zipnerf / internal /
Cr4yfish's picture
copy files from SuLvXiangXin
import dataclasses
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from absl import flags
import gin
from internal import utils
configurables = {
'torch': [torch.reciprocal, torch.log, torch.log1p, torch.exp, torch.sqrt, torch.square],
for module, configurables in configurables.items():
for configurable in configurables:
gin.config.external_configurable(configurable, module=module)
class Config:
"""Configuration flags for everything."""
seed = 0
dataset_loader: str = 'llff' # The type of dataset loader to use.
batching: str = 'all_images' # Batch composition, [single_image, all_images].
batch_size: int = 2 ** 16 # The number of rays/pixels in each batch.
patch_size: int = 1 # Resolution of patches sampled for training batches.
factor: int = 4 # The downsample factor of images, 0 for no downsampling.
multiscale: bool = False # use multiscale data for training.
multiscale_levels: int = 4 # number of multiscale levels.
# ordering (affects heldout test set).
forward_facing: bool = False # Set to True for forward-facing LLFF captures.
render_path: bool = False # If True, render a path. Used only by LLFF.
llffhold: int = 8 # Use every Nth image for the test set. Used only by LLFF.
# If true, use all input images for training.
llff_use_all_images_for_training: bool = False
llff_use_all_images_for_testing: bool = False
use_tiffs: bool = False # If True, use 32-bit TIFFs. Used only by Blender.
compute_disp_metrics: bool = False # If True, load and compute disparity MSE.
compute_normal_metrics: bool = False # If True, load and compute normal MAE.
disable_multiscale_loss: bool = False # If True, disable multiscale loss.
randomized: bool = True # Use randomized stratified sampling.
near: float = 2. # Near plane distance.
far: float = 6. # Far plane distance.
exp_name: str = "test" # experiment name
data_dir: Optional[str] = "/SSD_DISK/datasets/360_v2/bicycle" # Input data directory.
vocab_tree_path: Optional[str] = None # Path to vocab tree for COLMAP.
render_chunk_size: int = 65536 # Chunk size for whole-image renderings.
num_showcase_images: int = 5 # The number of test-set images to showcase.
deterministic_showcase: bool = True # If True, showcase the same images.
vis_num_rays: int = 16 # The number of rays to visualize.
# Decimate images for tensorboard (ie, x[::d, ::d]) to conserve memory usage.
vis_decimate: int = 0
# Only used by
max_steps: int = 25000 # The number of optimization steps.
early_exit_steps: Optional[int] = None # Early stopping, for debugging.
checkpoint_every: int = 5000 # The number of steps to save a checkpoint.
resume_from_checkpoint: bool = True # whether to resume from checkpoint.
checkpoints_total_limit: int = 1
gradient_scaling: bool = False # If True, scale gradients as in
print_every: int = 100 # The number of steps between reports to tensorboard.
train_render_every: int = 500 # Steps between test set renders when training
data_loss_type: str = 'charb' # What kind of loss to use ('mse' or 'charb').
charb_padding: float = 0.001 # The padding used for Charbonnier loss.
data_loss_mult: float = 1.0 # Mult for the finest data term in the loss.
data_coarse_loss_mult: float = 0. # Multiplier for the coarser data terms.
interlevel_loss_mult: float = 0.0 # Mult. for the loss on the proposal MLP.
anti_interlevel_loss_mult: float = 0.01 # Mult. for the loss on the proposal MLP.
pulse_width = [0.03, 0.003] # Mult. for the loss on the proposal MLP.
orientation_loss_mult: float = 0.0 # Multiplier on the orientation loss.
orientation_coarse_loss_mult: float = 0.0 # Coarser orientation loss weights.
# What that loss is imposed on, options are 'normals' or 'normals_pred'.
orientation_loss_target: str = 'normals_pred'
predicted_normal_loss_mult: float = 0.0 # Mult. on the predicted normal loss.
# Mult. on the coarser predicted normal loss.
predicted_normal_coarse_loss_mult: float = 0.0
hash_decay_mults: float = 0.1
lr_init: float = 0.01 # The initial learning rate.
lr_final: float = 0.001 # The final learning rate.
lr_delay_steps: int = 5000 # The number of "warmup" learning steps.
lr_delay_mult: float = 1e-8 # How much sever the "warmup" should be.
adam_beta1: float = 0.9 # Adam's beta2 hyperparameter.
adam_beta2: float = 0.99 # Adam's beta2 hyperparameter.
adam_eps: float = 1e-15 # Adam's epsilon hyperparameter.
grad_max_norm: float = 0. # Gradient clipping magnitude, disabled if == 0.
grad_max_val: float = 0. # Gradient clipping value, disabled if == 0.
distortion_loss_mult: float = 0.005 # Multiplier on the distortion loss.
opacity_loss_mult: float = 0. # Multiplier on the distortion loss.
# Only used by
eval_only_once: bool = True # If True evaluate the model only once, ow loop.
eval_save_output: bool = True # If True save predicted images to disk.
eval_save_ray_data: bool = False # If True save individual ray traces.
eval_render_interval: int = 1 # The interval between images saved to disk.
eval_dataset_limit: int = np.iinfo(np.int32).max # Num test images to eval.
eval_quantize_metrics: bool = True # If True, run metrics on 8-bit images.
eval_crop_borders: int = 0 # Ignore c border pixels in eval (x[c:-c, c:-c]).
# Only used by
render_video_fps: int = 60 # Framerate in frames-per-second.
render_video_crf: int = 18 # Constant rate factor for ffmpeg video quality.
render_path_frames: int = 120 # Number of frames in render path.
z_variation: float = 0. # How much height variation in render path.
z_phase: float = 0. # Phase offset for height variation in render path.
render_dist_percentile: float = 0.5 # How much to trim from near/far planes.
render_dist_curve_fn: Callable[..., Any] = np.log # How depth is curved.
render_path_file: Optional[str] = None # Numpy render pose file to load.
render_resolution: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None # Render resolution, as
# (width, height).
render_focal: Optional[float] = None # Render focal length.
render_camtype: Optional[str] = None # 'perspective', 'fisheye', or 'pano'.
render_spherical: bool = False # Render spherical 360 panoramas.
render_save_async: bool = True # Save to CNS using a separate thread.
render_spline_keyframes: Optional[str] = None # Text file containing names of
# images to be used as spline
# keyframes, OR directory
# containing those images.
render_spline_n_interp: int = 30 # Num. frames to interpolate per keyframe.
render_spline_degree: int = 5 # Polynomial degree of B-spline interpolation.
render_spline_smoothness: float = .03 # B-spline smoothing factor, 0 for
# exact interpolation of keyframes.
# Interpolate per-frame exposure value from spline keyframes.
render_spline_interpolate_exposure: bool = False
# Flags for raw datasets.
rawnerf_mode: bool = False # Load raw images and train in raw color space.
exposure_percentile: float = 97. # Image percentile to expose as white.
num_border_pixels_to_mask: int = 0 # During training, discard N-pixel border
# around each input image.
apply_bayer_mask: bool = False # During training, apply Bayer mosaic mask.
autoexpose_renders: bool = False # During rendering, autoexpose each image.
# For raw test scenes, use affine raw-space color correction.
eval_raw_affine_cc: bool = False
zero_glo: bool = False
# marching cubes
valid_weight_thresh: float = 0.05
isosurface_threshold: float = 20
mesh_voxels: int = 512 ** 3
visibility_resolution: int = 512
mesh_radius: float = 1.0 # mesh radius * 2 = in contract space
mesh_max_radius: float = 10.0 # in world space
std_value: float = 0.0 # std of the sampled points
compute_visibility: bool = False
extract_visibility: bool = True
decimate_target: int = -1
vertex_color: bool = True
vertex_projection: bool = True
# tsdf
tsdf_radius: float = 2.0
tsdf_resolution: int = 512
truncation_margin: float = 5.0
tsdf_max_radius: float = 10.0 # in world space
def define_common_flags():
# Define the flags used by both and
flags.DEFINE_string('mode', None, 'Required by GINXM, not used.')
flags.DEFINE_string('base_folder', None, 'Required by GINXM, not used.')
flags.DEFINE_multi_string('gin_bindings', None, 'Gin parameter bindings.')
flags.DEFINE_multi_string('gin_configs', None, 'Gin config files.')
def load_config():
"""Load the config, and optionally checkpoint it."""
flags.FLAGS.gin_configs, flags.FLAGS.gin_bindings, skip_unknown=True)
config = Config()
return config