from utils.basic_utils import load_jsonl, save_jsonl, load_json import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict import copy def calculate_iou(pred_start: float, pred_end: float, gt_start: float, gt_end: float) -> float: intersection_start = max(pred_start, gt_start) intersection_end = min(pred_end, gt_end) intersection = max(0, intersection_end - intersection_start) union = (pred_end - pred_start) + (gt_end - gt_start) - intersection return intersection / union if union > 0 else 0 # Function to calculate DCG def calculate_dcg(scores): return sum((2**score - 1) / np.log2(idx + 2) for idx, score in enumerate(scores)) # Function to calculate NDCG def calculate_ndcg(pred_scores, true_scores): dcg = calculate_dcg(pred_scores) idcg = calculate_dcg(sorted(true_scores, reverse=True)) return dcg / idcg if idcg > 0 else 0 def calculate_ndcg_iou(all_gt, all_pred, TS, KS): performance = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) performance_avg = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) for k in tqdm(all_pred.keys(), desc="Calculate NDCG"): one_pred = all_pred[k] one_gt = all_gt[k] one_gt.sort(key=lambda x: x["relevance"], reverse=True) for T in TS: one_gt_drop = copy.deepcopy(one_gt) predictions_with_scores = [] for pred in one_pred: pred_video_name, pred_time = pred["video_name"], pred["timestamp"] matched_rows = [gt for gt in one_gt_drop if gt["video_name"] == pred_video_name] if not matched_rows: pred["pred_relevance"] = 0 else: ious = [calculate_iou(pred_time[0], pred_time[1], gt["timestamp"][0], gt["timestamp"][1]) for gt in matched_rows] max_iou_idx = np.argmax(ious) max_iou_row = matched_rows[max_iou_idx] if ious[max_iou_idx] > T: pred["pred_relevance"] = max_iou_row["relevance"] # Remove the matched ground truth row original_idx = one_gt_drop.index(max_iou_row) one_gt_drop.pop(original_idx) else: pred["pred_relevance"] = 0 predictions_with_scores.append(pred) for K in KS: true_scores = [gt["relevance"] for gt in one_gt][:K] pred_scores = [pred["pred_relevance"] for pred in predictions_with_scores][:K] ndcg_score = calculate_ndcg(pred_scores, true_scores) performance[K][T].append(ndcg_score) for K, vs in performance.items(): for T, v in vs.items(): performance_avg[K][T] = np.mean(v) return performance_avg