Efficiency Nodes for ComfyUI
### A collection of ComfyUI custom nodes to help streamline workflows and reduce total node count.
## [Direct Download Link](https://github.com/LucianoCirino/efficiency-nodes-comfyui/releases/download/v1.62/efficiency-nodes-comfyui.zip)
## **Currently Available Nodes:**
Ksampler (Efficient)
• A modded KSampler with the ability to preview/output images and run scripts.
Efficient Loader
• A combination of common initialization nodes.
XY Plotter Nodes
• A collection of nodes that allows users to specify parameters for the KSampler (Efficient) to plot on a grid.
Image Overlay
• Node that allows for flexible image overlaying.
SimpleEval Nodes
• A collection of nodes that allows users to write simple Python expressions for a variety of data types using the "simpleeval" library.
## **Examples:**
- HiResFix using the **Efficient Loader** & **Ksampler (Efficient)**
- 2D Plotting using the **XY Plot** & **Ksampler (Efficient)** nodes
- Photobashing using the **Image Overlay** node
## **Install:**
To install, drop the "_**efficiency-nodes-comfyui**_" folder into the "_**...\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes**_" directory and restart UI.