import importlib.metadata import json import logging import os import pkgutil import sys import shutil from pathlib import Path import markdown from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from open_webui.constants import ERROR_MESSAGES #################################### # Load .env file #################################### OPEN_WEBUI_DIR = Path(__file__).parent # the path containing this file print(OPEN_WEBUI_DIR) BACKEND_DIR = OPEN_WEBUI_DIR.parent # the path containing this file BASE_DIR = BACKEND_DIR.parent # the path containing the backend/ print(BACKEND_DIR) print(BASE_DIR) try: from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv load_dotenv(find_dotenv(str(BASE_DIR / ".env"))) except ImportError: print("dotenv not installed, skipping...") DOCKER = os.environ.get("DOCKER", "False").lower() == "true" # device type embedding models - "cpu" (default), "cuda" (nvidia gpu required) or "mps" (apple silicon) - choosing this right can lead to better performance USE_CUDA = os.environ.get("USE_CUDA_DOCKER", "false") if USE_CUDA.lower() == "true": try: import torch assert torch.cuda.is_available(), "CUDA not available" DEVICE_TYPE = "cuda" except Exception as e: cuda_error = ( "Error when testing CUDA but USE_CUDA_DOCKER is true. " f"Resetting USE_CUDA_DOCKER to false: {e}" ) os.environ["USE_CUDA_DOCKER"] = "false" USE_CUDA = "false" DEVICE_TYPE = "cpu" else: DEVICE_TYPE = "cpu" #################################### # LOGGING #################################### log_levels = ["CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"] GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get("GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL", "").upper() if GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL in log_levels: logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL, force=True) else: GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL = "INFO" log = logging.getLogger(__name__)"GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL: {GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL}") if "cuda_error" in locals(): log.exception(cuda_error) log_sources = [ "AUDIO", "COMFYUI", "CONFIG", "DB", "IMAGES", "MAIN", "MODELS", "OLLAMA", "OPENAI", "RAG", "WEBHOOK", "SOCKET", ] SRC_LOG_LEVELS = {} for source in log_sources: log_env_var = source + "_LOG_LEVEL" SRC_LOG_LEVELS[source] = os.environ.get(log_env_var, "").upper() if SRC_LOG_LEVELS[source] not in log_levels: SRC_LOG_LEVELS[source] = GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL"{log_env_var}: {SRC_LOG_LEVELS[source]}") log.setLevel(SRC_LOG_LEVELS["CONFIG"]) WEBUI_NAME = os.environ.get("WEBUI_NAME", "Open WebUI") if WEBUI_NAME != "Open WebUI": WEBUI_NAME += "" WEBUI_URL = os.environ.get("WEBUI_URL", "http://localhost:3000") WEBUI_FAVICON_URL = "" #################################### # ENV (dev,test,prod) #################################### ENV = os.environ.get("ENV", "dev") FROM_INIT_PY = os.environ.get("FROM_INIT_PY", "False").lower() == "true" if FROM_INIT_PY: PACKAGE_DATA = {"version": importlib.metadata.version("open-webui")} else: try: PACKAGE_DATA = json.loads((BASE_DIR / "package.json").read_text()) except Exception: PACKAGE_DATA = {"version": "0.0.0"} VERSION = PACKAGE_DATA["version"] # Function to parse each section def parse_section(section): items = [] for li in section.find_all("li"): # Extract raw HTML string raw_html = str(li) # Extract text without HTML tags text = li.get_text(separator=" ", strip=True) # Split into title and content parts = text.split(": ", 1) title = parts[0].strip() if len(parts) > 1 else "" content = parts[1].strip() if len(parts) > 1 else text items.append({"title": title, "content": content, "raw": raw_html}) return items try: changelog_path = BASE_DIR / "" with open(str(changelog_path.absolute()), "r", encoding="utf8") as file: changelog_content = except Exception: changelog_content = (pkgutil.get_data("open_webui", "") or b"").decode() # Convert markdown content to HTML html_content = markdown.markdown(changelog_content) # Parse the HTML content soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") # Initialize JSON structure changelog_json = {} # Iterate over each version for version in soup.find_all("h2"): version_number = version.get_text().strip().split(" - ")[0][1:-1] # Remove brackets date = version.get_text().strip().split(" - ")[1] version_data = {"date": date} # Find the next sibling that is a h3 tag (section title) current = version.find_next_sibling() while current and != "h2": if == "h3": section_title = current.get_text().lower() # e.g., "added", "fixed" section_items = parse_section(current.find_next_sibling("ul")) version_data[section_title] = section_items # Move to the next element current = current.find_next_sibling() changelog_json[version_number] = version_data CHANGELOG = changelog_json #################################### # SAFE_MODE #################################### SAFE_MODE = os.environ.get("SAFE_MODE", "false").lower() == "true" #################################### # WEBUI_BUILD_HASH #################################### WEBUI_BUILD_HASH = os.environ.get("WEBUI_BUILD_HASH", "dev-build") #################################### # DATA/FRONTEND BUILD DIR #################################### DATA_DIR = Path(os.getenv("DATA_DIR", BACKEND_DIR / "data")).resolve() if FROM_INIT_PY: NEW_DATA_DIR = Path(os.getenv("DATA_DIR", OPEN_WEBUI_DIR / "data")).resolve() NEW_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Check if the data directory exists in the package directory if DATA_DIR.exists() and DATA_DIR != NEW_DATA_DIR:"Moving {DATA_DIR} to {NEW_DATA_DIR}") for item in DATA_DIR.iterdir(): dest = NEW_DATA_DIR / if item.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(item, dest, dirs_exist_ok=True) else: shutil.copy2(item, dest) # Zip the data directory shutil.make_archive(DATA_DIR.parent / "open_webui_data", "zip", DATA_DIR) # Remove the old data directory shutil.rmtree(DATA_DIR) DATA_DIR = Path(os.getenv("DATA_DIR", OPEN_WEBUI_DIR / "data")) FONTS_DIR = Path(os.getenv("FONTS_DIR", OPEN_WEBUI_DIR / "static" / "fonts")) FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR = Path(os.getenv("FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR", BASE_DIR / "build")).resolve() if FROM_INIT_PY: FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR = Path( os.getenv("FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR", OPEN_WEBUI_DIR / "frontend") ).resolve() #################################### # Database #################################### # Check if the file exists if os.path.exists(f"{DATA_DIR}/ollama.db"): # Rename the file os.rename(f"{DATA_DIR}/ollama.db", f"{DATA_DIR}/webui.db")"Database migrated from Ollama-WebUI successfully.") else: pass DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL", f"sqlite:///{DATA_DIR}/webui.db") # Replace the postgres:// with postgresql:// if "postgres://" in DATABASE_URL: DATABASE_URL = DATABASE_URL.replace("postgres://", "postgresql://") RESET_CONFIG_ON_START = ( os.environ.get("RESET_CONFIG_ON_START", "False").lower() == "true" ) #################################### # WEBUI_AUTH (Required for security) #################################### WEBUI_AUTH = os.environ.get("WEBUI_AUTH", "True").lower() == "true" WEBUI_AUTH_TRUSTED_EMAIL_HEADER = os.environ.get( "WEBUI_AUTH_TRUSTED_EMAIL_HEADER", None ) WEBUI_AUTH_TRUSTED_NAME_HEADER = os.environ.get("WEBUI_AUTH_TRUSTED_NAME_HEADER", None) #################################### # WEBUI_SECRET_KEY #################################### WEBUI_SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get( "WEBUI_SECRET_KEY", os.environ.get( "WEBUI_JWT_SECRET_KEY", "t0p-s3cr3t" ), # DEPRECATED: remove at next major version ) WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE = os.environ.get( "WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE", os.environ.get("WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE", "lax"), ) WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = os.environ.get( "WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE", os.environ.get("WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE", "false").lower() == "true", ) if WEBUI_AUTH and WEBUI_SECRET_KEY == "": raise ValueError(ERROR_MESSAGES.ENV_VAR_NOT_FOUND) ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = ( os.environ.get("ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT", "True").lower() == "true" ) WEBSOCKET_MANAGER = os.environ.get("WEBSOCKET_MANAGER", "") WEBSOCKET_REDIS_URL = os.environ.get("WEBSOCKET_REDIS_URL", "redis://localhost:6379/0")