# FintoAI-data-YKL Configurations for maintaining the Annif projects with YKL vocabulary used at [Finto AI service](ai.finto.fi/). The projects are trained and evaluated using a [DVC (Data Version Control) pipeline](https://dvc.org/doc/start/data-management/data-pipelines) defined in [dvc.yaml](/dvc.yaml). The pipeline takes care of 1. installing Annif in a venv, 2. loading the vocabulary, 3. training the projects, 4. evaluating the projects. When the necessary vocabulary and training corpora are in place the pipeline can be run using the command dvc repro For more information about using DVC with Annif projects see the [DVC exercise of Annif tutorial](https://github.com/NatLibFi/Annif-tutorial/blob/master/exercises/OPT_dvc.md).