from retinaface import RetinaFace from PIL import Image import torch def auto_crop_image(image_path=r"F:\V_Express_V1\Material\Biden_Photo_Big.png", expand_percent=0.15, crop_size=(512, 512)): # Check if CUDA is available if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = 'cuda' print("Using GPU for RetinaFace detection.") else: device = 'cpu' print("Using CPU for RetinaFace detection.") # Load image img = # Perform face detection faces = RetinaFace.detect_faces(image_path) if not faces: print("No faces detected.") return None # Assuming 'faces' is a dictionary of detected faces # Pick the first face detected face = list(faces.values())[0] landmarks = face['landmarks'] # Extract the landmarks right_eye = landmarks['right_eye'] left_eye = landmarks['left_eye'] right_mouth = landmarks['mouth_right'] left_mouth = landmarks['mouth_left'] # Calculate the distance between the eyes eye_distance = abs(right_eye[0] - left_eye[0]) # Estimate the head width and height head_width = eye_distance * 4.5 # Increase the width multiplier head_height = eye_distance * 6.5 # Increase the height multiplier # Calculate the center point between the eyes eye_center_x = (right_eye[0] + left_eye[0]) // 2 eye_center_y = (right_eye[1] + left_eye[1]) // 2 # Calculate the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the assumed head region head_left = max(0, int(eye_center_x - head_width // 2)) head_top = max(0, int(eye_center_y - head_height // 2)) # Adjust the top coordinate head_right = min(img.width, int(eye_center_x + head_width // 2)) head_bottom = min(img.height, int(eye_center_y + head_height // 2)) # Adjust the bottom coordinate # Save the assumed head image assumed_head_img = img.crop((head_left, head_top, head_right, head_bottom))"assumed_head.png", format='PNG') # Calculate the expansion in pixels and the new dimensions expanded_w = int(head_width * (1 + expand_percent)) expanded_h = int(head_height * (1 + expand_percent)) # Calculate the top-left and bottom-right points of the expanded box center_x, center_y = head_left + head_width // 2, head_top + head_height // 2 left = max(0, center_x - expanded_w // 2) right = min(img.width, center_x + expanded_w // 2) top = max(0, center_y - expanded_h // 2) bottom = min(img.height, center_y + expanded_h // 2) # Crop the image with the expanded boundaries cropped_img = img.crop((left, top, right, bottom))"expanded_face.png", format='PNG') # Calculate the aspect ratio of the cropped image cropped_width, cropped_height = cropped_img.size aspect_ratio = cropped_width / cropped_height # Calculate the target dimensions based on the desired crop size target_width = crop_size[0] target_height = crop_size[1] # Adjust the crop to match the desired aspect ratio if aspect_ratio > target_width / target_height: # Crop from left and right new_width = int(cropped_height * target_width / target_height) left_crop = (cropped_width - new_width) // 2 right_crop = left_crop + new_width top_crop = 0 bottom_crop = cropped_height else: # Crop from top and bottom new_height = int(cropped_width * target_height / target_width) top_crop = (cropped_height - new_height) // 2 bottom_crop = top_crop + new_height left_crop = 0 right_crop = cropped_width # Crop the image with the adjusted boundaries final_cropped_img = cropped_img.crop((left_crop, top_crop, right_crop, bottom_crop))"final_cropped_img.png", format='PNG') # Resize the cropped image to the desired size (512x512 by default) with best quality resized_img = final_cropped_img.resize(crop_size, resample=Image.LANCZOS) # Save the resized image as PNG resized_img_path = image_path.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '_cropped.png' # Change file name to avoid overwriting"resized_img.png", format='PNG') auto_crop_image()