import abc |
import copy |
import json |
import os |
import cv2 |
from internal import camera_utils |
from internal import configs |
from internal import image as lib_image |
from internal import raw_utils |
from internal import utils |
from collections import defaultdict |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 |
from PIL import Image |
import torch |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import sys |
sys.path.insert(0, 'internal/pycolmap') |
sys.path.insert(0, 'internal/pycolmap/pycolmap') |
import pycolmap |
def load_dataset(split, train_dir, config: configs.Config): |
"""Loads a split of a dataset using the data_loader specified by `config`.""" |
if config.multiscale: |
dataset_dict = { |
'llff': MultiLLFF, |
} |
else: |
dataset_dict = { |
'blender': Blender, |
'llff': LLFF, |
'tat_nerfpp': TanksAndTemplesNerfPP, |
'tat_fvs': TanksAndTemplesFVS, |
'dtu': DTU, |
} |
return dataset_dict[config.dataset_loader](split, train_dir, config) |
class NeRFSceneManager(pycolmap.SceneManager): |
"""COLMAP pose loader. |
Minor NeRF-specific extension to the third_party Python COLMAP loader: |
google3/third_party/py/pycolmap/scene_manager.py |
""" |
def process(self): |
"""Applies NeRF-specific postprocessing to the loaded pose data. |
Returns: |
a tuple [image_names, poses, pixtocam, distortion_params]. |
image_names: contains the only the basename of the images. |
poses: [N, 4, 4] array containing the camera to world matrices. |
pixtocam: [N, 3, 3] array containing the camera to pixel space matrices. |
distortion_params: mapping of distortion param name to distortion |
parameters. Cameras share intrinsics. Valid keys are k1, k2, p1 and p2. |
""" |
self.load_cameras() |
self.load_images() |
cam = self.cameras[1] |
fx, fy, cx, cy = cam.fx, cam.fy, cam.cx, cam.cy |
pixtocam = np.linalg.inv(camera_utils.intrinsic_matrix(fx, fy, cx, cy)) |
imdata = self.images |
w2c_mats = [] |
bottom = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 4) |
for k in imdata: |
im = imdata[k] |
rot = im.R() |
trans = im.tvec.reshape(3, 1) |
w2c = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([rot, trans], 1), bottom], axis=0) |
w2c_mats.append(w2c) |
w2c_mats = np.stack(w2c_mats, axis=0) |
c2w_mats = np.linalg.inv(w2c_mats) |
poses = c2w_mats[:, :3, :4] |
names = [imdata[k].name for k in imdata] |
poses = poses @ np.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]) |
type_ = cam.camera_type |
if type_ == 0 or type_ == 'SIMPLE_PINHOLE': |
params = None |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
elif type_ == 1 or type_ == 'PINHOLE': |
params = None |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
if type_ == 2 or type_ == 'SIMPLE_RADIAL': |
params = {k: 0. for k in ['k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'p1', 'p2']} |
params['k1'] = cam.k1 |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
elif type_ == 3 or type_ == 'RADIAL': |
params = {k: 0. for k in ['k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'p1', 'p2']} |
params['k1'] = cam.k1 |
params['k2'] = cam.k2 |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
elif type_ == 4 or type_ == 'OPENCV': |
params = {k: 0. for k in ['k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'p1', 'p2']} |
params['k1'] = cam.k1 |
params['k2'] = cam.k2 |
params['p1'] = cam.p1 |
params['p2'] = cam.p2 |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
elif type_ == 5 or type_ == 'OPENCV_FISHEYE': |
params = {k: 0. for k in ['k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4']} |
params['k1'] = cam.k1 |
params['k2'] = cam.k2 |
params['k3'] = cam.k3 |
params['k4'] = cam.k4 |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.FISHEYE |
return names, poses, pixtocam, params, camtype |
def load_blender_posedata(data_dir, split=None): |
"""Load poses from `transforms.json` file, as used in Blender/NGP datasets.""" |
suffix = '' if split is None else f'_{split}' |
pose_file = os.path.join(data_dir, f'transforms{suffix}.json') |
with utils.open_file(pose_file, 'r') as fp: |
meta = json.load(fp) |
names = [] |
poses = [] |
for _, frame in enumerate(meta['frames']): |
filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, frame['file_path']) |
if utils.file_exists(filepath): |
names.append(frame['file_path'].split('/')[-1]) |
poses.append(np.array(frame['transform_matrix'], dtype=np.float32)) |
poses = np.stack(poses, axis=0) |
w = meta['w'] |
h = meta['h'] |
cx = meta['cx'] if 'cx' in meta else w / 2. |
cy = meta['cy'] if 'cy' in meta else h / 2. |
if 'fl_x' in meta: |
fx = meta['fl_x'] |
else: |
fx = 0.5 * w / np.tan(0.5 * float(meta['camera_angle_x'])) |
if 'fl_y' in meta: |
fy = meta['fl_y'] |
else: |
fy = 0.5 * h / np.tan(0.5 * float(meta['camera_angle_y'])) |
pixtocam = np.linalg.inv(camera_utils.intrinsic_matrix(fx, fy, cx, cy)) |
coeffs = ['k1', 'k2', 'p1', 'p2'] |
if not any([c in meta for c in coeffs]): |
params = None |
else: |
params = {c: (meta[c] if c in meta else 0.) for c in coeffs} |
camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
return names, poses, pixtocam, params, camtype |
class Dataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset): |
"""Dataset Base Class. |
Base class for a NeRF dataset. Creates batches of ray and color data used for |
training or rendering a NeRF model. |
Each subclass is responsible for loading images and camera poses from disk by |
implementing the _load_renderings() method. This data is used to generate |
train and test batches of ray + color data for feeding through the NeRF model. |
The ray parameters are calculated in _generate_rays(). |
The public interface mimics the behavior of a standard machine learning |
pipeline dataset provider that can provide infinite batches of data to the |
training/testing pipelines without exposing any details of how the batches are |
loaded/created or how this is parallelized. Therefore, the initializer runs |
all setup, including data loading from disk using _load_renderings(), and |
begins the thread using its parent start() method. After the initializer |
returns, the caller can request batches of data straight away. |
The internal self._queue is initialized as queue.Queue(3), so the infinite |
loop in run() will block on the call self._queue.put(self._next_fn()) once |
there are 3 elements. The main thread training job runs in a loop that pops 1 |
element at a time off the front of the queue. The Dataset thread's run() loop |
will populate the queue with 3 elements, then wait until a batch has been |
removed and push one more onto the end. |
This repeats indefinitely until the main thread's training loop completes |
(typically hundreds of thousands of iterations), then the main thread will |
exit and the Dataset thread will automatically be killed since it is a daemon. |
Attributes: |
alphas: np.ndarray, optional array of alpha channel data. |
cameras: tuple summarizing all camera extrinsic/intrinsic/distortion params. |
camtoworlds: np.ndarray, a list of extrinsic camera pose matrices. |
camtype: camera_utils.ProjectionType, fisheye or perspective camera. |
data_dir: str, location of the dataset on disk. |
disp_images: np.ndarray, optional array of disparity (inverse depth) data. |
distortion_params: dict, the camera distortion model parameters. |
exposures: optional per-image exposure value (shutter * ISO / 1000). |
far: float, far plane value for rays. |
focal: float, focal length from camera intrinsics. |
height: int, height of images. |
images: np.ndarray, array of RGB image data. |
metadata: dict, optional metadata for raw datasets. |
near: float, near plane value for rays. |
normal_images: np.ndarray, optional array of surface normal vector data. |
pixtocams: np.ndarray, one or a list of inverse intrinsic camera matrices. |
pixtocam_ndc: np.ndarray, the inverse intrinsic matrix used for NDC space. |
poses: np.ndarray, optional array of auxiliary camera pose data. |
rays: utils.Rays, ray data for every pixel in the dataset. |
render_exposures: optional list of exposure values for the render path. |
render_path: bool, indicates if a smooth camera path should be generated. |
size: int, number of images in the dataset. |
split: str, indicates if this is a "train" or "test" dataset. |
width: int, width of images. |
""" |
def __init__(self, |
split: str, |
data_dir: str, |
config: configs.Config): |
super().__init__() |
self._patch_size = max(config.patch_size, 1) |
self._batch_size = config.batch_size // config.world_size |
if self._patch_size ** 2 > self._batch_size: |
raise ValueError(f'Patch size {self._patch_size}^2 too large for ' + |
f'per-process batch size {self._batch_size}') |
self._batching = utils.BatchingMethod(config.batching) |
self._use_tiffs = config.use_tiffs |
self._load_disps = config.compute_disp_metrics |
self._load_normals = config.compute_normal_metrics |
self._num_border_pixels_to_mask = config.num_border_pixels_to_mask |
self._apply_bayer_mask = config.apply_bayer_mask |
self._render_spherical = False |
self.config = config |
self.global_rank = config.global_rank |
self.world_size = config.world_size |
self.split = utils.DataSplit(split) |
self.data_dir = data_dir |
self.near = config.near |
self.far = config.far |
self.render_path = config.render_path |
self.distortion_params = None |
self.disp_images = None |
self.normal_images = None |
self.alphas = None |
self.poses = None |
self.pixtocam_ndc = None |
self.metadata = None |
self.camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE |
self.exposures = None |
self.render_exposures = None |
self.images: np.ndarray = None |
self.camtoworlds: np.ndarray = None |
self.pixtocams: np.ndarray = None |
self.height: int = None |
self.width: int = None |
self._load_renderings(config) |
if self.render_path: |
if config.render_path_file is not None: |
with utils.open_file(config.render_path_file, 'rb') as fp: |
render_poses = np.load(fp) |
self.camtoworlds = render_poses |
if config.render_resolution is not None: |
self.width, self.height = config.render_resolution |
if config.render_focal is not None: |
self.focal = config.render_focal |
if config.render_camtype is not None: |
if config.render_camtype == 'pano': |
self._render_spherical = True |
else: |
self.camtype = camera_utils.ProjectionType(config.render_camtype) |
self.distortion_params = None |
self.pixtocams = camera_utils.get_pixtocam(self.focal, self.width, |
self.height) |
self._n_examples = self.camtoworlds.shape[0] |
self.cameras = (self.pixtocams, |
self.camtoworlds, |
self.distortion_params, |
self.pixtocam_ndc) |
if self.split == utils.DataSplit.TRAIN and not config.compute_visibility: |
self._next_fn = self._next_train |
else: |
self._next_fn = self._next_test |
@property |
def size(self): |
return self._n_examples |
def __len__(self): |
if self.split == utils.DataSplit.TRAIN and not self.config.compute_visibility: |
return 1000 |
else: |
return self._n_examples |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _load_renderings(self, config): |
"""Load images and poses from disk. |
Args: |
config: utils.Config, user-specified config parameters. |
In inherited classes, this method must set the following public attributes: |
images: [N, height, width, 3] array for RGB images. |
disp_images: [N, height, width] array for depth data (optional). |
normal_images: [N, height, width, 3] array for normals (optional). |
camtoworlds: [N, 3, 4] array of extrinsic pose matrices. |
poses: [..., 3, 4] array of auxiliary pose data (optional). |
pixtocams: [N, 3, 4] array of inverse intrinsic matrices. |
distortion_params: dict, camera lens distortion model parameters. |
height: int, height of images. |
width: int, width of images. |
focal: float, focal length to use for ideal pinhole rendering. |
""" |
def _make_ray_batch(self, |
pix_x_int, |
pix_y_int, |
cam_idx, |
lossmult=None |
): |
"""Creates ray data batch from pixel coordinates and camera indices. |
All arguments must have broadcastable shapes. If the arguments together |
broadcast to a shape [a, b, c, ..., z] then the returned utils.Rays object |
will have array attributes with shape [a, b, c, ..., z, N], where N=3 for |
3D vectors and N=1 for per-ray scalar attributes. |
Args: |
pix_x_int: int array, x coordinates of image pixels. |
pix_y_int: int array, y coordinates of image pixels. |
cam_idx: int or int array, camera indices. |
lossmult: float array, weight to apply to each ray when computing loss fn. |
Returns: |
A dict mapping from strings utils.Rays or arrays of image data. |
This is the batch provided for one NeRF train or test iteration. |
""" |
broadcast_scalar = lambda x: np.broadcast_to(x, pix_x_int.shape)[..., None] |
ray_kwargs = { |
'lossmult': broadcast_scalar(1.) if lossmult is None else lossmult, |
'near': broadcast_scalar(self.near), |
'far': broadcast_scalar(self.far), |
'cam_idx': broadcast_scalar(cam_idx), |
} |
if self.metadata is not None: |
for key in ['exposure_idx', 'exposure_values']: |
idx = 0 if self.render_path else cam_idx |
ray_kwargs[key] = broadcast_scalar(self.metadata[key][idx]) |
if self.exposures is not None: |
idx = 0 if self.render_path else cam_idx |
ray_kwargs['exposure_values'] = broadcast_scalar(self.exposures[idx]) |
if self.render_path and self.render_exposures is not None: |
ray_kwargs['exposure_values'] = broadcast_scalar( |
self.render_exposures[cam_idx]) |
pixels = dict(pix_x_int=pix_x_int, pix_y_int=pix_y_int, **ray_kwargs) |
batch = camera_utils.cast_ray_batch(self.cameras, pixels, self.camtype) |
batch['cam_dirs'] = -self.camtoworlds[ray_kwargs['cam_idx'][..., 0]][..., :3, 2] |
if not self.render_path: |
batch['rgb'] = self.images[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
if self._load_disps: |
batch['disps'] = self.disp_images[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
if self._load_normals: |
batch['normals'] = self.normal_images[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
batch['alphas'] = self.alphas[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
return {k: torch.from_numpy(v.copy()).float() if v is not None else None for k, v in batch.items()} |
def _next_train(self, item): |
"""Sample next training batch (random rays).""" |
num_patches = self._batch_size // self._patch_size ** 2 |
lower_border = self._num_border_pixels_to_mask |
upper_border = self._num_border_pixels_to_mask + self._patch_size - 1 |
pix_x_int = np.random.randint(lower_border, self.width - upper_border, |
(num_patches, 1, 1)) |
pix_y_int = np.random.randint(lower_border, self.height - upper_border, |
(num_patches, 1, 1)) |
patch_dx_int, patch_dy_int = camera_utils.pixel_coordinates( |
self._patch_size, self._patch_size) |
pix_x_int = pix_x_int + patch_dx_int |
pix_y_int = pix_y_int + patch_dy_int |
if self._batching == utils.BatchingMethod.ALL_IMAGES: |
cam_idx = np.random.randint(0, self._n_examples, (num_patches, 1, 1)) |
else: |
cam_idx = np.random.randint(0, self._n_examples, (1,)) |
if self._apply_bayer_mask: |
lossmult = raw_utils.pixels_to_bayer_mask(pix_x_int, pix_y_int) |
else: |
lossmult = None |
return self._make_ray_batch(pix_x_int, pix_y_int, cam_idx, |
lossmult=lossmult) |
def generate_ray_batch(self, cam_idx: int): |
"""Generate ray batch for a specified camera in the dataset.""" |
if self._render_spherical: |
camtoworld = self.camtoworlds[cam_idx] |
rays = camera_utils.cast_spherical_rays( |
camtoworld, self.height, self.width, self.near, self.far) |
return rays |
else: |
pix_x_int, pix_y_int = camera_utils.pixel_coordinates( |
self.width, self.height) |
return self._make_ray_batch(pix_x_int, pix_y_int, cam_idx) |
def _next_test(self, item): |
"""Sample next test batch (one full image).""" |
return self.generate_ray_batch(item) |
def collate_fn(self, item): |
return self._next_fn(item[0]) |
def __getitem__(self, item): |
return self._next_fn(item) |
class Blender(Dataset): |
"""Blender Dataset.""" |
def _load_renderings(self, config): |
"""Load images from disk.""" |
if config.render_path: |
raise ValueError('render_path cannot be used for the blender dataset.') |
pose_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f'transforms_{self.split.value}.json') |
with utils.open_file(pose_file, 'r') as fp: |
meta = json.load(fp) |
images = [] |
disp_images = [] |
normal_images = [] |
cams = [] |
for idx, frame in enumerate(tqdm(meta['frames'], desc='Loading Blender dataset', disable=self.global_rank != 0, leave=False)): |
fprefix = os.path.join(self.data_dir, frame['file_path']) |
def get_img(f, fprefix=fprefix): |
image = utils.load_img(fprefix + f) |
if config.factor > 1: |
image = lib_image.downsample(image, config.factor) |
return image |
if self._use_tiffs: |
channels = [get_img(f'_{ch}.tiff') for ch in ['R', 'G', 'B', 'A']] |
image = lib_image.linear_to_srgb_np(np.stack(channels, axis=-1)) |
else: |
image = get_img('.png') / 255. |
images.append(image) |
if self._load_disps: |
disp_image = get_img('_disp.tiff') |
disp_images.append(disp_image) |
if self._load_normals: |
normal_image = get_img('_normal.png')[..., :3] * 2. / 255. - 1. |
normal_images.append(normal_image) |
cams.append(np.array(frame['transform_matrix'], dtype=np.float32)) |
self.images = np.stack(images, axis=0) |
if self._load_disps: |
self.disp_images = np.stack(disp_images, axis=0) |
if self._load_normals: |
self.normal_images = np.stack(normal_images, axis=0) |
self.alphas = self.images[..., -1] |
rgb, alpha = self.images[..., :3], self.images[..., -1:] |
self.images = rgb * alpha + (1. - alpha) |
self.height, self.width = self.images.shape[1:3] |
self.camtoworlds = np.stack(cams, axis=0) |
self.focal = .5 * self.width / np.tan(.5 * float(meta['camera_angle_x'])) |
self.pixtocams = camera_utils.get_pixtocam(self.focal, self.width, |
self.height) |
class LLFF(Dataset): |
"""LLFF Dataset.""" |
def _load_renderings(self, config): |
"""Load images from disk.""" |
image_dir_suffix = '' |
if config.factor > 0 and not (config.rawnerf_mode and |
self.split == utils.DataSplit.TRAIN): |
image_dir_suffix = f'_{config.factor}' |
factor = config.factor |
else: |
factor = 1 |
colmap_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'sparse/0/') |
if utils.file_exists(colmap_dir): |
pose_data = NeRFSceneManager(colmap_dir).process() |
else: |
raise ValueError('COLMAP data not found.') |
image_names, poses, pixtocam, distortion_params, camtype = pose_data |
inds = np.argsort(image_names) |
image_names = [image_names[i] for i in inds] |
poses = poses[inds] |
posefile = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'poses_bounds.npy') |
if utils.file_exists(posefile): |
with utils.open_file(posefile, 'rb') as fp: |
poses_arr = np.load(fp) |
bounds = poses_arr[:, -2:] |
else: |
bounds = np.array([0.01, 1.]) |
self.colmap_to_world_transform = np.eye(4) |
pixtocam = pixtocam @ np.diag([factor, factor, 1.]) |
self.pixtocams = pixtocam.astype(np.float32) |
self.focal = 1. / self.pixtocams[0, 0] |
self.distortion_params = distortion_params |
self.camtype = camtype |
if config.forward_facing: |
self.pixtocam_ndc = self.pixtocams.reshape(-1, 3, 3)[0] |
scale = 1. / (bounds.min() * .75) |
poses[:, :3, 3] *= scale |
self.colmap_to_world_transform = np.diag([scale] * 3 + [1]) |
bounds *= scale |
poses, transform = camera_utils.recenter_poses(poses) |
self.colmap_to_world_transform = ( |
transform @ self.colmap_to_world_transform) |
self.render_poses = camera_utils.generate_spiral_path( |
poses, bounds, n_frames=config.render_path_frames) |
else: |
poses, transform = camera_utils.transform_poses_pca(poses) |
self.colmap_to_world_transform = transform |
if config.render_spline_keyframes is not None: |
rets = camera_utils.create_render_spline_path(config, image_names, |
poses, self.exposures) |
self.spline_indices, self.render_poses, self.render_exposures = rets |
else: |
self.render_poses = camera_utils.generate_ellipse_path( |
poses, |
n_frames=config.render_path_frames, |
z_variation=config.z_variation, |
z_phase=config.z_phase) |
all_indices = np.arange(len(image_names)) |
if config.llff_use_all_images_for_training: |
train_indices = all_indices |
else: |
train_indices = all_indices % config.llffhold != 0 |
if config.llff_use_all_images_for_testing: |
test_indices = all_indices |
else: |
test_indices = all_indices % config.llffhold == 0 |
split_indices = { |
utils.DataSplit.TEST: all_indices[test_indices], |
utils.DataSplit.TRAIN: all_indices[train_indices], |
} |
indices = split_indices[self.split] |
image_names = [image_names[i] for i in indices] |
poses = poses[indices] |
raw_testscene = False |
if config.rawnerf_mode: |
images, metadata, raw_testscene = raw_utils.load_raw_dataset( |
self.split, |
self.data_dir, |
image_names, |
config.exposure_percentile, |
factor) |
self.metadata = metadata |
else: |
colmap_image_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'images') |
image_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'images' + image_dir_suffix) |
for d in [image_dir, colmap_image_dir]: |
if not utils.file_exists(d): |
raise ValueError(f'Image folder {d} does not exist.') |
colmap_files = sorted(utils.listdir(colmap_image_dir)) |
image_files = sorted(utils.listdir(image_dir)) |
colmap_to_image = dict(zip(colmap_files, image_files)) |
image_paths = [os.path.join(image_dir, colmap_to_image[f]) |
for f in image_names] |
images = [utils.load_img(x) for x in tqdm(image_paths, desc='Loading LLFF dataset', disable=self.global_rank != 0, leave=False)] |
images = np.stack(images, axis=0) / 255. |
jpeg_paths = [os.path.join(colmap_image_dir, f) for f in image_names] |
exifs = [utils.load_exif(x) for x in jpeg_paths] |
self.exifs = exifs |
if 'ExposureTime' in exifs[0] and 'ISOSpeedRatings' in exifs[0]: |
gather_exif_value = lambda k: np.array([float(x[k]) for x in exifs]) |
shutters = gather_exif_value('ExposureTime') |
isos = gather_exif_value('ISOSpeedRatings') |
self.exposures = shutters * isos / 1000. |
if raw_testscene: |
raw_testscene_poses = { |
utils.DataSplit.TEST: poses[:1], |
utils.DataSplit.TRAIN: poses[1:], |
} |
poses = raw_testscene_poses[self.split] |
self.poses = poses |
self.images = images |
self.camtoworlds = self.render_poses if config.render_path else poses |
self.height, self.width = images.shape[1:3] |
class TanksAndTemplesNerfPP(Dataset): |
"""Subset of Tanks and Temples Dataset as processed by NeRF++.""" |
def _load_renderings(self, config): |
"""Load images from disk.""" |
if config.render_path: |
split_str = 'camera_path' |
else: |
split_str = self.split.value |
basedir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, split_str) |
def load_files(dirname, load_fn, shape=None): |
files = [ |
os.path.join(basedir, dirname, f) |
for f in sorted(utils.listdir(os.path.join(basedir, dirname))) |
] |
mats = np.array([load_fn(utils.open_file(f, 'rb')) for f in files]) |
if shape is not None: |
mats = mats.reshape(mats.shape[:1] + shape) |
return mats |
poses = load_files('pose', np.loadtxt, (4, 4)) |
poses = np.matmul(poses, np.diag(np.array([1, -1, -1, 1]))) |
intrinsics = load_files('intrinsics', np.loadtxt, (4, 4)) |
if not config.render_path: |
images = load_files('rgb', lambda f: np.array(Image.open(f))) / 255. |
self.images = images |
self.height, self.width = self.images.shape[1:3] |
else: |
d = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'test', 'rgb') |
f = os.path.join(d, sorted(utils.listdir(d))[0]) |
shape = utils.load_img(f).shape |
self.height, self.width = shape[:2] |
self.images = None |
self.camtoworlds = poses |
self.focal = intrinsics[0, 0, 0] |
self.pixtocams = camera_utils.get_pixtocam(self.focal, self.width, |
self.height) |
class TanksAndTemplesFVS(Dataset): |
"""Subset of Tanks and Temples Dataset as processed by Free View Synthesis.""" |
def _load_renderings(self, config): |
"""Load images from disk.""" |
render_only = config.render_path and self.split == utils.DataSplit.TEST |
basedir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'dense') |
sizes = [f for f in sorted(utils.listdir(basedir)) if f.startswith('ibr3d')] |
sizes = sizes[::-1] |
if config.factor >= len(sizes): |
raise ValueError(f'Factor {config.factor} larger than {len(sizes)}') |
basedir = os.path.join(basedir, sizes[config.factor]) |
open_fn = lambda f: utils.open_file(os.path.join(basedir, f), 'rb') |
files = [f for f in sorted(utils.listdir(basedir)) if f.startswith('im_')] |
if render_only: |
files = files[:1] |
images = np.array([np.array(Image.open(open_fn(f))) for f in files]) / 255. |
names = ['Ks', 'Rs', 'ts'] |
intrinsics, rot, trans = (np.load(open_fn(f'{n}.npy')) for n in names) |
w2c = np.concatenate([rot, trans[..., None]], axis=-1) |
c2w_colmap = np.linalg.inv(camera_utils.pad_poses(w2c))[:, :3, :4] |
c2w = c2w_colmap @ np.diag(np.array([1, -1, -1, 1])) |
poses, _ = camera_utils.transform_poses_pca(c2w) |
self.poses = poses |
self.images = images |
self.height, self.width = self.images.shape[1:3] |
self.camtoworlds = poses |
self.focal = intrinsics[0, 0, 0] |
self.pixtocams = camera_utils.get_pixtocam(self.focal, self.width, |
self.height) |
if render_only: |
render_path = camera_utils.generate_ellipse_path( |
poses, |
config.render_path_frames, |
z_variation=config.z_variation, |
z_phase=config.z_phase) |
self.images = None |
self.camtoworlds = render_path |
self.render_poses = render_path |
else: |
all_indices = np.arange(images.shape[0]) |
indices = { |
utils.DataSplit.TEST: |
all_indices[all_indices % config.llffhold == 0], |
utils.DataSplit.TRAIN: |
all_indices[all_indices % config.llffhold != 0], |
}[self.split] |
self.images = self.images[indices] |
self.camtoworlds = self.camtoworlds[indices] |
class DTU(Dataset): |
"""DTU Dataset.""" |
def _load_renderings(self, config): |
"""Load images from disk.""" |
if config.render_path: |
raise ValueError('render_path cannot be used for the DTU dataset.') |
images = [] |
pixtocams = [] |
camtoworlds = [] |
n_images = len(utils.listdir(self.data_dir)) // 8 |
for i in range(1, n_images + 1): |
if config.dtu_light_cond < 7: |
light_str = f'{config.dtu_light_cond}_r' + ('5000' |
if i < 50 else '7000') |
else: |
light_str = 'max' |
fname = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f'rect_{i:03d}_{light_str}.png') |
image = utils.load_img(fname) / 255. |
if config.factor > 1: |
image = lib_image.downsample(image, config.factor) |
images.append(image) |
fname = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f'../../cal18/pos_{i:03d}.txt') |
with utils.open_file(fname, 'rb') as f: |
projection = np.loadtxt(f, dtype=np.float32) |
camera_mat, rot_mat, t = cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix(projection)[:3] |
camera_mat = camera_mat / camera_mat[2, 2] |
pose = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) |
pose[:3, :3] = rot_mat.transpose() |
pose[:3, 3] = (t[:3] / t[3])[:, 0] |
pose = pose[:3] |
camtoworlds.append(pose) |
if config.factor > 0: |
camera_mat = np.diag([1. / config.factor, 1. / config.factor, 1. |
]).astype(np.float32) @ camera_mat |
pixtocams.append(np.linalg.inv(camera_mat)) |
pixtocams = np.stack(pixtocams) |
camtoworlds = np.stack(camtoworlds) |
images = np.stack(images) |
def rescale_poses(poses): |
"""Rescales camera poses according to maximum x/y/z value.""" |
s = np.max(np.abs(poses[:, :3, -1])) |
out = np.copy(poses) |
out[:, :3, -1] /= s |
return out |
camtoworlds, _ = camera_utils.recenter_poses(camtoworlds) |
camtoworlds = rescale_poses(camtoworlds) |
camtoworlds = camtoworlds @ np.diag([1., -1., -1., 1.]).astype(np.float32) |
all_indices = np.arange(images.shape[0]) |
split_indices = { |
utils.DataSplit.TEST: all_indices[all_indices % config.dtuhold == 0], |
utils.DataSplit.TRAIN: all_indices[all_indices % config.dtuhold != 0], |
} |
indices = split_indices[self.split] |
self.images = images[indices] |
self.height, self.width = images.shape[1:3] |
self.camtoworlds = camtoworlds[indices] |
self.pixtocams = pixtocams[indices] |
class Multicam(Dataset): |
def __init__(self, |
split: str, |
data_dir: str, |
config: configs.Config): |
super().__init__(split, data_dir, config) |
self.multiscale_levels = config.multiscale_levels |
images, camtoworlds, pixtocams, pixtocam_ndc = \ |
self.images, self.camtoworlds, self.pixtocams, self.pixtocam_ndc |
self.heights, self.widths, self.focals, self.images, self.camtoworlds, self.pixtocams, self.lossmults = [], [], [], [], [], [], [] |
if pixtocam_ndc is not None: |
self.pixtocam_ndc = [] |
else: |
self.pixtocam_ndc = None |
for i in range(self._n_examples): |
for j in range(self.multiscale_levels): |
self.heights.append(self.height // 2 ** j) |
self.widths.append(self.width // 2 ** j) |
self.pixtocams.append(pixtocams @ np.diag([self.height / self.heights[-1], |
self.width / self.widths[-1], |
1.])) |
self.focals.append(1. / self.pixtocams[-1][0, 0]) |
if config.forward_facing: |
self.pixtocam_ndc.append(pixtocams.reshape(3, 3)) |
self.camtoworlds.append(camtoworlds[i]) |
self.lossmults.append(2. ** j) |
self.images.append(self.down2(images[i], (self.heights[-1], self.widths[-1]))) |
self.pixtocams = np.stack(self.pixtocams) |
self.camtoworlds = np.stack(self.camtoworlds) |
self.cameras = (self.pixtocams, |
self.camtoworlds, |
self.distortion_params, |
np.stack(self.pixtocam_ndc) if self.pixtocam_ndc is not None else None) |
self._generate_rays() |
if self.split == utils.DataSplit.TRAIN: |
def flatten(x): |
if x[0] is not None: |
x = [y.reshape([-1, y.shape[-1]]) for y in x] |
if self._batching == utils.BatchingMethod.ALL_IMAGES: |
x = np.concatenate(x, axis=0) |
return x |
else: |
return None |
self.batches = {k: flatten(v) for k, v in self.batches.items()} |
self._n_examples = len(self.camtoworlds) |
if self.split == utils.DataSplit.TRAIN: |
self._next_fn = self._next_train |
else: |
self._next_fn = self._next_test |
def _generate_rays(self): |
if self.global_rank == 0: |
tbar = tqdm(range(len(self.camtoworlds)), desc='Generating rays', leave=False) |
else: |
tbar = range(len(self.camtoworlds)) |
self.batches = defaultdict(list) |
for cam_idx in tbar: |
pix_x_int, pix_y_int = camera_utils.pixel_coordinates( |
self.widths[cam_idx], self.heights[cam_idx]) |
broadcast_scalar = lambda x: np.broadcast_to(x, pix_x_int.shape)[..., None] |
ray_kwargs = { |
'lossmult': broadcast_scalar(self.lossmults[cam_idx]), |
'near': broadcast_scalar(self.near), |
'far': broadcast_scalar(self.far), |
'cam_idx': broadcast_scalar(cam_idx), |
} |
pixels = dict(pix_x_int=pix_x_int, pix_y_int=pix_y_int, **ray_kwargs) |
batch = camera_utils.cast_ray_batch(self.cameras, pixels, self.camtype) |
if not self.render_path: |
batch['rgb'] = self.images[cam_idx] |
if self._load_disps: |
batch['disps'] = self.disp_images[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
if self._load_normals: |
batch['normals'] = self.normal_images[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
batch['alphas'] = self.alphas[cam_idx, pix_y_int, pix_x_int] |
for k, v in batch.items(): |
self.batches[k].append(v) |
def _next_train(self, item): |
"""Sample next training batch (random rays).""" |
num_patches = self._batch_size // self._patch_size ** 2 |
if self._batching == utils.BatchingMethod.ALL_IMAGES: |
ray_indices = np.random.randint(0, self.batches['origins'].shape[0], (num_patches, 1, 1)) |
batch = {k: v[ray_indices] if v is not None else None for k, v in self.batches.items()} |
else: |
image_index = np.random.randint(0, self._n_examples, ()) |
ray_indices = np.random.randint(0, self.batches['origins'][image_index].shape[0], (num_patches,)) |
batch = {k: v[image_index][ray_indices] if v is not None else None for k, v in self.batches.items()} |
batch['cam_dirs'] = -self.camtoworlds[batch['cam_idx'][..., 0]][..., 2] |
return {k: torch.from_numpy(v.copy()).float() if v is not None else None for k, v in batch.items()} |
def _next_test(self, item): |
"""Sample next test batch (one full image).""" |
batch = {k: v[item] for k, v in self.batches.items()} |
batch['cam_dirs'] = -self.camtoworlds[batch['cam_idx'][..., 0]][..., 2] |
return {k: torch.from_numpy(v.copy()).float() if v is not None else None for k, v in batch.items()} |
@staticmethod |
def down2(img, sh): |
return cv2.resize(img, sh[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) |
class MultiLLFF(Multicam, LLFF): |
pass |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
from internal import configs |
import accelerate |
config = configs.Config() |
accelerator = accelerate.Accelerator() |
config.world_size = accelerator.num_processes |
config.global_rank = accelerator.process_index |
config.factor = 8 |
dataset = LLFF('test', '/SSD_DISK/datasets/360_v2/bicycle', config) |
print(len(dataset)) |
for _ in tqdm(dataset): |
pass |
print('done') |