# Model parameters training with `i-DQN` and `i-IQN` This repository contains the model parameters trained with `i-DQN` on [$57$ Atari games](#list-of-games-for-i-dqn) and trained with `i-IQN` on [$20$ Atari games](#list-of-games-for-i-iqn) 🎮. $5$ seeds are available for each configuration which makes a total of $385$ available models 📈. The [evaluate.ipynb](./evaluate.ipynb) notebook contains a minimal example to evaluate to model parameters 🧑‍🏫. It uses JAX 🚀. ps: The set of [$20$ Atari games](#list-of-games-for-i-iqn) is included in the set of [$57$ Atari games](#list-of-games-for-i-dqn). ### Model performances `i-DQN` and `i-IQN` are improvements made over [`DQN`](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature14236.pdf) and [`IQN`](https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.06923) ✨. Check it out on [arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.02107)! | drawing :-:|:-: ### List of games for `i-DQN` Alien, Amidar, Assault, Asterix, Asteroids, Atlantis, BankHeist, BattleZone, BeamRider, Berzerk, Bowling, Boxing, Breakout, Centipede, ChopperCommand, CrazyClimber, DemonAttack, DoubleDunk, Enduro, FishingDerby, Freeway, Frostbite, Gopher, Gravitar, Hero, IceHockey, Jamesbond, Kangaroo, Krull, KungFuMaster, MontezumaRevenge, MsPacman, NameThisGame, Phoenix, Pitfall, Pong, Pooyan, PrivateEye, Qbert, Riverraid, RoadRunner, Robotank, Seaquest, Skiing, Solaris, SpaceInvaders, StarGunner, Tennis, TimePilot, Tutankham, UpNDown, Venture, VideoPinball, WizardOfWor, YarsRevenge, Zaxxon. ### List of games for `i-IQN` Alien, Assault, BankHeist, Berzerk, Breakout, Centipede, ChopperCommand, DemonAttack, Enduro, Frostbite, Gopher, Gravitar, IceHockey, Jamesbond, Krull, KungFuMaster, Riverraid, Seaquest, Skiing, StarGunner. ## User installation Python 3.10 is recommended. Create a Python virtual environment, activate it, update pip and install the package and its dependencies in editable mode: ```bash python3.10 -m venv env source env/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install numpy==1.23.5 # to avoid numpy==2.XX pip install -r requirements.txt pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12_pip]==0.4.13" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html ``` ## Citing `i-QN` ``` @article{vincent2024iterated, title={Iterated $ Q $-Network: Beyond the One-Step Bellman Operator}, author={Vincent, Th{\'e}o and Palenicek, Daniel and Belousov, Boris and Peters, Jan and D'Eramo, Carlo}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.02107}, year={2024} } ```