"""The model definition for 3D layers |
Adapted from: https://github.com/lucidrains/magvit2-pytorch/blob/9f49074179c912736e617d61b32be367eb5f993a/ |
magvit2_pytorch/magvit2_pytorch.py#L889 |
[MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Phil Wang] |
https://github.com/lucidrains/magvit2-pytorch/blob/9f49074179c912736e617d61b32be367eb5f993a/LICENSE |
""" |
import math |
from typing import Tuple, Union |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from .ar_tokenizer_patching import Patcher3D, UnPatcher3D |
from .ar_tokenizer_utils import ( |
CausalNormalize, |
batch2space, |
batch2time, |
cast_tuple, |
is_odd, |
nonlinearity, |
replication_pad, |
space2batch, |
time2batch, |
) |
from .log import log |
class CausalConv3d(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
chan_in: int = 1, |
chan_out: int = 1, |
kernel_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 3, |
pad_mode: str = "constant", |
**kwargs, |
): |
super().__init__() |
kernel_size = cast_tuple(kernel_size, 3) |
time_kernel_size, height_kernel_size, width_kernel_size = kernel_size |
assert is_odd(height_kernel_size) and is_odd(width_kernel_size) |
dilation = kwargs.pop("dilation", 1) |
stride = kwargs.pop("stride", 1) |
time_stride = kwargs.pop("time_stride", 1) |
time_dilation = kwargs.pop("time_dilation", 1) |
padding = kwargs.pop("padding", 1) |
self.pad_mode = pad_mode |
time_pad = time_dilation * (time_kernel_size - 1) + (1 - time_stride) |
self.time_pad = time_pad |
self.spatial_pad = (padding, padding, padding, padding) |
stride = (time_stride, stride, stride) |
dilation = (time_dilation, dilation, dilation) |
self.conv3d = nn.Conv3d(chan_in, chan_out, kernel_size, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, **kwargs) |
def _replication_pad(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
x_prev = x[:, :, :1, ...].repeat(1, 1, self.time_pad, 1, 1) |
x = torch.cat([x_prev, x], dim=2) |
padding = self.spatial_pad + (0, 0) |
return F.pad(x, padding, mode=self.pad_mode, value=0.0) |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
x = self._replication_pad(x) |
return self.conv3d(x) |
class CausalHybridUpsample3d(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, spatial_up: bool = True, temporal_up: bool = True, **ignore_kwargs) -> None: |
super().__init__() |
self.conv1 = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, time_stride=1, padding=0) |
if temporal_up |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
self.conv2 = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, time_stride=1, padding=1) |
if spatial_up |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
self.conv3 = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, time_stride=1, padding=0) |
if spatial_up or temporal_up |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
self.spatial_up = spatial_up |
self.temporal_up = temporal_up |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
if not self.spatial_up and not self.temporal_up: |
return x |
if self.temporal_up: |
time_factor = 1.0 + 1.0 * (x.shape[2] > 1) |
if isinstance(time_factor, torch.Tensor): |
time_factor = time_factor.item() |
x = x.repeat_interleave(int(time_factor), dim=2) |
x = x[..., int(time_factor - 1) :, :, :] |
x = self.conv1(x) + x |
if self.spatial_up: |
x = x.repeat_interleave(2, dim=3).repeat_interleave(2, dim=4) |
x = self.conv2(x) + x |
x = self.conv3(x) |
return x |
class CausalHybridDownsample3d(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, in_channels: int, spatial_down: bool = True, temporal_down: bool = True, **ignore_kwargs |
) -> None: |
super().__init__() |
self.conv1 = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=2, time_stride=1, padding=0) |
if spatial_down |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
self.conv2 = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, time_stride=2, padding=0) |
if temporal_down |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
self.conv3 = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, time_stride=1, padding=0) |
if spatial_down or temporal_down |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
self.spatial_down = spatial_down |
self.temporal_down = temporal_down |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
if not self.spatial_down and not self.temporal_down: |
return x |
if self.spatial_down: |
pad = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) |
x = F.pad(x, pad, mode="constant", value=0) |
x1 = self.conv1(x) |
x2 = F.avg_pool3d(x, kernel_size=(1, 2, 2), stride=(1, 2, 2)) |
x = x1 + x2 |
if self.temporal_down: |
x = replication_pad(x) |
x1 = self.conv2(x) |
x2 = F.avg_pool3d(x, kernel_size=(2, 1, 1), stride=(2, 1, 1)) |
x = x1 + x2 |
x = self.conv3(x) |
return x |
class CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, *, in_channels: int, out_channels: int = None, dropout: float, num_groups: int) -> None: |
super().__init__() |
self.in_channels = in_channels |
out_channels = in_channels if out_channels is None else out_channels |
self.norm1 = CausalNormalize(in_channels, num_groups=1) |
self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, padding=1), |
CausalConv3d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, padding=0), |
) |
self.norm2 = CausalNormalize(out_channels, num_groups=num_groups) |
self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout) |
self.conv2 = nn.Sequential( |
CausalConv3d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, padding=1), |
CausalConv3d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, padding=0), |
) |
self.nin_shortcut = ( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
if in_channels != out_channels |
else nn.Identity() |
) |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
h = x |
h = self.norm1(h) |
h = nonlinearity(h) |
h = self.conv1(h) |
h = self.norm2(h) |
h = nonlinearity(h) |
h = self.dropout(h) |
h = self.conv2(h) |
x = self.nin_shortcut(x) |
return x + h |
class CausalAttnBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, num_groups: int) -> None: |
super().__init__() |
self.norm = CausalNormalize(in_channels, num_groups=num_groups) |
self.q = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
self.k = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
self.v = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
self.proj_out = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
h_ = x |
h_ = self.norm(h_) |
q = self.q(h_) |
k = self.k(h_) |
v = self.v(h_) |
q, batch_size = time2batch(q) |
k, batch_size = time2batch(k) |
v, batch_size = time2batch(v) |
b, c, h, w = q.shape |
q = q.reshape(b, c, h * w) |
q = q.permute(0, 2, 1) |
k = k.reshape(b, c, h * w) |
w_ = torch.bmm(q, k) |
w_ = w_ * (int(c) ** (-0.5)) |
w_ = F.softmax(w_, dim=2) |
v = v.reshape(b, c, h * w) |
w_ = w_.permute(0, 2, 1) |
h_ = torch.bmm(v, w_) |
h_ = h_.reshape(b, c, h, w) |
h_ = batch2time(h_, batch_size) |
h_ = self.proj_out(h_) |
return x + h_ |
class CausalTemporalAttnBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, num_groups: int) -> None: |
super().__init__() |
self.norm = CausalNormalize(in_channels, num_groups=num_groups) |
self.q = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
self.k = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
self.v = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
self.proj_out = CausalConv3d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
h_ = x |
h_ = self.norm(h_) |
q = self.q(h_) |
k = self.k(h_) |
v = self.v(h_) |
q, batch_size, height = space2batch(q) |
k, _, _ = space2batch(k) |
v, _, _ = space2batch(v) |
bhw, c, t = q.shape |
q = q.permute(0, 2, 1) |
k = k.permute(0, 2, 1) |
v = v.permute(0, 2, 1) |
w_ = torch.bmm(q, k.permute(0, 2, 1)) |
w_ = w_ * (int(c) ** (-0.5)) |
mask = torch.tril(torch.ones_like(w_)) |
w_ = w_.masked_fill(mask == 0, float("-inf")) |
w_ = F.softmax(w_, dim=2) |
h_ = torch.bmm(w_, v) |
h_ = h_.permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(bhw, c, t) |
h_ = batch2space(h_, batch_size, height) |
h_ = self.proj_out(h_) |
return x + h_ |
class EncoderFactorized(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
in_channels: int, |
channels: int, |
channels_mult: list[int], |
num_res_blocks: int, |
attn_resolutions: list[int], |
dropout: float, |
resolution: int, |
z_channels: int, |
spatial_compression: int, |
temporal_compression: int, |
**ignore_kwargs, |
) -> None: |
super().__init__() |
self.num_resolutions = len(channels_mult) |
self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks |
patch_size = ignore_kwargs.get("patch_size", 1) |
self.patcher3d = Patcher3D(patch_size, ignore_kwargs.get("patch_method", "rearrange")) |
in_channels = in_channels * patch_size * patch_size * patch_size |
self.num_spatial_downs = int(math.log2(spatial_compression)) - int(math.log2(patch_size)) |
assert ( |
self.num_spatial_downs <= self.num_resolutions |
), f"Spatially downsample {self.num_resolutions} times at most" |
self.num_temporal_downs = int(math.log2(temporal_compression)) - int(math.log2(patch_size)) |
assert ( |
self.num_temporal_downs <= self.num_resolutions |
), f"Temporally downsample {self.num_resolutions} times at most" |
self.conv_in = nn.Sequential( |
CausalConv3d(in_channels, channels, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, padding=1), |
CausalConv3d(channels, channels, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, padding=0), |
) |
curr_res = resolution // patch_size |
in_ch_mult = (1,) + tuple(channels_mult) |
self.in_ch_mult = in_ch_mult |
self.down = nn.ModuleList() |
for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions): |
block = nn.ModuleList() |
attn = nn.ModuleList() |
block_in = channels * in_ch_mult[i_level] |
block_out = channels * channels_mult[i_level] |
for _ in range(self.num_res_blocks): |
block.append( |
CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d( |
in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_out, dropout=dropout, num_groups=1 |
) |
) |
block_in = block_out |
if curr_res in attn_resolutions: |
attn.append( |
nn.Sequential( |
CausalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1), CausalTemporalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1) |
) |
) |
down = nn.Module() |
down.block = block |
down.attn = attn |
if i_level != self.num_resolutions - 1: |
spatial_down = i_level < self.num_spatial_downs |
temporal_down = i_level < self.num_temporal_downs |
down.downsample = CausalHybridDownsample3d( |
block_in, spatial_down=spatial_down, temporal_down=temporal_down |
) |
curr_res = curr_res // 2 |
self.down.append(down) |
self.mid = nn.Module() |
self.mid.block_1 = CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d( |
in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in, dropout=dropout, num_groups=1 |
) |
self.mid.attn_1 = nn.Sequential( |
CausalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1), CausalTemporalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1) |
) |
self.mid.block_2 = CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d( |
in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in, dropout=dropout, num_groups=1 |
) |
self.norm_out = CausalNormalize(block_in, num_groups=1) |
self.conv_out = nn.Sequential( |
CausalConv3d(block_in, z_channels, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, padding=1), |
CausalConv3d(z_channels, z_channels, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, padding=0), |
) |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
x = self.patcher3d(x) |
h = self.conv_in(x) |
for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions): |
for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks): |
h = self.down[i_level].block[i_block](h) |
if len(self.down[i_level].attn) > 0: |
h = self.down[i_level].attn[i_block](h) |
if i_level != self.num_resolutions - 1: |
h = self.down[i_level].downsample(h) |
h = self.mid.block_1(h) |
h = self.mid.attn_1(h) |
h = self.mid.block_2(h) |
h = self.norm_out(h) |
h = nonlinearity(h) |
h = self.conv_out(h) |
return h |
class DecoderFactorized(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
out_channels: int, |
channels: int, |
channels_mult: list[int], |
num_res_blocks: int, |
attn_resolutions: list[int], |
dropout: float, |
resolution: int, |
z_channels: int, |
spatial_compression: int, |
temporal_compression: int, |
**ignore_kwargs, |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.num_resolutions = len(channels_mult) |
self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks |
patch_size = ignore_kwargs.get("patch_size", 1) |
self.unpatcher3d = UnPatcher3D(patch_size, ignore_kwargs.get("patch_method", "rearrange")) |
out_ch = out_channels * patch_size * patch_size * patch_size |
self.num_spatial_ups = int(math.log2(spatial_compression)) - int(math.log2(patch_size)) |
assert self.num_spatial_ups <= self.num_resolutions, f"Spatially upsample {self.num_resolutions} times at most" |
self.num_temporal_ups = int(math.log2(temporal_compression)) - int(math.log2(patch_size)) |
assert ( |
self.num_temporal_ups <= self.num_resolutions |
), f"Temporally upsample {self.num_resolutions} times at most" |
block_in = channels * channels_mult[self.num_resolutions - 1] |
curr_res = (resolution // patch_size) // 2 ** (self.num_resolutions - 1) |
self.z_shape = (1, z_channels, curr_res, curr_res) |
log.debug("Working with z of shape {} = {} dimensions.".format(self.z_shape, np.prod(self.z_shape))) |
self.conv_in = nn.Sequential( |
CausalConv3d(z_channels, block_in, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, padding=1), |
CausalConv3d(block_in, block_in, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, padding=0), |
) |
self.mid = nn.Module() |
self.mid.block_1 = CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d( |
in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in, dropout=dropout, num_groups=1 |
) |
self.mid.attn_1 = nn.Sequential( |
CausalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1), CausalTemporalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1) |
) |
self.mid.block_2 = CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d( |
in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in, dropout=dropout, num_groups=1 |
) |
legacy_mode = ignore_kwargs.get("legacy_mode", False) |
self.up = nn.ModuleList() |
for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)): |
block = nn.ModuleList() |
attn = nn.ModuleList() |
block_out = channels * channels_mult[i_level] |
for _ in range(self.num_res_blocks + 1): |
block.append( |
CausalResnetBlockFactorized3d( |
in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_out, dropout=dropout, num_groups=1 |
) |
) |
block_in = block_out |
if curr_res in attn_resolutions: |
attn.append( |
nn.Sequential( |
CausalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1), CausalTemporalAttnBlock(block_in, num_groups=1) |
) |
) |
up = nn.Module() |
up.block = block |
up.attn = attn |
if i_level != 0: |
i_level_reverse = self.num_resolutions - i_level - 1 |
if legacy_mode: |
temporal_up = i_level_reverse < self.num_temporal_ups |
else: |
temporal_up = 0 < i_level_reverse < self.num_temporal_ups + 1 |
spatial_up = temporal_up or ( |
i_level_reverse < self.num_spatial_ups and self.num_spatial_ups > self.num_temporal_ups |
) |
up.upsample = CausalHybridUpsample3d(block_in, spatial_up=spatial_up, temporal_up=temporal_up) |
curr_res = curr_res * 2 |
self.up.insert(0, up) |
self.norm_out = CausalNormalize(block_in, num_groups=1) |
self.conv_out = nn.Sequential( |
CausalConv3d(block_in, out_ch, kernel_size=(1, 3, 3), stride=1, padding=1), |
CausalConv3d(out_ch, out_ch, kernel_size=(3, 1, 1), stride=1, padding=0), |
) |
def forward(self, z): |
h = self.conv_in(z) |
h = self.mid.block_1(h) |
h = self.mid.attn_1(h) |
h = self.mid.block_2(h) |
for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)): |
for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks + 1): |
h = self.up[i_level].block[i_block](h) |
if len(self.up[i_level].attn) > 0: |
h = self.up[i_level].attn[i_block](h) |
if i_level != 0: |
h = self.up[i_level].upsample(h) |
h = self.norm_out(h) |
h = nonlinearity(h) |
h = self.conv_out(h) |
h = self.unpatcher3d(h) |
return h |