diff --git "a/predictions.json" "b/predictions.json" --- "a/predictions.json" +++ "b/predictions.json" @@ -1,3714 +1,5353 @@ { - "573169afa5e9cc1400cdbf34": "greek masters", - "5726be1add62a815002e8f12": "variable speed operation", - "57277618dd62a815002e9d6e": "centuries", - "572828ed2ca10214002d9f8b": "operating system clock", - "57281d864b864d19001644c6": "christian", - "572847faff5b5019007da0c4": "expansion of the ottoman empire", - "571a38ca10f8ca1400304f7a": "episodic memory", - "573003ad04bcaa1900d7700c": "central", - "570d0efcb3d812140066d3af": "islamic", - "570d229ab3d812140066d473": "reduced value", - "572eda4a03f9891900756a7d": "strictly", - "5727f1163acd2414000df051": "fulltime undergraduate", - "56d114a717492d1400aab8b4": "harry newman", - "57278b575951b619008f8cf9": "digital compact disc", - "56df844f56340a1900b29cc8": "light bulbs", - "57268c47dd62a815002e8932": "coal mining", - "57303dae947a6a140053d302": "goalkeeper", - "57266a39dd62a815002e842e": "that the boys could see her underwear", - "57267966708984140094c749": "osborne house on the isle of wight", - "57268f475951b619008f7691": "barbados", - "56db6122e7c41114004b5031": "jennifer hudson", - "56e02191231d4119001abf53": "comics code authority", - "5706d4f80eeca41400aa0e5f": "gambling capital of the east coast", - "570b52c7ec8fbc190045b988": "by getting britain and france to intervene or else by wearing down the norths willingness to fight", - "56f7f923aef2371900625d0e": "head money cases", - "56d98814dc89441400fdb4fa": "the peoples daily", - "5729a3d56aef051400155074": "delicacies", - "56d65a4b1c850414009470b0": "limit protests", - "56e8f8fa99e8941900975f47": "gothic", - "5727bdc42ca10214002d9530": "team selection and tactics", - "56f8a99d9b226e1400dd0d90": "acid", - "5732a13acc179a14009daba6": "prohibited from taking private fees", - "57266e1e708984140094c5b6": "benitez", - "56e0f1cd231d4119001ac495": "private", - "572fa77004bcaa1900d76b4a": "acts as a barrier to hold nutrients proteins and other essential components of the cytoplasm within the cell", - "57278440708984140094dfd0": "independently verify their work", - "57295f293f37b319004782c8": "stage marked by reduced movement and often sealed within a cocoon", - "56fa142af34c681400b0bfa1": "softer", - "570aa9616d058f1900183047": "federal aviation agency", - "5726940af1498d1400e8e462": "dick durbin", - "570d7049b3d812140066d93f": "general elio", - "572999816aef05140015500e": "one of the most important", - "572a992cf75d5e190021fb7a": "charles i", - "570a0a224103511400d59518": "mule trains", - "5728ce6b4b864d1900164e8a": "racist", - "572702f4708984140094d87d": "temperature dependence", - "56fae2fc8f12f3190063023f": "coastal somali", - "56e79b2d00c9c71400d77383": "yangtze river", - "5730d552b54a4f140068cca7": "friendly space capabilities", - "56f7e80ba6d7ea1400e172a9": "preserving the unity of his state", - "5726822d5951b619008f750a": "educated", - "573241140fdd8d15006c688e": "dwight david i eisenhower", - "57303a4904bcaa1900d773d9": "need for speed", - "5729259daf94a219006aa0fc": "human genome", - "572669bc5951b619008f71ed": "westminster confession of faith", - "56df6c9e56340a1900b29b01": "oklahoma city thunder", - "57281714ff5b5019007d9cf6": "russells paradox", - "572736f0dd62a815002e999a": "hubert humphrey", - "573344744776f419006607dd": "qualitative and secondary to their core identity", - "5727d70d3acd2414000dedda": "visions or work miracles", - "5730ea0fb7151e1900c015ca": "massive obstacle courses", - "571a9b474faf5e1900b8ab25": "germany", - "5727ed31ff5b5019007d98b7": "classical", - "5726f67cf1498d1400e8f114": "natural philosophers", - "572ba57abe1ee31400cb8479": "three", - "56e1edbee3433e140042320a": "catamaran conjunction", - "56f8542caef2371900625fe2": "families adopted into the klan", - "5727d1683acd2414000ded2d": "many roman artifacts", - "5726c788dd62a815002e9008": "bats", - "57323fc60fdd8d15006c687e": "the defender", - "56e47ebb8c00841900fbafb2": "architecture", - "572835be2ca10214002da0d7": "alexander von humboldt", - "572f3766b2c2fd1400567f8d": "the mandate to rule that region as a national colony", - "57277f175951b619008f8b5e": "friendly fire", - "5725f659ec44d21400f3d795": "kinnock", - "572fc3d204bcaa1900d76cad": "thailand has been treated by the united states in the same way", - "572f91c704bcaa1900d76a90": "the united kingdom", - "572ab2abf75d5e190021fc4d": "pink city", - "570c561eb3d812140066d143": "magna carta", - "572f92be04bcaa1900d76a98": "neoclassical", - "57268c15f1498d1400e8e368": "we will rock you and the rock ballad we are the champions", - "570a596e6d058f1900182d84": "board of education", - "5726965c5951b619008f775f": "spain", - "56fb8a1cb28b3419009f1e21": "the black prince", - "57276b96dd62a815002e9c95": "german", - "57098e54ed30961900e84304": "ideology of zionism and the creation of the state of israel", - "57299ff56aef051400155047": "beneficial", - "57312d39497a881900248c15": "sudan", - "56db2703e7c41114004b4e2d": "paula abdul", - "571a16d64faf5e1900b8a896": "annually", - "572f7f3f04bcaa1900d76a24": "lion and tiger", - "57263127ec44d21400f3dbf7": "united states", - "57268541708984140094c8c8": "sell that should they have the opportunity to take a prize", - "56f988a09b226e1400dd152c": "yangtze delta", - "573071d98ab72b1400f9c4f0": "the very languages into which they have translated", - "570da9c916d0071400510c75": "having someone who can provide social and moral support", - "570c5109b3d812140066d0d8": "to meet john", - "5727fb064b864d1900164136": "flatter audio response", - "572ffa8cb2c2fd14005686ad": "optics", - "573136bb497a881900248c58": "united nations", - "570c9e2dfed7b91900d45a1b": "barcelona", - "57268047f1498d1400e8e1e1": "jews", - "572a1ef73f37b31900478700": "social economic and cultural characteristics", - "572808ae2ca10214002d9c19": "pseudonyms", - "572794ac5951b619008f8e0d": "cases which have already been decided", - "56cf71dc4df3c31400b0d7a9": "paris hotel", - "572b8b8734ae481900deae95": "enable indigenous communities to reclaim and revalued their languages and cultures", - "572a85df111d821400f38bb0": "wide range of studies", - "57305116396df9190009605c": "cambridge international examination", - "572a054f6aef0514001551b5": "christianity", - "572c807e750c471900ed4ca3": "jim crow laws", - "572faa1c04bcaa1900d76b8c": "questions about whether they feel pain", - "56e6f3236fe0821900b8ec4d": "luther vandross", - "57319038a5e9cc1400cdc095": "george lucas", - "570bfabb6b8089140040fb01": "less fragile", - "570b1e4aec8fbc190045b83b": "teachers and psychologist", - "570888bf9928a814004714dd": "gray", - "572677855951b619008f738f": "impression", - "573405584776f41900661710": "north", - "573002eda23a5019007fcc37": "the old king", - "56f98eb09e9bad19000a0abf": "roman", - "5735a06de853931400426a91": "france against great britain", - "56d9e156dc89441400fdb889": "luggage", - "56db2190e7c41114004b4dd8": "kodak theatre", - "572ecf3bcb0c0d14000f15c2": "mojave desert", - "57318587e6313a140071d019": "nelson mandela", - "56d8e49edc89441400fdb39b": "freedom for tibet", - "5726b1c6f1498d1400e8e7ab": "north carolina state university", - "5725fbcbec44d21400f3d7c3": "perseus", - "5728c9483acd2414000dfe6f": "indian nationalism", - "56f95ca49e9bad19000a088e": "lack of food", - "5728c7dd2ca10214002da7ac": "famines", - "5727044ef1498d1400e8f246": "failure of the underlying bedrock", - "570c69eafed7b91900d459c7": "by the end of the summer", - "5706917375f01819005e7c12": "fruits", - "57304ae8396df91900096040": "this decision was later put on hold and was never actually implemented", - "570de4770b85d914000d7b92": "white middle class", - "572f50cbb2c2fd1400568003": "two junction diodes", - "56cee873aab44d1400b88c77": "abstract expressionism", - "56fb7ee6b28b3419009f1d8e": "try to regain jerusalem", - "56bfb8dca10cfb140055127d": "comes up with melodies and ideas", - "572630b389a1e219009ac526": "aegean islands", - "5719eb7c10f8ca1400304ea3": "cascade range", - "57304c5e8ab72b1400f9c400": "vulnerable position on the south coast in close proximity to german air bases", - "5727f7cbff5b5019007d9975": "international", - "56e75e3b37bdd419002c3f03": "franklin", - "56f8eee09e9bad19000a0724": "universities", - "573243d0e99e3014001e65f0": "freshman", - "56cfe836234ae51400d9c063": "fort hamilton", - "572f4d2d04bcaa1900d7682a": "iraq", - "57342084d058e614000b698f": "five", - "572774d8f1498d1400e8f89d": "jewish linguistic diversity", - "572ecaddc246551400ce4696": "english", - "5727df564b864d1900163ef9": "the general assembly", - "56d1c664e7d4791d00902154": "corpse", - "5726f52c5951b619008f8360": "bubble pipes", - "570fd2995ab6b81900391057": "horizontal", - "5709644d200fba1400367f3d": "armenia", - "5732c242d6dcfa19001e8aa4": "motorcycles", - "56de4b6dcffd8e1900b4b7c5": "norway", - "57279d66ff5b5019007d911c": "to store their records", - "5727fa0b4b864d1900164117": "stomach cancer", - "572bc33134ae481900deaefe": "three", - "571020a9b654c5140001f814": "clarence house", - "56d10c8c17492d1400aab812": "new york city department of health and mental hygiene", - "5726627bf1498d1400e8ddd4": "christopher columbus", - "570a88724103511400d5981b": "houston", - "5726776df1498d1400e8e0a2": "russian empire", - "570a7f296d058f1900182eb3": "direction model", - "56d9e6b9dc89441400fdb8e5": "health", - "57294fd03f37b31900478227": "catholics", - "5731ca39e99e3014001e6278": "state law allowing the finding of transportation of students to religious schools", - "56de66ce4396321400ee288b": "electromechanical", - "5728ba8d4b864d1900164d04": "a princely state", - "57275858f1498d1400e8f6a4": "carnival", - "5727cd5c2ca10214002d96c0": "wayne state university", - "573043c6a23a5019007fd02b": "by subduing britain by air power alone", - "5725d10a89a1e219009abf42": "jewish holidays", - "5726903d5951b619008f76af": "the rhine", - "56dde98866d3e219004daded": "the states general of the united provinces", - "57277f9d5951b619008f8b6b": "winter", - "5726b5ea5951b619008f7b76": "none of these lines in somerset are electrified", - "56f83905a6d7ea1400e174bf": "montenegro", - "5726926edd62a815002e89f6": "publicly", - "57280ac93acd2414000df2fe": "south korea", - "57327da60fdd8d15006c6b28": "age of darkness", - "5726ebab708984140094d5fe": "literary journalism", - "572811a7ff5b5019007d9c53": "oppressive", - "5709c934ed30961900e8449e": "houston", - "570e1d420b85d914000d7cd8": "stricter regulations", - "57271234f1498d1400e8f322": "repair of torn ear lobes", - "572974506aef051400154f1d": "united nations secretary general ban keenan has said that renewable energy has the ability to lift the poorest nations to new levels of prosperity", - "56e17976e3433e1400422f6f": "seven", - "5727ae422ca10214002d938e": "asheville", - "572e9d16c246551400ce43fa": "smaller mantle", - "57071f039e06ca38007e9478": "madero", - "56e0a2a3231d4119001ac2f4": "stalin", - "5709ba58200fba1400368296": "gold standard", - "56e78acb37bdd419002c40ef": "national archives", - "572654245951b619008f6fd5": "church educational system", - "57276cfdf1498d1400e8f7cd": "west rock", - "570ed0690dc6ce1900205107": "newtonian", - "56e8253a37bdd419002c4470": "dialects", - "572c101b2babe914003c298a": "properly basic", - "573030d304bcaa1900d77323": "operating system", - "573028d604bcaa1900d77281": "commercial", - "572924e26aef051400154a9f": "article twenty nine had made the new the limitation of the federal territory", - "572e9d0bcb0c0d14000f1366": "israel", - "56e161bfcd28a01900c67846": "kenmore square", - "570a85246d058f1900182f1a": "west germanic", - "570f945f5ab6b81900390f21": "her golden jubilee", - "5726ae6cf1498d1400e8e714": "david hume", - "57285f8eff5b5019007da1c3": "more symmetrical", - "57302d8ea23a5019007fcf05": "a year", - "5727bec13acd2414000deb44": "the bible", - "57311faae6313a140071cc51": "greater sensitivity to yellow", - "57299cebaf94a219006aa56b": "chemical", - "56fa5e2df34c681400b0c0b1": "fiberglass", - "572b72e9be1ee31400cb83a3": "the state of great moravian", - "5728ea364b864d1900165084": "chinese", - "5727bd804b864d1900163c1b": "native americans", - "57285c604b864d1900164958": "neuroscientist", - "5733edbe4776f4190066152f": "other cultures", - "572696d45951b619008f7765": "united states", - "5706a58a75f01819005e7cb9": "chinese people who arrived in the country after the end of apartheid", - "5728e270ff5b5019007da8c5": "market services", - "56e824c637bdd419002c446a": "dialect", - "57097697ed30961900e84196": "workplace satisfaction and overall quality of life", - "5727a3e23acd2414000de8a7": "local lords", - "56f8c74d9b226e1400dd0fb7": "cells", - "5726fa88708984140094d782": "alma river", - "5730f8caa5e9cc1400cdbb56": "creed", - "56dee6fcc65bf219000b3e0b": "ministers in cabinet", - "570d4299fed7b91900d45dd1": "korean war", - "5726b83af1498d1400e8e8c5": "copper", - "5731dce4e17f3d14004224b1": "preen gland", - "5727f56fff5b5019007d9942": "there was more recorded base", - "56e77e8d00c9c71400d771ba": "minimum space standards", - "572fbb81947a6a140053cbf7": "where organic carbon compounds are used as carbon sources", - "57266b06dd62a815002e8441": "marvel comics", - "57240c3b0a492a1900435601": "voting system", - "5727bbc1ff5b5019007d93b2": "four", - "5726a296708984140094cc8a": "alps", - "57264f965951b619008f6f8b": "temperate", - "57291636af94a219006aa067": "seven", - "572fc26a04bcaa1900d76c8d": "second class", - "572f0de5c246551400ce4877": "transition to modern science", - "56db65ace7c41114004b5089": "the season five tour", - "56ce623aaab44d1400b88722": "three", - "56e14a14e3433e1400422d65": "three to four", - "5730bc432461fd1900a9d023": "redeemed in a manner more sublime", - "572784e7f1498d1400e8faa3": "several races", - "57100234a58dae1900cd67cf": "maryland", - "57283a1b4b864d19001647a6": "the constitution", - "571ae6b632177014007e9fbd": "various similar lists of works to be reading churches", - "56f8c9d29e9bad19000a04f3": "because the dna double helix is held together by base pairing", - "57107516a58dae1900cd69b2": "the salon", - "56db772fe7c41114004b5160": "western", - "57060b2575f01819005e78e5": "daily telegraph", - "57351a8aacc1501500bac40e": "a few hundred", - "56f7ee11aef2371900625c6c": "to be invoked before it or enforced in its judiciary organ the international court of justice. this was done to prevent the proliferation of secret treaties", - "572e874adfa6aa1500f8d0b1": "turkey", - "56e0716c231d4119001ac149": "promotion of napoleons imprisonment", - "572754b1f1498d1400e8f659": "national organic program", - "570db44716d0071400510d0b": "culture is a traveling and powerful presence in the lives of adolescence", - "570b2212ec8fbc190045b84c": "stream music television programs and films", - "572eb8af03f989190075699d": "canada to the north and mexico", - "572f6abab2c2fd14005680ed": "electric traction", - "56e87bde99e8941900975e2e": "births and deaths", - "572c97fbf182dd1900d7c7ed": "chattanooga and knoxville", - "570c17c4ec8fbc190045bc53": "second spanish republic", - "56f7477aa6d7ea1400e1714c": "withdrawal", - "57327187b9d445190005eb21": "the soviet launch of sputnik", - "5726b60ef1498d1400e8e874": "all subjects", - "572801f13acd2414000df207": "right of return", - "5727a3762ca10214002d9286": "the author of the mark gospel", - "5706076875f01819005e78ae": "supplements", - "56cd7db262d2951400fa6638": "battery replacement program", - "56db1e20e7c41114004b4d87": "american idol songwriter contest", - "57324b820fdd8d15006c692d": "marshall", - "572ab905f75d5e190021fc72": "ronald reagan", - "5730115eb2c2fd14005687e5": "the united states", - "57359c16e853931400426a38": "english", - "57293d721d046914007791c4": "one", - "56eaa6a30030b61400a35008": "public money", - "5731322905b4da19006bce91": "eighth and ninth", - "572ab2ac34ae481900deac57": "baltimore", - "5727aee02ca10214002d93b0": "himalayas", - "572ff3d3a23a5019007fcba1": "hilly geography", - "572a22256aef0514001552fc": "european", - "570fc6df5ab6b81900390fbf": "texas", - "57313a81a5e9cc1400cdbd58": "pebble mosaics", - "5726ca635951b619008f7e33": "the cosmos rocks", - "572f64c9a23a5019007fc5c5": "the partitioning of the ottoman empire", - "56e48c5d39bdeb1400347984": "renaissance era", - "570c2f6bec8fbc190045bd5f": "us operations", - "5726db92708984140094d3d0": "regular script", - "56dcf6c666d3e219004dab64": "angolan", - "572eca8ccb0c0d14000f1577": "parallel", - "5726ab93dd62a815002e8c70": "six weeks", - "56cfb1a2234ae51400d9be86": "three out of five", - "5725da80271a42140099d2a4": "ciudad de ha", - "57296189af94a219006aa365": "low frequencies long wavelength", - "5733229dd058e614000b5718": "professional mathematicians", - "56d10b9a17492d1400aab7f9": "upper", - "56dfbc1d7aa994140058e0c0": "the first amendment", - "5728460d2ca10214002da21e": "influenza", - "57303cafb2c2fd1400568aa9": "hellenistic", - "56f8c65d9b226e1400dd0f8e": "volvo ocean race", - "573218cfb9d445190005e7e5": "for practical purposes", - "570d1ebdb3d812140066d444": "borrowings from common speech", - "5731cf890fdd8d15006c656f": "mediterranean and the red sea", - "572a19b61d0469140077977b": "aristotle", - "56dfbab97aa994140058e0ae": "wax", - "5726ef16708984140094d665": "sunni", - "5706b8b42eaba6190074ac78": "major record companies", - "57343bc94776f41900661abe": "el paso texas", - "57302230a23a5019007fce14": "unlikely to interfere with many common antibiotics", - "573260db0fdd8d15006c6a69": "mortgage payments", - "573222f30fdd8d15006c67eb": "christians", - "5707135a90286e26004fc8c3": "katrina", - "5727bf482ca10214002d9559": "entrepreneurship", - "572a00d23f37b31900478637": "virtual photons", - "5726746a708984140094c6ba": "nordstrom and saks", - "5726d0525951b619008f7ecd": "united nations high commission for human rights", - "57273da15951b619008f8737": "higher educational", - "56fa3b59f34c681400b0c01f": "physiological", - "570680d952bb891400689a12": "lieutenant governor", - "5725e99c89a1e219009ac08f": "carved lions head", - "573366a64776f41900660a01": "gate", - "571cfecadd7acb1400e4c1ef": "pure food and drugs act", - "57317cc7a5e9cc1400cdbfcd": "american", - "5726c713708984140094d143": "at the crossing", - "57290af96aef0514001549e5": "pagoda festival", - "570c329dec8fbc190045bd84": "three", - "56eab6410030b61400a35054": "separation of powers", - "572932133f37b319004780e7": "st. georges", - "56e79b8300c9c71400d77390": "orlando predators", - "570bdd6fec8fbc190045bb9d": "physically larger species", - "56de51f9cffd8e1900b4b800": "bulgarian", - "56f7596ca6d7ea1400e171f1": "folk music", - "56d9a582dc89441400fdb68b": "one to four", - "572a224aaf94a219006aa82e": "coordinating units of length with certain physical objects", - "572ecd51c246551400ce46b0": "virtual particles that hop into and out of existence and a finite energy called the vacuum energy. vacuum fluctuations are an essential in ubiquitous part of quantum field theory", - "5726f4315951b619008f8353": "in the physical body", - "572982021d046914007794f2": "rigidity theory", - "57266080f1498d1400e8ddae": "united kingdom", - "56ce362aaab44d1400b885bf": "broadway", - "572693eaf1498d1400e8e458": "adolf hitler", - "56f83ffaaef2371900625f4c": "tito", - "5726c8de708984140094d154": "french", - "572fb43c947a6a140053cbb7": "stalin", - "57325c4ab9d445190005eaa4": "germany", - "57306625396df919000960e4": "german romanticism", - "5731ba99e99e3014001e620e": "users", - "5731388ea5e9cc1400cdbd2a": "vincent van gogh", - "572f3442b2c2fd1400567f84": "dominated environments", - "56f7c49eaef2371900625bdc": "russian empire", - "572759bddd62a815002e9b8d": "farmington canal trail", - "570acb424103511400d59a02": "leslie stuart", - "573204dab9d445190005e734": "twice", - "5730ed91a5e9cc1400cdbafb": "birds", - "5727965f708984140094e198": "child trafficking debt bondage and forced labor", - "571dfedcb64a571400c71e58": "stanley crouch", - "56e427248c00841900fbaeff": "two", - "572aaea4111d821400f38ca8": "his fathers", - "56f8e7679e9bad19000a06de": "cholera", - "57301a88b2c2fd1400568878": "birthright citizenship in their own lands", - "57266134dd62a815002e8324": "publisher", - "572b7a8ff75d5e190021fdf9": "through love", - "56cf741f4df3c31400b0d7bc": "school of the art institute of chicago", - "572ebc9303f98919007569c0": "the imperial court", - "56dfd68c231d4119001abe1f": "police", - "5727707df1498d1400e8f824": "scientific naturalism", - "570b53996b8089140040f880": "great white fleet", - "570d5d0cb3d812140066d745": "multiple transitions", - "57324709e17f3d14004227c0": "kamikaze tactics", - "56e0fd33231d4119001ac54e": "three", - "56f8b0ae9b226e1400dd0e11": "beneath the alpine pastures", - "56d9618ddc89441400fdb3db": "free tibet", - "5723f90ff6b826140030fd18": "he was seized by plainclothes policemen and convicted of high treason", - "5728a1ddff5b5019007da360": "international academy of humanism", - "56f8f3129e9bad19000a0765": "the portuguese", - "56f71bd9711bf01900a44975": "slavic raids across the lower river danube", - "573028d9a23a5019007fcebb": "allegations of repeated sexual harassment", - "5729693f3f37b3190047834e": "minerals", - "570e76540dc6ce19002050aa": "one third", - "5710fbc0b654c5140001fa69": "france", - "5728bcadff5b5019007da5c0": "the constitution of estonia", - "570e5bf40dc6ce1900204f93": "the gold rush", - "570b609e6b8089140040f8ed": "jail break", - "570fa4675ab6b81900390f5e": "independent concepts on a separate scale", - "5726744ddd62a815002e8588": "attack the faces staring", - "57267b49f1498d1400e8e146": "length", - "57100a7fb654c5140001f790": "rape of an adult woman", - "56db2df9e7c41114004b4edb": "candice glover", - "5733adb64776f41900661002": "stanford hall", - "57265f3bf1498d1400e8dd88": "west flemish", - "56d9a5d0dc89441400fdb692": "male french bulldogs", - "570a877e4103511400d5980b": "old english", - "56d3aab62ccc5a1400d82dea": "the british library", - "570e79e90b85d914000d7f2f": "melbourne united", - "573158b9e6313a140071ce56": "aimed high as its recruiting slogan more recently they have used cars", - "5732843bb3a91d1900202df9": "livestock", - "572f3099a23a5019007fc4c5": "relatively low voltages", - "56f7083a711bf01900a448f7": "regardless of subject matter", - "572826daff5b5019007d9e14": "african", - "5726b67f708984140094cea4": "individuals living alone", - "57274177dd62a815002e9a30": "mercado", - "572a36e06aef051400155382": "curling", - "570729f090286e26004fc973": "about a third", - "56d1bc77e7d4791d009020f7": "suffering and rebirth", - "56e1373de3433e1400422cc0": "medieval to renaissance values", - "57293627af94a219006aa19c": "racial classifications", - "573113f5e6313a140071cc02": "united nations security council", - "57263c94271a42140099d7ab": "reduces filament evaporation", - "5726945d708984140094cacd": "printing", - "57314244a5e9cc1400cdbddd": "fiery", - "572665dff1498d1400e8de44": "the united states constitution", - "570ab31c6d058f1900183098": "four", - "573012f504bcaa1900d7710d": "baroque", - "571ae11032177014007e9f7a": "new patriarch the hall catholic population surrounded the church holding up their hands to heaven and crying give us half the nations the bishops had nothing better", - "570fb20480d9841400ab3643": "declined", - "56f9fb6e8f12f31900630043": "the stone age", - "5731926ca5e9cc1400cdc0e0": "dozens", - "5725b56a38643c19005acba6": "south asia", - "56e7516237bdd419002c3e63": "royal society for the prevention of accidents", - "570e25b30dc6ce1900204dfb": "colonial history", - "570c22d96b8089140040fb4d": "a warrant beforehand", - "5728bca93acd2414000dfd71": "queen mary kings college", - "570a4e444103511400d595f1": "strategic asset investments", - "572bfa9ef182dd1900d7c7a3": "germanic", - "571ab82810f8ca140030531a": "illegal promotion of prescription drugs", - "572674a0f1498d1400e8e026": "german", - "57279c2edd62a815002ea1ef": "five", - "5726ea11f1498d1400e8efbb": "the metric system", - "57262473271a42140099d4eb": "buddhism", - "56f989e59e9bad19000a0a67": "anatomical", - "570d6968b3d812140066d889": "bolivia romania and italy", - "572733c0dd62a815002e9988": "alliterative quality", - "572664dd708984140094c4a1": "buckingham palace", - "5736342b506b47140023658c": "arabian oryx", - "5735bed6dc94161900571f8b": "northwestern", - "572fed9fa23a5019007fcb54": "six", - "572eea0ddfa6aa1500f8d4d6": "underground", - "5727d1c94b864d1900163ddf": "learning", - "572971e61d04691400779474": "theoretical basis of the josephs in effect and the quantum holler fact. if these theories are slightly inaccurate", - "5726245b89a1e219009ac2ef": "the palace", - "56df7da25ca0a614008f9b2e": "piano", - "572a166d1d04691400779759": "fact", - "56e13ab5e3433e1400422cdd": "northern part", - "5727c5932ca10214002d95ee": "two", - "5728e14d2ca10214002daa1a": "collective judgment of scientists", - "57300c6a04bcaa1900d7709b": "poor air quality", - "56d007a6234ae51400d9c2a7": "new york city subway system", - "5727d96f3acd2414000dee04": "oklahoma city museum of art", - "572b8a3b34ae481900deae84": "literary tradition", - "57261ee889a1e219009ac2a2": "government accountability office", - "5725ed7838643c19005ace95": "no official dress code", - "57343c494776f41900661ac9": "two", - "5733f46dd058e614000b666f": "super sports", - "57278e79f1498d1400e8fc0c": "darwin had deliberately omitted", - "572fffeb947a6a140053cf3b": "glass fiber", - "570fb4715ab6b81900390fa0": "the european union", - "56e7882837bdd419002c40ca": "marvin hall", - "5728ce273acd2414000dfeee": "individual human beings", - "57311df8e6313a140071cc4c": "areas to which they have been introduced by humans", - "5727d3cf3acd2414000ded7f": "chief justice", - "570fea6c80d9841400ab3718": "winston churchill", - "5726baf15951b619008f7c24": "reinvigorate the city. evidence suggests that the town and gown relationships are mutually beneficial. still the economic power of the university increase dramatically", - "572ff2c7b2c2fd1400568631": "during transfer windows", - "57302525a23a5019007fce5d": "the president", - "5729d8061d04691400779629": "pennies", - "56f8a3099e9bad19000a0237": "genes", - "56f89fdc9b226e1400dd0cf3": "gregory of tours", - "56cfee97234ae51400d9c107": "auxiliary heating and cooling equipment", - "57278281708984140094df99": "period of misrule", - "572ea93ec246551400ce448d": "earth was in a different location", - "572ecf3bcb0c0d14000f15c1": "hawaii", - "57260d63271a42140099d3f8": "korean conflict", - "56d67a8d1c85041400947150": "a correlation", - "572fd0e3a23a5019007fca2b": "franciscan friars", - "5732befb1d5d2e14009ff897": "radio communications equipment", - "572ffdb7947a6a140053cf00": "astronomy", - "572ab5f7be1ee31400cb81be": "president nixon", - "5706109452bb891400689846": "atlantic pacific delaware and maryland avenues", - "56f8f3129e9bad19000a0766": "palm oil", - "57324fe9e99e3014001e66ad": "ivy league", - "56e79d8200c9c71400d773c9": "david baker", - "56d4df312ccc5a1400d832b9": "three", - "56dede143277331400b4d77d": "mechanistic", - "570b3121ec8fbc190045b8d6": "six", - "570cf1b5fed7b91900d45b30": "pepsi", - "5726822d5951b619008f7509": "intermediate stage", - "5726bbb8dd62a815002e8e9f": "russian", - "56df54788bc80c19004e4ab3": "task lighting", - "572783b05951b619008f8bf1": "north carolinas borders", - "56e16b00cd28a01900c678d6": "spanish", - "57283f724b864d19001647f2": "special procedures", - "572790d55951b619008f8db0": "slow pace", - "56ea90465a205f1900d6d342": "democracy in good governance", - "56d29ed559d6e41400146157": "east asian buddhism", - "56de4adf4396321400ee278c": "red arrows", - "5733582fd058e614000b5884": "more than a third", - "5726b605708984140094ce9d": "columnist and media writer", - "5726d229708984140094d257": "connections", - "5728fb0daf94a219006a9eb3": "dutch", - "56e78dab37bdd419002c4121": "which direction", - "5728c74d2ca10214002da7a4": "eastern europe", - "57292b8e6aef051400154b29": "nazi and fascist", - "5726b0125951b619008f7a75": "harrisons group", - "572ff318a23a5019007fcb95": "pima county", - "570bd9336b8089140040fa8b": "life in the sea", - "571a2c554faf5e1900b8a8f8": "it does not seem to store information itself", - "5726d7f05951b619008f7fb1": "digital millennium copyright act", - "570d3c0eb3d812140066d5a5": "fort irwin california", - "572654d6dd62a815002e81be": "indonesia", - "570e5d860dc6ce1900204fa5": "virtually all the major riding systems of south asia", - "5706d83b0eeca41400aa0e73": "bird migration", - "572e9e8bc246551400ce4404": "turkish population", - "56db1df1e7c41114004b4d7f": "parliament", - "57313a71e6313a140071cd41": "ying shan", - "57313d3d05b4da19006bcf1a": "manchuria", - "57328011b3a91d1900202dd7": "subordinates", - "56fa5c188f12f31900630139": "fragile", - "56dfdaca7aa994140058e1b6": "local council", - "572ac614f75d5e190021fcc2": "delaware expressway", - "573349f34776f41900660804": "expanded dramatically", - "56f98e239b226e1400dd155e": "brain or heart", - "57288582ff5b5019007da2ad": "religious nature", - "5728bda43acd2414000dfd8c": "accession into nato and the european union", - "570e291c0dc6ce1900204e11": "manner of speaking", - "56de719c4396321400ee290c": "london", - "5726dcc0f1498d1400e8eda9": "armenia", - "57099056ed30961900e8432a": "brewery", - "56f8ed819b226e1400dd11d3": "because they were christians", - "572800793acd2414000df1e7": "restricted their return policies", - "572fbceaa23a5019007fc929": "one million", - "570c3e0dec8fbc190045be15": "cattle", - "56df9ad738dc4217001520c7": "the supreme court", - "56fc88d898e8fc14001ea7d2": "brain", - "572f8918947a6a140053ca3a": "male", - "5726da61f1498d1400e8ed38": "the five stars", - "56d0b98f234ae51400d9c420": "realistic", - "572a6092fed8de19000d5bc6": "limited democracy", - "572959251d046914007792ed": "gas", - "572770dd5951b619008f8a01": "israel antiquities authority", - "572a203b6aef0514001552db": "all observers", - "57307b852461fd1900a9ce4f": "ease of reading", - "5723aae60dadf01500fa1f27": "nine", - "573350a0d058e614000b5841": "a crime", - "5726d2e6dd62a815002e916b": "celibacy", - "572e877adfa6aa1500f8d0bc": "dropped out of college", - "57266cf9dd62a815002e847c": "love triangles", - "572826eeff5b5019007d9e21": "geology", - "56d138c3e7d4791d0090203a": "mtv man of the year", - "5733b36dd058e614000b60a5": "anthropological", - "5728ce273acd2414000dfeef": "world three", - "57316d0605b4da19006bd13b": "cairo", - "56d3a51459d6e41400146877": "freedom", - "5727839a5951b619008f8be7": "darwin", - "56fa50008f12f31900630119": "strands", - "56f865baaef2371900626041": "october", - "56d07c41234ae51400d9c31e": "lenses or mirrors and tracking systems", - "572ac557f75d5e190021fcb8": "political action committee", - "570d1fc0b3d812140066d457": "the second generation", - "57060cc575f01819005e78f5": "the times commission", - "56d61a451c85041400946f11": "satellite images", - "56f9fa1e8f12f31900630039": "human figures", - "5723f31e0dadf01500fa1fb0": "two", - "5727c075ff5b5019007d9460": "through the intellect", - "570c3f1dec8fbc190045be1f": "eastern orthodox", - "5728cab72ca10214002da7f1": "british", - "572fa8c9947a6a140053cb13": "little difference", - "570713c490286e26004fc8cb": "northern europeans", - "570b3980ec8fbc190045b8ea": "indian insurrection", - "57097de3200fba1400368089": "egypt", - "56db7a68e7c41114004b5187": "second right brother", - "573636bf9c79961900ff7e07": "antelope", - "5726cd215951b619008f7e74": "logic ethics and metaphysics", - "57282b9b3acd2414000df617": "parasites and infections", - "571dfb4e55697319006390e1": "southern congressional block", - "56e0a5b6231d4119001ac324": "the congress of peoples deputies", - "5731c52de17f3d14004223bd": "robert zemeckis", - "572baff7f75d5e190021fe9f": "a bike map", - "57268c78708984140094c9bc": "starr", - "56ddecfe66d3e219004dae18": "james madison", - "5730568a2461fd1900a9cd6a": "childless unmarried girls", - "572668b2f1498d1400e8dec6": "the whizzer", - "572fa8c9947a6a140053cb16": "controlled trials", - "572a8e0834ae481900deab81": "manufacturing", - "57270cbadd62a815002e9854": "low levels of education", - "5732a488d6dcfa19001e8a5a": "seneca", - "5732442ab9d445190005e954": "night supervisor", - "5733fd57d058e614000b672e": "two", - "5730bbbb8ab72b1400f9c733": "seven", - "56d1126f17492d1400aab8aa": "this cant be life attract", - "57302bbf04bcaa1900d772c5": "southern baptist church", - "56e7b94300c9c71400d77562": "nanjing", - "570805e39e06ca38007e950a": "politician", - "57282a553acd2414000df5f4": "racing", - "57274695dd62a815002e9a55": "italy", - "57280f912ca10214002d9ced": "france", - "56cf3569aab44d1400b88e54": "dominican republic", - "57264781f1498d1400e8daf8": "siberia", - "5727aa092ca10214002d9331": "raphael", - "571a6dbe4faf5e1900b8a9a2": "adrenalin", - "56e7713c37bdd419002c3fb1": "outdoor exercise", - "573386274776f41900660c94": "geneticists", - "5727d7992ca10214002d97d4": "white migration to the suburbs", - "5706202975f01819005e79ca": "toms diner", - "56dde48b9a695914005b966f": "deployment of canadian defense", - "57281fae2ca10214002d9e60": "the economy", - "572f703ca23a5019007fc62c": "by searching for this key", - "5725dd19ec44d21400f3d6e6": "emirates stadium", - "57271689f1498d1400e8f372": "insulin resistance", - "5726ae3cdd62a815002e8cce": "sparking", - "57265a65708984140094c371": "by popular vote", - "56e8e69d0b45c0140094cd51": "the blitz", - "5726c12a5951b619008f7d4b": "coconut oil", - "5726cdfc5951b619008f7e8d": "the proposal did not pass", - "572851ba4b864d190016493c": "adhesive", - "56eab2c15a205f1900d6d432": "united nations convention against corruption", - "56fa317bf34c681400b0c003": "strength", - "57097780200fba1400368034": "enhanced national security capabilities", - "571df47eb64a571400c71e28": "set up groceries in small towns throughout the south", - "5731fd11e17f3d14004225b3": "gods mankind and destiny", - "573007b9a23a5019007fcc6d": "secular architecture", - "57270596708984140094d89a": "ecosystem", - "572962c51d04691400779375": "it was a continuous variable", - "5730aea88ab72b1400f9c679": "soil", - "56df687496943c1400a5d4e9": "colin powell", - "5727f96d3acd2414000df129": "two", - "5709840c200fba14003680fe": "burned in a fire", - "56f8afe39e9bad19000a0321": "ikea", - "572686d25951b619008f75b3": "the south", - "570e6cc60b85d914000d7ecb": "scholarly communication", - "5726e3e2f1498d1400e8eef2": "philosophy", - "5726e1be5951b619008f814a": "fourth", - "570de6db0b85d914000d7ba1": "increases", - "5726e4c8f1498d1400e8ef0c": "blue", - "57062b6152bb891400689922": "first real time hardware", - "573193f005b4da19006bd2e7": "cults of other peoples", - "571ae71a32177014007e9fc7": "long time needed for discovery development and approval of pharmaceuticals", - "5730a0a98ab72b1400f9c616": "to seize", - "5733b31dd058e614000b609f": "its concentration", - "5709909ded30961900e84333": "traditional", - "573014f1a23a5019007fcd2e": "trinity college cambridge", - "57279d0aff5b5019007d9106": "served as sailors", - "570ddf530b85d914000d7b89": "pediatrician", - "5726b585708984140094ce87": "the gothic vault", - "570cba0cb3d812140066d25d": "byzantine empire", - "56e077207aa994140058e51b": "electrons and protons", - "572831fa2ca10214002da05d": "china round thirty add indian around two hundred and ancient rome", - "5726dd735951b619008f8083": "the soviet union", - "57269b7e708984140094cb84": "early islamic philosophy", - "5728d5b12ca10214002da8ed": "metaphysical", - "57325cf7e17f3d14004228f0": "fourteenth", - "57280ae14b864d19001642d4": "five", - "5709644d200fba1400367f3e": "persia", - "56f9760b9e9bad19000a0953": "two", - "5725c50489a1e219009abe4d": "alexander", - "572b56d4be1ee31400cb833b": "complex social protocol", - "5733d3334776f419006612e4": "penicillin", - "57359f64e853931400426a7b": "turk muslims", - "56d4e0e92ccc5a1400d832da": "michelle obama", - "572840c42ca10214002da199": "yeltsin", - "572823804b864d190016454d": "signal hill is the hill which overlooks the city", - "56ddd2029a695914005b95f8": "about half", - "570e69280dc6ce190020503b": "two", - "572a8598111d821400f38ba4": "government redistribution of income or capital", - "5709c0e6ed30961900e84466": "monopoly money", - "56e6e10f6fe0821900b8ec1c": "benedictine", - "5731b3b7b9d445190005e475": "to worship freely", - "5731511a05b4da19006bd039": "the imperial examination system", - "56e12827cd28a01900c67669": "catholics", - "56d3958659d6e414001467c5": "granville hicks", - "56f75a5faef2371900625b45": "northeastern italians", - "5733a55a4776f41900660f3b": "bond hall", - "56cfe6d2234ae51400d9c045": "national park service", - "5725c8caec44d21400f3d571": "highest average", - "57276fdb5951b619008f89da": "garments", - "57313cc0a5e9cc1400cdbd82": "renaissance", - "5727b338ff5b5019007d92f3": "detroit river", - "5706233475f01819005e79de": "filter bank", - "572ec29403f9891900756a01": "allusions", - "5706a43e75f01819005e7caf": "to compile astronomical tables", - "5709a704ed30961900e843c9": "one or more", - "56e1cc2fcd28a01900c67bb9": "faster and more secure", - "56df870c56340a1900b29cfe": "airport road", - "5726dfde5951b619008f80f0": "background", - "572ed00ac246551400ce46ce": "shut down", - "572796f5dd62a815002ea142": "william tecumseh sherman", - "57111b3aa58dae1900cd6c4a": "super nintendo entertainment system", - "57277195708984140094ddb3": "canonical gospels", - "57085206efce8f15003a7da1": "frequency of vibration", - "5731d7dbe99e3014001e6328": "seven", - "5727311af1498d1400e8f463": "vasco da gama", - "5731d073b9d445190005e58d": "black", - "572661dedd62a815002e833b": "browsing pressure", - "5727948af1498d1400e8fcb3": "yeoman farmers", - "57269042dd62a815002e89c8": "madison square garden", - "572e6bacc246551400ce422f": "reynolds", - "57267423f1498d1400e8e01c": "the crown", - "57279543f1498d1400e8fcca": "direct democracy and federalism", - "57272aa45951b619008f867a": "the sergeant isaac woodard incident", - "572519280a492a19004356f2": "candidates may be encouraged to ask there never invited", - "571a2a2510f8ca1400304f1a": "unlimited duration", - "572e91dccb0c0d14000f12d4": "other public agencies were encouraged", - "572f6c5904bcaa1900d76923": "acute", - "572aabc4111d821400f38c99": "society hill", - "570e5d860dc6ce1900204fa1": "oral", - "5726f9d3f1498d1400e8f192": "the soviet union", - "56f754cea6d7ea1400e171c7": "stripped naked", - "5728ffd73f37b31900477f4d": "gritty urban music", - "572673195951b619008f72e7": "cambodia", - "573054172461fd1900a9cd31": "dismissal", - "57312f5805b4da19006bce6a": "mongol", - "572732f9dd62a815002e997c": "hundred years war", - "5726f4315951b619008f8351": "by his understanding of perception", - "572844272ca10214002da1f6": "ahmed ben bella", - "5733fcd5d058e614000b671b": "preventing births", - "56dde2f49a695914005b9657": "international security", - "56f8262eaef2371900625e36": "slovenia", - "56f98d699e9bad19000a0aab": "thursday", - "572798e7708984140094e1d3": "henry wyatt", - "56f8c65d9b226e1400dd0f8f": "around the world yacht race", - "56e78f3100c9c71400d772bf": "state governments", - "570a86c76d058f1900182f42": "somerset", - "56fa1ee4f34c681400b0bfbf": "spring", - "570d5aabfed7b91900d45f07": "north africa", - "572a9989111d821400f38c36": "chairman of the liberal party", - "5726abf2708984140094cd70": "respect", - "57261c1f38643c19005ad010": "textiles imports", - "5733f9c64776f41900661618": "genocide", - "572eb90bcb0c0d14000f14c2": "lets them know which car to wait for", - "573217840fdd8d15006c6787": "human activities", - "572897fe2ca10214002da4a1": "foreign language student residence", - "57317a46497a881900248f61": "ascension of christ", - "5727c72dff5b5019007d94f3": "the era of fragmentation", - "572f3c9604bcaa1900d767a9": "spiral pattern", - "5727236a5951b619008f865f": "modern food processing technologies", - "572657f1708984140094c329": "support and protect their brethren", - "570fa86a5ab6b81900390f79": "gender identity", - "57283117ff5b5019007d9ec1": "external", - "5726086889a1e219009ac16e": "higher", - "570daf12df2f5219002ed0e4": "central eritrea", - "57268eea708984140094ca13": "two", - "56ddd98d9a695914005b961b": "the internet archive", - "56e70a356fe0821900b8ec91": "advancement of architecture", - "572f7b09a23a5019007fc676": "expansion into the hinterlands of both cities met with stiff resistance", - "56d66c621c8504140094710c": "families who lost their only child", - "56fdf56519033b140034ce08": "which location in memory the next instruction is to be read from", - "5727d894ff5b5019007d96c2": "the united states code", - "572873c13acd2414000dfa11": "gupta", - "5733cd1c4776f4190066127c": "increasing", - "56fe034c19033b140034ce39": "artificial intelligence and machine learning", - "5728e8813acd2414000e01a5": "early archaic period", - "570b6608ec8fbc190045b9de": "dust storms", - "573416864776f4190066182d": "hydropower", - "56f745b8a6d7ea1400e1712e": "more complex", - "572832df4b864d19001646fd": "euro tower", - "56bf79c73aeaaa14008c9671": "eight", - "572a14abaf94a219006aa7bf": "nothing", - "570b01c36b8089140040f6b5": "eastern", - "56be99b53aeaaa14008c9141": "beyond saying", - "5726c11ef1498d1400e8ea46": "to conceal the sources of his knowledge", - "5730730a069b5314008320e6": "heres where we draw the line closed", - "56df20e5c65bf219000b3f7c": "northern israel", - "5726ba315951b619008f7c04": "too soft", - "5727e6df2ca10214002d991e": "the ending of the groove", - "56e779ea37bdd419002c4009": "higher air pollution", - "5731bff5e17f3d140042239a": "concentration", - "570d2733fed7b91900d45c76": "we bring good things to life", - "572841da2ca10214002da1c2": "countering violent extremism", - "5727c293ff5b5019007d9487": "harlem globetrotters", - "57276074f1498d1400e8f71b": "christmas", - "572681e4dd62a815002e87a0": "channel incision", - "56e173b5cd28a01900c6795f": "logan airport", - "56f8efcd9e9bad19000a0735": "civil unrest", - "572e8a57cb0c0d14000f1276": "the ball carrier", - "5730fe9da5e9cc1400cdbb6d": "explosive ordnance disposal", - "5731c593e17f3d14004223c6": "genetically enhanced capacity to survive high doses of antibiotics", - "56f8ffed9b226e1400dd1252": "united states congress joint committee on the library", - "5726a63c5951b619008f790e": "islamic presence in spain", - "56d115a317492d1400aab8d8": "manhattan", - "570728b99e06ca38007e94bc": "proletariat", - "5733bf84d058e614000b61c0": "the observer", - "570f4b245ab6b81900390edd": "over a month", - "5726b5a9f1498d1400e8e85a": "baghdad", - "56f98eb09e9bad19000a0ac2": "animal spirits", - "56cf1ba9aab44d1400b88d90": "queens", - "5727b7c3ff5b5019007d9350": "the three gorges dam", - "5731dc25b9d445190005e5c7": "secularism", - "573027a5b2c2fd1400568984": "the second triumvirate", - "56e7a3a500c9c71400d7746c": "foxwoods", - "572811cc2ca10214002d9d24": "finite simple groups", - "57316494e6313a140071ced0": "the communist party of china", - "56de385ccffd8e1900b4b68f": "john marshall", - "56e7231d37bdd419002c3d95": "european union", - "5726cf505951b619008f7e9c": "the invention of printing", - "5726cf30f1498d1400e8ebe4": "puerto rico", - "56d37f1a59d6e41400146553": "home", - "5726e2bf708984140094d4c3": "muslim", - "56bfa761a10cfb1400551201": "six", - "572e83b6c246551400ce4297": "it was pointless to build for the future", - "56f7406ca6d7ea1400e1711a": "the russian empire", - "5727c25f2ca10214002d9595": "specific procedural attributes", - "5726a9e9708984140094cd42": "sean penn", - "5728c4943acd2414000dfdec": "fort shelby hotel", - "572b7822f75d5e190021fdee": "abstraction", - "56f8f22f9e9bad19000a0757": "extend folk traditions", - "5726f64b708984140094d721": "boycotts", - "573274500fdd8d15006c6af1": "new york city", - "572673df5951b619008f730a": "professionals", - "57325886b9d445190005ea75": "pilgrim fathers", - "572fb186a23a5019007fc8b7": "medical physicians", - "570a03776d058f1900182c6c": "forty percent", - "56d249a4b329da140004ecf1": "zen", - "56d97e69dc89441400fdb4ea": "the daily telegraph", - "570a6bdc6d058f1900182e44": "brewing", - "570cf4cefed7b91900d45b7e": "amino acids", - "57262557ec44d21400f3da06": "an indefinite period", - "572ff30304bcaa1900d76f14": "electrical lengthening", - "57304749a23a5019007fd05f": "south african rand", - "56f890f1a6d7ea1400e17763": "the english channel", - "56eaa11d0030b61400a34ff4": "influence peddling", - "5726971b708984140094cb18": "metallic bonding character", - "572e8e84dfa6aa1500f8d120": "germany", - "5727e26aff5b5019007d9786": "intense cold", - "5726d4285951b619008f7f41": "christian congregational church of samoan", - "572eacbfcb0c0d14000f1443": "cyprus", - "56cf63b4aab44d1400b891c0": "diamond ring", - "57276006708984140094dcb7": "a way to advance the mission", - "5726d5f8dd62a815002e91cc": "four million copies", - "57282cbd4b864d1900164658": "varied", - "572846473acd2414000df84f": "manhattan project", - "570a71dd6d058f1900182e74": "goffman", - "56f8a3829b226e1400dd0d1b": "hampshire county council", - "5727bda4ff5b5019007d93e6": "dynamism", - "572641e4ec44d21400f3dcee": "five times", - "5731ec3db9d445190005e6a5": "ritual pollution", - "5725f776ec44d21400f3d79d": "the balkans", - "57329efbcc179a14009dab7f": "darwin", - "5706bbd02eaba6190074acb8": "further north than intended", - "56f831eba6d7ea1400e1747b": "temporary leases", - "572ebaa1c246551400ce45a9": "the federal government", - "572962873f37b319004782ec": "union station", - "572657e8f1498d1400e8dc90": "bass", - "5727e060ff5b5019007d9758": "northeastern state university", - "56e759ac37bdd419002c3ebd": "air", - "5722cd5df6b826140030fc47": "eton college", - "573055f2069b531400832073": "translation", - "57070cab90286e26004fc85b": "white", - "572689dbdd62a815002e889c": "hindu", - "572f867ba23a5019007fc6e6": "keen for a change in strategy", - "56f8782aaef23719006260d6": "france", - "57062b6152bb89140068991e": "isola", - "572a7048fed8de19000d5c11": "more than two decades", - "57267215dd62a815002e851e": "death penalty", - "573258d2e17f3d14004228d3": "patriotic rituals and military service", - "5734173b4776f4190066184f": "jefferson madison and gallatin", - "5727d747ff5b5019007d96b0": "democracy and human rights", - "57112c66a58dae1900cd6cf4": "argentina", - "56f88b90aef237190062616a": "limbs", - "57318dff05b4da19006bd29b": "third international theory", - "572a16ccaf94a219006aa7da": "northern and central europe", - "56e4831739bdeb140034795f": "specific formal prescriptions", - "57268c7fdd62a815002e8938": "president carlos salinas de gortari", - "56ddfdffcffd8e1900b4b55a": "four", - "570bfb6dec8fbc190045bbf4": "inherent ambiguity", - "5726ad725951b619008f79f1": "phillip island", - "57261df0ec44d21400f3d905": "in the ballroom", - "570fc6df5ab6b81900390fbd": "through the web or on the phone", - "56dfb498231d4119001abc8d": "compact fluorescent lamps", - "5706af7575f01819005e7d35": "english", - "56cfe6d2234ae51400d9c047": "new jersey", - "56de9ed2cffd8e1900b4ba37": "captured german rocket", - "5728a4824b864d1900164b48": "teenage years", - "570ce79dfed7b91900d45ab5": "proper technique must be used", - "57344500acc1501500babd52": "new york city", - "57262457ec44d21400f3d972": "ceremonial regalia", - "56e6f47d6fe0821900b8ec72": "smooth act", - "572f61e8b2c2fd1400568096": "relational systems", - "57318080497a881900248f91": "indian reservations", - "5726c7305951b619008f7dd3": "australian federal taxes", - "5731f87ae17f3d1400422593": "two", - "56dafad1e7c41114004b4bfa": "aluminum", - "5728292e2ca10214002d9f91": "stronger central government", - "572fc2ed04bcaa1900d76ca5": "give me liberty or give me death", - "572f44e8b2c2fd1400567fb3": "coherent crew", - "56d123f217492d1400aaba4f": "george bush", - "5728ddb1ff5b5019007da886": "concerns about the influence of the communist party over the trade union movement", - "572a84d3f75d5e190021fb39": "either", - "5726a33bdd62a815002e8bb3": "frank bruno", - "56e0f3907aa994140058e80b": "roman catholic church", - "56d10e8f17492d1400aab84a": "new york giants", - "5731c09db9d445190005e50e": "italy", - "56f6e85b3d8e2e1400e372ad": "western staff notation", - "572959aaaf94a219006aa301": "rowing", - "572664515951b619008f7165": "the british empire", - "572ed67403f9891900756a73": "pressure differential", - "56d1d3e4e7d4791d0090225b": "buddha", - "56ce43ebaab44d1400b88632": "the third dalai lama", - "5727d6363acd2414000dedc1": "confucianism", - "572963fb3f37b31900478319": "naples", - "571b037d9499d21900609bce": "an adhesive", - "56d000c5234ae51400d9c24e": "new york fashion week", - "56e76bdd00c9c71400d77106": "synthetic", - "573156a305b4da19006bd06c": "iconography", - "572ff89f04bcaa1900d76f70": "docks and rail communications", - "57324577b9d445190005e96b": "several committees", - "57279c7cff5b5019007d90f3": "political social and economic circumstances and public opinion", - "570d3ebefed7b91900d45d8f": "second", - "57281b783acd2414000df4a9": "poachers", - "5729508d3f37b31900478234": "the swiss", - "57262c8738643c19005ad2a1": "communists and leftists", - "56e1765fcd28a01900c67971": "south station", - "573444c0879d6814001ca447": "more sustainable average", - "56f8c4f09e9bad19000a0462": "two", - "57268e7edd62a815002e8972": "bleachers", - "572780ed5951b619008f8b84": "increasingly gentrified", - "570aa83c6d058f190018301f": "water", - "57326ae20fdd8d15006c6aad": "fort schuyler", - "5728d079ff5b5019007da721": "decrease the number of people hospitalized for asthma", - "570db606df2f5219002ed10f": "italians", - "570db375df2f5219002ed106": "increases", - "56f6f7d73d8e2e1400e372fc": "percussion", - "5727ec41ff5b5019007d988e": "there was no industry standard", - "570a41686d058f1900182d24": "london", - "5726199989a1e219009ac25b": "increasing reach of the internet", - "5726b2a55951b619008f7ae7": "pope", - "5729442b3f37b319004781dd": "renewable technologies", - "5726b83f5951b619008f7bc1": "new south wales", - "57262d8f89a1e219009ac4ff": "fictional nature of the spectacle", - "57302e8d04bcaa1900d772e1": "general pile", - "57294e7a6aef051400154c95": "the westminster system", - "5726a284708984140094cc85": "the industrial revolution", - "56fa5c188f12f31900630135": "white willow", - "573013b0b2c2fd140056881d": "mathematics", - "570acb424103511400d599fe": "manchester", - "572621ec271a42140099d4bc": "david lloyd george", - "5726d7ebf1498d1400e8ecd4": "insects", - "56bec3ea3aeaaa14008c93a0": "during the making of crazy in love", - "56fa08a8f34c681400b0bf7a": "the state of somaliland", - "570da68e16d0071400510c4e": "belgian", - "572663b25951b619008f7140": "the human torch", - "56eab1550030b61400a3503b": "foreign aid", - "57291ce0af94a219006aa089": "minimal", - "572f52b1947a6a140053c878": "mossad", - "5727fd81ff5b5019007d9a51": "saudi arabia", - "56debe573277331400b4d705": "susan kennedy", - "5727ff933acd2414000df1be": "digital converters", - "57344d2bacc1501500babdde": "harvard", - "5727cc384b864d1900163d4f": "red people", - "57325f030fdd8d15006c6a4c": "roman catholic church", - "570c539bb3d812140066d10e": "assert that his brother was dead or otherwise permanently lost", - "57280c162ca10214002d9ca2": "hundreds of years", - "572a5088fed8de19000d5b90": "the ottoman empire", - "5726d3d3f1498d1400e8ec78": "civil court", - "56decf643277331400b4d73e": "san fernando earthquake", - "5726e664dd62a815002e945c": "she retained her record for the most number one", - "5728c9483acd2414000dfe72": "the causes of its rise", - "5726e4c8f1498d1400e8ef0a": "colonel", - "572aad7d34ae481900deac20": "australia", - "5726bc4cdd62a815002e8ebb": "australia", - "572ab0ca111d821400f38cd9": "both houses of parliament", - "5727b09f4b864d1900163a72": "cadre parties", - "5728e578ff5b5019007da8f6": "howard dean", - "5725cafc89a1e219009abec1": "cathode fluorescent lamps", - "5735bb2adc94161900571f68": "maoist", - "5705ec4652bb8914006896af": "the daily universal register", - "5726993bdd62a815002e8aa9": "extensive defense cuts", - "572e89ce03f9891900756758": "british subsidies", - "57269deaf1498d1400e8e503": "poll tax", - "56fb2c94f34c681400b0c1ec": "climate change", - "572ed1f3dfa6aa1500f8d415": "electron microscopes and vacuum tubes", - "57105ed3b654c5140001f8d6": "the french revolution", - "5729458baf94a219006aa231": "races", - "5731cdbce17f3d1400422437": "wanted to be certain that whatever success she attained as an actress would be around i dont want to be known as stevens girlfriend", - "5727824e708984140094df95": "thousands", - "5728a4674b864d1900164b40": "norway and sweden", - "5730ba2f396df919000962ee": "raising", - "572b40d0111d821400f38df7": "purely sensory terms", - "570fd82180d9841400ab36c2": "asia and mexico", - "5731949b497a881900249083": "john williams", - "5727594add62a815002e9b82": "catholic", - "56d43da72ccc5a1400d830c1": "sasha fierce", - "570a90494103511400d59854": "the boys in blue", - "570b609e6b8089140040f8ee": "germany", - "5731becde17f3d140042237d": "block all music content", - "57279e7d3acd2414000de803": "yemen and syria", - "5728d0683acd2414000dff2f": "paris", - "56f970b39e9bad19000a091b": "east to the henry hudson parkway in the west", - "572721a4708984140094da4d": "filter", - "5733450ed058e614000b5810": "capital requirements", - "56db06dae7c41114004b4c6e": "rickey minor", - "57273abddd62a815002e99cf": "spinning mule", - "572766bb708984140094dd0b": "china", - "56e8ea980b45c0140094cd63": "the dean and chapter of westminster", - "572bf917750c471900ed4c4f": "belief in the existence of one god or in the whiteness of god", - "570c329dec8fbc190045bd85": "congressman luis gutierrez", - "56db2011e7c41114004b4daf": "itunes", - "572baec6111d821400f38f44": "farmington canal trail", - "5735ffb96c16ec1900b928de": "new zealand", - "5727e1213acd2414000deec9": "whatsoever things are true", - "57274fac5951b619008f8814": "university of paris", - "571a16d64faf5e1900b8a898": "the seattle poetry festival", - "57291d851d0469140077906b": "based on characteristic genetic patterns or clusters", - "570b5245ec8fbc190045b981": "stephen decatur", - "56e79c6300c9c71400d773ac": "hartford", - "5709e0746d058f1900182be7": "federal funds rate", - "57317c2b497a881900248f7e": "six", - "56cc07886d243a140015ee67": "miserable", - "57266257dd62a815002e8353": "superstores", - "570d64fcb3d812140066d7f0": "northern", - "56f87cd7a6d7ea1400e176d8": "conservative", - "570d3f2ffed7b91900d45d95": "eight", - "56f8c8379e9bad19000a04bf": "italy", - "5730fe9da5e9cc1400cdbb70": "commissioned officers", - "5726aeecdd62a815002e8ce2": "parts of plants", - "57292f37af94a219006aa168": "hispanic", - "5725cbf3271a42140099d1f1": "the israel defense forces", - "57293f201d046914007791eb": "stronger at home", - "56d1d4d3e7d4791d00902275": "eighteen", - "57351496879d6814001cab0d": "hunting", - "572818b63acd2414000df46f": "european court of human rights building", - "56e19c6ee3433e1400423023": "france germany greece japan and the usa", - "56d5af531c85041400946dbb": "upper surfaces", - "573636bf9c79961900ff7e09": "elephant", - "570da87816d0071400510c5f": "antarctic peninsula", - "573035cd947a6a140053d295": "property crime", - "56dfb9b87aa994140058e08d": "notebooks papers and other documents reside at both the united states library of congress manuscript division as the alexander graham bell family papers", - "57283f6d2ca10214002da17d": "binary operation", - "570ac6156d058f19001830dd": "jurassic", - "570d7b36fed7b91900d461b5": "starving", - "57284349ff5b5019007da042": "repeated", - "57096ba1200fba1400367fb5": "national electrical manufacturers association me my premium efficiency standards", - "5727f4172ca10214002d9a23": "muslim brotherhood", - "5706ce092eaba6190074ad0f": "the stolen generation", - "56f7188d711bf01900a44952": "attack", - "572e7f0adfa6aa1500f8d04a": "aphrodite and adonis", - "57284d303acd2414000df8d1": "the new liberal government", - "57102549b654c5140001f86c": "efforts to achieve peace in northern ireland", - "5734477e879d6814001ca46b": "archaeologist", - "5727f1163acd2414000df052": "faculty of each school", - "56dc777a14d3a41400c268ae": "christian democratic union", - "56e6ccc56fe0821900b8eb89": "softening", - "572f79b4a23a5019007fc66d": "red", - "5723dd7f0dadf01500fa1f4f": "france and britain", - "57271de2708984140094da08": "the ottoman empire", - "56f78a17aef2371900625bb6": "defense subsidies", - "5727e65a3acd2414000def47": "fasteners priests teachers in spiritual mentors", - "570aa9676d058f1900183052": "the president", - "56de2b36cffd8e1900b4b606": "peacekeeping", - "56f756b2aef2371900625b25": "gabriel", - "5729153baf94a219006aa057": "the german confederation", - "56f78ae6a6d7ea1400e17246": "united states china philippines", - "5726f9a1708984140094d768": "bedtime story", - "57268766dd62a815002e8845": "eleanor roosevelt", - "5723e7b30dadf01500fa1f96": "westminster abbey", - "57312612497a881900248bd5": "agricultural endowment", - "56f8cf869b226e1400dd1052": "southampton city colleges", - "5726fe765951b619008f843d": "madonna", - "57101252a58dae1900cd685d": "sexual attraction to masculinity", - "572f4e74947a6a140053c86c": "the directorate of operations", - "5730be5f8ab72b1400f9c75e": "secretary of defense", - "5731408a05b4da19006bcf42": "rome", - "57068e4552bb891400689a59": "new delhi", - "57277d55f1498d1400e8f99c": "on the sides of the glacier", - "572642daec44d21400f3dd0b": "iron age", - "5727a0d9ff5b5019007d914e": "larson", - "57285d362ca10214002da2bb": "barrow", - "573338734776f419006607a5": "exclusively material or else exclusively mental", - "5729e3631d0469140077964d": "universal law of conservation of energy", - "5709adeced30961900e84402": "the american silver eagle", - "570d94dfb3d812140066da69": "german attack", - "57278815f1498d1400e8fb16": "russian", - "57267cb7dd62a815002e86ee": "lord salisbury", - "57320ad7e99e3014001e646a": "democrats", - "56e6d8836fe0821900b8ebda": "natural sciences", - "5727784ff1498d1400e8f901": "populists", - "5726943c708984140094cac3": "hong kong disneyland", - "5727a326ff5b5019007d918e": "richard blumenthal", - "572a7048fed8de19000d5c0f": "passenger", - "5726d56f5951b619008f7f73": "god", - "5727e7e12ca10214002d992f": "by associating an abstract character with a particular code point", - "572bcf17be1ee31400cb8499": "jim morrison", - "57293aba3f37b31900478129": "cuticle", - 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"57100b34a58dae1900cd67f5": "researchers may not actually captured the intended population", - "5706afdf2eaba6190074ac28": "mars", - "573427834776f4190066199e": "black", - "5728b2813acd2414000dfcfa": "portugal", - "57299ef46aef05140015503d": "parasitic", - "56cdd33262d2951400fa68c5": "never say never again", - "56be9c863aeaaa14008c916a": "global publishing agreement", - "5726b9d3dd62a815002e8e46": "manual starting by a small knob on the back", - "572940ea6aef051400154bf6": "did not permit other churches to be established", - "572ec9bf03f9891900756a26": "the secretary", - "5726b8c8dd62a815002e8e31": "american art european art and ancient art", - "570a58a06d058f1900182d73": "to find practical solutions to todays social challenges", - "572e9584dfa6aa1500f8d197": "the need for infinitely variable speed control", - "570a5c404103511400d59662": "sociology", - "572ca218dfb02c14005c6bc9": "al gore", - "56cc86f26d243a140015eff5": "music libraries", - "56e150c4e3433e1400422db6": "new england 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- "572625bf89a1e219009ac3a6": "british monarchy", - "5730f42ea5e9cc1400cdbb3d": "over five", - "56df4a248bc80c19004e4a14": "baseball park central library", - "5728dffeff5b5019007da8a5": "lake erie", - "5726d819dd62a815002e923f": "british", - "56e6d6556fe0821900b8ebb3": "subatomic particles", - "56cf796e4df3c31400b0d805": "aidid", - "570a90494103511400d59856": "four", - "572abc96be1ee31400cb81f9": "house speaker", - "5726bb01f1498d1400e8e937": "characters", - "570c4f18fed7b91900d45894": "franco", - "56e8e69d0b45c0140094cd4d": "oxford and cambridge", - "56f8ae129b226e1400dd0ded": "human interference", - "572ef423dfa6aa1500f8d4f5": "italy", - "5725bc3d271a42140099d0dd": "three", - "5728d0ccff5b5019007da72a": "half", - "572697f0708984140094cb3b": "james laidlaw maxwell", - "56e70b3d6fe0821900b8eca6": "king george v and queen mary", - "5726e90c708984140094d592": "the number of characters in common use", - "57292c3b6aef051400154b3a": "visible light", - "570d6ae5fed7b91900d46051": "learn to avoid mistakes", - "56e82d0100c9c71400d775ee": "they are not derived from modern standard italian", - "57293720af94a219006aa1ae": "john edwards", - "5726252189a1e219009ac35d": "queens gallery", - "573051562461fd1900a9cd1f": "parasitic", - "56e3c5ce8c00841900fbaef1": "bilingualism", - "57295b5e3f37b319004782a9": "third", - "56dd260266d3e219004dac13": "bill of rights", - "57278262dd62a815002e9f1e": "boys and girls", - "56e83cb337bdd419002c44c8": "international scientific vocabulary", - "56d4c13d2ccc5a1400d831d3": "mammal species of the world", - "572eae8bcb0c0d14000f1462": "the name of god", - "572a224aaf94a219006aa830": "separated objects", - "5725f633271a42140099d389": "hanson", - "57282fc54b864d190016469e": "commercial paper", - "56dc6b3914d3a41400c2688d": "college preparatory", - "5725c87b89a1e219009abe9b": "millions", - "56f83f70a6d7ea1400e17507": "french", - "570c2375ec8fbc190045bc77": "numerous files were taken", - "5727c2d93acd2414000debf4": "internal", - "570a9aba4103511400d59873": "latin", - "56bfa087a10cfb14005511dd": "four", - "57278fabdd62a815002ea06b": "irish parliamentary party", - "570a597e4103511400d5963c": "the wheel of emotions", - "56df8f994a1a83140091eb47": "liquid", - "572a4cf51d046914007798e1": "a similar fate", - "5726cfe5708984140094d217": "food", - "56e78c5900c9c71400d7728f": "courts", - "5705e72075f01819005e772c": "twenty", - "5705f41752bb891400689726": "central government of india", - "572935a41d0469140077917a": "portuguese", - "572fec5d947a6a140053cdfc": "four", - "56cf737e4df3c31400b0d7b3": "north", - "57267131dd62a815002e8500": "education", - "572a3beaaf94a219006aa8f7": "special language", - "56ea91795a205f1900d6d34d": "bought and sold", - "56e1eab7cd28a01900c67bfb": "all western romance", - "572b55f7f75d5e190021fd8e": "the land and its produce belong to everyone", - "56e063ea231d4119001ac07e": "right of abode", - "5726e3795951b619008f818d": "british tory press", - "5726a1cadd62a815002e8b81": "to reinforce the crystals internally", - "570fd8a15ab6b81900391075": "the yellow mama", - "56f9fe9b8f12f31900630047": "the size of the crown", - "5728d0262ca10214002da887": "music", - "570971cb200fba1400368005": "more than half", - "5706201b52bb8914006898d4": "organized crime figures from all across america", - "5733f8f0d058e614000b66d0": "portuguese escudo", - "570ff6fcb654c5140001f6f9": "closely related to sexual orientation", - "572a7e1af75d5e190021faf0": "civil law", - "5730c0c0396df9190009631f": "lower energy consumption", - "572aa47534ae481900deabf5": "left arm above the elbow", - "572765c7dd62a815002e9c22": "splits to release it", - "57299cebaf94a219006aa56c": "bright colors", - "573342a9d058e614000b57f3": "bankruptcy", - "56faed40f34c681400b0c1b4": "medieval", - "5726eab6f1498d1400e8efcd": "the history of scholarship sciences", - "56bec6de3aeaaa14008c9409": "twitter", - "5726e3795951b619008f818b": "british press", - "56db3241e7c41114004b4f28": "protests", - "5727f6d83acd2414000df0fc": "the earth moved around the sun", - "571a616610f8ca140030500b": "yiddish", - "57279bfadd62a815002ea1e9": "church fathers had a better understanding of gods desire for the church", - "572ece1adfa6aa1500f8d3f0": "mount rainier", - "56dfe9e07aa994140058e270": "dance bar", - "56ce88c8aab44d1400b88849": "third generation", - "5726965c5951b619008f775b": "churches", - "57303ba1947a6a140053d2ee": "the docks", - "56e0f5fc231d4119001ac4dd": "supreme", - "57292cb21d04691400779119": "race", - "572ee58003f9891900756ad3": "large urban centers", - "570a91194103511400d5985f": "three", - "571a8e1c10f8ca1400305124": "a mixture from an individuals entire ancestry", - "5727b1e32ca10214002d9412": "the south of france", - "572825042ca10214002d9eeb": "up to a third of all species", - "56e77c8900c9c71400d771a0": "architectural practice", - "5728247c4b864d1900164575": "regenerate", - "56cc911e6d243a140015f02b": "itunes store", - "5726a066708984140094cc31": "pesticide drift", - "57071f039e06ca38007e9476": "the 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"ethical", - "5726e47edd62a815002e9418": "john paul i", - "56d1204617492d1400aab9f9": "manhattan", - "5728840f4b864d1900164a66": "the second world war", - "57284581ff5b5019007da08d": "operation smiles", - "57108f32a58dae1900cd6a27": "poorly", - "57320c0ee17f3d1400422616": "when military material was ordered rather than received", - "573209dfe17f3d14004225fa": "the holy spirit", - "5726b737708984140094cecc": "retail shipping point", - "5733f5d34776f419006615bc": "wyoming", - "5728cceb2ca10214002da817": "probability", - "572fae08a23a5019007fc878": "any number", - "5730265da23a5019007fce79": "prime minister", - "56e8ee3299e8941900975f0c": "in their place of work", - "572b8885be1ee31400cb8419": "bohemia", - "5726b810708984140094cef8": "londons wembley stadium", - "572611d489a1e219009ac1e0": "balkan peninsula", - "5709d00b6d058f1900182bbc": "prince albert", - "56d99dcfdc89441400fdb608": "double", - "5730df7eaca1c71400fe5b1f": "framework convention for the protection of national minorities", - "56f97eb89e9bad19000a09c5": "birds", - "573610e56c16ec1900b9295a": "environmental concerns", - "5732845206a3a419008acac0": "inactive uninspiring golf playing president", - "571a38ca10f8ca1400304f77": "acoustically", - "57337a234776f41900660b78": "ghost", - "57312c6005b4da19006bce38": "mercury", - "56ddf08d66d3e219004dae33": "central asia", - "570c5213fed7b91900d458b1": "protestants do not celebrate this or any other marrying feasts", - "56f7397c711bf01900a44a8d": "yugoslavia", - "572f49a2b2c2fd1400567fdb": "the flower", - "56e03125231d4119001abfab": "graphic novel", - "572bb136f75d5e190021fea6": "traffic jams", - "572724fef1498d1400e8f3fa": "education", - "573018d5947a6a140053d0e5": "the laboratory", - "572fe0d1947a6a140053cd9e": "physical test probes", - "56cfb8ea234ae51400d9bef6": "warm air containing evaporated water", - "5727c0314b864d1900163c74": "georgian", - "57103183a58dae1900cd6954": "in response to the criticism of the kinsey scale only measuring two dimensions of sexual orientation", - "572edc20c246551400ce474a": "operation sea lion", - "57320f73e99e3014001e64aa": "resupply was carried out by japanese convoys through the tokyo", - "57262de2ec44d21400f3dbba": "byzantine", - "57109c92a58dae1900cd6acd": "the loyalists", - "57277ff7f1498d1400e8fa05": "leaves", - "5706e5b49e06ca38007e9205": "hormones", - "5727be06ff5b5019007d93fc": "tutor", - "5726bde15951b619008f7cc6": "steel", - "56df4fa496943c1400a5d370": "five months", - "56df72ab5ca0a614008f9a7b": "frontier city", - "572ee12fcb0c0d14000f165c": "contemporary era", - "57265a7cdd62a815002e8278": "feeds on its prey", - "56d3887c59d6e4140014667e": "simon fuller", - "572973b56aef051400154f03": "different", - "570db0b7df2f5219002ed0f8": "arab league", - "570aa0106d058f1900183013": "all the jobs lost", - "56bf97aba10cfb140055119e": "in a video montage", - "571a901410f8ca140030514c": "excommunicated by alexander", - "5728cfdd4b864d1900164e9b": "metaphysical", - "5726d5d3708984140094d2d7": "william 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"56db2495e7c41114004b4e06": "golden gate bridge", - "57097006ed30961900e8412c": "social identity", - "572fe9d5a23a5019007fcb2d": "mechanical stress", - "570a803f4103511400d59797": "anger", - "5726f52bdd62a815002e9645": "university of nigeria", - "56d3661659d6e414001462d8": "pop idol", - "5731d461e17f3d140042246a": "worldwide missionary movement", - "570acc2d4103511400d59a09": "carbon dioxide", - "570c22336b8089140040fb3e": "a warrant beforehand", - "5726d331f1498d1400e8ec6e": "berlin conference", - "56d2429fb329da140004ec93": "disturbed", - "57315596a5e9cc1400cdbe9d": "paradise and resurrection", - "57275811dd62a815002e9b67": "the area surrounding the new haven green", - "5725fd47ec44d21400f3d7d1": "egypt", - "572653eedd62a815002e81a5": "the prime minister", - "5727eaf0ff5b5019007d987f": "cork week", - "57280b503acd2414000df309": "english", - "5733fd57d058e614000b672c": "silver", - "57268071dd62a815002e8771": "olive oil", - "5727a2c23acd2414000de87b": "agricultural protectionism are rare exception to switzerlands free trade policies", - "570d4e88fed7b91900d45e59": "muslim population", - "5730f210a5e9cc1400cdbb20": "mouse measurements", - "56d5fa0e1c85041400946e84": "leopards", - "57277739dd62a815002e9d8e": "time warner", - "570d7e8bb3d812140066d9fc": "main power", - "57097697ed30961900e84194": "occupational", - "56f8d4209b226e1400dd10af": "sustainability of the fragile alpine terrain", - "56fb7b7f8ddada1400cd6451": "help with fieldwork", - "57097db3ed30961900e8420e": "cognitive psychology", - "56ce7376aab44d1400b887a7": "roman times", - "572fde9204bcaa1900d76e06": "two golds and two silvers", - "56e3c6788c00841900fbaef7": "the collapse of the soviet union", - "570a83576d058f1900182f02": "abyssinian", - "56f86721aef237190062604b": "one mile and a half", - "5728ac854b864d1900164c04": "truth", - "57340e5dd058e614000b68ba": "colin powell", - "56d519a82593cc1400307a6b": "cracks on walls of some residential buildings", - "57283f713acd2414000df7b8": "gorbachev", - "5727f9a33acd2414000df130": "sixteen", - "57281785ff5b5019007d9d07": "british columbia", - "56e1373de3433e1400422cbf": "medieval", - "570b6b77ec8fbc190045ba0c": "australia", - "56dde8249a695914005b96a3": "nato", - "5728d311ff5b5019007da786": "transportation costs seasonal usage", - "56f7c5b0aef2371900625bec": "noble family", - "5729234a1d046914007790a7": "racial classification", - "56f82554aef2371900625e27": "tito", - "56bfab98a10cfb1400551223": "love on top", - "5731173ce6313a140071cc2d": "british empire", - "573260db0fdd8d15006c6a66": "financial agreements called mortgage backed securities", - "57281f1b2ca10214002d9e4f": "the communist party", - "57093dae9928a814004714e6": "during world war i", - "572eff08cb0c0d14000f16e6": "guglielmo marconi", - "572801a52ca10214002d9b42": "for the conclave in rome", - "56d51d272593cc1400307a83": "shenzhen stock exchange", - "570cdfbefed7b91900d45a4a": "length is in proportion to the size of the gymnast", - "5731cd690fdd8d15006c6555": "john knox", - "572644b91125e71900ae1932": "west germanic group", - "570ceb3bfed7b91900d45ae3": "vault uneven bars balance beam and floor exercise", - "56fb2ff68f12f319006302fd": "doubled in size", - "5726e257708984140094d4b3": "the lutherans", - "5726cc10f1498d1400e8eb82": "perpendicular", - "5731e152b9d445190005e601": "local and regional brazilian dishes to international cuisine", - "572682b0f1498d1400e8e22f": "presbyterian", - "5727e7003acd2414000def5c": "rotary", - "570b03a2ec8fbc190045b7d8": "the length of the year", - "573170f3a5e9cc1400cdbf65": "murano", - "57063e7075f01819005e7ab4": "city island", - "5727c2794b864d1900163ca5": "the mills brothers", - "57275858f1498d1400e8f6a7": "social unity", - "572952116aef051400154cd6": "californias mojave desert", - "572f3f15947a6a140053c80f": "the french military", - "57261df0ec44d21400f3d909": "prince of wales", - "57061a1e75f01819005e7985": "lawsuit compression", - "570d9363b3d812140066da5d": "south carolina", - "570fc93d5ab6b81900390fdb": "via the internet and through the telephone network", - "570b62e3ec8fbc190045b9bb": "pop rock", - "571a2c554faf5e1900b8a8f9": "new memories are unable to be stored into long term memory", - "56d65a4b1c850414009470b1": "money", - "5730e7c0b54a4f140068ccd0": "alaska", - "573072ae396df91900096116": "intermediary", - "5726083a89a1e219009ac167": "premier league title", - "57279ae5ff5b5019007d90cd": "one party system", - "56d1358ee7d4791d00902007": "interconnected factors", - "572692565951b619008f7700": "faith or from civic pride", - "56e8e69d0b45c0140094cd4e": "king james bible", - "56e0f1cd231d4119001ac496": "print media", - "570c65bcfed7b91900d45991": "his father", - "572b6c54f75d5e190021fdc2": "bohemian", - "5726a6bedd62a815002e8c01": "paris", - "570bd878ec8fbc190045bb6c": "madagascar", - "56d1c549e7d4791d0090214b": "holy man", - "5726a7965951b619008f7941": "the upper classes", - "5727cab93acd2414000dec77": "red sign for information", - "57338992d058e614000b5cd9": "hotels", - "5726e9e75951b619008f8253": "poorly", - "57295b5e3f37b319004782ac": "cheneys daughter", - "572eae7803f9891900756933": "an observation tower", - "57337343d058e614000b5b34": "capital", - "5726f429dd62a815002e9623": "short term", - "56d3776759d6e414001464a0": "season ten", - "5731f0ffe99e3014001e63ee": "the roman gladiator", - "572806a12ca10214002d9be3": "king henry", - "573055dc2461fd1900a9cd55": "cause of sickness", - "56dcec399a695914005b947f": "cuban", - "5726c907dd62a815002e9020": "cathedral of saint martin", - "56db0710e7c41114004b4c78": "fox", - "57318c85a5e9cc1400cdc03b": "elite", - "5727e2d43acd2414000def04": "bedlam series", - "56d36e2059d6e41400146382": "eight", - "56f8aaba9b226e1400dd0db0": "greenwich village", - "5729a1aaaf94a219006aa5a7": "their settlement of kentucky", - "56d440df2ccc5a1400d830d4": "joseph broussard", - "570de4770b85d914000d7b91": "white middle class children", - "572f880804bcaa1900d76a59": "the last of the mohicans maps and other printed materials", - "5708085c9e06ca38007e951d": "write their concerns", - "5726ab3af1498d1400e8e69c": "the complete works", - "5727fd7e2ca10214002d9ac9": "leaned out of windows", - "572f4f1ba23a5019007fc511": "logically", - "56e7845837bdd419002c4080": "jin dynasty", - "570d5f41b3d812140066d77f": "third", - "5730467a04bcaa1900d77455": "waterlogged", - "5729a26f3f37b3190047852b": "biological research", - "56f8d1ba9b226e1400dd1079": "polymorphic", - "572782fadd62a815002e9f40": "calvary", - "572977183f37b3190047845a": "united states", - "570e82630b85d914000d7f69": "the little river", - "570fef8a5ab6b819003910de": "puerto ricos", - "572fa82fa23a5019007fc843": "antiwar", - "56cfe6cf234ae51400d9c03e": "queen victoria and prince albert", - "5726bd4cdd62a815002e8ee2": "dead organic material", - "57292d7f1d04691400779122": "ethnic diversity", - "570e1feb0b85d914000d7ce4": "eritrea", - "56f75c11a6d7ea1400e17206": "maria callas", - "572eda92dfa6aa1500f8d45a": "new mexico", - "570c33b8ec8fbc190045bd99": "reale madrid", - "57305257069b53140083204c": "czech republic", - "5726413f89a1e219009ac60b": "master mason", - "57296ab01d046914007793e9": "zirconium", - "572a211b3f37b31900478719": "force", - "572656cf708984140094c2e3": "merchant", - "56d1ec45e7d4791d00902581": "nirvana", - "57341e404776f419006618c4": "symptoms and signs", - "57314deaa5e9cc1400cdbe42": "the nation alliance", - "572751dc5951b619008f884c": "unnecessary", - "56e80a2837bdd419002c4409": "criminal enterprise", - "5726b35f5951b619008f7b06": "olaf frederick nelson", - "5727a3d0ff5b5019007d91a0": "boycotts are blunt instruments with long term consequences that can actually harm", - "56f7d4f7aef2371900625c25": "in doing so however these july to retain all their constitutional prerogatives", - "572843d4ff5b5019007da04c": "the bbc", - "573003bda23a5019007fcc47": "summers", - "57318193497a881900248f9b": "worker cooperatives", - "5726fe7ddd62a815002e972a": "the french", - "570c31e36b8089140040fc0f": "martin luther king", - "5709a8ad200fba1400368222": "individually", - "57268766dd62a815002e8844": "winston churchill", - "570e8a5e0b85d914000d7f81": "the story of the kelly gang", - "57328e9957eb1f1400fd2da4": "greenhouse conditions", - "5726d0f1dd62a815002e9124": "adam lambert", - "57096228ed30961900e84040": "increased", - "572f87ec947a6a140053ca2a": "a radical change in the international order", - "5727e3e82ca10214002d98b8": "historians", - "570aa1e34103511400d598a6": "southeastern portion", - "572ca3fcf182dd1900d7c813": "one man one vote", - "5726fbec708984140094d7ab": "academics", - "571118caa58dae1900cd6c16": "nintendo", - "56d265eb59d6e41400145f6c": "nirvana", - "5731716b05b4da19006bd196": "tobacco", - "5725d46038643c19005acdb9": "new signings", - "572fc0d2a23a5019007fc97c": "metabolic", - "56bfb789a10cfb1400551271": "english", - "5731d666e17f3d1400422487": "government subsidies", - "56e141e2e3433e1400422d06": "italians", - "56de244f4396321400ee25ef": "separation of powers", - "572a3a29af94a219006aa8da": "medical doctor", - "5727cee23acd2414000decf2": "portugal", - "5727785fdd62a815002e9dc3": "judicial committee of the privy council", - "57312110a5e9cc1400cdbc54": "birds", - "56cffc18234ae51400d9c1fb": "nine", - "56e1c861cd28a01900c67b7e": "global internet company", - "572966e11d046914007793a5": "a unique green green", - "56f8def59e9bad19000a063e": "three", - "5719e3544faf5e1900b8a83a": "pacific ring of fire", - "57264e925951b619008f6f79": "northern part of paris", - "572942ed3f37b319004781c4": "angela barry", - "56f8b1989b226e1400dd0e28": "caused the dna to loop", - "5726c245dd62a815002e8fb0": "vernacular", - "572f7b31b2c2fd140056817f": "europe", - "5727d0feff5b5019007d95ec": "expulsion", - "572a3c9b6aef0514001553c9": "officers", - "56d516439d1b871400ae0611": "eastern border of the tibetan plateau", - "56bed07e3aeaaa14008c94a9": "pepsi", - "570b3d5fec8fbc190045b907": "the iraqi invasion of kuwait", - "5729134aaf94a219006aa031": "testing under all combinations of inputs and preconditions initial state is not feasible", - "572ef68ec246551400ce47eb": "terrorism", - "56f8c7c89b226e1400dd0fc8": "austria", - "56d376c859d6e41400146491": "david hernandez", - "570fcfd680d9841400ab369e": "his proposed marriage to divorce socialite wallis simpson", - "573421c4d058e614000b69ab": "missouri river", - "5728293c4b864d190016461a": "by shortening their bodies", - "56f8ac9b9e9bad19000a02cc": "cuba", - "5730564e396df91900096095": "during the citys reconstruction", - "573200880fdd8d15006c66cf": "archaeology", - "5735d85d012e2f140011a0b7": "for food recreation", - "572aa7a6f75d5e190021fc01": "risk that five tigers have been relocated there", - "5733c4494776f419006611dc": "ohio state university", - "573367eed058e614000b5a5e": "shallow", - "570a9c204103511400d59892": "mining", - "5726ab3af1498d1400e8e69b": "four", - "56e09bed7aa994140058e644": "six", - "5733b0fb4776f41900661042": "professor of chemistry and physics", - "5726cd9edd62a815002e90b7": "dozens", - "5709986aed30961900e84367": "avid life media", - "57098884ed30961900e842b9": "the last supper", - "5730199d04bcaa1900d7718f": "terraced houses", - "56cf741f4df3c31400b0d7bb": "swish", - "5725f69138643c19005acf11": "nine", - "57311faae6313a140071cc54": "phosphoric", - "5726a950dd62a815002e8c4c": "bronze", - "56df7d005ca0a614008f9b1b": "botanical specimens", - "5727a40bff5b5019007d91b1": "changes from series to series", - "5726c5e45951b619008f7db2": "strategic", - "56dfb42e7aa994140058dffa": "american", - "57343074d058e614000b6acf": "lung physician", - "56cbd2356d243a140015ed69": "duchy of warsaw", - "5725bd3189a1e219009abdc1": "wye river memorandum", - "5725f81c38643c19005acf2e": "chicago daily news", - "57327732b9d445190005eb41": "secularism", - "573242cf0fdd8d15006c6897": "port of burma", - "56d9e5a0dc89441400fdb8c1": "newspaper", - "570a87ef4103511400d59811": "generative", - "573253fce17f3d1400422872": "predominantly puritans or other protestants", - "570d9cecdf2f5219002ed041": "modular", - "5728ceb32ca10214002da857": "the tate gallery", - "56f9532e9b226e1400dd131f": "presidential republic", - "56f8c4bd9b226e1400dd0f6d": "octopus and squid", - "5727abe34b864d1900163a06": "castros", - "572790d55951b619008f8db1": "noone", - "56de05334396321400ee2552": "middle persian", - "572936086aef051400154b7b": "industrial trading estates", - "5726ae25f1498d1400e8e709": "three", - "57345181879d6814001ca507": "any particular class or culture", - "570d4ca0b3d812140066d65c": "the church", - "56d4fa2e2ccc5a1400d833cc": "i was here", - "572ef585cb0c0d14000f169f": "european history", - "56db36f7e7c41114004b4f5b": "security worries", - "572fbb81947a6a140053cbfa": "the use of chemical substances for energy", - "57261b6dec44d21400f3d8f1": "challenging", - "572ab905f75d5e190021fc70": "conservative governments", - "56de15cd4396321400ee25be": "various trades", - "5728c8e3ff5b5019007da6a4": "sherlock holmes", - "56bfbf2fa10cfb14005512a5": "lyrical genius", - "56cbdcd16d243a140015eda2": "october", - "57096fa9ed30961900e84120": "any behavior of one animal that affects the current or future behavior of another animal", - "570987d5200fba140036814d": "west germany", - "5733fb934776f4190066163a": "nationality", - "5729d6d76aef0514001550b0": "project big green", - "56f8e1749b226e1400dd1174": "geographic features", - "5727bd0e2ca10214002d9517": "the great migration", - "56d440df2ccc5a1400d830d2": "maiden name", - "572fa97e04bcaa1900d76b79": "reflects the structure of the information to be held in the database", - "56fa56e5f34c681400b0c092": "rubber", - "571b5e2e9499d21900609c70": "german", - "5731edafe17f3d1400422559": "amsterdam", - "57309ede396df9190009621c": "conform to it", - "570e580d0b85d914000d7e5a": "restatements of ideas already explored", - "5733582fd058e614000b5885": "brookings institution", - "5726c409f1498d1400e8eaa4": "helped enormously", - "570df47a0dc6ce1900204d5d": "underwater", - "5726f540f1498d1400e8f0f8": "a series of battles", - "56e124adcd28a01900c67647": "slave trade", - "5726193589a1e219009ac251": "specialized", - "5727911add62a815002ea0a0": "decides about acts accordance with spanish constitution", - "56e046bc7aa994140058e417": "navajo", - "57306625396df919000960e5": "german", - "5731744305b4da19006bd1b6": "arab nationalism", - "5725ebb338643c19005ace87": "more comprehensive legal protection", - "56dced1b66d3e219004dab5a": "soviet union", - "572f6140947a6a140053c8f6": "the allied powers", - "5727634f5951b619008f8934": "appalachians", - "570b735dec8fbc190045ba35": "appetite for destruction", - "572b6d0fbe1ee31400cb837f": "whether we know external objects", - "5727b0ccff5b5019007d92a9": "seven", - "572f9d1db2c2fd1400568261": "fetching", - "570e6e990dc6ce190020505b": "declining", - "5728b6383acd2414000dfd2f": "ensemble", - "56f83483aef2371900625f0e": "absolute monarchy", - "57300fb0a23a5019007fccd9": "tribune", - "5726d74cf1498d1400e8ecb2": "colombia", - "573017b304bcaa1900d77175": "mountains and hills", - "56cf318aaab44d1400b88e03": "ring", - "56df51038bc80c19004e4a72": "lighting fixtures", - "57268918708984140094c933": "maze tie your mother down", - "56f87cd7a6d7ea1400e176d5": "three", - "572616bfec44d21400f3d8a6": "less formal", - "573193a7a5e9cc1400cdc0fd": "david cameron", - "56f8afb99e9bad19000a0313": "alpine ibex", - "56fb61e78ddada1400cd63b2": "greek", - "57095096efce8f15003a7dea": "cyprus", - "56ceddd1aab44d1400b88b5a": "demo", - "56f73856711bf01900a44a83": "sukarno", - "572ef9b8c246551400ce4806": "reception", - "56cbd2f96d243a140015ed74": "tuberculosis", - "571dd9b9b64a571400c71d9e": "indian reservations", - "57269b6b708984140094cb78": "wrought iron", - "56d4ec422ccc5a1400d83362": "pepsi", - "57266c49708984140094c581": "prince edward duke of kent", - "5726ef98708984140094d671": "all their decisions", - "56f7c49eaef2371900625bdf": "second polish republic", - "56e0f607231d4119001ac4e6": "expertise", - "571029d1a58dae1900cd6938": "a similar formula", - "56ddc65d9a695914005b95c7": "masters", - "56ea98980030b61400a34fc7": "destruction", - "56ddee0866d3e219004dae20": "catholic services", - "570b421bec8fbc190045b926": "states in the south seceded from the united states", - "56db07fae7c41114004b4c89": "kelly clarkson", - "56dfca3c231d4119001abdfc": "common style", - "5727c4324b864d1900163cc3": "vocal percussion", - "572a1481af94a219006aa7b2": "house of osman", - "57291a91af94a219006aa076": "fixation index", - "57299ff56aef051400155049": "nectar", - "57274a8c5951b619008f87c7": "people of color", - "56de818dcffd8e1900b4b999": "river city", - "573026db947a6a140053d19d": "fifteen times the current population of the island", - "5731e35d0fdd8d15006c6612": "magisterial protestants and roman catholics", - "572e97b4c246551400ce43a4": "record labels", - "572813383acd2414000df3d3": "voice of the arabs", - "56e0cc407aa994140058e712": "apple", - "5730621f2461fd1900a9cdf0": "persian", - "57296daa1d04691400779427": "renewable energy policy", - "570d64bbb3d812140066d7e5": "archbishop pedro de urbina", - "56e7af3b37bdd419002c4337": "sixteen", - "56dee19cc65bf219000b3db7": "pub landlord", - "5726c54d708984140094d0fd": "two", - "5726419dec44d21400f3dce8": "east timor", - "572e7b2ecb0c0d14000f1194": "ottoman empire", - "572778e8dd62a815002e9dd6": "the holocaust", - "56d0051e234ae51400d9c270": "toxic chemicals", - "56db18bae7c41114004b4cf5": "john stevens", - "5726ea905951b619008f825b": "the affair between king edward", - "572813c5ff5b5019007d9ca0": "hundreds of years", - "5726f5565951b619008f836a": "mathematical astronomy", - "5726a0a5dd62a815002e8b62": "religion", - "56e042487aa994140058e408": "voiceless consonants", - "5727e4a64b864d1900163f72": "warsaw", - "57317b1d497a881900248f74": "the fight", - "56db2011e7c41114004b4dac": "jennifer lopez", - "56df206e3277331400b4d990": "through faith in jesus", - "570ce23eb3d812140066d2ec": "four", - "572703e65951b619008f849d": "gravity was a force of attraction", - "572f140403f9891900756b80": "the british", - "5727bbc1ff5b5019007d93ae": "three years", - "56cf637caab44d1400b891b7": "capitol records", - "56e0cf39231d4119001ac3cf": "safari", - "5732481fb9d445190005e9a1": "lieutenant colonel", - "571aac8a4faf5e1900b8ac00": "his absence would be a short duration", - "56defbb63277331400b4d860": "nato airborne early warning forces", - "5731d6d4e99e3014001e631c": "sacred precinct", - "5731882fe6313a140071d046": "figurative depiction", - "5729009aaf94a219006a9f10": "tom cruise", - "5729710a6aef051400154ed2": "three", - "570fd82180d9841400ab36c1": "north carolina", - "5733fc754776f4190066164d": "northeast", - "5731bbb5e99e3014001e622d": "establishment clause", - "56f957d89e9bad19000a0856": "mount morris", - "572820f34b864d190016450a": "downtown", - "57308a07396df9190009619a": "handling passenger traffic", - "570a9b464103511400d5987e": "northern england", - "56f715cc711bf01900a4492c": "came into effect", - "571dd9035569731900639060": "two or more races", - "56d1308d17492d1400aabbb9": "one count of misdemeanor vandalism one count of grand theft and one count of battery", - "5727f4402ca10214002d9a2c": "the universe", - "5727bb374b864d1900163bcd": "great lakes", - "570990a2200fba14003681a4": "uniformity", - "57295d901d04691400779335": "german football federation", - "5727c7343acd2414000dec27": "world tuberculosis day", - "57310d3fe6313a140071cbbe": "agricultural goods and other products", - "56dff3097aa994140058e2b2": "a cooperative bank", - "5726b408dd62a815002e8d66": "universal motor", - "57277e4edd62a815002e9eb7": "herring", - "5727a8874b864d19001639bc": "switzerlands isolation from the rest of europe", - "56d8e18ddc89441400fdb38b": "the eiffel tower", - "573155a6a5e9cc1400cdbea7": "black", - "56dfbb8c231d4119001abd3d": "a telecommunications service", - "570a5c404103511400d59663": "anthropology", - "56f9409c9b226e1400dd12c9": "bellevue hospital center", - "5727ea812ca10214002d99a7": "muslim brotherhood", - "5727b63dff5b5019007d9332": "between two thirds and three quarters", - "5706268775f01819005e7a01": "lyndon johnson", - "56ddbc0e66d3e219004dacc1": "variable", - "56d005e1234ae51400d9c287": "conversion of sunlight into electricity", - "572787c4f1498d1400e8fb0e": "sally field", - "572683c7dd62a815002e87e2": "mongol invasions", - "5730265d04bcaa1900d77238": "the guardian council", - "570fe9ff5ab6b819003910d0": "delta website", - "56f8360ca6d7ea1400e174ae": "montenegro", - "56fb7490b28b3419009f1d5e": "denmark", - "57317e8d497a881900248f86": "damascus gate", - "570de5f70b85d914000d7b9d": "not harmful", - "5726c60d5951b619008f7db9": "written records", - "5727af6c3acd2414000de9a4": "avenue x", - "56f82cb7aef2371900625eab": "the movement lost its political force", - "57277506708984140094de1b": "antibiotics", - "56d62ff01c85041400946fb5": "breed standard", - "56f8868baef2371900626162": "eastern alps", - "570fb64080d9841400ab3651": "over a decade", - "5725e87538643c19005ace5c": "chinese", - "56d66f3e1c85041400947119": "one percent", - "5709ac95200fba1400368253": "voting rights act", - "57100ff0a58dae1900cd684a": "removing the prison inmates and prostitutes barely affected the results", - "572620dc38643c19005ad05d": "five", - "5726ce2d708984140094d1e2": "news international theres some measure of moral responsibility if not legal culpability for the acts of the defendant", - "56f989259e9bad19000a0a53": "neuroscience", - "572ca233dfb02c14005c6bd4": "nearly identical", - "57326324e17f3d1400422933": "it is a false prophet", - "570d7592fed7b91900d4615a": "bofors of sweden", - "57305ed58ab72b1400f9c4a9": "greek", - "5726a158708984140094cc5b": "milan", - "56dfd73b231d4119001abe29": "sundays", - "57301c06947a6a140053d115": "medieval times", - "56f8976b9b226e1400dd0c6b": "the iliad", - "5730f4c0497a881900248aad": "white", - "572ea29b03f9891900756877": "the end of the motor", - "572fe8d0b2c2fd14005685ba": "bacteria", - "56e1b264e3433e14004230aa": "weak", - "56bfe7eaa10cfb1400551387": "survivor foundation", - "572fc108947a6a140053cc4c": "there was no change in competition format", - "57335ac6d058e614000b58d1": "entities are constituted", - "56d21d1fe7d4791d00902657": "taking refuge", - "57291f276aef051400154a6b": "only certain energy levels are allowed and values in between are forbidden", - "57266e09f1498d1400e8df82": "malayan", - "5726b8ab708984140094cf0d": "class a", - "570f8a9f80d9841400ab35ac": "britain was at war", - "573352f24776f41900660836": "international bond rating agencies and bank regulators", - "57063cb452bb8914006899a2": "risen each year", - "57318e2fa5e9cc1400cdc06c": "peter benchley", - "56f96ea89e9bad19000a08fc": "riverside drive", - "5733450ed058e614000b580e": "five", - "57261ed8ec44d21400f3d923": "sir william chambers", - "57296fe53f37b319004783b0": "offshore direction", - "5727a5532ca10214002d92b4": "nine", - "56e8668737bdd419002c44ff": "it was stripped of parts of its territories", - "5731933a05b4da19006bd2d2": "schindlers list", - "57264984f1498d1400e8db25": "german language", - "57341bc54776f4190066188e": "williamsburg", - "57263dd1ec44d21400f3dc96": "five", - "56e6cf636fe0821900b8eb98": "gospel music", - "570d94c3fed7b91900d46245": "early mesozoic areas", - "5726bbc15951b619008f7c57": "three", - "57300e8a04bcaa1900d770c3": "dependency", - "56f8f65b9b226e1400dd1206": "thomas edward gordon", - "5726559af1498d1400e8dc50": "copyright", - "57323785b9d445190005e8dc": "shima", - "56e6cac0de9d37140006804a": "michael jackson", - "572ff3d3a23a5019007fcb9f": "east to west", - "5728253d3acd2414000df59c": "fascists", - "5728a3732ca10214002da507": "religious and secular", - "57260903ec44d21400f3d814": "north korea invaded south korea", - "56e8fd2b99e8941900975f5b": "some of his own clothes", - "572a446f1d046914007798b5": "infection of the intestines", - "5726de8ff1498d1400e8ee10": "to obtain food or avoid being eaten", - "56e784a400c9c71400d7720d": "electronic media", - "570d6878fed7b91900d46027": "coal reserves", - "5727606bdd62a815002e9bd2": "shipbuilding", - "56cee58daab44d1400b88c1e": "promotional work", - "570ed1840b85d914000d7fad": "social contract theory", - "5726b6e6f1498d1400e8e898": "chinese characters", - "57312bcd05b4da19006bce2d": "holidays", - "573356a5d058e614000b5879": "queen consort of portugal", - "5728066eff5b5019007d9b2a": "six", - "56d99ea7dc89441400fdb620": "tail", - "5726d77fdd62a815002e9219": "preferential admissions policies", - "570d7b58b3d812140066d9d7": "united states army reserve", - "570bd493ec8fbc190045bb48": "associated diversity", - "56e02f6f7aa994140058e318": "ecological problems including deforestation soil erosion for men and drought", - "570fc88e80d9841400ab367d": "manufacturing", - "572a790d74f2e11900503fdb": "corporate element", - "5726b478f1498d1400e8e81f": "shot from behind and killed", - "5709847a200fba1400368111": "boundaries", - "57316ff8e6313a140071cf3a": "one september revolution", - "57312a93e6313a140071ccae": "directly ancestral to present south american in central america native american populations", - "57101abda58dae1900cd6891": "united kingdom", - "56e1586ee3433e1400422deb": "west of back bay", - "5726910cdd62a815002e89d5": "germanic", - "56e482018c00841900fbafc9": "civic", - "5728a88d4b864d1900164ba6": "amplification", - "5728ceb32ca10214002da856": "depictions of figures from british history", - "56f8cc9a9b226e1400dd1031": "steep and rocky topography of the alps", - "5709828fed30961900e84246": "isle royale", - "5727a043ff5b5019007d9141": "reprise speed series", - "57264f965951b619008f6f8a": "heavy snowfalls", - "572e9d0bcb0c0d14000f1364": "natural gas", - "57268c1b708984140094c9b2": "a noun", - "572722e65951b619008f865a": "victims of newspaper sensationalism and duplicitous french and ottoman diplomacy", - "572b6b0a111d821400f38e8a": "platonic", - "5727c22d4b864d1900163c94": "to serve the northwest territory", - "56f8e22c9e9bad19000a0687": "in the north is outside the undecided the himalayas and psyche abby on the himalayas to the south", - "56fae60d8f12f31900630273": "southern", - "56e0388a231d4119001abfde": "the public", - "570b2c4e6b8089140040f7cc": "game achievement", - "5705fb9e52bb89140068975d": "clockwise migration", - "572f42c2947a6a140053c822": "rubber pads", - "570db0b7df2f5219002ed0f7": "international criminal police organization interpol non aligned movement", - "56e172f5cd28a01900c67956": "chinatown", - "56f956209b226e1400dd134f": "park", - "572687e35951b619008f75f4": "miguel hidalgo", - "572b6504be1ee31400cb8355": "trained detector dogs", - "57318a94e6313a140071d078": "geographically and culturally", - "572811b2ff5b5019007d9c5d": "general government the central or federal government with regional governments", - "570d5555b3d812140066d6da": "charles of austria", - "572770c1dd62a815002e9ceb": "fujiwara", - "56db1f69e7c41114004b4da5": "chris cornell", - "5726eb3e708984140094d5ee": "mongols manchu and japanese", - "56dfdf67231d4119001abe44": "brierley hill", - "57315ef905b4da19006bd108": "foreign investment", - "572ec9a7cb0c0d14000f156c": "persian", - "5709a9f2ed30961900e843e6": "some other race", - "572fad10b2c2fd1400568310": "british red cross and the salvation army", - "57279b65ff5b5019007d90dc": "issue a selection on both sides of the single record", - "573247b6b9d445190005e999": "the great depression", - "573103f2497a881900248af2": "everyday life", - "570e8a5e0b85d914000d7f82": "melbourne", - "56f78981aef2371900625bab": "united nations", - "56e4831739bdeb140034795e": "ancient times", - "5726ad725951b619008f79f3": "whale bird", - "572ee920dfa6aa1500f8d4c1": "strict class hierarchy", - "571047cea58dae1900cd6997": "the thirty years war", - "5726ec69dd62a815002e9564": "reform work", - "5726d8a5708984140094d356": "desire to avoid liability", - "57266c13708984140094c57d": "dutch", - "5727d6782ca10214002d97b7": "oil related", - "56cd982562d2951400fa6771": "the mongols", - "5728ee0c3acd2414000e01f7": "the general sequence to which it belongs", - "57099130ed30961900e84345": "the modern world", - "56e1a28ee3433e1400423050": "superconductivity studies", - "56de44f14396321400ee2743": "cuba", - "5709847a200fba1400368114": "boundaries", - "571ae22232177014007e9f8c": "refused", - "57338b11d058e614000b5d03": "charters", - "56df49648bc80c19004e4a03": "europe asia and the pacific", - "57310860a5e9cc1400cdbbb1": "boarding skydiving", - "56de15cd4396321400ee25bf": "three", - "57283d5d3acd2414000df79b": "microprocessors has fallen dramatically as a result of moving to the sixty five animators production process and blue rapist diodes", - "5728418cff5b5019007da015": "baltic region", - "57268a7e708984140094c96e": "evangelical reformed church", - "56d54bc82593cc1400307b30": "national disaster relief commission", - "56dfbcf67aa994140058e0cb": "migrations", - "5726e5995951b619008f81ba": "live together in the same human residence without incident", - "56f9367f9b226e1400dd1294": "subway station", - "57325f030fdd8d15006c6a4e": "early days of the protestant reformation", - "56f8be139e9bad19000a0403": "action potentials", - "571d2eafdd7acb1400e4c246": "food and drug administration", - "56f8d9269e9bad19000a05f3": "gene duplication", - "572a41783f37b31900478832": "the court", - "57271de4dd62a815002e9933": "more than doubled", - "572782705951b619008f8bb0": "north carolina", - "56ddec6666d3e219004dae11": "prince", - "5731d483b9d445190005e5a1": "sectarian prayers", - "56db0f17e7c41114004b4ce8": "paris", - "57324f0de99e3014001e6697": "neutral", - "5732288cb9d445190005e85f": "those that are from armenia that is those born and raised in armenia", - "570c69aeb3d812140066d1e9": "great charter", - "572937f96aef051400154b80": "in the course of the middle ages", - "5728498d3acd2414000df8a2": "powers of foreign policy and national defense", - "5726b585708984140094ce8a": "vertical", - "57341fdd4776f419006618d6": "staphylococcus", - "5731124005b4da19006bcd3c": "weightlifting", - "57283f724b864d19001647f3": "amendment of the federal constitution", - "5726b702f1498d1400e8e8a7": "russia", - "572fc771947a6a140053ccb1": "solid growth media", - "570a86fe6d058f1900182f48": "mild", - "57310860a5e9cc1400cdbbaf": "sport hunting", - "57302ed0947a6a140053d243": "there would in fact be some truths of mathematics which could not be deduced from them", - "5735c47ae853931400426b63": "beef", - "57321b1ae17f3d1400422696": "olympic airways", - "570a09306d058f1900182c7e": "performing arts", - "5725c4b6ec44d21400f3d521": "improved sanitation", - "572716f05951b619008f85b6": "fulton", - "56e06abd7aa994140058e47d": "british overseas territories", - "56e1be2acd28a01900c67b10": "younger generations educated in valencia", - "56fae2a48f12f31900630239": "the somali diaspora", - "570b70e66b8089140040f961": "black sabbath", - "57284e682ca10214002da277": "incitement to commit acts of terrorism and the obligations of countries to comply with international human rights laws", - "573143ba497a881900248d27": "traffic lights and signals", - "56f6fe26711bf01900a448d6": "the violin", - "56cf70c74df3c31400b0d79c": "rothschild", - "57279afddd62a815002ea1d5": "international telecommunication union", - "56fa0e0df34c681400b0bf8e": "density", - "56d196b2e7d4791d00902067": "safety and comfort", - "57327238e99e3014001e67b7": "july", - "570f8d0b5ab6b81900390f0e": "renounce her right of succession", - "572a2f743f37b31900478788": "the bulk of the german army had been directed towards the western front", - "57267141708984140094c628": "vietnam", - "5733e473d058e614000b64f4": "the extra income would allow english clubs to compete with teams across europe", - "56f9e2819b226e1400dd15e9": "cellulose", - "56e7516237bdd419002c3e64": "postal workers", - "56f8e6839e9bad19000a06cc": "three times", - "56f8f3b79b226e1400dd11f0": "cooking", - "57325c2fe99e3014001e6717": "informed choice", - "5727c45a2ca10214002d95ca": "catalonia and the basque", - "572782705951b619008f8bae": "elizabeth i", - "56f8e6839e9bad19000a06ca": "malaria", - "56cd8d0662d2951400fa66b4": "on the ground", - "57315e23e6313a140071cea2": "peace with israel", - "56cbd4c56d243a140015ed7a": "piano", - "5727ae422ca10214002d938c": "appalachian mountains", - "571a438c10f8ca1400304f8d": "cues", - "572c010e750c471900ed4c70": "god contains but is not identical to the universe", - "572f7d6f04bcaa1900d76a1a": "arid", - "5726b3bc708984140094ce3e": "simple decorative patterns", - "56cef8faaab44d1400b88d68": "dangerously in love", - "572b4ab5111d821400f38e25": "judea", - "56dfc6f4231d4119001abdf2": "sound intensity", - "56e16ba5cd28a01900c678e8": "minions", - "572678ca5951b619008f73b8": "market street newcastle", - "56dd2d7d9a695914005b9533": "benjamin disraeli", - "57266a715951b619008f720f": "thirteen colonies", - "56f75cbfaef2371900625b58": "other parties to the treaty", - "57299db76aef051400155035": "central alabama", - "570e7b8c0b85d914000d7f35": "curtail urban sprawl", - "572a2b821d04691400779801": "two", - "571aa6ba10f8ca1400305275": "greek fashion", - "5706347875f01819005e7a92": "degree of rounding tolerance", - "56e043c67aa994140058e40f": "consonants", - "5727eb704b864d190016402f": "the kingdom of the crystal skull", - "57279701dd62a815002ea149": "defer to the copy tax", - "5726d2f5708984140094d275": "electrostatic motor", - "56cf3629aab44d1400b88e64": "queens", - "56d4c0452ccc5a1400d831ca": "the first couples first inaugural ball", - "572b6762be1ee31400cb835f": "rhinoceros beetle", - "57098741ed30961900e84290": "third", - "56e7bf1b37bdd419002c43e5": "thousands", - "56de3937cffd8e1900b4b694": "kingdoms and empires", - "572c101b2babe914003c298b": "pascal", - "57317628e6313a140071cf62": "percussion and wind instruments", - "57325ecbe99e3014001e672b": "credit rating agencies", - "56dfa18f4a1a83140091ebcd": "united kingdom", - "56e8215937bdd419002c4452": "vocabulary", - "57272f7e708984140094dab7": "richard nixon", - "56df5ac48bc80c19004e4b0b": "joseph stalin", - "56e790f337bdd419002c4156": "email", - "572985e83f37b31900478473": "rudimentary", - "56de86024396321400ee29ef": "hercules", - "56cc66326d243a140015ef98": "hearing 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"device functions", - "572c94b0f182dd1900d7c7e4": "senate", - "570feffa80d9841400ab3743": "luis monge", - "5732ab8ed6dcfa19001e8a6a": "german and french", - "56e152d7cd28a01900c677c7": "harvard university", - "5731c82ee99e3014001e626f": "vichy france", - "5726b450708984140094ce61": "brass", - "5731e2a6e99e3014001e63b8": "three", - "572a9a0134ae481900deabb8": "catholic emancipation", - "56e7910400c9c71400d772ec": "to digitize historic documents from the national archives holdings", - "56de708f4396321400ee28e2": "ecumenical councils", - "5729ff176aef051400155194": "energy of the universe", - "572fe85db2c2fd14005685b4": "using a matching network", - "5727a28cff5b5019007d9171": "moroccan jews", - "570f25345ab6b81900390e83": "environmental changes", - "572a8d8e111d821400f38bec": "churchill", - "56f71177711bf01900a4490c": "yugoslav", - "5730846a069b53140083214a": "solitary confinement in his own cell", - "570df7950b85d914000d7c2d": "a desert", - "571097dca58dae1900cd6aa3": "pamphlets", - "57323efae17f3d140042278f": "three", - "5725bc7d271a42140099d0e7": "kahan commission", - "56f7f401aef2371900625cc7": "tito", - "572b7b6bbe1ee31400cb83d4": "the contents of the mind", - "56fa097df34c681400b0bf86": "somali democratic republic", - "5730a4bc396df9190009623f": "the greek shipping tradition recovered", - "57267681708984140094c709": "voiceless", - "573416974776f41900661836": "hudson bay", - "56dfb6917aa994140058e04d": "army", - "572b6d5934ae481900deadf8": "czechoslovakia", - "56f75e42aef2371900625b5f": "jazz", - "5731f87ae17f3d1400422597": "united states", - "57269042dd62a815002e89cc": "the game", - "57064d0675f01819005e7b24": "because they have some distant white ancestry", - "5727c5f44b864d1900163ce6": "opinion polling", - "5726e7c5dd62a815002e949e": "dynasty oracle", - "57278d8c708984140094e0ae": "all times", - "57268cd2f1498d1400e8e36e": "bankruptcy", - "5727849b5951b619008f8c19": "ann arbor", - "573420e34776f419006618ef": "forest fires", - "570d3a3cfed7b91900d45d51": "soviet union", - "5726b10af1498d1400e8e794": "steel tube", - "56e1c818e3433e1400423177": "on the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries", - "5733f899d058e614000b66c5": "punjab", - "56bebba63aeaaa14008c930c": "josephine baker", - "57290ad81d04691400778fc0": "atlantic ocean", - "5730fb1b05b4da19006bccbb": "frost and snow", - "57341dde4776f419006618bf": "to create an empire", - "5725d74389a1e219009abf88": "mercantile safe deposit company in new york city", - "56f74c09a6d7ea1400e17173": "suspending their obligations", - "56d1076317492d1400aab78d": "tokyo", - "5727b61fff5b5019007d9323": "the supreme being", - "572fe936b2c2fd14005685c0": "electrons", - "57302106a23a5019007fcdf9": "reduced absorption of estrogens in the colon", - "570b6a916b8089140040f939": "alternative", - "5733c3f34776f419006611d5": "vertical transmission of mutations during growth", - "5726a8e6708984140094cd25": "hardly any", - "572840ee4b864d1900164810": "municipal", - "56d120b717492d1400aaba04": "six", - "572843362ca10214002da1e5": "operation infinite reach", - "572f986a947a6a140053cab7": "compton", - "572995e9af94a219006aa53a": "wings", - "572710e05951b619008f8579": "variable", - "5727b0292ca10214002d93d7": "teenagers", - "56f8e01d9b226e1400dd1163": "constant", - "5711205bb654c5140001fb8b": "the united states department of justice", - "56cf85c7234ae51400d9bdf8": "misdemeanor criminal battery and attempted grand theft", - "57325817b9d445190005ea68": "harrison and schnell", - "572ec078c246551400ce460c": "barometric scale", - "56df12853277331400b4d94f": "east germany", - "56f7451fa6d7ea1400e17122": "withdraw", - "571aa4be4faf5e1900b8ab9a": "the franks", - "5705f12375f01819005e77ae": "the irish potato famine", - "573405aa4776f41900661718": "folk singers", - "56f8e5f29e9bad19000a06c2": "english merchants", - "56e16cd4cd28a01900c67902": "lawrence", - "5726f52bdd62a815002e9642": "nigeria", - "5726fa4bdd62a815002e96af": "russia", - "56e79c1c00c9c71400d773a2": "east asian monsoon", - "5726a296708984140094cc8d": "the end of western religious unity", - "56d3802e59d6e4140014657b": "all cried out", - "5726213938643c19005ad066": "portland stone", - "57284e224b864d190016490e": "odds", - "5726d30bf1498d1400e8ec5c": "judicial", - "5735c92f012e2f140011a046": "cremated", - "572ffc9bb2c2fd14005686de": "mark antony", - "56d9e7e4dc89441400fdb905": "infections", - "57267a9ff1498d1400e8e130": "berlin conference", - "5731b868e17f3d1400422311": "rejection", - "573036ea947a6a140053d2bd": "south bay expressway", - "5727d1caff5b5019007d960b": "russia", - "5726b8c9708984140094cf20": "throttle", - "571cf17ddd7acb1400e4c1b4": "pancreas", - "570c4b09fed7b91900d45850": "five", - "56dfbf01231d4119001abd7b": "theorists", - "572fcf08a23a5019007fca1e": "dram", - "5728cb54ff5b5019007da6b8": "usually reversible", - "5731b52eb9d445190005e48b": "nintendo", - "56d4c4e72ccc5a1400d8321c": "four", - "57275b6edd62a815002e9ba8": "to make sure that fertility could return in spring", - "5733e5f54776f41900661469": "single division", - "57295f293f37b319004782c7": "embryo", - "5727c96c4b864d1900163d18": "detroit river", - "56dc5f8a14d3a41400c2682b": "genome size", - "5728cbe3ff5b5019007da6d1": "by only a minority of city voters by the majority of council members", - "57278f075951b619008f8d7e": "as much as they are able", - "570974d8200fba1400368023": "brass in bronze", - "572a2d163f37b3190047876e": "protestants", - "572c0399f182dd1900d7c7b8": "the grand design", - "56de53534396321400ee280a": "spanish", - "570da87816d0071400510c60": "sea level rise", - "5725bbfcec44d21400f3d499": "a siege of eight years", - "56df0f68c65bf219000b3f14": "henry king of portugal", - "56d39cea59d6e41400146811": "the preludes", - "5727659a5951b619008f8965": "possible remedies", - "56e2419acd28a01900c67c29": "architecture", - "56f89de79e9bad19000a01d4": "british gas", - "572985e83f37b31900478475": "single", - "5727a766ff5b5019007d91f7": "work", - "56dfe3a7231d4119001abe68": "serving 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"56fae60d8f12f31900630271": "northern", - "56de0d34cffd8e1900b4b588": "new zealand", - "57317ff2a5e9cc1400cdbfdf": "egyptians", - "56e79bf200c9c71400d7739a": "wilt chamberlain", - "57282d253acd2414000df65a": "dispatch troops to sinai", - "5709aeceed30961900e8440c": "nearly triple", - "57267c12dd62a815002e86c6": "first world war", - "57262d01ec44d21400f3dba7": "exploitation of untapped natural gas reserves", - "57269018dd62a815002e89c2": "greek", - "56f7e518aef2371900625c4e": "common ancestor", - "5727bded4b864d1900163c35": "paris", - "570de5f70b85d914000d7b9b": "relationships", - "570f2b2b80d9841400ab354b": "other arctic animals", - "57325248e99e3014001e66b5": "mainline protestant", - "572ead8003f9891900756922": "austria", - "56df7cdc5ca0a614008f9b15": "exeter", - "56cf34c5aab44d1400b88e4d": "germans", - "5729a094af94a219006aa585": "sixty", - "5730d135b54a4f140068cc8c": "safety security ineffectiveness of nuclear operations", - "572668e2708984140094c517": "her paternal grandmother", - "5728164b2ca10214002d9da1": "the timeline of the fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster", - "57278e51f1498d1400e8fbf6": "crop over", - "56e476b139bdeb1400347948": "functional aspects that it has in common", - "572b57ee34ae481900deada3": "the cosmopolitan and multicultural nature", - "5727911add62a815002ea09f": "related to human rights", - "5727fb064b864d1900164138": "by flowing heated wax over a hot metal desk", - "5732b7fbcc179a14009dac28": "english channel region", - "57319266497a881900249053": "economic stagnation", - "56cf5a5aaab44d1400b890de": "political insurrection", - "5728114e2ca10214002d9d1c": "grandfather paradox", - "5726ad55f1498d1400e8e6e7": "the french", - "572ff287a23a5019007fcb8e": "three servile wars involving slave uprisings against the romans eight", - "56e0ccb3231d4119001ac3b7": "internet explorer", - "570c24bcec8fbc190045bc96": "many state and local agencies", - "5731cca5e17f3d140042240b": "handling", - "56fa2d76f34c681400b0bfed": "rate of growth", - "572827c62ca10214002d9f66": "geology did not undergo systematic restructuring", - "57278b76f1498d1400e8fb87": "tom kenny", - "5726d2bedd62a815002e9165": "france", - "56de65324396321400ee2883": "plymouth colony", - "56d3ac8e2ccc5a1400d82e1e": "milan", - "56cf306baab44d1400b88dea": "modern gay rights movement", - "5733612b4776f41900660933": "great moderation", - "5727a9b94b864d19001639dc": "private", - "57303f5eb2c2fd1400568aec": "incidence", - "572725fbdd62a815002e9962": "racial preference", - "5726ed89708984140094d64d": "grandiose", - "570d5ecfb3d812140066d773": "not fully developed", - "56f8af259b226e1400dd0e01": "micro climates", - "56d9b75edc89441400fdb73c": "starch", - "5727d9892ca10214002d9804": "failing to produce its capability procedures", - "572692c45951b619008f7715": "unanimous vote", - "56cd953262d2951400fa674a": "zelda", - "5726316889a1e219009ac539": "arenas including madison square garden", - "572f8f2eb2c2fd1400568201": "which words best describe their pain", - "570a58de6d058f1900182d7b": "extroverted people", - "5731d3feb9d445190005e596": "no", - "5726262f89a1e219009ac3dd": "very large exploration and production companies", - "56d11b8d17492d1400aab997": "her father", - "572e90cedfa6aa1500f8d154": "adams", - "5731583a497a881900248e46": "british government", - "56e074de231d4119001ac18b": "carbon compounds", - "56f75218aef2371900625b11": "if there has been a fundamental change in circumstances", - "57268f98dd62a815002e89a0": "on the top of mount olympus", - "57280ee3ff5b5019007d9c01": "group theory", - "56df4a8096943c1400a5d341": "soviet union", - "5730bdce069b5314008322e4": "infantry", - "57097fd9ed30961900e84236": "quantified self devices", - "5728b1163acd2414000dfcd1": "john sheehan in the late barney mckenna", - "5728d7e22ca10214002da940": "city of london corporation", - "5706352452bb891400689965": "governor christie", - "5727e46c2ca10214002d98d8": "the hebrew bible", - "570727889e06ca38007e94a7": "plaza de armas", - "5723f90ff6b826140030fd16": "along the mall london", - "571d2dbf5efbb31900334eca": "patent protection", - "56f83d50a6d7ea1400e174fc": "monaco", - "57324577b9d445190005e96a": "seven", - "5706a5bc75f01819005e7cc2": "control of migration", - "56f7e340aef2371900625c45": "an elected prince", - "57111a07b654c5140001fb4d": "activision", - "57265bfff1498d1400e8dd2d": "army of the west", - "5726d1d8708984140094d244": "virtually the same", - "57344cb3879d6814001ca4ce": "no natural predators", - "5726ca94708984140094d17b": "magnetic field", - "5725c0c789a1e219009abdeb": "chinese regency style", - "573124bb497a881900248bb5": "the nervous system", - "572e95ba03f98919007567dc": "just a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter on average", - "56f8af2b9e9bad19000a030c": "bind the transcription machinery", - "56d25eb659d6e41400145f06": "mockingbird", - "57276669f1498d1400e8f76e": "evidence", - "56f8b2c69b226e1400dd0e46": "service sector", - "57273ec05951b619008f8748": "india", - "57063e7075f01819005e7ab3": "great island", - "5729710a6aef051400154ece": "several dozen", - "57268623f1498d1400e8e2a9": "the congress of vienna", - "56d12f4217492d1400aabb9b": "pc world", - "570dbbe116d0071400510d46": "female genital mutilation", - "572a50757a1753140016ae9e": "too much water is drawn into the bowels", - "572f7c53947a6a140053c9aa": "the emperor", - "571de5e2556973190063909e": "eugenics", - "570b3b4dec8fbc190045b900": "small", - "570d9b8216d0071400510bd9": "academic motivation and performance", - "57345f9c879d6814001ca57d": "poached wild game", - "5735d0f46c16ec1900b92826": "south for the highway to the west", - "572f7d20947a6a140053c9b6": "world war i", - "573256250fdd8d15006c69db": "pelham bay park", - "570e8c830dc6ce19002050fe": "monash", - "573416974776f41900661838": "pacific ocean", - "57263383271a42140099d747": "a bomb made in england", - "5726a499f1498d1400e8e5cd": "four", - "57280839ff5b5019007d9b6d": "george ive", - "5726856d708984140094c8d0": "peoria chiefs", - "572834d3ff5b5019007d9f12": "six to four", - "5725d6c689a1e219009abf80": "two", - "5728e4ca3acd2414000e0150": "industry", - "572687f6708984140094c905": "joyous earthy yet divine", - "5709de964103511400d5948e": "federal reserve bank note", - "56dface3231d4119001abc66": "mutual exchange and sharing of resources", - "5727e60bff5b5019007d97e7": "the united states congress", - "573283e5b3a91d1900202df0": "green", - "56e8ff6c99e8941900975f6b": "a new display area for the abbeys treasures", - "572a7048fed8de19000d5c0e": "port of miami", - "5735c37cdc94161900571fe4": "histrionic contemporary art gallery", - "572932f2af94a219006aa17f": "coral reefs the relatively shallow water typically thirty to forty feet or nine to twelve meters in depth with virtually unlimited visibility", - "573255dfb9d445190005ea4c": "separation of powers", - "5727bd0a4b864d1900163bf8": "two", - "570a6f996d058f1900182e5e": "passions", - "571a69014faf5e1900b8a990": "more", - "56dd34f19a695914005b955b": "resignation of the prime minister and his or her government", - "56ce750daab44d1400b887b1": "sixth", - "571df3d555697319006390c7": "people of any portion of african descent", - "572816e43acd2414000df43b": "mastodon of stagnation", - "572812962ca10214002d9d41": "steve fossett", - "570e808e0b85d914000d7f64": "canberra", - "5730141804bcaa1900d77133": "governor johnson", - "57318f36e6313a140071d092": "united states", - "56f955c99e9bad19000a0837": "her majestys government", - "572837e7ff5b5019007d9f48": "boris yeltsin", - "56cfb206234ae51400d9be91": "glass beads", - "56f86064aef237190062602f": "the great war", - "5706df8f90286e26004fc71e": "monopoly", - "572703e65951b619008f849f": "arabic", - "5726b246708984140094ce1a": "establish neighborhoods to the south", - "5707066b9e06ca38007e92b4": "stylistic rather than or the graphic", - "56df8a9638dc42170015202b": "oklahoma health center district", - "572ffc9bb2c2fd14005686dc": "senators", - "5726b08c5951b619008f7a89": "methodist", - "56cfb5cb234ae51400d9beb6": "charleston", - "5726db0ff1498d1400e8ed4f": "whole person", - "56e4849a8c00841900fbafd6": "hindu temple architecture", - "56e78dc200c9c71400d772af": "naral", - "5733c1a94776f419006611a6": "national collegiate athletic association", - "56f8e9289b226e1400dd11b1": "the crimean war", - "56e8361f00c9c71400d77653": "ukrainian bolsheviks", - "5733b5344776f419006610dd": "john jenkins", - "573031bb04bcaa1900d7733b": "microsoft developer", - "56df787656340a1900b29bf8": "america", - "56dde17c66d3e219004dad88": "amsterdam", - "56d51ea52593cc1400307a8b": "the government", - "57316b37e6313a140071cf1e": "revolutionary command council", - "56db0b29e7c41114004b4cbb": "flying without wings", - "57317cf3e6313a140071cfa6": "lebanon", - "57303df4a23a5019007fcfe6": "electrical conductor", - "57281e1d4b864d19001644cf": "australia", - "572a18491d0469140077976a": "absolute space", - "570a59da4103511400d59646": "the expression of the emotions in man and animals", - "572786a8708984140094dff5": "nikolai ryzhkov", - "571a868410f8ca14003050e0": "all major jewish groups including ashkenazi", - "5729f6b13f37b31900478619": "thermal energy", - "56d390b559d6e41400146789": "greater range of melody and expression", - "56d5d0cb1c85041400946e00": "one to four", - "5706cfe02eaba6190074ad16": "genetic control", - "573173bea5e9cc1400cdbf85": "alcohol", - "56e7b5cf00c9c71400d77547": "eleven", - "56e8d9ab99e8941900975ecf": "shops and dwellings", - "572ff077b2c2fd1400568616": "japan", - "56e1b8adcd28a01900c67aca": "service delivery", - "57300862947a6a140053cfa6": "muslims", - "5725bd9f271a42140099d102": "anatolia", - "57324966b9d445190005e9b6": "london", - "570e72df0dc6ce1900205091": "block place", - "56df7cd456340a1900b29c28": "university of central oklahoma", - "573449b1acc1501500babd9b": "robin hood legends", - "5726c632f1498d1400e8eae9": "gunpowder", - "56fae3e08f12f31900630251": "djibouti", - "570a775d4103511400d59742": "psychiatry", - "572fa7c3b2c2fd14005682cc": "one", - "570ce6fffed7b91900d45aae": "sunday of orthodoxy", - "570db4b716d0071400510d11": "united states", - "5729e5f76aef0514001550df": "living force", - "570de8a70b85d914000d7bb3": "romantic", - "5731926ca5e9cc1400cdc0e1": "russia", - "56fa84e7f34c681400b0c0e1": "risen steadily", - "572fa1f9a23a5019007fc7e8": "streptococcus", - "5726d859dd62a815002e924e": "signals", - "57097747200fba1400368029": "softness of copper", - "5728d1d7ff5b5019007da74a": "russian minority", - "56d378f459d6e414001464bc": "january", - "57270b235951b619008f8525": "decreased", - "57268fcdf1498d1400e8e3e0": "dan", - "572938fe3f37b31900478122": "the anterior segment closest to the head", - "56dfbc1d231d4119001abd48": "light", - "56cf80a34df3c31400b0d869": "taylor swift", - "56d4e2e12ccc5a1400d832f0": "sasha fierce", - "570df36e0b85d914000d7c21": "middle adolescence", - "56d00d6d234ae51400d9c2e4": "democratic party", - "57278778f1498d1400e8fb00": "the high court", - "5727ed00ff5b5019007d98a2": "the great gatsby", - "572a1ee7af94a219006aa809": "salt lake city utah", - "572c053b750c471900ed4c84": "the emancipation proclamation", - "57299518af94a219006aa533": "masculine feminine and neuter", - "5726b119708984140094ce01": "revolutionary france spain", - "5726dfaedd62a815002e9382": "im going to tell you a secret", - "572fbbdfb2c2fd14005683c1": "auxiliary fire service", - "572a4e22fed8de19000d5b8b": "little to no structural damage", - "57278e85dd62a815002ea046": "civil and criminal cases", - "56fae4b5f34c681400b0c183": "novelist margaret lawrence", - "57276a1b5951b619008f898e": "french", - "5731870e497a881900248fb9": "thabo mbeki", - "56de9ed2cffd8e1900b4ba38": "soviet union", - "573297e90d034c1900ab0035": "through taxes", - "570d55affed7b91900d45eb7": "in the air", - "571df107b64a571400c71e16": "henry louis gates junior", - "57326051e17f3d1400422905": "department of health education and welfare", - "572e9c96cb0c0d14000f135c": "after the mexican war of independence", - "57295be46aef051400154d69": "positive", - "5727e9773acd2414000defa3": "gaelic football", - "57281f5d4b864d19001644dc": "highly valued assets are sold at the same time that the weaker assets are purchased", - "5725ccd5271a42140099d1fd": "nuclear weapons", - "571aa54410f8ca1400305249": "syria", - "57064fb952bb8914006899d7": "domestic service and agriculture", - "572844774b864d190016486c": "to oust the taliban regime", - "5726d382708984140094d28d": "the question of being", - "5731b8a4e17f3d140042231e": "withheld", - "56db1c21e7c41114004b4d4d": "do i make you proud", - "56de86914396321400ee29fb": "producing scheduling and broadcasting", - "572610b9271a42140099d419": "two", - "56e0cae4231d4119001ac3a1": "microsoft", - "56f8b42f9e9bad19000a036c": "standing stones", - "56f831eba6d7ea1400e17479": "monarchs", - "57268081f1498d1400e8e1eb": "one of very few in the world", - "570d2b46b3d812140066d4db": "the national army", - "572f00bdcb0c0d14000f1703": "republican", - "570d2bfafed7b91900d45c9e": "intel microprocessors", - "56f7f923aef2371900625d0f": "any subsequent act of congress", - "57292b8e6aef051400154b26": "the european union", - "572661a95951b619008f7106": "the english company trading to the east indies", - "5726ce98f1498d1400e8ebcf": "beans", - "56e6f3236fe0821900b8ec4b": "soul", - "5719e19110f8ca1400304e86": "more than half", - "5727e4173acd2414000def1c": "will rogers world airport", - "570978aaed30961900e841b1": "the specifications", - "5726db87dd62a815002e92df": "the english french war plot", - "5706a3fc75f01819005e7ca4": "move your body", - "57340043d058e614000b6769": "spring", - "572ca3ebf182dd1900d7c80c": "citations to english decisions", - "56df4a248bc80c19004e4a13": "metropolitan area projects maps", - "56f8b1c99e9bad19000a0344": "economy", - "57260f4389a1e219009ac1ac": "the main concepts", - "57279bc6708984140094e20f": "economic development", - "5733c1a94776f419006611a8": "midwest fencing conference", - "572aa74cbe1ee31400cb8119": "two", - "56f8cc7b9e9bad19000a0520": "cerebral cortex", - "5727f8d7ff5b5019007d998e": "high quality", - "56d4831f2ccc5a1400d83156": "survivor", - "572bb84df75d5e190021feb4": "will", - "570dfd080b85d914000d7c6c": "precipitation is low most of the antarctica is a desert", - "56df93a338dc421700152079": "the civil war", - "573123ff05b4da19006bcdee": "capillaries", - "5719cf3610f8ca1400304e6f": "boeing", - "56df7da25ca0a614008f9b2d": "music", - "5725c65038643c19005accaa": "jerusalem", - "56db3337e7c41114004b4f33": "delhi", - "5726e16df1498d1400e8ee87": "journals", - "56e17b08cd28a01900c679ad": "different", - "570af7036b8089140040f652": "manchester", - "572644675951261400b5196b": "asia minor", - "570fc66e5ab6b81900390fb4": "the monarchy", - "57321849b9d445190005e7db": "internet use", - "56d1162117492d1400aab8e7": "my beautiful dark twisted fantasy", - "57344a5b879d6814001ca4ab": "williamsburg", - "5727716bdd62a815002e9cf5": "pirates", - "570d26d2fed7b91900d45c6c": "august", - "57314110e6313a140071cd84": "british royal navy", - "570a35f06d058f1900182cee": "ethyl", - "572868bd4b864d19001649a8": "education", - "5727f98a2ca10214002d9a92": "extremely seriously", - "5727dd8dff5b5019007d9710": "the rule of law", - "5726728f708984140094c669": "liturgical renewal movement", - "572721a4708984140094da4c": "contact breaker ignition systems", - "572a6ac17a1753140016af24": "flexibility", - "57279e8c4b864d19001638b2": "new haven green", - "572ba73dbe1ee31400cb8483": "union station", - "5706a92752bb891400689b32": "synthesizers and drum machines", - "571a03df10f8ca1400304ed6": "redmond", - "57275ef9708984140094dca1": "impetus", - "57305fc38ab72b1400f9c4b5": "founding critics such as cicero", - "570fe7a580d9841400ab3710": "top floor", - "5727f4fb2ca10214002d9a3e": "convincingly denied the allegations", - "5726d89c708984140094d349": "condenser", - "56cc60a36d243a140015ef67": "video", - "56d3753559d6e41400146450": "the runaround. do i make you proud", - "572f9ceab2c2fd1400568257": "cellular microorganisms", - "572ffb1eb2c2fd14005686c2": "egypt", - "572e98d4cb0c0d14000f1327": "the united nations", - "56f6fb773d8e2e1400e37309": "string quartet", - "570de0480dc6ce1900204ce1": "adolescents", - "56fa3006f34c681400b0bffa": "lakewood", - "5727983ddd62a815002ea16e": "local traditions", - "570e35280b85d914000d7d5e": "enrico fermi", - "56f71a5e3d8e2e1400e3735e": "tito", - "572676425951b619008f735b": "hong kong", - "570c4d2dfed7b91900d45876": "arthurs", - "573142d9e6313a140071cd99": "rising sea levels", - "57279afddd62a815002ea1d6": "united nations high commissioner for refugees", - "572a24703f37b31900478731": "indian ocean", - "5726a0f0dd62a815002e8b72": "cathedral church the parish church the monastery the castle the palace the great hall they gave house the civic buildings", - "573367034776f41900660a0e": "might encourage the violent extermination", - "56d318f359d6e41400146238": "french", - "56e044e9231d4119001ac019": "degrees of aspiration", - "5731954b497a88190024908c": "the emergence of the printing press", - "57310b9a05b4da19006bcd1c": "fossil and biological evidence", - "5706c7a52eaba6190074ad03": "once a year", - "57098fc7ed30961900e84320": "orthodox judaism", - "5727f89cff5b5019007d9987": "theology", - "5728671d3acd2414000df99d": "the aleutian islands", - "570a807e6d058f1900182ed1": "disapproval", - "5729bca26aef051400155093": "artificial intelligence", - "5726a3fc5951b619008f78b5": "french and germans", - "5726dc14708984140094d3dd": "encrypted", - "57260b6a271a42140099d3e7": "second highest", - "56f76011a6d7ea1400e17217": "the content of the treaty itself", - "57266dcf5951b619008f7279": "extremely handsome", - "5731a3b00fdd8d15006c6417": "jupiter", - "57069b7b52bb891400689ac8": "vince lawrence", - "5705e78f75f01819005e7738": "hunting", - "571aa25310f8ca1400305205": "america", - "57313b7c05b4da19006bcef4": "perform rituals at the main tombs", - "572fc2ed04bcaa1900d76ca2": "english colonists", - "572bd4c0750c471900ed4c1e": "beale street", - "57317177a5e9cc1400cdbf6f": "none", - "572c929ef182dd1900d7c7d8": "salaries and wages", - "56ce88c8aab44d1400b8884a": "shuffle", - "5726e48b708984140094d501": "paper", - "56e188e4cd28a01900c679c0": "four", - "570c59bbfed7b91900d458f5": "normandy", - "572810763acd2414000df38e": "backwards", - "5733c775d058e614000b6238": "visual anthropology", - "57268dd3708984140094c9eb": "suez", - "5727911add62a815002ea09e": "private and public", - "56e0f4db7aa994140058e811": "john glenn", - "57311e4ca5e9cc1400cdbc41": "shorter wave lengths to longer", - "570f55cf5ab6b81900390ef2": "the eyes", - "572bf4da750c471900ed4c3d": "archaic eight thousand one thousand p c woodland one thousand b c one thousand dad and mississippian", - "571addd39499d21900609b69": "the thalidomide tragedy", - "5731fa3c0fdd8d15006c66b5": "two", - "573071c5069b5314008320d8": "guam", - "5725e72a271a42140099d2f7": "hellenistic judaism", - "56d11af517492d1400aab987": "wolf", - "5727a8684b864d19001639af": "in obedience to the father", - "570e30ec0dc6ce1900204e55": "emperor haile selassie", - "5735f8bc012e2f140011a108": "deer hunter", - "570d2598fed7b91900d45c52": "japan", - "570720299e06ca38007e947f": "sierra madre occidental", - "57267541708984140094c6ca": "greek war of independence", - "572406670a492a19004355ec": "russia", - "57268a4a708984140094c952": "take me out to the ballgame", - "572920491d04691400779081": "gene", - "5726f39d5951b619008f834a": "declared illegal", - "572a60cefed8de19000d5bd0": "writing cranberry syntax poetry composition natural sciences political sciences", - "570dc8720b85d914000d7b53": "vegetation", - "57291acd3f37b3190047801d": "examining functionality without any knowledge of internal implementation without seeing the source code", - "572809fd2ca10214002d9c51": "bananas", - "571aa99d4faf5e1900b8abd8": "successor of the messenger of god", - "5726c1825951b619008f7d51": "marine organisms", - "570e2db80b85d914000d7d16": "clock and aircraft dials", - "56e0a534231d4119001ac31d": "introduced liberal reforms in soviet society", - "56de42a5cffd8e1900b4b734": "james madison", - "5726ffd85951b619008f8457": "madonna", - "5725c576271a42140099d179": "second", - "572e7ff1cb0c0d14000f11d4": "atomic bomb", - "5709f3704103511400d594ba": "production center", - "57273ce15951b619008f872b": "african american middle class", - "570b3980ec8fbc190045b8e9": "a major war with napoleons france", - "572bcd9b111d821400f38f88": "the great gatsby", - "5731cd38e17f3d140042241c": "establishment clause", - "56f6e9dd711bf01900a44865": "oxford english dictionary", - "56f71780711bf01900a4493d": "sergeant", - "56df72c056340a1900b29b8c": "christianity", - "572634c8271a42140099d766": "no one voice", - "56d5098a9d1b871400ae0608": "very destructive", - "56cfdf65234ae51400d9bfd0": "increase the supply of energy", - "56d97163dc89441400fdb479": "seoul", - "57100ee5a58dae1900cd6839": "low production volume", - "571079ada58dae1900cd69d8": "english", - "570688d052bb891400689a4f": "loss of sleep", - "570f31ba5ab6b81900390e98": "fatigue", - "56fdfbee19033b140034ce25": "slowly", - "570d6dfefed7b91900d460c4": "fly at a higher altitude", - "5706ab2e52bb891400689b42": "new delhi", - "57112a6eb654c5140001fc07": "paying a fee", - "57318080497a881900248f90": "millions", - "573092c08ab72b1400f9c5a4": "greek orthodox church", - "570c2375ec8fbc190045bc79": "investigations into lives of ordinary citizens", - "57263b5b38643c19005ad33d": "reduction of exposure", - "5725ea37271a42140099d30a": "primates", - "56df6fa456340a1900b29b41": "lead early christ follower", - "5727c5f44b864d1900163ce8": "football bowl", - "57315d4be6313a140071ce92": "sluggish to the verge of collapse", - "572e86c1c246551400ce42cc": "the railway", - "5726be6b708984140094d014": "bureaucracy", - "5728f8c16aef051400154902": "the national library", - "57277e815951b619008f8b52": "booksellers and books", - "570b24776b8089140040f788": "increased network bandwidth", - "5731e806b9d445190005e654": "gods", - "5725ce0a38643c19005acd48": "expenditure on research and development", - "5727a7474b864d190016398a": "professor douglas stuart", - "571b188b9499d21900609bf8": "pressure", - "57268a73708984140094c963": "history distinct from the mainstream marvel universe", - "5733aa144776f41900660fa5": "paris", - "56f7f923aef2371900625d11": "any other regular law", - "572827192ca10214002d9f56": "a combination of cells", - "570ce4c0b3d812140066d2f6": "pascal", - "56e8346300c9c71400d7762e": "south slavic", - "57279e5bff5b5019007d912f": "not yet been met", - "5709aeceed30961900e84408": "the allen brothers", - "57324e4cb9d445190005ea07": "profound", - "56e48e3239bdeb140034798c": "architecture and engineering", - "56fb82d8b28b3419009f1dbd": "the english", - "5727b7aa4b864d1900163b3f": "three times", - "570a01776d058f1900182c5f": "a large ring road", - "572798f0dd62a815002ea196": "celebrations", - "571df27ab64a571400c71e1e": "their masters", - "5729a2163f37b31900478526": "pennsylvania dutch", - "570c27686b8089140040fb9d": "fbi", - "572789c15951b619008f8ccb": "eighteen or possibly seventeen", - "5729e7a86aef0514001550f3": "lagrange formalism", - "5726da03708984140094d389": "swept away", - "56e7b0eb00c9c71400d774f2": "the judge group", - "571a1d794faf5e1900b8a8a9": "the henry art gallery", - "5730e152aca1c71400fe5b36": "multilateral fisheries treaty", - "57284c933acd2414000df8c8": "canada and the netherlands", - "56d5d7fa1c85041400946e26": "prostate cancer", - "572e9eb603f9891900756842": "carbon dioxide and water", - "57269d17708984140094cbc7": "three years old", - "57268c1b708984140094c9b3": "a noun", - "56f8a4f49b226e1400dd0d34": "alpine", - "573237dcb9d445190005e8e6": "ethnic armenian muslims", - "573432b34776f41900661a5c": "wall street of black america", - "5727983ddd62a815002ea16b": "european influence", - "56e04669231d4119001ac02f": "voiceless consonants", - "57098f5ced30961900e8431a": "interact", - "570dc39016d0071400510d59": "openness", - "56e161c3e3433e1400422e31": "kenneth young", - "56e0f607231d4119001ac4e7": "affordable mobile phone and internet services", - "572685955951b619008f756b": "west of the historic center central", - "5726edb4dd62a815002e9578": "four", - "56fdf63d19033b140034ce0f": "instructions that are repeated by the computer", - "56f8b0ae9b226e1400dd0e0f": "underground", - "5731b8a4e17f3d140042231b": "extraordinary sacrifice", - "570b24776b8089140040f78a": "they dont have to be relayed through a central point", - "572a213aaf94a219006aa81b": "anthropomorphic", - "5727bb374b864d1900163bcf": "woodward avenue", - "572801a52ca10214002d9b43": "eleven", - "570c5b53b3d812140066d17f": "the equivalent of a papal declaration of war", - "56e09ac47aa994140058e62d": "russian provisional government", - "56f9613f9b226e1400dd13f2": "jewish theological seminary", - "5730e932b7151e1900c015c3": "winslow wheeler", - "5732a7f71d5d2e14009ff87c": "huge lakes", - "56deed163277331400b4d828": "many christians", - "56f833afaef2371900625ef9": "stone age", - "56e14a14e3433e1400422d63": "joe pasternak", - "56be973d3aeaaa14008c9124": "mariah carey", - "56d9aa93dc89441400fdb6c4": "advanced", - "56e17f00e3433e1400422f86": "maxwell", - "5729247faf94a219006aa0e8": "plant toxins", - "57300eeb04bcaa1900d770cc": "english vernacular architecture", - "5726e7c7708984140094d56a": "benedict arnold", - "56e8e01299e8941900975eec": "oliver cromwell", - "5726b33af1498d1400e8e7f1": "animal physiology", - "56de3e40cffd8e1900b4b6df": "the vice president", - "5727009f5951b619008f8469": "comcast corporation", - "5727659a5951b619008f8963": "about a third", - "5727be66ff5b5019007d940c": "the influence of cubism extended", - "5726b9e55951b619008f7bfe": "english virginia company", - "5727cace3acd2414000dec7d": "pharmaceuticals", - "5727c8a0ff5b5019007d9545": "internal storage", - "57102369a58dae1900cd68f9": "deterring crime risks", - "5726f3cf708984140094d6cf": "south korea", - "5728071d4b864d190016427e": "qualitative", - "57278af2dd62a815002e9fd0": "royal box", - "570d3d19fed7b91900d45d79": "franco", - "572aafcd111d821400f38cc5": "poor allah", - "57278182dd62a815002e9f05": "more difficult reading", - "5727c293ff5b5019007d9488": "europe and asia", - "572413c70ba9f01400d97b6d": "republicanism", - "56de771dcffd8e1900b4b950": "executive editor", - "57312320a5e9cc1400cdbc88": "orange", - "5725cb6c271a42140099d1e7": "emergency aid and humanitarian response teams to disasters across the world", - "5725deea271a42140099d2c8": "carrasco", - "572e90e4cb0c0d14000f12be": "parallel computing", - "572eb23f03f9891900756971": "mighty earthquake", - "572a5371d562191400bc865f": "crimean and balkan regions", - "5727363d5951b619008f86cb": "new york metropolitan area", - "57271015dd62a815002e9896": "the local armenian population", - "57262a0bec44d21400f3db40": "trying to find a potential buyer for all of its operations in finland", - "572616c289a1e219009ac234": "the most successful", - "56bfa24ea10cfb14005511e5": "president obama", - "56e167b2e3433e1400422ea6": "a 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"5733e7014776f41900661485": "natural science and social science", - "57324f09e17f3d140042282d": "education", - "5726dde0f1498d1400e8edf8": "yales unusually large endowment", - "5727de2c4b864d1900163edc": "darwins theory of evolution by natural selection", - "56f9738c9e9bad19000a093e": "chemical composition", - "56cd8d2962d2951400fa66eb": "the ming dynasty", - "572ac63e34ae481900deaccf": "a kind of diplomatic attention deficit disorder", - "5728064bff5b5019007d9b21": "a journal of broad legal scholarship", - "5725b96289a1e219009abd78": "rome", - "57274b1df1498d1400e8f5cb": "dinosaurs", - "56fb92c78ddada1400cd650e": "latin", - "56e7963e37bdd419002c41ad": "third", - "572e91f8c246551400ce4361": "alcohol", - "5731dfa30fdd8d15006c65df": "coptic orthodox church of alexandria", - "5730289204bcaa1900d77279": "dean of the faculty of science", - "56f94c019b226e1400dd12fe": "riverside drive", - "570b51886b8089140040f877": "retired quietly to his farm in virginia", - "56e6d3336fe0821900b8ebab": "amber c", - "57279048708984140094e0fa": "american supreme court", - "572904aeaf94a219006a9f5a": "ted stevens anchorage international airport", - "57266dcf5951b619008f727b": "william ivy", - "56f6ee72711bf01900a44881": "complexity", - "5726fb48dd62a815002e96d7": "many proofs", - "570b56c06b8089140040f89d": "the tet offensive", - "5705e37175f01819005e76e0": "delhi", - "572fca2d04bcaa1900d76d39": "germany and italy", - "56dc610914d3a41400c2683f": "satellite dna", - "57099a75200fba14003681cb": "earthworms", - "572a31b73f37b3190047879f": "violent confrontations between the demonstrators in the new haven police occurred in several bombs were set off in the area by radicals", - "56e107fecd28a01900c67475": "armstrong", - "5725ca05ec44d21400f3d58c": "modern", - "5728166c4b864d190016444a": "atlantic ocean", - "572e8567cb0c0d14000f1239": "opposing captain", - "5725cf21ec44d21400f3d5f8": "four", - "5728d6633acd2414000dffdf": "saddam hussein", - "57302972b2c2fd140056899d": "romes military", - "570dea310b85d914000d7bce": "cultural norms and expectations as well as various socioeconomic factors", - "57319d4eb9d445190005e40b": "social sciences", - "56e15399cd28a01900c677dd": "james stewart", - "5726da40f1498d1400e8ed33": "iran", - "5731e228b9d445190005e60d": "square of the three powers", - "572fb32704bcaa1900d76c05": "unauthorized users from viewing or updating the database", - "572b8668f75d5e190021fe2c": "lithuanian", - "5709b50eed30961900e8443a": "erosion of the rocky mountains", - "572850e43acd2414000df8f3": "inconsistency", - "56dc7c9d14d3a41400c26900": "comprehensive", - "56d60ddf1c85041400946ef6": "international help", - "571ac6bc9499d21900609b0e": "allows the methods for circumventing pharmaceutical monopolies", - "56f89de79e9bad19000a01d1": "hot water aquifer", - "5707083f90286e26004fc821": "dolores", - "56f71177711bf01900a4490b": "partisans", - "572942763f37b319004781bb": "the history of misuse of racial categories", - "57288af83acd2414000dfabd": "muslims", - "57266c04f1498d1400e8df44": "triumph", - "56e780ac00c9c71400d771ca": "kansas state legislature", - "57265d27708984140094c3a4": "software noise reduction techniques", - "5726bc73dd62a815002e8ec6": "benjamin huntsman", - "57317f53a5e9cc1400cdbfd4": "primary schools to be abolished", - "56e03502231d4119001abfbf": "east india company", - "56f878f1a6d7ea1400e176b4": "the summits of many of the main passes", - "5726fc1c708984140094d7b3": "western diseases", - "5726608fdd62a815002e830f": "teaching worship and performing sacraments", - "56e85fee00c9c71400d77671": "standard german", - "56f8b1949e9bad19000a033a": "live up to this low lying", - "573173f6497a881900248f15": "two hundred", - "57344fec879d6814001ca4eb": "regulations", - "572fba31947a6a140053cbf0": "they became secondary to religious considerations", - "572fd5f8947a6a140053cd2c": "rome", - "572a8062f75d5e190021fb0f": "popular doctrines and beliefs have a common origin", - "56f8df189e9bad19000a064b": "half", - "5705e4f452bb891400689674": "moderate", - "572a211b3f37b3190047871a": "the surface of the planet", - "571d3dd45efbb31900334ee1": "individuals and public and private insurers", - "570c38b26b8089140040fc41": "continuing gold mining", - "571dfcde55697319006390e8": "gave children the social status of their mother", - "570c73d8b3d812140066d1f8": "spanish", - "56d1cda5e7d4791d009021ef": "karma", - "572943173f37b319004781cb": "cambridge massachusetts", - "56e6d7086fe0821900b8ebbc": "senior vice president for adult music", - "571b012e32177014007ea00e": "third largest oil reserves in the world", - "572fefaeb2c2fd140056860b": "sunni islam", - "572eb350c246551400ce452d": "rivers and coastlines", - "572790badd62a815002ea096": "flowering plants", - "57337520d058e614000b5b50": "much worse", - "572fa6bca23a5019007fc833": "anatolia", - "5728d6633acd2414000dffe0": "weapons of mass destruction", - "570b24296b8089140040f77c": "general hardware failure error report", - "56e76f9037bdd419002c3fab": "hazardous materials", - "56ea9a965a205f1900d6d381": "construction", - "56e162a3e3433e1400422e45": "boston garden", - "5733a8ffd058e614000b5f9b": "earthquakes", - "570d7d86b3d812140066d9f2": "a general staff", - "56ce31f5aab44d1400b8854b": "southern gothic", - "572806e03acd2414000df290": "greater london authority", - "56ddc68966d3e219004dace5": "internet archive", - "56d646091c8504140094705d": "live earthquake footage", - "5728b5f5ff5b5019007da527": "there are no such things", - "56e19b21e3433e140042300a": "by use of carbon monoxide", - "572956196aef051400154d0d": "enhanced geothermal systems", - "5727bb46ff5b5019007d939c": "the irish examiner", - "572bf9b1dfb02c14005c6b19": "british army", - "56f9ebe18f12f3190062fff9": "radio telecommunications sector", - "572911821d04691400779015": "communicate", - "571a8a964faf5e1900b8aa4a": "antony", - "57324b84e17f3d14004227fe": "operation downfall", - "570d7d86b3d812140066d9f4": "advancing infantry", - "57287f88ff5b5019007da27c": "it has fewer 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"57277a21f1498d1400e8f923": "without pay", - "5730846a069b53140083214b": "identical", - "572b928534ae481900deae9f": "high culture", - "57343a9f4776f41900661aaa": "west", - "56e7b49e00c9c71400d77533": "midway games", - "56dd006d66d3e219004dabb1": "forestry", - "57098a07ed30961900e842c3": "spain", - "5727c73cff5b5019007d94fc": "summer or at the end of the season", - "57269b6b708984140094cb76": "they will be soluble dissolving into the mixture", - "570ddf530b85d914000d7b87": "not directly related to sexual reproduction", - "5727ea07ff5b5019007d9860": "taft hotel", - "57262af9ec44d21400f3db82": "it would not be fair", - "573076138ab72b1400f9c50b": "translation efforts", - "572b749abe1ee31400cb83ae": "the exercise of reason and intellect", - "56f8bb289e9bad19000a03d0": "david", - "56f87d46aef23719006260fe": "late cretaceous period", - "57098503200fba140036811e": "yeshiva", - "572a10fe3f37b31900478691": "conflicting views", - "56fae0a58f12f3190063021c": "somali", - "56dcedee9a695914005b949b": "enhanced structural adjustment facility", - "5728339a2ca10214002da096": "talcott parsons", - "571e005cb64a571400c71e60": "cannot be racially categorized", - "572698f8708984140094cb43": "kingston", - "57278245f1498d1400e8fa2e": "the chief justice", - "57276f39f1498d1400e8f80a": "west haven harbor", - "56f71cd0711bf01900a4498a": "unless all parties to the treaty accepted the same reservations", - "5728cbea3acd2414000dfeae": "memorial day weekend", - "570d4eb5b3d812140066d677": "the events surrounding the unification of germany", - "5727cbba3acd2414000dec94": "george washington", - "5726de8ff1498d1400e8ee0f": "detection of prey attack capture and finally consumption", - "5731cb92e99e3014001e628f": "metaphors", - "57340e5dd058e614000b68bd": "policy of genocide", - "572f15a303f9891900756b8a": "the room stretching", - "57313b16e6313a140071cd53": "orthodox acts", - "56e834e000c9c71400d77637": "christian", - "57281ecd2ca10214002d9e42": "the civil service", - "570d7908fed7b91900d4618f": "declaration of war", - "56fae79e8f12f31900630290": "somalia", - "56f98f199e9bad19000a0ac9": "buddhism", - "572562c9cc50291900b28395": "isle of wight", - "570cf238fed7b91900d45b39": "a general response to stress conditions", - "572f70f1b2c2fd1400568126": "severe crashing or pinching pain", - "56ce726faab44d1400b88794": "ultra compact ipod shuffle", - "5731c52de17f3d14004223bf": "paramount pictures", - "572b5d20f75d5e190021fd9e": "no restrictions to reside in the united states also its territories", - "572f39d804bcaa1900d7679e": "fruit", - "5727e339ff5b5019007d97a2": "english", - "56daf479e7c41114004b4b94": "hollywood", - "573044a204bcaa1900d77442": "avery institute", - "57277a635951b619008f8ad4": "limitations on spending and internal safeguards", - "570d8943fed7b91900d461fb": "very shortest ranges", - "56d5db271c85041400946e41": "donating cash", - "57303e18a23a5019007fcff6": "coin toss", - "56e161bfcd28a01900c67849": "red stockings", - "57262c83ec44d21400f3db91": "weapon machine", - "56fdfa85761e401900d28c89": "typical personal computer peripherals included but the vices like the keyboard and mouse", - "5733a4c54776f41900660f2f": "six", - "57261c1f38643c19005ad00f": "outsourcing production", - "5706930552bb891400689a81": "ministry of urban development government of india", - "570a898d4103511400d59837": "former general sam houston", - "5726d74cf1498d1400e8ecae": "robert mcnamara", - "5726d8c9dd62a815002e9264": "harvard", - "572634c8271a42140099d763": "protestant", - "5709aa1f200fba1400368238": "self checkout machines", - "57277e4edd62a815002e9eb6": "traditions", - "572666af708984140094c4d8": "engineer designer", - "56cf1988aab44d1400b88d74": "manhattan", - "56de11834396321400ee25b0": "north island", - "56f8bd499e9bad19000a03ef": "a microscope", - "570d3c0eb3d812140066d5a6": "fort polk louisiana", - "56e071ca231d4119001ac155": "postage stamps", - "5730c960b54a4f140068cc5e": "directly", - "5733abe2d058e614000b5fe4": "moscow", - "56cfee5d234ae51400d9c0f8": "nine", - "572714d2708984140094d976": "international agency for research on cancer in the developing world", - "5726887d5951b619008f75fb": "video compression algorithms", - "572772ab708984140094ddc8": "education and justice departments", - "572733c0dd62a815002e9985": "vice president johnson", - "56cbff116d243a140015ee47": "less than a few blocks away", - "570714249e06ca38007e93b3": "big houses", - "57317e0505b4da19006bd1e9": "the arab islamic republic", - "57276a08f1498d1400e8f79f": "carnival", - "57278d02f1498d1400e8fbc7": "the building of a huge barrel", - "57262c2c271a42140099d6f0": "adopted styles", - "56f95f549b226e1400dd13cc": "amsterdam avenue", - "56e16494e3433e1400422e74": "many traits", - "5726bdacf1498d1400e8e9ba": "english", - "57267df65951b619008f7496": "ten", - "572a468aaf94a219006aa92b": "greece", - "5725c22dec44d21400f3d4e7": "jordan river", - "56deebdc3277331400b4d81d": "three", - "56d0f9af17492d1400aab6b9": "disciples", - "57269fcddd62a815002e8b4e": "bishop warburton", - "57277607f1498d1400e8f8bc": "tidewater region", - "57240b550ba9f01400d97b4d": "presbyterian church of scotland", - "56d261f359d6e41400145f37": "someone with an inner goodness that must be cherished", - "5726b794708984140094cedd": "chinese characters", - "57317f97e6313a140071cfca": "palestine in neighboring areas especially the constant indian mosaics in the central nave at bethlehem", - "570dc39016d0071400510d5b": "enjoyment", - "5727131c5951b619008f8583": "overall educational success", - "5726638ef1498d1400e8ddec": "visiting ships crews as well as british navy staff and their families", - "570fd72880d9841400ab36b5": "direct review", - "572a3764af94a219006aa8b4": "humans and animals", - "5726aba15951b619008f798f": "reflections on the revolution", - "572983b13f37b31900478469": "interior vocabulary", - "572ea840cb0c0d14000f13fd": "a bar", - "572a28b06aef051400155320": "the knights of columbus", - "570e5eae0dc6ce1900204fc2": "the melbourne shuffle", - "56bfacdda10cfb140055122b": "glory", - "56d6713f1c85041400947123": "earthquake prediction", - "5728e4102ca10214002daa48": "australian democrats", - "5727d8b22ca10214002d97f0": "four", - "573421e94776f41900661906": "south", - "56cd976762d2951400fa6764": "miyamoto", - "56dc552f14d3a41400c267cd": "half", - "57302f4004bcaa1900d77309": "denmark", - "56f733273d8e2e1400e3744c": "maximum effectiveness", - "572927efaf94a219006aa117": "internal subdivisions associated with grain boundaries", - "56fa3ec18f12f31900630109": "softwood", - "5707093790286e26004fc835": "headings", - "5728929aff5b5019007da30b": "canterbury university college of the university of new zealand in christchurch", - "5706493c52bb8914006899c8": "less efficient storage", - "572651775951b619008f6fc3": "fifteen", - "5728935fff5b5019007da316": "hoover institution at stanford university", - "571aa7d54faf5e1900b8abc2": "jerusalem", - "572766fdf1498d1400e8f77c": "chemicals obtained from the air soil and water", - "56e820ad37bdd419002c4447": "english language", - "5726434b271a42140099d7ff": "world war i", - "572edc2edfa6aa1500f8d477": "brazil", - "56d8e72adc89441400fdb3b5": "human rights abuses", - "57276d73f1498d1400e8f7e3": "reduction", - "572bd14c34ae481900deaf16": "north carolina", - "572ff31bb2c2fd140056863e": "bandwidth", - "5726097838643c19005acf6b": "customs", - "572eae2203f9891900756929": "higher", - "572ac437111d821400f38d3f": "john mccain", - "56d5fa0e1c85041400946e86": "alligators and pythons", - "57263cafec44d21400f3dc83": "two", - "572ff8b5b2c2fd1400568696": "philosophical novel", - "5728f4ab2ca10214002dab3a": "classic ballets", - "5727f926ff5b5019007d9999": "digitizing its collections", - "572e951fdfa6aa1500f8d184": "professional physicists and graduate students", - "56e098707aa994140058e609": "five autonomous hope lasts ten autonomous though crowds six", - "56dfc4ba231d4119001abdcf": "scottish science hall of fame", - "5706b8810eeca41400aa0da2": "satellite", - "56ddf07e9a695914005b96f4": "technology", - "57276d6add62a815002e9c9e": "fujiwara nobility", - "56f8bd719b226e1400dd0efa": "nucleus", - "56f8c6c89b226e1400dd0f9f": "geneva", - "570f96935ab6b81900390f2e": "daniel craig", - "57327e2db3a91d1900202db5": "arkansas national guard", - "570e82630b85d914000d7f6b": "melbourne in neighboring jill long city", - "572666475951b619008f71bd": "excessive interference", - "56dee6fcc65bf219000b3e0a": "monarch or governor general", - "5726d611708984140094d2e0": "anthrax", - "572ec8ffc246551400ce4680": "the french", - "5729052baf94a219006a9f5f": "anthropologists", - "570d3ebefed7b91900d45d90": "oranges", - "57301c8ea23a5019007fcd93": "desert palms park", - "5728929aff5b5019007da30a": "new zealand", - "572e87bedfa6aa1500f8d0cd": "on the exterior", - "572818a9ff5b5019007d9d24": "the mass grave", - "571df6a455697319006390d4": "because he has no slave blood in him", - "570c0dc5ec8fbc190045bc3c": "a short time", - "5732aa5bcc179a14009dabdd": "the crisis was avoidable", - "572f8b28b2c2fd14005681cd": "unclear strategy", - "572924f66aef051400154aa7": "crystal", - "572965381d0469140077939b": "tax and subsidy shifting", - "5734044cd058e614000b67bf": "sports exhibitions and livestock competitions are held", - "5726d521f1498d1400e8ec8d": "necessity", - "572ec68503f9891900756a08": "berlin", - "57097050200fba1400367ff2": "distributed denial of service", - "570bdc256b8089140040fa9c": "assigned special meanings", - "5726980cf1498d1400e8e499": "hanseatic league", - "570db7e416d0071400510d33": "three", - "5733b425d058e614000b60bc": "art", - "573427ac4776f419006619a7": "virtually all of the significant infectious agents of the human population have been identified", - "573193f005b4da19006bd2e4": "building temples", - "5726fca8f1498d1400e8f1c5": "the voltage", - "5726255e271a42140099d583": "dividing the korean peninsula", - "56cecd53aab44d1400b88a8a": "three days", - "5726801e708984140094c811": "older well educated women from the upper middle classes", - "572826b34b864d19001645d4": "hair", - "5730e35df6cb411900e24516": "humanitarian assistance operations", - "5726c713708984140094d13f": "extreme lengths", - "5727fa854b864d190016412d": "richard silverman", - "5730bdce069b5314008322e5": "rectangular", - "56fad9cef34c681400b0c167": "kenya", - "5728ad892ca10214002da5a7": "same species", - "57262f3689a1e219009ac520": "byzantine greek scholars", - "57269eab708984140094cbed": "pusan in southeast korea", - "5727e6ab4b864d1900163f93": "the relevant statutes", - "57258041cc50291900b28542": "lord salisbury", - "5732840c06a3a419008acab6": "secular religion of humanity", - "56cbfa0e6d243a140015ee2d": "his own paris apartment", - "5730e690f6cb411900e2452c": "language region and culture", - "572cbe52750c471900ed4d26": "tort law", - "5728247c4b864d1900164574": "sexually", - "56e1bf20e3433e1400423120": "mogadishu", - "573013ad947a6a140053d067": "that theme park", - "5726bb79f1498d1400e8e954": "anthony france", - "57317925497a881900248f4f": "apartheid in south africa", - "572f9fd104bcaa1900d76b03": "temperature index in composition", - "572a7889fed8de19000d5c58": "telemundo television studios", - "5731bbe8e17f3d1400422344": "every", - "5731bbf00fdd8d15006c64b7": "a historical role as a mediator", - "572ffd1b04bcaa1900d76fbf": "black sea", - "57341bc54776f41900661891": "thomas jefferson", - "572789cd708984140094e045": "united states", - "56e079df231d4119001ac1a1": "ascension island", - "56d966bbdc89441400fdb3ec": "tanzanias dar es salaam", - "57266327f1498d1400e8dde4": "the congregation", - "573437afd058e614000b6b31": "free", - "572847faff5b5019007da0c5": "population migrations", - "57283d0e2ca10214002da159": "communist party", - "570afdc16b8089140040f68c": "helicopters", - "5728b0f44b864d1900164c32": "popper", - "56cf657b4df3c31400b0d701": "through the wire", - "57312435497a881900248ba1": "hemoglobin", - "56e1397fe3433e1400422cd6": "urban and literary classes", - "56e7b4f737bdd419002c43b5": "three", - "57266ee0708984140094c5c7": "dublin", - "5729a24c1d0469140077959b": "warblers", - "56d4cee32ccc5a1400d8324b": "music streaming service tidal", - "56cedd04aab44d1400b88b3c": "this is the first time that the chinese media has lived up to international standards", - "572809fd4b864d19001642c5": "einstein", - "56d119ec17492d1400aab949": "northern", - "572791fb708984140094e12e": "appointed by the government", - "5727bd4d2ca10214002d9520": "the cambrian explosion", - "5709b0aaed30961900e84420": "president roosevelt", - "572fc145a23a5019007fc985": "english in foreign languages university", - "5706021475f01819005e7864": "by swimming", - "572803792ca10214002d9b7d": "single party", - "572ebd1903f98919007569ca": "factionalism", - "56e73e1137bdd419002c3df2": "congress", - "572670f2708984140094c616": "world womens wrestling association", - "56db0de5e7c41114004b4ce1": "ladbroke grove", - "572a13263f37b319004786a7": "indian philosophy and hindu philosophy", - "5709783fed30961900e841a7": "idealistic identification", - "57265aba5951b619008f7077": "french", - "56fa4e5e8f12f31900630114": "doors", - "56df54788bc80c19004e4ab1": "table lamp", - "57266792dd62a815002e83d2": "muslim", - "5726d944dd62a815002e927e": "compulsory licensing", - "5728cfb7ff5b5019007da70b": "hindu rule", - "5727e0dbff5b5019007d9761": "lower frequency range", - "573147d7e6313a140071cdb3": "eighteenth dynasty", - "57343fcfd058e614000b6b85": "the daily territorial", - "5726c98cdd62a815002e9040": "actively for praying pursue predation or sit and wait for prey to approach within striking distance", - "5725d27dec44d21400f3d633": "songs of the land of israel", - "573057fc2461fd1900a9cd97": "satire", - "57108a13b654c5140001f96c": "agronomist joseph black physicists and chemists", - "57277618dd62a815002e9d70": "greek", - "56df7f0156340a1900b29c38": "oklahoma city", - "5727b47d2ca10214002d945a": "pork barbecue", - "56f7c172a6d7ea1400e17268": "polish lithuanian commonwealth", - "5727d0e74b864d1900163dcc": "protocol", - "56df578c8bc80c19004e4ae0": "population concerns", - "56f85351aef2371900625fdb": "differing in many ways", - "57267b155951b619008f741a": "compression of human speech", - "5705fcd775f01819005e783b": "rupert murdoch", - "572696d45951b619008f7767": "saudi arabia", - "572803713acd2414000df233": "an ecumenical council", - "5728a5ce4b864d1900164b70": "annexation of austria by the german reich", - "572ea2bbc246551400ce4447": "academy of fine arts in venice", - "56e73fb737bdd419002c3dfd": "summer three hours during the southern summer", - "570f8bb680d9841400ab35b6": "westminster abbey", - "57295b726aef051400154d57": "made history by becoming the first black female diver to compete in the olympic games", - "57280f752ca10214002d9ce2": "the hygiene hypothesis", - "5726ac5b5951b619008f79ab": "hot", - "56de7dd64396321400ee296d": "heavyweight documentaries and documentary series", - "5728cc524b864d1900164e42": "professional athletes", - "56e0733b231d4119001ac170": "negative charge", - "57325ab8e99e3014001e6703": "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness", - "57310ae3e6313a140071cba2": "fifteen year mark", - "572ef06703f9891900756af7": "nobles and high officials", - "57277b03dd62a815002e9e0e": "ancient india", - "5727d5234b864d1900163e1e": "farmington canal", - "572fde67947a6a140053cd85": "polymerase chain reaction", - "572a1ef81d046914007797a5": "the universe would remain flat", - "5728cb174b864d1900164e3c": "garage rock", - "570d3941fed7b91900d45d4b": "nato", - "571a481910f8ca1400304fb6": "gradual emancipation", - "573403a24776f419006616f1": "ecstasy", - "570d80d7fed7b91900d461db": "one hundred hours", - "5725d09038643c19005acd87": "two", - "57070f6d90286e26004fc86f": "nearly a year", - "5726145189a1e219009ac211": "felix mendelssohn", - "5723f90ff6b826140030fd14": "john francis", - "56e07476231d4119001ac181": "hydrogen", - "56df47738bc80c19004e49e3": "wanted", - "5727762a708984140094de49": "north africa", - "5730359db2c2fd1400568a73": "radar", - "56de8d06cffd8e1900b4b9ec": "true lies", - "570af9f26b8089140040f666": "delay in communication", - "57301a30b2c2fd140056886d": "thousands", - "56dda5689a695914005b9582": "polytechnic", - "57100c2ea58dae1900cd680a": "regulating fear", - "572688895951b619008f7602": "hey hey", - "572a7e1af75d5e190021faee": "christian", - "57277f065951b619008f8b58": "ann arbor film festival", - "572969f03f37b31900478362": "frequency", - "5729c464af94a219006aa5f5": "secure blue", - "56df4e1796943c1400a5d359": "evolutionary force leading to the evolution of certain human characteristics", - "572675245951b619008f7334": "india", - "5733a866d058e614000b5f93": "linguistic anthropology", - "57061a1e75f01819005e7984": "represent the audio", - "572a93e6f75d5e190021fb72": "the dutch", - "56d12ceb17492d1400aabb5f": "horseback combat", - "572841f8ff5b5019007da020": "bank of england", - "570a01776d058f1900182c5e": "an expressway system", - "57100c99a58dae1900cd6814": "lethal injection", - "56e14538e3433e1400422d20": "public life and education", - "56e16a26e3433e1400422ed8": "henry cavendish", - "56e02a437aa994140058e2e1": "print", - "56de679e4396321400ee2893": "alexandra palace in london", - "57101326a58dae1900cd6865": "identity labels", - "56cbf7d16d243a140015ee24": "keyboard technique", - "57335048d058e614000b5837": "a variety", - "572b7822f75d5e190021fdf0": "human understanding", - "56cf54f0aab44d1400b89016": "during", - "57266e09f1498d1400e8df83": "kantors", - "5726bc56708984140094cfa3": "triglycerides", - "5719e93110f8ca1400304e98": "june to september", - "573011ac947a6a140053d037": "pattern books and inexpensive suites of engravings", - "57277f55f1498d1400e8f9ec": "three", - "570e5eae0dc6ce1900204fc1": "melbourne", - "572e5cc5c246551400ce421a": "musical conventions and wider cultural affiliations", - "570d9c7616d0071400510bee": "artificial intelligence", - "56f8db919b226e1400dd1108": "new neurons are created", - "5726a6ff5951b619008f792f": "frankfurt school", - "570d7217b3d812140066d951": "ceiling", - "57324f330fdd8d15006c6958": "macarthur", - "5728c1523acd2414000dfda7": "latvia and lithuania", - "571aa39d10f8ca1400305224": "henry", - "56fdee67761e401900d28c57": "computers assembly language", - "56e146bde3433e1400422d34": "fort lee new jersey", - "571078d1a58dae1900cd69c3": "erudition", - "572ab4c1f75d5e190021fc5c": "philadelphia soul", - "5709a3e9ed30961900e843aa": "franklin d. roosevelt", - "5731ced00fdd8d15006c655d": "to discourage japanese militarism", - "572eba61c246551400ce45a0": "his followers", - "56dfe2d27aa994140058e21f": "renamed", - "5726dccf708984140094d407": "the pope", - "57319e32e99e3014001e6189": "argentina", - "57292c3b6aef051400154b3d": "sounder", - "57343a9f4776f41900661aa9": "monument avenue", - "572857772ca10214002da2a7": "intervene in the world", - "5727f0a62ca10214002d9a07": "raymond of toledo", - "56e0f607231d4119001ac4e8": "banking activities", - "56d1283617492d1400aabac2": "artificial intelligence", - "572f714b04bcaa1900d7695c": "huge portions of the former russian empire", - "5726ebd5708984140094d606": "friends", - "56df4ae18bc80c19004e4a22": "united nations fund for population activities", - "56d1358ee7d4791d0090200a": "understanding", - "57070f0c9e06ca38007e9355": "grand canyon", - "5726ede3f1498d1400e8f01c": "opponents", - "56df680f8bc80c19004e4be1": "large mammal", - "56df63bb96943c1400a5d4bf": "national memorial institute for the prevention of terrorism", - "5731bb00e99e3014001e6219": "sacrifice", - "56dc7a7b14d3a41400c268df": "denominational basis of the schools", - "56daf1b9e7c41114004b4b55": "in season can", - "56cc66326d243a140015ef9b": "france", - "5726559d5951b619008f6ff9": "she fell down some stairs at windsor", - "5730db52b7151e1900c01575": "pacific islands forum", - "57281515ff5b5019007d9cb4": "the european union", - "5709c499ed30961900e84483": "greenback", - "5731cf22e99e3014001e62d1": "lifetime", - "572913b8af94a219006aa03b": "increased optical dispersion", - "5727e58aff5b5019007d97d3": "both county and municipal governments", - "57326341e99e3014001e674f": "dewitt clinton high school", - "570d94c3fed7b91900d46243": "the andes mountain range of south america", - "5733a55a4776f41900660f3c": "five", - "572833d64b864d190016470c": "playstation home is a virtual three d social networking service for the playstation network", - "57322ed7b9d445190005e8a3": "strictly enforced", - "57326423e99e3014001e6763": "jehovahs", - "5705f66d52bb89140068974c": "retract", - "57268b01708984140094c98f": "nine", - "5731e22ae99e3014001e63ae": "plumage", - "56f9fcfbf34c681400b0bf36": "thin", - "573223b4e99e3014001e6548": "prolonged massive unemployment", - "573271ece17f3d1400422983": "chinese hard line", - "572ec189cb0c0d14000f150b": "some of the others attempted to constrain what they saw as his excesses", - "5731d56fe17f3d1400422471": "pentecostal movement", - "572970446aef051400154eb2": "santa rosalia", - "573124bb497a881900248bb7": "possessing ultraviolet u v sensitive con cells in the eye", - "5728b21f2ca10214002da5f4": "estonian volunteers in finland", - "56e748ba00c9c71400d76f42": "the library", - "572801dd2ca10214002d9b4b": "sovereign debt", - "572657e8f1498d1400e8dc92": "mercury", - "5728ca7a2ca10214002da7e7": "corresponds to the facts", - "5727f4544b864d190016409a": "zero", - "5726c29a5951b619008f7d7b": "north africa", - "570da87816d0071400510c61": "snow", - "56fde89119033b140034cdb1": "victoria university of manchester", - "56be973d3aeaaa14008c9120": "ten", - "57301c4fb2c2fd1400568892": "peoples redemption council", - "573243d0e99e3014001e65ef": "freshman", - "56e75cd337bdd419002c3eee": "adolf loose", - "5727dd873acd2414000dee69": "first and second unabomber", - "56ce0f42aab44d1400b8841e": "piano", - "570a596e6d058f1900182d87": "university of london", - "5733766ed058e614000b5b62": "taoism buddhism and confucianism", - "56d5c9061c85041400946dca": "genetic ailments", - "56d1271017492d1400aaba9d": "conception to death", - "57295c05af94a219006aa319": "bermuda rugby union team", - "5727624e5951b619008f892a": "linear perspective", - "5726f847f1498d1400e8f15f": "university of paris", - "5727aabd3acd2414000de937": "national basketball association", - "5733e009d058e614000b6487": "clinical", - "572eb435cb0c0d14000f1492": "three years", - "56e146bde3433e1400422d32": "yankee film company", - "572a8d8e111d821400f38bed": "john maynard keynes", - "572f9e8204bcaa1900d76af8": "ceramic roof tiles", - "5727d7992ca10214002d97d5": "health", - "5725c70dec44d21400f3d543": "glass or quartz", - "56e163afe3433e1400422e62": "national football league", - "570d6ae5fed7b91900d46052": "significant distances", - "572ed1e0dfa6aa1500f8d409": "emergency power will lower the elevators to the lowest landing and open the doors to allow passengers to exit", - "56f714ef711bf01900a44920": "imperial russians", - "57271305f1498d1400e8f331": "vivendi", - "56cf318aaab44d1400b88e00": "day of the dead", - "572812723acd2414000df3c6": "greater london", - "5726adef5951b619008f7a05": "political and moral", - "572959aaaf94a219006aa302": "cricket football rugby football and even tennis and rowing", - "570b4b85ec8fbc190045b96c": "removed hussein from power", - "56d37bf859d6e414001464f5": "adam lambert", - "56e13ab5e3433e1400422cdf": "french", - "5731bc54e17f3d140042234b": "death", - "57277dfddd62a815002e9eaf": "the ann arbor civic ballet", - "5730ee0ce6313a140071cac2": "wings", - "572826292ca10214002d9f1d": "the newfoundland rock", - "57264c445951b619008f6f43": "paid advertising", - "572f99a7a23a5019007fc7c2": "sixteen", - "5727236a5951b619008f8660": "nutritional recommendations", - "56d108f917492d1400aab7b6": "jazz", - "56f98b729b226e1400dd154a": "the land of fish and rice", - "56d10fb217492d1400aab877": "north", - "572634c8271a42140099d765": "albert pike", - "56d62acb1c85041400946f55": "humans and dogs", - "5709e9336d058f1900182c1b": "the acrobatic", - "56db6621e7c41114004b508f": "coronation single", - "57281515ff5b5019007d9cb6": "one", - "572e92c5c246551400ce4368": "coin tosses", - "56f8daad9b226e1400dd10fe": "the sahara", - "57343306d058e614000b6b02": "chesterfield", - "57316b98e6313a140071cf24": "state of the masses", - "56e1307acd28a01900c67686": "three", - "5728155d3acd2414000df413": "twice", - "573045c504bcaa1900d7744c": "forbidden", - "57276b5b708984140094dd39": "poetry and literature", - "570b6430ec8fbc190045b9cc": "keith moon", - "570b198fec8fbc190045b81f": "continuous presence", - "5727860fdd62a815002e9f74": "women", - "572bd5c1dfb02c14005c6ad7": "appalachian trail", - "570c2b766b8089140040fbbc": "office of personnel management", - "57324f0de99e3014001e6698": "voting", - "56ce2752aab44d1400b884d4": "california academy of sciences in san francisco", - "57257e8fcc50291900b28537": "typhoid fever", - "57318a93497a881900248ff4": "reason", - "5726d8f6708984140094d36f": "civil", - "57278126708984140094df5b": "domestic animals", - "5726a342f1498d1400e8e598": "four years", - "57261520271a42140099d44c": "genetic", - "572eaf28dfa6aa1500f8d2c1": "low earth orbit", - "57275d775951b619008f88cf": "human", - "572632a838643c19005ad2cf": "islam", - "57296aa66aef051400154e46": "niels bohr", - "57269c73708984140094cbb7": "the political conceptions of islam", - "572772165951b619008f8a12": "students for fair admissions and offshoot of the project on fair representation", - "5733b5344776f419006610de": "notre dame", - "57267521f1498d1400e8e052": "secret identities in favor of celebrity status", - "57325fade17f3d14004228fd": "eight millionaires", - "5726fd98708984140094d7d5": "logic and metaphysics", - "56dd1bb366d3e219004dabd2": "paris", - "572fadc5947a6a140053cb5f": "first", - "572b69e434ae481900deadea": "western association of schools and colleges", - "570b2aab6b8089140040f7c3": "high failure rate", - "5710e0c2a58dae1900cd6b18": "governance", - "5726b731dd62a815002e8dc9": "slow down", - "56f88f71aef237190062619e": "minerals", - "573058df069b53140083209a": "four", - "57310f4ae6313a140071cbcd": "league of nations council", - "5709fca24103511400d594db": "the great ground", - "57302ed0947a6a140053d245": "etymology and metaphysics", - "5726a1d5708984140094cc64": "political", - "572940fe6aef051400154bff": "native americans", - "5731639ce6313a140071cec4": "eighty million", - "5732481fb9d445190005e9a5": "declined", - "56d5d6521c85041400946e16": "neutering", - "56f7607aa6d7ea1400e17223": "electric guitar", - "56e8ed4f0b45c0140094cd79": "leicester cathedral", - "5726ef205951b619008f82c0": "to surprise the reader", - "572a4d0f1d046914007798ea": "the economics department rejected hutchins pressure to hire high and high and became a part of the new committee on social thought", - "572eee7903f9891900756aef": "forced by law to wear white collared clothes and pay high commercial taxes", - "572823804b864d1900164550": "guglielmo marconi", - "57062b9075f01819005e7a22": "eleven", - "5731877f05b4da19006bd237": "public services and documents", - "57313429a5e9cc1400cdbcdc": "feathers", - "5727570ddd62a815002e9b57": "four", - "5726bc4cdd62a815002e8ebd": "the high court of australia", - "5726ea905951b619008f8258": "macys", - "56de84e34396321400ee29d8": "bbc vision", - "5727e25f3acd2414000deefb": "the value of these code points", - "56d53bf82593cc1400307b01": "regulations", - "57260c2e38643c19005acf81": "isis", - "57266200708984140094c44f": "increasingly prolonged dry periods during the summer months", - "5726ac66dd62a815002e8c97": "philip francis", - "5723eae00dadf01500fa1f9e": "her royal residences", - "56dd39ee66d3e219004dac89": "office of the prime minister", - "56fb68ac8ddada1400cd63e4": "mayor of aegean", - "56e7882837bdd419002c40cc": "civil and environmental engineering", - "5728132f4b864d19001643d9": "three", - "5731f9fa0fdd8d15006c66a9": "secretive consultations", - "57264984f1498d1400e8db27": "eastern germany", - "5732ae23cc179a14009dabfd": "africa", - "570e69280dc6ce190020503f": "ford", - "572aa4ef34ae481900deabff": "february", - "56f8f36a9b226e1400dd11e7": "world war i", - "56d120b717492d1400aaba06": "suffering anxiety dissatisfaction", - "5726de80dd62a815002e9354": "american zone", - "5727ed31ff5b5019007d98b6": "yang chanting performed without magical timing is accompanied by resonant dramas in low sustained syllables. other styles include those unique to the various schools of tibetan", - "5726e2f1708984140094d4cf": "german democratic republic", - "56de848f4396321400ee29cc": "little angels one", - "5706ab2075f01819005e7cef": "chicago", - "5709b6d7ed30961900e84450": "texas commerce tower", - "5726fbaedd62a815002e96f7": "quantum of action", - "56db2e2de7c41114004b4eeb": "randy jackson", - "5726fbaedd62a815002e96f4": "classical statistical mechanics", - "57302230a23a5019007fce13": "side effects", - "56f8275aaef2371900625e47": "thirteen", - "572fa6bca23a5019007fc834": "imperial russian army", - "57268d025951b619008f765e": "idiosyncratic cheers at baseball games", - "572e8f2edfa6aa1500f8d135": "nasa", - "56f722b5711bf01900a449cc": "protocol", - "5726cb77708984140094d18c": "chinese characters", - "57278a97f1498d1400e8fb5a": "monte rosa", - "56fb896db28b3419009f1e16": "portugal", - "5730a66b2461fd1900a9cf49": "decided its censorship policies were no longer needed", - "56d13b3ae7d4791d00902049": "satire and irony", - "5727f23f2ca10214002d9a1a": "lightly", - "5726b9d1f1498d1400e8e8fe": "through plant breeding", - "5725b39bb80e561500fa6f45": "three", - "573031aa04bcaa1900d77335": "loading coil", - "572a392aaf94a219006aa8c7": "second constitutional era", - "572a9e1bf75d5e190021fba7": "the lieutenant governor", - "5730a3b12461fd1900a9cf21": "threefold", - "572a39e11d0469140077986f": "standard call letter naming convention", - "5706158575f01819005e7961": "episode twelve", - "572653d0708984140094c28d": "jacksonville", - "56db1ae3e7c41114004b4d20": "carrie underwood", - "5726494f708984140094c170": "discounters", - "56ddee0866d3e219004dae1e": "personal religion", - "56f83708aef2371900625f1e": "some", - "5729ffedaf94a219006aa745": "energy", - "5726dc5add62a815002e9313": "three", - "570b56026b8089140040f894": "soviet union", - "5731106ee6313a140071cbd9": "cricket", - "57271342f1498d1400e8f338": "saint petersburg", - "5730b096396df9190009629d": "male", - "5731434205b4da19006bcf85": "increased performance", - "5730299db2c2fd14005689a8": "five", - "5733e8ccd058e614000b6572": "communist sympathies", - "5726dfa9708984140094d44c": "stalin", - "5727ca7a2ca10214002d9657": "michigan central railway tunnel", - "573409bed058e614000b683a": "hudson bay", - "56de58b94396321400ee283c": "for statistical convenience", - "5726cbf65951b619008f7e65": "national polytechnic institute", - "572a8747be1ee31400cb807c": "prima facie", - "56dc798714d3a41400c268d3": "vocational school system", - "56e81ee337bdd419002c4436": "vulgar latin", - "570715649e06ca38007e93cf": "mexico city", - "57285a642ca10214002da2b4": "the discovery that the universe is infinitely old", - "5705e5c275f01819005e7719": "kings way", - "5724e3020a492a1900435656": "tories", - "572723b8dd62a815002e9958": "static", - "56f71cd0711bf01900a44987": "inconsistent with the goals and purposes of the treaty", - "57266e0b708984140094c5ab": "royal navy", - "5727abedff5b5019007d923f": "commonplace", - "572f0580dfa6aa1500f8d576": "almost no transmission lost", - "5727772ff1498d1400e8f8dd": "the reconstruction era", - "56d38dcc59d6e41400146762": "thursday and friday", - "5731c1cb0fdd8d15006c650d": "social harmony and prosperity", - "570fd72880d9841400ab36b6": "appellate court", - "5719f8ef4faf5e1900b8a85c": "relax height limits", - "57268408708984140094c8a0": "may", - "5731ca06e17f3d14004223f8": "mountainous terrain in southwestern china", - "572807b63acd2414000df2a8": "quantum mechanics", - "56e477998c00841900fbafa2": "perfection or originality", - "5706d4f80eeca41400aa0e60": "a", - "572f2607947a6a140053c7e0": "safety reasons", - "5709add7ed30961900e843f9": "increased immigration", - "56de848f4396321400ee29ca": "dvd", - "57101cc5a58dae1900cd68a1": "supreme governor", - "572f56ddb2c2fd140056804b": "other warlords did not acknowledge the transitory governments in this period and were a law unto themselves", - "57312c7b05b4da19006bce42": "through oral history and through archaeological investigations", - "56de66c1cffd8e1900b4b878": "plymouth university", - "572ca3ebf182dd1900d7c809": "ten", - "572ff3d3a23a5019007fcba3": "san diego bay", - "5726323e89a1e219009ac54c": "americans", - "57312e3305b4da19006bce5e": "desalination plants", - "572f96dd04bcaa1900d76ab8": "hyderabad securities", - "570b09a96b8089140040f702": "tbilisi", - "572fc6fbb2c2fd1400568454": "five", - "570e45630b85d914000d7dd5": "seventeen", - "5719d3af4faf5e1900b8a815": "maritime strike", - "5726be28f1498d1400e8e9df": "nineteenth century", - "56cf6b6f4df3c31400b0d76c": "taylor swift", - "570dee850b85d914000d7bf3": "males", - "5726ce2fdd62a815002e90dc": "europe", - "572675a3dd62a815002e85b4": "russia", - "572ab5f7be1ee31400cb81bb": "republican candidate former state representative called w. cronin and conservative democrats roger key. durkin who ran as an independent", - "57276074f1498d1400e8f71c": "as an outlet for their daily frustrations", - "570a5f2f4103511400d59695": "the second chemical revolution", - "5728c8373acd2414000dfe47": "pepper adams", - "57320fc50fdd8d15006c673f": "patches", - "5731223aa5e9cc1400cdbc6e": "mongolian", - "57065bea75f01819005e7b82": "dispute over licensing right", - "5724e0140a492a190043564b": "john browns", - "5725c6cd271a42140099d19d": "fifteen", - "56dede26c65bf219000b3d85": "california hydrogen highway network", - "56e77bc037bdd419002c4019": "architecture schools", - "570b51886b8089140040f874": "logistics", - "5730b2e62461fd1900a9cfbc": "super game boy", - "571a095c4faf5e1900b8a87a": "the highest percentage", - "5726129e38643c19005acfb5": "her husband prince albert", - "56d64c331c85041400947080": "cutting corners in school construction", - "5732860f57eb1f1400fd2d7b": "late fifteenth century", - "56f8dcbe9e9bad19000a061c": "queen elizabeth", - "56fa85dd8f12f3190063016f": "the united kingdom", - "56d10ec717492d1400aab85b": "architecture", - "571aaf0f10f8ca14003052e1": "his own personal gain", - "5726ba1add62a815002e8e59": "third largest", - "572cbacef182dd1900d7c82e": "the law of civil procedure", - "572616c289a1e219009ac232": "arsenal ladies", - "5731e1b0e99e3014001e63a6": "don bosco", - "57286a254b864d19001649b8": "afghanistan", - "5726d581dd62a815002e91b6": "christianity", - "5730ef4205b4da19006bcc64": "it is doubtful", - "5732549b0fdd8d15006c69ca": "economic", - "572655ecdd62a815002e81dc": "an interview", - "572fb217947a6a140053cb9f": "moscow", - "56e8fd9c99e8941900975f64": "englands oldest altarpiece", - "571cf8175efbb31900334e66": "formaldehyde", - "5728f8484b864d1900165140": "maintaining the household", - "56e01bf5231d4119001abf2a": "the last judgment in the sistine chapel", - "572fce1404bcaa1900d76d68": "after independence", - "56bed5983aeaaa14008c94f3": "sandy hook elementary school shooting", - "5727c17c3acd2414000debc8": "new haven athletic center", - "573255b8e17f3d14004228a2": "supreme commander of the north atlantic treaty organization nato", - "56de4ded4396321400ee27c3": "three", - "56f98c609e9bad19000a0a99": "armenia", - "57251c250ba9f01400d97c5d": "pennsylvania", - "572973313f37b319004783f6": "be", - "57280018ff5b5019007d9a97": "the germans", - "572f3e7d04bcaa1900d767be": "perhaps already having symbiotic companion plant relationships with them", - "5709a209ed30961900e84399": "not hispanic or latino", - "56e767c200c9c71400d770c2": "design professionals and client representatives", - "57325614e17f3d14004228ab": "nixon", - "572829073acd2414000df5db": "layers of rock could be dated by the fossils", - "570fefd85ab6b819003910e9": "british cabinet", - "56cf6b6f4df3c31400b0d76e": "lady gaga", - "57326051e17f3d1400422906": "ten million", - "56d5357b2593cc1400307add": "fertility clinics", - "572fe570947a6a140053cdc4": "nation or community", - "570a85944103511400d59803": "late west saxon", - "57284ab33acd2414000df8b4": "decades", - "56e8379037bdd419002c44aa": "south", - "572848c23acd2414000df888": "in the new testament", - "57275b0a5951b619008f88aa": "across the world", - "57284a61ff5b5019007da10e": "backward compatibility", - "570c244fec8fbc190045bc8c": "some former members of the nine eleven commission publicly criticized the f b i in october two thousand five claiming it was resisting any meaningful changes", - "57323785b9d445190005e8db": "two", - "56ddd84066d3e219004dad20": "the county of flanders", - "572e99cbc246551400ce43be": "the ongoing division of cyprus", - "5725c35f38643c19005acc87": "great european immigration", - "570c2a5eec8fbc190045bcf4": "state local and international agencies", - "570e53690b85d914000d7e3b": "high population growth", - "572a2b821d04691400779805": "the future", - "572a9ed7f75d5e190021fbac": "immigrants", - "57099bc1ed30961900e84371": "nearly seven million", - "57304141b2c2fd1400568b05": "x factor", - "572e7fd1cb0c0d14000f11d0": "anatolia", - "572bf5e2dfb02c14005c6b05": "spanish", - "57324575e99e3014001e660b": "zane grey", - "5725ea3089a1e219009ac098": "the port", - "5727b5bb4b864d1900163b04": "metropolitan regions employment and economic center", - "57363285012e2f140011a20b": "fifty to one hundred times", - "5729499d1d04691400779255": "abraham lincoln", - "56beb9203aeaaa14008c92d2": "american society of composers authors and publishers pop music awards", - "57279a47708984140094e1fb": "yerevan", - "5727423f708984140094db79": "cambridge massachusetts", - "5731e1420fdd8d15006c65f6": "flourish", - "5726e11bf1498d1400e8ee79": "rain forest", - "570c2375ec8fbc190045bc7a": "the country was jolted by the revelations", - "570d3df1b3d812140066d5ce": "ulysses grant", - "57341cf4d058e614000b6966": "montana has no sales tax", - "5727a8874b864d19001639bb": "ratified", - "573422a84776f41900661920": "colony", - "5733f6a4d058e614000b6690": "standing terraces", - "56d53d9a2593cc1400307b0a": "five largest cities", - "570e30ec0dc6ce1900204e57": "eritrean liberation front", - "57267d1fdd62a815002e86f7": "the classical era", - "572e7de1dfa6aa1500f8d037": "astrophysicist", - "5727af0cff5b5019007d927c": "conservatism", - "56dff3097aa994140058e2b1": "charles dickens", - "57280839ff5b5019007d9b6e": "catholic emancipation", - "5729f80c6aef051400155166": "energy", - "572a30906aef05140015534a": "the shelter of the early people", - "572685c3f1498d1400e8e298": "japan and australia", - "57316f8d05b4da19006bd162": "turkey and greece", - "56e7a23000c9c71400d77447": "gregorian calendar", - "572792d6dd62a815002ea0c6": "hard rubber", - "56e101c8cd28a01900c6741d": "contemporary society", - "57251b2c0a492a1900435703": "on a volume of sacred law", - "572e808d03f98919007566e6": "trinity", - "572814934b864d1900164407": "tennis", - "56f8dbf69b226e1400dd1119": "christian", - "5726d8f6708984140094d373": "religious", - "572eb5bddfa6aa1500f8d2e9": "if the harm is believed to be likely", - "5725c7df89a1e219009abe94": "sovereign territory", - "56fdfd72761e401900d28c92": "supercomputers", - "5726d229708984140094d255": "china", - "5728ae4d4b864d1900164c16": "johnny miller", - "5733f914d058e614000b66dc": "appeal", - "572862ab2ca10214002da2cd": "southern", - "56df812d56340a1900b29c7c": "consonants", - "57269b01dd62a815002e8ae0": "somalian samoa", - "57271689f1498d1400e8f375": "hyper insulin", - "56e78bd100c9c71400d77285": "pacific daylight time", - "56e070687aa994140058e4c5": "western armenian", - "57111b3aa58dae1900cd6c46": "icon", - "572fc34fb2c2fd1400568413": "cricket", - "572fe75e04bcaa1900d76e79": "selective toxicity", - "57326001e99e3014001e673c": "korean war", - "56d375b859d6e41400146469": "terminal stage", - "56f8a5a89b226e1400dd0d45": "the middle ages", - "57267521f1498d1400e8e04e": "stars of the fantastic four", - "57361c88012e2f140011a1a7": "state agencies", - "5728b4224b864d1900164c66": "boston and new york", - "573143cd05b4da19006bcf8f": "to symbolize the blood of christ and the christian martyrs", - "57293f201d046914007791ec": "foreign policy", - "5727dd912ca10214002d9859": "imperfect", - "57317ace497a881900248f6c": "pyramid", - "573368a6d058e614000b5a6d": "leeward side", - "5725ce2e271a42140099d20c": "greek", - "572ecc85cb0c0d14000f158a": "tempered", - "572fee2f04bcaa1900d76ed8": "operation cherry blossoms", - "572e7aa8dfa6aa1500f8d00f": "the american game", - "56e793ad00c9c71400d772f8": "time zone differences", - "5719dfda4faf5e1900b8a830": "puget sound", - "56cec4d0aab44d1400b88a0f": "earthquake prediction was a global issue", - "57268b01708984140094c990": "eighteen", - "56eab6715a205f1900d6d439": "africa", - "572849242ca10214002da248": "extremist groups promoting militancy", - "57280059ff5b5019007d9aa0": "south asia", - "57264ba3dd62a815002e80b6": "harrods", - "572761fe5951b619008f8918": "nine", - "56d369ca59d6e41400146323": "season three", - "571ae9d332177014007e9fe5": "divinity of jesus", - "572e9091cb0c0d14000f12ad": "convert attempts", - "5726e0c2f1498d1400e8ee64": "catholic", - "56d1070517492d1400aab778": "five families", - "5726a066708984140094cc33": "water pollution", - "5725b3556a3fe71400b89538": "seattle washington", - "57293b841d04691400779193": "naval innovations", - "56f9f187f34c681400b0bf02": "years", - "571101b2b654c5140001faa0": "egalitarianism", - "5733e8cb4776f419006614b3": "tottenham", - "5727d6e7ff5b5019007d9693": "ten", - "56f8e8659e9bad19000a06f4": "the ottoman empire", - "5727d66c3acd2414000dedc9": "fourth of june", - "570c634eb3d812140066d1c3": "november", - "56f953f49b226e1400dd1327": "english", - "570fde875ab6b8190039108a": "ceo", - "57344599acc1501500babd63": "humans were hunters", - "570629cf75f01819005e7a0e": "ramada", - "56d269b759d6e41400145f98": "doctrinal disagreements", - "56cc643d6d243a140015ef8b": "headphone amplifier", - "573198110fdd8d15006c63bf": "two", - "5727636af1498d1400e8f742": "lack nuclei", - "5729a2d53f37b31900478536": "eastern gray squirrel", - "5726b6a0f1498d1400e8e87f": "disruption", - "56cf5376aab44d1400b88fdb": "every five years", - "5728c6c4ff5b5019007da678": "nile valley", - "56e7b76a00c9c71400d77551": "confucius temple", - "56d1900ee7d4791d00902065": "southerners", - "56f6fa48711bf01900a448b5": "trumpet", - "572816302ca10214002d9d98": "ukrainian independence day", - "5725c6a489a1e219009abe78": "banking", - "56e15bbfe3433e1400422e00": "kings chapel", - "5735be65e853931400426b16": "smallpox", - "57292188af94a219006aa0d0": "at least one tenth", - "572757e15951b619008f887e": "during the summer months", - "57316c55a5e9cc1400cdbf45": "italy", - "5731ddefb9d445190005e5d8": "professor", - "570c25306b8089140040fb69": "his deputies", - "572e9be5cb0c0d14000f1354": "a bad bank which would be wound down over time in a good bank which would be absorbed by the bank of cyprus", - "56e7a7dc37bdd419002c42d4": "increase", - "57291a91af94a219006aa079": "mammalian", - "57304982a23a5019007fd07c": "to provide customers with the best experience first and allow them to make decisions themselves", - "570dbab2df2f5219002ed126": "worst", - "5728b90e4b864d1900164cd8": "marty stuart vince gill and ricky skaggs", - "573360d64776f41900660929": "to ensure the wines quality", - "570c2b91ec8fbc190045bd11": "southern cross station", - "572805962ca10214002d9bbb": "they champion the talent of the individual", - "572a9804be1ee31400cb8097": "house of commons", - "56f868b4a6d7ea1400e175e1": "mayflower", - "572ea7e9dfa6aa1500f8d268": "united nations security council", - "56df983d38dc4217001520ac": "san francisco", - "572f1256cb0c0d14000f1762": "look out", - "5719d3af4faf5e1900b8a813": "seattle general strike", - "5730187d947a6a140053d0d5": "an upscale outdoor shopping mall", - "571a2ee410f8ca1400304f40": "for its social and economic advantages", - "57326b2be99e3014001e678b": "southeast asia", - "56e6ceb06fe0821900b8eb90": "adult contemporary", - "572fcc11947a6a140053ccd5": "linear", - "57265e2ff1498d1400e8dd6b": "elton john", - "570e5e200dc6ce1900204fb7": "the monarch", - "572fe88104bcaa1900d76e84": "morse", - "5726d35edd62a815002e917d": "germany and the soviet union", - "573257fb0fdd8d15006c69f5": "wisconsin", - "572ab241be1ee31400cb818b": "it becomes law without his signature", - "5731d079e99e3014001e62dd": "unique religious distinction public status and privileges and could exercised considerable political influence", - "570aabda4103511400d5990c": "williams tower", - "570d9a31df2f5219002ed012": "germany", - "5727790a708984140094de96": "armadillos", - "572727b8708984140094da85": "employees associated with unions", - "5726ccd2f1498d1400e8eb90": "government of mexico city", - "571043a1a58dae1900cd6990": "thomas hobbes", - "572fa2e1a23a5019007fc7fe": "winston churchill", - "5710218bb654c5140001f827": "columbia law school", - "57098dc3ed30961900e842ff": "absolute divine authorship", - "56f7488caef2371900625ab0": "kosovo", - "56f8ad589e9bad19000a02d5": "halstead street", - "570d6c96b3d812140066d8cc": "christian jewish and muslim", - "56fb942cb28b3419009f1e55": "sweden", - "56d523bd2593cc1400307aa9": "less severe than initially feared and it remains structurally stable and safe", - "5727cc87ff5b5019007d957c": "louisiana", - "5728162d4b864d1900164441": "platinum", - "56cd7ab462d2951400fa660d": "glasgow scotland", - "57317ace497a881900248f69": "arrest", - "56d1e224e7d4791d0090233d": "suffering", - "572f2049a23a5019007fc4a2": "japanese fishing village", - "572834212ca10214002da0aa": "greece ireland italy and spain", - "5727fa303acd2414000df139": "urban", - "57276f32708984140094dd71": "natural", - "573258d2e17f3d14004228d2": "federal and state", - "5726e7ab708984140094d55f": "chinese spring offensive", - "56cfe836234ae51400d9c065": "brooklyn", - "5727be76ff5b5019007d9414": "new haven register", - "57100ee5a58dae1900cd6838": "danish", - "57195bbec0b6ea1900a093de": "the apology for his flight", - "56ded8513277331400b4d761": "brigitte nielsen", - "5726c81ef1498d1400e8eb16": "chinese", - "572f68b3a23a5019007fc5e2": "apparent value", - "5733c6d84776f41900661208": "inappropriate antibiotic treatment and overuse of antibiotics", - "56f7c6e1aef2371900625c00": "to slaughter or to butcher", - "5727ad89ff5b5019007d9262": "rotational speed", - "56cbd4c56d243a140015ed7e": "paris salons", - "5726b28edd62a815002e8d38": "meteoric iron", - "57327dd5b3a91d1900202dac": "civil rights commission", - "56de33fc4396321400ee2694": "john locke", - "570d5b15fed7b91900d45f13": "otto von bismarck", - "5727c9733acd2414000dec62": "as a prominent and respected name in science", - "57324966b9d445190005e9b9": "lieutenant general", - "5733fd57d058e614000b672d": "green field of play", - "57324734e99e3014001e662e": "regularly", - "57278f89708984140094e0e0": "minimal", - "56e7627c37bdd419002c3f1d": "length and width", - "57265eaf708984140094c3cd": "education and lifelong learning", - "572b7304f75d5e190021fddf": "the church established cathedral schools", - "56cf5e35aab44d1400b89149": "flute and violin", - "572890ab3acd2414000dfb34": "number one", - "573044d5a23a5019007fd031": "electromagnetic wave", - "56f74f1ba6d7ea1400e17188": "modernism", - "57062dc675f01819005e7a2a": "to develop a new roadway", - "57344947acc1501500babd94": "country", - "5727852d708984140094dfdd": "the ann arbor business review", - "56cfee38234ae51400d9c0ee": "judaism", - "573228d1b9d445190005e867": "legal rights", - "5706a92752bb891400689b33": "acid house", - "572b883cf75d5e190021fe33": "several colleges", - "56d96901dc89441400fdb412": "republic day celebrations", - "5730956e396df919000961c5": "experiential", - "572fc3f3947a6a140053cc76": "british rule", - "5725d10a89a1e219009abf40": "diversity of its population", - "572f52dc947a6a140053c884": "a symptom", - "5733addf4776f41900661009": "higher educational institutions", - "56fae8008f12f31900630298": "silver", - "572a7a17be1ee31400cb802a": "the port of miami", - "572792e6dd62a815002ea0d4": "transition to autonomy", - "56e104b7e3433e1400422ace": "ecumenical councils", - "57279b65ff5b5019007d90da": "columbias masterwork", - "570cf297b3d812140066d36e": "energy", - "57303fb704bcaa1900d77405": "marion square", - "56f7c779aef2371900625c0d": "lithuania", - "572696dff1498d1400e8e48e": "chinese political philosophy", - "56f8c7d79e9bad19000a04b4": "mens fitness magazine", - "570d4299fed7b91900d45dd3": "four", - "5709e2fb6d058f1900182bf2": "value of gold", - "572a5088fed8de19000d5b93": "east", - "5730be1f8ab72b1400f9c751": "southern namibia", - "57302834a23a5019007fceab": "foreign aid", - "56f8d4ee9b226e1400dd10b3": "winter", - "572687385951b619008f75d5": "frank miller" + "56be4db0acb8001400a502ec": "carolina panthers", + "56be4db0acb8001400a502ed": "carolina panthers", + "56be4db0acb8001400a502ee": "santa clara california", + "56be4db0acb8001400a502ef": "denver broncos", + "56be4db0acb8001400a502f0": "golden", + "56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d1": "the golden anniversary", + "56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d3": "american football conference", + "56bea9923aeaaa14008c91b9": "the golden anniversary", + "56bea9923aeaaa14008c91ba": "american football conference", + "56beace93aeaaa14008c91df": "denver broncos", + "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e0": "revive stadium", + "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e1": "santa clara", + "56beace93aeaaa14008c91e2": "Favorable", + "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94fe": "santa clara", + "56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94ff": "revive stadium", + "56d20362e7d4791d009025e9": "denver broncos", + "56d20362e7d4791d009025ea": "carolina panthers", + "56d20362e7d4791d009025eb": "denver broncos", + "56d600e31c85041400946eb0": "denver broncos", + "56d600e31c85041400946eb1": "santa clara california", + "56d9895ddc89441400fdb50e": "super bowl", + "56d9895ddc89441400fdb510": "denver broncos", + "56be4e1facb8001400a502f9": "four", + "56beaa4a3aeaaa14008c91c2": "arizona cardinals", + "56beaa4a3aeaaa14008c91c3": "new england patriots", + "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91e9": "arizona cardinals", + "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ea": "new england patriots", + "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91eb": "new england patriots", + "56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ec": "four", + "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c950a": "four", + "56bf159b3aeaaa14008c950b": "new england patriots", + "56d2045de7d4791d009025f4": "arizona cardinals", + "56d2045de7d4791d009025f5": "four", + "56d2045de7d4791d009025f6": "arizona cardinals", + "56d6017d1c85041400946ec1": "arizona cardinals", + "56d6017d1c85041400946ec2": "arizona cardinals", + "56d98a59dc89441400fdb52b": "arizona cardinals", + "56be4eafacb8001400a50302": "miller", + "56be4eafacb8001400a50303": "fourth", + "56be4eafacb8001400a50304": "The broncos", + "56beab833aeaaa14008c91d2": "miller", + "56beab833aeaaa14008c91d3": "five", + "56beab833aeaaa14008c91d4": "The broncos", + "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f4": "three", + "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f5": "miller", + "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f6": "three", + "56beae423aeaaa14008c91f7": "fourth", + "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9511": "miller", + "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9513": "linebacker", + "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9514": "five", + "56bf17653aeaaa14008c9515": "fourth", + "56d204ade7d4791d00902604": "five", + "56d601e41c85041400946ece": "three", + "56d601e41c85041400946ecf": "three", + "56d601e41c85041400946ed0": "phone bill", + "56d601e41c85041400946ed2": "linebacker", + "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53b": "three", + "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53c": "three", + "56d98b33dc89441400fdb53e": "five", + "56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c9200": "bruno mars", + "56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951e": "bruno mars", + "56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951f": "third", + "56d98c53dc89441400fdb548": "bruno mars", + "56d6edd00d65d21400198251": "an important game", + "56d98d0adc89441400fdb54e": "an important game", + "56be5438acb8001400a5031c": "new orleans mercedes benz superdome", + "56beb03c3aeaaa14008c920d": "life stadium", + "56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9580": "life stadium", + "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198254": "three", + "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198255": "new orleans", + "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198257": "new orleans", + "56d6ee6e0d65d21400198258": "life stadium", + "56d98db6dc89441400fdb554": "life stadium", + "56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921d": "new orleans", + "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9525": "ten times", + "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9528": "five", + "56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9529": "the florida legislature", + "56d6ef6a0d65d21400198262": "new orleans", + "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55a": "new orleans", + "56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55c": "the florida legislature", + "56be5523acb8001400a5032d": "revive stadium", + "56be5523acb8001400a50330": "san diego", + "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9225": "boston", + "56beb2153aeaaa14008c9229": "san diego", + "56d6f0770d65d2140019826c": "boston", + "56be572b3aeaaa14008c9052": "john fox", + "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c922f": "ten", + "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9230": "ten", + "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9231": "carolina panthers", + "56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9233": "john fox", + "56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953a": "ten", + "56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953d": "ten", + "56d6f1190d65d21400198272": "one", + "56d6f1190d65d21400198273": "one of four teams to have made appearances in the super bowl", + "56d6f1190d65d21400198276": "ten", + "56d99179dc89441400fdb56c": "one", + "56d99179dc89441400fdb56d": "four", + "56d99179dc89441400fdb570": "john fox", + "56be59683aeaaa14008c9058": "kelvin benjamin", + "56be59683aeaaa14008c9059": "kelvin benjamin", + "56beb3083aeaaa14008c923e": "carolina panthers", + "56beb3083aeaaa14008c923f": "Ten", + "56beb3083aeaaa14008c9240": "Ten", + "56beb3083aeaaa14008c9241": "kelvin benjamin", + "56d6f2000d65d2140019827c": "kelvin benjamin", + "56d6f2000d65d2140019827d": "kelvin benjamin", + "56d6f2000d65d2140019827f": "Ten", + "56d9943fdc89441400fdb576": "carolina panthers", + "56d9943fdc89441400fdb578": "carolina panthers", + "56d9943fdc89441400fdb57a": "Ten", + "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9247": "two", + "56beb3a03aeaaa14008c924b": "ryan leyland", + "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960e": "wide receiver", + "56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960f": "jonathan stewart", + "56d6f2960d65d21400198286": "five", + "56d6f2960d65d2140019828a": "nine", + "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925e": "four", + "56beb4343aeaaa14008c925f": "mario hannifin", + "56d6f3500d65d21400198291": "josh norman", + "56d6f3500d65d21400198292": "three", + "56d6f3500d65d21400198293": "five time pro bowler who with the nfl an active career fact leader with one hundred thirty fifth", + "56d6f3500d65d21400198294": "josh norman", + "56d9992fdc89441400fdb59f": "jared alan", + "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9265": "gary kubiak", + "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9267": "indianapolis coffin", + "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9268": "san diego chargers", + "56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9269": "wade phillips", + "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954d": "four", + "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954e": "gary kubiak", + "56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954f": "indianapolis coffin", + "56d6f4030d65d2140019829a": "gary kubiak", + "56d6f4030d65d2140019829b": "peyton manning", + "56d6f4030d65d2140019829e": "four", + "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5c8": "peyton manning", + "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5c9": "peyton manning", + "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5ca": "john who have one for divisional championships in his four years this broncos head coach and the hiring of gary kubiak", + "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5cb": "peyton manning shotgun passing phil faith traveled with numerous changes they injuries to the office of flying", + "56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5cc": "wade phillips", + "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927b": "Running back fee. Jane. Anderson", + "56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927c": "Anderson", + "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956d": "fifth", + "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956e": "ronnie hillman", + "56bf38383aeaaa14008c956f": "Running back", + "56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a6": "Anderson", + "56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a7": "ten", + "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d8": "Anderson", + "56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d9": "Anderson", + "56beb6533aeaaa14008c9290": "brendan marshall", + "56beb6533aeaaa14008c9291": "two", + "56bf3e803aeaaa14008c9588": "linebacker", + "56bf3e803aeaaa14008c9589": "linebacker", + "56d6fea90d65d214001982af": "brendan marshall", + "56d6fea90d65d214001982b0": "brendan marshall", + "56d6fea90d65d214001982b2": "two", + "56d99da8dc89441400fdb5fd": "find miller", + "56d99da8dc89441400fdb5ff": "brendan marshall", + "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a1": "arizona cardinals", + "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a2": "arizona cardinals", + "56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a4": "four", + "56bf34293aeaaa14008c9559": "arizona cardinals", + "56d701280d65d214001982b8": "arizona cardinals", + "56d701280d65d214001982ba": "arizona cardinals", + "56d701280d65d214001982bc": "seven", + "56d99e78dc89441400fdb616": "arizona cardinals", + "56d99e78dc89441400fdb619": "arizona cardinals", + "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ab": "pittsburgh steelers", + "56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ad": "new england patriots", + "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9561": "The broncos", + "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9563": "new england patriots", + "56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9565": "The broncos", + "56d7018a0d65d214001982c2": "pittsburgh steelers", + "56d7018a0d65d214001982c5": "new england patriots", + "56d99f99dc89441400fdb628": "pittsburgh steelers", + "56d99f99dc89441400fdb629": "pittsburgh steelers", + "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b5": "david", + "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b6": "broken arm", + "56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b7": "eleven", + "56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9576": "arm", + "56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9579": "super bowl", + "56d703d10d65d214001982d6": "eleven", + "56d703d10d65d214001982d7": "broken arm", + "56d9a026dc89441400fdb632": "david", + "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92be": "john elway", + "56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c1": "broncos", + "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9591": "broncos", + "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9592": "john elway", + "56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9594": "Peyton manning", + "56d704430d65d214001982e0": "Peyton manning", + "56d704430d65d214001982e1": "john elway", + "56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63e": "Peyton manning", + "56d9a0eadc89441400fdb640": "Peyton manning", + "56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92cb": "john miller", + "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959b": "john miller", + "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959c": "john miller", + "56bf41013aeaaa14008c959e": "quarterback", + "56d7096b0d65d214001982fe": "john miller", + "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92dc": "chicago bears", + "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92dd": "linebacker", + "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92de": "elway", + "56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92df": "broncos", + "56bf6c3e3aeaaa14008c9615": "linebacker", + "56bf6c3e3aeaaa14008c9617": "elway", + "56d709ef0d65d21400198306": "rivera", + "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e5": "baltimore ravens", + "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e8": "baltimore ravens", + "56beba103aeaaa14008c92e9": "field director", + "56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a5": "baltimore ravens", + "56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a6": "field director", + "56d70adc0d65d21400198311": "baltimore ravens", + "56d70adc0d65d21400198314": "their plea fearing the game", + "56d9a419dc89441400fdb678": "baltimore ravens", + "56d9a419dc89441400fdb679": "natural", + "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92f9": "pittsburgh steelers", + "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fb": "atlanta falcons", + "56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fc": "white", + "56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ae": "atlanta falcons", + "56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95af": "white", + "56d70ccc0d65d2140019831d": "ron wyden", + "56d70ccc0d65d2140019831f": "pittsburgh steelers", + "56d9a637dc89441400fdb698": "blue", + "56d9a637dc89441400fdb699": "blue", + "56d9a637dc89441400fdb69a": "blue", + "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9303": "stanford university", + "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9304": "stanford university", + "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9305": "santa clara", + "56bebb293aeaaa14008c9306": "santa clara", + "56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b7": "stanford university", + "56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b8": "stanford university", + "56d70d240d65d21400198326": "stanford university", + "56d70d240d65d21400198328": "stanford university", + "56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a0": "stanford university", + "56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a2": "stanford university", + "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9316": "super bowl v", + "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9318": "super bowl f", + "56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9319": "barges", + "56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95be": "fifth super bowl fifty", + "56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95c0": "arabic", + "56d70daa0d65d21400198333": "arabic numerals", + "56d70daa0d65d21400198334": "fifth super bowl", + "56d9a7addc89441400fdb6a8": "arabic", + "56d9a7addc89441400fdb6ab": "arabic numerals fifth super bowl fifty as opposed to super bowl i. The youth of roman numerals will be reinstated", + "56bebc383aeaaa14008c931f": "gold", + "56bf52483aeaaa14008c95c7": "gold", + "56bf52483aeaaa14008c95c8": "gold", + "56d70e570d65d2140019833e": "Golf balls", + "56d9b01fdc89441400fdb6d4": "golden", + "56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9326": "San francisco", + "56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95ce": "embarcadero", + "56d7145c0d65d2140019834d": "embarcadero", + "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ec": "embarcadero", + "56d9b389dc89441400fdb6f0": "The annual nfl experience", + "56bebd713aeaaa14008c932f": "temporary university", + "56bebd713aeaaa14008c9331": "week", + "56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d4": "pep", + "56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d5": "city council", + "56d714cd0d65d21400198356": "santa clara convention center", + "56d714cd0d65d21400198358": "city council", + "56d714cd0d65d21400198359": "city council", + "56d9b43edc89441400fdb701": "city council", + "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9335": "monday", + "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9336": "tuesday", + "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9337": "henry", + "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9338": "jose", + "56bebde53aeaaa14008c9339": "golden gate bridge", + "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95d9": "tuesday", + "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95da": "tuesday afternoon prior to the game with moved to the monday", + "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95db": "opening night", + "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95dc": "golden gate bridge", + "56bf57043aeaaa14008c95dd": "jose", + "56d71bd80d65d2140019835e": "tuesday afternoon prior to the game", + "56d71bd80d65d21400198360": "opening night", + "56d71bd80d65d21400198361": "february first twenty fifteen aircraft fender enough and jose", + "56d71bd80d65d21400198362": "golden gate bridge", + "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb708": "monday", + "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb709": "opening night", + "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70a": "golden gate bridge", + "56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70b": "golden gate bridge", + "56bebe873aeaaa14008c933f": "fifth super bowl program", + "56bebe873aeaaa14008c9341": "dignity health", + "56bebe873aeaaa14008c9343": "chevron", + "56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e5": "sponsors", + "56d71cb60d65d21400198368": "fifth", + "56d9b5ffdc89441400fdb720": "fifth super bowl program", + "56d71d150d65d2140019836e": "super bowl", + "56bec0353aeaaa14008c934d": "vince lombardi", + "56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95ed": "vince lombardi trophy", + "56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95ef": "gold", + "56d71d9d0d65d21400198374": "vince lombardi trophy", + "56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9358": "tracy wolfman and evan washburn", + "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f7": "three", + "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f8": "united states", + "56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95fb": "sidelines", + "56d71ed50d65d2140019837d": "three", + "56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb744": "cameras and microphones", + "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9362": "raul allegra", + "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9363": "alvaro martin", + "56bec1823aeaaa14008c9365": "spanish", + "56bf6d343aeaaa14008c961b": "the nfl", + "56d71fc00d65d21400198389": "raul allegra", + "56d9ba95dc89441400fdb758": "alvaro martin and raul allegra", + "56bec2013aeaaa14008c9371": "nfl mobile service", + "56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9622": "watches", + "56d7205e0d65d21400198392": "nfl mobile service", + "56d9bc13dc89441400fdb75e": "watches", + "56d720c70d65d21400198397": "special episode", + "56bec3153aeaaa14008c938b": "long time", + "56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9638": "Nintendo", + "56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9639": "Nintendo", + "56d721af0d65d214001983a0": "Nintendo", + "56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb769": "Nintendo", + "56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9398": "death wish coffee", + "56bec38b3aeaaa14008c939a": "nine", + "56bf71e73aeaaa14008c963f": "death wish coffee", + "56bf71e73aeaaa14008c9640": "nine", + "56d722330d65d214001983a7": "death wish coffee", + "56d722330d65d214001983a8": "nine", + "56d9be16dc89441400fdb771": "death wish coffee", + "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93a9": "life of pathan", + "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93ab": "the shadows", + "56bec4343aeaaa14008c93ac": "resurgent", + "56d723560d65d214001983ad": "the shadows", + "56d723560d65d214001983ae": "the debut trailer for jason bourne", + "56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77b": "dead 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"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fe": "national anthem", + "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93ff": "academy award", + "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9400": "american sign language", + "56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9401": "american", + "56d20650e7d4791d00902614": "lady gaga", + "56d7253b0d65d214001983d4": "lady gaga", + "56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c4": "lady gaga", + "56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c5": "Fifth", + "56bec7353aeaaa14008c940e": "british", + "56d725790d65d214001983da": "associated press", + "56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d2": "him for the weekend", + "56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d3": "Bruno mars", + "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9417": "panthers", + "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9418": "andre caldwell", + "56bec7a63aeaaa14008c941b": "andre caldwell", + "56d728a10d65d21400198414": "seth thompson", + "56d728a10d65d21400198416": "the death of faith", + "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7d8": "panthers", + "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7d9": "andre caldwell", + "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7da": "peyton manning", + "56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7dc": "the death of faith", + "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942c": "jericho", + "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942d": "john miller", + "56bec8243aeaaa14008c942e": "jackson", + "56d728e00d65d2140019841e": "mutants hands", + "56d728e00d65d2140019841f": "john miller", + "56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e8": "john miller", + "56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e9": "jackson", + "56d729180d65d21400198429": "jordan nor", + "56d9c6e0dc89441400fdb7f4": "one yard touchdown run", + "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9446": "linebacker", + "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9447": "michael birth live to fumble well being tackled by fifty diary and fewer with linebacker danny tripp", + "56bec9133aeaaa14008c9448": "danny tripp", + "56d729ec0d65d21400198430": "michael birth", + "56d729ec0d65d21400198431": "the panthers", + "56d9c79edc89441400fdb804": "michael birth", + "56d9c79edc89441400fdb806": "danny tripp", + "56d9c79edc89441400fdb807": "recovered on the broncos forty yard line", + "56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9458": "cory brown", + "56d7282f0d65d21400198409": "cory brown", + "56d9c92bdc89441400fdb811": "Lloyd", + "56d9ca0adc89441400fdb823": "one", + "56beca913aeaaa14008c946e": "josh norman", + "56beca913aeaaa14008c946f": "josh norman", + "56beca913aeaaa14008c9471": "fowler", + "56d726b60d65d214001983ea": "several players", + "56d726b60d65d214001983eb": "several players still for a fifth of the long down backwards and was recovered by a warrant", + "56d726b60d65d214001983ec": "newton", + "56d726b60d65d214001983ed": "josh norman", + "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb833": "familiar", + "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb834": "josh norman", + "56d9cb47dc89441400fdb835": "three", + "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9481": "five", + "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9483": "four", + "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9484": "david", + "56becaf93aeaaa14008c9485": "four", + "56d7270c0d65d214001983f4": "one", + "56d7270c0d65d214001983f6": "Brown", + "56d7270c0d65d214001983f7": "Fenders", + "56d7270c0d65d214001983f8": "david", + "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb842": "Fender", + "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb843": "Miller", + "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb844": "all four of his field goal making him perfect on all eleven", + "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb845": "four", + "56d9ccacdc89441400fdb846": "four", + "56becb823aeaaa14008c948d": "baltimore ravens", + "56becb823aeaaa14008c948f": "newton", + "56d7277c0d65d21400198401": "chicago bears", + "56d7277c0d65d21400198402": "buffalo", + "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84e": "carolina", + "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84f": "chicago bears", + "56d9cd9adc89441400fdb850": "two", + "5733a5f54776f41900660f45": "the nobel prize", + "5733a5f54776f41900660f46": "Famous musician", + "5733a5f54776f41900660f47": "seven months old", + "57336755d058e614000b5a3c": "royal garden", + "57336755d058e614000b5a3e": "end of the park", + "57337ddc4776f41900660bbc": "otter fever and hundreds of bird species", + "57337ddc4776f41900660bbd": "a lot of small", + "57337ddc4776f41900660bbe": "freemen of plants", + "57337ea24776f41900660bd0": "Demographically", + "57337ea24776f41900660bd1": "jewish", + "57339555d058e614000b5df4": "university of technology", + "57339555d058e614000b5df6": "medical university of wars", + "57339902d058e614000b5e71": "over two million", + "573399b54776f41900660e64": "infrastructure", + "573399b54776f41900660e66": "solid economic growth and increase in foreign investment as well as funding from the european union", + "573399b54776f41900660e67": "improved markedly", + "57339a554776f41900660e74": "holland", + "57339a554776f41900660e75": "children's memorial health institute", + "57339a554776f41900660e78": "developed", + "57339ad74776f41900660e86": "international contemporary music festival", + "57339ad74776f41900660e88": "palace of culture", + "57339ad74776f41900660e89": "national philharmonic hall", + "57339ad74776f41900660e8a": "fun festival", + "57339c16d058e614000b5ec6": "great fathi the fat thin garden", + "57339dd94776f41900660ecd": "thousands", + "57339dd94776f41900660ecf": "when they would be married", + "57339dd94776f41900660ed0": "farah", + "57339eb9d058e614000b5ef8": "effective", + "57339eb9d058e614000b5ef9": "some paintings", + "57339eb9d058e614000b5efa": "farm", + "5733a1854776f41900660f0a": "warsaw uprising museum", + "5733a1854776f41900660f0d": "They theme of independence", + "5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2c": "last weekend of september", + "5733a32bd058e614000b5f34": "two", + "5733a45d4776f41900660f24": "fountain statue", + "5733a45d4776f41900660f27": "authoritative", + "5733a560d058e614000b5f77": "captured the mermaid", + "5733a560d058e614000b5f78": "the death of the ocean", + "5733a560d058e614000b5f79": "on the coast of denmark", + "5733a560d058e614000b5f7b": "captured", + "5733a6ac4776f41900660f58": "warsaw", + "573312fcd058e614000b56e6": "economist intelligence unit", + "573312fcd058e614000b56e8": "wide variety of industry", + "573312fcd058e614000b56e9": "european union agency for external border security", + "5733140a4776f419006606e4": "has survived many wars conflict than invasion throughout the long history", + "573314e3d058e614000b56f0": "roman catholic", + "573314e3d058e614000b56f1": "polish academy of sciences", + "573314e3d058e614000b56f2": "rathbone town", + "573314e3d058e614000b56f3": "architectural", + "573314e3d058e614000b56f4": "luxurious parks in royal garden", + "57332442d058e614000b5722": "fisherman", + "57332442d058e614000b5723": "fifth of poland", + "5733266d4776f41900660714": "religious freedom", + "5733266d4776f41900660715": "central location", + "57332a734776f41900660728": "napoleon's army", + "57332b66d058e614000b575c": "red army", + "57332c1e4776f4190066073b": "hitler", + "57332c1e4776f4190066073e": "almost a month", + "57332e48d058e614000b5762": "the red army", + "57332e48d058e614000b5764": "august", + "57332f81d058e614000b5777": "prefabricated", + "573330444776f4190066075a": "less than a year", + "573330444776f4190066075b": "i mended his family with a call to renew the faith of poland", + "573330444776f4190066075c": "the incentive for the democratic changes", + "5733314e4776f4190066076e": "high feather", + "57335c20d058e614000b58f9": "two", + "57335c20d058e614000b58fd": "worth of parkman", + "57335ddbd058e614000b5930": "former fled", + "57335ddbd058e614000b5931": "valley and ground depressions", + "57335ddbd058e614000b5932": "The right thigh", + "57335ddbd058e614000b5933": "pine forest", + "57335fcad058e614000b5970": "the turbulent history of the fabian country", + "57335fcad058e614000b5971": "During the second world war", + "57335fcad058e614000b5972": "After liberation", + "57335fcad058e614000b5973": "Leopold", + "57335fcad058e614000b5974": "eastern bloc countries", + "573361404776f4190066093c": "Gothic", + "573361404776f4190066093e": "Gothic", + "573361404776f4190066093f": "renaissance", + "573362b94776f41900660976": "rococo", + "573362b94776f41900660977": "neoclassical architecture", + "5733638fd058e614000b59e8": "bourgeois", + "5733638fd058e614000b59e9": "communist authorities", + "5733638fd058e614000b59ea": "socialist realism", + "5733638fd058e614000b59ec": "most distinctive buildings", + "5733647e4776f419006609ae": "There are also many places", + "5733647e4776f419006609b0": "The war thought", + "5733647e4776f419006609b1": "the children who served as messengers in front line troops", + "5733647e4776f419006609b2": "worth of rising", + "573368044776f41900660a29": "green", + "573368e54776f41900660a53": "the location of wars within the border region", + "573368e54776f41900660a54": "southern city border", + "57337f6ad058e614000b5bce": "better only because they lived in the capital", + "57337f6ad058e614000b5bcf": "residency registration", + "573380e0d058e614000b5be9": "county's lawyer for the eighth", + "57338160d058e614000b5bf9": "Council members", + "57338160d058e614000b5bfb": "every four years", + "57338160d058e614000b5bfc": "committees", + "57338255d058e614000b5c0d": "president", + "57338255d058e614000b5c10": "city council", + "573382d24776f41900660c39": "emerging market index have noted forsyth economic strength in commercial fender. Moreover the lord foul with ranked as the seventh grade if emerging markets", + "5733834ed058e614000b5c2a": "polish united workers party", + "573383d0d058e614000b5c37": "daily", + "573166ede6313a140071cef3": "poland", + "5732b6b5328d981900602021": "poland", + "56ddde6b9a695914005b9628": "france", + "56ddde6b9a695914005b962b": "rollo", + "56dddf4066d3e219004dad5f": "william the conqueror", + "56dddf4066d3e219004dad60": "richard i", + "56dddf4066d3e219004dad61": "christian", + "56dde0379a695914005b9636": "a colony", + "56dde0ba66d3e219004dad77": "the river saying", + "56dde27d9a695914005b9651": "catholicism", + "56dde27d9a695914005b9652": "north", + "56dde2fa66d3e219004dad9b": "fighting horsemen", + "56dde3aa9a695914005b9661": "michael", + "56dde3aa9a695914005b9662": "gargano", + "56de0daecffd8e1900b4b596": "william iron", + "56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59a": "robert", + "56de0ed14396321400ee257a": "norman noble", + "56de10b44396321400ee2595": "turkish forces", + "56de11154396321400ee25aa": "norman", + "56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c4": "the adriatic", + "56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5ca": "normandy", + "56de16ca4396321400ee25c5": "battle of hastings", + "56de1728cffd8e1900b4b5d7": "anglo saxon language", + "56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5db": "irish", + "56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5dc": "each other's language culture", + "56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e0": "edgar", + "56de3cd0cffd8e1900b4b6bf": "Norman", + "56de3d594396321400ee26ca": "hereford", + "56de3d594396321400ee26cb": "the well", + "56de3dbacffd8e1900b4b6d2": "wales", + "56de3ebc4396321400ee26e8": "jerusalem", + "56de3f784396321400ee26fd": "richard the lionheart", + "56de40da4396321400ee2709": "silver", + "56de41504396321400ee2714": "richard the lionheart", + "56de41504396321400ee2716": "double", + "56de49564396321400ee277a": "africa", + "56de4a474396321400ee2786": "ancient country", + "56de4a474396321400ee2787": "two", + "56de4a89cffd8e1900b4b7bd": "architectural history of the region", + "56de4a89cffd8e1900b4b7be": "rounded", + "56de4b074396321400ee2795": "italy", + "56de4b5c4396321400ee279a": "duke", + "56de4c324396321400ee27ab": "embroideries", + "56de51244396321400ee27ef": "metalwork", + "56de52614396321400ee27fb": "southern italy", + "56de52614396321400ee27fe": "thinking", + "56df9e2838dc4217001520f8": "american", + "56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b9": "american", + "56e0b94b7aa994140058e6bb": "electrical engineer", + "56df9ee138dc421700152109": "thomas edison", + "56df9ee138dc42170015210a": "george westinghouse", + "56df9ee138dc42170015210b": "new york city", + "56df9ee138dc42170015210c": "war of parents", + "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c2": "thomas edison", + "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c3": "new york city", + "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c4": "george westinghouse", + "56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c5": "real life", + "56dfa01738dc42170015211f": "mechanical oscillators generators", + "56e0bab7231d4119001ac35b": "colorado springs", + "56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb9": "new york hotel", + "56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebba": "an archetype of mad scientists", + "56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cf": "showmanship", + "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc1": "croatia", + "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc2": "janitors", + "56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc4": "his mother", + "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36b": "militant", + "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36e": "identity memory and creative abilities", + "56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36f": "his mother", + "56dfa1d34a1a83140091ebd4": "five", + "56dfa1d44a1a83140091ebd6": "german", + "56e0c0c7231d4119001ac379": "pastor", + "56dfa24a38dc421700152143": "german", + "56dfa24a38dc421700152144": "integral calculus", + "56dfa24a38dc421700152145": "shooting", + "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d6": "he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher", + "56e0c1617aa994140058e6d8": "german", + "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf2": "bedridden", + "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf3": "nine months", + "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf4": "to enter the priesthood", + "56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf5": "enter the priesthood", + "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e0": "bedridden", + "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e1": "nine months", + "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e2": "to enter the priesthood", + "56e0c2307aa994140058e6e3": "to enter the priesthood", + "56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfd": "mark twain", + "56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfe": "mountains", + "56dfa3394a1a83140091ec00": "starve", + "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac389": "drafted", + "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38b": "explored the mountains", + "56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38c": "mark twain", + "56dfa3c338dc421700152155": "austrian polytechnic", + "56dfa3c338dc421700152157": "gambling", + "56dfa3c338dc421700152158": "He never graduated from the university", + "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ae": "gambling back his initial losses and returning the balance to his family", + "56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3af": "killed", + "56dfa7887aa994140058dfaa": "to hide the fact that he dropped that fool", + "56dfa7887aa994140058dfab": "draft", + "56dfa7887aa994140058dfac": "severed all relations with his family", + "56dfa7887aa994140058dfad": "nervous breakdown", + "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e717": "december", + "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e718": "he dropped that fool", + "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e71a": "playing cards", + "56e0ccaa7aa994140058e71b": "nervous breakdown", + "56dfaa047aa994140058dfc0": "throw", + "56dfaa047aa994140058dfc1": "fire", + "56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c1": "old fool fire real gymnasium", + "56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c2": "he died of a throw", + "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5b": "prompt", + "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5c": "infant death", + "56dfac8e231d4119001abc5e": "lectures", + "56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c7": "prompt", + "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc7": "budapest", + "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc8": "central telegraph office", + "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc9": "chief", + "56dfad0a7aa994140058dfcb": "draftsman", + "56e0d402231d4119001ac3fd": "central telegraph office", + "56e0d402231d4119001ac3fe": "central telegraph office", + "56e0d402231d4119001ac3ff": "chief", + "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc84": "france", + "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc85": "new york city", + "56dfb0c8231d4119001abc86": "thomas edison", + "56e0d54a7aa994140058e769": "continental edison company", + "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76a": "france", + "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76c": "thomas edison", + "56e0d54a7aa994140058e76d": "new york city", + "56dfb4be7aa994140058e00d": "half", + "56dfb4be7aa994140058e010": "half", + "56e0d6367aa994140058e773": "half", + "56e0d6367aa994140058e774": "american humor", + "56e0d6cf231d4119001ac424": "teflon", + "56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb8": "electrical repair", + "56e0d76d231d4119001ac42c": "electrical repair", + "56e0d76d231d4119001ac42d": "electrical repair", + "56dfb666231d4119001abcc3": "manhattan", + "56e0d810231d4119001ac433": "western union superintendent", + "56e0d810231d4119001ac435": "liberty street in manhattan", + "56e0d810231d4119001ac436": "tesla electric company", + "56dfb6d17aa994140058e053": "induction motor", + "56dfb6d17aa994140058e056": "fighting in the high maintenance", + "56dfb6d17aa994140058e057": "electric", + "56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43e": "commentator", + "56e057e1231d4119001ac043": "editor of electrical world magazine from africa", + "56e057e1231d4119001ac044": "american institute of electrical engineer", + "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77a": "westinghouse", + "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77b": "galileo ferrari", + "56e0dbb57aa994140058e77c": "italian fifth fifth", + "56e05900231d4119001ac04f": "george westinghouse", + "56e05900231d4119001ac051": "consultant", + "56e0dc667aa994140058e786": "pittsburgh", + "56e059c8231d4119001ac057": "pittsburgh", + "56e059c8231d4119001ac058": "alternating current system", + "56e059c8231d4119001ac05a": "dc traction motor", + "56e0e518231d4119001ac444": "power the fifty three cars", + "56e0e518231d4119001ac445": "dc traction motor", + "56e05a78231d4119001ac062": "george westinghouse", + "56e05a78231d4119001ac063": "rival lighting systems", + "56e05a78231d4119001ac065": "general electric", + "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78b": "incandescent light", + "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78c": "george westinghouse", + "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78e": "The competition", + "56e0e5f37aa994140058e78f": "general electric", + "56e07c86231d4119001ac1cd": "george westinghouse", + "56e07c86231d4119001ac1ce": "chicago", + "56e07c86231d4119001ac1cf": "general electric", + "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d5": "george westinghouse", + "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d6": "chicago", + "56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d8": "alternating current", + "56e0812c231d4119001ac213": "richard the bad food had enough in niagara falls cataract construction company fact heathcliff", + "56e0812c231d4119001ac214": "columbian exposition", + "56e0812c231d4119001ac216": "general electric", + "56e0ee12231d4119001ac459": "richard the bad food had enough in niagara falls cataract construction company fact heathcliff", + "56e0ee12231d4119001ac45c": "most reliable enough", + "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5db": "fifth avenue", + "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5dc": "electric lamps", + "56e08a1f7aa994140058e5dd": "tesla coil", + "56e0ef90231d4119001ac469": "tesla coil", + "56e0ef90231d4119001ac46b": "wireless", + "56e08aa0231d4119001ac299": "american institute of electrical engineer", + "56e08aa0231d4119001ac29a": "institute of radio engineers", + "56e0f019231d4119001ac470": "vice president", + "56e0f019231d4119001ac472": "institute of radio engineers", + "56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a5": "fifth avenue laboratory fire", + "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4ca": "failed", + "56e0f32d231d4119001ac4cc": "twain", + "56e08d32231d4119001ac2ad": "radiography", + "56e08d32231d4119001ac2af": "radiography", + "56e08d32231d4119001ac2b1": "tesla coil", + "56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d5": "tesla coil", + "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b8": "various causes", + "56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b9": "damage to the game", + "56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4ee": "aphids", + "56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4f1": "various causes", + "56e0e69b7aa994140058e797": "westinghouse electric", + "56e0ed557aa994140058e7e0": "london", + "56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85a": "physically strike him", + "56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85c": "death of metal", + "56e0fb14231d4119001ac525": "national electric light association", + "56e0fb14231d4119001ac526": "tesla coil", + "56e0fb14231d4119001ac527": "franklin institute", + "56e0fb887aa994140058e86b": "madison square garden", + "56e0fb887aa994140058e86c": "madison square garden", + "56e0fb887aa994140058e86d": "monkey", + "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e878": "marconi", + "56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87b": "the marconi company", + "56e0fd167aa994140058e882": "pipe heat", + "56e0fd167aa994140058e884": "five inches", + "56e0fde0cd28a01900c673ea": "atmospheric", + "56e0fde0cd28a01900c673eb": "stationary", + "56e0fde0cd28a01900c673ec": "resonant frequency", + "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6a": "lighting", + "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6d": "turned off", + "56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6e": "electrified swirling in circles with blue halos", + "56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fb": "power outage", + "56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fc": "power outage", + "56e10043e3433e1400422a84": "communications from another planet", + "56e10043e3433e1400422a85": "mars", + "56e10043e3433e1400422a86": "colliers weekly", + "56e100b6cd28a01900c67404": "to find his colorado springs experiment", + "56e100b6cd28a01900c67405": "colorado springs experiment", + "56e1011ecd28a01900c6740c": "torn down", + "56e1011ecd28a01900c6740e": "sold", + "56e10179cd28a01900c67414": "communication", + "56e10179cd28a01900c67415": "long island", + "56e101f4e3433e1400422a8e": "fred morgan", + "56e101f4e3433e1400422a91": "shocked", + "56e10412e3433e1400422aba": "flank hammers", + "56e10412e3433e1400422abc": "resonance frequency of his own building", + "56e10412e3433e1400422abd": "world today", + "56e1066be3433e1400422ae4": "electricity", + "56e1066be3433e1400422ae7": "superintendent of new york city school", + "56e1075ae3433e1400422afa": "overseas", + "56e1075ae3433e1400422afb": "lost", + "56e1075ae3433e1400422afc": "overseas investors", + "56e108abe3433e1400422b0c": "electrical experimenter", + "56e108abe3433e1400422b0d": "on a fluorescent green", + "56e108abe3433e1400422b0e": "infrared", + "56e1097dcd28a01900c67492": "after he is announced the winners", + "56e10a28cd28a01900c674b1": "animosity toward each other", + "56e10b6ee3433e1400422b25": "aircraft", + "56e10b6ee3433e1400422b27": "turbine engines", + "56e10c61e3433e1400422b37": "rent at the hotel new yorker", + "56e10c61e3433e1400422b39": "bad publicity", + "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d7": "mechanical energy", + "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d8": "minimal loss of any terrestrial fifth", + "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d9": "minimal", + "56e10d2dcd28a01900c674da": "mineral deposit", + "56e10ddce3433e1400422b48": "feed the pigeons", + "56e10ddce3433e1400422b49": "doctors", + "56e10ddce3433e1400422b4a": "broken", + "56e10e73cd28a01900c674ed": "eighth infantry", + "56e10e73cd28a01900c674ef": "thief ray", + "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5d": "luncheon", + "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5e": "small towns", + "56e10f14e3433e1400422b5f": "magnifying transformer", + "56e10f14e3433e1400422b60": "a little time", + "56e10fbacd28a01900c67509": "charged particle beam weapon", + "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750a": "nikola tesla museum archive", + "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750b": "belgrade", + "56e10fbacd28a01900c6750c": "millions", + "56e11044e3433e1400422b76": "stolen", + "56e11044e3433e1400422b77": "olive his mind", + "56e11044e3433e1400422b78": "his papers", + "56e110c3cd28a01900c67534": "do not disturb sign", + "56e110c3cd28a01900c67535": "coronary thrombosis", + "56e11161e3433e1400422b86": "transported to the manhattan storage and warehouse company", + "56e11161e3433e1400422b89": "nothing", + "56e11161e3433e1400422b8a": "manhattan storage and warehouse company", + "56e111e5e3433e1400422b93": "two thousand", + "56e111e5e3433e1400422b94": "cathedral of saint john the divine", + "56e1127bcd28a01900c67549": "belgrade", + "56e1127bcd28a01900c6754c": "united states", + "56e1127bcd28a01900c6754d": "displayed in a gold plated fear on the marble pedestal in minneapolis", + "56e11996e3433e1400422be0": "canada", + "56e11a73e3433e1400422bf1": "For exercise", + "56e11a73e3433e1400422bf3": "brain cells", + "56e11afbcd28a01900c675c7": "telepathy", + "56e11afbcd28a01900c675c8": "editor", + "56e11afbcd28a01900c675c9": "wind", + "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d7": "pigeons", + "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d9": "faded", + "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675da": "the park", + "56e11ba9cd28a01900c675db": "hotel room", + "56e11c24e3433e1400422c1b": "new york city", + "56e11cedcd28a01900c675e7": "two", + "56e11cedcd28a01900c675e8": "blinding flashes of light", + "56e11cedcd28a01900c675e9": "picture thinking", + "56e11cedcd28a01900c675ea": "blinding flashes of light", + "56e11cedcd28a01900c675eb": "photographic", + "56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f5": "journalist", + "56e11e57e3433e1400422c28": "effective chastity", + "56e11e57e3433e1400422c29": "women", + "56e11e57e3433e1400422c2a": "toward the end of his life", + "56e11f05e3433e1400422c2f": "Robert underwood johnson", + "56e11f05e3433e1400422c32": "engineer who with althorp olive philosopher", + "56e11f83cd28a01900c67611": "mark twain", + "56e11f83cd28a01900c67612": "in his lab", + "56e12005cd28a01900c67617": "overweight people", + "56e12005cd28a01900c67618": "his secretary", + "56e12005cd28a01900c67619": "her way", + "56e12005cd28a01900c6761a": "go home and changer", + "56e120a1e3433e1400422c38": "there was no such thing as the left front creating an electric charge", + "56e120a1e3433e1400422c3a": "transmitted electrical energy", + "56e12110e3433e1400422c4a": "einstein", + "56e12110e3433e1400422c4b": "antagonistic", + "56e12110e3433e1400422c4c": "relativity", + "56e121b7e3433e1400422c50": "gravity", + "56e121b7e3433e1400422c52": "dynamic theory of gravity", + "56e122dacd28a01900c67639": "collective breeding", + "56e122dacd28a01900c6763a": "interfered with the natural ruefully workings of nature rather than from confections of a master race for inherent superiority of one person over another", + "56e1239acd28a01900c67641": "women", + "56e1239acd28a01900c67643": "women", + "56e12477e3433e1400422c5f": "discovery of reinforces which will lead to the confirmation of the war the twentieth of december nineteen fourteen. Half believe that the league of nations", + "56e12477e3433e1400422c61": "the league of nations", + "56e124f1cd28a01900c6764f": "orthodox christian", + "56e124f1cd28a01900c67650": "fanaticism", + "56e1254ae3433e1400422c67": "uncertain", + "56e125b6e3433e1400422c6c": "fantastic inventions", + "56e125b6e3433e1400422c6d": "david hatcher", + "56e1262fcd28a01900c67655": "on the web", + "56e126dae3433e1400422c7c": "science fiction", + "56e126dae3433e1400422c7e": "several", + "56e127bccd28a01900c6765b": "time", + "56e127bccd28a01900c6765d": "electrical power generation", + "56e127bccd28a01900c6765e": "albert einstein", + "56e16182e3433e1400422e28": "Computational complexity", + "56e16182e3433e1400422e29": "inherent difficulties", + "56e16182e3433e1400422e2a": "confrontational problem", + "56e16839cd28a01900c67888": "mathematical models of competition", + "56e16839cd28a01900c6788a": "the amount of communication", + "56e17644e3433e1400422f41": "computational complexity theory", + "56e17644e3433e1400422f42": "computational complexity theory", + "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a1": "the problem", + "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a2": "problem", + "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a3": "abstract", + "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a4": "infant", + "56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a5": "infant", + "56e17e6ee3433e1400422f81": "computational problems", + "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa0": "problem", + "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa1": "primary alphabet", + "56e181d9e3433e1400422fa3": "suitably encoded", + "56e190bce3433e1400422fc8": "Deficient problems", + "56e190bce3433e1400422fc9": "yes or no", + "56e190bce3433e1400422fcb": "no", + "56e190bce3433e1400422fcc": "yes", + "56e19557e3433e1400422fee": "chlorophyll", + "56e19557e3433e1400422ff0": "chlorophyll", + "56e19724cd28a01900c679f7": "single", + "56e19724cd28a01900c679f8": "computational", + "56e19724cd28a01900c679fa": "complex", + "56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2e": "half his decision problems", + "56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2f": "the relation of time before the whole", + "56e1a38de3433e140042305c": "the size of the input", + "56e1a38de3433e140042305d": "instant", + "56e1a38de3433e140042305e": "the function of the five of the instant", + "56e1a38de3433e1400423060": "complexity", + "56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4a": "time taking", + "56e1aba0e3433e1400423094": "Attorney machine", + "56e1aba0e3433e1400423095": "an algorithm", + "56e1aba0e3433e1400423097": "carry machines", + "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a69": "rules", + "56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6c": "randomized algorithm", + "56e1b00ce3433e140042309e": "complexity classes", + "56e1b00ce3433e140042309f": "some of these may be more powerful than others", + "56e1b169cd28a01900c67a72": "random access machine", + "56e1b169cd28a01900c67a73": "computational power", + "56e1b355e3433e14004230b1": "more unusual resources", + "56e1b355e3433e14004230b2": "mathematical models", + "56e1b355e3433e14004230b3": "time", + "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa3": "fifth", + "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa4": "difficulties", + "56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa6": "time", + "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abc": "complexity", + "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abd": "computational resort", + "56e1b754cd28a01900c67abf": "complexity measure", + "56e1b754cd28a01900c67ac0": "complexity measure", + "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e7": "complexity measure", + "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e8": "average case complexity", + "56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e9": "complexity", + "56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae1": "theft case", + "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423104": "the most efficient algorithms solving a given problem", + "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423105": "analysis of algorithm", + "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423106": "lower", + "56e1bc3ae3433e1400423108": "all possible algorithms", + "56e1bd4acd28a01900c67aff": "smaller terms", + "56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2c": "The fourth and complexity classes", + "56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2d": "fourth", + "56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2e": "complicated definition", + "56e1c2eee3433e1400423134": "mission model", + "56e1c2eee3433e1400423135": "linear", + "56e1c2eee3433e1400423138": "complexity", + "56e1c3e1e3433e1400423148": "Some important complexity classes of deficient problems", + "56e1c3e1e3433e140042314a": "complexity classes", + "56e1c4fce3433e1400423150": "think", + "56e1c4fce3433e1400423151": "deficient problem", + "56e1c4fce3433e1400423152": "probability", + "56e1c720e3433e140042316a": "time", + "56e1c720e3433e140042316e": "quantitative", + "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423192": "reduction", + "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423193": "another problem", + "56e1c9bfe3433e1400423194": "redemption", + "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67baf": "thin plates", + "56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bb0": "multiplication", + "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a4": "the type of redemption being used", + "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a5": "harder", + "56e1ce08e3433e14004231a6": "fall beneath problem", + "56e1d9fee3433e14004231cc": "empty", + "56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bca": "The complexity", + "56e1ddfce3433e14004231d5": "more efficient solution", + "56e1ddfce3433e14004231d6": "structure prediction", + "56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd4": "ladder", + "56e1e9dfe3433e14004231ff": "second level", + "56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0b": "prime factor", + "56e1ee4de3433e1400423210": "equal", + "56e1ee4de3433e1400423214": "Proving that any of these classes are unequal", + "56e1efa0e3433e140042321b": "not equal", + "56e1efa0e3433e140042321c": "not equal", + "56e1efa0e3433e140042321d": "he is not equal", + "56e1f10ee3433e1400423222": "peoria cool tippy", + "56e1f10ee3433e1400423224": "many complexity classes", + "56e1f10ee3433e1400423226": "there are many complexity classes between the two factions and l n n fi fan is not known if they are disdain for equal classes", + "56e1fc57e3433e140042322c": "intractable problem", + "56e1febfe3433e1400423237": "ribbons have been written", + "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c14": "numerous foundations", + "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c15": "alan turing", + "56e200e4cd28a01900c67c18": "a computer", + "56e202e9e3433e1400423240": "on the computational complexity of algorithms", + "56e202e9e3433e1400423243": "time", + "56e20a27cd28a01900c67c25": "encoding", + "56e7477700c9c71400d76f23": "the curriculum", + "56e7477700c9c71400d76f24": "pedagogy", + "56e7477700c9c71400d76f25": "university or college", + "56e7477700c9c71400d76f26": "lesson plan", + "56e7477700c9c71400d76f27": "school", + "56e748a200c9c71400d76f37": "cultures", + "56e748a200c9c71400d76f39": "craftsmanship", + "56e748a200c9c71400d76f3a": "teachers", + "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f51": "teacher", + "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f52": "formal education can take place through home schooling", + "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f53": "formal", + "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f54": "family member", + "56e749dd00c9c71400d76f55": "knowledge or fails", + "56e74af500c9c71400d76f65": "spiritual teacher fetches booth", + "56e74af500c9c71400d76f66": "bible", + "56e74af500c9c71400d76f68": "rabbis", + "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e34": "paid professional", + "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e36": "wider community", + "56e74bf937bdd419002c3e37": "paid professional", + "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f6e": "extracurricular activities", + "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f6f": "extracurricular activities", + "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f70": "extracurricular activities", + "56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f71": "teachers", + "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f76": "teachers' colleges", + "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f77": "protect the public interest", + "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f78": "public interest", + "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f79": "teachers", + "56e74e4800c9c71400d76f7a": "standards of practice", + "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f94": "members", + "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f95": "professional misconduct", + "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f96": "colleges", + "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f97": "teachers' colleges", + "56e74faf00c9c71400d76f98": "teachers' colleges", + "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5b": "outdoors", + "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5c": "future", + "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5d": "outdoors", + "56e7504437bdd419002c3e5e": "facilitate student learning", + "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fa8": "pedagogy", + "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fa9": "pedagogy", + "56e751fb00c9c71400d76faa": "fifth in learning outside of the classroom by companies students on field strength", + "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fab": "The increasing use of technology", + "56e751fb00c9c71400d76fac": "the internet", + "56e7535037bdd419002c3e70": "relevant authorities", + "56e7535037bdd419002c3e71": "learning disabilities", + "56e7535037bdd419002c3e73": "standard", + "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbc": "diversity", + "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbd": "problem solving", + "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbe": "pressure", + "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbf": "pressure", + "56e7542f00c9c71400d76fc0": "a poet", + "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc6": "teachers and children", + "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc7": "the whole curriculum", + "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc8": "teachers and children", + "56e7550700c9c71400d76fc9": "primary school", + "56e7550700c9c71400d76fca": "surrogate", + "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8b": "alternative", + "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8c": "plaything", + "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8e": "more knowledgeable in one area than a teacher who teaches many subjects", + "56e7560937bdd419002c3e8f": "united states", + "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e96": "more teachers working harmoniously to fulfill the needs of every", + "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e97": "full cognitive potential", + "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e98": "harmoniously", + "56e756bc37bdd419002c3e99": "social networking", + "56e7578a37bdd419002c3ea9": "corporal punishment", + "56e7578a37bdd419002c3eaa": "parent", + "56e7578a37bdd419002c3eab": "parental discipline", + "56e7578a37bdd419002c3eac": "most common form of fiscal discipline", + "56e7578a37bdd419002c3ead": "all the normal forms of parental discipline open to them", + "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb3": "most common", + "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb4": "united states", + "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb5": "united states", + "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb6": "supreme court", + "56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb7": "physical pain", + "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fed": "in the classroom or hallway that nowadays the punishment is usually given privately in the principal's office", + "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fee": "declining", + "56e7591b00c9c71400d76fef": "wooden paddle", + "56e7591b00c9c71400d76ff0": "the principal's office", + "56e759bb00c9c71400d77000": "faithful corporal punishment", + "56e759bb00c9c71400d77001": "african and caribbean countries", + "56e759bb00c9c71400d77002": "faithful corporal punishment", + "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec7": "tension", + "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec8": "the tension", + "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec9": "in school", + "56e75a9037bdd419002c3eca": "in a classroom", + "56e75a9037bdd419002c3ecb": "right lines", + "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed1": "unfair", + "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed2": "immediate and fair punishment for misbehavior", + "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed3": "Positive reinforcement of balanced with immediate and fair punishment for misbehavior and for flare boundaries", + "56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed5": "respect", + "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef5": "teachers and parents", + "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef6": "asia", + "56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef7": "weakness in full faith", + "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702c": "japan", + "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702d": "india", + "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702e": "japan", + "56e75e4500c9c71400d7702f": "india", + "56e75f5500c9c71400d7703b": "instruction", + "56e7611500c9c71400d77054": "dictatorial", + "56e7611500c9c71400d77055": "government funds", + "56e7611500c9c71400d77056": "preservation of public order is easier and more efficient", + "56e7611500c9c71400d77057": "dictatorial authority for government funds schools alive. They also claim that in the schools the preservation of public order is easier and more efficient than anywhere else", + "56e7611500c9c71400d77058": "rules and regulations", + "56e761d037bdd419002c3f13": "enthusiasm", + "56e761d037bdd419002c3f14": "passion", + "56e761d037bdd419002c3f17": "higher", + "56e762fe00c9c71400d77072": "emotional facial expression", + "56e762fe00c9c71400d77074": "enthusiasm", + "56e762fe00c9c71400d77076": "higher", + "56e763e800c9c71400d77087": "enthusiasm", + "56e763e800c9c71400d77088": "emotional contagion", + "56e763e800c9c71400d77089": "enthusiasm", + "56e764e200c9c71400d7708f": "beneficial relations with their student", + "56e764e200c9c71400d77090": "the gulf he received from his superior", + "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a2": "friendly and supportive", + "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a4": "friendly and supportive", + "56e765ba00c9c71400d770a5": "interacting in working directly with students", + "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f49": "enthusiasm about teaching", + "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4a": "enthusiasm", + "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4b": "excitement in the student as well", + "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4c": "very influential", + "56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4d": "teaching", + "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f53": "sexual misconduct", + "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f55": "united states", + "56e7673a37bdd419002c3f57": "american association of university women", + "56e7683d00c9c71400d770ca": "british", + "56e768ce37bdd419002c3f67": "In the united states", + "56e768ce37bdd419002c3f69": "increased scrutiny", + "56e769dc00c9c71400d770ea": "child protection and parental rights groups", + "56e769dc00c9c71400d770eb": "a shortage of male teachers", + "56e769dc00c9c71400d770ec": "offenders register", + "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f75": "occupational hazards", + "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f76": "infection", + "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f78": "occupational burnout", + "56e76abf37bdd419002c3f79": "organizational change", + "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f81": "double", + "56e76b8337bdd419002c3f83": "average worker", + "56e76c6a00c9c71400d7710e": "several", + "56e76c6a00c9c71400d7710f": "changing the work environment", + "56e76c6a00c9c71400d77111": "occupational strength among teachers", + "56e76c6a00c9c71400d77112": "Organizational intervention", + "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f93": "university of college", + "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f94": "certification", + "56e76d6537bdd419002c3f95": "elementary school education", + "56e76de800c9c71400d77122": "individual faith and territory", + "56e76de800c9c71400d77123": "three", + "56e76de800c9c71400d77124": "primary school", + "56e76de800c9c71400d77126": "primary education primary school", + "56e76ea737bdd419002c3fa1": "private sector businesses", + "56e76f7000c9c71400d7712c": "civil servants", + "56e76f7000c9c71400d7712d": "special university classes", + "56e76f7000c9c71400d77130": "gymnasium", + "56e7714a00c9c71400d77137": "pay itself of given for teaching through the irish language", + "56e7721500c9c71400d77140": "teaching council", + "56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbf": "those who refuse to betty", + "56e773fa00c9c71400d7714d": "bachelor's", + "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd5": "alternative licensing programs", + "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd7": "vary", + "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd8": "Excellent job opportunities", + "56e7752337bdd419002c3fd9": "secondary school teachers", + "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715d": "teaching", + "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715e": "seven", + "56e775ec00c9c71400d7715f": "courses", + "56e775ec00c9c71400d77160": "a year", + "56e7770037bdd419002c3fe3": "trade unions", + "56e777e500c9c71400d77176": "wales", + "56e777e500c9c71400d77177": "welsh", + "56e777e500c9c71400d7717a": "all age groups", + "56e7788200c9c71400d77180": "trade unions", + "56e7788200c9c71400d77181": "falling", + "56e7788200c9c71400d77183": "trade unions", + "56e7788200c9c71400d77184": "concern", + "56e7796637bdd419002c3ffd": "thieves faith", + "56e7796637bdd419002c3ffe": "ten years", + "56e7796637bdd419002c3fff": "bachelor's degree", + "56e7796637bdd419002c4000": "charter schools", + "56e7796637bdd419002c4001": "a child left behind", + "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718a": "low salary", + "56e77a8700c9c71400d7718d": "elementary school teachers", + "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77194": "many", + "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77196": "protestant", + "56e77b8c00c9c71400d77197": "the pope of rome", + "56e77c6737bdd419002c401e": "many individuals", + "56e77c6737bdd419002c401f": "spiritual", + "56e77c6737bdd419002c4020": "husband and father", + "56e77c6737bdd419002c4021": "father of the family", + "56e77cee00c9c71400d771a8": "the korean", + "56e77cee00c9c71400d771a9": "extremely high", + "56e77cee00c9c71400d771aa": "the lives of their disciple", + "56e77cee00c9c71400d771ab": "left", + "56e77da237bdd419002c403b": "lama", + "56e77da237bdd419002c403c": "reborn", + "56e77da237bdd419002c403e": "many times", + "56f7c651aef2371900625bf5": "german", + "56f7c651aef2371900625bf7": "catholic church", + "56f7c651aef2371900625bf8": "punishment", + "56f7c651aef2371900625bf9": "excommunication", + "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727a": "through faith in jesus christ", + "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727b": "faith in jesus christ", + "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727c": "jesus christ", + "56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727d": "the bible", + "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17284": "the bible", + "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17285": "the church and german culture", + "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17287": "churches", + "56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17288": "protestant clarity to marry", + "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17290": "holy roman empire", + "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17291": "catholic", + "56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17292": "lawyer", + "56f7e9caaef2371900625c59": "day of rote", + "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172ce": "uncertainty", + "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172cf": "theology and philosophy", + "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172d0": "by fifth period", + "56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172d1": "everything", + "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d7": "death", + "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172da": "the death of two friends", + "56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172db": "education", + "56f7ef96aef2371900625c75": "one of the spiritual be fair", + "56f7ef96aef2371900625c76": "jailer", + "56f7ef96aef2371900625c78": "true repentance does not involve self inflicted pen in fifth and punishment for rather five change of heart", + "56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ef": "biblical thaddeus", + "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb2": "doctor of theology", + "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb3": "university of wittenberg", + "56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb4": "doctor of theology", + "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17369": "roman catholic", + "56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e1736b": "faith alone", + "56f80143aef2371900625d69": "as soon as that point in the coffers for rain that fell from purgatory", + "56f80143aef2371900625d6a": "Luther", + "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17377": "god", + "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17378": "a foundation", + "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17379": "falling price", + "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e1737a": "a foundation", + "56f802c6a6d7ea1400e1737b": "god", + "56f8046faef2371900625d72": "his capacity to exaggerate", + "56f8046faef2371900625d73": "indulgences for the dead", + "56f8046faef2371900625d74": "indulgences for the dead fifteen to nine indulgences for the living", + "56f80604a6d7ea1400e1738a": "wittenberg", + "56f80604a6d7ea1400e1738b": "little foundation in truth", + "56f8074faef2371900625d7a": "the printing press", + "56f8074faef2371900625d7b": "friends of luther", + "56f8074faef2371900625d7c": "two weeks", + "56f8074faef2371900625d7d": "two weeks", + "56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17393": "early", + "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739b": "lectured", + "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739c": "new ways", + "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739d": "the church was correct in its way", + "56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739f": "doctrine of justification", + "56f80ccfaef2371900625d83": "god", + "56f80ccfaef2371900625d85": "brings the holy spirit", + "56f80ccfaef2371900625d87": "faith", + "56f80e1daef2371900625d8d": "discovery of christ and his salvation", + "56f80e1daef2371900625d8e": "Lucas rediscovery of christ", + "56f80e1daef2371900625d90": "two", + "56f80fdfaef2371900625d95": "Archbishop albrecht", + "56f80fdfaef2371900625d96": "rome", + "56f80fdfaef2371900625d97": "papal dispensation", + "56f80fdfaef2371900625d98": "one half", + "56f811bdaef2371900625d9f": "Pope leo x", + "56f811bdaef2371900625da3": "luther examine it out", + "56f81393aef2371900625daa": "remain silent", + "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f1": "secular authority", + "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f3": "the estates of the holy roman empire", + "56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f4": "emperor charles v", + "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fd": "whether he stood by their content", + "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fe": "the next day", + "56f82454a6d7ea1400e173ff": "prayed and felt good friends", + "56f82549a6d7ea1400e17415": "raised his arm", + "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17427": "recant his writing", + "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17428": "Luther", + "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17429": "unfair", + "56f826a7a6d7ea1400e1742a": "more dramatic", + "56f827caa6d7ea1400e17439": "private conferences were held to determine the third phase", + "56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743b": "The emperor", + "56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743c": "adolfo made it a crime for anyone in germany to give to their food or shelter", + "56f82989aef2371900625e6b": "war bird castle", + "56f82989aef2371900625e6e": "new testament", + "56f82989aef2371900625e6f": "a renewed attack", + "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17457": "every good weren't designed to attract god favor of the thin", + "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17458": "All humans are offenders by nature", + "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e1745a": "christ", + "56f82b25a6d7ea1400e1745b": "justice", + "56f84485aef2371900625f72": "refined fanfare and instead that it is a gift to be received with thanksgiving by the whole congregation", + "56f84485aef2371900625f74": "private confession and absolution", + "56f84485aef2371900625f75": "they could break their vows without thin because valve for an illegitimate in vain attempt to win salvation", + "56f845dba6d7ea1400e17519": "prophetic faith", + "56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751b": "the prophecy", + "56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751c": "anti christ effect in buffalo new chapter two with identified as the power of the papacy", + "56f84760aef2371900625f83": "disturbances", + "56f84760aef2371900625f85": "martin luther", + "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17530": "finances to thrust upward", + "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17531": "wrote", + "56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17533": "finances to thrust upward rather than violence", + "56f84a60aef2371900625f9d": "fifth term", + "56f84a60aef2371900625f9f": "fifth term", + "56f84a60aef2371900625fa0": "bringing back every day of guided people into the way of the truth", + "56f84a60aef2371900625fa1": "guided", + "56f84b68aef2371900625fa7": "public order", + "56f84b68aef2371900625fa8": "conservative force", + "56f84b68aef2371900625faa": "social unrest in violence", + "56f84b68aef2371900625fab": "the established church", + "56f84d33aef2371900625fb2": "revolt", + "56f84d33aef2371900625fb4": "support an attack on the upper classes", + "56f84d33aef2371900625fb5": "the upper classes", + "56f84e63aef2371900625fc1": "temporal authority", + "56f84e63aef2371900625fc3": "devils", + "56f84e63aef2371900625fc4": "in his response to the twelve articles", + "56f84e63aef2371900625fc5": "the nobles", + "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754b": "three", + "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754c": "ignoring christ", + "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754d": "thirteen", + "56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754f": "highly minute murders", + "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755d": "backing for the uprising", + "56f851b1a6d7ea1400e17561": "secular power", + "56f8541da6d7ea1400e17578": "evening", + "56f8541da6d7ea1400e17579": "the wedding banquet", + "56f8541da6d7ea1400e1757a": "june", + "56f855caaef2371900625ff3": "the field of approval on clerical marriage", + "56f855caaef2371900625ff4": "clerical", + "56f855caaef2371900625ff5": "biblical grounds that his decision to marry surprised many", + "56f855caaef2371900625ff6": "president", + "56f855caaef2371900625ff7": "the field of approval on clerical marriage", + "56f8575aaef2371900625ffd": "a former monastery", + "56f8575aaef2371900625ffe": "former monastery", + "56f8575aaef2371900625fff": "five", + "56f8575aaef2371900626000": "poverty", + "56f8575aaef2371900626001": "farming the land", + "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175af": "chanting their own ministers", + "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b0": "supervisory church", + "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b1": "supervisory church", + "56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b3": "infinite", + "56f85bb8aef237190062600f": "extreme change", + "56f85bb8aef2371900626010": "the church", + "56f85bb8aef2371900626011": "an advisor", + "56f85bb8aef2371900626012": "john", + "56f85bb8aef2371900626013": "questionable and originally unintended development toward the church government under the temporal sovereign", + "56f85cf0aef237190062601a": "latin math", + "56f85cf0aef237190062601b": "simple people of faith", + "56f85cf0aef237190062601c": "everything", + "56f85cf0aef237190062601d": "freedom of pheromones", + "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c4": "visitation of the electorate", + "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c5": "christian", + "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c6": "christian doctrine", + "56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c7": "teaching", + "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175cd": "catechism", + "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175cf": "pastors and teachers", + "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175d0": "the people themselves", + "56f86680a6d7ea1400e175d1": "questions", + "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d7": "catechism", + "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d8": "translation of the bible", + "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d9": "faith", + "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175da": "catechism", + "56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175db": "the bible", + "56f86966aef2371900626053": "small catechism", + "56f86966aef2371900626054": "small catechism", + "56f86966aef2371900626055": "german vernacular", + "56f86966aef2371900626056": "not of the doctrine to be learned by the first", + "56f86966aef2371900626057": "the father", + "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f7": "translation", + "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f8": "alone after faith", + "56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f9": "faith in christ", + "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17606": "german folk in the fact that can flurry intelligible to both northern and southern germany", + "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17607": "everyday german", + "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17608": "removing impediment in difficulties", + "56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17609": "impediment", + "56f86e91aef2371900626068": "king james bible", + "56f87000aef2371900626072": "singing of german hands", + "56f87000aef2371900626073": "singing of german hands", + "56f87000aef2371900626074": "farm hands", + "56f8720eaef2371900626092": "john fee", + "56f8720eaef2371900626093": "john fee", + "56f87392aef237190062609a": "the apostles creed", + "56f87392aef237190062609b": "catechism. Lou there's hair adapted and expanded from an earlier german credo him gained widespread use the vernacular lutheran", + "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17670": "the small catechism", + "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17671": "liturgical setting of the lord's prayer", + "56f87531a6d7ea1400e17672": "multiple revision", + "56f87760aef23719006260d0": "essential reformation doctrine", + "56f879bdaef23719006260e0": "lord god", + "56f87e95aef237190062610a": "baptism", + "56f87e95aef237190062610b": "johan walter", + "56f87e95aef237190062610c": "christ our lord reflect the structure in substance of his questions than answers concerning baptism", + "56f87e95aef237190062610e": "lutheran", + "56f88025aef237190062611f": "two", + "56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f3": "Johan for bastion", + "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176fd": "separated from them", + "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176fe": "purgatory", + "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176ff": "continuity of one's personal identity", + "56f8837aa6d7ea1400e17700": "rejected the existence", + "56f884cba6d7ea1400e17709": "peter", + "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17723": "commentary", + "56f88690a6d7ea1400e17727": "palm oil", + "56f88c37aef2371900626178": "unity in the emerging protestant faith", + "56f88c37aef2371900626179": "seven", + "56f88c37aef237190062617a": "the nature of the eucharist", + "56f88eafaef2371900626195": "body and blood of christ", + "56f88eafaef2371900626197": "the only spiritually or symbolically present", + "56f88eafaef2371900626198": "confrontational", + "56f8907faef23719006261b5": "The fourth", + "56f895339e9bad19000a0177": "dialectical partnership", + "56f895339e9bad19000a0178": "reason", + "56f895339e9bad19000a0179": "no way", + "56f895339e9bad19000a017a": "spiritual thing", + "56f895339e9bad19000a017b": "logical fear", + "56f897059b226e1400dd0c5d": "jesus christ was born into", + "56f897059b226e1400dd0c5e": "large scale jewish conversion to christianity", + "56f897059b226e1400dd0c5f": "youth", + "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a5": "against resisting", + "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a6": "to punish christians", + "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a7": "an army of christians", + "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a8": "philip", + "56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a9": "secular war", + "56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9e": "critical pamphlets", + "56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9f": "muslim faith", + "56f89a959b226e1400dd0ca0": "a tool of the devil", + "56f89a959b226e1400dd0ca1": "a tool of the devil", + "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022b": "a veil of god's wrath of christian", + "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022c": "a great fellow", + "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022d": "a christian", + "56f8a2969e9bad19000a022f": "on the council", + "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0251": "the law of the holy spirit", + "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0253": "creation", + "56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0254": "eliminate the accusing law", + "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025b": "following his or her vocations on a daily basis", + "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025c": "the ten commandments", + "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025d": "an illustration", + "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025e": "an expression of his eternal well", + "56f8a6969e9bad19000a025f": "vocations", + "56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da7": "baptism of fire", + "56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da8": "the sacrament of baptism of fire", + "56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da9": "renewed life", + "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02b9": "marry one of his wife", + "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bc": "luther", + "56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bd": "lasting damage", + "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02eb": "murder", + "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ec": "the jews", + "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ed": "murder of pride", + "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ee": "the divinity of jesus", + "56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ef": "convert them to christianity", + "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e07": "three years", + "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e08": "the devil of people", + "56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e09": "a sanction for murder", + "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3b": "against the jews", + "56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3c": "martin luther", + "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e75": "Luther", + "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e77": "run against the jews", + "56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e78": "Luther", + "56f8b7189e9bad19000a038a": "daniel cohn", + "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03bf": "a precursor of the racial anti feminism", + "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c0": "modern hatred", + "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c1": "hatred of the jews", + "56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c3": "no respect for racial", + "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03db": "new element", + "56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03de": "national socialist", + "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eed": "defining state of mind", + "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eee": "feminist views", + "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eef": "vulgarity", + "56f8bd509b226e1400dd0ef0": "muslim", + "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f45": "deteriorated", + "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f47": "angina", + "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f48": "kidney and bladder thousand and arthritis", + "56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f49": "deteriorated further", + "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f61": "physical health", + "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f63": "harsh", + "56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f65": "three", + "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7f": "to expel from all german territory", + "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f80": "german territory", + "56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f81": "public enemy", + "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a1": "Their livelihood with threatened by count on breadth of man full of bringing the industry under his control", + "56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a4": "his siblings", + "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c7": "chest pain", + "56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c9": "common prayer of the dying", + "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e0": "An apoplectic throat", + "56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e3": "catholic church in wittenberg", + "56f8ca289b226e1400dd1007": "his last statement", + "56f8ca289b226e1400dd1008": "latin", + "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0514": "monumental thighs", + "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0515": "frail", + "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0516": "emphasized his monumental thighs", + "56f8cc399e9bad19000a0517": "medieval religious orders", + "56f8ce779b226e1400dd103e": "church of england calendar of faith", + "56f8ce779b226e1400dd1040": "church of england calendar of faith", + "5705e26d75f01819005e76d6": "economic center", + "5705e26d75f01819005e76d7": "demographics and economic", + "5705e26d75f01819005e76d8": "historical political division", + "5705e33f52bb89140068964e": "nevada", + "5705e33f52bb89140068964f": "mexican border", + "5705e3f252bb89140068966a": "pacific", + "5705e3f252bb89140068966b": "seven", + "5705e3f252bb89140068966d": "los angeles area and the inland empire and down fifth graders san diego", + "5705e4fe75f01819005e7704": "colorado river", + "5705e4fe75f01819005e7705": "mojave desert", + "5705e4fe75f01819005e7706": "mojave desert", + "5705e63175f01819005e7720": "california", + "5705e63175f01819005e7722": "lafayette", + "5705e63175f01819005e7723": "diego", + "5705e63175f01819005e7724": "southern", + "5705e99452bb891400689688": "fan diego fan bernardino and riverside", + "5705e99452bb891400689689": "united states", + "5705e99452bb89140068968a": "counties", + "5705e99452bb89140068968b": "top fifteen", + "5705e99452bb89140068968c": "united states", + "5705eb3375f01819005e7764": "adolfo", + "5705eb3375f01819005e7765": "los angeles", + "5705eb3375f01819005e7766": "walt disney company", + "5705eb3375f01819005e7767": "music", + "5705eb3375f01819005e7768": "paramount pictures", + "5705ec1675f01819005e776e": "yachting", + "5705ec1675f01819005e776f": "john white", + "5705ec1675f01819005e7771": "oahu", + "5705eccb52bb8914006896b8": "ventura", + "5705eccb52bb8914006896b9": "popular beaches", + "5705eccb52bb8914006896ba": "southern", + "5705eccb52bb8914006896bb": "open faces", + "5705edcd52bb8914006896cc": "tenth", + "5705edcd52bb8914006896ce": "northern boundary", + "5705eee952bb8914006896de": "mexico", + "5705eee952bb8914006896df": "all that california", + "5705eee952bb8914006896e1": "compromise", + "5705eee952bb8914006896e2": "free faith", + "5705f09e75f01819005e77a4": "a separate state", + "5705f09e75f01819005e77a5": "county's", + "5705f09e75f01819005e77a6": "three", + "5705f13d52bb8914006896f0": "los angeles times", + "5705f13d52bb8914006896f3": "imperial", + "5705f13d52bb8914006896f4": "seven", + "5705f36452bb891400689718": "regional tourism groups", + "5705f36452bb891400689719": "immobile association", + "5705f36452bb89140068971c": "southern california", + "5705f7c875f01819005e77dc": "third", + "5705f7c875f01819005e77dd": "vast areas", + "5705f7c875f01819005e77de": "automobiles and highways", + "5705f7c875f01819005e77df": "highways", + "5705f7c875f01819005e77e0": "international metropolitan region", + "5705fb7f52bb891400689750": "camp pendleton", + "5705fb7f52bb891400689751": "inland empire", + "5705fb7f52bb891400689752": "united states census bureau", + "5705fb7f52bb891400689753": "orange county", + "5705fc3a52bb89140068976a": "mediterranean", + "5705fc3a52bb89140068976b": "mediterranean", + "5705fc3a52bb89140068976d": "very rare", + "5705fd8475f01819005e7841": "pacific ocean", + "5705fd8475f01819005e7840": "natural ecosystem landscapes", + "5705fd8475f01819005e7842": "topographic", + "5705fd8475f01819005e7843": "peninsular ranges", + "5705fd8475f01819005e7844": "peninsular", + "5705fec152bb89140068977b": "Nearly all", + "5705fec152bb89140068977d": "property damage", + "5705ffde52bb891400689784": "fan andreas fault", + "5705ffde52bb891400689788": "difference", + "570602fa52bb89140068979e": "economically", + "570602fa52bb89140068979f": "global recognition which are often the hum of economic activity", + "570602fa52bb8914006897a0": "economic", + "570603c475f01819005e7886": "sacramento region", + "5706074552bb8914006897d5": "him", + "5706074552bb8914006897d6": "five million", + "5706074552bb8914006897d7": "border region", + "570607f575f01819005e78b4": "then diego", + "570607f575f01819005e78b5": "three million", + "570607f575f01819005e78b6": "two", + "570607f575f01819005e78b8": "riverside", + "5706094b52bb8914006897de": "petroleum", + "5706094b52bb8914006897df": "hollywood", + "5706094b52bb8914006897e0": "housing bubble", + "5706094b52bb8914006897e1": "abundance of petroleum", + "5706094b52bb8914006897e2": "heavily impacted", + "57060a1175f01819005e78d3": "richest", + "57060a1175f01819005e78d5": "petroleum and aircraft manufacturing", + "57060a1175f01819005e78d6": "petroleum and aircraft manufacturing", + "57060a6e52bb8914006897f8": "major business", + "57060a6e52bb8914006897f9": "Central business district", + "57060a6e52bb8914006897fa": "riverside", + "57060cc352bb89140068980e": "business", + "57060cc352bb89140068980f": "los angeles", + "57060cc352bb891400689810": "los angeles", + "57060cc352bb891400689811": "Lafayette", + "57060df252bb891400689820": "downtown san bernardino", + "57060df252bb891400689821": "fan bernardino and riverside", + "57060df252bb891400689822": "financial center", + "57060eaf75f01819005e7910": "Orange county", + "57060eaf75f01819005e7911": "university of california irvine", + "57060eaf75f01819005e7912": "irvine", + "57060eaf75f01819005e7913": "irvine business centers", + "57060eaf75f01819005e7914": "rapidly", + "57060f3e75f01819005e7922": "Downtown san diego", + "57060f3e75f01819005e7923": "northern san diego", + "57060f3e75f01819005e7924": "north county", + "57060f3e75f01819005e7925": "san diego", + "570610b275f01819005e792a": "la financially international airport", + "570610b275f01819005e792b": "international passenger volume", + "570610b275f01819005e792c": "second busiest airport in the united states", + "570610b275f01819005e792d": "fan diego international airport", + "570610b275f01819005e792e": "fan diego international airport", + "5706111a52bb89140068984d": "seven", + "5706111a52bb89140068984e": "fifth", + "5706111a52bb89140068984f": "orange county", + "570611c475f01819005e793c": "port of los angeles", + "570611c475f01819005e793d": "port of los angeles", + "570611c475f01819005e793e": "Southern", + "5706139252bb891400689865": "public and private institution", + "5706139252bb891400689866": "private", + "5706143575f01819005e7950": "Professional", + "5706143575f01819005e7951": "nba", + "5706143575f01819005e7953": "fan diego chargers", + "5706149552bb891400689881": "two", + "570614ff52bb89140068988a": "field", + "570614ff52bb89140068988c": "trojan field teams", + "5706155352bb891400689894": "Friday", + "5706155352bb891400689895": "high", + "5706155352bb891400689896": "a growing for it in southern california particularly of the high-school level", + "57094a79efce8f15003a7dc5": "four", + "57094a79efce8f15003a7dc6": "the english", + "57094b4f9928a814004714f8": "five", + "57094b4f9928a814004714f9": "five", + "57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd8": "monthly fee", + "57094d489928a8140047150b": "andy", + "57094d489928a8140047150c": "film company", + "57094d489928a8140047150e": "flat", + "570953a7efce8f15003a7dff": "five channels", + "570953a7efce8f15003a7e01": "video on demand content", + "570960cf200fba1400367f05": "cloud storage", + "570961aa200fba1400367f16": "rupert murdoch", + "570961aa200fba1400367f18": "digital platform", + "570963a5200fba1400367f33": "british sky broadcasting", + "570963a5200fba1400367f34": "telecommunications", + "57096505ed30961900e84084": "share recordings and other media", + "570966e0200fba1400367f50": "digital sound track", + "570967c4ed30961900e840bd": "hundreds", + "57096b66200fba1400367fa8": "march", + "57096b66200fba1400367fa9": "digital terrestrial", + "57096b66200fba1400367faa": "virgin media", + "57096b66200fba1400367fab": "the english premier league football films entertainment in youth", + "57096c95200fba1400367fbc": "monthly subscription", + "57096c95200fba1400367fbf": "sky survey", + "57096e1ced30961900e84105": "bbc", + "57096f37200fba1400367fe7": "no veto", + "57096f37200fba1400367fe8": "he did not", + "57096f37200fba1400367fe9": "not carry any control", + "57097051ed30961900e84133": "Fifteenth digital service with officially launched on the first of october nineteen ninety eighth and other names died digital", + "57097051ed30961900e84134": "branded open", + "57097141200fba1400367ffa": "Virgin media free", + "57097141200fba1400367ffb": "video", + "57097b50200fba1400368051": "flattened", + "57097c8fed30961900e841f2": "cash card", + "57097c8fed30961900e841f3": "benefits and tax credits", + "57097c8fed30961900e841f4": "damaging", + "57097c8fed30961900e841f5": "frame and thanking the bailiff to establish if a woman in receipt of benefits of the single mother", + "57097c8fed30961900e841f6": "betray a man's presence in the household", + "57097d63ed30961900e841fd": "no indication", + "57097d63ed30961900e84200": "against each other", + "570d2417fed7b91900d45c3d": "highly diversified", + "570d2417fed7b91900d45c3e": "second", + "570d2417fed7b91900d45c3f": "fourth", + "570d2417fed7b91900d45c40": "melbourne", + "570d2417fed7b91900d45c41": "melbourne cricket ground", + "570d2556fed7b91900d45c48": "new found whale", + "570d26efb3d812140066d490": "eight", + "570d26efb3d812140066d491": "five", + "570d26efb3d812140066d492": "years", + "570d26efb3d812140066d493": "every four years", + "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a3": "labor", + "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a4": "The liberals", + "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a5": "national party", + "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a6": "The green thumb", + "570d28bdb3d812140066d4a7": "national affairs", + "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c93": "southeast", + "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c94": "australia's most densely populated", + "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c95": "most densely populated", + "570d2af0fed7b91900d45c96": "melbourne", + "570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca9": "new south wales", + "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd1": "parliament of victoria faith effort", + "570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd2": "an absolute majority in both houses", + "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d02": "roman catholic church", + "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d03": "food", + "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d04": "roman catholic church", + "570d32e4fed7b91900d45d05": "curriculum standards", + "570d3468b3d812140066d543": "global car industry", + "570d35b7b3d812140066d550": "river systems", + "570d391fb3d812140066d575": "northeast", + "570d391fb3d812140066d576": "great divide", + "570d4030fed7b91900d45d9f": "victorian government", + "570d4030fed7b91900d45da0": "metro trains", + "570d4030fed7b91900d45da1": "victorian government", + "570d4030fed7b91900d45da2": "concentrated", + "570d4030fed7b91900d45da3": "electrified passenger system", + "570d418dfed7b91900d45dbf": "legislative assembly", + "570d418dfed7b91900d45dc0": "legislative council", + "570d4329fed7b91900d45dd9": "one of the largest gold rush", + "570d4329fed7b91900d45dda": "five hundred forty thousand", + "570d4606b3d812140066d619": "Victoria", + "570d4606b3d812140066d61d": "Black cliff", + "570d47b8b3d812140066d630": "mountain areas", + "570d47b8b3d812140066d631": "five", + "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e14": "new south wales", + "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e15": "infinity", + "570d4a6bfed7b91900d45e16": "western half", + "570d4c3bfed7b91900d45e33": "british troops", + "570d4e6cb3d812140066d66d": "political party or coalition", + "570d4e6cb3d812140066d66e": "The premier of victoria", + "570d4e6cb3d812140066d66f": "The premier of victoria", + "570d4e6cb3d812140066d671": "leave their house of parliament", + "570d529fb3d812140066d6bb": "a big part in tourism in victoria", + "570d529fb3d812140066d6bc": "bright autumn festival", + "570d529fb3d812140066d6bd": "melbourne", + "570d529fb3d812140066d6be": "cultural tourism", + "57105da9a58dae1900cd699e": "southern and central parts", + "57106185b654c5140001f8db": "power", + "57106185b654c5140001f8dd": "Geneva", + "57106644b654c5140001f8e5": "The availability of the bible in vernacular languages", + "57106644b654c5140001f8e9": "paraffin", + "571077ecb654c5140001f909": "capetown", + "571077ecb654c5140001f90a": "capetown", + "571077ecb654c5140001f90c": "cuban", + "57107932a58dae1900cd69ce": "brooklyn", + "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69df": "charleston", + "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69e1": "edmund bellinger", + "57107a3ea58dae1900cd69de": "charleston", + "57107c24a58dae1900cd69e9": "king of england", + "57107c24a58dae1900cd69eb": "french", + "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f2": "The catholic church", + "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f5": "against the french catholic faith you cannot have their own militia", + "57107e6ca58dae1900cd69f6": "trying to establish a separate centers of power in southern france", + "57108073b654c5140001f926": "southwestern france", + "57108073b654c5140001f928": "henry ivy", + "57108198b654c5140001f937": "Approximately one million", + "57108198b654c5140001f939": "alfalfa", + "57108198b654c5140001f93b": "france", + "57108c95b654c5140001f979": "new rochelle", + "57108c95b654c5140001f97a": "new rochelle and i feared for their faith in you paul. The field and after each historic district in new paltz", + "57108c95b654c5140001f97c": "the oldest street in the united states of america", + "57108c95b654c5140001f97d": "staten island", + "57108d69b654c5140001f983": "cuban", + "57108ee6a58dae1900cd6a1e": "night", + "571090abb654c5140001f995": "by the river", + "571090abb654c5140001f996": "The weavers", + "571090abb654c5140001f997": "occupation", + "571090abb654c5140001f999": "restaurant", + "57109180a58dae1900cd6a41": "corinth city", + "57109180a58dae1900cd6a42": "corinth city", + "57109180a58dae1900cd6a43": "a high sheriff", + "57109275b654c5140001f99f": "brain drain", + "57109275b654c5140001f9a0": "new france", + "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5c": "henry of navarre", + "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5e": "protected catholic interests", + "571093aba58dae1900cd6a5f": "the founding of new protestant churches", + "571093aba58dae1900cd6a60": "roman catholicism", + "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a66": "education", + "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a67": "products and services required education of children of calf length and prohibitive immigration", + "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a68": "Four thousand", + "571094b7a58dae1900cd6a69": "calf length", + "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a86": "afrikaans", + "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a87": "wine industry", + "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a88": "western cape province", + "5710968aa58dae1900cd6a89": "their names", + "571097baa58dae1900cd6a99": "Paul revere", + "571097baa58dae1900cd6a9a": "finch", + "571097baa58dae1900cd6a9c": "virginia", + "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab2": "coffee", + "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab3": "female combination of macklin patterns", + "571098f8a58dae1900cd6ab5": "first half of the eighteenth century", + "571099b2b654c5140001f9b5": "protest against the occupation of pressure", + "5710e8c8a58dae1900cd6b29": "catholic church", + "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b30": "jacksonville", + "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b32": "jacksonville", + "5710e9f8a58dae1900cd6b33": "french", + "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa18": "jacksonville", + "5710eb6fb654c5140001fa1b": "Menendez forces surrounded the french", + "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3a": "virginia", + "5710eca0a58dae1900cd6b3b": "virginia where the english crown have promised them land grants in lower your faith county", + "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2c": "spain", + "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2e": "william", + "5710ed7bb654c5140001fa2f": "republican", + "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b73": "william of orange", + "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b75": "irish linen industry", + "5710f2e2a58dae1900cd6b76": "irish linen industry", + "5711119cb654c5140001fae4": "protestant", + "5711119cb654c5140001fae6": "dutch cape colony", + "5711119cb654c5140001fae5": "dutch cape colony", + "5711119cb654c5140001fae7": "allowed to worship freely", + "571112ada58dae1900cd6bce": "Janet gray", + "57111380a58dae1900cd6bd7": "university of paris", + "57111428b654c5140001fb00": "catholic", + "571114cfb654c5140001fb0a": "to force the here and to convert", + "571114cfb654c5140001fb0b": "missionary backfire fine to financially reward convert to catholicism. Then he imposed penalty closed you cannot schools and excluded them from favored profession", + "5711163bb654c5140001fb13": "westchester", + "57111713a58dae1900cd6c00": "married outside their immediate french community", + "57111713a58dae1900cd6c01": "married outside their immediate french community", + "57111713a58dae1900cd6c03": "well into the nineteenth century", + "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0b": "rotterdam", + "571117d4a58dae1900cd6c0d": "library of congress", + "57111992b654c5140001fb43": "The french protestant church of london", + "57111992b654c5140001fb45": "london", + "57111ab8a58dae1900cd6c3d": "germany and scandinavia", + "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c50": "brandenburg", + "57111b95a58dae1900cd6c54": "minister of the interior", + "57112686b654c5140001fbd3": "power", + "57112686b654c5140001fbd5": "theme", + "57112686b654c5140001fbd6": "high pressure", + "57112686b654c5140001fbd7": "boiler", + "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc4": "united kingdom", + "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc7": "ireland", + "571127a5a58dae1900cd6cc8": "northeast", + "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d0e": "water pump", + "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d11": "steam locomotive", + "571135b8a58dae1900cd6d12": "water", + "57113639a58dae1900cd6d18": "three or four", + "57113639a58dae1900cd6d19": "multiple expansion engine", + "57113639a58dae1900cd6d1b": "triple expansion engine", + "57113639a58dae1900cd6d1c": "olympic", + "571136b8a58dae1900cd6d22": "soft valve", + "571136b8a58dae1900cd6d23": "infinite joy", + "57113ba6b654c5140001fc20": "the temperature of the fire box crown increases significantly", + "57113ba6b654c5140001fc21": "the temperature of the fire box crown increases significantly believe mouth and the theme of faith warning the operator from a van manually suppress the fire", + "57113ba6b654c5140001fc22": "manually suppress the fire", + "57113ba6b654c5140001fc23": "dampening the fire", + "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d28": "stationary steam engine", + "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d29": "rotary motion", + "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d2a": "ten thousand horsepower", + "57113be3a58dae1900cd6d2c": "the industrial revolution", + "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d32": "first century", + "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d33": "hero of alexandria", + "57113c6da58dae1900cd6d34": "greek", + "57113f83b654c5140001fc29": "compound engines", + "57113f83b654c5140001fc2a": "salingers", + "57113f83b654c5140001fc2b": "professionally and shipping", + "57113f83b654c5140001fc2d": "internal combustion engines", + "57113f83b654c5140001fc2c": "cold", + "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5a": "steam turbines", + "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5b": "late", + "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5c": "several hundred horsepower", + "571142b3a58dae1900cd6d5e": "electric", + "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d6f": "combustion chamber", + "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d70": "feller", + "571144d1a58dae1900cd6d71": "repeating element", + "57114667a58dae1900cd6d80": "engine indicator", + "57114667a58dae1900cd6d82": "charles porter", + "57114667a58dae1900cd6d83": "charles richer", + "57114667a58dae1900cd6d84": "london", + "5711488ab654c5140001fc3f": "one", + "5711488ab654c5140001fc40": "four", + "5711488ab654c5140001fc41": "cave dolphin freshen", + "57114aceb654c5140001fc49": "superior part", + "57114b1a2419e31400955575": "simple expansion team engine", + "57114b1a2419e31400955577": "on ships", + "57114b1a2419e31400955578": "ships", + "57114dfb50c2381900b54a53": "recycled continuously", + "57114dfb50c2381900b54a55": "Mercury", + "57114dfb50c2381900b54a56": "Mercury", + "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5b": "working fluid", + "57114e8d50c2381900b54a5d": "fifth", + "57114f0050c2381900b54a65": "Steam engines", + "57114f0050c2381900b54a66": "railway", + "57114f0050c2381900b54a67": "farm tractors", + "57114f0050c2381900b54a68": "factories", + "57114f0050c2381900b54a69": "an increase in the land available for cultivation", + "571153422419e31400955580": "liverpool and manchester railway", + "571153422419e31400955581": "darlington railway", + "5711541350c2381900b54a70": "britons", + "5711541350c2381900b54a71": "efficiency of the engine", + "5711541350c2381900b54a72": "cylinder volume", + "571154c72419e31400955588": "propellers", + "571154c72419e31400955589": "after buying", + "571154c72419e3140095558a": "steam turbines", + "571154c72419e3140095558b": "propellers", + "571155ae2419e31400955592": "applied external", + "571155ae2419e31400955594": "nuclear power plant", + "571156152419e3140095559b": "high pressure steam", + "57115ac550c2381900b54a77": "steam turbines", + "57115ac550c2381900b54a78": "Reciprocating fifteen", + "57115ac550c2381900b54a79": "steam turbines", + "57115ac550c2381900b54a7a": "internal combustion engines", + "57115b2850c2381900b54a80": "water pump", + "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8a": "oliver evans", + "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8c": "transport", + "57115b8b50c2381900b54a8d": "power", + "57115bf350c2381900b54a94": "sweden", + "57115c7450c2381900b54a9e": "an automobile radiator", + "57115c7450c2381900b54a9f": "houston", + "57115dbe2419e314009555a5": "fluctuating he'd blow to the boiler", + "57115dbe2419e314009555a6": "boulton", + "57115dbe2419e314009555a7": "flour mill", + "57115dbe2419e314009555a8": "cotton spinning", + "57115e532419e314009555b0": "railway locomotives", + "57115e532419e314009555b1": "complicated", + "57115e532419e314009555b3": "railway locomotives", + "57115f0a50c2381900b54aa7": "reversing mechanism", + "57115f0a50c2381900b54aaa": "eighth", + "57115f652419e314009555ba": "spanish", + "57115ff82419e314009555c4": "drive shaft", + "57115ff82419e314009555c6": "drive shaft", + "5711607f2419e314009555cd": "lower", + "5711607f2419e314009555ce": "philanthropy odors", + "5711607f2419e314009555cf": "steam turbines", + "5711607f2419e314009555d0": "advance theme movement", + "5711607f2419e314009555d1": "pollution", + "571161092419e314009555d8": "salingers", + "571161092419e314009555d9": "thermal expansion", + "5711619950c2381900b54ab0": "denver", + "5711619950c2381900b54ab1": "half as much", + "5711619950c2381900b54ab3": "partial vacuum", + "5711623e50c2381900b54abd": "more power", + "5711628a2419e314009555dd": "corliss steam engine", + "5711628a2419e314009555df": "four", + "571163172419e314009555e9": "fabric", + "571163172419e314009555ea": "joseph black", + "5711648850c2381900b54ac4": "liquid phase", + "5711651050c2381900b54acb": "injector fifth of fire water", + "5711651050c2381900b54ace": "bunker", + "5711658e50c2381900b54ad5": "Lan faith he mentions could involve much of fifty five feet mater", + "5711658e50c2381900b54ad6": "british", + "5711658e50c2381900b54ad8": "ocean liners", + "571166352419e314009555f1": "water", + "571166352419e314009555f2": "the turbine connected to an electrical generator", + "571166352419e314009555f3": "an electrical generator", + "571166352419e314009555f5": "britain", + "5711669550c2381900b54ae0": "boiler", + "5711669550c2381900b54ae1": "constant pressure", + "5711669550c2381900b54ae3": "liquid", + "571a484210f8ca1400304fbe": "oxygen", + "571a484210f8ca1400304fc0": "five", + "571a484210f8ca1400304fc1": "half", + "571bb2269499d21900609caa": "oxygen", + "571bb2269499d21900609cad": "downward trend", + "571c3a685efbb31900334db4": "oxide", + "571c3a685efbb31900334db5": "most abundant", + "571a49de4faf5e1900b8a94a": "photosynthesis", + "571a49de4faf5e1900b8a94b": "sunlight", + "571a49de4faf5e1900b8a94c": "high altitude ozone layer", + "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09c": "oxygen", + "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09d": "water", + "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09e": "photosynthesis", + "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c09f": "water", + "571c3c47dd7acb1400e4c0a0": "atomic oxygen", + "571a4b0f10f8ca1400304fd5": "robert boyle", + "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0a6": "robert boyle", + "571c3e8cdd7acb1400e4c0a9": "respiration", + "571a4d1a4faf5e1900b8a958": "fleet", + "571a4d1a4faf5e1900b8a959": "fencing team seventy four and experiment conducted by the british clergymen", + "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b3": "priority in the discovery", + "571c4132dd7acb1400e4c0b4": "more active", + "571a4ead10f8ca1400304fdd": "leonardo da vinci", + "571a4ead10f8ca1400304fde": "philo", + "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0ba": "philo", + "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0bb": "fire", + "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0bd": "leonardo da vinci", + "571c7abfdd7acb1400e4c0be": "areas", + "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a960": "ignition event", + "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a961": "Highly concentrated sources", + "571a50df4faf5e1900b8a963": "oxygen", + "571cebc05efbb31900334e49": "Highly concentrated sources of oxygen", + "571cebc05efbb31900334e4a": "the source of most of the chemical energy relief", + "571cebc05efbb31900334e48": "energy relief in combustion", + "571cebc05efbb31900334e4b": "chemical energy relief", + "571cebc05efbb31900334e4c": "peroxide", + "571a52cb4faf5e1900b8a969": "oxygen", + "571a52cb4faf5e1900b8a96b": "special training", + "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a0": "combustion to fifteen rapidly and energetically", + "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a1": "minimize", + "571ce9bddd7acb1400e4c1a2": "special training", + "571a53d410f8ca1400304fe7": "carbon dioxide", + "571a53d410f8ca1400304fe5": "mantle", + "571ce7f25efbb31900334e3e": "carbon dioxide", + "571ce7f25efbb31900334e3f": "The earth", + "571ce7f25efbb31900334e40": "The earth's mantle", + "571ce7f25efbb31900334e41": "mantle", + "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c5": "simple if the atomic ratios with respect to one another", + "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c6": "two volumes of hydrogen in one volume of oxygen", + "571c7d55dd7acb1400e4c0c7": "hydrogen", + "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0cf": "iron", + "571c8198dd7acb1400e4c0d2": "lighter", + "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0d9": "two", + "571c83f3dd7acb1400e4c0db": "chemically bonded to each other", + "571c8539dd7acb1400e4c0e4": "his worthless published birth", + "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0ed": "trip", + "571c879bdd7acb1400e4c0ef": "spontaneous", + "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f6": "part of the trap", + "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f7": "weight", + "571c8eb9dd7acb1400e4c0f8": "weight", + "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c100": "trove of oxygen", + "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c102": "live fish", + "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c103": "protective radiation shield", + "571c9074dd7acb1400e4c104": "protective radiation", + "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10c": "major", + "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10d": "commonality", + "571c91c8dd7acb1400e4c10e": "biological role", + "571c96095efbb31900334dbc": "oxygen", + "571c96095efbb31900334dbd": "temperature", + "571c96095efbb31900334dbf": "seawater", + "571c96095efbb31900334dc0": "fifty percent more", + "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c11e": "the most abundant", + "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c11f": "third", + "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c121": "the world's oceans", + "571c97e2dd7acb1400e4c122": "ultraviolet radiation", + "571caac55efbb31900334dc9": "a few drops", + "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd0": "solar wind", + "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd2": "crash jenna faith faith craft", + "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd3": "death", + "571cac5d5efbb31900334dd4": "the year", + "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c129": "common organic molecules", + "571cb010dd7acb1400e4c12a": "water", + "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c133": "lower temperatures. During periods of lower global temperatures", + "571cb27fdd7acb1400e4c136": "warmer", + "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13d": "carbon cycle", + "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13e": "satellite platform", + "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c13f": "radiance", + "571cbe35dd7acb1400e4c140": "remote sensing", + "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c147": "Liquid oxygen", + "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c149": "magnetic field", + "571cc3dedd7acb1400e4c14a": "laboratory", + "571cc5c45efbb31900334dda": "dangerous byproduct of oxygen youth", + "571cc5c45efbb31900334ddb": "to destroy invading micro", + "571cc5c45efbb31900334ddc": "hypersensitive responsive plan thug and pathogen", + "571cc5c45efbb31900334ddd": "obligate leander", + "571cc6f85efbb31900334de5": "highly reactive", + "571cc6f85efbb31900334de7": "nitrogen", + "571cc8815efbb31900334dee": "body", + "571cc8815efbb31900334def": "lower temperatures", + "571cc8815efbb31900334df0": "their higher oxygen content", + "571cc8815efbb31900334df2": "allergy", + "571cc8815efbb31900334df1": "biochemical oxygen demand", + "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15a": "photosynthesis", + "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15d": "photosynthesis", + "571ccc00dd7acb1400e4c15e": "oxygen", + "571ccd9b5efbb31900334dfa": "nitrogen", + "571ccd9b5efbb31900334dfc": "full-time", + "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c164": "water", + "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c165": "Oxygen gas", + "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c166": "high pressure", + "571ccfbadd7acb1400e4c168": "molecular oxygen and hydrogen", + "571cd11add7acb1400e4c16e": "recreational", + "571cd11add7acb1400e4c170": "performing", + "571cd11add7acb1400e4c172": "placebo effect", + "571cd11add7acb1400e4c171": "aerobic", + "571cd3b55efbb31900334e03": "oxygen chambers", + "571cd3b55efbb31900334e04": "Carbon monoxide", + "571cd3b55efbb31900334e05": "anaerobic bacteria", + "571cd3b55efbb31900334e06": "dying resulting in both of them very gaffe monthly nitrogen and helium forming in their blood", + "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c17b": "Oxygen therapy", + "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c17a": "hearth", + "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c179": "Oxygen therapy", + "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c178": "respiration", + "571cd5b1dd7acb1400e4c17c": "oxygen", + "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c183": "chemical bonds", + "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c185": "chemical bonds", + "571cd703dd7acb1400e4c186": "erosion", + "571cd88ddd7acb1400e4c18e": "chemical", + "571cd88ddd7acb1400e4c190": "oxygen", + "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c196": "storage methods", + "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c198": "tankers", + "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c197": "liquid in specially insulated tankers", + "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c199": "compressed gas", + "571cda1bdd7acb1400e4c19a": "hospitals", + "571cdcb85efbb31900334e0c": "organic solvents", + "571cdcb85efbb31900334e0d": "organic", + "571cdcb85efbb31900334e10": "important", + "571cde695efbb31900334e17": "a few", + "571cde695efbb31900334e18": "three", + "571cde695efbb31900334e19": "protein", + "571ce3745efbb31900334e20": "pulmonary fibrosis", + "571ce3745efbb31900334e21": "permanent pulmonary fibrosis", + "571ce3745efbb31900334e23": "pulmonary fibrosis", + "571ce3745efbb31900334e24": "pulmonary fibrosis", + "571ce5055efbb31900334e2a": "low total pressure", + "571ce5055efbb31900334e2e": "no", + "571ce5055efbb31900334e2d": "low total pressures views. Then case of faith is thea few partial pressure", + "571ce6655efbb31900334e34": "partial pressure", + "571ce6655efbb31900334e37": "ventilator", + "5725b33f6a3fe71400b8952d": "october", + "5725b33f6a3fe71400b89530": "the first oil shock", + "5725b5a689a1e219009abd28": "foreign policy", + "5725b5a689a1e219009abd29": "multilateral negotiations", + "5725b76389a1e219009abd4b": "dollar value", + "5725b92e38643c19005acbd3": "less than two percent per year", + "5725b92e38643c19005acbd6": "the oil shock", + "5725bad5271a42140099d0be": "israel", + "5725bad5271a42140099d0bf": "hundred", + "5725bad5271a42140099d0c0": "israel", + "5725bad5271a42140099d0c1": "the price of oil is going to rise", + "5725bcb6271a42140099d0eb": "american aid to israel", + "5725bcb6271a42140099d0ed": "their economic and political objectives were met", + "5725bcb6271a42140099d0ef": "a principal hostile country", + "57261dab38643c19005ad039": "the middle east", + "57261dab38643c19005ad03a": "higher oil prices", + "57261f9f271a42140099d4a9": "excessive inflation", + "57261f9f271a42140099d4ac": "kissinger", + "5726241189a1e219009ac2de": "The embargo", + "5726241189a1e219009ac2df": "material", + "5726241189a1e219009ac2e0": "Macroeconomic problems", + "5726241189a1e219009ac2e1": "the arctic", + "5726241189a1e219009ac2e2": "five to ten years", + "5726487b5951b619008f6edd": "the netherlands", + "5726487b5951b619008f6ede": "america", + "5726487b5951b619008f6ee0": "israel and harold wilson's government supported the israelis", + "572649d8f1498d1400e8db37": "coal miners and railroad workers", + "572649d8f1498d1400e8db39": "norway", + "57264cac708984140094c1b3": "a few trials", + "57264cac708984140094c1b4": "to encourage investment", + "57264cac708984140094c1b5": "creating greater scarcity", + "57264cac708984140094c1b7": "rations", + "57264d9edd62a815002e8100": "to coordinate the response to the embargo", + "57264efddd62a815002e8136": "bill clinton", + "572650325951b619008f6fa9": "energy prices", + "572650325951b619008f6faa": "market and technology reality", + "572650325951b619008f6fab": "presidents", + "57265200708984140094c237": "united states", + "57265200708984140094c238": "british", + "57265200708984140094c23a": "the rest of the third world", + "57265360dd62a815002e819a": "japan", + "57265526708984140094c2bd": "The u s s r s invasion of afghanistan", + "57265526708984140094c2be": "arabia and iran", + "57265526708984140094c2bf": "iran", + "5726581fdd62a815002e823a": "large", + "5726581fdd62a815002e823b": "Japanese", + "5726581fdd62a815002e823d": "Japanese", + "572659535951b619008f7041": "air conditioning flowers", + "572659535951b619008f7042": "acura", + "57265a58dd62a815002e8272": "florida chrysler", + "57265a58dd62a815002e8273": "captive import", + "57265bdfdd62a815002e829e": "domestic fails", + "57265bdfdd62a815002e829f": "four", + "57265bdfdd62a815002e82a1": "cadillac deville", + "57265bdfdd62a815002e82a2": "lower priced model fact is the chevrolet bel air and ford galaxy", + "57265ceddd62a815002e82ba": "mustang", + "57265e11708984140094c3bd": "recover market share", + "5725b41838643c19005acb7f": "project mercury", + "5725b41838643c19005acb80": "The apollo program", + "5725b41838643c19005acb83": "three", + "5725b56589a1e219009abd21": "gemini program which ran concurrently with that from nineteen fifty two to nineteen fifty fifth. Gemini mission", + "5725b56589a1e219009abd22": "soviet union", + "5725b64d89a1e219009abd42": "Budget cuts", + "5725b64d89a1e219009abd43": "Five", + "5725b64d89a1e219009abd44": "oxygen tank explosion", + "5725b77889a1e219009abd57": "avionics telecommunication and computers", + "5725b888ec44d21400f3d453": "fourth", + "5725b888ec44d21400f3d454": "three", + "5725b888ec44d21400f3d457": "lunar landing", + "5725ba5038643c19005acbe9": "three", + "5725bb34271a42140099d0c8": "soviet union", + "5725bb34271a42140099d0c9": "massive financial commitment required by a manned moon landing", + "5725bb34271a42140099d0cb": "fear of faith technology", + "5725bc7138643c19005acc1e": "soviet", + "5725bc7138643c19005acc1f": "one", + "5725bc7138643c19005acc20": "circumspect", + "5725bd4b38643c19005acc31": "april", + "5725bd4b38643c19005acc33": "one week later", + "5725bd4b38643c19005acc34": "the united states would achieve it first", + "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a6": "nasa's langley research center", + "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a7": "florida", + "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a8": "rice university", + "5725be0fec44d21400f3d4a9": "florida", + "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdce": "merritt island", + "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdd0": "first director", + "5725bf2e89a1e219009abdd1": "kennedy", + "5725c01389a1e219009abdd7": "three", + "5725c01389a1e219009abdd8": "apollo fifth", + "5725c123271a42140099d131": "robert freeman", + "5725c123271a42140099d134": "mueller", + "5725c2a038643c19005acc6c": "united", + "5725c2a038643c19005acc6f": "apollo program director", + "5725c4c289a1e219009abe44": "weight reduction", + "5725c604271a42140099d187": "fifth graf center", + "5725c604271a42140099d188": "joseph shea", + "5725c604271a42140099d189": "apollo program", + "5725c6dcec44d21400f3d531": "levin", + "5725c6dcec44d21400f3d533": "nafta", + "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a1": "von braun", + "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a2": "no that's no good", + "5725c7f5271a42140099d1a3": "objective final review", + "5725c948ec44d21400f3d577": "allowing the landers fifth graf to be used as a life of", + "5725c948ec44d21400f3d579": "propulsion electrical power and life support", + "5725ca35271a42140099d1c1": "cone", + "5725ca35271a42140099d1c3": "five", + "5725cb4a89a1e219009abec8": "three", + "5725cb4a89a1e219009abec9": "ocean", + "5725cb4a89a1e219009abecb": "conical crew cabin", + "5725cc2038643c19005acd1b": "The cylindrical fear", + "5725cc2038643c19005acd1d": "discarded", + "5725cc2038643c19005acd1f": "antenna", + "5725cda338643c19005acd3f": "North american aviation", + "5725cda338643c19005acd40": "twice", + "5725cda338643c19005acd42": "lunar orbit", + "5725ceb989a1e219009abf0a": "knife", + "5725ceb989a1e219009abf0b": "Not designed to fly through the earth's atmosphere or return to earth", + "5725d01989a1e219009abf29": "army", + "5725d0e3271a42140099d237": "supported the apollo program", + "5725d2ef271a42140099d257": "third stage", + "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65b": "divine defender", + "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65d": "second and third", + "5725d403ec44d21400f3d65e": "burned liquid hydrogen", + "5725d51589a1e219009abf6e": "project mercury", + "5725d51589a1e219009abf6f": "All", + "5725d51589a1e219009abf72": "landings", + "5725d61038643c19005acdd4": "distinguished service medal", + "5725d61038643c19005acdd6": "discipline problems with the flight director's orders", + "5725d6cb38643c19005acdea": "service module engine", + "5725d79e89a1e219009abf92": "visor", + "5725d79e89a1e219009abf94": "commander feed the command module pilot fiancee and lunar module pilot alan keyes", + "5725d8a3271a42140099d290": "gemini and apollo program", + "5725d8a3271a42140099d292": "keith late", + "5725d8a3271a42140099d293": "prime crew", + "5725d94bec44d21400f3d69b": "dual mission", + "5725d94bec44d21400f3d69e": "apollo one", + "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ab": "samuel phillips", + "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ac": "tiger team", + "5725da63ec44d21400f3d6ae": "george mueller", + "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6bd": "altitude chamber", + "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6bf": "countdown", + "5725db4aec44d21400f3d6c0": "altitude chamber", + "5725dc1638643c19005ace01": "strange odor in their faces", + "5725dc1638643c19005ace03": "fire began in the cabin", + "5725dc1638643c19005ace04": "fire", + "5725dc1638643c19005ace05": "oxygen", + "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe2": "both houses of congress", + "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe3": "deficiencies", + "5725dd1689a1e219009abfe5": "Nothing", + "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6ee": "flammable", + "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6f0": "continued", + "5725de30ec44d21400f3d6f1": "thief", + "5725df1838643c19005ace15": "lunar", + "5725df1838643c19005ace16": "fake fat fully accomplish", + "5725df1838643c19005ace17": "letters", + "5725e08389a1e219009ac011": "transmitter injection", + "5725e152271a42140099d2cf": "Apollo", + "5725e152271a42140099d2d0": "successfully", + "5725e28f38643c19005ace23": "v", + "5725e28f38643c19005ace25": "ten lunar orbit", + "5725e28f38643c19005ace26": "orbit the moon", + "5725e36f89a1e219009ac038": "michael collins", + "5725e36f89a1e219009ac039": "july", + "5725e36f89a1e219009ac03a": "automated scientific instruments", + "5725e36f89a1e219009ac03b": "michael collins a buzz aldrin", + "5725e44238643c19005ace37": "remove some parts which they returned to earth", + "5725e44238643c19005ace38": "accidentally pointed into the thyme", + "5725e547ec44d21400f3d71f": "lunar roving vehicle", + "5725e547ec44d21400f3d721": "five", + "5725e547ec44d21400f3d722": "over three days", + "5725e547ec44d21400f3d723": "payload capacity", + "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d729": "the liquid oxygen tank exploded", + "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72a": "fred hayes", + "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72b": "grounded again", + "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72c": "oxygen tank", + "5725e6f6ec44d21400f3d72d": "april", + "5725e95f89a1e219009ac086": "fifth eliminated apollo twenty", + "5725e95f89a1e219009ac087": "shrink", + "5725ea6889a1e219009ac09e": "extremely old", + "5725ea6889a1e219009ac0a1": "genesis", + "5725eb8a38643c19005ace80": "impact profit the fact", + "5725eb8a38643c19005ace81": "near an impact crater", + "5725ee6438643c19005aceb3": "apollo applications program", + "5725ee6438643c19005aceb4": "apollo applications program", + "5725ee6438643c19005aceb5": "apollo applications program", + "5725ef6838643c19005acecf": "on the ground", + "5725ef6838643c19005aced1": "apollo telescope mount the feller telescope", + "5725f07f89a1e219009ac0be": "lunar reconnaissance orbiter", + "5725f07f89a1e219009ac0c0": "the degree to which the flags retain their original collars remains unknown", + "5725f16f89a1e219009ac0cd": "book of genesis", + "5725f16f89a1e219009ac0cf": "triumph", + "5725f239271a42140099d35d": "apollo tv camera", + "5725f239271a42140099d35e": "incompatible", + "5725f239271a42140099d35f": "magnetic tape shortage", + "5725f239271a42140099d360": "new earth satellite data", + "5725f39638643c19005acef8": "without destroying historical legitimacy", + "5725f39638643c19005acefa": "flowery digital", + "5725f39638643c19005acefb": "black and white", + "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5c": "primary law secondary law and supplementary law", + "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5d": "primary law secondary law and supplementary law", + "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5e": "secondary law and supplementary law. The main sources of primary law of the treaty's establishing the european union", + "5725b7f389a1e219009abd5f": "regulations and directive which are based on the treaty", + "5725b7f389a1e219009abd60": "european parliament in the council of the european union", + "5725c28a271a42140099d14d": "primary law secondary law and supplementary law", + "5725c28a271a42140099d14f": "primary law secondary law and supplementary law", + "5725c28a271a42140099d150": "european parliament in the council of the european union", + "57268b43dd62a815002e88f0": "primary law secondary law and supplementary law", + "57268b43dd62a815002e88f2": "european parliament in the council of the european union", + "57268b43dd62a815002e88f3": "three", + "5725bbec271a42140099d0d1": "the european commission", + "5725bbec271a42140099d0d2": "the fourth of members faith", + "5725bbec271a42140099d0d3": "treaty on the functioning of the european union", + "5725bbec271a42140099d0d4": "european court of justice", + "5725bbec271a42140099d0d5": "court of justice", + "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d503": "courts of members faith in the court of justice of the european union", + "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d504": "treaty on the functioning of the european union", + "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d505": "european court of justice", + "5725c3a9ec44d21400f3d506": "court of justice", + "57268bf9dd62a815002e890a": "the courts of members faith", + "57268bf9dd62a815002e890b": "the european commission", + "57268bf9dd62a815002e890c": "european court of justice", + "57268bf9dd62a815002e890d": "court of justice", + "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54a": "The european commission", + "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54b": "european commission", + "5725c743ec44d21400f3d54c": "The european court of justice", + "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb6": "interpret the treaty", + "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb7": "the treaty provisions have a direct effect", + "5725ca4389a1e219009abeb8": "generally concluded for a limited period", + "57268d2ddd62a815002e8950": "treaty on european union the u n the treaty on the functioning of the european union", + "57268d2ddd62a815002e8951": "The court of justice of the european union", + "5725cc38ec44d21400f3d5be": "norway did not", + "57264865dd62a815002e8062": "Following the knife treaty", + "57264865dd62a815002e8063": "netherlands", + "57264865dd62a815002e8064": "very similar", + "57264865dd62a815002e8066": "they did not completely replace them", + "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c4": "constitutional law of the european union", + "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c5": "the finkel constitutional document", + "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c6": "the referendum in france", + "57268f2bf1498d1400e8e3c7": "litvin treaty", + "57264a8cdd62a815002e808c": "The european commission", + "57264a8cdd62a815002e808d": "The european commission", + "57264a8cdd62a815002e808e": "The commission's president", + "57264a8cdd62a815002e808f": "one", + "572691545951b619008f76e2": "The commission's president", + "572691545951b619008f76e3": "by a simple majority vote", + "572691545951b619008f76e4": "fifth ireland", + "572691545951b619008f76e5": "Fifteenth commissioners", + "57264e455951b619008f6f66": "did in fact not break any law", + "57264e455951b619008f6f67": "a committee of independent experts", + "57264e455951b619008f6f68": "the european council", + "57264e455951b619008f6f69": "The president of the council and the commissioner can fit in nineteen c d thank you now have voting right", + "5726926a5951b619008f770b": "a committee of independent experts", + "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbee": "european parliament and the council of the european union", + "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbef": "initiate legislation", + "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf0": "every five years", + "572651f9f1498d1400e8dbf2": "european parliament and the council of the european union", + "5726938af1498d1400e8e446": "the commission", + "5726938af1498d1400e8e447": "the european parliament and the council of the european union", + "5726938af1498d1400e8e449": "every five years", + "5726938af1498d1400e8e44a": "european people's party", + "5726545f708984140094c2a5": "different ministers", + "5726545f708984140094c2a7": "majority vote", + "57269424dd62a815002e8a1e": "the council", + "57269424dd62a815002e8a1f": "five", + "572656e4dd62a815002e81fa": "majority", + "572656e4dd62a815002e81fb": "qualified majority", + "572656e4dd62a815002e81fc": "harder", + "572656e4dd62a815002e81fe": "court of justice", + "572695285951b619008f774c": "a majority in parliament minority in the council", + "572695285951b619008f774e": "conciliation committee", + "572658435951b619008f7025": "judicial branch", + "572658435951b619008f7028": "higher european court of justice", + "5726965ef1498d1400e8e485": "the court of justice of the european union", + "5726965ef1498d1400e8e486": "court of auditors", + "5726965ef1498d1400e8e487": "three years", + "5726975c708984140094cb1f": "european court of justice and the highest national courts", + "5726975c708984140094cb21": "the court of justice", + "572699db5951b619008f779a": "foundational constitutional questions affecting democracy and human rights", + "572699db5951b619008f779d": "the ultimate authority of members faith faith factual commitment to human right thing the democratic will of the people", + "57269aa65951b619008f77ad": "All actions", + "57269aa65951b619008f77ae": "constitutional law", + "57269bb8708984140094cb97": "postal", + "57269bb8708984140094cb98": "treaty provisions", + "57269cc3dd62a815002e8b12": "immediate directive", + "57269f3ef1498d1400e8e534": "national courts", + "5726a00cf1498d1400e8e550": "european court of justice", + "5726a14c708984140094cc52": "international law and public law", + "5726a14c708984140094cc53": "proper legal faith faith", + "5726a1e5dd62a815002e8b86": "constitutional traditions", + "5726a299dd62a815002e8b9e": "None", + "5726a299dd62a815002e8b9f": "member states", + "5726a299dd62a815002e8ba1": "european court of human rights", + "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e59f": "charter of fundamental rights of the european union", + "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e5a0": "european union law", + "5726a34bf1498d1400e8e5a1": "european court of justice", + "5726a46cdd62a815002e8bd2": "chapter", + "5726a5525951b619008f78df": "parental leave directive", + "5726a638dd62a815002e8bf6": "belgium the netherlands", + "5726a638dd62a815002e8bf8": "the abuse of dominant position", + "5726a7ecf1498d1400e8e655": "anticompetitive agreements", + "5726b58f5951b619008f7b57": "consumer prices", + "5726b58f5951b619008f7b58": "free trade", + "5726b58f5951b619008f7b59": "the court of justice", + "5726b718dd62a815002e8dbe": "customs union", + "5726b718dd62a815002e8dbf": "parallel importers", + "5726b718dd62a815002e8dc0": "private actors", + "5726b718dd62a815002e8dc1": "france", + "5726b718dd62a815002e8dc2": "protest that block heavy traffic", + "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8e9": "france", + "5726b929f1498d1400e8e8eb": "cocoa butter", + "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e74": "people to pursue their life goals in any country through free movement", + "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e75": "the european community", + "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e76": "ancient felt that people have rights to empower them to become economically and socially active", + "5726baf2dd62a815002e8e78": "right to residents in the netherlands", + "5726bc1add62a815002e8ea8": "irish", + "5726bcde708984140094cfc0": "social services that people can access wherever they move", + "5726bcde708984140094cfc1": "three", + "5726bcde708984140094cfc2": "higher education along with other forms of vocational training", + "5726c002708984140094d073": "the treaty on the functioning of the european union", + "5726c002708984140094d074": "non discriminatory justified by imperative requirements", + "5726c002708984140094d077": "commission be", + "5726c19add62a815002e8f8b": "shipping toxic waste", + "5726c3da708984140094d0da": "only people established in the netherlands could give legal advice", + "5726c3da708984140094d0db": "narcotic drive", + "5726c3da708984140094d0dc": "treatment", + "5726c5a9f1498d1400e8eac4": "daily mail", + "5725b81b271a42140099d097": "amazonia", + "5725b81b271a42140099d099": "nine", + "5725b81b271a42140099d09a": "nine", + "5725b81b271a42140099d09b": "over half", + "5728349dff5b5019007d9eff": "amazon jungle", + "5728349dff5b5019007d9f00": "venezuela", + "5728349dff5b5019007d9f01": "over half", + "5729e2316aef0514001550c4": "rain forest", + "5729e2316aef0514001550c6": "nine", + "5729e2316aef0514001550c7": "brave fellow with fifty percent of the rain for followed by for really thirteen percent columbia with ten percent and with minor amounts in venezuela", + "5725be0f271a42140099d117": "wetter", + "5725be0f271a42140099d118": "fluctuations", + "5725be0f271a42140099d11a": "during the middle life", + "57283adcff5b5019007d9f94": "extinction event the extinction of the dinosaurs in the wetter climate", + "57283adcff5b5019007d9f96": "fluctuations", + "57283adcff5b5019007d9f98": "defended again", + "5729e500af94a219006aa6b5": "cretaceous palliative extinction event", + "5729e500af94a219006aa6b8": "extinction event", + "5725c071271a42140099d128": "toward the atlantic", + "5725c071271a42140099d12b": "atlantic", + "57283d173acd2414000df790": "the atlantic", + "57283d173acd2414000df791": "the atlantic", + "57283d173acd2414000df792": "andes mountains", + "5729e6313f37b319004785aa": "middle", + "5729e6313f37b319004785ab": "toward the atlantic", + "5729e6313f37b319004785ac": "the atlantic", + "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50b": "amazon basin", + "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50e": "difficult to resolve", + "5725c41eec44d21400f3d50f": "by the available data", + "572841772ca10214002da1a7": "people aviation", + "572841772ca10214002da1a8": "sediment deposits", + "572841772ca10214002da1a9": "reduced voice tropical vegetation covered in the basin", + "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77a": "sediment", + "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77b": "tropical", + "572a0bfaaf94a219006aa77c": "open forest and grassland", + "5725c63438643c19005acca2": "amazon basin", + "5728455bff5b5019007da078": "Nafta fillet of those satellite", + "5729ea263f37b319004785be": "Nafta", + "5725c95f38643c19005accf3": "amazonia", + "5725c95f38643c19005accf5": "agriculture", + "5725c95f38643c19005accf6": "brief and anthropological findings", + "572847dd4b864d19001648bc": "sparsely populated", + "572847dd4b864d19001648bf": "amazonia", + "5729eb34af94a219006aa6ca": "amazonia", + "5725cbb289a1e219009abed4": "the spread of diseases from europe", + "5725cf3238643c19005acd62": "large areas", + "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61c": "One", + "5725d16aec44d21400f3d61e": "forty", + "5729f0db6aef051400155128": "forty", + "5729f0db6aef05140015512a": "tens of thousands", + "5726722bdd62a815002e8528": "one", + "5729f2646aef051400155130": "the highest", + "5729f3831d0469140077967b": "anaconda", + "5729f3831d0469140077967f": "Vampire", + "5729fd56af94a219006aa72f": "inflation", + "5729fd56af94a219006aa731": "flash and burn", + "5729feaf6aef05140015518b": "second largest", + "572a005f1d046914007796b7": "fly farmers", + "572a005f1d046914007796b8": "increased gentlemen", + "572a005f1d046914007796bb": "declined significantly", + "572a020f6aef051400155198": "biodiversity", + "572a020f6aef051400155199": "destruction of the foreign phenolphthalein", + "572a020f6aef05140015519a": "loss of biodiversity that will result from destruction of the foreign phenolphthalein", + "572a03a06aef0514001551ab": "greenhouse gas", + "572a03a06aef0514001551ae": "deforestation", + "572a064a3f37b3190047865d": "indigenous", + "572a064a3f37b31900478661": "primates", + "572a07c11d046914007796d5": "remote sensing", + "572a07c11d046914007796d6": "indigenous", + "572a07c11d046914007796d7": "southern", + "572a07c11d046914007796d8": "to protect their tribal lands from commercial interests", + "572a07c11d046914007796d9": "to protect their tribal lands from commercial interests", + "572a09abaf94a219006aa75b": "growth pages live in different parts of the forest", + "572a09abaf94a219006aa75c": "carbon", + "572a09abaf94a219006aa75f": "synthetic aperture radar", + "572a0b101d046914007796eb": "brazilian national institute of amazonian research", + "572a0b101d046914007796ed": "vannatter", + "572a0b101d046914007796ea": "woods hole research center", + "572a0bebaf94a219006aa771": "three", + "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf4": "water flow", + "5725c0f289a1e219009abdf6": "largest animals", + "5725bae289a1e219009abd90": "ten times", + "5725c337271a42140099d165": "ten", + "5725c337271a42140099d166": "parasites", + "5726400589a1e219009ac5ee": "ten times", + "5725bc0338643c19005acc13": "juveniles", + "5725c57a89a1e219009abe5e": "eggs and sperm nature", + "5725c57a89a1e219009abe5f": "the eggs and sperm nature at different times", + "5725c57a89a1e219009abe60": "sequential", + "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd1": "felon", + "5726415bec44d21400f3dcd2": "eggs and sperm nature at different times", + "5725bdbe38643c19005acc39": "black sea", + "5726431d271a42140099d7f6": "a vital part of marine food chain", + "5726431d271a42140099d7f8": "causing fish stocks to collapse", + "5725c91e38643c19005accee": "soft gelatinous five to five full factor representing the four or five harry lee with no tentacles", + "5726449f1125e71900ae192b": "tentacles", + "572647d0708984140094c14e": "nigerians", + "572648e8dd62a815002e8076": "beachcomber", + "572648e8dd62a815002e8077": "locomotion", + "57264a0ef1498d1400e8db41": "oceanic", + "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a2": "muffle", + "57264b1ddd62a815002e80a3": "nutrients", + "57264cfa708984140094c1c5": "important function", + "57264e66dd62a815002e811a": "by experiments", + "57264e66dd62a815002e811d": "pump it into the method to leave", + "572655e5f1498d1400e8dc62": "transparent homemade of long immobile", + "57265746dd62a815002e8219": "tentacles", + "57265746dd62a815002e821a": "rounded", + "572658daf1498d1400e8dcaf": "three", + "572659ea5951b619008f7051": "three", + "572659ea5951b619008f7052": "near the mouth", + "572659ea5951b619008f7053": "from near the mouth to the opposite", + "57265c10f1498d1400e8dd37": "drive them back for a very quickly", + "57265c10f1498d1400e8dd38": "nerves", + "57265d86f1498d1400e8dd54": "their lives very jeff inside the large mouth", + "57265e97708984140094c3c4": "the spirit of faith", + "57265e97708984140094c3c5": "undulating their bodies", + "572683075951b619008f7517": "external", + "572684365951b619008f7540": "among the plankton", + "572686fc708984140094c8e6": "much the same wavelength as they're fighting", + "572686fc708984140094c8e8": "Juveniles", + "5726887e708984140094c917": "vegetarians", + "5726887e708984140094c918": "jellyfish", + "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33c": "organic matter", + "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33d": "jellyfish", + "57268a37f1498d1400e8e33f": "jellyfish", + "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39c": "soft gelatinous", + "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39d": "a comb jelly", + "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39e": "mid cambrian period", + "57268da7f1498d1400e8e39f": "Three", + "57268da7f1498d1400e8e3a0": "internal organs", + "57269016708984140094ca41": "nigeria", + "572691bedd62a815002e89df": "Richard harbison", + "5725ce4d38643c19005acd4d": "France", + "5725ce4d38643c19005acd4f": "ash tree", + "5725cfd0271a42140099d226": "drawn by the convenience of the railroad", + "5725cfd0271a42140099d229": "central pacific railroad", + "5725d183271a42140099d23e": "chinatown", + "5725d183271a42140099d240": "The fresno fairgrounds", + "5725d183271a42140099d241": "an assembly center", + "5725d42a89a1e219009abf5b": "old country western show", + "5725d662ec44d21400f3d687": "three", + "5725d7e438643c19005acdfa": "the original fresno county courthouse", + "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b4": "Fulton street", + "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b6": "near their current location", + "5725daa8ec44d21400f3d6b7": "public art pieces", + "5725db98ec44d21400f3d6c8": "fresno", + "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfec": "water tower", + "5725dd7d89a1e219009abfed": "fresno normal", + "5725e1c4271a42140099d2d8": "infected and third run movies", + "5725e1c4271a42140099d2da": "France", + "5725e45689a1e219009ac048": "restaurant live theater", + "5725e45689a1e219009ac049": "a few hundred feet of each other", + "5725e45689a1e219009ac04a": "fifth howard district", + "5725e45689a1e219009ac04b": "fifth howard district", + "5725e45689a1e219009ac04c": "howard district", + "5725e748ec44d21400f3d733": "early twentieth century", + "5725e748ec44d21400f3d734": "nation revival style architecture", + "5725e748ec44d21400f3d735": "contrasts", + "5725e748ec44d21400f3d736": "in recent decades", + "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0ae": "huntington boulevard", + "5725ec8289a1e219009ac0b2": "fresno traction company", + "5725edfe38643c19005ace9f": "southwest france", + "5725edfe38643c19005acea0": "southwest", + "5725edfe38643c19005acea3": "fresno", + "5725f00938643c19005aced8": "tall palm trees", + "5725f00938643c19005aced9": "thorne avenue", + "5725f00938643c19005aceda": "the valve", + "5725f00938643c19005acedb": "the dog pound", + "5725f190ec44d21400f3d772": "fresno", + "5725f190ec44d21400f3d773": "very little", + "5725f2c838643c19005aceed": "ralph woodward", + "5725f2c838643c19005acef1": "april through october", + "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fc": "fiat", + "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fd": "automobiles", + "5725f46289a1e219009ac0fe": "numerous", + "5725f5b1271a42140099d371": "hot and dry", + "5725f5b1271a42140099d372": "July", + "5725f5b1271a42140099d374": "northwest", + "5725f5b1271a42140099d375": "december january and february", + "5725fabc89a1e219009ac12b": "a third", + "5725fcbe271a42140099d3ae": "one hundred fifty eight the fear of freeway had teeth to the city of clothing from huntington lane. Faith route forty one yosemite freeway", + "5725fcbe271a42140099d3b0": "left ear", + "5725fe63ec44d21400f3d7dd": "France", + "5725ff8238643c19005acf4a": "downtown fresno", + "5725ff8238643c19005acf4c": "union pacific railroad", + "5725ff8238643c19005acf4d": "san joaquin. The main passenger rail station is the recently renovated historical santa fe railroad depot in downtown fresno", + "5725d34089a1e219009abf50": "the convent distributed adaptive method", + "5725d34089a1e219009abf53": "coining the modern name packet switching uninspiring numerous packet flinching networks in europe", + "572632ceec44d21400f3dc2f": "the convent distributed adaptive method", + "572632ceec44d21400f3dc31": "donald davies", + "5725d52f89a1e219009abf78": "networking paradigm", + "5725d52f89a1e219009abf7a": "fee per unit of connection time", + "572634a789a1e219009ac56c": "networking paradigm", + "572634a789a1e219009ac56f": "fee per unit of connection time", + "5726249538643c19005ad080": "survivable communications network", + "5726249538643c19005ad081": "decentralized network", + "57263677ec44d21400f3dc4c": "packing thin", + "572629c6271a42140099d6a3": "message routing methodology", + "572629c6271a42140099d6a4": "national physical laboratory", + "572629c6271a42140099d6a5": "a nationwide network", + "572629c6271a42140099d6a6": "nationwide network", + "5726378238643c19005ad313": "donald davies", + "5726378238643c19005ad314": "national physical laboratory", + "5726385e271a42140099d797": "addressable memory", + "5726385e271a42140099d798": "via different roof", + "5726385e271a42140099d79a": "the original methods", + "5726398589a1e219009ac58b": "small", + "5726398589a1e219009ac58a": "dinner table", + "57263b1638643c19005ad333": "connection oriented operation", + "57263b1638643c19005ad335": "network provider", + "57263b1638643c19005ad334": "packet switching", + "57263cfcec44d21400f3dc8d": "networking protocol", + "57263cfcec44d21400f3dc8f": "addresses", + "57263dcd89a1e219009ac5a3": "make the hosts responsible for reliable delivery of that rather than the network itself nothing on reliable data grandson associated end to end protocol mechanism", + "57263dcd89a1e219009ac5a5": "french research network", + "57263ea0271a42140099d7c5": "two", + "57263ea0271a42140099d7c6": "networking protocol", + "57263fd138643c19005ad37d": "lost money", + "57263fd138643c19005ad37e": "a time sharing fifth of faith and kenny's work at dartmouth with youth that computer on loan from g fifty profitable", + "5726414e271a42140099d7e5": "to explore computer networking between three of michigan's public university says the means to help the faith educational and economic development", + "5726414e271a42140099d7e6": "michigan state university", + "5726414e271a42140099d7e7": "hijacked", + "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf6": "mary roberts", + "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf7": "making arpanet technology life", + "57264228ec44d21400f3dcf8": "arpanet", + "5726431aec44d21400f3dd13": "international data communications network", + "5726431aec44d21400f3dd14": "public network", + "5726431aec44d21400f3dd16": "bank the narrow line fidel their own dedicated net worth", + "5726431aec44d21400f3dd17": "reach location", + "572643de5951261400b5195a": "two", + "572643de5951261400b5195b": "found northern research", + "5726446a89cfff1900a8404e": "telecom australia", + "57264586f1498d1400e8dac7": "david", + "57264586f1498d1400e8dac9": "all these services were managed by the same people", + "5726462b708984140094c117": "National science foundation", + "5726462b708984140094c118": "to extend networking benefit", + "5726462b708984140094c119": "could not be directly connected to our finance", + "5726472bdd62a815002e8044": "the united states computer networking consortium", + "572647e2dd62a815002e805c": "national science foundation", + "572647e2dd62a815002e805e": "private industry partnerships", + "572648d1708984140094c15e": "connect more than one hundred universities and research and engineering institution", + "572648d1708984140094c15f": "fiato", + "57264684708984140094c123": "central asia", + "57264684708984140094c124": "Spreading", + "572647935951b619008f6ec9": "grave danger thirteen thirty eight to thirty nine near lake if they pay you well in front of time", + "572647935951b619008f6ecb": "china", + "57264845f1498d1400e8db0c": "infected corpses", + "57264845f1498d1400e8db0d": "europe", + "572648ed5951b619008f6f03": "northwest", + "572648ed5951b619008f6f04": "russia", + "572648ed5951b619008f6f06": "germany and scandinavia", + "57264991f1498d1400e8db30": "through the fourth trade with constantinople", + "57264991f1498d1400e8db31": "north", + "57264a74708984140094c18f": "scandinavian", + "57264b3edd62a815002e80aa": "bad air", + "57264b3edd62a815002e80ab": "king of france", + "57264b3edd62a815002e80ac": "miasma theory", + "57264b3edd62a815002e80ad": "miasma theory", + "57264c42dd62a815002e80c7": "southern china", + "57264cc6dd62a815002e80e5": "black death", + "57264d58f1498d1400e8db7e": "high fevers", + "57264e2f708984140094c1e4": "northern french", + "57264f18f1498d1400e8dbae": "ancestral", + "57264fe65951b619008f6fa1": "amended", + "57264fe65951b619008f6fa2": "england", + "57264fe65951b619008f6fa3": "most modern strains of the disease", + "5726509bdd62a815002e815c": "contemporary accounts were exaggeration", + "5726516a708984140094c223": "epidemiological account of the plague", + "5726516a708984140094c224": "lack of reliable statistics", + "5726516a708984140094c226": "the clergy", + "57265285708984140094c25b": "insufficient", + "57265285708984140094c25c": "marginal significant", + "57265285708984140094c25d": "survival of fleas", + "57265285708984140094c25e": "faster", + "5726534d708984140094c26d": "transmission must have been person to person", + "5726534d708984140094c26f": "other diseases", + "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc28": "fifty percent", + "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc29": "Half", + "5726542ff1498d1400e8dc2c": "most isolated areas", + "572654e2708984140094c2b9": "almost a million", + "57265642f1498d1400e8dc69": "russia", + "57265642f1498d1400e8dc6b": "italian plague", + "57265700dd62a815002e8210": "half", + "572657d9dd62a815002e8230": "lava", + "572657d9dd62a815002e8232": "sedimentary rock", + "572657d9dd62a815002e8234": "heat and pressure", + "57265f605951b619008f70dd": "fan andreas fault system", + "57266193dd62a815002e832a": "seismic", + "57266193dd62a815002e832d": "fear on top", + "572663a9f1498d1400e8ddf2": "shows the most recent eon with an expanded jail", + "572665ff708984140094c4c4": "younger", + "572665ff708984140094c4c6": "younger", + "572667e2f1498d1400e8de90": "lava flows", + "572667e2f1498d1400e8de93": "inclusion", + "572667e2f1498d1400e8de94": "lava flows", + "572669a9dd62a815002e8417": "william smith", + "572669a9dd62a815002e8418": "quite complex", + "572669a9dd62a815002e8419": "bad things", + "572669a9dd62a815002e841a": "charles darwin", + "57266c015951b619008f7239": "absolute", + "57266c015951b619008f723a": "one another", + "57266c015951b619008f723b": "five full faith and fifth", + "57266e72f1498d1400e8df8d": "half of the rock path through its particular pleasure temperature", + "57266e72f1498d1400e8df8e": "dorian data", + "5726701add62a815002e84c8": "horizontal", + "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe4": "stretching", + "572671a5f1498d1400e8dfe8": "stretching", + "572673f5708984140094c69c": "in areas that are being actively deformed", + "572673f5708984140094c69d": "topographic", + "572673f5708984140094c69e": "Continual motion", + "57267640f1498d1400e8e076": "sedimentary", + "57267640f1498d1400e8e077": "cambrian time", + "57267640f1498d1400e8e078": "north western canada", + "572677e7708984140094c723": "pathology", + "572677e7708984140094c724": "numerical modeling method to decipher earth history", + "572677e7708984140094c726": "soil river fillet and faith and glaciers", + "57267947f1498d1400e8e0ec": "identifying marks the field pathologists identifier wrath impulse in the laboratory. Few of the primary methods for identifying", + "57267947f1498d1400e8e0ef": "the laboratory", + "57267b3c5951b619008f7423": "physical experiments", + "57267b3c5951b619008f7424": "fluid inflation data perform high temperature and pressure physical experiments", + "57267d52708984140094c7d9": "Structural", + "57267d52708984140094c7da": "microscopic analysis", + "57267d52708984140094c7db": "combine", + "57267ebfdd62a815002e872e": "faulting", + "57267ebfdd62a815002e872f": "all angles", + "57267ebfdd62a815002e8730": "Numerical models", + "57268066708984140094c822": "geophysical", + "57268066708984140094c824": "computer programs", + "57268066708984140094c825": "hydrocarbon extraction", + "57268220f1498d1400e8e218": "to provide better athlete found on the timing and read the deposition", + "572683f95951b619008f7525": "purge after the muslim enclave have come to an end", + "572683f95951b619008f7529": "his observation of fossil animals", + "57268527708984140094c8bf": "James", + "57268527708984140094c8c0": "theory of the earth", + "57268527708984140094c8c2": "the earth must be much older than had previously been supposed", + "572686ac5951b619008f75ad": "time of observations on the geology of the united states", + "572686ac5951b619008f75ac": "american philosophical society", + "57268882f1498d1400e8e306": "principles of geology", + "57268882f1498d1400e8e30a": "charles darwin", + "5726651ff1498d1400e8de32": "paul", + "5726660d5951b619008f71b4": "hadrian", + "572666d9dd62a815002e83b4": "england", + "572666d9dd62a815002e83b5": "elizabeth", + "572666d9dd62a815002e83b8": "three", + "57266783f1498d1400e8de86": "coals", + "57266783f1498d1400e8de88": "appointment for food", + "57266783f1498d1400e8de89": "the next century", + "57266783f1498d1400e8de8a": "ruin him", + "57266a15f1498d1400e8def6": "family", + "57266a15f1498d1400e8def7": "the river front side and that close knit community of human and their family. They were so called because they weren't on the heels", + "57266a15f1498d1400e8defa": "devastating", + "57266ab3dd62a815002e8434": "cromwell", + "57266ab3dd62a815002e8435": "five", + "57266ab3dd62a815002e8438": "Charles i", + "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df53": "urbanization", + "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df55": "electric lighting", + "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df52": "prosperity", + "57266cc9f1498d1400e8df56": "turbine", + "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df78": "medieval", + "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df79": "modern buildings", + "57266dd4f1498d1400e8df7b": "modern", + "57266ec2dd62a815002e84a0": "extensive neoclassical", + "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa5": "graze", + "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa8": "june", + "57266fa1f1498d1400e8dfa6": "harold v of norway", + "57267076708984140094c601": "Large-scale regeneration", + "57267076708984140094c603": "foster", + "57267076708984140094c604": "tourist promotion", + "57267076708984140094c605": "ten", + "572671165951b619008f72b9": "four stories high", + "572671e55951b619008f72d7": "granger market", + "572671e55951b619008f72da": "painting", + "572671e55951b619008f72db": "english heritage", + "57267383dd62a815002e8552": "oceanic filth", + "57267383dd62a815002e8554": "rain", + "57267383dd62a815002e8556": "british isles", + "572674f6f1498d1400e8e03d": "by department", + "5726769c708984140094c711": "shopping", + "5726769c708984140094c712": "suburban", + "5726769c708984140094c713": "the story", + "5726778df1498d1400e8e0ad": "upstairs flat", + "5726778df1498d1400e8e0af": "architect", + "5726778df1498d1400e8e0b0": "high density", + "572678c0dd62a815002e863f": "within the highest", + "572678c0dd62a815002e8641": "authority fair", + "572679c35951b619008f73dc": "north time", + "572679c35951b619008f73dd": "student", + "572679c35951b619008f73de": "north korea university", + "572679c35951b619008f73df": "student population with newcastle in north korea university in the local area. Areas with predominant student population fund plant jasmine and heathen", + "57267a94f1498d1400e8e123": "irish ancestors", + "57267b65dd62a815002e86a8": "many elements", + "57267b65dd62a815002e86a9": "freedom", + "57267b65dd62a815002e86aa": "freedom", + "57267c63dd62a815002e86d6": "scandinavia", + "57267c63dd62a815002e86d7": "northern united kingdom", + "57267c63dd62a815002e86d9": "cannon", + "57267c63dd62a815002e86da": "dutch", + "57267ce7708984140094c7ca": "hall", + "57267ce7708984140094c7cc": "negative", + "57267de1f1498d1400e8e194": "hollywood", + "57267de1f1498d1400e8e195": "fitness center", + "57267de1f1498d1400e8e197": "pink triangle", + "57267de1f1498d1400e8e198": "five", + "57267f695951b619008f74bd": "theater", + "57267f695951b619008f74bf": "many celebrated", + "57267f695951b619008f74c1": "three", + "5726800add62a815002e8751": "theatre royal", + "5726800add62a815002e8752": "royal shakespeare company", + "5726800add62a815002e8753": "local talent", + "572680865951b619008f74e9": "john and benjamin green", + "572680865951b619008f74ea": "faith lecture theatre", + "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fa": "The castle beer festival", + "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fb": "may", + "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fc": "april", + "57268109f1498d1400e8e1fd": "castle beer festival", + "57268341f1498d1400e8e23d": "new castle town more every june", + "57268341f1498d1400e8e23e": "temperance movement", + "57268341f1498d1400e8e23f": "cream festival take place within four starting from newcastle in june. The northern pride festival", + "57268341f1498d1400e8e240": "northern pride festival", + "572683e6f1498d1400e8e24f": "design event festival", + "572683e6f1498d1400e8e250": "east asian", + "5726847f708984140094c8af": "duran duran", + "57268525dd62a815002e8807": "faith head", + "57268525dd62a815002e8808": "five", + "57268525dd62a815002e8809": "time five cinema", + "57268525dd62a815002e880a": "faith head", + "57268692dd62a815002e8828": "shipbuilding", + "57268692dd62a815002e882a": "three north museum", + "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e2": "the night of the fire", + "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e3": "get carter", + "57268731f1498d1400e8e2e4": "thriller", + "572687e1dd62a815002e8853": "newcastle diamonds", + "572687e1dd62a815002e8854": "newcastle diamonds", + "57268885dd62a815002e886d": "over five million", + "572689385951b619008f761b": "queen victoria", + "572689385951b619008f761c": "fifth", + "572689385951b619008f761d": "queen victoria", + "572689385951b619008f761e": "john donvan", + "572689b6dd62a815002e8891": "fifth", + "572689b6dd62a815002e8892": "aberdeen inverness", + "572689b6dd62a815002e8893": "Cross-country trains", + "572689b6dd62a815002e8894": "Northern rail", + "57268a8fdd62a815002e88cf": "five", + "57268bb25951b619008f7646": "the market today", + "57268bb25951b619008f7647": "ramifications", + "57268bb25951b619008f7648": "an entirely new fleet of trains", + "57268d1b708984140094c9cf": "newcastle airport", + "57268d1b708984140094c9d0": "city center roads", + "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e7": "two", + "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e8": "stagecoach", + "57268ff9f1498d1400e8e3e9": "passenger transport executive", + "57269120708984140094ca5a": "cycling", + "57269120708984140094ca5b": "healthy", + "57269120708984140094ca5c": "one way", + "57269120708984140094ca5d": "national", + "57269526dd62a815002e8a4e": "eleven", + "57269526dd62a815002e8a4f": "eleven", + "57269526dd62a815002e8a50": "royal grammar school", + "57269526dd62a815002e8a51": "Newcastle college", + "57269526dd62a815002e8a52": "catholic", + "57269698dd62a815002e8a6c": "four", + "57269698dd62a815002e8a6d": "newcastle university", + "57269698dd62a815002e8a6e": "university of the year award", + "572699b55951b619008f778f": "three", + "572699b55951b619008f7791": "coptic cathedral", + "572699b55951b619008f7792": "thomas", + "572699b55951b619008f7793": "parish churches", + "57269b165951b619008f77b7": "The church tower", + "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4ca": "the new road", + "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4cb": "water mark", + "57269c26f1498d1400e8e4cc": "the road complex", + "57269d745951b619008f77d8": "Newcastle's to radio", + "57269d745951b619008f77da": "lollipops", + "57269d745951b619008f77db": "newcastle university student union building", + "57269e80f1498d1400e8e521": "lord chief justice", + "57269e80f1498d1400e8e522": "lord armstrong", + "57269e80f1498d1400e8e523": "incandescent light bulb", + "57269e80f1498d1400e8e524": "thailand", + "57269fab5951b619008f7809": "nobel prize", + "57269fab5951b619008f780b": "effigy", + "5726710b708984140094c61d": "london", + "5726710b708984140094c620": "queen victoria and prince albert", + "572680ac708984140094c83d": "royal perot kensington and chelsea", + "572680ac708984140094c83f": "queen victoria and prince albert", + "572685cd5951b619008f7575": "museum of manufactures", + "572685cd5951b619008f7576": "somerset house", + "57268d02f1498d1400e8e378": "queen victoria", + "57268d02f1498d1400e8e37b": "late night openings", + "57268f2c708984140094ca26": "nearly a million", + "57268f2c708984140094ca27": "council of industrial design", + "57268f2c708984140094ca28": "the festival of britain", + "572691d7708984140094ca6d": "rock concert", + "572691d7708984140094ca6f": "roy thrown", + "57269656708984140094cafd": "dundee", + "57269656708984140094caff": "fifties waterfront", + "57269656708984140094cb00": "fashion architecture friday defying graphic arts in photography", + "57269656708984140094cb01": "within five years", + "57269c06708984140094cba1": "elaine jones", + "57269c06708984140094cba2": "italian renaissance", + "57269c06708984140094cba4": "isaac newton", + "57269c06708984140094cba5": "michelangelo", + "57269d68708984140094cbd9": "james gamble", + "57269d68708984140094cbda": "alfred stevenson", + "5726a0205951b619008f781c": "science school", + "5726a0205951b619008f781e": "archive collection", + "5726a2445951b619008f7864": "on the fell five of the garden", + "5726a9ff708984140094cd4c": "four", + "5726a9ff708984140094cd4e": "marble", + "5726a9ff708984140094cd4f": "Prince albert", + "5726ace8dd62a815002e8ca2": "entrants building", + "5726afeb708984140094cdd7": "the main plath gallery", + "5726afeb708984140094cdd8": "mosaic floors", + "5726afeb708984140094cdda": "kensington", + "5726b12f5951b619008f7aaf": "john modjeski", + "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab1": "elliptical", + "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab2": "reception gatherings or exhibition purposes", + "5726b12f5951b619008f7ab3": "orange and lemon", + "5726b2fcf1498d1400e8e7e5": "royal institute of british architect", + "5726b6e05951b619008f7b9c": "christopher wren", + "5726ba83dd62a815002e8e6b": "the great fire of london", + "5726bc505951b619008f7c7c": "spain", + "5726bf325951b619008f7cfe": "china japan and korea", + "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fd8": "toshiba", + "5726c4b5dd62a815002e8fdc": "bronze", + "5726c80c5951b619008f7de8": "thailand", + "5726c80c5951b619008f7deb": "pearl", + "5726c9a4708984140094d16f": "john forster", + "5726cc11dd62a815002e9087": "charles dickinson", + "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc5": "load", + "5726ce11f1498d1400e8ebc7": "thirds the collection", + "5726cfa3708984140094d20a": "factory project", + "5726cfa3708984140094d20b": "andy warhol", + "5726cfa3708984140094d20d": "to catalyze everything", + "5726d4a45951b619008f7f69": "british patron", + "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6a": "asia", + "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6c": "florist walpole", + "5726d4a45951b619008f7f6d": "porcelain fluff and wallpaper", + "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecda": "increasing emphasis on entertainment and leisure", + "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecde": "john ruskin", + "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecdc": "mass production", + "5726d7faf1498d1400e8ecdd": "crafts movement", + "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed17": "in half", + "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed18": "david", + "5726d993f1498d1400e8ed1a": "in a glass case", + "5726dba1dd62a815002e92e8": "museum staff of chinese and japanese ceramic", + "5726dd71f1498d1400e8edda": "ceramic fellows", + "5726dd71f1498d1400e8eddc": "germany and switzerland", + "5726de7a5951b619008f80ad": "ancient egypt", + "5726e06df1498d1400e8ee53": "daniel", + "5726e1fcdd62a815002e93c7": "giovanni benedetto", + "5726e37ef1498d1400e8eedc": "harry", + "5726e4eedd62a815002e9439": "vivienne westwood", + "5726e4eedd62a815002e943b": "vivienne westwood", + "5726e4eedd62a815002e943c": "modern fashion", + "5726e680dd62a815002e946e": "italian and french renaissance", + "5726e680dd62a815002e9470": "french eighteenth century art and furnishings", + "5726e834dd62a815002e94a7": "germany", + "5726e9c65951b619008f8248": "egypt", + "5726ef12dd62a815002e959f": "gilt bronze", + "5726f4a0708984140094d6eb": "forming a a national gallery of british", + "5726f4a0708984140094d6ec": "fetches", + "5726f4a0708984140094d6ed": "british", + "5726f755708984140094d738": "madame de pompadour", + "5726fb18dd62a815002e96d1": "All uses of culture", + "5726fe95dd62a815002e9733": "the sculptor", + "5726fe95dd62a815002e9735": "world war i", + "572700c8dd62a815002e976a": "george frampton", + "572700c8dd62a815002e976d": "british and europeans", + "572702a3dd62a815002e9792": "by the fumes sculpture", + "572703fdf1498d1400e8f23d": "all populated continents", + "572703fdf1498d1400e8f23f": "western european", + "572703fdf1498d1400e8f240": "Techniques", + "57270541dd62a815002e97ca": "the netherlands", + "57270541dd62a815002e97cb": "the hunting of various animal", + "57270676dd62a815002e97f1": "william morris", + "57270817708984140094d8c9": "national collection of material about live performance", + "57270817708984140094d8ca": "fifth", + "57270817708984140094d8cb": "research expedition and other shows", + "57270ab9708984140094d8f7": "Conservation", + "57267b755951b619008f7433": "walt disney company", + "57267b755951b619008f7435": "manhattan", + "57267ca75951b619008f746a": "broadcast", + "57267ca75951b619008f746d": "capital city", + "57267f1cdd62a815002e8741": "fidel broadcasting", + "57267f1cdd62a815002e8744": "fidel broadcasting", + "5726808bdd62a815002e8776": "radio corporation of america", + "5726808bdd62a815002e8778": "major city and defense drama series", + "5726808bdd62a815002e877a": "blue network", + "572681ab708984140094c85d": "mutual", + "572681ab708984140094c860": "nbc", + "572681ab708984140094c861": "nbc ran for nbc blue", + "572684f5dd62a815002e87fd": "nbc", + "572684f5dd62a815002e87ff": "david starr", + "572685d1f1498d1400e8e2a1": "president", + "57268739708984140094c8ee": "paul whiteman", + "57268739708984140094c8ef": "The net", + "57268739708984140094c8f0": "bing crosby", + "57268739708984140094c8f1": "public service", + "57269260dd62a815002e89ee": "united kingdom", + "57269344f1498d1400e8e43f": "satellite television", + "57269344f1498d1400e8e441": "mainly in japan in latin america", + "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb5d": "japan", + "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb5f": "technical problems in flight delays", + "5726caaaf1498d1400e8eb60": "technical problems in flight delays", + "5726e5ac708984140094d51b": "peanut", + "5726e5ac708984140094d51e": "family alive", + "5726e5b1f1498d1400e8ef33": "times square", + "5726e671dd62a815002e9466": "filthy edge of night", + "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6e": "college football", + "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6a": "stephen", + "5726e773f1498d1400e8ef6d": "open championship golf in the wimbledon tennis tournaments", + "5726e942f1498d1400e8efa1": "two", + "5726e942f1498d1400e8efa2": "dumont television network", + "5726ea06dd62a815002e950b": "paramount pictures", + "5726ea06dd62a815002e950c": "nine", + "5726ea06dd62a815002e950e": "prudential insurance company of america", + "5726ec6ff1498d1400e8eff2": "Leonard goldenson", + "5726ed12708984140094d648": "paramount building", + "5726edeff1498d1400e8f026": "mount wilson", + "5726edeff1498d1400e8f027": "perfect studio", + "5726f0865951b619008f82e6": "nbc", + "572734af708984140094dae3": "the circle logo", + "572734af708984140094dae6": "circle logo also called the dive team", + "572735a15951b619008f86c1": "primetime live. The four no theme tune with introduced alongside the packet faith around the net worth we love", + "572736625951b619008f86d4": "special feeling", + "572736fc5951b619008f86da": "black", + "5727387b5951b619008f86eb": "fifth", + "57273954708984140094db08": "nafta", + "57273a0d708984140094db0e": "michael eisner", + "57273a0d708984140094db0f": "that bachelor", + "57273abef1498d1400e8f4da": "time warner cable", + "57273c195951b619008f8722": "meredith vieira", + "57273c195951b619008f8724": "meredith vieira", + "57273d19708984140094db3f": "young broadcasting", + "57273d19708984140094db40": "robert iger", + "57273d19708984140094db41": "the fairies", + "57273dbbf1498d1400e8f509": "third", + "57273ef15951b619008f8753": "baltimore", + "57273f9d708984140094db52": "dumont television network", + "5727403af1498d1400e8f526": "paramount pictures", + "5727403af1498d1400e8f527": "the lone ranger", + "5727403af1498d1400e8f528": "the adventures of ozzie and harriet", + "57274118dd62a815002e9a1c": "filter", + "57274118dd62a815002e9a1e": "walt disney", + "57274118dd62a815002e9a1f": "theory", + "572741aaf1498d1400e8f541": "tiffany lamp", + "572742daf1498d1400e8f552": "love radio", + "572742daf1498d1400e8f553": "several", + "5727448b5951b619008f87a1": "monday night football", + "5727448b5951b619008f87a3": "nbc", + "572746d3dd62a815002e9a66": "cigarette advertising for all television and radio network", + "572746d3dd62a815002e9a69": "henry", + "572747dd5951b619008f87aa": "half the day", + "572747dd5951b619008f87ac": "paramount pictures", + "572748745951b619008f87b2": "fred silverman", + "5727492f708984140094dbb7": "cable", + "572749d7dd62a815002e9a90": "alex haley", + "572749d7dd62a815002e9a91": "aaron spelling", + "572749d7dd62a815002e9a92": "nine", + "572749d7dd62a815002e9a94": "felt for a parody", + "57274baff1498d1400e8f5dd": "hugh downs", + "57274baff1498d1400e8f5de": "barbara walters", + "57274d905951b619008f87e1": "writers guild of america", + "57274e6a5951b619008f87f2": "entertainment group", + "57274e6a5951b619008f87f3": "infidel media", + "57274e6a5951b619008f87f4": "disney channel", + "57274f07708984140094dbef": "friday", + "57274f07708984140094dbf0": "wednesday", + "5727504b5951b619008f8820": "paramount television", + "572754b5dd62a815002e9b45": "federal communications commission", + "57275743f1498d1400e8f680": "body of proof", + "57275743f1498d1400e8f681": "happy endings", + "57275743f1498d1400e8f682": "outrage", + "57275743f1498d1400e8f683": "brothers and sisters", + "5727590df1498d1400e8f6b7": "south africa", + "5727590df1498d1400e8f6b9": "the revolution", + "572759c1f1498d1400e8f6ca": "two thousand four", + "572759c1f1498d1400e8f6cd": "the neighbors", + "57275a505951b619008f88a1": "friday", + "57275a505951b619008f88a2": "phoebe", + "57275bfb708984140094dc97": "Daniel birth", + "57275bfb708984140094dc98": "thomas murphy", + "57275bfb708984140094dc9a": "steven bochco", + "57275bfb708984140094dc9b": "four", + "57275cb3f1498d1400e8f6dc": "time warner cable", + "57275e125951b619008f88d9": "john bath", + "57275e95f1498d1400e8f6f4": "wide world", + "57275e95f1498d1400e8f6f6": "edgar sheriff", + "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f706": "american broadcasting company", + "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f707": "convent", + "57275f6ef1498d1400e8f708": "fiend", + "57276166dd62a815002e9bd9": "dynasty", + "5727623a5951b619008f8921": "infinity broadcasting corporation", + "5727623a5951b619008f8923": "nickelodeon", + "572763a8708984140094dcda": "chairman", + "572763a8708984140094dcdc": "america's funniest home videos", + "572763a8708984140094dcdd": "the green light", + "572764855951b619008f8951": "jimmy kimmel live", + "572764855951b619008f8954": "jimmy kimmel", + "57276576dd62a815002e9c18": "new jersey rhode island and delaware", + "57276690708984140094dd03": "prospect avenue", + "5727678e5951b619008f8973": "times square studios", + "5727678e5951b619008f8974": "morning america a nightline or private half", + "5727678e5951b619008f8975": "peter jennings", + "5727678e5951b619008f8976": "world news tonight", + "572769e85951b619008f8985": "that day after", + "572769e85951b619008f8986": "a phase", + "57276a8f5951b619008f8996": "twenty third", + "57276d7f708984140094dd3f": "youngstown", + "57276d7f708984140094dd40": "five time from our viewers that the of competitive", + "57276f82dd62a815002e9cd2": "violent death", + "5727705f5951b619008f89f6": "flintstones", + "572771a5f1498d1400e8f842": "department of justice", + "57277373dd62a815002e9d24": "capital city communication", + "57277373dd62a815002e9d26": "warren buffett", + "572774cf5951b619008f8a53": "president of a b c.'s broadcasting division", + "57277585708984140094de2c": "half the day", + "57277585708984140094de2d": "beefy have retained the ravens leave him on the big three networks", + "57277585708984140094de2e": "laverne and shirley", + "57277632f1498d1400e8f8c5": "perfect strangers on the team", + "572776e85951b619008f8a7f": "three to fifteen", + "572776e85951b619008f8a81": "ralph ralph", + "572776e85951b619008f8a83": "california", + "5727780a5951b619008f8a9d": "diverse", + "5727780a5951b619008f8aa1": "ali trade", + "57277944f1498d1400e8f90b": "the action very thorough", + "57277944f1498d1400e8f90c": "life", + "57277944f1498d1400e8f90d": "variety shows", + "57277af2708984140094dec5": "First television", + "57277bfc708984140094ded9": "sinclair broadcast group", + "57277bfc708984140094deda": "birmingham market", + "57277cf6dd62a815002e9e77": "troika beyond", + "57277cf6dd62a815002e9e78": "entertainment division", + "57269e8a5951b619008f77f5": "mongol empire", + "57269e8a5951b619008f77f6": "nomadic tribes of northeast asia", + "5726a00d708984140094cc29": "mongolia", + "5726a4a9708984140094ccba": "the fifth", + "5726a784708984140094ccff": "arranged marriages", + "5726a784708984140094cd01": "chinese dynasties to the south", + "5726a784708984140094cd02": "the need for alliances", + "5726a9ed5951b619008f7969": "three", + "5726a9ed5951b619008f796d": "five", + "5726ab47f1498d1400e8e6a2": "liar of his own tribe", + "5726acc1f1498d1400e8e6ca": "traditional mongolian aristocracy", + "5726ae32708984140094cdae": "political innovations", + "5726b0985951b619008f7a93": "universal ruler", + "5726b1d95951b619008f7acd": "shifted to move to asking him to return to his side", + "5726b1d95951b619008f7acf": "a noble death", + "5726b1d95951b619008f7ad0": "noble death", + "5726b879708984140094cf01": "chinese", + "5726b879708984140094cf04": "new technologies", + "5726b879708984140094cf05": "fifth", + "5726bd655951b619008f7ca0": "liao dynasty", + "5726bd655951b619008f7ca3": "the arrow", + "5726bf135951b619008f7ce9": "infighting internal revolt", + "5726bf135951b619008f7ced": "mongol empire", + "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f78": "second group of three", + "5726c0c5dd62a815002e8f7a": "filth road", + "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa6": "shan mountains", + "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa7": "three", + "5726c20fdd62a815002e8fa8": "third division under genghis khan and to lily march to the northwest", + "5726c20fdd62a815002e8faa": "the market", + "5726c3b3708984140094d0cf": "fragmentation", + "5726c3b3708984140094d0d1": "silver", + "5726c3b3708984140094d0d2": "fled rather than surrender", + "5726c4c8708984140094d0f7": "divert river", + "5726c61ff1498d1400e8eae3": "revenge", + "5726c61ff1498d1400e8eae4": "pyramids of severed heads", + "5726c7a85951b619008f7dde": "Genghis khan", + "5726c7a85951b619008f7de0": "the flail of god", + "5726c9b0dd62a815002e9048": "kiev", + "57272bcb5951b619008f8687": "on the road back to the market", + "57272ce1f1498d1400e8f43c": "mongols", + "57272dd55951b619008f8699": "arrows", + "57272dd55951b619008f869b": "executed", + "57273249f1498d1400e8f46b": "hunting", + "572732f8f1498d1400e8f474": "without marking", + "57273455f1498d1400e8f490": "red guards", + "57273581708984140094daec": "river", + "57273581708984140094daee": "many horses", + "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b5": "genghis khan", + "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b6": "meritocracy", + "572736bff1498d1400e8f4b7": "genghis khan", + "57273887dd62a815002e99a2": "tax exemptions", + "57273887dd62a815002e99a4": "tolerance", + "572739a75951b619008f86f9": "chinese", + "57273b1a5951b619008f870a": "nomads", + "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e2": "close advisers", + "57273c01f1498d1400e8f4e6": "unwavering loyalty", + "57273d06f1498d1400e8f4f6": "cities and towns", + "57273d06f1498d1400e8f4f9": "driving them in front of the army", + "57273dccdd62a815002e99fa": "caspian sea", + "57273dccdd62a815002e99fb": "caspian sea", + "57273eecf1498d1400e8f51e": "left middle east and asia", + "57273eecf1498d1400e8f51f": "thrifty", + "57273eecf1498d1400e8f520": "tolerant", + "57273eecf1498d1400e8f521": "increased communication", + "5727404b708984140094db5a": "uniting warring tribes", + "5727404b708984140094db5b": "the father of the mongol", + "5727404b708984140094db5c": "poetry", + "5727404b708984140094db5d": "unfairly", + "57274126dd62a815002e9a25": "genghis khan", + "5727515af1498d1400e8f63b": "corruption and bribery", + "5727515af1498d1400e8f63d": "the introduction of the traditional mongolian", + "57275250708984140094dc25": "inner mongolia region", + "57275250708984140094dc28": "qin dynasty", + "57275250708984140094dc29": "his thick fathers", + "572753af708984140094dc2f": "iran", + "5727580bf1498d1400e8f69c": "right", + "5726d8bd708984140094d35b": "greek word for mickey free phi alpha room you alpha kappa epsilon iona alpha derived from farmington", + "5726d8bd708984140094d35c": "herbal remedies", + "5726d8bd708984140094d35d": "to round them a thin for inflation and wine", + "5726d8bd708984140094d35e": "outdated", + "5726d9935951b619008f7fee": "optimal", + "5726da89dd62a815002e92b2": "other senior pharmacy technician", + "5726da89dd62a815002e92b4": "manage the pharmacy department and specialized areas in pharmacy practice", + "5726da89dd62a815002e92b5": "health care professional", + "5726da89dd62a815002e92b6": "manage the pharmacy department and specialized areas in pharmacy practice", + "5726db5add62a815002e92d8": "middle eastern scientific theory", + "5726dcbddd62a815002e9320": "highly respected", + "5726dcbddd62a815002e9324": "even rank", + "5726ddf6f1498d1400e8ee07": "sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate", + "5726deed5951b619008f80c6": "livia", + "5726deed5951b619008f80c7": "old pharmacy", + "5726e08e5951b619008f810f": "legislation", + "5726e08e5951b619008f8110": "prescriptions and patient safety issues", + "5726e179dd62a815002e93ae": "pharmacy practice residency", + "5726e179dd62a815002e93af": "various disciplines", + "5726e179dd62a815002e93b0": "medications", + "5726e179dd62a815002e93b1": "many firemen fifth practicing in hospitals", + "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb2": "within the premises of the hospital", + "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb5": "high cost", + "5726e313f1498d1400e8eeb6": "larger range of medication", + "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9405": "five hospital the planet", + "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9406": "physicians and other health care professionals", + "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9407": "patient care", + "5726e3c4dd62a815002e9408": "all health care setting", + "5726e5c95951b619008f81cb": "monitor for potential drug interactions adverse drug reactions and theft patient drug allergies", + "5726e5c95951b619008f81cc": "frequency and duration of therapy", + "5726e5c95951b619008f81ce": "potential drug interactions adverse drug reactions and theft patient drug allergies", + "5726e985dd62a815002e94dd": "ambulatory care pharmacist", + "5726ea985951b619008f8261": "health care and foreigners", + "5726ea985951b619008f8262": "nursing homes", + "5726eb4b5951b619008f826e": "homebound", + "5726eb4b5951b619008f826f": "the method by which the medication for requested and received", + "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00c": "to avoid the inconvenience of defending a doctor", + "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00e": "potentially dangerous", + "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f00f": "prescription drugs without requiring of prescription", + "5726ed6cf1498d1400e8f010": "prescription driving require a valid prescription", + "5726edecdd62a815002e957e": "without a prescription issued by a doctor practitioner", + "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f05e": "without a prescription issued by a doctor practitioner", + "5726ef73f1498d1400e8f060": "ensure that the prescription is valid", + "5726f0e35951b619008f82f7": "to reduce consumer cough", + "5726f0e35951b619008f82f8": "canada", + "5726f0e35951b619008f82f9": "international drug supplier", + "5726f0e35951b619008f82fa": "There is no known case of a u s.. Fans in buying canadian drive for personal use with a prescription for has ever been charged by authorities", + "5726f0e35951b619008f82fb": "legalize importation of medications from canada and other countries", + "5726f2375951b619008f830f": "pharmacy practice science and applied information", + "5726f2375951b619008f8311": "major national and international patient information projects", + "5726f2375951b619008f8312": "meditation management system development", + "5726f2375951b619008f8313": "quickly", + "5726f36cdd62a815002e95fe": "cost containment strategy", + "5726f36cdd62a815002e9600": "hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis", + "5726f36cdd62a815002e9601": "novel", + "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0da": "separately from physicians", + "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0db": "physicians", + "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0dc": "the american medical association", + "5726f48df1498d1400e8f0de": "form business partnerships with physicians", + "5726f635dd62a815002e9657": "united kingdom", + "5726f635dd62a815002e9656": "rural areas in the united kingdom", + "5726f7715951b619008f838d": "high risk of a conflict of interest", + "5726f7715951b619008f838e": "he can then fell more medication to the patient", + "5726f7715951b619008f8391": "diagnosing as many conditions if possible and then exaggerating their theory", + "5726f7715951b619008f8390": "attaining cost effective medication and avoiding the unnecessary use of medication", + "5726f868dd62a815002e9684": "more integral within the health care system", + "5726f868dd62a815002e9685": "medication therapy management", + "5726f868dd62a815002e9686": "financial services", + "5726f96ddd62a815002e9698": "alberta and british columbia", + "5726f96ddd62a815002e9699": "australian government", + "5726f96ddd62a815002e969a": "medicine use", + "5726f96ddd62a815002e969c": "doctor of farm", + "5726fa525951b619008f83f9": "netherlands", + "5726fa525951b619008f83fa": "germany and austria", + "5726fa525951b619008f83fb": "different countries that green green profit for an argentine the united kingdom belgium fire lane thea lee fain and india", + "5726e65e708984140094d53e": "viruses", + "5726e65e708984140094d53f": "fluid brain barriers", + "5726eb76f1498d1400e8efdb": "viruses", + "5726eb76f1498d1400e8efdc": "fluid brain barriers", + "5728eff82ca10214002daadc": "viruses", + "5728eff82ca10214002daadd": "pathogen", + "572a14af3f37b319004786c1": "viruses", + "572a14af3f37b319004786c3": "fifth", + "5726eb785951b619008f8276": "rudimentary", + "5726eb785951b619008f8277": "phagocytes", + "5726eb785951b619008f8278": "an enhanced response", + "572a135daf94a219006aa7a1": "vaccination", + "572a135daf94a219006aa7a2": "acquired immunity", + "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe3": "when the union fifth of less active than normal", + "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe4": "infection", + "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe5": "inflammatory diseases and cancer", + "5726eb8bf1498d1400e8efe6": "hashimoto thyroid died of rheumatoid arthritis", + "5728f2e26aef051400154896": "Immunodeficiency", + "5728f2e26aef051400154898": "Immunology", + "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f167": "scorpion", + "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f168": "Pastor", + "5726f8abf1498d1400e8f169": "walter reed", + "5728f3724b864d1900165117": "microorganisms", + "5728f3724b864d1900165118": "yellow fever virus", + "5726f8aef1498d1400e8f16e": "adaptive immune system", + "5726f8aef1498d1400e8f170": "adaptive immune system", + "5728f6446aef0514001548e4": "adaptive immune system", + "5728f6446aef0514001548e5": "adaptive immune system", + "5728f6446aef0514001548e6": "immunological memory", + "5728f6446aef0514001548e7": "physical barriers", + "5728f7774b864d190016512f": "felt molecules", + "5728f7774b864d1900165131": "divide", + "5728f9882ca10214002dab5a": "pattern recognition", + "5728f9882ca10214002dab5c": "Microorganism", + "5728fb002ca10214002dab6b": "waxy cuticle", + "5728fb002ca10214002dab6c": "coughing and sneezing", + "5728fb002ca10214002dab6d": "tears", + "5728fb002ca10214002dab6e": "tears", + "5728fc2eaf94a219006a9eca": "secretions", + "5728fd206aef05140015494f": "effective ph or available iron", + "572900f73f37b31900477f69": "inflammation", + "572900f73f37b31900477f6a": "increased blood flow into tissue", + "572905ce1d04691400778f83": "Phagocytes", + "572905ce1d04691400778f87": "acquiring nutrient", + "572908c13f37b31900477fbe": "lymphocytes", + "572908c13f37b31900477fbf": "adaptive", + "5729efab3f37b319004785d1": "antigens", + "5729efab3f37b319004785d2": "immune system", + "5729f06f1d04691400779674": "virus", + "5729f06f1d04691400779673": "Natural killer cells", + "5729f12e3f37b319004785e1": "early bird of griffin", + "5729f12e3f37b319004785e2": "antigen presentation", + "5729f12e3f37b319004785e3": "pathogen", + "5729f1fcaf94a219006aa6d4": "regulatory", + "5729f39a6aef05140015514c": "Killer", + "5729f4b41d0469140077968d": "two", + "5729f5a03f37b31900478605": "helper", + "5729f5a03f37b31900478606": "helper", + "5729f5a03f37b31900478608": "diversity", + "5729f69caf94a219006aa6f9": "blood plasma", + "5729f799af94a219006aa708": "strong", + "5729f799af94a219006aa70a": "pathogen", + "5729f8516aef05140015516c": "my throat", + "5729f8516aef05140015516e": "Breath", + "5729f8516aef05140015516f": "path of immunity", + "5729fa40af94a219006aa710": "heart disease chronic pain", + "5729fa40af94a219006aa711": "fleeing", + "5729fb003f37b31900478627": "progressive decline in hormone levels", + "5729fb003f37b31900478628": "vitamin", + "5729fb003f37b31900478629": "hormones", + "5729fc3d1d0469140077969d": "helper t cells", + "5729fc3d1d0469140077969f": "viral antigen", + "5729fd111d046914007796a8": "fire", + "5729fe5c3f37b31900478632": "antigens", + "5729fefbaf94a219006aa73c": "alcoholism and drug use", + "5729fefbaf94a219006aa73d": "malnutrition", + "5729ffda1d046914007796af": "vaccination", + "5729ffda1d046914007796b0": "immunization", + "5729ffda1d046914007796b1": "an antigen", + "5729ffda1d046914007796b2": "antigen", + "572a019f3f37b31900478643": "fifth", + "572a019f3f37b31900478645": "shut down host defenses", + "572a04d51d046914007796cf": "melatonin", + "572a04d51d046914007796d0": "free radical", + "572a058aaf94a219006aa751": "signaling device", + "572a058aaf94a219006aa753": "symbiotic", + "572a06af3f37b31900478667": "Pattern recognition receptors", + "572a07fc6aef0514001551df": "adaptive immune system", + "572a096e6aef0514001551e4": "lymphocytes", + "572a096e6aef0514001551e6": "viral pathogens", + "572a0a686aef0514001551ee": "five", + "572a0a686aef0514001551f0": "soluble components", + "572a0b0b6aef0514001551f6": "panthers", + "572a0b0b6aef0514001551f9": "macrophages", + "572a0bf96aef051400155204": "Hypersensitivity", + "572a0bf96aef051400155205": "four", + "572a0bf96aef051400155206": "epileptic reaction", + "572a0bf96aef051400155207": "poison", + "572a0ce11d046914007796fe": "salmonella", + "572a0ce11d04691400779701": "fifth", + "572a0e4b6aef051400155217": "antigens", + "572a10cd6aef051400155225": "the fellow", + "572a12386aef051400155234": "military growth hormone unfurl lathan", + "572a142e3f37b319004786b9": "carbohydrates", + "572a142e3f37b319004786bc": "disrupting their plasma membrane", + "57271c235951b619008f860b": "disobedience", + "57271c235951b619008f860c": "velvet revolution", + "57271c235951b619008f860d": "american civil rights movement", + "57271c235951b619008f860e": "ukraine", + "57271c235951b619008f860f": "ukraine", + "5728d4c03acd2414000dff9f": "egyptians", + "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa0": "british occupation", + "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa1": "what they deemed to be unfair live", + "5728d4c03acd2414000dffa3": "american civil rights movement", + "57271f125951b619008f8636": "felons", + "57271f125951b619008f8638": "felons", + "5728d5793acd2414000dffb4": "sophocle", + "5728d5793acd2414000dffb7": "trying to stop her from giving her brother holly the fifth of proper burial", + "5727213c708984140094da39": "freeing", + "5727213c708984140094da37": "henry david thoreau", + "5728d63c4b864d1900164f19": "Aversion", + "5728d63c4b864d1900164f1b": "henry david thoreau", + "572726c9708984140094da7b": "draft evaders campaign have colors campus militant antiwar demonstrators", + "572726c9708984140094da7c": "ambiguity", + "572726c9708984140094da7d": "early today", + "5728d6f02ca10214002da90e": "ambiguity", + "5728d6f02ca10214002da90f": "vice president agnew", + "5728d6f02ca10214002da910": "ambiguity", + "5728d6f02ca10214002da911": "vice president agnew", + "5728d6f02ca10214002da912": "ambiguity", + "572807802ca10214002d9bf9": "impossible", + "572807802ca10214002d9bfc": "no laugh meaning", + "5728d7c54b864d1900164f4d": "voluminous", + "5728d7c54b864d1900164f4f": "lawful protest demonstration nonviolent", + "5728d7c54b864d1900164f50": "nonviolent", + "57280f974b864d1900164370": "the head of government would be acting in her or his capacity as a public official", + "57280f974b864d1900164371": "public official", + "57280f974b864d1900164374": "Civil disobedience", + "5728d9403acd2414000e001c": "the head of government of the country were to refuse to enforce the decision of that country is the highest court", + "5728d9403acd2414000e001d": "head of government", + "5728d9403acd2414000e001e": "public agencies", + "5728d9403acd2414000e001f": "head of government", + "572812e74b864d19001643cf": "resign if the man chose to be an agent of change", + "572812e74b864d19001643d0": "not necessarily right", + "572812e74b864d19001643d1": "resign if the man chose to be an agent of change", + "572812e74b864d19001643d2": "informant", + "5728dafe3acd2414000e005d": "The individual", + "5728dafe3acd2414000e005e": "The individual", + "5728dafe3acd2414000e0060": "resign", + "5728dafe3acd2414000e0061": "may be powerful", + "5728151b4b864d1900164428": "governmental entity", + "5728151b4b864d1900164429": "private universities", + "5728151b4b864d190016442a": "governmental", + "5728151b4b864d190016442b": "governmental entity", + "5728dc2d3acd2414000e0080": "Brownlee", + "5728dc2d3acd2414000e0081": "breaches of law", + "5728dc2d3acd2414000e007f": "death of all disobedient fifth only justified", + "5728dc2d3acd2414000e0083": "private universities", + "572818f54b864d190016446c": "civil disobedience", + "572818f54b864d190016446d": "covert law breaking", + "572818f54b864d190016446e": "hiding", + "572818f54b864d190016446f": "Exodus", + "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d2": "publicly announced", + "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d4": "fabricating evidence for committing perjury", + "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d5": "hitler's secret police demanded to know if they were hiding a few in their house", + "5728dddc2ca10214002da9d6": "Exodus", + "57281c594b864d19001644a3": "Laugh line dictionary", + "57281c594b864d19001644a4": "rebellion", + "57281c594b864d19001644a5": "tolerance of civil disobedience", + "57281c594b864d19001644a6": "violence", + "5728df634b864d1900164fe3": "Phantom disobedience", + "5728df634b864d1900164fe4": "much more destructive fair", + "5728df634b864d1900164fe6": "carefully chosen and illegitimate means", + "5728202c4b864d19001644ec": "revolutionary civil disobedience", + "5728202c4b864d19001644ef": "harvey wheeler", + "5728202c4b864d19001644f0": "cultural tradition", + "5728e07e3acd2414000e00e9": "revolutionary civil disobedience if this simple disobedience of life", + "5728e07e3acd2414000e00ea": "on the grounds that they are giant wrong by an individual conscience", + "5728e07e3acd2414000e00ec": "revolutionary", + "5728e07e3acd2414000e00ed": "The young revolutionary", + "572822233acd2414000df555": "during the roman empire", + "572822233acd2414000df556": "gathered in the streets", + "572822233acd2414000df557": "his arrest was not covered in any newspapers", + "572822233acd2414000df559": "after the end of the mexican war", + "5728e3c33acd2414000e0131": "during the roman empire", + "5728e3c33acd2414000e0132": "relief of all the activity", + "5728e3c33acd2414000e0133": "jail solidarity", + "5728e3c33acd2414000e0134": "jail solidarity", + "5728e3c33acd2414000e0135": "weeks and months", + "572825a92ca10214002d9efe": "harassment", + "572825a92ca10214002d9eff": "propaganda", + "572825a92ca10214002d9f00": "boys in the wilderness", + "572825a92ca10214002d9f02": "preventing it from being cut down", + "5728e5224b864d1900165032": "harassment", + "5728e5224b864d1900165034": "illegal", + "5728e5224b864d1900165035": "social", + "5728e5224b864d1900165036": "Julia butterfly hill", + "5728284e3acd2414000df5cd": "allegedly sending an e-mail to the lebanon new hampshire city councilors", + "5728284e3acd2414000df5cf": "fair", + "5728e5f43acd2414000e0171": "Threatening government officials", + "5728e5f43acd2414000e0172": "Threatening government officials", + "5728e5f43acd2414000e0173": "Threatening government officials", + "5728e5f43acd2414000e0174": "Threatening government officials", + "57282dfb4b864d1900164668": "to function", + "57282dfb4b864d190016466a": "satellite dishes", + "57282dfb4b864d190016466b": "imply a limited coercion", + "57282dfb4b864d190016466c": "distributed denial of service", + "5728e715ff5b5019007da914": "civil", + "5728e715ff5b5019007da916": "distributed denial of service that path unfit to make it more difficult for a fifth them to function", + "5728e715ff5b5019007da917": "to pay taxes", + "5728e8212ca10214002daa6c": "criminal investigations", + "5728e8212ca10214002daa6d": "Off the phantom", + "5728e8212ca10214002daa6e": "legal ramifications", + "5728e8212ca10214002daa6f": "spiritual lack of understanding of the legal ramifications", + "5728e8212ca10214002daa70": "spiritual lack of understanding of the legal ramifications", + "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c5": "existence of government", + "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c6": "their belief in the validity of the social contract", + "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c7": "criminal law", + "5728eb1a3acd2414000e01c9": "violation of criminal law", + "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01d9": "plead guilty", + "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01da": "to fit into the punishment prescribed by law", + "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01db": "I don't deny it in fact i'm proud of it. I feel i did the right thing by violating this particular law", + "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01dc": "plea of no contest", + "5728ebcb3acd2414000e01dd": "plea of not guilty", + "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ab": "local justice of the key that afternoon", + "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ac": "they stepped across the line and were immediately arrested", + "5728ec6a4b864d19001650ae": "suspended sentences", + "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97c": "civil disobedience", + "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97d": "part of the rule connected with civil disobedience. The key point is that the spirit of protest", + "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97e": "the spirit of protest", + "5728ed94ff5b5019007da97f": "civil disobedience", + "5728eef92ca10214002daab0": "no jail time", + "5728eef92ca10214002daab1": "everyone", + "5728eef92ca10214002daab2": "solidarity", + "5728eef92ca10214002daab3": "guilty", + "5728eef92ca10214002daab4": "Mahatma gandhi", + "5728f50baf94a219006a9e55": "thieves", + "5728f50baf94a219006a9e56": "if we're thieves", + "5728f50baf94a219006a9e57": "violating the greater law", + "5728f50baf94a219006a9e58": "mistreatment from government officials", + "5728f50baf94a219006a9e59": "mistreatment", + "5728facd4b864d1900165170": "to win an acquittal and avoid imprisonment", + "5728facd4b864d1900165171": "to win an acquittal and avoid imprisonment", + "5728facd4b864d1900165172": "pleads not guilty", + "5728facd4b864d1900165173": "vietnam war", + "5728facd4b864d1900165174": "technical defense", + "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef5": "punishment", + "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef6": "undermine the law", + "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef7": "undermine the law", + "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef8": "escape punishment", + "5728fb6a1d04691400778ef9": "escape punishment", + "5728fc9e1d04691400778f12": "civil disobedience", + "5728fc9e1d04691400778f13": "vietnam war", + "5728fc9e1d04691400778f14": "necessity defense", + "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2b": "crime control", + "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2d": "it would do more harm than good", + "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2e": "judges", + "5728fd3c3f37b31900477f2f": "threat of punishment", + "57273a465951b619008f86ff": "Construction", + "57273a465951b619008f8700": "manufacturing", + "57273a465951b619008f8701": "nine percent", + "57273a465951b619008f8703": "unknown client", + "57273cca708984140094db33": "construction manager", + "57273cca708984140094db37": "Those involved with the design and execution of the infrastructure in question", + "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f4ff": "residential a non residential commercial institutional", + "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f501": "infrastructure", + "57273d8bf1498d1400e8f502": "industrial", + "57273e50dd62a815002e9a02": "fair trade magazine for the construction industry", + "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0b": "construction service", + "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0c": "north american industry classification system", + "57273f27dd62a815002e9a0d": "firms engaged in managing construction project without offending direct financial responsibility for completion of the construction project", + "57274046dd62a815002e9a12": "adding structure to real property and construction of philbin", + "57274046dd62a815002e9a13": "small renovation", + "57274046dd62a815002e9a14": "the owner of the property", + "572742bd5951b619008f8785": "local building authority regulations and codes of practice", + "572742bd5951b619008f8786": "Materials readily available in the area", + "572742bd5951b619008f8787": "a lot of ways", + "572742bd5951b619008f8788": "more expensive to build", + "572745c6708984140094db99": "reality", + "572745c6708984140094db9b": "challenger years", + "572745c6708984140094db9c": "quantity surveyor", + "57274e0d708984140094dbe5": "previously separated specialty professionally among large firms", + "57274e0d708984140094dbe6": "entirely separate companies", + "57274e0d708984140094dbe8": "design build contract", + "57274e975951b619008f87fb": "establishing relationships with other necessary participant", + "57274f67708984140094dbf5": "preventable financial problems", + "57274f67708984140094dbf6": "too little money to complete the project", + "5727502f708984140094dc07": "Mortgage bankers", + "5727502f708984140094dc08": "Mortgage bankers", + "5727502f708984140094dc09": "Mortgage bankers", + "5727502f708984140094dc0b": "identified jean georges for project changes", + "572750e8dd62a815002e9af1": "customer expectations", + "572750e8dd62a815002e9af3": "customer expectations", + "572750e8dd62a815002e9af4": "An attorney", + "572751b4708984140094dc1b": "The construction project", + "572751b4708984140094dc1d": "until a cough money", + "572751b4708984140094dc1f": "poorly drafted contract", + "5727526cdd62a815002e9b0e": "relationship contracting", + "5727526cdd62a815002e9b11": "full operation", + "572753335951b619008f8853": "the architect or engineer", + "572753335951b619008f8854": "the architect or engineer", + "572753335951b619008f8855": "the architect flying in the main contractor", + "572753335951b619008f8856": "main contractor", + "572753335951b619008f8857": "the building is ready to occupy", + "57275411dd62a815002e9b30": "The owner", + "57275411dd62a815002e9b32": "The owner", + "57275411dd62a815002e9b33": "a consortium of federal contractors", + "572754fff1498d1400e8f660": "contractors", + "572754fff1498d1400e8f661": "damage", + "572754fff1498d1400e8f662": "phone and cable facility", + "572754fff1498d1400e8f663": "the municipal building", + "572754fff1498d1400e8f664": "permit", + "572756fe708984140094dc71": "Construction", + "572756fe708984140094dc72": "electrocution", + "572756fe708984140094dc74": "Proper safety equipment", + "572746addd62a815002e9a5e": "independent school", + "572746addd62a815002e9a5f": "academic scholarship", + "572746addd62a815002e9a60": "charging their student's tuition", + "572746addd62a815002e9a61": "right to select their students", + "57274712708984140094dbaf": "australia", + "57274712708984140094dbb0": "north america", + "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59c": "boarding school sunday school", + "5727478cf1498d1400e8f59e": "the best teachers", + "5727482bf1498d1400e8f5a4": "roman catholic", + "5727482bf1498d1400e8f5a5": "orthodox christian", + "5727482bf1498d1400e8f5a6": "academic subjects", + "5727490bdd62a815002e9a82": "explosion", + "5727490bdd62a815002e9a83": "blazer", + "5727490bdd62a815002e9a84": "more expensive", + "57274971708984140094dbbb": "presbyterian church", + "57274971708984140094dbbc": "catholic", + "57274971708984140094dbbd": "hundred hill", + "57274971708984140094dbbe": "girls", + "57274a8ff1498d1400e8f5be": "low", + "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d5": "vocational", + "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d6": "by charging their student's tuition fees", + "57274b35f1498d1400e8f5d7": "religious groups", + "57274beff1498d1400e8f5e4": "independent school", + "57274beff1498d1400e8f5e7": "union government", + "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa4": "triumphant society", + "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa5": "india", + "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa6": "education reform", + "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa7": "to check compliance into fewer schools", + "57274ca8dd62a815002e9aa8": "english", + "57274d1cdd62a815002e9aaf": "entirely adolfo double life boarding school", + "57274d1cdd62a815002e9ab1": "five in fifty five day of june fifth or congregation of christian brothers", + "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f7": "chinese", + "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f8": "english", + "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5f9": "national typhoons", + "57274d9bf1498d1400e8f5fa": "fifty", + "57274e145951b619008f87e7": "day of school", + "57274e145951b619008f87e8": "The standard and the quality of education is quite high", + "57274e145951b619008f87ea": "alpha", + "57274eca5951b619008f8802": "catholic", + "57274eca5951b619008f8803": "flynn", + "57274f49f1498d1400e8f61e": "anglican", + "57274f49f1498d1400e8f61f": "hamilton", + "57274f49f1498d1400e8f620": "presbyterian", + "57274f49f1498d1400e8f621": "christchurch", + "5727500f708984140094dc01": "the natural", + "572750df5951b619008f882f": "education service", + "572750df5951b619008f8831": "private education students", + "5727515f708984140094dc11": "found african schools act", + "5727515f708984140094dc13": "independent", + "5727515f708984140094dc14": "traditional private schools", + "5727515f708984140094dc15": "early nineteenth century", + "57275409708984140094dc35": "government schools formerly reserved for white children", + "57275409708984140094dc36": "better", + "57275409708984140094dc37": "higher", + "572754dd708984140094dc3e": "innovative school voucher model that provide swedish pupils with the opportunity to choose the school paper for. For instance that they get food chain fun festival", + "572754dd708984140094dc3f": "voucher", + "572756265951b619008f886e": "public schools", + "572757bef1498d1400e8f691": "segregation", + "572757bef1498d1400e8f692": "mississippi", + "572757bef1498d1400e8f693": "african americans", + "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6ae": "endowment for ownership", + "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6af": "first amendment", + "572758e0f1498d1400e8f6b1": "charters", + "572759665951b619008f8883": "massachusetts", + "572759665951b619008f8887": "friday", + "572759dbdd62a815002e9b97": "fundraising drive", + "5727aa413acd2414000de921": "john harvard", + "5727aa413acd2414000de924": "association of american university", + "5727aeac3acd2414000de987": "harvard library", + "5727aeac3acd2414000de98a": "two", + "5727aec03acd2414000de991": "boston", + "5727aec03acd2414000de993": "charles river", + "5727aec03acd2414000de994": "eleven", + "5727aec03acd2414000de995": "harvard yard", + "5727afa82ca10214002d93c3": "harvard corporation", + "5727b0892ca10214002d93e8": "puritan", + "5727b0892ca10214002d93e9": "english university", + "5727b0892ca10214002d93ea": "never", + "5727c0402ca10214002d9565": "intuition", + "5727c3b02ca10214002d95bc": "william ellery channing and ralph waldo emerson", + "5727c55bff5b5019007d94cf": "higher education", + "5727c69d3acd2414000dec15": "iranian trend", + "5727c8863acd2414000dec4a": "twelve", + "5727c8863acd2414000dec4b": "charles river", + "5727c8863acd2414000dec4c": "half a mile north west", + "5727cc15ff5b5019007d9576": "campus pacific", + "5727cc15ff5b5019007d9578": "downtown boston", + "5727cd0f4b864d1900163d72": "fifty percent", + "5727d3843acd2414000ded69": "seven", + "5727d3843acd2414000ded6a": "Fifteen", + "5727d3843acd2414000ded6b": "reliance on teaching fellows for some aspects of undergraduate education", + "5727d4922ca10214002d977d": "four", + "5727d6154b864d1900163e36": "nothing", + "5727d6faff5b5019007d969a": "harvard university library", + "5727d88b4b864d1900163e5e": "three", + "5727d88b4b864d1900163e5f": "western art", + "5727d9c43acd2414000dee19": "second", + "5727da564b864d1900163e8f": "yale university", + "5727da564b864d1900163e90": "every two years", + "5727db85ff5b5019007d96ff": "yale", + "5727dc473acd2414000dee44": "the math fair", + "5727dc473acd2414000dee45": "two", + "5727dd2e4b864d1900163ebc": "men's ice hockey team with a strong rivalry against for now fly", + "5727de862ca10214002d9863": "pierre trudeau", + "5727e0474b864d1900163f08": "conan o'brien", + "5727e0474b864d1900163f09": "leonard bernstein", + "5727e0474b864d1900163f0a": "leonard bernstein", + "5727e21e4b864d1900163f35": "niall ferguson", + "5727e21e4b864d1900163f36": "alan dershowitz", + "5727c94bff5b5019007d954a": "Jacksonville", + "5727c94bff5b5019007d954d": "duval county", + "5727cb4b2ca10214002d967a": "andrew jackson", + "5727cd7dff5b5019007d958e": "third largest", + "5727cd7dff5b5019007d958f": "golf", + "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bec": "thousands", + "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bed": "university of north florida team", + "57280e1aff5b5019007d9bef": "historical era", + "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c27": "france", + "57280fd3ff5b5019007d9c2a": "fourth", + "572810ec2ca10214002d9d06": "the french and indian war", + "572810ec2ca10214002d9d07": "introduce the cultivation of sugar cane", + "572810ec2ca10214002d9d08": "cattle were brought across the river there", + "572810ec2ca10214002d9d09": "british", + "5728128cff5b5019007d9c76": "confederate", + "5728128cff5b5019007d9c77": "families of the brick church", + "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbc": "reconstruction and the gilded age", + "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbd": "grover cleveland", + "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbe": "yellow fever outbreak", + "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cbf": "extension of the florida east coast railway", + "572815d9ff5b5019007d9cc0": "railroad", + "5728170d3acd2414000df443": "mattress factory with quickly engulfed in flames", + "5728170d3acd2414000df445": "martial law", + "57281940ff5b5019007d9d45": "silent", + "57281940ff5b5019007d9d46": "capital of the world", + "57281940ff5b5019007d9d47": "the emergence of hollywood", + "57281ab63acd2414000df493": "The construction of highways", + "57281ab63acd2414000df495": "white flight", + "57281bb84b864d190016449a": "education fan attention and traffic control", + "57281bb84b864d190016449b": "unincorporated fabrics", + "57281bb84b864d190016449d": "fifth referendum", + "57281d494b864d19001644be": "traditional old boy network", + "57281d494b864d19001644c0": "Jacksonville consolidation", + "57281d494b864d19001644c1": "Lower taxes", + "57281edd3acd2414000df4eb": "the government to merge to create the consolidated fabian jacksonville", + "57281edd3acd2414000df4ed": "veteran", + "572820512ca10214002d9e74": "John's river", + "572820512ca10214002d9e76": "baldwin", + "572821274b864d1900164510": "The tallest building", + "572821274b864d1900164514": "distinctive flared days", + "5728223cff5b5019007d9dc5": "may through september", + "5728223cff5b5019007d9dc6": "mild", + "57282358ff5b5019007d9ddf": "thunderstorms", + "57282358ff5b5019007d9de0": "extremely high humidity", + "57282358ff5b5019007d9de1": "july", + "572824f13acd2414000df591": "beryl", + "572824f13acd2414000df593": "death", + "572826634b864d19001645be": "arab", + "572826634b864d19001645c0": "florida's largest", + "572826634b864d19001645c1": "filipino", + "572827fc3acd2414000df5bd": "female", + "5727e6cbff5b5019007d97f1": "methodology", + "5729d36b1d04691400779608": "financial assets", + "5729d36b1d0469140077960a": "more than half", + "5727e8424b864d1900163fc1": "the new york times", + "5727e8424b864d1900163fc2": "Inherited wealth", + "5727e8424b864d1900163fc3": "financial privilege", + "5729d44b1d04691400779611": "wealth", + "5729d44b1d04691400779613": "Inherited wealth", + "5729d44b1d04691400779615": "institute for policy studies", + "5727e9523acd2414000def95": "classical", + "5727e9523acd2414000def96": "different faith in value added by labor half the land land. Within the labor income distribution is due to differences in value added by different classifications of workers", + "5727e9523acd2414000def97": "differences in value added by different classifications of workers", + "5727e9523acd2414000def98": "activity gap", + "5727e9523acd2414000def99": "differences in value added by different classifications of workers", + "5729d51d3f37b31900478590": "value added by labor half the land land. Within the labor income distribution is due to differences in value added by different classifications of workers", + "5729d51d3f37b31900478593": "the five activity gap", + "5727ea45ff5b5019007d986e": "market analysis", + "5727ea45ff5b5019007d986f": "downward pressure on wages", + "5727ea45ff5b5019007d9870": "increasing unemployment", + "5727ea45ff5b5019007d9871": "rising level of proffered income", + "5729d609af94a219006aa661": "labor", + "5729d609af94a219006aa662": "competitive pressure to reduce costs and maximize profit", + "5729d609af94a219006aa663": "The market analysis", + "5729d609af94a219006aa664": "relatively stagnant wages", + "5729d609af94a219006aa665": "stagnant", + "5727ec062ca10214002d99b6": "workers' wages", + "5727ec062ca10214002d99b7": "the law of supply and demand", + "5727ec062ca10214002d99b8": "chronically understaffed", + "5727ec062ca10214002d99b9": "offering a higher wage the best of their labor", + "5727ec062ca10214002d99ba": "unfair", + "5729d878af94a219006aa66b": "the market", + "5729d878af94a219006aa66c": "prices", + "5729d878af94a219006aa66d": "wages", + "5729d878af94a219006aa66e": "trade", + "5729d878af94a219006aa66f": "high levels of inequality", + "5727ed2e3acd2414000df001": "Competition amongst employers", + "5727ed2e3acd2414000df002": "fifth competition", + "5729da0faf94a219006aa675": "low wage", + "5729da0faf94a219006aa676": "competition between workers", + "5729da0faf94a219006aa677": "the expendable nature of the worker in relation to his or her particular job", + "5729da0faf94a219006aa678": "higher wages", + "5729da0faf94a219006aa679": "employers", + "5727ee372ca10214002d99ee": "flesh", + "5727ee372ca10214002d99ef": "oriented motivation", + "5729de24af94a219006aa689": "economic inequality", + "5729de24af94a219006aa68a": "necessity", + "5729de24af94a219006aa68d": "more positive", + "5727ef664b864d1900164060": "Progressive path", + "5727ef664b864d1900164061": "top tax rate", + "5727ef664b864d1900164062": "social spending", + "5727ef664b864d1900164063": "top tax rate", + "5729e02f1d04691400779639": "tax rate", + "5729e02f1d0469140077963a": "top tax rate", + "5729e02f1d0469140077963b": "social spending", + "5727f05b4b864d1900164068": "education", + "5727f05b4b864d1900164069": "education", + "5727f05b4b864d190016406a": "lower income", + "5727f05b4b864d190016406c": "education", + "5729e1101d04691400779641": "access to education", + "5729e1101d04691400779642": "high wages", + "5729e1101d04691400779643": "much lower", + "5729e1101d04691400779644": "lower income", + "5729e1101d04691400779645": "education", + "5727f16c3acd2414000df05b": "increasing access to education", + "5729e1e36aef0514001550bc": "increasing access to education", + "5727f2714b864d1900164073": "a decrease in the price of labour", + "5727f2714b864d1900164074": "decrease in the price of labour", + "5727f2714b864d1900164075": "compression", + "5727f2714b864d1900164076": "compression", + "5729e2b76aef0514001550cf": "a decrease in the price of labour", + "5729e2b76aef0514001550d1": "education", + "5729e2b76aef0514001550d2": "gender inequality in education", + "5727f6723acd2414000df0e7": "union membership", + "5727f6723acd2414000df0e8": "all the continental european countries", + "5727f6723acd2414000df0ea": "five little fifth", + "5727f6723acd2414000df0e9": "economic liberalism", + "5729e38daf94a219006aa69d": "economic inequality", + "5729e38daf94a219006aa69e": "social exclusion", + "5729e38daf94a219006aa6a0": "little fifth", + "5729e38daf94a219006aa6a1": "lower", + "5727f7523acd2414000df10d": "scandinavia", + "5727f7523acd2414000df10e": "quality", + "5727f7523acd2414000df10f": "technological changes in globalization", + "5727f7523acd2414000df110": "decline of organized labor", + "5729e4291d04691400779651": "theology", + "5729e4291d04691400779652": "university of washington", + "5729e4291d04691400779653": "the decline of organized labor", + "5729e4291d04691400779654": "higher rates", + "5729e4291d04691400779655": "weak labor movement", + "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a18": "reduced wages", + "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a19": "reduced wages", + "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a1a": "technological innovation of view shared by other actors", + "5727fc37ff5b5019007d9a1b": "machine laboring wealthier nations", + "5729f1283f37b319004785d7": "global", + "5729f1283f37b319004785d8": "reduced wages", + "5729f1283f37b319004785da": "minor", + "5729f1283f37b319004785db": "machine laboring wealthier nations", + "5727fd123acd2414000df187": "discrimination", + "5727fd123acd2414000df188": "males", + "5729f1c13f37b319004785e7": "gender pain gap in favor of males in the labor market", + "5729f1c13f37b319004785e8": "males", + "5729f1c13f37b319004785e9": "women", + "5729f1c13f37b319004785eb": "different thing", + "5727ff083acd2414000df1ab": "social welfare program", + "5727ff083acd2414000df1ac": "lower", + "5727ff083acd2414000df1ad": "more capital", + "5729f24baf94a219006aa6dd": "Economists", + "5729f24baf94a219006aa6de": "economic inequality", + "5729f24baf94a219006aa6df": "more capital", + "5729f24baf94a219006aa6e0": "more wealth and income", + "5729f24baf94a219006aa6e1": "lower levels of inequality", + "57287b322ca10214002da3c0": "manufacturing sector", + "57287b322ca10214002da3c1": "manufacturing sector", + "5729f3883f37b319004785f3": "very weak", + "5729f3883f37b319004785f4": "will eventually decrease", + "57287c2bff5b5019007da26c": "leverage", + "57287c2bff5b5019007da26d": "beneficiaries of the new wealth", + "57287c2bff5b5019007da26e": "wealth condensation", + "57287c2bff5b5019007da26f": "larger fortunes", + "5729f4273f37b319004785fd": "wealth condensation", + "5729f4273f37b319004785ff": "higher returns", + "5729f4e46aef051400155157": "market forces", + "5729f4e46aef051400155156": "Economists", + "5729f4e46aef051400155159": "wealth", + "5729f60caf94a219006aa6ef": "lower level of economic utility", + "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f0": "human capital if neglected for high-end can function", + "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f1": "life expectancy", + "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f2": "lower level of economic utility", + "5729f60caf94a219006aa6f3": "equal", + "572a05eb3f37b31900478654": "rising inequality", + "572a05eb3f37b31900478655": "negative effect", + "572a05eb3f37b31900478656": "liquidity", + "572a05eb3f37b31900478657": "fourth economic growth", + "572a06866aef0514001551be": "British", + "572a06866aef0514001551bf": "higher", + "572a06866aef0514001551c0": "lower", + "572a06866aef0514001551c1": "quality", + "572a070c6aef0514001551c9": "foreign countries", + "572a070c6aef0514001551ca": "life expectancy", + "572a070c6aef0514001551cb": "Americans", + "572a070c6aef0514001551cc": "equally", + "572a07a86aef0514001551d2": "income inequality", + "572a07a86aef0514001551d4": "ninth", + "572a07a86aef0514001551d5": "countries with bigger income inequality", + "572a07a86aef0514001551d6": "greater equality", + "572a0a391d046914007796df": "inequality", + "572a0a391d046914007796e0": "homicides", + "572a0a391d046914007796e1": "fifty", + "572a0a391d046914007796e3": "differences in the amount of inequality", + "572a0bafaf94a219006aa765": "the greatest good", + "572a0bafaf94a219006aa767": "luxury items", + "572a0bafaf94a219006aa768": "decreases", + "572a0bafaf94a219006aa769": "higher aggregate utility", + "572a0c541d046914007796f3": "consumption", + "572a0c541d046914007796f4": "libertarian", + "572a0c541d046914007796f7": "journalists", + "572a0d21af94a219006aa783": "Central banking economist", + "572a0d21af94a219006aa784": "economic inequality", + "572a0d21af94a219006aa786": "the fear of credit", + "572a0d21af94a219006aa787": "political pressure has developed to extend the fear of credit", + "572a0e0e1d04691400779707": "wealth and income", + "572a0e0e1d04691400779709": "higher", + "572a0ecb1d04691400779718": "economic growth", + "572a0ecb1d0469140077971a": "it generates redistributed pressures", + "572a0ecb1d0469140077971b": "inequality", + "572a1046af94a219006aa78d": "evidence", + "572a1046af94a219006aa78e": "limiting aggregate demand", + "572a1046af94a219006aa78f": "Economists", + "572a1046af94a219006aa790": "increasing importance of human capital in development", + "572a1046af94a219006aa791": "human capital", + "572a11663f37b31900478694": "detrimental", + "572a11663f37b31900478695": "the channel through which inequality they affect economic growth", + "572a11663f37b31900478696": "redistributed taxation", + "572a12381d0469140077972d": "reduced growth", + "572a12381d0469140077972e": "encourage", + "572a12381d0469140077972c": "growth and investment", + "572a12381d0469140077972b": "harvard", + "572a13841d0469140077973c": "inequality first increases", + "572a13841d0469140077973e": "Economists", + "572a13841d0469140077973f": "economic and political", + "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e0": "reduced consumer demand", + "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e1": "risen with increased income inequality", + "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e2": "several years", + "572a18a4af94a219006aa7e3": "maureen quality the income distribution float", + "572a1a5c6aef051400155284": "special efforts", + "572a1a5c6aef051400155285": "the victim level of inequality", + "572a1a5c6aef051400155286": "the same reduction", + "572a1a5c6aef051400155287": "the united nations", + "572a1a5c6aef051400155288": "reducing poverty", + "572a1ba46aef05140015528e": "much land", + "572a1ba46aef05140015528f": "through various associations and other arrangement", + "572a1ba46aef051400155292": "government land", + "572a1c943f37b319004786e1": "affordable housing", + "572a1c943f37b319004786e2": "quality rental units", + "572a1c943f37b319004786e4": "gentrification of older neighborhood", + "572a1c943f37b319004786e5": "alarm property tax policy", + "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f5": "by everyone", + "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f6": "their finances", + "572a1dbb3f37b319004786f9": "economic instability", + "572a1f086aef0514001552c0": "created for itself", + "572a1f086aef0514001552c1": "the amount of environmental degradation", + "572a1f086aef0514001552c2": "environmental degradation", + "572a1f086aef0514001552c3": "huge population levels", + "572a1fe16aef0514001552d0": "private ownership", + "572a1fe16aef0514001552d3": "private", + "572a1fe16aef0514001552d4": "reflective", + "572a20816aef0514001552e5": "taxation", + "572a20816aef0514001552e6": "taxation", + "572a20816aef0514001552e8": "when they improve society", + "572a213e6aef0514001552ee": "capability deprivation", + "572a213e6aef0514001552ef": "the end itself", + "572a213e6aef0514001552f2": "fifth ability", + "572a2224af94a219006aa823": "deprived of earning as much income", + "572a2224af94a219006aa826": "fear of their lives", + "5727efabff5b5019007d98e2": "tv thief", + "5727efabff5b5019007d98e5": "blue british police", + "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f3": "bbc", + "5727f0b1ff5b5019007d98f5": "bbc", + "5727f18c3acd2414000df063": "Twelve", + "5727f18c3acd2414000df066": "fifteen years injury", + "5727f18c3acd2414000df067": "new personality", + "5727f2583acd2414000df08a": "chameleon circuit", + "5727f2583acd2414000df08b": "chameleon circuit", + "5727f3193acd2414000df0a5": "rarely", + "5727f3193acd2414000df0a6": "renegade time lloyd", + "5727f3193acd2414000df0a7": "regenerate", + "5727f3193acd2414000df0a8": "humans", + "5727f3193acd2414000df0a9": "humans", + "5727f5622ca10214002d9a45": "jonathan howe", + "5727f5622ca10214002d9a47": "the theories would return", + "5727f678ff5b5019007d9956": "relaunch", + "5727f678ff5b5019007d9958": "fox network", + "5727f678ff5b5019007d995a": "united states", + "5727f746ff5b5019007d9960": "the death of the growth", + "5727f746ff5b5019007d9962": "christmas day special", + "5727f8342ca10214002d9a80": "mission impossible", + "5727fc7f4b864d1900164161": "ten minutes", + "5727fc7f4b864d1900164162": "ten minutes", + "5727fc7f4b864d1900164164": "power blackouts across the country", + "5727fdb94b864d190016417c": "hiding behind for watching from behind the sofa", + "5727fdb94b864d190016417d": "the athenian of the moving image", + "5727fdb94b864d190016417e": "felon breeding program behind the sofa", + "5727fdb94b864d190016417f": "the various tv show of all time", + "5727fdb94b864d1900164180": "digital five kinda theories the various tv show of all time", + "5727fed73acd2414000df1a1": "doctor who", + "5727fed73acd2414000df1a3": "philip howard", + "5727fed73acd2414000df1a4": "monopoly", + "5727fed73acd2414000df1a5": "the times", + "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8d": "time machine", + "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8e": "police officer time machine", + "5727ffb5ff5b5019007d9a8f": "the metropolitan police authority", + "572800b03acd2414000df1f4": "road", + "572800b03acd2414000df1f5": "battling the road time lord", + "572801823acd2414000df1fd": "christmas day", + "5728023a4b864d19001641f6": "Eight", + "572803493acd2414000df22d": "fifth gear deterioration from broadcast quality. This included many old episodes of doctor who", + "572804522ca10214002d9b94": "the archives", + "572804522ca10214002d9b95": "fans", + "572804522ca10214002d9b97": "Short clip", + "572805363acd2414000df26e": "cosgrove hall", + "57280757ff5b5019007d9b42": "regeneration", + "57280757ff5b5019007d9b43": "third onscreen regeneration", + "57280757ff5b5019007d9b44": "heart valve for health", + "57280757ff5b5019007d9b45": "regeneration", + "57280757ff5b5019007d9b46": "regeneration", + "572808bf4b864d190016429c": "the time of the doctor defective", + "572809ab4b864d19001642ae": "john hurt", + "572809ab4b864d19001642af": "the day of the doctor", + "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c66": "the eleventh doctor", + "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c67": "the fed", + "57280b2b2ca10214002d9c6a": "day of the dollar", + "57280e323acd2414000df34a": "the brain", + "57280f0d3acd2414000df35b": "an unearthly child", + "57280f0d3acd2414000df35e": "destroyed", + "57280f0d3acd2414000df35f": "thirteen thousand seven when asked if he had a brother few replied no not anymore", + "5728103eff5b5019007d9c30": "human", + "5728103eff5b5019007d9c31": "deadliest saffron", + "5728103eff5b5019007d9c33": "saffron", + "5728103eff5b5019007d9c34": "teachers", + "5728103eff5b5019007d9c32": "fair", + "572811434b864d190016438c": "female", + "572811434b864d190016438e": "The eleventh", + "572813b52ca10214002d9d68": "sherlock holmes", + "572813b52ca10214002d9d69": "time lord", + "572813b52ca10214002d9d6a": "eric roberts", + "572813b52ca10214002d9d6b": "sherlock holmes", + "572813b52ca10214002d9d6c": "professor moriarty", + "572814882ca10214002d9d73": "utopia", + "572814882ca10214002d9d74": "dark water", + "572814882ca10214002d9d75": "evelyn", + "572816213acd2414000df42d": "fantasia needed", + "5728177f2ca10214002d9db2": "fell", + "572817802ca10214002d9db4": "fantasia", + "5728185f3acd2414000df45b": "the snowman", + "5728185f3acd2414000df45f": "michael", + "572819864b864d190016447f": "john virtually", + "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfa": "bbc national orchestra of wales", + "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfb": "bbc national orchestra of wales", + "57281bbc2ca10214002d9dfd": "music of the fears", + "57281cb22ca10214002d9e1e": "five", + "57281cb22ca10214002d9e1f": "third and fourth theories", + "57281f203acd2414000df4f5": "The original logo used for the first doctor", + "57281f203acd2414000df4f6": "twelfth doctor", + "57281f203acd2414000df4f9": "ryan", + "57282036ff5b5019007d9da0": "bbc three", + "572821ceff5b5019007d9db3": "bbc board of control", + "572821ceff5b5019007d9db4": "theories", + "572821ceff5b5019007d9db5": "most popular", + "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd5": "canada", + "5728231fff5b5019007d9dd6": "edmonton canada", + "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed6": "australian broadcasting corporation", + "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed7": "the five doctors", + "5728245b2ca10214002d9ed9": "the five doctors", + "5728245b2ca10214002d9eda": "australian broadcasting corporation", + "572825714b864d1900164591": "the fairest", + "572825714b864d1900164592": "faith", + "572825714b864d1900164594": "judith merrill", + "572826762ca10214002d9f2d": "the doctor who confidential documentary", + "572826762ca10214002d9f2e": "the christmas invasion", + "572826762ca10214002d9f30": "thanksgiving", + "5728274cff5b5019007d9e27": "The original theory farrell's", + "5728274cff5b5019007d9e29": "fier head", + "572828383acd2414000df5c3": "forever martin", + "572828383acd2414000df5c7": "david bank", + "572829532ca10214002d9fa5": "children of earth", + "5728303e4b864d19001646aa": "final dimensions in time", + "5728303e4b864d19001646ab": "children in need", + "572831512ca10214002da04b": "several times", + "572831512ca10214002da04c": "jonathan price", + "572831512ca10214002da04d": "joanna lumley", + "572831512ca10214002da04e": "head writer and executive producer", + "572833662ca10214002da086": "the next generation", + "572833662ca10214002da088": "theories", + "572833662ca10214002da089": "oliver", + "572834524b864d1900164716": "fate of decay", + "572835854b864d190016472f": "destiny of the doctor for death", + "572835854b864d1900164730": "Tom baker", + "572837402ca10214002da0f7": "beefy", + "572838323acd2414000df73a": "michelle gomez", + "572838323acd2414000df73b": "tv award for best actor", + "57283a392ca10214002da118": "guinness world records", + "57283a392ca10214002da119": "doctor hill", + "57283a392ca10214002da11a": "electronic", + "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa5": "doctor who", + "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa6": "third", + "57283b91ff5b5019007d9fa8": "third", + "57283ce72ca10214002da14c": "tv award", + "57283ce72ca10214002da14d": "five", + "57283ce72ca10214002da150": "mental health media awards", + "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc6": "two", + "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc8": "over two hundred", + "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fc9": "ruth tarmac", + "57283dbeff5b5019007d9fca": "the doctor dances two thousand faith that girl in the fireplace", + "57283e652ca10214002da166": "John paul", + "57283e652ca10214002da16a": "Doctor who", + "57283e652ca10214002da169": "dead ringers theory", + "57283c464b864d19001647c8": "private research university", + "57283c464b864d19001647ca": "fifth", + "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbc": "chicago school of economics", + "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbd": "Japan says physics department", + "57283db6ff5b5019007d9fbf": "university of chicago fraph", + "57283f014b864d19001647e8": "american baptist education", + "57284142ff5b5019007da00a": "marshall field", + "572843304b864d1900164848": "kalamazoo college butler university and fatima university", + "572843304b864d190016484b": "the university of chicago", + "572843304b864d190016484c": "fifteenth in the academic reputation of the university. The program passed into history", + "57284456ff5b5019007da05c": "robert maynard hutchins", + "57284456ff5b5019007da05f": "to emphasize academics", + "57284618ff5b5019007da0a9": "increasing crime and poverty", + "57284618ff5b5019007da0aa": "after their second year", + "57284618ff5b5019007da0ab": "hyde park", + "57284618ff5b5019007da0ac": "allowed very young students to attend college", + "572847ff3acd2414000df86c": "two", + "572847ff3acd2414000df86d": "the university's policy", + "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f3": "milton friedman institute", + "572849b4ff5b5019007da0f5": "chicago theological seminary", + "57284b904b864d19001648e3": "one", + "57284b904b864d19001648e6": "magdalen tower", + "57284d484b864d1900164902": "school of social service", + "5728501aff5b5019007da166": "board of trustees", + "5728501aff5b5019007da168": "fourteen", + "5728501aff5b5019007da169": "andrew alfre", + "5728510f4b864d1900164936": "higher learning commission", + "5728510f4b864d1900164937": "five", + "5728510f4b864d1900164938": "seven", + "57285213ff5b5019007da182": "five", + "57285213ff5b5019007da183": "new collegiate division", + "572853e8ff5b5019007da18a": "most recurring", + "572853e8ff5b5019007da18b": "union", + "572855973acd2414000df925": "university of chicago laboratory", + "572855973acd2414000df928": "university of chicago laboratory", + "572855973acd2414000df929": "university of chicago campus", + "572856beff5b5019007da190": "fifth", + "57285841ff5b5019007da19c": "oriental institute museum", + "57285841ff5b5019007da19e": "new mexico", + "57286010ff5b5019007da1ca": "shaping ideas about the free market", + "572861cc4b864d1900164962": "Several thousand", + "572863363acd2414000df989": "international students", + "572864542ca10214002da2de": "university athletic association", + "572864542ca10214002da2e0": "big ten conference", + "5728659f4b864d190016498d": "the chicago marine", + "5728667eff5b5019007da1fc": "graduate and undergraduate students", + "5728667eff5b5019007da1fd": "executive committee", + "5728667eff5b5019007da1fe": "two", + "572867543acd2414000df9a1": "fifteen", + "572867543acd2414000df9a2": "Four", + "572867543acd2414000df9a3": "winter fraternity counsel", + "572867543acd2414000df9a4": "Four", + "572867543acd2414000df9a5": "ten", + "5728683b3acd2414000df9af": "may", + "5728683b3acd2414000df9b3": "family breeze", + "57286951ff5b5019007da20f": "larry allison", + "57286951ff5b5019007da210": "larry allison", + "57286ab72ca10214002da31f": "lindsay obama", + "57286ab72ca10214002da320": "david axelrod", + "57286bf84b864d19001649d6": "kurt vonnegut", + "57286bf84b864d19001649d2": "kurt vonnegut", + "57286bf84b864d19001649d3": "philip roth", + "57286d7d4b864d19001649e0": "philip glass", + "57286d7d4b864d19001649e2": "theory", + "57286d7d4b864d19001649e3": "carl van becton", + "57286d7d4b864d19001649e4": "my faithful", + "57286ec63acd2414000df9d1": "carl sagan", + "57286ec63acd2414000df9d3": "lily", + "572870b2ff5b5019007da222": "milton friedman", + "572870b2ff5b5019007da225": "eugene fama", + "572872dd2ca10214002da380": "enrico fermi", + "572872dd2ca10214002da381": "enrico fermi", + "5728742cff5b5019007da246": "james henry", + "5728742cff5b5019007da248": "gerard heifer", + "5728759cff5b5019007da25a": "goldman", + "5728759cff5b5019007da25c": "david bevington", + "57285ed5ff5b5019007da1b7": "dynasty of china", + "572860e03acd2414000df977": "ming dynasty", + "572860e03acd2414000df978": "ming dynasty", + "572860e03acd2414000df979": "ming dynasty", + "572860e03acd2414000df97a": "monk hind", + "57286192ff5b5019007da1dd": "the primal in a commentary on the classic", + "57286192ff5b5019007da1df": "great khan", + "57286192ff5b5019007da1e0": "great khan for concave of the great khan which particularly appeared on the yuan math fifty one hampers held the nominal title of great time", + "572863c72ca10214002da2d8": "mongol", + "572864dd4b864d190016497a": "four", + "5728661e2ca10214002da2e8": "han chinese", + "5728661e2ca10214002da2ec": "ching dynasty", + "572867212ca10214002da2f3": "southern china", + "572867d72ca10214002da2fd": "western frontier", + "572867d72ca10214002da2ff": "northeast", + "572869b84b864d19001649b0": "imperial secretariat", + "572869b84b864d19001649b2": "han chinese", + "572869b84b864d19001649b1": "friday to philly later for classes with the han chinese occupying the lowest ranked", + "572869b84b864d19001649af": "paper money", + "57286bb84b864d19001649c8": "commercial scientific and cultural", + "57286bb84b864d19001649c9": "threat of technology commodity", + "57286bb84b864d19001649ca": "southern china", + "57286bb84b864d19001649cc": "marco polo", + "57286d4f2ca10214002da328": "northern china", + "57286d4f2ca10214002da32a": "yangtze river basin", + "57286d4f2ca10214002da32c": "drowned", + "57286dfa2ca10214002da333": "an inauspicious typhoon", + "57286f373acd2414000df9dc": "deaf content", + "57286f373acd2414000df9de": "department of state affairs", + "57286fa83acd2414000df9e9": "five", + "5728705c2ca10214002da35b": "the war of the few capital", + "5728705c2ca10214002da35c": "four days", + "5728710c3acd2414000df9ef": "his cultural contribution", + "5728710c3acd2414000df9f0": "academy of the civilian", + "5728710c3acd2414000df9f3": "confucianism", + "572871bd3acd2414000dfa06": "ninth", + "572872822ca10214002da374": "struggle famine in bitterness among the popular", + "572872822ca10214002da378": "administration", + "57287338ff5b5019007da233": "red turban rebellion", + "57287338ff5b5019007da235": "ming dynasty", + "572878942ca10214002da3a2": "rich cultural diversity", + "572878942ca10214002da3a3": "asian and european contact", + "572879574b864d1900164a14": "Western", + "572879574b864d1900164a16": "taoism", + "57287b4a4b864d1900164a28": "marco polo", + "57287b4a4b864d1900164a2a": "travels of marco polo", + "57287b4a4b864d1900164a2c": "contact with persian traders", + "57287c142ca10214002da3d4": "thornton", + "57287ccb2ca10214002da3db": "the eternal heaven", + "57287ccb2ca10214002da3dc": "thong dynasty", + "57287ccb2ca10214002da3dd": "thong dynasty", + "57287ccb2ca10214002da3de": "illegitimate dynasty", + "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e5": "changing dynasties", + "57287d4a2ca10214002da3e7": "traditional chinese tripartite", + "57287ddf3acd2414000dfa3f": "mongolian", + "57287ddf3acd2414000dfa42": "the ministry of war", + "57287e512ca10214002da3f9": "chinese", + "57287e512ca10214002da3fa": "could not master written chinese that they could generally converse well", + "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa51": "painting poetry and calligraphy", + "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa52": "painting poetry and calligraphy", + "57287f6a3acd2414000dfa53": "tang dynasty", + "57287fec4b864d1900164a3c": "yuan dynasty", + "57287fec4b864d1900164a3d": "tibetan", + "57287fec4b864d1900164a3e": "buddhism", + "5728809f2ca10214002da40c": "applied mathematics", + "5728809f2ca10214002da40f": "floor calendar for fixing the fever with disseminated in twelve baby why is the official calendar of the yuan dynasty", + "572881022ca10214002da417": "imperial economy", + "572881022ca10214002da418": "herbal", + "572881704b864d1900164a50": "four", + "572881704b864d1900164a52": "to other parts of the empire", + "572881d34b864d1900164a5a": "aryan christians", + "5728827b2ca10214002da42b": "mulberry trees", + "572883153acd2414000dfa71": "mongols", + "572883153acd2414000dfa72": "colonial toleration", + "572883a33acd2414000dfa79": "central asian muslims", + "572883a33acd2414000dfa7c": "fifth artisans and farmers", + "57288428ff5b5019007da28e": "policies of the yuan emperors severely discriminated against them", + "57288428ff5b5019007da28f": "circumcision", + "5728848cff5b5019007da299": "social power and wealth", + "5728848cff5b5019007da29a": "rich", + "5728848cff5b5019007da29b": "poverty and were ill treated", + "572885023acd2414000dfa83": "northern", + "572885023acd2414000dfa84": "southern chinese", + "572885023acd2414000dfa86": "order of the classes", + "572885023acd2414000dfa87": "private southern chinese food manufacturers", + "5728855d3acd2414000dfa8f": "the weaker king", + "5728855d3acd2414000dfa90": "weaker king", + "572885c44b864d1900164a78": "inner mongolia", + "5728dab94b864d1900164f96": "africa", + "5728dab94b864d1900164f97": "east african community", + "5728dab94b864d1900164f98": "nairobi", + "5728dab94b864d1900164f99": "tanzania", + "5728de0e2ca10214002da9dc": "tropical", + "5728de0e2ca10214002da9dd": "high", + "5728de0e2ca10214002da9de": "mount kenya", + "5728f5376aef0514001548c4": "mount kenya", + "5728f5376aef0514001548c6": "resting place in all three languages", + "5728f9342ca10214002dab53": "contrary of very precise location of a correct african pronunciation", + "5728f9342ca10214002dab54": "joseph thompson", + "5728f9cf4b864d1900165166": "lions leopards buffalo rhinoceros and elephant", + "5728f9cf4b864d1900165167": "lions leopards buffalo rhinoceros and elephant", + "5728f9cf4b864d1900165168": "kenya", + "5728f9cf4b864d1900165169": "june and september", + "5728fa576aef051400154921": "pleistocene epoch", + "5728fa576aef051400154922": "richard leakey", + "5728fd9b3f37b31900477f3c": "mombasa", + "5728fd9b3f37b31900477f3d": "duarte barbosa", + "5729024f1d04691400778f62": "guerrilla warfare campaign", + "5729024f1d04691400778f63": "northern rhodesia", + "572903d96aef0514001549a4": "The central highlands", + "572903d96aef0514001549a5": "The central highlands", + "5729046aaf94a219006a9f4e": "a better understanding", + "572906e23f37b31900477f8e": "kenya african national union", + "572909406aef0514001549dd": "widespread agitation for constitutional reform", + "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc5": "democratic republic", + "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc6": "head of state and head of government and the multiparty system", + "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc7": "the government", + "572909ebaf94a219006a9fc9": "The judiciary", + "57290b21af94a219006a9fd0": "public sector corruption in various countries", + "57290d811d04691400778fcf": "party of national unity", + "57290d811d04691400778fd0": "alliance democratic movement", + "57290d811d04691400778fd1": "bias of financial margin", + "57290e153f37b31900477fda": "truth justice and reconciliation commission", + "57290e153f37b31900477fdb": "evangelical lutheran church in kenya", + "57290ee2af94a219006aa000": "second prime minister", + "57290ee2af94a219006aa002": "the president", + "57290ee2af94a219006aa003": "until the end of the current parliament", + "57290f963f37b31900477feb": "supervise the function of the government", + "57290f963f37b31900477fef": "howard equally", + "572913626aef051400154a30": "eliminate the position of prime minister and simultaneously reduce the powers of the president", + "572914441d04691400779026": "to guard against armed groups", + "572914441d04691400779029": "The government of the united states", + "572914f46aef051400154a46": "obama chose not to visit the country", + "572914f46aef051400154a48": "china", + "572915621d0469140077902f": "peacekeeping", + "572915621d04691400779030": "a commission of inquiry", + "572915621d04691400779031": "human rights violations", + "572915e43f37b31900478005": "Kenya's armed forces", + "572915e43f37b31900478006": "the operations of the armed forces have been traditionally cloaked by the new faith with a fine good faith security", + "572915e43f37b31900478008": "recruitment and procurement of armored personnel carriers", + "572916f16aef051400154a57": "Kenya", + "572916f16aef051400154a59": "frontier market", + "572917743f37b3190047800d": "rapid expansion in telecommunication and financial activity", + "572917743f37b3190047800f": "food security", + "572917ff6aef051400154a5f": "terrorism", + "572917ff6aef051400154a60": "steady growth", + "572918bd3f37b31900478015": "Agriculture", + "572918bd3f37b31900478018": "sharp weather", + "57291a7b1d04691400779040": "drought resistant", + "57291a7b1d04691400779041": "emulating the growth of local theater production and agro dealer network for distribution and marketing", + "57291a7b1d04691400779042": "increased local producer prices by twenty to twenty five percent", + "57291b461d04691400779049": "the fertile highland", + "57291beb1d04691400779053": "kenya", + "57291d9e3f37b31900478035": "african growth and opportunity", + "57291dfaaf94a219006aa09b": "hydroelectric station", + "57291f153f37b31900478045": "Exploration", + "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b2": "kenya's largest source of foreign direct investment", + "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b4": "china", + "57291fb4af94a219006aa0b5": "problems", + "57292046af94a219006aa0bd": "national climate change action plan", + "57292046af94a219006aa0be": "climate will be a central issue", + "57292046af94a219006aa0bf": "climate change", + "572920d73f37b31900478055": "agriculture", + "572920d73f37b31900478058": "poverty the lack of access to education and weak government institution", + "572921646aef051400154a7b": "in the country", + "572922206aef051400154a8a": "christian", + "572922206aef051400154a8b": "christian", + "572922206aef051400154a8d": "nairobi", + "57292449af94a219006aa0de": "Fifty percent", + "57292449af94a219006aa0df": "christians", + "572924b53f37b31900478067": "clinical officers medical officers in medical practitioners", + "572924b53f37b31900478068": "clinical officers medical officers in medical practitioners", + "572925491d046914007790c3": "The events of poverty", + "572925491d046914007790c4": "half", + "572925491d046914007790c5": "Preventable diseases like malaria h i v a family family and malnutrition", + "572925a81d046914007790cd": "british colony", + "572926086aef051400154ac2": "look at both the possibilities of setting up affecting university and kenny as well as the reforming of the entire education", + "572926653f37b3190047807a": "vocational subject", + "572926d23f37b31900478083": "eight", + "572926d23f37b31900478085": "join the vocational new village polytechnic", + "572926d23f37b31900478086": "proceed directly to the university", + "5729276c1d046914007790d8": "three to five", + "5729276c1d046914007790db": "national examination", + "572927d06aef051400154ae0": "the people of university", + "572927d06aef051400154ae1": "irrespective of a literacy level and have materials relevant to people of all walks of life", + "5729281baf94a219006aa11f": "rugby union in boxing", + "5729281baf94a219006aa121": "Kenyan athletes", + "572928bf6aef051400154af0": "eight", + "572928bf6aef051400154af1": "most successful nation", + "572928bf6aef051400154af4": "economic or financial factors", + "5729293d3f37b3190047809f": "volleyball", + "5729293d3f37b319004780a0": "Cricket", + "57292994af94a219006aa131": "safari rally", + "57292994af94a219006aa132": "safari rally", + "572929d56aef051400154b0a": "free", + "57293b843f37b31900478133": "united nations", + "57293b843f37b31900478135": "greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere", + "57293b843f37b31900478136": "united nations framework convention on climate change", + "57293bc91d0469140077919c": "Korean", + "57293c246aef051400154bb8": "representatives appointed by government", + "57293c246aef051400154bba": "governmental organizations", + "57293d116aef051400154bc8": "carry out research", + "57293d116aef051400154bc9": "published forces", + "57293d6d1d046914007791b8": "ten to fifteen three", + "57293d6d1d046914007791bb": "working group chairs", + "57293e221d046914007791d6": "warming of the earth", + "57293e221d046914007791d7": "over half", + "57293e221d046914007791d8": "enhanced greenhouse effect", + "57293e983f37b3190047818d": "science faded", + "57293f353f37b3190047819c": "family", + "57293f353f37b3190047819f": "scientific evidence", + "57293f8a6aef051400154be1": "requested by government", + "572940246aef051400154bee": "fuel consumption industrial production", + "572940973f37b319004781a5": "the date", + "572941273f37b319004781ad": "chairman", + "572941273f37b319004781b0": "himalayan glaciers", + "572941273f37b319004781b1": "unfounded", + "57294209af94a219006aa204": "five", + "57294279af94a219006aa20a": "fred fingers", + "57294279af94a219006aa20d": "committee on commerce science and transportation hearing", + "572943ab1d0469140077921a": "ed whitfield", + "572943ab1d0469140077921c": "Sherwood boehlert", + "572943ab1d0469140077921d": "Sherwood boehlert", + "572944e03f37b319004781e4": "five", + "572944e03f37b319004781e5": "divergence problem", + "572944e03f37b319004781e3": "five", + "572945b11d04691400779231": "projections", + "572949306aef051400154c68": "fear level", + "57294baaaf94a219006aa26b": "longtime participant in the eye fi fifi and coordinating lead author", + "57294baaaf94a219006aa26c": "Michael oppenheimer", + "57294baaaf94a219006aa26d": "special problems", + "57294e6b1d04691400779275": "global regulation", + "57294e6b1d04691400779276": "climate change", + "57294e6b1d04691400779277": "government", + "5729506d6aef051400154cae": "regional burden sharing", + "5729517d6aef051400154cc8": "scientific papers", + "5729517d6aef051400154cc9": "significant new evidence", + "572951f16aef051400154cce": "five", + "572951f16aef051400154ccf": "journal nature", + "572951f16aef051400154cd1": "imply a full time staff and remove government oversight from its profit", + "572953013f37b3190047824d": "photosynthesis", + "572953013f37b3190047824e": "energy storage molecules", + "572953013f37b3190047824f": "energy storage molecules", + "572953013f37b31900478250": "photosynthesis", + "5729544c3f37b31900478258": "environmental factors", + "5729544c3f37b31900478259": "their own dna which is that to be inherited from their ancestors", + "5729544c3f37b3190047825b": "inherited from their ancestors", + "572956c86aef051400154d1b": "russian", + "572956c86aef051400154d1c": "biologist", + "572957361d046914007792d0": "diverse phylum", + "572957361d046914007792d2": "they have his cell membrane", + "5729582b1d046914007792e4": "three", + "572958cc6aef051400154d2b": "plant", + "57295a116aef051400154d47": "catch more sunlight in deep water", + "57295b5b1d04691400779316": "t like them", + "57295b5b1d04691400779319": "chlorophyll", + "572961f61d04691400779359": "double", + "572961f61d0469140077935a": "original", + "572962953f37b319004782f7": "groups of three", + "572962953f37b319004782f8": "fact that the membrane of the primary end of him being with loft leaving the fire no bacterial membrane and in fact in very high fat", + "572963221d04691400779388": "outside the original double membrane", + "572963221d04691400779389": "outside the original double membrane", + "572963876aef051400154dd4": "malaria parasite", + "5729645b3f37b31900478325": "four", + "572965e73f37b3190047832d": "four", + "572966ebaf94a219006aa393": "five", + "5729686d1d046914007793c3": "about a million", + "5729686d1d046914007793c5": "about a million", + "57296977af94a219006aa3bd": "The internet repeat regions are highly conserve them on land plan and accumulate few mutation. Similar inverted repeated that to do gnomes of biannual bacteria", + "572969f51d046914007793dd": "Scientists", + "572969f51d046914007793de": "fourth", + "572969f51d046914007793df": "chromosome", + "57296a65af94a219006aa3c4": "single through", + "57296a65af94a219006aa3c5": "linear", + "57296a65af94a219006aa3c7": "circular chromosome", + "57296ab93f37b3190047836a": "complex structures", + "57296ab93f37b3190047836b": "complex structures", + "57296bf96aef051400154e53": "half", + "57296bf96aef051400154e54": "participating in cell division", + "57296bf96aef051400154e55": "outermost membrane", + "57296c5c3f37b31900478382": "prevents floor of plath proteins from the family their active form", + "57296cb21d04691400779407": "star shaped", + "57296d1b1d0469140077940d": "double membrane", + "57296d1b1d0469140077940e": "is the product of the high fell membrane", + "57296d8d1d0469140077941f": "to generate atp energy", + "57296eb01d04691400779439": "translation initiation", + "57296eee6aef051400154e8f": "spherical", + "57296f3caf94a219006aa3fd": "singularly attached directly to their parents", + "57296f85af94a219006aa405": "carbon concentrating mechanism", + "57296f85af94a219006aa406": "opaque to electrons", + "57296f85af94a219006aa407": "carbon concentrating mechanism", + "5729703d3f37b319004783bb": "light energy", + "5729703d3f37b319004783bc": "light energy", + "5729703d3f37b319004783bd": "energize", + "572970916aef051400154eba": "two", + "572970916aef051400154ebe": "circular", + "57297103af94a219006aa423": "about thirty five", + "57297103af94a219006aa425": "excess energy", + "5729714daf94a219006aa42d": "relatively large protein complexes", + "5729714daf94a219006aa42e": "red", + "5729714daf94a219006aa42f": "red alcove", + "572971af6aef051400154edf": "trouble distinguishing between carbon dioxide and oxygen", + "572971af6aef051400154ee2": "sugar", + "5729723c6aef051400154ee8": "light reaction", + "5729723c6aef051400154eec": "photosynthesis", + "5729729a1d0469140077948b": "green parts", + "5729729a1d0469140077948c": "chlorophyll", + "572972f46aef051400154ef3": "epidermis", + "572972f46aef051400154ef4": "five", + "5729735c3f37b319004783fc": "Under intense life", + "5729735c3f37b319004783fe": "they can take shelter behind each other", + "572973ccaf94a219006aa449": "three", + "572973ccaf94a219006aa44d": "reactive oxygen species", + "57297427af94a219006aa453": "reactive oxygen species", + "57297427af94a219006aa455": "path on their signal to an unknown second messenger molecules", + "572974923f37b3190047840b": "photosynthesis", + "572974923f37b3190047840c": "photosynthesis", + "572974923f37b3190047840d": "food", + "572975073f37b31900478415": "diffuse back down their concentration gradient", + "572975073f37b31900478417": "a thousand times as many", + "572975073f37b31900478418": "phosphate", + "572975a3af94a219006aa468": "one out of every fifth", + "572976183f37b31900478434": "photosynthesis", + "572976791d046914007794b0": "when the oxygen concentration is too high", + "572976cfaf94a219006aa495": "crossing membranes to get to where it is needed", + "5729779b6aef051400154f65": "dinner membrane", + "5729784b1d046914007794c9": "proteins", + "5729784b1d046914007794ca": "proteins", + "5729789b6aef051400154f6d": "four", + "572978e66aef051400154f76": "Life", + "572978e66aef051400154f78": "bright white", + "572978e66aef051400154f77": "bright white light", + "57297991af94a219006aa4b8": "environmental live", + "57297991af94a219006aa4ba": "tobacco plants", + "57296d571d04691400779413": "wine", + "57296d571d04691400779414": "composite number", + "57296d571d04691400779415": "fundamental theorem of arithmetic", + "57296f293f37b319004783a4": "trial division", + "572970c11d04691400779463": "infinitely many", + "572970c11d04691400779465": "ethical", + "572970c11d04691400779466": "The first", + "5729727baf94a219006aa438": "differences too", + "5729727baf94a219006aa439": "difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors", + "5729727baf94a219006aa43b": "prime ideal", + "572973f76aef051400154f0e": "fifth", + "57297547af94a219006aa45c": "christian", + "57297547af94a219006aa45f": "prime", + "57297781af94a219006aa4a3": "aristophanes", + "572978f91d046914007794d4": "greek", + "572978f91d046914007794d7": "compute prime", + "57297bc9af94a219006aa4c7": "trial division", + "57297bc9af94a219006aa4cb": "three", + "57297d421d046914007794e5": "two", + "57297ed93f37b31900478461": "carmichael numbers", + "572982e66aef051400154f92": "distributed computing", + "572982e66aef051400154f95": "electronic frontier foundation", + "572985011d04691400779501": "floor", + "572985011d04691400779505": "wilson", + "572987e46aef051400154fa5": "one", + "572987e46aef051400154fa6": "one", + "572989846aef051400154fc1": "finite", + "572989846aef051400154fc2": "Divergent i mean i think a given number fell there must be infinitely many prime", + "572989846aef051400154fc3": "there must be infinitely many prime", + "572989846aef051400154fc4": "richness of detail function and commenced of modern algebraic number theory", + "57298ef11d0469140077952f": "random noise", + "57299326af94a219006aa515": "number theory", + "57299326af94a219006aa518": "random number generator", + "572995d46aef051400154fe8": "recurring decimal fifth", + "572996c73f37b319004784b6": "large prime numbers", + "572998673f37b319004784d5": "cicadas", + "572998673f37b319004784d6": "underground", + "57299a6f6aef05140015501a": "that any object in the fifth and tully uniquely decomposed into its prime component", + "57299c2c6aef051400155021": "Prime numbers", + "57299d1c1d04691400779581": "The fundamental theorem of arithmetic", + "57299d1c1d04691400779584": "arbitrary intentions", + "57299d1c1d04691400779585": "complex members of the form of a fire", + "57299ec43f37b3190047850d": "rain theory", + "57299ec43f37b3190047850e": "Prime", + "57299ec43f37b3190047850f": "algebraic", + "57299ec43f37b31900478510": "fundamental theorem of arithmetic", + "5729a03f1d04691400779593": "geometric shape in the notion of the fact remember ray. Arithmetic geometry also benefit from this notion and many concept of the thin both geometry and number theory", + "5729a03f1d04691400779594": "ramifications in geometry", + "5729a26d6aef05140015505b": "local field", + "5729a26d6aef05140015505c": "absolute value", + "5729a3716aef05140015506d": "new three employees motifs", + "5729a3716aef05140015506e": "movements of nature", + "572f5533a23a5019007fc55b": "cologne germany", + "572f5533a23a5019007fc55c": "north sea", + "572f5533a23a5019007fc55d": "cologne", + "572f5533a23a5019007fc55e": "the danube", + "572fe1d404bcaa1900d76e37": "cologne germany", + "572fe1d404bcaa1900d76e3a": "netherlands", + "572f55e8a23a5019007fc56c": "german ryan", + "572fe288a23a5019007fcad8": "ryan", + "572f5703a23a5019007fc573": "north", + "572f5703a23a5019007fc575": "rhine valley", + "572f5703a23a5019007fc577": "liechtenstein and later austria", + "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4e": "rhine valley", + "572fe41e04bcaa1900d76e4f": "liechtenstein", + "572f57c704bcaa1900d7686d": "The mouth of the rhine", + "572f57c704bcaa1900d76871": "donkey", + "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e55": "the rhine", + "572fe4a304bcaa1900d76e58": "delta", + "572f5875947a6a140053c89c": "strong sedimentation", + "572f5875947a6a140053c89d": "the lake", + "572fe53104bcaa1900d76e6b": "to counteract the constant flooding in strong sedimentation", + "572f58d9a23a5019007fc57d": "three", + "572f58d9a23a5019007fc580": "Lake constance consists of three bodies of water fielders the upper lay the enters the lower lake and and acting stretch of the rhine", + "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858b": "three", + "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858c": "austrian", + "572fe60fb2c2fd140056858d": "rhine", + "572f59b4a23a5019007fc588": "near the surface", + "572f59b4a23a5019007fc58b": "barely visible along the entire length of the lake", + "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e95": "near the surface", + "572fe92204bcaa1900d76e99": "water level", + "572f609ca23a5019007fc5af": "westward", + "572f609ca23a5019007fc5b3": "north", + "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde0": "westward", + "572fe9b3947a6a140053cde4": "germans", + "572f60f4947a6a140053c8ea": "mannheim", + "572f60f4947a6a140053c8ec": "federal bridges", + "572fec30947a6a140053cdf2": "mannheim", + "572fec30947a6a140053cdf4": "left to north", + "572fec30947a6a140053cdf6": "federal bridges", + "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680b8": "fell significantly", + "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680b9": "fell significantly. Then branches drive after the amount of foreign from the flood plain decreased sharply", + "572f64ccb2c2fd14005680bb": "huge bath", + "572feddda23a5019007fcb5d": "fell significantly", + "572feddda23a5019007fcb5e": "fell significantly", + "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680cc": "germany", + "572f65e9b2c2fd14005680cb": "The rhine", + "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef5": "germany", + "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef6": "germany", + "572ff07304bcaa1900d76ef8": "germany", + "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5eb": "the national ryan", + "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ec": "national ryan", + "572f6a0ba23a5019007fc5ed": "erosion", + "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76eff": "the national ryan", + "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f00": "rainforest of formation", + "572ff12e04bcaa1900d76f02": "castles", + "572f6c85947a6a140053c940": "industry", + "572f6c85947a6a140053c942": "Ginsburg", + "572f6c85947a6a140053c944": "drinking water", + "572f6c85947a6a140053c941": "cologne", + "572ff293947a6a140053ce52": "a major source of water pollution", + "572ff293947a6a140053ce54": "switzerland", + "572ff293947a6a140053ce55": "Ginsburg", + "572f6ec7a23a5019007fc621": "tourism", + "572f6ec7a23a5019007fc624": "rhine valley", + "572ff35f947a6a140053ce66": "tourism", + "572ff35f947a6a140053ce67": "the epitome of the rhine romanticism", + "572f7588947a6a140053c984": "ginsburg", + "572ff430a23a5019007fcba9": "lower", + "572ff430a23a5019007fcbab": "rhine river region", + "572f76d1b2c2fd1400568155": "Two thirds", + "572ff4ca04bcaa1900d76f24": "farther laugh through the wall", + "572ff56304bcaa1900d76f2f": "one ninth", + "572ff673b2c2fd140056866b": "ryan's delta", + "572ff7ab04bcaa1900d76f52": "three", + "572ff83ab2c2fd1400568683": "former bay", + "572ff890a23a5019007fcbce": "drainage channels", + "572ff890a23a5019007fcbcf": "The construction", + "572ff890a23a5019007fcbcd": "drainage channels", + "572ff935b2c2fd140056869b": "tidal", + "572ff935b2c2fd140056869c": "tidal delta", + "572ff935b2c2fd140056869d": "huge areas of land", + "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbeb": "jurassic period", + "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbec": "mediterranean geography", + "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbea": "mesozoic", + "572ffa79a23a5019007fcbed": "Several micro plates", + "572ffb02b2c2fd14005686ba": "rhine river", + "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc15": "ice ages", + "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc16": "fifth", + "572ffce5a23a5019007fcc18": "north", + "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e7": "southwest", + "572ffd75b2c2fd14005686e9": "english channel", + "572fff45947a6a140053cf26": "atlantic ocean", + "572fffb404bcaa1900d76ff1": "the rhine", + "5730042804bcaa1900d77013": "netherlands", + "57300580b2c2fd140056874f": "free flooding", + "57300580b2c2fd140056874e": "agriculture", + "5730069004bcaa1900d7702d": "north", + "5730069004bcaa1900d77030": "eiffel", + "5730069004bcaa1900d77031": "three", + "57300761947a6a140053cf9b": "germania", + "573007fab2c2fd140056876c": "the rhine", + "573007fab2c2fd140056876d": "the empire fell", + "573007fab2c2fd140056876e": "The northern section", + "57300888b2c2fd1400568775": "fifth", + "57300888b2c2fd1400568777": "army of germania", + "57300888b2c2fd1400568776": "threat of war", + "57300911947a6a140053cfb6": "migration period", + "57300911947a6a140053cfb7": "kingdoms of francia", + "57300911947a6a140053cfb8": "medieval legend", + "57300911947a6a140053cfb9": "think fried", + "57300911947a6a140053cfba": "hagen", + "573009a004bcaa1900d77051": "lower lorraine", + "57300a25a23a5019007fcc97": "westphalia", + "57300a25a23a5019007fcc98": "natural borders", + "57300a25a23a5019007fcc99": "napoleon bonaparte", + "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77063": "At the end of world war i", + "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77065": "the german army", + "57300a9a04bcaa1900d77066": "adolf hitler's rise to power", + "57300bf504bcaa1900d77088": "formidable natural obstacle", + "57300bf504bcaa1900d7708b": "an invasion of western europe", + "57300c67947a6a140053cff3": "typographical error", + "572fac17947a6a140053cb55": "throttling", + "572fac17947a6a140053cb56": "the areas in which it can they live by explicitly specifying powers that are reserved to the parliament of the united kingdom", + "572fac17947a6a140053cb57": "parliament of the united kingdom", + "572fac17947a6a140053cb58": "westminster", + "572facb0a23a5019007fc864": "three", + "572facb0a23a5019007fc865": "the outbreak of the first world war", + "572facb0a23a5019007fc867": "a directly elected finest assembly", + "572fad30a23a5019007fc86d": "the northeast", + "572fadcbb2c2fd1400568329": "edinburgh", + "572fadcbb2c2fd140056832a": "forty percent", + "572fadcbb2c2fd140056832b": "devolution referendum", + "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76bdf": "parliament", + "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76be0": "conservative party", + "572fae4b04bcaa1900d76be2": "the convention", + "572faec7b2c2fd1400568333": "the astonished parliament building", + "572faec7b2c2fd1400568335": "finnish", + "572faf74b2c2fd1400568347": "general assembly hall of the church of scotland dundee", + "572faf74b2c2fd1400568348": "in the courtyard", + "572faf74b2c2fd140056834b": "university of aberdeen", + "572fb059947a6a140053cb82": "olive", + "572fb059947a6a140053cb83": "george ivy bridge", + "572fb059947a6a140053cb84": "main hall", + "572fb42904bcaa1900d76c17": "secret ballot", + "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8f7": "the presiding officer", + "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8f8": "the presiding officer", + "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8f9": "five or more", + "572fbb04a23a5019007fc8fa": "the presiding officer", + "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5c": "desire to encourage consent of the month elected members", + "572fbea404bcaa1900d76c5f": "attend in beacon of plenary meeting of the parliament", + "572fbf21a23a5019007fc938": "astonished rivers", + "572fbf21a23a5019007fc937": "fell for an inlaid with both hands from astonished rivers", + "572fbf21a23a5019007fc93a": "the queen", + "572fbf21a23a5019007fc939": "The word there shall be if god", + "572fbf21a23a5019007fc93b": "black", + "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c73": "april", + "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c74": "debating chamber", + "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c75": "the public", + "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c76": "free", + "572fbfa504bcaa1900d76c77": "the official report", + "572fc043a23a5019007fc95d": "wednesday", + "572fc043a23a5019007fc95e": "up to four", + "572fc043a23a5019007fc960": "the presiding officer", + "572fc043a23a5019007fc95f": "religion belief", + "572fc043a23a5019007fc961": "nominate features", + "572fc41f947a6a140053cc80": "The presiding officer", + "572fc41f947a6a140053cc81": "chamber today", + "572fc41f947a6a140053cc82": "different viewpoints and political parties", + "572fc41f947a6a140053cc84": "gaelic", + "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccc": "decision time", + "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccd": "vote", + "572fc49d04bcaa1900d76ccf": "time", + "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8a": "The outcome", + "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8b": "Party's interests and an f p f known as when philip that path of ensuring that party members vote according to the party line", + "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8c": "parties", + "572fc5a1947a6a140053cc8e": "moral", + "572fc659b2c2fd1400568447": "on the issues which may be of interest to a particular area", + "572fc659b2c2fd1400568449": "issues which may be of interest to a particular area", + "572fc659b2c2fd140056844a": "other members", + "572fc659b2c2fd140056844b": "contribute to the deep faith", + "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf5": "thine infinity", + "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf6": "stronger", + "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf7": "no reviving chamber", + "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf8": "role of committees in the thought of parliament is to take evidence from witnesses to death inquiries and fraternize legislation", + "572fc6f204bcaa1900d76cf9": "The navy phenolphthalein the dead other locations throughout scotland", + "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d08": "the balance of power", + "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d0a": "Mandatory", + "572fc78d04bcaa1900d76d0b": "fourth", + "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d11": "at the beginning of each parliamentary session", + "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d12": "one", + "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d13": "object committees", + "572fc80b04bcaa1900d76d14": "fourth session", + "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d1f": "Private bill committees", + "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d21": "Private bills", + "572fc8a904bcaa1900d76d22": "Private bill committees", + "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568475": "the devolve competency", + "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568476": "parliament of the united kingdom", + "572fca7eb2c2fd1400568477": "scottish parliament", + "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f2": "god of parliament", + "572fcb6da23a5019007fc9f3": "All matters that are not pathetically reserved are automatically devolved to the god of parliament", + "572fcc43b2c2fd140056847d": "their subjects", + "572fcc43b2c2fd140056847e": "parliament", + "572fcc43b2c2fd140056847f": "westminster", + "572fcc43b2c2fd1400568480": "westminster and we're ministerial function usually live with u k government ministers", + "572fcd86947a6a140053ccda": "private bill", + "572fcd86947a6a140053ccdc": "private", + "572fcd86947a6a140053ccde": "in a number of pages", + "572fce12a23a5019007fca11": "introductory page of the bell where the minister members in charge of mill will formally introduced it to parliament", + "572fce13a23a5019007fca12": "accompanying documents", + "572fce13a23a5019007fca14": "in the relevant committees are committee", + "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd03": "two", + "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd04": "final vote", + "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd05": "reading amendments to the bell designed to thwart further progress and take of parliamentary time", + "572fd1c4947a6a140053cd06": "After a general of the faith", + "572fd264b2c2fd14005684a9": "the monarch", + "572fd264b2c2fd14005684ac": "supreme court of the united kingdom", + "572fd47fa23a5019007fca55": "The party or parties that hold the majority of faith in the parliament", + "572fd47fa23a5019007fca57": "Any member", + "572fd47fa23a5019007fca56": "first minister", + "572fd47fa23a5019007fca59": "first minister", + "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76d9f": "thursday", + "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76da0": "may", + "572fd6aa04bcaa1900d76da1": "the monarch", + "572fd73e947a6a140053cd32": "Several procedures", + "572fd73e947a6a140053cd34": "the statement to the chamber", + "572fd73e947a6a140053cd35": "issues related to the substance of this statement", + "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3a": "Parliamentary time", + "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3b": "thursday", + "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3c": "any member of the faddish government", + "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3d": "issues under their jurisdiction", + "572fd7b8947a6a140053cd3e": "four", + "572fd8efb2c2fd14005684fa": "one", + "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850b": "proportionally", + "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850d": "quotient", + "572fda6fb2c2fd140056850e": "fifteenth", + "572fdb17b2c2fd140056851d": "qualifications", + "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76dd9": "parliamentary majority", + "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76ddc": "eight", + "572fdbb004bcaa1900d76ddd": "scottish independence", + "572fdc34a23a5019007fca93": "the conservative", + "572fdc34a23a5019007fca94": "edinburgh", + "572fdc34a23a5019007fca95": "edinburgh pentland fifteen of former party leader david mcclatchy", + "572fdc34a23a5019007fca96": "annabel quality", + "572fdc34a23a5019007fca97": "Cameron", + "572fdd03a23a5019007fca9d": "vote on domestic legislation", + "572fdd03a23a5019007fcaa0": "conservative", + "572fdd03a23a5019007fcaa1": "england", + "572ff626947a6a140053ce8f": "all spheres", + "572ff626947a6a140053ce90": "reordering", + "572ff626947a6a140053ce91": "pupil fell one and defense strategy of islam", + "572ff626947a6a140053ce92": "revolution", + "572ff760b2c2fd1400568677": "democratic process", + "572ff760b2c2fd1400568678": "palestine", + "572ff760b2c2fd1400568679": "abolish the state of israel", + "572ff760b2c2fd140056867a": "democracy", + "572ff760b2c2fd140056867b": "religion faith faith", + "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f65": "division", + "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f67": "islamic nation", + "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f68": "democracy", + "572ff86004bcaa1900d76f69": "to maintain their legitimacy", + "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd5": "positive", + "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd6": "political role for islam", + "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd7": "john esposito", + "572ff932a23a5019007fcbd9": "religion from politics", + "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76f9f": "islam", + "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76fa0": "americans", + "572ffabf04bcaa1900d76fa1": "the creation of americans to explain uranium islamic revolution", + "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee7": "dangerous enemy", + "572ffbaa947a6a140053ceea": "ideology", + "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee9": "mujahideen", + "572ffbaa947a6a140053cee8": "leftist communist nationalist", + "572ffbaab2c2fd14005686cd": "ideology", + "572ffc99947a6a140053cef6": "anwar sadat", + "572ffc99947a6a140053cef7": "making peace", + "572ffc99947a6a140053cef8": "political support", + "572ffc99947a6a140053cefa": "political support in his struggle against laughter. Fifteenth nineteen of the emergence of the islamic movement with them to have been vindicated by many other muslim leaders", + "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fc7": "conservative", + "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fc8": "infidel in every way i think them for their religion", + "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fc9": "wars", + "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fca": "moderate", + "572ffd9e04bcaa1900d76fcb": "felony", + "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f2": "incompetent", + "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f0": "shelter educational and fifty three year low cost medical clinic", + "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f3": "neglectful government whose commitment to social justice is limited to reverend", + "572ffe6fb2c2fd14005686f1": "to avoid prohibitively possibly dowry", + "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686f9": "india's hindu majority population", + "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686fa": "crowd out", + "572fffb1b2c2fd14005686fd": "an independent state", + "5730005db2c2fd1400568704": "journalism", + "5730005db2c2fd1400568706": "through his writings", + "57300137b2c2fd1400568718": "journalism", + "57300137b2c2fd140056871a": "through his writings", + "57300200b2c2fd140056872a": "an islamic state", + "57300200b2c2fd140056872b": "democracy", + "57300200b2c2fd140056872c": "iranian revolution", + "57300200b2c2fd140056872d": "educational process", + "5730035e04bcaa1900d77002": "egypt", + "5730035e04bcaa1900d77005": "imperialistic", + "5730040f947a6a140053cf4c": "violence", + "573004bf947a6a140053cf56": "one of the most influential movement", + "573005b9947a6a140053cf6b": "a pivotal event", + "573005b9947a6a140053cf6c": "economic", + "5730088e947a6a140053cfad": "ideological", + "5730088e947a6a140053cfae": "between believe that thingy islamic thinkers", + "5730088e947a6a140053cfb0": "conspiracy against islam", + "57300e2604bcaa1900d770b7": "The islamic republic", + "57300e2604bcaa1900d770b8": "economic", + "57300ec0947a6a140053d004": "the soviet union", + "57300ec0947a6a140053d005": "an islamic rebellion", + "57300ec0947a6a140053d006": "fight for their faith", + "57300ec0947a6a140053d007": "marginal", + "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d1": "to put an end to saddam hussein's occupation of kuwait", + "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d2": "saddam hussein", + "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d3": "many islamic groups", + "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d4": "saudi", + "57300f8504bcaa1900d770d5": "saddam hussein", + "573010fab2c2fd14005687d7": "conservative muslims", + "573010fab2c2fd14005687d8": "canada", + "573010fab2c2fd14005687da": "algeria", + "573011de04bcaa1900d770fb": "the brotherhood", + "5730126ba23a5019007fcd09": "egyptian islamic jihad", + "5730126ba23a5019007fcd0b": "muslim faith leaders", + "5730126ba23a5019007fcd0c": "muslim faith", + "5730131c947a6a140053d052": "violence", + "5730131c947a6a140053d053": "al islamiya", + "5730131c947a6a140053d054": "unsuccessful", + "5730131c947a6a140053d056": "political figures", + "5730208fa23a5019007fcdee": "muslim brotherhood", + "5730208fa23a5019007fcdef": "the destruction of israel and the establishment of an islamic state in palestine", + "5730208fa23a5019007fcdf1": "alcohol", + "5730208fa23a5019007fcdf0": "palestine intifada in nineteen eighty seven the muslim brotherhood in palestine", + "573020f7b2c2fd14005688f7": "Hamas", + "573020f7b2c2fd14005688f9": "the first foray into the political process here when the majority of fifty and few thousand seventy eight drove the p l l out of gaza", + "573020f7b2c2fd14005688fb": "driving israel out of the gaza strip", + "57302700a23a5019007fce89": "islamist", + "57302700a23a5019007fce8b": "national islamic front", + "57302700a23a5019007fce8d": "military academy", + "573027d6a23a5019007fce9e": "with the help of the military", + "573027d6a23a5019007fcea1": "american attack on iraq", + "5730285a04bcaa1900d77270": "staying home", + "5730285a04bcaa1900d7726e": "algeria", + "573028fa04bcaa1900d77287": "justice and prosperity", + "573028fa04bcaa1900d77288": "destructive", + "573028fa04bcaa1900d77289": "poorest", + "57302a3aa23a5019007fcecf": "The taliban", + "57302a3aa23a5019007fced0": "pakistan", + "57302ad804bcaa1900d772b2": "his means of thieving power", + "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689db": "extremist militant group", + "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689dc": "two parents", + "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689de": "ten million", + "57302bd0b2c2fd14005689df": "recognition", + "57302cd004bcaa1900d772da": "failure to himself and notorious intransigent", + "57302e45947a6a140053d22e": "different view", + "57302e45947a6a140053d231": "the true islamic", + "57302e45947a6a140053d232": "disbelieving half or colonial powers working through turkish modernist mustafa kemal ataturk", + "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f6": "ideological struggle", + "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f7": "muslim", + "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f8": "egypt", + "57302efe04bcaa1900d772f9": "joint terrorist groups", + "57302faa04bcaa1900d77315": "inciting to terrorism", + "57303048947a6a140053d255": "state department", + "57303048947a6a140053d257": "an official in the george w.. Bush administration", + "57303048947a6a140053d258": "undermining the communist ideology", + "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4c6": "latin", + "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4c7": "colonization use of military force", + "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4c9": "japanese", + "573060b48ab72b1400f9c4ca": "technology and ideas", + "573062662461fd1900a9cdf7": "influence", + "573062662461fd1900a9cdf8": "informal", + "573062662461fd1900a9cdfa": "diplomacy for military force", + "573062662461fd1900a9cdfb": "colonial rule", + "57306797396df919000960ee": "expanding the controlled area", + "57306797396df919000960ef": "formal and informal", + "57306797396df919000960f0": "aggressiveness", + "57306797396df919000960f2": "private industries", + "57306797396df919000960f1": "informal", + "573081c2069b531400832133": "empire", + "573081c2069b531400832134": "world system theory", + "573081c2069b531400832135": "lenin", + "573081c2069b531400832136": "empire", + "573081c2069b531400832137": "european seaborne empire", + "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce6d": "colonialism", + "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce6e": "political focus", + "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce6f": "ideological", + "573083dc2461fd1900a9ce71": "a person or group of people", + "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54c": "Imperialism", + "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54d": "conquest over an area", + "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54e": "conquering the other thing plants and therefore increasing its own dominate", + "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c550": "if the exploitation of the valuable assets and supplies of the nation that was conquered in the conquering nation", + "573085ea8ab72b1400f9c54f": "the characteristics", + "5730876a396df9190009617c": "imperialism", + "5730876a396df9190009617d": "social darwinism", + "573088da069b53140083216b": "germany", + "573088da069b53140083216c": "britain", + "573088da069b53140083216d": "political", + "573088da069b53140083216e": "dominated the discipline for decades", + "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c576": "effective environmental determinism", + "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c577": "temperate zone", + "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c579": "uncivilized", + "57308cf88ab72b1400f9c57a": "superior", + "57308ddc396df919000961a7": "eighteenth century", + "57308ddc396df919000961a4": "british empire", + "57308ddc396df919000961a6": "farce", + "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c580": "wealth of talent", + "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c582": "inferior", + "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c583": "body of knowledge and ideas", + "57308f6b8ab72b1400f9c584": "inferior", + "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58b": "math", + "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58c": "to denote unknown or unexplored territory", + "5730909d8ab72b1400f9c58e": "french", + "573092088ab72b1400f9c594": "warlords", + "573092088ab72b1400f9c597": "dozens", + "573092088ab72b1400f9c598": "the british empire", + "573092088ab72b1400f9c596": "africa", + "573093598ab72b1400f9c5ae": "Cultural imperialism", + "573093598ab72b1400f9c5af": "when a country of influence", + "573093598ab72b1400f9c5b0": "soap opera ballet", + "573093598ab72b1400f9c5b1": "roman", + "573093598ab72b1400f9c5b2": "authoritarian regime fighting fetch influence with bans on foreign popular culture control of the internet and unauthorized satellite dishes", + "57309446396df919000961ba": "thousands", + "57309446396df919000961bc": "open door", + "57309564069b5314008321a7": "historians", + "57309564069b5314008321a8": "the world economy", + "57309564069b5314008321a9": "many imperial powers", + "573098f38ab72b1400f9c5d2": "economic growth by collecting resources from colonies", + "573098f38ab72b1400f9c5d3": "colonies", + "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5dc": "communications", + "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5dd": "deadly explosive", + "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5de": "machinery they were able to manufacture improved fire. By the food aid in the machine gun", + "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5df": "machine gun", + "573099ee8ab72b1400f9c5e0": "european", + "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e6": "british", + "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e8": "political self interest", + "57309bfb8ab72b1400f9c5e9": "need for capitalist economy to constantly expanding death and material resources and manpower", + "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c600": "aristocracy", + "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c601": "before world war", + "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c603": "duties", + "57309ef18ab72b1400f9c604": "domestic faucheux reforms could hear the international duties of imperialism by removing if economic foundation", + "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60a": "people living in tropical environments were seen as less civilized", + "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60b": "the environment", + "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60c": "less civilized", + "5730a0778ab72b1400f9c60d": "africa", + "5730a314069b5314008321ed": "guidance and intervention", + "5730a40f396df91900096234": "the fifteenth century", + "5730a40f396df91900096236": "queen elizabeth", + "5730a40f396df91900096237": "political activity cause exploitation", + "5730a40f396df91900096238": "portuguese", + "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2d": "catholicism", + "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2b": "north and west africa as well as southeast asia", + "5730a4d02461fd1900a9cf2c": "germany started to build her own colonial empire", + "5730a951069b531400832214": "algeria", + "5730a951069b531400832215": "Contrasting from britain france and flung members of settlers to leave policy with the only notable exception of algeria where french settlers nevertheless always remained of small minority", + "5730a951069b531400832216": "christianity and french culture", + "5730a951069b531400832217": "algeria", + "5730aa52069b53140083221d": "algeria", + "5730aa52069b53140083221f": "vietnam", + "5730aa52069b531400832220": "vietnam", + "5730ab63396df91900096260": "scandinavia in northern europe", + "5730ab63396df91900096261": "the middle period of classical antiquity", + "5730ab63396df91900096264": "an amorphous area of central europe", + "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf77": "napoleon", + "5730ac782461fd1900a9cf76": "fear of itself", + "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c682": "south pacific", + "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c683": "public opinion", + "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c684": "german new guinea", + "5730aef38ab72b1400f9c686": "hamburg merchants and traders", + "5730b1022461fd1900a9cfa6": "thailand", + "5730b1022461fd1900a9cfa5": "central china", + "5730b255396df919000962b0": "The soviet union", + "5730b255396df919000962b2": "lenin", + "5730b255396df919000962b3": "eastern europe", + "5730b255396df919000962b4": "lenin", + "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc5": "world revolution", + "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc6": "Lenin", + "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc8": "nikita khrushchev", + "5730b4282461fd1900a9cfc7": "socialism", + "5730b541396df919000962c2": "north america that caribbean and india", + "5730b541396df919000962c5": "free trade", + "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfcf": "british", + "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfd0": "theory", + "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfd2": "rider", + "5730b6592461fd1900a9cfd1": "the middle east", + "5730b7ce069b5314008322c3": "theodore roosevelt interventionism in central america", + "5730b7ce069b5314008322c4": "interventionism in central america", + "5730b7ce069b5314008322c5": "philippines", + "5730b7ce069b5314008322c7": "denounced", + "5730b8ca8ab72b1400f9c706": "american delegation", + "5730bb522461fd1900a9d011": "internal strife", + "5730bb522461fd1900a9d012": "internal", + "5730bb522461fd1900a9d015": "women's rights", + "5730bd00069b5314008322d9": "germany", + "5730bd00069b5314008322db": "world war i", + "5730bd00069b5314008322da": "turkey", + "5730982f396df919000961e2": "union of the methodist church", + "5730982f396df919000961e6": "wesleyan", + "573098c12461fd1900a9cee5": "The united methodist church", + "573098c12461fd1900a9cee7": "mainline protestant denominations", + "57309921396df919000961f7": "within the church of england", + "573099f42461fd1900a9cef8": "georgia", + "573099f42461fd1900a9cef9": "american indians", + "573099f42461fd1900a9cefa": "salvation by god for a fire through faith in triumph. Three teaching they thought the foundation of christian faith", + "57309a6c2461fd1900a9ceff": "the american revolution", + "57309a6c2461fd1900a9cf02": "lovely lane methodist church", + "57309a6c2461fd1900a9cf03": "methodist church", + "57309cd6069b5314008321c3": "Richard allen", + "5730a97a396df9190009625b": "dallas texas", + "5730a97a396df9190009625c": "lloyd", + "5730a9fa2461fd1900a9cf6d": "holy", + "5730a9fa2461fd1900a9cf6e": "The book of discipline", + "5730a9fa2461fd1900a9cf6f": "holy church", + "5730aaa88ab72b1400f9c64e": "the american revolution", + "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c672": "god through jesus christ", + "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c671": "power which enables us to love him and they have to fake a relationship with god through jesus christ", + "5730ac6b8ab72b1400f9c673": "thin", + "5730aeba069b531400832241": "pardon the believer", + "5730aeba069b531400832242": "jesus christ", + "5730aeba069b531400832243": "conversion", + "5730aeba069b531400832244": "conversion excepting jeeves if it's your personal lord and savior", + "5730aeba069b531400832245": "death experience", + "5730afed069b53140083225f": "grace of god", + "5730afed069b531400832262": "higher fellow mind and strength and a genuine love of our neighbors this ourselves", + "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c696": "Wesleyan theology", + "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c697": "The united methodist church", + "5730b07c8ab72b1400f9c699": "book of discipline", + "5730b10b8ab72b1400f9c6a0": "religious coalition for reproductive choice", + "5730b1e28ab72b1400f9c6ae": "general board of church and society and the united methodist women", + "5730b1e28ab72b1400f9c6af": "all women", + "5730b1e28ab72b1400f9c6b0": "the mother", + "5730b2312461fd1900a9cfad": "Members of the united methodist church", + "5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb3": "temperance movement", + "5730b2ac2461fd1900a9cfb4": "the youth of money", + "5730b54c069b53140083228d": "capital punishment", + "5730b54c069b531400832290": "The general conference", + "5730b9852461fd1900a9cff9": "conscription", + "5730b9852461fd1900a9cffa": "military action nor the way of inaction", + "5730b9852461fd1900a9cffb": "all war", + "5730b9dc8ab72b1400f9c70e": "pride message in teaching", + "5730b9dc8ab72b1400f9c70f": "national foreign policy", + "5730bdfe396df9190009630e": "fifth sexual ethics task force", + "5730bdfe396df9190009630f": "violent degradation exploitation and coercion", + "5730bdfe396df91900096310": "girls and women", + "5730bf03069b5314008322eb": "creative efforts", + "5730bf03069b5314008322ed": "earliest stages", + "5730bf03069b5314008322ec": "research", + "5730c059069b531400832307": "book of common prayer", + "5730c52fb54a4f140068cc46": "africa", + "5730c52fb54a4f140068cc47": "book of common prayer", + "5730c6d3b54a4f140068cc4d": "william boone", + "5730c6d3b54a4f140068cc4e": "john wesley", + "5730c737b54a4f140068cc52": "The united methodist church", + "5730c737b54a4f140068cc54": "general conference", + "5730c737b54a4f140068cc55": "book of discipline", + "5730c737b54a4f140068cc53": "general conference", + "5730c737b54a4f140068cc56": "every four years", + "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aa7": "five", + "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aa8": "seven", + "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aa9": "still alive", + "5730c810aca1c71400fe5aaa": "central conferences", + "5730c8a1f6cb411900e2449c": "mission council", + "5730c8a1f6cb411900e2449d": "church efficient", + "5730c8a1f6cb411900e244a0": "methodist university", + "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac2": "nine", + "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac1": "The judicial council", + "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac4": "twice", + "5730ca6eaca1c71400fe5ac5": "various locations throughout the world", + "5730cb0fb7151e1900c0154a": "The annual conference", + "5730cb0fb7151e1900c0154b": "the geographical area that covers", + "5730cb0fb7151e1900c0154c": "annual conference", + "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c2": "The book of discipline", + "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c3": "nine", + "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c4": "nine", + "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c5": "The church conference", + "5730cb8df6cb411900e244c6": "The church conference fifth annual meeting of all the officers of the church", + "5730cc2cb54a4f140068cc66": "one hundred", + "5730cc2cb54a4f140068cc67": "three", + "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc94": "john wesley", + "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc95": "half years", + "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc96": "annual conference order of elders", + "5730d26fb54a4f140068cc97": "annual conference order of elders", + "5730d3adaca1c71400fe5af5": "annual conference cabinet", + "5730d3adaca1c71400fe5af6": "annually", + "5730d3adaca1c71400fe5af7": "the day shift", + "5730d473b7151e1900c0155a": "Elders", + "5730d473b7151e1900c0155b": "the church", + "5730d473b7151e1900c0155d": "local church", + "5730d523aca1c71400fe5b04": "pastor", + "5730d523aca1c71400fe5b05": "fifth elders", + "5730d597f6cb411900e244d8": "for those who seek to feel i gave him the respect of order", + "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01562": "life and local pastor", + "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01563": "The life of local pastor", + "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01564": "five", + "5730d6fcb7151e1900c01565": "lay members", + "5730d77ef6cb411900e244dc": "Baptized members", + "5730d77ef6cb411900e244dd": "through confirmation and sometimes the profession of faith", + "5730d77ef6cb411900e244de": "transfer from another christian denominations", + "5730de74f6cb411900e244fc": "membership preparation or confirmation classes", + "5730de74f6cb411900e244fd": "christian theological traditions", + "5730de74f6cb411900e244fe": "The vodka and discipline of the united methodist church", + "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b61": "lace servant", + "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b63": "Each year", + "5730e936aca1c71400fe5b64": "one", + "5730e9f4aca1c71400fe5b73": "The united methodist church", + "5730e9f4aca1c71400fe5b74": "observer", + "5730eb5b497a881900248a43": "oklahoma", + "5730ec85e6313a140071caba": "wesleyan holly if consortium", + "5730ec85e6313a140071cabb": "world methodist council", + "5733cff84776f419006612b4": "nova scotia in the north", + "5733cff84776f419006612b5": "a dispute over control of the confluence of the allegheny and monongahela river", + "5733d13e4776f419006612c5": "defeated in the battle of the men", + "5733d13e4776f419006612c8": "expulsion of the acadia", + "5733d249d058e614000b6332": "large convoys to leave the limited forces that have a new friend. France concentrated its forces", + "5733d249d058e614000b6333": "european theater of the war", + "5733d2dbd058e614000b6339": "east of the mississippi", + "5733d2dbd058e614000b633a": "east of the mississippi", + "5733d2dbd058e614000b633b": "confirming britain's position as the dominant colonial power in the eastern north america", + "5733d3cb4776f419006612eb": "indians live on both sides of the conflict", + "5733d3cb4776f419006612ec": "much larger conflict between france and great britain", + "5733d4c8d058e614000b6354": "fifty years", + "5733d68ed058e614000b6380": "eastern coast of the continent", + "5733d68ed058e614000b6381": "along the eastern coast", + "5733d7cbd058e614000b63ab": "native tribes", + "5733d7cbd058e614000b63ae": "warren", + "5733da01d058e614000b63f9": "iroquois", + "5733da01d058e614000b63fa": "western portions of the great lakes region", + "5733da01d058e614000b63fb": "northern", + "5733dab4d058e614000b6409": "no french regular army troops", + "5733dab4d058e614000b640a": "few", + "5733dab4d058e614000b640b": "local militia companies", + "5733db8dd058e614000b642a": "informed them of the french planes on the territory and told them to leave", + "5733dc95d058e614000b644d": "ignored the warning", + "5733dd4f4776f419006613aa": "badly disposed toward the friend and are entirely devoted to the english", + "5733dd4f4776f419006613ab": "proposing that action be taken", + "5733dd4f4776f419006613ac": "particularly forceful thing that british colonists would not be safe", + "5733e5a14776f4190066145c": "ohio company of virginia", + "5733e5a14776f4190066145f": "heel river", + "5733e771d058e614000b6547": "conflicting territorial claims between british and french colonies in north america", + "5733e771d058e614000b6548": "turned over", + "5733e8ae4776f419006614a8": "to punish the miami people of good will", + "5733eb34d058e614000b65cc": "superintendent for indian affairs", + "5733eb34d058e614000b65ce": "kernel", + "5733ef47d058e614000b662b": "the ohio company", + "5733ef47d058e614000b662c": "george washington", + "5733f062d058e614000b6635": "invited washington to dine with him", + "5733f1784776f41900661575": "five", + "5733f309d058e614000b6648": "with hannah griffin and his party", + "5733f309d058e614000b6649": "many of the canadian including their commanding officer joseph commendation unveil", + "5733f309d058e614000b664a": "to gain the support of the british and regained authority over his own people", + "5733f410d058e614000b6663": "intercept the french", + "5733f410d058e614000b6665": "send an army expedition", + "5733f410d058e614000b6666": "blockade french port", + "5733f5264776f419006615a3": "elving congress", + "5733f5264776f419006615a4": "the formalize the unified front", + "5733f5264776f419006615a5": "never ratified by the colonial legislatures", + "5733f5264776f419006615a6": "the formalize the unified front in trade negotiations", + "5733f5f24776f419006615c1": "Bratton", + "5733f5f24776f419006615c2": "disaster", + "5733f5f24776f419006615c4": "washington and thomas gates", + "5733f7b9d058e614000b66a9": "purely and johnson", + "5733f7b9d058e614000b66aa": "logistical difficulties for exacerbated by shirley's inexperienced in managing large expedition", + "5733f7b9d058e614000b66ab": "fort william", + "5733f8dc4776f419006615f9": "fort william henry", + "5733f8dc4776f419006615fa": "fort edward that the upper end of navigation on the hudson river", + "5733f8dc4776f419006615fb": "ticonderoga point", + "5733f9fa4776f4190066161f": "lamontagne", + "5733faaf4776f41900661630": "albany", + "5733fb7bd058e614000b66ff": "james abercrombie", + "5733fc6ed058e614000b6712": "campaigns on lake ontario", + "5733fd66d058e614000b6735": "abercrombie", + "5733fd66d058e614000b6736": "ticonderoga", + "5733fd66d058e614000b6737": "lake yours", + "5733fe73d058e614000b673d": "one major operation", + "5733fe73d058e614000b6740": "organizing for the expedition to put back", + "5733ffa7d058e614000b674f": "French irregular forces", + "5733ffa7d058e614000b6750": "lake george", + "57340111d058e614000b677d": "british blockade", + "5734025d4776f419006616c3": "The british failures in north america", + "5734025d4776f419006616c4": "newcastle", + "5734025d4776f419006616c5": "three major offensive actions", + "57340549d058e614000b67dd": "an invasion of britain", + "57340549d058e614000b67de": "The invasion failed", + "573407d7d058e614000b6814": "provided medical treatment for the faith in london", + "573407d7d058e614000b6815": "general hammond", + "573408ef4776f41900661759": "caribbean islands of guadalupe in martinique", + "573408ef4776f4190066175a": "caribbean islands of guadalupe in martinique", + "57340a094776f4190066177f": "new orleans", + "57340a094776f41900661780": "new orleans", + "57340b1bd058e614000b686a": "govern relations between the government of modern canada and the first nation", + "57340b1bd058e614000b686b": "appalachian mountains", + "57340d124776f419006617c3": "cuba", + "57340d124776f419006617c0": "the construction of military road", + "57340d124776f419006617c2": "finnish", + "57340d124776f419006617bf": "the disappearance of a strong ally", + "573735e8c3c5551400e51e71": "forest", + "573735e8c3c5551400e51e72": "fundamental errors", + "573735e8c3c5551400e51e73": "isaac newton", + "573735e8c3c5551400e51e74": "nearly three hundred years", + "573735e8c3c5551400e51e75": "isaac newton", + "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7b": "standard model", + "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7d": "electromagnetic wheat thin gravitational", + "57373a9fc3c5551400e51e7e": "electromagnetic wheat thin gravitational", + "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e85": "Aristotle", + "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e87": "four", + "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e88": "on the ground", + "57373d0cc3c5551400e51e89": "unnatural", + "57373f80c3c5551400e51e91": "velocity", + "57373f80c3c5551400e51e92": "galileo", + "57373f80c3c5551400e51e93": "friction", + "5737432bc3c5551400e51e99": "Newton", + "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9b": "galileo", + "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9c": "first law of motion", + "5737432bc3c5551400e51e9d": "first law of motion", + "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea3": "the laws of physics", + "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea4": "parabolic path", + "5737477bc3c5551400e51ea5": "fifth graf fifty five world that is moving with a constant speed in the opposite direction", + "573749741c4567190057445d": "an airship", + "573749741c4567190057445e": "rotational inertia", + "573749741c4567190057445f": "Albert einstein", + "573749741c45671900574460": "weightlessness", + "573749741c45671900574461": "no net force of gravity", + "573750f51c45671900574467": "math", + "573750f61c45671900574469": "General relativity", + "573750f61c4567190057446a": "General relativity", + "573750f61c4567190057446b": "relative unit", + "5737534ec3c5551400e51eab": "The fed", + "5737534ec3c5551400e51eac": "The fed", + "5737534ec3c5551400e51eae": "equal in magnitude inoperative interaction", + "573755afc3c5551400e51eb3": "the center of math", + "573755afc3c5551400e51eb4": "closed fist", + "573755afc3c5551400e51eb5": "fifth", + "573766251c45671900574471": "an intuitive understanding", + "573766251c45671900574472": "direct observation", + "573766251c45671900574473": "newtonian mechanics", + "573766251c45671900574474": "Through experimentation", + "57376828c3c5551400e51eba": "the eleventh taylor quantity", + "57376828c3c5551400e51ebb": "Associating forces with factors", + "57376828c3c5551400e51ebc": "ambiguous", + "57376828c3c5551400e51ebd": "impossible", + "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec3": "equilibrium", + "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec4": "magnitude and direction", + "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec5": "net", + "57376a1bc3c5551400e51ec6": "life of applications", + "57376c50c3c5551400e51ecd": "independent components", + "57376c50c3c5551400e51ece": "two", + "57376c50c3c5551400e51ecf": "independent components", + "57376c50c3c5551400e51ed0": "independent of each other", + "57376df3c3c5551400e51ed7": "friction", + "57376df3c3c5551400e51ed8": "friction", + "57376df3c3c5551400e51ed9": "applied force", + "57376df3c3c5551400e51eda": "upper limit", + "57377083c3c5551400e51edf": "force of gravity", + "57377083c3c5551400e51ee0": "spring reaction force", + "57377083c3c5551400e51ee1": "air force", + "57377083c3c5551400e51ee2": "gravity", + "57377083c3c5551400e51ee3": "isaac newton", + "573776eec3c5551400e51ee9": "galileo", + "573776eec3c5551400e51eea": "wrath", + "573776eec3c5551400e51eeb": "aristotle", + "573776eec3c5551400e51eec": "behind the foot of the mouth", + "57377862c3c5551400e51ef3": "motion", + "57377862c3c5551400e51ef4": "kinetic friction", + "57377862c3c5551400e51ef5": "kinetic friction", + "57377862c3c5551400e51ef6": "Aristotle", + "57377aac1c45671900574479": "shrouding equation", + "57377aac1c4567190057447a": "shrouding equation", + "57377aac1c4567190057447b": "classical variables", + "57377aac1c4567190057447c": "indiscreet portion", + "57377aac1c4567190057447d": "floors", + "57377c98c3c5551400e51efb": "thin", + "57377c98c3c5551400e51efd": "thin", + "57377c98c3c5551400e51eff": "exclude each other from their places much as if there was the ripoff of force", + "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f05": "momentum", + "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f06": "forces in the acceleration of particles are explain to the mathematical byproduct of exchange of momentum carrying gauge both. With the development of quantum field theory", + "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f07": "conservation of momentum", + "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f08": "feynman diagrams", + "57377ec7c3c5551400e51f09": "straight line", + "5737804dc3c5551400e51f0f": "four", + "5737804dc3c5551400e51f10": "strong and weak forces", + "5737804dc3c5551400e51f11": "electromagnetic force", + "5737804dc3c5551400e51f12": "the three masses", + "5737821cc3c5551400e51f19": "james clark maxwell", + "5737821cc3c5551400e51f1b": "fundamental interactions", + "573784fa1c45671900574483": "isaac newton", + "573784fa1c45671900574484": "Galileo", + "573784fa1c45671900574486": "fear level", + "573784fa1c45671900574487": "the object of math", + "573786b51c4567190057448d": "in different ways", + "573786b51c4567190057448e": "the moon", + "573786b51c4567190057448f": "the mouth of the attracting five g.. Combining these ideas gives the formula that relate the math and the radiance of the earth", + "573786b51c45671900574490": "math", + "57378862c3c5551400e51f22": "henry cavendish", + "57378862c3c5551400e51f24": "Newton", + "5737898f1c45671900574495": "mercury", + "5737898f1c45671900574497": "general relativity", + "5737898f1c45671900574498": "albert einstein", + "5737898f1c45671900574499": "albert einstein", + "57378b141c4567190057449f": "general relativity", + "57378b141c456719005744a0": "fifth", + "57378b141c456719005744a1": "gravitational force", + "57378b141c456719005744a2": "fourth", + "57378c9b1c456719005744a8": "electric current", + "57378c9b1c456719005744a9": "magnetic field", + "57378c9b1c456719005744aa": "electric field", + "57378e311c456719005744af": "james blair maxwell", + "57378e311c456719005744b3": "maxwell", + "573792ee1c456719005744b9": "electromagnetic theory", + "573792ee1c456719005744ba": "quantum mechanics", + "573792ee1c456719005744bc": "photon", + "5737958ac3c5551400e51f2b": "energy", + "5737958b1c456719005744c5": "energy", + "573796edc3c5551400e51f33": "elementary particles", + "573796edc3c5551400e51f34": "the residual of the forest", + "573796edc3c5551400e51f35": "strong force", + "57379829c3c5551400e51f3d": "atomic nuclei", + "57379a4b1c456719005744cd": "The normal", + "57379a4b1c456719005744d0": "The normal", + "57379ed81c456719005744d5": "ideal strains", + "57379ed81c456719005744d8": "conservation of mechanical energy", + "57379ed81c456719005744d9": "By connecting the famous train multiple times to the same thing through the use of a fan", + "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f47": "other parts", + "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f49": "extended", + "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f4a": "other parts", + "5737a0acc3c5551400e51f4b": "extended structure", + "5737a25ac3c5551400e51f54": "factional area", + "5737a4511c456719005744df": "angular velocity", + "5737a4511c456719005744e1": "law of motion", + "5737a5931c456719005744e7": "toward the center of the curving path", + "5737a5931c456719005744e8": "perpendicular to the velocity vector associated with the motion of an object and therefore do not change the feed of the day magnitude of the velocity", + "5737a5931c456719005744ea": "unbalanced force", + "5737a5931c456719005744eb": "tangential", + "5737a7351c456719005744f1": "kinetic", + "5737a7351c456719005744f2": "potential", + "5737a7351c456719005744f3": "potential field", + "5737a7351c456719005744f4": "different than potential energy", + "5737a7351c456719005744f5": "energy", + "5737a84dc3c5551400e51f59": "forces that being given free enough potential", + "5737a84dc3c5551400e51f5b": "friction", + "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f61": "detail", + "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f62": "transfer of heat", + "5737a9afc3c5551400e51f64": "energy transformations" }