{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "#Set Up Environment" ], "metadata": { "id": "sw90-qdlsfs2" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "id": "5mJq1ix8Tera", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "b8c711eb-406a-4f19-b6de-ad329eb695a0" }, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://us-python.pkg.dev/colab-wheels/public/simple/\n", "Requirement already satisfied: kaggle in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (1.5.13)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (4.65.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (2022.12.7)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (1.26.15)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (1.16.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-slugify in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (8.0.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (2.27.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from kaggle) (2.8.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: text-unidecode>=1.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from python-slugify->kaggle) (1.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from requests->kaggle) (2.0.12)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from requests->kaggle) (3.4)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "\n", "! pip install kaggle\n", "! pip install optuna\n", "! mkdir ~/.kaggle\n", "! cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/\n", "! chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "id": "ySlIx3PUUiVK", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "outputId": "ce2b51ef-85b5-4f4f-f57b-a6ec4d65c463" }, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Downloading train.csv to /content\n", "\r 0% 0.00/450k [00:00, ?B/s]\n", "100% 450k/450k [00:00<00:00, 61.6MB/s]\n", "Downloading test.csv to /content\n", " 0% 0.00/441k [00:00, ?B/s]\n", "100% 441k/441k [00:00<00:00, 34.5MB/s]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "! kaggle competitions download -c house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques -f train.csv\n", "! kaggle competitions download -c house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques -f test.csv" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "5ZTEzNeGiInh" }, "source": [ "#Milestone 2 - Fernando Mantilla\n", "This model uses the sci-kit learn ensemble module to simulate a Gradient Boosting Regressor which will model the Ames Housing Dataset. It fits this to cleaned training data which is used to predict house prices on test data. \n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "##Download Dependencies" ], "metadata": { "id": "xo1BCfCGrEi4" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "#import the necessary dependencies\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import numpy as np\n", "\n", "from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor\n", "from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n", "from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error\n", "from sklearn.metrics import r2_score\n", "from google.colab import data_table\n", "from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score" ], "metadata": { "id": "VSn_GItdq80s" }, "execution_count": 4, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "##Data Handling" ], "metadata": { "id": "F7PImlBhrMYq" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "#load the data\n", "train_data = pd.read_csv(\"train.csv\")\n", "test_data = pd.read_csv(\"test.csv\")\n", "\n", "\n", "#clean the data\n", "cleanup_cats = {\"MSZoning\": {\"A\": 1, \"C (all)\": 2, \"FV\": 3, \"I\": 4, \"RH\": 5, \"RL\": 6, \"RP\": 7, \"RM\": 0},\n", " \"Street\": {\"Grvl\": 1, \"Pave\": 0},\n", " \"Alley\" : {\"NA\": 1, \"Grvl\": 2, \"Pave\": 0}, \n", " \"LotShape\": {\"Reg\": 1, \"IR1\": 2, \"IR2\": 3, \"IR3\": 0},\n", " \"LandContour\": {\"Lvl\": 1, \"Bnk\": 2, \"HLS\": 3, \"Low\": 0},\n", " \"Utilities\": {\"AllPub\": 0, \"NoSewr\": 3, \"NoSeWa\" : 2, \"ELO\": 1},\n", " \"LotConfig\": {\"Inside\": 1, \"Corner\": 2, \"CulDSac\": 3, \"FR2\": 4, \"FR3\": 0},\n", " \"LandSlope\": {\"Gtl\": 1, \"Mod\": 2, \"Sev\": 0},\n", " \"Neighborhood\": {\"Blmngtn\": 1, \"Blueste\": 2, \"BrDale\": 3, \"BrkSide\": 4, \"ClearCr\": 5, \"CollgCr\": 6, \"Crawfor\": 7, \"Edwards\" : 8, \"Gilbert\": 9, \"IDOTRR\": 10, \"MeadowV\": 11, \"Mitchel\": 12, \"NAmes\": 13, \"NoRidge\": 14, \"NPkVill\": 15, \"NridgHt\": 16, \"NWAmes\": 17, \"OldTown\": 18, \"SWISU\": 19, \"Sawyer\": 20, \"SawyerW\": 21, \"Somerst\": 22, \"StoneBr\": 23, \"Timber\": 24, \"Veenker\": 0},\n", " \"Condition1\": {\"Artery\": 1, \"Feedr\": 2, \"Norm\": 3, \"RRNn\": 4, \"RRAn\": 5, \"PosN\": 6, \"PosA\": 7, \"RRNe\": 8, \"RRAe\": 0},\n", " \"Condition2\": {\"Artery\": 1, \"Feedr\": 2, \"Norm\": 3, \"RRNn\": 4, \"RRAn\": 5, \"PosN\": 6, \"PosA\": 7, \"RRNe\": 8, \"RRAe\": 0},\n", " \"BldgType\": {\"1Fam\": 1, \"2fmCon\": 2, \"Duplex\": 3, \"TwnhsE\": 4, \"TwnhsI\": 5, \"Twnhs\": 0},\n", " \"HouseStyle\": {\"1Story\": 1, \"1.5Fin\": 2, \"1.5Unf\": 3, \"2Story\": 4, \"2.5Fin\": 5, \"2.5Unf\": 6, \"SFoyer\": 7, \"SLvl\": 0},\n", " \"RoofStyle\": {\"Flat\": 1, \"Gable\": 2, \"Gambrel\": 3, \"Hip\": 4, \"Mansard\": 5, \"Shed\": 0},\n", " \"RoofMatl\": {\"ClyTile\": 1, \"CompShg\": 2, \"Membran\": 3, \"Metal\": 4, \"Roll\": 5, \"Tar&Grv\": 6, \"WdShake\": 7, \"WdShngl\": 0},\n", " \"Exterior1st\": {\"AsbShng\": 1, \"AsphShn\": 2, \"BrkComm\": 3, \"BrkFace\": 4, \"CBlock\": 5, \"CemntBd\": 6, \"HdBoard\": 7, \"ImStucc\": 8, \"MetalSd\": 9, \"Other\": 10, \"Plywood\": 11, \"Precast\": 12, \"Stone\": 13, \"Stucco\": 14, \"VinylSd\": 15, \"WdShing\": 16, \"Wd Sdng\": 0},\n", " \"Exterior2nd\": {\"AsbShng\": 1, \"AsphShn\": 2, \"Brk Cmn\": 3, \"BrkFace\": 4, \"CBlock\": 5, \"CmentBd\": 6, \"HdBoard\": 7, \"ImStucc\": 8, \"MetalSd\": 9, \"Other\": 10, \"Plywood\": 11, \"Precast\": 12, \"Stone\": 13, \"Stucco\": 14, \"VinylSd\": 15, \"Wd Shng\": 16, \"Wd Sdng\": 0},\n", " \"MasVnrType\": {\"None\": 1, \"BrkCmn\": 2, \"BrkFace\": 3, \"CBlock\": 4, \"Stone\": 0},\n", " \"ExterQual\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 0},\n", " \"ExterCond\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 0},\n", " \"Foundation\": {\"BrkTil\": 1, \"CBlock\": 2, \"PConc\": 3, \"Slab\": 4, \"Stone\": 5, \"Wood\": 0},\n", " \"BsmtQual\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 5, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"BsmtCond\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 5, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"BsmtExposure\": {\"NA\": 1, \"No\": 2, \"Mn\": 3, \"Av\": 4, \"Gd\": 0},\n", " \"BsmtFinType1\": {\"GLQ\": 1, \"ALQ\": 2, \"BLQ\": 3, \"Rec\": 4, \"LwQ\": 5, \"Unf\": 6, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"BsmtFinType2\": {\"GLQ\": 1, \"ALQ\": 2, \"BLQ\": 3, \"Rec\": 4, \"LwQ\": 5, \"Unf\": 6, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"Heating\": {\"Floor\": 1, \"GasA\": 2, \"GasW\": 3, \"Grav\": 4, \"OthW\": 5, \"Wall\": 0},\n", " \"HeatingQC\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 0},\n", " \"CentralAir\": {\"N\": 0, \"Y\": 1},\n", " \"Electrical\": {\"SBrkr\": 1, \"FuseA\": 2, \"FuseF\": 3, \"FuseP\": 4, \"Mix\": 0},\n", " \"KitchenQual\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 0},\n", " \"Functional\": {\"Typ\": 1, \"Min1\": 2, \"Min2\": 3, \"Mod\": 4, \"Maj1\": 5, \"Maj2\": 6, \"Sev\": 7, \"Sal\": 0},\n", " \"FireplaceQu\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 5, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"GarageType\": {\"2Types\": 1, \"Attchd\": 2, \"Basment\": 3, \"BuiltIn\": 4, \"CarPort\": 5, \"Detchd\": 6, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"GarageFinish\": {\"NA\": 1, \"Unf\": 2, \"RFn\": 3, \"Fin\": 0},\n", " \"GarageQual\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 5, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"GarageCond\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 5, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"PavedDrive\": {\"N\": 0, \"P\": 1, \"Y\": 2},\n", " \"PoolQC\": {\"Po\": 1, \"Fa\": 2, \"TA\": 3, \"Gd\": 4, \"Ex\": 0},\n", " \"Fence\": {\"NA\": 1, \"MnWw\": 2,\"GdWo\": 3, \"MnPrv\": 4, \"GdPrv\": 0},\n", " \"MiscFeature\": {\"Elev\": 1, \"Gar2\": 2, \"Othr\": 3, \"Shed\": 4, \"TenC\": 5, \"NA\": 0},\n", " \"SaleType\": {\"WD\": 1, \"CWD\": 2, \"VWD\": 3, \"New\": 4, \"COD\": 5, \"Con\": 6, \"ConLw\": 7, \"ConLI\": 8, \"ConLD\": 9, \"Oth\": 0},\n", " \"SaleCondition\":{\"Normal\": 1, \"Abnorml\": 2, \"AdjLand\": 3, \"Alloca\": 4, \"Family\": 5, \"Partial\": 0}}\n", "\n", "\n", "#Drop ID columns\n", "train_data = train_data.drop(\"Id\", axis = 1)\n", "test_data = test_data.drop(\"Id\", axis = 1)\n" ], "metadata": { "id": "DPsVMOOzrB_a" }, "execution_count": 74, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "#this is to encode each category with integers\n", "train_data = train_data.replace(cleanup_cats);\n", "test_data = test_data.replace(cleanup_cats);\n", "\n", "#remove columns with NaN\n", "removals = train_data.columns[train_data.isnull().any()]\n", "Train_data = train_data.drop(removals, axis = 1)\n", "Test_data = test_data.drop(removals,axis=1 )\n" ], "metadata": { "id": "LbrTWIXfhtmW" }, "execution_count": 75, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 76, "metadata": { "id": "pZ27ORkDL4vZ" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#split the training data set\n", "X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(Train_data.drop('SalePrice', axis=1), Train_data['SalePrice'], test_size=0.2, shuffle = True, random_state=42)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "24gKD2QKtfji" }, "source": [ "#WITH LIGHT GRADIENT BOOST MODEL\n", "Here, I create a dataset out of the previously split data to feed into a lightgbm model with the objective \"regression\". As you may be able to tell, the parameters I have chosen were hand-chosen based on trial-and-error.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 101, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "M_pJ44f-te4Z", "outputId": "3f8fd8f6-71c7-4c7a-a263-3d8785458d34" }, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument\n", "'early_stopping_rounds' argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of LightGBM. Pass 'early_stopping()' callback via 'callbacks' argument instead.\n" ] }, { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "\u001b[1;30;43mStreaming output truncated to the last 5000 lines.\u001b[0m\n", "[6316]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32321.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6317]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32320.8\n", "[6318]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.8\n", "[6319]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.3\n", "[6320]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32319.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6321]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.9\n", "[6322]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6323]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.3\n", "[6324]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6325]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6326]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.1\n", "[6327]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6328]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6329]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6330]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32316.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6331]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.4\n", "[6332]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6333]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.7\n", "[6334]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6335]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6336]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6337]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32317.4\n", "[6338]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32316.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6339]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32315.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6340]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.5\n", "[6341]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.6\n", "[6342]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.6\n", "[6343]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32314.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6344]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32314.6\n", "[6345]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6346]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6347]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.5\n", "[6348]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6349]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.8\n", "[6350]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6351]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6352]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.7\n", "[6353]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6354]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.3\n", "[6355]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6356]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6357]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6358]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6359]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6360]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6361]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6362]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32310.6\n", "[6363]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32308.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6364]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.8\n", "[6365]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.4\n", "[6366]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32308.4\n", "[6367]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.4\n", "[6368]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32305.4\n", "[6369]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32304.7\n", "[6370]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.3\n", "[6371]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6372]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306\n", "[6373]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32303.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6374]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32302.3\n", "[6375]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32301.1\n", "[6376]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32300.1\n", "[6377]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32300.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6378]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32300.8\n", "[6379]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32301.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6380]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32302.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6381]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32302.1\n", "[6382]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32301.1\n", "[6383]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32299.1\n", "[6384]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6385]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.5\n", "[6386]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.6\n", "[6387]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6388]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.8\n", "[6389]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6390]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.9\n", "[6391]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6392]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.6\n", "[6393]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6394]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6395]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.4\n", "[6396]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6397]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.9\n", "[6398]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6399]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.1\n", "[6400]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295.2\n", "[6401]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6402]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6403]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6404]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.6\n", "[6405]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.7\n", "[6406]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6407]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293\n", "[6408]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6409]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6410]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.5\n", "[6411]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6412]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.1\n", "[6413]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.8\n", "[6414]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.3\n", "[6415]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6416]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6417]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.4\n", "[6418]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293\n", "[6419]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.8\n", "[6420]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.7\n", "[6421]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.8\n", "[6422]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6423]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.8\n", "[6424]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297\n", "[6425]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295\n", "[6426]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6427]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295.3\n", "[6428]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.4\n", "[6429]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6430]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.4\n", "[6431]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296\n", "[6432]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6433]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6434]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295.9\n", "[6435]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6436]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32296.5\n", "[6437]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32295.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6438]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.8\n", "[6439]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6440]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.4\n", "[6441]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.3\n", "[6442]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.4\n", "[6443]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.1\n", "[6444]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6445]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.3\n", "[6446]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.6\n", "[6447]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6448]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6449]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.2\n", "[6450]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.7\n", "[6451]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.4\n", "[6452]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6453]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.6\n", "[6454]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6455]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6456]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.8\n", "[6457]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6458]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6459]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.6\n", "[6460]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.5\n", "[6461]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6462]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.8\n", "[6463]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6464]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.8\n", "[6465]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6466]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.7\n", "[6467]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6468]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6469]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.6\n", "[6470]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6471]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6472]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6473]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.7\n", "[6474]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6475]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289\n", "[6476]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6477]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.6\n", "[6478]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6479]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6480]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6481]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.2\n", "[6482]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6483]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288\n", "[6484]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6485]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6486]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6487]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287\n", "[6488]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6489]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287.6\n", "[6490]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6491]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6492]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.9\n", "[6493]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.5\n", "[6494]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32286.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6495]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.8\n", "[6496]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6497]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32284.6\n", "[6498]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6499]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6500]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.2\n", "[6501]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6502]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6503]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6504]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.8\n", "[6505]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6506]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32284.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6507]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32284.3\n", "[6508]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32283.4\n", "[6509]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32281.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6510]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.4\n", "[6511]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32281.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6512]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6513]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.3\n", "[6514]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6515]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.9\n", "[6516]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.5\n", "[6517]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6518]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.4\n", "[6519]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32281.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6520]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.7\n", "[6521]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6522]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6523]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.8\n", "[6524]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6525]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279\n", "[6526]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6527]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32278.8\n", "[6528]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6529]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32279.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6530]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32278.8\n", "[6531]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32277.9\n", "[6532]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32278\n", "[6533]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32277.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6534]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32276.9\n", "[6535]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32277.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6536]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32276.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6537]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32275.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6538]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32277.5\n", "[6539]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32276.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6540]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32275.7\n", "[6541]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32277\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6542]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32276\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6543]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32276.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6544]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32275.3\n", "[6545]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32275.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6546]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32274.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6547]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32274.2\n", "[6548]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32273.3\n", "[6549]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.9\n", "[6550]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32273.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6551]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32273.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6552]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32273.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6553]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32273.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6554]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271.8\n", "[6555]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32273.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6556]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32272.3\n", "[6557]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32272.2\n", "[6558]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6559]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6560]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271.2\n", "[6561]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6562]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32269.8\n", "[6563]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6564]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32269.6\n", "[6565]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6566]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6567]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6568]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6569]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32270.2\n", "[6570]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32267.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6571]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32267.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6572]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32266.3\n", "[6573]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32265.9\n", "[6574]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32263.6\n", "[6575]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6576]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6577]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6578]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32265.5\n", "[6579]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.8\n", "[6580]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6581]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.1\n", "[6582]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32265.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6583]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.1\n", "[6584]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6585]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32263.7\n", "[6586]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32264.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6587]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32263.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6588]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32262.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6589]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32263.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6590]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32262.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6591]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32262.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6592]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32261.7\n", "[6593]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32259.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6594]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32259.1\n", "[6595]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.1\n", "[6596]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.8\n", "[6597]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.4\n", "[6598]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6599]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32259\n", "[6600]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6601]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.3\n", "[6602]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.4\n", "[6603]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6604]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.8\n", "[6605]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6606]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6607]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.4\n", "[6608]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.2\n", "[6609]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6610]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.2\n", "[6611]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6612]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.6\n", "[6613]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.3\n", "[6614]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.1\n", "[6615]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.1\n", "[6616]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.1\n", "[6617]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6618]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.1\n", "[6619]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.9\n", "[6620]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6621]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6622]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6623]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.3\n", "[6624]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6625]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6626]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.7\n", "[6627]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6628]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6629]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.6\n", "[6630]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6631]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.1\n", "[6632]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.7\n", "[6633]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6634]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6635]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.5\n", "[6636]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6637]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.5\n", "[6638]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6639]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6640]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6641]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6642]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.2\n", "[6643]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6644]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255\n", "[6645]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.7\n", "[6646]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.2\n", "[6647]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6648]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6649]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.9\n", "[6650]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6651]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.6\n", "[6652]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.3\n", "[6653]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.4\n", "[6654]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6655]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6656]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.8\n", "[6657]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.4\n", "[6658]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.7\n", "[6659]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6660]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.7\n", "[6661]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32253.6\n", "[6662]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6663]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32251.9\n", "[6664]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.1\n", "[6665]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32251.9\n", "[6666]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.4\n", "[6667]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6668]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.2\n", "[6669]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6670]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6671]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6672]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.1\n", "[6673]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6674]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6675]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6676]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.9\n", "[6677]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6678]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.4\n", "[6679]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32251.9\n", "[6680]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32249.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6681]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32250.5\n", "[6682]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32248\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6683]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32248.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6684]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32247.4\n", "[6685]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32245\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6686]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32245.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6687]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32244.4\n", "[6688]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32242.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6689]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32242\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6690]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32241\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6691]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32240.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6692]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32240.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6693]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6694]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32237.2\n", "[6695]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32237.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6696]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32236.4\n", "[6697]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32237.7\n", "[6698]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6699]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32239.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6700]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32239.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6701]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.1\n", "[6702]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32239.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6703]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6704]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.7\n", "[6705]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.3\n", "[6706]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32240.9\n", "[6707]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6708]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32237.9\n", "[6709]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6710]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32239.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6711]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.8\n", "[6712]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32238.4\n", "[6713]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32237.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6714]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32236.9\n", "[6715]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6716]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6717]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32235.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6718]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.9\n", "[6719]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32232.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6720]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32231.7\n", "[6721]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6722]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6723]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6724]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32232.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6725]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32230.5\n", "[6726]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229.9\n", "[6727]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.9\n", "[6728]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32230\n", "[6729]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6730]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.3\n", "[6731]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229.1\n", "[6732]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32230\n", "[6733]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6734]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.4\n", "[6735]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.4\n", "[6736]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6737]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.1\n", "[6738]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6739]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6740]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6741]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6742]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.6\n", "[6743]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229.5\n", "[6744]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6745]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.5\n", "[6746]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6747]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6748]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229\n", "[6749]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.7\n", "[6750]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.3\n", "[6751]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6752]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.4\n", "[6753]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6754]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.8\n", "[6755]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6756]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6757]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.4\n", "[6758]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6759]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.1\n", "[6760]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6761]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6762]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32222.2\n", "[6763]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.2\n", "[6764]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.9\n", "[6765]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6766]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.5\n", "[6767]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.3\n", "[6768]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.1\n", "[6769]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.6\n", "[6770]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.2\n", "[6771]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.2\n", "[6772]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.4\n", "[6773]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6774]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.2\n", "[6775]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6776]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.5\n", "[6777]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.3\n", "[6778]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229.5\n", "[6779]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.7\n", "[6780]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.2\n", "[6781]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6782]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6783]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.1\n", "[6784]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.8\n", "[6785]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.6\n", "[6786]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.9\n", "[6787]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227\n", "[6788]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.6\n", "[6789]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6790]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6791]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.8\n", "[6792]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.5\n", "[6793]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.8\n", "[6794]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.5\n", "[6795]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223\n", "[6796]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32222.8\n", "[6797]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.7\n", "[6798]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32222.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6799]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32222.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6800]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.1\n", "[6801]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32220.7\n", "[6802]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.9\n", "[6803]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6804]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.2\n", "[6805]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.4\n", "[6806]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6807]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32223.4\n", "[6808]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.7\n", "[6809]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.5\n", "[6810]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6811]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6812]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32220.4\n", "[6813]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32220.1\n", "[6814]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32220\n", "[6815]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32220.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6816]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32218.8\n", "[6817]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32218.3\n", "[6818]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32217.3\n", "[6819]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32218.3\n", "[6820]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32219.4\n", "[6821]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32219.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6822]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32218.2\n", "[6823]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.4\n", "[6824]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32221.7\n", "[6825]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.8\n", "[6826]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32225.4\n", "[6827]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32224.9\n", "[6828]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.1\n", "[6829]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32226.1\n", "[6830]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32228.4\n", "[6831]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32229\n", "[6832]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32227.1\n", "[6833]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32231.2\n", "[6834]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.3\n", "[6835]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.9\n", "[6836]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32234.5\n", "[6837]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32232.6\n", "[6838]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32236.7\n", "[6839]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32239.8\n", "[6840]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32240.4\n", "[6841]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32239.9\n", "[6842]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32242.2\n", "[6843]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32242.5\n", "[6844]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32246.6\n", "[6845]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32245\n", "[6846]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32248.1\n", "[6847]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32248.4\n", "[6848]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32252.5\n", "[6849]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32255.5\n", "[6850]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32256.1\n", "[6851]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32254.3\n", "[6852]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32258.4\n", "[6853]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32257.9\n", "[6854]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32260.9\n", "[6855]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32261.6\n", "[6856]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32259.8\n", "[6857]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32262\n", "[6858]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32262.6\n", "[6859]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32266.6\n", "[6860]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32266.2\n", "[6861]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32269.2\n", "[6862]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32267.4\n", "[6863]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271.4\n", "[6864]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32272.1\n", "[6865]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32271.6\n", "[6866]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32274.6\n", "[6867]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32275\n", "[6868]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32277.1\n", "[6869]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32275.7\n", "[6870]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32276.3\n", "[6871]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.3\n", "[6872]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32280.5\n", "[6873]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32281.5\n", "[6874]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32284.4\n", "[6875]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32282.7\n", "[6876]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32286.6\n", "[6877]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287.5\n", "[6878]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32288.5\n", "[6879]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6880]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287.6\n", "[6881]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32287\n", "[6882]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32285.3\n", "[6883]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.2\n", "[6884]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.4\n", "[6885]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290.4\n", "[6886]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290.8\n", "[6887]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32289.4\n", "[6888]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32290\n", "[6889]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.9\n", "[6890]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.5\n", "[6891]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32292.9\n", "[6892]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32291.3\n", "[6893]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.2\n", "[6894]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32294.8\n", "[6895]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32293.2\n", "[6896]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.1\n", "[6897]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.4\n", "[6898]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.3\n", "[6899]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32297.7\n", "[6900]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.4\n", "[6901]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.1\n", "[6902]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32298.5\n", "[6903]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32302.3\n", "[6904]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32304.5\n", "[6905]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32302.9\n", "[6906]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306.7\n", "[6907]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306.1\n", "[6908]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306.8\n", "[6909]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306.5\n", "[6910]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.4\n", "[6911]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.7\n", "[6912]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.1\n", "[6913]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32308.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6914]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307\n", "[6915]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32305.4\n", "[6916]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32309.2\n", "[6917]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32308.6\n", "[6918]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32309.6\n", "[6919]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32309.3\n", "[6920]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32310\n", "[6921]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32308.7\n", "[6922]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32307.1\n", "[6923]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32306.9\n", "[6924]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32310.7\n", "[6925]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32311\n", "[6926]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32312.1\n", "[6927]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32311.2\n", "[6928]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32314\n", "[6929]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32314.7\n", "[6930]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32314.9\n", "[6931]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.9\n", "[6932]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32314.8\n", "[6933]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32313.5\n", "[6934]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32311.9\n", "[6935]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32315.7\n", "[6936]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32315.4\n", "[6937]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32315.2\n", "[6938]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.9\n", "[6939]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32320.1\n", "[6940]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32320.8\n", "[6941]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32320.2\n", "[6942]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32320\n", "[6943]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32318.4\n", "[6944]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.1\n", "[6945]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323.1\n", "[6946]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.2\n", "[6947]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323.1\n", "[6948]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.5\n", "[6949]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.3\n", "[6950]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323\n", "[6951]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.8\n", "[6952]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32321.9\n", "[6953]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323\n", "[6954]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.4\n", "[6955]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.6\n", "[6956]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.6\n", "[6957]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6958]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.6\n", "[6959]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.1\n", "[6960]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323.5\n", "[6961]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.4\n", "[6962]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32328.1\n", "[6963]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32327.5\n", "[6964]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.9\n", "[6965]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32327\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6966]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32326.8\n", "[6967]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.6\n", "[6968]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.3\n", "[6969]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.5\n", "[6970]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32325.3\n", "[6971]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.4\n", "[6972]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.2\n", "[6973]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324\n", "[6974]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32322.7\n", "[6975]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323.7\n", "[6976]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32323.5\n", "[6977]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32324.7\n", "[6978]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32328.3\n", "[6979]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32327.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6980]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32327.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6981]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32326.1\n", "[6982]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32328.9\n", "[6983]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32329.4\n", "[6984]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32332.5\n", "[6985]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32331.9\n", "[6986]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32330.5\n", "[6987]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32328.9\n", "[6988]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32329.8\n", "[6989]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32331.6\n", "[6990]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32331.7\n", "[6991]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32330.8\n", "[6992]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32331.9\n", "[6993]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32335\n", "[6994]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32334.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[6995]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.7\n", "[6996]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.5\n", "[6997]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32332.9\n", "[6998]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.6\n", "[6999]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32332.4\n", "[7000]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.3\n", "[7001]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32331.8\n", "[7002]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32332.9\n", "[7003]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7004]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.7\n", "[7005]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.6\n", "[7006]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.4\n", "[7007]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32336.5\n", "[7008]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32335.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7009]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32334.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7010]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32334.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7011]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.3\n", "[7012]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32333.3\n", "[7013]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32334.5\n", "[7014]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32334.3\n", "[7015]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32334.8\n", "[7016]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32336.6\n", "[7017]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32336.7\n", "[7018]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32339.8\n", "[7019]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32338.5\n", "[7020]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32341.3\n", "[7021]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32341.7\n", "[7022]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32343.5\n", "[7023]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32343.6\n", "[7024]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32343.6\n", "[7025]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32344.9\n", "[7026]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.6\n", "[7027]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32344.7\n", "[7028]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32344.6\n", "[7029]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.6\n", "[7030]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.1\n", "[7031]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.6\n", "[7032]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32344.1\n", "[7033]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.4\n", "[7034]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.7\n", "[7035]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.6\n", "[7036]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.6\n", "[7037]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.7\n", "[7038]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.7\n", "[7039]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.6\n", "[7040]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.4\n", "[7041]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.1\n", "[7042]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.2\n", "[7043]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.9\n", "[7044]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.7\n", "[7045]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.1\n", "[7046]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347\n", "[7047]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.4\n", "[7048]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.2\n", "[7049]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.9\n", "[7050]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.9\n", "[7051]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.3\n", "[7052]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.3\n", "[7053]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.3\n", "[7054]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.2\n", "[7055]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.3\n", "[7056]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.6\n", "[7057]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32345.5\n", "[7058]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.8\n", "[7059]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.6\n", "[7060]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.4\n", "[7061]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.2\n", "[7062]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.5\n", "[7063]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.2\n", "[7064]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7065]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.5\n", "[7066]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.5\n", "[7067]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.4\n", "[7068]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.6\n", "[7069]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.1\n", "[7070]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.6\n", "[7071]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7072]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.8\n", "[7073]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.9\n", "[7074]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.9\n", "[7075]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.8\n", "[7076]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.9\n", "[7077]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.7\n", "[7078]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7079]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7080]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.3\n", "[7081]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.7\n", "[7082]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.7\n", "[7083]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.8\n", "[7084]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.7\n", "[7085]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.5\n", "[7086]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.9\n", "[7087]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.4\n", "[7088]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347\n", "[7089]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.7\n", "[7090]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.4\n", "[7091]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.6\n", "[7092]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.1\n", "[7093]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350\n", "[7094]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[7095]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7096]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.6\n", "[7097]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.8\n", "[7098]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7099]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7100]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.3\n", "[7101]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.3\n", "[7102]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.2\n", "[7103]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.9\n", "[7104]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7105]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.3\n", "[7106]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.5\n", "[7107]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7108]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[7109]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7110]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7111]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.9\n", "[7112]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.7\n", "[7113]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.8\n", "[7114]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7115]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[7116]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[7117]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.8\n", "[7118]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[7119]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.2\n", "[7120]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[7121]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7122]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.8\n", "[7123]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[7124]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7125]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.5\n", "[7126]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352\n", "[7127]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7128]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7129]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7130]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.3\n", "[7131]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.4\n", "[7132]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354\n", "[7133]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.8\n", "[7134]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7135]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356\n", "[7136]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.2\n", "[7137]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.5\n", "[7138]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.3\n", "[7139]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[7140]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7141]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357\n", "[7142]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7143]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7144]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.7\n", "[7145]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7146]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7147]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.4\n", "[7148]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7149]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7150]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7151]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.7\n", "[7152]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.8\n", "[7153]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.4\n", "[7154]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.1\n", "[7155]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7156]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7157]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[7158]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.8\n", "[7159]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.3\n", "[7160]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7161]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7162]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[7163]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7164]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.3\n", "[7165]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.8\n", "[7166]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.7\n", "[7167]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.6\n", "[7168]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7169]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.5\n", "[7170]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.4\n", "[7171]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.9\n", "[7172]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.5\n", "[7173]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.6\n", "[7174]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.4\n", "[7175]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7176]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7177]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.1\n", "[7178]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.6\n", "[7179]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.3\n", "[7180]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.4\n", "[7181]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359\n", "[7182]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7183]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.9\n", "[7184]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7185]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7186]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7187]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7188]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.3\n", "[7189]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.7\n", "[7190]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.3\n", "[7191]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.3\n", "[7192]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7193]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.7\n", "[7194]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.7\n", "[7195]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.5\n", "[7196]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.5\n", "[7197]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7198]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7199]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.9\n", "[7200]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.4\n", "[7201]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.2\n", "[7202]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[7203]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.3\n", "[7204]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.3\n", "[7205]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.4\n", "[7206]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.6\n", "[7207]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.5\n", "[7208]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7209]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.5\n", "[7210]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.5\n", "[7211]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.6\n", "[7212]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.7\n", "[7213]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[7214]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7215]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.1\n", "[7216]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.3\n", "[7217]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.9\n", "[7218]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.1\n", "[7219]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.3\n", "[7220]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.5\n", "[7221]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.7\n", "[7222]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.1\n", "[7223]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.9\n", "[7224]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.6\n", "[7225]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7226]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.1\n", "[7227]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.8\n", "[7228]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32363\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7229]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7230]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7231]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.6\n", "[7232]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.7\n", "[7233]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7234]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.3\n", "[7235]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7236]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7237]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.8\n", "[7238]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7239]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.3\n", "[7240]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.3\n", "[7241]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.1\n", "[7242]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.6\n", "[7243]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.6\n", "[7244]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.5\n", "[7245]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.5\n", "[7246]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.9\n", "[7247]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.8\n", "[7248]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.7\n", "[7249]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.9\n", "[7250]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7251]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7252]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.6\n", "[7253]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.8\n", "[7254]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7255]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[7256]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[7257]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7258]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7259]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.5\n", "[7260]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.4\n", "[7261]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7262]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.1\n", "[7263]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.2\n", "[7264]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[7265]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[7266]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7267]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7268]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356\n", "[7269]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7270]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[7271]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.4\n", "[7272]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7273]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7274]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7275]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[7276]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7277]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[7278]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7279]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.6\n", "[7280]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7281]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7282]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[7283]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352\n", "[7284]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7285]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.9\n", "[7286]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.5\n", "[7287]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.4\n", "[7288]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.5\n", "[7289]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.1\n", "[7290]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.5\n", "[7291]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7292]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[7293]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7294]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.7\n", "[7295]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[7296]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7297]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[7298]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7299]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.8\n", "[7300]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7301]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.5\n", "[7302]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.1\n", "[7303]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7304]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7305]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7306]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[7307]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.4\n", "[7308]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7309]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.1\n", "[7310]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.5\n", "[7311]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7312]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.4\n", "[7313]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.5\n", "[7314]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7315]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7316]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351\n", "[7317]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7318]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.1\n", "[7319]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.7\n", "[7320]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.7\n", "[7321]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.9\n", "[7322]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7323]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32349.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7324]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.9\n", "[7325]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7326]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7327]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7328]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.5\n", "[7329]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.7\n", "[7330]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.4\n", "[7331]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32346.9\n", "[7332]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.6\n", "[7333]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348\n", "[7334]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.1\n", "[7335]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.8\n", "[7336]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7337]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32347.2\n", "[7338]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.3\n", "[7339]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.5\n", "[7340]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7341]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32348\n", "[7342]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.4\n", "[7343]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.9\n", "[7344]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[7345]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.8\n", "[7346]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354\n", "[7347]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.7\n", "[7348]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7349]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.4\n", "[7350]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7351]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7352]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.7\n", "[7353]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7354]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.9\n", "[7355]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[7356]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352\n", "[7357]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32350.5\n", "[7358]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.2\n", "[7359]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.6\n", "[7360]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7361]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.8\n", "[7362]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.5\n", "[7363]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.1\n", "[7364]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7365]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.4\n", "[7366]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7367]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.3\n", "[7368]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.4\n", "[7369]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7370]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32356.8\n", "[7371]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.7\n", "[7372]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.2\n", "[7373]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.1\n", "[7374]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7375]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.5\n", "[7376]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358\n", "[7377]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.8\n", "[7378]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.5\n", "[7379]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7380]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.6\n", "[7381]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.2\n", "[7382]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.8\n", "[7383]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.7\n", "[7384]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7385]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.2\n", "[7386]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.1\n", "[7387]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.8\n", "[7388]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.2\n", "[7389]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.8\n", "[7390]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.4\n", "[7391]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7392]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.5\n", "[7393]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365\n", "[7394]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32363.7\n", "[7395]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.4\n", "[7396]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.7\n", "[7397]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.9\n", "[7398]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.7\n", "[7399]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.2\n", "[7400]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.1\n", "[7401]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7402]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.8\n", "[7403]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7404]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[7405]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.9\n", "[7406]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7407]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7408]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7409]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.3\n", "[7410]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[7411]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.9\n", "[7412]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[7413]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7414]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7415]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7416]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.2\n", "[7417]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.4\n", "[7418]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368\n", "[7419]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368\n", "[7420]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7421]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7422]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[7423]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7424]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.6\n", "[7425]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.3\n", "[7426]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7427]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.5\n", "[7428]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7429]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.6\n", "[7430]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.3\n", "[7431]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.7\n", "[7432]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.7\n", "[7433]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.3\n", "[7434]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7435]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.7\n", "[7436]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.6\n", "[7437]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.2\n", "[7438]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.9\n", "[7439]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.1\n", "[7440]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.1\n", "[7441]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.9\n", "[7442]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.8\n", "[7443]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.5\n", "[7444]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.2\n", "[7445]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.1\n", "[7446]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.9\n", "[7447]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.8\n", "[7448]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.8\n", "[7449]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.5\n", "[7450]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.3\n", "[7451]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.2\n", "[7452]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7453]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.4\n", "[7454]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[7455]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.9\n", "[7456]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7457]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.4\n", "[7458]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371\n", "[7459]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371\n", "[7460]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.1\n", "[7461]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.9\n", "[7462]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.7\n", "[7463]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.3\n", "[7464]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.9\n", "[7465]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.1\n", "[7466]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.1\n", "[7467]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.2\n", "[7468]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374\n", "[7469]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374\n", "[7470]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.4\n", "[7471]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[7472]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7473]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.7\n", "[7474]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.1\n", "[7475]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7476]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.3\n", "[7477]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.2\n", "[7478]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.8\n", "[7479]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.1\n", "[7480]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.5\n", "[7481]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.9\n", "[7482]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.5\n", "[7483]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.3\n", "[7484]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.4\n", "[7485]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7486]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.8\n", "[7487]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.8\n", "[7488]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376\n", "[7489]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.3\n", "[7490]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.3\n", "[7491]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.4\n", "[7492]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.4\n", "[7493]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.6\n", "[7494]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376\n", "[7495]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.1\n", "[7496]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.8\n", "[7497]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.3\n", "[7498]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.2\n", "[7499]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.6\n", "[7500]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.5\n", "[7501]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.5\n", "[7502]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.3\n", "[7503]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.6\n", "[7504]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7505]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.7\n", "[7506]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.9\n", "[7507]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.3\n", "[7508]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7509]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.5\n", "[7510]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.8\n", "[7511]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.9\n", "[7512]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.5\n", "[7513]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7514]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.9\n", "[7515]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.4\n", "[7516]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.4\n", "[7517]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.5\n", "[7518]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.5\n", "[7519]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.5\n", "[7520]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.4\n", "[7521]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7522]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7523]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.6\n", "[7524]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.8\n", "[7525]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380\n", "[7526]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7527]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.6\n", "[7528]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7529]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7530]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.7\n", "[7531]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.9\n", "[7532]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.3\n", "[7533]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7534]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.3\n", "[7535]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.3\n", "[7536]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.2\n", "[7537]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.3\n", "[7538]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[7539]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[7540]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376\n", "[7541]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.5\n", "[7542]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.1\n", "[7543]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.2\n", "[7544]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.6\n", "[7545]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.5\n", "[7546]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380\n", "[7547]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.7\n", "[7548]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.1\n", "[7549]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.2\n", "[7550]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7551]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.6\n", "[7552]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7553]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.5\n", "[7554]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.6\n", "[7555]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382\n", "[7556]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.1\n", "[7557]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.2\n", "[7558]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.1\n", "[7559]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7560]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383\n", "[7561]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383\n", "[7562]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.1\n", "[7563]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.2\n", "[7564]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.7\n", "[7565]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7566]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7567]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.5\n", "[7568]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.5\n", "[7569]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.4\n", "[7570]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.4\n", "[7571]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7572]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.8\n", "[7573]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.4\n", "[7574]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385\n", "[7575]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.9\n", "[7576]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7577]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.6\n", "[7578]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7579]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.4\n", "[7580]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.1\n", "[7581]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.6\n", "[7582]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.6\n", "[7583]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.9\n", "[7584]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.2\n", "[7585]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.9\n", "[7586]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.6\n", "[7587]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7588]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[7589]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.2\n", "[7590]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.3\n", "[7591]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.1\n", "[7592]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.5\n", "[7593]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.4\n", "[7594]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.2\n", "[7595]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7596]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.8\n", "[7597]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.9\n", "[7598]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380\n", "[7599]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381\n", "[7600]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382\n", "[7601]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[7602]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[7603]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.8\n", "[7604]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7605]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[7606]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.8\n", "[7607]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7608]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.5\n", "[7609]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.7\n", "[7610]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.9\n", "[7611]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.4\n", "[7612]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.3\n", "[7613]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7614]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7615]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.6\n", "[7616]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.8\n", "[7617]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7618]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.2\n", "[7619]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385\n", "[7620]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.9\n", "[7621]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.9\n", "[7622]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.2\n", "[7623]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.3\n", "[7624]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7625]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.6\n", "[7626]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.8\n", "[7627]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.8\n", "[7628]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7629]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387\n", "[7630]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.2\n", "[7631]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.4\n", "[7632]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.4\n", "[7633]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.6\n", "[7634]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.5\n", "[7635]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7636]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.3\n", "[7637]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7638]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.1\n", "[7639]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.4\n", "[7640]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.6\n", "[7641]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.6\n", "[7642]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.1\n", "[7643]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.3\n", "[7644]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.4\n", "[7645]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.4\n", "[7646]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7647]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387\n", "[7648]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.9\n", "[7649]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.4\n", "[7650]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.8\n", "[7651]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32389.1\n", "[7652]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.8\n", "[7653]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.2\n", "[7654]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.3\n", "[7655]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.6\n", "[7656]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32387.9\n", "[7657]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.3\n", "[7658]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32390.9\n", "[7659]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32390.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7660]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.2\n", "[7661]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.6\n", "[7662]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.7\n", "[7663]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7664]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.3\n", "[7665]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.7\n", "[7666]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.3\n", "[7667]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.6\n", "[7668]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.4\n", "[7669]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.7\n", "[7670]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7671]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394\n", "[7672]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.8\n", "[7673]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393\n", "[7674]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.9\n", "[7675]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.8\n", "[7676]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.7\n", "[7677]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7678]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.3\n", "[7679]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.7\n", "[7680]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.6\n", "[7681]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7682]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392\n", "[7683]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.4\n", "[7684]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.3\n", "[7685]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.5\n", "[7686]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7687]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.1\n", "[7688]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7689]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396\n", "[7690]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.5\n", "[7691]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.5\n", "[7692]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.2\n", "[7693]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.6\n", "[7694]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.3\n", "[7695]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.4\n", "[7696]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.4\n", "[7697]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7698]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396\n", "[7699]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.8\n", "[7700]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.7\n", "[7701]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.4\n", "[7702]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.2\n", "[7703]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7704]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7705]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.7\n", "[7706]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7707]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.8\n", "[7708]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7709]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7710]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.5\n", "[7711]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7712]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.3\n", "[7713]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395\n", "[7714]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7715]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.8\n", "[7716]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7717]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.3\n", "[7718]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.3\n", "[7719]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.3\n", "[7720]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.1\n", "[7721]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.8\n", "[7722]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.8\n", "[7723]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.2\n", "[7724]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.5\n", "[7725]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.5\n", "[7726]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.2\n", "[7727]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.6\n", "[7728]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.6\n", "[7729]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.4\n", "[7730]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7731]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7732]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.4\n", "[7733]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.3\n", "[7734]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7735]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.9\n", "[7736]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7737]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7738]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7739]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.2\n", "[7740]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.4\n", "[7741]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.5\n", "[7742]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.7\n", "[7743]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.6\n", "[7744]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393\n", "[7745]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.5\n", "[7746]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7747]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.1\n", "[7748]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.1\n", "[7749]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7750]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7751]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.8\n", "[7752]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7753]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.2\n", "[7754]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.9\n", "[7755]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.9\n", "[7756]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.1\n", "[7757]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.4\n", "[7758]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.8\n", "[7759]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397\n", "[7760]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.8\n", "[7761]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.8\n", "[7762]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.6\n", "[7763]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.4\n", "[7764]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.4\n", "[7765]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.4\n", "[7766]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.1\n", "[7767]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.8\n", "[7768]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.3\n", "[7769]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.4\n", "[7770]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.9\n", "[7771]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.7\n", "[7772]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7773]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.7\n", "[7774]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.8\n", "[7775]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.8\n", "[7776]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.8\n", "[7777]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.8\n", "[7778]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400\n", "[7779]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[7780]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.7\n", "[7781]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7782]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7783]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.3\n", "[7784]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.6\n", "[7785]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[7786]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.1\n", "[7787]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7788]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.1\n", "[7789]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.5\n", "[7790]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[7791]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.4\n", "[7792]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7793]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7794]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.6\n", "[7795]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.5\n", "[7796]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.6\n", "[7797]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[7798]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7799]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.8\n", "[7800]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.9\n", "[7801]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.5\n", "[7802]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400\n", "[7803]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400\n", "[7804]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[7805]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7806]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399\n", "[7807]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.3\n", "[7808]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.2\n", "[7809]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7810]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[7811]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.5\n", "[7812]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7813]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7814]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.1\n", "[7815]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.3\n", "[7816]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.3\n", "[7817]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7818]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7819]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.4\n", "[7820]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.7\n", "[7821]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[7822]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.9\n", "[7823]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.1\n", "[7824]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7825]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.9\n", "[7826]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7827]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.4\n", "[7828]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[7829]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[7830]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400\n", "[7831]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400\n", "[7832]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.5\n", "[7833]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7834]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.3\n", "[7835]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.3\n", "[7836]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7837]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399\n", "[7838]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[7839]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.9\n", "[7840]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399\n", "[7841]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.6\n", "[7842]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.5\n", "[7843]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.4\n", "[7844]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.3\n", "[7845]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.7\n", "[7846]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.8\n", "[7847]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[7848]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7849]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.8\n", "[7850]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.6\n", "[7851]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.7\n", "[7852]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.7\n", "[7853]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7854]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.3\n", "[7855]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.1\n", "[7856]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.6\n", "[7857]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.6\n", "[7858]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.5\n", "[7859]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.7\n", "[7860]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[7861]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[7862]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7863]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.8\n", "[7864]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.9\n", "[7865]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401\n", "[7866]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[7867]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7868]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7869]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.6\n", "[7870]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.8\n", "[7871]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7872]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7873]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[7874]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.5\n", "[7875]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398\n", "[7876]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7877]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.8\n", "[7878]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[7879]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.7\n", "[7880]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7881]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.9\n", "[7882]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[7883]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.5\n", "[7884]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7885]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.7\n", "[7886]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.7\n", "[7887]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7888]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[7889]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7890]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.4\n", "[7891]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7892]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.2\n", "[7893]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.9\n", "[7894]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.5\n", "[7895]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[7896]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[7897]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.5\n", "[7898]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.2\n", "[7899]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.6\n", "[7900]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.7\n", "[7901]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.5\n", "[7902]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[7903]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.7\n", "[7904]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.8\n", "[7905]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7906]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.3\n", "[7907]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.1\n", "[7908]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.9\n", "[7909]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7910]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[7911]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[7912]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[7913]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[7914]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.7\n", "[7915]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.7\n", "[7916]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7917]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.5\n", "[7918]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7919]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401\n", "[7920]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.2\n", "[7921]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.5\n", "[7922]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[7923]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.9\n", "[7924]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7925]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7926]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.1\n", "[7927]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7928]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7929]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.1\n", "[7930]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7931]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7932]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.1\n", "[7933]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.2\n", "[7934]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7935]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7936]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7937]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7938]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.2\n", "[7939]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.6\n", "[7940]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7941]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.4\n", "[7942]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[7943]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.2\n", "[7944]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7945]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.9\n", "[7946]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[7947]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.2\n", "[7948]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7949]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.2\n", "[7950]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.9\n", "[7951]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.9\n", "[7952]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.2\n", "[7953]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7954]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7955]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.2\n", "[7956]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7957]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.4\n", "[7958]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.5\n", "[7959]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.3\n", "[7960]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.9\n", "[7961]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403.2\n", "[7962]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403.1\n", "[7963]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.5\n", "[7964]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.2\n", "[7965]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403.9\n", "[7966]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404\n", "[7967]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7968]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.1\n", "[7969]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.3\n", "[7970]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.1\n", "[7971]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.9\n", "[7972]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7973]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.8\n", "[7974]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.2\n", "[7975]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7976]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.1\n", "[7977]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32404.5\n", "[7978]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32406.1\n", "[7979]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.7\n", "[7980]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.7\n", "[7981]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32406.3\n", "[7982]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32406.6\n", "[7983]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.5\n", "[7984]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.2\n", "[7985]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.2\n", "[7986]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32406.1\n", "[7987]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7988]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7989]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32408.7\n", "[7990]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.9\n", "[7991]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.8\n", "[7992]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.7\n", "[7993]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.5\n", "[7994]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7995]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7996]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[7997]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.8\n", "[7998]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32412.2\n", "[7999]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32412.6\n", "[8000]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8001]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8002]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8003]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.9\n", "[8004]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.7\n", "[8005]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414\n", "[8006]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.2\n", "[8007]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32412.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8008]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.4\n", "[8009]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8010]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32412.6\n", "[8011]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8012]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8013]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.4\n", "[8014]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.4\n", "[8015]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.5\n", "[8016]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8017]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8018]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.8\n", "[8019]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8020]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.3\n", "[8021]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.6\n", "[8022]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.7\n", "[8023]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8024]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.7\n", "[8025]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8026]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418\n", "[8027]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.1\n", "[8028]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8029]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8030]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.6\n", "[8031]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8032]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.5\n", "[8033]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.3\n", "[8034]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.9\n", "[8035]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417\n", "[8036]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8037]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.5\n", "[8038]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.4\n", "[8039]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.3\n", "[8040]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8041]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.8\n", "[8042]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.3\n", "[8043]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.2\n", "[8044]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.9\n", "[8045]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.3\n", "[8046]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420\n", "[8047]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.8\n", "[8048]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419\n", "[8049]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8050]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.7\n", "[8051]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418\n", "[8052]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.6\n", "[8053]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.8\n", "[8054]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8055]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.8\n", "[8056]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.7\n", "[8057]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8058]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.5\n", "[8059]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.4\n", "[8060]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.6\n", "[8061]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.4\n", "[8062]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.3\n", "[8063]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8064]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.9\n", "[8065]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.5\n", "[8066]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.5\n", "[8067]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8068]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8069]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8070]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8071]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.6\n", "[8072]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.4\n", "[8073]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.6\n", "[8074]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8075]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.9\n", "[8076]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.8\n", "[8077]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8078]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8079]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.1\n", "[8080]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.6\n", "[8081]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8082]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.5\n", "[8083]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.9\n", "[8084]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.5\n", "[8085]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.4\n", "[8086]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.8\n", "[8087]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8088]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.1\n", "[8089]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423\n", "[8090]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.2\n", "[8091]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8092]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422\n", "[8093]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8094]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422.8\n", "[8095]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423\n", "[8096]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.1\n", "[8097]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8098]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.9\n", "[8099]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.8\n", "[8100]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8101]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8102]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.4\n", "[8103]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8104]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8105]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8106]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8107]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8108]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.4\n", "[8109]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.7\n", "[8110]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.1\n", "[8111]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8112]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.9\n", "[8113]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8114]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8115]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8116]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8117]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8118]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.2\n", "[8119]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8120]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8121]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8122]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.1\n", "[8123]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8124]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.4\n", "[8125]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.5\n", "[8126]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8127]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8128]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.8\n", "[8129]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.6\n", "[8130]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.7\n", "[8131]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425.9\n", "[8132]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.8\n", "[8133]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8134]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.3\n", "[8135]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.5\n", "[8136]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.7\n", "[8137]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8138]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8139]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8140]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8141]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8142]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425.3\n", "[8143]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425.6\n", "[8144]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425.4\n", "[8145]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.6\n", "[8146]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8147]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.9\n", "[8148]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.5\n", "[8149]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8150]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.3\n", "[8151]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.3\n", "[8152]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.3\n", "[8153]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8154]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8155]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.3\n", "[8156]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8157]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.8\n", "[8158]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.9\n", "[8159]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.2\n", "[8160]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8161]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.7\n", "[8162]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432\n", "[8163]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8164]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.4\n", "[8165]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8166]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8167]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8168]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.1\n", "[8169]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.7\n", "[8170]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.7\n", "[8171]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.5\n", "[8172]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8173]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.4\n", "[8174]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.8\n", "[8175]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8176]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.1\n", "[8177]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8178]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.4\n", "[8179]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.8\n", "[8180]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433.4\n", "[8181]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32436.5\n", "[8182]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32437.8\n", "[8183]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8184]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.1\n", "[8185]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.4\n", "[8186]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8187]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8188]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.1\n", "[8189]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.9\n", "[8190]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.1\n", "[8191]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8192]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8193]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.7\n", "[8194]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8195]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8196]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32437.9\n", "[8197]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.4\n", "[8198]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.1\n", "[8199]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438\n", "[8200]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.4\n", "[8201]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.8\n", "[8202]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.4\n", "[8203]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.3\n", "[8204]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8205]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.1\n", "[8206]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.4\n", "[8207]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8208]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.4\n", "[8209]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.7\n", "[8210]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.3\n", "[8211]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8212]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.8\n", "[8213]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8214]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8215]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8216]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.7\n", "[8217]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.5\n", "[8218]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8219]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.3\n", "[8220]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.7\n", "[8221]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.6\n", "[8222]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.7\n", "[8223]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8224]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.6\n", "[8225]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.4\n", "[8226]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32439.7\n", "[8227]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8228]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8229]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.5\n", "[8230]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.9\n", "[8231]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32441.1\n", "[8232]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32441.3\n", "[8233]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32442.2\n", "[8234]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32441.5\n", "[8235]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.1\n", "[8236]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32442\n", "[8237]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.1\n", "[8238]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.4\n", "[8239]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8240]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.7\n", "[8241]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8242]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8243]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.1\n", "[8244]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.4\n", "[8245]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8246]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.9\n", "[8247]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8248]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447\n", "[8249]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8250]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8251]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.9\n", "[8252]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8253]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8254]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.6\n", "[8255]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8256]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8257]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8258]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8259]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.9\n", "[8260]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8261]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8262]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8263]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8264]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8265]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8266]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8267]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8268]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32444.8\n", "[8269]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.4\n", "[8270]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8271]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.8\n", "[8272]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446\n", "[8273]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.3\n", "[8274]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.3\n", "[8275]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.3\n", "[8276]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.5\n", "[8277]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8278]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8279]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8280]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.1\n", "[8281]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8282]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446\n", "[8283]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8284]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.8\n", "[8285]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8286]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.7\n", "[8287]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.7\n", "[8288]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.5\n", "[8289]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8290]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.3\n", "[8291]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.5\n", "[8292]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8293]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.7\n", "[8294]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8295]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8296]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8297]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.5\n", "[8298]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8299]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8300]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8301]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8302]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8303]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8304]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.6\n", "[8305]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8306]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.1\n", "[8307]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8308]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8309]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8310]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8311]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.2\n", "[8312]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.9\n", "[8313]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452\n", "[8314]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452\n", "[8315]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.6\n", "[8316]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8317]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.5\n", "[8318]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.6\n", "[8319]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8320]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.3\n", "[8321]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8322]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8323]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454\n", "[8324]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8325]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.5\n", "[8326]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8327]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8328]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8329]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.3\n", "[8330]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8331]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.1\n", "[8332]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.1\n", "[8333]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8334]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8335]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.3\n", "[8336]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8337]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456\n", "[8338]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8339]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8340]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8341]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8342]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[8343]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8344]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.2\n", "[8345]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.6\n", "[8346]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.3\n", "[8347]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.5\n", "[8348]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455\n", "[8349]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8350]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8351]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.5\n", "[8352]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.2\n", "[8353]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.5\n", "[8354]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8355]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.8\n", "[8356]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8357]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.1\n", "[8358]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8359]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8360]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456\n", "[8361]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.2\n", "[8362]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.1\n", "[8363]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.1\n", "[8364]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8365]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8366]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[8367]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.5\n", "[8368]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.4\n", "[8369]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.4\n", "[8370]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.6\n", "[8371]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8372]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.1\n", "[8373]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.2\n", "[8374]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.5\n", "[8375]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8376]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8377]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.2\n", "[8378]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.4\n", "[8379]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.4\n", "[8380]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8381]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8382]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8383]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.1\n", "[8384]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8385]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.9\n", "[8386]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8387]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8388]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8389]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8390]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8391]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8392]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8393]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8394]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8395]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8396]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32454.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8397]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8398]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8399]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8400]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8401]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8402]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8403]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8404]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8405]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8406]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8407]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8408]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8409]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8410]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8411]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8412]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8413]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8414]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8415]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8416]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8417]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8418]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8419]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8420]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8421]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8422]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8423]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8424]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8425]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8426]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8427]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8428]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8429]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8430]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8431]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8432]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8433]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8434]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8435]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8436]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8437]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8438]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8439]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8440]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8441]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8442]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8443]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8444]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8445]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8446]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8447]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8448]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8449]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8450]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8451]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8452]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8453]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8454]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8455]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8456]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8457]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8458]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8459]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8460]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8461]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8462]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8463]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8464]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8465]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8466]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8467]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8468]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8469]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8470]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8471]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8472]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8473]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8474]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8475]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8476]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8477]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8478]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8479]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8480]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8481]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8482]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8483]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8484]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8485]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8486]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8487]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8488]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8489]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8490]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8491]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8492]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8493]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8494]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8495]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8496]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8497]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8498]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8499]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8500]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8501]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8502]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8503]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8504]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8505]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8506]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8507]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8508]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8509]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8510]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8511]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8512]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8513]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8514]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8515]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8516]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8517]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8518]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8519]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8520]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8521]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8522]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8523]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8524]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8525]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8526]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8527]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8528]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8529]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8530]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8531]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8532]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8533]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8534]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8535]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8536]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8537]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8538]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8539]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8540]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8541]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8542]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8543]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8544]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8545]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8546]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8547]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8548]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8549]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8550]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8551]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8552]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8553]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8554]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8555]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8556]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8557]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8558]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8559]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8560]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8561]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8562]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8563]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8564]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8565]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8566]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8567]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8568]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8569]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8570]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8571]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8572]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8573]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8574]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8575]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8576]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8577]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8578]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8579]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8580]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8581]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8582]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8583]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8584]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8585]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8586]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8587]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8588]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8589]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8590]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8591]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8592]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8593]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8594]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8595]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8596]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8597]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8598]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.1\n", "[8599]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8600]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8601]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8602]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8603]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8604]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8605]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8606]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8607]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8608]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8609]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8610]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8611]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8612]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8613]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8614]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8615]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8616]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8617]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8618]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8619]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8620]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8621]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8622]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8623]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8624]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.3\n", "[8625]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8626]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8627]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8628]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8629]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8630]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8631]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8632]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8633]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8634]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8635]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8636]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8637]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8638]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8639]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8640]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8641]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8642]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8643]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8644]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8645]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8646]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8647]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8648]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8649]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8650]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8651]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8652]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8653]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8654]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8655]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[8656]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8657]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8658]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8659]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8660]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8661]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8662]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8663]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8664]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8665]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8666]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8667]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8668]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8669]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8670]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8671]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8672]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8673]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8674]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[8675]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8676]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8677]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8678]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8679]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8680]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8681]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8682]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8683]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8684]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8685]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8686]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8687]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8688]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8689]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8690]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8691]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8692]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8693]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8694]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8695]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8696]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[8697]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8698]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8699]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8700]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[8701]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8702]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8703]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8704]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8705]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8706]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8707]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8708]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8709]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8710]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8711]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8712]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8713]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8714]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8715]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8716]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8717]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8718]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8719]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8720]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8721]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8722]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8723]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8724]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8725]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8726]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8727]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8728]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8729]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8730]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8731]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8732]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8733]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[8734]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8735]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8736]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8737]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8738]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[8739]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8740]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[8741]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[8742]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8743]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8744]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[8745]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8746]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8747]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8748]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8749]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8750]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8751]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8752]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8753]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8754]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.5\n", "[8755]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.1\n", "[8756]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8757]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.7\n", "[8758]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.7\n", "[8759]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8760]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8761]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[8762]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8763]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8764]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8765]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8766]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8767]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8768]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8769]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8770]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8771]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8772]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8773]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8774]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8775]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8776]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8777]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8778]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8779]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8780]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8781]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.7\n", "[8782]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8783]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.2\n", "[8784]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8785]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8786]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8787]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8788]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8789]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[8790]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8791]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.8\n", "[8792]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.5\n", "[8793]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8794]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8795]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8796]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[8797]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8798]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8799]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8800]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8801]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8802]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[8803]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8804]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8805]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8806]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8807]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.7\n", "[8808]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8809]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8810]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8811]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8812]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8813]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8814]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8815]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[8816]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8817]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8818]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8819]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8820]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8821]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8822]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[8823]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8824]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[8825]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8826]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[8827]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8828]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.5\n", "[8829]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8830]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8831]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8832]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.8\n", "[8833]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8834]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478\n", "[8835]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8836]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8837]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8838]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.7\n", "[8839]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480\n", "[8840]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.6\n", "[8841]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.6\n", "[8842]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.8\n", "[8843]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8844]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8845]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.8\n", "[8846]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8847]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.4\n", "[8848]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.2\n", "[8849]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.5\n", "[8850]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8851]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.8\n", "[8852]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.1\n", "[8853]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[8854]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8855]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.9\n", "[8856]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8857]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.2\n", "[8858]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8859]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.1\n", "[8860]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8861]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.9\n", "[8862]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475\n", "[8863]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8864]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8865]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476\n", "[8866]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8867]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.9\n", "[8868]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8869]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[8870]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8871]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8872]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.1\n", "[8873]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.4\n", "[8874]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8875]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8876]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8877]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.9\n", "[8878]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8879]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8880]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8881]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8882]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.7\n", "[8883]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8884]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.6\n", "[8885]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.8\n", "[8886]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.9\n", "[8887]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.3\n", "[8888]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8889]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8890]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.3\n", "[8891]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.2\n", "[8892]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.2\n", "[8893]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8894]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.1\n", "[8895]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8896]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.8\n", "[8897]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.6\n", "[8898]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.8\n", "[8899]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473\n", "[8900]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.3\n", "[8901]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.2\n", "[8902]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8903]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.9\n", "[8904]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.7\n", "[8905]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.5\n", "[8906]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8907]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8908]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8909]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.7\n", "[8910]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8911]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8912]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.9\n", "[8913]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.3\n", "[8914]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8915]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.5\n", "[8916]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.3\n", "[8917]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472\n", "[8918]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.5\n", "[8919]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8920]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.5\n", "[8921]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[8922]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8923]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8924]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[8925]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[8926]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471\n", "[8927]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.1\n", "[8928]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471\n", "[8929]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8930]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.1\n", "[8931]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.3\n", "[8932]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.2\n", "[8933]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.5\n", "[8934]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8935]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32473.6\n", "[8936]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.8\n", "[8937]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.8\n", "[8938]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.4\n", "[8939]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.2\n", "[8940]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.7\n", "[8941]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.3\n", "[8942]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.2\n", "[8943]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8944]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476\n", "[8945]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8946]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.8\n", "[8947]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.7\n", "[8948]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8949]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8950]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.7\n", "[8951]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.2\n", "[8952]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478\n", "[8953]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8954]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.3\n", "[8955]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8956]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[8957]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8958]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482\n", "[8959]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[8960]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8961]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8962]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8963]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481\n", "[8964]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8965]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8966]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[8967]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.7\n", "[8968]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[8969]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8970]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8971]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.9\n", "[8972]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8973]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8974]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8975]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[8976]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8977]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8978]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8979]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8980]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.4\n", "[8981]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[8982]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8983]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[8984]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.1\n", "[8985]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8986]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8987]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482\n", "[8988]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8989]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8990]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.5\n", "[8991]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[8992]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8993]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8994]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8995]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8996]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[8997]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.8\n", "[8998]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[8999]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.5\n", "[9000]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[9001]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9002]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.5\n", "[9003]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9004]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9005]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.6\n", "[9006]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9007]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9008]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9009]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[9010]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9011]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.8\n", "[9012]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9013]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9014]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9015]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9016]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.2\n", "[9017]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9018]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.4\n", "[9019]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.7\n", "[9020]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9021]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[9022]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9023]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.7\n", "[9024]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482\n", "[9025]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[9026]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9027]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32486\n", "[9028]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485.4\n", "[9029]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485.4\n", "[9030]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32487.2\n", "[9031]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9032]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32488.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9033]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489.3\n", "[9034]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32488.7\n", "[9035]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489.6\n", "[9036]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489.4\n", "[9037]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.1\n", "[9038]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32491\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9039]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.9\n", "[9040]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.2\n", "[9041]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492\n", "[9042]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9043]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.1\n", "[9044]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.1\n", "[9045]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494\n", "[9046]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32495.1\n", "[9047]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32495.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9048]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494.2\n", "[9049]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32496\n", "[9050]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494.8\n", "[9051]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32495.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9052]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494.8\n", "[9053]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9054]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492.9\n", "[9055]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494.6\n", "[9056]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.5\n", "[9057]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494.2\n", "[9058]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9059]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9060]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.5\n", "[9061]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.8\n", "[9062]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32494.5\n", "[9063]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32493.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9064]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9065]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492.6\n", "[9066]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32491.5\n", "[9067]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9068]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32492.4\n", "[9069]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32491.3\n", "[9070]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9071]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.5\n", "[9072]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9073]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32488.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9074]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489\n", "[9075]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.3\n", "[9076]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489.7\n", "[9077]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9078]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32490.5\n", "[9079]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32489.4\n", "[9080]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32488.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9081]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32488.7\n", "[9082]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32487.6\n", "[9083]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32486.4\n", "[9084]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32486.8\n", "[9085]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9086]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32486.2\n", "[9087]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485.2\n", "[9088]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32485.9\n", "[9089]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32484.9\n", "[9090]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[9091]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.8\n", "[9092]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9093]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.8\n", "[9094]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.9\n", "[9095]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32483.6\n", "[9096]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9097]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32482.5\n", "[9098]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32481.5\n", "[9099]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9100]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.3\n", "[9101]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9102]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9103]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32480.3\n", "[9104]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9105]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32479.1\n", "[9106]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9107]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32478.4\n", "[9108]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9109]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32477.3\n", "[9110]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32476.1\n", "[9111]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9112]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.4\n", "[9113]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32475.7\n", "[9114]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32474.6\n", "[9115]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9116]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.8\n", "[9117]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.8\n", "[9118]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9119]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9120]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9121]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.7\n", "[9122]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.5\n", "[9123]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9124]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9125]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.3\n", "[9126]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9127]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[9128]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9129]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.7\n", "[9130]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.1\n", "[9131]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[9132]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9133]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.4\n", "[9134]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.3\n", "[9135]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9136]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[9137]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9138]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.3\n", "[9139]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9140]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.5\n", "[9141]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.9\n", "[9142]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9143]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.1\n", "[9144]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9145]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.4\n", "[9146]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32472.1\n", "[9147]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9148]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9149]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[9150]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9151]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9152]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[9153]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.8\n", "[9154]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9155]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.9\n", "[9156]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9157]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9158]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.7\n", "[9159]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9160]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9161]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.6\n", "[9162]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.4\n", "[9163]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.3\n", "[9164]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.1\n", "[9165]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465\n", "[9166]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9167]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9168]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466\n", "[9169]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9170]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[9171]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.6\n", "[9172]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9173]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.3\n", "[9174]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.3\n", "[9175]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9176]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.2\n", "[9177]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9178]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[9179]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9180]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.4\n", "[9181]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.4\n", "[9182]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.7\n", "[9183]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9184]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.5\n", "[9185]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9186]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.9\n", "[9187]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.2\n", "[9188]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466\n", "[9189]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.4\n", "[9190]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.2\n", "[9191]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[9192]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.2\n", "[9193]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9194]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.2\n", "[9195]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.9\n", "[9196]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9197]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.7\n", "[9198]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.4\n", "[9199]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.3\n", "[9200]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[9201]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9202]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.1\n", "[9203]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.5\n", "[9204]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.2\n", "[9205]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.7\n", "[9206]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9207]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.4\n", "[9208]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.1\n", "[9209]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9210]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.1\n", "[9211]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.5\n", "[9212]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.2\n", "[9213]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.8\n", "[9214]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.5\n", "[9215]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.4\n", "[9216]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.5\n", "[9217]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.2\n", "[9218]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.6\n", "[9219]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9220]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.6\n", "[9221]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470\n", "[9222]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[9223]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.1\n", "[9224]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.8\n", "[9225]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.5\n", "[9226]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.4\n", "[9227]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9228]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.2\n", "[9229]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.9\n", "[9230]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.9\n", "[9231]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469\n", "[9232]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.2\n", "[9233]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9234]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9235]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9236]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.6\n", "[9237]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.5\n", "[9238]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[9239]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9240]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9241]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[9242]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.6\n", "[9243]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9244]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32471.2\n", "[9245]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[9246]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.3\n", "[9247]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.1\n", "[9248]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9249]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470\n", "[9250]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.8\n", "[9251]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470.4\n", "[9252]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32470\n", "[9253]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9254]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469.3\n", "[9255]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469\n", "[9256]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9257]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9258]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.6\n", "[9259]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32469\n", "[9260]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.6\n", "[9261]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.6\n", "[9262]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.8\n", "[9263]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.7\n", "[9264]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[9265]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.1\n", "[9266]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.8\n", "[9267]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9268]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466\n", "[9269]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9270]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468\n", "[9271]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9272]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.8\n", "[9273]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468.5\n", "[9274]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32468\n", "[9275]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.9\n", "[9276]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.6\n", "[9277]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9278]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32467.2\n", "[9279]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9280]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.6\n", "[9281]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.6\n", "[9282]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9283]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.6\n", "[9284]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9285]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.6\n", "[9286]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32466.2\n", "[9287]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.3\n", "[9288]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465.9\n", "[9289]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9290]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32464.7\n", "[9291]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32465\n", "[9292]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.1\n", "[9293]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9294]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9295]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9296]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9297]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32463.3\n", "[9298]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.3\n", "[9299]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9300]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.5\n", "[9301]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.8\n", "[9302]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9303]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.7\n", "[9304]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.1\n", "[9305]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.1\n", "[9306]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.5\n", "[9307]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9308]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.7\n", "[9309]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.7\n", "[9310]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9311]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9312]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.2\n", "[9313]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9314]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.8\n", "[9315]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32462.1\n", "[9316]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9317]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9318]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9319]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32461.8\n", "[9320]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32459.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9321]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32460.3\n", "[9322]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32458.2\n", "[9323]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9324]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[9325]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.1\n", "[9326]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.8\n", "[9327]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9328]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456\n", "[9329]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9330]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.3\n", "[9331]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[9332]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9333]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32457.7\n", "[9334]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.7\n", "[9335]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.6\n", "[9336]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9337]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32456.6\n", "[9338]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9339]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32455.1\n", "[9340]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9341]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32453.6\n", "[9342]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32451.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9343]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32452\n", "[9344]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9345]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32450.1\n", "[9346]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.9\n", "[9347]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32448.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9348]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32449.1\n", "[9349]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9350]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9351]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32447.5\n", "[9352]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.3\n", "[9353]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32446.8\n", "[9354]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32444.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9355]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32445.3\n", "[9356]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.3\n", "[9357]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.8\n", "[9358]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32444.7\n", "[9359]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9360]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32444\n", "[9361]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9362]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9363]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32443.8\n", "[9364]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32442\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9365]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32442.3\n", "[9366]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32441.3\n", "[9367]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.1\n", "[9368]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9369]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32441.2\n", "[9370]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32442.2\n", "[9371]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32440.1\n", "[9372]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9373]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9374]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438.9\n", "[9375]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32437.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9376]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32438\n", "[9377]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32436.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9378]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32436.9\n", "[9379]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32434.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9380]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32435.3\n", "[9381]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32434.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9382]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32434.4\n", "[9383]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.5\n", "[9384]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433.6\n", "[9385]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.5\n", "[9386]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32433.1\n", "[9387]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431\n", "[9388]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9389]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32432.5\n", "[9390]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.6\n", "[9391]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9392]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9393]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430\n", "[9394]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.4\n", "[9395]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.5\n", "[9396]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9397]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9398]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32431.1\n", "[9399]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9400]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.9\n", "[9401]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9402]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.9\n", "[9403]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32430.6\n", "[9404]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9405]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9406]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.4\n", "[9407]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.2\n", "[9408]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9409]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9410]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.7\n", "[9411]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9412]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32429.4\n", "[9413]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9414]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9415]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32428.2\n", "[9416]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427.2\n", "[9417]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32426.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9418]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32427\n", "[9419]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425.3\n", "[9420]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32425\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9421]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32424.7\n", "[9422]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9423]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9424]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32423.4\n", "[9425]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32421.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9426]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32422\n", "[9427]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9428]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9429]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.2\n", "[9430]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9431]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.8\n", "[9432]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.7\n", "[9433]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9434]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.5\n", "[9435]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9436]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32419.2\n", "[9437]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9438]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32420.5\n", "[9439]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32418.6\n", "[9440]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9441]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32417.7\n", "[9442]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.6\n", "[9443]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9444]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9445]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.3\n", "[9446]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9447]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32416.2\n", "[9448]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.5\n", "[9449]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9450]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.4\n", "[9451]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9452]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9453]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.7\n", "[9454]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9455]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413.5\n", "[9456]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32414.5\n", "[9457]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32412.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9458]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32413\n", "[9459]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32412.6\n", "[9460]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9461]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9462]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9463]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.7\n", "[9464]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9465]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.4\n", "[9466]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9467]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9468]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9469]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9470]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.4\n", "[9471]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411.2\n", "[9472]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9473]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32411\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9474]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9475]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.6\n", "[9476]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9477]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9478]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9479]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32410.2\n", "[9480]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.6\n", "[9481]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9482]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.5\n", "[9483]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32408.3\n", "[9484]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9485]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9486]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32409.5\n", "[9487]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32407.5\n", "[9488]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32407.7\n", "[9489]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9490]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32406\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9491]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9492]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9493]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32406.3\n", "[9494]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9495]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32405\n", "[9496]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403.1\n", "[9497]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9498]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403.2\n", "[9499]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.8\n", "[9500]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32402.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9501]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32403.2\n", "[9502]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32401.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9503]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9504]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[9505]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9506]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32400.7\n", "[9507]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.9\n", "[9508]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9509]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.7\n", "[9510]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.5\n", "[9511]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9512]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.8\n", "[9513]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9514]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32399.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9515]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9516]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32398.1\n", "[9517]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9518]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32397.9\n", "[9519]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32396.7\n", "[9520]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9521]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.8\n", "[9522]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.5\n", "[9523]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9524]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32395.1\n", "[9525]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9526]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9527]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.8\n", "[9528]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393\n", "[9529]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9530]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.6\n", "[9531]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393\n", "[9532]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9533]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9534]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32394\n", "[9535]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9536]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32393.8\n", "[9537]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9538]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9539]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9540]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32392.1\n", "[9541]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9542]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.9\n", "[9543]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.3\n", "[9544]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32390.1\n", "[9545]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32391.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9546]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32390.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9547]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32389.4\n", "[9548]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32389.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9549]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32389.6\n", "[9550]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32389.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9551]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32389\n", "[9552]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9553]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9554]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9555]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.7\n", "[9556]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9557]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32388.3\n", "[9558]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.6\n", "[9559]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.1\n", "[9560]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.3\n", "[9561]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385\n", "[9562]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9563]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9564]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32386.2\n", "[9565]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9566]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9567]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.7\n", "[9568]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9569]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.9\n", "[9570]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9571]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.6\n", "[9572]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9573]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.2\n", "[9574]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9575]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9576]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9577]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9578]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.6\n", "[9579]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.9\n", "[9580]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9581]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379\n", "[9582]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378\n", "[9583]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9584]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9585]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.4\n", "[9586]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.7\n", "[9587]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9588]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9589]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.5\n", "[9590]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9591]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9592]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9593]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.1\n", "[9594]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.1\n", "[9595]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9596]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.3\n", "[9597]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9598]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9599]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.3\n", "[9600]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.1\n", "[9601]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9602]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.4\n", "[9603]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.7\n", "[9604]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9605]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9606]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9607]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9608]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.8\n", "[9609]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9610]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.7\n", "[9611]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9612]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9613]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.1\n", "[9614]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9615]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9616]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9617]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.6\n", "[9618]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9619]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.9\n", "[9620]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9621]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.9\n", "[9622]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9623]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.7\n", "[9624]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9625]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9626]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.1\n", "[9627]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9628]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.6\n", "[9629]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.3\n", "[9630]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9631]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9632]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.7\n", "[9633]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9634]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.8\n", "[9635]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.8\n", "[9636]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9637]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[9638]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.1\n", "[9639]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.1\n", "[9640]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9641]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.4\n", "[9642]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9643]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9644]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9645]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.2\n", "[9646]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9647]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9648]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.1\n", "[9649]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.1\n", "[9650]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9651]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32363.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9652]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32363.7\n", "[9653]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.2\n", "[9654]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.4\n", "[9655]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.9\n", "[9656]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9657]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.2\n", "[9658]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9659]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.1\n", "[9660]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.8\n", "[9661]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9662]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9663]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.6\n", "[9664]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9665]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.2\n", "[9666]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9667]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32368.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9668]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.8\n", "[9669]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9670]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.1\n", "[9671]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.5\n", "[9672]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.5\n", "[9673]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9674]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[9675]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9676]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.9\n", "[9677]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.5\n", "[9678]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9679]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9680]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.1\n", "[9681]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9682]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.6\n", "[9683]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.7\n", "[9684]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9685]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.3\n", "[9686]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9687]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9688]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9689]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.4\n", "[9690]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.9\n", "[9691]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9692]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.8\n", "[9693]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.9\n", "[9694]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32382.1\n", "[9695]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9696]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.3\n", "[9697]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9698]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.3\n", "[9699]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32385.4\n", "[9700]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9701]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32384.2\n", "[9702]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9703]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9704]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9705]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9706]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32383.5\n", "[9707]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9708]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9709]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32381.6\n", "[9710]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9711]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32379.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9712]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32380\n", "[9713]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32378.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9714]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32377.6\n", "[9715]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9716]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9717]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32376.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9718]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9719]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9720]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9721]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9722]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9723]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32374.6\n", "[9724]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32375\n", "[9725]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32373.4\n", "[9726]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9727]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32372.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9728]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9729]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9730]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.4\n", "[9731]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.8\n", "[9732]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9733]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9734]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32371\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9735]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32370.7\n", "[9736]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9737]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32369.1\n", "[9738]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9739]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32367.6\n", "[9740]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9741]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9742]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32366.4\n", "[9743]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9744]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32363.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9745]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364\n", "[9746]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9747]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.1\n", "[9748]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9749]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9750]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.4\n", "[9751]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32365.3\n", "[9752]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9753]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9754]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32364.3\n", "[9755]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9756]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9757]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.7\n", "[9758]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9759]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.4\n", "[9760]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.8\n", "[9761]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.8\n", "[9762]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9763]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32363\n", "[9764]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.7\n", "[9765]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32362.6\n", "[9766]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9767]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.3\n", "[9768]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32361.3\n", "[9769]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9770]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360\n", "[9771]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9772]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9773]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9774]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9775]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9776]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.8\n", "[9777]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9778]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32359.5\n", "[9779]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.9\n", "[9780]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32360.3\n", "[9781]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9782]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9783]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.8\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9784]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32358.8\n", "[9785]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32357.6\n", "[9786]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.9\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9787]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9788]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.9\n", "[9789]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.7\n", "[9790]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.6\n", "[9791]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9792]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.5\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9793]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[9794]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9795]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32355.3\n", "[9796]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9797]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.1\n", "[9798]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9799]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9800]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.8\n", "[9801]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32354.8\n", "[9802]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9803]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[9804]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352\n", "[9805]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9806]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9807]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.8\n", "[9808]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9809]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[9810]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.4\n", "[9811]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.2\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9812]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.6\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9813]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.1\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9814]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.7\n", "[9815]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.7\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9816]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32353.3\n", "[LightGBM] [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf\n", "[9817]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32352.9\n", "[9818]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32351.3\n", "Early stopping, best iteration is:\n", "[6818]\tvalid_0's rmse: 32217.3\n" ] } ], "source": [ "from lightgbm.callback import early_stopping\n", "import lightgbm as lgb\n", "\n", "training_data=lgb.Dataset(X_train,label=y_train)\n", "valid_data=lgb.Dataset(X_test,label=y_test)\n", "\n", "#hyper params\n", "params = {\n", " 'metric': 'rmse',\n", " 'boosting_type' : 'gbdt',\n", " 'objective' : 'regression',\n", " 'max_depth' : 2,\n", " 'n_estimators' : 10000,\n", " 'num_leaves' : 4,\n", " 'verbose' : 1,\n", " 'learning_rate': 0.01,\n", " 'min_data_in_leaf': 100\n", "}\n", "\n", "\n", "lgbm = lgb.train(params,\n", " training_data,\n", " valid_sets=valid_data,\n", " early_stopping_rounds=3000\n", " )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 100, "metadata": { "id": "2NS9TiKYuekV", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 }, "outputId": "ba11ff7d-3f77-4b3b-860a-17918c07fb3c" }, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ " MSSubClass MSZoning LotArea Street LotShape LandContour Utilities \\\n", "892 20 6 8414 0 1 1 0 \n", "1105 60 6 12256 0 2 1 0 \n", "413 30 0 8960 0 1 1 0 \n", "522 50 0 5000 0 1 1 0 \n", "1036 20 6 12898 0 2 3 0 \n", "614 180 0 1491 0 1 1 0 \n", "218 50 6 15660 0 2 1 0 \n", "1160 160 6 2280 0 1 1 0 \n", "649 180 0 1936 0 1 1 0 \n", "887 50 6 16466 0 2 1 0 \n", "\n", " LotConfig LandSlope Neighborhood ... EnclosedPorch 3SsnPorch \\\n", "892 1 1 20 ... 0 0 \n", "1105 2 1 14 ... 0 0 \n", "413 1 1 18 ... 130 0 \n", "522 2 1 4 ... 36 0 \n", "1036 1 1 24 ... 0 0 \n", "614 1 1 11 ... 0 0 \n", "218 2 1 7 ... 150 0 \n", "1160 1 1 15 ... 0 0 \n", "649 1 1 11 ... 0 0 \n", "887 1 1 8 ... 0 0 \n", "\n", " ScreenPorch PoolArea MiscVal MoSold YrSold SaleType SaleCondition \\\n", "892 0 0 0 2 2006 1 1 \n", "1105 0 0 0 4 2010 1 1 \n", "413 0 0 0 3 2010 1 1 \n", "522 0 0 0 10 2006 1 1 \n", "1036 0 0 0 9 2009 1 1 \n", "614 0 0 0 5 2010 1 1 \n", "218 0 0 0 5 2008 1 1 \n", "1160 0 0 0 7 2010 1 1 \n", "649 0 0 0 12 2007 1 1 \n", "887 265 0 0 4 2008 1 1 \n", "\n", " SalePrice \n", "892 140257.423305 \n", "1105 317340.160804 \n", "413 107360.320628 \n", "522 158623.508158 \n", "1036 297427.613790 \n", "614 81227.808688 \n", "218 230049.957643 \n", "1160 145274.251827 \n", "649 79163.354198 \n", "887 139050.544424 \n", "\n", "[10 rows x 61 columns]\n" ] }, { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ " MSSubClass MSZoning LotArea Street LotShape LandContour Utilities \\\n", "254 20 6 8400 0 1 1 0 \n", "1066 60 6 7837 0 2 1 0 \n", "638 30 6 8777 0 1 1 0 \n", "799 50 6 7200 0 1 1 0 \n", "380 50 6 5000 0 1 1 0 \n", "303 20 6 9800 0 1 1 0 \n", "86 60 6 11911 0 3 1 0 \n", "1385 50 0 5436 0 1 1 0 \n", "265 20 6 12090 0 2 1 0 \n", "793 20 6 9158 0 1 1 0 \n", "\n", " LotConfig LandSlope Neighborhood ... OpenPorchSF EnclosedPorch \\\n", "254 1 1 13 ... 0 0 \n", "1066 1 1 9 ... 40 0 \n", "638 1 1 8 ... 0 164 \n", "799 2 1 19 ... 0 264 \n", "380 1 1 19 ... 0 242 \n", "303 2 1 6 ... 0 0 \n", "86 1 1 9 ... 38 0 \n", "1385 1 1 10 ... 96 0 \n", "265 1 1 17 ... 0 0 \n", "793 1 1 22 ... 130 0 \n", "\n", " 3SsnPorch ScreenPorch PoolArea MiscVal MoSold YrSold SaleType \\\n", "254 0 0 0 0 6 2010 1 \n", "1066 0 0 0 0 5 2009 1 \n", "638 0 0 0 0 5 2008 1 \n", "799 0 0 0 0 6 2007 1 \n", "380 0 0 0 0 5 2010 1 \n", "303 0 0 0 0 7 2006 1 \n", "86 0 0 0 0 3 2009 1 \n", "1385 0 0 0 0 5 2010 1 \n", "265 0 0 0 0 6 2008 1 \n", "793 0 0 0 0 6 2007 4 \n", "\n", " SaleCondition \n", "254 1 \n", "1066 1 \n", "638 1 \n", "799 1 \n", "380 1 \n", "303 2 \n", "86 1 \n", "1385 1 \n", "265 1 \n", "793 0 \n", "\n", "[10 rows x 60 columns]" ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", " | MSSubClass | \n", "MSZoning | \n", "LotArea | \n", "Street | \n", "LotShape | \n", "LandContour | \n", "Utilities | \n", "LotConfig | \n", "LandSlope | \n", "Neighborhood | \n", "... | \n", "OpenPorchSF | \n", "EnclosedPorch | \n", "3SsnPorch | \n", "ScreenPorch | \n", "PoolArea | \n", "MiscVal | \n", "MoSold | \n", "YrSold | \n", "SaleType | \n", "SaleCondition | \n", "
254 | \n", "20 | \n", "6 | \n", "8400 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "13 | \n", "... | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "6 | \n", "2010 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
1066 | \n", "60 | \n", "6 | \n", "7837 | \n", "0 | \n", "2 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "9 | \n", "... | \n", "40 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "5 | \n", "2009 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
638 | \n", "30 | \n", "6 | \n", "8777 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "8 | \n", "... | \n", "0 | \n", "164 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "5 | \n", "2008 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
799 | \n", "50 | \n", "6 | \n", "7200 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "2 | \n", "1 | \n", "19 | \n", "... | \n", "0 | \n", "264 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "6 | \n", "2007 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
380 | \n", "50 | \n", "6 | \n", "5000 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "19 | \n", "... | \n", "0 | \n", "242 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "5 | \n", "2010 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
303 | \n", "20 | \n", "6 | \n", "9800 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "2 | \n", "1 | \n", "6 | \n", "... | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "7 | \n", "2006 | \n", "1 | \n", "2 | \n", "
86 | \n", "60 | \n", "6 | \n", "11911 | \n", "0 | \n", "3 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "9 | \n", "... | \n", "38 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "3 | \n", "2009 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
1385 | \n", "50 | \n", "0 | \n", "5436 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "10 | \n", "... | \n", "96 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "5 | \n", "2010 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
265 | \n", "20 | \n", "6 | \n", "12090 | \n", "0 | \n", "2 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "17 | \n", "... | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "6 | \n", "2008 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "
793 | \n", "20 | \n", "6 | \n", "9158 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "0 | \n", "1 | \n", "1 | \n", "22 | \n", "... | \n", "130 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "0 | \n", "6 | \n", "2007 | \n", "4 | \n", "0 | \n", "
10 rows × 60 columns
\n", "\n", " | 0 | \n", "1 | \n", "2 | \n", "3 | \n", "4 | \n", "5 | \n", "6 | \n", "7 | \n", "8 | \n", "9 | \n", "... | \n", "50 | \n", "51 | \n", "52 | \n", "53 | \n", "54 | \n", "55 | \n", "56 | \n", "57 | \n", "58 | \n", "59 | \n", "
0 | \n", "-473.15 | \n", "-12.77 | \n", "51.46 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-11.63 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-4.93 | \n", "... | \n", "29.86 | \n", "-4.32 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "47.59 | \n", "-23.41 | \n", "-6.47 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
1 | \n", "-12.77 | \n", "336.63 | \n", "18.08 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.85 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "2.73 | \n", "... | \n", "0.67 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-25.43 | \n", "21.64 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
2 | \n", "51.46 | \n", "18.08 | \n", "-1546.88 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.64 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "22.90 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "204.41 | \n", "... | \n", "-78.78 | \n", "-0.89 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-52.97 | \n", "33.08 | \n", "-3.30 | \n", "2.14 | \n", "
3 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
4 | \n", "-11.63 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-1.64 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1294.03 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.49 | \n", "... | \n", "-21.73 | \n", "2.52 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "31.32 | \n", "-19.54 | \n", "0.99 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
5 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
6 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
7 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-1.85 | \n", "22.90 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-392.65 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "16.59 | \n", "... | \n", "-8.88 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.95 | \n", "-0.82 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
8 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
9 | \n", "-4.93 | \n", "2.73 | \n", "204.41 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.49 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "16.59 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-183.34 | \n", "... | \n", "93.64 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "121.30 | \n", "7.53 | \n", "3.18 | \n", "-0.73 | \n", "
10 | \n", "-21.50 | \n", "0.44 | \n", "-2.91 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.77 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.90 | \n", "... | \n", "-2.11 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "11.09 | \n", "1.66 | \n", "-2.44 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
11 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
12 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "2.12 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "1.85 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
13 | \n", "-64.27 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-24.64 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "34.40 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "1.88 | \n", "... | \n", "-3.74 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
14 | \n", "22.74 | \n", "5.51 | \n", "144.14 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-13.18 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-54.40 | \n", "... | \n", "-198.49 | \n", "0.92 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "25.45 | \n", "10.90 | \n", "5.20 | \n", "2.29 | \n", "
15 | \n", "-149.99 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "199.81 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "45.89 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-62.85 | \n", "... | \n", "109.13 | \n", "-5.32 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-8.22 | \n", "71.97 | \n", "115.84 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
16 | \n", "60.41 | \n", "1.76 | \n", "-135.47 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "26.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-11.80 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-181.86 | \n", "... | \n", "3.38 | \n", "-2.17 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "79.27 | \n", "-1.51 | \n", "3.63 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
17 | \n", "-8.57 | \n", "-13.41 | \n", "215.39 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-46.53 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "2.67 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-46.63 | \n", "... | \n", "-126.97 | \n", "1.70 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-25.41 | \n", "-44.70 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
18 | \n", "4.26 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-11.76 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-23.07 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-2.16 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "438.13 | \n", "... | \n", "1.84 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-6.85 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
19 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
20 | \n", "77.99 | \n", "-4.91 | \n", "264.93 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "39.72 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-16.17 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-83.00 | \n", "... | \n", "66.75 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "12.77 | \n", "-23.93 | \n", "-1.55 | \n", "2.19 | \n", "
21 | \n", "-14.82 | \n", "7.08 | \n", "-3.44 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "21.96 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-0.55 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-62.90 | \n", "... | \n", "36.49 | \n", "2.36 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-6.47 | \n", "-14.59 | \n", "2.03 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
22 | \n", "-9.41 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-129.02 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-5.53 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-15.77 | \n", "... | \n", "17.64 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.14 | \n", "6.37 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "2.21 | \n", "
23 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
24 | \n", "-2.98 | \n", "-0.60 | \n", "1.40 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-2.96 | \n", "... | \n", "3.51 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "17.38 | \n", "4.96 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
25 | \n", "-22.51 | \n", "-2.69 | \n", "161.58 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-87.71 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "7.26 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-138.92 | \n", "... | \n", "-78.93 | \n", "1.45 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "44.79 | \n", "57.84 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "1.29 | \n", "
26 | \n", "-2.71 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-0.96 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-1.20 | \n", "-0.39 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
27 | \n", "-50.74 | \n", "11.97 | \n", "5.33 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-4.86 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "3.40 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-31.70 | \n", "... | \n", "30.86 | \n", "-2.88 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-39.65 | \n", "-21.65 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
28 | \n", "65.27 | \n", "5.68 | \n", "-43.33 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-4.01 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.06 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-183.72 | \n", "... | \n", "-83.27 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-97.94 | \n", "46.87 | \n", "13.61 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
29 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
30 | \n", "-24.19 | \n", "-1.01 | \n", "8.04 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-29.30 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "18.32 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "28.35 | \n", "... | \n", "47.13 | \n", "4.46 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "87.79 | \n", "10.54 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
31 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
32 | \n", "24.38 | \n", "-20.19 | \n", "151.17 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "299.69 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-9.47 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-164.72 | \n", "... | \n", "338.62 | \n", "-13.65 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "59.44 | \n", "37.03 | \n", "20.22 | \n", "3.26 | \n", "
33 | \n", "13.49 | \n", "-1.20 | \n", "45.97 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "18.09 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "3.70 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-9.44 | \n", "... | \n", "-47.36 | \n", "-6.85 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-26.16 | \n", "-13.07 | \n", "-1.59 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
34 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
35 | \n", "-52.58 | \n", "-4.70 | \n", "-90.61 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "8.35 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "19.54 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-12.31 | \n", "... | \n", "218.90 | \n", "-9.77 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-191.49 | \n", "-37.64 | \n", "4.17 | \n", "3.71 | \n", "
36 | \n", "9.44 | \n", "-15.91 | \n", "8.33 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "2.85 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-47.64 | \n", "... | \n", "-10.75 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-5.72 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
37 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
38 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.59 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-3.69 | \n", "... | \n", "194.37 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "5.29 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
39 | \n", "-1.58 | \n", "-13.63 | \n", "0.02 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-84.20 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-0.11 | \n", "... | \n", "22.34 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-10.17 | \n", "48.26 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.36 | \n", "
40 | \n", "-10.32 | \n", "-5.52 | \n", "122.90 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "3.41 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "24.39 | \n", "... | \n", "70.90 | \n", "-0.78 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "8.25 | \n", "-8.49 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
41 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
42 | \n", "-3.63 | \n", "0.68 | \n", "-49.91 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "4.54 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "1.89 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "67.34 | \n", "... | \n", "-22.60 | \n", "1.88 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.97 | \n", "17.10 | \n", "1.61 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
43 | \n", "-15.99 | \n", "-1.26 | \n", "52.13 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "5.41 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "1.06 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-14.33 | \n", "... | \n", "-24.34 | \n", "1.62 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-68.55 | \n", "-12.30 | \n", "2.62 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
44 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "... | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
45 | \n", "-17.06 | \n", "2.80 | \n", "28.29 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "118.61 | \n", "... | \n", "-37.73 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "72.15 | \n", "-11.29 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "
46 | \n", "-16.64 | \n", "1.75 | \n", "-25.02 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-19.33 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-11.43 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "9.51 | \n", "... | \n", "-19.27 | \n", "-3.56 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-5.13 | \n", "23.66 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-0.60 | \n", "
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56 | \n", "47.59 | \n", "-25.43 | \n", "-52.97 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "31.32 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.95 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "121.30 | \n", "... | \n", "-46.48 | \n", "-8.99 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-2258.53 | \n", "-63.41 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "2.62 | \n", "
57 | \n", "-23.41 | \n", "21.64 | \n", "33.08 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-19.54 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-0.82 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "7.53 | \n", "... | \n", "15.73 | \n", "2.34 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "0.0 | \n", "-63.41 | \n", "480.90 | \n", "0.00 | \n", "-0.97 | \n", "
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60 rows × 60 columns
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