@echo off :: Deactivate the virtual environment call .\venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat :: Calling external python program to check for local modules :: python .\setup\check_local_modules.py --no_question :: Activate the virtual environment call .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat set PATH=%PATH%;%~dp0venv\Lib\site-packages\torch\lib :: Validate requirements python.exe .\setup\validate_requirements.py :: If the exit code is 0, run the kohya_gui.py script with the command-line arguments if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( REM Check if the batch was started via double-click IF /i "%comspec% /c %~0 " equ "%cmdcmdline:"=%" ( REM echo This script was started by double clicking. cmd /k python.exe kohya_gui.py %* ) ELSE ( REM echo This script was started from a command prompt. python.exe kohya_gui.py %* ) )