('15', '') ('0.03', '') ('3', '') ('No', '') ('23', '') ('6', '') ('62', '') ('Yes', '') ('Inspired', '') ('3', '') ('1', '') ('0.07', '') ('17', '') ('0.1922', '') ('0.02', '') ('0.02', '') ('2014', '') ('2014', '') ('1', '') ('Definitely yes', '') ('Blue', '') ('2006', '') ('52', '') ('2.125694444', '') ('Yes', '') ('Yes', '') ('80', '') ('77', '') ('0.23', '') ('57', '') ('12', '') ('3', '') ('41', '') ('No', '') ('Italy', '') ('Mexico', '') ('13', '') ('Over 30 mins', '') ('4', '') ('22', '') ('92', '') ('196', '') ('21', '') ('2', '') ('2009', '') ('23.7', '') ('68', '') ('2022', '') ('83', '') ('2.125694444', '') ('Simulation', '') ('5', '') ('Yes', '') ('No', '') ('Yes', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('Democrat (scores 60 to 100)', '') ('49', '') ('Libya', '') ('0.28', '') ('28', '') ('108', '') ('UK', '') ('50.25', '') ('72', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('4.8', '') ('14.5', '') ('175', '') ('No', '') ('93.45', '') ('50.25', '') ('Yes', '') ('21.5', '') ('30.33', '') ('19.7', '') ('52', '') ('Yes', '') ('UK', '') ('UK', '') ('67', '') ('1.051388889', '') ('0.55', '') ('Poll workers in your community', '') ('Rep/Lean Rep', '') ('0.431818182', '') ('77', '') ('144', '') ('41', '') ('1.179861111', '') ('Nicaragua', '') ('No', '') ('7', '') ('98', '') ('Solomon Islands', '') ('Jamaica', '') ('50', '') ('25', '') ('977633', '') ('0.1922', '') ('4', '') ('No', '') ('26', '') ('0.46', '') ('25', '') ('0', '') ('28', '') ('2.125694444', '') ('4', '') ('0.35', '') ('Gray', '') ('57', '') ('1.4', '') ('No', '') ('2.42', '') ('0.08', '') ('12', '') ('Yes', '') ('0.3', '') ('67.07', '') ('28', '') ('0.77', '') ('PP', '') ('3', '') ('71', '') ('No', '') ('0.32', '') ('No', '') ('Saudi Arabia', '') ('18', '') ('30', '') ('Blue', '') ('83', '') ('1.684722222', '') ('0.57', '') ('0.431818182', '') ('61', '') ('No', '') ('Yes', '') ('2.125694444', '') ('2013', '') ('1', '') ('No', '') ('1408', '') ('Red', '') ('2', '') ('92', '') ('50.25', '') ('Favorable', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('54', '') ('No', '') ('2014', '') ('1994', '') ('orange', '') ('57', '') ('29', '') ('2009', '') ('Yes', '') ('5', '') ('2011', '') ('Favor', '') ('Yes', '') ('2818', '') ('0.27', '') ('49', '') ('Yes', '') ('16', '') ('Dark blue', '') ('No', '') ("Don't Know", '') ('No', '') ('10', '') ('67', '') ('41', '') ('Yes', '') ('67', '') ('No', '') ('Bad', '') ('0.55', '') ('Better off', '') ('Better off', '') ('Important, but lower priority', '') ('0.41', '') ('Dissatisfied', '') ('4', '') ('76', '') ('No', '') ('Yes', '') ('30', '') ('16', '') ('65+', '') ('0.11', '') ('60', '') ('No role', '') ('14.33', '') ('Japan', '') ('33.33', '') ('5.12', '') ('1.14', '') ('Teal Blue', '') ('No', '') ('Pink', '') ('No', '') ('Heart disease', '') ('Yes', '') ('North America', '') ('Yes', '') ('Obesity', '') ('197', '') ('2', '') ('0.484375', '') ('2', '') ('Yes', '') ('0.1', '') ('0.6', '') ('1.19', '') ('2.315', '') ('Low bone mineral density', '') ('No', '') ('27.5', '') ('0.98', '') ('16', '') ('No', '') ('2', '') ('0.32', '') ('Burkina Faso', '') ('0.5', '') ('Lithuania', '') ('21.5', '') ('0.6', '') ('0.475', '') ('0.01', '') ('0.01', '') ('1.6', '') ('3.5', '') ('2.4', '') ('0.4', '') ('41', '') ('0.55', '') ('Nepal', '') ('Yes', '') ('5.25', '') ('7.68', '') ('1', '') ('1.8', '') ('96.4', '') ('Yes', '') ('Teal Blue', '') ('38', '') ('Mexico', '') ('1.346', '') ('0.41', '') ('6.8', '') ('2', '') ('48.25', '') ('Belarus', '') ('0.05', '') ('Mongolia', '') ('Yes', '') ('9.29', '') ('Yes', '') ('5', '') ('3', '') ('6.85', '') ('Yes', '') ('4', '') ('0.59', '') ('1', '') ('No', '') ('Greece', '') ('Yes', '') ('Dark blue', '') ('Yes', '') ('Human capital', '') ('Estimated revenue in billion U.S. dollars', '') ('2015', '') ('1413640', '') ('48.01', '') ('33.25', '') ('0.04', '') ('1.702702703', '') ('56.6', '') ('23.16', '') ('0.69', '') ('0.35', '') ('24', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('Switzerland', '') ('5.546', '') ('Alcohol', '') ('96', '') ('Philippines', '') ('No', '') ('Brazil', '') ('2.88', '') ('United States', '') ('0.475', '') ('95', '') ('No', '') ('Deaths from HIV/AIDS', '') ('Yes', '') ('Samoa', '') ('[Gambia, Niger]', '') ('24688.3', '') ('0.1922', '') ('16', '') ('Yes', '') ('11', '') ('No', '') ('Medium car (petrol)', '') ('Yes', '') ('Malawi', '') ('1.577', '') ('[Italy , 22]', '') ('2.2258', '') ('0.235', '') ('306.23', '') ('Dark blue', '') ('0.08', '') ('8.5', '') ('9.8', '') ('3.88', '') ('5', '') ('9545.35', '') ('23800.7', '') ('No', '') ('41', '') ('28', '') ('Yes', '') ('Argentina', '') ('No', '') ('Chemistry', '') ('Yes', '') ('Venezuela', '') ('0.02', '') ('Red', '') ('1.015645372', '') ('Pink', '') ('No', '') ('63', '') ('Yes', '') ('8.87', '') ('30.33', '') ('7.54', '') ('1.346', '') ('Myanmar', '') ('Zambia', '') ('[2014, 2016]', '') ('2016', '') ('Bulgaria', '') ('Spain', '') ('Belize', '') ('Papua New Guinea', '') ('Benin', '') ('Sudan', '') ('Mongolia', '') ('1', '') ('North America', '') ('2014', '') ('1', '') ('Increased', '') ('Hong Kong', '') ('[2003, 2004]', '') ('Cameroon', '') ('Purple', '') ('Estonia', '') ('No', '') ('1960', '') ('6', '') ('4', '') ('1990', '') ('2', '') ('No', '') ('Purple', '') ('[2015, 2016]', '') ('[2013, 2016]', '') ('[Germany, Bolivia, Dominican Republic]', '') ('2', '') ('2', '') ('1990', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('3', '') ('2', '') ('2014', '') ('9', '') ('5', '') ('4', '') ('Burundi', '') ('0.7', '') ('2004', '') ('[United Kingdom, Cape Verde]', '') ('Gabon', '') ('19', '') ('Red', '') ('2005', '') ('Red', '') ('1999', '') ('Belize', '') ('3', '') ('Asia', '') ('[1965, 1970]', '') ('2014', '') ('Fiji', '') ('1975', '') ('15', '') ('Yes', '') ('Yes', '') ('Eritrea', '') ('Sudan', '') ('50-69 years old', '') ('10', '') ('Botswana', '') ('Chile', '') ('Cape Verde', '') ('[2014, 2016]', '') ('Portugal', '') ('3', '') ('Preterm birth complications', '') ('1990', '') ('1970', '') ('1978', '') ('Ireland', '') ('Ireland', '') ('Togo', '') ('2', '') ('Mongolia', '') ('2007', '') ('3', '') ('Taiwan', '') ('2016', '') ('Primary school', '') ('Switzerland', '') ('2004', '') ('Belgium', '') ('2', '') ('Yes', '') ('Yes', '') ('4', '') ('30.33', '') ('Tend to favor one side', '') ('Rep/Lean Rep', '') ('Blue', '') ('99', '') ('U.S.', '') ('U.S.', '') ('Yes', '') ('1.684722222', '') ('62', '') ('0.45', '') ('Too little', '') ('0.55', '') ('63', '') ('Yes', '') ('0.43', '') ('Yes', '') ('68', '') ('2', '') ('71', '') ('25', '') ('20', '') ('0.46', '') ('Generally produces accurate conclusions', '') ('0.75', '') ('0.45', '') ('No', '') ('50-69 years old', '') ('Yes', '') ('Dark blue', '') ('56', '') ('37', '') ('3', '') ('68', '') ('Yes', '') ('52', '') ('7', '') ('52', '') ('0.46', '') ('3', '') ('98', '') ('51', '') ('2.33', '') ('71', '') ('68', '') ('42', '') ('Yes', '') ('2', '') ('60', '') ('Democrats & Republicans', '') ('No', '') ('10', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('21', '') ('No', '') ('0.32', '') ('No', '') ('27', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('[Should not, Should]', '') ('0.431818182', '') ('0.46', '') ('87', '') ('67', '') ('Yes', '') ('Same', '') ('16', '') ('61', '') ('4', '') ('16-19 years', '') ('11', '') ('37', '') ('0.43', '') ('47', '') ('33.33', '') ('233851', '') ('165', '') ('Greece', '') ('New Zealand', '') ('Japan', '') ('37.5', '') ('5', '') ('3', '') ('France', '') ('2.2258', '') ('2', '') ('Yes', '') ('Blue', '') ('Yes', '') ('New Zealand', '') ('0.6', '') ('Blue', '') ('21.5', '') ('4.2', '') ('9.6', '') ('98', '') ('Yes', '') ('Lithuania', '') ('0.01', '') ('Red', '') ('108.8', '') ('Yes', '') ('No', '') ('Netherlands', '') ('No', '') ('5', '') ('Yes', '') ('2', '') ('32.5', '') ('Lithuania', '') ('25', '') ('89', '') ('63', '') ('36', '') ('4', '') ('Right decision', '') ('35', '') ('42', '') ('Independent', '') ('6', '') ('Yes', '') ('Indonesia', '') ('0.08', '') ('Pink', '') ('0.18', '') ('0.55', '') ('21', '') ('Yes', '') ('Poland', '') ('Sri Lanka', '') ('22.675', '') ('East Asia and Pacific', '') ('9.8', '') ('Benin', '') ('0.99124', '') ('43', '') ('33.33', '') ('Spain', '') ('Yes', '') ('5', '') ('2016', '') ('Australia', '') ('[Austria, Chile]', '') ('[Slovenia, Turkey]', '') ('2007', '') ('United States', '') ('0', '') ('2010', '') ('0', '') ('[Austria, Chile]', '') ('2', '') ('[Lithuania, Saudi Arabia]', '') ('Saudi Arabia', '') ('Belgium', '') ('New Zealand', '') ('Korea', '') ('1', '') ('Ethiopia', '') ('2', '') ('1994', '') ('1990', '') ('Chinese Taipei', '') ('3', '') ('2016', '') ('Brazil', '') ('Facebook Messenger*', '') ('2378', '') ('Bridgestone (Japan)', '') ('14.25', '') ('American Airlines', '') ('12.4', '') ('987.75', '') ('29.33', '') ('[1.34, 1.37]', '') ('5.76', '') ('increasing', '') ('30', '') ('4.3', '') ('0.4', '') ('2015', '') ('2.1', '') ('2015', '') ('6', '') ('0.11', '') ('0.414285714', '') ('October', '') ('3', '') ('20', '') ('66', '') ('537689', '') ('2', '') ('2014', '') ('68.08', '') ('Not documented, fate unknown*', '') ('0.4', '') ('4', '') ('58', '') ('3996', '') ('776', '') ('84', '') ('2014', '') ('49976', '') ('Yes', '') ('increasing', '') ('7', '') ('Pulmonary arterial hypertension', '') ('3', '') ('Passenger cars', '') ('2.7', '') ('Russian Federation', '') ('57', '') ('2009', '') ('5', '') ('6.6', '') ('Yes', '') ('123.3', '') ('3', '') ('0', '') ('66.8', '') ('Canada', '') ('3', '') ('1', '') ('26', '') ('3', '') ('13', '') ('2019', '') ('4', '') ('Based on how much we can afford as a family', '') ('17', '') ('2021', '') ('32.115', '') ('CIC Lyonnaise de Banque', '') ('44519', '') ('Periscope', '') ('2.76', '') ('20', '') ('68', '') ('2021', '') ('14.25', '') ('1', '') ('47.9', '') ('Kit (Nike)', '') ('14.25', '') ('41856', '') ('46337', '') ('4', '') ('8', '') ('2', '') ('2.125694444', '') ('69', '') ('2.2258', '') ('LAAP*', '') ('67.31', '') ('5', '') ('11209', '') ('41.5', '') ('3.5', '') ('Michael Kors', '') ('55.88', '') ('Netherlands', '') ('16.5', '') ('6', '') ('1.577', '') ('18.2', '') ('22.675', '') ('Poor', '') ('1.684722222', '') ('6.6', '') ('18.3', '') ('19.7', '') ('19.7', '') ('Definitely yes', '') ('28.6', '') ('2004', '') ('9.96', '') ('1408', '') ('4522', '') ('2019', '') ('[2003,2009]', '') ('Staying alert and taking precautions', '') ('6', '') ('25-34', '') ('21', '') ('Corn', '') ('1115.7', '') ('91817', '') ('67465', '') ('83.29', '') ('10.53', '') ('NFL (2016)', '') ('40.1', '') ('2007', '') ('0.08', '') ('1-5 mins', '') ('69', '') ('2021', '') ('687', '') ('Black or African American alone', '') ('470862', '') ('[2003, 2004]', '') ('0.18', '') ('Texas', '') ('17715', '') ('15017', '') ('6607', '') ('2011', '') ('22.675', '') ('53', '') ('43', '') ('10.2', '') ('50.4', '') ('1.45', '') ('0.03', '') ('2007', '') ('23.7', '') ('8.6', '') ('32.3', '') ('446.13', '') ('832.5', '') ('2019', '') ('100375.8', '') ("May '21", '') ('2.315', '') ('Canada', '') ('31', '') ('2009', '') ('45.28', '') ('50.4', '') ('82.5', '') ('2', '') ('12', '') ('7', '') ('Mining', '') ('Moderna', '') ('Folksam', '') ('Yes', '') ('2016', '') ("May '21", '') ('6.92', '') ('6750', '') ('[Germany,United States]', '') ('22', '') ('0', '') ('Grocery', '') ('17.3', '') ('Robku TV', '') ('14', '') ('2007', '') ('373', '') ('28.49', '') ('67.07', '') ('2.06', '') ('1.18', '') ('Philosophy', '') ('113702', '') ('Online authorized dealers', '') ('44.4', '') ('20', '') ('3', '') ('3', '') ('58', '') ('Canada', '') ('0.89', '') ('13942', '') ('23800.7', '') ('10', '') ('[Thailand, South Korea]', '') ('8', '') ('56.3', '') ('48', '') ('32.5', '') ('6.6', '') ('62', '') ('8', '') ('43.4', '') ('5', '') ('0.5', '') ('Estimated revenue in billion U.S. dollars', '') ('2007', '') ('16.7', '') ('0.5', '') ('2018', '') ('2372.1', '') ('Gray', '') ('0.4', '') ('24', '') ('85', '') ('8', '') ('33.8', '') ('32.4', '') ('23.8', '') ('7', '') ('19', '') ('2014', '') ('6', '') ('Analytics', '') ('48.25', '') ('25', '') ('26', '') ('15.75', '') ('2009', '') ('55.01', '') ('20.81', '') ('856.36', '') ('2010', '') ('Just the right number', '') ('6', '') ('5', '') ('42', '') ('WhatsApp', '') ('68', '') ('[2017, 2023]', '') ('Digestive health', '') ('108', '') ('87.5', '') ('92', '') ('No', '') ('2020', '') ('60', '') ('2007-2008', '') ('27935', '') ('944', '') ('2408.125', '') ('Facebook', '') ('5.45', '') ('2019', '') ('5.5', '') ('56', '') ('No', '') ('5', '') ('25-34', '') ('100 - 500 euros', '') ('2.7', '') ('Insured all year, not underinsured', '') ('2020', '') ('4', '') ('56', '') ('2018', '') ('1.8', '') ('2016', '') ('2014', '') ('20', '') ('44', '') ('65', '') ('89', '') ('105.4', '') ('195.5', '') ('Poor', '') ('37', '') ('646.43', '') ('676.4', '') ('black', '') ('113', '') ('1592', '') ('489', '') ('2020', '') ('2018', '') ('40', '') ('51', '') ('2017', '') ('15', '') ('2015', '') ('7760', '') ('2010/11', '') ('42755', '') ("Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest", '') ('Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl', '') ('16-19 years', '') ('57', '') ('Cooking (e.g., MasterChef, Chopped, etc.)', '') ('41', '') ('No', '') ('2020', '') ('599', '') ('479.5', '') ('55', '') ('33', '') ('165', '') ('15', '') ('8.3', '') ('41.8', '') ('Jimmy Fallon', '') ('18', '') ('99750', '') ('46337', '') ('85', '') ('65', '') ('6.2', '') ('4.5', '') ('69', '') ('89', '') ('11', '') ('87.5', '') ('19.81', '') ('44.7', '') ('30', '') ('66', '') ('30.1', '') ('3.39', '') ('63', '') ('25', '') ('15', '') ('76', '') ('[2015, 2016]', '') ('27', '') ('2018', '') ('37', '') ('3.7', '') ('2010', '') ('Female', '') ('15', '') ('3.72', '') ('0.89', '') ('Cinematography', '') ('50.25', '') ('Democrat (scores 60 to 100)', '') ('38', '') ('3.9', '') ('6.5', '') ('1461.3', '') ('2372.1', '') ('Male', '') ('1', '') ('6.97', '') ('30.27', '') ('54.93', '') ('13.12', '') ('Men', '') ('21.5', '') ('49', '') ('Less', '') ('17', '') ('28', '') ('20 to 29 years', '') ('9 years and younger', '') ('73.3', '') ('55.5', '') ('Media workers', '') ('72', '') ('12.99', '') ('19.14', '') ('No', '') ('3', '') ('Gray', '') ('2.6', '') ('47.9', '') ('44.7', '') ('6', '') ('2.6', '') ('1.4', '') ('Africa', '') ('18/19', '') ('971', '') ('80.7', '') ('2.2', '') ('5', '') ('27', '') ('45', '') ('Snapchat', '') ('Navy blue', '') ('Cash', '')