File size: 5,087 Bytes
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var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];
var checkInRHS = require("./checkInRHS.js");
var setFunctionName = require("./setFunctionName.js");
var toPropertyKey = require("./toPropertyKey.js");
function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, n, o, a) {
function i(e, t, r) {
return function (n, o) {
return r && r(n), e[t].call(n, o);
function c(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r].call(t);
return t;
function s(e, t, r, n) {
if ("function" != typeof e && (n || void 0 !== e)) throw new TypeError(t + " must " + (r || "be") + " a function" + (n ? "" : " or undefined"));
return e;
function applyDec(e, t, r, n, o, a, c, u, l, f, p, d, h) {
function m(e) {
if (!h(e)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
var y,
v = t[0],
g = t[3],
b = !u;
if (!b) {
r || Array.isArray(v) || (v = [v]);
var w = {},
S = [],
A = 3 === o ? "get" : 4 === o || d ? "set" : "value";
f ? (p || d ? w = {
get: setFunctionName(function () {
return g(this);
}, n, "get"),
set: function set(e) {
t[4](this, e);
} : w[A] = g, p || setFunctionName(w[A], n, 2 === o ? "" : A)) : p || (w = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n));
for (var P = e, j = v.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= r ? 2 : 1) {
var D = v[j],
E = r ? v[j - 1] : void 0,
I = {},
O = {
kind: ["field", "accessor", "method", "getter", "setter", "class"][o],
name: n,
metadata: a,
addInitializer: function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw Error("attempted to call addInitializer after decoration was finished");
s(t, "An initializer", "be", !0), c.push(t);
}.bind(null, I)
try {
if (b) (y = s(, P, O), "class decorators", "return")) && (P = y);else {
var k, F;
O["static"] = l, O["private"] = f, f ? 2 === o ? k = function k(e) {
return m(e), w.value;
} : (o < 4 && (k = i(w, "get", m)), 3 !== o && (F = i(w, "set", m))) : (k = function k(e) {
return e[n];
}, (o < 2 || 4 === o) && (F = function F(e, t) {
e[n] = t;
var N = O.access = {
has: f ? h.bind() : function (e) {
return n in e;
if (k && (N.get = k), F && (N.set = F), P =, d ? {
get: w.get,
set: w.set
} : w[A], O), d) {
if ("object" == _typeof(P) && P) (y = s(P.get, "accessor.get")) && (w.get = y), (y = s(P.set, "accessor.set")) && (w.set = y), (y = s(P.init, "accessor.init")) && S.push(y);else if (void 0 !== P) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
} else s(P, (p ? "field" : "method") + " decorators", "return") && (p ? S.push(P) : w[A] = P);
} finally {
I.v = !0;
return (p || d) && u.push(function (e, t) {
for (var r = S.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) t = S[r].call(e, t);
return t;
}), p || b || (f ? d ? u.push(i(w, "get"), i(w, "set")) : u.push(2 === o ? w[A] :[A])) : Object.defineProperty(e, n, w)), P;
function u(e, t) {
return Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.metadata || Symbol["for"]("Symbol.metadata"), {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: t
if (arguments.length >= 6) var l = a[Symbol.metadata || Symbol["for"]("Symbol.metadata")];
var f = Object.create(null == l ? null : l),
p = function (e, t, r, n) {
var o,
i = [],
s = function s(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
u = new Map();
function l(e) {
e && i.push(c.bind(null, e));
for (var f = 0; f < t.length; f++) {
var p = t[f];
if (Array.isArray(p)) {
var d = p[1],
h = p[2],
m = p.length > 3,
y = 16 & d,
v = !!(8 & d),
g = 0 == (d &= 7),
b = h + "/" + v;
if (!g && !m) {
var w = u.get(b);
if (!0 === w || 3 === w && 4 !== d || 4 === w && 3 !== d) throw Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
u.set(b, !(d > 2) || d);
applyDec(v ? e : e.prototype, p, y, m ? "#" + h : toPropertyKey(h), d, n, v ? a = a || [] : o = o || [], i, v, m, g, 1 === d, v && m ? s : r);
return l(o), l(a), i;
}(e, t, o, f);
return r.length || u(e, f), {
e: p,
get c() {
var t = [];
return r.length && [u(applyDec(e, [r], n,, 5, f, t), f), c.bind(null, t, e)];
module.exports = applyDecs2305, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; |