# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
Helper file to build Ultralytics Docs reference section. Recursively walks through ultralytics dir and builds an MkDocs
reference section of *.md files composed of classes and functions, and also creates a nav menu for use in mkdocs.yaml.
Note: Must be run from repository root directory. Do not run from docs directory.
import re
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
# Constants
hub_sdk = False
if hub_sdk:
PACKAGE_DIR = Path("/Users/glennjocher/PycharmProjects/hub-sdk/hub_sdk")
REFERENCE_DIR = PACKAGE_DIR.parent / "docs/reference"
GITHUB_REPO = "ultralytics/hub-sdk"
FILE = Path(__file__).resolve()
PACKAGE_DIR = FILE.parents[1] / "ultralytics" # i.e. /Users/glennjocher/PycharmProjects/ultralytics/ultralytics
REFERENCE_DIR = PACKAGE_DIR.parent / "docs/en/reference"
GITHUB_REPO = "ultralytics/ultralytics"
def extract_classes_and_functions(filepath: Path) -> tuple:
"""Extracts class and function names from a given Python file."""
content = filepath.read_text()
class_pattern = r"(?:^|\n)class\s(\w+)(?:\(|:)"
func_pattern = r"(?:^|\n)def\s(\w+)\("
classes = re.findall(class_pattern, content)
functions = re.findall(func_pattern, content)
return classes, functions
def create_markdown(py_filepath: Path, module_path: str, classes: list, functions: list):
"""Creates a Markdown file containing the API reference for the given Python module."""
md_filepath = py_filepath.with_suffix(".md")
exists = md_filepath.exists()
# Read existing content and keep header content between first two ---
header_content = ""
if exists:
existing_content = md_filepath.read_text()
header_parts = existing_content.split("---")
for part in header_parts:
if "description:" in part or "comments:" in part:
header_content += f"---{part}---\n\n"
if not any(header_content):
header_content = "---\ndescription: TODO ADD DESCRIPTION\nkeywords: TODO ADD KEYWORDS\n---\n\n"
module_name = module_path.replace(".__init__", "")
module_path = module_path.replace(".", "/")
url = f"https://github.com/{GITHUB_REPO}/blob/main/{module_path}.py"
edit = f"https://github.com/{GITHUB_REPO}/edit/main/{module_path}.py"
pretty = url.replace("__init__.py", "\\_\\_init\\_\\_.py") # properly display __init__.py filenames
title_content = (
f"# Reference for `{module_path}.py`\n\n"
f"!!! note\n\n"
f" This file is available at [{pretty}]({url}). If you spot a problem please help fix it by [contributing]"
f"(https://docs.ultralytics.com/help/contributing/) a [Pull Request]({edit}) 🛠️. Thank you 🙏!\n\n"
md_content = ["
\n"] + [f"## ::: {module_name}.{class_name}\n\n