Siemens Healthineers AG 0 12/01/2017 Contributions Other addi- Treasury shares (in millions of €) Subscribed capital Equity NOTE 11 - The taxable temporary differences result, on the one hand, from ownership interests in affiliated companies of Siemens Healthineers AG and, on the other hand, from intangible as- sets, ownership interests in affiliated companies, and deferrals and receivables with a remaining term of less than one year for Siemens Healthcare GmbH, the controlled company of Siemens Healthineers AG. The deductible temporary differ- ences, up to the amount of the taxable temporary differences, result from the pension provisions of Siemens Healthineers AG and the controlled company. Additionally, there were deducti- ble temporary differences relating primarily to other provisions of Siemens Healthineers AG and the controlled company, as well as inventories and liabilities with a remaining term of more than one year of the controlled company. in kind 1.000 A tax rate of 29.63% was applied for the measurement of deferred taxes. Deviating from this, for partnerships a tax rate of 15.83% was applied for temporary differences of assets, liabilities and prepaid/deferred items. NOTE 10 - Deferred tax assets Receivables from affiliated companies consist only of other receivables. The receivables from affiliated companies of €50 thousand in the opening Balance Sheet represented receiva- bles for outstanding contributions that had been called in. All receivables and other assets at the reporting date had a remaining term of less than one year. NOTE 9 - Receivables and other assets In the course of these transactions, additions of €14,399 mil- lion were recorded in the financial assets (shares in affiliated companies). The Siemens Healthineers Group's business is conducted by Siemens Healthcare GmbH and Siemens Healthineers Be- teiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath, together with their directly and indirectly controlled subsidiaries. The shares of Siemens Healthcare GmbH and the sole limited partner's share and shares of the general partner of Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG were contributed by Siemens AG or affiliated entities of Siemens AG in return for the issue of new shares of Siemens Healthineers AG. In con- nection with this contribution Siemens AG additionally trans- ferred trust assets for pension obligations as voluntary addi- tional contribution to Siemens Healthineers AG. Directly fol- lowing this transfer Siemens Healthineers AG contributed these trust assets to Siemens Healthcare GmbH. After these contributions in kind Siemens Healthineers AG made a cash contribution to Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG. Siemens Healthineers AG was founded by a notarial deed of incorporation in December 2017. In order to establish an in- dependent Siemens Healthineers Group structure, all compa- nies that conduct Siemens Healthineers business were bun- dled under Siemens Healthineers AG and its subsidiaries. Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 12/01/2017 The calculation of deferred taxes yielded a surplus of deferred tax assets, which was not recognized, exercising the option under Section 274 para. 1 sentence 2 of the German Commer- cial Code. 40 tional contri- butions Share buy- backs -54 -390 766 10.403 Capital reserve 1.000 1 -1 1.000 Transfer from capiral reserve 0 0 1 −1 1.000 09/30/2018 Net income employee share programs treasury shares under Issuance of Issued capital 07 14.399 0 Non-current assets - NOTE 8 A.3.4 Notes to the Balance Sheet 90 06 Income taxes include only current income taxes resulting from corporate income tax or trade tax, because the surplus of deferred tax assets was not recognized owing to the exercise NOTE 6 -Income taxes Other financial income primarily included interest income of €0.5 million from the measurement of pension provisions. Both the interest component of the change in pension provi- sions and the financial expenses relating to personnel-related provisions constitute expenses from the discounting of provi- sions. (in millions of €) -1 Financial expenses relating to the personnel-related provisions Other financial income (expenses), net Interest component of changes in the pension provisions -1 2018 fiscal year Short (in millions of €) Other taxes amounting to €31 thousand are included in the relevant functional costs. NOTE 7 - Other taxes 0 Financial assets Shares in affiliated companies Loans 14.399 09/30/2018 09/30/2018 Carrying amount Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 14.399 0 14.399 0 0 0 14.399 14.399 12/01/2017 09/30/2018 Disposals Accumulated Impairment Additions 12/01/2017 Acquisition costs Summary 45 10.770 Unappropriated net income 390 Liabilities to affiliated companies 5 years up to 1 year 0 0 09/30/2018 Trade payables (in millions of €) 1 year up to Liabilities 2.414 - For the method of determining the provision for share com- mitments, please refer to the discussion in NOTE 17 - Share based payments. The main amounts in the miscellaneous provisions related to provisions of €3 million for personnel expenses. Other provisions included miscellaneous provisions of €3 mil- lion and tax provisions of €35 million. Other provisions NOTE 13 For pension obligations, the 10-year average interest rate (3.34%) pursuant to Section 253 para. 2 of the German Com- mercial Code was applied. For other obligations, the 7-year average interest rate (2.43%) was used. The valuation differ- ence under Section 253 para. 6 of the German Commercial Code from the discounting of pension provisions at the 10- year average interest rate and the 7-year average interest rate was €1.7 million at the reporting date. A rate of pension pro- gression of 1.5% per year and an income progression of 2.25% per year were applied for the pension obligations. The mortali- ty rates are based on Siemens-specific mortality tables (Richttafeln) with a mortality trend based on the Heubeck mortality tables RT 2005 G. The fulfillment amount of the provisions for pensions and similar obligations came to €16 million at the reporting date. The actuarial valuation of the fulfillment amount was based substantially on the following parameters: ees participate in the BSAV. The benefits from this plan are predominantly based on contributions made by the Company and returns earned on such contributions, subject to a mini- mum return guaranteed by the Company. For benefits provid- ed under the frozen legacy plans, the effects of compensation increases were substantially eliminated, so that valuation assumptions for salary and pension increases including career trend are no longer of material significance for the pension obligations of Siemens Healthineers AG. As part of the transfer of employees of Siemens Healthcare GmbH and Siemens AG, Siemens Healthineers AG assumed pension obligations of €14 million resulting from the BSAV pension plan and from frozen plans with legacy commitments. In Germany, Siemens Healthineers AG generally provides pen- sion benefits through the BSAV (Beitragsorientierte Siemens Altersversorgung), frozen legacy plans and deferred compen- sation plans; the latter were not claimed by any of the Compa- ny's employees. The majority of the Company's active employ- NOTE 14 2.414 Other liabilities therein from taxes 10 within the Siemens Healthineers Group, and other liabilities of €91 million resulting from the parent-subsidiary relationship for value added tax purposes with several subsidiaries, and from amounts collected for subsidiaries. Tax liabilities as of September 30, 2018, came to €337 thou- sand, and liabilities for social security came to €20 thousand. The liabilities to affiliated companies pertained to liabilities of €2,323 million to Siemens Healthcare GmbH for cash pooling years 5 years up to 1 year 12/01/2017 more than 5 1 year up to thereof maturities thereof maturities more than 5 years 2.418 2.418 Liabilities therein for social security 0 0 0 0 4 4 NOTE 12 - ·Provisions for pensions and similar com- mitments of the option under Section 274 para. 1 sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code. Siemens AG notified us on March 20, 2018, because of the first admission of Siemens Healthineers AG stock for trading on an organized market, that the percentage of voting rights in Siemens Healthineers AG that it held either directly or indi- rectly on March 15, 2018, amounted to 85.00% of the voting rights (850,000,000 voting rights). At that time, moreover, there was a claim for redelivery under a securities loan, as a result of the Greenshoe option for Siemens Beteiligungsver- waltung GmbH & Co. OHG with reference to 19,565,217 vot- ing rights, or 1.96%. Disclosures on holdings of the capital of Siemens Healthineers AG Additionally, as of September 30, 2018, Siemens Healthineers AG had conditional capital of €100 million, or 100,000,000 shares. This capital may be used to service convertible bonds or warrants from bonds with attached warrants issued on or before February 18, 2023 (Conditional Capital 2018). Conditional capital As of September 30, 2018, Siemens Healthineers AG had au- thorized capital of €500 million that may be issued in the form of a total of up to 500,000,000 new registered shares of no par value, on one or more occasions on or before February 18, 2023, in return for contributions in cash or in kind (Authorized Capital 2018). Authorized capital Siemens Healthineers AG was first listed on an exchange on March 16, 2018, when its shares began trading on the Frank- furt Stock Exchange. A total of 150,000,000 registered shares of no par value (including overallotments), equivalent to a free float of 15%, were placed by the Siemens Group during the initial public offering. The resulting proceeds were collected by Siemens AG by way of Siemens Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. OHG. Since the IPO, the Siemens Group has held an interest of 85% of Siemens Healthineers AG. The stock of Sie- mens Healthineers AG is traded in the Regulated Market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol SHL. Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 08 As of September 30, 2018, the subscribed capital of Siemens Healthineers AG was divided into 1,000,000,000 registered shares of no par value with a notional value of €1.00 per share. The shares are fully paid in. Each share confers one vote in the Shareholders' Meeting and defines the shareholder's interest in the Company's profit after taxes. All shares carry the same rights and obligations. kind in excess of the increase in the capital stock was appro- priated to the capital reserve. Capital reserve Siemens Healthineers AG was founded on December 1, 2017, in a notarial deed of incorporation, with a founding capital stock of €50 thousand. In the course of the legal reorganiza- tion of Siemens Healthineers, it was decided at the extraordi- nary Shareholders' Meeting on February 2, 2018, to increase the capital stock of Siemens Healthineers AG from €50 thou- sand to €1.0 billion by issuing 999,950,000 new shares in return for contributions in kind from Siemens AG and affiliated companies of Siemens AG. The value of the contributions in 12.493 333 46 -55 766 11.403 0 Shareholders' equity 723 Subscribed capital Additions to the capital reserve during the 2018 short fiscal year came to €11,214 million. They primarily consisted of the value of contributions in kind received in excess of the capital stock in the course of the capital increase of February 2, 2018, together with a voluntary additional contribution by Siemens AG from the contribution of trust assets for pension obligations. A further addition to the capital reserve resulted from the release of treasury stock in connection with the "My IPO Shares" employee stock plan. In connection with setting up the Siemens Healthineers Group, during the 2018 short fiscal year trust assets for the BSAV Siemens contribution-based retirement plan and the frozen plans with legacy commitments were transferred to Siemens Healthineers AG from the trust structures of the Siemens Group. This contribution represented an additional contribu- tion into equity as defined in Section 272 para. 2 No. 4 of the German Commercial Code. The fair value of the transferred assets at the transfer date was €766 million. Siemens Healthi- neers AG, in its turn, contributed these trust assets to Siemens Healthcare GmbH. Withdrawals from the capital reserve in the total amount of €444 million only related to the capital reserve defined in Section 272 para. 2 No. 4 of the German Commercial Code. An amount of €54 million was withdrawn from this capital re- serve for the repurchase of treasury shares. Additionally, the management board decided to transfer €390 million from this capital reserve in the course of the appropriation of income. The capital reserve was distributable in an amount of €367 million as of September 30, 2018 before consideration of amounts subject to dividend payout restrictions. The amounts subject to payout restrictions are countered by a capital reserve of €367 million that is not subject to such re- strictions. Therefore there is no limitation on the payout of the unappropriated net income of €723 million. €131 million that is subject to dividend payout restrictions under Section 253 para. 6 sentence 2 of the German Commer- cial Code. Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 09 The profit of €472 million transferred from the Siemens Healthcare GmbH (the controlled company) to the parent company for the short fiscal year also includes - as provided in Section 301 of the Stock Corporation Act - the amount of The difference as provided in Section 253 para. 6 sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code between the measurement of provisions for post-retirement benefits according to the corresponding average market interest rate over the preceding ten years and the corresponding rate over the preceding seven years, which is subject to dividend payout restrictions, was €1.7 million. Information on amounts subject to dividend payout restrictions In September 2018, 987,138 shares were sold as investment shares to plan participants as part of the "My IPO Shares" em- ployee share program, at a weighted average price of €38.54 per share; the purchase price was determined on the basis of the closing price in Xetra trading on the transfer date of the shares. The other 205,960 shares released during the report- ing period were bonus shares awarded as part of the "My IPO Shares" employee share program. The 247,763 shares held by Siemens Healthineers AG corre- spond to a nominal value of €247,763, or 0.02% of the capital stock. During the 2018 short fiscal year, Siemens Healthineers AG repurchased a total of 1,440,861 shares of its own stock under this stock buyback program. This represents a nominal amount of €1,440,861, or 0.14 % of the capital stock. During this period, a total of €55 million (excluding incidental transac- tion charges) was spent for this purpose; this represents a weighted average stock price of €38.17 per share. The pur- chase was made during the reporting period on 26 Xetra trad- ing days during the months of August and September 2018, by a bank engaged by Siemens Healthineers AG; the shares were purchased solely on the electronic trading platform of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Xetra). The average trading volume on these trading days was about 526,532 shares. In these transactions, the purchase price per repurchased share (excluding incidental transaction charges) was not to exceed by more than 10% the price of Siemens Healthineers stock as determined in the opening auction in Xetra trading on the trading date, or fall more than 20% below that price. The extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on February 19, 2018, authorized the Managing Board to buy back treasury shares until February 18, 2023 in an amount of up to 10% of the capital stock at the time of the resolution, or at the date of the exercise of the authorization if that value is lower, for any permissible purpose. 247.763 -1.193.098 1.440.861 0 Short fiscal Year 2018 Treasury shares, end of fiscal year Issuance under the employee share program "My IPO Shares" Share buyback Treasury shares, beginning of fiscal year (in numbers of shares) Treasury Shares As of September 30, 2018, the following information on shareholdings subject to reporting requirements was available to the Company pursuant to Section 160 para. 1 No. 8 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG): NOTE 5 - Other financial income (expenses), net 333 NOTE 4 - Interest income and interest expenses -8 0 1 2 -9 0 -7 7 1 3 2018 Note Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Unappropriated net income Transfer from capital reserves Net income Appropriation of net income Income after taxes / Net income Income taxes Income from business activity Short fiscal year Other financial income (expenses), net 472 0 Current assets Financial assets Non-current assets Assets (in millions of €) Balance Sheet A.2 723 390 4 333 03 333 -126 6 459 -1 5 -5 4 63 Interest income Income from investments, net Income from operations A.2 P. 20 P. 4 Responsibility Statement B.1 Income Statement A.1 P. 19 P. 3 Balance Sheet Information Financial Statements A. Annual Table of contents SIEMENS Healthineers for the short fiscal year from December 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 Statements Annual Financial Interest income pertained only to third parties and did not include negative interest. Interest expenses derived solely from the cash pool liability to Siemens Healthcare GmbH and included no positive interest from borrowings. B. Additional B.2 Independent Auditor's Report P. 5 P. 24 Other operating expenses Other operating income General administrative expenses Gross profit Cost of Sales Revenue (in millions of €) Income Statement A.1 Annual Financial Statements 70 02 The Annual Financial Statements of Siemens Healthineers AG as well as the Annual Report for the fiscal year 2018 are also availa- ble for download on the Internet at: The Annual Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2018 and the Combined Management Report of Siemens Healthineers AG are filed with the operator of the electronic version of the German Federal Gazette and published in the electronic version of the German Federal Gazette. The Management Report of Siemens Healthineers AG has been combined with the Management Report of the Siemens Healthi- neers Group in accordance with Section 315 para. 5 together with Section 298 para. 2 of the German Commercial Code (Han- delsgesetzbuch) and is published in the 2018 Annual Report of the Siemens Healthineers Group. Combined Management Report Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG B.3 Further Information Notes A.3 Receivables and other assets Receivables from affiliated companies Interest expenses Cash and cash equivalents The Annual Financial Statements as of September 30, 2018, were prepared in accordance with Section 264 para. 1 of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) in con- junction with Section 267 para. 3 and Section 264d of that Code, on the basis of the German Commercial Code's provi- sions for the reporting of large capital corporations, as well as under the terms of the German Stock Corporation Act (Ak- tiengesetz, AktG). Amounts are presented in millions of euros (€ million). Because of rounding, it is possible that some fig- ures may not add up precisely to the presented totals. The Company's shares were admitted for trading on the Frank- furt Stock Exchange on March 16, 2018, and are traded in the Prime Standard segment of the regulated market there. Since the Company's initial public offering (IPO), the Siemens Ak- tiengesellschaft, Berlin and Munich, as well as its directly and indirectly controlled subsidiaries ("Siemens Group") have held an interest of approximately 85% of Siemens Healthineers AG. On June 18, 2018 the recently listed Company, which trades under the ticker symbol SHL, was included in the TecDAX un- der the Fast Entry rule, and on September 24, 2018 with the inception of Deutsche Börse's new index structure, it was also included in the MDAX. The Company was founded in December 2017 and serves as the holding company for the Siemens Healthineers Group. Siemens Healthineers AG has its registered office in Munich, Germany, where it is registered under entry number HRB 237558 with Munich Local Court. General Disclosures A.3.1 A.3 Notes Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 04 0 14.965 4 2.414 0 2.418 14 38 13 16 12 54 The Income Statement was prepared using the cost of sales method. 723 A.3.2 Accounting policies and methods Financial assets: Financial assets acquired by contributions in kind have been recognized with their fair value at the time of the contribution in accordance with the principles for the accounting for contributions in kind. The trust assets acquired by a voluntary additional contribution have been recognized and valued in the same way. The contribution of these trust assets to Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Munich, has been valued using the book value of the contributed assets in accordance with the principle for the accounting for barter transactions. Impairment losses are recognized if the decline in value is presumed to be other than temporary. This applies when ob- jective evidence, particularly events or changes in circum- stances, indicate a significant or other than temporary decline in value. The former control and profit and loss transfer agreement between Siemens AG and Siemens Healthcare GmbH was terminated by mutual consent in a termination agreement effective March 31, 2018. Other receivables and other assets The profit and loss transfer agreement between Siemens Healthineers AG and Siemens Healthcare GmbH was entered into in February 2018 with effect from April 1, 2018, and for an indefinite duration. The agreement was entered in the Commercial Register on April 16, 2018, and may be terminat- ed for convenience on three months' notice, but not earlier than the end of the day on September 30, 2023. It includes an obligation to assume the losses of Siemens Healthcare GmbH as provided in Section 302 of the German Stock Corporation Act as amended from time to time. Income from investments, totaling €472 million, derived en- tirely from the profit and loss transfer agreement with Siemens Healthcare GmbH, and therefore solely from affiliated compa- nies. In connection with the profit transfer from Siemens Healthcare GmbH, it should be noted that this represents the profit for the short fiscal year from April 1 to September 30, 2018. The profit of Siemens Healthcare GmbH for its short fiscal year from October 1, 2017, to March 31, 2018 was trans- ferred to Siemens AG. NOTE 3 - Income from investments from the profit transfer from Siemens Healthcare GmbH to Siemens AG as of March 31, 2018. Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 05 Other operating income substantially comprised reimburse- ments by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin and Munich, ("Siemens AG") of €0.7 million for the costs of share-based payments awarded to Siemens Healthineers AG employees in connection with the initial public offering (IPO). The associat- ed expenses are recognized as either functional costs or as a personnel expense. The cost reimbursement was provided on the basis of an agreement entered into on March 1, 2018, between Siemens Healthineers AG, Siemens Beteiligungsver- waltung GmbH & Co. OHG, Grünwald, Germany, and Siemens AG under which Siemens Healthineers AG was promised reim- bursement of all costs reasonably necessary for the successful completion of the IPO. The bulk of the costs of the IPO were nevertheless incurred by Siemens Healthcare GmbH and were assumed by Siemens AG by deducting the costs of the IPO NOTE 2 - Other operating income and expenses Revenue results entirely from providing management services to affiliated companies, in the amount of €7 million. Revenue is generated entirely from affiliated companies in Germany. Revenue Notes to the Income Statement NOTE 1 - A.3.3 Classification of items in the Annual Financial Statements: Siemens Healthineers AG aggregates individual line items in the Income Statement and in the Balance Sheet if the individ- ual line item is not material for providing a true and fair view of the Company's financial position and if such an aggregation improves clarity of presentation. Siemens Healthineers AG discloses these items separately in the notes. Deferred taxes are calculated for timing differences between commercial and tax valuations of assets, liabilities and accruals and deferrals. Any total representing a tax liability is recog- nized as a deferred tax liability in the Balance Sheet. In the event of a tax reduction, the associated capitalization option is not exercised, and the amount is not capitalized. Foreign currency translation: Receivables, other current assets, cash and cash equivalents, provisions and liabilities as well as commitments and contingencies denominated in foreign currency are generally translated applying the mean spot ex- change rate on the balance sheet date. Other provisions are recognized in an appropriate and suffi- cient amount to cover individual obligations for all identifiable risks relating to liabilities of uncertain timing and amount, taking account of price and cost increases expected to arise in the future. Significant provi¬sions with a remaining term of more than one year are discounted using a discount rate which corresponds to the average market interest rate appro- priate for the remaining term of the obligations, as calculated and published by Deutsche Bundesbank. the basis of biometric probabilities. The discount rate used for discounting pension obligations corresponds to the average market interest rate for instruments with an assumed remain- ing maturity of 15 years as published by Deutsche Bundes- bank. Pensions and similar commitments: Siemens Healthineers AG measures its pension obligations using the settlement amount calculated with the actuarial projected unit credit method on Proceeds from management services for affiliated companies are recognized as revenue. 10.770 The year under report was a short fiscal year covering the period from the founding of the Company on December 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018. 0 Notes Dec 1, Sept 30, Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Total shareholders' equity and liabilities Other liabilities Liabilities to affiliated companies Trade payables Other provisions 2018 Provision for pensions and similar commitments Unappropriated net income Capital reserve Issued capital Treasury shares Subscribed capital Shareholders' equity Shareholders' equity and liabilities Total assets Prepaid expenses Provisions 2017 Liabilities 14.399 1.000 8 0 0 1.000 0 12.493 11 14.965 0 0 0 14.399 0 479 0 566 9 0 566 86 51 5 2 P.E.T.NET Houston, LLC, Austin, TX / United States -3 88 EPOCAL INC., Toronto / Canada PETNET Indiana LLC, Indianapolis, IN / United States 100 0 100 50² PETNET Solutions Cleveland, LLC, Wilmington, DE / United States 1 3 63 PETNET Solutions, Inc., Knoxville, TN / United States 11 145 80 PhSiTh LLC, New Castle, DE / United States 3 8 −11 Dedicated 2Imaging LLC, Wilmington, DE / United States N/A6 Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics Holding I B.V., The Hague / Netherlands 2.817 100 100 Siemens Medicina d.o.o., Sarajevo / Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 0 100 Steiermärkische Medizinarchiv GesmbH, Graz / Austria 1 2 52 TRIXELL SAS, Moirans / France 225 385 25 Americas (26 companies) Dade Behring Hong Kong Holdings Corporation, Tortola Virgin Islands, British 33 100 -5 N/A6 4 Siemens Healthcare Diagnósticos Ltda., São Paulo / Brazil Siemens Healthcare S.A.S., Tenjo / Colombia Siemens Healthcare Servicios S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City / Mexico Siemens Healthcare, Sociedad Anonima, Antiguo Cuscatlán / El Salvador Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Wilmington, DE / United States Siemens Molecular Imaging, Inc., Wilmington, DE / United States Siemens S.A., Montevideo / Uruguay Siemens-Healthcare Cia. Ltda., Quito / Ecuador Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Net income in Equity in millions of €1 millions of €¹ Equity interest in % 0 0 99 125 6.714 100 8 248 100 1 1 100 71 2.502 100 Siemens Healthcare S.A.C., Surquillo / Peru Siemens Healthcare S.A., Buenos Aires / Argentina Siemens Healthcare Limited, Oakville / Canada Siemens Healthcare Laboratory, LLC, Wilmington, DE / United States 19 136 100 1 The values correspond to the annual financial statements after a possible profit transfer, for subsidiaries according to the consolidated IFRS-closing. 2 Control due to a majority of voting rights. 3 Financial data for the short fiscal year November 10, 2017 - September 30, 2018. 4 33 Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017. Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017. 6 Usage of the exemption in accordance with Section 286 para. 3 sentence 2 German Commercial Code. N/A = No data available. 16 September 30, 2018 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS GUATEMALA, S.A., Guatemala Guatemala Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., Los Angeles, CA / United States Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Limited, Grand Cayman / Cayman Islands Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics S.A., San José / Costa Rica Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City / Mexico Siemens Healthcare Equipos Médicos Sociedad por Acciones, Santiago de Chile / Chile 5 83 15 100 34 51 Siemens Healthcare Logistics LLC, Cairo / Egypt 1 0 100 Siemens HealthCare Ltd., Rosh HaAyin / Israel Siemens Healthcare Medical Solutions Limited, Swords, County Dublin / Ireland Siemens Healthcare Nederland B.V., The Hague / Netherlands 1 3 100 2 8 100 1 117 100 Siemens Healthcare Oy, Espoo / Finland Siemens Healthcare Proprietary Limited, Halfway House / South Africa Siemens Healthcare S.A.E., Cairo / Egypt Siemens Healthcare S.R.L., Bucharest Romania 22 7 100 30 1 6 Usage of the exemption in accordance with Section 286 para. 3 sentence 2 German Commercial Code. N/A = No data available. Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG September 30, 2018 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Kiev / Ukraine Siemens Healthcare Limited Liability Company, Moscow / Russian Federation Siemens Healthcare Limited Liability Partnership, Almaty / Kazakhstan Siemens Healthcare Limited, Frimley, Surrey / United Kingdom Siemens Healthcare Limited, Riyadh / Saudi Arabia Net income in millions of €1 millions of €¹ Equity in Equity interest in % 1 2 100 6 6 100 -1 -3 100 -75 52 100 5 -2 100 Siemens Healthcare SAS, Saint-Denis / France 14 220 100 Siemens Healthcare Sp. z o.o., Warsaw / Poland SIEMENS HEALTHCARE, S.L.U., Getafe / Spain 5 56 100 9 257 100 Siemens Healthcare, s.r.o., Prague / Czech Republic 5 38 100 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE, UNIPESSOAL, LDA, Amadora / Portugal 2 90 -2 Siemens Healthcare SARL, Casablanca / Morocco 49 20 38 75 3 6 100 1 10 100 Siemens Healthcare S.r.l., Milan / Italy 10 Siemens Healthineers Holding III B.V., The Hague / Netherlands 239 Siemens Healthcare s.r.o., Bratislava / Slovakia 2 -2 100 Siemens Healthcare SA/NV, Beersel / Belgium 11 87 100 Siemens Healthcare Saglik Anonim Sirketi, Istanbul / Turkey 5 100 16 ters: -1 Siemens Shanghai Medical Equipment Ltd., Shanghai / China Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen / China Siemens Technology Development Co., Ltd. of Beijing, Beijing / China Siemens X-Ray Vacuum Technology Ltd., Wuxi, Wuxi / China Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Net income in Equity in millions of €1 millions of €¹ Equity interest in % 41 92 100 48 100 100 4 7 90 2 20 100 1 The values correspond to the annual financial statements after a possible profit transfer, for subsidiaries according to the consolidated IFRS-closing. 2 September 30, 2018 Control due to a majority of voting rights. 17 Usage of the exemption in accordance with Section 286 para. 3 sentence 2 German Commercial Code. 100 15 90 100 3 6 100 48 74 100 1 The values correspond to the annual financial statements after a possible profit transfer, for subsidiaries according to the consolidated IFRS-closing. 2 Control due to a majority of voting rights. 3 Financial data for the short fiscal year November 10, 2017 - September 30, 2018. 4 Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017. 5 Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017. 6 N/A = No data available. 3 Financial data for the short fiscal year November 10, 2017 - September 30, 2018. 4 Report on the audit of the annual financial statements and of the management report Opinions We have audited the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich, which comprise the income state- ment for the short fiscal year from December 1, 2017 to Sep- tember 30, 2018, the balance sheet as of September 30, 2018 and the notes to the financial statements, including the recognition and measurement policies presented therein. In addition, we have audited the management report of Siemens Healthineers AG, which is combined with the group manage- ment report. In accordance with the German legal require- ments we have not audited the content of chapter A.11.3 "Corporate Governance statement" of the Combined Manage- ment Report, including chapter C.3.2 of the Annual Report 2018 referred to in chapter A.11.3. In our opinion, on the basis of the knowledge obtained in the audit, • • the accompanying annual financial statements comply, in all material respects, with the requirements of German commercial law applicable to business corporations and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and finan- cial position of the Company as of September 30, 2018 and of its financial performance for the short fiscal year from December 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 in compliance with German legally required accounting principles, and the accompanying management report as a whole provides an appropriate view of the Company's position. In all mate- rial respects, this management report is consistent with the annual financial statements, complies with German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. Our opinion on the man- agement report does not cover the content of the Corporate Governance statement referred to above. Pursuant to Sec. 322 (3) Sentence 1 HGB ["Han- delsgesetzbuch": German Commercial Code], we declare that our audit has not led to any reservations relating to the legal compliance of the annual financial statements and of the management report. Basis for the opinions We conducted our audit of the annual financial statements and of the management report in accordance with Sec. 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation (No 537/2014, referred to subsequently as "EU Audit Regulation") and in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer [Insti- tute of Public Auditors in Germany] (IDW). In conducting the audit of the annual financial statements we also complied with International Standards on Auditing (ISA). Our responsibilities under those requirements, principles and standards are further described in the "Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the annual financial statements and of the management report" section of our auditor's report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the requirements of European law and German commercial and professional law, and we have fulfilled our other German professional responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. In addition, in accord- ance with Art. 10 (2) f) of the EU Audit Regulation, we declare that we have not provided non-audit services prohibited under Art. 5 (1) of the EU Audit Regulation. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions on the annual financial state- ments and on the management report. Key audit matters in the audit of the annual financial statements Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the annual financial statements for the short fiscal year from December 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the annual financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon; we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. Below, we describe what we consider to be the key audit mat- Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017. Impairment of non-current financial assets Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: The impairment test of non-current financial assets, especially of shares in affiliated companies, entails an elevated risk of material misstatement due to the materiality of these assets as well as the judgment involved in assessing whether there is objective evidence to indicate a lower net realizable value and permanent impairment. The valuations also depend to a large extent on the estimate of future cash inflows and the discount rate applied. Consequently, the impairment of non-current financial assets was a key audit matter. Auditor's response: With regard to the lower net realizable value determined and the assessment of permanent impair- ment by management, we examined the underlying processes and controls used to determine net realizable values and ex- amined the process for budgeting future cash flows. With the help of internal valuation experts, we obtained an understand- ing of the underlying valuation models used to determine net realizable value both methodologically and arithmetically. We also examined whether the budget planning reflects general and industry-specific market expectations. We performed a budget to actual comparison of the historical- ly forecasted data and the actual results on a sample basis to assess forecast accuracy. We examined the inputs used to estimate net realizable value, such as the estimated growth rates and the weighted average cost of capital, comparing them with publicly available market data and assessing them in light of changes in key assumptions, including future market conditions. Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the impairment of non-current financial assets. Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the recogni- tion and measurement policies applied in relation to the im- pairment of non-current financial statements, refer to chapter A.3.2 Accounting policies and methods in the notes to the financial statements. 20 To Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich B.2 Independent Auditor's Report Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 19 Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017. 5 Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017. 6 Usage of the exemption in accordance with Section 286 para. 3 sentence 2 German Commercial Code. N/A No data available. 18 Additional Information B.1 Responsibility Statement -20 Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Munich, November 19, 2018 Siemens Healthineers AG Der Vorstand J. Montan Dr. Bernhard Montag 1. Schmit Dr. Jochen Schmitz Materia Michael Reitermann To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable reporting principles, the Annual Financial Statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company, and the Management Report for Siemens Healthineers AG, which has been combined with the Group Management Report, includes a fair review of the develop- ment and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the material opportuni- ties and risks associated with the expected development of the Company. 100 4 Siemens Healthcare Pty. Ltd., Melbourne / Australia 100 0 3 100 0 3 100 Asia, Australia (24 companies) Acrorad Co., Ltd., Okinawa / Japan 1 28 63 DPC (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Tianjin / China 0 0 100 PETNET Radiopharmaceutical Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai / India 0 3 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Shanghai / China -102 42 -4 4.924 4 100 12 71 100 -2 18 100 1 1 100 1 20 100 0 4 100 1 1 100 -47 100 317 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics K.K., Tokyo / Japan Siemens Healthcare Limited, Hong Kong / Hong Kong Siemens Healthcare Limited, Taipei / Taiwan, Province of China Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Dhaka / Bangladesh 4 7 100 6 22 100 1 3 100 Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Shanghai / China Siemens Healthcare Private Limited, Mumbai / India 71 117 100 7 -54 100 Siemens Healthcare Pte. Ltd., Singapore / Singapore 100 2 0 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Ho Chi Minh City / Viet Nam 4 200 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd., Shanghai, Shanghai / China -1 14 100 Siemens Healthcare Inc., Manila / Philippines 0 4 Siemens Healthcare Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya Malaysia Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Seoul / Korea, Republic of 100 37 222 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Auckland / New Zealand 12 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Bangkok/Thailand 2 7 100 Siemens Healthcare K.K., Tokyo / Japan 5 2 4 Employee in the Finance Department of Siemens AG • evosoft GmbH Positions outside Germany: ⚫evosoft kft, Hungary Members of the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG has nine members. All members are appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting and represent the shareholders. Under the German rules for employee co-determination in companies, Siemens Healthineers AG is not required to appoint a Supervisory Board that includes employee representatives, as Siemens Healthineers AG has fewer than the required number of em- ployees. Consistently with the German provisions for employee co-determination in companies, employees at other entities of the Group are not attributed to Siemens Healthineers AG. In the 2018 short fiscal year, the Supervisory Board had the following members: 13 Name Michael Sen Chairman Occupation Year of birth Member of the Managing Board 1968 of Siemens AG Dr. Norbert Gaus Deputy Chairman Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Member since 03/01/2018 Memberships in supervisory boards whose establishment is required by law or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises (as of September 30, 2018) None German positions: German positions: 12/01/2017 United Kingdom (Chairman) (until 08/31/2018) • Siemens AB, Sweden (until 08/31/2018) Michael Reitermann 1962 03/01/2018 02/28/2021 Positions outside Germany: None Member of the Managing Board, President of the Segment Diagnostics • Siemens Foundation, USA Carina Schätzl 1987 12/01/2017 02/28/2018 None Employee in the Finance Department of Siemens AG None Wolfgang Seltmann 1963 02/28/2018 • Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Chairman) Positions outside Germany: CEO of Karl-Heinz Streibich DeepHealth, Inc. President of acatech-Deut- sche Akademie der Technikwis- senschaften Dr. Ralf P. Thomas Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG (Chief Financial Officer) Peter Kastenmeier Chairman (until 02/28/2018) ment of Steffen Großberger Deputy Chairman (until 02/28/2018) 1952 03/01/2018 1961 03/01/2018 Teamlead in the Finance Depart- 1960 12/01/2017 Siemens AG German positions: ⚫ evosoft GmbH (Chairman) Positions outside Germany: • evosoft kft, Hungary (Chairman) President and 03/01/2018 1962 Executive Chair- man of IMRIS (Deerfield Imag- ing, Inc.) and • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A., Spain Executive Vice President Corpo- rate Technology of Siemens AG 1961 03/01/2018 Dr. Marion Helmes Business Con- sultant 1965 03/01/2018 Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann General Counsel •Siemens Holdings plc, 1964 of Siemens AG Dr. Philipp Rösler Chief Executive Officer of Hainan Cihang Charity Foundation Inc. 1973 03/02/2018 Dr. Nathalie von Siemens Dr. Gregory Sorensen Managing Direc- tor and Spokes- person of Sie- mens Stiftung 1971 03/01/2018 03/01/2018 German positions: (Chairman) (until 08/31/2018) Positions outside Germany: •Siemens Sp. z o.o, Polen 225.702 0 0 225.702 NOTE 16 - Personnel expenses Personnel expenses did not include the expense for com- pounding the interest on the pension and personnel-related expenses, which are included in other financial income (ex- penses), net. Short fiscal year (in millions of €) 2018 Wages and salaries -10 Social security contributions and expenses for other employee benefits -0 Expenses for / Income from pensions Personnel expenses -1 -12 During the 2018 short fiscal year, the Company had an aver- age of 27 employees, who were engaged solely in administra- tive functions. The average percentage of women was 7%. NOTE 17 - Share-based payment Siemens Healthineers AG allows employees and members of the Managing Board to participate in share--based payment programs. For the purpose of servicing share¬-based payment programs Siemens Healthineers AG also delivers Siemens Healthineers shares that have been granted by affiliated com- panies. 0 Stock awards 2018 Short Financial data from local financial statements for the fiscal year October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017. A.3.5 Other disclosures NOTE 15 - Material expenses (in millions of €) Expenses for raw materials, supplies and purchased merchandise Costs of purchased services Material expenses Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG The following table shows the changes in the stock awards held by members of the senior management and other eligible employees of Siemens Healthineers AG: Short fiscal year (in number of shares) 2018 Non-vested, beginning of fiscal year -67 Granted -337 Forfeited -404 Settled Non-vested, end of fiscal year fiscal year Siemens Healthineers AG grants stock awards to members of the Managing Board, members of the senior management and other eligible employees. Stock awards to beneficiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG are expensed as incurred over the vesting period and are meas- ured at the intrinsic value (= share price of Siemens Healthi- neers stock) on a pro rata basis for the proportion of the vest- ing period expired considering the estimated target attain- ment at the balance sheet date. The number of shares for some of the stock awards is not known because the grant and number of these awards still depends on attaining certain targets. The provision for these awards is formed on the basis of the projected number of stock awards to be issued. The estimate of the numbers took account of the estimated target attainment and other performance terms. Additionally, 15,184 stock awards with cash settlement were granted during the 2018 short fiscal year. NOTE 23 - Declaration of Compliance with the Ger- man Corporate Governance Code As of September 30, 2018, the mandatory statement pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) has been issued by the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board and is accessible to the public on the Company's website at relations/corporate-governance. 12 NOTE 25- Members of the Supervisory Board and Managing Board and their mandates Members of the Managing Board In the 2018 short fiscal year, the Managing Board had the following members: Name and occupation Dr. Bernhard Montag Chairman Year of birth 1969 First appointed 03/01/2018 Term expires 02/28/2021 Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Memberships in supervisory boards whose establishment is required by law or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises External positions (as of September 30, 2018) None Group company positions (as of September 30, 2018) None Dr. Jochen Schmitz 1966 03/01/2018 02/28/2021 Chief Financial Officer Information regarding the remuneration of the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board is disclosed on an individual basis in the Compensation Report, which is part of the Combined Management Report (Section A.12). Remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board Compensation attributable to members of the Supervisory Board comprises a base compensation and additional compen- sation for committee work, and amounted to €0.6 million (including meeting fees). Therefore the compensation and benefits attributable to members of the Managing Board amounted to €6.6 million in total. Remuneration of the members of the Managing Board Members of the Managing Board received cash compensation of €2.5 million. The fair value of stock-based compensation amounted to €3.4 million for 120,097 Stock Awards. The Com- pany granted contributions (including one-time special contri- butions) under the BSAV to members of the Managing Board totaling €0.7 million. The pro rata intrinsic value of all stock awards issued to bene- ficiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG amounted to €2 million at the balance sheet date. Bonus shares Under the "My IPO Shares" employee share program, which was offered on a one-time basis on the occasion of the initial public offering (IPO), plan participants were entitled to bonus shares depending on the amount of their investment, with a maximum permitted investment of €2,500 per plan partici- pant. Up to an investment of €1,000, plan participants re- ceived bonus shares worth 30% of the investment amount. For any further investment of up to €1,500, the plan participants received bonus shares worth 10% of this additional investment amount; in other words, bonus shares worth a maximum €450 per plan participant were granted. The "My IPO Shares" employee share program was settled on September 14, 2018, so that on that date 323 bonus shares worth €12 thousand were issued to employees of Siemens Healthineers AG. NOTE 18-Guarantees and other commitments For two subsidiaries Siemens Healthineers AG has undertaken under unrestricted letters of comfort to be responsible for all liabilities recognized in these subsidiaries' Annual Financial Statements for fiscal year 2018, within the meaning of Section 264 para. 3 sentence 1 No. 2 of the German Commercial Code, that were undertaken by these subsidiaries up to the reporting date of September 30, 2018. These liabilities comprise the liabilities and provisions recognized in the Balance Sheets of these subsidiaries' Annual Financial Statements as of Septem- ber 30, 2018, as well as the off-balance-sheet contingent liabilities and liabilities from pending transactions. The letters of comfort and the associated responsibility obligations will end at the end of fiscal year 2019. 11 Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG subsidiaries will be able to fulfill their obligations themselves. For this reason, the Company does not consider it probable that it will be called upon to perform in conjunction with any of the commitments described above. NOTE 19 None - There were no payment obligations under leasing and rental arrangements. NOTE 20 - Other financial obligations There were no other financial obligations at the balance sheet date. NOTE 21 Proposal for the appropriation of net in- come NOTE 24 - Group affiliation Siemens Healthineers AG itself prepares the Consolidated Financial Statements for the smallest group of consolidated companies to which it belongs. Pursuant to Section 290 para. 1 of the German Commercial Code, it is also included in the Consolidated Financial Statements of Siemens AG (registered offices in Munich and Berlin, Berlin Charlottenburg Local Court HRB 12300), as the largest consolidated group. The Consolidated Financial Statements are published in the electronic version of the German Federal Gazette. The Supervisory Board and the Managing Board propose that the unappropriated net income of Siemens Healthineers AG for the past short fiscal year 2018, amounting to €723 million, be appropriated as follows: Distribution of a dividend of €0.70 on each share of no par value entitled to the dividend, and carry- forward of the remaining amount. NOTE 22 -Remuneration of the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board Financial payment obligations under leas- ing and rental arrangements • Siemens Healthineers AG enters into contingent liabilities only after careful consideration of the risks concerned. Based on an ongoing risk evaluation of the arrangements entered into and taking into account all information available up to the date on which the Annual Financial Statements were prepared, Sie- mens Healthineers AG currently concludes that the relevant Uniper SE 1 100 19 1.330 100 −1 -2 100 4 27 100 5 33 100 3 120 100 4 35 100 0 1 1 45 45 0 20 100 Impilo Consortium (Pty.) Ltd., La Lucia / South Africa ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH, Innsbruck / Austria Medical Systems S.p.A., Genoa / Italy PETNET Solutions SAS, Lisses / France Siemens Diagnostics Holding II B.V., The Hague / Netherlands Siemens Healthcare (Private) Limited, Lahore / Pakistan Siemens Healthcare A/S, Ballerup / Denmark Siemens Healthcare AB, Solna / Sweden Siemens Healthcare AG, Zurich / Switzerland Siemens Healthcare AS, Oslo / Norway Siemens Healthcare d.o.o. Beograd, Belgrade / Serbia Siemens Healthcare d.o.o., Ljubljana / Slovenia -144 564 31 0 ProSiebenSat. 1 Media SE (Vice Chairwoman) 69 1055 100 1 3 Siemens Healthcare Industrial and Commercial Société Anonyme, Athens / Greece Siemens Healthcare Kft., Budapest / Hungary Siemens Healthcare L.L.C., Dubai / United Arab Emirates 4 3 100 1 56 100 2 3 100 10 -46 49 1 The values correspond to the annual financial statements after 2 Control due to a majority of voting rights. 3 a possible profit transfer, for subsidiaries according to the consolidated IFRS-closing. Siemens Healthcare FZ LLC, Dubai / United Arab Emirates 100 3 1 100 Siemens Healthcare d.o.o., Zagreb / Croatia 1 0 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH, Vienna / Austria 0 105 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd., Frimley, Surrey / United Kingdom 100 3 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd, Frimley, Surrey / United Kingdom 5 174 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products Ltd, Frimley, Surrey / United Kingdom 4 165 100 Siemens Healthcare EOOD, Sofia / Bulgaria 53 76 3 100 German positions: 0 Employee in the 1972 12/01/2017 None Finance Depart- ment of Siemens AG Martin Rohbogner (until 02/28/2018) ment of Employee in the Finance Depart- 1978 12/01/2017 None Siemens AG 14 Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG NOTE 26 - List of subsidiaries and associated companies pursuant to Section 285 para. 11 of the German Commercial Code September 30, 2018 Germany (11 companies) • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A., Spain Siemens Corp., USA (Deputy Chairman) Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Österreich, Austria Positions outside Germany: Positions outside Germany: ⚫British American Tobacco p.l.c., United Kingdom • Heineken N.V., The Netherlands None German positions: • Bertelsmann Stiftung • Jacobs University Bremen German positions: • Messer Group GmbH Siemens AG • Siemens Healthcare GmbH Befund24 GmbH, Erlangen / Germany Positions outside Germany: • DFB Healthcare Acquisitions Corp., USA German positions: • Dürr AG (Chairman) • Deutsche Telekom AG • Deutsche Messe AG • Wittenstein SE German positions: • Siemens Healthcare GmbH • Fusion Healthcare Staffing, LLC, USA (Chairman) • Invicro, LLC, USA Dade Behring Grundstücks GmbH, Marburg / Germany • Flender GmbH, Bocholt (since February 1, 2018) NEO New Oncology GmbH, Cologne / Germany 34 786 100 -332 1.208 100 -3 12.898 100 6 34 100 16 121 94 Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (C. I. S.), Africa, Middle East (EMEA) (without Germany) (53 companies) Fast Track Diagnostics Ltd, Sliema / Malta FAST TRACK DIAGNOSTICS LUXEMBOURG S.à r.l., Esch-sur-Alzette / Luxembourg MeVis BreastCare GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen / Germany 2 21 100 1.089 FTD Europe Ltd, Sliema / Malta 100 44 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH, Eschborn / Germany Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath / Germany Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services GmbH, Grünwald / Germany Siemens Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath / Germany Net income in millions of €1 Equity in millions of €1 Equity interest in % 03 23 70 -1 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Holding GmbH, Eschborn / Germany Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH, Marburg / Germany Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Munich / Germany 94 14 44 49 Financial data for the short fiscal year November 10, 2017 - September 30, 2018. -7 29 100 206 7 36 German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement The German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement is Thomas Spannagl. Munich, November 19, 2018 Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Spannagl Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft bunch Wirtschaftsprüfer Ernst & Young GmbH In addition to auditing the statutory financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, we performed the statutory audit of the Siemens Healthineers' consolidated financial statements, audits of financial statements of subsidiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG, reviews of interim financial statements being integrated into the audit and project-accompanying IT audits. Other attestation services include primarily a post-foundation audit, an audit of a capital increase with contribution in kind and other contractually agreed attestation services. Permissi- ble tax services were performed to a minor extent. We were elected as auditor by the Annual Shareholders' Meet- ing on February 19, 2018. We were engaged by the Superviso- ry Board on April 24, 2018. We have been the auditor of Sie- mens Healthineers AG since the short fiscal year from Decem- ber 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. 22 In addition to the financial statement audit, we have provided to the Company or entities controlled by it the following ser- We declare that the opinions expressed in this auditor's report are consistent with the additional report to the audit commit- tee pursuant to Art. 11 of the EU Audit Regulation (long-form audit report). Further information pursuant to Art. 10 of the EU Audit Regulation Other legal and regulatory requirements We also provide those charged with governance with a state- ment that we have complied with the relevant independence requirements, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence and where applicable, related safeguards. From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the annual financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter. We communicate with those charged with governance regard- ing, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any signifi- cant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. [German Public Auditor] • Perform audit procedures on the prospective information presented by management in the management report. On the basis of sufficient appropriate audit evidence we evalu- ate, in particular, the significant assumptions used by man- agement as a basis for the prospective information, and evaluate the proper derivation of the prospective infor- mation from these assumptions. We do not express a sepa- rate opinion on the prospective information and on the as- sumptions used as a basis. There is a substantial unavoida- ble risk that future events will differ materially from the prospective information. vices that are not disclosed in the annual financial statements or in the management report: Tropschug Internet: [German Public Auditor] SIEMENS Healthineers Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 24 24 O Siemens Healthineers AG, 2018 Phone +49 9131 84-0 Henkestraße 127 D-91052 Erlangen Siemens Healthineers AG Investor Relations: Press: For technical reasons, there may be differences between the accounting records appearing in this document and those published pursuant to legal requirements. This document is an English language translation of the German document. In case of discrepancies, the German language doc- ument is the sole authoritative and universally valid version. Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures. Further Information B.3 Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG 223 23 Wirtschaftsprüferin Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the annual financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the annual financial statements present the underlying transactions and events in a manner that the annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and financial perfor- mance of the Company in compliance with German legally required accounting principles; • Evaluate the consistency of the management report with the annual financial statements, its conformity with Ger- man law, and the view of the Company's position it pro- vides; • In connection with our audit, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in so doing, to consider whether the other information Our opinions on the annual financial statements and on the management report do not cover the other information, and consequently we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance conclusion thereon. The notes and forward-looking statements in chapter C.4 of the Annual report 2018. • Corporate Governance in chapter C.3 of the Annual report 2018, and • • The Report of the Supervisory Board in the Annual Report 2018 • The Responsibility Statement in chapter C.1 of the Annual Report 2018 The notes in chapter B.3 of the report "Annual Financial Statements for the short fiscal year from December 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018" • The Responsibility Statement according to Sec. 264 (2) Sentence 3 and Sec. 289 (1) Sentence 5 HGB in chapter B.1 of the report "Annual Financial Statements for the short fis- cal year from December 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018" The other information, of which we received a version prior to issuing the auditor's report, includes: The Supervisory Board is responsible for the Report of the Supervisory Board in the Annual Report 2018. In all other respects, management is responsible for the other infor- mation. Other information Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the recogni- tion and measurement policies applied in accounting for in- come taxes, refer to chapter A.3.2 Accounting policies and methods and chapter A.3.3 Notes to the income statement Note 6 Income taxes and with respect to disclosures for de- ferred tax assets, refer to chapter A.3.4 Notes to the balance sheet, Note 10 Deferred tax assets in the notes to the financial statements. Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the accounting for uncertain tax positions and the assess- ment of deferred taxes. Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: The accounting for uncertain tax positions as well as deferred taxes requires management to exercise considerable judgment and make estimates and assumptions, and was therefore a key audit matter. In particular, this relates to the measurement and completeness of uncertain tax position. Auditor's response: With the assistance of internal tax special- ists who have knowledge of relevant tax law, we examined the processes installed by management to identify, recognize and measure tax positions. In the course of our audit procedures relating to uncertain tax positions, we evaluated whether management's assessment of the tax implications of signifi- cant business transactions or events in the short fiscal year 2018, which could result in uncertain tax positions or influ- ence the measurement of existing uncertain tax positions, was in compliance with tax law. This includes, in particular, tax effects from the acquisition or disposal of businesses, corpo- rate (intragroup) restructuring activities, and cross-border transactions including the determination of transfer prices. We also obtained confirmations from external tax advisors to assess measurement and completeness. Further, we evaluated management's assessments with respect to the prospects of success of appeal and tax court proceedings by inquiring of the Siemens Healthineers tax department and by considering current tax case law. Uncertain tax positions and deferred taxes Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG may cause the Company to cease to be able to continue as a going concern; • is materially inconsistent with the annual financial state- ments, with the management report or our knowledge ob- tained in the audit, or • If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to re- port in this regard. Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty ex- ists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going con- cern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in the auditor's report to the related disclosures in the annual financial statements and in the management report or, if such disclosures are inade- quate, to modify our respective opinions. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions otherwise appears to be materially misstated. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used by management and the reasonableness of estimates made by the management and related disclosures; Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit of the annual financial statements and of arrange- ments and measures (systems) relevant to the audit of the management report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of these systems of the Company; Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the annual financial statements and the management report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evi- dence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions. The risk of not detecting a material mis- statement resulting from fraud is higher than for one result- ing from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, in- tentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control; .• • • We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the annual financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and whether the management report as a whole provides an appropriate view of the Company's position and, in all material respects, is consistent with the annual financial statements and the knowledge obtained in the audit, complies with the German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development, as well as to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinions on the annual financial statements and the management report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Sec. 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation as well as in com- pliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Finan- cial Statement Audits promulgated by the IDW and in supple- mentary compliance with ISA will always detect a material misstatement. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these annual financial statements and this management report. • annual financial statements and the management re- port Responsibilities of management and the Supervisory Board for the annual financial statements and the man- agement report error. In preparing the annual financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. It also has the responsibility for disclos- ing, as applicable, matters related to going concern. In addi- tion, it is responsible for financial reporting based on the going concern basis of accounting, provided no actual or legal circumstances conflict therewith. Furthermore, management is responsible for the preparation of the management report that, as a whole, provides an appropriate view of the Company's position and is, in all material respects, consistent with the annual financial statements, complies with German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. In addition, management is responsible for such arrangements and measures (systems) as it has consid- ered necessary to enable the preparation of a management report that is in accordance with the applicable German legal requirements, and to be able to provide sufficient appropri- ate evidence for the assertions in the management report. The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reporting process for the preparation of the annual financial statements and of the management report. Management is responsible for the preparation of the annual financial statements that comply, in all material respects, with the requirements of German commercial law applicable to business corporations, and that the annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and financial performance of the Company in compliance with the German legally required accounting principles. In addition, management is responsible for such internal control as it, in accordance with German legally required accounting principles, has determined necessary to enable the preparation of annual financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or Annual Financial Statements HGB | Siemens Healthineers AG Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the 21 Financial assets amortization Carrying amount 10/1/2018 Additions Disposals 9/30/2019 10/1/2018 Depreciation/ Accumulated Impairment Acquisition costs Summary Note 7 Property, plant and equipment (in millions of €) Note 8 Non-current assets Notes to the Balance Sheet A.3.4 Other taxes amounting to €252 thousand (previous year: €31 thousand) are included in the relevant functional costs. Other financial income primarily included interest income of €1 million from the measurement of pension provisions (previous year: €1 million). Both the interest component of the change in pension provisions and the financial expenses relating to person- Other taxes -508 9/30/2019 Other equipment, plant and office equipment 9/30/2019 9/30/2018 0 0 0 0 -1,353 0 0 Loans 14,399 16,185 16,185 -613 2,400 14,399 Shares in affiliated companies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other financial income (expenses), net 10 Income taxes included only current income taxes resulting from corporate income tax and trade tax, because the surplus of de- ferred tax assets was not recognized owing to the exercise of the option under Section 274 para. 1 sentence 2 of the German Com- mercial Code. Note 3 Income from investments Other operating income substantially comprised a non-recurring reimbursement by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin and Munich, ("Siemens AG") amounting to €5 million. This item also included other reimbursements by Siemens AG for the cost of share-based payments awarded to employees of Siemens Healthineers AG as part of the IPO Incentive in the amount of €1 million (previous year: €1 million). The associated expenses are recognized within functional costs respectively personnel ex- penses. Note 2 Other operating income Revenue is generated entirely from affiliated companies in Germany. Revenue results solely from providing management services to af- filiated companies, in the amount of €14 million (previous year: €7 million). Note 1 Revenue A.3.3 Notes to the Income Statement In the previous year, the net income and equity figures in the list of subsidiaries and associated companies were generally from the consolidated IFRS-closing of the relevant company after profit transfer, if any. To make this financial data more informative, the net income and equity (after profit transfer, if any) figures that are disclosed from this fiscal year onward are generally derived from the annual financial statements of the relevant company prepared according to local accounting principles. For this reason, the figures for net income and equity in the list of subsidiaries and associated companies are not comparable with those of the prior year. This change did not affect the net assets, financial position and results of operations of Siemens Healthineers AG. Classification of items in the Annual Financial Statements: Siemens Healthineers AG aggregates individual line items in the Income Statement and in the Balance Sheet if the individual line item is not material for providing a true and fair view of the Company's financial position and if such an aggregation improves clarity of presentation. Siemens Healthineers AG discloses these items separately in the notes. Deferred taxes are calculated for timing differences between valu- ations in accordance with the German Commercial Code and tax valuations of assets, liabilities and accruals and deferrals. Any total representing a tax liability is recognized as a deferred tax liability in the Balance Sheet. In case of a tax reduction, the capitalization option is not exercised, and the amount is not capitalized. Income from investments, totaling €1,415 million (previous year: €472 million), derived entirely from the profit and loss transfer agreement with Siemens Healthcare GmbH, and therefore solely from affiliated companies. The option of applying hedge accounting is exercised on a case by case basis. All derivative financial instruments in these Annual Financial Statements were used for hedging purposes and com- bined with the hedged items into hedges. Hedges are recognized using the net hedge presentation method (Einfrierungsmethode). Forward exchange contracts are generally designated as hedges as a whole. In this case, when hedge accounting is applied, the changes in the value of the hedged items and of the spot compo- nents of the forward exchange contracts are offset. Only a net negative amount from the ineffective portion of the change in market value is recognized as a provision. The unrealized gains and losses from the effective portion cancel each other out and are not recognized either in the Balance Sheet or in the Income Statement. The forward components at inception of forward exchange contracts are recognized pro rata temporis over the term of the forward as an adjustment of interest expenses, if they are accounted for as a hedge of an interest-bearing liability. If the forward component in this case results in a discount from the spot rate, this is reported under other assets as long as the pre- sentation as a receivable from affiliated companies does not take precedent. Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes 06 Distributions from other entities are presented as income from investments if they do not demonstrably relate to reserves arising prior to the acquisition of the investment or a repayment of pre- vious capital increases or additional capital contributions. Other provisions are recognized in an appropriate and sufficient amount to cover individual obligations for all identifiable risks relating to liabilities of uncertain timing and amount, taking ac- count of price and cost increases expected to arise in the future. Significant provisions with a remaining term of more than one year are discounted using a discount rate which corresponds to the average market interest rate appropriate for the remaining term of the obligations, as calculated and published by Deutsche Bundesbank. Pensions and similar commitments: Siemens Healthineers AG mea- sures its pension obligations using the settlement amount calcu- lated with the actuarial projected unit credit method on the basis of biometric probabilities. Entitlements resulting from plans based on asset returns are generally measured at the fair value of the underlying assets at the reporting date. If the performance of the underlying assets is lower than a guaranteed return, the pension obligation is measured by projecting forward the contributions at the guaranteed fixed return and discounting back to a present value. The discount rate used for discounting pension obligations corresponds to the average market interest rate for instruments with an assumed remaining maturity of 15 years as published by Deutsche Bundesbank. In the 2019 fiscal year, the mortality rates are based on Siemens' own mortality tables (Siemens Bio 2017) for the first time, instead of the Siemens-specific tables (Richt- tafeln) with a mortality trend based on the Heubeck mortality tables RT 2005 G. This change did not have any material effect in fiscal year 2019. The Company exercises the option to recognize debt discounts as prepaid expenses. investment. Distributions from other entities are recognized as repayment of capital or a reduction in acquisition costs to the extent to which distributions demonstrably relate to reserves aris- ing prior to the acquisition of the investment and therefore included in the acquisition costs, or the distributions involve previously executed capital increases or additional capital contri- butions. Distributions of liquidity by partnerships are generally treated as repayment of capital. Impairment losses are recognized if the decline in value is presumed to be other than temporary. This applies when objective evidence, particularly events or changes in circumstances, indicate a significant or other than temporary decline in value. Financial assets acquired by way of contributions in kind from shareholders are generally recognized in the amount issued ac- cording to the resolution to increase the share capital, up to a maximum of their fair value at the time of the contribution. Con- tributions in kind to other entities are carried as acquisition costs either at their carrying amount or at the fair value of the asset contributed, up to a maximum of the fair value, on a case by case basis, exercising the option provided under the principles govern- ing exchanges of assets. Grants made to affiliated companies without consideration are capitalized as acquisition costs only when the grant increases the intrinsic value of the equity Proceeds from management services for affiliated companies are recognized as revenue. A.3.2 Accounting policies and methods Foreign currency translation: Receivables, other assets, cash and cash equivalents, provisions and liabilities as well as commit- ments and contingencies denominated in foreign currency are generally translated applying the mean spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. 13 The profit and loss transfer agreement between Siemens Healthineers AG and Siemens Healthcare GmbH was entered into in February 2018 with effect from April 1, 2018, and for an indef- inite duration. The agreement was entered in the Commercial Register on April 16, 2018, and may be terminated for conve- nience on three months' notice, but not earlier than the end of the day on September 30, 2023. It includes an obligation to assume the losses of Siemens Healthcare GmbH as provided in Section 302 of the German Stock Corporation Act as amended from time to time. expenses -1 -1 -507 -1,364 2018 2019 Fiscal year fiscal year Income taxes Note 6 Short Note 4 Interest income and interest Other financial income Interest component of changes in the pension provisions (in thousands of €) nel-related provisions constitute expenses from the discounting of provisions. Other financial income exclusively relates to gains from currency translation. net Note 5 Other financial income (expenses), Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes 07 Summary Interest income pertained only to third parties and did not inclu- de negative interest. Interest expenses related exclusively to affi- liated companies and included no positive interest from borro- wings. The interest expenses item decreased by €12 million due to the recognition pro rata temporis of the forward components of forward exchange contracts included in hedges. 10 Financial expenses relating to the personnel-related provisions 14,399 Note 11 Deferred tax assets -613 A further addition to the capital reserve resulted from the release of treasury shares in connection with the employee share pro- grams totaling €36 million. As of September 30, 2019, the capital reserve amounted to €10,754 million (previous year: €10,770 million). They primarily included the value of contributions in kind received in excess of the capital stock in the course of the capital increase of February 2, 2018, together with a voluntary additional contribution by Siemens AG in the 2018 short fiscal year from the contribution of trust assets for pension obligations. Capital reserve Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes 09 Additionally, as of September 30, 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG had conditional capital of €100 million, or 100,000,000 shares. This capital may be used to service convertible bonds or warrants from bonds with attached warrants issued on or before February 18, 2023 (Conditional Capital 2018). Conditional capital As of September 30, 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG had autho- rized capital of €500 million that may be issued in the form of a total of up to 500,000,000 new registered shares with no par value, on one or more occasions on or before February 18, 2023, in return for contributions in cash and/or in kind (Authorized Capital 2018). Authorized capital Siemens Healthineers AG shares are traded on the Regulated Market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol SHL. As of September 30, 2019, the subscribed capital of Siemens Healthineers AG was divided into 1,000,000,000 registered shares with no par value with a notional value of €1.00 per share. The shares are fully paid in. Each share confers one vote in the Shareholders' Meeting and defines the shareholder's interest in the Company's profit after taxes. All shares carry the same rights and obligations. Subscribed capital 12,811 1,034 1,057 1,034 -699 -699 - 10,754 999 -1 An amount of €52 million was withdrawn from the freely avail- able capital reserve for the repurchase of treasury shares. The capital reserve was distributable in an amount of €350 million as of September 30, 2019 (previous year: €367 million) before consideration of amounts subject to divi- dend payout restrictions. Treasury Shares Fiscal year 2019 The Income Statement was prepared using the cost of sales method. In Germany, Siemens Healthineers AG generally provides pension benefits through the Siemens Healthineers BSAV (Beitragsorien- tierte Siemens Altersvorsorge), frozen legacy plans and deferred Note 13 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Siemens AG notified us on March 20, 2018, because of the first admission of Siemens Healthineers AG stock for trading on an organized market, that the percentage of voting rights in Siemens Healthineers AG that it held either directly or indirectly on March 15, 2018, amounted to 85.00% of the voting rights (850,000,000 voting rights). At that time, moreover, there was a claim for rede- livery under a securities loan, as a result of the Greenshoe option for Siemens Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. OHG with refer- ence to 19,565,217 voting rights, or 1.96%. As of September 30, 2019, the following information on share- holdings subject to reporting requirements was available to the Company pursuant to Section 160 para. 1 No. 8 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG): Disclosures on holdings of the capital of Siemens Healthineers AG The amounts subject to payout restrictions are countered by a capital reserve of €350 million (previous year: €367 million) that is not subject to such restrictions. Therefore, there was no limita- tion on the payout of the unappropriated net income of €1.057 million (previous year: €723 million). The 651,158 treasury shares held by Siemens Healthineers AG as of September 30, 2019, correspond to a nominal value of €651,158, or 0.07% of the capital stock. During the 2019 fiscal year, Siemens Healthineers AG repurchased a total of 1,446,454 shares of its own stock under this share buyback program. This represents a nominal amount of €1,446,454, or 0.14% of the capital stock. During this period, a total of €55 million (excluding incidental transaction charges) was spent for this purpose; this represents a weighted average stock price of €36.75 per share. The purchase was made during the reporting period on 28 Xetra trading days during the months of November and December 2018 and January and September 2019, by a bank engaged by Siemens Healthineers AG; the shares were purchased solely on the elec- tronic trading platform of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Xetra). The average trading volume on these trading days was about 580,333 shares. In these transactions, the purchase price per re- purchased share (excluding incidental transaction charges) was not to exceed by more than 10% the price of Siemens Healthineers stock as determined in the opening auction in Xetra trading on the trading date, or fall more than 20% below that price. The extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on February 19, 2018, authorized the Managing Board to buy back treasury shares until February 18, 2023 in an amount of up to 10% of the capital stock at the time of the resolution, or at the date of the exercise of the authorization if that value is lower, for any permissible pur- pose. sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code. 1,000 The profit of €1,415 million (previous year: €472 million) trans- ferred from Siemens Healthcare GmbH (the controlled company) to the parent company for the past fiscal year also includes - as provided in Section 301 of the Stock Corporation Act - the amount of €124 million (previous year: €131 million) that is sub- ject to dividend payout restrictions under Section 253 para. 6 Information on amounts subject to dividend payout restrictions In the months from February to September 2019, 918,389 shares were sold as investment shares to plan participants in the employ- ee share programs at a weighted average price of €37.49 per share; the purchase price was determined on the basis of the clos- ing price in Xetra trading on the transfer date of the shares. A total of €33 million accrued to Siemens Healthineers AG from these sales. This amount was generally freely available to the Company and reduced the amount of liabilities to affiliated com- panies. The other 124,671 shares released during the reporting period were bonus shares awarded as part of the base share pro- gram, which were issued in February 2019. -1,043,059 651,158 Treasury shares, end of fiscal year Issuance under share-based payments 1,446,454 Share buyback Treasury shares, beginning of fiscal year (in numbers of shares) 247,763 The difference as provided in Section 253 para. 6 sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code between the measurement of pro- visions for post-retirement benefits according to the correspond- ing average market interest rate over the preceding ten years and the corresponding rate over the preceding seven years, which is subject to dividend payout restrictions, was €2 million (previous year: €2 million). 2,400 9/30/2019 Dividend 2018 A tax rate of 29.54% was applied for the measurement of de- ferred taxes. Deviating from this, for partnerships a tax rate of 15.83% was applied for temporary differences of assets, liabilities and prepaid/deferred items. The calculation of deferred taxes yielded a surplus of deferred tax assets, which was not recognized, exercising the option under Section 274 para. 1 sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code. was below their settlement amount, at which these were carried as a liability. The debt discounts are reversed over the term of the loans, i.e., by September 2021 or 2023. Prepaid expenses included debt discounts of €33 million for the first time. These discounts arose in the course of the assumption of two loans from Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, because the fair value of the loans assumed, which was recognized as acquisition costs of the shares in the subsidiary, Note 10 Accruals and deferrals As in the previous year, all other receivables and other assets had a remaining term of less than one year at the reporting date. As in the previous year, receivables from affiliated companies did not comprise trade receivables. Instead, this item exclusively com- prised other receivables and other assets and included receivables with a remaining term of more than one year of €12 million (previous year: €0 million). Receivables from affiliated companies included receivables from shareholders amounting to €13 million (previous year: €0 million). Note 9 Receivables and other assets Disposals of €613 million and additions of €2,400 million were reported in financial assets (shares in affiliated companies) as a result of the transactions described above. cash payment of €1,000 million, which the subsidiary had called in, into its Capital Account II. Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes 08 capital and therefore was presented as a disposal in shares in affiliated companies. On May 29, 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG also assumed two loans from Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG under a debt assumption with full discharge of the debtor, waiving ex ante any recourse. This relates to loan lia- bilities to Siemens Finance B.V., The Hague / Netherlands, in the amount of US$ 1,602 million. The loans were assumed in the course of restructuring financial liabilities within the Group, which resulted in the transfer of three Siemens Finance B.V. loans total- ing US$ 3,291 million. One of the loans remained with Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG. The loans were originally made to Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Wilmington, DE/USA. This transaction was recognized as a grant without an obligation to provide consideration, applying the principles for the accounting for contributions in kind as acquisi- tion costs for the investment in the amount of the fair value of the loans assumed. By way of a shareholder resolution dated August 16, 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG pledged to Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG to make an additional €613 million, which was required to be treated as a repayment of During the fiscal year 2019, Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG distributed liquidity in the amount of In order to establish an independent Siemens Healthineers Group structure, all companies that conduct Siemens Healthineers busi- ness were bundled under Siemens Healthineers AG and its sub- sidiaries in the previous year. The Siemens Healthineers Group's business is conducted by Siemens Healthcare GmbH and Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath, together with their directly and indirectly controlled subsidiaries. Shares in affiliated companies acquired in the previous year from contribu- tions in kind by shareholders were recognized with their fair value at the time of the contribution in accordance with the principles for the accounting for contributions in kind. The trust assets for pension obligations acquired in the previous year as an additional contribution to equity and contributed in the same year to Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Munich, were recognized and valued in the same way. 14,399 16,185 0 0 16,185 The taxable temporary differences result from intangible assets, receivables with a remaining term of less than one year, goodwill, shares in affiliated companies, and investments of Siemens Healthcare GmbH, the controlled company of Siemens Healthineers AG. The deductible temporary differences, up to the amount of the taxable temporary differences, result from the pen- sion provisions of Siemens Healthineers AG and the controlled company. Additionally, there were deductible temporary differ- ences relating primarily to shares in affiliated companies of Siemens Healthineers AG and to other provisions, inventories, and current liabilities of the controlled company. Note 12 Equity Issuance of treasury (in millions of €) Subscribed capital 37 -54 12,493 Shareholders' equity 723 Unappropriated net income 36 -52 10,770 Capital reserve Net income 1 1,000 Issued capital 1 -1 0 1,000 shares under share- based payments Share buybacks 10/1/2018 Treasury shares -1 The Annual Financial Statements as of September 30, 2019, were prepared in accordance with Section 264 para. 1 of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) in conjunction with Section 267 para. 3 and Section 264d of that Code, on the basis of the German Commercial Code's provisions for the financial re- porting of large capital corporations, as well as under the terms of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG). Amounts are generally presented in millions of euros (€ million). Because of rounding, it is possible that some figures may not add up precisely to the presented totals. 16 The Company was founded in December 2017 and serves as the management holding company for the Siemens Healthineers Group providing central administrative services. The Company's shares were admitted for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on March 16, 2018. As of September 30, 2019, the Siemens Group held an interest of approximately 85% of Siemens Healthineers AG. -8 -16 Other operating expenses 0 0 1 6 2 Other operating income General administrative expenses _9 -23 Gross profit 0 1 -7 -13 7 14 1 Cost of Sales Income from operations Revenue 1,415 Income from investments 333 1,034 Income taxes -126 -356 6 Income from business activity 459 1,389 -1 -1 5 Other financial income (expenses), net Interest expenses -5 -9 4 Interest income 0 0 4 472 (in millions of €) Short fiscal year 2018 2019 B.1 Responsibility Statement B.2 Balance Sheet A.2 S. 22 S. 5 Income Statement S. 21 S. 4 A.1 Information statements A. Annual financial B. Additional Table of content SIEMENS Healthineers 2019 September 30, statements as of Annual financial Siemens Healthineers AG The previous year was a short fiscal year covering the period from the founding of the Company on December 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018. This limits the comparability of the previous year's figures in the Income Statement. Independent Auditor's Report S. 6 A.3 Notes Fiscal year A.1 Income Statement Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Income Statement 13 03 Notes Balance Sheet A.3 S. 6 S. 5 A.2 Income after taxes / Net income Income Statement S. 4 Annual financial statements A. The Annual Financial Statements of Siemens Healthineers AG as well as the Annual Report for the fiscal year 2019 are also available for download on the Internet at: The Annual Financial Statements and the Combined Management Report of Siemens Healthineers AG for the fiscal year 2019 are filed with the operator of the German Federal Gazette and published in the German Federal Gazette. The Management Report of Siemens Healthineers AG has been combined with the Management Report of the Siemens Healthineers Group in accordance with Section 315 para. 5 together with Section 298 para. 2 of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch) and is published in the 2019 Annual Report of the Siemens Healthineers Group. Combined Management Report Further Information S. 26 B.3 A.1 Appropriation of net income Notes Profit carried forward 19 13 Provision for pensions and similar commitments 54 162 Provisions 723 1,057 10,770 10,754 1,000 999 0 -1 1,000 1,000 12,493 12,811 12 14,965 17,747 Other provisions 143 38 Liabilities Siemens Healthineers AG has its registered office in Munich, Germany, where it is registered under entry number HRB 237558 with Munich Local Court. Net income A.3.1 General Disclosures Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes A.3 Notes 14,965 17,747 4 15 2,414 0 4,759 0 2,418 4,774 15 50 05 Total shareholders' equity and liabilities Other liabilities Liabilities to affiliated companies Trade payables 0 33 14 0 Prepaid expenses Total assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables from affiliated companies Other receivables and other assets Receivables and other assets Current assets Financial assets Property, plant and equipment Non-current assets (in millions of €) A.2 Balance Sheet Shareholders' equity and liabilities Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Balance Sheet 1,057 390 24 333 1,034 = 04 10 Unappropriated net income Transfer from capital reserves 723 Shareholders' equity Assets 86 4 Subscribed capital 96 479 1,428 566 1,524 1,529 14,399 16,185 0 566 Issued capital 16,185 8 Sept 30, 2018 Sept 30, 2019 Notes Unappropriated net income Capital reserve 14,399 Treasury shares 62 Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics Holding I B.V., The Hague/Netherlands 100 3,575 2 Siemens Healthineers Holding III B.V., The Hague/Netherlands 100 26 2,810 62 100 9 0 0 100 TRIXELL SAS, Moirans/France Steiermärkische Medizinarchiv GesmbH, Graz/Austria 1 2 52 9 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE, UNIPESSOAL, LDA, Amadora/Portugal Siemens Medicina d.o.o., Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina 100 Siemens Healthcare Saglik Anonim Sirketi, Istanbul/Turkey 5 4 23 100 6 15 100 Siemens Healthcare SARL, Casablanca/Morocco Siemens Healthcare SAS, Saint-Denis/France -2 -3 100 16 66 100 Siemens Healthcare Sp. z o.o., Warsaw/Poland 6 24 100 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE, S.L.U., Getafe/Spain -1 147 100 Siemens Healthcare, s.r.o., Prague/Czech Republic 8 40 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., Los Angeles, CA/United States Americas (26 companies) 1 3 50 3,13 3,13 PETNET Solutions Cleveland, LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States 1 3 63 3,13 3,13 PETNET Solutions, Inc., Knoxville, TN/United States 20 174 100 15.16 15,16 PhSiTh LLC, New Castle, DE/United States Siemens Healthcare Diagnósticos Ltda., São Paulo/Brazil N/A N/A 33 1 3,13 3,13 51 6 Dade Behring Hong Kong Holdings Corporation, Tortola/Virgin Islands, British Dedicated 21maging LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States EPOCAL INC., Toronto/Canada Imricor Medical Systems, Inc., Dover, DE/United States P.E.T.NET Houston, LLC, Austin, TX/United States PETNET Indiana, LLC, Indianapolis, IN/United States 3,13 3,13 44 100 3,13 25 3,13 3 80 6 92 100 -5' -5' 9 3,13 3,13 3 -6 Siemens Healthcare s.r.o., Bratislava/Slovakia 2 70 100 Siemens Healthcare Industrial and Commercial Société Anonyme, Chalandri/Greece 3 15 100 Siemens Healthcare Kft., Budapest/Hungary 1 2 100 Siemens Healthcare L.L.C., Dubai/United Arab Emirates 7 59 49 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Kiev/Ukraine 2 0 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited Liability Company, Moscow/Russian Federation 2 0 100 9 Siemens Healthcare Limited Liability Partnership, Almaty/Kazakhstan 22 2 Siemens Healthcare FZ LLC, Dubai/United Arab Emirates 100 0 3 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH, Vienna/Austria 7 44 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd., Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 13 36 100 -1° Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Limited, Swords, County Dublin/Ireland Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd, Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 100 5 26 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products Ltd, Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom Siemens Healthcare EOOD, Sofia/Bulgaria 4 47 100 9 1 4' 0 100 1 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 100 Siemens Healthcare NV, Beersel/Belgium 6 19 100 Siemens Healthcare Oy, Espoo/Finland 6 27 100 Siemens Healthcare Proprietary Limited, Halfway House/South Africa 4 23 75 Siemens Healthcare S.A.E., Cairo/Egypt 3 5 100 Siemens Healthcare S.R.L., Bucharest/Romania 0 7 100 Siemens Healthcare S.r.l., Milan/Italy 8 50 13 Siemens Healthcare Nederland B.V., The Hague/Netherlands 100 28 182 100 17 Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes September 30, 2019 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Riyadh/Saudi Arabia Net income in millions of €¹ Equity in millions of €¹ Equity interest in % 21 100 37 Siemens Healthcare Logistics LLC, Cairo/Egypt 0 0 100 Siemens HealthCare Ltd., Rosh HaAyin/Israel 0 3 100 Siemens Healthcare Medical Solutions Limited, Swords, County Dublin/Ireland 2 8 51 13 -1 68 -57' 100 Siemens Healthcare Pte. Ltd., Singapore/Singapore 2 20 100 Siemens Healthcare Pty. Ltd., Melbourne/Australia Siemens Healthcare Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya/Malaysia Siemens Healthineers Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai/China Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Seoul/Korea, Republic of Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Shanghai/China Siemens Shanghai Medical Equipment Ltd., Shanghai/China Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen/China Siemens Technology Development Co., Ltd. of Beijing, Beijing/China Siemens X-Ray Vacuum Technology Ltd., Wuxi, Wuxi/China 1 The financial data essentially corresponds to the figures in the annual financial statements after profit transfer, if any, prepared according to locally applicable accounting rules for the fiscal year from October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018. 3 The values correspond to the annual financial statements according to the consolidated IFRS-closing. 4 No annual financial statements available due to founding in fiscal year 2019. 5 Financial data for the fiscal year January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017. 6 Financial data for the short fiscal year October 25, 2017 - September 30, 2018. 7 Financial data for the short fiscal year November 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018. 8 Financial data for the short fiscal year January 1, 2018 September 30, 2018. 9 Financial data for the fiscal year January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018. 10 Financial data for the short fiscal year April 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018. 19 11 Financial data for the short fiscal year April 6, 2018 - December 31, 12 100 100 -1 9 100 1 8 100 0 3 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Hong Kong/Hong Kong Siemens Healthcare Limited, Taipei/Taiwan, Province of China Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Dhaka/Bangladesh Siemens Healthcare Private Limited, Mumbai/India 5 7 100 6 23 100 13 13 0 3 12 2018. 12 Financial data for the fiscal year April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019 13 Financial data for the fiscal year October 1, 2018 - September 30, 96 100 3 7 90 9 3' 21 100 11 19 B. Additional information S. 21 B.1 Responsibility Statement S. 22 B.2 S. 26 B.3 Independent Auditor's Report Further Information 20 Siemens Healthcare d.o.o., Zagreb/Croatia 66 9 100 109 2019. 14 A profit transfer agreement was in place in the fiscal year listed. 15 Usage of the exemption in accordance with Section 286 para. 3 sentence 2 German Commercial Code. 16 N/A No data available. 4 79 100 3 8 100 9 229 9 300 100 14° 55 100 9 90 1379 100 9 67 36 51 100 24 11 175 100 Siemens Healthcare S.A., Buenos Aires/Argentina 0 9 100 9 Siemens Healthcare S.A.C., Surquillo/Peru 1 29 100 Siemens Healthcare S.A.S., Tenjo/Colombia 1 10° 100 Siemens Healthcare Servicios S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City/Mexico 1⁹ 3 100 Siemens Healthcare, Sociedad Anonima, Antiguo Cuscatlán/El Salvador 0 2° Siemens Healthcare Limited, Oakville/Canada 100 5 1 100 3,13 3,13 57 7,713 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Limited, Grand Cayman/Cayman Islands Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics S.A., San José/Costa Rica 8 36 100 0 100 2 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City/Mexico 5 34 100 Siemens Healthcare Equipos Médicos Sociedad por Acciones, Santiago de Chile/Chile 1 14 100 3,13 3,13 Siemens Healthcare Laboratory, LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States 100 17 18 September 30, 2019 PETNET Radiopharmaceutical Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai/India 0 3 100 4,16 4,16 Shanghai Meiling Medical Imaging Diagnosis Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai/China Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics K.K., Tokyo/Japan N/A N/A 49 5 71 100 9 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd., Shanghai, Shanghai/China 28 100 Siemens Healthcare Inc., Manila/Philippines Siemens Healthcare K.K., Tokyo/Japan Siemens Healthcare Limited, Auckland/New Zealand Siemens Healthcare Limited, Bangkok/Thailand Siemens Healthcare Limited, Ho Chi Minh City/Viet Nam 2 96 25 2 Acrorad Co., Ltd., Okinawa/Japan Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Wilmington, DE/United States Siemens Molecular Imaging, Inc., Wilmington, DE/United States Siemens S.A., Montevideo/Uruguay Siemens-Healthcare Cia. Ltda., Quito/Ecuador Asia, Australia (24 companies) Net income in millions of €¹ Equity in millions of €¹ Equity interest in % 3,13 3,13 87 Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes 9,721 3,13 3,13 -6 -108 100 0 1 100 0 3 100 100 100 2 Control due to a majority of voting rights. 1 ments. If the requisite conditions are met and a decision has been made to exercise this option, derivative financial instruments are com- bined with the hedged items into hedges. Hedge effectiveness was assessed both prospectively as well as retrospectively based on the critical terms match method, because the Company only had micro hedges in the 2019 fiscal year, i.e., the risk resulting from a single hedged item is hedged with a single derivative fi- nancial instrument. For this assessment, the change in the spot component of the forward exchange contracts was offset against the change in the value or payment flows of the hedged items from exchange rate movements. The forward component is rec- ognized pro rata temporis over the term of the forward exchange contracts and reported as an adjustment to interest expenses. Hedge accounting for currency risks In accordance with business policy, each Siemens Healthineers unit is responsible for documenting, measuring and monitoring its foreign currency risks. The net foreign currency position of each unit serves as the key performance indicator and must be hedged in a bandwidth of no less than 75% but no more than 100%, generally with Siemens AG Group Treasury. A separate hedge was designated for each payment due for the loan liabilities. The hedges for the loan liabilities have terms up to September 15, 2021, or up to September 15, 2023. As of the bal- ance sheet date, based on the interest period of six months the hedges for the interest payments had a term from five-and-a-half months up to a maximum of 23.5 months or 47.5 months. Note 20 Financial payment obligations under leasing and rental arrangements There were no payment obligations under leasing and rental ar- rangements at the balance sheet date. Note 21 Other financial obligations There were no other financial obligations at the balance sheet date. (in millions of US$) Foreign currency risk from liabilities Foreign currency risk from firm commitments and forecast transactions Net foreign currency position (before hedging) Foreign currency exchange contracts with affiliated companies Net foreign currency position (after hedging) Sep 30, 2019 1,602 98 1,700 1,700 0 Note 22 Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting Siemens Healthineers AG is exposed for the first time to signifi- cant foreign currency risk from the loan liabilities to Siemens Finance B.V. assumed from Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, because these loans are denominated in U.S. dollars. Since the loans carry fixed interest, there is no interest rate risk. Siemens Healthineers AG has entered into forward ex- change contracts with Siemens AG to hedge this foreign currency risk. As of September 30, 2019, the Company held forward exchange contracts with a nominal volume of €1,411 million and a positive 13 market value of €53 million. The nominal volume equals the total contract value. The market value of the forward exchange con- tracts is calculated and measured based on exchange rate move- No provisions for pending losses were recognized because no hedge ineffectiveness was determined for the hedged foreign currency risks. Siemens Healthineers AG enters into contingent liabilities only after careful consideration of the risks concerned. Based on an ongoing risk evaluation of the arrangements entered into and taking into account all information available up to the date on which the Annual Financial Statements were prepared, Siemens Healthineers AG currently concludes that the relevant subsidiaries will be able to fulfill their obligations themselves. For this reason, the Company does not consider it probable that it will be called upon to perform in conjunction with any of the commitments de- scribed above. Further, as of September 30, 2019, there were two guarantee agreements with unlimited amounts and indefinite term with affiliated companies to take advantage of disclosure simpli- fication options abroad, and sureties in favor of an affiliated company in the amount of €2 million. During the 2019 fiscal year, the Company had an average of 53 employees, who were engaged solely in administrative functions. The average percentage of women was 17%. Note 18 Share-based payments Siemens Healthineers AG allows employees and members of the Managing Board to participate in share-based payment programs. For the purpose of servicing share-based payment programs Siemens Healthineers AG also delivers Siemens Healthineers shares that have been granted by affiliated companies. The following table shows the changes in claims by beneficiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG to matching shares: (in number of shares) Outstanding, beginning of fiscal year Granted Forfeited Outstanding, end of fiscal year Fiscal year 2019 0 8,665 -198 8,467 Stock awards Siemens Healthineers AG grants stock awards to members of the Managing Board, members of the senior management and other eligible employees. The pro rata intrinsic value of all matching shares issued to bene- ficiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG amounted to €0 million at the balance sheet date. Stock awards to beneficiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG are ex- pensed as incurred over the vesting period and are measured at the intrinsic value (= share price of Siemens Healthineers AG stock) on a pro rata basis for the proportion of the vesting period expired considering the estimated target attainment at the bal- ance sheet date. Note 19 Guarantees and other commitments For one subsidiary, Siemens Healthineers AG has undertaken un- der an unrestricted letter of comfort to be responsible for all liabil- ities recognized in this subsidiary's Annual Financial Statements for fiscal year 2019, within the meaning of Section 264 para. 3 sentence 1 No. 2 of the German Commercial Code, that were un- dertaken by this subsidiary up to the reporting date of 12 Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes September 30, 2019. These liabilities comprise the liabilities and provisions recognized in the Balance Sheet of this subsidiary's An- nual Financial Statements as of September 30, 2019, as well as the off-balance-sheet contingent liabilities and liabilities from pending transactions. The letter of comfort and the associated re- sponsibility obligation will end at the end of fiscal year 2020. Furthermore, Siemens Healhtineers AG guaranteed the payment of up to €914 million with regard to the acquisition of Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc., Wilmington, DE/USA in case the affiliated company obliged to pay defaults in the due and punctual pay- ment. This guarantee was valid until the earlier of the satisfaction of the payment obligation and September 7, 2020. Carrying amounts of derivative financial instruments requiring recognition Because no provisions for pending losses were required to be rec- ognized, only the forward component of the forward exchange contracts not yet due recognized on a pro rata basis was reflected in the balance sheet. Its carrying amount totaled €12 million as of September 30, 2019, and was reported in receivables from affili- ated companies. Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes In the 2019 fiscal year and the period up to the preparation of these Annual Financial Statements, the Managing Board had the following members: Memberships in supervisory boards whose establishment is required by law or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises External positions None Group company positions None Name and occupation Dr. Bernhard Montag Chairman Year of birth 1969 First appointed Term expires 03/01/2018 02/28/2021 Dr. Jochen Schmitz Chief Financial Officer 1966 03/01/2018 02/28/2021 German Positions: None • Universitätsklinikum Augsburg (since 02/01/2019) Michael Reitermann 1962 03/01/2018 Members of the Managing Board Note 28 Members of the Supervisory Board and Managing Board and their mandates Annual financial statements - Notes Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Note 23 Proposal for the appropriation of net income The Supervisory Board and the Managing Board propose that the unappropriated net income of Siemens Healthineers AG for the past fiscal year 2019, amounting to €1,057 million, be appropri- ated as follows: Distribution of a dividend of €0.80 on each no- par value share entitled to the dividend, and carry-forward of the remaining amount. Note 24 Remuneration of the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board Remuneration of the members of the Managing Board Members of the Managing Board received cash compensation of €4.1 million. The fair value of share-based compensation amount- ed to €3.9 million for 194,823 stock awards in fiscal year 2019. The Company granted contributions (including one-time special contributions) under the Siemens Healthineers BSAV pension plan to members of the Managing Board totaling €0.9 million. Therefore, the compensation and benefits attributable to mem- bers of the Managing Board amounted to €8.8 million in total. Total remuneration of the Managing Board member stepping down at fiscal year-end The Managing Board member stepping down at 2019 fiscal year- end was awarded severance of €2.4 million in fiscal year 2019. Siemens Healthineers AG has not recognized provisions for pen- sions commitments for the Managing Board member stepping down at the end of the 2019 fiscal year. A subsidiary holds the existing vested awards. Remuneration of the members of the Supervisory The employees of Siemens Healthineers AG have several options for participating in the Share Matching program: the base share program and the share matching plan. Plan participants have the right to receive one Siemens Healthineers share without payment of consideration (matching share) for every three investment shares held over the vesting period. Matching shares awarded to beneficiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG are expensed as in- curred over the vesting period and are measured on a pro rata basis for the proportion of the vesting period expired at the intrin- sic value (= share price of Siemens Healthineers AG stock) at the balance sheet date. Board Information regarding the remuneration of the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board is disclosed on an individ- ual basis in the Compensation Report, which is part of the Com- bined Management Report (Section A.8). Note 25 Declaration of Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code As of September 30, 2019, the mandatory statement pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) has been issued by the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG and is accessible to the public on the Company's website at investor-relations/corporate-governance. Note 26 Group affiliation Siemens Healthineers AG itself prepares the Consolidated Finan- cial Statements for the smallest group of consolidated companies to which it belongs. Pursuant to Section 290 para. 1 of the German Commercial Code, it is also included in the Consolidated Financial Statements of Siemens AG (registered offices in Munich and Berlin, Munich Local Court HRB 6684 and Berlin Charlottenburg Local Court HRB 12300), as the largest consoli- dated group. The Consolidated Financial Statements are published in the German Federal Gazette. Note 27 Events after the balance sheet date The following event of particular significance occurred after the balance sheet date: End of October 2019 the acquisition of Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc. was completed, and the consideration was paid. Therefore, the guarantee existing as of the balance sheet date be- came invalid. ± 14 Compensation attributable to members of the Supervisory Board comprises a base compensation and additional compensation for committee work, and totaled €1.1 million (including meeting fees) in fiscal year 2019. Share Matching program The pro rata intrinsic value of all stock awards issued to beneficia- ries of Siemens Healthineers AG amounted to €4 million at the balance sheet date. -12 0 0 4,759 3,282 1,437 2,414 2,414 15 15 4 4 0 0 0 0 therein for social security 0 0 0 0 Liabilities 3 3,296 0 0 therein from taxes Other liabilities Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes compensation plans; the latter were not claimed by any of the Company's employees. The majority of the Company's active em- ployees participate in the Siemens Healthineers BSAV. The bene- fits from this plan are predominantly based on notional contribu- tions and their respective asset returns whereby a minimum re- turn is guaranteed. For benefits provided under the frozen legacy plans, the effects of compensation increases were substantially eliminated, so that valuation assumptions for salary and pension increases including career trend are no longer of material signif- icance for the pension obligations of Siemens Healthineers AG. The fulfillment amount of the provisions for pensions and similar obligations came to €19 million at the reporting date (previous year: €16 million). The actuarial valuation of the fulfillment amount was based substantially on the following parameters: For pension obligations, the 10-year average interest rate (2.82%) pursuant to Section 253 para. 2 of the German Commercial Code was applied. For other obligations, the 7-year average interest rate (2.05%) was used. The valuation difference under Section 253 para. 6 of the German Commercial Code from the discount- ing of pension provisions at the 10-year average interest rate and the 7-year average interest rate was €2 million at the reporting date (previous year: €2 million). A rate of pension progression of 1.50% per year and an income progression of 2.25% per year were applied for the pension obligations. As of September 30, 2019, the mortality rates were based on Siemens' own mortality tables (Siemens Bio 2017) for the first time, instead of the Siemens-specific tables (Richttafeln) with a mortality trend based on the Heubeck mortality tables RT 2005 G. This change did not have any material effect in fiscal year 2019. Note 14 Other provisions Other provisions included miscellaneous provisions of €7 million (previous year: €3 million) and tax provisions of €136 million (previous year: €35 million). The main amounts in the miscellaneous provisions related to pro- visions of €5 million for personnel expenses (previous year: €3 million). For the method of determining the provision for stock awards, please refer to the discussion in → Note 18 Share-based payment. Note 15 Liabilities (in millions of €) 1,437 Sept. 30, 2019 up to 1 year 5 years thereof maturities more than 5 Sept. 30, 1 year up to thereof maturities more than 5 2018 up to 1 year 5 years Trade payables Liabilities to affiliated companies 1 year up to Member of the Managing Board 2,418 Tax liabilities as of September 30, 2019, came to €340 thousand (previous year: €337 thousand), and liabilities for social security came to €22 thousand (previous year: €20 thousand). The liabili- ties to affiliated companies pertained to liabilities of €2,222 million (previous year: €2,323 million) to Siemens Healthcare GmbH for cash pooling within the Siemens Healthineers Group, loans from Siemens Finance B.V. amounting to €1,437 million, the liability from the additional contribution to 225,702 413,376 -19,193 -23,661 596,224 Note 17 Personnel expenses Personnel expenses did not include the expense for compounding the interest on the pension and personnel-related expenses, which are included in other financial income (expenses), net. Short Fiscal Year fiscal year (in millions of €) 2019 2018 Wages and salaries -22 -10 Social security contributions and expenses for other employee benefits -1 0 Expenses for / Income from pensions -1 -1 Personnel expenses -23 2019 Fiscal year Non-vested, end of fiscal year -404 Capital Account II of Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG pledged and called in amounting to €1,000 million, and other liabilities of €96 million (previous year: €91 million) resul- ting from the tax group for value added tax purposes with several subsidiaries, and from amounts collected for subsidiaries. The loan liabilities to Siemens Finance B.V. comprise the loans as- sumed from Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG on May 29, 2019, discharging the obligation. 11 A.3.5 Other disclosures Note 16 Material expenses (in thousands of €) Expenses for raw materials, supplies and purchased merchandise Costs of purchased services Material expenses Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes The following table shows the changes in the stock awards held by members of the Managing Board, senior management and other eligible employees of Siemens Healthineers AG: 2,418 Short Fiscal year fiscal year 2019 Non-vested, beginning of fiscal year 2018 Granted -165 -67 Forfeited -2,519 -337 Organizational changes -2,684 (in number of shares) Dr. Christoph Zindel 4,774 10/01/2019 11,651 100 1 100 15 91 94 4,16 4,16 N/A ΝΙΑ 100 4,16 4,16 N/A ΝΙΑ 100 Fast Track Diagnostics Ltd, Sliema/Malta 8 100 FAST TRACK DIAGNOSTICS LUXEMBOURG S.à r.I., Esch-sur-Alzette/Luxembourg FTD Europe Ltd, Sliema/Malta Impilo Consortium (Pty.) Ltd., La Lucia/South Africa -37 ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH, Innsbruck/Austria 100 10,14 Equity in millions of €¹ Equity interest in % 0 2 85 14 14 21 94 1 4 49 13 13 131 667 100 14 14 89 100 10,14 2,710 Medical Systems S.p.A., Genoa/Italy Minicare B.V., Amsterdam/Netherlands PETNET Solutions SAS, Lisses/France 100 -2 -2 100 2 7 100 1 5 100 13 13 11 80 100 5 17 100 34 98 100 Siemens Healthcare d.o.o., Ljubljana/Slovenia 1961 1 1 100 2' Siemens Healthcare (Private) Limited, Lahore/Pakistan Siemens Healthcare A/S, Ballerup/Denmark Siemens Healthcare AB, Solna/Sweden Siemens Healthcare AG, Zurich/Switzerland Siemens Healthcare AS, Oslo/Norway Siemens Healthcare d.o.o. Beograd, Belgrade/Serbia 1 1 100 8 3 Net income in millions of €1 9' -13 58 31 0 1 69 4 109 45 11 -1 100 Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (C. I. S.), Africa, Middle East (EMEA) (without Germany) (54 companies) 31 Zeleni Holding GmbH, Kemnath/Germany Dr. Philipp Rösler 1964 03/01/2018 General Counsel of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Supervisory board member 1973 03/02/2018 Dr. Nathalie von Siemens Managing Director and Spokesperson of Siemens Stiftung 1971 03/01/2018 Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann Dr. Gregory Sorensen CEO, DeepHealth, Inc. and Executive Chairman, IMRIS (Deerfield Imaging, Inc.) President of acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften 1962 03/01/2018 1952 03/01/2018 Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas Member of the Managing Board of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Chief Financial Officer) 1961 03/01/2018 Memberships in supervisory boards whose establishment Karl-Heinz Streibich is required by law or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises 03/01/2018 Supervisory board member original appointment ended 2021 09/30/2022 Positions outside Germany: None • Siemens Foundation, USA (until 09/30/2019) None None Member of the Managing Board Michael Reitermann stepped down from the Managing Board effective at the end of the day on September 30, 2019. 15 Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes Members of the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG has nine mem- bers. All members were appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting and represent the shareholders. Under the German rules for em- ployee co-determination in companies, Siemens Healthineers AG is not required to appoint a Supervisory Board that includes em- ployee representatives, as Siemens Healthineers AG has fewer than the required number of employees. Consistently with the 1965 German provisions for employee co-determination in companies, employees at other entities of the Group are not attributed to Siemens Healthineers AG. Name Michael Sen Chairman Dr. Norbert Gaus Deputy Chairman Occupation Member of the Managing Board of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Year of birth 1968 Member since 03/01/2018 Executive Vice President Corporate Technology of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1961 Zeleni Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath/Germany Dr. Marion Helmes In the 2019 fiscal year, the Supervisory Board had the following members: German positions: 03/01/2018 Positions outside Germany: • Dürr AG (Chairman) • Deutsche Telekom AG • Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG (since 04/30/2019) • Wittenstein SE (until 03/31/2019) German positions: • Siemens Healthcare GmbH Positions outside Germany: • Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Österreich, Austria • Siemens Corp., USA (until 06/30/2019) • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A., Spain German positions: 16 September 30, 2019 Germany (11 companies) Befund24 GmbH, Erlangen/Germany Dade Behring Grundstücks GmbH, Kemnath/Germany MeVis BreastCare GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen/Germany NEO New Oncology GmbH, Cologne/Germany Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH, Marburg/Germany Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Munich/Germany Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath/Germany Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services GmbH, Grünwald/Germany Siemens Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath/Germany • Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Chairman) Note 29 List of subsidiaries and associated companies of Siemens Healthineers AG pursuant to Section 285 para. 11 of the German Commercial Code ⚫DFB Healthcare Acquisitions Corp., USA Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Annual financial statements - Notes Positions outside Germany: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A., Spain German positions: • Fusion Healthcare Staffing, LLC, USA (Chairman) •Invicro, LLC, USA ⚫evosoft GmbH (Chairman) Positions outside Germany: • evosoft kft, Hungary (Chairman) German positions: • ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (Vice Chairwoman) . Positions outside Germany: • British American Tobacco p.l.c., United Kingdom • Heineken N.V., The Netherlands Uniper SE • Messer Group GmbH •Siemens Ltd., China (since 04/01/2019) German positions: • Arabesque S-Ray GmbH (since 07/01/2019) • Bertelsmann Stiftung • Jacobs University Bremen Positions outside Germany: • Fortum Corporation, Finland (since 03/26/2019) German positions: Positions outside Germany: • Siemens Aktiengesellschaft • Siemens Healthcare GmbH • • • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the annual financial statements and of the management report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit pro- cedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit of the annual financial statements and of arrangements and measures (systems) relevant to the audit of the manage- ment report in order to design audit procedures that are appro- priate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of express- ing an opinion on the effectiveness of these systems of the Company. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used by management and the reasonableness of estimates made by management and related disclosures; We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with the relevant independence require- ments, and communicate with them all relationships and other Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the annual financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the annual financial statements present the under- lying transactions and events in a manner that the annual fi- nancial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, li- abilities, financial position and financial performance of the Company in compliance with German legally required accounting principles. Evaluate the consistency of the management report with the annual financial statements, its conformity with German law, and the view of the Company's position it provides. Perform audit procedures on the prospective information pre- sented by management in the management report. On the basis of sufficient appropriate audit evidence we evaluate, in particular, the significant assumptions used by management as a basis for the prospective information, and evaluate the prop- er derivation of the prospective information from these as- sumptions. We do not express a separate opinion on the prospective information and on the assumptions used as a basis. There is a substantial unavoidable risk that future events will differ materially from the prospective information. Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Additional information - Independent Auditor's Report • We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficien- cies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evi- dence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we con- clude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in the auditor's report to the related disclosures in the annual financial statements and in the management re- port or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our re- spective opinions. Our conclusions are based on the audit evi- dence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. How- ever, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to be able to continue as a going concern. • responsible for such internal control as it, in accordance with German legally required accounting principles, has determined necessary to enable the preparation of annual financial state- ments that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. • 24 We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Sec. 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation as well as in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits promulgated by the IDW and in supplementary compliance with ISA will always detect a material misstatement. Misstate- ments can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expect- ed to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these annual financial statements and this management re- port. Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the annual financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and whether the management report as a whole provides an appropriate view of the Company's position and, in all material respects, is consistent with the annual financial statements and the knowledge obtained in the audit, complies with the German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future devel- opment, as well as to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinions on the annual financial statements and on the manage- ment report. Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the annual financial statements and the management report The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the Compa- ny's financial reporting process for the preparation of the annual financial statements and of the management report. Furthermore, management is responsible for the preparation of the management report that, as a whole, provides an appropriate view of the Company's position and is, in all material respects, consistent with the annual financial statements, complies with German legal requirements and appropriately presents the oppor- tunities and risks of future development. In addition, manage- ment is responsible for such arrangements and measures (sys- tems) as management has considered necessary to enable the preparation of a management report that is in accordance with the applicable German legal requirements, and to be able to pro- vide sufficient appropriate evidence for the assertions in the man- agement report. In preparing the annual financial statements, management is re- sponsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. It also has the responsibility for disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern. In addition, it is responsible for financial reporting based on the going concern basis of accounting, provided no actual or legal circumstances conflict therewith. Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Additional information - Independent Auditor's Report 23 Responsibilities of management and the Supervisory Board for the annual financial statements and the management report matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our indepen- dence and where applicable, the related safeguards. Management is responsible for the preparation of the annual fi- nancial statements that comply, in all material respects, with the requirements of German commercial law applicable to business corporations, and that the annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and finan- cial performance of the Company in compliance with German legally required accounting principles. In addition, management is • From the matters communicated with those charged with gover- nance, we determine those matters that were of most signifi- cance in the audit of the annual financial statements of the cur- rent period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation pre- cludes public disclosure about the matter. 26 Further information pursuant to Art. 10 of the EU Audit Regula- tion Siemens Healthineers AG, 2019 If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are re- quired to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this re- gard. Phone +49 9131 84-0 Germany 91052 Erlangen Henkestraße 127 Siemens Healthineers AG Investor Relations: Press: Internet: To facilitate readability mainly the masculine form is used in this report. However, this always relates to male and female persons alike. For technical reasons, there may be differences in formatting between the accounting records appearing in this document and those published pursuant to legal requirements. This document is an English language translation of the German document. In case of discrepancies, the German language document is the sole authoritative version and supersedes the English translation. Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely to the totals provided and per- centages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures. B.3 Further Information Additional information - Further Information In addition to auditing the statutory financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, we performed the statutory audit of the Siemens Healthineers' consolidated financial statements, au- dits of financial statements of subsidiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG, reviews of interim financial statements being in- tegrated into the audit, project-accompanying IT audits and audit services in connection with the implementation of new account- ing standards. Other attestation services include primarily attestation services re- quired by law, contractually agreed or requested on a voluntary basis. We were elected as auditor by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on February 5, 2019. We were engaged by the Supervisory Board on February 25, 2019. We have been the auditor of Siemens Healthineers AG without interruption since the short fiscal year from December 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. We declare that the opinions expressed in this auditor's report are consistent with the additional report to the Audit Committee pur- suant to Art. 11 of the EU Audit Regulation (long-form audit re- port). In addition to the financial statement audit, we have provided to the Company or entities controlled by it the following services that are not disclosed in the annual financial statements or in the management report: German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement The German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement is Thomas Spannagl. Other legal and regulatory requirements Munich, November 25, 2019 Spannagl Wirtschaftsprüfer [German Public Auditor] Tropschug Wirtschaftsprüferin [German Public Auditor] 25 Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft otherwise appears to be materially misstated. Corporate Governance in chapter C.3 "Corporate Governance" of the Annual Report 2019, and • Key audit matters in the audit of the annual financial statements We conducted our audit of the annual financial statements and of the management report in accordance with Sec. 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation (No 537/2014, referred to subsequently as "EU Audit Regulation") and in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer [Institute of Public Auditors in Germany] (IDW). In conducting the audit of the annual financial statements we also complied with International Standards on Auditing (ISA). Our responsibilities under those requirements, principles and standards are further described in the "Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the annual financial statements and of the management report" section of our auditor's report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the re- quirements of European law and German commercial and pro- fessional law, and we have fulfilled our other German profession- al responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. In addition, in accordance with Art. 10 (2) f) of the EU Audit Regulation, we declare that we have not provided non-audit services prohibited under Art. 5 (1) of the EU Audit Regulation. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions on the annual financial statements and on the management report. Basis for the opinions 22 22 Pursuant to Sec. 322 (3) Sentence 1 HGB ["Handelsgesetzbuch": German Commercial Code], we declare that our audit has not led to any reservations relating to the legal compliance of the annual financial statements and of the management report. the accompanying management report as a whole provides an appropriate view of the Company's position. In all material re- spects, this management report is consistent with the annual financial statements, complies with German legal require- ments and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. Our opinion on the management re- port does not cover the content of the Corporate Governance statement referred to above. the accompanying annual financial statements comply, in all material respects, with the requirements of German commer- cial law applicable to business corporations and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company as of September 30, 2019 and of its financial perfor- mance for the fiscal year from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 in compliance with German legally required account- ing principles, and • • In our opinion, on the basis of the knowledge obtained in the audit, We have audited the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich, which comprise the income statement for the fiscal year from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, the balance sheet as of September 30, 2019 and the notes to the financial statements, including the recognition and measurement policies presented therein. In addition, we have audited the man- agement report of Siemens Healthineers AG, which is combined with the group management report for the fiscal year from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. In accordance with the German legal requirements we have not audited the content of chapter A.7.4 "Corporate Governance statement" of the Com- bined Management Report, including chapter C.3.2 "Corporate Governance statement pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code" of the Annual Report 2019 referred to in chapter A.7.4 "Corporate Governance statement”. Opinions Report on the audit of the annual financial statements and of the management report Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the annual financial statements for the fiscal year from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. These matters were addressed in the con- text of our audit of the annual financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon; we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. To Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Additional information - Independent Auditor's Report 21 Dr. Christoph Zindel Dr. Jochen Schmitz Schmit The Managing Board B. Monta Siemens Healthineers AG Munich, November 25, 2019 To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable reporting principles, the Annual Financial Statements give a true and fair view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Company, and the Management Report for Siemens Healthineers AG, which has been combined with the Group Management Report, includes a fair review of the development and perfor- mance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the material opportunities and risks associated with the expected development of the Company. Responsibility Statement Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Additional information - Responsibility Statement B.1 is materially inconsistent with the annual financial statements, with the management report or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or B.2 Independent Auditor's Report Below, we describe what we consider to be the key audit matters: Dr. Bernhard Montag Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: The impairment test of non-current financial assets was a key audit matter, as in particular shares in affiliated companies entail a significant risk of material misstatement due to the materiality of these assets as well as the judgment involved in assessing whether there is objective evidence to indicate a lower net real- izable value and permanent impairment. The valuations of non- current financial assets also depend to a large extent on the as- sessment of future cash inflows and the discount rate applied. • Impairment of non-current financial assets In connection with our audit, our responsibility is to read the oth- er information and, in so doing, to consider whether the other in- formation Our opinions on the annual financial statements and on the man- agement report do not cover the other information, and conse- quently we do not express an opinion or any other form of assur- ance conclusion thereon. •Notes and forward-looking statements in chapter C.4 "Notes and forward-looking statements" of the Annual Report 2019. the section "To our shareholders" in the Annual Report 2019, the "Report of the Supervisory Board" in the Annual Report 2019, the notes in chapter B.3 "Further Information" of the report "Annual financial statements as of September 30, 2019", the Responsibility Statement according to Sec. 264 (2) Sen- tence 3 and Sec. 289 (1) Sentence 5 HGB in chapter B.1 "Re- sponsibility Statement" of the report "Annual financial state- ments as of September 30, 2019", • • • • • • the Responsibility Statement in chapter C.1 "Responsibility statement" of the Annual Report 2019, The Supervisory Board is responsible for the Report of the Super- visory Board in the Annual Report 2019. In all other respects, management is responsible for the other information. The other information, of which we received a version prior to is- suing this auditor's report, includes: Auditor's response: With regard to the lower net realizable values calculated by management and its assessment as to whether an impairment is expected to be permanent, we examined the un- derlying processes related to the planning of future cash flows as well as to the calculation of net realizable value. We assessed the underlying valuation models for the determination of net real- izable value in terms of methodology and reperformed the calcu- lations with the assistance of internal valuation specialists. We further obtained explanations from management regarding ma- terial value drivers of the planning and examined whether the budget reflects general and industry-specific market expectations. Siemens Healthineers AG Annual financial statements 2019 Additional information - Independent Auditor's Report Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the impairment of non-current financial assets. Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the recognition and measurement policies applied for the impairment of non-current financial assets, refer to chapter A.3.2 "Accounting policies and methods" in the notes to the financial statements. Uncertain tax positions and deferred taxes Forecast accuracy was assessed on a sample basis using budget- to-actual comparisons of historically forecast data with the actual results. The parameters used to estimate net realizable value such as the estimated growth rates and the weighted average cost of capital rates were assessed by comparing them to publicly avail- able market data and considering changes in significant assump- tions, including future market conditions. We also performed sen- sitivity analyses to assess the impairment risk in the case of a rea- sonably possible change in one of the significant assumptions. Auditor's response: With the assistance of internal tax specialists who have knowledge of tax law, we examined the processes in- stalled by management for the identification, recognition and measurement of tax positions. In the course of our audit proce- dures relating to uncertain tax positions, we evaluated whether management's assessment of the tax implications of significant business transactions or events in fiscal year 2019, which could result in uncertain tax positions or influence the measurement of existing uncertain tax positions, was in compliance with tax law. In particular, this includes the tax implications arising from the acquisition or disposal of company shares, corporate (intragroup) restructuring activities, and cross-border matters, such as deter- mining transfer prices. In order to assess measurement and com- pleteness, we also obtained confirmations from external tax ad- visors. Further, we evaluated management's assessments with respect to the prospects of success of appeal and tax court pro- ceedings by inquiring of the Siemens Healthineers tax depart- ment and by considering current tax case law. Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the accounting for uncertain tax positions and the assessment of deferred taxes. Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the recognition and measurement policies applied in accounting for income taxes, refer to chapter A.3.2 "Accounting policies and methods" and chapter A.3.3 "Notes to the income statement", Note 6 "Income taxes" and with respect to disclosures for deferred tax assets, refer to chapter A.3.4 "Notes to the balance sheet", Note 10 "Deferred tax assets" in the notes to the financial statements. Other information Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: The accounting for uncertain tax positions as well as deferred taxes requires management to exercise considerable judgment and make estimates and assumptions, and was therefore a key audit matter. In particular, this relates to the measurement and completeness of uncertain tax positions. Page 08 Business principles A.1 Page 04 60 03 management report Combined A. 02 Page 59 B.6 information and A.9 Takeover-relevant Page 48 Notes to consolidated financial statements A.8 Compensation report Page 33 forward-looking statements C.5 Notes and A.2 Financial performance Page 122 explanatory report system Page 48 A.3 C.4 Corporate Governance Siemens Healthineers has a strong presence and scale in an attractively growing market and is directly represented in more than 70 countries worldwide. Our main production sites are in the United States, China and Germany. With holistic system com- petence, we develop, manufacture and sell a diverse range of innovative imaging, diagnostic and advanced therapies products and services to healthcare providers in more than 180 countries. We also provide clinical consulting services, complemented by an extensive range of training and service offerings. This com- prehensive portfolio supports customers all along the care con- tinuum, from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, treat- ment and follow-up care. Siemens Healthineers is a global provider of healthcare solutions and services, with activities in numerous countries around the world. Siemens Healthineers Group (hereinafter referred to as "Siemens Healthineers", the "Company", "we" or the "Group") comprises the parent company Siemens Healthineers AG, a stock corporation under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, and its subsidiaries. Siemens Healthineers AG is incorporated in the commercial register in Munich, Germany. The Company's business operations are conducted by the direct and indirect subsidiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG. As of September 30, 2020, the Siemens Group owned around 79% in Siemens Healthineers AG. Siemens Healthineers had about 54,300 employees as of September 30, 2020 (Septem- ber 30, 2019: about 52,000). Organization A.1.1 Business description A.1 Business principles - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Business principles information and explanatory report A.9 Takeover-relevant Page 10 A.8 Compensation report A.7 Siemens Healthineers AG Page 30 risks and opportunities A.6 Report on material Page 21 A.5 Report on expected developments Page 19 A.4 Nonfinancial matters Page 18 Business development Page 33 Page 111 A.3 Business development Page 106 B.2 Page 55 statements of income Delivering high-quality and affordable healthcare requires scal- able solutions to meet the needs of a spectrum of healthcare providers. This spectrum ranges from public and private health- care providers, including hospitals and hospital systems, public and private clinics and laboratories, universities, physicians/ physician groups, public health agencies, state-run and private health insurers, to pharmaceutical companies and clinical research institutes. We offer different solutions tailored to the customers' needs for all market segments. Page 10 A.2 Financial performance system Page 08 B.1 Consolidated Business principles A.1 Consolidated statements Page 54 Additional information C. financial statements Consolidated B. Combined management report A. Table of contents SIEMENS Healthineers Page 04 C.3 Report of the Supervisory Board of comprehensive income Page 18 report C.2 Independent auditor's Page 101 statement C.1 Responsibility Page 100 changes in equity statements of Consolidated statements of A.7 Siemens Healthineers AG statements of financial position Page 30 Page 58 B.5 A.6 Report on material risks and opportunities cash flows Page 21 Page 57 B.4 A.5 Report on expected developments Page 19 A.4 Nonfinancial matters Consolidated Page 56 B.3 Consolidated Our business operations are divided into three segments: Imaging, Diagnostics and Advanced Therapies. In all these seg- ments, we are a leading global provider. We act in a long-term stable growth market, which is supported by below described Healthcare trends. Moreover, large portions of the revenue of Siemens Healthineers stem from recurring business, providing a stable foundation for profits. Fluctuations of the healthcare market are also impacted by overall economic changes and political developments, including changes in health policy and reimbursement, as well as regulatory topics. software platforms. We offer a broad and scalable range of software solutions to support multi-modality reading and structured reporting. We generate a significant amount of pe- riodic revenues from our customer services business (services and spare parts) due to our strong and growing installed base and long-term service relationships. These provide a stable foundation for profits. • severance charges and > transaction, integration, retention and carve-out costs, > gains and losses from divestments, > amortization, depreciation and other effects from IFRS 3 purchase price allocation adjustments, • expenses for mergers, acquisitions, disposals and other port- folio-related measures, in particular As of fiscal year 2021, EBIT will be adjusted for the following items: centrally carried pension service and administration expenses. • acquisition-related transaction costs and • • • severance charges, • • amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations, We use adjusted EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) margin as KPI for managing the operating performance of our segments. Adjusted EBIT is defined as income before income taxes, interest income and expenses, and other financial in- come, net, adjusted for non-operating items. Adjusted EBIT margin There were no effects in line with revaluation of contract liabilities from IFRS 3 purchase price allocations in fiscal year 2020. At the segment level, revenue is defined as total revenue and corresponds to the sum of external and intersegment revenue. Total adjusted revenue of the segments is additionally adjusted for effects in line with revaluation of contract liabilities from IFRS 3 purchase price allocations. For Siemens Healthineers revenue is defined as consolidated revenue reported in the company's consolidated statements of income. Adjusted revenue is additionally adjusted for effects in line with revaluation of contract liabilities from IFRS 3 purchase price allocations. Comparable revenue growth is our key performance indicator (hereinafter “KPI”) for managing and monitoring the revenue growth (through fiscal year 2020) or adjusted revenue growth (as of fiscal year 2021), respectively, of our segments and of Siemens Healthineers. It shows the development of the re- venue or adjusted revenue, respectively, net of currency trans- lation effects, which are beyond our control, and portfolio effects, which involve business activities that are either new to our business or no longer a part of it. Comparable revenue growth Key performance indicators A.2 Financial performance system Combined management report - Financial performance system Until the end of fiscal year 2020, the adjustments comprised the following items: Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 centrally carried pension service and administration expenses. From fiscal year 2021 onwards the adjustment items include expenses and income related to portfolio adjustments on a larger scale to continuously ensure transparency, comparability, and reconcilability of adjusted EBIT margin. 18.9% 1.9% 21.1% 0.1%-points 0.0%-points 0.4%-points 0.2%-points 18.3% 0.0%-points 0.0%-points 21.0% 1.8% (as defined starting FY 2021) Adjusted EBIT margin The adjustments (including revenue) relate to income and ex- penses that do not reflect operating performance and therefore adversely affect the comparability of financial results between periods. 08 Retention cost Integration cost (as defined until FY 2020) Adjusted EBIT margin Advanced Therapies Diagnostics Imaging Reconciliation adjustments of adjusted EBIT margin for fiscal year 2020 Reconciliation of adjustments of adjusted EBIT margin (for fiscal year 2020) Adjusted EBIT margin is defined as the adjusted EBIT of the particular segment divided by its total revenue (until the end of fiscal year 2020) or adjusted total revenue (as of fiscal year 2021), respectively. The adjusted EBIT margin is calculated by applying the total adjusted revenue definitions described above. 80 Our Imaging segment provides imaging products, services and solutions. Our most important products within this segment are equipment including magnetic resonance, computed tomography, X-ray systems, molecular imaging and ultrasound. All our imaging and therapy systems are driven by shared 07 Developments in clinical procedures are one of the major factors which keep defining growth in the Advanced Therapies market. Minimally invasive procedures as well as the growing complexity of procedures that require complex technological devices are key drivers of the market. In particular, due to technological innovations in imaging, robotics, medical devices and IT, mini- mally invasive procedures result in, among other things, lower risks of complications, faster recovery time, less post-operative pain, shorter hospital stays and lower costs. The global Advanced Therapies market can be described as consolidated with three top players (Siemens Healthineers, GE Healthcare and Philips). 05 Innovative Al-based technology is starting fiscal year 2021 used also in sample handling and classification in our Atellica Solution laboratory system, enabling data-based efficient management of laboratory workflow. One Al-based option for the Atellica Solution enables the evaluation of up to 7,500 features of a sam- ple or a sample carrier. Another Al-solution ensures robustness of the sample characterization and was trained and evaluated on more than 60,000 data points. The new Atellica Hematology- Suite reflects the next generation high-volume system of hema- tology analysis devices. In addition, the Atellica DCA Analyzer (CE) diabetes test was advanced. In 2021, CorPath GRX is planned to be expanded for neuro- vascular procedures, particularly with regard to access to care through remote-controlled robotic capabilities (or telerobotics). In the area of robotics, we increased our efforts for the CorPath GRX System of Corindus, which is the only robotic system on the market for percutaneous coronary and vascular procedures. The system is designed to improve precision of interventions, standardize treatment and enable a safe procedure for patients as well as medical staff. This solution presents another milestone for realizing our Strategy 2025. We are continuously expanding our portfolio of digital services to support customers in their transition to value-based care. The team- play digital health platform brings together data, applications and services to make better decisions for patients in an efficient way. In addition, we have launched a number of new products. For example, we introduced the high-end single-source CT system SOMATOM X.cite with myExam Companion - a wizard for easy operation and the mobile head CT scanner SOMATOM We also launched the YSIO X.pree radiography system, also with myExam Companion, to support users with different levels of ex- perience. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (hereinafter "MRI"), we are planning new innovations which improve global access signifi- cantly, among others greatly simplified infrastructure require- ments, highly automated handling with myExam Companion, as well as the worldwide first 80 cm bore. In addition, Syngo Virtual Cockpit, our software solution for remote operation of equip- ment, enables our customers to optimize the utilization of their scanner fleet and achieve a higher quality standard. field of digitalization and Al. This development is reflected in additions to our product and solutions portfolio in this area: We now have more than 65 Al-supported products and applications on the market that further boost our customers' productivity, while enabling clinical decisions to be more precise and tailored to the individual patient. The major additions to the Al-based pro- duct portfolio are driven by extensions of our Al-Rad Companion and new Al Pathway Companion and syngo.via products and solutions. For fiscal year 2021, we plan Al-Rad Companion ex- tensions for brain, prostate-MR and thorax X-ray data as well as organ contouring for radiotherapy planning. In addition, the Al-Pathway Companion Prostate Cancer, a digital companion for clinical decision support, has received CE label in Europe for use in the clinical pathway for prostate cancer, the second most common cancer (after lung cancer) in men worldwide. Our research and development (hereinafter "R&D") activities are ultimately geared towards delivering innovative and sus- tainable solutions to our customers while safeguarding and improving our competitiveness. Consequently, we focus our R&D activities on selected technologies and innovations. We have further expanded our R&D activities particularly in the Research and development Growing in existing markets, entering adjacent fields and creating new markets are additional core elements of the Upgrading strategy. The acquisitions completed in FY20 (ECG and Corindus) as well as the announced acquisition of Varian show the progress of the Upgrading strategy in this regard. At the same time, Siemens Healthineers has defined three cross- segment priorities for the Upgrading phase: Market share gains in geographic growth markets, market share gains with leading healthcare providers and driving forward the Company's digital transformation. 50 In the Imaging segment, the focus is on continuously innovating the core business, the expansion of diagnostic offerings and taking a leading role in clinical decision-making based on artifi- cial intelligence (hereinafter "AI"). In the Diagnostics segment, the main task is to exploit the opportunities offered by the market trend towards automated workflows in laboratory diagnostics and to bring the segment up to market-growth level in the mid- term. On top of this, it is planned to continue to expand the point-of-care business. The Advanced Therapies segment is set to further develop innovative technologies and services that advance and improve image-guided clinical procedures. The increasing number of procedures forms the basis for profitable growth in adjacent markets. measures. Against the background of the healthcare trends described in →A.1.2 Business environment, Siemens Healthineers has defined strategic priorities to capture short-term potential and ensure market leadership beyond 2025. The first, so-called "Reinforcing Phase" of the Siemens Healthineers Strategy 2025 was com- pleted by the end of fiscal year 2019. The focus in this phase was on market introductions of new products and platforms and a cost savings program including productivity improvement Siemens Healthineers Strategy 2025 The planned acquisition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (here- inafter "Varian"), announced in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2020, will add an additional business segment within the Company. It provides innovative solutions in cancer care, in particular within radiation oncology and related software. - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Business principles 04 Within these three segments we provide comprehensive ser- vices all along the customer value chain, among them design, maintenance, operational management, training and education services. Our service offerings include equipment performance management, clinical education and e-learning, asset manage- ment, managed departmental services, consulting and Digital Health products and services. By finalizing the acquisition of a majority stake of ECG Management Consultants (hereinafter "ECG") in early FY20, the Company enhanced its portfolio in this field. Our Advanced Therapies segment's portfolio consists of highly integrated products, solutions and services across multiple clinical fields. We provide these to therapy departments of healthcare providers. Our Advanced Therapies products facilitate image guided minimally invasive treatments, in areas such as cardiology, interventional radiology, surgery and radiation oncology. Our most important products in this segment are angiography sys- tems and mobile C-arms. Following completion of the Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc. (hereinafter "Corindus") acquisition in early FY20, its business around the robotic-assisted platform for endo-vascular coronary and peripheral vascular interventions is now part of the Advanced Therapies segment. Our integrated business model provides a solid foundation for our business activities in this field, with recurring revenues on a regular basis generated through our growing installed base and our customer service offerings. The portfolio of our Diagnostics segment comprises in-vitro diagnostic products and services that we offer to healthcare providers in laboratory, molecular and point-of-care diagnostics. Spanning a breadth of test settings, from centralized reference and hospital laboratories to clinical and physician office labo- ratories, our comprehensive portfolio covers a range of testing disciplines, including immunochemistry, hematology, coagu- lation, urinalysis, blood gas and PCR testing (molecular). In addition, we provide workflow solutions and informatics products that integrate our offerings and improve provider efficiency and productivity. The bulk of Diagnostic's business model is based on long-term contracts that include an initial instrument placement followed by ongoing reagent sales, which results in a predictive and resilient revenue stream. Fiscal year 2020 marked the beginning of the second phase of the Siemens Healthineers Strategy 2025, for which the Company has defined clear priorities for its segments. The so-called Up- grading phase will run until the end of fiscal year 2022. During the Upgrading phase Siemens Healthineers aims at comparable revenue growth of more than 5% p.a. (per annum) and growth of adjusted basic earnings per share of around 10% p.a. 40 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Business principles Within Point of Care (hereinafter "POC") solutions we were able to launch the CLINITEST Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test at the be- ginning of fiscal year 2021 timely. This is a test cassette to de- tect SARS-CoV-2 and to enable test results within 15 minutes without laboratory equipment or specialized medical staff. In the area of molecular diagnostics we will bring the FTD CoV-2/Flu/HRSV Test to the market in fiscal year 2021. This test can detect SARS-CoV-2 and HRSV A&B and differentiate be- tween Influenza A/B. The Diagnostics market is a market with an attractive underlying growth driven by an increasing demand for diagnostics tests, through both the development of new tests as well as increased access to existing tests, particularly in emerging markets. To offset increasing test demand and rising healthcare costs, pro- viders are continuing to consolidate their operations to realize laboratory cost improvements and industrialize their testing processes to improve efficiency through automation and digita- lization. Increased digitalization will further enhance laboratory productivity and enable better integration of diagnostics test results into clinical decision making. Immunochemistry continues to be the largest and one of the fastest growing segments of the Diagnostics market. The Diagnostics market is fragmented with a variety of global players that compete internationally across market segments, but that also face competition from several regional players and specialized companies in niche technologies. There are two fundamental trends in the Imaging market, the shift towards precision medicine and increased utilization of imaging devices in therapy, screening and intervention. Both drive the demand for a broader application of imaging procedures and digitalization and therefore increase the demand for imaging technology. Furthermore, develop- ments in Al, big data and deep machine learning continue to frame the future of population health management. Highly intelligent imaging systems will remain critical to care man- agement and delivery. A moderate level of consolidation is one of the key characteristics of the global Imaging market, in which Siemens Healthineers, GE Healthcare and Philips are the top three players. Segments' markets In Europe, negotiations over the United Kingdom leaving the European Union (EU) were complicated. This had however only limited impact on investment sentiment and limited to no effect on the development of the EMEA market. The departure of the United Kingdom from the EU's internal market could lead to disruptions of free trade in goods and services, implying poten- tial impacts on customs duties, transportation and associated administrative burdens, and ultimately on pricing. The business environment is subject not only to the influence of regulatory schemes, which healthcare companies and providers must comply with in order to sell their products and deliver health services. Non-tariff barriers such as forced localization, licensing requirements and, in particular, protectionism have been topics of increased importance in recent years. Barriers to trade are becoming more common, affecting all our segments' markets and creating additional financial burdens on vendors. The ongoing trade dispute between the United States and China resulted in cost increases as new tariffs came into effect in both countries, impacting the flow of products between these coun- tries. While the 2020 election cycle in the U.S. and China's next five year-plan could also have an impact on this situation, trade challenges will independently remain a topic. Political developments With the presidential elections in the U.S. in November 2020 and the finalization of China's next five-year plan in spring 2021, two of our major markets face additional uncertainties in the area of health policy and budgeting topics in the coming years. The programs of the two presidential candidates in the U.S. vary widely on economic and healthcare policy and could substan- tively impact tax policy, the number of uninsured citizens, and penetration of value-based care initiatives. As the COVID-19 pan- demic has plunged the world economy into recession, China re- mains committed to expanding the opening of their markets to bolster growth and to promoting globalization and inclusive de- velopment. China's next five-year plan for 2021-2025 is essen- tial for the "Made in China 2025" strategic national initiative. The goal of next five-year plan is to take a decisive lead in key in- dustries including healthcare. The government's continuous support of the domestic Chinese medical industry and imple- mentation of "local preferred" procurement policies result in a higher level of competition for multinational companies with local vendors. The priorities of the "Healthy China 2030" strat- egy is primary care and the establishment of a tiered healthcare system. It is expected that demand for equipment and upgrad- ing will increase, as well as the request for solutions in the area of healthcare digitalization. Moreover, reimbursement reforms such as diagnosis-based case groups - so called Diagnostic-Re- lated Groups - will be introduced to more regions. In the U.S., the focus on the pandemic has created a temporary reduction in efforts to modify the healthcare system around value based care. The introduction of such models has been temporarily suspended. Over the medium term, the impact of COVID-19 on government and private sector finances is likely to increase pressure on utilization and reimbursement. - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Business principles - 06 COVID-19 also has impacted regulatory environment and prac- tices, as governments and healthcare providers face unprece- dented challenges. Regulatory authorities utilized methods to speed diagnostic products to market. Governments have also provided reimbursement for testing. This includes changes in existing reimbursement structures as well as accelerated regu- latory and emergency approval pathways. This has positively influenced the availability of diagnostic tests and access to reimbursement for, among others, digital health solutions such as telehealth in various countries including China, the U.S. and Germany. The importance and value of such technologies have been highlighted and increased during the pandemic. However, these changes in health policy and reimbursement may be only temporary and potentially could be reversed or modified in the Driven by the need of healthcare systems worldwide to deliver better outcomes at lower costs, regulatory schemes around the world increasingly seek to introduce new remuneration models for healthcare services, leading to a shift of healthcare reim- bursement systems away from a pay-per-procedure model towards an outcome-based model. Most developed countries are currently considering or undergoing regulatory changes within their healthcare systems. solutions continues to intensify. The second trend is economic development in emerging countries that opens up improved access to healthcare for many people. As the middle class contin- ues to grow, significant investments in the expansion of private and public healthcare systems will persist, driving overall demand for healthcare products and services and hence market growth. The third trend is the increase in chronic diseases as a conse- quence of an aging population and environmental and life- style-related changes. This development creates additional pres- sure on health systems and leads to increased costs to address this challenge. The fourth global trend with significant effect on our business development, the transformation of healthcare pro- viders, results from a combination of societal and market forces that are driving healthcare providers to operate and organize their businesses differently. Increasing cost pressure on the healthcare sector is prompting the introduction of new remuner- ation models for healthcare services, such as value-based rather than treatment-based reimbursement. Digitalization and Al are likely to be key enablers for healthcare providers as they increas- ingly focus on enhancing the overall patient experience, with better outcomes and an overall reduction in cost of care. This development is driven partly by society's increasing resistance to healthcare costs, payers' increasing professionalization, burdens from chronic disease and rapid scientific progress. As a result, healthcare providers are consolidating into networked struc- tures, resulting in larger clinic and laboratory chains, often oper- ating internationally, which act increasingly like large corpora- tions. Applying this industrial logic to the healthcare market can lead to systematic improvements in quality, while at the same time reducing costs. The first trend are demographic developments, especially the world's growing and aging population. This trend poses major challenges for global healthcare systems. At the same time, however, it offers opportunities for players in the healthcare industry, because demand for cost-efficient healthcare Healthcare markets worldwide are affected by four major, sus- tainable trends, which are hardly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare market trends and health policy developments A.1.2 Business environment As of September 30, 2020, we had more than 18,500 patents, patent applications, and utility models. This figure includes more than 13,500 granted patents and registered utility models, on the level of fiscal year 2019. In fiscal year 2020, we reported R&D expenses of €1,342 mil- lion (2019: €1,328 million). The resulting R&D intensity, defined as the ratio of R&D expenses to revenue, was 9% (2019: 9%). Additions to capitalized development expenses amounted to €245 million (2019: € 155 million). Therefore, the ratio of capi- talized development expenses to total R&D expenses was 18% (2019: 12%). Amortization of capitalized development expenses totaled €99 million (2019: €111 million). In addition to continually updating our portfolio, the focus of our R&D activities is also on permanent improvement of exist- ing products and solutions. Our R&D workforce, counting al- ready around 10,000 employees, operates at a number of R&D sites around the world, mainly in Germany, the U.S., China and India. The distribution of our R&D workforce across an interna- tionally balanced network of sites enables us to better meet the needs of local markets and gives us access to local job markets, allowing us to hire the best employee for the respective job. We supplement our internal capabilities through our relationships with strategic partners. mid-term. Annual Report 2020 Total segments' adjusted EBIT Siemens Healthcare S.A., Caracas/Venezuela 1005 Ltd. of Beijing, Beijing/China Siemens Healthcare S.A.C., Surquillo/Peru 100 Siemens Healthcare S.A.S., Tenjo/Colombia 100 Siemens X-Ray Vacuum Technology Ltd., Wuxi, Wuxi/China 100 Siemens Healthcare Servicios S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City/Mexico 100 Joint ventures and associates Siemens Healthcare, Sociedad Anonima, 100 Germany (2 companies) Antiguo Cuscatlán/El Salvador MeVis BreastCare GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen 49 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., 100 Wilmington, DE/United States MeVis BreastCare Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Bremen 496 90 1 Control due to a majority of voting rights. Siemens Technology Development Co., Siemens Healthcare S.A., Buenos Aires/Argentina Siemens Healthineers Digital Technology 100 San José/Costa Rica (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai/China Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, S. de R.L. de C.V., Mexico City/Mexico 100 Siemens Healthineers India LLP, Bangalore/India 100 Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Seoul/Korea 100 Siemens Healthcare Equipos Médicos Sociedad por 100 100 Acciones, Santiago de Chile/Chile Siemens Shanghai Medical Equipment Ltd., 100 Siemens Healthcare Laboratory, LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States Shanghai/China 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Oakville/Canada 100 Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen/China 100 100 100 6 Not accounted for using the equity method due to immateriality. 2 Control due to rights to appoint, reassign or remove members of the key management personnel. Sept 30, 2020 Other Investments Europe, C.I.S., Africa, Middle East (EMEA) (without Germany) (1 company) Medical Systems S.p.A., Genoa/Italy' Americas (1 company) Imricor Medical Systems, Inc., Dover, DE/United States' 1 Control due to a majority of voting rights. 2 Control due to rights to appoint, reassign or remove members of the key management personnel. 3 Control due to contractual arrangements to determine the direction of the relevant activities. 4 No significant influence due to contractual arrangements or legal circumstances. 5 Not consolidated due to immateriality. 98 Equity interest in % 33 306 436 Equity interest Net income Equity in % in millions of € in millions of € Xi'An X-Ray Target Ltd., Xi'an/China ' Exemption pursuant to Section 264b of the German Commercial Code. 25 Asia, Australia (1 company) 3 Control due to contractual arrangements to determine the direction of the relevant activities. 4 No significant influence due to contractual arrangements or legal circumstances. 5 Not consolidated due to immateriality. 97 ³ Exemption pursuant to Section 264 (3) of the German Commercial Code. ⁹Values according to the latest available local GAAP financial statements; the underlying fiscal year differs from the Siemens Healthineers fiscal year. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Sept 30, 2020 Europe, C.I.S., Africa, Equity interest in % Sept 30, 2020 Americas (2 companies) Middle East (EMEA) (without Germany) PhSiTh LLC, New Castle, DE/United States (4 companies) USARAD Holdings, Inc., Impilo Consortium (Pty.) Ltd., La Lucia/South Africa 31 Fort Lauderdale, FL/United States Meomed s.r.o., Prerov/Czech Republic 476 Screenpoint Medical B.V., Nijmegen/Netherlands 21 TRIXELL SAS, Moirans/France 454 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics S.A., Los Angeles, CA/United States 100 Siemens Healthineers Holding III B.V., 100 Asia, Australia (27 companies) The Hague/Netherlands Acrorad Co., Ltd., Okinawa/Japan Siemens Healthineers Nederland B.V., 100 The Hague/Netherlands Fast Track Diagnostics Asia Private Limited, New Delhi/India 96 100 Siemens Medicina d.o.o., 100 Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina PETNET Radiopharmaceutical Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai/India 100 Steiermärkische Medizinarchiv GesmbH, Graz/Austria 52 PT Siemens Healthineers Indonesia, Jakarta/Indonesia 100 Americas (28 companies) Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics K.K., Tokyo/Japan 100 100 in % Siemens-Healthcare Cia. Ltda., Quito/Ecuador 100 100 1 Control due to a majority of voting rights. ² Control due to rights to appoint, reassign or remove members of the key management personnel. 3 Control due to contractual arrangements to determine the direction of the relevant activities. 4 No significant influence due to contractual arrangements or legal circumstances. 5 Not consolidated due to immateriality. 6 Not accounted for using the equity method due to immateriality. 7 Exemption pursuant to Section 264b of the German Commercial Code. 8 Exemption pursuant to Section 264 (3) of the German Commercial Code. ⁹Values according to the latest available local GAAP financial statements; the underlying fiscal year differs from the Siemens Healthineers fiscal year. 96 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Equity interest SIEMENS HEALTHCARE, UNIPESSOAL, LDA, Sept 30, 2020 Siemens Healthcare, s.r.o., Prague/Czech Republic Amadora/Portugal in % Sept 30, 2020 100 Siemens S.A., Montevideo/Uruguay 100 Equity interest Shanghai/China Corindus, Inc., Wilmington, DE/United States Dade Behring Hong Kong Holdings Corporation, Tortola/British Virgin Islands Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd., 100 501 Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Dhaka/Bangladesh 100 PETNET Solutions Cleveland, LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States 63 Siemens Healthcare Private Limited, Mumbai/India Siemens Healthcare Pte. Ltd., Singapore/Singapore 100 100 PETNET Solutions, Inc., Knoxville, TN/United States 100 Siemens Healthcare Pty. Ltd., Melbourne/Australia 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnósticos Ltda., 100 Siemens Healthcare Sdn. Bhd., 100 São Paulo/Brazil Petaling Jaya/Malaysia Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., 100 Siemens Healthineers Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Taipei/Taiwan, Province of China 100 51 Falcon Sub Inc., Wilmington, DE/United States P.E.T.NET Houston, LLC, Austin, TX/United States PETNET Indiana, LLC, Indianapolis, IN/United States 100 Shanghai, Shanghai/China 100 Siemens Healthcare Inc., Manila/Philippines 100 Dedicated2Imaging LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States ECG Acquisition, Inc., Wilmington, DE/United States ECG TopCo Holdings, LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States EPOCAL INC., Toronto/Canada 80 Siemens Healthcare K.K., Tokyo/Japan 100 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Auckland/New Zealand 100 75 Siemens Healthcare Limited, Bangkok/Thailand 100 100 Siemens Healthcare Limited, 100 Executive Consulting Group, LLC, Wilmington, DE/United States 100 Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam Siemens Healthcare Limited, Hong Kong/Hong Kong 100 1005 100 1 7 1,625 4,133 3,924 4,133 3,924 8,938 9,090 292 277 8,647 8,813 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Fiscal year Fiscal year Fiscal year Total revenue Intersegment revenue External revenue 1,602 Total segments 3 1,628 • Imaging offers imaging products, services and solutions. The most important products within this segment are equipment for magnetic resonance, computed tomography, X-ray systems, molecular imaging and ultrasound. Siemens Healthineers has the following three reportable seg- ments, which are differentiated according to the nature of goods and services: Reportable segments 2 Fiscal year 2019: On segment level adjusted according to the definition of the adjusted EBIT. 3 Including additions through business combinations, excluding goodwill. 1 Siemens Healthineers: Income before income taxes. Siemens Healthineers Reconciliation to consolidated financial statements 14,518 -160 -182 14,460 14,518 14,460 -296 -280 136 98 14,678 14,642 296 280 14,381 14,362 1,606 4 • Advanced Therapies Imaging 203 238 Expenses relating to post-employment benefits Total personnel expenses 617 613 Statutory social welfare contributions and expenses for optional support 3,956 4,221 2019 Fiscal year 2020 Wages and salaries (in millions of €) Note 28 Personnel expenses and employees For their 25th and 40th service anniversary, eligible employees in Germany receive jubilee shares in form of Siemens AG shares. The Jubilee Share program is classified as cash-settled share- based payment. As of September 30, 2020, 426,240 entitlements to jubilee shares were outstanding for Siemens Healthineers' employees (September 30, 2019: 485,360). Jubilee Share program Under the base share program, employees of participating en- tities can invest a fixed amount of their compensation in shares, which is then matched by Siemens Healthineers. The shares are purchased at market price at a predetermined date in the second quarter of each fiscal year and grant the right to receive matching shares under the same conditions applying to the share matching plan described above. Base share program Under the monthly investment plan, employees other than members of senior management can monthly invest a part of their compensation in shares over a period of twelve months. Shares are purchased at market price at a predetermined date once a month. If the Managing Board decides that shares ac- quired under the monthly investment plan are transferred to the share matching plan, plan participants have the right to receive matching shares under the same conditions applying to the share matching plan described above but with a vesting period of about two years. In fiscal year 2020, the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG decided that shares acquired under the 2019 tranche are transferred to the share matching plan in February 2020. Monthly investment plan Under the share matching plan, members of senior manage- ment can invest a part of their variable compensation in shares (investment shares). The shares are purchased at the market price at a predetermined date in the second quarter of each fiscal year. For every three investment shares held over the vesting period of about three years, plan participants have the right to receive one share without payment of consideration (matching share), provided the plan participant is continually employed by the Siemens Group, including Siemens Healthineers, until the end of the vesting period. Share matching plan Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 2019 5,072 Diagnostics 4,775 Employees were engaged in the following functions (averages): (in millions of €) Note 29 Segment information Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 89 Sales 52 54 Total employees 3 3 Administration and general services 9 10 Research and development 11 12 29 30 Manufacturing and services 2019 2020 Fiscal year (in thousands) Wages and salaries in fiscal year 2020 included severance charges of €65 million (2019: €57 million). 110 Diagnostics offers in-vitro diagnostic products and services that are offered to healthcare providers in laboratory, molecu- lar and point-of-care diagnostics. Measurement and reconciliations 300 -615 -487 8,093 10,936 -330 -325 427 464 810 1,179 1,653 1,858 13,336 14,158 2,523 2,280 14 18 22 328 261 265 151 997 351 1,954 −11 6 Not accounted for using the equity method due to immateriality. 7 Exemption pursuant to Section 264b of the German Commercial Code. 8 Exemption pursuant to Section 264 (3) of the German Commercial Code. ⁹Values according to the latest available local GAAP financial statements; the underlying fiscal year differs from the Siemens Healthineers fiscal year. 6 2020 Fiscal year in business combinations (in millions of €) The reconciliation of total segments' adjusted EBIT to Siemens Healthineers' income before income taxes is given in the table below: Income tax expenses are excluded from the segments' adjusted EBIT because income taxes are subject to legal structures, which typically do not correspond to the segment's structure. Deci- sions on essential pension items are made centrally. Accordingly, the segments' adjusted EBIT includes amounts related primarily to service cost of pension plans, while other regularly recurring pension related expenses ("centrally carried pension service and administration expenses") are excluded. Acquisition-related transaction costs and severance charges are not part of ad- justed EBIT because they do not affect the operating perfor- mance of the segments. Financial income, net, comprises other financing income, net, and any interest income or expenses. Financing income, net, is excluded from the segments' adjusted EBIT because decision-making regarding financing is typically made at group level. Certain items that are not indicative of the segments' performance are also excluded from the adjusted EBIT, such as items that have a corporate or central character or refer to more than one reportable segment, to corporate trea- sury or to Siemens Healthineers Real Estate. Costs for support functions are mainly allocated to the segments. Starting in fiscal year 2020, adjusted EBIT margin is used to manage the operating performance of our segments. Adjusted EBIT margin is defined as the adjusted EBIT of the particular segment concerned, divided by its total revenue. Adjusted EBIT is defined as income before income taxes, interest income and expenses and other financial income, net, adjusted for amorti- zation of intangible assets acquired in business combinations, severance charges, acquisition-related transaction costs and centrally carried pension service and administration expenses. Adjusted EBIT 620 815 961 1,479 1,037 1,371 21,429 25,094 2,193 193 • Advanced Therapies is a supplier of highly integrated products, solutions and services across multiple clinical fields, which are provided to therapy departments of healthcare providers. 1,934 298 2020 2019 2020 Fiscal year Fiscal year Fiscal year Sept 30, Fiscal year Amortization, depreciation and impairments Additions to other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment³ Free cash flow² Assets Adjusted EBIT¹ Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 90 06 Intersegment revenue is based on market prices. As of the reporting date, the aggregate amount of transaction prices allocated to performance obligations that were unsatis- fied or partially unsatisfied (order backlog) amounted to €19 bil- lion (September 30, 2019: €18 billion). Thereof, €6 billion (Sep- tember 30, 2019: €6 billion) are expected to be recognized as revenue in the next twelve months. For each of the segments, revenue results mainly from perfor- mance obligations satisfied at a point in time, especially in the case of the sale of goods, including reagents and consumables in the Diagnostics segment. However, the performance obli- gations related to maintenance contracts for equipment sold are generally satisfied over time with revenue recognized on a straight-line basis. Siemens Healthineers' revenue included revenue from contracts with customers and income from leases. In fiscal year 2020, in- come from leases amounted to €323 million (2019: €233 million). Revenue Accounting policies for segment information are generally the same as those summarized in Note 2 Accounting policies. Any exceptions or supplements are outlined below or become appar- ent in the reconciliations. 2019 317 2020 2020 263 279 634 541 -120 -216 5,499 5,179 375 72 151 166 154 309 1,512 1,810 6,840 7,045 1,831 1,909 2019 2020 2019 2019 Siemens Healthcare SAS, Saint-Denis/France Siemens Healthcare Sp. z o.o., Warsaw/Poland SIEMENS HEALTHCARE, S. L. U., Getafe/Spain Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Shanghai/China Siemens Healthcare d.o.o., Zagreb/Croatia Europe, C.I.S., Africa, Middle East (EMEA) 4,193 3,979 Americas 8,270 7,627 Asia, Australia 1,260 879 Total 13,724 12,484 (in millions of €) Fiscal year 2020 Thereof: 20191 Germany 1,880 1,691 Total segments' free cash flow 1,858 1,653 Foreign countries 2019 11,844 2020 assets 873 13,645 1,418 1,725 13,042 12,793 Siemens Healthineers' total assets 25,094 21,429 Therein: United States 4,909 4,916 4,937 4,935 Free cash flow China 1,893 1,838 1,716 1,352 Free cash flow comprises the cash flows from operating activi- ties and additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment included in cash flows from investing activities. As with the segments' adjusted EBIT, the segments' free cash flow excludes payments related to income taxes, corporate items and certain other payments. With the application of the adjusted EBIT margin as the new performance measure, the calculation of free cash flow changed accordingly, which means that oper- ating interest is no longer part of the segments' free cash flow. (in millions of €) Location of non-current Sept 30, 13,586 10,793 -512 Sept 30, Sept 30, (in millions of €) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Siemens AG 2,720 596 1,346 425 Other Siemens Group entities 672 91 3,683 3,969 Total 3,392 686 5,028 4,394 (in millions of €) Siemens Group Tax-related cash flows Payables and other payables to Siemens Group Receivables from and payables to the Siemens Group -493 Therein: Corporate items and other 25 -122 United States 7,920 7,247 Total reconciliation to consolidated financial statements -487 -615 Siemens Healthineers' free cash flow 1,371 1,037 1 Fiscal year 2019: On segment level adjusted according to the definition of the adjusted EBIT. 92 42 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Note 31 Related party transactions Siemens Healthineers maintained business relations with the Siemens Group and with joint ventures and associates of both the Siemens Group and Siemens Healthineers. The Siemens Group is a related party, as Siemens AG controls Siemens Healthineers AG. Transactions with the Siemens Group Sales of goods Receivables from Siemens AG Foreign countries 10,936 Siemens Healthineers' income before income taxes 1,954 2,193 Siemens Healthineers Real Estate manages Siemens Healthineers' entire real estate business portfolio, operates the properties and is responsible for building projects and for the purchase and sale of real estate. The line item corporate items includes corporate costs, such as costs of group management and corporate projects as well as business activities and special topics that were not allocated directly to the segments. 91 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Assets Siemens Healthineers determined to use segments' assets, de- fined as net capital employed, as a measure to assess the seg- ments' capital intensity. Segments' assets are based on total assets presented in the consolidated statements of financial po- sition (i.e. including intangible assets acquired in business com- binations), which are allocated to the segments, primarily ex- cluding receivables from Siemens Group from financing activities and tax-related assets, because the corresponding income and expenses are also excluded from the segments' adjusted EBIT. Moreover, the remaining assets are reduced by non-interest- bearing liabilities (e.g. trade payables, contract liabilities and other current liabilities) other than tax-related liabilities. Amortization, depreciation and impairments Amortization, depreciation and impairments include depreci- ation and impairments of property, plant and equipment as well as amortization and impairments of intangible assets (sim- ilarly to segments' adjusted EBIT excluding intangible assets acquired in business combinations), each net of reversals of impairment losses. Note 30 Information about geographies The following tables disclose revenue by location of the cus- tomer and entity, and the location of non-current assets. Non- current assets consisted of property, plant and equipment, goodwill and other intangible assets. (in millions of €) Total segments' assets Sept 30, 2020 2019 14,158 13,336 5,770 2,768 -330 Revenue by customer location -325 Total reconciliation to 2,280 2,523 Centrally carried pension service and administration expenses -17 -13 Amortization of intangible assets acquired -168 -131 Acquisition-related transaction costs -16 Severance charges -65 -57 Financial income, net -27 -107 Corporate items -22 -42 Corporate treasury, Siemens Healthineers Real Estate¹, eliminations and other items -10 19 consolidated financial statements 8,093 Revenue by entity location Therein: 5,765 Current income tax assets and Asia, Australia 4,022 4,098 3,701 3,454 deferred tax assets 468 554 Total 100 14,518 14,460 14,518 Liability-based adjustments 5,167 5,325 Thereof: Total reconciliation to Germany 874 consolidated financial statements 5,665 Asset-based adjustments 5,803 Americas Fiscal year Fiscal year (in millions of €) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Assets corporate treasury 739 994 Assets Siemens Healthineers Real Estate 945 627 Europe, C.I.S., Africa, Middle East (EMEA) 4,747 4,617 5,094 5,299 Receivables from Siemens Group from non-operating activities 3,387 683 5,691 and services and other income 14,460 and services SIEMENS HEALTHCARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, 100 Siemens Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath 947 Kiev/Ukraine Siemens Real Estate Management GmbH, Kemnath 1005 Siemens Healthcare Limited Liability Company, 100 Zeleni Holding GmbH, Kemnath 100 Moscow/Russian Federation Zeleni Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, Kemnath 1007 Siemens Healthcare Limited Liability Partnership, Almaty/Kazakhstan 100 Europe, C.I.S., Africa, Middle East (EMEA) (without Germany) Siemens Healthcare Limited, Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 100 (51 companies) Fast Track Diagnostics Ltd, Sliema/Malta 100 492 FAST TRACK DIAGNOSTICS LUXEMBOURG S.à r.I., Siemens Healthcare L.L.C., Dubai/United Arab Emirates Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services GmbH, Grünwald 100 Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen 1005 Siemens Healthcare Employee Share Ownership Trust, Midrand/South Africa 03 Verwaltungs-GmbH, Röttenbach Siemens Healthcare EOOD, Sofia/Bulgaria 100 Siemens Healthineers Holding I GmbH, Röttenbach 100 Siemens Healthcare FZ LLC, 100 Dubai/United Arab Emirates Siemens Healthineers Innovation GmbH & Co. KG, 1007 Röttenbach Siemens Healthineers Innovation 1005 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME, Chalandri/Greece 100 Verwaltungs-GmbH, Röttenbach Siemens Healthcare Kft., Budapest/Hungary 100 100 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products Ltd, Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 100 51 100 Lahore/Pakistan Siemens Healthcare S.r.I., Milan/Italy 100 Siemens Healthcare A/S, Ballerup/Denmark 100 Siemens Healthcare s.r.o., Bratislava/Slovakia 100 Siemens Healthcare AB, Solna/Sweden 100 Siemens Healthcare AG, Zurich/Switzerland 100 Siemens Healthcare Saglik Anonim Sirketi, Istanbul/Turkey 100 Siemens Healthcare AS, Oslo/Norway 100 Siemens Healthcare SARL, Casablanca/Morocco 100 Siemens Healthcare d.o.o. Beograd, Belgrade/Serbia 100 Siemens Healthcare d.o.o., Ljubljana/Slovenia Purchases of goods 100 Siemens Healthcare S.R.L., Bucharest/Romania Siemens Healthcare Limited, Riyadh/Saudi Arabia Siemens Healthcare Logistics LLC, Cairo/Egypt Siemens Health Care Ltd., Rosh HaAyin/Israel 100 100 100 100 Esch-sur-Alzette/Luxembourg 100 FAST TRACK DIAGNOSTICS RESEARCH LIMITED, Swords, County Dublin/Ireland 100 Dunblane/United Kingdom Siemens Healthcare NV, Beersel/Belgium 100 FTD Europe Ltd, Sliema/Malta 100 Siemens Healthcare Oy, Espoo/Finland 100 ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH, 69 Siemens Healthcare Proprietary Limited, 75 Innsbruck/Austria Halfway House/South Africa PETNET Solutions SAS, Lisses/France 100 Siemens Healthcare S.A.E., Cairo/Egypt Siemens Healthcare (Private) Limited, 1007 Siemens Healthcare Medical Solutions Limited, 1008 For further information regarding the capital increase, please refer to Note 23 Equity. For details on the financing arrange- ments with the Siemens Group, the bridge facility related to the planned acquisition of Varian and resulting interest expenses and income, please refer to Note 16 Financial debt. 93 33 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Other material relationships with the Siemens Group Hedging The majority of Siemens Healthineers' hedging activities was carried out with the corporate treasury of the Siemens Group as counterparty. As of September 30, 2020, related other cur- rent and other non-current financial assets amounted to € 154 million (September 30, 2019: €116 million). This included other current financial assets amounting to €25 million related to a deal contingent forward with the Siemens Group, which hedges the payment of the purchase price of the planned ac- quisition of Varian. In addition, other current and other non- current financial liabilities from hedging activities with the Siemens Group amounted to €10 million (September 30, 2019: €45 million). For further details, please refer to Note 16 Financial debt and to Note 25 Financial instruments and hedging activities. Guarantees and letters of support The Siemens Group issued guarantees for or on behalf of Siemens Healthineers in connection with the operating activ- ities of the Group. As of September 30, 2020, the guarantees issued by Siemens AG and other Siemens Group entities amounted to €19 million (September 30, 2019: €82 million) and €236 million (September 30, 2019: € 305 million), respec- tively. In addition, Siemens AG provided letters of support to banks and insurance companies, for example in connection with securing guarantee credit lines and overdraft facilities of the Group. As of September 30, 2020, the obligations secured by letters of support amounted to €452 million (September 30, 2019: €463 million). Share-based payment plans Siemens Healthineers' employees continued to participate in existing share-based payment plans of the Siemens Group based on Siemens AG shares. For further details, please refer to → Note 27 Share-based payment. Siemens AG delivered the respective shares on behalf of Siemens Healthineers and was reimbursed by Siemens Healthineers. Joint ventures and associates In fiscal year 2020, Siemens Healthineers purchased goods and services from its joint ventures and associates in an amount of €70 million (2019: €72 million). Related individuals Managing Board and Supervisory Board of the Group In fiscal year 2020, the members of the Managing Board received cash compensation of €3.3 million (2019: €4.1 million). The fair value of share-based payment granted in fiscal year 2020 amounted to €3.0 million (2019: €3.9 million) for 139,006 stock awards. Contributions to the Siemens Healthineers BSAV pension plan amounted to €1.1 million (2019: €0.9 million). Thus, com- pensation and benefits granted in fiscal year 2020 amounted to €7.4 million (2019: €8.8 million). In fiscal year 2020, expenses related to share-based payment amounted to €2.4 million (2019: €2.0 million). As of September 30, 2020, the defined benefit obligation for pension commitments to former members of the Managing Board and its surviving dependents amounted to €0.7 million. Compensation attributable to members of the Supervisory Board comprised a base compensation and additional compen- sation for committee work, and amounted (including meeting fees) to €1.2 million in fiscal year 2020 (2019: €1.1 million). Information regarding the individual compensation of the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG is disclosed in chapter A.8 Compen- sation report in the combined management report. In fiscal years 2020 and 2019, no other major transactions took place between Siemens Healthineers and the members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board. Some Managing Board and Supervisory Board members hold, or in the past year have held, positions of significant responsibility with other entities. Siemens Healthineers has relationships with many of these en- tities in the ordinary course of business. Additionally, the Siemens Group provided a bridge facility to finance the planned acquisition of Varian. As of the reporting date, this financing commitment amounted to €12.5 billion and was not utilized by Siemens Healthineers. Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Siemens AG • The Siemens Group provided revolving backup facilities and loans of various maturities to Siemens Healthineers. The in- crease of other liabilities to Siemens AG is primarily due to an additional financing of €1.0 billion for the acquisition of Corindus. Receivables from and payables to the Siemens Group resulted mainly from financing activities: Fiscal year Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, Röttenbach Fiscal year 2020 2019 2020 2019 5 35 266 250 Other Siemens Group entities 375 337 231 Total 380 372 497 235 485 Between Siemens Healthineers and the Siemens Group existed supply and service agreements: • In fiscal year 2020, Siemens Healthineers received support services from the Siemens Group for central corporate ser- vices such as tax, legal, IT, corporate communications, human resources, accounting, financial services and treasury with a total value of €334 million (2019: €349 million). For certain services, there were fixed payment obligations over a non- cancelable contract term and, in the prior year, also a mini- mum volume commitment. As of September 30, 2020, the re- sulting commitment amounted to €46 million (September 30, 2019: €225 million). • Siemens Healthineers has entered into leasing transactions with the Siemens Group, mainly for real estate. As of Septem- ber 30, 2020, total lease liabilities amounted to €86 million. As of September 30, 2019, the undiscounted future minimum lease payments to be made under non-cancelable leases for real estate amounted to € 98 million. • Receivables from the Siemens AG increased mainly due to the short-term investment of liquid funds from the capital in- crease in September 2020. The increase in receivables from other Siemens Group entities resulted, in particular, from the investment of liquid funds of Siemens Healthineers entities in China. As of September 30, 2020 and 2019, Siemens Healthineers has been controlled by its ultimate parent company Siemens AG. Therefore, the members of the Managing Board and the Super- visory Board of Siemens AG were regarded as key management. Information about Siemens AG's Managing Board and Supervi- sory Board is included in the Siemens Group's publicly available annual report. • Siemens Healthineers was included in the cash pooling and cash management of the Siemens Group. Thereby, Siemens Healthineers invested excess liquidity in the short term and was granted overdraft facilities for financing its operating activities. 94 Equity interest Sept 30, 2020 in % Subsidiaries Germany (15 companies) Befund24 GmbH, Erlangen 85 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH, Vienna/Austria Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd., Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 100 100 Dade Behring Grundstücks GmbH, Kemnath 94 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing 100 NEO New Oncology GmbH, Cologne 1008 Limited, Swords, County Dublin/Ireland Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH, Marburg 1008 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd, Frimley, Surrey/United Kingdom 94 100 Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Munich Equity interest in % Sept 30, 2020 and other expenses Note 34 List of subsidiaries, joint ventures Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Note 32 Principal accountant fees and associates pursuant to Section 313 (2) of the German Commercial Code and services Fees related to professional services rendered by the principal accountant EY were: (in millions of €) Audit services Other attestation services Fiscal year 2020 2019 6.6 Total principal accountant fees 6.6 0.3 0.3 6.8 6.9 Note 33 Corporate Governance The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG provided the declaration required by Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act ("Ak- tiengesetz") as of September 30, 2020. The declaration is available on the Group's website at www.corporate.siemens- Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 95 In fiscal year 2020, 42% (2019: 40%) of the total fees related to Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Germany. Audit services related primarily to services provided by EY for au- diting Siemens Healthineers' consolidated financial statements, for auditing financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG and its subsidiaries, for reviews of interim financial statements be- ing integrated into the audit and for project-accompanying IT audits. Other attestation services included mainly other attes- tation services required by law, contractually agreed or re- quested on a voluntary basis. in % (Number of No. in % No. in % meetings/participation in %) in % No. No. No. in % 100 88 100 11/11 100 5/5 100 1/1 Committee Dr. Norbert Gaus Deputy Chairman 8/8 100 14/14 Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas Chairman Related-Party Transactions The Innovation and Finance Committee met twice during the reporting period. Its work focused mainly on the preparation of the budget approval by the Supervisory Board and the dis- cussion of the Company's innovation strategy with particular emphasis on molecular diagnostics. The Committee discussed thoroughly the investment in an innovation hub that will be housed in a new campus at Bengaluru, India. It will combine the existing operations of the Research and Development Cen- ter and the state-of-the-art manufacturing of medical imaging systems. The Committee approved this promising digital proj- ect in the growth market of India following intense discussion. Audit Committee 100 The Supervisory Board held regular meetings, also in the ab- sence of members of the Managing Board, especially to discuss Supervisory Board matters and personnel issues affecting the Managing Board. Topics at the plenary meetings of the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board held seven regular meetings and one extraordinary meeting in fiscal year 2020 and adopted two res- olutions by written circulation. Topics of discussion at our reg- ular plenary meetings were the net assets, financial position and results of operations of Siemens Healthineers, together with its workforce development. After in-depth consultations at our meeting of October 10, 2019, we approved the Managing Board's medium-term plan and budget for 2020, and examined in this context the second phase (upgrading) of Strategy 2025. At the meeting on October 31, 2019, we discussed the key finan- cial data for the fourth quarter and for fiscal year 2019. The Supervisory Board also determined the compensation for the members of the Managing Board for fiscal year 2019 on the basis of the calculated target achievement. We also adopted the targets for the Managing Board's compensation for fiscal year 2020 on the basis of the proposal made by the Chairman's Committee. On November 26, 2019, we dealt with the financial statements and combined management report for Siemens Healthineers AG and the Group for the year ended September 30, 2019; the report on relationships with affiliated companies as of Septem- ber 30, 2019, pursuant to Section 312 of the German Stock Corporation Act ("Aktiengesetz"); the 2019 Annual Report, including the report of the Supervisory Board, the corporate governance report and the compensation report; and the agenda for the Shareholders' Meeting on February 12, 2020. In addition, we discussed the results of our own self-assessment. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information Report of the Supervisory Board - At the meeting on January 31, 2020, the Managing Board re- ported on the net assets, financial position and results of oper- ations as of the end of the first quarter. We also discussed the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2020. Directly after the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on Febru- ary 12, 2020, a meeting of the Supervisory Board took place at which we adopted amendments to both the Supervisory Board's own bylaws and those of the Managing Board. We also passed resolutions regarding the composition of the Innovation and Finance Committee and the creation of a committee to handle transactions with related parties (Related-Party Transactions Committee). At the meeting on May 4, 2020 we unanimously approved the reappointments of the Managing Board members Dr. Bernhard Montag (CEO) and Dr. Jochen Schmitz (CFO), both with effect from March 1, 2021, until February 28, 2026. Furthermore, the Managing Board reported to us on the net assets, financial po- sition and results of operations as of the end of the second quar- ter, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In view of the new requirements of the Act Implementing the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive (Gesetz zur Umsetzung der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie - ARUG II) and of the thor- oughly revised GCGC, we also dealt with questions regarding the compensation paid to members of the Managing Board and with the concept for a new compensation system for the Man- aging Board. In this context, we also examined the appropriate- ness review performed by an external compensation expert. That review came to the conclusion that the Managing Board's existing and planned compensation is appropriate when com- pared both with the market (horizontally) and with the com- pensation paid elsewhere within the company (vertically). Our meeting of July 31, 2020 focused on the planned acquisi- tion of Varian Medical Systems, Inc., which we approved unan- imously following detailed discussions. Particular factors of relevance in granting our approval were the transaction's con- siderable potential to add value and create a highly integrated portfolio for the global battle against cancer. During the same meeting, we also dealt with the new sustainability strategy and the associated materiality analysis to determine sustainability issues of relevance. In addition to reviewing the Managing Board's report on the Company's net assets, financial position and results of operations on conclusion of the third quarter, we also examined the new provisions of the thoroughly revised German Corporate Governance Code which came into force on March 20, 2020. The new Code also included key changes as regards the composition of the Supervisory Board, with partic- ular emphasis on the independence of the individual members. Against this backdrop, and after in-depth discussions, we ad- opted our revised profile of required skills and expertise, and adapted our goals in relation to the composition of the Super- visory Board. One focus of debate at our extraordinary meeting of Septem- ber 14, 2020, was improvements to our compensation system for Managing Board members. On the recommendation of the Chairman's Committee of the Supervisory Board, we adopted amendments to that system, which will be submitted to the An- nual Shareholders' Meeting for approval. We also dealt with the latest Declaration of Conformity with the GCGC, prepared in ac- cordance with Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act. Work in the Supervisory Board committees In order to perform our duties efficiently, we have established a total of four committees, which prepare proposals for resolu- tions and issues to be dealt with at the Supervisory Board's ple- nary meetings. Some of the Supervisory Board's decision-mak- ing powers have also been delegated to these committees within the permissible legal framework. The committee chairs report to the Supervisory Board on their committees' work at the subsequent Board meeting. Details of the members and the tasks of the individual Supervisory Board committees are pro- vided in C.4.1.2 Supervisory Board. The Chairman's Committee met 14 times in the reporting period (seven of these were extraordinary). It also adopted two reso- lutions by written circulation. Between meetings, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board discussed topics of major importance with the members of the Chairman's Committee. The Chair- man's Committee dealt, in particular, with personnel matters such as the regular reappointment of two members of the Man- aging Board, long-term succession planning for the Managing Board, compensation for the Managing Board, the Managing Board members' acceptance of offices at other institutions, and corporate governance issues. Special emphasis was placed on the compensation system of the Managing Board with regard to the requirements of ARUG II and the GCGC. Furthermore, the Chairman's Committee was involved in the implementation of a capital increase to finance the planned acquisition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. In the process, the Chairman's Commit- tee either adopted resolutions itself or prepared resolutions for the Supervisory Board. The Committee also prepared the Supervisory Board's proposal to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting for the election of one shareholder representative to the Supervisory Board. 107 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information Report of the Supervisory Board - The Audit Committee held five meetings during the reporting period. Together with the Managing Board and the indepen- dent auditors, the committee discussed the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and combined management report for Siemens Healthineers AG and the Group for fiscal year 2019, and the half-year financial report and quar- terly statements for fiscal year 2020. In the presence of the independent auditors, the Audit Committee also discussed the audit reports on the annual financial statements, the consoli- dated financial statements and the combined management re- port, and the report on the auditors' review of the Group's half- year consolidated financial statements and of the interim Group management report. The committee engaged the independent auditors to audit the annual and consolidated financial state- ments for fiscal year 2020 and to review the interim financial statements and financial information; it defined the focal points for the audits and determined the auditors' fee. The committee monitored the selection, independence, qualifica- tion, rotation and efficiency of the independent auditors. The Audit Committee also dealt with the Company's accounting and accounting process, the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems, the effectiveness, resources, find- ings and audit plan for the internal audit, and also the reports concerning compliance, regulatory compliance, and potential and pending legal disputes. The Related-Party Transactions Committee was newly estab- lished on February 12, 2020 and convened once during the reporting period to discuss the planned financing for the acqui- sition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Specifically, we spoke of a bridge facility that a Siemens AG subsidiary was to provide transitionally to Siemens Healthineers and of a hedging trans- action with Siemens AG and a related guarantee for the benefit of Siemens AG. The Related-Party Transactions Committee granted its approval to the financing arrangements having as- sured itself that the conditions are in line with market condi- tions. For the fiscal year overall, the participation rate of members in meetings of the Supervisory Board and its committees was approximately 97%. Personalized disclosure of the individual Supervisory Board members' attendance rates Supervisory Board (plenary meetings) Chairman's Committee Innovation and Finance Committee 106 100 100 Dr. Philipp Rösler 8/8 100 Dr. Nathalie von Siemens 8/8 100 Dr. Gregory Sorensen 8/8 100 Karl-Heinz Streibich 8/8 100 97 98 2/2 100 2/2 1/1 100 89 100 100 Corporate Governance The Declaration of Conformity with the German Corporate Gov- ernance Code adopted on September 30, 2020, was made per- manently available to shareholders on the Company's website. It can also be found in C.4 Corporate Governance. We regularly monitor the application and ongoing develop- ment of our system of corporate governance. Detailed informa- tion on corporate governance at the Company, including the composition of the Supervisory Board, can be found in →C.4.2 Corporate Governance statement pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code. As Supervisory Board chairman, I maintained regular contact between meetings with the Managing Board, in particular with the Chief Executive Officer, and conferred with him on issues of strategy, business development, the risk situation, risk man- agement and compliance. Audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements discussed in detail (until 12.02.2020) 2/2 100 33 Dr. Roland Busch 4/4 100 (since 12.02.2020) Dr. Marion Helmes 8/8 100 5/5 100 1/1 100 Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann 8/8 100 14/14 100 Michael Sen 2/4 50 2/3 ༠」 5/5 100 1/1 100 67 1/3 1/1 The Supervisory Board and the relevant committees examined and deliberated in detail on the proposals made by the Manag- ing Board. Deviations from business plans were explained to us in detail and discussed in depth. In our opinion, on the basis of the knowledge obtained in the audit, In the year under review, all of us on the Supervisory Board ex- ecuted, with due diligence, the duties assigned to us by law, by the Siemens Healthineers articles of association and our own bylaws, taking also into account the German Corporate Gover- nance Code ("GCGC"). In this respect, we assisted and moni- tored the Managing Board in its management of the Company. Munich, November 19, 2020 To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable reporting principles, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Group, and the Group's management report, which has been combined with the man- agement report for Siemens Healthineers AG, includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the material opportunities and risks associated with the ex- pected development of the Group. C.1 Responsibility statement Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Responsibility statement statements forward-looking Notes and C.5 Page 122 C.4 Corporate Governance Page 111 Supervisory Board Report of the C.3 Page 106 report C.2 Independent auditor's Page 101 statement C.1 Responsibility Page 100 99 Additional information C. We also performed sensitivity analyses to assess the impair- ment risk in case of changes in significant assumptions. In ad- dition, we analyzed the disclosures in the notes to the consoli- dated financial statements on the measurement of goodwill in relation to the requirements of IAS 36. We consulted internal valuation specialists to assess the recoverable amounts. Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the testing of impairment of goodwill allocated to the "Diag- nostics" cash-generating unit and capitalized development costs. 102 Siemens Healthineers AG Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Independent auditor's report The Managing Board Dr. Bernhard Montag The independent auditors, Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschafts- prüfungsgesellschaft (Stuttgart, Germany), audited the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, the consoli- dated financial statements of Siemens Healthineers and the combined management report for Siemens Healthineers AG and the Group for fiscal year 2020 and issued an unqualified opinion. The annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG and the combined management report for Siemens Healthineers AG and the Group were prepared in accordance with the require- ments of German law. The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and with the additional requirements of German law set out in Testing impairment of goodwill ("Diagnostics") and capitalized development costs Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the recognition and measurement policies applied for the recognition of reve- nue, refer to → Note 2 Accounting policies in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the recognition of revenue from the sale of products and the provision of services. Auditor's response: As part of our audit, we identified all signif- icant revenue streams subject to different processes, risks and controls. For these revenue streams we assessed the different revenue recognition processes and the effectiveness of the ac- counting-related internal control system in relation to revenue recognition. We planned the nature, timing and scope of sub- stantive audit procedures according to our individual assess- ment of the risk inherent in the different revenue streams. Our substantive procedures primarily involved analyses of disaggre- gated data to determine whether there are any unexpected discrepancies between revenue, cost of sales and trade receiv- ables or contract assets, or any significant or extraordinary changes in key performance indicators (e.g., revenue or gross profit). We also performed correlation analyses and cut-off analyses of revenue transactions around the reporting date. We supplemented data analytics with sample testing specifically focusing on revenues for imaging and therapy products and assessed the amount and timing of revenue recognized on the basis of contracts, invoices and delivery notes. As part of these procedures, we also obtained external customer confirmations and reviewed credit notes issued after the reporting date. Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: The Group's revenue stems from the sale of imaging, diagnostics and therapy products and related maintenance and other ser- vices. Financial management and measurement of the operating results of the segments is based on comparable revenue growth and adjusted EBIT-margin. The development of these key perfor- mance indicators is primarily determined by the amount of rev- enue recognized. In view of the materiality of revenue and its significance for the financial management of the Group, we consider revenue recognition to be an area posing a significant risk of material misstatement (including the potential risk of managers circumventing controls) and a key audit matter. Revenue recognition Below, we describe what we consider to be the key audit matters: Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the consol- idated financial statements for the fiscal year from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial state- ments as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon; we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. Key audit matters in the audit of the consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Independent auditor's report 101 We conducted our audit of the consolidated financial state- ments and of the group management report in accordance with Sec. 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation (No 537/2014, referred to subsequently as "EU Audit Regulation") and in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer [Institute of Public Auditors in Germany] (IDW). In conducting the audit of the consolidated financial statements we also complied with International Standards on Auditing (ISA). Our responsibilities under those requirements, principles and standards are further described in the "Audi- tor's responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements and of the group management report" section of our auditor's report. We are independent of the group entities in accordance with the requirements of European law and Ger- man commercial and professional law, and we have fulfilled our other German professional responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. In addition, in accordance with Art. 10 (2) f) of the EU Audit Regulation, we declare that we have not provided non-audit services prohibited under Art. 5 (1) of the EU Audit Regulation. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the group management report. Basis for the opinions Pursuant to Sec. 322 (3) Sentence 1 HGB, we declare that our audit has not led to any reservations relating to the legal com- pliance of the consolidated financial statements and of the group management report. ⚫ the accompanying group management report, as a whole, provides an appropriate view of the Group's position. In all material respects, this group management report is consistent with the consolidated financial statements, complies with German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. Our opinion on the group management report does not cover the content of the Corporate Governance statement referred to above. ⚫ the accompanying consolidated financial statements comply, in all material respects, with the International Financial Re- porting Standards (IFRSS) as adopted by the European Union (EU), and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Sec. 315e (1) HGB ["Handelsgesetzbuch": Ger- man Commercial Code] as well as with full IFRSS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and, in compliance with these requirements, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Group as of September 30, 2020 and of its financial per- formance for the fiscal year from October 1, 2019 to Septem- ber 30, 2020, and We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich, and its subsidiaries (the Group), which comprise the consolidated statements of income and com- prehensive income for the fiscal year from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, the consolidated statements of financial position as of September 30, 2020, the consolidated statements of cash flows and changes in equity for the fiscal year from Oc- tober 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, and notes to the consoli- dated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In addition, we have audited the group management report of Siemens Healthineers AG, which is com- bined with the management report of Siemens Healthineers AG, for the fiscal year from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. In accordance with the German legal requirements we have not audited the content of chapter A.7.4 Corporate Governance statement of the Combined Management Report, including chapter →C.4.2 Corporate Governance statement pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code of the Annual Report 2020 referred to in chapter A.7.4 Corporate Governance statement. Opinions Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements and of the group management report To Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich C.2 Independent auditor's report Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Independent auditor's report 100 Dr. Christoph Zindel Dr. Jochen Schmitz Schmit B. lllowtan The Managing Board involved us in a direct, timely and com- prehensive manner in all decisions of a fundamental nature. By means of written and verbal reports, both during and outside of planned meetings, the Managing Board provided us with regular, prompt and thorough information. We were informed of all relevant aspects of the Company's business planning in- cluding financial, investment and personnel planning, financial position and profitability. Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the testing of impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets, including capitalized development costs, refer to → Note 2 Account- ing policies in the notes to the consolidated financial state- ments. For explanatory notes on goodwill and other intangi- ble assets, refer to the disclosures in → Note 12 Goodwill and → Note 13 Other intangible assets and property, plant and equip- ment in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: On October 29, 2019, the merger of Siemens Healthineers with Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc., USA ("Corindus"), was completed. Siemens Healthineers holds 100% of the shares and accounts for the business combination in accordance with IFRS 3, Business Combinations. Considering the assumptions and estimates re- quired to be made by management as part of the purchase price allocation, specifically with regard to the measurement of ac- quired technology, the accounting for this business combination was a key audit matter. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Independent auditor's report • Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit ev- idence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. If we con- clude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in the auditor's report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements and in the group man- agement report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to mod- ify our respective opinions. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to be able to continue as a going concern. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclo- sures, and whether the consolidated financial statements present the underlying transactions and events in a manner that the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and financial performance of the Group in compliance with IFRSS as ad- opted by the EU and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Sec. 315e (1) HGB as well as with full IFRSS as issued by the IASB. • Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the group management report. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and perfor- mance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our opinions. • Evaluate the consistency of the group management report with the consolidated financial statements, its conformity with German law, and the view of the Group's position it provides. • Perform audit procedures on the prospective information pre- sented by management in the group management report. On the basis of sufficient appropriate audit evidence we evaluate, in particular, the significant assumptions used by manage- ment as a basis for the prospective information, and evaluate the proper derivation of the prospective information from these assumptions. We do not express a separate opinion on the prospective information and on the assumptions used as a basis. There is a substantial unavoidable risk that future events will differ materially from the prospective information. We communicate with those charged with governance regard- ing, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. We also provide those charged with governance with a state- ment that we have complied with the relevant independence requirements, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence and where applicable, the related safeguards. From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial state- ments of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report un- less law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter. Other legal and regulatory requirements Further information pursuant to Art. 10 of the EU Audit Regulation We were elected as group auditor by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on February 12, 2020. We were engaged by the Super- visory Board on March 3, 2020. We have been the group audi- tor of Siemens Healthineers AG without interruption since the fiscal year from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. We declare that the opinions expressed in this auditor's report are consistent with the additional report to the Audit Commit- tee pursuant to Art. 11 of the EU Audit Regulation (long-form audit report). German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement The German public auditor responsible for the engagement is Thomas Spannagl. Munich, November 19, 2020 Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft ания Spannagl Wirtschaftsprüfer [German Public Auditor] к Tropschug Wirtschaftsprüferin [German Public Auditor] 105 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Report of the Supervisory Board C.3 Report of the Supervisory Board Dear Shareholders, In 2020, the relevance of Siemens Healthineers for society became more apparent than ever before. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Company's employees have stood on the front line together with their customers' medical personnel to jointly implement measures to fight COVID-19 and at the same time to maintain regular operations in the clinics. Their com- mon goal was, and remains, to provide patients with the very best care while simultaneously protecting themselves against infection. From diagnosis to follow-up care, the portfolio of Siemens Healthineers is linked to the entire sequence of treat- ment for COVID-19 patients. This is just one aspect underscor- ing the critical role that Siemens Healthineers plays in health- care worldwide. What is more, in the third year after the IPO, the Company has made increasing use of its entrepreneurial independence to operationally and strategically develop fur- ther alongside the goals it set for itself: the planned acquisition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. will make Siemens Healthineers a leading provider of cancer therapies and will contribute to improve success rates for the millions of patients battling this disease. I am convinced that the societal relevance of Siemens Healthineers will continue to increase. In my capacity as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, I view it as my obligation to provide this great Company with advice and support as it grows. This is a task that I perform with conviction, pleasure and dedication. 104 Business combinations ("Corindus") management and the reasonableness of estimates made by management and related disclosures. • Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit of the consolidated financial statements and of ar- rangements and measures (systems) relevant to the audit of the group management report in order to design audit pro- cedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of these systems. Auditor's response: Our audit procedures in relation to the pur- chase price allocation included, in addition to assessing the consideration transferred by Siemens Healthineers, the evalua- tion of the methodology applied by the external valuation expert engaged by management to identify and measure the assets acquired under IFRS 3. Based on inquiries of management and the external expert, we evaluated whether the external valua- tion report qualifies as audit evidence. With the assistance of internal valuation specialists, we analyzed whether assump- tions and estimates (specifically growth rates, cost of capital, royalty rates and remaining useful lives) used in determining the fair values of identifiable assets acquired (specifically acquired technology) correspond to general and industry-specific market expectations. For the assessment of recognition and measurement of acquired technology, we additionally utilized the expertise of internal industry specialists. Furthermore, we reperformed the calculations in the valuation models and reconciled the ex- pected future cash flows underlying the impairment tests, amongst others, to internal business plans. In addition, we eval- uated the disclosures in the notes to the consolidated financial statements regarding the acquisition of Corindus in terms of their compliance with the requirements defined in IFRS 3. Our audit procedures did not lead to any reservations relating to the accounting for the Corindus business combination. Reference to related disclosures: With regard to the recognition and measurement policies applied in connection with the busi- ness combination refer to Note 2 Accounting policies in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. A description of the transaction and disclosures on the purchase price allo- cation are included in → Note 3 Acquisitions in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Other information The Supervisory Board is responsible for the Report of the Supervisory Board in the Annual Report 2020. In all other respects, management is responsible for the other information. The other information, of which we received a version prior to issuing this auditor's report, includes: ⚫ the Responsibility Statement in chapter →C.1 Responsibility statement of the Annual Report 2020, ⚫ the Report of the Supervisory Board in chapter → C.3 Report of the Supervisory Board of the Annual Report 2020, • Corporate Governance in chapter →C.4 Corporate Governance of the Annual Report 2020, and • Notes and forward-looking statements in chapter →C.5 Notes and forward-looking statements of the Annual Report 2020. Our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the group management report do not cover the other informa- tion, and consequently we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in so doing, to consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements, with the group management report or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or • otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. 103 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Independent auditor's report Responsibilities of management and the Supervisory Board for the consolidated financial statements and the group management report Management is responsible for the preparation of the consoli- dated financial statements that comply, in all material respects, with IFRSS as adopted by the EU and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Sec. 315e (1) HGB, as well as with full IFRSS as issued by the IASB and that the consol- idated financial statements, in compliance with these require- ments, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and financial performance of the Group. In addition, management is responsible for such internal control as manage- ment has determined necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, manage- ment is responsible for assessing the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. It also has the responsibility for disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern. In addition, management is responsible for financial reporting based on the going concern basis of accounting unless there is an intention to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or there is no re- alistic alternative but to do so. Furthermore, management is responsible for the preparation of the group management report that, as a whole, provides an appropriate view of the Group's position and is, in all material respects, consistent with the consolidated financial statements, complies with German legal requirements, and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. In addition, management is responsible for such arrangements and measures (systems) as management has considered neces- sary to enable the preparation of a group management report that is in accordance with the applicable German legal require- ments, and to be able to provide sufficient appropriate evidence for the assertions in the group management report. The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the Group's financial reporting process for the preparation of the consoli- dated financial statements and of the group management report. Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements and of the group management report Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or er- ror, and whether the group management report as a whole pro- vides an appropriate view of the Group's position and, in all material respects, is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and the knowledge obtained in the audit, complies with the German legal requirements and appropriately pres- ents the opportunities and risks of future development, as well as to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the group manage- ment report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Sec. 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation as well as in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial State- ment Audits promulgated by the IDW and in supplementary compliance with ISA will always detect a material misstate- ment. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are con- sidered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial state- ments and this group management report. We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements and of the group manage- ment report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used by 108 Auditor's response: To assess the recoverable amounts of good- will and capitalized development costs determined by manage- ment, we examined the underlying processes and controls. With regard to the recoverable amounts for goodwill, we addi- tionally tested the effectiveness of controls related to budget- ing future cash flows. We obtained an understanding of the underlying valuation models used to determine the recover- able amounts by verifying the applied methodology and arith- metical correctness. To assess estimates of future net cash flows, we reconciled approved budgets with the valuations provided to us. We also examined whether the budget reflects general, industry and product-specific market expectations, in- cluding potential COVID-19 impacts. We performed a budget- to-actual comparison of historically forecasted data and actual results, where available, on a sample basis to assess forecast accuracy. We examined the inputs used to estimate recoverable amounts, such as the estimated growth rates and the discount rates, by comparing them with publicly available market data and assessing them in light of changes in key assumptions, including future market conditions. Reasons why the matter was determined to be a key audit matter: Testing impairment for goodwill allocated to the "Diagnostics" cash-generating unit and capitalized development costs in- volves considerable judgment in estimating future cash flows and discount rates. Estimation uncertainty in relation to future net cash flows particularly exists due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, the testing of goodwill ("Diagnos- tics") and capitalized development costs for impairment was a key audit matter. President of acatech - Deutsche Akademie der German positions: • Brainloop AG Positions outside Germany: • Fortum Corporation, Finland • Loc Troi Group, Vietnam Positions outside Germany: • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A., Spain German positions: • Messer Group GmbH Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Siemens Healthcare GmbH • • TÜV SÜD AG Positions outside Germany: • Fusion Healthcare Staffing, LLC, USA • Invicro, LLC, USA ⚫DFP Healthcare Acquisitions Corp., USA German positions: Deutsche Telekom AG • Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG • Software AG (Chairman) Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance Targets for the Supervisory Board's composition and profile of required skills and expertise Taking into account the recommendations of the German Cor- porate Governance Code ("GCGC"), the Supervisory Board has adopted targets for its composition, including a profile of the skills and expertise that the Supervisory Board should possess; these are described in C.4.2.6 Targets for the composition, profile of required skills and expertise, and diversity concept for the Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board committees The Supervisory Board has four committees, whose duties, responsibilities, and procedures fulfill the requirements of the German Stock Corporation Act and the GCGC. The chairpersons of these committees provide the Supervisory Board with regular reports on the committees' activities. The Chairman's Committee coordinates the work of the Super- visory Board and prepares the meetings of the Supervisory Board. It prepares the self-assessment of the Supervisory Board's work and monitors the implementation of the resolutions ad- opted by the Supervisory Board or its committees. It makes proposals regarding the appointment and dismissal of Manag- ing Board members and handles contracts with members of the Managing Board. When making recommendations for first-time appointments, it takes into account that the term of these ap- pointments should not, as a rule, exceed three years. In prepar- ing recommendations on the appointment of Managing Board members, the Chairman's Committee takes into account the candidates' professional qualifications, international experience and leadership qualities, the age limit specified for Managing Board members, the long-range plans for succession, and diversity. It also takes into account the targets that the Supervi- sory Board has specified for the share of women on the Manag- ing Board. It decides on approving contracts and transactions with members of the Managing Board and their related parties, whether individuals or entities. The Chairman's Committee sub- mits proposals to the Supervisory Board for setting the compen- sation of the individual Managing Board members. The Chair- man's Committee prepares resolutions of the Supervisory Board regarding the systems of Managing Board and Supervisory Board compensation, including the regular review of those systems. The Chairman's Committee furthermore has the task of provid- ing the Supervisory Board with recommendations of suitable candidates for the board to nominate for election by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting as new members of the Supervisory Board. It therefore has the tasks of a nomination committee. In preparing these recommendations, the targets defined by the Supervisory Board for its composition are to be given due con- sideration, along with the proposed candidates' required knowl- edge, abilities, and professional experience. Fulfillment of the profile of required skills and expertise is also to be aimed for. The Chairman's Committee has furthermore been authorized by the Supervisory Board to decide on the approval of Managing Siemens Ltd., China • Positions outside Germany: • Siemens Healthcare GmbH 2018 113 Memberships in supervisory boards whose establishment is required by law or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises (as of September 30, 2020) German positions: . Siemens Energy AG • Siemens Gas and Power Management GmbH • Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Chairman) Positions outside Germany: • Siemens Proprietary Ltd., South Africa German positions: Siemens Healthcare GmbH German positions: • ESMT European School of Management and Technology GmbH • Siemens Mobility GmbH (Chairman) Positions outside Germany: • Arabia Electric Ltd. (Equipment), Saudi Arabia Siemens Ltd., Saudi Arabia • Siemens W.L.L., Qatar German positions: • ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (Vice Chairwoman) Positions outside Germany: ⚫British American Tobacco p.l.c., United Kingdom • Heineken N.V., The Netherlands German positions: Board proposals regarding appointment or dismissal of persons in certain management positions at the first level below the Managing Board, and the main principles of the compensation and incentivization system for employees. In fiscal year 2020, the Chairman's Committee had the following members: Prof. Ralf P. Thomas, Dr. Nobert Gaus, Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann, and Michael Sen (until February 12, 2020). On Decem- ber 1, 2019, Prof. Thomas replaced Michael Sen as Chairman. The Audit Committee oversees, in particular, accounting and the accounting process and conducts a preliminary review of the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, the consolidated financial statements, and the combined manage- ment report, as well as the report on relationships with affiliated companies. On the basis of the independent auditors' report on their audit of the financial statements, the Audit Com- mittee makes, after its own preliminary review, recommenda- tions regarding the Supervisory Board's approval of the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG and the con- solidated financial statements. The Audit Committee discusses the quarterly statements and half-year financial report with the Managing Board and the independent auditors and deals with the auditors' reports on the review of the Group's half-year con- solidated financial statements and interim management report. It concerns itself with questions of risk management and over- sees the effectiveness of the systems for internal control, risk management, and internal auditing. The Audit Committee receives regular reports from the internal audit department. It prepares the Supervisory Board's recommendation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting concerning the election of the independent auditors and submits the corresponding proposal to the Supervisory Board. Once the Annual Shareholders' Meet- ing has made a resolution, the Audit Committee awards the audit contract to the independent auditors and monitors the independent audit of the financial statements, particularly the selection, independence, and qualification of the auditors. It evaluates the quality of the audit and the work of the inde- pendent auditors, including the additional services they pro- vide. In this regard, the committee complies with the applicable legal requirements, including in particular the requirements under the EU Audit Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on specific requirements of statutory audits of public-interest entities and repealing Commission Decision 2005/909/EC). The Audit Committee furthermore concerns itself with monitoring compliance, and with nonfinancial reporting and exemptions from such reporting. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance 2. The Company fully complies with the recommendations of the GCGC 2020 with just one exception: Pursuant to C.10 sentence 2 and D.4 sentence 1 of the GCGC 2020 the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall be inde- pendent. As to the deviation declared in sections 1 and 2 on the inde- pendence of the Chairman of the Audit Committee, the Com- pany explains that is included in the consolidated financial statements of the Siemens Group due to its affiliation with Siemens AG. Against this background the assumption of the functions of the Audit Committee of Siemens Healthineers AG is strengthened by a representative of the majority shareholder chairing the Audit Committee. Munich, September 30, 2020 Siemens Healthineers AG The Managing Board The Supervisory Board 117 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance C.4.2.2 Information on corporate governance practices Suggestions of the German Corporate Governance Code In addition to the recommendations, the GCGC also contains suggestions, compliance with which does not have to be dis- closed. Since September 30, 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG has complied with the suggestions with the exception of the deviations from numbers 2.3.2 and 3.7 subsection 3 of GCGC 2017 explained below. In addition, the Company complies with all the suggestions of GCGC 2020, with the exception of A.5. Pursuant to number 2.3.2 of GCGC 2017, the proxy appointed by the Managing Board to exercise shareholders' voting rights as instructed should also be reachable during the Shareholders' Meeting. The proxies appointed by Siemens Healthineers AG were personally available to the attending shareholders during the 2020 Annual Shareholders' Meeting. However, due to tech- nical constraints, instructions on voting could not be given to the proxies electronically until the end of the general debate. The suggestion previously contained in number 2.3.2 of GCGC 2017 was removed from the new version of the GCGC of De- cember 16, 2019. Pursuant to number 3.7 subsection 3 of GCGC 2017 and A.5 of GCGC 2020, in the case of a takeover offer, the Managing Board should convene an extraordinary shareholders' meeting at which shareholders discuss the takeover offer and may decide on corporate actions. The convening of a shareholders' meet- ing, even taking into account the shortened time limits stipu- lated in the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act, is an organizational challenge for large publicly listed companies. It appears doubtful whether the associated effort is also justi- fied in cases where no relevant decisions by the shareholders' meeting are intended. Therefore, extraordinary shareholders' meetings are convened only in appropriate cases. Further corporate governance practices applied beyond legal requirements are contained in the business conduct guidelines. Business conduct guidelines The Siemens Healthineers business conduct guidelines provide the ethical and legal framework within which the Company in- tends to operate and to remain on course for success. They contain the basic principles and rules for the conduct of all Siemens Healthineers employees within the Company and in relation to our external partners and the general public. They set out how Siemens Healthineers meets its ethical and legal responsibilities as a company. C.4.2.3 Managing Board and Supervisory Board procedures, and composition and procedures of their committees The composition and procedures of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board, and of the committees of the Supervisory Board, are described in C.4.1 Management and control structure. Further details can be found in the bylaws for the corporate bodies concerned. The names of the respective committee members and of the committee chairman are mentioned in →C.4.1.2 Supervisory Board. Information on the self-evaluation regarding the work of the Supervisory Board can be found here →C.4.1.2 Supervisory Board. The information and documents named, including the GCGC and the business conduct guidelines, are publicly available at: → corporate-governance. C.4.2.4 Targets for the share of women on the Managing Board and at the management level immediately below the Managing Board; target for the share of women on the Supervisory Board Pursuant to the German Stock Corporation Act, the Supervisory Board is to set targets for the share of women on the Managing Board and Supervisory Board. The Managing Board is to set tar- gets for the share of women at the two levels of management below the Managing Board. If the share of women is less than 30% when the targets are set, the targets cannot be below the level that has already been achieved. At Siemens Healthineers AG, targets have been set for the Man- aging Board to include at least one woman by June 30, 2023, and for the first management level below the Managing Board to include at least 25% women by June 30, 2022. There is only one level of management below the Managing Board. A target has been set for the Supervisory Board to be composed of at least 2/9 of women by June 30, 2023. 118 By taking over the position as Chairman of the Supervisory Board on December 1, 2019, Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas had been in the temporary situation to chair both the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee contemporaneously. This de- viation as to section 5.3.2 subsection 3 sentence 3 of the GCGC 2017 has ceased to apply when Dr. Andreas C. Hoff- mann assumed the function as Chairman of the Audit Com- mittee on February 1, 2020. 1952 Pursuant to section 5.3.2 subsection 3 sentences 2 and 3 of the GCGC 2017 the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall be independent and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall not chair the Audit Committee. Since the last issuance of the Declaration of Conformity dated September 30, 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG ("Company"), except for the deviations set out below in section 1, has fully complied with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code ("GCGC") as amended on February 7, 2017 ("GCGC 2017"). Furthermore, the Company meets all recom- mendations of the GCGC as amended on December 16, 2019 (valid from March 20, 2020, "GCGC 2020") except for the devi- ation stated in section 2 and will continue to meet all recom- mendations except for the said deviation. In fiscal year 2020, the Audit Committee had the following members: Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann, Dr. Marion Helmes, Michael Sen (until February 12, 2020), and Prof. Ralf P. Thomas. On Feb- ruary 1, 2020, Dr. Hoffmann replaced Prof. Thomas as Chair- man. The members of the Audit Committee are collectively familiar with the sector in which the Company operates. Pur- suant to the German Stock Corporation Act, the Audit Commit- tee must include at least one Supervisory Board member with knowledge and experience in the areas of accounting or the auditing of financial statements. Pursuant to the GCGC, the Chair of the Audit Committee should have specific knowledge and experience in applying accounting principles and internal control procedures and be familiar with audits of financial statements. This person should also be independent. Both the current Chairman of the Audit Committee, Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann, and the previous Chairman of the Audit Commit- tee, Prof. Ralf P. Thomas, fulfill these requirements, with the exception of the requirement of independence, as the GCGC does not view representatives of a controlling shareholder as independent. The Innovation and Finance Committee particularly has the task, based on the Company's overall strategy, of discussing the innovation strategy and preparing the Supervisory Board's discussions and resolutions relating to the Company's financial situation and resources, as well as the Company's investments in property, plant, and equipment and its financial measures. In addition, the Innovation and Finance Committee has been authorized by the Supervisory Board to decide on the approval of transactions and measures that require Supervisory Board approval and have a value of less than € 300 million. The Inno- vation and Finance Committee furthermore deals with Siemens Healthineers AG's corporate, brand and design image and that of its dependent companies, particularly its image as a Siemens company (the Siemens Brand), and is authorized by the Supervisory Board to decide on changes or other mea- sures in this regard. In fiscal year 2020, the Innovation and Finance Committee had the following members: Prof. Ralf P. Thomas (since December 1, 2019), Dr. Roland Busch (since February 12, 2020), Dr. Norbert Gaus, Michael Sen (until November 30, 2019), Dr. Gregory Sorensen, and Karl-Heinz Streibich. Prof. Thomas replaced Michael Sen as Chairman. The Related-Party Transactions Committee decides on the approval of related party transactions within the meaning of Sections 107 and 111a to 111c of the German Stock Corpora- tion Act. The establishment of this new committee creates the conditions that allow the Supervisory Board to deal with related party transactions independently of the related parties involved in the transaction concerned. Within the scope specified above, the committee's responsibility for making decisions pertaining to related party transactions takes priority over the responsibility of other committees to make decisions. The Related-Party Transactions Committee was established as a new committee on February 12, 2020; it has three members, who are elected by the Supervisory Board. The majority of members of the committee, including the committee chair- woman, are individuals for whom there are no concerns about conflicts of interest due to their relations with related parties. In fiscal year 2020, the committee had the following members: Dr. Marion Helmes (Chairwoman), Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann, and Karl-Heinz Streibich. Self-evaluation of the work of the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board regularly evaluates how effectively the Supervisory Board as a whole and its committees discharge their duties. In fiscal year 2020, the Supervisory Board con- ducted a questionnaire-based self-evaluation. The self-evalua- tion focused on the Supervisory Board's supply of information, the conduct of meetings of the Supervisory Board and its com- mittees, and the composition of the Supervisory Board and its committees. C.4.1.3 Share transactions by members of the Managing and Supervisory Boards Pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (Market Abuse Regulation) and repealing Direc- tive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directives 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC, and 2004/72/EC, members of the Managing Board and the Super- visory Board are required by law to disclose all transactions conducted on their own account relating to the shares or debt instruments of Siemens Healthineers AG or to derivatives or other financial instruments linked thereto, if the total value of such transactions entered into by a board member or any re- lated party of that member reaches or exceeds €20,000 in any calendar year. All transactions reported during the past fiscal year to Siemens Healthineers AG in accordance with this re- quirement have been duly published and are available on the Company's website at www.corporate.siemens-healthineers. com/investor-relations/corporate-governance/directors-dealings. 115 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance C.4.1.4 Annual Shareholders' Meeting Shareholders exercise their rights at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. The ordinary Annual Shareholders' Meeting takes place within the first eight months of each fiscal year. The Annual Shareholders' Meeting decides, among other things, on the appropriation of unappropriated net income, the ratifi- cation of the acts of the Managing and Supervisory Boards, and the appointment of the independent auditors. Amendments to the Articles of Association and measures that change Siemens Healthineers AG's capital stock are approved by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and are implemented by the Managing Board. The Managing Board facilitates shareholder participation in this meeting through electronic communica- tions - in particular, via the Internet - and enables sharehold- ers who are unable to attend the meeting to vote by proxy. Furthermore, shareholders may exercise their right to vote in writing or by means of electronic communications (absentee voting). The Managing Board may enable shareholders to participate in the Annual Shareholders' Meeting without the need to be present at the venue and without a proxy and to exercise some or all of their rights fully or partially by means of electronic communications. Shareholders may submit motions regarding the resolutions proposed by the Managing and Supervisory Boards and may contest decisions of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. Shareholders owning an aggregate value of €100,000 or more of the issued capital may also de- mand a court appointment of special auditors to examine specific issues. The reports, documents, and information required by law for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, including the Annual Report, may be downloaded from our website. The same ap- plies to the agenda for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting and to any opposing motions or shareholders' nominations that are required to be disclosed. Pursuant to the German Act on Measures in Corporate, Cooper- ative, Association, Foundation, and Residential Property Law to Combat the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Gesetz über Maßnahmen im Gesellschafts-, Genossenschafts-, Vereins-, Stiftungs- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht zur Bekämpfung der Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie), the Managing Board, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, may resolve that the Annual Shareholders' Meeting be held as a virtual an- nual shareholders' meeting without the physical presence of shareholders or their authorized representatives, if there is a video and audio broadcast of the entire meeting, shareholders can exercise their voting rights using electronic communication (absentee voting or electronic participation) and voting instruc- tions can be issued to proxies, shareholders are given the option to ask questions using electronic communication, and share- holders who have exercised their voting rights are given the option to contest decisions of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting without having to appear at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. The Managing Board decides at its due discretion to which questions it will respond and how; it may also specify that ques- tions must be submitted by way of electronic communication by no later than two days before the meeting. The Managing Board may resolve, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, that, contrary to Section 175 (1) sentence 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act, the Annual Shareholders' Meet- ing take place in the course of the fiscal year. The provisions of the German Act on Measures in Corporate, Cooperative, Asso- ciation, Foundation, and Residential Property Law to Combat the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic relating to the conduc- tion of annual shareholders' meetings initially only applied to annual shareholders' meetings held in 2020. However, the Fed- eral Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection was autho- rized to extend the validity to no later than December 31, 2021, if this seemed expedient due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection exercised this option by a regulation, which became effective on October 29, 2020, that provides a prolongation of the rules about vir- tual annual shareholders' meetings until the end of 2021. C.4.1.5 Investor relations As part of investor relations activities, investors are comprehen- sively informed about developments within the Company. For reporting purposes, Siemens Healthineers also makes extensive use of the Internet. At investor-relations, we publish quarterly statements, half-year financial and annual reports, ad hoc announcements, analyst presentations, and press releases, as well as the financial calendar for the current year, which contains the publication dates of significant financial communications and the date of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. Our articles of association, the bylaws for the Supervisory Board and its committees, the bylaws for the Managing Board, the declaration of conformity, and a variety of other corporate governance related documents are posted on our website at → corporate-governance. 116 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance C.4.2 Corporate Governance statement pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code The corporate governance statement pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code is an integral part of the combined management report. Pursuant to Section 317 (2) sentence 6 of the German Commercial Code, the indepen- dent auditor's review of the disclosures made within the scope of Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code is to be limited to ascertaining whether the disclosures were made. C.4.2.1 Declaration of conformity with the German Corporate Governance Code The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG approved the following declaration of confor- mity pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act as of September 30, 2020: 1. Since the issuance of the last Declaration of Conformity dated September 30, 2019 all recommendations of the GCGC 2017 have been met with the following exceptions: Technikwissenschaften 114 109 As the Company's top management body, the Managing Board is committed to serving the Company's interests and achieving sustainable growth in the Company's value. The members of the Managing Board are jointly responsible for the entire man- agement of the Company and decide on the basic issues of business policy and corporate strategy, as well as on the Com- pany's annual and multiyear plans. The Managing Board prepares the quarterly statements and the half-year financial report, the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, the consolidated financial state- ments of the Group, and the combined management report of Siemens Healthineers AG and the Group. In addition, the Man- aging Board ensures that the Company adheres to the require- ments of legislation, government regulations, and internal Company guidelines, and works to ensure that Group com- panies comply with these provisions and guidelines. The Managing Board has established a comprehensive compliance management system. Details are available on the website at → The Supervisory Board has defined a target for the share of women on the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG, and has set a deadline for its attainment. The Managing Board has defined a target for the share of women at the manage- ment level immediately below the Managing Board, and has set a deadline for its attainment. The details are presented in →C.4.2.4 Targets for the share of women on the Managing Board and at the management level immediately below the Managing Board; target for the share of women on the Supervisory Board. Information on the areas of responsibility and the curricula vi- tae of the members of the Managing Board are available on the Company's website at about/management. Information on the compensation paid to mem- bers of the Managing Board is provided in section →A.8 Compen- sation report. 111 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance Members of the Managing Board and positions held by Managing Board members In fiscal year 2020 the Managing Board comprised the follow- ing members: Name Year of birth First appointed C.4.1.1 Managing Board Dr. Bernhard Montag 2018 Term expires 2026 External positions (as of September 30, 2020) None Memberships in supervisory boards whose establishment is required by law or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises Group company positions (as of September 30, 2020) None Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jochen Schmitz 1966 2018 2026 German positions: 1969 Siemens Healthineers AG is subject to German stock corpora- tion law. It therefore has a two-tier board structure, consisting of a Managing Board and a Supervisory Board. C.4.1 Management and control structure C.4 Corporate Governance Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information Report of the Supervisory Board - Section 315e (1) of the German Commercial Code ("Handels- gesetzbuch"). The consolidated financial statements also com- ply with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Stan- dards Board (IASB). The independent auditors conducted their audit in accordance with Section 317 of the German Commer- cial Code, the EU Audit Regulation and German generally ac- cepted standards for the audit of financial statements promul- gated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW), as well as in supplementary compliance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA). The aforementioned documents, as well as the Managing Board's proposal for the appropriation of net in- come, were submitted to us in advance by the Managing Board. The Audit Committee discussed the dividend proposal in detail at its meeting on October 30, 2020. It discussed the annual financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and the combined management report in detail at its meeting on November 20, 2020. In this context, the Audit Committee con- cerned itself, in particular, with key audit matters as described in the independent auditors' report, including the audit proce- dures implemented. The auditors' reports were presented to all members of the Supervisory Board. We reviewed these reports comprehensively at our meeting on November 20, 2020, in the presence of the independent auditors The independent audi- tors reported on the scope, focal points and main findings of their audit, addressing, in particular, key audit matters and the audit procedures implemented. No major weaknesses in the risk management or internal control systems were reported. At the same meeting, the Managing Board explained the financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG and the Group as well as the risk management system. Another topic addressed at this meeting was the quality evaluation of the audit of the financial statements. The Audit Committee performed an evaluation based on previously determined audit quality indicators. On the basis of this evaluation, the Supervisory Board approved the proposal to be submitted to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting regarding the election of the independent auditors, taking into account the Audit Committee's recommendation. The Supervisory Board concurs with the results of the audit. Based on the definitive results of the Audit Committee's prelim- inary examination and our own examination, we have no ob- jections. The Managing Board prepared the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements. We ap- proved the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements. In view of our approval, the annual finan- cial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG are adopted as sub- mitted. The Managing Board has proposed that the net income available for distribution be used to pay out a dividend of €0.80 per share entitled to a dividend and that the amount of net in- come attributable to shares of stock not entitled to receive a dividend for the past fiscal year be carried forward. We have endorsed this proposal. Review of the Managing Board's report on relationships with affiliated companies As of the end of the fiscal year, Siemens AG (directly and indi- rectly) held 79% of the issued capital of Siemens Healthineers AG. Siemens Healthineers AG is included as a fully consolidated sub- sidiary in Siemens AG's consolidated financial statements. For that reason, the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG prepared a report on relationships with affiliated companies (dependent company report) for the fiscal year 2020 in accor- dance with Section 312 of the German Stock Corporation Act, and submitted it in good time to the Supervisory Board. The dependent company report was audited by the independent auditors. Since, on the basis the final results of the audit, no objections were raised, the independent auditors issued the fol- lowing audit opinion in accordance with Section 313 (3) of the German Stock Corporation Act: "Based on our audit and assess- ment, which were carried out in accordance with professional standards, we confirm that (1.) the factual statements made in the report are correct, (2.) the payments made by the Company in connection with legal transactions detailed in the report were not unreasonably high, (3.) there are no circumstances that would require a materially different assessment of the measures listed in the report than that of the Managing Board." The dependent company report and the independent auditors' audit report were submitted to the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board and were reviewed by them. The review led to no objections. In accordance with the definitive results of the preliminary review by the Audit Committee and our own review, the Supervisory Board has no objections to the Manag- ing Board's declaration on relationships with affiliated compa- nies. The Supervisory Board concurs with the results of the in- dependent auditors' audit of the dependent company report. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information Report of the Supervisory Board Changes in the composition of the Supervisory and Managing Boards - The following changes occurred in the composition of the Supervisory and Managing Boards in the reporting period: Supervisory Board Mr. Michael Sen resigned from the Supervisory Board with effect from the end of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on Febru- ary 12, 2020. The Annual Shareholders' Meeting elected Dr. Roland Busch as a new member of the Supervisory Board with effect from the end of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on February 12, 2020, until the end of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to resolve on the ratification of actions for the fourth fiscal year after the beginning of the term of office. In the Supervisory Board meeting directly following the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on Febru- ary 12, 2020, he was elected as a member of the Innovation and Finance Committee. Having held positions of responsibility for many years at Siemens AG, Dr. Busch can contribute both valuable experience and company-specific expertise. During his inauguration process, he talked in person to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Chief Executive Officer and other key persons within the Company. Further Supervisory Board changes occurred in the reporting period. I took over from Mr. Michael Sen as Chairman of the Supervisory Board on December 1, 2019. I also took over the chair of the Innovation and Finance Committee from Mr. Michael Sen. My position as chair of the Audit Committee was filled by Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann on February 1, 2020. Dr. Marion Helmes was appointed chair of the newly established Related- Party Transactions Committee as of February, 12, 2020. Managing Board Mr. Michael Reitermann resigned from the Managing Board, effective September 30, 2019. Dr. Christoph Zindel was appointed member of the Managing Board with effect from October 1, 2019 until September 30, 2022. During the reporting period, we also unanimously approved the reappointments of Dr. Bernhard Montag as member of the Managing Board and Chief Executive Officer and Dr. Jochen Schmitz as member of the Managing Board and Chief Financial Officer, both with effect from March 1, 2021, until Febru- ary 28, 2026. On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I wish to thank all employees of Siemens Healthineers for their extraordinary dedication in the past year which was marked by the pandemic. I also want to express my gratitude to the members of the Managing Board, who successfully led the Company through another demanding year. And I would especially like to thank you our shareholders for the trust you have placed in our Company and its management, employees and technologies over the past fiscal year. Munich, November 20, 2020 For the Supervisory Board Ray Thomas Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas Chairman 110 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance None • Universitätsklinikum The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board cooperate closely for the Company's benefit. The Managing Board informs the Supervisory Board regularly, comprehensively, and without delay on all issues of importance to the Company with regard to strategy, planning, business development, the risk situation, risk management, and compliance. When filling managerial po- sitions at the Company, the Managing Board takes diversity into consideration and, in particular, aims for an appropriate con- sideration of women and internationality. Dr. Christoph Zindel Supervisory board member 1965 2018 Dr. Andreas C. Hoffmann General Counsel of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1964 2018 Dr. Philipp Rösler Supervisory board member 1973 2018 Michael Sen (until 12.02.2020) as of 12.02.2020 Member of the Managing 1968 2018 Board of Siemens Aktien- gesellschaft Dr. Nathalie von Siemens Supervisory board member 1971 Augsburg Dr. Gregory Sorensen Founder and CEO of DeepHealth, Inc. (artificial in- telligence division of RadNet, Inc.) and Executive Chairman of IMRIS (Deerfield Imaging, Inc.) 1962 2018 Karl-Heinz Streibich Dr. Marion Helmes 2020 2018 2018 1964 1961 2019 2022 None C.4.1.2 Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board oversees and advises the Managing Board in its management of the Company's business. At regular inter- vals, the Supervisory Board discusses business development, planning, strategy, and strategy implementation. It reviews the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG, the consolidated financial statements, and the combined manage- ment report, as well as the proposal for the appropriation of net income. It approves the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG as well as the consolidated financial statements, based on the results of the preliminary review con- ducted by the Audit Committee and taking into account the reports of the independent auditors. The Supervisory Board decides on the Managing Board's proposal for the appropria- tion of net income and the Report of the Supervisory Board to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. In addition, the Supervisory Board or the Audit Committee, as appropriate, concerns itself with monitoring the Company's compliance with the require- ments of legislation, government regulations, and internal Company guidelines. The Supervisory Board also appoints the members of the Managing Board and determines each mem- ber's business responsibilities. Important Managing Board de- cisions such as those regarding major acquisitions, divest- ments, investments in property, plant, and equipment, or financial measures – are subject to Supervisory Board approval, unless the bylaws for the Supervisory Board specify that such authority is delegated to one of the Supervisory Board commit- tees. In the bylaws for the Managing Board, the Supervisory Board has established the rules that govern the Managing Board's work. - Detailed information on the work of the Supervisory Board is provided in →C.3 Report of the Supervisory Board. The curricula vitae of the members of the Supervisory Board are available on the Company's website at www.corporate.siemens-healthineers. com/about/supervisory-board. Information on the compensation paid to the members of the Supervisory Board is provided in →A.8 Compensation report. The Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG has nine members. It is composed entirely of shareholder representatives. The terms of office of the members of the Supervisory Board who were appointed in 2018 will expire at the conclusion of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting in 2023. The term of office of the member of the Supervisory Board who was appointed in 2020 will expire at the conclusion of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting in 2025. Citing Section 98 of the German Stock Corporation Act, a share- holder petitioned Munich Regional Court I for a declaratory judgment that the German Co-Determination Act must be applied in appointing the Supervisory Board. The court issued a decision confirming that the Supervisory Board was properly formed in its current composition, with representatives of shareholders only. 112 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance Members of the Supervisory Board and positions held by Supervisory Board members None Name In fiscal year 2020 the Supervisory Board comprised the follow- ing members: Executive Vice President Corporate Technology of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Member of the Managing Board of Siemens Aktien- gesellschaft (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) 2018 Member since Year of birth 1961 Dr. Roland Busch (since 12.02.2020) 1961 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Chief Financial Officer) Member of the Managing Board of Occupation Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas Chairman Dr. Norbert Gaus Deputy Chairman Diversity It should be ensured that the Supervisory Board is sufficiently diverse in its composition. In addition to an appropriate ratio of women, this also includes diversity with regard to cultural ori- gin, religion, and ethnic background, as well as diversity of pro- fessional background, experience, and mindset. When examin- ing potential candidates for appointments to Supervisory Board positions, diversity should be given appropriate consideration early on in the selection process. 120 In accordance with the GCGC, the Supervisory Board should in- clude what it considers to be an appropriate number of indepen- dent members from the group of shareholder representatives, thereby taking into account the shareholder structure. Within the meaning of this recommendation of the GCGC, a Super- visory Board member is considered independent if he/she is independent of the company and its Managing Board, and inde- pendent of any controlling shareholder. The composition of the Supervisory Board should be such that at least three indepen- dent shareholder representatives who meet the above criteria of independence are members of the Supervisory Board. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, there are currently at least four Supervisory Board members who are independent of the Company, its Managing Board, and the majority shareholder - namely, Dr. Marion Helmes, Dr. Philipp Rösler, Dr. Gregory Sorensen, and Karl-Heinz Streibich. Under the GCGC, more than half of the shareholder represen- tatives should be independent of the company and the Manag- ing Board. Supervisory Board members are to be considered independent of the company and its Managing Board if they have no personal or business relationship with the company or its Managing Board that may cause a substantial - and not merely temporary - conflict of interest. When assessing the independence of its members of the com- pany and its Managing Board, shareholder representatives should particularly take into consideration whether the respec- tive Supervisory Board member or a close family member: • was a member of the company's Managing Board in the two years prior to appointment, • currently maintains (or maintained in the year up to his/her appointment) a material business relationship with the com- pany or one of the entities dependent upon the company (e.g., as customer, supplier, lender, or advisor) directly or as a shareholder, or in a leading position of a non-group entity, • is a close family member of a Managing Board member, or ⚫ has been a member of the Supervisory Board for more than twelve years. Independence Implementation of targets for composition, including profile of required skills and expertise and diversity concept; independent members of the Supervisory Board In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, all its members are currently independent of the Company and its Managing Board. Some members of the Supervisory Board hold positions of significant responsibility in other companies with which Siemens Healthineers maintains relationships in the ordinary course of business. The Supervisory Board believes that none of these relationships should be considered material. If the company has a controlling shareholder, and the Super- visory Board comprises more than six members, the GCGC rec- ommends that at least two shareholder representatives should be independent of the controlling shareholder. A Supervisory Board member is considered independent of the controlling shareholder if he/she, or a close family member, is neither a controlling shareholder nor a member of the executive govern- ing body of the controlling shareholder, and does not have a personal or business relationship with the controlling share- holder that may cause a substantial - and not merely tempo- rary conflict of interest. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, there are currently at least four Supervisory Board members who are independent of the controlling shareholder, namely, Dr. Marion Helmes, Dr. Philipp Rösler, Dr. Gregory Sorensen, and Karl-Heinz Streibich. Availability Every Supervisory Board member must ensure that they have enough time to perform their tasks. The legal limits on the number of positions, and the upper limit recommended by the GCGC of two supervisory board positions for Managing Board members of publicly listed companies and five supervisory board positions for other members, must be taken into consid- eration. In the process of selecting and nominating candidates for the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board takes account of the targets for its composition and the requirements laid down in the diversity concept. With its current membership, the Supervisory Board meets all the targets for its composition and fulfills the profile of required skills and expertise and the diversity concept. The Supervisory Board members have the professional and personal qualifica- tions considered necessary. As a group, they are familiar with the sector in which the Company operates and have the knowl- edge, skills, and experience essential for Siemens Healthineers. A considerable number of Supervisory Board members are en- gaged in international activities and/or have many years of in- ternational experience. Appropriate consideration has been given to diversity in the Supervisory Board. In fiscal year 2020, the Supervisory Board had two female members. The Supervisory Board also has an adequate number of inde- pendent members. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, there are currently at least four Supervisory Board members who are independent from the Company, its Managing Board, and the controlling shareholder, namely, Dr. Marion Helmes, Dr. Philipp Rösler, Dr. Gregory Sorensen, and Karl-Heinz Streibich. With regard to performing the tasks associated with such a po- sition at Siemens Healthineers, it must be taken into account that ⚫ sufficient time must be planned for reviewing the documents relating to the annual and consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance • at least four, but usually six, ordinary Supervisory Board meet- ings are held per year, which require adequate preparation Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance C.4.2.5 Succession planning and diversity concept for the Managing Board The decisive factor for the decision on the filling of a specific Managing Board position is always the Company's interest, taking into account all circumstances of the individual case. With the support of the Chairman's Committee, and in consul- tation with the Managing Board, the Supervisory Board performs long-term succession planning for members of the Managing Board. To this end, the Supervisory Board and the Chairman's Committee regularly discuss potential candidates for the Man- aging Board. The chair of the Managing Board is involved, unless the discussion is about his or her own succession. The Super- visory Board designs an applicant profile for Managing Board vacancies, with due consideration to ensuring that the knowl- edge, abilities, and experience of all members of the Managing Board are diverse and balanced; it pursues the approved diversity concept in this process. In addition, the Supervisory Board regularly receives information on the succession plan- ning for the level immediately below the Managing Board and advises the Managing Board on this matter. The appointment of incumbents of certain management functions at the first level below the Managing Board requires the approval of the Chairman's Committee. • At least one member of the Supervisory Board must have ac- counting or auditing expertise. The chair of the Audit Commit- tee should have specific knowledge and experience in applying accounting principles and internal control procedures and be familiar with audits of financial statements. The aim is for the Supervisory Board as a whole to have all the knowledge and experience considered essential in view of the activities of Siemens Healthineers. This includes among others competencies and experience of medical and healthcare tech- nology (including information technology and digitalization), transformation processes, entrepreneurship, procurement, production and sales, finance, legal (including compliance), and human resources. The Supervisory Board should also have knowledge and experience of the lines of business important to Siemens Healthineers, in particular (diagnostic) imaging, laboratory diagnostics and clinical therapy. In particular, the Supervisory Board members should also include persons who have management experience at a large international enter- prise as a result of performing an executive function or as a member of a supervisory board or similar body. The candidates proposed for election to the Supervisory Board should have the knowledge, skills, and experience that enable them to perform the duties of a supervisory board member at an international enterprise and strengthen the public image of Siemens Healthineers. The character, integrity, motivation, and professionalism of the persons proposed for election should be given particular consideration. Profile of required skills and expertise The diversity concept for the Supervisory Board was adopted by the Supervisory Board together with the targets for the Board's own composition, including the profile of the skills and expertise that the Supervisory Board should possess. This framework requires the composition of the Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG to be such as to ensure that its members collectively are qualified to supervise and advise the Managing Board. The Supervisory Board should collectively be familiar with the sector in which Siemens Healthineers operates. C.4.2.6 Targets for the composition, profile of required skills and expertise, and diversity concept for the Supervisory Board Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Corporate Governance 119 In the decisions made in the reporting period on the reappoint- ment of the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer effective March 1, 2021, the Supervisory Board took appropriate account of the diversity concept during the struc- tured appointment process. The Supervisory Board believes that, following the very successful first appointment period, it is in the Company's best interest to reappoint each of the two Managing Board members for another term of office of five years. It lies in the nature of a reappointment that the decision process focuses on the incumbent's previous record in office. The diversity concept is implemented as part of the procedure for the Supervisory Board's appointment of the Managing Board. In selecting candidates, the Supervisory Board is to take account of the requirements set out in the diversity concept for the Managing Board. Implementation of the diversity concept for the Managing Board Appointments to Managing Board positions should also take into account the targets that the Supervisory Board has spec- ified for the share of women on the Managing Board. It is regarded as useful to have different age groups repre- sented on the Managing Board. In accordance with the rec- ommendation of the GCGC, the Supervisory Board has set an age limit for members of the Managing Board. In general, an appointment or a renewal of an appointment to the Manag- ing Board is permitted only for persons below the age of 63. Collectively, the Managing Board should have many years of experience in the areas of technology (including information technology and digitalization), transformation processes, en- trepreneurship, research and development, procurement, production and sales, finance, legal (including compliance), and human resources. Collectively, the Managing Board should have experience of the lines of business important to Siemens Healthineers, in particular (diagnostic) imaging, laboratory diagnostics, and clinical therapy. • • • • In view of the Company's international reach, it should be en- sured that the composition of the Managing Board reflects internationality by including different cultural backgrounds or international experience (for example, extended professional experience abroad that is relevant to Siemens Healthineers or the management of foreign business activities). In addition to the required specific technical skills and man- agement and leadership experience for the task at hand, Managing Board members should cover a range of knowl- edge and experience as well as of educational and profes- sional backgrounds that is as broad as possible. In light of the Company's international reach, it should be en- sured that the Supervisory Board has a sufficient number of members with many years' international experience. When assessing the proposals for appointing Managing Board members, the Chairman's Committee's is guided by the objec- tive to ensure, as far as possible, that the Managing Board has strong leadership skills and a diversified complementary com- position. The aim is for the Managing Board as a whole to have all the knowledge and experience that are considered essential in light of the activities of Siemens Healthineers. Diversity concept for the Managing Board Long-term succession planning for the Managing Board • attendance at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting is mandatory depending on membership in one or more of the currently four Supervisory Board committees, additional time is re- quired for attending and adequately preparing for committee meetings; this applies especially to the Audit Committee • additional extraordinary meetings of the Supervisory Board or a committee may become necessary to deal with special issues. When selecting Managing Board members, the Supervisory Board ensures that they are personally suited and have integ- rity, convincing leadership qualities, international experience, the professional qualifications for the specific business respon- sibilities to be assumed, a proven track record, knowledge of the Company, and the ability to adapt business models and processes in a constantly changing world. The aspect of diver- sity is an important selection criterion in filling Managing Board positions, including aspects such as age, gender, and educa- tional and professional background. For this reason, the Super- visory Board takes particular account of the following criteria when selecting members of the Managing Board: Observing the age limit laid down by the Supervisory Board in the bylaws, only persons no more than 70 years of age should usually be proposed for election as a member of the Supervi- sory Board. The aim is for the Supervisory Board to have an appropriate structure of experience and age. When a new member is about to be appointed, a review should be undertaken to determine which of the desirable skills on the Supervisory Board ought to be enhanced. Published by Siemens Healthineers AG Order No. CC-00124-1|1-7600 Printed in Germany 12/2020 Siemens Healthineers AG, 2020 Email: Age limit and length of membership Email: Telefon: +49 (9131) 84-3385 Investor Relations 91052 Erlangen, Deutschland Henkestr. 127 Siemens Healthineers AG 122 → Investor Relations: Press Press: 121 → Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Additional information - Notes and forward-looking statements C.5 Notes and forward-looking statements This document contains statements related to our future busi- ness and financial performance and future events or develop- ments involving Siemens Healthineers that may constitute for- ward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words such as "expect", "forecast", "anticipate", "intend", "plan", "believe", "seek", "estimate", "will", "target" or words of similar meaning. We may also make forward-looking state- ments in other reports, in presentations, in material delivered to shareholders and in press releases. In addition, our represen- tatives may from time to time make oral forward-looking state- ments. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of Siemens Healthineers' manage- ment, of which many are beyond Siemens Healthineers' con- trol. As they relate to future events or developments, these statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties and fac- tors, including but not limited to those described in the respec- tive disclosures. Should one or more of these risks, uncertain- ties or factors materialize, or should underlying expectations not occur or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results, per- formance or achievements of Siemens Healthineers may (neg- atively or positively) vary materially from those described ex- plicitly or implicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement. All forward-looking statements only speak as of the date when they were made and Siemens Healthineers neither intends nor assumes any obligation, unless required by law, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of develop- ments which differ from those anticipated. - International profile Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures to which they refer. This document is an English language translation of the German document. In case of discrepancies, the German language doc- ument is the sole authoritative and universally valid version. For technical reasons, there may be differences in formatting between the accounting records appearing in this document and those published pursuant to legal requirements. For reasons of better readability, the male form is predomi- nantly chosen in this Annual Report. The information refers nevertheless to persons of any gender. → Internet: This document includes - in the applicable financial reporting framework not clearly defined – supplemental financial mea- sures (financial key performance indicators) that are or may be alternative performance measures (non-GAAP-measures). These supplemental financial measures may have limitations as ana- lytical tools and should not be viewed in isolation or as alterna- tives to measures of Siemens Healthineers' net assets, financial position and results of operations as presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework in its half- year consolidated financial statement and consolidated financial statement. Other companies that report or describe similarly titled alternative performance measures may calculate them dif- ferently, which may therefore not be comparable. -2% -3% Therein: United States 4,909 4,916 0% -3% 4,022 -1% -2% 1,893 1,838 3% 14,460 14,518 0% 0% Asia, Australia 4,098 4% 2020 Siemens Healthineers 20.5% 21.0% 1.8% 18.3% Advanced Therapies Diagnostics Imaging 2,488 2,230 Adjusted EBIT Therein: 2019 5,803 (in millions of €) 17.1% 15.4% Adjusted EBIT margin 9.1% Amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations A.4 Nonfinancial matters -131 -607 -532 -107 -27 Net income Income tax expenses Financial income, net Fiscal Year 2,300 EBIT -57 -65 Severance charges -16 Acquisition-related transaction costs 19.7% 1,982 317 298 Advanced Therapies A.3.2.2 Adjusted EBIT In Asia, Australia comparable revenue declined by 1%. The Diag- nostics segment showed a strong decline which was partially offset by a slight revenue growth in Imaging. Advanced Therapies was almost on the prior year level. China reported a comparable revenue growth of 4%. In the Americas comparable revenue decreased by 3% with a slight decline in the Imaging and Advanced Therapies segments. Diagnostics showed a moderate comparable revenue decline. The United States reported a comparable revenue decline of 3%. The comparable revenue growth of 4% in EMEA was mainly driven by very strong growth in Imaging and strong growth in Advanced Therapies. The Diagnostics segment showed a moder- ate decline. Germany was on the prior-year level. Regions Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Business development 11 Segments Total revenue of Advanced Therapies increased by 1% to €1,628 million on a nominal and comparable basis supported by a strong increase in EMEA while Americas showed a slight decline. Imaging saw nominal and comparable growth in total revenue of 2% to €9,090 million. Computed Tomography in particular reported very strong growth because computed tomography scans became increasingly important for treating COVID-19 positive patients. From a geographic perspective, comparable revenue increased very strongly in EMEA and slightly in Asia, Australia. Americas on the other hand showed a slight decline in comparable revenue mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Segments same amount. Currency translation effects had a negative effect of about one percentage point on nominal revenue growth. This development was offset by positive portfolio effects in approximately the Revenue of €14,460 million was at approximately the prior year level. Also on a comparable basis, meaning excluding currency translation and portfolio effects, revenue was at the same level as fiscal year 2019 despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Slight growth on a comparable basis in the Imaging and Advanced Therapies segments was offset by a moderate decline in Diagnostics. Siemens Healthineers 1 Year-over-year on a comparable basis, excluding currency translation and portfolio effects. Total revenue in Diagnostics showed a nominal decline of 5% to €3,924 million. On a comparable basis, total revenue declined by 4%. The decline is mainly because of lower testing volumes for routine care during the COVID-19 pandemic. All regions showed a moderate to strong comparable revenue decline. Therein: China The adjusted EBIT margin of Imaging was 21.0%, above the prior year level, mainly due to a more favorable business mix, stringent cost management and positive currency effects which more than offset negative impacts on the regional mix of revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Adjusted EBIT grew by 4% to €1,909 million. The adjusted EBIT margin of Advanced Therapies was 18.3%, below prior year, despite positive currency effects. Excluding the effect of the Corindus acquisition, the adjusted EBIT margin came in above the prior year level. Adjusted EBIT declined by 6% to €298 million. 375 72 Diagnostics 1,831 1,909 Imaging Therein: The adjusted EBIT margin of Diagnostics was 1.8%, below the prior year, mainly because of lower testing volumes for routine care and higher costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as future-oriented expenses for Atellica Solution and negative currency effects. Adjusted EBIT declined to €72 million. 2,488 Adjusted EBIT 2019 2020 (Adjusted EBIT in millions of €, margin in %) Fiscal Year The reconciliation from adjusted EBIT to net income is shown in the following table: Reconciliation to consolidated financial statements 2,230 5,691 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Nonfinancial matters 0% Retention cost Dividend We aim to provide an attractive return to our shareholders. Therefore, we intend to pay an annual dividend in the amount of 50% to 60% of the net income of the respective prior fiscal year. To this end, net income - the calculation basis for the dividend - may be adjusted for selected exceptional non-cash items. 60 09 €1.59 €0.00 €0.01 Adjusted basic EPS (as defined starting FY 2021) €1.61 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Business development A.3 Business development A.3.1 Market development The addressable global Imaging equipment market in fiscal year 2020 amounted to around €19 billion. The addressable equipment market for the Advanced Therapies segment (based on angiography systems and mobile C-arms, excluding radiation oncology) was estimated at €3 billion. Within the equipment business of the segments Imaging and Advanced Therapies and based on order intake, Siemens Healthineers grew more strongly than the addressable market. Including molecular diagnostics, the global market for Diagnostics was approximately €34 billion. Supported by the growth of our installed base in the previous year, the product-related service business saw healthy growth in this fiscal year. After the first confirmed appearance of SARS-CoV-2 at the end of 2019, the virus spread rapidly, resulting in the COVID-19 pandemic in the second quarter of fiscal year 2020. This development significantly impacted economies worldwide, including our addressed markets. Compared to our assump- tions in the 2019 annual report and the average growth levels from previous years, market developments in fiscal year 2020 were therefore different. Competition among the leading healthcare companies remained at high levels. COVID-19 reinforced some of the long-term market trends and has for example raised the already increasing cost pressure for health systems and customers to unprecedented levels and re- inforced consolidation among healthcare providers. Especially in countries with severe COVID-19 outbreaks such as the U.S. and Brazil, a significant effect on healthcare economics was vis- ible in additional increase of costs combined with simultaneous, temporarily substantial revenue losses for hospitals. Invest- ments in capital goods and other medical imaging equipment were postponed to a later date or cancelled. The initially ex- pected pent-up market demand and corresponding resolution did not materialize in fiscal year 2020, even though individual countries were on the way to recovery after the first wave of the pandemic. In general, markets for medical devices used to fight COVID-19 saw a slight positive effect on fiscal year 2020 growth. For our addressed Imaging markets, we saw a slight decrease. Substantial market declines in major modalities, such as mag- netic resonance systems, were balanced out by moderately to significantly increased interest in equipment and solutions used to diagnose and monitor COVID-19, including computed tomography systems and (mobile) x-ray systems. The ultrasound market declined moderately in fiscal year 2020, as increased demand for portable ultrasound point-of-care systems used to diagnose and monitor COVID-19, for example, could not out- weigh shifts of projects and strong declines in other ultrasound market segments. Given that hospitals had to free up capacity and resources for potential COVID-19 emergencies, the number of routine and elective procedures severely decreased. The markets for Advanced Therapies were therefore negatively af- fected, resulting in very strong market declines in fiscal year 2020. Within Diagnostics, markets increased for point-of-care tests to monitor patients and lab tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 and identify antibodies, while at the same time the demand for certain diagnostic reagents, particularly tests for routine care, was reduced as patient volume decreased. The extraordinary growth of the molecular diagnostics market counterbalanced severe declines of laboratory diagnostics, which led to a modest growth for the Diagnostics market overall. China, one of our biggest markets and major incremental growth driver, was the first country with a severe SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, leading to a complete shutdown of the country for more than two months. After ending its lockdown phase, the country returned to regular business activity in a relatively short time. The growing private market segment was more burdened by the COVID crisis, leading to a slower recovery and potential consolidation. While postponed or cancelled elective procedures led to strong declines in the Advanced Therapies market, public investments in selected provinces with high numbers of COVID-19 cases resulted in substantial market growth in the Imaging Segment, especially for modalities used to fight COVID-19. Local vendors in particular benefitted from this addi- tional market demand. Although diagnostic tests were widely applied to identify SARS-CoV-2, including large scale testing of whole populations of certain regions, this additional demand could not counterbalance the downturn of testing for routine care, resulting in a significant market decrease of the overall Diagnostics market. Integration cost Adjusted basic EPS (as defined until FY 2020) Fiscal year 2020 for fiscal year 2020 18 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Financial performance system Adjusted basic earnings per share growth (until the end of fiscal year 2020) Company level performance was measured by using growth in adjusted basic earnings per share (EPS). Adjusted basic EPS was defined as basic EPS adjusted for the items shown below, net of tax: • amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations, • severance charges and • acquisition-related transaction costs. In Japan, the second largest market of the Asia, Australia region, a sales tax increase in early fiscal year 2020 brought investment forward to fiscal year 2019. With COVID-19 impacts as an addi- tional factor, this led to significant market declines for Imaging and Advanced Therapies and a slightly decreasing market for Diagnostics. Adjusted basic earnings per share (as of fiscal year 2021) As of fiscal year 2021, we will no longer use adjusted basic EPS growth to measure company level performance. Instead, we will introduce adjusted basic EPS as the new KPI. Reconciliation of adjustments of adjusted basic EPS (for fiscal year 2020) • expenses for mergers, acquisitions, disposals and other portfolio related measures, in particular > amortization, depreciation and other effects from IFRS 3 purchase price allocation adjustments, > transaction, integration, retention and carve-out costs, > gains and losses from divestments and ⚫ severance charges. Therefore, also in this KPI, we extend the adjustment items for expenses and income related to portfolio related measures to continuously ensure transparency, comparability, and reconcil- ability of the adjusted basic EPS. The analog adjustment of ba- sic EPS and EBIT ensures the consistency between the KPIs ad- justed EBIT margin and adjusted basic EPS. The adjustments are made after tax. Tax effects on the adjustments are determined based on the income tax rate of the respective reporting period, like in fiscal year 2020. Similarly, adjusted basic EPS is determined based on the average weighted number of outstanding shares of the respective reporting period. Siemens Healthineers Reconciliation adjustments of adjusted basic EPS As of fiscal year 2021, the following adjustments will be made in line with the altered definition of the adjusted EBIT margin: 10 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Business development - 2% -4% Advanced Therapies 1,628 1,606 1% 1% 1 Year-over-year on a comparable basis, excluding currency translation and portfolio effects. Revenue by region (location of customer) (in millions of €) Europe, Common- wealth of Independent States, Africa, Middle East (EMEA) Fiscal Year 2020 1,423 %-Change Act. Comp.¹ 4,747 4,617 3% 4% Therein: Germany 874 873 0% 2019 Americas -5% 3,924 In the region EMEA, public investment programs as well as strong purchases related to COVID-19 in several EMEA countries counterbalanced negative effects resulting from lockdowns. Overall, this led to strong to substantial market growth for Imaging and Advanced Therapies in fiscal year 2020. Significant market growth for Diagnostics in EMEA was driven by test strategy programs for SARS-CoV-2, which were put in place by several EMEA governments and outweighed the severe decline in testing for routine care. In the U.S., project postponements or cessation and limited access to healthcare providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns resulted in substantial market declines across all Imaging and Advanced Therapies markets. The con- tinued rise in COVID-19 cases increased U.S. diagnostics market growth on strong levels, as demand for molecular and point-of- care COVID-19 tests further increased. Market estimates are based on Healthineers' market model that builds on external sources (amongst others from IQVIA Ltd., OMDIA and Signify Research), market information from Med- Tech industry associations (amongst others COCIR, NEMA, JIRA and MedTech Europe) and Siemens Healthineers' management estimates. All statements on market developments refer to the first three quarters of fiscal year 2020, because market data for the full fiscal year were not available as of the publication of the annual report. Given the unpredictability of further COVID-19 pandemic developments and related impacts on Healthcare markets, the usual and historic development patterns of Healthineers' markets cannot be applied in this year. A.3.2 Results of operations A.3.2.1 Revenue by segment and region Fiscal Year %-Change (in millions of €) 2020 2019 4,133 Act. 14,460 14,518 0% Comp.¹ 0% Therein: Imaging 9,090 8,938 2% Diagnostics Siemens Healthineers 1,586 -168 Adjusted EBIT declined by 10%, resulting in an adjusted EBIT margin of 15.4% for fiscal year 2020. The decline year-over- year was mainly due to the weak development of the adjusted EBIT margin in Diagnostics. Current provisions 152 93 Other current financial liabilities 2019 2020 (in millions of €) 270 Sept 30, Please refer to Note 23 Equity in the notes to the consolidated financial statements for further information regarding equity. Other components of equity decreased by €604 million, mainly due to currency translation differences. Retained earnings increased by €582 million, mainly due to net income for fiscal year 2020 of €1,423 million, which was partly offset by dividend payments of €798 million. Equity rose by €2,729 million to € 12,511 million, mainly as a result of a capital increase through issuing new shares of Siemens Healthineers AG for financing the planned acquisition of Varian. Thus, issued capital increased by €75 million and capital reserve by €2,629 million, net of effects from trans- action costs. 9,782 12,511 9,769 13 A.3.3.2 Cash flows 13 282 374 Remaining non-current liabilities Other liabilities Other financial liabilities Provisions Deferred tax liabilities (in millions of €) Remaining non-current liabilities Siemens Healthineers Remaining current liabilities decreased by €82 million to €1,936 million. Therein, other current financial liabilities de- creased by €59 million mainly due to changes in value of deriv- atives and a decrease in liabilities for contingent consider- ations from business combinations. 1,936 1 Remaining payables to Siemens Group Remaining current liabilities 1,236 1,198 Other current liabilities 346 2,018 12,498 -174 -777 In addition, local bank facilities are in place to cover funding needs of some Siemens Healthineers entities which have no access to direct funding within Siemens Healthineers. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers continued to participate in the cash pooling of the Siemens Group, which included the short-term investment of excess liquidity and the borrowing of short-term funds within the Siemens Group. Siemens Healthineers intends to set up its own cash pooling in the medium term in order to (partially) replace the participation in the cash pooling of the Siemens Group. In fiscal year 2019, the US$ loans maturing in fiscal years 2021, 2023 and 2027 were transferred from a U.S. entity to German entities. The resulting foreign currency risks were hedged by forward exchange contracts. As a result, the loans were effec- tively converted into synthetic euro-denominated loans and actual interest expenses decreased due to positive forward el- ements of the forward exchange contracts. In total, the actual current volume-weighted average interest rate of the trans- ferred loans decreased to approximately -0.1%. The loan matur- ing in fiscal year 2046 carried a contractual interest rate of 3.4%. • US$1.7 billion loan maturing in fiscal year 2027, and US$ 1.0 billion loan maturing in fiscal year 2046. • A loan to the Siemens Group maturing in fiscal year 2021, amounting to US$ 0.9 billion, was reclassified to the short-term balance sheet item. Other liabilities to Siemens Group from fi- nancing activities were reduced by the corresponding amount. • In fiscal year 2020, Siemens Healthineers took out a variable in- terest-loan from the Siemens Group amounting to €1.0 billion, in connection with the acquisition of Corindus. Net receivables from and payables to Siemens Group from financing activities increased by €907 million, mainly due to the short-term investment of funds from the capital increase of €2.7 billion, which was completed in September 2020 to finance the planned acquisition of Varian. In addition, the above- mentioned investment of cash from Siemens Healthineers en- tities in China with the Siemens Group increased this item. Counterbalancing effects resulted from the following factors: As in the previous year, the Siemens Group granted two credit facilities to Siemens Healthineers. As of September 30, 2020, a multicurrency revolving credit facility existed in an amount up to €1.1 billion (September 30, 2019: € 1.0 billion). It serves as financing of net working capital and as short-term loan The decrease of €264 million in cash and cash equivalents resulted mainly from the investment of cash from Siemens Healthineers entities in China with the Siemens Group. Net debt 3,974 2,605 Net debt (including pensions) • US$ 0.7 billion loan maturing in fiscal year 2023, 1,045 1,029 The line items cash and cash equivalents, and receivables from and payables to Siemens Group from financing activities collec- tively make up the Company's funds available at short notice. Changes in these items were attributable to income and expen- ditures from operations and to short-term investment of excess liquidity or short-term borrowing. 14 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Business development facility. The duration of this credit facility was extended in fiscal year 2020 until January 31, 2023. Additionally, a multi- currency revolving credit facility in an amount up to €1.0 bil- lion (September 30, 2019: € 1.0 billion) was granted, serving as a financing reserve, available until January 31, 2023. As of Sep- tember 30, 2020, these credit facilities had been utilized in the amount of €166 million (September 30, 2019: €0 million). -1,859 -1,276 10,801 13,476 1,000 1,075 2019 2020 Sept 30, Other components of equity Total equity attributable to shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG Non-controlling interests Total equity Retained earnings Capital reserve (in millions of €) Issued capital Total equity Remaining current liabilities Please refer to Note 16 Financial debt in the notes to the con- solidated financial statements for further information on finan- cial debt. For more information on financial risk management responsibilities and objectives, please refer to → Note 26 Finan- cial risk management in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. As of September 30, 2020, the expected purchase price obligation from the planned acquisition of Varian amounted to US$ 16.4 billion. Upon closing of the acquisition, Siemens Healthineers is obliged to repay amounts outstanding under a credit agreement of Varian of up to US$ 1.2 billion. To fi- nance this acquisition, the Siemens Group provided a bridge facility. As of September 30, 2020, the financing commit- ment amounted to €12.5 billion and was not used by Siemens Healthineers. Siemens Healthineers plans to replace the bridge facility with debt capital provided by the Siemens Group and, if appropriate, through issuance of equity instruments. Sept 30, • € 1.0 billion loan maturing in fiscal year 2021, • US$ 0.9 billion loan maturing in fiscal year 2021, 2020 470 Free cash flow -579 -557 plant and equipment Additions to intangible assets and property, 1,617 1,928 1,371 Cash flows from operating activities 2020 (in millions of €) Fiscal year Siemens Healthineers had contractual obligations as of Sep- tember 30, 2020, to purchase property, plant and equipment totaling € 107 million (September 30, 2019: €84 million). These are mainly future payments related to new factories and will be financed through the cash pooling of the Siemens Group. Advanced Therapies: In fiscal year 2020, investments were mostly associated with new machinery and tools for the new ARTIS icono product family. Diagnostics: In fiscal year 2020, additions to intangible assets were primarily attributable to product developments within the Atellica Solution and Blood Gas product lines. Additions to property, plant and equipment mainly related to investments in production facilities in China and the United States. Imaging: In fiscal year 2020, additions to intangible assets were mainly for capitalization of development expenses for soft- ware. Additions to property, plant and equipment mainly in- cluded the acquisition of specialized tooling for new products, machinery, replacements, and site modernizations. 2019 The segments' additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment focused especially on the following: 1,037 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Business development 17 We reached significant milestones for the strategic development of Siemens Healthineers and initiated important measures to further strengthen our portfolio in the fiscal year. With the announcement of the planned acquisition of Varian, headquar- tered in the U.S. and addressing the field of cancer care with solutions in radiation oncology and related software, Siemens Healthineers aims to add value for healthcare providers beyond the current range of products and solutions. The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board propose to the Shareholders' Meeting to distribute a dividend of €0.80 per share entitled to the dividend. This corresponds to the level in the previous fiscal year and in total represents approximately €859 million in expected payments. Based on net income of €1,423 million for fiscal year 2020, the dividend payout per- centage is 60%. Net income decreased by 10% to €1,423 million, mainly due to a lower EBIT. An increase in financial income, mainly resulting from a debt restructuring in fiscal year 2019, had an offsetting counter effect. The lower net income resulted in a decrease in adjusted basic earnings per share of 7% to €1.59. We therefore fulfilled our outlook of adjusted basic earnings per share be- tween €1.54 and € 1.62. Consequently, this KPI was within our expected target corridor as stated in the quarterly statement for the third quarter of fiscal year 2020. Our adjusted basic earnings per share for fiscal year 2020 would be at € 1.60 without the cap- ital increase. Adjusted EBIT margin for the Imaging segment was at 21.0% and above the previous fiscal year and within the mid-term target corridor of 20% to 22%. For Advanced Therapies, ad- justed EBIT margin was at 18.3%, below the previous fiscal year level and also below the mid-term target of 20% to 22%, due to Corindus. Excluding Corindus adjusted EBIT margin was within the target corridor. With an adjusted EBIT margin of 1.8% Diagnostics was below the previous fiscal year level, mainly due to lower volumes of testing for routine care im- pacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In our quarterly statement for the third quarter we did not provide a fiscal year 2020 outlook for our segments. On a com- parable basis our Imaging segment revenue grew by 2% and our Advanced Therapies segment by 1%. Diagnostics revenue declined by 4% on a comparable basis. For fiscal year 2020 Siemens Healthineers' comparable revenue growth was 0%, and therefore corresponded to our expected broadly flat revenue growth as stated in our quarterly state- ment for the third quarter of fiscal year 2020. 16 In our quarterly statement for the third quarter of fiscal year 2020 we introduced a new outlook for Siemens Healthineers. For fiscal year 2020 we projected flat comparable revenue growth and adjusted basic earnings per share (adjusted for amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combi- nations, severance charges and acquisition-related transaction costs, after tax) between €1.54 and €1.62 (previous fiscal year: €1.70). The outlook was based on the assumption that the current business environment, including the upward trend in testing for routine care that has been observed, will not deteriorate again, as well as on current exchange rate assumptions and on the current portfolio. In addition, it was assumed that there will be no material change in the valuation of share-based compen- sation programs that are tied to shares of Siemens AG. For the Advanced Therapies segment: comparable revenue growth within our target corridor for Siemens Healthineers for fiscal year 2020, and a significant decrease in adjusted EBIT margin compared to the prior year due to the acquisition of Corindus. • For the Diagnostics segment: an increase in comparable rev- enue growth, though below the target corridor for Siemens Healthineers for fiscal year 2020, and a slight decrease in ad- justed EBIT margin compared to prior year. • For the Imaging segment: comparable revenue growth below the very strong level of fiscal year 2019, but within the target corridor for Siemens Healthineers for fiscal year 2020 and an increase in adjusted EBIT margin comparable to the increase in the prior year. • For Siemens Healthineers: comparable revenue growth be- tween 5% and 6% and adjusted basic earnings per share to increase by 6% to 12%. With respect to our outlook provided in the Annual Report 2019, we expected for fiscal year 2020: economic position A.3.4 Overall assessment of the The outlook provided in the fiscal year 2019 annual report was withdrawn at the end of the first half of the fiscal year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the underlying assumptions for fiscal year 2020 were in significant parts no longer valid. This held true for the segments, as well as for Siemens Healthineers. Accordingly, initially communicated segment targets for com- parable revenue growth and adjusted EBIT margin, and Siemens Healthineers targets for comparable revenue growth and adjusted basic earnings per share, were no longer valid. Siemens Healthineers' investments were aimed mainly at enhancing competitiveness and innovation capability. The main capital expenditures were for additions to intangible assets, including capitalized development expenses, as well as for replacements and enhancements of property, plant and equipment in the ordinary course of business. A.3.3.3 Additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment Siemens Healthineers reports free cash flow as a supplemental liquidity measure: Fiscal year Operating activities Investing activities Financing activities Operating activities Cash flows from: (in millions of €) Remaining non-current liabilities grew by €63 million to €969 million. Therein, deferred tax liabilities increased by €95 million. Here deferred tax liabilities recognized in the first- time consolidations of Corindus and ECG had an impact. 2020 906 368 345 16 10 147 144 375 969 2019 1,928 1,617 Free cash flow Higher cash outflows of €99 million resulted from dividends paid to shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG amounting to €798 million (2019: €699 million). Cash inflows from change in short-term financial debt and other financing activities changed by € 153 million to cash out- flows of € 101 million, mainly due to the above-mentioned shift due to the first-time adoption of IFRS 16. Cash inflows from other transactions/financing with Siemens Group changed by €2,098 million to cash outflows of €1,853 mil- lion. The funds received from the capital increase were invested with the Siemens Group, resulting in cash outflows in this line item in the corresponding amount. Investment of cash from Siemens Healthineers entities in China with the Siemens Group resulted in additional cash outflows of €406 million in fiscal year 2020. The cash outflows were partly offset by cash inflows resulting from borrowing the loan of €1.0 billion from the Siemens Group in connection with the acquisition of Corindus. In fiscal year 2020, cash inflows of €2.7 billion resulted from issuance of new shares to finance the planned acquisition of Varian. Cash outflows from financing activities decreased by €354 mil- lion to € 249 million. Financing activities Cash outflows from investing activities increased by €1,264 mil- lion to €1,912 million. This was primarily the result of cash out- flows for acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired, of €1,354 million, chiefly related to the acquisitions of Corindus and ECG. Investing activities Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Business development 15 The first-time adoption of IFRS 16, Leases, resulted in an in- crease in reported cash flows from operating activities of €130 million with a corresponding decrease in reported cash flows from financing activities. For additional information regarding the first-time adoption of IFRS 16, please refer to → Note 2 Accounting policies in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Cash inflows from operating activities increased by €311 million to €1,928 million. In particular, cash outflows from operating net working capital decreased by € 192 million, mainly because cash flows from trade and other receivables improved by €331 million due to improved receivables management. In con- trast, cash outflows from the buildup of inventories increased by €208 million. -603 -249 -647 -1,912 2019 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Current income tax liabilities 1,576 Remaining current assets 2,538 2,550 Operating net working capital 2019 2020 (in millions of €) 645 Sept 30, The growth in remaining current assets by €154 million to €645 million was due primarily to an increase of € 116 million in remaining receivables from Siemens Group. This related to receivables in the context of pre-initial public offering group taxation with the Siemens Group in the United States. The amounts resulted from expanded options for tax loss carry- backs due to the CARES Act aimed at mitigating the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Net assets and capital structure are described by the following line items, which can be reconciled to the consolidated state- ments of financial position, as shown in the table: A.3.3.1 Net assets and capital structure A.3.3 Net assets and financial position -0.04 1.57 -0.02 -0.05 1.41 Siemens Healthineers is exempted from submitting the non- financial group declaration pursuant to Section 315b (2) of the German Commercial Code (hereinafter "HGB") and refers to the combined nonfinancial group declaration, which is in- tegrated in the combined management report in the annual report of Siemens Group for fiscal year 2020. Siemens Group's annual report will be published on the Internet at → https:// The increase of €65 million in other current financial assets was mainly due to changes in the value of derivatives to hedge foreign currency risks in connection with operations and the planned acquisition of Varian. For further information regarding derivatives, please refer to → Note 25 Financial instruments and hedging activities in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Severance charges 491 Total non-current assets Goodwill -906 -969 Remaining non-current liabilities 2019 2020 (in millions of €) Total non-current assets -2,018 Remaining current liabilities Sept 30, -3,974 -2,605 Net debt (including pensions) 13,650 14,827 -1,936 Acquisition-related transaction costs -0.09 -0.12 Other current financial assets 2019 2020 (in millions of €) Sept 30, Remaining current assets As a result of the factors described above, net income decreased to €1,423 million. Consequently, adjusted basic earnings per share declined by 7% to €1.59. 142 - 12 Income tax expenses decreased by €75 million to €532 million. The effective income tax rate stayed broadly flat at 27.2% in fiscal year 2020 compared to 27.7% in prior year. For further information, please refer to → Note 5 Income taxes in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Financial income, net, improved by €79 million. The increase resulted mainly from lower interest expenses following a restruc- turing of debt in fiscal year 2019, and interest income related to international tax procedures. The figure in fiscal year 2019 in- cluded negative currency effects associated with financing of business in Turkey. Amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combina- tions increased by € 37 million to € 168 million due to the acqui- sitions of Corindus and ECG in the first quarter of the fiscal year. Additionally, acquisition-related transaction costs of € 16 million were incurred, mainly due to the takeover of Corindus. Selling and general administrative expenses grew by €64 million, or 3%. Excluding currency translation effects the expenses also increased moderately, due mainly to the acquisitions of Corindus and ECG. Research and development expenses increased by € 14 million, or 1%. Also adjusted for currency translation these expenses increased slightly compared to prior-year-level. The adjusted EBIT margin was adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, counterbalanced by lower expenses for performance-related remuneration components and income of €34 million in the United States related to the CARES Act. Prior year results included positive effects of €24 million due to a settlement gain. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Business development 2,929 Fiscal Year Current income tax assets 491 645 Remaining current assets Amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations 116 Remaining receivables from Siemens Group 1.70 1.59 Adjusted basic earnings per share 321 338 Other current assets 2019 2020 (in €) 92 49 9,038 8,590 78 12,511 -683 -3,271 financing activities Receivables from Siemens Group from -920 -656 2019 Payables to Siemens Group from Sept 30, 2020 (in millions of €) Short-term financial debt and current maturities of long-term financial debt increased by €87 million and long-term financial debt rose by €252 million, mainly as a consequence of the first- time adoption of IFRS 16, Leases. For additional information regarding the first-time adoption of IFRS 16, please refer to → Note 2 Accounting policies in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Payments for the acquisition of ECG were financed by short- term debt to the Siemens Group. For further information to the payments for the acquisition of ECG, please refer to → Note 3 Acquisitions in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. • In fiscal year 2020, Siemens Healthineers included net debt in the description of its net assets and capital structure, as Siemens Healthineers' capital management is based on this key figure. Net debt (including pensions) In addition, property, plant and equipment was up by €456 mil- lion, despite negative currency translation effects, mainly be- cause of the first-time adoption of IFRS 16. For additional infor- mation regarding the first-time adoption of IFRS 16, please refer to Note 2 Accounting policies in the notes to the consol- idated financial statements. Cash and cash equivalents financing activities 2,040 359 Net debt Total equity 62 314 Long-term financial debt Loans with various maturities denominated in various currencies have been granted by the Siemens Group, in particular: Financing management Provisions for pensions and similar obligations remained nearly level with a slight decrease of €16 million. For additional informa- tion, please refer to Note 21 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Pensions 80 167 maturities of long-term financial debt Short-term financial debt and current 4,030 2,982 financing activities Other liabilities to Siemens Group from Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Business development 13 Basic earnings per share Within operating net working capital, inventories increased by €240 million, despite negative currency translation effects. This increase was attributable to steps taken to ensure the delivery capability of all segments, mainly resulting from recent eco- nomic developments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This devel- opment was offset by a decrease in trade and other receivables of €211 million, mainly due to currency translation effects and improved receivables management. (in millions of €) 339 352 Other financial assets Sept 30, 45 37 the equity method Investments accounted for using Operating net working capital 2,318 Property, plant and equipment 1,576 1,912 9,782 The increase in non-current assets by €1,176 million to € 14,827 million resulted largely from a rise of €447 million in goodwill and €337 million in other intangible assets. These devel- opments were caused most notably by the acquisitions of Corindus and ECG. Negative currency translation effects of €599 million had an offsetting impact. For additional information regarding the acquisitions, please refer to Note 3 Acquisitions in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Other intangible assets Trade and other receivables 2020 2,774 Deferred tax assets 13,650 2019 Operating net working capital remained at nearly the same level, with a slight increase of €12 million to €2,550 million. 14,827 Total non-current assets 320 295 Other assets 839 2,064 -1,403 -1,741 2,538 2,568 818 2,304 -1,356 -1,784 2,550 Operating net working capital 419 Contract liabilities Trade payables Inventories 2,779 Contract assets 462 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Report on material risks and opportunities Combined management report - Cybersecurity Product development and introduction We develop, produce and sell a comprehensive portfolio of products, solutions and services (including accessories and software products) to a wide range of healthcare providers. We are an industry-wide technology leader with many of our prod- ucts, solutions and services. Our operating results depend to a significant extent on our technological leadership, as well as our ability to anticipate changes in our markets and to adapt us as well as the costs of producing our products to those changes. Our products, solutions, services and their enhancements often have long development and government approval cycles. As a result, this requires us to maintain early and accurate anticipation of relevant changes in the marketplace, in technology and in customer demands. Introducing new products and technologies requires a significant commitment to R&D, which in turn re- quires expenditure of considerable financial resources that may not always result in success. Our results of operations could be negatively impacted if we invest in technologies that do not operate as expected or cannot be integrated as planned, or that do not find the expected market acceptance. The same applies if our products, solutions or services are not introduced to the market at the targeted margins, in a timely manner particularly compared to our competitors, or even become obsolete. Fur- thermore, errors in the design of our products or operational disruptions in our value chain could result in quality problems or potential product, labor safety, regulatory or environmental risks. The correction of errors could lead to unforeseen costs, at the same time result in guarantee or warranty claims, and, moreover, adversely impact our reputation. Our patents and other intellectual property rights may not prevent competitors from independently developing or selling products and ser- vices that resemble or replicate our own. If we are unable to protect or effectively enforce our intellectual property rights against the competition, we might lose our technical leader- ship position and market share which could result in negative financial impact, loss of reputation or customers. To counter these risks, we continuously initiate and implement measures for quality improvement, project risk management and claim prevention that contribute to the mitigation of existing risks. In addition, we closely monitor market developments in order to identify and react on new demands early on. We continu- ously apply for new patents and actively manage our intellec- tual property portfolio to safeguard our leading technological position. 15 25 24 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report — We observe a global increase of cybersecurity threats and higher levels of sophistication in cybercrime. These pose a risk to the security of products, systems and networks and the confidentiality, availability and integrity of data. In this context the healthcare industry, which is subject to specific privacy, security and safety regulations with regards to a wide range of health information, has become a prime target for attackers. The number of cybersecurity threats and cybercrime was amplified particularly in the healthcare industry throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. These threats have materialized for example with ransomware attacks against healthcare providers, leading to major negative impacts on the provision of health- care services affecting the health and safety of patients. The attacks experienced against Siemens Healthineers, however, have not changed significantly in number and criticality. The political and regulatory focus on cybersecurity has increased, leading to a variety of regulations being implemented and integrated in various areas and processes. The fines and penalties are elevated and represent both financial and reputational risks that can be avoided only with a strong internal control system and high awareness for the relevant requirements and risks. Preparedness to act against threats and attacks remains a key priority. We establish clear responsibilities across the entire or- ganization through organizational changes. In addition, we made changes in infrastructure, access management, remote working capabilities and cloud-based services that enable secure and uninterrupted operations even during the work situation changed by the pandemic. In addition to our established tech- nical and organizational controls, we strengthen the awareness of our employees so they can detect attacks at an early stage and react to them in an improved manner. Because cybersecurity is a shared responsibility across all involved parties and various stakeholders, we are also constantly developing our ability to preventively protect our customers from cyber-attacks as well as reactively support them after those. In order to respond to market needs, strengthen the internal control system, increase maturity and assurance and meet customer requirements, we are expanding our ISO 27001 certification activities. Moreover, we leverage our cyber resilience to enable business continuity. Therefore, we continue to focus on expanding, adapting and improving established security controls across the organization and the supply chain. We are committed to our security and privacy by design and default approach for both products and internal processes. The exchanges and collaborations with healthcare providers, industry, partners, regulators and security researchers in line with the Charter of Trust principles for a se- cure digital world have been expanded with regular customer advisory boards, development of internal standards and ex- changes of threat intelligence. 24 Combined management report COVID-19 Pandemic A.6.2.2 Operational risks Global or regional economic and geopolitical instability as well as continuing uncertainties and challenging conditions in regional markets may have a negative impact on our business. Future developments globally depend on a number of political and economic factors that we cannot fully anticipate. There is a risk that an unstable political, regulatory and economic environ- ment in certain countries might potentially result in significant adverse business impacts including non-sustainable business development, diverted management attention or less compet- itive strength. Slower economic growth in a country might reduce tax revenues, which in a second step could reduce the budget for public healthcare spending. Further risks stem from geopolit- ical tensions (such as in Iran, Syria, Russia, North Korea, Turkey and Ukraine) and the conflicts which may potentially result. A terrorist attack, significant cybercrime incident, or a series of such attacks or incidents in major economies could depress economic activity globally and undermine consumer and busi- ness confidence. We see a high degree of uncertainty regarding the current political environment and a risk to the continued existence of the EU in its current form. This affects stability of fiscal policy, discussions about a crisis of the euro, the develop- ment of negative interest rates and further debates regarding national independence. In addition, the outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still unclear. If agreements cannot be reached between the United Kingdom and the European Union, we might face the imposition of new tariffs as well as a re-intro- duction of customs controls, which might lead to additional costs and disruptions in our supply chain. The outcome of the presidential election in the United States may have an impact on climate, tax, trade, health, immigration and foreign policy which could both negatively and positively affect our business activities. In particular, future developments regarding the Affordable Care Act, such as its impact on our customers and their financial situation, may have significant consequences for our business in the United States. Moreover, if global macro- economic growth stalls and we cannot successfully adapt our production and cost structure to subsequent changes in the markets we operate in, it cannot be ruled out that we will expe- rience adverse effects. Furthermore, the prices for our products, solutions and services may decline as a result of unfavorable market conditions to a greater extent than we currently antic- ipate. It may become more difficult for our customers to obtain financing. As a consequence, they may modify, delay or cancel plans to purchase our products, solutions and services, or fail to follow through on purchases or contracts that they have already made. To address risks in this field, we constantly monitor changes in economic, political and geopolitical situations. For ex- ample, regarding the Brexit developments we coordinate local and global mitigation measures. We also use opportunities to en- gage in discussions with local authorities. Siemens Healthineers' global setup, with operations in almost all relevant economies, together with the variety of our products and services, can con- tribute to the compensation of the impact of an unfavorable development in a single market. Economic, political and geopolitical conditions (macroeconomic environment) Report on material risks and opportunities - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 223 23 we operate, consolidation on the customer side is increasing. If our customers combine through mergers and acquisitions, join group purchasing organizations or otherwise collectively enter our markets, it could result in a lower sales volume and higher price pressure. We address these risks with various mea- sures. This includes among other examples, benchmarking, strategic initiatives, sales push initiatives, and the implemen- tation of productivity measures and projects to achieve target costs for instance by adjustment of operational structures, out- sourcing, mergers and establishment of joint ventures, as well as by exporting from low-cost countries to price-sensitive markets and optimizing our product portfolio. We are an industry-wide technology leader with many of our products, solutions and services. However, demand for standardized and basic products is increasing, especially in emerging markets. Such products generally yield lower margins. If we cannot adapt our product mix, cost structure and production capacities quickly enough to changes in the market, technology or the customer require- ments for high-end, standard and basic products, this could result in negative effects on our profit. As a countermeasure, we closely monitor how markets develop in order to better an- ticipate future developments, adapt our product portfolio to future demands, implement tools to strengthen value selling and determine how to lower operating expenses to increase competitiveness for basic and standard products. Furthermore, the launch of new products by others may lead to additional price pressure (for example the competitive response to our laboratory diagnostics platform). We continually monitor and analyze market and competitive information in order to be able to anticipate unfavorable changes in the competitive environment rather than merely reacting to them. The worldwide markets for our products, solutions and services are highly competitive in terms of pricing, product and service quality, product development and introduction time, customer service and financing terms. Market demand is also subject to change, partly due to rapid and significant changes resulting from the introduction of innovative and disruptive technologies. New competition in the form of healthcare providers in the low-price segment or niche markets, as well as independent service organizations, or global players that want to expand their business with new portfolio elements or introduce new business models, might lead to increased pressure on prices or a loss of market share. There is also the risk that, against the backdrop of rapid technological progress, new providers previ- ously from outside the industry will penetrate our markets, such as IT companies. We counter this risk by constantly moni- toring existing competitors, known potential competitors, as well as barriers to market entry, and by exchanging information with industrial associations. If healthcare markets, especially in emerging countries, are unable to achieve the anticipated market growth, then demand for our products, systems and services could decline. This may result in a change in our relative market position, or unexpected price erosion. In some sectors in which Competitive environment Report on material risks and opportunities Since the beginning of calendar year 2020 we have been affected by impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the potential key impacts going forward include harm to our employees' health and safety, and the closure of offices and production facilities due to COVID-19 cases. We could experience negative business impacts in the form of disruptions of our supply chain, delays in our time to market for certain products or product lifecycles, or changes in installation and service capacities. Other potential key impacts include revenue short- falls for example due to investment shifts, reduced reagent demand in the Diagnostics business, shifts in public funding or financial difficulties of customers. Investment shifts could par- ticularly affect medical imaging equipment as far as they are not used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, unforeseen expenses could adversely impact our financial position. In order to ensure business operations and reduce impacts of the pandemic on our business, we initiated a broad spectrum of measures. These include among others protecting our workforce (such as by provision of personal protective equipment, including prevention principles, COVID-19 testing for employees, particularly including installation and service technicians, working from home, staggered work times to enable social distancing and travel restrictions), regular crisis management team meetings led by the managing board and dedicated task forces, coordinating local response plans, and ensuring close coordination with suppliers. We continue to observe the situation, including changes in pandemic-related restrictions, on an ongoing basis in order to quickly identify new developments, evaluate potential impacts, assess risks and make adjustments where necessary. A.6.2.3 Financial risks In connection with our worldwide business operations, we must comply with a broad range of legal and regulatory requirements in numerous jurisdictions. Further, as a globally operating company in the healthcare industry we process personal data of our employees, our customers, the patients of our customers and our business partners. Thereby, we are bound by various legislations such as the European Regulation on Data Protection. Since its implementation, European author- ities have tightened their enforcement in case of data protec- tion violations and issued higher fines. We are also bound by similar legislation in other countries. We have established com- pliance and risk management systems to ensure adherence to compliance requirements. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that we can avoid all risks in every jurisdiction with these systems. Proceedings against us regarding antitrust violations, allegations of corruption or other violations of law, could lead to penalties such as criminal and administrative fines. Further consequences could include sanctions, injunctions against future conduct, profit disgorgements, exclusion from direct or indirect participation in certain types of transactions and public tenders, loss of business licenses or permits or could result in other restrictions and legal consequences. These consequences could under certain circumstances also affect us if they relate to violations by our indirect sales channels or business part- ners. Accordingly, we may, among other things, be required to comply with potential obligations and liabilities arising in connection with such investigations and proceedings, including potential tax penalties. A considerable part of our business activities involves governments and companies with public shareholders. We also participate in a number of projects funded by government agencies and intergovernmental and supranational organizations, such as multilateral development banks. Potential future investigations into antitrust violations, allegations of corruption or other violations of law could impair relationships with such agencies or organizations or could re- sult in the exclusion of public contracts. They may also ad- versely affect existing private business relationships and our ability to pursue potentially important strategic projects and transactions, such as strategic alliances, joint ventures or other business cooperations, or could result in the cancellation of certain of our existing contracts. Moreover, third parties, in- cluding customers or our competitors, could initiate litigation against us. Furthermore, we might be exposed to compliance risks in connection with recently acquired companies that are still in the process of integration. In addition, future develop- ments in current or potential future investigations, such as responding to the requests of governmental authorities and cooperating with them, could require increased management Siemens Healthineers provides post-employment benefits for the majority of its employees, partly resulting in provisions for pensions. An increase of provisions for pensions due to an adverse development of plan assets or the defined benefit obligation is considered a significant risk. The funded status can be affected by changes in actuarial assumptions, primarily the discount rate, as well as by movements in financial markets. In order to comply with local pension regulations in selected foreign countries, we may face a risk of increasing cash out- flows to reduce an underfunding of our pension plans in these countries. Regular asset liability studies are performed for major pension plans to implement an investment strategy to mitigate liability risks and reduce funded status volatility. Our comprehensive and structured approach to our internal digital transformation and related investments could poten- tially support our growth, improve our cost position and increase our attractiveness as employer. The leverage of our digital skills, infrastructure, tools and data could enable us to drive significant value creation across the entire value chain of the company. Further investments into efficiency measures, and the use of new technologies such as machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, could potentially drive additional im- provements in our processes and cost structures. Increased harmonization, collaboration and transparency throughout the entire organization could create synergies, lead to a faster decision-making process and reduce redundant efforts. Local- izing certain value-chain activities, such as procurement, pro- duction, logistics, maintenance and service, for example in emerging markets, could enable us to reduce costs and strengthen our global competitive position, in particular com- pared to competitors based in countries with more favorable cost structures. In supply chain management and product life- cycle management, opportunities for improvement could arise from further implementing an integrated digital tool land- scape. The improvements could also include further efficiency gains from using standardized platform elements across multiple applications. Utilizing these synergies could further increase our flexibility and speed in adjusting our innovative solution portfolio to the needs of the market while optimizing product lifecycle costs and reducing internal complexity. Efficiency gains Innovation, digital offerings and new business models are core for our company in shaping the future of the healthcare industry. We invest significantly in R&D in order to develop innovative products, solutions and services for our customers, including in the area of digitalization. In doing so, we aim to safeguard our competitiveness at the same time. Our goal is to enable healthcare providers to create added value by expanding precision medicine, transforming care delivery and improving patient experience by leveraging digital technologies. We expect to be able to meet future demands arising from funda- mental trends. These trends include demographic change and global population growth as well as the increasing burden of chronic diseases. We continuously strive to grow and expand our business in established markets, open up new markets for existing portfolio elements and strengthen our installed base in order to gain a higher market share and improved profitability. In addition, we aim to further develop our product portfolio and also grow into adjacent fields, especially in high-growth customer segments. This is achieved through various measures, such as targeted product development (for example entry level systems), the expansion of our consulting competencies to strengthen our position as a trusted partner as well as the assessment of new market entry strategies. The measures also include M&A activities, such as the planned acquisition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc., which was announced in August 2020. Varian is a global leader in cancer care, providing innovative solutions, especially in radiation therapy and related software. Moreover, we see the opportunity to generate addi- tional sales volume and profit from new and innovative digital products, services and solutions, including cybersecurity for our customers, preventive maintenance and data analytics, among others. Furthermore, additional business opportunities could also arise from long-term value partnerships with health- care providers, supporting our customers in setting up centers of excellence and jointly co-creating on solutions. Further busi- ness opportunities could also arise from our SARS COV-2 test offering (for example the Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test), which helps healthcare providers diagnose COVID-19. In addition, the provision of funds by aid organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the EU and as well as the provision of national funds or subsidies could further increase. This would expand investment and spending in private hospitals, for example in the Middle East and Africa, Asia and Europe. This in turn could generate additional growth in these markets, especially for standard and basic products and services. In our Diagnostics segment, further collaboration with third parties could create opportunities for increased revenue and margins on existing system platforms through creation of an even broader range of assays in addition to our own development assays and a faster availability for our customers. Growth fields Below we describe our significant opportunities. Unless indi- cated otherwise, the opportunities described below relate to all of our segments. A.6.3 Opportunities Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Report on material risks and opportunities 27 The order in which the risks are presented in each of the four categories above - strategic, operational, financial and com- pliance risks - reflects the currently estimated exposure. The most significant risks we are currently exposed to are those that arise from the COVID-19 pandemic, legal and regulatory environment and cybersecurity. Compared to prior year and as already described in the half-year financial report COVID-19 pandemic is the most significant risk. We consider all other risks mentioned above not as high as the three most significant risks. At present, no risks have been identified that either individually or in combination could endanger our ability to continue as a going concern. A.6.2.5 Assessment of the overall risk situation attention. A violation of data protection laws could result in significant damage to the Company such as fines, damage and in a loss of reputation. The realization of any of these risks could have a material adverse effect on our business, assets, financial condition and results of operations, reputation and future prospects. Besides other measures such as general training on compliance with law, our antitrust compliance program and the requirements of our Business Conduct Guidelines, Siemens Healthineers has established a global compliance organization. This organization conducts, among others, com- pliance risk mitigation processes, such as compliance risk assessments, which have been reviewed by external compliance experts. In regard to its business partners, Siemens Healthineers has established a global business partner management process. This includes, among other measures, a careful selection pro- cess, a structured onboarding process as well as trainings, monitoring and dialogue during on-site visits as well as regular audits with consistent implementation and monitoring of any measures taken. When handling personal data, we are conscious of our responsibility and take it very seriously. Consequently, we are countering data protection risks now and in the future through organizational measures, for example by strengthening our data protection organization at the central and regional level. Moreover, we have strengthened our corporate gover- nance, for example by issuing a globally applicable directive. At the same time, awareness of data protection among our employees is enhanced through continuous training. To en- sure adherence to the set standard, we have implemented data protection controls and also perform independent audits through our internal audit function. By introducing a dedicated tool and setting up contact points we enable timely reporting of potential deficiencies or violations to us, authorities or other stakeholders. We operate production, development and service facilities in a number of different countries and market our products, services and solutions worldwide. Due to the international scope of our business operations, we are subject to a multitude of risks and challenges some of which fall beyond our sphere of influence. This includes increasing governmental protectionism in recent years, for example in the form of import and export controls, tariffs and other trade barriers, including exclusion from certain markets and price or exchange controls. Protectionist trade pol- icies and changes in the political and regulatory environment in the markets, could affect our business in national markets and could negatively impact our business, financial position and results of operations. Furthermore, they may expose us to penalties, other sanctions and reputational damage. Further- more, the imposition of import customs duties, increased regu- latory burdens, and non-refundable taxes on foreign value added may result in a need to reduce our transfer prices, if passing these costs along to customers is not feasible. The United States and China are important markets for Siemens Healthineers, and the trade conflict between the two countries burdens our business there. Beside the addition of punitive tariffs, it also brings the risk of threatening free market access. Other protectionist measures such as the imposition of localization requirements or local ownership and shareholder regulations may lead to a significant impact on our business volume and market share as well as a less competitive position for bids and consequently a reduction in our profits. To counter these risks, we continuously observe the global geopolitical developments and its indicators worldwide in order to identify critical cases. Based on that we want to adapt our processes and business model to possible changes due to protectionism, ensure compliance with all legal requirements and educate the organization about these changes. Violations of anti-corruption, antitrust, data privacy legislation or other violations of law Risks from pension obligations markets to anticipate potential problem areas with the objective of quickly adjusting our business activities and processes to changed conditions. Furthermore, we issue internal regulations and guidance, conduct continuous training and communication as well as synchronized implementation actions. In addition, internal and external audits of compliance with laws and regu- lations are performed. Combined management report Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Report on material risks and opportunities 26 As a globally operating and diversified medical technology company, we are exposed to various increasingly complex product and country-related regulations, laws and policies that influence our business activities and processes. A failure to comply with current regulations or changed and new regulatory requirements could result in governmental fines and other sanctions, the temporary or permanent shutdown of production facilities, third-party claims, import restrictions and negative publicity. This could lead to unforeseen expenses and adversely impact our financial position as well as our time to market for certain products or product life cycles. Further, our business may be affected by new laws and regulations, in particular by those that may govern innovative products and business activi- ties, including services and solutions, such as the use of Artificial Intelligence. For these new subject areas the regulatory requirements are often not yet defined or they may undergo future changes whose effects cannot yet be estimated. Regu- latory authorities including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and the National Medical Product Administration (NMPA) in China and regulations including the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and In-Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR) in Europe are especially relevant for the commercialization of our products and services. However, there are numerous other regulatory schemes in practically all jurisdictions worldwide to which we are subject. Risks could also arise from effects of regulations in the area of Environ- ment, Health, and Safety (EHS) especially from Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). We need to comply with and safeguard requirements that will ensure product safety. To counter the risks mentioned above, we monitor the political and regulatory landscape in all our key Legal and Regulatory Environment A.6.2.4 Compliance risks For further information related to the financial risks described above, especially derivative financial instruments and hedging activities, financial risk management, provisions for pensions and similar obligations and income taxes, please see → Note 25 Financial instruments and hedging activities, Note 26 Financial risk management, →Note 21 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations and Note 5 Income taxes in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Our treasury and financing activities could face negative devel- opments related to financial markets, such as limited availability of funds and hedging instruments, a change in assessment of our solvency, particularly from rating agencies, impacts arising from more restrictive regulation of the financial sector, central bank policy or financial instruments, termination of financing from Siemens AG or other Siemens Group entities or a deterio- ration in the financial situation of our main financial partner, Siemens AG. Widening credit spreads due to uncertainty and risk aversion in the financial markets might lead to adverse changes in the fair values of our financial assets and liabilities, particularly our derivative financial instruments. Liquidity and financing risk Siemens Healthineers has global operations in a number of countries and is thus subject to multiple national tax regimes. At most Siemens Healthineers entities, the tax authorities in the respective jurisdictions carry out regular tax audits. Tax risks can arise from legal interpretations by tax authorities that diverge from ours, and from changes in legal provisions as well as case law and their implementation, especially in cross-border transactions involving various jurisdictions. This can result in additional tax expenses and additional tax payments, double taxation and the imposition of penalties and interest payments, which could have a negative impact on the company's profit and cash flow. Tax-related risks are identified, regularly monitored and assessed by the tax department, and necessary measures are taken. Tax risks We are exposed to fluctuations in exchange rates, especially between the U.S. dollar (and other currencies whose move- ments are positively correlated with the U.S. dollar) and the euro. Depending on our hedging activities, devaluation of the U.S. dollar against the euro may result in material adverse effects on our profit. Other currencies of significance from the viewpoint of foreign currency effects include the Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, Korean won and British pound. A strengthening of the euro could change our competitive position. We are also exposed to risks resulting from fluctuations in interest rates. Our worldwide business operations and our investment and financing activities are affected particularly by changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates. Increasing financial market fluctuations may result in a significant earnings and cash flow volatility risk for us. In order to optimize the allocation of financial resources across our segments and entities, as well as to achieve our objectives, we identify, analyze and manage the associated financial market risks. We seek to manage and control these risks primarily through our regular operating and financing activities and use derivative financial instruments when deemed appropriate. Market price risks - Increasing governmental protectionism 21 - The actual development for Siemens Healthineers and the seg- ments may vary, positively or negatively, from our outlook due to the opportunities and risks described in the following chapter or if our expectations and assumptions do not materialize. The expected adjusted basic earnings per share was based on the expected income tax-rate for fiscal year 2021 and on the number of outstanding shares at the end of fiscal year 2020. The outlook is based on several assumptions including the ex- pectation that current and potential future measures to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control will not negatively impact the demand for our products and services. Furthermore, we expect that the environment for routine-care testing continues to improve and that investment activity in the U.S. will begin to pick up from January 2021. The outlook is also based on current exchange rate assumptions and excluding portfolio activities. It therefore also does not take into account the planned acquisi- tion of Varian. In addition, it is assumed that there will be no material change in the valuation of share-based compensation programs that are tied to shares of Siemens AG. The outlook also excludes charges related to legal and regulatory matters. We are exposed to exchange rate effects, particularly involving the U.S. dollar and the currencies of emerging markets such as the Chinese yuan. We expect volatility in global currency markets to continue in fiscal year 2021. Siemens Healthineers is still a net exporter from the euro zone into the rest of the world, which means that in terms of absolute values a weak euro is generally favorable for our business and a strong euro is in prin- ciple unfavorable. We use derivative financial instruments to hedge currency risks in our business. We expect this measure to help us limit effects on income related to exchange rate fluc- tuations in fiscal year 2021. A.5.3 Overall assessment of the expected development The Advanced Therapies segment is significantly positively in- fluenced by sustainable development of the business environ- ment in all addressed clinical areas. These market drivers will increase demands for the segment's products and solutions, supporting our growth expectations. In fiscal year 2021, we expect comparable revenue growth of at least 5% in the Advanced Therapies segment strongly above the prior-year level. We expect adjusted EBIT margin to come in at approxi- mately the prior-year level, and thus continue to develop well compared to the industry overall. The outlook for the Diagnostics segment is based on the assumptions that the environment for routine-care testing continues to improve, that we generate at least €100 million revenue with our new CLINITEST Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test and that new products will have a positive contribution to busi- ness development. In fiscal year 2021, we expect a mid- to high-single digit comparable revenue growth in the Diagnostics segment. It is expected that the adjusted EBIT margin will recover to more than 5%, clearly above the prior-year level. - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Report on expected developments 19 199 Development in the Imaging segment will primarily be based on recent and planned launches of new products and platforms along with sales of imaging products and services from our existing portfolio. In fiscal year 2021, we expect comparable revenue growth of at least 5% in the Imaging segment, clearly above the previous year, as well as an increase in adjusted EBIT margin of around 100 basis points compared to the prior year. As of fiscal year 2021, along with the comparable revenue growth we will apply adjusted EBIT margin (for the segments) and adjusted basic earnings per share (for Siemens Healthineers), for management purposes, according to their new definitions as described in A.2 Financial performance system. A.5.2 Business development The development of a COVID-19 vaccine and further COVID-19 implications such as future waves and potential pent-up demand for testing for routine care are determining factors for the ex- pected future of the Diagnostics market. SARS-CoV-2 tests are expected to drive a market growth surge in fiscal year 2021. For the Imaging equipment markets, it is expected that a recovery will be achieved in fiscal year 2021. For some countries, a soft recovery is expected during fiscal year 2021, without yet returning to previous growth levels. In EMEA, the government initiatives that bolstered market growth in fiscal year 2020 will run out at the end of calendar year 2020, leading to expected market declines. The Advanced Therapies market, being se- verely impacted by COVID-19 in fiscal year 2020, is expected to fully recover only after the end of fiscal year 2021, with first steps in this direction visible after the second quarter of fiscal year 2021. These market development expectations are based on Siemens Healthineers' market model that builds on external sources (amongst others from IQVIA Ltd., OMDIA and Signify Research), market information from MedTech industry associa- tions (amongst others COCIR, NEMA, JIRA and MedTech Europe) and Siemens Healthineers' management estimates. Beyond that and in line with our Siemens Healthineers Strat- egy 2025 described in A.1.1 Business description, we aim to address attractive adjacent markets and grow innovative new market segments. The announced acquisition of Varian would add another, strongly growing market segment for Siemens Healthineers, valued with a future market potential of around $20 billion (including equipment, service and software solu- tions for cancer care). In addition to our addressable product markets described above, the product-related service market offers sustainable growth potential. Given the stable growth of the installed base, this area develops increasingly positive. Due to Healthcare resource constraints, the growth recovery of emerging markets as a global growth driver is expected to lag slightly across all segments. ness area. We evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our ad- dressed markets on an ongoing basis. The positive effect on certain market segments within the MedTech landscape (e.g. equipment and supplies needed to fight COVID-19) and tech- nologies (e.g. telehealth) might continue in the next fiscal years. Estimations on when the overall market size and growth might return to pre-COVID-19 levels, however, vary across market segments and geographies. Healthcare capital restraints, poten- tial shifts in budget allocations and increased price sensitivity may have different effects on individual markets in each busi- The COVID-19 pandemic is currently still volatile and dynamic, especially as long as further waves, the duration of the crisis and respective government reactions and measures remain unclear. Given this unpredictability, the usual and historic development patterns of Siemens Healthineers' markets might not be appli- cable for forecasting purposes this year. Therefore, at this point in time it is challenging to reliably estimate the impact of COVID-19 on our addressed markets and therefore the expected developments of these markets. Nevertheless, we expect that the underlying trends described in →A.1.2 Business environment are and will remain intact. A.5.1 Expected market development A.5 Report on expected developments Report on expected developments Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - We expect a significant increase in revenue for fiscal year 2021, due to the planned acquisition of Varian. The closing is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions and is expected to be completed in the first half of calendar year 2021. Starting with fiscal year 2021 we expect a positive impact on our adjusted basic earnings per share due to the planned acquisition of Varian, based on a constant number of shares outstanding. The statements about the development including Varian are based on external available information, because the acquisition is currently not yet closed. 20 20 Combined management report Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 22 22 financial structures. Non-compliance with such closing condi- tions by either company could also result in litigation and addi- tional termination fees. Our assessments and assumptions regarding acquisition targets may not prove to be correct and actual developments may differ significantly from our expec- tations. This could mean that the expected synergies and cost savings may not be fully realized. Acquired companies may also have unexpected or previously unidentified liabilities or pending regulatory litigation. This could result in additional costs and negative effects on our business. There is no guarantee that any of the acquired companies can be integrated successfully and within the planned time frame. It is possible that the in- tended combination of companies, processes and employees will be more complex than expected. If we cannot successfully integrate newly acquired companies into our existing operations, for example in terms of regulatory compliance, information technology and finance, additional expenses, delays and diffi- culties could arise. The same applies for the integration of cor- porate cultures. If we do not succeed in integrating these, we risk losing employees in key roles. This could have a negative impact on our know-how and our ability to innovate as well as on our cooperation with customers. The acquisition could also lead to the loss of customers, suppliers, partners, licensors or contacts to other stakeholders. In addition, unforeseen acqui- sition, administrative, tax and other expenditures may incur in connection with these transactions, including costs related to integration of acquired businesses. Acquisitions can lead to substantial additions to intangible assets, including goodwill, on our balance sheet. Should an acquired company's business perform below our expectations on a lasting basis, these intan- gible assets, including goodwill, may have to be impaired which could adversely affect our net assets, financial position and results of operations. We counter these risks by carefully selecting the companies to be acquired and by conducting a thorough due diligence. We also create detailed integration plans, set up integration projects and strive to implement them in a way that countermeasures can be initiated in a timely manner. Moreover, we support the integration of corporate culture and change management by providing clarity about organizational structures to employees and developing and executing clear communication plans. In addition, we strive to achieve and maintain employee loyalty through adequate incentive and compensation programs as well as access to additional local benefits and the company infrastructure. ning and require significant adjustments to our operating and Our business strategy includes amongst others the acquisition of companies and business activities that expand or comple- ment our existing business. One example is the planned acqui- sition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc., which was announced in August 2020. Successful growth through acquisitions is depen- dent upon our ability to identify suitable acquisition targets, conduct appropriate due diligence, negotiate transactions at favorable terms and ultimately complete such transactions as well as integrate the acquired company successfully. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are generally associated with risks due to the difficulties that may arise when integrating people, operations, technologies and products. Planned acquisitions are subject to closing conditions, including applicable antitrust and other regulatory approvals as well as approvals within the scope of foreign investment control. The required approvals may be denied, which could adversely affect our strategic plan- Transactional Risks (M&A) A.6.2.1 Strategic risks Hereafter we describe risks that could have a material adverse effect on our business situation, net assets, financial position (including effects on assets, liabilities and cash flows), results of operations and reputation. The order in which the risks are presented in each of the four categories reflects the currently estimated exposure for Siemens Healthineers associated with these risks and thus provides an indication of the risks' current importance to us. Additional risks not known to us or that we currently consider immaterial may also negatively impact our business objectives and operations. Unless otherwise stated, the risks described below relate to all of our segments. A.6.2 Risks In order to allow for a meaningful discussion at the Company level, individual risks and opportunities of similar cause-and- effect nature are aggregated into risk and opportunity themes. This aggregation naturally results in a mixture of risks, including those with a primarily qualitative assessment and those with a primarily quantitative risk assessment. Accordingly, we do not adopt a purely quantitative assessment of risk themes. Responsibilities are assigned for all relevant risks and opportu- nities. The hierarchical level of responsibility depends on the significance of the risk or opportunity. In a first step, assuming responsibility involves choosing one of our general response strategies. The general response strategies with respect to risks are to avoid, transfer, reduce, retain or watch the relevant risk. The general response strategy for opportunities is to pursue the opportunity concerned. In a second step, responsibilities involve developing, initiating and monitoring appropriate response measures according to the chosen response strategy, within an appropriate time frame. To allow for effective risk management, these response measures must be specifically tai- lored to relevant circumstances. Accordingly, we have developed a variety of response measures with different characteristics. Report on material risks and opportunities - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Report on material risks and opportunities 21 Our ERM process aims for early identification and evaluation of, and response to, risks and opportunities that could materially affect the achievement of our strategic, operational, financial and compliance objectives. The time horizon covered by ERM is typically three years. Our ERM is based on a net approach, addressing risks and opportunities that remain after the existing control measures have been taken. If risks have already been considered in plans, budgets, forecasts or the financial state- ments (for example as a provision or risk contingency), they are supposed to be incorporated, along with their financial impact, in the entity's business objectives. As a consequence, only additional risks arising from the same subject (for example deviations from business objectives, different impact perspec- tives) should be considered for the ERM. In order to provide a comprehensive view of our business activities, risks and oppor- tunities are identified in a structured procedure. This combines elements of both top-down and bottom-up approaches. While reporting generally follows a quarterly cycle, this regular reporting process is complemented by an ad hoc reporting process that aims to escalate critical issues in a timely manner. Relevant risks and opportunities are prioritized in terms of impact and likelihood, considering different perspectives, in- cluding business objectives, reputation and regulatory matters. The bottom-up identification and prioritization process is supplemented by workshops with the respective managements of the Siemens Healthineers businesses and regional levels. This top-down element ensures that potential new risks and opportunities are discussed at the management level and are included in the subsequent reporting process, if found to be relevant. Reported risks and opportunities are analyzed for their potential cumulative effects and are aggregated within and for each of the organizational levels mentioned above. Risk management at Siemens Healthineers builds on a compre- hensive, interactive and management-oriented Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. This approach is integrated into the organization and addresses both risks and opportunities. It is based on the globally accepted COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) framework "Enter- prise Risk Management – Integrating with Strategy and Perfor- mance" (2017) as well as the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 31000 (2018), and is adapted to Siemens Healthineers requirements. We make use of a coordinated set of risk management and con- trol systems. These support us in the early recognition of devel- opments that could jeopardize the continuity of our business. The most important of these systems include our company- wide procedures for strategic planning and management reporting. Strategic planning is intended to support us in assessing potential risks well in advance of major business decisions. Management reporting is intended to enable us to monitor such risks more closely as our business progresses. Our internal audit function reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of our risk management system at the request of the Audit Committee. Accordingly, if deficits are detected, it is possible to adopt appropriate measures to eliminate them. We intend to ensure that the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are fully informed about significant risks in a timely manner. (Enterprise Risk Management Process) Company-wide risk management process and organization Our risk management supports our pursuit of sustainable growth and thereby increased company value. Hence it is essential to manage risks and opportunities appropriately. Our risk management is therefore an integral part of the planning and implementation of our business strategies. The risk man- agement policy is set by the Managing Board. In accordance with our organizational and accountability structure each of the respective managements of businesses, regions and functions is obliged to implement a comprehensive risk management system. This is tailored to their specific area and its responsibilities, while at the same time being consistent with the overall policy. Basic principles of risk management A.6.1 Risk management A.6 Report on material risks and opportunities Combined management report - Report on material risks and opportunities Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report For fiscal year 2021, we expect comparable revenue growth to be in the range of 5% to 8% compared to fiscal year 2020. We expect adjusted basic earnings per share to be between € 1.58 and € 1.72. 28 Assessment of the overall opportunities situation The order in which they are presented reflects the currently estimated exposure for Siemens Healthineers associated with these opportunities. The described opportunities are not neces- sarily the only ones we encounter. In addition, our assessment of opportunities is subject to change, as Siemens Healthineers, our markets and technologies are constantly developing. It is also possible that opportunities we foresee today will never materialize. Other provisions 4,774 Total liabilities and equity Non-current assets 20,837 17,747 The increase in financial assets of €3,024 million pertained essentially to the shares of Siemens Healthineers Beteiligun- gen GmbH & Co. KG. Siemens Healthineers AG promised an allocation to equity in the amount of €3,000 million to Siemens Healthineers Beteili- gungen GmbH & Co. KG, which the subsidiary requested. The promise may be met in the form of a cash payment, a contribu- tion in kind or a combined cash and non-cash contribution. In addition, Siemens Healthineers AG acquired Siemens Healthineers Holding I GmbH and promised an additional capital payment in the amount of €24 million to fulfill its obligations un- der the existing letter of support, which the subsidiary requested. Due to the letter of support Siemens Healthineers AG has to pro- vide equity to Siemens Healthineers Holding I GmbH with high probability for carrying out the acquisition of Varian, i.e. for fi- nancing the purchase price in the amount of US$ 16.4 billion (€ 14.0 billion as of September 30, 2020) and for the repayment of all amounts outstanding under an existing credit agreement of Varian, which has a maximum volume of US$ 1.2 billion (€ 1.0 billion as of September 30, 2020). In the unlikely case that the acquisition fails Siemens Healthineers AG will have to pro- vide equity to Siemens Healthineers Holding I GmbH for the pay- ment of termination fees up to US$ 925 million (€790 million as of September 30, 2020) if applicable. Moreover, an additional - Current assets The increase of €59 million in receivables and other assets resulted primarily from the profit transfer receivable from Siemens Healthcare GmbH, which rose by €44 million to €1,459 million compared with the prior year. Moreover, receiv- ables from the tax authorities from a value-added tax group decreased by €21 million to €75 million. Prepaid expenses The € 12 million increase in prepaid expenses relates primarily to the deferral of one-time fees of €24 million paid for the bridge facility. The scheduled reversal of discounts from the loan liabilities assumed in the prior year had the opposite effect. Shareholders' equity The €3,057 million increase in equity is the result of contrary developments. As a result of the capital increase in Septem- ber 2020, issued capital rose by €75 million and the capital reserve by €2,655 million. The dividend distributed for fiscal year 2019 decreased the unappropriated net income by €798 million. This negative effect was more than made up for by net income, resulting in an increase in unappropriated net income of €337 million overall. The capital reserve under Sec- tion 272 (2) number 4 of the German Commercial Code that remained from the prior year was used again in fiscal year 2020 to acquire treasury shares, of which 898,249 were held as of September 30, 2020 (September 30, 2019: 651,158). For infor- mation about the acquisition of treasury shares pursuant to Section 160 (1) number 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act ("Aktiengesetz"), please see Note 11 Equity in the notes to the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG for the year ended September 30, 2020. As of September 30, 2020, before allowing for amounts subject to dividend payout restric- tions, €338 million of the capital reserve (September 30, 2019: €350 million) could be distributed. The equity ratio rose from 72% to 76%, which was essentially a result of the capital in- crease. The simultaneous slight increase in liabilities and pro- visions had the opposite effect on the equity ratio. 4,752 Liabilities to affiliated companies and other liabilities Liabilities 19 143 1,524 Prepaid expenses 45 33 Active difference resulting from offsetting 0 Total assets - 20,837 Shareholders' Equity 15,868 12,811 Provisions Pensions and similar commitments 22 195 17,747 31 Liabilities Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Siemens Healthineers AG A.7.5 Report on relationships with affiliated companies The Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG has submit- ted to the Supervisory Board the report required by Section 312 of the German Stock Corporation Act for fiscal year 2020 and issued the following concluding declaration: "We declare that, in the legal transactions and other measures in fiscal year 2020 outlined in the report on relationships with affiliated companies, based on the circumstances which we were aware of at the point in time when the legal transactions were entered into, or the measures were taken or refrained from, the company received adequate consideration in each legal transaction and did not suffer any disadvantage by taking or refraining from taking the measures." 32 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report - A.8 Compensation report The corporate governance statement pursuant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code ("Handelsgesetz- buch") is an integral part of the combined management report and is presented in C.4.2 Corporate Governance statement pur- suant to Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code. This report is based on the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) in the version dated Febru- ary 7, 2017 and on the requirements of the German Commercial Code ("Handelsgesetzbuch"), the German Accounting Stan- dards ("Deutsche Rechnungslegungsstandards") and Interna- tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). A.8.1 Compensation of Managing Board members A.8.1.1 Compensation system Principles and objectives The Supervisory Board decides on the compensation system on the basis of proposals made by the Chairman's Committee. The Supervisory Board regularly evaluates the appropriateness of the compensation system and determines the total compen- sation paid to members of the Managing Board, taking into account the statutory requirements and the recommenda- tions of the GCGC. If necessary, it revises the compensation system. The current compensation system for members of the Siemens Healthineers AG's Managing Board has been in place since March 2018. The following principles in particular guide the Supervisory Board in designing the compensation system and determining the amount and structure of compensation: The Company's economic situation, performance and outlook: In deciding on the design and implementation of the compensa- tion system, the Supervisory Board takes account of the Com- pany's size and its current and future economic position. Sustainable growth of the Company: The compensation system is intended to provide an incentive for successful corporate management and sustainable growth of the Company. The per- formance-based components allow for both positive and negative future developments. Managing Board members are expected to make a long-term commitment to the Company and are dis- couraged from taking unreasonable risks. A substantial portion of their total compensation is linked to the long-term perfor- mance of Siemens Healthineers AG's share price. The report details the compensation of the members of the Man- aging Board and Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG for fiscal year 2020 in the period from October 1, 2019, to Sep- tember 30, 2020. It also provides information on the revised compensation system for Managing Board members that will apply as of October 1, 2020. 1,583 0 A.7.4 Corporate Governance statement The availability of cash to Siemens Healthineers AG is essen- tially ensured by cash pooling. The proceeds from the capital increase were invested by the cash pool leader separately from the multicurrency revolving credit facility held with Siemens AG in order to ensure the availability of the proceeds for the Varian acquisition. Liabilities to affiliated companies and other liabilities almost exclusively included liabilities to affiliated companies. Liabilities from cash pooling decreased by €2,027 million to € 195 million, because the cash generated by financing activities and operat- ing activities more than compensated for the cash used for in- vesting activities. Cash pooling liabilities carried an average interest rate of 0.31 % in fiscal year 2020. Liabilities to affiliated companies from promised and requested allocations to equity rose by €2,024 million. The other liabilities to affiliated compa- nies, which largely result from a value-added tax group with several subsidiaries, fell by €19 million to €80 million. The loans resulting from the US$ 1.6 billion debt assumption in the prior year remained unchanged. The nominal amounts of the loans denominated in U.S. dollars and all associated interest payments continue to be hedged with forward exchange con- tracts. Concerning the currency hedging of the loans, please also see Note 21 - Derivative financial instruments and hedg- ing activities in the notes to the annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG for the year ended Septem- ber 30, 2020. The contractual interest rates for the fixed- rate loans were 1.9% for the US$ 0.9 billion loan due in 2021 and 2.2% for the US$ 0.7 billion loan due in 2023 respec- tively. Other than the loan maturing in fiscal year 2023, the liabilities had a remaining term of less than one year. For further information about the bridge facility and the loans denominated in U.S. dollars, see A.3.3.1 Net assets and capital structure. A.7.3 Cash flows and liquidity (in millions of €) Cash flows from: Operating activities Investing activities Concerning special credit terms that may result in early maturity of the assumed loans, please see A.9 Takeover-relevant infor- mation and explanatory report. Financing activities 2019 1,188 -1,000 1,834 223 613 -731 The income from investments, including the profit transfer received from Siemens Healthcare GmbH, is presented under operating activities in the table above, because that categori- zation better reflects the activity of Siemens Healthineers AG as a management holding company than would a presentation under investing activities. Cash generated from operating activities largely resulted from the payment of the profit transfer from Siemens Healthcare GmbH for the prior year. The payments of income taxes had a contrary effect. The significant cash outflow from investing activities in fiscal year 2020 resulted from the settlement of the capital payment to Siemens Healthineers Beteiligun- gen GmbH & Co. KG which was decided and requested in the prior year. A capital return was made by this subsidiary in the prior year. The cash generated by financing activities consisted of net inflows from the capital increase in the amount of - €2,709 million less the dividend payment, which was higher than in the prior year by €99 million, a significant increase in interest paid and the repurchase of treasury shares. The inter- est paid included the one-time fees for the bridge facility in the amount of €28 million. Fiscal year 2020 Cash and cash equivalents Receivables and other assets Current assets A dividend payout in the amount of around €859 million is in- tended for fiscal year 2020. This equals a dividend per share of €0.80. The shares from the capital increase implemented in September are entitled to a dividend as of October 1, 2019. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers AG had 52 employees. A.7.1 Results of operations (in millions of €) Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Fiscal year Fiscal year 2020 was particularly notable for the announce- ment of the takeover of Varian and for the COVID-19 pandemic. For details on the announced Varian takeover, see A.3.4 Overall assessment of the economic position and A.5.3 Overall assess- ment of the expected development. In this connection, Siemens Healthineers AG concluded a bridge facility with the Siemens Group and implemented a capital increase. For details please see A.3.3.1 Net assets and capital structure. These transactions led to expenses for fees and services from banks and affiliated companies and for advisory services. Siemens Healthineers Holding I GmbH was acquired in order to carry out the acquisi- tion of Varian. Siemens Healthineers AG guarantees the finan- cial resources of Siemens Healthineers Holding I GmbH through an unrestricted letter of support. The COVID-19 pandemic essen- tially had an indirect impact on Siemens Healthineers AG by af- fecting the business activities of its direct and indirect subsid- iaries. Please refer to A.3.2 Results of operations. 2020 16 14 -15 -13 1 1 General administrative expenses Other operating income/expenses, net 2019 -27 Siemens Healthineers AG is the parent company of Siemens Healthineers, acts as a management holding company and pro- vides central administration services. Its results are significantly influenced by directly or indirectly owned subsidiaries. As a re- sult, the business development of Siemens Healthineers AG is generally subject to the same risks and opportunities as the Group. Due to the interrelations between Siemens Healthineers AG and its subsidiaries, the outlook of the Company also reflects our expectations for Siemens Healthineers AG. The foregoing explanations for Siemens Healthineers therefore also apply to Siemens Healthineers AG, with an additional risk of the impair- ment of investments in subsidiaries. The impairment test for investments in subsidiaries is based on a discounted cash flow model. The results of the test are influenced by the develop- ment and success of the subsidiaries and their investments. Consequently, adverse effects on subsidiaries or indirect invest- ments may lead to an impairment of the investment in subsid- iaries in Siemens Healthineers AG's annual financial statements. Impairments would reduce the net income that can be distrib- uted to owners. As investments in subsidiaries represent nearly 100% of total assets, this risk is of great importance for Siemens Healthineers AG. Income from investments signifi- cantly influences the net income of Siemens Healthineers AG. A.7 Siemens Healthineers AG Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Report on material risks and opportunities A.6.4 Significant characteristics of the accounting-related internal control and risk management system The overarching objective of our accounting-related internal control and risk management system is to ensure that financial reporting is conducted in a proper manner, such that the con- solidated financial statements and the combined management report of Siemens Healthineers are prepared in accordance with all relevant regulations. - Our ERM approach is based on the COSO framework "Enterprise Risk Management Integrating with Strategy and Perfor- mance" (2017) and ISO Standard 31000 (2018), and is adapted to Siemens Healthineers' requirements. These frameworks connect the ERM process with the financial reporting process and the internal control system. They consider a company's strategy, the efficiency and effectiveness of its business oper- ations, the reliability of its financial reporting and compliance with relevant laws and regulations to be equally important. Our accounting-related internal control system (control system) is based on the internationally recognized "Internal Control - Integrated Framework" (2013) also developed by COSO. The two systems are complementary. The annual financial statements of Siemens Healthineers AG were prepared in accordance with the rules set out in the Ger- man Commercial Code. At the end of each fiscal year, our management performs an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operating effectiveness of the implemented control system. We have a standardized procedure under which necessary controls are defined, documented in accordance with uniform standards, and tested regularly for their effectiveness. Nevertheless, there are inherent limitations on the effectiveness of any control system, and no system, including one determined to be effec- tive, can prevent or detect all misstatements. The base data used in preparing our financial statements con- sists of the closing data reported by Siemens Healthineers AG and its subsidiaries. Accounting activities, such as activities related to governance and monitoring, are usually bundled on a regional level. In particular cases, such as valuations relating to post-employment benefits, we engage external experts, for example actuaries. The reported closing data is used to prepare the financial statements in the consolidation system. The steps necessary to prepare the financial statements are subject to both manual and automated controls. Qualification of employees involved in the accounting process is ensured through appropriate selection processes and regular training. As a fundamental principle, based on materiality con- siderations, the four eyes principle applies and specific proce- dures must be adhered to for data authorization. Additional control mechanisms include target-performance comparisons and analyses of the composition of and changes in individual line items, both in the closing data submitted by reporting units and in the consolidated financial statements. In line with our information security requirements, accounting-related IT systems include defined access rules protecting them from un- authorized access. An internal certification process is executed on a quarterly basis. Management at different levels of our organization confirms the accuracy of the financial data that has been reported to Siemens Healthineers headquarters and reports on the effectiveness of the related control systems. Our internal audit function addresses our financial reporting integrity, the effectiveness of the control system and the risk management system, and adherence to our compliance policies. In addition, the Audit Committee is integrated into our control system. In particular, it oversees the accounting, the accounting process and the effectiveness of the internal control system, the risk management system and the internal audit system. Furthermore, we have set up a disclosure committee which is responsible for reviewing certain financial and nonfinancial information prior to publication. 29 29 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Siemens Healthineers AG - Our consolidated financial statements are prepared on the basis of a centrally provided conceptual framework which primarily consists of uniform financial reporting guidelines and a chart of accounts. They are issued centrally by the Siemens Group and complemented by additional Siemens Healthineers guide- lines for business-specific financial reporting topics. Siemens Healthineers AG and other entities within Siemens Healthineers are required to prepare financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code; the conceptual framework is complemented by mandatory regulations specific to the German Commercial Code. The need for adjustments in the conceptual framework due to regulatory changes is analyzed on an ongoing basis. Accounting departments are informed regularly about current topics and deadlines from an accounting and closing process perspective. Strategic company targets: The compensation system mirrors the long-term strategic objectives of Siemens Healthineers. -23 6 Net financial income/expenses in the amount of € 1,516 mil- lion stemmed mainly from income from investments, which resulted both from the profit transfer agreement with Siemens Healthcare GmbH and, for the first time, from a profit transfer from Siemens Healthineers Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG amounting to €76 million. The profit transfer from Siemens Healthcare GmbH increased by €44 million, to €1,459 million. Income taxes included only current income taxes from corpora- tion tax and trade tax because the excess of deferred tax assets was not recognized due to the exercise of the option under Sec- tion 274 (1) sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code. In ad- dition to the income tax group formed with Siemens Healthcare GmbH, in fiscal year 2020 Siemens Healthineers AG for the first time also formed an income tax group with two further subsid- iaries. The decline in income tax compared with the prior year was essentially due to the fact that Siemens Healthineers AG and Siemens Healthcare GmbH recorded substantially higher tax-free income from investments and that Siemens Healthcare GmbH recorded a €28 million increase in creditable withholding tax. 30 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Siemens Healthineers AG A.7.2 Net assets and financial position (in millions of €) Non-current assets The decline in other operating income/expenses was primarily a result of fees from banks in connection with the implemen- tation of the capital increase. Property, plant and equipment Sept 30, 2020 2019 0 0 19,209 16,185 4 Financial assets -27 Revenue and cost of sales resulted only from providing manage- ment services for affiliates. Profit carried forward Financial income/expenses, net Therein: income from investments Income from business activity Income taxes 1,516 1,405 1,535 1,415 1,463 1,389 Unappropriated net income -327 1,135 1,034 259 24 1,394 1,057 Net income -356 Compensation linked to duties and performance: Compensation depends on the duties, responsibilities and performance of each Managing Board member. The amount of performance- based compensation is dependent on the achievement of de- manding targets agreed upon in advance. Performance-based compensation accounts for a significant portion of the total compensation. capital payment for the compensation of a deficit not covered by equity may have to be provided. 33 restriction period, this yields a target achievement bandwidth from a minimum of 0% to a maximum of 200% (cap). The actual amount, defined as the final number of Siemens Healthineers AG shares to be transferred multiplied by the Siemens Healthineers AG share price at the end of the restriction period, may not exceed 300% of the originally granted target amount (absolute payout limit). If the actual amount is higher, the corresponding number of stock awards will be forfeited without replacement. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Supervisory Board decides on the target system and the relevant competitors. Adjustments can be made in the event of significant changes in the relevant competitors and/or extraordinary unforeseen developments impacting the share price. The following twelve competitors were determined to calculate target achievement for the awards granted in fiscal year 2020: 36 Competitors 25% Europe-based • Kon. Philips Electronics N. V. • Qiagen N. V. The target achievement for the stock awards depends on the total shareholder return (TSR) for the Siemens Healthineers AG share relative to competitors during the restriction period. In order to calculate target achievement, in the first twelve months of the restriction period a reference price (average price) is determined for the total shareholder return of the Siemens Healthineers AG share and relevant competitors, which is then compared with the so-called performance price for each share over the three-year performance period. After the end of the approximately four-year Smith & Nephew - 75% U.S.-based • Abbott Laboratories • Becton, Dickinson and Company • Boston Scientific Corp. • Danaher Corp. • Hologic Inc. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report • Medtronic plc After an approximately four-year restriction period, beneficiaries receive one free Siemens Healthineers AG share per stock award, subject to target achievement. The number of stock awards granted is calculated by dividing the target amount by the closing price of the Siemens Healthineers AG share in Xetra trading on the grant date (less the discounted estimated dividends during the restriction period). Stock awards are granted based on a tar- get achievement of 200%. If actual target achievement at the end of the restriction period is below 200%, the corresponding number of stock awards is forfeited without replacement. 3 Total shareholder return (TSR) = 40% long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) 1 Closing price of the Target amount in € Siemens Healthineers AG share in Xetra trading at grant date² in € X Target achievement depends on TSR³ (0-200%) Siemens Healthineers AG's TSR compared to competitors' TSR in quartiles (100% target achievement median performance) (Performance price - Reference price) + dividends Reference price Final number of Share price at end of restriction period = Actual amount in € (cap: 300%) Grant (number) Assessment of target achievement 1 For Dr. Christoph Zindel, the weighting of the long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) in fiscal year 2020 was 36%. ² Less discounted estimated dividends during the restriction period. Consideration of cap Siemens Healthineers' stock awards to be converted into Siemens Healthineers AG shares Calculation of long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) • Stryker Corp. •Varian Medical Systems Inc. - Pension benefit commitments The Managing Board members participate in the Siemens Healthineers Beitragsorientierte Siemens Altersversorgung (Siemens Healthineers BSAV). Under this plan, Managing Board members receive contributions that are credited to their pen- sion accounts. Each year, the Supervisory Board determines whether a contribution will be paid and decides the amount as a percentage of the sum of the base compensation plus the target amount for the bonus (currently 28%). It may also decide on special contributions and special provisions for individual members. In making its decisions, the Supervisory Board takes into account the intended level of benefits for each Managing Board member, the length of time he/she has been a member and the annual and long-term expense resulting from provid- ing for those benefits. Managing Board members are eligible to receive benefits at the age of 62, but not before they have retired. As a rule, the accrued pension benefit balance is paid out in twelve annual installments. The Managing Board mem- ber or his/her surviving dependents may choose a different payment option, subject to Siemens Healthineers AG's consent. Pension benefit commitments or entitlements expire if a recipient jeopardizes or harms important interests of the Siemens Group or acts in a way that would entitle Siemens Healthineers AG to terminate his/her contract for cause. Other rules of the compensation system Commitments in connection with the termination of Managing Board membership The following provisions apply if a Managing Board member- ship is terminated prematurely: • Termination by mutual agreement without serious cause: The Managing Board contracts provide for a severance payment in this case. The severance payment is limited to the remain- ing term of the board member's contract, and cannot exceed two years' compensation in any case. It is payable in the month the member leaves the Managing Board. The amount of the severance payment is calculated based on the fixed base compensation together with the bonus and stock awards actually granted in the last fiscal year before termina- tion. If the remaining term of the member's appointment is more than six months, the severance payment is reduced by 10% as a lump sum allowance for discounted values and for income earned elsewhere. This reduction applies only to the portion of the severance payment calculated excluding the first six months of the remaining contract term. An additional flat rate of 5% of the severance payment is paid to cover non- cash benefits. A one-time special contribution is also made to the Siemens Healthineers BSAV. The amount is based on the contribution made in the previous year and on the re- maining term of the Managing Board member's appoint- ment, with a cap of two years' of contributions. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report • Premature termination at the Managing Board member's request, or termination by Siemens Healthineers AG for serious cause: None of the above payments are made. The following further provisions apply to stock awards: • Stock awards for which the restriction period is still in effect expire without replacement if the employment contract is not extended after the appointment period at the Managing Board member's request, or if a serious cause is present that would have entitled Siemens Healthineers AG to revoke the appointment or terminate the contract. • However, stock awards are not forfeited if the contract is ter- minated by mutual agreement at Siemens Healthineers AG's request, or because of retirement, disability or a change of role within Siemens Healthineers. • On termination of the employment agreement because of a structural measure (e.g., merger, carve-out), the Managing Board member is entitled to a cash settlement. • If a beneficiary dies, his/her heir is entitled to a cash settlement. Secondary activities of Managing Board members Managing Board members may take on secondary activities, especially supervisory board memberships outside Siemens Healthineers, only with the approval of the Chairman's Com- mittee of the Supervisory Board. It is up to the Supervisory Board to decide on any adjustments of compensation to take account of possible compensation from secondary activities. 38 • Serious breach of fundamental contractual duties by a Manag- ing Board member: None of the above payments are made. Siemens Healthineers AG reserves the right to claim damages. • Change of control: If a change of control (controlling influ- ence of a shareholder outside the Siemens Group as a result of a majority voting interest, intercompany agreement or merger) takes place and leads to a material change in a Man- aging Board member's position, that member has a right of termination. This right is excluded if the change of control occurs during the twelve months before the member's retire- ment. If the Managing Board member exercises this right, he or she is entitled to a severance payment for the remaining term of his or her appointment, capped at two years' com- pensation. The calculation is based on the fixed base com- pensation, the target amount for the variable compensation (bonus) and for the stock awards (each for the last fiscal year completed prior to the termination). The entitlement does not apply if the Managing Board member receives benefits from third parties on the occasion of or in connection with the change of control. The reduction of 10% and the increase of 5% of the severance payment apply accordingly to the above outlined section "Termination by mutual agreement without serious cause". • Thermo Fisher Scientific Ordinary Managing Board member 0 The Supervisory Board may revoke all or some of a Managing Board member's stock awards without replacement in the event of compliance violations by that member, depending on the seriousness of the violation. With regard to the further terms of the Stock Awards, the same general principles apply for the Managing Board and senior executives; these principles are discussed in more detail in → Note 27 Share-based payment of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Maximum amount of total compensation In addition to the caps on performance-based compensation, the maximum amount of total compensation is 1.7 times the target compensation (i.e. the fixed base compensation, the target amounts for variable compensation (bonus) and long- term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) but excluding fringe benefits and pension benefit commitments). If the fringe benefits and pension benefit com- mitments are included, the maximum amount of total compen- sation increases accordingly. Share ownership guidelines The Share Ownership Guidelines form an integral part of the compensation system for the Managing Board. The Managing Board members' contracts require that during their term of of- fice, they must continuously hold Siemens Healthineers AG shares worth a percentage of their average annual base com- pensation paid over the last four years. The figures set are 250% for the Chief Executive Officer and 200% for the other Manag- ing Board members. Each Managing Board member must pro- vide evidence of having met this requirement after a buildup period of up to four years (but not before March 2022) and then annually. The Managing Board member must acquire additional shares if the value of his/her shares falls below the required minimum level due to a decline in the Siemens Healthineers AG share price. Customary level of compensation: The Supervisory Board is particularly concerned with ensuring that the compensation system is in line with market practice and at the same time responds to the contending needs of international competition in the healthcare market, German market practice and the Siemens Group as a strong anchor shareholder. The Super- visory Board considers the customary level of Managing Board compensation at peer companies. For this purpose, the Super- visory Board also obtains recommendations from an indepen- dent external compensation expert. Compensation is intended to be attractive in comparison to competitors and thus offer qualified executives an incentive to join and remain with the Company for the long term. The Supervisory Board also consid- ers the compensation structure prevailing in other areas of the Company. It takes due account of the relationship between the Managing Board's compensation and that of senior manage- ment and of the rest of the workforce, including the way it de- velops over time, and also determines how senior management and the relevant staff are to be differentiated. Chief Executive Officer referred to annual base compensation 3 annual base compensation 2 x annual base compensation 2 37 1 2.5 x On an individual basis, the Supervisory Board may increase this amount by up to 75% per fiscal year. This allows the Supervi- sory Board to account for each Managing Board member's in- dividual performance and experience, the scope and demands of his or her position, and the Company's goal of a long-term and sustainable development of the Company while also assur- ing the international competitiveness of the compensation sys- tem. In fiscal year 2020, the Supervisory Board did not exercise this option. Share ownership target • €1,235,000 for the Chief Executive Officer Dr. Bernhard Montag and Long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) Target Parameters: Total shareholder return Performance against 12 competitors and overall share price performance Restriction period: Four years Variability of target achievement: 0-200% Maximum amount: 300% Share ownership guidelines Requirement to hold Siemens Healthineers AG shares worth a multiple of base compensation throughout the term of office. Pension benefit commitments 40% The amount of the annual contributions is based on a percentage based on the sum of each Managing Board member's base compensation and the target amount for the variable compen- sation (bonus). For example, provision of a company car, contribution to insurance costs, housing costs and moving expenses. The maximum amount for total compensation is 1.7 times the target compensation (plus fringe benefits and pension benefit commitments). For Dr. Christoph Zindel, the weighting for fiscal year 2020 was slightly different: 39% fixed base compensation, 25% variable compensation (bonus) and 36% long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards). The ratio of non-performance-based to performance-based compensation was 39% to 61%. Non-performance-based components Fixed base compensation The fixed base compensation is paid as a monthly salary in cash. In fiscal year 2020, the annual base compensation amounted to: • €1,050,000 for the Chief Executive Officer Dr. Bernhard Montag and • € 735,000 and € 600,000 for the Managing Board members Dr. Jochen Schmitz and Dr. Christoph Zindel, respectively. Fringe benefits Fringe benefits 0-200%, ±20% adjustment (if applicable) Maximum amount: 240% ⚫1/3 Comparable revenue growth 1/3 Individual targets • €870,000 and €550,000 for Managing Board members Dr. Jochen Schmitz and Dr. Christoph Zindel, respectively. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report - In fiscal year 2020, the compensation system comprised the following components: Compensation 35% Variability of target achievement: Fixed base compensation Non-performance- based components 65% Performance-based components 25% Variable compensation (bonus) Target Parameters: 35% Fringe benefits include the costs, or the cash equivalent, of non-cash benefits and other perquisites, such as the provision of a company car, contributions to insurance costs, housing costs and moving expenses, including taxes incurred on these, and costs related to preventive medical examinations. • 1/3 adjusted basic earnings per share (excluding currency effects and major portfolio effects) Performance-based components consist of the variable compen- sation (bonus) and the long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards). X Weighted target achievement (in %) = (0-200% of target amount) Target achievement X Adjustment (0.8-1.2) Target amount Total target achievement amount) 35 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report - Long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) Performance-based components At the beginning of each fiscal year, forfeitable stock awards (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) are granted as long-term share-based compensation. For fiscal year 2020, based on a target achievement of 100%, the annual target amount for the cash value of the stock awards was (0-240% of target Target achievement In case of an adjustment the following additional calculation takes place: (excluding currency effects and major portfolio effects) 1/3 Comparable revenue growth Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report 1/3 Individual targets - Variable compensation (bonus) The bonus depends on the Company's business performance in the past fiscal year and on the achievement of individual targets. The bonus is paid entirely in cash and consists of the following components, each accounting for a third of the bonus: • achievement of the target parameter adjusted basic earnings per share (excluding currency effects and major portfolio effects) in the past fiscal year, • achievement of the target parameter comparable revenue growth in percent compared with the previous fiscal year, • achievement of individual targets. For fiscal year 2020, the Supervisory Board defined the follow- ing annual target amounts for the bonus based on target achievement of 100%: 34 • €548,000 and €380,000 for the Managing Board members Dr. Jochen Schmitz and Dr. Christoph Zindel, respectively. Calculation of variable compensation (bonus) The bonus is not paid if target achievement is 0%, and is capped at 200% of the respective target amount. For some or all of the Managing Board members, the Supervi- sory Board may increase or decrease the amount of the bonus paid by up to 20%. The related calculations take account of growth and the market in the previous year, the results of a customer satisfaction survey and the results of an employee survey if one is conducted, as well as the Board member's indi- vidual contribution. The maximum adjusted bonus amount is 240% of the target amount. In fiscal year 2020, the Supervisory Board did not exercise this adjustment option. Under a malus clause, the Supervisory Board can reduce the pay- out amount (to as much as zero) in the event of a severe breach of duty, a severe compliance violation or seriously unethical behavior on the part of a Managing Board member. 25% variable compensation (bonus) • €775,000 for the Chief Executive Officer Dr. Bernhard Montag and 1/3 adjusted basic earnings per share 2019 2020 2020 (Min) 2020 (Max) 2020 2020 2020 Dr. Christoph Zindel Managing Board Member 2020 2020 "If the plan conditions are met, Managing Board members are, based on a 100% target achievement, entitled to 4,558 Siemens AG shares (prior year: 2,264) from participation in Siemens share programs, which are transferred after expiry of the respective holding or vesting period. For Siemens share programs expenses of €247,195 (prior year: €44,580) were recognized according to IFRS in fiscal year 2020. Due to the spin-off of Siemens Energy from Siemens Group, the Managing Board members will receive an additional cash payment as compensation for the expected dilution when their Siemens share programs vest. Herefore, an expense in accordance with IFRS of €47,653 was recognized in fiscal year 2020. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Compensation report Chief Executive Officer Dr. Bernhard Montag 40 40 3 In fiscal year 2020, the expenses recognized for share-based compensation for Managing Board members in accordance with IFRS amounted to €1,912,770 (prior year: €1,986,309). The following amounts pertained to the Managing Board members in fiscal year 2020: Dr. Bernhard Montag €1,027,711 (prior year: €591,285), Dr. Jochen Schmitz €733,356 (prior year: €437,071) and Dr. Christoph Zindel €151,703 (prior year: €0). 2 The figures for individual maximums for multi-year variable compensation reflect the possible maximum value in accordance with the maximum amount agreed on for fiscal year 2020 and 2019, i.e. 300% of the applicable target amount. Total compensation (Min) 1 Fringe benefits include the cost, or the cash equivalent, of non-cash benefits and perquisites, such as provision of a company car, contributions to insurance costs, housing costs and moving expenses, including taxes incurred on these, and costs related to preventive medical examinations. Dr. Jochen Schmitz Chief Financial Officer (Max) 58 2020 31 One year variable compensation (bonus) - payout amount 31 31 65 58 58 600 600 600 735 735 735 735 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 2019 (Max) (Min) 2019 without long-term incentive effect, non-share-based The Supervisory Board set the target parameters adjusted basic earnings per share (excluding currency effects and major port- folio effects) and comparable revenue growth for all Managing Board members. In order to take comprehensive account of each Managing Board member's individual performance, it also set individual targets, each consisting of three focus topics. The figures set for 100% target achievement are shown below, to- gether with the figures actually achieved: Total compensation of all Managing Board members for fiscal year 2020, in accordance with the applicable reporting standards, amounted to €6.23 million (prior year: €7.97 million). The payout amount presented below is to be used instead of the target value according to the DCGK for one-year variable compensation. Service costs for pension benefits are not included. €1.80 4.98% Actual figure for fiscal year 2020 Target value for 100% 1 The adjustment due to currency effects amounted to €-0.01 in fiscal year 2020. Individual targets Comparable revenue growth (excluding currency effects and major portfolio effects) 1 Adjusted basic earnings per share (each weighting 1/3) Target parameter Variable compensation (bonus) fiscal year 2020. After assessing achievement of the targets it set in October 2019, the Supervisory Board established the amounts of the variable compensation, long-term share-based compensation and pension benefit commitments for the Man- aging Board members in office as of September 30, 2020, as follows: The following describes the compensation the Managing Board members of Siemens Healthineers AG received during A.8.1.2 Compensation of Managing Board members for the fiscal year Further information regarding memberships in supervisory boards or in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises can be found in the additional informa- tion in C.4.1.1 Managing Board. Mandates held in other Siemens Healthineers companies are considered to be covered by the Managing Board's compensa- tion. As a general rule, Managing Board members are obliged to waive any compensation that may be due to them for these positions. If this is not possible, the compensation paid by the Siemens Healthineers company will be offset against the Managing Board's compensation. Compensation report - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report 44 33 2020 focus topics: Strategy 2025, Operational Performance, People €1.58 -0.24% In fiscal year 2020, target achievement was between 39.0% and 47.3%. In its overall assessment, the Supervisory Board decided not to make any adjustments to the bonus payout amounts. Long-term share-based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) Total compensation (GCGC) Service Cost Total 8 IPO incentive (restriction period: three years) (restriction period: four years) Multi-year variable compensation 2, 3, 4 stock awards 5,6 (bonus) target amount One-year variable compensation with long-term incentive effect, share-based without long-term incentive effect, non-share-based Performance-based components Total Performance-based components Non-perfomance-based components (Amounts in thousands of €) Managing Board members in office in fiscal year 2020 - Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report 39 Based on the Supervisory Board's decisions as described above, the Managing Board's compensation for fiscal year 2020 totaled €6,230,641. Of this total, cash compensation accounted for €3,275,054 and share-based compensation for €2,955,587. The compensation granted to the Managing Board members in fiscal year 2020 and 2019 is presented below. Total compensation The number of stock awards granted is based on 200% target achievement. The number of stock awards granted was deter- mined based on the price of the Siemens Healthineers AG share in Deutsche Börse AG's Xetra trading on the grant date, less the discounted estimated dividends during the restriction period. The value used to determine the number of stock awards was €38.20. Fixed base compensation Fringe benefits1 35 48 35 Balance at the end of fiscal year 2020 year 20204 64,660 45,550 28,796 139,006 Granted during fiscal 197,340 28,796 363,440 1 Some of Dr. Bernhard Montag's stock awards were originally granted as Siemens stock awards (based on Siemens AG stocks) in November 2017, but were replaced with Siemens Healthineers stock awards and are thus reported as such. The number includes 9,391 phantom stock awards. In lieu of a transfer of shares, a cash equivalent will be paid for the phantom stock awards at the end of the restriction period. Otherwise, the same provisions apply as for the stock awards. ² In addition, Dr. Christoph Zindel is, based on a 100% target achievement, entitled to 21,338 Siemens Healthineers AG shares for participation in Siemens Healthineers share programs, which are transferred after expiry of the respective holding or vesting period. 3 The balance at the beginning of the fiscal year includes 115,614 share awards based on 200% target achievement. 4 The number of stock awards is based on 200% target achievement. The weighted average fair value was €21.26 per granted share. The balance of stock awards includes also one-time IPO stock awards granted in two tranches, in the 2018 term of office (March 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018) and in fiscal year 2019, to those members who were in office during this period, Dr. Bernhard Montag and Dr. Jochen Schmitz (IPO incentives): 137,304 • 50% after completion of the IPO (granted: 2018 term of of- fice) and 224,434 132,680 42 Loans and advances No loans or advances from the Company were provided to members of the Managing Board. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report - A.8.1.3 Additional information on share-based compensation instruments 91,754 Overview of stock awards Managing Board members in office in fiscal year 2020 (Number of units of forfeitable Siemens Healthineers' stock awards) Dr. Bernhard Montag' Dr. Jochen Schmitz Dr. Christoph Zindel² Total Balance³ at beginning of fiscal year 2020 The following table shows the changes in stock awards held by Managing Board members in fiscal year 2020: 22 • 50% one year later (granted: fiscal year 2019). The total target amount of both tranches (for 100% goal achieve- ment) corresponded to the agreed annual base compensation in fiscal year 2018. The actual target amounts and number of stock awards per tranche were calculated taking into account the target achievement levels determined by the Supervisory Board. In this context, the number of stock awards equaled the actual target amount divided by the fair market value of the Siemens Healthineers AG shares at the time each tranche was granted. Strengthening sustainability Linking financial targets to sustainability goals in both the short- and long-term variable compensation components un- derscores in particular the significance of sustainable busi- ness practices. • Changeover to fixed Siemens Healthineers BSAV contributions Going forward, the Supervisory Board will set the pension plan contribution as a fixed amount, rather than in relation to the target cash compensation (base compensation plus target amount for bonus). • Abolishment of change-of-control rule In accordance with the recommendation of the new GCGC, the change-of-control rule – under which a Managing Board member has a right of termination if control of the company changes in such a way that materially affects that member's position - will be rescinded. As a result, the entitlement to a severance payment has also been abolished. • Malus and claw-back rule A claw-back rule has been introduced in addition to the existing malus rule. This rule allows the Supervisory Board, in particular in cases of serious breaches of duty, to demand full or partial repayment of performance-based compensation and to declare Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards invalid. To enhance the comprehensibility of relative performance in the context of the Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards, capital market performance will be measured in the future on the ba- sis of total shareholder returns (TSR) relative to two equally weighted indices: MSCI World Health Care and MSCI Europe Health Care Equipment & Services. These two indices are closely aligned with Siemens Healthineers' most important markets, competitors and areas of activity, and are also de- fined by an external provider. 44 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Compensation report Aspect Performance criteria: > 1/3 adjusted basic earnings per share (excluding currency effects and major portfolio effects) 1/3 comparable revenue growth 1/3 individual performance Discretionary adjustment option of up to +/-20% Previous compensation system No further stock awards were granted in connection with the IPO incentive in fiscal year 2020. Adjustment of the comparative group for Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards • Target achievement per tranche might vary between 50% (floor) and 150% (cap). The stock awards granted are subject with a restriction period of three years. The beneficiaries re- ceive one Siemens Healthineers AG share or an equivalent cash payment for each stock award. The forfeiture rules, including the malus clause outlined above for the stock awards, apply accordingly. A.8.1.4 Revised compensation system effective as of October 1, 2020 At the start of calendar year 2020, the Act Implementing the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive (Gesetz zur Umsetzung der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie - ARUG II) entered into force, introducing material changes to managing board compen- sation requirements. The revised GCGC, which has been in force since March 20, 2020, also contains new recommendations for managing board compensation. These changes prompted the Supervisory Board to perform a thorough review and update of the Company's Managing Board compensation system. At its meeting in September 2020, the Supervisory Board re- solved to implement the revised Managing Board compensation system with effect from October 1, 2020. In reaching its deci- sion, the Supervisory Board took account of the provisions of Section 87a (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the recommendations of the GCGC, the Siemens Healthineers Strat- egy 2025 and the expectations of our shareholders. The new compensation system will be submitted to the next Sharehold- ers' Meeting for approval. All Managing Board members have agreed to the necessary changes in their service contracts. 43 33 The Supervisory Board's discretionary option of revising the bonus payable upward or downward by up to 20% or in- creasing the target amount of Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards by up to 75% per fiscal year was abolished. As a re- sult, the maximum bonus payout amount was reduced from 240% to 200% of the target amount. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report Supporting a sustainable, future-proof corporate growth - Siemens Healthineers' Strategy 2025 One of the goals of the revised compensation system is to make compensation contribute even more to the pursuit of our busi- ness strategy and to Siemens Healthineers' long-term growth. The Siemens Healthineers Strategy 2025 is geared to faster prof- itable growth. The intention is for the Company to grow both by strengthening its current core business and sharpening its stra- tegic focus on adjacent growth areas. With its strong weighting of variable compensation components coupled with ambitious targets, the compensation system is designed to motivate the Managing Board to implement the Siemens Healthineers Strat- egy 2025 in an effective manner. The long-term variable com- pensation component (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards) is clearly geared to the Company's share price, aligning Managing Board compensation more closely with the shareholders' inter- ests. At the same time, the Managing Board compensation is intended to encourage the sustainable, long-term growth of Siemens Healthineers, namely by lending greater weight to long-term variable compensation elements and by introducing a sustainability target that is measured with reference to two or three ESG (environmental, social and governance) goals. The sys- tem is designed to promote innovation and provide incentives for the Company's value-creating long-term growth while simul- taneously avoiding unreasonable risks. Fundamentals of and key changes to the compensation system The total compensation of the Managing Board members of Siemens Healthineers AG continues to comprise non-perfor- mance-based and performance-based components. The non- performance-based fixed compensation comprises the base compensation as well as fringe benefits and pension benefit commitments (Siemens Healthineers BSAV). The performance- based - and thus variable - compensation comprises short-term variable compensation (bonus) and long-term variable share- based compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards). The revision of the compensation system left the base compen- sation and fringe benefits largely unchanged. The variable compensation components, bonus and Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards, and pension benefit commitments were evolved and adapted to meet the new regulatory requirements. Each Managing Board member's possible total compensation is capped (maximum compensation). The following are the main changes to the compensation system: • Abolishment of the discretionary adjustment option for perfor- mance-based compensation • - Cap: 240% of target amount Benefits for former members of the Managing Board In fiscal year 2020, former Managing Board members and their surviving dependents received total benefits within the mean- ing of Section 314 (1) no. 6 lit. b of the German Commercial Code in the amount of €37,384. 1 The expenses (service cost) recognized in accordance with IFRS in fiscal year 2020 for Managing Board members' entitlements under the Siemens Healthineers BSAV amounted to €1,119,686 (2019: €1,262,061). 148 with long-term incentive effect, Multi-year variable compensation share-based Total Service Cost Total compensation (GCGC) 566 1,475 1,016 1,334 784 505 519 348 358 1,907 267 250 367 58 65 31 33 35 based components Performance- 791 Total 1,115 766 768 635 based components without long-term incentive effect, non-share-based One-year variable compensation (bonus) payout amount² 1,108 2 There was no contribution to deferred compensation in fiscal year 2020 or 2019. 1,980 1,364 2020 2019 511 504 3,768 3,328 359 2019 353 2,585 274 875 1,145 857 7,507 5,913 2,864 2,425 2020 Contributions' in fiscal year 1,693 1,051 1 Fringe benefits include the costs, or the cash equivalent of, non-cash benefits and perquisites, such as the provision of a company car, contributions to insurance costs, housing costs and moving expenses, including taxes incurred on these, and costs related to preventive medical examinations. 2 The payout amount for one-year variable compensation (bonus) shown above represents the amount awarded for fiscal year 2020 and 2019, which will be paid out in January 2021 or was paid out in January 2020, respectively. 3 In fiscal year 2020, the members of the Managing Board received the following additional amounts from participation in Siemens share programs granted prior to their appointment to the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG: Dr. Bernhard Montag €120,006, Dr. Jochen Schmitz €82,463 and Dr. Christoph Zindel €329,481. Pension benefit commitments For fiscal year 2020, the Managing Board members were granted contributions under the Siemens Healthineers BSAV totaling €1,144,640 (2019: €856,800) based on the resolution by the Supervisory Board in October 2020. Defined benefit obligations for all pension commitments excluding deferred compensation² on Sept 30, Of the above amount, €12,410 related to the funding of pension commitments earned prior to transfer to the Siemens Healthineers BSAV. The contributions are added to the respective pension The following table shows details of the individual contributions (additions) during the fiscal years, as well as the defined benefit obligations for pension commitments. Managing Board members in office in fiscal year 2020 (Amounts in thousands of €) Dr. Bernhard Montag Dr. Jochen Schmitz Dr. Christoph Zindel Total accounts each January, following the end of the fiscal year. Until the beneficiary's date of retirement, his/her pension account is credited with an annual interest payment (guaranteed interest) on January 1 of each year. The interest rate is currently 0.9%. 600 Bonus > 100% of TSR relative to twelve competitors Discretionary option of increasing the target amount by up to 75% per fiscal year 42,000 245,333 110,000 60,000 31,500 201,500 Michael Sen 1,2 Dr. Philipp Rösler 93,333 110,000 110,000 13,500 123,500 Dr. Nathalie von Siemens 110,000 12,000 122,000 105,926 12,000 122,000 12,000 117,926 110,000 Dr. Andreas P. Thomas1 Dr. Norbert Gaus 110,000 50,000 36,000 196,000 110,000 50,000 C. Hoffmann 33,000 193,000 Dr. Marion Helmes 110,000 53,333 21,000 184,333 110,000 40,000 21,000 171,000 Dr. Roland Busch 1,2 Prof. Dr. Ralf Dr. Gregory Sorensen 30,000 47 47 35 Combined management report - Takeover-relevant information and explanatory report A.9 Takeover-relevant information and explanatory report (pursuant to Sections 289a and 315a German Commercial Code) A.9.1 Composition of issued capital Siemens AG provides a group insurance policy for Supervisory and Managing Board members of Siemens AG and certain other board members and employees of the Siemens Group, includ- ing Siemens Healthineers AG and its subsidiaries. The policy is taken out for one year at a time or renewed annually. The re- lated costs are charged by Siemens to Siemens Healthineers. The insurance covers the personal liability of the insured per- sons in cases of financial loss associated with their activities on behalf of the Siemens Group. The insurance policy for fiscal year 2020 includes a deductible for the members of the Man- aging Board and the Supervisory Board that complies with the terms of the German Stock Corporation Act and the 2017 ver- sion of the GCGC. In line with the new version of the GCGC, as of fiscal year 2021 the insurance policy no longer includes a deductible for Supervisory Board members. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers AG's issued capital totaled €1,075,000,000. The issued capital is divided into 1,075,000,000 ordinary registered shares with no par value ("auf den Namen lautende Stückaktien"), each of which is notionally equal to €1 in value. The shares are fully paid in. All shares confer the same rights and obligations. Details of the shareholders' rights and obligations are governed by the provi- sions of the German Stock Corporation Act, in particular by Sec- tions 12, 53a et seq., 118 et seq. and 186 of the German Stock Corporation Act. At the Shareholders' Meeting, each share reflects the share- holders' stake in Siemens Healthineers AG's net income. An exception to this rule applies to treasury shares held by Siemens Healthineers AG, which do not entitle it to any rights pursuant to Section 71b of the German Stock Corporation Act. In accordance with Section 136 of the German Stock Corpora- tion Act, voting rights of these shares are excluded by law. Stock programs are in place under which certain employees are or will be granted Siemens Healthineers AG shares. These stock programs were continued in fiscal year 2020. Such shares are not subject to any block on sale, except as provided under local law. Furthermore, in connection with Article 19 (11) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation) and on the basis of internal requirements, members of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board of Siemens Healthineers AG are subject to certain trading prohibitions with regard to the purchase and sale of Siemens Healthineers AG shares in temporal connection with the publication of quarterly financial results. A.9.3 Legislation and provisions of the articles of association applicable to the appointment and removal of members of the Managing Board and governing the amendment to the articles of association The appointment and removal of members of the Managing Board is subject to the provisions of Sections 84 and 85 of the German Stock Corporation Act. In accordance with Article 5 (1) of the articles of association, the Managing Board comprises several persons. Their exact number is determined by the Su- pervisory Board. Pursuant to Section 179 of the German Stock Corporation Act, any amendment to the articles of association is subject to a resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting. The authority to adopt nonsubstantive editorial amendments to the articles of associ- ation was transferred to the Supervisory Board under Article 9 (4) of those articles. In addition, by resolutions of the Sharehold- ers' Meeting, the Supervisory Board has been authorized to amend Article 4 of the articles of association accordingly as the authorized and contingent capital is utilized, and also after the expiration of the applicable authorization or utilization period in each case. Resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting are adopted by a sim- ple majority vote, unless a larger majority is required by law or by the articles of association. In accordance with Section 179 (2) of the German Stock Corporation Act, amendments to the articles of association require a majority of at least three-quar- ters of the issued capital represented at the Shareholders' Meeting at the time of the vote, unless another capital majority is prescribed by the articles of association. A.9.2 Restrictions on voting rights or transfer of shares 110,000 Other 1 In their capacity as Managing Board members of Siemens AG, Dr. Roland Busch, Michael Sen and Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas have waived compensation for their Supervisory Board membership at Siemens Healthineers AG. 15,000 155,000 110,000 30,000 22,500 162,500 Karl-Heinz Streibich Total 110,000 770,000 2 With effect from the end of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of February 12, 2020, Dr. Roland Busch was appointed to the Supervisory Board to succeed Mr. Michael Sen, who stepped down from the Board on the same date. 36,667 263,333 101,852 27,778 18,000 147,630 154,500 1,187,833 757,778 207,778 151,500 1,117,056 16,500 163,167 Performance criterion: Total Base compensation for compensation committee work No discretionary increase possible Pension benefit commitment Fixed Siemens Healthineers BSAV contribution in euro Malus/claw back Malus and claw back rules for bonus and Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards Change of control 3. Improvement of gender balance Rule abolished By introducing a maximum compensation amount for the CEO and ordinary Managing Board members, Siemens Healthineers AG is meeting the requirements of Section 87a (1) sentence 2 no. 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act. The maximum compensation comprises all performance-based and non-performance-based compensation components. It represents the maximum compen- sation limit and thus the actual maximum amount payable for the corresponding fiscal year, taking into account fixed compensation (including base compensation, fringe benefits and pension bene- fit commitments), short-term variable compensation (bonus) and long-term variable compensation (Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards). Furthermore, the maximum compensation also in- cludes additional benefits agreed in the individual service con- tract, for example a severance payment for forfeited benefits from the previous employer. The maximum compensation thus reflects Siemens Healthineers AG's maximum expense for the relevant Managing Board member. 45 Transparency Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report In revising its Managing Board compensation system, Siemens Healthineers AG's goal is to further enhance transpar- ency in compliance with the regulatory requirements and the needs of our shareholders. In addition, the new compensation system is intended to be simple, clear and comprehensible, so that it is always apparent how the compensation system con- tributes toward implementing the corporate strategy and/or ensuring Siemens Healthineers AG's sustainable growth. In future compensation reports, the decisive performance crite- ria and financial KPIs for the bonus of the following fiscal year will be announced in advance, as will the selected ESG KPIs for the sustainability goal in the new tranche of the Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards. Introduction of maximum compensation What is more, the target values, target corridors and goal achievement levels for the financial KPIs used to calculate the bonus will be published in arrears for the corresponding fiscal year. Similarly, the target values, target corridors and goal achievement levels for the KPIs for the Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards (i.e. the two relative capital market performance figures and the KPIs for the sustainability goal) will be an- nounced after expiry of the restriction period of each tranche. 2. Reduction of CO2 emissions Three ESG KPIs were set for fiscal year 2021: Siemens Healthineers BSAV contribution as a percentage of target cash compensation Malus rule for variable compensation (bonus) Right of termination for Managing Board member Severance payment of a maximum of two years' compensation (base compensation, target amount for variable compensation (Bonus) and stock awards) Compensation system as of fiscal year 2021 Performance criteria: > 2/3 corporate financial performance (2-3 equally weighted KPIs) Two KPIs were set for fiscal year 2021: 1. Access to healthcare 1. adjusted basic earnings per share 2. comparable revenue growth > 1/3 individual performance (2-4 KPIs) No discretionary adjustment possible Cap: 200% of target amount Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards Performance criteria: > 80% of TSR relative to two equally weighted indices: MSCI World Health Care and MSCI Europe Health Care Equipment & Services > 20% sustainability (2-3 ESG KPIs) (excluding major currency and portfolio effects) Meeting attendance fee Targets for fiscal year 2021 • As regards corporate financial performance, the performance criteria profit/earnings (measured with reference to adjusted basic earnings per share (excluding major currency and port- folio effects)) and growth (measured with reference to com- parable revenue growth) were adopted. Adjusted basic earn- ings per share and the comparable revenue growth refer to the definition changed as of fiscal year 2021. For details, see →A.2 Financial performance system. 46 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report - No loans or advances from the Company were provided to Supervisory Board members. Based on these provisions, the compensation was as follows: Supervisory Board members in office in fiscal year 2020 Fiscal year 2020 46 Fiscal year 2019 (Amounts in €) compensation Additional compensation for committee work Additional Meeting attendance fee Total Base At its meeting in September 2020, the Supervisory Board ad- opted the following performance criteria (and KPIs) for the bonus for fiscal year 2021: As the Supervisory Board receives fixed compensation only, this encourages both the Company's long-term growth and the Supervisory Board's own independence. If a Supervisory Board member fails to attend a Supervisory Board meeting, one-third of the total compensation entitle- ment described above is reduced by a percentage equal to the percentage of the meetings that the Supervisory Board mem- ber did not attend relative to the total number of Supervisory Board meetings held in the fiscal year. Compensation is payable to members of the Related-Party Transactions Committee only in fiscal years in which the committee convenes at least once or adopts at least one resolution. • Four equally weighted targets were set to measure the indi- vidual performance of each Managing Board member. The Supervisory Board also determined the following perfor- mance criteria for the Siemens Healthineers Stock Awards tranche 2021 (restriction period: approximately four years): • 80% of relative TSR, measured against two equally weighted indices: MSCI World Health Care and MSCI Europe Health Care Equipment & Services, and • 20% sustainability, measured against three equally weighted ESG KPIs: 1. Access to healthcare 2. Reduction of CO2 emissions and 3. Improvement of gender balance. - A.8.2 Compensation of Supervisory Board members Section 12 of the articles of association of Siemens Healthineers AG governs the compensation of the Supervisory Board members and specifies the following base compensation for each fiscal year: In addition to the above, members receive €1,500 for each at- tendance at meetings of the Supervisory Board or its commit- tees. Siemens Healthineers AG reimburses all Supervisory Board members for their expenses and for value-added tax levied on their salaries. • €220,000 for the Supervisory Board Chair, • €110,000 for Supervisory Board members. • € 80,000 for the Chair of the Audit Committee, • €40,000 for each of the other members of the Audit Committee, • € 60,000 for the Chair of the Innovation and Finance Committee, • €30,000 for each of the other members of the Innovation and Finance Committee. • €40,000 for the Chair of the Chairman's Committee, • €20,000 for each of the other members of the Chairman's Committee, • €20,000 for the Chair of the Related-Party Transactions Committee, • €10,000 for each of the other members of the Related-Party Transactions Committee. Supervisory Board members who did not serve as a member or chair of the Supervisory Board or of a committee for the full (12-month) fiscal year receive prorated compensation, rounded up to full months. Additionally, for serving on the Supervisory Board committees: 735 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 250 1,985 5 If the plan conditions are met, Dr. Christoph Zindel is, based on a 100% target achievement, additionally entitled to 21,338 Siemens Healthineers AG shares for participation in Siemens Healthineers share programs prior to his appointment to the Managing Board, which are transferred after expiry of the respective holding or vesting period. Herefore, an expense of €161,477 was recognized in fiscal year 2020. 6 The cash value of stock awards for 100% target achievement was €2,655,015 (prior year: €2,880,017). The amounts for individual Managing Board members were as follows: Dr. Bernhard Montag €1,235,006 (prior year: €1,200,001), Dr. Jochen Schmitz €870,005 (prior year: €840,008) and Dr. Christoph Zindel €550,004 (prior year: €0). 'The cash value of the IPO incentive stock awards (second tranche) for 100% target achievement, which were granted in fiscal year 2019, was €795,027. The amounts for individual Managing Board members were as follows: Dr. Bernhard Montag €472,516 and Dr. Jochen Schmitz €322,511. For further information on the IPO incentive, see → A.8.1.3 Additional information on share-based compensation instruments. 8 The total maximum compensation for fiscal year 2020 represents the contractual maximum amount for total compensation, excluding fringe benefits and pension benefit commitments. At 1.7 times target compensation (base compensation, target amount for the bonus and target amount for long-term share-based compensation), the maximum amount is less than the total of the individual contractual caps for performance-based components. ⁹The total compensation includes the respective fair value of the share-based compensation components as of the grant date. Based on the respective cash values of share-based compensation components, the total compensation amounted to €5,930,069 (prior year: €8,091,184). 41 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report Compensation report - Allocations The following table shows allocations for fiscal year 2020 and 2019 for fixed base compensation, fringe benefits, and one-year and multi-year variable compensation, as well as the service cost for pension benefits: Managing Board members in office in fiscal year 2020 Dr. Bernhard Montag³ Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jochen Schmitz 3 Chief Financial Officer Dr. Christoph Zindel³ Managing Board Member (Amounts in thousands of €) 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 Non- perfomance- Fixed base compensation Fringe benefits¹ 1,050 1,050 766 1,396 2,283 148 3,660 635 2,601 505 505 505 519 348 348 348 358 267 267 267 3,763 1,613 5,707 3,996 2,630 1,114 4,008 2,771 1,895 902 2,868 367 2,850 791 3,518 566 2,454 3,477 5,202 1,108 750 1,860 775 635 635 635 548 768 766 766 1,115 1,628 1,108 735 766 1,315 1,108 380 3,258 525 - 317 465 1,650 612 2,413 1,108 2,610 968 1,147 3,705 803 912 1,375 10,801 1,000 October 1, 20191 Balance as of 13 -1,859 9,769 -24 3 -24 9,782 -95 3 -24 -24 9,769 13 9,782 1,411 1,411 12 1,423 Other comprehensive income, net of taxes Dividends -33 Net income Cash flows from financing activities -7 23 -1,859 -1,276 10,801 13,476 1,000 1,075 56 Total liabilities and equity Total equity Non-controlling interests Total equity attributable to shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG Other components of equity Retained earnings Capital reserve Issued capital 11,648 12,584 Total liabilities 6,043 5,294 Total non-current liabilities 4,030 2,982 16, 25, 31 Other liabilities to Siemens Group 368 345 22 -777 12,498 -33 -174 9,769 12,511 25,094 -10 85 23 607 532 620 815 Contract liabilities Trade payables Trade and other receivables Inventories Contract assets Change in operating net working capital Other non-cash income/expenses, net Income related to investing activities Interest income/expenses, net Income tax expenses Amortization, depreciation and impairments Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash flows from operating activities: Net income 1,586 1,423 2019 2020 Fiscal year (in millions of €) B.4 Consolidated statements of cash flows Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Consolidated statements of cash flows 13 9,782 21,429 13 -95 10,801 -1,859 1,000 Other transactions/financing with Siemens Group -113 -105 Interest paid to Siemens Group -15 Equity transactions with non-controlling interests -15 -16 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests -699 -798 Dividends paid to shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG -6 -18 Interest paid 52 -101 Change in short-term financial debt and other financing activities 2,709 -1,853 245 117 -249 Other components of equity of changes in equity B.5 Consolidated statements Consolidated financial statements - Consolidated statements of changes in equity Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 557 57 920 656 Issuance of new shares Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 920 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 401 -264 Change in cash and cash equivalents 35 -31 Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents -603 519 -51 -67 Purchase of treasury shares 5 Dividends received -493 -512 Income taxes paid -345 -301 Additions to equipment leased to others in operating leases -140 7 -40 178 130 90 1 -265 66 -124 -332 -220 Change in other assets and liabilities Reserve of Interest received 27 -647 -1,912 Cash flows from investing activities 7 Disposal of businesses, net of cash disposed 6 5 Disposal of investments, intangible assets and property, plant and equipment -76 26 -1,354 -6 -6 Purchase of investments and financial assets for investment purposes -579 -557 Additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 1,617 1,928 Cash flows from operating activities Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired Other liabilities equity in- struments measured -15 -699 -699 Dividends 254 -2 256 3 -26 1 398 -120 income, net of taxes Other comprehensive 1,586 18 1,567 8,679 20 -714 Share-based payment 17 -1 September 30, 2019 Balance as of -22 -8 -14 37 37 39 -2 376 8,659 -390 shares Reissuance of treasury -54 -54 -54 shares Purchase of treasury 16 16 Other changes in equity -10 4 4 Balance as of equity interests neers AG at cost Total Healthi- controlling Non- Siemens September 30, 2018 Treasury shares reserve Cash flow hedges Issued Capital Retained translation prehensive capital reserve earnings differences income (in millions of €) holders of to share- at fair value through other com- Currency equity at- tributable Cost of hedging reserve Total 1,000 -3,019 8,675 20 8,656 -10 2 -34 -493 -2,980 1,567 Net income 11,174 11,174 October 1, 2018 Balance as of -35 39 Financial Instruments Effect of retrospectively adopting IFRS 9, 2 1 -493 1,000 16 25 -13 5 53 38 16, 21, 25 -76 -123 16, 25 -5 -22 1,954 2,193 5 -532 -607 1,423 1,586 12 1,411 18 1,567 2,300 1,982 3 3 554 Fiscal year Note 2020 2019 29, 30 14,460 14,518 -8,880 5,580 6 -8,722 -1,342 -1,328 -2,279 -2,214 4 47 65 -28 -23 5,796 1.41 1.57 6 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss -5 -121 Currency translation differences Cash flow hedges Therein: Income tax effects Cost/Income from hedging Therein: Income tax effects 58 1 1 The balance as of September 30, 2019 corresponds to the balance as of October 1, 2019. The first-time adoption of IFRS 16, Leases, does not lead to a change in the reported amounts, please refer to Note 2 Accounting policies in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. 13 12,498 -36 117 37 -33 -862 -1,276 13,476 12,511 54 25 55 1.40 1.57 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Consolidated statements of comprehensive income B.2 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (in millions of €) Net income Fiscal year Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Therein: Income tax effects Note 2019 1,423 1,586 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 21 -5 -122 Therein: Income tax effects 3 2020 1,075 Diluted earnings per share Shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Takeover-relevant information and explanatory report A.9.5 Significant agreements which take effect, alter or terminate upon a change of control of Siemens Healthineers AG following a takeover bid Various agreements between the Siemens Group and Siemens Healthineer are in place. The majority of these agreements con- tain change-of-control provisions. Treasury and financing agreements With regard to treasury and financing, these agreements par- ticularly include the following: In 2016, a U.S. subsidiary of Siemens Healthineers AG, as borrower, entered into a bilateral framework loan agreement with a subsidiary of Siemens AG, as lender, in the amount of US$6.0 billion. Four individual loan agreements totaling US$4.3 billion have been drawn upon under this framework. Each agreement provides the lender with a right of termination in the event that the borrower ceases to be an affiliate of Siemens AG. An affiliate is defined as a company in which Siemens AG (directly or indirectly) holds a majority of shares or voting rights. In fiscal year 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG as- sumed two tranches for a total of US$1.6 billion under the above individual loan agreements. A German subsidiary of Siemens Healthineers AG assumed a tranche of US$1.7 billion. Furthermore, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, as borrower, main- tains a multicurrency revolving credit facility with Siemens AG, as lender, in the amount of €1.1 billion to serve as working capital and as a short-term loan facility, as well as a multicur- rency revolving loan facility in the amount of € 1.0 billion which provides funding for backup purposes. The agreement cover- ing the aforementioned two facilities provides Siemens AG with a right of termination in the event that the borrower ceases to be an affiliate of Siemens AG. An affiliate is defined as a company in which Siemens AG (directly or indirectly) holds a majority of shares or voting rights. For the acquisition of Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc. in fiscal year 2020, a loan agreement was concluded between Siemens AG, as lender, and Siemens Healthcare GmbH, as borrower, in the amount of € 1.0 billion and with a term until September 30, 2021. The loan agreement provides that the lender may call in the loan in the event that the borrower ceases to be an affiliate of Siemens AG. An affiliate is defined as a company in which Siemens AG (directly or indirectly) holds a majority of shares or voting rights. In connection with the planned acquisition of Varian Medical Systems, Inc., Siemens Finance B.V., as lender, provided Siemens Healthineers AG, as borrower, with a bridge facility in fiscal year 2020 with a term of 24 months to finance the purchase price and cover other costs and outlays. On the reporting date the bridge facility had a volume of €12.5 billion. Outside what is termed the 'certain funds period,' the bridging facility provides that the lender may call in the loan in the event that the borrower ceases to be an affiliate of Siemens AG. An affiliate is defined as a company in which Siemens AG (directly or indirectly) holds a majority of shares or voting rights. Framework agreements based on the International Swaps and Derivatives Association Inc. documentation (ISDA agreements) entered into between Siemens Healthineers AG or numerous subsidiaries of Siemens Healthineers AG on the one hand and Siemens AG or one of its U.S. subsidiaries on the other hand grant Siemens AG and its subsidiary a right of termination if Siemens AG either ceases to (directly or indirectly) hold the ma- jority of the shares or voting rights in the relevant counterparty and/or if the relevant counterparty ceases to be a fully consol- idated subsidiary of Siemens AG. Such agreements also grant a right of termination if Siemens Healthineers AG or its relevant subsidiary, as the counterparty, is consolidated by, merges into or transfers substantially all of its assets to a third party. How- ever, the latter right of termination applies only if the resulting company's creditworthiness is materially weaker than the rel- evant counterparty's creditworthiness immediately prior to such an event or the resulting company does not simultane- ously assume the relevant counterparty's obligations under the ISDA agreements. Siemens Healthcare GmbH and Siemens AG have an agreement under which Siemens AG provides certain cash management services to Siemens Healthcare GmbH, and via Siemens Healthcare GmbH, also to Siemens Healthineers. Among such services are the provision of payment infrastructure including the use of the Siemens Group's bank accounts for external incoming and outgoing payment transactions, provision of internal accounts with credit lines (the latter only under separate agreements), participation in the Siemens Group's cash pools, and settle- ment of intra-group transactions between the Siemens Group on the one hand and Siemens Healthineers on the other hand. The agreement may be terminated by Siemens AG in the event that Siemens AG ceases to control Siemens Healthineers AG, where control is defined as the majority ownership of shares and/or voting rights. Furthermore, Siemens Healthcare GmbH has an agreement with a subsidiary of Siemens AG under which Siemens Healthineers may use a central treasury IT application for its finance management. The agreement may be terminated by the subsidiary of Siemens AG in the event of an actual or im- minent loss of control by Siemens AG over Siemens Healthcare GmbH, where control is defined as the direct or indirect major- ity ownership of shares and/or voting rights. 51 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Takeover-relevant information and explanatory report Further agreements Siemens Healthineers AG or some of its subsidiaries also have various service agreements, some of which are long-term, with companies of the Siemens Group. Services covered by such agreements include, but are not limited to, IT, human resources, procurement, accounting, legal and compliance, as well as tax-related services. In the event of any change of control in Siemens Healthineers AG or a subsidiary that is a service recipient (i.e., in the event that Siemens AG no longer (directly or indirectly) holds a majority of the voting rights in Siemens Healthineers AG or the subsidiary, or loses the right to appoint the majority of the members of the Managing Board or to exercise comparable control rights), the service provider may terminate the relevant agreement so far as the provided services are affected, for ex- ample if rendering such services has become impossible for legal, technical or organizational reasons. Several lease and rental agreements and real estate-related service agreements exist between Siemens Healthineers as the lessee and the Siemens Group as the lessor. In the event that Siemens AG no longer (directly or indirectly) holds a majority of the voting rights in Siemens Healthineers AG, or loses the right to appoint the majority of the members of the Managing Board or to exercise comparable control rights, several legal consequences may ensue, including the obligation to vacate premises, termination of lease, or a physical separation in cases where premises are shared between entities of the Siemens Group and entities of Siemens Healthineers. Siemens AG has entered into trademark and name-use licensing agreements with Siemens Healthineers AG and some of its subsid- iaries. Under such agreements, Siemens AG grants the licensee the right to use the designations "Siemens" and "Siemens Healthineers" as a product brand, corporate brand and part of the company name, business designation and domain name, among other purposes. The agreements will automatically expire after a tran- sitional period if Siemens Healthineers AG ceases to be a com- pany over which Siemens AG has direct or indirect management power by contract or otherwise, or through ownership of voting rights entitling Siemens AG to (directly or indirectly) appoint the majority of the members of the managing body. A.9.6 Other takeover-relevant information We are not aware, nor were we notified during the last fiscal year, of any shareholder (directly or indirectly) holding interests in Siemens Healthineers AG's issued capital that entitle it to 10% or more of the voting rights except for Siemens AG, with its registered seat in Berlin and Munich, Germany, which directly and indirectly held 850,000,000 shares (equaling 79% of all shares), carrying 850,000,000 voting rights. There are no shares with special rights conferring powers of control. Shares granted by Siemens Healthineers AG or its subsidiaries to employees un- der their employee stock programs and/or as share-based com- pensation are transferred directly to the employees. The bene- ficiary employees may directly exercise their shareholder rights resulting from the employee shares in the same way as any other shareholder, in accordance with applicable laws and the articles of association. 52 62 50 The primary purpose of the buybacks is the issuance of shares to Siemens Healthineers employees and certain board mem- bers of the Siemens Healthineers Group, particularly under stock programs. To the extent that the repurchased shares are not required for that purpose, they may be used for other purposes permitted by law. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers AG held 898,249 ordinary shares in treasury. Four share buybacks have been carried out on the basis of the authorization given by the extraordinary Shareholders' Meet- ing on February 19, 2018. In September 2020, the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG approved a share buyback lasting until February 5, 2021, with a volume of up to € 160 mil- lion and a maximum of 6,400,000 ordinary shares. The buy- back commenced on October 7, 2020. In September 2019, Siemens Healthineers AG had announced that it would carry out a share buyback with a volume of up to €70 million in the time period until January 31, 2020. The buyback commenced on September 24, 2019. Under this share buyback, which ended on January 31, 2020, Siemens Healthineers AG repurchased 1,791,916 shares. The total consideration paid for these shares amounted to €70 million (excluding incidental transaction charges). In addition, Siemens Healthineers AG repurchased 1,205,012 shares in fiscal year 2019 for a total consideration of €45 million (excluding incidental transaction charges). Furthermore, the Supervisory Board is authorized to use shares acquired on the basis of this authorization to meet obligations or rights to acquire Siemens Healthineers AG shares that were or will be agreed upon with members of the Managing Board under the rules governing Managing Board compensation. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Takeover-relevant information and explanatory report A.9.4 Powers of the Managing Board to issue and repurchase shares Based on a resolution of Siemens Healthineers AG's extraordi- nary Shareholders' Meeting held on February 19, 2018, the Man- aging Board was authorized, subject to the Supervisory Board's consent, to increase Siemens Healthineers AG's issued capital on one or more occasions until February 18, 2023, by up to €500 million by issuing up to 500,000,000 new ordinary regis- tered shares with no par value in return for cash and/or contribu- tions in kind. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers AG has made use of the aforementioned authorized capital in the amount of €75 million. Consequently, as of 30 September 2020, subject to the Supervisory Board's consent, the Managing Board was authorized to increase Siemens Healthineers AG's issued capital by up to €425 million on one or more occasions until Feb- ruary 18, 2023, by issuing up to 425,000,000 new ordinary reg- istered shares with no par value in return for cash and/or contri- butions in kind (Authorized Capital 2018). On February 19, 2018, Siemens Healthineers AG's extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting resolved to create contingent capital. Siemens Healthineers AG's issued capital was conditionally in- creased by up to € 100 million by issuance of up to 100,000,000 new ordinary registered shares with no par value (Contingent Capital 2018). A capital increase utilizing Contingent Capital 2018 may be implemented only to grant shares in cases where, by February 18, 2023, holders and/or creditors of convertible bonds or of option warrants from option bonds issued by Siemens Healthineers AG or a controlled entity exercise their conversion/option rights, or perform their conversion/option obligations, or if shares are delivered, and only if other forms of performance are not used. The Managing Board is authorized to issue bearer or registered bonds in an aggregate principal amount of up to € 6.0 billion with conversion or option rights attached, or a combination of these instruments, entitling the holders/creditors to subscribe for up to 100,000,000 new ordinary registered shares with no par value of Siemens Healthineers AG. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers AG had not made use of the ability to issue bonds under this authorization. • The issue price of the new shares/bonds is not significantly lower than the stock market price of Siemens Healthineers AG shares already listed or the theoretical market price of the bonds computed in accordance with generally accepted actu- arial methods (exclusion of preemptive rights limited to 10% of the issued capital in accordance with or under correspond- ing application of Section 186 (3) sentence 4 of the German Stock Corporation Act). • The exclusion is necessary for fractional amounts resulting from the subscription ratio • The exclusion is required in order to compensate holders of conversion or option bonds for the effects of dilution. In the event of a capital increase from the Authorized Capital 2018 in return for a contribution in cash, preemptive rights may be excluded with the approval of the Supervisory Board if the new shares are offered exclusively to employees of Siemens Healthineers AG and any of its subsidiaries (employee shares). To the extent permitted by law, such employee shares may also be issued by effecting the contribution with those parts of net income which the Managing Board and the Super- visory Board may transfer to retained earnings in accordance with Section 58 (2) of the German Stock Corporation Act. B. With the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG resolved on September 2, 2020, to increase the issued capital of Siemens Healthineers AG by €75,000,000 (from €1,000,000,000 to €1,075,000,000) through partial utilization of Siemens Healthineers AG's autho- rized capital and to exclude shareholders' preemptive rights. The 75,000,000 new ordinary registered shares with no par value were placed with institutional investors in an accelerated bookbuilding offering entitled to applicable dividends retroac- tive to October 1, 2019. This capital increase took effect upon entry in the Commercial Register on September 3, 2020. 49 49 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Combined management report - Takeover-relevant information and explanatory report Siemens Healthineers AG cannot repurchase its own shares un- less authorized to do so by a resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting or under the limited circumstances explicitly set forth in the German Stock Corporation Act. On February 19, 2018, an extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting authorized the Managing Board to repurchase Siemens Healthineers AG shares until Feb- ruary 18, 2023, for any permissible purpose, up to a limit of 10% of its issued capital as of the date of the resolution or as of the date on which the authorization is exercised, if the latter value is lower. The aggregate of Siemens Healthineers AG shares repurchased under this authorization and any other of Siemens Healthineers AG shares previously acquired and still held in treasury by it or attributable to it pursuant to Sections 71d and 71e of the German Stock Corporation Act may at no time exceed 10% of the issued capital then in existence. Any repurchase of Siemens Healthineers AG shares is to be accomplished at the dis- cretion of the Managing Board, either by acquisition in the stock market or through a public share repurchase offer. In addition to selling them on the stock exchange or through a public sales offer to all shareholders, the Managing Board was also authorized by resolution of the extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on February 19, 2018, to use the Siemens Healthineers AG shares repurchased on the basis of this authorization for any per- missible purpose. Such shares may in particular be canceled, • used in connection with share-based payment programs and/or employee share programs of Siemens Healthineers AG or any of its affiliated companies and issued to individuals currently or formerly employed by Siemens Healthineers AG or any of its affiliated companies, as well as to board members of any of Siemens Healthineers AG's affiliated companies, ⚫ offered and transferred, subject to the approval of the Super- visory Board, to third parties in return for contributions in kind, • sold, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, in return for payment in cash if the price at which such Siemens Healthineers AG shares are sold is not significantly lower than the market price of Siemens Healthineers AG shares (exclusion of preemptive rights limited to 10% of the issued capital under a mutatis mutandis application of Section 186 (3) sentence 4 of the German Stock Corporation Act) or • used to service or secure obligations or rights to acquire Siemens Healthineers AG shares arising particularly from or in connection with convertible bonds or warrant bonds issued by Siemens Healthineers AG or any of its affiliated companies (exclusion of preemptive rights limited to 10% of the issued capital under corresponding application of Section 186 (3) sentence 4 of the German Stock Corporation Act). The new shares under the Authorized Capital 2018 and the bonds under the aforementioned authorization are to be issued in return for contributions in cash or in kind. They are normally to be offered to shareholders for subscription. Subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Managing Board is au- thorized to exclude shareholders' preemptive rights in the event of contributions in kind. In the event of capital increases in re- turn for contributions in cash, the Managing Board is authorized, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, to exclude the shareholders' preemptive rights in the following cases: Consolidated financial statements 53 financial statements Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Consolidated statements of income B.1 Consolidated statements of income (in millions of €, earnings per share in €) Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Research and development expenses Selling and general administrative expenses B.6 Notes to consolidated Other operating income Income from investments accounted for using the equity method, net Earnings before interest and taxes Interest income Interest expenses Other financial income, net Income before income taxes Income tax expenses Net income Thereof attributable to: Non-controlling interests Other operating expenses Basic earnings per share Page 59 statements of 53 Page 54 B.1 Consolidated statements of income Page 55 B.2 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income Page 56 changes in equity B.3 statements of financial position Page 57 B.4 Consolidated statements of cash flows Page 58 B.5 Consolidated Consolidated 10 September 30, 2020 52 2,704 -19 12 13 13 233 9,038 8,590 1,912 1,576 2,774 2,318 37 45 14, 25 352 339 5 419 462 15 7,779 10,268 321 338 920 7,25 2,568 2,779 8,25 142 78 16, 25, 31 3,392 295 686 818 839 10 2,304 2,064 5 49 92 11 9 320 14,827 13,650 1,198 1,236 7,289 5,605 Long-term financial debt 16, 25 314 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 21 20 1,029 Deferred tax liabilities 5 470 375 Provisions 19 144 147 Other financial liabilities 62 1,045 656 346 5 25,094 21,429 16,25 167 80 25 1,356 1,403 25 374 93 16, 25, 31 2,046 364 18 1,784 1,741 19 270 282 152 Balance as of 25 Sept 30, 2020 -598 -1 -597 114 61 -767 -5 -798 Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Other comprehensive income, net of taxes Comprehensive income Thereof attributable to: Non-controlling interests Shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG 55 -768 398 25 61 -26 -798 -16 -814 Share-based payment 2,704 -24 52 52 -24 Other changes in equity 2,629 75 Issuance of new shares -1 -22 2 Reissuance of treasury -64 -64 -64 shares Purchase of treasury 45 45 45 shares 11 25 114 Total current assets Goodwill Other intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investments accounted for using the equity method Other financial assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total non-current assets Other current assets Total assets Trade payables Other current financial liabilities Payables to Siemens Group Contract liabilities Current provisions Current income tax liabilities Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Note Short-term financial debt and current maturities of long-term financial debt Sept 30, 2019 Current income tax assets Contract assets 3 -40 -1 -593 375 -598 254 825 1,840 Inventories 11 814 1,824 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Consolidated statements of financial position B.3 Consolidated statements of financial position (in millions of €) Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Other current financial assets Receivables from Siemens Group 16 10 The goodwill of €751 million comprised intangible assets that were not separable, such as employee know-how and expected synergy effects. Synergies are expected mainly from offering Corindus' products through the Siemens Healthineers' sales network, and also from the combination of Corindus' robotic systems with Siemens Healthineers' therapy systems and solu- tions in the fields of digitalization and artificial intelligence. The intangible assets of €306 million particularly include ac- quired technologies. 68 reflect the current market assessment of the risks specific to each segment by taking into account specific peer group infor- mation on beta factors, leverage and cost of debt. The param- eters for calculating the discount rates are based on external sources of information. The peer groups undergo an annual review and are adjusted, if necessary. Terminal value growth rates consider external macroeconomic data and industry- specific trends. The accounting estimates, including the meth- odology applied, can have a material impact on the respective values and ultimately the amount of any goodwill impairment. Additionally, the outcome of goodwill impairment tests may depend on the allocation of goodwill to the segments. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 61 The segment's recoverable amount is based on discounted cash flow calculations and involves the use of accounting estimates. The amount is influenced by, for example, the market launch of new goods and services, the successful integration of acquisi- tions, volatility of capital markets, interest rate developments, exchange rate fluctuations and the outlook on economic trends. At Siemens Healthineers, the recoverable amount is generally determined based on the fair value less costs of dis- posal. For the purpose of estimating a segment's fair value less costs of disposal, cash flows are projected for the next five years based on past experience, actual operating results and management's best estimate about future developments as well as on market assumptions. Cash flows after the detailed planning period are extrapolated using individual growth rates. The determined fair value of a segment is assigned to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. Key assumptions on which the deter- minations of fair values less costs of disposal are based include estimated terminal value growth rates and discount rates. Both assumptions are determined individually for each segment. The discount rates correspond to the segment's weighted average cost of capital and are calculated based on a risk-free interest rate and a market risk premium. In addition, the discount rates Goodwill is tested for impairment annually as well as whenever an indication (triggering event) arises that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Siemens Healthineers performs the annual impairment test in the quarter ending September 30. For the purpose of impairment testing, the segment's recover- able amount is to be determined as the higher of the segment's fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use. If either of these values exceeds the carrying amount, it is not necessary to determine both values. If the carrying amount of the seg- ment to which the goodwill is allocated exceeds its recoverable amount, an impairment loss on goodwill allocated to this seg- ment is recognized. Impairment losses on goodwill are not re- versed in future periods. Goodwill is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to the cash-generating unit or the group of cash-generating units that is expected to ben- efit from the synergies of the business combination and re- presents the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. At Siemens Healthineers, the goodwill impairment test is performed at the level of the seg- ments (please also see → Note 29 Segment information). The allocation of goodwill requires judgment. Goodwill Inventories are valued at the lower of acquisition or production costs and net realizable value. Acquisition or production costs are generally determined on the basis of an average value or the first-in, first-out method. The determination of the net realizable value includes assumptions with respect to quantity risks, risks of technical obsolescence and price risks. Inventories Basic earnings per share are computed by dividing net income at- tributable to the shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG by the weighted average number of shares of Siemens Healthineers AG outstanding during fiscal year. Diluted earnings per share are calculated by assuming conversion or exercise of all potentially dilutive share-based payment plans. Earnings per share Deferred tax assets and liabilities for temporary differences between the accounting book value and the tax base for assets and liabilities, as well as deferred tax assets for loss carryfor- wards, are measured at the tax rates that are expected to ap- ply in the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled using the liability method. Deferred tax assets are rec- ognized if sufficient taxable profit is projected for the periods in which the underlying temporary difference is reversed. The projection includes, in particular, future results from operating activities, reversals of taxable temporary differences and sub- stantiated tax planning opportunities. At each reporting date, Siemens Healthineers reassesses the recoverability of deferred tax assets based on the projected taxable profit. As future busi- ness developments are uncertain and partly beyond Siemens Healthineers' control, assumptions are necessary to estimate future taxable profit as well as the period in which deferred tax assets will be recovered. Estimates are updated on a regular basis and resulting adjustments are made in the respective pe- riod. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority and there is a legal right to set off current tax assets against liabilities. Recognition and measurement of tax positions are determined by respective local tax laws and applicable tax authorities' reg- ulations. These can be complex and may be interpreted differ- ently by taxpayers and local tax authorities. Thus, subsequent current tax payments or refunds for prior years are possible. These uncertainties are taken into account based on manage- ment's considerations. Income taxes Expenditures on research activities and collaborations are recog- nized as expenses as incurred. Expenditures on development ac- tivities are expensed and only capitalized when the recognition criteria in IAS 38, Intangible Assets, are met. To assess the fulfill- ment of these criteria, it is necessary to make assumptions about technical development risks and market developments, among other matters. Capitalized development expenses are measured at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses with an amortization period of generally five to 25 years. Research and development expenses Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 60 In general, operating expenses by types are assigned to func- tional areas according to their profit and cost centers. Amorti- zation, depreciation and impairment of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are included in functional costs depending on the use of the assets. Functional costs Contract assets, contract liabilities, receivables: When either party to a contract with a customer has performed its contrac- tual obligations, Siemens Healthineers presents a contract asset or a contract liability depending on the relationship between Siemens Healthineers' performance and the customer's pay- ment. Contract assets primarily relate to the sale of goods for which transfer of control occurs before Siemens Healthineers has an unconditional right to consideration. Contract liabilities result mainly from customer advances on services and from prepayments for goods not yet shipped. Contract assets and contract liabilities are presented net at the contract level and as current because they arise in the course of the regular op- erating cycle. Receivables are recognized when the right to consideration becomes unconditional. Valuation allowances for credit risks are set up for contract assets and receivables according to the accounting policy for financial assets mea- sured at amortized cost. Other intangible assets Revenue from services: Revenue is recognized over time on a straight-line basis or, if the performance pattern is other than straight-line, as services are provided. Service contracts can also include extended warranties, which cover periods beyond the statutory or customary warranty period and for which revenue is recognized straight-line over the extended warranty period. Customer payments are typically received on a monthly or quar- terly basis over the contract term. Siemens Healthineers amortizes purchased intangible assets with finite useful life on a straight-line basis over their respec- tive estimated useful life. The estimated useful life of patents, licenses and other similar rights generally ranges from three to five years. In addition, there are intangible assets acquired in business combinations, especially customer relationships, trademarks and technologies. For customer relationships and trademarks, the useful life ranges from five to 20 years; for technologies, from two to 15 years. Property, plant and equipment are valued at acquisition or pro- duction costs less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Depreciation is recognized on a straight-line basis. The following useful lives are assumed: Significant accounting estimates are required to determine provisions related to onerous contracts with customers, war- ranty costs and asset retirement obligations, as well as those related to legal and regulatory proceedings and governmental investigations (hereinafter, collectively, “legal proceedings"). Siemens Healthineers recognizes a provision for onerous con- tracts with customers when the estimated unavoidable costs of outstanding goods and services exceed the expected out- standing revenue. Legal proceedings often involve complex legal issues and are subject to substantial uncertainties. Accord- ingly, considerable judgment is required to determine whether it is probable that there is a present obligation as a result of a past event at the end of the reporting period, whether an out- flow of resources is probable and whether the amount of the obligation can be estimated reliably. Internal and external coun- sels are generally part of the determination process for legal proceedings. Due to new developments, it may be necessary to recognize a provision for an ongoing legal proceeding or to adjust the amount of a previously recognized provision. Upon resolution of a legal proceeding, Siemens Healthineers may in- cur charges in excess of the provision recognized for the matter concerned. Legal proceedings may have a material effect on net assets, financial position and results of operations. A provision is recognized if all of the following conditions are met: (1) it is probable that Siemens Healthineers has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, (2) it is probable that an outflow of resources with economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and (3) a reli- able estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. If the effect is material, provisions are recognized at present value by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pretax inter- est rate that corresponds to the risk-free market interest rate. Provisions Until September 30, 2019, IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 were applied. Lessee accounting distinguished between finance leases and operating leases. Finance leases were accounted for largely comparable to the right-of-use model currently applied for lessee accounting. Operating leases were reported off balance sheet and the lease payments were expensed over the lease term. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 62 Siemens Healthineers as lessee applies the right-of-use model, means right-of-use assets and lease liabilities are recognized, which normally correspond to the discounted lease payments at initial measurement. The right-of-use model is not applied for leases with a term of twelve months or less or for low-value assets. In these cases, the lease payments are instead expensed over the lease term. Extension options are included in the lease term if their exercise is reasonably certain. The accounting pol- icy choice for the non-separation of lease components and non-lease components is used, with the exemption for vehicle leases, and all components are accounted for as lease compo- nents. Right-of-use assets are measured at acquisition costs less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, and are depreciated under the straight-line method over the shorter of the lease term or the useful life of the underlying assets. Lease liabilities are measured at the present value of the lease pay- ments payable over the lease term, generally discounted using the incremental borrowing rate. Subsequently, they are mea- sured using the effective interest method. Lease liabilities are remeasured in case of lease modifications (due to renegotia- tions) or index-changes triggering price-adjustments, and as a result of required reassessments of existing contract conditions. The remeasurement of the lease liabilities leads to a respective adjustment of the right-of-use assets. Siemens Healthineers as lessor rents equipment to its customers. If substantially all risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the rented equipment are transferred to the customer, the lease is classified as a finance lease, otherwise as an operating lease. Under finance leases, revenue is recognized at the time the equipment is made available for use by the customer. At the same time, a receivable from finance leases is recognized at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease. In the following periods, interest income is realized using the effec- tive interest method, reflecting a constant periodic rate of return of the net investment. Under operating leases, the rented equip- ment is recognized as property, plant and equipment and is de- preciated over its ordinary useful life. Income from operating leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. A contract is or contains a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. For further information on leases, please refer to Note 7 Trade and other receivables, → Note 13 Other intangible assets and property, plant and equip- ment, Note 16 Financial debt, Note 24 Other financial obliga- tions and Note 26 Financial risk management. Leases about continuing or disposing of assets and operations. There- fore, the identification of the relevant cash-generating unit involves judgment. In addition, impairment testing of other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment involves the use of accounting estimates in determining the assets' or cash-generating units' recoverable amount, which can have a material impact on the respective values and ultimately the amount of any impairment. Siemens Healthineers reviews other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment for impairment whenever an indication (triggering event) arises that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. In addition, intangible assets not yet available for use are subject to an annual impairment test. If the recoverable amount of an individual asset cannot be determined, the impairment test is performed at the level of the cash-generating unit. A cash-generating unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that includes the asset to be tested for impairment and that generates cash inflows, which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. When determining the relevant cash-gen- erating unit, various factors need to be considered, including how management monitors operations or makes decisions Impairment of other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment generally 5 years generally 7 to 8 years 5 to 10 years generally 10 years 20 to 50 years Office and other equipment Equipment leased to others and equipment Technical machinery Other buildings Factory and office buildings Property, plant and equipment Defined benefit plans Revenue from the sale of goods: Revenue is recognized at a point in time when control of the goods (esp. equipment, reagents and consumables) passes to the customer, usually upon delivery of the goods. Payment terms typically do not exceed 90 days after customer acceptance. Siemens Healthineers recognizes revenue when, or as, control over distinct goods or services is transferred to the customer. This requires, among others, that a contract with enforceable rights and obligations exists, the customer is committed to its obligations, and collectability of consideration is probable, taking the customer's creditworthiness into account. Revenue is the transaction price Siemens Healthineers expects to be enti- tled to. Variable consideration is included in the transaction price if it is highly probable that no significant reversal of reve- nue will occur once associated uncertainties are resolved. Sig- nificant accounting estimates are involved in determining the amount of variable consideration, which is calculated by using either the expected value or the most likely amount depend- ing on which is expected to better predict the amount of vari- able consideration. Consideration is adjusted for the time value of money if the period between the transfer of goods or services and the receipt of payment exceeds twelve months and there is a significant financing benefit to either the customer or The acquired business contributed revenue of €8 million and a net loss of €48 million to Siemens Healthineers for the period from the acquisition date to September 30, 2020, including earnings effects from purchase price allocation and integration costs. If Corindus had been included in the consolidated financial state- ments as of October 1, 2019, revenue and net income, including earnings effects from purchase price allocation and integration costs, would have been € 14,461 million and €1,419 million, re- spectively, in fiscal year 2020. Miscellaneous liabilities Total liabilities Non-controlling interests The goodwill of €200 million comprised intangible assets that were not separable, such as employee know-how and expected synergy effects. Thereof, €99 million are expected to be deduct- ible for tax purposes. Some employees are covered by a non- compete agreement, which was classified as a separate trans- action and recognized as an intangible asset measured at €19 million. The non-controlling interests of 25% were mea- sured with the corresponding proportion of the amount of the acquired net assets. In August 2020, Siemens Healthineers entered into an agree- ment to acquire all shares of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (hereinafter "Varian") for an expected purchase price of US$ 16.4 billion (€14.0 billion as of September 30, 2020). The acquisition was approved by the Varian shareholders on October 15, 2020. The closing of the acquisition of Varian is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions and is expected to be completed in the first half of calendar year 2021. 66 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Note 4 Other operating income In fiscal year 2020, an amount of €34 million is reported in other operating income in the United States in connection with the CARES Act to mitigate the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fiscal year 2019, Siemens Healthineers realized other operating income of €24 million due to settlement gains. In fiscal year 2020, income tax expenses differed from the ex- pected income tax expenses based on the combined German tax rate of 29.2% (2019: 29.5%) as follows: (in millions of €) Expected income tax expenses Fiscal year 2020 2019 571 648 Nondeductible expenses 69 98 Tax-free income Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers. If a contract contains more than one dis- tinct good or service, the transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on relative stand-alone selling prices. If stand-alone selling prices are not observable, Siemens Healthineers reasonably estimates them, primarily by using historical reference values. Revenue is recognized for each performance obligation either at a point in time or over time. B.6 Notes to consolidated Note 1 Basis of presentation Revenue recognition Transactions in a currency other than the functional currency of an entity are recorded, on initial recognition, in that func- tional currency, by applying the spot exchange rate at the date of the transaction. At the end of each reporting period, foreign currency-denominated monetary items are translated applying the spot exchange rate prevailing at that date. Gains and losses arising from these foreign currency revaluations are recog- nized in profit or loss. Foreign currency-denominated non-mon- etary items are subsequently translated using the historical spot exchange rate. Foreign currency transactions Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries, where the functional currency is other than the euro, are translated using the spot exchange rate at the end of the reporting period, while income and expenses are translated using monthly average exchange rates. Differences arising from such translations are recognized within equity and reclassified to profit or loss when the gain or loss on disposal of the foreign operation is recognized. The items within the consolidated statements of cash flows are trans- lated at monthly average exchange rates, whereas cash and cash equivalents are translated at the spot exchange rate at the end of the reporting period. Foreign currency translation As a writer of a put option on non-controlling interests, Siemens Healthineers assesses whether the prerequisites for the trans- fer of present ownership interests are fulfilled at the balance sheet date. If Siemens Healthineers is not the beneficial owner of the shares underlying the put option, the exercise of the put option will be assumed at each balance sheet date and treated as a transaction between shareholders with the corresponding recognition of a purchase liability at the respective exercise price. The non-controlling interests participate in profits and losses during the reporting period. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 59 The non-controlling interests participate in comprehensive in- come. Transactions resulting in changes in the proportion of equity held by non-controlling interests that do not result in the loss of control by the Group are accounted for as equity trans- actions not affecting profit or loss. At the date control is lost, the entity concerned is deconsolidated and any remaining equity interests of the Group are remeasured to fair value through profit or loss. The costs of an acquisition are measured at the fair value of the as- sets given and the liabilities incurred or assumed at the acquisition date. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a busi- ness combination (including contingent liabilities) are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date, irrespective of the extent of any non-controlling interests. Non-controlling inter- ests are measured at the proportional fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed (partial goodwill method). The accounting for business combinations requires accounting estimates and judgments, for example when estimating the fair values of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed or when determining whether an intangible asset is identifiable and should therefore be recognized separately from goodwill. Business combinations The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Siemens Healthineers AG and the subsidiaries, which are con- trolled. The Group controls an investee if it has power over it. In addition, Siemens Healthineers must be exposed, or must have rights, to variable returns from the involvement with the investee and must have the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of Siemens Healthineers' returns. Basis of consolidation The COVID-19 pandemic and associated significant uncertainties have been considered, where relevant, in accounting estimates and judgments. In fiscal year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic did not lead to material adjustments to the carrying amounts of recognized assets and liabilities. For further information on impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, see disclosures in the respective notes to the consolidated financial statements and in the group management report. routinely require adjustments. Estimates and assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Changes in estimates and as- sumptions are recognized in the period in which the changes occur and in future periods impacted by the changes. In certain cases, accounting estimates and judgments are nec- essary. These involve complex and subjective assessments and the use of assumptions, some of which may be for matters that are inherently uncertain and susceptible to change. Accounting estimates and judgments could change from period to period and could have a material impact on net assets, financial posi- tion and results of operations. In addition, Siemens Healthineers could reasonably have made accounting estimates differently in the current accounting period. Siemens Healthineers cautions that future events often vary from forecasts and that estimates The below-mentioned accounting policies, unless stated other- wise, have been applied consistently for all presented periods. Accounting estimates and judgments Note 2 Accounting policies Siemens Healthineers prepared and published the consolidated financial statements in euros (€). Due to rounding, numbers may not add up precisely to the totals provided. Siemens Healthineers AG itself prepares consolidated financial statements for the smallest group of consolidated companies to which it belongs. Pursuant to Section 290 (1) of the German Commercial Code, it is also included in the consolidated financial statements of its parent company, Siemens AG (registered offices in Munich and Berlin, Munich Local Court HRB 6684 and Berlin Charlottenburg Local Court HRB 12300), as the largest group of consolidated companies. The consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2020, present the operations of Siemens Healthineers AG, registered in Munich (Munich Local Court, commercial register number HRB 237558), Germany, and its subsidiaries (hereinafter, col- lectively, "Group" or "Siemens Healthineers"). They have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union (EU), as well as with the additional requirements set forth in Section 315e (1) of the German Commercial Code ("Handelsgesetz- buch"). The consolidated financial statements are in accor- dance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). On November 19, 2020, the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG authorized the consolidated financial statements for issue. financial statements -46 Siemens Healthineers measures entitlements from defined ben- efit plans by applying the projected unit credit method. Thereby, the obligation from defined benefit plans reflects an actuarially calculated present value of the future benefit entitlement for services already rendered (defined benefit obligation, DBO). Ac- tuarial valuations rely on key assumptions including discount rates, expected compensation increases and pension progression and mortality rates. Discount rates are determined by reference to yields on high-quality corporate bonds of appropriate dura- tion and currency at the end of the reporting period. High- quality corporate bonds have an issuing volume of more than 100 million units (in the respective currency) and an AA rating (or equivalent) by at least one of the three rating agencies For funded plans, Siemens Healthineers offsets the fair value of the plan assets with the defined benefit obligation. The net amount is presented, after adjustments for any effects relating to asset ceiling. 112 Other intangible assets 7 Miscellaneous assets 200 Goodwill 306 Other intangible assets 33 25 Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables (in millions of €) 751 13 Goodwill Cash and cash equivalents (in millions of €) The purchase price paid in cash amounted to US$ 219 million (€ 196 million as of the acquisition date), including subsequent adjustments. In addition, Siemens Healthineers redeemed finan- cial liabilities of ECG amounting to US$ 143 million (€ 129 mil- lion as of the acquisition date). The purchase price allocation as of the acquisition date resulted in the following assets and liabilities: On November 1, 2019, Siemens Healthineers completed the acquisition of 75% of the ownership interest of ECG Manage- ment Consultants (hereinafter “ECG"). ECG is a leading con- sulting company based in the United States specialized in healthcare and providing a comprehensive suite of advisory services for meeting the strategic, financial, operational and technology-related challenges facing healthcare providers to- day. The business is part of the Imaging segment and allows Siemens Healthineers to tap into adjacent growth markets. Acquisition of ECG The purchase price amounted to US$ 1.1 billion (€ 1.0 billion as of the acquisition date) and was paid in cash. The purchase price allocation as of the acquisition date resulted in the following assets and liabilities: Total assets On October 29, 2019, Siemens Healthineers completed the ac- quisition of all shares in Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc. (here- inafter "Corindus"). Corindus develops and provides a robotic- assisted platform for endovascular coronary and peripheral vascular interventions. By combining Siemens Healthineers' cardiovascular and neurointerventional therapy systems with Corindus' innovative technology, Siemens Healthineers is able to drive optimization of procedures for image-based minimally invasive therapies. The business has been integrated into the Advanced Therapies segment. 1,077 18 3 189 11 80 Total liabilities 13 Deferred tax liabilities 11 Miscellaneous liabilities 33 Other current liabilities 35 Deferred tax liabilities 132 Short-term financial debt 8 Long-term financial debt 388 Total assets 25 Other current financial liabilities Miscellaneous assets Moody's Investor Service, Standard & Poor's Rating Services or Fitch Ratings. In such case that yields are not available, discount rates are based on government bond yields. For significant plans, individual spot rates from a full yield curve approach are applied. Due to changing market, economic and social condi- tions, the underlying actuarial assumptions may differ from actual developments. Acquisition of Corindus Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements The fair value of equity instruments for equity-settled plans and of liabilities for cash-settled plans is measured at the grant date and recognized as an expense over the vesting period. For cash-settled plans, the fair value is reassessed each quarter. The fair value is based on the market price of Siemens Healthineers AG shares or Siemens AG shares considering the present value of dividends to which the beneficiaries are not entitled during the vesting period as well as market and non-vesting conditions, if applicable. Therefore, the fair value is based on market parameters, assumptions and estimates. Changes in any of these could necessitate material adjustments to the carrying amount of the liabilities. Share-based payment awards may be settled in shares of Siemens Healthineers AG or Siemens AG, depending on which shares are the basis, or in cash. Share-based payment awards based on Siemens Healthineers AG shares are classified pre- dominately as equity-settled. Share-based payment awards based on Siemens AG shares are classified as cash-settled to fulfill the specific requirements for share-based payment trans- actions among group entities, as Siemens Healthineers is con- trolled by Siemens AG. Share-based payment Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 64 Cash flow hedges: The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as hedging instruments in cash flow hedges is recognized in other comprehensive income. Amounts accumulated in the cash flow hedge reserve are re- classified into net income in the same periods in which the hedged item affects net income. If the hedged item is an ex- pected business combination, the effective portion of changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument is considered when determining the transaction price upon closing of the acquisi- tion. Any ineffective portion is recognized immediately in profit or loss. The application of hedge accounting for expected busi- ness combinations assumes that the closing of the acquisition is estimated to be highly probable. This assessment may require significant judgment. Should the closing no longer be consid- ered highly probable, hedge accounting must be discontinued prospectively. If the closing is no longer expected to occur, the amount accumulated in the cash flow hedge reserve must be recognized immediately in profit or loss. For certain time-peri- od-related cash flow hedges, Siemens Healthineers designates only the change in the fair value of the spot element of forward exchange contracts as a hedging instrument. Changes in the fair value of the forward element are recognized in other compre- hensive income and accumulated separately in a cost of hedg- ing reserve. The value of the forward element at the time of designation is amortized into profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the hedging period. Cash and cash equivalents: Cash and cash equivalents are mea- sured at cost. Siemens Healthineers considers all highly liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition to be cash equivalents. Short-term deposits and overdraft facilities granted in connection with the cash pooling arrangements with the Siemens Group are not in- cluded in cash and cash equivalents. Changes in these items are presented as financing activities in the consolidated state- ments of cash flows. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: Siemens Healthineers measures financial liabilities, except for deriva- tives, contingent consideration recognized in a business com- bination and written put options on non-controlling interests, at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Financial assets are considered defaulted if the obligor is unwill- ing or unable to pay its credit obligations. A range of internally defined events can trigger a default rating, including the open- ing of bankruptcy proceedings or a default rating by an external rating agency. Financial assets are written off as uncollectible when it appears unlikely that they will be recovered. Generally, this applies after the statutory limitation period has expired, when bankruptcy proceedings have been closed, or when the receivable is no longer pursued due to its insignificance. Valuation allowances are set up for expected credit losses, repre- senting a forward-looking estimate of future credit losses and involving significant judgment. Expected credit losses are cal- culated based on the gross carrying amount of the financial asset less collateral, multiplied by a factor reflecting the proba- bility of default and the loss in the event of default. Probabilities of default and losses in the event of default are derived mainly from rating grades determined by Siemens Financial Services. Valuation allowances for receivables from Siemens Group are measured according to the general three-stage impairment ap- proach. For trade receivables, lease receivables and contract assets, Siemens Healthineers uses the simplified impairment model to measure valuation allowances at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. Financial assets measured at amortized cost: Loans, receivables and other debt instruments held in a hold-to-collect business model with contractual cash flows that represent solely pay- ments of principal and interest are measured at amortized cost. Interest income is calculated using the effective interest method. Financial assets measured at fair value through other compre- hensive income: Siemens Healthineers irrevocably elected to present changes in the fair value of its investment in Medical Systems S.p.A. in other comprehensive income to avoid earnings volatility. Accordingly, unrealized gains and losses as well as gains and losses on the subsequent sale of the investment are recognized in other comprehensive income. Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss: Debt instruments are measured at fair value through profit or loss if the business model they are held in is neither a hold-to-collect nor a hold-and-sell business model or if their contractual cash flows do not represent solely payments of principal and interest. Equity instruments are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless the option to measure them at fair value through other comprehensive income was elected. Derivatives are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless they are designated as hedging instruments. Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss include contingent consideration recognized in a business combination and liabilities from written put options on non-controlling in- terests. Siemens Healthineers does not use the option to desig- nate financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss at initial recognition (fair value option). Initially, financial instruments are generally recognized at their fair value. Receivables from finance leases are measured at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease. Regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized on the trade date. Subsequently, financial instruments are measured according to the category to which they are assigned: financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, financial assets measured at fair value through other com- prehensive income and financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost. With the closing of the acquisition of Corindus, Siemens pro- vided Siemens Healthineers with additional financing of € 1.0 bil- lion in the first quarter of fiscal year 2020. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 63 Termination benefits are provided when Siemens Healthineers makes an offer to enable an employee to resign from its employ- ment voluntarily before his or her normal retirement date or decides to terminate the employment. Termination benefits in accordance with IAS 19, Employee Benefits, are recognized as liabilities and expenses when the offer of those benefits can no longer be withdrawn. Termination benefits Entitlements resulting from plans based on investment returns of underlying assets are generally measured at the fair value of the underlying assets as of the reporting date. If the perfor- mance of the underlying assets is lower than a guaranteed re- turn, the DBO is measured by projecting forward the contribu- tions at the guaranteed fixed return and discounting back to a present value. Current and past service cost, settlement gains and losses for pensions and similar obligations and administration costs unre- lated to the management of plan assets are allocated to func- tional costs. Thereby, past service cost and settlement gains and losses are recognized immediately in net income. Current service cost and interest income and expenses are determined based on the assumptions used for the calculation of the de- fined benefit obligation as of the reporting date of the previous fiscal year, and recognized in profit or loss. Net interest is thus calculated by multiplying the discount rate for the respective fiscal year by the net defined benefit asset or liability as of the reporting date of the previous fiscal year. As of the reporting date, remeasurements are recognized in other comprehensive income. These comprise actuarial gains and losses as well as the difference between the return on plan assets and the inter- est income on plan assets, which is included in net interest. Prior-year information Note 3 Acquisitions Certain prior-year information has been reclassified to conform to the current presentation. IFRS 16, Leases, was adopted for the first time as of Octo- ber 1, 2019, by applying the modified retrospective approach (using practical and transitional expedients), that is, compara- tive figures for the preceding year were not adjusted. At date of initial application, it was not reassessed, whether an exist- ing contract was or included a lease. IFRS 16 introduced a sin- gle lessee accounting model (so-called right-of-use model), requiring lessees to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities. The recognition exemptions for not applying the right-of-use model for leases with a term of twelve months or less or for low-value assets have been exercised. The majority of the transition effect was related to real estate leased by Siemens Healthineers. As of October 1, 2019, additional right- of-use assets of €435 million were recognized in property, 65 The IASB has issued standards and amendments to standards whose application is not yet mandatory and which in part are not endorsed by the EU. Siemens Healthineers currently as- sumes that the application of these standards and amend- ments will not have a material impact on the presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Recent accounting pronouncements, not yet adopted The lease liabilities as of October 1, 2019, amounting to €470 million, exceeded by €438 million the lease liabilities from finance leases as of September 30, 2019, which amounted to €32 million. 470 Lease liabilities as of October 1, 2019 (therein current: €132 million) -24 Discounted using incremental borrowing rates (weighted average incremental borrowing rate as of October 1, 2019: 1.9%) 494 Future minimum lease payments from leases under the right-of-use model as of October 1, 2019 (gross) -3 -19 7 34 475 Recognition exemption for low value assets: Former finance leases which lead to off balance sheet reporting Others Practical relief for non-separation of lease components and non-lease components Future minimum lease payments from finance leases as of September 30, 2019 (gross) Future minimum lease payments from operating leases as of September 30, 2019 (gross) (in millions of €) plant and equipment, generally measured at the amount of the lease liability adjusted by any prepaid or accrued lease pay- ments. In addition, the right-of-use asset was derecognized if the leased asset was subleased under a finance lease to customers. The transition to IFRS 16 had nearly no effect on retained earnings. In fiscal year 2020, the initial application resulted in an improvement in cash flows from operating activ- ities of €130 million with a corresponding decrease in cash flows from financing activities and a corresponding increase in free cash flow. Future payment obligations under operating leases as of September 30, 2019 reconcile to the lease liability as of October 1, 2019, as follows: Recently adopted accounting pronouncements -56 Financial instruments Income taxes broke down as follows: 461 €138 million of the tax loss carryforwards not recognized as of September 30, 2020 will expire in the periods up to 2028 (September 30, 2019: €89 million expiring by 2037). As of Sep- tember 30, 2020, no deferred tax liabilities were recognized for temporary differences in connection with shares in subsidiaries amounting to €3,412 million (September 30, 2019: €3,228 mil- lion), as Siemens Healthineers can control their reversal and it is probable that these differences will not dissolve in the fore- seeable future. As of September 30, 2020, deferred tax liabil- ities of €21 million (September 30, 2019: €18 million) were recognized for planned dividend payments. Uncertainties in the interpretation of a tax regulation in the context of an enacted foreign tax reform in former years may result in future tax payments of a mid double-digit million amount. Due to the low probability of such an occurrence, no current income tax liability was still recognized. Note 6 Earnings per share Receivables from finance leases particularly related to the leas- ing of imaging equipment in the Imaging segment. The corre- sponding long-term portion is reported in the line item other financial assets and amounted to € 162 million as of the report- ing date (September 30, 2019: € 144 million). In the following table, the undiscounted future minimum lease payments are reconciled to the net investment in finance leases: (in millions of €) Future minimum lease payments Unearned finance income Net investment in finance leases Sept 30, 2020 2019 258 225 -42 -40 215 185 The future minimum lease payments to be received were due as follows: Sept 30, 436 (in millions of €) Total items (gross amounts) for which no deferred tax assets have been recognized 2,388 Oct 1, Sept 30, (in millions of €) 2020 2019 2018 (in millions of €) 2020 2019 Deductible temporary differences 131 Receivables from the sale of goods and services 2,520 187 Tax loss carryforwards 305 274 Receivables from finance leases Total trade and other receivables 48 2,568 2,744 35 2,779 31 2,419 Sept 30, 2020 Within 1 year 53 Total 258 225 Net income attributable to shareholders of Siemens Healthineers AG 1,411 1,567 Weighted average shares outstanding during fiscal year (basic) 1,001,859 Effect of dilutive share-based payment Weighted average shares outstanding during fiscal year (diluted) 2,211 999,245 893 1,004,070 1,000,138 Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per share 1.41 1.57 1.40 1.57 Note 5 Income taxes 60 2019 More than 5 years -12 58 Fiscal year Between 1 and 2 years 42 38 (in millions of €, number of shares in thousands, earnings per share in €) Between 2 and 3 years 37 37 2020 2019 Between 3 and 4 years 32 29 Net income 1,423 1,586 Between 4 and 5 years 28 25 Portion attributable to non-controlling interests -18 Note 7 Trade and other receivables 45 Deferred tax assets (gross amounts) have not been recognized Deferred tax 39 7 Income tax expenses recognized in the consolidated statements of income 532 607 Deferred tax assets and liabilities (-) related to the following items: Effective tax rate 27.2% 27.7% Income tax effects recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity 59 -64 Sept 30, Total income taxes included in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income or directly recognized in equity (in millions of €) 2020 2019 591 543 Deferred taxes on temporary differences 600 -243 Current tax 532 Taxes for prior years with respect to the following items: 24 -5 Change in realizability of deferred tax assets and tax credits -5 -12 Change in tax rates -19 3 Foreign tax rate differential -62 -71 Fiscal year Other 2 (in millions of €) 2020 2019 Total income tax expenses 607 -76 493 Current assets and liabilities -12 -51 87 Other Balance at fiscal year-end Intangible assets -757 -680 300 312 9 8 156 132 36 31 -51 87 52 Thereof: 67 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 60 -4 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Other non-current assets and liabilities Deferred taxes on tax loss carryforwards Deferred taxes on tax credits -49 232 In fiscal year 2020, the current taxes included expenses of €9 mil- lion (2019: €7 million) for adjustments of taxes from prior fiscal years. The deferred taxes included expenses of €45 million (2019: €50 million) from the origination and reversal of tem- porary differences. Various one-time circumstances, such as the assessment of the deferred tax assets on loss carry-for- wards and the adjustment of the outside basis differences to a reduced withholding tax rate on distributions of a company, had a small overall positive effect on the effective tax rate for fiscal year 2020. In fiscal year 2019, the effective tax rate was positively influenced by different effects, for example the settlement of international proceedings on the avoidance of double taxation as well as tax-free income following interna- tional changes in jurisdiction. In fiscal year 2020, interest on tax receivables in the amount of € 19 million, relating to these proceedings, was recognized as interest income. In fiscal year 2020, the calculation of taxes in Germany was based on a combined tax rate of 29.2% (2019: 29.5%), consist- ing of the corporate tax rate of 15.0% (2019: 15.0%), the soli- darity surcharge thereon of 5.5% (2019: 5.5%) and an average trade tax rate of 13.4% (2019: 13.7%). For foreign subsidiaries, taxes were calculated based on local tax law and applicable tax rates in the individual countries. Total deferred tax assets and liabilities, net Deferred tax assets and liabilities, net, developed as follows: (in millions of €) 2020 2019 Balance at beginning of fiscal year 87 Fiscal year 206 Changes recognized in the consolidated statements of income -39 -7 Changes recognized in other comprehensive income -59 64 Additions from acquisitions directly recognized in equity 46 114 1 Included past service costs, settlement gains and losses as well as liability management costs for funded plans. 2 Presented in the line item other assets. 1,029 36 Changes in demographic assumptions Changes in financial assumptions Experience gains and losses Total actuarial gains (-) and losses Net interest expenses related to provisions for pensions and similar obligations amounted to €10 million in fiscal year 2020 (2019: €17 million). The defined benefit obligation was attribut- able to active employees 45% (2019: 46%), to active and for- mer employees with vested benefits for whom no more current service cost is recognized 14% (2019: 15%), and to retirees and surviving dependents 41 % (2019: 39%). Fiscal year The actuarial gains (-) and losses included in the remeasure- ments resulted from: 114 1,045 43 (in millions of €) 104 147 263 261 10 -32 7 95 112 105 2020 -39 149 2019 Mortality tables applied were: -19 Sept 30, 2020 13 A change of half a percentage-point in the above-mentioned assumptions would affect the defined benefit obligation as fol- lows: Sensitivity analysis Swiss franc British pound U.S. dollar Euro Discount rate (in %) -3 The weighted-average discount rate was as follows: Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 16 76 In fiscal year 2019, an actuarial gain of €83 million was recog- nized due to a change in financial assumptions in connection with payment options at the start of retirement in Germany. 397 67 -11 -2 426 72 Actuarial assumptions 8 -95 408 2,813 3,847 3,798 Balance at fiscal year-end -70 -99 -1 -137 -71 -235 Other reconciliation items 8 -11 62 -85 70 Currency translation differences 3 4 3 4 2019 Business combinations, disposals and other 2,858 8 13 993 371 369 120 113 987 937 1,107 1,050 798 791 1,204 423 1,216 2,007 Net defined benefit assets² Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Thereof: Other countries Switzerland United Kingdom United States Germany Thereof: 1,002 2,001 1.5 83 Effect on defined benefit obligation due to a change of half a percentage-point 327 Government bonds Thereof: Fixed income securities Equity securities (in millions of €) 1,522 1,474 560 554 2019 2020 Sept 30, Disaggregation of plan assets A decline in the pension plans' funded status due to an adverse development of plan assets or the defined benefit obligation is considered as a significant risk. The funded status can be af- fected by changes in actuarial assumptions, primarily the dis- count rate, as well as movements in financial markets. Accord- ingly, Siemens Healthineers implemented an investment strategy aligned with the defined benefit obligation (liability-driven investment approach). The management of the risks is based on a worldwide defined risk measure (Value at Risk, VaR), which considers both plan assets and the defined benefit ob- ligation. The risk assessment is combined with a stress test simulating the impact of a deterioration of the funded status in the amount of the VaR on net debt (including pensions). The above-mentioned risks and the asset development are moni- tored on an ongoing basis and, if necessary, the investment strategy is adjusted accordingly. Independent asset managers are selected based on quantitative and qualitative analyses, which include their performance and risk preference. Deriva- tives are used to reduce risks as part of risk management. Asset liability management strategies Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 77 2.7 2.6 United Kingdom 1.4 1.5 337 Corporate bonds 1,147 1,185 Settlement payments 78 The amount recognized as an expense for defined contribution plans amounted to €449 million in fiscal year 2020 (2019: €418 million). Therein, contributions to state plans of €287 mil- lion (2019: €284 million) were included. Defined contribution plans As of the reporting date, employer contributions expected to be paid to defined benefit plans in fiscal year 2021 amounted to €73 million (2020: €76 million). Over the next ten fiscal years, average annual benefit payments of €181 million were expected (September 30, 2019: €181 million). The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation for Siemens Healthineers' defined benefit plans was 13 years (Sep- tember 30, 2019: 13 years). Future cash flows Almost all equity securities had quoted prices in an active mar- ket. The fair value of fixed income securities was based on prices provided by price service agencies. The fixed income se- curities were traded on an active market and almost all were rated as investment grade. Alternative investments mostly in- cluded investments in hedge funds. Real estate investments were included as well. Multi-strategy funds comprised mainly absolute return funds and diversified growth funds that invest in various asset classes within a single fund, with the aim to stabilize investment returns and reduce volatility. Derivatives predominantly consisted of financial instruments for hedging interest rate risk. 2,858 2,813 Total plan assets 65 Germany Other 91 Cash and cash equivalents 46 65 Derivatives 343 345 Multi-strategy funds 200 200 Alternative investments 122 Pension progression 1.4 1.4 -10 10 -10 11 Compensation increase 0.2 0.2 271 -231 266 -227 Pension progression Discount rate 1.7 Decrease Sept 30, 2019 Increase Decrease Increase (in millions of €) 3.0 2.4 Sept 30, 2020 0.9 0.9 2.0 1.8 158 154 Switzerland 3.5 2.6 United Kingdom Compensation increase (in %) 2019 2020 Sept 30, Compensation increase and pension progression for countries, in which these assumptions have a significant effect, are shown in the following table. If applicable, inflation effects were con- sidered. Sensitivity determinations applied the same methodology as applied for the determination of the post-employment benefit obligation. Sensitivities reflected changes in the defined bene- fit obligation solely for the assumption changed. -135 The effect on the defined benefit obligation of a 10% reduction in mortality rates for all beneficiaries would be an increase of € 109 million as of September 30, 2020 (September 30, 2019: € 104 million). Pri-2012 generational projection from the U.S. Social Security Administra- tion's Long Range Demo- graphic Assumptions Siemens-specific tables (Siemens Bio 2017) mainly derived from data of the German Siemens pop- ulation and to a lesser extent from data of the Federal Statistical Office in Germany by applying formulas in accordance with recognized actuarial standards 2019 Switzerland BVG 2015 G SAPS S2 Standard mortality tables for Self-Adminis- tered Pension Schemes with allowance for future mortality improvements United King- dom United States Pri-2012 generational projection from the U.S. Social Security Administra- tion's Long Range Demo- graphic Assumptions Siemens-specific tables (Siemens Bio 2017/2020) mainly derived from data of the German Siemens population and to a lesser extent from data of the Federal Statistical Office in Germany by applying formulas in accordance with recognized actuarial standards Sept 30, 2020 Germany -136 SAPS S2 Standard mortal- ity tables for Self-Adminis- tered Pension Schemes with allowance for future mortality improvements BVG 2015 G -16 Sept 30, -136 361 -98 459 -12 110 14 -21 264 264 -219 -105 127 -185 832 -1,033 1,866 -149 25 302 -96 -93 287 -16 -816 -5 -18 impairments Accumulated amortization, depreciation and 2019 Retirements Additions Reclassifications Gross carrying amount at end of fiscal year business combinations through Currency translation differences Additions 57 -525 -3,259 6,033 -241 742 17 -273 -53 82 -45 128 2,774 Carrying amount at end of fiscal year 2019 1,103 22 37 299 -41 245 -72 Additions Reclassifications combinations differences business translation -135 through Additions -290 1,912 -3,093 5,005 -16 -138 297 -2,034 2,331 Currency -49 139 -248 86 2 -46 -50 254 -620 874 -10 35 25 - -38 694 -645 1,340 -3 137 35 1 -51 281 438 -40 Amortization, depreciation and impairments in fiscal year 2019 50 Siemens Healthineers as lessor Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 71 -357 2,318 -3,039 5,357 -336 750 145 The line item equipment leased to others comprised predom- inately diagnostic instruments that were leased out under operating leases in the Diagnostics segment. 374 -1 -144 216 16 -149 782 -1,002 1,784 -177 21 374 346 Future minimum lease payments to be received under operating leases were due as follows: Sept 30, 28 56 Within 1 year 2019 2020 (in millions of €) Sept 30, Total other assets Other 320 Note 15 Other assets 295 13 55 46 Prepaid expenses 250 235 Deferred compensation assets 2019 2020 (in millions of €) 15 28 -125 317 197 14 174 -117 313 -2,014 2,327 - 103 -35 -11 198 567 -9 41 14 21 -111 1,065 -590 1,655 155 -369 4,549 -2,973 1,576 -800 1,117 -100 31 132 33 -49 256 -605 861 -42 35 30 30 -34 589 -632 1,221 -16 57 25 38 -263 -53 461 -401 862 accounting adjustments Acquisitions and purchase 416 -573 9,433 9,906 Balance at beginning of fiscal year Currency translation differences and other 2019 2020 Fiscal year Balance at fiscal year-end 69 In fiscal year 2020, cost of sales included inventories recog- nized as expenses in the amount of €8,698 million (2019: €8,503 million). Write-offs of inventories increased by €11 mil- lion (2019: €35 million) compared to the prior year. 2,064 2,304 Total inventories 19 31 Advances to suppliers 981 1,099 Finished goods and products held for resale 69 565 951 57 9,906 Terminal value growth rate Goodwill Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Total goodwill Advanced Therapies Diagnostics Imaging (in millions of €) Impairment testing of goodwill at the level of the segments resulted in no impairment. The allocation of goodwill to the segments as well as the key assumptions for the calculation of the segments' fair value less costs of disposal were as follows: 8,590 10,285 9,038 8,590 Balance at beginning of fiscal year Balance at fiscal year-end Carrying amount -1,316 -1,247 -59 69 -1,257 -1,316 Accumulated impairment losses Balance at beginning of fiscal year Currency translation differences Balance at fiscal year-end 8,176 609 Work in progress 500 22 84 253 226 Miscellaneous tax receivables 27 27 2019 2020 (in millions of €) Prepaid expenses 2019 Sept 30, Sept 30, Note 11 Other current assets Total other current financial assets Other Derivatives Receivables from employees (in millions of €) Note 8 Other current financial assets Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 2020 85 56 31 566 Raw materials and supplies 2019 2020 (in millions of €) Sept 30, Cost (in millions of €) Note 10 Inventories As of the reporting date, contract assets amounted to €818 mil- lion (September 30, 2019: €839 million; October 1, 2018: €600 million). Thereof, contract assets amounting to € 132 mil- lion (September 30, 2019: € 128 million) had a remaining term of more than twelve months. The change in contract assets in fiscal year 2019 primarily related to the Imaging segment, with an increase by €153 million, and resulted mainly from an in- crease in deliveries of imaging equipment for which control had already been transferred to the customer but for which the unconditional right to consideration was still dependent on the rendering of services outstanding as of the reporting date. Note 9 Contract assets Note 12 Goodwill As of September 30, 2020, miscellaneous tax receivables mainly consisted of sales tax receivables amounting to €217 million (September 30, 2019: €246 million). The increase of the line item derivatives resulted from currency hedging transactions mainly in connection with op- erating activities and the planned acquisition of Varian. For further details, please refer to Note 16 Financial debt and to → Note 25 Financial instruments and hedging activities. 321 338 Total other current assets 78 142 12 27 Other 28 After-tax discount rate Deferred compensation assets related to a deferred compensation plan in the United States. Please refer to Note 22 Other liabilities for the corresponding deferred compensation liabilities. Sept 30, Sept 30, 499 1,452 amount at beginning of fiscal year 2019 Gross carrying 0 70 Total property, plant and equipment Advances to suppliers and construction in progress Equipment leased to others Office and other equipment 2,224 Technical machinery and equipment Total other intangible assets Customer relationships and trademarks Acquired technology including patents, licenses and similar rights Internally generated technology (in millions of €) 1 The opening balance sheet values include the adjustments due to the modified retrospective transition to right-of-use model in accordance with IFRS 16, Leases, please refer to Note 2 Accounting policies. Total property, plant and equipment 5,788 94 368 Land and buildings 374 4,175 808 -1 1 -99 1,154 -657 1,812 -15 -1 Amortization, depreciation and impairments in fiscal year 2020 2020 1,117 impairments amortization, depreciation and Accumulated Gross carrying amount at end of fiscal year 2020 Retirements Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 4,799 287 1,566 1,021 Carrying amount at end of fiscal year 1,784 1,088 861 1.7% 1.7% 924 1,587 7.0% 6.5% 1.7% 1.7% 1,714 1,624 6.5% 6.5% 1.7% 1.7% 5,951 5,827 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 7.0% 6.5% 9,038 8,590 1,220 4,549 2,327 567 fiscal year 20201 1,655 amount at beginning of Gross carrying Right-of-use assets for other property, plant and equipment Right-of-use assets for land and buildings Advances to suppliers and construction in progress Equipment leased to others Office and other equipment Technical machinery and equipment Land and buildings Total other intangible assets Customer relationships and trademarks Acquired technology including patents, licenses and similar rights Internally generated technology (in millions of €) Note 13 Other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment percentage-point increase in after-tax discount rates, or a one percentage-point decrease in the terminal value growth rate. These indicated that no goodwill impairment loss would need to be recognized. -15 Revenue figures in the five-year detailed planning period included average revenue growth rates (excluding portfolio ef- fects) of 6% to 9% (2019: 5% to 8%). Sept 30, Between 1 and 2 years Siemens Healthineers performed sensitivity analyses based on a 10% reduction in after-tax future cash flows, a one 35 Net debt (including pensions)/EBITDA 2,920 2,796 EBITDA Note 20 Other current liabilities 620 815 Amortization, depreciation and impairments 107 27 Note 18 Contract liabilities Interest income, interest expenses and other financial income, net 1,954 Income before income taxes In the ordinary course of business, Siemens Healthineers is in- volved in legal proceedings in various jurisdictions. At present, the Group does not expect any matters from these legal pro- ceedings to have material effects on net assets, financial posi- tion and results of operations. The majority of provisions is expected to result in cash outflows during the next one to 15 years. Warranties related to goods sold. Provisions for order-related losses and risks were primarily recognized for contracts in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contracts exceeded ex- pected outstanding revenue. Other provisions included various types of provisions, such as provisions for asset retirement ob- ligations related to certain items of property, plant and equip- ment as well as provisions for legal proceedings. 144 64 56 24 414 123 2,193 80 Sept 30, 1.4 Note 21 Provisions for pensions and Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 74 The decrease in the line item wage and salary obligations and other liabilities to employees was due mainly to lower obliga- tions for performance-based compensation. Employee-related accruals primarily included accruals for vacation entitlements and share-based payment. As of the reporting date, miscella- neous tax liabilities mainly comprised sales tax liabilities of €157 million (September 30, 2019: € 143 million). Total other current liabilities Other Employee-related accruals Miscellaneous tax liabilities As of September 30, 2020, contract liabilities amounted to €1,784 million (September 30, 2019: €1,741 million; October 1, 2018: €1,524 million). Included therein were contract liabilities of €451 million (September 30, 2019: €440 million) with a re- maining term of more than twelve months. In fiscal year 2020, an amount of €1,059 million (2019: €1,070 million) included in contract liabilities at the beginning of the period was recog- nized as revenue. 1,236 1,198 0.9 147 192 200 268 302 629 561 Wage and salary obligations and other liabilities to employees 2019 2020 (in millions of €) 135 similar obligations 211 3 1,045 1,029 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2,929 1,576 Net debt -920 -656 Cash and cash equivalents -683 Net debt (including pensions) -3,271 Receivables from Siemens Group from 4,030 2,982 financing activities Other liabilities to Siemens Group from 359 2,040 financing activities Payables to Siemens Group from 80 62 financing activities 3 2,605 225 -23 -7 -8 -56 -15 -7 -34 -160 -15 -6 3,974 -138 35 19 165 147 61 63 23 430 122 83 219 Siemens Healthineers provides post-employment benefit plans for almost all of its German employees and the majority of its foreign employees. These plans are accounted for either as de- fined benefit plans or defined contribution plans. Defined benefit plans The defined benefit plans cover around 48,000 participants. These are divided into 29,000 active employees for whom current service cost is recognized, 8,000 active and former employees with vested benefits for whom no more current service cost is recognized, and 10,000 retirees and surviving dependents who receive benefits. The defined benefit plans are to a certain extent affected by longevity, inflation and compensation increases and take into account country-specific differences. Major plans are funded with assets in external segregated benefit trusts. In accordance with local laws, these plans are managed in the in- terest of the beneficiaries through trust agreements with the respective benefit trusts. The defined benefit plans open to new entrants are predominantly based on contributions made by Siemens Healthineers. The majority of the provisions for pensions derives from defined benefit plans in the following four countries: -6 -6 397 67 -220 -53 397 67 220 53 Effects of asset ceiling Actuarial gains (-) and losses 81 81 65 39 145 119 statements of income Defined benefit cost recognized in the consolidated 3 -2 Return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest income and net interest expenses) -2 Remeasurements recognized in the consolidated Employer contributions 56 -138 -152 -153 8 9 8 9 -66 -77 statements of comprehensive income 66 177 9 -6 220 53 397 40 67 Benefits paid Plan participants' contributions 77 -4 -6 Other¹ 2019 2020 2019 2020 (in millions of €) Fiscal year Net defined benefit balance (I-II+III) Effects of asset ceiling (III) Fiscal year Fair value of plan assets (II) Fiscal year Fiscal year 2020 Defined benefit obligation (I) Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 75 Following the Swiss Law of Occupational Benefits ("Berufliches Vorsorgegesetz", BVG), each employer must grant post-employ- ment benefits to qualifying employees. Accordingly, Siemens Healthineers sponsors cash balance plans in Switzerland. These plans are administered by external foundations. The board of the main foundation is composed of an equal number of em- ployer and employee representatives of the plan sponsors. The board of the foundation is responsible for the investment policy and the management of plan assets as well as for any changes in the plan rules and the determination of contributions to finance the benefits. Siemens Healthineers is required to make total contributions at least as high as the sum of the employee contributions set out in the plan rules. In case of an underfunded plan, Siemens Healthineers together with the employees may be required to pay supplementary contributions according to a defined framework of recovery measures. Switzerland In the United Kingdom, Siemens Healthineers provides pension benefits through the Siemens Healthineers Benefit Scheme for which an inflation adjustment of the majority of accrued de- fined benefits is mandatory until the start of retirement. The required funding is determined by a so-called funding valuation carried out every third year according to legal requirements. United Kingdom In the United States, defined benefit plans are sponsored by Siemens Healthineers, which have been frozen to new entrants and future benefit accruals, except for interest credits on cash balance accounts. The plans' assets are held in trusts. The trust- ees of the trusts are responsible for the administration of the assets. They take directions from an investment committee to which Siemens Healthineers has delegated supervision of the investment of plan assets. The plans are subject to funding re- quirements under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) as amended. There is a regulatory require- ment to maintain a minimum funding level of 80% in the de- fined benefit plans in order to avoid benefit restrictions. An- nual contributions are calculated by independent actuaries. Siemens Healthineers may, at its discretion, contribute in ex- cess of this regulatory requirement. United States In Germany, Siemens Healthineers provides pension benefits through the Siemens Healthineers BSAV ("Beitragsorientierte Siemens Altersversorgung"), frozen legacy plans and deferred compensation plans. The majority of active employees parti- cipates in the Siemens Healthineers BSAV. The benefits pro- vided under this plan are predominantly based on notional contributions and their respective investment returns, whereby a minimum return is guaranteed. The frozen plans expose Siemens Healthineers to investment risk, interest rate risk and longevity risk. The effect of compensation increases is sub- stantially eliminated. The pension plans are funded via a con- tractual trust arrangement (CTA). No legal or regulatory mini- mum funding requirements apply in Germany. Germany Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 2019 2020 2019 -67 -43 67 43 Interest income 83 52 83 52 Interest expenses 62 73 62 73 Current service cost 1,002 13 13 2,574 2,858 3,376 3,847 Balance at beginning of fiscal year 314 Long-term financial debt 815 maturities of long-term financial debt Total other financial assets Other 66 75 Equity instruments and fund shares 107 92 Derivatives 144 162 352 Receivables from finance leases 2020 (in millions of €) Note 14 Other financial assets 4,531 5,503 Total financial debt 4,092 3,297 Total non-current financial debt 59 2019 Therein: Lease liabilities 25 21 Other differences Acquisitions Currency translation Cash flows from financing activities² fiscal year 20201 Balance at beginning of Non-cash changes Loans from banks (in millions of €) 23 The following tables show the sources of changes in total financial debt and total liabilities from financing activities: In fiscal year 2020, Siemens AG provided an additional variable interest loan in connection with the acquisition of Corindus (please also see → Note 3 Acquisitions), amounting to € 1.0 bil- lion and maturing in fiscal year 2021. loans and actual interest expenses decreased due to positive forward elements of the forward exchange contracts. In total, the actual current volume-weighted average interest rate of the transferred loans decreased to approximately -0.1%. For further information about the hedging activities, please refer to Note 25 Financial instruments and hedging activities. In addition, there were loans with the Siemens Group with various maturities and in various currencies. As of September 30, 2020 and 2019, the loans were mainly denominated in U.S. dollars with approximately US$ 0.9 billion maturing in fiscal year 2021 (contractual interest rate: 1.9%), US$ 0.7 billion maturing in fiscal year 2023 (contractual interest rate: 2.2%), US$ 1.7 billion ma- turing in fiscal year 2027 (contractual interest rate: 2.5%) and US$ 1.0 billion maturing in fiscal year 2046 (contractual inter- est rate: 3.4%). In fiscal year 2019, the loans maturing in fiscal years 2021, 2023 and 2027 were transferred from a U.S. entity to German entities. The resulting foreign currency risks were hedged by forward exchange contracts. As a result, the loans were effectively converted into synthetic euro-denominated Furthermore, the Siemens Group provided a bridge facility to finance the purchase price and additional costs in connection with the planned acquisition of Varian. As of the reporting date, the financing commitment amounted to €12.5 billion and was not utilized by Siemens Healthineers. Unused available commitment from the bridge facility is subject to a commitment fee. This fee and other fees are recognized in other financial income and amounted to €5 million in fiscal year 2020. Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 22 72 As of September 30, 2020, financing arrangements of Siemens Healthineers with Siemens AG consisted of a multi- currency revolving credit facility of up to €1.1 billion (Septem- ber 30, 2019: € 1.0 billion), which serves to finance net working capital and as a short-term loan facility, as well as a multi- currency revolving credit facility of up to € 1.0 billion (Septem- ber 30, 2019: €1.0 billion) as a financing reserve. As of the reporting date, an amount of €166 million (September 30, 2019: €0 million) was drawn from these facilities. 1 Obligations under finance leases as of September 30, 2019. 339 In fiscal year 2020, interest expenses from financing arrange- ments with Siemens AG amounted to €21 million (2019: €31 mil- lion) and from financing arrangements with other Siemens Group entities to €22 million (2019: €73 million). The decrease in inter- est expenses resulted mainly from positive effects of the above- mentioned loan transfers. 4,030 2,982 from financing activities 167 Short-term financial debt and current maturities of long-term financial debt Thereof: 2019 2020 Sept 30, (in millions of €) 130 250 13 27 80 More than 5 years Total 27 Between 4 and 5 years Note 16 Financial debt 18 37 Between 3 and 4 years 26 47 167 Between 2 and 3 years 10 Loans from banks Lease liabilities1 60 Other liabilities to Siemens Group 22 265 39 49 Lease liabilities1 Loans from banks 62 314 Long-term financial debt Thereof: Therein: Lease liabilities Total current financial debt In fiscal year 2019, total expenses under operating leases amounted to €201 million. The total cash outflows from leases amounted to € 190 million in fiscal year 2020. Siemens Healthineers as lessee 439 2,207 27 359 2,040 Payables to Siemens Group from financing activities 10 107 70 Balance at end of fiscal year 2020 109 In fiscal year 2020, revenue from operating leases in the amount of €216 million (2019: €162 million) was realized. Included therein were variable lease payments in the amount of € 109 mil- lion (2019: €85 million). Before Siemens Healthineers concludes contracts with the customer for the sale of reagents and consum- ables by providing a diagnostic instrument, the order volumes forecasted by the customer are analyzed and verified. Based on realistic sales volumes, customer-specific prices for reagents are calculated, including a price offset for the diagnostic instrument. The average term of customer contracts covers the ordinary useful life of the diagnostic instruments. 142 -683 -8 716 -1,391 Receivables from Siemens Group from financing activities 4,531 1 242 -419 4,707 Total liabilities from financing activities Total financial debt -14 243 -473 4,634 Payables and other liabilities to Siemens Group from financing activities Balance at end of fiscal year 2019 109 33 16 -9 26 -1 4,390 3,317 297 234 Short-term financial debt and current 2019 19 2020 Sept 30, (in millions of €) Other Balance at end of fiscal year 2020 Therein: Non-current Usage Reversals Currency translation differences Additions (in millions of €) Balance at beginning of fiscal year 2020 Therein: Non-current Note 19 Provisions Siemens Healthineers generates consistent liquid funds from recurring revenue, supporting a strong cash position. Capital management aims to maintain ready access to international capital markets, and thereby to financing through various debt instruments, as well as to sustain the ability to repay and service financial debt over time. For this purpose, Siemens Healthineers actively manages net debt (including pensions) and the ratio of net debt (including pensions) to EBITDA. This ratio indicates the approximate number of years needed to cover net debt (in- cluding pensions) with continuing income, without taking into account interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Net debt (including pensions) and the ratio of net debt (including pensions) to EBITDA are managed with a long-term outlook and with the intention that Siemens Healthineers would qualify for a solid investment grade rating at the minimum. management disclosures Note 17 Additional capital Total Other Order- related losses and risks Warranties Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 73 1 Reported in the following line items of the consolidated statements of cash flows: Change in short-term financial debt and other financing activities and other transactions/financing with Siemens Group. 3,849 1 63 48 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Currency translation differences 60 -328 157 645 4,969 Total financial debt 4,936 54 -285 777 4,390 Payables and other liabilities to Lease liabilities 458 148 -23 15 -152 470 -20 Other 109 -142 5,503 Receivables from Siemens Group from Siemens Group from financing activities ³ -683 fiscal year 2019 financing financing activities Cash flows from Balance at beginning of Non-cash changes Obligations under finance leases (in millions of €) 3 Excluding separately disclosed lease liabilities. 1 Including effects from the modified retrospective adoption of IFRS 16, Leases (please also see Note 2 Accounting policies). 2 Reported in the following line items of the consolidated statements of cash flows: Change in short-term financial debt and other financing activities and other transactions/financing with Siemens Group. 2,232 activities' Loans from banks -317 157 Total liabilities from financing activities -3,271 11 4,286 -1,954 60 -2,599 About 4 years Members of the Managing Board, eligible members of senior management and other eligible employees About 1 to about 4 years Members of senior management and other eligible employees Equity-settled share-based payment €8 million Valuation model Members of the Managing Board 21.28% €32 million Expected weighted volatility of Siemens Healthineers AG shares² 784,924 Members of senior management and other eligible employees 21.36% 354,9551 Inputs to the valuation model for the following beneficiaries Plan design II Classification 87 40 In fiscal year 2020, Siemens Healthineers granted Siemens Healthineers' stock awards to members of the Managing Board, members of senior management and other eligible employees. Beginning with the 2020 tranche, the major portion of the Siemens Healthineers' stock awards (plan design II) granted to members of senior management and other eligible employees depends solely on fulfillment of the employee's respective ser- vice condition. In addition, Siemens Healthineers' stock awards (plan design 1) granted to members of the Managing Board and eligible members of senior management and other eligible em- ployees remain linked to the development of the total share- holder return in comparison to that of established competitors during the vesting period. The following table summarizes the information for the Siemens Healthineers' stock awards of the 2020 and 2019 tranches. Share price less the present value of ex- pected dividend Members of senior management and other eligible employees Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Siemens Healthineers' stock awards Number of granted stock awards Fair Value at the grant date Determination of the fair value Tranche 2020 Performance condition development of the total shareholder return in comparison to competitors 0-200% n. a. n. a. Target attainment Beneficiaries Plan design I n. a. n. a. development of the total shareholder return in comparison to competitors 0-200% 1.88% -0.27% 1.84% -0.27% n. a. 1 Based on a target attainment of 200%. €36.25 1.91 % Risk-free interest rate 1.93% 0.16% 2 Expected volatility and assumptions concerning share price correlations were determined by reference to historical volatilities and historical correlations, respectively. Share Matching program and its underlying plans Siemens Healthineers' stock awards The development of outstanding matching shares from plans of the Share Matching program described below was as follows: Under the Share Matching program, Siemens Healthineers offers plans which entitle beneficiaries to receive Siemens Healthineers AG shares. Up to fiscal year 2018, beneficiaries were entitled to receive Siemens AG shares. The plans under the Share Matching program based on Siemens Healthineers AG shares are classified as equity-settled share-based payment, while plans under the Share Matching program based on Siemens AG shares as cash-settled share-based payment. The weighted average fair value of the Siemens Healthineers' matching shares granted in fiscal year 2020 was €33.81 per share (2019: €28.17 per share). It was determined as the share price less the present value of expected dividends and taking into account non-vesting conditions. 0.16% Tranche 2019 Expected dividend yield €36.73 About 4 years Members of the Managing Board, members of senior management and other eligible employees Equity-settled share-based payment 1,836,5861 €33 million Valuation model Siemens Healthineers AG share Members of the Managing Board Members of senior management and other eligible employees 20.54% Share price per €42.59 €43.50 €43.50 20.54% With regard to the total target amount of share-based payment, the target attainment of the Siemens' stock awards is bound to the share price performance of Siemens AG relative to the share price performance of competitors during the restriction period of about four years. The target attainment for the performance criteria ranges from 0% to 200%. If the target attainment ex- ceeds 100%, an additional cash payment is made correspond- ing to the outperformance. Siemens' stock awards are classified as cash-settled share-based payment. 2 3,390,682 2,400,158 325,330 534,148 71 Trade payables 1,350 3 1 Other financial 157 liabilities other liabilities to Siemens Group¹ 2,101 79 845 2,954 Payables and Derivative financial 111 Lease liabilities 2021 Outstanding at beginning of fiscal year Granted 2022 2023 to 2025 2026 and thereafter Non-derivative financial liabilities 143 3,725 1,005 3,026 Thereof: Loans from banks 60 51 251 Siemens' stock awards liabilities 8 Non-vested at begin- ning of fiscal year Granted Siemens Healthineers AG shares Siemens AG shares Fiscal year Fiscal year 2020 Changes in stock awards held by members of the Managing Board, members of senior management and other eligible em- ployees were as follows: 2019 2019 2,400,158 620,826 1,139,879 1,836,586 534,148 690,022 -193,877 -133,967 -130,553 –53,289 -12,793 -20,429 -18,802 -3,965 -2,148 -1,478 Non-vested at fiscal year-end Vested and fulfilled Forfeited Settled 2020 71 Siemens Healthineers grants stock awards to members of the Managing Board, members of senior management and other eligible employees. These entitle beneficiaries after expiry of the restriction period to receive Siemens Healthineers AG shares without payment of consideration (Siemens Healthineers' stock awards). In fiscal year 2018, Siemens Healthineers granted stock awards based on Siemens AG shares (Siemens' stock awards) for the last time. After the Siemens Energy spin-off from the Siemens Group, participants in Siemens' stock awards and the Share Matching program based on Siemens AG shares, accounted for as cash- settled share-based payment transactions, will receive, upon their granted but not yet vested Siemens' stock awards and Siemens' matching shares, as compensation for the dilution ex- pected from the spin-off, an additional cash-payment. This cash payment applies to the notional number of Siemens Energy AG shares in the ratio of two to one based on the respective num- ber of Siemens AG shares of the participants and depends on the Siemens Energy share price at the end of the vesting pe- riod. This represents a modification of the underlying Siemens' stock awards and Siemens' matching shares and has to be ac- counted for as cash-settled share-based payment. At the date of the modification, which was the acceptance of the spin-off at the extraordinary shareholder's meeting of Siemens AG on July 9, 2020, the fair value amounted to €5 million. 22 1 Excluding separately disclosed lease liabilities. The risk implied from the values shown in the table above reflects the one-sided scenario of cash outflows only. Trade payables and other financial liabilities, including lease liabi- lities, originate mainly from the financing of assets used in Siemens Healthineers' ongoing operations, such as property, plant, equipment and investments in working capital. These assets are considered in Siemens Healthineers' overall liquidity risk management. Thus, Siemens Healthineers mitigates liquid- ity risk through the implementation of effective working capi- tal management and cash management. To monitor existing financial assets and liabilities and to enable effective control of emerging risks, Siemens Healthineers uses a comprehensive risk reporting system, which covers its worldwide business entities. Credit risk Credit risk is defined as an unexpected loss from financial in- struments if a counterparty is unable to pay its obligations in due time or if the value of collateral declines. The effective mon- itoring and controlling of credit risk through credit evaluations and ratings is a core competence of Siemens Healthineers' risk management system. Accordingly, binding credit policy guide- lines were implemented. In principle, each entity is responsible for managing credit risk in its own operating activities. Ratings and individually defined credit limits are based mainly on generally accepted rating methodologies, with input con- sisting of information obtained from customers, external rating agencies, data service providers and credit default experiences. Ratings consider appropriate forward-looking information sig- nificant to the specific financial instrument, such as expected changes in the obligor's financial position, as well as broader forward-looking information, such as expected macroeconomic, industry-related and competitive developments. In addition, rat- ings also consider a country-specific risk component derived from external country ratings. Ratings and credit limits are carefully considered in determining the conditions under which direct or indirect financing will be offered to customers by Siemens Healthineers. Stock awards Siemens Healthineers applies various systems and processes to analyze and monitor credit risk. A central IT application is avail- able that provides rating and default information. Together with data from operating entities, this information is used as a basis for individual bad debt allowances. In addition to this auto- mated process, qualitative information is considered to parti- cularly incorporate latest developments. As of September 30, 2020, the gross carrying amount of re- ceivables from the sale of goods and services amounted to €2,612 million (September 30, 2019: €2,831 million). Based on rating information from Siemens Financial Services, 38% (Sep- tember 30, 2019: 38%) were rated with an investment grade rating and 62% (September 30, 2019: 62%) with a non-invest- ment grade rating. Receivables from finance leases with a gross carrying amount of €216 million (September 30, 2019: €185 mil- lion) and contract assets with a gross carrying amount of €825 million (September 30, 2019: €844 million) generally share similar risk characteristics. As of the reporting date, there were no material loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts. 86 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Note 27 Share-based payment As of September 30, 2020, the carrying amount of liabilities from share-based payment amounted to €72 million (Septem- ber 30, 2019: €80 million). In fiscal year 2020, total expenses for share-based payment amounted to €88 million (2019: €36 million). These included €50 million related to equity-set- tled share-based payment awards (2019: €22 million). Share-based payment awards granted in fiscal year 2020 were based on Siemens Healthineers AG shares, including the Siemens Healthineers' stock awards and the Share Matching program based on Siemens Healthineers AG shares. In addition, employees continued to participate in existing share-based payment plans of the Siemens Group based on Siemens AG shares. These plans included Siemens' stock awards, the Share Matching program based on Siemens AG shares and the Jubilee Share program. There were no significant concentrations of customer credit risk as of September 30, 2020 and 2019. The maximum expo- sure to credit risk for financial assets, without taking account of any collateral, is represented by their carrying amount. As of September 30, 2020, collateral and other credit enhancements held for financial assets measured at amortized cost amounted to € 59 million (September 30, 2019: €78 million), mainly in the form of letters of credit and guarantees. Siemens Healthineers AG shares Cash and cash equivalents Fiscal year The following tables show the carrying amounts and measure- ment details of each category of financial assets and liabilities: Carrying amounts as of September 30, 2020 (in millions of €) Trade receivables2 Receivables from finance leases³ Receivables from Siemens Group Other current and non-current financial assets² Derivatives included in hedge accounting Derivatives not included in hedge accounting Equity instruments and fund shares measured In scope of IFRS 9 Measured at fair value Category of financial assets and liabilities (IFRS 9)¹ Measured at amortized cost Not in scope of Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 IFRS 9 154 FVtPL n. a. 2,520 210 3,392 3,392 AC Financial instruments 210 2,520 AC 656 656 AC Total n. a. Note 25 Financial instruments and hedging activities Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements 64 13 13 127 121 227 211 345 Deferred compensation liabilities 2020 (in millions of €) Sept 30, Note 22 Other liabilities Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements (in millions of €) 2019 21 368 Other 79 As of the reporting date, contractual commitments for pur- chases of property, plant and equipment amounted to € 107 mil- lion (September 30, 2019: €84 million). As of September 30, 2020, extension options existed for leases with undiscounted lease payments in the amount of €393 mil- lion, whose exercise was assessed not reasonably certain. As of the reporting date, the expected purchase price obliga- tion from the planned acquisition of Varian amounted to US$ 16.4 billion (€ 14.0 billion). Upon closing of the acquisition, Siemens Healthineers is obliged to repay all amounts outstand- ing under an existing credit agreement of Varian, which has a maximum volume of US$ 1.2 billion (€1.0 billion). For further information, please refer to Note 3 Acquisitions. Note 24 Other financial obligations Dividends: Dividends paid per share were €0.80 in fiscal year 2020. The amount was calculated based on the Group's net income generated during the period from October 1, 2018, until September 30, 2019. For fiscal year 2020, the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board propose to distribute a divi- dend of €0.80 per share entitled to the dividend, in total re- presenting approximately €859 million in expected payments. Payment of the proposed dividend is contingent upon approval at the Shareholders' Meeting on February 12, 2021. Employee-related accruals Other components of equity: In fiscal year 2020, Siemens Healthineers repurchased 1,550,474 (2019: 1,446,454) shares and transferred 1,303,383 (2019: 1,043,059) treasury shares. As of the reporting date, the Group held 898,249 (Septem- ber 30, 2019: 651,158) treasury shares. Authorized capital: As of September 30, 2020, authorized capital of Siemens Healthineers AG was €425 million (September 30, 2019: €500 million), issuable on one or more occasions until February 18, 2023, by issuing up to a total of 425,000,000 (September 30, 2019: 500,000,000) new ordinary registered shares with no par value in return for cash or contributions in kind. In addition, as of September 30, 2020 and 2019, the con- ditional capital of Siemens Healthineers AG was €100 million or 100,000,000 shares. It can be used for servicing convertible bonds or warrants under warrant bonds. Issued capital: As of September 30, 2020, the issued capital of Siemens Healthineers AG was divided into 1,075,000,000 (Sep- tember 30, 2019: 1,000,000,000) ordinary registered shares with no par value and a notional value of €1.00 per share. The shares are fully paid in. Each share has one vote and accounts for the shareholder's proportionate share in the net income. All shares confer the same rights and obligations. In September 2020, the Managing Board of Siemens Healthineers AG, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, authorized a capital increase against cash contributions through partial utilization of the authorized capital. The 75,000,000 new shares were issued under exclusion of subscription rights of already existing shareholders at a placement price of €36.40 per share and carry dividend rights as from October 1, 2019. Within equity, effects from transaction costs of €26 million were recognized. Note 23 Equity Deferred compensation liabilities related to a deferred compensation plan in the United States. Please refer to → Note 15 Other assets for the corresponding deferred compen- sation assets. Employee-related accruals primarily included ac- cruals for anniversary expenses and expenses for partial retire- ment in Germany. Total other liabilities Capital reserve and retained earnings: In fiscal year 2020, changes in the capital reserve resulted mainly from the capital increase against cash contributions described above. In fiscal year 2019, for the purpose of dividend distribution, an amount of €390 million was withdrawn from the free capital reserve and transferred to retained earnings. 154 21 at fair value through profit or loss 7 21 45 45 6,452 AC 31 489 31 Liabilities from written put options on non-controlling interests 7 17 5 FVtPL Contingent consideration n. a. 5 17 6,969 88 2020 2019 Fiscal year 2020 2019 134,462 410,693 142,942 213,232 80 229,703 93,144 -19,941 -7,059 -79,790 -7,510 -7,167 -10,884 -970 -4,657 -4,808 -93,923 518,155 134,462 121,618 213,232 Vested and fulfilled Forfeited Settled Outstanding at fiscal year-end Siemens AG shares FVtPL 458 4,942 6,650 Total financial assets 81 81 AC 42 13 42 Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Other 33 11 9 13 FVtPL FVTOCI n. a. 185 210 458 109 1,356 4,942 AC Payables and other liabilities to Siemens Group 4 Other current and non-current financial liabilities Derivatives included in hedge accounting Derivatives not included in hedge accounting n. a. 53 Lease liabilities 5 AC Trade payables 109 AC Short-term and current maturities of long-term financial debt as well as long-term financial debt4 7,111 1,356 Fiscal year AC Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Total financial liabilities Other 6,105 49 27 62 61 61 5,967 AC 17 17 n. a. Liabilities from written put options on non-controlling interests 27 13 49 27 1,403 Obligations under finance leases 5 n. a. Payables and other liabilities to Siemens Group Other current and non-current financial liabilities Derivatives included in hedge accounting Derivatives not included in hedge accounting Contingent consideration 4,394 109 1 AC = Financial Assets/Liabilities at Amortized Cost; 1,403 32 4,394 n. a. FVtPL FVtPL 49 13 32 FVtPL = Financial Assets/Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss; FVTOCI = Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income; n. a. not applicable. 2 Excluding separately disclosed receivables from finance leases.. 2019 Financial assets measured at amortized cost Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost Financial assets and financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income -15 -26 172 -78 2020 34 1 Net gains or losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost consisted of foreign currency revaluation gains and losses, changes in valuation allowances and gains and losses on derecog- nition. Net gains or losses on financial liabilities measured at amortized cost included foreign currency revaluation gains and losses. Net gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities mea- sured at fair value through profit or loss resulted from the remeasurement of equity instruments as well as from changes in the fair value of derivatives, which were not designated as hedging instruments. Net gains or losses on equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income included remeasurement gains and losses. In fiscal year 2020, interest expenses on financial liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss amounted to €128 million (2019: €126 million). Foreign currency revalua- tion differences recognized in profit or loss on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value amounted to € 161 mil- lion (2019: €-84 million). 82 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Valuation allowances for expected credit losses -108 AC Fiscal year The following table shows the net gains or losses on financial instruments: 3 Reported in the line items trade and other receivables as well as other financial assets. 4 Excluding separately disclosed obligations under finance leases. 5 Reported in the line items short-term financial debt and current maturities of long-term financial debt as well as long-term financial debt. 81 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements • The carrying amounts of the items cash and cash equivalents, short-term and current maturities of long-term financial debt, trade payables, payables to Siemens Group and other current financial assets and other current financial liabilities measured at amortized cost approximated their fair value due to the short- term maturities of these instruments. (in millions of €) • Trade receivables, receivables from finance leases, receiv- ables from Siemens Group and other non-current financial assets measured at amortized cost were evaluated taking into account various parameters, such as interest rates, coun- try-specific risks and individual creditworthiness of the debt- ors. Based on this evaluation, valuation allowances for these items were recognized. The carrying amounts of the items net of valuation allowances approximated their fair values. • The carrying amount of other liabilities to Siemens Group from U.S. dollar denominated long-term loans was €2,923 million as of September 30, 2020 (September 30, 2019: €3,932 mil- lion). The fair value of these liabilities, which is based on prices provided by price service agencies (level 2), amounted to €3,173 million as of September 30, 2020 (September 30, 2019: €3,928 million). The carrying amounts of the remaining other liabilities to Siemens Group approximated their fair value because the relevant interest rates approximated market interest rates. • The determination of the fair values of derivatives depended on the specific type of instrument. The fair values of for- ward exchange contracts were based on forward exchange rates (level 2). Options were generally valued based on quoted market prices or based on option pricing models (level 2). In connection with the planned acquisition of Varian, Siemens Healthineers entered into a deal contingent forward, which is linked to the actual closing of the acquisi- tion. The fair value of this deal contingent forward is gener- ally based on observable market data such as forward ex- change rates, interest curves and volatilities. In addition, the value of the contingency element was taken into account, which depends on expectations about the occurrence and the timing of the closing (level 3). The changes in value of the deal contingent forward amounted to €25 million and were recognized in the line item cash flow hedges within other comprehensive income. In determining the fair values of derivatives, no compensating effects from underlying trans- actions were taken into consideration. • Except for a publicly listed investment for which a quoted price in an active market exists (level 1), the fair values of equity in- struments were generally derived from a discounted cash flow valuation (level 3). Expected cash flows are subject to future market and business developments as well as price volatility. The discount rates applied take into account respective risk- adjusted capital costs. The fair value measurement of fund shares was based on their net asset values (level 2). • The fair values of contingent consideration were derived from probability-weighted future payments, which mainly depend on the achievement of technical and commercial milestones as well as on the achievement of sales targets (level 3). • Liabilities from written put options on non-controlling inter- ests were measured at fair value, which is based on the pres- ent value of the exercise price of the options (level 3). The ex- ercise price is generally derived from the proportionate enterprise value. The increase in liabilities resulted mainly from the addition of written put options amounting to €58 mil- lion in connection with the acquisition of ECG (please also see → Note 3 Acquisitions). The enterprise value of ECG is calcu- lated by an independent appraiser in accordance with a con- tractually agreed methodology and serves as a basis for the exercise price per share, which is determined at least once a year. The most significant unobservable input used to deter- mine the fair value is financial information from the five-year business plan, which is mainly subject to expected business and market developments. In addition, weighted revenue and earnings multiples are considered. Changes resulting from the revaluation of liabilities from written put options during fiscal year 2020 amounted to €-44 million and were recognized in retained earnings. The carrying amounts of other non-current financial liabilities measured at amortized cost approximated their fair value, which is determined by discounting the expected future cash flows using market interest rates. 109 AC Short-term and current maturities of long-term financial debt as well as long-term financial debt4 Trade payables Other current and non-current financial assets² Derivatives included in hedge accounting Derivatives not included in hedge accounting Equity instruments and fund shares measured Category of financial assets and liabilities In scope of IFRS 9 Measured at fair value (IFRS 9)¹ Receivables from Siemens Group Measured at amortized cost Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 IFRS 9 Total AC Not in scope of 920 Receivables from finance leases³ Cash and cash equivalents Other Total financial liabilities 1 AC - Financial Assets/Liabilities at Amortized Cost; FVtPL = Financial Assets/Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss; FVTOCI = Financial Assets at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income; n. a. not applicable. 2 Excluding separately disclosed receivables from finance leases.. Trade receivables 2 3 Reported in the line items trade and other receivables as well as other financial assets. 5 Reported in the line items short-term financial debt and current maturities of long-term financial debt, long-term financial debt, payables to Siemens Group and other liabilities to Siemens Group. 80 60 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements Carrying amounts as of September 30, 2019 (in millions of €) 4 Excluding separately disclosed lease liabilities. Impairments for expected credit losses were generally recorded in the line item selling and general administrative expenses in the consolidated statements of income. Valuation allowances on current and non-current receivables, included in the line items trade and other receivables, other current financial assets and other financial assets, represent lifetime expected credit losses and changed as follows: 920 2,744 Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Other FVTOCI 44 44 AC 77 22 77 4,427 7 137 51 179 4,801 Total financial assets AC 7 FVtPL 2,744 179 179 n. a. AC 686 8 686 FVtPL 113 16 113 16 at fair value through profit or loss n. a. The following table reflects the contractually fixed payoffs for repayments and interest. The disclosed expected undiscounted net cash outflows from derivative financial liabilities were de- termined based on each particular settlement date of an instru- ment and on the earliest date on which Siemens Healthineers could be required to pay. In addition, the majority of the financing agreements with the Siemens Group include change of control clauses that may result in early maturity (please also see →A.9.5 Significant agreements which take effect, alter or terminate upon a change of control of Siemens Healthineers AG following a takeover bid). Cash outflows for financial liabilities without fixed amount are based on the conditions existing as of Septem- ber 30, 2020. (in millions of €) Cash flow hedges -22 -22 -67 1 -72 211 1 -1 -7 -1 26 221 41 -127 3 2 -24 Amounts reclassified into revenue (hedging of forecast sales) Amounts reclassified into cost of sales (hedging of forecast purchases) Amounts reclassified into other financial income (hedging of financial debt denominated in foreign currency) Amounts reclassified into interest expenses Income tax effects Balance at end of fiscal year 11 Cash flow hedges reserve Fiscal year Fiscal year 2020 2019 2020 2019 Cost of hedging reserve -40 -1 37 Siemens Healthineers defines exchange rate risk as the sum of the net amount of foreign-currency-denominated monetary items, firm commitments and planned sales and purchases in a foreign currency. The exchange rate risk is determined based on the respective functional currencies of the exposed entities. The exchange rate risk from cash inflows in foreign currency is partly balanced by purchasing goods, commodities and services in the respective currencies as well as by production activities and other contributions along the value chain in the local markets. Entities are bound by an exchange rate risk management sys- tem established within the Group. Each entity is responsible for recording, assessing and monitoring its transaction-related ex- change rate risk. The mandatory guideline for the treatment of exchange rate risks within Siemens Healthineers describes the procedure for identifying and determining the single net foreign currency positions. It commits the entities to hedge at least 75% but no more than 100% of their foreign-currency-denominated monetary items, firm commitments and cash flows from planned sales and purchases for the following three months. The ma- jority of Siemens Healthineers' hedging transactions is carried out with the corporate treasury of the Siemens Group as the counterparty. Entities are prohibited from borrowing or investing in foreign currencies on a speculative basis. New financing from the Siemens Group or investments by operating entities are carried out preferably in their functional currency. In case an entity is financed in a non-functional currency, the respective foreign currency risk must be hedged 100%. Exchange rate risks in connection with the acquisition or sale of businesses are hedged on an individual basis. As of September 30, 2020, the VaR relating to exchange rate risks was €50 million (September 30, 2019: €51 million). This VaR was calculated taking into consideration items of the con- solidated statement of financial position, foreign-currency- denominated firm commitments, foreign-currency-denomi- nated cash flows from forecast transactions for the following twelve months and effects from hedging transactions. Translation risk Each entity whose business leads to future cash flows denom- inated in a currency other than its functional currency is ex- posed to risks from changes in exchange rates. In the ordinary course of business, entities are particularly exposed to exchange rate fluctuations between the U.S. dollar and the euro. Many entities are located outside the euro zone. Because the financial reporting currency of Siemens Healthineers is the euro, the financial statements of these entities are translated into euros for preparation of the consolidated financial state- ments. To take account of effects of foreign currency transla- tion in risk management, the general assumption is that invest- ments in foreign entities are permanent and that reinvestment is continuous. Effects from exchange rate fluctuations on the translation of net asset amounts into euros are reflected in the line item other components of equity. Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value of a financial instru- ment or its future cash flows will fluctuate because of changes in interest rates. This risk arises whenever interest terms of financial assets and liabilities are different. Siemens Healthineers' exposure to the risk of fluctuations in future cash flows resulting from changes in interest rates relates mainly to short-term bank loans as well as money market borrowings and investments at Siemens Group. Long-term liabilities to Siemens Group primarily have fixed interest rates. Therefore, Siemens Healthineers was not exposed to a substantial risk of fluctuations in future cash flows resulting from changes in interest rates. Moreover, the interest rate risks of fluctuations in the fair values of long-term liabilities are currently not actively managed as no material effects on net income are expected to occur. Accordingly, Siemens Healthineers did not use any interest rate derivatives in fiscal years 2020 and 2019. As of September 30, 2020, the VaR relating to interest rates was €47 million (September 30, 2019: €184 million). The decrease was mainly driven by lower interest rate volatilities in the United States and in the euro zone. Liquidity risk Liquidity risks relate to Siemens Healthineers' ability to meet its financial obligations. As of September 30, 2020, Siemens Healthineers' reserve of cash and cash equivalents amounted to €656 million (September 30, 2019: €920 million). In the periods presented, Siemens Healthineers was financed largely by the Siemens Group and invested excess liquidity using its cash pooling and cash management systems. For details about financing arrangements with the Siemens Group, please refer to → Note 16 Financial debt. 85 Interest rate risk Changes in the fair value of hedging instruments Transaction risk Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements -24 117 3 Note 26 Financial risk management Siemens Healthineers is managed centrally by the Managing Board. The Managing Board is responsible for the operating business and manages and controls financial risks in accor- dance with its risk management policy. The Siemens Group acts as a service provider with respect to certain financial risk management activities. Market risks Exchange rate risk Increasing market fluctuations may result in significant earn- ings and cash flow volatility risks. The worldwide operating business as well as the investing and financing activities are affected particularly by changes in exchange rates and interest rates. In order to optimize the allocation of financial resources across its segments and entities as well as to achieve its aims, Siemens Healthineers identifies, analyzes and manages the rel- evant market risks. Siemens Healthineers seeks to manage and control market risks primarily through its regular operating and financing activities and uses derivatives when it is appropriate. To quantify market risks, Siemens Healthineers uses the Value at Risk (VaR) approach. The VaR figures are calculated based on historical volatilities and correlations of various risk factors, a ten-day holding period and a 99.5% confidence level. Actual impacts on the consolidated statements of income or consoli- dated statements of comprehensive income according to IFRS may differ substantially from calculated VaR figures, which are the output of a model with a purely financial perspective. Al- though VaR is an important tool for measuring market risks, the assumptions on which the model is based give rise to some limitations including the following: • A ten-day holding period assumes that it is possible to dis- pose of the underlying positions within this period. This may not apply during continuing periods of illiquid markets. • A 99.5% confidence level means that there is a 0.5% statisti- cal probability that losses exceed the calculated VaR. • The use of historical data as a basis for estimating the statis- tical behavior of the relevant markets and finally determining the possible range of the future outcomes based on this sta- tistical behavior may not always cover all possible scenarios, especially those of an exceptional nature. Any market-sensitive instruments, including equity and inter- est-bearing investments, that Siemens Healthineers' pension plans hold are not included in the following quantitative and qualitative disclosures. 84 Management of market risks is a priority for the Managing Board. The chief financial officer has specific responsibility for this part of the overall risk management system. This respon- sibility is delegated to corporate treasury. For practical busi- ness purposes, Siemens Healthineers has entered into service agreements with the Siemens Group to receive support in the management of market risks. Balance at beginning of fiscal year (in millions of €) 2 Reported in the line items other current financial liabilities and other financial liabilities. More than 1 year Within 1 More than 1 year year Valuation allowances at fiscal year-end 101 96 Forward exchange contracts 1 year 1,889 1,437 3,355 Deal contingent forward 7,500 9,389 2,333 2,333 1,437 (in millions of €) Sept 30, 2020 Within Siemens Healthineers applied hedge accounting for certain sig- nificant forecast transactions, firm commitments and loans de- nominated in foreign currencies. The main characteristics of the forward exchange contracts designated as hedging instruments generally matched the underlying hedged items (e.g. nominal amount, maturity). The nominal amounts of the hedging instruments by maturity were as follows: Fiscal year 2020 2019 Valuation allowances at beginning of fiscal year Change in valuation allowances recorded in the consolidated statements of income Write-offs charged against allowances Currency translation differences Sept 30, 2019 96 27 20 -16 -11 -7 3 85 In fiscal years 2020 and 2019, Siemens Healthineers did not hold any material derivatives relating to interest rate risk or commodity price risk. 3,355 Receivables from Siemens Group were classified in stage 1 of the general impairment approach, which means the valuation allowances were measured at an amount equal to the twelve- month expected credit loss. As of September 30, 2020, receiv- ables from Siemens Group with gross carrying amounts of €3,392 million (September 30, 2019: €686 million) carried an investment grade rating. In fiscal years 2020 and 2019, no ma- terial valuation allowances were recognized. forward Total Sept 30, 2019 Assets¹ Liabilities² 129 5 113 Deal contingent 49 113 49 25 - -- 154 1 Reported in the line items other current financial assets and other financial assets. In fiscal year 2020, the changes in fair value of the hedging in- struments used for measuring hedge ineffectiveness amounted to €-127 million (2019: €41 million). The changes in value of the hedged items amounted to € 127 million (2019: €-41 mil- lion). There was no material impact on profit or loss resulting from ineffectiveness. The cash flow hedge reserve and the cost of hedging reserve related to the hedging of exchange rate risks and reconcile as follows: 5 The change in valuation allowances recorded in the consoli- dated statements of income related to an increase in the valu- ation allowances on receivables from the sale of goods and services in fiscal year 2020 by €27 million (2019: increase by €16 million). contracts Liabilities² Offsetting Siemens Healthineers entered into master netting agreements and similar agreements for derivatives. As of September 30, 2020, the gross amounts of such derivatives amounted to € 154 million (September 30, 2019: €116 million) for deriva- tives with positive fair values and €10 million (September 30, 2019: €45 million) for derivatives with negative fair values. Thereof, €5 million (September 30, 2019: €2 million) were sub- ject to a master netting agreement but were not offset in the consolidated statements of financial position because the off- setting requirements were not met. Hedging activities As part of Siemens Healthineers' risk management approach (please also see Note 26 Financial risk management), deriva- tives were used to reduce the risks resulting primarily from fluc- tuations in exchange rates. In particular, Siemens Healthineers entered into forward exchange contracts in order to reduce the risk of variability of future cash flows resulting from forecast sales and purchases, acquisitions, firm commitments and loans denominated in foreign currencies. Total As of the reporting date, forward exchange contracts with a nom- inal amount of €3,102 million (September 30, 2019: €3,399 mil- lion) were used to hedge exchange risks arising from U.S. dollar- denominated loans maturing in fiscal years 2021, 2023 and 2027. The weighted average hedging rate was 1.2548 US$/€ (September 30, 2019: 1.2525 US$/€). For these hedges, only the changes in the value of the spot element of the forward exchange contracts were designated as hedging instruments. Forward exchange In addition, Siemens Healthineers entered into a deal contin- gent forward with a nominal amount of €7,500 million to hedge exchange risks arising from a part of the purchase price obligation for the planned acquisition of Varian. The expected hedging rate of the deal contingent forward, which is linked to the closing date of the transaction, was 1.1677 US$/€. Since the acquisition of Varian is considered to be highly probable, the deal contingent forward was designated as a hedging in- strument in a cash flow hedge. The existence of an economic relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item is reassessed regularly on a qualitative and quantitative basis. The effectiveness of the hedging relationship is deter- mined by using the dollar offset method. In applying this method, the changes in the value of the deal contingent for- ward are compared to the changes in the value of a hypothetical derivative representing the hedged item. Hedge ineffectiveness can result mainly from the contingency element included in the hedging instrument, which depends on expectations about the occurrence and the timing of the closing. 83 Siemens Healthineers Annual Report 2020 Consolidated financial statements - Notes to consolidated financial statements The fair values of derivatives designated as hedging instruments were as follows: Sept 30, 2020 (in millions of €) Assets¹ 83 Restriction period