import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") def tensor2numpy(tensor, rgb_range=1.): rgb_coefficient = 255 / rgb_range img = tensor.mul(rgb_coefficient).clamp(0, 255).round() img = img[0].data if img.ndim==4 else img = np.transpose(img.cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8) return img def center_crop(img, size): h,w = img.shape[-2:] cut_h, cut_w = h-size[0], w-size[1] lh = cut_h // 2 rh = h - (cut_h - lh) lw = cut_w // 2 rw = w - (cut_w - lw) img = img[:,:, lh:rh, lw:rw] return img def make_coord(shape, ranges=None, flatten=True, device='cpu'): # Make coordinates at grid centers. coord_seqs = [] for i, n in enumerate(shape): if ranges is None: v0, v1 = -1, 1 else: v0, v1 = ranges[i] r = (v1 - v0) / (2 * n) seq = v0 + r + (2 * r) * torch.arange(n, device=device).float() coord_seqs.append(seq) ret = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(*coord_seqs), dim=-1) if flatten: ret = ret.view(-1, ret.shape[-1]) return ret def compute_num_params(model, text=False): tot = int(sum([ for p in model.parameters()])) if text: if tot >= 1e6: return '{:.3f}M'.format(tot / 1e6) elif tot >= 1e3: return '{:.2f}K'.format(tot / 1e3) else: return '{}'.format(tot) else: return tot def get_names_dict(model): """Recursive walk to get names including path.""" names = {} def _get_names(module, parent_name=""): for key, m in module.named_children(): cls_name = str(m.__class__).split(".")[-1].split("'")[0] num_named_children = len(list(m.named_children())) if num_named_children > 0: name = parent_name + "." + key if parent_name else key else: name = parent_name + "." + cls_name + "_"+ key if parent_name else key names[name] = m if isinstance(m, nn.Module): _get_names(m, parent_name=name) _get_names(model) return names # def get_model_flops(model, x, *args, **kwargs): """Summarize the given input model. Summarized information are 1) output shape, 2) kernel shape, 3) number of the parameters and 4) operations (Mult-Adds) Args: model (Module): Model to summarize x (Tensor): Input tensor of the model with [N, C, H, W] shape dtype and device have to match to the model args, kwargs: Other argument used in `model.forward` function """ model.eval() if hasattr(model, 'module'): model = model.module #x = torch.zeros(input_size).to(next(model.parameters()).device) def register_hook(module): def hook(module, inputs, outputs): cls_name = str(module.__class__).split(".")[-1].split("'")[0] module_idx = len(summary) key = None for name, item in module_names.items(): if item == module: key = "{}_{}".format(module_idx, name) break assert key info = OrderedDict() info["id"] = id(module) if isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): try: info["out"] = list(outputs[0].size()) except AttributeError: info["out"] = list(outputs[0].data.size()) else: info["out"] = list(outputs.size()) info["ksize"] = "-" info["inner"] = OrderedDict() info["params_nt"], info["params"], info["flops"] = 0, 0, 0 for name, param in module.named_parameters(): info["params"] += param.nelement() * param.requires_grad info["params_nt"] += param.nelement() * (not param.requires_grad) if name == "weight": ksize = list(param.size()) if len(ksize) > 1: ksize[0], ksize[1] = ksize[1], ksize[0] info["ksize"] = ksize if isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(module, nn.ConvTranspose2d): assert len(inputs[0].size()) == 4 and len(inputs[0].size()) == len(outputs[0].size())+1 in_c, in_h, in_w = inputs[0].size()[1:] k_h, k_w = module.kernel_size out_c, out_h, out_w = outputs[0].size() groups = module.groups kernel_mul = k_h * k_w * (in_c // groups) kernel_mul_group = kernel_mul * out_h * out_w * (out_c // groups) total_mul = kernel_mul_group * groups info["flops"] += 2 * total_mul * inputs[0].size()[0] # total elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d): info["flops"] += 2 * inputs[0].numel() elif isinstance(module, nn.InstanceNorm2d): info["flops"] += 6 * inputs[0].numel() elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm): info["flops"] += 8 * inputs[0].numel() elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear): q = inputs[0].numel() // inputs[0].shape[-1] info["flops"] += 2*q * module.in_features * module.out_features # total elif isinstance(module, nn.PReLU) or isinstance(module, nn.ReLU): info["flops"] += inputs[0].numel() else: print('not supported:', module) exit() info["flops"] += param.nelement() elif "weight" in name: info["inner"][name] = list(param.size()) info["flops"] += param.nelement() if list(module.named_parameters()): for v in summary.values(): if info["id"] == v["id"]: info["params"] = "(recursive)" #if info["params"] == 0: # info["params"], info["flops"] = "-", "-" summary[key] = info if not module._modules: hooks.append(module.register_forward_hook(hook)) module_names = get_names_dict(model) hooks = [] summary = OrderedDict() model.apply(register_hook) try: with torch.no_grad(): model(x) if not (kwargs or args) else model(x, *args, **kwargs) finally: for hook in hooks: hook.remove() # Use pandas to align the columns df = pd.DataFrame(summary).T df["Mult-Adds"] = pd.to_numeric(df["flops"], errors="coerce") df["Params"] = pd.to_numeric(df["params"], errors="coerce") df["Non-trainable params"] = pd.to_numeric(df["params_nt"], errors="coerce") df = df.rename(columns=dict( ksize="Kernel Shape", out="Output Shape", )) return df['Mult-Adds'].sum() ''' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') df_sum = df.sum() = "Layer" df = df[["Kernel Shape", "Output Shape", "Params", "Mult-Adds"]] max_repr_width = max([len(row) for row in df.to_string().split("\n")]) return df_sum["Mult-Adds"] '''