import streamlit as st import random import time from datetime import datetime # Constants EMOJIS = ["🎯", "🚀", "🌟", "🌈", "🔥"] OBJECTS_MONSTERS = ["Sword", "Shield", "Potion", "Dragon", "Goblin", "Elf", "Orc"] CHAT_HISTORY_LENGTH = 5 ACTION_HISTORY_LENGTH = 5 # Ensure data files exist def ensure_data_files(): files = ['players.txt', 'chat.txt', 'actions.txt', 'objects.txt'] for f in files: try: with open(f, 'r') as file: pass except FileNotFoundError: with open(f, 'w') as file: file.write('') # Add player def add_player(name): with open('players.txt', 'a') as file: file.write(name + '\n') # Get all players def get_all_players(): with open('players.txt', 'r') as file: return [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()] # Add chat message def add_chat_message(name, message): with open('chat.txt', 'a') as file: file.write(name + ': ' + message + '\n') # Get recent chat messages def get_recent_chat_messages(): with open('chat.txt', 'r') as file: return file.readlines()[-CHAT_HISTORY_LENGTH:] # Add action def add_action(name, action): with open('actions.txt', 'a') as file: file.write(name + ': ' + action + '\n') # Get recent actions def get_recent_actions(): with open('actions.txt', 'r') as file: return file.readlines()[-ACTION_HISTORY_LENGTH:] # Streamlit interface def app(): st.title("Emoji Battle Game!") # Ensure data files exist ensure_data_files() # Player name input player_name = st.text_input("Enter your name:") if player_name and player_name not in get_all_players(): add_player(player_name) players = get_all_players() st.write(f"Players: {', '.join(players)}") # Display timer and emoji buttons st.write("Click on the emoji when the timer reaches 0!") timer = st.empty() for i in range(3, 0, -1): timer.write(f"Timer: {i}") time.sleep(1) timer.write("Timer: 0") emoji_clicked = st.button(random.choice(EMOJIS)) if emoji_clicked and player_name: add_action(player_name, "Clicked the emoji!") # Display recent actions st.write("Recent Actions:") for action in get_recent_actions(): st.write(action.strip()) # Interactions with objects and monsters interaction = st.selectbox("Choose an interaction:", OBJECTS_MONSTERS) if st.button("Interact") and player_name: add_action(player_name, f"Interacted with {interaction}") # Chat chat_message = st.text_input("Send a message:") if st.button("Send") and player_name: add_chat_message(player_name, chat_message) st.write("Recent chat messages:") for message in get_recent_chat_messages(): st.write(message.strip()) # Refresh every 3 seconds st.write("Refreshing in 3 seconds...") time.sleep(3) st.experimental_rerun() # Run the Streamlit app app()