--- license: mit tags: - not-for-all-audiences --- A finetune of lodestones/fluffyrock-1088-minsnr-zsnr-vpred-ema-pytorch with the following changes: - Caption dropout of 10% to improve classifier-free guidance - Timesteps weighted by 1/(snr+1) to improve output quality - A higher virtual batch size of 64 - Includes RedRocket/furception_vae for convenience (licensed separately, please refer to its repository for more information) Like its predecessor, this is a v-prediction, zero terminal SNR model. Please use the provided .yaml file (or do whatever your preferred frontend requires you to do to load a model as v-prediction and zero terminal SNR) so the model can load correctly, or you will have a lot of trouble generating correct outputs! **NEW Feb 11 2024**: Fluffyrock Unleashed Refiner has been released. Use it as a refiner model for the last 20% of generations for better fine details at no additional compute cost. For best results, use the default noise schedule. The VAE decoder is licensed under Furception's license (as of writing CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 though due to change). All other model components are licensed under the MIT license. Special thanks to @RedHotTensors for general assistance.