import os from typing import Union, List from pkg_resources import packaging import torch import numpy as np from AnomalyCLIP_lib.simple_tokenizer import SimpleTokenizer as _Tokenizer # from open_clip import tokenizer # simple_tokenizer = tokenizer.SimpleTokenizer() from copy import deepcopy import torch.nn as nn _tokenizer = _Tokenizer() def tokenize(texts: Union[str, List[str]], context_length: int = 77, truncate: bool = False) -> Union[torch.IntTensor, torch.LongTensor]: """ Returns the tokenized representation of given input string(s) Parameters ---------- texts : Union[str, List[str]] An input string or a list of input strings to tokenize context_length : int The context length to use; all CLIP models use 77 as the context length truncate: bool Whether to truncate the text in case its encoding is longer than the context length Returns ------- A two-dimensional tensor containing the resulting tokens, shape = [number of input strings, context_length]. We return LongTensor when torch version is <1.8.0, since older index_select requires indices to be long. """ if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] sot_token = _tokenizer.encoder["<|startoftext|>"] eot_token = _tokenizer.encoder["<|endoftext|>"] all_tokens = [[sot_token] + _tokenizer.encode(text) + [eot_token] for text in texts] if packaging.version.parse(torch.__version__) < packaging.version.parse("1.8.0"): result = torch.zeros(len(all_tokens), context_length, dtype=torch.long) else: result = torch.zeros(len(all_tokens), context_length, for i, tokens in enumerate(all_tokens): if len(tokens) > context_length: if truncate: tokens = tokens[:context_length] tokens[-1] = eot_token else: raise RuntimeError(f"Input {texts[i]} is too long for context length {context_length}") result[i, :len(tokens)] = torch.tensor(tokens) return result def encode_text_with_prompt_ensemble(model, texts, device): prompt_normal = ['{}', 'flawless {}', 'perfect {}', 'unblemished {}', '{} without flaw', '{} without defect', '{} without damage'] prompt_abnormal = ['damaged {}', 'broken {}', '{} with flaw', '{} with defect', '{} with damage'] prompt_state = [prompt_normal, prompt_abnormal] prompt_templates = ['a bad photo of a {}.', 'a low resolution photo of the {}.', 'a bad photo of the {}.', 'a cropped photo of the {}.', 'a bright photo of a {}.', 'a dark photo of the {}.', 'a photo of my {}.', 'a photo of the cool {}.', 'a close-up photo of a {}.', 'a black and white photo of the {}.', 'a bright photo of the {}.', 'a cropped photo of a {}.', 'a jpeg corrupted photo of a {}.', 'a blurry photo of the {}.', 'a photo of the {}.', 'a good photo of the {}.', 'a photo of one {}.', 'a close-up photo of the {}.', 'a photo of a {}.', 'a low resolution photo of a {}.', 'a photo of a large {}.', 'a blurry photo of a {}.', 'a jpeg corrupted photo of the {}.', 'a good photo of a {}.', 'a photo of the small {}.', 'a photo of the large {}.', 'a black and white photo of a {}.', 'a dark photo of a {}.', 'a photo of a cool {}.', 'a photo of a small {}.', 'there is a {} in the scene.', 'there is the {} in the scene.', 'this is a {} in the scene.', 'this is the {} in the scene.', 'this is one {} in the scene.'] text_features = [] for i in range(len(prompt_state)): prompted_state = [state.format(texts[0]) for state in prompt_state[i]] prompted_sentence = [] for s in prompted_state: for template in prompt_templates: prompted_sentence.append(template.format(s)) prompted_sentence = tokenize(prompted_sentence) class_embeddings = model.encode_text( class_embeddings /= class_embeddings.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) class_embedding = class_embeddings.mean(dim=0) class_embedding /= class_embedding.norm() text_features.append(class_embedding) text_features = torch.stack(text_features, dim=1).to(device).t() return text_features def _get_clones(module, N): return nn.ModuleList([deepcopy(module) for i in range(N)]) class AnomalyCLIP_PromptLearner(nn.Module): def __init__(self, clip_model, design_details): super().__init__() classnames = ["object"] self.n_cls = len(classnames) self.n_ctx = design_details["Prompt_length"] n_ctx_pos = self.n_ctx n_ctx_neg = self.n_ctx self.text_encoder_n_ctx = design_details["learnabel_text_embedding_length"] ctx_init_pos = "" ctx_init_neg = "" dtype = clip_model.transformer.get_cast_dtype() ctx_dim = clip_model.ln_final.weight.shape[0] self.classnames = classnames self.state_normal_list = [ "{}", ] self.state_anomaly_list = [ "damaged {}", ] normal_num = len(self.state_normal_list) anormaly_num = len(self.state_anomaly_list) self.normal_num = normal_num self.anormaly_num = anormaly_num if ctx_init_pos and ctx_init_neg: # use given words to initialize context vectors ctx_init_pos = ctx_init_pos.replace("_", " ") ctx_init_neg = ctx_init_neg.replace("_", " ") n_ctx_pos = len(ctx_init_pos.split(" ")) n_ctx_neg = len(ctx_init_neg.split(" ")) #初始化text成bpd编码 prompt_pos = tokenize(ctx_init_pos) prompt_neg = tokenize(ctx_init_neg) with torch.no_grad(): #生成相应的text embedding embedding_pos = clip_model.token_embedding(prompt_pos).type(dtype) embedding_neg = clip_model.token_embedding(prompt_neg).type(dtype) #这些是去除出来EOS 和 # CLS, EOS, 获得可学习的textual prompt ctx_vectors_pos = embedding_pos[0, 1: 1 + n_ctx_pos, :] ctx_vectors_neg = embedding_neg[0, 1: 1 + n_ctx_neg, :] prompt_prefix_pos = ctx_init_pos prompt_prefix_neg = ctx_init_neg if True: ctx_vectors_pos_ = [] ctx_vectors_neg_ = [] for _ in range(self.n_cls): ctx_vectors_pos_.append(deepcopy(ctx_vectors_pos)) ctx_vectors_neg_.append(deepcopy(ctx_vectors_neg)) ctx_vectors_pos = torch.stack(ctx_vectors_pos_, dim=0) ctx_vectors_neg = torch.stack(ctx_vectors_neg_, dim=0) else: # Random Initialization if True: print("Initializing class-specific contexts") #这里是cls是类的个数,n_ctx_pos代表learnable token的长度,ctx_dim表示prompt的dimension ctx_vectors_pos = torch.empty(self.n_cls, self.normal_num, n_ctx_pos, ctx_dim, dtype=dtype) ctx_vectors_neg = torch.empty(self.n_cls, self.anormaly_num, n_ctx_neg, ctx_dim, dtype=dtype) else: print("Initializing a generic context") ctx_vectors_pos = torch.empty(n_ctx_pos, ctx_dim, dtype=dtype) ctx_vectors_neg = torch.empty(n_ctx_neg, ctx_dim, dtype=dtype) nn.init.normal_(ctx_vectors_pos, std=0.02) nn.init.normal_(ctx_vectors_neg, std=0.02) prompt_prefix_pos = " ".join(["X"] * n_ctx_pos) prompt_prefix_neg = " ".join(["X"] * n_ctx_neg) self.compound_prompts_depth = design_details["learnabel_text_embedding_depth"] self.compound_prompts_text = nn.ParameterList([nn.Parameter(torch.empty(self.text_encoder_n_ctx, ctx_dim)) for _ in range(self.compound_prompts_depth - 1)]) for single_para in self.compound_prompts_text: print("single_para", single_para.shape) nn.init.normal_(single_para, std=0.02) single_layer = nn.Linear(ctx_dim, 896) self.compound_prompt_projections = _get_clones(single_layer, self.compound_prompts_depth - 1) self.ctx_pos = nn.Parameter(ctx_vectors_pos) # to be optimized self.ctx_neg = nn.Parameter(ctx_vectors_neg) # to be optimized classnames = [name.replace("_", " ") for name in classnames] name_lens = [len(_tokenizer.encode(name)) for name in classnames] prompts_pos = [prompt_prefix_pos + " " + template.format(name)+ "." for template in self.state_normal_list for name in classnames] prompts_neg = [prompt_prefix_neg + " " + template.format(name)+ "." for template in self.state_anomaly_list for name in classnames] tokenized_prompts_pos = [] tokenized_prompts_neg = [] for p_pos in prompts_pos: tokenized_prompts_pos.append(tokenize(p_pos)) for p_neg in prompts_neg: tokenized_prompts_neg.append(tokenize(p_neg)) tokenized_prompts_pos = tokenized_prompts_neg = #生成相应的text embedding with torch.no_grad(): embedding_pos = clip_model.token_embedding(tokenized_prompts_pos).type(dtype) embedding_neg = clip_model.token_embedding(tokenized_prompts_neg).type(dtype) n, l, d = embedding_pos.shape print("embedding_pos", embedding_pos.shape) embedding_pos = embedding_pos.reshape(normal_num, self.n_cls, l, d).permute(1, 0, 2, 3) embedding_neg = embedding_neg.reshape(anormaly_num, self.n_cls, l, d).permute(1, 0, 2, 3) self.register_buffer("token_prefix_pos", embedding_pos[:, :, :1, :] ) self.register_buffer("token_suffix_pos", embedding_pos[:, :,1 + n_ctx_pos:, :]) self.register_buffer("token_prefix_neg", embedding_neg[:,:, :1, :]) self.register_buffer("token_suffix_neg", embedding_neg[:, :, 1 + n_ctx_neg:, :]) n, d = tokenized_prompts_pos.shape tokenized_prompts_pos = tokenized_prompts_pos.reshape(normal_num, self.n_cls, d).permute(1, 0, 2) n, d = tokenized_prompts_neg.shape tokenized_prompts_neg = tokenized_prompts_neg.reshape(anormaly_num, self.n_cls, d).permute(1, 0, 2) self.n_ctx_pos = n_ctx_pos self.n_ctx_neg = n_ctx_neg # tokenized_prompts =[tokenized_prompts_pos, tokenized_prompts_neg], dim=0) # torch.Tensor self.register_buffer("tokenized_prompts_pos", tokenized_prompts_pos) self.register_buffer("tokenized_prompts_neg", tokenized_prompts_neg) print("tokenized_prompts shape", self.tokenized_prompts_pos.shape, self.tokenized_prompts_neg.shape) def forward(self, cls_id =None): ctx_pos = self.ctx_pos ctx_neg = self.ctx_neg ctx_pos = self.ctx_pos ctx_neg = self.ctx_neg # print("shape", self.ctx_pos[0:1].shape, ctx_pos.shape) prefix_pos = self.token_prefix_pos prefix_neg = self.token_prefix_neg suffix_pos = self.token_suffix_pos suffix_neg = self.token_suffix_neg # print(prefix_pos.shape, prefix_neg.shape) prompts_pos = [ # N(the number of template), 1, dim prefix_pos, # (n_cls, 1, dim) ctx_pos, # (n_cls, n_ctx, dim) suffix_pos, # (n_cls, *, dim) ], dim=2, ) prompts_neg = [ prefix_neg, # (n_cls, 1, dim) ctx_neg, # (n_cls, n_ctx, dim) suffix_neg, # (n_cls, *, dim) ], dim=2, ) _, _, l, d = prompts_pos.shape prompts_pos = prompts_pos.reshape(-1, l, d) _, _, l, d = prompts_neg.shape prompts_neg = prompts_neg.reshape(-1, l, d) prompts =[prompts_pos, prompts_neg], dim=0) _, l, d = self.tokenized_prompts_pos.shape tokenized_prompts_pos = self.tokenized_prompts_pos.reshape(-1, d) _, l, d = self.tokenized_prompts_neg.shape tokenized_prompts_neg = self.tokenized_prompts_neg.reshape(-1, d) tokenized_prompts =, tokenized_prompts_neg), dim = 0) return prompts, tokenized_prompts, self.compound_prompts_text