audio: chunk_size: 485100 dim_f: 1024 dim_t: 1101 hop_length: 882 n_fft: 2048 num_channels: 2 sample_rate: 44100 min_mean_abs: 0.000 model: dim: 384 depth: 8 stereo: true num_stems: 4 linear_transformer_depth: 0 time_transformer_depth: 1 freq_transformer_depth: 1 num_bands: 60 dim_head: 64 heads: 8 attn_dropout: 0.0 ff_dropout: 0.0 flash_attn: true dim_freqs_in: 2049 sample_rate: 44100 # needed for mel filter bank from librosa stft_n_fft: 4096 stft_hop_length: 882 stft_win_length: 4096 stft_normalized: False mask_estimator_depth: 2 multi_stft_resolution_loss_weight: 1.0 multi_stft_resolutions_window_sizes: !!python/tuple - 4096 - 2048 - 1024 - 512 - 256 multi_stft_hop_size: 147 multi_stft_normalized: False mlp_expansion_factor: 4 use_torch_checkpoint: False # it allows to greatly reduce GPU memory consumption during training (not fully tested) skip_connection: True # Enable skip connection between transformer blocks - can solve problem with gradients and probably faster training training: batch_size: 1 gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 grad_clip: 0 instruments: ['drums', 'bass', 'other', 'vocals'] lr: 1.0 patience: 3 reduce_factor: 0.95 target_instrument: null num_epochs: 1000 num_steps: 1000 q: 0.95 coarse_loss_clip: false ema_momentum: 0.999 optimizer: prodigy read_metadata_procs: 8 # Number of processes to use during metadata reading for dataset. Can speed up metadata generation normalize: false other_fix: false # it's needed for checking on multisong dataset if other is actually instrumental use_amp: true # enable or disable usage of mixed precision (float16) - usually it must be true inference: batch_size: 4 dim_t: 1101 num_overlap: 4 normalize: false