olevat. However, if you take these opinions on the basis of the above-mentioned intention to examine them, this seems to be more in line with our plan. [93, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0793477405712677 -0.4884382486343384 +102 Vanaajast kuni Newtonini oli palju igasuguseid valguse loomuse teooriaid. Between old and Newton there were many different theories of the nature of light. [31, 1, 11, 92, 81, 87] 50.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, 0.87113844457352, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7844601369297701] -0.17838643916311733 -0.3548138737678528 +103 Mõni päev hiljem teatas Barroso esindaja, et Putinile omistatud vägede Kiievisse saatmise lause oli avaldatud kontekstist välja võetuna. A few days later, the Barroso representative announced that the sentence of sending troops awarded to Putin to Kiev had been taken out of context. [34, 51, 21, 84, 84, 100] 62.333333333333336 [-0.5854743224475824, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.6172985934001295, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.07837303333017596 -0.3662060797214508 +104 Endise Ungari välisministri Géza Jeszenszky hinnanguil hukati karistuseks 350 inimest. A judgment by the former Hungarian Foreign Minister, Géza Jeszenszky, executed 350 people. [33, 51, 21, 25, 43, 34] 34.5 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.6026472036571477, -1.035241880122202, -1.5133829711084976] -0.9356924651096626 -0.2618127167224884 +105 Presidendi valib seitsmeks aastaks rahvas ja teda võib tagasi valida piiramatu arv kordi. The President is elected by the people for seven years and can be re-elected by an unlimited number of times. [92, 91, 100, 97, 100, 81] 93.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1980287771688547, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 1.085739273288551 -0.37992924451828003 +106 Muski sõnade kohaselt on turu vaba iseregulatsioon parim, kuid keskkonnavaenulike sõidukite tootmisel peaks olema omad tagajärjed. Needless to say, free market self-regulation is the best, but the production of environmentally-friendly vehicles should have consequences. [61, 80, 61, 73, 67, 70] 68.66666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, 0.18819751408457033, 0.07788890965667469, 0.08139344852332632] 0.2790972051332599 -0.3911495506763458 +107 Saade läks eetrisse 2003. aasta märtsis nimega "Elu koos Michael Jacksoniga" ja maalis lauljast erakordselt ebameeldiva pildi. The hundred went on broadcast in March 2003 entitled 'Life together with Michael Jackson' and received an exceptionally unpleasant image of the song. [20, 31, 1, 18, 20, 21] 18.5 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -2.124206735023958, -2.6588524300170424] -1.5414246018825573 -0.4385201036930084 +108 Inimest, tema ajalugu, asjaolusid, kultuuri, üldist tähendust võetakse tervikuna. People, their history, circumstances, culture, are taken as a whole. [93, 70, 100, 30, 24, 18] 55.833333333333336 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, -1.1600388359418792, -1.4471491243968742, -1.4768801787803418] -0.16951491087851034 -0.40598732233047485 +109 Palestiina president Maḩmūd ‘Abbās vannutas ametisse peaminister Salam Fayyadi valitsuse. The Palestinian President Madarmūd civilised Abbaās inaugurated the government of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. [31, 1, 1, 26, 32, 20] 18.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.0757696521422635, -1.3504838029351336, -1.5421677572214565] -1.4161427352154103 -0.6785654425621033 +110 Universumi üldine plaan, kord ja harmoonia on Herakleitose maailmale sama omased nagu igavene liikuvus. The universal plan, order and harmony are just as typical of the Herakleitos world as the eternal mobility. [61, 51, 31, 98, 83, 100] 70.66666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 1.239385641192763, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.4106914579370453 -0.3377804458141327 +111 Prantsusmaa kaitseminister Sylvie Goulard teatas, et ei soovi oma ametikohal jätkata. The French defence minister, Mrs Goulard, stated that she did not wish to continue her position. [70, 91, 100, 100, 90, 97] 91.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4879087225913252, 1.198905646365287] 0.9587916720323632 -0.3078799545764923 +112 Sellepärast peavad loogikud võtma metafüüsiku rolli ja uurima paljusid asju kategooriate reaalse olemise kohta. This is why creators must take on the role of metaphysics and examine many things about their actual existence. [61, 51, 31, 72, 73, 71] 59.833333333333336 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.23653881664004375, 0.18819751408457033, 0.05442657251608684] 0.026062695979736605 -0.42816242575645447 +113 Paljud sellised inimest nakatavaid viirused pärinevad loomadelt. Many of these human-infected viruses come from animals. [41, 41, 20, 89, 85, 80] 59.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 0.7028467458012655, 0.6490285747968032, 0.4936093960423005] 0.05192004845798315 -0.35907822847366333 +114 Kigali on pealinn alates riigi iseseisvumisest 1962. aastal. Kigali has been the capital since its independence in 1962. [95, 91, 100, 71, 80, 71] 84.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.4066897413043879, 0.4949620887624109, 0.4152353320091415] 0.8441344218113991 -0.25745782256126404 +115 Tänapäeval kasutatakse võistlustel spetsiaalselt koolitatud ja treenitud võistluskitsi. These days, competitions use specially trained and trained teams. [17, 31, 1, 16, 17, 15] 16.166666666666668 [-1.116613634712719, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -2.1518772087677305, -1.357221951807747, -1.7206510797975005] -1.385348162452883 -0.704194188117981 +116 19. sajandil oli saarte valdav sissetulekuallikas suhkruroo kasvatamine. In the 19th century, sugar cane production was the main source of income for the islands. [93, 91, 100, 100, 83, 78] 90.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5855686120034557, 0.4063488583400919] 0.9627422299311478 -0.2757381796836853 +117 Eesti meediaettevõtte Ekspress Meedia nõukogu kutsus vastavalt tema oma sooviavaldusele ametist tagasi ettevõtte juhatuse esimehe Tõnu Väädi. The Express Meedia Council of the Estonian media company called back for the resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors-General, Tkiss, in accordance with his request. [31, 1, 1, 51, 42, 60] 31.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.7716684006397244, -0.9902503733322566, -0.574314160703546] -0.9774446889448559 -0.5039308667182922 +118 Costa Rica sõlmis diplomaatilised suhted Hiina Rahvavabariigiga. Costa Rica concluded diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. [92, 70, 100, 94, 97, 100] 92.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.851024723251196, 1.4002249366312889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0686605234201092 -0.15370512008666992 +119 Normaalteadlased artikuleerivad ja arendavad paradigmat, püüdes seletada tegeliku maailma aspekte, mis ilmnevad katsetulemustena. Normal scientists are putting forward and developing a paradigm, trying to explain the aspects of the real world that are emerging as test results. [81, 63, 63, 63, 56, 49] 62.5 [0.8829696585207364, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821, -0.24810517442647276, -0.2711408857067372, -0.7871006959787512] 0.03300483934285477 -0.47062474489212036 +120 Väide, et keele omandamise võimet seletab ainult õppimine, tekitab samasuguse ringi nagu kaasasündinud teadmise teooria. The claim that language acquisition can only be explained by learning creates the same circle as the theory of innate knowledge. [93, 70, 100, 91, 83, 94] 88.5 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.774893431721841, 0.6914430875889822, 1.0739581850971294] 0.9345455630426643 -0.4211595952510834 +121 Konstantinoopoli hõivamisele järgnesid massilised röövimised ja tapatalgud, mis kestsid kolm ööpäeva. The occupation of Constantinople was followed by mass robbery and massacres, which lasted three nights. [91, 91, 61, 100, 84, 100] 87.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9134287099687336 -0.27750927209854126 +122 Nigeeria kirdeosas Maiduguri linnas lasid ennast õhku neli teismelisest tüdrukust enesetaputerroristi. In the north-east of Nigeria, in the town of MaDugur, four teenage girls were blown up by suicide bombers. [41, 41, 20, 38, 42, 45] 37.833333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, -1.1343437451734075, -1.1643408202996632, -0.620170681070149] -0.7421366120726148 -0.47063425183296204 +123 Selles valguses tuleb tõlgendada ka teisi Herakleitose terminid, mis käivad olemise formaalse külje kohta. In this context, other Herakleitos terms, which relate to the formal aspect of being, must also be interpreted. [50, 51, 80, 100, 83, 100] 77.33333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302] 0.5803301111915672 -0.4270261228084564 +124 pisi[[Rooma riik pärast Theodosius I surma aastal 395. Big [The State of Rome after the death of Theodosius I] 395. [50, 51, 21, 86, 84, 67] 59.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.5947767169204025, 0.6681304714467177, 0.07788890965667469] 0.06817544575313383 -0.2805313169956207 +125 Vahetult pärast Esimest maailmasõda domineeris mõlema riigi valitsustes ja elanikkonna seas patsifism. Immediate after the First World War, pacifism dominated both governments and populations. [61, 51, 31, 100, 82, 79] 67.33333333333333 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3426133161983885] 0.2876124697212544 -0.3224802613258362 +126 Sambia smaragdileiukohad kuuluvad maailma rikkalikumate hulka. Zambia Emerging Inventures are among the richest in the world. [35, 31, 5, 27, 36, 44] 29.666666666666668 [-0.5542308334908096, -0.6798210592198779, -1.179792713364438, -1.5306005177365722, -0.9057405136402134, -0.9938850160982935] -0.9740117755917007 -0.39310842752456665 +127 Evald ei suuda uskuda, et Pille on temasse niivõrd kiindunud. You cannot believe that Pilate is so attached to her. [5, 1, 1, 8, 1, 5] 3.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1823889517292514, -2.016289862523797, -2.1358483113075737] -1.6125488395717202 -0.3197171986103058 +128 Kui vanematel lapse koolitarveteks raha ei ole, lükkub kooliminek edasi. If parents do not have any money for children's school supplies, then going to school will be delayed. [94, 91, 100, 100, 80, 90] 92.5 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 1.0195112126704309 -0.5077177882194519 +129 Mais on põhitoidus ja seda kasvatatakse praktiliselt kõigis väikemajapidamistes. Maize is a staple food and is grown in practically all small households. [92, 91, 62, 56, 83, 53] 72.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, -0.2711408857067372, 0.6245002025956135, -0.6024744741083305] 0.3995026896255805 -0.3024728000164032 +130 See, et moraalselt võidakse teha seda, mida keegi on tegelikult teinud, on psühholoogiliselt mõjus printsiip, kuigi see pole deontiliselt kehtiv. The moral hazard of doing what someone has actually done is a psychologically effective principle, even though it is not in force deconically. [81, 61, 61, 98, 89, 80] 78.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401, 1.027056832443855, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4936093960423005] 0.6148390839186936 -0.4224093556404114 +131 Laine vihastab end oimetuks, kui leiab, et ta ei ole saanud poes soovitud kampaaniakleepse. The vessel makes itself self-induced if it considers that it has not received the campaign flames it wants in the shop. [7, 1, 1, 21, 15, 18] 10.5 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7467405754982985, -1.7332322178612452, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5391886510160067 -0.6638471484184265 +132 Armastatu ja tema maailma nägemine paigutab ta nägemisvälja keskmesse. She places the vision centre stage in seeing the scale and seeing her world. [18, 1, 1, 26, 29, 28] 17.166666666666668 [-1.0853701457559461, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7383085685286457, -1.4585538318159967, -1.3021598218893584] -1.4056037962776093 -0.685016393661499 +133 95.\tNii nagu Vabastaja oli ilmutanud seda, kirjutas Johannes selle üles ja säilitas hoolikalt. 95. As the Liberator had shown it, it was written by Johannes and maintained it carefully. [50, 51, 80, 81, 67, 58] 64.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.5372396648934048, 0.11148587755891945, -0.20768092291338958] 0.1790738783302306 -0.5930062532424927 +134 Peamiselt avalike teenuste jaoks mõeldud raha jagatakse president Maḩmūd ‘Abbāsi büroo vahendusel. Money intended mainly for public services will be distributed through President Mapitamūd love Abbas' office. [33, 31, 61, 63, 67, 58] 52.166666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, 0.3057658652975401, -0.49731359731548613, 0.07788890965667469, -0.21474005308299082] -0.2708229576780825 -0.6841076612472534 +135 Poolas toimus rahvahääletus valimissüsteemi muutmiseks ja parteide riikliku rahastamise jätkamiseks. A referendum was held in Poland to change the electoral system and to continue the public funding of political parties. [93, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.134320683495756 -0.3175778388977051 +136 Paarisseks ei ole masturbeerimine, kui üks või mõlemad püüavad teisele rahuldust pakkuda. There is no such danger as security when one or both try to bring satisfaction to another. [7, 31, 1, 23, 27, 30] 19.833333333333332 [-1.4290485242804463, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.318230271796973, -1.818794853066228, -1.697337004628338] -1.3715226255672641 -0.6061809659004211 +137 Sisehoov loodi Richard Lõvisüdame valitsusajal, siis kui sisemise kaitsemüüri lääneossa kaevati vallikraav, kahekordistades tõhusalt linnuse suurust. The internal lever was created under Richard Potworm's government, when the internal wall of protection was dubbed in the western part of the wall, doubling the size of the towns effectively. [31, 1, 1, 78, 80, 79] 45.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.3065899732381008, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7123928783280498] -0.3359738252308597 -0.6374462842941284 +138 Ta usub, et on seda tõestanud, näidates, mida tavalises moraalitunnetuses juba mõeldakse. He believes that he has proved this by showing what is already meant in his usual moral sense. [36, 51, 66, 95, 85, 67] 66.66666666666667 [-0.5229873445340368, -0.09081751919047204, 0.4384050241066452, 1.1153150491210377, 0.711760740297822, 0.07788890965667469] 0.2882608099096118 -0.518513023853302 +139 Moraalsete ja ratsionaalsete toimijatena tahame, et toimijad saaksid üksteise tegudest aru saada ja õigustatuna näha. As moral and rational operators, we want the players to be able to understand each other's actions and see them as justified. [50, 51, 80, 98, 74, 100] 75.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 1.027056832443855, 0.23182778293567463, 0.9230496311961767] 0.46922214950302593 -0.4952281713485718 +140 Ka Naani venna pere pakkus talle abi; sellest ütles Naan ära. The wife's brother family also offered her help; that is what Naan said. [10, 11, 1, 68, 81, 75] 41.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -0.05364345636477628, 0.5372396648934048, 0.33172876083006514] -0.5124536212854066 -0.3762069642543793 +141 Väide, et lahutatud hüve on absoluutne hüve või hüve iseeneses, on vastuolus platonistide vaatega, on olemas üksainus kõikide hüvede vorm. The claim that the divorced benefit is an absolute benefit or a benefit in itself contradicts the views of the posters is a single form of all goods. [10, 1, 11, 33, 35, 37] 21.166666666666668 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.314460459974846, -1.4697527022573933, -1.2833830642656527] -1.331144395994253 -0.5153764486312866 +142 Võib esitada hüpoteesi, et nahkhiired lendavad öösel tõhusalt siiski tänu silmadele. It may be hypothesis that leather disorders are flying effectively at night, however, thanks to their eyes. [7, 1, 1, 29, 54, 43] 22.5 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4585538318159967, -0.3597293555905065, -1.035241880122202] -1.1886340002474767 -0.5159688591957092 +143 Sellepärast vaatleb ta mõõtvat inimest, kes kõigele loodule mõõdu seab, kõikide asjade mõõduna. That is why he sees a measurable person who sets a sword on everything that is hoped for as a measure of all things. [15, 1, 1, 45, 51, 39] 25.333333333333332 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8821803444513935, -0.4297907926901062, -1.2006693362178358] -1.0901619159435514 -0.49725762009620667 +144 Vagunites olid 200 hukkunu säilmed, mitte 282, nagu olid väitnud mässajad. Nowhere were the remains of the 200 dead, not 282, as the rebels had claimed. [14, 31, 1, 23, 25, 1] 15.833333333333334 [-1.2103441015830372, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.4275290808375833, -1.4109017987699952, -2.016289862523797] -1.3384649905576687 -0.37400662899017334 +145 Hispaanias toimusid ametiühingute korraldatud üleriigilised meeleavaldused konservatiivse valitsuse kavandatavate tööseadusandluse reformide vastu. In Spain, there were country-wide demonstrations organised by the trade unions against the planned reforms of labour legislation proposed by the conservative government. [91, 70, 100, 97, 96, 96] 91.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 1.162658320738408, 1.156671913144946] 1.0524759032169015 -0.3470122516155243 +146 Eelmine lumesadu Nepali pealinnas leidis aset 63 aastat varem. The previous snow in Nepal's capital city was 63 years earlier. [50, 51, 31, 78, 90, 67] 61.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.674179986200092, 0.9451743669771346, 0.07788890965667469] 0.17179635949118666 -0.2822107672691345 +147 Kui jutt on ühest, siis tulevad meile sealjuures tavaliselt pähe paljud. When it comes to one thing, it usually takes many people to mind. [10, 1, 11, 42, 68, 46] 29.666666666666668 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -0.9902503733322566, 0.14773320318579836, -0.9111712880504766] -0.9454931012774268 -0.5339292883872986 +148 Et igas aines järjestust teada, peab mõtlema, et alustada tuleb sellest, millest paremini aru saadakse. In order to know the order of each of the substances, one has to think that we have to start with what is better understood. [50, 51, 80, 91, 83, 98] 75.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.8394084631768461, 0.6245002025956135, 1.239385641192763] 0.5561154929012786 -0.5946550369262695 +149 Aastal 1134 hakkas Yafo krahv Hugo II koos moslemitega Ashkelonist kuninga vastu mässama, ta mõisteti in absentia riigireetmise eest süüdi. In 1134, the County of Yafo Hugo II, together with Muslims from Ashkelon, started riot with the King of Ashkelon, who was convicted of treason for absentia. [36, 31, 61, 26, 30, 34] 36.333333333333336 [-0.5229873445340368, -0.6798210592198779, 0.3057658652975401, -1.2230403276069515, -1.687904046512915, -1.2784371170145583] -0.8477373382651332 -0.3718131184577942 +150 Esimest, ontoloogilist väidet peetakse teise, epistemoloogilise väite järelmiks, kuid ta ei järeldu sellest. The first, ontological claim is considered to be the conclusion of the second, epicological claim, but he does not conclude from it. [91, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.5 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.0480471567366232 -0.40661701560020447 +151 Samuti ei ole tegemist vabatõendiga, sest need ei tõenda menetluslikku asjaolu, s.o. Nor is it an excuse, because they do not prove the procedural fact, i.e.. [31, 11, 1, 100, 85, 93] 53.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 1.0811424575112913, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] -0.08969363419993316 -0.5488425493240356 +152 Belgias Brüsselis algas Euroopa Liidu ja euroala rahandusministrite kahepäevane kohtumiste sari. A series of two-day meetings of EU and euro area finance ministers began in Brussels in Belgium. [92, 70, 100, 100, 83, 92] 89.5 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.9384128917374707 -0.36442190408706665 +153 Uus partei kogus kiiresti poolehoidjaid ja 1962. aasta sügisel peetud üldvalimistel sai ta hea tulemuse. The new party quickly collected sympathisers and received a good result in the general election held in autumn 1962. [92, 91, 100, 100, 100, 81] 94.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 1.0692517301544802 -0.3820410668849945 +154 Mis asju ajab aga Henry vana Vissi juures, võib vaid aimata. What is happening with Henry's old Visas, however, can only be foreseen. [4, 1, 1, 17, 12, 7] 7.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6568064336053296, -2.4732488858327923, -1.7447839517266321] -1.7078081119985378 -0.4674411714076996 +155 Õiguskirjanduses on viidatud, et alati ei pruugi töövõtuleping olla sõlmitud füüsilise asja suhtes kehalises kujul. The literary has indicated that a contract for work may not always be concluded on physical matters in a physical form. [20, 31, 1, 77, 85, 68] 47.0 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.3951887236234128, 0.711760740297822, -0.001320279524490586] -0.3138298471795427 -0.47112661600112915 +156 Aukartus liini kaitsjate ees oli nii suur, et ei juletud teha isegi korraliku luuret luurepatrullidega. The prize to the defenders of the line was so great that it did not even talk about proper intelligence patrols. [20, 31, 1, 87, 84, 89] 52.0 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.7124885375901508, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6882604319190001] -0.153288137753022 -0.5263828635215759 +157 Jacksoni perekonna nõudmisel korraldati ka teine lahang, mis võimaldas kiireid, ent piiratud tulemusi. At the request of the Jackson family there was a second standstill, which allowed rapid but limited results. [31, 1, 1, 28, 26, 29] 19.333333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2364646201977947, -1.3746544731431163, -1.12785038341693] -1.2112341126252417 -0.4689486026763916 +158 Tallinnas Miinisadamas toimunud piduliku rivistusega tähistati Eesti mereväe loomise 96. aastapäeva. The celebrations in the Tallinn City of Miinstridam marked the 96th anniversary of the establishment of the Estonian naval force. [31, 31, 3, 80, 73, 66] 47.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, 0.4936093960423005, 0.26826879803671755, -0.0840340075723075] -0.31900500648652463 -0.40266022086143494 +159 Gaita meelest ei ole distsipliini valdajate pädevuses määrata, kas Anscombe'il on õigus. Gaita does not believe that it is up to the discipline holders to determine whether Anscombe is right. [92, 70, 100, 74, 67, 81] 80.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.24682090461896014, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.6496141106767167 -0.3938628137111664 +160 Jõgeval algasid kaks päeva kestnud XVI Alo Mattiiseni muusikapäevad. Two days of XVI Alo Mattiisen's music day began in July. [61, 80, 61, 72, 79, 65] 69.66666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, 0.23653881664004375, 0.44997912719119615, -0.1617134852456394] 0.30865130285343145 -0.3042500913143158 +161 Parlamendi istungi ajal avaldas parlamendihoone ees Ateenas uue eelarve vastu meelt umbes 10 000 inimest. During the plenary session in Athens, some 10 000 people were demonstrating against the new budget. [92, 70, 100, 100, 84, 100] 91.0 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.0251572202209114 -0.41452282667160034 +162 Väheefektiivne on võitlus võimu kuritarvitustega, eriti politseis ja teistes jõuametkondades. The fight against abuses of power, especially in the police and other forces, is ineffective. [92, 91, 100, 82, 99, 100] 94.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.6551957619621033, 1.2807425052166714, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1191842441413036 -0.40743523836135864 +163 Kontserdil astusid üles ka George Harrison, Neil Young, Roger McGuinn, Steve Cropper, Tom Petty ja muidugi Bob Dylan ise. George Harrison, Neil Young, Roger McGuinness, Steve Cropper, Tom Petty and, of course, Bob Dylan himself also took part in the Conferences. [22, 31, 1, 81, 78, 84] 49.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.4146600021189639, 0.412248360714594, 0.6681304714467177] -0.23851374254669647 -0.20091678202152252 +164 Otsuse tingis presidendi soov viia kiirendatud korras läbi põhiseaduslik reform, millega suurendatakse parlamendi volitusi. This decision was due to the President's wish for an accelerated constitutional reform, which will increase Parliament's powers. [91, 91, 100, 75, 58, 80] 82.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5595413098162189, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5827011107083454] 0.7595844850960898 -0.48963913321495056 +165 Maavärina epitsenter asus 58 kilomeetri kaugusel Kalamáta linnast. The epicentre of the earthquake was 58 kilometres from the town of Kalamáta. [94, 91, 100, 100, 79, 100] 94.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0651228035230365 -0.13060611486434937 +166 Lapsi kasvatatakse ühiselt, võrdselt vaadatakse oma ja naabri laste järele, abiks on ka vanemad lapsed. Children are grown together, their children and their neighbours are equally looked after, and older children are also assisted. [33, 31, 3, 68, 58, 78] 45.166666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -0.12373767527720667, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5102064594545875] -0.3917665643747203 -0.5187050700187683 +167 Inimesi ja ühiskondi üldiselt nii kohelda ei saa ilma, et uurimisobjekt hävitataks. People and societies in general cannot be treated like this without the destruction of research facilities. [70, 91, 100, 65, 84, 76] 81.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.01442894686332708, 0.6681304714467177, 0.32953463266677707] 0.6631543659749931 -0.30637624859809875 +168 Eesti välisminister Urmas Paet avas Prantsusmaal Pariisis koos Prantsusmaa Euroopa asjade ministri Catherine Colonnaga Eesti uue saatkonnahoone. The Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet opened a new Estonian embassy building in Paris with the French Minister for European Affairs, Catherine Colonna. [94, 70, 100, 87, 100, 80] 88.5 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7990212780000306, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4949620887624109] 0.9195306375523596 -0.31984758377075195 +169 Kui Maa ei pöörle, miks siis sellel olevad lahtised esemed ei paisku eemale nagu kivid pöörlevalt rattalt? If the earth does not turn, why do the open items in it not move away like stones flowing from wheels? [13, 41, 11, 59, 51, 55] 38.333333333333336 [-1.2415875905398097, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.3778535430073656, -0.4297907926901062, -0.5971473252353072] -0.6753873772452126 -0.5493811368942261 +170 Hüve võrdlemine iluga oli viga, sest hüve ei saa kontempleerida. Comparing the compensation with the beauty was a mistake, because the benefit cannot be connived. [31, 31, 6, 55, 55, 55] 38.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.1532648816026168, -0.20471653274293583, -0.32348202996362757, -0.302870867103411] -0.5572266933250616 -0.45627281069755554 +171 Ainsana Eestit esindavatest saadikutest ei toetanud resolutsiooni vastuvõtmist Keskerakonna liige Yana Toom. The only Member representing Estonia did not support the adoption of the resolution by Yana Toom, a member of the Central Party. [15, 31, 31, 44, 48, 51] 36.666666666666664 [-1.1791006126262644, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.9182036874116812, -0.4769400795635252, -0.4297907926901062] -0.6956542198447577 -0.3317093551158905 +172 Filosoofial võib selles protseduuris oma koht olla, nagu tal on küsimuse äratundmisel, kuid ta ei saa seda protseduuri asendada. A philosopher may have a place in this procedure, as she has in identifying the issue, but he cannot replace the procedure. [50, 61, 31, 91, 84, 98] 69.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.8394084631768461, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8337359223850412] 0.3282185868560878 -0.4377264976501465 +173 Podolsk on oluline teaduskeskus, kus tegeletakse tuumauuringute ja tuumaenergeetika seadmete väljatöötamisega. Podolsk is an important research centre in the development of nuclear research and nuclear power installations. [91, 91, 100, 75, 62, 81] 83.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.2881777686428686, -0.08076099732669434, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7279336415291571 -0.4637068808078766 +174 1981. aastal suri 25 aastat peaministri ametis olnud Eric Williams, kuid tema Rahva Rahvusliikumine suutis veel viieks aastaks võimule jääda. In 1981, Mr. Eric Williams, who was Prime Minister for 25 years, died, but his People's National Movement was able to remain in power for another five years. [85, 91, 100, 100, 100, 80] 92.66666666666667 [1.0079436143478273, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 1.0255292815630612 -0.31027382612228394 +175 Kui puudub kohane moraalselt arusaadav kahetsuse võimalus, siis väljend "moraalselt samaväärne" on asjatu. If there is no proper morally understandable possibility of regret, the expression 'morally equivalent' is in vain. [70, 91, 100, 100, 92, 84] 89.5 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9211703080855459 -0.3572293519973755 +176 Jane on Alma peale pahane, et ta Katrini nende majast välja tõstis. She is a man from Alma and she has pointed out to Katrin in her house. [7, 1, 1, 22, 13, 30] 12.333333333333334 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.0369461973217495, -1.635530085763711, -1.572881112433012] -1.5872727215791045 -0.7800279259681702 +177 Naine ütles, et Hitler tegi ta mõrvariks ning sellepärast vihkabki ta Hitlerit kõige rohkem. A woman said that Hitler made him a murderer, and that is why he hates Hitler the most. [61, 51, 31, 62, 82, 79] 61.0 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.08076099732669434, 0.5808699337445091, 0.22733597719895088] 0.06744303104241406 -0.24673476815223694 +178 Esimese sinimustvalge lipp õnnistati Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi lipuna Otepääl 4. juunil 1884. The first sleeping white flag of Estonian students was blessed at the Selts Bunch on 4 June 1884. [3, 1, 1, 37, 41, 39] 20.333333333333332 [-1.5540224801075373, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.892548591046175, -0.8309445887399325, -0.810550569450192] -1.1562161065032577 -0.4470676779747009 +179 Ja Platon ei ütle, et poiss ei võtnud teadmist jooniselt, mille Sokrates liiva sisse tegi. And Platon does not say that the boy did not learn in line with what the Sokrats did in the sand. [10, 40, 31, 81, 84, 77] 53.833333333333336 [-1.335318057410128, -0.41476946620664523, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4146600021189639, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] -0.13107910681958287 -0.4901792109012604 +180 Järelikult tuli Friedrichi sissetung Böömimaale Austria õukonnale üllatusena ja Friedrich ei kohanud Böömimaal peaaegu mingit vastupanu. Consequently, the invasion of Friedrich in Bohemia came as a surprise to the Austrian horror and Friedrich met almost no resistance in Bohemia. [18, 1, 1, 63, 52, 40] 29.166666666666668 [-1.0853701457559461, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2337601711662148, -0.19217063186321356, -0.7788205880535182] -0.8565586577524336 -0.31255677342414856 +181 Väekontingendi uueks juhiks sai kindral Dan McNeill. General Dan McNeill was the new head of the argument. [15, 1, 1, 31, 29, 33] 18.333333333333332 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6442737776618106, -1.12785038341693, -1.4488105203612864] -1.3748776172903334 -0.4407145082950592 +182 Vanimateks kirjalikeks allikateks, kus leidub andmeid eesti rahvaluule kohta, on keskaegsed kroonikad. The oldest written sources of data on the front currency are mediaeval chronies. [14, 31, 1, 28, 41, 14] 21.5 [-1.2103441015830372, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.7751645842151236, -1.1179556081700188, -1.75320393806394] -1.303732221943953 -0.610980212688446 +183 Sloveenia politsei otsis läbi riigi endise peaministri Alenka Bratušeki kodu ja tema erakonna peakorteri. The Slovenian police searched through the home of the former Prime Minister of the country, Alenka Bratuški, and his party's headquarters. [92, 91, 100, 100, 84, 100] 94.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0238227500212593 -0.24615812301635742 +184 Kiriku lähistel avati samal aastal ka kool, kuid selle hoone ei ole säilinud. The school was opened in the very same year near the Church, but this building has not been preserved. [92, 91, 100, 100, 84, 92] 93.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9912444570493123] 1.0657843813215762 -0.4805760979652405 +185 Lõunarannikul Faros on augusti keskmine maksimaalne õhutemperatuur 28,8 °C. On the southern coast, the maximum air temperature in August is 28.8 ° C. [50, 51, 21, 74, 70, 84] 58.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.16249660139694996, -0.19997321272861532, 0.6681304714467177] -0.05018159389832325 -0.2907274067401886 +186 Kurikuulsa Kim Philby tegevuse tagajärjel aga olid Nõukogude julgeolekuorganid Lääne luure ettevalmistustega hästi kursis. However, as a result of the notorious Kim Philby's actions, the Soviet security authorities were well acquainted with the preparations of the Western army. [91, 70, 100, 91, 87, 94] 88.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.774893431721841, 0.8364323900964978, 1.0739581850971294] 0.9482959504749925 -0.33676353096961975 +187 Maavärin ei tekitanud purustusi ega tekitanud ka hiidlainet. The earthquake did not create destruction, nor did it create food for the Chinese. [10, 1, 1, 10, 1, 18] 6.833333333333333 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.142997348061463, -1.655442005902876, -1.4768801787803418] -1.5766446666384197 -0.47780367732048035 +188 Tai sõjaväeline valitsus tühistas kukutatud peaministri Thaksin Shinawatra diplomaatilise passi ja keelas ajakirjandusel tema sõnavõttude avaldamise. The Thai military government annulled the overthrow Prime Minister Thame Shinawatra's diplomatic passport and banned the press from publishing his speeches. [31, 1, 1, 59, 82, 76] 41.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.3735320557396667, 0.5808699337445091, 0.36345874222673896] -0.49293976312700466 -0.4222854673862457 +189 Isegi kui eetikas konvergents aset leiab, siis pole õige arvata, et sellepärast, et asjad ongi nii. Even if ethical convergence takes place, it is not right to think that this is the case. [91, 91, 100, 94, 88, 100] 94.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.2855862602474157, 0.8726797157233768, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1510316141138446 -0.349516361951828 +190 Keskendudes ühe inimese elueale ja kiiretele muutustele keele õppimise ajal, peame seda paindlikuks ja keelt konstantseks. By focusing on the life of one person and rapid changes in language learning, we consider it to be flexible and linguistic in context. [70, 91, 100, 90, 86, 81] 86.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7208132901854393, 0.680758556193477, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8176072760242431 -0.4470967948436737 +191 Ühtki neist ma ei saa teistele näidata, kuigi saan neid mingil määral kirjeldada, sealhulgas metafoorselt. None of them can I show others, although I can describe them to some extent, including in metaphorus. [41, 41, 70, 73, 71, 84] 63.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, 0.5445163511539294, 0.2054640405950517, -0.15602580167726396, 0.6681304714467177] 0.0849993120938478 -0.3316030502319336 +192 Visiidi esimesel päeval kohtus ta Hiina peaministri Li Keqiangiga. On the first day of the visit, she met Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang. [94, 91, 100, 93, 81, 100] 93.16666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8469401176424164, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0376389930197356 -0.3019281029701233 +193 Tolleaegne rikas pankur teenis aastas 10 000 naela ja arst või jurist 1500 naela. At that time, a rich banker earned GBP 10 000 a year and a doctor or a lawyer at GBP 1 500. [61, 91, 71, 63, 62, 63] 68.5 [0.25809987938528167, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5710441829157504, -0.20810459964403286, -0.26978351412650253, -0.03350342494859623] 0.23415701407504 -0.3859584629535675 +194 Kuid kolonnis oli meeste laskmisvõimalus piiratud, rääkimata millegi nägemisest. However, in Colonn the opportunity to shoot men was limited, let alone see something. [31, 1, 1, 69, 57, 44] 33.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.013676438680153098, -0.2394109043100634, -0.9938850160982935] -0.7913424467869689 -0.4887296259403229 +195 Kuhn toob näiteks James Clerk Maxwelli elektromagnetismiteooria probleemid seoses eetriga ning Maa liikumisega selle suhtes 19. sajandi lõpu poole. For example, the problems of James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory in relation to ethanol and the Earth's movement towards the end of the 19th century. [34, 61, 31, 91, 84, 88] 64.83333333333333 [-0.5854743224475824, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.774893431721841, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7442185189868247] 0.21923054382915685 -0.37972891330718994 +196 Need mehed purustasid oma Vene vastased, kuid kui mõlemalt poolt valgus peale suur hulk ratsaväge, ei olnud võitja veel selge. These men crushed their opponents in Russia, but when there were a lot of foam from both sides, the winner was not yet clear. [31, 1, 1, 41, 13, 27] 19.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1179556081700188, -1.4708067095166788, -1.3300167806002303] -1.2412023828800895 -0.46834853291511536 +197 2015. aasta juuniks oli Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni andmetel üle 27 000 haigestumisjuhu, millest üle 11 000 oli lõppenud surmaga. By June 2015, according to the World Health Organisation, there were more than 27,000 cases of illness, of which more than 11,000 had died. [70, 91, 100, 66, 85, 80] 82.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.1256901422853517, 0.711760740297822, 0.4949620887624109] 0.6746441386080031 -0.3356305658817291 +198 1960. aastate keskpaigaks sai Lakatos teadlikuks Thomas Kuhni alternatiivsest vaatest teadusele. By the mid-1960s, Mr Lakato became aware of Mr Kuhn's alternative view of science. [77, 71, 100, 56, 84, 80] 78.0 [0.7579957026936455, 0.4981860208389338, 1.3403513040085604, -0.2711408857067372, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3952847075210473] 0.5648012201336946 -0.32156622409820557 +199 Kohtueelse menetluse käigus pakkus Prokuratuur Kenderile kahel korral lõpetada kriminaalasi kokkuleppemenetluses, kuid Kender keeldus. In pre-trial proceedings, the Public Prosecutor's Office offered Kender twice to end the criminal case in an agreement but Kent refused. [50, 61, 31, 60, 78, 69] 58.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -0.01365207210314715, 0.5102064594545875, 0.1413488724500223] 0.04432332065489736 -0.40809890627861023 +200 Bahreinis toimus parlamendivalimiste esimene voor. Bahrain held the first round of parliamentary elections. [94, 91, 100, 100, 100, 87] 95.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 1.1249782957469103, 0.8364323900964978] 1.12653817053173 -0.19111423194408417 +201 ja internetioksjonifirma eBay avalikustasid kokkuleppe, mille kohaselt Yahoo omandas ainuõiguse reklaami müügile eBay lehekülgedel. and the online auction company eBay unveiled the agreement that Yahoo! obtained exclusive advertising for sales on eBay pages. [92, 91, 100, 100, 83, 79] 90.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.45360522473850245] 0.9762121041671937 -0.46813228726387024 +202 Raske on seletada, miks reflektiivne mina, millel pole konkreetsete soovide sidumusi, peaks hoolima mõne soovi täitumisest. It is difficult to explain why a reflective me, which has no connection with specific wishes, should care to fulfil some of the wishes. [95, 91, 100, 100, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2825681501334085 -0.46738868951797485 +203 Osalt on asi selles, et mittemateriaalne substants pole otseselt ligipääsetav. It is partly that the non-material substance is not directly accessible. [95, 91, 100, 100, 82, 78] 91.0 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 0.412248360714594] 0.9733568636026647 -0.36275529861450195 +204 Kultuuriteadustele ei ole oluline mitte ainult individuaalne omapära, vaid ka terve rühma elementide omapära. Cultural science is important not only in its individual character, but also in the specific nature of a whole group of elements. [70, 91, 100, 81, 78, 100] 86.66666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5102064594545875, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8565427608280065 -0.5018380284309387 +205 Seriaali esimeseks stsenaristiks oli Astrid Reinla ja režissöör Tõnis Kask. The first sentence in the chamber was Astrid Reinla and the director, Tbleis KCopis. [7, 31, 1, 33, 30, 35] 22.833333333333332 [-1.4290485242804463, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.557013239959602, -1.422530488855709, -1.3660967923134697] -1.2900690241734711 -0.5775570273399353 +206 Talupoegade peamised rühmad olid paritsi ja otrotsi. The main groups in the sons were parby and otrots. [10, 31, 1, 37, 38, 38] 25.833333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.2833830642656527, -1.5638379586849303, -1.3388618957040805] -1.2478543459493985 -0.4452880322933197 +207 Bulgaaria patriarhaadi territoriaalne ulatus varieerus vastavalt territoriaalsetele muudatustele. The territorial scope of the Bulgarian Patriarchate was varied according to territorial changes. [92, 91, 100, 81, 100, 91] 92.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9498875930254039] 1.0443824092646425 -0.2972221374511719 +208 Trinidad ja Tobago osaleb Kariibi ühisturus, riigi pealinnas Port of Spainis asub aga 2005. aastal asutatud Kariibi Kohus. Trinidad and Tobago are part of the Caribbean Common Market, while the country's capital, Port of Soluis, is located at the Caribbean Court, which was established in 2005. [31, 11, 1, 38, 30, 21] 22.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.1343437451734075, -1.687904046512915, -1.3816902345903206] -1.2396452425425915 -0.408932089805603 +209 Teisel juhul on kõige lihtsam väita, et keha ja vaim mõjutavad teineteist põhjuslikult. In the second case, it is easiest to claim that the body and the spirit affect each other with reason. [70, 91, 100, 81, 67, 78] 81.16666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5372396648934048, -0.08966679932506398, 0.412248360714594] 0.6377755618593453 -0.44249647855758667 +210 Murdoch paneb ette lisada tähelepanemise, vaatamise idee. Murdoch proposes to add an idea of observation, an examination. [70, 91, 100, 100, 82, 72] 85.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.16410717657114324] 0.8061312584892831 -0.5680114030838013 +211 Sellest tulebki, et mõned eesmärgid on toimingud ja teised on esemed, mis on toimingutest eraldi. This means that some objectives are actions and others are objects that are separate from activities. [94, 91, 100, 100, 83, 92] 93.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 1.051903007561541 -0.5386812090873718 +212 Küllap on enamik filosoofe tulnud filosoofiasse mässajatena, otsides sügavat sorti vabadus. Most philosophers have come into the philosophy of rebels in search of deep freedom. [50, 31, 31, 93, 85, 100] 65.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9028684259701937, 0.711760740297822, 0.8975674955625244] 0.2094546693190588 -0.33971959352493286 +213 Magnentiuse mehed tabasid ta Püreneede jalamil Helena kindluse lähistel ja hukkasid ta kohapeal. She was struck and executed on the eve of Fortress Helena by the men of Magegus at the Pyrenees. [31, 1, 1, 29, 15, 1] 13.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1982517280698368, -1.7733750550387843, -2.016289862523797] -1.4193919741043377 -0.5503823161125183 +214 Tutsidest koosnev armee tappis seoses sellega üle 5000 hutu, sealhulgas endise valitsusjuhi Bamina ja UPRONA endise esimehe Mirerekano. The Tutsis army killed more than 5 000 dead in this regard, including the former head of government Baina and the former president of UPRONA, Mirerekano. [25, 31, 1, 71, 73, 75] 46.0 [-0.866665723058537, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.10093697638236171, 0.26826879803671755, 0.2881777686428686] -0.3625012132713648 -0.30100011825561523 +215 Nende näidete puhul võiks öelda, et tegu pole mitte uudsete nähtuste ennustustega, vaid nähtuste uudsete ennustustega. These examples show that they are not new predictions of phenomena but new predictions of phenomena. [21, 1, 11, 54, 39, 56] 30.333333333333332 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -0.4510896074063719, -0.8161228067902595, -0.2711408857067372] -0.8523241784744157 -0.47502681612968445 +216 Ameerika Ühendriikide New Mexico osariigi kuberner Bill Richardson kuulutas välja seaduse, millega legaliseeriti kanepi kasutus valuvaigistina. The Governor of the State of New Mexico, Bill Richardt, of the United States of America has announced a law legalising cannabis as a painkiller. [85, 91, 61, 95, 89, 100] 86.83333333333333 [1.0079436143478273, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 0.7379885626188164, 0.9089270413502557, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8621321567049481 -0.25692471861839294 +217 Linnuse asukohta ei ole siiamaani suudetud kindlaks teha, kuid uued uurimused paigutavad selle Soela väina lõunarannale Triigi poolsaarele. The location of the city has so far not been detected, but new studies are being placed on the southern coast of the Strait of Soela on the Tstate Peninsula. [19, 1, 1, 71, 82, 60] 39.0 [-1.0541266567991734, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.20480883524336993, 0.5808699337445091, -0.574314160703546] -0.6153320763650915 -0.4757527709007263 +218 Kuigi Vasa oli pärast 333 aastat merepõhjas üllatavalt heas seisus, oleks see kiiresti lagunema hakanud, kui kerel oleks lastud lihtsalt ära kuivada. Although the left was surprisingly healthy on the seabed after 333 years, it would have rapidly collapsed if a leton had simply been allowed to dry. [17, 1, 1, 44, 52, 42] 26.166666666666668 [-1.116613634712719, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9182036874116812, -0.4322240068442644, -1.0765987441461105] -1.065478413798414 -0.43906205892562866 +219 Asjaolu, et inimene armastab midagi, ei anna talle lihtsalt tahte toorainet. The fact that a person loves something simply does not give him the will. [50, 51, 80, 67, 84, 81] 68.83333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6681304714467177, 0.5363189527863194] 0.3192894973886935 -0.4406159520149231 +220 21. veebruaril 2008 kutsus ta Kosovot ja Serbiat leppimisele. On 21 February 2008, he called for reconciliation between Kosovo and Serbia. [91, 70, 100, 74, 100, 73] 84.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.43447507515061307, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4831155255603034] 0.8368643025016391 -0.2487880140542984 +221 Piisab sellest, kui kas või üks inimene sind armastab. It is enough for one person to love you. [93, 100, 70, 100, 84, 100] 91.16666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 1.004816709290405 -0.42698749899864197 +222 XV sajandi alguseks rajati ka võimas 625 meetri pikkune ja 7 meetri kõrgune eelringmüür. At the beginning of the XV century a powerful pre-circuit of 625 metres and 7 metres was also built. [31, 51, 21, 100, 78, 84] 60.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4063488583400919, 0.6603895448580447] 0.10674536797981549 -0.3805053234100342 +223 Kokku hõlmavad õppused 45 000 sõjaväelast eri kaitseringkondades. In total, the exercises cover 45 000 military personnel in various protected areas. [47, 51, 77, 88, 76, 82] 70.16666666666667 [-0.1793089660095367, -0.09081751919047204, 0.7302111734866766, 0.6668234028409779, 0.3190883206378832, 0.5538386306067818] 0.3333058403953851 -0.5018210411071777 +224 Konkursi peaauhinna 1000 eurot koos Aasta keskkonnateo aunimetusega pälvis Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu projekt "Linnuõpe loodusainete õpetajatele". The €1,000 Grand Prize, together with the Year's Environmental Act designation, was awarded to a project from the Estonian Ornitology Society, entitled "Urban learning for teachers of natural materials." [33, 51, 21, 48, 29, 39] 36.833333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.2835998066797767, -1.12785038341693, -1.2006693362178358] -0.6791670436807785 -0.5671324133872986 +225 Eesti on parlamentaarne vabariik, kus seadusandlikku võimu teostab parlament Riigikogu, millel on 101 liiget. Estonia is a parliamentary republic, with a legislative power exercised by Parliament by a national assembly with 101 members. [94, 71, 100, 68, 85, 86] 84.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.4981860208389338, 1.3403513040085604, -0.05364345636477628, 0.711760740297822, 0.7431032729058616] 0.7548154827741973 -0.5259034037590027 +226 Rünnakus hukkus üks Ameerika Ühendriikide kodanik ja üks Norra ajakirjanik, lisaks mitmed kohalikud turvamehed. A US citizen and a Norwegian journalist were killed in the attack, as well as a number of local security soldiers. [92, 95, 65, 76, 81, 84] 82.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.204990268874221, 0.41187719234482423, 0.32953463266677707, 0.27058394287051374, 0.6681304714467177] 0.685294090874715 -0.47399866580963135 +227 13. märts 2010 Horvaatia peaminister Jadranka Kosor. on 13 March 2010, Prime Minister of Croatia, Jadranka Kosor. [70, 100, 100, 100, 100, 99] 94.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.1796964468730449 -0.2513212263584137 +228 Üks laureaate oli Eesti Tartu Miina Härma Gümnaasiumi õpilane Johanna Maarja Tiik. One of the winners was the student of Tartu Miina Härma Glynatorum in Estonia, Johanna Maarja Tiik. [32, 51, 21, 74, 45, 62] 47.5 [-0.6479613003611278, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.23182778293567463, -0.8821803444513935, -0.2494614636679413] -0.3989900416517602 -0.28770309686660767 +229 Mõrva põhjuseks oli ilmselt tema tegevus korruptsioonivastase võitluse korraldamisel. The reason for this was obviously its action in the fight against corruption. [30, 51, 60, 63, 71, 84] 59.833333333333336 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, 0.279238033535719, -0.20810459964403286, -0.15602580167726396, 0.6681304714467177] -0.036337948967334256 -0.5215596556663513 +230 India autotootja Bajaj Auto esitles uut säästuauto mudelit Bajaj RE60, mis peaks pakkuma konkurentsi seni säästuautode turgu valitsenud Tata Nanole. The Indian car manufacturer Bajaj Auto presented a new "saving car model" Bajj RE60, which should lead to competition from Tata Nanole, who has ruled the market for energy-saving cars so far. [22, 52, 31, 63, 60, 66] 49.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.06136734218900175, -0.49006908755709094, -0.2337601711662148, -0.14224540182923298, -0.0840340075723075] -0.3286453667071172 -0.3856489658355713 +231 Riigireetmises süüdistatav, ennast Venemaal varjav ekspresident on keeldunud kohtusse ilmumast, põhjendades seda julgeolekukaalutlustega. The erroneous president who is accused of treason, hiding himself in Russia, has refused to appear before the courts on the grounds of security considerations. [30, 51, 21, 80, 84, 75] 56.833333333333336 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.4903786678134342, 0.6681304714467177, -0.01280273874114997] -0.06848446702024082 -0.4110275208950043 +232 Anti Selart aga seab kahtluse alla, kuivõrd noorem riimkroonika üldse Renneri kroonikas säilinud on. However, the award raises doubts as to how young gardeners have survived in Renner's chronic form in the first place. [10, 31, 1, 21, 48, 21] 22.0 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.555891101277511, -0.8284575600026597, -1.3816902345903206] -1.1778470088187032 -0.5855399966239929 +233 Ta tundis 12. augustil 2012 muret Aasias, eriti Filipiinidel ja Hiinas ränkade tulvade käes kannatavate inimeste pärast. On 12 August 2012, he was concerned about the plight of people in Asia, especially in the Philippines and China. [91, 91, 61, 59, 79, 69] 75.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, -0.17595094151671578, 0.44997912719119615, 0.04003658449941787] 0.4837374574047069 -0.33681830763816833 +234 Algas võitlus nende likvideerimiseks, mis kestis veebruari esimeste päevadeni. The fight to eradicate these, which lasted until the first days of February, began. [91, 91, 100, 65, 63, 67] 79.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.1617134852456394, 0.10098660428072605, 0.07788890965667469] 0.6066845736095209 -0.3986428678035736 +235 Murray püüdis teda väidetavalt elustada, kuid tulemusteta. Murray tried to revive him allegedly, but without any results. [91, 91, 100, 100, 85, 78] 90.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 0.412248360714594] 0.9743430053903683 -0.5329751372337341 +236 Eesti peaminister Jüri Ratas alustas kolmepäevast visiiti Belgias Brüsselis, et osaleda Euroopa Ülemkogu kohtumisel. The Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas, began a three-day visit to Brussels in Belgium to attend the European Council. [70, 100, 100, 98, 99, 100] 94.5 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9812361563169528, 1.0932483143502365, 1.32209936924058] 1.104744596299023 -0.27694860100746155 +237 Peale nende üksuste ründasid kaitseliini veel 110., 112. ja 120. laskurkorpus ning 8. Apart from these units, another 110, 112 and 120s were attacked by the safety line and 8. [11, 31, 1, 20, 1, 19] 13.833333333333334 [-1.3040745684533552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.6556954315368033, -2.016289862523797, -1.6283857525312686] -1.4283617857794706 -0.6240298748016357 +238 Mõnikord juuakse koduõlut chibuku't, harvem isetehtud kanget alkoholi ja Blantyre õlletehase toodangut. Sometimes a beer is dumped, less self-produced spirits and a brewery in Blantyre are consumed. [10, 1, 1, 12, 26, 40] 15.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.911021724246736, -1.8624251219173322, -1.3229960566534074] -1.5468318949838853 -0.49535101652145386 +239 Rwanda jalgpallikoondis Aafrika tugevamate hulka ei kuulu. The African stronger at the Rwandan Football Football is not part of Africa. [8, 1, 1, 13, 7, 1] 5.166666666666667 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.8096580021171607, -2.691400230088314, -2.016289862523797] -1.7940639232881088 -0.4733358323574066 +240 Are ja Georg püüavad omavahelises suhtluses harjuda uue olukorraga. Paradise and Georg are trying to get used to a new situation in their contacts. [8, 1, 1, 22, 18, 26] 12.666666666666666 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.0369461973217495, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7383085685286457] -1.5831950649383533 -0.46062371134757996 +241 Õhtuse seisuga oli olukord Donetskis kriitiline, oli hukkunuid ja vigastatud rahuliku elanikkonna seas. As far as the air is concerned, the situation in Donetskis was critical, dead and injured among the peaceful population. [8, 1, 1, 47, 61, 54] 28.666666666666668 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8101336585308181, 0.06605372826143274, -0.3346008485000848] -0.8876193706281419 -0.3256504237651825 +242 Kuhni raamatus räägitakse aga ka subjektiivsest teadmisest, nimelt siis, kui jutt on geštaldivahetusest. However, the Kuhn Paper also talks about subjective knowledge, namely when it comes to the exchange of views. [8, 11, 11, 79, 67, 73] 41.5 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.2688245992492837, -1.0206257227935116, 0.44997912719119615, -0.04267714354839904, 0.26826879803671755] -0.5019474292811591 -0.3889022469520569 +243 Koos juba 2004. aastal vahistatud aseministriga anti kohtu alla veel kaksteist ametnikku. Twelve more officials were brought to justice together with the Deputy Minister who was already arrested in 2004. [93, 91, 100, 100, 100, 100] 97.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 1.1615372725606934 -0.3828319311141968 +244 See, kes Hamptonile seda jutustas, oli hämmastunud, et hirmud tagasi tulid, aga Hamptoni meelest pole siin midagi imestada. Anyone who told Hampton about this was astonished that fears came back, but Hampton thinks nothing is surprised at it. [24, 1, 31, 50, 48, 51] 34.166666666666664 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -0.5813010404721287, -0.47220677763863994, -0.4297907926901062] -0.7391005466062103 -0.4567752182483673 +245 Kiirabi haldusküsimustega tegelevad igapäevaselt Terviseameti töötajad. The administration is dealt with on a daily basis by health agency staff. [31, 1, 1, 74, 83, 79] 44.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.24682090461896014, 0.6245002025956135, 0.4586486864167604] -0.3664109008937125 -0.559506356716156 +246 Seejuures säilib kohalike omavalitsuste õigus kehtestada soovi korral kohalikke alkoholimüügi piiranguid ja keelde. It maintains the right of local authorities to impose restrictions and prohibitions on local alcohol sales if they so wish. [91, 61, 71, 86, 65, 57] 71.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 0.2036842508242309, 0.5710441829157504, 0.5947767169204025, 0.03899122630516161, -0.4562457837874836] 0.35794252354442097 -0.36336928606033325 +247 Tornid ja nende kuju olid täiesti ebaharilikud ja enneolematud keskaegses Bulgaaria kirikuarhitektuuris ning mõjutatud Ungarist või Transilvaaniast. The storms and their form were completely unconventional and unprecedented in the medieval Bulgarian Church Architecture and affected by Hungary or Transylvania. [31, 1, 1, 38, 47, 56] 29.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1343437451734075, -0.9461894760441417, -0.2711408857067372] -0.9800182176529826 -0.3366096019744873 +248 Nördinud inimesel pole pahameelsele iseloomulikku kartust ja trotsi. There is no fear and defiance of a malicious man. [30, 51, 31, 100, 90, 79] 63.5 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8076784817801723, 0.44997912719119615] 0.1609974157669535 -0.6779273152351379 +249 Tallinnas admiral Johan Pitka mälestusmärgi juures tähistati piduliku rivistusega Kaitseliidu 96. aastapäeva. In Tallinn, cadmiral Johan Pitka commemorated the 96th anniversary of the Defence Union with solemn rigging. [22, 1, 11, 39, 18, 29] 20.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.2006693362178358, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7315343153640192] -1.3255720187247584 -0.2741760313510895 +250 Filipiine tabas orkaan Hagupit, mis tekitas kõige enam kahju Samari saarel. The Philippines has been hit by the Hurricane Hagup, which caused the greatest damage on the Samar island. [92, 100, 100, 80, 100, 90] 93.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058, 0.8076784817801723] 1.0904379569997371 -0.37771573662757874 +251 Jeruusalemma mõjuvõimu Edessa ja Antakya üle praktiseeris ta, olles regendiks, kui nende de jure riigipead lahingutes surma said. He was practising the influence of Jerusalem on Edessa and Antakya as a regression when their de jure heads of state died in battles. [31, 1, 1, 94, 81, 88] 49.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.882963460602704, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7442185189868247] -0.22733559241844592 -0.3030063509941101 +252 Sambia metsaga kaetud alast on 67 300 km² kaitse all. The area covered by Zambia is 67 300 km ² protected. [22, 41, 11, 42, 55, 29] 33.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -1.1643408202996632, -0.32348202996362757, -1.12785038341693] -0.8303357392679603 -0.14594295620918274 +253 29. aprillil vabastas Micombero kogu oma valitsuse ning valitseva partei esimehe ning võttis riigi täielikult enda kontrolli alla. On 29 April, Micombero released the entire government and chairman of the ruling party and took full control of the country. [88, 100, 100, 97, 100, 82] 94.5 [1.1016740812181456, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 1.0818580430138776 -0.31027665734291077 +254 Jaama seiskumine tõi kaasa vajaduse alustada ajutiselt elektrienergia importi Eestist, Lätist ja Venemaalt. The plant's closure brought about the need to temporarily begin the import of electricity from Estonia, Latvia and Russia. [93, 63, 71, 75, 84, 93] 79.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.26258460482717144, 0.5710441829157504, 0.27545805178677896, 0.6172985934001295, 1.0326013210732208] 0.6694797133341767 -0.4264557957649231 +255 Oletame, et kaks inimest otsustavad, kas saada lapsi või jääda lastetuks. We assume that it is up to two people to decide whether to have children or to remain children. [41, 31, 11, 67, 82, 75] 51.166666666666664 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.6798210592198779, -1.0206257227935116, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2881777686428686] -0.18671334495325173 -0.3928009271621704 +256 1. jaanuari 2012 seisuga oli Podolski elanikel kokku üle 690 000 hoiuse, millel hoiti rahalisi vahendeid summas 20,7 miljardit rubla. As of 1 January 2012, the residents of Podolski had a total of more than 690 000 deposits, which saved funds amounting to 20.7 billion under heading. [50, 31, 31, 25, 41, 33] 35.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.7011588258873277, -0.7470906066568443, -1.1209231937549637] -0.6374402120358872 -0.3600347340106964 +257 Ahvatlev on öelda, et nad ei teadnud alternatiividest ja pidasid oma ühiskonnakorda paratamatuks. It is tempting to say that they did not know the alternatives and considered their social order to be inevitable. [94, 91, 100, 95, 81, 67] 88.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9189868035629918, 0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469] 0.8751318763247923 -0.2781462073326111 +258 Praegu elab ta Prantsusmaal koos Jarkko Peltosega. He is currently living in France with Jarkko Pelto. [93, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100] 98.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2406505869549107 -0.2708609998226166 +259 75.\tKui Jaldabaoth märkas, et inimesed eemalduvad temast, siis ta needis enda poolt loodud maa. 75. On the hijacket, people would be distancing themselves from him, they were the land they created. [10, 1, 1, 18, 10, 1] 6.833333333333333 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -2.560509423535001, -2.782925753755637] -1.8341439705261362 -0.7653271555900574 +260 Samuti lubas Musk ehitada Tesla Superchargeri laadimisjaama muuseumi autoparklasse. Also, the Musk promised to build the Tesla Supercharger Museum Museum Museum. [7, 31, 1, 20, 11, 1] 11.833333333333334 [-1.4290485242804463, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.5421677572214565, -1.9183643575463, -2.016289862523797] -1.4785992668672667 -0.4525505304336548 +261 Süü puhul võib teiste süü aga pakkuda ainult rikutud lohutust. In the case of coal, however, others' guilt can only offer misgivings. [9, 1, 1, 19, 1, 20] 8.5 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6876112181255447, -2.016289862523797, -1.59213842690439] -1.5853052439327235 -0.6923157572746277 +262 Ta arvustas karmilt oma kaasaaegseid ja üldse kogu inimkonda. He severely criticised his modern, and indeed the whole of humanity. [31, 20, 31, 55, 80, 69] 47.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -0.302870867103411, 0.4936093960423005, 0.04003658449941787] -0.32371196161212246 -0.5142202377319336 +263 Hetman Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski oli opositsiooni keskne kuju, kes oli vastutav kuningliku paari ettevõtmiste ja üritatud reformide lüüasaamises. A moment in time, Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski was the central figure of the opposition, responsible for the actions of the Royal couple and trying to defeat reforms. [33, 51, 63, 81, 76, 87] 65.16666666666667 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, 0.3588215288211821, 0.5372396648934048, 0.32953463266677707, 0.6231547153861217] 0.19020253519544308 -0.3157629668712616 +264 Tunnetajatena me mõõdame tunnetatavaid asju ning sarnastume kuidagi tunnetuse esemetega. As men, we measure the things we feel, and we somehow equate ourselves with objects of inidentifier. [31, 31, 3, 67, 80, 58] 45.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -0.08966679932506398, 0.4936093960423005, -0.20768092291338958] -0.39926875860366856 -0.6502497792243958 +265 See ei tähenda ka, nagu neid asju, mida arvati teadvat, poleks kunagi teatud. This also does not mean that those things that were supposed to be known would never be certain. [70, 91, 100, 78, 51, 67] 76.16666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.3301789909881689, -0.4297907926901062, -0.04267714354839904] 0.4707571999371334 -0.4434615671634674 +266 1986. aastal avaldas ajakiri National Enquirer esikaanel foto hapnikukambris lamavast Michaelist. In 1986, the National Enquirer Prevenanel photo was published in the National Enquirer magazine on a limorous Michael. [13, 1, 1, 33, 40, 46] 22.333333333333332 [-1.2415875905398097, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.314460459974846, -1.2516013580018719, -0.9111712880504766] -1.2613418510404522 -0.7006683349609375 +267 Kohvikusse ilmub ootamatult ka Evelin, kes on teada saanud Are ja Georgi suhtest. Evelin, too, is suddenly appearing in the meeting and has learnt about the relationship between 'chicken and Georg'. [11, 1, 1, 33, 43, 23] 18.666666666666668 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.557013239959602, -1.035241880122202, -1.318230271796973] -1.3439650616679735 -0.6485230326652527 +268 Paavst saatis 23. oktoobril 1993 läkituse teatiinidele. The Pope sent a letter of formal notice on 23 October 1993. [27, 41, 11, 53, 71, 62] 44.166666666666664 [-0.8041787451449914, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.2811423169988513, 0.2564751800664351, -0.08076099732669434] -0.385925315233798 -0.26094770431518555 +269 Et teadus on alati reaalsust mõjukalt kirjeldanud, siis on see ka pakilisi filosoofia probleeme kõige mõjukamalt kujundanud. Since science has always been good at describing reality, it has also given the most influence to the problems of the urgent philosophy. [50, 31, 61, 75, 81, 100] 66.33333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, 0.3057658652975401, 0.19851994435723766, 0.5372396648934048, 0.9230496311961767] 0.19986259123087713 -0.5153475403785706 +270 Siiski nõustus ta pantvangidest loobuma, et need oma isadele tagastada, ja vägi pöördus tagasi. However, he agreed to relinquish the hostages in order to return them to his fathers and returned. [41, 51, 71, 83, 100, 97] 73.83333333333333 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5710441829157504, 0.6190326808341362, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9486832980505137] 0.44680575225205726 -0.36351650953292847 +271 Indeksiline osutamine sõltub ikoonilisest ja sümboliline indeksilisest. Informal delivery depends on an iconian and symbolic index. [70, 91, 100, 61, 52, 69] 73.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.024560820024810585, -0.6630301039070259, 0.327817367375638] 0.4426967047277599 -0.4180820882320404 +272 Osaliselt võttis uus ettevõte üle endise laskemoonatehase Zemgor hooned. The new company partially took over the Zemgor buildings of the former ammunition plant. [91, 99, 100, 55, 54, 56] 75.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604, -0.41853674913993266, -0.24292942487089356, -0.2711408857067372] 0.4876566282099271 -0.2937758266925812 +273 Aasta hiljem suri seldžukkide sultan ja nende riik jagati lähinaabrite vahel. A year later, the company's door closed and their country was divided between its immediate neighbours. [7, 1, 1, 31, 14, 1] 9.166666666666666 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3865071458954215, -1.2824512635006091, -2.016289862523797] -1.4939212009793306 -0.5422892570495605 +274 Üks oli kindluslinn Gaeta Napolist põhja pool ja teine oli Calabria Itaalia lõunatipus, kuhu olid taandunud Napoli kuningliku armee riismed. One was on the north of Gaeta Napolis and the other was on the southern front of Calabria in Italy, where the ranks of the Royal Army of Naples had been reduced. [50, 51, 21, 31, 34, 36] 37.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.0643904206235824, -1.5133829711084976, -1.2063904310939828] -0.7859845410551758 -0.3603300452232361 +275 Eestis kuulutas kaitseministeerium välja Vabadussõja mälestussamba ideekonkursi. In Estonia, the Ministry of Defence launched a competition for the memorial pillar of the Freedom War. [22, 51, 52, 90, 91, 91] 66.16666666666667 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, 0.06701537944115077, 0.5784096296751084, 0.9814216926040136, 0.8394084631768461] 0.23584024262963196 -0.3843648135662079 +276 1998. aasta aprillis teatas Zip2, et ühineb oma peamise konkurendi Citysearchiga. In April 1998 Zip2 announced that he would join his main competition with Citysearches. [50, 80, 71, 73, 85, 61] 70.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5710441829157504, 0.26826879803671755, 0.711760740297822, -0.2908183276918498] 0.3229857513785647 -0.30758553743362427 +277 1994. aastast tegutseb riigis ka 2 erakooli, mille õppekava vastab Ameerika Ühendriikide ja Kanada standarditele. Since 1994 there are also 2 private schools in the country whose curricula meet US and Canadian standards. [92, 100, 100, 100, 83, 88] 93.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.11893433456053536] 0.9646088879730713 -0.44362908601760864 +278 Einsteini teooria seletab nii Merkuuri orbiiti kui ka valguskiirte paindumist gravitatsiooniväljas; pole oluline, et üks oli enne teada, teine mitte. The theory of Einstein explains both the Maritime orbit and the nightmare of light without grabbing; it is not important that one thing was known earlier, the other was not. [10, 1, 1, 20, 29, 25] 14.333333333333334 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.0716779526032685, -1.12785038341693, -1.9060553907684363] -1.548355365645745 -0.42304643988609314 +279 Normaalteaduse teoreetilised probleemid jagunevad üsna samamoodi nagu eksperimentaalsed ja vaatluslikud. The theoretical problems of normal science are fairly shared in the same way as experimental and observation. [92, 99, 69, 78, 97, 88] 87.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.322790976880102, 0.5179885193921083, 0.674179986200092, 1.198905646365287, 0.7442185189868247] 0.9474552808116083 -0.4540674388408661 +280 Saaremaal algas Kaitseliidu kolmepäevane suurõppus "Orkaan 2014". On the island of the island, the Union for Defence launched a three-day 'Orkaan 2014' training exercise. [9, 1, 1, 25, 18, 31] 14.166666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.9060553907684363, -1.4768801787803418, -1.5315242484091034] -1.5217086290000819 -0.4500059485435486 +281 Linna geograafilised koordinaadid on 35°18′27″ ll 149°07′27.9″ ip. The city's geographical coordination is 35 ° 18: "ll 149 ° 07;" [21, 51, 31, 69, 93, 71] 56.0 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.017620113404488574, 0.5887911720996536, 0.2564751800664351] -0.12414667447859846 -0.5652600526809692 +282 Mingil põhjusel muutis Valdemar aga meelt või venitas tehinguga. For some reason, however, Valdemar changed his mind or delayed the deal. [92, 100, 100, 100, 100, 82] 95.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058, 0.8960341374934105] 1.2753729357807537 -0.3267830014228821 +283 Ka lahingu toimumise kohast on saanud omamoodi kultusobjekt. At the point of the battle, too, a kind of gold object has also become the site. [8, 1, 1, 34, 29, 23] 16.0 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2784371170145583, -1.7315343153640192, -1.318230271796973] -1.4292061915291552 -0.6567891836166382 +284 Vabariiklased ise olid sisemiselt lõhestatud ja jagunesid 1912. aastal kolme tiiva vahel. The Reporters themselves were divided internally and divided between the three sides in 1912. [10, 1, 1, 64, 82, 80] 39.666666666666664 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.25140082163217303, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17436773524631535] -0.6134519366211975 -0.3972432315349579 +285 Seni ei ole veel midagi öeldud Botvinniku intervjuu helisalvestise, Botvinniku allkirja vms kohta. Nothing has yet been said about the Botvnik interview on the calibre, the Botvinner's signature, etc. [9, 39, 31, 82, 79, 81] 53.5 [-1.3665615463669007, -0.4442196432081156, -0.49006908755709094, 0.31324491732529147, 0.44997912719119615, 0.5363189527863194] -0.16688454663821672 -0.5124992728233337 +286 Ainsa kandidaadina üles seatud Stávros Dímast toetas 168 parlamendiliiget, mida ei olnud piisavalt, et ta valituks osutuks. The only candidate nominated in Stávros Díma was supported by 168 Members, which was not enough for him to be elected. [41, 41, 21, 81, 62, 80] 54.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7553474051753013, 0.5372396648934048, -0.26978351412650253, 0.4949620887624109] -0.12416972576688938 -0.36683064699172974 +287 See vale arusaam väljendab teatud eetilist vaatekohta teole ja eetiliselt tingitud arusaama individuaalsusest. This misconception expresses a certain ethical view of you and an ethically motivated notion of individuality. [22, 41, 11, 79, 94, 88] 55.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 0.3426133161983885, 1.0901636694846504, 0.8258170009536785] -0.017957869215137385 -0.3369544446468353 +288 Linna majanduses oli 2011. aastal hõivatud 93 000 inimest, mis moodustas üle 90% tööealisest elanikkonnast. The city economy employed 93 000 people in 2011, accounting for over 90% of the working-age population. [92, 91, 100, 100, 100, 100] 97.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9996617706525889, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1463220811143442 -0.2692510187625885 +289 Vahe tuleb sellest, kuivõrd eetikamõtlemine saab veel tugineda paksudele eetikamõistetele. There is a difference between the extent to which ethical thinking can still be based on thugs of ethics. [50, 31, 20, 82, 65, 74] 53.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.7818752369371224, 0.4506833450792516, 0.1774123885366415, 0.29999877943339137] -0.10319671370782237 -0.5417163968086243 +290 Eesti pealinnas Tallinnas kohtusid Eesti piirivalve peadirektor kolonel Roland Peets ja Soome piirivalve peadirektor viitseadmiral Jaakko Smolander. In Tallinn, Estonia, Director-General of the Estonian Border Guard, Colonel Roland Peets, and Finland's Director-General for Border Surveillance, visemiral Jaakko Smolander met. [50, 51, 21, 79, 58, 82] 56.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.44997912719119615, -0.21474005308299082, 0.5538386306067818] -0.02377761979833411 -0.29605209827423096 +291 Varsti saabub nende juurde Priit Torim, kes lahkelt toidulauda palutakse. Priit Torim, who is being kindly asked to table, will soon come to them. [91, 70, 100, 100, 90, 80] 88.5 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.8076784817801723, 0.5827011107083454] 0.9126689576557162 -0.40056949853897095 +292 Firma bilansis on 38 katlamaja, 19 soojusjaotuspunkti ja 157,7 km soojatrasse. The balance sheet of the company includes 38 broken houses, 19 thermal distribution points and 157.7 km of salt. [10, 1, 1, 48, 36, 23] 19.833333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8284575600026597, -1.426122433406289, -1.318230271796973] -1.2928931220486264 -0.44290027022361755 +293 Teateid laekus vähemalt 26 inimese hukkumisest ja mitmetest purustustest, näiteks kukkus Shwebo linnas kokku ehitatav maanteesild. The number of deaths and destruction caused by at least 26 people was reported, such as a road bridge being built in Shwebo. [31, 31, 13, 41, 27, 13] 26.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.9675700592698696, -1.0262737162925444, -1.818794853066228, -1.635530085763711] -1.134532427155022 -0.5330514907836914 +294 Elevandiluurannikul asus peaministri kohuseid täitma eelmisel kuul ametisse nimetatud Guillaume Soro. Mr Soro, appointed last month by Mr Guillaume Soro, took up the duties of the Prime Minister on the Ivory Coast. [10, 31, 1, 59, 56, 62] 36.5 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.6679574951345972, -0.6554257051697298, -0.834883132063032] -0.9098849149015145 -0.43272507190704346 +295 Ta on ka kõrgeim täidesaatva võimu kandja, kuid jagab seda võimu peaministriga. It is also the highest executive power, but it shares this power with the Prime Minister. [33, 51, 31, 93, 100, 85] 65.5 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0326013210732208, 0.9996617706525889, 0.5580489988532433] 0.2321179454045225 -0.34015047550201416 +296 Ta arvutab selle massi, orbiidi jne ning palub eksperimentaalastronoomil seda oletust kontrollida. He calculates this mass, orbiid, etc., and asks the experimental alastronomer to check that assumption. [31, 3, 31, 85, 85, 84] 53.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177] -0.16583377277645597 -0.33659428358078003 +297 Konstaablitel olid lisaks linnaga seotud kodanikukohustused. The consignments also had civil obligations in relation to the city. [31, 1, 1, 90, 80, 100] 50.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.9451743669771346, 0.4936093960423005, 0.9230496311961767] -0.19443363412966622 -0.6470197439193726 +298 Ja kui me nüüd vaatleme mõtlemist, siis ei saa meil märkamata jääda, et ta on vähemalt samuti iseenesega täiesti identne. And if we now look at the thinking, we cannot fail to notice that it is at least completely identical. [22, 1, 31, 98, 83, 91] 54.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.8337359223850412, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5861427780187392] -0.1615687906250899 -0.4703710973262787 +299 Samas vanuses avastas ta vanavanemate klaveri, mis teda kohe tõmbas. He found out at the same age the glass from his grandparents that immediately pulled him. [9, 1, 1, 20, 26, 1] 9.666666666666666 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.5421677572214565, -1.3746544731431163, -2.016289862523797] -1.5248173414884967 -0.4990093410015106 +300 Nimetatud traktaadis on näiteks käsitletud alalõualiigese nihestuse ravi. This tractor has, for example, addressed the treatment of the cholera shift. [5, 1, 1, 49, 27, 38] 20.166666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.43399388551068224, -1.3384071475162373, -0.8422805508468657] -1.159241249290581 -0.5582407116889954 +301 Kooliõue langenud kahe granaadi plahvatamisel hukkus viis koolitüdrukut ja veel kakskümmend õpilast said vigastada. Five schoolgirls died and twenty more were injured in exploding two grants that fell into school. [21, 51, 31, 53, 63, 82] 50.166666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.2811423169988513, -0.20810459964403286, 0.8960341374934105] -0.19428984413044406 -0.570915937423706 +302 "Lihtsustus diagrammis või liialdus šaržis kasutab meie spontaanset lõtvust vahetegemisel ära selleks, et meelitada meid looma uusi assotsiatsioone." "Simplification in charts or exaggeration in sharži will make use of our spontaneous relaxation in order to attract us to create new associations." [10, 1, 1, 100, 74, 83] 44.833333333333336 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.32209936924058, -0.02804287831293066, 0.6245002025956135] -0.3776652955937622 -0.4684707522392273 +303 Kuhni ambivalentsus revolutsioonide kaudu toimuva progressi asjus Zambia on progress through revolutions [8, 1, 1, 15, 1, 1] 4.5 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7332322178612452, -2.2808376138150894, -2.016289862523797] -1.7128991898665855 -0.35558515787124634 +304 Kas seksuaalse omanditunde ja armukadeduse puudumine näitavad, et armastus on puudulik? Does the lack of sexual ownership and love show that there is a lack of love? [50, 51, 80, 65, 82, 75] 67.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.03899122630516161, 0.5808699337445091, -0.01280273874114997] 0.20674284529182832 -0.38755935430526733 +305 Palju süüakse ube, tomatit, rapsi, sibulat, kapsast, aga ka kuivatatud kala ja mitmesuguseid röövikuid. There will be a lot of arson, tomatoes, rapeseed, chicken, cameras, as well as dried fish and various kidnappers. [2, 1, 1, 3, 25, 31] 10.5 [-1.58526596906431, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.68951644107854, -1.6026472036571477, -1.1934178450087216] -1.6533463114140712 -0.4990745782852173 +306 Siis saab enesesse sulgumise minast ehtsas kahetsuses avastatud radikaalselt ainulise mina võlts näivus. Then, in some genuine regret, the only thing that has been discovered in self-closure will be a fake spectacle. [9, 1, 31, 78, 88, 98] 50.833333333333336 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7442185189868247, 1.239385641192763] -0.17166733077804983 -0.6869173645973206 +307 Maailmas, ja üldse ka väljaspool seda, ei ole üldse võimalik mõelda midagi, mida võiks pidada ilma kitsenduseta heaks, peale hea tahte. In the world, and even beyond, there is absolutely no way of thinking about anything that can be considered good, except goodwill, without constraint. [20, 50, 31, 81, 91, 100] 62.166666666666664 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.12026769619194233, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5372396648934048, 0.8394084631768461, 0.8241835542857531] 0.09460195512742832 -0.4986480176448822 +308 Sellepärast püüavad õelad vihkajad sageli leida uusi tõendeid, proovides näiteks midagi ebaausa tunnustusestrateegia taolist, kuid see on enesepetlik. That is why religious hatred often tries to find new evidence, for example, by trying something like an unfair strategy of recognition, but it is self-deceptive. [50, 51, 21, 82, 84, 80] 61.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.5776758168102278, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.0814050999997115 -0.4468419849872589 +309 Tegemist oli esimese taolise põgenemisega alates 2016. aasta septembrist. This was the first such flight since September 2016. [31, 31, 2, 29, 32, 35] 26.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.259376208649901, -1.12785038341693, -1.6006435088107063, -1.3660967923134697] -1.1188321236214642 -0.2026180773973465 +310 Läänest kardeti saata suuremaid abivägesid, vahel harva tuli palverännaku käigus väiksemaid salku. It was feared in the West to send major aid troops, sometimes rarely in the course of a pilgrimage there was a smaller secret. [10, 1, 1, 1, 29, 15] 9.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.8115609826434744, -1.12785038341693, -2.3423580792794794] -1.577719652070953 -0.5361368656158447 +311 Iga teadlane eeldab implitsiitselt, et kultuurilisel elul, millest ta ise pärineb, on rohkem kui individuaalne tähtsus. Every scientist expects implicitly that the cultural life from which he himself originates has more than individual significance. [92, 70, 100, 100, 76, 100] 89.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.3190883206378832, 1.1249782957469103] 0.929817553273414 -0.3854891061782837 +312 Nimelt oli kavandamisel suur ühisaktsioon Riia alistamiseks, mida kirjanduses on mõnikord kolme maleva manöövriks nimetatud. Indeed, a major joint action was planned to defeat Riga, which has sometimes been called three Malthian manoeuvres in literature. [25, 31, 1, 85, 63, 77] 47.0 [-0.866665723058537, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.711760740297822, -0.2337601711662148, 0.3708914966906855] -0.33058312614464064 -0.5029699802398682 +313 Haigete transpordi ja meditsiinilise julgestuse eest tasub selle tellija. It is the buyer who pays for the transport of patients and its medical security. [78, 91, 100, 60, 81, 71] 80.16666666666667 [0.7892391916504182, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.3418302000470779, 0.5372396648934048, 0.20480883524336993] 0.6028330594361692 -0.478355348110199 +314 Osad viimastest olid ehitatud tasasele maale, osad aga osaliselt künkanõlvadesse kaevatud. Some of the latter were gradually built on land, but some of them were dubbed into the thresholds. [50, 31, 31, 85, 77, 81] 59.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5587533739601147, 0.36271858948898755, 0.522108649210108] 0.03135199445717051 -0.5902204513549805 +315 Prantsusmaal Courcheveli suusakeskuses peeti politsei poolt kinni 27 inimest seoses prostitutsiooniafääri uurimisega. In the Court's ski centre in France, 27 people were detained by the police for investigating the prostitution affair. [61, 79, 61, 86, 82, 90] 76.5 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7337874368506961, 0.3057658652975401, 0.8001850644696189, 0.5808699337445091, 0.548708683221246] 0.5379028104948153 -0.32748404145240784 +316 Aga mis tahes keha juhuslik põhjuseta liikumine ei ole minu tegu, ei ole minu võimuses. But the accidental movement of any body for no reason is not my business; it is not within my power. [91, 91, 100, 79, 82, 85] 88.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4506833450792516, 0.3615382092337807] 0.8141910157449321 -0.42255210876464844 +317 Kohtumisel keskenduti Euroopa Liidu tulevikule, käsitledes Euroopa põhiseadusliku lepingu menetlemist, Euroopa Liidu laienemist ja koostööd Venemaaga. The meeting focused on the future of the European Union as regards the process of the Constitutional Treaty for Europe, the enlargement of the European Union and cooperation with Russia. [91, 91, 100, 79, 90, 100] 91.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7123928783280498, 0.9451743669771346, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0675818256695764 -0.30156272649765015 +318 Ta kutsus 25. detsembril 2012 üles rahule Malis ja Nigeerias. It called for peace in Mali and Nigeria on 25 December 2012. [61, 51, 31, 76, 100, 79] 66.33333333333333 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.32953463266677707, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.2636175547071004 -0.12080390751361847 +319 Siis aga võib tekkida seesmise ja välise vaate vahele lõhe. Then there may be a split between internal and external viewpoints. [91, 70, 100, 83, 67, 75] 81.0 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.6245002025956135, 0.07788890965667469, -0.016503524950316713] 0.6150628805394098 -0.42845699191093445 +320 Kuigi vahepeal oli toimunud palju muutusi kõikidel elualadel, olid uue ENE tegijate ideoloogilised lähenemismallid endised. Although many changes had taken place in all areas of life in the meantime, the ideological approaches of the new ENE players were former. [31, 1, 1, 76, 69, 83] 43.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.23454328731752536, 0.04003658449941787, 0.6245002025956135] -0.43822585409684206 -0.33028385043144226 +321 Sellest Darwin mõistis, et inimestevahelised erinevused tulenevad kultuurist, mitte niivõrd rassist. This Darwin realised that differences between people stem from culture and not so much race. [61, 80, 61, 68, 71, 82] 70.5 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, 0.14773320318579836, 0.4066897413043879, 0.5776758168102278] 0.4098670199725671 -0.33167243003845215 +322 Rahva seas viibis ka välissaadikuid, nii et sisuliselt toimus õnnetus Gustav Adolfi liitlaste ja vastaste spioonide silme all. Foreign ambassadors were also present among the people, so in essence there was an accident before the eyes of the allies and opponents of Gustaf Adolf. [70, 91, 100, 77, 100, 84] 87.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6603895448580447] 0.8481739662640998 -0.48463743925094604 +323 Hiljem saavutasid mehed kokkuleppe ja Eberhard tegi avalduse, milles ta ütles, et Muski roll Tesla Motorsi kaasasutajana on olnud asendamatu. Later, men reached an agreement, and Eberhard made a statement in which he said that the role of Muski as co-founder of Tesla Motors has been indispensable. [85, 91, 61, 62, 84, 80] 77.16666666666667 [1.0079436143478273, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, -0.2494614636679413, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.49898929725646646 -0.23612578213214874 +324 Serbias Belgradi lennujaama lähistel kukkus alla vastsündinud last pealinna haiglasse transportinud sõjaväe helikopter. near Belgrade's airport in Serbia, a newborn child was downgraded by a hospital-transported military helicopter to the capital. [5, 1, 1, 29, 15, 1] 8.666666666666666 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1982517280698368, -2.3423580792794794, -2.016289862523797] -1.649610930290469 -0.46089237928390503 +325 Tundub, et sellel kaalutlusel on eriline jõud Jimi juhtumil. It seems that this consideration has a special force in the case of Jim. [70, 91, 100, 100, 92, 83] 89.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9469467204804154 -0.39918839931488037 +326 Gödeli teoreemist nähtub siiski, et aritmeetika ei saa olla lihtsalt definitsioonide ja nende järelduste hulk. However, the Godel theorisation shows that arithmetic cannot be just a series of definitions and conclusions. [91, 70, 100, 58, 65, 51] 72.5 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, -0.4138768859676533, 0.1774123885366415, -0.4297907926901062] 0.38970606763556165 -0.37769174575805664 +327 Wergeland maalis selle maali 70 aastat hiljem ning kinkis 1885 Stortingile Werner has painted this land 70 years later and has given its 1885 to Stortin. [50, 51, 21, 22, 23, 23] 31.666666666666668 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.2152410046715822, -1.318230271796973, -1.993315928470645] -0.9097551047406988 -0.626034677028656 +328 Seal saaksid nad aga kommunismivastasena tuntud kindral George S. Pattoni III USA armeele alla anda. There, however, they could surrender General George S. Patton III, known as anti-communist, to the US army. [31, 31, 8, 63, 58, 68] 43.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.1002092180789746, -0.28331660822091465, -0.20768092291338958, 0.14773320318579836] -0.4670832324275431 -0.3332357406616211 +329 Vallutatud alad nimetati ümber Mandžukuoks ja 9. märtsil 1932 moodustati seal nukuvalitsus, mida asus juhtima Hiina endine keiser Pu Yi. The selected areas were renamed Mandžukuo, and on 9 March 1932 a puppet government was formed there, led by the former Chinese Emperor, Pu Yi. [93, 70, 100, 60, 85, 56] 77.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, -0.3418302000470779, 0.711760740297822, -0.2711408857067372] 0.5276280547320067 -0.27813878655433655 +330 Tegemist oli esimeste Briti sõduritega, kes moodustavad tulevikus Eestisse paigutatava NATO lahingugrupi tuumiku. These were the first British soldiers to form the core of the NATO Battlegroup to be deployed in Estonia in the future. [93, 91, 100, 100, 83, 99] 94.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8656517089737827] 1.0500937663658692 -0.2506628632545471 +331 Hertsog Albrecht lahkus pärast seda sõjakäiku Liivimaalt. Mr Albrecht left the country of the Union after this military campaign. [34, 31, 4, 19, 1, 10] 16.5 [-0.5854743224475824, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2063205451262589, -0.8710047526550654, -2.016289862523797, -1.954611683173179] -1.2189203708576268 -0.39639928936958313 +332 Ministri määrusega on reguleeritud koostöö päästeteenistuse, politsei ja häirekeskuse vahel. Cooperation between the rescue service, the police and the alert centre has been regulated by the ministerial regulation. [81, 61, 61, 80, 76, 58] 69.5 [0.8829696585207364, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401, 0.4936093960423005, 0.4377118082008297, -0.20768092291338958] 0.3526766759953746 -0.3187617063522339 +333 pisiPraegune Norra kuningas on alates [[17. jaanuarist 1991 Harald V The current King of Norway has been [17 January 1991 Harald V). [8, 31, 1, 75, 80, 84] 46.5 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.01280273874114997, 0.4903786678134342, 0.6681304714467177] -0.3696372890727118 -0.38546887040138245 +334 Rahvuskoondis on maailma edetabelis viiendal kohal. The centrepiece is the fifth in the world's ranking. [7, 1, 1, 76, 97, 87] 44.833333333333336 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0297883515568889, 0.7844601369297701] -0.35749035413860214 -0.5193471312522888 +335 Kant on see, kellele kuulub see teene, et ta täiustas mateeria käsitust seeläbi, et ta vaatles seda tõukumise ja tõmbumise ühtsusena. It is the person who owes it to the merit of pardoning it by looking at it as a unity of push and withdrawal. [5, 1, 1, 5, 3, 1] 2.6666666666666665 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.323114062862902, -2.8659213054927313, -2.016289862523797] -1.9243485237915217 -0.6055448651313782 +336 Selle järgi ei ole loodusseadustel oma elu, mis ei sõltuks neid leiutavatest ja rakendavatest inimestest. It says that natural laws do not have a life that is not dependent on people who invente and implement them. [79, 91, 61, 82, 60, 80] 75.5 [0.820482680607191, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3321751917157582, 0.17436773524631535] 0.4394167640080229 -0.4304184913635254 +337 Klassivõitlusena suruti nad halastamatult maha riigi poolt, mis mõnikord viis nende juhid Varssavisse hukkamisele. As a class struggle, they were mercilessly suppressed by a country that sometimes led its leaders to be executed in Warsaw. [92, 91, 100, 100, 79, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 1.02105352977899 -0.3561653196811676 +338 Pinge nende kahe hoiaku vahel mõjutab oluliselt küsimust, kas ja mil määral me leiame, et armastussuhted peaks olema eksklusiivsed. The question of whether, and to what extent, we believe that the relationship of love should be exclusive. [10, 31, 1, 100, 100, 100] 57.0 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] -0.012883262046299656 -0.41218745708465576 +339 Liibanonis lõppesid president Émile Lahoudi volitused. In Lebanon, President Éale Lahoudi ended his mandate. [22, 51, 52, 91, 83, 87] 64.33333333333333 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, 0.06701537944115077, 0.748155444407059, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6308000598806901] 0.16987622953419768 -0.4248987138271332 +340 Siseminister Arsen Avakov kirjutas oma Facebooki lehel, et Mõkolajivka on täielikult valitsusvägede kontrolli all. Mr Arsen Offkov, Minister for the Interior, wrote on his Facebook page that Thkolakolayware is completely under government control. [50, 51, 21, 24, 38, 31] 35.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.3893161887096255, -0.9396865656205692, -1.0643904206235824] -0.720856099743128 -0.4661480784416199 +341 Branobeli aktsiakapital oli kolm miljonit rubla, millest Alfred Nobeli osa moodustas 110 000 rubla. Venice equates to three million headings, of which Alfred Nobel was part of 110 000. [7, 1, 1, 17, 9, 1] 6.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6568064336053296, -2.6041396923861053, -2.016289862523797] -1.7592524870785644 -0.4770744740962982 +342 Riigi viimastel sajanditel olid elanikud valdavalt õigeusklikud. In recent centuries, the population was predominantly Orthodox. [70, 91, 100, 97, 82, 100] 90.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0297883515568889, 0.5808699337445091, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8656564686870166 -0.4450905919075012 +343 Siiski tulistasid mõned grupid allesjäänuid prantslasi neist möödunud ründajaid selja tagant ning võtsid sealjuures ka mõningaid vange. However, some of the remaining groups shooted the French people behind them, including some prisoners. [24, 54, 31, 83, 83, 83] 59.666666666666664 [-0.8979092120153097, -0.002466988186061163, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5855686120034557, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3549991235539173] 0.029103775065754085 -0.5105792284011841 +344 Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves alustas töövisiiti Ameerika Ühendriikides. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves began a working visit to the United States. [70, 91, 100, 98, 86, 100] 90.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.027056832443855, 0.7553910091489263, 1.32209936924058] 1.0118965592844165 -0.18209968507289886 +345 Norra kuninga suveräänsus Gröönimaa, Islandi ja Fääri saarte üle jäi Taani kuningale. The sovereignty of Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands with the King of Norway remained with the Danish King. [61, 80, 61, 90, 79, 100] 78.5 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, 0.7388700887615532, 0.44997912719119615, 0.9230496311961767] 0.5731670342806524 -0.3215900957584381 +346 Solomoni mäss loogilise hõreduse vastu on paljuski kirgede ja nende loodud rikkuse ülistus. The revolt against the logical friction of the Solomon is, in many ways, a glorification of the passions and the wealth they generate. [41, 41, 17, 100, 88, 94] 63.5 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.8614587322225854, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7442185189868247, 1.0739581850971294] 0.21728871687840845 -0.3963773250579834 +347 Sellest järeldub usutaval kombel, et hoolimatu abikaasa ja vägistaja on masturbeerijad. It follows in a credible manner that an unscrupulous spouse and rapist are masters. [22, 1, 1, 18, 32, 46] 20.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -1.6006435088107063, -0.9111712880504766] -1.2997202625410147 -0.44395241141319275 +348 Naine ei arva, et kui armastamine on mehele nii tähtis, siis ta tegelikult ei armastagi naist. A woman does not think that if love is so important to a man, she does not really love a woman. [83, 91, 100, 100, 81, 85] 90.0 [0.9454566364342819, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048, 0.3615382092337807] 0.8994589451975462 -0.3184652030467987 +349 Lennuki rusud ja osa inimjäänustest leiti 17. märtsil. The air and part of the human remains were found on 17 March. [21, 1, 1, 52, 44, 61] 30.0 [-0.9916396788856279, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.6300169437293796, -0.7222026118592957, -0.2908183276918498] -0.9139846619736436 -0.4187956750392914 +350 Suurbritannia on esikohal tänu sellele, et nafta ja maagaasi eksport sinna moodustab umbes 40% Norra nende kaupade koguekspordist. Britain comes first because exports of oil and natural gas to it account for around 40% of Norway's total exports of these goods. [22, 31, 1, 100, 84, 99] 56.166666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.2807425052166714] 0.0246216638083074 -0.42508524656295776 +351 IX 360) ütleb, et kõige alge ja element on Herakleitosel õhk. IX 360) says that the bare and element is Herculean air. [8, 31, 1, 89, 84, 78] 48.5 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.6882604319190001, 0.6172985934001295, 0.412248360714594] -0.27428712482025824 -0.4077223539352417 +352 Darwini perekonda sündis kümme last, kellest kolm suri varases eas. The Darwin family was born with ten children, three of whom died at an early age. [61, 91, 71, 14, 29, 22] 48.0 [0.25809987938528167, 1.0871895608683397, 0.5710441829157504, -1.442410520089446, -1.12785038341693, -2.0369461973217495] -0.44847891294312564 -0.2484603226184845 +353 See näitab, et võrdsed võimalused ei ole võrdsuse ideaalina piisav. It shows that equal opportunities are not enough as an ideal of equality. [91, 91, 100, 72, 85, 100] 89.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.16410717657114324, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9036438268384176 -0.2945356070995331 +354 Andestuse puhul aga moraalselt väära tegu ei aktsepteerita. In the case of forgiveness, however, the act of decency will not be accepted. [70, 91, 100, 14, 25, 29] 54.833333333333336 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -1.7714451099892028, -1.4109017987699952, -1.12785038341693] -0.22389419121716522 -0.5253695249557495 +355 Ilma "Principiata" ei oleks Atwoodi masinaga tehtud mõõtmised mitte midagi tähendanud. Without lambo, measurements of the Atwometric machine would have meant nothing. [9, 1, 1, 92, 84, 88] 45.833333333333336 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6172985934001295, 0.8258170009536785] -0.32695993116777883 -0.5473757982254028 +356 Kas see on nii isegi siis, kui ma siis parandan oma elu? Is this the case even if I then improve my life? [92, 70, 100, 73, 100, 100] 89.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.18819751408457033, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 0.8743476414227396 -0.38688480854034424 +357 Samamoodi osutuvad dialektiliseks füüsikalised elemendid, ja meteoroloogiline protsess on nende dialektika ilming Erscheinung. Likewise, the dialectical physical elements are proving to be, and the meteorological process is the Erschinung manifestation of their dialectics. [26, 11, 41, 88, 81, 85] 55.333333333333336 [-0.8354222341017642, -1.2688245992492837, -0.2247907699388806, 0.7442185189868247, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5587533739601147] -0.08147100757493075 -0.4008956551551819 +358 pisiBütsants Komnenoste dünastia lõpus, aastal ca 1180 in writing. - (FR) Finally of the BUC dynasty in the year, ca 1180 [6, 31, 1, 38, 35, 37] 24.666666666666668 [-1.460292013237219, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.5638379586849303, -1.2424137740542707, -1.3824921645551846] -1.2691268350272007 -0.9082273244857788 +359 Kui kaalul on meie lapsed, kodumaa või isiklikud ambitsioonid, siis tundub olukord teistsugune. When our children, our home country or our personal ambitions are at stake, the situation seems different. [94, 93, 100, 100, 100, 76] 93.83333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.1460899148712802, 1.3403513040085604, 1.4219152587093946, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4377118082008297] 1.126696932749293 -0.35199907422065735 +360 Samuti uurib ta, kuidas inimestel tekkis sümboliline mõtlemine. It will also look at how people come up with emblematic thinking. [34, 61, 31, 58, 62, 45] 48.5 [-0.5854743224475824, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -0.09007785635906261, -0.06975075057547515, -0.620170681070149] -0.27530974119752155 -0.48696497082710266 +361 Zygmunti keeldumine ja nõudmised ainult suurendasid kaost, kuna rootslased pakkusid oma kandidaati ja võtsid üle Veliki Novgorodi. The refusal and demands of Zygmunt only increased chaos because the Swedes offered their candidacy and took over Velik Novgorod. [91, 91, 100, 81, 100, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.101210457141043 -0.32906317710876465 +362 Üle külmunud mere mindi Saaremaale, arvatavasti selle idaossa või Muhusse, rüüstati seal külasid ja rünnati üht linnust. There, villages were looted and one urban area was attacked, probably in the eastern part of the sea or the Muhi, over the frozen sea. [7, 31, 1, 57, 79, 68] 40.5 [-1.4290485242804463, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.44990022892794107, 0.44997912719119615, 0.1096188910533485] -0.5475126390992403 -0.7056602239608765 +363 Praegu asuvad mõisaansamblis koduloomuuseum ja Venemaa kutsehariduse muuseum. At present, there is a home natural pillar of the rational pillar and a museum of vocational education in Russia. [6, 31, 1, 38, 29, 34] 23.166666666666668 [-1.460292013237219, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.1343437451734075, -1.12785038341693, -1.5133829711084976] -1.2002657020946088 -0.6440995335578918 +364 Infosüsteemid ei tööta ning meditsiinivahendite ja ravimitega varustamine on tihti puudulik. Information systems are not working, and the supply of medical equipment and medication is often inadequate. [94, 91, 64, 99, 100, 100] 91.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3853493605830032, 1.0630801754041426, 1.1249782957469103, 0.9996617706525889] 0.9915656963689611 -0.3582622706890106 +365 Kõige suuremad muudatused olid aga tegevuse laiendamine senise San Francisco lahe piirkonna asemel üleriigiliseks ja ettevõtte fookuse muutumine. The most significant changes, however, were the expansion of operations to date, rather than the present region of San Francisco, a nationwide change in focus of business. [23, 31, 1, 29, 38, 46] 28.0 [-0.9291527009720825, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.12785038341693, -1.3388618957040805, -0.9111712880504766] -1.045460227962528 -0.5798088908195496 +366 Valjalased ristiti ja preestrid saadeti ka teistesse Saaremaa linnustesse. The regular cross and priests were also sent to other towns in the island of Saareland. [10, 1, 1, 9, 17, 1] 6.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.179020691021751, -1.1963764767923937, -2.016289862523797] -1.5960392495706295 -0.507793664932251 +367 Mõnel juhul võib see printsiip tunduda liiga nõudlik. In some cases, this principle may seem too demanding. [92, 91, 100, 100, 100, 91] 95.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9814216926040136] 1.1761355803551934 -0.3687456548213959 +368 Sõja puhkemine Taani kuninga alal osutab tema arvates sellele, et ülestõusu üheks eelduseks oli tüli ühiskonna juhtimise üle. The outbreak of war with the Danish King shows that one of the prerequisites for the uprising was the dispute over the governance of society. [61, 51, 31, 78, 84, 71] 62.666666666666664 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.412248360714594, 0.6681304714467177, -0.16253911793112225] 0.09917549781131803 -0.3619524836540222 +369 Näiteks üürilepingu puudused erinevad müügilepingu puudustest, laenulepingu puudused veolepingu puudustest jne. For example, the defects in the rental contract are different from the shortcomings of the sales contract, the shortcomings of the credit contract with regard to the transport contract, etc. [31, 4, 31, 73, 78, 68] 47.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.4749758382595757, -0.49006908755709094, 0.26826879803671755, 0.4063488583400919, -0.05364345636477628] -0.33721258585375574 -0.48867422342300415 +370 Viljaka kirjanikuna juhtis Eutimius suurt keelereformi, mis standardiseeris bulgaaria keele õigekirja ja grammatikat. As a ferjaka writer, Ecesmius led a great deal of language reform, which standardised the Bulgarian language Orthodox letter and grams. [20, 1, 1, 21, 27, 33] 17.166666666666668 [-1.0228831678424006, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3816902345903206, -1.818794853066228, -1.4488105203612864] -1.4202348642559908 -0.5306530594825745 +371 Kiirabi on küll olemuslikult sisejulgeoleku osa, kuid alati ei ole tegemist politsei, päästeteenistuse ja sõjaväega sarnaneva valitsusasutusega. It is essentially part of internal security, but it is not always a matter of the police, a rescue service and a government agency similar to the military. [20, 50, 31, 64, 52, 58] 45.833333333333336 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.12026769619194233, -0.49006908755709094, -0.25140082163217303, -0.4322240068442644, -0.20768092291338958] -0.42075428383021013 -0.3914485573768616 +372 Portugali suurim linn on pealinn Lissabon, kus 2011. aasta rahvaloenduse andmetel elas 552 700 inimest. The largest city in Portugal is Lisbon, where 552 700 people lived, according to the census in 2011. [50, 51, 31, 76, 100, 86] 65.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.3190883206378832, 1.1249782957469103, 0.7431032729058616] 0.25345079723397895 -0.30715715885162354 +373 Teda võib pidada Tallinna sümboliks ning temast on loodud luuletusi ja laule. He can be regarded as a symbol of Tallinn, and he has been created with poems and song. [23, 51, 31, 57, 82, 70] 52.333333333333336 [-0.9291527009720825, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.44990022892794107, 0.5808699337445091, 0.17307885384669613] -0.20099845817606354 -0.3833059072494507 +374 Sellisel juhul on tema tahe fragmenteerunud, ebapüsiv ja ebasidus, motiveerides teda korraga või järgemööda vastupidistes suundades. In that case, its will will will will be fragmented, inconsistent and inconsistent, motivating it to the contrary once or for all. [13, 1, 1, 15, 17, 29] 12.666666666666666 [-1.2415875905398097, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7332322178612452, -1.7008804037850265, -1.12785038341693] -1.4421301675464535 -0.5172415971755981 +375 Armastaja ei armasta armastatut ainult "esimest järku" omaduste pärast, mis armastuse esile kutsusid ja tegid ühise ajaloo võimalikuks. The artist does not love a loved person just for the qualities of the 'first stage' that provoked love and made it possible to have a common history. [47, 51, 21, 23, 23, 23] 31.333333333333332 [-0.1793089660095367, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.4275290808375833, -1.483396450023753, -1.318230271796973] -0.8757716155056032 -0.5065569281578064 +376 Musk korraldas 2007. aasta augustis Eberhardi tagandamise tegevjuhi ametikohalt, ta määrati Tesla Motorsi tehnoloogiajuhiks. The Roma organised the return of Eberhard in August 2007 as CEO and appointed Tesla Motors technology manager. [36, 51, 21, 49, 52, 51] 43.333333333333336 [-0.5229873445340368, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.43399388551068224, -0.4322240068442644, -0.4297907926901062] -0.4441934923241438 -0.3889790177345276 +377 Intervjuus lükkas Kagame süüdistused tagasi, kuid lubas kaasa aidata sõltumatule uurimisele Habyarimana lennuki allatulistamise kohta. In Interview, Kagame rejected the charges, but promised to contribute to an independent investigation into the shooting down of the Habyarimana plane. [50, 51, 51, 67, 83, 75] 62.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.04048754767932973, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.09227965047679622 -0.2881060540676117 +378 Selles näeb ajalooteadus oma ülesannet, sellest tuleb tema formaalse olemuse esitamisel lähtuda. It sees history as a task; it must be guided by its formal nature. [50, 51, 31, 55, 77, 66] 55.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.20471653274293583, 0.47395913382770866, 0.04615892826000089] -0.05851059609033463 -0.5748664140701294 +379 Tallinna linnapea Edgar Savisaar murdis oma kodutalus Hundisilmal linde toites jalaluu. Edgar Savisaar, Mayor of Tallinn, broke a shoe in his farm in Hundisilmal's food. [20, 31, 1, 26, 9, 18] 17.5 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -2.0757696521422635, -2.235917414133541, -3.6784977177311147] -1.8297988419134867 -0.33752551674842834 +380 Ka jäi see sadamakoht kaugele ordu Liivimaa keskmaa tuumikaladest ja toimis seetõttu rohkem paikkondliku sadamana. This port also lagged far behind the core areas of the central area of Libya and therefore operated more as a local port. [20, 1, 1, 27, 23, 18] 15.0 [-1.0228831678424006, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.5306005177365722, -1.993315928470645, -1.4768801787803418] -1.478818367084278 -0.7005771994590759 +381 India pealinna New Delhi Dwarka äärelinnas kukkus alla piirivalvele tellimuslendu teinud väikelennuk Beechcraft Super King Air. In the outskirts of New Delhi Dwarka, the young girl who made an orchestrate in India's capital, BeechicSuper King Air, has crashed below the border. [11, 1, 1, 41, 12, 39] 17.5 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.0262737162925444, -1.8821170319194211, -1.2006693362178358] -1.3770608437598109 -0.6086246967315674 +382 Maria Theresia abikaasa Franz Stephan, kes juhatas austerlasi Böömimaal, liikus liiga aeglaselt, et kindlust säästa. Maria Theresia's wife Franz Stephan, who chaired the Austrians in Bohemia, went too slowly to save security. [20, 1, 1, 14, 29, 22] 14.5 [-1.0228831678424006, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.234590936815547, -1.12785038341693, -2.0369461973217495] -1.5452501825120557 -0.24164724349975586 +383 24. oktoobri öösel kella kaheks sisenesid NSV Liidu kaitseministri Georgi Žukovi korraldusel Budapesti Nõukogude tankid. During the night of 24 October, Soviet tanks from Budapest were entered in two o'clock on the orders of Mr Georgi Žukov, Minister of Defence of the NSV. [11, 31, 1, 22, 17, 29] 18.5 [-1.3040745684533552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.465741972965541, -1.7008804037850265, -1.12785038341693] -1.2607120713754087 -0.33986467123031616 +384 Austraalias astus Tasmaania kubernerina ametisse Kate Warner. In Australia, Kate Warner took office as the Governor of Tashaoma. [30, 51, 31, 82, 84, 80] 59.666666666666664 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5776758168102278, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.021473189746837415 -0.4300702214241028 +385 Afganistani president Ashraf Ghani tegi teatavaks oma valitsuskabineti koosseisu. Afghan President Ashraf Ghana announced the composition of his cabinet. [30, 51, 60, 73, 78, 67] 59.833333333333336 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, 0.279238033535719, 0.12647325843666224, 0.4063488583400919, 0.07788890965667469] 0.014780543750667069 -0.20067846775054932 +386 Dezza otsustas kokku kutsuda üldkongregatsiooni, kus 13. septembril 1983 valiti uueks ülemkindraliks Peter Hans Kolvenbach. The decision to convene the General Congress, where Peter Hans Kolvenbach was the new General Union, was elected on 13 September 1983. [20, 31, 1, 36, 40, 44] 28.666666666666668 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.2063904310939828, -1.2516013580018719, -0.9938850160982935] -1.0734141787780247 -0.3533197343349457 +387 Lennuki pardal oli 121 reisijat ja 6 meeskonnaliiget, kõik hukkusid. 121 passengers and 6 crew members were on board aircraft, all killed. [50, 80, 51, 89, 95, 100] 77.5 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, 0.9089270413502557, 1.1153150491210377, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6445611747684136 -0.4496499300003052 +388 Plahvatuse võimalike põhjuste kohta ei andnud politsei esialgu mingit teavet. The police initially did not provide any information about the possible causes of the disruption. [92, 91, 62, 69, 84, 85] 80.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, -0.09182188868846507, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5973296811608285 -0.458568811416626 +389 Sambia asub üksikute mägedega kõrgel kiltmaal, mida lõhestavad orud. Zambia is located in a high haddock with a few mountains, divided by valves. [23, 31, 1, 85, 83, 81] 50.666666666666664 [-0.9291527009720825, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.7017464088819532, 0.5855686120034557, 0.5372396648934048] -0.17838718580414473 -0.42661458253860474 +390 Liitlaste komandöridel oli nüüd võimalus saata mõned neljandast kolonnist hilinenud täiendused sellesse kibedasse võitlusse. The comrades of the federations have now had the opportunity to send a few four-quarters of the colonies' belated additions to this bitter struggle. [24, 1, 1, 48, 23, 36] 22.166666666666668 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8284575600026597, -1.318230271796973, -1.426122433406289] -1.2199916478161568 -0.4519631266593933 +391 Kuid me valime neid ka õnne pärast, õnne aga ei valita nende ega millegi muu pärast. But we are also choosing them for happiness, but happiness is not for them or for anything else. [23, 51, 31, 81, 82, 82] 58.333333333333336 [-0.9291527009720825, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.522108649210108, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4506833450792516] 0.0072704367190372194 -0.40973350405693054 +392 Asi pole ainult selles, et niisugune järelemõtlemine on seletav, eetikateooriat nõuab aga kriitiline järelemõtlemine. It is not just that this reflection is understandable; however, the ethical theory requires critical reflection. [70, 80, 80, 100, 100, 100] 88.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 0.7632376138521665, 0.8097946687721397, 1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, 1.620965828286676] 0.9397692337840438 -0.39274972677230835 +393 Boliivia ja Brasiilia jõudsid kokkuleppele Boliivia poolt Brasiiliale tarnitava maagaasi hinnatõusu määras. Bolivia and Brazil reached an agreement on rising prices of natural gas supplied by Bolivia to Brazil. [89, 91, 100, 97, 95, 89] 93.5 [1.1329175701749183, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1264109951115293, 0.867173864977587] 1.0908461307707502 -0.3439776301383972 +394 c) Ilu on tarkus, logos ja sümbol, mis hinges loovalt tärkavad. (c) Ilu is wisdom, logos and symbolism that breathe in the soul of creativity. [20, 31, 1, 18, 14, 10] 15.666666666666666 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -2.3859883481305837, -1.8834153711296966] -1.4558153609191038 -0.5094010829925537 +395 Eldoreti linnas süütas rahvajõuk põlema kiriku, kuhu olid varjunud president Mwai Kibakiga samasse kikuyu hõimu kuuluvad inimesed. In the town of Eldoret, a crowd gang set fire to a church that had been stolen by people belonging to the same stone's triumph as President Mwai Kibaki. [10, 1, 1, 23, 28, 33] 16.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.318230271796973, -1.7751645842151236, -1.4488105203612864] -1.45445897390987 -0.33490028977394104 +396 Rumeenia lääneosas evakueeriti mudalaviinide ohu tõttu oma kodudest sajad inimesed. Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes due to the threat of mudslides in the western part of Romania. [93, 70, 100, 97, 100, 86] 91.0 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 1.3076476232459238, 0.7431032729058616] 1.0181271765805644 -0.24772627651691437 +397 Tagajärgede vaibumise vajadus tuleb sellest, et tavaliselt me ei tea, kas kauged tagajärjed on head või halvad. The need to reverse the consequences comes from the fact that we do not normally know whether the remote consequences are good or bad. [41, 41, 21, 78, 83, 81] 57.5 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7553474051753013, 0.14260101950618043, 0.6245002025956135, 0.522108649210108] -0.03637112046979124 -0.46623703837394714 +398 Eestis avaldas Paldiski linnavolikogu umbusaldust linnapea Kaupo Kallasele. In Estonia, the Mayor of the City Council of Paldiski, Kaupo Kallas, was discredited. [91, 91, 100, 23, 16, 29] 58.333333333333336 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -1.4275290808375833, -1.7371277294119054, -1.12785038341693] -0.11159363011684253 -0.4591156840324402 +399 Eetiliste dispositsioonide kujunemine on inimestel looduslik, kuigi vajab kasvatust ja kätkeb konventsiooni. The development of ethical positions is natural for people, even though they need upbringing and are associated with the Convention. [50, 80, 51, 94, 84, 89] 74.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, 0.882963460602704, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7759485003834985] 0.5075315158041996 -0.5032655596733093 +400 Rida väikseid lahinguid hävitasid seega täielikult Hispaania ja Prantsuse ühendarmee vägede suure kontsentratsiooni. A number of small battles have thus completely destroyed the high concentration of Spanish and French Commonwealth troops. [70, 91, 100, 27, 52, 40] 63.333333333333336 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -1.3300167806002303, -0.3980608112934324, -1.1593124721939274] 0.013240346797591082 -0.4108603596687317 +401 Darwini lapsed ja ajaloolased on radikaalselt kummutanud selle väite. Darwin's children and historians have radically haunted this claim. [31, 1, 1, 57, 66, 62] 36.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.12829074848702035, 0.07523855193204053, -0.08076099732669434] -0.6103747321458804 -0.2823418974876404 +402 Valitsusväed sisenesid Donetski oblastis Ždanivka linna. The government forces entered the town of Donetski oblastis Ždanivka. [33, 51, 21, 72, 82, 61] 53.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.23653881664004375, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3471481813983978] -0.1654370277973289 -0.19708049297332764 +403 Finnis ütleb, et kui sõprus ei ole abieluline, siis sõprade suguelundite aktiveerimine ei saa olla nende sõpruse ühise hüve aktualiseerimine. Finn says that, if friendship is not helpless, the activation of friends' genital mutilation cannot be an accessories to their common good of friendship. [17, 1, 1, 26, 29, 23] 16.166666666666668 [-1.116613634712719, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3128904044537102, -1.2659124962624795, -1.318230271796973] -1.310479536150265 -0.41773709654808044 +404 Poolakatele katastroofilises Batigi lahingus enamus neist, sealhulgas Kalinowski, tapeti. Most of them, including Kalinowski, were killed in a catastrophic Basin battle for Poles. [92, 91, 62, 76, 83, 69] 78.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 0.36345874222673896, 0.6245002025956135, 0.04003658449941787] 0.6123544707157846 -0.6171240210533142 +405 Teadusajalugu näitab, millised need vastamata küsimused on. Scientific history shows what these unanswered questions are. [89, 91, 100, 89, 84, 100] 92.16666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.867173864977587, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0031354004453832 -0.2595899701118469 +406 Uute teooriate ilmumine heidab uut valgust ka avastustele. The appearance of new theories also sheds new light on discoveries. [92, 91, 100, 74, 100, 87] 90.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5213284176882611, 1.3076476232459238, 0.7124885375901508] 1.0326089134077454 -0.19341208040714264 +407 47. rügemendi I pataljoni käputäis võitlejaid jäi positsioonidele Grenaderimäe taha Vaivara surnuaiale kuni 8. augustini 1944. The 47th Library I, a handful of fighters, stayed behind Grenadernage to the cemeteries of Vaivara until 8 August 1944. [22, 31, 1, 34, 61, 59] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.2784371170145583, -0.10599807620235407, -0.3735320557396667] -0.7806814230861724 -0.5546007752418518 +408 Sõjalist ja poliitilist edu saatis kultuuriline õitseaeg näiteks filosoofias ja kunstis. Military and political success, for example, was accompanied by cultural nursery in philosophy and art. [31, 1, 1, 86, 68, 82] 44.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.8001850644696189, 0.2920510649205147, 0.5776758168102278] -0.3097538754655413 -0.43716222047805786 +409 Ajal, mil Kreeta oli mükeenelaste võimu all, tabas pitsatite valmistamise kunsti langus. At a time when Kreeta was under the control of mykeeners, the artistic decline in the manufacture of seals has hit. [22, 1, 1, 61, 54, 58] 32.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.10599807620235407, -0.5803163758592089, -0.20768092291338958] -0.7839369957632529 -0.3573097288608551 +410 Võimude hinnangul toimusid rünnakud koordineeritult. According to the authorities, the attacks took place in a coordinated manner. [89, 91, 100, 100, 84, 99] 93.83333333333333 [1.1329175701749183, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.2807425052166714] 1.1057182845770195 -0.32767724990844727 +411 17. juunil 2007 nõudis Benedictus XVI kõikide relvakonfliktide lõpetamist. On 17 June 2007, Benedict XVI called for an end to all armed conflicts. [93, 91, 63, 100, 76, 100] 87.16666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821, 1.1249782957469103, 0.3190883206378832, 1.0991035183644302] 0.8745121250734592 -0.178871288895607 +412 Ometi jäi osa Lastekodumäe kaevikuid eestlaste, sakslaste ja taanlaste valdusse. However, some trenches of children's doorstep remained in the hands of Estonians, Germans and Danes. [31, 1, 1, 24, 15, 22] 15.666666666666666 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3893161887096255, -1.5720701229703633, -1.519643775650632] -1.3349108810540384 -0.4160969853401184 +413 Jaan Tõnisson saadeti aga pärast enamlastevastase meeleavaldamise organiseerimist maalt välja. Jaan Tangisson, however, was expelled after organising the protests against the majority of children. [22, 31, 1, 19, 49, 47] 28.166666666666668 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.6283857525312686, -0.43399388551068224, -0.8698144240265682] -0.9763858919381624 -0.4397589862346649 +414 Margna saab Tiigi käest teada, mis ähvardab tema isamaja. Margna will find out from Tig what threatens her father's house. [33, 51, 21, 53, 49, 51] 43.0 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.5939936007690919, -0.4932507554834539, -0.7043869679309344] -0.5424190099922681 -0.4605558514595032 +415 Ta määrati Rakveres moodustatud Eesti Julgestusgrupp 184 alla kuuluva kuid eraldi tegutseva ja 18. armee eriülesandeid täitva 15. kompanii ülemaks. He was handed over by 15th commander dealing with the specific tasks of the Estonian Security Group, set up in Task Force 184 and the 18th Army. [50, 51, 31, 29, 23, 34] 36.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -1.7315343153640192, -1.318230271796973, -1.407453656337378] -0.8539472248975253 -0.5709099173545837 +416 Ta pani ette, et Kuul on nähtamatu aine, mis täidab kraatrid ja katab mäed, nii et Kuu on täiesti kerakujuline. He proposed that Cuba has an invisible substance that fills the bureaucrats and covers the mountains, so the moon is absolutely cool. [4, 1, 1, 35, 28, 28] 16.166666666666668 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6918208820492637, -1.4945771747762846, -1.2364646201977947] -1.4658120129749692 -0.5152240991592407 +417 Bulgaaria säilitas ulatusliku kindlusterea riigi kaitseks, pealinn Tărnovo oli keskel. Bulgaria maintained a comprehensive series of safeguards for the country, in the middle of the capital Tărnovo. [50, 51, 80, 74, 75, 72] 67.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.16249660139694996, 0.27545805178677896, 0.44490263343234565] 0.2527093228430873 -0.36678504943847656 +418 Pärast Tortšinovost lahkumist muutus taganemine „normaalseks“. Following the departure of the Torchinovok, the withdrawal from the retreat became a common remedy. [50, 51, 31, 54, 83, 69] 56.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.5579702578088042, 0.6245002025956135, 0.1413488724500223] -0.07643104810832498 -0.6893488764762878 +419 Hoiaku muutumine tule rolli suhtes keemilises analüüsis etendas olulist osa 17. sajandi keemia arengus. The change of attitude towards the role of chemical analysis played an important part in the development of the 17th century chemistry. [81, 65, 65, 34, 38, 30] 52.166666666666664 [0.8829696585207364, 0.3214849588301121, 0.41187719234482423, -1.7344818565040414, -1.1343437451734075, -1.1600388359418792] -0.40208877132060933 -0.34576693177223206 +420 Are korterisse tuleb Martinit külastama jõuluvana, kes räägib Georgi häälega. Martyr must be visited as Santa Claus, who speaks with Georg's vote. [6, 1, 1, 14, 12, 15] 8.166666666666666 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.9989039762203125, -1.6672600671603848, -1.4140143306622128] -1.5649501328259727 -0.5879494547843933 +421 Aga kuidas me teada saame, et see üldine printsiip on tõene? But how can we know that this general principle is true? [94, 91, 100, 100, 81, 100] 94.33333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0152560939928115, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302] 1.0613791928477214 -0.43853870034217834 +422 Õnnetuses hukkus 10 ja sai vigastada 13 inimest, kellest veel 1 suri järgmisel päeval haiglas. The disaster killed 10 people and injured 13, of whom 1 more died in hospital the next day. [92, 91, 62, 100, 82, 100] 87.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9085138404714646 -0.45065876841545105 +423 Võitlusega olid tihedalt seotud liitriigi jalavägi, suurtükivägi ja ratsavägi. The fight was closely linked to the military, the artillery and the police of the federal state. [50, 61, 31, 50, 51, 51] 49.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -1.0519062652275972, -0.4297907926901062, -0.46847133247114325] -0.3870219543768208 -0.5750760436058044 +424 Teda tuntakse samuti eugeenika pooldajana ja evolutsioonibioloogi Ronald Fisheri juhendajana, mentorina. He is also known as eugenic and evolutionary biologist Ronald Fisher's mentor, as a mentor. [24, 1, 31, 68, 84, 85] 48.833333333333336 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -0.12373767527720667, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] -0.3408956105721826 -0.2683253884315491 +425 Tõepoolest, miks peaks loomulike kalduvuste kohaselt käitumisel olema moraalset tähtsust? Indeed, why should behaviour according to natural tendencies have moral importance? [70, 91, 100, 82, 67, 75] 80.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5808699337445091, 0.07788890965667469, -0.016503524950316713] 0.6015145772206673 -0.2955935597419739 +426 Sakslastele järgnesid Riiasse kihelkondade vanemad, kes seal ristiti ja kellega rahu kinnitati. The Germans were followed by their Copts in Riga, who were risked there and with whom peace was assured. [31, 1, 1, 25, 26, 23] 17.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6026472036571477, -1.3128904044537102, -1.318230271796973] -1.29370051315024 -0.46294498443603516 +427 Sõja esimesel aastal viisid halvad tingimused lahinguväljal koolerapuhanguni, mis põhjustas suure arvu Itaalia sõdurite surma. In the first year of the war, bad conditions led to a cholera outbreak on the battlefield, which caused the death of a large number of Italian soldiers. [96, 70, 100, 100, 83, 97] 91.0 [1.3516219928723274, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 1.1980287771688547] 1.0180360693716215 -0.2475261390209198 +428 Sellepärast võtsin ma nimetuseks puhta praktilise mõistuse kriitika asemel alusepaneku kommete metafüüsikale. That is why I called the metaphysical of compositions rather than the criticism of good practical sense. [33, 51, 21, 88, 93, 76] 60.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.5692107640539581, 0.5887911720996536, 0.06990332701317616] -0.03916291210055676 -0.5225067734718323 +429 Algse päritoluga ukseava küljepõskedes on näha hästisäilinud riivpalgi avad. On the doorstep of the original origin, rice balls have evaporated. [6, 1, 1, 2, 18, 13] 6.833333333333333 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.7308733051024485, -1.8548106043791617, -1.8458697062925422] -1.79017933978118 -0.6478371024131775 +430 Ülejäänud 6 kohta läksid opositsioonilisele Ühinenud Tööliste Parteile. For the other 6 seats, the opposition United Left Party went to you. [6, 1, 1, 29, 24, 18] 13.166666666666666 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4585538318159967, -1.4471491243968742, -1.4768801787803418] -1.4486842596510232 -0.47535860538482666 +431 Ka komisjonilepingule kohaldatakse käsunduslepingu kohta sätestatut, kui komisjonilepingut reguleerivatest normidest ei tulene teisiti. The Commission agreement will also apply the provisions of the bail-out agreement if the rules governing the Commission's agreement are not otherwise established. [50, 51, 21, 81, 72, 77] 58.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.5372396648934048, 0.29272250569331404, 0.3951887236234128] 0.0489012451175233 -0.5484341382980347 +432 Itaalias Giglio saare rannikul alustati 13. jaanuaril karile sõitnud kruiisilaeva Costa Concordia kütusest tühjaks pumpamist. On 13 January, on the Italian coast of Giglio, the cruise ship Costa Concordia, a cruise ship sailing for cattle, started to be empty. [18, 1, 1, 30, 18, 12] 13.333333333333334 [-1.0853701457559461, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.422530488855709, -1.1676848812229885, -1.6672600671603848] -1.3653459987784562 -0.4540604054927826 +433 Kui selline volitus on antud, siis maakler esindab käsundiandjat. Once such a mandate has been given, the rapporteur will represent the hand-maker. [31, 1, 1, 47, 39, 30] 24.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8698144240265682, -1.2952316268529762, -1.697337004628338] -1.2318030424169153 -0.49454569816589355 +434 Vastused on abstraktsemad ja vähem määratletult inimlikud kui Aristotelesel. The responses are more abstract and less defined in human terms than in Aristotle. [50, 80, 51, 79, 85, 100] 74.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, 0.45360522473850245, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.5014151538625854 -0.33964797854423523 +435 A ja B peavad olema konkreetsed muutused, mitte muutuste liigid. A and B must be specific changes, not types of change. [93, 91, 100, 85, 84, 100] 92.16666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7017464088819532, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9963931504006261 -0.19817529618740082 +436 Eesti Arengufondi nõukogu valis fondi juhatuse esimeheks Tõnis Arro. The Council of the Estonian Development Fund selected Mr Tbleis Arro as its chairman. [61, 80, 61, 54, 82, 57] 65.83333333333333 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, -0.3346008485000848, 0.5808699337445091, -1.166310287855956] 0.06784369265390944 -0.49088770151138306 +437 Samal aastal sattus Ungari rahvusliku valuuta surve alla, mis lõppes suurima teadaoleva hüperinflatsiooniga. In the same year, the Hungarian national currency came under pressure, which resulted in the worst known hyperinflation. [89, 91, 100, 95, 80, 100] 92.5 [1.1329175701749183, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9189868035629918, 0.4936093960423005, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0163388217340035 -0.33783912658691406 +438 Linnade langus oli liitriigi majandusliku lagunemise kõige ilmekam aspekt. The drop in towns was the most obvious aspect of the economic disintegration of the federal state. [31, 31, 3, 92, 83, 100] 56.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] -0.008846655764125985 -0.38730499148368835 +439 Laine jookseb jälle turul Jürkale otsa, kes heidab nalja naise valikute üle, aga esitab siis suure palve. The loan once again runs out on the market to Jürka, who wastes a joke over the choices of a woman, but then makes a big request. [4, 1, 1, 42, 53, 48] 24.833333333333332 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9902503733322566, -0.6844078629375159, -0.5249807368801277] -1.0952747289960623 -0.5057470202445984 +440 Ühine loomus inimsus on olemas nii Sokrateses kui ka Platonis, kuid Sokrateses teeb selle individuaalseks Sokratese seesus ja Platonis Platoni seesus. There is common humanity in Sokratia and Platon, but in Sokrates it is made individually in Socrates and Platon Platon in the inside. [10, 1, 1, 38, 29, 47] 21.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693, -0.8698144240265682] -1.2535125283722357 -0.5123458504676819 +441 Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf alustas ringreisi Euroopa riikides, saabudes esimesena Belgia pealinna Brüsselisse. The President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, began a tour in European countries with the first Belgian capital to come to Brussels. [22, 31, 1, 29, 29, 29] 23.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.0164676786809514, -1.12785038341693, -1.7315343153640192] -1.1336622778370593 -0.362216591835022 +442 Marssal Coigny, jäädes kaugele teistest Prantsuse vägedest, tungis Wissembourgi juures läbi vaenlase ja taganes Strasbourgi suunas. Marssal Coigny, far from other French troops, invaded an enemy at Wisharourg and returned to Strasbourg. [31, 31, 5, 100, 100, 94] 60.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.179792713364438, 1.32209936924058, 0.9996617706525889, 0.851024723251196] 0.10566121687369144 -0.41892126202583313 +443 Philippa Foot on väitnud, et voorused on korrektiivid, mis hoiavad omakasu emotsioone vaos. Philippa Foot has said that the virtues are corrective, which is holding self-defeating emotions. [70, 91, 100, 67, 81, 60] 78.16666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048, -0.3418302000470779] 0.5400217532293564 -0.49661803245544434 +444 Tunnelite pea vertikaalsed lõigud kere külgede juures võisid samuti sisse variseda ja tuukri tunnelisse matta. You felt near vertical passages at the fringes of the neck could also collapse and bury the wind in the hour. [4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3] 2.3333333333333335 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.29561956957441, -2.016289862523797, -2.2083429625613316] -1.6487102992476685 -0.6374074816703796 +445 Ukrainas Donetskis tabas mürsk peatuses seisnud trollibussi. Donetskis, Ukraine, has had poisoning buses at a standstill. [4, 1, 1, 30, 22, 14] 12.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.0961204020202562, -2.0369461973217495, -2.9490689576594757] -1.7423574929713255 -0.5298206806182861 +446 Tuleb välja, et ei ole ühte kõikide hüvede ühist ideed. It turns out that there is no common idea of all benefits. [93, 93, 100, 100, 84, 95] 94.16666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.1460899148712802, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.8835775815176352] 1.0701698489321856 -0.27006709575653076 +447 Sellepärast on inimese elul või tegevusel mingi hea eesmärk, mis on ülim. That is why a person's life or activity has some good objective, which is the ultimate objective. [93, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.169078034309338 -0.5064651966094971 +448 Rumeenias võitis korruptsioonis süüdistatava peaministri Victor Ponta valitsus parlamendis toimunud usaldushääletuse. In Romania, the government of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who is accused of corruption, won a vote of confidence in Parliament. [70, 91, 100, 100, 100, 83] 90.66666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] 0.9355809161715595 -0.2180785834789276 +449 Flogistoniteooria kasvav ebamäärasus ja vähenev kasulikkus ei olnud kriisi ainsad allikad. The growing vagueness and diminishing usefulness of Flogistonotine were not the only sources of the crisis. [50, 51, 21, 62, 59, 81] 54.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.06277371215276832, -0.3735320557396667, 0.8523251551766589] -0.06502943531920524 -0.46212780475616455 +450 pisiBarotsemaa kuninga [[Mwarawina III ametissepühitsemine King of pisiBarotsen [inauguration of Mwarawina III [44, 51, 21, 34, 42, 25] 36.166666666666664 [-0.27303943287985494, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.5133829711084976, -1.0765987441461105, -1.2547703090036253] -0.827326063583977 -0.4160786271095276 +451 Mais 1898 oli Podolskisse kolinud Uljanovite perekond. In May 1898 the family of Uljanov moved to Podolski. [94, 70, 100, 90, 78, 84] 86.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.132734691735585, 0.4063488583400919, 0.6172985934001295] 0.8757673843801022 -0.33709320425987244 +452 Leidub ka mitmesuguseid sõnajalgtaimi, üle saja käpalise ja begooniaid. There are also various forms of vocabulary, more than 100 handballs and begonia. [5, 1, 1, 29, 15, 23] 12.333333333333334 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4585538318159967, -1.4140143306622128, -1.318230271796973] -1.4219273910241472 -0.44247061014175415 +453 Sõjajärgse poliitilise segaduse tõttu Saksamaa jagamise küsimuses takerdusid Nõukogude Liidu esindajad Berliinis. Due to the post-war political upheaval over the division of Germany into Berlin, representatives of the Soviet Union stalled. [31, 1, 1, 64, 82, 52] 38.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.45465262286070834, 0.5808699337445091, -0.6630301039070259] -0.6775413320028058 -0.39584583044052124 +454 Need, kes tunnevad pahameelt, usuvad mingil määral 1. väidet ja tahavad seda uskuda, kuid ikkagi kardavad, et tõene on 2. või 3. väide. Those who feel upset believe, to some extent, in Recital 1 and want to believe it, yet fear that claim 2 or 3 is true. [23, 1, 11, 44, 34, 23] 22.666666666666668 [-0.9291527009720825, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -0.9182036874116812, -1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973] -1.2104869538911223 -0.4797511100769043 +455 Ameerika Ühendriikides avati Suure Kanjoni klaasist vaateplatvorm. In the United States, a large-scale Kanjon vision platform was launched. [21, 51, 31, 35, 41, 29] 34.666666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -1.4697527022573933, -1.0262737162925444, -1.12785038341693] -0.8660671812666764 -0.7379326224327087 +456 Eestis oli ametlikul visiidil Soome peaminister Juha Sipilä. In Estonia, the Prime Minister of Finland, Juha Sipilä, was on an official visit. [92, 91, 100, 67, 56, 78] 80.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.06258751955390111, -0.2711408857067372, 0.4063488583400919] 0.641997399018232 -0.24735291302204132 +457 Tongal andis ametivande eelmisel päeval peaministriks valitud ‘Akilisi Pohiva. Tonel gave the oath of office last day to a list of designated as Prime Minister Akilis Pohiva. [10, 1, 1, 25, 1, 13] 8.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6026472036571477, -2.016289862523797, -2.429618616981688] -1.7055173583747447 -0.48854294419288635 +458 Mõned meie aja hirmsamad massimõrvarid on jätnud mulje, et neis pole üldse headust. Some of the terrible mass murderers of our time have given the impression that they have no good at all. [91, 70, 100, 86, 100, 79] 87.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7553910091489263, 1.0991035183644302, 0.45360522473850245] 0.8854319080310576 -0.2821691334247589 +459 Kuberneripuu kasvab platoodel, akaatsiad, ahvileivapuud ja kombreetumid viljakamal pinnasel. Siberian trees are growing on posters, academies, greedy bread trees and beverages on fertile soil. [5, 1, 1, 13, 35, 24] 13.166666666666666 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.8096580021171607, -1.3660967923134697, -1.63908683687819] -1.5259345905297534 -0.490291953086853 +460 Valdav enamus saarte elanikkonnast kõneleb emakeelena rootsi keelt, kuid 1809. aastal kaotas Rootsi saared koos Soomega Venemaale. The vast majority of the island population speaks Swedish as their mother tongue, but in 1809, the Swedish islands, along with Finland, lost out on Russia. [50, 31, 31, 56, 56, 56] 46.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.3859838908734935, -0.16650364061497808, -0.2711408857067372] -0.3465161771852327 -0.3429171144962311 +461 Palju paremini säilivad keraamika, vasest ja tinast esemed, samuti ka kullast ja hõbedast luksuskaubad. Ceramic, copper and tin items, as well as gold and silver luxury, are much better preserved. [92, 91, 100, 86, 79, 58] 84.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5947767169204025, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20768092291338958] 0.7485439705200575 -0.3789144456386566 +462 Mikk Sarv peab ka võimalikuks, et ordu vastuaktsiooni eesmärk oli omakorda vältida Skåne sündmusi ja selle eest kätte maksta. The microSnumber also considers it possible that the purpose of the order's response was, in turn, to prevent and pay for Skåne's events. [5, 1, 1, 23, 32, 13] 12.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.993315928470645, -1.3504838029351336, -1.635530085763711] -1.5533492881731987 -0.41350796818733215 +463 Aga sel juhul ei tohiks ta ka George'i ja Jimi halbadele tunnetele mingit kaalu omistada. But then he should not give any weight to the grey feelings of George and Jim either. [50, 51, 80, 100, 100, 82] 77.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.5808699337445091] 0.5394036222912608 -0.35086336731910706 +464 Joonatan Sievinen oli tema tuttav, kes varastas temalt mänguidee. Mrs Sievinen was familiar with her idea of stealing the idea of a game from her. [5, 1, 11, 18, 18, 18] 11.833333333333334 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.622992504998183, -1.4768801787803418, -2.2114672727261664] -1.5644712584593634 -0.34767037630081177 +465 14. mail 1997 teatas Liibanoni julgeolekuteenistus, et avastati vandenõu, mille raames taheti paavsti lennukit rünnata Liibanonis rakettidega. On 14 May 1997, the Lebanese security services reported that a conspiracy had been discovered seeking to attack the Pope's aircraft with rockets in Lebanon. [91, 70, 100, 87, 79, 58] 80.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0180960153517116, 0.44997912719119615, -0.20768092291338958] 0.7108143192606677 -0.32557442784309387 +466 Delegatsioonil oli kohtumine Eesti maaeluministri Tarmo Tammega. The delegation had a meeting with Estonian Minister for Rural Affairs, Tarmo Tampere. [92, 91, 100, 86, 85, 86] 90.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7431032729058616, 0.711760740297822, 0.680758556193477] 0.9649685785532163 -0.29287415742874146 +467 Mahleri sümfooniad tekitasid nii entusiasmi kui ka hirmu ja teoste kriitika võis olla ka solvav, tema laulud aga võeti vastu paremini. Mahler's symphony generated both enthusiasm and fear and criticism of works may have been insulting, while his songs were better received. [50, 51, 31, 60, 64, 67] 53.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.01365207210314715, 0.0027439006782826883, 0.07788890965667469] -0.09991406127582853 -0.40752822160720825 +468 Aastal 2000 oli see meestel 44,6 ja naistel 47,3 aastat. In 2000 it was 44.6 for men and 47.3 years for women. [91, 91, 100, 100, 97, 93] 95.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 1.0297883515568889, 1.0539163438577714] 1.1312987609818859 -0.18177615106105804 +469 Kõige rohkem pakub ta üle märkustes võimutahte kohta. Most of all, it offers more comments about the will of power. [34, 51, 21, 43, 50, 56] 42.5 [-0.5854743224475824, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.035241880122202, -0.8152986694908287, -0.2711408857067372] -0.592220113688854 -0.6629359126091003 +470 Mittekonsekventsialist võiks vabalt uskuda, et sellist tegu ei olekski. A non-sectarian could well believe that such an action would not be. [31, 1, 1, 74, 57, 82] 41.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.02804287831293066, -0.44990022892794107, 0.5808699337445091] -0.570918062081662 -0.3766878843307495 +471 Valitsev Kambodža Rahvapartei sai üle 51% antud häältest. The ruling Cambodia People's Party received more than 51% of the votes cast. [91, 91, 100, 100, 78, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9996617706525889, 0.3065899732381008, 1.1850259554682334] 1.019037185387381 -0.22825966775417328 +472 16. sajandi keskpaigaks oli Poola ülikool, Krakówi akadeemia jõudnud kriisini ja 17. sajandi alguses taandus vastureformatsiooni konformismi. By the middle of the 16th century, the Polish university, the Academy of Kraków had reached a crisis, and at the beginning of the 17th century a reversal of the Reforms of Reforms of Reformation. [31, 1, 1, 63, 73, 82] 41.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.49731359731548613, 0.12647325843666224, 0.5808699337445091] -0.5530676006879873 -0.4307170510292053 +473 Naan sai aga samal aastal Nõukogude Eesti preemia ENE eest. In the same year, however, Naan received the Soviet Estonia award for ENE. [92, 91, 100, 85, 95, 90] 92.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.76393773884274, 1.1153150491210377, 0.8076784817801723] 1.0568533619443479 -0.37554243206977844 +474 Siiski võib küsida, kas selle kohta öeldu kehtib ka perekondlikus armastuses, ja kui ei, kuidas siis seal lood on. However, one might ask whether what has been said about this also applies to family love and, if not, how it happens. [33, 3, 31, 84, 94, 67] 52.0 [-0.616717811404355, -1.504426015261046, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9034573389678384, 1.0901636694846504, 0.07788890965667469] -0.08995049935222142 -0.46452468633651733 +475 Eestimaa Rahvaliidu juhatuse koosolekul teatas erakonna esimees Villu Reiljan, et astub parteijuhi ametist tagasi. During the meeting of the Estonian People's Board, Villu Reiljan, the President of the Party, announced that he would step back from office as a party leader. [61, 51, 31, 58, 87, 74] 60.333333333333336 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.4138768859676533, 0.7990212780000306, 0.24682090461896014] 0.05152976154817601 -0.3732472062110901 +476 Uus rahvuslik valitsus keelustas ÁVH ja loobus üheparteilisest süsteemist. The new national government banned ÁVH and abandoned the one-party system. [93, 70, 100, 76, 100, 100] 89.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.1315886174327261, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 0.9385322017122655 -0.20815594494342804 +477 Ning selle piiranguga, et nomoteetiline meetod kätkeb endas peale ranges mõttes seaduste otsimise ka empiiriliste üldmõistete otsimist, on öeldu õige. And with the limitation that the nomodytic method involves not only the strict search for laws but also the search for empirical general concepts, what has been said is correct. [31, 20, 31, 67, 74, 60] 47.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -0.08966679932506398, 0.23182778293567463, -0.01365207210314715] -0.3407563286005965 -0.4134928584098816 +478 Tõlgendades sõna või lause tähendust ja osutust, tekitame midagi enamat sellest, mida papagoi tekitab küpsist küsides või koer käsklust tõlgendades. By interpreting the meaning and reference of the word or sentence, we are creating more than what the pathod produces by asking for a maturity or by interpreting the order. [22, 1, 1, 38, 38, 29] 21.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1343437451734075, -0.5938529698348856, -1.12785038341693] -1.1109456163382978 -0.49588656425476074 +479 Sest üks pääsuke ei tee kevadet, ega üks päev; nõnda ei tee õndsaks ja õnnelikuks Because one swallow does not make the spring, or one day; it does not make it angry and happy. [33, 63, 51, 35, 40, 29] 41.833333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, 0.26258460482717144, 0.04048754767932973, -1.6918208820492637, -1.062297059252832, -1.1982517280698368] -0.711002554711631 -0.36554136872291565 +480 Hiljem pidasid seda ametit vürst Pjotr Volkonski ja kammerjunkur Andrei Katkov. Later, this office was held by Pjotr Volkonski and turboy Andrei Katkov. [50, 51, 21, 100, 83, 92] 66.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 1.0152560939928115, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286] 0.25315494129426025 -0.38731223344802856 +481 Nüüd vaidlustas ta patendi andmise, väites, et tema oli sama meetodi juba varem leiutanud. He has now contested the granting of a patent, claiming that he had already invented the same method before. [92, 70, 100, 80, 79, 100] 86.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7506057704560075, 0.44997912719119615, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8935497297142291 -0.4171831011772156 +482 Juhul, kui vedaja kaotab talle saatja poolt antud veodokumendid, peab vedaja tekkinud kahju hüvitama. If the carrier loses the transport documents given to it by the accompanying person, the carrier must compensate for the damage caused. [92, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.088192453788097 -0.43634235858917236 +483 Burkina Faso riigiprokuratuur külmutas läbikukkunud riigipöörde korraldanud presidendi kaardiväe kindrali Gilbert Diendéré varad. The Public Prosecutor's Office of Burkina Faso frozen the assets of Gilbert Diendéré, the President's guard officer who carried out a failed coup d'état. [7, 1, 1, 71, 81, 61] 37.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.15459844532760872, 0.5372396648934048, -0.30580685708679023] -0.6487079468036554 -0.2967686653137207 +484 Vestluse käigus selgub, et just tema on see, kellega Ursula põgenes. During the discussion it will become clear that it is she who she has fled to. [65, 80, 65, 72, 70, 68] 70.0 [0.3830738352123726, 0.7632376138521665, 0.41187719234482423, 0.23653881664004375, 0.057306707531257405, -0.05364345636477628] 0.2997317848693147 -0.5017561912536621 +485 Teos ilmus taas päevavalgele osana 1945. aastal avastatud Nag Hammadi käsikirjadest, mis on siiani suurim leitud gnostiliste tekstide kogu. It reappeared as part of Nag Hammadi's handletters discovered in 1945, the largest body of gnostic texts ever found. [41, 41, 20, 97, 93, 100] 65.33333333333333 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 1.4002249366312889, 1.0539163438577714, 1.1249782957469103] 0.34085919172391677 -0.4034249484539032 +486 Hannah Arendti sõnul ei saadud 18. sajandil aru, et on headus, mis ei taandu voorusele, ja kurjus, mis ei taandu pahele. Mr Arendt said that in the 18th century, it was not understood that there was a charity that does not detract from the virtues and a evil that does not hit the boat. [6, 1, 11, 43, 52, 60] 28.833333333333332 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.035241880122202, -0.7280381317886201, -0.574314160703546] -1.0636397129848476 -0.5111605525016785 +487 Tööriietus pakub reeglina kaitset vaid ilmastiku eest. Work clothing generally only offers protection against weather. [92, 91, 62, 100, 81, 100] 87.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 1.5148636130151623, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9705354781047357 -0.49352365732192993 +488 Kokku osales valimistel 54 protsenti hääleõiguslikest kodanikest. In total, 54% of the voting citizens took part in the elections. [91, 91, 61, 100, 82, 100] 87.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 1.32209936924058] 0.9287452891251206 -0.3222943842411041 +489 Nende sihiks oli Plancenoit, mida preislased kavatsesid kasutada hüppelauana, et sealt edasi prantslaste tiiba rünnata. They were aimed at the planet, which the priests intended to use as a springboard to attack the French on the French side from there. [3, 1, 1, 19, 17, 14] 9.166666666666666 [-1.5540224801075373, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.8187872614188738, -2.2550975415772707, -2.234590936815547] -1.7852881049324896 -0.46691784262657166 +490 Sakul oli komme sattuda alatasa igasugustesse pahandustesse. It was the custom in the island to repeatedly recoup in all sorts of shakes. [3, 1, 1, 14, 27, 1] 7.833333333333333 [-1.5540224801075373, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.3859883481305837, -1.3384071475162373, -2.016289862523797] -1.6906563746589773 -0.6326776146888733 +491 Bütsantslased üritasid rahuläbirääkimisi, kuid Ivan Asen nõudis kõigi Bulgaaria maade tagastamist ja sõda jätkus. The Bureau tried to negotiate peace, but Ivan Asen called for all Bulgaria's countries to be returned and the war continued. [7, 31, 1, 79, 79, 79] 46.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.3426133161983885, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4586486864167604] -0.3572554156842835 -0.3684128522872925 +492 Sel juhul on ta Frankfurti arvates nii vaba, kui üldse on mõistlik soovida. In this case, in Frankfurt he thinks he is as free as it makes sense to want. [6, 1, 31, 79, 57, 68] 40.333333333333336 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.44997912719119615, -0.4562457837874836, 0.1096188910533485] -0.5683892059335393 -0.5432509779930115 +493 Esialgsetel andmetel hukkus vähemalt kolmkümmend inimest. According to preliminary data, at least thirty people died. [95, 91, 100, 85, 96, 100] 94.5 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.711760740297822, 1.156671913144946, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0899002755718998 -0.2060089260339737 +494 Pargi alale jääb nii vihmametsi, bambusesalusid, rohumaid kui ka soid. The park covers rainforest, Basin, grassland and soya. [22, 1, 1, 22, 21, 1] 11.333333333333334 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.465741972965541, -1.555891101277511, -2.016289862523797] -1.4745915893952357 -0.5317405462265015 +495 Mõned Leedu väed Paweł Jan Sapieha juhtimisel olid jäänud ustavaks Jan Kazimierzile. Some Lithuanian troops led by Paweł Jan Sapieha had remained loyal to Jan Kazimierz. [94, 91, 100, 100, 84, 100] 94.83333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.1386473360449816 -0.19084127247333527 +496 Kui sellist sidumust pole, siis pole tegu armastusega. If there is no such connection, it is not a love. [92, 91, 62, 78, 81, 85] 81.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 0.4063488583400919, 0.4146600021189639, 0.3615382092337807] 0.638113060777629 -0.38567832112312317 +497 Fangide traditsiooniline lugude jutustamise kunst on mvet. The traditional art of talking about snow is nonsense. [3, 1, 1, 16, 16, 15] 8.666666666666666 [-1.5540224801075373, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.1518772087677305, -2.298727810428375, -2.258848426590734] -1.852117722595014 -0.4078295826911926 +498 On veel üks teistest hoolimise viis, mis võib olla täiesti huvitu, kuid mis erineb armastusest, sest ta on ebaisikuline. There is another way of looking after others, which may be completely uninterested, but which is different from love because it is impersonal. [70, 91, 100, 63, 78, 71] 78.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.2337601711662148, 0.4063488583400919, 0.12275031254723479] 0.543695190765708 -0.5731344819068909 +499 Portugali nimi tuleb antiikajal Douro jõe suudmes, tänase Porto linna lähistel asunud roomlaste asula Portus Cale nimest. Portugal's name comes in antiquity at the estuary of the River Douro, the Roman Hospital Portus Cale, near the town of Porto today. [13, 31, 1, 37, 29, 45] 26.0 [-1.2415875905398097, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.0044881979358382, -1.12785038341693, -0.952528152074385] -1.0486965705997606 -0.43144726753234863 +500 Peaaegu kõigist Herakleitose kosmilistest fragmentidest leiame kontiinumi liikuva struktuursuse; see ei ole luule ega mütoloogia, vaid esteetika. Almost all of the space fragments of Herakleitos find the structure of the contium mobile; it is not a bone and mythology, but an aesthetics. [31, 1, 1, 28, 1, 15] 12.833333333333334 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.0448638681081843, -2.016289862523797, -2.3423580792794794] -1.4886578348175117 -0.4558939039707184 +501 1558 asus seal orduvägede laager, põletati Liivi sõjas, ent taastati Rootsi võimu all 1630. aastaiks. 1558 was the army camp there, the Gulf of Riga was burnt in the war, but was restored to the age of 1630 under Swedish rule. [10, 31, 1, 97, 80, 89] 51.333333333333336 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.9910334894835672, 0.4936093960423005, 0.7759485003834985] -0.1734086285220602 -0.40657299757003784 +502 Tõepoolest, vandenõu sai tuntuks kui "Botta vandenõu". Indeed, the conspiracy became known as' Botta Conspiracy '. [91, 91, 100, 82, 95, 100] 93.16666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1264109951115293, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0758674395947188 -0.23082320392131805 +503 Ta taunis kristlaste vastu tehtud rünnakuid Iraagis ja Egiptuses. He condemned the attacks on Christians in Iraq and Egypt. [91, 91, 100, 99, 80, 100] 93.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0630801754041426, 0.4936093960423005, 1.32209936924058] 1.0836223922753978 -0.20543941855430603 +504 Vahejuhtum tõi kaasa jalgpallifännide vägivaldsed protestid kõikjal Itaalias. The incident led to violent protests by football fans throughout Italy. [92, 91, 100, 99, 100, 93] 95.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.2807425052166714, 0.9996617706525889, 0.8184718649847569] 1.1255108404626923 -0.33268770575523376 +505 Austraalias astus ametist tagasi Austraalia pealinna ala peaminister Katy Gallagher. Australia withdrew Prime Minister Katy Gallagher of Australia's capital city. [10, 40, 31, 30, 42, 17] 28.333333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -0.41476946620664523, -0.49006908755709094, -0.9880714892537185, -0.9902503733322566, -1.1963764767923937] -0.9024758250920389 -0.3670695126056671 +506 Tundub, et Sokrates ei olnud kunagi üksi, oli harva kontemplatiivne ja harva tõsine. It seems that the Socrates was never alone, was rarely considered to be mutually acceptable and rarely serious. [50, 61, 31, 100, 90, 80] 68.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005] 0.3380713433858041 -0.6339703798294067 +507 Aastal 2012 alustati kulla kaevandamist Bakoudous. In 2012, gold mining started in Bakoudous. [92, 91, 100, 100, 85, 82] 91.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 0.5776758168102278] 1.011433959129516 -0.200291708111763 +508 Solarcity on Ameerika Ühendriikide juhtiv elurajoonide päikeseenergiasüsteemide tarnija, kelle turuosa suurus 2011. aastal oli 14%. Solarcity is the United States' leading supplier of solar energy systems in residential areas, with a 14% market share in 2011. [93, 91, 63, 77, 100, 100] 87.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821, 0.36271858948898755, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103] 0.918949811694668 -0.323482483625412 +509 Valimised võitis 27,8 protsendi häältega Eesti Reformierakond, saavutades 31 kohta Riigikogus. The elections were won by 27.8% of the Estonian Reform Party, reaching 31 seats in the National Assembly. [70, 91, 100, 67, 83, 75] 81.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.07788890965667469, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] 0.6094030863973792 -0.34285789728164673 +510 Jacksonil polnud tollal plaadilepingut ei Sony ega ühegi teise plaadifirmaga. Jackson did not have a record contract at that time with either Sony or any other record company. [93, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0511149066801464 -0.2661101520061493 +511 Ugalased ei tagastanud talle midagi ega andnud kindlat lubadust seda tulevikus teha. The Ugandan people gave him nothing back and made no firm commitment to do so in the future. [22, 31, 1, 91, 82, 100] 54.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] -0.0971322102404872 -0.39941757917404175 +512 Selleks et inimene oskaks määrata, mis on talle tähtis, peab ta juba oskama aru saada, millised muutused on talle tähtsad. In order for a person to be able to determine what is important to him, he or she must already understand what changes are important to him. [91, 91, 100, 100, 82, 78] 90.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.21888885723578283, 0.19915853545263446] 0.8536892105275121 -0.4465603828430176 +513 Organisatsiooni liikmeid kahtlustati terroriaktide kavandamises juunis toimuva G8 tippkohtumise ajaks. Its members were suspected of planning terrorist acts by the time of the G8 summit in June. [50, 51, 80, 82, 100, 100] 77.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.827031554711923, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6488426873578677 -0.22407227754592896 +514 Kiirabis kasutatavad ravimid sobivad ennekõike eluohtlike seisundite raviks. Pharmaceutical products used in the country are primarily suitable for treating life-threatening conditions. [18, 31, 1, 19, 28, 24] 20.166666666666668 [-1.0853701457559461, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.5904396467317439, -1.1595803648136038, -1.9496856596195407] -1.291800152758739 -0.6673875451087952 +515 XII Riigikogu liikmena taastas oma volitused senine rahandusminister Jürgen Ligi. As a member of the People's Assembly, Mr Ligi, the current Minister of Finance, regained his mandate. [41, 41, 20, 75, 83, 79] 56.5 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 0.2881777686428686, 0.6245002025956135, 0.1369336404488223] -0.08072546903419432 -0.43065527081489563 +516 Kreeka territoriaalvetes Korfu saare lähistel puhkes tulekahju Itaalia parvlaeval Norman Atlantic, mis oli teel Pátrast Anconasse. A fire broke out in Greek territorial waters near the island of Korfu on the Italian ferry Norman Atlantic on the way from Pátra to Ancona. [95, 91, 100, 100, 83, 100] 94.83333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0152560939928115] 1.150423213066007 -0.28058141469955444 +517 Gule wamkulu tantsijad valib külavanem ja nad on suure au sees, kuigi nad oma isikut ei paljasta ja kannavad tantsides maske. The tankers of Gule wamp will choose the village's parent and will be honoured, although they will not reveal their person and weed the masses by dancing. [4, 1, 1, 28, 29, 39] 17.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4945771747762846, -1.12785038341693, -1.2006693362178358] -1.3658510492062537 -0.4997270405292511 +518 Toimus üleminek ajastust, kus pardale tungimine oli peamine võitlusviis, liinilaevade ajastusse, kus keskenduti vastase alistamisele tulejõuga. There was a shift from the time when exposure to the fleet was the main battlefield to the age of the liner ships, which focused on defeat with fire force. [22, 1, 1, 78, 84, 77] 43.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] -0.3906143210745124 -0.6330202221870422 +519 Luganski oblastis tulistati surnuks kaks valgete lippude all sõitnud sõjapõgenike kolonni, hukkus vähemalt kümneid inimesi, sealhulgas palju lapsi. In the Lugansk Oblast, two war refugees flying under white flags were shot dead, at least tens of people, including many children, were killed. [25, 51, 31, 77, 84, 70] 56.333333333333336 [-0.866665723058537, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, 0.08139344852332632] -0.05047328103544052 -0.32977789640426636 +520 Müstilise liikumisena kuulutas hesühasm vaimse palve tehnikat, mis õige hingamisega korratuna võis kellelgi võimaldada näha jumalikku valgust. As a dirty movement, the most common mental plea technique was announced, which, once properly breathed, could have enabled anyone to see the light of God. [4, 11, 1, 40, 25, 18] 16.5 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.062297059252832, -1.1300524363898834, -1.4768801787803418] -1.2911228842058045 -0.5595463514328003 +521 Pealegi, enamik looduslikke kehi, näiteks puit, kaotab roostetamisel kaalu, nagu hilisem flogistoniteooria ennustabki. Moreover, most natural bodies, such as timber, lose weight in the way they buy them, as the later flogistoniteography suggests. [5, 1, 11, 32, 27, 23] 16.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.3504838029351336, -1.2746775123257523, -1.318230271796973] -1.336479863551558 -0.6085164546966553 +522 Kevadel 1180 sundsisd Raimund ja Bohemond III Sibyllet abielluma Baliani venna, Ibelini Balduiniga. On the spring, 1180 forced guides Raimund and Bohemond III Sibyllet marry Balian's brother, Ibelin Balduini. [20, 31, 1, 22, 35, 48] 26.166666666666668 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.3499602531936468, -1.4697527022573933, -0.8284575600026597] -1.1061297971546167 -0.24036693572998047 +523 Jaanus aga ei kasuta seda raha sugugi mitte koju minekuks. In January, however, this money will not be used at all to go home. [5, 31, 1, 53, 58, 47] 32.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.2811423169988513, -0.20768092291338958, -0.613460634978659] -0.7599240794527485 -0.4747806191444397 +524 Ta teeb selle printsiibi kindlaks, näidates, et nii selle alus kui ka selle allikas on puhtas mõistuses. It will establish this principle, showing that both its basis and its source are in common sense. [19, 49, 31, 78, 76, 67] 53.333333333333336 [-1.0541266567991734, -0.14971787319341262, -0.49006908755709094, 0.3065899732381008, 0.3190883206378832, 0.253838172792557] -0.13573285848018934 -0.46249571442604065 +525 Universaalsuspõhimõte on kohaldatav maailmakuritegude puhul. The principle of universality is applicable to world crimes. [92, 91, 100, 77, 100, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.36271858948898755, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.077330859399769 -0.27466580271720886 +526 Kui teine kultuur nende üle reflekteerib, siis ta ei saa järsku avastada, et nende keeles on implitsiitne relativiseering. If another culture is reflective of them, then suddenly it cannot find that there is an implicit relativisation in their language. [20, 50, 31, 78, 84, 87] 58.333333333333336 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.12026769619194233, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4269187050200866, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7844601369297701] 0.041048226967523395 -0.30439168214797974 +527 Otsus vihastas krimmitatarlaste kogukonda, sest see takistab ka krimmitatarlaste küüditamise mälestusürituste korraldamist 18. mail. The decision alluded to the community of crickers as it also hinders the organisation of monumental events in the deportation of crimmeters on 18 May. [11, 1, 1, 27, 46, 37] 20.5 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2746775123257523, -0.6497079606055378, -0.8740105322435395] -1.1586168305506488 -0.43884631991386414 +528 Julgeolekuametnike andmetel pani rünnaku toime hiljuti restoranist vallandatud töötaja. According to security officials, the attack was carried out by a recent worker dismissed from restaurant. [70, 91, 100, 73, 79, 67] 80.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.12647325843666224, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] 0.6035289066929449 -0.35354530811309814 +529 Ameerika Ühendriikide tarkvarafirma Microsoft alustas operatsioonisüsteemi Windows uue versiooni Windows Vista müüki. Microsoft, a US software firm, launched an operating system in Windows new version of Windows Vista. [15, 41, 11, 65, 58, 81] 45.166666666666664 [-1.1791006126262644, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.1617134852456394, -0.20768092291338958, 0.5372396648934048] -0.40286672798176254 -0.26499316096305847 +530 Et aga armastus on ise tahtekonfiguratsioon, siis ei saa tõelise armastaja armastus olla täiesti tahtmatu. However, since love is a confession of will itself, true love and love cannot be completely unintended. [70, 91, 100, 57, 77, 67] 77.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.44990022892794107, 0.36271858948898755, 0.07788890965667469] 0.4929232358484763 -0.451801061630249 +531 Meile on vastik valge naise trots mustanahalise mehe ütluse vastu, et ta ei ole tollest parem. We have a nasty white woman's Troy against a black man saying that she is not better than that. [4, 1, 1, 43, 36, 29] 19.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.035241880122202, -1.426122433406289, -1.12785038341693] -1.3268706829619823 -0.4976244568824768 +532 2015. aasta andmetel elab Naurul 5701 meest ja 5587 naist. According to data from 2015, Naples lives on 5701 men and 5587 women. [12, 31, 1, 25, 31, 37] 22.833333333333332 [-1.2728310794965825, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.3951224971331087, -0.9596752998264856, -0.9759338912474481] -1.0948813112225373 -0.35221222043037415 +533 Vietnamis Hà Tĩnhi provintsis varisesid kokku tööstuskompleksi ehitustellingud. In Vietnam, Hà Ticnhi province, construction tents for an industrial complex collapsed. [16, 41, 11, 87, 71, 79] 50.833333333333336 [-1.1478571236694917, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 0.6231547153861217, 0.4066897413043879, 0.4586486864167604] -0.17755149876015133 -0.37044987082481384 +534 Vööndkaarte profiil koosneb kahest tugevast teravselgsest servamõikast. The radar card profile consists of two strong edges from the upside. [5, 1, 1, 98, 89, 94] 48.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.027056832443855, 0.7759485003834985, 1.0739581850971294] -0.24396706565753626 -0.7992452383041382 +535 Seda esines Napoleon I sõjaväes ja peaaegu igas suuremas kokkupõrkes 19. ja 20. sajandil. This was the case in Napoleon I's army and almost every major collision in the 19th and 20th centuries. [91, 91, 100, 62, 83, 81] 84.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.08076099732669434, 0.6245002025956135, 0.4278375657874865] 0.7657536973369616 -0.30755096673965454 +536 Bütsantsil kulus mitu aastat ja palju ressursse, et tülikad palgasõdurid purustada. The Bureau took several years and many resources to crush troublesome mercenaries. [15, 31, 1, 80, 80, 80] 47.833333333333336 [-1.1791006126262644, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.4936093960423005, 0.4903786678134342, 0.4949620887624109] -0.2776459266066198 -0.3807680904865265 +537 Esemete näitus avati plaanipäraselt 14. aprillil, aga tegelik oksjon jäeti Jacksoni palvel ära. The exhibition was originally launched on 14 April, but the actual auctioning was cancelled at the request of Jackson. [93, 91, 63, 99, 100, 98] 90.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821, 1.4074169510600858, 1.1249782957469103, 1.239385641192763] 1.0792805839485484 -0.313439279794693 +538 Praeguse Läti ja Eesti ala ristiusustamine algas 1180. aastatel. The current cross-cutting of the area of Latvia and Estonia started in 11860. [5, 1, 1, 30, 23, 27] 14.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.697337004628338, -1.318230271796973, -1.818794853066228] -1.5291880068935402 -0.5312734842300415 +539 Palangast Oslosse lendama pidanud lennukil lakkas peatselt pärast õhkutõusmist töötamast üks mootoritest. A plane flying from Palace to Oslo ceased to operate one of the engines shortly after taking off. [10, 1, 1, 92, 84, 100] 48.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.9912444570493123, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9230496311961767] -0.2670206512322716 -0.45206695795059204 +540 Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku kirikukogu valis piiskoppideks Joel Luhametsa ja Tiit Salumäe. The Church of Evangelical Luterlik Church of Estonia selected Joel Luhaforest and Tiit Salumäe as a bishops. [50, 51, 21, 57, 69, 63] 51.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.44990022892794107, 0.29558649281667393, -0.04903101593002054] -0.1891813625910466 -0.3903748095035553 +541 See, et Osmo neid väiteid luges ja uskuma hakkas, ei muuda midagi kirjeldatu vältimatuses. Oyso's reading and believing in these arguments does not change anything in the inevitability of what has been described. [14, 31, 1, 100, 77, 89] 52.0 [-1.2103441015830372, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 1.0991035183644302, 0.36271858948898755, 0.867173864977587] -0.1411788713972721 -0.5124602317810059 +542 Milingol võimaldati taas kiriku teenistusse naasta. What was allowed to return to the service of the Church once again. [17, 11, 1, 72, 78, 84] 43.833333333333336 [-1.116613634712719, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -0.1133648272224862, 0.3065899732381008, 0.6681304714467177] -0.46833110948523204 -0.29555168747901917 +543 Poisi isal oli kunstimaitset ja ta aitas poja annet arendada. Post had an artistic taste and helped to develop the son's talent. [19, 1, 1, 41, 37, 39] 23.0 [-1.0541266567991734, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.0262737162925444, -1.2833830642656527, -1.2952316268529762] -1.251374245647676 -0.4640379250049591 +544 Ebaisikulisest vaatekohast vahet ei ole, kui teisel kaalukausil on viis inimest. It makes no difference from an unpersonal point of view when there are five people at stake. [70, 91, 100, 100, 100, 99] 93.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2714002976190448] 1.0434630389669362 -0.5376763343811035 +545 Kõrgemad muusikakoolid rajati Eestisse alles iseseisvumise järgselt. Higher music schools were only built in Estonia after independence. [70, 91, 100, 81, 100, 91] 88.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7888186625839653, 1.3076476232459238, 0.8394084631768461] 0.983784482313312 -0.3107501268386841 +546 Tema järgi inimese vaimuanded ei määra tema õigusi. According to him, human clergy does not determine his rights. [31, 1, 1, 81, 82, 83] 46.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6190326808341362] -0.30305403710988105 -0.27298781275749207 +547 15. sajandi esimesel poolel ettevõetud põhjalikud ümberehitustööd johtusid suuresti teravnevate suhete tõttu ordu ja Tartu piiskopkonna vahel. The dangers of deep reconstruction in the first half of the 15th century largely as a result of the aggravating relationship between abortion and the Tartu Bishops. [10, 1, 1, 26, 23, 29] 15.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.8624251219173322, -1.674693889577723, -1.12785038341693] -1.4749196436663035 -0.40434813499450684 +548 Seni polnud ükski paavst oma ametiajal ametisse nimetanud sedavõrd arvukalt kardinale. So far, none of the Pope has appointed such a large number of Pope in his term of office. [30, 11, 1, 15, 21, 18] 16.0 [-0.7104482782746733, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.7206510797975005, -1.3816902345903206, -2.0691634807199133] -1.4061136188405687 -0.33524084091186523 +549 Selleks aga, et põhjust teada, on tarvis teaduslikku teadmist, mida taotletakse peamiselt spekulatiivsetes teadmistes. However, for reasons to be known, scientific knowledge is required, which is sought mainly in speculative knowledge. [30, 51, 60, 66, 75, 83] 60.833333333333336 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, 0.279238033535719, -0.3693306739511528, 0.19851994435723766, 0.8652444468398807] 0.028734325552756512 -0.4127318859100342 +550 Meljuhhin väidab, et ruumi lõpmatus tuleneb loogiliselt võttes mateeria lõpmatusest. Mr Meltshin claims that the infinite nature of the space is logically the result of the infinite. [29, 51, 21, 56, 60, 63] 46.666666666666664 [-0.741691767231446, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.4976026478113921, -0.3418302000470779, -0.03350342494859623] -0.4101321607340476 -0.44281497597694397 +551 Asi on selles, et nagu tööstuseski, võetakse uued vahendid kasutusele siis, kui selleks on vajadus. The point is that, like industry, new instruments will be mobilised when there is a need to do so. [27, 51, 57, 100, 92, 84] 68.5 [-0.8041787451449914, -0.09081751919047204, 0.19965453825025595, 1.0811424575112913, 0.87113844457352, 0.727690413215861] 0.33077159820257745 -0.473450243473053 +552 1804. aasta alguses kamandas admiral Nelson Touloni blokeerivat Briti laevastikku. At the beginning of 1804, cadmiral Nelson Touloni blocked the British fleet. [22, 41, 11, 74, 82, 65] 49.166666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 0.29999877943339137, 0.5808699337445091, -0.3871436867160806] -0.3121026959109537 -0.36219510436058044 +553 Me püüame näha õiglaselt, ületada eelarvamusi, vältida kiusatusi, kontrollida ja ohjeldada kujutlusvõimet, suunata järelemõtlemist. We are trying to see fairly, to overcome prejudices, to avoid temptations, to control and to curb imagination, to steer reflection. [50, 61, 31, 100, 92, 83] 69.5 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0811424575112913, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135] 0.35743268315282584 -0.3488142490386963 +554 Plaadifirma hakkas Jacksonile albumi valmimise teemal tohutult survet avaldama ning paljude lugude puhul tuli teha kompromisse. The Player company started to put enormous pressure on Jackson to make album, and compromises had to be made on many luxury. [22, 1, 1, 65, 82, 74] 40.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.1617134852456394, 0.5808699337445091, 0.29999877943339137] -0.5150785619453838 -0.4454818367958069 +555 7. juunil 1902 võeti kontsessioon Itaalia omandisse, mida haldas Itaalia konsul. On 7 June 1902 the concession was placed on Italian ownership, operated by the Italian consul. [92, 91, 100, 70, 61, 52] 77.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.057306707531257405, -0.2908183276918498, -0.3980608112934324] 0.5037694117446853 -0.32874569296836853 +556 Asi pole nende asjade eneste väärtuses, vaid selles, et see vajadus, mida inimesed nendega asjatult rahuldada püüavad, on sügav. It is not about the value of these things themselves, but about the deep need that people are trying unnecessarily to meet with them. [18, 31, 31, 87, 82, 77] 54.333333333333336 [-1.0853701457559461, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9309538321738059, 0.4506833450792516, 0.6359670940721344] -0.03960933686795385 -0.4186092019081116 +557 Ta püüab seda esitada veenvalt ning näidata, kuidas seda kaitsta paljude sagedaste vastuväidete eest utilitarismile. It is trying to present this convincingly and show how it can be defended against the many frequent claims of utilities infrastructure. [31, 1, 11, 25, 29, 20] 19.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.6026472036571477, -1.12785038341693, -1.2720333835260482] -1.210947975329254 -0.4833076000213623 +558 Nad ei otsi esiti tarkust, vaid õigustust sellele, mida nad kalliks peavad. They are not looking for wisdom, but for justification for what they hold dear. [95, 70, 100, 94, 81, 88] 88.0 [1.3203785039155547, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.882963460602704, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7442185189868247] 0.8823145493740853 -0.47123953700065613 +559 Eesti Vabariigi president Toomas Hendrik Ilves võttis vastu Botswana suursaadiku Bernadette S. Rathedi volikirjad. The President of the Republic of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, adopted the voter of the Ambassador of Botswana, Bernadette S. Rathedi. [11, 11, 1, 100, 85, 93] 50.166666666666664 [-1.3040745684533552, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 1.0811424575112913, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] -0.19383859738917564 -0.20635287463665009 +560 Serbia koosseisu kuuluva Kosovo pealinnas Prištinas toimusid albaanlaste meeleavaldused, millega nõuti ÜROlt piirkonnale täielikku iseseisvust. In Priština, the capital city of Kosovo, which is part of Serbia, there were demonstrations by the Albanians calling for full independence from the United Nations for the region. [22, 51, 31, 61, 64, 63] 48.666666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.30580685708679023, 0.1391994964086838, -0.04903101593002054] -0.29282019554742417 -0.3220231831073761 +561 Robert, Ludvig ja Alfred teenisid lisa tänaval tuletikkude müümisega. Robert, Ludvig and Alfred services made an addition by selling fire on the streets. [4, 1, 1, 90, 85, 95] 46.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.8076784817801723, 0.711760740297822, 0.8835775815176352] -0.32816543287180716 -0.3566358685493469 +562 Tartu lahingu tulemusel oli kogu Eestimaa mandriosa taas riialaste ja Taani võimu all. As a result of the unnecessary battle, the entire Estonian mainland was once again under the control of rice and Denmark. [5, 1, 1, 24, 10, 29] 11.666666666666666 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3893161887096255, -1.954611683173179, -1.12785038341693] -1.468757361194906 -0.337886244058609 +563 Maavärina epitsenter paiknes Escuintla linnast seitsekümmend viis kilomeetrit lõuna suunas. The epicentre of the earthquake was seventy-five kilometres south of the city of Escuintla. [70, 91, 100, 91, 83, 100] 89.16666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8394084631768461, 0.6245002025956135, 1.0991035183644302] 0.921640721501671 -0.1948414146900177 +564 Üha väärtuslikumaks kaubaks said elevandiluu ja orjad. An increasingly valuable commodity was turned into ivory and slaves. [61, 80, 61, 26, 51, 39] 53.0 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, -1.5666238606968599, -0.4297907926901062, -1.2952316268529762] -0.327423820284159 -0.39544185996055603 +565 Esimene riigipööre, millesse oli segatud ka sõjavägi, leidis aset juba 1915. aastal. The first coup d'état, in which the army was also involved, took place as early as 1915. [50, 51, 80, 96, 78, 92] 74.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.9550101465232795, 0.4063488583400919, 0.6235768728162322] 0.4363890880203421 -0.32451745867729187 +566 Portugali pangandussektor sai tugevalt kannatada suure majandussurutise ja sellele järgnenud võlakriisi käigus. The Portuguese banking sector was severely affected by the severe economic downturn and the subsequent debt crisis. [93, 91, 100, 81, 97, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5372396648934048, 1.198905646365287, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0910926663140852 -0.3484192490577698 +567 Aga kuidas saab tegu olla kohustuslik, kui see ei tule üldisemast kohustusest? But how can it be mandatory if it does not come from a more general obligation? [93, 91, 100, 100, 99, 98] 96.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 1.0932483143502365, 1.235152971992166] 1.1519001954639727 -0.354969322681427 +568 Liisa eksmees oli Mikael Salo, kellega tal on tütar Venla Salo. Mikael Salo, with whom he has the daughter Venla Salo, was a fairy man. [10, 1, 1, 12, 26, 16] 11.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.933346689113845, -1.5666238606968599, -1.6950193257332875] -1.5632563904383048 -0.43806129693984985 +569 Kui me osutame kohtadele, siis me osutame füüsilistele esemetele, võttes arvesse nende ruumilisi suhteid. When we point out seats, we refer to physical objects, taking into account their spatial relations. [31, 31, 14, 69, 56, 73] 45.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.9410422275080486, 0.544377970409416, -0.2711408857067372, 0.328969831320193] -0.2829768600038259 -0.41711583733558655 +570 Esimene valitseja pani Eloimi ja Jave riigivalitsejateks nii, et nad valitseksid seda koobast. The first ruler, Eloim and Jave, put them in a position to govern this code. [31, 11, 1, 28, 27, 25] 20.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.4945771747762846, -1.818794853066228, -1.2547703090036253] -1.3003459609708405 -0.4916679561138153 +571 Teatavate variatsioonidega rakendavad sellist kiirabisüsteemi peaaegu kõik Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigid. With certain variations, almost all of the Member States of the European Union are implementing such a chip system. [50, 51, 21, 50, 40, 29] 40.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.702063629649955, -1.2516013580018719, -1.12785038341693] -0.6688764657622914 -0.45072680711746216 +572 Maanteede kogupikkus on üle 14 000 km, neist umbes 20% on kattega teed. The total length of roads is more than 14 000 km, of which around 20% is a road with plates. [50, 51, 21, 69, 57, 51] 49.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.017620113404488574, -0.12829074848702035, -0.4297907926901062] -0.25124084634776783 -0.42899978160858154 +573 Matvijenko sõnul protesteerib ta nii Eesti valitsuse tegevuse vastu pronkssõduri mälestusmärgi teisaldamisel. According to Matvijenko, he is thus protesting against the actions of the Estonian Government in the transfer of a banal soldier's memorial. [22, 1, 1, 37, 40, 39] 23.333333333333332 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.6483289112903353, -0.7788205880535182, -1.2006693362178358] -1.0729075725277089 -0.42371848225593567 +574 Need, kes end moraalselt vihkavad, püüavad endale andestada. Those who grossly hate themselves are trying to forgive themselves. [47, 61, 31, 58, 85, 56] 56.333333333333336 [-0.1793089660095367, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -0.09007785635906261, 0.76393773884274, -0.2711408857067372] -0.010495800994242762 -0.34269675612449646 +575 Ruumi kannavad kaks Tallinna 15. sajandi arhitektuurile tüüpilist kaheksatahulist piilarit. Two hundred and fifteen centuries architectural masterpieces of the Talks will carry the floor. [3, 1, 1, 5, 22, 16] 8.0 [-1.5540224801075373, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.2006814044340257, -1.7107172325380107, -1.6950193257332875] -1.6682784754147617 -0.7865740656852722 +576 Ja nagu ebaaus teadlane, kes otsib oma teooriale toetust, kasutab ta iga õlekõrt, et toetada oma soovitud suhtelist väärtust. And like an unfair scientist who seeks support for his theory, he uses every straw to support the relative value he wants. [39, 51, 69, 100, 85, 83] 71.16666666666667 [-0.4292568776637186, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5179885193921083, 1.32209936924058, 0.4412278406896248, 0.6245002025956135] 0.3976235891772893 -0.34180089831352234 +577 Ahven esitleb Pfeffermindile hotelli, baaris kohtavad nad aga Almat ja Evet. Ahven presents the hotel to Pfeffermint, while in the bar they meet Alma and Ephet. [31, 1, 1, 66, 60, 84] 40.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.1256901422853517, -0.14422096012004196, 0.6603895448580447] -0.5229927927568263 -0.3084166646003723 +578 Ometi oleks absurdne eeldada, et ideaalsed gaasid kuskil olemas on. However, it would be absurd to expect ideal gases to exist somewhere. [92, 91, 100, 100, 100, 72] 92.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.32209936924058, 0.4589443143258932] 1.1583493664172952 -0.30393466353416443 +579 Majanduslangust liitriigis 17. sajandi teises pooles on sageli nähtud kui sõdadest põhjustatud riigi hävitamise tulemust. The recession in the federal state in the second half of the 17th century has often been seen as the result of the destruction of a country caused by wars. [91, 91, 100, 74, 67, 81] 84.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.16249660139694996, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5372396648934048] 0.7334284314853988 -0.2939874827861786 +580 Eesti Paraolümpiakomitee peasekretäri kohuseid asus täitma Keit Jaanimägi. The Secretary-General of the Ivorian Olympic Committee of Estonia took up his duties in Keit Jacopäg. [22, 1, 1, 76, 82, 79] 43.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.23454328731752536, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4586486864167604] -0.42259411535429486 -0.5507250428199768 +581 Portugal asub lähistroopikas, tal on lähistroopiline vahemereline kliima sooja ja niiske talvega ning palava ja kuiva suvega. Portugal is near the tropics, has an intimate-sea Mediterranean climate with warm and nickel winter and with palm and dry summer. [7, 1, 1, 29, 31, 33] 17.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.12785038341693, -1.6442737776618106, -1.314460459974846] -1.3941439258349568 -0.6242228746414185 +582 Kalasabamuster on taastatud läänepoolsel piilaril säilinud fragmendi eeskujul. The fishing aid rocket has been restored on the Western pipe in the form of a fragmented form. [10, 1, 1, 13, 17, 21] 10.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.635530085763711, -2.2550975415772707, -1.5253339301988655] -1.6000850041042805 -0.604797899723053 +583 Sambia kaitsekulutused moodustasid 2012. aastal 1,55% sisemajanduse kogutoodangust. Zambia's defence expenditure in 2012 represented 1.55% of GDP. [89, 91, 100, 100, 100, 80] 93.33333333333333 [1.1329175701749183, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 1.0835242493469348 -0.23517632484436035 +584 1975. aastal tehti Portugali Pangale ülesandeks ka pangandussüsteemi riiklik järelevalve. In 1975, the Portuguese Bank was also tasked with national supervision of the banking system. [91, 91, 100, 100, 100, 100] 97.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2617391574955599 -0.25144776701927185 +585 Itaalia õnneks ei läinud Kreeka sõjapooldajatel korda sundida Konstantínos I riiki sõtta viima, ning Itaalia kavatsused Albaanias jäid ohustamata. Italy fortunately did not succeed in forcing the pro-war Greek people to take Konstantínos I to war, and Italy's intentions in Albania were not compromised. [30, 51, 21, 22, 20, 18] 27.0 [-0.7104482782746733, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.4927810719324262, -1.5421677572214565, -1.4768801787803418] -1.0114070350957787 -0.32086649537086487 +586 Nagu Platon "Phaidrose" lõpus märgib, ei ole sõnades endis tarkust. As Platon's' Phaidros' states at the end, words do not have wisdom in themselves. [41, 41, 21, 91, 100, 82] 62.666666666666664 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7553474051753013, 0.774893431721841, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.16221751118043518 -0.41456446051597595 +587 Teisel aastatuhandel eKr on pitsatitel ja ehetel kujutatud mastide ja purjedega laevasid. In the second millennium of the year, the eKr is a ship with masses and sails depicted on seals and ears. [5, 1, 1, 28, 27, 1] 10.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4945771747762846, -1.0732600575354174, -2.016289862523797] -1.4874821677842 -0.3863420784473419 +588 Septembrist detsembrini esineb sageli tugevaid äikesetorme, mägedes võib ka lund sadada. From September to December, there are often strong app storms, and snow in mountains can also be halted. [22, 1, 1, 47, 34, 21] 21.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8101336585308181, -1.5133829711084976, -1.3816902345903206] -1.2524722439723666 -0.6402997374534607 +589 Suurbritannias Londonis evakueeriti inimesed ühest Suurbritannia parlamendi büroohoonest, sest sinna oli saabunud kahtlane saadetis. In London, in Britain, people were evacuated from one of the offices of the British Parliament because there had been a dubious consignment. [61, 80, 61, 29, 58, 44] 55.5 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, -1.1982517280698368, -0.20768092291338958, -0.7222026118592957] -0.13350531738458896 -0.4090575873851776 +590 Kohus pidi lahendama kõiki rahvusvahelisi vaidlusi, mille osapooled sinna arutamiseks esitasid. The Court had to resolve all the international disputes brought to it by the parties. [91, 91, 61, 100, 100, 100] 90.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0156289521215054, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9713451234145315 -0.37799039483070374 +591 Teadaolevalt esimene Sambiasse jõudnud Briti päritolu inimene oli David Livingstone. As we know, the first British man of British origin to Zambia was David Livingstone. [92, 91, 100, 64, 58, 51] 76.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.1667477356201244, -0.4662565186819943, -0.4297907926901062] 0.431898975821652 -0.24795594811439514 +592 Juba Popper rõhutas, et teaduse progressi käigus vahetatakse teooriaid välja. Popper has already stressed that in the course of scientific progress theories are being replaced. [94, 91, 64, 100, 88, 100] 89.5 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3853493605830032, 1.0991035183644302, 0.842651546851135, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9714012162287667 -0.2578645646572113 +593 Jaanuse ja Jane kodus kestab remont, tundub, et lõpmatult. The home of distribution and Jane continue to repair, it seems infinitely. [8, 1, 1, 38, 28, 18] 15.666666666666666 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2420262002417441, -1.7751645842151236, -1.4768801787803418] -1.456851068039432 -0.5094665884971619 +594 Arvatakse siiski, et need ei olnud nii olulisel kohal kui teraviljad, oliivid ja karjasaadused. However, it is believed that they were not as important as cereals, olive fish and potatoes. [9, 31, 1, 77, 80, 82] 46.666666666666664 [-1.3665615463669007, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.2705666302778131, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5808699337445091] -0.33174523569379066 -0.34818607568740845 +595 Sama aasta jõulude paiku hakkas Mahlerit kimbutama kurguvalu, mis ei kadunud. In the Christmas of the same year, Mahler started to be gripped by evil, which did not disappear. [5, 1, 1, 22, 27, 1] 9.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.465741972965541, -1.3384071475162373, -2.016289862523797] -1.5268674824792126 -0.4951014518737793 +596 Keskkooli "kuldne" lõputunnistus vabastas ta sisseastumiseksamitest. The average school's "golden" certificate was released from the entry examinations. [8, 1, 1, 29, 20, 25] 14.0 [-1.3978050353236735, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1982517280698368, -1.9864497526720966, -1.5953778545614383] -1.5045191300504588 -0.5652044415473938 +597 Berkeley aga pidas ideid kujutlusteks ning ütles, et Locke'i abstraktsed ideed on võimatud. Berkeley, however, thought ideas and said that the abstract ideas of Locke are impossible. [31, 31, 3, 25, 52, 54] 32.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -1.6026472036571477, -0.4322240068442644, -0.5803163758592089] -0.8678436352977466 -0.27204516530036926 +598 1982. aastal esines ta kontserdil, mis oli pühendatud klubi West Bromwich Albion mängijale John Wile'ile mehe lahkumismängu puhul. In 1982 he presented a group dedicated to a club West Bromwich Albion in the event of John Wile's departure game. [10, 11, 1, 72, 100, 86] 46.666666666666664 [-1.335318057410128, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -0.1133648272224862, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9798831232237539] -0.320737480450906 -0.33224549889564514 +599 Küsitletakse üksikute rahvaste kõige targemaid esindajaid, kes on otsekui ekstaasis. The most wise representatives of the individual peoples, who are in a staple of equivalence, are being questioned. [10, 31, 1, 13, 25, 37] 19.5 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.566716852002797, -1.9060553907684363, -1.1703670881336952] -1.3240304146577762 -0.5783243179321289 +600 Selles staadiumis on armastuse püsivus ja asendamatus alati ohus. At this stage, the persistence and substitution of love are always at risk. [91, 91, 100, 92, 100, 83] 92.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1753166117624576, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6190326808341362] 1.090378833551478 -0.28078439831733704 +601 Grenaderimäele oli suunatud 365 raskekahurit ja Sirgalale 200, lisaks peenemad torud. The Grenaderma application was targeted at 365 heavy heaters and 200 Sirgala, plus more sophisticated storms. [9, 1, 1, 23, 23, 23] 13.333333333333334 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2699383524630719, -1.993315928470645, -1.674693889577723] -1.525623354425675 -0.530062735080719 +602 Ent tolle aasta alul teatas Venemaa ootamatult, et nad siiski tahavad rakendada Botvinniku õigust maailmameistrimatšile Alehhiniga. However, at the beginning of that year, Russia suddenly announced that it still wanted to implement the Botvnik right to the World Cup with Alehl. [22, 11, 31, 57, 63, 51] 39.166666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.2688245992492837, -0.49006908755709094, -0.5098867875330986, -0.2337601711662148, -0.4297907926901062] -0.648787938020775 -0.4161547124385834 +603 Asjaolu, et seda küsitakse, näitab, et avastusele nii põhjapanevat osa omistav kujutlus teadusest on vildak. The fact that this question is being asked shows that the image given to such a fundamental part of the discovery of science is fruit. [20, 1, 1, 64, 56, 71] 35.5 [-1.0228831678424006, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.1255610247419799, -0.24977056414566148, 0.2564751800664351] -0.6651616643898859 -0.4113049805164337 +604 Itaalia president Giorgio Napolitano tegi parlamendi ülemkoja Senati esimehele Franco Marinile ettepaneku moodustada ajutine valitsus. The President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, has proposed that Franco Marini, President of Parliament's Senate, should form a provisional government. [89, 95, 100, 100, 82, 82] 91.33333333333333 [1.1329175701749183, 1.204990268874221, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.5776758168102278] 0.9936305315598911 -0.27907487750053406 +605 Teadmine on spekuleerimise, järelduste tegemise ja äraarvamise tingimus, ja nendel ei ole kaalutlemisega mingit pistmist. Knowledge is a condition for speculation, drawing conclusions and defamation, and they have nothing to do with prudence. [50, 51, 21, 100, 98, 84] 67.33333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 1.0991035183644302, 1.239385641192763, 0.6681304714467177] 0.34581270124981983 -0.36347049474716187 +606 võit, majaehituskunsti puhul maja, muu puhul muu, ja iga tegevuse ja valimise puhul eesmärk, sest selle pärast tehakse kõike muud. A victory, a house, other than any other, and an end to every activity and election in the case of a house building art, because that is why everything else is done. [26, 1, 1, 23, 22, 20] 15.5 [-0.8354222341017642, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.318230271796973, -2.0369461973217495, -2.0716779526032685] -1.5185845109165772 -0.528089702129364 +607 Subjekti tunnusjoon, millel suhe põhineb, on suhte alus. The subsidiary feature on which the relationship is based is the basis of the relationship. [50, 51, 31, 98, 89, 80] 66.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9812361563169528, 0.7759485003834985, 0.4949620887624109] 0.2642802732626801 -0.2898314297199249 +608 Suurbritannia peaminister David Cameron teatas, et ei osale 9. mail Venemaal Moskvas toimuval Teise maailmasõja lõpu 70. aastapäeva tähistamisel. The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, announced that he would not attend the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Moscow on 9 May. [89, 100, 100, 98, 100, 81] 94.66666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 1.085797470191537 -0.2186249941587448 +609 leftthumb[[Õigeusu kirikÕigeuskliku Ostrogi piibli tiitelleht leftthumb [Orthodox Orthodox Ostrog Bible script of Orthodox Church] [4, 31, 1, 22, 12, 1] 11.833333333333334 [-1.5227789911507645, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.465741972965541, -1.8821170319194211, -2.016289862523797] -1.4754421596985203 -0.4055482745170593 +610 Londoni maakaitsevägi vahetas pooli ning hakkas toetama parlamenti üheskoos Londoni kodanikkonnaga. The London World Guard changed the parties and began to support Parliament together with the citizens of London. [91, 91, 61, 41, 52, 30] 61.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, -0.9854639131732297, -0.4322240068442644, -1.0961204020202562] 0.012425275369432201 -0.5100199580192566 +611 Radikaalne argument ei väida, et teaduses peaks olema rohkem naisi, sest nende vaatekoht annab panuse tõeni jõudmisse. The radical argument does not claim that there should be more women in science, because their position contributes to getting the truth right. [24, 51, 54, 84, 72, 96] 63.5 [-0.8979092120153097, -0.09081751919047204, 0.12007104296479283, 0.727690413215861, 0.44490263343234565, 1.156671913144946] 0.2434348785920273 -0.43373191356658936 +612 Fašistliku riigi relvajõud olid kombineeritud Mussolinile ustavatest fašistidest ja Saksa relvajõududest. The armed forces of the Fascist state were combined with the Fascists and the German armed forces for Mussolini. [41, 41, 20, 74, 63, 52] 48.5 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 0.23182778293567463, -0.04903101593002054, -0.6630301039070259] -0.335699627132307 -0.43377724289894104 +613 Eesti välisminister Marina Kaljurand kohtus New Yorgis oma Venemaa kolleegi Sergei Lavroviga. The Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand met his Russian colleague, Sergei Lavrov, in New York. [95, 100, 100, 85, 93, 100] 95.5 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5580489988532433, 1.247373368119458, 1.1249782957469103] 1.15722860408755 -0.13621734082698822 +614 Öeldi, et kui venelased tahavad nüüd kuulsust võita, siis võivad nad maa enda kätte saada. It was said that if the Russians want to win the hearing now, they could get the land. [31, 1, 11, 40, 52, 63] 33.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.062297059252832, -0.7280381317886201, 0.10098660428072605] -0.8254175780226874 -0.4009929597377777 +615 Saksamaa liidukantsler Angela Merkel oli ühepäevasel ametlikul visiidil Soomes. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was on an official visit to Finland one day. [50, 61, 31, 93, 100, 85] 70.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.8469401176424164, 0.9230496311961767, 0.711760740297822] 0.35163119221072275 -0.23550893366336823 +616 Minose kultuuri kandjad ehitasid pärast seda lossid taas üles, kuigi muudetud kujul. Mino cultural vectors built up again after that Castle, albeit in a modified form. [22, 1, 1, 34, 22, 28] 18.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8744867315447866, -1.7107172325380107, -0.880768925528937] -1.2125999148693831 -0.6095086932182312 +617 Musk oli Justine Wilsoniga 2000. aasta jaanuaris abiellunud, sama aasta septembris sõitsid nad Austraaliasse Sydneysse mesinädalatele. The Roma had married with Justine Wilson in January 2000, while in September 2000 they were travelling to Australia to Sydney for beekeepers' weeks. [8, 31, 1, 74, 47, 61] 37.0 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.23182778293567463, -0.8698144240265682, -0.11249097872336815] -0.6856679591282558 -0.23562565445899963 +618 Reoveel lasti voolata läbi poorsete seintega savitorude; lõpptulemuseks oli puhas vesi. It was still allowed to pass through the scandals with porous walls; the end result was clean water. [7, 1, 1, 34, 33, 32] 18.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9434820029693742, -1.557013239959602, -1.3504838029351336] -1.3548763299700441 -0.606096088886261 +619 Kolmandas voorus võitis valimised ainsana kandideerima jäänud ärimees Aḩmad Ma‘ītīq, kes vannutati ka samal päeval ametisse. In the third round, the only remaining businessman to stand as a candidate for the elections was Adarmad mad mad mad ītīq, who was also imprisoned on the same day. [8, 31, 1, 22, 12, 1] 12.5 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.7107172325380107, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -1.5939643526416454 -0.507163941860199 +620 Sisemaal on astangust seespool umbes 75% saare pindalast kattev kesklava, mille keskmine kõrgus on umbes 50 meetrit. Inland land is a medium covering about 75% of the island's surface area, with an average height of about 50 metres. [81, 62, 62, 77, 79, 75] 72.66666666666667 [0.8829696585207364, 0.23313442782570118, 0.3322936970593611, 0.09994004505140265, 0.44997912719119615, 0.2881777686428686] 0.3810824540485444 -0.44189533591270447 +621 Seda on pidurdanud ka 1990. aastate kodusõda ja majandussanktsioonid. It has also been halted by the civil war and economic sanctions of the 1990s. [91, 91, 100, 100, 100, 100] 97.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103] 1.2269818066819778 -0.3351660668849945 +622 Bütsantsile jäi vaid väike ala Sitsiilia kagurannikul. Only a small area remained on the south-east coast of Sicily. [41, 41, 20, 82, 80, 83] 57.833333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 0.4506833450792516, 0.4949620887624109, 0.6245002025956135] 0.0060302017574676015 -0.20187024772167206 +623 Eesti maaeluminister Tarmo Tamm külastas Jõgeva ja Tartu maakonda. Tarmo Tamm, Minister of Rural Affairs of Estonia, visited the county of Jygeva and Tartu. [89, 59, 71, 86, 83, 85] 78.83333333333333 [1.1329175701749183, 0.1447838968212903, 0.5710441829157504, 0.7431032729058616, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3615382092337807] 0.5963145557745358 -0.2715304493904114 +624 Teise grupi moodustavad suurfarmid, mida peavad valdavalt eurooplaste järeltulijad. The second group is made up of large farms, largely held by the descendants of Europeans. [70, 99, 100, 100, 100, 100] 94.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1247691240394697 -0.3830733299255371 +625 Lõpuüritusel osales teiste seas ka Suurbritannia peaminister Tony Blair. The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, also took part in the final event. [93, 100, 70, 84, 86, 82] 85.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.6172985934001295, 0.7553910091489263, 0.5776758168102278] 0.8508357417327991 -0.3599543571472168 +626 1990ndatel lisandusid veel mõned alumised noodid, nii et hääleulatus kasvas 4 oktavini. In the 1990s, a few lower notes were added, so the voting volume increased to 4 oxtavs. [31, 31, 3, 88, 84, 92] 54.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, 0.7442185189868247, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6422412028525916] -0.08954733868995403 -0.47964534163475037 +627 See dokument kehtis kuni 2004. aastani, mil allkirjastati uus, 2001. aasta usuvabaduse seaduse nõuetele vastav konkordaat. This document was in force until 2004, when a new contention was signed, in accordance with the requirements of the 2001 Act on Freedom of Religion Law. [70, 100, 100, 66, 76, 56] 78.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, -0.1256901422853517, 0.3190883206378832, -0.2711408857067372] 0.5256901717553605 -0.42641469836235046 +628 Küll aga on see heade kommete vastu, mida selles raamatus arutatakse. However, it is against the good practices that are being discussed in this book. [94, 70, 100, 100, 84, 92] 90.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 0.9912444570493123] 0.9804292311746243 -0.451719731092453 +629 Nii kujunes naitel seltsivam ja emotsionaalsem iseloom, mehed aga kujunesid karmimateks ja agressiivsemateks. In this way, it became a more attractive and emotional nature for the navies, while men became more rigorous and aggressive. [27, 1, 1, 93, 79, 86] 47.833333333333336 [-0.8041787451449914, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.8184718649847569, 0.4586486864167604, 0.7431032729058616] -0.27219755508555354 -0.6188713908195496 +630 Ootamatult saabub koju ka Ursula, kes seekord jääb üpris viisakaks. Ursula, too, is coming home in anticipation of being quite polite this time. [29, 55, 25, 12, 29, 21] 28.5 [-0.741691767231446, 0.02698318881540913, -0.6492360781280172, -1.499202898943912, -1.12785038341693, -2.080576466172854] -1.0119290675129584 -0.42442208528518677 +631 Maksusoodustusi tehakse väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Tax incentives are granted to small and medium-sized enterprises. [93, 100, 70, 100, 96, 91] 91.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.8975674955625244, 0.9980583701602151, 0.9814216926040136] 1.005282764894044 -0.31296345591545105 +632 Rumeenia pealinnas Bukarestis toimusid kolmandat päeva suured meeleavaldused valitsuse kavandatavate eelarvekärbete vastu. For the third day in Romania's capital, Bucharest, there were major demonstrations against the government's planned budget cuts. [92, 100, 100, 100, 100, 99] 98.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.2807425052166714] 1.2942559063812116 -0.3936929702758789 +633 Katse annab positiivse või negatiivse tulemuse ja me ei saa panna tulemust oma teooriaid kinnitama. The test will produce a positive or negative outcome, and we cannot put the result to affirming our theories. [70, 100, 100, 89, 74, 82] 85.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7028467458012655, 0.23182778293567463, 0.5776758168102278] 0.790705680572256 -0.4440407454967499 +634 Arvatavasti põhjustas õnnetuse katse torust naftat varastada. Probably the disaster caused an attempt to steal oil. [33, 57, 27, 25, 26, 26] 32.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, 0.08588354281834971, -0.5961804146043751, -1.3511032965816678, -1.3746544731431163, -1.2230403276069515] -0.8459687967536859 -0.4456802308559418 +635 Tõe saavutamatut ühtsust tunnetatakse oletuslikus muususes ja muususe oletust ennast tunnetatakse tõe lihtsaimas ühtsuses. Unachieved unity is felt in hypothetical musician, and the assumption of musician is felt in the simplest unity of the truth. [5, 1, 1, 44, 37, 30] 19.666666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9938850160982935, -1.3824921645551846, -1.697337004628338] -1.4024133495252527 -0.44085362553596497 +636 Miks liberaalsed filosoofid masturbeerimist sõimavad? Why do liberal philosophers use mass security? [5, 1, 1, 22, 1, 12] 7.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7107172325380107, -2.016289862523797, -2.4732488858327923] -1.7568369821273835 -0.45131880044937134 +637 Isikul on siseelu, ja armastamine seisneb suuresti igatsuses sellega kontakti saada. A person has a domestic life, and loving one is very much the loneliness to have contact with it. [3, 11, 11, 27, 29, 1] 13.666666666666666 [-1.5540224801075373, -1.2688245992492837, -1.0206257227935116, -1.2746775123257523, -1.2659124962624795, -2.016289862523797] -1.4000587788770602 -0.5274302363395691 +638 Seni tuumaenergiajaama rajamisele vastu seisnud Eestimaa Rohelised nõustusid jaama rajamiseks vajalike uuringute jätkamisega. The Greens from Estonia, which has so far opposed the construction of a nuclear power plant, agreed to continue the research needed to establish the plant. [50, 61, 31, 100, 100, 100] 73.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 0.5959210326893195 -0.4800308346748352 +639 Katariina kiriku vastas suitsesid ahervaremed ja varingud tõkestasid edasisõidu. The Church of Qatar replied to smoking harbours and theft prevented further journeys. [7, 1, 1, 24, 31, 38] 17.0 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1584486258171163, -1.3865071458954215, -0.5938529698348856] -1.2361812792505964 -0.6166303157806396 +640 Ta värbas enda meeskonda mõned Zip2 parimad tarkvarainsernerid ja pidas nõu panganduses töötavate tuttavatega. He recruited some of the best Zip2 software servers to his own team and consulted those in the banking sector. [42, 51, 72, 57, 79, 62] 60.5 [-0.3355264107934004, -0.09081751919047204, 0.5975720146775715, -0.44990022892794107, 0.44997912719119615, -0.08076099732669434] 0.015090997605043297 -0.3480928838253021 +641 Viirus võib metsikute ja koduloomade seas põhjustada väikest kuni suurt epideemiat. Vieds can cause a small to a large epidemic among wild and domestic animals. [45, 31, 15, 79, 81, 70] 53.5 [-0.24179594392308218, -0.6798210592198779, -0.9145143957462275, 0.22733597719895088, 0.5372396648934048, -0.19997321272861532] -0.21192149492090784 -0.4746112823486328 +642 Ainult tõelisel armastusel saab olla talle see tähtsus, mis armastamisel talle on. Only genuine love can have the significance of loving it. [50, 31, 31, 56, 84, 70] 53.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.2711408857067372, 0.6681304714467177, 0.06975612485665529] -0.13145382255325858 -0.41783812642097473 +643 Läänemaalased ründasid kolme üksteisele järgnenud sõjaväega Metsepole ja Lēdurga liivlasi. The West was attacked by the three consecutive armies of Metseo and Lēdurga. [33, 51, 21, 22, 26, 29] 30.333333333333332 [-0.616717811404355, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -1.7107172325380107, -1.8624251219173322, -1.12785038341693] -1.0273125789404 -0.449377179145813 +644 Aastal 1837 kargas viis meremeest oma vaalapüügilaevalt ära, lootes elada beachcomber'i elu. In 1837, five sailors sanctioned their whaling fleet, hoping to live the life of beachcomber. [31, 1, 1, 77, 82, 81] 45.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.36271858948898755, 0.5776758168102278, 0.4278375657874865] -0.36003387115115126 -0.3659738302230835 +645 Ungari pealinnas Budapestis toimus kümnete tuhandete osavõtjatega meeleavaldus eelmisel päeval jõustunud põhiseaduse paranduste vastu. In the Hungarian capital city of Budapest, tens of thousands of participants took place against the constitutional amendments that entered into force last day. [38, 51, 31, 52, 51, 52] 45.833333333333336 [-0.4605003666204914, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.6300169437293796, -0.4297907926901062, -0.3633553218545933] -0.4107583386070222 -0.33430716395378113 +646 Kepleri käsutuses olid Tycho Brahe vaatlusandmed planeetide asendite kohta, mis olid Kopernikule teada olevatest täpsemad. The journalist had at his disposal Tycho Brahe's observations on the place of the planet, which were more accurate than those known to Copernican. [22, 1, 1, 64, 76, 67] 38.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.1977368282059271, 0.3190883206378832, 0.253838172792557] -0.5724061557300084 -0.3543075621128082 +647 Aastal 1786 on rügemendi nimekirjas esimest korda tema perekonnanimeks märgitud Nobel. In 1786, for the first time, the Nobel Prize has been listed as his surname. [10, 31, 1, 65, 75, 84] 44.333333333333336 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.3871436867160806, 0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177] -0.44805460191350416 -0.5062111616134644 +648 Samas leidub ajaloolasi, kelle arvates rajasid Portus Calele eelnenud asula hoopis kreeklased ja Cale nimi tuleb kreekakeelsest sõnast Καλλις, 'ilus'. At the same time, however, there are historians who believed that it was the Greeks who created the scene before Portus Calle, and the name of Cale comes from the Greek word Καααατα, 'ilus'. [61, 83, 61, 63, 67, 70] 67.5 [0.25809987938528167, 0.8515881448565773, 0.3057658652975401, -0.2337601711662148, 0.07788890965667469, 0.08139344852332632] 0.22349601275886422 -0.6873317956924438 +649 On taliolümpia aeg ja Allan ning Johannes plaanivad Veerpalu sõitu vaadata. It is the time of the Winter Olympics and Allan, and Mr Veerpalu is planning to look at the war. [5, 31, 1, 16, 1, 9] 10.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -2.1518772087677305, -2.016289862523797, -2.6041396923861053] -1.7049278942505373 -0.36448827385902405 +650 Malawi diplomaatiline esindaja Eestis on ajutine asjur Oliver M. Malawi diplomatic representative in Estonia is the temporary Ash Oliver M. [31, 11, 1, 66, 79, 73] 43.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 0.04615892826000089, 0.44997912719119615, 0.2054640405950517] -0.42205522215544283 -0.5721688866615295 +651 Täpset ammendavat ja lõplikku teooriat siit ei tule. There will be no exhaustive and definitive theory here. [94, 91, 100, 100, 82, 100] 94.5 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1241039130946135 -0.25812071561813354 +652 Kui sellist skemaatilist koodeksit võtta ühise elu kogu eetilise sisuna, siis sellest on vähe. If such a sceptic code is taken as an ethical element of a common life, it is little. [14, 31, 31, 71, 85, 78] 51.666666666666664 [-1.2103441015830372, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.15602580167726396, 0.711760740297822, 0.4269187050200866] -0.23293010078656018 -0.5537090301513672 +653 Need soodsad tunnused pärivad järgmised põlvkonnad ning aja jooksul muutuvad need populatsioonis valdavaks. These favourable features will inherited the next generations and, over time, they will become prevalent in the population. [22, 51, 52, 71, 77, 85] 59.666666666666664 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.09081751919047204, 0.06701537944115077, 0.10093697638236171, 0.3708914966906855, 0.3615382092337807] -0.025138607895224735 -0.4052905738353729 +654 Ta oli juba enne kooli minekut väiksena lasteaia eas naabritüdruku Oona Kiviranta hea sõber ja nad käisid samas klassis. Even before going to school, she was a good friend of her neighbour, Oona Kivranta, a young girl of nursery age, and she went to the same class. [41, 51, 21, 45, 54, 50] 43.666666666666664 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.7440653318043247, -0.3346008485000848, -0.8152986694908287] -0.5178166123185308 -0.4123172163963318 +655 Lahing algas umbes kell 8 hommikul, kui esimene liitlaste kolonn ründas Telnitzi küla, mida kaitses 3. liinirügement. The battle began at around 8 o'clock in the morning, when the first convoy of allies attacked the village of Telnitz, which was protected by the cruise 3. [33, 31, 31, 83, 84, 82] 57.333333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5855686120034557, 0.6681304714467177, 0.46039042405392566] -0.012086408446204169 -0.3854237496852875 +656 Kuid nad ei pidanud eetilist elu iseka rahulduse rohkendamise vahendiks. However, they did not consider ethical life to be a means of enhancing self-satisfaction. [91, 70, 100, 95, 82, 98] 89.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9663283887635413, 0.5808699337445091, 1.239385641192763] 0.9651792766058835 -0.3706839382648468 +657 Põhikooli lõpus toimub riiklik tasemeeksam, mille alusel määratakse õpilase tasemele vastav keskkool. At the end of primary school, a national level test will be carried out to determine the secondary school level of the student. [93, 100, 70, 65, 64, 62] 75.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, -0.1617134852456394, -0.022601048727797772, -0.08076099732669434] 0.48159558328956326 -0.6264541745185852 +658 Kuidas on võimalik, et minale, kes on võtnud erapooletuse vaatekoha, jääb piisav identiteet, et elada elu, mis austab tema enda huvisid? How is it possible that someone who has taken an impartial view has enough identity to live a life that respects his own interests? [70, 91, 100, 100, 85, 93] 89.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822, 0.9028684259701937] 0.9467608049175972 -0.33845001459121704 +659 Armastuse köidikutesse ei saa siseneda ega nendest väljuda lihtsalt valikuga. You cannot enter the ballocks of the computer and cannot just get out of them with choice. [7, 1, 1, 18, 10, 1] 6.333333333333333 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.622992504998183, -1.9242966785010338, -2.016289862523797] -1.6403096633298615 -0.651766300201416 +660 Ettevõtte Tesla Motors asutasid 1. juulil 2003 Martin Eberhard ja Marc Tarpenning. On 1 July 2003, Tesla Motors set up Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenja. [10, 40, 11, 55, 58, 51] 37.5 [-1.335318057410128, -0.41476946620664523, -1.0206257227935116, -0.5971473252353072, -0.41488891976357517, -0.4297907926901062] -0.7020900473498789 -0.18736068904399872 +661 Need toimingud jätsid Rooma kodanikud elama karmi külma kätte nälja äärele. These actions left the citizens of Rome to the brink of starvation in the cold. [91, 100, 70, 98, 83, 91] 88.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.239385641192763, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8394084631768461] 0.9659093933481979 -0.34859952330589294 +662 Donetski oblasti miilitsa juhatuse hoone ründamisel mässuliste poolt hukkus üks militsionäär, mitu miilitsat sai haavata, kaks neist raskelt. At the time of the attack on the management building of the Donetski oblic police by the rebels, one militia was killed, two of them seriously injured, several militia. [20, 31, 1, 41, 23, 32] 24.666666666666668 [-1.0228831678424006, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.2482363545066936, -1.318230271796973, -1.1571705193818427] -0.9520409021932515 -0.6131104826927185 +663 Sellest ebapädevast olukorrast arusaamiseks tuleb märkida, et see oli aeg kui alles hakati ülendama ohvitseriks oskuste järgi. In order to understand this incompetent situation, it has to be noted that this was the time when the officers only began to be extended to skills. [31, 1, 11, 31, 34, 28] 22.666666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.6442737776618106, -1.2784371170145583, -1.1595803648136038] -1.2242413568108954 -0.592566728591919 +664 Küsimus suunati edasiseks lahendamiseks Alalisse Rahvusvahelisse Kohtusse, mis otsustas, et nõukogu ühehäälsed otsused on järgimiseks kohustuslikud. The question was referred to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for further settlement, which decided that unanimous decisions by the Council would be mandatory for compliance. [31, 1, 31, 100, 100, 100] 60.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1850259554682334] 0.09186516639104574 -0.45920529961586 +665 Eesti liikmesus Rahvasteliidus lõppes koos liidu laialisaatmisega aprillis 1946. Estonia's membership of the People's Union ended with the dissolution of the Union in April 1946. [91, 100, 100, 100, 85, 100] 96.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] 1.1408177911188626 -0.24060122668743134 +666 Oluliseks sammuks Eesti autonoomsuse suunas oli deklaratsioon Eesti NSV suveräänsusest, mis võeti vastu 16. novembril 1988. An important step towards Estonia's autonomy was the declaration of Estonian NSV's sovereignty, which was adopted on 16 November 1988. [39, 61, 31, 100, 75, 72] 63.0 [-0.4292568776637186, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0811424575112913, 0.27545805178677896, 0.16410717657114324] 0.1341776619121058 -0.28061383962631226 +667 Darwin lõpetas teose korrektuuri 1. oktoobril 1858, vähem kui 15 kuud pärast kirjutamise alustamist. Darwin completed his correctness on 1 October 1858, less than 15 months after writing. [31, 11, 1, 77, 84, 69] 45.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, 0.3951887236234128, 0.6681304714467177, 0.04003658449941787] -0.3550962749015596 -0.46189507842063904 +668 Kaevandamiseks eemaldatakse taimkate ning fosforiit ammutatakse lahtiselt koos pinnasega. The disposal of herbal and phosphorus will be carried out in open-mindedness with the soil. [10, 1, 1, 16, 28, 1] 9.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6950193257332875, -1.3021598218893584, -2.016289862523797] -1.5330029128720464 -0.6311469674110413 +669 Selline inimene on ka peaaegu iga tänapäeva romaani kangelane. Such a person is also almost every single hero of modern novel. [50, 51, 80, 99, 100, 79] 76.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.9712655812253559, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615] 0.5299369424343187 -0.344679594039917 +670 Oleksin saanud ainult juhul, kui nende aktide põhjuste asemel oleks olnud midagi muud, aga see poleks jällegi olnud võimalik, jne. I would have only been able to obtain anything other than the causes of these acts, but this would once again not have been possible, etc. [70, 91, 100, 98, 81, 97] 89.5 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.027056832443855, 0.6189484363352243, 1.1980287771688547] 0.9684776984701785 -0.46479377150535583 +671 Maailmapank allkirjastas lepingu, mille kohaselt eraldatakse Palestiina omavalitsusele 25 miljonit USA dollarit abiraha. The World Bank signed the agreement to allocate USD 25 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority. [94, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 94.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1742852824688004 -0.3089047372341156 +672 Ansambli proovid toimusid Jacksonite elutoas, nii et lapsed kasvasid algusest peale muusika sees. The tests of the pillar took place in the liferoom of Jacksonte, so children grew up in music from the very beginning. [10, 31, 1, 38, 29, 46] 25.833333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.3388618957040805, -1.12785038341693, -0.9111712880504766] -1.1131544540355358 -0.4502938687801361 +673 Avati 6. oktoobril 2012 Parkovaja 7 maja juures asuval skvääril. On 6 October 2012, a scholarship was opened up in Parkoja 7 houses. [4, 31, 1, 6, 11, 1] 9.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -2.0771482470128646, -1.9183643575463, -2.016289862523797] -1.5833844263108876 -0.4871504604816437 +674 Leidus lahket Poola aadlit, Vene sõdurid toodi sisse ja 5. oktoobril "valiti" Wettin kui August III kuningaks. There was a loose Polish address, Russian soldiers were introduced, and on 5 October Wettin was' elected 'as the king of August III. [5, 1, 1, 23, 36, 48] 19.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.674693889577723, -1.426122433406289, -1.0235232982734628] -1.4108509221878627 -0.37142348289489746 +675 pisi[[Ibeeria Rahvusvaheline Nanotehnoloogia Laboratoorium Bragas Big [International Nanotechnology Laboratory of Ibeeria in Bragas] [43, 51, 21, 1, 1, 1] 19.666666666666668 [-0.30428292183662764, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -2.7722301691263573, -1.8115609826434744, -2.1763910955276495] -1.318438348916647 -0.4559811055660248 +676 Immigratsioonivastaste sõnavõttudega tuntust kogunud Tancredo esindab Ameerika Ühendriikide Kongressi Esindajatekojas Colorado osariiki. The Tancredo gathered in the anti-immigration speeches represents the state of Colorado in the United States Congress of Emandar. [21, 51, 31, 71, 82, 59] 52.5 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.20480883524336993, 0.5808699337445091, -0.41097975457588104] -0.19963787853686552 -0.531467080116272 +677 10. septembril 1993 käis Tallinnas paavst Johannes Paulus II ja pidas seal missa, mille käigus rääkis palve tähtsusest rahu ja inimtegevuse jaoks. On 10 September 1993, the Pope John Paul II went to Tallinn and held there a wave in which he spoke about the importance of the request for peace and human activity. [15, 1, 1, 97, 83, 90] 47.833333333333336 [-1.1791006126262644, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.9910334894835672, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8076784817801723] -0.26751980807377 -0.4027074873447418 +678 Heiskanen ähvardas Kuula perekonda tehtud teo eest ja lasi kogemata maha Jenni Vainio, kuigi lask oli tegelikult mõeldud Seppo Taalasmaa jaoks. Heiskanen threatened a famous family for his act and accidentally shot Jenni Vainio, even though the shot was actually intended for Seppo Taalasland. [31, 31, 20, 55, 56, 54] 41.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.7818752369371224, 0.1480708079513612, -0.2711408857067372, -0.3597293555905065] -0.4372834198034639 -0.34359365701675415 +679 Tegemist on seni suurima paleoliitikumiaegse vabaõhukunsti leiuga kogu maailmas. This is the largest open air art bread ever in paltal times worldwide. [5, 11, 1, 39, 45, 39] 23.333333333333332 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.0983204022131197, -0.6859552862324167, -1.2006693362178358] -1.1718681944197282 -0.7245542407035828 +680 Pealegi, kui inimese kehale annaks vormi ainult hing, siis surma puhul keha kohe hajuks. Moreover, if a person's body were only given a soul, in the case of death, the body would immediately disperse. [50, 61, 31, 58, 80, 83] 60.5 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -0.4138768859676533, 0.17436773524631535, 0.6245002025956135] 0.0021712860003661647 -0.3570757210254669 +681 Kuidas tuleb analüütilisus defineerida, et Kanti väited ümber lükata? How is the analysis to be defined in order to overturn the Kant claims? [44, 74, 51, 83, 84, 81] 69.5 [-0.27303943287985494, 0.5865365518433446, 0.04048754767932973, 0.5855686120034557, 0.6681304714467177, 0.4146600021189639] 0.33705729203532614 -0.3864259123802185 +682 Seejärel oli ta abielus Heikki Pohjosega, kuid peagi mindi lahku ja Kristiina läks tagasi Ismo juurde. He was then married with Heikki Pohjoya, but soon there was a split, and Kristiina went back to Ima. [22, 41, 11, 61, 70, 79] 47.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.30580685708679023, 0.17307885384669613, 0.44997912719119615] -0.3415150129960733 -0.4805102050304413 +683 Sellised pühendumused aitavad inimese elule kuju anda. Such commitments help to shape a person's life. [93, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100] 98.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.4405741423883185, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.3063559652113252 -0.5204210877418518 +684 Ta kukutati võimult 695. aastal, misjärel varjas Justinianus II end alguses hasaaride, hiljem bulgaarlaste juures. He was overthrown by power in 65, and then Justinianus II stole himself at the beginning of the hasty, later on, Bulgarians. [5, 31, 1, 70, 60, 49] 36.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.06975612485665529, -0.14422096012004196, -0.7871006959787512] -0.7198043555112882 -0.5639926195144653 +685 Kuigi suhted Hiina ja Nõukogude Liidu vahel olid eelnenud aastatel märgatavalt halvenenud, omasid Mao sõnad jätkuvalt kaalu Kremli silmis. Although relations between China and the Soviet Union had deteriorated considerably in previous years, the words of Mao continue to hold weight with the Kremlin. [87, 100, 70, 72, 96, 91] 86.0 [1.0704305922613728, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.144567245233466, 1.156671913144946, 0.7533661484518784] 0.8369655673545274 -0.3333377540111542 +686 Seega on eetika sfääris ainult need, kes suudavad hinnata, et neid ei puututa, ning ise puutumisest hoiduda. Therefore, in the sphere of ethics, it is only those who are able to appreciate that they are not being touched and avoid being touched themselves. [94, 100, 100, 98, 76, 96] 94.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.027056832443855, 0.4377118082008297, 1.156671913144946] 1.1005280044397576 -0.5196060538291931 +687 Konverentsi avas Ameerika Ühendriikide president George W. Bush. The conference was opened by US President George W. Bush. [93, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100] 98.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.3163289193166896 -0.12503202259540558 +688 Afganistanis alustasid islamiliikumise Ţālebān võitlejaid rünnakut veel valitsusvägede kontrolli alla jäänud Kondūzi lennujaamale. In Afghanistan, the militants of the Islamic movement in Ţālebân began an attack on the Kondūz airport, which is still under the control of government forces. [90, 100, 70, 75, 82, 75] 82.0 [1.164161059131691, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.33172876083006514, 0.5808699337445091, 0.2881777686428686] 0.7102825045641059 -0.3786495327949524 +689 Et falsifikatsionistid rõhutavad teadmise kasvu, siis nad mõistavad kinnitust oluliselt teistmoodi kui induktsionistid. As masterpieces highlight the increase in knowledge, they understand the confirmation much differently from the induced. [5, 1, 1, 20, 18, 22] 11.166666666666666 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7827639184585862, -1.4768801787803418, -1.2152410046715822] -1.4692751689633685 -0.7511425018310547 +690 thumbleftStseen lahingu rekonstrueerimiselt lahinguvälja külastajatele tänapäeval. TumbleftStseen's battle-reconstructing battle against visitors today. [3, 31, 1, 29, 37, 20] 20.166666666666668 [-1.5540224801075373, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.9477867287779302, -1.1703670881336952, -1.5421677572214565] -1.363344858978703 -0.6360898613929749 +691 Anne Boleyn, kelle pea löödi Henry VIII valitsusajal 1536. aastal riigireetmise eest maha, kummitab väidetavalt St. Anne Boleyn, whose head was shot down in 1536 under Henry VIII for treason, allegedly haunted by St. [6, 31, 1, 100, 94, 97] 54.833333333333336 [-1.460292013237219, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6224186552690963, 1.4270830156274883] -0.049228830743490416 -0.24864590167999268 +692 Valitsusremondi üheks põhjuseks oli valitseva Leiboristliku Partei kaotus 4. mail toimunud kohalikel valimistel. One of the reasons for the government repair was the loss of the ruling Labour Party in local elections on 4 May. [91, 95, 65, 72, 65, 79] 77.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.204990268874221, 0.41187719234482423, 0.1348618413895337, 0.01442894686332708, 0.44997912719119615] 0.5685903207919275 -0.26294392347335815 +693 Korpuskulaarne paradigma tõi uue probleemi ja suuresti selle lahenduse. The multidimensional paradigm brought a new problem and, to a large extent, a solution. [65, 80, 65, 84, 79, 73] 74.33333333333333 [0.3830738352123726, 0.7632376138521665, 0.41187719234482423, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3426133161983885, 0.2054640405950517] 0.46239941160825354 -0.4846913516521454 +694 Malle Nurm uurib Johannese käest Euroopa Liidu kohta. Malle Nurm is studying the European Union from Johannese. [31, 11, 1, 39, 52, 25] 26.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.2952316268529762, -0.6630301039070259, -1.2547703090036253] -1.0744942447904222 -0.30832722783088684 +695 Esimesed kaks aastat juhtis uut ordut Saksa ordu Preisi maameister Hermann von Balk. The first two years were the first to lead a new ordar, Hermann von Balk, to the German Order Prese County Chairter. [5, 11, 1, 23, 25, 27] 15.333333333333334 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.318230271796973, -1.9060553907684363, -1.5306005177365722] -1.4668583870261633 -0.463596373796463 +696 Kuna samas kohas asus varem keltide asula, siis on arvatud, et nimi Callaici või Cale võis olla seda piirkonda asustanud keldi hõimu etnonüüm. As a result of the presence of a Celtic astronomical astronomical place, the name Callaici or Cale may have been replaced by an ethnonnonsense of a Celtic tribal tribe. [5, 31, 1, 34, 53, 37] 26.833333333333332 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.2784371170145583, -0.39597668121738544, -1.2833830642656527] -1.0691762440538648 -0.6126996874809265 +697 Kui A jääb ravita, siis ta on kaotanud jala ja ühe varba; kui B jääb ravita, siis ta on kaotanud jala. If a remains untreated, he has lost his feet and a single baby; if B remains untreated, he has lost his feet. [10, 31, 1, 40, 29, 35] 24.333333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.3229960566534074, -1.12785038341693, -1.4697527022573933] -1.2036070498949096 -0.3838706314563751 +698 Siis algab mõisteliste kategooriate kohandamine, kuni algne anomaalne on saanud oodatavaks. Then the adaptation of the comprehensible categories will begin until the original anomaly is expected. [91, 91, 100, 97, 84, 77] 90.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3708914966906855] 0.942166811764389 -0.4368904232978821 +699 Tansaanias nimetati uueks välisministriks Bernard Membe. Bernard Membe was appointed the new Minister for Foreign Affairs in Tanzania. [94, 100, 100, 100, 100, 81] 95.83333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5372396648934048] 1.161007467121635 -0.22169376909732819 +700 Rünnaku alla sattunud mošee kuulub ahmadiyya muslimite kogukonnale. The mosques attacked are part of the gremadiyya Muslim community. [31, 1, 1, 100, 83, 92] 51.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.0152560939928115, 0.6245002025956135, 0.8109167746821286] -0.1796270212871759 -0.2807982861995697 +701 René Descartes ja Nicolas Malebranche olid analüüsinud emotsioone füsioloogiliste "loomsete vaimude kaudu. René Descartes and Nicolas Malebranche had analysed emotions through physiological 'animal clerics'. [50, 31, 20, 73, 79, 67] 53.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.7818752369371224, 0.12647325843666224, 0.44997912719119615, 0.07788890965667469] -0.14882225000194757 -0.21398715674877167 +702 Ungari ja Rumeenia valitsused keeldusid ÜRO komitee liikmeid riiki lubamast ja Nõukogude Liidu valitsus ei vastanud infopäringutele. The Hungarian and Romanian governments refused to allow members of the UN Committee, and the government of the Soviet Union did not respond to the information campaigns. [31, 31, 20, 52, 41, 62] 39.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.7818752369371224, -0.7280381317886201, -1.0262737162925444, -0.08076099732669434] -0.6626623218137933 -0.43617409467697144 +703 Eetikamõtlemisel ei ole šansse olla see, millena ta näib. Ethical thinking does not have the chance to be as it seems. [92, 100, 100, 100, 100, 78] 95.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 0.412248360714594] 1.092595111626884 -0.4368249475955963 +704 1224. aasta augustis vallutas riialaste vägi Tartu ja sellega suruti ülestõus mandril lõplikult maha. In August 1224, the banditry Strait was seized by Tartu and it finally suppressed the uprising on the continent. [9, 1, 1, 66, 84, 75] 39.333333333333336 [-1.3665615463669007, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.3693306739511528, 0.6681304714467177, 0.33172876083006514] -0.5975438996194965 -0.3984068036079407 +705 Kui klassifitseerida teadusi looduse ja vaimu vastanduse alusel, siis tuleb välja, et ei ole, kui vaimu all mõelda ainult psüühilist. If you classify science on the basis of the answer to nature and the spirit of science, it turns out that it is not, if you think only of psychology. [14, 1, 1, 89, 90, 90] 47.5 [-1.2103441015830372, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.5464938430863668, 0.8076784817801723, 0.9451743669771346] -0.2933713032358452 -0.5090554356575012 +706 Kogu tollane majandus seisnes põllumajanduses, sest maapõuevarad olid läbi uurimata. The whole of that economy was in agriculture, because the earth's mountains were unexplored. [31, 11, 1, 53, 51, 28] 29.166666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -0.2811423169988513, -0.46847133247114325, -1.1595803648136038] -0.8571879072104173 -0.6551610827445984 +707 Muutused uurimistöö eeldustes ja maailmapildis ning nendega enamasti kaasnevad vaidlused on teadusrevolutsioonidele iseloomulikud. Changes in research assumptions and in the world picture, and most of the disputes that accompany them, are symptomatic of scientific revolutions. [93, 91, 100, 99, 85, 89] 92.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.2807425052166714, 0.711760740297822, 0.511274588423753] 1.0315350374695258 -0.4547223746776581 +708 Naurul on diplomaatilised suhted enamiku Okeaania riikide ja suuremate maailma riikidega. There is pressure on diplomacy with most of the countries in Oceania and with the largest countries in the world. [8, 31, 1, 20, 11, 1] 12.0 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.59213842690439, -2.3586615288872728, -2.016289862523797] -1.555103325545122 -0.4826478660106659 +709 Kokku toodi välispankadest riiki tagasi 176 tonni kulda, mille rahaliseks väärtuseks oli umbes 9 miljardit USA dollarit. In total, 176 tonnes of gold were brought back from foreign banks, with a financial value of around USD 9 billion. [95, 91, 100, 77, 98, 100] 93.5 [1.3203785039155547, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.6359670940721344, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1240029551006108 -0.3619597852230072 +710 Seda otsust võis mõjutada ka asjaolu, et piiskop ei suutnud 1535 mässuliste aadlike käes olevat võimast Vigala vasallilinnust sõjaliselt vallutada. This decision could also be influenced by the fact that the Bishop was unable to conquer militarily the powerful county in the hands of 1535 rebel addresses. [31, 11, 1, 41, 39, 40] 27.166666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -1.0262737162925444, -1.2006693362178358, -1.2516013580018719] -1.1187463065818597 -0.37334945797920227 +711 Eesti pealinnas Tallinnas avati kasutamiseks linna kõik viis avalikku supelranda. In Tallinn, Estonia, all five public bathing sites were opened to use in the city. [50, 61, 31, 67, 62, 56] 54.5 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.253838172792557, -0.06975075057547515, -0.2711408857067372] -0.07650279989362231 -0.3598538637161255 +712 Pärast Viini võitu puudus eufoorilisel kuningas Sobieskil tunnetus realistlikust poliitilisest otsustusvõimest. After the victory in Vienna, the euphoria King Sobiesk felt a sense of realistic political decision-making. [24, 11, 31, 23, 32, 41] 27.0 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.2688245992492837, -0.49006908755709094, -1.318230271796973, -1.6006435088107063, -1.1179556081700188] -1.1156053812665638 -0.31861528754234314 +713 See võimaldas vesiväravana ligipääsu lossi Thamesi jõelt. This allowed access to Castle as a river basin gate from the Thames. [41, 20, 41, 100, 100, 85] 64.5 [-0.36676989975017316, -1.003773006236051, -0.2247907699388806, 1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.711760740297822] 0.21611217337473976 -0.4457099735736847 +714 Samuti talle ei meeldinud see, et inimrasside iseloomujooni üldistatakse. Neither did he like the features of the human race being generalised. [89, 100, 70, 100, 80, 90] 88.16666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.0991035183644302, 0.4936093960423005, 0.8076784817801723] 0.9050110785662205 -0.48903560638427734 +715 Mitu küsimust jääb siin vastamata ning võib ainult oletada, mida Aristoteles vastaks. Many questions remain unanswered here, and one can only guess what Aristotle would answer. [93, 100, 100, 100, 83, 100] 96.0 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 1.0527351440303716 -0.3166077435016632 +716 Nõnda saab mõtlemise loogikat uurida avatumas kommunikatsioonis toimuva märkide tekitamise ja tõlgendamise kaudu. In this way, the logic of thinking can be explored through the creation and interpretation of signs of more open communication. [70, 100, 100, 90, 80, 100] 90.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8076784817801723, 0.4936093960423005, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9387125223455453 -0.3243233263492584 +717 Annemai võtab loomulikult poja rõõmuga vastu, aga kogu olukord teeb teda murelikuks. AnneMay will, of course, gladly receive the son, but the whole thing worries her. [22, 41, 11, 65, 61, 63] 43.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.1617134852456394, 0.06605372826143274, -0.04903101593002054] -0.41850532914029487 -0.5034626126289368 +718 Taustal on mõte väärtuse, maailma teadmise ja vabaduse vahelisest seosest. It makes sense of the relationship between value, world knowledge and freedom. [23, 31, 1, 54, 47, 40] 32.666666666666664 [-0.9291527009720825, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.5803163758592089, -0.9461894760441417, -1.3229960566534074] -0.9573966181934067 -0.3946700096130371 +719 1222 elasid seal kõrvuti eestlastega ka taani kaupmehed ja preestrid. 1222 were also living there alongside Estonians with Danish merchants and priests. [31, 31, 5, 59, 39, 56] 36.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.179792713364438, -0.17849272745611192, -1.2006693362178358, -0.2711408857067372] -0.6981869185471502 -0.35538166761398315 +720 Aastal 1988 valmis fantaasiafilm "Moonwalker", mille stsenarist ja peategelane oli Jackson ise. In 1988, the fantasy affair 'Moonwalker', which was home-grown and was by Jackson and the chief figure. [5, 1, 1, 76, 78, 80] 40.166666666666664 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.32953463266677707, 0.4269187050200866, 0.4936093960423005] -0.5151171963567561 -0.6020357012748718 +721 Eetiliselt idiosünkraatilist vaadet ei jäeta arvesse võtmata, kui see puudutab midagi olulist või teiste huve. Ethically, the idiotic view is not taken into account when it concerns something important or other's interests. [31, 5, 31, 70, 77, 83] 49.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.4455256612581056, -0.49006908755709094, -0.19868677613204175, 0.2705666302778131, 0.6245002025956135] -0.31973658023195206 -0.4382026493549347 +722 Mõne päeva pärast tapeti need juudid koonduslaagris. In a few days, these Jews were killed in a concentration camp. [94, 70, 100, 88, 100, 100] 92.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0563089074796694, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0978594982128849 -0.1901237666606903 +723 Giolitti naasis peaministriks veel lühidalt aastal 1920, kuid liberalismi ajastu oli Itaalias lõplikult möödas. Giolitti returned as Prime Minister only briefly in 1920, but the era of liberalism was finally over in Italy. [93, 91, 63, 100, 79, 71] 82.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821, 1.1249782957469103, 0.44997912719119615, 0.05442657251608684] 0.7222144351909541 -0.30084022879600525 +724 1716. aastal määrati ta mees Edward Wortley Montagu Briti suursaadikuks İstanbuli. In 1716, he was appointed as British Ambassador, Edward Wortley Montake, Istanbuli. [22, 41, 11, 45, 51, 45] 35.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.8821803444513935, -0.46847133247114325, -0.952528152074385] -0.7782535051540772 -0.3726227581501007 +725 Väited ei ole millegi põhjused, neist lihtsalt järeldub miski. Allegations are not the cause of anything; they are simply the result of something. [15, 45, 31, 82, 84, 83] 56.666666666666664 [-1.1791006126262644, -0.2675185811992938, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5538386306067818, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6190326808341362] -0.015947749749168887 -0.4784420430660248 +726 Saksamaal Dresdenis toimus järjekordne immigratsioonivastane meeleavaldus, mis oli kõigist senistest omataolistest meeleavaldustest suurim. In Dresden, Germany, another anti-immigration demonstration took place, which was the biggest ever since all the demonstrations of its kind. [50, 80, 51, 70, 85, 100] 72.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, 0.08139344852332632, 0.711760740297822, 1.1249782957469103] 0.43937985782672273 -0.3833271563053131 +727 Preisi rünnak Plancenoit' külale oli üks väike kuid kõige tähtsam faktor Waterloo lahingu võidus. The Previous attack on the village of Plancenoit was one of the small but most important factors in the victory of Waterloo's battle. [31, 31, 6, 78, 72, 56] 45.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.1532648816026168, 0.4063488583400919, 0.16410717657114324, -0.2711408857067372] -0.3688292634893163 -0.3300686776638031 +728 Gorbatšov suleti koduaresti ning vanameelsed putšistid püüdsid võimu üle võtta. Gorbachev was closed under house arrest, and old-fashioned putsmen tried to take over power. [33, 31, 31, 73, 56, 83] 51.166666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.07070385276770842, -0.48592357188822877, 0.6245002025956135] -0.2864558633736079 -0.2733169198036194 +729 Viirusel on arenenud mitu tüüpi ja see toimub ka tulevikus, mistõttu on viirus kestvaks ohuks. The virus has developed in several ways and will continue to do so, thus posing a lasting threat. [50, 61, 31, 67, 82, 81] 62.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.07788890965667469, 0.5808699337445091, 0.5363189527863194] 0.1371857433859041 -0.5382289290428162 +730 Esimesel juhtumil on otsustus analüütiline, teisel juhul sünteetiline. In the first case, the decision is analytical, in the second case synthetic. [91, 100, 100, 100, 82, 100] 95.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0861491444443654 -0.3307742476463318 +731 Johannes teeb talle teatavaks, et Jaanusel on uus pruut. Johannes tells him that Jaani has a new carrot. [4, 1, 1, 23, 19, 21] 11.5 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4275290808375833, -2.027806616696005, -1.7702137838284453] -1.5995931470314178 -0.4184841811656952 +732 Loodusteadustest on selliseid vastuväiteid raskem leida, ja mudeli kaitsjad on kindlad, et need tegelikult rahuldavad kõiki tingimusi. It is more difficult to find such objections than science, and the defenders of the model are confident that these will actually satisfy all the conditions. [31, 31, 14, 92, 83, 100] 58.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.9410422275080486, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6245002025956135, 1.32209936924058] 0.07624137841208252 -0.41151079535484314 +733 Keres võitis oma partii värske maailmameistri Botvinniku vastu. In Keres, he won his batch against a fresh world champion, Botvinnr. [31, 31, 3, 32, 35, 29] 26.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -1.6006435088107063, -1.3660967923134697, -1.12785038341693] -1.1144108183278274 -0.40659770369529724 +734 PS § 45 kohaselt igaühel on õigus vabalt levitada ideid, arvamusi, veendumusi ja muud informatsiooni sõnas, trükis, pildis või muul viisil. According to paragraph 45 of PS, anyone has the right to circulate ideas, opinions, beliefs and other information freely, in print, in image or in any other way. [92, 100, 70, 67, 62, 56] 74.5 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, -0.08966679932506398, -0.0793934275822637, -0.2711408857067372] 0.44720073824444545 -0.3292906880378723 +735 Pakistani võimud tühistasid endisele peaministrile ja opositsioonijuhile Benazir Bhuttole kehtestatud koduaresti. The Pakistani authorities have lifted the house arrest placed on the former prime minister and opposition leader, Benazir Bhutto. [93, 100, 100, 29, 52, 41] 69.16666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, -1.2649110640673518, -0.3980608112934324, -1.1179556081700188] 0.19492608339355647 -0.2830914556980133 +736 Neil õnnestus vihjata täiesti relativistliku ruumi ja liikumise käsituse suurele ilule, mis hiljem ilmsiks tuli. They managed to allude to the great beauty of an entirely relativist space and movement that came to light later. [50, 51, 80, 64, 60, 62] 61.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 0.05256833897892625, -0.3418302000470779, 0.06277371215276832] 0.06781841692117763 -0.40962767601013184 +737 See on seotud kliima vaheldumisega Euroopas Holotseeni vältel. This is linked to the alternation of climate in Europe between the Netherlands. [31, 1, 11, 84, 87, 89] 50.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, 0.6681304714467177, 0.7844601369297701, 0.6882604319190001] -0.18705097351331848 -0.6369028091430664 +738 Arvukalt magnaatide elamuid Varssavis ja mujal riigis, kus endised kindlustused asendati parkide ja paviljonidega, järgisid trendi. A large number of magnatories lived in Warsaw and elsewhere, where former insurance was replaced by parks and pavilion farms, followed a trend. [10, 1, 1, 58, 59, 59] 31.333333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.4138768859676533, -0.051864964231104885, -0.17595094151671578] -0.8043735431335516 -0.40019741654396057 +739 Struktuuri osade vahelised objektiivsed seosed on sõltumatud sellest, kas indiviidid on sellest seosest teadlikud. The objective links between the structural components are independent of whether individuals are aware of this link. [61, 51, 31, 78, 100, 91] 68.66666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4063488583400919, 1.32209936924058, 0.7533661484518784] 0.35983794144504483 -0.4607146978378296 +740 Seda piirkonda ja sealseid kunagisi linnu hakati uuesti asustama kristlastega. This region and the former cities of the region began to be resettled with Christians. [91, 91, 100, 100, 83, 89] 92.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.5464938430863668] 0.9864862923990424 -0.5263189673423767 +741 Kurikaelal võib olla hea enesevalitsemine ja rahuliku järelemõtlemise võime, mis aitavad tal oma eesmärke saavutada. Crime may be good self-governance and a peaceful sense of reflection which will help it to achieve its objectives. [13, 41, 11, 63, 50, 75] 42.166666666666664 [-1.2415875905398097, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 0.10098660428072605, -0.7457438319548428, 0.5900712612761484] -0.4503697614894108 -0.522665798664093 +742 Alžeerias Thenia linnas õhiti kohaliku politseijaoskonna juures autopomm. In the city of Thenia in Algeria, a car bomb took place at a local police station. [21, 51, 31, 56, 83, 77] 53.166666666666664 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, -0.2711408857067372, 0.6245002025956135, 0.3708914966906855] -0.14137924534227153 -0.3331019878387451 +743 Seda tugevalt kindlustatud positsiooni pole lihtne rünnata. It is not easy to attack this strongly entrenched position. [93, 70, 100, 100, 84, 97] 90.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1980287771688547] 1.0096860363684192 -0.37840333580970764 +744 Kell 6 samal hommikul andis Nelson käsu valmistuda lahinguks. At 6 o'clock in the same morning, Nelson ordered the battle to be prepared. [31, 20, 31, 75, 63, 77] 49.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5595413098162189, -0.20810459964403286, 0.6774892259096519] -0.19068682450486743 -0.41379353404045105 +745 Pärast Turaida lahingut otsustas ka varem kõhkleval positsioonil olnud piiskop Albert suunata põhitähelepanu Eestimaa alistamisele. After the battle, the Bishop, which was previously in a hesitant position, decided to focus its attention on the abandonment of Estonian land, too. [61, 80, 61, 100, 88, 76] 77.66666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0463418728498313, 0.6589074975257934, 0.4377118082008297] 0.5783440895185737 -0.5966534614562988 +746 Inglased ei sallinud Flambardi, kuna ta nõudis kõrgeid makse. The English did not tolerate the Flambard because it demanded high taxes. [50, 80, 51, 67, 85, 84] 69.5 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, -0.08966679932506398, 0.3615382092337807, 0.6681304714467177] 0.27635809062461875 -0.4902724325656891 +747 Trinidadi ja Tobago riiklikud sümbolid on lipp, vapp ja hümn. The national symbols of the wheel and Tobago are the flag, the pound and the anthem. [31, 1, 1, 39, 15, 27] 19.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.0983204022131197, -1.5720701229703633, -1.818794853066228] -1.33627009620722 -0.3244788646697998 +748 1903. aastal hakkas Tartus ilmuma ka Peeter Speegi ajaleht Uudised, mis oli Teatajast veel radikaalsem ja toetas sotsiaaldemokraatiat. In 1933, Peeter Speeter's newspaper, which was even more radical than the Official Journal and supported social democracy, began to appear in Tartu. [31, 1, 11, 29, 40, 50] 27.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.12785038341693, -1.2516013580018719, -0.9486551086784767] -1.0985439552454461 -0.34359386563301086 +749 Viimane fraas oli British National Fronti hüüdlause. The last phrase was the slogan of the British National Front. [98, 100, 100, 100, 83, 100] 96.83333333333333 [1.414108970785873, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0919697930050536 -0.15978476405143738 +750 Väga levinud on termiidid, kelle kõrged teravatipulised pesad ilmestavad maastikku paljudes kohtades ja on kohati nuhtluseks farmeritele. Steel are very common, whose high-grape detergents describe the landscape in many places and are sometimes a scourge to farmers. [22, 1, 1, 59, 53, 47] 30.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.42262624983089, -0.36633082989675864, -0.9580730536947148] -0.9261094555044881 -0.5403766632080078 +751 Nende sisu, mõistetavus ja konkreetsuse aste ongi eri ühiskondades erinev ning nende poolest erinevad tänapäeva ühiskonna eri tõlgendused. Their content, comprehensibility and level of specificity are different in different societies, and in that respect, different interpretations of today's society are different. [41, 41, 21, 76, 84, 68] 55.166666666666664 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7553474051753013, 0.36345874222673896, 0.6681304714467177, -0.05364345636477628] -0.08824847280366149 -0.5159938931465149 +752 Intervjuud vaatas umbes 90 miljonit Ameerika televaatajat. The interviews looked at around 90 million American TV viewers. [22, 52, 31, 28, 41, 53] 37.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.06136734218900175, -0.49006908755709094, -1.1595803648136038, -1.2079710891507676, -0.6216732398831174] -0.7501762189204061 -0.35812467336654663 +753 Ka Viss astub ajaga sammu ja asub oma alamaid koondama. Bars are also taking a step with the times and are starting to lay off their subjects. [5, 1, 1, 21, 28, 34] 15.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3816902345903206, -1.7751645842151236, -1.407453656337378] -1.4841790645020871 -0.5793821215629578 +754 Poliitik suri saadud vigastustesse kohaliku aja järgi kell 10.35 haiglas. According to local time, a politician died of injuries at 10.35 hospital. [23, 53, 51, 63, 65, 64] 53.166666666666664 [-0.9291527009720825, -0.03191716518753145, 0.04048754767932973, 0.10098660428072605, 0.03899122630516161, -0.017301034533346728] -0.13298425373795722 -0.48654836416244507 +755 Samal ajal jätkusid Vene vürstide sõjaretked Eestisse nii eestlaste vastaste kui ka liitlastena. At the same time, the warfare by the Russian principals continued in Estonia as both opponents and allies of the Estonians. [22, 41, 11, 44, 23, 34] 29.166666666666668 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.4162285719927071, -1.318230271796973, -1.407453656337378] -0.9180422836757666 -0.337268590927124 +756 Eesti sotsiaalminister Helmen Kütt külastas Järva maakonda. The Estonian Minister of Social Affairs, Helmen Futt, visited the province. [41, 41, 20, 58, 54, 56] 45.0 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, -0.09007785635906261, -0.3597293555905065, -0.2711408857067372] -0.37581875392479613 -0.4255130887031555 +757 Turkish Airlines oli viimane välismaine lennufirma, kes üldse veel Liibüasse lendas. Turkish Airlines were the last foreign airline to fly into Libya at all. [91, 100, 70, 90, 94, 92] 89.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.132734691735585, 1.0901636694846504, 0.87113844457352] 1.0310331431529534 -0.3197498619556427 +758 Tallinnas Estonia kontserdisaalis toimus Eesti kaitseväe 96. aastapäeva pidulik tähistamine. A formal celebration of the 96th anniversary of the Estonian Guard took place in Tallinn, Estonia. [93, 100, 70, 80, 72, 51] 77.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.7506057704560075, 0.29272250569331404, -0.4297907926901062] 0.6280310857494543 -0.27383363246917725 +759 Siin on kiusatus vastu väita, et kummaski kohas on ainult üks osa. There is a temptation here to claim that there is only one section in each place. [70, 100, 100, 80, 92, 86] 88.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.7506057704560075, 1.0176690182308925, 0.680758556193477] 0.9468195137944577 -0.40634429454803467 +760 Viimased lepivadki ära ja Johannes läheb koju tagasi. The latter will come to terms with it, and the latter will go home. [4, 1, 31, 20, 48, 34] 23.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -1.5421677572214565, -0.8284575600026597, -1.2019970137106726] -1.1914661298177718 -0.6770729422569275 +761 Ameerika Ühendriikides New Yorgis Bronxi linnaosas puhkes kohaliku aja järgi kell 23.00 tulekahju, milles hävis kolmekorruseline tellistest elumaja. In New York, the town of Bronx in the United States, a fire broke at 11.00 local time, destroying a three-tier house. [33, 31, 31, 39, 29, 34] 32.833333333333336 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -1.2006693362178358, -1.12785038341693, -1.5133829711084976] -0.9380851081540978 -0.46973347663879395 +762 Kogu vaimulik ja ilmalik võim kätkeb realiseeritava võimalikkusena rahvas. All clergy and secular power involves a people as a viable possibility. [21, 50, 50, 73, 69, 76] 56.5 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.12026769619194233, 0.013959715917508699, 0.12647325843666224, 0.1839805288126773, 0.32953463266677707] -0.07632653987399084 -0.4812447428703308 +763 Isikuarmastuses on oluline vastastikkuse võimalikkus, seda aga armastuses väikeste laste vastu ei ole. The possibility of reciprocity is important in personal love, but it is not in love with small children. [25, 1, 1, 60, 51, 56] 32.333333333333336 [-0.866665723058537, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.01365207210314715, -0.46847133247114325, -0.2711408857067372] -0.7448600705025455 -0.4217582941055298 +764 Panga tütarettevõttes Ulster Bank koondatakse 950 töökohta. With its subsidiary, Ulster Bank, 950 jobs are being laid off. [33, 61, 31, 75, 62, 87] 58.166666666666664 [-0.616717811404355, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.6116443591825035, -0.08076099732669434, 0.7844601369297701] 0.06870680844139403 -0.36056599020957947 +765 Võistlustööde esitamise tähtaeg on 1. detsember 2007. The deadline for submitting entries is 1 December 2007. [70, 100, 100, 99, 88, 84] 90.16666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.2807425052166714, 0.5692107640539581, 0.6681304714467177] 0.9583279131006193 -0.20689132809638977 +766 Poliitikateadus on ka oma erilise eesmärgi loomuse enda pärast kõige tähtsam teadus. Political science is also the most important science for the very nature of its special purpose. [91, 100, 100, 56, 44, 67] 76.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, -0.48592357188822877, -0.4217033964184547, 0.07788890965667469] 0.5097098245547645 -0.42686763405799866 +767 Eestis on pornograafia juriidiline definitsioon sõnastatud lähtudes seksuaalsete toimingute kujutamisviisist, labasusest ja pealetükkivusest. In Estonia, the legal definition of pornography is formulated on the basis of depiction of sexual activities, laboratories and intrusiveness. [61, 80, 61, 66, 76, 71] 69.16666666666667 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7632376138521665, 0.3057658652975401, -0.1256901422853517, 0.3190883206378832, 0.20480883524336993] 0.2875517286884816 -0.3285462558269501 +768 Mõne järgmise aasta jooksul langesid Sitsiilia saare suuremad linnad Messina ja Palermo ning moodustati moslemite Sitsiilia emiraat. In the next few years, the major cities of the island of Sicily downgraded Messina and Palermo, and the Muslim Sicily issuer was formed. [22, 1, 1, 47, 55, 63] 31.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8698144240265682, -0.5971473252353072, -0.46201187631106677] -0.9564333708629178 -0.30276837944984436 +769 Portugali kondiitrikunst on alguse saanud keskaegsetest kloostritest; neid oli riigis rohkesti. The Portuguese Condiitry has originated in medieval monasteries; it had plenty of them in the country. [31, 1, 1, 53, 60, 57] 33.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2811423169988513, -0.14224540182923298, -0.2394109043100634] -0.6985389703552928 -0.467254102230072 +770 Keelustati kõik demonstratsioonid ja piirati uudiste edastamise õigust erakanalite poolt. All demonstrations were banned and the right to news was restricted by private channels. [50, 51, 21, 67, 75, 71] 55.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.07788890965667469, 0.27545805178677896, 0.05442657251608684] -0.08732831492424188 -0.4326726198196411 +771 See on probleem, aga see ei tähenda, et seda ei võiks mõistlikult ja tõhusalt lahendada ilma tõendite ja argumentideta. This is a problem, but it does not mean that it cannot be resolved sensibly and effectively without evidence and arguments. [94, 100, 100, 100, 100, 97] 98.5 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.1249782957469103, 1.198905646365287] 1.3034125046627123 -0.2618747353553772 +772 Paremini läheb neil liikidel, kelle asuala inimese omaga ei kattu. The species whose location is not covered by the human being are better off. [6, 1, 31, 51, 62, 40] 31.833333333333332 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -0.6660402866896673, 0.09474532383083789, -0.7788205880535182] -0.8106338368284406 -0.6923506855964661 +773 Riiga saabunud läänemaalased tunnistasid Riia piiskopi võimu ja maksid vahepeal tasumata jäänud kahe aasta maksu. The Western people who arrived in the country recognised the power of the Riia Bishop and paid a tax of two years not paid in the meantime. [33, 31, 11, 82, 78, 80] 52.5 [-0.616717811404355, -0.6798210592198779, -1.0206257227935116, 0.5808699337445091, 0.412248360714594, 0.3952847075210473] -0.15479359857293232 -0.3512149453163147 +774 Kuidas saaks Koperniku teooria seletada planeetide liikumise kõiki vaadeldavaid üldisi omadusi, kui ta poleks põhijoontes õige? How can Copernican's theory explain all the general features of the planet movement that we are looking at, if it is not fundamentally right? [92, 91, 62, 100, 82, 100] 87.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3322936970593611, 0.9996617706525889, 0.4506833450792516, 1.1850259554682334] 0.8802503943621686 -0.4137009382247925 +775 Üksik Jalaväepataljon ehk Pataljon Narva 20. suurtükidivisjon), 11. A single Jalamium (Pataljon Naru20), 11. [4, 1, 1, 1, 23, 12] 7.0 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -3.142294013511708, -1.674693889577723, -2.4732488858327923] -1.9437076982914494 -0.5577774047851562 +776 Näiteks Hispaania armee välikomandör Conti prints ei saanud midagi arutada kõigi Hispaania vägede ülemkomandöri markii de La Minaga. For example, the Prince of the Spanish Army Commander Cont could not discuss anything with the Chief Commander Markii de La Minga of all Spanish troops. [35, 51, 21, 82, 84, 80] 58.833333333333336 [-0.5542308334908096, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, 0.6551957619621033, 0.6681304714467177, 0.17436773524631535] 0.01621636846642557 -0.28109121322631836 +777 Teadusest lahkumine on ainus paradigma hülgamise viis, milleni vastunäited omaette võetuna on viinud. Leaving science is the only way to break the paradigm that has led to, in itself, to the contradictions that have led to. [22, 1, 31, 78, 83, 76] 48.5 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4269187050200866, 0.6245002025956135, 0.23454328731752536] -0.28797157530278467 -0.5637004375457764 +778 Nii et võime kohust täita sõltuks kalduvustes, mis loodus juhtus meile andma. So we can fulfil the obligation by the leanings that nature has given us. [22, 1, 1, 83, 96, 90] 48.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.6245002025956135, 1.156671913144946, 0.7208132901854393] -0.2179401989464275 -0.5854552388191223 +779 Valimised võitis valitseva erakonna Patriootlik Rinne kandidaat, endine kaitseminister Edgar Lungu, kes kogus 48,8% valijate toetuse. The elections were won by the Patriotic Front of the ruling party, the former Minister of Defence Edgar Lunk, who received 48.8% of voters' support. [93, 91, 63, 100, 91, 81] 86.5 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3588215288211821, 1.0991035183644302, 0.8394084631768461, 0.5372396648934048] 0.8632757103543688 -0.36735835671424866 +780 Kui nii, siis on selge, miks teadlased normaalteaduse probleeme nii kirglikult ja pühendunult lahendavad. If so, it is clear why scientists are so passionate and committed in solving the problems of normal science. [94, 100, 100, 97, 100, 80] 95.16666666666667 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4936093960423005] 1.098558109020282 -0.34094253182411194 +781 Tema loengud vilistati välja ja üliõpilased nõudsid tema vallandamist. His lectures were picked up and students called for him to be laid off. [70, 100, 100, 23, 29, 26] 58.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, -1.1868448152443491, -1.12785038341693, -1.8624251219173322] -0.1575394304487071 -0.4574242830276489 +782 Tegemist oli psühhedeelse disainiga, mille autoriks oli visuaalse kunsti kollektiiv The Fool. It was a psychiatric designer, inspired by The Fool prospect of a visual art. [10, 31, 1, 22, 30, 37] 21.833333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -2.2464135499613747, -1.687904046512915, -1.2833830642656527] -1.4197906362969448 -0.3736410140991211 +783 Eesti helilooja Arvo Pärt alustas 2. juunini kestvate autorikontsertide turneed Ameerika Ühendriikides. The market for the Estonian composer Arvo Pert started in the United States on 2 June. [10, 11, 1, 15, 1, 8] 7.666666666666667 [-1.335318057410128, -1.2688245992492837, -1.285904040411722, -2.193234072791639, -2.016289862523797, -2.6477699612372096] -1.7912234322706297 -0.4739556908607483 +784 Sõna oli pärit nähtamatu neitsiliku Vaimu Mõttest. The word came from the indivisible Signant Vatican Myghetto. [8, 31, 1, 100, 84, 92] 52.666666666666664 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 1.0463418728498313, 0.9034573389678384, 0.87113844457352] -0.09043207976068061 -0.8337101340293884 +785 Ungarlased kasutasid samuti Bulgaaria nõrkust ära, okupeerides Belgradi ja Braničevo. Hungarians also exploited Bulgaria's weakness by occupying Belgrade and Braničevo. [94, 100, 100, 100, 87, 100] 96.83333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.7990212780000306, 0.9230496311961767] 1.1381294462986722 -0.18728913366794586 +786 Nad arvasid, et see võimaldab neil võidutsevalt ümber lükata feodaalse ja kodanliku moraali objektiivse üldkehtivuse pretensiooni. They thought this would enable them to conquer the objective general validity of feudal and bourgeois morale in the vicinity of the triumphant. [31, 1, 1, 58, 58, 58] 34.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.09007785635906261, -0.21474005308299082, -0.20768092291338958] -0.673489005224842 -0.41094520688056946 +787 Eestis tegutsev rahvusvaheline kiirtoidukett McDonald's muutis seoses omanike vahetusega oma ärinime. McDonald's, the international high-speed food chain operating in Estonia, has changed its business people in connection with the exchange of owners. [6, 36, 11, 17, 23, 29] 20.333333333333332 [-1.460292013237219, -0.5325701742125264, -1.0206257227935116, -1.8908339473394493, -1.993315928470645, -1.12785038341693] -1.3375813615783805 -0.40983691811561584 +788 Teised inimesed küll ei tea, mida nad ärkvel olles teevad, nagu nad ju ka unustavad, mida nad unes teevad." Other people do not know what they are doing when they are awake, nor do they forget what they are doing in dream. " [93, 100, 70, 75, 76, 77] 81.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.0996728308439845, 0.4377118082008297, 0.3951887236234128] 0.6812037322842897 -0.4076690375804901 +789 Maa asub Atlandi ookeani põhjaosa ääres, piirnedes Skagerraki, Põhjamere, Norra mere ja Barentsi merega. The land is located in the north of the Atlantic, bordering the Skagerrak, the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. [93, 100, 100, 100, 100, 82] 95.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091] 1.1185999822520623 -0.26708003878593445 +790 Bulgaaria patriarhaadi struktuur järgis Esimese tsaaririigi traditsioone. The structure of the Bulgarian Patriarchate follows the traditions of the first country. [41, 41, 20, 79, 80, 80] 56.833333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 0.44997912719119615, 0.4903786678134342, 0.4949620887624109] -0.016440757020904844 -0.3492758274078369 +791 Tüdrukud tunnevad poistest paremini ära teiste emotsioone ja oskavad selle põhjal nende käitumist ennustada. Girls are better able to recognise the emotions of others than boys and can predict their behaviour on that basis. [91, 91, 61, 100, 84, 100] 87.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0811424575112913, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9104351998265438 -0.3849904239177704 +792 Murat jälitustegevus oli siiski nii tõhus, et ainult üksteis eskadroni ühines Werneckiga Heidenheimi juures. However, the habit of surveillance was so effective that only one eskadrone joined Werner at Heidenheim. [35, 51, 21, 56, 75, 82] 53.333333333333336 [-0.5542308334908096, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.48592357188822877, -0.01280273874114997, 0.5808699337445091] -0.21970868912357544 -0.4550219178199768 +793 Liibanoni parlamendis ebaõnnestus kvoorumi puudumise tõttu järjekordne katse riigile presidenti valida. The Lebanese Parliament did not succeed in yet another attempt to elect a president because of the lack of a quorum. [92, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 1.1249782957469103, 1.3076476232459238] 1.0609880999077699 -0.3447200059890747 +794 Türkmenistanis vannutati ametisse 11. veebruaril toimunud presidendivalimised võitnud Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow. In Turkmenistan, the winner of the presidential elections of 11 February, Gurmai banguly Berdusehammer, was inaugurated. [50, 80, 71, 69, 76, 61] 67.83333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.5710441829157504, -0.017620113404488574, 0.4377118082008297, -0.2908183276918498] 0.22966277745553162 -0.5208543539047241 +795 Kui kirjeldust ei kujunda mingi teooria, siis ei öelda, milliseid tegevusi ja tegevuste tulemusi tuleb teaduse nime all kirjeldada. If the description does not form a theory, it does not say what actions and results of actions must be described under the name of science. [31, 20, 31, 68, 76, 60] 47.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -0.05364345636477628, 0.3190883206378832, -0.01365207210314715] -0.32020901515684713 -0.4120557904243469 +796 1960. aastate lõpus oli populaarne kwela, hiljem hakati viljelema peamiselt džässi, gosplit, reggae't, hiphoppi, poppi, rokki. At the end of the 1960s, popular chwell was present, and later it was mainly the jungle, goslead, reggae, hiphopp, pop, rock. [22, 1, 1, 38, 48, 23] 22.166666666666668 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1343437451734075, -0.5772133093517801, -1.318230271796973] -1.1399023209877874 -0.45786550641059875 +797 Tuhanded Poola husaarid olid suurepäraselt kaasatud võidukas rünnakus Kara Mustafa laagrile. Thousands of Polish aircraft were perfectly involved in the victorious attack on the Kara Mustafa camp. [22, 1, 1, 93, 85, 100] 50.333333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.0326013210732208, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] -0.1903691511728907 -0.28982117772102356 +798 Kuna tal oli vähe raha ja polnud Kanadas elukohta, siis As it had little money and had no place to live in Canada, [50, 61, 31, 100, 96, 78] 69.33333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0991035183644302, 1.162658320738408, 0.412248360714594] 0.3836744773242256 -0.3219676911830902 +799 Ümbritsev ala eraldati esmakordselt lossile 13. sajandil Henry III käsul. One area was allocated to Castle for the first time in the 13th century under the orders of Henry III. [91, 100, 70, 78, 73, 55] 77.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.4063488583400919, 0.2054640405950517, -0.41853674913993266] 0.5475730338198627 -0.3700496256351471 +800 Luganski oblastisse sisenes Venemaalt 20 ühikut rasket sõjatehnikat. In the Lugansk Oblast, 20 units of Russia entered heavy military technology. [6, 31, 1, 50, 42, 57] 31.166666666666668 [-1.460292013237219, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.42014770070905927, -0.9902503733322566, -0.04871265401618784] -0.8141879734877203 -0.32824400067329407 +801 Kuni 1980. aastateni puudusid seadused looduskaitsealade kohta. Until the 1980s, there was no legislation on protected natural areas. [42, 12, 31, 92, 84, 100] 60.166666666666664 [-0.3355264107934004, -1.2393744222478134, -0.49006908755709094, 0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 0.1327330607770855 -0.3259991407394409 +802 Ja on keerulisemaid võimalusi, mille järgi mõnedel kultuurilistel asjaoludel võivad olla testid, teistel mitte. And there are more difficult opportunities, according to which, in some cultural circumstances, there may be tests, others may not. [31, 11, 31, 81, 82, 100] 56.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2688245992492837, -0.49006908755709094, 0.5372396648934048, 0.5776758168102278, 0.9230496311961767] -0.06668889387074432 -0.3837588131427765 +803 Alijev ise lükkas süüdistused tagasi, nimetades neid katseks ta poliitikast kõrvaldada. Aliyev himself rejected the accusations by calling them an attempt to remove them from his policy. [50, 31, 31, 60, 78, 86] 56.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, -0.49006908755709094, -0.6252965206798194, 0.4269187050200866, 0.8001850644696189] -0.1089435661843835 -0.3846296966075897 +804 Nii et iga üksiku asja kohtumõistja on see, kes on selles asjas haritud, ja lihtsalt kohtumõistja on see, kes on kõiges haritud. So it is the individual judge who is educated in this matter, and it is simply the judge who is educated in everything. [70, 100, 100, 73, 67, 78] 81.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.12647325843666224, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4063488583400919] 0.6404324607199662 -0.4125324487686157 +805 Kongo Vabariigi pealinnas Brazzaville'is plahvatas relvaladu. In the capital of the Republic of Congo, the city of Trizaville, armed equipment exploded. [50, 61, 31, 81, 62, 83] 61.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, 0.27058394287051374, -0.26978351412650253, 0.6245002025956135] 0.04222288257792436 -0.662403404712677 +806 Kanti eetika aine on inimtahe mõlemast vaatepunktist vaadatuna. A chemical of ethics is human will from both points of view. [12, 1, 1, 37, 44, 36] 21.833333333333332 [-1.2728310794965825, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.1703670881336952, -0.7222026118592957, -1.324739928289561] -1.223228519575807 -0.3910219967365265 +807 2007. aastal pöördus Podolski pikalt languses olnud rahvaarv kasvule. In 2007 Podolski turned to population growth, which has been in a long recession. [21, 43, 43, 73, 85, 79] 57.333333333333336 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.32641893520223436, -0.17173510641523854, 0.4831155255603034, 0.76393773884274, 0.4586486864167604] 0.03598470505278382 -0.4648468792438507 +808 Iisrael teatas nelja palestiinlase vahistamisest, kes kavatsesid tappa Iisraeli välisministri Avigdor Liebermani. Israel announced the arrest of four Palestinians who intended to kill the Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman. [93, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100] 98.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.2406505869549107 -0.25755152106285095 +809 "Teise kaalutluse kohta peab ütlema, et loodusfilosoof ja ka metafüüsik vaatlevad asju endid. "With regard to the second consideration, it must be said that the natural philosopher and also metaphysicist are looking at things themselves. [1, 31, 11, 78, 68, 51] 40.0 [-1.6165094580210826, -0.6798210592198779, -1.0206257227935116, 0.4063488583400919, -0.001320279524490586, -0.4297907926901062] -0.5569530756514961 -0.35383808612823486 +810 Ajapikku allutas Rootsi endale ka Poola ja Taani valdused Eestis. For a period of time, Sweden also subordinated itself to the lies of Poland and Denmark in Estonia. [5, 1, 11, 35, 42, 27] 20.166666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.0549611959189655, -0.9902503733322566, -1.2746775123257523] -1.2325627793047438 -0.44734063744544983 +811 Uuevarikul aga satub noorperemees Ints silmitsi tõsise avariiga juustukojas. In the New Year, however, a young man Ints will face a serious accident in the cheese chamber. [6, 1, 1, 18, 31, 43] 16.666666666666668 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -1.6442737776618106, -0.9216323399957466] -1.3920514532251378 -0.4639720618724823 +812 Õhtul kohtus Vladimir Putin Roomas ka Itaalia peaministri Romano Prodiga. During the evening Vladimir Putin also met the Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, in Rome. [70, 100, 100, 70, 84, 67] 81.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, -0.19868677613204175, 0.6681304714467177, 0.07788890965667469] 0.6298693904762865 -0.2693083882331848 +813 Nii tuleb nt looduses nn lihtaineid, hapnikku, lämmastikku jne, pidada eksisteerivateks kvaliteetideks. For example, meat, oxygen, nitrogen, etc., must be considered as existing quality in nature. [31, 1, 1, 93, 85, 100] 51.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.0326013210732208, 0.711760740297822, 0.9230496311961767] -0.14350391773773155 -0.3809592127799988 +814 Tuulealust kolonni juhtis 100 kahuriga Royal Sovereign, viitseadmiral Cuthbert Collingwoodi lipulaev. The nuclear Coloner was led by the Royal Soveloomy, a flagship of visemiral Cuthbert Collingwood. [5, 1, 1, 11, 1, 6] 4.166666666666667 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.3586615288872728, -2.016289862523797, -2.7350304989394183] -1.9084579670366981 -0.5848437547683716 +815 Armastuse episteemilised kriitikud võivad näha seda lihtsalt meelevaldse kiindumusena, mis ei arvesta tõendeid. The epicentre critics can see it as just an arbitrary affection that does not take evidence into account. [31, 1, 11, 30, 1, 16] 15.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -1.572881112433012, -2.016289862523797, -2.298727810428375] -1.525175944460097 -0.622366189956665 +816 Olulistest teadusajakirjadest selliseid tulemusi tihti ei leia. Such results often cannot be found in important scientific journals. [93, 100, 100, 100, 96, 98] 97.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8975674955625244, 1.162658320738408, 1.0615183329535627] 1.1787046888577728 -0.4753401279449463 +817 Kolumbuse ekspeditsioon viibis Trinidadi ümbruse vetes ja saartel kuni 13. augustini. The Columbus expedition was in the waters and islands around Trinidad until 13 August. [70, 100, 100, 100, 100, 82] 92.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0463418728498313, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.9973456400379366 -0.28415775299072266 +818 "Alusepanekus kommete metafüüsikale" püüab ta selgitada, kuidas see on võimalik. 'Putting them into mechanical physics' will try to explain how this is possible. [5, 1, 11, 1, 1, 1] 3.3333333333333335 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -2.1763910955276495, -2.2682127076526535, -2.016289862523797] -1.7560635433259317 -0.520653486251831 +819 Ukrainas viidi infarktiga haiglasse riigi siseminister Vassõl Tsuško. In Ukraine, the country's Interior Minister Vaswar Tsuško was taken to hospital with an infarct. [50, 51, 21, 64, 67, 60] 52.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.45465262286070834, 0.07788890965667469, -0.14224540182923298] -0.24179208975637642 -0.3995917737483978 +820 Kaplinskit pahandas ka Naani pealiskaudne, päris demagoogiline opereerimine statistikaga. The Kaplinski was also escaped by the superficial, demagogic operation of Naani with statistics. [10, 1, 1, 33, 23, 13] 13.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.314460459974846, -1.993315928470645, -1.635530085763711] -1.5213091568825063 -0.42773744463920593 +821 Eesti ajalugu on inimasustuse ajalugu praegusel Eesti alal. Estonia has a history of humanity in the current area of Estonia. [8, 31, 1, 34, 23, 45] 23.666666666666668 [-1.3978050353236735, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.5133829711084976, -1.318230271796973, -0.952528152074385] -1.1912785883225216 -0.39111092686653137 +822 Liibanoni parlamendis kukkus kolmandat korda läbi katse riigile presidenti valida. The Lebanese Parliament failed for the third time the attempt to elect a President of the country. [50, 80, 51, 78, 87, 100] 74.33333333333333 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, 0.674179986200092, 0.7990212780000306, 1.0152560939928115] 0.5344340034308687 -0.391173779964447 +823 Ameerika Ühendriikide president George W. Bush viibis ametlikul visiidil Poolas. The President of the United States, George W. Bush, was on an official visit to Poland. [96, 100, 70, 81, 100, 100] 91.16666666666667 [1.3516219928723274, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058] 1.0344703417343741 -0.17204782366752625 +824 Seni olid Prantsusmaa sõjalennukid pommitanud ainult Islamiriigi sihtmärke Iraagis. Until now, French military aircraft had bombed only Islamic countries' targets in Iraq. [89, 100, 100, 73, 77, 80] 86.5 [1.1329175701749183, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.12647325843666224, 0.3951887236234128, 0.4936093960423005] 0.8067969010279045 -0.3449443280696869 +825 See ei ole ka lihtsalt enesemääramise võime, kaalutletud teo võime ega iseendale antud põhjenditele tugineva teo võime. It is not just self-determination, it is not a considered capacity for action, it is not a self-determination, it is not a self-defeating act. [14, 31, 1, 60, 58, 61] 37.5 [-1.2103441015830372, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.3790639679871394, -0.20768092291338958, -0.10599807620235407] -0.64480202805292 -0.581895649433136 +826 Tõlgend on see, mis võimaldab järeldada märgist või märkidest ning nende kontekstist osutust. It is the interpretation that allows the conclusion to be drawn from the label or signs and their context. [50, 31, 61, 69, 74, 75] 60.0 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6798210592198779, 0.3057658652975401, 0.33026395704847245, 0.24682090461896014, 0.5900712612761484] 0.11792040498033746 -0.6077895760536194 +827 Politsei kasutas meeleavaldajate vastu pisargaasi, vahistati enam kui 100 inimest. The police used tear gas against demonstrators, with more than 100 people arrested. [91, 100, 70, 100, 85, 98] 90.66666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.1249782957469103, 0.711760740297822, 1.239385641192763] 1.0280477883935768 -0.3392041027545929 +828 Maavärina tulemusel varisesid kokku mitmed hooned, hukkus kaks ja sai vigastada üle kahesaja inimese. As a result of the earthquake, many buildings collapsed, two were killed and more than two hundred people were injured. [89, 100, 100, 100, 82, 100] 95.16666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1020834525112937 -0.34383803606033325 +829 Kui inimesel on väike kiusatus, siis ta ei pruugi veel olla sügavalt ebamoraalne. If you have a little temptation, you may not yet be profoundly immoral. [81, 61, 61, 100, 81, 100] 80.66666666666667 [0.8829696585207364, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.6922902089412087 -0.5146542191505432 +830 Hoonel on olnud kohati kuni 1,5 m paksused paest ja lõhkumata maakividest müürid. The bonus has been the walls of a boat and unbroken rubble, sometimes up to 1.5 m. [5, 1, 1, 23, 12, 1] 7.166666666666667 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.674693889577723, -2.4732488858327923, -2.016289862523797] -1.750833091634002 -0.7763287425041199 +831 Kohtumisel saatis Rebast üks eestlasest kapten, kes varem olnud ta abi. At the meeting, an advocate from Reb sent a captain who had previously been aided by him. [9, 31, 1, 35, 39, 30] 24.166666666666668 [-1.3665615463669007, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.4697527022573933, -1.2006693362178358, -1.697337004628338] -1.283340948183678 -0.5429847836494446 +832 Burkina Faso pealinnas Ouagadougous ajas armee laiali seal jätkunud tuhandete osavõtjatega meeleavaldused. The army dispersed there by thousands of participants in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougous, in Ouagadougou. [31, 31, 3, 44, 29, 37] 29.166666666666668 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -0.9938850160982935, -1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846] -1.0160169649160444 -0.34057891368865967 +833 Suurbritannia liberaaldemokraatide erakonna uueks esimeheks valiti Sir Menzies Campbell. Sir Menzies Campbell was elected new president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Britain. [94, 100, 100, 78, 73, 100] 90.83333333333333 [1.2891350149587821, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.4063488583400919, 0.26826879803671755, 1.32209936924058] 0.9964074164110507 -0.32877978682518005 +834 Sellepärast rahuldab selline vastus nõuded, mida eksplikatsioonilt oodatakse. This response therefore satisfies the requirements expected of the mislead. [22, 31, 1, 60, 79, 64] 42.833333333333336 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.3418302000470779, 0.5464537850814665, -0.1667477356201244] -0.4813742400243651 -0.5535203218460083 +835 Kas saab jõuda eetilise elu põhjendini, lähtudes mõnest minimaalsest teo, soovi või uskumuse struktuurist? Can we get to the root of an ethical life on the basis of a minimum set of actions, wishes or structure of belief? [93, 100, 100, 100, 84, 100] 96.16666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6681304714467177, 1.32209936924058] 1.173302890490645 -0.5403974652290344 +836 Sellele vaatamata, et neljas Falcon 1 raketi katsetus õnnestus, oli SpaceX lähedal pankrotile. Despite the success of the fourth Falcon 1 missile test, SpaceX was close to bankruptcy. [95, 100, 100, 75, 82, 68] 86.66666666666667 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.014618096141847111, 0.5808699337445091, 0.1096188910533485] 0.7863463137908987 -0.26453253626823425 +837 Kantiaanlik tiib väidab, et see näitab, et oleme põhjendite suhtes vabad, ja sürrealistlik tiib väidab, et see näitab, et põhjendeid ei ole olemas. The antiquan wing argues that it shows that we are free about the causes, and the surreptitiously asserts that it shows that there are no grounds. [31, 1, 1, 67, 74, 80] 42.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.08966679932506398, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] -0.4707489704738303 -0.5986775159835815 +838 Iirimaa juhtiv telekommunikatsioonifirma Eircom Group nõustus Austraalia ettevõtte Babcock & Brown Capital Ltd. The leading telecommunications company in Ireland, Eircom Group, agreed to accept Babcock & Brown Capital Ltd from Australia. [89, 100, 100, 97, 100, 100] 97.66666666666667 [1.1329175701749183, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9910334894835672, 0.8241835542857531, 1.3076476232459238] 1.158062449180049 -0.23734734952449799 +839 Teised suuremad linnad on Blantyre, Mzuzu, Zomba, Kasungu ja Mangochi. Other major cities are Blantyre, Mzuzu, Zomba, Kasunke and Mangochi. [88, 100, 70, 80, 84, 100] 87.0 [1.1016740812181456, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.4936093960423005, 0.727690413215861, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8907849485431197 -0.15620157122612 +840 Portugali mäetööstuse konkurentsivõime on kaasaja Euroopas suhteliselt tagasihoidlik, mistõttu maavarade kaevandamine on 1970. aastatest vähenenud. The competitiveness of the Portuguese mining industry is relatively modest in Europe today, resulting in a decline in the extraction of natural resources since the 1970s. [92, 70, 100, 100, 100, 85] 91.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.711760740297822] 0.9616081791249482 -0.3547113239765167 +841 Norra ajaloolised piirkonnad Norra ajaloolised maakonnad Norra linnapiirkonnad Norwegian historic regions Norway's historic counties in Norwegian cities [92, 100, 70, 81, 73, 88] 84.0 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.8105875071518991, 0.26826879803671755, 0.8258170009536785] 0.8380131413705056 -0.47789549827575684 +842 Valitsev maailmameister Alehhin jäi esikolmikust välja ja jagas neljandat kuni kuuendat kohta. Alebarin, the leading world champion, stayed out of the front three and divided the fourth to sixth place. [31, 31, 15, 82, 82, 81] 53.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.9145143957462275, 0.5538386306067818, 0.5808699337445091, 0.4146600021189639] -0.12069527963562521 -0.47605863213539124 +843 Mare peab kaasa minema Tiina esoteeriliste plaanidega. Mare must go along with Tiina esoteric plans. [81, 56, 56, 77, 82, 100] 75.33333333333333 [0.8829696585207364, 0.056433365816879424, 0.1731267064884349, 0.2705666302778131, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] 0.5148240984325473 -0.3894738256931305 +844 Allan kohtub kohvikus Kukuveeriga, kes teatab talle, et Leedu kelguäri on läbi. I am going to meet Mr Kukumer, who tells him that the Lithuanian sham business is over. [10, 31, 1, 39, 34, 37] 25.333333333333332 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.5211769842301526, -1.2784371170145583, -1.3824921645551846] -1.2471915704736038 -0.551518976688385 +845 Kuid ilmselt annekteerimise ajaks oli albaanlaste hulgas vähe seoseid Itaaliaga. However, probably by the time of the donation, there was little connection with Italy among the Albanians. [70, 100, 100, 67, 85, 76] 83.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.07788890965667469, 0.711760740297822, 0.32953463266677707] 0.7251780034179404 -0.4724341332912445 +846 Pärast esialgset seadusejärgimise vaibumist oli ainult väike osa rahvastikust vaktsineeritud. Since the initial contravention of the law, only a small part of the population was vaccinated. [31, 1, 11, 100, 100, 100] 57.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 0.047170716996086916 -0.3864412009716034 +847 Võidakse olla väsinud või depressioonis, hajali, tujukas, isegi perversne. You could be tired or depressed, you could be crazy, you could be silent, you could even perversion. [31, 1, 1, 65, 81, 73] 42.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.1617134852456394, 0.5372396648934048, 0.26826879803671755] -0.4807733702181877 -0.5805091261863708 +848 Kohe pärast valusat kaotust sai Mahler teada oma südamepuudulikkusest. Immediately after the painful loss, Mahler became aware of his lack of conscience. [31, 1, 1, 21, 33, 44] 21.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3816902345903206, -1.557013239959602, -0.9938850160982935] -1.2435039482736376 -0.3449826240539551 +849 Protestijad süütasid politseiautosid, jagasid massidele relvaladudest hõivatud relvi ja lõhkusid kommunistliku režiimi sümboleid. The protesters set fire to police cars, handed down weapons occupied by the masses of weapons and burst the symbols of the Communist regime. [31, 1, 1, 27, 28, 29] 19.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3384071475162373, -1.6555948404808287, -1.12785038341693] -1.2750479284012675 -0.507563591003418 +850 Suurim jõgi on Ogooué, mis saab alguse Kongos, voolab alguses põhja, seejärel lääne suunas ning suubub Lopezi neeme lähedal Atlandi ookeani. The greatest river is Ogooué, which starts in the Congo, flows to the north, then to the West, and is flowing close to the Atlantic by Lopez. [41, 41, 16, 75, 84, 66] 53.833333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.8879865639844065, 0.33172876083006514, 0.6681304714467177, -0.0840340075723075] -0.12070842137254652 -0.42940178513526917 +851 Üksus hävitas tankirusikatega ühe "Nõukogude Eesti eest" tanki teise järel. The spectacle destroyed one 'Soviet Estonia' after tank with tank cards. [31, 31, 3, 29, 22, 15] 21.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.2328483768880798, -1.12785038341693, -2.0369461973217495, -2.258848426590734] -1.3359198721258785 -0.549918532371521 +852 Tulekahju sai alguse ebaõnnestunud tuleetendusest. The outcome began with a failed fire. [31, 31, 15, 63, 70, 56] 44.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -0.9145143957462275, -0.1581138830084191, 0.1477760878356, -0.2872347043367487] -0.4285187906322623 -0.5446341633796692 +853 18. novembril 2007 kutsus ta üles abistama üleujutuste läbi kannatanuid Bangladeshis. On 18 November 2007 he called for assistance to the victims of the floods in Bangladesh. [89, 100, 100, 100, 83, 100] 95.33333333333333 [1.1329175701749183, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 1.1158598718495703 -0.2706588804721832 +854 Ihates kättemaksu ja olles kaotanud viimati kaks korda Prantsusmaale, ühines Austria mõni kuu hiljem koalitsiooniga. Austria joined the coalition a few months later, having lost revenge and lost twice the last time to France. [91, 100, 70, 73, 74, 75] 80.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.18819751408457033, 0.16249660139694996, -0.01280273874114997] 0.5716755716440559 -0.37639951705932617 +855 Preisimaal lahendas ta tülisid Saksa ordu isandate ja linnade vahel. On the surface, he resolved disputes between the masses of the German Order and the cities. [31, 1, 1, 42, 18, 30] 20.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.0765987441461105, -1.4768801787803418, -1.687904046512915] -1.2949696947388294 -0.5358709692955017 +856 Praegu laiuvad suuremal osal territooriumist terrassidena rajatud põllud. Today, the fields built as steel extend to most parts of the territory. [22, 31, 1, 18, 14, 9] 15.833333333333334 [-0.9603961899288552, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -2.3859883481305837, -2.006769084012961] -1.4659598167473902 -0.6049898266792297 +857 Eesti elanike arv vähenes aeglaselt negatiivse loomuliku iibe ja väljarände tõttu. The number of inhabitants of Estonia decreased slowly due to negative natural growth and emigration. [70, 100, 100, 81, 94, 100] 90.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5372396648934048, 1.0901636694846504, 1.1249782957469103] 0.9973775613352224 -0.3182280659675598 +858 Eesti Reformierakonna Pärnu maakonnaorganisatsiooni koosolekul valiti organisatsiooni uueks esimeheks Riigikogu liige Mati Raidma. Mati Raidma, Member of the new President of the Estonian Reform Party, was elected at the meeting of the Regional Organisation. [50, 20, 31, 35, 28, 21] 30.833333333333332 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -1.2424137740542707, -1.7751645842151236, -1.3816902345903206] -0.9964481976320125 -0.525746762752533 +859 Ühe tõlgenduse järgi kasutatakse tähendust osutuse määramiseks. One interpretation uses meaning to define the reference. [50, 20, 31, 59, 53, 65] 46.333333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -0.13838502910691716, -0.5939936007690919, 0.1774123885366415] -0.355731139045288 -0.5682608485221863 +860 Tema praktilise filosoofia aluseks on eeldus, et kuigi me ei saa tunnetada, et me oleme vabad, peame sellegipoolest mõtlema end vabadena. His practical philosophy is based on the assumption that, although we cannot feel free, we still need to think free. [31, 1, 31, 69, 99, 84] 52.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.1839805288126773, 1.2807425052166714, 0.6172985934001295] -0.10842976978491668 -0.36226361989974976 +861 See oli aga lahingu seisukohalt ääretult tähtis, et just kindlustatud punktid hõivataks. However, it was extremely important from the point of view of the battle that the insured points should be seized. [92, 70, 100, 92, 84, 100] 89.66666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.87113844457352, 0.6681304714467177, 0.6164483819475642] 0.8652420804765103 -0.390901654958725 +862 Eesti oli Rahvasteliidu liige alates 22. septembrist 1921. Estonia was a member of the People's Union since 22 September 1921. [94, 91, 100, 82, 100, 91] 93.0 [1.2891350149587821, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.827031554711923, 1.3076476232459238, 0.8394084631768461] 1.1151272534950625 -0.1901911199092865 +863 Kui Vaim nõustus, ilmus Puhtus ja asetus Mõtte ja Sõna kõrvale. When the Vim agreed, famously displayed and set aside as Messrs and War. [5, 31, 1, 29, 21, 12] 16.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.12785038341693, -2.080576466172854, -2.317304664863364] -1.4971653527131232 -0.7956801652908325 +864 Sel lühikesel Vene võimuperioodil Tartumaal suuri muudatusi ei toimunud, kuid Tartu Ülikool koliti üle Tallinna. There was no major change in Tartuland during this short period of Russian power, but the University of Tartu was relocated across Tallinn. [31, 1, 1, 62, 85, 85] 44.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2494614636679413, 0.711760740297822, 0.3615382092337807] -0.45076628552165793 -0.3778693974018097 +865 Aga ka sel juhtumil ta ei soovi, et ta teaks kõike või et tema teol ei oleks kavatsemata järelmeid. However, in this case, too, he does not want him to know everything or his work to have unintended consequences. [31, 20, 31, 99, 98, 97] 62.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0630801754041426, 0.7569285879468676, 1.198905646365287] 0.14097792110087579 -0.47177374362945557 +866 Ka moraali seisukohast küsitakse, kas armastus on hea või halb, ja unustatakse, et ta on midagi vahepealset. From a moral point of view, too, the question is whether love is good or bad, and it is forgotten that it is something in between. [93, 70, 100, 91, 82, 100] 89.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.748155444407059, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9158512617273384 -0.4026651978492737 +867 19. sajandil panid füsioloogid kõvasti vastu Hermann von Helmholtzi ideele, et füüsikalised katsed võiksid nende valdkonnale valgust heita. In the 19th century, the physiologists very much opposed Mr von Helmholtz's idea that physical tests could shed light on their area. [87, 70, 100, 60, 90, 84] 81.83333333333333 [1.0704305922613728, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, -0.3418302000470779, 0.548708683221246, 0.6681304714467177] 0.6257544491213803 -0.3179979622364044 +868 Politsei ajas demonstratsiooni pisargaasi ja veekahurite abil laiali. The police spread the demonstration using tear gas and cannons. [50, 61, 31, 59, 78, 69] 58.0 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.2036842508242309, -0.49006908755709094, -0.051864964231104885, 0.4063488583400919, 0.1413488724500223] 0.020644905114488465 -0.3910454213619232 +869 Rebase pataljoni võitlejad lõid kõik rünnakud tagasi. Real baggage fighters created all the attacks. [5, 1, 1, 15, 8, 1] 5.166666666666667 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.9628806332600246, -2.6477699612372096, -2.016289862523797] -1.8279510614817884 -0.6739986538887024 +870 Teine nominalismi variant on veateooria, mille järgi näiliselt universaalile osutavad laused on mittetõesed, sest selliseid asju ei ole olemas. The second version of nominealism is a error theory, according to which the sentences seemingly universal are untrue, because such things do not exist. [95, 70, 100, 76, 69, 61] 78.5 [1.3203785039155547, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 0.3190883206378832, 0.1413488724500223, -0.2908183276918498] 0.5498474195262724 -0.5703772902488708 +871 1336. aastal kohtus Magnus nii Eestimaa vasallide esindajate kui orduvastase leeri juhi, Tartu piiskopi Engelbert von Doleniga. In 1336, Magnus met both the leader of the Estonian left and the opponent, Tartu Biskop Engelbert von Doleni. [50, 33, 20, 55, 81, 66] 50.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.6209207052169373, -0.7818752369371224, -0.5219469148485164, 0.5372396648934048, -0.0840340075723075] -0.2595192831367829 -0.3015303611755371 +872 Esimese klassi lõpetamiseks kulus tal viis nädalat. It took her five weeks to close the first class. [31, 51, 31, 92, 84, 100] 64.83333333333333 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.09081751919047204, -0.49006908755709094, 0.8109167746821286, 0.6681304714467177, 1.1249782957469103] 0.22398902430171552 -0.2590237557888031 +873 Kui Euwe oleks viigistanud ka Smõsloviga, oleks Keresel olnud veel šanss tulla teist kohta jagama, sest Smõslov oli viimases voorus vaba. Had Euwe also been a lady of Sinavia, Kenya would have had the chance to come and share another place, because Sinavia was free in the last round. [5, 3, 1, 56, 69, 82] 36.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.504426015261046, -1.285904040411722, -0.7959404184989305, -0.017620113404488574, 0.5808699337445091] -0.7524260260042782 -0.5758415460586548 +874 Oma sugulase farmis Waldecki linnas kasvatas ta köögivilju ja tühjendas viljamahuteid, Vancouveris tegi mootorsaega küttepuid. In her relatives' farm in the town of Waldeck, she grown vegetables and dried ferrements, in Vancouver, with an engine pumps. [5, 1, 1, 55, 35, 45] 23.666666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.8386013929537083, -1.2424137740542707, -1.0334500137463503] -1.2425385154373383 -0.5822861790657043 +875 Oma pubis aga pakub Tiina konstaabel Torimile firmapraadi ja meeldivat seltskonda. However, in his audience, Tiina Constable Torimi offers a company with a company with a company and a pleasant company. [4, 1, 1, 24, 18, 21] 11.5 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.6386705466174354, -1.4768801787803418, -2.080576466172854] -1.5946894320661837 -0.5980017781257629 +876 Kirjutati alla 20. septembril jõustunud memorandumile. A memorandum that entered into force on 20 September was signed. [87, 100, 71, 93, 78, 86] 85.83333333333333 [1.0704305922613728, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5710441829157504, 0.9028684259701937, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7431032729058616] 0.8410060810458072 -0.28262636065483093 +877 Et need ei andnud kooskõlalisi ega lihtsaid tulemusi, ei saanud neid paradigma täpsustamiseks kasutada. Due to their lack of consistent and simple results, they could not be used to clarify the paradigm. [91, 100, 100, 97, 100, 95] 97.16666666666667 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1980287771688547, 1.0991035183644302, 1.1264109951115293] 1.218590049437235 -0.42651814222335815 +878 Ursula pihib Pillele, et ta on töölt lahti lastud ja isa ei tea sellest veel midagi. Ursula pihib Pillean that she has been dismissed from her work and that father knows nothing about it yet. [10, 1, 1, 53, 37, 45] 24.5 [-1.335318057410128, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2811423169988513, -0.9759338912474481, -0.620170681070149] -1.0102992260670474 -0.4160537123680115 +879 Õigusliku eristumise puudumine erinevate aadlikihtide vahel andis paljudele aadlikele võltsi tunde võrdsusest ja võimalustest. The lack of legal differentiation between different addresses has given many of the original falsehoods a sense of equality and opportunities. [10, 31, 1, 46, 51, 55] 32.333333333333336 [-1.335318057410128, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.9111712880504766, -0.7716684006397244, -0.7614846346910114] -0.9575612467371566 -0.5398373007774353 +880 1975. aastal välja antud album "There's One in Every Crowd" jätkas sama trendi. The album, issued in 1975, 'love's One in Every Crowd' continued this trend. [25, 31, 1, 80, 82, 78] 49.5 [-0.866665723058537, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.4903786678134342, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3065899732381008] -0.24242537464901545 -0.5399786829948425 +881 Kuna Kristjan sai vanaisaks, siis teeb Johannes talle välja. As Christian has become an old father, he is expelled by Johannes. [2, 1, 1, 13, 16, 18] 8.5 [-1.58526596906431, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -2.0349273191806003, -2.298727810428375, -1.4768801787803418] -1.7075052811882223 -0.44188928604125977 +882 Need, kes ise kasvatavad veiseid, lambaid ja kitsi, peavad neid staatusesümboliteks ega taha neid hea meelega tappa. Those who grow cattle, sheep and goats themselves consider them to be surroundings of status and are not happy to kill them. [31, 1, 1, 73, 55, 76] 39.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.4831155255603034, -0.5389595118353006, 0.6337802435929001] -0.49174982361261765 -0.3585721254348755 +883 Teise Bulgaaria tsaaririigi pealinn oli Tărnovo, mis oli ka oma enda haldusüksuse keskus tsaari otsese võimu all. The capital of another Bulgarian federal state was Tărnovo, which was also the centre of its own administrative unit under the direct authority of the Tărnovo. [50, 20, 31, 67, 53, 40] 43.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -0.08966679932506398, -0.39597668121738544, -0.7788205880535182] -0.473980776921388 -0.2735896706581116 +884 Tahte pühendumus kujundab praktilises mõtlemises relevantsete tajumuste kuju viisil, mis on seotud vaigistamisega. The commitment will shape the shape of the hit perceptions of practical thinking in a way linked to silenification. [22, 1, 1, 53, 83, 80] 40.0 [-0.9603961899288552, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.6216732398831174, 0.6245002025956135, 0.17436773524631535] -0.6054053169409587 -0.46778902411460876 +885 Loogika ise paneb piirid sellele, mida saab stipuleerida. The logic itself puts limits on what can be adapted. [41, 41, 20, 66, 83, 75] 54.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, -0.0840340075723075, 0.6245002025956135, -0.01280273874114997] -0.16771682826838574 -0.5203251838684082 +886 Eesti diviisi 46. rügemendi pataljonid, mis polnud veel Narva lahingutest toibunud, ja nõrk pataljon Wallonien. The auctions of the 46th rhythm of carrots in Estonia, which had not yet recovered from Narun battles, and the weak pataller Wallonien. [4, 1, 1, 20, 11, 1] 6.333333333333333 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.5421677572214565, -2.5168791546838967, -2.016289862523797] -1.7412243625426038 -0.5395404696464539 +887 Prantsusmaal algas presidendivalimiste ametlik kampaania. France launched an official campaign for the presidential elections. [91, 99, 100, 78, 79, 56] 83.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604, 0.4063488583400919, 0.45360522473850245, -0.2711408857067372] 0.7412266710581639 -0.3040066361427307 +888 Järelikult peab olema mõni eesmärk, mida ei soovita teise nimel. Consequently, there must be some objective that is not wanted on behalf of the other. [31, 1, 31, 77, 100, 89] 54.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.36271858948898755, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7759485003834985] -0.08247160631701034 -0.5054029226303101 +889 Võimalik, et kasutati mõnda universaalsemat tsiviilõigust. It may be that some more universal civil law has been used. [91, 91, 61, 98, 100, 89] 88.33333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 0.9812361563169528, 0.9996617706525889, 0.9089270413502557] 0.9130308237623569 -0.3338701128959656 +890 Botvinniku intervjuu jäi maleajaloolastele pikemaks ajaks märkamatuks. An interview between a Bavarian has been lost in the long term for a Maltese-elderly person. [5, 1, 1, 37, 29, 20] 15.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2833830642656527, -1.7315343153640192, -2.0716779526032685] -1.571226874017107 -0.6993704438209534 +891 Haritavat maad on Portugalis vaid 11,88% kogu pindalast. Only 11.88% of the land area is farmed in Portugal. [70, 91, 100, 100, 83, 92] 89.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.87113844457352] 0.92692905173445 -0.30620184540748596 +892 Küsimus, mis teeb kaalutluse põhjendiks, on keeruline, ja pole selge, et kaalutlus, mis pole põhjend, ei puutu üldse asjasse. The question of what makes the consideration a reason is a complex one, and it is not clear that consideration, which is not a reason, is completely irrelevant. [31, 20, 31, 86, 88, 67] 53.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9798831232237539, 0.8726797157233768, 0.07788890965667469] -0.040432522417872825 -0.44176191091537476 +893 1260ndatel oli kloostri abt Wilhelm andnud Riia linnale lubaduse, et kloostri maad Väina suudmes müüakse vaid linnale. In the 1260s, a monastery aid to Wilhelm had made a commitment to the city of Riga that the land of the monastery had been sold to the city alone in its millennium. [24, 1, 1, 58, 83, 71] 39.666666666666664 [-0.8979092120153097, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.4138768859676533, 0.6245002025956135, 0.20480883524336993] -0.5552845783032814 -0.5037773251533508 +894 Teresa väed said seal lüüa ja Afonsost sai Portugali ainuvalitseja. Its troops were defeated there and Afonsoa became the sole ruler of Portugal. [41, 41, 20, 100, 81, 91] 62.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, 0.8975674955625244, 0.522108649210108, 0.9814216926040136] 0.1445222352473626 -0.4267612099647522 +895 Mõis vahetas omanikke ja müüdi 1783 Friedrich Wartmannile. The idea changed owners and sold to 1783 Friedrich Wambmann. [6, 31, 1, 22, 30, 37] 21.166666666666668 [-1.460292013237219, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.7107172325380107, -1.687904046512915, -1.2833830642656527] -1.3513369093642327 -0.3917505145072937 +896 Osa Viljandi sakalasi läks edasi Leole linnusesse, kus kästi samamoodi toimida. Some of the islands of Viljand went on to the town of Lithuania, where they were told to do the same. [5, 1, 1, 28, 40, 23] 16.333333333333332 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.9904477032327081, -1.062297059252832, -1.4275290808375833] -1.4701732925321374 -0.5983442068099976 +897 Riigipea toonitas, et pärast relvarahu lõpetamist kannab Ukraina vähem kaotusi, kui relvarahu kestmise ajal. The head of state stressed that after the ceasefire, Ukraine would suffer fewer losses than during the ceasefire. [50, 51, 80, 100, 100, 100] 80.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, 1.0811424575112913, 1.0991035183644302, 1.5148636130151623] 0.7214180398888889 -0.49688929319381714 +898 Mehed lebasid oma hobuste kõrval, samal ajal kui kahurikuulid lendasid üle nende peade, tabades maha kukkudes hobuseid ja mehi. Men leaked next to their horses, while cannon bullets were flying over their heads, trailing horses and men down. [5, 31, 1, 33, 37, 29] 22.666666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.557013239959602, -1.2833830642656527, -1.12785038341693] -1.2375845482446295 -0.40048956871032715 +899 Haigetele, kelle elu ei ole ohus, on ettenähtud esmalt plaaniline perearsti või pereõe vastuvõtt, kuhu haiged ise kohale lähevad. For patients whose lives are not at risk, it is intended first to receive a planned family doctor or family nurse to which the patients themselves go. [31, 20, 31, 79, 79, 78] 53.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 0.45360522473850245, 0.4586486864167604, 0.4063488583400919] -0.14240735226928125 -0.6091371178627014 +900 Babajevit tabas neli kuuli, neist üks pähe, ja ta toimetati kriitilises seisundis haiglasse. Babyv has been hit by four months, one of them to mind, and has been taken to hospital in a critical condition. [5, 1, 1, 25, 42, 34] 18.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3511032965816678, -1.0765987441461105, -1.2019970137106726] -1.3284108277180253 -0.3835369646549225 +901 Peale selle nõuab Nicolaus üleüldist maarahu ja vaenuse lõppu. In addition, Nicolaus is calling for the end of the global rural population and hostility. [5, 1, 31, 23, 21, 22] 17.166666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -1.674693889577723, -1.3816902345903206, -1.9037360246242796] -1.4175085179678986 -0.3932930827140808 +902 Võib jääda mulje, nagu Kuhn püüaks lihtsalt kirjeldada teooriaid või paradigmasid ja teadlaste tegevust. One might get the impression that Kuhn is simply trying to describe theories or paradigms and the actions of scientists. [93, 70, 100, 100, 100, 70] 88.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0811424575112913, 0.8241835542857531, -0.3178622983051988] 0.7757403978899798 -0.2591803967952728 +903 Suurbritannia pealinnas Londonis vahistas politsei BBC lastesaadete juhi Mark Speighti kahtlustatuna oma elukaaslase Natasha Collinsi mõrvas. In London, the leader of BBC children's programmes, Mark Speight, was arrested by the police, suspected of being his partner Natasha Collins. [5, 31, 1, 37, 39, 40] 25.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.1703670881336952, -1.2952316268529762, -1.1593124721939274] -1.180361964834365 -0.2657370865345001 +904 Kas tagajärjed peavad põhjustele ajaliselt järgnema? Do the consequences have to follow in time for the causes? [70, 100, 100, 54, 51, 56] 71.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, -0.6407775940864116, -0.4297907926901062, -0.4976026478113921] 0.27728545054974313 -0.49504366517066956 +905 Promiskuiteediprobleemi võidakse püüda vältida järgmise argumendiga. The problem of testing could be avoided by another argument. [5, 31, 1, 19, 1, 10] 11.166666666666666 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.8710047526550654, -2.016289862523797, -1.954611683173179] -1.3831944833629386 -0.6292961835861206 +906 Kuigi kaks ettevõtet olid formaalselt liitunud, töötasid kummagi ettevõtte meeskonnad eri kontorites edasi ja olid tootearenduse suhtes erimeelt. Although two companies had formally joined, teams from each company continued to work in different offices and were divided in terms of product development. [93, 70, 100, 98, 99, 100] 93.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.027056832443855, 1.0932483143502365, 1.32209936924058] 1.084897198313784 -0.4520666301250458 +907 Raamatule ei pööratud tähelepanu, sest sisu oli tähtsusetu. No attention was paid to the books because the content was irrelevant. [87, 99, 100, 100, 83, 95] 94.0 [1.0704305922613728, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9663283887635413] 1.07058416381227 -0.4743289053440094 +908 Näiteks Robert Kilwardby seob mõisted 'öeldav' ja 'järjestatav' ning tõlgendab neid lähtudes vanast vaatest, et loogika on kõneteadus. For example, Robert Kilwardby links the concepts to 'shall be said' and 'ranked' and interprets them on the basis of an old view that logic is speech. [31, 1, 11, 81, 86, 67] 46.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, 0.5372396648934048, 0.7431032729058616, 0.07788890965667469] -0.31748750565324296 -0.3397549092769623 +909 Venemaal nimetati Moskva oblasti kuberneri kohusetäitjaks eelmisel päeval kaitseministriks nimetatud Sergei Šoigu asemel Andrei Vorobjov. In Russia last day Andrei Vororobojov was appointed as the guardian of the Moscow Observer, instead of Sergei Scotland, as a defence minister. [7, 1, 1, 28, 31, 33] 16.833333333333332 [-1.4290485242804463, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4003691388268704, -1.0643904206235824, -1.1209231937549637] -1.3106602811935952 -0.5645946264266968 +910 Lahingus võitlesid laevad iseseisvalt või väikestes improviseeritud gruppides ja keskenduti vastase laeva pardale tungimisele. In the battle, ships fought independently or in small improvised groups and focused on the penetration of the vessel against the board. [31, 1, 1, 57, 63, 68] 36.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.4562457837874836, -0.2337601711662148, 0.14773320318579836] -0.6784513251269182 -0.4350818395614624 +911 Põllumajanduse osakaal sisemajanduse kodutoodangus oli 2010. aastal 33,6%, tööstuse osakaal 14,1% ja teenuste osakaal 52,3%. Agriculture accounts for 33.6% of gross domestic product in 2010, 14.1% for industry and 52.3% for services. [31, 41, 11, 100, 87, 100] 61.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 1.0991035183644302, 0.7990212780000306, 1.1249782957469103] 0.1563255484657974 -0.2403406798839569 +912 Kohe pärast Itaalia sõttaastumist loodi arvukalt laagreid vaenulike välismaalaste ja režiimile ohtlike itaallaste vangistamiseks. Immediately after the resumption of the war in Italy, numerous camps were created to imprison hostile foreigners and Italians who are dangerous to the regime. [31, 20, 31, 62, 83, 76] 50.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, -0.08076099732669434, 0.6245002025956135, 0.32953463266677707] -0.2166288408625577 -0.2901013493537903 +913 Nende kahe erinevus on seega ainult arvatud, täiesti abstraktne erinevus, mis ühtlasi ei ole erinevus. The differences between the two, therefore, have only occurred, an entirely abstract difference, which is no different either. [31, 1, 1, 56, 82, 85] 42.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.2872347043367487, 0.5808699337445091, 0.3615382092337807] -0.47887696005867797 -0.498575359582901 +914 15.\tBarbelo palus anda endale Tõde ja nähtamatu Vaim nõustus. 15. It asked Mr Barbelo to give itself the truth and the invisible Vim to agree. [6, 1, 1, 35, 42, 23] 18.0 [-1.460292013237219, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.2424137740542707, -0.7946972631130536, -1.318230271796973] -1.277477288646204 -0.6400635242462158 +915 Täienduste jõustumiseks on vajalik ka ülemkoja heakskiit ja rahvahääletuse korraldamine. The approval of the House of Lords and the holding of a referendum are also necessary for the improvements to enter into force. [91, 70, 100, 100, 82, 91] 89.0 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6685772352189409, 0.8394084631768461] 0.9352634854491174 -0.27868878841400146 +916 Kui relativism mingis piirkonnas tagasi lükatakse, siis see ei tähenda, nagu poleks mõistelisi vastasseise. If relativism in a region is rejected, that does not mean that there are no understandable confrontations. [91, 91, 61, 100, 100, 85] 88.0 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767, 0.711760740297822] 0.8870456440187954 -0.3155585527420044 +917 Tanganjikast püütakse niiluse ahvenat ja kapentat. There is a silver thread and candle from Tanzeri. [5, 1, 1, 15, 23, 16] 10.166666666666666 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.3777871205114525, -1.318230271796973, -2.1518772087677305] -1.5314434188243096 -0.6857463121414185 +918 Kohaliku politsei hinnangul võis tegemist olla islamistliku rühmituse Abu Sayyaf rünnakuga. According to the local police, this may have been an attack on the Islamist group Abu Sayyaf. [71, 81, 51, 37, 58, 48] 57.666666666666664 [0.570534768953009, 0.7926877908536367, 0.04048754767932973, -1.1703670881336952, -0.20768092291338958, -0.9025592071930374] -0.1461495184590244 -0.2975960373878479 +919 Seatakse piir, sellest astutakse üle, siis jälle piir, ja nii edasi lõputusse. There will be a limit, a border will be exceeded, then another border will be crossed, and so on to the end. [31, 41, 11, 51, 40, 29] 33.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, -0.35756810125476673, -1.2516013580018719, -1.12785038341693] -0.8036949406650259 -0.5629292726516724 +920 Kõrgendik moodustas peaaegu ruudukujulise, u 120 m küljepikkustega tasase platoo, mille nurgad olid traditsiooniliselt põhiilmakaarte suundades. A fifth was a placard with almost space space space space, with a fridge of 120 m, scuffed in the traditional routing of the main weather cards. [4, 1, 1, 18, 28, 37] 14.833333333333334 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.4768801787803418, -1.7751645842151236, -1.2833830642656527] -1.4845728713479318 -0.785720944404602 +921 Töö uurimisprogrammi raames sisaldab kaitsevöö laiendamist ja muutmist hüpoteeside lisamise ja sõnastamise teel. The work under the research programme includes extending and changing the night of defence by adding and formulating hypotheses. [25, 1, 11, 49, 55, 60] 33.5 [-0.866665723058537, -1.5633263692639867, -1.0206257227935116, -0.6138538987385679, -0.302870867103411, -0.3321751917157582] -0.7832529621122953 -0.4592660069465637 +922 Ta uuris seda muundumist üha lähedamalt, samas kirjutades märkmeid üles "punasesse vihikusse", mida ta oli alustanud juba Beagle'il. He studied this transformation ever closer, while writing notes in 'red rain', which he had already begun in Beagle. [10, 8, 1, 48, 37, 58] 27.0 [-1.335318057410128, -1.3571751302536945, -1.285904040411722, -0.6037517311820226, -1.1703670881336952, -0.20768092291338958] -0.9933661617174421 -0.4847586154937744 +923 Hüpertraditsionaalse ühiskonna tegevusele võib vaadata kahe eetikapraktika mudeli järgi. The activity of a self-traditional society can be viewed according to two ethical practice models. [50, 51, 21, 43, 29, 57] 41.833333333333336 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, -0.7553474051753013, -0.8091710483372031, -1.12785038341693, -0.4562457837874836] -0.5541684398411014 -0.4716092050075531 +924 Nad ootavad aega, mil nad võivad kohtuda nendega, kes võtavad neid vastu. They expect time to meet with those who receive them. [91, 92, 62, 76, 70, 64] 75.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.1166397378698099, 0.3322936970593611, 0.23454328731752536, 0.17307885384669613, -0.1667477356201244] 0.48086873142695535 -0.4415150582790375 +925 Mitte kõik kasvatatavad taimed ei olnud otsese majandusliku tähtsusega. Not all plants grown were of direct economic importance. [91, 70, 100, 100, 82, 100] 90.5 [1.1954045480884639, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0152560939928115, 0.5808699337445091, 1.0991035183644302] 0.9499535403393731 -0.29328447580337524 +926 See käib ühtviisi nii füüsika kui ka psühholoogia kohta. This applies equally to both physics and psychology. [97, 70, 100, 100, 95, 100] 93.66666666666667 [1.3828654818291002, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0463418728498313, 1.3237991523753736, 1.1249782957469103] 1.1145119917745399 -0.24107138812541962 +927 Linnust on esmamainitud ühes pärandusürikus alles 1415. The city has been mentioned for the first time at 1 415 heritage events. [15, 31, 1, 44, 30, 37] 26.333333333333332 [-1.1791006126262644, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.9182036874116812, -1.697337004628338, -1.3824921645551846] -1.190476428142178 -0.553644061088562 +928 Võitlus islamistide ja julgeolekujõudude vahel kestis 18 tundi, ametlikel andmetel hukkus 36 islamisti ja 8 valitsusvägede sõdurit. The struggle between Islamists and security forces lasted 18 hours, with 36 Islamists and 8 government soldiers killed, according to official data. [92, 99, 100, 74, 100, 100] 94.16666666666667 [1.2266480370452366, 1.322790976880102, 1.3403513040085604, 0.23182778293567463, 1.0991035183644302, 0.9230496311961767] 1.0239618750716968 -0.34769490361213684 +929 Eesti kultuuriminister Laine Jänes kinnitas Tiit Ojasoo teiseks ametiajaks teatri NO99 direktoriks. The Estonian Minister for Culture, Laine Jänes, confirmed Tiit as director of NO99 for the second term of office of the House. [41, 41, 20, 59, 55, 62] 46.333333333333336 [-0.36676989975017316, -0.38531928920517494, -0.7818752369371224, -0.13838502910691716, -0.5219469148485164, 0.06277371215276832] -0.3552537762825226 -0.2674541771411896 +930 Aga mõnede selliste seisundite, näiteks valude kohta on absurdne väita, et need on vaimu või hinge seisundid. However, in the case of some of these situations, such as pain, it is absurd to claim that they are in spirit or in soul. [31, 12, 31, 87, 81, 67] 51.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.2393744222478134, -0.49006908755709094, 0.6308000598806901, 0.5372396648934048, 0.07788890965667469] -0.19378661078200587 -0.4920784831047058 +931 Oma laagri Lembitu küla juurde püstitanud vägi tegi sealt kolme päeva jooksul ümbruskonda, sh ka Nurmekunda, rüüsteretki. The force erected to his camp in the village of Lembtu made its environment, including Nurmekunda, haunted within three days. [5, 1, 1, 30, 1, 16] 9.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.422530488855709, -2.016289862523797, -2.298727810428375] -1.679719012279597 -0.5106739401817322 +932 Üha suurem hulk ettevõtte töötajaid hakkas Muski otsustusvõimet ettevõtet tabanud kriiside valguses kahtluse alla seadma. An increasing number of workers from the company started to question the decision-making capacity of Muski in the light of the crisis that has hit the company. [31, 8, 1, 67, 67, 80] 42.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.3571751302536945, -1.285904040411722, -0.0279024499426623, 0.07788890965667469, 0.4936093960423005] -0.463114684037834 -0.4076366126537323 +933 Tänapäev, Tallinn 2011, 504 lk; ISBN 9789949270200 Today, Tallinn 2011, 504 page; ISBN 9789949270200 [50, 51, 80, 46, 23, 35] 47.5 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.09081751919047204, 0.8097946687721397, -0.34991418933624185, -1.318230271796973, -1.3660967923134697] -0.40014043383403924 -0.20121093094348907 +934 Alfred Nobeli isiklikust elust pole palju räägitud. There has not been much talk about Alfred Nobel personal life. [87, 92, 62, 100, 83, 83] 84.5 [1.0704305922613728, 1.1166397378698099, 0.3322936970593611, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6190326808341362] 0.8146458677278674 -0.44404342770576477 +935 India pühas linnas Varanasis toimus kaks pommiplahvatust, milles hukkus kokku 14 ja sai vigastada umbes 100 inimest. In the Holy City of India, there were two bombings that killed 14 people and injured around 100 people in total. [85, 61, 61, 81, 79, 80] 74.5 [1.0079436143478273, 0.2036842508242309, 0.3057658652975401, 0.4146600021189639, 0.40334179268069664, 0.4903786678134342] 0.4709623655137822 -0.4657192826271057 +936 Me usume, et see tuleb inimloomuse heatahtlikkusest. We believe that this is due to the goodwill of human nature. [94, 70, 100, 100, 100, 76] 90.0 [1.2891350149587821, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.32209936924058, 1.1249782957469103, 0.3190883206378832] 0.9773980247383632 -0.44127094745635986 +937 Õpetatakse ka lageda taeva all, mis tähendab, et halva ilma korral võivad tunnid ära jääda. Testing is also carried out under the skies, which means that hours can be lost if there is bad weather. [7, 31, 1, 36, 44, 52] 28.5 [-1.4290485242804463, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.2063904310939828, -1.0770802825974546, -0.6630301039070259] -1.0568790735850848 -0.6002100110054016 +938 Säärane saamise süüvimine endasse on meil nt elu puhul. We have, for example, the culpability of ending up as such in life. [5, 31, 1, 30, 30, 29] 21.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.1600388359418792, -1.687904046512915, -1.12785038341693] -1.238842311282886 -0.6736264228820801 +939 Need vähesed, mis seda tegid, lakkasid varsti andmast uusi probleeme ja muutusid inseneride töövahendiks. The few that did so soon ceased to give up new problems and became a tool for engineers. [70, 91, 100, 18, 24, 30] 55.5 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -1.4768801787803418, -1.9496856596195407, -1.2323582058009126] -0.2820153165546097 -0.45571020245552063 +940 Läbi ajaloo on olnud teateid ikteruseepideemiate kohta, mis mõjutasid peamiselt sõdivaid sõdureid. Throughout history, there have been reports of wildlife epidemics, which mainly affected soldiers at war. [31, 1, 1, 87, 77, 65] 43.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 0.6308000598806901, 0.36271858948898755, 0.1774123885366415] -0.39291736018121504 -0.504578173160553 +941 Sambias on alates 1991. aastast mitmeparteisüsteem. Zambia has a multi-party system since 1991. [31, 20, 31, 96, 100, 92] 61.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 0.9161304397840745, 0.9996617706525889, 1.0176690182308925] 0.1267357242594189 -0.136083722114563 +942 Organismi laialiläinud elemendid ei surnud, vaid läksid üle uutesse ühenditesse. The widespread elements of the organisation did not die, but went to new compounds. [16, 8, 38, 34, 39, 29] 27.333333333333332 [-1.1478571236694917, -1.3571751302536945, -0.3043742652243437, -1.5133829711084976, -1.2006693362178358, -1.12785038341693] -1.108551534981799 -0.3392336964607239 +943 Kui keskkonnas pole minimaalset tervemeelsust, siis on hullumeelsus olla selles viisipäraselt tervemeelne. If there is no minimum healthy sentiment in the environment, it is madness to be healthy in its way. [21, 40, 40, 96, 78, 87] 60.333333333333336 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.41476946620664523, -0.25131860170070164, 0.9550101465232795, 0.4063488583400919, 0.7124885375901508] 0.06935329927675792 -0.35121530294418335 +944 Kui ollakse armastusest haaratud, siis ei olda haaratud mitte välisest, võõrast jõust, vaid iseenda osast. If you are taken away from love, you are caught not by external force, but by your own part. [16, 41, 11, 100, 83, 74] 54.166666666666664 [-1.1478571236694917, -0.38531928920517494, -1.0206257227935116, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.24682090461896014] -0.09291712211778237 -0.4481116533279419 +945 Mis puutub Briti 1. ratsaväebrigaadi, siis selle ohvitserid leidsid ootamatult, et on sattunud tagasitõmbumiseks keerulisse situatsiooni. As far as the British Grassman 1 is concerned, its officers suddenly found themselves in a difficult situation for their resignation. [17, 31, 1, 51, 49, 50] 33.166666666666664 [-1.116613634712719, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.46847133247114325, -0.7871006959787512, -0.46152077408678005] -0.799905256146832 -0.4813787043094635 +946 Osutamine ise on hierarhilise struktuuriga; keerukamad osutamise vormid ehitatakse üles lihtsamatest. Separation itself is a hierarchical structure; more complex forms of supply are built up with simpler forms of propulsion. [21, 31, 1, 21, 29, 13] 19.333333333333332 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.7467405754982985, -1.12785038341693, -1.4708067095166788] -1.2171270744915226 -0.49834418296813965 +947 Anomaaliat võib pidada eriti tõsiseks, kui see tabab paradigma aluseid ning paneb püsivalt vastu katsetele seda kõrvaldada. The anomaly may be considered particularly serious if it strikes the foundations of a paradigm and consistently opposes attempts to eliminate it. [92, 70, 100, 100, 100, 84] 91.0 [1.2266480370452366, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.32209936924058, 0.6681304714467177] 1.0208447573238313 -0.49083149433135986 +948 Seega viib kujutiseteooria järjekindel rakendamine absoluutse skeptitsismini, sest mõistetega ei saa reaalsust täpselt reprodutseerida. Therefore, consistent implementation of the theory of image leads to absolute scepticism, as the concepts cannot exactly reproduce reality. [92, 100, 70, 100, 83, 100] 90.83333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 1.1249782957469103, 0.6245002025956135, 0.9230496311961767] 0.9659889452699065 -0.4444379508495331 +949 Praktiline arutlemine on kaalutlemine, et otsustada, mida teha, või hinnata tehtut. Practical discussion is about considering what to do or assessing what has been done. [91, 100, 100, 84, 98, 100] 95.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9034573389678384, 1.235152971992166, 1.1249782957469103] 1.191930935447585 -0.32390105724334717 +950 Ilmselt lõpetati selle ehitus hiljemalt 1100. aastal, kui piiskop Ranulf Flambard sinna vangi pandi. Probably its construction was completed at the latest in 11040, when Biskop Ranc Flambard was put in prison. [31, 1, 31, 34, 43, 51] 31.833333333333332 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -1.0071872674300482, -0.7584499374861746, -0.4297907926901062] -0.8213380406242178 -0.47303181886672974 +951 Vahtre arvates oli see ordu väesalk juba varem Harju piirile saadetud, et ülestõusnute kohta enne läbirääkimisi luuret teha. According to the girl, this order had already been sent to Harare before in order to poet up the rebels before the negotiations. [5, 31, 1, 34, 41, 28] 23.333333333333332 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.7344818565040414, -1.0262737162925444, -1.2364646201977947] -1.2424134658033286 -0.5389821529388428 +952 Korruptsioon oli nii suur probleem, et Giolitti ise tunnistas, et oli kohti, "kus seadus ei toimi üldse". Corruption was such a serious problem that Giolitti himself admitted that there were 'where the law does not work'. [31, 20, 31, 90, 100, 80] 58.666666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 1.1090022291059924, 1.1249782957469103, 0.4949620887624109] 0.09264928841737856 -0.3169105648994446 +953 Iraani pealinnas Teheranis toimusid ulatuslikud üliõpilaste meeleavaldused muudatuste vastu Teherani Ülikooli õppejõudude seas. In the capital of Iran, Tehran, there were large student demonstrations against changes among teaching forces at the University of Tehran. [70, 100, 100, 92, 83, 100] 90.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.87113844457352, 0.6245002025956135, 0.6164483819475642] 0.890661794500511 -0.3597402572631836 +954 Venezuela president Nicolás Maduro esitas parlamendile taotluse anda talle volitused valitseda dekreetide abil. The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has submitted to Parliament a request to grant him the power to govern by means of decrees. [31, 1, 1, 100, 82, 100] 52.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, 1.0991035183644302, 0.5808699337445091, 1.1249782957469103] -0.12058057518962662 -0.28153568506240845 +955 Teadusfilosoofiat on raske defineerida suuresti sellepärast, et filosoofiat on raske defineerida. It is difficult to define the scientific philosophy largely because it is difficult to define the philosophy. [93, 91, 100, 82, 88, 100] 92.33333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5808699337445091, 0.8258170009536785, 1.1249782957469103] 1.0361829368873345 -0.3445448875427246 +956 Subjekt peab siis oma armastatt kogu aeg teistega võrdlema ning küsima, kas ta tõesti valis kõige parema armastatu. Subsert will then have to compare his loved person to others all the time and ask whether he really chose the best-loved one. [78, 51, 48, 83, 65, 74] 66.5 [0.7892391916504182, -0.09081751919047204, -0.03909594760613337, 0.35590589178006926, -0.1617134852456394, 0.5213284176882611] 0.22914109151275064 -0.44975754618644714 +957 See nimi jäi saarele kuni 1888. aastani, kuni ta oli Briti valdus. This name remained on the island until 1888th, until he was British. [5, 35, 31, 57, 81, 69] 46.333333333333336 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.5620203512139967, -0.49006908755709094, -0.44990022892794107, 0.5372396648934048, 0.1413488724500223] -0.38582277209159893 -0.5135871171951294 +958 16. aprillil algas pärast hutude massilist arreteerimist hutude mäss. On 16 April, following mass arrests of Hutu, the Hutu Mountains began. [5, 1, 1, 28, 21, 34] 15.0 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7751645842151236, -1.3816902345903206, -1.407453656337378] -1.4841790645020871 -0.45168089866638184 +959 Vaidluste objektiks on olnud kõik kiirabi organiseerimise aspektid. The subject of debate has been all aspects of the organisation of the ambulance. [70, 91, 100, 82, 81, 80] 84.0 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.5808699337445091, 0.522108649210108, 0.4949620887624109] 0.7607954694316942 -0.3104061186313629 +960 Oletame, et ma mõtlen kõrgetest ja ohtlikest kohtadest, teades, et istun turvaliselt tugitoolis. Let us assume that I am thinking of high and dangerous places, knowing that I am safe in the armchair. [90, 70, 100, 100, 93, 85] 89.66666666666667 [1.164161059131691, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0991035183644302, 1.0539163438577714, 0.7017464088819532] 0.9713357463469783 -0.41166770458221436 +961 Burundi väed on oma piire kindlustada püüdes tunginud Kongo DV territooriumile. Burundian forces have invaded the territory of the DRC in their quest to consolidate their borders. [31, 1, 1, 51, 40, 29] 25.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.35756810125476673, -0.8671919143668114, -1.12785038341693] -0.9801742663386862 -0.3332292139530182 +962 Ruum ja aeg on muutumatud, ja kõigel on nendes koht, neil on ruumilised ja ajalised suhted. The space and time are unchanged, and everything has a place, they have spatial and time-bound relations. [31, 20, 31, 100, 83, 92] 59.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.003773006236051, -0.49006908755709094, 1.0991035183644302, 0.6914430875889822, 0.9912444570493123] 0.1014573633152804 -0.46216821670532227 +963 Bulgaaria aristokraatia ja tsaari sugulased said erinevaid Bütsantsi tiitleid ja nad viidi keisririigi Aasia ossa. Bulgarian Pentocracy and Venezuelan relatives were awarded different bureaucracies' titles and taken to the Asian part of the Emperor. [9, 31, 1, 22, 30, 26] 19.833333333333332 [-1.3665615463669007, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.465741972965541, -1.572881112433012, -1.5516688722446865] -1.3204297672736234 -0.6463805437088013 +964 Sumberg lükkab süüdistused tagasi ja läheb Eveliniga riidu. The clampdown rejects the charges and goes to Evelin. [4, 1, 1, 22, 46, 21] 15.833333333333334 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -1.7107172325380107, -0.6497079606055378, -1.3816902345903206] -1.3523541380933903 -0.680151641368866 +965 Allan ei talu enam seda olukorda ja läheb Almale Uuevarikule järele. I will not tolerate this situation any more and will go to the Alma New Year. [5, 31, 1, 21, 29, 36] 20.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -1.3816902345903206, -1.7315343153640192, -1.324739928289561] -1.3158708466782487 -0.5246070027351379 +966 Kohtumisel anti vaheülevaade Euroopa Liidu meretranspordipoliitika elluviimisest. The meeting provided a mid-term review of the implementation of the European Union's maritime transport policy. [50, 80, 51, 68, 74, 80] 67.16666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, 0.7632376138521665, 0.04048754767932973, -0.001320279524490586, 0.29999877943339137, 0.4936093960423005] 0.2517390930572465 -0.2829553484916687 +967 Valitsus suutis siiski teha radikaalseid eelarvekärpeid ning saavutada Euroopa ühisrahale eurole üleminekuks vajalike kriteeriumide täitmise. However, the government was able to make radical budget cuts and achieve the necessary criteria for the transition to the euro from the single European currency. [50, 21, 51, 53, 65, 49] 48.166666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973, -0.2811423169988513, 0.03899122630516161, -0.4932507554834539] -0.2924692711452688 -0.3986567556858063 +968 Eestis viibis ametlikul visiidil Makedoonia peaminister Nikola Gruevski. In Estonia, the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski, was on an official visit. [91, 91, 61, 76, 100, 70] 81.5 [1.1954045480884639, 1.0871895608683397, 0.3057658652975401, 0.32953463266677707, 0.9996617706525889, 0.06975612485665529] 0.6645520837383941 -0.19464270770549774 +969 Burkina Fasos astus ametist tagasi peaminister Paramanga Ernest Yonli. In Burkina Faso, Prime Minister Paraman Ernest Yonli resigned office. [93, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100] 93.83333333333333 [1.2578915260020094, 0.46873584383746353, 1.3403513040085604, 1.5148636130151623, 1.3076476232459238, 1.1249782957469103] 1.169078034309338 -0.14152926206588745 +970 Peamised Prantsuse liinilaevad olid Briti blokaadide tõttu aastaid sadamas, tehti vaid lühikesi väljasõite. The main French liner vessels were in port for years because of the British blockade, and only short exits were carried out. [91, 100, 70, 97, 84, 67] 84.83333333333333 [1.1954045480884639, 1.3522411538815724, 0.5445163511539294, 0.9910334894835672, 0.6681304714467177, -0.04267714354839904] 0.7847748117509751 -0.49881601333618164 +971 Herakleitose mõtlemise iseloomulik joon on kõrvutuste proportsionaalsus, mis rõhutab vastandite eraldiolekut. A distinctive feature of Herculeitos's thinking is the proportionality of elephant sizes, which accentuates their separation. [21, 39, 39, 42, 47, 45] 38.833333333333336 [-0.9916396788856279, -0.4442196432081156, -0.2778464334625227, -1.0765987441461105, -1.1798891885919305, -1.0334500137463503] -0.8339406170067761 -0.5547157526016235 +972 27. juulil kell 6.00 algas venelaste maruline kahurituli, misjärel pommitas positsioone edasi ründelennuvägi. On 27 July, at 6: 00, a dirty cannon fire began for Russians, after which the positions were bombarded further. [25, 55, 51, 31, 32, 29] 37.166666666666664 [-0.866665723058537, 0.02698318881540913, 0.04048754767932973, -1.6442737776618106, -1.3504838029351336, -1.12785038341693] -0.8203004917629454 -0.5327669978141785 +973 Sellest sai ka sisekonfliktide mängumaa, milles peamised tegelased olid kuningad, võimsad magnaadid ja aadlifraktsioonid. It has also become a game of internal conflicts, with the main players being kings, powerful magnades and outlets. [70, 100, 100, 91, 98, 95] 92.33333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.774893431721841, 1.2789542353621781, 0.9663283887635413] 1.0420099656223216 -0.5217232704162598 +974 Jaanuaris 1915 toimus John Chilembwe juhtimisel mäss kolonistide vastu. In January 1915, under John Chilembwe, there was a revolt against the colonists. [50, 21, 51, 100, 96, 100] 69.66666666666667 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973, 1.3076476232459238, 1.156671913144946, 1.1249782957469103] 0.4283140085738852 -0.23535503447055817 +975 Georg ja Evelin seavad end poolenisti Mornasse sisse. Georg and Evelin are putting themselves in semi-Nazi. [4, 31, 1, 55, 69, 83] 40.5 [-1.5227789911507645, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.8386013929537083, -0.017620113404488574, 0.6245002025956135] -0.6200375657574911 -0.38087382912635803 +976 Uusi väljakutseid on esitanud lülijalgsete vahendusel edasikanduvate viiruste levimine. The new challenges have been posed by the spread of viruses transmitted through cephalopods. [31, 21, 51, 91, 100, 96] 65.0 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973, 0.7533661484518784, 0.9996617706525889, 1.162658320738408] 0.21710769482828732 -0.3259100615978241 +977 Kõige suuremad meeleavaldused toimusid Roomas, kus rünnati politsei peakorterit ja Itaalia Olümpiakomitee hoonet. The largest demonstrations took place in Rome, where the police headquarters and the Italian Olympic Committee building were attacked. [95, 100, 100, 100, 98, 100] 98.83333333333333 [1.3203785039155547, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.9996617706525889, 1.027056832443855, 1.1850259554682334] 1.2041192533950609 -0.23716405034065247 +978 Afganistani pealinnas Kabulis ründasid arstideks riietunud relvastatud isikud Ameerika Ühendriikide saatkonna lähedal asuvat sõjaväehaiglat. In Kabul, the Afghan capital, Kabul, armed personnel who were ripped up as doctors attacked a military hospital near the US embassy. [4, 1, 1, 42, 25, 33] 17.666666666666668 [-1.5227789911507645, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.9902503733322566, -1.2547703090036253, -0.9028829209720196] -1.2533188340223955 -0.2703157663345337 +979 Kokku on ta troonil olnud 63 aastat ja 217 päeva, ületades sellega kuninganna Victoriat, kes valitses 63 aastat ja 216 päeva. In total, it has been throne 63 years and 217 days, thus crossing Queen Victoria, which ruled 63 years and 216 days. [61, 81, 61, 81, 59, 58] 66.83333333333333 [0.25809987938528167, 0.7926877908536367, 0.3057658652975401, 0.5372396648934048, -0.17849272745611192, -0.20768092291338958] 0.2512699250100603 -0.38468000292778015 +980 Oli ette teada, et Euwe kaotab tahtlikult ja oli ette teada, et Botvinnik kaotab tahtlikult. It was known in advance that Euwe would lose intentionally and had known in advance that Botvinnik would lose intentionally. [81, 51, 51, 81, 81, 100] 74.16666666666667 [0.8829696585207364, -0.09081751919047204, 0.04048754767932973, 0.4146600021189639, 0.5372396648934048, 1.1249782957469103] 0.48491960829481223 -0.32752808928489685 +981 Mõnede kriitikute meelest seisneb hea tahe Kantil ainult kuulekuses reeglile või printsiibile. Some critics believe that the good will on the Channel only lies in obeying the rule or principle. [31, 31, 1, 92, 100, 83] 56.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, 0.8109167746821286, 0.9230496311961767, 0.6245002025956135] -0.047743880079263556 -0.42600584030151367 +982 Rahuleping tõi Madrase Briti kompaniile tagasi, vastutasuks Louisbourgi eest Kanadas. The peace treaty brought the Netherlands back to the British company, in exchange for Louisbourg in Canada. [31, 1, 31, 83, 83, 82] 51.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, 0.4867066880395393, 0.6245002025956135, 0.2492359248413015] -0.22869290511042065 -0.2537669539451599 +983 Sellega oli teine rünnakuosa La Haye Sainte'ile läbi. It was the second part of the attack on La Haye Sainte. [70, 91, 100, 65, 83, 74] 80.5 [0.5392912799962363, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, -0.21948503504343145, 0.6245002025956135, -0.050236833538643035] 0.5536017464811126 -0.2783581614494324 +984 Mõnikord aga ei ole konflikti eri armastustest tulevate motivatsioonide vahel, nii et meil pole allikat ega kohta ühelegi neist vastuseismiseks. Sometimes, however, there is no conflict between the motivation that comes from different love, so we have no source and no place to oppose any of them. [81, 63, 63, 78, 80, 67] 72.0 [0.8829696585207364, 0.26258460482717144, 0.3588215288211821, 0.674179986200092, 0.5827011107083454, 0.07788890965667469] 0.4731909664557003 -0.30736395716667175 +985 Iisraeli ja Palestiina tervishoiuametnikud kinnitasid, et Gaza tsoonis leiti surnud kanadelt linnugripi inimesele ohtlikku vormi H5N1. The Israeli and Palestinian health officials confirmed that H5N1 was found a dangerous form of avian influenza from dead chicken in the Gaza Strip. [40, 21, 51, 98, 100, 82] 65.33333333333333 [-0.39801338870694586, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973, 1.027056832443855, 1.1249782957469103, 0.5808699337445091] 0.2335093986121796 -0.24903012812137604 +986 Selle lõike oli president Arnold Rüütel jätnud aprillis 2006 välja kuulutamata. This paragraph was not announced by President Arnold Rytel in April 2006. [31, 1, 1, 60, 54, 83] 38.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -1.285904040411722, -0.14224540182923298, -0.24292942487089356, 0.6190326808341362] -0.5490962241432666 -0.20596499741077423 +987 Autor ei jaga Kelleri intuitsiooni, et Eric peab juba ette uskuma, et Rebecca luule on hea. The author does not share Mrs Keller's intuition that Mr Eric must believe in advance that it is good for Mrs Rebecca's poem. [5, 31, 1, 44, 29, 37] 24.5 [-1.4915355021939918, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.9182036874116812, -1.12785038341693, -1.3824921645551846] -1.147634472868231 -0.3369542956352234 +988 Autobiograafias kirjeldab ta põgusalt oma tundeid 2006. aasta finaalmatši kohta ja sellest melust, kui Itaalia võitis Prantsusmaad. In autobiography, he briefly describes his feelings about the 2006 Final Event and the medal when Italy won France. [31, 1, 31, 66, 83, 78] 48.333333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -0.1256901422853517, 0.6245002025956135, 0.4269187050200866] -0.3011452468014383 -0.4121789336204529 +989 Esimene naisminister Portugali ajaloos oli 1974. aastal sotsiaalministriks nimetatud Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo. The first Minister for Women in Portuguese history was Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo, appointed Minister for Social Affairs in 1974. [31, 21, 51, 46, 49, 75] 45.5 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973, -0.10669808220024544, -0.4932507554834539, 0.4014644825739508] -0.30192073766381666 -0.22896939516067505 +990 Otsus peaks raskendama gaasitrassi Nord Stream 2 rajamist, mis suurendaks Euroopa Liidu sõltuvust Venemaa tarnitavast maagaasist. The decision should make it difficult to establish Nord Stream 2 of the gas route, which would increase the European Union's dependence on gas supplied by Russia. [70, 100, 100, 99, 100, 100] 94.83333333333333 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.013789014583392, 1.1249782957469103, 1.32209936924058] 1.1154584029095418 -0.3199564814567566 +991 1930. aastatel Achille Starace juhtimisel muutus OND peamiselt puhkeasutuseks, koondades sporti ja muid üritusi. In the 1930s, under the leadership of Achille Stalaule, OND became primarily a recreational institution, bringing together sport and other events. [78, 91, 100, 88, 62, 80] 83.16666666666667 [0.7892391916504182, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 0.8258170009536785, -0.08076099732669434, 0.4936093960423005] 0.7425742426994338 -0.4871220886707306 +992 Tegelikult püütakse lahendada peamurdmisülesannet, mille olemasolu eeldab paradigma kehtivust. In fact, the main breaking task, the existence of which requires a paradigm shift, is being tackled. [50, 21, 51, 85, 84, 85] 62.666666666666664 [-0.08557849913921849, -0.9743228292345808, 0.04048754767932973, 0.6490285747968032, 0.6681304714467177, 0.3615382092337807] 0.10988057913047204 -0.43789300322532654 +993 Musk püüdis küll ettevõtte nõukogu veenda otsust muutma, kuid see jäi endale kindlaks. The Roma tried to convince the company council to change the decision, but it remained firm. [31, 31, 1, 53, 56, 55] 37.833333333333336 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.2811423169988513, -0.2872347043367487, -0.302870867103411] -0.5860296295647518 -0.4529763162136078 +994 Tema tegevust on seostatud ka Nõukogude Liidu poliitikaga ja Vatikani panga reformimispüüetega. Its actions have also been linked to Soviet Union policy and the Vatican Bank's reform efforts. [70, 100, 100, 74, 85, 100] 88.16666666666667 [0.5392912799962363, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 0.16249660139694996, 0.7546520219271563, 1.1249782957469103] 0.8790017761595642 -0.3520175516605377 +995 Aastal 1991 näitas FAO projekt Projet de développement de l'aquaculture dans le Pacifique, et piimkala ja tilaapia kooseksisteerimine on võimalik. In 1991, the FAO project, Projet de développement de l'vulnerable dans le Pacifique, showed that it is possible to coexist between dairy fish and tiger. [31, 31, 1, 73, 58, 53] 41.166666666666664 [-0.6792047893179005, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.07070385276770842, -0.4138768859676533, -0.2811423169988513] -0.5684421574472854 -0.307485967874527 +996 Maailm on keeruline ega taga, et asjad, mis tõesti korda lähevad, oleksid omavahel kooskõlas ja moodustaksid vastuoludeta terviku. The world is complex and does not ensure that the things that really matter are consistent and form a whole without controversy. [93, 100, 100, 94, 96, 97] 96.66666666666667 [1.2578915260020094, 1.3522411538815724, 1.3403513040085604, 1.0901636694846504, 1.3620120445033312, 1.1980287771688547] 1.266781412508163 -0.38162538409233093 +997 Saksa võim püüdis tugineda nii baltisakslastele kui ka kohalikele rahvastele, eelistades siiski esimesi. The German authorities tried to build on both the Baltics and the local people, however preferring the first ones. [26, 31, 1, 54, 45, 62] 36.5 [-0.8354222341017642, -0.6798210592198779, -1.285904040411722, -0.8812623674084861, -0.8821803444513935, 0.06277371215276832] -0.7503027222400792 -0.453453004360199 +998 31. augustil 1984 valiti Bagaza ainsa kandidaadina riigipeaks tagasi. On 31 August 1984 Bagaza was elected as the only candidate country to be re-elected. [5, 1, 31, 36, 45, 27] 24.166666666666668 [-1.4915355021939918, -1.5633263692639867, -0.49006908755709094, -1.0167705223017969, -0.8821803444513935, -1.2746775123257523] -1.1197598896823353 -0.28200528025627136 +999 Punase Risti esindaja teatel tuli Venemaa samm neile üllatusena. According to the Red Cross representative, Russia's move came as a surprise to them. [92, 91, 100, 100, 86, 85] 92.33333333333333 [1.2266480370452366, 1.0871895608683397, 1.3403513040085604, 1.1249782957469103, 0.7553910091489263, 0.7017464088819532] 1.0393841026166544 -0.39801454544067383